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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Flower of the Night - sexy Ashley undresses and masturbates.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #128548

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { stop(); } movieClip 3 { } movieClip 7 { } movieClip 9 { } movieClip 11 { frame 1 { _root.bytes_totales = _level0.getBytesTotal(); _root.bytes_chargées = _level0.getBytesLoaded(); _root.bytes_rapport = Math.round((_root.bytes_chargées / _root.bytes_totales) * 100); _root.bytes_chargement_affichage = Math.round(_root.bytes_rapport); if (_root.bytes_rapport == 100) {; stop(); } tellTarget ('_root.barre_chargement_bytes') { gotoAndPlay(_root.bytes_rapport); } } } movieClip 14 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 101 { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); _root.langue = 0; } button 20 { on (press) { _root.langue = 0; gotoAndStop(2); } } button 23 { on (press) { _root.langue = 1; gotoAndStop(3); } } button 30 { on (press) { gotoAndPlay(5); } } button 35 { on (press) { _root.langue = 2; gotoAndStop(4); } } frame 5 { Mouse.hide(); } movieClip 40 { } movieClip 43 { } frame 56 { if (_root.langue == 0) { text01 = 'and'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { text01 = 'et'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { text01 = 'und'; } } } } movieClip 46 { } frame 116 { if (_root.langue == 0) { text01 = 'present'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { text01 = 'présentent'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { text01 = 'präsentiert'; } } } } frame 179 { if (_root.langue == 0) { text01 = 'in a game by'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { text01 = 'dans un jeu de'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { text01 = 'in einem Spiel von '; } } } } movieClip 55 { } movieClip 56 { } frame 214 { if (_root.langue == 0) { text01 = '\'\' Flower of the night \'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { text01 = '\'\' Fleur de la nuit \'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { text01 = '\'\' Blume der Nacht \'\''; } } } } frame 247 { stop();; if (_root.langue == 0) { text11 = 'How to play : When the cursor'; text12 = 'is visible'; text13 = 'you have to find good spots and left-click on to trigger an action.'; textbutton = 'START'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { text11 = 'Comment jouer : quand le curseur'; text12 = 'est visible'; text13 = 'trouvez les zones actives et cliquez dessus pour démarrer une action.'; textbutton = 'JOUER'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { text11 = 'so wird gespielt : wenn das Cursor'; text12 = 'sichtbar ist'; text13 = 'Finden Sie die richtigen Stellen zum Anklicken, welche eine Aktion auslösen'; textbutton = 'START'; } } } } movieClip 62 { } movieClip 64 { } button 65 { on (press) { play(); } } frame 248 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 281 { gotoAndPlay(282); } frame 282 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 282 { stop(); _root.action = 0; } button 68 { on (press) { gotoAndPlay(284); } } button 69 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 70 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 71 { } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } button 72 { on (keyPress '<Tab>') { return false; } } movieClip 73 { } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = true; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } movieClip 75 { } movieClip 78 { } frame 283 { prevFrame(); } frame 284 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 284 { _root.action = 0; } movieClip 80 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.action = 0; } frame 70 { stop(); _root.action = 1; } frame 216 { stop(); _root.action = 2; } } frame 298 { tellTarget ('') { play(); } } frame 299 { if (_root.action == 1) { gotoAndPlay(301); } } frame 300 { gotoAndPlay(299); } frame 302 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 302 { stop(); _root.action = 1; } button 83 { on (press) { gotoAndPlay(304); } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = true; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } frame 303 { prevFrame(); } frame 304 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndPlay(71); } } frame 308 { if (_root.action == 2) { gotoAndPlay(310); } } frame 309 { gotoAndPlay(308); } frame 321 { gotoAndPlay(322); } frame 322 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(110); } tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.finmvt = 0; _root.condition1 = 0; } movieClip 85 { frame 12 { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.condition1 = 1; play(); } frame 110 { stop(); _root.action = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; } frame 278 { stop(); _root.action = 1; } } movieClip 86 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.finmvt == 1) { stop(); tellTarget ('') { stop(); } tellTarget ('') { prevFrame(); } play(); } } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } frame 323 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 323 { stop(); _root.action = 0; } button 87 { on (press) { _root.finmvt = 1; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; tellTarget ('controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } button 88 { on (press) { if (_root.condition1 == 1) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; tellTarget ('video') { gotoAndPlay(111); } gotoAndPlay(325); } } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = true; _root.aide2._visible = true; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } frame 324 { prevFrame(); } frame 325 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 325 { if (_root.action == 1) { gotoAndPlay(327); } } frame 326 { gotoAndPlay(325); } frame 337 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Driiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Kliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing'; } } } } frame 375 { gotoAndPlay(376); } frame 376 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 380 {; } frame 380 { stop(); } frame 380 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'Hum! Who can be ringing at my door so late ?'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Hey ! qui peut bien sonner à ma porte à cette-heure ci ?'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Hm, wer kann so spät noch bei mir klingeln ?'; } } } } movieClip 93 { } movieClip 95 { } movieClip 96 { } movieClip 100 { } button 101 { on (press) { play(); } } frame 381 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 385 {; } frame 385 { stop(); } frame 385 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'I\'m not expecting anybody...'