Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2571 · P5142

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Metal Gear Shake Eater 2.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #76769

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)






What is it now!
Can't you see I am in the middle of a grand feast.

Shake, by any chance have you been keeping a
"save log" of your progress throughout this mission.

Um, now why would I wanna do that?

Shake those logs will serve as part of our
contingency plan.

In the event of your premature demise,
we can simply go back and try again where you left off.

Talk to Meatwad.
He will be in charge of saving all your mission data.

His Frequency is 143.29





Do you wanna save?





MEMORY CARD           Slot     1

Select save location.

Checking memory card (PS2)

Burning Forest East

001               EASY                   2005.03.24

002               NEW FILE

003               NEW FILE

004               NEW FILE

005               NEW FILE

Create new save data
on memory card (PS2)?



Don't remove memory card (PS2),
controller, reset/switch off the console

Save Successful





The Terrorists are nearly finished collecting all of the
preliminary data they'll need to construct... effective PowerPoint presentation in favor of the
Prototype "Big Mac"

It will be presented before the FDA.
If the Big Mac gains their approval,

it will certainly be detrimental to the
health of all Mankind.

And remember...

Always employ stealth throughout this mission.
If word gets out of our involvement in this matter...

McDonald's won't hesitate to engage us in a lawsuit.
If this happens then you and I are both finished.

You better hurry there is not much time left.

Damn it, I should have listened to Frylock
when he told me to bring my coat.

Perhaps I can still go back for that deer
and crawl inside of it.

Hmmm....where have you been?
So well you blend with your...surroundings.

Ah! Alas you have found me.
You truly are.....all I hoped for.

I feel  that....
I may just....disappoint you.

Those eyes...that white skin.
Mmm...I can hardly wait to see as it comes off the bone.

What the hell was that?!


Hello there Solid Shake!
What joy it is to see you lay there, helpless and all alone!

Where the hell are you?

No! There is no need to be sad.
After all I won't be the one that is going to kill you.

Nope, instead I have decided that I shall leave it
up to you.

With my superb marksmanship and a decisive blow
severing the neural fibers of your lower spine,

I shall with ease paralyze you from the waist downward
leaving you as nothing more than a mere cripple.

While you are incapacitated permanently,
I’m confident you will realize how useless you’ve become.

Being forsaken by the very society you strive
to protect, the one's who embrace our cholesterol rich foods

I'm sure will make it much easier to place the muzzel of
that firearm you carry up to your forehead...

...And do us all the grand favor of exiting this world.
You are quite fortunate, not many of us get this opportunity.

Is there really a more fitting end for the
legendary Solid Shake other than by his own hand?








There is no escape!


Stop hiding!
You are only prolonging the inevitable.


So good of you to...stop by.

Death for me is a fate that I could never really escape
regardless of my attendance on the battlefield.

My destiny lies with the man-made epidemic
the likes of which this world has never seen.

What do you mean?

Is it just me or are you just always the last to know?

What I'm about to tell you will indeed foreshadow
the slow agonizing demise of your beloved Human Race.

The blood you spill shall fall upon your own heads and
in hell I will watch as you will only have yourselves to blame.

This haunting tale begins in the remote village of Baai
located in the Democratic Republic of Congo...

...established on
the second largest Continent of Earth.


Bizarre religious practices are indigenous to the natives
of Baai.

Just to name a few, they take part in Voodoo, Necromancy,
Cannibalism and for pleasure...


They sodomize and exchange bodily fluids with their children,
and also with the surrounding habitat of..


Through their unholy copulation, both African
and Monkey conceived but there was no offspring.

Instead they gave birth to a retrovirus.

One that devours the T-cells in our body
causing our immune system to malfunction,

leaving us more susceptible to opportunistic infections
and rare cancers.

This immunological disorder is known as...

(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

The only cure is death.

I should know because I too am a carrier of
the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

But what do Hamburgers have to do with
STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease)?

The Boss searched for a means to expand his
Franchise worldwide,

However without sufficient funds for the Big Mac
Project ...

His dream of a world beneath the Golden Arches
would never truly be achieved.

So he sought out the one group of men who
control all of our nation's economy.

The same group who are also the true holders
of our goverment's power.

The Prophets.

A secret pact among McDonald's and the Prophets
was formed.

McDonald's became the beneficiary to their enormous
sums of wealth but in exchange....

Our top priority would be to ensure the growth and
the spreading of the HIV.

HIV shall thrive in all our fine food establishments
on the toilet seats of our public restrooms...

...and by the unwashed hands of all our ethic employees
whom be given the task of food preparation.

There shall be no vaccine for AIDS however
its symptoms can be controlled through costly medication.

Which will revitalize the dwindling revenue of the
Prophet's Pharmaceutical Industry.

LIfe shall only be for those privileged enough to afford it.

So you see Shake your presense here is nothing more
than a joke...kill us all if you want it makes no difference.

Between the Big Mac and AIDS you are outmatched.
However there may still be a chance.

Take this!

My Security Key Bracelet.
It uses PAN (Personal Area Network).

It works with your body's own
Electromagnetic Field (EMF).

Wearing it will open the Big Mac Storage facility's door by
using the salts in your body as a data transmission medium.

So I walk by the door and it opens gotcha.
What's with you helping me?

Why are you telling me all this?
What the hell is wrong with everyone around here?

Shake, I need to ask you for a favor.

Please don't leave me like this.
I beg of you.

We who are the carriers of Venereal Disease must all
be euthanized for the greater good of all humanity.

Kill me.

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Symbol 11 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { setProperty(bar, _xscale , PercentLoaded); } else { gotoAndStop ("loaded"); }
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);

Library Items

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Created: 4/4 -2019 14:53:28 Last modified: 4/4 -2019 14:53:28 Server time: 20/09 -2024 23:59:20