Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2567 · P5134

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #255867

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
// unknown tag 88 length 122 movieClip 6 panel_button1 { frame 1 { this.onPress = function () { _root.reset(); _root.bellysize = 1; _root.bustsize = 1; _root.hipsize = 1; _root.kickplus = 0; removeMovieClip(this); _root.pregpoints += 500; }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 8 water_reflect { frame 1 { this._xscale = 0; this._yscale = 0; this.lifespan = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { lifespan += maxsize / 10; if (lifespan < maxsize) { this._xscale = lifespan; this._yscale = lifespan; } else { this._xscale = maxsize - (lifespan - maxsize); this._yscale = maxsize - (lifespan - maxsize); } if (lifespan > maxsize * 2) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 14 vanish { frame 11 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 16 { } movieClip 18 { } movieClip 20 { } movieClip 22 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { this._rotation += 19; }; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 25 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 26 sparkle { frame 1 { if (this.ispokeball == true) { this.inner._alpha = 0; this.Pball._visible = true; this.wrong = false; } else { this.inner._alpha = 100; this.Pball._visible = false; if (_root.birthtimer > 0) { this.wrong = true; } } this.onPress = function () { if (_root.birthstart == true) { _root.birthing = 1; _root.catch_baby._x = this._x; _root.catch_baby._y = this._y; _root.CBXSB = 200; _root.CBYSB = 200; removeMovieClip(this); } if (this.YV > 0) { alphamul += 100; this.YV = -7; if (this.ispokeball == true) { this.YV = -12; } } this.storedpower += 10; if (this.storedpower >= 50) { this.storedpower = 50; } }; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.wrong == true) { _root.Sfailure = 3; } this._y += this.YV; this._x += this.XV; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.XV = -this.XV; } if (this._x < -400) { this.XV = -this.XV; } this.inner._rotation += this.XV * 4; this.YV += 0.45; if (_root.Sfailure <= 0) { this.YV -= 1.49; if (this._x != 0) { this.XV -= this.XV * 0.03; this._x -= this._x * 0.06; } if (this.wrong == false && _root.Sfailure <= 0 && this._y < -440) { if (_root.only_just_scored > 0) { _root._panel.twins_b._visible = true; _root.achievespeed = 100; _root.achievement_txt.text = 'Achievement get! Score with two 4 pointed stars at the same time.'; } if (this.ispokeball == false) { _root.pregpoints += 50; _root.only_just_scored = 15; } else { _root.birthpoints += 80; _root.birthtimer += 50; _root.pregpoints += 15; var v3 = _root.big_pokeball.attachMovie('vanish', 'vanish1', 1); } _root.sparkles.splice(this, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (this._y > 25) { if (maskblock._y > -150) { maskblock._y -= this.YV; } else { maskblock._y = -150; } } else { if (maskblock._y < -50) { maskblock._y -= this.YV; } else { maskblock._y = -50; } } this._xscale = 100 + this.YV; this._yscale = 100 + this.YV; if (this._y > 550) { _root.sparkles.splice(this, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 28 { } movieClip 29 babykick { frame 1 { if (this.started != 5) { this.started = 5; this.kicking = 30 + Math.random() * 20; this.thisrot = Math.PI; this.maxsize = 35; this._xscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize; this._yscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize; this._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._x != this.centerx) { this._x += (this.centerx - this._x) / this.kicking; } if (this._y != this.centery) { this._y += (this.centery - this._y) / this.kicking; } if (this.started == 5) { if (this.thisrot < 6.283185307179586) { this.thisrot += 6.283185307179586 / this.kicking; this._xscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize; this._yscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } } movieClip 32 showhintbutton { frame 1 { rot = 0; startx = x; starty = y; lifespan = 100; var whiteglow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(65280, 15, 15, 15, 3, 5, false, false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { rot += 0.15; if (rot >= 6.283185307179586) { rot -= 6.283185307179586; } this._y = Math.abs(Math.sin(rot) * 6); lifespan -= 1.5; this._alpha = lifespan; if (lifespan <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } this.filters = [whiteglow]; }; } } frame 1 { stop(); var testing = false; var zoeytotal = _root.getBytesTotal(); var thisloaded = 0; var zsize2 = 1; var zsize = 1; var ztotalsize = 300; var my_cm = new ContextMenu(); my_cm.builtInItems.rewind = false; my_cm.builtInItems.print = false; = false; my_cm.builtInItems.forward_back = false; my_cm.builtInItems.loop = false; = my_cm; zoey.body.lbar.onPress = function () { if (testing == true) { if (zsize2 < 330) { zsize2 += 15; } else { zsize2 = 1; } } else { if (zoeyloaded == 300) { gotoAndStop(2); } } }; onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = _root.getBytesLoaded(); if (testing == true) { zoeyloaded = (zsize / ztotalsize) * 300; } else { zoeyloaded = (v2 / zoeytotal) * 300; } if (zsize2 != zsize) { zsize += Math.floor((zsize2 - zsize) / 15); } zoey.head.eye.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.head.hornsandears.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.body.l_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.r_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.shirt.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.lbar.