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Je n\'attends pas de visites...'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Ich erwarte eigentlich niemanden...'; } } } } frame 386 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 390 {; } frame 390 { stop(); } frame 390 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'How strange... nobody on the door step.'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Curieux... Personne sur le pallier.'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Wie seltsam...niemand im Treppemhaus...'; } } } } frame 391 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 395 {; } frame 395 { stop(); } frame 395 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'Flowers? ... The person who left them here must have been in a hurry... or very shy... There\'s a card... '; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Des fleurs ? ... Celui qui les a déposées là était très pressé ... ou très timide ... Il y a une carte...'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Blumen!... Derjenige, der sie zurückgelassen hat, muss sehr in Eile gewesen sein... oder sehr scheu..Da ist ja eine Karte!'; } } } } frame 396 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 400 {; } frame 400 { stop(); } frame 400 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'These roses wanted to be with the most beautiful of them all. They\'ll be happy to be with you now. But I\'d rather to be the one enjoying your company.\'\''; _root.bul01._visible = true; _root.bul02._visible = false; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Ces roses rêvaient de rejoindre la plus belle d\'entre elles, j\'ai exhaussé leur souhait, jaloux de leur bonheur.\'\''; _root.bul01._visible = true; _root.bul02._visible = false; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Diese Rosen wollen mit der Schönsten von ihnen zusammen sein. Sie sind wohl jetzt glücklich, bei dir zu sein. Aber eigentlich wäre ich es lieber selber, der mit dir zusammen sein darf.\'\''; _root.bul01._visible = false; _root.bul02._visible = true; } } } } frame 401 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 405 {; } frame 405 { stop(); } frame 405 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'There\'s a phone number... Not one I know... A secret admirer ?'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Il y a un numéro de téléphone... mais il ne correspond à personne que je connaisse... Un admirateur anonyme ?'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Da ist eine Telefonnummer... Keine, die ich kenne.... ein geheimer Bewunderer?'; } } } } frame 406 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 410 {; } frame 410 { stop(); } frame 410 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'I need to know... I\'ll send an SMS... \'\'The flowers are gorgeous, but the man who sent them is really mysterious. Who are you?\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'J\'ai besoin de savoir... J\'envoie un SMS... \'\'Les fleurs sont splendides, mais le livreur est bien mystérieux. Qui êtes-vous ?\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Ich muss es wissen... Ich sende eine SMS... \'\'Die Blumen sind wunderbar, aber derjenige, der sie geschickt hat, ist sehr geheimnisvoll. Wer bist du?\'\''; } } } } frame 411 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 415 {; } frame 415 { stop(); } frame 415 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'This guy knows where I live... And now, he knows my phone number. I shouldn\'t have answered.'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'En tout cas, cet inconnu sait où j\'habite... Et maintenant, il connait mon numéro de téléphone. Je n\'aurais pas dû répondre.'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Dieser Kerl weiß, wo ich wohne... Und jetzt kennt er auch noch meine Telefonnummer. Ich hätte ihm nicht antworten sollen.'; } } } } button 123 { on (press) { gotoAndPlay(416); } } frame 416 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.finmvt = 0; _root.condition1 = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 125 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.action = 0; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton1._visible = true; } frame 60 { if (_root.action == 0) { _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.action = 1; } } frame 99 { stop(); _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; if (_root.action == 1) { _root.finmvt = 1; } if (_root.action == 2) { _root.finmvt = 0; play(); } } frame 231 { stop(); _root.action = 3; } } frame 420 {; } frame 420 { stop(); } frame 420 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'How stupid am I? ... I get excited because a stranger sends me flowers... I\'ve got to forget all about this.'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Quelle idiote... Je m\'excite toute seule parce qu\'un inconnu m\'a envoyé des fleurs... Il faut que j\'oublie tout ça.'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Wie blöd bin ich doch ? Ich werde ganz unruhig, nur weil mir ein Fremder Blumen schickt... Ich sollte das alles vergessen.'; } } } } frame 421 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 421 { stop(); _root.action = 0; _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 127 { on (press) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; if (_root.action == 0) { tellTarget ('video') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (_root.action == 1) { _root.action = 2; gotoAndPlay(423); } } } button 128 { on (press) { if (_root.action == 0) { gotoAndPlay(477); } } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = true; _root.aidespecial1._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } movieClip 130 { } movieClip 133 { } frame 422 { prevFrame(); } frame 423 { if (_root.action == 3) { gotoAndPlay(425); } } frame 424 { gotoAndPlay(423); } movieClip 137 { } frame 466 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 466 { stop(); _root.action = 0; } movieClip 139 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); _root.action = 1; } } button 140 { on (press) { tellTarget ('video') { gotoAndPlay(2); } gotoAndPlay(468); } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = true; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } frame 467 { prevFrame(); } frame 468 { if (_root.action == 1) { gotoAndPlay(470); } } frame 469 { gotoAndPlay(468); } frame 476 { gotoAndPlay(521); } frame 477 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 477 { _root.action = 0; } movieClip 142 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); _root.action = 1; } frame 106 { stop(); _root.action = 2; } } frame 478 { tellTarget ('video') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 479 { if (_root.action == 1) { gotoAndPlay(481); } } frame 480 { gotoAndPlay(479); } frame 481 { tellTarget ('video') { gotoAndPlay(53); } } frame 482 { if (_root.action == 2) { gotoAndPlay(484); } } frame 483 { gotoAndPlay(482); } frame 499 {; } frame 499 { stop(); } frame 499 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = ' shouldn\'t think about it... I\'ll try to get some sleep... '; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Il ne faut pas que j\'accorde d\'intérêt à cette histoire... Je devrais plutôt essayer de dormir...'