Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2597 · P5194

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This is the info page for
Flash #255011

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 {'*'); if (_root.controller == undefined) { var playList = new Array('idle', 'walk', 'run'); var playListIndex = 1; var targetClip = enemy; targetClip.stop(); recenterEnemy = function (targ, blendf) { if (blendf == undefined) { blendf = 0.1; } var v3 = targ.getBounds(_root); var v7 = v3.xMax - v3.xMin; var v6 = v3.yMax - v3.yMin; if (v7 != undefined && v7 > 0 && v6 != undefined && v6 > 0) { var v14 = targ._xscale / 100; var v13 = targ._yscale / 100; var v5 = Stage.width / v7; var v4 = Stage.height / v6; if (v5 <= v4) { v4 = v5; } else { v5 = v4; } var v9 = (Stage.width - v7 * v5) / 2; var v11 = (Stage.height - v6 * v4) / 2; var v12 = v9 - (v3.xMin - targ._x); var v10 = v11 - (v3.yMin - targ._y); targ._x += (v12 - targ._x) * blendf; targ._y += (v10 - targ._y) * blendf; targ._xscale += (100 * v5 * v14 - targ._xscale) * blendf; targ._yscale += (100 * v4 * v13 - targ._yscale) * blendf; return 1; } return 0; }; recenterEnemy(targetClip); targetClip.G = new Object(); targetClip.G.goPlay = function (targ, aname) { targ.gotoAndPlay(aname); }; var mouseListener = new Object(); var mouseData = new Object({'x': _xmouse, 'y': _ymousem, 'down': 0, 'up': 0}); mouseListener.onMouseMove = function () { mouseData.x = _xmouse; mouseData.y = _ymouse; }; mouseListener.onMouseDown = function () { mouseData.down = 1; }; mouseListener.onMouseUp = function () { mouseData.up = 1; }; Mouse.addListener(mouseListener); onEnterFrame = function () { recenterEnemy(targetClip); if (mouseData.up) { mouseData.down = 0; mouseData.up = 0; } if (mouseData.down) { mouseData.down = 0; playListIndex += 1; playListIndex %= playList.length; targetClip.G.goPlay(targetClip, playList[playListIndex]); } }; } else {} } movieClip 6 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.controller.updateVictimSync(this); }; } } movieClip 9 { } movieClip 67 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_parent.G != undefined) { if (!_parent.G.isPaused()) { _parent.checkUpdate(); } } }; } } movieClip 69 { } movieClip 159 { } movieClip 182 { } movieClip 329 { } movieClip 501 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { _visible = false; _root.controller.updateVictimSyncClip(this, 'vicWholeBot'); }; } } movieClip 503 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { _visible = false; _root.controller.updateVictimSyncClip(this, 'vicWholeTop'); }; } } movieClip 506 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_parent.G != undefined) { if (!_parent.G.isPaused()) { _parent.G.handleBasicStruggle(_parent); } } }; } } movieClip 2506 { } movieClip 2733 { } movieClip 2813 { } movieClip 3037 { frame 1 { G.actIdle(this); G.setEnemyFaceTarget(1); if (G.manualReset(this)) { G.setScaleValue(400); G.setName('Umbreon'); G.setStatus('Dangerously edgy'); G.setCredit('JeanPetit'); G.setHAtk(4); G.setMAtk(10); G.setLAtk(6); G.setHDef(27); G.setMDef(27); G.setLDef(27); G.enemySetAttackHistogram(1, 1, 1); G.setMaxHP(64); G.setHP(64); G.enemySetAllowPets(1); G.setEnemyRollOption(0); G.setEnemyFaceTarget(0); G.setEnemySolid(1); G.enemySetViewBetween(1); G.setEnemyAIUseAttacks(1); G.enemySetDontPlayHitAnimation(0); G.setEnemyAINoAutoIdle(1); G.enemyFacePlayer(); } } frame 52 { G.goPlay(this, 'idle'); } frame 71 { G.victoryStatus(1); G.victoryRequest(); } frame 73 { G.actMove(this, 1); G.enemySetViewBetween(1); } frame 82 { G.setValue('a', 0); G.setValue('b', 0); G.setValue('k1', 0); G.setValue('k2', 0); G.setValue('k4', 0); G.setValue('allk', 0); } frame 102 { if (G.chance(93)) { G.goPlay(this, 'walk'); } else { G.LogParsed('Umbreon used Quick attack'); G.goPlay(this, 'run'); } } frame 103 { G.actMove(this, 5); } frame 104 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 105 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 106 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 107 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 108 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 109 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 110 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 111 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 112 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 113 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 114 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 115 