Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2571 · P5142

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Raven Crime.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #210976

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 16 bot { frame 1 { if (this.hitTest(_root.rainkiller)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this._x > 800) { this._x = 10; } if (this._x < 0) { this._x = 600; } if (this._y < 0) { this._y = 350; } if (this._y > 350) { this._y = 10; } ZielX = 20; ZielY = 20; this._x = ZielX + this._x; this._y = ZielY + this._y; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 18 myfirst { #initclip function Dot() { this.color = new Color(this); this.color.setRGB(16775372); this._x = 350; this._y = 300; } function move() { ++this.age; this.relage = this.age / 12; R = 16711680; G = 255 - this.relage * 126; if (G < 0) { G = 0; } G <<= 8; B = 255 - this.relage * 1024; if (B < 0) { B = 0; } this.color.setRGB(R + G + B); this._x -= Math.random() * 5 - 2.5; this._y -= Math.random() * 4 + 2; this._alpha -= 2; this._xscale -= 2; if (this._alpha < 5) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } Dot.prototype = new MovieClip(); Object.registerClass('myfirst', Dot); Dot.prototype.onEnterFrame = move; #endinitclip frame 1 { } } frame 1 { function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; var pv; mb = '__mochibot__'; mbc = ''; g = _global ? _global : _level0._root; if (g[mb + swfid]) { return g[mb + swfid]; } s =; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = x ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == 'localWithFile') { return null; } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } pv = (fv == 5) ? /:$version : System.capabilities.version; u = 'http://' + mbc + '/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=' + fv + '&v=' + escape(pv) + '&swfid=' + escape(swfid) + '&l=' + lv + '&f=' + mc + (sb ? '&sb=' + sb : '') + (trk ? '&t=1' : ''); lv = fv > 6 ? mc.getNextHighestDepth() : (g[mb + 'level'] ? g[mb + 'level'] + 1 : lv); g[mb + 'level'] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = '_level' + lv; if (!eval(res)) { loadMovieNum(u, lv); } return res; } res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); return res; } __com_mochibot__('868264ed', this, 10301, true); } frame 1 { function doSomething() {} function doSomething2() { getURL('', _blank); } function doSomething3() { getURL('', _blank); } MENU.customItems.push(Functioned2); MENU = new ContextMenu(); MENU.hideBuiltInItems(); Functioned = new ContextMenuItem('Raven Crime 2013', doSomething); Functioned1 = new ContextMenuItem('Created by Jacob Dzwinel', doSomething); Functioned2 = new ContextMenuItem('Sponsored by', doSomething2); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned1); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned2); = MENU; } frame 1 { bytes_loaded = Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded()); bytes_total = Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal()); getPercent = bytes_loaded / bytes_total; _root.loadBar._width = getPercent * 100; _root.loadText = Math.round(getPercent * 100) + '%'; if (bytes_loaded == bytes_total) { _root.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.loadText == '0%') { tellTarget ('_root.loadingtexter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.loadText == '4%') { tellTarget ('_root.loadingtexter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.loadText == '5%') { tellTarget ('_root.loadingtexter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.loadText == '10%') { tellTarget ('_root.loadingtexter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.loadText == '20%') { tellTarget ('_root.loadingtexter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.loadText == '30%') { tellTarget ('_root.loadingtexter') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (_root.loadText == '40%') { tellTarget ('_root.loadingtexter') { gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.loadText == '50%') { tellTarget ('_root.loadingtexter') { gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.loadText == '60%') { tellTarget ('_root.loadingtexter') { gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.loadText == '70%') { tellTarget ('_root.loadingtexter') { gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.loadText == '80%') { tellTarget ('_root.loadingtexter') { gotoAndStop(9); } } if (_root.loadText == '90%') { tellTarget ('_root.loadingtexter') { gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.loadText == '100%') { tellTarget ('_root.loadingtexter') { gotoAndStop(11); } } } frame 1 { stopAllSounds(); } // unknown tag 88 length 63 // unknown tag 88 length 63 // unknown tag 88 length 69 // unknown tag 88 length 62 movieClip 37 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 39 { } movieClip 44 { } movieClip 47 { } instance of movieClip 47 { onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('_root.storyline') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 49 { } movieClip 53 { } button 56 { on (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 button 60 { on (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } movieClip 62 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 25 { _root.gotoAndPlay('intro'); } } movieClip 73 { } instance siteLock of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } movieClip 74 { } movieClip 78 { } // unknown tag 88 length 68 movieClip 95 { } movieClip 97 { } movieClip 122 { } movieClip 124 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 74 { onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('_root.storyline') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 127 { } movieClip 131 { } movieClip 134 { } movieClip 141 { } movieClip 148 { } movieClip 150 { } movieClip 173 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } instance thing2 of movieClip 148 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 2; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 175 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } instance thing2 of movieClip 148 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 2; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 179 { } movieClip 180 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 6 { stop(); } instance grabinv of movieClip 173 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(_root.grabbeditem + 1); } } } frame 7 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(_root.grabbeditem + 1); } } } frame 8 { stop(); } } instance cursor of movieClip 180 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 3 { RavenCrime = SharedObject.getLocal('ravencrime3'); } frame 3 { stop(); = 0; _root.thing3 = 0; _root.thing4 = 0; _root.thing5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 0; _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.latarka = 0; _root.tester = 0; _root.tester2 = 0; _root.start = 1; } button 183 { on (press) { if (_root.start == 1) { _root.start = 0; tellTarget ('_root.darknight') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } instance loadingtexter of movieClip 37 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(11); } } } frame 4 { stop(); } movieClip 186 { } movieClip 187 { } movieClip 188 { } movieClip 189 { frame 53 { stop(); } } movieClip 191 { } movieClip 196 { frame 232 { _parent.gotoAndStop('intro2'); } } movieClip 198 { } instance of movieClip 198 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } frame 5 { _root.soundson = 1; } frame 5 { stop(); } movieClip 233 { } movieClip 238 { frame 167 { _root.gotoAndStop('menu'); } } instance of movieClip 198 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } movieClip 250 { } movieClip 264 { } movieClip 268 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 269 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 268 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(_root.grabbeditem + 1); } } } frame 8 { stop(); } } instance cursor of movieClip 269 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; } } frame 7 { _root.stagesparts =; } frame 7 { var url = stage.loaderInfo.url; var urlE = url.indexOf('/', 7); var urlD = url.substr(7, urlE - 7); } frame 7 { stop(); } movieClip 272 { } button 275 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('menu2'); } } button 278 { on (release) { if (_root.stagesparts >= 1) { gotoAndStop('menu3'); } } } button 282 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('menu4'); } } button 286 { on (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } movieClip 288 { } movieClip 292 { } movieClip 293 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 293 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.soundson == 1) { stopAllSounds(); tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.soundson = 0; } else { if (_root.soundson == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.soundson = 1; } } } } movieClip 295 { frame 16 { stop(); } } frame 8 { stop(); } button 302 { on (release) { if (name_txt.text == '') { } else { = name_txt.text; _root.stagesparts = 1; = _root.stagesparts; tellTarget ('_root.darkness') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } button 306 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndStop('menu'); } } instance of movieClip 293 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.soundson == 1) { stopAllSounds(); tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.soundson == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } movieClip 307 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 14 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 15 { if (_root.stagesparts == 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage1'); } else { if (_root.stagesparts == 2) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage2'); } else { if (_root.stagesparts == 3) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage3'); } else { if (_root.stagesparts == 4) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage4'); } else { if (_root.stagesparts == 5) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage5'); } else { if (_root.stagesparts == 6) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage6'); } } } } } } } } instance darkness of movieClip 307 { onClipEvent (release) { } } frame 9 { name_txt.text =; } frame 9 { stop(); } button 312 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.darkness') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } button 317 { on (press) { = ''; = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('menu'); } } instance of movieClip 293 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.soundson == 1) { stopAllSounds(); tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.soundson = 0; } else { if (_root.soundson == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.soundson = 1; } } } } frame 10 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 293 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.soundson == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.soundson == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } frame 11 { = 1; } movieClip 321 { frame 61 { stop(); } } frame 120 { this.gotoAndStop('dupa1'); } frame 121 { stop(); _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; _root.talked1 = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; max = 50; i = 0; while (i < max) { zufall = random(100); attachMovie('bot', 'bot' + i, i); _root['bot' + i]._x = random(800); _root['bot' + i]._y = random(600); _root['bot' + i]._xscale = zufall; _root['bot' + i]._yscale = zufall; _root['bot' + i]._rotation = 45; _root['bot' + i]._alpha = random(60); ++i; } fscommand('allowscale', 'false'); tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndStop(75); } if (_root.thing4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if ( == 0) { _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if ( == 6) { = 0; } if ( == 4.5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; } } movieClip 326 { } instance button of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 328 { } movieClip 329 { } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && >= 1.5) { _root.actiontext = 'TRASH CAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && >= 1.5) { if ( == 1.5) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(6); } } readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Just some useless garbage. Nothing here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && >= 1.5) { _root.actiontext = 'LOCKED CAR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && >= 1.5) { if ( == 1.5) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(6); } } readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Car is locked. I\'m to lazy to search for the keys'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && >= 1.5) { _root.actiontext = 'LOCKED CAR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && >= 1.5) { if ( == 1.5) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(7); } } readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Car is locked. I\'m to lazy to search for the keys'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 335 { } movieClip 338 { } movieClip 340 { } movieClip 342 { } movieClip 344 { } movieClip 346 { } movieClip 350 { } movieClip 356 { } movieClip 358 { } movieClip 360 { } movieClip 364 { } movieClip 366 { } movieClip 368 { } movieClip 369 { } movieClip 370 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 371 { } movieClip 373 { } movieClip 374 { } movieClip 377 { } movieClip 378 { } movieClip 380 { frame 19 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 381 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.move = 0; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 385 { } movieClip 387 { } movieClip 389 { } movieClip 391 { } movieClip 393 { } movieClip 395 { } movieClip 397 { } movieClip 399 { } movieClip 401 { } movieClip 403 { } movieClip 409 { } movieClip 410 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.move = 0; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 411 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance hero of movieClip 411 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 5 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 5 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 2 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 14; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 2 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 14; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } if (_root.move == 4) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.n == 0) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Nope'; } if (_root.n == 1) { _root.texter.talktext = 'There is no connection'; } if (_root.n == 2) { _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t do it'; } if (_root.n == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Are you serious?'; } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (this._xscale == 100 & _root.cursor._x > _root.hero._x & _root.move == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this._xscale == 100 & _root.move == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } if (this._xscale == -100 & _root.cursor._x > _root.hero._x & _root.move == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this._xscale == -100 & _root.move == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } movieClip 413 { } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && >= 2) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && >= 2) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 1; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && >= 2) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.hero._x += 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 417 { } movieClip 419 { } movieClip 421 { } movieClip 423 { } movieClip 424 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hit of movieClip 423 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(this) && _root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.move = 2; } } } frame 8 { stop(); } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(12); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } movieClip 426 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa1'); stop(); } frame 3 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa2'); stop(); } frame 4 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa3'); stop(); } frame 5 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa4'); stop(); } frame 6 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa5'); stop(); } frame 7 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa6'); stop(); } frame 8 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa7'); stop(); } frame 9 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa8'); stop(); } frame 10 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa9'); stop(); } frame 11 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa13'); stop(); } frame 12 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa14'); stop(); } frame 13 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa15'); stop(); } frame 14 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa16'); stop(); } frame 15 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa17'); stop(); } frame 16 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa18'); stop(); } frame 17 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa19'); stop(); } frame 18 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa20'); stop(); } frame 19 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa21'); stop(); } frame 20 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa22'); stop(); } frame 21 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa23'); stop(); } frame 22 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa24'); stop(); } frame 23 { _parent.gotoAndStop('dupa25'); stop(); } } movieClip 428 { } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 2) { _root.action = 2; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 3; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2) && _root.action == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing4 = 1; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(15); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3) && _root.action == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing4 = 1; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(15); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.latarka == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.backgrounds') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.latarka == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 437 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.hero.normal.lips._visible = 0; } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.hero.normal.lips._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_parent.hero.normal.lips') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.hero.normal.lips._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_parent.hero.normal.lips') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } instance texter of movieClip 437 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.hero._x - 6; this._y = _root.hero._y - 237; } } // unknown tag 88 length 117 movieClip 445 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 446 { frame 75 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 62 movieClip 450 { } movieClip 478 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 481 { } movieClip 488 { } movieClip 489 { } movieClip 492 { } movieClip 494 { } movieClip 496 { } movieClip 499 { } movieClip 501 { } movieClip 503 { } movieClip 505 { } movieClip 507 { } movieClip 509 { } movieClip 511 { } movieClip 514 { } movieClip 516 { } movieClip 517 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance thing1 of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor) && _root.carryitem == 0) { if ( == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 1; = 0; } _root.grabbeditem = 1; } } } frame 3 { stop(); } instance thing2 of movieClip 148 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 2; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'Flashlight'; } } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 489 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 3; } } } frame 5 { stop(); tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance of movieClip 492 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 4; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 494 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 5; } } } frame 7 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 496 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 6; } } } frame 8 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 499 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 7; } } } frame 9 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 501 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 8; } } } frame 10 { stop(); } instance cmok1 of movieClip 503 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 9; } } } frame 11 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 505 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 10; } } } frame 12 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 507 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 11; } } } frame 13 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 509 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 12; } } } frame 14 { stop(); tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance klucz of movieClip 511 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 13; } } } frame 15 { stop(); } instance cmok2 of movieClip 514 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 14; } } } frame 16 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 516 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 15; } } } } instance inv1 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv2 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv3 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv4 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv5 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv6 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } movieClip 521 { } movieClip 524 { } movieClip 530 { } button 544 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } movieClip 548 { } movieClip 550 { } movieClip 552 { } movieClip 554 { } movieClip 556 { } movieClip 557 { } movieClip 562 { } movieClip 564 { instance of movieClip 562 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('What TV is doing here?'); } } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 569 { } movieClip 570 { } movieClip 575 { } button 576 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(7); } } } movieClip 579 { } movieClip 583 { frame 51 { stop(); } } movieClip 596 { } button 603 { on (press) { _root.tester = 1; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 607 { on (press) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(21); } } } button 609 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 612 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); = 0.5; } instance of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 3 { = 0.6; } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 4 { _root.pausebutton = 0; = 1; } instance of movieClip 548 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('') { nextFrame(); } } } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 5 { = 1.5; } frame 6 { stop(); = 1.75; } frame 7 { _root.pausebutton = 0; = 2; } frame 8 { = 4; _root.kolko._visible = 1; } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (unload) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 9 { _root.kolko._visible = 1; = 4; } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 10 { _root.kolko2._visible = 1; } frame 10 { stop(); = 5; } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (unload) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 11 { _root.kolko2._visible = 1; } frame 11 { = 5; } frame 12 { = 6; } frame 13 { stop(); tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(3); } = 7; } frame 14 { stop(); = 8; } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (unload) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); _root.tester = 0; tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 18 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 1; } instance of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(19); } } } frame 19 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.thing6 = 4; _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(3); } } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (unload) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.tester2 = 1; tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(4); } } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } } button 616 { on (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } movieClip 618 { } instance of movieClip 618 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this._alpha = 50; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this._alpha = 100; } onClipEvent (press) { _root.move = 0; tellTarget ('_root.ingamemenu') { gotoAndStop(2); } this._alpha = 100; } } movieClip 620 { } button 624 { on (press) { tellTarget ('_root.ingamemenu') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 628 { on (press) { tellTarget ('_root.ingamemenu') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } button 632 { on (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } button 633 { on (press) { tellTarget ('_root.ingamemenu') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 637 { on (press) { _quality = 'BEST'; } } button 641 { on (press) { _quality = 'MEDIUM'; } } button 645 { on (press) { _quality = 'LOW'; } } movieClip 646 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } instance cursor of movieClip 180 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; } } movieClip 647 { frame 26 { stop(); } } frame 122 { if ( == 2) { = 3; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(8); } } max = 50; i = 0; while (i < max) { zufall = random(100); attachMovie('bot', 'bot' + i, i); _root['bot' + i]._x = random(800); _root['bot' + i]._y = random(600); _root['bot' + i]._xscale = zufall; _root['bot' + i]._yscale = zufall; _root['bot' + i]._rotation = 45; _root['bot' + i]._alpha = random(60); ++i; } stop(); _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.talked1 = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; _root.latarka = 0; if ( == 4) { _root.kolko._visible = 1; } if ( == 5) { = 1; } if ( == 6) { = 1; } if ( == 7) { = 0; } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TRASH CAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Just some useless garbage. Nothing here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TRELLIS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t go further. There is a trellis on my road'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 654 { } movieClip 656 { } movieClip 660 { } movieClip 668 { } movieClip 671 { } movieClip 673 { } movieClip 678 { } movieClip 679 { } movieClip 683 { } movieClip 698 { } movieClip 700 { } instance hitpoint of movieClip 700 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0 && < 5) { _root.actiontext = 'POLICEMAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && == 4) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; talked = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; _root.talked = 1; } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 702 { } instance of movieClip 702 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && >= 6) { _root.actiontext = 'ENTRANCE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { _root.action = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && >= 6) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && >= 6) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.hero._x = 655.5; _root.move = 0; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 705 { } button 708 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { nextFrame(); } } } movieClip 709 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 711 { frame 14 { stop(); } } movieClip 713 { frame 11 { stop(); } } button 715 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(8); } } } movieClip 716 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 718 