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); }; } movieClip 39 { } movieClip 64 { } movieClip 77 { } movieClip 90 { } movieClip 92 { } movieClip 100 { } movieClip 104 { } movieClip 111 { } movieClip 118 { } movieClip 130 { } movieClip 131 { } movieClip 132 { } frame 2 { var debugging = false; eyeshifter._visible = debugging; BBB._visible = false; BBB._alpha = 0; pokeball_red._alpha = 0; var AYIS = achievement_txt._y; var firsthelp = false; var naked_secret = false; var canchat = true; var bellysize = 1; var Tbellysize = 1; var Tbellysizemax = 500; var bustsize = 1; var Tbustsize = 1; var hipsize = 1; var Thipsize = 1; var naked = false; var Gspeed = 1; var pregpoints = 0; var Fpregpoints = 0; var change_size = 0; var temp_change = 0; var pregpointmax = 1000; var only_just_scored = 0; var kickplus = 0; var birthpoints = 0; var birthing = 0; var birthtimer = 0; var finalpush = 0; var Nspin = 0; var twinsready = false; var backupState = ''; var states = new Object(); var CurState = new Object(); var blushing = 0; ivy.head.blush._alpha = 0; var rpX = ivy.head.eye.R_pupil._x; var rpY = ivy.head.eye.R_pupil._y; var stateTimer = 0; var speechTimer = 0; var speech = new Object(); var nextspeech = 0; var curspeech = bellysize; var firstkick = false; var ranlines = new Array(); var ranspeech = 8000; resetLines = function () { ranlines = []; ranlines.push(5); ranlines.push(6); ranlines.push(7); ranlines.push(8); ranlines.push(9); }; resetLines(); updateEyeText = function () { eyeshifter.RPX_txt.text = 'x' + -(rpX - ivy.head.eye.R_pupil._x); eyeshifter.RPY_txt.text = 'y' + -(rpY - ivy.head.eye.R_pupil._y); speechTimer += 25; stateTimer += 25; }; eyeshifter.RPB_U.onPress = function () { ivy.head.eye.R_pupil._y -= 1; updateEyeText(); }; eyeshifter.RPB_D.onPress = function () { ivy.head.eye.R_pupil._y += 1; updateEyeText(); }; eyeshifter.RPB_L.onPress = function () { ivy.head.eye.R_pupil._x -= 1; updateEyeText(); }; eyeshifter.RPB_R.onPress = function () { ivy.head.eye.R_pupil._x += 1; updateEyeText(); }; BG.signpost.onPress = function () { MakeSparkle(); }; var colourchar = new Color(char); var basecolour = new Object(); var colourplus = 0; updatecolour = function () { basecolour.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; basecolour.rb = colourplus * 200; = colourplus * 150; = colourplus * 150; colourivy.setTransform(basecolour); }; speech[0] = {'_line': 'This is Ivy Fairwheather, reporting for the gardevoir news network....', '_expression': 'good', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Um... oh, shoot. They said the magic lake sparkles had four points, not six, right?', '_expression2': 'mistake', 'arm2': ''}; speech[1] = {'_line': 'Looking skinny, right?', '_expression': 'happy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[2] = {'_blush': 25, '_line': 'Adjusting my top, are you, cameraman?', '_expression': 'scoff', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[3] = {'_line': 'Don\'t worry about me. I\'m not going anywhere near that lake.', '_expression': 'assured', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[4] = {'_blush': 25, '_line': 'I\'m starting to think you\'re coming on to me.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[5] = {'_line': 'This could be my big break, they said. Yeah, right. Like anyone really believes this story.', '_expression': 'annoyed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[6] = {'_line': 'Oh man. I really need to get better at improvising...', '_expression': 'defeated', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[7] = {'_line': 'Maybe I should go for a bath in the water...', '_expression': 'tempted', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'No, I won\'t. But I do kind of understand the girls that did. This lake is pristine.', '_expression2': 'chat', 'arm2': ''}; speech[8] = {'_line': 'How do I look? Should I go for more free, or more professional?', '_expression': 'curious', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[9] = {'_line': 'Even if I don\'t believe the story, I\'m still not getting in the water.', '_expression': 'wary', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'It\'s not worth the risk...', '_expression2': 'fear', 'arm2': ''}; speech[10] = {'_question': 'Um, what are we doing here again?', '_line': 'You\'ve forgotten already? We\'re investigating a story about a magic lake that can apparently get you pregnant by swimming in it.', '_expression': 'what', '_arm': '', '_line2': '-Like that story with the girl in the swimming pool. I don\'t think anyone really believes it.', '_expression2': 'dismiss', 'arm2': ''}; speech[11] = {'_question': '"Fertility spring is known to cause unnatural pregnancy."?', '_line': 'I might be better off making this a story about vandals leaving up misleading signs.', '_expression': 'smug', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Point being, I wouldn\'t pay any attention to that.', '_expression2': 'satisfied', 'arm2': ''}; speech[12] = {'_question': 'Let\'s go over the details of the story?', '_line': 'Supposedly, former pop group "the INA girls" all went skinny dipping here and all got pregnant via 4 pointed purple stars bouncing in and out of the lake.', '_expression': 'bored', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I\'d rather be interviewing them than trying to get this scoop. But that\'s the nature of journalism, right?', '_expression2': 'disappointed', 'arm2': ''}; speech[13] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[14] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[15] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[17] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[18] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[19] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[20] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[50] = {'_line': 'Okay, I\'m going to run through a few more lines for this demo tape before we start filming for real.', '_expression': 'work', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[51] = {'_line': 'Hm, testing my poker face, are you?', '_expression': 'irritated', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[52] = {'_line': '*huff* Reminds me of the time you hit me with the boom mic.', '_expression': 'huff', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[53] = {'_line': 