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Kingdom Days Sim Date - dating simulation for girls. Play online for free.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #131141

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


Kingdom Days Sim Date

You bought some paint.


<p align="left"><font face="Maiandra GD" size="30" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Rose</font></p>


<p align="left"><font face="Maiandra GD" size="30" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Rose</font></p>



<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="22" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">30</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="22" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">99999</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="22" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">99999</font></p>

































































































ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
mochi.as2.MochiAd.showPreGameAd({id:"0606c1520e4e5eab", res:"700x600", background:16777215, color:1929501, outline:0, no_bg:true}); function doSomething() { } MENU = new ContextMenu(); MENU.hideBuiltInItems(); Functioned = new ContextMenuItem("", doSomething); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned); = MENU;
Frame 75
stop(); stopAllSounds(); var player_name = "Lexie"; _root.nomarry = 0; _root.vamp = 0; _root.ghost = 0; _root.wolf = 0; _root.hp = 50; = 10; = 1; _root.daysleft = 30; _root.pointsleft = 15; _root.cha = 0; _root.wit = 0; _root.luck = 0; _root.oliver = 0; _root.olivertalkpoint = 0; _root.olivergood = 0; _root.oliverbad = 0; _root.clark = 0; _root.clarktalkpoint = 0; _root.clarkgood = 0; _root.clarkbad = 0; _root.lance = 0; _root.lancetalkpoint = 0; _root.lancegood = 0; _root.lancebad = 0; _root.elliot = 0; _root.elliottalkpoint = 0; _root.elliotgood = 0; _root.elliotbad = 0; _root.jack = 0; _root.jacktalkpoint = 0; _root.jackgood = 0; _root.jackbad = 0; _root.candy = 0; _root.pen = 0; _root.newspaper = 0; _root.tea = 0; _root.violin = 0; _root.pocketwatch = 0; _root.roses = 0; _root.teapot = 0; _root.wallet = 0; _root.devin = 0; _root.emersonend = 0; _root.emersondate = 0; _root.emersongift = 0; _root.emersonroom = 0; _root.codyend = 0; _root.codydate = 0; _root.codygift = 0; _root.codyroom = 0; _root.zaneend = 0; _root.zanegift = 0; _root.zanedate = 0; _root.zaneroom = 0; _root.devinend = 0; _root.devindate = 0; _root.devingift = 0; _root.aceend = 0; _root.acegift = 0; _root.acedate = 0;
Frame 102
Frame 103
if (player_name == "") { player_name = "Rose"; } outputnm.text = player_name;
Frame 149
Frame 150
Frame 151
Frame 152
Frame 153
Frame 154
Frame 155
Frame 156
Frame 157
Frame 184
stop(); outputi.text = ("My hopes of being adopted never came true, but something even better happened. It turned out that my name was " + player_name) + " Urwin and that I was the long lost daughter of a royal family from the Lunar Kingdom. I'll never forget that happy moment when I was reunited with my parents, Sakka and Lilla.";
Frame 185
Frame 186
Frame 200
Frame 253
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": Wh-what's going on?! Don't tell me that the castle's under attack now!";
Frame 254
stop(); outputi.text = "???: Milady...! M-Milady, where are you?!";
Frame 255
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": I'm over here, Lewis!";
Frame 265
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Hurry, we need to get out of here now! Cesathis's soldiers have entered the castle!";
Frame 266
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": But what about my parents... a-and everybody else?! You can't leave all of them behind!";
Frame 267
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Th-they'll be fine! Please...! Milady, we have to go now!";
Frame 268
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": Aah! L-let go of me...! No, Lewis!!";
Frame 310
Frame 358
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Are you alright? We can take a short break if you're tired.";
Frame 359
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": I'm okay. But where are going to go now, Lewis? We've been running around like this forever! We don't even know where we are!";
Frame 360
stop(); outpute.text = "Lewis: I'm sorry, Milady. All I wanted to do was protect you, but it looks like I've failed."; output1.text = "\u2022 It's okay. You tried your best, didn't you?"; output2.text = "\u2022 'Failed'? Yeah right! We're both still alive, aren't we?";
Frame 361
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Y-yes, but I'll try even harder from now on. I just hope that I can get it right this time.";
Frame 362
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Um... y-yes, of course! You're absolutely right.";
Frame 363
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: ... Huh? Is it just my eyes, or do I see something in the distance?";
Frame 364
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": N-no, I see it too! It... it looks like a village! Ah! There's a castle over there too!";
Frame 365
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: A castle! That's it! I'm sure that the people there will help us if we tell them that you're a princesss. Hurry, Milady! Let's go!";
Frame 442
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Well here we are. I suppose all I can do now is cross my fingers and give this door a knock.";
Frame 443
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: *knocks on the door*";
Frame 473
stop(); outputi.text = "???: Do you have any idea what time it is? If it's not important then come back in the morning. State your name and business.";
Frame 474
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Y-yes! I apologize for bothering you this late at night. M-my name is Lewis Ashton and I'm here with the princess of the Lunar Kingdom. Our castle was attacked and we were forced to flee.";
Frame 475
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: We've been wandering around for hours and have no destination or shelter. I would be grateful if you were so kind to let us stay here.";
Frame 505
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: U-um, hello? Are you still there?";
Frame 506
stop(); outputi.text = "???: I'm thinking, don't rush me. If you're so impatient then just come in for now.";
Frame 507
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Yes, of course! Th-thank you very much!";
Frame 571
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Um, h-hello? Is anybody there? We were told to come in, but-";
Frame 572
stop(); outputi.text = "???: I'm coming, I'm coming. Can't you just wait for one second?";
Frame 590
stop(); outputi.text = "???: Just what I need. More useless people asking me for help.";
Frame 591
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Oh...! Y-your name! I'm sorry that I didn't ask you before, but what is your name, sir?";
Frame 592
stop(); outputi.text = "Joseph: Joseph Knight. And address me as 'your Majesty' instead of 'sir' from now on.";
Frame 593
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: 'Y-y-your Majesty'?! Ah! Wait, I've heard your name before! You're the youngest king in this country! So then this must be the Hepcatsis Kingdom, right?";
Frame 594
stop(); outputi.text = "Joseph: Correct. And if I remember clearly, you said that you two were from the Lunar Kingdom?";
Frame 595
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Um, y-yes, your Majesty. The Lunar Kingdom was attacked by Cesathis.";
Frame 596
stop(); outputi.text = "Joseph: Sakka Urwin is your king, isn't he? Where is he right now?";
Frame 597
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: I... I don't know. But I'm sure that he escaped safely like his daughter.";
Frame 627
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Um, y-your Majesty...?";
Frame 628
stop(); outputi.text = "Joseph: I've made my decision. Please escort yourselves out of this kingdom and never return. I don't want your faces ever again.";
Frame 629
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Wh-what?! Y-your Majesty, why? P-please...!! We have nowhere else to go!";
Frame 630
stop(); outputi.text = "Joseph: I've just decided that I don't like you two. There are no benefits for me if I let you stay. The only useful thing that I could ever gain from the Lunar Kingdom are relations with the royalty anyway.";
Frame 631
stop(); outputi.text = "Joseph: Now please leave. I'm tired and don't want to deal with this anymore.";
Frame 645
outputi.text = "Lewis: Wait!"; stopAllSounds();
Frame 655
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Wait!";
Frame 656
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: She'll... marry you.";
Frame 657
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: King Joseph, will you take the princess's hand in marriage?";
Frame 658
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": L-Lewis!! What're you doing?! That's crazy! You're not serious, are-";
Frame 659
stop(); outputi.text = "Joseph: Fine.";
Frame 660
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": W-wait a second! I never said that I would marry you! You can't do this!!";
Frame 661
stop(); outputi.text = "Joseph: I can and I will. If you disagree, then leave.";
Frame 662
stop(); outpute.text = player_name + ": What should I say to Lewis?"; output1.text = "\u2022 Let's get out of here! Can't we find another place to stay at?"; output2.text = "\u2022 I can't marry this guy! He's a total jerk!";
Frame 663
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: M-Milady...! How rude! He's standing right there! Please think a little bit more before you speak.";
Frame 664
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Milady, I'm sorry. The outside parts of this kingdom have too many dangers. Coming here was already putting ourselves at a lot of risk.";
Frame 676
stop(); outputi.text = "Joseph: The wedding will take place in a month from now. Like I said, if you don't want go through with this, then you and your elf servant must leave.";
Frame 677
stop(); outputi.text = "Joseph: Since the princess seems to be still making up her mind, you two can stay at the empty houses on the west part of the village. We're done now, right? Good night.";
Frame 758
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Wow. This house is actually pretty nice. Wasn't it nice of the king to let us stay in it?";
Frame 759
stop(); outpute.text = "Lewis: ... Milady, please don't look at me like that. I only did all of that to protect you."; output1.text = "\u2022 How is marrying him supposed to protect me?!"; output2.text = "\u2022 I can look at you however I want!";
Frame 760
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: *sigh* You have every right to be angry. Forgive me. I didn't know what else I could have said to convince him into letting us stay here.";
Frame 761
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: H-he wouldn't of had let us stayed if I didn't say that you would marry him! He did say that the only thing worth gaining to him from the Lunar Kingdom were relations with the royalty...";
Frame 762
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: It's getting late and you've been through a lot today. I think it's about time for us to get some rest. I'll be in the house next door so don't worry. Sweet dreams, Milady.";
Frame 830
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": Z... z... z... z... z...";
Frame 860
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": *yawn* What time is it? Just how long did I sleep for anyway?";
Frame 884
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": Ah, come in!";
Frame 904
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Good morning, Milady. Did you sleep well?";
Frame 905
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": Huh? Your outfit... y-you already got new clothes?";
Frame 906
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Yes! I ran into some very kind people this morning. I was even able to get you a new dress!";
Frame 907
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": Ew. It's pink... and why did you get me a dress? I'm not living in a castle anymore. Can't I just wear pants or something?";
Frame 908
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: P-pink?! This isn't pink! It's fuchsia! And of course you can't wear pants!! You're still a princess! You must dress appropriately!";
Frame 909
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": *sigh* Fine. But aren't pink and fuchsia pretty much the same thing?";
Frame 910
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: It doesn't matter, Milady. I think that this color will look nice on you. Now hurry up and get dressed! We should go back to the castle to pay King Joseph a visit.";
Frame 911
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": Wh-what?! No way! Why would I ever want to see that jerk again?";
Frame 912
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: You're going to marry him, aren't you? You should at least try to get to know him. Maybe he was just in a bad mood yesterday. Just give him another chance!";
Frame 913
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": Okay, okay! I'll do it! Just get out of here so that I can change already!";
Frame 914
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: That's the spirit, Milady! I'll go on ahead actually. We'll meet up at the castle, okay?";
Frame 935
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": *sigh*";
Frame 1021
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": Hey, Lewis. Is something wrong?";
Frame 1022
stop(); stopAllSounds(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Ah, Milady! It's King Joseph... he... he's gone...!";
Frame 1023
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": G-gone? So... he's... dead?";
Frame 1024
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: Nooo! Don't tell me that you were secretly hoping for that to happen! Here, I found this note on his throne...";
Frame 1057
Frame 1091
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": So what? He'll be back. It's not like he's gone forever.";
Frame 1092
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: B-but... now you can't get to know him! *sigh* I guess the only thing you can do now is wait for him to return.";
Frame 1093
stop(); outputi.text = player_name + ": Whatever. I've had enough of this. I'm going out for a walk.";
Frame 1119
stop(); outputi.text = "Lewis: A-ah! Please be careful, Milady!";
Frame 1139
Frame 1140;
Frame 1157
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1158
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1159
_root.statmenu._visible = false; = + 1; _root.daysleft = _root.daysleft - 1;
Frame 1170
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1171
_root.statmenu._visible = false; = + 1; _root.daysleft = _root.daysleft - 1;
Frame 1182
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1183
_root.statmenu._visible = false; = + 1; _root.daysleft = _root.daysleft - 1;
Frame 1194
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1195
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false;
Frame 1196
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: Wh-what? But I don't need anything, Milady. You shouldn't be getting things for me anyway. I am your servant, aren't I? If I need something then I'll get it myself. Don't worry about me, please.";
Frame 1197
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.lance = _root.lance + 15; output.text = "Lewis: A-ah... how did you know that I like sweet things? It's childish, isn't it? Th-thank you, milady. You're too kind.";
Frame 1198
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.lance = _root.lance + 15; output.text = "Lewis: Oh! Th-thank you. It's been a while since I've had tea. I kind of miss brewing the fresh leaves that grew back in the castle garden.";
Frame 1199
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: I-is this wine? Milady, you should know that I can't drink this. As a servant that would be very inappropriate.";
Frame 1200
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: Uh, I-I don't need this. I already have plenty of bread! But I suppose that I can just store it for now.";
Frame 1201
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.lance = _root.lance + 25; output.text = "Lewis: Huh? A book? Y-you got this for me? M-Milady, you didn't have to! It was expensive, wasn't it? I-I'll take good care of it!";
Frame 1202
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: Those roses are very lovely. What? They're for me? R-really? Oh... I thought that they suited you much better, but thank you.";
Frame 1203
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: P-paint? What for? I was never good at the arts. Would you like me to paint something for you though? I suppose that I could always give it another try.";
Frame 1204
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: Oh, how pretty... but I don't need this, Milady. A-are you sure that you want to give this to me? It looks expensive...";
Frame 1205
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 0) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 1) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 2) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 3) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 4) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 5) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 6) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 7) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 8) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 9) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 10) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 11) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 12) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 13) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 14) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 15) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 16) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 17) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 18) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 19) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 20) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 21) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 22) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 23) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 24) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 25) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 26) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 27) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 28) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 29) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 30) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 31) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 32) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 33) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 34) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 35) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 36) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 37) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 38) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 39) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 40) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 41) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 42) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 43) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 44) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 45) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 46) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 47) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 48) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.lancetalkpoint >= 49) { _root.lancetalk.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.hp = _root.hp - 10; _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1206
if (_root.lancegood == 0) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.lancegood == 1) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.lancegood == 2) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.lancegood == 3) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.lancegood == 4) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.lancegood == 5) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.lancegood == 6) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.lancegood == 7) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.lancegood == 8) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.lancegood == 9) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.lancegood == 10) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.lancegood == 11) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.lancegood == 12) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.lancegood == 13) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.lancegood == 14) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.lancegood == 15) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.lancegood == 16) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.lancegood == 17) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.lancegood == 18) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.lancegood == 19) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.lancegood == 20) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.lancegood == 21) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.lancegood == 22) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.lancegood == 23) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.lancegood == 24) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.lancegood == 25) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.lancegood == 26) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.lancegood == 27) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.lancegood == 28) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.lancegood == 29) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.lancegood == 30) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.lancegood == 31) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.lancegood == 32) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.lancegood == 33) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.lancegood == 34) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.lancegood == 35) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.lancegood == 36) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.lancegood == 37) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.lancegood == 38) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.lancegood == 39) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.lancegood == 40) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.lancegood == 41) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.lancegood == 42) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.lancegood == 43) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.lancegood == 44) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.lancegood == 45) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.lancegood == 46) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.lancegood == 47) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.lancegood == 48) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.lancegood >= 49) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1207
if (_root.lancebad == 0) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.lancebad == 1) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.lancebad == 2) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.lancebad == 3) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.lancebad == 4) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.lancebad == 5) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.lancebad == 6) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.lancebad == 7) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.lancebad == 8) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.lancebad == 9) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.lancebad == 10) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.lancebad == 11) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.lancebad == 12) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.lancebad == 13) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.lancebad == 14) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.lancebad == 15) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.lancebad == 16) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.lancebad == 17) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.lancebad == 18) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.lancebad == 19) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.lancebad == 20) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.lancebad == 21) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.lancebad == 22) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.lancebad == 23) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.lancebad == 24) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.lancebad == 25) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.lancebad == 26) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.lancebad == 27) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.lancebad == 28) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.lancebad == 29) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.lancebad == 30) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.lancebad == 31) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.lancebad == 32) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.lancebad == 33) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.lancebad == 34) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.lancebad == 35) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.lancebad == 36) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.lancebad == 37) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.lancebad == 38) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.lancebad == 39) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.lancebad == 40) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.lancebad == 41) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.lancebad == 42) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.lancebad == 43) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.lancebad == 44) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.lancebad == 45) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.lancebad == 46) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.lancebad == 47) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.lancebad == 48) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.lancebad >= 49) { _root.lanceresponse.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1235
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: Sakka and Lilla aren't your real mother and father.";
Frame 1236
_root.statmenu._visible = false; stop(); output.text = player_name + ": Huh? Wh-what you talking about?";
Frame 1237
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: They adopted you, Milady. Your real parents are still unknown...";
Frame 1238
_root.statmenu._visible = false; stop(); output.text = player_name + ": Don't... don't lie to me, Lewis. H-how do you know if that's true?!";
Frame 1239
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: I know it's true because I'm... Sakka and Lilla's only son.";
Frame 1267
_root.statmenu._visible = false; stop(); output.text = player_name + ": That can't be right. Y-you're my servant, aren't you?";
Frame 1268
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: That's right, Milady. I became a servant just for you.";
Frame 1269
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: I couldn't get you off of my mind after I met you at the orphanage. I begged my mother and father to help you, but the only thing that they could do was adopt you... but in our country, it's against the law for a royal family to have more than one child.";
Frame 1270
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: The records me once being Sakka and Lilla's son were destroyed and replaced with you, and thus I became the royal family's servant.";
Frame 1271
_root.statmenu._visible = false; stop(); output.text = player_name + ": ... Why did you do that, Lewis?";
Frame 1299
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: It... it was... love at first sight, Milady.";
Frame 1300
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: M-Milady! Are you serious? What's gotten into you? You're engaged to Joseph, remember? A-anyways... I... I'm just your servant after all.";
Frame 1301
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: Certainly. If that's what you really want, Milady. Shall we go now?"; output1.text = "\u2022 Yep."; output2.text = "\u2022 Hold on, not yet.";
Frame 1302
_root.hp = _root.hp - 50;
Frame 1315
_root.datetalk = 4; _root.dategift = 2; _root.datetea = 1; _root.mood = 0;
Frame 1331
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.leavedate._visible = false;
Frame 1332
function ansGen() { generate = random(5); ans = ["Lewis: Isn't this park just lovely? It's so peaceful and nice.", "Lewis: We should go and have some tea together later, Milady. Wouldn't that be nice?", "Lewis: I've actually visit this place quite often, but it's a lot more fun when I'm here with you.", "Lewis: That blue dress suits you well, Milady. I still think that you look nicer in fuchsia though... but everything looks lovely on you so it doesn't really matter anyway.", "Lewis: Are you enjoying yourself? I'm sure having fun, Milady. Just let me know if you need anything."]; _root.outputdated = ans[generate]; } _root.mood = _root.mood + 1; _root.stop(); ansGen(); _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1333
_root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.dategift = _root.dategift - 1; stop(); outputdatedd.text = "Lewis: That's very kind of you, Milady, but I don't need this...";
Frame 1334
_root.mood = _root.mood + 1; _root.dategift = _root.dategift - 1; _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop(); outputdatedd.text = "Lewis: Oh, th-thank you, Milady. I like this very much.";
Frame 1335
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; outputdatedd.text = player_name + ": I think that we should do something else...";
Frame 1336
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; outputdatedd.text = "Lewis: I-If it's okay with you, Milady...";
Frame 1337
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1366
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.lance = _root.lance + 60; outputdatedd.text = "Date Successful!";
Frame 1367
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; outputdatedd.text = "Lewis: I had fun, Milady. Did you enjoy yourself? Let's do this again soon, okay?";
Frame 1368
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1394
gotoAndStop ("devinroom");
Frame 1395
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1396
function ansGen() { generate = random(6); ans = ["Anna: Have you found any hidden cheat codes yet? Make sure to also stop by Stella's shop to buy green potions if you need to raise your magic.", "Anna: Welcome! Feel free to take a look around. Just tell me if you need anything.", "Anna: I would stay away from that blacksmith if I were you. It's haunted, I'm serious. My friend told me that she once saw a hammer floating inside when she peeked into the window!", "Anna: Isn't that Ian guy kind of weird? I've never seen a real wolf in person. He just came to this kingdom recently. I wonder what's his business here...", "Anna: Hey! You're that princess, aren't you? Then that means that you're King Joseph's fianc\u00E9e! Wow, what an honor!", "Anna: The king hardly ever leaves this kingdom. I wonder why he left... maybe it was just for his own personal reasons."]; _root.outputruby = ans[generate]; } stop(); _root.hp = _root.hp - 10; _root.stop(); ansGen(); _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1397
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1398
function ansGen() { generate = random(6); ans = ["Stella: Did you know that you need magic in order to unlock the hidden cheat codes? The green potion over there can give you more magic if you need it.", "Stella: Oh... good day, your highness. What brings you here? I never thought that a person like you would be interested in magic and witchery.", "Stella: I think that there's a restless spirit in the blacksmith. I've never seen anybody there, but I always feel this presence whenever I'm near it.", "Stella: I don't allow people to work here without any proper experience. You have to be very careful when working around the potions.", "Stella: Have you seen that cofin in the forest? They say that a vampire was locked in it as punishment for killing a woman. I'm not sure if any of that's true though. It's probably all just a folklore.", "Stella: You're his Majesty's fianc\u00E9e, aren't you? I wish you two good luck and happiness. I hope that you can do something about that man though. His heart has been as cold as ice for as long as I can remember."]; _root.outputstella = ans[generate]; } stop(); _root.hp = _root.hp - 10; _root.stop(); ansGen(); _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1399
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1400
stop(); output.text = player_name + ": Huh? That arch has a heart shaped hole in it. Looks kind of weird if you ask me. Wouldn't it make more sense to have a cross there instead?"; stop();
Frame 1401
function ansGen() { generate = random(6); ans = ["Mr. Toko: did you know that they are hidden cheat codes all over this kingdom? You have to have magic in order to unlock them though.", "Mr. Toko: Welcome to the Holy Church! Have you come to confess your sins? Pray? Give the lord your love? If yes, then you've come to the right place!", "Mr. Toko: Who am I you ask? Why I'm Humpty Dump- wait, no. I mean, I'm a priest! Yes... just a priest. You can call me 'father' if you want.", "Mr. Toko: Oh! You're a princess, aren't you? Hey, did you know that I once kidnapped one? So you better watch out for me! Nah, just kidding. We're cool, right?", "Mr. Toko: Did you come here just to see me? Ohohoho! You can't resist my good looks, huh? Well sorry, but I already have a girlfriend. Nah. Just kidding, I don't. You're just not my type. I prefer muscular women.", "Mr. Toko: Hey, did you know that there's another kingdom called 'Wonderland'? I was there once. I stole pens from the king and messed around with lots of people. Ahh, those were good times..."]; _root.outputskyler = ans[generate]; } stop(); _root.hp = _root.hp - 10; _root.stop(); ansGen(); _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1402
stop(); output.text = "Mr. Toko: I couldn't help but notice you checking out that heart shaped hole up there. Hey, if you give me a glass angel then I'll put it in there for you. Something reeaaaalllyy cool will happen!"; output1.text = "\u2022 Um, okay."; output2.text = "\u2022 No way! You'd probably drop and break it.";
Frame 1518
stop(); _root.devin = (_root.devin = 1); output.text = "Mr. Toko: Hmmmm, that's weird. I swear that something cool was supposed to happen... Oh well. Your loss.";
Frame 1519
stop(); output.text = "Mr. Toko: Awww you don't what to see the reeaaallllyy cool thing happen? Anyways, it's not my fault that I don't have fingers.";
Frame 1520
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false;
Frame 1521
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ian: That's nice of you, but no thanks.";
Frame 1522
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ian: I don't really have a sweet tooth, but thanks.";
Frame 1523
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ian: Tea, huh? It's been a long time I've had this stuff. I don't really like how it tastes, but it's not bad to have once in a while I guess.";
Frame 1524
stop(); _root.oliver = _root.oliver + 15; _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ian: Thanks! Nothing beats a bottle of wine after a long day. Do you want some too? No? Oh, okay...";
Frame 1525
stop(); _root.oliver = _root.oliver + 15; _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = ("Ian: Oh! I can have this? I was getting pretty hungry actually. Thanks, " + player_name) + ".";
Frame 1526
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = ("Ian: Hmm, it's too bad that I can't read. Hey, I'm not stupid or anything, okay? I just never learned. Maybe you could teach me sometime, " + player_name) + ".";
Frame 1527
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ian: R-roses? I don't need these. In fact... what kind of guy likes roses anyway?";
Frame 1528
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.oliver = _root.oliver + 25; output.text = ("Ian: Huh? These paints are for me? Um, th-thanks, " + player_name) + ".";
Frame 1529
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ian: What's this thing supposed to be? It looks kind of expensive. Are you sure that I can have it? I don't need this, really.";
Frame 1530
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 0) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 1) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 2) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 3) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 4) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 5) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 6) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 7) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 8) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 9) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 10) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 11) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 12) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 13) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 14) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 15) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 16) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 17) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 18) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 19) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 20) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 21) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 22) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 23) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 24) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 25) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 26) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 27) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 28) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 29) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 30) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 31) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 32) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 33) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 34) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 35) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 36) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 37) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 38) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 39) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 40) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 41) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 42) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 43) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 44) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 45) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 46) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 47) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 48) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.olivertalkpoint >= 49) { _root.olivertalk.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.hp = _root.hp - 10; _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1531
if (_root.olivergood == 0) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.olivergood == 1) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.olivergood == 2) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.olivergood == 3) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.olivergood == 4) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.olivergood == 5) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.olivergood == 6) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.olivergood == 7) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.olivergood == 8) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.olivergood == 9) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.olivergood == 10) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.olivergood == 11) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.olivergood == 12) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.olivergood == 13) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.olivergood == 14) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.olivergood == 15) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.olivergood == 16) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.olivergood == 17) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.olivergood == 18) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.olivergood == 19) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.olivergood == 20) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.olivergood == 21) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.olivergood == 22) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.olivergood == 23) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.olivergood == 24) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.olivergood == 25) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.olivergood == 26) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.olivergood == 27) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.olivergood == 28) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.olivergood == 29) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.olivergood == 30) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.olivergood == 31) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.olivergood == 32) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.olivergood == 33) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.olivergood == 34) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.olivergood == 35) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.olivergood == 36) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.olivergood == 37) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.olivergood == 38) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.olivergood == 39) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.olivergood == 40) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.olivergood == 41) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.olivergood == 42) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.olivergood == 43) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.olivergood == 44) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.olivergood == 45) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.olivergood == 46) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.olivergood == 47) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.olivergood == 48) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.olivergood >= 49) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1532
