Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5148

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Meet n Fuck - MILF Titans.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #178946

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { stop(); owner_URL = ''; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe != 1) { return undefined; } percent_shadow = 'Loading: ' + int(100 * getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal()) + '%'; percent = percent_shadow; bar.SetValue(getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal()); if (getBytesLoaded() == getBytesTotal()) { gotoAndStop(3); } }; MNF_btn.onPress = function () { if (id == undefined) { getURL(owner_URL, '_blank'); } else { getURL('' + id, '_blank'); } }; } movieClip 10 { } movieClip 12 { } // unknown tag 88 length 285 movieClip 1516 __Packages.AnimManager { #initclip if (!_global.AnimManager) { var v1 = function (anim_mc_, btns_mc_) { this.anim_mc = anim_mc_; this.btns_mc = btns_mc_; this.gravi = new Gravitation(1); this.gravi.move_draw = 0.5; this.acts = new Array(); this.anim_swings = new Array(); }; _global.AnimManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.AddAct = function (AnimActObject) { var new_act = new AnimAct(AnimActObject); this.acts.push(new_act); (eval(String(this.btns_mc) + '.' + new_act.btn_name)).onPress = function () { var v3 = this._parent.anim_manager; if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = this._parent._parent.anim_manager; } var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3.acts.length) { if (this._name == v3.acts[v2].btn_name) { this._parent.btn_id = v2; break; } ++v2; } this._parent.border._x = this._x; this._parent.border._y = this._y; v3.setAct(this._name); this.postOnPress(); }; if (this.acts.length == 1) { (eval(String(this.btns_mc) + '.' + new_act.btn_name)).onPress(); } }; v2.AddSwing = function (AnimSwingObject) { this.anim_swings.push(new AnimSwing(AnimSwingObject)); }; v2.setAct = function (btn_name) { if (btn_name == this.act.btn_name) { return undefined; } var btn_name_found = false; var i = 0; while (i < this.acts.length) { if (this.acts[i].btn_name == btn_name) { this.act = this.acts[i]; btn_name_found = true; break; } ++i; } if (!btn_name_found) { return undefined; } (eval(String(this.anim_mc._parent) + '.hint')).removeMovieClip(); if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL) { this.gravi.control_mode = 0; this.CreateHint(640, 480, this.anim_mc._parent, this.act.mouse_movement, this.act.pixel_start, this.act.pixel_width); } else { this.gravi.control_mode = 1; } if (this.act.frame_enter != undefined) { this.frame = this.act.frame_enter; } this.gravi.auto_speed = this.act.auto_speed; if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM) { this.gravi.auto_fade_out_speed = this.act.auto_fade_out_speed; this.state = 0; this.timer = 0; } else { if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_LINEAR) { this.state = 0; } } this.Update(this.anim_mc._parent._xmouse, this.anim_mc._parent._ymouse); this.act.setFaceByStr(this.anim_mc, this.act.face_settings); }; v2.Update = function (_xmouse, _ymouse) { if (this.act == undefined) { return undefined; } if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL) { if (this.act.mouse_movement == AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT) { this.gravi.move_goto = (_ymouse - this.act.pixel_start) / this.act.pixel_width; } else { this.gravi.move_goto = (_xmouse - this.act.pixel_start) / this.act.pixel_width; } if (this.gravi.move_goto < 0) { this.gravi.move_goto = 0; } else { if (this.gravi.move_goto > 1) { this.gravi.move_goto = 1; } } if (this.act.reverse_mouse_control) { this.gravi.move_goto = 1 - this.gravi.move_goto; } } this.UpdateSwings(true, this.gravi.swing_draw[0]); this.gravi.Update(); if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_LINEAR) { this.frame += 1; if (this.frame >= this.act.frame_end) { this.frame -= this.act.frame_end - this.act.frame_start; } } else { if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_LINEAR) { this.frame += 1; if (this.frame >= this.act.frame_end) { if (this.state == 0) { this.state = 1; this.act.setFaceByStr(this.anim_mc, this.act.face_settings_after_cum); } this.frame -= this.act.frame_end - this.act.frame_start; } } else { if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM || this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL) { this.frame = int(this.gravi.move_draw * (this.act.frame_end - this.act.frame_start) + this.act.frame_start); } else { if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM) { if (this.state == 0) { ++this.timer; if (this.timer >= 50) { this.state = 1; this.gravi.control_mode = 2; } } else { if (this.state == 1) { if (this.gravi.auto_move_fade_k < 0.5) { this.act.playCum(this.anim_mc); this.state = 2; } } else { if (this.state == 2) { if (this.gravi.control_mode == 1) { this.act.setFaceByStr(this.anim_mc, this.act.face_settings_after_cum); this.state = 3; } } } } this.frame = int(this.gravi.move_draw * (this.act.frame_end - this.act.frame_start) + this.act.frame_start); } } } } this.anim_mc.gotoAndStop(int(this.frame)); this.UpdateSwings(false, this.gravi.swing_draw[0]); }; v2.UpdateSwings = function (update_before, gravi_swing_draw) { var i = 0; while (i < this.anim_swings.length) { if (this.anim_swings[i].update_before_gravi == update_before) { var clip = eval(String(this.anim_mc) + '.' + this.anim_swings[i].clip_name); var last_frame = this.anim_swings[i].last_frame; var first_frame = this.anim_swings[i].first_frame; if (this.anim_swings[i].reverse) { clip.gotoAndStop(int((1 - gravi_swing_draw) * (last_frame - first_frame) + first_frame)); } else { clip.gotoAndStop(int(gravi_swing_draw * (last_frame - first_frame) + first_frame)); } } ++i; } }; v2.CreateHint = function (swf_width, swf_height, owner_mc, mouse_movement, pixel_start, pixel_width) { var hint_mc = owner_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('hint', owner_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); this.DrawArrow(swf_width, swf_height, hint_mc, mouse_movement, pixel_start, pixel_width); var mouse_icon_mc = hint_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('mouse_icon', hint_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); this.DrawMouseIcon(mouse_icon_mc); mouse_icon_mc._visible = false; hint_mc.anim = 0; hint_mc.mouse_movement = mouse_movement; hint_mc.pixel_start = pixel_start; hint_mc.pixel_width = pixel_width; hint_mc.swf_width = swf_width; hint_mc.swf_height = swf_height; hint_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!mouse_icon_mc._visible) { mouse_icon_mc._visible = true; } hint_mc.anim += 0.05; if (hint_mc.anim >= 1) { hint_mc.anim -= 1; } if (hint_mc.mouse_movement == AnimAct.HORIZONTAL_MOVEMENT) { hint_mc.mouse_icon._x = hint_mc.pixel_start + hint_mc.pixel_width / 2 + Math.sin(6.283185307179586 * hint_mc.anim) * hint_mc.pixel_width / 2; hint_mc.mouse_icon._y = hint_mc.swf_height / 2 - 70; } else { if (hint_mc.mouse_movement == AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT) { hint_mc.mouse_icon._x = hint_mc.swf_width / 2 + 70; hint_mc.mouse_icon._y = hint_mc.pixel_start + hint_mc.pixel_width / 2 + Math.sin(6.283185307179586 * hint_mc.anim) * hint_mc.pixel_width / 2; } } hint_mc._alpha -= 1; if (hint_mc._alpha <= 0) { hint_mc.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; v2.DrawArrow = function (swf_width, swf_height, mc, mouse_movement, pixel_start, pixel_width) { mc.lineStyle(2, 10066329); mc.beginFill(16777215, 100); var v1 = 25; if (mouse_movement == AnimAct.HORIZONTAL_MOVEMENT) { var v4 = pixel_start; var v3 = swf_height / 2; mc.moveTo(v4, v3); mc.lineTo(v4 + 1.5 * v1, v3 - v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + 1.5 * v1, v3 - 0.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1, v3 - 0.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1, v3 - v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width, v3); mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1, v3 + v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1, v3 + 0.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + 1.5 * v1, v3 + 0.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + 1.5 * v1, v3 + v1); mc.lineTo(v4, v3); } else { if (mouse_movement == AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT) { var v4 = swf_width / 2; var v3 = pixel_start; mc.moveTo(v4, v3); mc.lineTo(v4 + v1, v3 + 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + 0.5 * v1, v3 + 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + 0.5 * v1, v3 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + v1, v3 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4, v3 + pixel_width); mc.lineTo(v4 - v1, v3 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 - 0.5 * v1, v3 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 - 0.5 * v1, v3 + 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 - v1, v3 + 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4, v3); } } }; v2.DrawMouseIcon = function (mc) { mc.lineStyle(2, 10066329); mc.beginFill(16777215, 100); var v1 = 40; mc.moveTo(-v1 / 2, 0); mc.curveTo(-v1 / 2, -v1 / 1.5, 0, -v1 / 1.5); mc.curveTo(v1 / 2, -v1 / 1.5, v1 / 2, 0); mc.curveTo(v1 / 3, 0.75 * v1, 0, 0.75 * v1); mc.curveTo(-v1 / 3, 0.75 * v1, -v1 / 2, 0); mc.endFill(); mc.moveTo(-v1 / 2, 0); mc.lineTo(v1 / 2, 0); mc.moveTo(0, 0); mc.lineTo(0, -v1 / 1.5); }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.AnimManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1517 __Packages.Gravitation { #initclip if (!