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This is the info page for
Flash #111365

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)



<p align="left"><font face="Celestia Redux" size="18" color="#0000ff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">% </font></p>

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Want more? Click here


Character Select

Specializing in nature and
care for animals. 50% soul

Twilight Sparkle
Specializing in knowledge
of all forms, she has a
10% boost to all stats.

The crazy crew at forkheads proudly presents...











???: Oh hay~ I'm Princess Celestia. Welcome
to the world of Equestria.

Princess Celestia: Dont tell anyone, but I'm
kind of fucking high on weed right now!

Princess Celestia: Sooooo... I'll be brief. You'll
be living here for the rest of your life...
You have 100 days. So go out there and get
some ta-UH I mean make new friends!

Princess Celestia: Oh, and watch out... dont
piss off the people that live here, or else
they WILL kick your ass!

Princess Celestia: Well, that's that for me!
I'm off to play with the sun and flirt
with my dealer now. Byelo!

Sleep. Evening only.
Restore stamina and
Health. Onto next day.


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Start - data definition

Char select

intro scene


your house










pinkie pie





<p align="center"><font face="Celestia Redux" size="35" color="#ff0000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">area</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Celestia Redux" size="35" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">coding</font></p>


Try not to die. (HP= 0 You are deadz)

Earn some bits by working.

Buy stuff.

Other Information.

Go exploring! There's all sorts of hidden
stuff all over the place!

Use the chest to view and use items. Use
the mirror to keep track of your stats.

Depending on how you played, you may
get different endings.

Don't piss off the girls. You have
been warned.

Restores 10 health
You have:

Brony tip: Click consumables to use.


Epic Pie
Restores 75 health
You have:

Albert Kush Weed
Max +1HP
You have:

"Pure?" Cocaine
5+atk, -5def
You have:

Bottle of Pink Dye
You have:

Rainbow in a Bottle
You have:

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Max Health

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Pinkie Pie


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<p align="center"></p>

Your House






We're closed at night

A cupcake.
Restores 10HP.
Its for 10bits.

Restores 75Hp.
Costs 70 Bits.

Pink dye.
A nice present!
It costs 200bits

It's a bottle of
Rainbow Dye!. Just
dont drink it!
It costs 400Bits



Angel: Whaddya want? I'm a busy bunny, ya know?! If
ya waste my time, I'll fucking rip your teeth and
make you swallow it like the whore you are!

(Your reply)

Yeah. I'm here to buy. Let's trade.

Not really. I just got lost and wanted to-

Angel: You fucking shitbag! Stop wasting my time and
get the fuck out!

Angel: Allright, but you better not be a cop. I'm
packing heat, see? Try anything funny and I'll splatter
your fucking brains all over the forest!

Albert Kush Weed. I'll
let you have a blunt
for 200 bits.

Cocaine. It's pure. Hehha
hehheah!. I'll give you a
gram for 500 bits.

Angel: You dont have the money, you shit-eater! Get
outta my sight before I fucking hang you with your
own guts!

Angel: Heh. Allright. Good. Now dont cut that with
anything, eh? That's MY job. Now get outta here!

Angel: Dont fucking bug me! Get lost! Scram! Vamoose!

Pinkie Pie's


Dash's House



For today, dork.

???: Oh hay, and welcome to Equestria Regional
School! My name is Cheerilie, and I'm your

Cheerilie: And in case you havent noticed... I'm
on cocaine!. So you won't see me around that
often and stuff!

Cheerilie: ... but let's keep that aside for
now... Aaaannyways...

Cheerilie: This school is the only place in the
whole world where you can increase your
magic points! (because its magic)

Cheerilie: And in case you're too poor (and
stupid) to pay for the materials, you can
always hit the library!

Cheerilie: Heck, if you're low on bits, you can
work part-time as a drug mule a book

You: Ah... um...

Cheerilie: Hey! Are you paying attention?
Listen or else I'll make you eat maggots!

Cheerilie: Well, that's it about school. I'm off
to sniff coke and dietcoke and your mind.
Toodles, fuckface!


Costs 50 SP and 10 bits.
Gain 5~7 Magic.

Educate youself!

Costs 40SP
Gain 2-3 Magic

Work part time at Library

Costs 60SP.
Earnings = (Magic+Soul)/2


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<p align="center"></p>


<p align="right"></p>

You have insufficient
bits or stamina.

Work at cliff patrol

Pay: (Atk/Def) X 2

Costs 40 SP.

You have insufficient
stamina! LOL.

You work part time at cliff
patrol and earn     bits.

<p align="right"></p>

Goof off at the lake!

Costs 10SP
Gain 1-2 Soul

Forest tour

Costs 60 bits. Gain
2-5 Attk and 3 Def


<p align="center"></p>

You have insufficient
bits! J00 SUCKZOR!


<p align="center"></p>


Talk to Pinkie

Talk to Pinkie Pie

Talk to Dash

Talk to Dash


<p align="right"></p>

???: Ohay! You must be that new person everyone's
talking about, right? Hi hi hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! What's
your name?!

<You tell her your name>

I have tennis balls in my pants. ;)

Um... ahh.... errr....


Pinkie Pie: *shrieks* You sick fuck!
(She stabs your lungs with a pile of rocks.)

Pinkie Pie: Hahaha! That's a WEEEEEIRD NAME!

(Pinkie Pie ambles off, still laughing herself
silly. At least she didn't violently murder you.)

Pinkie Pie: I'm leaving. Bye.

(She didn't seem to show much interest in you. At
least she didn't gut you like a fish for being
such a stuttering hikkomori.)

Pinkie Pie: Hey again!. Did ya ever see my house?

Pinkie Pie: Oh shit, speaking of coke, I'm running
low! Time to go refill my stock! Buhbye!

Pinkie Pie: I'm pissed off as fuck!. Guess what I
tried to do? I tried to sneak into school after
dark, and that bitch Cheerilee caught me!

Pinkie Pie: She's a fucking freak when she's hooked
onto a strapon! Stay FAR AWAY from the school!.
... I gotta go apply some lotion on my ass now...

Pinkie Pie: Hey, shit-for-brains! There's something
on your face!

You: Huh?

Pinkie Pie: It was paaaaiiiin!
(Pinkie Pie runs off giggling. You wonder who
showed her those asdf movies.)

Pinkie Pie: Ahh, man. Did Princess Celestia tell
you not to poke around the cliff during the

Pinkie Pie: I think she meets her dealer then. But
hey, I might be completely wrong - like that time
I bit Applejack's ass after thinking it was REAL. :3

Pinkie Pie: I feel like collecting rotten fruit
today. I'll throw them at people who get too
inquisitive of my lifestyle. ^_^

Pinkie Pie: I love it when the Feds panic when the
rotten fruits hit their faces!. Well, Imma see you

Pinkie Pie: Hey, wanna know something cool?
There's this game called Azumanga Druglord...

Pinkie Pie: I found this cheat code for it... its
e4526.... yeah, you get some WEEEIRD SHIT. Well,
Imma go and play it again. Byee!

Pinkie Pie: Hey, hey, guess what? I was snorting
some coke the other day... and this cuban weirdo
starts hitting on me!

*Pinkie Pie fangasms and squees off to the

Pinkie Pie: I wish I could fly. I heard from
somewhere that you can if you set people's arms
on fire.

Pinkie Pie: DUUUUDE, I'm gonna go try that with
Spike now. Byeee :3

Pinkie Pie: Applejack aint what she appears to be.
Once, I saw her haul in a bunch of guns.

Pinkie Pie: ...but then again, I was pretty drunk
and kept getting distracted by this magic tongue
trying to lick my ass...

Pinkie Pie: I hate the cliffs. I dont get why
Dashie's such a height nut.

Pinkie Pie: ... I had to be rescued by cliff patrol
once. That sucked!.

Pinkie Pie: I fucking LOVE cocaine! Enough to
grow a cock and fuck it silly!

Pinkie Pie: ... I'm gonna buy some more now.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, hey, hey!. I'm mimicking a
pokemon!. I fucking love Pokemon Dungeon
Explorers of Sky!

Pinkie Pie: ... I still dont know HOW to play it,

Pinkie Pie: I like pink dye. A lot. Sometimes, I
sniff it. Sometimes... I eat it....

Pinkie Pie: ... I still dont know how to apply it
properly, though.

Pinkie Pie: Quick question! Why did the chicken
cross the road?

Pinkie Pie: ... the road is a lie. I am god.
...maybe!. Bye bye!

Pinkie Pie: My head hurts. I need my one-line
daily dose to calm the fuck down.

Pinkie Pie: I like cocaine. Hee hee hee! Can't get by
a day without it, that's me! Haa heee heee!

Pinkie Pie: Hey, you're not a Fed, are ya?

Pinkie Pie: Well, keep your eyes peeled, they're

Pinkie Pie: Hey, you ever wonder how fun it
would be to dynamite the cliffs?

Pinkie Pie: Yeaaaaah. That'll teach Dashie to mess
with me and take me there while I'm zoned out
from my coke'.

Pinkie Pie: Aw man. Angel beat the crap out of
me when I tried to short-change him.

Pinkie Pie: Watch your tail when you deal with
him, k? Bye!

Pinkie Pie: I used to get confused by my cutie
mark. Not anymore, though...

Pinkie Pie: Because I'm high!. ROFL.
See ya later!

Pinkie Pie: You'll never guess what my favourite
sport is...

Pinkie Pie: Its... CalvinBall! I fucking love

Pinkie Pie: Once, I did 10 lines of coke. Holy shit,
Angel had cut it with LSD and Salvia. MY MIND

Pinkie Pie: I wish I could share the experience with
everyone else...

Pinkie Pie: Did you know? TVTropes will ruin
your life.

Pinkie Pie: I mean, just look at me. 200+hours and
still going. I need my fix. Laters!

Pinkie Pie: My mind is so full of fuck. Guess what
I saw dreaming last night?

Pinkie Pie: Fucking penises on helicopter rotors
flying at me! AT ME!. I gotta hide! Bye!


Pinkie Pie: Hahaha, dont mind me, I just snorted
3 lines of coke! Hahahaha! Byeee!

Pinkie Pie: You know what? Someday, I'm gonna
be a voice actress!

Pinkie Pie: You just watch! I'll be awesome! I gotta
go practice my Chords of Steel! Byee!

Pinkie Pie: Angel's a drug dealer. He's set up shop
in the everfree forest. He's not a daytime person,

Pinkie Pie: If you want to buy from him, approach
him at night... well, okay, Imma go home now.

Pinkie Pie: HEY!. YOU! LISTEN!

Pinkie Pie: ... fuck, I forgot what I was gonna say.
Bye, fuckface!

Pinkie Pie: Here's a secret about me. My eyes
never get bloodshot, so it's easy to fool the fucks
at security. Celestia...

Pinkie Pie: ... man, you should see her when she
gets the crazy eyes!. Bye now!

Pinkie Pie: How many lines of coke can you do,

Pinkie Pie: record is like 20 lines.

Pinkie Pie: Have you ever played Final Fellatio?
It's the precursor game to Super Deepthroat.

Pinkie Pie: Well? Do ya? I bet ya do... ;)
Catch ya later, perv!

Pinkie Pie: I really like pink dye. I get off on
its subtle scent. ;)

Pinkie Pie: If it's not coke, I always waste my
money on PINK DYE. Oh boy! I'm gonna go buy
another! Laters!

Pinkie Pie: Hey, hey, if you find weird white
powder on the ground, don't snort it, ok?

Pinkie Pie: Dashie was hauling some coke and spilled
some after getting the urge to masturbate!
*she runs off, vaccuum cleaner in hoof*

Pinkie Pie: Hey, what would you do for a klondike

Pinkie Pie: I'd totally eat out Queen Chrysalis.
Heeheehee! Bye!

Pinkie Pie: I'm broke. And I need my coke.

Pinkie Pie: I... I'm going over to Dashie's place...
*She blushes and walks off.*

Pinkie Pie: I got some money for doing some
special favors for Dashie!

Pinkie Pie: I'm gonna buy enough coke to last me a
while! Bye!

Pinkie Pie: Dashie was going nuts yesterday,
trying to eat the sun. Princess Celestia woulda
gotten real mad-like at her!

Pinkie Pie: Heh heh! I took video footage of it all...
I might blackmail Dashie into doing some fun stuff
for me. :3.... You didn't hear that from me! Bye!

Pinkie Pie: You know what bugs me about hentai?

Pinkie Pie: All the girls have super-elastic holes.
I don't get it. What's up with that?,
(she walks off. Seems she didn't even NOTICE you).

Pinkie Pie: I watched the Iron Chef today. You
know what was weird?

Pinkie Pie: They DIDNT play some engrish Japanese
song to go along with it! WTF???!!

Pinkie Pie: WE DRINK RITALIN! Mama was burning
A hole in my aunt Please let me down to... HOLD-
THE-KETCHUP Ei-eh-ght Tequilas To feel up my
lice SUB-MAR-INE ...Burning in hell!

Pinkie Pie: *cough* I can't quite get that voice
right... Argh! I must practice more! MORE! MOOARR!!

Pinkie Pie: I need my coke fix! And butter! Get me
the butter!

*she skips off towards the Everfree forest.*

Pinkie Pie: Hey, you! I wish I had Red Bull!

Pinkie Pie: I really want to go steal Dashie's coke
collection. Hee hee hee!

Pinkie Pie: I tried going to the cliff today, to
peep on Celestia. Stupid place lacks railways. :/

Pinkie Pie: I was stuck on a branch for HOURS AND

Pinkie Pie: You ever wonder what happens after
dark? I love staying up after dark. Dashie does,

Pinkie Pie: Someday, I'm gonna find out what
Celestia is upto during nighttime... just you wait!

Pinkie Pie: Man, Dashie's being weird. She showed
me an amateur video of her stuffing joints up her

Pinkie Pie: And that's fucked up when you sing
"AAAAAAYYYY MACARENA!" while doing so!

Pinkie Pie: I really like coke, but I'm open to
other things.

Pinkie Pie: You could say, I'm chemo-curious. ;)

Pinkie Pie: I really like rain. When I'm at home,
hitting back some lines, when the rain starts... its
just magical...

Pinkie Pie: You should try it with me sometime.
:) jk, you couldnt possibly handle the power...

Pinkie Pie: My hobby? It's lucid dreaming. I just
love it when one rolls my way.

Pinkie Pie: Why? Because you have the power. to do
ANYTHING... even to Princess Celestia. ;)

Pinkie Pie: ANGRY AGAIN!...
... Not at you, heh... just reciting my favourite
metalhead songs. :D

Pinkie Pie: I fucking love classic metal, man!

Pinkie Pie: Once, I made an amateur porno movie
starring myself and Celestia.

Pinkie Pie: But no way I'm showing it to ANYONE
else but me!

Pinkie Pie: Ah, I'm hungry.

Pinkie Pie: I'm gonna go look for a cupcake. Bye!

Pinkie Pie: Hey you! Got a cupcake on you? I want
one... like right now!

I dont have a cupcake on me... sorry...

Sure! I have one right here!

Pinkie Pie: Damnnit! I shoudn't have bought all that
*she ambles off, speaking in expletive.*

*she waits for a bit*
Pinkie Pie: Well? You dont got any, huh? You jerk.
Don't waste my time, dammit! *she runs away*

*Pinkie Pie scarfs down the cupcake*
Pinkie Pie: Oh yeaaaaah, that hit the spot!



Your relationship with Pinkie Pie is

<p align="center"></p>

Pinkie Pie: Hehehe, thanks for the cupcake!. Well,
I'll see you around later!

Pinkie Pie: Hey there! Guess what the time is?

You: I don't know. What time is it?


Pinkie Pie: Out of weed and cocaine, which drug do
I like the best?



Pinkie Pie: Daaamn, you suck! Weed is for slowpokes
and yawners! Screw off!

Pinkie Pie: Sweet stuff! You really are sharp! I
bet you do coke when you have the chance!

Pinkie Pie: We should totally get to know each
other more! Bye bye!


Talk some sense into her

Back off. Save yourself.


*Pinkie Pie gives you a menacing glare and stomps

Pinkie Pie: Erm... hey...

You: Yeah?

Pinkie Pie: I... about yesterday... I'm really sorry if
I hurt you or anything...

Pinkie Pie: I... I was on my period, okay? >_>
And just to show you how sorry I am...

Pinkie Pie: Here, take these cupcakes I baked.

You: Cupcakes? Aw Pinkie Pie, you know we're gonna
be pals forever.

<p align="center"></p>

Pinkie Pie: Heheheh! I'm glad! /)(^_^)(\
*she then runs off*

Pinkie Pie: It's that time of the year again, sucka!

You: Random trivia time?


Pinkie Pie: Question!.
How do cockroaches lay their eggs?


Sac detonation

Pinkie Pie: ...Open your eyes, dumbshit. *sigh*

Pinkie Pie: Man, now I'm certain you do coke. Your
observation skills are beyond any mundane!

Pinkie Pie: Well, I'm gonna go study the roaches
some more... bye for now!.

Pinkie Pie: Gah, life is so unfair!. I can never
afford this pink dye I love so much!

Pinkie Pie: I'm gonna go to my house and sulk some
more! GAH!

*You go and talk to Pinkie Pie*

*Pinkie Pie is rather subdued today.*
Pinkie Pie: Hi...

*Without another word, Pinkie Pie walks off.*

You need at least 55 Soul to convince her to open
up to you.

You: You seem kinda upset!. What's bugging you?

Pinkie Pie: ...
*she looks away*

You: C'mon, tell me. You can trust me...

Pinkie Pie: ...well, allright. But keep this a secret,

Pinkie Pie: ... I really, REALLY need Pink Dye, but
I can't for the life of me afford any.

Sure, I'll get you some soon!

Pink Dye, eh? Looks expensive. I can't, too.

*Pinkie Pie smiles weakly*
Pinkie Pie: ... you're such a good friend, you know

Pinkie Pie: Let me know when you get them. I think
two bottles of pink dye will do...

*Pinkie Pie is here, wandering around.*

Pinkie Pie: Oh hey...
(She still seems down about the pink dye)

Pinkie Pie: ...Applejack refuses to lower the price
no matter how much I beg. :/ I _REALLY_ need two
bottles of the stuff RIGHT NOW!

Talk to her.

Show her the pink dyes.

Pinkie Pie: Hey wait... is that what I think it is?!

Sure, I bought them for ya.

No. They're for me.

Pinkie You fucking tease! Gimme that!
*Pinkie Pie pulls out a shiv and drives it through
your eye, the sheer force rupturing your frontal

*You give Pinkie Pie the two bottles of pink dye*

Pinkie Pie: Is that... Hoshit... it's the pink dye!
*she takes the 2 pink dyes off you*

<p align="center"></p>

You can now visit Pinkie Pie's house
in the evening.

Pinkie Pie: Look. I really, really appreciate this.
Come by to my house sometime later, ok?

Pinkie Pie: Oh hey, I'm kinda busy right now. I'm
talking to my "friend", Rarity.

Rarity: Yeah! Screw off!. Nyeeeh!

Do something about Rarity

Leave them alone.

Rarity: Byyyeee!

*You wait, making Rarity assume you're done
talking. As she turns her back, you leap, catching
the back of her head in your hooves.*

*The momentum of your leap carries you forwards,
and you hear the satisfying crunch of her skull
under your hooves.*

Pinkie Pie: Wow! About bloody time! She wouldn't
stop pestering me to buy her shitty crackwhore

Pinkie Pie: I'm going back to my house. We should
hang out there in the evenings. ;)

*Pinkie Pie is rather subdued today.*

*Pinkie Pie averts her eyes and runs off.*
(You need at least 100 Soul to get Pinkie Pie to
open up to you.)

*Pinkie Pie averts her eyes and is about to run off
when you grab her shoulders and make her look at

You: Listen, I think you're in trouble again. I just
want to help.

*Pinkie Pie's eyes well up with tears.*
Pinkie Pie: No! I can't! I can't keep dragging you
into my problems!

