Archived flashes:
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This is the info page for
Flash #132613

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { function makepercent(n, min, max) { return Math.floor(((n - min) / (max - min)) * 100); } contextmenu = new ContextMenu(); contextmenu.hideBuiltInItems(); = contextmenu; var loadin = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (loadin) { var v2 = makepercent(_root.getBytesLoaded(), 0, _root.getBytesTotal()); _root.percent.text = v2 + '%'; if (v2 == 100) { loadin = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('load'); } } }; } frame 1 { this.stop(); } frame 2 { this.prevFrame(); } frame 10 { function tile_table(c, tl, tr, bl, br) { tl = (tl == c) ? 1 : 0; tr = (tr == c) ? 1 : 0; bl = (bl == c) ? 1 : 0; br = (br == c) ? 1 : 0; c = tl + tr + bl + br; if (c == 4) { return 'cx'; } else { if (c == 3) { if (tl && tr && bl) { return 'br'; } else { if (tl && tr && br) { return 'bl'; } else { if (tl && bl && br) { return 'tr'; } else { if (tr && bl && br) { return 'tl'; } } } } } else { if (c == 2) { if (tl && tr) { return 'b'; } else { if (tr && br) { return 'l'; } else { if (bl && br) { return 't'; } else { if (tl && bl) { return 'r'; } } } } if (bl && tr) { return 'fs'; } else { if (tl && br) { return 'bs'; } } } else { if (c == 1) { if (tl) { return 'btl'; } else { if (tr) { return 'btr'; } else { if (bl) { return 'bbl'; } else { if (br) { return 'bbr'; } } } } } else { if (c == 0) { return 'co'; } } } } } } function gstate_transition(sub) { switch (sub.gstate) { return sub.gstate; case 'walk': return 'stand'; case 'northdoor': return 'stand'; } return sub.gstate; } function nomovement_transition(sub) { switch (sub.gstate) { return 0; case 'walk': return 1; case 'northdoor': return 1; case 'stand': return 1; } return 0; } function gameinit_designed(lvl) { init_bgsnds(0); paths_state('bare'); init_player(31, 56); switch (lvl) { case 'design': var v2 = point2tile(_root.fg._xmouse, _root.fg._ymouse); performaction(world_text[186]); break; case 'start': performaction(world_text[1]); break; case 'demo': performaction(world_text[180]); break; case 'continue': world_state.checkpoint = fetchprogress(); performaction(world_text[world_state.checkpoint]); } } function init_bgsnds(txt) { txt = txt.split(','); if (txt[0] == 'dark') { world_map[0] = [{'desc': '', 'snd': ''}, {'desc': 'living', 'snd': 'room', 'dark': 1}, {'desc': 'hall', 'snd': 'hall', 'dark': 1}, {'desc': 'bath', 'snd': 'bath', 'dark': 1}, {'desc': 'melissa', 'snd': 'room', 'dark': 1}, {'desc': 'melissa2', 'snd': ''}]; world_map[1] = [{'desc': 'dining', 'snd': 'room', 'dark': 1}, {'desc': 'kitchen', 'snd': 'kitchen', 'dark': 1}, {'desc': 'entrance', 'snd': 'hall', 'dark': 1}, {'desc': 'laundry', 'snd': 'laundry', 'dark': 1}, {'desc': 'david', 'snd': 'room', 'dark': 1}, {'desc': '', 'snd': ''}]; } else { world_map[0] = [{'desc': '', 'snd': ''}, {'desc': 'living', 'snd': 'room', 'dark': 0}, {'desc': 'hall', 'snd': 'hall', 'dark': 0}, {'desc': 'bath', 'snd': 'bath', 'dark': 0}, {'desc': 'melissa', 'snd': 'room', 'dark': 0}, {'desc': 'melissa2', 'snd': ''}]; world_map[1] = [{'desc': 'dining', 'snd': 'room', 'dark': 0}, {'desc': 'kitchen', 'snd': 'kitchen', 'dark': 0}, {'desc': 'entrance', 'snd': 'hall', 'dark': 0}, {'desc': 'laundry', 'snd': 'laundry', 'dark': 0}, {'desc': 'david', 'snd': 'room', 'dark': 0}, {'desc': '', 'snd': ''}]; } var v1 = 1; while (v1 < txt.length) { var v4 = world_map[quickmapA[txt[v1]]][quickmapB[txt[v1]]]; var v2 = txt[v1 + 1]; if (isNaN(Number(v2))) { v4.snd = v2; } else { v4.dark = Number(v2); } v1 += 2; } cam(); } function changeworldtime() { var v1 = (world_state.mvar == 2) ? 6 : world_state.mvar; v1 = (v1 == 0) ? 7 : v1; v1 = (v1 == -2) ? 8 : v1; var v2 = (world_state.dvar == 2) ? 7 : world_state.dvar; v2 = (v2 == 0) ? 8 : v2; v2 = (v2 == -2) ? 9 : v2; world_state.worldtime = v1 < v2 ? v1 : v2; world_state.dvar = v2; world_state.mvar = v1; } function disableplayer(yn) { pcp.disablewarp = yn; } function paths_state(st) { world_state.toaster = 0; switch (st) { case 'bare': world_state.toaster = 1; create_player_paths(1, 0, paths_living_bare); create_player_paths(2, 0, paths_hall); create_player_paths(3, 0, paths_roomtohall_bare); create_player_paths(4, 0, paths_roomtohall_bare); create_player_paths(0, 1, paths_dining_bare); create_player_paths(1, 1, paths_kitchen_bare); create_player_paths(2, 1, paths_entrance); create_player_paths(3, 1, paths_laundry_bare); create_player_paths(4, 1, paths_roomtohall_bare); break; case 'full': world_state.toaster = 1; create_player_paths(1, 0, paths_living); create_player_paths(2, 0, paths_hall); create_player_paths(3, 0, paths_bath); create_player_paths(4, 0, paths_melissa); create_player_paths(0, 1, paths_dining); create_player_paths(1, 1, paths_kitchen); create_player_paths(2, 1, paths_entrance); create_player_paths(3, 1, paths_laundry); create_player_paths(4, 1, paths_david); break; case 'coke': create_player_paths(1, 1, paths_kitchen_coke); break; case 'sleep_kitchen': create_player_paths(1, 1, paths_kitchen_sleep); break; case 'sleep_living': create_player_paths(1, 0, paths_living_sleep); break; case 'sleep_david': create_player_paths(4, 1, paths_david_sleep); break; case 'sleep_melissa': create_player_paths(4, 0, paths_melissa_sleep); break; case 'unsleep_david': world_state.toaster = 1; create_player_paths(4, 1, paths_david); break; case 'unsleep_melissa': world_state.toaster = 1; create_player_paths(4, 0, paths_melissa); break; case 'pee_kitchen': create_player_paths(1, 1, paths_kitchen_pee); } } function output_faces() { emotes = []; for (var v6 in sub_numbers) { emotes[sub_numbers[v6]] = {}; } v6 = 0; while (v6 < world_text.length) { var v3 = world_text[v6]; if (v3 instanceof Array) { var v5 = 1; while (v5 < v3.length) { var v2 = v3[v5].split('::'); if (sub_numbers[v2[0]] == undefined) { } else { emotes[sub_numbers[v2[0]]][v2[1]] = 1; } ++v5; } } ++v6; } for (v6 in sub_numbers) { var v4 = v6 + ': '; var v1 = ''; for (v5 in emotes[sub_numbers[v6]]) { v1 += (v1 == '') ? v5 : ',' + v5; } v1 = v1.split(','); v1.sort(); v4 += v1.join(', '); trace(v4); } } function gameinit(lvl) { if (demoing) { lvl = 'start'; } if (design) { backup_tilesA = copyarr(world_tilesA); backup_tilesB = copyarr(world_tilesB); } backup_interactA = copyarr(world_interactA); backup_interactB = copyarr(world_interactB); bgaud.setVolume(100); timer = 0; backup_sprites = copyarr(world_sprites); backup_world_state = copyob(world_state); gamep = {'state': 'playing', 'timer': 0, 'fcount': 0, 'tcount': 0, 'fpt': 4, 'fps': 60, 'snd': ''}; gamep.tps = Math.round(gamep.fps / gamep.fpt); frameon('game'); _root.fg._xscale = tilep.zoom; _root.fg._yscale = tilep.zoom; _root.overlay.gotoAndStop('game'); _root.overlay.spc.gotoAndStop(3); world_state.hidetiles = 1; gameinit_designed(lvl); } function gameexit() { gamep.state = 'exiting'; if (design) { world_tilesA = copyarr(backup_tilesA); world_tilesB = copyarr(backup_tilesB); } world_interactA = copyarr(backup_interactA); world_interactB = copyarr(backup_interactB); world_sprites = copyarr(backup_sprites); world_state = copyob(backup_world_state); } function superexit() { frameon('menu'); } function simulation() { snd_fade(); switch (gamep.state) { case 'text': textcontrol(); break; case 'minigame': _root['minigame_' + gamep.minigame](); break; case 'cutscene': if ( == { finishcutscene(); snd_initfade('bgaud', 0, 1, 100); } break; case 'precutscene': if ( != break; finishcutscene(); snd_initfade('bgaud', 0, 1, 100); performaction(text_text); } if (gamep.state != 'playing') { return undefined; } ++gamep.timer; gamep.fcount = (gamep.fcount + 1 == gamep.fpt) ? 0 : gamep.fcount + 1; player(); if (gamep.fcount != 0) { return undefined; } ++gamep.tcount; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < ref_sprites.length) { var v2 = ref_sprites[v3]; var v4 = world_sprites[v2][0]; if (! { } else { v4.ganim = _root.fg.sorted['s' + v2]; npc(v2); if (gamep.state != 'playing') { return undefined; } } ++v3; } pcp.wtcheck = 0; } function npc(id) { var v2 = world_sprites[id][0]; var v11 = onscreen(v2.tx, v2.ty); if (v2.delay == 'c') { if (v11) { v2.delay = -1; if (v2.wt != -1) { var v14 = world_text[v2.wt]; performaction(v14); return undefined; } } else { return undefined; } } else { if (v2.delay > -1) { if (pcp.wtcheck && v2.wt != -1 && v11) { var v14 = world_text[v2.wt]; performaction(v14); v2.delay = -1; } else { --v2.delay; } return undefined; } } if (v2.wt != -1) { v2.wt = -1; } var v5 = world_sprites[id][v2.state]; if ( != undefined) { var v14 = world_text[]; ++v2.state; performaction(v14); return undefined; } if (v5.statejump) { if (v5.statejump == 2) { ++v2.state; v5 = world_sprites[id][v2.state]; } update_mainstate(v2, v5); movesprite(id); return undefined; } if ( && !v2.movn) { v14 ='.'); if ( == undefined || == -1) { = 0; } else {; } if ( == v14.length) { = -1; ++v2.state; return undefined; } v5.dir = undefined; v5.gdir = undefined; v5.gstate = undefined; var v3 = 0; var v4 = 0; do { if (v4) {; v4 = 0; } switch (v14[]) { case 'w': v2.delay = (v14[ + 1] == 'c') ? 'c' : Number(v14[ + 1]) * gamep.tps; += 1; break; case 'wt': if (Number(v14[ + 2]) == 0 || v11) { var v8 = world_text[Number(v14[ + 1])]; var v9 = performaction(v8); if (v9) { return undefined; } } else { v2.wt = Number(v14[ + 1]); v2.delay = (v14[ + 2] == 'c') ? 'c' : Number(v14[ + 2]) * gamep.tps; } += 2; v3 = 1; break; case 'cs': var v6 = tile_interact(id); if (v6 != -1) { var v10 = v6.l ? 'bx' + v6.tx + 'y' + v6.ty : 'ax' + v6.tx + 'y' + v6.ty; _root.fg.sorted[v10]; } v3 = 1; break; case 'as': var v9 = advancestates(v14[ + 1], id); if (v9) { return undefined; } += 1; v3 = 1; v4 = ( + 1 == v14.length) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'cw': change_world(v14[ + 1]); += 1; v3 = 1; break; case 'ne': v5.dir = 'ne'; break; case 'nw': v5.dir = 'nw'; break; case 'se': v5.dir = 'se'; break; case 'sw': v5.dir = 'sw'; break; case 'j': v2.tx = Number(v14[ + 1]); v2.ty = Number(v14[ + 2]); += 2; v3 = 1; v4 = ( + 1 == v14.length) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'snd': if (v11) { snd_play(v14[ + 1]); } += 1; v3 = 1; v4 = ( + 1 == v14.length) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'dark': changedark(v2.tx, v2.ty, Number(v14[ + 1])); += 1; v3 = 1; v4 = ( + 1 == v14.length) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'bgsnd': changebgsnd(v2.tx, v2.ty, v14[ + 1]); += 1; v3 = 1; v4 = ( + 1 == v14.length) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'locks': locks(v14[ + 1]); += 1; v3 = 1; v4 = ( + 1 == v14.length) ? 0 : 1; break; default: v2[v14[]] = v14[ + 1]; += 1; v3 = 1; v4 = ( + 1 == v14.length) ? 0 : 1; continue; } } while (v4); if (v3 && + 1 == v14.length) { = -1; ++v2.state; } if (v5.dir) { if (Number(v14[ + 1]) == 0) { v5.gdir = v5.dir; v5.gstate = 'stand'; v5.dir = undefined; += 1; } else { v2.movn = 1; var v13 = world_sprites[id][v2.state + 1]; var v16 = v14[ + 1]; if (v16 == 't') { v13.tx = Number(v14[ + 2]); v13.ty = Number(v14[ + 3]); v2.movdist = -1; += 3; } else { v13.tx = -1; v13.ty = -1; v2.movdist = Number(v16); += 1; } } } } if (v5.dir != undefined) { v13 = world_sprites[id][v2.state + 1]; if (v2.movn && v2.movdist != -1) { if (v2.movdist) { --v2.movdist; } else { v13.tx = v2.tx; v13.ty = v2.ty; } } var v12 = v5.dir; if (v5.gstate == undefined) { v2.gstate = 'walk'; } if (v5.gdir == undefined) { v2.gdir = v12; } update_gstate(id, v5); var v15 = 0; if (v2.ty == v13.ty && v2.tx == v13.tx) { v15 = 1; } if (v15) { if ( { v2.movn = 0; } else { ++v2.state; } v2.gstate = (v2.gstate == 'walk') ? 'stand' : v2.gstate; update_gstate(id, v13); movesprite(id); return undefined; } if (v12 == 'nw' || v12 == 'se') { var v17 = (v12 == 'nw') ? 'se' : 'nw'; } else { var v17 = (v12 == 'ne') ? 'sw' : 'ne'; } v14 = checktileto(v12, v17, id); if (v14 != 0 && v14.ret != 0) { preparespritemove(id, v5.spd, v14); if (v5.spd != undefined) { v2.spd = v5.spd; } } else { if (v2.movn && v2.movdist != -1) { ++v2.movdist; } } } else { update_gstate(id, v5); movesprite(id); } } function tile_interact(id) { var v1 = world_sprites[id][0]; var v2 = tile2point(v1.tx, v1.ty); v2.px += (v1.gdir == 'nw' || v1.gdir == 'sw') ? 0 : tilep.w; += (v1.gdir == 'nw' || v1.gdir == 'ne') ? -tilep.hh : tilep.halfh + tilep.hh; v2 = point2tile(v2.px,; if (tiledata[world_tilesB[v2.tx][v2.ty]].animt) { return {'tx': v2.tx, 'ty': v2.ty, 'l': 1}; } if (tiledata[world_tilesB[v1.tx][v1.ty]].animt) { return {'tx': v1.tx, 'ty': v1.ty, 'l': 1}; } if (tiledata[world_tilesA[v2.tx][v2.ty]].animt) { return {'tx': v2.tx, 'ty': v2.ty, 'l': 0}; } if (tiledata[world_interactA[v1.tx][v1.ty]].animt) { return {'tx': v1.tx, 'ty': v1.ty, 'l': 0}; } return -1; } function finishcutscene() { _root.overlay.gotoAndStop('game'); _root.overlay.spc.gotoAndStop(3); gamep.state = 'playing'; clicks.u = 0; clicks.d = 0; clicks.l = 0; clicks.r = 0; = 2; } function performaction(sub) { var v6 = typeof sub; if (sub instanceof Array) { if (sub[0].precut != undefined) { gamep.state = 'precutscene'; snd_initfade('bgaud', 0, 1, 0); _root.overlay.gotoAndStop(sub[0].precut); text_text = copyarr(sub); text_text[0].precut = undefined; return 1; } gamep.state = 'text'; _root.overlay.gotoAndStop('text'); var v9 = copyarr(sub); text_end = v9.shift(); text_text = copyarr(v9); text_on = 0; text_choice = sub[0].choice ? 1 : 0; updatetext(); clicks.u = 2; clicks.d = 2; clicks.l = 2; clicks.r = 2; = 2; return 1; } else { if (v6 == 'object') { var v3 = 0; if (sub.checkpoint) { var v5 = sub.cut; var v8 = sub.checkpoint; sub = world_text[world_state.checkpoint]; } if ( != undefined) { snd_play(; } if (sub.sprite != undefined) { if (sub.animate) { _root.fg.sorted['s' + sub.sprite]; } var v4 = world_sprites[sub.sprite][0]; if (sub.propname) { var v7 = sub['propval' + v4[sub.propname]]; var v10 = (v7 == undefined) ? sub.propval : v7; v4[sub.propname] = v10; } if (sub.propname2) { v4[sub.propname2] = sub.propval2; } movesprite(sub.sprite); } if (sub.locks) { locks(sub.locks); } if (sub.warps) { warps(sub.warps); } if (sub.changeworld) { if (v8 == 1) { _root.nextws = sub.changeworld; } else { change_world(sub.changeworld); v3 = 1; } } if (sub.nextws) { if (v8 == 1) { change_world(sub.nextws); v3 = 1; } else { _root.nextws = isNaN(sub.nextws) ? sub.nextws : 'state,' + sub.nextws; } } if (sub.sav) { saveprogress(sub.sav); } if (sub.func) { _root[sub.func](sub.funcpass); } if (sub.func2) { _root[sub.func2](sub.func2pass); } if (sub.func3) { _root[sub.func3](sub.func3pass); } if ( { advancestates(; } if (sub.cut || v5) { gamep.state = 'cutscene'; snd_initfade('bgaud', 0, 1, 0); var v9 = v5 ? v5 : sub.cut; _root.overlay.gotoAndStop(v9); return 1; } finishcutscene(); if (sub.nextext != undefined) { nextext(sub.nextext); } if (sub.choice != undefined) { v9 = sub.choice.split(','); var v11 = Number(v9[text_on]); performaction(world_text[v11]); } if (sub.minigame) { gamep.minigame = sub.minigame; _root['initminigame_' + gamep.minigame](); gamep.state = 'minigame'; return 1; } return v3; } else { if (v6 == 'string') { finishcutscene(); } else { if (v6 == 'number') { finishcutscene(); } } } } } function textcontrol(minigame) { var v2 = text_on; if ( == 1) { = 2; if (text_choice || text_on == text_text.length - 1) { clicks.u = 0; clicks.d = 0; clicks.l = 0; clicks.r = 0; if (minigame) { minigamep.texting = 0; _root.overlay.gotoAndStop('game'); _root.overlay.spc.gotoAndStop(3); } else { performaction(text_end); } return undefined; } } if (clicks.r == 1) { ++v2; clicks.r = 2; } if (clicks.l == 1) { --v2; clicks.l = 2; } if (v2 != text_on && v2 > -1 && v2 < text_text.length) { text_on = v2; updatetext(); } } function updatetext() { var v5 = (text_on == 0) ? 2 : 1; var v3 = text_on == text_text.length - 1; var v4 = v3 ? 2 : 1; _root.overlay.lft.gotoAndStop(v5); _root.overlay.rght.gotoAndStop(v4); if (text_choice) { _root.overlay.spc.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (v3) { _root.overlay.spc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.overlay.spc.gotoAndStop(2); } } var v2 = text_text[text_on].split('::'); _root.overlay.heads.gotoAndStop(v2[0]);[1]); _root.overlay.txt.text = v2[2]; } function update_gstate(id, dub) { var v2 = world_sprites[id][0]; if (dub.gchar) { v2.gchar = dub.gchar; } if (dub.gstate) { v2.gstate = dub.gstate; } if (dub.gdir) { v2.gdir = dub.gdir; } if (dub.forceinclude != undefined) { v2.forceinclude = dub.forceinclude; } if (dub.ignoreblocking != undefined) { v2.ignoreblocking = dub.ignoreblocking; } } function nextext(t) { if (!isNaN(t)) { performaction(world_text[t]); return undefined; } t = t.split('.'); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < t.length) { var v4 = world_state[t[v3]]; var v2 = t[v3 + 1].split(','); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.length) { if (v4 == Number(v2[v1])) { performaction(world_text[Number(v2[v1 + 1])]); return undefined; } v1 += 2; } v3 += 2; } } function change_world(t) { t = t.split(','); var v5 = 0; while (v5 < t.length) { if (t[v5 + 1] == '++') { ++world_state[t[v5]]; } else { if (t[v5 + 1] == '--') { --world_state[t[v5]]; } else { world_state[t[v5]] = Number(t[v5 + 1]); } } if (t[v5] == 'checkpoint') { saveprogress('0,' + world_state.checkpoint); } if (t[v5] == 'state') { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < world_sprites.length) { var v3 = world_sprites[v2][0]; v3.delay = -1; = -1; v3.movn = 0; var v1 = 1; while (v1 < world_sprites[v2].length) { var v4 = world_sprites[v2][v1]; if ( == world_state.state) { v3.state = v1; break; } else { if ( > world_state.state) { break; } } ++v1; } ++v2; } cam(); } v5 += 2; } createarea(); } function locks(t) { t = t.split(','); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < t.length) { var v4 = Number(t[v2 + 2]); var v6 = Number(t[v2]); if (!isNaN(v6)) { var v8 = Number(t[v2 + 1]); locks_locker(v6, v8, v4); } else { if (t[v2] == 'all') { for (var v5 in quickmapA) { locks(v5 + ',all,' + v4); } } else { var v5 = _root['quickmap_' + t[v2]]; if (t[v2 + 1] == 'all') { for (var v9 in v5) { var v7 = v5[v9].split(','); locks_locker(Number(v7[0]), Number(v7[1]), v4); } } else { var v7 = v5[t[v2 + 1]].split(','); locks_locker(Number(v7[0]), Number(v7[1]), v4); } } } v2 += 3; } } function locks_locker(tx, ty, tch) { if (world_interactA[tx][ty] == undefined) { world_interactA[tx][ty] = {}; } var v1 = world_interactA[tx][ty]; if (tch == -2) { tch = v1.touch; v1.touch = v1.touch2; v1.touch2 = tch; } else { v1.touch2 = v1.touch; v1.touch = tch; } } function warps(t) { t = t.split(','); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < t.length) { var v4 = Number(t[v1]); var v3 = Number(t[v1 + 1]); var v7 = Number(t[v1 + 2]); var v6 = Number(t[v1 + 3]); if (world_interactB[v4][v3] == undefined) { world_interactB[v4][v3] = {}; } var v5 = world_interactB[v4][v3]; v5.tx = v7; v5.ty = v6; v5.l = 1; v1 += 6; } } function advancestates(t, id) { var v12 = t.split('+++'); if (v12.length > 1) { var v13 = 0; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v12.length) { var v10 = advancestates(v12[v2], id); if (v10) { v13 = 1; } ++v2; } return v13; } var v20 = 1; v10 = t.split('+'); t = v10[0].split(','); var v1 = v10[1]; if (v1 != undefined) { v1 = v1.split(','); var v14 = (v1[0] == 'if') ? 1 : 0; var v7 = (v1[0] == 'is') ? 1 : 0; var v18 = (v1[1] == 'or') ? 1 : 0; var v19 = v14 + v7 + v18; v20 = (v14 || v7) ? 1 : 0; } var v16 = v10[2]; if (v16 != undefined) { v16 = v16.split(','); v20 = 0; } var v15 = v10[3]; if (v15 != undefined) { v15 = v15.split(','); var v17 = 1; } if (v14 || v7) { v10 = 0; var v11 = 0; v2 = v19; while (v2 < v1.length) { var v6 = v7 ? world_state[v1[v2]] : world_sprites[sub_numbers[v1[v2]]][0].state; var v9 = (v7 && isNaN(Number(v1[v2 + 1]))) ? world_state[v1[v2 + 1]] : Number(v1[v2 + 1]); if (v18 && v6 == v9) { v10 = 1; v11 = 1; break; } v10 += (v6 == v9) ? 1 : 0; ++v11; v2 += 2; } if (v17 && v11 == v10) { v17 = 0; } else { if (!v17 && v11 != v10) { return undefined; } } } v13 = 0; if (v20) { v2 = 0; while (v2 < t.length) { var v5 = sub_numbers[t[v2]]; var v3 = world_sprites[v5][0]; ++v3.state; = -1; v3.movn = 0; v3.delay = -1; if (id == v5) { v13 = 1; } ++v2; } return v13; } v2 = 0; while (v2 < t.length) { if (v17) { v9 = Number(v15[v2]); } else { if (v14 || v7) { v9 = Number(v16[v2]); } else { v9 = Number(v1[v2]); } } v5 = sub_numbers[t[v2]]; v3 = world_sprites[v5][0]; v3.state = v9; = -1; v3.movn = 0; v3.delay = -1; if (id == v5) { v13 = 1; } ++v2; } return v13; } function exportworld() { var v1 = ''; var v2 = new Date(); v1 += '//' + v2.getFullYear() + '/' + (v2.