_global.Gravitation) { var v1 = function (swings_num) { this.move_speeds = new Array(); this.swing_draw = new Array(); this.swing_speed = new Array(); this.swing_fadeout = new Array(); this.auto_move_fade_k = 1; var v2; this.move_draw = 0.5; this.prev_move_draw = 0.5; this.prev_prev_move_draw = 0.5; v2 = 0; while (v2 < 24) { this.move_speeds.push(0); ++v2; } v2 = 0; while (v2 < swings_num) { this.swing_draw.push(0.5); this.swing_speed.push(0); this.swing_fadeout.push(0.1); ++v2; } this.move_delay = 3; this.move_speed_overal = 0; this.auto_anim_angle = 0; this.control_mode = 0; this.auto_fade_out_speed = 0.005; this.face_frame = 1; this.auto_speed = 0.2; this.anchor = undefined; }; _global.Gravitation = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Update = function () { var v5; var v3; var v4 = _root.time_scale; if (v4 == undefined) { v4 = 1; } if (this.control_mode > 0) { if (this.control_mode == 2) { this.auto_move_fade_k -= this.auto_fade_out_speed; if (this.auto_move_fade_k < 0.15) { this.control_mode = 1; this.auto_move_fade_k = 0.15; } } this.auto_anim_angle += this.auto_move_fade_k * Math.PI * this.auto_speed * v4; if (this.auto_anim_angle >= 6.283185307179586) { this.auto_anim_angle -= 6.283185307179586; } this.move_goto = (this.auto_move_fade_k * Math.sin(this.auto_anim_angle) + 1) / 2; } this.actual_delay = this.move_delay - this.move_speed_overal * 10; if (this.actual_delay < 1.5) { this.actual_delay = 1.5; } this.move_speed = v4 * (this.move_goto - this.move_draw) / this.actual_delay; v5 = 1 / this.actual_delay; this.prev_prev_move_draw = this.prev_move_draw; this.prev_move_draw = this.move_draw; this.move_draw += this.move_speed; if (this.move_draw > 1) { this.move_draw = 1; } else { if (this.move_draw < 0) { this.move_draw = 0; } } this.anchor = undefined; if (this.move_draw < this.prev_move_draw && this.prev_move_draw >= this.prev_prev_move_draw) { this.anchor = 1; } else { if (this.move_draw > this.prev_move_draw && this.prev_move_draw <= this.prev_prev_move_draw) { this.anchor = -1; } } this.move_speeds.push(Math.abs(this.move_speed)); this.move_speeds.splice(0, 1); this.move_speed_overal = 0; v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.move_speeds.length) { this.move_speed_overal += this.move_speeds[v3]; ++v3; } this.move_speed_overal /= this.move_speeds.length; this.swing_goto = (this.move_speed + v5) / 2 * v5; v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.swing_draw.length) { if (Math.abs(this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v3]) > 0.001666666666666667 || Math.abs(this.swing_speed[v3]) > 0.001666666666666667) { this.swing_speed[v3] += (this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v3]) / 10 + 1.5 * this.move_speed_overal * (this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v3]); this.swing_draw[v3] += this.swing_speed[v3]; this.swing_draw[v3] += (this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v3]) * this.swing_fadeout[v3]; if (this.swing_draw[v3] < 0) { this.swing_draw[v3] = 0; } else { if (this.swing_draw[v3] > 1) { this.swing_draw[v3] = 1; } } } else { this.swing_draw[v3] = 0.5; } ++v3; } if (this.move_speed_overal > 0.14 && this.face_frame < 3) { this.face_frame = 3; } if (this.move_speed_overal > 0.07000000000000001 && this.face_frame < 2) { this.face_frame = 2; } if (this.move_speed_overal < 0.05 && this.face_frame > 1) { this.face_frame = 1; } if (this.move_speed_overal < 0.1 && this.face_frame > 2) { this.face_frame = 2; } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Gravitation.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1518 __Packages.AnimAct { #initclip if (!_global.AnimAct) { var v1 = function (AnimActObject) { this.btn_name = AnimActObject.btn_name; this.type = AnimActObject.type; this.frame_start = AnimActObject.frame_start; this.frame_end = AnimActObject.frame_end; this.frame_enter = AnimActObject.frame_enter; if (this.frame_enter == undefined) { this.frame_enter = this.frame_start; } this.auto_speed = AnimActObject.auto_speed; this.auto_fade_out_speed = AnimActObject.auto_fade_out_speed; this.face_settings = this.TossJunkChars(AnimActObject.face_settings); this.cum_clips = this.TossJunkChars(AnimActObject.cum_clips); this.face_settings_after_cum = this.TossJunkChars(AnimActObject.face_settings_after_cum); this.mouse_movement = AnimActObject.mouse_movement; this.pixel_start = AnimActObject.pixel_start; this.pixel_width = AnimActObject.pixel_width; this.reverse_mouse_control = Boolean(AnimActObject.reverse_mouse_control); }; _global.AnimAct = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.TossJunkChars = function (str) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < str.length) { if (str.charAt(v1) == '\t' || str.charAt(v1) == '\r' || str.charAt(v1) == '\n' || str.charAt(v1) == ' ') { str = str.substr(0, v1) + str.substr(v1 + 1, str.length); --v1; } ++v1; } return str; }; v2.setFaceByStr = function (anim_mc, data_str) { var data_item = ''; var i = 0; while (i <= data_str.length) { if (data_str.charAt(i) == ',' || i == data_str.length) { var n = data_item.indexOf('='); var path = data_item.substr(0, n); var frame = Number(data_item.substr(n + 1, data_item.length)); (eval(String(anim_mc) + '.' + path)).gotoAndStop(frame); data_item = ''; } else { data_item += data_str.charAt(i); } ++i; } }; v2.playCum = function (anim_mc) { var data_str = this.cum_clips; var data_item = ''; var i = 0; while (i <= data_str.length) { if (data_str.charAt(i) == ',' || i == data_str.length) { (eval(String(anim_mc) + '.' + data_item)).play(); data_item = ''; } else { data_item += data_str.charAt(i); } ++i; } }; v1.TYPE_PENDULUM = 0; v1.TYPE_LINEAR = 1; v1.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM = 2; v1.TYPE_CUM_LINEAR = 3; v1.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL = 4; v1.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT = 0; v1.HORIZONTAL_MOVEMENT = 1; ASSetPropFlags(_global.AnimAct.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1519 __Packages.AnimSwing { #initclip if (!_global.AnimSwing) { var v1 = function (AnimSwingObject) { this.clip_name = AnimSwingObject.clip_name; this.first_frame = Number(AnimSwingObject.first_frame); this.last_frame = Number(AnimSwingObject.last_frame); this.reverse = Boolean(AnimSwingObject.reverse); if (AnimSwingObject.update_before_gravi == undefined) { this.update_before_gravi = false; } else { this.update_before_gravi = Boolean(AnimSwingObject.update_before_gravi); } }; _global.AnimSwing = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(_global.AnimSwing.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 21 trans_screen { frame 1 { var next_screen; } frame 10 { _parent.setScreen(next_screen); } frame 20 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 26 { } movieClip 27 { } movieClip 30 { } movieClip 31 { } movieClip 34 { } movieClip 43 mainmenu { frame 1 { stop(); play_btn.onPress = function () { _root.gotoScreen('screen1'); }; MNF_btn.onPress = function () { if ( == undefined) { getURL(_root.owner_URL, '_blank'); } else { getURL('' +, '_blank'); } }; } } movieClip 49 { } movieClip 50 { } movieClip 53 { } movieClip 55 { } movieClip 57 { } movieClip 59 { } movieClip 61 { } movieClip 64 { } movieClip 66 { } movieClip 68 { } movieClip 70 { } movieClip 72 { } movieClip 74 { } movieClip 76 { } movieClip 78 { } movieClip 79 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(3) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 20 { randomFlag(); } frame 31 { randomFlag(); } frame 51 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 81 { } movieClip 82 { } movieClip 85 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 62 { randomFlag(); } frame 125 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 86 { } movieClip 87 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 89 { } movieClip 92 { } movieClip 94 { } movieClip 96 { } movieClip 98 { } movieClip 100 { } movieClip 102 { } movieClip 104 { } movieClip 106 { } movieClip 108 { } movieClip 110 { } movieClip 112 { } movieClip 114 { } movieClip 116 { } movieClip 118 { } movieClip 120 { } movieClip 122 { } movieClip 124 { } movieClip 126 { } movieClip 128 { } movieClip 132 { } movieClip 135 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(3) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 52 { randomFlag(); } frame 90 { randomFlag(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 280 movieClip 147 { frame 12 { stop(); next_btn.onPress = function () { play(); }; } frame 13 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 30 { stop(); next_btn.onPress = function () { play(); }; } frame 31 { _parent.dick.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 45 { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.starfire.hand4._visible = true; _parent.starfire.hand5._visible = true; _parent.starfire.hand1._visible = false; _parent.starfire.hand2._visible = false; _parent.starfire.hand3._visible = false; } frame 51 { stop(); } } movieClip 153 { frame 1 { next_btn.onPress = function () { _parent.gotoAndStop(4); }; } } movieClip 174 { frame 10 { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 177 { } movieClip 251 { frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 252 { frame 132 { stop(); _root.gotoScreen('screen2'); } } movieClip 261 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { gotoAndStop(random(8) + 1); }; } } movieClip 262 { } movieClip 264 { } movieClip 266 { } movieClip 268 { } movieClip 270 { } movieClip 272 { } movieClip 274 { } movieClip 276 { } movieClip 278 { } movieClip 280 { } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 284 { } movieClip 286 { } movieClip 288 { } movieClip 290 { } movieClip 292 { } movieClip 294 { } movieClip 298 { } movieClip 300 { } movieClip 301 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 60 { randomFlag(); } frame 120 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 304 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 101 { randomFlag(); } frame 200 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 306 { } movieClip 308 { } movieClip 310 { } movieClip 312 { } movieClip 314 { } movieClip 316 { } movieClip 317 { } movieClip 319 screen1 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.endgamevar = false; starfire.hand4._visible = false; starfire.hand5._visible = false; } } movieClip 320 { } movieClip 321 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 325 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); _root.gotoScreen('screen3'); } } movieClip 333 { frame 11 { stop(); next_btn.onPress = function () { play(); }; } frame 28 { stop(); _parent.dick.gotoAndStop(2); next_btn.onPress = function () { play(); }; } frame 44 { stop(); next_btn.onPress = function () { play(); }; } frame 50 { stop();; } } movieClip 334 screen2 { } movieClip 338 { } movieClip 340 { } movieClip 341 { } movieClip 343 { } movieClip 345 { } movieClip 347 { } movieClip 349 { } movieClip 351 { } movieClip 353 { } movieClip 355 { } movieClip 356 { } movieClip 358 { } movieClip 360 { } movieClip 361 { } movieClip 370 { } movieClip 371 { } movieClip 373 { } movieClip 375 { } movieClip 377 { } movieClip 379 { } movieClip 381 { } movieClip 382 { } movieClip 384 { } movieClip 387 { } movieClip 389 { } movieClip 391 { } movieClip 393 { } movieClip 394 { } movieClip 396 { } movieClip 397 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 60 { randomFlag(); } frame 120 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 398 { } movieClip 401 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 101 { randomFlag(); } frame 200 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 403 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 25 { randomFlag(); } frame 49 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 405 { } movieClip 406 { } movieClip 408 { } movieClip 409 { } movieClip 410 { } movieClip 412 { } movieClip 413 { } movieClip 415 { } movieClip 423 { } movieClip 424 { } movieClip 432 { } movieClip 433 { } movieClip 436 { } movieClip 454 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 13 { randomFlag(); } frame 25 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 474 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 61 { randomFlag(); } frame 120 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 476 { } movieClip 585 { } movieClip 587 { } movieClip 589 { } movieClip 591 { } movieClip 592 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(3) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 39 { randomFlag(); } frame 78 { randomFlag(); } frame 118 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 594 { } movieClip 596 { } movieClip 597 