Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2571 · P5142

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This is the info page for
Flash #10598

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 58 { } movieClip 59 HSYouda { #initclip Object.registerClass('HSYouda', rr.HSYouda); #endinitclip } movieClip 61 { } movieClip 65 { } movieClip 68 { } movieClip 70 { } movieClip 74 { } movieClip 75 gameloader_mc { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 3254 __Packages.rr.BaseClip { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.BaseClip) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.BaseClip = v1; rr.BaseClip extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () {}; v2.addEventListener = function (evt, listener) { if ( == undefined) { = new; }, listener); }; v2.removeEventListener = function (evt, listener) {, listener); }; v2.pi = Math.PI; v2.cos = Math.cos; v2.acos = Math.acos; v2.sin = Math.sin; v2.asin = Math.asin; v2.atan2 = Math.atan2; v2.abs = Math.abs; v2.round = Math.round; ASSetPropFlags(rr.BaseClip.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3255 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1._removeEventListener = function (queue, event, handler) { if (queue != undefined) { var v4 = queue.length; var v1; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v4) { var v2 = queue[v1]; if (v2 == handler) { queue.splice(v1, 1); return undefined; } ++v1; } } }; v1.initialize = function (object) { if ( == undefined) { = new; } object.addEventListener =; object.removeEventListener =; object.dispatchEvent =; object.dispatchQueue =; }; v2.dispatchQueue = function (queueObj, eventObj) { var v7 = '__q_' + eventObj.type; var v4 = queueObj[v7]; if (v4 != undefined) { var v5; for (v5 in v4) { var v1 = v4[v5]; var v3 = typeof v1; if (v3 == 'object' || v3 == 'movieclip') { if (v1.handleEvent != undefined) { v1.handleEvent(eventObj); } if (v1[eventObj.type] != undefined) { if ([eventObj.type] == undefined) { v1[eventObj.type](eventObj); } } } else { v1.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]); } } } }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + 'Handler'](eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); }; v2.addEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v3 = '__q_' + event; if (this[v3] == undefined) { this[v3] = new Array(); } _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, v3, 1);[v3], event, handler); this[v3].push(handler); }; v2.removeEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v2 = '__q_' + event;[v2], event, handler); }; v1._fEventDispatcher = undefined; v1.exceptions = {'move': 1, 'draw': 1, 'load': 1}; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3256 __Packages.rr.HSYouda { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.HSYouda) { var v1 = function () { super(); _global.highscore = this; this.bg_mc._visible = false; }; rr.HSYouda = v1; rr.HSYouda extends rr.BaseClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.clear();''); _root.hs_list = false; _root.hs_requesturl = ''; this.container = this.createEmptyMovieClip('container', this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.mcLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); this.mcLoader.addListener(this); }; v2.clear = function () { this.hide(); this.loaded = false; this.container.removeMovieClip(); }; v2.setHighScore = function () { _root.gameflow = _global.leveltime; _root.is_time = false; _root.hs_score = _global.player.points; if (_global.gameMode == 'Demo') { _root.hs_gameid = 51; } else { if (_global.gameMode == 'Full') { _root.hs_gameid = 52; } } }; = function () { this.setHighScore(); this.container._visible = false; if (this.loaded) { this.container._visible = true; } else { this.mcLoader.loadClip('', this.container); } this._visible = true; }; v2.hide = function () { this._visible = false; }; v2.onLoadComplete = function (target_mc, httpStatus) { this.loaded = true; this.container._visible = true; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.HSYouda.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3257 __Packages.rr.control.PlaneBox { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.PlaneBox) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.control.PlaneBox = v1; rr.control.PlaneBox extends rr.BaseClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this._uid = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); this.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.removeBoxObject); this.onRollOver = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.showBoxInfo); this.onDragOut = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.hideBoxInfo); this.onRollOut = this.onDragOut; this._parent._parent.addEventListener('clear', this); }; v2.__get__slotId = function () { return this._slotId; }; v2.__set__slotId = function (value) { this._slotId = value; return this.__get__slotId(); }; v2.__get__uid = function () { return this._uid; }; v2.__set__uid = function (value) { this._uid = value; return this.__get__uid(); }; v2.__get__boxObject = function () { return this._boxObject; }; v2.__set__boxObject = function (value) { this._boxObject = value; return this.__get__boxObject(); }; v2.clear = function () { this._boxObject = undefined; this.gotoAndStop('empty'); }; v2.selectWeapon = function (obj) { this._boxObject = obj; this._boxObject.uid = this._uid; this._boxObject.slotId = this._slotId; this.gotoAndStop(this._boxObject.linkId); }; v2.doRefund = function () { if (this._boxObject != undefined) { if (this._boxObject.count == undefined) { _global.player.addCash(this._boxObject.price); } else { var v4 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this._boxObject.linkId, 'count'); var v5 = Math.round(this._boxObject.price * this._boxObject.count / v4); var v3 = this._boxObject.count * rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this._boxObject.linkId, 'unitweight'); _global.planemenu.totalload -= v3; _global.player.addCash(v5); } } }; v2.getRefund = function () { var v2 = 0; if (this._boxObject != undefined) { if (this._boxObject.count == undefined) { v2 = this._boxObject.price; return v2; } var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this._boxObject.linkId, 'count'); v2 = Math.round(this._boxObject.price * this._boxObject.count / v3); } return v2; }; v2.upgrade = function (t1, t2) { if (this._boxObject != undefined) { if (this._boxObject.linkId == t1) { this.doRefund(); this.clear(); } } }; v2.getUpgradeRefund = function (t1, t2) { var v2 = 0; if (this._boxObject != undefined) { if (this._boxObject.linkId == t1) { var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this._boxObject.linkId, 'count'); v2 = Math.round(this._boxObject.price * this._boxObject.count / v3); } } return v2; }; v2.removeBoxObject = function () { if (!_global.planemenu.menuEnabled()) { return undefined; } this.hideBoxInfo(); _global.planemenu.onWeaponRemove(this); }; v2.showBoxInfo = function () { if (this.boxInfo_mc) { return undefined; } if (this._boxObject == undefined) { return undefined; } var v3 = {'x': _root._xmouse + 40, 'y': _root._ymouse - 25}; if (v3.x > 540) { v3.x -= 160; } this.boxInfo_mc = _root.attachMovie('PlaneBoxInfo', rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); this.boxInfo_mc._x = v3.x; this.boxInfo_mc._y = v3.y; var v4 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this._boxObject.linkId, 'count'); var v5 = Math.round(this._boxObject.price * this._boxObject.count / v4); this.boxInfo_mc.header_txt.text = (rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this._boxObject.linkId, 'displayname')).toUpperCase(); this.boxInfo_mc.count_txt.text = this._boxObject.count + '(' + v4 + ')'; this.boxInfo_mc.refund_txt.text = '$ ' + rr.utils.StringUtils.formatNumberWithCommas(v5); }; v2.hideBoxInfo = function () { this.boxInfo_mc.removeMovieClip(); delete this.boxInfo_mc; }; v2.addProperty('boxObject', v2.__get__boxObject, v2.__set__boxObject); v2.addProperty('slotId', v2.__get__slotId, v2.__set__slotId); v2.addProperty('uid', v2.__get__uid, v2.__set__uid); ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.PlaneBox.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3258 __Packages.rr.utils.StringUtils { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils) { _global.rr.utils = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils.StringUtils) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.utils.StringUtils = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getUniqueName = function () { var v3 = ''; var v2 = 1; while (v2 <= 4) { var v1 = 1; while (v1 <= 4) { v3 += rr.utils.StringUtils.getRandomChar(); ++v1; } if (v2 < 4) { v3 += '-'; } ++v2; } return v3; }; v1.getRandomChar = function () { switch (Math.round(Math.random() + 1)) { case 1: return String.fromCharCode(Math.round(Math.random() * 25) + 65); break; case 2: return String.fromCharCode(Math.round(Math.random() * 25) + 97); } }; v1.scrambleArray = function (arr) { var v2 = []; while (arr.length > 0) { v2.push(arr.splice(Math.round(Math.random() * (arr.length - 1)), 1)); } return v2; }; v1.getTimeString = function (t) { var v1 = Math.round(t / 1000); var v2 = Math.floor(v1 / 60); var v3 = Math.floor(v2 / 60); v1 %= 60; v2 %= 60; var v4 = v1 < 10 ? '0' + v1 : v1; var v5 = v2 + ':'; if (v3 <= 0) { var v6 = ''; var v7 = v6 + v5 + v4; return v7; } var v6 = v3 + ':'; var v7 = v6 + v5 + v4; return v7; }; v1.getHighScoreTimeString = function (t) { var v2 = Math.round(t / 1000); var v1 = Math.floor(v2 / 60); var v3 = Math.floor(v1 / 60); v2 %= 60; v1 %= 60; var v6 = v2 < 10 ? '0' + v2 : v2.toString(); var v4 = '00'; if (v1 > 0) { v4 = v1 < 10 ? '0' + v1 : v1.toString(); } var v5 = ''; if (v3 > 0) { v5 = v3 < 10 ? '0' + v3 : v3.toString(); } var v7 = v5 + v4 + v6; return v7; }; v1.formatNumberWithCommas = function (num) { var v1 = num.toString(); if (v1.length < 4) { return v1; } return rr.utils.StringUtils.formatNumberWithCommas(v1.slice(0, -3)) + ',' + v1.slice(-3); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.utils.StringUtils.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3259 __Packages.rr.utils.Delegate { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils) { _global.rr.utils = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils.Delegate) { var v1 = function (f) { super(); this.func = f; }; rr.utils.Delegate = v1; rr.utils.Delegate extends Object; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.create = function (obj, func) { var v2 = function () { var v2 =; var v4 = arguments.callee.func; var v3 = arguments.callee.arguments; return v4.apply(v2, v3); }; = obj; v2.func = func; arguments.splice(0, 2); v2.arguments = arguments; return v2; }; v2.createDelegate = function (obj) { return rr.utils.Delegate.create(obj, this.func); }; v1.callDelayed = function (obj, func, ival) { arguments.splice(0, 3); var v3 = new Object(); v3.f = function () { clearInterval(this.i); return this.func.apply(, this.arguments); }; = obj; v3.func = func; v3.arguments = arguments; v3.i = setInterval(v3, 'f', ival); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.utils.Delegate.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3260 __Packages.rr.conf.Config { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.Config) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.Config = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.testSettings = function () { return false; }; v1.getGameConf = function (levelId) { switch (levelId) { case 1: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel1(); break; case 2: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel2(); break; case 3: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel3(); break; case 4: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel4(); break; case 5: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel5(); break; case 6: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel6(); break; case 7: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel7(); break; case 8: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel8(); break; case 9: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel9(); break; case 10: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel10(); break; case 11: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel11(); break; case 12: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel12(); break; case 13: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel13(); break; case 14: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel14(); break; case 15: return new rr.conf.level.ConfLevel15(); } }; v1.addMapValues = function () { var v2 =; = rr.conf.Config.getMapValue(v2, 'cols'); = rr.conf.Config.getMapValue(v2, 'rows'); = rr.conf.Config.getMapValue(v2, 'maptype'); = rr.conf.Config.getMapValue(v2, 'foreground'); }; v1.getMapValue = function (mapId, key) { switch (mapId) { case 1: return; break; case 2: return; break; case 3: return; break; case 4: return; break; case 5: return; } }; v1.getObjectValue = function (linkId, key) { switch (linkId) { case 'AirField': return rr.conf.plane.ConfAirField.getValue(key); break; case 'AirfieldDefender': return rr.conf.plane.ConfAirfieldDefender.getValue(key); break; case 'A10': return rr.conf.plane.ConfA10.getValue(key); break; case 'Apache': return rr.conf.plane.ConfApache.getValue(key); break; case 'B2': return rr.conf.plane.ConfB2.getValue(key); break; case 'B52': return rr.conf.plane.ConfB52.getValue(key); break; case 'BellHuey': return rr.conf.plane.ConfBellHuey.getValue(key); break; case 'C47': return rr.conf.plane.ConfC47.getValue(key); break; case 'FockeWolf': return rr.conf.plane.ConfFockeWolf.getValue(key); break; case 'MesserSchmidt': return rr.conf.plane.ConfMesserSchmidt.getValue(key); break; case 'AirMissile': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfAirMissile.getValue(key); break; case 'AirSeeker': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfAirSeeker.getValue(key); break; case 'GroundMissile': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGroundMissile.getValue(key); break; case 'GroundSeeker': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGroundSeeker.getValue(key); break; case 'BombNormal': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombNormal.getValue(key); break; case 'BombHeavy': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombHeavy.getValue(key); break; case 'BombExtreme': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombExtreme.getValue(key); break; case 'GunSingle': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunSingle.getValue(key); break; case 'GunDouble': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunDouble.getValue(key); break; case 'GunGatling': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunGatling.getValue(key); break; case 'Propaganda': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfPropaganda.getValue(key); break; case 'EMPBomb': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfEMPBomb.getValue(key); break; case 'FuelBomb': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfFuelBomb.getValue(key); break; case 'CarpetBomb': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfCarpetBomb.getValue(key); break; case 'NuclearBomb': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfNuclearBomb.getValue(key); break; case 'BulletGunSingle': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunSingle.getValue(key); break; case 'BulletGunDouble': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunDouble.getValue(key); break; case 'BulletGunGatling': return rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunGatling.getValue(key); break; case 'SaddleTank': return rr.conf.train.ConfSaddleTank.getValue(key); break; case 'Rhino': return rr.conf.train.ConfRhino.getValue(key); break; case 'SuperChief': return rr.conf.train.ConfSuperChief.getValue(key); break; case 'SuperChiefWagon': return rr.conf.train.ConfSuperChiefWagon.getValue(key); break; case 'Dragon': return rr.conf.train.ConfDragon.getValue(key); break; case 'Pennsylvania': return rr.conf.train.ConfPennsylvania.getValue(key); break; case 'SmallCannon': return rr.conf.train.ConfSmallCannon.getValue(key); break; case 'MediumCannon': return rr.conf.train.ConfMediumCannon.getValue(key); break; case 'Heatseeker': return rr.conf.train.ConfHeatseeker.getValue(key); break; case 'SmallFastCannon': return rr.conf.train.ConfSmallFastCannon.getValue(key); break; case 'RocketLauncher': return rr.conf.train.ConfRocketLauncher.getValue(key); break; case 'Wagon1': return rr.conf.train.ConfWagon1.getValue(key); break; case 'Wagon2': return rr.conf.train.ConfWagon2.getValue(key); break; case 'Wagon3': return rr.conf.train.ConfWagon3.getValue(key); break; case 'Wagon4': return rr.conf.train.ConfWagon4.getValue(key); break; case 'Passenger': return rr.conf.train.ConfPassenger.getValue(key); break; case 'PassengerArmored': return rr.conf.train.ConfPassengerArmored.getValue(key); break; case 'ABomb': return rr.conf.train.ConfABomb.getValue(key); break; case 'TankTrailer': return rr.conf.train.ConfTankTrailer.getValue(key); break; case 'Basilisk': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfBasilisk.getValue(key); break; case 'PotTank': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfPotTank.getValue(key); break; case 'Abrahams': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfAbrahams.getValue(key); break; case 'Elephant': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfElephant.getValue(key); break; case 'OldJeep': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfOldJeep.getValue(key); break; case 'GunTruck': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfGunTruck.getValue(key); break; case 'ArmoredJeep': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfArmoredJeep.getValue(key); break; case 'Panther': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfPanther.getValue(key); break; case 'BullDozer': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfBullDozer.getValue(key); break; case 'Bunker': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfBunker.getValue(key); break; case 'GatlingSingle': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfGatlingSingle.getValue(key); break; case 'GatlingDouble': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfGatlingDouble.getValue(key); break; case 'Rocketeer': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocketeer.getValue(key); break; case 'RocketBase': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocketBase.getValue(key); break; case 'Rocket': return rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocket.getValue(key); break; case 'AirField': return rr.conf.plane.ConfAirField.getValue(key); break; case 'Flat1': return rr.conf.building.ConfFlat1.getValue(key); break; case 'Flat2': return rr.conf.building.ConfFlat2.getValue(key); break; case 'Flat3': return rr.conf.building.ConfFlat3.getValue(key); break; case 'Flat4': return rr.conf.building.ConfFlat4.getValue(key); break; case 'Flat5': return rr.conf.building.ConfFlat5.getValue(key); break; case 'House1': return rr.conf.building.ConfHouse1.getValue(key); break; case 'House2': return rr.conf.building.ConfHouse2.getValue(key); break; case 'House3': return rr.conf.building.ConfHouse3.getValue(key); break; case 'House4': return rr.conf.building.ConfHouse4.getValue(key); break; case 'House5': return rr.conf.building.ConfHouse5.getValue(key); break; case 'House6': return rr.conf.building.ConfHouse6.getValue(key); break; case 'House7': return rr.conf.building.ConfHouse7.getValue(key); break; case 'House8': return rr.conf.building.ConfHouse8.getValue(key); break; case 'House9': return rr.conf.building.ConfHouse9.getValue(key); break; case 'Industry1': return rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry1.getValue(key); break; case 'Industry2': return rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry2.getValue(key); break; case 'Industry3': return rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry3.getValue(key); break; case 'Industry4': return rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry4.getValue(key); break; case 'Industry5': return rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry5.getValue(key); break; case 'Office1': return rr.conf.building.ConfOffice1.getValue(key); break; case 'Office2': return rr.conf.building.ConfOffice2.getValue(key); break; case 'Office3': return rr.conf.building.ConfOffice3.getValue(key); break; case 'Office4': return rr.conf.building.ConfOffice4.getValue(key); } }; v1.translateEnemyCodes = function (codes) { var v3 = new Array(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < codes.length) { if (codes[v1] == 'bl') { v3.push('Basilisk'); } if (codes[v1] == 'pt') { v3.push('PotTank'); } if (codes[v1] == 'ah') { v3.push('Abrahams'); } if (codes[v1] == 'el') { v3.push('Elephant'); } if (codes[v1] == 'oj') { v3.push('OldJeep'); } if (codes[v1] == 'gt') { v3.push('GunTruck'); } if (codes[v1] == 'aj') { v3.push('ArmoredJeep'); } if (codes[v1] == 'pn') { v3.push('Panther'); } if (codes[v1] == 'bd') { v3.push('BullDozer'); } if (codes[v1] == 'bk') { v3.push('Bunker'); } if (codes[v1] == 'gs') { v3.push('GatlingSingle'); } if (codes[v1] == 'gd') { v3.push('GatlingDouble'); } if (codes[v1] == 'rt') { v3.push('Rocketeer'); } if (codes[v1] == 'af') { v3.push('AirField'); } if (codes[v1] == 'rb') { v3.push('RocketBase'); } if (codes[v1] == 'fw') { v3.push('FockeWolf'); } if (codes[v1] == 'ms') { v3.push('MesserSchmidt'); } if (codes[v1] == 'wh') { v3.push('WartHog'); } if (codes[v1] == 'c47') { v3.push('C47'); } if (codes[v1] == 'b2') { v3.push('B2'); } if (codes[v1] == 'bh') { v3.push('BellHuey'); } if (codes[v1] == 'ap') { v3.push('Apache'); } ++v1; } return v3; }; v1.translateDropCode = function (code) { if (code == 'f') { return 'FuelTank'; } if (code == 'p') { return 'Passenger'; } if (code == 'a') { return 'PassengerArmored'; } if (code == 't') { return 'TankTrailer'; } if (code == 'b') { return 'ABomb'; } }; v1.translateBuildingCode = function (code) { if (code == 'f1') { return 'Flat1'; } if (code == 'f2') { return 'Flat2'; } if (code == 'f3') { return 'Flat3'; } if (code == 'f4') { return 'Flat4'; } if (code == 'f5') { return 'Flat5'; } if (code == 'h1') { return 'House1'; } if (code == 'h2') { return 'House2'; } if (code == 'h3') { return 'House3'; } if (code == 'h4') { return 'House4'; } if (code == 'h5') { return 'House5'; } if (code == 'h6') { return 'House6'; } if (code == 'h7') { return 'House7'; } if (code == 'h8') { return 'House8'; } if (code == 'h9') { return 'House9'; } if (code == 'i1') { return 'Industry1'; } if (code == 'i2') { return 'Industry2'; } if (code == 'i3') { return 'Industry3'; } if (code == 'i4') { return 'Industry4'; } if (code == 'i5') { return 'Industry5'; } if (code == 'o1') { return 'Office1'; } if (code == 'o2') { return 'Office2'; } if (code == 'o3') { return 'Office3'; } if (code == 'o4') { return 'Office4'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.Config.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3261 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel1 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel1) { var v1 = function () { this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Destroy all industrial buildings near airfield', 'type': 'AllIndustry'}, {'id': 2, 'text': 'Destroy all 7 enemy scouts', 'type': 'AllGrounds'}, {'id': 3, 'text': 'Take down the 2 enemy Focke Wolf airplanes', 'type': 'AllAirs'}, {'id': 4, 'text': 'Take over the enemy airfield with propaganda', 'type': 'AllAirfields'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.clipcols = 6; this.nightmap = false; this.startcash = 14000; this.levelpoints = 6500; this.ea = [{'x': 2304, 'y': 483, 'w': 463, 'h': 71, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj']}, {'x': 2378, 'y': 862, 'w': 1371, 'h': 26, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj']}, {'x': 2327, 'y': 964, 'w': 1444, 'h': 24, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 2285, 'y': 1071, 'w': 1473, 'h': 25, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 3577, 'y': 520, 'w': 28, 'h': 274, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 2282, 'y': 401, 'w': 511, 'h': 48, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 3165, 'y': 99, 'w': 338, 'h': 149, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}]; = [{'x': 816, 'y': 1175, 'r': 0, 'h': 0}, {'x': 3020, 'y': 377, 'r': -1, 'h': 500, 'e': ['fw', 'fw']}]; this.bk = []; this.rb = []; = [{'x': 1616, 'y': 1115, 'r': 0, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1731, 'y': 1118, 'r': 0, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1837, 'y': 1116, 'r': 0, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1587, 'y': 1286, 'r': -24, 't': 'i2'}, {'x': 2111, 'y': 1101, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 2108, 'y': 1211, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 1432, 'y': 1125, 'r': 0, 't': 'o4'}, {'x': 1776, 'y': 1310, 'r': 0, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 1889, 'y': 1240, 'r': 0, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 2004, 'y': 1307, 'r': 0, 't': 'o1'}]; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel1 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel1.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3262 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.mapid = 5; this.title = 'default'; this.rc = [{'id': 1, 'x': 20, 'y': 1111, 'a': 0}, {'id': 2, 'x': 320, 'y': 1111, 'a': 0}, {'id': 9999, 'x': 6160, 'y': 137, 'a': -180}, {'id': 10000, 'x': 6360, 'y': 137, 'a': -180}, {'id': 3, 'x': 420, 'y': 1111, 'a': 0}, {'id': 4, 'x': 520, 'y': 1211, 'a': -90}, {'id': 5, 'x': 520, 'y': 1311, 'a': -90}, {'id': 6, 'x': 620, 'y': 1411, 'a': 0}, {'id': 8, 'x': 885, 'y': 1411, 'a': 0}, {'id': 9, 'x': 885, 'y': 1055, 'a': -180}, {'id': 16, 'x': 416, 'y': 1055, 'a': -180}, {'id': 21, 'x': 354, 'y': 1055, 'a': -180}, {'id': 22, 'x': 254, 'y': 955, 'a': -270}, {'id': 24, 'x': 254, 'y': 855, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 220, 'y': 834, 'p': [24, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 26, -1]}}, {'id': 25, 'x': 254, 'y': 755, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 219, 'y': 735, 'p': [25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 27, -1]}}, {'id': 26, 'x': 254, 'y': 486, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 213, 'y': 459, 'p': [34, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 33, -1]}}, {'id': 27, 'x': 154, 'y': 755, 'a': -180}, {'id': 28, 'x': 154, 'y': 655, 'a': -180}, {'id': 29, 'x': 25, 'y': 755, 'a': -180}, {'id': 30, 'x': 26, 'y': 655, 'a': -180}, {'id': 34, 'x': 154, 'y': 386, 'a': -180}, {'id': 35, 'x': 254, 'y': 386, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 216, 'y': 358, 'p': [36, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 35, -1]}}, {'id': 36, 'x': 154, 'y': 286, 'a': -180}, {'id': 37, 'x': 254, 'y': 286, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 219, 'y': 264, 'p': [-1, 41, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 39]}}, {'id': 38, 'x': 26, 'y': 386, 'a': -180}, {'id': 39, 'x': 26, 'y': 286, 'a': -180}, {'id': 40, 'x': 154, 'y': 186, 'a': -180}, {'id': 41, 'x': 26, 'y': 186, 'a': -180}, {'id': 42, 'x': 433, 'y': 107, 'a': -360}, {'id': 45, 'x': 964, 'y': 107, 'a': -360}, {'id': 48, 'x': 1332, 'y': 107, 'a': -360}, {'id': 49, 'x': 1785, 'y': 107, 'a': -360}, {'id': 50, 'x': 2211, 'y': 107, 'a': -360}, {'id': 57, 'x': 2298, 'y': 890, 'a': -90}, {'id': 58, 'x': 2298, 'y': 965, 'a': -90}, {'id': 59, 'x': 2198, 'y': 1065, 'a': -180}, {'id': 60, 'x': 1798, 'y': 1065, 'a': -180}, {'id': 61, 'x': 1607, 'y': 1065, 'a': -180}, {'id': 62, 'x': 1607, 'y': 1375, 'a': -360}, {'id': 63, 'x': 2194, 'y': 1375, 'a': -360}, {'id': 64, 'x': 2294, 'y': 1277, 'a': -271}, {'id': 65, 'x': 2365, 'y': 1182, 'a': -342}, {'id': 66, 'x': 2785, 'y': 1045, 'a': -342}, {'id': 67, 'x': 2990, 'y': 978, 'a': -342, 's': {'x': 2979, 'y': 944, 'p': [-1, 84, -1, -1, 67, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 68, 'x': 3116, 'y': 1042, 'a': -72, 's': {'x': 3149, 'y': 1016, 'p': [-1, 87, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 67]}}, {'id': 70, 'x': 3185, 'y': 1255, 'a': -72}, {'id': 71, 'x': 3311, 'y': 1319, 'a': -342, 's': {'x': 3327, 'y': 1355, 'p': [-1, 71, -1, -1, 81, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 72, 'x': 3766, 'y': 1171, 'a': -342}, {'id': 73, 'x': 3892, 'y': 1235, 'a': -72}, {'id': 75, 'x': 3911, 'y': 1295, 'a': -72}, {'id': 76, 'x': 3847, 'y': 1421, 'a': -162}, {'id': 77, 'x': 3817, 'y': 1426, 'a': -180}, {'id': 78, 'x': 3577, 'y': 1426, 'a': -180}, {'id': 81, 'x': 3432, 'y': 1355, 'a': -233}, {'id': 85, 'x': 3085, 'y': 947, 'a': -342}, {'id': 86, 'x': 3180, 'y': 916, 'a': -342, 's': {'x': 3168, 'y': 878, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, 87, 85, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 89, 'x': 3707, 'y': 745, 'a': -342}, {'id': 90, 'x': 3807, 'y': 733, 'a': -4}, {'id': 95, 'x': 3861, 'y': 737, 'a': -4}, {'id': 96, 'x': 3909, 'y': 751, 'a': -28}, {'id': 97, 'x': 3973, 'y': 785, 'a': -28}, {'id': 99, 'x': 4026, 'y': 850, 'a': -73}, {'id': 100, 'x': 2460, 'y': 107, 'a': -360}, {'id': 101, 'x': 2557, 'y': 163, 'a': -60}, {'id': 102, 'x': 2650, 'y': 217, 'a': 0}, {'id': 103, 'x': 2866, 'y': 217, 'a': 0}, {'id': 104, 'x': 3004, 'y': 136, 'a': -299}, {'id': 105, 'x': 3135, 'y': 66, 'a': -5}, {'id': 106, 'x': 3232, 'y': 171, 'a': -90}, {'id': 107, 'x': 3232, 'y': 348, 'a': -90}, {'id': 108, 'x': 3146, 'y': 467, 'a': -162}, {'id': 109, 'x': 2736, 'y': 600, 'a': -162}, {'id': 110, 'x': 2514, 'y': 672, 'a': -162}, {'id': 115, 'x': 2429, 'y': 661, 'a': -213}, {'id': 120, 'x': 2284, 'y': 703, 'a': -115}, {'id': 121, 'x': 2277, 'y': 786, 'a': -74}, {'id': 123, 'x': 4063, 'y': 972, 'a': -73}, {'id': 125, 'x': 4194, 'y': 1040, 'a': -342}, {'id': 127, 'x': 4289, 'y': 1009, 'a': -342}, {'id': 128, 'x': 4344, 'y': 966, 'a': -301}, {'id': 129, 'x': 4398, 'y': 923, 'a': -342}, {'id': 130, 'x': 4493, 'y': 892, 'a': -342}, {'id': 132, 'x': 4558, 'y': 893, 'a': -20}, {'id': 133, 'x': 4623, 'y': 894, 'a': -342}, {'id': 137, 'x': 5058, 'y': 753, 'a': -342}, {'id': 138, 'x': 5213, 'y': 748, 'a': -14}, {'id': 139, 'x': 5433, 'y': 803, 'a': -14, 's': {'x': 5439, 'y': 768, 'p': [-1, 139, -1, 199, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 140, 'x': 5554, 'y': 730, 'a': -284}, {'id': 141, 'x': 5559, 'y': 701, 'a': -277}, {'id': 142, 'x': 5572, 'y': 592, 'a': -277}, {'id': 143, 'x': 5610, 'y': 493, 'a': -305}, {'id': 144, 'x': 5665, 'y': 345, 'a': -276}, {'id': 147, 'x': 5685, 'y': 156, 'a': -276}, {'id': 148, 'x': 5583, 'y': 42, 'a': -180}, {'id': 150, 'x': 5266, 'y': 42, 'a': -180}, {'id': 151, 'x': 5226, 'y': 48, 'a': -162}, {'id': 152, 'x': 5044, 'y': 107, 'a': -162}, {'id': 179, 'x': 4627, 'y': 242, 'a': -162}, {'id': 180, 'x': 4123, 'y': 406, 'a': -162}, {'id': 181, 'x': 3997, 'y': 342, 'a': -252}, {'id': 182, 'x': 3940, 'y': 167, 'a': -252}, {'id': 183, 'x': 4045, 'y': 23, 'a': 0}, {'id': 191, 'x': 4536, 'y': 23, 'a': 0}, {'id': 192, 'x': 4888, 'y': 23, 'a': 0}, {'id': 193, 'x': 5483, 'y': 23, 'a': 0}, {'id': 194, 'x': 5642, 'y': 23, 'a': 0}, {'id': 195, 'x': 5791, 'y': 67, 'a': -33}, {'id': 197, 'x': 5848, 'y': 104, 'a': -33}, {'id': 198, 'x': 5963, 'y': 137, 'a': -360}, {'id': 200, 'x': 5764, 'y': 885, 'a': -14}, {'id': 210, 'x': 5956, 'y': 933, 'a': -14}, {'id': 211, 'x': 6002, 'y': 939, 'a': 0}, {'id': 212, 'x': 6278, 'y': 939, 'a': 0}, {'id': 213, 'x': 6378, 'y': 839, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 6339, 'y': 811, 'p': [213, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 229, -1]}}, {'id': 214, 'x': 6378, 'y': 739, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 6342, 'y': 716, 'p': [214, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 230, -1]}}, {'id': 215, 'x': 6378, 'y': 639, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 6342, 'y': 614, 'p': [218, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 231]}}, {'id': 219, 'x': 6275, 'y': 512, 'a': -192}, {'id': 220, 'x': 5922, 'y': 437, 'a': -192}, {'id': 221, 'x': 5777, 'y': 328, 'a': -242}, {'id': 224, 'x': 5746, 'y': 271, 'a': -242}, {'id': 227, 'x': 5729, 'y': 166, 'a': -279}, {'id': 228, 'x': 5624, 'y': 42, 'a': -180}, {'id': 230, 'x': 6278, 'y': 739, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 6278, 'y': 772, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 232, 238, -1]}}, {'id': 231, 'x': 6278, 'y': 639, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 6278, 'y': 679, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 248, 256, 253]}}, {'id': 232, 'x': 6278, 'y': 539, 'a': -180}, {'id': 233, 'x': 6140, 'y': 803, 'a': -130, 's': {'x': 6142, 'y': 845, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 233, 235, -1]}}, {'id': 234, 'x': 5999, 'y': 849, 'a': -194}, {'id': 235, 'x': 5725, 'y': 781, 'a': -194}, {'id': 236, 'x': 5999, 'y': 815, 'a': -220}, {'id': 237, 'x': 5958, 'y': 794, 'a': -194}, {'id': 238, 'x': 5730, 'y': 737, 'a': -194}, {'id': 239, 'x': 6178, 'y': 739, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 6170, 'y': 705, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 239, 242, 245]}}, {'id': 240, 'x': 6121, 'y': 757, 'a': -145}, {'id': 241, 'x': 6040, 'y': 772, 'a': -194}, {'id': 242, 'x': 5730, 'y': 695, 'a': -194}, {'id': 243, 'x': 6078, 'y': 739, 'a': -180}, {'id': 244, 'x': 6053, 'y': 736, 'a': -194}, {'id': 245, 'x': 5737, 'y': 657, 'a': -194}, {'id': 246, 'x': 6119, 'y': 720, 'a': -216}, {'id': 247, 'x': 6084, 'y': 704, 'a': -194}, {'id': 248, 'x': 5743, 'y': 619, 'a': -194}, {'id': 249, 'x': 6227, 'y': 653, 'a': -149}, {'id': 250, 'x': 6150, 'y': 664, 'a': -195}, {'id': 251, 'x': 5746, 'y': 556, 'a': -195}, {'id': 252, 'x': 6256, 'y': 537, 'a': -193}, {'id': 253, 'x': 5758, 'y': 422, 'a': -193}, {'id': 254, 'x': 6196, 'y': 596, 'a': -236}, {'id': 255, 'x': 6136, 'y': 554, 'a': -193}, {'id': 256, 'x': 5755, 'y': 466, 'a': -193}, {'id': 257, 'x': 6196, 'y': 639, 'a': -180}, {'id': 258, 'x': 6132, 'y': 615, 'a': -220}, {'id': 259, 'x': 6092, 'y': 595, 'a': -194}, {'id': 260, 'x': 5751, 'y': 510, 'a': -194}]; = [{'id': 1, 's': 1, 'e': 2}, {'id': 10000, 's': 10000, 'e': 9999}, {'id': 2, 's': 2, 'e': 3}, {'id': 3, 's': 3, 'e': 4, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 4, 's': 4, 'e': 5}, {'id': 5, 's': 5, 'e': 6, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 7, 's': 6, 'e': 8}, {'id': 8, 's': 8, 'e': 9, 'r': 178, 'd': 1, 'l': 559}, {'id': 15, 's': 9, 'e': 16}, {'id': 20, 's': 16, 'e': 21}, {'id': 21, 's': 21, 'e': 22, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 23, 's': 22, 'e': 24}, {'id': 24, 's': 24, 'e': 25}, {'id': 25, 's': 25, 'e': 26}, {'id': 26, 's': 24, 'e': 27, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 27, 's': 25, 'e': 28, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 28, 's': 27, 'e': 29}, {'id': 29, 's': 28, 'e': 30}, {'id': 33, 's': 26, 'e': 34, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 34, 's': 26, 'e': 35}, {'id': 35, 's': 35, 'e': 36, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 36, 's': 35, 'e': 37}, {'id': 37, 's': 34, 'e': 38}, {'id': 38, 's': 36, 'e': 39}, {'id': 39, 's': 37, 'e': 40, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 40, 's': 40, 'e': 41}, {'id': 41, 's': 37, 'e': 42, 'r': 179, 'd': -1, 'l': 281}, {'id': 44, 's': 42, 'e': 45}, {'id': 47, 's': 45, 'e': 48}, {'id': 48, 's': 48, 'e': 49}, {'id': 49, 's': 49, 'e': 50}, {'id': 57, 's': 57, 'e': 58}, {'id': 58, 's': 58, 'e': 59, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 59, 's': 59, 'e': 60}, {'id': 60, 's': 60, 'e': 61}, {'id': 61, 's': 61, 'e': 62, 'r': 155, 'd': 1, 'l': 487}, {'id': 62, 's': 62, 'e': 63}, {'id': 63, 's': 63, 'e': 64, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 155}, {'id': 64, 's': 64, 'e': 65, 'r': 101, 'd': -1, 'l': 126}, {'id': 65, 's': 65, 'e': 66}, {'id': 66, 's': 66, 'e': 67}, {'id': 67, 's': 67, 'e': 68, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 69, 's': 68, 'e': 70}, {'id': 70, 's': 70, 'e': 71, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 71, 's': 71, 'e': 72}, {'id': 72, 's': 72, 'e': 73, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 74, 's': 73, 'e': 75}, {'id': 75, 's': 75, 'e': 76, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 76, 's': 76, 'e': 77, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 31}, {'id': 77, 's': 77, 'e': 78}, {'id': 80, 's': 78, 'e': 81, 'r': 182, 'd': -1, 'l': 167}, {'id': 81, 's': 81, 'e': 71, 'r': 107, 'd': 1, 'l': 134, 'eo': 1}, {'id': 84, 's': 67, 'e': 85}, {'id': 85, 's': 85, 'e': 86}, {'id': 87, 's': 68, 'e': 86, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157, 't': 1}, {'id': 88, 's': 86, 'e': 89}, {'id': 89, 's': 89, 'e': 90, 'r': 262, 'd': -1, 'l': 101}, {'id': 94, 's': 90, 'e': 95}, {'id': 95, 's': 95, 'e': 96, 'r': 117, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 96, 's': 96, 'e': 97}, {'id': 98, 's': 97, 'e': 99, 'r': 110, 'd': -1, 'l': 86}, {'id': 99, 's': 50, 'e': 100}, {'id': 100, 's': 100, 'e': 101, 'r': 111, 'd': -1, 'l': 117}, {'id': 101, 's': 101, 'e': 102, 'r': 108, 'd': 1, 'l': 113}, {'id': 102, 's': 102, 'e': 103}, {'id': 103, 's': 103, 'e': 104, 'r': 159, 'd': 1, 'l': 168}, {'id': 104, 's': 104, 'e': 105, 'r': 136, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 105, 's': 105, 'e': 106, 'r': 106, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 106, 's': 106, 'e': 107}, {'id': 107, 's': 107, 'e': 108, 'r': 125, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 108, 's': 108, 'e': 109}, {'id': 109, 's': 109, 'e': 110}, {'id': 114, 's': 110, 'e': 115, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 89}, {'id': 119, 's': 115, 'e': 120, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 171}, {'id': 120, 's': 120, 'e': 121, 'r': 120, 'd': 1, 'l': 85}, {'id': 121, 's': 121, 'e': 57, 'r': 519, 'd': -1, 'l': 107}, {'id': 122, 's': 99, 'e': 123}, {'id': 124, 's': 123, 'e': 125, 'r': 103, 'd': 1, 'l': 164}, {'id': 126, 's': 125, 'e': 127}, {'id': 127, 's': 127, 'e': 128, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 71}, {'id': 128, 's': 128, 'e': 129, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 71}, {'id': 129, 's': 129, 'e': 130}, {'id': 131, 's': 130, 'e': 132, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 66}, {'id': 132, 's': 132, 'e': 133, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 66}, {'id': 136, 's': 133, 'e': 137}, {'id': 137, 's': 137, 'e': 138, 'r': 277, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 138, 's': 138, 'e': 139}, {'id': 139, 's': 139, 'e': 140, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 140, 's': 140, 'e': 141, 'r': 223, 'd': 1, 'l': 29}, {'id': 141, 's': 141, 'e': 142}, {'id': 142, 's': 142, 'e': 143, 'r': 217, 'd': -1, 'l': 107}, {'id': 143, 's': 143, 'e': 144, 'r': 314, 'd': 1, 'l': 160}, {'id': 146, 's': 144, 'e': 147}, {'id': 147, 's': 147, 'e': 148, 'r': 103, 'd': 1, 'l': 172}, {'id': 149, 's': 148, 'e': 150}, {'id': 150, 's': 150, 'e': 151, 'r': 130, 'd': 1, 'l': 41}, {'id': 151, 's': 151, 'e': 152}, {'id': 178, 's': 152, 'e': 179}, {'id': 179, 's': 179, 'e': 180}, {'id': 180, 's': 180, 'e': 181, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 181, 's': 181, 'e': 182}, {'id': 182, 's': 182, 'e': 183, 'r': 110, 'd': -1, 'l': 208}, {'id': 190, 's': 183, 'e': 191}, {'id': 191, 's': 191, 'e': 192}, {'id': 192, 's': 192, 'e': 193}, {'id': 193, 's': 193, 'e': 194}, {'id': 194, 's': 194, 'e': 195, 'r': 276, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 196, 's': 195, 'e': 197}, {'id': 197, 's': 197, 'e': 198, 'r': 207, 'd': 1, 'l': 121}, {'id': 198, 's': 198, 'e': 9999, 'eo': 1}, {'id': 199, 's': 139, 'e': 200}, {'id': 209, 's': 200, 'e': 210}, {'id': 210, 's': 210, 'e': 211, 'r': 189, 'd': 1, 'l': 46}, {'id': 211, 's': 211, 'e': 212}, {'id': 212, 's': 212, 'e': 213, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 213, 's': 213, 'e': 214}, {'id': 214, 's': 214, 'e': 215}, {'id': 218, 's': 215, 'e': 219, 'r': 130, 'd': 1, 'l': 177}, {'id': 219, 's': 219, 'e': 220}, {'id': 220, 's': 220, 'e': 221, 'r': 216, 'd': -1, 'l': 187}, {'id': 223, 's': 221, 'e': 224}, {'id': 226, 's': 224, 'e': 227, 'r': 166, 'd': -1, 'l': 108}, {'id': 227, 's': 227, 'e': 228, 'r': 107, 'd': 1, 'l': 184}, {'id': 228, 's': 228, 'e': 148}, {'id': 229, 's': 213, 'e': 230, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 230, 's': 214, 'e': 231, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 231, 's': 215, 'e': 232, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 232, 's': 230, 'e': 233, 'r': 181, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 233, 's': 233, 'e': 234, 'r': 140, 'd': -1, 'l': 156}, {'id': 234, 's': 234, 'e': 235}, {'id': 235, 's': 233, 'e': 236, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 236, 's': 236, 'e': 237, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 46}, {'id': 237, 's': 237, 'e': 238}, {'id': 238, 's': 230, 'e': 239}, {'id': 239, 's': 239, 'e': 240, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 61}, {'id': 240, 's': 240, 'e': 241, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 85}, {'id': 241, 's': 241, 'e': 242}, {'id': 242, 's': 239, 'e': 243}, {'id': 243, 's': 243, 'e': 244, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 25}, {'id': 244, 's': 244, 'e': 245}, {'id': 245, 's': 239, 'e': 246, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 63}, {'id': 246, 's': 246, 'e': 247, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 39}, {'id': 247, 's': 247, 'e': 248}, {'id': 248, 's': 231, 'e': 249, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 54}, {'id': 249, 's': 249, 'e': 250, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 80}, {'id': 250, 's': 250, 'e': 251}, {'id': 251, 's': 232, 'e': 252, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 22}, {'id': 252, 's': 252, 'e': 253}, {'id': 253, 's': 231, 'e': 254, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 97}, {'id': 254, 's': 254, 'e': 255, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 75}, {'id': 255, 's': 255, 'e': 256}, {'id': 256, 's': 231, 'e': 257}, {'id': 257, 's': 257, 'e': 258, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 70}, {'id': 258, 's': 258, 'e': 259, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 45}, {'id': 259, 's': 259, 'e': 260}]; }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3263 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel2 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel2) { var v1 = function () { this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Destroy all enemies around the canyon', 'type': 'AllGrounds'}, {'id': 2, 'text': 'Destroy the train before it is out of reach', 'type': 'AllTrains'}, {'id': 3, 'text': 'Take down the 2 enemy Messerschmidts and the Focke Wolf', 'type': 'AllAirs'}, {'id': 4, 'text': 'Take over the 2 enemy airfields with propaganda', 'type': 'AllAirfields'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.cliprows = 9; this.nightmap = false; this.startcash = 17500; this.levelpoints = 10500; this.train = [{'loc': 'SaddleTank', 'speed': 1.5}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer'}, {'wagon': 'Wagon3', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'MediumCannon']}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'SmallFastCannon']}]; this.ea = [{'x': 201, 'y': 2294, 'w': 85, 'h': 85, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gs']}, {'x': 337, 'y': 2412, 'w': 85, 'h': 85, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gs']}, {'x': 172, 'y': 2669, 'w': 243, 'h': 354, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'oj', 'oj', 'gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 833, 'y': 2778, 'w': 24, 'h': 397, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 827, 'y': 2346, 'w': 336, 'h': 405, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj', 'gt', 'gt', 'aj']}, {'x': 926, 'y': 465, 'w': 30, 'h': 1076, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 22, 'y': 3245, 'w': 1209, 'h': 21, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 157, 'y': 267, 'w': 31, 'h': 1016, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 93, 'y': 441, 'w': 23, 'h': 2774, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 327, 'y': 369, 'w': 31, 'h': 2014, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 925, 'y': 1575, 'w': 231, 'h': 268, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt', 'aj', 'gt']}, {'x': 1382, 'y': 702, 'w': 302, 'h': 187, 'e': ['oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 1313, 'y': 399, 'w': 445, 'h': 70, 'e': ['oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 904, 'y': 2780, 'w': 28, 'h': 392, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 983, 'y': 2773, 'w': 30, 'h': 403, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 1070, 'y': 2774, 'w': 25, 'h': 396, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 148, 'y': 3291, 'w': 1060, 'h': 21, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 764, 'y': 2294, 'w': 24, 'h': 918, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 715, 'y': 2238, 'w': 24, 'h': 981, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj']}, {'x': 860, 'y': 480, 'w': 26, 'h': 1008, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}]; = [{'x': 1535, 'y': 594, 'r': 0, 'h': 0}, {'x': 223, 'y': 1476, 'r': 90, 'h': 800, 'e': ['fw', 'ms', 'ms']}, {'x': 1083, 'y': 2101, 'r': -90, 'h': 600, 'e': ['']}]; this.bk = []; this.rb = []; = []; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel2 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel2.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3264 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.mapid = 3; this.title = 'default'; this.rc = [{'id': 1, 'x': 200, 'y': 20, 'a': 270}, {'id': 2, 'x': 200, 'y': 320, 'a': 270}, {'id': 9999, 'x': 1452, 'y': 7430, 'a': 90}, {'id': 10000, 'x': 1452, 'y': 7630, 'a': 90}, {'id': 3, 'x': 200, 'y': 569, 'a': 270}, {'id': 4, 'x': 267, 'y': 743, 'a': -48}, {'id': 5, 'x': 280, 'y': 864, 'a': -120}, {'id': 6, 'x': 306, 'y': 1006, 'a': -40}, {'id': 7, 'x': 334, 'y': 1121, 'a': -113, 's': {'x': 289, 'y': 1113, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, 7, 8, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 8, 'x': 350, 'y': 1249, 'a': -53}, {'id': 9, 'x': 210, 'y': 1203, 'a': -180}, {'id': 10, 'x': 110, 'y': 1203, 'a': -180}, {'id': 11, 'x': 10, 'y': 1303, 'a': -90}, {'id': 12, 'x': 42, 'y': 1376, 'a': -43}, {'id': 13, 'x': 74, 'y': 1449, 'a': -90}, {'id': 14, 'x': 74, 'y': 1575, 'a': -90}, {'id': 15, 'x': 351, 'y': 1368, 'a': -126}, {'id': 16, 'x': 339, 'y': 1517, 'a': -63}, {'id': 17, 'x': 345, 'y': 1611, 'a': -110}, {'id': 18, 'x': 287, 'y': 1670, 'a': -159}, {'id': 19, 'x': 131, 'y': 1665, 'a': -25}, {'id': 20, 'x': 211, 'y': 1790, 'a': -90}, {'id': 22, 'x': 211, 'y': 2123, 'a': -90}, {'id': 23, 'x': 272, 'y': 2263, 'a': -43}, {'id': 24, 'x': 290, 'y': 2498, 'a': -128}, {'id': 25, 'x': 286, 'y': 2686, 'a': -54}, {'id': 26, 'x': 325, 'y': 2902, 'a': -106}, {'id': 27, 'x': 372, 'y': 3051, 'a': -39}, {'id': 28, 'x': 432, 'y': 3219, 'a': -102, 's': {'x': 469, 'y': 3224, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 28, -1, 29, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 29, 'x': 885, 'y': 3271, 'a': -271}, {'id': 30, 'x': 329, 'y': 3702, 'a': -102}, {'id': 31, 'x': 232, 'y': 3838, 'a': -149}, {'id': 32, 'x': 176, 'y': 3984, 'a': -73}, {'id': 33, 'x': 176, 'y': 4139, 'a': -107}, {'id': 34, 'x': 198, 'y': 4301, 'a': -57}, {'id': 35, 'x': 222, 'y': 4423, 'a': -101}, {'id': 36, 'x': 301, 'y': 4540, 'a': -11, 's': {'x': 309, 'y': 4501, 'p': [-1, -1, 38, -1, 36, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 37, 'x': 393, 'y': 4652, 'a': -90}, {'id': 39, 'x': 512, 'y': 4581, 'a': -11}, {'id': 40, 'x': 688, 'y': 4794, 'a': -90}, {'id': 42, 'x': 688, 'y': 5043, 'a': -90}, {'id': 43, 'x': 588, 'y': 5143, 'a': -180}, {'id': 44, 'x': 493, 'y': 5143, 'a': -180}, {'id': 45, 'x': 393, 'y': 5243, 'a': -90}, {'id': 46, 'x': 393, 'y': 5343, 'a': -90}, {'id': 47, 'x': 356, 'y': 5448, 'a': -129}, {'id': 48, 'x': 293, 'y': 5526, 'a': -129}, {'id': 49, 'x': 308, 'y': 5667, 'a': -39}, {'id': 50, 'x': 323, 'y': 5808, 'a': -129, 's': {'x': 277, 'y': 5804, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 59, -1, 50, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 51, 'x': 260, 'y': 5886, 'a': -129, 's': {'x': 216, 'y': 5882, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 56, -1, 51, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 52, 'x': 197, 'y': 5964, 'a': -129, 's': {'x': 152, 'y': 5954, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 57, -1, 52, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 53, 'x': 134, 'y': 6042, 'a': -129, 's': {'x': 87, 'y': 6033, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 58, -1, 53, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 54, 'x': 71, 'y': 6120, 'a': -129}, {'id': 55, 'x': 86, 'y': 6261, 'a': -39}, {'id': 56, 'x': 394, 'y': 6510, 'a': -39}, {'id': 57, 'x': 275, 'y': 6027, 'a': -39}, {'id': 58, 'x': 212, 'y': 6105, 'a': -39}, {'id': 59, 'x': 149, 'y': 6183, 'a': -39}, {'id': 60, 'x': 338, 'y': 5949, 'a': -39}, {'id': 61, 'x': 444, 'y': 6422, 'a': -39}, {'id': 62, 'x': 519, 'y': 6354, 'a': -39}, {'id': 63, 'x': 584, 'y': 6277, 'a': -39}, {'id': 64, 'x': 416, 'y': 6012, 'a': -39, 's': {'x': 448, 'y': 5985, 'p': [-1, -1, 64, 67, 68, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 65, 'x': 476, 'y': 6034, 'a': -2}, {'id': 66, 'x': 536, 'y': 6056, 'a': -39}, {'id': 67, 'x': 680, 'y': 6172, 'a': -39}, {'id': 68, 'x': 507, 'y': 6086, 'a': -39}, {'id': 69, 'x': 450, 'y': 6066, 'a': -76}, {'id': 70, 'x': 484, 'y': 6120, 'a': -39}, {'id': 71, 'x': 628, 'y': 6236, 'a': -39}, {'id': 72, 'x': 651, 'y': 6202, 'a': -39}, {'id': 74, 'x': 534, 'y': 6496, 'a': -310}, {'id': 76, 'x': 807, 'y': 6171, 'a': -310}, {'id': 77, 'x': 1080, 'y': 5845, 'a': -310}, {'id': 78, 'x': 1132, 'y': 5700, 'a': -270}, {'id': 79, 'x': 1132, 'y': 5331, 'a': -270}, {'id': 80, 'x': 1132, 'y': 4911, 'a': -270}, {'id': 81, 'x': 1132, 'y': 4624, 'a': -270}, {'id': 82, 'x': 1182, 'y': 4469, 'a': -306}, {'id': 83, 'x': 1185, 'y': 4168, 'a': -235}, {'id': 85, 'x': 1116, 'y': 4070, 'a': -235}, {'id': 86, 'x': 979, 'y': 3981, 'a': -191}, {'id': 87, 'x': 885, 'y': 3868, 'a': -270}, {'id': 88, 'x': 885, 'y': 3425, 'a': -270}, {'id': 90, 'x': 930, 'y': 3123, 'a': -303}, {'id': 91, 'x': 974, 'y': 2974, 'a': -270}, {'id': 92, 'x': 974, 'y': 2680, 'a': -270}, {'id': 93, 'x': 974, 'y': 2418, 'a': -270}, {'id': 98, 'x': 974, 'y': 2055, 'a': -270}, {'id': 99, 'x': 974, 'y': 1649, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 942, 'y': 1657, 'p': [99, -1, 101, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 100, 'x': 974, 'y': 1349, 'a': -270}, {'id': 102, 'x': 1074, 'y': 1549, 'a': -360}, {'id': 103, 'x': 1390, 'y': 1549, 'a': -360}, {'id': 104, 'x': 974, 'y': 964, 'a': -270}, {'id': 105, 'x': 974, 'y': 581, 'a': -270}, {'id': 106, 'x': 1074, 'y': 481, 'a': -360}, {'id': 107, 'x': 1344, 'y': 481, 'a': -360}, {'id': 108, 'x': 1778, 'y': 481, 'a': -360}, {'id': 109, 'x': 1878, 'y': 581, 'a': -90}, {'id': 110, 'x': 1878, 'y': 949, 'a': -90}, {'id': 111, 'x': 1878, 'y': 1334, 'a': -90}, {'id': 112, 'x': 1701, 'y': 1549, 'a': -360}, {'id': 113, 'x': 1878, 'y': 1568, 'a': -90}, {'id': 115, 'x': 1779, 'y': 1549, 'a': -360}, {'id': 116, 'x': 1879, 'y': 1649, 'a': -90}, {'id': 117, 'x': 1879, 'y': 2041, 'a': -90}, {'id': 118, 'x': 1832, 'y': 2188, 'a': -125}, {'id': 119, 'x': 1786, 'y': 2336, 'a': -90}, {'id': 120, 'x': 1786, 'y': 2773, 'a': -90}, {'id': 121, 'x': 1766, 'y': 2842, 'a': -122}, {'id': 122, 'x': 1763, 'y': 3059, 'a': -59}, {'id': 123, 'x': 1780, 'y': 3229, 'a': -110}, {'id': 124, 'x': 1809, 'y': 3370, 'a': -47}, {'id': 125, 'x': 1804, 'y': 3511, 'a': -137}, {'id': 126, 'x': 1796, 'y': 3661, 'a': -49}, {'id': 127, 'x': 1823, 'y': 3827, 'a': -113}, {'id': 128, 'x': 1820, 'y': 3980, 'a': -69}, {'id': 130, 'x': 1844, 'y': 4107, 'a': -90}, {'id': 131, 'x': 1844, 'y': 4390, 'a': -90}, {'id': 132, 'x': 1844, 'y': 4647, 'a': -90}, {'id': 133, 'x': 1782, 'y': 4799, 'a': -134}, {'id': 134, 'x': 1434, 'y': 5159, 'a': -134}, {'id': 135, 'x': 1436, 'y': 5300, 'a': -44}, {'id': 136, 'x': 1704, 'y': 5559, 'a': -44}, {'id': 137, 'x': 1764, 'y': 5700, 'a': -90}, {'id': 138, 'x': 1764, 'y': 6017, 'a': -90}, {'id': 139, 'x': 1661, 'y': 6160, 'a': -162, 's': {'x': 1673, 'y': 6198, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, 139, -1, 140, -1]}}, {'id': 140, 'x': 1551, 'y': 6311, 'a': -90}, {'id': 141, 'x': 1297, 'y': 6278, 'a': -162}, {'id': 142, 'x': 1179, 'y': 6396, 'a': -108}, {'id': 143, 'x': 1054, 'y': 6780, 'a': -108}, {'id': 144, 'x': 957, 'y': 6899, 'a': -150}, {'id': 145, 'x': 833, 'y': 6971, 'a': -150}, {'id': 146, 'x': 764, 'y': 7090, 'a': -90}, {'id': 147, 'x': 764, 'y': 7416, 'a': -90}, {'id': 149, 'x': 864, 'y': 7516, 'a': 0}, {'id': 150, 'x': 964, 'y': 7516, 'a': 0}, {'id': 151, 'x': 1064, 'y': 7416, 'a': -270}, {'id': 152, 'x': 1064, 'y': 7052, 'a': -270}, {'id': 153, 'x': 1124, 'y': 6911, 'a': -316}, {'id': 155, 'x': 1204, 'y': 6778, 'a': -286}, {'id': 156, 'x': 1551, 'y': 6627, 'a': -90}, {'id': 157, 'x': 1521, 'y': 6728, 'a': -123}, {'id': 158, 'x': 1536, 'y': 6895, 'a': -47}, {'id': 159, 'x': 1520, 'y': 7183, 'a': -139}, {'id': 160, 'x': 1280, 'y': 6512, 'a': -286}, {'id': 161, 'x': 1417, 'y': 6435, 'a': -15}, {'id': 163, 'x': 1452, 'y': 7331, 'a': -90}]; = [{'id': 1, 's': 1, 'e': 2}, {'id': 10000, 's': 10000, 'e': 9999}, {'id': 2, 's': 2, 'e': 3}, {'id': 3, 's': 3, 'e': 4, 'r': 259, 'd': 1, 'l': 191}, {'id': 4, 's': 4, 'e': 5, 'r': 104, 'd': -1, 'l': 130}, {'id': 5, 's': 5, 'e': 6, 'r': 112, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 6, 's': 6, 'e': 7, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 127}, {'id': 7, 's': 7, 'e': 8, 'r': 128, 'd': 1, 'l': 135}, {'id': 8, 's': 7, 'e': 9, 'r': 134, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 9, 's': 9, 'e': 10}, {'id': 10, 's': 10, 'e': 11, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 11, 's': 11, 'e': 12, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 82}, {'id': 12, 's': 12, 'e': 13, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 82}, {'id': 13, 's': 13, 'e': 14}, {'id': 14, 's': 8, 'e': 15, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 127}, {'id': 15, 's': 15, 'e': 16, 'r': 144, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 16, 's': 16, 'e': 17, 'r': 119, 'd': -1, 'l': 97}, {'id': 17, 's': 17, 'e': 18, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 85}, {'id': 18, 's': 14, 'e': 19, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 113}, {'id': 19, 's': 19, 'e': 20, 'r': 139, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 20, 's': 18, 'e': 20, 'r': 117, 'd': 1, 'l': 150}, {'id': 21, 's': 20, 'e': 22}, {'id': 22, 's': 22, 'e': 23, 'r': 192, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 23, 's': 23, 'e': 24, 'r': 174, 'd': -1, 'l': 259}, {'id': 24, 's': 24, 'e': 25, 'r': 157, 'd': 1, 'l': 202}, {'id': 25, 's': 25, 'e': 26, 'r': 252, 'd': -1, 'l': 227}, {'id': 26, 's': 26, 'e': 27, 'r': 142, 'd': 1, 'l': 166}, {'id': 27, 's': 27, 'e': 28, 'r': 172, 'd': -1, 'l': 188}, {'id': 28, 's': 28, 'e': 29, 'r': 229, 'd': 1, 'l': 763}, {'id': 29, 's': 28, 'e': 30}, {'id': 30, 's': 30, 'e': 31, 'r': 210, 'd': -1, 'l': 172}, {'id': 31, 's': 31, 'e': 32, 'r': 127, 'd': 1, 'l': 168}, {'id': 32, 's': 32, 'e': 33, 'r': 264, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 33, 's': 33, 'e': 34, 'r': 195, 'd': 1, 'l': 169}, {'id': 34, 's': 34, 'e': 35, 'r': 165, 'd': -1, 'l': 127}, {'id': 35, 's': 35, 'e': 36, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 36, 's': 36, 'e': 37, 'r': 114, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 37, 's': 37, 'e': 45}, {'id': 38, 's': 36, 'e': 39}, {'id': 39, 's': 39, 'e': 40, 'r': 218, 'd': -1, 'l': 300}, {'id': 41, 's': 40, 'e': 42}, {'id': 42, 's': 42, 'e': 43, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 43, 's': 43, 'e': 44}, {'id': 44, 's': 44, 'e': 45, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 45, 's': 45, 'e': 46}, {'id': 46, 's': 46, 'e': 47, 'r': 167, 'd': -1, 'l': 114}, {'id': 47, 's': 47, 'e': 48}, {'id': 48, 's': 48, 'e': 49, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 49, 's': 49, 'e': 50, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 50, 's': 50, 'e': 51}, {'id': 51, 's': 51, 'e': 52}, {'id': 52, 's': 52, 'e': 53}, {'id': 53, 's': 53, 'e': 54}, {'id': 54, 's': 54, 'e': 55, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 55, 's': 55, 'e': 56}, {'id': 56, 's': 51, 'e': 57, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 57, 's': 52, 'e': 58, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 58, 's': 53, 'e': 59, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 59, 's': 50, 'e': 60, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 60, 's': 59, 'e': 61}, {'id': 61, 's': 58, 'e': 62}, {'id': 62, 's': 57, 'e': 63}, {'id': 63, 's': 60, 'e': 64}, {'id': 64, 's': 64, 'e': 65, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 65}, {'id': 65, 's': 65, 'e': 66, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 65}, {'id': 66, 's': 66, 'e': 67}, {'id': 67, 's': 64, 'e': 68}, {'id': 68, 's': 64, 'e': 69, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 65}, {'id': 69, 's': 69, 'e': 70, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 65}, {'id': 70, 's': 70, 'e': 71}, {'id': 71, 's': 68, 'e': 72}, {'id': 73, 's': 56, 'e': 74, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 156}, {'id': 75, 's': 74, 'e': 76}, {'id': 76, 's': 76, 'e': 77}, {'id': 77, 's': 77, 'e': 78, 'r': 224, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 78, 's': 78, 'e': 79}, {'id': 79, 's': 79, 'e': 80}, {'id': 80, 's': 80, 'e': 81}, {'id': 81, 's': 81, 'e': 82, 'r': 266, 'd': -1, 'l': 165}, {'id': 82, 's': 82, 'e': 83, 'r': 260, 'd': 1, 'l': 321}, {'id': 84, 's': 83, 'e': 85}, {'id': 85, 's': 85, 'e': 86, 'r': 218, 'd': 1, 'l': 167}, {'id': 86, 's': 86, 'e': 87, 'r': 116, 'd': -1, 'l': 159}, {'id': 87, 's': 87, 'e': 88}, {'id': 88, 's': 88, 'e': 29}, {'id': 89, 's': 29, 'e': 90, 'r': 284, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 90, 's': 90, 'e': 91, 'r': 270, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 91, 's': 91, 'e': 92}, {'id': 92, 's': 92, 'e': 93}, {'id': 97, 's': 93, 'e': 98}, {'id': 98, 's': 98, 'e': 99}, {'id': 99, 's': 99, 'e': 100}, {'id': 101, 's': 99, 'e': 102, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 102, 's': 102, 'e': 103}, {'id': 103, 's': 100, 'e': 104}, {'id': 104, 's': 104, 'e': 105}, {'id': 105, 's': 105, 'e': 106, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 106, 's': 106, 'e': 107}, {'id': 107, 's': 107, 'e': 108}, {'id': 108, 's': 108, 'e': 109, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 109, 's': 109, 'e': 110}, {'id': 110, 's': 110, 'e': 111}, {'id': 111, 's': 103, 'e': 112}, {'id': 112, 's': 111, 'e': 113}, {'id': 113, 's': 113, 'e': 116}, {'id': 114, 's': 112, 'e': 115}, {'id': 115, 's': 115, 'e': 116, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 116, 's': 116, 'e': 117}, {'id': 117, 's': 117, 'e': 118, 'r': 257, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 118, 's': 118, 'e': 119, 'r': 255, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 119, 's': 119, 'e': 120}, {'id': 120, 's': 120, 'e': 121, 'r': 130, 'd': -1, 'l': 73}, {'id': 121, 's': 121, 'e': 122, 'r': 209, 'd': 1, 'l': 228}, {'id': 122, 's': 122, 'e': 123, 'r': 200, 'd': -1, 'l': 177}, {'id': 123, 's': 123, 'e': 124, 'r': 137, 'd': 1, 'l': 151}, {'id': 124, 's': 124, 'e': 125, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 125, 's': 125, 'e': 126, 'r': 108, 'd': 1, 'l': 166}, {'id': 126, 's': 126, 'e': 127, 'r': 159, 'd': -1, 'l': 177}, {'id': 127, 's': 127, 'e': 128, 'r': 206, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 129, 's': 128, 'e': 130, 'r': 362, 'd': -1, 'l': 130}, {'id': 130, 's': 130, 'e': 131}, {'id': 131, 's': 131, 'e': 132}, {'id': 132, 's': 132, 'e': 133, 'r': 217, 'd': -1, 'l': 168}, {'id': 133, 's': 133, 'e': 134}, {'id': 134, 's': 134, 'e': 135, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 135, 's': 135, 'e': 136}, {'id': 136, 's': 136, 'e': 137, 'r': 195, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 137, 's': 137, 'e': 138}, {'id': 138, 's': 138, 'e': 139, 'r': 150, 'd': -1, 'l': 188}, {'id': 139, 's': 139, 'e': 140, 'r': 159, 'd': 1, 'l': 200}, {'id': 140, 's': 139, 'e': 141}, {'id': 141, 's': 141, 'e': 142, 'r': 184, 'd': 1, 'l': 173}, {'id': 142, 's': 142, 'e': 143}, {'id': 143, 's': 143, 'e': 144, 'r': 214, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 144, 's': 144, 'e': 145}, {'id': 145, 's': 145, 'e': 146, 'r': 138, 'd': 1, 'l': 144}, {'id': 146, 's': 146, 'e': 147}, {'id': 148, 's': 147, 'e': 149, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 149, 's': 149, 'e': 150}, {'id': 150, 's': 150, 'e': 151, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 151, 's': 151, 'e': 152}, {'id': 152, 's': 152, 'e': 153, 'r': 196, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 154, 's': 153, 'e': 155, 'r': 301, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 155, 's': 140, 'e': 156}, {'id': 156, 's': 156, 'e': 157, 'r': 186, 'd': -1, 'l': 107}, {'id': 157, 's': 157, 'e': 158, 'r': 136, 'd': 1, 'l': 181}, {'id': 158, 's': 158, 'e': 159, 'r': 200, 'd': -1, 'l': 322}, {'id': 159, 's': 155, 'e': 160}, {'id': 160, 's': 160, 'e': 161, 'r': 112, 'd': -1, 'l': 174}, {'id': 161, 's': 161, 'e': 156, 'r': 184, 'd': -1, 'l': 254}, {'id': 162, 's': 159, 'e': 163, 'r': 198, 'd': 1, 'l': 168}, {'id': 164, 's': 163, 'e': 9999, 'eo': 1}]; }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3265 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel3 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel3) { var v1 = function () { this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Destroy the enemy army', 'type': 'AllGrounds'}, {'id': 2, 'text': 'Destroy the wartrain before it reaches the end', 'type': 'AllTrains'}, {'id': 3, 'text': 'Take down the 7 enemy air units', 'type': 'AllAirs'}, {'id': 4, 'text': 'Take over the 2 enemy airfields with propaganda', 'type': 'AllAirfields'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.clipcols = 6; this.nightmap = true; this.startcash = 19500; this.levelpoints = 12500; this.train = [{'loc': 'Rhino', 'speed': 3}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer'}, {'wagon': 'Wagon3', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'MediumCannon']}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'SmallFastCannon']}]; this.ea = [{'x': 3004, 'y': 605, 'w': 144, 'h': 139, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 3017, 'y': 766, 'w': 452, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 3021, 'y': 808, 'w': 575, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 3012, 'y': 850, 'w': 126, 'h': 116, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt', 'pt']}, {'x': 2824, 'y': 632, 'w': 168, 'h': 140, 'e': ['aj', 'gt']}, {'x': 2697, 'y': 781, 'w': 300, 'h': 28, 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 2674, 'y': 819, 'w': 327, 'h': 38, 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 2848, 'y': 869, 'w': 154, 'h': 147, 'e': ['gt', 'aj']}, {'x': 3018, 'y': 975, 'w': 171, 'h': 119, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 2862, 'y': 1026, 'w': 144, 'h': 178, 'e': ['aj', 'gt']}, {'x': 3032, 'y': 1113, 'w': 185, 'h': 151, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt', 'aj', 'oj']}, {'x': 2712, 'y': 1223, 'w': 266, 'h': 26, 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 3543, 'y': 1603, 'w': 241, 'h': 93, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt', 'aj', 'pt']}, {'x': 3626, 'y': 1871, 'w': 101, 'h': 92, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gs']}, {'x': 3376, 'y': 1847, 'w': 79, 'h': 200, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj', 'gt']}, {'x': 3519, 'y': 1835, 'w': 46, 'h': 86, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 3632, 'y': 1348, 'w': 135, 'h': 121, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 3462, 'y': 1963, 'w': 126, 'h': 230, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'oj', 'gt']}, {'x': 2976, 'y': 346, 'w': 144, 'h': 118, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt', 'pt']}, {'x': 2795, 'y': 351, 'w': 166, 'h': 144, 'e': ['gt', 'el', 'el']}, {'x': 2976, 'y': 157, 'w': 116, 'h': 169, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt', 'aj']}, {'x': 2976, 'y': 57, 'w': 181, 'h': 92, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 2723, 'y': 178, 'w': 240, 'h': 163, 'e': ['gt', 'aj', 'el', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 2683, 'y': 114, 'w': 287, 'h': 45, 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 3241, 'y': 974, 'w': 505, 'h': 45, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 3228, 'y': 1276, 'w': 538, 'h': 27, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 3400, 'y': 218, 'w': 451, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 3443, 'y': 299, 'w': 312, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj']}, {'x': 3430, 'y': 358, 'w': 20, 'h': 390, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 3505, 'y': 558, 'w': 243, 'h': 33, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 1826, 'y': 2220, 'w': 107, 'h': 104, 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 1601, 'y': 1852, 'w': 134, 'h': 120, 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 1858, 'y': 1718, 'w': 140, 'h': 130, 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 2122, 'y': 1914, 'w': 101, 'h': 93, 'e': ['gt']}]; = [{'x': 1854, 'y': 2050, 'r': -37, 'h': 0}, {'x': 3692, 'y': 432, 'r': 0, 'h': 800, 'e': ['ms', 'bh', 'bh', 'ms']}, {'x': 3446, 'y': 1149, 'r': 0, 'h': 800, 'e': ['fw', 'fw']}]; this.bk = [{'x': 3249, 'y': 165, 'r': 27, 's': 92}, {'x': 3181, 'y': 341, 'r': 15, 's': 95}, {'x': 3108, 'y': 513, 'r': 79, 's': 83}]; this.rb = []; = []; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel3 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel3.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3266 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.mapid = 4; this.title = 'default'; this.rc = [{'id': 1, 'x': 20, 'y': 1111, 'a': 0}, {'id': 2, 'x': 320, 'y': 1111, 'a': 0}, {'id': 9999, 'x': 4983, 'y': 233, 'a': 270}, {'id': 10000, 'x': 4983, 'y': 33, 'a': 270}, {'id': 5, 'x': 554, 'y': 1045, 'a': -328}, {'id': 6, 'x': 706, 'y': 1001, 'a': -360}, {'id': 7, 'x': 1161, 'y': 1001, 'a': -360}, {'id': 8, 'x': 1533, 'y': 1001, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 1533, 'y': 960, 'p': [63, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 9, 'x': 1737, 'y': 798, 'a': -270}, {'id': 10, 'x': 1737, 'y': 303, 'a': -270}, {'id': 12, 'x': 1837, 'y': 203, 'a': -360}, {'id': 13, 'x': 2005, 'y': 203, 'a': -360}, {'id': 14, 'x': 2189, 'y': 107, 'a': -305}, {'id': 15, 'x': 2323, 'y': 37, 'a': -360}, {'id': 17, 'x': 2615, 'y': 37, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 2613, 'y': 70, 'p': [-1, -1, 23, -1, 37, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 24, 'x': 2715, 'y': 37, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 2729, 'y': 69, 'p': [-1, -1, 24, -1, 34, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 25, 'x': 2815, 'y': 37, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 2831, 'y': 69, 'p': [-1, -1, 25, -1, 35, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 26, 'x': 2915, 'y': 37, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 2932, 'y': 69, 'p': [-1, -1, 26, -1, 36, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 27, 'x': 3015, 'y': 37, 'a': -360}, {'id': 29, 'x': 3138, 'y': 251, 'a': -120}, {'id': 30, 'x': 3088, 'y': 338, 'a': -120}, {'id': 31, 'x': 2789, 'y': 447, 'a': -200}, {'id': 34, 'x': 2716, 'y': 728, 'a': -9}, {'id': 35, 'x': 2815, 'y': 137, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 2779, 'y': 144, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 43, -1, 54, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 36, 'x': 2915, 'y': 137, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 2880, 'y': 143, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 44, -1, 40, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 37, 'x': 3015, 'y': 137, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 2984, 'y': 141, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 45, -1, 41, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 38, 'x': 2715, 'y': 137, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 2679, 'y': 142, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 42, -1, 38, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 39, 'x': 2700, 'y': 189, 'a': -122}, {'id': 41, 'x': 2900, 'y': 189, 'a': -122}, {'id': 42, 'x': 3000, 'y': 189, 'a': -122}, {'id': 43, 'x': 2730, 'y': 189, 'a': -58}, {'id': 44, 'x': 2830, 'y': 189, 'a': -58}, {'id': 45, 'x': 2930, 'y': 189, 'a': -58}, {'id': 46, 'x': 3030, 'y': 189, 'a': -58}, {'id': 47, 'x': 2685, 'y': 241, 'a': -90}, {'id': 48, 'x': 2685, 'y': 398, 'a': -90}, {'id': 49, 'x': 2745, 'y': 241, 'a': -90}, {'id': 50, 'x': 2745, 'y': 398, 'a': -90}, {'id': 51, 'x': 3045, 'y': 241, 'a': -90}, {'id': 52, 'x': 3045, 'y': 341, 'a': -90}, {'id': 53, 'x': 2985, 'y': 241, 'a': -90}, {'id': 54, 'x': 2885, 'y': 241, 'a': -90}, {'id': 55, 'x': 2800, 'y': 189, 'a': -122}, {'id': 56, 'x': 2785, 'y': 241, 'a': -90}, {'id': 57, 'x': 2785, 'y': 398, 'a': -90}, {'id': 58, 'x': 2845, 'y': 241, 'a': -90}, {'id': 59, 'x': 2845, 'y': 398, 'a': -90}, {'id': 60, 'x': 2885, 'y': 398, 'a': -90}, {'id': 61, 'x': 2945, 'y': 241, 'a': -90}, {'id': 62, 'x': 2945, 'y': 398, 'a': -90}, {'id': 63, 'x': 2985, 'y': 341, 'a': -90}, {'id': 64, 'x': 1633, 'y': 901, 'a': -270}, {'id': 65, 'x': 1633, 'y': 801, 'a': -270}, {'id': 66, 'x': 1533, 'y': 701, 'a': -180}, {'id': 67, 'x': 1433, 'y': 701, 'a': -180}, {'id': 68, 'x': 1333, 'y': 701, 'a': -180}, {'id': 69, 'x': 1233, 'y': 601, 'a': -270}, {'id': 70, 'x': 1233, 'y': 450, 'a': -270}, {'id': 71, 'x': 1148, 'y': 303, 'a': -210}, {'id': 72, 'x': 1086, 'y': 267, 'a': -210}, {'id': 73, 'x': 883, 'y': 253, 'a': -158}, {'id': 76, 'x': 815, 'y': 256, 'a': -198}, {'id': 77, 'x': 710, 'y': 251, 'a': -168}, {'id': 78, 'x': 591, 'y': 174, 'a': -258}, {'id': 79, 'x': 470, 'y': 77, 'a': -180}, {'id': 80, 'x': 293, 'y': 77, 'a': -180}, {'id': 81, 'x': 193, 'y': 177, 'a': -90}, {'id': 82, 'x': 193, 'y': 492, 'a': -90}, {'id': 84, 'x': 293, 'y': 592, 'a': 0}, {'id': 85, 'x': 665, 'y': 592, 'a': 0}, {'id': 87, 'x': 806, 'y': 785, 'a': -108}, {'id': 88, 'x': 952, 'y': 994, 'a': -2}, {'id': 90, 'x': 2810, 'y': 838, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 2851, 'y': 839, 'p': [-1, -1, 161, -1, 90, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 91, 'x': 2810, 'y': 1046, 'a': -90}, {'id': 92, 'x': 2558, 'y': 1338, 'a': -172}, {'id': 93, 'x': 2063, 'y': 1408, 'a': -172}, {'id': 94, 'x': 1525, 'y': 1484, 'a': -172}, {'id': 95, 'x': 1103, 'y': 1543, 'a': -172, 's': {'x': 1109, 'y': 1583, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 99, -1, 96]}}, {'id': 97, 'x': 935, 'y': 1506, 'a': -213}, {'id': 98, 'x': 640, 'y': 1563, 'a': -125}, {'id': 99, 'x': 535, 'y': 1713, 'a': -125}, {'id': 100, 'x': 946, 'y': 1565, 'a': -172}, {'id': 101, 'x': 855, 'y': 1675, 'a': -87}, {'id': 102, 'x': 862, 'y': 1816, 'a': -87}, {'id': 103, 'x': 754, 'y': 1948, 'a': -171}, {'id': 104, 'x': 545, 'y': 1858, 'a': -47}, {'id': 106, 'x': 636, 'y': 2092, 'a': -90}, {'id': 107, 'x': 636, 'y': 2192, 'a': -90}, {'id': 109, 'x': 791, 'y': 2346, 'a': -360}, {'id': 110, 'x': 1185, 'y': 2346, 'a': -360}, {'id': 111, 'x': 1296, 'y': 2312, 'a': -326}, {'id': 112, 'x': 1435, 'y': 2339, 'a': -56}, {'id': 113, 'x': 1574, 'y': 2366, 'a': -326}, {'id': 114, 'x': 1657, 'y': 2310, 'a': -326, 's': {'x': 1635, 'y': 2278, 'p': [114, -1, 115, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 115, 'x': 1684, 'y': 2171, 'a': -236}, {'id': 116, 'x': 1796, 'y': 2337, 'a': -56}, {'id': 117, 'x': 1935, 'y': 2364, 'a': -326}, {'id': 118, 'x': 1711, 'y': 2032, 'a': -326}, {'id': 119, 'x': 1898, 'y': 1906, 'a': -326}, {'id': 120, 'x': 2122, 'y': 2238, 'a': -326}, {'id': 121, 'x': 2149, 'y': 2099, 'a': -236}, {'id': 122, 'x': 2037, 'y': 1933, 'a': -56}, {'id': 123, 'x': 2176, 'y': 1960, 'a': -326, 's': {'x': 2155, 'y': 1928, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, 123, -1, 122, -1]}}, {'id': 125, 'x': 2311, 'y': 1869, 'a': -326}, {'id': 126, 'x': 2453, 'y': 1804, 'a': -345}, {'id': 127, 'x': 2809, 'y': 1708, 'a': -345}, {'id': 129, 'x': 2909, 'y': 1709, 'a': -16}, {'id': 130, 'x': 3062, 'y': 1697, 'a': -335}, {'id': 131, 'x': 3215, 'y': 1694, 'a': -23, 's': {'x': 3230, 'y': 1656, 'p': [-1, 158, -1, 131, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 132, 'x': 3448, 'y': 1793, 'a': -23}, {'id': 133, 'x': 3521, 'y': 1981, 'a': -114}, {'id': 134, 'x': 3583, 'y': 2121, 'a': -18}, {'id': 136, 'x': 3906, 'y': 2226, 'a': -18}, {'id': 140, 'x': 4271, 'y': 2345, 'a': -18}, {'id': 142, 'x': 4423, 'y': 2331, 'a': -331}, {'id': 143, 'x': 4539, 'y': 2301, 'a': -360}, {'id': 144, 'x': 4639, 'y': 2301, 'a': -360}, {'id': 145, 'x': 4726, 'y': 2337, 'a': -45}, {'id': 146, 'x': 4967, 'y': 2237, 'a': -270}, {'id': 147, 'x': 4967, 'y': 1670, 'a': -270}, {'id': 148, 'x': 4967, 'y': 1296, 'a': -270}, {'id': 159, 'x': 3408, 'y': 1607, 'a': -288}, {'id': 160, 'x': 3656, 'y': 1528, 'a': -37}, {'id': 161, 'x': 3994, 'y': 1783, 'a': -37}, {'id': 162, 'x': 2910, 'y': 938, 'a': 0}, {'id': 163, 'x': 3077, 'y': 938, 'a': 0}, {'id': 165, 'x': 3315, 'y': 702, 'a': -270}, {'id': 166, 'x': 3315, 'y': 426, 'a': -270}, {'id': 167, 'x': 3553, 'y': 188, 'a': 0}, {'id': 168, 'x': 3961, 'y': 188, 'a': 0}, {'id': 169, 'x': 4365, 'y': 188, 'a': 0}, {'id': 170, 'x': 4503, 'y': 326, 'a': -90}, {'id': 171, 'x': 4503, 'y': 482, 'a': -90}, {'id': 172, 'x': 4365, 'y': 620, 'a': -180}, {'id': 173, 'x': 3983, 'y': 620, 'a': -180}, {'id': 174, 'x': 3879, 'y': 653, 'a': -145}, {'id': 175, 'x': 3814, 'y': 683, 'a': -166}, {'id': 176, 'x': 3748, 'y': 823, 'a': -65}, {'id': 177, 'x': 3607, 'y': 1046, 'a': -180}, {'id': 178, 'x': 3214, 'y': 1046, 'a': -180}, {'id': 179, 'x': 2981, 'y': 1046, 'a': -180}, {'id': 180, 'x': 2891, 'y': 1102, 'a': -116}, {'id': 182, 'x': 4967, 'y': 1133, 'a': -270}, {'id': 183, 'x': 4867, 'y': 1033, 'a': -180}, {'id': 184, 'x': 4529, 'y': 1033, 'a': -180}, {'id': 185, 'x': 4429, 'y': 1133, 'a': -90}, {'id': 186, 'x': 4429, 'y': 1539, 'a': -90}, {'id': 187, 'x': 4329, 'y': 1639, 'a': -180}, {'id': 191, 'x': 4233, 'y': 1566, 'a': -254}, {'id': 192, 'x': 4113, 'y': 1486, 'a': -174}, {'id': 193, 'x': 4003, 'y': 1387, 'a': -270}, {'id': 194, 'x': 4003, 'y': 1137, 'a': -270}, {'id': 195, 'x': 4103, 'y': 1037, 'a': -360}, {'id': 196, 'x': 4318, 'y': 1037, 'a': -360}, {'id': 197, 'x': 4418, 'y': 937, 'a': -270}, {'id': 198, 'x': 4600, 'y': 754, 'a': -360}, {'id': 200, 'x': 4878, 'y': 754, 'a': -360}, {'id': 201, 'x': 4983, 'y': 649, 'a': -270}]; = [{'id': 1, 's': 1, 'e': 2}, {'id': 10000, 's': 10000, 'e': 9999}, {'id': 4, 's': 2, 'e': 5, 'r': 445, 'd': 1, 'l': 246}, {'id': 5, 's': 5, 'e': 6, 'r': 287, 'd': -1, 'l': 160}, {'id': 6, 's': 6, 'e': 7}, {'id': 7, 's': 7, 'e': 8}, {'id': 8, 's': 8, 'e': 9, 'r': 204, 'd': 1, 'l': 319}, {'id': 9, 's': 9, 'e': 10}, {'id': 11, 's': 10, 'e': 12, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 12, 's': 12, 'e': 13}, {'id': 13, 's': 13, 'e': 14, 'r': 225, 'd': 1, 'l': 216}, {'id': 14, 's': 14, 'e': 15, 'r': 164, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 16, 's': 15, 'e': 17}, {'id': 23, 's': 17, 'e': 24}, {'id': 24, 's': 24, 'e': 25}, {'id': 25, 's': 25, 'e': 26}, {'id': 26, 's': 26, 'e': 27}, {'id': 28, 's': 27, 'e': 29, 'r': 142, 'd': -1, 'l': 298}, {'id': 29, 's': 29, 'e': 30}, {'id': 30, 's': 30, 'e': 31, 'r': 247, 'd': -1, 'l': 345}, {'id': 33, 's': 31, 'e': 34, 'r': 146, 'd': 1, 'l': 486}, {'id': 34, 's': 24, 'e': 35, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 35, 's': 25, 'e': 36, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 36, 's': 26, 'e': 37, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 37, 's': 17, 'e': 38, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 38, 's': 38, 'e': 39, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 40, 's': 36, 'e': 41, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 41, 's': 37, 'e': 42, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 42, 's': 38, 'e': 43, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 43, 's': 35, 'e': 44, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 44, 's': 36, 'e': 45, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 45, 's': 37, 'e': 46, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 46, 's': 39, 'e': 47, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 47, 's': 47, 'e': 48}, {'id': 48, 's': 43, 'e': 49, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 49, 's': 49, 'e': 50}, {'id': 50, 's': 46, 'e': 51, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 51, 's': 51, 'e': 52}, {'id': 52, 's': 42, 'e': 53, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 53, 's': 41, 'e': 54, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 54, 's': 35, 'e': 55, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 55, 's': 55, 'e': 56, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 56, 's': 56, 'e': 57}, {'id': 57, 's': 44, 'e': 58, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 58, 's': 58, 'e': 59}, {'id': 59, 's': 54, 'e': 60}, {'id': 60, 's': 45, 'e': 61, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 61, 's': 61, 'e': 62}, {'id': 62, 's': 53, 'e': 63}, {'id': 63, 's': 8, 'e': 64, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 64, 's': 64, 'e': 65}, {'id': 65, 's': 65, 'e': 66, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 66, 's': 66, 'e': 67}, {'id': 67, 's': 67, 'e': 68}, {'id': 68, 's': 68, 'e': 69, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 69, 's': 69, 'e': 70}, {'id': 70, 's': 70, 'e': 71, 'r': 170, 'd': 1, 'l': 178}, {'id': 71, 's': 71, 'e': 72}, {'id': 72, 's': 72, 'e': 73, 'r': 231, 'd': 1, 'l': 211}, {'id': 75, 's': 73, 'e': 76, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 69}, {'id': 76, 's': 76, 'e': 77, 'r': 200, 'd': 1, 'l': 106}, {'id': 77, 's': 77, 'e': 78, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 78, 's': 78, 'e': 79, 'r': 123, 'd': 1, 'l': 168}, {'id': 79, 's': 79, 'e': 80}, {'id': 80, 's': 80, 'e': 81, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 81, 's': 81, 'e': 82}, {'id': 83, 's': 82, 'e': 84, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 84, 's': 84, 'e': 85}, {'id': 86, 's': 85, 'e': 87, 'r': 148, 'd': -1, 'l': 278}, {'id': 87, 's': 87, 'e': 88, 'r': 160, 'd': 1, 'l': 295}, {'id': 88, 's': 88, 'e': 7}, {'id': 89, 's': 34, 'e': 90, 'r': 112, 'd': -1, 'l': 158}, {'id': 90, 's': 90, 'e': 91}, {'id': 91, 's': 91, 'e': 92, 'r': 295, 'd': -1, 'l': 420}, {'id': 92, 's': 92, 'e': 93}, {'id': 93, 's': 93, 'e': 94}, {'id': 94, 's': 94, 'e': 95}, {'id': 96, 's': 95, 'e': 97, 'r': 248, 'd': -1, 'l': 176}, {'id': 97, 's': 97, 'e': 98, 'r': 216, 'd': 1, 'l': 332}, {'id': 98, 's': 98, 'e': 99}, {'id': 99, 's': 95, 'e': 100}, {'id': 100, 's': 100, 'e': 101, 'r': 106, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 101, 's': 101, 'e': 102}, {'id': 102, 's': 102, 'e': 103, 'r': 127, 'd': -1, 'l': 187}, {'id': 103, 's': 99, 'e': 104, 'r': 115, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 105, 's': 104, 'e': 106, 'r': 340, 'd': -1, 'l': 257}, {'id': 106, 's': 106, 'e': 107}, {'id': 107, 's': 103, 'e': 106, 'r': 138, 'd': 1, 'l': 203}, {'id': 108, 's': 107, 'e': 109, 'r': 154, 'd': 1, 'l': 243}, {'id': 109, 's': 109, 'e': 110}, {'id': 110, 's': 110, 'e': 111, 'r': 198, 'd': 1, 'l': 118}, {'id': 111, 's': 111, 'e': 112, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 112, 's': 112, 'e': 113, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 113, 's': 113, 'e': 114}, {'id': 114, 's': 114, 'e': 115, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 115, 's': 114, 'e': 116, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 116, 's': 116, 'e': 117, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 117, 's': 115, 'e': 118, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 118, 's': 118, 'e': 119}, {'id': 119, 's': 117, 'e': 120}, {'id': 120, 's': 120, 'e': 121, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 121, 's': 119, 'e': 122, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 122, 's': 122, 'e': 123, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 123, 's': 121, 'e': 123, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 124, 's': 123, 'e': 125}, {'id': 125, 's': 125, 'e': 126, 'r': 471, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 126, 's': 126, 'e': 127}, {'id': 128, 's': 127, 'e': 129, 'r': 186, 'd': -1, 'l': 101}, {'id': 129, 's': 129, 'e': 130, 'r': 220, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 130, 's': 130, 'e': 131, 'r': 188, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 131, 's': 131, 'e': 132}, {'id': 132, 's': 132, 'e': 133, 'r': 141, 'd': -1, 'l': 225}, {'id': 133, 's': 133, 'e': 134, 'r': 103, 'd': 1, 'l': 172}, {'id': 135, 's': 134, 'e': 136}, {'id': 139, 's': 136, 'e': 140}, {'id': 141, 's': 140, 'e': 142, 'r': 192, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 142, 's': 142, 'e': 143, 'r': 243, 'd': -1, 'l': 121}, {'id': 143, 's': 143, 'e': 144}, {'id': 144, 's': 144, 'e': 145, 'r': 123, 'd': -1, 'l': 96}, {'id': 145, 's': 145, 'e': 146, 'r': 141, 'd': 1, 'l': 333}, {'id': 146, 's': 146, 'e': 147}, {'id': 147, 's': 147, 'e': 148}, {'id': 158, 's': 131, 'e': 159, 'r': 144, 'd': 1, 'l': 238}, {'id': 159, 's': 159, 'e': 160, 'r': 160, 'd': -1, 'l': 304}, {'id': 160, 's': 160, 'e': 161}, {'id': 161, 's': 90, 'e': 162, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 162, 's': 162, 'e': 163}, {'id': 164, 's': 163, 'e': 165, 'r': 238, 'd': 1, 'l': 372}, {'id': 165, 's': 165, 'e': 166}, {'id': 166, 's': 166, 'e': 167, 'r': 238, 'd': -1, 'l': 374}, {'id': 167, 's': 167, 'e': 168}, {'id': 168, 's': 168, 'e': 169}, {'id': 169, 's': 169, 'e': 170, 'r': 138, 'd': -1, 'l': 217}, {'id': 170, 's': 170, 'e': 171}, {'id': 171, 's': 171, 'e': 172, 'r': 138, 'd': -1, 'l': 217}, {'id': 172, 's': 172, 'e': 173}, {'id': 173, 's': 173, 'e': 174, 'r': 182, 'd': 1, 'l': 111}, {'id': 174, 's': 174, 'e': 175, 'r': 196, 'd': -1, 'l': 72}, {'id': 175, 's': 175, 'e': 176, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 177}, {'id': 176, 's': 176, 'e': 177, 'r': 157, 'd': -1, 'l': 314}, {'id': 177, 's': 177, 'e': 178}, {'id': 178, 's': 178, 'e': 179}, {'id': 179, 's': 179, 'e': 180, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 111}, {'id': 180, 's': 180, 'e': 92, 'r': 426, 'd': -1, 'l': 425}, {'id': 181, 's': 148, 'e': 182}, {'id': 182, 's': 182, 'e': 183, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 183, 's': 183, 'e': 184}, {'id': 184, 's': 184, 'e': 185, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 185, 's': 185, 'e': 186}, {'id': 186, 's': 186, 'e': 187, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 190, 's': 187, 'e': 191, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 130}, {'id': 191, 's': 191, 'e': 192, 'r': 112, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 192, 's': 192, 'e': 193, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 167}, {'id': 193, 's': 193, 'e': 194}, {'id': 194, 's': 194, 'e': 195, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 195, 's': 195, 'e': 196}, {'id': 196, 's': 196, 'e': 197, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 197, 's': 197, 'e': 198, 'r': 183, 'd': -1, 'l': 286}, {'id': 199, 's': 198, 'e': 200}, {'id': 200, 's': 200, 'e': 201, 'r': 105, 'd': 1, 'l': 165}, {'id': 201, 's': 201, 'e': 9999, 'eo': 1}]; }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3267 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel4 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel4) { var v1 = function () { this.title = 'Arctic Ice Night Rage'; this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Destroy all 13 enemy buildings', 'type': 'AllIndustry'}, {'id': 2, 'text': 'Destroy the enemies guarding the buildings', 'type': 'AllGrounds'}, {'id': 3, 'text': 'Destroy the wartrain before it is out of reach', 'type': 'AllTrains'}, {'id': 4, 'text': 'Take down the 7 enemy air units', 'type': 'AllAirs'}, {'id': 5, 'text': 'Take over the 3 enemy airfields with propaganda', 'type': 'AllAirfields'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.nightmap = false; this.startcash = 22000; this.levelpoints = 16500; this.train = [{'loc': 'Rhino', 'speed': 2}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer'}, {'wagon': 'Wagon3', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'MediumCannon']}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'SmallFastCannon']}]; this.ea = [{'x': 4125, 'y': 466, 'w': 545, 'h': 26, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 4184, 'y': 216, 'w': 576, 'h': 25, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 4051, 'y': 175, 'w': 22, 'h': 419, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 4111, 'y': 284, 'w': 121, 'h': 137, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el', 'el']}, {'x': 4519, 'y': 274, 'w': 146, 'h': 148, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt', 'el']}, {'x': 727, 'y': 981, 'w': 133, 'h': 104, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 1000, 'y': 869, 'w': 157, 'h': 163, 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 2910, 'y': 2297, 'w': 601, 'h': 21, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 2868, 'y': 2352, 'w': 686, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 3213, 'y': 1901, 'w': 34, 'h': 259, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 2987, 'y': 1932, 'w': 178, 'h': 131, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj', 'pt']}, {'x': 4453, 'y': 1843, 'w': 20, 'h': 428, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 4514, 'y': 1752, 'w': 21, 'h': 619, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 4564, 'y': 1739, 'w': 22, 'h': 573, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 4395, 'y': 1697, 'w': 802, 'h': 24, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 4832, 'y': 1844, 'w': 99, 'h': 149, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el', 'pt']}, {'x': 4690, 'y': 2091, 'w': 99, 'h': 80, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 1869, 'y': 1374, 'w': 143, 'h': 121, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 1798, 'y': 1050, 'w': 23, 'h': 428, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 1742, 'y': 1539, 'w': 475, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 2024, 'y': 1162, 'w': 92, 'h': 85, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 280, 'y': 2215, 'w': 579, 'h': 22, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 538, 'y': 2059, 'w': 114, 'h': 128, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj', 'oj']}, {'x': 477, 'y': 1641, 'w': 29, 'h': 410, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 399, 'y': 1638, 'w': 21, 'h': 426, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 683, 'y': 1776, 'w': 23, 'h': 394, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}]; = [{'x': 845, 'y': 788, 'r': -90, 'h': 0}, {'x': 4005, 'y': 2216, 'r': 0, 'h': 800, 'e': ['bh', 'bh', 'ms']}, {'x': 3505, 'y': 1282, 'r': 0, 'h': 400, 'e': ['fw', 'fw']}, {'x': 2883, 'y': 261, 'r': 0, 'h': 600, 'e': ['ms', 'fw']}]; this.bk = [{'x': 3020, 'y': 818, 'r': -102, 's': 100}, {'x': 2656, 'y': 695, 'r': 96, 's': 100}, {'x': 2584, 'y': 1047, 'r': -132, 's': 100}, {'x': 2276, 'y': 1026, 'r': 33, 's': 100}, {'x': 2354, 'y': 1306, 'r': 224, 's': 92}]; this.rb = []; = [{'x': 4451, 'y': 393, 'r': 2, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 4295, 'y': 345, 'r': 32, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 2969, 'y': 2214, 'r': -28, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 3227, 'y': 2229, 'r': 14, 't': 'i4'}, {'x': 3112, 'y': 2127, 'r': 196, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 4629, 'y': 2034, 'r': 0, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 4782, 'y': 2025, 'r': -26, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 4710, 'y': 1856, 'r': 0, 't': 'o2'}, {'x': 1892, 'y': 1289, 'r': 0, 't': 'o3'}, {'x': 2055, 'y': 1317, 'r': 39, 't': 'o3'}, {'x': 2103, 'y': 1468, 'r': 90, 't': 'o3'}, {'x': 476, 'y': 2136, 'r': -30, 't': 'o4'}, {'x': 582, 'y': 1969, 'r': -90, 't': 'i4'}]; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel4 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel4.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3268 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.mapid = 2; this.title = 'default'; this.rc = [{'id': 1, 'x': 20, 'y': 1095, 'a': 0}, {'id': 2, 'x': 320, 'y': 1095, 'a': 0}, {'id': 9999, 'x': 4890, 'y': 1228, 'a': -180}, {'id': 10000, 'x': 5090, 'y': 1228, 'a': -180}, {'id': 3, 'x': 607, 'y': 1095, 'a': 0}, {'id': 5, 'x': 740, 'y': 1167, 'a': -57, 's': {'x': 776, 'y': 1147, 'p': [-1, -1, 53, -1, 5, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 6, 'x': 597, 'y': 1428, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 587, 'y': 1393, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, 17, -1, 6, -1]}}, {'id': 7, 'x': 497, 'y': 1428, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 497, 'y': 1394, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, 16, -1, 7, -1]}}, {'id': 8, 'x': 397, 'y': 1428, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 396, 'y': 1394, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, 15, -1, 8, -1]}}, {'id': 9, 'x': 297, 'y': 1428, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 295, 'y': 1395, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, 14, -1, 10, -1]}}, {'id': 11, 'x': 197, 'y': 1428, 'a': -180}, {'id': 14, 'x': 97, 'y': 1528, 'a': -90}, {'id': 15, 'x': 197, 'y': 1528, 'a': -90}, {'id': 16, 'x': 297, 'y': 1528, 'a': -90}, {'id': 17, 'x': 397, 'y': 1528, 'a': -90}, {'id': 18, 'x': 497, 'y': 1528, 'a': -90}, {'id': 19, 'x': 497, 'y': 1628, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 537, 'y': 1628, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 27, -1, 32, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 20, 'x': 397, 'y': 1628, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 437, 'y': 1628, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 26, -1, 31, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 21, 'x': 297, 'y': 1628, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 337, 'y': 1628, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 25, -1, 30, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 22, 'x': 197, 'y': 1628, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 237, 'y': 1628, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 23, -1, 29, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 23, 'x': 97, 'y': 2054, 'a': -90}, {'id': 24, 'x': 214, 'y': 1684, 'a': -56}, {'id': 25, 'x': 231, 'y': 1741, 'a': -90}, {'id': 26, 'x': 314, 'y': 1684, 'a': -56}, {'id': 27, 'x': 414, 'y': 1684, 'a': -56}, {'id': 28, 'x': 514, 'y': 1684, 'a': -56}, {'id': 29, 'x': 231, 'y': 2176, 'a': -90}, {'id': 30, 'x': 180, 'y': 1684, 'a': -124}, {'id': 31, 'x': 280, 'y': 1684, 'a': -124}, {'id': 32, 'x': 380, 'y': 1684, 'a': -124}, {'id': 33, 'x': 480, 'y': 1684, 'a': -124}, {'id': 34, 'x': 163, 'y': 1741, 'a': -90}, {'id': 35, 'x': 163, 'y': 2041, 'a': -90}, {'id': 37, 'x': 263, 'y': 1741, 'a': -90}, {'id': 38, 'x': 263, 'y': 2041, 'a': -90}, {'id': 39, 'x': 331, 'y': 1741, 'a': -90}, {'id': 40, 'x': 331, 'y': 2176, 'a': -90}, {'id': 41, 'x': 363, 'y': 1741, 'a': -90}, {'id': 42, 'x': 363, 'y': 2041, 'a': -90}, {'id': 43, 'x': 431, 'y': 1741, 'a': -90}, {'id': 44, 'x': 431, 'y': 2041, 'a': -90}, {'id': 45, 'x': 463, 'y': 1741, 'a': -90}, {'id': 46, 'x': 463, 'y': 2041, 'a': -90}, {'id': 47, 'x': 531, 'y': 1741, 'a': -90}, {'id': 48, 'x': 531, 'y': 2176, 'a': -90}, {'id': 50, 'x': 97, 'y': 2133, 'a': -90}, {'id': 51, 'x': 197, 'y': 2233, 'a': 0}, {'id': 52, 'x': 554, 'y': 2233, 'a': 0}, {'id': 53, 'x': 827, 'y': 1958, 'a': -270}, {'id': 54, 'x': 888, 'y': 1248, 'a': 0}, {'id': 57, 'x': 827, 'y': 1688, 'a': -270}, {'id': 58, 'x': 927, 'y': 1588, 'a': -360}, {'id': 59, 'x': 1027, 'y': 1488, 'a': -270}, {'id': 60, 'x': 1027, 'y': 1347, 'a': -270}, {'id': 61, 'x': 1127, 'y': 1247, 'a': -360}, {'id': 64, 'x': 1227, 'y': 1247, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 1231, 'y': 1208, 'p': [64, -1, 67, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 65, 'x': 1323, 'y': 1176, 'a': -287}, {'id': 66, 'x': 1430, 'y': 1084, 'a': -352}, {'id': 67, 'x': 1687, 'y': 1048, 'a': -352}, {'id': 68, 'x': 1682, 'y': 1247, 'a': -360}, {'id': 69, 'x': 1797, 'y': 949, 'a': -284}, {'id': 71, 'x': 1782, 'y': 1247, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 1782, 'y': 1207, 'p': [71, -1, 90, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 72, 'x': 1882, 'y': 1147, 'a': -270}, {'id': 73, 'x': 1882, 'y': 887, 'a': -270}, {'id': 76, 'x': 1967, 'y': 754, 'a': -335}, {'id': 77, 'x': 2010, 'y': 593, 'a': -235}, {'id': 78, 'x': 2233, 'y': 330, 'a': -26}, {'id': 79, 'x': 2513, 'y': 209, 'a': -287}, {'id': 80, 'x': 2631, 'y': 122, 'a': 0}, {'id': 81, 'x': 2993, 'y': 122, 'a': 0}, {'id': 82, 'x': 3096, 'y': 230, 'a': -93}, {'id': 83, 'x': 3077, 'y': 601, 'a': -93}, {'id': 84, 'x': 2983, 'y': 724, 'a': -162}, {'id': 85, 'x': 2739, 'y': 803, 'a': -162}, {'id': 86, 'x': 2482, 'y': 993, 'a': -125}, {'id': 88, 'x': 2379, 'y': 1140, 'a': -125}, {'id': 89, 'x': 2257, 'y': 1247, 'a': -152}, {'id': 90, 'x': 2150, 'y': 1412, 'a': -94}, {'id': 91, 'x': 1991, 'y': 1247, 'a': -360}, {'id': 93, 'x': 2143, 'y': 1512, 'a': -94}, {'id': 94, 'x': 2402, 'y': 1696, 'a': -337}, {'id': 95, 'x': 2757, 'y': 1545, 'a': -337}, {'id': 96, 'x': 2927, 'y': 1532, 'a': -14}, {'id': 97, 'x': 3307, 'y': 1248, 'a': -272}, {'id': 99, 'x': 3409, 'y': 1150, 'a': 0}, {'id': 100, 'x': 3598, 'y': 1150, 'a': 0}, {'id': 102, 'x': 3698, 'y': 1250, 'a': -90}, {'id': 103, 'x': 3698, 'y': 1350, 'a': -90}, {'id': 107, 'x': 3739, 'y': 1480, 'a': -55}, {'id': 108, 'x': 3615, 'y': 1829, 'a': -164}, {'id': 112, 'x': 3094, 'y': 1978, 'a': -164}, {'id': 113, 'x': 2952, 'y': 2043, 'a': -147}, {'id': 114, 'x': 2825, 'y': 2126, 'a': -147}, {'id': 115, 'x': 2796, 'y': 2264, 'a': -57}, {'id': 116, 'x': 2928, 'y': 2336, 'a': 0}, {'id': 117, 'x': 3253, 'y': 2336, 'a': 0}, {'id': 118, 'x': 3759, 'y': 2336, 'a': 0}, {'id': 119, 'x': 4149, 'y': 2336, 'a': 0}, {'id': 120, 'x': 4249, 'y': 2236, 'a': -270}, {'id': 121, 'x': 4249, 'y': 1926, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 4209, 'y': 1926, 'p': [122, -1, 121, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 122, 'x': 4349, 'y': 1826, 'a': -360}, {'id': 123, 'x': 4249, 'y': 1535, 'a': -270}, {'id': 124, 'x': 4165, 'y': 1355, 'a': -220}, {'id': 125, 'x': 4236, 'y': 1179, 'a': -4}, {'id': 126, 'x': 4599, 'y': 1826, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 4594, 'y': 1858, 'p': [126, -1, 127, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 127, 'x': 4720, 'y': 1741, 'a': -290, 's': {'x': 4764, 'y': 1736, 'p': [133, 134, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 128, 'x': 4739, 'y': 1826, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 4738, 'y': 1857, 'p': [128, -1, 129, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 129, 'x': 4860, 'y': 1741, 'a': -290, 's': {'x': 4904, 'y': 1735, 'p': [132, 138, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 130, 'x': 4879, 'y': 1826, 'a': -360}, {'id': 131, 'x': 5000, 'y': 1741, 'a': -290}, {'id': 132, 'x': 5034, 'y': 1647, 'a': -290}, {'id': 133, 'x': 4894, 'y': 1647, 'a': -290}, {'id': 134, 'x': 4754, 'y': 1647, 'a': -290}, {'id': 135, 'x': 4764, 'y': 1689, 'a': -330}, {'id': 136, 'x': 4808, 'y': 1636, 'a': -290}, {'id': 137, 'x': 4869, 'y': 1469, 'a': -290}, {'id': 138, 'x': 4819, 'y': 1468, 'a': -290}, {'id': 139, 'x': 4904, 'y': 1689, 'a': -330}, {'id': 140, 'x': 4948, 'y': 1636, 'a': -290}, {'id': 141, 'x': 5006, 'y': 1476, 'a': -290}, {'id': 142, 'x': 4956, 'y': 1478, 'a': -290}, {'id': 143, 'x': 5063, 'y': 1568, 'a': -290}, {'id': 144, 'x': 5022, 'y': 1449, 'a': -212}, {'id': 146, 'x': 4945, 'y': 1427, 'a': -180}, {'id': 148, 'x': 4845, 'y': 1427, 'a': -180}, {'id': 150, 'x': 4728, 'y': 1515, 'a': -106}, {'id': 151, 'x': 4683, 'y': 1673, 'a': -106}, {'id': 152, 'x': 4566, 'y': 1761, 'a': -180}, {'id': 153, 'x': 4460, 'y': 1761, 'a': -180}, {'id': 156, 'x': 4656, 'y': 1208, 'a': -4}, {'id': 157, 'x': 4713, 'y': 1221, 'a': -22}, {'id': 158, 'x': 4750, 'y': 1228, 'a': 0}]; = [{'id': 1, 's': 1, 'e': 2}, {'id': 10000, 's': 10000, 'e': 9999}, {'id': 2, 's': 2, 'e': 3}, {'id': 4, 's': 3, 'e': 5, 'r': 159, 'd': -1, 'l': 158}, {'id': 5, 's': 5, 'e': 6, 'r': 169, 'd': -1, 'l': 364}, {'id': 6, 's': 6, 'e': 7}, {'id': 7, 's': 7, 'e': 8}, {'id': 8, 's': 8, 'e': 9}, {'id': 10, 's': 9, 'e': 11}, {'id': 13, 's': 11, 'e': 14, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 14, 's': 9, 'e': 15, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 15, 's': 8, 'e': 16, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 16, 's': 7, 'e': 17, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 17, 's': 6, 'e': 18, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 18, 's': 18, 'e': 19}, {'id': 19, 's': 17, 'e': 20}, {'id': 20, 's': 16, 'e': 21}, {'id': 21, 's': 15, 'e': 22}, {'id': 22, 's': 14, 'e': 23}, {'id': 23, 's': 22, 'e': 24, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 24, 's': 24, 'e': 25, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 25, 's': 21, 'e': 26, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 26, 's': 20, 'e': 27, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 27, 's': 19, 'e': 28, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 28, 's': 25, 'e': 29}, {'id': 29, 's': 22, 'e': 30, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 30, 's': 21, 'e': 31, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 31, 's': 20, 'e': 32, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 32, 's': 19, 'e': 33, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 33, 's': 30, 'e': 34, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 34, 's': 34, 'e': 35}, {'id': 36, 's': 31, 'e': 37, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 37, 's': 37, 'e': 38}, {'id': 38, 's': 26, 'e': 39, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 39, 's': 39, 'e': 40}, {'id': 40, 's': 32, 'e': 41, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 41, 's': 41, 'e': 42}, {'id': 42, 's': 27, 'e': 43, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 43, 's': 43, 'e': 44}, {'id': 44, 's': 33, 'e': 45, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 45, 's': 45, 'e': 46}, {'id': 46, 's': 28, 'e': 47, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 47, 's': 47, 'e': 48}, {'id': 49, 's': 23, 'e': 50}, {'id': 50, 's': 50, 'e': 51, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 51, 's': 51, 'e': 52}, {'id': 52, 's': 52, 'e': 53, 'r': 273, 'd': 1, 'l': 431}, {'id': 53, 's': 5, 'e': 54, 'r': 177, 'd': 1, 'l': 176}, {'id': 54, 's': 54, 'e': 61}, {'id': 56, 's': 53, 'e': 57}, {'id': 57, 's': 57, 'e': 58, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 58, 's': 58, 'e': 59, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 59, 's': 59, 'e': 60}, {'id': 60, 's': 60, 'e': 61, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 63, 's': 61, 'e': 64}, {'id': 64, 's': 64, 'e': 65, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 128}, {'id': 65, 's': 65, 'e': 66, 'r': 132, 'd': -1, 'l': 149}, {'id': 66, 's': 66, 'e': 67}, {'id': 67, 's': 64, 'e': 68}, {'id': 68, 's': 67, 'e': 69, 'r': 132, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 69, 's': 69, 'e': 76, 'r': 286, 'd': -1, 'l': 266}, {'id': 70, 's': 68, 'e': 71}, {'id': 71, 's': 71, 'e': 72, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 72, 's': 72, 'e': 73}, {'id': 75, 's': 73, 'e': 76, 'r': 147, 'd': -1, 'l': 167}, {'id': 76, 's': 76, 'e': 77, 'r': 109, 'd': 1, 'l': 190}, {'id': 77, 's': 77, 'e': 78, 'r': 178, 'd': -1, 'l': 468}, {'id': 78, 's': 78, 'e': 79, 'r': 201, 'd': 1, 'l': 346}, {'id': 79, 's': 79, 'e': 80, 'r': 123, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 80, 's': 80, 'e': 81}, {'id': 81, 's': 81, 'e': 82, 'r': 103, 'd': -1, 'l': 167}, {'id': 82, 's': 82, 'e': 83}, {'id': 83, 's': 83, 'e': 84, 'r': 137, 'd': -1, 'l': 164}, {'id': 84, 's': 84, 'e': 85}, {'id': 85, 's': 85, 'e': 86, 'r': 504, 'd': 1, 'l': 325}, {'id': 87, 's': 86, 'e': 88}, {'id': 88, 's': 88, 'e': 89, 'r': 343, 'd': -1, 'l': 164}, {'id': 89, 's': 89, 'e': 90, 'r': 203, 'd': 1, 'l': 205}, {'id': 90, 's': 71, 'e': 91}, {'id': 91, 's': 91, 'e': 90, 'r': 159, 'd': -1, 'l': 256}, {'id': 92, 's': 90, 'e': 93}, {'id': 93, 's': 93, 'e': 94, 'r': 186, 'd': 1, 'l': 381}, {'id': 94, 's': 94, 'e': 95}, {'id': 95, 's': 95, 'e': 96, 'r': 269, 'd': -1, 'l': 174}, {'id': 96, 's': 96, 'e': 97, 'r': 306, 'd': 1, 'l': 543}, {'id': 98, 's': 97, 'e': 99, 'r': 102, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 99, 's': 99, 'e': 100}, {'id': 101, 's': 100, 'e': 102, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 102, 's': 102, 'e': 103}, {'id': 106, 's': 103, 'e': 107, 'r': 227, 'd': 1, 'l': 139}, {'id': 107, 's': 107, 'e': 108, 'r': 227, 'd': -1, 'l': 433}, {'id': 111, 's': 108, 'e': 112}, {'id': 112, 's': 112, 'e': 113, 'r': 527, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 113, 's': 113, 'e': 114}, {'id': 114, 's': 114, 'e': 115, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 115, 's': 115, 'e': 116, 'r': 159, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 116, 's': 116, 'e': 117}, {'id': 117, 's': 117, 'e': 118}, {'id': 118, 's': 118, 'e': 119}, {'id': 119, 's': 119, 'e': 120, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 120, 's': 120, 'e': 121}, {'id': 121, 's': 121, 'e': 122, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 122, 's': 121, 'e': 123}, {'id': 123, 's': 123, 'e': 124, 'r': 235, 'd': 1, 'l': 205}, {'id': 124, 's': 124, 'e': 125, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 251}, {'id': 125, 's': 122, 'e': 126}, {'id': 126, 's': 126, 'e': 127, 'r': 128, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 127, 's': 126, 'e': 128}, {'id': 128, 's': 128, 'e': 129, 'r': 128, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 129, 's': 128, 'e': 130}, {'id': 130, 's': 130, 'e': 131, 'r': 128, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 131, 's': 131, 'e': 132}, {'id': 132, 's': 129, 'e': 133}, {'id': 133, 's': 127, 'e': 134}, {'id': 134, 's': 127, 'e': 135, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 70}, {'id': 135, 's': 135, 'e': 136, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 70}, {'id': 136, 's': 136, 'e': 137}, {'id': 137, 's': 134, 'e': 138}, {'id': 138, 's': 129, 'e': 139, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 70}, {'id': 139, 's': 139, 'e': 140, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 70}, {'id': 140, 's': 140, 'e': 141}, {'id': 141, 's': 133, 'e': 142}, {'id': 142, 's': 132, 'e': 143}, {'id': 143, 's': 143, 'e': 144, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 136}, {'id': 145, 's': 144, 'e': 146, 'r': 146, 'd': 1, 'l': 81}, {'id': 147, 's': 146, 'e': 148}, {'id': 149, 's': 148, 'e': 150, 'r': 122, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 150, 's': 150, 'e': 151}, {'id': 151, 's': 151, 'e': 152, 'r': 122, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 152, 's': 152, 'e': 153}, {'id': 153, 's': 153, 'e': 123, 'r': 212, 'd': -1, 'l': 348}, {'id': 155, 's': 125, 'e': 156}, {'id': 156, 's': 156, 'e': 157, 'r': 193, 'd': -1, 'l': 59}, {'id': 157, 's': 157, 'e': 158, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 38}, {'id': 160, 's': 158, 'e': 9999, 'eo': 1}]; }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3269 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel5 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel5) { var v1 = function () { this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Destroy all bunkers and all enemy units in the city', 'type': 'AllGrounds'}, {'id': 2, 'text': 'Destroy all trains at the eastern train depot', 'type': 'AllStaticTrains'}, {'id': 3, 'text': 'Destroy the wartrain before it is out of reach', 'type': 'AllTrains'}, {'id': 4, 'text': 'Take down the 11 enemy air units', 'type': 'AllAirs'}, {'id': 5, 'text': 'Take over the 3 enemy airfields with propaganda', 'type': 'AllAirfields'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.nightmap = false; this.startcash = 27500; this.levelpoints = 18500; this.train = [{'loc': 'Pennsylvania', 'speed': 2}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer'}, {'wagon': 'Wagon3', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'MediumCannon']}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'SmallFastCannon']}]; this.statictrains = [{'segments': [{'loc': 'SaddleTank', 'x': 6167, 'y': 333, 'r': 180}, {'wagon': 'Wagon1', 'x': 6202, 'y': 333, 'weapons': [{'type': 'SmallCannon', 'x': 6202, 'y': 333}]}, {'wagon': 'Wagon1', 'x': 6223, 'y': 333, 'weapons': [{'type': 'SmallCannon', 'x': 6223, 'y': 333}]}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'x': 6251, 'y': 333}]}, {'segments': [{'loc': 'SaddleTank', 'x': 6137, 'y': 381, 'r': 180}, {'wagon': 'Wagon3', 'x': 6188, 'y': 381}, {'wagon': 'Wagon3', 'x': 6235, 'y': 381, 'weapons': [{'type': 'MediumCannon', 'x': 6248, 'y': 381}]}, {'wagon': 'Passenger', 'x': 6289, 'y': 381}]}, {'segments': [{'loc': 'SaddleTank', 'x': 6020, 'y': 453, 'r': 180}, {'wagon': 'Wagon1', 'x': 6053, 'y': 453, 'weapons': [{'type': 'SmallCannon', 'x': 6053, 'y': 453}]}, {'wagon': 'Wagon1', 'x': 6076, 'y': 453, 'weapons': [{'type': 'SmallCannon', 'x': 6076, 'y': 453}]}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer', 'x': 6129, 'y': 453}, {'wagon': 'Wagon3', 'x': 6191, 'y': 453}, {'wagon': 'Passenger', 'x': 6242, 'y': 453}]}]; this.ea = [{'x': 11, 'y': 516, 'w': 538, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pn']}, {'x': 564, 'y': 515, 'w': 21, 'h': 436, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pn']}, {'x': 10, 'y': 604, 'w': 490, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 7, 'y': 832, 'w': 493, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 247, 'y': 631, 'w': 36, 'h': 196, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 344, 'y': 678, 'w': 87, 'h': 88, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 698, 'y': 469, 'w': 20, 'h': 486, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 11, 'y': 411, 'w': 906, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 4900, 'y': 346, 'w': 209, 'h': 77, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 5255, 'y': 79, 'w': 173, 'h': 132, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 5118, 'y': 482, 'w': 169, 'h': 174, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 5666, 'y': 219, 'w': 119, 'h': 142, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 3209, 'y': 474, 'w': 87, 'h': 88, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 3417, 'y': 458, 'w': 130, 'h': 82, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 3562, 'y': 359, 'w': 101, 'h': 96, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 3549, 'y': 237, 'w': 102, 'h': 99, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 3460, 'y': 171, 'w': 80, 'h': 89, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pn']}, {'x': 3262, 'y': 779, 'w': 87, 'h': 170, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt', 'ah']}, {'x': 3358, 'y': 778, 'w': 87, 'h': 173, 'e': ['pt', 'pt']}, {'x': 2258, 'y': 849, 'w': 95, 'h': 90, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 2215, 'y': 569, 'w': 102, 'h': 96, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 2151, 'y': 278, 'w': 106, 'h': 99, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 2580, 'y': 208, 'w': 66, 'h': 164, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 2703, 'y': 252, 'w': 137, 'h': 132, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 2548, 'y': 424, 'w': 456, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 2875, 'y': 448, 'w': 22, 'h': 488, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 1491, 'y': 392, 'w': 1529, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 1522, 'y': 469, 'w': 738, 'h': 30, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 1439, 'y': 389, 'w': 28, 'h': 459, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 953, 'y': 144, 'w': 106, 'h': 113, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}]; = [{'x': 5419, 'y': 399, 'r': 0, 'h': 0}, {'x': 1214, 'y': 567, 'r': 180, 'h': 1200, 'e': ['fw', 'ms', 'ms', 'fw']}, {'x': 3021, 'y': 721, 'r': 90, 'h': 1000, 'e': ['bh', 'bh', 'bh', 'bh', 'bh']}, {'x': 4085, 'y': 548, 'r': 0, 'h': 800, 'e': ['fw', 'fw']}]; this.bk = [{'x': 3234, 'y': 282, 'r': -130, 's': 100}, {'x': 3332, 'y': 244, 'r': -57, 's': 88}, {'x': 3371, 'y': 345, 'r': -23, 's': 100}, {'x': 3298, 'y': 321, 'r': -109, 's': 100}, {'x': 3660, 'y': 141, 'r': 116, 's': 100}, {'x': 3764, 'y': 135, 'r': 55, 's': 90}, {'x': 3713, 'y': 81, 'r': 95, 's': 100}]; this.rb = []; = [{'x': 106, 'y': 478, 'r': -1, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 235, 'y': 481, 'r': 0, 't': 'h2'}, {'x': 361, 'y': 481, 'r': 0, 't': 'h3'}, {'x': 626, 'y': 666, 'r': 89, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 628, 'y': 778, 'r': -90, 't': 'h3'}, {'x': 497, 'y': 481, 'r': 90, 't': 'h5'}, {'x': 629, 'y': 909, 'r': 91, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 62, 'y': 573, 'r': 90, 't': 'h2'}, {'x': 170, 'y': 573, 'r': 180, 't': 'h3'}, {'x': 542, 'y': 849, 'r': 91, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 450, 'y': 566, 'r': 0, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 532, 'y': 720, 'r': 91, 't': 'h3'}, {'x': 311, 'y': 567, 'r': 0, 't': 'h7'}, {'x': 57, 'y': 673, 'r': 0, 't': 'f4'}, {'x': 185, 'y': 669, 'r': 0, 't': 'f3'}, {'x': 441, 'y': 658, 'r': 90, 't': 'f2'}, {'x': 595, 'y': 489, 'r': 0, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 529, 'y': 607, 'r': 90, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 624, 'y': 569, 'r': 90, 't': 'h2'}, {'x': 62, 'y': 778, 'r': 0, 't': 'f4'}, {'x': 318, 'y': 667, 'r': 90, 't': 'f5'}, {'x': 197, 'y': 798, 'r': -90, 't': 'f4'}, {'x': 88, 'y': 879, 'r': 91, 't': 'f4'}, {'x': 201, 'y': 904, 'r': 0, 't': 'f1'}, {'x': 332, 'y': 905, 'r': 0, 't': 'f1'}, {'x': 330, 'y': 790, 'r': 0, 't': 'f5'}, {'x': 453, 'y': 790, 'r': 0, 't': 'h8'}, {'x': 445, 'y': 895, 'r': 0, 't': 'h7'}, {'x': 536, 'y': 933, 'r': 0, 't': 'h2'}]; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel5 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel5.