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Ich sollte nicht mehr darüber nachdenken... Ich sollte versuchen, noch etwas Schlaf zu bekommen...'; } } } } frame 500 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 509 {; } frame 509 { stop(); } frame 509 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'It\'s a lovely night... Let\'s forget it...'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'La nuit est belle... Oublions tout ça...'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Es ist eine liebliche Nacht... Schwamm drüber!'; } } } } frame 510 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 519 {; } frame 519 { stop(); } frame 519 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'Ashley fell asleep... What a shame, isn\'t it? You could have had exciting moments with her... but you should have made other choices. You loose.'; textbutton = 'AGAIN'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Ashley s\'est endormie... C\'est dommage, non ? Tu aurais pu passer d\'autres moments très excitant avec elle... Mais il aurait fallu faire d\'autre choix. C\'est perdu...'; textbutton = 'REJOUER'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Ashley schlief ein... Was für eine Enttäuschung, nicht wahr? Du hättest Aufregendes mit ihr erleben können... aber dazu hättest du etwas anderes probieren müssen. Du hast verloren.'; textbutton = 'NOCH EINMAL'; } } } } button 151 { on (press) { gotoAndPlay(284); } } frame 520 { prevFrame(); } frame 521 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 525 {; } frame 525 { stop(); } frame 525 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'My roses don\'t seem to heal your loneliness... Obviously, the queen of the flowers needs some caresses tonight.\'\''; _root.bul01._visible = true; _root.bul02._visible = false; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\' Mes roses ne semblent pas avoir réussi à apaiser votre solitude... Manifestement, la reine des fleurs a besoin de caresses ce soir. \'\''; _root.bul01._visible = true; _root.bul02._visible = false; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\' Meine Rosen scheinen dir nicht über deine Einsamkeit hinwegzuhelfen. Offensichtlich braucht die Blumenkönigin heute Nacht noch einige Streicheleinheiten.\'\''; _root.bul01._visible = false; _root.bul02._visible = true; } } } } frame 526 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 530 {; } frame 530 { stop(); } frame 530 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'Obviously, the queen of the flowers needs some caresses tonight... What does that mean... How can he know what I\'m doing...'; _root.bul01._visible = true; _root.bul02._visible = false; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Manifestement, la reine des fleurs a besoin de caresses ce soir... Qu\'est-ce que ça signifie... Peut-il savoir que j\'étais en train de ...'; _root.bul01._visible = true; _root.bul02._visible = false; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Offensichtlich braucht die Blumenkönigin heute Nacht noch einige Streicheleinheiten... Was bedeutet denn das? Wie kann er wissen, was ich gerade mache ?'; _root.bul01._visible = false; _root.bul02._visible = true; } } } } frame 531 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 535 {; } frame 535 { stop(); } frame 535 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'Hey! This guy is peeking at me through the windows, I\'m sure of it! I have to close the curtains.'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Hey ! Ce mec est en train de me mater par la fenêtre, j\'en suis sûre !... Il faut que je tire les rideaux.'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'He, dieser Kerl beobachtet mich durchs Fenster, ich bin mir sicher! Ich muss die Vorhänge zuziehen.'; } } } } frame 536 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 540 {; } frame 540 { stop(); } frame 540 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'Unless... Hihi! This idea makes me very horny... I\'ll soon know if he is looking...'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'A moins que... hihi ! cette idée m\'excite vraiment... Si ce mec est en train de mater, je vais vite le savoir...'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Andererseits... Hihi! Der Gedanke daran macht mich ziemlich geil... Ich werde bald wissen, ob er mich beobachtet.'; } } } } frame 545 { gotoAndPlay(546); } frame 546 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.condition1 = 0; _root.action = 0; } movieClip 164 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.action = 0; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; } frame 35 { if (_root.action == 0) { _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.action = 1; } } frame 61 { stop(); _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; if (_root.action == 1) { _root.finmvt = 1; } if (_root.action == 2) { _root.finmvt = 0; play(); } } frame 223 { stop(); _root.action = 3; } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } frame 547 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 547 { stop(); _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 165 { on (press) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; tellTarget ('video') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } button 166 { on (press) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.action = 2; gotoAndPlay(549); } } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } frame 548 { prevFrame(); } frame 549 { if (_root.action == 3) { gotoAndPlay(551); } } frame 550 { gotoAndPlay(549); } frame 589 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 589 { stop(); _root.action = 0; } button 167 { on (press) { gotoAndPlay(591); } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = true; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } frame 590 { prevFrame(); } frame 591 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 595 {; } frame 595 { stop(); } frame 595 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'Feeling a rosebud harden under your fingers is a nice feeling, isn\'t it ? Are your breasts as soft as I imagine ? \'\''; _root.bul01._visible = true; _root.bul02._visible = false; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Sentir un bouton de rose durcir sous ses doigts est une sensation très agréable, n\'est-ce pas. Vos seins sont-ils aussi doux que je l\'imagine ?