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(3) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 39 { randomFlag(); } frame 78 { randomFlag(); } frame 118 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 599 { } movieClip 601 { } movieClip 604 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 59 { randomFlag(); } frame 117 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 606 { } movieClip 608 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 59 { randomFlag(); } frame 117 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 610 { } movieClip 612 { } movieClip 615 { } movieClip 740 { frame 1 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 2 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 3 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 4 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 5 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 6 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 7 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 8 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 9 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 10 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 11 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 12 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 13 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 14 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 15 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 16 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 17 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 18 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 19 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 20 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 21 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 22 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 23 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 24 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 25 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 26 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 27 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 28 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 29 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 30 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 31 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 32 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 33 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 34 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 35 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 36 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 37 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 38 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 39 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 40 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 41 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 42 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 43 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 44 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 45 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 46 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 47 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 48 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 49 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 50 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 51 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 52 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 53 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 54 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 55 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 56 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 57 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 58 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 59 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 60 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 61 { _parent._parent._parent.body.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.act1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent._parent.mc4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent.head.eyes.eyes.eyes.eye2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } } movieClip 745 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 2 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 3 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 4 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 5 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 6 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 7 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 8 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 9 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 10 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 11 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 12 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 13 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 14 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 15 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 16 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 17 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 18 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 19 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 20 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 21 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 22 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 23 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 24 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 25 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 26 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 27 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 28 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 29 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 30 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 31 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 32 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 33 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 34 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 35 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 36 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 37 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 38 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 39 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 40 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 41 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 42 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 43 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 44 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 45 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 46 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 47 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 48 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 49 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 50 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 51 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 52 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 53 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 54 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 55 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 56 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 57 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 58 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 59 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 60 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 61 { _parent._parent.mc1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe);; _parent._parent.body.part1.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); _parent._parent.body.part2.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part3.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.part4.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); act2.head.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); head.eyes.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } } movieClip 746 { frame 1 {; } frame 2 {; } frame 3 {; } frame 4 {; } frame 5 {; } frame 6 {; } frame 7 {; } frame 8 {; } frame 9 {; } frame 10 {; } frame 11 {; } frame 12 {; } frame 13 {; } frame 14 {; } frame 15 {; } frame 16 {; } frame 17 {; } frame 18 {; } frame 19 {; } frame 20 {; } frame 21 {; } frame 22 {; } frame 23 {; } frame 24 {; } frame 25 {; } frame 26 {; } frame 27 {; } frame 28 {; } frame 29 {; } frame 30 {; } frame 31 {; } frame 32 {; } frame 33 {; } frame 34 {; } frame 35 {; } frame 36 {; } frame 37 {; } frame 38 {; } frame 39 {; } frame 40 {; } frame 41 {; } frame 42 {; } frame 43 {; } frame 44 {; } frame 45 {; } frame 46 {; } frame 47 {; } frame 48 {; } frame 49 {; } frame 50 {; } frame 51 {; } frame 52 {; } frame 53 {; } frame 54 {; } frame 55 {; } frame 56 {; } frame 57 {; } frame 58 {; } frame 59 {; } frame 60 {; } frame 61 {; } } movieClip 748 { } movieClip 750 { } movieClip 752 { } movieClip 754 { } movieClip 756 { } movieClip 758 { } movieClip 759 { } movieClip 760 { } movieClip 761 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(3) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 58 { randomFlag(); } frame 104 { randomFlag(); } frame 156 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 764 { } movieClip 767 { } movieClip 778 { } movieClip 779 { } movieClip 781 { } movieClip 782 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(3) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 2 { _parent.varX = true; _parent.varY = false; _parent.varZ = false; } frame 90 { randomFlag(); } frame 91 { _parent.varX = false; _parent.varY = true; _parent.varZ = false; } frame 175 { randomFlag(); } frame 176 { _parent.varX = false; _parent.varY = false; _parent.varZ = true; } frame 260 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 784 { frame 1 { var1 = 1; var2 = 0; var3 = 1; var4 = 0; mathVar = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (var1 <= 1) { ++var1; hold1 = _xmouse; } else { var1 = 1; hold2 = _xmouse; } if (hold1 > hold2) { varX = hold1 - hold2; } else { varX = hold2 - hold1; } if (var2 <= 9) { var2 += 1; mathVarX += varX; } else { var2 = 0; _parent.genVarX = mathVarX / 10; mathVarX = 0; } if (var3 <= 1) { ++var3; hold11 = _ymouse; } else { var3 = 1; hold22 = _ymouse; } if (hold11 > hold22) { varY = hold11 - hold22; } else { varY = hold22 - hold11; } if (var4 <= 9) { var4 += 1; mathVarY += varY; } else { var4 = 0; _parent.genVarY = mathVarY / 10; mathVarY = 0; } }; } } movieClip 785 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_parent._xmouse <= 110 && varX == true) { varX2 = false; varX1 = true; _parent.score.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_parent._xmouse >= 370 && varX == true) { varX2 = true; varX1 = false; } if (varX2 == true && varX1 == false && genVarY <= 30 && varX == true && varY == false && varZ == false) { _parent.score.