You: I dont care what kind of problem it is. You
can tell me. I WILL help you!

*Pinkie Pie bows her head in shame*
Pinkie Pie: I-I... allright... I'll tell you...

Pinkie Pie: I-I-I'm in debt to Angel again... it's
pretty bad...

You: How bad?

Pinkie Pie: I think... 1000 bits... I can't do this

I'll help you.

Looks bad. Good luck.

You: I said I'd help you with your problem and I
will. I'll raise that money somehow and I'll help
you pay your debt.

*Pinkie Pie wipes away her tears*
I... allright... th-thank you...

You: I'll be back, so hold on tight.

*Pinkie Pie smiles weakly*
I will...

You: Hey. You doing okay?

Pinkie Pie: I guess I'm fine...

You: Look, I'll get the money, all 1000 of it, okay?
Just trust me.

Pinkie Pie: Okay. I trust you.

Pinkie Pie: Hey...

Any luck gathering funds?

I've got the money!

Pinkie Pie: *sigh* No. I was too depressed to even

You: I'll figure something out. Don't worry.

*Pinkie Pie says nothing.*

You: Yeap. Just like I said I would.

*You give her the 1000 bits.*

Pinkie Pie: You... you're GIVING this to me?
*She seems to be in a state of shock.*

You: Yeah. You should go pay that debt to Angel

Pinkie Pie: Yeah. I'll... I'll see you later.

*Pinkie Pie walks off towards the Everfree Forest,
but not before giving you a quick kiss on your

*Pinkie Pie hugs you*
Pinkie Pie: Hey!. Hi!

You: How's things?

Pinkie Pie: I promised myself I wouldn't EVER go on
a buying spree ever again! ^_^

You: Aah, aren't you a happy ball o' sunshine
today? ;P

Pinkie Pie: Ehehehe... I sure am! Because I have the
bestest friend in the world... you!

<p align="center"></p>

You've gained her trust. New options
are now available to you. Visit her.

Pinkie Pie: Well, I'll be at my place if you ever
need me for anything. :)
*Pinkie Pie ambles off.*

Pinkie Pie: Hey there!. Did I ever tell you that I
love the beach?

Pinkie Pie: Well, I LOVE it!.

Pinkie Pie: Come by to my house when you're free
this evening, ok?

Pinkie Pie: Hey there! *she gives you a hug*

You: Oh hay, sup?

Pinkie Pie: I had so much fun on the beach with
you!. I really should return the favor for all the
things you've ever done for me...

You: Anything for a friend. It's no problem at all!.

Pinkie Pie: I'll be at home this evening. Come by if
you want to keep me company. ;)

You: I will!.

*Pinkie Pie regards you with adoration*

You: Don't worry. I'll visit you again.

Pinkie Pie: I'll be waiting...

Pinkie Pie isn't home.

Pinkie Pie is probably asleep. It's rude to enter
otherponies' houses uninvited.

It seems Pinkie Pie has locked her door.
Listening carefully, you hear her soft breathing.
You should really help her out.

Pinkie Pie: Oh hey, welcome to my slice of heaven!

<p align="right"></p>


Offload your coke for $

Ask her out. (Don't die)

Snuggle. (30 Stamina)

Kiss her. (Don't die!!!!)

Sexytimes. (50 Stamina)

Pinkie Pie: I've never let anypony in my house
before, did you know that?

Pinkie Pie: You should feel honored. ^_^

Pinkie Pie: Erm! Don't mind the smell!

Pinkie Pie: I collected a SHITTON of rotten fruit to
throw at the feds in case they try to bust me!

Pinkie Pie: Growing up sucks. Srsly. Dashie and I
used to have such crazy ass wild parties together.
We'd even invite the rest of the ol' gang for fun!

Pinkie Pie: *sigh* Well, at least I have you as a
friend. We should totally hold a reunion party one
of these days.

Pinkie Pie: You know, if you have any coke on
you, I'll buy it off ya.

Pinkie Pie: Sure, I might pay extra, but it means
not having to deal with Angel. The guy's a real
pain in the ass.

Pinkie Pie: Dashie's looking for this rare marjuana
strain called Chiyo-buds. You get her on that
topic and she'll go on and on for HOURS on end.

Pinkie Pie: You, have been warned. ;)

Pinkie Pie: You know what would be cool?. If we
could sneak into the cliff one night and hammer
in rails along the cliffs.

Pinkie Pie: ...but then again, I'm bad near heights,
and I'm afraid of fucking it up...

Pinkie Pie: Man, I havent had a good-ass party in
like forever!.

Pinkie Pie: One of these days... just watch, my
pretty. Just watch and wait. There will be a
hardcore party.

Pinkie Pie: I went peeping on Celestia again.
Whooey, behind that royal facade, she really is a
wild girl!

Pinkie Pie: Seriously, 4 royal guards at once is
more than I can ever handle.

Pinkie Pie: My first game system? A dinky

Pinkie Pie: I still have it on me. Its somewhere
around here. Yup.

Pinkie Pie: I finally figured out how to apply it
properly, too!.

Pinkie Pie: You know what would be fun?. If we
covered Celestia's place with whoopie cushions!

Pinkie Pie: She usually wakes up all groggy and
tired because she gets it on with almost all the
stallions in Canterlot!.

Pinkie Pie: Angel's prices are harsh, aren't they?

Pinkie Pie: I wish someone would one-up him,
though. Well... not really. If he dies, then who's
gonna bring the coke here?

Pinkie Pie: Once, I chased a random car for MILES
on end, thinking it was the feds!

Pinkie Pie: Then I realized it was just a bunch of
college students on vacation. Hahahaha!

Pinkie Pie: I used to be afraid of the water,
when I was young. But now...

Pinkie Pie: I really like the beach. Sometimes, I'd
just lay there for hours and hours on end.
Nothing's as beautiful as a beachside sunset.

Pinkie Pie: You know what would be fun? If we
went and dumped a few tonnes of coke on
Dashie's house.

Pinkie Pie: She'll totally be in a crazy
wonderland! That she can't easily get out of!

Pinkie Pie: Dashie made me do a bowl of weed
once. Eugh, that awful taste is still in my mouth!

Pinkie Pie: *sigh* Remind me never to pass out near
her. You... you I can trust. ;)

Pinkie Pie: I peeped on Celestia and Dashie again.

Pinkie Pie: Apparently, Celestia is a total
omnidrugvore. She did like 20 lines of coke, smoked
down 4 blunts of coke and then got Dashie to
model for her!.

Pinkie Pie: I mean, just look at me. 300+hours and
still going. I need my fix. Laters!

Pinkie Pie: I had a funny dream last night.

Pinkie Pie: We were all speaking in manly, droll
robot voices. That's pretty fucked up, right?

Pinkie Pie: Hahaha, dont mind me, I just snorted
3 lines of coke! Hahahaha! Just a sec!

Pinkie Pie: I have some good advice for you. Dream
big, and keep your mind open to new ideas.

Pinkie Pie: Who knows? You could totally spearhead
some crazy new tech revolution or some shit.

Pinkie Pie: ... fuck, I forgot what I was gonna say.

Pinkie Pie: I was impersonating Navi from Legend of
Zelda. How is it? Pretty good, huh?

Pinkie Pie: How do I keep my eyes from getting
crazy? That's easy!

Pinkie Pie: ... just eat a lot of carrots everyday!.
See, that wasnt so hard, was it? Be sure to eat it
fresh so it has max power!

Pinkie Pie: Have you ever sniffed pink dye? You
should. It's sooo gooooood.

Pinkie Pie: I caught Dashie with my nude pics
once. Boy, she turned red as a tomato when I
found out!

Pinkie Pie: I might visit her again and show her
MY collection of HER photos, just to make her

Pinkie Pie: Hey, hey! Got any coke?

Pinkie Pie: I'll buy it from you for a high price!

You're too tired to chat with Pinkie Pie.
(You need at least 30 Stamina)
(Yes, she's quite hyperactive)

"Pure?" Cocaine
You have:

<p align="left"></p>

Pinkie Pie: Ooh, got any coke to offload to me? I'll
pay you well..

Done. Stop offloading.

Offload 1 coke for 510 bits.

You offload one gram of coke for 510 bits.

Pinkie Pie: Aw yesssss!. I'm so glad you're doing this
for me!. I can't bear to talk to Angel anymore, so
I'll even pay you extra for your trouble!

Pinkie Pie: Awwie. But just remember - if you come
across any coke, you come here right away and I'll
take them off your hands, k?

*Pinkie Pie slips out of your grasp*
Pinkie Pie: Err... sorry. Don't do that.
(You need to upgrade your friendship with her.)

Pinkie Pie: Gah, get offa me!.
Okay, fuckface! Time to die!

*Pinkie Pie gets out an automatic rifle and blasts
you to pieces.*

Pinkie Pie: I told you not to fuck with me!

*Pinkie Pie giggles*
Awwie. Sure... cm'here, you chunk of love!

<p align="right"></p>

You and Pinkie Pie share a tender moment
in each others' arms.

Pinkie Pie: Eh, no thanks. I don't feel like
(You need to get closer to her... and not in
a stalkerish way.)

Pinkie Pie: Heheheheh... nawwww... I have
something else in mind...

Pinkie Pie: Sure~ All you had to do was ask.

You: Wanna go to the beach?

Pinkie Pie: Sure thing. Let's go!.

You and Pinkie Pie head out to the beach...

Pinkie Pie: Yay, ocean! Ocean! Yaayyy!

You: You sure like the ocean, don't ya? :P

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, it's been a while since I
got to just relax here.

Go advenchurin'

Take commemorative picture.

Pinkie Pie: *sigh* I always wanted to share
the beauty of the sea at night time with
someone. Thanks for being that someone...

Pinkie Pie: I'm really glad I met you.
*she blushes*

Pinkie Pie: You know, you look so magical
with the sea breezes flowing through your

Pinkie Pie: Uh... yeah. Its kinda hard to look
at yourself without a mirror... and I dont
want to come off as vain...

Pinkie Pie: You know, I'm glad we're friends.
Someday, I'll tell you a secret about me.

Pinkie Pie: Look forward to it. ;)

Pinkie Pie: Let's do something else...

You: Hey, is there something you ever
wanted to do? Something we could do

Pinkie Pie: Actually, yeah... there IS
something that's been bugging me for a

You: Do tell...

Pinkie Pie: Princess Celestia often goes to
the cliffs at night, but you know me. I'm
crap with heights.

You: So, you want to do some detective work
on her with me?

Pinkie Pie: .... *she looks around for a bit,
and leans close.*

Pinkie Pie: Yeah... I was hoping you'd come
along and we'd find out what she was up

You: Sounds like fun!. So, we're going now?

Pinkie Pie: If you want to, though. And
yeah, Celestia often comes to the cliff at
this time of the night.

You: Well, what are we waiting for?

Pinkie Pie: Aw yeah! I'll even bring my spy
equipment and totally peep on her, like old

Pinkie Pie: See you at the cliffs!.
*She runs back to her house to fetch her
camera. You head over to the cliffs.*

You arrive at the cliff, at night.

A few moments later, you see Pinkie Pie
crawling breathlessly towards you.

Pinkie Pie: I really like people who keep
their word. Just sayin'.

Pinkie Pie: Aaannyways, did you see
anything weird?

You: No. But let's hide behind that rock over
there and keep an eye out.

Pinkie Pie: Yeeheehee! Yes! This is so much

You: I wonder what we'll find...

Pinkie Pie: Shhh!!. Look! Over there! Behind
the old pine trees!

*Pinkie Pie pulls you into a small grotto,
with a clean view of the old pine trees.
There, you see a familiar face.*

Peering out, as your eyes adjust to the
gloom, you see Princess Celestia and Angel,
apparently deep in conversation.

You: So, they DO meet here... too bad we
can't hear them.

Pinkie Pie: You just leave that to me!




DIAZEPAM     0/3

You: Eh? What's that?

Pinkie Pie: Directional Microphone. Let's do
some Tactical Espionage Action!

You: Hmm?

Pinkie Pie: Watch, I'll aim it at them and
pick up their voices. You man the noise
filter and let me know when you have a
clear signal!

You: Okay, got it.

Pinkie Pie: Okay, I think I'm getting
something... work your magic with the filter!

You: Right!

Pinkie Pie: Nice! Now let's listen in on these
two love-birds!

???:.... good.... money.... coun..........fine-a.....

Pinkie Pie: I'd recognize that Chicago accent
anywhere. It's Angel!

Celestia: I dont think I can pay you the
full amount this time.

Angel: You dumb bitch!. You're gonna have to
do better than make up those shitty excuses!

Celestia: Look, if you're willing to overlook
this, I'm willing to be your sex slave for a

Angel: Sex-slave, huh? Interesting... tell me

Celestia: I... I would be yours to command as
you see fit. My body would belong to you...

Angel: Heh, I guess I can overlook your
shitty behaviour this once.

Celestia: So, can I have the cache now?

Angel: Fuck no, you worthless piece of shit!
Take me to your palace in Canterlot and
show me a good time first!

Angel: Until then, your stuff stays hidden
in the border of the everfree forest!. Now,
bend over! I want a ride to your castle in

Celestia: Allright, allright! But after this, I
get my cache, okay?

Angel: Yeah, yeah, now hurry up before I
change my mind and decide to kick your
pasty white ass!

Celestia: Fine...

Angel: Excuse me, what was that, you

Celestia: Uh, I mean, yes, master.

Angel: Good slave. Take us to Canterlot.

Pinkie Pie: Watch it! They're taking off! Get

Pinkie Pie: Whew!. That was a close one!.
She almost saw us!

You: Whooey, I never knew Princess Celestia
had a submissive side, eh?

Pinkie Pie: You know, I've got a great idea.

You: As if this night isn't exciting enough?

Pinkie Pie: Let's go find Angel's stash!

You: I don't know. That sounds a little

Pinkie Pie: And going to the cliffs isn't?
Cmon, Angel's been ripping us off for a
while. It's only right he gets some shit back
at him!.

You: Can't argue with that...

Pinkie Pie: I'll go get a shovel. Meet me at
the everfree forest!

*she runs off back towards her house*
You decide to wait for her at the border of
the everfree forest.

*Pinkie Pie is already here, shovel in hoof.*
Pinkie Pie: Where HAVE you been?!

You: That... was quick. You sure are excited,
arent ya?

Pinkie Pie: Sure am! Its not every day you
get to fuck up that little bastard, Angel!

You: Right, so, got any idea to where to

Pinkie Pie: Sure do, actually! The smell of
coke is strong around here! And look, this
part of the bushes have been dug up

You: Yeah? Well, you dig, I'll keep a

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, okay. Aaahahahhahaha!

*Pinkie Pie starts digging at the base of a
small bush.*

*Pinkie Pie continues to dig.*

Pinkie Pie: Oh hey! There's something buried

Pinkie Pie: Whoa! It's heavy!. Help me lift it

You: Okay. Lemme grab it...
Whoa! It's heavy!

Pinkie Pie: Pull!.

You: Let's clean up and get out of here
before Angel notices!

Pinkie Pie: Awyaaaaah!.
*She hoofpumps in victory and after
cleaning up the mess, you and Pinkie Pie
carry the box back home.*

You: Whoa, that box was seriously heavy!
Let's check what's inside!

You and Pinkie Pie open the box.
You find...

10,000 bits

20 units of cocaine.

10 cupcakes.

You: Aw hell yes. Jack fucking pot.

Pinkie Pie: Oh wow! We have enough to start
up our own distribution front!

You: Yeap. So, are we gonna split it, or
stash it?

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, let's split it. In case Angel
tries any funny bullshit... how's 50/50

You: Sounds good to me!

Pinkie Pie: In that case, here's your cut of
the loot!.

*You recieve 5000bits, 10 units of cocaine,
and 5 cupcakes.*

Pinkie Pie: Well, on a completely unrelated
note, you can always sell me back the coke
you got... usual rate... ahehahehahahaheh! ;)

You: Whooey, that was tiring work today,

Pinkie Pie: You know what would be super-
awesome, though?

You: Hm?

Pinkie Pie; I was thinking...

Pinkie Pie: How about we take a picture
together, ya know... to celebrate the

You: Heh, if you wish...

Pinkie Pie; Let's go to the beach!. We need
my favourite place!

*Pinkie Pie rushes off towards the beach.
You smile ruefully and follow her to the

Pinkie Pie: Hahh... we had a crazy
adventure, didn't we? Now let's hurry up
and take that memorial picture!

Pinkie Pie: We just got here. Let's just relax
for a bit.

Pinkie Pie: No way, you're just gonna ogle
them later. Hahaha! Just messing with ya!
Let's just relax for a bit.

Pinkie Pie: Here's my camera. Take a good
picture, ok?

You: Okay.

You: There ya go.
*You give Pinkie Pie her camera.*

Pinkie Pie: Wow, you're a really good
photographer, too! I always tend to screw
up because I get the shakes when I'm

Pinkie Pie: I mean, look at me! I'm shaking
all over!.

You: Did you have fun?

Pinkie Pie: Fun? FUN?! FUN?!

Pinkie Pie: I haven't had this much fun
since... EVER!

Pinkie Pie: ... and I owe it all to you... I
never would have dared to go up the cliffs
if it wasn't for you...

Pinkie Pie: So here, I want you to have this.

Pinkie Pie: ... yeah, you can stop doing the
Derpy Hooves impression now. ;)

<p align="right"></p>

<p align="center"></p>

You're now Pinkie Pie's girlfriend.
Good job! Now go on and have fun!

Pinkie Pie: Whoa, it's almost dawn!. I'd
better go get some sleep!

You: Yeah, it'd be bad if people figured out
what happened last night. Here, I'll walk
you home.

Pinkie Pie: You'd better go home and rest up
too. Or else Dashie's gonna be on our case and
say we smoked crack t'gether or somethin'

Pinkie Pie: Yeah. Goodnight~

*After waving bye bye to Pinkie Pie, you
return home, and collapse on the bed.*
=3 pomf

Pinkie Pie: Oh you. Cm'here, you...

Pinkie Pie: Oooh, oh my. You're such a good

You: Whoa! Who turned out the lights!?

Pinkie Pie: Just walk forwards, that's right.
Over there.

Pinkie Pie: Stop!. Good. Stand right there.

Pinkie Pie: Welcome, to my underground lair!.

Pinkie Pie:


Pinkie Pie: I said, "Shall we do it?", you
dope. :)

Suuuure. :]


Pinkie Pie: Aw yaaaaaaaaaaah... I so totally
needed that...

<p align="right"></p>

You: Ah, wow... I'm totally bushed.

Pinkie Pie: You should be. You somehow made
me tire out! ME!

*You share a good laugh together*

Pinkie Pie: Well, I'm going to sleep. You can
join me if you like. ;)

*You graciously accept the offer and retire
together for the night.*

View ending.

Later that night...

Pinkie Pie: Hey, wake up...

You: Huh? Its.. morning already?

Pinkie Pie: No, but I wanted to tell you

You: Sure, what is it?

Pinkie Pie: Remember that box we stole from

You: Yeah, what about it?

Pinkie Pie: He found out.

You: Eh?! What? We should go!.

Pinkie Pie: Relax! Listen!. He came here trying
to pick up the stuff, but I chloroformed him. ;)

You: So where's he at now?

Pinkie Pie: In my basement. Wanna go beat
him up a bit?

You: I've been waiting to give the little shit
a piece of my mind, yes...

*Pinkie Pie hands you a whip and a kinky
BDSM costume. You snicker as you slip into it
and she helps you secure the buckles.*

Pinkie Pie: Let's... get... dangerous!

You got the Pinkie Pie ending.



<p align="center"></p>

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Concept: Random MSN convo,
Design: YomToxic
Ideas: Chaos, AFH, Reina,
Emovan, Lime,
Delicious Food: Shiya. Chaos.
Art: Newpurple, YomToxic,
google image search.
Music: Borrowed from old FH
games and the archives and
Metal Gear and the sky is
Extra Music by Omegeist
"Dusk Breaker"(battle)
Scriptwriting: YomToxic, AFH,
and Chaos.
Extra scripts by Airman.
Extra ideas also by Airman.
Google search; Best hentai
Additional help: Greed_the_
Avaricious or Queen Chrys
(maintenance and
Inspiration: Sim_man.
Beta testers: You know
who you are.
Dedicated to those lovable
pony-fans who really
wanted a sim-date.