\'\''; _root.bul01._visible = true; _root.bul02._visible = false; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\' Eine Rosenknospe unter den Fingern hart werden zu spüren ist ein ziemlich angenehmes Gefühl, nicht wahr? Snd deine Brüste so weich, wie ich es mir vorstelle ?\'\''; _root.bul01._visible = false; _root.bul02._visible = true; } } } } frame 596 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 596 { } movieClip 172 { frame 29 { stop(); } } frame 600 {; } frame 600 { stop(); } frame 600 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'I was sure you were watching me.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'J\'étais sûre que vous étiez en train de m\'observer\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Ich bin mir sicher, dass du mich beobachtest.\'\''; } } } } frame 601 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 605 {; } frame 605 { stop(); } frame 605 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'So why did you leave your window open? ... Perhaps the roses love to be admired ... They are so sensual.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Alors, pourquoi avez-vous laissé votre fenêtre ouverte ?... Peut-être que les roses aiment qu\'on les admire... Elles sont si sensuelles.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'So, warum hast du dein Fenster offen gelassen?... Vielleicht lieben es die Rosen, beobachtet zu werden... Sie sind so sinnlich.\'\''; } } } } frame 606 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 610 {; } frame 610 { stop(); } frame 610 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'The summer night is so hot!... I must admit I am very excited ...'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Cette nuit d\'été est si chaude !... Je dois admettre que je suis très excitée...'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Die Sommernacht ist ja so heiß!... Ich muss gestehen, ich bin sehr erregt...'; } } } } frame 611 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 611 { } frame 615 {; } frame 615 { stop(); } frame 615 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'The heat is unbearable. Unable to close the windows...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'La chaleur est insupportable. Impossible de fermer les fenêtres...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Die Hitze ist unerträglich. Unmöglich die Fenster zu schließen...\'\''; } } } } frame 616 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 620 {; } frame 620 { stop(); } frame 620 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'Allow me not to complain about it... I dream to admire your breasts again... You are so beautiful... \'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Permettez-moi de ne pas m\'en plaindre... Je rêve d\'admirer à nouveau vos seins... Vous êtes si belle... \'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Erlaube mir, mich nicht darüber zu beschweren... Ich träume wieder davon, deine Brüste zu bewundern…..Du bist ja so schön !\'\''; } } } } button 180 { on (press) { gotoAndPlay(621); } } frame 621 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 621 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.finmvt = 0; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 183 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.action = 0; } frame 60 { if (_root.action == 2) { stop(); _root.action = 0; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton1._visible = true; } } frame 78 { if (_root.action == 0) { _root.action = 1; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; } } frame 97 { stop(); if (_root.action == 1) { _root.action = 2; _root.finmvt = 1; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; } if (_root.action == 3) { _root.action = 4; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; play(); } } frame 227 { stop(); _root.action = 5; } frame 456 { stop(); _root.action = 6; } frame 502 { stop(); _root.action = 7; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = false; } frame 503 { if (_root.action == 7) { _root.action = 8; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = true; } } frame 513 { if (_root.action == 8) { stop(); _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.action = 9; _root.finmvt = 1; } } frame 635 { stop(); _root.action = 11; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = false; } frame 643 { if (_root.action == 11) { _root.action = 12; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; } } frame 662 { if (_root.action == 12) { stop(); _root.action = 13; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.finmvt = 1; } } frame 777 { stop(); _root.action = 15; } frame 998 { stop(); _root.action = 16; } frame 1023 { stop(); _root.action = 17; } frame 1110 { stop(); _root.action = 18; } frame 1216 { stop(); _root.action = 19; } frame 1346 { stop(); _root.action = 20; } } frame 622 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.finmvt = 0; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 625 {; } frame 625 { stop(); } frame 625 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'This guy feels no shame! and I\'m as hot as fire... Want to watch? OK, well open your eyes...'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Ce mec est vraiment gonflé ! et moi, je suis chaude comme une braise... Tu veux mater? ok, ouvre bien tes yeux...'