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3270 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.mapid = 1; this.title = 'default'; this.rc = [{'id': 1, 'x': 20, 'y': 196, 'a': 0}, {'id': 2, 'x': 320, 'y': 196, 'a': 0}, {'id': 9999, 'x': 6180, 'y': 139, 'a': -180}, {'id': 10000, 'x': 6280, 'y': 139, 'a': -180}, {'id': 3, 'x': 456, 'y': 196, 'a': 0}, {'id': 4, 'x': 603, 'y': 149, 'a': -325}, {'id': 5, 'x': 732, 'y': 108, 'a': -360}, {'id': 6, 'x': 1011, 'y': 108, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 1009, 'y': 74, 'p': [-1, -1, 16, -1, 18, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 17, 'x': 1287, 'y': 108, 'a': -360}, {'id': 19, 'x': 935, 'y': 273, 'a': -229}, {'id': 23, 'x': 662, 'y': 252, 'a': -140}, {'id': 24, 'x': 736, 'y': 459, 'a': 0}, {'id': 25, 'x': 1165, 'y': 459, 'a': 0}, {'id': 27, 'x': 1385, 'y': 186, 'a': -77}, {'id': 28, 'x': 1286, 'y': 459, 'a': 0}, {'id': 29, 'x': 1385, 'y': 369, 'a': -276}, {'id': 30, 'x': 1497, 'y': 268, 'a': -360}, {'id': 33, 'x': 1661, 'y': 350, 'a': -53}, {'id': 34, 'x': 1765, 'y': 402, 'a': 0, 's': {'x': 1759, 'y': 364, 'p': [-1, 38, 35, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 36, 'x': 2281, 'y': 402, 'a': 0}, {'id': 38, 'x': 2706, 'y': 402, 'a': 0}, {'id': 39, 'x': 1970, 'y': 248, 'a': -286}, {'id': 40, 'x': 2065, 'y': 161, 'a': -349}, {'id': 41, 'x': 2586, 'y': 60, 'a': -349}, {'id': 42, 'x': 2636, 'y': 55, 'a': 0}, {'id': 43, 'x': 3058, 'y': 55, 'a': 0}, {'id': 44, 'x': 2813, 'y': 402, 'a': 0}, {'id': 45, 'x': 2952, 'y': 291, 'a': -283}, {'id': 46, 'x': 3244, 'y': 55, 'a': -359}, {'id': 49, 'x': 3538, 'y': 235, 'a': -64, 's': {'x': 3579, 'y': 230, 'p': [-1, -1, 50, 49, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 50, 'x': 3827, 'y': 417, 'a': 0}, {'id': 51, 'x': 3665, 'y': 314, 'a': -360}, {'id': 52, 'x': 3765, 'y': 314, 'a': -360}, {'id': 53, 'x': 3935, 'y': 229, 'a': -307}, {'id': 54, 'x': 4122, 'y': 135, 'a': -360}, {'id': 55, 'x': 4220, 'y': 417, 'a': 0}, {'id': 56, 'x': 4222, 'y': 135, 'a': -360}, {'id': 57, 'x': 4373, 'y': 98, 'a': -332}, {'id': 58, 'x': 4453, 'y': 78, 'a': 0}, {'id': 59, 'x': 4786, 'y': 78, 'a': 0}, {'id': 61, 'x': 4303, 'y': 396, 'a': -331}, {'id': 62, 'x': 4454, 'y': 357, 'a': 0}, {'id': 63, 'x': 4637, 'y': 357, 'a': 0}, {'id': 64, 'x': 5030, 'y': 78, 'a': 0}, {'id': 65, 'x': 5185, 'y': 182, 'a': -68}, {'id': 66, 'x': 4767, 'y': 357, 'a': 0}, {'id': 67, 'x': 4851, 'y': 403, 'a': -57}, {'id': 68, 'x': 4947, 'y': 455, 'a': 0}, {'id': 69, 'x': 5070, 'y': 455, 'a': 0}, {'id': 70, 'x': 5188, 'y': 354, 'a': -279}, {'id': 73, 'x': 5292, 'y': 254, 'a': -360}, {'id': 74, 'x': 5507, 'y': 254, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 5507, 'y': 214, 'p': [-1, 75, -1, 80, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 76, 'x': 5655, 'y': 197, 'a': -318}, {'id': 79, 'x': 5810, 'y': 137, 'a': -360}, {'id': 80, 'x': 5647, 'y': 356, 'a': -72}, {'id': 81, 'x': 5781, 'y': 453, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 5781, 'y': 413, 'p': [-1, 105, 90, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 90, 'x': 5881, 'y': 453, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 5903, 'y': 417, 'p': [-1, 91, 94, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 91, 'x': 5929, 'y': 441, 'a': -331}, {'id': 92, 'x': 5977, 'y': 428, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 5976, 'y': 394, 'p': [-1, 97, 93, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 93, 'x': 6356, 'y': 428, 'a': -360}, {'id': 94, 'x': 5981, 'y': 453, 'a': -360}, {'id': 95, 'x': 6356, 'y': 453, 'a': -360}, {'id': 97, 'x': 6041, 'y': 404, 'a': -320, 's': {'x': 6034, 'y': 356, 'p': [-1, 102, 98, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 98, 'x': 6105, 'y': 381, 'a': 0}, {'id': 100, 'x': 6357, 'y': 381, 'a': 0}, {'id': 102, 'x': 6062, 'y': 380, 'a': -302}, {'id': 103, 'x': 6148, 'y': 333, 'a': 0}, {'id': 104, 'x': 6355, 'y': 333, 'a': 0}, {'id': 105, 'x': 5878, 'y': 379, 'a': -285}, {'id': 106, 'x': 5975, 'y': 305, 'a': 0}, {'id': 107, 'x': 6357, 'y': 305, 'a': 0}]; = [{'id': 1, 's': 1, 'e': 2}, {'id': 10000, 's': 10000, 'e': 9999}, {'id': 2, 's': 2, 'e': 3}, {'id': 3, 's': 3, 'e': 4, 'r': 254, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 4, 's': 4, 'e': 5, 'r': 229, 'd': -1, 'l': 138}, {'id': 5, 's': 5, 'e': 6}, {'id': 16, 's': 6, 'e': 17}, {'id': 18, 's': 6, 'e': 19, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 400}, {'id': 22, 's': 19, 'e': 23, 'r': 195, 'd': 1, 'l': 304}, {'id': 23, 's': 23, 'e': 24, 'r': 117, 'd': 1, 'l': 285}, {'id': 24, 's': 24, 'e': 25}, {'id': 26, 's': 17, 'e': 27, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 135}, {'id': 27, 's': 25, 'e': 28}, {'id': 28, 's': 28, 'e': 29, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 147}, {'id': 29, 's': 29, 'e': 30, 'r': 113, 'd': -1, 'l': 165}, {'id': 30, 's': 27, 'e': 30, 'r': 106, 'd': 1, 'l': 149}, {'id': 32, 's': 30, 'e': 33, 'r': 206, 'd': -1, 'l': 190}, {'id': 33, 's': 33, 'e': 34, 'r': 131, 'd': 1, 'l': 121}, {'id': 35, 's': 34, 'e': 36}, {'id': 37, 's': 36, 'e': 38}, {'id': 38, 's': 34, 'e': 39, 'r': 213, 'd': 1, 'l': 275}, {'id': 39, 's': 39, 'e': 40, 'r': 123, 'd': -1, 'l': 135}, {'id': 40, 's': 40, 'e': 41}, {'id': 41, 's': 41, 'e': 42, 'r': 254, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 42, 's': 42, 'e': 43}, {'id': 43, 's': 38, 'e': 44}, {'id': 44, 's': 44, 'e': 45, 'r': 143, 'd': 1, 'l': 192}, {'id': 45, 's': 45, 'e': 46, 'r': 304, 'd': -1, 'l': 404}, {'id': 46, 's': 43, 'e': 46}, {'id': 48, 's': 46, 'e': 49, 'r': 322, 'd': -1, 'l': 364}, {'id': 49, 's': 49, 'e': 50, 'r': 324, 'd': 1, 'l': 360}, {'id': 50, 's': 49, 'e': 51, 'r': 140, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 51, 's': 51, 'e': 52}, {'id': 52, 's': 52, 'e': 53, 'r': 211, 'd': 1, 'l': 197}, {'id': 53, 's': 53, 'e': 54, 'r': 236, 'd': -1, 'l': 217}, {'id': 54, 's': 50, 'e': 55}, {'id': 55, 's': 54, 'e': 56}, {'id': 56, 's': 56, 'e': 57, 'r': 326, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 57, 's': 57, 'e': 58, 'r': 169, 'd': -1, 'l': 83}, {'id': 58, 's': 58, 'e': 59}, {'id': 60, 's': 55, 'e': 61, 'r': 174, 'd': 1, 'l': 87}, {'id': 61, 's': 61, 'e': 62, 'r': 308, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 62, 's': 62, 'e': 63}, {'id': 63, 's': 59, 'e': 64}, {'id': 64, 's': 64, 'e': 65, 'r': 168, 'd': -1, 'l': 198}, {'id': 65, 's': 63, 'e': 66}, {'id': 66, 's': 66, 'e': 67, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 100}, {'id': 67, 's': 67, 'e': 68, 'r': 115, 'd': 1, 'l': 114}, {'id': 68, 's': 68, 'e': 69}, {'id': 69, 's': 69, 'e': 70, 'r': 119, 'd': 1, 'l': 169}, {'id': 72, 's': 65, 'e': 73, 'r': 115, 'd': 1, 'l': 137}, {'id': 73, 's': 73, 'e': 74}, {'id': 74, 's': 70, 'e': 73, 'r': 117, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 75, 's': 74, 'e': 76, 'r': 220, 'd': 1, 'l': 162}, {'id': 78, 's': 76, 'e': 79, 'r': 234, 'd': -1, 'l': 170}, {'id': 79, 's': 79, 'e': 9999, 'eo': 1}, {'id': 80, 's': 74, 'e': 80, 'r': 147, 'd': -1, 'l': 185}, {'id': 81, 's': 80, 'e': 81, 'r': 140, 'd': 1, 'l': 177}, {'id': 90, 's': 81, 'e': 90}, {'id': 91, 's': 90, 'e': 91, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 92, 's': 91, 'e': 92, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 93, 's': 92, 'e': 93}, {'id': 94, 's': 90, 'e': 94}, {'id': 95, 's': 94, 'e': 95}, {'id': 97, 's': 92, 'e': 97, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 70}, {'id': 98, 's': 97, 'e': 98, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 70}, {'id': 100, 's': 98, 'e': 100}, {'id': 102, 's': 97, 'e': 102, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 32}, {'id': 103, 's': 102, 'e': 103, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 102}, {'id': 104, 's': 103, 'e': 104}, {'id': 105, 's': 81, 'e': 105, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 131}, {'id': 106, 's': 105, 'e': 106, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 131}, {'id': 107, 's': 106, 'e': 107}]; }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3271 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel6 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel6) { var v1 = function () { this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Destroy all enemies in all battles', 'type': 'AllGrounds'}, {'id': 2, 'text': 'Destroy all trains at the north west train depot', 'type': 'AllStaticTrains'}, {'id': 3, 'text': 'Destroy the wartrain before it is out of reach', 'type': 'AllTrains'}, {'id': 4, 'text': 'Take down the 13 enemy air units', 'type': 'AllAirs'}, {'id': 5, 'text': 'Take over the 3 enemy airfields with propaganda', 'type': 'AllAirfields'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.nightmap = true; this.startcash = 32750; this.levelpoints = 16000; this.train = [{'loc': 'Pennsylvania', 'speed': 1.5}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer'}, {'wagon': 'Wagon3', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'MediumCannon']}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'SmallFastCannon']}]; this.statictrains = [{'segments': [{'loc': 'Pennsylvania', 'x': 470, 'y': 170}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'x': 395, 'y': 170, 'weapons': [{'type': 'MediumCannon', 'x': 385, 'y': 170}]}, {'wagon': 'PassengerArmored', 'x': 340, 'y': 170}, {'wagon': 'PassengerArmored', 'x': 280, 'y': 170}, {'wagon': 'PassengerArmored', 'x': 288, 'y': 170}, {'wagon': 'Wagon1', 'x': 187, 'y': 170, 'weapons': [{'type': 'SmallCannon', 'x': 187, 'y': 170}]}]}, {'segments': [{'loc': 'Pennsylvania', 'x': 360, 'y': 436}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'x': 287, 'y': 436, 'weapons': [{'type': 'MediumCannon', 'x': 274, 'y': 436}]}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer', 'x': 220, 'y': 436}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer', 'x': 140, 'y': 436}]}]; this.ea = [{'x': 2615, 'y': 738, 'w': 236, 'h': 31, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 2619, 'y': 777, 'w': 223, 'h': 32, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 2617, 'y': 815, 'w': 233, 'h': 31, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 2601, 'y': 857, 'w': 120, 'h': 41, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 2526, 'y': 774, 'w': 72, 'h': 72, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 2452, 'y': 870, 'w': 120, 'h': 128, 'e': ['ah', 'ah']}, {'x': 2868, 'y': 703, 'w': 78, 'h': 103, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 2824, 'y': 1421, 'w': 197, 'h': 194, 'e': ['pt', 'pt', 'el', 'gt', 'ah']}, {'x': 3032, 'y': 1419, 'w': 224, 'h': 268, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'pt', 'pt', 'ah', 'gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 2761, 'y': 1641, 'w': 244, 'h': 26, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 2650, 'y': 1695, 'w': 358, 'h': 24, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 3033, 'y': 1710, 'w': 370, 'h': 23, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 3135, 'y': 1301, 'w': 101, 'h': 101, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 2762, 'y': 1339, 'w': 91, 'h': 80, 'e': ['pn']}, {'x': 3276, 'y': 1516, 'w': 143, 'h': 165, 'e': ['ah', 'pt', 'pt']}, {'x': 114, 'y': 83, 'w': 617, 'h': 20, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 115, 'y': 197, 'w': 628, 'h': 20, 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 346, 'y': 227, 'w': 144, 'h': 122, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'pt']}, {'x': 240, 'y': 247, 'w': 93, 'h': 99, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 124, 'y': 252, 'w': 92, 'h': 89, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 94, 'y': 495, 'w': 442, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 497, 'y': 218, 'w': 159, 'h': 152, 'e': ['pt', 'pt', 'el']}, {'x': 464, 'y': 384, 'w': 256, 'h': 85, 'e': ['ah', 'pt', 'pt']}, {'x': 1626, 'y': 1877, 'w': 20, 'h': 428, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 1658, 'y': 1767, 'w': 20, 'h': 515, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 1698, 'y': 1851, 'w': 684, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 1689, 'y': 1883, 'w': 673, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 1697, 'y': 1916, 'w': 201, 'h': 181, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'pt', 'pt', 'el']}, {'x': 1706, 'y': 2106, 'w': 212, 'h': 152, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el', 'el', 'pt', 'aj']}, {'x': 1932, 'y': 1914, 'w': 193, 'h': 370, 'e': ['ah', 'ah', 'pt', 'pt', 'el', 'el', 'el', 'oj', 'oj', 'gt']}, {'x': 4428, 'y': 1365, 'w': 85, 'h': 88, 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 4352, 'y': 1022, 'w': 106, 'h': 98, 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 4655, 'y': 1241, 'w': 84, 'h': 88, 'e': ['gd']}, {'x': 4696, 'y': 1138, 'w': 110, 'h': 82, 'e': ['gd']}, {'x': 4369, 'y': 1148, 'w': 219, 'h': 119, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt', 'pt', 'pn']}, {'x': 4224, 'y': 1014, 'w': 104, 'h': 360, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el', 'el', 'gt', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 1590, 'y': 149, 'w': 114, 'h': 105, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 1890, 'y': 159, 'w': 20, 'h': 505, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 1930, 'y': 126, 'w': 20, 'h': 708, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 1597, 'y': 298, 'w': 20, 'h': 396, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 225, 'y': 1914, 'w': 91, 'h': 303, 'e': ['ah', 'ah', 'ah']}, {'x': 357, 'y': 1889, 'w': 115, 'h': 349, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt', 'pt', 'pt', 'ah', 'oj']}]; = [{'x': 725, 'y': 1462, 'r': -90, 'h': 0}, {'x': 3439, 'y': 1370, 'r': -21, 'h': 1150, 'e': ['ms', 'ms', 'wh', 'fw']}, {'x': 3075, 'y': 2010, 'r': 195, 'h': 600, 'e': ['bh', 'bh']}, {'x': 3967, 'y': 420, 'r': 0, 'h': 600, 'e': ['bh', 'ap']}, {'x': 1759, 'y': 422, 'r': 110, 'h': 1200, 'e': ['ms', 'ms', 'wh', 'fw', 'fw']}]; this.bk = [{'x': 2516, 'y': 1130, 'r': -122, 's': 94}, {'x': 2341, 'y': 918, 'r': 46, 's': 89}, {'x': 2762, 'y': 672, 'r': 90, 's': 90}, {'x': 2973, 'y': 647, 'r': 65, 's': 100}, {'x': 2247, 'y': 1061, 'r': 34, 's': 85}, {'x': 2432, 'y': 1485, 'r': 83, 's': 100}, {'x': 2352, 'y': 1493, 'r': 86, 's': 100}, {'x': 2903, 'y': 873, 'r': -109, 's': 94}]; this.rb = []; = [{'x': 3093, 'y': 2178, 'r': 15, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 3175, 'y': 2203, 'r': 14, 't': 'h2'}, {'x': 3253, 'y': 2225, 'r': 12, 't': 'h3'}]; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel6 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel6.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3272 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.mapid = 2; this.title = 'default'; this.rc = [{'id': 1, 'x': 20, 'y': 1095, 'a': 0}, {'id': 2, 'x': 320, 'y': 1095, 'a': 0}, {'id': 9999, 'x': 4890, 'y': 1228, 'a': -180}, {'id': 10000, 'x': 5090, 'y': 1228, 'a': -180}, {'id': 3, 'x': 675, 'y': 1095, 'a': 0, 's': {'x': 675, 'y': 1061, 'p': [-1, 3, -1, 69, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 4, 'x': 875, 'y': 896, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 835, 'y': 896, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 10003, -1, 3, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 5, 'x': 875, 'y': 536, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 910, 'y': 526, 'p': [6, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 5, -1]}}, {'id': 6, 'x': 775, 'y': 436, 'a': -180}, {'id': 7, 'x': 875, 'y': 436, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 908, 'y': 413, 'p': [7, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 14, -1]}}, {'id': 8, 'x': 875, 'y': 336, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 909, 'y': 310, 'p': [8, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 13, -1]}}, {'id': 9, 'x': 875, 'y': 236, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 910, 'y': 211, 'p': [9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 12, -1]}}, {'id': 10, 'x': 875, 'y': 141, 'a': -270}, {'id': 12, 'x': 775, 'y': 41, 'a': -180}, {'id': 13, 'x': 775, 'y': 136, 'a': -180}, {'id': 14, 'x': 775, 'y': 236, 'a': -180}, {'id': 15, 'x': 775, 'y': 336, 'a': -180}, {'id': 16, 'x': 675, 'y': 436, 'a': -180}, {'id': 17, 'x': 575, 'y': 436, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 566, 'y': 473, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 17, 18, -1]}}, {'id': 18, 'x': 429, 'y': 485, 'a': -143}, {'id': 19, 'x': 475, 'y': 436, 'a': -180}, {'id': 20, 'x': 375, 'y': 436, 'a': -180}, {'id': 21, 'x': 368, 'y': 505, 'a': -180}, {'id': 22, 'x': 268, 'y': 505, 'a': -180}, {'id': 23, 'x': 275, 'y': 436, 'a': -180}, {'id': 24, 'x': 123, 'y': 505, 'a': -180}, {'id': 25, 'x': 107, 'y': 436, 'a': -180}, {'id': 26, 'x': 675, 'y': 336, 'a': -180}, {'id': 27, 'x': 575, 'y': 336, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 565, 'y': 374, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 27, 33, 30]}}, {'id': 28, 'x': 510, 'y': 360, 'a': -139}, {'id': 29, 'x': 445, 'y': 385, 'a': -180}, {'id': 30, 'x': 345, 'y': 385, 'a': -180}, {'id': 31, 'x': 510, 'y': 312, 'a': -221}, {'id': 32, 'x': 445, 'y': 287, 'a': -180}, {'id': 33, 'x': 114, 'y': 287, 'a': -180}, {'id': 34, 'x': 475, 'y': 336, 'a': -180}, {'id': 35, 'x': 375, 'y': 336, 'a': -180}, {'id': 36, 'x': 114, 'y': 336, 'a': -180}, {'id': 37, 'x': 112, 'y': 385, 'a': -180}, {'id': 38, 'x': 23, 'y': 405, 'a': -270}, {'id': 39, 'x': 23, 'y': 305, 'a': -270}, {'id': 40, 'x': 23, 'y': 205, 'a': -270}, {'id': 41, 'x': 23, 'y': 140, 'a': -270}, {'id': 43, 'x': 123, 'y': 40, 'a': -360}, {'id': 44, 'x': 290, 'y': 40, 'a': -360}, {'id': 47, 'x': 476, 'y': 40, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 476, 'y': 75, 'p': [-1, -1, 47, 55, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 48, 'x': 678, 'y': 40, 'a': -360}, {'id': 50, 'x': 546, 'y': 236, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 550, 'y': 271, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 64, -1, 61]}}, {'id': 51, 'x': 675, 'y': 136, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 660, 'y': 171, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 51, 56, 54]}}, {'id': 52, 'x': 619, 'y': 153, 'a': -146}, {'id': 53, 'x': 563, 'y': 170, 'a': -180}, {'id': 54, 'x': 367, 'y': 170, 'a': -180}, {'id': 55, 'x': 585, 'y': 93, 'a': -232}, {'id': 57, 'x': 463, 'y': 136, 'a': -180}, {'id': 58, 'x': 241, 'y': 136, 'a': -180}, {'id': 59, 'x': 112, 'y': 136, 'a': -180}, {'id': 60, 'x': 112, 'y': 170, 'a': -180}, {'id': 62, 'x': 494, 'y': 221, 'a': -212}, {'id': 63, 'x': 441, 'y': 206, 'a': -180}, {'id': 64, 'x': 111, 'y': 206, 'a': -180}, {'id': 65, 'x': 509, 'y': 243, 'a': -158}, {'id': 66, 'x': 471, 'y': 250, 'a': -180}, {'id': 67, 'x': 113, 'y': 250, 'a': -180}, {'id': 70, 'x': 979, 'y': 1279, 'a': -62}, {'id': 76, 'x': 1228, 'y': 1313, 'a': -314}, {'id': 77, 'x': 1399, 'y': 1241, 'a': 0}, {'id': 78, 'x': 1735, 'y': 1241, 'a': 0}, {'id': 85, 'x': 1959, 'y': 1436, 'a': -82, 's': {'x': 1912, 'y': 1447, 'p': [10011, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 84]}}, {'id': 86, 'x': 2014, 'y': 1830, 'a': -82}, {'id': 87, 'x': 2157, 'y': 1930, 'a': -348}, {'id': 88, 'x': 2255, 'y': 1909, 'a': -348}, {'id': 89, 'x': 2393, 'y': 1997, 'a': -77}, {'id': 90, 'x': 2816, 'y': 2333, 'a': -360}, {'id': 91, 'x': 3214, 'y': 2333, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 3218, 'y': 2367, 'p': [-1, 91, 199, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 92, 'x': 3498, 'y': 2153, 'a': -295}, {'id': 93, 'x': 3645, 'y': 2010, 'a': -337, 's': {'x': 3644, 'y': 2056, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 216, -1, 92, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 94, 'x': 3923, 'y': 1573, 'a': -268}, {'id': 96, 'x': 3729, 'y': 1344, 'a': -191}, {'id': 97, 'x': 3596, 'y': 1255, 'a': -236}, {'id': 98, 'x': 3382, 'y': 1544, 'a': -17}, {'id': 100, 'x': 3617, 'y': 1616, 'a': -17}, {'id': 102, 'x': 3551, 'y': 1845, 'a': -195}, {'id': 103, 'x': 3318, 'y': 2155, 'a': -59}, {'id': 105, 'x': 3231, 'y': 2306, 'a': -180}, {'id': 107, 'x': 2960, 'y': 2306, 'a': -180}, {'id': 108, 'x': 2860, 'y': 2206, 'a': -270}, {'id': 109, 'x': 2860, 'y': 1738, 'a': -270}, {'id': 111, 'x': 2760, 'y': 1638, 'a': -180}, {'id': 112, 'x': 2436, 'y': 1638, 'a': -180}, {'id': 113, 'x': 2102, 'y': 1638, 'a': -180}, {'id': 115, 'x': 2003, 'y': 1552, 'a': -262}, {'id': 118, 'x': 1902, 'y': 834, 'a': -261, 's': {'x': 1862, 'y': 840, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 118, -1, 117, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 120, 'x': 1868, 'y': 621, 'a': -261}, {'id': 121, 'x': 2209, 'y': 233, 'a': -2}, {'id': 123, 'x': 2379, 'y': 294, 'a': -37}, {'id': 124, 'x': 2725, 'y': 172, 'a': -284}, {'id': 125, 'x': 2879, 'y': 52, 'a': 0}, {'id': 126, 'x': 3045, 'y': 52, 'a': 0}, {'id': 127, 'x': 3145, 'y': 152, 'a': -90}, {'id': 128, 'x': 3145, 'y': 388, 'a': -90}, {'id': 138, 'x': 3045, 'y': 488, 'a': -180}, {'id': 139, 'x': 2965, 'y': 508, 'a': -152}, {'id': 140, 'x': 2889, 'y': 515, 'a': -197}, {'id': 141, 'x': 2669, 'y': 539, 'a': -151}, {'id': 142, 'x': 2611, 'y': 551, 'a': -185}, {'id': 143, 'x': 2449, 'y': 598, 'a': -142}, {'id': 145, 'x': 2239, 'y': 762, 'a': -142}, {'id': 147, 'x': 2126, 'y': 974, 'a': -94}, {'id': 148, 'x': 2061, 'y': 1113, 'a': -136}, {'id': 149, 'x': 2253, 'y': 1274, 'a': -304}, {'id': 150, 'x': 2430, 'y': 1012, 'a': -304}, {'id': 151, 'x': 2686, 'y': 834, 'a': -346}, {'id': 152, 'x': 2930, 'y': 773, 'a': -346, 's': {'x': 2920, 'y': 734, 'p': [-1, 152, -1, 155, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 153, 'x': 3075, 'y': 594, 'a': -272}, {'id': 154, 'x': 3201, 'y': 473, 'a': 0}, {'id': 156, 'x': 3121, 'y': 772, 'a': -13}, {'id': 157, 'x': 3166, 'y': 777, 'a': -360}, {'id': 158, 'x': 3483, 'y': 777, 'a': -360}, {'id': 160, 'x': 3651, 'y': 777, 'a': -360}, {'id': 161, 'x': 3751, 'y': 677, 'a': -270}, {'id': 165, 'x': 3338, 'y': 407, 'a': -309}, {'id': 166, 'x': 3475, 'y': 342, 'a': 0}, {'id': 167, 'x': 3653, 'y': 342, 'a': 0}, {'id': 168, 'x': 3753, 'y': 442, 'a': -90}, {'id': 177, 'x': 3871, 'y': 560, 'a': 0, 's': {'x': 3865, 'y': 524, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 175, -1, 176]}}, {'id': 179, 'x': 4162, 'y': 560, 'a': 0}, {'id': 180, 'x': 4434, 'y': 560, 'a': 0}, {'id': 181, 'x': 4534, 'y': 660, 'a': -90}, {'id': 182, 'x': 4534, 'y': 760, 'a': -90}, {'id': 183, 'x': 4434, 'y': 860, 'a': -180}, {'id': 184, 'x': 4334, 'y': 960, 'a': -90}, {'id': 185, 'x': 4334, 'y': 1099, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 4372, 'y': 1092, 'p': [-1, -1, 185, -1, 195, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 186, 'x': 4434, 'y': 1199, 'a': 0}, {'id': 187, 'x': 4614, 'y': 1199, 'a': 0}, {'id': 188, 'x': 4666, 'y': 1214, 'a': -32}, {'id': 189, 'x': 4719, 'y': 1229, 'a': -360}, {'id': 200, 'x': 3698, 'y': 2333, 'a': -360}, {'id': 201, 'x': 4041, 'y': 2333, 'a': -360}, {'id': 202, 'x': 4447, 'y': 2333, 'a': -360}, {'id': 203, 'x': 4737, 'y': 2333, 'a': -360}, {'id': 210, 'x': 4737, 'y': 1839, 'a': -180}, {'id': 211, 'x': 4509, 'y': 1839, 'a': -180}, {'id': 212, 'x': 4409, 'y': 1939, 'a': -90}, {'id': 213, 'x': 4409, 'y': 2204, 'a': -90}, {'id': 214, 'x': 4309, 'y': 2304, 'a': -180}, {'id': 215, 'x': 3965, 'y': 2304, 'a': -180}, {'id': 216, 'x': 3693, 'y': 2304, 'a': -180}, {'id': 10003, 'x': 1140, 'y': 1128, 'a': -352}, {'id': 10005, 'x': 1704, 'y': 1049, 'a': -352}, {'id': 10008, 'x': 1777, 'y': 1039, 'a': -352}, {'id': 10010, 'x': 1913, 'y': 1140, 'a': -81}, {'id': 10011, 'x': 1957, 'y': 1224, 'a': -262}]; = [{'id': 1, 's': 1, 'e': 2}, {'id': 10000, 's': 10000, 'e': 9999}, {'id': 2, 's': 2, 'e': 3}, {'id': 3, 's': 3, 'e': 4, 'r': 200, 'd': 1, 'l': 313}, {'id': 4, 's': 4, 'e': 5}, {'id': 5, 's': 5, 'e': 6, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 6, 's': 5, 'e': 7}, {'id': 7, 's': 7, 'e': 8}, {'id': 8, 's': 8, 'e': 9}, {'id': 9, 's': 9, 'e': 10}, {'id': 11, 's': 10, 'e': 12, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 12, 's': 9, 'e': 13, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 13, 's': 8, 'e': 14, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 14, 's': 7, 'e': 15, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 15, 's': 6, 'e': 16}, {'id': 16, 's': 16, 'e': 17}, {'id': 17, 's': 17, 'e': 18, 'r': 242, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 18, 's': 17, 'e': 19}, {'id': 19, 's': 19, 'e': 20}, {'id': 20, 's': 18, 'e': 21, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 65}, {'id': 21, 's': 21, 'e': 22}, {'id': 22, 's': 20, 'e': 23}, {'id': 23, 's': 22, 'e': 24}, {'id': 24, 's': 23, 'e': 25}, {'id': 25, 's': 15, 'e': 26}, {'id': 26, 's': 26, 'e': 27}, {'id': 27, 's': 27, 'e': 28, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 71}, {'id': 28, 's': 28, 'e': 29, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 71}, {'id': 29, 's': 29, 'e': 30}, {'id': 30, 's': 27, 'e': 31, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 71}, {'id': 31, 's': 31, 'e': 32, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 71}, {'id': 32, 's': 32, 'e': 33}, {'id': 33, 's': 27, 'e': 34}, {'id': 34, 's': 34, 'e': 35}, {'id': 35, 's': 35, 'e': 36}, {'id': 36, 's': 30, 'e': 37}, {'id': 37, 's': 24, 'e': 38, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 38, 's': 38, 'e': 39}, {'id': 39, 's': 39, 'e': 40}, {'id': 40, 's': 40, 'e': 41}, {'id': 42, 's': 41, 'e': 43, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 43, 's': 43, 'e': 44}, {'id': 46, 's': 44, 'e': 47}, {'id': 47, 's': 47, 'e': 48}, {'id': 48, 's': 48, 'e': 12, 'eo': 1}, {'id': 49, 's': 14, 'e': 50}, {'id': 50, 's': 13, 'e': 51}, {'id': 51, 's': 51, 'e': 52, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 52, 's': 52, 'e': 53, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 59}, {'id': 53, 's': 53, 'e': 54}, {'id': 54, 's': 51, 'e': 55, 'r': 114, 'd': -1, 'l': 103}, {'id': 55, 's': 55, 'e': 47, 'r': 135, 'd': 1, 'l': 125, 'eo': 1}, {'id': 56, 's': 51, 'e': 57}, {'id': 57, 's': 57, 'e': 58}, {'id': 58, 's': 58, 'e': 59}, {'id': 59, 's': 54, 'e': 60}, {'id': 61, 's': 50, 'e': 62, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 62, 's': 62, 'e': 63, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 56}, {'id': 63, 's': 63, 'e': 64}, {'id': 64, 's': 50, 'e': 65, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 38}, {'id': 65, 's': 65, 'e': 66, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 39}, {'id': 66, 's': 66, 'e': 67}, {'id': 69, 's': 3, 'e': 70, 'r': 343, 'd': -1, 'l': 373}, {'id': 75, 's': 70, 'e': 76, 'r': 155, 'd': 1, 'l': 293}, {'id': 76, 's': 76, 'e': 77, 'r': 237, 'd': -1, 'l': 191}, {'id': 77, 's': 77, 'e': 78}, {'id': 84, 's': 78, 'e': 85, 'r': 226, 'd': -1, 'l': 324}, {'id': 85, 's': 85, 'e': 86}, {'id': 86, 's': 86, 'e': 87, 'r': 119, 'd': 1, 'l': 196}, {'id': 87, 's': 87, 'e': 88}, {'id': 88, 's': 88, 'e': 89, 'r': 117, 'd': -1, 'l': 182}, {'id': 89, 's': 89, 'e': 90, 'r': 433, 'd': 1, 'l': 583}, {'id': 90, 's': 90, 'e': 91}, {'id': 91, 's': 91, 'e': 92, 'r': 315, 'd': 1, 'l': 355}, {'id': 92, 's': 92, 'e': 93, 'r': 288, 'd': -1, 'l': 209}, {'id': 93, 's': 93, 'e': 94, 'r': 456, 'd': 1, 'l': 550}, {'id': 95, 's': 94, 'e': 96, 'r': 242, 'd': 1, 'l': 324}, {'id': 96, 's': 96, 'e': 97, 'r': 207, 'd': -1, 'l': 164}, {'id': 97, 's': 97, 'e': 98, 'r': 191, 'd': 1, 'l': 730}, {'id': 99, 's': 98, 'e': 100}, {'id': 101, 's': 100, 'e': 102, 'r': 119, 'd': -1, 'l': 370}, {'id': 102, 's': 102, 'e': 103, 'r': 209, 'd': 1, 'l': 497}, {'id': 104, 's': 103, 'e': 105, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 212}, {'id': 106, 's': 105, 'e': 107}, {'id': 107, 's': 107, 'e': 108, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 108, 's': 108, 'e': 109}, {'id': 110, 's': 109, 'e': 111, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 111, 's': 111, 'e': 112}, {'id': 112, 's': 112, 'e': 113}, {'id': 114, 's': 113, 'e': 115, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 143}, {'id': 120, 's': 120, 'e': 121, 'r': 336, 'd': -1, 'l': 590}, {'id': 122, 's': 121, 'e': 123, 'r': 297, 'd': -1, 'l': 183}, {'id': 123, 's': 123, 'e': 124, 'r': 220, 'd': 1, 'l': 433}, {'id': 124, 's': 124, 'e': 125, 'r': 158, 'd': -1, 'l': 210}, {'id': 125, 's': 125, 'e': 126}, {'id': 126, 's': 126, 'e': 127, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 127, 's': 127, 'e': 128}, {'id': 137, 's': 128, 'e': 138, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 138, 's': 138, 'e': 139, 'r': 169, 'd': 1, 'l': 83}, {'id': 139, 's': 139, 'e': 140, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 78}, {'id': 140, 's': 140, 'e': 141, 'r': 281, 'd': 1, 'l': 227}, {'id': 141, 's': 141, 'e': 142, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 142, 's': 142, 'e': 143, 'r': 233, 'd': 1, 'l': 173}, {'id': 144, 's': 143, 'e': 145}, {'id': 146, 's': 145, 'e': 147, 'r': 295, 'd': 1, 'l': 247}, {'id': 147, 's': 147, 'e': 148, 'r': 215, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 148, 's': 148, 'e': 149, 'r': 126, 'd': 1, 'l': 422}, {'id': 149, 's': 149, 'e': 150}, {'id': 150, 's': 150, 'e': 151, 'r': 433, 'd': -1, 'l': 319}, {'id': 151, 's': 151, 'e': 152}, {'id': 152, 's': 152, 'e': 153, 'r': 192, 'd': 1, 'l': 247}, {'id': 153, 's': 153, 'e': 154, 'r': 125, 'd': -1, 'l': 193}, {'id': 155, 's': 152, 'e': 156, 'r': 408, 'd': -1, 'l': 193}, {'id': 156, 's': 156, 'e': 157, 'r': 191, 'd': 1, 'l': 45}, {'id': 157, 's': 157, 'e': 158}, {'id': 159, 's': 158, 'e': 160}, {'id': 160, 's': 160, 'e': 161, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 164, 's': 154, 'e': 165, 'r': 176, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 165, 's': 165, 'e': 166, 'r': 175, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 166, 's': 166, 'e': 167}, {'id': 167, 's': 167, 'e': 168, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 175, 's': 161, 'e': 177, 'r': 117, 'd': -1, 'l': 188}, {'id': 176, 's': 168, 'e': 177, 'r': 118, 'd': 1, 'l': 185}, {'id': 178, 's': 177, 'e': 179}, {'id': 179, 's': 179, 'e': 180}, {'id': 180, 's': 180, 'e': 181, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 181, 's': 181, 'e': 182}, {'id': 182, 's': 182, 'e': 183, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 183, 's': 183, 'e': 184, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 184, 's': 184, 'e': 185}, {'id': 186, 's': 186, 'e': 187}, {'id': 187, 's': 187, 'e': 188, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 55}, {'id': 188, 's': 188, 'e': 189, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 56}, {'id': 194, 's': 189, 'e': 9999, 'eo': 1}, {'id': 199, 's': 91, 'e': 200}, {'id': 200, 's': 200, 'e': 201}, {'id': 201, 's': 201, 'e': 202}, {'id': 202, 's': 202, 'e': 203}, {'id': 209, 's': 203, 'e': 210, 'r': 247, 'd': 1, 'l': 776}, {'id': 210, 's': 210, 'e': 211}, {'id': 211, 's': 211, 'e': 212, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 212, 's': 212, 'e': 213}, {'id': 213, 's': 213, 'e': 214, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 214, 's': 214, 'e': 215}, {'id': 215, 's': 215, 'e': 216}, {'id': 216, 's': 216, 'e': 93, 'r': 150, 'd': -1, 'l': 421}, {'id': 10003, 's': 4, 'e': 10003, 'r': 234, 'd': 1, 'l': 399, 't': 1}, {'id': 10005, 's': 10003, 'e': 10005}, {'id': 10008, 's': 10005, 'e': 10008}, {'id': 10010, 's': 10008, 'e': 10010, 'r': 121, 'd': -1, 'l': 188}, {'id': 10011, 's': 10010, 'e': 85}, {'id': 10012, 's': 115, 'e': 10011}, {'id': 10013, 's': 10011, 'e': 118}, {'id': 10014, 's': 185, 'e': 186, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 10015, 's': 118, 'e': 120}]; }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3273 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel7 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel7) { var v1 = function () { this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Help friendly units at hill pass and destroy all remaining units', 'type': 'AllGrounds'}, {'id': 2, 'text': 'Destroy all industry', 'type': 'AllIndustry'}, {'id': 3, 'text': 'Destroy the wartrain before it is out of reach', 'type': 'AllTrains'}, {'id': 4, 'text': 'Take down the 12 enemy air units', 'type': 'AllAirs'}, {'id': 5, 'text': 'Take over the 3 enemy airfields with propaganda', 'type': 'AllAirfields'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.nightmap = true; this.startcash = 35000; this.levelpoints = 26000; this.train = [{'loc': 'SuperChief', 'speed': 1.5}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer'}, {'wagon': 'Wagon3', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'MediumCannon']}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'SmallFastCannon']}]; this.ea = [{'x': 5607, 'y': 459, 'w': 93, 'h': 205, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 11, 'y': 516, 'w': 538, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pn']}, {'x': 564, 'y': 515, 'w': 21, 'h': 436, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pn']}, {'x': 10, 'y': 604, 'w': 490, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 7, 'y': 832, 'w': 493, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 247, 'y': 631, 'w': 36, 'h': 196, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 344, 'y': 678, 'w': 87, 'h': 88, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 666, 'y': 468, 'w': 20, 'h': 486, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 10, 'y': 427, 'w': 906, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 4900, 'y': 346, 'w': 209, 'h': 77, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 5255, 'y': 79, 'w': 173, 'h': 132, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 5118, 'y': 482, 'w': 169, 'h': 174, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 3450, 'y': 449, 'w': 87, 'h': 88, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 3137, 'y': 485, 'w': 130, 'h': 82, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 3508, 'y': 193, 'w': 101, 'h': 96, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 3421, 'y': 79, 'w': 102, 'h': 99, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 3628, 'y': 251, 'w': 80, 'h': 89, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pn']}, {'x': 3337, 'y': 759, 'w': 87, 'h': 170, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt', 'ah']}, {'x': 3231, 'y': 772, 'w': 87, 'h': 173, 'e': ['pt', 'pt']}, {'x': 2258, 'y': 849, 'w': 95, 'h': 90, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 2215, 'y': 569, 'w': 102, 'h': 96, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 2151, 'y': 278, 'w': 106, 'h': 99, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 2580, 'y': 208, 'w': 66, 'h': 164, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 2703, 'y': 252, 'w': 137, 'h': 132, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 2548, 'y': 424, 'w': 456, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 2797, 'y': 463, 'w': 22, 'h': 488, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 1496, 'y': 802, 'w': 786, 'h': 22, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 1505, 'y': 869, 'w': 738, 'h': 30, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 1441, 'y': 478, 'w': 28, 'h': 459, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 953, 'y': 144, 'w': 106, 'h': 113, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 3557, 'y': 368, 'w': 800, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 3585, 'y': 430, 'w': 768, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 3612, 'y': 523, 'w': 1312, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 3602, 'y': 598, 'w': 1430, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 2559, 'y': 534, 'w': 101, 'h': 107, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 2667, 'y': 708, 'w': 98, 'h': 113, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 3867, 'y': 703, 'w': 148, 'h': 210, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el', 'gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 4086, 'y': 710, 'w': 849, 'h': 22, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 4080, 'y': 782, 'w': 1777, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 4083, 'y': 835, 'w': 1786, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 4073, 'y': 897, 'w': 1884, 'h': 22, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 4742, 'y': 110, 'w': 101, 'h': 143, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 897, 'y': 624, 'w': 246, 'h': 259, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'el']}, {'x': 3349, 'y': 17, 'w': 44, 'h': 160, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 3167, 'y': 648, 'w': 26, 'h': 289, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 3052, 'y': 786, 'w': 66, 'h': 136, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}]; = [{'x': 1681, 'y': 274, 'r': 0, 'h': 0}, {'x': 4515, 'y': 225, 'r': 0, 'h': 500, 'e': ['wh', 'wh', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw']}, {'x': 3017, 'y': 647, 'r': -1, 'h': 100, 'e': ['bh']}, {'x': 6169, 'y': 798, 'r': 0, 'h': 600, 'e': ['ap', 'ap', 'bh', 'bh', 'ap', 'bh']}]; this.bk = [{'x': 3173, 'y': 330, 'r': 200, 's': 80}, {'x': 3216, 'y': 242, 'r': 225, 's': 83}, {'x': 3239, 'y': 302, 'r': 220, 's': 96}, {'x': 3302, 'y': 252, 'r': -94, 's': 92}, {'x': 3367, 'y': 278, 'r': -36, 's': 81}, {'x': 3356, 'y': 332, 'r': -23, 's': 100}, {'x': 3661, 'y': 72, 'r': 167, 's': 89}, {'x': 3696, 'y': 132, 'r': 124, 's': 86}, {'x': 3750, 'y': 109, 'r': 56, 's': 82}, {'x': 3718, 'y': 62, 'r': 102, 's': 95}, {'x': 3764, 'y': 56, 'r': 5, 's': 63}]; this.rb = [{'x': 5000, 'y': 131, 'r': 0}]; = [{'x': 106, 'y': 478, 'r': -1, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 235, 'y': 481, 'r': 0, 't': 'h2'}, {'x': 361, 'y': 481, 'r': 0, 't': 'h3'}, {'x': 626, 'y': 666, 'r': 89, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 628, 'y': 778, 'r': -90, 't': 'h3'}, {'x': 497, 'y': 481, 'r': 90, 't': 'h5'}, {'x': 629, 'y': 909, 'r': 91, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 62, 'y': 573, 'r': 90, 't': 'h2'}, {'x': 170, 'y': 573, 'r': 180, 't': 'h3'}, {'x': 542, 'y': 849, 'r': 91, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 450, 'y': 566, 'r': 0, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 532, 'y': 720, 'r': 91, 't': 'h3'}, {'x': 311, 'y': 567, 'r': 0, 't': 'h7'}, {'x': 58, 'y': 672, 'r': 0, 't': 'f4'}, {'x': 185, 'y': 669, 'r': 0, 't': 'f3'}, {'x': 441, 'y': 660, 'r': 90, 't': 'f2'}, {'x': 595, 'y': 489, 'r': 0, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 529, 'y': 607, 'r': 90, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 624, 'y': 569, 'r': 90, 't': 'h2'}, {'x': 62, 'y': 778, 'r': 0, 't': 'f4'}, {'x': 315, 'y': 669, 'r': 90, 't': 'f5'}, {'x': 197, 'y': 798, 'r': -90, 't': 'f4'}, {'x': 88, 'y': 879, 'r': 91, 't': 'f4'}, {'x': 201, 'y': 904, 'r': 0, 't': 'f1'}, {'x': 332, 'y': 905, 'r': 0, 't': 'f1'}, {'x': 331, 'y': 790, 'r': 0, 't': 'f5'}, {'x': 453, 'y': 789, 'r': 0, 't': 'h9'}, {'x': 445, 'y': 895, 'r': 0, 't': 'h7'}, {'x': 536, 'y': 933, 'r': 0, 't': 'h2'}, {'x': 5845, 'y': 282, 'r': 189, 't': 'i2'}, {'x': 5745, 'y': 466, 'r': -134, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 5523, 'y': 532, 'r': -78, 't': 'i2'}, {'x': 5339, 'y': 388, 'r': -33, 't': 'i2'}, {'x': 5646, 'y': 219, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 5470, 'y': 241, 'r': -7, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 5575, 'y': 357, 'r': 13, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 5951, 'y': 388, 'r': 0, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 5915, 'y': 524, 'r': 16, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 6126, 'y': 465, 'r': -19, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 6073, 'y': 658, 'r': -5, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 5892, 'y': 724, 'r': 26, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 5746, 'y': 617, 'r': 22, 't': 'o1'}]; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel7 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel7.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3274 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.mapid = 1; this.title = 'default'; this.rc = [{'id': 1, 'x': 20, 'y': 196, 'a': 0}, {'id': 2, 'x': 320, 'y': 196, 'a': 0}, {'id': 9999, 'x': 6180, 'y': 139, 'a': -180}, {'id': 10000, 'x': 6280, 'y': 139, 'a': -180}, {'id': 3, 'x': 437, 'y': 196, 'a': 0}, {'id': 4, 'x': 581, 'y': 154, 'a': -327}, {'id': 5, 'x': 730, 'y': 110, 'a': 0}, {'id': 6, 'x': 922, 'y': 110, 'a': 0, 's': {'x': 922, 'y': 70, 'p': [-1, 6, -1, 111, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 7, 'x': 1044, 'y': 82, 'a': -334, 's': {'x': 1085, 'y': 33, 'p': [-1, -1, 7, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 8, 'x': 1129, 'y': 63, 'a': 0}, {'id': 9, 'x': 1727, 'y': 63, 'a': 0}, {'id': 10, 'x': 1278, 'y': 191, 'a': -76, 's': {'x': 1310, 'y': 180, 'p': [9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 119]}}, {'id': 11, 'x': 1595, 'y': 440, 'a': 0}, {'id': 12, 'x': 2035, 'y': 440, 'a': 0}, {'id': 13, 'x': 1873, 'y': 117, 'a': -41}, {'id': 14, 'x': 2046, 'y': 164, 'a': -349}, {'id': 17, 'x': 2530, 'y': 70, 'a': -349}, {'id': 30, 'x': 2119, 'y': 418, 'a': -330}, {'id': 32, 'x': 2175, 'y': 403, 'a': -360}, {'id': 33, 'x': 2625, 'y': 403, 'a': -360}, {'id': 34, 'x': 2795, 'y': 403, 'a': -360}, {'id': 36, 'x': 2647, 'y': 149, 'a': -79}, {'id': 37, 'x': 2680, 'y': 318, 'a': -79}, {'id': 40, 'x': 2895, 'y': 403, 'a': -360}, {'id': 41, 'x': 3007, 'y': 312, 'a': -282}, {'id': 42, 'x': 3379, 'y': 67, 'a': -11}, {'id': 44, 'x': 3520, 'y': 205, 'a': -78}, {'id': 45, 'x': 3622, 'y': 314, 'a': -16, 's': {'x': 3607, 'y': 349, 'p': [-1, 45, -1, 50, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 46, 'x': 3960, 'y': 208, 'a': -309}, {'id': 47, 'x': 4104, 'y': 143, 'a': -2}, {'id': 48, 'x': 4253, 'y': 100, 'a': -326}, {'id': 49, 'x': 4384, 'y': 60, 'a': 0}, {'id': 50, 'x': 4772, 'y': 60, 'a': 0}, {'id': 51, 'x': 3822, 'y': 339, 'a': -358}, {'id': 52, 'x': 4014, 'y': 411, 'a': -43}, {'id': 53, 'x': 4119, 'y': 452, 'a': -360}, {'id': 54, 'x': 4619, 'y': 452, 'a': -360}, {'id': 58, 'x': 4994, 'y': 452, 'a': -360}, {'id': 59, 'x': 5094, 'y': 358, 'a': -273}, {'id': 60, 'x': 5001, 'y': 60, 'a': 0, 's': {'x': 4984, 'y': 95, 'p': [-1, -1, 80, 60, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 61, 'x': 5101, 'y': 160, 'a': -90}, {'id': 63, 'x': 5201, 'y': 260, 'a': 0, 's': {'x': 5179, 'y': 223, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 61, -1, 62]}}, {'id': 64, 'x': 5301, 'y': 260, 'a': 0}, {'id': 65, 'x': 5450, 'y': 356, 'a': -66}, {'id': 66, 'x': 5722, 'y': 298, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 5682, 'y': 298, 'p': [68, 72, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 69, 'x': 5882, 'y': 138, 'a': -360}, {'id': 73, 'x': 5822, 'y': 198, 'a': -360}, {'id': 74, 'x': 5957, 'y': 283, 'a': -64, 's': {'x': 5921, 'y': 303, 'p': [-1, -1, 74, 75, 76, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 75, 'x': 6046, 'y': 339, 'a': 0}, {'id': 76, 'x': 6107, 'y': 377, 'a': 0}, {'id': 77, 'x': 6169, 'y': 416, 'a': 0}, {'id': 78, 'x': 6355, 'y': 339, 'a': 0}, {'id': 79, 'x': 6353, 'y': 377, 'a': 0}, {'id': 80, 'x': 6355, 'y': 416, 'a': 0}, {'id': 81, 'x': 5555, 'y': 60, 'a': 0}, {'id': 82, 'x': 5856, 'y': 60, 'a': 0}, {'id': 112, 'x': 1026, 'y': 214, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 1058, 'y': 215, 'p': [-1, 119, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 111]}}, {'id': 113, 'x': 1026, 'y': 347, 'a': -90}, {'id': 121, 'x': 926, 'y': 447, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 923, 'y': 414, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 122, 133]}}, {'id': 123, 'x': 826, 'y': 447, 'a': -180}, {'id': 124, 'x': 726, 'y': 447, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 725, 'y': 417, 'p': [-1, 132, 123, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 125, 'x': 626, 'y': 447, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 621, 'y': 413, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 136, 125]}}, {'id': 126, 'x': 526, 'y': 347, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 494, 'y': 339, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 125, -1, 142, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 127, 'x': 626, 'y': 247, 'a': -360}, {'id': 128, 'x': 726, 'y': 247, 'a': -360}, {'id': 132, 'x': 826, 'y': 347, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 855, 'y': 337, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 133, -1, 132, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 137, 'x': 526, 'y': 447, 'a': -180}, {'id': 143, 'x': 426, 'y': 447, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 424, 'y': 416, 'p': [-1, 142, 143, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 145, 'x': 34, 'y': 447, 'a': -180}]; = [{'id': 1, 's': 1, 'e': 2}, {'id': 10000, 's': 10000, 'e': 9999}, {'id': 2, 's': 2, 'e': 3}, {'id': 3, 's': 3, 'e': 4, 'r': 266, 'd': 1, 'l': 152}, {'id': 4, 's': 4, 'e': 5, 'r': 270, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 5, 's': 5, 'e': 6}, {'id': 6, 's': 6, 'e': 7, 'r': 274, 'd': 1, 'l': 126}, {'id': 7, 's': 7, 'e': 8, 'r': 191, 'd': -1, 'l': 88}, {'id': 8, 's': 8, 'e': 9}, {'id': 9, 's': 7, 'e': 10, 'r': 166, 'd': -1, 'l': 295}, {'id': 10, 's': 10, 'e': 11, 'r': 329, 'd': 1, 'l': 434}, {'id': 11, 's': 11, 'e': 12}, {'id': 12, 's': 9, 'e': 13, 'r': 224, 'd': -1, 'l': 159}, {'id': 13, 's': 13, 'e': 14, 'r': 205, 'd': 1, 'l': 185}, {'id': 16, 's': 14, 'e': 17}, {'id': 29, 's': 12, 'e': 30, 'r': 170, 'd': 1, 'l': 88}, {'id': 31, 's': 30, 'e': 32, 'r': 113, 'd': -1, 'l': 59}, {'id': 32, 's': 32, 'e': 33}, {'id': 33, 's': 33, 'e': 34}, {'id': 35, 's': 17, 'e': 36, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 36, 's': 36, 'e': 37}, {'id': 37, 's': 37, 'e': 34, 'r': 106, 'd': 1, 'l': 154}, {'id': 39, 's': 34, 'e': 40}, {'id': 40, 's': 40, 'e': 41, 'r': 114, 'd': 1, 'l': 156}, {'id': 41, 's': 41, 'e': 42, 'r': 317, 'd': -1, 'l': 494}, {'id': 43, 's': 42, 'e': 44, 'r': 179, 'd': -1, 'l': 209}, {'id': 44, 's': 44, 'e': 45, 'r': 145, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 45, 's': 45, 'e': 46, 'r': 321, 'd': 1, 'l': 375}, {'id': 46, 's': 46, 'e': 47, 'r': 176, 'd': -1, 'l': 164}, {'id': 47, 's': 47, 'e': 48, 'r': 250, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 48, 's': 48, 'e': 49, 'r': 233, 'd': -1, 'l': 139}, {'id': 49, 's': 49, 'e': 50}, {'id': 50, 's': 45, 'e': 51, 'r': 655, 'd': 1, 'l': 202}, {'id': 51, 's': 51, 'e': 52, 'r': 267, 'd': -1, 'l': 210}, {'id': 52, 's': 52, 'e': 53, 'r': 153, 'd': 1, 'l': 115}, {'id': 53, 's': 53, 'e': 54}, {'id': 57, 's': 54, 'e': 58}, {'id': 58, 's': 58, 'e': 59, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 151}, {'id': 59, 's': 50, 'e': 60}, {'id': 60, 's': 60, 'e': 61, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 61, 's': 59, 'e': 63, 'r': 101, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 62, 's': 61, 'e': 63, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 63, 's': 63, 'e': 64}, {'id': 64, 's': 64, 'e': 65, 'r': 164, 'd': -1, 'l': 188}, {'id': 65, 's': 65, 'e': 66, 'r': 142, 'd': 1, 'l': 387}, {'id': 68, 's': 66, 'e': 69, 'r': 160, 'd': -1, 'l': 251}, {'id': 72, 's': 66, 'e': 73, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 73, 's': 73, 'e': 74, 'r': 150, 'd': -1, 'l': 168}, {'id': 74, 's': 74, 'e': 75, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 111}, {'id': 75, 's': 74, 'e': 76, 'r': 168, 'd': 1, 'l': 187}, {'id': 76, 's': 74, 'e': 77, 'r': 236, 'd': 1, 'l': 263}, {'id': 77, 's': 75, 'e': 78}, {'id': 78, 's': 76, 'e': 79}, {'id': 79, 's': 77, 'e': 80}, {'id': 80, 's': 60, 'e': 81}, {'id': 81, 's': 81, 'e': 82}, {'id': 111, 's': 6, 'e': 112, 'r': 104, 'd': -1, 'l': 163}, {'id': 112, 's': 112, 'e': 113}, {'id': 119, 's': 112, 'e': 10, 'r': 127, 'd': -1, 'l': 375, 't': 1}, {'id': 120, 's': 113, 'e': 121, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 122, 's': 121, 'e': 123}, {'id': 123, 's': 123, 'e': 124}, {'id': 124, 's': 124, 'e': 125}, {'id': 125, 's': 125, 'e': 126, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 126, 's': 126, 'e': 127, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 127, 's': 127, 'e': 128}, {'id': 131, 's': 128, 'e': 132, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 132, 's': 132, 'e': 124, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 133, 's': 132, 'e': 121, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157, 'eo': 1}, {'id': 136, 's': 125, 'e': 137}, {'id': 142, 's': 126, 'e': 143, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157, 't': 1}, {'id': 143, 's': 137, 'e': 143}, {'id': 144, 's': 143, 'e': 145}, {'id': 145, 's': 69, 'e': 9999, 'eo': 1}]; }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3275 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel8 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel8) { var v1 = function () { this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Destroy all units in the jungle', 'type': 'AllGrounds'}, {'id': 2, 'text': 'Destroy all trains at the central train depot', 'type': 'AllStaticTrains'}, {'id': 3, 'text': 'Destroy the wartrain before it is out of reach', 'type': 'AllTrains'}, {'id': 4, 'text': 'Take down the 18 enemy air units', 'type': 'AllAirs'}, {'id': 5, 'text': 'Take over the 3 enemy airfields with propaganda', 'type': 'AllAirfields'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.nightmap = false; this.startcash = 42500; this.levelpoints = 20000; this.train = [{'loc': 'SuperChief', 'speed': 1.5}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer'}, {'wagon': 'Wagon3', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'MediumCannon']}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'SmallFastCannon']}]; this.statictrains = [{'segments': [{'loc': 'SuperChief', 'x': 2267, 'y': 654}, {'wagon': 'Wagon1', 'x': 2209, 'y': 654, 'weapons': [{'type': 'SmallFastCannon', 'x': 2209, 'y': 654}]}, {'wagon': 'PassengerArmored', 'x': 2219, 'y': 654}, {'wagon': 'PassengerArmored', 'x': 2105, 'y': 654}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'x': 2060, 'y': 654, 'weapons': [{'type': 'MediumCannon', 'x': 2051, 'y': 654}]}]}, {'segments': [{'loc': 'SuperChief', 'x': 2256, 'y': 721}, {'wagon': 'Wagon1', 'x': 2199, 'y': 721, 'weapons': [{'type': 'SmallFastCannon', 'x': 2199, 'y': 721}]}, {'wagon': 'PassengerArmored', 'x': 2147, 'y': 721}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'x': 2100, 'y': 721, 'weapons': [{'type': 'MediumCannon', 'x': 2095, 'y': 721}]}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'x': 2060, 'y': 721, 'weapons': [{'type': 'MediumCannon', 'x': 2055, 'y': 721}]}]}, {'segments': [{'loc': 'SuperChief', 'x': 2244, 'y': 788}, {'wagon': 'Wagon1', 'x': 2186, 'y': 788, 'weapons': [{'type': 'RocketLauncher', 'x': 2186, 'y': 788}]}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer', 'x': 2123, 'y': 788}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer', 'x': 2045, 'y': 788}]}, {'segments': [{'loc': 'SuperChief', 'x': 2267, 'y': 888}, {'wagon': 'Wagon1', 'x': 2218, 'y': 888, 'weapons': [{'type': 'SmallCannon', 'x': 2218, 'y': 888}]}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer', 'x': 2158, 'y': 888}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'x': 2100, 'y': 888, 'weapons': [{'type': 'SmallCannon', 'x': 2108, 'y': 888}]}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'x': 2060, 'y': 721, 'weapons': [{'type': 'SmallCannon', 'x': 2084, 'y': 888}]}]}]; this.ea = [{'x': 1661, 'y': 888, 'w': 113, 'h': 112, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1629, 'y': 1023, 'w': 365, 'h': 68, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'ah']}, {'x': 2417, 'y': 529, 'w': 121, 'h': 288, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt', 'rt', 'pn', 'pn']}, {'x': 191, 'y': 343, 'w': 907, 'h': 26, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 193, 'y': 392, 'w': 1653, 'h': 26, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 181, 'y': 443, 'w': 1570, 'h': 24, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 196, 'y': 499, 'w': 1423, 'h': 25, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 4073, 'y': 291, 'w': 28, 'h': 544, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 2737, 'y': 1928, 'w': 160, 'h': 184, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'el', 'gt']}, {'x': 436, 'y': 2059, 'w': 84, 'h': 85, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 358, 'y': 1955, 'w': 88, 'h': 83, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 355, 'y': 2163, 'w': 87, 'h': 94, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 274, 'y': 2286, 'w': 91, 'h': 95, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 251, 'y': 1842, 'w': 96, 'h': 98, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 199, 'y': 1575, 'w': 83, 'h': 244, 'e': ['ah', 'pt']}, {'x': 11, 'y': 1491, 'w': 206, 'h': 78, 'e': ['pt', 'ah']}, {'x': 69, 'y': 1346, 'w': 195, 'h': 72, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el', 'pt']}, {'x': 307, 'y': 1418, 'w': 100, 'h': 84, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 362, 'y': 1535, 'w': 92, 'h': 235, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt', 'pt', 'el']}, {'x': 482, 'y': 1798, 'w': 86, 'h': 85, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 556, 'y': 1940, 'w': 86, 'h': 91, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 585, 'y': 2045, 'w': 90, 'h': 157, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt', 'ah']}, {'x': 500, 'y': 2291, 'w': 89, 'h': 101, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 1835, 'y': 841, 'w': 538, 'h': 27, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 1708, 'y': 576, 'w': 597, 'h': 25, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 1518, 'y': 1420, 'w': 1361, 'h': 21, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 1793, 'y': 1308, 'w': 521, 'h': 22, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 1967, 'y': 380, 'w': 161, 'h': 147, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el', 'gt', 'el']}, {'x': 2227, 'y': 403, 'w': 137, 'h': 143, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el', 'gt']}, {'x': 1921, 'y': 319, 'w': 602, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 3035, 'y': 975, 'w': 96, 'h': 90, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 4446, 'y': 2289, 'w': 83, 'h': 86, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 4957, 'y': 2280, 'w': 89, 'h': 87, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 4658, 'y': 1212, 'w': 89, 'h': 104, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 4086, 'y': 1152, 'w': 105, 'h': 124, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 4543, 'y': 472, 'w': 86, 'h': 111, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 3311, 'y': 1635, 'w': 143, 'h': 131, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 832, 'y': 952, 'w': 128, 'h': 133, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el', 'gt']}, {'x': 1622, 'y': 1812, 'w': 112, 'h': 152, 'e': ['rt', 'rt']}, {'x': 1698, 'y': 1659, 'w': 206, 'h': 89, 'e': ['pt', 'pt']}, {'x': 1975, 'y': 1720, 'w': 125, 'h': 255, 'e': ['ah', 'pn', 'pn']}, {'x': 1746, 'y': 2183, 'w': 262, 'h': 106, 'e': ['gt', 'ah', 'ah']}, {'x': 2115, 'y': 1909, 'w': 111, 'h': 99, 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 3581, 'y': 1436, 'w': 129, 'h': 125, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el', 'el']}, {'x': 4223, 'y': 131, 'w': 96, 'h': 105, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 3327, 'y': 554, 'w': 663, 'h': 30, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 3294, 'y': 620, 'w': 697, 'h': 28, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 3249, 'y': 2139, 'w': 116, 'h': 113, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 3290, 'y': 1931, 'w': 112, 'h': 93, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 4571, 'y': 2212, 'w': 88, 'h': 80, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}]; = [{'x': 1864, 'y': 1957, 'r': -90, 'h': 0}, {'x': 3661, 'y': 418, 'r': 0, 'h': 1400, 'e': ['bh', 'bh', 'ap', 'ap', 'fw', 'wh', 'wh']}, {'x': 2769, 'y': 194, 'r': 0, 'h': 600, 'e': ['wh', 'wh', 'fw', 'fw', 'b2', 'b2']}, {'x': 2502, 'y': 1020, 'r': -90, 'h': 1200, 'e': ['fw', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw']}]; this.bk = [{'x': 3336, 'y': 90, 'r': 49, 's': 100}, {'x': 3240, 'y': 186, 'r': 20, 's': 92}, {'x': 3195, 'y': 297, 'r': 15, 's': 95}, {'x': 3168, 'y': 422, 'r': 17, 's': 89}, {'x': 3107, 'y': 513, 'r': 79, 's': 83}, {'x': 3439, 'y': 18, 'r': 85, 's': 100}]; this.rb = [{'x': 2462, 'y': 118, 'r': 0}, {'x': 3451, 'y': 897, 'r': 0}, {'x': 4652, 'y': 2359, 'r': 0}]; = []; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel8 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel8.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3276 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.mapid = 4; this.title = 'default'; this.rc = [{'id': 1, 'x': 20, 'y': 1111, 'a': 0}, {'id': 2, 'x': 320, 'y': 1111, 'a': 0}, {'id': 9999, 'x': 4983, 'y': 233, 'a': 270}, {'id': 10000, 'x': 4983, 'y': 33, 'a': 270}, {'id': 3, 'x': 420, 'y': 1111, 'a': 0}, {'id': 4, 'x': 670, 'y': 1311, 'a': -77}, {'id': 5, 'x': 685, 'y': 1467, 'a': -92}, {'id': 6, 'x': 738, 'y': 1384, 'a': -17}, {'id': 7, 'x': 859, 'y': 1479, 'a': -59}, {'id': 9, 'x': 911, 'y': 1565, 'a': -59}, {'id': 10, 'x': 985, 'y': 1613, 'a': -7}, {'id': 11, 'x': 1008, 'y': 1850, 'a': -162}, {'id': 12, 'x': 650, 'y': 1575, 'a': -124}, {'id': 13, 'x': 594, 'y': 1658, 'a': -124}, {'id': 15, 'x': 514, 'y': 1727, 'a': -154}, {'id': 17, 'x': 535, 'y': 1914, 'a': -13}, {'id': 18, 'x': 630, 'y': 2026, 'a': -86}, {'id': 19, 'x': 646, 'y': 2251, 'a': -86}, {'id': 20, 'x': 747, 'y': 2345, 'a': -360}, {'id': 21, 'x': 1045, 'y': 2345, 'a': -360}, {'id': 22, 'x': 993, 'y': 2124, 'a': -24}, {'id': 23, 'x': 1094, 'y': 2238, 'a': -73}, {'id': 24, 'x': 1244, 'y': 2345, 'a': -358}, {'id': 27, 'x': 1551, 'y': 2334, 'a': -358}, {'id': 28, 'x': 1673, 'y': 2249, 'a': -292}, {'id': 29, 'x': 1796, 'y': 2166, 'a': -360}, {'id': 30, 'x': 1984, 'y': 2166, 'a': -360}, {'id': 31, 'x': 2097, 'y': 2256, 'a': -77}, {'id': 32, 'x': 2239, 'y': 2347, 'a': -348}, {'id': 33, 'x': 2597, 'y': 2271, 'a': -348}, {'id': 34, 'x': 2689, 'y': 2158, 'a': -270}, {'id': 35, 'x': 2689, 'y': 1993, 'a': -270}, {'id': 36, 'x': 2939, 'y': 1961, 'a': -76}, {'id': 37, 'x': 3036, 'y': 2037, 'a': -360}, {'id': 38, 'x': 3191, 'y': 2037, 'a': -360}, {'id': 42, 'x': 3343, 'y': 2088, 'a': -37}, {'id': 46, 'x': 3432, 'y': 2104, 'a': -343}, {'id': 47, 'x': 3537, 'y': 2105, 'a': -18}, {'id': 48, 'x': 3887, 'y': 2219, 'a': -18}, {'id': 49, 'x': 4312, 'y': 2357, 'a': -18}, {'id': 50, 'x': 4467, 'y': 2381, 'a': -360}, {'id': 54, 'x': 4544, 'y': 2345, 'a': -310}, {'id': 55, 'x': 4620, 'y': 2309, 'a': -360}, {'id': 56, 'x': 4720, 'y': 2309, 'a': -360}, {'id': 57, 'x': 4787, 'y': 2335, 'a': -42}, {'id': 58, 'x': 4964, 'y': 2256, 'a': -270}, {'id': 59, 'x': 4964, 'y': 1605, 'a': -270}, {'id': 60, 'x': 4964, 'y': 1257, 'a': -270}, {'id': 61, 'x': 4864, 'y': 1157, 'a': -180}, {'id': 62, 'x': 4630, 'y': 1157, 'a': -180}, {'id': 63, 'x': 4583, 'y': 1169, 'a': -152}, {'id': 64, 'x': 4481, 'y': 1164, 'a': -213}, {'id': 65, 'x': 4332, 'y': 1123, 'a': -178}, {'id': 66, 'x': 4019, 'y': 1134, 'a': -178}, {'id': 67, 'x': 3872, 'y': 1183, 'a': -145}, {'id': 68, 'x': 3725, 'y': 1179, 'a': -218}, {'id': 69, 'x': 3660, 'y': 1042, 'a': -271}, {'id': 70, 'x': 3561, 'y': 940, 'a': -180}, {'id': 71, 'x': 3082, 'y': 940, 'a': -180}, {'id': 72, 'x': 2982, 'y': 1040, 'a': -90}, {'id': 73, 'x': 2982, 'y': 1355, 'a': -90}, {'id': 75, 'x': 2882, 'y': 1455, 'a': -180}, {'id': 76, 'x': 2515, 'y': 1455, 'a': -180}, {'id': 77, 'x': 2118, 'y': 1455, 'a': -180}, {'id': 78, 'x': 1740, 'y': 1455, 'a': -180}, {'id': 79, 'x': 1520, 'y': 1455, 'a': -180}, {'id': 80, 'x': 1420, 'y': 1355, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 1383, 'y': 1350, 'p': [87, -1, 101, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 88, 'x': 1420, 'y': 1255, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 1383, 'y': 1252, 'p': [88, -1, 100, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 89, 'x': 1420, 'y': 1155, 'a': -270}, {'id': 96, 'x': 1520, 'y': 1055, 'a': -360}, {'id': 97, 'x': 1620, 'y': 955, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 1580, 'y': 955, 'p': [97, -1, 138, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 98, 'x': 1620, 'y': 855, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 1580, 'y': 855, 'p': [98, -1, 139, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 99, 'x': 1620, 'y': 755, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 1581, 'y': 755, 'p': [99, -1, 140, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 100, 'x': 1620, 'y': 655, 'a': -270}, {'id': 101, 'x': 1520, 'y': 1155, 'a': -360}, {'id': 102, 'x': 1520, 'y': 1255, 'a': -360}, {'id': 103, 'x': 1620, 'y': 1255, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 1623, 'y': 1219, 'p': [-1, 110, 114, 104, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 104, 'x': 1620, 'y': 1155, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 1622, 'y': 1122, 'p': [-1, -1, 131, 108, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 105, 'x': 1704, 'y': 1301, 'a': -57, 's': {'x': 1696, 'y': 1354, 'p': [-1, -1, 106, -1, 116, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 107, 'x': 1788, 'y': 1347, 'a': -360}, {'id': 108, 'x': 2006, 'y': 1347, 'a': -360}, {'id': 109, 'x': 1676, 'y': 1172, 'a': -34}, {'id': 110, 'x': 1733, 'y': 1189, 'a': -360}, {'id': 111, 'x': 1676, 'y': 1238, 'a': -326}, {'id': 112, 'x': 1733, 'y': 1221, 'a': 0}, {'id': 113, 'x': 2184, 'y': 1221, 'a': 0}, {'id': 114, 'x': 2145, 'y': 1189, 'a': -360}, {'id': 115, 'x': 1751, 'y': 1255, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 1749, 'y': 1291, 'p': [-1, -1, 127, 124, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 117, 'x': 1895, 'y': 1405, 'a': 0}, {'id': 118, 'x': 2292, 'y': 1405, 'a': 0}, {'id': 119, 'x': 2392, 'y': 1305, 'a': -270}, {'id': 123, 'x': 2293, 'y': 1347, 'a': -360}, {'id': 124, 'x': 2393, 'y': 1247, 'a': -270}, {'id': 125, 'x': 1812, 'y': 1276, 'a': -38}, {'id': 126, 'x': 1873, 'y': 1297, 'a': 0}, {'id': 127, 'x': 2332, 'y': 1297, 'a': 0}, {'id': 128, 'x': 2166, 'y': 1255, 'a': -360}, {'id': 129, 'x': 2334, 'y': 1255, 'a': -360}, {'id': 130, 'x': 2335, 'y': 1221, 'a': 0}, {'id': 131, 'x': 2335, 'y': 1189, 'a': -360}, {'id': 132, 'x': 2030, 'y': 1155, 'a': -360}, {'id': 133, 'x': 1676, 'y': 1138, 'a': -326}, {'id': 134, 'x': 1733, 'y': 1121, 'a': 0}, {'id': 135, 'x': 2054, 'y': 1121, 'a': 0}, {'id': 136, 'x': 2336, 'y': 1155, 'a': -360}, {'id': 137, 'x': 2338, 'y': 1121, 'a': 0}, {'id': 138, 'x': 2393, 'y': 896, 'a': -270}, {'id': 139, 'x': 1720, 'y': 855, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 1722, 'y': 889, 'p': [-1, 146, -1, 141, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 140, 'x': 1720, 'y': 755, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 1721, 'y': 786, 'p': [-1, 145, 171, 142, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 141, 'x': 1720, 'y': 655, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 1721, 'y': 688, 'p': [-1, 144, 172, 143, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 142, 'x': 1776, 'y': 872, 'a': -34}, {'id': 143, 'x': 1776, 'y': 772, 'a': -34}, {'id': 144, 'x': 1776, 'y': 672, 'a': -34}, {'id': 145, 'x': 1776, 'y': 638, 'a': -326}, {'id': 146, 'x': 1776, 'y': 738, 'a': -326}, {'id': 147, 'x': 1776, 'y': 838, 'a': -326}, {'id': 148, 'x': 1833, 'y': 621, 'a': 0}, {'id': 149, 'x': 1833, 'y': 689, 'a': -360}, {'id': 150, 'x': 1833, 'y': 721, 'a': 0}, {'id': 151, 'x': 1833, 'y': 789, 'a': -360}, {'id': 152, 'x': 1833, 'y': 821, 'a': 0}, {'id': 153, 'x': 1833, 'y': 889, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 1832, 'y': 923, 'p': [-1, -1, 153, 160, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 154, 'x': 1933, 'y': 889, 'a': -360, 's': {'x': 1943, 'y': 857, 'p': [-1, -1, 165, -1, 167, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 155, 'x': 2148, 'y': 821, 'a': 0}, {'id': 156, 'x': 2148, 'y': 789, 'a': -360}, {'id': 157, 'x': 2148, 'y': 721, 'a': 0}, {'id': 158, 'x': 2213, 'y': 689, 'a': -360}, {'id': 159, 'x': 2148, 'y': 621, 'a': 0}, {'id': 161, 'x': 1965, 'y': 962, 'a': -58, 's': {'x': 1922, 'y': 973, 'p': [-1, -1, 162, 161, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 162, 'x': 2152, 'y': 1067, 'a': 0}, {'id': 163, 'x': 2051, 'y': 1009, 'a': -360}, {'id': 164, 'x': 2344, 'y': 1009, 'a': -360}, {'id': 165, 'x': 2341, 'y': 1067, 'a': 0}, {'id': 166, 'x': 2347, 'y': 889, 'a': -360}, {'id': 168, 'x': 2005, 'y': 919, 'a': -46}, {'id': 169, 'x': 2077, 'y': 950, 'a': 0}, {'id': 170, 'x': 2346, 'y': 950, 'a': 0}, {'id': 171, 'x': 2294, 'y': 621, 'a': 0}, {'id': 172, 'x': 2073, 'y': 755, 'a': -360}, {'id': 173, 'x': 2073, 'y': 655, 'a': -360}, {'id': 174, 'x': 2393, 'y': 630, 'a': -270}, {'id': 175, 'x': 2393, 'y': 455, 'a': -270}, {'id': 176, 'x': 2293, 'y': 355, 'a': -180}, {'id': 177, 'x': 1720, 'y': 555, 'a': -360}, {'id': 178, 'x': 2101, 'y': 555, 'a': -360}, {'id': 179, 'x': 2201, 'y': 455, 'a': -270}, {'id': 180, 'x': 2101, 'y': 355, 'a': -180}, {'id': 183, 'x': 2352, 'y': 655, 'a': -360}, {'id': 184, 'x': 2394, 'y': 521, 'a': -270}, {'id': 187, 'x': 2353, 'y': 689, 'a': -360}, {'id': 188, 'x': 2351, 'y': 721, 'a': 0}, {'id': 189, 'x': 2347, 'y': 755, 'a': -360}, {'id': 190, 'x': 2346, 'y': 789, 'a': -360}, {'id': 191, 'x': 2346, 'y': 821, 'a': 0}, {'id': 192, 'x': 2001, 'y': 355, 'a': -180}, {'id': 193, 'x': 1886, 'y': 445, 'a': -104}, {'id': 194, 'x': 1771, 'y': 534, 'a': -180}, {'id': 195, 'x': 1671, 'y': 534, 'a': -180}, {'id': 196, 'x': 1571, 'y': 634, 'a': -90}, {'id': 197, 'x': 1471, 'y': 734, 'a': -180}, {'id': 198, 'x': 1175, 'y': 734, 'a': -180}, {'id': 199, 'x': 1070, 'y': 790, 'a': -124}, {'id': 200, 'x': 937, 'y': 861, 'a': -180}, {'id': 201, 'x': 720, 'y': 861, 'a': -180}, {'id': 202, 'x': 603, 'y': 773, 'a': -254}, {'id': 203, 'x': 486, 'y': 685, 'a': -180}, {'id': 205, 'x': 248, 'y': 685, 'a': -180}, {'id': 206, 'x': 148, 'y': 585, 'a': -270}, {'id': 207, 'x': 148, 'y': 298, 'a': -270}, {'id': 208, 'x': 248, 'y': 198, 'a': -360}, {'id': 209, 'x': 348, 'y': 198, 'a': -360}, {'id': 210, 'x': 476, 'y': 244, 'a': -39}, {'id': 211, 'x': 613, 'y': 277, 'a': -348}, {'id': 212, 'x': 751, 'y': 248, 'a': -348}, {'id': 213, 'x': 813, 'y': 253, 'a': -21}, {'id': 215, 'x': 956, 'y': 251, 'a': -338}, {'id': 216, 'x': 1152, 'y': 294, 'a': -47}, {'id': 217, 'x': 1293, 'y': 299, 'a': -317}, {'id': 218, 'x': 1480, 'y': 124, 'a': -317}, {'id': 219, 'x': 1623, 'y': 68, 'a': 0}, {'id': 220, 'x': 1990, 'y': 68, 'a': 0}, {'id': 221, 'x': 2436, 'y': 68, 'a': 0}, {'id': 222, 'x': 2926, 'y': 68, 'a': 0}, {'id': 224, 'x': 3038, 'y': 68, 'a': 0}, {'id': 225, 'x': 3140, 'y': 219, 'a': -112}, {'id': 226, 'x': 3085, 'y': 355, 'a': -112}, {'id': 227, 'x': 2969, 'y': 452, 'a': -168}, {'id': 228, 'x': 2790, 'y': 490, 'a': -168}, {'id': 229, 'x': 2674, 'y': 515, 'a': -168}, {'id': 230, 'x': 2597, 'y': 634, 'a': -78}, {'id': 231, 'x': 2717, 'y': 716, 'a': -351}, {'id': 232, 'x': 3181, 'y': 642, 'a': -351}, {'id': 234, 'x': 3296, 'y': 547, 'a': -290}, {'id': 235, 'x': 3363, 'y': 362, 'a': -290}, {'id': 236, 'x': 3592, 'y': 201, 'a': -360}, {'id': 237, 'x': 4035, 'y': 201, 'a': -360}, {'id': 238, 'x': 4135, 'y': 301, 'a': -90}, {'id': 239, 'x': 4135, 'y': 593, 'a': -90}, {'id': 240, 'x': 4135, 'y': 659, 'a': -90}, {'id': 241, 'x': 4235, 'y': 759, 'a': 0, 's': {'x': 4235, 'y': 719, 'p': [242, -1, 241, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 242, 'x': 4335, 'y': 759, 'a': 0}, {'id': 243, 'x': 4335, 'y': 659, 'a': -270}, {'id': 244, 'x': 4335, 'y': 559, 'a': -270}, {'id': 245, 'x': 4435, 'y': 459, 'a': -360}, {'id': 246, 'x': 4535, 'y': 459, 'a': -360}, {'id': 261, 'x': 4884, 'y': 759, 'a': 0}, {'id': 262, 'x': 4984, 'y': 659, 'a': -270}, {'id': 267, 'x': 4635, 'y': 359, 'a': -270}, {'id': 268, 'x': 4635, 'y': 259, 'a': -270}, {'id': 269, 'x': 4535, 'y': 159, 'a': -180}, {'id': 270, 'x': 4466, 'y': 159, 'a': -180}, {'id': 271, 'x': 4366, 'y': 259, 'a': -90}, {'id': 275, 'x': 4266, 'y': 359, 'a': -180}, {'id': 276, 'x': 4166, 'y': 259, 'a': -270}, {'id': 277, 'x': 4166, 'y': 159, 'a': -270}, {'id': 278, 'x': 4266, 'y': 59, 'a': -360}, {'id': 279, 'x': 4582, 'y': 59, 'a': -360}, {'id': 281, 'x': 4682, 'y': 159, 'a': -90}, {'id': 282, 'x': 4682, 'y': 659, 'a': -90}, {'id': 283, 'x': 4782, 'y': 759, 'a': 0}]; = [{'id': 1, 's': 1, 'e': 2}, {'id': 10000, 's': 10000, 'e': 9999}, {'id': 2, 's': 2, 'e': 3}, {'id': 3, 's': 3, 'e': 4, 'r': 256, 'd': -1, 'l': 346}, {'id': 4, 's': 4, 'e': 5, 'r': 592, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 5, 's': 4, 'e': 6, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 104}, {'id': 6, 's': 6, 'e': 7, 'r': 212, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 8, 's': 7, 'e': 9}, {'id': 9, 's': 9, 'e': 10, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 91}, {'id': 10, 's': 10, 'e': 11, 'r': 122, 'd': -1, 'l': 330}, {'id': 11, 's': 5, 'e': 12, 'r': 207, 'd': -1, 'l': 115}, {'id': 12, 's': 12, 'e': 13}, {'id': 14, 's': 13, 'e': 15, 'r': 203, 'd': -1, 'l': 107}, {'id': 16, 's': 15, 'e': 17, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 246}, {'id': 17, 's': 17, 'e': 18, 'r': 123, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 18, 's': 18, 'e': 19}, {'id': 19, 's': 19, 'e': 20, 'r': 101, 'd': 1, 'l': 152}, {'id': 20, 's': 20, 'e': 21}, {'id': 21, 's': 11, 'e': 22, 'r': 147, 'd': 1, 'l': 353}, {'id': 22, 's': 22, 'e': 23, 'r': 184, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 23, 's': 23, 'e': 24, 'r': 151, 'd': 1, 'l': 198}, {'id': 24, 's': 21, 'e': 24}, {'id': 26, 's': 24, 'e': 27}, {'id': 27, 's': 27, 'e': 28, 'r': 137, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 28, 's': 28, 'e': 29, 'r': 133, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 29, 's': 29, 'e': 30}, {'id': 30, 's': 30, 'e': 31, 'r': 116, 'd': -1, 'l': 156}, {'id': 31, 's': 31, 'e': 32, 'r': 121, 'd': 1, 'l': 187}, {'id': 32, 's': 32, 'e': 33}, {'id': 33, 's': 33, 'e': 34, 'r': 116, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 34, 's': 34, 'e': 35}, {'id': 35, 's': 35, 'e': 36, 'r': 127, 'd': -1, 'l': 367}, {'id': 36, 's': 36, 'e': 37, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 133}, {'id': 37, 's': 37, 'e': 38}, {'id': 41, 's': 38, 'e': 42, 'r': 252, 'd': -1, 'l': 163}, {'id': 45, 's': 42, 'e': 46, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 94}, {'id': 46, 's': 46, 'e': 47, 'r': 177, 'd': -1, 'l': 107}, {'id': 47, 's': 47, 'e': 48}, {'id': 48, 's': 48, 'e': 49}, {'id': 49, 's': 49, 'e': 50, 'r': 489, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 53, 's': 50, 'e': 54, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 88}, {'id': 54, 's': 54, 'e': 55, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 87}, {'id': 55, 's': 55, 'e': 56}, {'id': 56, 's': 56, 'e': 57, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 74}, {'id': 57, 's': 57, 'e': 58, 'r': 106, 'd': 1, 'l': 244}, {'id': 58, 's': 58, 'e': 59}, {'id': 59, 's': 59, 'e': 60}, {'id': 60, 's': 60, 'e': 61, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 61, 's': 61, 'e': 62}, {'id': 62, 's': 62, 'e': 63, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 49}, {'id': 63, 's': 63, 'e': 64, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 107}, {'id': 64, 's': 64, 'e': 65, 'r': 254, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 65, 's': 65, 'e': 66}, {'id': 66, 's': 66, 'e': 67, 'r': 271, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 67, 's': 67, 'e': 68, 'r': 123, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 68, 's': 68, 'e': 69, 'r': 169, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 69, 's': 69, 'e': 70, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 158}, {'id': 70, 's': 70, 'e': 71}, {'id': 71, 's': 71, 'e': 72, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 72, 's': 72, 'e': 73}, {'id': 74, 's': 73, 'e': 75, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 75, 's': 75, 'e': 76}, {'id': 76, 's': 76, 'e': 77}, {'id': 77, 's': 77, 'e': 78}, {'id': 78, 's': 78, 'e': 79}, {'id': 79, 's': 79, 'e': 80, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 87, 's': 80, 'e': 88}, {'id': 88, 's': 88, 'e': 89}, {'id': 95, 's': 89, 'e': 96, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 96, 's': 96, 'e': 97, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 97, 's': 97, 'e': 98}, {'id': 98, 's': 98, 'e': 99}, {'id': 99, 's': 99, 'e': 100}, {'id': 100, 's': 88, 'e': 101, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 101, 's': 80, 'e': 102, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 102, 's': 102, 'e': 103}, {'id': 103, 's': 101, 'e': 104}, {'id': 104, 's': 103, 'e': 105, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 100}, {'id': 106, 's': 105, 'e': 107, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 100}, {'id': 107, 's': 107, 'e': 108}, {'id': 108, 's': 104, 'e': 109, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 109, 's': 109, 'e': 110, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 110, 's': 103, 'e': 111, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 111, 's': 111, 'e': 112, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 112, 's': 112, 'e': 113}, {'id': 113, 's': 110, 'e': 114}, {'id': 114, 's': 103, 'e': 115}, {'id': 116, 's': 105, 'e': 117, 'r': 229, 'd': 1, 'l': 227}, {'id': 117, 's': 117, 'e': 118}, {'id': 118, 's': 118, 'e': 119, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 121, 's': 119, 'e': 124}, {'id': 122, 's': 108, 'e': 123}, {'id': 123, 's': 123, 'e': 124, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 124, 's': 115, 'e': 125, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 66}, {'id': 125, 's': 125, 'e': 126, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 66}, {'id': 126, 's': 126, 'e': 127}, {'id': 127, 's': 115, 'e': 128}, {'id': 128, 's': 128, 'e': 129}, {'id': 129, 's': 113, 'e': 130}, {'id': 130, 's': 114, 'e': 131}, {'id': 131, 's': 104, 'e': 132}, {'id': 132, 's': 104, 'e': 133, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 133, 's': 133, 'e': 134, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 134, 's': 134, 'e': 135}, {'id': 135, 's': 132, 'e': 136}, {'id': 136, 's': 135, 'e': 137}, {'id': 137, 's': 124, 'e': 138}, {'id': 138, 's': 97, 'e': 139, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 139, 's': 98, 'e': 140, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 140, 's': 99, 'e': 141, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 141, 's': 139, 'e': 142, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 142, 's': 140, 'e': 143, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 143, 's': 141, 'e': 144, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 144, 's': 141, 'e': 145, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 145, 's': 140, 'e': 146, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 146, 's': 139, 'e': 147, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 147, 's': 145, 'e': 148, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 148, 's': 144, 'e': 149, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 149, 's': 146, 'e': 150, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 150, 's': 143, 'e': 151, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 151, 's': 147, 'e': 152, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 152, 's': 142, 'e': 153, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 153, 's': 153, 'e': 154}, {'id': 154, 's': 152, 'e': 155}, {'id': 155, 's': 151, 'e': 156}, {'id': 156, 's': 150, 'e': 157}, {'id': 157, 's': 149, 'e': 158}, {'id': 158, 's': 148, 'e': 159}, {'id': 160, 's': 153, 'e': 161, 'r': 155, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 161, 's': 161, 'e': 162, 'r': 223, 'd': 1, 'l': 224}, {'id': 162, 's': 161, 'e': 163, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 102}, {'id': 163, 's': 163, 'e': 164}, {'id': 164, 's': 162, 'e': 165}, {'id': 165, 's': 154, 'e': 166}, {'id': 167, 's': 154, 'e': 168, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 80}, {'id': 168, 's': 168, 'e': 169, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 80}, {'id': 169, 's': 169, 'e': 170}, {'id': 170, 's': 159, 'e': 171}, {'id': 171, 's': 140, 'e': 172}, {'id': 172, 's': 141, 'e': 173}, {'id': 173, 's': 138, 'e': 174}, {'id': 174, 's': 174, 'e': 175}, {'id': 175, 's': 175, 'e': 176, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 176, 's': 100, 'e': 177, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 177, 's': 177, 'e': 178}, {'id': 178, 's': 178, 'e': 179, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 179, 's': 179, 'e': 180, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 180, 's': 176, 'e': 180}, {'id': 182, 's': 173, 'e': 183}, {'id': 183, 's': 171, 'e': 184, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 184, 's': 184, 'e': 175}, {'id': 186, 's': 158, 'e': 187}, {'id': 187, 's': 157, 'e': 188}, {'id': 188, 's': 172, 'e': 189}, {'id': 189, 's': 156, 'e': 190}, {'id': 190, 's': 155, 'e': 191}, {'id': 191, 's': 180, 'e': 192}, {'id': 192, 's': 192, 'e': 193, 'r': 118, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 193, 's': 193, 'e': 194, 'r': 118, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 194, 's': 194, 'e': 195}, {'id': 195, 's': 195, 'e': 196, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 196, 's': 196, 'e': 197, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 197, 's': 197, 'e': 198}, {'id': 198, 's': 198, 'e': 199, 'r': 127, 'd': 1, 'l': 124}, {'id': 199, 's': 199, 'e': 200, 'r': 162, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 200, 's': 200, 'e': 201}, {'id': 201, 's': 201, 'e': 202, 'r': 121, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 202, 's': 202, 'e': 203, 'r': 121, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 204, 's': 203, 'e': 205}, {'id': 205, 's': 205, 'e': 206, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 206, 's': 206, 'e': 207}, {'id': 207, 's': 207, 'e': 208, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 208, 's': 208, 'e': 209}, {'id': 209, 's': 209, 'e': 210, 'r': 203, 'd': -1, 'l': 139}, {'id': 210, 's': 210, 'e': 211, 'r': 165, 'd': 1, 'l': 146}, {'id': 211, 's': 211, 'e': 212}, {'id': 212, 's': 212, 'e': 213, 'r': 108, 'd': -1, 'l': 63}, {'id': 214, 's': 213, 'e': 215, 'r': 193, 'd': 1, 'l': 146}, {'id': 215, 's': 215, 'e': 216, 'r': 177, 'd': -1, 'l': 213}, {'id': 216, 's': 216, 'e': 217, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 217, 's': 217, 'e': 218}, {'id': 218, 's': 218, 'e': 219, 'r': 207, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 219, 's': 219, 'e': 220}, {'id': 220, 's': 220, 'e': 221}, {'id': 221, 's': 221, 'e': 222}, {'id': 223, 's': 222, 'e': 224}, {'id': 224, 's': 224, 'e': 225, 'r': 110, 'd': -1, 'l': 215}, {'id': 225, 's': 225, 'e': 226}, {'id': 226, 's': 226, 'e': 227, 'r': 161, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 227, 's': 227, 'e': 228}, {'id': 228, 's': 228, 'e': 229}, {'id': 229, 's': 229, 'e': 230, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 230, 's': 230, 'e': 231, 'r': 105, 'd': 1, 'l': 160}, {'id': 231, 's': 231, 'e': 232}, {'id': 233, 's': 232, 'e': 234, 'r': 147, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 234, 's': 234, 'e': 235}, {'id': 235, 's': 235, 'e': 236, 'r': 245, 'd': -1, 'l': 298}, {'id': 236, 's': 236, 'e': 237}, {'id': 237, 's': 237, 'e': 238, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 238, 's': 238, 'e': 239}, {'id': 239, 's': 239, 'e': 240}, {'id': 240, 's': 240, 'e': 241, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 241, 's': 241, 'e': 242}, {'id': 242, 's': 241, 'e': 243, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 243, 's': 243, 'e': 244}, {'id': 244, 's': 244, 'e': 245, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 245, 's': 245, 'e': 246}, {'id': 260, 's': 242, 'e': 261}, {'id': 261, 's': 261, 'e': 262, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 265, 's': 262, 'e': 9999, 'eo': 1}, {'id': 266, 's': 246, 'e': 267, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 267, 's': 267, 'e': 268}, {'id': 268, 's': 268, 'e': 269, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 269, 's': 269, 'e': 270}, {'id': 270, 's': 270, 'e': 271, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 274, 's': 271, 'e': 275, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 275, 's': 275, 'e': 276, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 276, 's': 276, 'e': 277}, {'id': 277, 's': 277, 'e': 278, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 278, 's': 278, 'e': 279}, {'id': 280, 's': 279, 'e': 281, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 281, 's': 281, 'e': 282}, {'id': 282, 's': 282, 'e': 283, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 283, 's': 283, 'e': 261}]; }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3277 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel9 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel9) { var v1 = function () { this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Destroy all enemy units', 'type': 'AllGrounds'}, {'id': 2, 'text': 'Destroy all Industry', 'type': 'AllIndustry'}, {'id': 3, 'text': 'Destroy all trains at the central train depot', 'type': 'AllStaticTrains'}, {'id': 4, 'text': 'Destroy the wartrain before it is out of reach', 'type': 'AllTrains'}, {'id': 5, 'text': 'Take down the 21 enemy air units', 'type': 'AllAirs'}, {'id': 6, 'text': 'Take over the 5 enemy airfields with propaganda', 'type': 'AllAirfields'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.nightmap = true; this.startcash = 46500; this.levelpoints = 20000; this.train = [{'loc': 'Dragon', 'speed': 1.5}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer'}, {'wagon': 'Wagon3', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'MediumCannon']}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'SmallFastCannon']}]; this.statictrains = [{'segments': [{'loc': 'SuperChief', 'x': 363, 'y': 6230, 'r': 90}]}, {'segments': [{'loc': 'SuperChief', 'x': 514, 'y': 6230, 'r': 90}]}, {'segments': [{'loc': 'SuperChief', 'x': 664, 'y': 6230, 'r': 90}]}, {'segments': [{'loc': 'SuperChief', 'x': 813, 'y': 6274, 'r': 90}, {'wagon': 'PassengerArmored', 'x': 813, 'y': 6159, 'r': 90}]}, {'segments': [{'loc': 'SuperChief', 'x': 654, 'y': 7131, 'r': -90}, {'wagon': 'PassengerArmored', 'x': 654, 'y': 7242, 'r': -90}, {'wagon': 'PassengerArmored', 'x': 654, 'y': 7294, 'r': -90}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'x': 654, 'y': 7340, 'r': -90, 'weapons': [{'type': 'MediumCannon', 'x': 654, 'y': 7349}]}]}, {'segments': [{'loc': 'SuperChief', 'x': 821, 'y': 7141, 'r': -90}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer', 'x': 821, 'y': 7262, 'r': -90}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer', 'x': 821, 'y': 7341, 'r': -90}]}]; this.ea = [{'x': 1383, 'y': 238, 'w': 242, 'h': 59, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt', 'ah']}, {'x': 1339, 'y': 103, 'w': 20, 'h': 353, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 1375, 'y': 415, 'w': 429, 'h': 31, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 1563, 'y': 67, 'w': 56, 'h': 133, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 720, 'y': 289, 'w': 20, 'h': 852, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 772, 'y': 255, 'w': 20, 'h': 945, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 810, 'y': 241, 'w': 20, 'h': 1008, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 654, 'y': 1172, 'w': 84, 'h': 115, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 613, 'y': 472, 'w': 89, 'h': 131, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 579, 'y': 770, 'w': 102, 'h': 75, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gd']}, {'x': 577, 'y': 188, 'w': 102, 'h': 81, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gd']}, {'x': 1065, 'y': 773, 'w': 125, 'h': 120, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'ah']}, {'x': 935, 'y': 536, 'w': 275, 'h': 94, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el', 'pt', 'pt']}, {'x': 982, 'y': 240, 'w': 88, 'h': 232, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt', 'pt']}, {'x': 102, 'y': 1053, 'w': 118, 'h': 101, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 259, 'y': 694, 'w': 20, 'h': 408, 'e': ['ah', 'ah']}, {'x': 13, 'y': 525, 'w': 131, 'h': 106, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 236, 'y': 450, 'w': 119, 'h': 156, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'ah']}, {'x': 246, 'y': 1227, 'w': 99, 'h': 95, 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 59, 'y': 1237, 'w': 97, 'h': 92, 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 496, 'y': 5000, 'w': 86, 'h': 89, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj']}, {'x': 465, 'y': 4569, 'w': 75, 'h': 78, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj']}, {'x': 373, 'y': 7006, 'w': 20, 'h': 418, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 472, 'y': 7005, 'w': 20, 'h': 414, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pn']}, {'x': 275, 'y': 7004, 'w': 20, 'h': 419, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 171, 'y': 7005, 'w': 20, 'h': 406, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 576, 'y': 7009, 'w': 20, 'h': 399, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 679, 'y': 7007, 'w': 20, 'h': 395, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 777, 'y': 7012, 'w': 20, 'h': 386, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 878, 'y': 6997, 'w': 20, 'h': 414, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 70, 'y': 7471, 'w': 895, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 1051, 'y': 2703, 'w': 20, 'h': 402, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 1159, 'y': 5426, 'w': 280, 'h': 268, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'ah', 'el', 'el', 'aj']}, {'x': 1621, 'y': 6936, 'w': 86, 'h': 84, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gd']}, {'x': 1808, 'y': 7375, 'w': 91, 'h': 95, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1577, 'y': 6575, 'w': 20, 'h': 437, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 1614, 'y': 6462, 'w': 90, 'h': 92, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 1602, 'y': 6302, 'w': 109, 'h': 97, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 1494, 'y': 7226, 'w': 142, 'h': 143, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt', 'pt']}, {'x': 1428, 'y': 7004, 'w': 108, 'h': 109, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 1236, 'y': 6479, 'w': 93, 'h': 92, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1033, 'y': 6469, 'w': 102, 'h': 103, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1721, 'y': 2790, 'w': 100, 'h': 100, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj']}, {'x': 1670, 'y': 2419, 'w': 88, 'h': 93, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['aj']}, {'x': 182, 'y': 3344, 'w': 105, 'h': 109, 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 296, 'y': 3365, 'w': 210, 'h': 82, 'e': ['pt', 'pt']}, {'x': 319, 'y': 3177, 'w': 124, 'h': 91, 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 61, 'y': 3453, 'w': 77, 'h': 113, 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 490, 'y': 3219, 'w': 102, 'h': 115, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 315, 'y': 3279, 'w': 147, 'h': 74, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 16, 'y': 2892, 'w': 421, 'h': 98, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'ah', 'ah', 'ah', 'ah']}, {'x': 515, 'y': 3349, 'w': 118, 'h': 126, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 351, 'y': 3458, 'w': 154, 'h': 121, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 262, 'y': 3461, 'w': 77, 'h': 186, 'e': ['ah', 'el']}, {'x': 178, 'y': 3487, 'w': 72, 'h': 136, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 105, 'y': 3593, 'w': 61, 'h': 163, 'e': ['rt']}]; = [{'x': 136, 'y': 883, 'r': 79, 'h': 0}, {'x': 1604, 'y': 696, 'r': -24, 'h': 1450, 'e': ['ms', 'ms', 'wh', 'wh', 'ap', 'ap', 'ap']}, {'x': 1075, 'y': 1167, 'r': 19, 'h': 1300, 'e': ['fw', 'fw', 'ms', 'ms', 'ms', 'ap', 'ap']}, {'x': 1162, 'y': 6698, 'r': 0, 'h': 1400, 'e': ['ms', 'ms']}, {'x': 487, 'y': 4872, 'r': 129, 'h': 400, 'e': ['bh']}, {'x': 916, 'y': 2877, 'r': -90, 'h': 400, 'e': ['ms', 'ms', 'ap', 'ap']}]; this.bk = [{'x': 51, 'y': 3689, 'r': -37, 's': 93}, {'x': 94, 'y': 3920, 'r': -11, 's': 84}, {'x': 91, 'y': 4122, 'r': -1, 's': 76}, {'x': 82, 'y': 4267, 'r': -10, 's': 96}, {'x': 91, 'y': 4404, 'r': 3, 's': 92}, {'x': 86, 'y': 4703, 'r': -21, 's': 93}]; this.rb = []; = [{'x': 1566, 'y': 354, 'r': 0, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1693, 'y': 355, 'r': 0, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1419, 'y': 358, 'r': 0, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1271, 'y': 224, 'r': -22, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 1449, 'y': 136, 'r': 0, 't': 'i4'}, {'x': 1720, 'y': 161, 'r': 17, 't': 'i4'}, {'x': 1824, 'y': 354, 'r': 0, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 921, 'y': 774, 'r': -30, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 1081, 'y': 697, 'r': 9, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1206, 'y': 732, 'r': 9, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1003, 'y': 855, 'r': -34, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 601, 'y': 700, 'r': -88, 't': 'i5'}, {'x': 605, 'y': 940, 'r': -96, 't': 'i5'}, {'x': 621, 'y': 394, 'r': -85, 't': 'i5'}, {'x': 573, 'y': 1129, 'r': 0, 't': 'o4'}, {'x': 1274, 'y': 379, 'r': 0, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 1269, 'y': 528, 'r': 0, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 1132, 'y': 300, 'r': 0, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 1136, 'y': 440, 'r': 0, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 1447, 'y': 5241, 'r': 180, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1325, 'y': 5351, 'r': 0, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1208, 'y': 5238, 'r': 180, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1088, 'y': 5359, 'r': 0, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1517, 'y': 5429, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 1510, 'y': 5552, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 1510, 'y': 5692, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 1666, 'y': 7132, 'r': 91, 't': 'i5'}, {'x': 1713, 'y': 6694, 'r': 132, 't': 'i5'}, {'x': 1794, 'y': 6424, 'r': 130, 't': 'i5'}, {'x': 1586, 'y': 2565, 'r': -48, 't': 'o2'}, {'x': 1653, 'y': 2685, 'r': 0, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 1657, 'y': 2894, 'r': -50, 't': 'o4'}, {'x': 1733, 'y': 2581, 'r': -64, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 1793, 'y': 2718, 'r': 0, 't': 'o1'}]; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel9 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel9.