Concept: Random MSN convo,
Design: YomToxic
Ideas: Chaos, AFH, Reina,
Emovan, Lime,
Delicious Food: Shiya.
Art: Newpurple, YomToxic,
google image search.
Music: Borrowed from old FH
games and the archives.
Scriptwriting: YomToxic, AFH,
and Chaos.
Additional help: Greed_the_
Avaricious (maintenance and
Inspiration: Sim_man.
Dedicated to those lovable
pony-fans who really
wanted  a sim-date.

Thanks for playing!

Secrets found:

<p align="center"></p>



Restart Game

Respawn again

*As you get close, Pinkie Pie starts
snickering like a maniac. You freak the fuck
out and get back.*

???: I hear you're new in town. Welcome to
Ponyville! My name's Rainbow Dash. What's

<p align="right"></p>

Eeerrrp... ahh... urrrhhh...

Rainbow Dash: You are a foul creature, evil
beyond all hope and reason. You will die!
*she pours skag down your ears*

Rainbow Dash: You must be pretty damn
high if you can't remember your own name.
I like that!

*Rainbow Dash flies off. That went better
than expected.*

Rainbow Dash: Allright, well then... I'll see
you around.

Rainbow Dash: You been hit by, you've been struck
by, a Smooth Criminal!. Aaow!.

Rainbow Dash: Whoops, hahaha, just singing along
to a classic favourite of mine. Don't mention this
to ANYONE! Byelo!

Rainbow Dash: ...

Rainbow Dash: I like Albert Kush Weed. But there's
something even more wild on the scene.

Rainbow Dash: It's called the Pink Wizard's Pubes.
Angel keeps saying he won't stock it, so I'm
pretty bummed about it.

Rainbow Dash: What's the weirdest thing you've
ever seen, ever?

Rainbow Dash: I'd say its Angel going to the school
almost every friday night.. What could he be doing
there? I'm too lazy to find out.

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie does all sorts of drugs,
but how does she keep her eyes non-bloodshot?

Rainbow Dash: Well, I'm going to stalk her for 25
hours a day and find out! Bye!

Rainbow Dash: Man, Angel. He tried to shoot me
when I pointed out he had cut the pure cocaine I
asked him to get for Pinkie Pie's birthday.

Rainbow Dash: What a jerk! Someone should do
something aout his bullshit. I'm gonna go home and
plot his downfall!.

Rainbow Dash: I really like weed. Sure, I've tried
cocaine before, but weed really fits my mojo.

Rainbow Dash: Weed is cheaper than cocaine, too.
That's a big plus if you're working by yourself.

Rainbow Dash: I really wanted to move to
Canterlot, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO some stallion
bought the house not MINUTES before me.

Rainbow Dash: Hmph, just because he's in the good
graces of Princess Celestia. He got lucky. But...
there will always be a next time.

Rainbow Dash: Controlling Equestria's weather is
tough. Sometimes, I just take a pot break on the
clouds when I feel like it.

Rainbow Dash: You should try it sometime. Trust me
- it's the best experience ever.

Rainbow Dash: Sometimes, I love playing pranks.
Here's my favourite prank so far.

Rainbow Dash: I stalk Pinkie Pie, wait until she
zonks out from the coke she snorts, then lift her to
the cliffs! It's hilarious, I tell ya what! Ahahaha!

Rainbow Dash: Ah, I had so much fun last night.
Guess what I did?

Rainbow Dash: Hehaheh! I smoked 20 blunts and
went flying, and flying, and flying!. Best
experience ever! Whoohoo!

Rainbow Dash: Hey, you know what salvia is?

Rainbow Dash: It's short for Salvia Divinorum. Pinkie
Pie introduced me to the stuff. And you know, it's
not so bad.

Rainbow Dash: I like Rainbow Dye. It really suits
my colorful persona. The only problem?

Rainbow Dash: That shit's really expensive.
Sometimes, I have no idea why I bother.

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie was trying to set my
legs on fire some time back. Said something about
learning to fly or something.

Rainbow Dash: That was pretty surreal. She jumped
off the roof of her house, and CRASHED into a pile
of coke she had readied. WEEEEEIRD, right?

Rainbow Dash: Man, this is the worst. Celestia
yelled at me for doing my job while "under the

FISH. Pot is top!. She can go play crackwhore with
the palace guards!

Rainbow Dash: Yo. How's life?

Rainbow Dash: For me, it's great. I'm gonna go take
today off, and let Canterlot get some CRAZY
weather!. Heh hah heh!

Rainbow Dash: Celestia says I don't take my job
seriously. Pfffftch. If that's what she thinks...

Rainbow Dash: let's see how she likes an orgy with
her fuckbuddies while it rains non-stop outside!.

Rainbow Dash: I had a close brush with Angel
today. I accidentally short-changed him, and he
pulled out a gun on me!

Rainbow Dash: Of course, I dropped my purse while
I ran, which had 200 more bits and he called it
even. Hmph. One of these days...

Rainbow Dash: You know, if Angel stops stocking
his Albert Kush, I'm gonna get him. Just grab him,
fly him real high, then drop him!

Rainbow Dash: SPLAT!. No more Angel! Ha ha ha!
Well, I'm out... byelo!

Rainbow Dash: My favourite sport? Hmm... that's a
tough one. I love watching all sorts of sports...

Rainbow Dash: Hmm... I'd pick airobatics. I do it for
the thrill of being. =]

Rainbow Dash: You know what would be funny?
If Applejack started selling real apples!.

Pinkie Pie: I mean, look at her. She's from an apple
farm, but her shop doesnt sell apples? Wtf? Crazy,

Rainbow Dash: Oh hay, soup!. Wanna know
something awesome and super amazing?

Rainbow Dash: .... daaaaaaaaaaaaaa......
I'm ON SHROOOMS! Laaa laalalalaalaalaaa!!
*She flies off, doing cartwheels in the air*

*Rainbow Dash approaches you, concern etched on
her face*
Rainbow Dash: I have a very important question.

Rainbow Dash: Why does Pinkie Pie keep calling me

Rainbow Dash: Wouldn't it be funny if Pinkie Pie
and I switched places?

Rainbow Dash: Why, you ask? Because I'd be able to
goof off... ALL DAY LONG! That's why!

Rainbow Dash: Hey, I just had the brilliantest
idea EVER!!!!!1111oneoneelevenntyone

Rainbow Dash: What if I mixed weed, salvia and
XTC together, then dumped the stuff in a

Rainbow Dash: Angel's a drug dealer. He's set up
shop in the everfree forest. He's not a daytime
person, though.

Rainbow Dash: If you want to buy from him,
approach him at night... well, okay, Imma go home

Rainbow Dash: Bluh. Celestia worked me to the
bone today. "responsibility!" she says! Pfft!

Rainbow Dash: Sometimes, I wish I could quit my job
and just derp around like my friend Pinkie Pie!

Rainbow Dash: I really like the cliffs. Somehow,
when I stand at the edge, the winds blowing
gently through my hair, the stars shining above...

Rainbow Dash: That's the moment when I feel so
happy to be alive.

Rainbow Dash: I heard this rumor... not sure if it's
true or not though. People are saying that there's
someone who supplies Angel with drugs.

Rainbow Dash:... they say, this person is a fetus in
a trash can, and he makes Angel look like a
fucking saint!.

Rainbow Dash: You know the cool thing about
Albert Kush?

Rainbow Dash: It has this distinct flavor. You can
easily tell if someone has cut it. So, Angel doesn't
try to do that.... much.

Rainbow Dash: Before Love Hina Sim Date and
Galaxy Angel Sim Date, there was this game
called EVA4; The Sim Date.

Rainbow Dash: I've never played it before, but the
reviewers are saying it's fairly good. So, I plan to
check it out.

Rainbow Dash: Ever watched this crazy show
called Bo-bobo? It's pretty fun, I think...

Rainbow Dash: You'll only truly get it if you
understand Japanese and are slightly buzzed.

Rainbow Dash: Ah man, guess what?. I got my
paycheck. Yeap. Guess what I'm gonna do?

Rainbow Dash: I'm gonna goof off until next
payday! Aaahahahahhaa!

dream ever.

Rainbow Dash: I was watching Princess Celestia get
it on with her palace guards, when... SUDDENLY!~
Queen Chrysalis starts eating me out! FREAKY, huh?

Rainbow Dash: Ah, man. I finished work early for
today. There's gonna be some nice cloud cover
later tonight. I'm gonna sleep like a log!

Rainbow Dash: But first, I gotta make a quick
stopover to Everfree Forest and refill my pot
stash. Byelo!

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie was broke the other day.
She really needs to switch to weed. It's less
expensive than coke.

Rainbow Dash: Heck, she's already quite hyperactive
without the coke. I have trouble just keeping up
with her when she goes crazy.

Rainbow Dash: GAH! This is the shit! SOMEONE
doped my weed with cocaine!. I went and tried to
eat the fucking sun or some shit!

Rainbow Dash: Worst of all, Celestia, the high and
mighty chewed me out pretty badly for it. Screw
this!. I'm gonna stay at home and goof off!.

Rainbow Dash: I watched some hentai with Pinkie
Pie and Applejack some days ago. If you'd like, I
can hook you up with it.

Rainbow Dash: ...DAMNNIT! My pendrive's missing! I
remember I had it when I was flying to Ponyville!
Oh well. Here's the password.


Rainbow Dash: Hey, did you notice something weird
about Applejack?

Rainbow Dash: I noticed that she never leaves her
shop. Like, EVER. Doesn't she have a farm to run?

Rainbow Dash: Celestia always seems to catch me
napping at work. Bah. I have a plan!

Rainbow Dash: I'm going to climb this tree... and
sleep in it!
*She proceeds to climb the tree in question and
starts napping.*

Rainbow Dash: Have you ever sniffed those dyes
Applejack sells at her shops? No? Yes?

Rainbow Dash: The Pink Dye... kinda smells like...

Rainbow Dash: I have a collection of coca cola at
my house. Pinkie Pie thinks it's all cocaine,

Rainbow Dash: I don't know HOW she does it, but
I've seen her try to break into my house sometimes.

Rainbow Dash: Once, I was goofing off on a cloud,
when I had this weird dream.

Rainbow Dash: I dreamt that I was a foal stuck in
a mad scientist's laboratory, and he was looking for
foals to dissect!. AAAAHHHHHH!

Rainbow Dash: They say when night falls, most
ponies shun it and go to sleep.

Rainbow Dash: Not me. I kind of liek flying at
night. The lights below, the stars above... it just
feels so fantastic!.

Rainbow Dash: Hey.. guess what? I trolled Pinkie
Pie today. Showed her a video of me doing
naughty stuff......

AHAHHAHA! Epic, huh?

Rainbow Dash: I hear Habbo's been shut off... not
really shut off. Just muted. Basically, yeah... big
time fuckup.

Rainbow Dash: You could say... Habbo's closed, due to
Pedophiles! Hah!

Rainbow Dash: *Yawns* I spent like the whole
day goofing off at home. Got me a sweet pair of
headphones to help pass the time, too!

Rainbow Dash: Srsly. you should listen to the mad
bass on that thing someday. Mind blowin'.

Rainbow Dash: Mwahahaha! I totally fucked up
Angel's shit today!

Rainbow Dash: I paid for his shitty product with.....
bottlecaps! Fucker didn't even notice!

Rainbow Dash: I had a pleasant surprise today. I
ran across some old VHS tapes of Ren and Stimpy.

Rainbow Dash: Whooey, that made my day!.
,,, brb rewatching again. (She flies off)

Rainbow Dash: I want to learn Korean, but the
stuff REALLY looks like alien moon runes or some

Rainbow Dash: I guess I'll just watch subtitled
dramas again... while blazed.

Rainbow Dash: Gah! I've had it with Celestia
looking down on me, saying I don't work hard
enough!. I'm gonna prove her snotty highness

Rainbow Dash: ......... tommorow. I'm just gonna nap
naow. Byelo!

*Rainbow Dash is sitting by the tree, looking

*As you approach, she sighs and looks you straight
in the eyes.*

You: Why the long face?

Rainbow Dash: Well, for starters, I'm pissed off, I
don't feel like flying and today is a working day
for me. Should I go on?

You: ... no.

Rainbow Dash: Dammnit, an epic pie would fix me
right up, but fucking fuck, I can't afford it!

Sure, I'll get you an epic pie!

Epic pie, eh? They're so nice...

Rainbow Dash: Damn right, foo!. Now, I need to sit
my butt down here and plan to get me one. What
to do, what to do...

Rainbow Dash: Ow man. I'm really hurtin' for an
epic pie now. Be quick, willya?

Rainbow Dash: Sweet job on getting that damn
pie, my friend!. Allright, I can has pie?

Here ya go, pal.

Nooo, I wanted it!

Rainbow Dash: ... that's it, time to die, you

*Rainbow Dash grabs your legs and hauls you into
the sky, then lets you free-fall. The impact
snaps your neck. The last thing you see is her
licking your hooves.*

*Rainbow Dash's eyes widen as you give her the
Epic Pie. In a few, swift bites, it's gone, paper
plate and all.*

Rainbow Dash: *burps* Aww yah! I needed that!



Your relationship with Rainbow Dash
is now

<p align="center"></p>

Rainbow Dash: Well, I'm all okay now. See you
later, and thanks!
*she flies off and waves at you before vanishing*

Rainbow Dash: Yo!. I see you're fitting in well
and learning to take it easy!

Rainbow Dash: Let's see just HOW good you've
learnt to take it easy, with some trivia!

QUESTION!. What's the best chill-out aid EVER?

Rainbow Dash: *facepalm* No, WRONG. Cocaine's for
fucking wageslaves! Its not chill-out! It's slave-
away!. Stupid shit!. *she then flies off*

Rainbow Dash: Ding! That's the right answer!.
Yup!. Good job!. *she pats you on the head before
flying off, giggling*

Rainbow Dash: Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUCK!

You: Hey, what's wrong?

Rainbow Dash: I'm in BIG TROUBLE, that's what!

You: Why? What's wrong?

Rainbow Dash: I was delivering some cupcakes to
my friend Pinkie Pie when THEY appeared... outta


You: Ah, well, let's go and find your bag, then!
I'm sure they don't know how to open it!.

Rainbow Dash: Hahaha, oh... I had never thought of
that!. Boy, that was silly of me, huh?

*You and Rainbow Dash arrive in the everfree
forest, home of the Parasprites*

Rainbow Dash: Allright. Let's start looking. I'll
check the higher branches. You check the ground.

You: Okay. Let me know if you find it.

Rainbow Dash: You too.

*Rainbow Dash flies off. You decide to check the
ground area carefully.*

You find a bag!

You: Hey! Rainbow Dash! I think I found your bag!

Rainbow Dash: Phew! I was thinking this'd be a
waste of time!

*Rainbow Dash takes a peep in the bag*
Rainbow Dash: All the cupcakes are fine, too!
Okay, bye! I have a delivery to make!

*Rainbow Dash flies off towards the exit.
Exhausted, you walk towards your house.*

Rainbow Dash: There you are! I've been looking for

You: Yeah? What happened?

Rainbow Dash: I realized that I never thanked you
properly for helping me find my bag!

Rainbow Dash: Hahaha, I can be such a scatterbrain

Rainbow Dash: So, here, take this. That's for being
super awesome. ;)

You: Sweet. Always wanted to try that out. :)

Your relationship with Rainbow
Dash is now

<p align="center"></p>

Rainbow Dash: You stay frosty now, eh? Laters!

Rainbow Dash: Hey hey hey! You'll never guess
what time it is!

You: Yeah? What time is it?

Rainbow Dash: It's 100% RAAAAAAANDOM Trivia Time!

Question! What does Sanguine mean?

Bloody, or bloodshed

Cheerfully optimistic

Rainbow Dash: No, no, no! WRONG! That's
SANGUINARY, not SANGUINE! Get your act together!.
*she flies off*

Rainbow Dash: Not bad, not bad at all. I'm
impressed. You've really outdone yourself.

Rainbow Dash: Well, I'm feeling a bit tired, so I'll
head back home. Later, genius!

*Rainbow Dash is here. She looks somewhat upset.*

*Rainbow Dash notices you and quickly takes off.*
You'll need at least 51 Soul to get her to talk

*Rainbow Dash notices you and is about to take
take off when you gently but firmly grab her by
the shoulder. You feel her muscles tensing.*

Rainbow Dash: Leggo! Nothing's wrong, you idiot!
Leggo my leg!

Rainbow Dash: ....

You: ....

*Rainbow Dash suddenly stars ranting*

You: Look, why don't you tell me what's going on
so I can help you out?

*Rainbow Dash calms down somewhat*
Rainbow Dash: Promise not to laugh?

You: I promise. What's happening?

Rainbow Dash: It's that fucking snot Celestia! She
caught me napping at the palace and assigned me
to clean the rainbows for a week!

Rainbow Dash: And that's not the worst! I'm clean
out of money and the rainbow dye I need!. My
deadline is coming up!. I'm at my wit's end!

Rainbow Dash: And Applejack refuses to even REDUCE
the fucking price, even though I promised her I'd
pay her back! For just one lousy rainbow dye!

That sounds real tough. Good luck.

Don't worry. I'll help you.

Rainbow Dash: Bleh.
*she shakes herself loose, and flies off.*

Rainbow Dash: ... really?

You: That's what I said I'd do. You just take it
easy and let your pal deal with this problem!.

Rainbow Dash: O-okay.

Rainbow Dash: Before you go, though... there's
something you should know. Rainbow Dye is pretty
expensive. 400 bits a bottle!

You: I'll keep that in mind. All you need is one
bottle, right?

Rainbow Dash: Yeah....I'll be waiting... I gotta go
home and rest. I'm winded. Bye bye!

*Rainbow Dash flies off towards her house. You get
the feeling she's really counting on you for this

*Rainbow Dash is here. She looks at you nervously.*

Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dye. I need just one bottle
of the stuff. I know getting it will be hard, but...
Please hurry.

Rainbow Dash: Is that... rainbow dye? Can I have
it? Please?

No. This one's mine. Sorry.

Of course! It's all yours!

Rainbow Dash: You worthless piece of shit! You will
*She pulls out a pen out of NOWHERE and stabs
you in the eye with it.*

*Your brain is hit, and hemorrhages pretty badly.
As your eyesight dims, you percieve Rainbow Dash
drinking down the rainbow dye and flying off.*

*You give Rainbow Dash the rainbow dye*

Rainbow Dash: Oh sweet! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!
Well, I can't hang around now! Laters!

*Rainbow Dash leaves you behind in a Sonic

*Rainbow Dash is here. She waves you over.*

Rainbow Dash: Whooey! Hail, to our saviour!.

You: Hah, how'd your assignment go?

Rainbow Dash: SPLENDIDLY!. I got promoted back to
my old job for it too! It's all thanks to you!

You: You're welcome. I'm always here for you when
you need me. ;)

Rainbow Dash: You're so fucking cool!

You can now visit Rainbow Dash's
house in the evening.

<p align="center"></p>

Rainbow Dash: If you feel like hanging out with me
at my place, you're quite welcome to. Bye!

It seems Rainbow Dash isn't home.

Rainbow Dash's house is silent. It seems she's asleep.

Rainbow Dash: Welcome to my secret hideout!
...Make yourself comfortable!.

<p align="right"></p>

Rainbow Dash is here. Along with Angel

<p align="right"></p>

Angel: Who the fuck are you? Get outta here, this
shit isn't your fucking concern, capiche?.

You: I'd ask you the same, myself.


Ignore him and talk to Dash.

Back off. He means business.

Angel: And don't come back, fuckface!