if (_root.oliverbad == 0) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.oliverbad == 1) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.oliverbad == 2) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.oliverbad == 3) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.oliverbad == 4) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.oliverbad == 5) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.oliverbad == 6) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.oliverbad == 7) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.oliverbad == 8) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.oliverbad == 9) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.oliverbad == 10) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.oliverbad == 11) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.oliverbad == 12) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.oliverbad == 13) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.oliverbad == 14) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.oliverbad == 15) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.oliverbad == 16) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.oliverbad == 17) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.oliverbad == 18) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.oliverbad == 19) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.oliverbad == 20) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.oliverbad == 21) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.oliverbad == 22) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.oliverbad == 23) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.oliverbad == 24) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.oliverbad == 25) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.oliverbad == 26) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.oliverbad == 27) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.oliverbad == 28) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.oliverbad == 29) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.oliverbad == 30) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.oliverbad == 31) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.oliverbad == 32) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.oliverbad == 33) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.oliverbad == 34) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.oliverbad == 35) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.oliverbad == 36) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.oliverbad == 37) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.oliverbad == 38) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.oliverbad == 39) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.oliverbad == 40) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.oliverbad == 41) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.oliverbad == 42) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.oliverbad == 43) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.oliverbad == 44) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.oliverbad == 45) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.oliverbad == 46) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.oliverbad == 47) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.oliverbad == 48) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.olivergood >= 49) { _root.oliverresponse.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1533
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ian: Not interested, sorry. Don't you have a fianc\u00E9 or something anyway?";
Frame 1534
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = ("Ian: Sure, " + player_name) + ". I'm ready when you are."; output1.text = "\u2022 Let's go now."; output2.text = "\u2022 Maybe we should do this later actually...";
Frame 1535
_root.hp = _root.hp - 50;
Frame 1549
_root.datetalk = 4; _root.dategift = 2; _root.datetea = 1; _root.mood = 0;
Frame 1564
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.leavedate._visible = false;
Frame 1565
function ansGen() { generate = random(5); ans = [("Ian: Well what should we do now, " + player_name) + "? How about we take a stroll around here?.", "Ian: Hey, you actually look pretty nice today. I'm not just saying that you make you feel better. I really mean it.", ("Ian: Let's go somewhere where we can be alone later, " + player_name) + ". If that's okay with you though.", "Ian: You're not bored with me, are you? I'm pretty sure that you're not enjoying yourself as much as I am right now though.", "Ian: Have you been around these parts a lot? This place is actually pretty nice compared to the rest of the kingdom."]; _root.outputdateq = ans[generate]; } _root.mood = _root.mood + 1; _root.stop(); ansGen(); _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1566
_root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.dategift = _root.dategift - 1; stop(); outpute.text = ("Ian: Oh, that's okay, " + player_name) + ". I don't really need this, but thanks for for the gift.";
Frame 1567
_root.mood = _root.mood + 1; _root.dategift = _root.dategift - 1; _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop(); outpute.text = "Ian: R-really? You got this for me? Thanks!";
Frame 1568
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; outpute.text = player_name + ": I think that we should do something else...";
Frame 1569
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; outpute.text = ("Ian: Close your eyes, " + player_name) + ". I've got something nice for you.";
Frame 1570
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1599
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.oliver = _root.oliver + 60; outpute.text = "Date Successful!";
Frame 1600
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; outpute.text = ("Ian: Well, I guess we should head back now, " + player_name) + ". Did you have fun? Let me know when you would like to do this again, okay?";
Frame 1601
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1627
gotoAndStop ("cafe");
Frame 1628
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false;
Frame 1629
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: Wh-what? Something for me? Um, it's okay. I don't need it. You shouldn't really give things to strangers anyways, right?";
Frame 1630
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: Isn't candy for kids? Hm, I don't really like it anymore, but thanks anyway.";
Frame 1631
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.clark = _root.clark + 15; output.text = "Daniel: Oh... th-thank you, your highness. I've always loved tea.";
Frame 1632
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: W-wine? Thanks, but I'll pass. I was never a fan of it.";
Frame 1633
stop(); _root.clark = _root.clark + 15; _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: Is this for me? Th-thank you. I'll be sure to enjoy it.";
Frame 1634
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: Oh, this is nice I guess. Reading was never really my thing, but I appreciate the gift.";
Frame 1635
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: R-roses? What for? It just feels kind of weird getting flowers from a girl...";
Frame 1636
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: I'm a blacksmith, not a painter. Though, I might be able to find a use for these...";
Frame 1637
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.clark = _root.clark + 25; output.text = "Daniel: Ah, it's... a glass angel. It's beautiful. Are you sure that I can have this? Th-thank you, your highness.";
Frame 1638
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 0) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 1) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 2) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 3) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 4) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 5) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 6) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 7) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 8) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 9) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 10) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 11) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 12) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 13) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 14) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 15) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 16) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 17) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 18) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 19) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 20) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 21) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 22) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 23) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 24) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 25) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 26) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 27) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 28) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 29) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 30) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 31) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 32) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 33) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 34) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 35) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 36) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 37) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 38) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 39) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 40) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 41) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 42) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 43) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 44) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 45) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 46) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 47) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 48) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.clarktalkpoint >= 49) { _root.clarktalk.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.hp = _root.hp - 10; _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1639
if (_root.clarkgood == 0) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.clarkgood == 1) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.clarkgood == 2) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.clarkgood == 3) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.clarkgood == 4) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.clarkgood == 5) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.clarkgood == 6) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.clarkgood == 7) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.clarkgood == 8) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.clarkgood == 9) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.clarkgood == 10) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.clarkgood == 11) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.clarkgood == 12) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.clarkgood == 13) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.clarkgood == 14) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.clarkgood == 15) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.clarkgood == 16) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.clarkgood == 17) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.clarkgood == 18) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.clarkgood == 19) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.clarkgood == 20) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.clarkgood == 21) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.clarkgood == 22) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.clarkgood == 23) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.clarkgood == 24) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.clarkgood == 25) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.clarkgood == 26) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.clarkgood == 27) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.clarkgood == 28) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.clarkgood == 29) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.clarkgood == 30) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.clarkgood == 31) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.clarkgood == 32) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.clarkgood == 33) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.clarkgood == 34) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.clarkgood == 35) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.clarkgood == 36) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.clarkgood == 37) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.clarkgood == 38) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.clarkgood == 39) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.clarkgood == 40) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.clarkgood == 41) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.clarkgood == 42) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.clarkgood == 43) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.clarkgood == 44) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.clarkgood == 45) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.clarkgood == 46) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.clarkgood == 47) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.clarkgood == 48) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.clarkgood >= 49) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1640
if (_root.clarkbad == 0) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.clarkbad == 1) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.clarkbad == 2) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.clarkbad == 3) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.clarkbad == 4) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.clarkbad == 5) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.clarkbad == 6) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.clarkbad == 7) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.clarkbad == 8) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.clarkbad == 9) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.clarkbad == 10) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.clarkbad == 11) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.clarkbad == 12) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.clarkbad == 13) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.clarkbad == 14) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.clarkbad == 15) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.clarkbad == 16) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.clarkbad == 17) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.clarkbad == 18) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.clarkbad == 19) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.clarkbad == 20) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.clarkbad == 21) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.clarkbad == 22) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.clarkbad == 23) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.clarkbad == 24) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.clarkbad == 25) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.clarkbad == 26) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.clarkbad == 27) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.clarkbad == 28) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.clarkbad == 29) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.clarkbad == 30) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.clarkbad == 31) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.clarkbad == 32) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.clarkbad == 33) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.clarkbad == 34) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.clarkbad == 35) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.clarkbad == 36) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.clarkbad == 37) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.clarkbad == 38) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.clarkbad == 39) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.clarkbad == 40) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.clarkbad == 41) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.clarkbad == 42) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.clarkbad == 43) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.clarkbad == 44) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.clarkbad == 45) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.clarkbad == 46) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.clarkbad == 47) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.clarkbad == 48) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.clarkbad >= 49) { _root.clarkresponse.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1641
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: Y-your highness... I'm not a normal person.";
Frame 1642
_root.statmenu._visible = false; stop(); output.text = player_name + ": C'mon, nobody's normal nowadays. We're all kind of weird and different in our own way.";
Frame 1643
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: I'm... I'm not a part of the living world.";
Frame 1671
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: I died during a war... a really long time ago. The enemy soldiers invaded my home. I tried to protect my family, but I failed and I was killed. I think that I might be a ghost or something, but I don't know.";
Frame 1672
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: I can still see, hear, and touch things like a normal person... the only thing that's different about me is that nobody can hear my voice or see me.";
Frame 1673
_root.statmenu._visible = false; stop(); output.text = player_name + ": But... I can see you. I'm listening to you right now, aren't I?";
Frame 1674
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: That's what I don't understand. You're the only person that can see and hear me. A voice in my head once told me that I was given a second chance at life... but I'll be invisible until I learn how to love.";
Frame 1675
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: It's like a curse. But how am I supposed to learn to love when I can't even talk to people?!";
Frame 1676
_root.statmenu._visible = false; stop(); output.text = player_name + ": ... But you can talk to me, can't you?";
Frame 1677
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .";
Frame 1678
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: Uh, I-I can't! I mean... it just wouldn't be right. You don't understand...";
Frame 1679
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: S-sure, your highness. Are you ready to go now?"; output1.text = "\u2022 Yep!"; output2.text = "\u2022 Hold on a second.";
Frame 1680
_root.hp = _root.hp - 50;
Frame 1694
_root.datetalk = 4; _root.dategift = 2; _root.datetea = 1; _root.mood = 0;
Frame 1709
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.leavedate._visible = false;
Frame 1710
function ansGen() { generate = random(5); ans = ["Daniel: You look really nice today, your highness. I'm glad that you and I could go out like this.", "Daniel: Would you like to go anywhere else? I'll take you to any place that you want. Just let me know, okay?", "Daniel: There's a nice breeze out here today, huh? Doesn't it feel nice?", "Daniel: Is all of this walking around making you tired? We can take a break anytime.", "Daniel: Have you ever been to this park, your highness? It's lovely, isn't it? We should come here more often."]; _root.outputdatec = ans[generate]; } _root.mood = _root.mood + 1; _root.stop(); ansGen(); _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1711
_root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.dategift = _root.dategift - 1; stop(); outputdatecc.text = "Daniel: Huh? Oh, I don't really need this, but thanks for thinking of me.";
Frame 1712
_root.mood = _root.mood + 1; _root.dategift = _root.dategift - 1; _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop(); outputdatecc.text = "Daniel: Ah, th-this is for me? Um, thank you, your highness. You're really too kind.";
Frame 1713
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; outputdatecc.text = player_name + ": I think that we should do something else...";
Frame 1714
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; outputdatecc.text = "Daniel: Uh, s-sure...! I-if... if it's okay with you...";
Frame 1715
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1744
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.clark = _root.clark + 60; outputdatecc.text = "Date Successful!";
Frame 1745
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; outputdatecc.text = "Daniel: Thanks for today, your highness. I had fun. Let's do this again sometime soon, okay?";
Frame 1746
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1772
gotoAndStop ("cinema");
Frame 1773
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false;
Frame 1774
stop(); output.text = player_name + ": What's a coffin doing here? Hey, there's some writing on it. I wonder what it could mean..."; stop();
Frame 1775
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false;
Frame 1776
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ferris: A gift...? That's very sweet of you, but I'll have to decline. You shouldn't be giving things to strangers.";
Frame 1777
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.elliot = _root.elliot + 15; output.text = "Ferris: I may drink blood, but I do love the taste of sugar. Thank you very much, Princess.";
Frame 1778
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ferris: Oh. I've always found tea to be kind of bland, but I appreciate the thought.";
Frame 1779
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.elliot = _root.elliot + 15; output.text = "Ferris: I love wine! You are too kind, Princess.";
Frame 1780
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ferris: Bread? Sorry, but I'm not really hungry right now. Would you like to share it with me though?";
Frame 1781
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ferris: I was never much of a reader, but thank you, Princess.";
Frame 1782
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.elliot = _root.elliot + 25; output.text = "Ferris: Oh. They're lovely, Princess. Th-thank you. Is it really okay for me to have these?";
Frame 1783
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ferris: What's this? Paint? I don't really have anything to paint though...";
Frame 1784
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ferris: How cute, but I don't think that this is really my thing, Princess. Thank you though... it looks expensive.";
Frame 1785
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 0) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 1) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 2) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 3) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 4) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 5) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 6) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 7) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 8) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 9) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 10) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 11) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 12) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 13) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 14) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 15) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 16) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 17) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 18) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 19) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 20) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 21) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 22) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 23) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 24) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 25) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 26) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 27) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 28) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 29) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 30) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 31) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 32) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 33) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 34) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 35) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 36) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 37) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 38) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 39) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 40) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 41) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 42) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 43) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 44) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 45) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 46) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 47) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 48) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.elliottalkpoint >= 49) { _root.elliottalk.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.hp = _root.hp - 10; _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1786
if (_root.elliotgood == 0) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.elliotgood == 1) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.elliotgood == 2) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.elliotgood == 3) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.elliotgood == 4) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.elliotgood == 5) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.elliotgood == 6) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.elliotgood == 7) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.elliotgood == 8) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.elliotgood == 9) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.elliotgood == 10) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.elliotgood == 11) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.elliotgood == 12) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.elliotgood == 13) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.elliotgood == 14) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.elliotgood == 15) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.elliotgood == 16) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.elliotgood == 17) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.elliotgood == 18) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.elliotgood == 19) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.elliotgood == 20) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.elliotgood == 21) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.elliotgood == 22) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.elliotgood == 23) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.elliotgood == 24) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.elliotgood == 25) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.elliotgood == 26) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.elliotgood == 27) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.elliotgood == 28) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.elliotgood == 29) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.elliotgood == 30) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.elliotgood == 31) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.elliotgood == 32) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.elliotgood == 33) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.elliotgood == 34) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.elliotgood == 35) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.elliotgood == 36) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.elliotgood == 37) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.elliotgood == 38) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.elliotgood == 39) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.elliotgood == 40) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.elliotgood == 41) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.elliotgood == 42) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.elliotgood == 43) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.elliotgood == 44) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.elliotgood == 45) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.elliotgood == 46) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.elliotgood == 47) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.elliotgood == 48) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.elliotgood >= 49) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1787
if (_root.elliotbad == 0) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.elliotbad == 1) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.elliotbad == 2) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.elliotbad == 3) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.elliotbad == 4) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.elliotbad == 5) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.elliotbad == 6) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.elliotbad == 7) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.elliotbad == 8) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.elliotbad == 9) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.elliotbad == 10) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.elliotbad == 11) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.elliotbad == 12) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.elliotbad == 13) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.elliotbad == 14) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.elliotbad == 15) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.elliotbad == 16) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.elliotbad == 17) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.elliotbad == 18) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.elliotbad == 19) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.elliotbad == 20) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.elliotbad == 21) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.elliotbad == 22) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.elliotbad == 23) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.elliotbad == 24) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.elliotbad == 25) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.elliotbad == 26) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.elliotbad == 27) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.elliotbad == 28) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.elliotbad == 29) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.elliotbad == 30) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.elliotbad == 31) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.elliotbad == 32) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.elliotbad == 33) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.elliotbad == 34) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.elliotbad == 35) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.elliotbad == 36) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.elliotbad == 37) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.elliotbad == 38) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.elliotbad == 39) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.elliotbad == 40) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.elliotbad == 41) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.elliotbad == 42) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.elliotbad == 43) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.elliotbad == 44) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.elliotbad == 45) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.elliotbad == 46) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.elliotbad == 47) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.elliotbad == 48) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.elliotbad >= 49) { _root.elliotresponse.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1788
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ferris: Getting a little ahead of yourself, aren't you? Sorry, but let's take things slower, shall we?";
Frame 1789
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ferris: That sounds lovely, Princess. Shall we leave now?"; output1.text = "\u2022 Yeah!"; output2.text = "\u2022 Not right now.";
Frame 1790
_root.hp = _root.hp - 50;
Frame 1804
_root.datetalk = 4; _root.dategift = 2; _root.datetea = 1; _root.mood = 0;
Frame 1819
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.leavedate._visible = false;
Frame 1820
function ansGen() { generate = random(5); ans = ["Ferris: You look beautiful today, Princess. Not that you don't everyday though. I'm just speaking my mind right now.", "Ferris: If there's anything else that you would like to do, then please let me know. All I care about is spending time with you.", "Ferris: Look out, Princess. You almost tripped over that log. Here, take my hand. That way I can keep you from falling down.", "Ferris: I-I'm not boring you, am I, Princess? Sorry if I am. I'm not used to being around such a pretty girl.", "Ferris: I would go pick some flowers for you, but they're pretty scarce if you haven't noticed. I would love to go to a beautiful park with you someday though."]; _root.outputdatez = ans[generate]; } _root.mood = _root.mood + 1; _root.stop(); ansGen(); _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1821
_root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.dategift = _root.dategift - 1; stop(); outputdatezz.text = "Ferris: No need for that, Princess. I don't really need this.";
Frame 1822
_root.mood = _root.mood + 1; _root.dategift = _root.dategift - 1; _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop(); outputdatezz.text = "Ferris: Oh my. Thank you, Princess. I'm sorry that I didn't bring anything for you. I'll make it up to you later, okay?";
Frame 1823
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; outputdatezz.text = player_name + ": I think that we should do something else...";
Frame 1824
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; outputdatezz.text = "Ferris: Close your eyes, Princess. Shhh, just relax...";
Frame 1825
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1854
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.elliot = _root.elliot + 60; outputdatezz.text = "Date Successful!";
Frame 1855
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; outputdatezz.text = "Ferris: Today was lovely, Princess. Please let me know when you would like to do this again. I would be more than happy to spend another day with you.";
Frame 1856
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1882
gotoAndStop ("park");
Frame 1883
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false;
Frame 1884
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false;
Frame 1885
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: Candy? Isn't that for children? Oh well...";
Frame 1886
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.jack = _root.jack + 15; output.text = "Joseph: Thank you. Nothing like some tea to help you relax.";
Frame 1887
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.jack = _root.jack + 15; output.text = "Joseph: Ah, wine. Thank you, Princess. That's very kind of you.";
Frame 1888
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: Sorry, I just ate so I'm not really hungry. Thank you though. I'll probably eat this later.";
Frame 1889
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.jack = _root.jack + 25; output.text = "Joseph: Hm, this castle doesn't have a library, but I do like reading... Thank you, Princess.";
Frame 1890
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: Roses? Sorry, I'm not really a flower guy. I'll admit that they're quite pretty though.";
Frame 1891
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: Paint...? What for? I don't need this.";
Frame 1892
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.jack = _root.jack + 25; output.text = "Joseph: A-are you sure that it's okay for me to have this? It's really well made...";
Frame 1893
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 0) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 1) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 2) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 3) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 4) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 5) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 6) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 7) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 8) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 9) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 10) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 11) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 12) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 13) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 14) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 15) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 16) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 17) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 18) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 19) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 20) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 21) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 22) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 23) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 24) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 25) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 26) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 27) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 28) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 29) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 30) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 31) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 32) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 33) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 34) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 35) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 36) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 37) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 38) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 39) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 40) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 41) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 42) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 43) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 44) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 45) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 46) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 47) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 48) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.jacktalkpoint >= 49) { _root.jacktalk.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.hp = _root.hp - 10; _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1894