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3278 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.mapid = 3; this.title = 'default'; this.rc = [{'id': 1, 'x': 200, 'y': 20, 'a': 270}, {'id': 2, 'x': 200, 'y': 320, 'a': 270}, {'id': 9999, 'x': 1452, 'y': 7430, 'a': 90}, {'id': 10000, 'x': 1452, 'y': 7630, 'a': 90}, {'id': 3, 'x': 200, 'y': 559, 'a': 270, 's': {'x': 240, 'y': 559, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 3, -1, 4, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 4, 'x': 289, 'y': 658, 'a': -6}, {'id': 5, 'x': 111, 'y': 658, 'a': -174}, {'id': 6, 'x': 22, 'y': 768, 'a': -84}, {'id': 7, 'x': 378, 'y': 768, 'a': -96}, {'id': 8, 'x': 344, 'y': 1089, 'a': -96}, {'id': 9, 'x': 56, 'y': 1089, 'a': -84}, {'id': 11, 'x': 286, 'y': 1170, 'a': -156}, {'id': 12, 'x': 114, 'y': 1170, 'a': -24}, {'id': 14, 'x': 200, 'y': 1301, 'a': -90}, {'id': 15, 'x': 200, 'y': 1604, 'a': -90}, {'id': 17, 'x': 116, 'y': 1752, 'a': -149, 's': {'x': 105, 'y': 1809, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 19, -1, 17, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 18, 'x': 41, 'y': 1884, 'a': -90}, {'id': 19, 'x': 41, 'y': 2300, 'a': -90}, {'id': 20, 'x': 174, 'y': 1937, 'a': -356}, {'id': 21, 'x': 324, 'y': 2150, 'a': -114}, {'id': 22, 'x': 343, 'y': 2298, 'a': -51}, {'id': 23, 'x': 338, 'y': 2450, 'a': -133}, {'id': 24, 'x': 337, 'y': 2704, 'a': -48}, {'id': 25, 'x': 360, 'y': 2851, 'a': -114}, {'id': 26, 'x': 401, 'y': 3022, 'a': -39}, {'id': 28, 'x': 461, 'y': 3161, 'a': -94}, {'id': 29, 'x': 813, 'y': 3173, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 774, 'y': 3173, 'p': [29, -1, 30, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 30, 'x': 813, 'y': 2913, 'a': -270}, {'id': 31, 'x': 913, 'y': 3073, 'a': -360}, {'id': 32, 'x': 813, 'y': 2615, 'a': -270}, {'id': 33, 'x': 813, 'y': 2332, 'a': -270}, {'id': 39, 'x': 813, 'y': 1922, 'a': -270}, {'id': 40, 'x': 813, 'y': 1692, 'a': -270}, {'id': 41, 'x': 913, 'y': 1592, 'a': -360}, {'id': 42, 'x': 1167, 'y': 1592, 'a': -360}, {'id': 44, 'x': 1243, 'y': 1628, 'a': -50}, {'id': 45, 'x': 1319, 'y': 1664, 'a': 0}, {'id': 46, 'x': 1419, 'y': 1664, 'a': 0}, {'id': 47, 'x': 1495, 'y': 1628, 'a': -310}, {'id': 48, 'x': 1571, 'y': 1592, 'a': -360}, {'id': 51, 'x': 1671, 'y': 1692, 'a': -90}, {'id': 52, 'x': 1671, 'y': 1904, 'a': -90}, {'id': 53, 'x': 1671, 'y': 2004, 'a': -90}, {'id': 54, 'x': 1571, 'y': 2104, 'a': -180}, {'id': 55, 'x': 1471, 'y': 2104, 'a': -180}, {'id': 56, 'x': 1371, 'y': 2004, 'a': -270}, {'id': 57, 'x': 1271, 'y': 1904, 'a': -180}, {'id': 58, 'x': 1171, 'y': 2004, 'a': -90}, {'id': 59, 'x': 1171, 'y': 2104, 'a': -90}, {'id': 60, 'x': 1271, 'y': 2204, 'a': 0}, {'id': 68, 'x': 1382, 'y': 2316, 'a': -90}, {'id': 70, 'x': 1423, 'y': 2397, 'a': -36}, {'id': 71, 'x': 1451, 'y': 2528, 'a': -120}, {'id': 72, 'x': 1488, 'y': 2665, 'a': -30}, {'id': 73, 'x': 1481, 'y': 2865, 'a': -154}, {'id': 74, 'x': 1440, 'y': 3008, 'a': -58}, {'id': 75, 'x': 1456, 'y': 3208, 'a': -113}, {'id': 76, 'x': 1482, 'y': 3364, 'a': -48}, {'id': 77, 'x': 1523, 'y': 3472, 'a': -90}, {'id': 78, 'x': 1523, 'y': 4068, 'a': -90}, {'id': 80, 'x': 1523, 'y': 4341, 'a': -90}, {'id': 81, 'x': 1543, 'y': 4403, 'a': -55}, {'id': 82, 'x': 1493, 'y': 4555, 'a': -162}, {'id': 83, 'x': 1440, 'y': 4704, 'a': -57}, {'id': 84, 'x': 1224, 'y': 4842, 'a': -238}, {'id': 87, 'x': 1013, 'y': 3173, 'a': -90}, {'id': 88, 'x': 1013, 'y': 3568, 'a': -90}, {'id': 89, 'x': 1171, 'y': 4757, 'a': -238}, {'id': 90, 'x': 1033, 'y': 4725, 'a': -148}, {'id': 91, 'x': 595, 'y': 4707, 'a': -217}, {'id': 92, 'x': 937, 'y': 3697, 'a': -151}, {'id': 93, 'x': 469, 'y': 3956, 'a': -151}, {'id': 94, 'x': 352, 'y': 4089, 'a': -112}, {'id': 95, 'x': 293, 'y': 4235, 'a': -112}, {'id': 96, 'x': 311, 'y': 4379, 'a': -54}, {'id': 97, 'x': 389, 'y': 4486, 'a': -54}, {'id': 99, 'x': 455, 'y': 4727, 'a': -127}, {'id': 100, 'x': 395, 'y': 4807, 'a': -127}, {'id': 101, 'x': 335, 'y': 4887, 'a': -127}, {'id': 102, 'x': 355, 'y': 5027, 'a': -37}, {'id': 103, 'x': 435, 'y': 5087, 'a': -37, 's': {'x': 459, 'y': 5055, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 105, -1, 103, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 104, 'x': 455, 'y': 5227, 'a': -127}, {'id': 105, 'x': 289, 'y': 5447, 'a': -127}, {'id': 106, 'x': 650, 'y': 5249, 'a': -37}, {'id': 107, 'x': 309, 'y': 5587, 'a': -37}, {'id': 108, 'x': 329, 'y': 5727, 'a': -127}, {'id': 109, 'x': 349, 'y': 5867, 'a': -37}, {'id': 110, 'x': 489, 'y': 5847, 'a': -307}, {'id': 111, 'x': 549, 'y': 5767, 'a': -307}, {'id': 112, 'x': 755, 'y': 5799, 'a': -71}, {'id': 113, 'x': 882, 'y': 5861, 'a': -341}, {'id': 114, 'x': 977, 'y': 5828, 'a': -341}, {'id': 115, 'x': 1039, 'y': 5701, 'a': -251}, {'id': 116, 'x': 1006, 'y': 5606, 'a': -251}, {'id': 117, 'x': 954, 'y': 5455, 'a': -251}, {'id': 118, 'x': 796, 'y': 5298, 'a': -360}, {'id': 120, 'x': 1067, 'y': 5297, 'a': 0}, {'id': 122, 'x': 1475, 'y': 5297, 'a': 0}, {'id': 123, 'x': 1575, 'y': 5397, 'a': -90}, {'id': 124, 'x': 1575, 'y': 5751, 'a': -90}, {'id': 129, 'x': 1675, 'y': 5851, 'a': 0}, {'id': 130, 'x': 1775, 'y': 5951, 'a': -90}, {'id': 131, 'x': 1775, 'y': 6091, 'a': -90}, {'id': 133, 'x': 1675, 'y': 6191, 'a': -180}, {'id': 134, 'x': 1288, 'y': 6191, 'a': -180}, {'id': 135, 'x': 1188, 'y': 6291, 'a': -90}, {'id': 136, 'x': 1188, 'y': 6511, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 1228, 'y': 6511, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 136, -1, 137, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 137, 'x': 1288, 'y': 6611, 'a': 0}, {'id': 138, 'x': 1088, 'y': 6611, 'a': -180}, {'id': 139, 'x': 988, 'y': 6611, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 956, 'y': 6567, 'p': [166, -1, -1, -1, 165, -1, 139, -1]}}, {'id': 140, 'x': 888, 'y': 6611, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 869, 'y': 6571, 'p': [164, -1, -1, -1, 163, -1, 140, -1]}}, {'id': 141, 'x': 788, 'y': 6611, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 769, 'y': 6571, 'p': [161, -1, -1, -1, 162, -1, 141, -1]}}, {'id': 142, 'x': 688, 'y': 6611, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 667, 'y': 6568, 'p': [159, -1, -1, -1, 160, -1, 142, -1]}}, {'id': 143, 'x': 588, 'y': 6611, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 566, 'y': 6568, 'p': [158, -1, -1, -1, 157, -1, 143, -1]}}, {'id': 144, 'x': 488, 'y': 6611, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 463, 'y': 6566, 'p': [155, -1, -1, -1, 152, -1, 144, -1]}}, {'id': 145, 'x': 388, 'y': 6611, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 363, 'y': 6566, 'p': [154, -1, -1, -1, 151, -1, 145, -1]}}, {'id': 146, 'x': 288, 'y': 6611, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 268, 'y': 6568, 'p': [153, -1, -1, -1, 150, -1, 146, -1]}}, {'id': 147, 'x': 188, 'y': 6611, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 165, 'y': 6571, 'p': [156, -1, -1, -1, 149, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 150, 'x': 88, 'y': 6711, 'a': -90}, {'id': 151, 'x': 188, 'y': 6711, 'a': -90}, {'id': 152, 'x': 288, 'y': 6711, 'a': -90}, {'id': 153, 'x': 388, 'y': 6711, 'a': -90}, {'id': 154, 'x': 188, 'y': 6511, 'a': -270}, {'id': 155, 'x': 288, 'y': 6511, 'a': -270}, {'id': 156, 'x': 388, 'y': 6511, 'a': -270}, {'id': 157, 'x': 88, 'y': 6511, 'a': -270}, {'id': 158, 'x': 488, 'y': 6711, 'a': -90}, {'id': 159, 'x': 488, 'y': 6511, 'a': -270}, {'id': 160, 'x': 588, 'y': 6511, 'a': -270}, {'id': 161, 'x': 588, 'y': 6711, 'a': -90}, {'id': 162, 'x': 688, 'y': 6511, 'a': -270}, {'id': 163, 'x': 688, 'y': 6711, 'a': -90}, {'id': 164, 'x': 788, 'y': 6711, 'a': -90}, {'id': 165, 'x': 788, 'y': 6511, 'a': -270}, {'id': 166, 'x': 888, 'y': 6711, 'a': -90}, {'id': 167, 'x': 888, 'y': 6511, 'a': -270}, {'id': 169, 'x': 88, 'y': 7126, 'a': -90}, {'id': 170, 'x': 188, 'y': 6811, 'a': -90}, {'id': 171, 'x': 288, 'y': 6811, 'a': -90}, {'id': 172, 'x': 888, 'y': 6811, 'a': -90}, {'id': 173, 'x': 788, 'y': 6811, 'a': -90}, {'id': 174, 'x': 688, 'y': 6811, 'a': -90}, {'id': 175, 'x': 588, 'y': 6811, 'a': -90}, {'id': 176, 'x': 488, 'y': 6811, 'a': -90}, {'id': 177, 'x': 488, 'y': 6911, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 528, 'y': 6911, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 237, -1, 245, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 178, 'x': 388, 'y': 6811, 'a': -90}, {'id': 179, 'x': 288, 'y': 6411, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 321, 'y': 6410, 'p': [-1, 284, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 266]}}, {'id': 180, 'x': 188, 'y': 6411, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 221, 'y': 6411, 'p': [-1, 279, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 265]}}, {'id': 181, 'x': 88, 'y': 6151, 'a': -270}, {'id': 182, 'x': 388, 'y': 6411, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 422, 'y': 6410, 'p': [-1, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 267]}}, {'id': 183, 'x': 488, 'y': 6411, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 526, 'y': 6410, 'p': [-1, 293, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 268]}}, {'id': 184, 'x': 588, 'y': 6411, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 623, 'y': 6409, 'p': [-1, 296, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 269]}}, {'id': 185, 'x': 688, 'y': 6411, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 723, 'y': 6408, 'p': [-1, 300, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 270]}}, {'id': 186, 'x': 788, 'y': 6411, 'a': -270, 's': {'x': 823, 'y': 6408, 'p': [-1, 301, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 271]}}, {'id': 187, 'x': 888, 'y': 6151, 'a': -270}, {'id': 189, 'x': 188, 'y': 6911, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 228, 'y': 6911, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 240, -1, 242, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 190, 'x': 288, 'y': 6911, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 328, 'y': 6911, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 239, -1, 243, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 191, 'x': 388, 'y': 6911, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 428, 'y': 6911, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 238, -1, 244, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 192, 'x': 588, 'y': 6911, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 628, 'y': 6911, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 229, -1, 230, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 193, 'x': 688, 'y': 6911, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 728, 'y': 6911, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 225, -1, 227, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 194, 'x': 788, 'y': 6911, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 828, 'y': 6911, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 201, -1, 204, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 195, 'x': 888, 'y': 6911, 'a': -90, 's': {'x': 928, 'y': 6911, 'p': [-1, -1, -1, 195, -1, 198, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 196, 'x': 905, 'y': 6967, 'a': -56}, {'id': 197, 'x': 922, 'y': 7024, 'a': -90}, {'id': 198, 'x': 922, 'y': 7384, 'a': -90}, {'id': 199, 'x': 871, 'y': 6967, 'a': -124}, {'id': 200, 'x': 854, 'y': 7024, 'a': -90}, {'id': 201, 'x': 854, 'y': 7384, 'a': -90}, {'id': 202, 'x': 805, 'y': 6967, 'a': -56}, {'id': 203, 'x': 822, 'y': 7024, 'a': -90}, {'id': 204, 'x': 822, 'y': 7384, 'a': -90}, {'id': 205, 'x': 771, 'y': 6967, 'a': -124}, {'id': 206, 'x': 754, 'y': 7024, 'a': -90}, {'id': 207, 'x': 754, 'y': 7384, 'a': -90}, {'id': 208, 'x': 88, 'y': 7345, 'a': -90}, {'id': 209, 'x': 188, 'y': 7445, 'a': 0}, {'id': 210, 'x': 672, 'y': 7445, 'a': 0}, {'id': 212, 'x': 960, 'y': 7445, 'a': 0}, {'id': 213, 'x': 1060, 'y': 7345, 'a': -270}, {'id': 214, 'x': 1461, 'y': 6754, 'a': -79}, {'id': 215, 'x': 1483, 'y': 6867, 'a': -79}, {'id': 216, 'x': 1537, 'y': 6977, 'a': -48}, {'id': 217, 'x': 1531, 'y': 7141, 'a': -136}, {'id': 218, 'x': 1160, 'y': 7245, 'a': -360}, {'id': 219, 'x': 1352, 'y': 7245, 'a': -360}, {'id': 220, 'x': 1452, 'y': 7345, 'a': -90}, {'id': 221, 'x': 705, 'y': 6967, 'a': -56}, {'id': 222, 'x': 722, 'y': 7024, 'a': -90}, 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7024, 'a': -90}, {'id': 246, 'x': 322, 'y': 7024, 'a': -90}, {'id': 247, 'x': 254, 'y': 7024, 'a': -90}, {'id': 248, 'x': 154, 'y': 7024, 'a': -90}, {'id': 249, 'x': 522, 'y': 7384, 'a': -90}, {'id': 250, 'x': 454, 'y': 7384, 'a': -90}, {'id': 251, 'x': 422, 'y': 7384, 'a': -90}, {'id': 252, 'x': 354, 'y': 7384, 'a': -90}, {'id': 253, 'x': 322, 'y': 7384, 'a': -90}, {'id': 254, 'x': 254, 'y': 7384, 'a': -90}, {'id': 255, 'x': 222, 'y': 7384, 'a': -90}, {'id': 256, 'x': 154, 'y': 7384, 'a': -90}, {'id': 258, 'x': 188, 'y': 6051, 'a': -360}, {'id': 260, 'x': 788, 'y': 6051, 'a': -180}, {'id': 261, 'x': 176, 'y': 6363, 'a': -241}, {'id': 262, 'x': 276, 'y': 6363, 'a': -241}, {'id': 263, 'x': 376, 'y': 6363, 'a': -241}, {'id': 264, 'x': 476, 'y': 6363, 'a': -241}, {'id': 265, 'x': 576, 'y': 6363, 'a': -241}, {'id': 266, 'x': 676, 'y': 6363, 'a': -241}, {'id': 267, 'x': 776, 'y': 6363, 'a': -241}, {'id': 268, 'x': 763, 'y': 6315, 'a': -270}, {'id': 269, 'x': 663, 'y': 6315, 'a': -270}, {'id': 270, 'x': 563, 'y': 6315, 'a': -270}, {'id': 271, 'x': 463, 'y': 6315, 'a': -270}, {'id': 272, 'x': 363, 'y': 6315, 'a': -270}, {'id': 273, 'x': 263, 'y': 6315, 'a': -270}, {'id': 274, 'x': 163, 'y': 6315, 'a': -270}, {'id': 275, 'x': 200, 'y': 6363, 'a': -299}, {'id': 276, 'x': 163, 'y': 6215, 'a': -270}, {'id': 277, 'x': 213, 'y': 6315, 'a': -270}, {'id': 278, 'x': 213, 'y': 6215, 'a': -270}, {'id': 279, 'x': 263, 'y': 6215, 'a': -270}, {'id': 280, 'x': 300, 'y': 6363, 'a': -299}, {'id': 281, 'x': 313, 'y': 6315, 'a': -270}, {'id': 282, 'x': 313, 'y': 6215, 'a': -270}, {'id': 283, 'x': 363, 'y': 6215, 'a': -270}, {'id': 284, 'x': 400, 'y': 6363, 'a': -299}, {'id': 285, 'x': 413, 'y': 6315, 'a': -270}, {'id': 286, 'x': 413, 'y': 6215, 'a': -270}, {'id': 287, 'x': 463, 'y': 6215, 'a': -270}, {'id': 289, 'x': 500, 'y': 6363, 'a': -299}, {'id': 290, 'x': 513, 'y': 6315, 'a': -270}, {'id': 291, 'x': 513, 'y': 6215, 'a': -270}, {'id': 292, 'x': 600, 'y': 6363, 'a': -299}, {'id': 293, 'x': 613, 'y': 6315, 'a': -270}, {'id': 294, 'x': 613, 'y': 6215, 'a': -270}, {'id': 295, 'x': 563, 'y': 6215, 'a': -270}, {'id': 296, 'x': 700, 'y': 6363, 'a': -299}, {'id': 297, 'x': 800, 'y': 6363, 'a': -299}, {'id': 298, 'x': 813, 'y': 6315, 'a': -270}, {'id': 299, 'x': 713, 'y': 6315, 'a': -270}, {'id': 300, 'x': 713, 'y': 6215, 'a': -270}, {'id': 301, 'x': 663, 'y': 6215, 'a': -270}, {'id': 302, 'x': 763, 'y': 6215, 'a': -270}, {'id': 303, 'x': 813, 'y': 6215, 'a': -270}, {'id': 304, 'x': 813, 'y': 6115, 'a': -270}, {'id': 305, 'x': 763, 'y': 6115, 'a': -270}, {'id': 306, 'x': 713, 'y': 6115, 'a': -270}, {'id': 307, 'x': 663, 'y': 6115, 'a': -270}, {'id': 308, 'x': 613, 'y': 6115, 'a': -270}, {'id': 309, 'x': 563, 'y': 6115, 'a': -270}, {'id': 310, 'x': 513, 'y': 6115, 'a': -270}, {'id': 311, 'x': 463, 'y': 6115, 'a': -270}, {'id': 312, 'x': 413, 'y': 6115, 'a': -270}, {'id': 313, 'x': 363, 'y': 6115, 'a': -270}, {'id': 314, 'x': 313, 'y': 6115, 'a': -270}, {'id': 315, 'x': 263, 'y': 6115, 'a': -270}, {'id': 316, 'x': 213, 'y': 6115, 'a': -270}, {'id': 317, 'x': 163, 'y': 6115, 'a': -270}, {'id': 318, 'x': 41, 'y': 2529, 'a': -90}, {'id': 319, 'x': 41, 'y': 2981, 'a': -90}, {'id': 320, 'x': 41, 'y': 3276, 'a': -90}, {'id': 321, 'x': 106, 'y': 3414, 'a': -40}, {'id': 322, 'x': 170, 'y': 3552, 'a': -90}, {'id': 323, 'x': 170, 'y': 3848, 'a': -90}, {'id': 324, 'x': 234, 'y': 3976, 'a': -37}, {'id': 325, 'x': 304, 'y': 4200, 'a': -108}]; = [{'id': 1, 's': 1, 'e': 2}, {'id': 10000, 's': 10000, 'e': 9999}, {'id': 2, 's': 2, 'e': 3}, {'id': 3, 's': 3, 'e': 4, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 146}, {'id': 4, 's': 3, 'e': 5, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 146}, {'id': 5, 's': 5, 'e': 6, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 6, 's': 4, 'e': 7, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 7, 's': 7, 'e': 8}, {'id': 8, 's': 6, 'e': 9}, {'id': 10, 's': 8, 'e': 11, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 104}, {'id': 11, 's': 9, 'e': 12, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 104}, {'id': 12, 's': 11, 'e': 14, 'r': 144, 'd': 1, 'l': 166}, {'id': 13, 's': 12, 'e': 14, 'r': 145, 'd': -1, 'l': 166}, {'id': 14, 's': 14, 'e': 15}, {'id': 16, 's': 15, 'e': 17, 'r': 172, 'd': -1, 'l': 178}, {'id': 17, 's': 17, 'e': 18, 'r': 154, 'd': 1, 'l': 159}, {'id': 18, 's': 18, 'e': 19}, {'id': 19, 's': 17, 'e': 20, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 267}, {'id': 20, 's': 20, 'e': 21, 'r': 152, 'd': -1, 'l': 312}, {'id': 21, 's': 21, 'e': 22, 'r': 144, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 22, 's': 22, 'e': 23, 'r': 116, 'd': -1, 'l': 166}, {'id': 23, 's': 23, 'e': 24, 'r': 187, 'd': 1, 'l': 279}, {'id': 24, 's': 24, 'e': 25, 'r': 136, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 25, 's': 25, 'e': 26, 'r': 145, 'd': 1, 'l': 189}, {'id': 27, 's': 26, 'e': 28, 'r': 163, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 28, 's': 28, 'e': 29, 'r': 176, 'd': 1, 'l': 565}, {'id': 29, 's': 29, 'e': 30}, {'id': 30, 's': 29, 'e': 31, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 31, 's': 30, 'e': 32}, {'id': 32, 's': 32, 'e': 33}, {'id': 38, 's': 33, 'e': 39}, {'id': 39, 's': 39, 'e': 40}, {'id': 40, 's': 40, 'e': 41, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 41, 's': 41, 'e': 42}, {'id': 43, 's': 42, 'e': 44, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 87}, {'id': 44, 's': 44, 'e': 45, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 87}, {'id': 45, 's': 45, 'e': 46}, {'id': 46, 's': 46, 'e': 47, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 87}, {'id': 47, 's': 47, 'e': 48, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 87}, {'id': 50, 's': 48, 'e': 51, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 51, 's': 51, 'e': 52}, {'id': 52, 's': 52, 'e': 53}, {'id': 53, 's': 53, 'e': 54, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 54, 's': 54, 'e': 55}, {'id': 55, 's': 55, 'e': 56, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 56, 's': 56, 'e': 57, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 57, 's': 57, 'e': 58, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 58, 's': 58, 'e': 59}, {'id': 59, 's': 59, 'e': 60, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 67, 's': 60, 'e': 68, 'r': 111, 'd': -1, 'l': 175}, {'id': 69, 's': 68, 'e': 70, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 94}, {'id': 70, 's': 70, 'e': 71, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 147}, {'id': 71, 's': 71, 'e': 72, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 72, 's': 72, 'e': 73, 'r': 113, 'd': -1, 'l': 245}, {'id': 73, 's': 73, 'e': 74, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 168}, {'id': 74, 's': 74, 'e': 75, 'r': 218, 'd': -1, 'l': 209}, {'id': 75, 's': 75, 'e': 76, 'r': 147, 'd': 1, 'l': 167}, {'id': 76, 's': 76, 'e': 77, 'r': 161, 'd': -1, 'l': 118}, {'id': 77, 's': 77, 'e': 78}, {'id': 79, 's': 78, 'e': 80}, {'id': 80, 's': 80, 'e': 81, 'r': 107, 'd': 1, 'l': 66}, {'id': 81, 's': 81, 'e': 82, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 186}, {'id': 82, 's': 82, 'e': 83, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 183}, {'id': 83, 's': 83, 'e': 84, 'r': 128, 'd': -1, 'l': 404}, {'id': 86, 's': 31, 'e': 87, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 87, 's': 87, 'e': 88}, {'id': 88, 's': 84, 'e': 89}, {'id': 89, 's': 89, 'e': 90, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 90, 's': 90, 'e': 91, 'r': 389, 'd': -1, 'l': 466}, {'id': 91, 's': 88, 'e': 92, 'r': 148, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 92, 's': 92, 'e': 93}, {'id': 93, 's': 93, 'e': 94, 'r': 264, 'd': 1, 'l': 181}, {'id': 94, 's': 94, 'e': 95}, {'id': 95, 's': 95, 'e': 96, 'r': 150, 'd': 1, 'l': 152}, {'id': 96, 's': 96, 'e': 97}, {'id': 97, 's': 97, 'e': 100, 'r': 276, 'd': -1, 'l': 341}, {'id': 98, 's': 91, 'e': 99, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 99, 's': 99, 'e': 100}, {'id': 100, 's': 100, 'e': 101}, {'id': 101, 's': 101, 'e': 102, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 102, 's': 102, 'e': 103}, {'id': 103, 's': 103, 'e': 104, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 104, 's': 104, 'e': 105}, {'id': 105, 's': 103, 'e': 106}, {'id': 106, 's': 105, 'e': 107, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 107, 's': 107, 'e': 108, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 108, 's': 108, 'e': 109, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 109, 's': 109, 'e': 110, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 110, 's': 110, 'e': 111}, {'id': 111, 's': 111, 'e': 112, 'r': 118, 'd': -1, 'l': 255}, {'id': 112, 's': 112, 'e': 113, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 113, 's': 113, 'e': 114}, {'id': 114, 's': 114, 'e': 115, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 115, 's': 115, 'e': 116}, {'id': 116, 's': 116, 'e': 117}, {'id': 117, 's': 106, 'e': 118, 'r': 241, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 118, 's': 118, 'e': 120}, {'id': 119, 's': 117, 'e': 120, 'r': 119, 'd': -1, 'l': 227}, {'id': 121, 's': 120, 'e': 122}, {'id': 122, 's': 122, 'e': 123, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 123, 's': 123, 'e': 124}, {'id': 128, 's': 124, 'e': 129, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 129, 's': 129, 'e': 130, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 130, 's': 130, 'e': 131}, {'id': 132, 's': 131, 'e': 133, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 133, 's': 133, 'e': 134}, {'id': 134, 's': 134, 'e': 135, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 135, 's': 135, 'e': 136}, {'id': 136, 's': 136, 'e': 137, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 137, 's': 136, 'e': 138, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 138, 's': 138, 'e': 139}, {'id': 139, 's': 139, 'e': 140}, {'id': 140, 's': 140, 'e': 141}, {'id': 141, 's': 141, 'e': 142}, {'id': 142, 's': 142, 'e': 143}, {'id': 143, 's': 143, 'e': 144}, {'id': 144, 's': 144, 'e': 145}, {'id': 145, 's': 145, 'e': 146}, {'id': 146, 's': 146, 'e': 147}, {'id': 149, 's': 147, 'e': 150, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 150, 's': 146, 'e': 151, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 151, 's': 145, 'e': 152, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 152, 's': 144, 'e': 153, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 153, 's': 146, 'e': 154, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 154, 's': 145, 'e': 155, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 155, 's': 144, 'e': 156, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 156, 's': 147, 'e': 157, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 157, 's': 143, 'e': 158, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 158, 's': 143, 'e': 159, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 159, 's': 142, 'e': 160, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 160, 's': 142, 'e': 161, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 161, 's': 141, 'e': 162, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 162, 's': 141, 'e': 163, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 163, 's': 140, 'e': 164, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 164, 's': 140, 'e': 165, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 165, 's': 139, 'e': 166, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 166, 's': 139, 'e': 167, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 168, 's': 150, 'e': 169}, {'id': 169, 's': 151, 'e': 170}, {'id': 170, 's': 152, 'e': 171}, {'id': 171, 's': 166, 'e': 172}, {'id': 172, 's': 164, 'e': 173}, {'id': 173, 's': 163, 'e': 174}, {'id': 174, 's': 161, 'e': 175}, {'id': 175, 's': 158, 'e': 176}, {'id': 176, 's': 176, 'e': 177}, {'id': 177, 's': 153, 'e': 178}, {'id': 178, 's': 155, 'e': 179}, {'id': 179, 's': 154, 'e': 180}, {'id': 180, 's': 157, 'e': 181}, {'id': 181, 's': 156, 'e': 182}, {'id': 182, 's': 159, 'e': 183}, {'id': 183, 's': 160, 'e': 184}, {'id': 184, 's': 162, 'e': 185}, {'id': 185, 's': 165, 'e': 186}, {'id': 186, 's': 167, 'e': 187}, {'id': 188, 's': 170, 'e': 189}, {'id': 189, 's': 171, 'e': 190}, {'id': 190, 's': 178, 'e': 191}, {'id': 191, 's': 175, 'e': 192}, {'id': 192, 's': 174, 'e': 193}, {'id': 193, 's': 173, 'e': 194}, {'id': 194, 's': 172, 'e': 195}, {'id': 195, 's': 195, 'e': 196, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 196, 's': 196, 'e': 197, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 197, 's': 197, 'e': 198}, {'id': 198, 's': 195, 'e': 199, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 199, 's': 199, 'e': 200, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 200, 's': 200, 'e': 201}, {'id': 201, 's': 194, 'e': 202, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 202, 's': 202, 'e': 203, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 203, 's': 203, 'e': 204}, {'id': 204, 's': 194, 'e': 205, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 205, 's': 205, 'e': 206, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 206, 's': 206, 'e': 207}, {'id': 207, 's': 169, 'e': 208}, {'id': 208, 's': 208, 'e': 209, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 209, 's': 209, 'e': 210}, {'id': 211, 's': 210, 'e': 212}, {'id': 212, 's': 212, 'e': 213, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 213, 's': 137, 'e': 214, 'r': 176, 'd': -1, 'l': 243}, {'id': 214, 's': 214, 'e': 215}, {'id': 215, 's': 215, 'e': 216, 'r': 232, 'd': 1, 'l': 124}, {'id': 216, 's': 216, 'e': 217, 'r': 118, 'd': -1, 'l': 182}, {'id': 217, 's': 213, 'e': 218, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 218, 's': 218, 'e': 219}, {'id': 219, 's': 219, 'e': 220, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 224, 's': 217, 'e': 220, 'r': 260, 'd': 1, 'l': 227}, {'id': 225, 's': 193, 'e': 221, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 226, 's': 221, 'e': 222, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 227, 's': 193, 'e': 223, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 228, 's': 223, 'e': 224, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 229, 's': 192, 'e': 225, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 230, 's': 192, 'e': 226, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 231, 's': 225, 'e': 227, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 232, 's': 226, 'e': 228, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 233, 's': 227, 'e': 229}, {'id': 234, 's': 224, 'e': 230}, {'id': 235, 's': 222, 'e': 231}, {'id': 236, 's': 228, 'e': 232}, {'id': 237, 's': 177, 'e': 233, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 238, 's': 191, 'e': 234, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 239, 's': 190, 'e': 235, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 240, 's': 189, 'e': 236, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 241, 's': 236, 'e': 237, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 242, 's': 189, 'e': 238, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 243, 's': 190, 'e': 239, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 244, 's': 191, 'e': 240, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 245, 's': 177, 'e': 241, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 246, 's': 233, 'e': 242, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 247, 's': 241, 'e': 243, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 248, 's': 234, 'e': 244, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 249, 's': 240, 'e': 245, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 250, 's': 235, 'e': 246, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 251, 's': 239, 'e': 247, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 252, 's': 238, 'e': 248, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 60}, {'id': 253, 's': 242, 'e': 249}, {'id': 254, 's': 243, 'e': 250}, {'id': 255, 's': 244, 'e': 251}, {'id': 256, 's': 245, 'e': 252}, {'id': 257, 's': 246, 'e': 253}, {'id': 258, 's': 247, 'e': 254}, {'id': 259, 's': 237, 'e': 255}, {'id': 260, 's': 248, 'e': 256}, {'id': 262, 's': 181, 'e': 258, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 263, 's': 258, 'e': 260, 'eo': 1}, {'id': 264, 's': 187, 'e': 260, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 265, 's': 180, 'e': 261, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 266, 's': 179, 'e': 262, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 267, 's': 182, 'e': 263, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 268, 's': 183, 'e': 264, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 269, 's': 184, 'e': 265, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 270, 's': 185, 'e': 266, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 271, 's': 186, 'e': 267, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 272, 's': 267, 'e': 268, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 273, 's': 266, 'e': 269, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 274, 's': 265, 'e': 270, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 275, 's': 264, 'e': 271, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 276, 's': 263, 'e': 272, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 277, 's': 262, 'e': 273, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 278, 's': 261, 'e': 274, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 279, 's': 180, 'e': 275, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 280, 's': 274, 'e': 276}, {'id': 281, 's': 275, 'e': 277, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 282, 's': 277, 'e': 278}, {'id': 283, 's': 273, 'e': 279}, {'id': 284, 's': 179, 'e': 280, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 285, 's': 280, 'e': 281, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 286, 's': 281, 'e': 282}, {'id': 287, 's': 272, 'e': 283}, {'id': 288, 's': 182, 'e': 284, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 289, 's': 284, 'e': 285, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 290, 's': 285, 'e': 286}, {'id': 291, 's': 271, 'e': 287}, {'id': 293, 's': 183, 'e': 289, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 294, 's': 289, 'e': 290, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 295, 's': 290, 'e': 291}, {'id': 296, 's': 184, 'e': 292, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 297, 's': 292, 'e': 293, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 298, 's': 293, 'e': 294}, {'id': 299, 's': 270, 'e': 295}, {'id': 300, 's': 185, 'e': 296, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 301, 's': 186, 'e': 297, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 302, 's': 297, 'e': 298, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 303, 's': 296, 'e': 299, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 304, 's': 299, 'e': 300}, {'id': 305, 's': 269, 'e': 301}, {'id': 306, 's': 268, 'e': 302}, {'id': 307, 's': 298, 'e': 303}, {'id': 308, 's': 303, 'e': 304}, {'id': 309, 's': 302, 'e': 305}, {'id': 310, 's': 300, 'e': 306}, {'id': 311, 's': 301, 'e': 307}, {'id': 312, 's': 294, 'e': 308}, {'id': 313, 's': 295, 'e': 309}, {'id': 314, 's': 291, 'e': 310}, {'id': 315, 's': 287, 'e': 311}, {'id': 316, 's': 286, 'e': 312}, {'id': 317, 's': 283, 'e': 313}, {'id': 318, 's': 282, 'e': 314}, {'id': 319, 's': 279, 'e': 315}, {'id': 320, 's': 278, 'e': 316}, {'id': 321, 's': 276, 'e': 317}, {'id': 322, 's': 19, 'e': 318}, {'id': 323, 's': 318, 'e': 319}, {'id': 324, 's': 319, 'e': 320}, {'id': 325, 's': 320, 'e': 321, 'r': 179, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 326, 's': 321, 'e': 322, 'r': 179, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 327, 's': 322, 'e': 323}, {'id': 328, 's': 323, 'e': 324, 'r': 160, 'd': 1, 'l': 148}, {'id': 329, 's': 324, 'e': 325, 'r': 201, 'd': -1, 'l': 250}, {'id': 331, 's': 325, 'e': 95}, {'id': 332, 's': 220, 'e': 9999, 'eo': 1}]; }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3279 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel10 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel10) { var v1 = function () { this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Destroy all enemy ground units', 'type': 'AllGrounds'}, {'id': 2, 'text': 'Destroy the wartrain before it is out of reach', 'type': 'AllTrains'}, {'id': 3, 'text': 'Take down the 36 enemy air units', 'type': 'AllAirs'}, {'id': 4, 'text': 'Take over the 7 enemy airfields with propaganda', 'type': 'AllAirfields'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.nightmap = true; this.startcash = 58000; this.levelpoints = 21000; this.train = [{'loc': 'Dragon', 'speed': 1.5}, {'wagon': 'TankTrailer'}, {'wagon': 'Wagon3', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'MediumCannon']}, {'wagon': 'Wagon2', 'weapons': ['SmallCannon', 'SmallFastCannon']}]; this.ea = [{'x': 3717, 'y': 1316, 'w': 212, 'h': 104, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt', 'ah', 'pt']}, {'x': 2211, 'y': 1248, 'w': 70, 'h': 103, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 2211, 'y': 1086, 'w': 87, 'h': 82, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 2077, 'y': 1085, 'w': 84, 'h': 264, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'el', 'el']}, {'x': 3793, 'y': 605, 'w': 95, 'h': 83, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 3861, 'y': 819, 'w': 95, 'h': 86, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 3926, 'y': 1016, 'w': 86, 'h': 82, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 3998, 'y': 1237, 'w': 90, 'h': 86, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 3713, 'y': 355, 'w': 83, 'h': 90, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 4638, 'y': 609, 'w': 157, 'h': 144, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt', 'ah', 'ah']}, {'x': 4917, 'y': 580, 'w': 102, 'h': 100, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 319, 'y': 1327, 'w': 1819, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 317, 'y': 1371, 'w': 1838, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 313, 'y': 1409, 'w': 1846, 'h': 21, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 3678, 'y': 1201, 'w': 31, 'h': 230, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pn']}, {'x': 5764, 'y': 986, 'w': 137, 'h': 146, 'e': ['ah', 'ah']}, {'x': 5769, 'y': 1173, 'w': 228, 'h': 83, 'e': ['ah', 'ah', 'pn']}, {'x': 5835, 'y': 1320, 'w': 565, 'h': 20, 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 5797, 'y': 665, 'w': 128, 'h': 101, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el']}, {'x': 5938, 'y': 675, 'w': 51, 'h': 147, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 6059, 'y': 658, 'w': 44, 'h': 211, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 6192, 'y': 503, 'w': 31, 'h': 343, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 5897, 'y': 171, 'w': 105, 'h': 96, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 5569, 'y': 141, 'w': 88, 'h': 89, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 5502, 'y': 684, 'w': 119, 'h': 127, 'e': ['ah', 'pt']}, {'x': 5359, 'y': 641, 'w': 119, 'h': 144, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt', 'pn']}, {'x': 5513, 'y': 436, 'w': 89, 'h': 188, 'e': ['ah', 'ah']}, {'x': 5389, 'y': 372, 'w': 72, 'h': 222, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt', 'ah']}, {'x': 4907, 'y': 256, 'w': 180, 'h': 149, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pn', 'pn', 'ah']}, {'x': 3969, 'y': 209, 'w': 91, 'h': 90, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 3890, 'y': 310, 'w': 484, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 4132, 'y': 180, 'w': 136, 'h': 112, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt', 'pt']}, {'x': 4556, 'y': 98, 'w': 138, 'h': 109, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 3808, 'y': 72, 'w': 1256, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 2266, 'y': 70, 'w': 1229, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 3416, 'y': 184, 'w': 146, 'h': 158, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'pn', 'pn']}, {'x': 2753, 'y': 130, 'w': 197, 'h': 343, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'ah', 'rt', 'pt', 'pt']}, {'x': 2426, 'y': 861, 'w': 191, 'h': 180, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'ah']}, {'x': 2446, 'y': 1218, 'w': 159, 'h': 190, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pt', 'pt', 'el']}, {'x': 2819, 'y': 1098, 'w': 182, 'h': 170, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'pt', 'pt']}, {'x': 2801, 'y': 733, 'w': 230, 'h': 170, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt', 'gt', 'pn', 'pn']}, {'x': 3281, 'y': 953, 'w': 186, 'h': 155, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'rt', 'pt', 'pt']}, {'x': 3258, 'y': 590, 'w': 225, 'h': 166, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt', 'gt', 'pt', 'pn', 'pn']}, {'x': 3649, 'y': 900, 'w': 97, 'h': 111, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 304, 'y': 116, 'w': 1822, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 310, 'y': 68, 'w': 1814, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 493, 'y': 422, 'w': 1631, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pn']}, {'x': 494, 'y': 382, 'w': 1623, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 496, 'y': 341, 'w': 1622, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 498, 'y': 289, 'w': 1624, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 508, 'y': 241, 'w': 1618, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 509, 'y': 194, 'w': 1625, 'h': 21, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['gt']}, {'x': 88, 'y': 591, 'w': 140, 'h': 284, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pn', 'pn', 'pn', 'pn']}, {'x': 611, 'y': 1182, 'w': 95, 'h': 100, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 326, 'y': 1067, 'w': 494, 'h': 22, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 318, 'y': 1128, 'w': 514, 'h': 22, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah']}, {'x': 1368, 'y': 1040, 'w': 154, 'h': 151, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el', 'el']}, {'x': 4169, 'y': 568, 'w': 97, 'h': 91, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 4613, 'y': 417, 'w': 103, 'h': 102, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 4730, 'y': 337, 'w': 77, 'h': 222, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'pn']}, {'x': 4486, 'y': 414, 'w': 97, 'h': 139, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['pn']}, {'x': 4291, 'y': 550, 'w': 119, 'h': 122, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['ah', 'pt']}, {'x': 4028, 'y': 566, 'w': 99, 'h': 149, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['el', 'pn']}]; = [{'x': 6111, 'y': 1120, 'r': 191, 'h': 0}, {'x': 5933, 'y': 529, 'r': 14, 'h': 1400, 'e': ['fw', 'ms', 'ms', 'wh', 'fw']}, {'x': 4461, 'y': 831, 'r': -21, 'h': 1500, 'e': ['fw', 'ms', 'fw', 'ms', 'bh', 'bh']}, {'x': 3196, 'y': 233, 'r': 160, 'h': 1500, 'e': ['ms', 'wh', 'wh', 'ap', 'ap', 'ap']}, {'x': 2486, 'y': 435, 'r': 160, 'h': 1500, 'e': ['b2', 'b2', 'c47', 'c47', 'wh', 'wh']}, {'x': 1743, 'y': 1188, 'r': 0, 'h': 1600, 'e': ['ms', 'wh', 'wh', 'bh', 'bh', 'ap', 'ap']}, {'x': 1026, 'y': 1160, 'r': 0, 'h': 500, 'e': ['wh', 'wh', 'ms', 'ms']}, {'x': 173, 'y': 185, 'r': 90, 'h': 400, 'e': ['fw', 'fw']}]; this.bk = []; this.rb = [{'x': 4853, 'y': 782, 'r': -19}, {'x': 3638, 'y': 573, 'r': 74}, {'x': 3817, 'y': 1242, 'r': 0}]; = []; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel10 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel10.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3280 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.mapid = 5; this.title = 'default'; this.rc = [{'id': 1, 'x': 20, 'y': 1111, 'a': 0}, {'id': 2, 'x': 320, 'y': 1111, 'a': 0}, {'id': 9999, 'x': 6160, 'y': 137, 'a': -180}, {'id': 10000, 'x': 6360, 'y': 137, 'a': -180}, {'id': 3, 'x': 497, 'y': 1251, 'a': -76}, {'id': 4, 'x': 655, 'y': 1050, 'a': -180, 's': {'x': 656, 'y': 1083, 'p': [-1, -1, 102, -1, 3, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 7, 'x': 350, 'y': 1050, 'a': -180}, {'id': 10, 'x': 250, 'y': 950, 'a': -270}, {'id': 11, 'x': 250, 'y': 548, 'a': -270}, {'id': 12, 'x': 250, 'y': 343, 'a': -270}, {'id': 13, 'x': 350, 'y': 243, 'a': -360}, {'id': 14, 'x': 439, 'y': 188, 'a': -297}, {'id': 15, 'x': 528, 'y': 133, 'a': 0}, {'id': 16, 'x': 791, 'y': 133, 'a': 0}, {'id': 17, 'x': 882, 'y': 75, 'a': -295}, {'id': 18, 'x': 973, 'y': 17, 'a': 0}, {'id': 19, 'x': 1243, 'y': 17, 'a': 0}, {'id': 21, 'x': 1335, 'y': 79, 'a': -68}, {'id': 22, 'x': 1428, 'y': 142, 'a': -360}, {'id': 23, 'x': 1761, 'y': 142, 'a': -360}, {'id': 24, 'x': 1854, 'y': 79, 'a': -292}, {'id': 25, 'x': 2029, 'y': 60, 'a': -56}, {'id': 26, 'x': 2117, 'y': 107, 'a': -360}, {'id': 27, 'x': 2524, 'y': 107, 'a': -360}, {'id': 28, 'x': 2686, 'y': 184, 'a': -51}, {'id': 29, 'x': 2884, 'y': 230, 'a': -335}, {'id': 30, 'x': 3092, 'y': 133, 'a': -335}, {'id': 31, 'x': 3199, 'y': 109, 'a': -360}, {'id': 32, 'x': 3624, 'y': 109, 'a': -360}, {'id': 33, 'x': 3952, 'y': 109, 'a': -360}, {'id': 34, 'x': 4076, 'y': 221, 'a': -84}, {'id': 35, 'x': 4232, 'y': 323, 'a': -342}, {'id': 36, 'x': 4450, 'y': 252, 'a': -342}, {'id': 37, 'x': 4518, 'y': 173, 'a': -280}, {'id': 38, 'x': 4708, 'y': 108, 'a': -42}, {'id': 42, 'x': 4827, 'y': 215, 'a': -42}, {'id': 43, 'x': 4925, 'y': 236, 'a': -342}, {'id': 52, 'x': 5000, 'y': 212, 'a': -342}, {'id': 53, 'x': 5129, 'y': 326, 'a': -101}, {'id': 54, 'x': 5108, 'y': 435, 'a': -101}, {'id': 55, 'x': 5030, 'y': 514, 'a': -169}, {'id': 63, 'x': 4906, 'y': 441, 'a': -252}, {'id': 64, 'x': 4878, 'y': 354, 'a': -252}, {'id': 66, 'x': 4752, 'y': 290, 'a': -162}, {'id': 67, 'x': 4281, 'y': 443, 'a': -162}, {'id': 68, 'x': 4040, 'y': 521, 'a': -162}, {'id': 69, 'x': 3976, 'y': 647, 'a': -72}, {'id': 70, 'x': 4009, 'y': 749, 'a': -72}, {'id': 72, 'x': 4135, 'y': 813, 'a': -342}, {'id': 73, 'x': 4261, 'y': 877, 'a': -72}, {'id': 77, 'x': 4197, 'y': 1003, 'a': -162}, {'id': 78, 'x': 4067, 'y': 898, 'a': -275}, {'id': 79, 'x': 4006, 'y': 792, 'a': -205}, {'id': 80, 'x': 3915, 'y': 750, 'a': -205}, {'id': 81, 'x': 3796, 'y': 724, 'a': -180}, {'id': 82, 'x': 3718, 'y': 724, 'a': -180}, {'id': 84, 'x': 3614, 'y': 647, 'a': -253}, {'id': 85, 'x': 3582, 'y': 543, 'a': -253}, {'id': 86, 'x': 3457, 'y': 477, 'a': -163}, {'id': 87, 'x': 3150, 'y': 571, 'a': -163}, {'id': 89, 'x': 2818, 'y': 672, 'a': -163}, {'id': 91, 'x': 2809, 'y': 675, 'a': -157}, {'id': 92, 'x': 2802, 'y': 678, 'a': -162}, {'id': 94, 'x': 2366, 'y': 820, 'a': -162}, {'id': 95, 'x': 2295, 'y': 919, 'a': -90}, {'id': 96, 'x': 2295, 'y': 965, 'a': -90}, {'id': 97, 'x': 2195, 'y': 1065, 'a': -180}, {'id': 99, 'x': 1678, 'y': 1065, 'a': -180}, {'id': 103, 'x': 1271, 'y': 1050, 'a': 0}, {'id': 104, 'x': 1498, 'y': 1227, 'a': -76}, {'id': 105, 'x': 1690, 'y': 1376, 'a': -360}, {'id': 106, 'x': 2196, 'y': 1376, 'a': -360}, {'id': 107, 'x': 2296, 'y': 1276, 'a': -270}, {'id': 108, 'x': 2366, 'y': 1180, 'a': -343}, {'id': 109, 'x': 2708, 'y': 1075, 'a': -343}, {'id': 111, 'x': 2719, 'y': 1071, 'a': -336}, {'id': 112, 'x': 2728, 'y': 1067, 'a': -342}, {'id': 115, 'x': 3231, 'y': 904, 'a': -342}, {'id': 116, 'x': 3684, 'y': 757, 'a': -342}, {'id': 117, 'x': 3928, 'y': 774, 'a': -26}, {'id': 118, 'x': 3992, 'y': 805, 'a': -26}, {'id': 119, 'x': 4048, 'y': 904, 'a': -95}, {'id': 120, 'x': 4209, 'y': 1033, 'a': -342}, {'id': 121, 'x': 4476, 'y': 946, 'a': -342}, {'id': 122, 'x': 4879, 'y': 815, 'a': -342}, {'id': 123, 'x': 5077, 'y': 751, 'a': -342}, {'id': 124, 'x': 5125, 'y': 741, 'a': -354}, {'id': 125, 'x': 5212, 'y': 666, 'a': -284, 's': {'x': 5249, 'y': 670, 'p': [125, -1, 136, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]}}, {'id': 126, 'x': 5287, 'y': 363, 'a': -284}, {'id': 127, 'x': 5474, 'y': 343, 'a': -64}, {'id': 130, 'x': 5671, 'y': 307, 'a': -275}, {'id': 132, 'x': 5685, 'y': 146, 'a': -275}, {'id': 133, 'x': 5585, 'y': 36, 'a': -180}, {'id': 134, 'x': 5136, 'y': 36, 'a': -180}, {'id': 135, 'x': 4792, 'y': 36, 'a': -180}, {'id': 137, 'x': 5333, 'y': 593, 'a': -14}, {'id': 138, 'x': 5675, 'y': 678, 'a': -14}, {'id': 139, 'x': 5760, 'y': 798, 'a': -95}, {'id': 140, 'x': 5726, 'y': 1183, 'a': -95}, {'id': 141, 'x': 5826, 'y': 1292, 'a': -360}, {'id': 142, 'x': 6119, 'y': 1292, 'a': -360}, {'id': 143, 'x': 6339, 'y': 1122, 'a': -285}, {'id': 144, 'x': 6365, 'y': 1025, 'a': -285}, {'id': 145, 'x': 6294, 'y': 903, 'a': -195}, {'id': 147, 'x': 6197, 'y': 877, 'a': -195}, {'id': 152, 'x': 6126, 'y': 755, 'a': -285}, {'id': 153, 'x': 6171, 'y': 586, 'a': -285}, {'id': 154, 'x': 6096, 'y': 462, 'a': -192}, {'id': 155, 'x': 5873, 'y': 415, 'a': -192}, {'id': 156, 'x': 5783, 'y': 344, 'a': -244}, {'id': 157, 'x': 5739, 'y': 254, 'a': -244}, {'id': 158, 'x': 5785, 'y': 120, 'a': -334}, {'id': 159, 'x': 5936, 'y': 124, 'a': -29}, {'id': 161, 'x': 5984, 'y': 137, 'a': 0}]; = [{'id': 1, 's': 1, 'e': 2}, {'id': 10000, 's': 10000, 'e': 9999}, {'id': 2, 's': 2, 'e': 3, 'r': 182, 'd': -1, 'l': 243}, {'id': 3, 's': 3, 'e': 4, 'r': 162, 'd': 1, 'l': 723}, {'id': 6, 's': 4, 'e': 7}, {'id': 9, 's': 7, 'e': 10, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 10, 's': 10, 'e': 11}, {'id': 11, 's': 11, 'e': 12}, {'id': 12, 's': 12, 'e': 13, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 13, 's': 13, 'e': 14, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 110}, {'id': 14, 's': 14, 'e': 15, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 110}, {'id': 15, 's': 15, 'e': 16}, {'id': 16, 's': 16, 'e': 17, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 114}, {'id': 17, 's': 17, 'e': 18, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 114}, {'id': 18, 's': 18, 'e': 19}, {'id': 20, 's': 19, 'e': 21, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 118}, {'id': 21, 's': 21, 'e': 22, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 119}, {'id': 22, 's': 22, 'e': 23}, {'id': 23, 's': 23, 'e': 24, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 119}, {'id': 24, 's': 24, 'e': 25, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 216}, {'id': 25, 's': 25, 'e': 26, 'r': 106, 'd': 1, 'l': 104}, {'id': 26, 's': 26, 'e': 27}, {'id': 27, 's': 27, 'e': 28, 'r': 209, 'd': -1, 'l': 186}, {'id': 28, 's': 28, 'e': 29, 'r': 166, 'd': 1, 'l': 219}, {'id': 29, 's': 29, 'e': 30}, {'id': 30, 's': 30, 'e': 31, 'r': 254, 'd': -1, 'l': 110}, {'id': 31, 's': 31, 'e': 32}, {'id': 32, 's': 32, 'e': 33}, {'id': 33, 's': 33, 'e': 34, 'r': 125, 'd': -1, 'l': 183}, {'id': 34, 's': 34, 'e': 35, 'r': 120, 'd': 1, 'l': 213}, {'id': 35, 's': 35, 'e': 36}, {'id': 36, 's': 36, 'e': 37, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 109}, {'id': 37, 's': 37, 'e': 38, 'r': 115, 'd': -1, 'l': 245}, {'id': 41, 's': 38, 'e': 42}, {'id': 42, 's': 42, 'e': 43, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 105}, {'id': 51, 's': 43, 'e': 52}, {'id': 52, 's': 52, 'e': 53, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 208}, {'id': 53, 's': 53, 'e': 54}, {'id': 54, 's': 54, 'e': 55, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 118}, {'id': 62, 's': 55, 'e': 63, 'r': 108, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 63, 's': 63, 'e': 64}, {'id': 65, 's': 64, 'e': 66, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 66, 's': 66, 'e': 67}, {'id': 67, 's': 67, 'e': 68}, {'id': 68, 's': 68, 'e': 69, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 69, 's': 69, 'e': 70}, {'id': 71, 's': 70, 'e': 72, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 72, 's': 72, 'e': 73, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 76, 's': 73, 'e': 77, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 77, 's': 77, 'e': 78, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 198}, {'id': 78, 's': 78, 'e': 79, 'r': 106, 'd': 1, 'l': 130}, {'id': 79, 's': 79, 'e': 80}, {'id': 80, 's': 80, 'e': 81, 'r': 277, 'd': 1, 'l': 123}, {'id': 81, 's': 81, 'e': 82}, {'id': 83, 's': 82, 'e': 84, 'r': 109, 'd': -1, 'l': 139}, {'id': 84, 's': 84, 'e': 85}, {'id': 85, 's': 85, 'e': 86, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 86, 's': 86, 'e': 87}, {'id': 88, 's': 87, 'e': 89}, {'id': 90, 's': 89, 'e': 91, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 10}, {'id': 91, 's': 91, 'e': 92, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 8}, {'id': 93, 's': 92, 'e': 94}, {'id': 94, 's': 94, 'e': 95, 'r': 103, 'd': 1, 'l': 130}, {'id': 95, 's': 95, 'e': 96}, {'id': 96, 's': 96, 'e': 97, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 98, 's': 97, 'e': 99}, {'id': 102, 's': 4, 'e': 103, 't': 1}, {'id': 103, 's': 103, 'e': 104, 'r': 234, 'd': -1, 'l': 310}, {'id': 104, 's': 104, 'e': 105, 'r': 197, 'd': 1, 'l': 262}, {'id': 105, 's': 105, 'e': 106}, {'id': 106, 's': 106, 'e': 107, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 107, 's': 107, 'e': 108, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 127}, {'id': 108, 's': 108, 'e': 109}, {'id': 109, 's': 99, 'e': 105, 'r': 155, 'd': 1, 'l': 498}, {'id': 110, 's': 109, 'e': 111, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 12}, {'id': 111, 's': 111, 'e': 112, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 10}, {'id': 114, 's': 112, 'e': 115}, {'id': 115, 's': 115, 'e': 116}, {'id': 116, 's': 116, 'e': 117, 'r': 328, 'd': -1, 'l': 251}, {'id': 117, 's': 117, 'e': 118}, {'id': 118, 's': 118, 'e': 119, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 121}, {'id': 119, 's': 119, 'e': 120, 'r': 124, 'd': 1, 'l': 244}, {'id': 120, 's': 120, 'e': 121}, {'id': 121, 's': 121, 'e': 122}, {'id': 122, 's': 122, 'e': 123}, {'id': 123, 's': 123, 'e': 124, 'r': 234, 'd': -1, 'l': 49}, {'id': 124, 's': 124, 'e': 125, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 122}, {'id': 125, 's': 125, 'e': 126}, {'id': 126, 's': 126, 'e': 127, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 244}, {'id': 129, 's': 127, 'e': 130, 'r': 104, 'd': 1, 'l': 270}, {'id': 131, 's': 130, 'e': 132}, {'id': 132, 's': 132, 'e': 133, 'r': 101, 'd': 1, 'l': 167}, {'id': 133, 's': 133, 'e': 134}, {'id': 134, 's': 134, 'e': 135}, {'id': 136, 's': 125, 'e': 137, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 137, 's': 137, 'e': 138}, {'id': 138, 's': 138, 'e': 139, 'r': 113, 'd': -1, 'l': 160}, {'id': 139, 's': 139, 'e': 140}, {'id': 140, 's': 140, 'e': 141, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 166}, {'id': 141, 's': 141, 'e': 142}, {'id': 142, 's': 142, 'e': 143, 'r': 228, 'd': 1, 'l': 299}, {'id': 143, 's': 143, 'e': 144}, {'id': 144, 's': 144, 'e': 145, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 146, 's': 145, 'e': 147}, {'id': 151, 's': 147, 'e': 152, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 152, 's': 152, 'e': 153}, {'id': 153, 's': 153, 'e': 154, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 162}, {'id': 154, 's': 154, 'e': 155}, {'id': 155, 's': 155, 'e': 156, 'r': 130, 'd': -1, 'l': 119}, {'id': 156, 's': 156, 'e': 157}, {'id': 157, 's': 157, 'e': 158, 'r': 100, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 158, 's': 158, 'e': 159, 'r': 163, 'd': -1, 'l': 157}, {'id': 160, 's': 159, 'e': 161, 'r': 100, 'd': 1, 'l': 50}, {'id': 161, 's': 161, 'e': 9999, 'eo': 1}]; }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3281 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel11 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel11) { var v1 = function () { this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Destroy all Industry', 'type': 'AllIndustry'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.clipcols = 6; this.nightmap = false; this.startcash = 12000; this.levelpoints = 0; this.ea = [{'x': 623, 'y': 1327, 'w': 274, 'h': 60, 'e': ['ah', 'ah']}, {'x': 1092, 'y': 1074, 'w': 95, 'h': 309, 'e': ['ah', 'ah']}]; = [{'x': 803, 'y': 1174, 'r': 0, 'h': 0}]; this.bk = []; this.rb = []; = [{'x': 1620, 'y': 1122, 'r': 0, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1810, 'y': 1120, 'r': 0, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 2012, 'y': 1121, 'r': 0, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 2086, 'y': 1321, 'r': 180, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1883, 'y': 1321, 'r': 180, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 1691, 'y': 1323, 'r': 180, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 3828, 'y': 1281, 'r': -105, 't': 'i2'}, {'x': 3485, 'y': 1311, 'r': -19, 't': 'o4'}, {'x': 3330, 'y': 1365, 'r': 0, 't': 'o1'}, {'x': 3643, 'y': 1383, 'r': 180, 't': 'o4'}, {'x': 1440, 'y': 1081, 'r': 36, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 1392, 'y': 1227, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 1451, 'y': 1371, 'r': -41, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 3149, 'y': 157, 'r': 90, 't': 'i4'}, {'x': 3272, 'y': 330, 'r': -90, 't': 'i4'}, {'x': 3427, 'y': 265, 'r': -90, 't': 'i4'}, {'x': 3010, 'y': 461, 'r': 162, 't': 'i4'}, {'x': 2799, 'y': 531, 'r': 163, 't': 'i4'}, {'x': 2536, 'y': 620, 'r': 162, 't': 'i4'}, {'x': 2854, 'y': 276, 'r': 0, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 2677, 'y': 277, 'r': 0, 't': 'i1'}, {'x': 2311, 'y': 273, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 2315, 'y': 429, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 2312, 'y': 598, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 2081, 'y': 59, 'r': 0, 't': 'o2'}, {'x': 1748, 'y': 60, 'r': 0, 't': 'o2'}, {'x': 1930, 'y': 75, 'r': 0, 't': 'o3'}, {'x': 1599, 'y': 60, 'r': 0, 't': 'o2'}, {'x': 1367, 'y': 76, 'r': 0, 't': 'o3'}, {'x': 1218, 'y': 76, 'r': 0, 't': 'o3'}, {'x': 1012, 'y': 61, 'r': 0, 't': 'o2'}, {'x': 835, 'y': 80, 'r': 180, 't': 'o2'}, {'x': 633, 'y': 80, 'r': 180, 't': 'o2'}, {'x': 390, 'y': 211, 'r': 0, 't': 'i2'}, {'x': 59, 'y': 214, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 59, 'y': 321, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 57, 'y': 441, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 52, 'y': 581, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 53, 'y': 698, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}, {'x': 53, 'y': 816, 'r': 0, 't': 'i3'}]; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel11 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel11.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3282 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel12 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel12) { var v1 = function () { this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Destroy all Basilisks', 'type': 'AllGrounds'}, {'id': 2, 'text': 'Take over the enemy airfield with propaganda', 'type': 'AllAirfields'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.cliprows = 9; this.nightmap = false; this.startcash = 9500; this.levelpoints = 0; this.ea = [{'x': 601, 'y': 172, 'w': 110, 'h': 106, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 618, 'y': 363, 'w': 115, 'h': 112, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 603, 'y': 583, 'w': 104, 'h': 110, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 573, 'y': 737, 'w': 114, 'h': 117, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 585, 'y': 896, 'w': 100, 'h': 100, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 547, 'y': 1065, 'w': 107, 'h': 110, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 616, 'y': 1238, 'w': 104, 'h': 118, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 589, 'y': 1461, 'w': 116, 'h': 111, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 606, 'y': 1673, 'w': 109, 'h': 123, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 579, 'y': 1837, 'w': 115, 'h': 114, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 578, 'y': 1970, 'w': 110, 'h': 110, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 587, 'y': 2147, 'w': 106, 'h': 108, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 585, 'y': 2356, 'w': 102, 'h': 101, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 590, 'y': 2523, 'w': 100, 'h': 100, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 612, 'y': 2679, 'w': 115, 'h': 107, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 632, 'y': 2839, 'w': 109, 'h': 105, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 665, 'y': 3054, 'w': 101, 'h': 98, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 494, 'y': 2998, 'w': 94, 'h': 100, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 420, 'y': 2885, 'w': 93, 'h': 100, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 410, 'y': 2720, 'w': 101, 'h': 95, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 332, 'y': 2610, 'w': 107, 'h': 103, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 369, 'y': 2413, 'w': 102, 'h': 94, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 371, 'y': 2266, 'w': 98, 'h': 96, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 342, 'y': 2060, 'w': 100, 'h': 94, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 326, 'y': 1877, 'w': 105, 'h': 97, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 340, 'y': 1681, 'w': 112, 'h': 108, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 370, 'y': 1386, 'w': 106, 'h': 105, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 379, 'y': 1208, 'w': 105, 'h': 107, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 361, 'y': 933, 'w': 108, 'h': 106, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 365, 'y': 623, 'w': 104, 'h': 107, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 368, 'y': 472, 'w': 107, 'h': 101, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 328, 'y': 273, 'w': 103, 'h': 99, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1534, 'y': 2332, 'w': 103, 'h': 100, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1550, 'y': 2518, 'w': 102, 'h': 100, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1624, 'y': 2642, 'w': 89, 'h': 91, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1612, 'y': 2854, 'w': 97, 'h': 97, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1618, 'y': 3020, 'w': 105, 'h': 104, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1637, 'y': 3237, 'w': 110, 'h': 110, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1647, 'y': 3454, 'w': 110, 'h': 100, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1662, 'y': 3635, 'w': 108, 'h': 105, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 7, 'y': 3709, 'w': 86, 'h': 88, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': -7, 'y': 3845, 'w': 87, 'h': 90, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 8, 'y': 3959, 'w': 97, 'h': 98, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1018, 'y': 1580, 'w': 100, 'h': 96, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1154, 'y': 1565, 'w': 99, 'h': 97, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1295, 'y': 1567, 'w': 104, 'h': 91, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1448, 'y': 1568, 'w': 101, 'h': 91, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1604, 'y': 1565, 'w': 105, 'h': 99, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 1742, 'y': 1589, 'w': 107, 'h': 96, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 80, 'y': 367, 'w': 99, 'h': 101, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 405, 'y': 3464, 'w': 107, 'h': 100, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 549, 'y': 3512, 'w': 112, 'h': 105, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 751, 'y': 3498, 'w': 109, 'h': 103, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 986, 'y': 3026, 'w': 93, 'h': 96, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 908, 'y': 3529, 'w': 109, 'h': 104, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}, {'x': 216, 'y': 1527, 'w': 94, 'h': 87, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['bl']}]; = [{'x': 1535, 'y': 594, 'r': 0, 'h': 0}, {'x': 1013, 'y': 3340, 'r': -90, 'h': 600, 'e': ['']}]; this.bk = []; this.rb = []; = []; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel12 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel12.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3283 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel13 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel13) { var v1 = function () { this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Destroy all enemy air units', 'type': 'AllAirs'}, {'id': 2, 'text': 'Take over all enemy airfields with propaganda', 'type': 'AllAirfields'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.nightmap = true; this.startcash = 10500; this.levelpoints = 0; this.ea = []; = [{'x': 1854, 'y': 2050, 'r': -37, 'h': 0}, {'x': 3005, 'y': 825, 'r': 0, 'h': 1500, 'e': ['ms', 'ms', 'ms', 'ms', 'ms', 'ms', 'ms', 'ms', 'ms', 'ms', 'ms', 'ms', 'ms', 'ms', 'ms']}, {'x': 1849, 'y': 638, 'r': -90, 'h': 1500, 'e': ['fw', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw', 'fw']}, {'x': 2438, 'y': 157, 'r': 0, 'h': 1500, 'e': ['ap', 'ap', 'ap', 'ap', 'ap', 'ap', 'ap', 'ap', 'ap', 'ap', 'ap', 'ap', 'ap', 'ap', 'ap']}, {'x': 1769, 'y': 1347, 'r': -9, 'h': 1500, 'e': ['bh', 'bh', 'bh', 'bh', 'bh', 'bh', 'bh', 'bh', 'bh', 'bh', 'bh', 'bh', 'bh', 'bh', 'bh']}, {'x': 3752, 'y': 462, 'r': 90, 'h': 1500, 'e': ['wh', 'wh', 'wh', 'wh', 'wh', 'wh', 'wh', 'wh', 'wh', 'wh', 'wh', 'wh', 'wh', 'wh', 'wh']}, {'x': 2497, 'y': 1200, 'r': -10, 'h': 1500, 'e': ['c47', 'c47', 'c47', 'c47', 'c47', 'c47', 'c47', 'c47', 'c47', 'c47', 'c47', 'c47', 'c47', 'c47', 'c47']}, {'x': 2520, 'y': 688, 'r': 89, 'h': 1500, 'e': ['b2', 'b2', 'b2', 'b2', 'b2', 'b2', 'b2', 'b2', 'b2', 'b2', 'b2', 'b2', 'b2', 'b2', 'b2']}]; this.bk = []; this.rb = []; = []; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel13 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel13.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3284 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel14 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel14) { var v1 = function () { this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Destroy all Jeeps', 'type': 'AllGrounds'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.nightmap = false; this.startcash = 13000; this.levelpoints = 0; this.ea = [{'x': 1742, 'y': 1286, 'w': 324, 'h': 464, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 1910, 'y': 840, 'w': 191, 'h': 390, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 3357, 'y': 1199, 'w': 285, 'h': 384, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 3420, 'y': 737, 'w': 274, 'h': 391, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 3719, 'y': 745, 'w': 278, 'h': 382, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 3010, 'y': 1578, 'w': 350, 'h': 300, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 2568, 'y': 1864, 'w': 318, 'h': 232, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 2113, 'y': 1731, 'w': 288, 'h': 369, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 3838, 'y': 1962, 'w': 351, 'h': 316, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 3917, 'y': 1510, 'w': 306, 'h': 346, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 1625, 'y': 1781, 'w': 333, 'h': 333, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 1652, 'y': 363, 'w': 303, 'h': 360, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 1052, 'y': 1278, 'w': 216, 'h': 328, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 552, 'y': 1469, 'w': 258, 'h': 422, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 875, 'y': 599, 'w': 297, 'h': 366, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 739, 'y': 146, 'w': 357, 'h': 299, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 4319, 'y': 1891, 'w': 428, 'h': 298, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 4152, 'y': 682, 'w': 437, 'h': 306, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 3485, 'y': 274, 'w': 399, 'h': 321, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 4344, 'y': 239, 'w': 431, 'h': 301, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 902, 'y': 1905, 'w': 341, 'h': 382, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 177, 'y': 86, 'w': 415, 'h': 446, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 3117, 'y': 2017, 'w': 576, 'h': 304, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}]; = [{'x': 2883, 'y': 253, 'r': 180, 'h': 0}]; this.bk = []; this.rb = []; = []; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel14 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel14.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3285 __Packages.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel15 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level) { _global.rr.conf.level = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.level.ConfLevel15) { var v1 = function () { this.missiontargets = [{'id': 1, 'text': 'Destroy all rocketeers', 'type': 'AllGrounds'}]; = new; this.startcol = 1; this.startrow = 1; this.nightmap = false; this.startcash = 15500; this.levelpoints = 0; this.ea = [{'x': 11, 'y': 516, 'w': 538, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 564, 'y': 515, 'w': 21, 'h': 436, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 10, 'y': 604, 'w': 490, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 7, 'y': 832, 'w': 493, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 247, 'y': 631, 'w': 36, 'h': 196, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 344, 'y': 678, 'w': 87, 'h': 88, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 698, 'y': 469, 'w': 20, 'h': 486, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 11, 'y': 411, 'w': 906, 'h': 20, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 4900, 'y': 346, 'w': 209, 'h': 77, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 5255, 'y': 79, 'w': 173, 'h': 132, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 5118, 'y': 482, 'w': 169, 'h': 174, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 5666, 'y': 219, 'w': 119, 'h': 142, 'e': ['pt']}, {'x': 1919, 'y': 497, 'w': 196, 'h': 180, 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 1917, 'y': 690, 'w': 174, 'h': 202, 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 1806, 'y': 645, 'w': 94, 'h': 92, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 1725, 'y': 465, 'w': 164, 'h': 159, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'gt']}, {'x': 1614, 'y': 634, 'w': 172, 'h': 205, 'e': ['gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 1799, 'y': 744, 'w': 104, 'h': 214, 'e': ['gt', 'gt', 'aj']}, {'x': 1539, 'y': 852, 'w': 225, 'h': 94, 'e': ['gt', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 1457, 'y': 673, 'w': 142, 'h': 168, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 1335, 'y': 683, 'w': 111, 'h': 123, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 1229, 'y': 850, 'w': 291, 'h': 87, 'e': ['gt', 'gt', 'aj']}, {'x': 1167, 'y': 660, 'w': 154, 'h': 181, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 1434, 'y': 545, 'w': 170, 'h': 118, 'e': ['oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 1402, 'y': 433, 'w': 283, 'h': 98, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'oj']}, {'x': 1909, 'y': 397, 'w': 332, 'h': 85, 'e': ['aj', 'gt', 'gt', 'aj']}, {'x': 1716, 'y': 312, 'w': 180, 'h': 139, 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'aj']}, {'x': 1909, 'y': 296, 'w': 90, 'h': 82, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 2011, 'y': 222, 'w': 218, 'h': 165, 'e': ['gt', 'aj', 'aj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 1735, 'y': 135, 'w': 258, 'h': 151, 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 1496, 'y': 149, 'w': 204, 'h': 267, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 1172, 'y': 189, 'w': 89, 'h': 93, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 1278, 'y': 64, 'w': 196, 'h': 347, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 978, 'y': 35, 'w': 182, 'h': 410, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 1172, 'y': 293, 'w': 92, 'h': 162, 'e': ['aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 1170, 'y': 23, 'w': 98, 'h': 156, 'e': ['oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 883, 'y': 713, 'w': 98, 'h': 103, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 754, 'y': 536, 'w': 118, 'h': 411, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 895, 'y': 824, 'w': 246, 'h': 117, 'e': ['aj', 'gt', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 994, 'y': 698, 'w': 158, 'h': 116, 'e': ['aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 890, 'y': 473, 'w': 127, 'h': 211, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 4251, 'y': 473, 'w': 93, 'h': 91, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 4597, 'y': 657, 'w': 98, 'h': 90, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 4072, 'y': 762, 'w': 88, 'h': 89, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 3883, 'y': 304, 'w': 89, 'h': 90, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 4586, 'y': 204, 'w': 90, 'h': 86, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 3710, 'y': 565, 'w': 86, 'h': 88, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 6039, 'y': 654, 'w': 85, 'h': 88, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 3636, 'y': 175, 'w': 86, 'h': 91, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 4359, 'y': 299, 'w': 525, 'h': 348, 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 3736, 'y': 11, 'w': 833, 'h': 278, 'e': ['oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 3984, 'y': 300, 'w': 362, 'h': 165, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'gt', 'oj']}, {'x': 3800, 'y': 470, 'w': 430, 'h': 283, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 3555, 'y': 294, 'w': 235, 'h': 262, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 4243, 'y': 575, 'w': 112, 'h': 178, 'e': ['aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 4176, 'y': 764, 'w': 769, 'h': 189, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'gt', 'oj']}, {'x': 4365, 'y': 655, 'w': 224, 'h': 102, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 4708, 'y': 658, 'w': 304, 'h': 96, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 3859, 'y': 760, 'w': 202, 'h': 93, 'e': ['aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 3860, 'y': 858, 'w': 302, 'h': 89, 'e': ['gt', 'gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 4692, 'y': 14, 'w': 186, 'h': 262, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'oj']}, {'x': 4585, 'y': 8, 'w': 97, 'h': 187, 'e': ['aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 3569, 'y': 567, 'w': 135, 'h': 140, 'e': ['gt', 'gt']}, {'x': 3709, 'y': 658, 'w': 87, 'h': 171, 'e': ['aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 3483, 'y': 18, 'w': 243, 'h': 145, 'e': ['gt', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'aj']}, {'x': 3454, 'y': 170, 'w': 175, 'h': 117, 'e': ['aj', 'oj']}, {'x': 2844, 'y': 494, 'w': 85, 'h': 87, 'ise': 'true', 'e': ['rt']}, {'x': 2714, 'y': 346, 'w': 269, 'h': 141, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 2674, 'y': 492, 'w': 162, 'h': 187, 'e': ['aj', 'aj', 'aj', 'oj']}, {'x': 2843, 'y': 587, 'w': 264, 'h': 136, 'e': ['aj', 'oj', 'oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 2940, 'y': 493, 'w': 219, 'h': 91, 'e': ['oj', 'oj']}, {'x': 2986, 'y': 317, 'w': 104, 'h': 170, 'e': ['gt', 'gt']}]; = [{'x': 5419, 'y': 399, 'r': 0, 'h': undefined, 'e': ['']}, {'x': 1213, 'y': 566, 'r': 180, 'h': 1200, 'e': ['fw', 'ms', 'ms', 'fw']}]; this.bk = []; this.rb = []; = [{'x': 106, 'y': 478, 'r': -1, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 235, 'y': 481, 'r': 0, 't': 'h2'}, {'x': 361, 'y': 481, 'r': 0, 't': 'h3'}, {'x': 626, 'y': 666, 'r': 89, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 628, 'y': 778, 'r': -90, 't': 'h3'}, {'x': 497, 'y': 481, 'r': 90, 't': 'h5'}, {'x': 629, 'y': 909, 'r': 91, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 62, 'y': 573, 'r': 90, 't': 'h2'}, {'x': 170, 'y': 573, 'r': 180, 't': 'h3'}, {'x': 542, 'y': 849, 'r': 91, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 450, 'y': 566, 'r': 0, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 532, 'y': 720, 'r': 91, 't': 'h3'}, {'x': 311, 'y': 567, 'r': 0, 't': 'h7'}, {'x': 57, 'y': 673, 'r': 0, 't': 'f4'}, {'x': 185, 'y': 669, 'r': 0, 't': 'f3'}, {'x': 441, 'y': 658, 'r': 90, 't': 'f2'}, {'x': 595, 'y': 489, 'r': 0, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 529, 'y': 607, 'r': 90, 't': 'h1'}, {'x': 624, 'y': 569, 'r': 90, 't': 'h2'}, {'x': 62, 'y': 778, 'r': 0, 't': 'f4'}, {'x': 318, 'y': 667, 'r': 90, 't': 'f5'}, {'x': 197, 'y': 798, 'r': -90, 't': 'f4'}, {'x': 88, 'y': 879, 'r': 91, 't': 'f4'}, {'x': 201, 'y': 904, 'r': 0, 't': 'f1'}, {'x': 332, 'y': 905, 'r': 0, 't': 'f1'}, {'x': 330, 'y': 790, 'r': 0, 't': 'f5'}, {'x': 453, 'y': 790, 'r': 0, 't': 'h8'}, {'x': 445, 'y': 895, 'r': 0, 't': 'h7'}, {'x': 536, 'y': 933, 'r': 0, 't': 'h2'}]; }; rr.conf.level.ConfLevel15 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.level.ConfLevel15.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3286 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'cols') { return 10; } if (key == 'rows') { return 2; } if (key == 'foreground') { return true; } if (key == 'maptype') { return 'grass'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3287 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'cols') { return 8; } if (key == 'rows') { return 5; } if (key == 'foreground') { return true; } if (key == 'maptype') { return 'desert'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3288 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'cols') { return 3; } if (key == 'rows') { return 16; } if (key == 'foreground') { return false; } if (key == 'maptype') { return 'ice'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3289 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'cols') { return 8; } if (key == 'rows') { return 5; } if (key == 'foreground') { return true; } if (key == 'maptype') { return 'grass'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3290 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { trace('ConfMapValues5 getValue: ' + key); if (key == 'cols') { return 10; } if (key == 'rows') { return 3; } if (key == 'foreground') { return true; } if (key == 'maptype') { return 'grass'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3291 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ConfAirField { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ConfAirField) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ConfAirField = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'detectiondistance') { return 600; } if (key == 'spawnsound') { return 'Airport.wav'; } if (key == 'spawntime') { return 20000; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ConfAirField.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3292 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ConfAirfieldDefender { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ConfAirfieldDefender) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ConfAirfieldDefender = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 20; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 500; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon11_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 10000; } if (key == 'detectiondistance') { return 550; } if (key == 'ammomaxspeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammorotationspeed') { return 6; } if (key == 'ammoacceleration') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'ammominrange') { return 50; } if (key == 'ammomaxrange') { return 1200; } if (key == 'ammodestroydelay') { return 1500; } if (key == 'ammoexplosiondamage') { return 50; } if (key == 'ammoexplosionradius') { return 100; } if (key == 'ammostartsound') { return 'Missile firing2_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return 'Missile1_loop.wav'; } if (key == 'ammoexplodesound') { return 'Explosion06_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ConfAirfieldDefender.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3293 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ConfA10 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ConfA10) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ConfA10 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 6; } if (key == 'price') { return 3200; } if (key == 'type') { return 'AirUnit'; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 3000; } if (key == 'killlevelenemy') { return 300; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 400; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'crashsound') { return 'WarthogCrash.wav'; } if (key == 'loopsound') { return 'WarthogHigh.wav'; } if (key == 'loopingsound') { return 'WarthogLooping.wav'; } if (key == 'weight') { return 8000; } if (key == 'minspeed') { return 5; } if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 7; } if (key == 'minspeeddistance') { return 100; } if (key == 'maxspeeddistance') { return 300; } if (key == 'rotationspeed') { return 2.8; } if (key == 'altitude') { return 50; } if (key == 'altitudefatal') { return 10; } if (key == 'fuel') { return 20000; } if (key == 'fuelconsumption') { return 0.03; } if (key == 'ascentrate') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'descentrate') { return 0.6; } if (key == 'fullrollangle') { return 110; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'launchdistance') { return 300; } if (key == 'cameradistance') { return 450; } if (key == 'menudistance') { return 70; } if (key == 'approachdistance') { return 40; } if (key == 'triangleheight') { return 250; } if (key == 'trianglebase') { return 80; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'shootingdistancemin') { return 80; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ConfA10.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3294 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ConfApache { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ConfApache) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ConfApache = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 5; } if (key == 'price') { return 1900; } if (key == 'type') { return 'AirUnit'; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1500; } if (key == 'killlevelenemy') { return 250; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1000; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'loopsound') { return 'ApacheHigh.wav'; } if (key == 'weight') { return 5000; } if (key == 'minspeed') { return -3; } if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 7; } if (key == 'minspeeddistance') { return 150; } if (key == 'maxspeeddistance') { return 300; } if (key == 'rotationspeed') { return 6; } if (key == 'altitude') { return 30; } if (key == 'altitudefatal') { return 1; } if (key == 'fuel') { return 10000; } if (key == 'fuelconsumption') { return 0.03; } if (key == 'ascentrate') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'descentrate') { return 0.5; } if (key == 'fullrollangle') { return 90; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.4; } if (key == 'launchaltitude') { return 15; } if (key == 'cameradistance') { return 250; } if (key == 'menudistance') { return 70; } if (key == 'approachdistance') { return 40; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'shootingdistancemin') { return 80; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ConfApache.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3295 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ConfB2 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ConfB2) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ConfB2 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 7; } if (key == 'price') { return 3550; } if (key == 'type') { return 'AirUnit'; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 2700; } if (key == 'killlevelenemy') { return 400; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 400; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'crashsound') { return 'B2Crash.wav'; } if (key == 'fuelsound') { return 'B2LowFuel-High.wav'; } if (key == 'loopsound') { return 'B2High.wav'; } if (key == 'weight') { return 8000; } if (key == 'minspeed') { return 5; } if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 7; } if (key == 'minspeeddistance') { return 150; } if (key == 'maxspeeddistance') { return 400; } if (key == 'rotationspeed') { return 3; } if (key == 'altitude') { return 90; } if (key == 'altitudefatal') { return 10; } if (key == 'fuel') { return 50000; } if (key == 'fuelconsumption') { return 0.03; } if (key == 'ascentrate') { return 0.5; } if (key == 'descentrate') { return 0.9; } if (key == 'fullrollangle') { return 135; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.15; } if (key == 'launchdistance') { return 450; } if (key == 'cameradistance') { return 250; } if (key == 'menudistance') { return 70; } if (key == 'approachdistance') { return 50; } if (key == 'triangleheight') { return 250; } if (key == 'trianglebase') { return 80; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'shootingdistancemin') { return 80; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ConfB2.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3296 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ConfB52 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ConfB52) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ConfB52 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 8; } if (key == 'price') { return 5400; } if (key == 'type') { return 'AirUnit'; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 4100; } if (key == 'killlevelenemy') { return 850; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 400; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'crashsound') { return 'B2Crash.wav'; } if (key == 'fuelsound') { return 'B2LowFuel-High.wav'; } if (key == 'loopsound') { return 'B2High.wav'; } if (key == 'weight') { return 10000; } if (key == 'minspeed') { return 5; } if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 6; } if (key == 'minspeeddistance') { return 100; } if (key == 'maxspeeddistance') { return 200; } if (key == 'rotationspeed') { return 1.5; } if (key == 'altitude') { return 140; } if (key == 'altitudefatal') { return 10; } if (key == 'fuel') { return 60000; } if (key == 'fuelconsumption') { return 0.03; } if (key == 'ascentrate') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'descentrate') { return 0.9; } if (key == 'fullrollangle') { return 45; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.15; } if (key == 'launchdistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'cameradistance') { return 250; } if (key == 'menudistance') { return 120; } if (key == 'approachdistance') { return 100; } if (key == 'triangleheight') { return 350; } if (key == 'trianglebase') { return 100; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'shootingdistancemin') { return 80; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ConfB52.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3297 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ConfBellHuey { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ConfBellHuey) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ConfBellHuey = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 2; } if (key == 'price') { return 1050; } if (key == 'type') { return 'AirUnit'; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 950; } if (key == 'killlevelenemy') { return 90; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1000; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'loopsound') { return 'BellHigh.wav'; } if (key == 'weight') { return 2000; } if (key == 'minspeed') { return -3; } if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 5; } if (key == 'minspeeddistance') { return 150; } if (key == 'maxspeeddistance') { return 300; } if (key == 'rotationspeed') { return 6; } if (key == 'altitude') { return 30; } if (key == 'altitudefatal') { return 1; } if (key == 'fuel') { return 8000; } if (key == 'fuelconsumption') { return 0.03; } if (key == 'ascentrate') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'descentrate') { return 0.4; } if (key == 'fullrollangle') { return 90; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.4; } if (key == 'launchaltitude') { return 15; } if (key == 'cameradistance') { return 250; } if (key == 'menudistance') { return 50; } if (key == 'approachdistance') { return 40; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'shootingdistancemin') { return 80; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ConfBellHuey.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3298 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ConfC47 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ConfC47) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ConfC47 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 3; } if (key == 'price') { return 2400; } if (key == 'type') { return 'AirUnit'; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1800; } if (key == 'killlevelenemy') { return 250; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1000; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'crashsound') { return 'C47Crash.wav'; } if (key == 'fuelsound') { return 'FockeLowFuel-High.wav'; } if (key == 'loopsound') { return 'C47High.wav'; } if (key == 'weight') { return 8000; } if (key == 'minspeed') { return 4; } if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 7; } if (key == 'minspeeddistance') { return 100; } if (key == 'maxspeeddistance') { return 300; } if (key == 'rotationspeed') { return 2.5; } if (key == 'altitude') { return 70; } if (key == 'altitudefatal') { return 10; } if (key == 'fuel') { return 18000; } if (key == 'fuelconsumption') { return 0.03; } if (key == 'ascentrate') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'descentrate') { return 0.7; } if (key == 'fullrollangle') { return 60; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.15; } if (key == 'launchdistance') { return 300; } if (key == 'cameradistance') { return 350; } if (key == 'menudistance') { return 70; } if (key == 'approachdistance') { return 50; } if (key == 'triangleheight') { return 250; } if (key == 'trianglebase') { return 80; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'shootingdistancemin') { return 80; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ConfC47.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3299 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ConfFockeWolf { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ConfFockeWolf) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ConfFockeWolf = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 1; } if (key == 'price') { return 1000; } if (key == 'type') { return 'AirUnit'; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1000; } if (key == 'killlevelenemy') { return 100; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1000; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'crashsound') { return 'FockeCrash.wav'; } if (key == 'fuelsound') { return 'FockeLowFuel-High.wav'; } if (key == 'loopsound') { return 'FockeHigh.wav'; } if (key == 'loopingsound') { return 'FockeLoop.wav'; } if (key == 'weight') { return 5000; } if (key == 'minspeed') { return 4; } if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 6; } if (key == 'minspeeddistance') { return 100; } if (key == 'maxspeeddistance') { return 300; } if (key == 'liftspeed') { return 300; } if (key == 'rotationspeed') { return 3.8; } if (key == 'altitude') { return 50; } if (key == 'altitudefatal') { return 10; } if (key == 'fuel') { return 8000; } if (key == 'fuelconsumption') { return 0.03; } if (key == 'ascentrate') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'descentrate') { return 0.6; } if (key == 'fullrollangle') { return 90; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.15; } if (key == 'launchdistance') { return 250; } if (key == 'cameradistance') { return 350; } if (key == 'menudistance') { return 70; } if (key == 'approachdistance') { return 0; } if (key == 'triangleheight') { return 250; } if (key == 'trianglebase') { return 80; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'shootingdistancemin') { return 80; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ConfFockeWolf.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3300 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ConfMesserSchmidt { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ConfMesserSchmidt) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ConfMesserSchmidt = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 4; } if (key == 'price') { return 1400; } if (key == 'type') { return 'AirUnit'; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1200; } if (key == 'killlevelenemy') { return 200; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1000; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'crashsound') { return 'MesserCrash.wav'; } if (key == 'fuelsound') { return 'MesserLowFuel-High.wav'; } if (key == 'loopsound') { return 'MesserHigh.wav'; } if (key == 'loopingsound') { return 'MesserLoop.wav'; } if (key == 'weight') { return 6000; } if (key == 'minspeed') { return 4; } if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 6; } if (key == 'minspeeddistance') { return 100; } if (key == 'maxspeeddistance') { return 300; } if (key == 'rotationspeed') { return 3.8; } if (key == 'altitude') { return 50; } if (key == 'altitudefatal') { return 10; } if (key == 'fuel') { return 10000; } if (key == 'fuelconsumption') { return 0.03; } if (key == 'ascentrate') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'descentrate') { return 0.6; } if (key == 'fullrollangle') { return 65; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.15; } if (key == 'launchdistance') { return 250; } if (key == 'cameradistance') { return 350; } if (key == 'menudistance') { return 70; } if (key == 'approachdistance') { return 0; } if (key == 'triangleheight') { return 250; } if (key == 'trianglebase') { return 80; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'shootingdistancemin') { return 80; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ConfMesserSchmidt.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3301 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfAirMissile { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfAirMissile) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfAirMissile = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Air to Air Missile'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 1; } if (key == 'price') { return 600; } if (key == 'count') { return 20; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 100; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'orange'; } if (key == 'upgradelevel') { return 1; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 500; } if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 40; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.9; } if (key == 'minrange') { return 30; } if (key == 'maxrange') { return 400; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 100; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 100; } if (key == 'startsound') { return 'Missile firing2_short.wav'; } if (key == 'sound') { return 'Missile1_loop.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion06_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfAirMissile.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3302 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfAirSeeker { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfAirSeeker) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfAirSeeker = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Air to Air Heatseeker'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 3; } if (key == 'price') { return 1500; } if (key == 'count') { return 10; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 150; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'orange'; } if (key == 'upgradelevel') { return 2; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 500; } if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'rotationspeed') { return 4; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'minrange') { return 30; } if (key == 'maxrange') { return 1200; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 200; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 100; } if (key == 'startsound') { return 'Missile firing2_short.wav'; } if (key == 'sound') { return 'Missile1_loop.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion06_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfAirSeeker.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3303 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGroundMissile { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGroundMissile) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGroundMissile = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Air to Ground Missile'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 1; } if (key == 'price') { return 500; } if (key == 'count') { return 20; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 100; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'orange'; } if (key == 'upgradelevel') { return 1; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 500; } if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 40; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.9; } if (key == 'minrange') { return 50; } if (key == 'maxrange') { return 500; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 300; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 100; } if (key == 'startsound') { return 'Missile firing2_short.wav'; } if (key == 'sound') { return 'Missile1_loop.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion06_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGroundMissile.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3304 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGroundSeeker { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGroundSeeker) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGroundSeeker = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Air to Ground Heatseeker'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 2; } if (key == 'price') { return 1300; } if (key == 'count') { return 10; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 150; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'orange'; } if (key == 'upgradelevel') { return 2; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 500; } if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 10; } if (key == 'rotationspeed') { return 6; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'minrange') { return 50; } if (key == 'maxrange') { return 1200; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 400; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 100; } if (key == 'startsound') { return 'Missile firing2_short.wav'; } if (key == 'sound') { return 'Missile1_loop.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion06_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGroundSeeker.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3305 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombNormal { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombNormal) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombNormal = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Normal Bombs'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 1; } if (key == 'price') { return 750; } if (key == 'count') { return 8; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 200; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'red'; } if (key == 'upgradelevel') { return 1; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 1000; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 400; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 150; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion03_short.wav'; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombNormal.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3306 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombHeavy { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombHeavy) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombHeavy = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Heavy Bombs'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 3; } if (key == 'price') { return 950; } if (key == 'count') { return 6; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 350; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'red'; } if (key == 'upgradelevel') { return 2; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 1000; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 600; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 250; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion09_short.wav'; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombHeavy.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3307 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombExtreme { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombExtreme) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombExtreme = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Extreme Bombs'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 5; } if (key == 'price') { return 1400; } if (key == 'count') { return 4; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 500; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'red'; } if (key == 'upgradelevel') { return 3; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 1000; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 900; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 500; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig06_short.wav'; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBombExtreme.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3308 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunSingle { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunSingle) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunSingle = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Single MachineGun'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 1; } if (key == 'price') { return 1000; } if (key == 'count') { return 1; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 50; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'blue'; } if (key == 'upgradelevel') { return 1; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 500; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'Gun light.wav'; } if (key == 'enemypauseinterval') { return 3000; } if (key == 'enemypauselength') { return 2000; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunSingle.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3309 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunDouble { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunDouble) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunDouble = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Double MachineGun'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 2; } if (key == 'price') { return 1700; } if (key == 'count') { return 1; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 100; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'blue'; } if (key == 'upgradelevel') { return 2; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 450; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'Gun medium.wav'; } if (key == 'enemypauseinterval') { return 3000; } if (key == 'enemypauselength') { return 2000; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunDouble.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3310 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunGatling { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunGatling) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunGatling = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Gatling MachineGun'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 4; } if (key == 'price') { return 2300; } if (key == 'count') { return 1; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 200; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'blue'; } if (key == 'upgradelevel') { return 3; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 400; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'Gun heavy.wav'; } if (key == 'enemypauseinterval') { return 3000; } if (key == 'enemypauselength') { return 2000; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfGunGatling.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3311 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfPropaganda { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfPropaganda) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfPropaganda = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Propaganda'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 1; } if (key == 'price') { return 1100; } if (key == 'count') { return 50; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 10; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'green'; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 200; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } if (key == 'propagandapower') { return 250; } if (key == 'propagandaradius') { return 150; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfPropaganda.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3312 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfEMPBomb { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfEMPBomb) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfEMPBomb = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'EMP Bomb'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 4; } if (key == 'price') { return 1450; } if (key == 'count') { return 5; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 250; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'green'; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 1000; } if (key == 'stundistance') { return 650; } if (key == 'minstuntime') { return 10000; } if (key == 'maxstuntime') { return 25000; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'AirplaneSkid1.wav'; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfEMPBomb.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3313 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfFuelBomb { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfFuelBomb) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfFuelBomb = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Fuel Bomb'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 5; } if (key == 'price') { return 1800; } if (key == 'count') { return 4; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 500; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'green'; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 1000; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 800; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 300; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion07min_short.wav'; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfFuelBomb.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3314 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfCarpetBomb { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfCarpetBomb) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfCarpetBomb = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'CarpetBomb'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 6; } if (key == 'price') { return 2200; } if (key == 'count') { return 4; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 400; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'green'; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 1000; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 600; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 200; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion03_short.wav'; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 2500; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfCarpetBomb.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3315 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfNuclearBomb { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfNuclearBomb) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfNuclearBomb = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Nuclear Bomb'; } if (key == 'availabilitylevel') { return 7; } if (key == 'price') { return 5000; } if (key == 'count') { return 2; } if (key == 'unitweight') { return 550; } if (key == 'colorgroup') { return 'green'; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 1000; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 5000; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 1000; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig06_short.wav'; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 2500; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfNuclearBomb.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3316 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunSingle { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunSingle) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunSingle = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'speed') { return 40; } if (key == 'minrange') { return 50; } if (key == 'maxrange') { return 300; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 540; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 25; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion06_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunSingle.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3317 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunDouble { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunDouble) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunDouble = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'speed') { return 40; } if (key == 'minrange') { return 50; } if (key == 'maxrange') { return 300; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 540; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 50; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion06_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunDouble.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3318 __Packages.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunGatling { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane) { _global.rr.conf.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo) { _global.rr.conf.plane.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunGatling) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunGatling = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'speed') { return 40; } if (key == 'minrange') { return 50; } if (key == 'maxrange') { return 300; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 540; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 100; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion06_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.plane.ammo.ConfBulletGunGatling.