You: So, Dash, buddy, what's happening?

*Rainbow Dash, who's been quiet for some time,



You: That's right. Angel... your accusation is

Angel: ..... what the fuck ever! I could fucking kill
you both!. So fucking watch your whore mouths,

*Angel contemptously spits on the ground, then hops

Rainbow Dash: Phew! Good grief! I thought I was
gonna get mauled for sure! Thanks!

You: Anytime. That was close, though.

Rainbow Dash: Bet the little fucktard is just upset
because people don't buy from him anymore.

You: Yeah. He kinda sounded desperate to shake you

Rainbow Dash: Well, I'm heading back home. Drop by
if you feel like it! Laters!

*You find Rainbow Dash pacing around, mumbling to

You: Hey, what's with the 'expecting father' act?
You allright?

Rainbow Dash: Yes! No! YEs! AGH!

Rainbow Dash: I've been selected to join the

Rainbow Dash: But...

Rainbow Dash: ...

You: What?

Rainbow Dash: ...NOTHING! BYE!
*she flies off*

You'll need at least 100 Soul to get her to tell
you the truth.

Rainbow Dash: ...NOTHING! BYE!
*she gears to lift off when you confront her*

You: Be honest. Something's wrong, isn't it?

Rainbow Dash: .....

Rainbow Dash: *sIgh* I guess there's no point in
trying to deny it. Yeah, I hit a snag.

You: Yeah? What kind of snag?

Rainbow Dash: Apparently, they charge an upfront-
fee of 600 bits for the final exam!. Seriously,
that's bullshit!

600 bits!? You're right, that's nuts!

600 bits is a lot, but I'll help ya raise it.

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* This sucks.
*she walks off*

Rainbow Dash: Really? You'd do that for me?

You: Hey, what are friends for?. You just relax
and let your pal deal with this problem.

Rainbow Dash: Okay. I'll be waiting right here.

*Rainbow Dash waves you over*
Rainbow Dash: Hey, hey! How goes it?

Any luck gathering the money?

I've got 600 bits!

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* I've been trying, but no luck.
How's things on your side?

You: I'm working on it. You just watch!.

Rainbow Dash: Okay. I trust you.
Please hurry.

Rainbow Dash: Nowai! You got the money?!

You: YA WAY! Just like I promised!
*You give her the 600 bits*

Rainbow Dash: Look, thanks so much! I have to go
and sign in now!
*she flies off, but not before she kisses your cheek*

Rainbow Dash: Hey you! *she hugs you*

You: You seem happy! Did something awesome

Rainbow Dash: Damn right! I managed to enter the
finals just in time, thanks to you!

You: How well did you do?

Rainbow Dash: They said I did pretty well, but
they're gonna post exam scores later...

You: I see. Well, congrats on making it!

Rainbow Dash: Oh no, no, no. If anyone deserves
congratulaions, its you and your entreprenurial

Rainbow Dash: Don't you get it? Without you, I'd be
roiling as a deadbeat for another year! So...
thank you...

<p align="center"></p>

Rainbow Dash: Well, I'm gonna head home now. Come
by if you feel like it! My doors are always open
to you!.

Rainbow Dash: I wonder if they've put up our
grades in Cloudsdale. I'd love to see, but that trip...
DAAAAAANG. It's a really long haul.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, you. Thanks for the fun time!
Why don't you drop by to my house so we can have
moar fun? Hmmm?

You: Sure thing. ;) I'll be seein' ya soon.
Expect me.

Play a game with Dashie

Rainbow Dash: I've never let anypony in my house
before, did you know that?

Rainbow Dash: You should feel honored. ^_^

Rainbow Dash: My room is officially 20% cooler
than anyones' in Equestria.

Rainbow Dash: How do I know? Lots and lots of fan

Rainbow Dash: Do you dye your hair? I wish I
could dye mine. The color of my rainbow are a
bit off.

Rainbow Dash: But I hear sniffing rainbow paint is

Rainbow Dash: The only drug I feel comfortanle is
weed. Everything else just rubs me the wrong

Rainbow Dash: ..... everything except salvia. I like
Salvia Divinorum. A lot.

Rainbow Dash: Some call me lazy. But here's a
fact - I really LIKE flying, Could a lazy pony
do the Sonic Rainboom?

Rainbow Dash: Damn right, they can't!

Rainbow Dash: I love the sky at night. When I
fly above the clouds, I just feel... magical.

Rainbow Dash: I wish I had someone to share this
experience with.

Rainbow Dash: I met Pinkie Pie some time ago.
Seemed focussed on some 'treaure' on the beach.

Rainbow Dash: Shame she doesn't have a portable
metal detector.

Rainbow Dash: I recently found out the truth
about Celestia. She likes...

Rainbow Dash: She's an omnidrugvore.

Rainbow Dash: I don't follow videogaming much.

Rainbow Dash: ... so why do raptors need iron?


Rainbow Dash:..... whoops, hahaha, don't mind me.
Just playin' a little lyric spam.

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie pranked me pretty hard once.
Bowls of rotted cheese! I ate them without even
tasting or smelling them!

Rainbow Dash: In hindsight, I shouldn't have made
her smoke that bowl.

Rainbow Dash: You know something cool? What
would happen if I learned how to do the Sonic
Rainboom non-stop?

Rainbow Dash: I'd ace the Wonderbolts entrance
exam easily. ;)

Rainbow Dash: Have you met Derpy Hooves? She's
been seen around the Pasture.

Rainbow Dash: Is she really trying to go to school?

Rainbow Dash: Wanna know a secret about me?

Rainbow Dash: When I was little, I was scared of
heights. How time changes stuff, huh?

Rainbow Dash: Someday, I hope to teach all the
ponies to fly.

Rainbow Dash: Then everyone would learn to
appreciate the fine quality of Albert Kush!.

Rainbow Dash: What would I do for a Klondike

Rainbow Dash: I'd nude-model for Celestia.
Yeah, I'm serious.

Rainbow Dash: I really look forward to annual
racing events.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah. That's what makes life worth
living to me. The thrill of a good race!

Rainbow Dash: Princess Celestia isn't who she
appears to be. Sure, she's all regal and cool and

Rainbow Dash: But she's also a sex-maniac. Yeap...
she took on 4 royal guards at once!. I saw the
whole thing!

Rainbow Dash: Do you know how to play

Rainbow Dash: Well, I'm stumped! I have the worst
luck EVER!

Rainbow Dash: I'm kind of excited. My future as a
member of the Wonderbolts...

Rainbow Dash: Yeaaaaaah, I can see it now. Me, a

Rainbow Dash: Ah man. I'm totally gonna get
blazed later tonight. Got a whole stack of blunts
on me.

Rainbow Dash: Getting blazed is good for your soul.
You should try out some Albert Kush when you're
alone at home, too.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, hey! I had a brilliant idea!

Rainbow Dash: We should totally dress up as
monsters and go crash Celestia's secret sex orgies.
That'll teach her to call me a layabout!

Rainbow Dash: Hey, guess what? I went and
bought me some extra rainbow dyes, just in case I
get demoted again.

Rainbow Dash: So like Scar says... BE PREPARED!

Rainbow Dash: I've figured out how to read books.
Isn't that amazing?

Rainbow Dash: So when no one's looking, I sneak
into the library to lern new stuffz.

Rainbow Dash: I was wondering how Celestia
actually moves the sun.

Rainbow Dash: I tried peeping on her, but damn, dat
sun. Always blocking the view! Fucking magnets!
How do they work?

Rainbow Dash: Celestia came to visit some time
back. Said I was doing better since we started
hanging out.

Rainbow Dash: But then, you know what she did?
She invited me to her sex orgies! Crazy shit, huh?

Rainbow Dash: How many blunts can you smoke at

Rainbow Dash: My personal record stands at two.
And dont ask me about chain-smoking.

Rainbow Dash: I once had this weird dream about
Luna and Celestia. They're supposed to be sisters,

Rainbow Dash: Well, it did'nt stop them from
hitting it off!. Crazy dream, huh?

Rainbow Dash: I've never actually drunk rainbow
dye, despite what anyone else says.

Rainbow Dash: Because it tastes like bitter distilled
coffee! Eugh!

Rainbow Dash: Once, Pinkie Pie climbed up here to
take pics of me asleep.

Rainbow Dash: So I fus-roh-dah'd her right outta
the window!. How she survived that is a mystery
to me!

Rainbow Dash: My favourite place? It's the cliff. I
usually sneak in there after it's closed, to get
the best views. ;)

Rainbow Dash: I understand it, though. People like
Pinkie Pie are bad with heights. It's for their own
safety. Me, I got wings!

Rainbow Dash: You look tired. You should get some

Rainbow Dash: Want to play a game? I call it, Cup
and blunts. You'll need one blunt to play the

I'll get a blunt and get back to ya.

Sure, here's a blunt! Let's play!

Rainbow Dash: Awwie. Well, don't worry about it,
then. We'll play some other time.

Rainbow Dash: Allright then! Let's play!

I'm ready! SHUFFLE!

Click on a cup to select it.

Congrats! You win the 300 bit prize!

You fucked up and lost! Dope!

*Rainbow Dash deftly dodges you.*
Rainbow Dash: You're acting weird. Don't do that.
(You need to get closer to Dash to do that.)

*Rainbow Dash evades you, then delivers a sharp
rearkick that has you flying out of her window,
and plummeting to the ground, 100 feet below.*

Rainbow Dash: S'cool. I like you too.

You share a tender moment in Rainbow Dash's arms...

Rainbow Dash: Naah. I'm too lazy. Maybe later.
(You need to be closer to her to date her.)

Rainbow Dash: Let's do something else. Something...

Rainbow Dash: Suuuure. But only if we're
going to the cliffs.

You: You really like those cliffs, eh? Well,
let's go - but be careful, ok?

You and Rainbow Dash head off to the cliffs.

Rainbow Dash: Yahooo!! I really like the cliffs -
but even MORE at night!

You: Really? Why do you love it more?

Rainbow Dash: The gentle starlight from above! The
gentle breeze from all sides! The great view

You: Good point.

Rainbow Dash: I come up here a lot,
especially when it's late at night.

Rainbow Dash: I can perform at my absolute
best, when no one is around do criticize me!

Rainbow Dash: Psst, here's a secret about me!
I trust you, so I'll tell you.

Rainbow Dash: I eat sand, white sand and

Rainbow Dash: You know, I've been thinking...

Rainbow Dash: How'd I do in the Wonderbolts
Exams? For some reason, I think I can bear
to look now. Shall we?

Rainbow Dash: Let's do something else...

Rainbow Dash: We just got here. Boy, you're
an impatient one. ;)
Let's just goof off for now.

Rainbow Dash: What are you doing? Let's
take that memorial picture now!

You: Say, is there anything you really,
really wanted to do?

Rainbow Dash: Well, yeah...

You: What's that?

Rainbow Dash: I've been goofing off, trying
to avoid it... but I have to make a trip to

You: This is about that exam you took,

Rainbow Dash: I've been so afraid of failing,
I never could work up the guts to make the
flight there.

You: Pft, no matter what you get, pass or
fail, you'll always be the best Wonderbolt
to me, Dash. Because you're my friend!

Rainbow Dash: Really?

Rainbow Dash: In that case, I have nothing
to fear!. Let's go to CLoudsdale!

You: But I can't fly... :/

Rainbow Dash: No worries! I'll just carry
you on my back! Climb on, and we'll be off!

You: Um, okay.

Rainbow Dash: Hold on tight! Here comes a

After a short, but exhilarating flight, you and
Rainbow Dash arrive at Cloudsdale.

Rainbow Dash: Well, here we are. Cloudsdale.
The stomping grounds of the Wonderbolts.

You: You ready?

Rainbow Dash: Well, it doesn't matter

You: Then, let's go.

*Rainbow Dash and you make your way to
the sign board showing the scores.*

This year's Ace

Rainbow Dash

Please report to the Wonderbolt Ace Acaedemy.

You: Well well!

Rainbow Dash: lemme guess. I failed, right?
.... oh....

Rainbow Dash: oh wow! oh wow! Oh wow! OH

You: Nice job, Dash! I knew you could pull

*Rainbow Dash is overwhlemed. She just
stands there, smiling.*

You: Hey, should't you be reporting into this
acaedemy to collect your certificate?

Rainbow Dash:..... oh yeah... it might take a
while, though. That okay with you?

You: Don't worry. I know how important this
is for you, so go right ahead. I'll wait for
you back at the cliffs.

Rainbow Dash: Trust me on this. You will
NOT wait long.

*Rainbow Dash flies off into the acaedemy*
*You decide to explore Cloudsdale for a bit.
before going back to the cliffs.*

Cloudsdale has a great view, too - but the
city's layout is a bit confusing and you
don't like it.

So, after a while, you board a hot air
balloon and head down to the cliff.

Suddenly, you hear a familiar noise.

was that, huh?

You: That's... that was surprisingly quick,

You: So, what happened?

You: This happened. *she shows you a pair
of goggles*

You: That's... holy shit!.

Rainbow Dash: Yeap! The trophy every
aspiring flyer hopes for! The crown jewel
of the Ace of the Wonderbolt Acaedemy!.

You: Congratulations! I knew you had it in

Rainbow Dash: You're the one who actually
made it happen, remember? I owe you big

You: Awwie. Don't mention it.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, we should totally take
a memorial picture, just to capture this
awesome moment!

Rainbow Dash: THEN we can distribute it to
all the people who's been talking shit about

You: Have anyone in particular in mind?

Rainbow Dash: Sure - how about Ms. Mary
Sue Celestia? She's been telling me I'll
never amount to anything!

You: Heh. Allright.

Rainbow Dash: Here's my camera. Be sure to
take a good shot, fucknuts!

Rainbow Dash: I bet you'll fap all over it,
you lovable sick fuck. ;)
Let's do something else.

Rainbow Dash: Allright. Be sure to take a
truly awesome shot that captures me and

You: Sure. Ready?

Rainbow Dash: ...NO!. Wait! Lemme put on my
winner's proof!

Rainbow Dash: There we go. I'm

Rainbow Dash: Allright, lemme see that shot.

Rainbow Dash: ...

Rainbow Dash: Absofuckalutely perfect. Now
let's get this mass-produced! Off we go to
Canterlot! Climb on!

You: You sure you'll be okay? This is the
second time today...

Rainbow Dash: I've been waiting... FOR SO
LONG for this moment! To show that stuck up
princess that I HAVE WHAT IT TAKES!

Rainbow Dash: So, let's go!.

You: RIght behind you, my friend.

You and Rainbow Dash proceed to engage in
various acts of nonsensical celebrations and
vandalism on Celestia's palace.

After a daring escape from the royal
guards, Rainbow Dash flies you back to the

Rainbow Dash: Whaaahhhoooo! I really
wanted to *hic* show up that bish! Ha Ha

You: *hic* oh maaaannn... we shottaly shtuck
this HUUUUUGE portrait of that shot RIGHT
ON her palashe!.

Rainbow Dash: Yeapsh... this ish sho crazy
an' complecksh and cool! *hic*

You: Yeah?*hic* Why?



You: Ummm... *hic*

Rainbow Dash: I knew itsh. You do *hic*
understand. Cm'here.

Rainbow Dash: ... yeah, you're more than just
a friend to me now. I hope you feel the
same way....

Your relationship with Rainbow Dash
is now

<p align="center"></p>

You're now Rainbow Dash's girlfriend.
Good job! Now go on and have fun!

Rainbow Dash: I'm... I'm so happy!. *hic*

You: Yeah. I'm just glad you got to
accomplish your dreams.

Rainbow Dash: Thank you, agai*hic*n. But ya
know... I'd better go home... I'msh... sheeing

*After walking Rainbow Dash to her place,
you return home, and collapse on the bed.*
=3 pomf

Rainbow Dash: Hey, hey! Wouldn't it be
funny if you slipped and fell off? Hahaha!

Rainbow Dash: Oh hay~!
Why dont you drop by to my house later? We
should totally have an awesome fun time. ;)

Rainbow Dash: Aw you. Cm'here.

Rainbow Dash: Hahaha! You're such a good
kisser!. Let's try something crazy!

You: Crazy, huh? What do you have in mind?

Rainbow Dash: Just turn out the lights. ;)

You: Uh, okay. Sure.

Rainbow Dash: I'm ready. You can turn on
the light now.

Rainbow Dash: By crazy, I mean, we have
sex while wearing cakes on our head! You

You: Fucking hell yes. Let's do this.

Rainbow Dash: Yaaaaaaahhhhhhh!! I feel so

Rainbow Dash: Let's go!

You: Ah, again?

Rainbow Dash: No, you dope! Let's go have
moar secks on a cloud!

You: lead on. ;)

You got the Rainbow Dash ending.

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>


It's early morning when you are jarred awake
by knocking at your door.

You find Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash waiting
for you. They smell like sex, blood, burnt fur,
cocaine, gore and pot.

You: Well, this is particularly strange. What

Pinkie Pie: Hee hee heee heehehehehheheee!!!

Rainbow Dash: Well, we kind of... well... we kind
of ambushed Angel, killed him, raped his corpse,
while snorting coke and smoking weed.

Rainbow Dash: ...then we burned his corpse.


Rainbow Dash: So, yeah, we're gonna go hide
in Canterlot until the heat dies down. We just
popped by to say goodbye!


Rainbow Dash: Allright, we're off. Pinkie Pie's
having an OD attack. Byelo!

*Rainbow Dash carries Pinkie Pie and flies off
into the distance, leaving you alone.*

You: ...



You get: Bad Ending (Twilight Sparkle).
Get your act together!

Try again.

You get: Bad Ending (Fluttershy).
Get your act together!

You find Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. They look
nervous. Something terrible has happened.

Pinkie Pie: It wasn't my fault! I swear! I did'nt
MEAN to short-change him!

Rainbow Dash: ... yeah, that's what happened. We
went to buy some coke and weed for a special
occasion, and Pinkie Pie made a math mistake.

Rainbow Dash: ...then Angel lost his temper.

Pinkie Pie: It's really just a simple honest
mistake! You gotta help us! Hide us!

You: ... instead of hiding, why don't we all go
face him?


Rainbow Dash: You've got a point. There's 3 of
us, one of him.

You: Exactly. It's about time someone stood up
against him.

Pinkie Pie: ...

Rainbow Dash: So, Pinkie Pie!. Shall we go kick
that bunny's balls to pulp?

Pinkie Pie: .... yes. Lets do it.

*You go on ahead to the cliffs, where the deal
was supposed to have taken place.*

Angel: Step the fuck off, bitch! Or else I'm
gonna perforate your ass with my. .45!

You: Look, I know something's happened. I'm just
here to try and end it peacefully.

Angel: Fuck you! Nobody double-crosses me! Why
don't you bend over so I can ram your pansy,
pasty white ass, you crackwhore!?!


You: *sigh* I did try to resolve this peacefully.
Allright, you little fuzzball. Time to end this.

Angel: You three useless meatballs against me?
Pft, don't make me laugh.

You: Cmon, then... unless you're afraid.

Angel: Wrong thing to say, fuckface!




Healing Light. A healing spell. Heals
your HP by tiny increments. Best used
countering weak attacks.

Angel fires a pistol at you!

Your team unleashes hot fury! 3x hit!

You cast a healing spell!

Angel: I told you. No one can mess with me.
*Angel then kicks you three off the cliff.*

Angel: Goddamnit, how the fuck....

PILES OF SHIT... BECOME.... THIS...*cough**hack*

You: It's over, Angel. Give it up.

Angel: Fuck you, bitch! You've crossed the line into
painsville now!.

You: That remains to be seen. Finish him off,


Pinkie Pie: Wahahahaha! You totally punted the li'l
fucker off the cliff! AHAHAHAHAHAA!

Rainbow Dash: Yeap. Now let's see what the fucker
was stashin'.

*Inspecting Angel's corpse, you find the following

Angel's Corpse contained...

50,000 bits

30 units of cocaine.

15 Albert Kush

You: Hah, the fucktard was so greedy, he didnt even
stash his cash!