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + v2.getDate() + ' ' + v2.getHours() + ':' + v2.getMinutes(); v1 += '\n'; v1 += 'world_txtA = "' + exporttiles(world_tilesA) + '";'; v1 += '\n'; v1 += 'world_txtB = "' + exporttiles(world_tilesB) + '";'; v1 += '\n'; v1 += 'world_tilesA = importtiles(world_txtA);'; v1 += '\n'; v1 += 'world_tilesB = importtiles(world_txtB);'; trace(v1); } function exportvar(nam, val, multi) { var v3 = nam + ' = '; if (multi) { v3 += 'new Array();\r'; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < val.length) { v3 += nam + '[' + v1 + ']' + ' = ' + exportarray(val[v1]) + ';' + '\n'; ++v1; } return v3; } var v5 = typeof val; if (val instanceof Array) { v3 += exportarray(val); v3 += ';'; return v3; } if (v5 == 'object') { v3 += exportobject(val); v3 += ';'; return v3; } if (v5 == 'string') { v3 += '"' + val + '"'; v3 += ';'; return v3; } if (v5 == 'number') { v3 += val; } v3 += ';'; return v3; } function exportarray(arr, kill) { var v3 = '['; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < arr.length) { var v4 = typeof arr[v1]; if (arr[v1] == undefined) { v3 += kill ? '' : ',0'; } else { if (v1) { v3 += ', '; } if (arr[v1] instanceof Array) { v3 += exportarray(arr[v1]); } else { if (v4 == 'object') { v3 += exportobject(arr[v1]); } else { if (v4 == 'string') { v3 += '"' + arr[v1] + '"'; } else { if (v4 == 'number') { v3 += arr[v1]; } } } } } ++v1; } v3 += ']'; if (v3 == '[]') { v3 = '0'; } return v3; } function exportobject(obj) { var v2 = '{'; var v4 = 0; for (var v5 in obj) { if (v4) { v2 += ', '; } var v3 = typeof obj[v5]; if (obj[v5] == undefined) { v2 += v5 + ':' + 0; } else { if (v3 == 'string') { v2 += v5 + ':"' + obj[v5] + '"'; } else { if (v3 == 'number') { v2 += v5 + ':' + obj[v5]; } } } ++v4; } v2 += '}'; return v2; } function importarray(txt) { var v4 = new Array(); txt = txt.slice(1, -1); while (!false) { var v6 = txt.charAt(0); if (v6 == '[') { var v2 = 1; var v7 = 1; while (!false) { v7 = txt.indexOf(']', v7); v2 = txt.indexOf('[', v2); if (v2 == -1 || v2 > v7) { break; } ++v2; ++v7; } ++v7; var v8 = txt.slice(0, v7); v4.push(importarray(v8)); txt = txt.slice(v7); } else { if (v6 == '{') { var v7 = txt.indexOf('}') + 1; v4.push(importobject(txt.slice(0, v7))); txt = txt.slice(v7); } else { v4 = txt.split(', '); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4.length) { var v5 = Number(v4[v3]); if (!isNaN(v5)) { v4[v3] = v5; } ++v3; } } } if (txt.charAt(0) == ',') { txt = txt.slice(2); } else { return v4; } } } function importobject(txt) { var v5 = new Object(); txt = txt.slice(1, -1); var v4 = txt.split(', '); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.length) { var v1 = v4.split(':'); var v3 = (v1[1].charAt(0) == '"') ? v1[1].slice(1, -1) : Number(v1[v2]); v5[v1[0]] = v3; ++v2; } return v5; } function copyarr(arr) { var v4 = new Array(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < arr.length) { var v2 = arr[v1]; if (v2 instanceof Array) { var v5 = copyarr(arr[v1]); v4.push(v5); } else { if (typeof v2 == 'object') { var v5 = copyob(arr[v1]); v4.push(v5); } else { v4.push(v2); } } ++v1; } return v4; } function copyob(ob) { var v2 = new Object(); for (var v3 in ob) { v2[v3] = ob[v3]; } return v2; } function importtiles(txt) { txt = txt.split(','); var v6 = new Array(); var v5 = 0; var v2 = 0; v6[v5] = new Array(); var v4 = 0; while (v4 < txt.length) { if (txt[v4] == 'br') { ++v5; v6[v5] = new Array(); v2 = 0; } else { var v1 = txt[v4].split('x'); if (v1.length == 0) { } else { if (v1.length == 1) { v6[v5][v2] = Number(v1[0]); ++v2; } else { v1[0] = Number(v1[0]); v1[1] = Number(v1[1]); if (v1[0] == 0) { v2 += v1[1]; } else { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v1[1]) { v6[v5][v2] = v1[0]; ++v2; ++v3; } } } } } ++v4; } return v6; } function exporttiles(arr) { var v2 = ''; var v3 = 0; var v4 = 0; var v6 = 0; while (v6 < arr.length) { if (v6 != 0) { if (v3 != 0) { v2 += (v2.length == 0) ? '' : ','; v2 += v4 > 1 ? v3 + 'x' + v4 : v3; } v2 += (v2.length == 0) ? '' : ','; v2 += 'br'; v3 = 0; v4 = 0; } var v1 = 0; while (v1 < arr[v6].length) { if (arr[v6][v1] == undefined) { arr[v6][v1] = 0; } if (arr[v6][v1] == v3) { ++v4; } else { v2 += (v2.length == 0) ? '' : ','; v2 += v4 > 1 ? v3 + 'x' + v4 : v3; v3 = arr[v6][v1]; v4 = 1; } ++v1; } ++v6; } var v7 = v2.split(','); v6 = v7.length - 1; while (v6 > 0) { if (v7[v6] != 'br') { v7.splice(v6 + 1); v2 = v7.join(','); break; } --v6; } return v2; } function cam(xto, yto) { if (xto == undefined) { var v2 = tile2screen(pcp.tx, pcp.ty); xto =; yto =; pcp.xto =; pcp.yto =; } if (xto != -999) { _root.fg._x = -(xto * Stage.width); } if (yto != -999) { _root.fg._y = -(yto * Stage.height); } campointa = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}; _root.fg.globalToLocal(campointa); campointb = {'x': Stage.width, 'y': Stage.height}; _root.fg.globalToLocal(campointb); snd_ambience(xto, yto); overlay_effect(xto, yto); createarea(); } function onscreen(tx, ty) { var v1 = tile2screen(tx, ty); if ( == pcp.xto && == pcp.yto) { return 1; } return 0; } function overlay_effect(xto, yto) { var v2 = _root.fg.dark; if (design == 1) { v2.gotoAndStop(1); return undefined; } var v3 = world_map[yto][xto]; if (v3.dark) { v2._x = campointa.x; v2._y = campointa.y; v2.gotoAndStop(2); return undefined; } v2.gotoAndStop(1); } function changedark(tx, ty, dark) { var v1 = tile2screen(tx, ty); world_map[][].dark = dark; if ( == pcp.xto && == pcp.yto) { overlay_effect(,; } } function changebgsnd(tx, ty, snd) { if (design == 1) { return undefined; } var v1 = tile2screen(tx, ty); world_map[][].snd = snd; if ( == pcp.xto && == pcp.yto) { snd_ambience(,; } } function createarea() { var v8 = {'xMin': campointa.x - tlradius.l, 'xMax': campointb.x + tlradius.r, 'yMin': campointa.y - tlradius.u, 'yMax': campointb.y + tlradius.d}; tilearea = new Object(); var v9 = point2tile(v8.xMin, v8.yMin); tilearea.xMin = v9.tx; tilearea.yMin = v9.ty; v9 = point2tile(v8.xMax, v8.yMax); tilearea.xMax = v9.tx; tilearea.yMax = v9.ty; tilearea.line = tilearea.xMax - tilearea.xMin; tilearea.fulline = tilearea.line * 3; tilearea.layer = tilearea.fulline * (tilearea.yMax - tilearea.yMin + 2); _root.fg.gotoAndStop(3); _root.fg.gotoAndStop(1); var v3 = tilearea.xMin; while (v3 <= tilearea.xMax) { if (world_tilesA[v3] == undefined) { world_tilesA[v3] = new Array(); } if (world_tilesB[v3] == undefined) { world_tilesB[v3] = new Array(); } var v2 = tilearea.yMin; while (v2 <= tilearea.yMax) { if (world_tilesA[v3][v2] == undefined) { world_tilesA[v3][v2] = 0; } if (world_tilesB[v3][v2] == undefined) { world_tilesB[v3][v2] = 0; } var v6 = world_tilesA[v3][v2]; if (v6 != 0) { attachtile(v3, v2, v6, 0); } v6 = world_tilesB[v3][v2]; if (v6 != 0) { attachtile(v3, v2, v6, 1); } ++v2; } ++v3; } if (design == 1) { return undefined; } ref_sprites = new Array(); var v5 = 0; while (v5 < world_sprites.length) { var v4 = world_sprites[v5][0]; update_mainstate(v4, world_sprites[v5][v4.state]); if (v4.forceinclude) { } else { if (v4.tx < tilearea.xMin - 1 || v4.tx > tilearea.xMax + 1 || v4.ty < tilearea.yMin - 1 || v4.ty > tilearea.yMax + 1) { } else { ref_sprites.push(v5); var v7 = (v4.ganim == undefined) ? 1 : v4.ganim; attachsprite(v5, v7); } } ++v5; } } function update_mainstate(sub, dub) { if (dub.statejump || == world_state.state) { if (dub.spd != undefined) { sub.spd = dub.spd; } sub.tx = dub.tx; sub.ty = dub.ty; sub.l = dub.l; ++sub.state; } if (dub.forceinclude != undefined) { sub.forceinclude = dub.forceinclude; } if (dub.ignoreblocking != undefined) { sub.ignoreblocking = dub.ignoreblocking; } if (dub.gchar != undefined) { sub.gchar = dub.gchar; } if (dub.gstate != undefined) { sub.gstate = dub.gstate; } if (dub.gdir != undefined) { sub.gdir = dub.gdir; } sub.turnarrive = 0; = 1; } function attachtile(tx, ty, tl, l) { var v5 = l ? 'bx' + tx + 'y' + ty : 'ax' + tx + 'y' + ty; var v3 = tiledata[tl]; var v13 = v3.over ? 1 : 0; var v10 = get_depth(tx, ty, l, v13, 0); _root.fg.sorted.attachMovie('tiles', v5, v10); var v9 = tile2point(tx, ty); _root.fg.sorted[v5]._x = v9.px; _root.fg.sorted[v5]._y =; tl = (tl == 0) ? tiledata.length : tl; _root.fg.sorted[v5].gotoAndStop(tl); if (v3.checkerz) { _root.fg.sorted[v5].multi.gotoAndStop((tx + ty) % v3.checkerz + 1); } else { if (v3.checkerx && v3.checkery) { _root.fg.sorted[v5].multi.gotoAndStop(tx % v3.checkerx + 1 + (ty % v3.checkery) * v3.checkerx); } else { if (v3.checkerx) { _root.fg.sorted[v5].multi.gotoAndStop(tx % v3.checkerx + 1); } else { if (v3.checkery) { _root.fg.sorted[v5].multi.gotoAndStop(ty % v3.checkery + 1); } else { if (v3.table) { var v7 = ty % 2; var v11 = !v7 ? hastile(tx - 1, ty - 1, l) : hastile(tx, ty - 1, l); var v14 = !v7 ? hastile(tx, ty - 1, l) : hastile(tx + 1, ty - 1, l); var v12 = !v7 ? hastile(tx - 1, ty + 1, l) : hastile(tx, ty + 1, l); var v15 = !v7 ? hastile(tx, ty + 1, l) : hastile(tx + 1, ty + 1, l); _root.fg.sorted[v5].multi.gotoAndStop(tile_table(tl, v11, v14, v12, v15)); } } } } } } function hastile(tx, ty, l) { var v1 = l ? world_tilesB[tx][ty] : world_tilesA[tx][ty]; if (v1 > 0) { return v1; } return 0; } function settile(tx, ty, l, tl) { if (l) { var v6 = world_tilesB[tx][ty]; var v5 = 'bx' + tx + 'y' + ty; world_tilesB[tx][ty] = tl; } else { var v6 = world_tilesA[tx][ty]; var v5 = 'ax' + tx + 'y' + ty; world_tilesA[tx][ty] = tl; } if (v6 == 0 && _root.fg.sorted[v5] == undefined) { attachtile(tx, ty, tl, l); } else { tl = (tl == 0) ? tiledata.length : tl; _root.fg.sorted[v5].gotoAndStop(tl); } } function attachsprite(id, ganim) { var v2 = 's' + id; _root.fg.sorted.attachMovie('sprites', v2, _root.fg.sorted.getNextHighestDepth()); movesprite(id); _root.fg.sorted[v2]; } function movesprite(id) { sprite_depth(id); sprite_position(id); } function sprite_depth(id) { var v2 = world_sprites[id][0]; if (v2.tx < tilearea.xMin - 1 || v2.tx > tilearea.xMax + 1 || v2.ty < tilearea.yMin - 1 || v2.ty > tilearea.yMax + 1) { return undefined; } var v4 = 's' + id; var v3 = get_depth(v2.tx, v2.ty, v2.l, 0, 1); _root.fg.sorted[v4].swapDepths(v3); } function sprite_position(id) { var v2 = world_sprites[id][0]; var v4 = 's' + id; var v10 = v2.l ? world_tilesB[v2.tx][v2.ty] : world_tilesA[v2.tx][v2.ty]; var v3 = tiledata[v10]; var v5 = tile2point(v2.tx, v2.ty); var v8 = v5.px; v8 += v3.sitx ? v3.sitx : 0; var v7 =; v7 += v3.sity ? v3.sity : 0; _root.fg.sorted[v4]._x = v8; _root.fg.sorted[v4]._y = v7; var v6 = v2.gstate; var v9 = v2.gdir; if (v2.gstate == 'stand') { v6 = (v3.xstate != undefined) ? v3.xstate : v2.gstate; v9 = (v3.xdir != undefined) ? v3.xdir : v2.gdir; } _root.fg.sorted[v4].gotoAndStop(v2.gchar); _root.fg.sorted[v4].mc.gotoAndStop(v6); _root.fg.sorted[v4]; _root.fg.sorted[v4]; } function get_depth(tx, ty, l, o, s) { var v1 = 0; if (l) { v1 += tilearea.layer; } v1 += (ty - tilearea.yMin) * tilearea.fulline; v1 += tx - tilearea.xMin; if (s) { v1 += tilearea.line; } if (o) { v1 += tilearea.line * 2; } return v1; } function tile2tile(tx, ty, dir, dist) { var v4 = ty % 2; var v1 = v4 ? Math.ceil(dist / 2) : Math.floor(dist / 2); ty += (dir == 'se' || dir == 'sw') ? dist : -dist; if (!(dir == 'ne' || dir == 'se')) { tx += -v1; return {'tx': tx, 'ty': ty}; } tx += v1; return {'tx': tx, 'ty': ty}; } function tile2point(tx, ty) { var v4 = ty * tilep.halfh; var v1 = ty % 2; if (!v1) { var v5 = tx * tilep.w; return {'px': v5, 'py': v4}; } var v5 = tx * tilep.w + tilep.halfw; return {'px': v5, 'py': v4}; } function point2tile(px, py) { var v6 = Math.floor(py / tilep.halfh); var v2 = v6 % 2; px -= v2 ? tilep.halfw : 0; tx = Math.floor(px / tilep.w); px -= tx * tilep.w; py -= v6 * tilep.halfh; if (px < tilep.halfw) { var v5 = px / tilep.halfw; var v4 = py / tilep.halfh; if (v5 + v4 < 1) { if (v2) { return {'tx': tx, 'ty': v6 - 1}; } else { return {'tx': tx - 1, 'ty': v6 - 1}; } } return {'tx': tx, 'ty': v6}; } if (px > tilep.halfw) { px -= tilep.halfw; v5 = (tilep.halfw - px) / tilep.halfw; v4 = py / tilep.halfh; if (v5 + v4 < 1) { if (v2) { return {'tx': tx + 1, 'ty': v6 - 1}; return {'tx': tx, 'ty': v6}; } return {'tx': tx, 'ty': v6 - 1}; } } return {'tx': tx, 'ty': v6}; } function tile2screen(tx, ty) { var v1 = tile2point(tx, ty); var v2 = Math.floor(v1.px / tilep.stagew); var v3 = Math.floor( / tilep.stageh); return {'sx': v2, 'sy': v3}; } function render() { if (gamep.state != 'playing') { return undefined; } var v1 = 0; while (v1 < ref_sprites.length) { var v2 = ref_sprites[v1]; animatesprite(v2); ++v1; } } function animatesprite(id) { var v2 = world_sprites[id][0]; if (!v2.turnarrive) { return undefined; } var v3 = 's' + id; _root.fg.sorted[v3]._x += v2.moveratex; _root.fg.sorted[v3]._y += v2.moveratey; if (v2.turnarrive == -25) { if (_root.fg.sorted[v3] == _root.fg.sorted[v3] { v2.turnarrive = 0; = 1; } } else { if (v2.turnarrive <= gamep.tcount) { v2.turnarrive = 0; = 1; } } } function checktileto(dir, opdir, id) { var v2 = world_sprites[id][0]; var v25 = v2.l ? world_tilesB[v2.tx][v2.ty] : world_tilesA[v2.tx][v2.ty]; var v8 = tiledata[v25]; var v9 = v2.l; var v14 = 0; if (!v2.l && v8['layer' + dir]) { v9 = 1; v14 = 1; } var v15 = v2.ty % 2; var v13 = v8['exit' + dir] ? v8['exit' + dir] : 0; var v12 = dir; if (v13 != 0) { switch (dir) { case 'nw': v12 = (v13 == 1) ? 'north' : 'west'; break; case 'ne': v12 = (v13 == -1) ? 'north' : 'east'; break; case 'sw': v12 = (v13 == 1) ? 'south' : 'west'; break; case 'se': v12 = (v13 == -1) ? 'south' : 'east'; } } var v22 = v2.tx; var v21 = v2.ty; switch (v12) { case 'nw': --v21; v22 -= v15 ? 0 : 1; break; case 'ne': --v21; v22 += v15 ? 1 : 0; break; case 'sw': ++v21; v22 -= v15 ? 0 : 1; break; case 'se': ++v21; v22 += v15 ? 1 : 0; break; case 'north': v21 -= 2; break; case 'south': v21 += 2; break; case 'west': --v22; break; case 'east': ++v22; } var v23 = world_tilesA[v22][v21]; var v7 = tiledata[v23]; if (v9) { if (v7['layer' + opdir]) { v9 = 0; v14 = 1; } else { v23 = world_tilesB[v22][v21]; v7 = tiledata[v23]; } } if (v2.ignoreblocking) { v14 = 1; } if (!v14) { var v17 = world_state[v7.blockstate]; if (v7.blockx || v17 || v23 == undefined || v23 == 0) { if (v17 && id != 0) { } else { return 0; } } switch (dir) { case 'nw': if (v8.blocknw || v7.blockse || v7.trapse) { return 0; } break; case 'ne': if (v8.blockne || v7.blocksw || v7.trapsw) { return 0; } break; case 'sw': if (v8.blocksw || v7.blockne || v7.trapne) { return 0; } break; case 'se': if (v8.blockse || v7.blocknw || v7.trapnw) { return 0; } } } var v5 = 0; while (v5 < ref_sprites.length) { var v3 = ref_sprites[v5]; if (v3 == id) { } else { var v4 = world_sprites[v3][0]; if (v9 == v4.l && v4.tx == v22 && v4.ty == v21) { return {'id': v3, 'ret': 0}; } } ++v5; } var v24 = v9 ? world_interactB[v22][v21] : world_interactA[v22][v21]; if (v8['anim' + dir]) { var v18 = v2.l ? 'bx' + v2.tx + 'y' + v2.ty : 'ax' + v2.tx + 'y' + v2.ty; var v19 = (v8.animout == undefined) ? 2 : v8.animout; _root.fg.sorted[v18].mc.gotoAndPlay(v19); } if (v7['anim' + opdir]) { v18 = v9 ? 'bx' + v22 + 'y' + v21 : 'ax' + v22 + 'y' + v21; v19 = (v8.animin == undefined) ? 2 : v8.animin; _root.fg.sorted[v18].mc.gotoAndPlay(v19); } if (v8['gstate' + dir]) { v2.gstate = v8['gstate' + dir]; } else { if (v7['gstate' + opdir]) { v2.gstate = v7['gstate' + opdir]; } else { if (v7['gstate' + opdir + 'nx']) { v2.gstate = 'enter' + v7['gstate' + opdir + 'nx']; } else { if (v8['gstate' + dir + 'nx']) { v2.gstate = 'exit' + v8['gstate' + dir + 'nx']; } } } } if (v2.l != v9) { if (v9) { sprite_position(id); v2.l = 1; sprite_depth(id); } else { movesprite(id); v2.l = 0; } return {'tx': v22, 'ty': v21, 'tlon': v25, 'tlto': v23}; } if (v7.under || v8.under) { if (v21 > v2.ty) { sprite_position(id); var v20 = v2.ty; v2.ty = v21; sprite_depth(id); v2.ty = v20; } else { movesprite(id); } return {'tx': v22, 'ty': v21, 'tlon': v25, 'tlto': v23}; } if (v21 < v2.ty) { sprite_position(id); var v20 = v2.ty; v2.ty = v21; sprite_depth(id); v2.ty = v20; return {'tx': v22, 'ty': v21, 'tlon': v25, 'tlto': v23}; } movesprite(id); return {'tx': v22, 'ty': v21, 'tlon': v25, 'tlto': v23}; } function preparespritemove(id, spd, obj) { var v2 = world_sprites[id][0]; var v4 = tiledata[obj.tlon]; var v7 = tiledata[obj.tlto]; var v6 = nomovement_transition(v2); var v11 = tile2point(v2.tx, v2.ty); var v10 = v11.px; var v19 = v4.sitx ? v10 + v4.sitx : v10; var v8 =; var v18 = v4.sity ? v8 + v4.sity : v8; v11 = tile2point(obj.tx, obj.ty); var v14 = v6 ? v10 : v11.px; v14 += v7.sitx ? v7.sitx : 0; var v13 = v6 ? v8 :; v13 += v7.sity ? v7.sity : 0; var v16 = v14 - v19; var v15 = v13 - v18; if (spd == undefined) { if (v4.spd != undefined) { spd = v4.spd; } else { spd = v2.spd; } } var v17 = 's' + id; var v12 = v6 ? _root.fg.sorted[v17] : gamep_spd[spd] * gamep.fpt + 2; v2.moveratey = (v15 == 0) ? 0 : v15 / v12; v2.moveratex = (v16 == 0) ? 0 : v16 / v12; v2.turnarrive = v6 ? -25 : gamep.tcount + gamep_spd[spd]; = 0; v2.gstate = gstate_transition(v2); var v5 = v2.l ? world_interactB[obj.tx][obj.ty] : world_interactA[obj.tx][obj.ty]; if (v5.l != undefined) { v2.l = v5.l; v2.tx = v5.tx; v2.ty = v5.ty; if (v5.func != undefined) { _root[v5.func](v2); } return undefined; } v2.tx = obj.tx; v2.ty = obj.ty; } function ctrlen() { if (design == 1) { control_length = inputs.length; } else { if (design == 2) { control_length = 9; } else { control_length = 6; } } } function controls() { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < control_length) { var v1 = inputs[v2]; var v3 = Key.isDown(v1.kcode) || Key.isDown(v1.kcode2); if (v3 && !clicks[v1.tag]) { clicks[v1.tag] = 1; } else { if (!v3 && clicks[v1.tag] == 2) { clicks[v1.tag] = 0; } } ++v2; } } function switch_keyboard(a) { switch (a) { case 'qwerty': inputs[0].kcode = 74; inputs[0].kcode2 = 65; inputs[1].kcode = 76; inputs[1].kcode2 = 68; inputs[2].kcode = 73; inputs[2].kcode2 = 87; inputs[3].kcode = 75; inputs[3].kcode2 = 83; keyboard_type = 1; return undefined; case 'azerty': inputs[0].kcode = 74; inputs[0].kcode2 = 81; inputs[1].kcode = 76; inputs[1].kcode2 = 68; inputs[2].kcode = 73; inputs[2].kcode2 = 90; inputs[3].kcode = 75; inputs[3].kcode2 = 83; keyboard_type = 2; return undefined; case 'dvorak': inputs[0].kcode = 84; inputs[0].kcode2 = 65; inputs[1].kcode = 69; inputs[1].kcode2 = 83; inputs[2].kcode = 82; inputs[2].kcode2 = 188; inputs[3].kcode = 78; inputs[3].kcode2 = 79; keyboard_type = 3; return undefined; case 'fallback': inputs[0].kcode = 100; inputs[0].kcode2 = 37; inputs[1].kcode = 102; inputs[1].kcode2 = 39; inputs[2].kcode = 104; inputs[2].kcode2 = 38; inputs[3].kcode = 101; inputs[3].kcode2 = 40; keyboard_type = 4; return undefined; } } function snd_play(snd, loop) { var v2 = 'aud_' + snd; if (_root[v2] == undefined) { _root.attachMovie('empty', 'mc' + v2, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root[v2] = new Sound(_root['mc' + v2]); } sndsplaying[snd] = 1; _root[v2].attachSound(snd + '.wav'); if (loop) { _root[v2].start(0, 9999); } else { _root[v2].start(); } } function stopsounds() { for (var v1 in sndsplaying) { if (sndsplaying[v1]) { snd_stop(v1); } } } function snd_stop(snd) { var v2 = 'aud_' + snd; _root[v2].stop(); sndsplaying[snd] = 0; } function snd_ambience(xto, yto) { var v1 = world_map[yto][xto]; if (v1.snd == gamep.snd) { return undefined; } gamep.snd = v1.snd; bgaud.stop(); bgaud.attachSound(v1.snd + '.wav'); var v2 = (getTimer() % bgaud.duration) / 1000; bgaud.start(v2); } function snd_initfade(sndname, ease, len, vol, kill) { var v2 = fadep.length; fadep[v2] = new Object(); fadep[v2].snd = sndname; fadep[v2].ease = ease / 100; fadep[v2].timers = timer; fadep[v2].timere = timer + len * gamep.fps; fadep[v2].vols = _root[sndname].getVolume(); fadep[v2].vole = vol; fadep[v2].kill = kill ? 1 : 0; } function snd_fade() { if (fadep.length == 0) { return undefined; } var v4 = new Array(); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < fadep.length) { var v6 = fadep[v2]; var v5 = makepercent(timer, v6.timers, v6.timere); var v3 = demakepercent(v5, v6.vols, v6.vole); _root[v6.snd].setVolume(v3); if (v3 == v6.vole) { if (v6.kill) { _root[v6.snd].stop(); } } else { v4.push(v2); } ++v2; } if (v4.length == 0) { fadep = [0]; return undefined; } if (v4.length < fadep.length) { v6 = new Array(); v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.length) { v6[v2] = copyob(fadep[v4[v2]]); ++v2; } fadep = copyarr(v6); } } function makepercent(n, min, max) { return Math.floor(((n - min) / (max - min)) * 100); } function demakepercent(p, min, max) { var v1 = (p / 100) * Math.abs(max - min); if (min >= max) { v1 = min - v1; return v1; } v1 += min; return v1; } function designinit() { clicks.spinner = 0; clicks.leftclick = 2; frameon('game'); _root.fg._xscale = tilep.zoom; _root.fg._yscale = tilep.zoom; _root.overlay.gotoAndStop('designer'); _root.overlay.l.text = designp.l; cam(designp.camx, designp.camy); } function designloop() { var v7 = point2tile(_root.fg._xmouse, _root.fg._ymouse); var v4 = v7.tx; var v3 = v7.ty; var v2 = hastile(v4, v3, designp.l); _root.overlay.t.text = 'x' + v4 + '_y' + v3 + '_tl' + v2; if (clicks.left == 1 || clicks.right == 1 || clicks.up == 1 || clicks.down == 1) { var v6 = designp.camx; v6 -= clicks.left ? 1 : 0; v6 += clicks.right ? 1 : 0; var v5 = designp.camy; v5 -= clicks.up ? 1 : 0; v5 += clicks.down ? 1 : 0; cam(v6, v5); designp.camx = v6; designp.camy = v5; clicks.left = 2; clicks.right = 2; clicks.up = 2; clicks.down = 2; } if ( == 1) { copyscreen(); = 2; } else { if (clicks.two == 1) { pastescreen(); clicks.two = 2; } } if ( == 1) { designp.l = designp.l ? 0 : 1; _root.overlay.l.text = designp.l; = 2; } if (clicks.spinner != 0) { v2 += clicks.spinner; v2 = (v2 == tiledata.length) ? 0 : v2; v2 = (v2 == -1) ? tiledata.length - 1 : v2; settile(v4, v3, designp.l, v2); clicks.spinner = 0; } if (clicks.middleclick) { if (clicks.middleclick == 1) { designp.copypasta = hastile(v4, v3, designp.l); clicks.middleclick = 2; } else { settile(v4, v3, designp.l, designp.copypasta); } } if (clicks.playtest == 1) { clicks.playtest = 2; design = 2; ctrlen(); gameinit('design'); } } function testloop() { if (clicks.playtest == 1) { clicks.playtest = 2; design = 1; ctrlen(); gameexit(); designinit(); _root.fg.pc.removeMovieClip(); return undefined; } if (clicks.test == 1) { clicks.test = 2; } } function copyscreen() { var v6 = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}; _root.fg.globalToLocal(v6); v6 = point2tile(v6.x, v6.y); var v7 = {'x': Stage.width, 'y': Stage.height}; _root.fg.globalToLocal(v7); v7 = point2tile(v7.x, v7.y); screen_tilesA = new Array(); screen_tilesB = new Array(); var v4 = v6.tx; while (v4 <= v7.tx) { var v3 = v4 - v6.tx; if (screen_tilesA[v3] == undefined) { screen_tilesA[v3] = new Array(); } if (screen_tilesB[v3] == undefined) { screen_tilesB[v3] = new Array(); } var v2 = v6.ty; while (v2 <= v7.ty) { var v5 = v2 - v6.ty; screen_tilesA[v3][v5] = world_tilesA[v4][v2]; screen_tilesB[v3][v5] = world_tilesB[v4][v2]; ++v2; } ++v4; } } function pastescreen() { var v5 = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}; _root.fg.globalToLocal(v5); v5 = point2tile(v5.x, v5.y); var v7 = {'x': Stage.width, 'y': Stage.height}; _root.fg.globalToLocal(v7); v7 = point2tile(v7.x, v7.y); var v3 = v5.tx; while (v3 <= v7.tx) { var v6 = v3 - v5.tx; var v2 = v5.ty; while (v2 <= v7.ty) { var v4 = v2 - v5.ty; world_tilesA[v3][v2] = screen_tilesA[v6][v4]; world_tilesB[v3][v2] = screen_tilesB[v6][v4]; ++v2; } ++v3; } createarea(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (gamep.state != 'paused') { ++timer; } controls(); if (framein == 'game') { if (design == 1) { designloop(); } else { if (design == 2) { testloop(); render(); simulation(); } else { render(); simulation(); } } } } function frameon(goto) { framein = goto; _root.gotoAndStop(goto); } function designing(b) { if (b == 0) { design = 0; frameon('menu'); } else { design = 1; frameon('designer'); } ctrlen(); } function finishgame(a) { gameexit(); if (demoing) { frameon('demoend'); } else { frameon('menu'); } } function init_saves(d) { var v2 = _root._url.split(':'); demoing = (v2[0] == 'http' || d) ? 1 : 0; world_state.demoing = demoing; defaultstate += 'demoing,' + demoing + ','; mainmen = !demoing ? 