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Dieser Bursche hat ja überhaupt kein Schamgefühl! Und ich bin so heiß wie Feuer... Du willst etwas sehen? OK, also gut, dann mach deine Augen weit auf.'; } } } if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'This guy feels no shame! and I\'m as hot as fire... Want to watch? OK, well open your eyes...'; _root.bul01._visible = true; _root.bul02._visible = false; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Ce mec est vraiment gonflé ! et moi, je suis chaude comme une braise... Tu veux mater? ok, ouvre bien tes yeux...'; _root.bul01._visible = true; _root.bul02._visible = false; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Dieser Bursche hat ja überhaupt kein Schamgefühl! Und ich bin so heiß wie Feuer... Du willst etwas sehen? OK, also gut, dann mach deine Augen weit auf.'; _root.bul01._visible = false; _root.bul02._visible = true; } } } } frame 626 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 626 { stop(); _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 185 { on (press) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; if (_root.action == 0) { tellTarget ('video') { play(); } } } } button 186 { on (press) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.action = 3; gotoAndPlay(628); } } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } movieClip 189 { } frame 627 { prevFrame(); } frame 628 { if (_root.action == 5) { gotoAndPlay(630); } } frame 629 { gotoAndPlay(628); } frame 638 {; } frame 638 { stop(); } frame 638 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\' You really should take it off... Otherwise you\'ll get to hot.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\' Vous devriez vraiment l\'enlever... Sinon vous allez avoir de plus en plus chaud.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\' Du solltest es wirklich ausziehen... Andernfalls wird es dir zu heiß werden.\'\''; } } } } frame 639 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 639 { stop(); _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 191 { on (press) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; tellTarget ('video') { play(); } gotoAndPlay(641); } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = true; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } frame 640 { prevFrame(); } frame 641 { if (_root.action == 6) { gotoAndPlay(643); } } frame 642 { gotoAndPlay(641); } frame 651 {; } frame 651 { stop(); } frame 651 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'Your breasts are beautiful … Caress them again, please.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Vos seins sont magnifiques... Caressez-les encore, je vous en prie.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Deine Brüste sind ja so wunderschön... Streichle sie bitte noch einmal.\'\''; } } } } frame 652 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 652 { stop(); _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 193 { on (press) { if (_root.action == 6) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; tellTarget ('video') { play(); } } if (_root.action == 7) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = true; tellTarget ('video') { play(); } } } } button 194 { on (press) { if (_root.action == 8) { _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.action = 10; gotoAndPlay(654); } } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } movieClip 197 { } frame 653 { prevFrame(); } frame 654 { if (_root.action == 11) { gotoAndPlay(656); } } frame 655 { gotoAndPlay(654); } frame 664 {; } frame 664 { stop(); } frame 664 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\' Yes don\'t fight the pleasure, let yourself be carried away by the heat of this magical night.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\' Oui ! Ne résistez pas au plaisir, laissez-vous emporter par la chaleur de cette nuit magique.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\' Ja, kämpfe nicht gegen dein Vergnügen an, lass dich von der Hitze dieser magischen Nacht davontragen.\'\''; } } } } frame 665 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 665 { stop(); _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 199 { on (press) { if (_root.action == 11) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; tellTarget ('video') { play(); } } if (_root.action == 7) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = true; tellTarget ('video') { play(); } } } } button 200 { on (press) { if (_root.action == 12) { _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.action = 14; gotoAndPlay(667); } } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } movieClip 203 { } frame 666 { prevFrame(); } frame 667 { if (_root.action == 15) { gotoAndPlay(669); } } frame 668 { gotoAndPlay(667); } frame 677 {; } frame 677 { stop(); } frame 677 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'Now I want to see you naked... totally... Like a flower that opens and offers to the eye, proud of her beauty.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Maintenant, je veux vous voir nue... totalement... Comme une fleur qui s\'ouvre et s\'offre aux regards, fière de sa beauté.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Jetzt will ich dich nackt sehen… ganz nackt…..Wie eine Blüte, die sich öffnet und sich voll Stolz in der ganzen Schönheit dem Auge darbietet.\'\''; } } } } frame 678 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 678 { stop(); _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 205 { on (press) { if (_root.action == 15) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; tellTarget ('video') { play(); } gotoAndPlay(680); } } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = true; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } frame 679 { prevFrame(); } frame 680 { if (_root.action == 16) { gotoAndPlay(682); } } frame 681 { gotoAndPlay(680); } frame 690 {; } frame 690 { stop(); } frame 690 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'Woooow! Now it\'s me who is really hot... You are truly a beautiful woman.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Waouuu ! Maintenant, c\'est moi qui ai très chaud... Vous êtes vraiment une très jolie femme.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Waaaaau ! Jetzt bin ich es, dem richtig heiß geworden ist... Du bist wirklich wunderschön !\'\''; } } } } frame 691 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 691 { stop(); _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 207 { on (press) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; tellTarget ('video') { play(); } gotoAndPlay(693); } } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = true; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } frame 692 { prevFrame(); } frame 693 { _root.cible._visible = false; if (_root.action == 17) { gotoAndPlay(695); } } frame 694 { gotoAndPlay(693); } frame 695 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 695 { stop(); _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 208 { on (press) { if (_root.action == 17) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; tellTarget ('video') { play(); } gotoAndPlay(697); } } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = true; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } frame 696 { prevFrame(); } frame 697 { if (_root.action == 18) { gotoAndPlay(699); } } frame 698 { gotoAndPlay(697); } frame 699 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 699 { stop(); _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 209 { on (press) { if (_root.action == 18) { _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; tellTarget ('video') { play(); } gotoAndPlay(701); } } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = true; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } frame 700 { prevFrame(); } frame 701 { if (_root.action == 19) { gotoAndPlay(703); } } frame 702 { gotoAndPlay(701); } frame 711 {; } frame 711 { stop(); } frame 711 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'So, Mr. voyeur, you appreciate what you see ?'