Pinkie Pie: So, how do we divvy up the loot?

You: Pinkie, you can have the coke, Dash, you should
take the blunts, I'll take the money. How's that?

Pinkie Pie: Fuck yes! You're the boss!

Rainbow Dash: Yeah. Thanks so much!.

Pinkie Pie: You deserve more than just a thanks,

Rainbow Dash: I agree. Talking us into taking down
Angel was something either of us couldnt do.

You: You're welcome. :)

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie's right. We insist! Here, take

<p align="center"></p>

Rainbow Dash is now your love slave.
She is at your beck and call now.

Pinkie Pie: Me too! Me too!

<p align="center"></p>

You now own Pinkie Pie's heart, body
and soul. Show her a good time!

You: Aw, you shouldn't have.

Pinkie Pie: Well, if anyone doesnt have any
disagreements... LETS HAVE A RANDOM 3-SOME!

Rainbow Dash: YAY! THREESOME!

You: Well, if you insist...

Pinkie Pie: Cue the cheesy sex music!

You: Shit will go down now. ;)



You got the Epic Winrar End

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>

KIDS! Don't put your keys in power sockets!!!

You find some dog poop and some coins behind the
bush. Win some, lose some, right?

Score! You find a blunt hidden cleverly in a flower.

You find a scrap of paper stuck in the branches
of a tree far away. It looks like a code word or
some shit.


For an unknown reason, you find Cheerilee on top
of this palm tree.

Cheerilee: My head will explode.

You: WTF.


Cheerilee: 5

Cheerilee: 4

Cheerilee: 3

Cheerilee: 2

Cheerilee: 1

*Cheerilee's head explodes, dumping a bag of cocaine
in your face. Hey, finders keepers!*

Spinning Subarus: Congrats for finding us! As a
reward, please take this worthless scrap of

Spinning Subarus: Well, we must be off now.

*It smells like cocaine.*


You somehow manage to gain the attention of some
sort of loli airplane machine... I think.

Loli Airplane Machine: Peace and love. Remember that.

Loli Airplane Machine: Oh, and SPOILERS!!!

You find a portable datadrive device. It appears to be

Attempt to decrypt the device key

Leave it be.

<p align="center"></p>

Click on the screen
and enter the override
Press OK when done.

Passcode Accepted!


10,000 bits added!

All stats are now set to their maximum

Derpy: Hi! My name's Derpy Hooves!. I'm going to be
presenting these conversations which were left out
of the game since they were a BIT too crazy!

Derpy: The show must go on!
Scene 1!
Angel and Cheerilee get utterly rip-roarin' high!

Angel: Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude, this Chiyo-bud is totally out

Cheerilee: Yeaaaaaah, and mix it with cocaine... you
get something so magical, you couldn't describe it wif
your mouf!

Angel: Who prevented me from importing these things
anyway? Fucking shitbag, I'll rip all his fingers out!

Cheerilee: ...

Angel: ...

Angel: Oh yeah, that was me. I thought these buds
were just cheap synthetic shit. Hahahaha! What a
fucking shit I am!

Cheerilee: Whooooah! You really are stoned as fuck!
Damn, I really should try smoking more!

Angel: Ay! Wait! Don't you dare!


Angel: Holy fuck! Izzat j00, Cheerilee?

Cherilee: Damn riiiiiiiiiiiiiight BIAAAAAAAATCH!
Now I'm gonna go peep on people for no reason!

Angel: Oh fuck me. I'm so horny right now.

Derpy: Hahaha, wasn't expecting that, huh? Don't
worry! Eye didnt expect it either, and Eye'm the

Derpy: ... which leads to...
Scene 2! Fluttershy goes nuts!

Fluttershy: Hey hey heeyyy!

Fluttershy: What'd I tell y'all...

Fluttershy: ... about comin' in mah shed?!

Fluttershy: Dah, dah dah, I'm gonna sing a song for

Fluttershy: I'm gonna show you a thing or two!

Fluttershy: So, have a seat, my dear...

Fluttershy: ... and if it's all the same...

Fluttershy: ... just sit back, and relax,


Chorus: Laa laa laaa

Chorus: Eat your braaaaiiinnnnns!

Fluttershy: Brains! Brains! Brains!

Chorus: Laa laa la la laaaaaaah Braaaainnns!


Fluttershy: ... oh fuck.

Fluttershy: Oh fuck.

Derpy: RANDOM PARTY VAN ATTACK! Never gets old.

Derpy: And now, our final segment...
Celestia experiments with Salvia!

Celestia: So, here I am, in my room. The lights are
turned off, and I just ate some leaves that Dash
said would give me the biggest crazytrip ever.

Celestia: ...

Celestia: I feel like this has been a colossal waste of
my time and money. I'm going to find Dash and assign
her to menial duties in the sewers.

Celestia: Holy fuck! What was that!?.

Celestia: Oh shit. Oh shit. Ohshit. OhshitohshitohshitOHSHIT


Pinkie Pie: Ms. Celestia! I've got the stuff you wanted
me to ge- wtf are you doing to my broom?

Derpy: Haw haw haw! Broom right up her ass! I always
get a good chuckle outta that!

Derpy: Well, that ends the special 'insane convos' reel.
I hope you had a good laugh out of it all!
Bye everyone!

