Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2560 · P5120

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #99972

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//ShellDialog (dialog.ShellDialog) package dialog { import*; import util.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class ShellDialog extends Sprite { var ox;// = 0 var _sw;// = 0 var _intransition;// = false var slideCounter;// = 0 var _transDir;// = 0 var _sh;// = 0 var _palette; var dSlideCoords; var closeBtn; var topOffset;// = 0 var onCancel; var slideCounterMax;// = 5 var titleField; var transEndCallback; var transProgCallback; var _inputLock;// = false var appearCounter; var backing; public var fixedCoords;// = null var oSlideCoords; var textPadH;// = 12 var oy;// = 0 var textPadV;// = 12 var closeFunction; public static var textFieldUtilClass; public static var managerClass; public function ShellDialog(){ textPadH = 12; textPadV = 12; topOffset = 0; _sw = 0; _sh = 0; _intransition = false; _transDir = 0; _inputLock = false; fixedCoords = null; ox = 0; oy = 0; slideCounter = 0; slideCounterMax = 5; super(); _palette = getPalette(); addBacking(); addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, textInputHandler); } function addCloseButton(cancelCallbackFunc){ var btnClass:*; var bnds:*; var cancelCallbackFunc = cancelCallbackFunc; btnClass = getDefinitionByName("noticeCloseBtn"); closeBtn = addChild(new (btnClass)); bnds = this.getBounds(this); closeBtn.x = (Math.round(((bnds.x + bnds.width) - 19)) - 0.5); closeBtn.y = (Math.round((bnds.y + 9)) - 0.5); onCancel = function (evtObj){ cancelCallbackFunc(); }; closeBtn.addEventListener("mouseDown", onCancel); closeBtn.buttonMode = true; } function centerPlacement(sw, sh){ var bnds:*; bnds = this.getBounds(this); if (fixedCoords != null){ x = (fixedCoords.x + Math.round((-(((bnds.width / 2) + bnds.x)) * scaleX))); y = (fixedCoords.y + Math.round((-(((bnds.height / 2) + bnds.y)) * scaleY))); } else { x = (ox + Math.round(((sw / 2) - (((bnds.width / 2) + bnds.x) * scaleX)))); y = (oy + Math.round(((sh / 2) - (((bnds.height / 2) + bnds.y) * scaleY)))); }; } public function slideTo(dx, dy){ slideCounter = 0; oSlideCoords = {x:ox, y:ox}; dSlideCoords = {x:dx, y:dy}; addEventListener("enterFrame", doSlide); } function getTextField(txt, size=18, fontString="Myriad Pro", advancedAlias=true){ return (textFieldUtilClass.getTextField(txt, size, _palette.text, fontString, advancedAlias)); } function addTitleField(txt){ titleField = addChild(getTextField(txt, 27, "Avant Garde Gothic Itc T Bold")); titleField.textColor = 0; titleField.alpha = 0.5; titleField.y = (titleField.y - (titleField.textHeight + 14)); topOffset = 8; } function onReturn(){ } public function drawInputFrame(ix, iy, iw, ih, cornerR=null){ var g:*; var vPad:*; var hPad:*; if (cornerR == null){ cornerR = (ih / 3); }; g =; g.beginFill(0); vPad = 3; hPad = 3; g.drawRoundRect(((ix - hPad) - 2), ((iy - vPad) - 1), (iw + (hPad * 2)), (ih + (vPad * 2)), cornerR, cornerR); g.beginFill(0xFFFFFF); vPad = 2; hPad = 2; g.drawRoundRect(((ix - hPad) - 2), ((iy - vPad) - 1), (iw + (hPad * 2)), (ih + (vPad * 2)), cornerR, cornerR); } public function slideBack(){ var tempCoords:*; slideCounter = 0; tempCoords = oSlideCoords; oSlideCoords = dSlideCoords; dSlideCoords = tempCoords; addEventListener("enterFrame", doSlide); } function getPalette(){ return ({bg:0xFFFFFF, edge:0xCCCCCC, text:0}); } function doSlide(e){ var slideFrac:*; slideCounter++; slideFrac = ShellCurves.easeOut(ShellCurves.scurve((slideCounter / slideCounterMax))); setPos(((oSlideCoords.x * (1 - slideFrac)) + (dSlideCoords.x * slideFrac)), ((oSlideCoords.y * (1 - slideFrac)) + (dSlideCoords.y * slideFrac))); centerPlacement(_sw, _sh); if (slideCounter == slideCounterMax){ removeEventListener("enterFrame", doSlide); }; } function doDisappear(frac, callback){ scaleX = frac; scaleY = frac; if (frac == 1){ _intransition = false; lockInput(_inputLock); callback(this); }; } function onEscape(){ } public function lockInput(boo){ var allowInput:*; _inputLock = boo; allowInput = ((!