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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

the_roop, tir_amahn.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #212984

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 4 Mouseover { frame 12 { whereFrom.text = _root.Char_Source; stop(); } } frame 1 { stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = (this.getBytesLoaded() / this.getBytesTotal()) * 100; loader._xscale = v2; if (this.getBytesLoaded() == this.getBytesTotal()) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } movieClip 8 { } // unknown tag 88 length 78 movieClip 16 { } movieClip 20 { } // unknown tag 88 length 65 movieClip 23 { } frame 2 { function Empty_Check() { if (Top == 1 && Bottom == 1) { Top = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Top_Var.length - 1 + 1)) + 1; Bottom = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Bottom_Var.length - 1 + 1)) + 1; Empty_Check(); } else { Tops(); Bottoms(); } } function Tops() { Backs.gotoAndStop(Top); Top_Status.gotoAndStop(Top); } function Bottoms() { Fronts.gotoAndStop(Bottom); Bottom_Status.gotoAndStop(Bottom); } var Top = 0; var Bottom = 0; var B_Fly = 0; var T_Fly = 0; BFly.gotoAndStop(1); TFly.gotoAndStop(1); B_Butts.gotoAndStop(1); T_Butts.gotoAndStop(1); B_Mask.gotoAndStop(1); T_Mask.gotoAndStop(1); var Bottom_Var = new Array(B_Butts.B2, B_Butts.B3, B_Butts.B4, B_Butts.B5, B_Butts.B6, B_Butts.B7, B_Butts.B8, B_Butts.B9, B_Butts.B10, B_Butts.B11, B_Butts.B12, B_Butts.B13, B_Butts.B14, B_Butts.B15, B_Butts.B16, B_Butts.B17, B_Butts.B18, B_Butts.B19, B_Butts.B20, B_Butts.B21, B_Butts.B22, B_Butts.B23, B_Butts.B24, B_Butts.B25, B_Butts.B26, B_Butts.B27, B_Butts.B28, B_Butts.B29, B_Butts.B30, B_Butts.B31, B_Butts.B32, B_Butts.B33, B_Butts.B34, B_Butts.B35, B_Butts.B36, B_Butts.B37, B_Butts.B38, B_Butts.B39, B_Butts.B40, B_Butts.B41, B_Butts.B42, B_Butts.B43, B_Butts.B44, B_Butts.B45, B_Butts.B46, B_Butts.B47, B_Butts.B48, B_Butts.B49, B_Butts.B50, B_Butts.B51, B_Butts.B52, B_Butts.B53, B_Butts.B54, B_Butts.B55, B_Butts.B56, B_Butts.B57, B_Butts.B58, B_Butts.B59, B_Butts.B60, B_Butts.B61, B_Butts.B62, B_Butts.B63, B_Butts.B64, B_Butts.B65, B_Butts.B66, B_Butts.B67, B_Butts.B68, B_Butts.B69, B_Butts.B70, B_Butts.B71, B_Butts.B72, B_Butts.B73); var Top_Var = new Array(T_Butts.T2, T_Butts.T3, T_Butts.T4, T_Butts.T5, T_Butts.T6, T_Butts.T7, T_Butts.T8, T_Butts.T9, T_Butts.T10, T_Butts.T11, T_Butts.T12, T_Butts.T13, T_Butts.T14, T_Butts.T15, T_Butts.T16, T_Butts.T17, T_Butts.T18, T_Butts.T19, T_Butts.T20, T_Butts.T21, T_Butts.T22, T_Butts.T23, T_Butts.T24, T_Butts.T25, T_Butts.T26, T_Butts.T27, T_Butts.T28, T_Butts.T29, T_Butts.T30, T_Butts.T31, T_Butts.T32, T_Butts.T33, T_Butts.T34, T_Butts.T35, T_Butts.T36, T_Butts.T37, T_Butts.T38, T_Butts.T39, T_Butts.T40, T_Butts.T41, T_Butts.T42, T_Butts.T43, T_Butts.T44, T_Butts.T45, T_Butts.T46, T_Butts.T47, T_Butts.T48, T_Butts.T49, T_Butts.T50, T_Butts.T51, T_Butts.T52, T_Butts.T53, T_Butts.T54, T_Butts.T55, T_Butts.T56, T_Butts.T57, T_Butts.T58, T_Butts.T59, T_Butts.T60, T_Butts.T61, T_Butts.T62, T_Butts.T63, T_Butts.T64, T_Butts.T65, T_Butts.T66, T_Butts.T67, T_Butts.T68, T_Butts.T69); var