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(10); } } } movieClip 719 { frame 11 { stop(); } } button 721 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(12); } } } movieClip 722 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 724 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } movieClip 725 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 727 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } movieClip 728 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 730 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(17); } } } movieClip 731 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 733 { on (release) { = 2; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } movieClip 734 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 736 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 737 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 739 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 740 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 741 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 1; } frame 3 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 1; } frame 4 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(10); } } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('') { nextFrame(); } } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 0; } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 0; } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 0; } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 0; } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } } frame 123 { stop(); _root.talked1 = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; if (_root.thing3 == 0) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (_root.thing3 >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.thing3item') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.thing4 == 3) { _root.latarka = 1; } if ( == 7) { = 1; } if (_root.latarka == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.button') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 745 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 747 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance button of movieClip 747 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SACKS OF FLOUR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing usefull here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty can, nothing usefull'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SWITCH'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s not working'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.latarka == 1) { _root.actiontext = 'BOTTLE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.latarka == 1) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.latarka == 1) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1 && _root.latarka == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.latarka == 1) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty bottle'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BATTERY'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.action = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.thing3item') { gotoAndStop(3); } talked = 1; _root.thing3 = 1; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } movieClip 750 { } movieClip 751 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 753 { } instance of movieClip 753 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DOOR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 411.5; _root.move = 0; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && >= 2) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && >= 2) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.thing4 == 3) { this._visible = 1; } if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.thing4 == 3) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 755 { } instance backgrounds2 of movieClip 755 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.thing4 == 3) { this._visible = 0; } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(12); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 2) { _root.action = 2; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 3; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2) && _root.action == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.iinv2 = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.thing4 = 1; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(15); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3) && _root.action == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.thing4 = 1; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(15); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.backgrounds) && _root.action == 4) { tellTarget ('_root.button') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.iinv2 = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.thing4 = 3; _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.latarka = 1; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(16); } } _root.action = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing5 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(6); } } } } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.latarka == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.backgrounds') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.latarka == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 757 { } frame 124 { stop(); _root.talked1 = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; if (_root.tester == 0) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(17); } } } instance button of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOOTS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Damn, not my size'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'EMPTY BOX'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing inside'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 761 { } instance hit of movieClip 761 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'LOCKED CHEST'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing6 < 3) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'There must be a key to this chest. I better look for it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance hitpoint of movieClip 700 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'Talk to Policeman'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && == 4) { talked = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; _root.talked = 1; } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 702 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DOOR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.action = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y = -47; _root.hero._x = 455; _root.hero._y = 382; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(6); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && >= 2) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && >= 2) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.thing6 == 4) { this._visible = 1; } if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.thing6 == 4) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.hero._x += 630; _root.hero._y = 355.1; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(7); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(18); } mySounder = new Sound(); mySounder.attachSound('dooropen'); mySounder.start(0, 1); _root.move = 0; _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 3; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 6) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hit) && _root.action == 4) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { trace(_root.action); if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.latarka == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.latarka == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 125 { stop(); _root.talked1 = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; if (_root.tester == 0) { _root.tester = 1; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing5 == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.jabol') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.thing5 > 0) { tellTarget ('_root.thing5item') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CALENDAR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Hmm interesting, playboy calendar from the 80\'s'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'MATTRESSES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'A lot of mattresses'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SYRINGE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Probably it\'s full of drugs. I won\'t touch it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOWL'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Cool, portable toilet'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 765 { } movieClip 767 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance thing5item of movieClip 767 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0 && _root.latarka == 1) { _root.actiontext = 'BOOTLE OF WINE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0 && _root.latarka == 1) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.action = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1 && _root.latarka == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.latarka == 1) { if (_root.tester == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } talked = 1; _root.thing5 = 1; } } } } movieClip 770 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 773 { } movieClip 777 { } instance kick of movieClip 777 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing6 == 0 && _root.thing5 < 3) { _root.actiontext = 'HOMELESS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.thing6 == 0 && _root.thing5 < 3) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.thing5 < 3) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(7); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; talked = 1; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 1 && readytotalk == 1 && n == 1 && _root.thing5 < 3) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(9); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } } movieClip 782 { } movieClip 783 { } instance of movieClip 783 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DOOR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.action = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y = -47; _root.hero._x = 455; _root.hero._y = 355; 10; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_root.jabol') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing5 = 3; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 5) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.kick) && _root.action == 4) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(7); } } } } } if (_root.thing5 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(6); } } } } } if (_root.latarka == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.latarka == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 126 { stop(); _root.talked1 = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; if (_root.tester2 == 0) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(20); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BARRELS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty barrels, nothing here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SIGN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t promise that'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 783 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DOOR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.action = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { readytotalk = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.move = 0; tellTarget ('_root.escape') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } movieClip 787 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 35 { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage2'); } } frame 127 { = 2; } frame 236 { this.gotoAndStop('dupa7'); = 0; _root.sms = 0; } frame 237 { stop(); if (_root.talked1 == 1) { _root.rozmowa2._visible = 0; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndStop(75); } tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(4); } } instance button of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BRICKS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Just bricks..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 796 { } instance kick of movieClip 777 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'POLICEMAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(13); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; talked = 1; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 1 && readytotalk == 1 && n == 1) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(15); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } } instance hitpoint of movieClip 700 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'Talk to Commisioner'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { talked = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(16); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } movieClip 805 { } instance of movieClip 777 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'POLICEMAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { n = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa2') { gotoAndStop(220); } _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(18); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 777 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'HOMELESS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa2') { gotoAndStop(220); } n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(19); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } instance hero of movieClip 411 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 5 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 5 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 2 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 14; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 2 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 14; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } if (_root.move == 4) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.n == 0) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Nope'; } if (_root.n == 1) { _root.texter.talktext = 'There is no connection'; } if (_root.n == 2) { _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t do it'; } if (_root.n == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Are you serious?'; } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (this._xscale == 100 & _root.cursor._x > _root.hero._x & _root.move == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this._xscale == 100 & _root.move == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } if (this._xscale == -100 & _root.cursor._x > _root.hero._x & _root.move == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this._xscale == -100 & _root.move == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } movieClip 809 { } movieClip 812 { } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(9); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 818 { } movieClip 820 { } movieClip 824 { frame 220 { stop(); } } movieClip 826 { } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 2) { _root.action = 2; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 3; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2) && _root.action == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing4 = 1; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3) && _root.action == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing4 = 1; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(13); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.latarka == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.backgrounds') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.latarka == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance texter of movieClip 437 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.hero._x - 6; this._y = _root.hero._y - 237; } } button 830 { on (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } instance inv1 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv2 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv3 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv4 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv5 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv6 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } movieClip 840 { } button 846 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(8); } _root.pauseflash = 0; } } button 848 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(8); } _root.pauseflash = 0; _root.evidence1 = 1; _root.cursor._visible = 0; } } button 852 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(8); } _root.pauseflash = 0; _root.evidence2 = 1; _root.cursor._visible = 0; } } button 854 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(8); } _root.pauseflash = 0; _root.cursor._visible = 0; } } button 856 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.gotoAndStop('dupa11'); } } button 863 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 865 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.body') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('dupa11'); } } movieClip 866 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); _root.sms = 0; } instance of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } frame 3 { stop(); _root.sms = 1; } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (unload) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } frame 5 { = 0.6; = 1; } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); = 1; } frame 8 { = 2; tellTarget ('_root.body') { gotoAndStop(3); } stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); _root.cursor._visible = 1; } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 10 { stop(); _root.cursor._visible = 1; } frame 11 { stop(); _root.cursor._visible = 1; } frame 12 { stop(); _root.cursor._visible = 1; _root.pausebutton = 1; } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); _root.cursor._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_root.body') { gotoAndStop(4); } } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } } button 870 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 871 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 873 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 874 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 876 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 877 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 879 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 880 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 882 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 883 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 885 { frame 76 { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 887 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 888 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 890 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 891 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 893 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 894 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 896 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 897 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 899 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 900 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 902 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 903 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 905 { frame 75 { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 907 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(16); } } } movieClip 908 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 910 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 911 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 913 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 914 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 916 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 917 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 919 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 920 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 922 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 923 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 925 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 926 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 928 { frame 70 { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 929 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 618 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this._alpha = 50; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this._alpha = 100; } onClipEvent (press) { _root.move = 0; tellTarget ('_root.ingamemenu') { gotoAndStop(2); } this._alpha = 100; } } movieClip 932 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 6 { stop(); } instance grabinv of movieClip 173 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(_root.grabbeditem + 1); } } } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } } instance cursor of movieClip 932 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; } } frame 238 { stop(); _root.talked1 = 1; _root.actiontext = ''; if (_root.sms == 0) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'EMPTY BOX'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'The box is empty'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TRASH CAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'A lot of garbage'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance kick of movieClip 777 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'Talk to police'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { n = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa2') { gotoAndStop(220); } _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(13); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; talked = 1; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 1 && readytotalk == 1 && n == 1) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(15); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } } instance hitpoint of movieClip 700 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'COMMISIONER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { talked = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(16); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && == 2) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && == 2) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && == 2) { _root.hero._x -= 550; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(10); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 2) { _root.action = 2; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 3; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2) && _root.action == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing4 = 1; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(14); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3) && _root.action == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.action = 0; _root.thing4 = 1; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(14); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button) && _root.action == 4) { _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing4 = 3; _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.latarka = 1; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(15); } } _root.action = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.latarka == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.backgrounds') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.latarka == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 239 { _root.cursor._visible = 0; } frame 239 { stop(); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.latarka = 0; } movieClip 947 { } movieClip 949 { } movieClip 951 { } movieClip 953 { } movieClip 956 { } movieClip 958 { } movieClip 966 { } button 975 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { nextFrame(); } } } movieClip 980 { instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(103); } } } frame 74 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { play(); } frame 111 { _root.hero._x = 264; _root.gotoAndStop('dupa10'); } } movieClip 983 { } movieClip 985 { } movieClip 987 { } movieClip 990 { } frame 240 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.sms == 0) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.sms == 1) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(3); } } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.iinv1 = 1; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndStop(75); } _root.passwords = ''; = 0; _root.cursor._visible = 1; } instance button of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DEAD BODY'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I should first check my computer'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && == 1) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.move = 0; = 2; _root.clicked._y += 500; tellTarget ('_root.body') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(7); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'LAMP'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing, just a lamp'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'LAMP'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing, just a lamp'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'COMPUTER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.move = 0; talked = 1; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 button 1000 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 1003 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1005 { } button 1007 { on (press) { if ( == 'dupa') { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndPlay(2); } = ''; } else { trace('dupa'); } } } button 1021 { on (press) { if ( == 1) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(52); } } } } movieClip 1023 { } button 1030 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(53); } } } button 1037 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(54); } } } button 1042 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(56); } } } movieClip 1046 { } button 1053 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(52); } } } // unknown tag 88 length 119 button 1063 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndPlay(57); } } } button 1067 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(52); } } } movieClip 1072 { } movieClip 1074 { frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(14); } } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(15); } } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 99 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(6); } tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(6); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.pausebutton = 0; } } movieClip 1075 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { = ''; } frame 2 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 1; } instance of movieClip 1005 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Enter>') { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } frame 3 { =; if ( == 'HDTRIO' || == 'hdtrio') { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 4 { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(4); } } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1079 { } movieClip 1081 { } movieClip 1087 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flash = 0; } frame 2 { _root.flash = 2; } frame 3 { _root.flash = 1; } } button 1089 { on (press) { if (_root.flash == 0 && _root.pauseflash == 0) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } movieClip 1091 { } movieClip 1092 { } movieClip 1095 { } movieClip 1099 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 1106 { } movieClip 1109 { } movieClip 1111 { } movieClip 1112 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1115 { } movieClip 1116 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1119 { } movieClip 1120 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1124 { } movieClip 1125 { } movieClip 1126 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hit of movieClip 1124 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.body.number13.joinpart)) { tellTarget ('_root.body.number12') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.body.number13') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter12 = 1; _root.letter13 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.body.number12') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.body.number13') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter12 = 0; _root.letter13 = 0; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1129 { } movieClip 1130 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hit of movieClip 1124 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.body.number12.joinpart)) { tellTarget ('_root.body.number11') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter11 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.body.number11') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter11 = 0; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1133 { } movieClip 1134 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hit of movieClip 1124 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.body.number11.joinpart)) { tellTarget ('_root.body.number10') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter10 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.body.number10') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter10 = 0; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1137 { } movieClip 1138 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hit of movieClip 1124 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.body.number9.joinpart)) { tellTarget ('_root.body.number8') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.body.number9') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter8 = 1; _root.letter9 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.body.number8') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.body.number9') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter8 = 0; _root.letter9 = 0; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1141 { } movieClip 1142 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hit of movieClip 1124 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.body.number8.joinpart)) { tellTarget ('_root.body.number7') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter7 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.body.number7') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter7 = 0; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1145 { } movieClip 1146 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hit of movieClip 1124 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.body.number7.joinpart)) { tellTarget ('_root.body.number6') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter6 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.body.number6') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter6 = 0; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1149 { } movieClip 1150 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hit of movieClip 1124 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.body.number6.joinpart)) { tellTarget ('_root.body.number5') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter5 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.body.number5') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter5 = 0; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1153 { } movieClip 1154 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hit of movieClip 1124 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.body.number4.joinpart)) { tellTarget ('_root.body.number3') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.body.number4') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter3 = 1; _root.letter4 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.body.number3') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.body.number4') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter3 = 0; _root.letter4 = 0; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1157 { } movieClip 1158 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hit of movieClip 1124 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.body.number3.joinpart)) { tellTarget ('_root.body.number2') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter2 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.body.number2') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter2 = 0; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1162 { } movieClip 1163 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hit of movieClip 1124 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.body.number2.joinpart)) { tellTarget ('_root.body.number1') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter1 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.body.number1') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter1 = 0; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1165 { } movieClip 1168 { } button 1171 { on (press) { tellTarget ('_root.body.tip') { gotoAndPlay(21); } } } movieClip 1173 { } button 1175 { on (press) { tellTarget ('_root.body.tip') { gotoAndPlay(66); } } } movieClip 1176 { frame 20 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); _root.clicer = 1; _root.body.exitt._visible = 1; } frame 80 { stop(); } } movieClip 1179 { } movieClip 1180 { } movieClip 1182 { } movieClip 1184 { } movieClip 1186 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1188 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.evidence1 = 0; _root.evidence2 = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 3 { stop(); } instance photo of movieClip 1087 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); _root.cursor._visible = 0; _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.pauseflash == 0) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; } } } instance hit of movieClip 1092 { onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.pauseflash == 0) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.evidence1 == 1 && _root.evidence2 == 1) { _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.cursor._visible = 1; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(16); } tellTarget ('_root.body') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } instance of movieClip 1095 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.body.hit.hit) && _root.flash == 2 && _root.evidence1 == 0) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(9); } _root.pauseflash = 1; } } } instance of movieClip 1095 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.body.hit.hit) && _root.flash == 2 && _root.evidence2 == 0) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(10); } _root.pauseflash = 1; } } } instance of movieClip 1095 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.body.hit.hit) && _root.flash == 2) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.pauseflash = 1; } } } frame 4 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 1; } instance of movieClip 1099 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.actiontext = 'BAG'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('_root.body') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } frame 5 { stop(); _root.actiontext = ''; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.body.exitt._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(17); } _root.clicer = 0; } instance number4 of movieClip 1112 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance number9 of movieClip 1116 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance number13 of movieClip 1120 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance number12 of movieClip 1126 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance number11 of movieClip 1130 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance number10 of movieClip 1134 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance number8 of movieClip 1138 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance number7 of movieClip 1142 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance number6 of movieClip 1146 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance number5 of movieClip 1150 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance number3 of movieClip 1154 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance number2 of movieClip 1158 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance number1 of movieClip 1163 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.clicer == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.clicer == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.clicer == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.body') { gotoAndStop(6); } } } } instance of movieClip 1182 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.letter1 == 1 && _root.letter2 == 1 && _root.letter3 == 1 && _root.letter4 == 1 && _root.letter5 == 1 && _root.letter6 == 1 && _root.letter7 == 1 && _root.letter8 == 1 && _root.letter9 == 1 && _root.letter10 == 1 && _root.letter11 == 1 && _root.letter12 == 1 && _root.letter13 == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.body') { gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 6 { stop(); tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(18); } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 2) { _root.action = 2; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 3; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2) && _root.action == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing4 = 1; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(14); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3) && _root.action == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.action = 0; _root.thing4 = 1; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(14); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button) && _root.action == 4) { _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing4 = 3; _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.latarka = 1; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(15); } } _root.action = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.latarka == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.backgrounds') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.latarka == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance texter of movieClip 437 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.hero._x - 6; this._y = _root.hero._y - 237; } } instance inv1 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv2 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv3 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv4 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv5 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv6 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { this._visible = 0; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } frame 241 { stop(); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.latarka = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; } movieClip 1204 { } movieClip 1241 { } movieClip 1246 { } movieClip 1270 { instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(332); } } } frame 82 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { play(); } frame 109 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 110 { stop(); } frame 111 { play(); } frame 135 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 136 { play(); } frame 356 { _root.gotoAndStop('stage3'); } } instance hero of movieClip 411 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 5 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 5 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 2 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 14; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 2 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 14; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } if (_root.move == 4) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.n == 0) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Nope'; } if (_root.n == 1) { _root.texter.talktext = 'There is no connection'; } if (_root.n == 2) { _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t do it'; } if (_root.n == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Are you serious?'; } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (this._xscale == 100 & _root.cursor._x > _root.hero._x & _root.move == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this._xscale == 100 & _root.move == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } if (this._xscale == -100 & _root.cursor._x > _root.hero._x & _root.move == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this._xscale == -100 & _root.move == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } frame 243 { play(); } frame 262 { = 3; } frame 352 { this.gotoAndStop('dupa12'); = 0; } frame 353 { stop(); tellTarget ('_root.blackscreen') { gotoAndPlay(1); } _root.lockpinpress = 0; _root.pushpin = 1; _root.doorlockeder = 0; _root.zamknietedrzwi = 0; _root.lockpin1 = 0; _root.lockpin2 = 0; _root.lockpin3 = 0; _root.hero._visible = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; = 0; _root.cutsceneknife = 0; _root.cursor._visible = 0; _root.hero._x = 119; _root.uciekinier = 0; _root.gun = 0; _root.killed = 0; _root.killedaction = 0; _root.guydead = 0; _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing3 = 0; _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing1 = 0; _root.thing2 = 0; _root.thing3 = 0; _root.thing4 = 0; _root.thing5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 0; _root.thing9 = 0; _root.thing10 = 0; _root.door2 = 0; _root.toohigh = 1; _root.thing11 = 0; _root.thing12 = 0; _root.move = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(7); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndStop(75); } } movieClip 1291 { } movieClip 1295 { } instance button of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance hero of movieClip 411 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 5 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 5 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 2 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 14; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 2 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 14; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } if (_root.move == 4) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.n == 0) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Nope'; } if (_root.n == 1) { _root.texter.talktext = 'There is no connection'; } if (_root.n == 2) { _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t do it'; } if (_root.n == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Are you serious?'; } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this._xscale == 100 & _root.cursor._x > _root.hero._x & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this._xscale == 100 & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } if (this._xscale == -100 & _root.cursor._x > _root.hero._x & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this._xscale == -100 & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } instance texter of movieClip 437 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.hero._x - 6; this._y = _root.hero._y - 237; } } instance inv1 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 1; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv2 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 2; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv3 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 3; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv4 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 4; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv5 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 5; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv6 of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 6; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } button 1306 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } button 1308 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1310 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(8); } } } button 1312 { on (press) { _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(14); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1316 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(13); } tellTarget ('_root.inside') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } button 1318 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(14); } tellTarget ('_root.inside') { gotoAndStop(6); } } } button 1320 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.gotoAndStop('l13'); } } movieClip 1321 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 3 { stop(); _root.actiontext = ''; } instance of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 5 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 6 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.actiontext = ''; } instance of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(7); } } } frame 7 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 8 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 9 { stop(); _root.sms = 1; } instance of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(10); } } } frame 10 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (unload) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 11 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.actiontext = ''; } instance of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(12); } } } frame 12 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 13 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 14 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } movieClip 1327 { } movieClip 1335 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 1338 { } movieClip 1341 { } movieClip 1367 { } movieClip 1374 { } movieClip 1403 { instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(141); } } } frame 150 { _root.gotoAndStop('dupa13'); } } instance of movieClip 618 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this._alpha = 50; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this._alpha = 100; } onClipEvent (press) { _root.move = 0; tellTarget ('_root.ingamemenu') { gotoAndStop(2); } this._alpha = 100; } } instance cursor of movieClip 932 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; } } frame 354 { stop(); _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.cursor._visible = 1; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.hero._y = 417; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndStop(75); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BURNING TRASH'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Some homeless lit a fire in a dumpster. I can heat up for a while'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'PIPE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Just a pipe'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'FLASHLIGHT'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Damn, it\'s broken'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'LOCKED DOOR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; closedSound = new Sound(); closedSound.stop('close'); closedSound.attachSound('close'); closedSound.start(0, 1); n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'The door is closed, I\'m grounded here, like a rat'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(17); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(12); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 355 { stop(); if (_root.thing2 == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.thing2item') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'COMMODE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty shelfs, meh'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'OLD PAINTING'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Cool painting, i wonder why it\'s not broken'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SMOKING PIPES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I don\'t have any tobacco to use it anyway'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOOKCASE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'All books from the wardrobe are on the ground'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOOKS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Just some books'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BROOM'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nah, i\'m to lazy to clean up entire basement'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 1408 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance thing2item of movieClip 1408 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'EXTINGUSHER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.action = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } talked = 1; _root.thing2 = 1; } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.hero._x = 713; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(13); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing2 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 356 { stop(); if (_root.thing1 >= 2) { tellTarget ('_root.thing1item') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.toohigh == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.boxanim') { gotoAndStop(32); } } if (_root.door2 == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.wentylacjadrzwi') { gotoAndStop(91); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SIGN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Dangerous signs, i always try to keep away from them'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'OLD WARDROBE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s so old, I can\'t even open it. I\'m sure there\'s nothing in there'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WARDROBE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty wardrobe'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DOOR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { closedSound = new Sound(); closedSound.stop('close'); closedSound.attachSound('close'); closedSound.start(0, 1); readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'The door is locked, i need to find another way to get inside'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CLOCK'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s not working right'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 1412 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance thing1item of movieClip 1412 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'KNIFE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.action = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { mySounder = new Sound(); mySounder.attachSound('knifedeploy'); mySounder.start(0, 1); tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } talked = 1; _root.thing1 = 1; } } } movieClip 1460 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 1; _parent.hero._visible = 0; } frame 32 { _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.toohigh = 0; _parent.hero._visible = 1; stop(); } } instance boxanim of movieClip 1460 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.toohigh == 2) { _root.actiontext = 'BOX'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.toohigh == 2) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.toohigh == 2) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.toohigh = 3; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 1519 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 91 { _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.pausebutton = 0; stop(); } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.hero._x = 338; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(12); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance ventilation of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'VENTILATION DOOR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.door2 == 1) { _root.actiontext = 'VENTILATION DOOR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.door2 == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I could use it to pass the door. All i need is a screwdriver'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.door2 == 1) { Sounder = new Sound(); Sounder.stop('guitar'); _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(14); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.tryon = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.tryon = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.tryon = 0; _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { if (_root.action == 11) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; _root.texter.talktext = 'I need a screwdriver'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.toohigh == 1 || _root.toohigh == 2) { _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s too high for me to loose the screws'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; _root.toohigh = 2; } else { if (_root.toohigh == 0 && _root.action == 4) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } openmetal = new Sound(); openmetal.attachSound('openmetal'); openmetal.start(0, 1); unscrew = new Sound(); unscrew.attachSound('unscrew'); unscrew.start(0, 1); _root.clicked._y += 500; tellTarget ('_root.wentylacjadrzwi') { gotoAndStop(91); } _root.door2 = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 10) { _root.action = 4; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 11) { _root.action = 11; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.ventilation) && _root.action == 4) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.ventilation) && _root.action == 11) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(12); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing1 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(12); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing1 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(12); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing1 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(12); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing1 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(12); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing1 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(12); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing1 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(12); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1521 { } instance of movieClip 1521 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; if (_root.toohigh == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 1) { _root.hero._x = 124; tellTarget ('_root.boxanim') { nextFrame(); } } } } frame 357 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 357 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'VOLTAGE MACHINE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s some kind of generator, i don\'t know much about it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CABLES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Some useless cables'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CABLES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Some useless cables'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CABLES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Some useless cables'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DOOR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { closedSound = new Sound(); closedSound.stop('close'); closedSound.attachSound('close'); closedSound.start(0, 1); readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'The door is locked, i need to use ventilation to get back'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SYRINGE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I\'m not even touching it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 1531 { } movieClip 1534 { } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'HOMELESS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { n = 0; talked = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.clicked._y += 500; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 1 && readytotalk == 1 && n == 1) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.actiontext = ''; Sounder = new Sound(); Sounder.stop('guitar'); _root.hero._x -= 620; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(13); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { if (_root.cutsceneknife == 0) { _root.hero._x += 460; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(15); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (_root.cutsceneknife == 1) { _root.hero._x += 420; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('dupa175'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 2) { _root.action = 2; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 3; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { _root.iinv5 = 0; if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { _root.iinv6 = 0; if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 358 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 358 { stop(); _root.hero._visible = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.cutsceneknife = 1; } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'Pipes'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Just bricks..