'If you\'re trying to adjust my clothes, you missed.', '_expression': 'scoff', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[54] = {'_line': 'Can it wait \'till after recording? Seriously?', '_expression': 'mad', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[55] = {'_line': 'It\'s said that this fertility spring behind me has the ability to impregnate any pokegirl that bathes in it.', '_expression': 'report', '_arm': '', '_line2': '...hmm...should I say they were bathing or skinny dipping?', '_expression2': 'mistake', 'arm2': ''}; speech[56] = {'_line': 'Reports indicate that magic sparkles jump out of the lake. These sparkles have to power to create life.', '_expression': 'report2', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[57] = {'_line': 'This hidden spot in the forest has had few visitors. Only recently have rumours emerged as to the cause.', '_expression': 'grave', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[58] = {'_line': 'Reports say that even legendary pokegirls are not safe from the spring\'s effects.', '_expression': 'incredible', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[59] = {'_line': 'Only recently has this warning sign been put in place. An act of genuine concern, or the work of cheeky pranksters?', '_expression': 'report3', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'G\'news will be first on the scene as this story develops.', '_expression2': 'report4', 'arm2': ''}; speech[60] = {'_question': 'Uhh...Ivy... there\'s purple sparkles coming out of the lake...', '_line': 'Really? Good thing I\'m a safe distance from the lake.', '_expression': 'fear', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[61] = {'_question': 'Wait, my camera\'s acting funny...', '_line': 'Huh? Am I still on? How do you mean?', '_expression': 'curious', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[62] = {'_question': 'You\'ve got a little bit of a belly.', '_line': 'What? Oh for crying out loud! Did you bring the jacket? I can\'t show off this thing the whole time.', '_expression': 'angry', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[63] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[64] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[65] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[67] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[68] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[69] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[70] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[100] = {'_line': 'Huh? My stomach feels......?', '_expression': 'huh?', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Wait what!? But how!? I wasn\'t in the water!!', '_expression2': 'shock', 'arm2': ''}; speech[101] = {'_line': 'Y-you feel it too, don\'t you?', '_expression': 'scared', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[102] = {'_line': 'Ow! Hey! Leave my bust alone!', '_expression': 'ouch', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[103] = {'_line': 'T-there\'s no way that\'s just pudge? Is there?', '_expression': 'afraid', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I mean, you\'re the expert, right?', '_expression2': 'joke', 'arm2': ''}; speech[104] = {'_line': 'Those are bigger too! AAAAAAAH!', '_expression': 'cry', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[105] = {'_line': 'T-this just in, apparently it\'s enough to just be near the fertility s-spring...', '_expression': 'grave', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[106] = {'_line': 'Oh...oh man! Why couldn\'t I have just called in sick....', '_expression': 'pray', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[107] = {'_line': 'I-it seems that the power of this fertility spring may have increased.', '_expression': 'fear', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[108] = {'_line': 'A-a new study has found t-that the fertility spring rumours may actually be true.', '_expression': 'mortified', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[109] = {'_blush': 45, '_line': 'A-are we still recording? I-um. I-I don\'t even know what to say!', '_expression': 'stunned', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[110] = {'_question': 'I think we should get out of here.', '_line': 'I...I can\'t. If I come back without this footage, I\'ll lose everything!', '_expression': 'regret', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[111] = {'_question': 'Maybe you\'ve just gained weight?', '_line': 'I think I would have noticed that before we started shooting.', '_expression': 'irritated', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[112] = {'_question': 'What if it\'s just inflating you with water or something?', '_line': 'Well that\'s a very weird coincidence, isn\'t it?', '_expression': 'huh?', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[113] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[114] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[115] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[117] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[118] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[119] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[120] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[150] = {'_line': 'Hey, wait a minute.... do you know what this means?', '_expression': 'incredible', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I have definitive proof that this whole fertility spring thing is REAL! Get the executives on the phone! We\'re going live!!', '_expression2': 'excited', 'arm2': ''}; speech[151] = {'_line': 'Ouch! What are you-!?', '_expression': 'ouch', '_arm': '', '_blush2': 25, '_line2': 'Oh! I get it, trying to get it to move on camera to prove it\'s a real pregnancy! Good thinking!', '_expression2': 'smooth', 'arm2': ''}; speech[152] = {'_line': 'I don\'t think that\'s a necessary part of the story.', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[153] = {'_blush': 