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Alors, monsieur le voyeur, tu apprécies ce que tu vois ?'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'So, Herr Voyeur, gefällt dir, was du siehst ?'; } } } } button 211 { on (press) { gotoAndPlay(712); } } frame 712 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 712 { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 213 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.action = 0; } frame 172 { stop(); _root.action = 1; } } frame 713 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 716 {; } frame 716 { stop(); } frame 716 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'Wonderful! … Really exciting … And not just for me, is it?... You\'re like all the flowers, you love being admired.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Merveilleux !... Vraiment très excitant... Et pas seulement pour moi, n\'est-ce pas ?... Vous êtes comme toutes les fleurs, vous adorez qu\'on vous admire.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Wunderbar! Wirklich aufregend... Und nicht nur für mich allein, stimmt’s ? Du bist wie all die Blumen, du liebst es, bewundert zu werden.\'\''; } } } } frame 717 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 721 {; } frame 721 { stop(); } frame 721 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'Hi Hi ... I have many things to show you...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Hi hi... J\'ai encore beaucoup de choses à te montrer...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Hihi... Ich kann dir noch viele Sachen zeigen...\'\''; } } } } frame 722 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 722 { stop(); } button 216 { on (press) { _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; if (_root.action == 0) { tellTarget ('video') { play(); } gotoAndPlay(724); } } } button 217 { on (press) { gotoAndPlay(777); } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = true; _root.aide2._visible = true; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } frame 723 { prevFrame(); } frame 724 { if (_root.action == 1) { gotoAndPlay(726); } } frame 725 { gotoAndPlay(724); } frame 736 {; } frame 736 { stop(); } frame 736 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'And that?... Do you like it?...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Et ça ?... Tu aimes ?...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Und das... Magst du es?\'\''; } } } } frame 741 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 741 { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 223 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.action = 0; } frame 126 { stop(); _root.action = 1; } frame 317 { stop(); _root.action = 2; } } frame 742 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 742 { stop(); } button 224 { on (press) { _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; if (_root.action == 0) { tellTarget ('video') { play(); } gotoAndPlay(744); } } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = true; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } frame 743 { prevFrame(); } frame 744 { if (_root.action == 1) { gotoAndPlay(746); } } frame 745 { gotoAndPlay(744); } frame 750 {; } frame 750 { stop(); } frame 750 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'Hmmm, this looks very much like an invitation... Perhaps it is time that I join you...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Hummm, cela ressemble fort à une invitation... Peut-être est-il temps que je vous rejoigne...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Hmmmm... das klingt ganz nach einer Einladung... Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, dass ich dich besuche...\'\''; } } } } frame 755 {; } frame 755 { stop(); } frame 755 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'Hey! No way! You chose the role of voyeur, this will be your role to the end. Hihi.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Hey ! pas question ! Tu as choisi le rôle du voyeur, ce sera ton rôle jusqu\'au bout. Hihi.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'He, Auf keinen Fall ! Du hast die Rolle als Voyeur selbst gewählt und dabei bleibst du bis zum Schluss. Hihi\'\''; } } } } frame 759 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 759 { stop(); } button 231 { on (press) { _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; if (_root.action == 1) { tellTarget ('video') { play(); } gotoAndPlay(761); } } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = true; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } frame 760 { prevFrame(); } frame 761 { if (_root.action == 2) { gotoAndPlay(763); } } frame 762 { gotoAndPlay(761); } frame 767 {; } frame 767 { stop(); } frame 767 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'Show myself like that to a stranger... I never thought that would excite me so much! \'\' '; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'M\'exhiber ainsi devant un inconnu... Jamais je n\'aurais pensé que cela m\'exciterait autant ! \'\' '; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Mich so einem Fremden zu zeigen... Ich hätte niemals gedacht, dass mich das so sehr erregen könnte. \'\' '; } } } } frame 772 {; } frame 772 { stop(); } frame 772 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'But if you came here... My God, I\'d die of shame...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Mais si tu venais ici... Mon Dieu, je serais morte de honte !...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Aber wenn du herkommen würdest... Mein Gott, ich würde sterben vor Scham...\'\''; } } } } frame 776 { gotoAndPlay(805); } frame 777 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 785 {; } frame 785 { stop(); } frame 785 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'But unfortunately, you will have to be happy with what you\'ve seen... I sleep now...