if (_root.jackgood == 0) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.jackgood == 1) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.jackgood == 2) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.jackgood == 3) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.jackgood == 4) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.jackgood == 5) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.jackgood == 6) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.jackgood == 7) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.jackgood == 8) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.jackgood == 9) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.jackgood == 10) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.jackgood == 11) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.jackgood == 12) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.jackgood == 13) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.jackgood == 14) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.jackgood == 15) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.jackgood == 16) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.jackgood == 17) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.jackgood == 18) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.jackgood == 19) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.jackgood == 20) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.jackgood == 21) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.jackgood == 22) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.jackgood == 23) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.jackgood == 24) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.jackgood == 25) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.jackgood == 26) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.jackgood == 27) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.jackgood == 28) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.jackgood == 29) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.jackgood == 30) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.jackgood == 31) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.jackgood == 32) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.jackgood == 33) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.jackgood == 34) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.jackgood == 35) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.jackgood == 36) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.jackgood == 37) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.jackgood == 38) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.jackgood == 39) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.jackgood == 40) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.jackgood == 41) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.jackgood == 42) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.jackgood == 43) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.jackgood == 44) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.jackgood == 45) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.jackgood == 46) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.jackgood == 47) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.jackgood == 48) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.jackgood >= 49) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1895
if (_root.jackbad == 0) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.jackbad == 1) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.jackbad == 2) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.jackbad == 3) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.jackbad == 4) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.jackbad == 5) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.jackbad == 6) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.jackbad == 7) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.jackbad == 8) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.jackbad == 9) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.jackbad == 10) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.jackbad == 11) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.jackbad == 12) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.jackbad == 13) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.jackbad == 14) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.jackbad == 15) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.jackbad == 16) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.jackbad == 17) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.jackbad == 18) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.jackbad == 19) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.jackbad == 20) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.jackbad == 21) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.jackbad == 22) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.jackbad == 23) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.jackbad == 24) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.jackbad == 25) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.jackbad == 26) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(27); } if (_root.jackbad == 27) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.jackbad == 28) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(29); } if (_root.jackbad == 29) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(30); } if (_root.jackbad == 30) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.jackbad == 31) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.jackbad == 32) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(33); } if (_root.jackbad == 33) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.jackbad == 34) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.jackbad == 35) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.jackbad == 36) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(37); } if (_root.jackbad == 37) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(38); } if (_root.jackbad == 38) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(39); } if (_root.jackbad == 39) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.jackbad == 40) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(41); } if (_root.jackbad == 41) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(42); } if (_root.jackbad == 42) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(43); } if (_root.jackbad == 43) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(44); } if (_root.jackbad == 44) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.jackbad == 45) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(46); } if (_root.jackbad == 46) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(47); } if (_root.jackbad == 47) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(48); } if (_root.jackbad == 48) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(49); } if (_root.jackbad >= 49) { _root.jackresponse.gotoAndStop(50); } _root.stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop();
Frame 1896
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: Sure. Should we leave now?"; output1.text = "\u2022 Yeah."; output2.text = "\u2022 Not yet.";
Frame 1897
_root.hp = _root.hp - 50;
Frame 1911
_root.datetalk = 4; _root.dategift = 2; _root.datetea = 1; _root.mood = 0;
Frame 1926
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.leavedate._visible = false;
Frame 1927
function ansGen() { generate = random(5); ans = ["Joseph: Should we go on a stroll? We could take this path goes all around the kingdom...", "Joseph: That color looks good on you too, Princess. I'm not just saying that to be nice. I mean it.", "Joseph: It's been a while since I've been here. It's nice though. We should come here more often.", "Joseph: If you're tired, then we can take a break. Just tell me if you are.", "Joseph: Do you want to hold hands? I don't really care, but we can if you want to."]; _root.outputdatea = ans[generate]; } _root.mood = _root.mood + 1; _root.stop(); ansGen(); _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1928
_root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.dategift = _root.dategift - 1; stop(); outputdateaa.text = "Joseph: Thanks. That's nice of you, but I don't really need this...";
Frame 1929
_root.mood = _root.mood + 1; _root.dategift = _root.dategift - 1; _root.giveitem._visible = false; _root.statmenu._visible = false; stop(); outputdateaa.text = "Joseph: Y-you didn't have to, but thanks...";
Frame 1930
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; outputdateaa.text = player_name + ": I think that we should do something else...";
Frame 1931
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false; outputdateaa.text = "Joseph: If we're going to kiss, then close your eyes. Close eye contact feels weird...";
Frame 1932
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1961
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.jack = _root.jack + 60; outputdateaa.text = "Date Successful!";
Frame 1962
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; outputdateaa.text = "Joseph: I think it's about time that we head back, Princess. Let's... let's do this again sometime, okay?";
Frame 1963
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 1989
gotoAndStop ("mansion");
Frame 1990
gotoAndPlay ("alix");
Frame 1999
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.wallet = (_root.wallet = 1); output.text = player_name + ": *sigh* Only 16 more days until the wedding. That Joseph guy hasn't even come back though! How am I supposed to marry him if he's not even here?";
Frame 2000
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "???: Your highness, is that you...?";
Frame 2001
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = player_name + ": H-huh? Wh-who said that?";
Frame 2002
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "???: It IS you! I thought so! I'm down here, your highness!";
Frame 2045
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = player_name + ": Wait... who are you?";
Frame 2046
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Alix: Y-y-your highness...!! You really don't remember me?! It's me, Alix! I'm your father's personal servant! We don't talk much, but you've at least seen me before, right?!";
Frame 2047
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "???: ALLLLLIIIIIXXXXX!!";
Frame 2061
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: Alix!! You're okay! Thank goodness!";
Frame 2062
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Alix: L-Lewis, my boy! P-put me down!";
Frame 2063
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: Ah, s-sorry...!";
Frame 2073
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: So what are you doing here, Alix?";
Frame 2074
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Alix: I actually came to look for you two. I'm glad that I've finally found you though. I've been spending the last couple of weeks going from kingdom to kingdom.";
Frame 2075
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: So then King Sakka and Queen Lilla are safe too, right?";
Frame 2076
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Alix: Yes. All thanks to some help from another kingdom.";
Frame 2077
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: A-another kingdom?";
Frame 2078
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Alix: Shortly after the invasion started, an army came out of nowhere and fought off Cesathis's soldiers. I have no idea who they were or what kingdom they were from though.";
Frame 2079
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: So our kingdom is safe then? Ah, thank goodness. Wait, does that mean that we can go back home now?";
Frame 2080
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Alix: Unfortunately, no. It's still too dangerous. Finding this kingdom and you two would've taken a lot less time if I didn't keep on getting captured by soldiers.";
Frame 2081
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: Y-you were captured?!";
Frame 2082
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Alix: A few times, yes. But I'm small and sneaky. Escaping was never that hard, but you two should stay here until the war ends. Anyways, I'm going to head back home now.";
Frame 2083
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: A-already? Can't you stay around for a little bit longer?";
Frame 2084
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = ("Alix: No can do, my boy. The king and queen are waiting for me. I'll come back to visit when I can. Just take care of Princess " + player_name) + ", all right?";
Frame 2096
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: A-ah, be careful, Alix! Please have a safe trip home!";
Frame 2097
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: There he goes... Well, at least we know that our kingdom is safe, right? You... still have to marry Joseph though. It might be another year or even two before the war finally ends.";
Frame 2098
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: Well I better get going, Milady. I'll be at my house as usual if you need me.";
Frame 2117
gotoAndPlay ("map");
Frame 2118
Frame 2129
Frame 2168
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = player_name + ": So today's finally the day, huh?";
Frame 2192
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = player_name + ": *sigh* Come in!";
Frame 2209
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = player_name + ": Wha- J-Joseph...?!";
Frame 2210
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: Here, get changed into this.";
Frame 2211
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = player_name + ": Oh, th-thanks...";
Frame 2241
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: Hey.";
Frame 2242
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = player_name + ": Yeah?";
Frame 2243
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: I'll take you back to your kingdom if you want.";
Frame 2244
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = player_name + ": Wh-what?!";
Frame 2245
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: If you don't want to marry me, then you can return to your kingdom since it's not being invaded anymore. I'll have my soldiers escort you so that you'll be safe.";
Frame 2275
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = player_name + ": Why didn't you offer this earlier? Why now on our wedding day?";
Frame 2305
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: I don't want to force you to do anything that you don't want to.";
Frame 2306
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: I'll give you some time to think. I'll be waiting at the church.";
Frame 2370
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 2371
Frame 2372
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false;
Frame 2373
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 2374
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false;
Frame 2375
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false;
Frame 2376
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false;
Frame 2377
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false;
Frame 2378
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "???: What's the point of being given a second life when you're just invisible to the world...?";
Frame 2379
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false;
Frame 2380
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false;
Frame 2381
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.giveitem._visible = false;
Frame 2382
Frame 2383
Frame 2384
Frame 2385
Frame 2386
Frame 2387
Frame 2388
Frame 2389
Frame 2390
stop(); outpute.text = "Joseph: Hey. You look pretty good in that dress... Anyways, have you made a decision yet?"; output1.text = "\u2022 Yes."; output2.text = "\u2022 Give me a little bit more time...";
Frame 2391
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: Sure, take your time.";
Frame 2392
stop(); outpute.text = "Joseph: All right. So what will it be?"; output1.text = "\u2022 I'll marry you, Joseph."; output2.text = "\u2022 I want to return to my kingdom.";
Frame 2393
stop(); _root.nomarry = (_root.nomarry = 1); outpute.text = "Joseph: I thought so. Would you like me to take you back right now?"; output1.text = "\u2022 Yeah."; output2.text = "\u2022 Hold on. I want to talk to somebody else first.";
Frame 2394
stop(); outpute.text = "Joseph: So should I take you back to your kingdom now?"; output1.text = "\u2022 Yeah."; output2.text = "\u2022 Hold on. I want to talk to somebody else first.";
Frame 2395
stop(); outpute.text = "Lewis: Oh...! Y-you look... lovely today, Milady. So are you ready for the wedding to start?"; output1.text = "\u2022 Lewis, I don't want to marry him."; output2.text = "\u2022 Yeah, I guess so.";
Frame 2396
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: That's good to hear. Don't worry, Milady. No matter where you go or what you do, I'll always be right behind you, okay?";
Frame 2397
stop(); outpute.text = "Ian: So you're really going to go through with this, huh? Hope things turn out well for you."; output1.text = "\u2022 I'm not going to marry him anymore."; output2.text = "\u2022 Yeah, thanks.";
Frame 2398
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ian: No problem. That king is a really lucky guy. He better take good care of you.";
Frame 2399
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ian: I see. Well, I'm sure that the king will understand, right?";
Frame 2400
stop(); outpute.text = "Daniel: Oh. H-hello, your highness. I just wanted to say thank you for everything. I wish that there was something that I could do for you in return though..."; output1.text = "\u2022 Could you stay with me forever, then?"; output2.text = "\u2022 It's okay. You just being here to support is fine.";
Frame 2401
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: R-really? Well, I'm glad. I hope that you and the king will be happy together.";
Frame 2402
stop(); outpute.text = "Ferris: Well don't you look just lovely, Princess. I'm glad that I could make it to your wedding, because now I get see you one last time before I leave for my journey."; output1.text = "\u2022 I don't want you to leave though. At least take me with you!"; output2.text = "\u2022 I'm just glad that we met, Ferris.";
Frame 2403
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ferris: Me too, Princess. Please take care of yourself. I wish you all of the happiness in the world.";
Frame 2404
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: Very well then. By the way, sorry for putting so much stress on you. You've been through a lot, but now you can finally go home and relax.";
Frame 2464
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = player_name + ": Ahhh, nothing like the sweet smell of home. No more war, no more worries! This is the best!";
Frame 2465
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "???: Milady!";
Frame 2486
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: Alix and I are going to have some tea in the garden. Care to join us, Milady?";
Frame 2487
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = player_name + ": That sounds great! Let's go!";
Frame 2551
Frame 2552
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: H-huh? You... You really mean it?"; stop();
Frame 2582
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: ... I'm glad.";
Frame 2583
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: I'm sorry if I was cold at the beginning. I... I just always push people away from me because I'm afraid of getting hurt.";
Frame 2584
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: I'm not sure if I show it well, but I... really care for you, Princess.";
Frame 2602
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = ("Mr. Toko: Alright then! Let's get this started, shall we? Repeat after me! 'I, Joseph Knight, take you, " + player_name) + " Urwin, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.'";
Frame 2603
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = ("Joseph: Ah, um... I, Joseph Knight, t-take you, " + player_name) + " Urwin, to be my wife, to have and to...";
Frame 2604
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: Um, and wh-what comes after that?";
Frame 2605
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Mr. Toko: Aw, forget it! This is taking too long! I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!";
Frame 2606
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: Uh, o-okay...!";
Frame 2653
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Joseph: Thank you for not leaving me, Princess... I'll make sure that our future will be full of happiness.";
Frame 2717
Frame 2718
stop(); outpute.text = "Lewis: M-Milady, please. It's for your own good. He won't let you stay here where it's safe if you don't."; output1.text = "\u2022 Joseph told me that I don't have to marry him anymore."; output2.text = "\u2022 Okay, fine. I'll marry him.";
Frame 2719
stop(); outpute.text = "Lewis: Huh? Really?! ... Are you sure that you don't want to marry him though?"; output1.text = "\u2022 I'm sure, Lewis. Because I'd rather be with you."; output2.text = "\u2022 I'll go tell him that I just want to go home.";
Frame 2720
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: M-Milady... would it be wrong for me to love you?";
Frame 2721
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: I've been in love with you... even though if you were engaged to the king.";
Frame 2722
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: I... I just couldn't let go fo you, Milady. I just couldn't get you out of my head.";
Frame 2723
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: Thank you, Milady...";
Frame 2724
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Lewis: ... Thank you for loving me in return.";
Frame 2793
Frame 2794
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: I... I really could if you want me to, your highness. After all, I do love you. You're the only person that I have left in this world now.";
Frame 2795
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: Thanks to you, my curse was broken... I-if being with me is what you really want, then...";
Frame 2796
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Daniel: ... Then I'd be more than happy to make that come true.";
Frame 2863
Frame 2864
stop(); outpute.text = "Ian: Wh-what?! Really...? But why?"; output1.text = "\u2022 Because I love you!"; output2.text = "\u2022 I just don't think that it'll work out...";
Frame 2865
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ian: To be honest... I was always wishing that you and I could be together.";
Frame 2866
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ian: I'm glad... I'm really glad that you're willing to be with somebody like me.";
Frame 2867
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = ("Ian: I love you, " + player_name) + ". Please, stay with me, okay?";
Frame 2934
Frame 2935
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ferris: P-Princess? Are you serious?";
Frame 2936
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ferris: I never thought that you would've wanted to be with me... but if you're really following your heart, then I'm more than happy for you.";
Frame 2937
stop(); _root.statmenu._visible = false; output.text = "Ferris: Well, then. Take my hand, Princess. Let's go together, shall we?";
Frame 3004
Frame 3005
Frame 3021
gotoAndStop ("menu");
Symbol 2074 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiAd] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiAd { function MochiAd () { } static function getVersion() { return(mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion()); } static function showPreGameAd(options) { var _local27 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:3000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showPreloaderAd", color:16747008, background:16777161, outline:13994812, no_progress_bar:false, ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_skipped:function () { }, ad_progress:function (percent) { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local27); if ("c862232051e0a94e1c3609b3916ddb17".substr(0) == "dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def") { options.ad_started(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } var clip = options.clip; var _local24 = 11000; var _local19 = options.ad_timeout; if (options.skip) { _local19 = 0; } delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local15 = _getRes(options); var _local5 = _local15[0]; var _local14 = _local15[1]; mc._x = _local5 * 0.5; mc._y = _local14 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk._x = _local5 * -0.5; chk._y = _local14 * -0.5; var _local7 = chk.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_bar", 4); if (options.no_progress_bar) { _local7._visible = false; delete options.no_progress_bar; } else { _local7._x = 10; _local7._y = _local14 - 20; } var _local23 = options.color; delete options.color; var _local21 = options.background; delete options.background; var _local25 = options.outline; delete options.outline; var _local6 = _local7.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 1); _local6.beginFill(_local21); _local6.moveTo(0, 0); _local6.lineTo(_local5 - 20, 0); _local6.lineTo(_local5 - 20, 10); _local6.lineTo(0, 10); _local6.lineTo(0, 0); _local6.endFill(); var _local4 = _local7.createEmptyMovieClip("_inside", 2); _local4.beginFill(_local23); _local4.moveTo(0, 0); _local4.lineTo(_local5 - 20, 0); _local4.lineTo(_local5 - 20, 10); _local4.lineTo(0, 10); _local4.lineTo(0, 0); _local4.endFill(); _local4._xscale = 0; var _local8 = _local7.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 3); _local8.lineStyle(0, _local25, 100); _local8.moveTo(0, 0); _local8.lineTo(_local5 - 20, 0); _local8.lineTo(_local5 - 20, 10); _local8.lineTo(0, 10); _local8.lineTo(0, 0); chk.ad_msec = _local24; chk.ad_timeout = _local19; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.last_pcnt = 0; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var _local2 = 100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time)); if (_local2 > 0) { this._parent._alpha = _local2; } else { var _local3 = this._parent._parent; mochi.as2.MochiAd.unload(_local3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; var sendHostProgress = false; = function (lc_name) { sendHostProgress = true; }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var _local2 =; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = msec; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local10 = this._parent._parent; var _local3 = _local10; while ((!_local3.getBytesTotal()) && (_local3)) { _local3 = _local3._parent; } if (!_local3) { _local3 = _root; } var _local13 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local7 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local5 = false; var _local6 = _local3.getBytesTotal(); var _local9 = _local3.getBytesLoaded(); var _local4 = (100 * _local9) / _local6; var _local12 = (100 * _local7) / chk.ad_msec; var _local11 = this._mochiad_bar._inside; var _local15 = Math.min(100, Math.min(_local4 || 0, _local12)); _local15 = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, _local15); this.last_pcnt = _local15; _local11._xscale = _local15; options.ad_progress(_local15); if (sendHostProgress) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.containerNotify(clip, {id:"hostLoadPcnt", pcnt:_local4}, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); if (_local4 == 100) { sendHostProgress = false; } } if (!chk.showing) { var _local8 = _local13.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local8 > 0) || (typeof(_local8) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if ((_local7 > chk.ad_timeout) && (_local4 == 100)) { options.ad_failed(); _local5 = true; } } if (_local7 > chk.ad_msec) { _local5 = true; } if (((_local6 > 0) && (_local9 >= _local6)) && (_local5)) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showClickAwayAd(options) { var _local10 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showClickAwayAd", res:"300x250", no_bg:true, ad_started:function () { }, ad_finished:function () { }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_skipped:function () { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local10); var clip = options.clip; var _local9 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var _local3 = clip._mochiad; _local3.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local5 = _getRes(options); var _local11 = _local5[0]; var _local8 = _local5[1]; _local3._x = _local11 * 0.5; _local3._y = _local8 * 0.5; var chk = _local3.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_timeout = _local9; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (callbackID, arg) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; _local3.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; var _local21 = false; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local4 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local2 = false; if (!chk.showing) { var _local3 = _local5.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local3 > 0) || (typeof(_local3) == "undefined")) { _local2 = true; chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (_local4 > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); _local2 = true; } } if (_local2) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } static function showInterLevelAd(options) { var _local13 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showTimedAd", ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_skipped:function () { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local13); var clip = options.clip; var _local10 = 11000; var _local12 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local5 = _getRes(options); var _local14 = _local5[0]; var _local11 = _local5[1]; mc._x = _local14 * 0.5; mc._y = _local11 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_msec = _local10; chk.ad_timeout = _local12; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var _local2 = 100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time)); if (_local2 > 0) { this._parent._alpha = _local2; } else { var _local3 = this._parent._parent; mochi.as2.MochiAd.unload(_local3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var _local2 =; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = msec - 250; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local4 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local2 = false; if (!chk.showing) { var _local3 = _local5.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local3 > 0) || (typeof(_local3) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (_local4 > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); _local2 = true; } } if (_local4 > chk.ad_msec) { _local2 = true; } if (_local2) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showPreloaderAd(options) { trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showPreloaderAd was renamed to showPreGameAd in 2.0"); showPreGameAd(options); } static function showTimedAd(options) { trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showTimedAd was renamed to showInterLevelAd in 2.0"); showInterLevelAd(options); } static function _allowDomains(server) { var _local1 = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if ( { if ( {"*");; } if ( {"*");; } } return(_local1); } static function load(options) { var _local12 = {clip:_root, server:"", method:"load", depth:10333, id:"_UNKNOWN_"}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local12); options.swfv = options.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6; options.mav = getVersion(); var _local6 = options.clip; if (!_isNetworkAvailable()) { return(null); } if (_local6._mochiad_loaded) { return(null); } var _local11 = options.depth; delete options.depth; var mc = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad", _local11); var _local10 = _getRes(options); options.res = (_local10[0] + "x") + _local10[1]; options.server = options.server +; delete; _local6._mochiad_loaded = true; if (_local6._url.indexOf("http") != 0) { trace("[MochiAd] NOTE: Security Sandbox Violation errors below are normal"); } var _local4 = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_ctr", 1); for (var _local7 in options) { _local4[_local7] = options[_local7]; } var _local9 = _local4.server; delete _local4.server; var _local13 = _allowDomains(_local9); mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._mochiad_ctr._url != this._url) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this._mochiad_ctr) { delete this.onEnterFrame; mochi.as2.MochiAd.unload(this._parent); } }; } }; var _local5 = new Object(); var _local8 = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), random(999999)].join("_"); = mc; = _local8; _local5.hostname = _local13; _local5.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _local5.allowInsecureDomain = _local5.allowDomain; _local5.connect(_local8); = _local5; = function (lc_name) { mc._containerLCName = lc_name; }; = _local8; = getTimer(); if (!options.skip) { _local4.loadMovie(_local9 + ".swf", "POST"); } return(mc); } static function unload(clip) { if (typeof(clip) == "undefined") { clip = _root; } if (clip.clip && (clip.clip._mochiad)) { clip = clip.clip; } if (!clip._mochiad) { return(false); } containerNotify(clip, {id:"unload"}, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); clip._mochiad.removeMovieClip(); delete clip._mochiad_loaded; delete clip._mochiad; return(true); } static function _isNetworkAvailable() { if ( { var _local1 =; if (_local1.sandboxType == "localWithFile") { return(false); } } return(true); } static function _getRes(options) { var _local3 = options.clip.getBounds(); var _local2 = 0; var _local1 = 0; if (typeof(options.res) != "undefined") { var _local4 = options.res.split("x"); _local2 = parseFloat(_local4[0]); _local1 = parseFloat(_local4[1]); } else { _local2 = _local3.xMax - _local3.xMin; _local1 = _local3.yMax - _local3.yMin; } if ((_local2 == 0) || (_local1 == 0)) { _local2 = Stage.width; _local1 = Stage.height; } return([_local2, _local1]); } static function _parseOptions(options, defaults) { var _local4 = {}; for (var _local8 in defaults) { _local4[_local8] = defaults[_local8]; } if (options) { for (var _local8 in options) { _local4[_local8] = options[_local8]; } } if (_root.mochiad_options) { var _local5 = _root.mochiad_options.split("&"); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local5.length) { var _local3 = _local5[_local2].split("="); _local4[unescape(_local3[0])] = unescape(_local3[1]); _local2++; } } if ( == "test") { trace("[MochiAd] WARNING: Using the MochiAds test identifier, make sure to use the code from your dashboard, not this example!"); } return(_local4); } static function rpc(clip, callbackID, arg) { switch ( { case "setValue" : setValue(clip, arg.objectName, arg.value); break; case "getValue" : var _local4 = getValue(clip, arg.objectName); containerRpcResult(clip, callbackID, _local4, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); break; case "runMethod" : var _local3 = runMethod(clip, arg.method, arg.args); containerRpcResult(clip, callbackID, _local3, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); break; default : trace("[mochiads rpc] unknown rpc id: " +; } } static function setValue(base, objectName, value) { var _local2 = objectName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } base[_local2[_local1]] = value; } static function getValue(base, objectName) { var _local2 = objectName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } return(base[_local2[_local1]]); } static function runMethod(base, methodName, argsArray) { var _local2 = methodName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } if (typeof(base[_local2[_local1]]) == "function") { return(base[_local2[_local1]].apply(base, argsArray)); } return(undefined); } static function containerNotify(clip, args, lcName) { var _local1 =; if (_local1.notify) { _local1.notify(args); } else { new LocalConnection().send(lcName, "notify", args); } } static function containerRpcResult(clip, callbackID, val, lcName) { var _local1 =; if (_local1.rpcResult) { _local1.rpcResult(callbackID, val); } else { new LocalConnection().send(lcName, "rpcResult", callbackID, val); } } }
Symbol 2075 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher { var eventTable; function MochiEventDispatcher () { eventTable = {}; } function buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject) { var _local2 = {thisObject:thisObject, thatObject:thatObject}; if (thatObject != undefined) { var funct = ((typeof(thatObject) == "string") ? (thisObject[thatObject]) : (thatObject)); _local2.delegate = function (args) {, args); }; } else { _local2.delegate = thisObject; } return(_local2); } function compareDelegate(d_A, d_B) { if ((d_A.thisObject != d_B.thisObject) || (d_A.thatObject != d_B.thatObject)) { return(false); } return(true); } function addEventListener(event, thisObject, thatObject) { removeEventListener(event, thisObject, thatObject); eventTable[event].push(buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject)); } function removeEventListener(event, thisObject, thatObject) { var _local3 = buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject); if (eventTable[event] == undefined) { eventTable[event] = []; return(undefined); } for (var _local4 in eventTable[event]) { if (!compareDelegate(eventTable[event][_local4], _local3)) { continue; } eventTable[event].splice(Number(_local4), 1); } } function triggerEvent(event, args) { if (eventTable[event] == undefined) { return(undefined); } for (var _local4 in eventTable[event]) { eventTable[event][_local4].delegate(args); } } }
Symbol 2076 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiServices] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiServices { static var _id, _container, _clip, _sendChannelName, __get__comChannelName, onError, _listenChannel, _sendChannel; function MochiServices () { } static function get id() { return(_id); } static function get clip() { return(_container); } static function get childClip() { return(_clip); } static function getVersion() { return("3.9.1 as2"); } static function allowDomains(server) { var _local1 = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if ( { if ( {"*");; } if ( {"*");; } } return(_local1); } static function get isNetworkAvailable() { if ( { var _local1 =; if (_local1.sandboxType == "localWithFile") { return(false); } } return(true); } static function set comChannelName(val) { if (val != undefined) { if (val.length > 3) { _sendChannelName = val + "_fromgame"; initComChannels(); } } //return(__get__comChannelName()); } static function get connected() { return(_connected); } static function connect(id, clip, onError) { warnID(id, false); if ((!_connected) && (_clip == undefined)) { trace("MochiServices Connecting..."); _connecting = true; init(id, clip); } if (onError != undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError = onError; } else if (mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError == undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError = function (errorCode) { trace(errorCode); }; } } static function disconnect() { if (_connected || (_connecting)) { _connecting = (_connected = false); flush(true); if (_clip != undefined) { _clip.removeMovieClip(); delete _clip; } _listenChannel.close(); } } static function init(id, clip) { _id = id; if (clip != undefined) { _container = clip; } else { _container = _root; } loadCommunicator(id, _container); } static function loadCommunicator(id, clip) { var _local6 = "_mochiservices_com_" + id; var _local5 = new MovieClipLoader(); var _local3 = {}; if (_clip != null) { return(_clip); } if (!isNetworkAvailable) { return(null); } if (urlOptions().servURL) { _servURL = urlOptions().servURL; } var _local4 = _servURL + _services; if (urlOptions().servicesURL) { _local4 = urlOptions().servicesURL; } allowDomains(_local4); _clip = clip.createEmptyMovieClip(_local6, 10336, false); _listenChannelName = _listenChannelName + ((Math.floor(new Date().getTime()) + "_") + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999)); listen(); if (_local3.waitInterval != null) { clearInterval(_local3.waitInterval); } _local3.onLoadError = loadError; _local3.onLoadStart = function (target_mc) { this.isLoading = true; }; _local3.onLoadComplete = function (target_mc) { target_mc.MochiServices = mochi.as2.MochiServices; }; _local3.startTime = getTimer(); _local3.wait = function () { if ((getTimer() - this.startTime) > 10000) { if (!this.isLoading) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ["IOError"]); } clearInterval(this.waitInterval); } }; _local3.waitInterval = setInterval(_local3, "wait", 1000); _local5.addListener(_local3); _local5.loadClip((((((_local4 + "?listenLC=") + _listenChannelName) + "&mochiad_options=") + escape(_root.mochiad_options)) + "&api_version=") + getVersion(), _clip); _sendChannel = new LocalConnection(); _sendChannel._queue = []; return(_clip); } static function loadError(target_mc, errorCode, httpStatus) { trace("MochiServices could not load."); disconnect(); onError.apply(null, [errorCode]); } static function onStatus(infoObject) { if (!(infoObject.level === "error")) { } else { _connected = false; _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); } } static function listen() { _listenChannel = new LocalConnection(); _listenChannel.handshake = function (args) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.__set__comChannelName(args.newChannel); }; _listenChannel.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _listenChannel.allowInsecureDomain = _listenChannel.allowDomain; _listenChannel._nextcallbackID = 0; _listenChannel._callbacks = {}; _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); trace("Waiting for MochiAds services to connect..."); } static function initComChannels() { if (!_connected) { _sendChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"handshakeDone"}); _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"registerGame", id:_id, version:getVersion()}); _listenChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; _listenChannel.onReceive = function (pkg) { var _local5 = pkg.callbackID; var _local4 = this._callbacks[_local5]; if (!_local4) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = _local4.callbackMethod; var _local3 = _local4.callbackObject; if (_local3 && (typeof(_local2) == "string")) { _local2 = _local3[_local2]; } if (_local2 != undefined) { _local2.apply(_local3, pkg.args); } delete this._callbacks[_local5]; }; _listenChannel.onEvent = function (pkg) { switch ( { case "services" : mochi.as2.MochiServices.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); break; case "events" : mochi.as2.MochiEvents.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); break; case "coins" : mochi.as2.MochiCoins.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); break; case "social" : mochi.as2.MochiSocial.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); } }; _listenChannel.onError = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ["IOError"]); }; trace("[SERVICES_API] connected!"); _connecting = false; _connected = true; while (_sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", _sendChannel._queue.shift()); } } } static function flush(error) { var _local1; var _local2; while (_sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { _local1 = _sendChannel._queue.shift(); if (_local1.callbackID != null) { _local2 = _listenChannel._callbacks[_local1.callbackID]; } delete _listenChannel._callbacks[_local1.callbackID]; if (error) { handleError(_local1.args, _local2.callbackObject, _local2.callbackMethod); } } } static function handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (args != null) { if (args.onError != null) { args.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); } if ((args.options != null) && (args.options.onError != null)) { args.options.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); } } if (callbackMethod != null) { args = {}; args.error = true; args.errorCode = "NotConnected"; if ((callbackObject != null) && (typeof(callbackMethod) == "string")) { callbackObject[callbackMethod](args); } else if (callbackMethod != null) { callbackMethod.apply(args); } } } static function send(methodName, args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (_connected) { _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:methodName, args:args, callbackID:_listenChannel._nextcallbackID}); } else { if ((_clip == undefined) || (!_connecting)) { trace("Error: MochiServices not connected. Please call MochiServices.connect(). Function: " + methodName); handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod); flush(true); return(undefined); } _sendChannel._queue.push({methodName:methodName, args:args, callbackID:_listenChannel._nextcallbackID}); } _listenChannel._callbacks[_listenChannel._nextcallbackID] = {callbackObject:callbackObject, callbackMethod:callbackMethod}; _listenChannel._nextcallbackID++; } static function urlOptions() { var _local5 = {}; var _local6; if (_root._url.indexOf("mochiad_options") != -1) { var _local2 = (_root._url.indexOf("mochiad_options") + "mochiad_options".length) + 1; _local6 = _root._url.substr(_local2, _root._url.length); } else if (_root.mochiad_options) { _local6 = _root.mochiad_options; } if (_local6) { var _local4 = _root.mochiad_options.split("&"); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local4.length) { var _local3 = _local4[_local2].split("="); _local5[unescape(_local3[0])] = unescape(_local3[1]); _local2++; } } return(_local5); } static function warnID(bid, leaderboard) { bid = bid.toLowerCase(); if (bid.length != 16) { trace(("WARNING: " + (leaderboard ? "board" : "game")) + " ID is not the appropriate length"); return(undefined); } if (bid == "1e113c7239048b3f") { if (leaderboard) { trace("WARNING: Using testing board ID"); } else { trace("WARNING: Using testing board ID as game ID"); } return(undefined); } if (bid == "84993a1de4031cd8") { if (leaderboard) { trace("WARNING: Using testing game ID as board ID"); } else { trace("WARNING: Using testing game ID"); } return(undefined); } var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < bid.length) { switch (bid.charAt(_local1)) { case "0" : case "1" : case "2" : case "3" : case "4" : case "5" : case "6" : case "7" : case "8" : case "9" : case "a" : case "b" : case "c" : case "d" : case "e" : case "f" : break; default : trace("WARNING: Board ID contains illegal characters: " + bid); return(undefined); } _local1++; } } static function addLinkEvent(url, burl, btn, onClick) { var timeout = 1500; var t0 = getTimer(); var _local2 = new Object(); _local2.mav = getVersion(); _local2.swfv = btn.getSWFVersion() || 6; _local2.swfurl = btn._url; _local2.fv = System.capabilities.version; _local2.os = System.capabilities.os; _local2.lang = System.capabilities.language; _local2.scres = (System.capabilities.screenResolutionX + "x") + System.capabilities.screenResolutionY; var s = "?"; var _local3 = 0; for (var _local6 in _local2) { if (_local3 != 0) { s = s + "&"; } _local3++; s = ((s + _local6) + "=") + escape(_local2[_local6]); } if (!(netupAttempted || (_connected))) { var ping = btn.createEmptyMovieClip("ping", 777); var _local7 = btn.createEmptyMovieClip("nettest", 778); netupAttempted = true; ping.loadMovie("" + getTimer()); _local7.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((ping._totalframes > 0) && (ping._totalframes == ping._framesloaded)) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else if ((getTimer() - t0) > timeout) { delete this.onEnterFrame; mochi.as2.MochiServices.netup = false; } }; } var _local4 = btn.createEmptyMovieClip("clk", 1001); _local4._alpha = 0; _local4.beginFill(1044735); _local4.moveTo(0, 0); _local4.lineTo(0, btn._height); _local4.lineTo(btn._width, btn._height); _local4.lineTo(btn._width, 0); _local4.lineTo(0, 0); _local4.endFill(); _local4.onRelease = function () { if (mochi.as2.MochiServices.netup) { getURL (url + s, "_blank"); } else { getURL (burl, "_blank"); } if (onClick != undefined) { onClick(); } }; } static function setContainer(clip) { } static function stayOnTop(clip) { } static function addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { _dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); } static function triggerEvent(eventType, args) { _dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); } static function removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { _dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); } static var CONNECTED = "onConnected"; static var _servURL = ""; static var _services = "services.swf"; static var _mochiLC = "MochiLC.swf"; static var _listenChannelName = "__ms_"; static var _connecting = false; static var _connected = false; static var netup = true; static var netupAttempted = false; static var _dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); }