45, '_line': 'Ooooh, t-that actually feels n-nice.', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I could try to relax. But I\'m too excited!', '_expression2': 'giddy', 'arm2': ''}; speech[154] = {'_blush': 35, '_line': 'Oooh, k-keen to be my p-partner, are you?', '_expression': 'flirt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[155] = {'_line': 'I can\'t believe it. I have the mother of all scoops growing inside of me.', '_expression': 'eager', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Pun very intended. A newswoman has to get the audience\'s attention somehow.', '_expression2': 'smug', 'arm2': ''}; speech[156] = {'_line': 'What s-should I say? "Hello viewers", or maybe "Hello world?"', '_expression': 'mistake', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[157] = {'_line': 'Just give me a heads up when the live broadcast begins. I wouldn\'t want to say something like "I hate those stupid"-', '_expression': 'chat', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Oh, almost got me.', '_expression2': 'joke', 'arm2': ''}; speech[158] = {'_line': 'Can you imagine it?! "Ivy Fairweather! The g-gardevoir hybrid that p-proved the legendary fertility spring is real"!', '_expression': 'dream', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'A b-bit unrealistic, I know. But let a g-girl dream.', '_expression2': 'smirk', 'arm2': ''}; speech[159] = {'_blush': 35, '_line': 'Heh, I hope this footage d-doesn\'t end up being too c-candid.', '_expression': 'embarrassed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[160] = {'_question': 'L-live!? You want to broadcast this to the world!?', '_line': 'I have to! The public deserves to know!', '_expression': 'determined', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[161] = {'_question': 'B-but, you don\'t know if this is going to strip your clothes off!!', '_line': 'And if it does, everyone will know about it. My sacrifice will prevent that from happening to so many pokemon.', '_expression': 'honour', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[162] = {'_question': 'So.. how come I\'m not pregnant?', '_line': 'Do I look like an expert on the subject? I thought I\'d be safe just by not going in the water for crying out loud!', '_expression': 'incredulous', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[163] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[164] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[165] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[167] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[168] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[169] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[170] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[200] = {'_line': 'S-see! See!? Look!! It\'s getting b-bigger, and glowing p-purple. Definitely magic!', '_expression': 'amazed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[201] = {'_line': 'Hm, no movement from within yet.', '_expression': 'grumpy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[202] = {'_line': 'Come on! D-don\'t be a creep.', '_expression': 'irritated', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[203] = {'_blush': 25, '_line': 'Can you f-feel it? It feels warm, doesn\'t it?', '_expression': 'giddy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[204] = {'_blush': 45, '_line': 'You\'re going to have to make sure to stop doing that if we go live.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[205] = {'_line': 'Are you excited? I\'m excit-ted.', '_expression': 'excited', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[206] = {'_line': 'I\'m recording a feeling of being warm in my tummy, and my chest.', '_expression': 'report2', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[207] = {'_line': 'Do we have a d-doctor on the crew? Can we search for a second heartbeat?', '_expression': 'eager', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[208] = {'_line': 'This is incredible! I\'m act-t-tualy first on the scene for once.', '_expression': 'squee', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[209] = {'_line': 'I\'m having a hard t-time containing all my thoughts. Where to start for the editorial!', '_expression': 'joy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[210] = {'_question': 'I\'m trying to call the higher ups, but no one\'s answering.', '_line': 'WHAT!? But this is-!', '_expression': 'astounded', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Just make sure you don\'t stop shooting, okay? No matter what.', '_expression2': 'focused', 'arm2': ''}; speech[211] = {'_question': 'You\'ve come around to believing this story very well for someone that scoffed at it so recently.', '_line': 'Hard not t-to when I\'m wearing the proof on my body.', '_expression': 'smug', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[212] = {'_question': 'Ivy, you\'re letting your stutter shine through...', '_line': 'R-right. I gotta stay calm, and stay focused.', '_expression': 'determined', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Oh who am I kidding? I l-literally can\'t hide how I\'m f-feeling.', '_expression2': 'happy', 'arm2': ''}; speech[213] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[214] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[215] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[217] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[218] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[219] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[220] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[250] = {'_line': 'HOLY SMOKES!!! It j-just moved. It\'s really real! I\'m actually p-pregnant!', '_expression': 'astonished', '_arm': '', '_blush2': 22, '_line2': 'Film crew! D-didja get that?! P-please tell me you got that!', '_expression2': 'thrilled', 'arm2': ''}; speech[251] = {'_line': 'Hey! Are you trying to join in or