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Mais malheureusement, il faudra te contenter de ce que tu as vu... J\'ai sommeil, maintenant...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Aber bedauerlicherweise musst du mit dem glücklich sein, was du gesehen hast... Ich gehe jetzt schlafen.\'\''; } } } } frame 786 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 794 {; } frame 794 { stop(); } frame 794 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'The night the petals fold and the flowers join the world of dreams... You should know that if you like them that much... Good night.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'La nuit, les fleurs replient leurs pétales et rejoignent le monde des rêves... Tu devrais le savoir, toi qui aime tant les regarder... Bonne nuit.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Die Nacht, die Blütenblätter und die Rosen begleiten die Welt der Träume... Du solltest wissen, dass es dir so viel bedeutet... Gute Nacht.\'\''; } } } } frame 795 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 803 {; } frame 803 { stop(); } frame 803 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'Ashley fell asleep... What a shame, isn\'t it? You could have had exciting moments with her... but you should have made other choices. You loose.'; textbutton = 'AGAIN'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Ashley s\'est endormie... C\'est dommage, non ? Tu aurais pu passer d\'autres moments très excitant avec elle... Mais il aurait fallu faire d\'autre choix. C\'est perdu...'; textbutton = 'REJOUER'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Ashley schlief ein... Was für eine Enttäuschung, nicht wahr? Du hättest Aufregendes mit ihr erleben können... aber dazu hättest du etwas anderes probieren müssen. Du hast verloren.'; textbutton = 'NOCH EINMAL'; } } } } frame 804 { prevFrame(); } frame 805 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 805 { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 243 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.action = 0; } frame 195 { stop(); _root.action = 1; } } frame 806 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 808 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 808 { stop(); } button 244 { on (press) { _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; if (_root.action == 0) { tellTarget ('video') { play(); } gotoAndPlay(810); } } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = true; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } frame 809 { prevFrame(); } frame 810 { if (_root.action == 1) { gotoAndPlay(812); } } frame 811 { gotoAndPlay(810); } frame 815 { gotoAndPlay(816); } frame 816 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(217); } _root.finmvt = 0; _root.finmvt1 = 0; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_root.controleurspe') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 247 { frame 73 { stop(); _root.finmvt = 2; play(); _root.action = 1; } frame 207 { if (_root.finmvt == 0) { stop(); _root.finmvt1 = 2; } } frame 217 { stop(); _root.finmvt = 0; _root.finmvt1 = 0; _root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.cible._visible = true; } frame 276 { gotoAndPlay(278); } frame 506 { stop(); _root.action = 2; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = true; } frame 507 { _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false; } frame 533 { _root.action = 2; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false; } frame 534 { _root.action = 3; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.cible._visible = true; } frame 542 { if (_root.action == 3) { stop(); _root.finmvt = 1; } } frame 850 { stop(); _root.action = 5; } } movieClip 248 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.finmvt1 == 1) { stop(); tellTarget ('') { stop(); } tellTarget ('') { prevFrame(); } play(); } if (_root.finmvt1 > 1 and _root.finmvt1 < 5) { stop(); tellTarget ('') { stop(); } _root.finmvt1 += 1; play(); } if (_root.finmvt1 == 5) { stop(); _root.finmvt1 == 0; tellTarget ('') { play(); } play(); } } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 817 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(217); } _root.finmvt = 0; _root.finmvt1 = 0; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.controleur') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_root.controleurspe') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 819 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 819 { stop(); } button 249 { on (press) { _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.finmvt1 = 1; } } button 250 { on (press) { if (_root.finmvt1 > 0 and _root.action == 0) { _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.finmvt1 = 0; _root.finmvt = 1; } if (_root.finmvt1 == 0 and _root.action == 1) { _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; tellTarget ('') { play(); } gotoAndPlay(821); } } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } movieClip 253 { } frame 820 { prevFrame(); } frame 821 { if (_root.action == 2) { gotoAndPlay(823); } } frame 822 { gotoAndPlay(821); } frame 823 { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } frame 823 { stop(); } button 254 { on (press) { _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.finmvt0 = 0; tellTarget ('') { play(); } } } button 255 { on (press) { if (_root.action == 3) { _root.action = 4; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; tellTarget ('') { play(); } gotoAndPlay(825); } } } instance of movieClip 71 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse - 12; _root.cible._y = _ymouse + 5; Mouse.hide(); } } instance commandaide of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if (_root.code1 == 0 and touche == 97) { _root.code1 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 0 and touche == 115) { _root.code2 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 0 and touche == 104) { _root.code3 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 0 and touche == 108) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 0 and touche == 101) { _root.code5 = touche; } else { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 0 and touche == 121) { _root.code6 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.code1 == 97 and _root.code2 == 115 and _root.code3 == 104 and _root.code4 == 108 and _root.code5 == 101 and _root.code6 == 121) { _root.aidepossible = 1; } else { _root.aidepossible = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.aidepossible == 1) { _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.aidepossible = 0; _root.aide1._visible = false; _root.aide2._visible = false; _root.aidespecial1._visible = false; _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; _root.code5 = 0; _root.code6 = 0; } } movieClip 258 { } frame 824 { prevFrame(); } frame 825 { if (_root.action == 5) { gotoAndPlay(827); } } frame 826 { gotoAndPlay(825); } movieClip 260 { } frame 851 { gotoAndPlay(852); } frame 852 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 861 { stop();; } frame 861 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'I think I\'m crazy... This is the first time I exposed myself to a complete stranger and... I am ashamed...