FLASH #234679 CURRENTLY MOST POPULAR FILE NAME: monogatari(series)TsukimonogatariOnono kiyotsugiHayamisaori16-9aspectratioLarg efilesizeScreencaptureMusic1girlAudible speechEmotionlessExpressionlessGooglyey esGreeneyesLayeredskirtRubberboots.swf | Flash version: | 7 | Frames: | 2288 | Frame rate: | 25 fps | Length: | 01:32 | Background color: | #000000 | Dimensions: | 640x360 width x height | File size: | 14,83 MiB | Flash data size: | 14,83 MiB | Compressed: | No Signature: FWS | ActionScript: | AS1/AS2 |
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