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_parent._ymouse <= 190 && varY == true) { varY2 = false; varY1 = true; _parent.score.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_parent._ymouse >= 450 && varY == true) { varY2 = true; varY1 = false; } if (varY2 == true && varY1 == false && genVarX <= 30 && varX == false && varY == true && varZ == false) { _parent.score.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_parent._ymouse <= 190 && varZ == true) { varZ2 = false; varZ1 = true; _parent.score.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_parent._ymouse >= 450 && varZ == true) { varZ2 = true; varZ1 = false; } if (varZ2 == true && varZ1 == false && genVarX >= 32 && genVarY >= 32 && varX == false && varY == false && varZ == true) { _parent.score.gotoAndStop(2); } }; } } movieClip 787 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 788 { frame 2 {; } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 789 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if ( >= 20) { -= 20; } } } movieClip 792 { frame 8 { next_btn.onPress = function () { _parent._parent.finish_scr.gotoAndPlay(2); _visible = false; }; } frame 39 { gotoAndPlay('frame'); } } movieClip 793 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.varWellDone = false; } frame 2 { _parent.varWellDone = true; } } movieClip 796 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 798 { frame 1 { timeVar = 1; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_parent.start_game == true && _parent.varWellDone == false) { if (timeVar <= 720) { timeVar += 0.5; stripe.gotoAndStop(int(timeVar)); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); delete onEnterFrame; } } }; } } movieClip 801 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.score._visible = false; _parent.start_game = false; next_btn.onPress = function () { play(); }; } frame 11 { stop(); _parent.start_game = true; _parent.score._visible = true; } } movieClip 803 { } movieClip 806 { frame 1 { timer = 2160; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_parent.start_game == true) { timer -= 1; var v2 = timer / 24; v2 = int(v2); min = v2 / 60; min = int(min); sec = v2 - 60 * min; if (timer > 0) { if (sec < 10) { text_label = min + ':0' + sec; } else { text_label = min + ':' + sec; } } if (v2 == 0) { = false; _parent.time_mc._visible = false; _parent.arrows._visible = false; _parent.score._visible = false; _parent.well_done.gotoAndStop(2); } } }; } } movieClip 811 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 819 { frame 80 { stop(); next_btn.onPress = function () { play(); }; } frame 87 { stop(); _parent.how_to_play._visible = true; _parent.arrows._visible = true; _parent.time_mc._visible = true; = true; } } movieClip 825 { } movieClip 827 { } movieClip 829 { } movieClip 831 { } movieClip 833 { } movieClip 835 { } movieClip 843 { } movieClip 844 { } movieClip 846 { } movieClip 848 { } movieClip 850 { } movieClip 852 { } movieClip 854 { } movieClip 856 { } movieClip 858 { } movieClip 860 { } movieClip 862 { } movieClip 864 { } movieClip 866 { } movieClip 868 { } movieClip 871 { } movieClip 875 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 884 { } movieClip 886 { } movieClip 888 { } movieClip 890 { } movieClip 892 { } movieClip 894 { } movieClip 896 { } movieClip 898 { } movieClip 900 { } movieClip 902 { } movieClip 904 { } movieClip 906 { } movieClip 908 { } movieClip 910 { } movieClip 912 { } movieClip 914 { } movieClip 916 { } movieClip 920 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 60 { randomFlag(); } frame 120 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 922 { } movieClip 927 { } movieClip 928 { } movieClip 931 { } movieClip 933 { } movieClip 935 { } movieClip 937 { } movieClip 940 { } movieClip 942 { } movieClip 944 { } movieClip 946 { } movieClip 948 { } movieClip 949 { } movieClip 950 { } movieClip 952 { } movieClip 953 { } movieClip 954 { } movieClip 956 { } movieClip 957 { } movieClip 959 { } movieClip 960 { } movieClip 961 { } movieClip 963 { } movieClip 964 { } movieClip 966 { } movieClip 968 { } movieClip 971 { } movieClip 972 { } movieClip 973 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 975 { } movieClip 977 { } movieClip 979 { } movieClip 981 { } movieClip 985 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 64 { randomFlag(); } frame 124 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 987 { } movieClip 989 { } movieClip 990 { } movieClip 992 { } movieClip 994 { } movieClip 996 { } movieClip 998 { } movieClip 1000 { } movieClip 1002 { } movieClip 1004 { } movieClip 1006 { } movieClip 1008 { } movieClip 1010 { } movieClip 1013 { } movieClip 1014 { } movieClip 1016 { } movieClip 1017 { } movieClip 1021 { } movieClip 1023 { } movieClip 1024 { } movieClip 1026 { } movieClip 1027 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 64 { randomFlag(); } frame 124 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 1028 { } movieClip 1030 { } movieClip 1031 { } movieClip 1032 { } movieClip 1034 { } movieClip 1036 { } movieClip 1037 { } movieClip 1038 { } movieClip 1039 { } movieClip 1040 { } movieClip 1042 { } movieClip 1045 { } movieClip 1046 { } movieClip 1047 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1048 { } movieClip 1051 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1057 { frame 1 { _parent.next_btn._visible = false; } frame 22 { stop(); next_btn.onPress = function () { play(); }; } frame 23 { _parent.act.dick.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.act.blackfire.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 40 { stop(); next_btn.onPress = function () { play(); }; } frame 41 { _parent.act.dick.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.act.blackfire.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 46 { stop(); _parent.next_btn._visible = true; } } movieClip 1059 screen3 { frame 1 { stop(); how_to_play._visible = false; arrows._visible = false; time_mc._visible = false; bar._visible = false; myvar1 = false; myvar2 = false; next_btn._visible = false; next_btn.onPress = function () { if (_root.endgamevar == true) { _root.gotoScreen('screen19'); } else { _root.gotoScreen('screen17'); } }; anim_manager1 = new AnimManager(act.act1.act, panel1); panel1.anim_manager = anim_manager1; anim_manager2 = new AnimManager(act.act1.act.act2, panel2); panel2.anim_manager = anim_manager2; anim_manager1.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.HORIZONTAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 0, 'pixel_start': 100, 'pixel_width': 280, 'face_settings': 'head1=1'}); anim_manager1.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager1.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager1.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'head.hair1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager1.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'head.hair2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager1.AddSwing({'clip_name': '', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager1.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'act2.hand1.hand', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager1.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'act2.hand2.hand', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager1.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'act2.boob1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager1.AddSwing({'clip_name': '', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager1.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'act2.boob2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager1.AddSwing({'clip_name': '_parent._parent.body.belt.part1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager1.AddSwing({'clip_name': '_parent._parent.body.belt.part2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager2.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 1, 'pixel_start': 180, 'pixel_width': 280, 'face_settings': 'head=1'}); anim_manager2.AddSwing({'clip_name': '', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager2.AddSwing({'clip_name': '', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager2.AddSwing({'clip_name': '', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager2.AddSwing({'clip_name': '', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager2.AddSwing({'clip_name': '_parent.hair3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager2.AddSwing({'clip_name': '_parent._parent._parent.body.belt', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager2.AddSwing({'clip_name': '_parent.act2.boob1.boob', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager2.AddSwing({'clip_name': '_parent.act2.boob2.boob', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); onEnterFrame = function () { anim_manager1.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse); anim_manager2.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse); }; } frame 2 { start_game = false; try_again.onPress = function () { gotoAndStop(1); }; } frame 3 { next_btn.onPress = function () { _root.gotoScreen('screen4'); }; } } movieClip 1064 { } movieClip 1066 { } movieClip 1068 { } movieClip 1070 { } movieClip 1072 { } movieClip 1074 { } movieClip 1076 { } movieClip 1078 { } movieClip 1080 { } movieClip 1084 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 60 { randomFlag(); } frame 125 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 1086 { } movieClip 1099 { } movieClip 1101 { } movieClip 1103 { } movieClip 1105 { } movieClip 1106 { } movieClip 1108 { } movieClip 1110 { } movieClip 1112 { } movieClip 1114 { } movieClip 1116 { } movieClip 1119 { } movieClip 1121 { } movieClip 1133 { } movieClip 1135 { } movieClip 1137 { } movieClip 1139 { } movieClip 1145 { } movieClip 1151 { } movieClip 1153 { } movieClip 1155 { } movieClip 1157 { } movieClip 1159 { } movieClip 1161 { } movieClip 1164 { } movieClip 1166 { } movieClip 1168 { } movieClip 1176 { } movieClip 1181 { } movieClip 1183 { } movieClip 1185 { } movieClip 1187 { } movieClip 1188 { } movieClip 1197 { } movieClip 1199 { } movieClip 1201 { } movieClip 1203 { } movieClip 1207 { } movieClip 1209 { } movieClip 1211 { } movieClip 1223 { } movieClip 1225 { } movieClip 1227 { } movieClip 1229 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 30 { randomFlag(); } frame 59 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 1232 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 101 { randomFlag(); } frame 200 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 1234 { } movieClip 1238 { } movieClip 1240 { } movieClip 1241 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 60 { randomFlag(); } frame 120 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 1243 { } movieClip 1259 { } movieClip 1275 { } movieClip 1277 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 25 { randomFlag(); } frame 49 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 1280 { } movieClip 1281 { } movieClip 1282 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 60 { randomFlag(); } frame 120 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 1284 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 