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SWITCH'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It doesn\'t working. There is no bulb in the lamp. I need to find one'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s too dark to move further'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(16); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { _root.iinv5 = 0; if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { _root.iinv6 = 0; if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1545 { } movieClip 1546 { } movieClip 1561 { } movieClip 1563 { } movieClip 1565 { } movieClip 1597 { } movieClip 1614 { } movieClip 1616 { } movieClip 1621 { } movieClip 1623 { } movieClip 1625 { } button 1626 { on (press) { _root.filmik.stringer._width += 9.5; _root.filmik.knifeaction._rotation -= 1.7; } } movieClip 1642 { } movieClip 1769 { frame 131 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1621 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.filmik.stringer._width -= 1; _root.filmik.knifeaction._rotation += 0.3; if (_root.filmik.stringer.hitTest(_root.filmik.ender)) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(132); } } if (_root.filmik.stringer._width <= 2) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(165); } } } } frame 132 { play(); } frame 164 { _root.hero._x = 610; _parent.hero._x = 610; _root.gotoAndStop('dupa175'); } frame 165 { play(); } frame 197 { tellTarget ('_parent.dead') { gotoAndStop(2); } stopAllSounds(); stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 294 button 1776 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndStop('dupa12'); } } movieClip 1777 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); stopAllSounds(); } } frame 359 { stop(); _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.hero._y = 417; trace(_root.thing10); if (_root.thing10 == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hitler2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.thing10 >= 2) { tellTarget ('_root.hitler2') { gotoAndStop(3); } _root.shadower._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.backg2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.button') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.thing1 == 2) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.thing1 == 3) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.thing1 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing1 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing1 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing1 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing1 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } } frame 359 { _root.actiontext = ''; } movieClip 1779 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance button of movieClip 1779 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing10 != 2) { _root.actiontext = 'SWITCH'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { if (_root.thing10 == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It doesn\'t working. There is no bulb in the lamp. I need to find one'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.thing10 == 1) { readytotalk = 0; _root.thing10 = 2; n = 0; _root.shadower._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.backg2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.button') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Now i see everything'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DEAD JUNKIE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I didn\'t want to kill you. You made me do it, sorry dude'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing10 >= 2) { _root.actiontext = 'DANGER SIGN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing10 >= 2) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Yeap, i\'m gonna respect that'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing10 >= 2) { _root.actiontext = 'VOLTAGE BOX'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing10 >= 2) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Locked voltage box, nothing usefull'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'RADIO'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It does not work..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing10 >= 2) { _root.actiontext = 'VOLTAGE BOX'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing10 >= 2) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Another Voltage box'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing10 >= 2) { _root.actiontext = 'VOLTAGE SYSTEM'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing10 >= 2) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I don\'t want to touch it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing10 >= 2) { _root.actiontext = 'SWITCHES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing10 >= 2) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1 && _root.thing10 >= 2) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing11 == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.thing11 = 1; _root.texter.talktext = 'The power is off, i should be able now to take an axe'; tellTarget ('_root.fb') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 1781 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 245; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('dupa16'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1790 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 40 { tellTarget ('_root.fb') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1792 { } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Good'; tellTarget ('_root.hitler2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } _root.thing10 = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 12) { _root.action = 1; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitler) && _root.action == 1) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.thing5 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing5 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { _root.iinv5 = 0; if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { _root.iinv6 = 0; if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.thing3 == 4) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 5) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 6) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 7) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.thing3 == 8) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 360 { stop(); _root.hero._y = 437; } instance button of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'LOCKERS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'A lot of locked lockers..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CHAIR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I don\'t have time to sit around'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DANGER SIGN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Yeap, i\'m gonna respect that'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'VOLTAGE BOX'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Locked voltage box, nothing usefull'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'RADIO'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It does not work..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CONTROL PANEL'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Control Panel, it\'s to complicated to mess with it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'VOLTAGE BOX'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Another Voltage box'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'VOLTAGE SYSTEM'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I don\'t want to touch it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SWITCHES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing11 == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.thing11 = 1; _root.texter.talktext = 'The power is off, i should be able now to take an axe from upstair'; tellTarget ('_root.fb') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CASE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty case, nothing here..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 124; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('dupa175'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2) && _root.action == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing4 = 1; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3) && _root.action == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing4 = 1; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(13); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 361 { if (_root.uciekinier == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.guy') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } frame 361 { stop(); } instance thingtocut of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'OLD COACH'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing5 == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I need something sharp to cut material'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BABY DOLL'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Baby doll, how sweet'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'PAINTING'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Cool, old painting'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'EMPTY CANS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Some empty bootles of sprays and paint'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'LADDER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Ladder, nothing usefull'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TABLES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'German registration tables'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.killed == 0) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('cutscene1'); } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.killed == 1) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(18); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.zamknietedrzwi == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.lockedpin') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.zamknietedrzwi == 1) { _root.hero._x = 80; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(19); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } mySounder = new Sound(); mySounder.attachSound('knife'); mySounder.start(0, 1); _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Cool, i found pliers'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } _root.thing5 = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 11) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.thingtocut) && _root.action == 1 && _root.thing5 == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing5 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(10); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing5 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(10); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing5 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(10); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing5 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(10); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing5 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(10); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing5 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(10); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing5 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(10); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1795 { frame 2 { _root.uciekinier = 1; } frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 1797 { } movieClip 1800 { frame 5 { stop(); } } button 1803 { on (press) { _root.lockpin1 = 0; _root.lockpin2 = 0; _root.lockpin3 = 0; _root.lockpinpress = 0; _root.pushpin = 0; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.lockedpin') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1813 { frame 1 { _root.pushpin = 1; } frame 2 { _root.pushpin = 1; } frame 37 { _root.lockpinpress = 1; } frame 50 { _root.lockpinpress = 0; } frame 67 { _root.pushpin = 0; _root.lockpinpress = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1814 { frame 1 { _root.pushpin = 1; } frame 2 { _root.pushpin = 1; } frame 42 { _root.lockpinpress = 1; } frame 55 { _root.lockpinpress = 0; } frame 65 { _root.pushpin = 0; _root.lockpinpress = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1815 { frame 1 { _root.pushpin = 1; } frame 2 { _root.pushpin = 1; } frame 63 { _root.lockpinpress = 1; } frame 72 { _root.lockpinpress = 0; } frame 76 { _root.pushpin = 0; _root.lockpinpress = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1817 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.pushpin = 0; _root.pinlocked = 0; _root.lockpinpress = 0; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1821 { } movieClip 1822 { } movieClip 1824 { } movieClip 1826 { } movieClip 1829 { } movieClip 1830 { } movieClip 1832 { } // unknown tag 88 length 68 button 1838 { on (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } movieClip 1841 { } movieClip 1843 { } movieClip 1845 { } movieClip 1847 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1830 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this._alpha = 90; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this._alpha = 100; } onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('_parent') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1830 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this._alpha = 90; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this._alpha = 100; } onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('_parent') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1832 { onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('_parent') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 1852 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1859 { } movieClip 1860 { frame 9 { _root.zamknietedrzwi = 1; } frame 19 { stop(); _root.zamknietedrzwi = 1; } } movieClip 1861 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1862 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.actiontext = ''; stop(); } instance lockpin of movieClip 1817 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { if (_root.lockpin1 == 0 & _root.pushpin == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(random(3) + 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(87) & _root.lockpin1 == 0 & _root.lockpinpress == 1) { _root.lockpin1 = 1; _root.lockpinpress = 0; _root.pinlocked = 0; _root.pushpin = 0; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance lockpin2 of movieClip 1817 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) & _root.lockpin1 == 1 & _root.lockpin2 == 0 & _root.pushpin == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(random(3) + 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(87) & _root.lockpin1 == 1 & _root.lockpinpress == 1) { _root.lockpin2 = 1; _root.lockpinpress = 0; _root.pushpin = 0; _root.doorlockeder = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 1847 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(87) & _root.lockpinpress == 0 & _root.pushpin == 1) { _root.lockpin1 = 0; _root.lockpin2 = 0; _root.lockpin3 = 0; tellTarget ('_root.lockedpin.lockpin') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lockedpin.lockpin2') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lockedpin.lockpin3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance picklocked of movieClip 1861 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.doorlockeder == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } frame 362 { stop(); } frame 362 { if (_root.gun == 2) { _root.hero._visible = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.shot._visible = 1; } if (_root.gun == 0) { _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.hero._y = 417; _root.hero._x = 119; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.shot._visible = 0; } _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x + 10; _root.move = 1; _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.hero._x = 99; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndStop(75); } tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(8); } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOX'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty box'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DRIVE BOX'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Box full of drives'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOX'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty box'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'COAL'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Full bags of coal'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'FURNACE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Working furnace, anyway, it\'s still cold here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance doorexit of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'LOCKED DOOR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { closedSound = new Sound(); closedSound.stop('close'); closedSound.attachSound('close'); closedSound.start(0, 1); readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'He locked the door. I need to find something big to break through'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 1882 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1908 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 12 { _parent.shot._visible = 0; _parent.hero._visible = 1; _root.gun = 0; _root.pausebutton = 0; } } movieClip 1912 { } movieClip 1930 { } movieClip 1991 { } movieClip 1995 { } movieClip 2068 { instance of movieClip 1621 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.filmik.stringer._width -= 1; _root.filmik.knifeaction._rotation += 0.3; if (_root.filmik.stringer.hitTest(_root.filmik.ender)) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(105); } } if (_root.filmik.stringer._width == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndStop(105); } } } } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 17 { _root.killedaction = 1; } frame 18 { _root.killedaction = 2; } frame 19 { _root.killedaction = 1; } frame 34 { _root.killed = 1; stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); tellTarget ('_parent.dead') { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 68 { stopAllSounds(); } } instance badguy of movieClip 2068 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.killedaction == 0) { this._x -= 2; } if (_root.killedaction == 2) { _root.guydead = this._x; } if (_root.killed == 1) { _root.badguy._x = _root.guydead; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(34); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1 && _root.killedaction == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'ENEMY'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.killed == 1) { _root.actiontext = 'DEAD BODY'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1 && _root.killedaction == 0) { _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.move = 1; tellTarget ('_root.shot') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(17); } } else { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.killed == 1) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1 && _root.killed == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.shot) && _root.pausebutton == 1 && _root.killed == 0 && _root.killedaction == 0) { _root.shot._visible = 0; _root.killedaction = 3; _root.hero._x = 124; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(35); } _root.hero._visible = 0; } if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.killed == 1 && _root.thing3 == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.thing3 = 1; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Bend key.. I need something to straight it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.killed == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.killed == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.killed == 1) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.killed == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(17); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { if (_root.action == 14) { _root.clicked._y += 500; mySounder = new Sound(); mySounder.attachSound('notwork'); mySounder.start(0, 1); _root.texter.talktext = 'The key is bend, and not for this door'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.action == 1) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('cutscene4'); } } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 15) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.doorexit) && _root.action == 1) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.doorexit) && _root.action == 14) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(15); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(15); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(15); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing3 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(15); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing3 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(15); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing3 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(15); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing3 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(15); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 363 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 363 { stop(); } frame 363 { _root.hero._visible = 0; _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.gun = 2; } movieClip 2074 { } movieClip 2077 { } movieClip 2105 { } movieClip 2113 { } movieClip 2149 { instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(141); } } } frame 37 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { play(); } frame 80 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { play(); } frame 131 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 132 { stop(); } frame 133 { play(); } frame 153 { _root.gotoAndStop('dupa20'); } } frame 364 { stop(); tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndStop(75); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); } } instance button of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DRAWER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BROKEN GLASS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Broken glass, I can\'t see myself'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DRAWER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DRAWER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DRAWER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DRAWER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DRAWER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DRAWER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DRAWER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BROKEN GLASS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Another broken glass...'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x -= 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; if ( == 0 || == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(20); } } if ( == 2) { _root.gotoAndStop('dupa22fire'); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(17); } _root.hero._x = 403; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance door of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing7 == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'LOCKED DOOR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing7 >= 1) { _root.actiontext = 'DOOR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing7 == 0) { readytotalk = 0; closedSound = new Sound(); closedSound.stop('close'); closedSound.attachSound('close'); closedSound.start(0, 1); n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'The room is closed, i need to find a key'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing7 == 1) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.hero._x = 635; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(22); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { if (_root.action == 14) { _root.clicked._y += 500; mySounder = new Sound(); mySounder.attachSound('notwork'); mySounder.start(0, 1); _root.texter.talktext = 'The key is broken, i need to find something to straight it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.action == 4) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } openSound = new Sound(); openSound.attachSound('open'); openSound.start(0, 1); _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'The Door is now open'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } _root.thing7 = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 13) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.door) && _root.action == 4) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.door) && _root.action == 14) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 365 { stop(); } movieClip 2156 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TRASH CAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty trash..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOARD'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Hmm, it\'s a map with photos of the girl who was murdered'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'PHOTOS BOARD'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'A lot of names and photos of the girl. I\'m not sure what\'s this.'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOARD'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s a plan of dead girl\'s day. Someone must followed and spy her every day'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CHAIR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Cool, pink chair. I should buy one of this for my daugher'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CLOSET'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Closed locker'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CLOSET'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Closed locker'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'GASOLINE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Gasoline'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && == 3) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(21); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 713; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(19); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2158 { } instance movie of movieClip 2158 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && == 0) { _root.move = 0; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.gotoAndStop('cutscene2'); } } } frame 366 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.cursor._visible = 1; if ( == 1) { = 2; _root.hero._x = 200; } } movieClip 2159 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'FIRE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I need to find fire extingusher to put down the fire'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'FIRE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I need to find fire extingusher to put down the fire'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('dupa21'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 8) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest( && _root.action == 4) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.hero._visible = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.gotoAndStop('cutscene3'); } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance movie of movieClip 2158 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop('cutscene2'); } } } frame 367 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.hero._x = 137; _root.hero._y = 422; _root.cursor._visible = 1; } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DEAD BODY'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'He swallowed some pills which killed him. Not good.'