'full' : 'demo'; mainmen += (fetchprogress() == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'; } function saveprogress(t) { t = t.split(','); var v3 = prog.split(','); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < t.length) { v3[Number(t[v1])] = t[v1 + 1]; v1 += 2; } prog = v3.join(','); = prog; sav.flush(); } function fetchprogress() { var v1 = prog.split(','); return Number(v1[0]); } function initminigame_pee() { minigamep = {'texting': 0, 'canmove': 0, 'section': 0, 'min': 20, 'max': 796, 'spd': 0, 'maxspd': 10, 'accl': 1.5, 'hitting': 0, 'hits': 0, 'goal': 300, 'w': 60, 'wh': 90, 'streamspd': 0, 'streamdir': 1, 'streamaccl': 0.75, 'streamburst': 20}; _root.miniclip.gotoAndStop('pee');'intro'); snd_initfade('bgaud', 0, 1, 0); snd_play('pee', 1); } function minigame_pee() { if (minigamep.texting) { textcontrol(1); return undefined; } else { if (!minigamep.canmove) { return undefined; } } switch (minigamep.section) { case 0:'side');;;; ++minigamep.section; break; case 1: minigame_peeside(); break; case 2:'interlude'); minigamep.canmove = 0; ++minigamep.section; break; case 3:'front');;; minigamep.maxspd = 15; minigamep.hitting = 0; minigamep.hits = 0; minigamep.goal = 1000; ++minigamep.section; break; case 4: minigame_peefront(); break; case 5: performaction([{'func': 'end_minigame', 'funcpass': 'pee'}, 'hikki::laugh::AHAHAHA.', 'hikki::laugh::What a stupid thing to make a minigame.', 'hikki::laugh::Oh lord.']); } } function minigame_peefront() { var v2 = 0; if (clicks.ul || clicks.dl) { clicks.ul = 2; clicks.dl = 2; v2 = -1; } else { if (clicks.ur || clicks.dr) { clicks.ur = 2; clicks.dr = 2; v2 = 1; } } if (v2 == 0 || v2 * minigamep.spd < 0) { minigamep.spd = 0; } else { if (minigamep.spd == 0) { minigamep.spd = v2; } else { var v11 = minigamep.maxspd * v2; var v8 = minigamep.spd * minigamep.accl; minigamep.spd = minigamep.maxspd < Math.abs(v8) ? v11 : v8; } } var v5 = + minigamep.spd; if (v5 < minigamep.min) { minigamep.spd = 0; = minigamep.min; } else { if (v5 > minigamep.max) { minigamep.spd = 0; = minigamep.max; } else { = v5; } } if (minigamep.streamspd == 0) { minigamep.streamspd = random(minigamep.streamburst); } var v4 = + minigamep.streamspd * minigamep.streamdir; if (v4 < minigamep.min) { minigamep.streamdir = 1; = minigamep.min; } else { if (v4 > minigamep.max) { minigamep.streamdir = -1; = minigamep.max; } else { = v4; if (random(20) == 11) { minigamep.streamdir *= -1; } } } minigamep.streamspd = Math.floor(minigamep.streamspd * minigamep.streamaccl); var v6 = - minigamep.wh; var v9 = v6 + minigamep.w; var v7 = v9 + minigamep.w; var v10 = v7 + minigamep.w; v2 =; if (v2 > v6 && v2 < v10) { if (v2 < v9) { if (minigamep.hitting != 3) { minigamep.hitting = 3;; } } else { if (v2 > v7) { if (minigamep.hitting != 2) { minigamep.hitting = 2;; } } else { ++minigamep.hits; var v3 = Math.ceil((minigamep.hits / minigamep.goal) * 100);; if (minigamep.hits >= minigamep.goal) { ++minigamep.section; } else { if (v3 > 70) { ++minigamep.hits; minigamep.streamburst = 90; } else { if (v3 > 40) { minigamep.hits += 3; minigamep.streamburst = 50; } } } if (minigamep.hitting != 0) { minigamep.hitting = 0;; } } } } else { if (minigamep.hitting != 0) { minigamep.hitting = 0;; } } } function minigame_peeside() { var v3 = 0; if (clicks.ul || clicks.dl) { clicks.ul = 2; clicks.dl = 2; v3 = -1; } else { if (clicks.ur || clicks.dr) { clicks.ur = 2; clicks.dr = 2; v3 = 1; } } if (v3 == 0 || v3 * minigamep.spd < 0) { minigamep.spd = 0; } else { if (minigamep.spd == 0) { minigamep.spd = v3; } else { var v6 = minigamep.maxspd * v3; var v5 = minigamep.spd * minigamep.accl; minigamep.spd = minigamep.maxspd < Math.abs(v5) ? v6 : v5; } } var v4 = + minigamep.spd; if (v4 < minigamep.min) { minigamep.spd = 0; = minigamep.min; } else { if (v4 > minigamep.max) { minigamep.spd = 0; = minigamep.max; } else { = v4; } } v3 =,, true); if (!minigamep.hitting && v3) {; minigamep.hitting = 1; minigamep.hitsmooth = 20; } else { if (minigamep.hitting && !v3) { if (minigamep.hitsmooth) { --minigamep.hitsmooth; } else {; minigamep.hitting = 0; } } } if (v3) { ++minigamep.hits; var v2 = Math.ceil((minigamep.hits / minigamep.goal) * 100);; if (minigamep.hits >= minigamep.goal) { ++minigamep.section; } else { if (v2 >= 60) {; } else { if (v2 >= 30) {; } } } } } function minigame_peeanim(anim) { if (anim !== 'toend') { } else { minigamep.canmove = 1; } } function initminigame_hands() { snd_initfade('bgaud', 0, 1, 0); snd_play('blood', 1); minigamep = {'texting': 0, 'canmove': 1, 'frames': 0, 'pace': 34, 'update': 0, 'back': 1, 'north': 1, 'action': -1, 'turning': 0, 'turnt': 0, 'miss': 0, 'section': 0, 'small': 0, 'big': 0, 'flip1': 0, 'flip2': 0, 'flipseq': 0, 'sequence': 0}; hands_sequence_small = new Array(); hands_sequence_big = new Array(); var v5 = 0; while (v5 < 4) { var v4 = random(5); hands_sequence_small[v5] = new Array(); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 4) { hands_sequence_small[v5].push(v4); var v2 = random(5); if (v2 == v4) { v2 = random(5); } v4 = v2; ++v3; } hands_sequence_big[v5] = new Array(); v3 = 0; while (v3 < 5) { hands_sequence_big[v5].push(v4); v2 = random(5); if (v2 == v4) { v2 = random(5); } v4 = v2; ++v3; } ++v5; } hands_fliponce = new Array(); v5 = 0; while (v5 < 5) { hands_fliponce[v5] = random(3) + 1; ++v5; } hands_fliptwice = new Array(); v5 = 0; while (v5 < 3) { v4 = random(3) + 1; hands_fliptwice[v5] = [v4, random(4 - v4) + v4 + 1]; ++v5; } _root.miniclip.gotoAndStop('hands'); _root.miniclip.repeat.gotoAndStop(2); } function minigame_hands() { if (minigamep.texting) { textcontrol(1); return undefined; } else { if (!minigamep.canmove) { return undefined; } } if (minigamep.update == 2) {; _root.miniclip.repeat.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (minigamep.update == 1) { minigamep.update = 0; if (minigamep.turning) { if (minigamep.back) { _root.miniclip.simon.gotoAndStop('ftob'); } else { _root.miniclip.simon.gotoAndStop('btof'); } minigamep.turning = 0; minigamep.canmove = 0; return undefined; } else { var v2 = minigamep.back ? 'b' : 'f'; v2 += minigamep.north ? 'n' : 's'; switch (minigamep.action) { case -1: break; case 0: v2 += 'w'; break; case 1: v2 += 'e'; break; case 2: v2 += 'sp'; } _root.miniclip.simon.gotoAndStop(v2); } } } switch (minigamep.section) { case 0: minigame_textprep(['hand::::Watch as I do then do as I did.']); ++minigamep.section; return undefined; case 1: minigame_handsactions(0, 0); return undefined; case 2: minigame_handsrepeat(0); return undefined; case 3: minigamep.update = 2;'success'); minigame_textprep(['hand::::Ok, you\'ve got the basics down.', 'hand::::Now comes the hard stuff.']); ++minigamep.section; return undefined; case 4: minigame_handsactions(0, 1); return undefined; case 5: minigame_handsrepeat(0); return undefined; case 6: minigamep.update = 2;'success'); minigame_textprep(['hand::::Confusing isn\'t it?', 'hand::::Let\'s step it up.']); ++minigamep.section; return undefined; case 7: minigame_handsactions(1, 1); return undefined; case 8: minigame_handsrepeat(1); return undefined; case 9: minigamep.update = 2;'success'); minigame_textprep(['hand::::I\'m impressed.', 'hand::::This will be the last one.']); ++minigamep.section; return undefined; case 10: minigame_handsactions(1, 2); return undefined; case 11: minigame_handsrepeat(1); return undefined; case 12:'success');; _root.miniclip.simon.gotoAndStop('blank'); ++minigamep.section; minigamep.canmove = 0; return undefined; case 13: performaction([{'func': 'end_minigame', 'funcpass': 'hands', 'func2': 'locks', 'func2pass': mwell_fill}, 'hikki::bloody::']); return undefined; } } function minigame_handsrepeat(seq) { var v2 = -1; if (clicks.ul == 1) { clicks.ul = 2; v2 = 0; _root.snd_play('westminster_B'); } else { if (clicks.ur == 1) { clicks.ur = 2; v2 = 1; _root.snd_play('westminster_E'); } else { if (clicks.dl == 1) { clicks.dl = 2; v2 = 2; _root.snd_play('westminster_Gs'); } else { if (clicks.dr == 1) { clicks.dr = 2; v2 = 3; _root.snd_play('westminster_Fs'); } else { if ( == 1) { = 2; v2 = 4; _root.snd_play('westminster_combo'); } } } } } if (v2 != -1) { var v4 = seq ? hands_sequence_big[minigamep.big][minigamep.sequence] : hands_sequence_small[minigamep.small][minigamep.sequence]; if (v2 == v4) { ++minigamep.sequence; var v5 = seq ? hands_sequence_big[minigamep.big].length : hands_sequence_small[minigamep.small].length; if (minigamep.sequence == v5) { minigamep.sequence = 0; ++minigamep.section; if (seq) { ++minigamep.big; } else { ++minigamep.small; } } } else { ++minigamep.miss; if (minigamep.miss == 3) {; snd_stop('blood'); performaction([{'func': 'end_minigame'}, 'hand::::Ok, now I said I wanted to know what you thought of the game BUT...', 'hand::::As it stands you\'re quite pathetic at this game and WELL...', 'hand::::I can\'t really take criticism... from someone as pathetic as you SO...', 'hand::::I ask that you try again and succeed before offering your opinion on this game\'s quality.']); } else { if (seq) { ++minigamep.big; } else { ++minigamep.small; } minigamep.sequence = 0; --minigamep.section; minigamep.update = 2; + 1);'fail'); switch (random(5)) { case 0: minigame_textprep(['hand::::No see, that\'s wrong.', 'hand::::Let\'s try again.']); break; case 1: minigame_textprep(['hand::::Rookie mistake.', 'hand::::Let\'s try again.']); break; case 2: minigame_textprep(['hand::::Are you even paying attention?', 'hand::::Let\'s try again.']); break; case 3: minigame_textprep(['hand::::I don\'t even get how you thought that was correct.', 'hand::::Let\'s try again.']); break; case 4: minigame_textprep(['hand::::Don\'t do that again as we do this again.']); } } } } } function minigame_handsactions(seq, flp) { ++minigamep.frames; if (minigamep.frames == minigamep.pace) { minigamep.frames = 0; } else { return undefined; } minigamep.update = 1; if (minigamep.action != -1) { minigamep.action = -1; return undefined; } if (!minigamep.turnt) { if (flp == 1) { var v2 = hands_fliponce[minigamep.flip1]; } else { if (flp == 2) { var v2 = hands_fliptwice[minigamep.flip2][minigamep.flipseq]; } } if (v2 == minigamep.sequence) { if (!minigamep.north) { minigamep.north = 1; return undefined; } ++minigamep.flipseq; minigamep.turning = 1; minigamep.back = minigamep.back ? 0 : 1; minigamep.turnt = 1; return undefined; } } v2 = seq ? hands_sequence_big[minigamep.big][minigamep.sequence] : hands_sequence_small[minigamep.small][minigamep.sequence]; if (v2 == undefined) { if (minigamep.section == 10) { if (!minigamep.north) { minigamep.north = 1; return undefined; } if (minigamep.back) { minigamep.back = 0; minigamep.turning = 1; return undefined; } }'repeat'); _root.miniclip.repeat.gotoAndStop(1); minigamep.update = 0; minigamep.sequence = 0; minigamep.flipseq = 0; if (flp) { ++minigamep['flip' + flp]; } ++minigamep.section; return undefined; } if (!minigamep.north && (v2 == 0 || v2 == 1) || minigamep.north && (v2 == 2 || v2 == 3)) { minigamep.north = minigamep.north ? 0 : 1; return undefined; } minigamep.action = v2 > 1 ? v2 - 2 : v2; ++minigamep.sequence; minigamep.turnt = 0; } function minigame_handsanim(anim) { if (anim !== 'toend') { } else { minigamep.canmove = 1; } } function initminigame_lab() { minigamep = {'texting': 0, 'flask': 0, 'moves': 0, 'cmyk': 'c', 'canmove': 1, 'reset': 0, 'pour1': 'c', 'pour2': 'c', 'pour3': 'c'}; minigamep.c = world_state.cjuice; minigamep.m = world_state.mjuice; minigamep.y = world_state.yjuice; minigamep.k = world_state.kjuice; _root.miniclip.gotoAndStop('lab');'c'); minigame_labanim('set'); var v2 = world_state.mouthd ? 1 : 3;; v2 = world_state.lolid ? 2 : 3;; } function minigame_lab() { if (minigamep.texting) { textcontrol(1); return undefined; } else { if (!minigamep.canmove) { return undefined; } else { if (minigamep.flask == 3) { var v2 = {'c': 0, 'm': 0, 'y': 0, 'k': 0}; v2.c = (minigamep.pour1 == 'c' || minigamep.pour2 == 'c' || minigamep.pour3 == 'c') ? 1 : 0; v2.m = (minigamep.pour1 == 'm' || minigamep.pour2 == 'm' || minigamep.pour3 == 'm') ? 1 : 0; v2.y = (minigamep.pour1 == 'y' || minigamep.pour2 == 'y' || minigamep.pour3 == 'y') ? 1 : 0; v2.k = (minigamep.pour1 == 'k' || minigamep.pour2 == 'k' || minigamep.pour3 == 'k') ? 1 : 0; if (v2.c && v2.m && v2.y) { performaction({'cut': 'potionhand', 'func': 'end_minigame', 'funcpass': 'destroy', 'func2': 'change_world', 'func2pass': 'state,5,glass,1'}); return undefined; } else { if (v2.k && v2.m && v2.y) { if (world_state.mouthd) { performaction([{'func': 'end_minigame'}, 'hikki::mono::I\'ve already mixed these...', 'hikki::mono::I like having a mouth...', 'hikki::mono::Even if it isn\'t mine.']); return undefined; } performaction({'cut': 'potionmouth', 'func2': 'end_minigame', 'func2pass': 'juice', 'func': 'change_world', 'funcpass': 'state,2,mouthd,1'}); return undefined; } else { if (v2.k && v2.c && v2.y) { if (world_state.lolid) { performaction([{'func': 'end_minigame'}, 'hikki::mono::I\'ve already mixed these...', 'hikki::mono::Being young again was freeing but...', 'hikki::mono::...']); return undefined; } performaction({'cut': 'potionloli', 'func2': 'end_minigame', 'func2pass': 'juice', 'func': 'change_world', 'funcpass': 'state,6,lolid,1,trydoor,-1,mwell,0,kwell,1,cwell,1'}); return undefined; } else { if (v2.k && v2.m && v2.c) { if (world_state.lolid) { performaction({'cut': 'potiondeath', 'func': 'end_minigame', 'funcpass': 'destroy', 'func2': 'change_world', 'func2pass': 'state,8,glass,1,trydoor,-1'}); return undefined; } performaction({'cut': 'potiondie'}); return undefined; } } } } } else { if (!minigamep.c && !minigamep.m && !minigamep.y && !minigamep.k) { if (minigamep.flask == 0) { if (minigamep.moves > 1) { if (world_state.alchemy == 0) { performaction([{'func': 'end_minigame'}, 'hikki::mono::A chemistry set...']); } else { performaction([{'func': 'end_minigame'}, 'hikki::mono::I should try to fill these vials.']); } return undefined; } } else { var v4 = world_sprites[0][0]; if (v4.gchar == 'loli') { performaction([{'func': 'end_minigame'}, 'loli::smile::Potions!']); } else { performaction([{'func': 'end_minigame'}, 'hikki::mono::I believe I will require atleast 3 full vials to perform any alchemic feats.']); } return undefined; } } } } } var v3 = ''; if (clicks.ul == 1) { clicks.ul = 2; v3 = 'c'; } else { if (clicks.ur == 1) { clicks.ur = 2; v3 = 'm'; } else { if (clicks.dl == 1) { clicks.dl = 2; v3 = 'y'; } else { if (clicks.dr == 1) { clicks.dr = 2; v3 = 'k'; } } } } if (v3 != '' && v3 != minigamep.cmyk) { + 'to' + v3); minigamep.cmyk = v3; minigamep.canmove = 0; if (minigamep.reset) { minigame_labanim('set'); minigamep.reset = 0; } ++minigamep.moves; return undefined; } if ( == 1) { = 2; if (minigamep[minigamep.cmyk]) { minigamep[minigamep.cmyk] = 0; ++minigamep.flask; minigamep['pour' + minigamep.flask] = minigamep.cmyk; minigamep.reset = 1; + 'pour'); minigame_labanim('set'); minigamep.canmove = 0; } } } function minigame_labanim(anim) { switch (anim) { case 'set': + 1); + 1); + 1); + 1); break; case 'pour': + 1);['pour' + minigamep.flask].mc.gotoAndStop(minigamep['pour' + minigamep.flask]); break; case 'toend': minigamep.canmove = 1; } } function end_minigame(v) { switch (v) { case 'juice': world_state.cjuice = minigamep.c; world_state.mjuice = minigamep.m; world_state.yjuice = minigamep.y; world_state.kjuice = minigamep.k; break; case 'hands': change_world('mwell,1,state,1'); snd_stop('blood'); break; case 'pee': if (demoing) { finishgame('demo'); return undefined; } change_world('ywell,1,minibottle,1,bigbottle,2'); locks(ywell_fill); snd_stop('pee'); break; case 'destroy': world_state.cjuice = minigamep.c; world_state.mjuice = minigamep.m; world_state.yjuice = minigamep.y; world_state.kjuice = minigamep.k; performaction({'func': 'locks', 'funcpass': destroy_lab}); break; default: } snd_initfade('bgaud', 0, 1, 100); gamep.state = 'playing'; _root.miniclip.gotoAndStop(1); } function minigame_textprep(sub) { minigamep.texting = 1; _root.overlay.gotoAndStop('text'); var v2 = copyarr(sub); text_text = copyarr(v2); text_on = 0; updatetext(); clicks.left = 2; clicks.right = 2; = 2; } function init_player(tx, ty) { var v2 = _root.fg; v2.pc.removeMovieClip(); v2.attachMovie('player_cursor', 'pc', v2.getNextHighestDepth()); var v3 = tile2point(tx, ty); v2.pc._x = v3.px; v2.pc._y =; pcp = {'tx': tx, 'ty': ty, 'movframes': 20, 'disablewarp': 0}; _root.overlay.spc.gotoAndStop(3); cam(); } function player() { if (pcp.animate) { player_animate(); return undefined; } if ( == 1) { = 2; var v1 = world_interactA[pcp.tx][pcp.ty]; if (v1.tx != undefined && !pcp.disablewarp) { pcp.tx = v1.tx; pcp.ty = v1.ty; pcp.animate = 1; player_animate(); cam(); pcp.wtcheck = 1; stopsounds(); } if (v1.touch > -1) { performaction(world_text[v1.touch]); } return undefined; } var v2 = 0; if (clicks.u == 1) { v2 = 1; player_move('u'); } else { if (clicks.d == 1) { v2 = 1; player_move('d'); } else { if (clicks.l == 1) { v2 = 1; player_move('l'); } else { if (clicks.r == 1) { v2 = 1; player_move('r'); } } } } if (v2) { clicks.u = 2; clicks.d = 2; clicks.l = 2; clicks.r = 2; } } function player_animate() { var v2 = _root.fg.pc; --pcp.animate; if (!pcp.animate) { var v4 = tile2point(pcp.tx, pcp.ty); v2._x = v4.px; v2._y =; v2.gotoAndStop('idle'); return undefined; } v2._x += pcp.movx; v2._y += pcp.movy; if (random(5)) { return undefined; } v2 = _root.fg; var v5 = v2.getNextHighestDepth(); var v3 = 'drop' + v5; v2.attachMovie('player_cursor', v3, v5); v2[v3]._x = v2.pc._x; v2[v3]._y = v2.pc._y; v2[v3].gotoAndStop('drop' + (random(3) + 1)); } function player_move(dir) { var v4 = world_interactA[pcp.tx][pcp.ty]; var v7 = v4[dir + 'x']; var v8 = v4[dir + 'y']; var v5 = tile2point(pcp.tx, pcp.ty); var v6 = tile2point(v7, v8); var v2 = {}; v2.h = v6.px - v5.px; v2.v = -; var v9 = _root.fg.pc; v9.gotoAndStop('move'); pcp.animate = pcp.movframes; pcp.movx = v2.h / pcp.movframes; pcp.movy = v2.v / pcp.movframes; pcp.tx = v7; pcp.ty = v8; var v3 = Math.floor(((Math.abs(v2.h) + Math.abs(v2.v)) / tilep.stageadd) * 100); if (v3 < 10) { snd_play('soar'); } else { if (v3 < 30) { snd_play('soar2'); } else { snd_play('soar3'); } } } function rad2deg(radians) { return radians * 180 / Math.PI; } function deg2rad(degrees) { return degrees * Math.PI / 180; } function create_player_paths(xto, yto, links) { var v20 = tilep.stagew * xto; var v21 = v20 + tilep.stagew; var v17 = tilep.stageh * yto; var v18 = v17 + tilep.stageh; var v22 = point2tile(v20, v17); v20 = v22.tx; v17 = v22.ty; v22 = point2tile(v21, v18); v21 = v22.tx; v18 = v22.ty; var v1 = []; var v9 = v20; while (v9 <= v21) { var v5 = v17; while (v5 <= v18) { var v4 = world_interactA[v9][v5]; if ( == undefined) { } else { v1.push({'name':, 'tx': v9, 'ty': v5, 'u': -1, 'd': -1, 'l': -1, 'r': -1}); } ++v5; } ++v9; } links = links.split('/'); var v11 = 0; while (v11 < links.length) { var v8 = links[v11].split(','); var v3 = -1; var v6 = -1; var v10 = -1; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v1.length) { v4 = v1[v2]; if ( == v8[0]) { v3 = v2; } if ( == v8[1]) { v6 = v2; } if ( == v8[2]) { v10 = v2; } ++v2; } if (v8[2] == 'all') { v1[v3].u = v6; v1[v3].d = v6; v1[v3].r = v6; v1[v3].l = v6; } else { v1[v6].u = v3; v1[v10].l = v3; v1[v3].r = v10; v1[v3].d = v6; } ++v11; } v11 = 0; while (v11 < v1.length) { v4 = v1[v11]; var v7 = world_interactA[v4.tx][v4.ty]; v7.ux = v1[v4.u].tx; = v1[v4.u].ty; v7.dx = v1[v4.d].tx; v7.dy = v1[v4.d].ty; v7.lx = v1[v4.l].tx; = v1[v4.l].ty; v7.rx = v1[v4.r].tx; v7.ry = v1[v4.r].ty; ++v11; } } world_txtA = 'br,br,br,0x45,28,br,0x43,34,28,3x3,br,0x41,28,33,3x7,br,0x40,28,3x10,br,0x40,20,18,3x7,br,0x42,72,0,3x3,69,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,0x15,28,0x27,28x2,2,br,0x13,28x2,3x3,70,0x23,28,2x5,br,0x11,28,31,3x7,0x19,71,0,2x9,br,0x10,28,3x11,0x17,18,2x12,br,0x10,18x2,3x12,0x16,18x2,2x9,br,0x12,21,18,3x9,69,0x18,18x2,2x5,69,br,0x14,22,18,3x5,0x23,18x2,2,br,0x16,18x2,3,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,0x11,28,71,3x3,0x35,3x3,70,br,0x12,3x6,0x3,3x2,0x25,71,3x6,br,0x11,28x2,3x8,0x26,3x6,69,br,0x12,3x10,0x22,71,3x6,br,0x14,3x10,0x20,3x5,br,0x16,3x3,0,3x5,0x21,3,br,0x22,3,0,69,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,0x15,63x2,4,br,0x13,28x2,4x5,0x27,28x2,65,0,70,br,0x12,28,4x8,0x24,28x2,65x5,br,0x12,18x2,4x5,0x25,28,65x8,br,0x14,18x2,4,0,69,0x25,18,25,65x3,0,65,br,0x46,26,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,0x17,28x2,3,0x27,28x2,3,0,70,br,0x15,28x2,3x5,0x23,28x2,3x5,br,0x13,28,32,3x9,70,0x18,28x2,3x9,br,0x12,28,3x12,0x17,28,3x12,br,0x12,18,24,3x9,0x19,18,25,3x9,br,0x14,18,25,3x5,0x23,26,18,3x5,br,0x16,26,18,3,0x27,23,18,3,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,0x17,28x2,3,br,0x15,28x2,3x5,br,0x13,28,32,3x9,70,0x18,72,2,br,0x12,28,3x12,br,0x12,18,24,3x9,0x24,71,br,0x14,18'; world_txtB = 'br,br,br,br,0x45,1x3,br,0x43,1x4,44,1x2,br,0x41,1x10,br,0x42,1x7,br,0x42,27,18,1x4,br,0x44,18,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,0x45,8,br,0x15,1x4,0x22,28,0,7,5,1,8x2,br,0x13,42,1x5,38,0x19,35,28,1,6,1x2,14,1x2,8,10,br,0x11,1x11,0x18,1x4,15x2,14x2,1x2,9,8,br,0x12,1,39,1x2,41,1x7,0x18,16,12,1x4,74,1x2,br,0x14,40x2,1x8,0x20,13,11,1x4,br,0x16,1x3,43,1,0x25,17,0,73,br,0x18,1,br,br,br,br,br,br,0x13,28,0x37,28,br,0x12,35,1x3,0x5,28,0x27,28x2,1x4,br,0x11,18,1x6,0,28,29,76,1,0x24,28,35,1x6,br,0x12,22,1x8,0x24,28,30,1x7,br,0x11,18,1,75,1x8,0x21,28,35,1x6,br,0x12,19,18,1,75,1x8,0x19,18,1,75,1x3,br,0x14,19,18,1,28x2,18,1x5,0x19,19,18,1,br,0x16,18,0x3,20,18,1,0,1,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,0x17,1,br,0x15,1,64,1,47,62,0x29,1,0,1,br,0x13,58,1x6,47,0,61,0x24,55,68,1x3,br,0x15,60,1x3,0x26,1x6,0,67,br,0x16,59,0,1,0x27,1x3,0,66,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,0x49,1,0,1,br,0x17,48,0x29,56,1x4,br,0x15,1x2,46,1x2,45,1x4,0x20,1x7,57,1,br,0x13,1,42,1x10,0x18,55,54,1x2,51,1,52,1x3,55,1,br,0x14,1x9,0x21,1x2,56,1x6,br,0x16,49,1x4,0x25,53,1x3,50,br,0x18,1,0x29,1,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,0x17,48,br,0x15,1x2,47,46,47,45,1x4,0x18,1x2,br,0x13,1,42,1x3,47x3,1x4,br,0x14,1x9,0x24,1,br,0x16,49,0x31,1,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,br,0'; world_tilesA = importtiles(world_txtA); world_tilesB = importtiles(world_txtB); tiledata = new Array(); tmp = 2; tiledata[tmp] = {'checkery': 2}; tiledata[tmp + 1] = {'checkery': 2}; tiledata[tmp + 2] = {'checkery': 2}; tmp = 5; tiledata[tmp] = {'animt': 1, 'blockx': 1}; tiledata[tmp + 1] = {'animt': 1, 'blockx': 1}; tiledata[tmp + 2] = {'animt': 1, 'blockx': 1}; tmp = 11; tiledata[tmp] = {'animt': 1, 'blockx': 1}; tiledata[tmp + 1] = {'animt': 1, 'blockx': 1}; tiledata[tmp + 2] = {'animt': 1, 'blockx': 1}; tiledata[15] = {'sity': 10}; tiledata[17] = {'animt': 1, 'blockx': 1}; tiledata[19] = {'forceout': 'sw', 'animsw': 1, 'animout': 12}; tiledata[29] = {'forceout': 'se', 'animse': 1, 'animout': 12}; tmp = 36; tiledata[tmp] = {'animnw': 1, 'forceout': 'nw', 'under': 1, 'warpframe': 15}; tiledata[tmp + 1] = {'animne': 1, 'forceout': 'ne', 'under': 1, 'warpframe': 15}; tiledata[46] = {'under': 1}; tmp = 54; tiledata[tmp] = {'animt': 1}; tiledata[tmp + 2] = {'under': 1}; tiledata[tmp + 3] = {'under': 1}; tiledata[62] = {'sity': -8}; tiledata[47] = {'sity': -8, 'sitx': -4}; tmp = 66; tiledata[tmp] = {'animt': 1}; tiledata[42] = {'under': 1}; tiledata[48] = {'under': 1}; tiledata[53] = {'under': 1}; tiledata[76] = {}; s; start_save = '0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0'; is_dem = 0; world_map = new Array(); quickmapA = {'living': 0, 'hall': 0, 'bath': 0, 'melissa': 0, 'dining': 1, 'kitchen': 1, 'entrance': 1, 'laundry': 1, 'david': 1}; quickmapB = {'living': 1, 'hall': 2, 'bath': 3, 'melissa': 4, 'dining': 0, 'kitchen': 1, 'entrance': 2, 'laundry': 3, 'david': 4}; world_state = {'state': 0, 'hidetiles': 0, 'stove': 1, 'tree': 1, 'microwave': 1, 'melissabed': 2, 'guestbed': 4, 'stereo': 1, 'dresser': 1, 'davidbed': 2, 'nintendo': 1, 'toilet': 1, 'shower': 1, 'curtain': 1, 'towels': 1, 'fridge': 1, 'coke': 2, 'dishes': 2, 'mvar': 0, 'dvar': 0, 'toaster': 1, 'toasterexplained': 0, 'checkpoint': 0}; defaultstate = 'dishes,2,stove,1,fridge,1,tree,1,melissabed,1,guestbed,4,stereo,1,dresser,1,davidbed,1,nintendo,1,toilet,1,shower,1,curtain,1,towels,1,coke,2,microwave,1,'; world_text = new Array(); world_interactA = new Array(); world_interactB = new Array(); var i = 0; while (i < 80) { world_interactA[i] = new Array(); world_interactB[i] = new Array(); ++i; } quickmap_living = {'tv': '19,19', 'tree': '23,19', 'table': '21,18', 'vhs': '19,14'}; world_interactA[18][20] = {'name': 'todining', 'tx': 7, 'ty': 45}; world_interactA[22][25] = {'name': 'toentrance', 'tx': 34, 'ty': 47}; world_interactA[19][19] = {'name': 'tv', 'touch': 101}; world_text[101] = [0, 'pc::d::Television, the modern altar.']; world_text[130] = [0, 'pc::concern::With my injected lust I\'m afraid I\'ve made this hypnotic device even more potent.']; world_interactA[23][19] = {'name': 'tree', 'touch': 102}; world_text[102] = [0, 'pc::bask::Ah, the traditional fir tree ritual of Winter Solstice carries on as it always did.', 'pc::d::Some things are eternal.']; world_text[131] = [0, 'pc::blush::What Thor must think for me to inject my lustful sap into a fir!']; world_interactA[21][18] = {'name': 'table', 'touch': 103}; world_text[103] = [0, 'pc::shock::Oh-ho! A crystal clear tabletop so that objects on it seem to float.']; world_text[132] = [0, 'pc::concern::I was trying to focus my lust on the table itself but it\'s lack of visibility...', 'pc::contemplation::I much rather my tables have some meat on them.']; world_interactA[19][14] = {'name': 'vhs', 'touch': 104}; world_text[104] = [0, 'pc::d::A collection of VHS tapes...', 'pc::laugh::Does the collector not realize we\'re entering the age of the Disc?']; paths_living_bare = 'todining,toentrance,toentrance/toentrance,todining,todining'; paths_living = 'todining,tv,vhs/toentrance,vhs,tree/tv,tree,table/tree,toentrance,todining/table,todining,toentrance/vhs,table,tv'; paths_living_sleep = 'todining,tv,all/toentrance,tree,all/vhs,table,all/tv,tree,table/table,tv,tree/tree,table,tv'; quickmap_hall = {'thermostat': '36,19', 'tohide': '37,26'}; world_interactA[36][19] = {'name': 'thermostat', 'touch': 144}; world_text[144] = [0, 'pc::d::A thermostat, the modern fireplace.', 'pc::laugh::Silly humans, winter nipples are best nipples.']; world_interactA[31][15] = {'name': 'toentrance', 'tx': 33, 'ty': 55}; world_interactA[32][23] = {'name': 'tobath', 'tx': 50, 'ty': 20}; world_interactA[34][15] = {'name': 'tomelissa', 'tx': 61, 'ty': 26}; world_interactA[35][17] = {'name': 'todavid', 'tx': 59, 'ty': 53}; world_interactA[37][26] = {'name': 'tohide', 'touch': 105}; world_text[105] = [0, 'pc::d::Beyond is the parent\'s room.', 'pc::contemplation::But I won\'t enter as they\'re not my concern.']; paths_hall = 'toentrance,tobath,tomelissa/tomelissa,todavid,todavid/todavid,thermostat,tobath/tobath,tomelissa,thermostat/tohide,toentrance,toentrance/thermostat,tohide,tohide'; quickmap_bath = {'bath': '47,17', 'toilet': '48,13', 'sink': '50,16'}; world_interactA[50][20] = {'name': 'tohall', 'tx': 32, 'ty': 23}; world_interactA[47][17] = {'name': 'bath', 'touch': 106}; world_text[106] = [0, 'pc::concern::The tub is the only place that each of the young couple allow disrobing.', 'pc::contemplation::Such prudish behaviors makes my task difficult.']; world_interactA[48][13] = {'name': 'toilet', 'touch': 107}; world_text[107] = [0, 'pc::curious::It always surprises me to see such a crystal pool of water being used for bodily evacuation.', 'pc::d::Not that I have a problem with wasteful extravagance.']; world_interactA[50][16] = {'name': 'mirror', 'touch': 108}; world_text[108] = [0, 'pc::curious::...', 'pc::d::...', 'pc::blush::My beauty is hypnotic.']; paths_roomtohall_bare = 'tohall,tohall,all'; paths_bath = 'tohall,toilet,bath/bath,tohall,toilet/toilet,mirror,mirror/mirror,bath,tohall'; quickmap_melissa = {'bed': '60,20', 'stereo': '60,17', 'music': '61,15', 'dresser': '63,17'}; world_interactA[61][26] = {'name': 'tohall', 'tx': 34, 'ty': 15}; world_interactA[60][20] = {'name': 'bed', 'touch': 109}; world_text[109] = [0, 'pc::disdain::These modern sleeping mats are far too firm.', 'pc::disdain::Why no down and dander?']; world_interactA[60][17] = {'name': 'stereo', 'touch': 110}; world_text[110] = [0, 'pc::shock::Melissa is quite the emphatic audiophile. What is this kinship I feel?', 'pc::bask::Such resonant resonance, such attention to attenuation.']; world_text[133] = [0, 'pc::blush::My lustful frequencies have intermingled with this magnificent machine.']; world_interactA[61][15] = {'name': 'music', 'touch': 111}; world_text[111] = [0, 'pc::shock::What a collection!', 'pc::shock::Music of many eras and of every continent!']; world_text[134] = [0, 'pc::concern::I hope I didn\'t do any damage to her discs...', 'pc::blush::My lustful injections can be rough.']; world_interactA[63][17] = {'name': 'dresser', 'touch': 112}; world_text[112] = [0, 'pc::curious::Hmmm...', 'pc::d::No phallic idolatries to be found.']; world_text[135] = [0, 'pc::contemplation::A rather wasteful place to have injected my lust.', 'pc::contemplation::Not that there\'s anything wrong with wasteful lust.', 'pc::contemplation::Really all lust is wasted lust, to not waste of it would be the waste.']; paths_melissa = 'bed,stereo,tohall/stereo,tohall,bed/tohall,music,music/music,dresser,dresser/dresser,bed,stereo'; paths_melissa_sleep = 'bed,stereo,all/tohall,dresser,all/stereo,dresser,music/music,stereo,dresser/dresser,music,stereo'; quickmap_dining = {'thermostat': '6,39', 'art': '6,44'}; world_interactA[7][45] = {'name': 'toliving', 'tx': 18, 'ty': 20}; world_interactA[8][49] = {'name': 'tokitchen', 'tx': 20, 'ty': 42}; world_interactA[6][39] = {'name': 'thermostat', 'touch': 144}; world_interactA[6][44] = {'name': 'art', 'touch': 113}; world_text[113] = [0, 'pc::smile::Artistic passions waft around this room.', 'pc::bask::I always wanted to dabble in musery.']; paths_dining_bare = 'tokitchen,toliving,toliving/toliving,tokitchen,tokitchen'; paths_dining = 'art,tokitchen,thermostat/tokitchen,thermostat,art/toliving,art,tokitchen/thermostat,toliving,toliving'; quickmap_kitchen = {'microwave': '18,43', 'sink': '19,49', 'stove': '21,42', 'coffee': '21,43', 'fridge': '23,46', 'coke': '20,47', 'toaster': '22,44'}; world_interactA[20][42] = {'name': 'todining', 'tx': 8, 'ty': 49}; world_interactA[22][51] = {'name': 'toentrance', 'tx': 32, 'ty': 51}; world_interactA[18][43] = {'name': 'microwave', 'touch': 114}; world_text[114] = [0, 'pc::disdain::Such a pathetic grill these things are, everything exits soggy.']; world_text[127] = [0, 'pc::blush::That injection was hotter than I\'m accustomed to from grills.']; world_interactA[19][49] = {'name': 'sink', 'touch': 115}; world_text[115] = [0, 'pc::bask::The soapy scents are delightful.']; world_text[128] = [0, 'pc::d::I feel somewhat dirty pouring my lust down the sink.']; world_interactA[21][42] = {'name': 'stove', 'touch': 116}; world_text[116] = [0, 'pc::concern::What a waste, this thing should be baking cakes and caramel mincing.']; world_interactA[21][43] = {'name': 'coffee', 'touch': 117}; world_text[117] = [0, 'pc::bask::Mmm, this is the good stuff I smell.', 'pc::d::Father clearly doesn\'t mess around.']; world_text[129] = [0, 'pc::blush::I prefer black, yet had no choice but to inject cream.']; world_interactA[22][44] = {'name': 'toaster', 'touch': 118}; world_text[118] = [0, 'pc::curious::The\'re an odd scent to this...', 'pc::curious::And not just that overwhelming seizurey-strokey smell.']; world_text[139] = {'nextext': 'toaster.0,143.toasterexplained.0,140,1,141'}; world_text[140] = [{'nextext': 142, 'changeworld': 'toasterexplained,1'}, 'pc::d::There\'s always one of these around, the odd smelling time-distortion device.', 'pc::concern::Of course I could bend time of my own will if I wanted...', 'pc::contemplation::But that\'s just too much strain.', 'pc::d::Anyhow, I think I just press this thing and...']; world_text[141] = [{'choice': '142,100'}, 'pc::concern::Shall I take off back to the past?', 'pc::contemplation::Or stick around?']; world_text[142] = {'cut': 'timetravel', 'checkpoint': 1}; world_text[143] = [0, 'pc::concern::I can\'t seem to get time-distort-travel up and working at this moment.', 'pc::concern::I\'m sure it happens to every guy once in a while.']; world_interactA[23][46] = {'name': 'fridge', 'touch': 119}; world_text[119] = [0, 'pc::d::Gotta love the icebox, filled with sugar-waters and frosted-meats.']; world_interactA[20][47] = {'name': 'coke', 'touch': 4}; paths_kitchen_bare = 'coke,toentrance,all/todining,toentrance,toentrance/toentrance,todining,todining'; paths_kitchen_coke = 'todining,coke,all/toentrance,coke,all/coke,coke,all'; paths_kitchen = 'todining,microwave,stove/microwave,stove,sink/stove,coffee,coffee/coffee,toaster,toaster/toaster,sink,toentrance/sink,fridge,todining/fridge,toentrance,microwave/toentrance,todining,fridge'; paths_kitchen_sleep = 'todining,microwave,all/stove,microwave,all/toaster,coffee,all/fridge,coffee,all/toentrance,sink,all/microwave,coffee,coffee/coffee,sink,sink/sink,microwave,microwave'; paths_kitchen_pee = 'todining,stove,all/coffee,stove,all/sink,fridge,all/toaster,microwave,all/toentrance,fridge,all/microwave,stove,stove/stove,fridge,fridge/fridge,microwave,microwave'; quickmap_entrance = {'tohide': '31,56'}; world_interactA[32][51] = {'name': 'tokitchen', 'tx': 22, 'ty': 51}; world_interactA[34][47] = {'name': 'toliving', 'tx': 22, 'ty': 25}; world_interactA[35][47] = {'name': 'tolaundry', 'tx': 47, 'ty': 53}; world_interactA[33][55] = {'name': 'tohall', 'tx': 31, 'ty': 15}; world_interactA[31][56] = {'name': 'tohide', 'touch': 120}; world_text[120] = [0, 'pc::d::As much as I enjoy frolicking through nature...', 'pc::d::I think I\'ll stay inside until I\'ve achieved my task.']; paths_entrance = 'toliving,tolaundry,tolaundry/tolaundry,tokitchen,tohide/tokitchen,tohall,toliving/tohall,tohide,tokitchen/tohide,toliving,tohall'; quickmap_laundry = {'waterheater': '48,48', 'washer': '49,49'}; world_interactA[47][53] = {'name': 'toentrance', 'tx': 35, 'ty': 47}; world_interactA[48][48] = {'name': 'heater', 'touch': 121}; world_text[121] = [0, 'pc::d::Nothing really special about the heated water barrel.']; world_interactA[49][49] = {'name': 'washer', 'touch': 122}; world_text[122] = [0, 'pc::concern::A washer but no dryer...', 'pc::curious::Maybe they rely on air drying of their garments like pathetic ancient people.']; paths_laundry_bare = 'toentrance,toentrance,all'; paths_laundry = 'heater,washer,washer/washer,toentrance,toentrance/toentrance,heater,heater'; quickmap_david = {'bed': '64,50', 'dresser': '62,44', 'tv': '62,47', 'games': '64,46'}; world_interactA[59][53] = {'name': 'tohall', 'tx': 35, 'ty': 17}; world_interactA[64][50] = {'name': 'bed', 'touch': 123}; world_text[123] = [0, 'pc::disdain::Dreadful, the linens are filthy and the springs pierce the cushioning.']; world_text[136] = [0, 'pc::disdain::I can\'t believe I injected lust on such a filthy thing.', 'pc::contemplation::I should inspect myself for Lice.']; world_interactA[62][44] = {'name': 'dresser', 'touch': 124}; world_text[124] = [0, 'pc::d::David\'s fashion sense is terrible.']; world_interactA[62][47] = {'name': 'tv', 'touch': 125}; world_text[125] = [0, 'pc::d::A gaming entertainment mechanism. Like cards or ball-cup.']; world_text[137] = [0, 'pc::bask::Injecting lust into a game felt much better than I expected it would.']; world_interactA[64][46] = {'name': 'games', 'touch': 126}; world_text[126] = [0, 'pc::d::David\'s collection of games and sequential art.', 'pc::blush::I can also sense areas of lustful aura hiding within.']; world_text[138] = [0, 'pc::blush::I didn\'t need to inject much lust to attract David to his secret collection.']; paths_david = 'dresser,games,tv/games,tv,bed/tv,bed,games/bed,tohall,tohall/tohall,dresser,dresser'; paths_david_sleep = 'dresser,games,all/tohall,tv,all/games,tv,bed/tv,bed,games/bed,games,tv'; world_interactB[18][18] = {'name': 'todining', 'tx': 8, 'ty': 42, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[22][23] = {'name': 'toentrance', 'tx': 34, 'ty': 44, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[31][12] = {'name': 'toentrance', 'tx': 33, 'ty': 53, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[32][20] = {'name': 'tobath', 'tx': 50, 'ty': 18, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[37][24] = {'name': 'tohide', 'tx': 77, 'ty': 47, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[35][12] = {'name': 'tomelissa', 'tx': 61, 'ty': 24, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[36][14] = {'name': 'todavid', 'tx': 59, 'ty': 51, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[50][18] = {'name': 'tohall', 'tx': 32, 'ty': 20, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[61][24] = {'name': 'tohall', 'tx': 35, 'ty': 12, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[8][42] = {'name': 'toliving', 'tx': 18, 'ty': 18, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[8][47] = {'name': 'tokitchen', 'tx': 19, 'ty': 39, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[19][39] = {'name': 'todining', 'tx': 8, 'ty': 47, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[22][49] = {'name': 'toentrance', 'tx': 32, 'ty': 48, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[32][48] = {'name': 'tokitchen', 'tx': 22, 'ty': 49, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[34][44] = {'name': 'toliving', 'tx': 22, 'ty': 23, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[36][44] = {'name': 'tolaundry', 'tx': 47, 'ty': 51, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[31][54] = {'name': 'tohide', 'tx': 75, 'ty': 43, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[33][53] = {'name': 'tohall', 'tx': 31, 'ty': 12, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[47][51] = {'name': 'toentrance', 'tx': 36, 'ty': 44, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[59][51] = {'name': 'tohall', 'tx': 36, 'ty': 14, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[75][43] = {'name': 'toentrance', 'tx': 31, 'ty': 54, 'l': 1}; world_interactB[77][47] = {'name': 'tohall', 'tx': 37, 'ty': 24, 'l': 1}; world_sprites = new Array(); world_sprites[0] = new Array(); sub_david = world_sprites[0]; world_sprites[1] = new Array(); sub_melissa = world_sprites[1]; world_sprites[2] = new Array(); sub_mom = world_sprites[2]; world_sprites[3] = new Array(); sub_dad = world_sprites[3]; world_sprites[4] = new Array(); sub_girl = world_sprites[4]; sub_numbers = {'david': 0, 'melissa': 1, 'mom': 2, 'dad': 3, 'girl': 4, 'pc': 5, 'none': 6}; sub_girl.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'state': 1, 'l': 1, 'gchar': 'girl', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne', 'spd': 0, 'forceinclude': 1}); sub_dad.push({'tx': 21, 'ty': 44, 'state': 1, 'l': 1, 'gchar': 'father_work', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne', 'spd': 0, 'forceinclude': 1}); sub_melissa.push({'tx': 62, 'ty': 21, 'state': 1, 'l': 1, 'gchar': 'melissa_summer', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'sw', 'spd': 0, 'forceinclude': 1}); sub_mom.push({'tx': 78, 'ty': 48, 'state': 1, 'l': 1, 'gchar': 'mother_work', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne', 'spd': 0, 'forceinclude': 1}); sub_david.push({'tx': 64, 'ty': 50, 'state': 1, 'l': 1, 'gchar': 'david_summer', 'gstate': 'bed', 'gdir': 'ne', 'spd': 0, 'forceinclude': 1}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_david.push({}); sub_girl.push({}); world_text[1] = [{'precut': 'previously'}, 'pc::d::Ok, did you get all that?', 'pc::curious::No? Alright...', 'pc::d::The boy is David and the girl is Melissa.', 'pc::d::They met and fell in love over summer break. (*game_01)', 'pc::d::At around the same time their parents started also dating.', 'pc::d::Then when they were going to school again Melissa somewhat cheated on David with another boy. (*game_03)', 'pc::d::David broke up the relationship immediately but their parents were engaged soon after and they married and bought this house.', 'pc::d::And now it is winter holidays and David will not be able to ignore Melissa for much longer so-', 'pc::shock::What\'s that?', 'pc::laugh::Aha you\'re right, I need to introduce myself.', 'pc::devious::I am...', 'pc::lust::~PANEROS~\n-Reuniter of lovers. Mender of shattered bonds.-', 'pc::determined::And I won\'t be leaving until our task of reuniting these two is accomplished.', 'pc::d::Let\'s begin!']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': ''}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': ''}); world_text[0] = [0, 'melissa::tired::Bye Dad, have a good day at work.', 'dad::smile::Thanks sleepyhead.', 'dad::smile::I know it\'s your first real day of vacation but don\'t spend the whole time lazing about.', 'melissa::tired::No promises.', 'dad::laugh::Okay okay, bye.']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': ',mom.sw.4'}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ',david.sw.4'}); sub_mom.push({}); world_text[2] = [0, 'mom::d::Goodbye Melissa, I\'m off to work.', 'melissa::tired::Bye.']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',,,1'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': 'cw.davidbed,,,'}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[3] = [{'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'coke'}, 'pc::d::I have the distinct feeling I\'ve happened upon my first opportunity to bring these two closer.']; world_text[4] = [{'cut': 'kitchen', 'func3': 'saveprogress', 'func3pass': '1,1', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'bare', 'as': 'melissa'}, 'pc::d::Yes, this is it. I can use this.', 'pc::devious::I will tickle the bubbles within this bottle so that when it\'s opened...']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',,,'}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[5] = [{'as': 'girl'}, 'pc::concern::I thought for sure that would work.', 'pc::contemplation::A peek is certainly all I need to renew my romantic spirits.', 'pc::concern::These two didn\'t even aknowledge each others existence.', 'pc::concern::Humans are difficult as normal.']; sub_david.push({'mov': ',,,2.bgsnd.vidya.w.2.wt.6.c'}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[6] = [{'as': 'girl'}, 'david::focus::...', 'pc::shock::He\'s not even masturbating in secret after such a stimulus!', 'pc::contemplation::What a stubborn boy.']; sub_girl.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': 'wt.7.0'}); world_text[7] = {'cut': 'transition', 'nextws': defaultstate + 'state,1,mvar,0,dvar,0,checkpoint,7,stereo,2,dishes,1,toilet,3', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full', 'func2': 'init_bgsnds', 'func2pass': '0,living,tv_game,melissa,song1'}; sub_girl.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'l': 1, 'ws': 1, 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_dad.push({'tx': 75, 'ty': 44, 'l': 1, 'ws': 1, 'gchar': 'father_work', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'tx': 60, 'ty': 21, 'l': 1, 'ws': 1, 'gchar': 'melissa_summer', 'gstate': 'music', 'gdir': 'nw'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_david.push({'tx': 22, 'ty': 14, 'l': 1, 'ws': 1, 'gchar': 'david_summer', 'gstate': 'couch', 'gdir': 'nw'}); sub_david.push({}); sub_mom.push({'tx': 75, 'ty': 44, 'l': 1, 'ws': 1, 'gchar': 'mother_work', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ',,'}); sub_mom.push({}); world_text[8] = [0, 'mom::yell::David! Melissa! I\'m home!']; world_text[9] = [0, 'mom::tired::Welcome home, Mom.', 'mom::tired::How was work?', 'mom::tired::Tiring.', 'mom::tired::Go take a bath while we make dinner for you.', 'mom::tired::Thanks guys, you\'re such wonderful children.', 'pc::concern::I think she\'s lost the plot.']; world_text[10] = [0, 'mom::d::Hi David.', 'david::d::Hey.', 'mom::d::What have you been up to today?', 'david::d::Nothing.', 'mom::smile::Sounds good, what are you watching?', 'david::d::Endless commercials.', 'mom::smile::Well, I\'m gonna try and get some work done on my painting.', 'david::d::Kay.']; world_text[11] = [0, 'mom::focus::...', 'mom::focus::These greens are so ugly...']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',,'}); sub_melissa.push({}); tempstate1 = sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'cw.mvar,,,'}) - 1; sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[12] = [{'nextext': 51}, 'melissa::food::Mmmm...', 'none::d::[Sleepiness Decreased.]']; tempstate2 = sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'cw.mvar,'}) - 1; sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[13] = [{'nextext': 49}, 'melissa::bask::Ahhh, Dad\'s coffee is the best.', 'pc::d::This will likely keep her up all night.', 'melissa::smile::And it\'s the perfect time, I\'ll caffeine crash right at bedtime.', 'pc::concern::Or not.', 'none::d::[Sleepiness Increased.]']; tempstate3 = sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'cw.mvar,,'}) - 1; sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[14] = [{'nextext': 49}, 'melissa::mad::They\'re all so lazy, I\'m the only one who does the dishes.', 'melissa::mad::Dad was promising me the whole time things would be better when he remarries.', 'melissa::mad::But all it got me was two more people to clean up after.', 'melissa::tired::...', 'none::d::[Sleepiness Increased.]']; temp_m = 'kitchen,microwave,'; temp_c = ',kitchen,coffee,'; temp_s = ',kitchen,sink,'; world_text[15] = [{'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'sleep_kitchen', 'locks': temp_m + '16' + temp_c + '18' + temp_s + '20'}, 'pc::contemplation::Once again I sense an opportunity arising in this cluttered room.', 'pc::d::I shall inject my potent lust into one of the objects in this room to attract Melissa to it.']; world_text[16] = [{'choice': '100,17,100'}, 'pc::d::I believe if I inject my lust into this microwave it will cause Melissa to chow down on a plump sausage.', 'none::d::[Inject Microwave with Lust]', 'none::d::[Cancel]']; world_text[17] = [{'as': 'melissa+' + tempstate1, 'nextext': 22, 'locks': temp_m + '127' + temp_c + '117' + temp_s + '115'}, 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; world_text[18] = [{'choice': '100,19,100'}, 'pc::d::If I were to inject my lust into this coffee Melissa would surely swallow.', 'none::d::[Inject Coffee Pot with Lust]', 'none::d::[Cancel]']; world_text[19] = [{'as': 'melissa+' + tempstate2, 'nextext': 22, 'locks': temp_m + '114' + temp_c + '129' + temp_s + '115'}, 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; world_text[20] = [{'choice': '100,21,100'}, 'pc::d::To inject this sink with lust would cause Melissa to rub these dishes all over.', 'none::d::[Inject Sink with Lust]', 'none::d::[Cancel]']; world_text[21] = [{'as': 'melissa+' + tempstate3, 'nextext': 22, 'locks': temp_m + '114' + temp_c + '117' + temp_s + '128'}, 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; world_text[22] = {'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full'}; world_text[100] = {}; tempstate1 = sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',melissa'}) - 1; sub_melissa.