Bottom_Org = new Array('', 'Sonic the Hedgehog', 'Undertale', 'Hearthstone', 'Super Mario Brothers', 'Pokemon', 'Joining Team Rocket', 'Warner Bros.', 'Sonic The Hedgehog', 'Sly Cooper', 'Undertale', 'FA User: howlietigerpaw', 'FA User: superdragon468', 'Pokemon', 'FA User: edwardhyena', 'Pokemon', 'Darkstalkers', 'FA User: G0DFLRE', 'Final Fantasy XII', 'Wolf Daddy', 'FA User: superdragon468', 'FA User: nek0gami', 'Pokemon', 'FA User: bottler', 'FA User: guan', 'Hustle Cat', 'FA User: terastas', 'The Wolf Among Us', 'FA User: howlietigerpaw', 'Pokemon', 'FA User: lucariofan475', 'FA User: -thezombywoof-', 'Magic the Gathering', 'Zootopia', 'Skyrim', 'Starfox', 'Father of the Pride', 'The Legend of Zelda', 'The Legend of Zelda', 'The Legend of Zelda', 'Magical Pokaan', 'The Raccoons', 'Warner Bros.', 'FA User: lukedelfino', 'FA User: jup-reindeer', 'Shadow Hearts', 'Camp Camp', 'FA User: RollerCoasterViper59', 'The Raccoons', 'Escaflowne', 'FA User: mookyott', 'Gorillaz', 'Crono Cross', 'Pokemon', 'Digimon', 'Disney', 'FA User: theroop', 'FA User: theroop', 'Milia Wars', 'Sonic the Hedgehog', 'Sonic the Hedgehog', 'Sly Cooper', 'Sonic the Hedgehog', 'Sonic the Hedgehog', 'FA User: waccoon', 'FA User: jup-reindeer', 'FA User: terastas', 'FA User: triac', 'League of Legends', 'FA User: zarpaulus', 'League of Legends', 'League of Legends', 'League of Legends'); var Top_Org = new Array('', 'Pokemon', 'Undertale', 'Hustle Cat', 'FA User: terastas', 'RWBY', 'Super Mario Brothers', 'Joining Team Rocket', 'Warner Bros.', 'Pokemon', 'Sly Cooper', 'League of Legends', 'Pokemon', 'FA User: howlietigerpaw', 'Cheetos', 'Zootopia', 'Chuck E. Cheese', 'FA User: jup-reindeer', 'Sonic the Hedgehog', 'Final Fantasy XII', 'FA User: G0DFLRE', 'Starfox', 'Final Fantasy XII', 'FA User: superdragon468', 'Rescue Rangers', 'FA User: nek0gami', 'FA User: bottler', 'FA User: howlietigerpaw', 'InuYasha', 'FA User: lucariofan475', 'FA User: -thezombywoof-', 'Zootopia', 'Animal Crossing', 'Father of the Pride', 'Super Mario Brothers', 'Sonic the Hedgehog', 'InuYasha', 'Starfox', 'Please Save my Earth', 'FA User: whiteleo', 'Steven Universe', 'FA User: lukedelfino', 'FA User: jup-reindeer', 'Pokemon', 'Pokemon', 'The Legend of Zelda', 'Zootopia', 'The Raccoons', 'Ratchet and Clank', 'Rocko\'s Modern Life', 'FA User: theroop', 'Sonic the Hedgehog', 'FA User: guan', 'League of Legends', 'Sly Cooper', 'Sonic the Hedgehog', 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles', 'FA User: Stingbae', 'Magic the Gathering', 'Sonic the Hedgehog', 'FA User: terastas', 'FA User: triac', 'Ty the Tasmanian Tiger', 'League of Legends', 'Wolf Daddy', 'Super Mario Brothers', 'FA User: zarpaulus', 'FA User: terastas', 'League of Legends'); var B_T_initPos = Bottom_Status._y; var B_B_initPos = B_Butts._y; var T_T_initPos = Top_Status._y; var T_B_initPos = T_Butts._y; var db = 0; var bTHeight = Bottom_Status._height; var bMoveT = (bTHeight - 364) / 344; var