FLASH #122541 CURRENTLY MOST POPULAR FILE NAME: zm[13]64kbps.swf Times it has been spotted: 1 First seen: 26/2 -2013 07:57:21 Last seen: 26/2 -2013 07:57:21
This flash file contains at least one web URL.
This flash file contains at least one "getURL".
Listed on: Page 2451
[Wiki page at swfchan.net] 0 threads. | Flash version: | 6 | Frames: | 9396 | Frame rate: | 25 fps | Length: | 06:16 | Background color: | #000000 | Dimensions: | 720x405 width x height | File size: | 3,2 MiB | Flash data size: | 5,31 MiB | Compressed: | Yes Signature: CWS | ActionScript: | AS1/AS2 |
Click on a file name below to watch this flash. (All links lead to the same file.)
Additional extracted data from this flash file can be found on the file's info page (~78,3 KiB). Available: Text, ActionScript, Library Items, Instance Names, Special Tags, Labels, Dynamic Text Variables. |