Symbol 2077 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEvents] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiEvents { function MochiEvents () { } static function getVersion() { return(mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion()); } static function startSession(achievementID) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_beginSession", {achievementID:achievementID}, null, null); } static function setNotifications(clip, style) { var _local2 = {}; for (var _local3 in style) { _local2[_local3] = style[_local3]; } _local2.clip = clip; mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_setNotifications", _local2, null, null); } static function addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { _dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); } static function triggerEvent(eventType, args) { _dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); } static function removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { _dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); } static function startPlay(tag) { if (tag == undefined) { tag = "gameplay"; } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_setRoundID", {tag:String(tag)}, null, null); } static function endPlay() { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_clearRoundID", null, null, null); } static function trackEvent(tag, value) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_trackEvent", {tag:tag, value:value}, null, null); } static var ACHIEVEMENT_RECEIVED = "AchievementReceived"; static var ALIGN_TOP_LEFT = "ALIGN_TL"; static var ALIGN_TOP = "ALIGN_T"; static var ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT = "ALIGN_TR"; static var ALIGN_LEFT = "ALIGN_L"; static var ALIGN_CENTER = "ALIGN_C"; static var ALIGN_RIGHT = "ALIGN_R"; static var ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT = "ALIGN_BL"; static var ALIGN_BOTTOM = "ALIGN_B"; static var ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT = "ALIGN_BR"; static var FORMAT_SHORT = "ShortForm"; static var FORMAT_LONG = "LongForm"; static var _dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); }
Symbol 2078 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiCoins] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiCoins { function MochiCoins () { } static function getVersion() { return(mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion()); } static function showStore(options) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("coins_showStore", {options:options}, null, null); } static function showItem(options) { if ((options == undefined) || (typeof(options.item) != "string")) { trace("ERROR: showItem call must pass an Object with an item key"); return(undefined); } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("coins_showItem", {options:options}, null, null); } static function showVideo(options) { if ((options == undefined) || (typeof(options.item) != "string")) { trace("ERROR: showVideo call must pass an Object with an item key"); return(undefined); } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("coins_showVideo", {options:options}, null, null); } static function getStoreItems() { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("coins_getStoreItems"); } static function requestFunding(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_requestFunding", properties); } static function addEventListener(eventType, delegate) { _dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, delegate); } static function triggerEvent(eventType, args) { _dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); } static function removeEventListener(eventType, delegate) { _dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, delegate); } static var STORE_SHOW = "StoreShow"; static var STORE_HIDE = "StoreHide"; static var ITEM_OWNED = "ItemOwned"; static var ITEM_NEW = "ItemNew"; static var STORE_ITEMS = "StoreItems"; static var ERROR = "Error"; static var IO_ERROR = "IOError"; static var NO_USER = "NoUser"; static var _dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); }
Symbol 2079 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiSocial] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiSocial { function MochiSocial () { } static function getVersion() { return(mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion()); } static function showLoginWidget(options) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.setContainer(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.stayOnTop(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_showLoginWidget", {options:options}); } static function hideLoginWidget() { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_hideLoginWidget"); } static function requestLogin(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_requestLogin", properties); } static function getFriendsList(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_getFriendsList", properties); } static function postToStream(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_postToStream", properties); } static function inviteFriends(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_inviteFriends", properties); } static function requestFan(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_requestFan", properties); } static function saveUserProperties(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_saveUserProperties", properties); } static function addEventListener(eventType, delegate) { _dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, delegate); } static function triggerEvent(eventType, args) { _dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); } static function removeEventListener(eventType, delegate) { _dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, delegate); } static var LOGGED_IN = "LoggedIn"; static var LOGGED_OUT = "LoggedOut"; static var LOGIN_SHOW = "LoginShow"; static var LOGIN_HIDE = "LoginHide"; static var LOGIN_SHOWN = "LoginShown"; static var PROFILE_SHOW = "ProfileShow"; static var PROFILE_HIDE = "ProfileHide"; static var PROPERTIES_SAVED = "PropertySaved"; static var WIDGET_LOADED = "WidgetLoaded"; static var FRIEND_LIST = "FriendsList"; static var PROFILE_DATA = "ProfileData"; static var GAMEPLAY_DATA = "GameplayData"; static var ACTION_CANCELED = "onCancel"; static var ACTION_COMPLETE = "onComplete"; static var USER_INFO = "UserInfo"; static var ERROR = "Error"; static var IO_ERROR = "IOError"; static var NO_USER = "NoUser"; static var PROPERTIES_SIZE = "PropertiesSize"; static var _dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); }
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1
fadeSpeed = 2; floatUpSpeed = 5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { d = this.getNextHighestDepth(); aPuff = attachMovie("aPuff", "aPuff" + d, d); aPuff._xscale = (aPuff._yscale = 10); aPuff._x = Math.random() * 5; aPuff.gotoAndPlay(Math.round(Math.random() * 20)); aPuff.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale = (this._yscale = this._yscale + fadeSpeed); this._alpha = this._alpha - fadeSpeed; this._y = this._y - floatUpSpeed; if (this._xscale >= 100) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; };
Symbol 48 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 147 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("play"); }
Symbol 149 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 150 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 155 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 157 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 158 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 159 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 160 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 161 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 162 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 163 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 164 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 180 Button
on (release) { if (cheat == "imcancerfree") { _root.hp = _root.hp + 2000;; } } on (release) { if (cheat == "moneydoesgrowontrees") { = + 1000;; } } on (release) { if (cheat == "imtoolazytoinputallofthecheats") { = + 1000; _root.hp = _root.hp + 2000; _root.cha = _root.cha + 50; _root.wit = _root.wit + 50; _root.luck = _root.luck + 50; _root.candy = _root.candy + 100; _root.violin = _root.violin + 100; _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch + 100; _root.roses = _root.roses + 100; _root.tea = _root.tea + 100; _root.teapot = _root.teapot + 100; _root.newspaper = _root.newspaper + 100; _root.pen = _root.pen + 100;; } } on (release) { if (cheat == "workingisforsquares") { _root.candy = _root.candy + 100; _root.violin = _root.violin + 100; _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch + 100; _root.roses = _root.roses + 100; _root.tea = _root.tea + 100; _root.teapot = _root.teapot + 100; _root.newspaper = _root.newspaper + 100; _root.pen = _root.pen + 100;; } } on (release) { if (cheat == "tothebatmobile") { _root.gotoAndPlay("concert2"); } } on (release) { if (cheat == "youthoughthewasacatatfirst") { _root.oliver = (_root.oliver = 1000); _root.olivertalkpoint = (_root.olivertalkpoint = 50); _root.olivergood = (_root.olivergood = 50); _root.oliverbad = (_root.oliverbad = 50); _root.emersonend = (_root.emersonend = 1); _root.emersongift = (_root.emersongift = 1); _root.emersondate = (_root.emersondate = 1); _root.wolf = (_root.wolf = 1);; } } on (release) { if (cheat == "azombiewouldhavebeenbetter") { _root.clark = (_root.clark = 1000); _root.clarktalkpoint = (_root.clarktalkpoint = 50); _root.clarkgood = (_root.clarkgood = 50); _root.clarkbad = (_root.clarkbad = 50); _root.codyend = (_root.codyend = 1); _root.codygift = (_root.codygift = 1); _root.codydate = (_root.codydate = 1); _root.ghost = (_root.ghost = 1);; } } on (release) { if (cheat == "itseffingfuchsia") { _root.lance = (_root.lance = 1000); _root.lancetalkpoint = (_root.lancetalkpoint = 50); _root.lancegood = (_root.lancegood = 50); _root.lancebad = (_root.lancebad = 50); _root.devinend = (_root.devinend = 1); _root.devingift = (_root.devingift = 1); _root.devindate = (_root.devindate = 1);; } } on (release) { if (cheat == "antisparkle") { _root.elliot = (_root.elliot = 1000); _root.elliottalkpoint = (_root.elliottalkpoint = 50); _root.elliotgood = (_root.elliotgood = 50); _root.elliotbad = (_root.elliotbad = 50); _root.zaneend = (_root.zaneend = 1); _root.zanegift = (_root.zanegift = 1); _root.zanedate = (_root.zanedate = 1); _root.devin = (_root.devin = 1); _root.vamp = (_root.vamp = 1);; } } on (release) { if (cheat == "istillthinkheisadouchebag") { _root.jack = (_root.jack = 1000); _root.jacktalkpoint = (_root.jacktalkpoint = 50); _root.jackgood = (_root.jackgood = 50); _root.jackbad = (_root.jackbad = 50); _root.acegift = (_root.acegift = 1); _root.acedate = (_root.acedate = 1); _root.aceend = (_root.aceend = 1); _root.wallet = (_root.wallet = 1);; } } on (release) { if (cheat == "yaranaika?") { _root.jack = (_root.jack = 1000); _root.jacktalkpoint = (_root.jacktalkpoint = 50); _root.jackgood = (_root.jackgood = 50); _root.jackbad = (_root.jackbad = 50); _root.elliot = (_root.elliot = 1000); _root.elliottalkpoint = (_root.elliottalkpoint = 50); _root.elliotgood = (_root.elliotgood = 50); _root.elliotbad = (_root.elliotbad = 50); _root.lance = (_root.lance = 1000); _root.lancetalkpoint = (_root.lancetalkpoint = 50); _root.lancegood = (_root.lancegood = 50); _root.lancebad = (_root.lancebad = 50); _root.clark = (_root.clark = 1000); _root.clarktalkpoint = (_root.clarktalkpoint = 50); _root.clarkgood = (_root.clarkgood = 50); _root.clarkbad = (_root.clarkbad = 50); _root.oliver = (_root.oliver = 1000); _root.olivertalkpoint = (_root.olivertalkpoint = 50); _root.olivergood = (_root.olivergood = 50); _root.oliverbad = (_root.oliverbad = 50); _root.wallet = (_root.wallet = 1); _root.acegift = (_root.acegift = 1); _root.acedate = (_root.acedate = 1); _root.aceend = (_root.aceend = 1); _root.zaneend = (_root.zaneend = 1); _root.zanegift = (_root.zanegift = 1); _root.zanedate = (_root.zanedate = 1); _root.wolf = (_root.wolf = 1); _root.devin = (_root.devin = 1); _root.devinend = (_root.devinend = 1); _root.devingift = (_root.devingift = 1); _root.devindate = (_root.devindate = 1); _root.codyend = (_root.codyend = 1); _root.codygift = (_root.codygift = 1); _root.codydate = (_root.codydate = 1); _root.ghost = (_root.ghost = 1); _root.emersonend = (_root.emersonend = 1); _root.emersongift = (_root.emersongift = 1); _root.emersondate = (_root.emersondate = 1); _root.vamp = (_root.vamp = 1);; } }
Symbol 184 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 187 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 206 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 209 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 212 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 215 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 218 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); = - 25; _root.luck = _root.luck + 3;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); = - 3; _root.candy = _root.candy + 1;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); = - 4; _root.pen = _root.pen + 1;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); = + 5; _root.hp = _root.hp - 20;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); _root.violin = _root.violin + 1; = - 20;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch + 1; = - 15;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); _root.roses = _root.roses + 1; = - 15;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); _root.teapot = _root.teapot + 1; = - 50;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); _root.luck = _root.luck - 10;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); _root.hp = _root.hp - 20; = + 10;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); _root.tea = _root.tea + 1; = - 5;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); _root.newspaper = _root.newspaper + 1; = - 10;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); = - 25; _root.wit = _root.wit + 3;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); = - 25; _root.cha = _root.cha + 3;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); _root.luck = _root.luck - 10;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); _root.luck = _root.luck - 10;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); _root.luck = _root.luck - 10;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); _root.luck = _root.luck - 10;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 32
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); _root.luck = _root.luck - 10;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 34
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 242 Button
on (release) { player_name = username.text; gotoAndPlay ("intro"); }
Symbol 243 Button
on (release) { if (_root.cha >= 1) { _root.cha = _root.cha - 1; _root.pointsleft = _root.pointsleft + 1; } }
Symbol 244 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pointsleft >= 1) { _root.cha = _root.cha + 1; _root.pointsleft = _root.pointsleft - 1; } }
Symbol 245 Button
on (release) { if (_root.wit >= 1) { _root.wit = _root.wit - 1; _root.pointsleft = _root.pointsleft + 1; } }
Symbol 246 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pointsleft >= 1) { _root.wit = _root.wit + 1; _root.pointsleft = _root.pointsleft - 1; } }
Symbol 247 Button
on (release) { if (_root.luck >= 1) { _root.luck = _root.luck - 1; _root.pointsleft = _root.pointsleft + 1; } }
Symbol 248 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pointsleft >= 1) { _root.luck = _root.luck + 1; _root.pointsleft = _root.pointsleft - 1; } }
Symbol 261 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("skipintro"); }
Symbol 265 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 282 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("family"); }
Symbol 287 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 292 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("war"); }
Symbol 322 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("city"); }
Symbol 330 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 336 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("runaway"); }
Symbol 341 MovieClip Frame 37
Symbol 360 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("itsokay"); }
Symbol 361 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("yeahright"); }
Symbol 363 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("distance"); }
Symbol 367 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 380 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("village"); }
Symbol 388 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("dot"); }
Symbol 403 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("dot2"); }
Symbol 407 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("comein"); }
Symbol 413 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("coming"); }
Symbol 436 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("dot3"); }
Symbol 444 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("tired"); }
Symbol 462 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("anotherplace"); }
Symbol 463 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 467 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("plans"); }
Symbol 472 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("goodnight"); }
Symbol 479 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("protect"); }
Symbol 480 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("lewisleave"); }
Symbol 483 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("lewisleave2"); }
Symbol 486 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("zzz"); }
Symbol 487 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("knockknock"); }
Symbol 489 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("goodmorning"); }
Symbol 520 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("castlemeetup1"); }
Symbol 521 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("castlemeetup"); }
Symbol 541 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("note"); }
Symbol 544 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 546 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("backfromnote"); }
Symbol 553 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("walk"); }
Symbol 559 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("becareful"); }
Symbol 575 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 575 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 575 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 582 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("room"); }
Symbol 587 Button
on (release) { if (_root.devin == 1) { gotoAndStop ("park"); } } on (release) { if (_root.devin == 0) { gotoAndStop ("forest"); } }
Symbol 592 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("tokoburger"); }
Symbol 597 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("devinroom"); }
Symbol 602 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("alley"); }
Symbol 608 Button
on (release) { if (_root.wallet == 1) { gotoAndStop ("mansion"); } } on (release) { if (_root.wallet == 0) { gotoAndStop ("nomansion"); } }
Symbol 613 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 618 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("cinema"); }
Symbol 623 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("cafe"); }
Symbol 628 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("skydale"); }
Symbol 629 Button
on (release) { if (_root.luck >= 10) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.luck <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 662 Button
on (release) { _root.statmenu._visible = !_root.statmenu._visible; }
Symbol 663 Button
on (release) {; _root.musicoff._visible = true; _root.musicon._visible = false; }
Symbol 664 Button
on (release) {; _root.musicoff._visible = false; _root.musicon._visible = true; }
Symbol 667 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("map"); }
Symbol 668 Button
on (release) { if (_root.luck >= 10) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.luck <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 670 Button
on (release) { if ( <= 13) { _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.hp = _root.hp + 50; gotoAndPlay ("sleep"); } } on (release) { if ( == 14) { _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.hp = _root.hp + 50; gotoAndPlay ("sleepalix"); } } on (release) { if (( >= 15) && ( <= 28)) { _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.hp = _root.hp + 50; gotoAndPlay ("sleep"); } } on (release) { if ( == 29) { _root.statmenu._visible = false; _root.hp = _root.hp + 50; gotoAndPlay ("sleep1dayleft"); } } on (release) { if ( == 30) { _root.statmenu._visible = false; gotoAndPlay ("concert"); } }
Symbol 673 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 675 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("map"); } on (release) { if ( == 15) { gotoAndPlay ("meetdevin"); } }
Symbol 677 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("meetdevin"); }
Symbol 680 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("map"); }
Symbol 684 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 10) { _root.gotoAndStop("devintalk"); } } on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 685 Button
on (release) { if (_root.devingift == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("nogiftdevin"); } } on (release) { if (_root.devingift == 1) { _root.giveitem._visible = true; } }
Symbol 686 Button
on (release) { if (_root.cha <= 14) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 49) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.devindate == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("devinnodate"); } } on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 50) { if (_root.cha >= 15) { if (_root.devindate == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop("devindate"); } } } }
Symbol 696 Button
on (release) { _root.giveitem._visible = false; }
Symbol 697 Button
on (release) { if (_root.candy >= 1) { _root.candy = _root.candy - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devinfriesgift"); } }
Symbol 698 Button
on (release) { if (_root.newspaper >= 1) { _root.newspaper = _root.newspaper - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devinpopcorngift"); } }
Symbol 699 Button
on (release) { if (_root.roses >= 1) { _root.roses = _root.roses - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devinbookgift"); } }
Symbol 700 Button
on (release) { if (_root.teapot >= 1) { _root.teapot = _root.teapot - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devingamegift"); } }
Symbol 701 Button
on (release) { if (_root.tea >= 1) { _root.tea = _root.tea - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devincoffeegift"); } }
Symbol 702 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pen >= 1) { _root.pen = _root.pen - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devinhamburgergift"); } }
Symbol 703 Button
on (release) { if (_root.violin >= 1) { _root.violin = _root.violin - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devincdgift"); } }
Symbol 704 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pocketwatch >= 1) { _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devinplushgift"); } }
Symbol 708 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("devinroom"); }
Symbol 741 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("devinresponsebad"); }
Symbol 742 Button
on (release) { _root.lancebad = _root.lancebad + 1; _root.lancetalkpoint = _root.lancetalkpoint + 1; _root.lance = _root.lance + 10; _root.gotoAndStop("devinresponse"); }
Symbol 748 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("devinresponsebad"); }
Symbol 749 Button
on (release) { _root.lancegood = _root.lancegood + 1; _root.lancebad = _root.lancebad + 1; _root.lancetalkpoint = _root.lancetalkpoint + 1; _root.lance = _root.lance + 10; _root.gotoAndStop("devinresponse"); }
Symbol 776 Button
on (release) { _root.lancegood = _root.lancegood + 1; _root.lancebad = _root.lancebad + 1; _root.lancetalkpoint = _root.lancetalkpoint + 1; _root.lance = _root.lance + 10; _root.gotoAndPlay("devinresponse"); }
Symbol 778 Button
on (release) { _root.lancegood = _root.lancegood + 1; _root.lancebad = _root.lancebad + 1; _root.lancetalkpoint = _root.lancetalkpoint + 1; _root.lance = _root.lance + 10; _root.gotoAndPlay("lewisserious"); }
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Oh! Hello, Milady. Did you explore the town yet? This place isn't so bad is it?"; output2.text = "\u2022 I'd rather go back home."; output3.text = "\u2022 It would be a lot nicer if its king wasn't such a jerk.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I was right. You do look good in that color. I think that dress suits you very well, Milady."; output2.text = "\u2022 I still don't like pink."; output3.text = "\u2022 Don't you have anything else that I can wear?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: You look kind of down. Is there something wrong?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Of course I am! Our kingdom was attacked!"; output3.text = "\u2022 What do you think? I'm engaged thanks to you!";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I wonder where King Joseph went. It's strange for a king to leave his kingdom so suddenly like that."; output2.text = "\u2022 See? He's irresponsible and careless. I shouldn't marry him!"; output3.text = "\u2022 Maybe he's just avoid me...";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Oh. Good day, Milady. Do you need something?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Could you go buy something for me?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I'm fine. Don't worry about me so much.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Hepcatsis Kingdom doesn't really have a healthy environment, but the villagers are quite friendly. I suppose that I prefer nicer people over scenery."; output2.text = "\u2022 I actually think that the people here are kind of bitter."; output3.text = "\u2022 Have you made any new friends yet?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Why did you become a servant for my family anyway?"; output3.text = "\u2022 What do you think happened to the others back at home?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Ah, I just made some tea. Here, have some. Do you want me to add anything to your cup?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Could I have some milk in it?"; output3.text = "\u2022 How about some honey?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Do you remember that one time when you made me jump into a river because you dropped your shoe fell into it? Sorry that I wasn't able to find it."; output2.text = "\u2022 Oh yeah. Didn't you get a fever? I feel kind of bad..."; output3.text = "\u2022 Um, no. Did that really happen?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Just what do you do in your free time?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you like me? Like... a lot?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I find it strange that there are no knights or guards at the castle. There are maids and servants though. A kingdom around these parts should have at least some protection."; output2.text = "\u2022 Just what kind of king doesn't have knights or guards?"; output3.text = "\u2022 They don't matter. Our knights couldn't even protect us.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Did you know that anybody can use magic? I always thought that only witches could."; output2.text = "\u2022 Are you interested in learning magic?"; output3.text = "\u2022 What is magic even good for anyway?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: You're not still mad about me getting you into your engagement, are you?"; output2.text = "\u2022 I don't really care anymore."; output3.text = "\u2022 I just wished that you would've considered my feelings more...";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I kind of miss the castle library back at home... though all or most of the books were probably destroyed from Cesathis's invasion."; output2.text = "\u2022 Didn't you and I used to read books together in that library?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Doesn't the castle here have a library too?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Are you an elf, Lewis?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you remember the time when we first met?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I wonder how King Sakka and Queen Lilla are doing..."; output2.text = "\u2022 What if something bad happened to them?"; output3.text = "\u2022 You really care about my parents, huh?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Ah, you've got a stray hair, Milady. Here, I'll get it for you."; output2.text = "\u2022 Oh, thanks."; output3.text = "\u2022 That's okay. I'll get it myself.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I heard about a kingdom named Wonderland. Apparently it's one of the most beautiful and peaceful kingdoms. It's no wonder why it's called Wonderland."; output2.text = "\u2022 Why couldn't we go there instead of here then?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I wish that we could go there someday.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Why were you chosen to be my personal servant anyways?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Can you stop calling me 'Milady'?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Isn't the priest a strange fellow. I've seen creatures before, but none like him..."; output2.text = "\u2022 I haven't met him yet. What kind of person is he?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I wonder what his species is.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I just got back from the market. Here, I got this for you."; output2.text = "\u2022 Why did you get something for me?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Oh. Thanks, Lewis.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Milady, you know Alix, right? He serves your family like me. I was just thinking about him. I hope he's doing okay."; output2.text = "\u2022 You worry too much."; output3.text = "\u2022 Alix? Who is he again?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Please stay away from the forest, Milady. Wh-who knows what could be in there..."; output2.text = "\u2022 You seem like you're scared of it."; output3.text = "\u2022 You're thinking too much. It's safe.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 I'm jealous of your pretty violet eyes, Lewis."; output3.text = "\u2022 I think that this room could use makeover.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: The other day I saw a turtle. I must have scared him because he quickly hid inside of his shell when I got close to him."; output2.text = "\u2022 'He'? How do you know that it was a boy?"; output3.text = "\u2022 How could you scare the poor thing?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I wish that I was a good cook like Alix. Have you ever tasted his pastries? Your father never really cared for his cooking, but I sure have always had."; output2.text = "\u2022 Isn't... Alix a little bit too short to cook?"; output3.text = "\u2022 You seem to know a lot about my dad...";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: M-Milady. Here, I got something for you."; output2.text = "\u2022 What is it?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Is it another pink dress?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Will you always be my servant?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you really want me to marry Joseph?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: M-Milady, we should go out and spend a day together. I would like that anyway..."; output2.text = "\u2022 Why would you like that?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Sure, that sounds good.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I want you to give me your honest opinion. How do you really feel about King Joseph, Milady?"; output2.text = "\u2022 I think that he's a good guy on the inside."; output3.text = "\u2022 He's the worst person I've ever met.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Are you okay, Milady? You look like you have a lot on your mind."; output2.text = "\u2022 Do I really have to marry Joseph?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I was just thinking about my parents.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: . . . . . . . . . . . ."; output2.text = "\u2022 Um, hello?"; output3.text = "\u2022 What are you doing?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Milady, how do you feel about your parents?"; output2.text = "\u2022 I love them of course."; output3.text = "\u2022 What do you mean?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: . . . . . . . . . . . ."; output2.text = "\u2022 You've been daydreaming lately, huh?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Is something wrong?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Sorry I got mad at you before. You're just doing what's best."; output3.text = "\u2022 I just wanted to say thanks for everything.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Oh, Milady. I... I need to tell you something..."; output2.text = "\u2022 What is it?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Uh oh. Is this serious business again?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Do you regret giving up being a prince?"; output3.text = "\u2022 You idiot. You shouldn't have done that...";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Milady, as a servant, I deeply care for you... but it's okay. Please, marry Joseph... do it for me."; output2.text = "\u2022 All right. I will... for you."; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you still love me?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: *yawn* I've been having trouble sleeping at night. Ah, I feel exhausted..."; output2.text = "\u2022 Are you sure that you're not worrying too much?"; output3.text = "\u2022 You should take a break or at least rest for a little bit.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Milady, you're not too upset about Sakka and Lilla not being your real parents, are you?"; output2.text = "\u2022 It doesn't really matter. They love me like real parents."; output3.text = "\u2022 It kind of feels like I've been lied to all this time...";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 So I'm like an adopted sister to you, aren't I?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you think that your parents still love you?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Doesn't the air feel nicer today, Milady? How about we go and take walk later?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Sure. That sounds like a good idea."; output3.text = "\u2022 Nah, I'll pass.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Do you have any idea where King Joseph went, Milady? I'm pretty sure that if I asked him, he wouldn't tell me..."; output2.text = "\u2022 Why don't you think that he'll tell you?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Maybe I'll ask the next time I see him.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I wonder when this whole war will end. *sigh* Why must people always fight like this?"; output2.text = "\u2022 I'm sure that it'll end soon. Just have some hope."; output3.text = "\u2022 Isn't war just a little bit exciting though?";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I remember that Alix once told me that your father used to travel to different worlds. I'm not sure how he did it, but the things he saw must have been amazing."; output2.text = "\u2022 Why do you still call him my father? He's actually yours..."; output3.text = "\u2022 I wonder what the other worlds are like.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Look! A bird!"; output3.text = "\u2022 Let's have some tea, Lewis.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: We'll be living in the castle once you marry King Joseph, huh? I'm actually going to miss this house. It's small, but really cozy and nice."; output2.text = "\u2022 Hey, you can still live in it if you want to."; output3.text = "\u2022 You'll get used to the new castle.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Now that I think about it, you have nothing to wear for your wedding! Oh no... what are we going to do, Milady?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Can't I just wear that blue dress you gave me?"; output3.text = "\u2022 It's okay, we'll improvise.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Hepcatsis is really quiet, isn't it? The people here doesn't socialize much..."; output2.text = "\u2022 Probably because they're afraid of each other."; output3.text = "\u2022 Maybe it's because of the war.";