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'LAMP'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Old lamp without bulb'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'PAPERS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'A lot of documents laying on the table, nothing interesting here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TABLE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty drawers'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'LOCKER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty locker. Probably all the stuff on the table is from here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'POSTER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s a list of Police most wanted criminals'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'POSTER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Newspaper page'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 2167 { } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(20); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BULBS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.thing9 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } n = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; _root.thing9 = 1; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && n == 1 && _root.thing9 > 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'A lot of bulbs, i already have one in my belt'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 15) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing9 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing9 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(13); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing9 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(13); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing9 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(13); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing9 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(13); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing9 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(13); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing9 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(13); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing9 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(13); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 368 { stop(); if (_root.thing4 == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.thing4item') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.thing11 == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.button') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.water._visible = 0; electro = new Sound(); electro.stop('electronot'); } if (_root.thing12 >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.axe') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 2170 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance button of movieClip 2170 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'VOLTAGE BOX'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Voltage box'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOX TOOLS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { if (_root.thing11 >= 1) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I just need an axe'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 2188 { } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WATER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing11 == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s too dangerous to get through it. I need to shut down the power first'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 2190 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance axe of movieClip 2190 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'AXE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { if (_root.thing11 == 0) { _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t move there. It\'s too dangerous'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.thing11 == 1) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } _root.texter.talktext = 'Great! Now i have to break the door'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } talked = 1; _root.thing12 = 1; } } } movieClip 2192 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance thing4item of movieClip 2192 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SCREWDRIVER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.action = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { mySounder = new Sound(); mySounder.attachSound('coin'); mySounder.start(0, 1); tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } _root.texter.talktext = 'Great! I found a screwdriver!'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } talked = 1; _root.thing4 = 1; } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 414; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.przejscia') { gotoAndStop(19); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 2) { _root.action = 2; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 3; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2) && _root.action == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing4 = 1; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3) && _root.action == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing4 = 1; _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(13); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing12 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing12 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(16); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing12 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(16); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing12 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(16); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing12 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(16); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing12 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(16); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing12 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(16); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing12 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(16); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(11); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(11); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(11); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(11); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(11); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(11); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(11); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 369 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 369 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.hero._visible = 0; _root.hero._x = 473; = 1; _root.cursor._visible = 0; } movieClip 2247 { } movieClip 2251 { } movieClip 2255 { } movieClip 2273 { } movieClip 2324 { } movieClip 2330 { } movieClip 2331 { } movieClip 2349 { } movieClip 2350 { } movieClip 2372 { instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(319); } } } frame 28 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 29 { play(); } frame 60 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 61 { play(); } frame 216 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 217 { stop(); } frame 218 { play(); } frame 255 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 256 { play(); } frame 318 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 319 { play(); } frame 331 { _root.gotoAndStop('dupa22fire'); } } frame 370 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 370 { _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.hero._visible = 0; = 3; _root.cursor._visible = 0; stop(); } movieClip 2374 { } movieClip 2375 { } movieClip 2384 { instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(134); } } } frame 130 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 131 { play(); } frame 144 { _root.gotoAndStop('dupa23'); } } frame 371 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 371 { _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.hero._visible = 0; _root.cursor._visible = 0; stop(); } movieClip 2386 { } movieClip 2454 { } movieClip 2470 { instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(427); } } } frame 221 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 222 { stop(); } frame 223 { stop(); } frame 224 { play(); } frame 229 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 230 { stop(); } frame 231 { stop(); } frame 232 { play(); } frame 337 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 338 { stop(); } frame 339 { stop(); } frame 340 { stop(); } frame 341 { play(); } frame 376 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 377 { stop(); } frame 378 { play(); } frame 419 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 420 { play(); } instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(672); } } } frame 564 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 565 { stop(); } frame 566 { stop(); } frame 567 { stop(); } frame 568 { stop(); } frame 569 { play(); } frame 580 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 581 { play(); } instance kick of movieClip 777 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'POLICEMAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(13); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; talked = 1; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 1 && readytotalk == 1 && n == 1) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(15); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } } frame 707 { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage4'); } } frame 372 { = 4; } frame 482 { stop(); stopAllSounds(); this.gotoAndPlay('level0'); } frame 483 { _root.newspaper = 0; _root.secretaryoff = 0; _root.securitydead = 0; _root.securitysleep = 0; _root.doorunlocket = 0; _root.gogo = 0; _root.matches = 0; _root.hotwoter = 0; _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; _root.creditcardin = 0; _root.lockpinpress = 0; _root.pushpin = 1; _root.doorlockeder = 0; _root.zamknietedrzwi = 0; _root.lockpin1 = 0; _root.lockpin2 = 0; _root.lockpin3 = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.cursor._visible = 1; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.actiontext = ''; = 0; _root.cutsceneknife = 0; _root.uciekinier = 0; _root.atmin = 0; _root.gun = 0; _root.killed = 0; _root.killedaction = 0; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndStop(75); } tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(9); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing1 = 0; _root.thing2 = 0; _root.thing3 = 0; _root.thing4 = 0; _root.thing5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 0; _root.thing20 = 0; _root.thing7 = 0; _root.thing8 = 0; } instance button of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TRASH BIN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 2476 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2476 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.thing1 >= 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'NEWSPAPER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Newspaper, i may need this'; _root.thing1 = 1; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance hero of movieClip 411 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 5 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 5 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 2 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 14; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 2 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 14; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } if (_root.move == 4) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.n == 0) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Nope'; } if (_root.n == 1) { _root.texter.talktext = 'There is no connection'; } if (_root.n == 2) { _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t do it'; } if (_root.n == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Are you serious?'; } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this._xscale == 100 & _root.cursor._x > _root.hero._x & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this._xscale == 100 & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } if (this._xscale == -100 & _root.cursor._x > _root.hero._x & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this._xscale == -100 & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance texter of movieClip 437 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.hero._x - 6; this._y = _root.hero._y - 237; } } movieClip 2491 { } movieClip 2494 { } movieClip 2497 { } movieClip 2500 { } movieClip 2504 { } movieClip 2507 { } movieClip 2510 { } movieClip 2512 { } movieClip 2513 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2491 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 1; } } } frame 3 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2494 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 2; } } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance cmok1 of movieClip 2497 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 3; } } } frame 5 { stop(); } instance cmok2 of movieClip 2500 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 4; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2504 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 5; } } } frame 7 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2507 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 6; } } } frame 8 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2510 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 7; } } } frame 9 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2512 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 8; } } } } instance inv1 of movieClip 2513 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 1; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv2 of movieClip 2513 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 2; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv3 of movieClip 2513 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 3; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv4 of movieClip 2513 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 4; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv5 of movieClip 2513 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 5; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv6 of movieClip 2513 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 6; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance of movieClip 618 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this._alpha = 50; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this._alpha = 100; } onClipEvent (press) { _root.move = 0; tellTarget ('_root.ingamemenu') { gotoAndStop(2); } this._alpha = 100; } } movieClip 2525 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 2526 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2525 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(_root.grabbeditem + 1); } } } frame 8 { stop(); } } instance cursor of movieClip 2526 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; } } frame 484 { stop(); _root.actiontext = ''; } movieClip 2531 { } instance of movieClip 2531 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'MAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('level5'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('level2'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 14; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 485 { _root.actiontext = ''; } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CANS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty cans'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TOILET'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Toilet, better check what\'s in'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('level1'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2535 { } instance of movieClip 2535 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 687; _root.hero._y = 409; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('level3'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 14; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 486 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 486 { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 486 { if (_root.hotwoter == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hotwater') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.hotwater.hothot') { gotoAndStop(201); } } if (_root.hotwoter == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.hotwater') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 2544 { } movieClip 2545 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DRAWER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty drawers'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TRASH'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty trash'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'MIRROR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t see my reflection in this mirror. It\'s dirty'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'URINAL'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I don\'t have time to piss now'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'URINAL'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nah, I don\'t want to piss right next to this guy'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TOILET'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s occupied'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SINK - COLD WATER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; tellTarget ('_root.coldwater') { nextFrame(); } _root.texter.talktext = 'Brr, my hands are shaking. Water is really cold'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SINK - HOT WATER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.hotwoter == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hotwater') { gotoAndStop(2); } readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Great, water is too hot to wash my hands..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } // unknown tag 88 length 75 movieClip 2552 { } movieClip 2553 { frame 3 { _root.hotwoter = 2; } frame 55 { _root.hotwoter = 1; } frame 201 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CODE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Some number appeared on the mirror...'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } movieClip 2554 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 777 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'MAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } movieClip 2558 { } movieClip 2560 { } movieClip 2562 { } movieClip 2565 { } movieClip 2566 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2566 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.thing4 >= 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CREDIT CARD'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Great i stole a credit card'; _root.thing4 = 1; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 2535 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 142; _root.hero._y = 481; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('level2'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('level4'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 14; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing2 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(6); } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 487 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 487 { if (_root.newspaper == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.guy1') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WARDROBE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.zamknietedrzwi == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'LOCKED WARDROBE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.zamknietedrzwi == 1) { _root.actiontext = 'WARDROBE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.zamknietedrzwi == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.lockedpin') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing20 == 0 && _root.zamknietedrzwi == 1) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Box of matches'; _root.thing20 = 1; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing20 >= 1) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing more here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TOILET'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s occupied'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TOILET'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s occupied'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TOWELS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Just dirty towels'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 2570 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2570 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.thing3 >= 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'PILLS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { talked = 0; if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.newspaper == 1) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Great, sleeping pills'; _root.thing3 = 1; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.newspaper == 0) { talked = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(6); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; _root.talked = 1; } } } } movieClip 2582 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); _root.newspaper = 1; } frame 3 { stop(); } } instance guy1 of movieClip 2582 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0 && _root.newspaper == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SOME GUY'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && talked == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.newspaper == 0) { talked = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.clicked._y += 500; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; _root.talked = 1; } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('level3'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.newspaper = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(7); } tellTarget ('_root.guy1') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 14; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.guy1) && _root.action == 1 && _root.newspaper == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing20 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing20 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing20 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing20 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing20 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing20 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing20 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 488 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 488 { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2586 { } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 480; } } } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 470; } } } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 460; } } } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 450; } } } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 445; } } } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 440; } } } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 435; } } } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 430; } } } instance atm of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'ATM'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.creditcardin == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.atmin = 1; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.atmcounter') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.creditcardin == 1) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.atmcounter') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.creditcardin == 2) { _root.actiontext = ''; _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.atmcounter') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.creditcardin == 3) { _root.actiontext = ''; readytotalk = 0; _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.atmcounter') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SHOP'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s closed'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 2591 { } movieClip 2601 { } movieClip 2604 { } movieClip 2606 { } movieClip 2607 { } instance of movieClip 2607 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'MAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(10); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } movieClip 2610 { } movieClip 2616 { } instance of movieClip 2616 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'MAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(9); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('level1'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.hero._y = 430; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Great, 15 dollars..