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3319 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfSaddleTank { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfSaddleTank) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfSaddleTank = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 110; } if (key == 'minspeed') { return -85; } if (key == 'length') { return 47; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.01; } if (key == 'accelerationfullstop') { return 0.05; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1000; } if (key == 'gunsounds') { return ['GunCannon6_short.wav']; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'hornsound') { return 'Train 2and3 Horn.wav'; } if (key == 'fueltype') { return 'coal'; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 700; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 350; } if (key == 'shootinginterval1') { return 1000; } if (key == 'rotationspeed1') { return 40; } if (key == 'rotationspeedmin') { return 10; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammodestroydelay') { return 210; } if (key == 'ammorange') { return 350; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 10; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfSaddleTank.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3320 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfRhino { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfRhino) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfRhino = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 140; } if (key == 'minspeed') { return -125; } if (key == 'length') { return 84; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.02; } if (key == 'accelerationfullstop') { return 0.05; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1000; } if (key == 'gunsounds') { return ['GunCannon4_short.wav', 'GunCannon6_short.wav']; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'hornsound') { return 'Train 2and3 Horn.wav'; } if (key == 'loopsound') { return 'Train 5.wav'; } if (key == 'fueltype') { return 'electric'; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 900; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 400; } if (key == 'shootinginterval1') { return 800; } if (key == 'shootinginterval2') { return 700; } if (key == 'rotationspeed1') { return 40; } if (key == 'rotationspeed2') { return 60; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammodestroydelay') { return 210; } if (key == 'ammorange') { return 300; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 20; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfRhino.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3321 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfSuperChief { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfSuperChief) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfSuperChief = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 210; } if (key == 'minspeed') { return -180; } if (key == 'length') { return 82; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.04; } if (key == 'accelerationfullstop') { return 0.06; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1000; } if (key == 'gunsounds') { return ['GunCannon4_short.wav', 'GunCannon6_short.wav']; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'hornsound') { return 'Train 2and3 Horn.wav'; } if (key == 'loopsound') { return 'Train 5.wav'; } if (key == 'fueltype') { return 'oil'; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1400; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 400; } if (key == 'shootinginterval1') { return 800; } if (key == 'shootinginterval2') { return 700; } if (key == 'rotationspeed1') { return 40; } if (key == 'rotationspeed2') { return 60; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammodestroydelay') { return 210; } if (key == 'ammorange') { return 300; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 30; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfSuperChief.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3322 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfSuperChiefWagon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfSuperChiefWagon) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfSuperChiefWagon = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'spaces') { return 2; } if (key == 'length') { return 40; } if (key == 'weight') { return 0; } if (key == 'gunsounds') { return ['GunCannon4_short.wav', 'GunCannon6_short.wav']; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08min_short.wav'; } if (key == 'shootinginterval1') { return 700; } if (key == 'shootinginterval2') { return 800; } if (key == 'rotationspeed1') { return 40; } if (key == 'rotationspeed2') { return 60; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1000; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfSuperChiefWagon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3323 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfDragon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfDragon) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfDragon = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 180; } if (key == 'minspeed') { return -150; } if (key == 'length') { return 89; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.03; } if (key == 'accelerationfullstop') { return 0.05; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1100; } if (key == 'gunsounds') { return ['GunCannon4_short.wav', 'GunCannon6_short.wav']; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'hornsound') { return 'Train 2and3 Horn.wav'; } if (key == 'loopsound') { return 'Train 5.wav'; } if (key == 'fueltype') { return 'oil'; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1800; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'shootinginterval1') { return 700; } if (key == 'shootinginterval2') { return 750; } if (key == 'rotationspeed1') { return 40; } if (key == 'rotationspeed2') { return 60; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammodestroydelay') { return 210; } if (key == 'ammorange') { return 300; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 60; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfDragon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3324 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfPennsylvania { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfPennsylvania) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfPennsylvania = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 195; } if (key == 'minspeed') { return -160; } if (key == 'length') { return 99; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.04; } if (key == 'accelerationfullstop') { return 0.06; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1000; } if (key == 'gunsounds') { return ['GunCannon4_short.wav', 'GunCannon6_short.wav']; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'hornsound') { return 'Train 2and3 Horn.wav'; } if (key == 'loopsound') { return 'Train 5.wav'; } if (key == 'fueltype') { return 'electric'; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1200; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 400; } if (key == 'shootinginterval1') { return 1200; } if (key == 'shootinginterval2') { return 1400; } if (key == 'rotationspeed1') { return 80; } if (key == 'rotationspeed2') { return 100; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammodestroydelay') { return 210; } if (key == 'ammorange') { return 300; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 45; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfPennsylvania.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3325 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfSmallCannon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfSmallCannon) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfSmallCannon = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'spaces') { return 1; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 22; } if (key == 'barrellength') { return 20; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 400; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon11_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1400; } if (key == 'rotationspeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'rotationspeedmin') { return 10; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 400; } if (key == 'shootingdistancemin') { return 50; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 2500; } if (key == 'detectiondistance') { return 450; } if (key == 'targettime') { return 5000; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 40; } if (key == 'ammodestroydelay') { return 540; } if (key == 'ammorange') { return 300; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 25; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfSmallCannon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3326 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfMediumCannon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfMediumCannon) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfMediumCannon = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'spaces') { return 2; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 22; } if (key == 'barrellength') { return 20; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 650; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon3_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion10_short.wav'; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1400; } if (key == 'rotationspeed') { return 30; } if (key == 'rotationspeedmin') { return 10; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 450; } if (key == 'shootingdistancemin') { return 150; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 3000; } if (key == 'detectiondistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'targettime') { return 5000; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 30; } if (key == 'ammodestroydelay') { return 540; } if (key == 'ammorange') { return 450; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 45; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfMediumCannon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3327 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfHeatseeker { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfHeatseeker) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfHeatseeker = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'range') { return 2000; } if (key == 'detectiondistance') { return 600; } if (key == 'mincurve') { return 4; } if (key == 'maxcurve') { return 6; } if (key == 'maxspeed') { return 10; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'ammoduration') { return 1040; } if (key == 'startsound') { return ['Missile firing3_short.wav']; } if (key == 'sound') { return ['Missile3_loop.wav']; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return ['Explosion07_short.wav']; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 40; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 130; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfHeatseeker.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3328 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfSmallFastCannon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfSmallFastCannon) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfSmallFastCannon = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'spaces') { return 1; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 22; } if (key == 'barrellength') { return 20; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 500; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon11_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1400; } if (key == 'rotationspeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'rotationspeedmin') { return 10; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 350; } if (key == 'shootingdistancemin') { return 50; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 3500; } if (key == 'detectiondistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'targettime') { return 5000; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 50; } if (key == 'ammodestroydelay') { return 540; } if (key == 'ammorange') { return 350; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 15; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfSmallFastCannon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3329 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfRocketLauncher { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfRocketLauncher) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfRocketLauncher = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'spaces') { return 1; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 20; } if (key == 'barrellength') { return 20; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 600; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon11_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } if (key == 'rotationspeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'rotationspeedmin') { return 10; } if (key == 'shootingdistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'shootinginterval') { return 10000; } if (key == 'detectiondistance') { return 550; } if (key == 'targettime') { return 5000; } if (key == 'ammomaxspeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammorotationspeed') { return 6; } if (key == 'ammoacceleration') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'ammominrange') { return 50; } if (key == 'ammomaxrange') { return 1200; } if (key == 'ammodestroydelay') { return 1500; } if (key == 'ammoexplosiondamage') { return 50; } if (key == 'ammoexplosionradius') { return 100; } if (key == 'ammostartsound') { return 'Missile firing2_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return 'Missile1_loop.wav'; } if (key == 'ammoexplodesound') { return 'Explosion06_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfRocketLauncher.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3330 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfWagon1 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfWagon1) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfWagon1 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'price') { return 400; } if (key == 'spaces') { return 1; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1200; } if (key == 'length') { return 21; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1000; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfWagon1.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3331 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfWagon2 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfWagon2) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfWagon2 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'spaces') { return 2; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1200; } if (key == 'length') { return 37; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1100; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfWagon2.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3332 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfWagon3 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfWagon3) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfWagon3 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'spaces') { return 3; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1200; } if (key == 'length') { return 52; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1200; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfWagon3.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3333 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfWagon4 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfWagon4) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfWagon4 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'spaces') { return 4; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1200; } if (key == 'length') { return 72; } if (key == 'height') { return 16; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1400; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfWagon4.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3334 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfPassenger { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfPassenger) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfPassenger = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1200; } if (key == 'length') { return 54; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1200; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfPassenger.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3335 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfPassengerArmored { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfPassengerArmored) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfPassengerArmored = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } if (key == 'length') { return 54; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 2000; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfPassengerArmored.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3336 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfABomb { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfABomb) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfABomb = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } if (key == 'length') { return 37; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1500; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfABomb.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3337 __Packages.rr.conf.train.ConfTankTrailer { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train) { _global.rr.conf.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.train.ConfTankTrailer) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.train.ConfTankTrailer = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1000; } if (key == 'length') { return 74; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1200; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.train.ConfTankTrailer.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3338 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfBasilisk { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfBasilisk) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfBasilisk = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'unittype') { return 'GroundUnit'; } if (key == 'confcode') { return 'bl'; } if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Basilisk'; } if (key == 'hostility') { return 1000; } if (key == 'detectionDistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'shootingDistance') { return 400; } if (key == 'shootingInterval') { return 5000; } if (key == 'rotationSpeed') { return 10; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 550; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1000; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon3_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion09_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammoduration') { return 1000; } if (key == 'ammoAccuracy') { return 70; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 70; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 150; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return 'Explosion08_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfBasilisk.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3339 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfPotTank { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfPotTank) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfPotTank = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'unittype') { return 'GroundUnit'; } if (key == 'confcode') { return 'pt'; } if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Pot Tank'; } if (key == 'hostility') { return 800; } if (key == 'maxSpeed') { return 2; } if (key == 'curve') { return 4; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.1; } if (key == 'detectionDistance') { return 400; } if (key == 'shootingDistance') { return 320; } if (key == 'shootingInterval') { return 2000; } if (key == 'followDistance') { return 50; } if (key == 'rotationSpeed') { return 10; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 350; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1300; } if (key == 'sound') { return 'tank2.wav'; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon3_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion07_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammoduration') { return 900; } if (key == 'ammoAccuracy') { return 50; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 40; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 120; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return 'Explosion11min_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfPotTank.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3340 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfAbrahams { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfAbrahams) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfAbrahams = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'unittype') { return 'GroundUnit'; } if (key == 'confcode') { return 'ah'; } if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Abrahams'; } if (key == 'hostility') { return 1000; } if (key == 'maxSpeed') { return 2; } if (key == 'curve') { return 8; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.1; } if (key == 'detectionDistance') { return 450; } if (key == 'shootingDistance') { return 400; } if (key == 'shootingInterval') { return 2000; } if (key == 'followDistance') { return 50; } if (key == 'rotationSpeed') { return 10; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 450; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1200; } if (key == 'sound') { return 'tank4.wav'; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon2_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion09_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammoduration') { return 1000; } if (key == 'ammoAccuracy') { return 70; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 100; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 130; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return 'Explosion08min_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfAbrahams.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3341 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfElephant { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfElephant) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfElephant = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'unittype') { return 'GroundUnit'; } if (key == 'confcode') { return 'el'; } if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Elephant'; } if (key == 'hostility') { return 800; } if (key == 'maxSpeed') { return 2; } if (key == 'curve') { return 4; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.1; } if (key == 'detectionDistance') { return 400; } if (key == 'shootingDistance') { return 320; } if (key == 'shootingInterval') { return 2000; } if (key == 'followDistance') { return 50; } if (key == 'rotationSpeed') { return 10; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 410; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } if (key == 'sound') { return 'tank3.wav'; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon1_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion09_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammoduration') { return 800; } if (key == 'ammoAccuracy') { return 70; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 35; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 50; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return 'Explosion05min_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfElephant.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3342 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfOldJeep { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfOldJeep) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfOldJeep = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'unittype') { return 'GroundUnit'; } if (key == 'confcode') { return 'oj'; } if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Old Jeep'; } if (key == 'hostility') { return 800; } if (key == 'maxSpeed') { return 2; } if (key == 'curve') { return 4; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.1; } if (key == 'detectionDistance') { return 300; } if (key == 'shootingDistance') { return 250; } if (key == 'shootingInterval') { return 1000; } if (key == 'followDistance') { return 50; } if (key == 'rotationSpeed') { return 10; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 100; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1000; } if (key == 'sound') { return 'Jeep.wav'; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon7_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion11_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammoduration') { return 800; } if (key == 'ammoAccuracy') { return 40; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 15; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 50; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return 'Explosion05min_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfOldJeep.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3343 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfGunTruck { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfGunTruck) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfGunTruck = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'unittype') { return 'GroundUnit'; } if (key == 'confcode') { return 'gt'; } if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Gun Truck'; } if (key == 'hostility') { return 700; } if (key == 'maxSpeed') { return 2; } if (key == 'curve') { return 4; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.1; } if (key == 'detectionDistance') { return 350; } if (key == 'shootingDistance') { return 280; } if (key == 'shootingInterval') { return 3000; } if (key == 'followDistance') { return 50; } if (key == 'rotationSpeed') { return 10; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 225; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1300; } if (key == 'sound') { return 'Guntruck.wav'; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon3_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion06_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammoduration') { return 800; } if (key == 'ammoAccuracy') { return 50; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 25; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 40; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return 'Explosion11min_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfGunTruck.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3344 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfArmoredJeep { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfArmoredJeep) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfArmoredJeep = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'unittype') { return 'GroundUnit'; } if (key == 'confcode') { return 'aj'; } if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Armored Jeep'; } if (key == 'hostility') { return 500; } if (key == 'maxSpeed') { return 2; } if (key == 'curve') { return 8; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.1; } if (key == 'detectionDistance') { return 300; } if (key == 'shootingDistance') { return 250; } if (key == 'shootingInterval') { return 2000; } if (key == 'followDistance') { return 50; } if (key == 'rotationSpeed') { return 10; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 175; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 800; } if (key == 'sound') { return 'Jeep2.wav'; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon7_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion11_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammoduration') { return 800; } if (key == 'ammoAccuracy') { return 40; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 20; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 50; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return 'Explosion05min_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfArmoredJeep.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3345 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfPanther { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfPanther) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfPanther = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'unittype') { return 'GroundUnit'; } if (key == 'confcode') { return 'pn'; } if (key == 'displayname') { return 'panther'; } if (key == 'hostility') { return 900; } if (key == 'maxSpeed') { return 2; } if (key == 'curve') { return 4; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.1; } if (key == 'detectionDistance') { return 420; } if (key == 'shootingDistance') { return 320; } if (key == 'shootingInterval') { return 2000; } if (key == 'followDistance') { return 50; } if (key == 'rotationSpeed') { return 10; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 410; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1500; } if (key == 'sound') { return 'tank3.wav'; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon1_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion09_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammoduration') { return 900; } if (key == 'ammoAccuracy') { return 50; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 70; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 120; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return 'Explosion05min_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfPanther.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3346 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfBullDozer { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfBullDozer) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfBullDozer = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'unittype') { return 'GroundUnit'; } if (key == 'confcode') { return 'bd'; } if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Bulldozer'; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 30; } if (key == 'maxSpeed') { return 1; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.02; } if (key == 'detectionDistance') { return 450; } if (key == 'curve') { return 4; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 300; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 800; } if (key == 'sound') { return 'Bulldozer.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion10_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfBullDozer.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3347 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfBunker { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfBunker) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfBunker = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'unittype') { return 'GroundUnit'; } if (key == 'confcode') { return 'bk'; } if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Bunker'; } if (key == 'hostility') { return 1200; } if (key == 'detectionDistance') { return 500; } if (key == 'shootingDistance') { return 480; } if (key == 'shootingInterval') { return 3000; } if (key == 'rotationSpeed') { return 10; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 600; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1100; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon3_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion09_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammoduration') { return 1000; } if (key == 'ammoAccuracy') { return 60; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 25; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 100; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return 'Explosion08min_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfBunker.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3348 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfGatlingSingle { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfGatlingSingle) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfGatlingSingle = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'unittype') { return 'GroundUnit'; } if (key == 'confcode') { return 'gs'; } if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Gatling Single'; } if (key == 'hostility') { return 800; } if (key == 'detectionDistance') { return 380; } if (key == 'shootingDistance') { return 300; } if (key == 'shootingInterval') { return 1000; } if (key == 'rotationSpeed') { return 10; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 410; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 900; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon7_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion09_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammoduration') { return 1300; } if (key == 'ammoAccuracy') { return 50; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 20; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 60; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return 'Explosion11min_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfGatlingSingle.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3349 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfGatlingDouble { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfGatlingDouble) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfGatlingDouble = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'unittype') { return 'GroundUnit'; } if (key == 'confcode') { return 'gd'; } if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Gatling Double'; } if (key == 'hostility') { return 900; } if (key == 'detectionDistance') { return 400; } if (key == 'shootingDistance') { return 300; } if (key == 'shootingInterval') { return 800; } if (key == 'rotationSpeed') { return 10; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 810; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 900; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon7_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion09_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammospeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammoduration') { return 1300; } if (key == 'ammoAccuracy') { return 50; } if (key == 'ammodamage') { return 25; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 70; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return 'Explosion11min_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfGatlingDouble.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3350 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocketeer { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocketeer) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocketeer = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'unittype') { return 'GroundUnit'; } if (key == 'confcode') { return 'rt'; } if (key == 'displayname') { return 'rocketeer'; } if (key == 'hostility') { return 400; } if (key == 'maxSpeed') { return 2; } if (key == 'curve') { return 8; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.1; } if (key == 'detectionDistance') { return 400; } if (key == 'shootingDistance') { return 600; } if (key == 'shootingInterval') { return 10000; } if (key == 'rotationSpeed') { return 10; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 350; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1200; } if (key == 'sound') { return 'tank2.wav'; } if (key == 'gunsound') { return 'GunCannon3_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'Explosion09_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammorange') { return 2000; } if (key == 'ammominCurve') { return 2; } if (key == 'ammomaxCurve') { return 6; } if (key == 'ammomaxSpeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammoacceleration') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'ammoduration') { return 1300; } if (key == 'ammostartsound') { return ['Missile firing2_short.wav']; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return ['Missile2_loop.wav']; } if (key == 'ammoexplodesound') { return ['Explosion07_short.wav']; } if (key == 'ammoexplosiondamage') { return 40; } if (key == 'ammoexplosionradius') { return 150; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocketeer.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3351 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocketBase { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocketBase) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocketBase = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'unittype') { return 'GroundUnit'; } if (key == 'confcode') { return 'rb'; } if (key == 'displayname') { return 'Rocketbase'; } if (key == 'launchtime') { return 3000; } if (key == 'launchtime') { return 20000; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 60; } if (key == 'startsound') { return 'Harpoon Base.wav'; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1000; } if (key == 'destroydelay') { return 1100; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig03_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammomaxspeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'ammorotationspeed') { return 6; } if (key == 'ammoacceleration') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'ammominrange') { return 50; } if (key == 'ammomaxrange') { return 1200; } if (key == 'ammodestroydelay') { return 1500; } if (key == 'ammoexplosiondamage') { return 60; } if (key == 'ammoexplosionradius') { return 120; } if (key == 'ammostartsound') { return 'Missile firing2_short.wav'; } if (key == 'ammosound') { return 'Missile1_loop.wav'; } if (key == 'ammoexplodesound') { return 'Explosion06_short.wav'; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocketBase.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3352 __Packages.rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocket { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy) { _global.rr.conf.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocket) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocket = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'range') { return 5000; } if (key == 'altitude') { return 100; } if (key == 'curve') { return 4; } if (key == 'maxSpeed') { return 20; } if (key == 'acceleration') { return 0.3; } if (key == 'ammoduration') { return 1040; } if (key == 'startsound') { return ['Missile firing2_short.wav']; } if (key == 'sound') { return ['Missile1_loop.wav']; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return ['Explosion07_short.wav']; } if (key == 'explosiondamage') { return 40; } if (key == 'explosionradius') { return 150; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.enemy.ConfRocket.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3353 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfFlat1 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfFlat1) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfFlat1 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'Flat'; } if (key == 'height') { return 12; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 700; } if (key == 'population') { return 60; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig05_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 35; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfFlat1.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3354 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfFlat2 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfFlat2) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfFlat2 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'Flat'; } if (key == 'height') { return 12; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 720; } if (key == 'population') { return 60; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig05_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 45; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfFlat2.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3355 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfFlat3 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfFlat3) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfFlat3 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'Flat'; } if (key == 'height') { return 12; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 760; } if (key == 'population') { return 90; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig05_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 35; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfFlat3.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3356 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfFlat4 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfFlat4) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfFlat4 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'Flat'; } if (key == 'height') { return 12; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 690; } if (key == 'population') { return 80; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig05_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 35; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfFlat4.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3357 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfFlat5 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfFlat5) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfFlat5 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'Flat'; } if (key == 'height') { return 12; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 710; } if (key == 'population') { return 40; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig05_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 40; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfFlat5.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3358 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse1 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse1) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfHouse1 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'House'; } if (key == 'height') { return 5; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 400; } if (key == 'population') { return 3; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig02_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 15; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfHouse1.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3359 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse2 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse2) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfHouse2 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'House'; } if (key == 'height') { return 5; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 410; } if (key == 'population') { return 5; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig02_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 15; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfHouse2.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3360 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse3 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse3) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfHouse3 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'House'; } if (key == 'height') { return 5; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 390; } if (key == 'population') { return 6; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig02_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 25; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfHouse3.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3361 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse4 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse4) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfHouse4 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'House'; } if (key == 'height') { return 5; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 410; } if (key == 'population') { return 8; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig02_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 30; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfHouse4.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3362 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse5 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse5) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfHouse5 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'House'; } if (key == 'height') { return 5; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 440; } if (key == 'population') { return 9; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig02_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 25; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfHouse5.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3363 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse6 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse6) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfHouse6 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'House'; } if (key == 'height') { return 5; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 390; } if (key == 'population') { return 12; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig02_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 40; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfHouse6.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3364 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse7 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse7) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfHouse7 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'House'; } if (key == 'height') { return 5; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 450; } if (key == 'population') { return 6; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig02_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 30; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfHouse7.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3365 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse8 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse8) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfHouse8 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'House'; } if (key == 'height') { return 5; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 400; } if (key == 'population') { return 6; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig02_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 30; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfHouse8.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3366 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse9 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfHouse9) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfHouse9 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'House'; } if (key == 'height') { return 5; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 410; } if (key == 'population') { return 5; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig02_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 25; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfHouse9.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3367 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry1 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry1) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry1 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'Industry'; } if (key == 'height') { return 15; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 600; } if (key == 'population') { return 0; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig03_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 1300; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 40; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry1.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3368 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry2 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry2) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry2 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'Industry'; } if (key == 'height') { return 15; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 1000; } if (key == 'population') { return 0; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig03_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 1300; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 70; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry2.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3369 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry3 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry3) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry3 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'Industry'; } if (key == 'height') { return 15; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 550; } if (key == 'population') { return 0; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig03_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 1200; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 35; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry3.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3370 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry4 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry4) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry4 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'Industry'; } if (key == 'height') { return 15; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 800; } if (key == 'population') { return 0; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig03_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 1000; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 60; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry4.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3371 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry5 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry5) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry5 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'Industry'; } if (key == 'height') { return 15; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 900; } if (key == 'population') { return 0; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig03_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 1200; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 70; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfIndustry5.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3372 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfOffice1 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfOffice1) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfOffice1 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'Office'; } if (key == 'height') { return 15; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 710; } if (key == 'population') { return 0; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig05_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 35; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfOffice1.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3373 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfOffice2 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfOffice2) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfOffice2 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'Office'; } if (key == 'height') { return 15; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 740; } if (key == 'population') { return 0; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig05_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 1000; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 35; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfOffice2.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3374 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfOffice3 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfOffice3) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfOffice3 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'Office'; } if (key == 'height') { return 15; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 68; } if (key == 'population') { return 0; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig05_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 35; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfOffice3.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3375 __Packages.rr.conf.building.ConfOffice4 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building) { _global.rr.conf.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.building.ConfOffice4) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.building.ConfOffice4 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getValue = function (key) { if (key == 'type') { return 'Office'; } if (key == 'height') { return 15; } if (key == 'killlevel') { return 700; } if (key == 'population') { return 0; } if (key == 'explodesound') { return 'ExplosionBig05_short.wav'; } if (key == 'explodedelay') { return 600; } if (key == 'feelerradius') { return 45; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.building.ConfOffice4.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3376 __Packages.rr.control.PlaneBoxOrange { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.PlaneBoxOrange) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.init(); }; rr.control.PlaneBoxOrange = v1; rr.control.PlaneBoxOrange extends rr.control.PlaneBox; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this._parent._parent.oranges.push(this); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.PlaneBoxOrange.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3377 __Packages.rr.control.PlaneBoxBlue { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.PlaneBoxBlue) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.init(); }; rr.control.PlaneBoxBlue = v1; rr.control.PlaneBoxBlue extends rr.control.PlaneBox; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this._parent._parent.blues.push(this); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.PlaneBoxBlue.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3378 __Packages.rr.control.PlaneBoxGreen { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.PlaneBoxGreen) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.init(); }; rr.control.PlaneBoxGreen = v1; rr.control.PlaneBoxGreen extends rr.control.PlaneBox; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this._parent._parent.greens.push(this); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.PlaneBoxGreen.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3379 __Packages.rr.control.PlaneBoxRed { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.PlaneBoxRed) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.init(); }; rr.control.PlaneBoxRed = v1; rr.control.PlaneBoxRed extends rr.control.PlaneBox; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this._parent._parent.reds.push(this); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.PlaneBoxRed.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3380 __Packages.rr.control.PlaneDisplay { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.PlaneDisplay) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.init(); }; rr.control.PlaneDisplay = v1; rr.control.PlaneDisplay extends rr.BaseClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.hide(); this.oranges = new Array(); this.reds = new Array(); this.blues = new Array(); this.greens = new Array(); this.setPossibleWeapons(); _global.planemenu.addEventListener('onUpgrade', this); }; v2.__get__linkId = function () { return this._linkId; }; v2.__set__linkId = function (value) { this._linkId = value; return this.__get__linkId(); }; = function (showguides) { this._parent.guide1_mc._visible = false; this._parent.guide2_mc._visible = false; if (showguides) { if ( == 1) { this._parent.guide1_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); this._parent.guide1_mc._visible = true; } if ( == 2) { this._parent.guide2_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); this._parent.guide2_mc._visible = true; } } this._visible = true; }; v2.hide = function () { this._visible = false; }; v2.setPossibleWeapons = function () { switch (this._linkId) { case 'FockeWolf': this.possibleWeapons = ['AirMissile', 'AirSeeker', 'GroundMissile', 'GroundSeeker', 'BombNormal', 'GunSingle', 'GunDouble', 'Propaganda', 'EMPBomb']; break; case 'BellHuey': this.possibleWeapons = ['AirMissile', 'AirSeeker', 'GroundMissile', 'GroundSeeker', 'BombNormal', 'GunSingle', 'GunDouble', 'Propaganda', 'EMPBomb']; break; case 'MesserSchmidt': this.possibleWeapons = ['AirMissile', 'AirSeeker', 'GroundMissile', 'GroundSeeker', 'BombNormal', 'BombHeavy', 'GunSingle', 'GunDouble', 'Propaganda', 'EMPBomb']; break; case 'C47': this.possibleWeapons = ['AirMissile', 'AirSeeker', 'GroundMissile', 'GroundSeeker', 'BombNormal', 'BombHeavy', 'BombExtreme', 'GunSingle', 'GunDouble', 'GunGatling', 'Propaganda', 'FuelBomb', 'EMPBomb', 'CarpetBomb']; break; case 'Apache': this.possibleWeapons = ['AirMissile', 'AirSeeker', 'GroundMissile', 'GroundSeeker', 'BombNormal', 'GunSingle', 'GunDouble', 'Propaganda', 'EMPBomb']; break; case 'A10': this.possibleWeapons = ['AirMissile', 'AirSeeker', 'GroundMissile', 'GroundSeeker', 'BombNormal', 'BombHeavy', 'BombExtreme', 'GunSingle', 'GunDouble', 'GunGatling', 'Propaganda', 'FuelBomb', 'EMPBomb', 'CarpetBomb']; break; case 'B2': this.possibleWeapons = ['AirMissile', 'AirSeeker', 'GroundMissile', 'GroundSeeker', 'BombNormal', 'BombHeavy', 'BombExtreme', 'GunSingle', 'GunDouble', 'GunGatling', 'Propaganda', 'FuelBomb', 'EMPBomb', 'CarpetBomb', 'NuclearBomb']; break; case 'B52': this.possibleWeapons = ['AirMissile', 'AirSeeker', 'GroundMissile', 'GroundSeeker', 'BombNormal', 'BombHeavy', 'BombExtreme', 'GunSingle', 'GunDouble', 'GunGatling', 'Propaganda', 'FuelBomb', 'EMPBomb', 'CarpetBomb', 'NuclearBomb']; } }; v2.weaponAllowed = function (lid) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < this.possibleWeapons.length) { if (this.possibleWeapons[v2] == lid) { return true; } ++v2; } return false; }; v2.getFreeBox = function (colour) { var v4; var v3; switch (colour) { case 'orange': v3 = this.oranges; break; case 'red': v3 = this.reds; break; case 'blue': v3 = this.blues; break; case 'green': v3 = this.greens; } var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3.length) { if (v3[v2].boxObject == undefined) { v4 = v3[v2]; break; } ++v2; } return v4; }; v2.clear = function () {{'type': 'clear'}); }; v2.refreshBoxes = function () { var v3 = this.oranges.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { if (this.oranges[v2].boxObject.count == 0) { this.oranges[v2].clear(); } ++v2; } v3 = this.reds.length; v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { if (this.reds[v2].boxObject.count == 0) { this.reds[v2].clear(); } ++v2; } v3 = this.greens.length; v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { if (this.greens[v2].boxObject.count == 0) { this.greens[v2].clear(); } ++v2; } }; v2.clearAndRefund = function () { var v3 = this.oranges.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { this.oranges[v2].doRefund(); ++v2; } v3 = this.reds.length; v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { this.reds[v2].doRefund(); ++v2; } v3 = this.greens.length; v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { this.greens[v2].doRefund(); ++v2; } v3 = this.blues.length; v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { this.blues[v2].doRefund(); ++v2; } this.clear(); }; v2.getRefund = function () { var v4 = 0; var v3 = this.oranges.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { v4 += this.oranges[v2].getRefund(); ++v2; } v3 = this.reds.length; v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { v4 += this.reds[v2].getRefund(); ++v2; } v3 = this.greens.length; v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { v4 += this.greens[v2].getRefund(); ++v2; } v3 = this.blues.length; v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { v4 += this.blues[v2].getRefund(); ++v2; } return v4; }; v2.getUpgradeRefund = function (up) { var v7 = 0; var v6; var v5; var v4; switch (up) { case 'upair': v6 = this.oranges; v5 = 'AirMissile'; v4 = 'AirSeeker'; break; case 'upground': v6 = this.oranges; v5 = 'GroundMissile'; v4 = 'GroundSeeker'; break; case 'upbomb': v6 = this.reds; if (_global.player.upBomb == 1) { v5 = 'BombNormal'; v4 = 'BombHeavy'; } else { v5 = 'BombHeavy'; v4 = 'BombExtreme'; } break; case 'upgun': v6 = this.blues; if (_global.player.upGun == 1) { v5 = 'GunSingle'; v4 = 'GunDouble'; } else { v5 = 'GunDouble'; v4 = 'GunGatling'; } } var v8 = v6.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v8) { v7 += v6[v3].getUpgradeRefund(v5, v4); ++v3; } return v7; }; v2.onUpgrade = function (evtObj) { var v8 = evtObj.upgrade; var v6; var v5; var v4; switch (v8) { case 'upair': v6 = this.oranges; v5 = 'AirMissile'; v4 = 'AirSeeker'; break; case 'upground': v6 = this.oranges; v5 = 'GroundMissile'; v4 = 'GroundSeeker'; break; case 'upbomb': v6 = this.reds; if (_global.player.upBomb == 2) { v5 = 'BombNormal'; v4 = 'BombHeavy'; } else { v5 = 'BombHeavy'; v4 = 'BombExtreme'; } break; case 'upgun': v6 = this.blues; if (_global.player.upGun == 2) { v5 = 'GunSingle'; v4 = 'GunDouble'; } else { v5 = 'GunDouble'; v4 = 'GunGatling'; } } var v7 = v6.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v7) { v6[v3].upgrade(v5, v4); ++v3; } }; v2.addProperty('linkId', v2.__get__linkId, v2.__set__linkId); ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.PlaneDisplay.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3381 __Packages.rr.control.WeaponButton { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.WeaponButton) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.init(); }; rr.control.WeaponButton = v1; rr.control.WeaponButton extends rr.BaseClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.upLevel = undefined; this.displayname = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this._linkId, 'displayname'); this.price = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this._linkId, 'price'); this.count = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this._linkId, 'count'); this.unitweight = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this._linkId, 'unitweight'); this.alevel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this._linkId, 'availabilitylevel'); this.colorGroup = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this._linkId, 'colorgroup'); this.upgradeLevel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this._linkId, 'upgradelevel'); this.tfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this._linkId, 'shootinginterval'); if (this.colorGroup == 'green') { this.released = true; } this.onRollOver = rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.planemenu, _global.planemenu.showWeaponInfo, this); this.onDragOut = rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.planemenu, _global.planemenu.hideWeaponInfo); this.onRollOut = this.onDragOut; _global.planemenu.addEventListener('onUpdateMenu', this); _global.planemenu.addEventListener('onUpgrade', this); _global.planemenu.addEventListener('onInitLevel', this); }; v2.__get__linkId = function () { return this._linkId; }; v2.__set__linkId = function (value) { this._linkId = value; return this.__get__linkId(); }; v2.__get__isPossible = function () { return !this.notpossible_mc._visible; }; v2.onInitLevel = function () { this.upLevel = undefined; this.upgraded = false; this.released = false; if (this.colorGroup == 'green') { this.released = true; } this.onUpgrade(); }; v2.onUpdateMenu = function () { if (this.upLevel == undefined) { this.onUpgrade(); } this.checkEnabled(); }; v2.checkEnabled = function () { this.canpress = true; this.upgradefirst_mc._visible = false; this.upgrade_mc._visible = false; this.notpossible_mc._visible = false; if (!_global.planemenu.selectedDisplay.weaponAllowed(this._linkId)) { this.showNotPossible(); this.canpress = false; } else { if (_global.gametype == 'extra' && this.alevel > _global.superlevel) { this.showNotPossible(); this.canpress = false; } else { if (this.alevel > { this.showNotPossible(); this.canpress = false; } else { if (!this.released) { this.showUpgradeFirst(); this.canpress = false; } else { if (this.upgraded && this.upgradedWeaponAllowed()) { this.canpress = false; } else { if (_global.planemenu.selectedDisplay.getFreeBox(this.colorGroup) == undefined) { this.canpress = false; } else { if (this.price > { this.canpress = false; } } } } } } } if (this.upgraded) { this.showUpgraded(); } this.processEnabled(); }; v2.showUpgradeFirst = function () { this.upgradefirst_mc._visible = true; this.upgrade_mc._visible = false; this.notpossible_mc._visible = false; }; v2.showUpgraded = function () { this.upgradefirst_mc._visible = false; this.upgrade_mc._visible = true; this.notpossible_mc._visible = false; }; v2.showNotPossible = function () { this.upgradefirst_mc._visible = false; this.upgrade_mc._visible = false; this.notpossible_mc._visible = true; }; v2.upgradedWeaponAllowed = function () { var v4; var v3 = _global.planemenu.selectedDisplay; switch (this._linkId) { return v4; case 'AirMissile': v4 = v3.weaponAllowed('AirSeeker'); return v4; case 'GroundMissile': v4 = v3.weaponAllowed('GroundSeeker'); return v4; case 'GunSingle': if (_global.player.upGun == 2) { v4 = v3.weaponAllowed('GunDouble'); } else { if (_global.player.upGun == 3) { v4 = v3.weaponAllowed('GunDouble') || v3.weaponAllowed('GunGatling'); } } return v4; case 'GunDouble': v4 = v3.weaponAllowed('GunGatling'); return v4; case 'BombNormal': if (_global.player.upBomb == 2) { v4 = v3.weaponAllowed('BombHeavy'); } else { if (_global.player.upBomb == 3) { v4 = v3.weaponAllowed('BombHeavy') || v3.weaponAllowed('BombExtreme'); } } return v4; case 'BombHeavy': v4 = v3.weaponAllowed('BombExtreme'); return v4; } return v4; }; v2.getUpgradeLevel = function () { switch (this._linkId) { case 'AirMissile': case 'AirSeeker': this.upLevel = _global.player.upAir; break; case 'GroundMissile': case 'GroundSeeker': this.upLevel = _global.player.upGround; break; case 'GunSingle': case 'GunDouble': case 'GunGatling': this.upLevel = _global.player.upGun; break; case 'BombNormal': case 'BombHeavy': case 'BombExtreme': this.upLevel = _global.player.upBomb; } }; v2.onUpgrade = function () { this.getUpgradeLevel(); if (this.upLevel > this.upgradeLevel && !this.upgraded) { this.upgraded = true; this.upgrade_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); this.upgrade_mc._visible = true; } else { if (this.upLevel == this.upgradeLevel && !this.released) { this.released = true; this.upgradefirst_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); this.upgradefirst_mc._visible = true; } } if (this.upLevel >= this.upgradeLevel) { this.released = true; } rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.checkEnabled, 200); }; v2.processEnabled = function () { if (rr.conf.Config.testSettings()) { this.canpress = true; } if (this.canpress) { this._alpha = 100; this.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.doSelect); } else { this._alpha = 30; delete this.onPress; } }; v2.doSelect = function () { if (!_global.planemenu.menuEnabled()) { return undefined; } var v3 = {'linkId': this._linkId, 'price': this.price, 'count': this.count, 'unitweight': this.unitweight, 'tfire': this.tfire}; _global.planemenu.onWeaponSelect(this.colorGroup, v3); }; v2.addProperty('isPossible', v2.__get__isPossible, function () {}); v2.addProperty('linkId', v2.__get__linkId, v2.__set__linkId); ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.WeaponButton.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3382 __Packages.rr.control.BottomMenu { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.BottomMenu) { var v1 = function () { super(); this._visible = false; }; rr.control.BottomMenu = v1; rr.control.BottomMenu extends rr.BaseClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { = new Array(); this.targets = new Array(); this.quit_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.showQuitConfirm); this.minimap_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.toggleMiniMap); this.quitconfirm_mc.cancel_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.cancelQuit); this.quitconfirm_mc.ok_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.quitGame); this.swapDepths(_global.root.getNextHighestDepth()); Key.addListener(this); _global.stage.addEventListener('onIndustryDestroyed', this); _global.stage.addEventListener('onGroundEnemyDestroyed', this); _global.stage.addEventListener('onTrainObjectDestroyed', this); _global.stage.addEventListener('onStaticTrainObjectDestroyed', this); _global.stage.addEventListener('onAirEnemyDestroyed', this); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.showStartTips, 2000); this.mmreleased = true; this.quitconfirm_mc._visible = false; this._visible = true; }; v2.onKeyDown = function () { if (_global.planemenu._visible) { return undefined; } var v3 = Key.getCode(); if (v3 == 77 || v3 == 32) { if (this.mmreleased) { this.mmreleased = false; this.toggleMiniMap(); } } if (v3 == 67) { if (this.nwreleased) { this.nwreleased = false; _global.planedefinition.prepareNextWeapon(); } } }; v2.onKeyUp = function () { if (_global.planemenu._visible) { return undefined; } var v3 = Key.getCode(); if (v3 == 77 || v3 == 32) { this.mmreleased = true; } if (v3 == 67) { this.nwreleased = true; } }; v2.showQuitConfirm = function () { if (_global.minimap._visible || this.quitconfirm_mc._visible) { return undefined; } _global.weaponmenu.hide(); _global.timer.stop(); _global.aim.hide(this); this.quitconfirm_mc._visible = true; }; v2.cancelQuit = function () { this.quitconfirm_mc._visible = false;; _global.timer.start(); }; v2.quitGame = function () { this.quitconfirm_mc._visible = false;; }; v2.toggleMiniMap = function () { this.minimapOpened = true; if (_global.plane.isdead) { return undefined; } if (_global.plane.status == undefined) { return undefined; } if ( { return undefined; } if (_global.weaponmenu.opened) { return undefined; } if (_global.minimap._visible) { _global.minimap.closeMap(); } else { this.checkPopBreak(); this.pop_targets_mc._visible = false; this.pop_tips_mc._visible = false; _global.minimap.showMap(); var v4 = new Array(); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < { if ([v3] != 'tipminimap') { v4.push([v3]); } ++v3; } = v4; } }; v2.checkPopBreak = function () { if (this.pop_targets_mc._visible) { this.targets.splice(0, 0, this.pop_targets_mc.currentTarget); } if (this.pop_tips_mc._visible) {, 0, this.pop_tips_mc.currentTip); } }; v2.onFuelUpdate = function () { var v3 = Math.round(100 * _global.plane.fuel / _global.plane.fueldef); if (v3 > 40) { this.fuel1played = false; this.fuel2played = false; } if (v3 < 30) { if (!this.fuel1played) { this.fuel1played = true; _global.sounds.playSound('Warning Fuel Low.wav'); } } if (v3 < 10) { if (!this.fuel2played) { this.fuel2played = true; _global.sounds.playSound('Warning Fuel Critical.wav'); this.showTip('tipfuel'); } } this.fuel_mc.mask_mc._xscale = v3; this.fuel_mc.perc_txt.text = v3; }; v2.onDamageUpdate = function () { var v3 = 100 - Math.round(100 * _global.plane.damage / _global.plane.killlevel); this.health_mc.mask_mc._xscale = v3; this.health_mc.perc_txt.text = v3; }; v2.setCounts = function () { this.guncount_mc.gotoAndStop(_global.player.upGun); this.aircount_mc.gotoAndStop(_global.player.upAir); this.groundcount_mc.gotoAndStop(_global.player.upGround); this.bombcount_mc.gotoAndStop(_global.player.upBomb); this.guncount_mc._alpha = _global.planedefinition.GunCount > 0 ? 100 : 30; this.aircount_mc._alpha = _global.planedefinition.AirCount > 0 ? 100 : 30; this.groundcount_mc._alpha = _global.planedefinition.GroundCount > 0 ? 100 : 30; this.bombcount_mc._alpha = _global.planedefinition.BombCount > 0 ? 100 : 30; this.propcount_mc._alpha = _global.planedefinition.PropagandaCount > 0 ? 100 : 30; this.empcount_mc._alpha = _global.planedefinition.EMPBombCount > 0 ? 100 : 30; this.fuelcount_mc._alpha = _global.planedefinition.FuelBombCount > 0 ? 100 : 30; this.carpetcount_mc._alpha = _global.planedefinition.CarpetBombCount > 0 ? 100 : 30; this.nuclearcount_mc._alpha = _global.planedefinition.NuclearBombCount > 0 ? 100 : 30; this.aircount_mc.count_txt.text = _global.planedefinition.AirCount; this.groundcount_mc.count_txt.text = _global.planedefinition.GroundCount; this.bombcount_mc.count_txt.text = _global.planedefinition.BombCount; this.propcount_mc.count_txt.text = _global.planedefinition.PropagandaCount; this.empcount_mc.count_txt.text = _global.planedefinition.EMPBombCount; this.fuelcount_mc.count_txt.text = _global.planedefinition.FuelBombCount; this.carpetcount_mc.count_txt.text = _global.planedefinition.CarpetBombCount; this.nuclearcount_mc.count_txt.text = _global.planedefinition.NuclearBombCount; this.guncount_mc.onPress = _global.planedefinition.GunCount > 0 ? rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.planedefinition, _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon, 'Guns') : undefined; this.aircount_mc.onPress = _global.planedefinition.AirCount > 0 ? rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.planedefinition, _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon, 'AirMissile') : undefined; this.groundcount_mc.onPress = _global.planedefinition.GroundCount > 0 ? rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.planedefinition, _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon, 'GroundMissile') : undefined; this.bombcount_mc.onPress = _global.planedefinition.BombCount > 0 ? rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.planedefinition, _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon, 'Bombs') : undefined; this.propcount_mc.onPress = _global.planedefinition.PropagandaCount > 0 ? rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.planedefinition, _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon, 'Propaganda') : undefined; this.empcount_mc.onPress = _global.planedefinition.EMPBombCount > 0 ? rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.planedefinition, _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon, 'EMPBomb') : undefined; this.fuelcount_mc.onPress = _global.planedefinition.FuelBombCount > 0 ? rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.planedefinition, _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon, 'FuelBomb') : undefined; this.carpetcount_mc.onPress = _global.planedefinition.CarpetBombCount > 0 ? rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.planedefinition, _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon, 'CarpetBomb') : undefined; this.nuclearcount_mc.onPress = _global.planedefinition.NuclearBombCount > 0 ? rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.planedefinition, _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon, 'NuclearBomb') : undefined; this.load_txt.text = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatDecimals(_global.planedefinition.totalload / 1000, 1) + ' TONS'; }; v2.setTime = function () { this.clock_mc.value_txt.text = rr.utils.StringUtils.getTimeString(_global.leveltime); }; v2.onWeaponUpdate = function () { var v4 = _global.planedefinition.loadedWeapon; var v3; if (!_global.planedefinition.hasWeapons) { v3 = undefined; } else { if (v4 == undefined && _global.planedefinition.weaponType == 'Guns') { v3 = this.guncount_mc; } else { switch (v4.linkId) { case 'AirMissile': case 'AirSeeker': v3 = this.aircount_mc; break; case 'GroundMissile': case 'GroundSeeker': v3 = this.groundcount_mc; break; case 'BombNormal': case 'BombHeavy': case 'BombExtreme': v3 = this.bombcount_mc; break; case 'Propaganda': v3 = this.propcount_mc; break; case 'EMPBomb': v3 = this.empcount_mc; break; case 'FuelBomb': v3 = this.fuelcount_mc; break; case 'CarpetBomb': v3 = this.carpetcount_mc; break; case 'NuclearBomb': v3 = this.nuclearcount_mc; } } } if (v3) { this.countselect_mc._x = v3._x + 30; this.countselect_mc._y = v3._y - 10; if (v3 == this.guncount_mc) { this.countselect_mc._x = v3._x; this.countselect_mc._y = v3._y + 10; } this.countselect_mc._visible = true; } else { this.countselect_mc._visible = false; } }; v2.onIndustryDestroyed = function () { var v4 = _global.stage.getIndustryCount(); if (v4 == 0) { var v3 ='AllIndustry'); if (v3 == undefined) { return undefined; } if (!v3.completed) { v3.completed = true; this.showTarget(v3); } } else { this.pop_buildings_mc.count = v4;; } }; v2.onGroundEnemyDestroyed = function () { var v4 = _global.stage.getEnemyGroundsCount(); if (v4 == 0) { var v3 ='AllGrounds'); if (v3 == undefined) { return undefined; } if (!v3.completed) { v3.completed = true; this.showTarget(v3); } } else { this.pop_enemies_mc.count = v4;; } }; v2.onAirEnemyDestroyed = function () { var v4 = _global.stage.getEnemyAirsCount(); if (v4 == 0) { var v3 ='AllAirs'); if (v3 == undefined) { return undefined; } if (!v3.completed) { v3.completed = true; this.showTarget(v3); } } else { this.pop_airs_mc.count = v4;; } }; v2.onTrainObjectDestroyed = function () { if (!_global.train.weaponsLeft()) { var v3 ='AllTrains'); if (v3 == undefined) { return undefined; } if (!v3.completed) { v3.completed = true; this.showTarget(v3); } } }; v2.onStaticTrainObjectDestroyed = function () { var v4 = _global.stage.getStaticTrainsCount(); if (v4 == 0) { var v3 ='AllStaticTrains'); if (v3 == undefined) { return undefined; } if (!v3.completed) { v3.completed = true; this.showTarget(v3); } } }; v2.onAirFieldTakeOver = function () { var v4 = _global.stage.getEnemyAirfieldCount(); if (v4 == 0) { var v3 ='AllAirfields'); if (v3 == undefined) { return undefined; } if (!v3.completed) { v3.completed = true; this.showTarget(v3); } } }; v2.showTarget = function (t) { this.targets.push(t); this.playTarget(); if ( { delete; = new Array(); this.showTip('tipaccomplished'); } }; v2.playTarget = function (priority) { if (this.tipTargetOn) { if (!priority) { return undefined; } } if (_global.timer.stopped) { rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.playTarget, 1000, priority); return undefined; } this.tipTargetOn = true; var v3 = this.targets.shift(); this.pop_targets_mc.currentTarget = v3; this.pop_targets_mc.missionid_mc.gotoAndStop(; this.pop_targets_mc.message_txt.autoSize = true; this.pop_targets_mc.message_txt.wordWrap = true; this.pop_targets_mc.message_txt.text = v3.text; this.pop_targets_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); this.pop_targets_mc._visible = true; if (!v3.soundPlayed) { _global.sounds.playSound('Mission target accomplished.wav'); v3.soundPlayed = true; } rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.onTipTargetDone, 8000); }; v2.showTip = function (t) {; this.playTip(); }; v2.playTip = function (priority) { if (this.tipTargetOn) { if (!priority) { return undefined; } } if (_global.timer.stopped) { rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.playTip, 1000, priority); return undefined; } this.tipTargetOn = true; var v3 =; this.pop_tips_mc.currentTip = v3; this.pop_tips_mc.tips_mc.gotoAndStop(v3); this.pop_tips_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); this.pop_tips_mc._visible = true; rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.onTipTargetDone, 8000); }; v2.onTipTargetDone = function () { if (this.targets.length > 0) { this.playTarget(true); } else { if ( > 0) { this.playTip(true); } else { this.tipTargetOn = false; } } }; v2.showStartTips = function () { var v3 =; if (v3 <= 3) { this.showTip('tipland' + v3); } if (v3 <= 2) { this.repeatMinimapTip(); } if (v3 == 1) { this.showTip('tiplooping'); } if (v3 <= 2) { if (_global.plane.linkId == 'FockeWolf') { this.showTip('tipfullroll'); } } }; v2.repeatMinimapTip = function () { if (this.minimapOpened) { return undefined; } var v3 = false; var v4 =; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4) { if ([v2] == 'tipminimap') { v3 = true; } ++v2; } if (!v3) { this.showTip('tipminimap'); } rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.repeatMinimapTip, 30000); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.BottomMenu.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3383 __Packages.rr.utils.MathUtils { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils) { _global.rr.utils = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils.MathUtils) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.utils.MathUtils = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.nFit = function (num, container) { var v3 = 0; var v1 = Math.abs(container); var v2 = Math.abs(num); while (v1 > v2) { v1 -= v2; ++v3; } return v3; }; v1.formatDecimals = function (num, digits) { if (digits <= 0) { return Math.round(num); } var v4 = Math.pow(10, digits); var v2 = String(Math.round(num * v4) / v4); if (v2.indexOf('.') == -1) { v2 += '.0'; } var v6 = v2.split('.'); var v3 = digits - v6[1].length; var v1 = 1; while (v1 <= v3) { v2 += '0'; ++v1; } return Number(v2); }; v1.toScientific = function (num, sigDigs) { num = Number(num); if (isNaN(num)) { return num; } var v2 = Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(num)) / Math.LN10); if (num == 0) { v2 = 0; } var v5 = Math.pow(10, v2); var v3 = num / v5; v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatDecimals(v3, sigDigs - 1); var v4 = v3; if (v2 != 0) { v4 += 'e' + v2; } return v4; }; v1.getDistance = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { var v1 = Math.abs(x1 - x2); var v2 = Math.abs(y1 - y2); return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(v1, 2) + Math.pow(v2, 2)); }; v1.getAngle = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { return rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle2(Math.round(180 * Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) / Math.PI)); }; v1.formatAngle = function (ang) { if (ang > 0) { return ang - 360; } if (ang < -360) { return ang + 360; } return ang; }; v1.formatAngle2 = function (ang) { if (ang < 0) { return ang + 360; } if (ang > 360) { return ang - 360; } return ang; }; v1.formatAngle3 = function (ang) { if (ang < -180) { return ang + 360; } if (ang > 180) { return ang - 360; } return ang; }; v1.angDiff = function (ang1, ang2) { return Math.abs(rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle3(ang1) - rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle3(ang2)); }; v1.angDiff2 = function (ang1, ang2) { return rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle3(ang1) - rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle3(ang2); }; v1.transCoord = function (tx, ty, obj) { var v2 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(0, 0, tx, ty) + obj.rot; var v1 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(0, 0, tx, ty); return {'x': obj.x + Math.sin(v2 * Math.PI / 180) * v1, 'y': obj.y - Math.cos(v2 * Math.PI / 180) * v1}; }; v1.castCoord = function (x0, y0, ang, dist) { return {'x': x0 + Math.sin(ang * Math.PI / 180) * dist, 'y': y0 - Math.cos(ang * Math.PI / 180) * dist}; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.utils.MathUtils.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3384 __Packages.rr.utils.Math2 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils) { _global.rr.utils = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils.Math2) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.utils.Math2 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.Quad = function (a, b, c) { return {'x1': (-b + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c)) / 2 * a, 'x2': (-b - Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c)) / 2 * a}; }; v1.Bearing = function (x, y, x2, y2) { return x - x2 < 0 ? 90 + Math.atan((y - y2) / (x - x2)) * 57.29577951308232 : 270 + Math.atan((y - y2) / (x - x2)) * 57.29577951308232; }; v1.Per = function (v, t, dp) { return Math.round((v / t) * 100 * Math.pow(10, dp)) / Math.pow(10, dp); }; v1.Round = function (n, dp) { return Math.round(n * Math.pow(10, dp)) / Math.pow(10, dp); }; v1.Floor = function (n, dp) { return Math.floor(n * Math.pow(10, dp)) / Math.pow(10, dp); }; v1.Ceil = function (n, dp) { return Math.ceil(n * Math.pow(10, dp)) / Math.pow(10, dp); }; v1.Max = function (n, i, max) { max = n[0]; i = 1; while (i < n.length) { if (n[i] > max) { max = n[i]; } ++i; } return max; }; v1.Min = function (n, i, min) { min = n[0]; i = 1; while (i < n.length) { if (n[i] < min) { min = n[i]; } ++i; } return min; }; v1.Mean = function (n, i, j) { j = 0; i = 0; while (i < n.length) { j += n[i]; ++i; } return j / n.length; }; v1.Median = function (n, i) { i = 0; while (i < n.length) { n[i].n = n[i]; ++i; } n.sortOn('n', Array.NUMERIC); if (n.length / 2 == Math.round(n.length / 2)) { return (n[n.length / 2 - 1] + n[n.length / 2]) / 2; } else { return n[Math.ceil(n.length / 2) - 1]; } }; v1.Range = function (n) { return rr.utils.Math2.Max(n, 0, 0) - rr.utils.Math2.Min(n, 0, 0); }; v1.Mode = function (n, t, i, k, o, l, y) { y = new Array(); k = new Array(); l = new Array(); k[0] = n[0]; i = 0; while (i < n.length) { o = 0; while (o < k.length) { if (n[i] == k[o]) { break; } ++o; } if (o >= k.length) { k[k.length] = n[i]; } ++i; } t = n.join(','); y[0] = k[0]; l[0] = (t.split(k[0])).length - 1; i = 1; while (i < k.length) { if ((t.split(k[i])).length - 1 > l[0]) { l[0] = (t.split(k[i])).length - 1; y = new Array(); y[0] = k[i]; } else { if ((t.split(k[i])).length - 1 == l[0]) { y[y.length] = k[i]; } } ++i; } return y; }; v1.Nroot = function (num, n) { return Math.pow(num, 1 / n); }; v1.Phi = new Number(1.618033988749895); ASSetPropFlags(rr.utils.Math2.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3385 __Packages.rr.control.PlaneMenu { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.PlaneMenu) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.init(); }; rr.control.PlaneMenu = v1; rr.control.PlaneMenu extends rr.BaseClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this._visible = false; this.popairfield_mc._visible = false; this.quitconfirm_mc._visible = false; this.planeselect_mc.image_mc.select_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.confirmSelection); this.planeselect_mc.quit_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.showQuitConfirm); this.weaponselect_mc.planeselect_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.checkPlaneSelect); this.weaponselect_mc.start_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.endSelect); this.weaponselect_mc.quit_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.showQuitConfirm); this.weaponselect_mc.continue_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.endSelect); this.weaponselect_mc.upAir_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.checkUpgrade, 'upair'); this.weaponselect_mc.upGround_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.checkUpgrade, 'upground'); this.weaponselect_mc.upBomb2_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.checkUpgrade, 'upbomb'); this.weaponselect_mc.upBomb1_btn.onPress = this.weaponselect_mc.upBomb2_btn.onPress; this.weaponselect_mc.upGun2_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.checkUpgrade, 'upgun'); this.weaponselect_mc.upGun1_btn.onPress = this.weaponselect_mc.upGun2_btn.onPress; this.quitconfirm_mc.cancel_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.cancelQuit); this.quitconfirm_mc.ok_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.quitGame); this.hideWeaponInfo(); }; v2.initLevel = function () { this.selectedLinkId = undefined; this.selectedDisplay.clear();{'type': 'onInitLevel'}); this.showPlaneSelect(); }; v2.endSelect = function () { if (!this.menuEnabled()) { return undefined; } _global.planedefinition = new rr.plane.PlaneDefinition(); _global.planedefinition.fill(this.selectedDisplay); if (this.ingameWeaponType != undefined) { _global.planedefinition.weaponType = this.ingameWeaponType; this.ingameWeaponType = undefined; } if (! { rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(,, 100); } else { _global.stage.createPlane(); = true; _global.bottommenu._visible = true; _global.aim.resetMode();; _global.timer.start(); this._visible = false; } this._visible = false; }; v2.checkPlaneSelect = function () { if (!this.menuEnabled()) { return undefined; } var v3; var v4 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.selectedLinkId, 'price'); if (_global.plane != undefined) { v3 = Math.round(v4 * (_global.plane.killlevel - _global.plane.damage) / _global.plane.killlevel); } else { v3 = v4; } v3 += this.selectedDisplay.getRefund(); _global.confirm.showConfirm(this, this.showPlaneSelect, {'price': v3}); }; v2.showPlaneSelect = function () { this.selectedDisplay.clearAndRefund(); if ( { _global.timer.stop(); _global.aim.hide(); = false; _global.bottommenu._visible = false; this.selectedDisplay.clear(); this.selectPlane(this.selectedLinkId); } this.planedisplays_mc._visible = false; this.weaponselect_mc._visible = false; this.planeselect_mc._visible = true; var v3 = 2; while (v3 <= 8) { this.planeselect_mc.items_mc['lock' + v3]._visible = false; ++v3; } this.planeselect_mc.items_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.setPlaneLocks, 500); this.planeselect_mc.image_mc._visible = false; if (this.selectedLinkId == undefined) { if ( == 1) { this.selectedLinkId = 'FockeWolf'; this.selectPlane(this.selectedLinkId); } if ( == 2) { this.selectedLinkId = 'BellHuey'; this.selectPlane(this.selectedLinkId); } if ( == 3) { this.selectedLinkId = 'C47'; this.selectPlane(this.selectedLinkId); } if ( == 4) { this.selectedLinkId = 'MesserSchmidt'; this.selectPlane(this.selectedLinkId); } if ( == 5) { this.selectedLinkId = 'Apache'; this.selectPlane(this.selectedLinkId); } if ( == 6) { this.selectedLinkId = 'A10'; this.selectPlane(this.selectedLinkId); } if ( == 7) { this.selectedLinkId = 'B2'; this.selectPlane(this.selectedLinkId); } if ( >= 8) { this.selectedLinkId = 'B52'; this.selectPlane(this.selectedLinkId); } if (_global.gametype == 'extra') { this.selectedLinkId = 'FockeWolf'; this.selectPlane(this.selectedLinkId); } } else { this.refundPlane(); this.selectPlane(this.selectedLinkId); } this._visible = true; }; v2.setPlaneLocks = function () { if (_global.gametype == 'extra') { var v3 = 2; while (v3 <= 8) { var v4 = v3; if (_global.gameMode == 'Demo') { if (v4 == 4) { v4 = 5; } } this.planeselect_mc.items_mc['lock' + v3]._visible = _global.superlevel < v4; ++v3; } } else { var v3 = 2; while (v3 <= 8) { this.planeselect_mc.items_mc['lock' + v3]._visible = < v3; ++v3; } } }; v2.selectPlane = function (linkId) { if (!this.menuEnabled()) { return undefined; } this.selectedLinkId = linkId; this.planeselect_mc.image_mc.gotoAndStop(linkId); var v4 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(linkId, 'price'); var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(linkId, 'availabilitylevel'); this.planeselect_mc.image_mc.price_txt.text = '$ ' + rr.utils.StringUtils.formatNumberWithCommas(v4); this.planeselect_mc.image_mc.cash_txt.text = '$ ' + rr.utils.StringUtils.formatNumberWithCommas(; this.planeselect_mc.image_mc.alevel_txt.text = v3; if (_global.gametype == 'extra') { var v5 = _global.superlevel; if (_global.gameMode == 'Demo') { if (v5 == 4) { v5 = 3; } } if ( >= v4 && v3 <= v5) { this.planeselect_mc.image_mc.select_btn.enabled = true; this.planeselect_mc.image_mc.select_btn._alpha = 100; } else { this.planeselect_mc.image_mc.select_btn.enabled = false; this.planeselect_mc.image_mc.select_btn._alpha = 50; } } else { if ( >= v4 && v3 <= { this.planeselect_mc.image_mc.select_btn.enabled = true; this.planeselect_mc.image_mc.select_btn._alpha = 100; } else { this.planeselect_mc.image_mc.select_btn.enabled = false; this.planeselect_mc.image_mc.select_btn._alpha = 50; } } this.planeselect_mc.image_mc._visible = true; }; v2.showInGame = function () { _global.stage.clearAmmo(); if ( {; return undefined; } else { if (!_global.player.hasCashToFinish()) { this.refundPlane(); this.selectedDisplay.clearAndRefund();, 'cash'); return undefined; } } this.ingameWeaponType = _global.planedefinition.weaponType; _global.bottommenu.checkPopBreak(); this.confirmSelection(true); this.showPopAirfield(true); }; v2.showPopAirfield = function (showRef) { this.popairfield_mc.airfield_mc.gotoAndStop(; var v4 = 1; while (v4 <= 6) { this.popairfield_mc['mt' + v4]._visible = false; ++v4; } var v5 =; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v5) { var v3 =[v4]; this.popairfield_mc['mt' +].target_txt.autoSize = true; this.popairfield_mc['mt' +].completed_mc._visible = v3.completed == true; this.popairfield_mc['mt' +].target_txt.text = ( + '.\t' + v3.text.toUpperCase(); this.popairfield_mc['mt' +]._visible = true; ++v4; } this.popairfield_mc.refueled_mc._visible = false; this.popairfield_mc._visible = true; if (showRef) { this.popairfield_mc.refueled_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); this.popairfield_mc.refueled_mc._visible = true; } }; v2.showAfterCrash = function () { _global.stage.clearAmmo(); this.selectedLinkId = undefined; this.selectedDisplay.clear(); if ( {; return undefined; } else { if (!_global.player.hasCashToFinish()) {, 'cash'); return undefined; } } _global.bottommenu.checkPopBreak(); this.showPopAirfield(false); this.showPlaneSelect(); }; v2.refundPlane = function () { var v4; if (_global.plane != undefined) { var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(_global.plane.linkId, 'price'); v4 = Math.round(v3 * (_global.plane.killlevel - _global.plane.damage) / _global.plane.killlevel); _global.player.addCash(v4); } else { var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.selectedLinkId, 'price'); _global.player.addCash(v3); } }; v2.confirmSelection = function (isInGame) { if (!this.menuEnabled()) { return undefined; } if ( { _global.timer.stop(); _global.aim.hide(); = false; _global.bottommenu._visible = false; this.selectedDisplay.refreshBoxes(); } this.selectedDisplay.hide(); this.selectedDisplay = this.planedisplays_mc[this.selectedLinkId + '_mc']; if (!isInGame) { var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.selectedLinkId, 'price'); _global.player.addCash(-v3); this.totalload = 0; if ( == 1) { if (! { this.fillFirstLevelWeapons(); } } this.weaponselect_mc.continue_btn._visible = false; this.weaponselect_mc.start_btn._visible = true; if ( {; } else {; } } else { this.totalload = _global.planedefinition.totalload; this.weaponselect_mc.continue_btn._visible = true; this.weaponselect_mc.start_btn._visible = false;; }{'type': 'onUpdateMenu'}); this.planeselect_mc._visible = false; this.weaponselect_mc._visible = true; this.planedisplays_mc._visible = true; this.setCashLoad(); this._visible = true; }; v2.fillFirstLevelWeapons = function () { this.weaponselect_mc.GroundMissile_mc.doSelect(); this.weaponselect_mc.AirMissile_mc.doSelect(); this.weaponselect_mc.GroundMissile_mc.doSelect(); this.weaponselect_mc.GunSingle_mc.doSelect(); this.weaponselect_mc.GunSingle_mc.doSelect(); this.weaponselect_mc.Propaganda_mc.doSelect(); this.weaponselect_mc.BombNormal_mc.doSelect(); }; v2.onWeaponSelect = function (col, bo, box) { if (box == undefined) { box = this.selectedDisplay.getFreeBox(col); } box.selectWeapon(bo); _global.player.addCash(-bo.price); this.totalload += bo.count * bo.unitweight; this.setCashLoad();{'type': 'onUpdateMenu'}); }; v2.onWeaponRemove = function (box) { if (box.boxObject == undefined) { return undefined; } box.doRefund(); this.setCashLoad(); box.clear();{'type': 'onUpdateMenu'}); }; v2.checkUpgrade = function (up) { if (!this.menuEnabled()) { return undefined; } var v3; switch (up) { case 'upair': v3 = 5000; break; case 'upground': v3 = 5000; break; case 'upbomb': v3 = (_global.player.upBomb == 1) ? 5000 : 10000; break; case 'upgun': v3 = (_global.player.upGun == 1) ? 5000 : 10000; } _global.confirm.showConfirm(this, this.doUpgrade, {'upgrade': up, 'price': v3}); }; v2.doUpgrade = function (up, upgradePrice) { switch (up) { case 'upair': _global.player.upAir = 2; break; case 'upground': _global.player.upGround = 2; break; case 'upbomb': _global.player.upBomb = _global.player.upBomb < 3 ? _global.player.upBomb + 1 : _global.player.upBomb; break; case 'upgun': _global.player.upGun = _global.player.upGun < 3 ? _global.player.upGun + 1 : _global.player.upGun; } _global.player.addCash(-upgradePrice);{'type': 'onUpgrade', 'upgrade': up}); this.setCashLoad(); }; v2.setButtons = function () { this.weaponselect_mc.upAir_btn._visible = this.weaponselect_mc.AirSeeker_mc.isPossible && _global.player.upAir == 1 && > 5000; this.weaponselect_mc.upGround_btn._visible = this.weaponselect_mc.GroundSeeker_mc.isPossible && _global.player.upGround == 1 && > 5000; this.weaponselect_mc.upBomb1_btn._visible = this.weaponselect_mc.BombHeavy_mc.isPossible && _global.player.upBomb == 1 && > 5000; this.weaponselect_mc.upBomb2_btn._visible = this.weaponselect_mc.BombExtreme_mc.isPossible && _global.player.upBomb == 2 && > 10000; this.weaponselect_mc.upGun1_btn._visible = this.weaponselect_mc.GunDouble_mc.isPossible && _global.player.upGun == 1 && > 5000; this.weaponselect_mc.upGun2_btn._visible = this.weaponselect_mc.GunGatling_mc.isPossible && _global.player.upGun == 2 && > 10000; }; v2.showWeaponInfo = function (obj) { this.weaponselect_mc.info_mc.weaponinfo_mc.header_txt.text = obj.displayname.toUpperCase(); this.weaponselect_mc.info_mc.weaponinfo_mc.count_txt.text = obj.count; this.weaponselect_mc.info_mc.weaponinfo_mc.price_txt.text = '$ ' + rr.utils.StringUtils.formatNumberWithCommas(obj.price); this.weaponselect_mc.info_mc.weaponinfo_mc._visible = true; }; v2.hideWeaponInfo = function () { this.weaponselect_mc.info_mc.weaponinfo_mc._visible = false; }; v2.setCashLoad = function () { this.weaponselect_mc.info_mc.cash_txt.text = '$ ' + rr.utils.StringUtils.formatNumberWithCommas(; this.weaponselect_mc.info_mc.load_txt.text = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatDecimals(this.totalload / 1000, 2) + ' TONS'; this.setButtons(); }; v2.showQuitConfirm = function () { if (!this.menuEnabled()) { return undefined; } _global.weaponmenu.hide(); _global.timer.stop(); _global.aim.hide(this); this.quitconfirm_mc._visible = true; }; v2.cancelQuit = function () { this.quitconfirm_mc._visible = false; }; v2.quitGame = function () { this.quitconfirm_mc._visible = false;; }; v2.menuEnabled = function () { if (_global.confirm._visible || this.popairfield_mc._visible || this.quitconfirm_mc._visible) { return false; } else { return true; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.PlaneMenu.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3386 __Packages.rr.BaseClass { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.BaseClass) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.BaseClass = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.addEventListener = function (evt, listener) { if ( == undefined) { = new; }, listener); }; v2.removeEventListener = function (evt, listener) {, listener); }; v2.pi = Math.PI; v2.cos = Math.cos; v2.acos = Math.acos; v2.sin = Math.sin; v2.asin = Math.asin; v2.atan2 = Math.atan2; v2.abs = Math.abs; v2.round = Math.round; ASSetPropFlags(rr.BaseClass.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3387 __Packages.rr.plane.PlaneDefinition { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.PlaneDefinition) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.init(); }; rr.plane.PlaneDefinition = v1; rr.plane.PlaneDefinition extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.count_GroundSeeker = 0; this.count_GroundMissile = 0; this.count_AirSeeker = 0; this.count_AirMissile = 0; this.count_BombExtreme = 0; this.count_BombHeavy = 0; this.count_BombNormal = 0; this.count_NuclearBomb = 0; this.count_CarpetBomb = 0; this.count_FuelBomb = 0; this.count_EMPBomb = 0; this.count_Propaganda = 0; this.totalload = 0; this.airmissiles = new Array(); this.groundmissiles = new Array(); this.bombs = new Array(); this.guns = new Array(); this.props = new Array(); this.emps = new Array(); this.fuels = new Array(); this.carpets = new Array(); this.nuclears = new Array(); this.weaponstock = new Array({'name': 'Guns', 'arr': this.guns}, {'name': 'AirMissile', 'arr': this.airmissiles}, {'name': 'GroundMissile', 'arr': this.groundmissiles}, {'name': 'Bombs', 'arr': this.bombs}, {'name': 'Propaganda', 'arr': this.props}, {'name': 'EMPBomb', 'arr': this.emps}, {'name': 'FuelBomb', 'arr': this.fuels}, {'name': 'CarpetBomb', 'arr': this.carpets}, {'name': 'NuclearBomb', 'arr': this.nuclears}); }; v2.__get__GunCount = function () { return this.guns.length; }; v2.__get__AirCount = function () { return this.count_AirMissile + this.count_AirSeeker; }; v2.__get__GroundCount = function () { return this.count_GroundMissile + this.count_GroundSeeker; }; v2.__get__BombCount = function () { return this.count_BombNormal + this.count_BombHeavy + this.count_BombExtreme; }; v2.__get__PropagandaCount = function () { return this.count_Propaganda; }; v2.__get__EMPBombCount = function () { return this.count_EMPBomb; }; v2.__get__FuelBombCount = function () { return this.count_FuelBomb; }; v2.__get__CarpetBombCount = function () { return this.count_CarpetBomb; }; v2.__get__NuclearBombCount = function () { return this.count_NuclearBomb; }; v2.fill = function (display) { this.linkId = display.linkId; var v4 = display.oranges; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v4.length) { var v3 = v4[v5].boxObject; if (v3 != undefined) { if (v3.linkId == 'AirMissile' || v3.linkId == 'AirSeeker') { this.airmissiles.push(v3); } else { this.groundmissiles.push(v3); } this['count_' + v3.linkId] += v3.count; this.totalload += v3.count * v3.unitweight; } ++v5; } v4 = display.reds; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v4.length) { v3 = v4[v5].boxObject; if (v3 != undefined) { this.bombs.push(v3); this['count_' + v3.linkId] += v3.count; this.totalload += v3.count * v3.unitweight; } ++v5; } v4 = display.blues; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v4.length) { v3 = v4[v5].boxObject; if (v3 != undefined) { v3.lastFired = getTimer(); this.guns.push(v3); this.totalload += v3.unitweight; } ++v5; } v4 = display.greens; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v4.length) { v3 = v4[v5].boxObject; if (v3 != undefined) { if (v3.linkId == 'Propaganda') { this.props.push(v3); } if (v3.linkId == 'EMPBomb') { this.emps.push(v3); } if (v3.linkId == 'FuelBomb') { this.fuels.push(v3); } if (v3.linkId == 'CarpetBomb') { this.carpets.push(v3); } if (v3.linkId == 'NuclearBomb') { this.nuclears.push(v3); } this['count_' + v3.linkId] += v3.count; this.totalload += v3.count * v3.unitweight; } ++v5; } _global.bottommenu.onWeaponUpdate(); }; v2.prepareWeapon = function (type) { if (_global.minimap._visible) { return undefined; } if (this.weaponType == 'Guns') { if (type != 'Guns') { _global.plane.stopGun(); } } else { if (type == 'Guns') { if (_global.plane.isFiring) { _global.plane.playGun(); } } } this.weaponType = type; var v4 = this.weaponstock.