Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2597 · P5194

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #2613

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)








<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…あっ……!」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「ンっ……あっ…大きいのが……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「はっ……はぁっ…んっ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…あぅ…んんっ」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「あふっ………奥まであたって…」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…あ…あっ…いいよぅ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…んっ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…ンあっ……!」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「そ…そんな…激しくされると……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「あっ…あっ、はぁっ…んんっ」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「壊れちゃうよぉっ…あんっ」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「ンふっ…あっ…ああン」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「当たってる…奥まで…あっ…」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…んっ…あっ…あ…あン」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「んっ…はむっ」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">ちゅぱ…んちゅ……ちゅぱっ…</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「んっ……ぷはァっ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「んっ…おおきひよふ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…むぐっ…んっ…ん」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">じゅぶ…じゅぷ……</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…ぷはっ……」</font></p>



<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…んっ……ぷはっ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">ちゅぷ…ちゅぱっ…ちゅ…</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">…じゅる…ちゅぱっ……</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…むぐっ…んっ…んっ…」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「ぷはっ…むぐっ…んっ…」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…うぐっ…んっ…う…」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">ちゅぱ…じゅる…ぴちゅ……</font></p>




<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「………ん……ぷはっ…」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">ちゃんと全部飲むんだぜ。</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">…じゅる…ちゅぱっ……</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…むぐっ…んっ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">ちゅぷ…じゅる…ぴちゅ……</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…ぷはっ……はぁっ…」</font></p>



<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「……ぷはぁっ……はぁっ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">ちゃんときれいに舐め取るんだぜ。</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">…じゅる…ぴちゅ……</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…はふぅ……熱いよぉ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">…ぴちゃ…………</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">……</font></p>

うおっ! な、中に出すぞっ!


<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「……はぁっ……はぁっ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">ひひ…。たっぷり注ぎ込んでやるよ</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…う……ううっ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…赤ちゃん…できちゃうよぉ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">…………</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">……</font></p>

うしっ! 両方同時に行くぜ


<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「……はぁっ……はぁっ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">ひひ、ザーメンまみれで嬉しいだろ</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…う……ううっ……えぐっ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">「…こんなの…ひどいよォ……」</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">…………</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="MS Pゴシック" size="17" color="#ffffff">……</font></p>