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
loadedbytes = getBytesLoaded(); totalbytes = getBytesTotal(); finalbytes = (loadedbytes / totalbytes) * 100; finalbytes = int(finalbytes * 1) / 1;
Frame 2
if (loadedbytes == totalbytes) { gotoAndStop (3); gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Frame 3
Frame 12
if (bagsofhair == 1) { cocaine = 20; weed = 20; epicpie = 20; cupcake = 20; bagsofhair = 0; }
Frame 13
if (coins == 1) { bit = 10000; coins = 0; }
Frame 23
Frame 32
if (xstats == 1) { maxhealth = 200; health = 200; maxstamina = 200; stamina = 100; maxmagic = 200; magic = maxmagic; maxattack = 200; attack = maxattack; maxdefense = 200; defense = maxdefense; maxsoul = 500; soul = 300; }
Frame 626
Frame 630
if (timeron == 1) { _root.worldmap.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.worldmap.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 631
if (timeron == 1) { stringtime = "Morning"; } else { stringtime = "Evening"; } if (numday == 1) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 2) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 3) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 4) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 5) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 6) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 7) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 8) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 9) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 10) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 11) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 12) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 13) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 14) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 15) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 16) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 17) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 18) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 19) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 20) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 21) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 22) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 23) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 24) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 25) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 26) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 27) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 28) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 29) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 30) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 31) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 32) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 33) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 34) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 35) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 36) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 37) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 38) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 39) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 40) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 41) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 42) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 43) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 44) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 45) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 46) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 47) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 48) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 49) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 50) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 51) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 52) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 53) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 54) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 55) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 56) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 57) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 58) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 59) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 60) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 61) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 62) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 63) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 64) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 65) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 66) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 67) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 68) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 69) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 70) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 71) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 72) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 73) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 74) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 75) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 76) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 77) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 78) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 79) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 80) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 81) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 82) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 83) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 84) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 85) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 86) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 87) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 88) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 89) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 90) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 91) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 92) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 93) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 94) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 95) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 96) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 97) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 98) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 99) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 100) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (timeron == 1) { _root.ponybedroom.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.ponybedroom.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 634
if (pinkiepieexp >= 5000) { pinkiepiestatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 2500) { pinkiepiestatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 1000) { pinkiepiestatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 500) { pinkiepiestatus = "Pal"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 100) { pinkiepiestatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 20) { pinkiepiestatus = "New Friend"; } else { pinkiepiestatus = "Stranger"; } if (rainbowdashexp >= 5000) { rainbowdashstatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (rainbowdashexp >= 2500) { rainbowdashstatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (rainbowdashexp >= 1000) { rainbowdashstatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (rainbowdashexp >= 500) { rainbowdashstatus = "Pal"; } else if (rainbowdashexp >= 100) { rainbowdashstatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (rainbowdashexp >= 20) { rainbowdashstatus = "New Friend"; } else { rainbowdashstatus = "Stranger"; } if (dashieexp >= 5000) { dashiestatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (dashieexp >= 2500) { dashiestatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (dashieexp >= 1000) { dashiestatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (dashieexp >= 500) { dashiestatus = "Pal"; } else if (dashieexp >= 100) { dashiestatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (dashieexp >= 20) { dashiestatus = "New Friend"; } else { dashiestatus = "Stranger"; } if (character == 2) { _root.faceselected.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.faceselected.gotoAndStop(1); }
Frame 635
if (timeron == 1) { stringtime = "Morning"; } else { stringtime = "Evening"; } if (timeron == 1) { _root.worldmap.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.worldmap.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 638
Frame 662
gotoAndStop (637);
Frame 663
gotoAndStop (637);
Frame 664
if (timeron == 1) { _root.everfreeforest.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.everfreeforest.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 673
if (timeron == 1) { stringtime = "Morning"; } else { stringtime = "Evening"; } if (timeron == 1) { _root.pasture.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.pasture.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 675
if (rarityscene == 1) { } else { nextFrame(); stop(); } if (rarityscene == 1) { gotoAndStop ("classroomX"); } if (timeron == 1) { _root.classroom.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.classroom.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 685
if (timeron == 1) { _root.classroom.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.classroom.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 686
magiboost = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 4; magic = magiboost + magic; timeron = 2; if (magic > maxmagic) { magic = maxmagic; } stamina = stamina - 50; bit = bit - 10; if (character == 2) { _root.lolIQ.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.lolIQ.gotoAndStop(1); }
Frame 687
magiboost = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 2; magic = magiboost + magic; timeron = 2; if (magic > maxmagic) { magic = maxmagic; } stamina = stamina - 30; if (character == 2) { soul = soul + 1; } if (soul > maxsoul) { soul = maxsoul; } if (character == 2) { _root.lolIQ.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.lolIQ.gotoAndStop(1); }
Frame 688
bitsearned = (magic + soul) / 2; bitsprocessed = bitsearned / 100; bitsoutput = bitsprocessed * 100; bit = bit + bitsoutput; timeron = 2; stamina = stamina - 60; if (character == 2) { _root.lolIQ.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.lolIQ.gotoAndStop(1); }
Frame 690
if (timeron == 1) { gotoAndStop ("cliffday"); } else { gotoAndStop ("cliffsnight"); } if (timeron == 1) { _root.cliffbg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.cliffbg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 691
if (timeron == 1) { _root.cliffbg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.cliffbg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 692
if (timeron == 1) { _root.cliffbg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.cliffbg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 693
bitsearned = (attack + defense) / 1; bitsprocessed = bitsearned / 100; bitsoutput = bitsprocessed * 100; bit = bit + bitsoutput; timeron = 2; stamina = stamina - 40;
Frame 694
stringtime = "Evening"; if (timeron == 1) { _root.cliffbg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.cliffbg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 695
if (timeron == 2) { gotoAndStop ("lakenight"); } else { stop(); } if (timeron == 2) { gotoAndStop ("lakenight"); } if (timeron == 1) { _root.lakefront1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.lakefront1.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 696
if (timeron == 1) { _root.lakefront1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.lakefront1.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 697
soulboost = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 4; soul = soulboost + soul; timeron = 2; if (soul > maxsoul) { soul = maxsoul; } stamina = stamina - 10; if (character == 2) { _root.lolIQ.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.lolIQ.gotoAndStop(1); }
Frame 698
stringtime = "Evening"; if (timeron == 1) { _root.lakefront1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.lakefront1.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 699
if (timeron == 1) { _root.lakefront1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.lakefront1.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 700
attackboost = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 2; attack = attackboost + attack; timeron = 2; if (attack > maxattack) { attack = maxattack; } defense = defense + 3; if (defense > maxdefense) { defense = maxdefense; } bit = bit - 60; if (character == 2) { _root.lolIQ.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.lolIQ.gotoAndStop(1); }
Frame 701
timeron = 1; stringtime = "Morning"; numday = numday + 1; if (stamina > 100) { } else { stamina = 100; } if (health > 100) { } else { health = health + 10; }
Frame 707
cockadoodleboo = cockadoodleboo + 1;
Frame 708
if (numday == 1) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 2) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 3) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 4) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 5) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 6) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 7) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 8) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 9) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 10) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 11) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 12) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 13) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 14) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 15) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 16) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 17) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 18) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 19) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 20) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 21) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 22) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 23) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 24) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 25) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 26) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 27) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 28) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 29) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 30) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 31) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 32) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 33) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 34) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 35) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 36) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 37) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 38) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 39) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 40) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 41) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 42) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 43) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 44) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 45) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 46) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 47) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 48) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 49) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 50) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 51) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 52) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 53) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 54) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 55) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 56) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 57) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 58) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 59) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 60) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 61) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 62) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 63) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 64) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 65) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 66) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 67) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 68) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 69) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 70) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 71) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 72) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 73) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 74) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 75) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 76) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 77) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 78) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 79) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 80) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 81) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 82) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 83) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 84) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 85) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 86) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 87) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 88) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 89) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 90) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 91) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 92) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 93) { stringday = "Wednesday"; } if (numday == 94) { stringday = "Thursday"; } if (numday == 95) { stringday = "Friday"; } if (numday == 96) { stringday = "Saturday"; } if (numday == 97) { stringday = "Sunday"; } if (numday == 98) { stringday = "Monday"; } if (numday == 99) { stringday = "Tuesday"; } if (numday == 100) { stringday = "Wednesday"; }
Frame 770
if (numday == 100) { gotoAndStop ("endingselector"); } else { play(); }
Frame 771
gotoAndStop ("bedroom");
Frame 773
if (timeron == 1) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvilleday"); } else { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); } if (timeron == 1) { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 774
timeron = 2; stringtime = "Evening"; if (timeron == 1) { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 775
if (timeron == 1) { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 776
if (timeron == 1) { gotoAndStop ("beachday"); } else { gotoAndStop ("beachnight"); } if (timeron == 1) { _root.beachbg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.beachbg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 777
if (timeron == 1) { _root.beachbg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.beachbg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 778
if (timeron == 1) { _root.beachbg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.beachbg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 779
if (timeron == 1) { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 782
pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 10;
Frame 784
pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 10;
Frame 786
ptidbit = random(50); if (ptidbit == 2) { gotoAndStop ("ptidbit2"); } else { gotoAndStop("ptidbit" + ptidbit +3); nextFrame(); }
Frame 791
if ((ppiepunchface = 1)) { gotoAndStop ("ptidbit3"); } stop();
Frame 793
if ((ppiepunchface = 1)) { gotoAndStop ("ptidbit3"); } play();
Frame 796
ppiepunchface = 1;
Frame 799
nextFrame(); stop();
Frame 800
stop(); stop(); health = health - 3; pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 5;
Frame 897
if (pinkiepieexp > 14) { gotoAndStop ("quest1start"); } else { stop(); }
Frame 997
if (pinkiepieexp >= 5000) { pinkiepiestatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 2500) { pinkiepiestatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 1000) { pinkiepiestatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 500) { pinkiepiestatus = "Pal"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 100) { pinkiepiestatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 20) { pinkiepiestatus = "New Friend"; } else { pinkiepiestatus = "Stranger"; } stop();
Frame 999
if (pinkiepieconvo >= 3) { stop(); } else { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; }
Frame 1005
pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 20;
Frame 1007
if (pinkiepieexp > 60) { stop(); } else { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); }
Frame 1012
health = health - 30;
Frame 1015
Frame 1023
Frame 1116
if (pinkiepieexp >= 5000) { pinkiepiestatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 2500) { pinkiepiestatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 1000) { pinkiepiestatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 500) { pinkiepiestatus = "Pal"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 100) { pinkiepiestatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 20) { pinkiepiestatus = "New Friend"; } else { pinkiepiestatus = "Stranger"; } stop();
Frame 1117
Frame 1118
Frame 1124
pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 50;
Frame 1140
pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 20;
Frame 1144
if (pinkdye > 1) { gotoAndStop ("gotthedyeq1"); } else { gotoAndStop ("aintgotdyeq1"); }
Frame 1246
if (pinkiepieexp >= 5000) { pinkiepiestatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 2500) { pinkiepiestatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 1000) { pinkiepiestatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 500) { pinkiepiestatus = "Pal"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 100) { pinkiepiestatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 20) { pinkiepiestatus = "New Friend"; } else { pinkiepiestatus = "Stranger"; } stop();
Frame 1271
if (bit < 1000) { gotoAndStop ("pnocashonme"); } else { gotoAndStop ("moneypmoney"); }
Frame 1282
bit = bit - 1000;
Frame 1385
if (pinkiepieexp >= 5000) { pinkiepiestatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 2500) { pinkiepiestatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 1000) { pinkiepiestatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 500) { pinkiepiestatus = "Pal"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 100) { pinkiepiestatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 20) { pinkiepiestatus = "New Friend"; } else { pinkiepiestatus = "Stranger"; } stop();
Frame 1399
Frame 1402
if (plockhouse == 1) { gotoAndStop ("ppisindebthouse"); } else if (pinkiepieexp <= 499) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiepienope"); } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 500) { stop(); }
Frame 1404
indoorprt = random(30); gotoAndStop("indoorprt" + indoorprt +3); nextFrame(); if (stamina < 30) { gotoAndStop ("tootiredp"); }
Frame 1473
if (pinkiepieexp < 500) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiehaethug"); }
Frame 1476
pinkiepieexp = 0;
Frame 1523
gotoAndPlay ("gameover");
Frame 1568
Frame 1571
if (magicfuntime == 1) { gotoAndStop ("ppxnomodate"); } else { stop(); }
Frame 1617
Frame 1620
pdatetalk = 0; pcrazyadventure = 0; pdatepic = 0;
Frame 1621
Frame 1629
if (pdatetalk < 3) { gotoAndStop ("noadvenchuryet"); } else { stop(); pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 25; }
Frame 1694
Frame 1781
Frame 1786
Frame 1824
Frame 1894
Frame 1974
Frame 1991
Frame 1993
play(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { ratio.text = mySlider.ratio; if (Key.isDown(13)) { mySlider.line._xscale = lineLength.text; } };
Frame 1997
if (mySlider.ratio == 74) { nextFrame(); play(); } else { gotoAndPlay ("listener"); }
Frame 1998
Frame 2006
Frame 2021
stop(); stop();
Frame 2069
Frame 2093
Frame 2103
Frame 2126
bit = bit + 5000; cocaine = cocaine + 10; cupcake = cupcake + 5;
Frame 2207
stop(); stamina = 0;
Frame 2369
pinkiepieexp = 3000;
Frame 2379
Frame 2473
if (pinkiepieexp >= 5000) { pinkiepiestatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 2500) { pinkiepiestatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 1000) { pinkiepiestatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 500) { pinkiepiestatus = "Pal"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 100) { pinkiepiestatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 20) { pinkiepiestatus = "New Friend"; } else { pinkiepiestatus = "Stranger"; } stop(); magicfuntime = 1;
Frame 2474
magicfuntime = 1;
Frame 2476
if (timeron == 1) { _root.pasture.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.pasture.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 2582
stop(); pvarsextrue = 1;
Frame 2628
Frame 2631
if (character == 1) { gotoAndPlay ("twilightxpscecks"); } else { gotoAndStop ("fluttershyxpscecks"); }
Frame 2632
pinkiepieexp = 5000; stop();
Frame 2633
pinkiepieexp = 5000; stop();
Frame 2634
stop(); stopAllSounds(); stamina = 0;
Frame 2735
Frame 2749
Frame 2769
stop(); finalscorep = ((health + soul) + (pinkiepieexp * secretos)) - ((cockadoodleboo * 10) - (screwballs * 100));
Frame 2845
Frame 2847
if (timeron == 1) { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 2854
dtidbit = random(50); gotoAndStop("dtidbit" + dtidbit +3); nextFrame();
Frame 2957
if (dashfquesttrigger == 1) { gotoAndStop ("dashqfork"); } else { stop(); }
Frame 2965
if (epicpie > 0) { gotoAndStop ("dashiepiefork"); } else { stop(); }
Frame 2972
dashieexp = 20;
Frame 3065
if (dashieexp >= 5000) { rainbowdashstatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (dashieexp >= 2500) { rainbowdashstatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (dashieexp >= 1000) { rainbowdashstatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (dashieexp >= 500) { rainbowdashstatus = "Pal"; } else if (dashieexp >= 100) { rainbowdashstatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (dashieexp >= 20) { rainbowdashstatus = "New Friend"; } else { rainbowdashstatus = "Stranger"; } stop();
Frame 3071
dashieexp = dashieexp + 20;
Frame 3080
stamina = stamina - 10; if (stamina < 0) { stamina = 0; }
Frame 3081
stamina = stamina - 10; if (stamina < 0) { stamina = 0; }
Frame 3082
stamina = stamina - 10; if (stamina < 0) { stamina = 0; }
Frame 3097
dashieexp = 100; dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1;
Frame 3190
if (dashieexp >= 5000) { rainbowdashstatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (dashieexp >= 2500) { rainbowdashstatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (dashieexp >= 1000) { rainbowdashstatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (dashieexp >= 500) { rainbowdashstatus = "Pal"; } else if (dashieexp >= 100) { rainbowdashstatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (dashieexp >= 20) { rainbowdashstatus = "New Friend"; } else { rainbowdashstatus = "Stranger"; } stop();
Frame 3191
Frame 3200
if (soul > 50) { nextFrame(); } else { stop(); }
Frame 3238
dashieexp = 500;
Frame 3331
if (dashieexp >= 5000) { rainbowdashstatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (dashieexp >= 2500) { rainbowdashstatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (dashieexp >= 1000) { rainbowdashstatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (dashieexp >= 500) { rainbowdashstatus = "Pal"; } else if (dashieexp >= 100) { rainbowdashstatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (dashieexp >= 20) { rainbowdashstatus = "New Friend"; } else { rainbowdashstatus = "Stranger"; } stop();
Frame 3334
if (dashhouse == 1) { gotoAndStop ("dashhousecore"); } else { stop(); }
Frame 3336
if (timeron == 1) { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 3349
dashieexp = dashieexp + 50;
Frame 3371
dashieexp = dashieexp + 30;
Frame 3380
bit = bit - 600; dashieexp = dashieexp + 50;
Frame 3483
if (dashieexp >= 5000) { rainbowdashstatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (dashieexp >= 2500) { rainbowdashstatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (dashieexp >= 1000) { rainbowdashstatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (dashieexp >= 500) { rainbowdashstatus = "Pal"; } else if (dashieexp >= 100) { rainbowdashstatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (dashieexp >= 20) { rainbowdashstatus = "New Friend"; } else { rainbowdashstatus = "Stranger"; } stop();
Frame 3489
dindoorprt = random(30); gotoAndStop("dindoorprt" + dindoorprt +3); nextFrame();
Frame 3615
winningcup = random(2);
Frame 3616
Frame 3617
bit = bit + 300;
Frame 3619
bit = bit + 300;
Frame 3621
bit = bit + 300;
Frame 3623
if (dashieexp < 500) { gotoAndStop ("dontmesswithdashie"); }
Frame 3625
if (stamina < 20) { gotoAndStop ("tootiredd"); } else { stop(); }
Frame 3669
dashieexp = dashieexp + 20; stamina = stamina - 20; stop();
Frame 3670
dashieexp = dashieexp + 20; stamina = stamina - 20; stop();
Frame 3672
if (dashmadadventure == 1) { prevFrame(); } else { stop(); }
Frame 3691
Frame 3706
if (ddatetalk < 3) { gotoAndStop ("dnoadventureyet"); } else { stop(); }
Frame 3746
Frame 3851
Frame 3885
Frame 3911
Frame 4084
Frame 4178
if (dashieexp >= 5000) { dashiestatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (dashieexp >= 2500) { dashiestatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (dashieexp >= 1000) { dashiestatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (dashieexp >= 500) { dashiestatus = "Pal"; } else if (dashieexp >= 100) { dashiestatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (dashieexp >= 20) { dashiestatus = "New Friend"; } else { dashiestatus = "Stranger"; } stop(); magicfuntime = 1;
Frame 4351
Frame 4390
Frame 4424
Frame 4426
Frame 4427
Frame 4453
stop(); finalscored = ((((health + soul) + dashieexp) + (secretos * 10)) - (cockadoodleboo * 10)) - (screwballs * 100);
Frame 4454
if ((pinkiepieexp < 1000) && (dashieexp < 1000)) { gotoAndPlay ("initforeveralone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("initgoodend"); }
Frame 4464
Frame 4830
Frame 5183
Frame 5193
Frame 5257
yourHP = 100; attackcharge = 0;
Frame 5258
angelhealth = 100; _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(1); healcharge = 0; attackcharge = 0; _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(1); _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(19); _root.attackchargebar.gotoAndStop(1); attackcharge = 0;
Frame 5259
if (angelhealth <= 110) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(1); } if (angelhealth <= 94) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(2); } if (angelhealth <= 88) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(3); } if (angelhealth <= 81) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(4); } if (angelhealth <= 78) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(5); } if (angelhealth <= 72) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(6); } if (angelhealth <= 67) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(7); } if (angelhealth <= 63) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(8); } if (angelhealth <= 59) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(9); } if (angelhealth <= 54) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(10); } if (angelhealth <= 49) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(11); } if (angelhealth <= 44) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(12); } if (angelhealth <= 40) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(13); } if (angelhealth <= 35) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(14); } if (angelhealth <= 28) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(15); } if (angelhealth <= 20) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(16); } if (angelhealth <= 15) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(17); } if (angelhealth <= 5) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(18); } if (angelhealth <= 0) { _root.angelhealthbar.gotoAndStop(19); angelhealth = 0; gotoAndStop ("blackangeldown"); } if (healcharge == 0) { _root.healchargemeter.gotoAndStop(1); } if (healcharge == 1) { _root.healchargemeter.gotoAndStop(2); } if (healcharge == 2) { _root.healchargemeter.gotoAndStop(3); } if (healcharge == 3) { _root.healchargemeter.gotoAndStop(4); } if (healcharge == 4) { _root.healchargemeter.gotoAndStop(5); } if (healcharge == 5) { _root.healchargemeter.gotoAndStop(6); } if (healcharge == 6) { _root.healchargemeter.gotoAndStop(6); } if (yourHP <= 110) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(19); } if (yourHP <= 94) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(18); } if (yourHP <= 88) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(17); } if (yourHP <= 81) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(16); } if (yourHP <= 78) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(15); } if (yourHP <= 72) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(14); } if (yourHP <= 67) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(13); } if (yourHP <= 63) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(12); } if (yourHP <= 59) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(11); } if (yourHP <= 54) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(10); } if (yourHP <= 49) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(9); } if (yourHP <= 44) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(8); } if (yourHP <= 40) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(7); } if (yourHP <= 35) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(6); } if (yourHP <= 28) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(5); } if (yourHP <= 20) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(4); } if (yourHP <= 15) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(3); } if (yourHP <= 5) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(2); } if (yourHP <= 0) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(1); yourHP = 0; gotoAndStop ("youfuckeduprealroyally"); } if (attackcharge == 0) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(1); } if (attackcharge == 1) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(1); } if (attackcharge == 2) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(2); } if (attackcharge == 3) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(2); } if (attackcharge == 4) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(3); } if (attackcharge == 5) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(3); } if (attackcharge == 6) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(4); } if (attackcharge == 7) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(4); } if (attackcharge == 8) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(5); } if (attackcharge == 9) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(5); } if (attackcharge == 10) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(6); }
Frame 5393
yourHP = yourHP - random(20); if (yourHP >= 100) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(19); } if (yourHP <= 94) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(18); } if (yourHP <= 88) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(17); } if (yourHP <= 81) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(16); } if (yourHP <= 78) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(15); } if (yourHP <= 72) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(14); } if (yourHP <= 67) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(13); } if (yourHP <= 63) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(12); } if (yourHP <= 59) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(11); } if (yourHP <= 54) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(10); } if (yourHP <= 49) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(9); } if (yourHP <= 44) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(8); } if (yourHP <= 40) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(7); } if (yourHP <= 35) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(6); } if (yourHP <= 28) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(5); } if (yourHP <= 20) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(4); } if (yourHP <= 15) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(3); } if (yourHP <= 5) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(2); } if (yourHP <= 0) { _root.yourHPbar.gotoAndStop(1); yourHP = 0; gotoAndStop ("youfuckeduprealroyally"); }
Frame 5432
gotoAndPlay ("fightloopstart");
Frame 5477
angelhealth = angelhealth - random(20); rng = random(2); if (rng >= 1) { gotoAndPlay ("shotangel"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fightloopstart"); }
Frame 5505
yourHP = yourHP + random(20); if (yourHP > 100) { yourHP = 100; } rng = random(2); if (rng == 0) { gotoAndPlay ("shotangel"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fightloopstart"); }
Frame 5506
Frame 5581
Frame 5582
stop(); stopAllSounds();
Frame 5602
Frame 5672
dashieexp = 5000;
Frame 5708
if (dashieexp >= 5000) { dashiestatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (dashieexp >= 2500) { dashiestatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (dashieexp >= 1000) { dashiestatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (dashieexp >= 500) { dashiestatus = "Pal"; } else if (dashieexp >= 100) { dashiestatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (dashieexp >= 20) { dashiestatus = "New Friend"; } else { dashiestatus = "Stranger"; } stop(); magicfuntime = 1;
Frame 5767
pinkiepieexp = 5000;
Frame 5803
if (pinkiepieexp >= 5000) { pinkiepiestatus = "Loveslave"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 2500) { pinkiepiestatus = "Girlfriend"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 1000) { pinkiepiestatus = "Closefriend"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 500) { pinkiepiestatus = "Pal"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 100) { pinkiepiestatus = "Friendzoned"; } else if (pinkiepieexp >= 20) { pinkiepiestatus = "New Friend"; } else { pinkiepiestatus = "Stranger"; } stop(); magicfuntime = 1;
Frame 5807
Frame 5810
Frame 5811
Frame 5812
stop(); totalexp = pinkiepieexp + dashieexp; finalscored = ((((health + soul) + dashieexp) + (secretos * 4)) - (cockadoodleboo * 10)) - (screwballs * 100);
Frame 5817
if (timeron == 1) { _root.beachbg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.beachbg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 5818
if (timeron == 1) { _root.beachbg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.beachbg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 5827
if (timeron == 1) { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 5828
if (timeron == 1) { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 5829
if (timeron == 1) { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.ponyvillebg.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 5833
xstats = 0;
Frame 5864
stop(); stopAllSounds();
Frame 5866
stopAllSounds(); passcode = "";
Frame 5896
gotoAndStop (3); stopAllSounds();
Frame 5897
Frame 5898
Frame 5899
if (passcode.indexOf("weirdshit") != -1) { gotoAndStop ("weirdshitokay"); } else if (passcode.indexOf("bagofhair") != -1) { gotoAndStop ("itemsadded"); } else if (passcode.indexOf("afhrapesu") != -1) { gotoAndStop ("moneyis20000"); } else if (passcode.indexOf("pinkzgood") != -1) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiepiegallery"); } else if (passcode.indexOf("wingboner") != -1) { gotoAndStop ("MAXPOWER"); } else if (passcode.indexOf("rainbows!") != -1) { gotoAndStop ("dashgallery"); } else if (passcode.indexOf("fuckmyeye") != -1) { gotoAndStop ("randomconvos"); } else { gotoAndStop ("passcodeerror"); }
Frame 5900
Frame 5953
Frame 5976
Frame 6006
Frame 6027
Symbol 18 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 23 Button