what?', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[252] = {'_line': 'No, the movement\'s coming from my belly. I\'m not breast pregnant.', '_expression': 'grumble', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I hope..................', '_expression2': 'worried', 'arm2': ''}; speech[253] = {'_blush': 25, '_line': 'You feel it move too, don\'t you? Come on, get your face on the camera, don\'t be shy!', '_expression': 'content', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[254] = {'_blush': 55, '_line': 'Ooooh, th-that\'s starting to feel really good.', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[255] = {'_line': 'An update to the current situation, Ivy can feel her magically created baby kick inside her womb.', '_expression': 'report2', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[256] = {'_line': 'Oh my goodness. Pinch me! I have to make sure it isn\'t a dream!', '_expression': 'dream', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[257] = {'_blush': 30, '_line': 'It- it feels.....strangely satisfying....', '_expression': 'relax', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[258] = {'_line': 'How\'s the p-progress on going live going? This has to be seen to be believed.', '_expression': 'report3', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I am SO using that for a headline.', '_expression2': 'proud', 'arm2': ''}; speech[259] = {'_line': 'Speaking of movement, I\'ve heard the spring can paralyse your limbs.', '_expression': 'fear', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I\'m very glad that hasn\'t happened to me.', '_expression2': 'relief', 'arm2': ''}; speech[260] = {'_question': 'Whoa! I saw it too.', '_line': 'How d-did it look on camera? It didn\'t just look like a sp-pecial effect right?', '_expression': 'query', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[261] = {'_question': 'There\'s no denying it. Ivy Fairweather is pregnant.', '_line': 'Heee, not only is it a good scoop. It\'s a feel-good story too.', '_expression': 'squee', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[262] = {'_question': 'I see it, but I still don\'t believe it...', '_line': 'Oh? You don\'t?', '_expression': 'curious', '_arm': '', '_blush2': 24, '_line2': 'Well come and feel it then, and see if you still don\'t believe it.', '_expression2': 'flirt', 'arm2': ''}; speech[263] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[264] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[265] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[267] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[268] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[269] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[270] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[300] = {'_line': 'Haha yes, keep growing on camera, little one! You and your mommy are about to break into the big leagues with this story.', '_expression': 'evil', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[301] = {'_line': 'Don\'t aggravate my child on camera, please.', '_expression': 'grumble', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Actually, don\'t do it off camera, either.', '_expression2': 'seethe', 'arm2': ''}; speech[302] = {'_line': 'I know this isn\'t exactly a professional workspace, given the circumstances-', '_expression': 'mistake', '_arm': '', '_line2': '-But that still doesn\'t mean you can prod my breasts.', '_expression2': 'mad', 'arm2': ''}; speech[303] = {'_line': 'Yes! You can feel it c-can\'t you? F-Feel it grow.', '_expression': 'giddy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[304] = {'_line': 'Heee. As if I wasn\'t b-busty enough b-before.', '_expression': 'squee', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[305] = {'_line': 'Heee, I hope this will turn heads for the right reasons.', '_expression': 'embarrassed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[306] = {'_line': 'Can you think of any belly related headlines? ', '_expression': 'curious', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I\'ve got it! "Raltz Rumours Revealed real"', '_expression2': 'idea', 'arm2': ''}; speech[307] = {'_line': 'It\'s just more active. This is perfect....', '_expression': 'excited', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[308] = {'_line': 'Y\'know... I could get used to this pregnancy... Maybe I should have one properly.', '_expression': 'love', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[309] = {'_line': 'Maybe I should turn to the side, so you can see it growing better?', '_expression': 'curious', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Hmmm, no, better I stay facing the camera.', '_expression2': 'thought', 'arm2': ''}; speech[310] = {'_question': 'Aren\'t you scared of getting too big?', '_line': 'A little...but...', '_expression': 'fear', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Only the very worst of people would mock or condemn a pregnant woman for having a big belly. Otherwise, people LOVE this stuff.', '_expression2': 'sure', 'arm2': ''}; speech[311] = {'_question': 'Still no progress on going live...', '_line': 'Figures. Well, camera footage is better than nothing.', '_expression': 'annoyed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[312] = {'_question': 'Wait. I think all this is being caused through my camera.', '_line': 'What! Well don\'t turn it off, you fool! We might not be able to restart it.', '_expression': 'scared', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[313] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[314] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[315] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[317] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[318] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[319] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[320] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[350] = {'_line': 'It...just really hit me. I\'m going to bring a real person into the world, aren\'t I...?', '_expression': 'gravity', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'A person shaped by me. Not just mimicking my body, but my personality, too.', '_expression2': 'astonished', 'arm2': ''}; speech[351] = {'_line': 'I just said I realised I have a real child in there. You\'re poking a child! MY child!', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[352] = {'_line': 'Well, that\'s very rude! You know that hurts, right?', '_expression': 'seethe', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[353] = {'_line': 'Wow um... That carries a new weight for me.', '_expression': 'love', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[354] = {'_blush': 33, '_line': 'Well, now you\'re just pampering me. There\'re easier ways to ask me out, you know.