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': 'as.melissa+' + tempstate1}); sub_girl.push({}); world_text[23] = [0, 'mom::d::So what do you think?', 'melissa::d::It\'s pretty.', 'mom::focus::...', 'melissa::d::It doesn\'t look the same though.', 'mom::focus::I know.', 'melissa::d::Why is it different?', 'mom::focus::I\'m trying to recapture my youth.', 'mom::d::All of us oldies try to do that.']; sub_dad.push({'mov': ',,'}); sub_dad.push({}); world_text[24] = [0, 'dad::shock::Christ, it\'s hot in here.', 'dad::mad::You wouldn\'t think it\'s winter at all.']; world_text[25] = [0, 'mom::focus::How was work?', 'dad::d::Jay got me to go on-site again.', 'mom::focus::Tell Jay to get a new guy already, you\'re a supervisor now.', 'dad::tired::I do but he keeps saying we can\'t afford it.', 'dad::tired::How was your day?', 'mom::focus::Absolutely mind-numbing, endless mountains of forms.', 'mom::d::The brats get pizza and music on their last day before holidays...', 'dad::smile::You want to order a pizza? If we\'re lucky, one of those brats will be delivering it.', 'mom::smile::I\'d rather keep them as far away as possible.']; world_text[26] = [0, 'dad::d::Hi David.', 'david::d::...', 'dad::d::What are you watching?', 'david::d::Re-runs.', 'dad::smile::I\'m gonna work on the Tree. You could help if you want.', 'david::d::...']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',,,,,,,2'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': 'w.2.wt.27.c'}); sub_david.push({}); tempstate1 = sub_david.push({'mov': 'cw.dvar,++.w.2.wt.34.5.w.2.wt.37.0'}) - 1; sub_david.push({}); world_text[34] = [{'nextext': 51}, 'david::d::...', 'pc::concern::...', 'david::d::...', 'pc::contemplation::Well... that was effective.', 'none::d::[Sleepiness Increased.]']; tempstate2 = sub_david.push({'mov': 'cw.dvar,--.gstate.tvsurf.bgsnd.tvsurf.w.2.wt.35.5.w.2.wt.37.0'}) - 1; sub_david.push({}); world_text[35] = [{'nextext': 53}, 'david::d::Commercial, rerun, local news, commercial, commercial...', 'david::mad::No, no, nope, hell no...', 'none::d::[Sleepiness Decreased.]']; tempstate3 = sub_david.push({'mov': 'cw.dvar,'}) - 1; sub_david.push({}); world_text[36] = [{'nextext': 51}, 'dad::smile::Glad you decided to join me.', 'david::d::Sure.', 'dad::d::...', 'david::d::...', 'dad::d::So anything in particular you wanting from Santa?', 'david::think::Hmmm...', 'david::think::If you intend to buy my love I can think of a few games and manga I\'d like.', 'pc::shock::How cruel!', 'dad::mad::How about I get you Superman64 and a pack of Archie comics?', 'david::shock::Don\'t even joke about that.', 'dad::devious::Casper meets Richie Rich.', 'david::shock::...', 'pc::laugh::I don\'t completely get the threat but David has the painful expression of a fish.', 'none::d::[Sleepiness Increased.]']; temp_tv = 'living,tv,'; temp_ta = ',living,table,'; temp_tr = ',living,tree,'; world_text[27] = [{'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'sleep_living', 'locks': temp_tv + '28' + temp_ta + '30' + temp_tr + '32'}, 'pc::d::Another lust injecting opportunity.', 'pc::curious::What shall I attract David to?']; world_text[28] = [{'choice': '29,100'}, 'none::d::[Inject TV with Lust]', 'none::d::[Cancel]']; world_text[29] = [{'as': 'david+' + tempstate1, 'nextext': 22, 'locks': temp_tv + '130' + temp_ta + '103' + temp_tr + '102'}, 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; world_text[30] = [{'choice': '31,100'}, 'none::d::[Inject Remote with Lust]', 'none::d::[Cancel]']; world_text[31] = [{'as': 'david+' + tempstate2, 'nextext': 22, 'locks': temp_tv + '101' + temp_ta + '132' + temp_tr + '102'}, 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; world_text[32] = [{'choice': '33,100'}, 'none::d::[Inject Tree with Lust]', 'none::d::[Cancel]']; world_text[33] = [{'as': 'david+' + tempstate3, 'nextext': 22, 'locks': temp_tv + '101' + temp_ta + '103' + temp_tr + '131'}, 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; world_text[37] = {'cut': 'night', 'changeworld': 'state,2,stereo,1,tree,2,davidbed,1,melissabed,1', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full', 'func2': 'init_bgsnds', 'func2pass': 'dark,melissa,0,dining,0,kitchen,0,david,0'}; world_text[49] = [0, 'none::d::[Bedtime ETA 10:30pm]']; world_text[51] = [0, 'none::d::[Bedtime ETA 11:30pm]']; world_text[53] = [0, 'none::d::[Bedtime ETA 12:30am]']; sub_girl.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'l': 1, 'ws': 2, 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_dad.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'l': 1, 'ws': 2, 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'tx': 63, 'ty': 21, 'l': 1, 'ws': 2, 'gstate': 'stand', 'gchar': 'melissa_pj', 'gdir': 'nw'}); sub_david.push({'tx': 61, 'ty': 46, 'l': 1, 'ws': 2, 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'se'}); sub_mom.push({'tx': 6, 'ty': 44, 'l': 1, 'ws': 2, 'gstate': 'art', 'gchar': 'mother', 'gdir': 'se'}); sub_david.push({'mov': 'wt.38.c'}); sub_david.push({}); temp_nextext = 'dvar.-2,54,0,52,2,50'; tempstate1 = sub_david.push({'mov': 'cw.dvar,,'}) - 1; sub_david.push({}); world_text[45] = [{'nextext': temp_nextext}, 'david::sleep::...', 'david::sleep::Why can\'t I fall asleep?', 'david::sleep::I want to fall asleep so much that I can\'t sleep.', 'none::d::[Sleepiness Decreased.]']; tempstate2 = sub_david.push({'mov': 'cw.dvar,,'}) - 1; sub_david.push({}); world_text[46] = [{'nextext': temp_nextext}, 'david::focus::...', 'david::pissed::Ugh, I keep dying before I can reach the last red coin.', 'david::focus::I\'m getting this star no matter what!', 'none::d::[Sleepiness Decreased.]']; tempstate3 = sub_david.push({'mov': 'cw.dvar,'}) - 1; sub_david.push({}); world_text[47] = [{'nextext': temp_nextext}, 'pc::d::He\'s pulled out a hidden Japanese book from the back.', 'pc::blush::He\'s pulled out something else as well.', 'pc::shock::What an amazing single-handed book-holding/page-flipping technique!', 'none::d::[Sleepiness Increased.]']; temp_b = 'david,bed,'; temp_t = ',david,tv,'; temp_g = ',david,games,'; world_text[38] = [{'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'sleep_david', 'locks': temp_b + '39' + temp_t + '41' + temp_g + '43'}, 'pc::d::Ok, what shall I make David do now?']; world_text[39] = [{'choice': '40,100'}, 'none::d::[Inject Bed with Lust]', 'none::d::[Cancel]']; world_text[40] = [{'as': 'david+' + tempstate1, 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'unsleep_david', 'locks': temp_b + '136' + temp_t + '125' + temp_g + '126'}, 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; world_text[41] = [{'choice': '42,100'}, 'none::d::[Inject Videogame Console with Lust]', 'none::d::[Cancel]']; world_text[42] = [{'as': 'david+' + tempstate2, 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'unsleep_david', 'locks': temp_b + '123' + temp_t + '137' + temp_g + '126'}, 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; world_text[43] = [{'choice': '44,100'}, 'none::d::[Inject Collection with Lust]', 'none::d::[Cancel]']; world_text[44] = [{'as': 'david+' + tempstate3, 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'unsleep_david', 'locks': temp_b + '123' + temp_t + '125' + temp_g + '138'}, 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'wt.58.c'}); sub_melissa.push({}); temp_nextext = 'mvar.-2,52,0,50,2,48'; tempstate1 = sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'cw.mvar,,'}) - 1; sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[55] = [{'nextext': temp_nextext}, 'melissa::musicmouth::Oh oh-oh ooohhh', 'melissa::music::Mmmm~~', 'melissa::musicmouth::pachu wari wari, pachu wa-ri wa-', 'melissa::music::...', 'pc::curious::I think she fell asleep.', 'none::d::[Sleepiness Increased.]']; tempstate2 = sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'cw.mvar,'}) - 1; sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[56] = [{'nextext': temp_nextext}, 'melissa::focus::Where is Schizophonia?!', 'melissa::focus::...', 'melissa::d::There it is... this ordering is terrible.', 'melissa::focus::I should reorder... maybe by genre.', 'melissa::focus::Hip-Hop, Orchestral Rock, Baroque Pop, Rockabilly, J-Rock, Kraut-rock...', 'melissa::focus::No wait those last two aren\'t really genres, they\'re geography. And I have stuff that fits into multiple genres.', 'melissa::focus::...', 'pc::d::She\'s going to be at this all night from the looks of it.', 'none::d::[Sleepiness Decreased.]']; tempstate3 = sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'cw.mvar,,'}) - 1; sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[57] = [{'nextext': temp_nextext}, 'melissa::d::...', 'melissa::focus::...', 'melissa::tired::What did I come over here for? I\'ve forgotten completely.', 'pc::d::I can\'t say I\'m sure why I decided to send you over there either.', 'melissa::tired::...', 'none::d::[Sleepiness Increased.]']; temp_s = 'melissa,stereo,'; temp_m = ',melissa,music,'; temp_d = ',melissa,dresser,'; world_text[58] = [{'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'sleep_melissa', 'locks': temp_s + '59' + temp_m + '61' + temp_d + '63'}, 'pc::d::Melissa once again looks susceptible to my influence...']; world_text[59] = [{'choice': '60,100'}, 'none::d::[Inject Stereo with Lust]', 'none::d::[Cancel]']; world_text[60] = [{'as': 'melissa+' + tempstate1, 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'unsleep_melissa', 'locks': temp_s + '133' + temp_m + '111' + temp_d + '112'}, 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; world_text[61] = [{'choice': '62,100'}, 'none::d::[Inject Music Collection with Lust]', 'none::d::[Cancel]']; world_text[62] = [{'as': 'melissa+' + tempstate2, 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'unsleep_melissa', 'locks': temp_s + '110' + temp_m + '134' + temp_d + '112'}, 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; world_text[63] = [{'choice': '64,100'}, 'none::d::[Inject Dresser with Lust]', 'none::d::[Cancel]']; world_text[64] = [{'as': 'melissa+' + tempstate3, 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'unsleep_melissa', 'locks': temp_s + '110' + temp_m + '111' + temp_d + '135'}, 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; world_text[48] = [0, 'none::d::[Bedtime ETA 10:00pm]']; world_text[50] = [0, 'none::d::[Bedtime ETA 11:00pm]']; world_text[52] = [0, 'none::d::[Bedtime ETA 12:00am]']; world_text[54] = [0, 'none::d::[Bedtime ETA 1:00am]']; sub_girl.push({'mov': ''}); sub_girl.push({}); tempstate1 = sub_mom.push({}) - 1; sub_mom.push({'mov': ',dishes,1+' + (tempstate1 + 3) + '+' + (tempstate1 + 5)}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ',' + (tempstate1 + 5)}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': 'w.2.wt.65.0'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_girl.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'l': 1, 'ws': 3, 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'tx': 60, 'ty': 21, 'l': 1, 'ws': 3, 'gchar': 'melissa_pj', 'gstate': 'bed', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_david.push({'tx': 64, 'ty': 50, 'l': 1, 'ws': 3, 'gchar': 'david_summer', 'gstate': 'bed', 'gdir': 'nw'}); sub_david.push({}); sub_dad.push({'tx': 78, 'ty': 48, 'l': 1, 'ws': 3, 'gchar': 'father_work', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); tempstate1 = sub_dad.push({'mov': ''}) - 1; sub_dad.push({}); world_text[70] = [0, 'none::d::The housing market shows no sign of slowing, this is the best time to sell. Everyone in America wants a house of their own right now.', 'dad::d::...', 'none::d::To the big headline this morning, footage of the continued nighttime bombings of Iraq.', 'none::d::These airstrikes are taking place on a facility that we\'re told is suspected of the manufacture of chemical weapons.', 'none::d::This is the result of the Iraqi government breaking an agreement to allow United Nations weapons inspectors...']; tempstate2 = sub_dad.push({'mov': ''}) - 1; sub_dad.push({}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': ''}); sub_dad.push({}); tempstate3 = sub_dad.push({'mov': 'j.20.17.bgsnd.tv_news.j.70.40'}) - 1; sub_dad.push({}); sub_mom.push({'tx': 78, 'ty': 48, 'l': 1, 'ws': 3, 'gchar': 'mother_work', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); tempstate4 = sub_mom.push({}) - 1; tempstate5 = sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}) - 1; sub_mom.push({}); tempstate6 = sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}) - 1; sub_mom.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': '' + tempstate6}); sub_girl.push({}); world_text[66] = [0, 'mom::tired::You have a good day, hubs.', 'dad::smile::You too. There\'s still some coffee if you want some.', 'mom::tired::Thanks.', 'dad::smile::Ok, I\'m off.']; tempstate6 = sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}) - 1; sub_mom.push({}); temp_x = 'dad,mom+is,worldtime,8+' + tempstate3 + ',' + tempstate6 + '+++dad,mom+is,worldtime,7+' + tempstate2 + ',' + tempstate5 + '+++dad,mom+is,worldtime,6+' + tempstate1 + ',' + tempstate4; tempstate1 = sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',,,,'}) - 1; sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[69] = [0, 'melissa::d::...', 'melissa::shock::Too cold!', 'melissa::d::...', 'melissa::pain::Too hot!', 'melissa::d::...', 'melissa::grit::Too cold.', 'melissa::d::...']; tempstate2 = sub_melissa.push({'mov': ','}) - 1; sub_melissa.push({}); tempstate3 = sub_david.push({'mov': ',,,,,'}) - 1; sub_david.push({}); tempstate4 = sub_david.push({'mov': ',1.w.1.sw.3.nw.2.sw.5.nw.1.gstate.walk.w.1.wt.67.c'}) - 1; sub_david.push({}); temp_a = '+++melissa+is,mvar,worldtime+' + tempstate1 + '+++david+is,dvar,worldtime+' + tempstate3 + '+++melissa,david+is,mvar,dvar+' + tempstate2 + ',' + tempstate4; world_text[65] = {'cut': 'day', 'as': temp_x + temp_a, 'func3': 'changeworldtime', 'changeworld': defaultstate + 'state,3,melissabed,3,tree,2,davidbed,2,toilet,2', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full', 'func2': 'init_bgsnds', 'func2pass': 'laundry,laundry_washing'}; world_text[68] = [{'locks': 'kitchen,toaster,139', 'nextext': 'toasterexplained.0,323'}, 'pc::contemplation::I feel like I\'ve missed my chance.', 'pc::concern::I\'m going to need to go back.']; world_text[323] = [0, 'pc::d::Luckily I sensed an item earlier that could return me.', 'pc::d::It was in the kitchen...']; tempstate1 = sub_girl.push({'mov': 'w.1.wt.327.0'}) - 1; sub_girl.push({}); world_text[67] = {'as': 'girl+' + tempstate1}; world_text[327] = [{'precut': 'morning', 'func3': 'saveprogress', 'func3pass': '2,1', 'nextext': 71}, 'pc::laugh::Now that\'s how it\'s done!', 'pc::d::I will stoke her lust and broker trust.', 'pc::bask::I\'ll have them reunited in no time at all.']; world_text[71] = {'cut': 'transition', 'nextws': defaultstate + 'state,4,mvar,0,dvar,0,checkpoint,71,tree,2,curtain,3,towels,4', 'locks': 'kitchen,toaster,139', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full', 'func2': 'init_bgsnds', 'func2pass': 0}; sub_girl.push({'tx': 75, 'ty': 44, 'l': 1, 'ws': 4, 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_dad.push({'tx': 75, 'ty': 44, 'l': 1, 'ws': 4, 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_mom.push({'tx': 75, 'ty': 44, 'l': 1, 'ws': 4, 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_david.push({'tx': 22, 'ty': 14, 'l': 1, 'ws': 4, 'gstate': 'couch', 'gchar': 'david_summer', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[72] = [{'nextext': 324}, 'pc::disdain::He\'s been sitting there all day like a toad.']; sub_melissa.push({'tx': 49, 'ty': 16, 'l': 1, 'ws': 4, 'gstate': 'stand', 'gchar': 'melissa_towel', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); world_text[73] = [{'nextext': 324}, 'pc::disdain::This stubborn girl just putters around.']; world_text[324] = [0, 'pc::disdain::This is pathetic. They\'re alone together with all the chances in the world...', 'pc::disdain::They leave me no choice but to be more proactive in my approach.', 'pc::contemplation::I need to force them to engage with one another...', 'pc::contemplation::A sexually charged situation.', 'pc::disdain::But these damn puritanicals won\'t even disrobe without complete privacy...', 'pc::determined::One way or another, I will force them to bathe together like children!']; world_text[200] = [{'locks': 'kitchen,toaster,139', 'nextext': 'toasterexplained.0,323'}, 'pc::concern::This is not going as I had planned. I have no choice but to reset the gameboard of life.']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',,,,2.bgsnd.song1.w.2.wt.200.0'}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[74] = [{'locks': 'hall,thermostat,145,dining,thermostat,145'}, 'melissa::grit::So cold...', 'pc::concern::This cold is going to drive Melissa to dress in even thicker clothing if I don\'t quickly remind her of a way to get warm without bundling up.']; world_text[75] = [{'locks': 'hall,thermostat,144,dining,thermostat,144'}, 'melissa::d::I guess I\'ll put on my sweats.', 'pc::disdain::Argh, I might as well give up now.']; world_text[145] = [{'locks': 'hall,thermostat,144,dining,thermostat,144', 'as': 'melissa,melissa', 'changeworld': 'mvar,1'}, 'pc::d::This should work.', 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',,2.bgsnd.song3'}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[76] = [0, 'melissa::d::Let\'s burn this motherfucker down.']; tempstate1 = sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',,,,,,,,melissa+is,mvar,,2'}) - 1; sub_melissa.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[77] = [{'locks': 'kitchen,microwave,146,kitchen,stove,147,kitchen,fridge,148', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'pee_kitchen'}, 'david::tired::What to eat...', 'pc::d::A meal decision doesn\'t seem too important but maybe I can get him into the bath somehow through this.']; temp_a = 'kitchen,microwave,114,kitchen,stove,116,kitchen,fridge,119'; world_text[148] = [{'locks': temp_a, 'as': 'melissa+' + tempstate1 + '+++david', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full'}, 'pc::d::The icebox it is.', 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; sub_david.push({'mov': ',2'}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[78] = [0, 'melissa::d::Sorry, were you going to the fridge?', 'pc::shock::Oh! Somehow I got them speaking!', 'david::pissed::It\'s ok, I\'ve lost my appetite.', 'pc::concern::That\'s not good.']; tempstate2 = sub_david.push({'mov': ',,,3.wt.200.0'}) - 1; sub_david.push({}); world_text[146] = [{'locks': temp_a, 'as': 'melissa+' + tempstate1 + '+++david+' + tempstate2, 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full'}, 'pc::d::The microwave will have to do.', 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; world_text[79] = [{'locks': 'david,tv,149'}, 'david::pissed::I wanted to eat in the livingroom but it sounds like Melissa has taken that spot.', 'david::d::I suppose I could eat in here...', 'pc::curious::Maybe I should have him eat somewhere, else?']; world_text[80] = [{'locks': 'david,tv,125'}, 'david::d::Whatever, I\'ll just eat in here.']; world_text[149] = [{'locks': 'david,tv,125', 'as': 'david,david'}, 'david::d::Oh right, I need to be the level I started last night. I\'ll eat while I play.', 'pc::devious::Perfect, he\'ll definitely make a mess and need to bathe.']; sub_david.push({'mov': ',,'}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[81] = [0, 'david::shock::God damnit!', 'david::pissed::Food all up in my junk. I\'ll have to take a shower later.', 'pc::d::Called it!']; sub_david.push({'mov': 'cw.nintendo,'}); tempstate3 = sub_david.push({'mov': ',,,melissa,melissa+is,mvar,,,,mvar,,'}) - 1; sub_david.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': ',1.bgsnd.bath'}); sub_david.push({}); tempstate2 = sub_david.push({'mov': ',,,,,,,mvar,,'}) - 1; sub_david.push({}); world_text[147] = [{'locks': temp_a, 'as': 'melissa+' + tempstate1 + '+++david+' + tempstate2, 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full'}, 'pc::d::I\'ll have him cook in front of a hot stove!', 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; world_text[85] = [0, 'david::smile::...', 'pc::d::David\'s making french toast.', 'pc::curious::It seems he puts the cinnamon in the pan with the butter, very interesting.', 'pc::d::My personal theory is that there\'s 3 types of people...', 'pc::bask::There\'s those who put the cinnamon in the coating...', 'pc::bask::Those are the optimistic people who think they can lazily just dump all the cinnamon in and maybe it will spread evenly on it\'s own.', 'pc::bask::Second there\'s the ones who put the cinnamon directly on the bread as it fries...', 'pc::bask::These people are eternal pessimists, stingily conserving the cinnamon.', 'pc::d::And then there\'s the people who mix the cinnamon with the frying butter...', 'pc::d::The realists who realize it\'s worth the extra effort and wasted cinnamon to enrapture their breads and dwelling with the delightful scent.', 'pc::d::Now knowing that David is a logical boy who can be plied by the rationality of pleasure...', 'pc::bask::...well that makes my task easier.']; sub_david.push({'mov': 'cw.coke,,' + tempstate3}); sub_david.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[82] = [{'nextext': 83}, 'melissa::d::Let\'s see... Big Daddy... Yellow Submari-', 'melissa::smile::Ah, Scream...', 'melissa::think::Or maybe Ferris Beuller... hmmm, which should I watch?']; world_text[83] = [{'choice': '325,84'}, 'pc::contemplation::If she watches the horror flick maybe she\'ll be so scared she\'ll wet herself.\n[Watch Horror]', 'pc::laugh::Or maybe she\'ll pee herself laughing at the comedy film.\n[Watch Comedy]']; world_text[84] = [{'changeworld': 'mvar,2'}, 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; world_text[325] = [0, 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ','}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[326] = [0, 'melissa::d::Stop running to stupid places you stupid girl.', 'melissa::d::...', 'melissa::d::Well I gotta pee...']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[86] = [0, 'melissa::laugh::Hahaha, oh man they stole the car they stole the car has been double st-', 'melissa::shock::-AH, I\'m busting to pee. Gotta go fast!']; world_text[87] = {'cut': 'bathroom', 'func3': 'saveprogress', 'func3pass': '3,1', 'changeworld': 'curtain,1'}; world_text[88] = [{'nextext': 89}, 'pc::blush::I can sense lust rising on every front.', 'pc::laugh::The proactive approach is working miracles!', 'pc::d::I\'ll push them even further next round.', 'pc::laugh::Paneros will squish you two together until you\'re in-love once more!']; sub_girl.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': ',mvar,2+++melissa+is,mvar,1'}); sub_girl.push({}); world_text[89] = {'cut': 'night', 'changeworld': defaultstate + 'state,5,mvar,0,dvar,0,checkpoint,89,tree,2,dishes,1,toilet,3,nintendo,2', 'locks': 'kitchen,toaster,139', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full', 'func2': 'init_bgsnds', 'func2pass': '0,david,vidya,living,tv_show,laundry,1'}; sub_girl.