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4) { if (this.weaponstock[v3].name == this.weaponType) { if (this.weaponType == 'Guns') { this.loadedWeapon = undefined; this.selectedArray = undefined; this.gunSound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.guns[0].linkId, 'gunsound'); } else { this.selectedArray = this.weaponstock[v3].arr; } break; } ++v3; } if (this.selectedArray != undefined) { this.loadedWeapon = this.findWeapon(this.selectedArray); } _global.weaponmenu.hideSelector(); _global.bottommenu.onWeaponUpdate(); }; v2.prepareNextWeapon = function () { if (!this.hasWeapons) { return undefined; } var v3; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < this.weaponstock.length) { if (this.weaponstock[v2].name == this.weaponType) { v3 = v2 + 1; if (v3 > this.weaponstock.length - 1) { v3 = 0; } break; } ++v2; } var v4; v2 = v3; while (v2 < this.weaponstock.length) { v4 = this.findWeapon(this.weaponstock[v2].arr); if (v4 != undefined) { this.prepareWeapon(this.weaponstock[v2].name); return undefined; } ++v2; } v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { v4 = this.findWeapon(this.weaponstock[v2].arr); if (v4 != undefined) { this.prepareWeapon(this.weaponstock[v2].name); return undefined; } ++v2; } }; v2.loadWeapon = function () { --this.loadedWeapon.count; this['count_' + this.loadedWeapon.linkId] -= 1; this.totalload -= this.loadedWeapon.unitweight; if (this.loadedWeapon.linkId == 'Propaganda') { if (this.__get__PropagandaCount() == 0) { _global.bottommenu.showTip('tippropaganda'); } } this.checkWeapons(); _global.bottommenu.setCounts(); this.loadedWeapon = this.findWeapon(this.selectedArray); if (this.loadedWeapon == undefined) { this.setDefaultWeapon(); } _global.bottommenu.onWeaponUpdate(); }; v2.findWeapon = function (arr) { var v3 = new Array(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < arr.length) { if (arr[v1].count > 0) { v3.push(arr[v1]); } ++v1; } if (v3.length > 0) { var v4 = Math.round(Math.random() * (v3.length - 1)); return v3[v4]; } else { return undefined; } }; v2.checkWeapons = function () { this.hasAir = this.__get__AirCount() > 0; this.hasGround = this.__get__GroundCount() > 0; this.hasBomb = this.__get__BombCount() > 0; this.hasGun = this.guns.length > 0; this.hasPropaganda = this.__get__PropagandaCount() > 0; this.hasEMP = this.__get__EMPBombCount() > 0; this.hasFuel = this.__get__FuelBombCount() > 0; this.hasCarpet = this.__get__CarpetBombCount() > 0; this.hasNuclear = this.__get__NuclearBombCount() > 0; this.hasWeapons = this.hasAir || this.hasGround || this.hasBomb || this.hasGun || this.hasPropaganda || this.hasEMP || this.hasFuel || this.hasCarpet || this.hasNuclear; }; v2.setDefaultWeapon = function () { this.checkWeapons(); if (this.weaponType != undefined) { this.prepareWeapon(this.weaponType); if (this.loadedWeapon != undefined) { return undefined; } } if (this.hasGun) { this.prepareWeapon('Guns'); } else { if (this.hasGround) { this.prepareWeapon('GroundMissile'); } else { if (this.hasAir) { this.prepareWeapon('AirMissile'); } else { if (this.hasBomb) { this.prepareWeapon('Bombs'); } else { if (this.hasPropaganda) { this.prepareWeapon('Propaganda'); } else { if (this.hasEMP) { this.prepareWeapon('EMPBomb'); } else { if (this.hasFuel) { this.prepareWeapon('FuelBomb'); } else { if (this.hasCarpet) { this.prepareWeapon('CarpetBomb'); } else { if (this.hasNuclear) { this.prepareWeapon('NuclearBomb'); } } } } } } } } } }; v2.addProperty('AirCount', v2.__get__AirCount, function () {}); v2.addProperty('BombCount', v2.__get__BombCount, function () {}); v2.addProperty('CarpetBombCount', v2.__get__CarpetBombCount, function () {}); v2.addProperty('EMPBombCount', v2.__get__EMPBombCount, function () {}); v2.addProperty('FuelBombCount', v2.__get__FuelBombCount, function () {}); v2.addProperty('GroundCount', v2.__get__GroundCount, function () {}); v2.addProperty('GunCount', v2.__get__GunCount, function () {}); v2.addProperty('NuclearBombCount', v2.__get__NuclearBombCount, function () {}); v2.addProperty('PropagandaCount', v2.__get__PropagandaCount, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.PlaneDefinition.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3388 __Packages.rr.control.MiniMap { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.MiniMap) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.init(); }; rr.control.MiniMap = v1; rr.control.MiniMap extends rr.BaseClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this._visible = false; this.map_bmp.dispose(); delete this.map_bmp; this.container_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.margin = 5; var v3 =; var v4 =; this.scale = v3 > v4 ? (640 - 2 * this.margin) / v3 : (480 - 2 * this.margin) / v4; this.w = v3 * this.scale; this.h = v4 * this.scale; if ( == 3) { var v6 = 295; this.scale *= v6 / this.h; this.w = v3 * this.scale; this.h = v4 * this.scale; } this.railcolor = 13103871; if ( == 2 || == 3) { this.railcolor = 11836; } this.container_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip('container_mc', this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.map_mc = this.container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('map_mc', this.container_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); this.map_bmp = new flash.display.BitmapData(this.w, this.h, true, 0); this.map_mc.attachBitmap(this.map_bmp, this.map_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); this.label_mc = this.container_mc.attachMovie('MiniMapLabel', 'label_mc', this.container_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); this.objectives_mc = this.container_mc.attachMovie('MissionObjectives', 'objectives_mc', this.container_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); this.legenda_mc = this.container_mc.attachMovie('MiniMapLegenda', 'legenda_mc', this.container_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); var v5 = SharedObject.getLocal('showmousemenu'); if ( == undefined) { = true; v5.flush(); } _global.showMouseMenu =; if (!_global.showMouseMenu) { this.label_mc.togglemenu_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } this.label_mc.togglemenu_mc.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.checkToggle); this.setMissionText(); this.map_mc._y = 480 - this.h - 2 * this.margin; if ( == 3) { this.label_mc._x = 0; this.objectives_mc._x = 0; this.objectives_mc._y = this.map_mc._y - this.objectives_mc._height; this.legenda_mc._x = this.w + this.margin; this.legenda_mc._y = 480 - this.margin * 2 - this.legenda_mc._height; } else { if (this.w > this.h) { this.label_mc._x = 0; this.objectives_mc._x = 0; this.objectives_mc._y = this.map_mc._y - this.objectives_mc._height; this.legenda_mc._x = this.w - this.legenda_mc._width; this.legenda_mc._y = this.map_mc._y - this.margin - this.legenda_mc._height; } else { this.label_mc._x = this.w + this.margin; this.objectives_mc._x = this.w + this.margin; this.objectives_mc._y = this.label_mc._height + this.margin; this.legenda_mc._x = this.w + this.margin; this.legenda_mc._y = 480 - this.margin * 2 - this.legenda_mc._height; } } this.container_mc._x = this.margin; this.container_mc._y = this.margin; this.edge_mc = this.container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('edge_mc', this.container_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); this.edge_mc.lineStyle(1, 202014); rr.utils.DrawUtils.drawRect(this.edge_mc, 0, this.map_mc._y, this.w, this.h); this.cam_mc = this.container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('cam_mc', this.container_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); this.cam_mc.lineStyle(2, 16776960); rr.utils.DrawUtils.drawRect(this.cam_mc, 0, 0, 640 * this.scale, 480 * this.scale); }; v2.showMap = function () { trace('show MiniMap: '); _global.timer.stop(); if (_global.aim.hiddenBy) {; } _global.aim.hide(this); this.checkMissionText(); this.cam_mc._x = * this.scale; this.cam_mc._y = * this.scale + this.map_mc._y; this.items_mc = this.container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('items_mc', this.container_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); this.items_mc.lineStyle(1, 0); this.icons_mc = this.container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('icons_mc', this.container_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); var v10; v10 =; var v12 = 0; while (v12 < v10) { var v4 =['cell_' +[v12]]; var v13 = v4.statics.length; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v13) { var v11 = _global.stage['obj_' + v4.statics[v5]]; if (v11 instanceof rr.building.Building) { if (v11.type == 'Industry' || v11.type == 'Office') { this.createIcon('b-bad', v11.x * this.scale, v11.y * this.scale); } else { this.createIcon('b-good', v11.x * this.scale, v11.y * this.scale); } } ++v5; } var v8 = v4.hasRemovables ? v4.removables : v4.eiObjects; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v8.length) { var v3 = v4.hasRemovables ? _global.stage['obj_' + v8[v5]] : v8[v5]; if (!v3.isdead) { if (v3.hostility > 0) { this.createIcon('u-bad', v3.x * this.scale, v3.y * this.scale); } else { this.createIcon('u-good', v3.x * this.scale, v3.y * this.scale); } } ++v5; } ++v12; } v10 = _global.train.segments.length; v12 = 0; while (v12 < v10) { var v7 = _global.train.segments[v12]; this.createIcon('train', v7.x * this.scale, v7.y * this.scale); ++v12; } if (_global.stage.strains) { v10 = _global.stage.strains.length; v12 = 0; while (v12 < v10) { v11 = _global.stage.strains[v12]; v13 = v11.segments.length; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v13) { v7 = v11.segments[v5]; this.createIcon('train', v7.x * this.scale, v7.y * this.scale); ++v5; } ++v12; } } v10 = _global.stage.airs.length; v12 = 0; while (v12 < v10) { var v9 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.airs[v12]]; if (!v9.isdead) { this.createIcon('p-bad', v9.x * this.scale, v9.y * this.scale, v9.rot); } ++v12; } v10 = _global.stage.afs.length; v12 = 0; while (v12 < v10) { var v6 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afs[v12]]; if (v6.hostility > 0) { this.createIcon('afb' +, v6.x * this.scale, v6.y * this.scale); } else { this.createIcon('afg' +, v6.x * this.scale, v6.y * this.scale); } ++v12; } var v14 = _global.plane; this.createIcon('p-good', v14.x * this.scale, v14.y * this.scale, v14.rot); this._visible = true; }; v2.createIcon = function (t, px, py, prot) { var v2 = this.icons_mc.attachMovie('MiniMapIcon', rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), this.icons_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); v2.gotoAndPlay(t); v2._x = px; v2._y = this.map_mc._y + py; if (prot) { v2._rotation = prot; } }; v2.closeMap = function () { if (this.confirm_mc) { return undefined; } this.icons_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.items_mc.removeMovieClip(); this._visible = false;; _global.timer.start(); }; v2.setMissionText = function () { var v8 =; var v6 = this.objectives_mc._height; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < v8) { var v5 =[v4]; var v3 = this.objectives_mc.attachMovie('MiniMapMissionTarget', 'mt' +, this.objectives_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_y': v6}); v3.completed_mc._visible = false; v3.target_txt.multiline = false; v3.target_txt.autoSize = true; v3.target_txt.text = ( + '.\t' + v5.text.toUpperCase(); v6 += 13; ++v4; } }; v2.checkMissionText = function () { var v5 =; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5) { var v4 =[v3]; if (v4.completed) { this.objectives_mc['mt' +].completed_mc._visible = true; } ++v3; } }; v2.checkToggle = function () { this.confirm_mc = this.attachMovie('ToggleConfirm', 'confirm_mc', this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.confirm_mc._x = 320 - this.confirm_mc._width / 2; this.confirm_mc._y = 240 - this.confirm_mc._height / 2; if (_global.showMouseMenu) { this.confirm_mc.confirm_txt.text = 'You are turning off the weapons mouse menu.\rSelecting weapons will still be possible with \'C\' key or by pressing the weapon buttons below.\rThese settings will be saved.'; } else { this.confirm_mc.confirm_txt.text = 'You are turning on the weapons mouse menu.\rThese settings will be saved.'; } this.confirm_mc.cancel_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.cancelToggle); this.confirm_mc.ok_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.confirmToggle); }; v2.cancelToggle = function () { this.confirm_mc.removeMovieClip(); delete this.confirm_mc; }; v2.confirmToggle = function () { var v3 = SharedObject.getLocal('showmousemenu'); _global.showMouseMenu = !_global.showMouseMenu; if (_global.showMouseMenu) { this.label_mc.togglemenu_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.label_mc.togglemenu_mc.gotoAndStop(2); _global.weaponmenu.hide(); } = _global.showMouseMenu; v3.flush(); this.confirm_mc.removeMovieClip(); delete this.confirm_mc; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.MiniMap.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3389 __Packages.rr.utils.DrawUtils { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils) { _global.rr.utils = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils.DrawUtils) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.utils.DrawUtils = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.drawSquare = function (mc, x, y, w, h, c) { mc.moveTo(x, y); mc.beginFill(c); mc.lineTo(x + w, y); mc.lineTo(x + w, y + h); mc.lineTo(x, y + h); mc.lineTo(x, y); mc.endFill(); }; v1.drawRect = function (mc, x, y, w, h) { mc.moveTo(x, y); mc.lineTo(x + w, y); mc.lineTo(x + w, y + h); mc.lineTo(x, y + h); mc.lineTo(x, y); }; v1.drawFillRect = function (mc, x, y, w, h, fill_col, fill_alpha) { mc.moveTo(x, y); mc.beginFill(fill_col, fill_alpha); mc.lineTo(x + w, y); mc.lineTo(x + w, y + h); mc.lineTo(x, y + h); mc.lineTo(x, y); mc.endFill(); }; v1.drawCircle = function (mc, x, y, r, style) { if (! { = mc.createEmptyMovieClip('circle', mc.getNextHighestDepth()); } + r, y);, 0); var v7 = Math.tan(style * Math.PI / 180); var v1 = 45; while (v1 <= 360) { var v4 = r * Math.cos(v1 * Math.PI / 180); var v3 = r * Math.sin(v1 * Math.PI / 180); var v6 = v4 + r * v7 * Math.cos((v1 - 90) * Math.PI / 180); var v5 = v3 + r * v7 * Math.sin((v1 - 90) * Math.PI / 180); + x, v5 + y, v4 + x, v3 + y); v1 += 45; } }; v1.drawArc = function (mc, x, y, startAngle, arc, radius, colr) { var v18; var v1; var v3; var v4; var v13; var v7; var v6; var v12; var v10; var v11; var v9; mc.lineStyle(1, colr, 100); mc.beginFill(colr); mc.moveTo(x, y); if (Math.abs(arc) > 360) { arc = 360; } v13 = Math.ceil(Math.abs(arc) / 45); v18 = arc / v13; v1 = -(v18 / 180) * Math.PI; v3 = -(startAngle / 180) * Math.PI; if (v13 > 0) { v7 = x + Math.cos((startAngle / 180) * Math.PI) * radius; v6 = y + Math.sin((-startAngle / 180) * Math.PI) * radius; mc.lineTo(v7, v6); v7 = x; v6 = y; var v5; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v13) { v3 += v1; v4 = v3 - v1 / 2; v12 = v7 + Math.cos(v3) * radius; v10 = v6 + Math.sin(v3) * radius; v11 = v7 + Math.cos(v4) * (radius / Math.cos(v1 / 2)); v9 = v6 + Math.sin(v4) * (radius / Math.cos(v1 / 2)); mc.curveTo(v11, v9, v12, v10); ++v5; } mc.lineTo(x, y); mc.lineTo(v7, v6); mc.endFill(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.utils.DrawUtils.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3390 __Packages.rr.BaseUnit { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.BaseUnit) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.BaseUnit = v1; rr.BaseUnit extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.uid = this.initObj.uid; this.type = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'type'); this.killlevel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'killlevel'); this.destroydelay = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodesound'); this.damage = 0; this.isdead = false; this.isexploded = false; }; v2.checkRender = function () { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y,, < 500) { this.render(); } else { if (this.isdead) { this.destroy(); } else { if ( { this.clearMov(); } } } }; v2.render = function () { if (! { this.createMov(); } = this.x -; = this.y -; }; v2.createMov = function () { var v3 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, this); =, this.uid, v3, {'parent': this}); }; v2.clearMov = function () {; delete; }; v2.addDamage = function (dmg) { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } if (!dmg) { return undefined; } this.damage += dmg; if (this.damage >= this.killlevel) { this.die(); } }; v2.die = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } this.isdead = true;{'type': 'onUnitDie', 'target': this}); }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 20, 1000, this.x, this.y);'explode'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, this.destroydelay); }; v2.destroy = function () { this.isdestroyed = true; this.clearMov(); _global.stage.removeObject(this); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.BaseUnit.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3391 __Packages.rr.utils.ClipUtils { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils) { _global.rr.utils = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils.ClipUtils) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.utils.ClipUtils = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getFreeDepth = function (mc, obj) { var v2 = rr.conf.ConfBaseDepths.getDepth(obj); if (!v2) { v2 = 1000; } var v1 = 0; while (mc.getInstanceAtDepth(v2 + v1)) { ++v1; } return v2 + v1; }; v1.getFreeDepthNum = function (mc, dep) { var v1 = 0; while (mc.getInstanceAtDepth(dep + v1)) { ++v1; } return dep + v1; }; v1.setTint = function (mc, rgb, percent) { var v1 = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(); var v4 = new flash.geom.Transform(mc); var v6 = rgb >> 16; var v7 = rgb >> 8 & 255; var v5 = rgb & 255; var v2 = percent / 100; v1.redOffset = v6 * v2; v1.greenOffset = v7 * v2; v1.blueOffset = v5 * v2; v1.blueMultiplier = (100 - percent) / 100; v1.greenMultiplier = v1.blueMultiplier; v1.redMultiplier = v1.blueMultiplier; v4.colorTransform = v1; }; v1.setBmpTint = function (bmp, rgb, percent) { var v2 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getTintTransform(rgb, percent); var v1 = bmp.clone(); bmp.draw(v1, new flash.geom.Matrix(), v2); v1.dispose(); false; }; v1.getTintTransform = function (rgb, percent) { var v1 = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(); var v5 = rgb >> 16; var v6 = rgb >> 8 & 255; var v4 = rgb & 255; var v2 = percent / 100; v1.redOffset = v5 * v2; v1.greenOffset = v6 * v2; v1.blueOffset = v4 * v2; v1.blueMultiplier = (100 - percent) / 100; v1.greenMultiplier = v1.blueMultiplier; v1.redMultiplier = v1.blueMultiplier; return v1; }; v1.createFeeler = function (name, col, w) { var v2 = _global.stage.createEmptyMovieClip(name, _global.stage.getNextHighestDepth()); v2.lineStyle(1, col); v2.beginFill(col); v2.moveTo(-w, -w); v2.lineTo(w, -w); v2.lineTo(w, w); v2.lineTo(-w, w); v2.lineTo(-w, -w); v2.endFill(); return v2; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.utils.ClipUtils.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3392 __Packages.rr.conf.ConfBaseDepths { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf) { _global.rr.conf = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.conf.ConfBaseDepths) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.conf.ConfBaseDepths = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getDepth = function (obj) { if (obj == 'MiniMap') { return 300000; } if (obj instanceof rr.Aim) { return 200000; } if (obj instanceof rr.control.WeaponMenu) { return 199000; } if (obj == 'OverAmmo') { return 130000; } if (obj == 'OverClouds') { return 120000; } if (obj == 'OverEnemyPlane') { return 110000; } if (obj == 'CloudLayer') { return 100000; } if (obj == 'UnderClouds') { return 90000; } if (obj == 'UnderEnemyPlane') { return 80000; } if (obj == 'UnderAmmo') { return 70000; } if (obj.linkId == 'AmmoRocketLauncher') { return 42000; } if (obj instanceof rr.ammo.Ammo) { return 40000; } if (obj == 'StageForeground') { return 30000; } if (obj instanceof rr.train.weapons.TrainWeapon) { return 20000; } if (obj instanceof rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWeapon) { return 20000; } if (obj instanceof rr.train.Locomotive) { return 18000; } if (obj instanceof rr.train.statics.StaticLocomotive) { return 18000; } if (obj instanceof rr.rail.RailBlock) { return 14000; } if (obj instanceof rr.enemy.GroundUnit) { return 10000; } if (obj == 'BuildingLayer') { return 9000; } if (obj instanceof rr.train.TrainWagon) { return 1000; } if (obj instanceof rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWagon) { return 1000; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.conf.ConfBaseDepths.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3393 __Packages.rr.Aim { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.Aim) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.Aim = v1; rr.Aim extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.linkId = 'Aim'; this.resetMode(); var v3 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, this); =, rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), v3); = false; = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.setDown); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.setUp); _global.timer.addEventListener('onTimerTick', this); this.hidden = true;; }; v2.onTimerTick = function () { var v4 = this.x; var v3 = this.y; this.xcam = +; this.x = this.xcam; this.ycam = +; this.y = this.ycam; this.speed = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v4, v3); if ( > _global.stage.height) { if ( { this.hide(); } } else { if (! {; } } }; v2.setDown = function () { if ( {{'type': 'onAimDown', 'target': this}); } }; v2.setUp = function () { if ( {{'type': 'onAimUp', 'target': this}); } }; = function (obj) { if (! { return undefined; } if (!this.hidden) { return undefined; } if (obj) { if (obj != this.hiddenBy) { return undefined; } delete this.hiddenBy; } else { if (this.hiddenBy) { return undefined; } } this.hidden = false; = true; Mouse.hide();; }; v2.hide = function (obj) { if (! { return undefined; } if (this.hidden) { return undefined; } if (obj) { this.hiddenBy = obj; } this.hidden = true; this.setUp(); = false;; }; v2.setMode = function (m) { this.mode = m;; }; v2.resetMode = function () { this.setMode('default'); }; v2.clear = function () {; delete; _global.timer.removeEventListener('onTimerTick', this);; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.Aim.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3394 __Packages.rr.control.WeaponMenu { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.WeaponMenu) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.control.WeaponMenu = v1; rr.control.WeaponMenu extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.linkId = 'WeaponMenu'; this.uid = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); var v3 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, this); =, this.uid, v3, {'parent': this}); this.selector_mc ='WeaponSelector', rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), v3 + 1, {'parent': this}); = false; this.selector_mc._visible = false; this.addButtonListeners(); this.xmin = 5; this.xmax = 635; this.ymin = / 2 + 5; this.ymax = 457 - / 2; }; v2.showSelector = function () { if (_global.minimap._visible) { return undefined; } _global.planedefinition.checkWeapons(); if (!_global.planedefinition.hasWeapons) { return undefined; } _global.timer.stop(); this.removeButtonListeners(); = false; _global.aim.hide(this); this.opened = true; this.selector_mc._x = _global.root._xmouse + 20; this.selector_mc._y = _global.root._ymouse; this.selector_mc._rotation = 0; this.selector_mc._x = this.selector_mc._x < this.xmin ? this.xmin : (this.selector_mc._x > this.xmax ? this.xmax : this.selector_mc._x); this.selector_mc._y = this.selector_mc._y < this.ymin ? this.ymin : (this.selector_mc._y > this.ymax ? this.ymax : this.selector_mc._y); this.selector_mc.animation_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); this.selector_mc._visible = true; }; v2.hideSelector = function () { if (!this.selector_mc._visible) { return undefined; } this.selector_mc._visible = false;; this.addButtonListeners(); _global.timer.start(); this.opened = false; }; v2.addButtonListeners = function () { = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.showSelector); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.aim, _global.aim.hide, this); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.aim,, this); =; }; v2.removeButtonListeners = function () { delete; delete; delete; delete; }; v2.hide = function () { if ( { = false; } }; v2.update = function () { if (_global.minimap._visible) { return undefined; } this.x = _global.plane.x + this.sin(_global.plane.rot * this.pi / 180) * _global.plane.dmenu; this.y = _global.plane.y - this.cos(_global.plane.rot * this.pi / 180) * _global.plane.dmenu; = this.x -; = this.y -; = _global.plane.rot - 90; = true; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.WeaponMenu.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3395 __Packages.rr.ammo.Ammo { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.Ammo) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.ammo.Ammo = v1; rr.ammo.Ammo extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.uid = this.initObj.uid; this.rot = this.initObj.rot; _global.stage.ammo.push(this.uid); }; v2.render = function () { if (! { this.createMov(); } = this.x -; = this.y -; = this.rot; }; v2.createMov = function () { if (this.isDestroyed) { return undefined; } var v3 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, this); =, rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), v3, {'parent': this}); }; v2.clearMov = function () {; delete; }; v2.destroy = function () { if (this.isDestroyed) { return undefined; } this.isDestroyed = true; this.clearMov(); _global.stage.removeObject(this); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.Ammo.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3396 __Packages.rr.train.weapons.TrainWeapon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.weapons) { _global.rr.train.weapons = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.weapons.TrainWeapon) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.train.weapons.TrainWeapon = v1; rr.train.weapons.TrainWeapon extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.parent = this.initObj.parent; this.parent.weapons.push(this); this.uid = this.initObj.uid; this.position = this.initObj.position; this.dfeel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'feelerradius'); this.dfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootingdistance'); this.dfiremin = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootingdistancemin'); this.tfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootinginterval'); this.rotspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'rotationspeed'); this.killlevel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'killlevel'); this.destroydelay = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); this.sound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'sound'); this.gunsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'gunsound'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodesound'); this.rfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'ammoaccuracy'); this.lbarrel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'barrellength'); this.ttarget = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'targettime'); this.ddetect = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'detectiondistance'); rr.train.TrainUtils.setWeaponMargin(this); this.x = this.parent.x + this.parent.length / 2 - this.xmargin; this.y = this.parent.y; this.damage = 0; this.isdead = false; this.rot = 0; this.lastFired = getTimer(); this.lastTargeted = getTimer(); this.parent.addEventListener('onUpdate', this); }; v2.onUpdate = function () { if (this.isdestroyed) { return undefined; } this.x = this.parent.x + this.cos(-(this.parent.rot + this.parent.fliprot) * this.pi / 180) * (this.parent.length / 2 - this.xmargin); this.y = this.parent.y - this.sin(-(this.parent.rot + this.parent.fliprot) * this.pi / 180) * (this.parent.length / 2 - this.xmargin); if (_global.plane == undefined) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (this.isdead) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } this.dplane = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, _global.plane.x, _global.plane.y); if (!this.parent.isstunned) { this.aimAtTarget(); if (this.tar) { if (this.dtar <= this.dfire) { if (this.dtar >= this.dfiremin) {; } } } } this.checkRender(); updateAfterEvent(); }; v2.render = function () { if (! { this.createMov(); } = this.x -; = this.y -; = this.rot; }; v2.checkRender = function () { if (this.parent.isRendered) { this.render(); } else { if ( { this.clearMov(); } } }; v2.createMov = function () { var v3 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, this); =, rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), v3, {'parent': this}); this.checkNightMode(); }; v2.clearMov = function () {; delete; }; v2.checkNightMode = function () { if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); } }; v2.aimAtTarget = function () { if (getTimer() - this.lastTargeted > this.ttarget) { this.lastTargeted = getTimer(); this.getTarget(); } if (!this.tar) { return undefined; } this.dtar = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y); var v5 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y); var v2 = (v5 + 360) % 360; var v3 = (this.rot + 360) % 360; if (v2 - v3 > 180) { v2 -= 360; } else { if (v2 - v3 < -180) { v2 += 360; } } if (v2 > v3) { v3 += this.rotspeed; } else { v3 -= this.rotspeed; } var v4 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(v3, v2); if (v4 <= this.rotspeed || 360 - v4 <= this.rotspeed) { this.rot = v2; } else { this.rot = v3; } }; v2.getTarget = function () { if (_global.plane == undefined || _global.plane.isdead) { return undefined; } if (this.dplane <= this.ddetect) { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { this.tar = _global.plane; this.tar.addEventListener('onUnitDie', this); return undefined; } } }; = function () { if (_global.plane == undefined) { return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { return undefined; } if (getTimer() - this.lastFired < this.tfire) { return undefined; } if (Math.abs(this.tarRot - this.rot) > 20) { return undefined; } this.lastFired = getTimer();'shoot'); _global.sounds.playSound(this.gunsound); var v4 = this.x + this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.lbarrel; var v3 = this.y - this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.lbarrel; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': this.linkId, 'parentLinkId': this.linkId, 'x': v4, 'y': v3, 'rot': this.rot}); }; v2.addDamage = function (dmg) { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } if (!dmg) { return undefined; } this.damage += dmg; if (this.damage >= this.killlevel) { this.damage = this.killlevel; this.die(); } }; v2.die = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } this.isdead = true; this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 100, 1500, this.x, this.y);'explode'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, this.destroydelay); }; v2.destroy = function () { if (this.isdestroyed) { return undefined; } this.isdestroyed = true;; this.parent.removeWeapon(this); _global.stage.removeObject(this); }; v2.onUnitDie = function (evtObj) { if (this.tar == { this.tar = undefined; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.weapons.TrainWeapon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3397 __Packages.rr.train.TrainUtils { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.TrainUtils) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.train.TrainUtils = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.updateRailPosition = function (obj) { var v3; var v2; v2 = obj.speed * obj.rsfactor >= 0 ? :; obj.d += obj.speed * obj.rsfactor; if (v2.block) { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(obj.x, obj.y, v2.block.x, v2.block.y) < obj.length / 2 + 3) { obj.blockStop(v2.block); } else { obj.blocked = false; } } if (obj.d < 0) { v2.updateObjectRail(obj); } else { if (obj.d > { v2.updateObjectRail(obj); } } v3 =; if (v3) { obj.x = v3.x; obj.y = v3.y; obj.rot = v3.rot; } if (obj.oldX) { obj.xspeed = obj.x - obj.oldX; obj.yspeed = obj.y - obj.oldY; } obj.oldX = obj.x; obj.oldY = obj.y; obj.oldRot = obj.rot; obj.hdir = obj.xspeed > 0 ? 'right' : (obj.xspeed < 0 ? 'left' : 'none'); obj.vdir = obj.yspeed > 0 ? 'down' : (obj.yspeed < 0 ? 'up' : 'none'); obj.checkRender(); }; v1.createLoc = function (initObj) { var v2 = initObj.uid; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); initObj.uid = v2; } switch (initObj.type) { case 'SaddleTank': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.SaddleTank(initObj); break; case 'Rhino': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.Rhino(initObj); break; case 'SuperChief': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.SuperChief(initObj); break; case 'Dragon': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.Dragon(initObj); break; case 'Pennsylvania': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.Pennsylvania(initObj); } }; v1.createStaticLoc = function (initObj) { var v2 = initObj.uid; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); initObj.uid = v2; } switch (initObj.type) { case 'SaddleTank': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.statics.StaticSaddleTank(initObj); break; case 'SuperChief': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.statics.StaticSuperChief(initObj); break; case 'Dragon': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.statics.StaticDragon(initObj); break; case 'Pennsylvania': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.statics.StaticPennsylvania(initObj); } }; v1.createWagon = function (initObj) { var v2 = initObj.uid; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); initObj.uid = v2; } switch (initObj.type) { case 'Wagon1': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.Wagon1(initObj); break; case 'Wagon2': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.Wagon2(initObj); break; case 'Wagon3': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.Wagon3(initObj); break; case 'Wagon4': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.Wagon4(initObj); break; case 'Passenger': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.Passenger(initObj); break; case 'PassengerArmored': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.PassengerArmored(initObj); break; case 'ABomb': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.ABomb(initObj); break; case 'TankTrailer': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.TankTrailer(initObj); } }; v1.createStaticWagon = function (initObj) { var v2 = initObj.uid; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); initObj.uid = v2; } switch (initObj.type) { case 'Wagon1': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.statics.StaticWagon1(initObj); break; case 'Wagon2': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.statics.StaticWagon2(initObj); break; case 'Wagon3': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.statics.StaticWagon3(initObj); break; case 'Passenger': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.statics.StaticPassenger(initObj); break; case 'PassengerArmored': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.statics.StaticPassengerArmored(initObj); break; case 'TankTrailer': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.statics.StaticTankTrailer(initObj); } }; v1.createWeapon = function (initObj) { var v2 = initObj.uid; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); initObj.uid = v2; } switch (initObj.type) { case 'SmallCannon': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.weapons.SmallCannon(initObj); break; case 'MediumCannon': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.weapons.MediumCannon(initObj); break; case 'SmallFastCannon': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.weapons.SmallFastCannon(initObj); break; case 'RocketLauncher': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.weapons.RocketLauncher(initObj); } }; v1.createStaticWeapon = function (initObj) { var v2 = initObj.uid; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); initObj.uid = v2; } switch (initObj.type) { case 'SmallCannon': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.statics.StaticSmallCannon(initObj); break; case 'MediumCannon': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.train.statics.StaticMediumCannon(initObj); } }; v1.setWeaponMargin = function (obj) { var v2 = obj.parent.length / rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(obj.parent.linkId, 'spaces'); obj.xmargin = obj.position * v2 + rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(obj.linkId, 'spaces') * v2 / 2; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.TrainUtils.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3398 __Packages.rr.rail.RailConnection { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.rail) { _global.rr.rail = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.rail.RailConnection) { var v1 = function (initObj) { super(); =; this.x = initObj.x; this.y = initObj.y; this.ang = initObj.a; this.s = initObj.s; this.ins = []; this.outs = []; }; rr.rail.RailConnection = v1; rr.rail.RailConnection extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.curin = this.ins[0]; this.curout = this.outs[0]; if (this.s) { this.rswitch = new rr.rail.RailSwitch(this); delete this.s; } var v3 = this.ins.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { ++v2; } v3 = this.outs.length; v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { ++v2; } }; v2.__get__railin = function () { if (!this.rswitch || this.rswitch.inpositions.length <= 1) { return['rs' + this.curin]; } else { return this.rswitch.__get__railin(); } }; v2.__get__railout = function () { if (!this.rswitch || this.rswitch.outpositions.length <= 1) { return['rs' + this.curout]; } else { return this.rswitch.__get__railout(); } }; v2.checkBlocks = function () { if (this.ins.length == 0) { this.block = new rr.rail.RailBlock(this.x, this.y, -rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(this.ang), 'in'); } if (this.outs.length == 0) { this.block = new rr.rail.RailBlock(this.x, this.y, -rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(this.ang), 'out'); } if (this.block) { if ( == 10000) { _global.endblock = this.block; } else { delete this.block; this.block = undefined; } } }; v2.updateObjectRail = function (obj, checkprev) { var v3 = this.getNextRail(obj, checkprev); obj.rsprev =; obj.rsfactorprev = obj.rsfactor; =; obj.d = v3.d; if (v3.changefactor) { obj.rsfactor = -obj.rsfactor; obj.flip = !obj.flip; obj.fliprot = obj.flip ? 180 : 0; } }; v2.getNextRail = function (obj, checkprev) { var v3; var v4; var v6; var v5; var v8; var v10; var v7 = obj.d > ? obj.d - : Math.abs(obj.d); v6 = == this; if ( == { if (obj.d < 0) { v6 = true; v4 = ? false : true; } else { v6 = false; v4 = ? true : false; } } else { v4 = this.isOut(; } v3 = v4 ? this.__get__railin() : this.__get__railout(); if (v3.rcs == v3.rce) { if (v4) { v5 = v3.eo ? true : false; } else { v5 = v3.eo ? false : true; } } else { v5 = v3.rcs == this; } if (v5) { v8 = v7; } else { v8 = v3.length - v7; } if (v3.rcs != v3.rce) { if (v6 == v5) { v10 = true; } } return {'rs': v3, 'd': v8, 'changefactor': v10}; }; v2.isOut = function (rs) { var v3 = this.outs.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { if (this.outs[v2] == { return true; } ++v2; } return false; }; v2.addProperty('railin', v2.__get__railin, function () {}); v2.addProperty('railout', v2.__get__railout, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(rr.rail.RailConnection.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3399 __Packages.rr.rail.RailSwitch { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.rail) { _global.rr.rail = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.rail.RailSwitch) { var v1 = function (prc) { this.linkId = 'RailSwitch'; this.rc = prc; this.dfeel = 25; this.init(); }; rr.rail.RailSwitch = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__railin = function () { return['rs' + this.inpositions[this.inpos].rsid]; }; v2.__get__railout = function () { return['rs' + this.outpositions[this.outpos].rsid]; }; v2.init = function () { var v9 = []; this.x = this.rc.s.x; this.y = this.rc.s.y; this.outpos = 0; this.inpos = 0; this.inpositions = []; this.outpositions = []; var v7 = this.rc.ins.length; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < v7) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= 7) { if (this.rc.s.p[v3] > 0) { if (this.rc.ins[v4] == this.rc.s.p[v3]) { this.inpositions.push({'dir': this.getDir(v3), 'rsid': this.rc.s.p[v3]}); } } ++v3; } ++v4; } v7 = this.rc.outs.length; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v7) { v3 = 0; while (v3 <= 7) { if (this.rc.s.p[v3] > 0) { if (this.rc.outs[v4] == this.rc.s.p[v3]) { this.outpositions.push({'dir': this.getDir(v3), 'rsid': this.rc.s.p[v3]}); } } ++v3; } ++v4; } this.view = this.outpositions.length > 0 ? 'out' : 'in'; this.forceview = false; this.locked = false; var v8 =, this.y); v8.statics.push(this); }; v2.setOutPosition = function (rs) { var v3 = this.outpositions.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { if (this.outpositions[v2].rsid == { this.outpos = v2; break; } ++v2; } if (this.view == 'out') { this.setArrow(); } }; v2.setInPosition = function (rs) { var v3 = this.inpositions.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { if (this.inpositions[v2].rsid == { this.inpos = v2; break; } ++v2; } if (this.view == 'in') { this.setArrow(); } }; v2.toggleLock = function () { this.locked = !this.locked; this.setArrow(); if (this.locked) { rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.checkLock, 1500); } }; v2.checkLock = function () { if (!this.locked) { return undefined; } if ( { return undefined; } if (_global.train.isInRange(this.rc.x, this.rc.y, this.dfeel)) { rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.checkLock, 1500); return undefined; } this.locked = false; this.setArrow(); }; v2.toggle = function () { if (this.locked) { return undefined; } if (this.view == 'out') { this.outpos += 1; if (this.outpos >= this.outpositions.length) { this.outpos = 0; if (!this.forceview) { if (this.inpositions.length > 0) { this.view = 'in'; this.inpos = 0; } } } } else { this.inpos += 1; if (this.inpos >= this.inpositions.length) { this.inpos = 0; if (!this.forceview) { if (this.outpositions.length > 0) { this.view = 'out'; this.outpos = 0; } } } } this.setArrow(); }; v2.setArrow = function () { if (this.locked) {'locked'); } else { if (this.view == 'out') {[this.outpos].dir); } else {[this.inpos].dir); } } }; v2.getDir = function (i) { switch (i) { case 0: return 'n'; break; case 1: return 'ne'; break; case 2: return 'e'; break; case 3: return 'se'; break; case 4: return 's'; break; case 5: return 'sw'; break; case 6: return 'w'; break; case 7: return 'nw'; } }; v2.update = function () { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y,, < 425) { this.render(); } else { this.clearMov(); } }; v2.render = function () { if (! { var v3 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(_global.stage, this); = _global.stage.attachMovie(this.linkId, rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), v3); = 80; this.setArrow(); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.toggle); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.aim, _global.aim.hide, this); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(_global.aim,, this); =; this.locked = false; } = this.x -; = this.y -; }; v2.clearMov = function () {; delete; }; v2.addProperty('railin', v2.__get__railin, function () {}); v2.addProperty('railout', v2.__get__railout, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(rr.rail.RailSwitch.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3400 __Packages.rr.rail.RailSegment { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.rail) { _global.rr.rail = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.rail.RailSegment) { var v1 = function (initObj) { =; this.type = initObj.r ? 'arc' : 'line'; this.rcs =['rc' + initObj.s]; this.rce =['rc' + initObj.e]; this.eo = initObj.eo; this.t = initObj.t; if (this.t) { this.rcs.ins.push(; this.ang = this.rcs.ang + 180; } else { this.rcs.outs.push(; this.ang = this.rcs.ang; } if (this.eo) { this.rce.outs.push(; } else { this.rce.ins.push(; } if (this.type == 'line') { this.length = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.rcs.x, this.rcs.y, this.rce.x, this.rce.y); } if (this.type == 'arc') { this.radius = initObj.r; this.dir = initObj.d; this.length = initObj.l; } }; rr.rail.RailSegment = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.getPoint = function (d) { if (d > this.length) { d = this.length; } if (d < 0) { d = 0; } if (this.type == 'line') { var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(this.ang); var v9 = this.rcs.x + this.cos(v5 * this.pi / 180) * d; var v8 = this.rcs.y - this.sin(v5 * this.pi / 180) * d; var v7 = -v5; return {'x': v9, 'y': v8, 'rot': v7}; } if (this.type == 'arc') { v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(this.ang - 90); var v4 = new flash.geom.Point(-this.dir * (this.radius * this.cos(v5 * this.pi / 180)), this.dir * (this.radius * this.sin(v5 * this.pi / 180))); var v6 = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(this.ang - 90) * this.pi / 180; var v3 = v6 - -this.dir * d / this.radius; v9 = this.rcs.x + v4.x + this.dir * this.radius * this.cos(v3); v8 = this.rcs.y + v4.y - this.dir * this.radius * this.sin(v3); v7 = -rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(v3 / (this.pi / 180) + 90); return {'x': v9, 'y': v8, 'rot': v7}; } }; v2.getCatchPoint = function (obj, dcast) { var v4 = obj.speed * obj.rsfactor > 0 ? obj.d + dcast : obj.d - dcast; var v1 = {'rs':, 'd': v4, 'rsfactor': obj.rsfactor, 'speed': obj.speed}; for (;;) { if (!(v1.d > || v1.d < 0)) break; var v2 = v1.speed * v1.rsfactor > 0 ? :; v2.updateObjectRail(v1); } return; }; v2.pi = Math.PI; v2.cos = Math.cos; v2.acos = Math.acos; v2.sin = Math.sin; v2.asin = Math.asin; v2.atan2 = Math.atan2; ASSetPropFlags(rr.rail.RailSegment.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3401 __Packages.rr.rail.RailBlock { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.rail) { _global.rr.rail = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.rail.RailBlock) { var v1 = function (px, py, prot, pdir) { super(); this.dfeel = 15; this.x = px; this.y = py; this.rot = prot; this.dir = pdir; if (this.dir == 'out') { this.rot += 180; } this.addToMapBackground(); }; rr.rail.RailBlock = v1; rr.rail.RailBlock extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.addToMapBackground = function () { var v3 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('railblock.png'); if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setBmpTint(v3, 0, 80); } var v4 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); v4.translate(-v3.width / 2, -v3.height / 2); v4.rotate((rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(this.rot) / 180) * this.pi); v4.translate(this.x, this.y); var v5 = 'normal'; var v6 = true;, v4, null, v5, null, v6); v3.dispose(); false; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.rail.RailBlock.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3402 __Packages.rr.train.TrainSegment { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.TrainSegment) { var v1 = function () { super(); _global.train.segments.push(this); }; rr.train.TrainSegment = v1; rr.train.TrainSegment extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.uid = this.initObj.uid; this.length = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'length'); this.killlevel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'killlevel'); this.destroydelay = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodesound'); this.fliprot = 0; }; v2.render = function () { if (! { this.createMov(); } = this.x -; = this.y -; = this.rot + this.fliprot; }; v2.checkRender = function () { this.isRendered = false; if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y,, < 500) { this.isRendered = true; this.render(); } else { if ( { this.clearMov(); } } }; v2.createMov = function () { var v3 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, this); =, rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), v3, {'parent': this}); this.checkNightMode(); }; v2.clearMov = function () {; delete; }; v2.checkNightMode = function () { if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); } }; v2.addDamage = function (dmg) { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } if (!dmg) { return undefined; } this.damage += dmg; if (this.damage < 0) { this.damage = 0; } if (this.damage >= this.killlevel) { this.die(); } }; v2.stun = function (t) { this.tstun = t; this.laststunned = getTimer(); this.isstunned = true; }; v2.checkStun = function () { if (getTimer() - this.laststunned > this.tstun) { this.isstunned = false; } }; v2.die = function () {}; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 100, 1000, this.x, this.y);'explode'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, this.destroydelay); }; v2.destroy = function () {; _global.train.removeSegment(this); _global.stage.removeObject(this); }; v2.blockStop = function (b) { _global.loc.tspeed = 0; _global.loc.speed = 0; this.tspeed = 0; this.speed = 0; if (this.prev) { this.prev.blockStop(); } if (b == _global.endblock) {, 'train'); } }; v2.reAffirm = function () { if (this.prev) { this.d = this.prev.d - this.prev.rsfactor * (this.prev.length / 2 + this.length / 2 - 1); =; this.rsfactor = this.prev.rsfactor; var v3; if (this.d < 0) { v3 =; v3.updateObjectRail(this, true); } else { if (this.d > { v3 =; v3.updateObjectRail(this, true); } } var v2 =; if (v2) { this.oldX = v2.x; this.x = this.oldX; this.oldY = v2.y; this.y = this.oldY; this.oldRot = v2.rot; this.rot = this.oldRot; } this.affirmed = true; } if ( {; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.TrainSegment.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3403 __Packages.rr.train.Locomotive { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.Locomotive) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.train.Locomotive = v1; rr.train.Locomotive extends rr.train.TrainSegment; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { _global.loc = this; this.segmentType = 'loc'; super.init(); =; this.d = this.length / 2; this.rsfactor = 1; this.speedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxspeed'); this.speedmin = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'minspeed'); this.adef = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'acceleration'); this.afullstop = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'accelerationfullstop'); this.fueltype = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'fueltype'); this.rotspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'rotationspeed'); this.tfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootinginterval'); this.dfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootingdistance'); this.gunsounds = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'gunsounds'); this.hornsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'hornsound'); this.dfeel = this.length / 2; this.stepidx = 0; this.prevspeed = 0; this.yspeed = 0; this.xspeed = 0; this.tspeed = 0; this.speed = 0; this.y = 0; this.x = 0; this.a = this.adef; this.damage = 0; this.rotBarrel = 0; this.rot = 0; if (this.fueltype == 'electric') { this.stepsounds = ['Train 1and2 step 2.wav']; this.loopsoundid = 'Train 5min.wav'; } else { this.stepsounds = ['Train 1and2 step 1.wav', 'Train 1and2 step 2.wav']; } this.laststepped = getTimer(); var v4 = 1; while (v4 <= this.bcount) { this['rotbarrel' + v4] = 0; this['bs' + v4] = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'rotationspeed' + v4); this['tf' + v4] = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootinginterval' + v4); this['lf' + v4] = getTimer(); ++v4; } _global.train.onConnectionChanged(); this.setTargetSpeed(_global.train.speed); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.isdead) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (this.x > + 100) {, 'train'); } else { if (this.y > + 100) {, 'train'); } } this.dplane = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, _global.plane.x, _global.plane.y); if (!this.isstunned) { this.aimAtTarget(); if (!_global.plane.isdead) { if (this.dplane <= this.dfire) {; } } } if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a);{'target': this, 'type': 'onLocAccel'}); } if (this.speed == 0) { if (this.loopsound.isplaying) { this.loopsound.isplaying = false; this.loopsound.sound.setVolume(0); this.loopsound.sound.stop(); } if (this.prevspeed != 0) {{'target': this, 'type': 'onLocStop'}); } } else { if (this.dplane < 600) { var v3; if (this.fueltype == 'electric') { v3 = Math.min(Math.abs(1200 / this.speed), 1000); v3 = Math.round(Math.max(v3, 250)); } else { v3 = Math.min(Math.abs(450 / this.speed), 1000); v3 = Math.max(v3, 100); } if (getTimer() - this.laststepped > v3) { this.laststepped = getTimer(); if (this.fueltype == 'electric') { _global.sounds.playSound(this.stepsounds[0]); } else { _global.sounds.playSound(this.stepsounds[this.stepidx]); this.stepidx = (this.stepidx == 0) ? 1 : 0; } } } } rr.train.TrainUtils.updateRailPosition(this); this.prevspeed = this.speed; if (this.isstunned) { this.checkStun(); }{'target': this, 'type': 'onUpdate'}); }; v2.render = function () { super.render(); = this.rot + this.fliprot; var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.bcount) {['barrel' + v3 + '_mc']._x = this.cos(-(this.rot + this.fliprot) * this.pi / 180) * this['bxdef' + v3];['barrel' + v3 + '_mc']._y = -this.sin(-(this.rot + this.fliprot) * this.pi / 180) * this['bxdef' + v3];['barrel' + v3 + '_mc']._rotation = this['rotbarrel' + v3]; ++v3; } }; v2.aimAtTarget = function () { if (_global.plane == undefined) { return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { return undefined; } var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.bcount) { this['bx' + v3] = this.x + this.cos(-(this.rot + this.fliprot) * this.pi / 180) * this['bxdef' + v3]; this['by' + v3] = this.y - this.sin(-(this.rot + this.fliprot) * this.pi / 180) * this['bxdef' + v3]; var v4 = 180 * this.atan2( - (this['by' + v3] -, - (this['bx' + v3] - / this.pi; var v5 = (this['rotbarrel' + v3] + 360) % 360; v4 = (v4 + 360) % 360; if (v4 - v5 > 180) { v4 -= 360; } else { if (v4 - v5 < -180) { v4 += 360; } } v5 += this['bs' + v3] * (v4 - v5) / 100; this['rotbarrel' + v3] = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle2(v5); ++v3; } }; v2.setTargetSpeed = function (ts) { this.a = this.adef; this.tspeed = ts; if (this.speed == 0) { if (this.tspeed != 0) {{'target': this, 'type': 'onLocAccel'}); } } }; v2.onFullStop = function (evtObj) { this.a = this.afullstop; this.tspeed = 0; }; v2.die = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } this.isdead = true;; this.isShooting = false; this.onFullStop(); this.damage = this.killlevel;{'type': 'onTrainTargetDie', 'target': this}); this.explode(); }; = function () { if (_global.plane == undefined) { return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { return undefined; } var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.bcount) { if (getTimer() - this['lf' + v3] >= this['tf' + v3]) { this['lf' + v3] = getTimer();['barrel' + v3 + '_mc'].gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _global.sounds.playSound(this.gunsounds[Math.round(Math.random() * (this.gunsounds.length - 1))]); rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': 'AmmoTrainBullit', 'parentLinkId': this.linkId, 'x': this['bx' + v3], 'y': this['by' + v3], 'rot': this['rotbarrel' + v3] + 90}); } ++v3; } }; v2.checkNightMode = function () { if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); = true; } else { = false; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.Locomotive.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3404 __Packages.rr.ammo.AmmoUtils { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.AmmoUtils) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.createHitLine = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, w) { var v2 = _global.stage.hitmov.createEmptyMovieClip(rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), _global.stage.hitmov.getNextHighestDepth()); v2.lineStyle(w, 0); v2.moveTo(x1 -, y1 -; v2.lineTo(x2 -, y2 -; return v2; }; v1.createAmmo = function (initObj) { var v2 = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); initObj.uid = v2; switch (initObj.type) { case 'AirfieldDefender': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.AmmoAirfieldDefender(initObj); break; case 'AirMissile': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.AirMissile(initObj); break; case 'AirSeeker': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.AirSeeker(initObj); break; case 'GroundMissile': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.GroundMissile(initObj); break; case 'GroundSeeker': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.GroundSeeker(initObj); break; case 'BulletGunSingle': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunSingle(initObj); break; case 'BulletGunDouble': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunDouble(initObj); break; case 'BulletGunGatling': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunGatling(initObj); break; case 'BombNormal': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.BombNormal(initObj); break; case 'BombHeavy': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.BombHeavy(initObj); break; case 'BombExtreme': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.BombExtreme(initObj); break; case 'Propaganda': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.Propaganda(initObj); break; case 'EMPBomb': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.EMPBomb(initObj); break; case 'FuelBomb': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.FuelBomb(initObj); break; case 'CarpetBomb': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.CarpetBomb(initObj); break; case 'NuclearBomb': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.plane.NuclearBomb(initObj); break; case 'AmmoTrainBullit': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.train.AmmoTrainBullit(initObj); break; case 'SmallCannon': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.train.AmmoTrainBullit(initObj); break; case 'MediumCannon': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.train.AmmoTrainBullit(initObj); break; case 'SmallFastCannon': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.train.AmmoTrainBullit(initObj); break; case 'RocketLauncher': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.train.AmmoRocketLauncher(initObj); break; case 'PotTank': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.ground.AmmoPotTank(initObj); break; case 'OldJeep': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.ground.AmmoOldJeep(initObj); break; case 'GunTruck': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGunTruck(initObj); break; case 'ArmoredJeep': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.ground.AmmoArmoredJeep(initObj); break; case 'Basilisk': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.ground.AmmoBasilisk(initObj); break; case 'Bunker': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.ground.AmmoBunker(initObj); break; case 'GatlingSingle': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGatlingSingle(initObj); break; case 'GatlingDouble': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGatlingDouble(initObj); break; case 'Abrahams': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.ground.AmmoAbrahams(initObj); break; case 'Elephant': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.ground.AmmoElephant(initObj); break; case 'Panther': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.ground.AmmoPanther(initObj); break; case 'Rocketeer': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.AmmoRocketeer(initObj); break; case 'RocketBase': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.ammo.ground.AmmoRocketBase(initObj); } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3405 __Packages.rr.ammo.AmmoAirfieldDefender { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.AmmoAirfieldDefender) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoAirfieldDefender'; this.parentLinkId = 'AirfieldDefender'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.AmmoAirfieldDefender = v1; rr.ammo.AmmoAirfieldDefender extends rr.ammo.Ammo; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.tar = this.initObj.tar; super.init(); this.minrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammominrange'); this.maxrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammomaxrange'); this.speedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammomaxspeed'); this.rotspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammorotationspeed'); this.a = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoacceleration'); this.startsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammostartsound'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoexplodesound'); this.damage = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoexplosiondamage'); this.rexplode = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoexplosionradius'); this.speed = 0; this.d = 0; this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.maxrange += Math.random() * (this.maxrange * 0.2); _global.sounds.playSound(this.startsound); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.isexploded) { this.render(); return undefined; } if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } if (!this.isexploded) { if (this.d > 150) { this.rotateToTarget(); } } this.prevx = this.x; this.prevy = this.y; this.x += this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.d += rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.prevx, this.prevy); if (!this.isexploded) { if (this.d > this.maxrange) { this.explode(); } else { if (this.d > this.minrange) { if (!_global.plane.loopOn) { this.checkHit(); } } } } this.render(); }; v2.rotateToTarget = function () { if (this.tar.isdead) { return undefined; } if (this.tar == undefined) { this.explode(); return undefined; } var v4 = this.rotspeed; var v6 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y); var v2 = (v6 + 360) % 360; var v3 = (this.rot + 360) % 360; if (v2 - v3 > 180) { v2 -= 360; } else { if (v2 - v3 < -180) { v2 += 360; } } if (v2 > v3) { v3 += v4; } else { v3 -= v4; } this.rot = v3; var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(v3, v2); if (v5 <= v4 || 360 - v5 <= v4) { this.rot = v2; } }; v2.checkHit = function () { var v3 = rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createHitLine(this.prevx, this.prevy, this.x, this.y, 5); if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, v3)) { if (this.tar == _global.plane) { this.tar.addDamage(this.damage / 8); } else { this.tar.addDamage(this.damage); } this.explode(); } v3.removeMovieClip(); }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.speed /= 10; this.tspeed = 0; this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 0, 1000, this.x, this.y);'explode'); var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammodestroydelay'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, v3); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.AmmoAirfieldDefender.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3406 __Packages.rr.utils.HitTest { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils) { _global.rr.utils = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils.HitTest) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.utils.HitTest = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.isShapeHit = function (p_clip1, p_clip2, p_alphaTolerance, p_scope) { if (p_alphaTolerance == undefined) { p_alphaTolerance = 0; } if (p_scope == undefined) { p_scope = _root; } var v4 = p_clip1.getBounds(p_scope); var v3 = p_clip2.getBounds(p_scope); if (v4.xMax < v3.xMin || v3.xMax < v4.xMin || (v4.yMax < v3.yMin || v3.yMax < v4.yMin)) { return null; } var v2 = {}; v2.xMin = Math.max(v4.xMin, v3.xMin); v2.xMax = Math.min(v4.xMax, v3.xMax); v2.yMin = Math.max(v4.yMin, v3.yMin); v2.yMax = Math.min(v4.yMax, v3.yMax); var v7 = new flash.display.BitmapData(v2.xMax - v2.xMin, v2.yMax - v2.yMin, false); var v6 = p_clip1.transform.matrix; var v5 = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}; p_clip1.localToGlobal(v5); v6.tx = v5.x - v2.xMin; v6.ty = v5.y - v2.yMin; v7.draw(p_clip1, v6, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 255, -255, -255, p_alphaTolerance)); v6 = p_clip2.transform.matrix; v5 = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}; p_clip2.localToGlobal(v5); v6.tx = v5.x - v2.xMin; v6.ty = v5.y - v2.yMin; v7.draw(p_clip2, v6, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 255, 255, 255, p_alphaTolerance), 'difference'); var v11 = v7.getColorBoundsRect(4294967295.0, 4278255615.0); if (v11.width > 0 || v11.height > 0) { return true; } return false; }; v1.isLineHit = function (p_clip1, p_clip2) { var v12 = 0; var v9 = _root; var v4 = p_clip1.getBounds(v9); var v3 = p_clip2.getBounds(v9); if (v4.xMax < v3.xMin || v3.xMax < v4.xMin || (v4.yMax < v3.yMin || v3.yMax < v4.yMin)) { return null; } var v2 = {}; v2.xMin = Math.max(v4.xMin, v3.xMin); v2.xMax = Math.min(v4.xMax, v3.xMax); v2.yMin = Math.max(v4.yMin, v3.yMin); v2.yMax = Math.min(v4.yMax, v3.yMax); var v7 = new flash.display.BitmapData(v2.xMax - v2.xMin, v2.yMax - v2.yMin, false); var v6 = p_clip1.transform.matrix; var v5 = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}; p_clip1.localToGlobal(v5); v6.tx = v5.x - v2.xMin; v6.ty = v5.y - v2.yMin; v7.draw(p_clip1, v6, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 255, -255, -255, v12)); v6 = p_clip2.transform.matrix; v5 = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}; p_clip2.localToGlobal(v5); v6.tx = v5.x - v2.xMin; v6.ty = v5.y - v2.yMin; v7.draw(p_clip2, v6, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 255, 255, 255, v12), 'difference'); var v11 = v7.getColorBoundsRect(4294967295.0, 4278255615.0); if (v11.width > 0 || v11.height > 0) { return true; } return false; }; v1.drawBounds = function (bounds, bname, col) { _root['bounds' + bname].removeMovieClip(); _root.createEmptyMovieClip('bounds' + bname, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); with (_root['bounds' + bname]) { lineStyle(1, col, 100); moveTo(bounds.xMin, bounds.yMin); lineTo(bounds.xMax, bounds.yMin); lineTo(bounds.xMax, bounds.yMax); lineTo(bounds.xMin, bounds.yMax); lineTo(bounds.xMin, bounds.yMin); } }; v1.drawRectangle = function (rect, bounds) { _root.rect.removeMovieClip(); _root.createEmptyMovieClip('rect', _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': bounds.xMin, '_y': bounds.yMin}); _root.rect.lineStyle(1, 39168, 100); _root.rect.moveTo(rect.x, rect.y); _root.rect.lineTo(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y); _root.rect.lineTo(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height); _root.rect.lineTo(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height); _root.rect.lineTo(rect.x, rect.y); }; v1.isRectHit = function (x, y, rect, rectRot) { var v1 = {'x': rect.x + rect.width / 2, 'y': rect.y + rect.height / 2}; var v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(v1.x, v1.y, x, y); var v4 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(v1.x, v1.y, x, y); var v8 = v1.x + Math.sin(rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(v4 - rectRot) * Math.PI / 180) * v3; var v7 = v1.y - Math.cos(rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(v4 - rectRot) * Math.PI / 180) * v3; return rect.contains(v8, v7); }; v1.isTriangleHit = function (x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) { var v5 = (x2 - x1) * (y3 - y1) - (x3 - x1) * (y2 - y1); var v4 = ((x2 - x0) * (y3 - y0) - (x3 - x0) * (y2 - y0)) / v5 * 1; var v3 = ((x3 - x0) * (y1 - y0) - (x1 - x0) * (y3 - y0)) / v5 * 1; var v9 = 1 - v4 - v3; if (v4 > 0 && v3 > 0 && v9 > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.utils.HitTest.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3407 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.AirMissile { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.AirMissile) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AirMissile'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.AirMissile = v1; rr.ammo.plane.AirMissile extends rr.ammo.Ammo; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.speed = this.initObj.speed; this.isEnemyMissile = this.initObj.isEnemyMissile; super.init(); this.minrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'minrange'); this.maxrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxrange'); this.speedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxspeed'); this.a = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'acceleration'); this.startsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'startsound'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodesound'); this.damage = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explosiondamage'); this.rexplode = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explosionradius'); this.d = 0; this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.maxrange += Math.random() * (this.maxrange * 0.2); _global.sounds.playSound(this.startsound); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.isexploded) { this.render(); return undefined; } if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } this.prevx = this.x; this.prevy = this.y; this.x += this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.d += rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.prevx, this.prevy); if (!this.isexploded) { if (this.d > this.maxrange) { this.explode(); } else { if (this.d > this.minrange) { this.checkHit(); } } } this.render(); }; v2.checkHit = function () { var v6 = false; var v5 = rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createHitLine(this.prevx, this.prevy, this.x, this.y, 5); if (this.isEnemyMissile) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, v5)) { if (!_global.plane.loopOn) { _global.plane.addDamage(this.damage / 6); v6 = true; } } } else { var v7 = _global.stage.airs.length; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < v7) { var v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.airs[v4]]; if (!v3.isdead) { if (!v3.loopOn) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, v5)) { v3.addDamage(this.damage); v6 = true; break; } } } ++v4; } } v5.removeMovieClip(); if (v6) { this.explode(); } }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.speed /= 10; this.tspeed = 0; this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 0, 1000, this.x, this.y);'explode'); var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, v3); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.AirMissile.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3408 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.AirSeeker { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.AirSeeker) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AirSeeker'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.AirSeeker = v1; rr.ammo.plane.AirSeeker extends rr.ammo.Ammo; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.tar = this.initObj.tar; this.speed = this.initObj.speed; super.init(); if (this.tar == undefined) { this.getTarget(); } this.minrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'minrange'); this.maxrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxrange'); this.speedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxspeed'); this.rotspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'rotationspeed'); this.a = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'acceleration'); this.startsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'startsound'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodesound'); this.damage = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explosiondamage'); this.rexplode = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explosionradius'); this.d = 0; this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.maxrange += Math.random() * (this.maxrange * 0.2); _global.sounds.playSound(this.startsound); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.isexploded) { this.render(); return undefined; } if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } if (!this.isexploded) { this.rotateToTarget(); } this.prevx = this.x; this.prevy = this.y; this.x += this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.d += rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.prevx, this.prevy); if (!this.isexploded) { if (this.d > this.maxrange) { this.explode(); } else { if (this.d > this.minrange) { this.checkHit(); } } } this.render(); }; v2.getTarget = function () { var v4; var v6 = _global.stage.airs.length; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v6) { var v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.airs[v5]]; if (!v3.isdead) { if (v4 == undefined) { v4 = v3; } else { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v3.x, v3.y) < rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v4.x, v4.y)) { v4 = v3; } } } ++v5; } this.tar = v4; }; v2.rotateToTarget = function () { if (this.tar == undefined) { return undefined; } var v4 = this.rotspeed; var v6 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y); var v2 = (v6 + 360) % 360; var v3 = (this.rot + 360) % 360; if (v2 - v3 > 180) { v2 -= 360; } else { if (v2 - v3 < -180) { v2 += 360; } } if (v2 > v3) { v3 += v4; } else { v3 -= v4; } this.rot = v3; var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(v3, v2); if (v5 <= v4 || 360 - v5 <= v4) { this.rot = v2; } }; v2.checkHit = function () { if (this.tar == undefined) { return undefined; } if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y) <= this.speed) { this.tar.addDamage(this.damage); this.explode(); } }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.speed /= 10; this.tspeed = 0; this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 0, 1000, this.x, this.y);'explode'); var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, v3); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.AirSeeker.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3409 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.GroundMissile { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.GroundMissile) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'GroundMissile'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.GroundMissile = v1; rr.ammo.plane.GroundMissile extends rr.ammo.Ammo; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.altmax = this.initObj.alt; this.alt = this.altmax; this.speed = this.initObj.speed; super.init(); this.minrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'minrange'); this.maxrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxrange'); this.speedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxspeed'); this.a = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'acceleration'); this.startsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'startsound'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodesound'); this.damage = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explosiondamage'); this.rexplode = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explosionradius'); this.d = 0; this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.maxrange += Math.random() * (this.maxrange * 0.2); this.descent = this.altmax / (this.maxrange / this.speed); _global.sounds.playSound(this.startsound); }; v2.render = function () { super.render(); = 70 + 30 * this.alt / this.altmax; =; }; v2.update = function () { if (this.isexploded) { this.render(); return undefined; } if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } this.prevx = this.x; this.prevy = this.y; if (this.alt > this.descent) { this.alt -= this.descent; } this.x += this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.d += rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.prevx, this.prevy); if (!this.isexploded) { if (this.d > this.maxrange) { this.explode(); } else { if (this.d > this.minrange) { this.checkHit(); } } } this.render(); }; v2.checkHit = function () { var v6 = false; var v7 = rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createHitLine(this.prevx, this.prevy, this.x, this.y, 5); if (_global.train) { var v8 = _global.train.segments.length; var v5 = 0; while (v5 <= v8) { var v3 = _global.train.segments[v5]; if (!v3.isdead) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, v7)) { this.hittarget = v3; v3.addDamage(this.damage); v6 = true; break; } } ++v5; } } if (!v6) { v8 = _global.stage.afdefenders.length; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v8) { var v4 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afdefenders[v5]]; if (!v4.isdead) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, v7)) { this.hittarget = v4; v4.addDamage(this.damage); v6 = true; break; } } ++v5; } } if (!v6) { var v9 =, this.y); var v10 =, this.prevy); if (v9 != undefined) { v6 = this.checkCellHits(v9, v7); } if (!v6) { if (v10 != v9) { v6 = this.checkCellHits(v10, v7); } } } v7.removeMovieClip(); if (v6) { this.explode(); } }; v2.checkCellHits = function (cid, hitline_mc) { var v6 =; var v7 = v6.removables.length; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v7) { var v4 = _global.stage['obj_' + v6.removables[v5]]; if (!v4.isdead) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, hitline_mc)) { this.hittarget = v4; v4.addDamage(this.damage); return true; } } ++v5; } v7 = v6.statics.length; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v7) { var v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + v6.statics[v5]]; if (v3 instanceof rr.building.Building) { if (!v3.isdead) { if (v3.isLineHit(hitline_mc)) { this.hittarget = v3; v3.addDamage(this.damage); return true; } } } ++v5; } return false; }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.speed /= 10; this.tspeed = 0; rr.utils.StageUtils.addExplosionDamage(this.x, this.y, this.damage, this.rexplode, this.hittarget); this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 0, 1000, this.x, this.y);'explode'); var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, v3); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.GroundMissile.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3410 __Packages.rr.utils.StageUtils { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils) { _global.rr.utils = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.utils.StageUtils) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.utils.StageUtils = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.createStageObject = function (initObj) { var v2 = initObj.uid; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); initObj.uid = v2; } switch (initObj.linkId) { return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'AirField': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.AirField(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'AirfieldDefender': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.AirfieldDefender(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'A10': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.A10(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'Apache': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.Apache(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'B2': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.B2(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'B52': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.B52(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'BellHuey': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.BellHuey(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'C47': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.C47(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'FockeWolf': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.FockeWolf(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'MesserSchmidt': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.MesserSchmidt(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'A10Enemy': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.A10Enemy(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'ApacheEnemy': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.ApacheEnemy(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'B2Enemy': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.B2Enemy(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'B52Enemy': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.B52Enemy(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'BellHueyEnemy': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.BellHueyEnemy(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'C47Enemy': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.C47Enemy(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'FockeWolfEnemy': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.FockeWolfEnemy(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'MesserSchmidtEnemy': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.plane.MesserSchmidtEnemy(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'OldJeep': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.enemy.OldJeep(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'ArmoredJeep': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.enemy.ArmoredJeep(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'GunTruck': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.enemy.GunTruck(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'PotTank': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.enemy.PotTank(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'Abrahams': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.enemy.Abrahams(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'Elephant': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.enemy.Elephant(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'Basilisk': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.enemy.Basilisk(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'Panther': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.enemy.Panther(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'Bunker': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.enemy.Bunker(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'GatlingSingle': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.enemy.GatlingSingle(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'GatlingDouble': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.enemy.GatlingDouble(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'Rocketeer': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.enemy.Rocketeer(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'RocketBase': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.enemy.RocketBase(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; case 'Building': _global.stage['obj_' + v2] = new rr.building.Building(initObj); return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; } return _global.stage['obj_' + v2]; }; v1.findClosestEnemy = function (x, y) { var v7; var v2 = 200; var v6 = _global.stage.afdefenders.length; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < v6) { var v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afdefenders[v4]]; if (!v3.isdead) { var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(x, y, v3.x, v3.y); if (v5 < v2) { v7 = v3; v2 = v5; } } ++v4; } var v12 =, y); if (v12.hasRemovables) { v6 = v12.removables.length; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v6) { v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + v12.removables[v4]]; if (!v3.isdead) { v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(x, y, v3.x, v3.y); if (v5 < v2) { v7 = v3; v2 = v5; } } ++v4; } } v6 = v12.statics.length; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v6) { v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + v12.statics[v4]]; if (v3 instanceof rr.building.Building) { if (!v3.isdead) { v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(x, y, v3.x, v3.y); if (v5 < v2) { v7 = v3; v2 = v5; } } } ++v4; } if (_global.train) { v6 = _global.train.segments.length; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v6) { v3 = _global.train.segments[v4]; if (!v3.isdead) { v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(x, y, v3.x, v3.y); if (v5 < v2) { v7 = v3; v2 = v5; } } ++v4; } } if (_global.stage.strains) { var v10 = 0; while (v10 < _global.stage.strains.length) { var v11 = _global.stage.strains[v10]; v6 = v11.segments.length; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v6) { v3 = v11.segments[v4]; if (!v3.isdead) { v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(x, y, v3.x, v3.y); if (v5 < v2) { v7 = v3; v2 = v5; } } ++v4; } ++v10; } } return v7; }; v1.addExplosionDamage = function (x, y, damage, rexplode, hittarget) { var v23 = new Array(); var v24 =, y); v23.push(v24); var v5 = 1; while (v5 <= 8) { var v17 = v24.nb[v5]; if (v17 != undefined) { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(x, y,, - rexplode < 240) { v23.push(v17); } } ++v5; } var v15 = v23.length; var v18 = 0; while (v18 < v15) { var v9 = v23[v18]; if (v9.hasRemovables) { var v21 = v9.removables.length; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v21) { var v2 = _global.stage['obj_' + v9.removables[v5]]; if (v2 == hittarget) { } else { var v6 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(x, y, v2.x, v2.y); var v14 = v2.dfeel ? v2.dfeel : 10; if (v6 < v14) { v2.addDamage(damage); } else { if (v6 <= rexplode + v14) { var v16 = Math.round(damage / (1 + v6 / 25)); v2.addDamage(v16); } } } ++v5; } } var v22 = v9.statics.length; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v22) { var v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + v9.statics[v5]]; if (v3 == hittarget) { } else { if (v3 instanceof rr.building.Building) { v6 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(x, y, v3.x, v3.y); var v12 = v3.dfeel ? v3.dfeel : 10; if (v6 < v12) { v3.addDamage(damage); } else { if (v6 <= rexplode + v12) { v16 = Math.round(damage / (1 + v6 / 25)); v3.addDamage(v16); } } } } ++v5; } ++v18; } v15 = _global.stage.afdefenders.length; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v15) { var v11 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afdefenders[v5]]; if (v11 == hittarget) { } else { v6 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(x, y, v11.x, v11.y); v12 = v11.dfeel ? v11.dfeel : 0; if (v6 < v12) { v11.addDamage(damage); } else { if (v6 <= rexplode + v12) { v16 = Math.round(damage / (1 + v6 / 25)); v11.addDamage(v16); } } } ++v5; } if (_global.train) { v15 = _global.train.segments.length; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v15) { v3 = _global.train.segments[v5]; if (v3 == hittarget) { } else { v6 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(x, y, v3.x, v3.y); v12 = v3.dfeel ? v3.dfeel : 0; if (v6 < v12) { v3.addDamage(damage); } else { if (v6 <= rexplode + v12) { v16 = Math.round(damage / (1 + v6 / 25)); v3.addDamage(v16); } } } ++v5; } } if (_global.stage.strains) { var v19 = 0; while (v19 < _global.stage.strains.length) { var v20 = _global.stage.strains[v19]; v15 = v20.segments.length; v5 = 0; while (v5 <= v15) { v3 = v20.segments[v5]; if (v3 == hittarget) { } else { v6 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(x, y, v3.x, v3.y); v12 = v3.dfeel ? v3.dfeel : 0; if (v6 < v12) { v3.addDamage(damage); } else { if (v6 <= rexplode + v12) { v16 = Math.round(damage / (1 + v6 / 25)); v3.addDamage(v16); } } } ++v5; } ++v19; } } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.utils.StageUtils.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3411 __Packages.rr.AirField { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.AirField) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AirField'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.AirField = v1; rr.AirField extends rr.BaseUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.uid = this.initObj.uid; =; this.xcam = this.initObj.x; this.x = this.xcam; this.ycam = this.initObj.y; this.y = this.ycam; this.rot = this.initObj.r; this.hostility = this.initObj.h; if (this.initObj.e) { this.enemyPlanes = rr.conf.Config.translateEnemyCodes(this.initObj.e); this.planecount = this.enemyPlanes.length; } if (this.initObj.spawntime) { this.tspawn = this.initObj.spawntime; } else { this.tspawn = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'spawntime'); } this.takeoverTerms = this.initObj.takeoverterms; this.ddetect = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'detectiondistance'); this.spawnsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'spawnsound'); this.lastspawned = getTimer(); this.lightpos = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(-81, 30.5, this); this.tsiren = 0; this.addToMapBackground(); _global.stage.afs.push(this.uid); rr.utils.StageUtils.createStageObject({'linkId': 'AirfieldDefender', 'base': this}); this.addEventListener('onAirFieldTakeOver', _global.bottommenu); _global.timer.addEventListener('onTimerStart', this); }; v2.createTracks = function () { this.track2 = new rr.AirFieldTrack(this, 2); var v2 = 1; while (v2 <= 4) { this['track' + v2] = new rr.AirFieldTrack(this, v2); ++v2; } this.heliTrack = new rr.AirFieldHeliTrack(this); }; v2.addToMapBackground = function () { var v3 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('airfield.png'); if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setBmpTint(v3, 0, 20); } var v4 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); v4.translate(-v3.width / 2, -v3.height / 2); v4.rotate((rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(this.rot) / 180) * this.pi); v4.translate(this.x, this.y); var v5 = 'normal'; var v6 = true;, v4, null, v5, null, v6); v3.dispose(); false; }; v2.update = function () { this.defender.update(); this.dplane = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, _global.plane.x, _global.plane.y); if (this.hostility <= 0) { if (!this.escapeMode) { if (!_global.plane.landingTrack) { if (_global.plane.landingmode == 'off') { if (_global.plane instanceof rr.plane.PlayerUnit) { if (this.dplane < _global.plane.dapproach + _global.plane.dtriangle + 350) { this.checkLanding(); } } else { if (_global.plane instanceof rr.plane.PlayerHeli) { if (this.dplane < 200) { this.checkLanding(); } } } } } } } else { if (!this.planeDetected) { if (this.dplane < this.ddetect) { this.spawnPlane(); this.planeDetected = true; } } } if (this.enemyPlanes.length > 0) { if (this.planeDetected) { if (getTimer() - this.lastspawned > this.tspawn) { this.spawnPlane(); } } } if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y,, < 700) { if (_global.plane instanceof rr.plane.PlayerUnit) { var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= 4) { this['track' + v3].update(); ++v3; } } else { if (_global.plane instanceof rr.plane.PlayerHeli) { this.heliTrack.update(); } } } this.checkRender(); if (this.escapeMode) { ++this.tsiren; if (this.tsiren > 100) { _global.sounds.removeSound(this.sirensoundUID); } this.blink = this.blink > 5 ? 0 : this.blink + 1; var v4 = this.blink < 3 ? 1 : 2; if ( {; } } }; v2.checkRender = function () { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.lightpos.x, this.lightpos.y,, < 500) { this.render(); } else { if ( { this.clearMov(); } } }; v2.render = function () { if (! { this.createMov(); if (this.hostility > 0) {; } } = this.lightpos.x -; = this.lightpos.y -; }; v2.checkLanding = function () { if (_global.plane instanceof rr.plane.PlayerUnit) { var v5 = 1; while (v5 <= 4) { var v3 = this['track' + v5]; var v4 = this['track' + v5].approachpoint; if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(_global.plane.x, _global.plane.y, v4.x, v4.y) > 100) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isTriangleHit(_global.plane.x, _global.plane.y, v3.triangle.p1.x, v3.triangle.p1.y, v3.triangle.p2.x, v3.triangle.p2.y, v3.triangle.p3.x, v3.triangle.p3.y)) { var v6 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(_global.plane.x, _global.plane.y, v4.x, v4.y); if (rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(_global.plane.rot, v6) < 10) {{'type': 'onAirStripApproach', 'target': this, 'track': v3}); } } } ++v5; } } else { if (_global.plane instanceof rr.plane.PlayerHeli) { if (_global.plane.status != 'launch') { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(_global.plane.x, _global.plane.y, this.heliTrack.startpoint.x, this.heliTrack.startpoint.y) < 50) {{'type': 'onAirStripApproach', 'target': this, 'track': this.heliTrack}); } } } } }; v2.addPropaganda = function (prp) { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } if (!prp) { return undefined; } if (this.hostility <= 0) { return undefined; } this.hostility -= prp; if (this.hostility <= 0) { if ( {; } this.defender.hostility = this.hostility; this.defender.tar = undefined; if (this.enemyPlanes.length > 0) { this.setEscapeMode(); } else { this.updateLights(); }{'type': 'onAirFieldTakeOver'}); } }; v2.setEscapeMode = function () { if (this.enemyPlanes.length > 1) { this.sirensoundUID = _global.sounds.addLoopSound('siren.wav'); _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.sirensoundUID, 60); } this.tspawn = 5000; this.blink = 0; this.escapeMode = true; _global.bottommenu.showTip('tipescapemode'); }; v2.updateLights = function () { var v2 = 1; while (v2 <= 4) { this['track' + v2].updateLights(); ++v2; } this.heliTrack.updateLights(); }; v2.spawnPlane = function () { this.lastspawned = getTimer(); if (_global.stage.airs.length > 3) { return undefined; } if (this.enemyPlanes.length > 0) { var v3 = this.enemyPlanes.shift(); rr.utils.StageUtils.createStageObject({'linkId': v3 + 'Enemy', 'base': this}); _global.sounds.playSound(this.spawnsound); if (_global.plane.linkId == 'C47' || _global.plane.linkId == 'B2' || _global.plane.linkId == 'B52') { _global.bottommenu.showTip('tipairspotted'); } } if (this.escapeMode) { if (this.enemyPlanes.length == 0) { this.escapeMode = false; this.tsiren = 1000; _global.sounds.removeSound(this.sirensoundUID);; this.updateLights(); } } }; v2.onTimerStart = function () { if (this.escapeMode && this.enemyPlanes.length > 1 && this.tsiren <= 100) { _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.sirensoundUID, 60); } else { _global.sounds.removeSound(this.sirensoundUID); } }; v2.onEnemyPlaneDie = function (evtObj) { --this.planecount; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.AirField.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3412 __Packages.rr.AirFieldTrack { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.AirFieldTrack) { var v1 = function (p, i) { super(); this.parent = p; = i; this.init(); }; rr.AirFieldTrack = v1; rr.AirFieldTrack extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.tblink = 0; this.ivalblink = 2; this.nlights = 10; this.cblink = this.nlights; if ( == 1) { this.bearing = 90 + this.parent.rot; this.striplength = 350; this.stripcenter = {'x': 1.3, 'y': -39.5}; this.lightBlock = {'row1': rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(133, -71, this.parent), 'row2': rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(133, -7, this.parent)}; } if ( == 2) { this.bearing = 270 + this.parent.rot; this.striplength = 350; this.stripcenter = {'x': 1.3, 'y': -39.5}; this.lightBlock = {'row1': rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(-142, -71, this.parent), 'row2': rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(-142, -7, this.parent)}; } if ( == 3) { this.bearing = 55 + this.parent.rot; this.striplength = 240; this.stripcenter = {'x': -70.3, 'y': -16.1}; this.lightBlock = {'row1': rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(5, -108, this.parent), 'row2': rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(42, -56, this.parent)}; } if ( == 4) { this.bearing = 235 + this.parent.rot; this.striplength = 240; this.stripcenter = {'x': -70.3, 'y': -16.1}; this.lightBlock = {'row1': rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(-174, 19, this.parent), 'row2': rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(-137, 71, this.parent)}; } this.focus = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(this.stripcenter.x, this.stripcenter.y, this.parent); this.striprect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(this.focus.x - 10, this.focus.y - this.striplength / 2, 20, this.striplength); this.createLights(); }; v2.setPlaneParams = function () { var v5 = _global.plane.dapproach; var v6 = _global.plane.dtriangle; var v4 = _global.plane.btriangle; this.approachpoint = rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(this.focus.x, this.focus.y, this.bearing, this.striplength / 2 + v5); this.startpoint = rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(this.focus.x, this.focus.y, this.bearing, -this.striplength / 2); this.endpoint = rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(this.focus.x, this.focus.y, this.bearing, -this.striplength * 2); var v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(this.focus.x, this.focus.y, this.bearing, this.striplength / 2 + v5 + v6); this.triangle = {'p1': this.approachpoint, 'p2': rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(v3.x, v3.y, this.bearing - 90, v4), 'p3': rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(v3.x, v3.y, this.bearing + 90, v4)}; }; v2.update = function () { --this.cblink; if (this.cblink < 0) { this.cblink = this.nlights; } if (_global.plane.landingTrack == this) { this.isLandingTrack = true; this.updateLights(); } else { if (this.isLandingTrack) { this.isLandingTrack = false; this.updateLights(); } } }; v2.checkLanding = function () { if (_global.plane.landingmode == 'red') { return true; } var v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(_global.plane.x, _global.plane.y, this.approachpoint.x, this.approachpoint.y); var v4 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(_global.plane.x, _global.plane.y, this.approachpoint.x, this.approachpoint.y); if (rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(_global.plane.rot, v4) < 10) { _global.plane.landingmode = v3 > 100 ? 'green' : (v3 > 20 ? 'orange' : 'red'); return true; } return false; }; v2.updateLights = function () { var v6 = 1; while (v6 <= 2) { var v7 = this.lightBlock['row' + v6]; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < this.nlights) { var v5 = v7.lights[v4]; var v3 = 'off'; if (this.isLandingTrack) { if (v4 >= this.cblink - 2 && v4 <= this.cblink + 2) { v3 = _global.plane.landingmode; } else { v3 = 'off'; } } else { if (this.parent.hostility <= 0) { v3 = 'orange'; } } if (v5.col != v3 || v3 == 'orange') { v5.col = v3;; } ++v4; } ++v6; } }; v2.createLights = function () { var v5 = 1; while (v5 <= 2) { this.lightBlock['row' + v5].lights = []; var v8 = this.lightBlock['row' + v5].x; var v7 = this.lightBlock['row' + v5].y; var v6 = this.bearing; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.nlights) { var v4 = {'pos': v3, 'x': v8 + this.sin(v6 * this.pi / 180) * (v3 * 25), 'y': v7 - this.cos(v6 * this.pi / 180) * (v3 * 25), 'col': 'off'}; if (this.parent.hostility <= 0) { v4.col = 'orange'; } this.lightBlock['row' + v5].lights.push(v4);; ++v3; } ++v5; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.AirFieldTrack.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3413 __Packages.rr.AirFieldHeliTrack { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.AirFieldHeliTrack) { var v1 = function (p) { super(); this.parent = p; this.init(); }; rr.AirFieldHeliTrack = v1; rr.AirFieldHeliTrack extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.tblink = 0; this.ivalblink = 2; this.nlights = 8; this.cblink = this.nlights; this.stripcenter = {'x': -24, 'y': 45}; this.lightBlock = {'row1': {}, 'row2': {}}; this.startpoint = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(this.stripcenter.x, this.stripcenter.y, this.parent); this.striprect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(this.startpoint.x - 50, this.startpoint.y - 20, 100, 40); this.bearing = this.parent.rot; this.createLights(); }; v2.update = function () { --this.cblink; if (this.cblink < 0) { this.cblink = this.nlights; } if (_global.plane.landingTrack == this) { this.isLandingTrack = true; this.updateLights(); } else { if (this.isLandingTrack) { this.isLandingTrack = false; this.updateLights(); } } }; v2.checkLanding = function () { if (_global.plane.landingmode == 'red') { return true; } var v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(_global.plane.x, _global.plane.y, this.startpoint.x, this.startpoint.y); if (v3 < 55) { _global.plane.landingmode = _global.plane.alt > 20 ? 'green' : (_global.plane.alt > 10 ? 'orange' : 'red'); return true; } return false; }; v2.updateLights = function () { var v6 = 1; while (v6 <= 2) { var v7 = this.lightBlock['row' + v6]; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < this.nlights) { var v5 = v7.lights[v4]; var v3 = 'off'; if (this.isLandingTrack) { if (v4 >= this.cblink - 2 && v4 <= this.cblink + 2) { v3 = _global.plane.landingmode; } else { v3 = 'off'; } } else { if (this.parent.hostility <= 0) { v3 = 'orange'; } } if (v5.col != v3 || v3 == 'orange') { v5.col = v3;; } ++v4; } ++v6; } }; v2.createLights = function () { var v6; var v5 = 1; while (v5 <= 2) { if (v5 == 1) { v6 = new Array({'x': -60, 'y': 25}, {'x': -45, 'y': 25}, {'x': -30, 'y': 25}, {'x': -15, 'y': 25}, {'x': 0, 'y': 25}, {'x': 15, 'y': 25}, {'x': 15, 'y': 38}, {'x': 15, 'y': 51}); } if (v5 == 2) { v6 = new Array({'x': 15, 'y': 64}, {'x': 0, 'y': 64}, {'x': -15, 'y': 64}, {'x': -30, 'y': 64}, {'x': -45, 'y': 64}, {'x': -60, 'y': 64}, {'x': -60, 'y': 51}, {'x': -60, 'y': 38}); } this.lightBlock['row' + v5].lights = new Array(); var v4 = 0; while (v4 < this.nlights) { var v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v6[v4].x, v6[v4].y, this.parent); v3.pos = v4; v3.col = 'off'; if (this.parent.hostility <= 0) { v3.col = 'orange'; } this.lightBlock['row' + v5].lights.push(v3);; ++v4; } ++v5; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.AirFieldHeliTrack.