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: O-oh. Hello, Milady. The wedding day is coming up soon, isn't it? Are you ready for it?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Yeah I think so..."; output3.text = "\u2022 It's impossible for me to be ready for something like this.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Like I said, you should at least give him another chance. Maybe he's actually a nice person. I'm sure that he has his reasons.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Of course. A princess can't wear just one dress all of the time. I put a blue dress in your dresser, but it's a bit fancy. Don't wear it unless if it's a special occasion.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); _root.pen = _root.pen + 1; output.text = "Lewis: Everything will be all right, I promise. Here, this should help you relax, Milady.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Nonsense. Why would he do that? He did agree to marry you. Anyways, you're a very charming person, Milady. I'm sure that he'll come to realize that once he gets to know you better.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I just want you to make sure that you're okay. You've been through a lot.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Hmm, that girl who works at the bazaar is pretty nice. So is the priest... though he is pretty strange. I've never met anybody like him before...";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Huh? Uh... w-well, being a servant um, guaranteed food and shelter... at least back then it did. But that doesn't matter. I enjoy serving you very much.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Certainly. I actually think that I may add some in mine too. It's a wonderful sweetener, isn't it?";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: It wasn't that bad, Milady. I practically got better the next day. I just hope that something like that doesn't happen ever again.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Funny that you should ask... I was just thinking about that. Well, I guess that I read whenever I have the time to. I've been a lot less busy since I don't have those castle duties anymore.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: None that I know of. Hmm... perhaps they're away right now? I'm not sure.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I heard that certain spells can increase your health, money, and even make people fall in love with each other. It actually sounds kind of scary if you think about it...";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: ... I wish that I would've done that too, Milady. I'm sorry. I was only focused on protection rather than your happiness.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Yes we did. I wish that we could do that now actually. I guess you don't really appreciate things until once they're gone.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Of course I do, Milady. It was at the orphanage. I'll never forgot that sweet face of yours.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: A-ah... It's only natural for me to I suppose.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); _root.devingift = _root.devingift + 1; output.text = "Lewis: No problem. Did I ever tell you how lovely your hair is? Um, sorry. That sounded kind of strange, didn't it? But I-I really mean it. It's beautiful.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I'm afraid that we won't be able to travel until the war ends, Milady. Maybe we could go visit there someday in the long future.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Huh? U-um... your mother and father really trust me. I-I did promise them that I would always make sure that you're safe.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I've actually asked him before, but he didn't really give me a solid response. He told me that I could call him a 'humpty dumpty'.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); _root.tea = _root.tea + 1; output.text = "Lewis: Anytime, Milady.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Y-you really don't remember him? Well I guess you don't see him that often because he just serves your father. He's been serving him ever since he was a child.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: N-no! It's... it's just that... okay, maybe I am a little bit afraid of it, but it's dark and creepy! Of course I'm afraid of it!";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: R-really? Oh...! Your father has violet eyes too, Milady. I guess you're wishing that you had inherited that trait, huh?";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Turtles have this hole on their tail called a 'cloaca', Milady. If the cloaca is in the middle on their tail, then it's male. If the cloaca is really close to the shell, then it's female. I read about that in a book once.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Ah, e-even if I don't really serve him personally, I still talk to him here and there. Alix tells me a lot about him too.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch + 1; output.text = "Lewis: I-I thought that you might like them. They're really pretty, aren't they?";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: O-of course I do, Milady. If you don't, then he won't let you stay in this kingdom...";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); _root.devindate = _root.devindate + 1; output.text = "Lewis: Great! Just let me know when you're ready.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Really? I actually think the same. I'm sure that you two could really get along...";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Your father is a good man, isn't he? Alix told me that he used to be pretty rebellious when he was younger, but that changed when he met your mother.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Ah, I was just thinking about something...";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Um, n-never mind. It's nothing really.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: N-no, everything's fine. I just have a lot on my mind right now...";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Don't apologize, Milady. I'm sorry that I didn't consider your own wishes more. You're really important to me.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Milady, that was the best decision I have ever made in my life. I can't imagine a reality without you.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Thank you. Do not worry, Milady. Just remember that I'll always be your servant.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: You're right, Milady. Thank you... I think that I'll go do that right now.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I'm really glad that they treated you as if you really were their daughter. They're both very loving people.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I'm not sure if you noticed, but they still treated me like a son too. I guess that wasn't too hard though since I actually don't serve them.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Lovely! I wish that there was more sunny weather around here, but at least it doesn't rain a lot.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Hm, he might tell you. I just hope that boy knows what he's doing. He's so young... well, he's probably older than me actually, but still...";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: You're right, Milady. Thank you for that.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I think I heard him say that they have really advanced technology. They can do amazing things and magic doesn't even exist in their world. I wonder what life there would be like...";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Of course, Milady! Sounds good to me. Let me go heat up some water.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I hope so. Even though if I've been living in the Lunar Kingdom's castle all my life, I still feel kind of uncomfortable in fancy environments.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Of course not! That's no wedding gown! *sigh* Well I guess if you have nothing else, then that will do...";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Perhaps, Milady. *sigh* The war really does cause a lot of problems.";
Symbol 818 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: ... You may be right. I think that I myself isn't ready to see you get married. Just please to remember to put a smile on. Your happiness is my happiness, Milady.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: You know that we can't do that. Our kingdom has probably been taken over.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Didn't we already declare that it's fuchsia? What's so bad about that color? I think it's lovely.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: *sigh* Didn't I already tell you that I only did all of that to protect you? Please, Milady, it was for the best.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Please don't be so quick to judge him, Milady. Maybe he left to take care of some really important business.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Ah, sorry. I don't have any money right now. I think it may be time for me to get a job around here or something though.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Life is a bit rougher around these parts. I'm sure that some of them just act cold because they're cranky. That's what I think about King Joseph anyway.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: ... I can't say for sure, Milady. I'm sure that they're just fine though. I know your father and mother very well. They're both strong people who can take care of themselves.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: M-milk? Oh, that's right! I forgot to buy some... I'm sorry, Milady.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: You don't remember? Oh. N-never mind then, Milady.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Of course I do, Milady. That's a silly question.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: They sacrificed themselves to project you, Milady. They did all that they could. Cesathis's army was just too strong...";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Hm, I don't think that I have the time or ability to, Milady. I think that I'll just leave magic to be a thing for witches.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Huh? Y-you should, Milady! It's something that will change your life. You shouldn't just ignore it...";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Unfortunately, no. I guess Joseph isn't a fan of reading. It's really too bad.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: H-huh? Don't tell me that you've just realized that, Milady! We've known each other for years, haven't we? But I'm not a full elf actually... I'm only half.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Nonsense, Milady. They're fine, I'm sure of it. They're both very strong people.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Oh, all right. You sure know how to keep your hair neat, Milady.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I-I have no idea how to get there, Milady. It's probably too far from our kingdom anyways.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: What? But you've never had a problem with me calling you that before. It's only appropriate for me to address you that way, isn't it?";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I-I'm not even sure if you could call him a person. He's friendly though. You should go meet him soon.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Why not? I'm your servant, aren't I? Just take it, Milady.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: That's just me. I can't really help it, sorry.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: H-how do you know that? A princess like you shouldn't be strolling out in a dark forest alone anyway.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Do you really think so, Milady? I like to keep things simple, but I guess that a little decoration wouldn't hurt...";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: S-sorry, I didn't mean to, Milady. Curiosity got the best of me...";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Oh, you didn't know? Your father actually had a small kitchen built just for him. Wasn't that nice? Well... hopefully the invasion didn't destroy it.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: N-no. And your current dress isn't pink! It's fuchsia!";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I hope that I will be, Milady. Don't worry about that. I would never leave you.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: W-well, I like spending time with you, Milady. It's been a while since we've done anything together.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I thought that you would say something like that. Please just remember not to let first impressions get the best of you though.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: If he doesn't change his mind... then yes, you must, Milady. It's for your safety.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: O-oh! Good afternoon, Milady! Sorry, I didn't see you there.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Y-yes, of course! Silly of me to ask...";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Huh? Have I really been? S-sorry, Milady.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: M-Milady... no need to thank me. It's my duty.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Unfortunately, it is... please, it's very important, Milady.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I don't, Milady. It's a big responsibility anyway. If I was still a prince, I would have to become a king someday...";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: It's a different kind of love, Milady. All I need in return is for you to be happy.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I might actually be, Milady. *sigh* I think I'll go take a nap.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I'm sorry for keeping that secret from you, Milady. It was complicated and I didn't know the right time to tell you.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Now that you mention it, yes. Though nobody else outside of the family knows that...";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Oh, that's fine then. I'll go by myself then I suppose.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: To be honest, I don't think that he likes me. I guess I'm just the type of person that he doesn't get along with.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: M-Milady! Innocent people are hurt and killed! Just look at us. We had to leave our kingdom because of it.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: I-I know, Milady. Sorry, it's just a habit. Would you like me to address him as my father when I'm talking to you now?";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Wh-what? Where? We're inside my house... wait. Don't tell me that a bird got in here! Just imagine the mess that it'll make in here! ... But you're just kidding, aren't you. You're silly, Milady.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: N-no, of course not! I can't be a proper servant if I'm not near you.";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Th-that doesn't sound like a good idea, Milady. How are we supposed to come up with a solution for something like that at the last second?";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: Well, they don't talk a lot, but they're all still nice people...";
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); output.text = "Lewis: You don't seem so sure of yourself, but that's all right. As long as you go through with it then you'll be fine. It's for the best anyway.";
Symbol 839 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("lewisserious2"); }
Symbol 845 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("lewisserious3"); }
Symbol 852 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("devindatetoko"); }
Symbol 853 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("devinroom"); }
Symbol 856 MovieClip Frame 27
Symbol 862 Button
on (release) { if (_root.datetalk == 0) { gotoAndStop ("devintokosomethingelse"); } } on (release) { if (_root.datetalk >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("devintokodatetalk"); } }
Symbol 863 Button
on (release) { if (_root.dategift >= 1) { _root.giveitem._visible = true; } } on (release) { if (_root.dategift == 0) { gotoAndStop ("devintokosomethingelse"); } }
Symbol 864 Button
on (release) { if (_root.mood == 6) { gotoAndStop ("devintokokiss"); } } on (release) { if (_root.mood <= 5) { gotoAndStop ("devintokosomethingelse"); } }
Symbol 865 Button
on (release) { _root.leavedate._visible = true; }
Symbol 875 Button
on (release) { if (_root.candy >= 1) { _root.candy = _root.candy - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devingifttokogood"); } }
Symbol 876 Button
on (release) { if (_root.newspaper >= 1) { _root.newspaper = _root.newspaper - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devingifttokobad"); } }
Symbol 877 Button
on (release) { if (_root.roses >= 1) { _root.roses = _root.roses - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devingifttokobad"); } }
Symbol 878 Button
on (release) { if (_root.teapot >= 1) { _root.teapot = _root.teapot - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devingifttokobad"); } }
Symbol 879 Button
on (release) { if (_root.tea >= 1) { _root.tea = _root.tea - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devingifttokobad"); } }
Symbol 880 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pen >= 1) { _root.pen = _root.pen - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devingifttokogood"); } }
Symbol 881 Button
on (release) { if (_root.violin >= 1) { _root.violin = _root.violin - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devingifttokogood"); } }
Symbol 882 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pocketwatch >= 1) { _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("devingifttokobad"); } }
Symbol 885 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("devintokoleave"); }
Symbol 886 Button
on (release) { _root.leavedate._visible = false; }
Symbol 892 Button
on (release) { if (_root.datetalk >= 1) { _root.datetalk = _root.datetalk - 1; gotoAndStop ("devintokodate"); } }
Symbol 899 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("devintokodate"); }
Symbol 912 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("devintokodatekiss"); }
Symbol 918 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("devintokoleave"); }
Symbol 922 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 3) {; } } on (release) { if ( <= 2) {; } }
Symbol 923 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 4) {; } } on (release) { if ( <= 3) {; } }
Symbol 924 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 5) {; } } on (release) { if ( <= 4) {; } }
Symbol 926 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 10) {; } } on (release) { if ( <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 928 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 10) { gotoAndStop ("talkruby"); } } on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 929 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 20) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 19) {; } }
Symbol 953 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("tokoburger"); }
Symbol 957 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 25) {; } } on (release) { if ( <= 24) {; } }
Symbol 959 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 25) {; } } on (release) { if ( <= 24) {; } }
Symbol 961 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 25) {; } } on (release) { if ( <= 24) {; } }
Symbol 963 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 20) {; } } on (release) { if ( <= 19) {; } }
Symbol 965 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 15) {; } } on (release) { if ( <= 14) {; } }
Symbol 966 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 50) {; } } on (release) { if ( <= 49) {; } }
Symbol 969 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 15) {; } } on (release) { if ( <= 14) {; } }
Symbol 988 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 10) { gotoAndStop ("wallet"); } } on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 989 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 19) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.wit <= 14) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 20) { if (_root.wit >= 15) {; } } }
Symbol 996 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("alley"); }
Symbol 998 Button
on (release) { if (_root.devin == 1) { gotoAndStop ("heart"); } } on (release) { if (_root.teapot >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("angel"); } } on (release) { if (_root.teapot <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("heart"); } }
Symbol 1000 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 10) { gotoAndStop ("talkskyler"); } } on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 1009 Button
on (release) { if (_root.luck >= 10) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.luck <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 1012 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("skydale"); }
Symbol 1020 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("put"); }
Symbol 1021 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("noput"); }
Symbol 1030 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 10) { _root.gotoAndStop("emersontalk"); } } on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 1031 Button
on (release) { if (_root.emersongift == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("nogiftemerson"); } } on (release) { if (_root.emersongift == 1) { _root.giveitem._visible = true; } }
Symbol 1032 Button
on (release) { if (_root.cha <= 14) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 49) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.emersondate == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("emersonnodate"); } } on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 50) { if (_root.cha >= 15) { if (_root.emersondate == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop("emersondate"); } } } }
Symbol 1041 Button
on (release) { if (_root.candy >= 1) { _root.candy = _root.candy - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersonfriesgift"); } }
Symbol 1042 Button
on (release) { if (_root.newspaper >= 1) { _root.newspaper = _root.newspaper - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersonpopcorngift"); } }
Symbol 1043 Button
on (release) { if (_root.roses >= 1) { _root.roses = _root.roses - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersonbookgift"); } }
Symbol 1044 Button
on (release) { if (_root.teapot >= 1) { _root.teapot = _root.teapot - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersongamegift"); } }
Symbol 1045 Button
on (release) { if (_root.tea >= 1) { _root.tea = _root.tea - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersoncoffeegift"); } }
Symbol 1046 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pen >= 1) { _root.pen = _root.pen - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersonhamburgergift"); } }
Symbol 1047 Button
on (release) { if (_root.violin >= 1) { _root.violin = _root.violin - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersoncdgift"); } }
Symbol 1048 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pocketwatch >= 1) { _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersonplushgift"); } }
Symbol 1051 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("cafe"); }
Symbol 1083 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("emersonresponsebad"); }
Symbol 1084 Button
on (release) { _root.oliverbad = _root.oliverbad + 1; _root.olivertalkpoint = _root.olivertalkpoint + 1; _root.oliver = _root.oliver + 10; _root.gotoAndStop("emersonresponse"); }
Symbol 1090 Button
on (release) { _root.olivergood = _root.olivergood + 1; _root.oliverbad = _root.oliverbad + 1; _root.olivertalkpoint = _root.olivertalkpoint + 1; _root.oliver = _root.oliver + 10; _root.gotoAndStop("emersonresponse"); }
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "???: Oh. Aren't you that one princess who's supposed to marry the king?"; output2.text = "\u2022 No way! I'm not going to marry that jerk."; output3.text = "\u2022 Yeah. How did you know?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "???: You came here from another kingdom, right? So where are you from?"; output2.text = "\u2022 The Hepcatsis Kingdom."; output3.text = "\u2022 The Lunar Kingdom.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); output.text = "???: Hey, do I have to call you 'your highness' and stuff? I would rather call you by your name, but..."; output2.text = "\u2022 Sure, it's okay. (Tell him your name)"; output3.text = "\u2022 Well I think that it's only appropriate for you to.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 So are you a cat or something?"; output3.text = "\u2022 So what's your name anyway?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Didn't the king run away? This is the first time I've ever heard of a runaway groom instead of a runaway bride."; output2.text = "\u2022 He didn't run away. He said that he'll be back."; output3.text = "\u2022 He's the one who wanted to marry me though...";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 What are those things over by the window?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why are you dressed like that?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I actually arrived at this kingdom not too long ago. Don't tell the king though. He probably would kick me out."; output2.text = "\u2022 Why did you come here anyway?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why would the king kick you out?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Hey, is that one elf kid with you?"; output2.text = "\u2022 What elf kid...?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Yeah, he's my servant.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Ian: You're still here? Are you windmill lover or something?"; output2.text = "\u2022 No, are you?"; output3.text = "\u2022 No... but could I be your lover if you want.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 So which kingdom are you from?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Does your home have a lot of wolves like you?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Huh? Do you need something?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Did you paint those paintings over there?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Tell me something about yourself.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Aren't you worried about your kingdom? Do you think it could have survived Cesathis's invasion?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Of course I'm worried about it! But all I can do is hope..."; output3.text = "\u2022 How did you know that it got attacked by Cesathis?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); output.text = "Ian: The priest came into this windmill the other day... well, more like flew in. I don't know what he was looking for, but at least he didn't really notice me."; output2.text = "\u2022 The priest is a strange guy, isn't he?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why is it bad thing if you noticed you?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Why did you come to this kingdom? C'mon you can tell me."; output3.text = "\u2022 Why did you paint those paintings over there?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "Ian: The guys back at home would make fun of me for painting. It used to bug me, but I don't let it get to me anymore."; output2.text = "\u2022 I think it's great that you paint."; output3.text = "\u2022 You should have kicked their butts for making fun of you.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Hey. Close your eyes and hold out your hand."; output2.text = "\u2022 Why?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I don't want to.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); output.text = "Ian: There's this witch that sells potions for increasing your stats. They're kind of pricey though..."; output2.text = "\u2022 Potions and magic are really convenient, huh?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why would I want to increase my stats?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Hey, are you really going to marry the king?"; output2.text = "\u2022 I wish I wasn't, but I have to."; output3.text = "\u2022 What do you think I should do?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Do you like me?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Are we friends?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); output.text = "Ian: What do you think about the king?"; output2.text = "\u2022 I don't like him at all."; output3.text = "\u2022 He's an okay guy I guess...";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); output.text = "Ian: You know, you look like the type that day dreams a lot."; output2.text = "\u2022 I am actually..."; output3.text = "\u2022 Is that a bad thing?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Do you have to cut a hole in your pants for that tail of yours?"; output3.text = "\u2022 What kind of things do you like to do?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Do you think that you'll ever be able to return to your kingdom again?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Maybe not. The war doesn't look so good."; output3.text = "\u2022 I really hope so...";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "Ian: This kingdom is really quiet. It's kind of boring..."; output2.text = "\u2022 Then why are you still here?"; output3.text = "\u2022 It's not boring. You are.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Hey. I'm tired sitting around here all day long. Let's go somewhere else."; output2.text = "\u2022 But... what if somebody sees and reports you?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Somewhere else? Like where?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); output.text = "Ian: . . . . . . . . . . . ."; output2.text = "\u2022 What's wrong?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Hey?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); output.text = "Ian: ... What do you think about me?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Why? Do you like me or something?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I think that you're a good person.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Hey, do you really want to know where I came from?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Yeah, of course."; output3.text = "\u2022 Well why not?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 So are you a bad guy?"; output3.text = "\u2022 But wasn't my kingdom attacked by Cesathis?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I'm... actually one of Cesathis's soldiers. I came here because my duty called for it."; output2.text = "\u2022 What's your duty?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why did you tell me all of this?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I'm... supposed to kill you. My duty is to travel around and kill anybody of high authority, but don't worry. I'm not going to lay a hand on you."; output2.text = "\u2022 Why didn't you kill me when we first met?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I can't trust you! You're a Ceasthisian...";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "Ian: You probably hate me now, don't you? It's okay if you do... I understand."; output2.text = "\u2022 I can't help it. You're the enemy..."; output3.text = "\u2022 I don't hate you. You're still you.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I might have to return to my kingdom soon. If I stay away too long, they'll get suspicious."; output2.text = "\u2022 Suspicious of what?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you really want to go back to Cesathis?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Maybe it would be better if I stayed here instead of returning to my kingdom. But I can't hide from the king here forever. *sigh* Maybe it's time for me to move on."; output2.text = "\u2022 Maybe Joseph will let you stay. Just ask him."; output3.text = "\u2022 Where are you going to go?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Nice weather we're having, huh?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I don't care if you're from Cesathis. You're a good guy.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); _root.wolf = (_root.wolf = 1); output.text = "Ian: Oh, your wedding is coming up soon, isn't it? Are you excited?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Maybe, but could you come to it?"; output3.text = "\u2022 No. I don't like the king, remember?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I... I hope you don't mind that I painted a picture of you. I-it's not very good, but I tried, okay?"; output2.text = "\u2022 I can tell that you put a lot of work into it. I actually like it."; output3.text = "\u2022 Why did you paint a picture of me?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Have you ever killed somebody?"; output3.text = "\u2022 What is the king of Cesathis like?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Why do you come here so much?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Because I like talking to you."; output3.text = "\u2022 I don't know. I just do.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 That thing on your shoulder is weird."; output3.text = "\u2022 Ian is a funny name.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I wonder how the people back in Cesathis are doing..."; output2.text = "\u2022 Do you have friends and family there?"; output3.text = "\u2022 They should be safe, shouldn't they?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Ian: How do you feel about the war?"; output2.text = "\u2022 It's okay I guess."; output3.text = "\u2022 It's really a sad thing, isn't it?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Do you sleep in this windmill?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why did Cesathis start the war?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "Ian: When I first met you, I knew that you were the princess of the Lunar Kingdom. Even so, I really wanted to get to know you better."; output2.text = "\u2022 Why was that?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I'm glad that you did and that we met.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Hey, you... you shouldn't marry the king..."; output2.text = "\u2022 Why not?"; output3.text = "\u2022 You can't tell me what to do.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Sorry for what I said earlier I was being selfish. I'm not really feeling well today either."; output2.text = "\u2022 It's all right. Are you okay though?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Maybe you're just sick.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "Ian: . . . . . . . . . . . ."; output2.text = "\u2022 . . . . . . . . . "; output3.text = "\u2022 What's wrong?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "Ian: The king sure is a lucky guy..."; output2.text = "\u2022 How so?"; output3.text = "\u2022 How do you know?";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Do you think that the war will end soon?"; output2.text = "\u2022 I don't know. You should know better than me."; output3.text = "\u2022 I'm hoping that it will.";
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Oh, hey. You know, I wish that things could be like this forever. I mean, but good things can't last forever."; output2.text = "\u2022 Bad things don't last forever either."; output3.text = "\u2022 What things do you wish that could last forever?";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "???: I just heard some things. That's all.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "???: Wasn't that kingdom attacked? Oh... so that's why you came here. That's really too bad.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); output.text = "???: Huh, that's a weird name. Well thanks anyway. I find it a lot easier and convenient to call people by their names.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Oh, sorry. It's Ian Leroy. Don't call me Mr. Leroy though. It really doesn't suit me.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Hmm, weird. But he doesn't look like the type who would be interested in somebody like you.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Huh? Oh, they're just paintings. That's all.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Just to take care of something, that's all.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "Ian: That's what I thought. I haven't seen him around these parts either. He looks kind of wimpy if you ask me though.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Nope. I'm just hiding here. I might get find out if a lot of people see me. I attract a lot of attention anyways since I'm pretty much the only wolf around here.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); output.text = "Ian: H-huh? Oh... um, you've probably never even heard of it. It's really far away from here...";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "Ian: So what if I did?";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Huh? Oh, um... I just heard some things...";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); output.text = "Ian: 'Strange' doesn't cut it. It's more a 'freaky extraterrestrial alien'... Hm, sorry. I think that acutally sounded kind of rude. Just don't tell the priest I said that.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Because I wanted to, that's all. Got a problem with that?";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Is that so...?";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); _root.pen = _root.pen + 1; output.text = "Ian: Just do it. Okay, are they closed? Here, this is yours then.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I heard that certain stats allow you to do certain things around here. I don't really understand it myself.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); _root.emersongift = _root.emersongift + 1; output.text = "Ian: Ah, I see. Well, I just hope that it goes well for you.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "Ian: ... Sure, I guess...";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Really? It kind of sucks that you're marrying him then.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Nah, I don't think so. I believe in letting imaginations grow.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Hm, I never really thought of that before. I guess I do like painting and stuff... but I'm not all that interesting.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I guess once the war ends, you'll be able to...";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "Ian: ... I just have some unfinished business.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); _root.emersondate = _root.emersondate + 1; output.text = "Ian: It'll be fine. We'll take a route that nobody takes. It'll just be the two of us.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Huh? Uh, I was just thinking about something...";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); output.text = "Ian: ... Thanks.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Don't let this change the way you look at me, okay? I'm... from Cesathis. Even so, I'm still the same person, you hear?";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Yeah... Cesathis caused the whole war actually...";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Ian: . . . . . . . . . .";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I was curious. You were interesting and I wanted to learn more about you. That obviously was my big mistake. But I'm glad that I made it...";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "Ian: ... Thanks, Princess.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "Ian: ... I don't know. There's really not much for me there. I'm getting kind of tired of serving them anyway.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Hm, maybe. Hopefully he'll be in a good mood when I do ask him.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I'm... glad to hear that.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Seriously? You're inviting me to come? Well, sure. I've got nothing else better to do that day.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "Ian: G-good. You're not just saying that to be nice, right?";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Actually, Cesathis doesn't have a king. They only have a queen. I don't really know her, but I've heard that she was pretty cold.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Is that so...?";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Really? I think it's pretty average. Well, guess my mom to blame since she's the one who named me.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Members in my family live in different kingdoms, but I had a few friends back in Cesathis. They should be fine though. They're smart guys.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I suppose. I wish that Cesathis didn't start such a war.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I don't know. It's not like I have any say in anything in that kingdom. They don't really tell anybody anything actually...";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Y-yeah...";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "Ian: W-well you don't like him anyways, right? And... and I... never mind.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me...";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Nothing.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "Ian: You're his... and he didn't even really do anything. I don't know. It kind of feels unfair...";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Me too... Things really would be better without war.";