bBHeight = B_Butts._height; var bMoveB = (bBHeight - 364) / 346; var tTHeight = Top_Status._height; var tMoveT = (tTHeight - 364) / 344; var tBHeight = T_Butts._height; var tMoveB = (tBHeight - 364) / 346; var ds = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (Top == 0 && Bottom == 0) { Top = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Top_Var.length - 1 + 1)) + 1; Bottom = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Bottom_Var.length - 1 + 1)) + 1; Empty_Check(); } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; B_Slider.onPress = function () { startDrag(this, false, 871, 50.3, 871, 394.3); this.onMouseMove = function () { db = Math.abs(50.3 - this._y); Bottom_Status._y = Math.round(db * -1 * bMoveT + B_T_initPos); B_Butts._y = Math.round(db * -1 * bMoveB + B_B_initPos); }; }; B_Slider.onMouseUp = function () { stopDrag(); delete this.onMouseMove; }; T_Slider.onPress = function () { startDrag(this, false, 734, 50.3, 734, 394.3); this.onMouseMove = function () { db = Math.abs(50.3 - this._y); Top_Status._y = Math.round(db * -1 * tMoveT + T_T_initPos); T_Butts._y = Math.round(db * -1 * tMoveB + T_B_initPos); }; }; T_Slider.onMouseUp = function () { stopDrag(); delete this.onMouseMove; }; var mouseListener = new Object(); mouseListener.onMouseWheel = function (delta) { ds = delta * -2; if (B_Fly == 1 && _root._ymouse >= 50.3 && _root._ymouse <= 394.3 && _root._xmouse >= 769.5 && _root._xmouse <= 871) { if (B_Slider._y + ds < 50.3) { B_Slider._y = 50.3; Bottom_Status._y = B_T_initPos; B_Butts._y = B_B_initPos; } else { if (B_Slider._y + ds > 394.3) { B_Slider._y = 394.3; Bottom_Status._y = B_T_initPos - bTHeight + 364; B_Butts._y = B_B_initPos - bBHeight + 370; } else { B_Slider._y += ds; Bottom_Status._y += ds * -1 * bMoveT; B_Butts._y += ds * -1 * bMoveB; } } } if (T_Fly == 1 && _root._ymouse >= 50.3 && _root._ymouse <= 394.3 && _root._xmouse >= 631.4 && _root._xmouse <= 734) { if (T_Slider._y + ds < 50.3) { T_Slider._y = 50.3; Top_Status._y = T_T_initPos; T_Butts._y = T_B_initPos; } else { if (T_Slider._y + ds > 394.3) { T_Slider._y = 394.3; Top_Status._y = T_T_initPos - tTHeight + 364; T_Butts._y = T_B_initPos - tBHeight + 370; } else { T_Slider._y += ds; Top_Status._y += ds * -1 * tMoveT; T_Butts._y += ds * -1 * tMoveB; } } } }; Mouse.addListener(mouseListener); Bottom_Butt.onRelease = function () { if (B_Fly == 0) { BFly.gotoAndPlay(2); B_Mask.gotoAndPlay(2); B_Fly = 1; } else { B_Fly = 0; BFly.gotoAndPlay(9); B_Mask.gotoAndPlay(9); } }; BFly.B_Rand_Togg.Bottom_Toggle.onRelease = function () { if (B_Fly == 0) { BFly.gotoAndPlay(2); B_Mask.gotoAndPlay(2); B_Fly = 1; } else { B_Fly = 0; BFly.gotoAndPlay(9); B_Mask.gotoAndPlay(9); } }; B_Butts.Bottom_None.onRelease = function () { Bottom = 1; Bottoms(); }; var mC = 0; while (mC < Bottom_Var.length) { var BottomClip = Bottom_Var[mC]; BottomClip.onRelease = function () { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < Bottom_Var.length) { if (Bottom_Var[v2] == this) { Bottom = v2 + 2; Bottoms(); removeMovieClip(tip); } ++v2; } }; BottomClip.onRollOver = function () { createEmptyMovieClip('tip', this.getNextHighestDepth()); tip.attachMovie('Mouseover', popup, this.getNextHighestDepth()); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < Bottom_Var.length) { if (Bottom_Var[v3] == this) { Char_Source = Bottom_Org[v3 + 1]; } ++v3; } startDrag(tip, false, 0, 0, 900, 900); tip._x = _root._xmouse - 10; tip._y = _root._ymouse + 10; }; BottomClip.onRollOut = function () { stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(tip); }; ++mC; } BFly.B_Rand_Togg.Bottom_Random.onRelease = function () { Bottom = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Bottom_Var.length - 1 + 1)) + 1; Bottoms(); }; Top_Butt.onRelease = function () { if (T_Fly == 0) { TFly.gotoAndPlay(2); T_Mask.gotoAndPlay(2); T_Fly = 1; } else { T_Fly = 0; TFly.gotoAndPlay(9); T_Mask.gotoAndPlay(9); } }; TFly.T_Rand_Togg.Top_Toggle.onRelease = function () { if (T_Fly == 0) { TFly.gotoAndPlay(2); T_Mask.gotoAndPlay(2); T_Fly = 1; } else { T_Fly = 0; TFly.gotoAndPlay(9); T_Mask.gotoAndPlay(9); } }; T_Butts.Top_None.onRelease = function () { Top = 1; Tops(); }; var mC = 0; while (mC < Top_Var.length) { var TopClip = Top_Var[mC]; TopClip.onRelease = function () { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < Top_Var.length) { if (Top_Var[v2] == this) { Top = v2 + 2; Tops(); removeMovieClip(tip); } ++v2; } }; TopClip.onRollOver = function () { createEmptyMovieClip('tip', this.getNextHighestDepth()); tip.attachMovie('Mouseover', popup, this.getNextHighestDepth()); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < Top_Var.length) { if (Top_Var[v3] == this) { Char_Source = Top_Org[v3 + 1]; } ++v3; } startDrag(tip, false, 0, 0, 900, 900); tip._x = _root._xmouse - 10; tip._y = _root._ymouse + 10; }; TopClip.onRollOut = function () { stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(tip); }; ++mC; } TFly.T_Rand_Togg.Top_Random.onRelease = function () { Top = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Top_Var.length - 1 + 1)) + 1; Tops(); }; Random_All.onRelease = function () { Top = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Top_Var.length - 1 + 1)) + 1; Bottom = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Bottom_Var.length - 1 + 1)) + 1; Empty_Check(); }; Roop.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; Tir.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; stop(); } movieClip 161 { } movieClip 306 { } // unknown tag 88 length 70 movieClip 310 { } movieClip 313 { } movieClip 316 { } movieClip 320 { } movieClip 322 { } movieClip 324 { } movieClip 325 { } movieClip 327 { } movieClip 328 { frame 8 { stop(); } frame 16 { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 329 { } movieClip 330 { frame 8 { stop(); } frame 17 { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 332 { } movieClip 333 { frame 8 { stop(); } frame 16 { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 481 { } movieClip 482 { } movieClip 484 { } movieClip 615 { } movieClip 616 { }
Created: 22/7 -2019 03:51:45 Last modified: 22/7 -2019 03:51:45 Server time: 21/09 -2024 01:00:53