FLASH #105453 CURRENTLY MOST POPULAR FILE NAME: Applejack(mlp)ArmchairBlondeCutieDerpy HoovesEquinefluttershyFriendshipMagicHo rseItalianCooperMulti-coloredMusicLittl ePedro992PegasusPinkieRainbowDashRarity ReliantRegalTwilightSparkleUnicornWings .swf | Flash version: | 8 | Frames: | 204 | Frame rate: | 22 fps | Length: | 00:09 | Background color: | #FFFFFF | Dimensions: | 550x400 width x height | File size: | 2,4 MiB | Flash data size: | 2,48 MiB | Compressed: | Yes Signature: CWS | ActionScript: | (none) |
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