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); _root.emersonend = (_root.emersonend = 1); output.text = "Ian: You know, the two of us... just being together and hanging out like this...";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "???: Really? I must have heard wrong.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "???: Huh? But this is the Hepcatsis Kingdom. The only person in the royal family around here is that one kid... what was his name again? I forgot.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); output.text = "???: Hm. All right then. As you wish, your highness.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "???: No, I'm a wolf. Have you never seen one before? It's okay though. You're not the first one who has asked me that.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Ian: That's what you think. How do you know that he's not lying?";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "Ian: This is normal from where I come from. If you ask me, you yourself dress pretty strange.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I heard that he's not too friendly and doesn't like letting people move into his kingdom. So I thought that it would just be easier to sneak in.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "Ian: The one with the funny brown hair and piercing... hm, maybe you don't know him. Never mind.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Huh? No thanks... that was a really weird thing to say...";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Not really actually. There are only a few including myself. The Emerald Kingdom has a lot of them though.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Huh? Like what? I don't really like talking about myself...";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Hm, it's too bad, isn't it? Must be hard on you.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Because he might tell the king. The king kicks out suspicious looking people out of his kingdom, remember?";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I'd rather not. It's kind of personal business...";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Nah, it would be just a waste of time. Anyways, I don't fight unless if I really have to.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Geez, you seem kind of feisty. It's not like I'm playing a joke on you or anything like that.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Hm, maybe. Well I guess if you're tired, but don't want to sleep, you could just use a spell to revive yourself.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I don't know. Don't ask me. It's your decision.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "Ian: You're an okay girl, but I don't like you romantically if that's what you were asking.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); output.text = "Ian: You guess? Sounds like you don't know him very well...";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Of course you are. I'm usually right about those kind of things.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "Ian: No... well, it's more like the hole was already made. They have to make clothes for wolves like me too you know.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); output.text = "Ian: ... I'm sure that it'll eventually come to an end. Don't give up on that.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Huh, maybe. Whatever.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I don't know. Maybe that one quiet park since nobody goes over there. That place looks pretty nice.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Oh, nothing. I was just spacing out.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); output.text = "Ian: N-no! I... I was asking.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); output.text = "Ian: It's... complicated. Maybe I shouldn't tell you. I know that you're not going to like what you hear.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); output.text = "Ian: N-no! I just told you! It's not like me telling you where I'm from changed who I am.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I wanted to stop lying and tell you the truth... even though if it risked you hating me. I just couldn't stand hiding it anymore.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); output.text = "Ian: *sigh* Can't blame you I guess. I kind of knew that telling the truth would only push you away...";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "Ian: *sigh* Of course you can't... sorry.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Oh, they've got this thing where if soldiers don't come back then they're traitors. I guess it's true, but...";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I don't know. Maybe I'll just become a traveler. That would be more convenient.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Hm, yeah. I guess so... though it's always cloudy around here.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Oh, right. Well, hopefully it still works out for you and all...";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "Ian: B-because I wanted to, that's all. Sorry... it's kind of weird, isn't it?";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I've injured some, but even though if I'm a soldier, I still haven't been in a situation where I actually had to kill somebody. It's a good thing I wasn't put on the front lines for Cesathis's war.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Hm, whatever.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Since I'm not really going to be fighting anybody or anything, I think that I should actually take it off. I guess it does make me look kind of suspicious.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "Ian: True, since it's their own kingdom that's causing the war...";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Really? The invasion of your kingdom didn't even make you mad? Hm...";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "Ian: What do you think? Of course I do. There's nowhere else for me to go. It's not that bad actually. This place is pretty cozy once you get used to it.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I-I don't know. I just did...";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "Ian: ... You're right. Sorry. I'm just not feeling like myself today.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Maybe. I kind of have a headache. I think I'll go take a nap.";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "Ian: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "Ian: I just do...";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Hm, I guess so. I haven't really been involved much in the war though...";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); output.text = "Ian: Right... I guess so.";
Symbol 1146 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("emersondatepark"); }
Symbol 1147 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("cafe"); }
Symbol 1150 Button
on (release) { if (_root.datetalk == 0) { gotoAndStop ("emersonparksomethingelse"); } } on (release) { if (_root.datetalk >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("emersonparkdatetalk"); } }
Symbol 1151 Button
on (release) { if (_root.dategift >= 1) { _root.giveitem._visible = true; } } on (release) { if (_root.dategift == 0) { gotoAndStop ("emersonparksomethingelse"); } }
Symbol 1152 Button
on (release) { if (_root.mood == 6) { gotoAndStop ("emersonparkkiss"); } } on (release) { if (_root.mood <= 5) { gotoAndStop ("emersonparksomethingelse"); } }
Symbol 1163 Button
on (release) { if (_root.candy >= 1) { _root.candy = _root.candy - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersongiftparkbad"); } }
Symbol 1164 Button
on (release) { if (_root.newspaper >= 1) { _root.newspaper = _root.newspaper - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersongiftparkgood"); } }
Symbol 1165 Button
on (release) { if (_root.roses >= 1) { _root.roses = _root.roses - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersongiftparkgood"); } }
Symbol 1166 Button
on (release) { if (_root.teapot >= 1) { _root.teapot = _root.teapot - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersongiftparkbad"); } }
Symbol 1167 Button
on (release) { if (_root.tea >= 1) { _root.tea = _root.tea - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersongiftparkgood"); } }
Symbol 1168 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pen >= 1) { _root.pen = _root.pen - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersongiftparkbad"); } }
Symbol 1169 Button
on (release) { if (_root.violin >= 1) { _root.violin = _root.violin - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersongiftparkbad"); } }
Symbol 1170 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pocketwatch >= 1) { _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("emersongiftparkbad"); } }
Symbol 1172 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("emersonparkleave"); }
Symbol 1176 Button
on (release) { if (_root.datetalk >= 1) { _root.datetalk = _root.datetalk - 1; gotoAndStop ("emersonparkdate"); } }
Symbol 1181 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("emersonparkdate"); }
Symbol 1189 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("emersonparkdatekiss"); }
Symbol 1194 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("emersonparkleave"); }
Symbol 1197 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 10) { _root.gotoAndStop("codytalk"); } } on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 1198 Button
on (release) { if (_root.codygift == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("nogiftcody"); } } on (release) { if (_root.codygift == 1) { _root.giveitem._visible = true; } }
Symbol 1199 Button
on (release) { if (_root.cha <= 14) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 49) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.codydate == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("codynodate"); } } on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 50) { if (_root.cha >= 15) { if (_root.codydate == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop("codydate"); } } } }
Symbol 1208 Button
on (release) { if (_root.candy >= 1) { _root.candy = _root.candy - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codyfriesgift"); } }
Symbol 1209 Button
on (release) { if (_root.newspaper >= 1) { _root.newspaper = _root.newspaper - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codypopcorngift"); } }
Symbol 1210 Button
on (release) { if (_root.roses >= 1) { _root.roses = _root.roses - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codybookgift"); } }
Symbol 1211 Button
on (release) { if (_root.teapot >= 1) { _root.teapot = _root.teapot - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codygamegift"); } }
Symbol 1212 Button
on (release) { if (_root.tea >= 1) { _root.tea = _root.tea - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codycoffeegift"); } }
Symbol 1213 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pen >= 1) { _root.pen = _root.pen - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codyhamburgergift"); } }
Symbol 1214 Button
on (release) { if (_root.violin >= 1) { _root.violin = _root.violin - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codycdgift"); } }
Symbol 1215 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pocketwatch >= 1) { _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codyplushgift"); } }
Symbol 1217 Button
on (release) { if (_root.luck >= 10) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.luck <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 1220 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("cinema"); }
Symbol 1251 Button
on (release) { _root.clarkbad = _root.clarkbad + 1; _root.clarktalkpoint = _root.clarktalkpoint + 1; _root.clark = _root.clark + 10; _root.gotoAndStop("codyresponse"); }
Symbol 1252 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("codyresponsebad"); }
Symbol 1259 Button
on (release) { _root.clarkgood = _root.clarkgood + 1; _root.clarkbad = _root.clarkbad + 1; _root.clarktalkpoint = _root.clarktalkpoint + 1; _root.clark = _root.clark + 10; _root.gotoAndStop("codyresponse"); }
Symbol 1262 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("codyresponsebad"); }
Symbol 1275 Button
on (release) { _root.clarkgood = _root.clarkgood + 1; _root.clarkbad = _root.clarkbad + 1; _root.clarktalkpoint = _root.clarktalkpoint + 1; _root.clark = _root.clark + 10; _root.gotoAndPlay("danielserious"); }
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "???: . . . . . . . . . ."; output2.text = "\u2022 Um, hello?"; output3.text = "\u2022 . . . . . . . .";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "???: . . . . . . . . . ."; output2.text = "\u2022 (stare at him)"; output3.text = "\u2022 Not much of a talker, are you?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); output.text = "???: Are you talking to me?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Is there something wrong with that?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Who else would I be talking to?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "???: Just who are you anyway?"; output2.text = "\u2022 (Tell him your name)"; output3.text = "\u2022 And why do you care?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Um, what do you want?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Nothing. Do I have to need something to be here?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I'm just looking around. This place is pretty interesting.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 What's with all of the spider webs around here?"; output3.text = "\u2022 So you're a blacksmith, right?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Stop bothering me, will you? It's getting kind of annoying."; output2.text = "\u2022 What's your problem?"; output3.text = "\u2022 How am I annoying?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Just go away, will you?"; output2.text = "\u2022 You seem cranky."; output3.text = "\u2022 No.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: . . . . . . . . . . . . ."; output2.text = "\u2022 Doesn't being alone in here all day make you lonely?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Are you mad at me? What for?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Don't you have anything else better to do?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Nope. I'm just bored."; output3.text = "\u2022 What could be better than some friendly chit chat?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I've never really seen you before. Are you from around here?"; output2.text = "\u2022 No, I'm a princess that came from the Lunar Kingdom."; output3.text = "\u2022 I sure am.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Still here? Why is a princess like you talking to me?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Why not? I'm a princess, I can do whatever I want."; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you have to be so rude? You should be more welcoming.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I overheard that you're actually going to marry the king. Must be pretty nice for you..."; output2.text = "\u2022 There's nothing nice about that!"; output3.text = "\u2022 Not really. I hardly know him.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Oh... hello, your highness."; output2.text = "\u2022 How's your day going for you so far?"; output3.text = "\u2022 So what are you up to right now?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 How did you get that scar on your arm?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Is this place closed? I never see you working.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: What do you think about the priest at the church?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Do you know what that... thing even is?"; output3.text = "\u2022 He's quite a handsome fella, isn't he?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I'm worried about the war going on. I hope it doesn't get out of hand."; output2.text = "\u2022 It should be fine. It'll end eventually."; output3.text = "\u2022 Are you kidding? It IS out of hand! My home was attacked!";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Oh. Here, you can have these, your highness. I don't really need them anymore."; output2.text = "\u2022 I don't want your junk."; output3.text = "\u2022 Are you sure that I can have it?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?"; output2.text = "\u2022 How come people don't come to this blacksmith anymore?"; output3.text = "\u2022 How come I never see you leave this place?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: . . . . . . . . . . . ."; output2.text = "\u2022 Why so quiet?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Hey. Say something Are you day dreaming?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: ... You're not just a figment of my imagination are you?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Why? Are you?"; output3.text = "\u2022 That's a weird question.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: . . . . . . . . . . . ."; output2.text = "\u2022 What's wrong?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Hey, cheer up!";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Would... w-would you believe me if... uh, never mind."; output2.text = "\u2022 I can't believe something if you don't tell me it."; output3.text = "\u2022 Make up your mind before you speak.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 So... you're dead?"; output3.text = "\u2022 You must have been pretty lonely...";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: The thing is though, it's a little bit too late for me. Supposedly, I'll disappear if I don't break the curse in time."; output2.text = "\u2022 Don't give up. I'm sure that you can still make it."; output3.text = "\u2022 How much time do you have left?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Do you know what it's like to love?"; output2.text = "\u2022 No, not really."; output3.text = "\u2022 Yeah, but it's hard to explain.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 You should love me. That way it'll break your curse."; output3.text = "\u2022 Even if you disappear, I'll still remember you.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: You really caught me off guard when we first met. I wonder why you can see me..."; output2.text = "\u2022 It's because I have a sixth sense."; output3.text = "\u2022 Hm, I don't know. But you were pretty mean at first.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I wouldn't mind resting in peace. The rest of my family is anyway. There's really nothing left in this world for me..."; output2.text = "\u2022 Sorry that you lost your family from the war..."; output3.text = "\u2022 You've been given a second chance. Find something to live for!";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I actually don't know how I got this scar on my arm. But I think that I got it from the the solders that attacked me..."; output2.text = "\u2022 So then what's under those bandages?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Was dying painful?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Hey, your highness. W-would... would you like to go out and just spend some time together sometime?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Sure, I don't mind."; output3.text = "\u2022 I'm kind of busy right now.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Why do you think that I was given this second chance at life?"; output2.text = "\u2022 It's because you had a very unfair death."; output3.text = "\u2022 Maybe you never completed something in your other life.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Do you miss your family?"; output3.text = "\u2022 When's your birthday?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Your highness, I would like you have this..."; output2.text = "\u2022 Huh? What for?"; output3.text = "\u2022 No thanks.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."; output2.text = "\u2022 What is it?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Uh, hi.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I wonder if there will ever be a time when war doesn't exist."; output2.text = "\u2022 Maybe when everything in this world dies."; output3.text = "\u2022 That would be nice, but it's impossible.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 I like you. You're a good person, Daniel."; output3.text = "\u2022 War really is a terrible thing, isn't it?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); _root.ghost = (_root.ghost = 1); output.text = "Daniel: Oh! Your highness, something amazing happened! T-the... the curse. It's broken now."; output2.text = "\u2022 What? H-how did you do it?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Really? How do you know?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I don't feel like I know how to love, but my curse broke so I guess that I do now."; output2.text = "\u2022 I'm just really happy for you."; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you have somebody that you love right now?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I think that I learned how to love because of you, your highness. I-in a friendship kind of way. You're really a dear person to me."; output2.text = "\u2022 So does that mean that you love me?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I'm glad that I could help.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Was your father a blacksmith too?"; output3.text = "\u2022 What kind of things can you make?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Ah, your wedding day is coming up soon, huh? Are you looking forward to it?"; output2.text = "\u2022 I guess. Hey, you should come to it."; output3.text = "\u2022 It's making me really nervous.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I'm really glad that I met you, your highness. I never really realized how lonely I was until after I started talk to you."; output2.text = "\u2022 But you said that you weren't lonely before."; output3.text = "\u2022 I'm glad that we met too.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I saw an elf roaming around town the other day. I think that he was looking for you."; output2.text = "\u2022 How do you know if he was looking for me."; output3.text = "\u2022 Aw that was just Lewis. Don't tell him that I'm here.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 What do you look like without your glasses?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you have any special skills?";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Your highness, I would really like to go on a date with you right now. Is that okay with you?"; output2.text = "\u2022 I shouldn't. I'm engaged to the king, aren't I?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Sure, I would like that.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I've been wondering... what's the king like, your highness?"; output2.text = "\u2022 I don't think that he cares for me."; output3.text = "\u2022 I don't really know him that well.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 I wish that I could go back to my kingdom."; output3.text = "\u2022 I really like being around you.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Thank you, your highness. I don't know what I would have done without you..."; output2.text = "\u2022 You would have disappeared without my help."; output3.text = "\u2022 No problem.";
Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I know that you're going to marry the king, but I still admire you a lot, your highness... maybe I even love you. But that's just how I feel... I'm sorry.."; output2.text = "\u2022 You should find somebody else to love for your own good."; output3.text = "\u2022 Don't be sorry. You can't help it.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "???: Huh?";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "???: Um...";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); output.text = "???: Oh... um, nobody I guess.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Oh, nice to meet you. My name is Daniel.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Are you serious? You're weird. You'll get bored soon, just watch.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Huh? W-well, sort of... there's just not much to do around here anymore so I haven't been working much.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: *sigh* You coming in here bugs me, that's what. Can't I have some privacy?";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Only because you keep on bugging me.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: N-no.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: You call this friendly chit chat? Man, you're weird...";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: R-really? Sorry... I didn't know. I guess that you do look kind of like a princess.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Wh-whatever...";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: What? Then why are you marrying him? Don't tell me that you're being forced to.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Fine, I guess...";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I-it's not technically closed... it's just that people don't come here anymore.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I was about to ask you that actually. Seriously, what IS he?";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: R-really? Is that why you came to this kingdom? Sorry, I didn't know...";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); _root.roses = _root.roses + 1; output.text = "Daniel: Yep. They're all yours. You can do a lot with paint, you know.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: H-huh? I... I just don't like going outside... that's all.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Uh, I was just thinking about something...";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: . . . . . . . . . . . .";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Thanks...";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: K-kind of... you get used to it after a while.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); _root.codygift = _root.codygift + 1; output.text = "Daniel: Thank you, your highness. Though, I really don't know if I can break it in time... love takes time, and I'm not sure if I could even learn how to if I had a whole year.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: R-really? I thought that you were the type that would know... I guess we're both kind of ignorant about it.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: ... Th-thank you, your highness.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Sorry. I was just confused. I mean, I didn't know if you were like me or if you even existed.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Y-you're right... that is, if I can break this curse.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: ... Just some really nasty looking scars. They look so bad that I cover them up so that I don't have to look at them.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); _root.codydate = _root.codydate + 1; output.text = "Daniel: R-really? I honestly thought that you were going to say no for a second. B-but great! Let me know when you're ready.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Huh... maybe. But what could it be?";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: O-of course I do. But I'm sure that my parents and little sister are all resting in peace.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: J-just because I thought that you would like it. Here, just take it.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: A-ah! Nothing...! I was... just looking at you. You're really pretty actually. W-well of course you are, y-you're a princess.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Yeah, I know. The world can't be perfect. I guess that's just life.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: U-uh... thank, your highness. Do you really think so? Th-that means a lot coming from you...";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I went out to the market and a merchant greeted me! It's... amazing. People can really see me again...";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Th-thanks... I'm kind of relieved too actually.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Y-yeah...";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Yeah, he was. My grandfather actually built this blacksmith and passed it onto his son... and now I guess it's been passed down to me.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: R-really? Are you sure that it's okay for me to? But if you really want me to be there, then I will.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Th-thank you. Hearing that makes me feel relived. I sometimes feel like I don't really belong in the presence of a princess like you.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: He was calling your name and stuff. He's your servant, right? He seems like a nice kid...";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I guess I could take them off to let you see... um, do I look weird? Can I put them back on? I feel like I'm going to bump into something.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: R-really? Sorry that I kind of sounded pushy. I just kind of got excited.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: R-really? But aren't you going to marry him? Well, I guess royal marriages are more forced...";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Same here, your highness. I wish that things could be like this forever... except without the war though.";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: You really are too kind...";
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); _root.codyend = (_root.codyend = 1); output.text = "Daniel: Thank you. I think this may be why I love you. You're too kind, your highness.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "???: . . . . . . . . . .";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "???: . . . . . . . . . .";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); output.text = "???: N-no, it's just that... nothing.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "???: Well you've been coming in and sneaking around. Can't I at least know your name?";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: But what's the point if of coming to a here if you don't need anything. *sigh* Whatever.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I thought that the spider webs would bother you. Sorry, It's been a while since I've cleaned up this place.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I-it's not really you, but can't a guy just have some alone time to himself?";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Geez, don't make me kick you out. Why are you so stubborn?";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: No, I'm not. I'm just... *sigh*";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: And so you waste your time by coming here, huh?";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Seriously? You must not go outside of your house or something, because I remember almost every face I see around here.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: *sigh* Sorry, your highness. I don't talk to people a lot.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Huh? But isn't finding somebody that you can love and spend the rest of your life with supposed to be a good thing?";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Nothing much. There's no work to do so I've been just relaxing, that's all.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Oh, this? I accidentally cut myself with a tool a really long time ago. It wasn't that big of a deal.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Hmm, I don't know. He dresses nicely I guess...";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I sure hope so...";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I-it's not junk! S-sorry... never mind then.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: D-don't ask me. Go ask them yourself.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: What? I-I'm not day dreaming.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: A-ah, yeah. It is. Sorry... it's nothing.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: N-nothing...";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Y-yeah, sorry...";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I guess so. But instead of going to heaven or whatever, I was given this second chance. If you ask me, I would've rather just rested in peace...";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I don't know... but I'm sure that it's not much. I already feel like I'm slowly losing myself.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: *sigh* I guess it's just all supposed to come naturally. Love is so complicated.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I-I don't think that will work. I mean, I can't love you anyways, can I? You're getting married to the king.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: S-seriously? Huh, maybe so. I wonder if anybody else around here has a sixth sense too...";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Ah, it's okay. I've learned to accept it. War just sickens me though. There's even another one going on right now. How many more innocent lives are going to be taken?";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: It was kind of quick, but yeah. Of course it hurt!";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Ah, I thought that you would say that. It's okay, I understand.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: But so did my family, right? They were all killed by those soldiers. *sigh* Maybe I'm just unlucky.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: That's kind of random, but it's October 2nd...";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: A-ah, sure. Sorry. Never mind then.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Huh? Um, what...?";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: That's true, but I wish that all living beings could just get along.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I don't get the point of it. Why can't we all just live in peace?";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Well, I must have apparently learned how to love. I don't feel like I've done that, but all that matters is that my curse if broken.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I-I don't think so. If so, then who? *sigh* It's complicated stuff...";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I-I guess so... I don't know who or what else I could have learned love from.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Almost everything made of iron or metal I guess...";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Don't worry about it. It'll go fine, I'm sure.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I-I was just saying that. I always tried to make myself think that I wasn't lonely to make myself feel better...";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Huh? Why not. He seemed pretty worried about you.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I can do everything that a blacksmith should be able to do, but other than that, no. I've always wanted to learn how to draw though...";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Oh... right. S-sorry, I was just being selfish.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Oh, I see... that's too bad.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: Huh? Why can't you go back right now? Oh! It's dangerous to travel because of the war, right? I see...";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I-I know... It's all thanks to you that I'm still here.";
Symbol 1318 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); output.text = "Daniel: I know, your highness. But for now, I can't get you off of my mind. Don't worry about me. I'm human. I'll soon move on.";
Symbol 1326 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("danielserious2"); }
Symbol 1339 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("cinema"); }
Symbol 1345 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("codydatepark"); }
Symbol 1346 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("cinema"); }
Symbol 1349 Button
on (release) { if (_root.datetalk == 0) { gotoAndStop ("codyparksomethingelse"); } } on (release) { if (_root.datetalk >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("codyparkdatetalk"); } }
Symbol 1350 Button
on (release) { if (_root.dategift >= 1) { _root.giveitem._visible = true; } } on (release) { if (_root.dategift == 0) { gotoAndStop ("codyparksomethingelse"); } }
Symbol 1351 Button
on (release) { if (_root.mood == 6) { gotoAndStop ("codyparkkiss"); } } on (release) { if (_root.mood <= 5) { gotoAndStop ("codyparksomethingelse"); } }
Symbol 1361 Button
on (release) { if (_root.candy >= 1) { _root.candy = _root.candy - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codygiftparkbad"); } }
Symbol 1362 Button
on (release) { if (_root.newspaper >= 1) { _root.newspaper = _root.newspaper - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codygiftparkbad"); } }
Symbol 1363 Button
on (release) { if (_root.roses >= 1) { _root.roses = _root.roses - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codygiftparkbad"); } }
Symbol 1364 Button
on (release) { if (_root.teapot >= 1) { _root.teapot = _root.teapot - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codygiftparkgood"); } }
Symbol 1365 Button
on (release) { if (_root.tea >= 1) { _root.tea = _root.tea - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codygiftparkgood"); } }
Symbol 1366 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pen >= 1) { _root.pen = _root.pen - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codygiftparkgood"); } }
Symbol 1367 Button
on (release) { if (_root.violin >= 1) { _root.violin = _root.violin - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codygiftparkbad"); } }
Symbol 1368 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pocketwatch >= 1) { _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("codygiftparkbad"); } }
Symbol 1370 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("codyparkleave"); }
Symbol 1374 Button
on (release) { if (_root.datetalk >= 1) { _root.datetalk = _root.datetalk - 1; gotoAndStop ("codyparkdate"); } }
Symbol 1379 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("codyparkdate"); }
Symbol 1390 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("codyparkdatekiss"); }
Symbol 1395 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("codyparkleave"); }
Symbol 1398 Button
on (release) { if (_root.luck >= 10) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.luck <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 1399 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("coffin"); }
Symbol 1402 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("forest"); }
Symbol 1404 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 10) { _root.gotoAndStop("zanetalk"); } } on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 1405 Button
on (release) { if (_root.zanegift == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("nogiftzane"); } } on (release) { if (_root.zanegift == 1) { _root.giveitem._visible = true; } }
Symbol 1406 Button
on (release) { if (_root.cha <= 14) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 49) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.zanedate == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("zanenodate"); } } on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 50) { if (_root.cha >= 15) { if (_root.zanedate == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop("zanedate"); } } } }
Symbol 1415 Button
on (release) { if (_root.candy >= 1) { _root.candy = _root.candy - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanefriesgift"); } }
Symbol 1416 Button
on (release) { if (_root.newspaper >= 1) { _root.newspaper = _root.newspaper - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanepopcorngift"); } }
Symbol 1417 Button
on (release) { if (_root.roses >= 1) { _root.roses = _root.roses - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanebookgift"); } }
Symbol 1418 Button
on (release) { if (_root.teapot >= 1) { _root.teapot = _root.teapot - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanegamegift"); } }
Symbol 1419 Button
on (release) { if (_root.tea >= 1) { _root.tea = _root.tea - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanecoffeegift"); } }
Symbol 1420 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pen >= 1) { _root.pen = _root.pen - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanehamburgergift"); } }
Symbol 1421 Button
on (release) { if (_root.violin >= 1) { _root.violin = _root.violin - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanecdgift"); } }
Symbol 1422 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pocketwatch >= 1) { _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zaneplushgift"); } }
Symbol 1426 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("park"); }
Symbol 1440 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("zaneresponsebad"); }
Symbol 1441 Button
on (release) { _root.elliotbad = _root.elliotbad + 1; _root.elliottalkpoint = _root.elliottalkpoint + 1; _root.elliot = _root.elliot + 10; _root.gotoAndStop("zaneresponse"); }
Symbol 1447 Button
on (release) { _root.elliotgood = _root.elliotgood + 1; _root.elliotbad = _root.elliotbad + 1; _root.elliottalkpoint = _root.elliottalkpoint + 1; _root.elliot = _root.elliot + 10; _root.gotoAndStop("zaneresponse"); }
Symbol 1448 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("zaneresponsebad"); }
Symbol 1450 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("zaneresponsebad"); }
Symbol 1451 Button
on (release) { _root.elliotgood = _root.elliotgood + 1; _root.elliotbad = _root.elliotbad + 1; _root.elliottalkpoint = _root.elliottalkpoint + 1; _root.elliot = _root.elliot + 10; _root.gotoAndStop("zaneresponse"); }