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3414 __Packages.rr.plane.PlayerUnit { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.PlayerUnit) { var v1 = function () { super(); _global.plane = this; }; rr.plane.PlayerUnit = v1; rr.plane.PlayerUnit extends rr.BaseUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.base = this.initObj.base; this.speedmin = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'minspeed'); this.speedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxspeed'); this.dspeedmin = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'minspeeddistance'); this.dspeedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxspeeddistance'); this.liftspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'liftspeed'); this.rotspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'rotationspeed'); this.altmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'altitude'); this.altfatal = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'altitudefatal'); this.ascent = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'ascentrate'); this.descent = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'descentrate'); this.angfullroll = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'fullrollangle'); this.fueldef = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'fuel'); this.fuelcons = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'fuelconsumption'); this.adef = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'acceleration'); this.dlaunch = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'launchdistance'); this.dapproach = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'approachdistance'); this.dtriangle = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'triangleheight'); this.btriangle = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'trianglebase'); this.dcam = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'cameradistance'); this.dmenu = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'menudistance'); this.weight = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'weight'); this.loopsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'loopsound'); this.crashsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'crashsound'); this.fuelsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'fuelsound'); this.loopingsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'loopingsound'); this.loopsoundUID = _global.sounds.addLoopSound(this.loopsound); this.clouddepth = rr.conf.ConfBaseDepths.getDepth('CloudLayer'); this.tspeed = 0; this.speed = 0; this.fuel = this.fueldef; this.a = this.adef; this.talt = 0; this.alt = 0; this.tfire = 200; this.lastFired = getTimer(); this.troll = 0; this.roll = 0; this.status = undefined; this.landingmode = 'off'; this.rotdampening = 0.1; this.fuelempty = false; this.firecount = 0; this.loopingcount = 0; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < _global.stage.afs.length) { var v6 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afs[v5]]; var v4 = 1; while (v4 <= 4) { v6['track' + v4].setPlaneParams(); ++v4; } ++v5; } this.xstart = this.base.track1.startpoint.x; this.x = this.xstart; this.ystart = this.base.track1.startpoint.y; this.y = this.ystart; this.rot = this.base.track1.bearing; this.perccam = 0.5; this.xcam = this.x + this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.dcam * this.perccam; this.ycam = this.y - this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.dcam * this.perccam; = this; this.addListeners(); this.createMov(); = false; _global.bottommenu.setCounts(); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.status == undefined) { this.launch(); this.render(); return undefined; } if (this.isexploded) { this.render(); return undefined; } this.daim = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, _global.aim.x, _global.aim.y); if (_global.showMouseMenu) { if (this.daim < this.dmenu) { if (!this.landingTrack) { if (!this.isdead) { var v5 = true; var v6 = _global.stage.airs.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v6) { var v4 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.airs[v3]]; if (v4.dplane <= this.dmenu + 20) { v5 = false; _global.weaponmenu.hide(); } ++v3; } if (v5) { _global.weaponmenu.update(); } } } } else { _global.weaponmenu.hide(); } } if (this.landingTrack) { if (this.alt <= 0) { if (!rr.utils.HitTest.isRectHit(this.x, this.y, this.landingTrack.striprect, this.landingTrack.bearing)) { this.die(); } if (!this.touchdown) { this.touchdown = true; _global.sounds.playSound('AirplaneSkid3.wav'); } } this.tspeed = (this.alt == 0) ? 0 : 0.7 * this.speedmax; if (this.abortPoint) { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.abortPoint.x, this.abortPoint.y, _global.aim.x, _global.aim.y) > 100) { this.abortLanding(); } } if (!this.landingTrack.checkLanding()) { this.abortLanding(); } } else { if (!this.loopOn) { if (Math.abs(this.troll) < 3) { var v10 = this.daim > this.dspeedmax ? 1 : (this.daim < this.dspeedmin ? 0 : this.daim / this.dspeedmax); this.tspeed = this.speedmin + (this.speedmax - this.speedmin) * v10; } else { this.tspeed = this.speedmax; } this.talt = this.altmax; } } if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } if (this.status == 'suicide') { this.alt -= this.descent * 1.5; if (this.alt <= 0) { this.explode(); } } else { if (this.fuel <= 0 && !this.landingTrack) { this.alt -= this.descent * 0.7; if (this.alt <= 0) { this.explode(); } } else { if (this.alt != this.talt) { if (this.status == 'launch' && this.speed < this.speedmin) { } else { this.alt = Math.abs(this.alt - this.talt) <= this.ascent ? this.talt : (this.talt > this.alt ? this.alt + this.ascent : (this.landingTrack ? this.alt - this.descent : this.alt - this.ascent)); } } } } if (this.status == 'launch') { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.xstart, this.ystart) > this.dlaunch) { this.status = 'patrol'; this.getTargetPoint(); } } if (this.speed > 0) { if (!this.loopOn) { this.rotateToTarget(); } if (this.isFiring) {; } } else { if (this.landingTrack) { if (!this.isdead) { this.afterLanding(); } } } this.x += this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; if (this.status != 'suicide') { this.fullrollOn = false; } if (this.canFullRoll) { if (!this.landingTrack) { if (Key.isDown(82)) { if (this.status != 'looping') { this.fullrollOn = true; } } } } if (this.fullrollOn) { var v7 = this.roll + this.rolldir; this.roll = v7 < -this.fullroll ? this.fullroll : (v7 > this.fullroll ? -this.fullroll : v7); } else { if (this.status == 'looping') { if (!this.loopOn) { if (this.roll == 0) { this.loopOn = true; this.loop = 1; this.tspeed = -this.speedmax; this.a = this.adef * 2; this.frames_mc._rotation += 180; } else { this.roll += this.roll < 0 ? 1 : -1; } } else { ++this.loop; if (this.loop > this.loopmax) { this.status = 'patrol'; this.loopOn = false; this.troll = this.fullroll; this.roll = this.troll; this.rot += 180; this.speed = -this.speed; this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.a = this.adef; this.frames_mc._rotation -= 180; } } } else { if (this.roll != this.troll) { this.roll += this.roll < this.troll ? 1 : -1; } } } var v8 = 1; if (this.landingTrack || this.status == 'launch' || this.status == 'looping') { if (this.perccam > 0.5) { this.perccam -= 0.01; } if (this.status == 'looping') { v8 = -1; } } else { if (this.perccam < 1) { this.perccam += 0.01; } } if (this.status == 'launch') { this.xcam = this.x; this.ycam = this.y; } else { this.xcam = this.x + this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.dcam * this.perccam * v8; this.ycam = this.y - this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.dcam * this.perccam * v8; } if (this.fuel > 0) { var v9 = this.isOnFire ? 3 : 1; this.fuel -= Math.abs(Math.abs(this.speed) * this.fuelcons * v9 * (this.weight + _global.planedefinition.totalload) / 1000); } else { this.fuel = 0; this.tspeed = this.speedmin; if (!this.fuelempty) { this.fuelempty = true; _global.sounds.stopLoopSound(this.loopsoundUID); _global.sounds.playSound(this.fuelsound); } }{'target': this, 'type': 'onFuelUpdate'}); this.render(); }; v2.render = function () { if (this.alt > 40) { if ( < this.clouddepth) {, 'OverClouds')); } } else { if ( > this.clouddepth) {, 'UnderClouds')); } } = this.x -; = this.y -; = 70 + 30 * this.alt / this.altmax; =; var v9 = new flash.geom.Point( + this.alt, + this.alt);; = v9.x; = v9.y; = this.rot; =; if (this.loopOn) { if (this.loop <= this.swaploop) { = 100 - 100 * Math.abs(this.loop / this.swaploop); } else { = Math.round(100 * Math.abs((this.swaploop - this.loop) / this.swaploop)); += 180; } } else { = 100; if (this.canFullRoll) { = 40 + 60 * Math.abs(this.swaproll - Math.abs(this.roll)) / this.swaproll; } else { = 60 + (40 - 40 * Math.abs(this.roll / this.maxroll)); } } if (this.status == 'looping' && this.loopOn) {'l' + this.loop.toString()); } else {'r' + this.roll.toString()); } var v7 = 50; if (this.isOnFire) { var v6 = 1; while (v6 <= this.enginecount) { var v4 =['flame' + v6]; if (v4 != undefined) { var v5 = v4.getDepth(); var v8 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'engine' + v6, this.roll); v4._x = v8.x; if (this.swaproll != undefined) { if (this.roll < -this.swaproll || this.roll > this.swaproll) { if (v5 < v7) { v4.swapDepths(v5 + 50); } } else { if (v5 > v7) { v4.swapDepths(v5 - 50); } } } if (this.status == 'suicide') { if (v4._xscale < 100) { v4._xscale += 1; v4._yscale = v4._xscale; } } } ++v6; } } if (this.hasGuns) { v6 = 1; while (v6 <= this.guncount) { var v3 =['gun' + v6]; if (v3 != undefined) { v5 = v3.getDepth(); if (this.loopOn) { v8 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getLoopPosition(this.linkId, 'guns' + v6, this.loop); v3._y = v8.y; v3._yscale = v8.s; if (this.loop > this.swaploop) { if (v5 < v7) { v3.swapDepths(v5 + 50); v3._rotation += 180; } } else { v3._y -= this.swapcorr; } } else { v8 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'guns' + v6, this.roll); v3._yscale = 100; v3._x = v8.x; v3._y = v8.y; v3._rotation = 0; if (this.swaproll != undefined) { if (this.roll < -this.swaproll || this.roll > this.swaproll) { if (v5 < v7) { v3.swapDepths(v5 + 50); } } else { if (v5 > v7) { v3.swapDepths(v5 - 50); } } } } } ++v6; } } }; v2.createMov = function () { var v9; if (this.alt > 40) { v9 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, 'OverClouds'); } else { v9 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, 'UnderClouds'); } =, this.uid, v9, {'parent': this}); this.frames_mc = + 'FramesBase', 'frames_mc', 50); if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(this.frames_mc, 0, 50); } var v6 = 0; while (v6 < _global.stage.afs.length) { var v8 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afs[v6]]; var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= 4) { v8['track' + v3].setPlaneParams(); ++v3; } ++v6; } if (_global.planedefinition.guns.length > 0) { this.hasGuns = true; this.gunsoundUID = _global.sounds.addLoopSound(rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(_global.planedefinition.guns[0].linkId, 'gunsound')); v6 = 0; while (v6 < _global.planedefinition.guns.length) { var v4 = _global.planedefinition.guns[v6]; var v5 =, 'gun' + v4.slotId, 10 + v4.slotId); var v7 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'guns' + v4.slotId, this.roll); v5._x = v7.x; v5._y = v7.y; if (_global.planedefinition.guns[0].linkId == 'GunGatling') { v5._xscale = 70; v5._yscale = 70; } ++v6; } } }; v2.createCrashFlame = function (id) { this.isOnFire = true; var v2 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'engine' + id, this.roll);'CrashFlame', 'flame' + id, 30 + id, {'_x': v2.x, '_y': v2.y, '_xscale': 50, '_yscale': 50}); }; v2.launch = function () { this.status = 'launch'; _global.planedefinition.setDefaultWeapon(); this.base.updateLights(); this.getTargetPoint(); this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.talt = this.altmax; = true; }; v2.rotateToTarget = function () { var v7; var v3; if (this.status == 'suicide') { v3 = this.rotspeed; v7 = this.rot + this.rolldir * 45; } else { if (this.landingTrack) { v3 = 0.5; if (this.landingmode == 'red') { v7 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.landingTrack.endpoint.x, this.landingTrack.endpoint.y); } else { v7 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.landingTrack.approachpoint.x, this.landingTrack.approachpoint.y); } } else { v3 = this.rotspeed; v7 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.movetar.x, this.movetar.y); } } var v4 = (v7 + 360) % 360; var v5 = (this.rot + 360) % 360; if (v4 - v5 > 180) { v4 -= 360; } else { if (v4 - v5 < -180) { v4 += 360; } } if (!this.landingTrack) { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(this.rot, v4) < 10) { v3 = 0.1; this.rotdampening = this.rotspeed / 8; this.troll = 0; } else { if (this.rotdampening < v3) { this.rotdampening += this.rotspeed / 8; v3 = this.rotdampening; } } } if (v4 > v5) { v5 += v3; this.rolldir = 1; } else { v5 -= v3; if (this.status != 'suicide') { this.rolldir = -1; } } this.rot = v5; var v6 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(v5, v4); if (v6 <= v3 || 360 - v6 <= v3) { this.rot = v4; if (this.status != 'suicide') { this.troll = 0; } } else { if (this.canLoop) { if (this.status != 'looping') { if (this.fuel > 0) { if (!this.isOnFire) { if (v6 > 150 && 360 - v6 > 150) { if (_global.aim.speed > 100) { this.status = 'looping'; this.loopOn = false; _global.sounds.stopLoopSound(this.loopsoundUID); var v8 = _global.sounds.playLoopingSound(this.loopingsound, 80); ++this.loopingcount; rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.resumeLoopSound, v8 - 10); _global.aim.resetMode(); } } } } } } if (this.status != 'suicide') { var v9 = this.rolldir < 0 ? this.minroll : this.maxroll; var v10 = Math.min(Math.abs(100 * v6 / this.angfullroll), 100); this.troll = Math.round(v9 * v10 / 100); } } }; v2.resumeLoopSound = function () { --this.loopingcount; if (this.loopingcount == 0) { if (!_global.timer.stopped) { if (!_global.sounds[this.loopsoundUID].isplaying) { _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.loopsoundUID, 80); } } } }; v2.getTargetPoint = function () { var v4; var v3; if (this.status == 'launch') { v4 = this.x + this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.dlaunch; v3 = this.y - this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.dlaunch; this.movetar = {'x': v4, 'y': v3}; } if (this.status == 'patrol') { this.movetar = _global.aim; } }; v2.onAirStripApproach = function (evtObj) { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } if (this.status != 'patrol') { return undefined; } this.landingBase =; this.landingTrack = evtObj.track; this.landingmode = 'green'; this.talt = 0; if (this.status != 'looping') { _global.aim.setMode('abort'); } }; v2.abortLanding = function () { if (this.alt < this.altfatal) { if (!this.loopOn) { rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.die, 500); } } this.landingTrack = undefined; this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.talt = this.altmax; _global.aim.resetMode(); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.setLandingMode, 4000, 'off'); }; v2.setLandingMode = function (m) { this.landingmode = m; }; v2.onAimDown = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } if (this.landingTrack) { if (!this.abortPoint) { this.abortPoint = {'x': _global.aim.x, 'y': _global.aim.y}; } return undefined; } if (_global.aim.mode != 'default') { return undefined; } if (this.status == undefined || this.status == 'launch' || this.landingTrack) { return undefined; } this.isFiring = true; if (_global.planedefinition.weaponType == 'Guns') { if (this.hasGuns) { this.playGun(); } } }; v2.onAimUp = function () { this.abortPoint = undefined; this.isFiring = false; if (_global.planedefinition.weaponType == 'Guns') { if (this.hasGuns) { this.stopGun(); } } }; v2.playGun = function () { if (this.isGunPlaying) { return undefined; } this.isGunPlaying = true; _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.gunsoundUID, 80); var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.guncount) {['gun' + v3].base_mc.gotoAndPlay('fire'); ++v3; } }; v2.stopGun = function () { this.isGunPlaying = false; _global.sounds.stopLoopSound(this.gunsoundUID); var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.guncount) {['gun' + v3].base_mc.gotoAndStop(1); ++v3; } }; = function () { if (this.status == 'launch' || this.landingTrack) { return undefined; } var v6 = getTimer(); var v8 = _global.planedefinition.weaponType; var v7 = _global.planedefinition.loadedWeapon; if (v8 == 'Guns') { if (this.hasGuns) { var v10 = rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(this.x, this.y, this.rot, 600); var v4 = 0; while (v4 < _global.planedefinition.guns.length) { var v3 = _global.planedefinition.guns[v4]; if (v6 - v3.lastFired > v3.tfire) { v3.lastFired = v6; var v5 =['gun' + v3.slotId]; var v11 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v5._x, v5._y, this); v11.type = 'Bullet' + v3.linkId; v11.rot = this.rot; v11.alt = this.alt; rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(rr.ammo.AmmoUtils, rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo, Math.random() * 80, v11); } ++v4; } } return undefined; } if (v7 == undefined) { return undefined; } if (v6 - this.lastFired < v7.tfire) { return undefined; } this.lastFired = v6; if (v8 == 'GroundMissile') { if (v7.linkId == 'GroundMissile') { v10 = rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(this.x, this.y, this.rot, 600); var v9 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'missiles' + v7.slotId, this.roll); v11 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v9.x, v9.y, this); v11.type = 'GroundMissile'; v11.rot = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(v11.x, v11.y, v10.x, v10.y); v11.speed = this.speed; v11.alt = this.alt; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo(v11); } else { if (v7.linkId == 'GroundSeeker') { var v9 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'missiles' + v7.slotId, this.roll); v11 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v9.x, v9.y, this); v11.type = 'GroundSeeker'; v11.rot = this.rot; v11.speed = this.speed; v11.alt = this.alt; v11.xtar = _global.root._xmouse +; v11.ytar = _global.root._ymouse +; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo(v11); } } } else { if (v8 == 'AirMissile') { if (v7.linkId == 'AirMissile') { v10 = rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(this.x, this.y, this.rot, 600); var v9 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'missiles' + v7.slotId, this.roll); v11 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v9.x, v9.y, this); v11.type = 'AirMissile'; v11.rot = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(v11.x, v11.y, v10.x, v10.y); v11.speed = this.speed; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo(v11); } else { if (v7.linkId == 'AirSeeker') { var v9 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'missiles' + v7.slotId, this.roll); v11 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v9.x, v9.y, this); v11.type = 'AirSeeker'; v11.rot = this.rot; v11.speed = this.speed; if (_global.aim.lockedTarget) { v11.tar = _global.aim.lockedTarget; } rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo(v11); } } } else { if (v8 == 'CarpetBomb') { v4 = 1; while (v4 <= 10) { rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.dropCarpet, v4 * 200); ++v4; } } else { v11 = {'type': v7.linkId, 'x': this.x, 'y': this.y, 'rot': this.rot, 'speed': this.speed, 'alt': this.alt}; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo(v11); } } } _global.planedefinition.loadWeapon(); }; v2.dropCarpet = function () { var v5 = Math.random() < 0.5 ? Math.random() * -10 : Math.random() * 10; var v4 = 10 + Math.random() * 20; var v3 = Math.random() < 0.5 ? this.rot - Math.random() * 20 : this.rot + Math.random() * 20; var v2 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v5, v4, this); v2.type = 'CarpetBomb'; v2.speed = this.speed; v2.alt = this.alt; v2.rot = v3; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo(v2); }; v2.afterLanding = function () { _global.sounds.stopLoopSound(this.loopsoundUID); _global.stage.startbase = this.landingBase; _global.planemenu.showInGame(); }; v2.addListeners = function () { var v5 = _global.stage.afs.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5) { var v4 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afs[v3]]; v4.addEventListener('onAirStripApproach', this); ++v3; } _global.aim.addEventListener('onAimDown', this); _global.aim.addEventListener('onAimUp', this); _global.timer.addEventListener('onTimerStart', this); this.addEventListener('onFuelUpdate', _global.bottommenu); this.addEventListener('onDamageUpdate', _global.bottommenu);{'target': this, 'type': 'onDamageUpdate'}); }; v2.onTimerStart = function () { _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.loopsoundUID, 80); }; v2.addDamage = function (dmg) { if (this.damage > this.killlevel) { return undefined; } super.addDamage(dmg); if (this.damage > 0.8 * this.killlevel) { if (this.firecount == 0) { this.createCrashFlame(1); this.firecount = 1; _global.bottommenu.showTip('tipdamage'); _global.sounds.playSound('Warning critical damage.wav'); } } if (this.damage > 0.9 * this.killlevel) { if (this.enginecount > 1) { if (this.firecount == 1) { this.createCrashFlame(2); this.firecount = 2; } } } if (this.damage > 0.95 * this.killlevel) { if (this.enginecount > 2) { if (this.firecount == 2) { this.createCrashFlame(3); this.firecount = 3; } } } if (this.damage > 0.98 * this.killlevel) { if (this.enginecount > 3) { if (this.firecount == 3) { this.createCrashFlame(4); this.firecount = 4; } } }{'target': this, 'type': 'onDamageUpdate'}); }; v2.die = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } super.die(); this.status = 'suicide'; if (this.alt > 20) { _global.sounds.playSound(this.crashsound); } _global.sounds.removeSound(this.loopsoundUID); _global.sounds.removeSound(this.gunsoundUID); this.loopsoundUID = undefined; this.gunsoundUID = undefined; _global.weaponmenu.hide(); this.fullrollOn = true;{'type': 'onPlaneDie', 'target': this});{'type': 'onUnitDie', 'target': this}); }; v2.destroy = function () { _global.aim.removeEventListener('onAimDown', this); _global.aim.removeEventListener('onAimUp', this); _global.timer.removeEventListener('onTimerStart', this); var v7; var v8; var v9 = _global.stage.afs.length; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v9) { var v4 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afs[v5]]; if (v4.hostility <= 0) { var v6 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v4.x, v4.y); if (v7 == undefined || v6 < v7) { v7 = v6; v8 = v4; } } ++v5; } _global.stage.startbase = v8; super.destroy(); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.PlayerUnit.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3415 __Packages.rr.plane.PlaneUtils { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.PlaneUtils) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.plane.PlaneUtils = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getRollPosition = function (lid, element, roll) { var v1; var v4; if (lid == 'Apache') { switch (element) { case 'engine1': v1 = {'x': [7, 6, 4, 3, 1, 0, -1, -2, -5, -6, -7, -8, -8, -8, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -1, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7], 'y': 5}; break; case 'guns1': v1 = {'x': [-13, -13, -12, -11, -10, -8, -6, -4, -4, -3, -2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5], 'y': -14, 's': 65}; break; case 'guns2': v1 = {'x': [-5, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], 'y': -14, 's': 65}; break; case 'missiles1': v1 = {'x': [-11, -11, -11, -12, -12, -12, -11, -11, -11, -11, -11, -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5], 'y': -2}; break; case 'missiles2': v1 = {'x': [5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 11, 11], 'y': -2}; } v4 = new Array(-24.8, -24.8, -23.1, -23.1, -19.8, -13.2, -7.5, 0, 0, 1.8, 3.5, 7.3, 14.3, 18.8, 22.5, 24.8, 25.3); } if (lid == 'A10') { switch (element) { case 'engine1': v1 = {'x': [7, 6, 4, 3, 1, 0, -1, -2, -5, -6, -7, -8, -8, -8, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -1, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7], 'y': 5}; break; case 'engine2': v1 = {'x': [-7, -8, -9, -8, -8, -8, -7, -6, -5, -5, -2, 0, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, 0, -2, -4, -5, -6], 'y': 5}; break; case 'guns1': v1 = {'x': [13, 13, 13, 12, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0, -2, -5, -7, -9, -10, -11, -12, -12, -12, -11, -10, -9, -7, -4, 0, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13], 'y': 1}; break; case 'guns2': v1 = {'x': [-13, -12, -11, -9, -8, -5, -3, 0, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 13, 13, 12, 11, 9, 7, 4, 1, 0, -1, -3, -6, -8, -10, -11, -12, -13, -13], 'y': 1}; break; case 'guns3': v1 = {'x': [0], 'y': -31}; break; case 'missiles1': v1 = {'x': [24, 24, 23, 21, 18, 14, 10, 3, -2, -7, -13, -16, -18, -20, -22, -24, -24, -24, -23, -21, -18, -14, -9, -4, 0, 5, 10, 14, 19, 21, 23, 24, 24], 'y': 1}; break; case 'missiles2': v1 = {'x': [-24, -23, -22, -19, -16, -14, -11, -6, -2, 4, 9, 14, 18, 21, 23, 24, 24, 24, 23, 21, 18, 15, 10, 3, 1, -3, -9, -13, -16, -18, -21, -22, -23], 'y': 1}; } } if (lid == 'BellHuey') { switch (element) { case 'engine1': v1 = {'x': [7, 6, 4, 3, 1, 0, -1, -2, -5, -6, -7, -8, -8, -8, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -1, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7], 'y': 5}; break; case 'guns1': v1 = {'x': [-10, -9, -9, -8, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8], 'y': -10, 's': 65}; break; case 'missiles1': v1 = {'x': [-3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3], 'y': 0}; break; case 'missiles2': v1 = {'x': [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3], 'y': 0}; } v4 = new Array(-42, -41, -40, -37, -35, -32, -30, -23, -16, -14, -5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 12, 19, 27, 33, 39, 40, 43, 45, 46); } if (lid == 'B2') { switch (element) { case 'engine1': v1 = {'x': [-7, -7.5, -8, -8.5, -8.5, -9, -9, -9, -9.5, -10.5, -11, -11.5, -11.5, -11.5, -11, -11, -11, -11, -10, -10, -10.5, -10.5, -10], 'y': 5}; break; case 'engine2': v1 = {'x': [7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 9.5, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 11, 11, 11, 10.5, 10, 9.5, 8.5, 8, 7.5, 7, 6.5, 6.5], 'y': 5}; break; case 'guns1': v1 = {'x': [-7, -7.5, -8, -8, -9, -9.5, -10, -10.5, -11, -11.5, -12, -12.5, -12.5, -12, -11.5, -11.5, -11, -10.5, -10, -9.5, -9, -8.5, -8], 'y': -21}; break; case 'guns2': v1 = {'x': [7, 7.5, 8.5, 9, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 11.5, 11.5, 11, 10.5, 10, 10, 9.5, 9.5, 9, 8.5, 8, 7.5], 'y': -21}; break; case 'missiles1': v1 = {'x': [-32, -36.5, -40.5, -44, -46.5, -49, -52, -55.5, -57.5, -59, -60, -61, -61.5, -61.5, -60.5, -58.5, -56.5, -52.5, -49.5, -47.5, -44.5, -42.5, -41.5], 'y': 11}; break; case 'missiles2': v1 = {'x': [38.5, 42.5, 46, 49, 51.5, 53.5, 56, 58, 60, 61.5, 62, 62, 61.5, 60.5, 59, 56, 53, 49.5, 46, 42.5, 39.5, 37.5, 36.5], 'y': 12}; } } if (lid == 'B52') { switch (element) { case 'engine1': v1 = {'x': [-40.5, -41, -44, -46.5, -51, -55, -59, -62, -64, -65, -65.5, -65.5, -66.5, -66.5, -65.5, -64, -62.5, -60, -58, -56, -54.5, -54, -53.5], 'y': 0}; break; case 'engine2': v1 = {'x': [-24, -24.5, -26, -28, -30, -32.5, -35, -36, -37, -37.5, -38, -38, -38.5, -38, -37.5, -36.5, -35.5, -34, -33, -32, -31, -30.5, -30], 'y': -22}; break; case 'engine3': v1 = {'x': [30, 30, 31.5, 33, 34.5, 36, 37, 37.5, 37.5, 37.5, 37, 37, 36, 35, 33, 31.5, 29, 27, 25.5, 24, 23, 22, 22], 'y': -22}; break; case 'engine4': v1 = {'x': [54, 55, 56.5, 59, 61.5, 63.5, 65, 65.5, 65.5, 65, 64.5, 64.5, 63, 60, 57, 54, 50.5, 47, 44.5, 42, 40, 38.5, 38], 'y': 0}; break; case 'guns1': v1 = {'x': [-12, -13, -14, -15, -16, -17, -18, -19, -19, -19, -19, -19, -19, -18, -17, -16, -15, -14, -13, -12, -11, -10, -10], 'y': -36}; break; case 'guns2': v1 = {'x': [10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 13], 'y': -36}; break; case 'guns3': v1 = {'x': [-31, -32, -34, -37, -40, -43, -44, -45, -46, -47, -48, -48, -48, -47, -46, -44, -42, -40, -38, -37, -35, -34, -34], 'y': -13}; break; case 'guns4': v1 = {'x': [33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 48, 47, 45, 42, 40, 38, 36, 34, 32, 30, 29, 28], 'y': -13}; break; case 'missiles1': v1 = {'x': [-54.5, -56, -59, -63.5, -68.5, -74, -78.5, -82, -85, -87, -88, -88, -89.5, -89.5, -88.5, -86.5, -84, -81, -78.5, -76, -74, -72.5, -72], 'y': 19.5}; break; case 'missiles2': v1 = {'x': [73, 74, 76.5, 80, 83, 86, 88, 89, 89, 88, 87.5, 87, 84.5, 81, 77, 72.5, 68, 64, 60, 56.5, 54.5, 52.5, 52], 'y': 19.5}; } } if (lid == 'C47') { switch (element) { case 'engine1': v1 = {'x': [-6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -10.5, -11, -11.5, -12, -12.5, -12.5, -12.5, -12.5, -12.5, -12, -11.5, -11.5, -11, -10, -10, -9.5, -9, -9], 'y': -32}; break; case 'engine2': v1 = {'x': [9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 12.5, 13, 13, 13, 13, 12.5, 12, 11.5, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7.5, 7, 6.5, 6.5], 'y': -32}; break; case 'guns1': v1 = {'x': [-4, -4, -5, -5, -5, -6, -7, -8, -8, -8, -7, -7, -7, -7, -6, -6, -6, -5, -4, -4, -4, -4, -4], 'y': -19}; break; case 'guns2': v1 = {'x': [4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5], 'y': -19}; break; case 'guns3': v1 = {'x': [-13, -13, -14, -15, -16, -17, -18, -19, -20, -21, -21, -21, -21, -21, -20, -19, -18, -17, -16, -15, -14, -13, -13], 'y': -17}; break; case 'guns4': v1 = {'x': [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 11], 'y': -17}; break; case 'missiles1': v1 = {'x': [-30, -30.5, -32.5, -36, -39.5, -43, -45.5, -47.5, -49, -50.5, -51.5, -51.5, -51.5, -50, -48, -46, -43.5, -40.5, -38, -35.5, -33.5, -32.5, -32], 'y': -8.5}; break; case 'missiles2': v1 = {'x': [33.5, 35, 36, 39.5, 42.5, 45.5, 48, 49, 49.5, 50, 50, 50, 49.5, 48.5, 46, 43.5, 41, 38, 35.5, 33, 31.5, 30.5, 30], 'y': -8.5}; } } if (lid == 'FockeWolf') { switch (element) { case 'engine1': v1 = {'x': [0], 'y': -27}; break; case 'guns1': v1 = {'x': [13, 13, 12, 11, 10, 8, 5, 2, 0, -1, -3, -5, -7, -9, -10, -11, -12, -12, -11, -10, -9, -8, -6, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 13], 'y': -13}; break; case 'guns2': v1 = {'x': [-12, -10, -8, -6, -5, -4, -2, -1, 0, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 6, 3, 0, -3, -6, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, -12], 'y': -13}; break; case 'missiles1': v1 = {'x': [21, 20, 18, 16, 14, 11, 8, 4, 0, -3, -8, -11, -14, -17, -19, -20, -21, -21, -20, -19, -16, -13, -9, -4, 0, 2, 6, 10, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21], 'y': -13}; break; case 'missiles2': v1 = {'x': [-20, -19, -17, -16, -12, -8, -5, -1, 1, 4, 8, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 20, 19, 17, 15, 11, 7, 2, -1, -4, -9, -12, -16, -18, -19, -20, -21], 'y': -13}; } } if (lid == 'MesserSchmidt') { switch (element) { case 'engine1': v1 = {'x': [12, 13, 13, 13, 12, 11, 10, 8, 4, 3, 1, -2, -4, -6, -8, -10, -11, -12, -13, -13, -12, -11, -10, -8, -5, -4, 0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12], 'y': -14}; break; case 'engine2': v1 = {'x': [-11, -10, -8, -6, -4, -1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 12, 11, 9, 7, 4, 2, 0, -2, -5, -8, -9, -11, -12, -13, -13, -13, -12], 'y': -14}; break; case 'guns1': v1 = {'x': [7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, -1, -2, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -8, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7], 'y': -5}; break; case 'guns2': v1 = {'x': [-7, -5, -4, -3, -1, 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 2, 0, -1, -2, -3, -5, -6, -7, -8, -8, -8, -8, -7], 'y': -5}; break; case 'missiles1': v1 = {'x': [23, 22, 21, 20, 18, 15, 11, 4, 2, -2, -6, -9, -13, -16, -18, -19, -20, -21, -21, -20, -18, -16, -12, -8, -6, 1, 7, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 21], 'y': -3}; break; case 'missiles2': v1 = {'x': [-21, -20, -19, -16, -13, -8, -4, 2, 6, 8, 12, 16, 19, 21, 22, 22, 21, 20, 19, 17, 14, 10, 6, 0, -3, -8, -11, -15, -17, -18, -19, -20, -21], 'y': -3}; } } if (v1.x.length == 1) { return {'x': v1.x[0], 'y': v1.y}; } else { var v5 = {'x': v1.x[(v1.x.length + 1) / 2 + roll - 1], 'y': v1.y, 's': v1.s}; if (v4 != undefined) { v5.r = v4[(v4.length + 1) / 2 + roll - 1]; } return v5; } }; v1.getLoopPosition = function (lid, element, loop) { var v1; if (lid == 'A10') { switch (element) { case 'guns1': case 'guns2': v1 = [{'y': 1, 's': 100}, {'y': 1, 's': 100}, {'y': 1, 's': 100}, {'y': 1, 's': 100}, {'y': 1, 's': 100}, {'y': 1, 's': 100}, {'y': 1, 's': 100}, {'y': 1, 's': 100}, {'y': 1, 's': 95}, {'y': 0, 's': 95}, {'y': 0, 's': 90}, {'y': 0, 's': 85}, {'y': 0, 's': 75}, {'y': 0, 's': 65}, {'y': 0, 's': 55}, {'y': -1, 's': 45}, {'y': -1, 's': 35}, {'y': -1, 's': 30}, {'y': -1, 's': 25}, {'y': -1, 's': 25}, {'y': -1, 's': 30}, {'y': -1, 's': 35}, {'y': -2, 's': 45}, {'y': -2, 's': 55}, {'y': -2, 's': 70}, {'y': -2, 's': 90}, {'y': -2, 's': 90}, {'y': -2, 's': 95}, {'y': -2, 's': 100}, {'y': -2, 's': 100}, {'y': -2, 's': 100}]; break; case 'guns3': v1 = [{'y': -31, 's': 100}, {'y': -31, 's': 100}, {'y': -31, 's': 100}, {'y': -31, 's': 100}, {'y': -30, 's': 95}, {'y': -29, 's': 95}, {'y': -29, 's': 95}, {'y': -29, 's': 90}, {'y': -28, 's': 85}, {'y': -27, 's': 80}, {'y': -26, 's': 75}, {'y': -25, 's': 75}, {'y': -24, 's': 70}, {'y': -23, 's': 65}, {'y': -21, 's': 60}, {'y': -17, 's': 55}, {'y': -14, 's': 50}, {'y': -10, 's': 45}, {'y': -6, 's': 40}, {'y': -1, 's': 35}, {'y': -1, 's': 35}, {'y': 8, 's': 35}, {'y': 12, 's': 40}, {'y': 16, 's': 50}, {'y': 19, 's': 55}, {'y': 22, 's': 65}, {'y': 25, 's': 75}, {'y': 27, 's': 85}, {'y': 28, 's': 90}, {'y': 29, 's': 95}, {'y': 30, 's': 100}, {'y': 31, 's': 100}]; } } if (lid == 'FockeWolf') { switch (element) { if (element !== 'guns2') { } else { case 'guns1': v1 = ['', {'y': -5, 's': 100}, {'y': -5, 's': 100}, {'y': -5, 's': 95}, {'y': -5, 's': 95}, {'y': -5, 's': 90}, {'y': -5, 's': 85}, {'y': -5, 's': 80}, {'y': -4, 's': 75}, {'y': -3.5, 's': 70}, {'y': -3, 's': 65}, {'y': -2.5, 's': 55}, {'y': -2.5, 's': 45}, {'y': -2, 's': 40}, {'y': -1, 's': 30}, {'y': 0, 's': 25}, {'y': 1, 's': 20}, {'y': 2, 's': 15}, {'y': 3.5, 's': 15}, {'y': 4, 's': 20}, {'y': 5, 's': 35}, {'y': 6, 's': 45}, {'y': 7, 's': 55}, {'y': 8, 's': 70}, {'y': 9, 's': 75}, {'y': 10, 's': 85}, {'y': 11, 's': 95}, {'y': 12, 's': 95}, {'y': 12, 's': 100}, {'y': 13, 's': 100}, {'y': 13, 's': 100}, {'y': 13, 's': 100}, {'y': 13, 's': 100}, {'y': 13, 's': 100}]; } } } if (lid == 'MesserSchmidt') { switch (element) { return v1[loop]; case 'guns1': case 'guns2': v1 = [{'y': -5, 's': 100}, {'y': -5, 's': 100}, {'y': -5, 's': 100}, {'y': -5, 's': 100}, {'y': -5, 's': 100}, {'y': -5, 's': 95}, {'y': -5, 's': 95}, {'y': -6, 's': 95}, {'y': -6, 's': 90}, {'y': -6, 's': 90}, {'y': -6, 's': 85}, {'y': -6, 's': 80}, {'y': -6, 's': 75}, {'y': -6, 's': 70}, {'y': -5, 's': 65}, {'y': -5, 's': 60}, {'y': -5, 's': 50}, {'y': -5, 's': 35}, {'y': -5, 's': 25}, {'y': -4, 's': 15}, {'y': -3, 's': 20}, {'y': -2, 's': 25}, {'y': -2, 's': 30}, {'y': -1, 's': 40}, {'y': 0, 's': 50}, {'y': 0, 's': 60}, {'y': 1, 's': 70}, {'y': 2, 's': 80}, {'y': 3, 's': 85}, {'y': 3, 's': 90}, {'y': 4, 's': 100}, {'y': 4, 's': 100}]; return v1[loop]; } } return v1[loop]; }; v1.getPitchPosition = function (lid, element, pitch) { var v1; if (lid == 'Apache') { switch (element) { if (element !== 'guns2') { } else { case 'guns1': v1 = [{'y': -24, 's': 100}, {'y': -24, 's': 100}, {'y': -23, 's': 100}, {'y': -23, 's': 95}, {'y': -22, 's': 90}, {'y': -21, 's': 85}, {'y': -20, 's': 85}, {'y': -19, 's': 80}, {'y': -18, 's': 75}, {'y': -17, 's': 75}, {'y': -16, 's': 75}, {'y': -16, 's': 70}, {'y': -15, 's': 70}, {'y': -14, 's': 65}, {'y': -14, 's': 65}]; } } } if (lid == 'BellHuey') { switch (element) { return v1[pitch]; case 'guns1': v1 = [{'y': -20, 's': 100}, {'y': -19, 's': 100}, {'y': -18, 's': 100}, {'y': -18, 's': 100}, {'y': -18, 's': 95}, {'y': -17, 's': 90}, {'y': -16, 's': 90}, {'y': -15, 's': 85}, {'y': -14, 's': 80}, {'y': -13, 's': 75}, {'y': -12, 's': 70}, {'y': -11, 's': 70}, {'y': -11, 's': 65}, {'y': -10, 's': 65}, {'y': -9, 's': 65}]; return v1[pitch]; } } return v1[pitch]; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.PlaneUtils.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3416 __Packages.rr.plane.PlayerHeli { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.PlayerHeli) { var v1 = function () { super(); _global.plane = this; }; rr.plane.PlayerHeli = v1; rr.plane.PlayerHeli extends rr.BaseUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.base = this.initObj.base; this.speedmin = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'minspeed'); this.speedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxspeed'); this.dspeedmin = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'minspeeddistance'); this.dspeedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxspeeddistance'); this.liftspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'liftspeed'); this.rotspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'rotationspeed'); this.altmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'altitude'); this.altfatal = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'altitudefatal'); this.ascent = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'ascentrate'); this.descent = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'descentrate'); this.angfullroll = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'fullrollangle'); this.fueldef = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'fuel'); this.fuelcons = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'fuelconsumption'); this.adef = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'acceleration'); this.altlaunch = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'launchaltitude'); this.dapproach = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'approachdistance'); this.dcam = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'cameradistance'); this.dmenu = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'menudistance'); this.weight = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'weight'); this.loopsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'loopsound'); this.loopsoundUID = _global.sounds.addLoopSound(this.loopsound); this.clouddepth = rr.conf.ConfBaseDepths.getDepth('CloudLayer'); this.tspeed = 0; this.speed = 0; this.yspeed = 0; this.xspeed = 0; this.fuel = this.fueldef; this.a = this.adef; this.talt = 0; this.alt = 0; this.troll = 0; this.roll = 0; this.tpitch = 0; this.pitch = 0; this.pitchframe = 0; this.rollframe = 0; this.tfire = 200; this.lastFired = getTimer(); this.status = undefined; this.landingmode = 'off'; this.rotdampening = 0.1; this.curbearing = 0; this.xstart = this.base.heliTrack.startpoint.x; this.x = this.xstart; this.ystart = this.base.heliTrack.startpoint.y; this.y = this.ystart; this.rot = Math.random() * 360; this.perccam = 1; this.xcam = this.x; this.ycam = this.y; = this; this.addListeners(); this.createMov(); = false; _global.bottommenu.setCounts(); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.status == undefined) { this.launch(); this.render(); return undefined; } if (this.isexploded) { this.render(); return undefined; } this.daim = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, _global.aim.x, _global.aim.y); if (_global.showMouseMenu) { if (this.daim < this.dmenu) { if (!this.landingTrack) { if (!this.isdead) { _global.weaponmenu.update(); } } } else { _global.weaponmenu.hide(); } } if (this.landingTrack) { if (this.alt <= 0) { if (!rr.utils.HitTest.isRectHit(this.x, this.y, this.landingTrack.striprect, this.landingTrack.bearing)) { this.die(); } if (!this.touchdown) { this.touchdown = true; this.afterLanding(); } } if (this.abortPoint) { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.abortPoint.x, this.abortPoint.y, _global.aim.x, _global.aim.y) > 100) { this.abortLanding(); } } if (!this.landingTrack.checkLanding()) { this.abortLanding(); } } if (this.status == 'patrol') { if (Key.isDown(17)) { this.tspeed = 0; } else { var v8 = this.daim > this.dspeedmax ? 1 : (this.daim < this.dspeedmin ? 0 : this.daim / this.dspeedmax); this.tspeed = this.speedmin + (this.speedmax - this.speedmin) * v8; } if (this.daim > this.dspeedmin + 10) { if (this.daim < this.dspeedmin + 30) { this.tspeed = 0; } } } else { if (this.status == 'landing') { var v7 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.base.heliTrack.startpoint.x, this.base.heliTrack.startpoint.y); this.tspeed = Math.min(v7, this.tspeed); } } if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } if (this.status == 'suicide') { this.alt -= this.descent * 1.5; if (this.alt <= 0) { this.explode(); } } else { if (this.landingTrack) { this.alt -= this.descent; } else { if (this.fuel <= 0) { this.alt -= this.descent; if (this.alt <= 0) { this.explode(); } } else { if (this.alt != this.talt) { this.alt = Math.abs(this.alt - this.talt) <= this.ascent ? this.talt : (this.talt > this.alt ? this.alt + this.ascent : this.alt - this.ascent); } } } } if (this.status == 'launch') { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.base.heliTrack.startpoint.x, this.base.heliTrack.startpoint.y) > 80) { this.status = 'patrol'; } } this.rotateToTarget(); if (this.isFiring) {; } var v3; var v5; var v4; if (this.landingTrack) { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.landingTrack.startpoint.x, this.landingTrack.startpoint.y) > this.speed) { v3 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.landingTrack.startpoint.x, this.landingTrack.startpoint.y); v5 = this.sin(v3 * this.pi / 180) * this.speedmax * 0.1; v4 = this.cos(v3 * this.pi / 180) * this.speedmax * 0.1; this.xspeed = (this.xspeed + v5) / 2; this.yspeed = (this.yspeed + v4) / 2; } else { this.xspeed = 0; this.yspeed = 0; } } else { if (this.status == 'suicide') { v3 = this.rot + 20; v5 = this.sin(v3 * this.pi / 180) * this.speedmax * 0.3; v4 = this.cos(v3 * this.pi / 180) * this.speedmax * 0.3; this.xspeed = (this.xspeed + v5) / 2; this.yspeed = (this.yspeed + v4) / 2; } else { v3 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, _global.aim.x, _global.aim.y); v5 = this.sin(v3 * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; v4 = this.cos(v3 * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.xspeed = (this.xspeed + v5) / 2; this.yspeed = (this.yspeed + v4) / 2; } } this.x += this.xspeed; this.y -= this.yspeed; if (this.pitch != this.tpitch) { this.pitch += this.pitch < this.tpitch ? 1 : -1; } if (this.roll != this.troll) { this.roll += this.roll < this.troll ? 1 : -1; } if (this.landingTrack) { this.xcam = this.landingTrack.startpoint.x; this.ycam = this.landingTrack.startpoint.y; } else { if (this.status == 'launch') { this.xcam = this.x; this.ycam = this.y; } else { if (this.status == 'suicide') { this.xcam = this.x; this.ycam = this.y; } else { if (this.daim >= this.dspeedmin / 2) { this.xcam = this.x + this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.dcam * this.perccam; this.ycam = this.y - this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.dcam * this.perccam; } else { this.xcam = this.x; this.ycam = this.y; } } } } if (this.fuel > 0) { var v6 = this.isOnFire ? 3 : 1; this.fuel -= Math.abs((Math.abs(this.speed) + 1) * this.fuelcons * v6 * (this.weight + _global.planedefinition.totalload) / 1000); } else { this.fuel = 0; this.tspeed = 0; _global.sounds.stopLoopSound(this.loopsoundUID); }{'target': this, 'type': 'onFuelUpdate'}); this.render(); }; v2.render = function () { = this.x -; = this.y -; = 70 + 30 * this.alt / this.altmax; =; var v7 = new flash.geom.Point( + this.alt, + this.alt);; = v7.x; = v7.y; = this.rot; =; var v8 = Math.abs(this.roll) < 2 ? 'pitch' : 'roll'; var v6; if (v8 == 'roll') { if (this.pitchframe < this.maxpitch) { ++this.pitchframe;'p' + this.pitchframe.toString()); v6 = 'p'; } else { this.rollframe = this.rollframe < this.roll ? this.rollframe + 1 : (this.rollframe > this.roll ? this.rollframe - 1 : this.rollframe);'r' + this.rollframe.toString()); v6 = 'r'; } } else { if (this.rollframe != 0) { this.rollframe = this.rollframe > 0 ? this.rollframe - 1 : this.rollframe + 1;'r' + this.rollframe.toString()); v6 = 'r'; } else { this.pitchframe = this.pitchframe < this.pitch ? this.pitchframe + 1 : (this.pitchframe > this.pitch ? this.pitchframe - 1 : this.pitchframe);'p' + this.pitchframe.toString()); v6 = 'p'; } } if (this.hasGuns) { var v5 = 1; while (v5 <= this.guncount) { var v3 =['gun' + v5]; if (v3 != undefined) { var v4; if (v6 == 'p') { v4 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getPitchPosition(this.linkId, 'guns' + v5, this.pitchframe); v3._y = v4.y; v3._rotation = 0; v3._yscale = v4.s; } else { v4 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'guns' + v5, this.rollframe); v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; v3._rotation = v4.r; v3._yscale = v4.s; } } ++v5; } } }; v2.createMov = function () { var v7; if (this.alt > 40) { v7 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, 'OverClouds'); } else { v7 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, 'UnderClouds'); } =, this.uid, v7, {'parent': this}); this.frames_mc = + 'FramesBase', 'frames_mc', 50); if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(this.frames_mc, 0, 50); } if (_global.planedefinition.guns.length > 0) { this.hasGuns = true; this.gunsoundUID = _global.sounds.addLoopSound(rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(_global.planedefinition.guns[0].linkId, 'gunsound')); var v4 = 0; while (v4 < _global.planedefinition.guns.length) { var v3 = _global.planedefinition.guns[v4]; var v6 =, 'gun' + v3.slotId, 10 + v3.slotId); var v5 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'guns' + v3.slotId, this.roll); v6._x = v5.x; v6._y = v5.y; ++v4; } } }; v2.createCrashFlame = function (id) { this.isOnFire = true; var v2 = (this.linkId == 'BellHuey') ? -11 : -7;'CrashFlameHeli', 'flame' + id, 30 + id, {'_x': 0, '_y': v2}); }; v2.rotateToTarget = function () { var v6; var v3 = this.rotspeed; if (this.status == 'suicide') { v6 = this.rot + (5 + Math.random() * 4); } else { if (this.landingTrack) { var v7 = this.alt > 30 ? 4 : (this.alt > 20 ? 3 : (this.alt > 10 ? 2 : (this.alt > 5 ? 1 : 0))); v6 = this.rot - this.rolldir * v7; } else { v6 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.movetar.x, this.movetar.y); } } var v2 = (v6 + 360) % 360; var v4 = (this.rot + 360) % 360; if (v2 - v4 > 180) { v2 -= 360; } else { if (v2 - v4 < -180) { v2 += 360; } } if (this.status == 'patrol') { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(this.rot, v2) < 10) { v3 = 0.1; this.rotdampening = this.rotspeed / 4; this.troll = 0; } else { if (this.rotdampening < v3) { this.rotdampening += this.rotspeed / 4; v3 = this.rotdampening; } } } if (v2 > v4) { v4 += v3; this.rolldir = -1; } else { v4 -= v3; this.rolldir = 1; } this.rot = v4; this.tpitch = Math.min(Math.round(this.maxpitch * this.speed / this.speedmax), this.maxpitch); var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(v4, v2); if (v5 <= v3 || 360 - v5 <= v3) { this.rot = v2; this.troll = 0; } if (this.landingTrack) { this.troll = 0; this.tpitch = 0; } else { if (this.status == 'suicide') { this.troll = 0; this.tpitch = 0; } else { var v8 = this.rolldir < 0 ? this.minroll : this.maxroll; var v9 = Math.min(Math.abs(100 * v5 / this.angfullroll), 100); this.troll = Math.round(v8 * v9 / 100); } } }; v2.launch = function () { this.status = 'launch'; _global.planedefinition.setDefaultWeapon(); this.base.updateLights(); this.getTargetPoint(); this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.talt = this.altmax; = true; }; v2.getTargetPoint = function () { this.movetar = _global.aim; }; v2.onAirStripApproach = function (evtObj) { this.landingBase =; this.landingTrack = evtObj.track; this.status = 'landing'; this.landingmode = 'green'; this.talt = 0; _global.aim.setMode('abort'); }; v2.abortLanding = function () { if (this.alt < this.altfatal) { rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.die, 500); } this.landingTrack = undefined; this.status = 'patrol'; this.tspeed = this.speedmax / 3; this.talt = this.altmax; _global.aim.resetMode(); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.setLandingMode, 4000, 'off'); }; v2.setLandingMode = function (m) { this.landingmode = m; }; v2.onAimDown = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } if (this.landingTrack) { if (!this.abortPoint) { this.abortPoint = {'x': _global.aim.x, 'y': _global.aim.y}; } return undefined; } if (_global.aim.mode != 'default') { return undefined; } if (this.status == undefined || this.status == 'launch' || this.landingTrack) { return undefined; } this.isFiring = true; if (_global.planedefinition.weaponType == 'Guns') { if (this.hasGuns) { this.playGun(); } } }; v2.onAimUp = function () { this.abortPoint = undefined; this.isFiring = false; if (_global.planedefinition.weaponType == 'Guns') { if (this.hasGuns) { this.stopGun(); } } }; v2.playGun = function () { if (this.isGunPlaying) { return undefined; } this.isGunPlaying = true; _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.gunsoundUID, 80); var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.guncount) {['gun' + v3].base_mc.gotoAndPlay('fire'); ++v3; } }; v2.stopGun = function () { this.isGunPlaying = false; _global.sounds.stopLoopSound(this.gunsoundUID); var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.guncount) {['gun' + v3].base_mc.gotoAndStop(1); ++v3; } }; = function () { if (this.status == 'launch' || this.landingTrack) { return undefined; } var v6 = getTimer(); var v9 = _global.planedefinition.weaponType; var v7 = _global.planedefinition.loadedWeapon; if (v9 == 'Guns') { if (this.hasGuns) { var v8 = rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(this.x, this.y, this.rot, 600); var v4 = 0; while (v4 < _global.planedefinition.guns.length) { var v3 = _global.planedefinition.guns[v4]; if (v6 - v3.lastFired > v3.tfire) { v3.lastFired = v6; var v5 =['gun' + v3.slotId]; var v12 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v5._x, v5._y, this); v12.type = 'Bullet' + v3.linkId; v12.rot = this.rot + rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle2(v5._rotation); v12.alt = this.alt; rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(rr.ammo.AmmoUtils, rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo, Math.random() * 80, v12); } ++v4; } } return undefined; } if (v7 == undefined) { return undefined; } if (v6 - this.lastFired < v7.tfire) { return undefined; } this.lastFired = v6; if (v9 == 'GroundMissile') { if (v7.linkId == 'GroundMissile') { var v11 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, _global.aim.x, _global.aim.y), this.rot); if (v11 <= 10 || 360 - v11 <= 10) { v8 = _global.aim; } else { v8 = rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(this.x, this.y, this.rot, 600); } var v10 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'missiles' + v7.slotId, this.roll); v12 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v10.x, v10.y, this); v12.type = 'GroundMissile'; v12.rot = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(v12.x, v12.y, v8.x, v8.y); v12.speed = this.speed; v12.alt = this.alt; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo(v12); } else { if (v7.linkId == 'GroundSeeker') { var v10 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'missiles' + v7.slotId, this.roll); v12 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v10.x, v10.y, this); v12.type = 'GroundSeeker'; v12.rot = this.rot; v12.speed = this.speed; v12.alt = this.alt; if (_global.aim.lockedTarget) { v12.xtar = _global.aim.lockedTarget.x; v12.ytar = _global.aim.lockedTarget.y; } else { v12.xtar = _global.root._xmouse +; v12.ytar = _global.root._ymouse +; } rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo(v12); } } } else { if (v9 == 'AirMissile') { if (v7.linkId == 'AirMissile') { var v11 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, _global.aim.x, _global.aim.y), this.rot); if (v11 <= 10 || 360 - v11 <= 10) { v8 = _global.aim; } else { v8 = rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(this.x, this.y, this.rot, 600); } var v10 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'missiles' + v7.slotId, this.roll); v12 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v10.x, v10.y, this); v12.type = 'AirMissile'; v12.rot = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(v12.x, v12.y, v8.x, v8.y); v12.speed = this.speed; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo(v12); } else { if (v7.linkId == 'AirSeeker') { var v10 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'missiles' + v7.slotId, this.roll); v12 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v10.x, v10.y, this); v12.type = 'AirSeeker'; v12.rot = this.rot; v12.speed = this.speed; if (_global.aim.lockedTarget) { v12.tar = _global.aim.lockedTarget; } rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo(v12); } } } else { v12 = {'type': v7.linkId, 'x': this.x, 'y': this.y, 'rot': this.rot, 'speed': this.speed, 'alt': this.alt}; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo(v12); } } _global.planedefinition.loadWeapon(); }; v2.afterLanding = function () { _global.sounds.stopLoopSound(this.loopsoundUID); _global.stage.startbase = this.landingBase; _global.planemenu.showInGame(); }; v2.addListeners = function () { var v5 = _global.stage.afs.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5) { var v4 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afs[v3]]; v4.addEventListener('onAirStripApproach', this); ++v3; } _global.aim.addEventListener('onAimDown', this); _global.aim.addEventListener('onAimUp', this); _global.timer.addEventListener('onTimerStart', this); this.addEventListener('onFuelUpdate', _global.bottommenu); this.addEventListener('onDamageUpdate', _global.bottommenu);{'target': this, 'type': 'onDamageUpdate'}); }; v2.onTimerStart = function () { _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.loopsoundUID, 80); }; v2.addDamage = function (dmg) { super.addDamage(dmg); if (this.damage > this.killlevel) { this.damage = this.killlevel; } if (this.damage > 0.8 * this.killlevel) { if (!this.isOnFire) { this.isOnFire = true; _global.bottommenu.showTip('tipdamage'); _global.sounds.playSound('Warning critical damage.wav'); } }{'target': this, 'type': 'onDamageUpdate'}); }; v2.die = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } super.die(); this.status = 'suicide'; _global.sounds.removeSound(this.loopsoundUID); _global.sounds.removeSound(this.gunsoundUID); this.loopsoundUID = undefined; this.gunsoundUID = undefined; this.createCrashFlame(1); _global.weaponmenu.hide();{'type': 'onPlaneDie', 'target': this});{'type': 'onUnitDie', 'target': this}); }; v2.destroy = function () { _global.aim.removeEventListener('onAimDown', this); _global.aim.removeEventListener('onAimUp', this); _global.timer.removeEventListener('onTimerStart', this); var v7; var v8; var v9 = _global.stage.afs.length; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v9) { var v4 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afs[v5]]; if (v4.hostility <= 0) { var v6 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v4.x, v4.y); if (v7 == undefined || v6 < v7) { v7 = v6; v8 = v4; } } ++v5; } _global.stage.startbase = v8; super.destroy(); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.PlayerHeli.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3417 __Packages.rr.AirfieldDefender { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.AirfieldDefender) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AirfieldDefender'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.AirfieldDefender = v1; rr.AirfieldDefender extends rr.BaseUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.uid = this.initObj.uid; this.base = this.initObj.base; this.dfeel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'feelerradius'); this.dfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootingdistance'); this.tfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootinginterval'); this.killlevel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'killlevel'); this.destroydelay = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); this.gunsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'gunsound'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodesound'); this.ddetect = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'detectiondistance'); var v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(-120, 60, this.base); this.x = v3.x; this.y = v3.y; this.damage = 0; this.isdead = false; this.rot = 0; this.lastFired = getTimer(); this.lastTargeted = getTimer(); this.ttarget = 10000; this.hostility = this.base.hostility; this.base.defender = this; _global.stage.afdefenders.push(this.uid); _global.stage.addEventListener('onPlaneCreate', this); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.isdead) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { this.tar = undefined; this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (this.tar == undefined) { if (getTimer() - this.lastTargeted > this.ttarget) { this.lastTargeted = getTimer(); this.getTarget(); } } if (!this.base.escapeMode) { if (this.tar) { this.dtar = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y); this.rot = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y); if (this.dtar <= this.dfire) {; } } } this.checkRender(); }; v2.createMov = function () { super.createMov(); if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); } }; v2.render = function () { super.render(); = this.rot - 90; }; v2.getTarget = function () { if (this.hostility > 0) { if (_global.plane != undefined) { if (!_global.plane.isdead) { this.tar = _global.plane; this.tar.addEventListener('onUnitDie', this); } } } else { var v6 = _global.stage.airs.length; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < v6) { var v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.airs[v4]]; if (v3.isdead) { } else { var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v3.x, v3.y); if (v5 <= this.ddetect) { this.tar = v3; this.tar.addEventListener('onUnitDie', this); } } ++v4; } } }; v2.onUnitDie = function (evtObj) { if (this.tar == { this.tar = undefined; } }; v2.onPlaneCreate = function () { this.tar = undefined; }; v2.die = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } super.die(); this.explode(); }; v2.destroy = function () { this.base.defender = undefined; super.destroy(); }; = function () { if (getTimer() - this.lastFired < this.tfire) { return undefined; } this.lastFired = getTimer();'shoot'); _global.sounds.playSound(this.gunsound); this.launchRocket(1); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.launchRocket, 200, 2); }; v2.launchRocket = function (id) { if (_global.timer.stopped) { return undefined; } var v3; if (id == 1) { v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(-3, 20, this); } else { v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(3, 20, this); } rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': this.linkId, 'x': v3.x, 'y': v3.y, 'rot': this.rot, 'tar': this.tar}); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.AirfieldDefender.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3418 __Packages.rr.plane.A10 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.A10) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'A10'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.A10 = v1; rr.plane.A10 extends rr.plane.PlayerUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 45; this.minroll = -11; this.maxroll = 11; this.fullroll = 18; this.guncount = 3; this.enginecount = 2; this.swaproll = 9; this.swaploop = 20; this.swapcorr = 0; this.canLoop = true; this.canFullRoll = true; this.loopmax = 32; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.A10.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3419 __Packages.rr.plane.Apache { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.Apache) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Apache'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.Apache = v1; rr.plane.Apache extends rr.plane.PlayerHeli; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 30; this.minroll = -8; this.maxroll = 8; this.maxpitch = 14; this.guncount = 2; this.enginecount = 1; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.Apache.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3420 __Packages.rr.plane.B2 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.B2) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'B2'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.B2 = v1; rr.plane.B2 extends rr.plane.PlayerUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 35; this.minroll = -11; this.maxroll = 11; this.guncount = 2; this.enginecount = 2; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.B2.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3421 __Packages.rr.plane.B52 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.B52) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'B52'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.B52 = v1; rr.plane.B52 extends rr.plane.PlayerUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 90; this.minroll = -11; this.maxroll = 11; this.guncount = 4; this.enginecount = 4; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.B52.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3422 __Packages.rr.plane.BellHuey { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.BellHuey) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'BellHuey'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.BellHuey = v1; rr.plane.BellHuey extends rr.plane.PlayerHeli; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 30; this.minroll = -12; this.maxroll = 12; this.maxpitch = 14; this.guncount = 1; this.enginecount = 1; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.BellHuey.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3423 __Packages.rr.plane.C47 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.C47) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'C47'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.C47 = v1; rr.plane.C47 extends rr.plane.PlayerUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 45; this.minroll = -11; this.maxroll = 11; this.guncount = 4; this.enginecount = 2; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.C47.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3424 __Packages.rr.plane.FockeWolf { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.FockeWolf) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'FockeWolf'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.FockeWolf = v1; rr.plane.FockeWolf extends rr.plane.PlayerUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 30; this.minroll = -11; this.maxroll = 11; this.fullroll = 16; this.guncount = 2; this.enginecount = 1; this.swaproll = 10; this.swaploop = 16; this.swapcorr = 3; this.canLoop = true; this.canFullRoll = true; this.loopmax = 32; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.FockeWolf.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3425 __Packages.rr.plane.MesserSchmidt { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.MesserSchmidt) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'MesserSchmidt'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.MesserSchmidt = v1; rr.plane.MesserSchmidt extends rr.plane.PlayerUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 35; this.minroll = -11; this.maxroll = 11; this.fullroll = 16; this.guncount = 2; this.enginecount = 2; this.swaproll = 10; this.swaploop = 20; this.swapcorr = 1; this.canLoop = true; this.canFullRoll = true; this.loopmax = 32; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.MesserSchmidt.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3426 __Packages.rr.plane.EnemyPlane { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.EnemyPlane) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.plane.EnemyPlane = v1; rr.plane.EnemyPlane extends rr.BaseUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); _global.stage.airs.push(this.uid); this.base = this.initObj.base; this.killlevel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'killlevelenemy'); this.speedmin = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'minspeed'); this.speedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxspeed'); this.rotspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'rotationspeed'); this.altmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'altitude'); this.ascent = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'ascentrate'); this.descent = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'descentrate'); this.angfullroll = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'fullrollangle'); this.adef = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'acceleration'); this.dlaunch = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'launchdistance'); this.dfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootingdistance'); this.dfiremin = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootingdistancemin'); this.loopsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'loopsound'); this.crashsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'crashsound'); this.fuelsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'fuelsound'); this.loopsoundUID = _global.sounds.addLoopSound(this.loopsound); this.clouddepth = rr.conf.ConfBaseDepths.getDepth('CloudLayer'); this.guns = [{'linkId': 'GunDouble', 'slotId': 1, 'lastFired': getTimer(), 'tfire': 500}, {'linkId': 'GunDouble', 'slotId': 2, 'lastFired': getTimer(), 'tfire': 500}]; this.ivalfirepause = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.guns[0].linkId, 'enemypauseinterval'); this.lfirepause = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.guns[0].linkId, 'enemypauselength'); this.tspeed = 0; this.speed = 0; this.a = this.adef; this.talt = 0; this.alt = 0; this.tfire = 200; this.troll = 0; this.roll = 0; this.rotdampening = 0.1; this.rotspeed *= 0.6; this.tfpdone = 0; this.tfirepause = 0; this.firecount = 0; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < _global.stage.afs.length) { var v6 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afs[v5]]; var v4 = 1; while (v4 <= 4) { v6['track' + v4].setPlaneParams(); ++v4; } ++v5; } this.xstart = this.base.track1.startpoint.x; this.x = this.xstart; this.ystart = this.base.track1.startpoint.y; this.y = this.ystart; this.rot = this.base.track1.bearing; this.addListeners(); this.createMov(); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.status == undefined) { this.launch(); this.render(); return undefined; } if (this.isexploded) { this.render(); return undefined; } if (_global.plane == undefined) { this.setFire(false); } else { this.dplane = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, _global.plane.x, _global.plane.y); } if (!this.loopOn) { this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.talt = this.altmax; } if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } if (this.status == 'suicide') { this.alt -= this.descent * 1.5; if (this.alt <= 0) { this.explode(); } } else { if (this.alt != this.talt) { if (this.status == 'launch' && this.speed < this.speedmin) { } else { this.alt = Math.abs(this.alt - this.talt) <= this.ascent ? this.talt : (this.talt > this.alt ? this.alt + this.ascent : this.alt - this.ascent); } } } if (this.status == 'launch') { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.xstart, this.ystart) > this.dlaunch) { this.status = 'patrol'; this.getTargetPoint(); } } if (_global.plane != undefined) { if (this.speed > 0) { if (!this.loopOn) { this.rotateToTarget(); } if (this.isFiring) {; } } } this.x += this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; if (this.status != 'suicide') { this.fullrollOn = false; } if (this.fullrollOn) { var v3 = this.roll + this.rolldir; this.roll = v3 < -this.fullroll ? this.fullroll : (v3 > this.fullroll ? -this.fullroll : v3); } else { if (this.status == 'looping') { if (!this.loopOn) { if (this.roll == 0) { this.loopOn = true; this.loop = 1; this.tspeed = -this.speedmax; this.a = this.adef * 2; this.frames_mc._rotation += 180; } else { this.roll += this.roll < 0 ? 1 : -1; } } else { ++this.loop; if (this.loop > this.loopmax) { this.status = 'patrol'; this.loopOn = false; this.troll = this.fullroll; this.roll = this.troll; this.rot += 180; this.speed = -this.speed; this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.a = this.adef; this.frames_mc._rotation -= 180; } } } else { if (this.roll != this.troll) { this.roll += this.roll < this.troll ? 1 : -1; } } } this.render(); }; v2.render = function () { super.render(); if (this.alt > 40) { if ( < this.clouddepth) {, 'OverEnemyPlane')); } } else { if ( > this.clouddepth) {, 'UnderEnemyPlane')); } } = 70 + 30 * this.alt / this.altmax; =; var v10 = new flash.geom.Point( + this.alt, + this.alt);; = v10.x; = v10.y; = this.rot; =; if (this.loopOn) { if (this.loop <= this.swaploop) { = 100 - 100 * Math.abs(this.loop / this.swaploop); } else { = Math.round(100 * Math.abs((this.swaploop - this.loop) / this.swaploop)); += 180; } } else { = 100; if (this.canFullRoll) { = 40 + 60 * Math.abs(this.swaproll - Math.abs(this.roll)) / this.swaproll; } else { = 60 + (40 - 40 * Math.abs(this.roll / this.maxroll)); } } if (this.status == 'looping' && this.loopOn) {'l' + this.loop.toString()); } else {'r' + this.roll.toString()); } var v8 = 50; if (this.isOnFire) { var v6 = 1; while (v6 <= this.enginecount) { var v7 =['flame' + v6]; if (v7 != undefined) { var v5 = v7.getDepth(); var v9 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'engine' + v6, this.roll); v7._x = v9.x; if (this.swaproll != undefined) { if (this.roll < -this.swaproll || this.roll > this.swaproll) { if (v5 < v8) { v7.swapDepths(v5 + 50); } } else { if (v5 > v8) { v7.swapDepths(v5 - 50); } } } } ++v6; } } if (this.hasGuns) { v6 = 1; while (v6 <= this.guncount) { var v4 =['gun' + v6]; if (v4 != undefined) { v5 = v4.getDepth(); if (this.loopOn) { v9 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getLoopPosition(this.linkId, 'guns' + v6, this.loop); v4._y = v9.y; v4._yscale = v9.s; if (this.loop > this.swaploop) { if (v5 < v8) { v4.swapDepths(v5 + 50); v4._rotation += 180; } } else { v4._y -= this.swapcorr; } } else { v9 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'guns' + v6, this.roll); v4._yscale = 100; v4._x = v9.x; v4._y = v9.y; v4._rotation = 0; if (this.swaproll != undefined) { if (this.roll < -this.swaproll || this.roll > this.swaproll) { if (v5 < v8) { v4.swapDepths(v5 + 50); } } else { if (v5 > v8) { v4.swapDepths(v5 - 50); } } } } } ++v6; } } }; v2.createMov = function () { var v7; if (this.alt > 40) { v7 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, 'OverClouds'); } else { v7 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, 'UnderClouds'); } =, this.uid, v7, {'parent': this}); this.frames_mc = + 'FramesBase', 'frames_mc', 50); if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(this.frames_mc, 0, 50); } if (this.guns.length > 0) { this.hasGuns = true; this.gunsoundUID = _global.sounds.addLoopSound(rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.guns[0].linkId, 'gunsound')); var v4 = 0; while (v4 < this.guns.length) { var v3 = this.guns[v4]; var v6 =, 'gun' + v3.slotId, 10 + v3.slotId); var v5 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'guns' + v3.slotId, this.roll); v6._x = v5.x; v6._y = v5.y; ++v4; } } }; v2.createCrashFlame = function (id) { this.isOnFire = true; if (this.status == 'looping') { rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.createCrashFlame, 50, id); return undefined; } var v2 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'engine' + id, this.roll);'CrashFlame', 'flame' + id, 30 + id, {'_x': v2.x, '_y': v2.y, '_xscale': 50, '_yscale': 50}); }; v2.launch = function () { this.status = 'launch'; this.getTargetPoint(); this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.talt = this.altmax; }; v2.rotateToTarget = function () { if (_global.plane == undefined) { return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { return undefined; } var v7; var v6; if (this.status == 'suicide') { v6 = this.rotspeed; v7 = this.rot + this.rolldir * 45; } else { v6 = this.rotspeed; v7 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.movetar.x, this.movetar.y); } var v3 = (v7 + 360) % 360; var v4 = (this.rot + 360) % 360; if (v3 - v4 > 180) { v3 -= 360; } else { if (v3 - v4 < -180) { v3 += 360; } } if (v3 > v4) { v4 += v6; this.rolldir = 1; } else { v4 -= v6; if (this.status != 'suicide') { this.rolldir = -1; } } this.rot = v4; var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(v4, v3); if (this.dplane < this.dfeel + _global.plane.dfeel * 3) { if (this.status == 'patrol') { this.status = 'redirect'; this.getTargetPoint(); } } else { if (this.canLoop) { if (this.status == 'patrol') { if (!this.isOnFire) { if (Math.random() < 0.04) { var v9 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(_global.plane.rot, rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(_global.plane.x, _global.plane.y, this.x, this.y)); if (v9 <= 10 || 360 - v9 <= 10) { this.status = 'looping'; this.loopOn = false; } } } } } } var v8 = false; if (this.status == 'patrol') { if (this.dplane <= this.dfire) { if (this.dplane > this.dfiremin) { if (v5 <= 10 || 360 - v5 <= 10) { v8 = true; } } } } if (this.isFirePaused) { this.tfpdone += 40; if (this.tfpdone > this.lfirepause) { this.isFirePaused = false; this.tfpdone = 0; } } if (v8) { if (!this.isFiring) { if (!this.isFirePaused) { this.setFire(true); } } else { this.tfirepause += 40; if (this.tfirepause > this.ivalfirepause) { this.isFirePaused = true; this.setFire(false); this.tfirepause = 0; } } } else { if (this.isFiring) { this.isFirePaused = false; this.tfpdone = 0; this.tfirepause = 0; this.setFire(false); } } if (v5 <= v6 || 360 - v5 <= v6) { this.rot = v3; if (this.status != 'suicide') { this.troll = 0; } } else { if (this.canLoop) { if (this.status != 'looping') { if (!this.isOnFire) { if (v5 > 150) { } } } } if (this.status != 'suicide') { var v10 = this.rolldir < 0 ? this.minroll : this.maxroll; var v11 = Math.min(Math.abs(100 * v5 / this.angfullroll), 100); this.troll = Math.round(v10 * v11 / 100); } } }; v2.reApproach = function () { if (!this.isdead) { this.status = 'patrol'; this.getTargetPoint(); } }; v2.getTargetPoint = function () { if (this.status == 'launch') { var v5 = this.x + this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.dlaunch; var v4 = this.y - this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.dlaunch; this.movetar = {'x': v5, 'y': v4}; } else { if (this.status == 'redirect') { var v3 = Math.random() * 360; var v5 = this.x + this.sin(v3 * this.pi / 180) * this.dlaunch; var v4 = this.y - this.cos(v3 * this.pi / 180) * this.dlaunch; this.movetar = {'x': v5, 'y': v4}; rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.reApproach, 2000); } else { if (_global.plane && !_global.plane.isdead) { this.movetar = _global.plane; } else { var v5 = this.x + this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.dlaunch; var v4 = this.y - this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.dlaunch; this.movetar = {'x': v5, 'y': v4}; } } } }; v2.setFire = function (doFire) { if (!doFire) { if (this.isFiring) { this.isFiring = false; if (this.hasGuns) { _global.sounds.stopLoopSound(this.gunsoundUID); _global.sounds.setEnemyGunSound(this.gunsoundUID, false); var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.guncount) {['gun' + v3].base_mc.gotoAndStop(1); ++v3; } } } return undefined; } if (this.isdead || _global.plane.isdead) { return undefined; } if (this.status == undefined || this.status == 'launch') { return undefined; } this.isFiring = true; if (this.hasGuns) { if (_global.sounds.setEnemyGunSound(this.gunsoundUID, true)) { _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.gunsoundUID, 40); } v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.guncount) {['gun' + v3].base_mc.gotoAndPlay('fire'); ++v3; } } }; v2.onEnemyGunSoundRemove = function () { if (this.isFiring) { if (_global.sounds.setEnemyGunSound(this.gunsoundUID, true)) { _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.gunsoundUID, 40); } } }; = function () { if (this.status == 'launch') { return undefined; } var v6 = getTimer(); var v7 = 'Guns'; if (v7 == 'Guns') { if (this.hasGuns) { var v8 = rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(this.x, this.y, this.rot, 600); var v4 = 0; while (v4 < this.guns.length) { var v2 = this.guns[v4]; if (v6 - v2.lastFired > v2.tfire) { v2.lastFired = v6; var v5 =['gun' + v2.slotId]; var v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v5._x, v5._y, this); v3.type = 'Bullet' + v2.linkId; v3.rot = this.rot; v3.alt = this.alt; v3.isEnemyBullet = true; rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(rr.ammo.AmmoUtils, rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo, Math.random() * 80, v3); } ++v4; } } } }; v2.addListeners = function () { this.addEventListener('onEnemyPlaneDie', this.base); _global.timer.addEventListener('onTimerStart', this); _global.plane.addEventListener('onPlaneDie', this); _global.stage.addEventListener('onPlaneCreate', this); _global.sounds.addEventListener('onEnemyGunSoundRemove', this); }; v2.onTimerStart = function () { if (!this.isdead) { _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.loopsoundUID, 40); } if (this.isFiring) { if (_global.sounds.setEnemyGunSound(this.gunsoundUID, true)) { _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.gunsoundUID, 40); } } }; v2.onPlaneCreate = function () { this.getTargetPoint(); _global.plane.addEventListener('onPlaneDie', this); }; v2.onPlaneDie = function () { if (this.isFiring) { this.setFire(false); } }; v2.addDamage = function (dmg) { super.addDamage(dmg); if (this.damage > 0.5 * this.killlevel) { if (this.firecount == 0) { this.createCrashFlame(1); this.firecount = 1; } } if (this.damage > 0.8 * this.killlevel) { if (this.enginecount > 1) { if (this.firecount == 1) { this.createCrashFlame(2); this.firecount = 2; } } } if (this.damage > 0.9 * this.killlevel) { if (this.enginecount > 2) { if (this.firecount == 2) { this.createCrashFlame(3); this.firecount = 3; } } } if (this.damage > 0.95 * this.killlevel) { if (this.enginecount > 3) { if (this.firecount == 3) { this.createCrashFlame(4); this.firecount = 4; } } } }; v2.die = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } super.die(); ++_global.airshot; var v4 = 1; while (v4 <= this.enginecount) { var v5 =['flame' + v4]; v5._yscale = 100; v5._xscale = 100; ++v4; } if (this.alt > 20) { _global.sounds.playSound(this.crashsound, 50); } _global.sounds.removeSound(this.loopsoundUID); _global.sounds.removeSound(this.gunsoundUID);{'type': 'onEnemyPlaneDie'});{'type': 'onUnitDie', 'target': this}); this.status = 'suicide'; this.fullrollOn = true; }; v2.destroy = function () { _global.timer.removeEventListener('onTimerStart', this); _global.plane.removeEventListener('onPlaneDie', this); _global.stage.removeEventListener('onPlaneCreate', this); _global.sounds.removeEventListener('onEnemyGunSoundRemove', this); super.destroy(); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.EnemyPlane.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3427 __Packages.rr.plane.A10Enemy { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.A10Enemy) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'A10'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.A10Enemy = v1; rr.plane.A10Enemy extends rr.plane.EnemyPlane; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 45; this.minroll = -11; this.maxroll = 11; this.fullroll = 18; this.guncount = 3; this.enginecount = 2; this.swaproll = 9; this.swaploop = 20; this.swapcorr = 0; this.canLoop = true; this.canFullRoll = true; this.loopmax = 32; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.A10Enemy.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3428 __Packages.rr.plane.EnemyHeli { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.EnemyHeli) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.plane.EnemyHeli = v1; rr.plane.EnemyHeli extends rr.BaseUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); _global.stage.airs.push(this.uid); this.base = this.initObj.base; this.killlevel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'killlevelenemy'); this.speedmin = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'minspeed'); this.speedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxspeed'); this.dspeedmin = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'minspeeddistance'); this.dspeedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxspeeddistance'); this.liftspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'liftspeed'); this.rotspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'rotationspeed'); this.altmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'altitude'); this.altfatal = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'altitudefatal'); this.ascent = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'ascentrate'); this.descent = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'descentrate'); this.angfullroll = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'fullrollangle'); this.adef = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'acceleration'); this.altlaunch = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'launchaltitude'); this.dapproach = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'approachdistance'); this.dfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootingdistance'); this.dfiremin = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootingdistancemin'); this.loopsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'loopsound'); this.crashsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'crashsound'); this.loopsoundUID = _global.sounds.addLoopSound(this.loopsound); this.clouddepth = rr.conf.ConfBaseDepths.getDepth('CloudLayer'); if (this.linkId == 'BellHuey') { this.guns = [{'linkId': 'GunDouble', 'slotId': 1, 'lastFired': getTimer(), 'tfire': 500}]; this.missiles = [{'linkId': 'Airmissile', 'slotId': 1, 'lastFired': getTimer(), 'tfire': 1500}]; } else { this.guns = [{'linkId': 'GunDouble', 'slotId': 1, 'lastFired': getTimer(), 'tfire': 500}, {'linkId': 'GunDouble', 'slotId': 2, 'lastFired': getTimer(), 'tfire': 600}]; this.missiles = [{'linkId': 'Airmissile', 'slotId': 1, 'lastFired': getTimer(), 'tfire': 1500}, {'linkId': 'Airmissile', 'slotId': 2, 'lastFired': getTimer(), 'tfire': 2000}]; } this.dgunfire = 300; this.dmissilefire = 400; this.ivalfirepause = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.guns[0].linkId, 'enemypauseinterval'); this.lfirepause = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.guns[0].linkId, 'enemypauselength'); this.tspeed = 0; this.speed = 0; this.yspeed = 0; this.xspeed = 0; this.a = this.adef; this.talt = 0; this.alt = 0; this.troll = 0; this.roll = 0; this.tpitch = 0; this.pitch = 0; this.pitchframe = 0; this.rollframe = 0; this.tfire = 200; this.lastFired = getTimer(); this.status = undefined; this.rotdampening = 0.1; this.curbearing = 0; this.tswitch = 0; this.ivalswitch = 3000; this.wptype = 'Guns'; this.tfpdone = 0; this.tfirepause = 0; this.xstart = this.base.heliTrack.startpoint.x; this.x = this.xstart; this.ystart = this.base.heliTrack.startpoint.y; this.y = this.ystart; this.rot = Math.random() * 360; this.addListeners(); this.createMov(); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.status == undefined) { this.launch(); this.render(); return undefined; } if (this.isexploded) { this.render(); return undefined; } if (_global.plane == undefined) { this.setFire(false); this.render(); return undefined; } this.dplane = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, _global.plane.x, _global.plane.y); var v6 = this.dplane > this.dspeedmax ? 1 : (this.dplane < this.dspeedmin ? 0 : this.dplane / this.dspeedmax); this.tspeed = this.speedmin + (this.speedmax - this.speedmin) * v6 * 0.7; if (this.status == 'redirect') { this.tspeed = this.speedmax / 2; } else { if (this.dplane > this.dspeedmin + 10) { if (this.dplane < this.dspeedmin + 30) { this.tspeed = 0; } } } if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } if (this.status == 'suicide') { this.alt -= this.descent * 1.5; if (this.alt <= 0) { this.explode(); } } else { if (this.alt != this.talt) { this.alt = Math.abs(this.alt - this.talt) <= this.ascent ? this.talt : (this.talt > this.alt ? this.alt + this.ascent : this.alt - this.ascent); } } if (this.status == 'launch') { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.base.heliTrack.startpoint.x, this.base.heliTrack.startpoint.y) > 60) { this.status = 'patrol'; } } this.tswitch += 40; if (this.tswitch > this.ivalswitch) { this.tswitch = 0; if (this.wptype == 'Guns') { this.isFirePaused = false; this.tfpdone = 0; this.tfirepause = 0; this.setFire(false); this.wptype = 'AirMissile'; this.ivalswitch = 1000 + Math.random() * 1000; } else { this.wptype = 'Guns'; this.ivalswitch = 2000 + Math.random() * 1000; } } this.rotateToTarget(); if (this.wptype == 'AirMissile') { if (this.dplane < this.dmissilefire) {; } } else { if (this.isFiring) {; } } var v3; var v5; var v4; if (this.status == 'suicide') { v3 = this.rot + 20; v5 = this.sin(v3 * this.pi / 180) * this.speedmax * 0.3; v4 = this.cos(v3 * this.pi / 180) * this.speedmax * 0.3; } else { if (this.status == 'redirect') { v3 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.rtar.x, this.rtar.y); v5 = this.sin(v3 * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; v4 = this.cos(v3 * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; } else { v3 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, _global.plane.x, _global.plane.y); v5 = this.sin(v3 * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; v4 = this.cos(v3 * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; } } this.xspeed = (this.xspeed + v5) / 2; this.yspeed = (this.yspeed + v4) / 2; this.x += this.xspeed; this.y -= this.yspeed; if (this.pitch != this.tpitch) { this.pitch += this.pitch < this.tpitch ? 1 : -1; } if (this.roll != this.troll) { this.roll += this.roll < this.troll ? 1 : -1; } this.render(); }; v2.render = function () { = this.x -; = this.y -; = 70 + 30 * this.alt / this.altmax; =; var v7 = new flash.geom.Point( + this.alt, + this.alt);; = v7.x; = v7.y; = this.rot; =; var v8 = Math.abs(this.roll) < 2 ? 'pitch' : 'roll'; var v6; if (v8 == 'roll') { if (this.pitchframe < this.maxpitch) { ++this.pitchframe;'p' + this.pitchframe.toString()); v6 = 'p'; } else { this.rollframe = this.rollframe < this.roll ? this.rollframe + 1 : (this.rollframe > this.roll ? this.rollframe - 1 : this.rollframe);'r' + this.rollframe.toString()); v6 = 'r'; } } else { if (this.rollframe != 0) { this.rollframe = this.rollframe > 0 ? this.rollframe - 1 : this.rollframe + 1;'r' + this.rollframe.toString()); v6 = 'r'; } else { this.pitchframe = this.pitchframe < this.pitch ? this.pitchframe + 1 : (this.pitchframe > this.pitch ? this.pitchframe - 1 : this.pitchframe);'p' + this.pitchframe.toString()); v6 = 'p'; } } if (this.hasGuns) { var v5 = 1; while (v5 <= this.guncount) { var v3 =['gun' + v5]; if (v3 != undefined) { var v4; if (v6 == 'p') { v4 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getPitchPosition(this.linkId, 'guns' + v5, this.pitchframe); v3._y = v4.y; v3._rotation = 0; v3._yscale = v4.s; } else { v4 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'guns' + v5, this.rollframe); v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; v3._rotation = v4.r; v3._yscale = v4.s; } } ++v5; } } }; v2.createMov = function () { var v7; if (this.alt > 40) { v7 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, 'OverClouds'); } else { v7 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, 'UnderClouds'); } =, this.uid, v7, {'parent': this}); this.frames_mc = + 'FramesBase', 'frames_mc', 50); if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(this.frames_mc, 0, 50); } if (this.guns.length > 0) { this.hasGuns = true; this.gunsoundUID = _global.sounds.addLoopSound(rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.guns[0].linkId, 'gunsound')); var v4 = 0; while (v4 < this.guns.length) { var v3 = this.guns[v4]; var v6 =, 'gun' + v3.slotId, 10 + v3.slotId); var v5 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'guns' + v3.slotId, this.roll); v6._x = v5.x; v6._y = v5.y; ++v4; } } }; v2.createCrashFlame = function (id) { this.isOnFire = true; var v2 = (this.linkId == 'BellHuey') ? -11 : -7;'CrashFlameHeli', 'flame' + id, 30 + id, {'_x': 0, '_y': v2}); }; v2.rotateToTarget = function () { var v6; var v3 = this.rotspeed; if (this.status == 'suicide') { v6 = this.rot + (5 + Math.random() * 4); } else { v6 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.movetar.x, this.movetar.y); } var v2 = (v6 + 360) % 360; var v4 = (this.rot + 360) % 360; if (v2 - v4 > 180) { v2 -= 360; } else { if (v2 - v4 < -180) { v2 += 360; } } if (this.status == 'patrol') { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(this.rot, v2) < 10) { v3 = 0.1; this.rotdampening = this.rotspeed / 8; this.troll = 0; } else { if (this.rotdampening < v3) { this.rotdampening += this.rotspeed / 8; v3 = this.rotdampening; } } } if (v2 > v4) { v4 += v3; this.rolldir = -1; } else { v4 -= v3; this.rolldir = 1; } this.rot = v4; this.tpitch = Math.min(Math.round(this.maxpitch * this.speed / this.speedmax), this.maxpitch); var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(v4, v2); var v7 = false; if (this.status == 'patrol') { if (this.wptype == 'Guns') { if (this.dplane <= this.dgunfire) { if (this.dplane > this.dfiremin) { if (v5 <= 10 || 360 - v5 <= 10) { v7 = true; } } } } } if (this.isFirePaused) { this.tfpdone += 40; if (this.tfpdone > this.lfirepause) { this.isFirePaused = false; this.tfpdone = 0; } } if (v7) { if (!this.isFiring) { if (!this.isFirePaused) { this.setFire(true); } } else { this.tfirepause += 40; if (this.tfirepause > this.ivalfirepause) { this.isFirePaused = true; this.setFire(false); this.tfirepause = 0; } } } else { if (this.isFiring) { this.isFirePaused = false; this.tfpdone = 0; this.tfirepause = 0; this.setFire(false); } } if (v5 <= v3 || 360 - v5 <= v3) { this.rot = v2; this.troll = 0; } if (this.status == 'suicide') { this.troll = 0; this.tpitch = 0; } else { var v8 = this.rolldir < 0 ? this.minroll : this.maxroll; var v9 = Math.min(Math.abs(100 * v5 / this.angfullroll), 100); this.troll = Math.round(v8 * v9 / 100); } }; v2.launch = function () { this.status = 'launch'; this.getTargetPoint(); this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.talt = this.altmax; rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.reDirect, 5000); }; v2.reDirect = function () { var v3 = Math.random() * 360; var v5 = _global.plane.x + this.sin(v3 * this.pi / 180) * 200; var v4 = _global.plane.y - this.cos(v3 * this.pi / 180) * 200; this.rtar = {'x': v5, 'y': v4}; if (!this.isdead) { this.status = 'redirect'; rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.reApproach, 3000); } }; v2.reApproach = function () { if (!this.isdead) { this.status = 'patrol'; rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.reDirect, 5000); } }; v2.getTargetPoint = function () { if (_global.plane && !_global.plane.isdead) { this.movetar = _global.plane; } else { var v4 = this.x + this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * 200; var v3 = this.y - this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * 200; this.movetar = {'x': v4, 'y': v3}; } }; v2.setFire = function (doFire) { if (!doFire) { if (this.isFiring) { this.isFiring = false; if (this.hasGuns) { _global.sounds.stopLoopSound(this.gunsoundUID); _global.sounds.setEnemyGunSound(this.gunsoundUID, false); var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.guncount) {['gun' + v3].base_mc.gotoAndStop(1); ++v3; } } } return undefined; } if (this.isdead || _global.plane.isdead) { return undefined; } if (this.status == undefined || this.status == 'launch') { return undefined; } if (this.wptype != 'Guns') { return undefined; } this.isFiring = true; if (this.hasGuns) { if (_global.sounds.setEnemyGunSound(this.gunsoundUID, true)) { _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.gunsoundUID, 40); } v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.guncount) {['gun' + v3].base_mc.gotoAndPlay('fire'); ++v3; } } }; v2.onEnemyGunSoundRemove = function () { if (this.isFiring) { if (_global.sounds.setEnemyGunSound(this.gunsoundUID, true)) { _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.gunsoundUID, 40); } } }; = function () { if (this.status == 'launch') { return undefined; } var v7 = getTimer(); if (this.wptype == 'Guns') { if (!this.isFiring) { return undefined; } if (this.hasGuns) { var v10 = rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(this.x, this.y, this.rot, 600); var v6 = 0; while (v6 < this.guns.length) { var v4 = this.guns[v6]; if (v7 - v4.lastFired > v4.tfire) { v4.lastFired = v7; var v9 =['gun' + v4.slotId]; var v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v9._x, v9._y, this); v3.type = 'Bullet' + v4.linkId; v3.rot = this.rot; v3.alt = this.alt; v3.isEnemyBullet = true; rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(rr.ammo.AmmoUtils, rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo, Math.random() * 80, v3); } ++v6; } } } else { if (this.wptype == 'AirMissile') { var v11 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, _global.plane.x, _global.plane.y), this.rot); if (v11 <= 10 || 360 - v11 <= 10) { var v10 = _global.plane; } else { var v10 = rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(this.x, this.y, this.rot, 600); } var v6 = 0; while (v6 < this.missiles.length) { var v5 = this.missiles[v6]; if (v7 - v5.lastFired > v5.tfire) { v5.lastFired = v7; var v8 = rr.plane.PlaneUtils.getRollPosition(this.linkId, 'missiles' + v5.slotId, this.roll); var v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(v8.x, v8.y, this); v3.type = 'AirMissile'; v3.rot = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(v3.x, v3.y, v10.x, v10.y); v3.speed = this.speed; v3.isEnemyMissile = true; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo(v3); } ++v6; } } } }; v2.addListeners = function () { this.addEventListener('onEnemyPlaneDie', this.base); _global.timer.addEventListener('onTimerStart', this); _global.plane.addEventListener('onPlaneDie', this); _global.stage.addEventListener('onPlaneCreate', this); _global.sounds.addEventListener('onEnemyGunSoundRemove', this); }; v2.onTimerStart = function () { if (!this.isdead) { _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.loopsoundUID, 40); } if (this.isFiring) { _global.sounds.playLoopSound(this.gunsoundUID, 40); } }; v2.onPlaneCreate = function () { this.getTargetPoint(); _global.plane.addEventListener('onPlaneDie', this); }; v2.onPlaneDie = function () { if (this.isFiring) { this.setFire(false); } }; v2.addDamage = function (dmg) { super.addDamage(dmg); if (this.damage > this.killlevel) { this.damage = this.killlevel; } }; v2.die = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } super.die(); ++_global.airshot; this.setFire(false); if (!this.isOnFire) { this.createCrashFlame(1); } _global.sounds.removeSound(this.loopsoundUID); _global.sounds.removeSound(this.gunsoundUID); this.loopsoundUID = undefined; this.gunsoundUID = undefined;{'type': 'onEnemyPlaneDie'});{'type': 'onUnitDie', 'target': this}); this.status = 'suicide'; }; v2.destroy = function () { _global.timer.removeEventListener('onTimerStart', this); _global.plane.removeEventListener('onPlaneDie', this); _global.stage.removeEventListener('onPlaneCreate', this); _global.sounds.removeEventListener('onEnemyGunSoundRemove', this); super.destroy(); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.EnemyHeli.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3429 __Packages.rr.plane.ApacheEnemy { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.ApacheEnemy) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Apache'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.ApacheEnemy = v1; rr.plane.ApacheEnemy extends rr.plane.EnemyHeli; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 30; this.minroll = -8; this.maxroll = 8; this.maxpitch = 14; this.guncount = 2; this.enginecount = 1; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.ApacheEnemy.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3430 __Packages.rr.plane.B2Enemy { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.B2Enemy) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'B2'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.B2Enemy = v1; rr.plane.B2Enemy extends rr.plane.EnemyPlane; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 35; this.minroll = -11; this.maxroll = 11; this.guncount = 2; this.enginecount = 2; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.B2Enemy.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3431 __Packages.rr.plane.B52Enemy { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.B52Enemy) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'B52'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.B52Enemy = v1; rr.plane.B52Enemy extends rr.plane.EnemyPlane; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 90; this.minroll = -11; this.maxroll = 11; this.guncount = 2; this.enginecount = 4; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.B52Enemy.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3432 __Packages.rr.plane.BellHueyEnemy { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.BellHueyEnemy) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'BellHuey'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.BellHueyEnemy = v1; rr.plane.BellHueyEnemy extends rr.plane.EnemyHeli; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 30; this.minroll = -12; this.maxroll = 12; this.maxpitch = 14; this.guncount = 1; this.enginecount = 1; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.BellHueyEnemy.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3433 __Packages.rr.plane.C47Enemy { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.C47Enemy) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'C47'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.C47Enemy = v1; rr.plane.C47Enemy extends rr.plane.EnemyPlane; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 45; this.minroll = -11; this.maxroll = 11; this.guncount = 2; this.enginecount = 2; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.C47Enemy.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3434 __Packages.rr.plane.FockeWolfEnemy { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.FockeWolfEnemy) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'FockeWolf'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.FockeWolfEnemy = v1; rr.plane.FockeWolfEnemy extends rr.plane.EnemyPlane; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 30; this.minroll = -11; this.maxroll = 11; this.fullroll = 16; this.guncount = 2; this.enginecount = 1; this.swaproll = 10; this.swaploop = 16; this.swapcorr = 3; this.canLoop = true; this.canFullRoll = true; this.loopmax = 32; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.FockeWolfEnemy.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3435 __Packages.rr.plane.MesserSchmidtEnemy { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane) { _global.rr.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.plane.MesserSchmidtEnemy) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'MesserSchmidt'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.plane.MesserSchmidtEnemy = v1; rr.plane.MesserSchmidtEnemy extends rr.plane.EnemyPlane; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.dfeel = 35; this.minroll = -11; this.maxroll = 11; this.fullroll = 16; this.guncount = 2; this.enginecount = 2; this.swaproll = 10; this.swaploop = 20; this.swapcorr = 1; this.canLoop = true; this.canFullRoll = true; this.loopmax = 32; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.plane.MesserSchmidtEnemy.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3436 __Packages.rr.enemy.GroundUnit { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.GroundUnit) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.enemy.GroundUnit = v1; rr.enemy.GroundUnit extends rr.BaseUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.hostility = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'hostility'); this.ddetect = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'detectionDistance'); this.maxspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxSpeed'); this.curve = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'curve'); this.a = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'acceleration'); this.dfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootingDistance'); this.tfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootingInterval'); this.rotspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'rotationSpeed'); this.gunsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'gunsound'); this.rfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'ammoAccuracy'); this.area = _global.stage['ea_' + this.initObj.areaid]; this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.rot = (this.initObj.rot != undefined) ? this.initObj.rot : Math.random() * 180; this.curve = 10; this.mode = this.mode ? this.mode : (this.initObj.mode ? this.initObj.mode : undefined); this.damage = this.initObj.damage ? this.initObj.damage : 0; this.isdead = this.initObj.isdead ? this.initObj.isdead : false; this.hostility = (this.initObj.hostility != undefined) ? this.initObj.hostility : this.hostility; this.isLoner = this.initObj.isLoner; this.addEventListener('onUnitDie', this.area); if (!this.area.isEnemy) { this.hostility = 0; } this.rect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(this.area.x, this.area.y, this.area.width, this.area.height); if (this.mode != 'static') { this.mode = this.isLoner ? 