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 116 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 117 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 118 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); } } frame 119 { G.goPlay(this, 'run'); } frame 125 { G.actHurt(this, 4); G.enemySetIgnoreHits(100); G.endDigestion(this); } frame 144 { G.goPlay(this, 'idle'); } frame 147 { G.actHurt(this, 4); G.enemySetIgnoreHits(100); G.endDigestion(this); } frame 166 { G.goPlay(this, 'idle'); } frame 168 { G.actHurt(this, 4); G.enemySetIgnoreHits(100); G.endDigestion(this); } frame 186 { G.goPlay(this, 'idle'); } frame 194 { G.actHurt(this, 0); } frame 221 { G.goPlay(this, 'tailStart'); } frame 224 { G.actHurt(this, 0); G.endDigestion(this); G.unconsumePlayer(this, 50); G.actUnbusy(); } frame 242 { G.actHurt(this, 0); } frame 294 { G.goPlay(this, 'dead'); } frame 296 { G.actAttack(this, G.ATTACK_MEDIUM); G.setEnemyFaceTarget(0); if (G.chance(30)) { G.goPlay(this, 'tailStart'); } } frame 298 { G.LogParsed('Umbreon used BodySlam'); } frame 328 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { if (G.getPlayerHealthPercent() <= 69) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabbed'); G.actBusy(this); G.consumePlayer(this); G.enemySetViewBetween(1); } } } frame 332 { G.enemySetIgnoreHits(0); } frame 348 { G.goPlay(this, 'idle'); G.enemySetIgnoreHits(0); G.enemyFacePlayer(); } frame 352 { G.actAttack(this, G.ATTACK_HIGH); G.setEnemyFaceTarget(0); if (G.chance(40)) { G.goPlay(this, 'shadowBall'); } } frame 353 { G.LogParsed('Umbreon used bite'); } frame 363 { G.enemySetIgnoreHits(0); } frame 380 { G.goPlay(this, 'idle'); G.enemyFacePlayer(); G.enemySetIgnoreHits(0); } frame 382 { G.actAttack(this, G.ATTACK_LOW); G.setEnemyFaceTarget(0); if (G.chance(25)) { G.goPlay(this, 'feint'); } } frame 408 { G.enemySetIgnoreHits(0); } frame 424 { G.goPlay(this, 'idle'); G.enemySetIgnoreHits(0); G.enemyFacePlayer(); } frame 426 { G.actAttack(this, G.ATTACK_MEDIUM); G.setEnemyFaceTarget(0); } frame 427 { G.LogParsed('Umbreon used ShadowBall'); } frame 484 { G.goPlay(this, 'idle'); G.enemySetIgnoreHits(0); G.enemyFacePlayer(); } frame 749 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'gameOver'); } } frame 829 { G.goPlay(this, 'idle'); G.enemySetIgnoreHits(0); G.enemyFacePlayer(); } frame 831 { G.actBusy(this); G.consumePlayer(this); G.enemySetViewBetween(1); G.instantKillPlayer(this); G.enemySetFacing(1); } frame 961 { G.enemySetFacing(1); } frame 984 { G.goPlay(this, 'gameOverloop'); } frame 986 { G.actMove(this, 0); G.setEnemyFaceTarget(0); G.enemySetIgnoreHits(100); G.LogParsed('Umbreon used Tail Whip'); } frame 1018 { G.enemySetIgnoreHits(0); } frame 1114 { if (G.hitPlayer(eatbox)) { G.goPlay(this, 'buttVore'); } } frame 1150 { if (G.chance(50)) { G.goPlay(this, 'tailWipe'); } else { G.goPlay(this, 'idle'); } } frame 1155 { G.actBusy(this); G.consumePlayer(this); G.enemySetViewBetween(1); } frame 1196 { if (G.hasValue('a')) { G.setValue('a', G.getValue('a') + 0); } else { G.setValue('a', 0); } if (G.chance(33)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grab'); } else { if (G.chance(50)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grab2'); } else { G.goPlay(this, 'grab3'); } } } frame 1198 { G.startDigestion(this, 0); var WigObj = new Object(); WigObj.l = 'grabGood'; WigObj.r = 'grabEat'; WigObj.u = 'grabEat'; WigObj.d = 'grabEat'; G.setAnims(this, WigObj); G.setEscape(this, 'grabGood', 'L', 1, 0); } frame 1259 { G.goPlay(this, 'grabEat'); } frame 1261 { G.startDigestion(this, 0); var WigObj = new Object(); WigObj.l = 'grabEat'; WigObj.r = 'grabGood'; WigObj.u = 'grabEat'; WigObj.d = 'grabEat'; G.setAnims(this, WigObj); G.setEscape(this, 'grabGood', 'R', 1, 0); } frame 1322 { G.goPlay(this, 'grabEat'); } frame 1324 { G.startDigestion(this, 0); var WigObj = new Object(); WigObj.l = 'grabEat'; WigObj.r = 'grabEat'; WigObj.u = 'grabGood'; WigObj.d = 'grabEat'; G.setAnims(this, WigObj); G.setEscape(this, 'grabGood', 'U', 1, 0); } frame 1385 { G.goPlay(this, 'grabEat'); } frame 1388 { G.endDigestion(this); G.setValue('a', G.getValue('a') + 1); } frame 1407 { if (G.getValue('a') > 3) { G.goPlay(this, 'grabFall'); } } frame 1409 { if (G.chance(33)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grab'); } else { if (G.chance(50)) { G.goPlay(this, 'grab2'); } else { G.goPlay(this, 'grab3'); } } } frame 1412 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 1447 { G.unconsumePlayer(this, 120); G.actUnbusy(); G.goPlay(this, 