20 { randomFlag(); } frame 39 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 1287 { } movieClip 1289 { } movieClip 1290 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 60 { randomFlag(); } frame 120 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 1292 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; randomFlag(); } frame 15 { randomFlag(); } frame 29 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 1293 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1295 { } movieClip 1313 { } movieClip 1314 { } movieClip 1327 { } movieClip 1328 { } movieClip 1341 { } movieClip 1342 { } movieClip 1343 { } movieClip 1345 { } movieClip 1349 { } movieClip 1351 { } movieClip 1353 { } movieClip 1355 { } movieClip 1356 { } movieClip 1358 { } movieClip 1365 { } movieClip 1367 { } movieClip 1369 { } movieClip 1386 { } movieClip 1390 { } movieClip 1392 { } movieClip 1395 { } movieClip 1397 { } movieClip 1398 { } movieClip 1400 { } movieClip 1402 { } movieClip 1409 { } movieClip 1410 { } movieClip 1415 { } movieClip 1418 { } movieClip 1419 { } movieClip 1420 { } movieClip 1421 { } movieClip 1422 { } movieClip 1424 { } movieClip 1429 { } movieClip 1430 { } movieClip 1433 { } movieClip 1434 { } movieClip 1436 { } movieClip 1438 { } movieClip 1439 { } movieClip 1440 { } movieClip 1442 { } movieClip 1481 { frame 1 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 1 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 2 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 2 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 3 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 3 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 4 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 4 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 5 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 5 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 6 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 6 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 7 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 7 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 8 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 8 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 9 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 9 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 10 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 10 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 11 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 11 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 12 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 12 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 13 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 13 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 14 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 14 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 15 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 15 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 16 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 16 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 17 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 17 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 18 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 18 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 19 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 19 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 20 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 20 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 21 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 21 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 22 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 22 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 23 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 23 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 24 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 24 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 25 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 25 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 26 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 26 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 27 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 27 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 28 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 28 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 29 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 29 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 30 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 30 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 31 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 31 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 32 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 32 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 33 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 33 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 34 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 34 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 35 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 35 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 36 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 36 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 37 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 37 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 38 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 38 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 39 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 39 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 40 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 40 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 41 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 41 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 42 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 42 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 43 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 43 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 44 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 44 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 45 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 45 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 46 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 46 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 47 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 47 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 48 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 48 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 49 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 49 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 50 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 50 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 51 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 51 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 52 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 52 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 53 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 53 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 54 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 54 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 55 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 55 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 56 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 56 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 57 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 57 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 58 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 58 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 59 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 59 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 60 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 60 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 61 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 61 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 62 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 62 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 63 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 63 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 64 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 64 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 65 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 65 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 66 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 66 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 67 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 67 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 68 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 68 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 69 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 69 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 70 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 70 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 71 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 71 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 72 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 72 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 73 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 73 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 74 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 74 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 75 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 75 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 76 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 76 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 77 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 77 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 78 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 78 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 79 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 79 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 80 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 80 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 81 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 81 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 82 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 82 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 83 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 83 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 84 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 84 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 85 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 85 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 86 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 86 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 