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "???: Well hello there, Miss. What brings you to this dark forest?"; output2.text = "\u2022 So you were locked in that coffin?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Who are you?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Why were you in that coffin?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Are you a vampire?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: By the way. What's your name, sweetie?"; output2.text = "\u2022 (Tell him your name)"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why should I tell you?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: You know what? You look like a princess. You have the face of one anyway."; output2.text = "\u2022 But I AM a princess..."; output3.text = "\u2022 How would you know what a princess looks like?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: You are aware that I'm a vampire, right? Aren't you afraid of me?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Why should I be?"; output3.text = "\u2022 You don't seem like a bad person.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Do you sparkle?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you drink blood?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I think that I'm starting to like you. Tell me more about yourself, Princess."; output2.text = "\u2022 Um, what should I tell you about?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I'm not all that interesting though.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: You look troubled, Princess. Is something bothering you?"; output2.text = "\u2022 I'm being forced to marry somebody..."; output3.text = "\u2022 No, I don't think so.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I wonder how the chains on that coffin broke. Hm, maybe they just got worn out with age."; output2.text = "\u2022 You've must been in there for a really long time, huh?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I got you out by putting a glass angel into the heart hole in the church.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 How were you falsely accused of murder?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Have you ever sucked blood from a person?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Are you from around here, Princess? I don't know much about this place so I was hoping that you would be able to show me around."; output2.text = "\u2022 Where did you come from anyway?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I'm actually from another kingdom.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: So what brings you to this kingdom anyway?"; output2.text = "\u2022 My home kingdom was attacked so I escaped to here."; output3.text = "\u2022 I don't really know.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Tell me about this king of yours, Princess."; output2.text = "\u2022 He's an inconsiderate jerk."; output3.text = "\u2022 I haven't really gotten the chance to know him yet.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I think that I should start traveling again soon. This kingdom is nice, but it's a little bit too quiet for me."; output2.text = "\u2022 Why do you travel so much?"; output3.text = "\u2022 But there's a war going on, it's too dangerous to travel.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Thank you for being kind to me, Princess. You made me realize just how lonely I really am. It's nice to have somebody to talk to."; output2.text = "\u2022 So you don't have any friends?"; output3.text = "\u2022 No need to thank me. I like being around you.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Do vampires eat?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Would you die if you were stabbed with a wooden stake?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I found this on the ground the other day. Here, it's yours, Princess."; output2.text = "\u2022 I don't want anything from you."; output3.text = "\u2022 Are you sure that I can have it?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I once traveled to this one kingdom where colorful flowers grew everywhere. It was really a beautiful place. I should go visit it again someday."; output2.text = "\u2022 I would really like to go see it too."; output3.text = "\u2022 It's too bad that this kingdom isn't that beautiful.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Do you like me?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you get a day off?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I never really probably thanked you for getting me out of that coffin, did I? Well, now I'm going to. Close your eyes. It's a surprise."; output2.text = "\u2022 Um, sure."; output3.text = "\u2022 It's okay. You don't have to thank me.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Princess, we should spend a day together. Doesn't that sound nice?"; output2.text = "\u2022 No, not really."; output3.text = "\u2022 I guess so.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Most vampires I've met avoid humans, but I don't. I find them interesting."; output2.text = "\u2022 Don't vampires like humans for their blood?"; output3.text = "\u2022 How so?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Vampires aren't all the same. You're proof of that."; output3.text = "\u2022 If you want, you can drink my blood.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: The stars last night reminded me of you, Princess. They almost shined as beautifully as your eyes."; output2.text = "\u2022 You don't know how incredibly cheesy that sounded."; output3.text = "\u2022 Um, o-okay?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Princess, do you really think that marrying the king is the right thing to do?"; output2.text = "\u2022 It might be..."; output3.text = "\u2022 I have no choice though...";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: The wedding is coming up soon, isn't it? Are you looking forward to it?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Can you please attend it?"; output3.text = "\u2022 No, not really.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: After your wedding, I think that it may be time for me to start traveling again..."; output2.text = "\u2022 No, don't go!"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Ferris is a really unique name."; output3.text = "\u2022 I like you a lot, Ferris.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Let's go somewhere right now, Princess. I need a change of scenery."; output2.text = "\u2022 Sure, okay."; output3.text = "\u2022 How far away are we going to go?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I heard that the blacksmith is haunted. I wonder if ghosts really do exist..."; output2.text = "\u2022 If vampires exist, then ghosts must too."; output3.text = "\u2022 It's not haunted. It's perfectly normal.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Just how do you look so lovely everyday, Princess?"; output2.text = "\u2022 You're just saying that to be nice."; output3.text = "\u2022 I don't do anything special.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Can you see out of your left eye?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you have any special skills?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Why don't you just wear an eye patch over your blind eye?"; output3.text = "\u2022 How did you become blind in your left eye?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: It's been a really long time since I've had so much contact with a human."; output2.text = "\u2022 Why's that?"; output3.text = "\u2022 When was the last time you had a human friend?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: A long time, I used to have a human friend. Like me, he was also accused of murder... but instead of being locked up, he was hanged."; output2.text = "\u2022 Was he the person that gave you your name?"; output3.text = "\u2022 That's really sad...";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Did your friend really kill somebody?"; output3.text = "\u2022 What was your friend's name?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Is your left eye gray?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Was getting shot in the head painful?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I wonder what caused the current war right now. It's a shame that people are fighting each other like this."; output2.text = "\u2022 The Cesathis Kingdom started the war."; output3.text = "\u2022 I just hope that the war ends soon.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Have you ever been to a kingdom called Wonderland?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why didn't you save your friend from being hanged?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I heard that it was actually possible to travel to different worlds. I wonder what kind of things and people are out there..."; output2.text = "\u2022 I heard that my dad used to travel to different worlds."; output3.text = "\u2022 That's silly. There can't be other worlds.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: The king of this kingdom is quite young, isn't he? I wonder what happened to the previous king."; output2.text = "\u2022 I heard that he ran away."; output3.text = "\u2022 The current king isn't doing a bad job though.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Would you like to go on a date later, Princess? "; output2.text = "\u2022 How about right now?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why should we go on a date?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Vampire or not, I think you're a good person."; output3.text = "\u2022 I don't think that vampires are all that bad.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Do you miss your kingdom, Princess?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Of course I do."; output3.text = "\u2022 Not anymore.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Traveling may be a little risky right now, but I'm sure that I'll be fine."; output2.text = "\u2022 You like traveling, huh?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Are you sure that you'll be okay?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Do you really think that we'll met again after you leave?"; output3.text = "\u2022 What do you when you travel?";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I wonder which kingdom I'll run into the next time I travel. Hopefully it's a peaceful place."; output2.text = "\u2022 Wouldn't a peaceful place be kind of boring?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Can't you stay? I don't want you to leave.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Are you and the king getting along, Princess?"; output2.text = "\u2022 We haven't really talked all that much..."; output3.text = "\u2022 Of course we are.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Princess... do you really want to marry the king?"; output2.text = "\u2022 No... but I have to."; output3.text = "\u2022 Well, yes.";
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I'm looking forward to seeing you walk down that aisle, Princess. The king is lucky to be marrying somebody as beautiful as you."; output2.text = "\u2022 Do you really think so?"; output3.text = "\u2022 You'll really be at my wedding, right?";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: They call me Ferris. Nice to meet you.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I was wrongly accused for killing a woman. Some villagers teamed up and and locked me inside of that coffin. They must have brought me to this village, because I don't recognize anything around here.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: A lovely name for a lovey lady. The pleasure is mine.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Really? That explains everything. It's an honor to be in your presence, Princess.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Why thank you, Princess. It's quite refreshing to hear somebody say that.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Of course I do. I am a vampire after all. Vampires don't need that much blood to survive though.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Hmm, I don't know. How about... everything? I'm listening, Princess.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Ah. Arranged marriages are quite a common thing in royal families, aren't they? Just remember to follow your heart, Princess.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Seriously? So you're the one who released me! Goodness, you don't know how grateful I am.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: A man framed me. Even though I saw him murder his wife, the two punctured holes he made in her neck was enough evidence to pronounce me guilty.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I see. So we're both kind of new to this place, huh?";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Really? That sounds like a harsh thing for somebody to go through. You must be a really strong girl, Princess.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); _root.zanegift = _root.zanegift + 1; output.text = "Ferris: What a nice thing for you to say about your husband to be. I like that attitude of yours.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I would go insane if I never had a change of scenery here and there. Normally, people would chase me out of their villages, so I try to leave on my own if I can.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: That must be the first time I've ever heard somebody say that to me. You really are quite a wonder.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Huh... I'm not sure actually. I do, but I've heard that some of them don't. They must not enjoy the taste of food.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); _root.violin = _root.violin + 1; output.text = "Ferris: Of course! I don't need it anyway.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: You should go visit it too! It's really far away from here, but the travel is well worth it.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Of course I do. You're very charming and I like how you actually talk to me. I'm glad that I met you, Princess.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); _root.teapot = _root.teapot + 1; output.text = "Ferris: Okay, now you can open them! Here, I got this for you. You gave one up to save me, so now here's one in return.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); _root.zanedate = _root.zanedate + 1; output.text = "Ferris: Lovely! I'm looking forward to it!";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Their life styles are unique and every human is different in their own way. Vampires... are all just the same.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: ... It's true I suppose. I've never met another vampire that takes an interest in humans such as I.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: But isn't cheese sometimes a good thing, Princess? Come on, I know you liked that. I saw you blush a little.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I see. It's a real shame. You should be able to follow your heart, Princess.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); _root.vamp = (_root.vamp = 1); output.text = "Ferris: Of course. Anything for you, Princess.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Well, I probably would've left sooner if it wasn't for your wedding, but I really want to see you walk down that aisle in that beautiful white dress, Princess.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: It is, isn't it? A friend of mine a really long time ago gave me that name. Most vampires usually leave themselves nameless, but I find names to be a convenient thing when talking to others.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Lovely. Sorry if I'm being a little bit too picky.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I suppose. I've never seen one before... well, don't think I'm supposed to anyway since ghosts are apparently invisible.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: You're just a natural beauty, aren't you? I'm sure that ladies all over the kingdom envy you.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: No, I can't. I'm blind in my left eye actually, so I grew my hair over it.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: A man shot me in that eye years ago. I didn't die of course, but he must have used a special kind of bullet in order to make me go blind.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Hmm, I don't know, Princess. I wasn't able to keep track of time while I in that coffin...";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Ah, yes! He was. I'll never forget how kindly he treated me.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: ... I don't remember actually. Don't judge me, Princess. I lost a lot of memory when that man shot me the head.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: It is, Princess. And it's really noticeable too. That's why I covered it up with my hair.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I'm sure that it will eventually, Princess. Peace will come someday.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I wish that I could have, but the villagers would've attacked me if I tried. I can't do everything, Princess.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: R-really? Do you know how he did it? The things he has seen must be amazing.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: He really is, isn't he? Especially for somebody around that age. I think he's quite admirable.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Why of course we can. Let me know when you would like to go.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Why thank you, Princess. I'm glad to hear that. I just wish that everybody was as open minded as you.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I see. What's the name of your kingdom? I would like to visit it someday...";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Don't worry about me, Princess. I'll be fine. I promise.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I hope so, Princess. Someday, somewhere, fate will somehow bring us together.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I'm not sure if the people here will accept me as well as you, Princess. I'm a vampire, I have no home...";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Is that so ";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: It's a shame, Princess. I've already said it, but I really wish that you could follow your heart.";
Symbol 1508 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I will be, I promise. Don't worry, Princess. I won't start my travel before then.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "???: Oh, so you know? I wonder how long I was in there for...";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I'm afraid so, sweetie. I won't harm you in any way though. I promise.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I told you mine so it's only fair, right? C'mon, don't be shy.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Oh I've met my share of women in my life...";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: We vampires have a bad reputation. Almost all of the people that I meet run away because they think that I'm going to suck them dry of their blood or something.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Huh? Sparkle? And why would I ever do that?";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Really? I would think that a princess would be interesting. I'm sure that you really are.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I see. Your face is telling me the opposite. Maybe you should get some rest.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I mostly slept while I was in there. I suppose that it was kind of like hibernation. I'm glad that I'm finally out now though.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Haha. No, not from a person. I prefer to befriend humans rather than drink them. Over the years, I've learned that humans aren't that different from vampires so I respect them.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I'm actually a traveler, so I don't really have a home. I was just unfortunate to be in that other village at the time of that murder...";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: So you just came here for no reason? I must say that's hard to believe.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: What a shame that is. It's like you're marrying a stranger, isn't it?";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Don't worry about me, Princess. I'll be fine. Most people keep their distance from me anyways.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Other vampires are loners and people are afraid of me... so I have been pretty lonely.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: O-of course I would... I am a vampire after all. If you were stabbed in the heart with anything, you would die too, wouldn't you?";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Huh? Why's that? Don't worry, it's nothing harmful.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: But if every kingdom was beautiful, then wouldn't the whole world be a bit boring? I think that differences make life interesting.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Huh? Like how so, Princess? I don't really understand...";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: R-really? But I feel bad for not repaying you. You basically saved me, Princess.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Really? Well I guess we can stay here and chat as usual then...";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Oh that's just a myth. I hardly known any that drink human blood.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Wh-what?! N-no, never, Princess! You probably don't know, but vampires can lose control of themselves when they drink human blood. That's why most of them stay away from humans. Once a vampire gets a taste of human blood, they become addicted and insane.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Honestly, they really did, Princess. I was just saying.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: *sigh* I guess it's just for your own good.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Cheer up, Princess. It'll be fine. Try to at least be a little bit happy about it.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: But, I'm a traveler, Princess. It's what I do... Don't worry. I'm sure that we'll meet someday again in the long future.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Thank you. I like you a lot too, Princess.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Huh? Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant let's go somewhere else for a little date.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Really? You've haven't seen anything out of the ordinary there? Well, I just heard things, so I don't really know for sure.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Huh? No, I really mean it. Don't be so stubborn now, Princess.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Not so much, Princess. I can do everything that a normal vampire can, but I'm not that special.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Eye patches aren't really my thing, Princess. Anyways, I don't want people to be aware of my disability.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Didn't I tell you before, Princess? People fear me. Vampires just have a bad reputation.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I suppose. Maybe this is another reason why vampires avoid humans. There are many good people, but there are still many wicked ones...";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I'm sure that he didn't. He was kind to every living thing. It's really easy to convict innocent people in many kingdoms.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Of course it was, Princess. Vampires feel pain too you know...";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Really? Hm, I've never heard of them before. I guess I better keep an eye out for them.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Hmm, I think that I may have. It has a lot of colorful flowers growing everywhere, right?";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Hm, maybe so, Princess. There's no proof of their existence...";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Really? Well that's a shame...";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Doesn't it sound fun? I would like to spend some time together with you.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Hm, I suppose so, Princess. I've heard of many unfriendly ones though. You should still take caution when you're around them.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: R-really? But isn't it your home, Princess? Well, I guess homesickness would go away after time...";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: It's more like a lifestyle to me, Princess. I suppose that I do like it in a way though...";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: It's pretty rare for me to run into people that don't fear vampires, but I just like to explore and enjoy watching how people live their lives in the different communities.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Maybe, Princess. But I think that I've experienced a little too much in the past. It's time for me to take a break and relax.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Ah, that's good to hear. I hope things go well for you.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: I see. I wish the best for you, Princess.";
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); output.text = "Ferris: Of course I do, Princess. I'll only speak to the truth to you.";
Symbol 1524 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("zanedatecinema"); }
Symbol 1525 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("park"); }
Symbol 1528 Button
on (release) { if (_root.datetalk == 0) { gotoAndStop ("zanecinemasomethingelse"); } } on (release) { if (_root.datetalk >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("zanecinemadatetalk"); } }
Symbol 1529 Button
on (release) { if (_root.dategift >= 1) { _root.giveitem._visible = true; } } on (release) { if (_root.dategift == 0) { gotoAndStop ("zanecinemasomethingelse"); } }
Symbol 1530 Button
on (release) { if (_root.mood == 6) { gotoAndStop ("zanecinemakiss"); } } on (release) { if (_root.mood <= 5) { gotoAndStop ("zanecinemasomethingelse"); } }
Symbol 1540 Button
on (release) { if (_root.candy >= 1) { _root.candy = _root.candy - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanegiftcinemabad"); } }
Symbol 1541 Button
on (release) { if (_root.newspaper >= 1) { _root.newspaper = _root.newspaper - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanegiftcinemagood"); } }
Symbol 1542 Button
on (release) { if (_root.roses >= 1) { _root.croses = _root.roses - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanegiftcinemabad"); } }
Symbol 1543 Button
on (release) { if (_root.teapot >= 1) { _root.teapot = _root.teapot - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanegiftcinemabad"); } }
Symbol 1544 Button
on (release) { if (_root.tea >= 1) { _root.tea = _root.tea - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanegiftcinemabad"); } }
Symbol 1545 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pen >= 1) { _root.pen = _root.pen - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanegiftcinemabad"); } }
Symbol 1546 Button
on (release) { if (_root.violin >= 1) { _root.violin = _root.violin - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanegiftcinemabad"); } }
Symbol 1547 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pocketwatch >= 1) { _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("zanegiftcinemagood"); } }
Symbol 1549 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("zanecinemaleave"); }
Symbol 1553 Button
on (release) { if (_root.datetalk >= 1) { _root.datetalk = _root.datetalk - 1; gotoAndStop ("zanecinemadate"); } }
Symbol 1559 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("zanecinemadate"); }
Symbol 1567 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("zanecinemadatekiss"); }
Symbol 1572 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("zanecinemaleave"); }
Symbol 1575 Button
on (release) { if (_root.luck >= 10) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.luck <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 1576 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 10) { _root.gotoAndStop("acetalk"); } } on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 9) {; } }
Symbol 1577 Button
on (release) { _root.giveitem._visible = true; }
Symbol 1578 Button
on (release) { if (_root.cha <= 14) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.hp <= 49) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 50) { if (_root.cha >= 15) { _root.gotoAndStop("acedate"); } } }
Symbol 1598 Button
on (release) { if (_root.candy >= 1) { _root.candy = _root.candy - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acefriesgift"); } }
Symbol 1599 Button
on (release) { if (_root.newspaper >= 1) { _root.newspaper = _root.newspaper - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acepopcorngift"); } }
Symbol 1600 Button
on (release) { if (_root.roses >= 1) { _root.roses = _root.roses - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acebookgift"); } }
Symbol 1601 Button
on (release) { if (_root.teapot >= 1) { _root.teapot = _root.teapot - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acegamegift"); } }
Symbol 1602 Button
on (release) { if (_root.tea >= 1) { _root.tea = _root.tea - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acecoffeegift"); } }
Symbol 1603 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pen >= 1) { _root.pen = _root.pen - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acehamburgergift"); } }
Symbol 1604 Button
on (release) { if (_root.violin >= 1) { _root.violin = _root.violin - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acecdgift"); } }
Symbol 1605 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pocketwatch >= 1) { _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("aceplushgift"); } }
Symbol 1607 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("mansion"); }
Symbol 1621 Button
on (release) { _root.jackbad = _root.jackbad + 1; _root.jacktalkpoint = _root.jacktalkpoint + 1; _root.jack = _root.jack + 10; _root.gotoAndStop("aceresponse"); }
Symbol 1622 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("aceresponsebad"); }
Symbol 1628 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("aceresponsebad"); }
Symbol 1629 Button
on (release) { _root.jackbad = _root.jackbad + 1; _root.jackgood = _root.jackgood + 1; _root.jacktalkpoint = _root.jacktalkpoint + 1; _root.jack = _root.jack + 10; _root.gotoAndStop("aceresponse"); }
Symbol 1631 Button
on (release) { _root.jackbad = _root.jackbad + 1; _root.jackgood = _root.jackgood + 1; _root.jacktalkpoint = _root.jacktalkpoint + 1; _root.jack = _root.jack + 10; _root.gotoAndStop("aceresponse"); }
Symbol 1632 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("aceresponsebad"); }
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 And where have you been?!"; output3.text = "\u2022 Are you really back or am I just imagining things?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: . . . . . . . . ."; output2.text = "\u2022 So the wedding isn't far from now, huh?"; output3.text = "\u2022 How could you just leave like that? You're the worst!";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: So I'm the worst... what makes you say that?"; output2.text = "\u2022 You left without even saying goodbye!"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why? Did I hurt your feelings?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 So... am I nothing to you?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Even if we're strangers, it would've been nice if you said bye...";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Right... what was your name again? Oh, you never told me did you?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Well I didn't tell you because you never asked!"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why does my name even matter if you don't care about me.";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: What do you want?"; output2.text = "\u2022 To not marry you."; output3.text = "\u2022 Why do you have to be such a jerk?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: So how have things been around here while I was gone?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Fine I guess."; output3.text = "\u2022 You shouldn't of had left if you care about this place.";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Why did you leave?"; output3.text = "\u2022 So what are you going to do now?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Where's that elf servant of yours? What was his name again... Louie?"; output2.text = "\u2022 His name is Lewis, no Louie!"; output3.text = "\u2022 You're really bad at remembering names, huh?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: . . . . . . . . ."; output2.text = "\u2022 What?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Is something wrong?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Why did you give me those roses?"; output3.text = "\u2022 What's wrong with you?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Oh. Have you heard? Your kingdom is safe now so you don't have to worry about it anymore."; output2.text = "\u2022 Yeah, I have... but how did you find out about that?"; output3.text = "\u2022 But what's the point if I can't even return to it?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Do you love me?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why did you agree to marry me anyway?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: ... Yes?"; output2.text = "\u2022 What am I to you?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I was hoping that you would have something to say.";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Nice dress. Did your servant get that for you?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Yeah, he did. I don't like the color though."; output3.text = "\u2022 Are you trying to make fun of me?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Why did you let Mr. Toko be the priest of the church?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why don't you get a haircut or something?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: If you want, we could go out on a date. I'm not busy right now."; output2.text = "\u2022 Shouldn't we get to know each other better before we date?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I don't want to go out with you... ever.";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 You're a really weird guy."; output3.text = "\u2022 You seem... less cranky now.";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 What kind of girls do you like?"; output3.text = "\u2022 So do you have any hobbies?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: For some reason, I got the idea that you didn't like me when we first met..."; output2.text = "\u2022 I didn't like you though!"; output3.text = "\u2022 That's because you were a jerk!";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: *sigh* If the war doesn't get any better I might have to go out there again..."; output2.text = "\u2022 What do you mean by that?"; output3.text = "\u2022 What are you mumbling to yourself?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 What if this kingdom gets attacked? We have nowhere to go."; output3.text = "\u2022 Shouldn't we make wedding plans if we're going to wed?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Hey. Do you like sweets?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Not really."; output3.text = "\u2022 Yeah, I do.";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Aren't you kind of young to be a king?"; output3.text = "\u2022 What's your favorite color?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Your dad sounds kind of irresponsible."; output3.text = "\u2022 Sorry about your mom and dad.";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: A lot of people are making a big deal out of these 'cheat codes' hidden around this kingdom. I really have no idea what they're talking about."; output2.text = "\u2022 I wonder who put them there..."; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you know where some of them are?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Hey. Today's a nice day. We should go on a date or something."; output2.text = "\u2022 I don't want to."; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you like going out with me?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Close your eyes for a second."; output2.text = "\u2022 You're not going to kiss me, are you?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Okay, but you better not do anything funny.";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Why do you keep on giving me roses?"; output3.text = "\u2022 How come you don't show a lot of emotion?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Hey, do you really want to know why I left?"; output2.text = "\u2022 But you won't tell me, will you?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Of course I do.";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: If I had more time and a bigger army, then maybe I could end this war..."; output2.text = "\u2022 Are you going to leave again?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Don't go out and fight again. It's too dangerous!";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Why did you save my kingdom?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Do you think that you could defeat Cesathis?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I actually met your father when I was at your kingdom."; output2.text = "\u2022 Did you tell him that we're getting married?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Really? What do you think of him?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Sorry that I was gone for so long and didn't really get much done. Cesathis was stronger than I thought that they would be."; output2.text = "\u2022 It's fine. I don't care about that anymore."; output3.text = "\u2022 Are you kidding? You were able to save my kingdom!";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Do the people here have to go to church on Sunday?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why are you so stingy about letting people into your kingdom?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Just so that you know, when I said that I decided that I didn't like you and your servant, I was lying. Okay, maybe I didn't like your servant a lot, but you were okay."; output2.text = "\u2022 Are you sure that you just weren't cranky?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why didn't you like Lewis at first?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Do you have any friends?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why do you want to marry me?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Hey. Let's go somewhere else. I'm sick of sitting around here."; output2.text = "\u2022 Where should we go?"; output3.text = "\u2022 What's wrong with sitting around here?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: . . . . . . . . . . . ."; output2.text = "\u2022 Stop staring at me."; output3.text = "\u2022 What?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Hey, you don't hate me, do you?"; output2.text = "\u2022 So what if I do?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Why would I hate you?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "(What should I ask him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Do you love me?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Did you like your father?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Our wedding is coming up soon, isn't it? Hmm..."; output2.text = "\u2022 Do I really have to marry you?"; output3.text = "\u2022 I still don't have anything to wear.";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: If you want to, you can invite people to our wedding. I don't really care who comes."; output2.text = "\u2022 You don't care who comes?"; output3.text = "\u2022 How do I invite people?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 Are you looking forward to our wedding?"; output3.text = "\u2022 My servant's name is Lewis, not Louie!";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Do you believe in ghosts?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Of course not. Monsters don't exist either."; output3.text = "\u2022 Kind of. Why do you ask?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Your servant really cares for you. You should appreciate him more."; output2.text = "\u2022 But I do appreciate him a lot."; output3.text = "\u2022 YOU appreciate him more by at least remembering his name.";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "(What should I say to him?)"; output2.text = "\u2022 You should be nicer to people."; output3.text = "\u2022 You're a good guy, Joseph.";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: ... Do you think my father ran away because of me?"; output2.text = "\u2022 Of course not. Wasn't he just depressed?"; output3.text = "\u2022 How should I know?";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Oh... hello."; output2.text = "\u2022 What's with the sad tone?"; output3.text = "\u2022 Hello to you too.";
Symbol 1645 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: . . . . . . . . . . . ."; output2.text = "\u2022 Is something wrong?"; output3.text = "\u2022 What are you doing?";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Nowhere important. It's none of your business.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Whatever you say.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: But I just met you. I don't have to say any goodbyes to a stranger.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Geez, Princess. There's no need to make such a big fuss over something like that.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Who ever said that I didn't care? ... Because I in fact do. Hmph.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: If that's what you want then you know that you have to leave.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Good. I was afraid that some disaster was going to happen. Geez. It seems like every problem around here can't be solved without me.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I don't know. I'm tired. Maybe I'll take a short break.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Geez, sorry. Lewis, Louie... same difference.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch + 1; output.text = "Joseph: Here, these are for you.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: You're my fianc\u00E9e, aren't you? It's only appropriate.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: ... I just know some things.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: ... I decided to give your servant a chance. He has guts. I honestly didn't like him to begin with because I thought that he was weak, but I was wrong. He's a real man. You should appreciate him more.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Really...? Like what?";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Is that so? I actually kind of like it. It looks nice on you.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: He was the only one who was willing to take the role. I don't know where he's from, but hey, he gets the job done.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Won't we get to learn more about each other if we date though? Anyways, I'm your fianc\u00E9, aren't I?";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: You think so? Maybe it's because I'm feeling better now that I'm home...";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: No. Am I supposed to or something?";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Oh. So I did get the right idea after all...";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Nothing.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: It's all right, Princess. My army is strong. They should be able to take care of any enemy.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); _root.candy = _root.candy + 1; output.text = "Joseph: Good, because I got these for you.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: My father ran away and my mother died giving birth to me, so I'm the only one who can rule.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: He was. He was also a coward and a weak man. But you know... he knew how to love people. And that's why he was always getting hurt. The pain became too much for him and he just left.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Who knows. I actually suspect that this is the priest's doing though. He hasn't harmed anybody yet, so I'll let it slide.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: If I didn't, then I wouldn't ask, would I?";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch + 1; output.text = "Joseph: I won't, I won't. Anyways, you can open them now. Here, for you.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Don't you like them? I'm only trying to be nice.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: ... I left to go fight the Cesathis soldiers that were invading your kingdom. My army was only able to just get them out of there though. Cesathis is still roaming around and attacking other kingdoms.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Not right now. The wedding's getting too near. The war can wait.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Because it's important to you, isn't it? I don't want you to lose anything dear to you.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: He's okay. Kind of quiet though. He looks nothing like you by the way. For some reason, your elf servant reminds me of him...";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I-I guess... well, I think I was just aiming my goal too high. Stopping Cesathis might even take another year or two.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I leave that decision up to the people themselves. Sometimes they will go, sometimes they won't. The priest does get pretty ticked off when people don't come though.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I just thought that he was annoying. I personally wouldn't really like to have a guy like that as a servant.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Hm, I guess I used to. I traveled with my father when he ruled. We would often visit a kingdom where I would play with this other kid named Elliot... I haven't seen him for years though.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: We could go to that one quiet park. It's really the only nice place in this kingdom...";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Nothing. You know... you're actually not that bad looking...";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: You didn't seem like you wanted to marry me at first. I don't know if you still feel that way, but...";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: ... How should I know?";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Huh? Oh right... you don't have a dress. Don't worry about that. I'll take care of it for you.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Since it's our wedding, the only people that need to be there are you and I, right? Well, maybe the priest too, but... Oh. And that Louie kid because we need a witness.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Sure, why not?";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I saw some pretty weird stuff going on at the blacksmith the other day. I swear that I saw floating objects, but maybe I was just imagining it all.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Hm, oh really? I had a feeling that you two were the type that fought a lot with each other... never mind then.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: ... Thanks.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Hm, probably. I guess ruling a whole kingdom just became too much for him.";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Huh? I don't think that I sound sad. Hm...";