'dynamic' : 'static'; } this.rotBarrel = Math.random() * 180; this.speed = 0; this.tspeed = this.maxspeed; this.lastFired = getTimer(); this.lastTargeted = getTimer(); this.ttarget = 4000; if (this.isLoner) { this.tmove = 0; this.ivalmove = 30 + Math.random() * 20; if (this.rect.width > this.rect.height) { this.morient = 'h'; this.mt1 = {'x': this.rect.x, 'y': this.rect.y + this.rect.height / 2}; this.mt2 = {'x': this.rect.x + this.rect.width, 'y': this.rect.y + this.rect.height / 2}; } else { this.morient = 'v'; this.mt1 = {'x': this.rect.x + this.rect.width / 2, 'y': this.rect.y}; this.mt2 = {'x': this.rect.x + this.rect.width / 2, 'y': this.rect.y + this.rect.height}; } } _global.stage.grounds.push(this.uid); this.cellId =, this.y); var v4 =; v4.addRemovable(this.uid); _global.stage.addEventListener('onPlaneCreate', this); }; v2.getInitObj = function () { this.initObj.x = this.x; this.initObj.y = this.y; this.initObj.rot = this.rot; this.initObj.mode = this.mode; this.initObj.damage = this.damage; this.initObj.isdead = this.isdead; this.initObj.cellid = this.cellId; this.initObj.hostility = this.hostility; this.initObj.isLoner = this.isLoner; return this.initObj; }; v2.update = function () { if (_global.plane == undefined) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (this.isdead) { this.render(); return undefined; } if (this.isstunned) { this.checkStun(); this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (this.tar == undefined) { if (getTimer() - this.lastTargeted > this.ttarget) { this.lastTargeted = getTimer(); this.getTarget(); } } if (this.tar == undefined) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } this.dtar = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y); this.aimAtTarget(); if (this.dtar <= this.dfire) {; } if (this.mode == 'dynamic') { if (this.movetar) { if (this.speed != 0) { this.rotateToTarget(); } if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } if (this.isLoner) { ++this.tmove; if (this.tmove > this.ivalmove) { this.tmove = 0; this.moveLoner(); } } this.x += this.cos(-this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.sin(-this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; var v3 =, this.y); if (v3 != this.cellId) { var v4 =; v4.deleteRemovable(this.uid); this.cellId = v3; var v6 =; v6.addRemovable(this.uid); } } } if (this.area.railOverlap) { if (_global.train) { var v5 = _global.train.checkObjectHit(this); if (v5) { this.die(); this.explode(); } } } this.checkRender(); }; v2.moveLoner = function () { if (this.morient == 'h') { this.movetar = _global.plane.x > this.x ? this.mt2 : this.mt1; } else { this.movetar = _global.plane.y > this.y ? this.mt2 : this.mt1; } }; v2.createMov = function () { super.createMov(); if (this.hostility > 0) {'bad'); if (this.linkId == 'Elephant' || this.linkId == 'Panther') {'bad'); } } }; v2.render = function () { super.render(); = this.rot; = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(this.rotBarrel - this.rot); }; v2.aimAtTarget = function () { if (this.tar == undefined) { return undefined; } var v2 = 180 * this.atan2(this.tar.y - this.y, this.tar.x - this.x) / this.pi; var v3 = (this.rotBarrel + 360) % 360; v2 = (v2 + 360) % 360; if (v2 - v3 > 180) { v2 -= 360; } else { if (v2 - v3 < -180) { v2 += 360; } } v3 += this.rotspeed * (v2 - v3) / 100; this.rotBarrel = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle2(v3); }; v2.rotateToTarget = function () { if (this.movetar == undefined) { return undefined; } var v4 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getAngle(this.x, this.y, this.movetar.x, this.movetar.y); var v2 = v4; var v3 = (this.rot + 360) % 360; v2 = (v2 + 360) % 360; if (v2 - v3 > 180) { v2 -= 360; } else { if (v2 - v3 < -180) { v2 += 360; } } if (v2 - v3 > 0) { this.rot = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle2(v3 + this.curve); } else { this.rot = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle2(v3 - this.curve); } var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(this.rot, v4); if (v5 <= this.curve + 1 || 360 - v5 <= this.curve + 1) { this.rot = v4; } }; v2.getTarget = function () { this.tar = undefined; this.movetar = undefined; if (this.hostility > 0) { if (_global.plane) { if (!_global.plane.isdead) { if (Math.random() < 0.3 || this.isLoner) { this.tar = _global.plane; this.movetar = this.tar; this.tar.addEventListener('onUnitDie', this); } } } } if (this.tar == undefined) { var v6 = _global.stage.grounds.length; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < v6) { var v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.grounds[v4]]; if (v3.isdead) { } else { if (this.hostility > 0 && v3.hostility > 0) { } else { if (this.hostility <= 0 && v3.hostility <= 0) { } else { var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v3.x, v3.y); if (v5 <= this.dfire) { this.tar = v3; this.movetar = this.tar; this.tar.addEventListener('onUnitDie', this); break; } } } } ++v4; } } }; v2.onUnitDie = function (evtObj) { if ( == this.tar) { this.tar = undefined; this.movetar = undefined; } }; v2.pause = function () { this.paused = true; rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.reapproach, 5000); }; v2.reapproach = function () { if (this.isLoner) { var v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.mt1.x, this.mt1.y); var v2 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.mt2.x, this.mt2.y); } else { if (this.retreat) { this.movetar = {'x': this.rect.left + this.rect.width / 2, 'y': + this.rect.height / 2}; } else { this.movetar = this.tar; } } this.tspeed = this.maxspeed; this.paused = false; }; = function () { if (this.tar == _global.plane) { if (getTimer() - this.lastFired < this.tfire) { return undefined; } } else { if (getTimer() - this.lastFired < this.tfire * 10) { return undefined; } } this.lastFired = getTimer();'shoot');'shoot'); _global.sounds.playSound(this.gunsound); if (this.tar == _global.plane) { var v3 = Math.random() < 0.5 ? this.dtar - Math.random() * this.rfire : this.dtar + Math.random() * this.rfire; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': this.linkId, 'x': this.x, 'y': this.y, 'rot': this.rotBarrel, 'd': v3, 'hostility': this.hostility}); } }; v2.onPlaneCreate = function () { this.lastFired = getTimer(); }; v2.stun = function (t) { this.tstun = t; this.laststunned = getTimer(); this.isstunned = true; }; v2.checkStun = function () { if (getTimer() - this.laststunned > this.tstun) { this.isstunned = false; } }; v2.addPropaganda = function (prp) { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } if (!prp) { return undefined; } if (this.hostility <= 0) { return undefined; } this.hostility -= prp; if (this.hostility <= 0) {'good'); if (this.linkId == 'Elephant' || this.linkId == 'Panther') {'good'); } this.mode = 'static'; this.getTarget(); _global.bottommenu.onGroundEnemyDestroyed(); } }; v2.die = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } if (this.hostility > 0) { ++_global.landshot; } super.die(); this.explode(); }; v2.destroy = function () { var v4 =; v4.deleteRemovable(this.uid); this.area.removeEventListener('onAreaDetect', this); this.removeEventListener('onUnitDie', this.area); super.destroy(); }; v2.checkNightMode = function () { if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.GroundUnit.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3437 __Packages.rr.enemy.EnemyArea { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.EnemyArea) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.initObj = iObj; }; rr.enemy.EnemyArea = v1; rr.enemy.EnemyArea extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { =; this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.width = this.initObj.w; this.height = this.initObj.h; this.isEnemy = this.initObj.ise; var v13 = rr.conf.Config.translateEnemyCodes(this.initObj.e); this.tmpenemies = new Array(); this.enemies = new Array(); var v9 = v13.length; var v14 = (v9 == 1) ? true : false; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < v9) { var v5 = new Object(); this.tmpenemies.push(v5); this.setEnemyPosition(v5); var v8 = rr.utils.StageUtils.createStageObject({'linkId': v13[v7], 'areaid':, 'x': v5.x, 'y': v5.y, 'isLoner': v14}); this.enemies.push(v8.uid); ++v7; } delete this.tmpenemies; v9 =; v7 = 0; while (v7 < v9) { var v6 =['rs' +[v7]]; var v4 = 5; while (v4 < v6.length) { var v3 = v6.getPoint(v4); if (v3.x >= this.x && v3.x <= this.x + this.width && v3.y >= this.y && v3.y <= this.y + this.height) { this.railOverlap = true; break; } v4 += 5; } ++v7; } _global.stage.onAreaInit(this); }; v2.addToMapBackground = function () { var v3 = _global.minimap.scale; var v6; if (this.isEnemy) { v6 = (this.enemies.length == 1) ? 3429249945.0 : 3439263744.0; } else { v6 = 3422617344.0; } var v4 = new flash.display.BitmapData(this.width * v3, this.height * v3, true, v6); var v5 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); v5.translate(this.x * v3, this.y * v3); var v7 = 'normal'; var v8 = true; _global.minimap.map_bmp.draw(v4, v5, null, v7, null, v8); v4.dispose(); false; }; v2.setEnemyPosition = function (e) { var v8 = this.tmpenemies.length; var v7; var v6; v7 = 0; while (v7 < 1000) { v6 = false; e.x = this.x + Math.random() * this.width; e.y = this.y + Math.random() * this.height; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v8) { var v2 = this.tmpenemies[v3]; if (v2 != e && v2.x) { var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(e.x, e.y, v2.x, v2.y); if (v5 < 70) { v6 = true; break; } } ++v3; } if (!v6) { break; } ++v7; } if (v6) { trace('failed enemy placement loop: ' + v7); this.setEnemyPosition(e); } }; v2.onUnitDie = function (evtObj) { var v3 = this.enemies.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { if (this.enemies[v2] == { this.enemies.splice(v2, 1); break; } ++v2; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.EnemyArea.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3438 __Packages.rr.enemy.OldJeep { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.OldJeep) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'OldJeep'; this.initObj = iObj; this.mode = 'dynamic'; this.dfeel = 15; this.init(); }; rr.enemy.OldJeep = v1; rr.enemy.OldJeep extends rr.enemy.GroundUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.OldJeep.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3439 __Packages.rr.enemy.ArmoredJeep { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.ArmoredJeep) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'ArmoredJeep'; this.initObj = iObj; this.mode = 'dynamic'; this.dfeel = 18; this.init(); }; rr.enemy.ArmoredJeep = v1; rr.enemy.ArmoredJeep extends rr.enemy.GroundUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.ArmoredJeep.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3440 __Packages.rr.enemy.GunTruck { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.GunTruck) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'GunTruck'; this.initObj = iObj; this.mode = 'dynamic'; this.dfeel = 23; this.init(); }; rr.enemy.GunTruck = v1; rr.enemy.GunTruck extends rr.enemy.GroundUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.GunTruck.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3441 __Packages.rr.enemy.PotTank { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.PotTank) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'PotTank'; this.initObj = iObj; this.mode = 'dynamic'; this.dfeel = 22; this.init(); }; rr.enemy.PotTank = v1; rr.enemy.PotTank extends rr.enemy.GroundUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.PotTank.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3442 __Packages.rr.enemy.Abrahams { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.Abrahams) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Abrahams'; this.initObj = iObj; this.mode = 'dynamic'; this.dfeel = 22; this.init(); }; rr.enemy.Abrahams = v1; rr.enemy.Abrahams extends rr.enemy.GroundUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.Abrahams.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3443 __Packages.rr.enemy.Elephant { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.Elephant) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Elephant'; this.initObj = iObj; this.mode = 'static'; this.dfeel = 23; this.init(); }; rr.enemy.Elephant = v1; rr.enemy.Elephant extends rr.enemy.GroundUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; = function () { if (getTimer() - this.lastFired < this.tfire) { return undefined; } this.lastFired = getTimer();'shoot');'shoot'); _global.sounds.playSound(this.gunsound); var v3 = Math.random() < 0.5 ? this.dtar - Math.random() * this.rfire : this.dtar + Math.random() * this.rfire; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': this.linkId, 'x': this.x, 'y': this.y, 'rot': this.rotBarrel, 'd': v3}); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.Elephant.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3444 __Packages.rr.enemy.Basilisk { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.Basilisk) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Basilisk'; this.initObj = iObj; this.mode = 'static'; this.dfeel = 45; this.init(); }; rr.enemy.Basilisk = v1; rr.enemy.Basilisk extends rr.enemy.GroundUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.die = function () { super.die(); }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.status = ''; this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 100, 1000, this.x, this.y);'explode'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.showBroken, this.destroydelay); }; v2.showBroken = function () {'dead');'broken'); }; v2.createMov = function () { super.createMov(); if (this.isdead) { this.showBroken(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.Basilisk.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3445 __Packages.rr.enemy.Panther { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.Panther) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Panther'; this.initObj = iObj; this.mode = 'static'; this.dfeel = 22; this.init(); }; rr.enemy.Panther = v1; rr.enemy.Panther extends rr.enemy.GroundUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.render = function () { if (! { this.createMov(); } = this.x -; = this.y -; = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(this.rotBarrel); }; = function () { if (getTimer() - this.lastFired < this.tfire) { return undefined; } this.lastFired = getTimer();'shoot');'shoot'); _global.sounds.playSound(this.gunsound); var v3 = Math.random() < 0.5 ? this.dtar - Math.random() * this.rfire : this.dtar + Math.random() * this.rfire; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': this.linkId, 'x': this.x, 'y': this.y, 'rot': this.rotBarrel, 'd': v3}); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.Panther.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3446 __Packages.rr.enemy.Bunker { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.Bunker) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Bunker'; this.initObj = iObj; this.mode = 'static'; this.dfeel = 30; this.init(); }; rr.enemy.Bunker = v1; rr.enemy.Bunker extends rr.enemy.GroundUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.hostility = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'hostility'); this.scale = this.initObj.s; this.rot = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle2(this.initObj.r) + 90; this.rotBarrel = this.rot - 90; this.status = 'attack'; }; v2.createMov = function () { var v3 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, this); =, rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), v3, {'_xscale': this.scale, '_yscale': this.scale, 'parent': this}); this.checkNightMode(); }; v2.update = function () { if (_global.plane == undefined) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (this.isdead) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (this.status == 'attack') { if (!this.tar) { this.tar = _global.plane; } this.dtar = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y); this.rotateToTarget(); if (this.validangle) { if (this.dtar <= this.dfire) {; } } } this.checkRender(); }; v2.render = function () { super.render(); = this.rot; = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(this.rotBarrel - this.rot); }; v2.rotateToTarget = function () { this.validangle = false; if (!this.tar) { return undefined; } var v3 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y); var v2 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(v3, this.rot); if (v2 < 30 || 360 - v2 < 30) { this.validangle = true; this.rotBarrel = v3 - 90; } }; v2.addPropaganda = function () {}; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 80, 1000, this.x, this.y);'explode'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, this.destroydelay); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.Bunker.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3447 __Packages.rr.enemy.GatlingSingle { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.GatlingSingle) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'GatlingSingle'; this.initObj = iObj; this.mode = 'static'; this.dfeel = 28; this.init(); }; rr.enemy.GatlingSingle = v1; rr.enemy.GatlingSingle extends rr.enemy.GroundUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; = function () { if (getTimer() - this.lastFired < this.tfire) { return undefined; } this.lastFired = getTimer();'shoot');'shoot'); _global.sounds.playSound(this.gunsound); var v3 = Math.random() < 0.5 ? this.dtar - Math.random() * this.rfire : this.dtar + Math.random() * this.rfire; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': this.linkId, 'x': this.x, 'y': this.y, 'rot': this.rotBarrel, 'd': v3}); }; v2.checkNightMode = function () { if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.GatlingSingle.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3448 __Packages.rr.enemy.GatlingDouble { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.GatlingDouble) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'GatlingDouble'; this.initObj = iObj; this.mode = 'static'; this.dfeel = 28; this.init(); }; rr.enemy.GatlingDouble = v1; rr.enemy.GatlingDouble extends rr.enemy.GroundUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; = function () { if (getTimer() - this.lastFired < this.tfire) { return undefined; } this.lastFired = getTimer();'shoot');'shoot');'shoot');'shoot'); _global.sounds.playSound(this.gunsound); var v3 = Math.random() < 0.5 ? this.dtar - Math.random() * this.rfire : this.dtar + Math.random() * this.rfire; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': this.linkId, 'x': this.x, 'y': this.y, 'rot': this.rotBarrel, 'd': v3}); }; v2.checkNightMode = function () { if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.GatlingDouble.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3449 __Packages.rr.enemy.Rocketeer { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.Rocketeer) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Rocketeer'; this.initObj = iObj; this.mode = 'static'; this.dfeel = 22; this.tcheck = 0; this.init(); }; rr.enemy.Rocketeer = v1; rr.enemy.Rocketeer extends rr.enemy.GroundUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.aimAtTarget = function () {}; v2.render = function () { if (! { this.createMov(); this.checkNightMode(); } = this.x -; = this.y -; = this.rot; }; v2.update = function () { if (_global.plane == undefined) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (this.isdead) { this.render(); return undefined; } if (this.isstunned) { this.checkStun(); this.checkRender(); return undefined; } this.tcheck += 40; if (this.tcheck > 2000) { if (this.hostility > 0) { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, _global.plane.x, _global.plane.y) < this.dfire) {; } } else { var v5 = _global.stage.airs.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5) { var v4 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.airs[v3]]; if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v4.x, v4.y) < this.dfire) {; break; } ++v3; } } this.tcheck = 0; } this.checkRender(); }; = function () { if (getTimer() - this.lastFired < this.tfire) { return undefined; } this.lastFired = getTimer();'shoot'); var v2 = this.getStartPoint(13, 0); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.launchRocket, 1250, {'type': this.linkId, 'x': v2.x, 'y': v2.y, 'rot': this.rot, 'h': this.hostility}); v2 = this.getStartPoint(13, -7); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.launchRocket, 1540, {'type': this.linkId, 'x': v2.x, 'y': v2.y, 'rot': this.rot, 'h': this.hostility}); v2 = this.getStartPoint(13, 6); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.launchRocket, 1790, {'type': this.linkId, 'x': v2.x, 'y': v2.y, 'rot': this.rot, 'h': this.hostility}); }; v2.getStartPoint = function (px, py) { var v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getAngle(0, 0, px, py) + this.rot; var v2 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(0, 0, px, py); return {'x': this.x + this.cos(-v3 * this.pi / 180) * v2, 'y': this.y - this.sin(-v3 * this.pi / 180) * v2}; }; v2.launchRocket = function (iObj) { if (_global.timer.stopped) { return undefined; } rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo(iObj); }; v2.checkNightMode = function () { if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.Rocketeer.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3450 __Packages.rr.enemy.RocketBase { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy) { _global.rr.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.enemy.RocketBase) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'RocketBase'; this.mode = 'static'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.enemy.RocketBase = v1; rr.enemy.RocketBase extends rr.enemy.GroundUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.rot = this.initObj.r; this.dfeel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'feelerradius'); this.launchtime = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'launchtime'); this.sound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'startsound'); this.killlevel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'killlevel'); this.destroydelay = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodesound'); this.hostility = 10; this.damage = 0; this.tlaunch = getTimer(); }; v2.update = function () { if (_global.plane == undefined) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (this.isdead) { this.render(); return undefined; } if (this.isstunned) { this.checkStun(); this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (getTimer() - this.tlaunch > this.launchtime) { this.addRocket(); } this.checkRender(); }; v2.render = function () { if (! { this.createMov(); } = this.x -; = this.y -; = this.rot; }; v2.addRocket = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } this.tlaunch = getTimer(); _global.sounds.playSound(this.sound); this.render();'shoot'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.launchRocket, 875); }; v2.launchRocket = function () { if (_global.timer.stopped) { return undefined; } var v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(-25, -10, this); rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': this.linkId, 'x': v3.x, 'y': v3.y, 'rot': this.rot - 90}); }; v2.addPropaganda = function (prp) {}; v2.addDamage = function (dmg) { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } if (!dmg) { return undefined; } this.damage += dmg; if (this.damage >= this.killlevel) { this.die(); this.explode(); } }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 100, 1000, this.x, this.y);'explode'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, this.destroydelay); }; v2.checkNightMode = function () { if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.enemy.RocketBase.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3451 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.GroundSeeker { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.GroundSeeker) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'GroundSeeker'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.GroundSeeker = v1; rr.ammo.plane.GroundSeeker extends rr.ammo.Ammo; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.xtar = this.initObj.xtar; this.ytar = this.initObj.ytar; this.altmax = this.initObj.alt; this.alt = this.altmax; this.speed = this.initObj.speed; super.init(); this.minrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'minrange'); this.maxrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxrange'); this.speedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxspeed'); this.rotspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'rotationspeed'); this.a = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'acceleration'); this.startsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'startsound'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodesound'); this.damage = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explosiondamage'); this.rexplode = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explosionradius'); this.hittarget = rr.utils.StageUtils.findClosestEnemy(this.xtar, this.ytar); this.d = 0; this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.maxrange += Math.random() * (this.maxrange * 0.2); this.descent = this.altmax / (this.maxrange / this.speed); _global.sounds.playSound(this.startsound); }; v2.render = function () { super.render(); = 70 + 30 * this.alt / this.altmax; =; }; v2.update = function () { if (this.isexploded) { this.render(); return undefined; } if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } if (!this.isexploded) { if (this.d > 200) { this.rotateToTarget(); } } this.prevx = this.x; this.prevy = this.y; if (this.alt > this.descent) { this.alt -= this.descent; } this.x += this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.d += rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.prevx, this.prevy); if (!this.isexploded) { if (this.d > this.maxrange) { this.explode(); } else { if (this.d > this.minrange) { this.checkHit(); } } } this.render(); }; v2.rotateToTarget = function () { var v4 = this.rotspeed; var v6; if (this.hittarget == undefined) { v6 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.xtar, this.ytar); } else { v6 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.hittarget.x, this.hittarget.y); } var v2 = (v6 + 360) % 360; var v3 = (this.rot + 360) % 360; if (v2 - v3 > 180) { v2 -= 360; } else { if (v2 - v3 < -180) { v2 += 360; } } if (v2 > v3) { v3 += v4; } else { v3 -= v4; } this.rot = v3; var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(v3, v2); if (v5 <= v4 || 360 - v5 <= v4) { this.rot = v2; } }; v2.checkHit = function () { if (this.hittarget == undefined) { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.xtar, this.ytar) <= this.speed) { this.explode(); } } else { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.hittarget.x, this.hittarget.y) <= this.speed) { this.hittarget.addDamage(this.damage); this.explode(); } } }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.speed /= 10; this.tspeed = 0; rr.utils.StageUtils.addExplosionDamage(this.x, this.y, this.damage, this.rexplode, this.hittarget); this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 0, 1000, this.x, this.y);'explode'); var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, v3); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.GroundSeeker.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3452 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.BulletGun { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.BulletGun) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.ammo.plane.BulletGun = v1; rr.ammo.plane.BulletGun extends rr.ammo.Ammo; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.rot = this.initObj.rot; this.alt = this.initObj.alt; this.altmax = this.initObj.alt; this.isEnemyBullet = this.initObj.isEnemyBullet; super.init(); this.speed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'speed'); this.minrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'minrange'); this.maxrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxrange'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodesound'); this.damage = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explosiondamage'); this.maxrange += Math.random() * (this.maxrange * 0.2); this.descent = this.altmax / (this.maxrange / this.speed); this.d = 0; }; v2.update = function () { if (this.isDestroyed) { return undefined; } this.prevx = this.x; this.prevy = this.y; if (this.alt > this.descent) { this.alt -= this.descent; } this.x += this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.d += rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.prevx, this.prevy); if (!this.isexploded) { if (this.d > this.maxrange) { this.explode(); } else { if (this.d > this.minrange) { this.checkHit(); } } } this.render(); }; v2.render = function () { super.render(); = 70 + 30 * this.alt / this.altmax; =; }; v2.checkHit = function () { var v4 = false; var v5 = rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createHitLine(this.prevx, this.prevy, this.x, this.y, 3); if (this.isEnemyBullet) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, v5)) { if (!_global.plane.loopOn) { _global.plane.addDamage(this.damage / 6); v4 = true; } } } else { if (_global.train) { var v11 = _global.train.segments.length; var v10 = 0; while (v10 <= v11) { var v3 = _global.train.segments[v10]; if (!v3.isdead) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, v5)) { v3.addDamage(this.damage); v4 = true; break; } } ++v10; } } if (_global.stage.strains) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < _global.stage.strains.length) { var v8 = _global.stage.strains[v7]; v11 = v8.segments.length; v10 = 0; while (v10 <= v11) { v3 = v8.segments[v10]; if (!v3.isdead) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, v5)) { v3.addDamage(this.damage); v4 = true; break; } } ++v10; } ++v7; } } if (!v4) { v11 = _global.stage.airs.length; v10 = 0; while (v10 < v11) { var v6 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.airs[v10]]; if (!v6.isdead) { if (!v6.loopOn) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, v5)) { v6.addDamage(this.damage); v4 = true; break; } } } ++v10; } } if (!v4) { v11 = _global.stage.afdefenders.length; v10 = 0; while (v10 < v11) { var v9 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afdefenders[v10]]; if (!v9.isdead) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, v5)) { v9.addDamage(this.damage); v4 = true; break; } } ++v10; } } if (!v4) { var v12 =, this.y); var v13 =, this.prevy); if (v12 != undefined) { v4 = this.checkCellHits(v12, v5); } if (!v4) { if (v13 != v12) { v4 = this.checkCellHits(v13, v5); } } } } v5.removeMovieClip(); if (v4) { this.destroy(); } }; v2.checkCellHits = function (cid, hitline_mc) { var v6 =; var v7 = v6.removables.length; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v7) { var v4 = _global.stage['obj_' + v6.removables[v5]]; if (!v4.isdead) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, hitline_mc)) { v4.addDamage(this.damage); return true; } } ++v5; } v7 = v6.statics.length; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v7) { var v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + v6.statics[v5]]; if (v3 instanceof rr.building.Building) { if (!v3.isdead) { if (v3.isLineHit(hitline_mc)) { v3.addDamage(this.damage); return true; } } } ++v5; } return false; }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.speed = 0; this.render(); if (Math.random() < 0.1) { _global.sounds.playSound('ricochet ' + Math.floor(1 + Math.random() * 4) + '.wav', 70); }'explode'); var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, v3); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.BulletGun.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3453 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunSingle { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunSingle) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'BulletGunSingle'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunSingle = v1; rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunSingle extends rr.ammo.plane.BulletGun; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunSingle.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3454 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunDouble { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunDouble) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'BulletGunDouble'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunDouble = v1; rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunDouble extends rr.ammo.plane.BulletGun; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunDouble.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3455 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunGatling { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunGatling) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'BulletGunGatling'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunGatling = v1; rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunGatling extends rr.ammo.plane.BulletGun; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.BulletGunGatling.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3456 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.Bomb { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.Bomb) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.ammo.plane.Bomb = v1; rr.ammo.plane.Bomb extends rr.ammo.Ammo; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.rot = this.initObj.rot; this.speed = this.initObj.speed; this.altmax = this.initObj.alt; this.alt = this.altmax; this.a = 0.13; this.adrop = 0.07000000000000001; this.drop = 0; this.dropmax = 4; this.tspeed = 0; this.clouddepth = rr.conf.ConfBaseDepths.getDepth('CloudLayer'); this.damage = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explosiondamage'); this.rexplode = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explosionradius'); this.sound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodesound'); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } if (this.drop < this.dropmax) { this.drop += this.adrop; } this.x += this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.alt -= this.drop; if (this.alt <= 0) { this.explode(); } this.render(); }; v2.render = function () { super.render(); if (this.alt < _global.plane.alt - 10) { if ( > {, - 5000)); } } if (this.alt < 40) { if ( > this.clouddepth) {, 'UnderClouds')); } } if (!this.isexploded) { = 40 + 60 * this.alt / this.altmax; =; } }; v2.createMov = function () { var v4; var v3 =; if (_global.plane.loopOn && _global.plane.loop > _global.plane.swaploop) { v4 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepthNum(, v3 + 5000); } else { if (_global.plane.fullrollOn && Math.abs(_global.plane.roll) > _global.plane.swaproll) { v4 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepthNum(, v3 + 5000); } else { v4 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepthNum(, v3 - 5000); } } =, rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), v4, {'parent': this}); }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true;'explode'); = 100; = 100; _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.sound, 100, 100, 1000, this.x, this.y); rr.utils.StageUtils.addExplosionDamage(this.x, this.y, this.damage, this.rexplode); var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, v3); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.Bomb.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3457 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.BombNormal { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.BombNormal) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'BombNormal'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.BombNormal = v1; rr.ammo.plane.BombNormal extends rr.ammo.plane.Bomb; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.BombNormal.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3458 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.BombHeavy { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.BombHeavy) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'BombHeavy'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.BombHeavy = v1; rr.ammo.plane.BombHeavy extends rr.ammo.plane.Bomb; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.BombHeavy.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3459 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.BombExtreme { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.BombExtreme) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'BombExtreme'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.BombExtreme = v1; rr.ammo.plane.BombExtreme extends rr.ammo.plane.Bomb; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.BombExtreme.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3460 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.Propaganda { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.Propaganda) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Propaganda'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.Propaganda = v1; rr.ammo.plane.Propaganda extends rr.ammo.Ammo; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.rot = this.initObj.rot; this.speed = this.initObj.speed; var v3 = Math.random() * 45; this.rot += Math.random() < 0.5 ? v3 : -v3; this.movId = this.linkId + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1); this.a = 0.1; this.tspeed = 0; this.power = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'propagandapower'); this.rprop = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'propagandaradius'); this.createMov(); var v4 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, v4); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } this.x += this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.render(); }; v2.createMov = function () { var v4; var v3 =; if (_global.plane.loopOn && _global.plane.loop > _global.plane.swaploop) { v4 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepthNum(, v3 + 5000); } else { if (_global.plane.fullrollOn && Math.abs(_global.plane.roll) > _global.plane.swaproll) { v4 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepthNum(, v3 + 5000); } else { v4 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepthNum(, v3 - 5000); } } =, rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), v4, {'parent': this}); }; v2.destroy = function () { var v7 = rr.utils.MathUtils.castCoord(this.x, this.y, this.rot + 180, 80); var v10 =, v7.y); if (v10.hasRemovables) { var v11 = v10.removables.length; var v6 = 0; while (v6 < v11) { var v4 = _global.stage['obj_' + v10.removables[v6]]; if (v4.hostility > 0) { var v9 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(v7.x, v7.y, v4.x, v4.y); if (v9 <= this.rprop) { var v8 = Math.round(this.power / (1 + v9 / 25)); v4.addPropaganda(v8); } } ++v6; } } v11 = _global.stage.afs.length; v6 = 0; while (v6 < v11) { var v5 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afs[v6]]; if (v5.hostility > 0) { v9 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(v7.x, v7.y, v5.x, v5.y); if (v9 <= this.rprop + 90) { v5.addPropaganda(this.power); } } ++v6; } super.destroy(); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.Propaganda.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3461 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.EMPBomb { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.EMPBomb) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'EMPBomb'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.EMPBomb = v1; rr.ammo.plane.EMPBomb extends rr.ammo.Ammo; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.rot = this.initObj.rot; this.speed = this.initObj.speed; this.altmax = this.initObj.alt; this.alt = this.altmax; this.a = 0.1; this.tspeed = 0; this.clouddepth = rr.conf.ConfBaseDepths.getDepth('CloudLayer'); this.dstun = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'stundistance'); this.tstunmin = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'minstuntime'); this.tstunmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'maxstuntime'); this.sound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodesound'); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } this.x += this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.alt -= 4; if (this.alt <= 0) { this.explode(); } this.render(); }; v2.render = function () { super.render(); if (this.alt < _global.plane.alt - 10) { if ( > {, - 5000)); } } if (this.alt < 40) { if ( > this.clouddepth) {, 'UnderClouds')); } } if (!this.isexploded) { = 70 + 30 * this.alt / this.altmax; =; } }; v2.createMov = function () { var v4; var v3 =; if (_global.plane.loopOn && _global.plane.loop > _global.plane.swaploop) { v4 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepthNum(, v3 + 5000); } else { if (_global.plane.fullrollOn && Math.abs(_global.plane.roll) > _global.plane.swaproll) { v4 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepthNum(, v3 + 5000); } else { v4 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepthNum(, v3 - 5000); } } =, rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), v4, {'parent': this}); }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; = 100; = 100;'explode'); _global.sounds.playSound(this.sound); var v15 = new Array(); var v16 =, this.y); v15.push(v16); var v13 = 1; while (v13 <= 8) { var v10 = v16.nb[v13]; if (v10 != undefined) { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y,, - this.dstun < 240) { v15.push(v10); } } ++v13; } var v6 = v15.length; var v11 = 0; while (v11 < v6) { var v7 = v15[v11]; if (v7.hasRemovables) { var v14 = v7.removables.length; v13 = 0; while (v13 < v14) { var v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + v7.removables[v13]]; if (v3.hostility > 0) { var v9 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v3.x, v3.y); if (v9 < this.dstun) { v3.stun(this.tstunmin + Math.random() * (this.tstunmax - this.tstunmin)); } } ++v13; } } ++v11; } v6 = _global.stage.afdefenders.length; v13 = 0; while (v13 < v6) { var v8 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afdefenders[v13]]; if (!v8.isdead) { v9 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v8.x, v8.y); if (v9 < this.dstun) { v8.stun(this.tstunmin + Math.random() * (this.tstunmax - this.tstunmin)); } } ++v13; } if (_global.train) { v6 = _global.train.segments.length; v13 = 0; while (v13 < v6) { var v4 = _global.train.segments[v13]; if (!v4.isdead) { v9 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v4.x, v4.y); if (v9 < this.dstun) { v4.stun(this.tstunmin + Math.random() * (this.tstunmax - this.tstunmin)); } } ++v13; } } if (_global.stage.strains) { var v17 = _global.stage.strains.length; v13 = 0; while (v13 < v17) { var v12 = _global.stage.strains[v13]; v6 = v12.segments.length; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v6) { v4 = v12.segments[v5]; if (!v4.isdead) { v9 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v4.x, v4.y); if (v9 < this.dstun) { v4.stun(this.tstunmin + Math.random() * (this.tstunmax - this.tstunmin)); } } ++v5; } ++v13; } } var v18 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, v18); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.EMPBomb.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3462 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.FuelBomb { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.FuelBomb) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'FuelBomb'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.FuelBomb = v1; rr.ammo.plane.FuelBomb extends rr.ammo.plane.Bomb; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.FuelBomb.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3463 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.CarpetBomb { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.CarpetBomb) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'CarpetBomb'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.CarpetBomb = v1; rr.ammo.plane.CarpetBomb extends rr.ammo.plane.Bomb; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.adrop = 0.2; }; v2.render = function () { if (! { this.createMov(); } = this.x -; = this.y -; = this.rot; if (this.alt < _global.plane.alt - 10) { if ( > {, - 5000)); } } if (this.alt < 40) { if ( > this.clouddepth) {, 'UnderClouds')); } } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.CarpetBomb.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3464 __Packages.rr.ammo.plane.NuclearBomb { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane) { _global.rr.ammo.plane = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.plane.NuclearBomb) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'NuclearBomb'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.plane.NuclearBomb = v1; rr.ammo.plane.NuclearBomb extends rr.ammo.plane.Bomb; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.plane.NuclearBomb.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3465 __Packages.rr.ammo.train.AmmoTrainBullit { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.train) { _global.rr.ammo.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.train.AmmoTrainBullit) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoTrainBullit'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.train.AmmoTrainBullit = v1; rr.ammo.train.AmmoTrainBullit extends rr.ammo.Ammo; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.parentLinkId = this.initObj.parentLinkId; this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.d = 0; this.speed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammospeed'); this.range = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammorange'); this.damage = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammodamage'); this.destroydelay = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammodestroydelay'); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.prevx = this.x; this.prevy = this.y; this.x += this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.d += rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.prevx, this.prevy); if (!this.isexploded) { if (this.d > this.range) { this.isexploded = true; this.destroy(); } else { this.checkHit(); } } this.render(); }; v2.checkHit = function () { var v3 = false; var v4 = rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createHitLine(this.prevx, this.prevy, this.x, this.y, 3); if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, v4)) { if (!_global.plane.loopOn) { _global.plane.addDamage(this.damage); v3 = true; } } if (!v3) { var v5 =, this.y); var v6 =, this.prevy); if (v5 != undefined) { v3 = this.checkCellHits(v5, v4); } if (!v3) { if (v6 != v5) { v3 = this.checkCellHits(v6, v4); } } } v4.removeMovieClip(); if (v3) { this.isexploded = true; this.destroy(); } }; v2.checkCellHits = function (cid, hitline_mc) { var v5 =; var v6 = v5.removables.length; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < v6) { var v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + v5.removables[v4]]; if (!v3.isdead) { if (v3.hostility <= 0) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, hitline_mc)) { v3.addDamage(this.damage); return true; } } } ++v4; } return false; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.train.AmmoTrainBullit.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3466 __Packages.rr.ammo.train.AmmoRocketLauncher { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.train) { _global.rr.ammo.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.train.AmmoRocketLauncher) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoRocketLauncher'; this.parentLinkId = 'RocketLauncher'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.train.AmmoRocketLauncher = v1; rr.ammo.train.AmmoRocketLauncher extends rr.ammo.Ammo; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; super.init(); this.tar = _global.plane; this.minrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammominrange'); this.maxrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammomaxrange'); this.speedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammomaxspeed'); this.rotspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammorotationspeed'); this.a = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoacceleration'); this.startsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammostartsound'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoexplodesound'); this.damage = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoexplosiondamage'); this.rexplode = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoexplosionradius'); this.speed = 0; this.d = 0; this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.maxrange += Math.random() * (this.maxrange * 0.2); _global.sounds.playSound(this.startsound); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.isexploded) { this.render(); return undefined; } if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } if (!this.isexploded) { if (this.d > 150) { this.rotateToTarget(); } } this.prevx = this.x; this.prevy = this.y; this.x += this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.d += rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.prevx, this.prevy); if (!this.isexploded) { if (this.d > this.maxrange) { this.explode(); } else { if (this.d > this.minrange) { if (!_global.plane.loopOn) { this.checkHit(); } } } } this.render(); }; v2.rotateToTarget = function () { if (this.tar.isdead) { return undefined; } if (this.tar == undefined) { this.explode(); return undefined; } var v4 = this.rotspeed; var v6 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y); var v2 = (v6 + 360) % 360; var v3 = (this.rot + 360) % 360; if (v2 - v3 > 180) { v2 -= 360; } else { if (v2 - v3 < -180) { v2 += 360; } } if (v2 > v3) { v3 += v4; } else { v3 -= v4; } this.rot = v3; var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(v3, v2); if (v5 <= v4 || 360 - v5 <= v4) { this.rot = v2; } }; v2.checkHit = function () { var v2 = rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createHitLine(this.prevx, this.prevy, this.x, this.y, 5); if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, v2)) { this.tar.addDamage(this.damage); this.explode(); } v2.removeMovieClip(); }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.speed /= 10; this.tspeed = 0; this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 0, 1000, this.x, this.y);'explode'); var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammodestroydelay'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, v3); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.train.AmmoRocketLauncher.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3467 __Packages.rr.ammo.AmmoDefault { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.AmmoDefault) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.ammo.AmmoDefault = v1; rr.ammo.AmmoDefault extends rr.ammo.Ammo; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.d = this.initObj.d; this.hostility = this.initObj.hostility; this.x = this.initObj.x + this.cos(-this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.d; this.y = this.initObj.y - this.sin(-this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.d; this.rot = Math.random() * 360; var v4 = Math.random() * _global.plane.alt; if (Math.random() < 0.3) { this.depthId = 'OverAmmo'; this.alt = _global.plane.alt + v4; this.scale = Math.round(100 + Math.random() * 50); } else { this.depthId = 'UnderAmmo'; this.alt = _global.plane.alt - v4; this.scale = Math.round(100 - Math.random() * 20); } this.damage = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammodamage'); this.rexplode = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'explosionradius'); var v5 = 40 * this.d / rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammospeed'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.createDelayed, v5); }; v2.update = function () { if (!this.created) { return undefined; } if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y,, < 500) { this.render(); } }; v2.createDelayed = function () { this.created = true; this.checkHit(); this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammosound'), 100, 20, 1000, this.x, this.y); var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoduration'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, v3); }; v2.createMov = function () { if (this.isDestroyed) { return undefined; } var v3 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, this.depthId); =, rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), v3, {'parent': this}); = this.scale; =; }; v2.checkHit = function () { if (this.hostility > 0) { this.checkObjectHit(_global.plane, this.damage); return undefined; } var v9 = new Array(); var v10 =, this.y); v9.push(v10); var v4 = 1; while (v4 <= 8) { var v6 = v10.nb[v4]; if (v6 != undefined) { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y,, - this.rexplode < 240) { v9.push(v6); } } ++v4; } var v11 = v9.length; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < v11) { var v5 = v9[v7]; if (v5.hasRemovables) { var v8 = v5.removables.length; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v8) { var v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + v5.removables[v4]]; if (v3.isdead) { } else { if (this.hostility > 0 && v3.hostility > 0) { } else { if (this.hostility <= 0 && v3.hostility <= 0) { } else { this.checkObjectHit(v3, this.damage / 20); } } } ++v4; } } ++v7; } }; v2.checkObjectHit = function (obj, dmg) { var v2 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(obj.x, obj.y, this.x, this.y); if (this.rexplode) { if (v2 < this.rexplode) { obj.addDamage(Math.round(dmg / (1 + v2 / 25))); } } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.AmmoDefault.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3468 __Packages.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoPotTank { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground) { _global.rr.ammo.ground = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoPotTank) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoPotTank'; this.parentLinkId = 'PotTank'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoPotTank = v1; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoPotTank extends rr.ammo.AmmoDefault; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.ground.AmmoPotTank.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3469 __Packages.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoOldJeep { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground) { _global.rr.ammo.ground = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoOldJeep) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoOldJeep'; this.parentLinkId = 'OldJeep'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoOldJeep = v1; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoOldJeep extends rr.ammo.AmmoDefault; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.ground.AmmoOldJeep.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3470 __Packages.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGunTruck { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground) { _global.rr.ammo.ground = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGunTruck) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoGunTruck'; this.parentLinkId = 'GunTruck'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGunTruck = v1; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGunTruck extends rr.ammo.AmmoDefault; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGunTruck.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3471 __Packages.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoArmoredJeep { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground) { _global.rr.ammo.ground = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoArmoredJeep) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoArmoredJeep'; this.parentLinkId = 'ArmoredJeep'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoArmoredJeep = v1; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoArmoredJeep extends rr.ammo.AmmoDefault; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.ground.AmmoArmoredJeep.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3472 __Packages.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoBasilisk { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground) { _global.rr.ammo.ground = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoBasilisk) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoBasilisk'; this.parentLinkId = 'Basilisk'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoBasilisk = v1; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoBasilisk extends rr.ammo.AmmoDefault; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.ground.AmmoBasilisk.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3473 __Packages.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoBunker { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground) { _global.rr.ammo.ground = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoBunker) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoBunker'; this.parentLinkId = 'Bunker'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoBunker = v1; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoBunker extends rr.ammo.AmmoDefault; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.ground.AmmoBunker.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3474 __Packages.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGatlingSingle { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground) { _global.rr.ammo.ground = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGatlingSingle) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoGatlingSingle'; this.parentLinkId = 'GatlingSingle'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGatlingSingle = v1; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGatlingSingle extends rr.ammo.AmmoDefault; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGatlingSingle.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3475 __Packages.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGatlingDouble { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground) { _global.rr.ammo.ground = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGatlingDouble) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoGatlingDouble'; this.parentLinkId = 'GatlingDouble'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGatlingDouble = v1; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGatlingDouble extends rr.ammo.AmmoDefault; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.ground.AmmoGatlingDouble.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3476 __Packages.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoAbrahams { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground) { _global.rr.ammo.ground = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoAbrahams) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoAbrahams'; this.parentLinkId = 'Abrahams'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoAbrahams = v1; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoAbrahams extends rr.ammo.AmmoDefault; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.ground.AmmoAbrahams.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3477 __Packages.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoElephant { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground) { _global.rr.ammo.ground = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoElephant) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoElephant'; this.parentLinkId = 'Elephant'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoElephant = v1; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoElephant extends rr.ammo.AmmoDefault; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.ground.AmmoElephant.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3478 __Packages.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoPanther { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground) { _global.rr.ammo.ground = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoPanther) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoPanther'; this.parentLinkId = 'Panther'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoPanther = v1; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoPanther extends rr.ammo.AmmoDefault; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.ground.AmmoPanther.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3479 __Packages.rr.ammo.AmmoRocketeer { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.AmmoRocketeer) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'AmmoRocketeer'; this.parentLinkId = 'Rocketeer'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.AmmoRocketeer = v1; rr.ammo.AmmoRocketeer extends rr.ammo.Ammo; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; if (this.initObj.h > 0) { this.tar = _global.plane; } else { this.getTarget(); } super.init(); this.range = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammorange'); this.speedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammomaxSpeed'); this.mincurve = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammominCurve'); this.maxcurve = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammomaxCurve'); this.a = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoacceleration'); this.startsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammostartsound'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoexplodesound'); this.damage = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoexplosiondamage'); this.rexplode = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoexplosionradius'); this.tspeed = 0; this.speed = 0; this.d = 0; this.launch(); }; v2.render = function () { if (! { this.createMov(); if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); } } = this.x -; = this.y -; = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle2(this.rot); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } if (this.tar) { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y) < this.speed * 2) { if (!_global.plane.loopOn) { this.explode(); } } } if (!this.isexploded) { if (this.d > 100) { this.rotateToTarget(); } } var v4 = this.x; var v3 = this.y; this.x += this.cos(-this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.sin(-this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.d += rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v4, v3); if (this.status != 'exploded') { if (this.d > this.range) { this.explode(); } this.checkRender(); } else { this.render(); } }; v2.getTarget = function () { var v4; var v6 = _global.stage.airs.length; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v6) { var v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.airs[v5]]; if (!v3.isdead) { if (v4 == undefined) { v4 = v3; } else { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v3.x, v3.y) < rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, v4.x, v4.y)) { v4 = v3; } } } ++v5; } this.tar = v4; }; v2.checkRender = function () { if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y,, < 500) { this.render(); } else { if ( { this.clearMov(); } } }; v2.launch = function () { _global.sounds.playSound(this.startsound); this.curve = this.mincurve + Math.random() * (this.maxcurve - this.mincurve); this.tspeed = this.speedmax; }; v2.rotateToTarget = function () { if (this.tar == undefined) { return undefined; } var v4 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getAngle(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y); var v2 = v4; var v3 = (this.rot + 360) % 360; v2 = (v2 + 360) % 360; if (v2 - v3 > 180) { v2 -= 360; } else { if (v2 - v3 < -180) { v2 += 360; } } if (v2 - v3 > 0) { this.rot = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle2(v3 + this.curve); } else { this.rot = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle2(v3 - this.curve); } var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(this.rot, v4); if (v5 <= this.curve || 360 - v5 <= this.curve) { this.rot = v4; } }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.speed /= 10; this.tspeed = 0; if (this.tar) { var v4 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y); if (v4 < this.rexplode) { this.tar.addDamage(this.damage); } } this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 0, 1000, this.x, this.y);'explode'); var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoduration'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, v3); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.AmmoRocketeer.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3480 __Packages.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoRocketBase { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo) { _global.rr.ammo = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground) { _global.rr.ammo.ground = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.ammo.ground.AmmoRocketBase) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Rocket'; this.parentLinkId = 'RocketBase'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoRocketBase = v1; rr.ammo.ground.AmmoRocketBase extends rr.ammo.Ammo; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; super.init(); this.tar = _global.plane; this.minrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammominrange'); this.maxrange = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammomaxrange'); this.speedmax = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammomaxspeed'); this.rotspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammorotationspeed'); this.a = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoacceleration'); this.startsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammostartsound'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoexplodesound'); this.damage = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoexplosiondamage'); this.rexplode = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammoexplosionradius'); this.speed = 0; this.d = 0; this.tspeed = this.speedmax; this.maxrange += Math.random() * (this.maxrange * 0.2); _global.sounds.playSound(this.startsound); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.isexploded) { this.render(); return undefined; } if (this.speed != this.tspeed) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed - this.tspeed) <= this.a ? this.tspeed : (this.tspeed > this.speed ? this.speed + this.a : this.speed - this.a); } if (!this.isexploded) { if (this.d > 150) { this.rotateToTarget(); } } this.prevx = this.x; this.prevy = this.y; this.x += this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.y -= this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.speed; this.d += rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, this.prevx, this.prevy); if (!this.isexploded) { if (this.d > this.maxrange) { this.explode(); } else { if (this.d > this.minrange) { if (!_global.plane.loopOn) { this.checkHit(); } } } } this.render(); }; v2.rotateToTarget = function () { if (this.tar.isdead) { return undefined; } if (this.tar == undefined) { this.explode(); return undefined; } var v4 = this.rotspeed; var v6 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, this.tar.x, this.tar.y); var v2 = (v6 + 360) % 360; var v3 = (this.rot + 360) % 360; if (v2 - v3 > 180) { v2 -= 360; } else { if (v2 - v3 < -180) { v2 += 360; } } if (v2 > v3) { v3 += v4; } else { v3 -= v4; } this.rot = v3; var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(v3, v2); if (v5 <= v4 || 360 - v5 <= v4) { this.rot = v2; } }; v2.checkHit = function () { var v2 = rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createHitLine(this.prevx, this.prevy, this.x, this.y, 5); if (rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(, v2)) { this.tar.addDamage(this.damage); this.explode(); } v2.removeMovieClip(); }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.speed /= 10; this.tspeed = 0; this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 40, 1000, this.x, this.y);'explode'); var v3 = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.parentLinkId, 'ammodestroydelay'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, v3); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.ammo.ground.AmmoRocketBase.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3481 __Packages.rr.train.SaddleTank { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.SaddleTank) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'SaddleTank'; this.initObj = iObj; this.bcount = 1; this.bxdef1 = 0; }; rr.train.SaddleTank = v1; rr.train.SaddleTank extends rr.train.Locomotive; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.SaddleTank.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3482 __Packages.rr.train.Rhino { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.Rhino) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Rhino'; this.initObj = iObj; this.bcount = 2; this.bxdef1 = -33; this.bxdef2 = 31; }; rr.train.Rhino = v1; rr.train.Rhino extends rr.train.Locomotive; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.Rhino.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3483 __Packages.rr.train.SuperChief { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.SuperChief) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'SuperChief'; this.initObj = iObj; this.bcount = 1; this.bxdef1 = -14; }; rr.train.SuperChief = v1; rr.train.SuperChief extends rr.train.Locomotive; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.SuperChief.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3484 __Packages.rr.train.TrainWagon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.TrainWagon) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.train.TrainWagon = v1; rr.train.TrainWagon extends rr.train.TrainSegment; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.segmentType = 'wagon'; this.weapons = new Array(); super.init(); this.prev = _global.train.lastsegment; = this; this.reAffirm(); this.isconnected = true; this.isreversed = false; this.dfeel = this.length / 2; this.yspeed = 0; this.xspeed = 0; this.y = 0; this.x = 0; this.damage = 0; this.tdisconn = getTimer(); this.addWeapons(this.initObj.weapons); _global.train.onConnectionChanged(); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.isdead) { this.render(); return undefined; } if (!this.isconnected) { var v2 = 0.05; if (this.speed != 0) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed) <= v2 ? 0 : (0 > this.speed ? this.speed + v2 : this.speed - v2); } rr.train.TrainUtils.updateRailPosition(this); } else { this.speed = this.prev.speed; rr.train.TrainUtils.updateRailPosition(this); } if (this.isstunned) { this.checkStun(); }{'target': this, 'type': 'onUpdate'}); }; v2.addWeapons = function (w) { var v4 = w.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4) { var v3 = w[v2]; v3.parent = this; rr.train.TrainUtils.createWeapon(v3); ++v2; } }; v2.removeWeapon = function (obj) { var v3 = this.weapons.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { if (this.weapons[v2] == obj) { delete this.weapons[v2]; this.weapons.splice(v2, 1); break; } ++v2; } }; v2.addDamage = function (dmg) { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } super.addDamage(dmg); var v4 = this.weapons.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4) { this.weapons[v3].addDamage(dmg); ++v3; } }; v2.die = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } this.isdead = true;; this.disconnect(); var v3 = this.weapons.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { this.weapons[v2].die(); ++v2; } this.damage = this.killlevel;{'type': 'onTrainWagonDie', 'target': this}); this.explode(); }; v2.disconnect = function () { if (!this.prev) { return undefined; } = undefined; this.prev = undefined; this.isconnected = false; _global.train.onConnectionChanged(); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.TrainWagon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3485 __Packages.rr.train.SuperChiefWagon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.SuperChiefWagon) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'SuperChiefWagon'; this.initObj = iObj; this.parent = this.initObj.parent; this.init(); }; rr.train.SuperChiefWagon = v1; rr.train.SuperChiefWagon extends rr.train.TrainWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.bcount = 2; this.bxdef1 = -10; this.bxdef2 = 10; this.tfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootinginterval'); this.gunsounds = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'gunsounds'); var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.bcount) { this['rotbarrel' + v3] = 0; this['bs' + v3] = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'rotationspeed' + v3); this['tf' + v3] = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootinginterval' + v3); this['lf' + v3] = getTimer(); ++v3; } }; v2.render = function () { super.render(); var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.bcount) {['barrel' + v3 + '_mc']._x = this.cos(-(this.rot + this.fliprot) * this.pi / 180) * this['bxdef' + v3];['barrel' + v3 + '_mc']._y = -this.sin(-(this.rot + this.fliprot) * this.pi / 180) * this['bxdef' + v3];['barrel' + v3 + '_mc']._rotation = this['rotbarrel' + v3]; ++v3; } }; v2.aimAtTarget = function () { var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.bcount) { this['bx' + v3] = this.x + this.cos(-(this.rot + this.fliprot) * this.pi / 180) * this['bxdef' + v3]; this['by' + v3] = this.y - this.sin(-(this.rot + this.fliprot) * this.pi / 180) * this['bxdef' + v3]; var v4 = 180 * this.atan2( - (this['by' + v3] -, - (this['bx' + v3] - / this.pi; var v5 = (this['rotbarrel' + v3] + 360) % 360; v4 = (v4 + 360) % 360; if (v4 - v5 > 180) { v4 -= 360; } else { if (v4 - v5 < -180) { v4 += 360; } } v5 += this['bs' + v3] * (v4 - v5) / 100; this['rotbarrel' + v3] = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle2(v5); ++v3; } }; = function () { var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.bcount) { if (getTimer() - this['lf' + v3] >= this['tf' + v3]) { this['lf' + v3] = getTimer();['barrel' + v3 + '_mc'].gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _global.sounds.playSound(this.gunsounds[Math.round(Math.random() * (this.gunsounds.length - 1))]); rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': this.parent.linkId, 'x': this['bx' + v3], 'y': this['by' + v3], 'rot': this['rotbarrel' + v3]}); } ++v3; } }; v2.addDamage = function (dmg) { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } if (!dmg) { return undefined; } this.parent.addDamage(dmg); }; v2.checkNightMode = function () { if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 90); var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.bcount) { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(['barrel' + v3 + '_mc'].base_mc, 0, 90); ++v3; } } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.SuperChiefWagon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3486 __Packages.rr.train.Dragon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.Dragon) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Dragon'; this.initObj = iObj; this.bcount = 2; this.bxdef1 = -30; this.bxdef2 = 30; }; rr.train.Dragon = v1; rr.train.Dragon extends rr.train.Locomotive; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.Dragon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3487 __Packages.rr.train.Pennsylvania { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.Pennsylvania) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Pennsylvania'; this.initObj = iObj; this.bcount = 2; this.bxdef1 = -8; this.bxdef2 = 8; }; rr.train.Pennsylvania = v1; rr.train.Pennsylvania extends rr.train.Locomotive; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.Pennsylvania.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3488 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticTrainSegment { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticTrainSegment) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.train.statics.StaticTrainSegment = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticTrainSegment extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.uid = this.initObj.uid; this.killlevel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'killlevel'); this.length = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'length'); this.destroydelay = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodesound'); this.rot = 0; this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; if (this.initObj.r) { this.rot = this.initObj.r; } this.dfeel = this.length / 2; this.damage = 0; }; v2.render = function () { if (! { this.createMov(); } = this.x -; = this.y -; = this.rot; }; v2.checkRender = function () { this.isRendered = false; if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y,, < 500) { this.isRendered = true; this.render(); } else { if ( { this.clearMov(); } } }; v2.createMov = function () { var v3 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, this); =, rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), v3, {'parent': this}); this.checkNightMode(); }; v2.clearMov = function () {; delete; }; v2.checkNightMode = function () { if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); } }; v2.addDamage = function (dmg) { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } if (!dmg) { return undefined; } this.damage += dmg; if (this.damage < 0) { this.damage = 0; } if (this.damage >= this.killlevel) { this.die(); } }; v2.stun = function (t) { this.tstun = t; this.laststunned = getTimer(); this.isstunned = true; }; v2.checkStun = function () { if (getTimer() - this.laststunned > this.tstun) { this.isstunned = false; } }; v2.die = function () {}; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 100, 1000, this.x, this.y);'explode'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, this.destroydelay); }; v2.destroy = function () {; this.train.removeSegment(this); _global.stage.removeObject(this); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticTrainSegment.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3489 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticLocomotive { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticLocomotive) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.train.statics.StaticLocomotive = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticLocomotive extends rr.train.statics.StaticTrainSegment; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.segmentType = 'loc'; super.init(); this.train.loc = this; this.rotspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'rotationspeed'); this.tfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootinginterval'); this.dfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootingdistance'); this.gunsounds = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'gunsounds'); this.rotBarrel = this.rot; var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.bcount) { this['rotbarrel' + v3] = 0; this['bs' + v3] = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'rotationspeed' + v3); this['tf' + v3] = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootinginterval' + v3); this['lf' + v3] = getTimer(); ++v3; } }; v2.update = function () { if (_global.plane == undefined) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (this.isdead) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } this.dplane = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, _global.plane.x, _global.plane.y); if (!this.isstunned) { this.aimAtTarget(); if (!_global.plane.isdead) { if (this.dplane <= this.dfire) {; } } } this.checkRender(); if (this.isstunned) { this.checkStun(); }{'target': this, 'type': 'onUpdate'}); }; v2.render = function () { super.render(); = this.rot; var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.bcount) {['barrel' + v3 + '_mc']._x = this.cos(-this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this['bxdef' + v3];['barrel' + v3 + '_mc']._y = -this.sin(-this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this['bxdef' + v3];['barrel' + v3 + '_mc']._rotation = this['rotbarrel' + v3]; ++v3; } }; v2.aimAtTarget = function () { if (_global.plane == undefined) { return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { return undefined; } var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.bcount) { this['bx' + v3] = this.x + this.cos(-this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this['bxdef' + v3]; this['by' + v3] = this.y - this.sin(-this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this['bxdef' + v3]; var v4 = 180 * this.atan2( - (this['by' + v3] -, - (this['bx' + v3] - / this.pi; var v5 = (this['rotbarrel' + v3] + 360) % 360; v4 = (v4 + 360) % 360; if (v4 - v5 > 180) { v4 -= 360; } else { if (v4 - v5 < -180) { v4 += 360; } } v5 += this['bs' + v3] * (v4 - v5) / 100; this['rotbarrel' + v3] = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle2(v5); ++v3; } }; v2.die = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } this.isdead = true; this.isShooting = false; this.damage = this.killlevel; this.explode(); }; = function () { if (_global.plane == undefined) { return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { return undefined; } var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.bcount) { if (getTimer() - this['lf' + v3] >= this['tf' + v3]) { this['lf' + v3] = getTimer();['barrel' + v3 + '_mc'].gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _global.sounds.playSound(this.gunsounds[Math.round(Math.random() * (this.gunsounds.length - 1))]); rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': 'AmmoTrainBullit', 'parentLinkId': this.linkId, 'x': this['bx' + v3], 'y': this['by' + v3], 'rot': this['rotbarrel' + v3] + 90}); } ++v3; } }; v2.checkNightMode = function () { if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); = true; } else { = false; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticLocomotive.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3490 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticSaddleTank { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticSaddleTank) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'SaddleTank'; this.initObj = iObj; this.bcount = 1; this.bxdef1 = 0; this.train = this.initObj.train; this.train.segments.push(this); }; rr.train.statics.StaticSaddleTank = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticSaddleTank extends rr.train.statics.StaticLocomotive; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticSaddleTank.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3491 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticSuperChief { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticSuperChief) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'SuperChief'; this.initObj = iObj; this.bcount = 1; this.bxdef1 = -14; this.train = this.initObj.train; this.train.segments.push(this); }; rr.train.statics.StaticSuperChief = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticSuperChief extends rr.train.statics.StaticLocomotive; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticSuperChief.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3492 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticDragon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticDragon) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Dragon'; this.initObj = iObj; this.bcount = 2; this.bxdef1 = -30; this.bxdef2 = 30; this.train = this.initObj.train; this.train.segments.push(this); }; rr.train.statics.StaticDragon = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticDragon extends rr.train.statics.StaticLocomotive; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticDragon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3493 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticPennsylvania { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticPennsylvania) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Pennsylvania'; this.initObj = iObj; this.bcount = 2; this.bxdef1 = -8; this.bxdef2 = 8; this.train = this.initObj.train; this.train.segments.push(this); }; rr.train.statics.StaticPennsylvania = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticPennsylvania extends rr.train.statics.StaticLocomotive; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticPennsylvania.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3494 __Packages.rr.train.Wagon1 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.Wagon1) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Wagon1'; this.initObj = iObj; }; rr.train.Wagon1 = v1; rr.train.Wagon1 extends rr.train.TrainWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.Wagon1.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3495 __Packages.rr.train.Wagon2 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.Wagon2) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Wagon2'; this.initObj = iObj; }; rr.train.Wagon2 = v1; rr.train.Wagon2 extends rr.train.TrainWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.Wagon2.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3496 __Packages.rr.train.Wagon3 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.Wagon3) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Wagon3'; this.initObj = iObj; }; rr.train.Wagon3 = v1; rr.train.Wagon3 extends rr.train.TrainWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.Wagon3.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3497 __Packages.rr.train.Wagon4 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.Wagon4) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Wagon4'; this.initObj = iObj; }; rr.train.Wagon4 = v1; rr.train.Wagon4 extends rr.train.TrainWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.Wagon4.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3498 __Packages.rr.train.DropWagon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.DropWagon) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.train.DropWagon = v1; rr.train.DropWagon extends rr.train.TrainSegment; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.segmentType = 'dropwagon'; super.init(); this.prev = _global.train.lastsegment; = this; this.reAffirm(); this.isconnected = true; this.dfeel = this.length / 2; this.yspeed = 0; this.xspeed = 0; this.y = 0; this.x = 0; this.damage = 0; this.tdisconn = getTimer(); _global.train.onConnectionChanged(); }; v2.update = function () { if (this.isdead) { this.render(); return undefined; } if (!this.isconnected) { var v2 = 0.05; if (this.speed != 0) { this.speed = Math.abs(this.speed) <= v2 ? 0 : (0 > this.speed ? this.speed + v2 : this.speed - v2); } rr.train.TrainUtils.updateRailPosition(this); } else { this.speed = this.prev.speed; rr.train.TrainUtils.updateRailPosition(this); } if (this.isstunned) { this.checkStun(); } else {{'target': this, 'type': 'onUpdate'}); } }; v2.die = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } this.isdead = true;; this.disconnect(); this.damage = this.killlevel;{'type': 'onTrainWagonDie', 'target': this}); this.explode(); }; v2.disconnect = function () { if (!this.prev) { return undefined; } = undefined; this.prev = undefined; this.isconnected = false; _global.train.onConnectionChanged(); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.DropWagon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3499 __Packages.rr.train.Passenger { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.Passenger) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Passenger'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.train.Passenger = v1; rr.train.Passenger extends rr.train.DropWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.Passenger.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3500 __Packages.rr.train.PassengerArmored { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.PassengerArmored) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'PassengerArmored'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.train.PassengerArmored = v1; rr.train.PassengerArmored extends rr.train.DropWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.PassengerArmored.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3501 __Packages.rr.train.ABomb { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.ABomb) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'ABomb'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.train.ABomb = v1; rr.train.ABomb extends rr.train.DropWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.ABomb.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3502 __Packages.rr.train.TankTrailer { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.TankTrailer) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'TankTrailer'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.train.TankTrailer = v1; rr.train.TankTrailer extends rr.train.DropWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.TankTrailer.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3503 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWagon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWagon) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWagon = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWagon extends rr.train.statics.StaticTrainSegment; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.segmentType = 'wagon'; this.weapons = new Array(); super.init(); if (this.initObj.wp) { this.addWeapons(this.initObj.wp); } }; v2.update = function () { this.checkRender(); if (this.isstunned) { this.checkStun(); }{'target': this, 'type': 'onUpdate'}); }; v2.addWeapons = function (w) { var v4 = w.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4) { var v3 = w[v2]; v3.parent = this; rr.train.TrainUtils.createStaticWeapon(v3); ++v2; } }; v2.removeWeapon = function (obj) { var v3 = this.weapons.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { if (this.weapons[v2] == obj) { delete this.weapons[v2]; this.weapons.splice(v2, 1); break; } ++v2; } }; v2.addDamage = function (dmg) { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } super.addDamage(dmg); var v4 = this.weapons.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4) { this.weapons[v3].addDamage(dmg); ++v3; } }; v2.die = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } this.isdead = true; var v3 = this.weapons.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { this.weapons[v2].die(); ++v2; } this.damage = this.killlevel; this.explode(); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWagon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3504 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticWagon1 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticWagon1) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Wagon1'; this.initObj = iObj; this.train = this.initObj.train; this.train.segments.push(this); }; rr.train.statics.StaticWagon1 = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticWagon1 extends rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticWagon1.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3505 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticWagon2 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticWagon2) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Wagon2'; this.initObj = iObj; this.train = this.initObj.train; this.train.segments.push(this); }; rr.train.statics.StaticWagon2 = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticWagon2 extends rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticWagon2.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3506 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticWagon3 { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticWagon3) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Wagon3'; this.initObj = iObj; this.train = this.initObj.train; this.train.segments.push(this); }; rr.train.statics.StaticWagon3 = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticWagon3 extends rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticWagon3.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3507 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticPassenger { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticPassenger) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'Passenger'; this.initObj = iObj; this.train = this.initObj.train; this.train.segments.push(this); }; rr.train.statics.StaticPassenger = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticPassenger extends rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticPassenger.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3508 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticPassengerArmored { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticPassengerArmored) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'PassengerArmored'; this.initObj = iObj; this.train = this.initObj.train; this.train.segments.push(this); }; rr.train.statics.StaticPassengerArmored = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticPassengerArmored extends rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticPassengerArmored.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3509 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticTankTrailer { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticTankTrailer) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'TankTrailer'; this.initObj = iObj; this.train = this.initObj.train; this.train.segments.push(this); }; rr.train.statics.StaticTankTrailer = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticTankTrailer extends rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWagon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticTankTrailer.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3510 __Packages.rr.train.weapons.SmallCannon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.weapons) { _global.rr.train.weapons = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.weapons.SmallCannon) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'SmallCannon'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.train.weapons.SmallCannon = v1; rr.train.weapons.SmallCannon extends rr.train.weapons.TrainWeapon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.weapons.SmallCannon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3511 __Packages.rr.train.weapons.MediumCannon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.weapons) { _global.rr.train.weapons = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.weapons.MediumCannon) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'MediumCannon'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.train.weapons.MediumCannon = v1; rr.train.weapons.MediumCannon extends rr.train.weapons.TrainWeapon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.weapons.MediumCannon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3512 __Packages.rr.train.weapons.SmallFastCannon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.weapons) { _global.rr.train.weapons = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.weapons.SmallFastCannon) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'SmallFastCannon'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.train.weapons.SmallFastCannon = v1; rr.train.weapons.SmallFastCannon extends rr.train.weapons.TrainWeapon; var v2 = v1.prototype; = function () { if (getTimer() - this.lastFired < this.tfire) { return undefined; } if (Math.abs(this.tarRot - this.rot) > 20) { return undefined; } this.lastFired = getTimer();'shoot'); _global.sounds.playSound(this.gunsound); var v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(-3.5, 20, this); rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': this.linkId, 'parentLinkId': this.linkId, 'x': v3.x, 'y': v3.y, 'rot': this.rot}); v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(4, 20, this); rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': this.linkId, 'parentLinkId': this.linkId, 'x': v3.x, 'y': v3.y, 'rot': this.rot}); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.weapons.SmallFastCannon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3513 __Packages.rr.train.weapons.RocketLauncher { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.weapons) { _global.rr.train.weapons = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.weapons.RocketLauncher) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'RocketLauncher'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.train.weapons.RocketLauncher = v1; rr.train.weapons.RocketLauncher extends rr.train.weapons.TrainWeapon; var v2 = v1.prototype; = function () { if (getTimer() - this.lastFired < this.tfire) { return undefined; } this.lastFired = getTimer();'shoot'); _global.sounds.playSound(this.gunsound); this.launchRocket(1); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.launchRocket, 200, 2); }; v2.launchRocket = function (id) { if (_global.timer.stopped) { return undefined; } var v3; if (id == 1) { v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(-3, 7.5, this); } else { v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.transCoord(3, 7.5, this); } rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': this.linkId, 'x': v3.x, 'y': v3.y, 'rot': this.rot}); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.weapons.RocketLauncher.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3514 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWeapon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWeapon) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWeapon = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWeapon extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.parent = this.initObj.parent; this.parent.weapons.push(this); this.uid = this.initObj.uid; this.dfeel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'feelerradius'); this.dfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootingdistance'); this.dfiremin = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootingdistancemin'); this.tfire = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'shootinginterval'); this.rotspeed = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'rotationspeed'); this.killlevel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'killlevel'); this.destroydelay = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'destroydelay'); this.sound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'sound'); this.gunsound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'gunsound'); this.explodesound = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodesound'); this.lbarrel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'barrellength'); this.ddetect = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'detectiondistance'); this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.damage = 0; this.isdead = false; this.rot = 0; this.lastFired = getTimer(); this.parent.addEventListener('onUpdate', this); }; v2.onUpdate = function () { if (this.isdestroyed) { return undefined; } if (_global.plane == undefined) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } if (this.isdead) { this.checkRender(); return undefined; } this.dplane = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(this.x, this.y, _global.plane.x, _global.plane.y); if (!this.parent.isstunned) { if (this.dplane <= this.dfire) { if (this.dplane >= this.dfiremin) {; } } } this.checkRender(); updateAfterEvent(); }; v2.render = function () { if (! { this.createMov(); } this.aimAtTarget(); = this.x -; = this.y -; = this.rot; }; v2.checkRender = function () { if (this.parent.isRendered) { this.render(); } else { if ( { this.clearMov(); } } }; v2.createMov = function () { var v3 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, this); =, rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), v3, {'parent': this}); this.checkNightMode(); }; v2.clearMov = function () {; delete; }; v2.checkNightMode = function () { if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); rr.utils.ClipUtils.setTint(, 0, 50); } }; v2.aimAtTarget = function () { if (this.parent.isstunned) { return undefined; } if (_global.plane == undefined) { return undefined; } if (_global.plane.isdead) { return undefined; } var v6 = rr.utils.Math2.Bearing(this.x, this.y, _global.plane.x, _global.plane.y); var v3 = (v6 + 360) % 360; var v4 = (this.rot + 360) % 360; if (v3 - v4 > 180) { v3 -= 360; } else { if (v3 - v4 < -180) { v3 += 360; } } if (v3 > v4) { v4 += this.rotspeed; } else { v4 -= this.rotspeed; } var v5 = rr.utils.MathUtils.angDiff(v4, v3); if (v5 <= this.rotspeed || 360 - v5 <= this.rotspeed) { this.rot = v3; } else { this.rot = v4; } }; = function () { if (getTimer() - this.lastFired < this.tfire) { return undefined; } if (Math.abs(this.tarRot - this.rot) > 20) { return undefined; } this.lastFired = getTimer();'shoot'); _global.sounds.playSound(this.gunsound); var v4 = this.x + this.sin(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.lbarrel; var v3 = this.y - this.cos(this.rot * this.pi / 180) * this.lbarrel; rr.ammo.AmmoUtils.createAmmo({'type': this.linkId, 'parentLinkId': this.linkId, 'x': v4, 'y': v3, 'rot': this.rot}); }; v2.addDamage = function (dmg) { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } if (!dmg) { return undefined; } this.damage += dmg; if (this.damage >= this.killlevel) { this.damage = this.killlevel; this.die(); } }; v2.die = function () { if (this.isdead) { return undefined; } this.isdead = true; this.render(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 100, 1500, this.x, this.y);'explode'); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.destroy, this.destroydelay); }; v2.destroy = function () { if (this.isdestroyed) { return undefined; } this.isdestroyed = true;; this.parent.removeWeapon(this); _global.stage.removeObject(this); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWeapon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3515 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticSmallCannon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticSmallCannon) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'SmallCannon'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.train.statics.StaticSmallCannon = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticSmallCannon extends rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWeapon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticSmallCannon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3516 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticMediumCannon { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticMediumCannon) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.linkId = 'MediumCannon'; this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.train.statics.StaticMediumCannon = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticMediumCannon extends rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWeapon; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticMediumCannon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3517 __Packages.rr.building.Building { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.building) { _global.rr.building = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.building.Building) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.building.Building = v1; rr.building.Building extends rr.BaseUnit; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.linkId = this.initObj.lid; super.init(); this.x = this.initObj.x; this.y = this.initObj.y; this.rot = this.initObj.r; this.type = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'type'); this.dfeel = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'feelerradius'); this.explodedelay = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'explodedelay'); this.alt = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'height'); this.population = rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(this.linkId, 'population'); var v4 =, this.y); v4.addStatic(this.uid); _global.stage.buildings.push(this.uid); this.createBmp(); }; v2.isLineHit = function (hitline_mc) { var v4; var v3 = _global.stage.hitmov.createEmptyMovieClip(rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(), _global.stage.hitmov.getNextHighestDepth()); v3.attachBitmap(this.bmp, 10); v3._x = this.x - - this.bmp.width / 2; v3._y = this.y - - this.bmp.height / 2; v4 = rr.utils.HitTest.isLineHit(v3, hitline_mc); v3.removeMovieClip(); return v4; }; v2.update = function () { if ( { this.render(); } else { if (this.explosionset) { if (!this.isdestroyed) { var v3 =, this.y); v3.removeStatic(this.uid); this.destroy(); } } } }; v2.render = function () { = this.x -; = this.y -; }; v2.createMov = function () { var v3 = rr.utils.ClipUtils.getFreeDepth(, this); =, this.uid, v3); = this.x -; = this.y -; = this.rot; }; v2.die = function () { super.die(); this.explode(); }; v2.explode = function () { if (this.isexploded) { return undefined; } this.isexploded = true; _global.populationshot += this.population; this.createMov(); _global.sounds.playExplodeSound(this.explodesound, 100, 100, 1000, this.x, this.y); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.setExploded, this.explodedelay); }; v2.setExploded = function () { this.explosionset = true; var v3 = new flash.geom.Point(this.x - this.size / 2, this.y - this.size / 2);, this.rect, v3, null, null, true); this.createBmp(); }; v2.createBmp = function () { var v3; if (this.isexploded) { v3 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(this.linkId + '_exploded.png'); } else { v3 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(this.linkId + '.png'); } if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setBmpTint(v3, 0, 60); } this.size = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(v3.width, 2) + Math.pow(v3.height, 2)) + this.alt * 2; this.bmp.dispose(); this.bmp = new flash.display.BitmapData(this.size, this.size, true, 0); var v4 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); v4.translate(-v3.width / 2, -v3.height / 2); v4.rotate((rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(this.rot) / 180) * this.pi); v4.translate(this.size / 2 + this.alt, this.size / 2 + this.alt); var v5 = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(); v5.rgb = 0; v5.alphaMultiplier = 0.3; this.bmp.draw(v3, v4, v5); v4.translate(-this.alt, -this.alt); this.bmp.draw(v3, v4); this.rect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, this.size, this.size); if (!this.isexploded) { this.backup_bmp = new flash.display.BitmapData(this.size, this.size, true, 0); this.back_rect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(this.x - this.size / 2, this.y - this.size / 2, this.size, this.size); this.backup_bmp.copyPixels(, this.back_rect, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), null, null, true); } var v6 = new flash.geom.Point(this.x - this.size / 2, this.y - this.size / 2); this.rect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, this.size, this.size);, this.rect, v6, null, null, true); if (this.isexploded) { this.bmp.dispose(); delete this.bmp; this.backup_bmp.dispose(); delete this.backup_bmp; } v3.dispose(); false; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.building.Building.