87 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 87 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 88 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 88 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 89 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 89 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 90 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 90 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 91 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 91 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 92 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 92 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 93 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 93 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 94 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 94 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 95 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 95 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 96 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 96 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 97 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 97 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 98 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 98 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 99 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 99 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 100 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 100 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 101 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 101 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 102 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 102 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 103 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 103 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 104 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 104 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 105 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 105 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 106 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 106 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 107 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 107 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 108 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 108 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 109 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 109 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 110 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 110 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 111 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 111 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 112 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 112 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 113 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 113 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 114 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 114 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 115 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 115 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 116 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 116 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 117 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 117 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 118 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 118 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 119 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 119 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 120 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 120 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 121 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 121 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 122 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 122 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 123 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 123 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 124 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 124 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 125 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 125 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 126 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 126 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 127 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 127 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 128 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 128 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 129 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 129 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 130 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 130 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 131 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 131 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 132 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 132 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 133 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 133 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 134 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 134 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 135 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 135 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 136 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 136 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 137 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 137 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 138 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 138 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 139 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 139 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 140 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 140 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 141 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 141 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 142 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 142 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 143 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 143 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 144 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 144 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 145 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 145 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 146 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 146 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 147 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 147 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 148 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 148 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 149 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 149 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 150 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 150 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 151 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 151 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 152 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 152 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 153 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 153 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 154 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 154 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 155 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 155 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 156 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 156 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 157 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 157 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 158 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 158 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 159 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 159 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 160 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 160 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 161 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 161 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 162 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 162 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 163 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 163 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 164 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 164 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 165 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 165 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 166 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 166 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 167 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 167 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 168 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 168 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 169 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 169 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 170 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 170 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 171 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 171 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 172 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 172 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 173 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 173 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 174 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 174 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 175 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 175 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 176 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 176 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 177 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 177 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 178 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 178 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 179 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 179 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 180 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 180 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 181 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 181 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 182 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 182 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 183 