'idle'); G.SetValue('a', 0); } frame 1449 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 1586 { G.startDigestion(this, 20); var WigObj = new Object(); WigObj.tu = 'upKick'; WigObj.l = 'tempsL'; WigObj.r = 'tempsR'; WigObj.u = 'tempsU'; WigObj.d = 'tempsD'; WigObj.b = 'tempsB'; WigObj.e = 'tempsDigest'; G.setAnims(this, WigObj); G.setEscape(this, 'kick', 'TU ', 2, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'goup', 'U ', 8, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'tempsAngry', 'R, D ', 7, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'tempsToL', 'L', 6, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'tempsPraise', 'B', 5, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'tempsDigest', 'E', 1, 0); } frame 1587 { if (G.getValue('allk') > 2) { G.goPlay(this, 'goup'); } } frame 1626 { G.goPlay(this, 'temps'); } frame 1628 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 1693 { G.healPlayer(this, 15); G.setEnemyFaceTarget(0); } frame 1696 { G.setPlayerScale(18); G.unconsumePlayer(this, 120); G.goPlay(this, 'customEnd'); } frame 1723 { G.goPlay(this, 'temps'); } frame 1736 { G.goPlay(this, 'temps'); } frame 1752 { G.goPlay(this, 'temps'); } frame 1768 { G.goPlay(this, 'temps'); } frame 1809 { G.goPlay(this, 'temps'); } frame 1811 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 1837 { G.healEnemy(this, 4); } frame 1839 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 1841 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 1843 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 1881 { G.goPlay(this, 'temps'); } frame 1883 { G.endDigestion(this); if (G.hasValue('b')) { G.setValue('b', G.getValue('b') + 0); } else { G.setValue('b', 0); } if (G.getValue('b') > 10) { G.LogParsed('he doesn\'t want to heal you again.'); G.goPlay(this, 'tempsToL'); } } frame 1937 { G.setValue('b', G.getValue('b') + 1); } frame 1953 { G.healPlayer(this, 1); } frame 1955 { G.healPlayer(this, 1); } frame 1966 { if (G.getValue('b') > 13) { G.goPlay(this, 'tempsPraiseEnd'); } } frame 1967 { G.goPlay(this, 'tempsPraiseLoop'); } frame 1991 { G.goPlay(this, 'temps'); } frame 2025 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 2029 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 2033 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 2037 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 2042 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 2046 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 2071 { G.goPlay(this, 'temps'); } frame 2073 { G.endDigestion(this); if (G.hasValue('k1')) { G.setValue('k1', G.getValue('k1') + 0); } else { G.setValue('k1', 0); } if (G.getValue('k1') > 0) { G.goPlay(this, 'goup'); } } frame 2088 { G.setValue('k1', G.getValue('k1') + 1); if (G.hasValue('allk')) { G.setValue('allk', G.getValue('allk') + 0); } else { G.setValue('allk', 0); } } frame 2092 { G.setValue('allk', G.getValue('allk') + 1); } frame 2143 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 2211 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 2213 { G.startDigestion(this, 50); var WigObj = new Object(); WigObj.l = 'eatlove1StrugleL'; WigObj.r = 'eatlove1StrugleR'; WigObj.u = 'eatlove1StrugleU'; WigObj.d = 'eatlove1StrugleD'; WigObj.b = 'eatlove1StrugleB'; = 'eatlove1StrugleBL'; = 'eatlove1StrugleBR'; WigObj.bu = 'eatlove1StrugleBU'; = 'eatlove1StrugleBD'; WigObj.e = 'DisgestLove'; G.setAnims(this, WigObj); G.setEscape(this, 'eatLove1Escape', ' R U BR BU', 4, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'eatLove1Down', 'BD', 4, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'eatLove1Left', 'L BL', 4, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'eatLove1Action', 'B', 3, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'eatLove1Wait', 'W', 7, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'DisgestLove', 'E', 1, 0); } frame 2222 { G.actBusy(this); G.consumePlayer(this); G.enemySetViewBetween(1); } frame 2364 { G.startDigestion(this, 40); var WigObj = new Object(); WigObj.l = 'buttL'; WigObj.r = 'buttR'; WigObj.u = 'buttU'; WigObj.d = 'buttD'; WigObj.b = 'buttB'; = 'buttBL'; = 'buttBR'; WigObj.bu = 'buttBU'; = 'buttBD'; WigObj.e = 'buttDigest'; G.setAnims(this, WigObj); G.setEscape(this, 'buttToR', ' R BR', 5, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'buttToBD', 'BD', 3, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'buttToFart', 'BU', 2, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'buttAngry', 'D U', 4, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'buttToL', 'L BL', 5, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'buttToBurp', 'B', 4, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'buttToTail', 'W', 7, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'buttDigest', 'E', 1, 0); } frame 2365 { if (G.getValue('allk') > 2) { G.goPlay(this, 'ToTired'); } } frame 2403 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 2434 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 2466 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 2492 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 2519 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 2566 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 2568 { G.endDigestion(this); G.instantKillPlayer(this); } frame 2768 { G.goPlay(this, 'idle'); G.SetValue('a', 0); } frame 2811 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 2862 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 2912 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 2962 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 2964 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 3001 { G.goPlay(this, 'temps'); } frame 3003 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 3037 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3038 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3039 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3040 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3041 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3042 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3074 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 3076 { if (G.hasValue('t1')) { G.setValue('t1', G.getValue('t1') + 0); } else { G.setValue('t1', 0); } G.endDigestion(this); } frame 3115 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3116 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3117 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3118 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3119 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3120 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3132 { if (G.getValue('t1') > 6) { G.goPlay(this, 'buttTailEnd'); } } frame 3148 { G.healPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3150 { G.healPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3171 { if (G.chance(35)) { G.goPlay(this, 'buttTail'); } } frame 3172 { if (G.chance(33)) { G.goPlay(this, 'buttTail1'); } else { if (G.chance(50)) { G.goPlay(this, 'buttTail2'); } else { G.goPlay(this, 'buttTail3'); } } } frame 3174 { G.setValue('t1', G.getValue('t1') + 1); } frame 3179 { G.healPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3181 { G.healPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3196 { G.healPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3198 { G.healPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3214 { G.goPlay(this, 'buttTail'); } frame 3216 { G.setValue('t1', G.getValue('t1') + 1); } frame 3225 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3226 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3227 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3228 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3256 { G.goPlay(this, 'buttTail'); } frame 3258 { G.setValue('t1', G.getValue('t1') + 1); } frame 3272 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3273 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3274 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3275 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3276 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3277 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3303 { G.goPlay(this, 'buttTail'); } frame 3310 { G.healPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3312 { G.healPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3321 { G.setValue('t1', 0); } frame 3350 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 3352 { G.endDigestion(this); if (G.hasValue('k4')) { G.setValue('k4', G.getValue('k4') + 0); } else { G.setValue('k4', 0); } if (G.getValue('k4') > 0) { G.goPlay(this, 'buttAngry'); } } frame 3398 { G.startDigestion(this, 10); var WigObj = new Object(); WigObj.d = 'headgulp'; WigObj.e = 'headgulp'; G.setAnims(this, WigObj); G.setEscape(this, 'headKick', 'TL ', 3, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'headgulp', 'W', 3, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'headgulp', 'E', 1, 0); } frame 3422 { G.goPlay(this, 'HeadIdle'); } frame 3424 