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3518 __Packages.rr.control.LevelLoader { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.LevelLoader) { var v1 = function () { super(); this._visible = false; }; rr.control.LevelLoader = v1; rr.control.LevelLoader extends rr.BaseClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.ldr_txt.text = 'INITIALIZING'; this.gotoAndStop(0); this._visible = true; this.swapDepths(_global.root.getNextHighestDepth()); }; = function (perc) { var v2; if (perc > 80) { v2 = 'get ready'; } else { v2 = 'preparing battleground'; } this.ldr_txt.text = v2.toUpperCase(); this.gotoAndStop(perc); this._visible = true; }; v2.hide = function () { this._visible = false; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.LevelLoader.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3519 __Packages.rr.control.LevelResult { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.LevelResult) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.init(); }; rr.control.LevelResult = v1; rr.control.LevelResult extends rr.BaseClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.pages = [0, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0]; this.stats_mc.save_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.doSave); this.highscore_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.toggleHighScore); this.failed_mc.main_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.goMain); this.failed_mc.replay_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.replay); this.failed_mc.highscore_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.toggleHighScore); this.continue_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.nextPage); this.replay_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.replay); this._visible = false; }; v2.showResult = function (success, reason) { var v3 = new Sound(this); if (success) { v3.attachSound('Mission Accomplished.wav'); } else { v3.attachSound('Mission Failed.wav'); } v3.start(); this.swapDepths(_global.root.getNextHighestDepth()); this.lvlsuccess = success; this.HSYouda_mc.init(); this.HSMiniClip_mc._visible = false; this.reasontext = ''; this.continue_btn._visible = false; this.highscore_btn._visible = false; this.replay_btn._visible = false; this.failed_mc._visible = false; this.failed_mc.highscore_btn._visible = false; this.items_mc._visible = false; this.stats_mc._visible = false; this.statsoverall_mc._visible = false; this.statsextra_mc._visible = false; this.stats_mc.save_btn._visible = false; if (_global.gametype == 'new' || _global.gametype == 'loaded' || _global.gametype == 'test') { if (_global.player.points > 0) { this.failed_mc.highscore_btn._visible = true; } } if (success) { = 0; this.replay_btn._visible = true; if (_global.gametype == 'new' || _global.gametype == 'loaded' || _global.gametype == 'test') { this.stats_mc._visible = true; this.accomplished_mc._visible = < _global.maxlevel; this.victorious_mc._visible = == _global.maxlevel; if (_global.superlevel < + 1) { var v4 = SharedObject.getLocal('superlevel'); = + 1; v4.flush(); _global.superlevel =; } if ( < _global.maxlevel) { this.highscore_btn._visible = true; this.stats_mc.save_btn._visible = true; } else { this.continue_btn._visible = true; } } if (_global.gametype == 'extra') { this.accomplished_mc._visible = true; this.statsextra_mc._visible = true; this.continue_btn._visible = true; } this.setStats(); } else { if (_global.gametype == 'new' || _global.gametype == 'loaded' || _global.gametype == 'test') { this.stats_mc._visible = true; this.stats_mc.save_btn._visible = false; if (reason == 'train') { this.reasontext = 'You failed to destroy the train'; } if (reason == 'cash') { this.reasontext = 'You don\'t have enough cash left'; } } if (_global.gametype == 'extra') { this.reasontext = 'You don\'t have enough cash left'; this.statsextra_mc._visible = true; this.continue_btn._visible = true; } this.setStats(); this.failed_mc._visible = true; } this._visible = true; }; v2.setStats = function () { this.stats_mc.reason_txt.text = this.reasontext.toUpperCase(); this.stats_mc.time_txt.text = rr.utils.StringUtils.getTimeString(_global.leveltime); this.stats_mc.grounds_txt.text = _global.landshot.toString(); this.stats_mc.airs_txt.text = _global.airshot.toString(); this.stats_mc.friendlies_txt.text = _global.friendlies.toString(); this.stats_mc.civilians_txt.text = _global.populationshot.toString(); this.stats_mc.levelpoints_txt.text = _global.player.levelresult.levelpoints.toString(); this.stats_mc.levelcash_txt.text = '$ ' + rr.utils.StringUtils.formatNumberWithCommas(_global.player.levelresult.levelcash); this.stats_mc.totalpoints_txt.text = _global.player.points.toString(); this.stats_mc.totalcash_txt.text = '$ ' + rr.utils.StringUtils.formatNumberWithCommas(; this.statsoverall_mc.time_txt.text = rr.utils.StringUtils.getTimeString(_global.player.time); this.statsoverall_mc.grounds_txt.text = _global.player.landshot.toString(); this.statsoverall_mc.airs_txt.text = _global.player.airshot.toString(); this.statsoverall_mc.friendlies_txt.text = _global.player.friendlies.toString(); this.statsoverall_mc.civilians_txt.text = _global.player.populationshot.toString(); this.statsoverall_mc.totalpoints_txt.text = _global.player.points.toString(); this.statsoverall_mc.totalcash_txt.text = '$ ' + rr.utils.StringUtils.formatNumberWithCommas(; this.statsextra_mc.reason_txt.text = this.reasontext.toUpperCase(); this.statsextra_mc.time_txt.text = rr.utils.StringUtils.getTimeString(_global.player.time); }; v2.doSave = function () { this.replay_btn._visible = false; if (_global.player.saveMission()) { this.stats_mc.saveresult_mc.gotoAndPlay('success'); this.nextPage(); } else { this.stats_mc.saveresult_mc.gotoAndPlay('failed'); } }; v2.nextPage = function () { if (_global.gametype == 'extra') { this._visible = false;; return undefined; } this.HSYouda_mc.hide(); this.HSMiniClip_mc._visible = false; if (_global.gametype == 'new' || _global.gametype == 'loaded' || _global.gametype == 'test') { if ( == 0 && == _global.maxlevel) { this.stats_mc._visible = false; this.highscore_btn._visible = true; this.statsoverall_mc._visible = true; = -1; return undefined; } if ( == -1) { = 0; } }; if ( == _global.maxlevel) { this._visible = false; if (_global.gameMode == 'Demo') {; } else {; } return undefined; } if ( > this.pages[]) { this._visible = false;; return undefined; } if ( > 0) { this.continue_btn._visible = true; this.stats_mc._visible = false; this.statsoverall_mc._visible = false; this.items_mc.gotoAndStop( + '-' +; this.items_mc._visible = true; } }; v2.goMain = function () { this._visible = false;; }; v2.replay = function () { this._visible = false;; }; v2.toggleHighScore = function () { if ( == 'Youda') { if (!this.HSYouda_mc._visible) {; this.highscore_btn._visible = false; this.failed_mc.highscore_btn._visible = false; } } if ( == 'MiniClip') { if (!this.HSMiniClip_mc._visible) { _level0.playerpoints = _global.player.points; this.HSMiniClip_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); this.HSMiniClip_mc._visible = true; this.highscore_btn._visible = false; this.failed_mc.highscore_btn._visible = false; } } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.LevelResult.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3520 __Packages.rr.MissionMenu { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.MissionMenu) { var v1 = function () { super(); this._visible = false; }; rr.MissionMenu = v1; rr.MissionMenu extends rr.BaseClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.playMission = function (id) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= 10) { this['mission' + v2 + '_mc']._visible = false; this['mission' + v2 + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(1); ++v2; } this['mission' + id + '_mc']._visible = true; this._visible = true; this['mission' + id + '_mc'].gotoAndPlay(1); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.MissionMenu.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3521 __Packages.rr.control.Confirm { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.Confirm) { var v1 = function () { super(); _global.confirm = this; this.init(); }; rr.control.Confirm = v1; rr.control.Confirm extends rr.BaseClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this._visible = false; this.ok_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.closeAndConfirm); this.cancel_btn.onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.close); }; v2.showConfirm = function (obj, func, args) { var v5 = args.upgrade; var v4 = args.price; var v3; if (v5) { var v6 = _global.planemenu.selectedDisplay.getUpgradeRefund(v5); = new Object(); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(obj, func, v5, v4); v3 = 'Upgrading price is $ ' + rr.utils.StringUtils.formatNumberWithCommas(v4); if (v6 > 0) { v3 += '\rThe present weapons will be removed. \rYou receive $ ' + rr.utils.StringUtils.formatNumberWithCommas(v6) + ' refund.\r'; v3 += 'You can re-select the upgraded weapons as you please.'; } } else { = new Object(); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(obj, func); v3 = ''; v3 += '\rYou receive $ ' + rr.utils.StringUtils.formatNumberWithCommas(v4) + ' refund for your aircraft and weapons.\r'; v3 += 'Are you sure you want to change aircraft?'; } this.confirm_txt.text = v3; this._visible = true; }; v2.closeAndConfirm = function () {; this._visible = false; }; v2.close = function () { this._visible = false; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.Confirm.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3522 __Packages.rr.Entry { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.Entry) { var v1 = function () { _global.root = _level0; = 'Youda'; _global.companylogo = 'Newgrounds'; _global.youdagames = ''; _global.highscorelink = ''; _global.moregamelink = ''; _global.buygameshoplink = ''; _global.buygamelink = ''; _global.game_idprice = 1; _global.gameMode = 'Demo'; _global.maxlevel = (_global.gameMode == 'Demo') ? 3 : 10; var v3 = [rr.control.PlaneBoxOrange, rr.control.PlaneBoxRed, rr.control.PlaneBoxBlue, rr.control.PlaneBoxGreen, rr.control.PlaneDisplay, rr.control.Confirm, rr.control.WeaponButton, rr.control.PlaneMenu, rr.MissionMenu, rr.control.BottomMenu, rr.control.MiniMap, rr.control.LevelLoader, rr.control.LevelResult, rr.HSYouda]; var v2 = new rr.EdgeBlack(); v2.init(); _global.startmenu = new rr.control.StartMenu(); }; rr.Entry = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.main = function () { var v1 = new rr.Entry(); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.Entry.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3523 __Packages.rr.EdgeBlack { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.EdgeBlack) { var v1 = function () { this.draw(); }; rr.EdgeBlack = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.draw = function () { var v7 = 500; var v4 = -v7; var v6 = 640 + v7; var v3 = -v7; var v5 = 550 + v7; = _global.root.createEmptyMovieClip('EdgeBlack', _global.root.getNextHighestDepth());, 0, 100);, v3);, 100);, v3);, 0);, 0);, v3);;, v5);, 100);, v5);, 550);, 550);, v5);;, v3);, 100);, v5);, v5);, v3);, v3);;, v3);, 100);, v5);, v5);, v3);, v3);; }; v2.init = function () {; }; v2.clear = function () {; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.EdgeBlack.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3524 __Packages.rr.control.StartMenu { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control) { _global.rr.control = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.control.StartMenu) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.init(); }; rr.control.StartMenu = v1; rr.control.StartMenu extends rr.BaseClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this,, 100); }; v2.onButtonPress = function (command) { if (command == 'testgame') { _global.gametype = 'test'; _global.testcash = Number(; _global.testlevel = Number(; this.fadeTheme(); this.hide(); = new rr.Game(); } if (command == 'newgame') { this.fadeTheme(); this.hide(); _global.gametype = 'new'; = new rr.Game(); } if (command == 'continuegame') { this.fadeTheme(); this.hide(); _global.gametype = 'loaded'; = new rr.Game(); } if (command == 'instructions') { this.showScreen(; } if (command == 'viewhighscore') { this.getURL(_global.highscorelink, '_blank'); } if (command == 'moregames') { this.getURL(_global.moregamelink, '_blank'); } if (command == 'extra') { this.showScreen(; } if (command == 'getfullversion') { this.showScreen(; } }; v2.onButtonOver = function (command) {; }; v2.onButtonOut = function () {'default'); }; v2.playExtraMission = function (id) { this.fadeTheme(); this.hide(); = false; _global.gametype = 'extra'; _global.extraLevelId = 10 + id; = new rr.Game(); }; = function (gotoBuy) { = _global.root.attachMovie('StartMenu', 'startmenu_mc', _global.root.getNextHighestDepth()); if (gotoBuy) { = false; } = false; = false; = false; = _global.highscorelink != undefined && _global.highscorelink != ''; var v4 = SharedObject.getLocal('savedmission'); if ( > 1) { = true; = 100; } else { = false; = 50; } var v3 = SharedObject.getLocal('superlevel'); if ( == undefined) { = 1; v3.flush(); } _global.superlevel =; = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonPress, 'newgame'); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonPress, 'continuegame'); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonPress, 'instructions'); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonPress, 'viewhighscore'); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonPress, 'moregames'); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonPress, 'getfullversion'); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonPress, 'extra'); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonOver, 'newgame'); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonOver, 'continuegame'); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonOver, 'instructions'); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonOver, 'viewhighscores'); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonOver, 'moregames'); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonOver, 'getfullversion'); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonOver, 'extra'); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonOut); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonOut); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonOut); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonOut); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonOut); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonOut); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonOut); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.closeScreens); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.closeScreens); = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.closeScreens); this.startTheme(); this.setExtraScreen(); if (gotoBuy) { rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.showScreen, 50,; } = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.onButtonPress, 'testgame'); }; v2.setExtraScreen = function () { var v5 =; var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= 5) { var v4 = v3; if (_global.gameMode == 'Demo') { if (v4 == 3) { v4 = 4; } } v5['mission' + v3]._alpha = _global.superlevel > v4 ? 100 : 40; v5['complete' + v3].text = _global.superlevel > v4 ? '' : '(First complete mission ' + v4 + ')'; v5['lock' + v3]._visible = _global.superlevel > v4 ? false : true; v5['but' + v3]._visible = _global.superlevel > v4 ? true : false; v5['but' + v3].onPress = rr.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.playExtraMission, v3); ++v3; } }; v2.showScreen = function (mc) { = false; = false; = false; = false; = false; = false; = false; if (mc == { mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } mc._visible = true; = true; }; v2.closeScreens = function () { = true; = true; = true; = true; = true; = true; = true; = false; = false; = false; }; v2.hide = function () {; delete; = undefined;; }; v2.startTheme = function () { this.theme_mc = _global.root.createEmptyMovieClip('theme_mc', _global.root.getNextHighestDepth()); this.themeSound = new Sound(this.theme_mc); this.themeSound.attachSound('Skies of war 1_4.wav'); this.themeSound.start(1, 10000); }; v2.fadeTheme = function () { if (!this.themeSound) { return undefined; } var v2 = this.themeSound.getVolume(); if (v2 > 0) { this.themeSound.setVolume(v2 - 1); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.fadeTheme, 40); } else { this.themeSound.stop(); delete this.themeSound; this.theme_mc.removeMovieClip(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.control.StartMenu.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3525 __Packages.rr.Game { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.Game) { var v1 = function () { super(); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.init, 500); }; rr.Game = v1; rr.Game extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.levelId = 0; _global.player = new rr.Player(); _global.planemenu = _global.root.attachMovie('PlaneMenu', 'planemenu_mc', _global.root.getNextHighestDepth()); _global.missionmenu = _global.root.attachMovie('MissionMenu', 'missionmenu_mc', _global.root.getNextHighestDepth()); _global.bottommenu = _global.root.attachMovie('BottomMenu', 'bottommenu_mc', _global.root.getNextHighestDepth()); _global.levelloader = _global.root.attachMovie('LevelLoader', 'levelloader_mc', _global.root.getNextHighestDepth()); _global.levelresult = _global.root.attachMovie('LevelResult', 'levelresult_mc', _global.root.getNextHighestDepth()); this.loadGame(); }; v2.clear = function () { _global.planemenu._visible = false; _global.missionmenu._visible = false; _global.bottommenu._visible = false; _global.levelloader._visible = false; _global.levelresult._visible = false; _global.planemenu.removeMovieClip(); _global.missionmenu.removeMovieClip(); _global.bottommenu.removeMovieClip(); _global.levelloader.removeMovieClip(); _global.levelresult.removeMovieClip(); delete _global.planemenu; delete _global.missionmenu; delete _global.bottommenu; delete _global.levelloader; delete _global.levelresult; _global.planemenu = undefined; _global.missionmenu = undefined; _global.bottommenu = undefined; _global.levelloader = undefined; _global.levelresult = undefined; }; v2.loadGame = function () { if (_global.gametype == 'test') { this.levelId = _global.testlevel; _global.player.addCash(_global.testcash); } if (_global.gametype == 'new') { this.levelId = 1; var v5 = rr.conf.Config.getGameConf(1); _global.player.addCash(v5.startcash); } if (_global.gametype == 'loaded') { var v4 = SharedObject.getLocal('savedmission'); var v3 =; this.levelId = v3.levelid; _global.player.addCash(; _global.player.addPoints(v3.points); _global.player.landshot = v3.landshot; _global.player.airshot = v3.airshot; _global.player.populationshot = v3.populationshot; _global.player.friendlies = v3.friendlies; _global.player.time = v3.time; _global.player.upGun = v3.upGun; _global.player.upAir = v3.upAir; _global.player.upGround = v3.upGround; _global.player.upBomb = v3.upBomb; } if (_global.gametype == 'extra') { this.levelId = _global.extraLevelId; v5 = rr.conf.Config.getGameConf(this.levelId); _global.player.addCash(100000); } _global.gameconf = rr.conf.Config.getGameConf(this.levelId); rr.conf.Config.addMapValues(); if (this.levelId <= 10) { _global.missionmenu.playMission(this.levelId); } else { this.startLevel(); } }; v2.startLevel = function () { this.levelstarted = false; this.levelended = false; _global.player.setReplayStats(); _global.blackedge = new rr.EdgeBlack(); _global.missionmenu._visible = false; _global.planemenu.initLevel(); }; v2.playLevel = function () { this.levelstarted = true; this.missiontargets = _global.gameconf.missiontargets; _global.leveltime = 0; _global.landshot = 0; _global.airshot = 0; _global.populationshot = 0; _global.stage = new rr.Stage(); _global.timer = new rr.Timer(); _global.sounds = new rr.Sounds(); = new rr.Map(); _global.aim = new rr.Aim(); _global.weaponmenu = new rr.control.WeaponMenu(); = new rr.StageCam(); _global.sounds.init(); _global.stage.init(); _global.levelloader.init();; rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(_global.stage, _global.stage.createObjects, 200); }; = function () { _global.levelloader.hide(); _global.aim.init();; _global.weaponmenu.init(); _global.bottommenu.init(); _global.blackedge.init(); _global.timer.start(); _global.stage._visible = true; delete _global.gameconf; _global.gameconf = undefined; }; v2.nextLevel = function () { this.clearGameObjects(); _global.bottommenu._visible = false; ++this.levelId; _global.gameconf = rr.conf.Config.getGameConf(this.levelId); rr.conf.Config.addMapValues(); _global.missionmenu.playMission(this.levelId); }; v2.replayLevel = function () { _global.player.getReplayStats(); this.clearGameObjects(); _global.gameconf = rr.conf.Config.getGameConf(this.levelId); rr.conf.Config.addMapValues(); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.startLevel, 50); }; v2.missionDone = function () { if (_global.stage.getEnemyAirfieldCount() > 0) { return false; } if (_global.stage.getEnemyAirsCount() > 0) { return false; } if (_global.stage.airs.length > 0) { return false; } if (_global.train && _global.train.weaponsLeft()) { return false; } if (_global.stage.getStaticTrainsCount() > 0) { return false; } if (_global.stage.getEnemyGroundsCount() > 0) { return false; } if (_global.stage.getIndustryCount() > 0) { return false; } return true; }; v2.endLevel = function (success, reason) { if (this.levelended) { return undefined; } this.levelended = true; _global.friendlies = _global.stage.getFriendlyGroundsCount(); _global.timer.stop(); _global.aim.clear(); _global.sounds.stopAll(); _global.sounds.clear(); if (success) { _global.planemenu.refundPlane(); _global.planemenu.selectedDisplay.clearAndRefund(); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.finishLevel, 500, success); } else { _global.planemenu.selectedDisplay.clear(); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.finishLevel, 2000, success, reason); } }; v2.finishLevel = function (success, reason) { this.clearGameObjects(); _global.player.setMissionResult(success); _global.levelresult.showResult(success, reason); _global.bottommenu._visible = false; }; v2.quitGame = function (gotoBuy) { this.clearGameObjects(); this.clear();; }; v2.clearGameObjects = function () { _global.sounds.stopAll(); _global.sounds.clear(); _global.timer.stop(); _global.stage._visible = false; _global.plane.destroy(); _global.aim.clear(); _global.stage.clear(); _global.blackedge.clear(); delete _global.timer; delete; delete _global.aim; delete _global.sounds; delete; delete _global.plane; delete _global.loc; delete _global.train; delete _global.stage; delete _global.blackedge; _global.timer = undefined; = undefined; _global.aim = undefined; _global.sounds = undefined; = undefined; _global.plane = undefined; _global.loc = undefined; _global.train = undefined; _global.stage = undefined; _global.blackedge = undefined; }; v2.findMissionTarget = function (type) { var v3 = this.missiontargets.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { if (this.missiontargets[v2].type == type) { return this.missiontargets[v2]; } ++v2; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.Game.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3526 __Packages.rr.Player { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.Player) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.init(); }; rr.Player = v1; rr.Player extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { = 0; this.points = 0; this.landshot = 0; this.airshot = 0; this.populationshot = 0; this.friendlies = 0; this.upGun = 1; this.upAir = 1; this.upGround = 1; this.upBomb = 1; this.time = 0; this.addEventListener('setCash', _global.control); }; v2.addCash = function (amount) { if (amount == undefined || amount == NaN) { return undefined; } = Math.round( + amount); if ( < 0) { = 0; }{'type': 'setCash'}); }; v2.addPoints = function (amount) { this.points = Math.round(this.points + amount); if (this.points < 0) { this.points = 0; } }; v2.setMissionResult = function (success) { var v3 = _global.landshot + _global.airshot * 3 - _global.populationshot * 5 + _global.friendlies / 2 + / 1000; this.levelresult = new Object(); if (success) { var v4 =; if (_global.gametype == 'new' || _global.gametype == 'loaded' || _global.gametype == 'test') { var v5 = rr.conf.Config.getGameConf(v4); if (v4 < _global.maxlevel) { var v6 = rr.conf.Config.getGameConf(v4 + 1); this.levelresult.levelcash = v6.startcash; } else { this.levelresult.levelcash = v5.startcash * 2; } this.levelresult.levelpoints = v5.levelpoints + Math.round(10000 * v3 / (_global.leveltime / 1000)); } else { this.levelresult.levelcash = 0; this.levelresult.levelpoints = Math.round(10000 * v3 / (_global.leveltime / 1000)); } } else { this.levelresult.levelpoints = Math.round(1000 * v3 / (_global.leveltime / 1000)); this.levelresult.levelcash = 0; } this.addPoints(this.levelresult.levelpoints); this.addCash(this.levelresult.levelcash); this.landshot += _global.landshot; this.airshot += _global.airshot; this.populationshot += _global.populationshot; this.friendlies += _global.friendlies; this.time += _global.leveltime; }; v2.setReplayStats = function () { this.rpcash =; this.rppoints = this.points; this.rplandshot = this.landshot; this.rpairshot = this.airshot; this.rppopulationshot = this.populationshot; this.rpfriendlies = this.friendlies; this.rptime = this.time; this.rpupGun = this.upGun; this.rpupAir = this.upAir; this.rpupGround = this.upGround; this.rpupBomb = this.upBomb; }; v2.getReplayStats = function () { = this.rpcash; this.points = this.rppoints; this.landshot = this.rplandshot; this.airshot = this.rpairshot; this.populationshot = this.rppopulationshot; this.friendlies = this.rpfriendlies; this.time = this.rptime; this.upGun = this.rpupGun; this.upAir = this.rpupAir; this.upGround = this.rpupGround; this.upBomb = this.rpupBomb; }; v2.saveMission = function () { var v3 = new Object(); v3.levelid = + 1; =; v3.points = this.points; v3.landshot = this.landshot; v3.airshot = this.airshot; v3.populationshot = this.populationshot; v3.friendlies = this.friendlies; v3.time = this.time; v3.upGun = this.upGun; v3.upAir = this.upAir; v3.upGround = this.upGround; v3.upBomb = this.upBomb; var v4 = SharedObject.getLocal('savedmission'); = v3; return v4.flush(); }; v2.hasCashToFinish = function () { var v5 = 1000; if (_global.stage.getEnemyAirfieldCount() > 0 && !_global.planedefinition.hasPropaganda) { v5 += 1100; } var v3 = false; if (_global.stage.getIndustryCount() > 0) { v3 = true; } else { if (_global.stage.getEnemyGroundsCount() > 0) { v3 = true; } else { if (_global.stage.getStaticTrainsCount() > 0) { v3 = true; } else { if (_global.train && _global.train.weaponsLeft()) { v3 = true; } } } } if (v3) { v5 += 1000; } var v4 =; if (_global.planemenu.selectedLinkId != undefined) { v4 += rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(_global.planemenu.selectedLinkId, 'price'); v4 += _global.planemenu.selectedDisplay.getRefund(); } if (v4 < v5) { return false; } else { return true; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.Player.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3527 __Packages.rr.Stage { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.Stage) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.Stage = v1; rr.Stage extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.tmax = 0; this.ttot = 0; this.tcount = 0; this.areaCount = 0; this.grounds = new Array(); this.airs = new Array(); this.ammo = new Array(); this.afs = new Array(); this.afdefenders = new Array(); this.buildings = new Array(); this.width = 640; this.height = 480; this.hitmov = _global.root.createEmptyMovieClip('hitmov_mc', _global.root.getNextHighestDepth()); = _global.root.createEmptyMovieClip('stage_mc', _global.root.getNextHighestDepth()); this.bg_mc ='bg_mc', 10); this.bg_bmp = new flash.display.BitmapData(this.width, this.height, false, 0); this.bg_mc.attachBitmap(this.bg_bmp, 10); this.clouds_mc ='clouds_mc', rr.conf.ConfBaseDepths.getDepth('CloudLayer')); this.createCloudLayer(); if ( { this.fg_mc ='fg_mc', rr.conf.ConfBaseDepths.getDepth('StageForeground')); this.fg_bmp = new flash.display.BitmapData(this.width, this.height, true, 0); this.fg_mc.attachBitmap(this.fg_bmp, 10); } _global.timer.addEventListener('onTimerTick', this); }; v2.createObjects = function () { this.startbase = this['obj_' + this.afs[0]]; this.createPlane(); var v9 = _global.gameconf.ea; this.areaCount = v9.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.areaCount) { v9[v3].id = v3; this['ea_' + v3] = new rr.enemy.EnemyArea(v9[v3]); ++v3; } var v7 = _global.gameconf.bk; var v4 = v7.length; v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4) { v7[v3].linkId = 'Bunker'; rr.utils.StageUtils.createStageObject(v7[v3]); ++v3; } var v8 = _global.gameconf.rb; v4 = v8.length; v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4) { v8[v3].linkId = 'RocketBase'; rr.utils.StageUtils.createStageObject(v8[v3]); ++v3; } var v5 =; v4 = v5.length; v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4) { v5[v3].linkId = 'Building'; v5[v3].lid = rr.conf.Config.translateBuildingCode(v5[v3].t); rr.utils.StageUtils.createStageObject(v5[v3]); ++v3; } this.clouds = new rr.Clouds(); delete _global.train; _global.train = undefined; if (_global.gameconf.train) { _global.train = new rr.train.Train(); } var v6 = _global.gameconf.statictrains; if (v6) { this.strains = new Array(); v4 = v6.length; v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4) { v6[v3].linkId = 'StaticTrain'; this.strains.push(new rr.train.statics.StaticTrain(v6[v3])); ++v3; } } if (this.areaCount > 0) { this.ea_0.init(); } else { rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(,, 200); } }; v2.createCloudLayer = function () { this.clouds_bmp = new flash.display.BitmapData(this.width, this.height, true, 0); this.clouds_mc.attachBitmap(this.clouds_bmp, 10); }; v2.createPlane = function () { _global.plane.destroy(); delete _global.plane; _global.plane = undefined; rr.utils.StageUtils.createStageObject({'linkId': _global.planedefinition.linkId, 'base': this.startbase});{'type': 'onPlaneCreate'}); }; v2.onAreaInit = function (area) { if ( == this.areaCount - 1) {; } else { var v5 = Math.round(100 * / (this.areaCount - 1));; var v3 = this['ea_' + ( + 1)]; rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(v3, v3.init, 15); } }; v2.onTimerTick = function () { _global.leveltime += 40; _global.bottommenu.setTime(); this.clouds_bmp.dispose();;; _global.plane.update(); _global.train.update(); var v4 = this.afs.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4) { this['obj_' + this.afs[v3]].update(); ++v3; } v4 = this.airs.length; v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4) { this['obj_' + this.airs[v3]].update(); ++v3; } v4 = this.ammo.length; v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4) { this['obj_' + this.ammo[v3]].update(); ++v3; } if (this.strains) { v4 = this.strains.length; v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4) { this.strains[v3].update(); ++v3; } } this.clouds.update(); updateAfterEvent(); }; v2.removeObject = function (obj) { if (obj == _global.plane) { = this.startbase; delete this['obj_' + obj.uid]; delete _global.plane; _global.plane = undefined; return undefined; } if (obj instanceof rr.train.TrainSegment) { if (obj == _global.loc) { delete this['obj_' + obj.uid]; delete _global.loc; _global.loc = undefined; } delete this['obj_' + obj.uid];{'type': 'onTrainObjectDestroyed'}); return undefined; } if (obj instanceof rr.train.weapons.TrainWeapon) { delete this['obj_' + obj.uid];{'type': 'onTrainObjectDestroyed'}); return undefined; } if (obj instanceof rr.train.statics.StaticTrainSegment) { delete this['obj_' + obj.uid];{'type': 'onStaticTrainObjectDestroyed'}); return undefined; } if (obj instanceof rr.train.statics.StaticTrainWeapon) { delete this['obj_' + obj.uid];{'type': 'onStaticTrainObjectDestroyed'}); return undefined; } var v5; if (obj instanceof rr.ammo.Ammo) { v5 = this.ammo; } else { if (obj instanceof rr.enemy.GroundUnit) { v5 = this.grounds; } else { if (obj instanceof rr.plane.EnemyPlane || obj instanceof rr.plane.EnemyHeli) { v5 = this.airs; } else { if (obj instanceof rr.building.Building) { v5 = this.buildings; } else { if (obj instanceof rr.AirfieldDefender) { v5 = this.afdefenders; } } } } } var v6 = v5.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v6) { if (v5[v3] == obj.uid) { v5.splice(v3, 1); break; } ++v3; } if (obj instanceof rr.building.Building) { if (obj.type == 'Industry' || obj.type == 'Office') {{'type': 'onIndustryDestroyed'}); } } else { if (obj instanceof rr.enemy.GroundUnit) { if (obj.hostility > 0 && obj.isdead) {{'type': 'onGroundEnemyDestroyed'}); } } else { if (obj instanceof rr.plane.EnemyPlane || obj instanceof rr.plane.EnemyHeli) {{'type': 'onAirEnemyDestroyed'}); } } } var v7 = delete this['obj_' + obj.uid]; }; v2.clear = function () { this.bg_bmp.dispose(); this.fg_bmp.dispose(); this.clouds_bmp.dispose(); delete this.bg_bmp; delete this.fg_bmp; delete this.clouds_bmp; this.hitmov.removeMovieClip();; }; v2.clearAmmo = function () { var v2 = new Array(); var v3 = this.ammo.length; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < v3) { v2.push(this['obj_' + this.ammo[v4]]); ++v4; } for (v4 in v2) { v2[v4].destroy(); } }; v2.getIndustryCount = function () { var v4 = 0; var v5 = this.buildings.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5) { var v3 = this['obj_' + this.buildings[v2]]; if (v3.type == 'Industry' || v3.type == 'Office') { ++v4; } ++v2; } return v4; }; v2.getEnemyGroundsCount = function () { var v7 = 0; var v8 =; var v6 = 0; while (v6 < v8) { var v5 =['cell_' +[v6]]; var v4 = v5.hasRemovables ? v5.removables : v5.eiObjects; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.length) { var v3 = v5.hasRemovables ? _global.stage['obj_' + v4[v2]] : v4[v2]; if (!v3.isdead && v3.hostility > 0) { ++v7; } ++v2; } ++v6; } return v7; }; v2.getFriendlyGroundsCount = function () { var v7 = 0; var v8 =; var v6 = 0; while (v6 < v8) { var v5 =['cell_' +[v6]]; var v4 = v5.hasRemovables ? v5.removables : v5.eiObjects; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.length) { var v3 = v5.hasRemovables ? _global.stage['obj_' + v4[v2]] : v4[v2]; if (!v3.isdead && v3.hostility <= 0) { ++v7; } ++v2; } ++v6; } return v7; }; v2.getEnemyAirsCount = function () { var v4 = this.airs.length; var v5 = this.afs.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5) { var v3 = this['obj_' + this.afs[v2]]; if (v3.enemyPlanes) { v4 += v3.enemyPlanes.length; } ++v2; } return v4; }; v2.getEnemyAirfieldCount = function () { var v4 = 0; var v5 = this.afs.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5) { var v3 = this['obj_' + this.afs[v2]]; if (v3.hostility > 0) { ++v4; } ++v2; } return v4; }; v2.getStaticTrainsCount = function () { var v4 = 0; if (this.strains) { var v5 = this.strains.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5) { var v3 = this.strains[v2]; if (v3.weaponsLeft()) { ++v4; } ++v2; } } return v4; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.Stage.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3528 __Packages.rr.Clouds { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.Clouds) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.init(); }; rr.Clouds = v1; rr.Clouds extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.clouds = new Array(); var v4 = *; var v5 = 1; this.xspeed = Math.random() < 0.5 ? v5 : -v5; this.yspeed = Math.random() < 0.5 ? v5 : -v5; var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= v4) { this.addCloud(); ++v3; } }; v2.addCloud = function () { var v4 = new Object(); v4.x = Math.random() *; v4.y = Math.random() *; var v9 = 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5; var v11 = Math.random() * 360; var v10 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; var v3 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('cloud0' + v10 + '.png'); if ( { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setBmpTint(v3, 0, 50); } var v5 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); v5.translate(-v3.width / 2, -v3.height / 2); v5.rotate(v11); v5.scale(v9, v9); v5.translate(v3.width + 40, v3.height + 40); var v6 = new flash.display.BitmapData(v3.width * 2, v3.height * 2, true, 0); var v7 = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(); v7.rgb = 0; v7.alphaMultiplier = 0.4; v6.draw(v3, v5, v7); v5.translate(-40, -40); v6.draw(v3, v5); var v8 = v6.getColorBoundsRect(4278190080.0, 0, false); v4.bmp = new flash.display.BitmapData(v8.width, v8.height, true, 0); v4.bmp.copyPixels(v6, v8, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), null, null, true); v4.rect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, v4.bmp.width, v4.bmp.height); v3.dispose(); false; v6.dispose(); false; this.clouds.push(v4); }; v2.update = function () { var v5 = this.clouds.length; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < v5) { var v3 = this.clouds[v4]; v3.x += this.xspeed; v3.y -= this.yspeed; if (v3.x < -150) { v3.x = + 150; v3.y = Math.random() *; } else { if (v3.x > + 150) { v3.x = -150; v3.y = Math.random() *; } } if (v3.y < -150) { v3.y = + 150; v3.x = Math.random() *; } else { if (v3.y > + 150) { v3.y = -150; v3.x = Math.random() *; } } if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(v3.x, v3.y,, < 600) { this.renderCloud(v3); } ++v4; } }; v2.renderCloud = function (c) { if (_global.stage.clouds_bmp.width == -1) { _global.stage.createCloudLayer(); } var v3 = new flash.geom.Point(c.x - - c.bmp.width / 2, c.y - - c.bmp.height / 2); _global.stage.clouds_bmp.copyPixels(c.bmp, c.rect, v3, null, null, true); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.Clouds.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3529 __Packages.rr.train.Train { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.Train) { var v1 = function () { super(); _global.train = this; this.init(); }; rr.train.Train = v1; rr.train.Train extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.segments = new Array(); var v9 = _global.gameconf.train.length; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < v9) { if (_global.gameconf.train[v7].loc) { this.speed = _global.gameconf.train[v7].speed; rr.train.TrainUtils.createLoc({'type': _global.gameconf.train[v7].loc}); } ++v7; } v7 = 0; while (v7 < v9) { var v4 = _global.gameconf.train[v7]; if (v4.wagon) { var v5 = 0; var v6 = new Array(); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4.weapons.length) { v6.push({'type': v4.weapons[v3], 'position': v5}); v5 += Number(rr.conf.Config.getObjectValue(v4.weapons[v3], 'spaces')); ++v3; } rr.train.TrainUtils.createWagon({'type': v4.wagon, 'weapons': v6}); } ++v7; } rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.initSegments, 50); }; v2.update = function () { var v3 = this.segments.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { this.segments[v2].update(); ++v2; } }; v2.initSegments = function () { var v4 = 0; var v5 = this.segments.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5) { this.segments[v3].init(); v4 += this.segments[v3].length - 1; ++v3; } _global.loc.d = v4 + _global.loc.length / 2; _global.loc.reAffirm(); }; v2.onConnectionChanged = function () { var v3 = _global.loc; this.lastsegment = v3; while ( { v3 =; this.lastsegment = v3; } }; v2.getTargetSegment = function () { var v3 = new Array(); var v2 = _global.loc; v3.push(v2); while ( { v2 =; v3.push(v2); } var v4 = Math.round(Math.random() * (v3.length - 1)); return v3[v4]; }; v2.removeSegment = function (obj) { var v3 = this.segments.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { if (this.segments[v2] == obj) { this.segments.splice(v2, 1); break; } ++v2; } this.onConnectionChanged(); }; v2.checkObjectHit = function (obj) { var v5 = this.segments.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= v5) { var v2 = this.segments[v3]; if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(obj.x, obj.y, v2.x, v2.y) <= obj.dfeel + v2.dfeel - 10) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isShapeHit(, { return v2; } } ++v3; } return false; }; v2.weaponsLeft = function () { if (_global.loc) { return true; } var v4 = this.segments.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4) { if (this.segments[v3].weapons.length > 0) { return true; } ++v3; } return false; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.Train.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3530 __Packages.rr.train.statics.StaticTrain { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train) { _global.rr.train = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics) { _global.rr.train.statics = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.train.statics.StaticTrain) { var v1 = function (iObj) { super(); this.initObj = iObj; this.init(); }; rr.train.statics.StaticTrain = v1; rr.train.statics.StaticTrain extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.segments = new Array(); var v4 = this.initObj.segments.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4) { var v2 = this.initObj.segments[v3]; if (v2.loc) { rr.train.TrainUtils.createStaticLoc({'type': v2.loc, 'x': v2.x, 'y': v2.y, 'r': v2.r, 'train': this}); } ++v3; } v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4) { v2 = this.initObj.segments[v3]; if (v2.wagon) { rr.train.TrainUtils.createStaticWagon({'type': v2.wagon, 'x': v2.x, 'y': v2.y, 'r': v2.r, 'wp': v2.weapons, 'train': this}); } ++v3; } rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.initSegments, 50); }; v2.update = function () { var v3 = this.segments.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { this.segments[v2].update(); ++v2; } }; v2.initSegments = function () { var v3 = this.segments.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { this.segments[v2].init(); ++v2; } }; v2.removeSegment = function (obj) { var v4 = this.segments.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4) { if (this.segments[v2] == obj) { this.segments.splice(v2, 1); if (obj == this.loc) { this.loc = undefined; } break; } ++v2; } }; v2.checkObjectHit = function (obj) { var v5 = this.segments.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= v5) { var v2 = this.segments[v3]; if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(obj.x, obj.y, v2.x, v2.y) <= obj.dfeel + v2.dfeel - 10) { if (rr.utils.HitTest.isShapeHit(, { return v2; } } ++v3; } return false; }; v2.weaponsLeft = function () { if (this.loc) { return true; } var v3 = this.segments.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { if (this.segments[v2].weapons.length > 0) { return true; } ++v2; } return false; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.train.statics.StaticTrain.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3531 __Packages.rr.Timer { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.Timer) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.tickTime = 40; }; rr.Timer = v1; rr.Timer extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.start = function () { this.stopped = false; clearInterval(this.ival); this.ival = setInterval(this, 'doTick', this.tickTime);{'type': 'onTimerStart', 'target': this}); }; v2.stop = function () { clearInterval(this.ival); _global.sounds.stopAllLoops(); this.stopped = true;{'type': 'onTimerStop', 'target': this}); }; v2.doTick = function () {{'type': 'onTimerTick', 'target': this}); updateAfterEvent(); }; v2.setSlowMotion = function (t) { this.tickTime *= t; this.start(); }; v2.endSlowMotion = function () { this.tickTime = 40; this.start(); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.Timer.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3532 __Packages.rr.Sounds { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.Sounds) { var v1 = function () { super(); _global.sounds = this; }; rr.Sounds = v1; rr.Sounds extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.clear(); this.soundcontainer = _global.root.createEmptyMovieClip('soundcontainer', _global.root.getNextHighestDepth()); }; v2.removeSound = function (uid) { this[uid].stop(); delete this[uid]; this[uid] = undefined; this.soundcontainer[uid].removeMovieClip(); }; v2.playSound = function (linkId, vol) { if (!linkId) { return undefined; } if (vol == undefined) { vol = 100; } var v2 = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); var v3 = this.soundcontainer.createEmptyMovieClip(v2, this.soundcontainer.getNextHighestDepth()); this[v2] = new Sound(v3); this[v2].attachSound(linkId); this[v2].setVolume(vol); this[v2].start(); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.removeSound, this[v2].duration, v2); return v2; }; v2.stopSound = function (uid) { if (!uid) { return undefined; } this[uid].stop(); }; v2.addLoopSound = function (soundId) { var v2 = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); var v3 = this.soundcontainer.createEmptyMovieClip(v2, this.soundcontainer.getNextHighestDepth()); this[v2] = new Sound(v3); this[v2].sid = soundId; this[v2].isloop = true; this[v2].attachSound(soundId); return v2; }; v2.playLoopSound = function (uid, vol) { if (vol == undefined) { vol = 100; } var v3 = this[uid].sid; this.removeSound(uid); var v4 = this.soundcontainer.createEmptyMovieClip(uid, this.soundcontainer.getNextHighestDepth()); this[uid] = new Sound(v4); this[uid].sid = v3; this[uid].isloop = true; this[uid].isplaying = true; this[uid].attachSound(v3); this[uid].setVolume(vol); this[uid].start(0, 100000); }; v2.stopLoopSound = function (uid) { this[uid].stop(); this[uid].isplaying = false; }; v2.playLoopingSound = function (linkId, vol) { if (!linkId) { return undefined; } if (vol == undefined) { vol = 100; } var v2 = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); var v3 = this.soundcontainer.createEmptyMovieClip(v2, this.soundcontainer.getNextHighestDepth()); this[v2] = new Sound(v3); this[v2].isloop = true; this[v2].attachSound(linkId); this[v2].setVolume(vol); this[v2].start(); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.removeSound, this[v2].duration, v2); return this[v2].duration; }; v2.stopAll = function () { for (var v3 in this) { var v2 = this[v3]; if (v2 instanceof Sound) { this[v3].stop(); } } }; v2.stopAllLoops = function () { for (var v2 in this) { if (this[v2] instanceof Sound) { if (this[v2].isloop) { this[v2].stop(); } } } }; v2.clear = function () { this.soundcontainer.removeMovieClip(); for (var v2 in this) { if (this[v2] instanceof Sound) { trace('clear sound: '); delete this[v2]; } } for (v2 in this) { if (this[v2] instanceof Object) { trace('clear sound Object: '); delete this[v2]; } } }; v2.playExplodeSound = function (soundId, basevol, tailvol, dzero, x, y) { dzero = 1000; var v3 = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); var v5 = this.soundcontainer.createEmptyMovieClip(v3, this.soundcontainer.getNextHighestDepth()); this[v3] = new Sound(v5); this[v3].attachSound(soundId); var v7 = x -; var v9 = y -; var v6 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(v7, v9, 320, 240); var v4 = v6 < 50 ? basevol : basevol - basevol * v6 / dzero; if (v4 < 0) { v4 = 0; } var v10 = (v7 - 320) / 3.2; this[v3].setVolume(v4); this[v3].setPan(v10); this[v3].start(); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.removeSoundClip, this[v3].duration, v5); if (tailvol > 0) { this.playExplodeTail(tailvol); } }; v2.playExplodeTail = function (vol) { var v2 = rr.utils.StringUtils.getUniqueName(); var v3 = this.soundcontainer.createEmptyMovieClip(v2, this.soundcontainer.getNextHighestDepth()); this[v2] = new Sound(v3); this[v2].attachSound('BaseXplosionTail2.mp3'); this[v2].setVolume(vol); this[v2].start(); rr.utils.Delegate.callDelayed(this, this.removeSoundClip, this[v2].duration, v3); }; v2.removeSoundClip = function (mc) { this[mc._name].stop(); delete this[mc._name]; mc.removeMovieClip(); }; v2.setEnemyGunSound = function (uid, turnOn) { if (turnOn) { if (this.enemyGunSound == undefined) { this.enemyGunSound = uid; return true; } else { return false; } } else { if (this.enemyGunSound == uid) { this.enemyGunSound = undefined;{'type': 'onEnemyGunSoundRemove'}); return true; } else { return false; } } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.Sounds.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3533 __Packages.rr.Map { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.Map) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.Map = v1; rr.Map extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { trace('init: map '); this.mapId =; this.cols =; this.rows =; this.maptype =; this.foreground =; this.nightmap = _global.gameconf.nightmap; this.clipcols = _global.gameconf.clipcols; this.cliprows = _global.gameconf.cliprows; this.startcol = _global.gameconf.startcol; this.startrow = _global.gameconf.startrow; this.left = (this.startcol - 1) * 640; = (this.startrow - 1) * 480; if (this.clipcols) { this.cols = this.clipcols; } if (this.cliprows) { this.rows = this.cliprows; } this.width = this.cols * 640; this.height = this.rows * 480; this.map_bmp = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('map' + this.mapId); if (this.foreground) { this.fg_bmp = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('map' + this.mapId + '_fore'); } _global.minimap ='MiniMap', 'minimap_mc', rr.conf.ConfBaseDepths.getDepth('MiniMap')); this.drawMiniMap('bg'); this.createMapCells(); this.createAirfields(); this.createRailConnections(); this.createRailSegments(); this.initMapCells(); if (this.nightmap) { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setBmpTint(this.map_bmp, 0, 60); rr.utils.ClipUtils.setBmpTint(this.fg_bmp, 0, 60); } }; v2.update = function () { var v3 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(,,,; _global.stage.bg_bmp.copyPixels(this.map_bmp, v3, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); if (this.foreground) { _global.stage.fg_bmp.copyPixels(this.fg_bmp, v3, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); } }; v2.createMapCells = function () { this.cells = []; var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= this.cols) { var v2 = 1; while (v2 <= this.rows) { this['cell_' + v3 + '_' + v2] = new rr.MapCell(v3, v2); this.cells.push(this['cell_' + v3 + '_' + v2].id); ++v2; } ++v3; } }; v2.createAirfields = function () { var v3 =; var v4 = v3.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4) { v3[v2].linkId = 'AirField'; v3[v2].id = v2 + 1; rr.utils.StageUtils.createStageObject(v3[v2]); ++v2; } }; v2.createRailConnections = function () { var v4 =; this.rc = []; var v5 = v4.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5) { this.rc.push(v4[v3].id); this['rc' + v4[v3].id] = new rr.rail.RailConnection(v4[v3]); ++v3; } }; v2.createRailSegments = function () { var v4 =; = []; var v5 = v4.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5) {[v3].id); this['rs' + v4[v3].id] = new rr.rail.RailSegment(v4[v3]); ++v3; } v5 = this.rc.length; v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5) { this['rc' + this.rc[v3]].init(); ++v3; } }; v2.initMapCells = function () { var v3 = this.rc.length; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < v3) { this['rc' + this.rc[v4]].checkBlocks(); ++v4; } v3 =; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v3) { this['rs' +[v4]].checkBlocks(); rr.rail.RailUtils.draw(this['rs' +[v4]], 'rail_bg'); ++v4; } v4 = 0; while (v4 < v3) { rr.rail.RailUtils.draw(this['rs' +[v4]], 'rail_beam'); ++v4; } v4 = 0; while (v4 < v3) { rr.rail.RailUtils.draw(this['rs' +[v4]], 'rail'); ++v4; } v3 = this.cells.length; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v3) { var v5 = this['cell_' + this.cells[v4]]; v5.createNeighbours(); ++v4; } v3 = _global.stage.afs.length; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v3) { var v6 = _global.stage['obj_' + _global.stage.afs[v4]]; v6.createTracks(); ++v4; } }; v2.drawMiniMap = function (layer) { var v4 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v3 = _global.minimap.scale; var v5 = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, this.width * v3, this.height * v3); v4.scale(v3, v3); v4.translate(-this.left * v3, * v3); if (layer == 'bg') { _global.minimap.map_bmp.draw(this.map_bmp, v4, null, null, v5); } }; v2.drawAirfieldLight = function (l) { var v3 = 3; var v8 = 0; if (l.col == 'green') { v8 = 65280; } if (l.col == 'orange') { v8 = 16737792; } if (l.col == 'red') { v8 = 16711680; } var v4 = 1; while (v4 <= v3) { var v2 = 1; while (v2 <= v3) { var v6 = l.x - v3 / 2 + v2 - 1; var v5 = l.y - v3 / 2 + v4 - 1; this.map_bmp.setPixel(v6, v5, v8); ++v2; } ++v4; } }; v2.getCell = function (cId) { return this['cell_' + cId]; }; v2.getCellByPos = function (x, y) { var v2 = rr.utils.MathUtils.nFit(640, x) + 1; var v3 = rr.utils.MathUtils.nFit(480, y) + 1; return this['cell_' + v2 + '_' + v3]; }; v2.getCellIdByPos = function (x, y) { var v1 = rr.utils.MathUtils.nFit(640, x) + 1; var v2 = rr.utils.MathUtils.nFit(480, y) + 1; return v1 + '_' + v2; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.Map.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3534 __Packages.rr.MapCell { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.MapCell) { var v1 = function (cId, rId) { super(); this.colId = cId; this.rowId = rId; this.init(); }; rr.MapCell = v1; rr.MapCell extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.width = 640; this.height = 480; = this.colId + '_' + this.rowId; this.left = (this.colId - 1) * this.width; this.right = this.colId * this.width; = (this.rowId - 1) * this.height; this.bottom = this.rowId * this.height; = new flash.geom.Point(this.left + this.width / 2, + this.height / 2); this.statics = new Array(); this.removables = new Array(); this.hasRemovables = true;'onCameraCellChange', this); }; v2.createNeighbours = function () { this.nb = []; this.nb[1] = (this.colId > 1 && this.rowId > 1) ? - 1 + '_' + (this.rowId - 1)) : undefined; this.nb[2] = this.rowId > 1 ? + '_' + (this.rowId - 1)) : undefined; this.nb[3] = (this.colId < && this.rowId > 1) ? + 1 + '_' + (this.rowId - 1)) : undefined; this.nb[4] = this.colId > 1 ? - 1 + '_' + this.rowId) : undefined; this.nb[5] = this.colId < ? + 1 + '_' + this.rowId) : undefined; this.nb[6] = (this.colId > 1 && this.rowId < ? - 1 + '_' + (this.rowId + 1)) : undefined; this.nb[7] = this.rowId < ? + '_' + (this.rowId + 1)) : undefined; this.nb[8] = (this.colId < && this.rowId < ? + 1 + '_' + (this.rowId + 1)) : undefined; }; v2.update = function () { var v6; var v7 = rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(,,,; if (v7 < 810) { v6 = this.removables.length; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v6) { var v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + this.removables[v5]]; if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(v3.x, v3.y,, < 550) { v3.update(); } ++v5; } v6 = this.statics.length; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v6) { var v4 = _global.stage['obj_' + this.statics[v5]]; if (rr.utils.MathUtils.getDistance(v4.x, v4.y,, < 550) { v4.update(); } ++v5; } } if (this.isFocused) { v6 = this.nb.length; v5 = 0; while (v5 < v6) { this.nb[v5].update(); ++v5; } } }; v2.onCameraCellChange = function () { if (this.isFocused) { if (!this.hasRemovables) { this.restoreRemovables(); } return undefined; } var v3 = false; var v4 = this.nb.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4) { if (this.nb[v2].isFocused) { v3 = true; break; } ++v2; } if (v3) { if (!this.hasRemovables) { this.restoreRemovables(); } } else { if (this.hasRemovables) { this.backupRemovables(); } } }; v2.checkFocus = function (x, y) { if (x >= this.left && x < this.right && y >= && y < this.bottom) { return undefined; } this.isFocused = false; }; v2.restoreRemovables = function () { this.removables = new Array(); this.hasRemovables = true; var v3 = this.eiObjects.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { rr.utils.StageUtils.createStageObject(this.eiObjects[v2]); ++v2; } delete this.eiObjects; }; v2.backupRemovables = function () { var v6 = new Array(); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.removables.length) { v6.push(this.removables[v3]); ++v3; } this.eiObjects = new Array(); var v7 = v6.length; v3 = 0; while (v3 < v7) { var v4 = _global.stage['obj_' + v6[v3]]; var v5 = v4.getInitObj(); this.eiObjects.push(v5); v4.destroy(); ++v3; } delete this.removables; this.hasRemovables = false; }; v2.addRemovable = function (uid) { if (this.hasRemovables) { this.removables.push(uid); } else { var v3 = _global.stage['obj_' + uid]; var v4 = v3.getInitObj(); this.eiObjects.push(v4); v3.destroy(); } }; v2.deleteRemovable = function (uid) { if (this.hasRemovables) { var v4 = this.removables.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4) { if (this.removables[v2] == uid) { this.removables.splice(v2, 1); break; } ++v2; } } else { var v4 = this.eiObjects.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4) { if (this.eiObjects[v2].uid == uid) { this.eiObjects.splice(v2, 1); break; } ++v2; } } }; v2.addStatic = function (uid) { this.statics.push(uid); }; v2.removeStatic = function (uid) { var v3 = this.statics.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { if (this.statics[v2] == uid) { this.statics.splice(v2, 1); break; } ++v2; } }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.MapCell.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3535 __Packages.rr.rail.RailUtils { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.rail) { _global.rr.rail = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.rail.RailUtils) { var v1 = function () {}; rr.rail.RailUtils = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.draw = function (rs, element) { if (rs.type == 'line') { rr.rail.RailUtils.drawLine(rs, element); } if (rs.type == 'arc') { rr.rail.RailUtils.drawArc(rs, element); } }; v1.drawLine = function (rs, element) { var v9 = Math.PI; var v15 = Math.cos; var v14 = Math.sin; var v7 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(element); if ( { if (element == 'rail_bg') { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setBmpTint(v7, 0, 10); } else { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setBmpTint(v7, 0, 30); } } var v12; var v11; var v10 = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(rs.ang); var v8 = new flash.geom.Point(v7.width / 2, v7.height / 2); var v2 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v4 = 0; while (v4 <= rs.length) { v12 = v15(v10 * v9 / 180) * v4; v11 = -v14(v10 * v9 / 180) * v4; v2.identity(); v2.translate(-v8.x, -v8.y); v2.rotate((rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(-v10) / 180) * v9); v2.translate(rs.rcs.x + v12, rs.rcs.y + v11); if (element == 'rail_bg') {, v2, null, 'overlay'); } else {, v2); } if (element == 'rail') { var v6 = new flash.display.BitmapData(7, 7, false, _global.minimap.railcolor); var v3 = _global.minimap.scale; v2.identity(); v2.scale(v3, v3); v2.translate(-v8.x * v3, -v8.y * v3); v2.translate((rs.rcs.x + v12) * v3, (rs.rcs.y + v11) * v3); _global.minimap.map_bmp.draw(v6, v2); v6.dispose(); false; } v4 += v7.width; } v7.dispose(); false; }; v1.drawArc = function (rs, element) { var v9 = Math.PI; var v17 = Math.cos; var v16 = Math.sin; var v10 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(element); if ( { if (element == 'rail_bg') { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setBmpTint(v10, 0, 10); } else { rr.utils.ClipUtils.setBmpTint(v10, 0, 30); } } var v7 = new flash.geom.Point(v10.width / 2, v10.height / 2); var v2 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v12; var v11; var v19 = rs.length / v10.width; var v15 = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(rs.ang - 90); var v13 = new flash.geom.Point(-rs.dir * (rs.radius * v17(v15 * v9 / 180)), rs.dir * (rs.radius * v16(v15 * v9 / 180))); var v18 = rs.dir * 180 / (rs.radius * v9 / v10.width); var v8; var v6 = 0; while (v6 <= v19) { v8 = rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(v15 + v6 * v18); v12 = v13.x + rs.dir * rs.radius * v17(v8 * v9 / 180); v11 = v13.y - rs.dir * rs.radius * v16(v8 * v9 / 180); v2.identity(); v2.translate(-v7.x, -v7.y); v2.rotate((rr.utils.MathUtils.formatAngle(-v8 - 90) / 180) * v9); v2.translate(rs.rcs.x + v12, rs.rcs.y + v11); if (element == 'rail_bg') {, v2, null, 'overlay'); } else {, v2, null); } if (element == 'rail') { var v5 = new flash.display.BitmapData(7, 7, false, _global.minimap.railcolor); var v4 = _global.minimap.scale; v2.identity(); v2.scale(v4, v4); v2.translate(-v7.x * v4, -v7.y * v4); v2.translate((rs.rcs.x + v12) * v4, (rs.rcs.y + v11) * v4); _global.minimap.map_bmp.draw(v5, v2); v5.dispose(); false; } ++v6; } v10.dispose(); false; }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.rail.RailUtils.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 3536 __Packages.rr.StageCam { #initclip if (!_global.rr) { _global.rr = new Object(); } if (!_global.rr.StageCam) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; rr.StageCam = v1; rr.StageCam extends rr.BaseClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { this.follow = 'mouse'; this.width = _global.stage.width; this.height = _global.stage.height; this.minx = + this.width / 2; this.miny = + this.height / 2; this.maxx = + - this.width / 2; this.maxy = + - this.height / 2; this.x = _global.plane.x; this.y = _global.plane.y; this.x = this.x < this.minx ? this.minx : (this.x > this.maxx ? this.maxx : this.x); this.y = this.y < this.miny ? this.miny : (this.y > this.maxy ? this.maxy : this.y); this.left = this.x - this.width / 2; this.right = this.x + this.width / 2; = this.y - this.height / 2; this.bottom = this.y + this.height / 2; this.ysprev = 0; this.xsprev = 0; this.ys = 0; this.xs = 0; this.cellId =, this.y); this.cell =; this.cell.isFocused = true;{'type': 'onCameraCellChange'}); this.cell.update(); }; v2.update = function () { this.xdif = this.camRef.xcam - this.x; this.ydif = this.camRef.ycam - this.y; if (this.camRef instanceof rr.AirField) { this.xs = this.xdif / 20; this.ys = this.ydif / 20; var v6 = this.x + this.xs < this.minx || this.x + this.xs > this.maxx; var v7 = this.y + this.ys < this.miny || this.y + this.ys > this.maxy; var v4 = Math.abs(this.xdif) < 20; var v3 = Math.abs(this.ydif) < 20; if (v6 && v7) { _global.planemenu.showAfterCrash(); } else { if (v6 && v3) { _global.planemenu.showAfterCrash(); } else { if (v7 && v4) { _global.planemenu.showAfterCrash(); } else { if (v4 && v3) { _global.planemenu.showAfterCrash(); } } } } } else { this.xs = this.xdif / 40; this.ys = this.ydif / 40; } if (this.camRef == _global.aim) { if (_global.stage._ymouse > 480) { this.ys = 0; this.xs = 0; } } if (Math.abs(this.xs - this.xsprev) < 0.5) { this.xs = this.xsprev; } if (Math.abs(this.ys - this.ysprev) < 0.5) { this.ys = this.ysprev; } this.xsprev = this.xs; this.ysprev = this.ys; this.x = this.x + this.xs < this.minx ? this.minx : (Math.round(this.x + this.xs) > this.maxx ? this.maxx : Math.round(this.x + this.xs)); this.y = this.y + this.ys < this.miny ? this.miny : (Math.round(this.y + this.ys) > this.maxy ? this.maxy : Math.round(this.y + this.ys)); this.left = this.x - this.width / 2; this.right = this.x + this.width / 2; = this.y - this.height / 2; this.bottom = this.y + this.height / 2; var v5 =, this.y); if (v5 != this.cellId) { this.cell.isFocused = false; this.cellId = v5; this.cell =; this.cell.isFocused = true;{'type': 'onCameraCellChange'}); } this.cell.update(); }; ASSetPropFlags(rr.StageCam.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { } frame 12 { stop(); } button 77 { on (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 79 { } movieClip 82 { } movieClip 84 { } movieClip 86 { } movieClip 91 { } movieClip 96 { } movieClip 98 { } movieClip 102 { frame 99 { _root.gotoAndPlay('naintro'); } } frame 17 { var loaded = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (loaded == 100) { loaded = undefined; this.onEnterFrame = undefined; play(); } else { loaded = Math.round((this.getBytesLoaded() / this.getBytesTotal()) * 100); this.youdapreloader.percentloaded_bar_mc._xscale = loaded; this.youdapreloader.loaded_txt.text = loaded + '%'; stop(); } }; stop(); } movieClip 106 { } movieClip 107 MiniMapMissionTarget { } movieClip 123 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 125 { } movieClip 126 PopupMissionTarget { frame 1 { _visible = false; stop(); } frame 2 { _visible = true; } } movieClip 134 PlaneBoxInfo { } movieClip 148 Confirm { #initclip Object.registerClass('Confirm', rr.control.Confirm); #endinitclip } movieClip 150 ToggleConfirm { } movieClip 153 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 156 AirField { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 161 { } movieClip 164 { } movieClip 169 { } movieClip 188 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 189 BulletGunSingle { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 190 { } movieClip 191 BulletGunDouble { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 192 { } movieClip 193 BulletGunGatling { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 201 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 202 GunDouble { } movieClip 207 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 208 GunSingle { } movieClip 217 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 218 GunGatling { } movieClip 223 GunFlame { frame 4 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 229 { frame 1 { function show() { clearInterval(ival); mode = 'show'; this.onEnterFrame = shift; } function hide() { clearInterval(ival); mode = 'hide'; this.onEnterFrame = shift; } function shift() { if (mode == 'show') { if (_currentframe == 10) { delete this.onEnterFrame; ival = setInterval(this, 'hide', 3000); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } if (mode == 'hide') { if (_currentframe == 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1); } } } var mode; var ival; var count; stop(); } } movieClip 233 { frame 1 { function show() { clearInterval(ival); mode = 'show'; this.onEnterFrame = shift; } function hide() { clearInterval(ival); mode = 'hide'; this.onEnterFrame = shift; } function shift() { if (mode == 'show') { if (_currentframe == 10) { delete this.onEnterFrame; ival = setInterval(this, 'hide', 3000); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } if (mode == 'hide') { if (_currentframe == 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1); } } } var mode; var ival; var count; stop(); } } movieClip 237 { frame 1 { function show() { clearInterval(ival); mode = 'show'; this.onEnterFrame = shift; } function hide() { clearInterval(ival); mode = 'hide'; this.onEnterFrame = shift; } function shift() { if (mode == 'show') { if (_currentframe == 10) { delete this.onEnterFrame; ival = setInterval(this, 'hide', 3000); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } if (mode == 'hide') { if (_currentframe == 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1); } } } var mode; var ival; var count; stop(); } } movieClip 245 { } movieClip 255 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 258 { } movieClip 259 { frame 1 { _visible = false; stop(); } frame 2 { _visible = true; } } movieClip 263 { } movieClip 265 { } movieClip 267 { } movieClip 271 { } movieClip 274 { } movieClip 290 { } movieClip 295 { } movieClip 298 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 304 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 312 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 316 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 320 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 324 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 328 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 332 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 339 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 343 { } movieClip 344 BottomMenu { #initclip Object.registerClass('BottomMenu', rr.control.BottomMenu); #endinitclip } movieClip 348 { } movieClip 349 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 352 { } button 353 { on (rollOver, dragOver) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 356 { } movieClip 360 { } movieClip 364 { } movieClip 368 { } movieClip 372 { } movieClip 376 { } movieClip 380 { } movieClip 384 { } movieClip 388 { } button 390 { on (press) { _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon('GroundMissile'); pijltje.gotoAndStop('GroundMissile'); } } button 391 { on (press) { _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon('Bombs'); pijltje.gotoAndStop('Bombs'); } } button 392 { on (press) { _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon('EMPBomb'); pijltje.gotoAndStop('EMPBomb'); } } button 393 { on (press) { _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon('Guns'); pijltje.gotoAndStop('Guns'); } } button 394 { on (press) { _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon('FuelBomb'); pijltje.gotoAndStop('FuelBomb'); } } button 395 { on (press) { _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon('AirMissile'); pijltje.gotoAndStop('AirMissile'); } } button 396 { on (press) { _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon('CarpetBomb'); pijltje.gotoAndStop('CarpetBomb'); } } button 397 { on (press) { _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon('Propaganda'); pijltje.gotoAndStop('Propaganda'); } } button 398 { on (press) { _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon('NuclearBomb'); pijltje.gotoAndStop('NuclearBomb'); } } button 400 { on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.selectinterface.gotoAndPlay('closer'); } } movieClip 401 { frame 1 { pijltje.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 11 { pijltje.gotoAndStop(_global.planedefinition.weaponType); pijltje._visible = true; propaganda_btn.enabled = _global.planedefinition.hasPropaganda; air_btn.enabled = _global.planedefinition.hasAir; gun_btn.enabled = _global.planedefinition.hasGun; bomb_btn.enabled = _global.planedefinition.hasBomb; ground_btn.enabled = _global.planedefinition.hasGround; emp_btn.enabled = _global.planedefinition.hasEMP; fuel_btn.enabled = _global.planedefinition.hasFuel; carpet_btn.enabled = _global.planedefinition.hasCarpet; nuclear_btn.enabled = _global.planedefinition.hasNuclear; propaganda_btn._alpha = propaganda_btn.enabled ? 100 : 20; air_btn._alpha = air_btn.enabled ? 100 : 20; gun_btn._alpha = gun_btn.enabled ? 100 : 20; bomb_btn._alpha = bomb_btn.enabled ? 100 : 20; ground_btn._alpha = ground_btn.enabled ? 100 : 20; emp_btn._alpha = emp_btn.enabled ? 100 : 20; fuel_btn._alpha = fuel_btn.enabled ? 100 : 20; carpet_btn._alpha = carpet_btn.enabled ? 100 : 20; nuclear_btn._alpha = nuclear_btn.enabled ? 100 : 20; stop(); } } movieClip 402 WeaponSelector { } button 444 { on (press) { getURL(_global.buygameshoplink, '_blank'); } } button 446 { on (press) { getURL(_global.affiliatebutton, '_blank'); } } button 450 { on (press) { getURL(_global.affiliatebutton, '_blank'); } } movieClip 452 { } movieClip 455 { } movieClip 456 { } movieClip 459 { } movieClip 461 { } movieClip 463 { } movieClip 465 { } movieClip 467 { } movieClip 491 { } movieClip 493 { frame 27 { stop(); } } button 494 { on (press) { getURL(_global.affiliatebutton, '_blank'); } } button 498 { on (press) { getURL(_global.affiliatebutton, '_blank'); } } button 500 { on (press) { getURL(_global.affiliatebutton, '_blank'); } } movieClip 501 { } movieClip 502 { frame 1 { if (_global.companylogo == 'MiniClip') { gotoAndStop('minicliplogo'); } else { if (_global.companylogo == '2DPlay') { gotoAndStop('2dplaylogo'); } else { if (_global.companylogo == 'Craziness') { gotoAndStop('crazinesslogo'); } else { if (_global.companylogo == 'ArcadeTown') { gotoAndStop('arcadetownlogo'); } else { if (_global.companylogo == 'Agame') { gotoAndStop('agamelogo'); } } } } } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } } movieClip 511 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 513 { } button 516 { on (press) { if (_global.youdagames != '' && _global.youdagames != undefined) { getURL(_global.youdagames, '_blank'); } } } movieClip 522 { } movieClip 526 { } movieClip 547 { } movieClip 551 { } movieClip 556 { } movieClip 558 { } movieClip 561 { } movieClip 563 { } movieClip 564 { } movieClip 566 { } button 567 { on (press) { _visible = false; } } movieClip 571 { } movieClip 576 { } movieClip 580 { } movieClip 586 { } movieClip 591 { } movieClip 594 { } movieClip 605 { } button 610 { on (press) { gotoAndPlay('buynowpage'); } } movieClip 612 { } movieClip 659 { frame 24 { stop(); } } movieClip 662 { } movieClip 664 { } movieClip 674 { } movieClip 678 { } movieClip 680 { } movieClip 691 { } movieClip 709 { } movieClip 717 { } button 719 { on (press) { getURL(_global.buygamelink, '_blank'); } } movieClip 728 { frame 1 { var game_id = _global.game_idprice; var game_price; var getPriceTxt = new LoadVars(); getPriceTxt.onLoad = function (success) { if (this.price) { game_pricevaluta = '$ ' + game_price; gotoAndPlay('priceok'); } else { gotoAndStop('pricenotok'); } game_price = this.price; game_pricevaluta = '$ ' + game_price; }; getPriceTxt.load('' + game_id); stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } } movieClip 729 { frame 1 { var game_id = 1; var game_price; var getPriceTxt = new LoadVars(); getPriceTxt.onLoad = function (success) { game_price = this.price; game_pricevaluta = '€ ' + game_price; }; getPriceTxt.load('' + game_id); } } movieClip 730 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 170 { stop(); } } movieClip 731 StartMenu { } movieClip 738 { } movieClip 815 { } movieClip 816 BellHueyFramesBase { } movieClip 947 { } movieClip 948 FockeWolfFramesBase { } movieClip 995 { } movieClip 996 C47FramesBase { } movieClip 1127 { } movieClip 1128 MesserSchmidtFramesBase { } movieClip 1131 { } movieClip 1132 { } movieClip 1183 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 1248 { frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 1249 FockeWolf { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } } movieClip 1252 { } movieClip 1303 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 1304 C47 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 1307 { } movieClip 1356 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 1357 MesserSchmidt { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 1360 { } movieClip 1361 BellHuey { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 1366 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(; stop(); } } movieClip 1373 { } movieClip 1376 { } movieClip 1377 { } movieClip 1379 { } movieClip 1380 Aim { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1382 { } movieClip 1383 WeaponMenu { } movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { #initclip Object.registerClass('planebox_orange', rr.control.PlaneBoxOrange); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1398 planebox_blue { #initclip Object.registerClass('planebox_blue', rr.control.PlaneBoxBlue); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1404 planebox_green_small { #initclip Object.registerClass('planebox_green_small', rr.control.PlaneBoxGreen); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1412 planebox_red { #initclip Object.registerClass('planebox_red', rr.control.PlaneBoxRed); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1416 { instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 1; } } instance of movieClip 1398 planebox_blue { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 1; } } instance of movieClip 1404 planebox_green_small { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1398 planebox_blue { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 2; } } instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 1; } } instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 2; } } instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 2; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } } movieClip 1426 Total_Focke { #initclip Object.registerClass('Total_Focke', rr.control.PlaneDisplay); #endinitclip } movieClip 1429 { } movieClip 1430 { instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 1; } } instance of movieClip 1404 planebox_green_small { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1398 planebox_blue { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 1; } } instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 1; } } instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 2; } } instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 2; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 1; } } instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 1; } } instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 2; } } instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 2; } } } movieClip 1434 Total_Bell Huey { #initclip Object.registerClass('Total_Bell Huey', rr.control.PlaneDisplay); #endinitclip } movieClip 1440 planebox_green_medium { #initclip Object.registerClass('planebox_green_medium', rr.control.PlaneBoxGreen); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1443 { } movieClip 1444 { instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 1; } } instance of movieClip 1398 planebox_blue { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 1; } } instance of movieClip 1440 planebox_green_medium { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1398 planebox_blue { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 2; } } instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 2; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1398 planebox_blue { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 3; } } instance of movieClip 1398 planebox_blue { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = 4; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1440 planebox_green_medium { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1440 planebox_green_medium { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } } movieClip 1450 Total_C47 { #initclip Object.registerClass('Total_C47', rr.control.PlaneDisplay); #endinitclip } movieClip 1454 planebox_green_large { #initclip Object.registerClass('planebox_green_large', rr.control.PlaneBoxGreen); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1456 { } movieClip 1460 { } movieClip 1461 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 1462 top_gun01 { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_gun01', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1464 { } movieClip 1468 { } movieClip 1469 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } } movieClip 1472 { } movieClip 1473 { } movieClip 1474 top_airmissile02 { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_airmissile02', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1476 top_landmissile01 { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_landmissile01', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1478 top_landmissile02 { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_landmissile02', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1480 { } movieClip 1482 top_spec_carpet { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_spec_carpet', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1484 top_gun02 { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_gun02', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1486 { } movieClip 1488 top_bomb02 { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_bomb02', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1490 top_bomb03 { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_bomb03', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1492 top_airmissile01 { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_airmissile01', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1494 top_bomb01 { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_bomb01', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1496 { } movieClip 1498 top_spec_propaganda { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_spec_propaganda', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1500 top_spec_emp { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_spec_emp', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1502 top_spec_fuel { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_spec_fuel', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1504 { } movieClip 1506 top_spec_nuke { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_spec_nuke', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1508 top_gun03 { #initclip Object.registerClass('top_gun03', rr.control.WeaponButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 1511 { } movieClip 1512 { } movieClip 1551 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } } button 1587 { on (press) { _parent._parent.selectPlane('FockeWolf'); } } button 1593 { on (press) { _parent._parent.selectPlane('BellHuey'); } } button 1594 { on (press) { _parent._parent.selectPlane('C47'); } } button 1595 { on (press) { _parent._parent.selectPlane('MesserSchmidt'); } } button 1596 { on (press) { _parent._parent.selectPlane('Apache'); } } button 1597 { on (press) { _parent._parent.selectPlane('A10'); } } button 1598 { on (press) { _parent._parent.selectPlane('B2'); } } button 1599 { on (press) { _parent._parent.selectPlane('B52'); } } movieClip 1600 { frame 14 { stop(); } } movieClip 1602 { } movieClip 1610 { } movieClip 1611 { frame 60 { stop(); } } movieClip 1613 { } movieClip 1625 { frame 131 { stop(); } } movieClip 1626 { instance FockeWolf_mc of movieClip 1426 Total_Focke { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'FockeWolf'; } } instance BellHuey_mc of movieClip 1434 Total_Bell Huey { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'BellHuey'; } } instance C47_mc of movieClip 1450 Total_C47 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'C47'; } } } movieClip 1668 { } movieClip 1669 { } movieClip 1670 { instance GunSingle_mc of movieClip 1462 top_gun01 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'GunSingle'; } } instance AirSeeker_mc of movieClip 1474 top_airmissile02 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'AirSeeker'; } } instance GroundMissile_mc of movieClip 1476 top_landmissile01 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'GroundMissile'; } } instance GroundSeeker_mc of movieClip 1478 top_landmissile02 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'GroundSeeker'; } } instance CarpetBomb_mc of movieClip 1482 top_spec_carpet { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'CarpetBomb'; } } instance GunDouble_mc of movieClip 1484 top_gun02 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'GunDouble'; } } instance BombHeavy_mc of movieClip 1488 top_bomb02 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'BombHeavy'; } } instance BombExtreme_mc of movieClip 1490 top_bomb03 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'BombExtreme'; } } instance AirMissile_mc of movieClip 1492 top_airmissile01 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'AirMissile'; } } instance BombNormal_mc of movieClip 1494 top_bomb01 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'BombNormal'; } } instance Propaganda_mc of movieClip 1498 top_spec_propaganda { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'Propaganda'; } } instance EMPBomb_mc of movieClip 1500 top_spec_emp { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'EMPBomb'; } } instance FuelBomb_mc of movieClip 1502 top_spec_fuel { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'FuelBomb'; } } instance NuclearBomb_mc of movieClip 1506 top_spec_nuke { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'NuclearBomb'; } } instance GunGatling_mc of movieClip 1508 top_gun03 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = 'GunGatling'; } } } movieClip 1680 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1685 { } movieClip 1686 { frame 37 { stop(); } } button 1687 { on (press) { _visible = false; } } movieClip 1688 { } movieClip 1689 PlaneMenu { #initclip Object.registerClass('PlaneMenu', rr.control.PlaneMenu); #endinitclip } movieClip 1714 CrashFlame { frame 17 { gotoAndPlay(10); } } movieClip 1721 { } movieClip 1722 GroundMissile { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 1723 GroundSeeker { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 1748 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 1749 AirMissile { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 1750 AirSeeker { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 1811 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 1812 Propaganda1 { } movieClip 1873 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 1874 Propaganda2 { } movieClip 1935 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 1936 Propaganda3 { } movieClip 1940 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(; stop(); } } movieClip 1945 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1947 { } movieClip 1950 { } movieClip 1952 { } movieClip 1957 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } frame 2 { nightglow_mc._visible =; } } movieClip 2004 { frame 24 { stop(); } } movieClip 2005 OldJeep { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 2064 { frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 2113 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 2114 Industry1 { frame 50 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2179 { frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 2220 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 2221 Industry2 { frame 47 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2222 Industry3 { frame 49 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2223 Industry4 { frame 44 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2258 { frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 2259 Industry5 { frame 50 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2260 Office1 { frame 40 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2261 Office2 { frame 38 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2326 { frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 2327 Office3 { frame 40 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2328 Office4 { frame 40 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2353 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 2354 AmmoOldJeep { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 2375 MiniMapLegenda { } movieClip 2383 { } movieClip 2387 { } movieClip 2392 { } movieClip 2397 { } movieClip 2402 { } movieClip 2407 { } movieClip 2412 { } movieClip 2417 { } movieClip 2421 { } movieClip 2426 { } movieClip 2431 { } movieClip 2436 { } movieClip 2441 { } movieClip 2446 { } movieClip 2451 { } movieClip 2456 { } movieClip 2457 MiniMapIcon { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } } movieClip 2472 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2473 MiniMapLabel { } movieClip 2475 MiniMap { #initclip Object.registerClass('MiniMap', rr.control.MiniMap); #endinitclip } movieClip 2518 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 2519 BombNormal { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } } movieClip 2522 BombHeavy { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } } movieClip 2524 { } movieClip 2526 LevelLoader { #initclip Object.registerClass('LevelLoader', rr.control.LevelLoader); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2527 { } movieClip 2531 { } movieClip 2534 { } movieClip 2547 { } movieClip 2566 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 2571 { on (press) { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 2576 { } movieClip 2593 { } movieClip 2615 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2616 { } movieClip 2619 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 2620 { } movieClip 2626 { } button 2629 { on (release) { gameURL = '' + gamename + '/en/'; trace('Going to game: ' + gameURL); getURL(gameURL, '_blank'); } } movieClip 2631 { frame 1 {''); } instance mcHighscores of movieClip 2619 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } } frame 2 { if (_url.indexOf('') == -1 && _url.indexOf('') == -1 && _url.indexOf('') == -1 && _url.indexOf('')) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { var noCache = getTimer() + random(100000); mcTarget.loadMovie('' + noCache); stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2632 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2631 { onClipEvent (construct) { scoreLocation = '_level0.playerpoints'; gamename = 'sowdemo'; saveScore = true; scoreIsTime = false; scoreReversed = false; negativeScoreAllowed = false; } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2633 LevelResult { #initclip Object.registerClass('LevelResult', rr.control.LevelResult); #endinitclip } movieClip 2636 AmmoTrainBullit { } movieClip 2641 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(; stop(); } } movieClip 2646 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(; stop(); } } movieClip 2647 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } } movieClip 2652 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } frame 2 { nightglow_mc._visible =; } } movieClip 2653 Pottank { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } } movieClip 2657 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2659 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2664 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } frame 2 { base_mc.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); } frame 3 { nightglow_mc._visible =; } } movieClip 2665 Basilisk { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } } movieClip 2670 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(; stop(); } } movieClip 2673 { } movieClip 2674 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } } movieClip 2679 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } frame 2 { base_mc.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); nightglow_mc._visible =; } } movieClip 2680 GunTruck { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 2685 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(; stop(); } } movieClip 2688 { } movieClip 2689 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } } movieClip 2694 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } frame 2 { nightglow_mc._visible =; } } movieClip 2729 { frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 2730 ArmoredJeep { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 2735 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(; stop(); } } movieClip 2736 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } } movieClip 2741 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } frame 2 { nightglow_mc._visible =; } } movieClip 2742 Elephant { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } } movieClip 2745 { } movieClip 2749 { } movieClip 2751 { } movieClip 2756 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } frame 3 { nightglow_mc._visible =; } } movieClip 2757 Bunker { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } } movieClip 2762 { } movieClip 2763 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.parent.checkNightMode(); _parent._parent._parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } } movieClip 2765 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2772 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2805 { frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 2806 GatlingSingle { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } } movieClip 2808 { } movieClip 2809 GatlingDouble { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 2810 AmmoPotTank { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 2811 AmmoElephant { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 2812 AmmoBasilisk { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 2813 AmmoGatlingSingle { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 2814 AmmoGatlingDouble { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 2815 AmmoGunTruck { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 2816 AmmoArmoredJeep { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 2817 AmmoBunker { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 2820 { } movieClip 2821 { } movieClip 2826 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } frame 3 { nightglow_mc._visible =; } } movieClip 2827 MediumCannon { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } } movieClip 2830 { } movieClip 2835 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } frame 3 { nightglow_mc._visible =; } } movieClip 2836 SmallCannon { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 39 { parent.destroy(); stop(); } } movieClip 2839 { } movieClip 2844 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } frame 3 { nightglow_mc._visible =; } } movieClip 2845 SmallFastCannon { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 39 { parent.destroy(); stop(); } } movieClip 2848 { } movieClip 2849 Wagon2 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } } movieClip 2852 { } movieClip 2853 Wagon1 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } } movieClip 2856 { } movieClip 2857 Wagon3 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } } movieClip 2864 { } movieClip 2865 AmmoRocketLauncher { frame 1 { if (parent.status != 'exploded') { stop(); } } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 2868 { } movieClip 2869 Passenger { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } } movieClip 2872 { } movieClip 2873 TankTrailer { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } } movieClip 2876 { } movieClip 2877 PassengerArmored { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } } movieClip 2884 { } movieClip 2889 { } movieClip 2938 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 2939 AmmoAirfieldDefender { frame 1 { if (parent.status != 'exploded') { stop(); } } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 2952 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 23 { } } movieClip 2953 AirfieldDefender { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 24 { _parent.removeWeapon(this); stop(); } } movieClip 2954 { } button 2959 { on (release) {; } } movieClip 2962 { } movieClip 2964 { } movieClip 2966 { } movieClip 2968 { } movieClip 2970 { } movieClip 2972 { } button 2973 { on (press) { this.gotoAndPlay(this._currentframe + 1); } } movieClip 2975 { } movieClip 2977 { } movieClip 2979 { } button 3003 { on (release) {; } } movieClip 3004 { frame 73 { stop(); } frame 121 { stop(); } frame 224 { stop(); } } movieClip 3007 { } movieClip 3009 { } movieClip 3011 { } movieClip 3013 { } movieClip 3015 { } movieClip 3016 { } movieClip 3017 { } movieClip 3029 { frame 73 { stop(); } frame 121 { stop(); } frame 233 { stop(); } } movieClip 3030 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 50 { _parent.gotoAndPlay('step05'); stop(); } frame 107 { stop(); } } movieClip 3034 { } button 3039 { on (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 3040 { on (press) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 3041 { on (press) { _global.planedefinition.prepareWeapon('GroundMissile'); pijltje.gotoAndStop('GroundMissile'); _parent.gotoAndPlay('step03'); } } movieClip 3042 { frame 1 { pijltje.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { pijltje.gotoAndStop('Guns'); pijltje._visible = true; propaganda_btn.enabled = true; air_btn.enabled = true; gun_btn.enabled = true; bomb_btn.enabled = true; ground_btn.enabled = true; emp_btn.enabled = false; fuel_btn.enabled = false; carpet_btn.enabled = false; nuclear_btn.enabled = false; _parent.gotoAndPlay('step02'); stop(); } } movieClip 3046 { } movieClip 3050 { } movieClip 3053 { } movieClip 3055 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 40 { _parent.gotoAndPlay('step04'); stop(); } } button 3056 { on (press) { this.gebouwtut.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop('step0302'); } } movieClip 3060 { } movieClip 3063 { } button 3064 { on (rollOver, dragOver) { this.loopgotut = 1; } } button 3065 { on (rollOver, dragOver) { if (this.loopgotut == 1) { this.focketutorial.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndPlay('step0402'); } else { this.loopgotut = 0; } } } button 3066 { on (rollOver, dragOver) { this.loopgotut = 0; } } movieClip 3070 { } button 3071 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { this.gotoAndPlay('step06'); } } button 3078 { on (rollOver, dragOver) { this.tutroll.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut, dragOut) { this.tutroll.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3080 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 3084 { on (rollOver, dragOver) { this.tutroll.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut, dragOut) { this.tutroll.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 3088 { on (rollOver, dragOver) { this.tutroll.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut, dragOut) { this.tutroll.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 3092 { on (rollOver, dragOver) { this.tutroll.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut, dragOut) { this.tutroll.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3093 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 3094 { on (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3095 { frame 7 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { this.loopgotut = 0; } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } } movieClip 3098 { } movieClip 3100 { } movieClip 3102 { } movieClip 3115 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 138 { stop(); } } button 3120 { on (press) {; } } movieClip 3121 MissionMenu { #initclip Object.registerClass('MissionMenu', rr.MissionMenu); #endinitclip } movieClip 3124 { } movieClip 3127 { } movieClip 3132 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } frame 3 { nightglow_mc._visible =; } } movieClip 3135 { } movieClip 3138 { } movieClip 3139 { } movieClip 3140 SaddleTank { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 3143 { } movieClip 3146 { } movieClip 3151 { frame 1 { _parent.parent.checkNightMode(); stop(); } frame 3 { nightglow_mc._visible =; } } movieClip 3152 { } movieClip 3153 Rhino { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } } movieClip 3182 CrashFlameHeli { frame 17 { gotoAndPlay(10); } } movieClip 3183 MissionObjectives { } movieClip 3251 { instance of movieClip 1393 planebox_orange { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1398 planebox_blue { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1404 planebox_green_small { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1412 planebox_red { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1426 Total_Focke { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1434 Total_Bell Huey { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1440 planebox_green_medium { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1450 Total_C47 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1454 planebox_green_large { onClipEvent (construct) { slotId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1462 top_gun01 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1474 top_airmissile02 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1476 top_landmissile01 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1478 top_landmissile02 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1482 top_spec_carpet { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1484 top_gun02 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1488 top_bomb02 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1490 top_bomb03 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1492 top_airmissile01 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1494 top_bomb01 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1498 top_spec_propaganda { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1500 top_spec_emp { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1502 top_spec_fuel { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1506 top_spec_nuke { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } instance of movieClip 1508 top_gun03 { onClipEvent (construct) { linkId = ''; } } } movieClip 3252 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 24 { rr.Entry.main(); stop(); }
Created: 8/6 -2019 06:04:22 Last modified: 8/6 -2019 06:04:22 Server time: 20/09 -2024 23:58:51