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Je crois que je suis complètement folle... C\'est la première fois que je m\'expose ainsi devant un parfait inconnu... J\'ai honte...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Ich glaube, ich bin verrückt... Das ist das erste Mal, dass ich mich vor einem völlig Fremden so exponiert habe…Und ich schäme mich.\'\''; } } } } frame 862 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 871 { stop();; } frame 871 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'Do not be silly, you know that like me you\'ve had a lot of pleasure... And you have given me so much.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Ne dites pas de bêtises, vous savez comme moi que vous y avez pris beaucoup de plaisir... Et vous m\'en avez donné aussi beaucoup.\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Sei nicht dumm, du weißt genauso wie ich, dass du eine Menge Spaß hattest... Und du hast mir so viel gegeben.\'\''; } } } } frame 872 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 881 { stop();; } frame 881 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'The difference between us is that you know who I am while I don\'t know anything about you...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'La différence entre nous, c\'est que vous savez qui je suis et je ne connais rien de vous...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Der Unterschied zwischen uns ist, dass du weißt, wer ich bin, während ich überhaupt nichts von dir weiß...\'\''; } } } } frame 882 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 891 { stop();; } frame 891 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'I am the guy... or the girl that you come across in the street. We exchange a look ... or maybe not ... and with the memory of that hot night you will shudder with desire ...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Je suis celui... ou celle que vous croiserez dans la rue. Nous échangerons un regard... ou peut-être pas... et le souvenir de cette chaude nuit vous fera frissonner de désir...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Ich bin der Bursche... oder das Mädchen, dem du auf der Straße begegnest. Wir tauschen einen Blick aus oder auch nicht und mit der Erinnerung an diese heiße Nacht wirst du vor Sehnsucht erschauern.\'\''; } } } } frame 892 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 896 { stop();; } frame 896 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'Now, people who cross your path will not be quite unknown ... You\'ll love it ...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Dorénavant, les gens qui croiserons votre chemin ne seront plus tout à fait des inconnus... Vous allez adorer...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Ab jetzt werden die Leute, die deinen Weg kreuzen, dir nicht mehr ganz unbekannt sein... Dir wird das gefallen.\'\''; } } } } frame 897 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 905 { stop();; } frame 905 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = '\'\'Remember, the flowers love to be admired ...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = '\'\'Rappelez-vous, les fleurs adorent qu\'on les admire...\'\''; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = '\'\'Denke stets daran: Blumen wollen bewundert werden.\'\''; } } } } frame 906 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 910 { gotoAndPlay(911); } frame 911 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 911 { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 272 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 216 { stop(); _root.action = 1; } } movieClip 275 { } frame 920 {; } frame 920 { stop(); } frame 920 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'The guy or the girl that I would meet in the street ... This person could be ...... or ....... maybe...... Hey! I think my walks in the street could become very exciting indeed ...'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Celui ou celle que je croiserai dans la rue... Et si c\'était...... ou bien....... ou peut-être...... Hey! je crois que mes ballades dans la rue risquent de devenir effectivement très excitantes....'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Der Bursche oder das Mädchen, denen ich auf der Straße begne... diese Person könnte es sein... oder... vielleicht... He! ich denke auf die Straße zu gehen könnte wirklich sehr aufregend werden.'; } } } } frame 921 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 921 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 925 {; } frame 925 { stop(); } frame 925 { if (_root.langue == 0) { texte = 'Well, for the moment, the flower will let her petals fold to join the land of dreams... all those fans will have to wait tomorrow. Hihi.'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { texte = 'Bon, pour le moment, la fleur va replier ses pétales et rejoindre le pays des rêves... tous ces admirateurs attendront bien demain. Hihi.'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { texte = 'Gut im Augenblick schließen sich die Blüten um das Land der Träume aufzusuchen... All die Bewunderer müssen bis morgen warten. Hihi'; } } } } frame 926 { Mouse.hide(); } frame 926 { Mouse.hide(); tellTarget ('') { play(); } } frame 927 { if (_root.action == 1) { gotoAndPlay(929); } } frame 928 { gotoAndPlay(927); } frame 936 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(216); } } frame 982 { if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.textend = 'The end'; } else { if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textend = 'Fin'; } else { if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textend = 'Ende'; } } } } frame 982 { stop(); } button 279 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 983 { prevFrame(); }
Created: 24/2 -2019 01:27:13 Last modified: 24/2 -2019 01:27:13 Server time: 10/11 -2024 19:27:18