(boo)) && (!(_intransition))); mouseChildren = allowInput; mouseEnabled = allowInput; } function drawRect(g, bnds, ox, oy){ g.drawRoundRect(((bnds.x - textPadH) + ox), (((bnds.y - textPadV) + topOffset) + oy), (bnds.width + (textPadH * 2)), ((bnds.height + (textPadV * 2)) - topOffset), 25, 25); } public function updateStageSize(sw, sh){ _sw = sw; _sh = sh; centerPlacement(sw, sh); } function onClose(){ if (closeFunction != undefined){ closeFunction(); }; } public function appear(callback){ transProgCallback = callback; _intransition = true; _transDir = 1; lockInput(_inputLock); appearCounter = new ShellCounter(5); addEventListener("enterFrame", onFrame); setAppear(0); } public function setPos(xOff, yOff){ ox = xOff; oy = yOff; } function setAppear(frac){ scaleX = frac; scaleY = frac; alpha = frac; } function onAppearComplete(){ } public function closeMe(evtObj=null){ onClose(); managerClass.removeWindow(this); } function drawBacking(){ var g:*; var bnds:*; g =; bnds = this.getBounds(this); g.beginFill(0, 0.5); drawRect(g, bnds, 0, 6); g.beginFill(_palette.edge); drawRect(g, bnds, 0, 2); g.beginFill(; drawRect(g, bnds, 0, 0); } function addBacking(){ backing = addChild(new Sprite()); } public function disappear(callback){ _intransition = true; _transDir = -1; transEndCallback = callback; } function onFrame(evtObj){ var frac:*; if (_intransition){ appearCounter.step(_transDir); frac = appearCounter.getFrac(); setAppear(ShellCurves.easeOut(frac)); transProgCallback(this); if ((((frac == 1)) || ((frac == 0)))){ _intransition = false; _transDir = 0; lockInput(_inputLock); if (transEndCallback != null){ transEndCallback(this); transEndCallback = null; }; onAppearComplete(); }; }; } public function cleanUp(){ if (((!((closeBtn == null))) && (!((onCancel == null))))){ removeEventListener("mouseDown", onCancel); }; removeEventListener("enterFrame", onFrame); removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, textInputHandler); removeEventListener("enterFrame", doSlide); } function textInputHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (event.keyCode == 13){ onReturn(); }; if (event.keyCode == 27){ onEscape(); }; } } }//package dialog
Section 2
//ShellNotice (dialog.ShellNotice) package dialog { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class ShellNotice extends ShellDialog { var tf; var _hasCloseButton; public function ShellNotice(txtString, rtnFunc=null, clickAnywhereToClose=true, hasCloseButton=true){ var btnClass:*; var bnds:*; super(); _hasCloseButton = hasCloseButton; textPadH = 24; if (clickAnywhereToClose){ backing.addEventListener("mouseDown", closeMe); backing.buttonMode = true; }; closeFunction = rtnFunc; addContent(txtString, clickAnywhereToClose); drawBacking(); if (hasCloseButton){ btnClass = getDefinitionByName("noticeCloseBtn"); closeBtn = addChild(new (btnClass)); bnds = this.getBounds(this); closeBtn.x = (Math.round(((bnds.x + bnds.width) - 21)) + 0.5); closeBtn.y = (Math.round(((bnds.y + 8) + 0.5)) + 0.5); if (!clickAnywhereToClose){ closeBtn.addEventListener("mouseDown", closeMe); closeBtn.buttonMode = true; } else { closeBtn.mouseEnabled = false; }; }; } override function getPalette(){ return ({bg:0xFFFFFF, text:0x444444}); } override function onEscape(){ closeMe(); } function addContent(txtString, disableTextClip){ var fmt:TextFormat; var myCSS:StyleSheet; var hPad:*; var vPad:*; tf = addChild(new TextField()); tf.wordWrap = true; tf.selectable = false; tf.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED; fmt = new TextFormat("Myriad Pro Semibold"); fmt.size = 16; fmt.leading = 5; fmt.kerning = true; fmt.align = "center"; tf.embedFonts = true; tf.textColor = _palette.text; tf.width = 999; tf.height = 999; tf.mouseEnabled = !(disableTextClip); tf.htmlText = txtString; tf.setTextFormat(fmt); tf.multiline = true; myCSS = new StyleSheet(); myCSS.setStyle("a:link", {color:"#000000", textDecoration:"underline"}); tf.styleSheet = myCSS; hPad = 5; vPad = 4; tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; tf.width = ((tf.textWidth + hPad) + 2); tf.height = ((tf.textHeight + vPad) + 2); } override function drawBacking(){ var g:*; var bnds:*; g =; bnds = this.getBounds(this); if (_hasCloseButton){ bnds.x = (bnds.x + 6); }; g.beginFill(0, 0.2); drawRect(g, bnds, 0, 3); g.beginFill(; drawRect(g, bnds, 0, 0); } override function onReturn(){ closeMe(); } override public function cleanUp(){ removeEventListener("mouseDown", closeMe); super.cleanUp(); } } }//package dialog