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'l': 1, 'ws': 5, 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_dad.push({'tx': 75, 'ty': 44, 'l': 1, 'ws': 5, 'gchar': 'father_work', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'tx': 22, 'ty': 15, 'l': 1, 'ws': 5, 'gchar': 'melissa_summer', 'gstate': 'couch', 'gdir': 'nw'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_mom.push({'tx': 21, 'ty': 13, 'l': 1, 'ws': 5, 'gchar': 'mother', 'gstate': 'couch', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_david.push({'tx': 63, 'ty': 48, 'l': 1, 'ws': 5, 'gchar': 'david_summer', 'gstate': 'sit', 'gdir': 'nw'}); sub_david.push({'mov': 'w.3.wt.92.c'}); tempstate1 = sub_david.push({}) - 1; world_text[92] = [0, 'david::contemplation::*sigh* I can\'t find the last 5 coins in this level anywhere...']; sub_mom.push({'mov': 'w.3.wt.90.c'}); sub_mom.push({}); world_text[90] = [{'as': 'david+' + (tempstate1 + 1)}, 'none::d::~Who will Markob give the final \'rose of romantic consideration\' to? Samanthelly or Tanyezebel?~', 'none::d::*tension*', 'mom::smile::He is an absolute idiot if he doesn\'t pick Sammy, she\'s so smart and considerate.', 'melissa::dispoint::He\'ll probably just pick Tanya because she\'s prettier.', 'mom::shock::Sammy is cuter! Guys like cute too.', 'none::d::I\'m having a, like, really hard decision because I really, really, like, enjoyed the time I spent with both of you...', 'none::d::I think that like I want...', 'none::d::~Rose of Romantic Consideration will return shortly.~', 'melissa::laugh::Not only is Sam not as pretty, she ruined their date.', 'mom::d::But she apologized afterwards, you have to be very brave and thoughtful to recognize your faults and apologize for them.', 'melissa::think::I suppose...', 'pc::contemplation::I can sense Melissa considering apologizing to David.', 'none::d::~Rose of Romantic Consideration returns. What will Markob\'s decision be?~', 'melissa::smile::All of that doesn\'t matter anyways, he\'ll pick Tanya.', 'mom::d::Why do you say that?', 'none::d::I have decided that I will give my final rose to...', 'none::d::*tension*', 'none::d::Tanyeezy.', 'none::d::~The final \'rose of romantic consideration\' is handed to Tanyezebel, eliminating Samanthelly.~', 'mom::dispoint::Awwww...', 'melissa::smile::I knew he would choose the pretty one because Mark is obviously SHALLOW.', 'mom::dispoint::I guess so...']; sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); world_text[91] = [0, 'mom::smile::Well that\'s enough for me, I\'m going to work on my painting.', 'melissa::d::Ok.']; sub_david.push({'mov': 'cw.nintendo,,2.bgsnd.vidya.w.2.wt.95.c'}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[93] = [0, 'david::d::Oh...', 'mom::smile::Hey David, sit down. Watch Rose of Romantic Consideration with us.', 'david::d::No... I\'m good.']; world_text[94] = [0, 'pc::curious::David\'s looking quite intently at this portrait of Melissa and her Father.', 'pc::contemplation::He\'s thinking about...', 'pc::shock::This is intense, there\'s dense inner conflict here I don\'t feel I was prepared for!', 'pc::concern::Here I was thinking that David was just sour over his lover\'s infidelity but there\'s even more to it...', 'pc::concern::A jealousy of her upbringing and assumed spoiled nature...', 'pc::concern::A cocktail of feelings concerning how his philandering Father left him and his Mother...', 'pc::contemplation::I may have my work cut out for me after all.']; world_text[95] = [{'locks': 'david,tv,96'}, 'pc::disdain::This won\'t do, I cannot let David distract himself anymore.', 'pc::determined::I will make him face these feelings one way or another.']; world_text[96] = [{'locks': 'david,tv,97', 'as': 'david'}, 'pc::devious::ZAP!']; world_text[97] = [0, 'pc::blush::A zapped television.']; sub_david.push({'mov': 'cw.nintendo,,,'}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[98] = [0, 'david::d::What...?', 'david::shock::WHAT?!']; world_text[99] = [0, 'david::focus::Red wire, red plug. Yellow wire, yellow plug. White wire, white plug.', 'david::focus::Electricity plugs are fine, tv powerlight is on.', 'david::shock::Did the console break?!', 'david::focus::Calm! Calmly turn off and on the console...']; world_text[150] = [0, 'david::relief::Thank god, it works.', 'pc::d::That\'s right thank me.']; world_text[151] = [0, 'david::d::Alright where was-', 'david::shock::The savefile is gone...', 'david::pissed::Ugggggh, all my progress.', 'david::sad::Man, whatever... I was getting sick of collecting stuff anyways.']; world_text[152] = [{'locks': 'all,all,153,living,tree,-2,bath,bath,-2,bath,toilet,-2,hall,tohide,-2,living,vhs,-2,melissa,music,-2,melissa,stereo,-2,kitchen,coffee,-2,living,tree,155,bath,bath,157,bath,toilet,157,hall,tohide,159,living,vhs,161,melissa,music,163,melissa,stereo,163,kitchen,coffee,165'}, 'david::sad::...', 'pc::determined::David is spacing out, this is the opportunity I need to get him thinking about things.', 'pc::determined::The things that anger him about his new life.', 'pc::determined::The things that will move him to action!']; temp_a = 'pc::curious::Maybe THIS will spark David.\n[Use]'; temp_b = 'pc::d::Or maybe it will waste my chances.\n[Cancel]'; temp_x = 'mvar.6,168.dvar.3,169'; world_text[153] = [{'choice': '154,100'}, temp_a, temp_b]; world_text[154] = [{'changeworld': 'mvar,++', 'nextext': temp_x}, 'david::sad::...', 'pc::dispoint::No effect.', 'pc::dispoint::I can\'t keep suggesting the wrong things or I will miss my chance.']; world_text[155] = [{'choice': '156,100'}, temp_a, temp_b]; world_text[156] = [{'changeworld': 'dvar,++', 'nextext': temp_x, 'locks': 'living,tree,-2,living,tree,167'}, 'david::sad::...', 'david::focus::...', 'david::focus::Why do I have to share Christmas with a couple of strangers?', 'david::mad::...']; world_text[157] = [{'choice': '158,100'}, temp_a, temp_b]; world_text[158] = [{'changeworld': 'dvar,++', 'nextext': temp_x, 'locks': 'bath,bath,-2,bath,toilet,-2,bath,bath,167,bath,toilet,167'}, 'david::sad::...', 'david::focus::...', 'david::focus::It\'s bad enough I can\'t walk around the house without running into her but then I can\'t even get any privacy in the shower.', 'david::mad::...']; world_text[159] = [{'choice': '160,100'}, temp_a, temp_b]; world_text[160] = [{'changeworld': 'dvar,++', 'nextext': temp_x, 'locks': 'hall,tohide,-2,hall,tohide,167'}, 'david::sad::...', 'david::focus::...', 'david::focus::That asshole sleeping with my mom.', 'david::mad::...']; world_text[161] = [{'choice': '162,100'}, temp_a, temp_b]; world_text[162] = [{'changeworld': 'dvar,++', 'nextext': temp_x, 'locks': 'living,vhs,-2,living,vhs,167'}, 'david::sad::...', 'david::focus::...', 'david::focus::Me and my mom didn\'t have any money to waste but this stupid guy was buying crappy movies every week.', 'david::mad::...']; world_text[163] = [{'choice': '164,100'}, temp_a, temp_b]; world_text[164] = [{'changeworld': 'dvar,++', 'nextext': temp_x, 'locks': 'melissa,music,-2,melissa,music,167,melissa,stereo,-2,melissa,stereo,167'}, 'david::sad::...', 'david::focus::...', 'david::focus::Melissa got all this shit whenever she wanted, spoiled brat.', 'david::mad::...']; world_text[165] = [{'choice': '166,100'}, temp_a, temp_b]; world_text[166] = [{'changeworld': 'dvar,++', 'nextext': temp_x, 'locks': 'kitchen,coffee,-2,kitchen,coffee,167'}, 'david::sad::...', 'david::focus::...', 'david::focus::Stupid pretentious old man yakking on about coffees, thinking he\'s classy because he overpays.', 'david::mad::...']; world_text[167] = [0, 'pc::d::I\'ve already used this one.']; world_text[168] = [{'locks': 'all,all,-2', 'as': 'david', 'nextext': 'toasterexplained.0,323'}, 'david::sad::What am I doing spacing out and thinking about stupid things?', 'david::sad::Screw it, I\'m going to sleep.', 'pc::dispoint::Rats, all I managed to do was make David depressed. I should start over.']; sub_david.push({'mov': ',2'}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[169] = [{'locks': 'all,all,-2', 'as': 'david,david,david'}, 'david::mad::And fucking Melissa...', 'david::mad::I loved her.', 'pc::d::Here we go!']; sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[170] = [{'as': 'melissa'}, 'david::mad::...', 'david::mad::How about I scratch \'Michael\' into every one of these discs.', 'pc::curious::Wait, who\'s Michael?']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[171] = [{'as': 'david'}, 'melissa::concern::David? What are you doing in my room?', 'david::mad::...']; sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': 'j.70.40'}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[172] = [0, 'melissa::think::Wait, David...', 'melissa::think::I\'ve been thinking about stuff from before...', 'david::mad::...', 'melissa::sad::And well, I never properly apologized for what I did...']; world_text[173] = [{'nextext': 175, 'as': 'melissa'}, 'david::mad::Apologize?! You think you can just say \'sorry\' and everything will be fine!?', 'melissa::sad::No.', 'david::mad::I\'m never forgiving you.', 'melissa::sad::That\'s fine, I deserve that... I let myself be manipulated and hurt you and...', 'melissa::contemplation::I just want you to know that I never stopped loving you so if you could at least...', 'david::mad::...', 'david::pain::You\'re...', 'david::pain::You\'re not fair...']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'gstate.crouch'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': ''}); sub_dad.push({}); world_text[174] = [0, 'dad::shock::Holy hell is it hot in here.', 'dad::mad::That\'s enough of that, I\'m gonna give these Honolulu kids a talking to.']; tempstate1 = sub_dad.push({'mov': ''}) - 1; sub_dad.push({}); world_text[175] = [{'precut': 'fuck', 'func3': 'saveprogress', 'func3pass': '4,1', 'as': 'dad+' + tempstate1}, 'dad::mad::MELISSA?!', 'dad::mad::DAVID!?']; world_text[176] = [0, 'dad::d::Where\'s David gone to?']; world_text[177] = [0, 'dad::mad::Melissa, are you kidding me?', 'melissa::nervous::Um, what?', 'dad::mad::It\'s freezing outside and you\'re walking around with bare arms like it\'s Honolulu!', 'melissa::nervous::Oh...', 'dad::d::Stop wasting electricity and put on some warmer clothes.', 'melissa::nervous::Yeah, ok... sorry.']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[178] = [0, 'melissa::relief::Crap, I thought he heard us...', 'melissa::laugh::Hahaha.', 'david::shame::What\'s so funny?', 'melissa::laugh::This happened the first time we had sex too.', 'david::smile::Your Dad has the worst timing.', 'david::d::...', 'pc::determined::Go on David, say what you feel.', 'david::shame::...']; world_text[179] = [{'nextext': 'demoing.0,180,1,185'}, 'pc::determined::It isn\'t perfect yet but I\'m clearly making progress.', 'pc::lust::OneHandGames \'Cold Winter Days\' will be right back after the break!']; world_text[185] = {'func': 'finishgame'}; world_text[180] = {'cut': 'transition', 'nextws': defaultstate + 'state,6,tree,3,melissabed,3,davidbed,2', 'locks': 'kitchen,toaster,143', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full', 'func2': 'init_bgsnds', 'func2pass': 'dark,laundry,laundry_washing'}; sub_girl.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'l': 1, 'ws': 6, 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'tx': 60, 'ty': 21, 'l': 1, 'ws': 6, 'gchar': 'melissa_pj', 'gstate': 'bed', 'gdir': 'nw'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_david.push({'tx': 64, 'ty': 50, 'l': 1, 'ws': 6, 'gchar': 'david_winter', 'gstate': 'bed', 'gdir': 'nw'}); sub_david.push({}); sub_mom.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'l': 1, 'ws': 6, 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_dad.push({'tx': 21, 'ty': 19, 'l': 1, 'ws': 6, 'gchar': 'father', 'gstate': 'embrace', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_dad.push({'mov': 'w.c.w.2.wt.181.c.w.3.wt.182.0'}); sub_dad.push({}); world_text[181] = [0, 'mom::bask::This is so nice... our first Christmas.', 'mom::bask::I think Melissa is finally warming to me.', 'dad::smile::I told you she would.', 'mom::bask::I always wanted a daughter...', 'dad::smile::Before you know it they\'ll feel we\'d always been together.', 'dad::smile::She\'ll be calling you \'mom\'...', 'mom::bask::...', 'dad::smile::...And hitting you up for money.', 'mom::laugh::You\'re terrible.', 'dad::smile::And our two lonely little only-children will finally get to be the siblings they always wanted to be.', 'pc::laugh::Not if I can help it.']; world_text[182] = {'cut': 'day', 'changeworld': defaultstate + 'state,7,tree,3,dishes,1,toilet,3', 'locks': 'kitchen,toaster,143', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full', 'func2': 'init_bgsnds', 'func2pass': '0,living,tv_game'}; sub_girl.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'l': 1, 'ws': 7, 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_dad.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'l': 1, 'ws': 7, 'gchar': 'father_work', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'tx': 32, 'ty': 52, 'l': 1, 'ws': 7, 'gchar': 'melissa_winter', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[183] = [0, 'melissa::smile::Alright I gotta go now or I\'m gonna be late to meet up with my friend.', 'mom::smile::Ok... you said before that she\'s going to be sleeping over right?', 'melissa::smile::Yeah.', 'mom::smile::Alright, do you have everything you need?', 'melissa::smile::Yeah, I\'m set.']; sub_mom.push({'tx': 33, 'ty': 50, 'l': 1, 'ws': 7, 'gchar': 'mother', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'sw'}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); world_text[203] = [0, 'mom::smile::Have fun!']; world_text[184] = [0, 'mom::d::Watching Jeapordy I see.', 'david::d::Yeah...', 'mom::smile::You gotten any of the answers?', 'david::d::Nope.', 'mom::smile::Yeah, I\'ve always found Jeapordy to be way too hard.', 'mom::d::Well, it\'s my first day of holidays so I should dig my heels in and make some progress on my painting.', 'david::d::Sounds like a plan.']; sub_david.push({'tx': 22, 'ty': 14, 'l': 1, 'ws': 7, 'gchar': 'david_winter', 'gstate': 'couch', 'gdir': 'nw'}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[186] = {'cut': 'night', 'changeworld': defaultstate + 'state,8,mvar,0,dvar,0,checkpoint,186,tree,3,toilet,3,nintendo,2', 'locks': 'kitchen,toaster,139', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full', 'func2': 'init_bgsnds', 'func2pass': '0,living,tv_show,david,vidya'}; sub_dad.push({'tx': 75, 'ty': 44, 'l': 1, 'ws': 8, 'gchar': 'father_work', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_david.push({'tx': 63, 'ty': 48, 'l': 1, 'ws': 8, 'gchar': 'david_winter', 'gstate': 'sit', 'gdir': 'nw'}); sub_david.push({}); sub_mom.push({'tx': 21, 'ty': 13, 'l': 1, 'ws': 8, 'gchar': 'mother', 'gstate': 'couch', 'gdir': 'sw'}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_girl.push({'tx': 75, 'ty': 44, 'l': 1, 'ws': 8, 'gchar': 'girl', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'tx': 75, 'ty': 44, 'l': 1, 'ws': 8, 'gchar': 'melissa_winter', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',mom'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': 'ne.2'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ','}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'ne.0'}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[187] = [0, 'mom::smile::I thought I heard something, welcome home.', 'girl::smile::Hi Melissa\'s Mom.', 'melissa::d::...']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'nw.0'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': 'nw.0'}); sub_girl.push({}); world_text[188] = [0, 'mom::smile::Hi, you\'re Karen right?', 'girl::d::Kiernan.', 'mom::d::Sorry, so did you two have a good time? What did you do?', 'melissa::d::We mostly just hung out at the mall.', 'girl::laugh::Trying on inappropriate clothes and asking the clerks what they thought.', 'melissa::nervous::Shut up.', 'mom::laugh::Sounds fun.', 'melissa::nervous::We\'re gonna go to my room.', 'mom::smile::Ok, if you want anything just ask.']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': ''}); sub_girl.push({}); world_text[189] = [0, 'melissa::relief::Sorry about her.', 'girl::d::Your Mom is cool.', 'melissa::d::First thing, she\'s my step-mom and secondly she\'s most definitely not cool. You\'ll know when you take her class next year.', 'girl::smile::Melissa, I\'m on my fifth step-father... trust me you got a cool one.', 'melissa::think::...']; sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': ''}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); world_text[190] = [0, 'mom::smile::Welcome home.', 'dad::tired::Yeah.', 'mom::concern::You sound dead tired.', 'dad::tired::...', 'mom::concern::Want me to fix you something?', 'dad::tired::I don\'t know.', 'mom::pissed::Fine, whatever.']; sub_dad.push({'mov': ''}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ',4'}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': ''}); sub_dad.push({}); world_text[191] = [0, 'dad::d::I\'m sorry... It\'s been a rough day. We were overbooked.', 'mom::pissed::Jay again?', 'dad::tired::Yeah.', 'mom::mad::That turd...', 'mom::concern::You want something to eat?', 'dad::devious::You.', 'mom::laugh::You\'d fall asleep!', 'mom::smile::I\'ll decide something for you then?', 'dad::bask::Thank you.', 'mom::smile::Oh and Melissa\'s friend, Kiernan, is here sleeping over so you should say \'hi\'.', 'dad::tired::Uggghhh... sure.']; sub_mom.push({'mov': 'cw.fridge,'}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ','}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': 'ne.2.nw.0'}); sub_girl.push({}); world_text[192] = [0, 'melissa::smile::This is your bed.', 'girl::d::Ooh, floor bed.', 'melissa::laugh::Hehe.']; sub_girl.push({'mov': ''}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ','}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[193] = [0, 'girl::d::These pants are killing me, I wanna put on my PJs.', 'melissa::smile::Ok, let\'s do it.']; sub_girl.push({'mov': 'w.4.gstate.nude'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_david.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': 'cw.microwave,,microwave,195'}); sub_mom.push({}); tempstate2 = sub_mom.push({'mov': 'cw.microwave,'}) - 1; sub_mom.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': ',microwave,,,melissa,,girl+is,dvar,,-1'}); sub_dad.push({}); world_text[194] = [0, 'dad::d::Knock, knock girls.', 'melissa::shock::DAD! HOW ABOUT ACTUALLY KNOCKING?!', 'dad::shock::Uh, Sorry...', 'melissa::shock::GET OUT ALREADY!', 'girl::laugh::Nice to meet you Mr. Melissa\'s Father.']; world_text[195] = [{'as': 'mom+' + (tempstate2 + 2)}, 'pc::d::ZAP!']; world_text[196] = [0, 'pc::d::I cooked the microwave.']; sub_mom.push({'mov': 'cw.microwave,,microwave,'}); sub_mom.push({}); tempstate1 = sub_dad.push({'mov': ','}) - 1; sub_dad.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ','}); sub_mom.push({}); world_text[197] = [{'as': 'dad+' + tempstate1}, 'mom::yell::Waah! Babe, come here! Come here! Come here!']; world_text[198] = [0, 'dad::shock::What\'s wrong?!', 'mom::d::Something happened with the microwave.', 'dad::tired::This day doesn\'t end.']; world_text[199] = [0, 'dad::d::Hmmm *rattle* mmmm *knock* hmm.', 'mom::concern::Don\'t hurt yourself.', 'dad::tired::...']; world_text[201] = [0, 'dad::d::I think I found the problem.', 'mom::d::What is it?', 'dad::d::The plug fell out...', 'mom::d::...', 'pc::laugh::Zappity zaps!']; sub_dad.push({'mov': '' + tempstate2 + ',girl+is,dvar,,-1'}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': ''}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ','}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[202] = {'nextext': 'mvar.0,204,1,205'}; world_text[204] = [0, 'melissa::smile::Your PJs are cute.', 'girl::dispoint::I look like a Hostess Snoball.', 'melissa::d::Better than looking like a kilt.', 'girl::smile::Yeah, you look a kilt. How about underneath? You breezy as a Scotsman?', 'melissa::laugh::Totally commando!']; world_text[205] = [0, 'melissa::nervous::I\'m so sorry about my father barging in like that and seeing you naked.', 'girl::laugh::You screamed so loud.', 'melissa::blush::I did, huh?', 'girl::laugh::You scared the shit out of him!', 'melissa::laugh::I really did.']; tempstate1 = sub_dad.push({'mov': ',dvar,,dad+is,dvar,1.sw.0'}) - 1; sub_dad.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': ''}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': ',girl+is,dvar,,-1'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': ',,sink,,' + tempstate1 + '.as.girl,girl,girl,girl+is,dvar,1.locks.bath,sink,-2.snd.sink'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': ',,girl,girl,girl'}); sub_girl.push({}); world_text[206] = [0, 'melissa::smile::I got some new import cds the other week of this pop band from France I really li-', 'girl::d::Melissa I need to use the bathroom.', 'melissa::d::Oh, it\'s just across the hall.', 'girl::d::Alright.']; world_text[207] = [{'changeworld': 'dvar,1', 'locks': 'bath,sink,-2'}, 'pc::determined::ZAP ZAP ZAP! I\'M NOT GONNA FAIL THIS TIME!']; world_text[208] = {'nextext': 'mvar.0,209,1,210'}; world_text[209] = [0, 'dad::smile::Hi Kiernan, good to finally meet you.', 'girl::d::You too, Melissa\'s Father.', 'dad::smile::Richard.', 'girl::smile::Richard.', 'dad::smile::What did you two get up to?', 'girl::smile::We went to the mall and had our picture taken with Santa.', 'dad::laugh::That\'s nice, I\'d love to see the picture.', 'girl::smile::We don\'t have the picture.', 'dad::curious::Why\'s that?', 'girl::smile::Santa kept it to jerk off to.', 'dad::d::...', 'girl::smile::We were grinding on his lap so hard that he had to go on break.', 'dad::concern::This isn\'t funny.', 'girl::smile::If you give me a \'ho ho ho\' I\'ll sit on your lap.', 'dad::concern::....']; world_text[210] = [0, 'dad::smile::Uh, hi... Kiernan. Good to finally meet you.', 'dad::shame::Sorry about earlier, I\'m really tired from work and didn\'t even think-', 'girl::smile::Show me your cock.', 'dad::shock::Wuh?', 'girl::smile::You got to see my cute young body so I want to see your cock.', 'dad::concern::This isn\'t funny.', 'girl::d::Good, because I\'m not kidding. Whip it out.', 'dad::concern::....']; sub_girl.push({'mov': ''}); world_text[211] = [0, 'girl::pissed::Ugh, this sink knob is too damn tight.', 'girl::pain::Is it frozen?!', 'girl::relief::Got it.']; sub_girl.push({'mov': ''}); sub_girl.push({}); world_text[212] = [{'cut': 'cd1', 'func': 'disableplayer', 'funcpass': 1, 'as': 'melissa'}, 'girl::bask::Y\'know I kinda know your new-mom already.', 'girl::d::My aunt goes to art exhibits like they\'re bars.', 'melissa::laugh::What?!', 'girl::d::Free wine, smart guys, stuff to look at.', 'girl::bask::She told me your mom does these cool paintings of naked people and dancing and stuff.', 'melissa::d::She\'s doing a painting now but it\'s just a house.']