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[355] = {'_line': 'I mean, I\'d always said that I didn\'t want children, but now that it\'s happening...I\'m not so sure.', '_expression': 'pray', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[356] = {'_line': 'It\'s kind of incredible, isn\'t it? That I can create a little life to be inside of me.', '_expression': 'wonder', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[357] = {'_line': 'Should I have run away when I had the chance? Is motherhood really right for me?', '_expression': 'lost', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Too late now, I know. But still, something to think about.', '_expression2': 'chat', 'arm2': ''}; speech[358] = {'_line': 'Am I going to be able to raise a kid? After all the mothers I\'ve interviewed, I know it won\'t be as easy as they make it seem.', '_expression': 'worried', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[359] = {'_line': 'All those mothers I\'d interviewed...I always thought they were just making motherhood sound more noble than it really is.', '_expression': 'fear', '_arm': '', '_line2': '...but I get it now. I feel very very noble.', '_expression2': 'content', 'arm2': ''}; speech[360] = {'_question': 'I was wondering when you\'d make that realisation, Ivy.', '_line': 'I have been a little over focused on the career opportunity, yes.', '_expression': 'avoid', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Also, I apologise for the amount of stuttering you just had to witness.', '_expression2': 'shy', 'arm2': ''}; speech[361] = {'_question': 'Did you have any names in mind?', '_line': 'Oh! That\'s a good idea. This is all happening so fast.', '_expression': 'cheer', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Um. Let\'s see. I think I like Heather for a girl and um...', '_expression2': 'dream', 'arm2': ''}; speech[362] = {'_blush': 45, '_question': 'Would this be a good time to mention I have a thing for pregnant women.', '_line': 'R-really? W-well I....', '_expression': 'astounded', '_arm': '', '_blush2': 75, '_line2': 'U-um. Are you s-sure you want to admit that on camera? Oh g-geez. How am I sup-p-posed to keep composure with that n-nugget.', '_expression2': 'embarrassed', 'arm2': ''}; speech[363] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[364] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[365] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[367] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[368] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[369] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[370] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[400] = {'_line': 'Wow! I-I had no idea I could get this big...', '_expression': 'shock', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[401] = {'_line': 'There are better ways to gauge its size than that, I\'m sure...', '_expression': 'seethe', '_arm': '', '_blush2': 25, '_line2': 'Like for example, spread your fingers from the center and see how far they can reach....', '_expression2': 'tease', 'arm2': ''}; speech[402] = {'_line': 'Ow! Why can\'t you appreciate my breasts like I do?', '_expression': 'ouch', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[403] = {'_blush': 55, '_line': 'Ooooh, W-wanna do that some m-more? It\'s nice.', '_expression': 'infatuated', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[404] = {'_blush': 45, '_line': 'Ooooh! I l-like that! Keep doing that!', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[405] = {'_line': 'Ooof, I feel very heavy too.', '_expression': 'weight', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[406] = {'_line': 'I hope my clothes can hold up...', '_expression': 'worried', '_arm': '', '_blush2': 35, '_line2': 'I\'m sure y-you don\'t t-though...', '_expression2': 'flirt', 'arm2': ''}; speech[407] = {'_line': 'I\'m feeling... w-warm inside...', '_expression': 'love', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': 'astonished', 'arm2': ''}; speech[408] = {'_line': 'Does anyone have a m-measuring tape? We should keep track of this.', '_expression': 'cheer', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[409] = {'_line': 'How do I look? Do I look silly? I think I might look a bit silly.', '_expression': 'query', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[410] = {'_question': 'Aren\'t people just going to say we faked the video? Special effects are pretty amazing these days.', '_line': 'Well...yes they will. But there are people that believe the earth is flat and that vaccines don\'t work.', '_expression': 'bored', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Any evidence is better than no evidence, right?', '_expression2': 'report', 'arm2': ''}; speech[411] = {'_question': 'I had no idea you could get that big, either.', '_line': 'It looks like we both learned something new today. Isn\'t that just what the news is all about? You can\'t spell news without new after all.', '_expression': 'good', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[412] = {'_question': 'You look as good as