Section 3
//ShellTextFieldUtil (dialog.ShellTextFieldUtil) package dialog { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class ShellTextFieldUtil { public function ShellTextFieldUtil(){ super(); } public static function getTextField(txt, size=18, colr=0xFFFFFF, fontString="Myriad Pro", advancedAlias=true){ var tf:*; var fmt:TextFormat; tf = new TextField(); tf.mouseEnabled = false; tf.wordWrap = false; tf.selectable = false; if (advancedAlias){ tf.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED; }; fmt = new TextFormat(fontString); fmt.kerning = true; fmt.size = size; fmt.leading = 5; tf.textColor = colr; tf.embedFonts = true; tf.text = txt; tf.setTextFormat(fmt); tf.width = (tf.textWidth + 5); tf.height = (tf.textHeight + 5); return (tf); } } }//package dialog
Section 4
//ShellCounter (util.ShellCounter) package util { public class ShellCounter { public var wrap; public var currVal; public var maxVal; public function ShellCounter(maxCount, currCount=0, doWrap=false){ super(); maxVal = maxCount; currVal = currCount; wrap = doWrap; } public function get isComplete(){ return ((currVal == maxVal)); } public function getFrac(){ return ((currVal / maxVal)); } public function step(dir=1){ setCount((currVal + dir)); } public function setCount(num){ if (num < 0){ num = 0; }; if (num > maxVal){ num = (wrap) ? (currVal - maxVal) : maxVal; }; currVal = num; } public function booStep(boo){ step((boo) ? 1 : -1); } public function setFrac(frac){ currVal = (frac * maxVal); } public function reset(newMaxVal=null){ currVal = 0; if (newMaxVal != null){ maxVal = newMaxVal; }; } public function getCount(){ return (currVal); } } }//package util
Section 5
//ShellCurves (util.ShellCurves) package util { public class ShellCurves { public function ShellCurves(){ super(); } public static function easeOut(num){ return (Math.sin(((num * Math.PI) / 2))); } public static function easeIn(num){ return ((1 - Math.sin((((1 - num) * Math.PI) / 2)))); } public static function zenoEaseOut(t, factor=1){ return (((t == 1)) ? 1 : (((-(Math.pow(2, (-10 * t))) + 1) * factor) + (t * (1 - factor)))); } public static function zenoScurve(t, factor=1){ return (((t)<0.5) ? (zenoEaseIn((t * 2), factor) / 2) : (0.5 + (zenoEaseOut(((t - 0.5) * 2), factor) / 2))); } public static function quadEaseOut(num){ num = (num / 1); return ((-(num) * (num - 2))); } public static function quadEaseIn(num){ num = (num / 1); return ((num * num)); } public static function quadScurve(t){ return (((t)<0.5) ? (quadEaseIn((t * 2)) * 0.5) : (0.5 + (0.5 * quadEaseOut(((t - 0.5) * 2))))); } public static function scurve(num){ return (((-(Math.cos((num * Math.PI))) + 1) / 2)); } public static function zenoEaseIn(t, factor=1){ return (((t == 0)) ? 0 : ((Math.pow(2, (10 * (t - 1))) * factor) + (t * (1 - factor)))); } } }//package util
Section 6
//LoadingWheel (LoadingWheel) package { import*; import util.*; import flash.display.