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 183 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 184 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 184 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 185 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 185 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 186 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 186 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 187 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 187 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 188 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 188 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 189 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 189 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 190 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 190 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 191 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 191 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 192 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 192 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 193 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 193 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 194 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 194 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 195 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 195 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 196 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 196 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 197 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 197 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 198 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 198 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 199 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 199 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 200 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 200 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 201 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 201 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 202 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 202 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 203 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 203 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 204 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 204 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 205 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 205 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 206 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 206 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 207 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 207 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 208 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 208 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 209 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 209 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 210 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 210 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 211 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 211 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 212 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 212 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 213 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 213 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 214 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 214 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 215 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 215 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 216 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 216 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 217 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 217 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 218 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 218 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 219 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 219 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 220 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 220 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 221 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 221 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 222 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 222 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 223 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 223 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 224 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 224 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 225 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 225 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 226 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 226 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 227 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 227 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 228 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 228 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 229 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 229 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 230 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 230 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 231 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 231 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 232 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 232 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 233 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 233 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 234 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 234 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 235 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 235 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 236 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 236 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 237 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 237 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 238 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 238 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 239 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 239 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 240 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 240 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 241 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 241 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 242 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 242 { head1.eyes.eyes.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 121); } frame 243 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 243 { - 242); } frame 244 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 244 { - 242); } frame 245 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 245 { - 242); } frame 246 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 246 { - 242); } frame 247 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 247 { - 242); } frame 248 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 248 { - 242); } frame 249 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 249 { - 242); } frame 250 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 250 { - 242); } frame 251 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 251 { - 242); } frame 252 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 252 { - 242); } frame 253 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 253 { - 242); } frame 254 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 254 { - 242); } frame 255 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 255 { - 242); } frame 256 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 256 { - 242); } frame 257 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 257 { - 242); } frame 258 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 258 { - 242); } frame 259 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 259 { - 242); } frame 260 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 260 { - 242); } frame 261 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); 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} frame 291 { - 242); } frame 292 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 292 { - 242); } frame 293 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 293 { - 242); } frame 294 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 294 { - 242); } frame 295 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 295 { - 242); } frame 296 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 296 { - 242); } frame 297 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 297 { - 242); } frame 298 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 298 { - 242); } frame 299 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 299 { - 242); } frame 300 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 300 { - 242); } frame 301 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 301 { - 242); } frame 302 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 302 { - 242); } frame 303 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 303 { - 242); } frame 304 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 304 { - 242); } frame 305 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 305 { - 242); } frame 306 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 306 { - 242); } frame 307 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 307 { - 242); } frame 308 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 308 { - 242); } frame 309 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 309 { - 242); } frame 310 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 310 { - 242); } frame 311 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 311 { - 242); } frame 312 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 312 { - 242); } frame 313 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 313 { - 242); } frame 314 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 314 { - 242); } frame 315 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 315 { - 242); } frame 316 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 316 { - 242); } frame 317 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 317 { - 242); } frame 318 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 318 { - 242); } frame 319 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 319 { - 242); } frame 320 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 320 { - 242); } frame 321 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 321 { - 242); } frame 322 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 322 { - 242); } frame 323 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 323 { - 242); } frame 324 