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'j.62.14.nw.0.gstate.crouch'}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[213] = [{'cut': 'cd2', 'func': 'init_bgsnds', 'funcpass': 'dark', 'as': 'melissa', 'changeworld': 'guestbed,2,melissabed,3'}, 'girl::shock::You serious?!', 'melissa::nervous::Shhhh quiet... and remember you can\'t tell anyone, you promised.', 'girl::concern::Of course. Isn\'t it weird though.', 'girl::lipbite::You\'re kinda like... brother and sister now.', 'melissa::d::C\'mon it\'s not incest... I mean... we were together before our parents were.', 'girl::lipbite::...', 'melissa::nervous::What?', 'girl::shock::Oh, sorry...', 'girl::smile::I was just thinking how much fun it would be to have a brother.', 'melissa::laugh::Ahahaha, gross.']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'j.60.21.gstate.bed'}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[214] = [{'nextext': 221, 'func': 'disableplayer', 'funcpass': 0}, 'girl::contemplation::Night Melissa.', 'melissa::bask::Goodnight Kiernan.']; world_text[221] = {'cut': 'transition', 'nextws': defaultstate + 'state,9,davidbed,2,tree,3,guestbed,2,melissabed,3', 'locks': 'kitchen,toaster,139', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full', 'func2': 'init_bgsnds', 'func2pass': 'dark'}; sub_mom.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'l': 1, 'ws': 9, 'gchar': 'mother', 'gstate': 'couch', 'gdir': 'sw'}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_girl.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'l': 1, 'ws': 9, 'gchar': 'girl_pj', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'tx': 60, 'ty': 21, 'l': 1, 'ws': 9, 'gchar': 'melissa_pj', 'gstate': 'bed', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_dad.push({'tx': 78, 'ty': 48, 'l': 1, 'ws': 9, 'gchar': 'father', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_david.push({'tx': 64, 'ty': 50, 'l': 1, 'ws': 9, 'gchar': 'david_winter', 'gstate': 'bed', 'gdir': 'nw'}); sub_david.push({'mov': ',,dad,dad,david+is,mvar,,'}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[215] = [0, 'david::sleep::....', 'david::pissed::...', 'david::determined::...']; world_text[216] = [{'cut': 'sleepover', 'func3': 'saveprogress', 'func3pass': '5,1'}, 'david::nervous::I want to see it...', 'david::nervous::I want to see her sleeping face...']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'w.4.wt.217.c'}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[217] = [{'as': 'girl'}, 'melissa::bask::Mmmmm...', 'girl::contemplation::Y\'know I haven\'t fallen asleep yet, right?', 'melissa::shock::...', 'girl::bask::I can\'t believe he just waltzed in here and jizzed on your face.', 'melissa::nervous::...', 'girl::bask::And now you\'re slupring it up and schlicking with it like a total slut.', 'melissa::contemplation::Auuuhhh...', 'girl::contemplation::Oh my god are you still going while I talk to you?', 'melissa::contemplation::N-no...', 'girl::bask::You perverts are made for each other.']; world_text[222] = [{'as': 'girl'}, 'david::relief::...', 'pc::d::I have successfully directed David\'s impulsive lusts towards Melissa.', 'pc::d::Now it\'s just a matter of getting him to remember why he loves her...']; sub_dad.push({'mov': ''}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': ',,,4.w.1.wt.220.c'}); sub_dad.push({}); world_text[218] = [0, 'dad::d::David...']; world_text[219] = [0, 'dad::smile::You couldn\'t sleep either?', 'david::d::Yeah.', 'dad::smile::How about you and me have a nightcap?', 'david::d::Sure.']; world_text[220] = [{'nextext': 'toasterexplained.0,323'}, 'dad::d::Milk always gets me to sleep.', 'david::d::That\'s cliche.', 'dad::smile::Yeah it\'s probably just psychological.', 'dad::smile::But then again, so is sleeping.', 'pc::d::This is a nice moment but I am afraid I missed the boat on David\'s night time opportunity.', 'pc::concern::I will have to dash this moment in time as Father was merely an interruption.', 'pc::curious::I wonder what it was that kept Father from sleeping?']; sub_girl.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': 'w.1.wt.223.0'}); world_text[223] = {'cut': 'day', 'changeworld': defaultstate + 'state,10,checkpoint,223,tree,3,guestbed,3,melissabed,2,shower,2,towels,2', 'locks': 'kitchen,toaster,139', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full', 'func2': 'init_bgsnds', 'func2pass': '0,bath,shower,laundry,laundry_washing'}; sub_mom.push({'tx': 6, 'ty': 44, 'l': 1, 'ws': 10, 'gchar': 'mother', 'gstate': 'art', 'gdir': 'se'}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_girl.push({'tx': 34, 'ty': 12, 'l': 1, 'ws': 10, 'gchar': 'girl', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'sw'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'tx': 33, 'ty': 13, 'l': 1, 'ws': 10, 'gchar': 'melissa_winter', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_dad.push({'tx': 5, 'ty': 43, 'l': 1, 'ws': 10, 'gchar': 'father_work', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'se'}); sub_david.push({'tx': 48, 'ty': 20, 'l': 1, 'ws': 10, 'gchar': 'david_nude', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'se'}); sub_david.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'wt.224.c'}); tempstate1 = sub_melissa.push({}) - 1; world_text[224] = [0, 'girl::smile::David\'s in the shower right now, why don\'t you run in there with him, pretend it\'s an accident.', 'melissa::smile::Shut up!', 'melissa::shame::Plus that already happened...', 'girl::laugh::Slut!', 'melissa::d::God, be quiet. Plus it really was an accident.', 'girl::smile::Suuure.']; sub_dad.push({'mov': ',david+++melissa+' + (tempstate1 + 1)}); sub_dad.push({}); world_text[225] = [0, 'dad::d::You woke up early.', 'mom::tired::I woke up at 3am and couldn\'t get back to sleep so I\'ve been painting.', 'dad::d::You look tired...', 'mom::tired::I am but I\'m in the zone now, can\'t stop.', 'dad::d::Ok well I\'m going to work.', 'mom::tired::I still can\'t believe they have you working on Christmas Eve.', 'dad::d::Yeah well, I\'ll be off on time tonight at least.', 'dad::smile::Oh, and I\'m gonna pick up a movie for all of us to watch together.', 'dad::smile::Christmas Eve movie night is a tradition of ours.', 'mom::smile::I can\'t wait. Have a good day.']; world_text[226] = [0, 'dad::yell::Kiernan, your Uncle is here to pick you up!']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'sw.t.32.15.nw.4.sw.1.nw.0'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_girl.push({'mov': ',melissa.sw.3'}); sub_girl.push({}); world_text[227] = [0, 'girl::d::See ya Melissa.', 'melissa::smile::See ya.']; sub_dad.push({'mov': 'sw.2.j.70.40'}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',,1.nw.0'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'se.1.sw.4'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': ',,,'}); sub_david.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); world_text[228] = [0, 'mom::tired::Morning David.', 'david::d::Morning.', 'mom::tired::I\'m going to take a nap.', 'david::d::...Ok.']; world_text[229] = [0, 'mom::tired::Did you have fun with Kiernan last night?', 'melissa::smile::Yeah, we listened to music and stuff.', 'mom::tired::I woke up last night and couldn\'t get back to sleep so I\'m going to take a nap now.', 'melissa::d::Ok, I won\'t bother you.', 'mom::smile::Thanks.']; sub_david.push({'mov': ',4'}); sub_david.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': 'cw.fridge,2.nw.2.sw.1.nw.1.sw.0'}); sub_david.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',,,,,,,,'}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[230] = [0, 'david::think::...', 'melissa::d::You getting something to eat?', 'david::d::Uh yeah, I just can\'t think of what to have...', 'melissa::smile::I\'m gonna have an omelette. You want one?', 'david::d::Yeah... ok.']; world_text[231] = [0, 'melissa::d::What do you want in yours?', 'david::think::Ummm, cheese.']; world_text[232] = [0, 'melissa::d::So with this we\'re even.', 'david::d::Even?', 'melissa::devious::You fed me, I\'ve fed you.', 'david::nervous::...', 'david::blush::...', 'melissa::blush::...']; world_text[233] = [0, 'melissa::smile::You like it?', 'david::food::Yeah, it\'s good.', 'melissa::smile::So what are you gonna do today?', 'david::food::I don\'t know, just play games I guess.', 'pc::dispoint::Even after I destroy his savedata he spends all yesterday getting back to where he was.', 'melissa::blush::Can I play with you?', 'david::blush::Uh... yeah, sure.']; sub_david.push({'mov': ',2.bgsnd.vidya'}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[234] = [0, 'david::smile::So, I\'ve got some multiplayer games but they all suck pretty hard.', 'david::curious::You want to take turns with this single player one?', 'melissa::smile::Sure.', 'david::d::Alright, I\'ll just set it up...', 'david::smile::Here, you go first.', 'melissa::laugh::Here I go!']; sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[235] = [0, 'melissa::dispoint::Damnit, I died already.', 'melissa::smile::Here, your turn.', 'david::focus::I\'ll show you how it\'s done.']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',david.gdir.nw.gstate.sit'}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[236] = [0, 'melissa::devious::Hey, what\'s this?', 'david::focus::What\'s what?', 'david::glance::...', 'david::shock::Put that back!', 'melissa::blush::...']; sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[237] = [0, 'melissa::blush::Kiss me.', 'david::blush::What?!', 'pc::laugh::Everything is falling into place!', 'melissa::blush::Kiss me...', 'david::blush::Fine, I will.', 'melissa::blushclosed::...', 'david::lipbite::...', 'pc::d::It\'s finally happening.', 'mom::yell::David.']; sub_david.push({'mov': 'gdir.nw'}); sub_david.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); world_text[238] = [{'nextext': 239}, 'pc::dispoint::Well I suppose an interruption was to be expected. It seems to be a theme by now.', 'david::blush::Um, yeah?', 'mom::shock::Oh, Melissa...', 'mom::smile::That\'s nice, you\'re playing together.', 'mom::d::Dad called, he\'s going to be home soon with a film for Christmas Eve, so get ready.']; world_text[239] = {'cut': 'night', 'changeworld': defaultstate + 'state,11,checkpoint,239,tree,4,towels,4,microwave,2', 'locks': 'kitchen,toaster,139', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full', 'func2': 'init_bgsnds', 'func2pass': '0,kitchen,microwave,laundry,1,bath,1'}; sub_girl.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'l': 1, 'ws': 11, 'gchar': 'girl', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'sw'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_mom.push({'tx': 19, 'ty': 44, 'l': 1, 'ws': 11, 'gchar': 'mother', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'nw'}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_dad.push({'tx': 78, 'ty': 48, 'l': 1, 'ws': 11, 'gchar': 'father', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'se'}); sub_david.push({'tx': 23, 'ty': 18, 'l': 1, 'ws': 11, 'gchar': 'david_winter', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'se'}); sub_david.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'tx': 23, 'ty': 20, 'l': 1, 'ws': 11, 'gchar': 'melissa_winter', 'gstate': 'touch', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': ',david,'}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': 'gstate.snuggle.w.2.wt.241.c'}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ','}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': 'nw.3.sw.0.w.1.j.22.14.gstate.couch'}); sub_david.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[240] = [0, 'dad::smile::Here y\'go Melissa, do us the honors.', 'melissa::d::Kay.']; world_text[241] = [{'nextext': 242}, 'mom::d::Are you comfortable? I\'m not pinching on anything am I?', 'dad::d::You\'re fine.', 'dad::smile::It\'s starting.', 'none::d::I owe everything to George Bailey. Help him, dear Father.', 'none::d::Joseph, Jesus and Mary. Help my friend Mr. Bailey.', 'none::d::Help my son George tonight.', 'none::d::He never thinks about himself, God; that\'s why he\'s in trouble.', 'none::d::George is a good guy. Give him a break, God.']; world_text[242] = [{'precut': 'movienight', 'func3': 'saveprogress', 'func3pass': '6,1'}, 'none::d::Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.', 'none::d::That\'s right, that\'s right. *wink* Attaboy, Clarence.', 'dad::smile::Even better than I remember it!']; sub_dad.push({'mov': ''}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': ','}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); world_text[243] = [0, 'dad::d::Alright you two, off to bed.', 'dad::smile::Don\'t stay up waiting for Santa Claus.']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[244] = [0, 'melissa::smile::Goodnight Dad, Goodnight Mom.', 'mom::smile::...', 'dad::smile::Goodnight Melissa.', 'mom::smile::Goodnight.']; world_text[245] = [0, 'david::d::Night.', 'mom::smile::Goodnight.', 'dad::smile::Goodnight David.']; world_text[246] = [0, 'david::nervous::So umm, should we...?', 'melissa::smile::Goodnight David', 'david::d::Y-yeah, goodnight.']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',,,,,3'}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[247] = [0, 'melissa::smile::Goodnight David\'s cock.', 'david::blush::...']; sub_david.push({'mov': ',2'}); sub_david.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': ''}); sub_dad.push({}); world_text[248] = [0, 'mom::d::They\'re all still in your car right?', 'dad::d::Yeah, I\'ll go get them.']; world_text[249] = [0, 'dad::pain::Yeesh, it\'s freezing out there. Here take some.']; sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); clearwords = 'word_toy,0,word_yuletide,0,word_tinsel,0,word_eggnog,0,word_gift,0,word_elf,0,word_frank,0,word_santa,0,word_sleigh,0,word_holly,0,word_green,0,word_nativity,0,word_christmas,0,word_candycane,0,word_cupid,0,word_family,0,word_reindeer,0,word_rudolph,0,word_north,0,word_noel,0,'; world_text[302] = {'changeworld': defaultstate + clearwords + 'state,12,checkpoint,302,tree,4,towels,4,melissabed,3,davidbed,2', 'locks': 'kitchen,toaster,139', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full', 'func2': 'init_bgsnds', 'func2pass': '0,melissa,1,david,1,laundry,1,bath,1'}; sub_girl.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'l': 1, 'ws': 12, 'gchar': 'girl', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'sw'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_mom.push({'tx': 23, 'ty': 20, 'l': 1, 'ws': 12, 'gchar': 'mother', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_dad.push({'tx': 22, 'ty': 19, 'l': 1, 'ws': 12, 'gchar': 'father', 'gstate': 'touch', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_david.push({'tx': 64, 'ty': 50, 'l': 1, 'ws': 12, 'gchar': 'david_winter', 'gstate': 'bed', 'gdir': 'se'}); tempstate1 = sub_david.push({'mov': 'w.3.wt.303.c'}) - 1; sub_david.push({}); world_text[303] = [0, 'david::d::I can\'t sleep...', 'david::d::Of course I can\'t sleep, it\'s too early and the only thing I can think of is ripping Melissa\'s clothes off.', 'david::d::...']; sub_melissa.push({'tx': 60, 'ty': 21, 'l': 1, 'ws': 12, 'gchar': 'melissa_pj', 'gstate': 'bed', 'gdir': 'ne'}); tempstate2 = sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'w.3.wt.304.c'}) - 1; sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[304] = [0, 'melissa::d::...', 'melissa::contemplation::...', 'melissa::d::...', 'melissa::think::I should have kissed him then...']; world_text[328] = [{'nextext': 'toasterexplained.0,323'}, 'pc::determined::This isn\'t really my business but I feel the need to get Father this win!', 'pc::determined::So I will have to go back and start again.']; sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); sub_dad.push({'mov': 'cw.tree,'}); sub_dad.push({}); world_text[250] = [{'nextext': 253, 'changeworld': 'dvar,0'}, 'mom::d::I\'ll wrap that one.', 'dad::d::Alright.', 'mom::focus::...', 'dad::focus::...', 'mom::tired::...', 'mom::yawn::Aaaawwwuhh.', 'dad::dispoint::Aw c\'mon don\'t yawn. Now I\'m gonna have t-', 'dad::yawn::OooAAuuaaahhh.', 'mom::smile::You want to play a game?', 'dad::d::What did you have in mind?', 'mom::smile::Word Chain, Christmas Edition.', 'dad::d::So only Christmas words then? Ok.', 'mom::smile::And we should bet something.', 'dad::smile::Betting? You must be really good at this game.', 'mom::devious::Maaaaybeeee. How about if I win I get to go to sleep and you have to finish the wrapping on your own.', 'dad::sad::Cruel! Leaving me with all this horrible paper and tape!', 'mom::devious::If you win you still have to do all the wrapping...', 'dad::smile::No deal.', 'mom::devious::...but I\'ll blow you while you do it.', 'dad::shock::DEAL.', 'mom::d::First word is PRESENT.', 'dad::think::Present... T...']; world_text[251] = [{'as': ''}, 'mom::laugh::That word was already used! I win!', 'mom::laugh::Goodnight sucker.', 'dad::dispoint::Sleep well, grifter.']; world_text[252] = [{'as': 'dad,mom,mom'}, 'mom::think::Wait... Hold on...', 'mom::shock::You got me!', 'dad::smile::That was fun.', 'mom::devious::Well a bet is a bet.', 'dad::laugh::Aha, hold on.', 'dad::smile::We\'re almost done anyways, you can pay in the bedroom.', 'dad::smile::If one of those brats comes out to shake presents I don\'t want them to find...', ' shaking my presents.', 'mom::laugh::That\'s horrible.', 'dad::smile::Alright this is the last one, let\'s get outta here.']; world_text[253] = [{'choice': '254,257,258'}, 'dad::d::Toy', 'dad::d::Tree', 'dad::d::Tinsel']; world_text[254] = {'nextext': 'word_toy.1,251.word_yuletide.1,252.dvar.0,255'}; world_text[255] = [{'nextext': 260, 'changeworld': 'word_toy,1,word_yuletide,1'}, 'mom::think::Y...', 'mom::smile::YULETIDE', 'dad::think::E... E...']; world_text[257] = [{'nextext': 274}, 'mom::devious::ELMO', 'dad::concern::Elmo? How is that Christmas?', 'mom::devious::Because Tickle Me Elmo was a huge Christmas toy craze.']; world_text[258] = {'nextext': 'word_tinsel.1,251.dvar.0,259'}; world_text[259] = [{'nextext': 256, 'changeworld': 'word_tinsel,1'}, 'mom::think::Nice one... let\'s see, L.. LIGHTS.', 'dad::think::S... Sssss...']; world_text[260] = [{'choice': '261,263'}, 'dad::d::Eggnog', 'dad::d::Elf']; world_text[261] = {'nextext': 'word_eggnog.1,251.word_gift.1,252.dvar.0,262'}; world_text[262] = [{'nextext': 253, 'changeworld': 'word_eggnog,1,word_gift,1'}, 'mom::smile::Easy, GIFT.', 'dad::dispoint::Back to T, huh?']; world_text[263] = {'nextext': 'word_elf.1,251.word_frank.1,252.dvar.0,264'}; world_text[264] = [{'nextext': 260, 'changeworld': 'word_elf,1,word_frank,1'}, 'mom::think::F... F...', 'mom::think::...', 'dad::smile::You got nothing.', 'mom::devious::FRANKINCENSE', 'dad::shock::That\'s a good one... and you sent me right back to E!']; world_text[274] = [{'nextext': 200}, 'dad::think::O... Ohhh...', 'dad::think::...', 'dad::tired::I can\'t think of anything.', 'mom::devious::You give up?', 'dad::contemplation::Yeaaaaah.', 'mom::laugh::So weak!', 'mom::devious::You could have gone with ORNAMENT or even ORGAN FAILURE that comes with Christmas alcohol comsumption.', 'dad::pissed::Ugggh, you\'re too good.', 'mom::bask::Don\'t wake me when you come to bed.']; world_text[256] = [{'choice': '265,267,257'}, 'dad::d::Santa Claus', 'dad::d::Sleigh', 'dad::d::Scrooge']; world_text[265] = {'nextext': 'word_santa.1,251.dvar.0,266'}; world_text[266] = [{'nextext': 269, 'changeworld': 'word_santa,1'}, 'mom::d::S... STOCKING.', 'dad::think::G...']; world_text[267] = {'nextext': 'word_sleigh.1,251.word_holly.1,252.dvar.0,268'}; world_text[268] = [{'nextext': 275, 'changeworld': 'word_sleigh,1,word_holly,1'}, 'mom::think::Sleigh.. H...', 'dad::smile::Hey, you can spell too.', 'mom::devious::HOLLY.', 'dad::mad::Y! Y!!', 'dad::think::Hnnnnmmm...']; world_text[269] = [{'choice': '270,272'}, 'dad::d::Gift', 'dad::d::Green']; world_text[270] = {'nextext': 'word_gift.1,251.dvar.0,271'}; world_text[271] = [{'nextext': 278, 'changeworld': 'word_gift,1'}, 'mom::think::T... T...', 'mom::d::TRAFFIC.', 'dad::smile::Very clever.', 'dad::think::C...']; world_text[272] = {'nextext': 'word_green.1,251.word_nativity.1,252.dvar.0,273'}; world_text[273] = [{'nextext': 275, 'changeworld': 'word_green,1,word_nativity,1'}, 'mom::think::Nnnnn.... NATIVITY.', 'dad::mad::Y?! You\'re merciless!', 'mom::devious::Hurry up and lose.']; world_text[275] = [{'choice': '276'}, 'dad::d::Yuletide']; world_text[276] = {'nextext': 'word_yuletide.1,251.word_elf.1,252.dvar.0,277'}; world_text[277] = [{'nextext': 285, 'changeworld': 'word_yuletide,1,word_elf,1'}, 'mom::tired::E is for ELF.', 'dad::think::F... Fffff-']; world_text[278] = [{'choice': '279,281,283'}, 'dad::d::Christmas', 'dad::d::Candycane', 'dad::d::Cupid']; world_text[279] = {'nextext': 'word_christmas.1,251.dvar.0,280'}; world_text[280] = [{'nextext': 290, 'changeworld': 'word_christmas,1'}, 'mom::smile::S is for STAR.', 'dad::dispoint::You do yours too quick.', 'mom::smile::You\'re just too slow.', 'dad::think::Star.. R...']; world_text[281] = {'nextext': 'word_candycane.1,251.word_eggnog.1,252.dvar.0,282'}; world_text[282] = [{'nextext': 269, 'changeworld': 'word_candycane,1,word_eggnog,1'}, 'mom::d::EGGNOG.', 'dad::think::G...']; world_text[283] = {'nextext': 'word_cupid.1,251.dvar.0,284'}; world_text[284] = [{'nextext': 290, 'changeworld': 'word_cupid,1'}, 'mom::confused::Cupid? I think you got the wrong holiday.', 'pc::d::Just a reminder that my name is PANEROS and I REUNITE LOVERS.', 'pc::d::Cupid just turns people into stalkers.', 'dad::smile::Not THAT Cupid, I mean the reindeer.', 'mom::laugh::Oh right... in that case, DASHER.', 'dad::d::R...']; world_text[285] = [{'choice': '286,288'}, 'dad::d::Frankincense', 'dad::d::Family']; world_text[286] = {'nextext': 'word_frank.1,251.word_eggnog.1,252.dvar.0,287'}; world_text[287] = [{'nextext': 269, 'changeworld': 'word_frank,1,word_eggnog,1'}, 'mom::d::EGGNOG.', 'dad::think::G...']; world_text[288] = {'nextext': 'word_family.1,251.word_yuletide.1,252.dvar.0,289'}; world_text[289] = [{'nextext': 260, 'changeworld': 'word_family,1,word_yuletide,1'}, 'mom::smile::Awwwww, that\'s so sweet.', 'dad::bask::Well, you know nothing is more impor-', 'mom::devious::YULETIDE.', 'dad::d::...You\'re serious about this.', 'mom::smile::The word was YULETIDE ending in E.']; world_text[290] = [{'choice': '291,293'}, 'dad::d::Reindeer', 'dad::d::Rudolph']; world_text[291] = {'nextext': 'word_reindeer.1,251.dvar.0,292'}; world_text[292] = [{'nextext': 295, 'changeworld': 'word_reindeer,1'}, 'mom::think::R... R...', 'mom::think::...', 'dad::smile::Tick, tick.', 'mom::dispoint::I guess I\'ll go with RIBBON.', 'dad::think::Nnnn...']; world_text[293] = {'nextext': 'word_rudolph.1,251.word_holly.1,252.dvar.0,294'}; world_text[294] = [{'nextext': 275, 'changeworld': 'word_rudolph,1,word_holly,1'}, 'mom::think::Rudolph.. H...', 'dad::smile::Hey, you can spell too.', 'mom::devious::HOLLY.', 'dad::mad::Y! Y!!', 'dad::think::Hnnnnmmm...']; world_text[295] = [{'choice': '296,298,300'}, 'dad::d::North Pole', 'dad::d::Nativity', 'dad::d::Noel']; world_text[296] = {'nextext': 'word_north.1,251.word_elf.1,252.dvar.0,297'}; world_text[297] = [{'nextext': 285, 'changeworld': 'word_north,1,word_elf,1'}, 'mom::d::At the North Pole there are elves so... ELF.', 'dad::think::F...']; world_text[298] = {'nextext': 'word_nativity.1,251.word_yuletide.1,252.dvar.0,299'}; world_text[299] = [{'nextext': 285, 'changeworld': 'word_nativity,1,word_yuletide,1'}, 'mom::d::YULETIDE.', 'dad::dispoint::You\'re killing me here....']; world_text[300] = {'nextext': 'word_noel.1,251.dvar.0,301'}; world_text[301] = [{'nextext': 253, 'changeworld': 'word_noel,1'}, 'mom::think::L...', 'dad::smile::You got nothing.', 'mom::devious::LIST.', 'dad::dispoint::Ugh...']; world_text[305] = [{'as': 'david+' + (tempstate1 + 2) + '+++melissa+' + (tempstate2 + 2)}, 'mom::stuffed::MFFF MFFF MFF.', 'dad::xtc::Oh Ohh OHH.', 'mom::tonsil::Uuuh shoot it down my throat.', 'dad::mad::You wish!', 'mom::xtc::Uwaaaahhhh']; sub_david.