on (press) { health = 100; stamina = 100; character = 0; bit = 10; numday = 1; cupcake = 1; epicpie = 0; pinkdye = 0; rainbowdye = 0; weed = 0; cocaine = 0; timeron = 1; rainbowdashexp = 0; pinkiepieexp = 0; pinkiepieconvo = 0; gotoAndPlay (4); magicfuntime = 0; pvarsextrue = 0; cockadoodleboo = 0; screwballs = 0; ppiepunchface = 0; pdatetalk = 0; dashieexp = 0; dashieconvo = 0; dashhouse = 0; dhugdate = 0; dmagicfuntime = 0; dashmadadventure = 0; ddatetalk = 0; dcrazyadventure = 0; dashfquesttrigger = 0; secretos = 0; secretnumba1 = 0; secretnumba2 = 0; secretnumba3 = 0; secretnumba4 = 0; secretnumba5 = 0; secretnumba6 = 0; secretnumba7 = 0; }
Symbol 25 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (5833); }
Symbol 26 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 33 Button
on (press) { character = 2; myname = "Fluttershy"; if (xstats == 1) { maxhealth = 150; health = 150; stamina = 100; maxmagic = 200; magic = maxmagic; maxattack = 100; attack = maxattack; maxdefense = 150; defense = maxdefense; maxsoul = 500; soul = maxsoul; } else { attack = 5; maxhealth = 150; maxattack = 100; defense = 5; maxdefense = 100; magic = 40; maxmagic = 300; soul = 50; maxsoul = 500; } nextFrame(); play(); }
Symbol 37 Button
on (press) { character = 1; myname = "Twilight Sparkle"; maxhealth = 200; attack = 20; maxattack = 200; defense = 20; maxdefense = 200; magic = 20; maxmagic = 200; soul = 20; maxsoul = 200; nextFrame(); play(); }
Symbol 45 Button
on (press) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay (614); }
Symbol 83 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 97 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); stringtime = "Morning"; }
Symbol 104 Button
on (press) { if (timeron == 2) { gotoAndPlay ("naptime"); } }
Symbol 107 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (633); }
Symbol 111 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 114 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (635); }
Symbol 116 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (634); }
Symbol 163 Button
on (press) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 170 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (631); }
Symbol 188 Button
on (press) { if (cupcake > 0) { health = health + 10; cupcake = cupcake - 1; if (health > maxhealth) { health = maxhealth; } } }
Symbol 192 Button
on (press) { if (epicpie > 0) { health = health + 10; epicpie = epicpie - 1; if (health > maxhealth) { health = maxhealth; } } }
Symbol 195 Button
on (press) { if (weed > 0) { weed = weed - 1; maxhealth = maxhealth + 1; } }
Symbol 199 Button
on (press) { if (cocaine > 0) { cocaine = cocaine - 1; attack = attack + 5; defense = defense - 5; if (attack > maxattack) { attack = maxattack; } if (defense < 1) { defense = 1; } } }
Symbol 241 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 241 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 243 Button
on (press) { if (secretnumba2 == 0) { gotoAndStop ("youfindsomecoins"); } }
Symbol 250 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (631); }
Symbol 251 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("clifffork"); }
Symbol 257 Button
on (press) { if (timeron == 2) { gotoAndStop (636); } else { gotoAndStop (637); } }
Symbol 262 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (664); }
Symbol 263 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pasture"); }
Symbol 264 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("lake"); }
Symbol 265 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillefork"); }
Symbol 277 Button
on (press) { if (bit >= 10) { gotoAndStop ("itembought"); bit = bit - 10; cupcake = cupcake + 1; } else { gotoAndPlay ("noitembought"); } }
Symbol 280 Button
on (press) { if (bit >= 75) { gotoAndStop ("itembought"); bit = bit - 75; epicpie = epicpie + 1; } else { gotoAndPlay ("noitembought"); } }
Symbol 283 Button
on (press) { if (bit >= 200) { gotoAndStop ("itembought"); bit = bit - 200; pinkdye = pinkdye + 1; } else { gotoAndPlay ("noitembought"); } }
Symbol 286 Button
on (press) { if (bit >= 400) { gotoAndStop ("itembought"); bit = bit - 400; rainbowdye = rainbowdye + 1; } else { gotoAndPlay ("noitembought"); } }
Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 299 Button
on (press) { if (secretnumba3 == 0) { gotoAndStop ("scoreblunt"); } }
Symbol 301 Button
on (press) { if (timeron == 2) { gotoAndStop ("dealer"); } else { gotoAndStop ("nodeal"); } }
Symbol 306 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("imbuyin"); }
Symbol 308 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("wasteangelstime"); }
Symbol 312 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("everfreeforest1"); }
Symbol 316 Button
on (press) { if (bit >= 200) { gotoAndStop ("drugbought"); bit = bit - 200; weed = weed + 1; } else { gotoAndStop ("drugbuyfailed"); } }
Symbol 318 Button
on (press) { if (bit >= 500) { gotoAndStop ("drugbought"); bit = bit - 500; cocaine = cocaine + 1; } else { gotoAndStop ("drugbuyfailed"); } }
Symbol 328 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 328 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 333 Button
on (press) { if (timeron == 1) { gotoAndStop ("nopiehome"); } else { gotoAndStop ("pinkiehouseintro"); } }
Symbol 337 Button
on (press) { if ((timeron == 2) || (stringday.indexOf("Sunday") != -1)) { gotoAndStop ("noclass"); } else { gotoAndStop ("theclass"); if (rarityscene == 1) { } } }
Symbol 343 Button
on (press) { if (timeron == 1) { gotoAndStop ("dashienothome"); } else { gotoAndStop ("dashiehousefork"); } }
Symbol 350 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 350 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 369 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); rarityscene = 1; }
Symbol 371 Button
on (press) { if (secretnumba1 == 0) { gotoAndStop ("donttouchthekeys"); } }
Symbol 379 Button
on (press) { if ((stamina >= 50) && (bit >= 10)) { gotoAndStop ("Schoolwork"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Notenoughmineralsschool"); } }
Symbol 384 Button
on (press) { if (stamina >= 40) { gotoAndStop ("Librarywork"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Notenoughmineralsschool"); } }
Symbol 392 Button
on (press) { if ((stamina >= 60) && (bits >= 0)) { gotoAndStop ("LibraryworkX"); } else { gotoAndStop ("Notenoughmineralsschool"); } }
Symbol 400 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pasture"); }
Symbol 408 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("classroomX"); }
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 415 Button
on (press) { if (secretnumba4 == 0) { gotoAndStop ("allstatscodeget"); } }
Symbol 421 Button
on (press) { if (stamina >= 40) { gotoAndStop ("cliffpatrolpays"); } else { gotoAndStop ("notenoughmineralscliff"); } }
Symbol 422 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("worldmap"); }
Symbol 424 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("cliffday"); }
Symbol 426 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("cliffsnight"); }
Symbol 438 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 438 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 439 Button
on (press) { if (secretnumba7 == 0) { gotoAndStop ("afhmeetsj00"); } }
Symbol 444 Button
on (press) { if (stamina < 10) { gotoAndStop ("notenoughmineralslake"); } else { gotoAndStop ("goofingoff"); } }
Symbol 450 Button
on (press) { if (bit > 59) { gotoAndStop ("foresttour"); } else { gotoAndStop ("noforestpatrol"); } }
Symbol 451 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("lake"); }
Symbol 455 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("lakenight"); timeron = 2; }
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 473 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("beachfork"); }
Symbol 474 Button
on (press) { if (secretnumba6 == 0) { gotoAndStop ("funget"); } }
Symbol 479 Button
on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 0) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiepieconvo0"); } } on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 1) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } } on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 2) { gotoAndStop ("quest1fork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } } on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 3) { gotoAndStop ("trivia1"); } } on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 4) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } } on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 5) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } } on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 6) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiepiegetsPMS"); } } on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 7) { gotoAndStop ("NomoPMS"); } } on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 8) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } } on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 9) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 100; } } on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 10) { gotoAndStop ("trivia2"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } } on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 11) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } } on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 12) { gotoAndStop ("whineaboutwhypinkisexpensive"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } } on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 13) { gotoAndStop ("quest1fork1"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } } on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 14) { gotoAndStop ("quest1end"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } }
Symbol 484 Button
on (press) { if (dashieconvo == 0) { gotoAndStop ("dashieconvo0"); } else if (dashieconvo == 1) { gotoAndStop ("randomchitchatfork"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; } else if (dashieconvo == 2) { gotoAndStop ("dashiequest1fork"); } else if (dashieconvo == 3) { gotoAndStop ("dashietrivia1"); } else if (dashieconvo == 4) { gotoAndStop ("randomchitchatfork"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; } else if (dashieconvo == 5) { gotoAndStop ("randomchitchatfork"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; } else if (dashieconvo == 6) { gotoAndStop ("randomchitchatfork"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; } else if (dashieconvo == 7) { gotoAndStop ("dashiegetsrobbed"); } else if (dashieconvo == 8) { gotoAndStop ("dashierecovers"); } else if (dashieconvo == 9) { gotoAndStop ("randomchitchatfork"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; } else if (dashieconvo == 10) { gotoAndStop ("randomchitchatfork"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; dashieexp = dashieexp + 100; } else if (dashieconvo == 11) { gotoAndStop ("dashietrivia2"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; } else if (dashieconvo == 12) { gotoAndStop ("randomchitchatfork"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; } else if (dashieconvo == 13) { gotoAndStop ("randomchitchatfork"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; } else if (dashieconvo == 14) { gotoAndStop ("troublewithrainbows"); } else if (dashieconvo == 15) { gotoAndStop ("dashiequest2pdfork1"); } else if (dashieconvo == 16) { gotoAndStop ("dashiequest2end"); } else if (dashieconvo == 17) { gotoAndStop ("randomchitchatfork"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; } else if (dashieconvo == 18) { gotoAndStop ("randomchitchatfork"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; dashieexp = dashieexp + 10; } else if (dashieconvo == 19) { gotoAndStop ("dashiemeetsangel"); } else if (dashieconvo == 20) { gotoAndStop ("randomchitchatfork"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; } else if (dashieconvo == 21) { gotoAndStop ("randomchitchatfork"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; } else if (dashieconvo == 22) { gotoAndStop ("dashieexamfork"); } else if (dashieconvo == 23) { gotoAndStop ("dgettingcashfork"); } else if (dashieconvo == 24) { gotoAndStop ("dgushtoclosepal"); } else if (dashieconvo == 25) { gotoAndStop ("predated"); } else if (dashieconvo == 26) { gotoAndStop ("postdatedd"); } else if (dashieconvo == 27) { gotoAndStop ("randomchitchatfork"); } else if (dashieconvo >= 28) { gotoAndStop ("dashieisyourbitch"); } }
Symbol 485 Button
on (press) { if (pinkiepieconvo == 0) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiepieconvo0"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 1) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 2) { gotoAndStop ("quest1fork"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 3) { gotoAndStop ("trivia1"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 4) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 5) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 6) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 7) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiepiegetsPMS"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 8) { gotoAndStop ("NomoPMS"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 9) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 10) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 100; } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 11) { gotoAndStop ("trivia2"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 12) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 13) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 14) { gotoAndStop ("whineaboutwhypinkisexpensive"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 15) { gotoAndStop ("quest2pdfork1"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 16) { gotoAndStop ("quest2end"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 17) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 18) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 100; } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 19) { gotoAndStop ("rarityevent"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 20) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 21) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 22) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiedebtfork"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 23) { gotoAndStop ("gettingcashfork"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 24) { gotoAndStop ("gushtoclosepal"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 25) { gotoAndStop ("predatep"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 26) { gotoAndStop ("postdatep"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo == 27) { gotoAndStop ("randomtidbitfork"); } else if (pinkiepieconvo >= 29) { gotoAndStop ("loveslave"); } }
Symbol 490 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 490 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 491 Button
on (press) { if (secretnumba5 == 0) { gotoAndStop ("cokeget"); } }
Symbol 497 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 498 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiepieconvo1success"); }
Symbol 499 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiepieconvo1fail"); }
Symbol 500 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiepieconvo1neutral"); }
Symbol 506 Button
on (press) { STOREDpinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp; dashieexpSTORED = dashieexp; gotoAndPlay ("gameover"); }
Symbol 508 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 510 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; }
Symbol 514 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 5; }
Symbol 519 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 521 Button
on (press) { play(); }
Symbol 529 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; }
Symbol 532 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; }
Symbol 624 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 5; }
Symbol 627 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("nocupcakes"); }
Symbol 628 Button
on (press) { if (cupcake > 0) { gotoAndStop ("yescupcakes"); } else { gotoAndStop ("trickcake"); } }
Symbol 634 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("levelupnewlevelnewfriend"); cupcake = cupcake - 1; pinkiepieexp = 20; }
Symbol 640 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); pinkiepieconvo = 3; }
Symbol 646 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("trivia1ok"); }
Symbol 647 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("trivia1failed"); }
Symbol 651 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 653 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 655 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 5; }
Symbol 658 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 659 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); play(); }
Symbol 660 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("PMSdis"); }
Symbol 665 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 667 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 673 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); pinkiepieexp = 100; }
Symbol 675 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 677 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 682 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("trivia2ok"); }
Symbol 683 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("trivia2failed"); }
Symbol 690 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 692 Button
on (press) { if (soul > 54) { gotoAndStop ("quest2fork1"); } else { gotoAndStop ("quest1notenoughsoul"); } }
Symbol 696 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvilleday"); }
Symbol 703 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("1positive"); }
Symbol 704 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("1negative"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 707 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; }
Symbol 708 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 711 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 714 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvilleday"); }
Symbol 716 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("aintgotdyeq1"); }
Symbol 717 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 721 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("2dyegiven"); }
Symbol 724 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("gameover"); STOREDpinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp; dashieexpSTORED = dashieexp; }
Symbol 726 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 728 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); pinkdye = pinkdye - 2; pinkiepieexp = 500; play(); }
Symbol 731 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 733 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 739 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("slayrarity"); }
Symbol 742 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; }
Symbol 744 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 747 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 100; }
Symbol 751 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 753 Button
on (press) { if (soul > 100) { gotoAndStop ("pdebtihas"); } else { nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 755 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; plockhouse = 1; }
Symbol 757 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 766 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("1negative"); plockhouse = 1; }
Symbol 769 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 773 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; plockhouse = 1; }
Symbol 778 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvilleday"); }
Symbol 780 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 782 Button
on (press) { if (bit > 999) { gotoAndStop ("gotdapowap"); } else { gotoAndStop ("crapnobitsp"); } }
Symbol 786 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; }
Symbol 790 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 100; }
Symbol 795 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; plockhouse = 0; }
Symbol 801 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); play(); pinkiepieexp = 1600; }
Symbol 804 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); hugdate = 1; }
Symbol 806 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 842 Button
on (press) { if (stamina < 30) { gotoAndStop ("tootiredp"); } else { gotoAndStop ("proomrandomconvofork"); } }
Symbol 848 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("cokeloader"); }
Symbol 854 Button
on (press) { if (hugdate == 1) { gotoAndStop ("pdateyay"); } else { gotoAndStop ("pewnodate"); } }
Symbol 859 Button
on (press) { if (hugdate == 1) { gotoAndStop ("phugsyay"); } else { gotoAndStop ("pewnohugs"); pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp - 1; } }
Symbol 865 Button
on (press) { if (magicfuntime == 1) { gotoAndStop ("pkisyay"); } else { gotoAndStop ("pinkiehaethug"); } }
Symbol 868 Button
on (press) { if (magicfuntime == 1) { gotoAndStop ("ppxnomodate"); } else { gotoAndStop ("pinkiehaethug"); } }
Symbol 869 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiesroomcore"); stamina = stamina - 30; }
Symbol 871 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 1; soul = soul + 1; if (soul > maxsoul) { soul = maxsoul; } }
Symbol 904 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiesroomcore"); stamina = stamina - 30; }
Symbol 920 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiesroomcore"); }
Symbol 925 Button
on (press) { if (cocaine >= 1) { nextFrame(); } else { gotoAndStop ("endpcoke"); } }
Symbol 927 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("endpcoke"); }
Symbol 928 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); cocaine = cocaine - 1; bit = bit + 510; }
Symbol 931 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 933 Button
on (press) { if (cocaine == 0) { nextFrame(); } else { gotoAndStop ("offloadingcoke232"); } }
Symbol 935 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pinkiesroomcore"); }
Symbol 939 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); play(); STOREDpinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp; dashieexpSTORED = dashieexp; }
Symbol 945 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); play(); }
Symbol 959 Button
on (press) { if (pdatetalk == 0) { gotoAndStop ("pdateconvo1"); pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 25; } else if (pdatetalk == 1) { gotoAndStop ("pdateconvo2"); pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 25; } else if (pdatetalk == 2) { gotoAndStop ("pdateconvo3"); pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 25; } else if (pdatetalk >= 3) { gotoAndStop ("pnomodtalk"); } }
Symbol 964 Button
on (press) { if (pcrazyadventure == 0) { gotoAndStop ("pdateadventure1"); } else { gotoAndStop ("pnomoadvenchur"); } }
Symbol 969 Button
on (press) { if (pcrazyadventure == 1) { gotoAndStop ("ppicture"); } else { gotoAndStop ("nopictureyet"); } }
Symbol 970 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("nokissyyet"); }
Symbol 972 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pdatecore"); pdatetalk = 1; }
Symbol 975 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pdatecore"); pdatetalk = 2; }
Symbol 978 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pdatecore"); pdatetalk = 3; }
Symbol 1021 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1026 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1026 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1026 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1040 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1040 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1045 MovieClip Frame 1
this.ratio = 0; dragger.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, 0, 0, line._width, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { ratio = Math.round((this._x * 100) / line._width); }; }; dragger.onRelease = (dragger.onreleaseOutside = stopDrag); scan = ratio.text;
Symbol 1066 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); play(); }
Symbol 1115 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pdatecore"); pcrazyadventure = 1; }
Symbol 1118 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pdatecore"); }
Symbol 1121 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1123 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); play(); }
Symbol 1141 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); pinkiepieexp = 3500; play(); }
Symbol 1145 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); magicfuntime = 1; }
Symbol 1151 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("naptime"); pinkiepieconvo = pinkiepieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 1154 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1158 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1162 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); play(); }
Symbol 1173 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1174 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("secksfork"); }
Symbol 1179 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("endofsecksytimesp"); stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 1295 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("ppieending"); }
Symbol 1312 Button
on (press) { play(); }
Symbol 1325 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("creditas"); }
Symbol 1336 Button
on (press) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop ("begin"); }
Symbol 1338 Button
on (press) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay (5833); }
Symbol 1343 Button
on (press) { stopAllSounds(); bagsofhair = 0; coins = 0; xstats = 0; gotoAndStop ("begin"); }
Symbol 1345 Button
on (press) { stopAllSounds(); screwballs = screwballs + 1; pinkiepieexp = STOREDpinkiepieexp; dashieexp = dashieexpSTORED; gotoAndStop ("bedroom"); }
Symbol 1347 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pdatecore"); }
Symbol 1354 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashieconvochoice1"); dashieexp = dashieexp + 10; }
Symbol 1355 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashieconvochoice3"); dashieexp = dashieexp + 10; }
Symbol 1357 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("gameover"); STOREDpinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp; dashieexpSTORED = dashieexp; }
Symbol 1360 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; timeron = 2; }
Symbol 1363 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 1365 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dashieexp = dashieexp + 5; }
Symbol 1368 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dashieexp = dashieexp + 5; }
Symbol 1370 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dashieexp = dashieexp + 5; }
Symbol 1379 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dashieexp = dashieexp + 5; }
Symbol 1471 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dashfquesttrigger = 1; }
Symbol 1477 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashqfork"); }
Symbol 1478 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashieqchoiceno"); }
Symbol 1482 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvilleday"); dashfquesttrigger = 1; }
Symbol 1485 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("yougivepie"); }
Symbol 1490 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("gameover"); STOREDpinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp; dashieexpSTORED = dashieexp; }
Symbol 1492 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); epicpie = epicpie - 1; }
Symbol 1494 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); play(); dashieexp = 21; }
Symbol 1499 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 1503 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashtrivia1WRONG"); }
Symbol 1504 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashtrivia1RIGHT"); }
Symbol 1507 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 1523 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); stamina = 0; }
Symbol 1531 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("zawarudo"); timeron = 2; stringtime = "Evening"; dashieexp = dashieexp + 20; dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 1537 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); weed = weed + 1; }
Symbol 1539 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dashieexp = 110; play(); }
Symbol 1543 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; dashieeconvo = dashieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 1545 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1549 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashtrivia2WRONG"); }
Symbol 1550 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashtrivia2RIGHT"); }
Symbol 1554 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; dashieeconvo = dashieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 1556 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dashieexp = dashieexp + 30; }
Symbol 1559 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1572 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashrainbowsyes"); }
Symbol 1576 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 1585 Button
on (press) { if (rainbowdye > 0) { gotoAndStop ("gotrainbowdye"); } else { nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 1587 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvilleday"); }
Symbol 1589 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1590 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashrainbowsy2es"); }
Symbol 1595 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("gameover"); STOREDpinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp; dashieexpSTORED = dashieexp; }
Symbol 1597 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); rainbowdye = rainbowdye - 1; dashieexp = dashieexp + 100; }
Symbol 1601 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1603 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 1608 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dashieexp = 520; play(); }
Symbol 1611 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dashhouse = 1; }
Symbol 1613 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; dashieeconvo = dashieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 1616 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("pasture"); }
Symbol 1623 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashieroomzcore"); }
Symbol 1630 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("facingangel"); }
Symbol 1635 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1647 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 1651 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1656 Button
on (press) { if (soul > 99) { gotoAndStop ("rdneeds600bits"); } else { nextFrame(); } }
Symbol 1659 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvilleday"); }
Symbol 1666 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1667 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("gotva2drd"); }
Symbol 1671 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 1675 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); timeron = 2; dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 1677 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1678 Button
on (press) { if (bit > 599) { gotoAndStop ("gotrdcash"); } else { gotoAndStop ("notenoughrd"); } }
Symbol 1695 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dashieexp = 1300; play(); }
Symbol 1697 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dhugdate = 1; }
Symbol 1702 Button
on (press) { if (stamina < 10) { gotoAndStop ("tootiredd"); } else { gotoAndStop ("droomrandomconvofork"); } }
Symbol 1704 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashgame"); }
Symbol 1705 Button
on (press) { if (dhugdate == 1) { gotoAndStop ("ddateyay"); } else { gotoAndStop ("dewnodate"); } }
Symbol 1706 Button
on (press) { if (dhugdate == 1) { gotoAndStop ("dhugsyay"); } else { gotoAndStop ("dewnohugs"); } }
Symbol 1707 Button
on (press) { if (dmagicfuntime == 1) { gotoAndStop ("dkisyay"); } else { gotoAndStop ("dashiehaethug"); } }
Symbol 1708 Button
on (press) { if (dmagicfuntime == 1) { gotoAndStop ("ddatedone23"); } else { gotoAndStop ("dashieroomexecution"); } }
Symbol 1710 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dashieexp = dashieexp + 1; soul = soul + 1; if (soul > maxsoul) { soul = maxsoul; } }
Symbol 1712 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashieroomzcore"); stamina = stamina - 10; }
Symbol 1741 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashieroomzcore"); stamina = stamina - 10; }
Symbol 1774 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashieroomzcore"); stamina = stamina - 10; }
Symbol 1776 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashieroomzcore"); }
Symbol 1778 Button
on (press) { if (weed < 1) { nextFrame(); } else { gotoAndStop ("candbgamecore"); weed = weed - 1; } }
Symbol 1782 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashieroomzcore"); }
Symbol 1790 Button
on (press) { selectcup = 0; if ((selectcup = winningcup)) { gotoAndStop ("cup0won"); } else { gotoAndStop ("cup0lost"); } }
Symbol 1791 Button
on (press) { selectcup = 1; if ((selectcup = winningcup)) { gotoAndStop ("cup1won"); } else { gotoAndStop ("cup1lost"); } }
Symbol 1792 Button
on (press) { selectcup = 2; if ((selectcup = winningcup)) { gotoAndStop ("cup2won"); } else { gotoAndStop ("cup2lost"); } }
Symbol 1796 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashieroomzcore"); dashieexp = dashieexp - 1; }
Symbol 1798 Button
on (press) { STOREDpinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp; dashieexpSTORED = dashieexp; gotoAndPlay ("gameover"); }
Symbol 1800 Button
on (press) { play(); }
Symbol 1802 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dashieroomzcore"); }
Symbol 1807 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); play(); }
Symbol 1813 Button
on (press) { if (ddatetalk == 0) { gotoAndStop ("ddateconvo1"); dashieexp = dashieexp + 25; } else if (ddatetalk == 1) { gotoAndStop ("ddateconvo2"); dashieexp = dashieexp + 25; } else if (ddatetalk == 2) { gotoAndStop ("ddateconvo3"); pinkiepieexp = pinkiepieexp + 25; } else if (ddatetalk >= 3) { gotoAndStop ("dnomodtalk"); } }
Symbol 1814 Button
on (press) { if (dcrazyadventure == 0) { gotoAndStop ("ddateadventure1"); } else { gotoAndStop ("dnomoadvenchur"); } }
Symbol 1815 Button
on (press) { if (dcrazyadventure == 1) { gotoAndStop ("dpicture"); } else { gotoAndStop ("dnopictureyet"); } }
Symbol 1816 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("dnokissyyet"); }
Symbol 1818 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ddatecore"); ddatetalk = 1; }
Symbol 1821 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ddatecore"); ddatetalk = 2; }
Symbol 1824 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ddatecore"); ddatetalk = 3; }
Symbol 1826 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ddatecore"); }
Symbol 1884 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ddatecore"); dcrazyadventure = 1; }
Symbol 1886 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ddatecore"); }
Symbol 1888 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1901 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); play(); }
Symbol 1903 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1913 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); play(); }
Symbol 1917 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dashieexp = 3500; play(); }
Symbol 1921 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); dmagicfuntime = 1; }
Symbol 1926 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("naptime"); dashieconvo = dashieconvo + 1; }
Symbol 1928 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ddatecore"); }
Symbol 1931 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvilleday"); }
Symbol 1933 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1942 Button
on (press) { if (character == 1) { gotoAndPlay ("twilightxrdsecks"); } else { gotoAndStop ("fluttershyxrdsecks"); } }
Symbol 1944 Button
on (press) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop ("endofsecksytimesd"); }
Symbol 2011 Button
on (press) { if (character == 1) { gotoAndPlay ("SparkleAlone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("Fluttershyalone"); } }
Symbol 2031 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 2050 Button
on (press) { attackcharge = attackcharge + 1; if (attackcharge == 0) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(1); } if (attackcharge == 1) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(1); } if (attackcharge == 2) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(2); } if (attackcharge == 3) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(2); } if (attackcharge == 4) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(3); } if (attackcharge == 5) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(3); } if (attackcharge == 6) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(4); } if (attackcharge == 7) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(4); } if (attackcharge == 8) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(5); } if (attackcharge == 9) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(5); } if (attackcharge == 10) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(6); } if (attackcharge == 11) { _root.attackchargemeter.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndPlay ("yourattack"); attackcharge = 0; } }
Symbol 2053 Button
on (press) { healcharge = healcharge + 1; if (healcharge == 0) { _root.healchargemeter.gotoAndStop(1); } if (healcharge == 1) { _root.healchargemeter.gotoAndStop(2); } if (healcharge == 2) { _root.healchargemeter.gotoAndStop(3); } if (healcharge == 3) { _root.healchargemeter.gotoAndStop(4); } if (healcharge == 4) { _root.healchargemeter.gotoAndStop(5); } if (healcharge == 5) { _root.healchargemeter.gotoAndStop(6); } if (healcharge == 6) { _root.healchargemeter.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndPlay ("healforce"); healcharge = 0; } }
Symbol 2096 Button
on (press) { play(); }
Symbol 2109 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); bit = bit + 50000; }
Symbol 2127 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 2135 Button
on (press) { if (character == 1) { gotoAndPlay ("twilightorgy"); } else { gotoAndStop ("fluttershyorgy"); } }
Symbol 2136 Button
on (press) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop ("bestending"); }
Symbol 2150 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("classroomX"); secretos = secretos + 1; secretnumba1 = 1; }
Symbol 2153 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("worldmap"); secretos = secretos + 1; secretnumba2 = 1; bit = bit + 500; }
Symbol 2156 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("everfreeforest1"); secretos = secretos + 1; secretnumba3 = 1; weed = weed + 1; }
Symbol 2158 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("cliffday"); secretos = secretos + 1; secretnumba4 = 1; }
Symbol 2165 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 2175 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("beachnight"); secretos = secretos + 1; secretnumba5 = 1; cocaine = cocaine + 2; }
Symbol 2184 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("ponyvillenight"); secretos = secretos + 1; secretnumba6 = 1; }
Symbol 2192 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 2195 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("lake"); secretos = secretos + 1; secretnumba7 = 1; }
Symbol 2219 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("keycodeuse"); }
Symbol 2226 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop ("passcheck"); }
Symbol 2228 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("ragequit"); }
Symbol 2230 Button
on (press) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 2233 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 2236 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 2237 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("ragequit"); }
Symbol 2262 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("ragequit"); bagsofhair = 1; }
Symbol 2264 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("ragequit"); coins = 1; }
Symbol 2266 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("ragequit"); xstats = 1; }
Symbol 2303 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); play(); }
Symbol 2326 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 2339 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); play(); }
Symbol 2345 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }

Library Items

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1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1648 1649 1650 1652 1653 1654 1655 1657 1658 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1668 1669 1670 1672 1673 1674 1676 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1696 1698 1699 1700 1701 1703 1709 1711 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1775 1777 1779 1780 1781 1783 1787 1788 1793 1794 1795 1797 1799 1801 1803 1804 1805 1806 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1817 1819 1820 1822 1823 1825 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1885 1887 1889 1890 1891 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Symbol 5 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 62 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 67 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 74 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 82 SoundUsed by:83 97 163 170 306 308 369 400 408 424 426 451 455 497 498 499 500 506 508 510 514 519 521 529 532 624 627 628 634 640 646 647 651 653 655 658 659 660 665 667 673 675 677 682 683 690 692 696 703 704 707 708 711 714 716 717 721 724 726 728 731 733 739 742 744 747 751 753 755 757 766 769 773 778 780 782 786 790 795 801 804 806 869 871 904 920 925 927 928 931 933 935 939 945 972 975 978 1021 1066 1115 1118 1121 1123 1141 1145 1151 1154 1158 1162 1173 1174 1179 1295 1312 1325 1336 1338 1343 1345 1347 1354 1355 1357 1360 1363 1365 1368 1370 1379 1471 1477 1478 1482 1485 1490 1492 1494 1499 1503 1504 1507 1531 1537 1539 1543 1545 1549 1550 1554 1556 1559 1572 1576 1585 1587 1589 1590 1595 1597 1601 1603 1608 1611 1613 1616 1623 1630 1635 1647 1651 1656 1659 1666 1667 1671 1675 1677 1678 1695 1697 1710 1712 1741 1774 1776 1778 1782 1796 1798 1800 1802 1807 1818 1821 1824 1826 1884 1886 1888 1901 1903 1913 1917 1921 1926 1928 1931 1933 1942 1944 2011 2031 2096 2109 2127 2135 2136 2150 2153 2156 2158 2165 2175 2184 2192 2195 2218 2219 2236 2237 2262 2264 2266 2303 2339 2345
Symbol 83 ButtonUses:79 80 81 82Used by:Timeline
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 85 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 86 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 87 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:95
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Symbol 96 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 97 ButtonUses:79 80 81 82Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:104
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Symbol 2306 GraphicUsed by:2326
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Symbol 2311 GraphicUsed by:2326
Symbol 2312 GraphicUsed by:2324
Symbol 2313 GraphicUsed by:2324
Symbol 2314 GraphicUsed by:2324
Symbol 2315 GraphicUsed by:2324
Symbol 2316 GraphicUsed by:2324
Symbol 2317 GraphicUsed by:2324
Symbol 2318 GraphicUsed by:2324
Symbol 2319 GraphicUsed by:2324
Symbol 2320 GraphicUsed by:2324
Symbol 2321 GraphicUsed by:2324
Symbol 2322 GraphicUsed by:2324
Symbol 2323 GraphicUsed by:2324
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Symbol 2328 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2329 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2330 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2331 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2332 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 2344 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 2350 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 2352 GraphicUsed by:2355
Symbol 2353 GraphicUsed by:2355
Symbol 2354 GraphicUsed by:2355
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Symbol 2356 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 2362 GraphicUses:2361Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2363 BitmapUsed by:2364
Symbol 2364 GraphicUses:2363Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2365 BitmapUsed by:2366
Symbol 2366 GraphicUses:2365Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2367 BitmapUsed by:2368
Symbol 2368 GraphicUses:2367Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2369 BitmapUsed by:2370
Symbol 2370 GraphicUses:2369Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 2372 GraphicUses:2371Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2373 BitmapUsed by:2374
Symbol 2374 GraphicUses:2373Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 2378 GraphicUses:2377Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 2380 GraphicUses:2379Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 2382 GraphicUses:2381Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2383 BitmapUsed by:2384
Symbol 2384 GraphicUses:2383Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2385 BitmapUsed by:2386
Symbol 2386 GraphicUses:2385Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"totalbytes"Frame 1Symbol 10 EditableText
"ponybedroom"Frame 630Symbol 95 MovieClip
"stringday"Frame 631Symbol 129 EditableText
"faceselected"Frame 634Symbol 204 MovieClip
"stringday"Frame 634Symbol 129 EditableText
"worldmap"Frame 635Symbol 241 MovieClip
"everfreeforest"Frame 664Symbol 298 MovieClip
"pasture"Frame 673Symbol 328 MovieClip
"lolIQ"Frame 686Symbol 396 MovieClip
"cliffbg"Frame 690Symbol 414 MovieClip
"lakefront1"Frame 695Symbol 438 MovieClip
"lolIQ"Frame 697Symbol 396 MovieClip
"lolIQ"Frame 700Symbol 396 MovieClip
"ponyvillebg"Frame 773Symbol 472 MovieClip
"beachbg"Frame 776Symbol 490 MovieClip
"ponyvillebg"Frame 779Symbol 472 MovieClip
"dmic"Frame 1786Symbol 1026 MovieClip
"soundxfilter"Frame 1993Symbol 1040 MovieClip
"mySlider"Frame 1993Symbol 1045 MovieClip
"ratio"Frame 1993Symbol 1047 EditableText
"cliffbg"Frame 2069Symbol 414 MovieClip
"stringday"Frame 2379Symbol 129 EditableText
"pasture"Frame 2476Symbol 328 MovieClip
"stringday"Frame 2634Symbol 129 EditableText
"ponyvillebg"Frame 2847Symbol 472 MovieClip
"stringday"Frame 2847Symbol 129 EditableText
"ponyvillebg"Frame 3091Symbol 472 MovieClip
"ponyvillebg"Frame 3336Symbol 472 MovieClip
"ponyvillebg"Frame 4184Symbol 472 MovieClip
"ponybedroom"Frame 4465Symbol 95 MovieClip
"ponybedroom"Frame 5194Symbol 95 MovieClip
"yourHPbar"Frame 5258Symbol 2073 MovieClip
"angelhealthbar"Frame 5258Symbol 2078 MovieClip
"attackchargemeter"Frame 5259Symbol 2083 MovieClip
"healchargemeter"Frame 5259Symbol 2083 MovieClip
"classroom"Frame 5813Symbol 350 MovieClip
"beachbg"Frame 5817Symbol 490 MovieClip
"ponyvillebg"Frame 5827Symbol 472 MovieClip
"lakefront1"Frame 5830Symbol 438 MovieClip
"line"Symbol 1045 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1042 MovieClip
"dragger"Symbol 1045 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1044 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.


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"noitembought"Frame 663
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"pasture"Frame 673
"noclass"Frame 674
"theclass"Frame 675
"raritysscene"Frame 676
"classroomX"Frame 685
"Schoolwork"Frame 686
"Librarywork"Frame 687
"LibraryworkX"Frame 688
"Notenoughmineralsschool"Frame 689
"clifffork"Frame 690
"cliffday"Frame 691
"notenoughmineralscliff"Frame 692
"cliffpatrolpays"Frame 693
"cliffsnight"Frame 694
"lake"Frame 695
"notenoughmineralslake"Frame 696
"goofingoff"Frame 697
"lakenight"Frame 698
"noforestpatrol"Frame 699
"foresttour"Frame 700
"naptime"Frame 701
"ponyvillefork"Frame 773
"ponyvillenight"Frame 774
"ponyvilleday"Frame 775
"beachfork"Frame 776
"beachday"Frame 777
"beachnight"Frame 778
"pinkiepieconvo0"Frame 779
"pinkiepieconvo1fail"Frame 781
"pinkiepieconvo1success"Frame 782
"pinkiepieconvo1neutral"Frame 784
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"ptidbit2"Frame 791
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"ptidbit15"Frame 825
"ptidbit16"Frame 827
"ptidbit17"Frame 829
"ptidbit18"Frame 831
"ptidbit19"Frame 833
"ptidbit20"Frame 835
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"ptidbit22"Frame 839
"ptidbit23"Frame 841
"ptidbit24"Frame 843
"ptidbit25"Frame 845
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"ptidbit27"Frame 849
"ptidbit28"Frame 851
"ptidbit29"Frame 853
"ptidbit30"Frame 855
"ptidbit31"Frame 857
"ptidbit32"Frame 859
"ptidbit33"Frame 861
"ptidbit34"Frame 863
"ptidbit35"Frame 865
"ptidbit36"Frame 867
"ptidbit37"Frame 869
"ptidbit38"Frame 871
"ptidbit39"Frame 873
"ptidbit40"Frame 875
"ptidbit41"Frame 877
"ptidbit42"Frame 879
"ptidbit43"Frame 881
"ptidbit44"Frame 883
"ptidbit45"Frame 885
"ptidbit46"Frame 887
"ptidbit47"Frame 889
"ptidbit48"Frame 891
"ptidbit49"Frame 893
"ptidbit50"Frame 895
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"trivia1ok"Frame 1005
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"PMSdis"Frame 1015
"PMSstop"Frame 1016
"NomoPMS"Frame 1017
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"trivia2ok"Frame 1124
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"quest1notenoughsoul"Frame 1129
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"1negative"Frame 1139
"1positive"Frame 1140
"quest2end"Frame 1142
"quest1lastfork"Frame 1144
"aintgotdyeq1"Frame 1145
"gotthedyeq1"Frame 1146
"quest1clears23"Frame 1148
"2dyegiven"Frame 1151
"textlvlup"Frame 1153
"rarityevent"Frame 1248
"slayrarity"Frame 1252
"pinkiedebtfork"Frame 1256
"pdebtihas"Frame 1258
"gettingcashfork"Frame 1271
"pnocashonme"Frame 1272
"moneypmoney"Frame 1276
"crapnobitsp"Frame 1279
"gotdapowap"Frame 1280
"gushtoclosepal"Frame 1287
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"postdatep"Frame 1390
"loveslave"Frame 1396
"pinkiepieisnothome"Frame 1399
"nopiehome"Frame 1399
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"indoorprt23"Frame 1451
"indoorprt24"Frame 1453
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"indoorprt26"Frame 1457
"indoorprt27"Frame 1459
"indoorprt28"Frame 1461
"indoorprt29"Frame 1463
"indoorprt30"Frame 1465
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"endpcoke"Frame 1472
"pewnohugs"Frame 1473
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"pdateyay"Frame 1571
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"pdateconvo2"Frame 1624
"pdateconvo3"Frame 1626
"pnomodtalk"Frame 1628
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"sexytime"Frame 2584
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"fluttershyxpscecks"Frame 2633
"endofsecksytimesp"Frame 2634
"ppieending"Frame 2640
"creditas"Frame 2770
"gameover"Frame 2771
"nokissyyet"Frame 2846
"dashieconvo0"Frame 2847
"dashieconvochoice3"Frame 2850
"dashieconvochoice1"Frame 2852
"randomchitchatfork"Frame 2854
"dtidbit0"Frame 2855
"dtidbit1"Frame 2857
"dtidbit2"Frame 2859
"dtidbit3"Frame 2861
"dtidbit4"Frame 2863
"dtidbit5"Frame 2865
"dtidbit6"Frame 2867
"dtidbit7"Frame 2869
"dtidbit8"Frame 2871
"dtidbit9"Frame 2873
"dtidbit10"Frame 2875
"dtidbit11"Frame 2877
"dtidbit12"Frame 2879
"dtidbit13"Frame 2881
"dtidbit14"Frame 2883
"dtidbit15"Frame 2885
"dtidbit16"Frame 2887
"dtidbit17"Frame 2889
"dtidbit18"Frame 2891
"dtidbit19"Frame 2893
"dtidbit20"Frame 2895
"dtidbit21"Frame 2897
"dtidbit22"Frame 2899
"dtidbit23"Frame 2901
"dtidbit24"Frame 2903
"dtidbit25"Frame 2905
"dtidbit26"Frame 2907
"dtidbit27"Frame 2909
"dtidbit28"Frame 2911
"dtidbit29"Frame 2913
"dtidbit30"Frame 2915
"dtidbit31"Frame 2917
"dtidbit32"Frame 2919
"dtidbit33"Frame 2921
"dtidbit34"Frame 2923
"dtidbit35"Frame 2925
"dtidbit36"Frame 2927
"dtidbit37"Frame 2929
"dtidbit38"Frame 2931
"dtidbit39"Frame 2933
"dtidbit40"Frame 2935
"dtidbit41"Frame 2937
"dtidbit42"Frame 2939
"dtidbit43"Frame 2941
"dtidbit44"Frame 2943
"dtidbit45"Frame 2945
"dtidbit46"Frame 2947
"dtidbit47"Frame 2949
"dtidbit48"Frame 2951
"dtidbit49"Frame 2953
"dtidbit50"Frame 2955
"dashiequest1fork"Frame 2957
"dashieqchoiceno"Frame 2964
"dashqfork"Frame 2965
"dashiepiefork"Frame 2966
"yougivepie"Frame 2970
"dlvlupnewfriend"Frame 2972
"dashietrivia1"Frame 3067
"dashtrivia1WRONG"Frame 3070
"dashtrivia1RIGHT"Frame 3071
"dashiegetsrobbed"Frame 3072
"dashierecovers"Frame 3091
"dlevelupnewlevelclosefriend "Frame 3097
"dashietrivia2"Frame 3192
"dashtrivia2WRONG"Frame 3196
"dashtrivia2RIGHT"Frame 3197
"troublewithrainbows"Frame 3199
"dashrainbowsyes"Frame 3216
"dashiequest2pdfork1"Frame 3223
"gotrainbowdye"Frame 3225
"dashrainbowsy2es"Frame 3229
"dashiequest2end"Frame 3232
"dllupnewlevelclosefriend "Frame 3238
"dashienothome"Frame 3333
"dashiehousefork"Frame 3334
"dashhousecore"Frame 3335
"dashiemeetsangel"Frame 3336
"facingangel"Frame 3342
"dashieexamfork"Frame 3354
"rdneeds600bits"Frame 3363
"gotva2drd"Frame 3371
"dgettingcashfork"Frame 3374
"notenoughrd"Frame 3377
"pleasehurryrd"Frame 3378
"gotrdcash"Frame 3379
"dgushtoclosepal"Frame 3382
"dcloselvlup"Frame 3390
"predated"Frame 3485
"postdated"Frame 3486
"dashieroomzcore"Frame 3488
"droomrandomconvofork"Frame 3489
"dindoorpfork"Frame 3489
"dindoorprt0"Frame 3490
"dindoorprt1"Frame 3492
"dindoorprt2"Frame 3494
"dindoorprt3"Frame 3496
"dindoorprt4"Frame 3498
"dindoorprt5"Frame 3500
"dindoorprt6"Frame 3502
"dindoorprt7"Frame 3504
"dindoorprt8"Frame 3506
"dindoorprt9"Frame 3508
"dindoorprt10"Frame 3510
"dindoorprt11"Frame 3512
"dindoorprt12"Frame 3514
"dindoorprt13"Frame 3516
"dindoorprt14"Frame 3518
"dindoorprt15"Frame 3520
"dindoorprt16"Frame 3522
"dindoorprt17"Frame 3524
"dindoorprt18"Frame 3526
"dindoorprt19"Frame 3528
"dindoorprt20"Frame 3530
"dindoorprt21"Frame 3532
"dindoorprt22"Frame 3534
"dindoorprt23"Frame 3536
"dindoorprt24"Frame 3538
"dindoorprt25"Frame 3540
"dindoorprt26"Frame 3542
"dindoorprt27"Frame 3544
"dindoorprt28"Frame 3546
"dindoorprt29"Frame 3548
"dindoorprt30"Frame 3550
"tootiredd"Frame 3552
"dashgame"Frame 3553
"candbgamecore"Frame 3556
"cup0won"Frame 3617
"cup0lost"Frame 3618
"cup1won"Frame 3619
"cup1lost"Frame 3620
"cup2won"Frame 3621
"cup2lost"Frame 3622
"dewnohugs"Frame 3623
"dashieroomexecution"Frame 3624
"dhugsyay"Frame 3625
"dewnodate"Frame 3670
"ddatedone23"Frame 3671
"ddateyay"Frame 3672
"ddatecore"Frame 3696
"ddateconvo1"Frame 3697
"ddateconvo2"Frame 3699
"ddateconvo3"Frame 3701
"dnomodtalk"Frame 3703
"dnoadventureyet"Frame 3704
"ddateadventure1"Frame 3706
"dnopictureyet"Frame 3780
"dpicture"Frame 3781
"dgflevelup"Frame 4085
"dnokissyyet"Frame 4183
"postdatedd"Frame 4184
"dkisyay"Frame 4185
"twilightxrdsecks"Frame 4426
"fluttershyxrdsecks"Frame 4427
"endofsecksytimesd"Frame 4428
"endingselector"Frame 4454
"initforeveralone"Frame 4456
"SparkleAlone"Frame 4478
"Fluttershyalone"Frame 4831
"initgoodend"Frame 5184
"prefight"Frame 5216
"angelhealthbarmeasure"Frame 5259
"myhealchargedata"Frame 5259
"myhpdata"Frame 5259
"attacksetmeterchargedata"Frame 5259
"fightloopstart"Frame 5259
"shotangel"Frame 5380
"yourattack"Frame 5433
"healforce"Frame 5478
"youfuckeduprealroyally"Frame 5506
"blackangeldown"Frame 5582
"dloveslaveup"Frame 5615
"ploveslaveup"Frame 5710
"twilightorgy"Frame 5810
"fluttershyorgy"Frame 5811
"bestending"Frame 5812
"donttouchthekeys"Frame 5813
"youfindsomecoins"Frame 5814
"scoreblunt"Frame 5815
"allstatscodeget"Frame 5816
"cokeget"Frame 5817
"funget"Frame 5827
"afhmeetsj00"Frame 5830
"ragequit"Frame 5866
"keycodeuse"Frame 5897
"passcodeerror"Frame 5898
"passcheck"Frame 5899
"weirdshitokay"Frame 5900
"itemsadded"Frame 5914
"moneyis20000"Frame 5915
"MAXPOWER"Frame 5916
"randomconvos"Frame 5917
"dashgallery"Frame 6031
"pinkiepiegallery"Frame 6038

Dynamic Text Variables

finalbytesSymbol 10 EditableText"<p align="right"></p>"
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maxhealthSymbol 212 EditableText"<p align="left"></p>"
attackSymbol 213 EditableText"<p align="left"></p>"
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pinkiepiestatusSymbol 674 EditableText"<p align="center"></p>"
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Created: 28/2 -2019 04:27:17 Last modified: 28/2 -2019 04:27:17 Server time: 20/09 -2024 23:59:29