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } _root.thing5 = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 5) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 14; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.atmin == 0) { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.atmcounter.atm) && _root.action == 1) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 0; if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } tellTarget ('_root.atmcounter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing5 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(7); } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 2623 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { _root.texter._visible = 1; _root.button._x -= 600; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.atmcounter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2628 { } movieClip 2630 { } // unknown tag 88 length 83 button 2633 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber += '1'; if (_root.atmcounter.pinnumber.length > 4) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; tellTarget ('') { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } button 2634 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber += '2'; if (_root.atmcounter.pinnumber.length > 4) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; tellTarget ('') { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } button 2635 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber += '3'; if (_root.atmcounter.pinnumber.length > 4) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; tellTarget ('') { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } button 2636 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber += '4'; if (_root.atmcounter.pinnumber.length > 4) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; tellTarget ('') { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } button 2637 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber += '5'; if (_root.atmcounter.pinnumber.length > 4) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; tellTarget ('') { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } button 2638 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber += '6'; if (_root.atmcounter.pinnumber.length > 4) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; tellTarget ('') { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } button 2639 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber += '7'; if (_root.atmcounter.pinnumber.length > 4) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; tellTarget ('') { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } button 2640 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber += '8'; if (_root.atmcounter.pinnumber.length > 4) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; tellTarget ('') { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } button 2641 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber += '9'; if (_root.atmcounter.pinnumber.length > 4) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; tellTarget ('') { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } button 2642 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (press) { if (_root.atmcounter.pinnumber == '3457') { tellTarget ('_root.atmcounter') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { tellTarget ('') { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } button 2643 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; } } } button 2644 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.atmcounter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 2645 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber += '0'; if (_root.atmcounter.pinnumber.length > 4) { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; tellTarget ('') { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } movieClip 2649 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2655 { frame 37 { stop(); _root.creditcardin = 2; } } movieClip 2668 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 2669 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.hero._visible = 0; _root.texter._visible = 0; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.atmin = 0; _root.texter._visible = 1; _root.button._x -= 600; _root.move = 0; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.atmcounter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 3 { _root.creditcardin = 1; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.texter._visible = 1; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.button._x -= 600; } frame 3 { _root.atmcounter.pinnumber = ''; } frame 3 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.atmin = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.atmcounter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 4 { _root.creditcardin = 2; _root.pausebutton = 1; } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.atmin = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.hero._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.atmcounter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 5 { _root.creditcardin = 3; _root.pausebutton = 1; } frame 5 { stop(); } instance money of movieClip 2668 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.creditcardin = 0; _root.texter.talktext = 'Great only six dollars..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } _root.thing5 = 1; tellTarget ('_root.atmcounter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 489 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 489 { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SHOP'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s closed'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOTTLE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Just some bottles'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SHOP'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Closed shop'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SHOP'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Yeap it\'s the place i\'m looking for'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 2678 { } movieClip 2681 { } movieClip 2682 { } instance guy3 of movieClip 2682 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'MAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { talked = 1; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(20); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 1 && readytotalk == 1) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(21); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.gotoAndStop('level7'); } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.hero._y = 430; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('level5'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 720; _root.hero._y = 416; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(10); } _root.gotoAndStop('level8'); } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(22); } _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It wasn\'t a good deal'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } _root.thing2 = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 6) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 14; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.guy3) && _root.action == 1) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing2 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 490 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 490 { if (_root.matches == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.guy2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.secretaryoff == 1) { _root.guy5._visible = 1; } else { if (_root.secretaryoff == 0) { _root.guy5._visible = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TRASH BIN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing but trash'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'MAP'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s a map of this metro, nothing interesting here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CLOSED GATE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'This gate is closed, can\'t move further'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 2688 { } movieClip 2690 { } movieClip 2692 { } movieClip 2741 { } movieClip 2742 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance guy2 of movieClip 2742 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.secretaryoff == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'MAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.matches == 0) { n = 0; talked = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 1 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.matches == 0) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.clicked._y += 500; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(12); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 1 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.matches == 1) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.clicked._y += 500; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(13); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } movieClip 2746 { } movieClip 2749 { } movieClip 2751 { } movieClip 2754 { } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.matches = 1; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(13); } tellTarget ('_root.guy2') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 2) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.guy2) && _root.action == 4 && _root.matches == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 491 { if (_root.secretaryoff == 1) { _root.guy4._visible = 0; } if (_root.securitydead == 1) { _root.bootle._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.guy6') { gotoAndStop(177); } } _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 491 { if (_root.gogo == 0) { _root.gogo = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CHAIRS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s no time for sitting here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'FLOWERS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing Here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'POSTERS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Posters with various types of tattoo to choose'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 2758 { } instance bootle of movieClip 2758 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.thing3 >= 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.securitydead == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOOTLE OF WATER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { talked = 0; if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.securitysleep == 0) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(19); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.securitysleep == 2 && _root.securitydead == 0) { talked = 1; _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t take his bootle, he will beat me up'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } movieClip 2762 { } movieClip 2765 { } movieClip 2773 { frame 1 { _root.securitysleep = 0; } frame 148 { _root.securitysleep = 2; } frame 176 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 177 { stop(); _root.securitysleep = 1; } } instance guy6 of movieClip 2773 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.securitydead == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'MAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.securitydead == 1) { _root.actiontext = 'MAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.securitydead == 0) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(17); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.securitydead == 1 && _root.thing8 == 0) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.thing8 = 1; _root.texter.talktext = 'Cool, i found keys'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } } movieClip 2778 { } instance guy4 of movieClip 2778 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.secretaryoff == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WOMAN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.secretaryoff == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1 && _root.secretaryoff == 0) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.matches == 0) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(15); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.matches == 1 && _root.secretaryoff == 0) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.gotoAndStop('level9'); _root.actiontext = ''; } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 353; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance doorlocked of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && readytotalk == 1 && _root.move == 1 && _root.securitydead == 1 && _root.doorunlocket == 0) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; closedSound = new Sound(); closedSound.stop('close'); closedSound.attachSound('close'); closedSound.start(0, 1); _root.texter.talktext = 'The door is locked, i need to find the keys first'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && readytotalk == 1 && _root.securitydead == 1 && _root.doorunlocket == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndPlay('level11'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && readytotalk == 1 && _root.securitysleep == 0 && _root.doorunlocket == 0) { n = 0; talked = 1; readytotalk = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; closedSound = new Sound(); closedSound.stop('close'); closedSound.attachSound('close'); closedSound.start(0, 1); _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(18); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5 && _root.securitydead == 1 && _root.action == 1) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } openSound = new Sound(); openSound.attachSound('open'); openSound.start(0, 1); _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Great, door is unlocked. I can go talk with Doakes'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.doorunlocket = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5 && _root.action == 4 && _root.securitydead == 0) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('level10'); _root.clicked._y += 500; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 7) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 8) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.doorlocked) && _root.action == 1 && _root.securitysleep == 1 && _root.secretaryoff == 1) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.bootle) && _root.action == 4 && _root.securitysleep == 2 && _root.secretaryoff == 1) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.bootle) && _root.action == 4 && _root.securitysleep == 0 && _root.secretaryoff == 0) { _root.move = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.texter.talktext = 'I need to get rid of this secretary first'; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.bootle) && _root.action == 4 && _root.securitysleep == 0 && _root.secretaryoff == 1) { _root.move = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.texter.talktext = 'Nah, I can\'t switch those bootles when he\'s looking'; } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing8 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing8 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing8 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing8 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing8 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing8 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(8); } } } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 492 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 492 { _root.hero._visible = 0; } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TRASH BIN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Just a pipe, nothing here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2847 { } movieClip 2855 { frame 1 { play(); } instance bootle of movieClip 2758 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.thing3 >= 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOOTLE OF WATER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { talked = 0; if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.securitysleep == 0) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(19); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.securitysleep == 2) { talked = 1; _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t take his bootle, he will beat me up'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } frame 10 { _root.secretaryoff = 1; } instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(140); } } } frame 21 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { play(); } frame 51 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { play(); } instance bootle of movieClip 2758 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.thing3 >= 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOOTLE OF WATER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { talked = 0; if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.securitysleep == 0) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(19); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.securitysleep == 2) { talked = 1; _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t take his bootle, he will beat me up'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } frame 153 { _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.texter.talktext = 'Great, now i need to get rid of this security guy and I can move further!'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.gotoAndStop('level8'); } } frame 493 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 493 { stop(); _root.move = 0; _root.hero._x = 583; _root.hero._y = 408; _root.hero._visible = 0; } movieClip 2985 { } movieClip 3050 { frame 1 { play(); } instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(230); } } } frame 223 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 224 { play(); } frame 232 { play(); _root.securitydead = 1; } frame 243 { _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('level8'); } } frame 494 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 494 { stop(); _root.move = 0; _root.hero._x = 583; _root.hero._y = 408; _root.hero._visible = 0; } movieClip 3057 { } movieClip 3059 { } movieClip 3062 { } movieClip 3065 { } movieClip 3080 { } movieClip 3111 { frame 1 { play(); } instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(124); } } } frame 70 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { play(); } frame 98 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 99 { play(); } frame 106 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 107 { stop(); } frame 108 { stop(); } frame 109 { stop(); } frame 110 { stop(); } frame 111 { stop(); } frame 112 { stop(); } frame 113 { stop(); } frame 114 { stop(); } frame 115 { play(); } frame 135 { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage5'); } } frame 495 { = 5; } frame 605 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 606 { _root.obraz = 0; _root.vehicle = 0; _root.lockpinpress = 0; _root.pushpin = 1; _root.doorlockeder = 0; _root.zamknietedrzwi = 0; _root.lockpin1 = 0; _root.lockpin2 = 0; _root.lockpin3 = 0; _root.mounted = 0; _root.wrestlerarm = 0; _root.noescape = 0; _root.sms = 0; _root.opensafe = 0; _root.readytofight = 0; _root.wardrobeopen = 0; _root.openeddoor = 0; _root.openeddoor2 = 0; _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.cursor._visible = 1; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.actiontext = ''; = 0; _root.cutsceneknife = 0; _root.uciekinier = 0; _root.gun = 0; _root.killed = 0; _root.killedaction = 0; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndStop(75); } tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(3); } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing1 = 0; _root.thing2 = 0; _root.thing3 = 0; _root.thing4 = 0; _root.thing5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 0; _root.thing8 = 0; _root.thing9 = 0; _root.thing11 = 0; _root.thing10 = 0; } instance button of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'EMPTY TRASH BIN'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'HOLE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'A big hole in the wall. I can\'t see a shit'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance hero of movieClip 411 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 5 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 5 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 2 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 14; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 2 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 14; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } if (_root.move == 4) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.n == 0) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Nope'; } if (_root.n == 1) { _root.texter.talktext = 'There is no connection'; } if (_root.n == 2) { _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t do it'; } if (_root.n == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Are you serious?'; } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this._xscale == 100 & _root.cursor._x > _root.hero._x & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this._xscale == 100 & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } if (this._xscale == -100 & _root.cursor._x > _root.hero._x & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this._xscale == -100 & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } movieClip 3116 { } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance texter of movieClip 437 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.hero._x - 6; this._y = _root.hero._y - 237; } } movieClip 3124 { } movieClip 3127 { } movieClip 3130 { } movieClip 3133 { } movieClip 3135 { } movieClip 3137 { } movieClip 3139 { } movieClip 3142 { } movieClip 3144 { } movieClip 3145 { } movieClip 3147 { } movieClip 3148 { } movieClip 3149 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3124 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 1; } } } frame 3 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3127 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 2; } } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3130 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 3; } } } frame 5 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3133 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 4; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } instance cmok1 of movieClip 3135 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 5; } } } frame 7 { stop(); } instance cmok2 of movieClip 3137 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 6; } } } frame 8 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3139 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 7; } } } frame 9 { stop(); tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance of movieClip 3142 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 8; } } } frame 10 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3144 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 9; } } } frame 11 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3145 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 10; } } } frame 12 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3147 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 11; } } } frame 13 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3148 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor.hit) && _root.carryitem == 0) { _root.grabbeditem = 12; } } } } instance inv1 of movieClip 3149 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 1; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv2 of movieClip 3149 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 2; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv3 of movieClip 3149 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 3; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv4 of movieClip 3149 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 4; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv5 of movieClip 3149 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 5; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv6 of movieClip 3149 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 6; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } button 3151 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } movieClip 3152 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 3154 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.readytofight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 3155 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 3157 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.readytofight = 2; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 3158 { frame 10 { stop(); } } button 3160 { on (release) { _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.readytofight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 3161 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 3162 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 618 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this._alpha = 50; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this._alpha = 100; } onClipEvent (press) { _root.move = 0; tellTarget ('_root.ingamemenu') { gotoAndStop(2); } this._alpha = 100; } } instance cursor of movieClip 269 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; } } frame 607 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l2'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 5) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 6) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 608 { _root.actiontext = ''; } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WINDOW'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t see anything through this window'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WINDOW'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s too high to get there'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WINDOW'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s too high to get there'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'KEY CODE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.openeddoor2 == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; tellTarget ('_root.keycode') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.pausebutton = 1; } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l1'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 2535 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 720; _root.hero._y = 477; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l3'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.openeddoor2 == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; closedSound = new Sound(); closedSound.stop('close'); closedSound.attachSound('close'); closedSound.start(0, 1); _root.texter.talktext = 'Door is locked. I need to find key code to open it'; tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(12); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.openeddoor2 == 1) { _root.hero._x = 723; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l4'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } movieClip 3170 { } button 3171 { on (press) { += '1'; if ( > 5) { = ''; } } } button 3172 { on (press) { += '2'; if ( > 5) { = ''; } } } button 3173 { on (press) { += '3'; if ( > 5) { = ''; } } } button 3174 { on (press) { += '4'; if ( > 5) { = ''; } } } button 3175 { on (press) { += '5'; if ( > 5) { = ''; } } } button 3176 { on (press) { += '6'; if ( > 5) { = ''; } } } button 3177 { on (press) { += '7'; if ( > 5) { = ''; } } } button 3178 { on (press) { += '8'; if ( > 5) { = ''; } } } button 3179 { on (press) { += '9'; if ( > 5) { = ''; } } } button 3180 { on (press) { += '0'; if ( > 5) { = ''; } } } button 3181 { on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } on (press) { _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.keycode') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.move = 1; } } button 3182 { on (press) { if ( == '38092') { tellTarget ('_root.keycode.greenlight') { = ''; gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { tellTarget ('_root.keycode.redlight') { = ''; gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } // unknown tag 88 length 229 movieClip 3187 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 25 { tellTarget ('_parent') { gotoAndStop(1); _root.openeddoor2 = 1; _root.pausebutton = 0; } } } movieClip 3189 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3190 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { = ''; _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.keycode') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.move = 1; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 5) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 6) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 609 { if (_root.sms == 0) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WINDOW'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Can\'t see a shit'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WINDOW'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing in there'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOOTLES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I don\'t need this'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance hiter of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BARRELS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Full barrels of gasoline. I wonder why noone stole it yet.'