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 3484 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 3486 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 3504 { if (G.hasValue('allk')) { G.setValue('allk', G.getValue('allk') + 0); } else { G.setValue('allk', 0); } } frame 3506 { G.setValue('allk', G.getValue('allk') + 1); G.setValue('k4', G.getValue('k4') + 1); } frame 3564 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 3566 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 3586 { G.healEnemy(this, 3); G.hurtPlayer(this, 3); } frame 3588 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3590 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3615 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 3617 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 3628 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3630 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3647 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 3649 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 3685 { G.startDigestion(this, 80); var WigObj = new Object(); = 'sskick'; WigObj.e = 'buttToRNo'; G.setAnims(this, WigObj); G.setEscape(this, 'AssKick', 'TR ', 3, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'buttToRNo', 'W', 9, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'buttToRNo', 'E', 1, 0); } frame 3706 { G.goPlay(this, 'ASS'); } frame 3708 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 3742 { G.goPlay(this, 'butt'); } frame 3744 { G.endDigestion(this); if (G.hasValue('k2')) { G.setValue('k2', G.getValue('k2') + 0); } else { G.setValue('k2', 0); } if (G.getValue('k2') > 0) { G.goPlay(this, 'buttToRNo'); } } frame 3752 { G.setValue('k2', G.getValue('k2') + 1); } frame 3803 { G.startDigestion(this, 80); var WigObj = new Object(); = 'ssKick2'; WigObj.e = 'AssDigest'; G.setAnims(this, WigObj); G.setEscape(this, 'AssKick2', 'TL ', 3, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'AssDigest', 'E', 1, 0); } frame 3819 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3821 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3823 { G.hurtPlayer(this, 1); } frame 3842 { G.goPlay(this, 'AssAngry'); } frame 3844 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 3914 { G.goPlay(this, 'over'); } frame 3916 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 3925 { if (G.hasValue('allk')) { G.setValue('allk', G.getValue('allk') + 0); } else { G.setValue('allk', 0); } } frame 3927 { G.setValue('allk', G.getValue('allk') + 1); } frame 3978 { G.goPlay(this, 'temps'); } frame 3980 { G.enemySetIgnoreHits(100); G.suckPlayer(this, 1000, 2); G.setHDef(50); G.setMDef(50); G.setLDef(50); } frame 3981 { function checkUpdate() { G.suckPlayer(this, 500, 5); } G.enemySetAllowPets(0); G.setEnemyRollOption(1); } frame 3992 { function checkUpdate() { G.suckPlayer(this, 500, 6); } if (G.getPlayerHP() < 5) { G.goPlay(this, 'overhold'); } G.startDigestion(this, 40); var WigObj = new Object(); WigObj.e = 'overhold'; G.setAnims(this, WigObj); G.setEscape(this, 'overhold', 'E', 1, 0); } frame 4133 { G.goPlay(this, 'customEndLoop'); } frame 4135 { G.consumePlayer(this); G.endDigestion(this); } frame 4189 { G.goPlay(this, 'over'); } frame 4191 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 4231 { if (G.getHP() < 7) { G.goPlay(this, 'tiredDED'); } G.startDigestion(this, 100); var WigObj = new Object(); WigObj.l = 'tiredL'; WigObj.r = 'tiredR'; WigObj.u = 'tiredU'; WigObj.d = 'tiredD'; WigObj.e = 'tiredDigest'; G.setAnims(this, WigObj); G.setEscape(this, 'tiredDigest', 'B', 6, 0); G.setEscape(this, 'tiredDigest', 'E', 1, 0); } frame 4232 { if (G.getHP() < 7) { G.goPlay(this, 'tiredDED'); } } frame 4261 { G.goPlay(this, 'Tired'); } frame 4263 { G.hurtEnemy(this, 3); } frame 4283 { G.goPlay(this, 'Tired'); } frame 4285 { G.hurtEnemy(this, 3); } frame 4305 { G.goPlay(this, 'Tired'); } frame 4307 { G.hurtEnemy(this, 3); } frame 4337 { G.goPlay(this, 'Tired'); } frame 4339 { G.hurtEnemy(this, 4); } frame 4374 { G.goPlay(this, 'Tired'); } frame 4376 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 4464 { G.startDigestion(this, 1000); var WigObj = new Object(); WigObj.b = 'dedEnd'; G.setAnims(this, WigObj); G.setEscape(this, 'dedEnd', 'B', 1, 0); } frame 4467 { G.goPlay(this, 'dedIdle'); } frame 4469 { G.endDigestion(this); } frame 4580 { G.unconsumePlayer(this, 120); } frame 4590 { G.victoryRequest(nextenemy); } }
Created: 17/11 -2023 16:50:55 Last modified: 17/11 -2023 16:50:55 Server time: 09/02 -2025 02:18:03