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 4
Frame 5
Frame 12
Frame 13
Frame 31
gotoAndPlay ("start01");
Frame 56
gotoAndPlay ("fa");
Frame 81
gotoAndPlay ("fa2");
Frame 100
gotoAndPlay ("fas");
Frame 119
gotoAndPlay ("fas2");
Frame 145
gotoAndPlay ("fe");
Frame 170
gotoAndPlay ("fe2");
Frame 189
gotoAndPlay ("fes");
Frame 208
gotoAndPlay ("fes2");
Frame 234
gotoAndPlay ("do");
Frame 253
gotoAndPlay ("dos");
Frame 275
gotoAndPlay ("fe_fi_in2");
Frame 294
gotoAndPlay ("fe_fi_in2");
Frame 315
gotoAndPlay ("fe_fi_out2");
Frame 336
gotoAndPlay ("fe_fi_out2");
Frame 338
Frame 357
gotoAndPlay ("fa_fi_02");
Frame 379
gotoAndPlay ("fa_fi_02");
Frame 400
gotoAndPlay ("do_fi_02");
Frame 421
gotoAndPlay ("do_fi_02");
Symbol 31 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("2"); }
Symbol 35 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("\uFF13"); }
Symbol 37 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("\uFF14"); }
Symbol 39 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("\uFF15"); }
Symbol 45 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("\uFF16"); }
Symbol 52 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("13"); }
Symbol 54 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("14"); }
Symbol 58 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fe"); }
Symbol 62 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fa"); }
Symbol 65 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("do"); }
Symbol 76 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fa2"); }
Symbol 79 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fas"); }
Symbol 91 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fa"); }
Symbol 93 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fas2"); }
Symbol 95 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fas2"); }
Symbol 97 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fa"); }
Symbol 98 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fa_fi_01"); }
Symbol 109 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fas"); }
Symbol 110 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fa2"); }
Symbol 121 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fe2"); }
Symbol 122 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fes"); }
Symbol 133 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fe"); }
Symbol 134 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fes2"); }
Symbol 137 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fes2"); }
Symbol 138 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fe"); }
Symbol 139 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fe_fi_in"); }
Symbol 140 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fe_fi_out"); }
Symbol 152 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fes"); }
Symbol 153 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("fe2"); }
Symbol 155 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("dos"); }
Symbol 158 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("do"); }
Symbol 159 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("do_fi_01"); }
Symbol 171 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 BitmapUsed by:2 90 131 164
Symbol 2 GraphicUses:1Used by:31 35 37 39 45 52 54  Timeline
Symbol 3 BitmapUsed by:4
Symbol 4 GraphicUses:3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 5 BitmapUsed by:6
Symbol 6 GraphicUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 7 BitmapUsed by:8
Symbol 8 GraphicUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 9 BitmapUsed by:10
Symbol 10 GraphicUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 11 BitmapUsed by:12
Symbol 12 GraphicUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 13 BitmapUsed by:14
Symbol 14 GraphicUses:13Used by:Timeline
Symbol 15 BitmapUsed by:16
Symbol 16 GraphicUses:15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 17 BitmapUsed by:18
Symbol 18 GraphicUses:17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 19 BitmapUsed by:21
Symbol 20 BitmapUsed by:21 47
Symbol 21 GraphicUses:19 20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 22 BitmapUsed by:23
Symbol 23 GraphicUses:22Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 BitmapUsed by:25
Symbol 25 GraphicUses:24Used by:Timeline
Symbol 26 BitmapUsed by:27
Symbol 27 GraphicUses:26Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClipUses:29Used by:Timeline
Symbol 31 ButtonUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 33 FontUsed by:34 36 38 40 46 53 55 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 163 166 167 172 173 174 175 176 177 179 182 185 186 187 188 189 190 194 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212
Symbol 34 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 35 ButtonUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 36 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 37 ButtonUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 38 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 39 ButtonUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 40 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 41 BitmapUsed by:42
Symbol 42 GraphicUses:41Used by:Timeline
Symbol 43 BitmapUsed by:44 48 51 165
Symbol 44 GraphicUses:43Used by:Timeline
Symbol 45 ButtonUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 46 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 GraphicUses:20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 48 GraphicUses:43Used by:Timeline
Symbol 49 BitmapUsed by:50
Symbol 50 GraphicUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 51 GraphicUses:43Used by:Timeline
Symbol 52 ButtonUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 53 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 54 ButtonUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 55 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 56 BitmapUsed by:57
Symbol 57 GraphicUses:56Used by:58 119
Symbol 58 ButtonUses:57Used by:Timeline
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 60 BitmapUsed by:61
Symbol 61 GraphicUses:60Used by:62 72
Symbol 62 ButtonUses:61Used by:Timeline
Symbol 63 BitmapUsed by:64
Symbol 64 GraphicUses:63Used by:65 156
Symbol 65 ButtonUses:64Used by:Timeline
Symbol 66 BitmapUsed by:67
Symbol 67 GraphicUses:66Used by:Timeline
Symbol 68 BitmapUsed by:70
Symbol 69 BitmapUsed by:70
Symbol 70 GraphicUses:68 69Used by:Timeline
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 72 ButtonUses:61Used by:Timeline
Symbol 73 BitmapUsed by:74
Symbol 74 GraphicUses:73Used by:75 76 91 92 95 109 121 133 137 152
Symbol 75 ButtonUses:74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 76 ButtonUses:74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 77 BitmapUsed by:78