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 324 { - 242); } frame 325 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 325 { - 242); } frame 326 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 326 { - 242); } frame 327 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 327 { - 242); } frame 328 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 328 { - 242); } frame 329 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 329 { - 242); } frame 330 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 330 { - 242); } frame 331 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 331 { - 242); } frame 332 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 332 { - 242); } frame 333 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 333 { - 242); } frame 334 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 334 { - 242); } frame 335 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 335 { - 242); } frame 336 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 336 { - 242); } frame 337 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 337 { - 242); } frame 338 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 338 { - 242); } frame 339 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 339 { - 242); } frame 340 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 340 { - 242); } frame 341 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 341 { - 242); } frame 342 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 342 { - 242); } frame 343 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 343 { - 242); } frame 344 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 344 { - 242); } frame 345 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 345 { - 242); } frame 346 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 346 { - 242); } frame 347 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 347 { - 242); } frame 348 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 348 { - 242); } frame 349 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 349 { - 242); } frame 350 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 350 { - 242); } frame 351 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 351 { - 242); } frame 352 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 352 { - 242); } frame 353 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 353 { - 242); } frame 354 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 354 { - 242); } frame 355 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 355 { - 242); } frame 356 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 356 { - 242); } frame 357 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 357 { - 242); } frame 358 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 358 { - 242); } frame 359 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 359 { - 242); } frame 360 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 360 { - 242); } frame 361 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 361 { - 242); } frame 362 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 362 { - 242); } frame 363 { mc.gotoAndStop(_currentframe); } frame 363 { - 242); } } movieClip 1489 { } movieClip 1490 { } movieClip 1492 { frame 1 { function changeValue(d_value) { if (value >= 1) { return undefined; } ++i_val; value_buf += d_value; if (i_val == buf_vals) { value_buf = 0; i_val = 0; } value += d_value; if (value >= 1) { value = 1; if (i_val != 0) { sendIncreament(value_buf + 0.001); } _parent.onBarFilled(); } else { if (value < 0) { value = 0; } } stripe._x = -(1 - value) * stripe._width; stripe1._x = -(1 - value) * stripe1._width; } var value = 0; var value_buf = 0; var buf_vals = 24; var i_val = 0; changeValue(0); } } movieClip 1506 { } movieClip 1508 { frame 1 { function onBarFilled() { cum_btn._visible = true; btn_manually1._visible = true; btn_manually2._visible = true; btn_manually3._visible = true; _parent.next_btn._visible = true; } cum_btn._visible = false; btn_manually1._visible = false; btn_manually2._visible = false; btn_manually3._visible = false; var i = 0; var btn_id = 0; while (eval('btn_' + i) != undefined) { if (i > 1) { (eval('btn_' + i)).enabled = false; (eval('btn_' + i))._alpha = 50; } ++i; } var btns_count = i; onEnterFrame = function () { if (bar.value < btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) { bar.changeValue(0.001); if (bar.value >= btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) { (eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1))).enabled = true; (eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1)))._alpha = 100; } } }; cum_btn.postOnPress = function () { _parent.panel._visible = false; _parent.cumScreen.gotoAndPlay(2); }; } } movieClip 1511 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _parent.panel._visible = false; } frame 12 { stop(); next_btn.onPress = function () { play(); }; } frame 18 { stop(); _root.gotoScreen('screen_demo'); } } movieClip 1512 screen4 { frame 1 { stop(); next_btn._visible = false; next_btn.onPress = function () {; next_btn._visible = false; }; anim_manager = new AnimManager(act, panel); anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_0', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 55, 'frame_end': 65, 'auto_speed': 0.04, 'face_settings': 'head1=1,mc.head=1'}); anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 273, 'frame_end': 331, 'auto_speed': 0.06, 'face_settings': 'head2=1,mc.head=2'}); anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 258, 'frame_end': 347, 'auto_speed': 0.12, 'face_settings': 'head2=2,mc.head=3'}); anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 243, 'frame_end': 363, 'auto_speed': 0.22, 'face_settings': 'head2=3,mc.head=4'}); anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_4', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 30, 'frame_end': 90, 'auto_speed': 0.06, 'face_settings': 'head1=2,mc.head=2'}); anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_5', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 10, 'frame_end': 110, 'auto_speed': 0.12, 'face_settings': 'head1=3,mc.head=3'}); anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_6', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 121, 'auto_speed': 0.22, 'face_settings': 'head1=4,mc.head=4'}); anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_7', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 122, 'frame_end': 242, 'auto_speed': 0.06, 'face_settings': 'head1=2,mc.head=2'}); anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_8', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 122, 'frame_end': 242, 'auto_speed': 0.12, 'face_settings': 'head1=3,mc.head=3'}); anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_9', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 122, 'frame_end': 242, 'auto_speed': 0.22, 'face_settings': 'head1=4,mc.head=4'}); anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 121, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 1, 'pixel_start': 180, 'pixel_width': 280, 'face_settings': 'head1=2,head2=2,mc.head=3'}); anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 122, 'frame_end': 242, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 1, 'pixel_start': 180, 'pixel_width': 280, 'face_settings': 'head1=2,head2=2,mc.head=3'}); anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 243, 'frame_end': 363, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 1, 'pixel_start': 180, 'pixel_width': 280, 'face_settings': 'head1=2,head2=2,mc.head=2'}); anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'cum_btn', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 121, 'auto_speed': 0.2, 'auto_fade_out_speed': 0.004, 'face_settings': 'head=3', 'cum_clips': 'cum1', 'face_settings_after_cum': 'head=1,mc.head=3'}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1_1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1_2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1_3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2_1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2_2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2_3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1_1_1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1_2_2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1_3_3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2_1_1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2_2_2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2_3_3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'cock1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'cock2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'cock1_1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'cock2_2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'cock1_1_1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'cock2_2_2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1_1_1_1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1_2_2_2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1_3_3_3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2_1_1_1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2_2_2_2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2_3_3_2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': '', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': '', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'head1.hair1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'head1.hair2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'dress', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'mc.boob1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'mc.boob2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'mc.boob3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'mc.ass1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'mc.ass2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'mc.hair1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'mc.hair2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'mc.hair3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'mc.hair4', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': '', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 1, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'mc.belt', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'mc.balls', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'update_before_gravi': 0, 'reverse': 0}); onEnterFrame = function () { anim_manager.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse); }; } } movieClip 1514 screen_demo { frame 1 { MNF_btn.onPress = function () { if ( == undefined) { getURL(_root.owner_URL, '_blank'); } else { getURL('' +, '_blank'); } }; } } movieClip 1515 { } frame 3 { function setScreen(clip_name) { if (screen != undefined) { removeMovieClip(screen); } attachMovie(clip_name, 'screen', 0); } function gotoScreen(clip_name) { if (trans != undefined) { removeMovieClip(trans); } (attachMovie('trans_screen', 'trans', 1)).next_screen = clip_name; } setScreen('mainmenu'); }
Created: 16/10 -2018 21:48:02 Last modified: 16/10 -2018 21:48:02 Server time: 10/11 -2024 19:26:05