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ',,'}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[307] = [0, 'dad::xtc::Unh Unh YEAH.', 'melissa::disgust::Oh god, they\'re so loud.']; world_text[308] = [0, 'melissa::pain::Crap, it\'s cold.']; sub_david.push({'mov': ','}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[306] = [0, 'mom::xtc::Ahh ahhh ahhh!', 'david::disgust::Gross...']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': 'cw.dresser,,4'}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[309] = [0, 'melissa::d::Couldn\'t sleep either, huh?', 'mom::stuffed::BLUBBLUNG.', 'david::disgust::Let\'s get outta here.']; sub_david.push({'mov': ',dad,david,david'}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[310] = [0, 'david::dispoint::So gross.', 'melissa::d::They\'ve gotten louder since getting the house.', 'david::concern::What?', 'melissa::smile::They used to be quieter when they had sex at the apartment... my apartment.', 'david::concern::And you\'re not grossed out by that?', 'melissa::d::Well I am but I\'m at least a little happy that even wh-', 'dad::d::Yeah, I\'ll get it... be quiet, the kids are sleeping.', 'melissa::shock::Oh shit, he\'s coming...']; sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ','}); sub_melissa.push({}); world_text[311] = [0, 'david::nervous::Hey watch it, your hands on my-', 'melissa::shush::Shhh...']; sub_dad.push({'mov': ','}); sub_dad.push({}); world_text[312] = [0, 'dad::focus::Umm, I could swear we had Cool Whip in here...', 'dad::focus::What else could we... Mayo?', 'dad::d::Hold on a second, was the light in here already on?']; world_text[315] = [0, 'dad::curious::Yeah this one\'s off. Is the living room off, I don\'t remember turning that off.']; world_text[316] = [0, 'dad::d::Oh that\'s right, she turned the living room light off.', 'dad::concern::Did I just turn the light on when I came in to the Kitchen and immediately forget?', 'dad::concern::I\'m getting old.']; sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[313] = [0, 'dad::d::I better check I didn\'t leave the other lights on...', 'david::nervous::We gotta move.']; sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({}); tempstate1 = sub_dad.push({'mov': ','}) - 1; sub_dad.push({}); world_text[317] = [0, 'dad::focus::...', 'dad::d::I guess I\'ll have to go with the honey mustard.']; world_text[314] = [{'as': 'dad+' + tempstate1}, 'melissa::focus::...', 'melissa::focus::Ok, I can hear him heading back.']; sub_david.push({'mov': 'se.1.sw.0'}); sub_david.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'mov': ''}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_david.push({'mov': ''}); sub_david.push({}); world_text[318] = [0, 'melissa::relief::He\'s left.']; world_text[319] = [0, 'david::shame::Melissa...', 'melissa::curious::What is i-?', 'david::shame::Don\'t turn around.', 'melissa::curious::...', 'david::shame::I want to say something and I don\'t want you looking at me while I say it.', 'melissa::concern::Okay.', 'david::shame::I f- forgive you.', 'david::shame::I forgive you and I\'m sorry for just... leaving.', 'david::shame::I\'m just like my Dad...']; world_text[320] = [{'cut': 'love', 'func3': 'saveprogress', 'func3pass': '7,1'}, 'melissa::concern::You\'re not like him and...', 'melissa::think::and...', 'david::sad::...', 'melissa::determined::And he\'s not even your Dad anymore.', 'melissa::smile::Your new Dad walks around with a boner trying to find some food to put on your Mom.', 'david::laugh::Stop it...', 'david::smile::That\'s gross.', 'melissa::smile::...', 'david::smile::...', 'melissa::blush::Kiss me.', 'david::lipbite::...', 'pc::lust::~THE LUST SONG~', 'pc::d::My final attack!']; world_text[321] = {'cut': 'snow', 'changeworld': defaultstate + 'state,13,melissabed,2,tree,5,towels,4', 'locks': 'kitchen,toaster,139', 'func': 'paths_state', 'funcpass': 'full', 'func2': 'init_bgsnds', 'func2pass': 0}; sub_girl.push({'tx': 70, 'ty': 40, 'l': 1, 'ws': 13, 'gchar': 'girl', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'sw'}); sub_girl.push({}); sub_dad.push({'tx': 21, 'ty': 13, 'l': 1, 'ws': 13, 'gchar': 'father', 'gstate': 'couch', 'gdir': 'se'}); sub_dad.push({}); sub_david.push({'tx': 23, 'ty': 20, 'l': 1, 'ws': 13, 'gchar': 'david_winter', 'gstate': 'sit', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_david.push({}); sub_melissa.push({'tx': 22, 'ty': 19, 'l': 1, 'ws': 13, 'gchar': 'melissa_pj', 'gstate': 'sit', 'gdir': 'ne'}); sub_melissa.push({}); sub_mom.push({'tx': 22, 'ty': 16, 'l': 1, 'ws': 13, 'gchar': 'mother', 'gstate': 'stand', 'gdir': 'se'}); sub_mom.push({'mov': ''}); sub_mom.push({}); world_text[322] = [{'cut': 'end'}, 'mom::smile::Ok, who\'s gonna open first.', 'melissa::smile::David you can go first.', 'dad::yawn::Uaaauuggh.', 'david::focus::It\'s a....', 'david::curious::A Dreamcast game?', 'mom::curious::I got it for you, do you like it?', 'david::concern::I don\'t have a Dreamcast...', 'melissa::laugh::Ahahaha...', 'mom::smile::Sorry, sorry.', 'pc::d::Well it looks like I\'ve finished what I set out to accomplish.', 'pc::bask::That\'s that then.', 'dad::yawn::-UUUUhhh.']; tlradius = {'r': 0, 'l': 0, 'u': 0, 'd': 0}; tilep = {'w': 48, 'h': 24, 'zoom': 150}; tilep.stagew = (100 / tilep.zoom) * Stage.width; tilep.stageh = (100 / tilep.zoom) * Stage.height; tilep.stageadd = tilep.stagew + tilep.stageh; tilep.halfw = tilep.w / 2; tilep.halfh = tilep.h / 2; tilep.hh = tilep.halfh / 2; tileradius.r = tilep.halfw; tileradius.l = tileradius.r; tileradius.d = tilep.halfh; tileradius.u = tileradius.d; tilearea = {'xMin': 0, 'xMax': 0, 'yMin': 0, 'yMax': 0}; gamep_spd = [8, 6, 5, 3, 2]; inputs = new Array(); inputs.push({'tag': 'l', 'desc': 'Move'}); inputs.push({'tag': 'r', 'desc': 'Move'}); inputs.push({'tag': 'u', 'desc': 'Move'}); inputs.push({'tag': 'd', 'desc': 'Move'}); inputs.push({'tag': 'space', 'desc': 'Action', 'kcode': 32}); inputs.push({'tag': 'f', 'desc': 'Fullscreen', 'kcode': 70}); inputs.push({'tag': 'playtest', 'desc': 'Shift', 'kcode': 16}); inputs.push({'tag': 'leftclick', 'desc': 'Leftclick', 'kcode': 1}); inputs.push({'tag': 'test', 'desc': 'T', 'kcode': 84}); inputs.push({'tag': 'middleclick', 'desc': 'Middleclick', 'kcode': 4}); inputs.push({'tag': 'up', 'desc': 'Move', 'kcode': 104}); inputs.push({'tag': 'down', 'desc': 'Move', 'kcode': 101}); inputs.push({'tag': 'right', 'desc': 'Move', 'kcode': 102}); inputs.push({'tag': 'left', 'desc': 'Move', 'kcode': 100}); inputs.push({'tag': 'one', 'desc': 'Copy', 'kcode': 109}); inputs.push({'tag': 'two', 'desc': 'Paste', 'kcode': 107}); clicker = new Object(); clicker.onMouseWheel = function (delta) { clicks.spinner = delta > 0 ? 1 : -1; }; Mouse.addListener(clicker); clicks = {}; var i = 0; while (i < 9) { var sub = inputs[i]; clicks[sub.tag] = 0; ++i; } switch_keyboard('qwerty'); sndsplaying = {}; _root.attachMovie('empty', 'bgaudio', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); bgaud = new Sound(_root.bgaudio); bgaud.onSoundComplete = function () { bgaud.start(0, 999); }; fadep = new Array(); designp = {'camx': 0, 'camy': 0, 'l': 1}; timer = 0; designing(0); sav = SharedObject.getLocal('x'); prog = ( == undefined) ? start_save :; } movieClip 7 { } movieClip 16 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 25 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 26 { } movieClip 29 { } movieClip 36 { } movieClip 38 { } movieClip 42 { } movieClip 43 { } movieClip 46 { } movieClip 55 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 64 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 65 { } movieClip 66 { } movieClip 69 { } movieClip 78 { frame 48 { stop(); } } movieClip 87 { frame 48 { stop(); } } movieClip 88 { } movieClip 89 { } movieClip 92 { } movieClip 101 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 110 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 111 { } movieClip 114 { } movieClip 119 { } movieClip 120 { } movieClip 123 { } movieClip 133 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 144 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 145 { } movieClip 146 { } movieClip 154 { } movieClip 179 { frame 47 { stop(); } } movieClip 204 { frame 47 { stop(); } } movieClip 205 { } movieClip 210 { } movieClip 218 { } movieClip 222 { } movieClip 223 { } movieClip 226 { } movieClip 235 { frame 48 { stop(); } } movieClip 244 { frame 48 { stop(); } } movieClip 245 { } movieClip 253 { } movieClip 256 { } movieClip 258 { } movieClip 261 { } movieClip 270 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 279 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 280 { } movieClip 281 { } movieClip 284 { } movieClip 293 { frame 48 { stop(); } } movieClip 302 { frame 48 { stop(); } } movieClip 303 { } movieClip 308 { } movieClip 311 { } movieClip 313 { } movieClip 315 { } movieClip 320 { } movieClip 328 { frame 49 { stop(); } } movieClip 336 { frame 49 { stop(); } } movieClip 337 { } movieClip 339 { } movieClip 348 { } movieClip 352 { } movieClip 360 { frame 42 { stop(); } } movieClip 368 { frame 42 { stop(); } } movieClip 369 { } movieClip 371 { } movieClip 372 { } movieClip 376 { } movieClip 385 { frame 48 { stop(); } } movieClip 394 { frame 48 { stop(); } } movieClip 395 { } movieClip 403 { } movieClip 406 { } movieClip 407 { } movieClip 410 { } movieClip 419 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 428 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 429 { } movieClip 430 { } movieClip 440 { } movieClip 449 { frame 48 { stop(); } } movieClip 458 { frame 47 { stop(); } } movieClip 459 { } movieClip 461 { } movieClip 462 { } movieClip 468 { } movieClip 477 { frame 56 { stop(); } } movieClip 486 { frame 56 { stop(); } } movieClip 487 { } movieClip 489 { } movieClip 491 { } movieClip 500 { frame 24 { stop(); } } movieClip 509 { frame 24 { stop(); } } movieClip 510 { } movieClip 511 { } movieClip 520 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 529 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 530 { } movieClip 531 { } movieClip 540 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 549 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 550 { } movieClip 554 { } movieClip 563 { frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 572 { frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 573 { } movieClip 578 { } movieClip 579 sprites { } movieClip 637 loadaudio { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 639 crosshair { } movieClip 640 empty { } movieClip 642 { } movieClip 643 { } movieClip 644 { frame 33 { stop(); _parent._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 645 { frame 39 { stop(); _parent._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 646 { frame 41 { stop(); _parent._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 647 player_cursor { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 649 { } movieClip 653 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 656 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 659 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 666 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.snd_play('drawer_open'); } frame 70 { _root.snd_play('drawer_close'); } } movieClip 675 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.snd_play('cabinet_open'); } frame 2 { } frame 49 { _root.snd_play('cabinet_close'); } } movieClip 685 { } movieClip 686 { } movieClip 689 { } movieClip 692 { } movieClip 699 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.snd_play('drawer_open'); } frame 48 { _root.snd_play('drawer_close'); } } movieClip 704 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.snd_play('coffeepot_out'); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { _root.snd_play('coffeepot_in'); } } movieClip 708 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.snd_play('cabinet_open'); } frame 42 { _root.snd_play('cabinet_close'); } } movieClip 717 { frame 2 { _root.snd_play('pan'); _root.world_state.stove = 4; } frame 3 { _root.snd_play('fry'); } } movieClip 722 { } movieClip 728 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.snd_play('door_open'); } frame 98 { _root.snd_play('door_close'); } } movieClip 752 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 763 { } movieClip 768 { } movieClip 776 { } movieClip 782 { } movieClip 787 { } movieClip 793 { frame 2 { _root.snd_play('dresser1'); } frame 3 { _root.snd_play('dresser1'); } frame 4 { _root.snd_play('dresser2'); } frame 5 { _root.snd_play('dresser1'); } frame 6 { _root.snd_play('dresser2'); } frame 7 { _root.snd_play('dresser2'); } frame 8 { _root.snd_play('dresser2'); } } movieClip 796 { } movieClip 805 { } movieClip 806 { } movieClip 812 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.snd_play('dresser1'); } } movieClip 824 { } movieClip 833 { } movieClip 834 { } movieClip 847 { frame 2 { _root.snd_play('showercurtain_open'); } frame 22 { stop(); } } movieClip 852 { frame 2 { _root.snd_play('showercurtain_close'); } frame 23 { stop(); } } movieClip 853 { frame 2 { _root.world_state.curtain = 3; } frame 4 { _root.world_state.curtain = 1; } } movieClip 862 { } movieClip 868 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.snd_play('washinglid_open'); } frame 76 { _root.snd_play('washinglid_close'); } } movieClip 876 { frame 2 { _root.snd_play('fridge_close'); _root.world_state.fridge = 1; } frame 4 { _root.snd_play('fridge_open'); _root.world_state.fridge = 3; } } movieClip 880 { } movieClip 883 tiles { frame 1 { + 1); } frame 7 {; } frame 9 {; } frame 10 {; } frame 16 {; } frame 17 {; } frame 40 { + 1); } frame 43 {; } frame 45 {; } frame 46 {; } frame 47 { + 1); } frame 48 {; } frame 49 {; } frame 50 {; } frame 51 {; } frame 58 {; } frame 61 {; } frame 62 {; } frame 64 {; } frame 73 {; } frame 74 {; } } movieClip 888 { frame 1 { this.stop(); } } instance of movieClip 888 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.designinit(); } } instance of movieClip 888 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.exportworld(); } } frame 25 { _root._quality = 'HIGH'; this.nextFrame(); } movieClip 894 { } movieClip 930 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_root.keyboard_type); } } movieClip 935 { } movieClip 941 { } movieClip 946 { instance of movieClip 941 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (press) { _root.gameinit('start'); } } instance of movieClip 941 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (press) { _root.frameon('cutscenes'); } } instance of movieClip 941 { onClipEvent (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } instance of movieClip 941 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } onClipEvent (press) { _root.gameinit('start'); } } instance of movieClip 941 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.gotoAndStop(9); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } onClipEvent (press) { _root.frameon('cutscenes'); } } instance of movieClip 941 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.gotoAndStop(10); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } onClipEvent (press) { _root.gameinit('demo'); } } instance of movieClip 941 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.gotoAndStop(14); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.gotoAndStop(11); } onClipEvent (press) { _root.gameinit('start'); } } instance of movieClip 941 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.gotoAndStop(13); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.gotoAndStop(11); } onClipEvent (press) { _root.frameon('cutscenes'); } } instance of movieClip 941 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.gotoAndStop(12); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.gotoAndStop(11); } onClipEvent (press) { _root.gameinit('continue'); } } } movieClip 949 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 949 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 952 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 952 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 954 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_root.keyboard_type); } instance of movieClip 941 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.switch_keyboard('qwerty'); _parent.gotoAndStop(1);; } } instance of movieClip 941 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.switch_keyboard('azerty'); _parent.gotoAndStop(2);; } } instance of movieClip 941 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.switch_keyboard('dvorak'); _parent.gotoAndStop(3);; } } instance of movieClip 941 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.switch_keyboard('fallback'); _parent.gotoAndStop(4);; } } } frame 26 { this.stop(); init_saves(is_dem);; } frame 27 { this.prevFrame(); } frame 31 { this.nextFrame(); } movieClip 961 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1003 { frame 1 { _root.snd_play('mu_kitchen'); } frame 493 { stop(); } } movieClip 1023 { frame 1 { _root.snd_play('mu_morning'); } frame 302 { stop(); } } movieClip 1122 { frame 1 { _root.snd_play('mu_shower'); } frame 1016 { stop(); } } movieClip 1167 { frame 1 { _root.snd_play('mu_sex'); } frame 1228 { stop(); } } movieClip 1260 { frame 1 { _root.snd_play('mu_sleepover'); } frame 1439 { stop(); } } movieClip 1348 { frame 1 { _root.snd_play('mu_movie'); } frame 2039 { stop(); } } movieClip 1481 { frame 1 { _root.snd_play('mu_love'); } frame 3006 { stop(); } } movieClip 1482 { frame 1 { stop(); var temp = _root.prog.split(','); _root.cutscanplay = new Object(); var i = 1; while (i < 8) { _root.cutscanplay['cut' + i] = Number(temp[i]); _root.overlay['lines' + i].onPress = function () { var v3 = this._name.split('s'); v3 = Number(v3[1]); if (_root.cutscanplay['cut' + v3]) { _root.overlay.gotoAndStop(['play' + v3]); } }; _root.overlay['lines' + i].onRollOver = function () { var v3 = this._name.split('s'); v3 = Number(v3[1]); if (_root.cutscanplay['cut' + v3]) { _root.overlay['lines' + v3].gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.overlay['lines' + v3].gotoAndStop(3); } }; _root.overlay['lines' + i].onRollOut = function () { var v3 = this._name.split('s'); v3 = Number(v3[1]); _root.overlay['lines' + v3].gotoAndStop(1); }; ++i; } } instance of movieClip 888 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.frameon('menu'); } } instance of movieClip 888 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.snd_stop('mu_kitchen'); _root.snd_stop('mu_love'); _root.snd_stop('mu_morning'); _root.snd_stop('mu_movie'); _root.snd_stop('mu_sex'); _root.snd_stop('mu_shower'); _root.snd_stop('mu_sleepover'); _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 32 { this.stop(); } frame 33 { this.prevFrame(); } frame 40 { this.nextFrame(); } movieClip 1484 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1485 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1490 { } movieClip 1493 { } movieClip 1495 { } movieClip 1513 { } movieClip 1540 { frame 1 { _root.snd_play('pipespin'); } frame 46 { _root.snd_play('pipe'); } frame 143 { stop(); } } movieClip 1543 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1548 { } movieClip 1577 { frame 1 { var temp = _root.world_sprites[0][0].gchar; switch (temp) { case 'david_summer': temp = 1; break; case 'david_fast': temp = 1; break; case 'david_winter': temp = 2; break; case 'david_wfast': temp = 2; break; default: temp = 3; }; } } movieClip 1582 { } movieClip 1605 { frame 1 { var temp = _root.world_sprites[3][0].gchar; switch (temp) { case 'father_work': temp = 1; break; default: temp = 2; }; } } movieClip 1628 { } movieClip 1632 { } movieClip 1666 { frame 1 { var temp = _root.world_sprites[1][0].gchar; switch (temp) { case 'melissa_pj': temp = 2; break; case 'melissa_winter': temp = 3; break; case 'melissa_wfast': temp = 3; break; default: temp = 1; }; } } movieClip 1670 { } movieClip 1683 { frame 1 { var temp = _root.world_sprites[4][0].gchar; if (temp == 'girl_pj') { temp = 2; } else { if (_root.world_sprites[4][0].gstate == 'nude') { temp = 3; } else { temp = 1; } }; } } movieClip 1684 { } movieClip 1686 { } movieClip 1689 { } movieClip 1693 { frame 95 { _root.change_world(_root.nextws); } frame 211 { stop(); } } movieClip 1699 { frame 1 { _root.snd_play('mu_timetravel'); } frame 95 { _root.change_world(_root.nextws); } frame 211 { stop(); } } movieClip 1701 { frame 130 { stop(); if (_root.framein == 'game') { _root.finishgame(); } } } movieClip 2173 { frame 1 { _root.snd_play('mu_previously'); } } movieClip 2176 { frame 1 { _root.snd_play('mu_day'); } frame 126 { stop(); } } movieClip 2178 { frame 1 { _root.snd_play('mu_night'); } frame 130 { stop(); } } movieClip 2181 { frame 1 { _root.snd_play('mu_snow'); } frame 178 { stop(); } } movieClip 2183 { frame 119 { stop(); } } movieClip 2185 { frame 123 { stop(); } } movieClip 2186 { instance of movieClip 888 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.frameon('designer'); } } } frame 41 { this.stop(); } frame 42 { this.prevFrame(); } frame 46 { this.nextFrame(); } instance of movieClip 949 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } instance of movieClip 952 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 2193 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2193 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } instance of movieClip 2193 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } instance of movieClip 2193 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } instance of movieClip 2193 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } instance of movieClip 2193 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } instance of movieClip 2193 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 47 { this.stop(); } frame 48 { this.prevFrame(); }
Created: 18/2 -2019 11:40:07 Last modified: 18/2 -2019 11:40:07 Server time: 21/09 -2024 00:56:27