ever, Ivy.', '_blush': 45, '_line': 'Oh y-you......', '_expression': 'embarrassed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[413] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[414] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[415] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[417] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[418] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[419] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[420] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[450] = {'_line': '*huff* I hope I stop growing soon...I\'m...getting hot?', '_expression': 'pant', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[451] = {'_line': 'Well...t-that is making me', '_expression': 'seethe', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[452] = {'_line': 'T-that\'s one w-way to f-fix my...problem...', '_expression': 'grumble', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[453] = {'_blush': 55, '_line': 'Oooohhh- W-why does t-that f-feeeel so g-gooooood?', '_expression': 'moan', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[454] = {'_blush': 55, '_line': 'ooooh man. Why d-do you have to do that to m-me.', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[455] = {'_line': 'I *ooff* Hope all this is worth it.', '_expression': 'weight', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[456] = {'_blush': 25, '_line': 'P-p-pregnancy is so w-weird....', '_expression': 'weird', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[457] = {'_blush': 25, '_line': 'I hope THIS part of my p-pregnancy doesn\'t make headlines....', '_expression': 'fear', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'It probably will, knowing tabloids.', '_expression2': 'hatred', 'arm2': ''}; speech[458] = {'_blush': 25, '_line': '*Huff**huff* I d-don\'t know how l-long I can t-take this....', '_expression': 'overwhelmed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[459] = {'_blush': 25, '_line': 'Am I looking red? I feel like my face must be pinker than ditto at this point.', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[460] = {'_question': 'Getting hot?', '_blush': 45, '_line': '*huff* In the sense...that I can\'t really explain in a tape that might get shown to an executive.', '_expression': 'joke', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[461] = {'_question': 'Ivy! You\'ve got to stop stuttering or we can\'t use the footage!', '_blush': 55, '_line': 'I- You know I c-can\'t h-help it when I\'m excited or-', '_expression': 'grave', '_arm': '', '_blush2': 88, '_line2': 'H-hot..................', '_expression2': 'pout', 'arm2': ''}; speech[462] = {'_question': 'Are you sure you want to keep filming? You\'re getting very...flustered...', '_line': 'I have to! It\'s my duty as a journalist. The public needs to know, even if it costs me my p-pride.', '_expression': 'determined', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[463] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[464] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[465] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[467] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[468] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[469] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[470] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[500] = {'_line': 'Phew, well, I\'m glad you all got to see me go through this so quickly, but we\'re running out of film as quickly as I\'m running out of space.', '_expression': 'report', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'This was Ivy Fairweather, back to the studio!', '_expression2': 'report3', 'arm2': ''}; speech[501] = {'_line': 'I\'m not so glad to have such a big target for the poking.', '_expression': 'seethe', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[502] = {'_line': 'Come on! Do you really need to check that they\'re real at this point!?', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[503] = {'_line': 'Heeee. Feels good, d-doesn\'t it?', '_expression': 'squee', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[504] = {'_blush': 35, '_line': 'T-they\'ve become very ripe, haven\'t t-they? Thank you for giving them the r-respect they d-deserve.', '_expression': 'infatuated', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[505] = {'_line': 'Wowie, I ended up huge!', '_expression': 'shock', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[506] = {'_line': 'Y\'know...I think I like this belly. ', '_expression': 'belly', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I mean, I haven\'t tried walking around with it yet. It\'s probably pretty heavy, but I\'ll be sad to see it go.', '_expression2': 'mistake', 'arm2': ''}; speech[507] = {'_line': 'I feel...very content. Hey, does anyone wanna come touch it?', '_expression': 'content', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[508] = {'_line': 'I wonder what it will look like. Like me? L-like my arbok father?', '_expression': 'thought', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[509] = {'_line': 'I...I h-hope my child loves m-me...', '_expression': 'pray', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[510] = {'_question': 'I\'m just glad you\'re not horny anymore.', '_blush': 45, '_line': 'Oh, I\'m just not AS horny, don\'t you worry.