*; public class LoadingWheel extends Sprite { var calleeArr; var _isFadingIn;// = false var spinRate;// = 0.098174770424681 public var wheel:loadingWheelDisc; var darknessFrac;// = 0.666666666666667 var spinVal;// = 0 var appearCounter; public var onDisappearCallback; public function LoadingWheel(){ darknessFrac = (2 / 3); spinVal = 0; spinRate = (Math.PI / 32); _isFadingIn = false; super(); appearCounter = new ShellCounter(90); calleeArr = []; visible = false; } public function appear(id){ if (calleeArr.indexOf(id) == -1){ calleeArr.push(id); }; _isFadingIn = true; addEventListener("enterFrame", onFrame); } public function setMaxTime(val){ appearCounter.maxVal = val; } public function disappear(id){ if (calleeArr.indexOf(id) != -1){ calleeArr.splice(calleeArr.indexOf(id), 1); }; if (calleeArr.length == 0){ _isFadingIn = false; }; } function onFrame(evtObj){ var rawFrac:*; var frac:*; appearCounter.booStep(_isFadingIn); rawFrac = appearCounter.getFrac(); frac = ((rawFrac - darknessFrac) / (1 - darknessFrac)); if (frac > 0){ visible = true; alpha = frac; spinVal = (spinVal + spinRate); if (spinVal > Math.PI){ spinVal = (spinVal - (Math.PI * 2)); }; wheel.rotation = ((spinVal / Math.PI) * 180); } else { visible = false; if ((((rawFrac == 0)) && (!(_isFadingIn)))){ removeEventListener("enterFrame", onFrame); if (onDisappearCallback != null){ onDisappearCallback(); }; }; }; } public function setDarknessFrac(val){ darknessFrac = val; } public function disable(){ removeEventListener("enterFrame", onFrame); } } }//package
Section 7
//loadingWheelDisc (loadingWheelDisc) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class loadingWheelDisc extends Sprite { public function loadingWheelDisc(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 8
//MyriadProSemiBold (MyriadProSemiBold) package { import flash.text.*; public dynamic class MyriadProSemiBold extends Font { public function MyriadProSemiBold(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 9
//noticeCloseBtn (noticeCloseBtn) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class noticeCloseBtn extends Sprite { public function noticeCloseBtn(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 10
//SendAndLoader (SendAndLoader) package { import*; import shell.*; import flash.xml.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; public class SendAndLoader { static var id = 0; public static var loadingClip; public function SendAndLoader(url, onLoadedCallback, errorHandlerCallback, urlVariableObj=null){ var myId:*; var loader:URLLoader; var reekwest:*; var onLoaded:*; var onError:*; var url = url; var onLoadedCallback = onLoadedCallback; var errorHandlerCallback = errorHandlerCallback; var urlVariableObj = urlVariableObj; super(); myId = ("SendAndLoader" + id++); loader = new URLLoader(); reekwest = new URLRequest(url); reekwest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = urlVariableObj; onLoaded = function (e){ Shell.addLogText(("SUCCESS " + e)); onLoadedCallback(e); loadingClip.disappear(myId); }; onError = function (e){ Shell.addLogText(("ERROR " + e)); errorHandlerCallback(e); loadingClip.disappear(myId); }; configureListeners(loader, onLoaded, onError); loadingClip.appear(myId); Shell.addLogText(("TRY TO LOAD " + url)); loader.load(reekwest); } private function configureListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher, onLoadCallback, onError):void{ var onStatusEvt:*; var dispatcher = dispatcher; var onLoadCallback = onLoadCallback; var onError = onError; dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadCallback); onStatusEvt = function (e){ Shell.addLogText(("STATUS " + e)); }; dispatcher.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError); dispatcher.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onError); dispatcher.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, onError); dispatcher.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, onStatusEvt); } } }//package
Section 11
//Shell (Shell) package { import*; import util.*; import dialog.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.xml.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; public class Shell extends Sprite { var appConfigData; var loadFailCount;// = 0 var loadingWheelClip; var errorEmail;// = "" var managerUrl; var noticeY;// = -300 var modalLayer; var enableRoomWarp;// = false var baseErrorString;// = "Windosill is having trouble connecting to the server. Please make sure you are connected to the internet. Click this message to try again." var refailErrorString;// = "Windosill still can't connect to the server. The server may be temporarily down. Visit <a href=''></a> for system status." var badXmlMessage; var baseUrl; public function Shell(){ var spliceTestArr:*; var rootContextMenu:*; enableRoomWarp = false; errorEmail = ""; baseErrorString = "Windosill is having trouble connecting to the server.