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 3206 { } instance of movieClip 3206 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'HOMELESS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { n = 1; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.wrestlerarm == 1) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.wrestlerarm == 2) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.wrestlerarm = 3; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.readytofight == 0) { n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.actiontext = ''; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.readytofight == 1) { _root.hero._visible = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l11'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 260; _root.hero._y = 480; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l2'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Great, now I have enough gasoline'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.thing4 = 1; _root.thing1 = 3; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 5) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 6) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hiter) && _root.action == 1 && _root.thing1 == 2) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(8); } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 610 { _root.actiontext = ''; } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 5) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 6) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hiter) && _root.action == 1 && _root.thing1 == 2) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(8); } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 3218 { } movieClip 3220 { } button 3221 { on (press) { _root.filmik.stringer._width += 9.5; } } movieClip 3258 { frame 1 { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 19 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { play(); } frame 101 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1621 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.filmik.stringer._width -= 1.2; if (_root.filmik.stringer.hitTest(_root.filmik.ender)) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(102); } } if (_root.filmik.stringer._width <= 2) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(152); } } } } frame 102 { play(); } frame 114 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 115 { stop(); } frame 116 { stop(); } frame 117 { play(); } frame 151 { _root.hero._x = 434; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.wrestlerarm = 1; _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.readytofight = 3; _root.gotoAndStop('l3'); } frame 152 { play(); } frame 164 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 165 { stop(); } frame 166 { play(); } frame 203 { _root.hero._x = 434; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.readytofight = 2; _root.wrestlerarm = 2; _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('l3'); } } frame 611 { if (_root.thing10 == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.crowbar') { gotoAndStop(2); } } tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(13); } _root.wrestlerarm = 1; _root.readytofight = 3; _root.actiontext = ''; } instance button of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BASKET'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing inside..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'UMBRELLA'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I won\'t need it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WARDROBE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty wardrobe. I can\'t find anything here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DRAWERS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'HOLE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Hole in the wall..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 3261 { } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WINDOW'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I can clearly see that something is flashing in this room'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 3263 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.thing2 >= 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'NEWSPAPER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Paper with code, i will need this for sure'; _root.thing2 = 1; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 3265 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance crowbar of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CROWBAR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nice peace of crowbar'; _root.thing10 = 1; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l5'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 2535 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 467; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l2'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; closedSound = new Sound(); closedSound.stop('close'); closedSound.attachSound('close'); closedSound.start(0, 1); _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Something is blocking the door. I need to find another way to get there'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 5) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 6) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } } } if (_root.thing2 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing2 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing2 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing2 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing2 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing2 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing2 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(6); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing10 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing10 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(10); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing10 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(10); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing10 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(10); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing10 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(10); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing10 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(10); } } } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 612 { if (_root.obraz == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.obras') { gotoAndStop(18); } } _root.actiontext = ''; } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 469; } } } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 450; } } } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 420; } } } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 400; } } } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 380; } } } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 350; } } } instance of movieClip 2586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitup)) { _root.hero._y = 311; } } } instance atm of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOOTLES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing here, only empty bootles'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance atm of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'PAINTING'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Damaged image..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance atm of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SUBTITLES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Some text paint on the wall, It\'s in different language'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance atm of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'LAMP'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s not working'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance atm of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'LAMP'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'It\'s not working'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance safe of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SAFE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.opensafe == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I need a number combination to open this safe'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.opensafe == 1 && _root.thing8 == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Great, pocket knife and key'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } _root.thing8 = 1; _root.thing9 = 1; } } } } movieClip 3271 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } } instance obras of movieClip 3271 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'PAINTING'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.obraz == 0) { readytotalk = 0; _root.obraz = 1; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Some image of a pretty girl hanging crookedly'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.obraz == 1) { readytotalk = 0; _root.obraz = 2; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Hmm, I guess something is behind this image'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.obraz == 2) { readytotalk = 0; _root.obraz = 3; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Damn..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.hero._y = 469; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l8'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l4'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.zamknietedrzwi == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.lockedpin') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.zamknietedrzwi == 1) { _root.hero._x = 248; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l6'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5 && _root.action == 3) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } openSound = new Sound(); openSound.attachSound('open'); openSound.start(0, 1); _root.texter.talktext = 'Safe is opened now, i can check what\'s inside'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.opensafe = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5 && _root.action == 9) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Code is incomplete, i need to find the other half of this paper'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5 && _root.action == 14) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Code is incomplete, i need to find the other half of this paper'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 5) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 6) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 8) { _root.action = 3; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest( && _root.action == 3 && _root.obraz == 3) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest( && _root.action == 9 && _root.obraz == 3) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest( && _root.action == 14 && _root.obraz == 3) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing5 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(7); } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing8 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing8 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing8 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing8 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing8 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing8 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing8 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing9 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing9 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing9 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing9 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing9 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing9 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing9 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 613 { if (_root.vehicle == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.heroaction1') { gotoAndStop(155); } } if (_root.vehicle == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.heroaction2') { gotoAndStop(169); } tellTarget ('_root.heroaction1') { gotoAndStop(155); } } _root.actiontext = ''; } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOXES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty boxes..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOXES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing there'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WARDROBE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty wardrobe'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TOWELS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Just some usefull towels'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance vehicles of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.vehicle < 2) { _root.actiontext = 'VEHICLE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.vehicle < 2) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1 && _root.vehicle < 2) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.vehicle == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I could use this to break through wall, I need to find gasoline first'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.vehicle == 1) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I need to find a key to start the engine'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 454; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(10); } _root.gotoAndStop('l5'); } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.vehicle == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.vehicle == 2) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && _root.vehicle == 2) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.vehicle == 2) { _root.hero._x -= 650; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l7'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.vehicles.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5 && _root.action == 2) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.hero._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.heroaction1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.vehicle = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.vehicles.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5 && _root.action == 5) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.heroaction2') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.vehicle = 2; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.vehicles.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5 && _root.action == 1) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Canister is empty, i need to fill it with gasoline'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 7) { _root.action = 2; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 5) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 6) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 3) { _root.action = 5; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.vehicles) && _root.action == 2 && _root.thing4 == 2) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.vehicles) && _root.action == 1 && _root.vehicle == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.vehicles) && _root.action == 5 && _root.vehicle == 1) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 3276 { } movieClip 3281 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 169 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.vehicle = 2; } } movieClip 3314 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 154 { _root.texter.talktext = 'Vehicle is loaded, i need a key to start the engine'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.hero._x = 373; 55; } frame 155 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.hero._visible = 1; } } frame 614 { _root.actiontext = ''; } movieClip 3320 { } movieClip 3321 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3321 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TV'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance wardrobe1 of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WARDROBE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.thing5 == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Locked wardrobe. I need something sharp to open it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'FLOWER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Just a flower'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DOOR'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t move barricade. It\'s too heavy'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOXES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Just some empty boxes, nothing usefull here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DEAD BODY'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I hope it\'s the guy i\'m looking for. It\'s look like he commited suicide'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 3323 { } movieClip 3324 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3324 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.thing11 >= 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'PENDRIVE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Interesting, it\'s a pendrive'; _root.thing11 = 1; _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(6); } } } } movieClip 3331 { } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 713; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l6'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { openSound = new Sound(); openSound.attachSound('breakwood'); openSound.start(0, 1); _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.thing5 = 1; _root.texter.talktext = 'Another piece of paper'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 5) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 6) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 5; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.wardrobe1) && _root.action == 5 && _root.thing5 == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing5 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(7); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing5 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(7); } } } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing11 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing11 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(11); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing11 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(11); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing11 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(11); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing11 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(11); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing11 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4v') { gotoAndStop(11); } } } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 615 { if (_root.sms == 0) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(9); } } _root.actiontext = ''; } movieClip 3337 { } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BOXES'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty boxes..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'PAINTING'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Strange marks on the image, not sure what\'s this'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance drawers of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TABLE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.wardrobeopen == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Drawer is locked, i need to find something sharp to open it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.wardrobeopen == 1) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Cool, i found a key'; _root.thing3 = 1; _root.wardrobeopen = 2; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.wardrobeopen == 2) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing more here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WARDROBE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Locked and probably empty wardrobe'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'SOFA'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Old sofa, nothing here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'CAMERA'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Security Camera, i wonder if someone\'s watching me right now'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 3339 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3339 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.thing1 >= 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'NEWSPAPER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty bucket'; _root.thing1 = 1; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 51; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l5'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance door of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.openeddoor == 1) { _root.hero._x = 623; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l9'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.openeddoor == 0 && _root.grabbeditem == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; closedSound = new Sound(); closedSound.stop('close'); closedSound.attachSound('close'); closedSound.start(0, 1); _root.texter.talktext = 'Closed door, i need to find a key to open it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } movieClip 3341 { } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.door.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5 && _root.action == 1) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } openSound = new Sound(); openSound.attachSound('open'); openSound.start(0, 1); _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Door is opened now'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } _root.openeddoor = 1; _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5 && _root.action == 5) { openSound = new Sound(); openSound.attachSound('breakwood'); openSound.start(0, 1); _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Cool, i found a key'; _root.thing3 = 1; _root.wardrobeopen = 2; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 2) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 5) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 6) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 5; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.drawers) && _root.action == 5 && _root.wardrobeopen == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.door) && _root.action == 1 && _root.thing8 == 2) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing3 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing3 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing3 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing3 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 616 { _root.actiontext = ''; } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'COMPUTER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.mounted == 0) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l10'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.mounted == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l12'); tellTarget ('_root.inside') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'POSTER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'A lot of posters on the wall, nothing interesting'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'POSTER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'A lot of posters on the wall, nothing interesting'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'POSTER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'A lot of posters on the wall, nothing interesting'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'POSTER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'A lot of posters on the wall, nothing interesting'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'POSTER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'A lot of posters on the wall, nothing interesting'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'POSTER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'A lot of posters on the wall, nothing interesting'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'POSTER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'A lot of posters on the wall, nothing interesting'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 183; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('l8'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _root.action = 0; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 617 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 617 { _root.hero._visible = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; } movieClip 3349 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3349 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.code1 = 0; } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.code1 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.code1 = 1; } else { if (_root.code1 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.code1 = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 3349 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.code2 = 0; } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.code2 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.code2 = 1; } else { if (_root.code2 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.code2 = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 3349 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.code3 = 0; } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.code3 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.code3 = 1; } else { if (_root.code3 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.code3 = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 3349 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.code4 = 0; } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.code4 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.code4 = 1; } else { if (_root.code4 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.code4 = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 3349 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.code5 = 0; } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.code5 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.code5 = 1; } else { if (_root.code5 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.code5 = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 3349 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.code6 = 0; } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.code6 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.code6 = 1; } else { if (_root.code6 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.code6 = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 3349 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.code7 = 0; } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.code7 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.code7 = 1; } else { if (_root.code7 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.code7 = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 3349 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.code8 = 0; } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.code8 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.code8 = 1; } else { if (_root.code8 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.code8 = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 3349 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.code9 = 0; } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.code9 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.code9 = 1; } else { if (_root.code9 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.code9 = 0; } } } } button 3356 { on (press) { if (_root.code1 == 1 && _root.code2 == 0 && _root.code3 == 1 && _root.code4 == 0 && _root.code5 == 1 && _root.code6 == 1 && _root.code7 == 1 && _root.code8 == 1 && _root.code9 == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop('l12'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('l12'); tellTarget ('_root.inside') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.hero._x = 256; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.gotoAndStop('l9'); } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.hero._x = 256; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.gotoAndStop('l9'); } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.hero._x = 256; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.gotoAndStop('l9'); } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 618 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 618 { stop(); _root.hero._visible = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; } frame 618 { if (_root.mounted == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.inside') { gotoAndStop(3); } } v; } button 3358 { on (press) { tellTarget ('_root.inside') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } movieClip 3360 { } button 3362 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndStop('l10'); } } movieClip 3366 { } movieClip 3367 { } // unknown tag 88 length 75 movieClip 3397 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); _root.mounted = 1; _root.pausebutton = 0; } frame 4 { stop(); _root.noescape = 1; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.noescape == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.noescape == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.noescape == 0) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.hero._x = 256; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.gotoAndStop('l9'); } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.noescape == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.noescape == 0) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.hero._x = 256; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.gotoAndStop('l9'); } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.noescape == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.noescape == 0) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.hero._x = 256; _root.pausebutton = 0; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.gotoAndStop('l9'); } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 10) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest( && _root.action == 4) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } tellTarget ('_root.inside') { gotoAndStop(4); } _root.action = 0; _root.pausebutton = 1; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 619 { _root.actiontext = ''; } movieClip 3402 { } movieClip 3411 { } movieClip 3478 { } movieClip 3491 { frame 1 { play(); } instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(85); } } } frame 76 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { play(); } frame 108 { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage6'); } } frame 620 { = 6; } frame 729 { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('lefel0'); } frame 730 { _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; _root.doorunlocked = 0; _root.lockpinpress = 0; _root.pushpin = 1; _root.doorlockeder = 0; _root.zamknietedrzwi = 0; _root.lockpin1 = 0; _root.lockpin2 = 0; _root.lockpin3 = 0; _root.knockhim = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; _root.pausebutton = 1; = 0; _root.cursor._visible = 1; _root.hero._visible = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; = 0; _root.cutsceneknife = 0; _root.uciekinier = 0; _root.gun = 0; _root.killed = 0; stop(); _root.killedaction = 0; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndStop(75); } tellTarget ('_root.missions') { gotoAndStop(15); } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing1 = 0; _root.thing2 = 0; _root.thing3 = 0; _root.thing4 = 1; _root.thing5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 0; _root.thing8 = 0; _root.thing9 = 0; _root.thing11 = 0; _root.thing10 = 0; } movieClip 3499 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3499 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.thing1 >= 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'PHONE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Great, i found my phone'; _root.thing1 = 1; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance hero of movieClip 411 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 3 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 5 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 5 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 6; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } if (_root.clicked._x < _root.hero._x && _root.move == 2 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = 100; this._x -= 14; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.clicked._x > _root.hero._x && _root.move == 2 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { this._xscale = -100; this._x += 14; tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } if (_root.move == 4) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.n == 0) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Nope'; } if (_root.n == 1) { _root.texter.talktext = 'There is no connection'; } if (_root.n == 2) { _root.texter.talktext = 'I can\'t do it'; } if (_root.n == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = 'Are you serious?'; } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 1) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this._xscale == 100 & _root.cursor._x > _root.hero._x & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this._xscale == 100 & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } if (this._xscale == -100 & _root.cursor._x > _root.hero._x & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this._xscale == -100 & _root.move == 0 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('this.normal') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hitpoint) && _root.action == 1 && == 5) { _root.kolko._visible = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance texter of movieClip 437 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.hero._x - 6; this._y = _root.hero._y - 237; } } instance inv1 of movieClip 3149 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 1; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv2 of movieClip 3149 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 2; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv3 of movieClip 3149 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 3; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv4 of movieClip 3149 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 4; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv5 of movieClip 3149 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 5; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } instance inv6 of movieClip 3149 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.move != 5) { this._visible = 0; _root.inventory = 6; _root.carryitem = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(7); } } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this._visible = 1; } } button 3508 { on (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } button 3510 { on (press) { _root.pausebutton = 0; = 1; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 3513 { on (press) { _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.knockhim = 2; _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 3514 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 3 { stop(); _root.actiontext = ''; } instance of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 5 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 6 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 1; _root.actiontext = ''; } instance of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(7); } } } frame 7 { stop(); _root.pausebutton = 0; } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 8 { stop(); _root.actiontext = ''; _root.pausebutton = 1; } instance of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (load) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } movieClip 3580 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(74); } } } frame 47 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 48 { play(); } frame 68 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 69 { play(); } frame 87 { _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('lefel1'); } } instance of movieClip 618 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this._alpha = 50; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this._alpha = 100; } onClipEvent (press) { _root.move = 0; tellTarget ('_root.ingamemenu') { gotoAndStop(2); } this._alpha = 100; } } movieClip 3582 { frame 140 { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { play(); } } frame 141 { stop(); } } instance cursor of movieClip 269 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; } } frame 731 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 731 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 14) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.hero2) && _root.action == 4) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.gotoAndStop('lefel2'); } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing1 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing1 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 3586 { } frame 732 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 732 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3499 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.thing1 >= 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'PHONE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Great, i found my phone'; _root.thing1 = 1; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 3780 { frame 1 { play(); } instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(119); } } } frame 17 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 18 { play(); } frame 112 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { n = 1; this._x = 600; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && n == 1) { n = 2; this._visible = 0; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 113 { play(); } frame 132 { _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('lefel3'); } } frame 733 { stop(); if (_root.doorunlocked == 0) { _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.hero._x = 401; _root.hero._y = 489; _root.pausebutton = 0; } _root.actiontext = ''; } instance button of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WARDROBE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty wardrobe'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'TRASH'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nah, nothing here, just a lot of garbage'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && == 1 && _root.thing2 == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.thing2 = 1; = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Great I found picklock set'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WINDOW'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'There are bars in the window. I have to find the other way to escape'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BROOM'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I better tell the owner to clean this shit up'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'GARBAGE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing here, just a lot of stinking garbage'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'POSTER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Yeap, calling batman right now would be a good idea'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 3781 { } instance doorlocked of movieClip 3781 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && readytotalk == 1 && _root.zamknietedrzwi == 0 && _root.action == 0) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; closedSound = new Sound(); closedSound.stop('close'); closedSound.attachSound('close'); closedSound.start(0, 1); _root.texter.talktext = 'The door is locked'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && readytotalk == 1 && _root.zamknietedrzwi == 1) { _root.hero._x -= 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndPlay('lefel4'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero) && _root.move == 5 && _root.action == 1) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.actiontext = ''; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.lockedpin') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.clicked._y += 500; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 9) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 12) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.doorlocked) && _root.action == 1) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing6 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing2 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(13); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(13); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing2 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(13); } } } } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 3782 { frame 6 { _root.pushpin = 1; } frame 42 { _root.lockpinpress = 1; } frame 48 { _root.lockpinpress = 2; } frame 69 { _root.pushpin = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3783 { frame 6 { _root.pushpin = 1; } frame 47 { _root.lockpinpress = 1; } frame 52 { _root.lockpinpress = 2; } frame 65 { _root.pushpin = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3784 { frame 6 { _root.pushpin = 1; } frame 68 { _root.lockpinpress = 1; } frame 73 { _root.lockpinpress = 2; } frame 77 { _root.pushpin = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3785 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.pushpin = 0; _root.pinlocked = 0; _root.lockpinpress = 0; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 3786 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.pausebutton = 1; stop(); } instance lockpin of movieClip 1817 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) & _root.lockpin1 == 0 & _root.pushpin == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(random(3) + 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(87) & _root.lockpin1 == 0 & _root.lockpinpress == 1) { _root.lockpin1 = 1; _root.lockpinpress = 0; _root.pinlocked = 0; _root.pushpin = 0; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance lockpin2 of movieClip 1817 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) & _root.lockpin1 == 1 & _root.lockpin2 == 0 & _root.pushpin == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(random(3) + 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(87) & _root.lockpin1 == 1 & _root.lockpinpress == 1) { _root.lockpin2 = 1; _root.lockpinpress = 0; _root.pushpin = 0; _root.pinlocked = 0; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance lockpin3 of movieClip 3785 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) & _root.lockpin1 == 1 & _root.lockpin2 == 1 & _root.lockpin3 == 0 & _root.pushpin == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(random(3) + 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(87) & _root.lockpin2 == 1 & _root.lockpin1 == 1 & _root.lockpinpress == 1) { _root.lockpin3 = 1; _root.lockpinpress = 0; _root.pinlocked = 0; _root.pushpin = 0; _root.doorlockeder = 1; _root.doorunlocked = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 1847 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(87) & _root.lockpinpress == 0 & _root.pushpin == 1) { _root.lockpin1 = 0; _root.lockpin2 = 0; _root.lockpin3 = 0; tellTarget ('_root.lockedpin.lockpin') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lockedpin.lockpin2') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lockedpin.lockpin3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance picklocked of movieClip 1861 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.doorlockeder == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } frame 734 { stop(); _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 734 { if (_root.knockhim >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hammeron') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.ludzik') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WARDROBE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Wardrobe is blocked, i can\'t open it right now'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'GARBAGE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing but garbage..'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 3790 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3790 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.thing3 >= 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'HAMMER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Big, heavy hammer. Perfect to knock out this guy'; _root.thing3 = 1; tellTarget ('_root.dodatek.thing') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.dodatek') { gotoAndPlay(1); } tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 3792 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3794 { } movieClip 3797 { } movieClip 3802 { } movieClip 3803 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance ludzik of movieClip 3803 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'GUY'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.knockhim == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.actiontext = ''; _root.texter.talktext = 'I need something heavy to knock down this guy'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && _root.knockhim == 1) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.actiontext = ''; _root.clicked._y += 500; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(8); } } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x = 731; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('lefel3'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.knockhim == 2) { _root.hero._x = 235; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('lefel6'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.knockhim == 0) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I better deal with the guy before i leave this room'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.knockhim == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I need to find the address of this place first'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.gotoAndStop('lefel5'); _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 11) { _root.action = 2; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 6) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.ludzik) && _root.action == 2) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; _root.move = 5; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing3 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(12); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(12); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing3 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(12); } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 735 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 735 { stop(); _root.hero._visible = 0; _root.hero._x = 401; _root.hero._y = 489; _root.pausebutton = 1; } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.hero._x += 630; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('lefel3'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.knockhim == 1) { _root.hero._x = 235; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.hero._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.hero._y; _root.gotoAndStop('lefel6'); tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.knockhim == 0) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I better deal with the guy before i leave this room'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } movieClip 3838 { } movieClip 3882 { frame 1 { play(); } instance ludzik of movieClip 3803 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'GUY'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I need something heavy to knock down this guy'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(62); } } } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { play(); } frame 73 { _root.pausebutton = 0; _root.knockhim = 1; _root.hero._visible = 1; _root.hero._x = 502; tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(6); } _root.gotoAndStop('lefel4'); } } frame 736 { stop(); _root.actiontext = ''; } instance button of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.readytotalk = 0; _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WEIGHTS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I don\'t have time for exercises.. Like always'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'WARDROBE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Empty wardrobe'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'DRAWERS'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nothing here'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'FLOWER'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nice flower, look like somebody take care of it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BICYCLE'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Bicycle, nothing interesting'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = 'BASEBALL BAT'; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.actiontext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { n = 1; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this) && n == 1) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1 && _root.pausebutton == 0 && == 0) { readytotalk = 0; n = 0; _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'Nah, i don\'t need it'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.texter.talktext = 'I better focus on leaving this place than searching for more'; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 413 { onClipEvent (load) { talked = 0; readytotalk = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(4); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.pausebutton == 0) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.clicked.hit.hitTest(this)) { readytotalk = 1; } else { readytotalk = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && talked == 0 && readytotalk == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.clicked._y += 500; _root.pausebutton = 1; tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.gotoAndStop('lefel7'); } } } instance clicked of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.move == 3) { _root.texter.talktext = ''; tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 2) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 1) { _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 3) { _root.n = random(4); tellTarget ('_root.hero.normal') { gotoAndStop(5); } _root.move = 4; _root.action = 0; } if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.hero.normal.hitpoint) && _root.move == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.rozmowa') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.move = 0; _root.action = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 428 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { tellTarget ('_root.texter') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.talktext = ''; clicked = new Sound(); clicked.attachSound('click'); clicked.start(0, 1); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.carryitem == 1) { drop = new Sound(); drop.attachSound('dropp'); drop.start(0, 1); if (_root.grabbeditem == 1) { _root.action = 1; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 5) { _root.action = 9; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 6) { _root.action = 14; } if (_root.grabbeditem == 4) { _root.action = 4; } _root.grabbeditem = 0; _root.carryitem = 0; if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.button)) { _root.clicked._x = _root.cursor._x; _root.clicked._y = _root.cursor._y; tellTarget ('_root.clicked') { gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.move = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.cursor') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok2) && _root.action == 9) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv1.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv1 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv3.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv3 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv4.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv4 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv5.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv5 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv6.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv6 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv7.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv7 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } else { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(_root.inv2.cmok1) && _root.action == 14) { if (_root.inventory == 1) { _root.iinv1 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 2) { _root.iinv2 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 3) { _root.iinv3 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 4) { _root.iinv4 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 5) { _root.iinv5 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 6) { _root.iinv6 = 0; } if (_root.inventory == 7) { _root.iinv7 = 0; } _root.iinv2 = 0; _root.thing7 = 1; _root.action = 0; } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.thing6 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing6 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing6 = 3; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing6 = 4; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing6 = 5; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing6 = 6; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing6 = 7; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); } } else { if (_root.iinv7 == 0) { _root.iinv7 = 1; _root.thing6 = 8; tellTarget ('_root.inv7') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } } } } } if (_root.thing4 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing4 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } if (_root.thing7 == 1) { if (_root.iinv1 == 0) { _root.iinv1 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv2 == 0) { _root.iinv2 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv3 == 0) { _root.iinv3 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv4 == 0) { _root.iinv4 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv5 == 0) { _root.iinv5 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.iinv6 == 0) { _root.iinv6 = 1; _root.thing7 = 2; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } if (_root.gun == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.gun == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.hero') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 737 { _root.actiontext = ''; } frame 737 { stop(); } movieClip 3901 { } movieClip 3903 { } movieClip 3905 { } movieClip 3910 { } movieClip 3912 { } movieClip 3935 { } button 4001 { on (press) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(267); } } } movieClip 4116 { } movieClip 4156 { } movieClip 4192 { frame 1 { play(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { play(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { play(); } frame 117 { stop(); } frame 118 { stop(); } frame 119 { play(); } frame 224 { stop(); } frame 225 { stop(); } frame 226 { play(); } frame 257 { stop(); } frame 258 { play(); } frame 266 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1621 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.filmik.stringer._width -= 1; _root.filmik.knifeaction._rotation += 0.3; if (_root.filmik.stringer.hitTest(_root.filmik.ender)) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(105); } } if (_root.filmik.stringer._width == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndStop(105); } } } } frame 321 { stop(); } frame 322 { stop(); } frame 323 { stop(); } frame 324 { stop(); } frame 325 { play(); } frame 338 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1621 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.filmik.stringer._width -= 1; _root.filmik.knifeaction._rotation += 0.3; if (_root.filmik.stringer.hitTest(_root.filmik.ender)) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(105); } } if (_root.filmik.stringer._width == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndStop(105); } } } } instance of movieClip 1621 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.filmik.stringer._width -= 1; _root.filmik.knifeaction._rotation += 0.3; if (_root.filmik.stringer.hitTest(_root.filmik.ender)) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(105); } } if (_root.filmik.stringer._width == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndStop(105); } } } } instance of movieClip 4116 { onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { play(); } } } instance of movieClip 4116 { onClipEvent (press) { tellTarget ('_root.filmik') { gotoAndPlay(441); } } } frame 437 { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay('lastscene'); } frame 447 { stop(); } frame 448 { play(); } frame 494 { stop(); } frame 495 { play(); } frame 536 { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay('lastscene'); } } frame 738 { play(); } movieClip 4197 { } instance cursor of movieClip 269 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; } } frame 779 { stop(); } button 4208 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } frame 780 { stop(); } frame 781 { stop(); } frame 782 { stop(); } frame 783 { play(); } frame 850 { stop(); } frame 851 { stop(); } frame 852 { stop(); } frame 853 { stop(); } frame 854 { play(); } frame 1460 { _root.gotoAndStop('menu'); }
Created: 8/10 -2018 03:42:15 Last modified: 8/10 -2018 03:42:15 Server time: 21/09 -2024 01:23:53