Symbol 78 GraphicUses:77Used by:79 80 93 96 97 98 110 122 134 138 139 140 153 155 158 159
Symbol 79 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 80 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 82 EditableTextUses:33Used by:89
Symbol 83 EditableTextUses:33Used by:89
Symbol 84 EditableTextUses:33Used by:89
Symbol 85 EditableTextUses:33Used by:89
Symbol 86 EditableTextUses:33Used by:89
Symbol 87 EditableTextUses:33Used by:89
Symbol 88 EditableTextUses:33Used by:89
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 GraphicUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 91 ButtonUses:74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 ButtonUses:74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 95 ButtonUses:74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 96 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 97 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 98 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:107 130 150 178 191 204 213
Symbol 100 EditableTextUses:33Used by:107
Symbol 101 EditableTextUses:33Used by:107
Symbol 102 EditableTextUses:33Used by:107
Symbol 103 EditableTextUses:33Used by:107
Symbol 104 EditableTextUses:33Used by:107
Symbol 105 EditableTextUses:33Used by:107
Symbol 106 EditableTextUses:33Used by:107
Symbol 107 MovieClipUses:99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106Used by:Timeline
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 109 ButtonUses:74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 BitmapUsed by:112
Symbol 112 GraphicUses:111Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 BitmapUsed by:114
Symbol 114 GraphicUses:113Used by:Timeline
Symbol 115 BitmapUsed by:116 132 168
Symbol 116 GraphicUses:115Used by:Timeline
Symbol 117 BitmapUsed by:118
Symbol 118 GraphicUses:117Used by:Timeline
Symbol 119 ButtonUses:57Used by:Timeline
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 121 ButtonUses:74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 122 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 EditableTextUses:33Used by:130
Symbol 124 EditableTextUses:33Used by:130
Symbol 125 EditableTextUses:33Used by:130
Symbol 126 EditableTextUses:33Used by:130
Symbol 127 EditableTextUses:33Used by:130
Symbol 128 EditableTextUses:33Used by:130
Symbol 129 EditableTextUses:33Used by:130
Symbol 130 MovieClipUses:99 123 124 125 126 127 128 129Used by:Timeline
Symbol 131 GraphicUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 132 GraphicUses:115Used by:Timeline
Symbol 133 ButtonUses:74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 134 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 137 ButtonUses:74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 138 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 140 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 141 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 143 EditableTextUses:33Used by:150
Symbol 144 EditableTextUses:33Used by:150
Symbol 145 EditableTextUses:33Used by:150
Symbol 146 EditableTextUses:33Used by:150
Symbol 147 EditableTextUses:33Used by:150
Symbol 148 EditableTextUses:33Used by:150
Symbol 149 EditableTextUses:33Used by:150
Symbol 150 MovieClipUses:99 143 144 145 146 147 148 149Used by:Timeline
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 152 ButtonUses:74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 153 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 155 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 ButtonUses:64Used by:Timeline
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 158 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 159 ButtonUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 160 BitmapUsed by:161
Symbol 161 GraphicUses:160Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 163 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 164 GraphicUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 165 GraphicUses:43Used by:Timeline
Symbol 166 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 167 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 168 GraphicUses:115Used by:Timeline
Symbol 169 BitmapUsed by:170
Symbol 170 GraphicUses:169Used by:171
Symbol 171 ButtonUses:170Used by:Timeline
Symbol 172 EditableTextUses:33Used by:178
Symbol 173 EditableTextUses:33Used by:178
Symbol 174 EditableTextUses:33Used by:178
Symbol 175 EditableTextUses:33Used by:178
Symbol 176 EditableTextUses:33Used by:178
Symbol 177 EditableTextUses:33Used by:178
Symbol 178 MovieClipUses:99 172 173 174 175 176 177Used by:Timeline
Symbol 179 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 180 BitmapUsed by:181
Symbol 181 GraphicUses:180Used by:Timeline
Symbol 182 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 183 BitmapUsed by:184
Symbol 184 GraphicUses:183Used by:Timeline
Symbol 185 EditableTextUses:33Used by:191
Symbol 186 EditableTextUses:33Used by:191
Symbol 187 EditableTextUses:33Used by:191
Symbol 188 EditableTextUses:33Used by:191
Symbol 189 EditableTextUses:33Used by:191
Symbol 190 EditableTextUses:33Used by:191
Symbol 191 MovieClipUses:99 185 186 187 188 189 190Used by:Timeline
Symbol 192 BitmapUsed by:193
Symbol 193 GraphicUses:192Used by:Timeline
Symbol 194 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 195 BitmapUsed by:196
Symbol 196 GraphicUses:195Used by:Timeline
Symbol 197 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 198 EditableTextUses:33Used by:204
Symbol 199 EditableTextUses:33Used by:204
Symbol 200 EditableTextUses:33Used by:204
Symbol 201 EditableTextUses:33Used by:204
Symbol 202 EditableTextUses:33Used by:204
Symbol 203 EditableTextUses:33Used by:204
Symbol 204 MovieClipUses:99 198 199 200 201 202 203Used by:Timeline
Symbol 205 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 206 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 207 EditableTextUses:33Used by:213
Symbol 208 EditableTextUses:33Used by:213
Symbol 209 EditableTextUses:33Used by:213
Symbol 210 EditableTextUses:33Used by:213
Symbol 211 EditableTextUses:33Used by:213
Symbol 212 EditableTextUses:33Used by:213
Symbol 213 MovieClipUses:99 207 208 209 210 211 212Used by:Timeline

Special Tags

Protect (24)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""


"start"Frame 1
"start01"Frame 14
"fa"Frame 33
"fa2"Frame 58
"fas"Frame 83
"fas2"Frame 102
"fe"Frame 122
"fe2"Frame 147
"fes"Frame 172
"fes2"Frame 191
"do"Frame 211
"dos"Frame 236
"fe_fi_in"Frame 255
"fe_fi_in2"Frame 277
"fe_fi_out"Frame 296
"fe_fi_out2"Frame 317
"fa_fi_01"Frame 338
"fa_fi_02"Frame 359
"do_fi_01"Frame 381
"do_fi_02"Frame 402
Created: 17/6 -2019 14:18:46 Last modified: 17/6 -2019 14:18:46 Server time: 18/02 -2025 22:16:21