\rPlease make sure you are connected to the internet.\rClick this message to try again."; refailErrorString = "Windosill still can't connect to the server.\rThe server may be temporarily down.\rVisit <a href=''></a> for system status."; badXmlMessage = (("XML is malformed!\rPlease send an email to\r" + errorEmail) + "."); loadFailCount = 0; noticeY = -300; super(); spliceTestArr = [1]; spliceTestArr.splice(-1, 1); rootContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); rootContextMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); this.contextMenu = rootContextMenu; loadingWheelClip = addChild(new LoadingWheel()); SwfLoader.loadingClip = loadingWheelClip; SendAndLoader.loadingClip = loadingWheelClip; ShellModalManager.stageRef = stage; ShellModalManager.stageWidth = stage.stageWidth; ShellModalManager.stageHeight = stage.stageHeight; ShellModalManager.modalLayer = this; ShellDialog.textFieldUtilClass = ShellTextFieldUtil; ShellDialog.managerClass = this; loadConfigXml(configXmlAddress); stage.stageFocusRect = false; loadingWheelClip.x = Math.round((stage.stageWidth / 2)); loadingWheelClip.y = Math.round((stage.stageHeight - 16)); } function onLoadErrorCallback(resumeCallBack, evt=null){ loadFailCount++; if (loadFailCount >= 2){ displayNotice(refailErrorString, null, false, true); } else { displayNotice(baseErrorString, resumeCallBack); }; } function onConfigXmlLoaded(e){ var rtnXml:*; var configXml:*; var manager:*; var managerUrl:*; var e = e; rtnXml =; loadFailCount = 0; configXml = new XML(rtnXml); //unresolved jump var _slot1 = e; displayNotice(badXmlMessage); return; baseUrl = (configXml.server.@url +; Security.allowDomain(baseUrl); manager = configXml.manager.@file; managerUrl = (baseUrl + manager); appConfigData = configXml.applicationData; new SwfLoader(managerUrl, onRoomManagerLoadComplete, onLoadErrorCallback); } function errorHandler(evt):void{ loadFailCount++; onLoadErrorCallback(reloadConfigXml, evt); } function loadConfigXml(xmlAddress){ var variables:URLVariables; variables = new URLVariables(); variables.shellVersion = shellVersion; new SendAndLoader(xmlAddress, onConfigXmlLoaded, errorHandler, variables); } function displayNotice(noticeText, callBack=null, clickable=true, hasCloseButton=true){ var notice:*; notice = new ShellNotice(noticeText, callBack, clickable, hasCloseButton); ShellModalManager.addWindow(notice); noticeY = (noticeY + 150); return (notice); } function get shellVersion(){ return ("localTesting"); } public function removeWindow(obj){ ShellModalManager.removeWindow(obj); } function get isBrowser(){ return (false); } function get configXmlAddress(){ return (""); } function onRoomManagerLoadComplete(clip){ addChild(clip); modalLayer = addChild(new Sprite()); clip.init(baseUrl, appConfigData, loadingWheelClip, modalLayer, false, isBrowser); if (enableRoomWarp){ clip.enableRoomWarp = true; }; setChildIndex(modalLayer, (numChildren - 1)); setChildIndex(loadingWheelClip, (numChildren - 1)); } function reloadConfigXml(){ loadConfigXml(configXmlAddress); } private function configureListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher, onLoadCallback, onFailCallback):void{ dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadCallback); dispatcher.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onFailCallback); } public static function addLogText(txt){ trace(("LOG: " + txt)); } } }//package
Section 12
//Shell_Browser (Shell_Browser) package { import flash.system.*; public class Shell_Browser extends Shell { public function Shell_Browser(){ super(); Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowDomain(""); } override function get shellVersion(){ return ("public_1"); } override function get isBrowser(){ return (true); } } }//package