Symbol 1651 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Just thinking about you and some other things... ";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I don't know if you're imagining things, but yes, I am back now.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I guess so.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Nope.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Wrong. Right now you're my fianc\u00E9e. Did you forget?";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Calm down, will you? Do you get worked up over everything like this?";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Sorry, I can't help it.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: You're still mad about how I left? Let go of it already.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I wrote it on the note, didn't I? I just took care of some business.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Huh? So his name isn't Louie? *sigh* Whatever.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: No.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I see nothing wrong with myself. Why? Do you have a problem with me?";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Your precious family is safe. Doesn't that matter a lot?";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I don't know. I've never loved anybody before. Doesn't this love stuff take some time anyway?";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: My fianc\u00E9e. Haven't we already gone through this?";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: No. What made you think that?";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: No. I don't like the idea of scissors being near my face.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Really? I see... that can't be helped I guess.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I suppose I might be.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: You mean that they are different kinds of women? Aren't they all the same...?";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Sorry. I was probably in a bad mood.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Huh? You were listening? It's nothing.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: No need to. All we do is dress up and stand in a church, right? The priest will take care of things.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Oh... never mind then.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Red.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Sorry? For what? I don't really get it when people apologize for things that had nothing to do with them.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Like I said... I really don't know much about them.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Why not? You're not still mad at me, are you?";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: No. Just close them already.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: What are you talking about? I show plenty of emotion, don't I?";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Maybe. I didn't get much done while I was gone, so you might get mad.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Somebody has to stop Cesathis. It may not be me, but the least I can do is help.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I don't know. They have a large army. All the other kingdoms are too scared to take them on or help stop them.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I didn't. I thought that I would leave that part up to you.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: That's a relief I guess.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Change is inconvient. Anyways, it's hard to tell who's good and who's bad.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: ... Maybe I was. I was never good at staying up late anyways.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 37
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I can't really call myself a complete king without a queen, right? Anyways, you seem like a decent person.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Doesn't it get kind of boring? Oh well...";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 39
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: S-sorry...";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Hm, that just can't be helped I guess...";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: ... He was okay. He cared for me, but he was also really depressed. Probably because my mom died.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: . . . . . . . . . . . .";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 43
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I don't know. Keep on talking to them and then eventually bring up the subject? You should know that kind of stuff better than me.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 44
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Whatever. My bad. Doesn't 'Louie' suit him better though?";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 45
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I guess so...";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 46
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: But he's not even my servant. *sigh* His name is Lewis, right? Happy now?";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 47
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: I try to... but I'm just bad at it.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: Oh. Right... never mind.";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 49
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .";
Symbol 1656 MovieClip Frame 50
stop(); output.text = "Joseph: No.";
Symbol 1660 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("acedatepark"); }
Symbol 1661 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("mansion"); }
Symbol 1664 Button
on (release) { if (_root.datetalk == 0) { gotoAndStop ("aceparksomethingelse"); } } on (release) { if (_root.datetalk >= 1) { gotoAndStop ("aceparkdatetalk"); } }
Symbol 1665 Button
on (release) { if (_root.dategift >= 1) { _root.giveitem._visible = true; } } on (release) { if (_root.dategift == 0) { gotoAndStop ("aceparksomethingelse"); } }
Symbol 1666 Button
on (release) { if (_root.mood == 6) { gotoAndStop ("aceparkkiss"); } } on (release) { if (_root.mood <= 5) { gotoAndStop ("aceparksomethingelse"); } }
Symbol 1676 Button
on (release) { if (_root.candy >= 1) { _root.candy = _root.candy - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acegiftparkbad"); } }
Symbol 1677 Button
on (release) { if (_root.newspaper >= 1) { _root.newspaper = _root.newspaper - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acegiftparkgood"); } }
Symbol 1678 Button
on (release) { if (_root.roses >= 1) { _root.roses = _root.roses - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acegiftparkbad"); } }
Symbol 1679 Button
on (release) { if (_root.teapot >= 1) { _root.teapot = _root.teapot - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acegiftparkgood"); } }
Symbol 1680 Button
on (release) { if (_root.tea >= 1) { _root.tea = _root.tea - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acegiftparkbad"); } }
Symbol 1681 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pen >= 1) { _root.pen = _root.pen - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acegiftparkgood"); } }
Symbol 1682 Button
on (release) { if (_root.violin >= 1) { _root.violin = _root.violin - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acegiftparkgood"); } }
Symbol 1683 Button
on (release) { if (_root.pocketwatch >= 1) { _root.pocketwatch = _root.pocketwatch - 1; _root.gotoAndStop("acegiftparkbad"); } }
Symbol 1685 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("aceparkleave"); }
Symbol 1689 Button
on (release) { if (_root.datetalk >= 1) { _root.datetalk = _root.datetalk - 1; gotoAndStop ("aceparkdate"); } }
Symbol 1692 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("aceparkdate"); }
Symbol 1701 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("aceparkdatekiss"); }
Symbol 1706 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("aceparkleave"); }
Symbol 1714 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("bump"); }
Symbol 1721 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("runaways"); }
Symbol 1737 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("letgo"); }
Symbol 1761 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("jump"); }
Symbol 1768 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("atmyhouse"); }
Symbol 1773 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("joeknock"); }
Symbol 1775 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("skipend"); }
Symbol 1777 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("joecome"); }
Symbol 1786 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("joedot"); }
Symbol 1799 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("joedot2"); }
Symbol 1803 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("joedot3"); }
Symbol 1808 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("joego"); }
Symbol 1813 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("room2"); }
Symbol 1814 Button
on (release) { if (_root.devin == 1) { if (_root.vamp == 1) { gotoAndStop ("park2"); } } } on (release) { if (_root.devin == 0) { gotoAndStop ("forest2"); } } on (release) { if (_root.devin == 1) { if (_root.vamp == 0) { gotoAndStop ("park2"); } } }
Symbol 1815 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("tokoburger2"); }
Symbol 1816 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("devinroom2"); }
Symbol 1817 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("alley2"); }
Symbol 1818 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("mansion2"); }
Symbol 1819 Button
on (release) { if (_root.ghost == 1) { gotoAndStop ("bs2"); } } on (release) { if (_root.ghost == 0) { gotoAndStop ("dead"); } }
Symbol 1820 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("cafe2"); }
Symbol 1825 Button
on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 0) { if (_root.devin == 0) { if (_root.ghost == 0) { gotoAndStop ("church"); } } } } on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 1) { if (_root.devin == 0) { if (_root.ghost == 0) { gotoAndStop ("church1"); } } } } on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 1) { if (_root.devin == 1) { if (_root.ghost == 0) { gotoAndStop ("church2"); } } } } on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 1) { if (_root.devin == 0) { if (_root.ghost == 1) { gotoAndStop ("church3"); } } } } on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 0) { if (_root.devin == 1) { if (_root.ghost == 1) { gotoAndStop ("church4"); } } } } on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 1) { if (_root.devin == 1) { if (_root.ghost == 1) { gotoAndStop ("church5"); } } } } on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 0) { if (_root.devin == 0) { if (_root.ghost == 1) { gotoAndStop ("churchghost"); } } } } on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 0) { if (_root.devin == 1) { if (_root.ghost == 0) { gotoAndStop ("churchvamp"); } } } }
Symbol 1826 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("map2"); }
Symbol 1837 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("ghosttalk"); }
Symbol 1839 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("dead"); }
Symbol 1843 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("lewisend"); }
Symbol 1844 Button
on (release) { if (_root.nomarry == 0) { gotoAndStop ("josephend"); } } on (release) { if (_root.nomarry == 1) { gotoAndStop ("return2"); } }
Symbol 1848 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("josephend"); }
Symbol 1849 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("ianend"); }
Symbol 1852 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("danielend"); }
Symbol 1855 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("ferrisend"); }
Symbol 1863 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("decision"); }
Symbol 1864 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("moretime"); }
Symbol 1868 Button
on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 0) { if (_root.devin == 0) { if (_root.ghost == 0) { gotoAndStop ("church"); } } } } on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 1) { if (_root.devin == 0) { if (_root.ghost == 0) { gotoAndStop ("church1"); } } } } on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 1) { if (_root.devin == 1) { if (_root.ghost == 0) { gotoAndStop ("church2"); } } } } on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 1) { if (_root.devin == 0) { if (_root.ghost == 1) { gotoAndStop ("church3"); } } } } on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 0) { if (_root.devin == 1) { if (_root.ghost == 1) { gotoAndStop ("church4"); } } } } on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 1) { if (_root.devin == 1) { if (_root.ghost == 1) { gotoAndStop ("church5"); } } } } on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 0) { if (_root.devin == 0) { if (_root.ghost == 1) { gotoAndStop ("churchghost"); } } } } on (release) { if (_root.wolf == 0) { if (_root.devin == 1) { if (_root.ghost == 0) { gotoAndStop ("churchvamp"); } } } }
Symbol 1872 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("marryyou"); }
Symbol 1873 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("return"); }
Symbol 1877 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("tothekingdom"); }
Symbol 1886 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("idontwanttomarrylewis"); }
Symbol 1887 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("iguess"); }
Symbol 1897 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("idontwanttomarryian"); }
Symbol 1898 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("yeahthanks"); }
Symbol 1908 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("idontwanttomarrydaniel"); }
Symbol 1909 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("support"); }
Symbol 1918 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("idontwanttomarryferris"); }
Symbol 1919 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("gladmet"); }
Symbol 1923 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("kingdomend"); }
Symbol 1930 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("lewisalix"); }
Symbol 1939 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("greatgo"); }
Symbol 1946 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("replay"); }
Symbol 1952 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("joedot4"); }
Symbol 1959 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("tokomarry"); }
Symbol 1965 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("weddingkiss"); }
Symbol 1968 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("aceend"); }
Symbol 1981 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1999 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("lewisend2"); }
Symbol 2018 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("danielend2"); }
Symbol 2033 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("wontwork"); }
Symbol 2043 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("ianend2"); }
Symbol 2062 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("ferrisend2"); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2074 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiAd]
Symbol 2075 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher]
Symbol 2076 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiServices]
Symbol 2077 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEvents]
Symbol 2078 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiCoins]
Symbol 2079 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiSocial]
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 11 ShapeTweeningUsed by:38
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 16 ShapeTweeningUsed by:38
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 18 SoundUsed by:38
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 22 ShapeTweeningUsed by:38
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 25 ShapeTweeningUsed by:38
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 28 ShapeTweeningUsed by:38
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 38 MovieClipUses:4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 40 ShapeTweeningUsed by:44
Symbol 41 ShapeTweeningUsed by:44
Symbol 42 ShapeTweeningUsed by:44
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClip [apuff]Uses:39 40 41 42 43Used by:Timeline
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:46
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Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:48 225 256
Symbol 48 ButtonUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:225 256  Timeline
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 60 FontUsed by:61 62
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Symbol 62 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClipUses:64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80Used by:1475 1508 1517  Timeline
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:97 661
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96Used by:1291 1311 1318  Timeline
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:111 661
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:111 1070
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:1114 1130 1139  Timeline
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:130 661
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 130 MovieClipUses:114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129Used by:788 818 828  Timeline
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:143 1588
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 138 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 141 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 143 MovieClipUses:133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142Used by:Timeline
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:147 149 150 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 265 282 287 292 322 330 336 363 367 380 388 394 403 407 413 436 444 467 472 480 483 486 487 489 520 521 541 546 553 559 629 663 664 667 668 675 677 680 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 708 839 845 862 863 864 865 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 892 899 912 918 953 996 998 1009 1012 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1051 1150 1151 1152 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1176 1181 1189 1194 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1217 1220 1326 1339 1349 1350 1351 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1374 1379 1390 1395 1398 1402 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1426 1528 1529 1530 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1553 1559 1567 1572 1575 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1607 1664 1665 1666 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1689 1692 1701 1706 1714 1721 1737 1761 1768 1773 1777 1786 1799 1803 1808 1826 1837 1839 1843 1844 1848 1849 1852 1855 1868 1923 1930 1939 1946 1952 1959 1965 1968 1999 2018 2043 2062
Symbol 146 SoundUsed by:147 222 242 818 1130 1311 1508 1651  Timeline
Symbol 147 ButtonUses:145 146Used by:Timeline
Symbol 148 SoundUsed by:149 150 155 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 180 184 187 206 209 212 215 218 243 244 245 246 247 248 261 265 282 287 292 322 330 336 360 361 363 367 380 388 403 407 413 436 444 462 463 467 472 479 480 483 486 487 489 520 521 541 546 553 559 582 587 592 597 602 608 613 618 623 628 629 662 663 664 667 668 670 675 677 680 684 685 686 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 708 741 742 748 749 776 778 839 845 852 853 862 863 864 865 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 885 886 892 899 912 918 922 923 924 926 928 929 953 957 959 961 963 965 966 969 988 989 996 998 1000 1009 1012 1020 1021 1030 1031 1032 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1051 1083 1084 1090 1146 1147 1150 1151 1152 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1172 1176 1181 1189 1194 1197 1198 1199 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1217 1220 1251 1252 1259 1262 1275 1326 1339 1345 1346 1349 1350 1351 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1370 1374 1379 1390 1395 1398 1399 1402 1404 1405 1406 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1426 1440 1441 1447 1448 1450 1451 1524 1525 1528 1529 1530 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1549 1553 1559 1567 1572 1575 1576 1577 1578 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1607 1621 1622 1628 1629 1631 1632 1660 1661 1664 1665 1666 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1685 1689 1692 1701 1706 1714 1721 1737 1761 1768 1773 1775 1777 1786 1799 1803 1808 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1825 1826 1837 1839 1843 1844 1848 1849 1852 1855 1863 1864 1868 1872 1873 1877 1886 1887 1897 1898 1908 1909 1918 1919 1923 1930 1939 1952 1959 1965 1968 1981 1999 2018 2033 2043 2062
Symbol 149 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 150 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:155 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 180 184 187 206 209 212 215 218 261 360 361 462 463 479 662 670 684 685 686 696 741 742 748 749 776 778 852 853 885 886 928 929 988 989 1000 1020 1021 1030 1031 1032 1083 1084 1090 1146 1147 1172 1197 1198 1199 1251 1252 1259 1262 1275 1345 1346 1370 1399 1404 1405 1406 1440 1441 1447 1448 1450 1451 1524 1525 1549 1576 1577 1578 1621 1622 1628 1629 1631 1632 1660 1661 1685 1775 1863 1864 1872 1873 1877 1886 1887 1897 1898 1908 1909 1918 1919 1981 2033
Symbol 155 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 157 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 158 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222  Timeline
Symbol 159 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 160 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 161 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 162 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 163 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 164 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:167
Symbol 167 ButtonUses:166Used by:222
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 169 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 170 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:222 661 705 883 1049 1171 1216 1369 1423 1548 1606 1651 1684
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:222 661 705 883 1049 1171 1216 1369 1423 1548 1606 1684
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:222
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Symbol 179 EditableTextUses:178Used by:222
Symbol 180 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 183 EditableTextUses:178Used by:222
Symbol 184 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 187 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:222 661 705 883 963 1049 1171 1216 1369 1423 1508 1548 1606 1684  Timeline
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:222 661 705 818 883 965 1049 1171 1216 1369 1423 1548 1606 1651 1684  Timeline
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:222 661 705 883 1049 1171 1216 1311 1369 1423 1548 1606 1684
Symbol 193 FontUsed by:194 676 678 681
Symbol 194 TextUses:193Used by:222
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:222 661 705 883 966 1049 1171 1216 1369 1423 1508 1548 1606 1684  Timeline
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Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:222 661 705 883 1049 1171 1216 1369 1423 1548 1606 1684
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 202 GraphicUsed by:222 661 705 883 1049 1171 1216 1369 1423 1548 1606 1684
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 206 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 208 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 209 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 211 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 212 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 213 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 214 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 215 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 216 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 217 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 218 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:222
Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 220 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 222 MovieClipUses:151 152 153 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 167 168 169 170 171 146 172 173 174 175 176 177 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221Used by:Timeline
Symbol 223 ShapeTweeningUsed by:225
Symbol 224 ShapeTweeningUsed by:225
Symbol 225 MovieClipUses:223 58 224 47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 227 FontUsed by:228
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Symbol 232 EditableTextUses:229Used by:Timeline
Symbol 233 EditableTextUses:229Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 235 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 236 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 239 EditableTextUses:229Used by:Timeline
Symbol 240 EditableTextUses:229Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 244 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 245 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 246 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 247 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 248 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 249 EditableTextUses:229Used by:Timeline
Symbol 250 EditableTextUses:229Used by:Timeline
Symbol 251 EditableTextUses:229Used by:Timeline
Symbol 252 EditableTextUses:229Used by:Timeline
Symbol 253 EditableTextUses:229Used by:Timeline
Symbol 254 ShapeTweeningUsed by:256
Symbol 255 ShapeTweeningUsed by:256
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Symbol 257 BitmapUsed by:258 262
Symbol 258 GraphicUses:257Used by:Timeline
Symbol 259 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 260 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 261 ButtonUses:154 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 262 GraphicUses:257Used by:Timeline
Symbol 263 GraphicUsed by:264
Symbol 264 MovieClipUses:263Used by:Timeline
Symbol 265 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 266 BitmapUsed by:267
Symbol 267 GraphicUses:266Used by:Timeline
Symbol 268 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 269 BitmapUsed by:270
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Symbol 271 BitmapUsed by:272
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Symbol 273 BitmapUsed by:274
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Symbol 275 BitmapUsed by:276 281
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Symbol 277 BitmapUsed by:278
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Symbol 279 BitmapUsed by:280
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Symbol 281 GraphicUses:275Used by:Timeline
Symbol 282 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 283 BitmapUsed by:284 285
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Symbol 285 GraphicUses:283Used by:Timeline
Symbol 286 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 287 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 288 BitmapUsed by:289
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Symbol 290 BitmapUsed by:291
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Symbol 292 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 294 GraphicUsed by:298
Symbol 295 GraphicUsed by:298
Symbol 296 GraphicUsed by:298
Symbol 297 GraphicUsed by:298
Symbol 298 MovieClipUses:293 294 295 296 297Used by:Timeline
Symbol 299 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 300 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 301 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 302 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 303 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 304 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 305 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 306 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 307 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 308 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 309 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 310 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 311 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 312 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 313 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 314 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 315 MovieClipUses:302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314Used by:788 818 828 1114 1130 1139 1291 1311 1318 1475 1508 1517 1645 1651 1656  Timeline
Symbol 316 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 317 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 318 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 319 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 320 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 321 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 322 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 323 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 324 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 325 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 326 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 327 GraphicUsed by:788 828  Timeline
Symbol 328 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 329 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 330 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 331 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 332 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 333 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 334 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 335 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 336 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 337 ShapeTweeningUsed by:341
Symbol 338 GraphicUsed by:341 544 856 922 923 924 926 966  Timeline
Symbol 339 ShapeTweeningUsed by:341
Symbol 340 GraphicUsed by:341 544 856  Timeline
Symbol 341 MovieClipUses:337 338 339 340Used by:Timeline
Symbol 342 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 343 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 344 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 345 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 346 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 347 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 348 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 349 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 350 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 351 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 352 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 354 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 355 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 356 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 357 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 359 GraphicUsed by:360 361 462 463 479 741 742 748 749 776 778 852 853 1020 1021 1083 1084 1090 1146 1147 1251 1252 1259 1262 1275 1345 1346 1440 1441 1447 1448 1450 1451 1524 1525 1621 1622 1628 1629 1631 1632 1660 1661 1863 1864 1872 1873 1877 1886 1887 1897 1898 1908 1909 1918 1919 1981 2033
Symbol 360 ButtonUses:358 359 154 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 361 ButtonUses:358 359 154 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 362 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 363 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 364 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 365 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 366 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 367 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 368 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 369 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 370 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 371 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 372 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 374 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 1993 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 1994 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1995 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 1996 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1997 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 1998 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1999 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2000 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2001 GraphicUsed by:2002
Symbol 2002 MovieClipUses:2001Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2003 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2004 GraphicUsed by:2005
Symbol 2005 MovieClipUses:2004Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2006 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2007 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2008 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2009 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2010 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2011 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2012 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2013 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2014 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2015 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2016 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2017 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2018 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 2020 GraphicUsed by:2021
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Symbol 2026 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2027 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2028 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2029 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2030 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2031 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2032 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 2035 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2036 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2037 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2038 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2039 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2040 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2041 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2042 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 2044 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 2047 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2048 GraphicUsed by:2049
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Symbol 2051 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2052 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2053 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2054 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2055 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 2057 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2058 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2059 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2060 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2061 EditableTextUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2062 ButtonUses:145 148Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 2064 GraphicUsed by:2065
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Symbol 2066 GraphicUsed by:2067
Symbol 2067 MovieClipUses:2066Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2068 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2069 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2070 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2071 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Instance Names

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"clarkresponse"Frame 1640Symbol 1318 MovieClip
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"output"Frame 1642Symbol 1324 EditableText
"output"Frame 1643Symbol 1327 EditableText
"output"Frame 1671Symbol 1329 EditableText
"output"Frame 1672Symbol 1330 EditableText
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"outputdatecc"Frame 1713Symbol 1386 EditableText
"outputdatecc"Frame 1714Symbol 1391 EditableText
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"output"Frame 1789Symbol 1521 EditableText
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"outputdatezz"Frame 1822Symbol 1563 EditableText
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"output"Frame 1887Symbol 1610 EditableText
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"output"Frame 1889Symbol 1616 EditableText
"output"Frame 1890Symbol 1617 EditableText
"output"Frame 1891Symbol 1618 EditableText
"output"Frame 1892Symbol 1619 EditableText
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"jackresponse"Frame 1895Symbol 1656 MovieClip
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"output1"Frame 1896Symbol 1658 EditableText
"output2"Frame 1896Symbol 1659 EditableText
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"outputdateaa"Frame 1929Symbol 1697 EditableText
"outputdateaa"Frame 1930Symbol 1699 EditableText
"outputdateaa"Frame 1931Symbol 1702 EditableText
"outputdateaa"Frame 1961Symbol 1705 EditableText
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Special Tags

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"intro"Frame 103
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"war"Frame 187
"city"Frame 256
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"yeahright"Frame 362
"distance"Frame 363
"village"Frame 366
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"dot2"Frame 476
"comein"Frame 508
"coming"Frame 573
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"protect"Frame 761
"lewisleave"Frame 762
"lewisleave2"Frame 763
"zzz"Frame 831
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"goodmorning"Frame 885
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"castlemeetup"Frame 936
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"codypopcorngift"Frame 1632
"codycoffeegift"Frame 1633
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"codyplushgift"Frame 1635
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"danielserious2"Frame 1644
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"codydatepark"Frame 1680
"codyparkdate"Frame 1709
"codyparkdatetalk"Frame 1710
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"codygiftparkgood"Frame 1712
"codyparksomethingelse"Frame 1713
"codyparkkiss"Frame 1714
"codyparkdatekiss"Frame 1715
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"zanecinemakiss"Frame 1824
"zanecinemadatekiss"Frame 1825
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"acefriesgift"Frame 1885
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"acepopcorngift"Frame 1887
"acecoffeegift"Frame 1888
"acecdgift"Frame 1889
"aceplushgift"Frame 1890
"acebookgift"Frame 1891
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"acetalk"Frame 1893
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"acedate"Frame 1896
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"aceparkdatekiss"Frame 1932
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"ferrisend2"Frame 2938
"replay"Frame 3005

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Created: 21/2 -2019 14:55:24 Last modified: 21/2 -2019 14:55:24 Server time: 25/10 -2024 15:57:16