Section 13
//Shell_Browser_Mochi (Shell_Browser_Mochi) package { public class Shell_Browser_Mochi extends Shell_Browser { public function Shell_Browser_Mochi(){ super(); } override function get shellVersion(){ return ("public_1_mochi"); } } }//package
Section 14
//ShellModalManager (ShellModalManager) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class ShellModalManager { public static var modalLayer; public static var stageHeight; public static var stageWidth; public static var stageRef; static var modalWindows = []; public function ShellModalManager(){ super(); } static function onMouseUpEvt(evtObj){ if (modalWindows.length > 0){ if (getQualifiedClassName(stageRef.focus).split(":").pop() != "TextField"){ stageRef.focus = modalWindows[(modalWindows.length - 1)]; }; }; } public static function addWindow(windowObj){ modalWindows.push(windowObj); modalLayer.addChild(windowObj); windowObj.updateStageSize(stageWidth, stageHeight); windowObj.appear(onWindowAppearProg); stageRef.focus = windowObj; modalLayer.stage.addEventListener("mouseUp", onMouseUpEvt); } public static function removeWindow(windowObj){ windowObj.disappear(destroyWindow); } static function destroyWindow(windowObj){ modalWindows.splice(modalWindows.indexOf(windowObj), 1); windowObj.cleanUp(); modalLayer.removeChild(windowObj); if (modalWindows.length > 0){ stageRef.focus = modalWindows[(modalWindows.length - 1)]; }; } public static function updateStageSize(sw, sh){ var window:*; stageWidth = sw; stageHeight = sh; for each (window in modalWindows) { window.updateStageSize(stageWidth, stageHeight); }; } static function onWindowAppearProg(windowObj){ windowObj.updateStageSize(stageWidth, stageHeight); } } }//package
Section 15
//SwfLoader (SwfLoader) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.system.*; public class SwfLoader { var tryLoad; var loader; static var id = 0; public static var loadingClip; public function SwfLoader(url, onComplete, onErrorCallback){ var myId:*; var request:URLRequest; var onSwfLoaded:*; var onError:*; var url = url; var onComplete = onComplete; var onErrorCallback = onErrorCallback; super(); myId = ("SwfLoader" + id); request = new URLRequest(url); loader = new Loader(); onSwfLoaded = function (e){ Shell.addLogText(("SUCCESS " + e)); loadingClip.disappear(myId); onComplete(loader.content); }; onError = function (e){ Shell.addLogText(("ERROR " + e)); loadingClip.disappear(myId); onErrorCallback(tryLoad, e); }; tryLoad = function (){ var addedDefinitions:LoaderContext; Shell.addLogText(("LOADING " + url)); loadingClip.appear(myId); addedDefinitions = new LoaderContext(); addedDefinitions.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain; loader.load(request, addedDefinitions); }; configureErrorListeners(loader, onSwfLoaded, onError); tryLoad(); } private function configureErrorListeners(loader, onSwfLoaded, onError):void{ var loadInfo:*; loadInfo = loader.contentLoaderInfo; loadInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSwfLoaded); loadInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError); loadInfo.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onError); loadInfo.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, onError); } } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 Font {MyriadProSemiBold}
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClip {noticeCloseBtn}Uses:2
Symbol 4 FontUsed by:5
Symbol 5 TextUses:4Used by:8
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClip {loadingWheelDisc}Uses:6Used by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClip {LoadingWheel}Uses:5 7

Instance Names

"wheel"Symbol 8 MovieClip {LoadingWheel} Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip {loadingWheelDisc}

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access network only, Metadata not present, AS3.
EnableDebugger2 (64)Timeline Frame 131 bytes "..$1$NR$vXqJDlKsBIFLQp.lDFOKu/."
Created: 21/3 -2019 14:09:10 Last modified: 21/3 -2019 14:09:10 Server time: 26/04 -2024 12:41:51