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[511] = {'_question': 'So um...wanna catch up after the filming\'s over?', '_blush': 45, '_line': 'W-well, you shouldn\'t mix b-business with p-pleasure...', '_expression': 'embarrassed', '_arm': '', '_blush': 45, '_line2': 'B-but you seem nice. S-so it\'s a d-date...', '_expression2': 'good', 'arm2': ''}; speech[512] = {'_question': 'That...was pretty incredible to experience.', '_line': 'I know r-right!? We\'re g-going to make h-history!', '_expression': 'giddy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[513] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[514] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[515] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[517] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[518] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[519] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[520] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth0 = {'_line': 'Wait! Oh! What was that!?', '_expression': 'shock', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Oh...oh no....', '_expression2': 'mortified', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth1 = {'_line': 'H-hands off! Or I\'ll b-break that camera over your head!!!', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth2 = {'_line': 'Want me to b-bite!? I\'m venomous!!', '_expression': 'seethe', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth3 = {'_line': 'Ooooh. That helps. Please d-don\'t stop...', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth4 = {'_line': 'I think those were one the verge of bursting open...thank you for being gentle.', '_expression': 'content', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth5 = {'_line': 'T-this just in. Ivy\'s giving birth...', '_expression': 'grave', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'and it huuuuurts...', '_expression2': 'cry', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth6 = {'_line': 'Are you still filming? I\'m having a hard time deciding if I want this filmed or not...', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '*sigh* all for the story, right?', '_expression2': 'defeated', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth7 = {'_line': 'I-I always thought the girls in movies were overacting...', '_expression': 'scared', '_arm': '', '_line2': '...but...I really really want to scream as loud as I can now.,..', '_expression2': 'cry', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth8 = {'_line': 'I\'d like to go to a pokemon center, but...', '_expression': 'fear', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'We\'d never be able to pack up the cameras in time at the rate I\'m going. Besides,the show must go on.', '_expression2': 'determined', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth9 = {'_line': 'Are we live? Of all times to go live it would be now.', '_expression': 'stunned', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'We\'re not? Well....that\'s good I guess...ow...', '_expression2': 'wary', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth10 = {'_question': 'What do you want me to do?', '_line': 'C-c-call a doctor or something. If you can. Please?', '_expression': 'query', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth11 = {'_question': 'So... wanna do an interview?', '_line': 'Please...just let me concentrate...', '_expression': 'huff', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth12 = {'_question': 'At least you never got paralysed.', '_line': 'That\'s true...I\'m glad I never got to prove or disprove that...', '_expression': 'gravity', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Given what I\'m going through, I don\'t much want to push my luck with the spring either...', '_expression2': 'mistake', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth13 = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth14 = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth15 = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth17 = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth18 = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth19 = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.birth20 = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[550] = {'_line': 'Whoa what!? How am I still getting bigger!', '_expression': 'shock', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Am-am I going to have twins!?', '_expression2': 'scared', 'arm2': ''}; speech[551] = {'_line': 'Shame that this thing getting bigger hasn\'t made it any less sensitive...', '_expression': 'seethe', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[552] = {'_line': 'At least ONE of us appreciate my breasts, and it\'s not you.', '_expression': 'mad', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[553] = {'_line': 'It...feels really smooth and big...', '_expression': 'joy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[554] = {'_blush': 25, '_line': 'I was having trouble finding tops for my girls already...', '_expression': 'disappointed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[555] = {'_line': 'My hourglass curves are going to be ridiculous...I hope I don\'t lose my job over this...', '_expression': 'nervous', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[556] = {'_line': 'Hold the phone...this means I\'m going to be the first recorded instance of the spring giving out twins!', '_expression': 'evil', '_arm': '', '_line2': '-but wait, that hurts my credibility! Oh no!', '_expression2': 'wary', 'arm2': ''}; speech[557] = {'_line': 'To think I was getting nervous about the size of my belly before....', '_expression': 'worried', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[558] = {'_line': 'Oh, I have to think of two names...', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[559] = {'_line': 'This is my limit, right? This spring isn\'t going t-to make me explode is it?', '_expression': 'afraid', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[560] = {'_question': 'W-what just happened!?', '_line': 'I was hoping you could tell ME! I\'m enormous!', '_expression': 'astounded', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[561] = {'_question': 'For reference, I DID just get that on camera.', '_line': 'Oh thank goodness! Imagine having to try and trigger twins from this fickle spring again.', '_expression': 'relief', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[562] = {'_question': 'I\'m amazed your clothes still fit you.', '_line': 'So am I honestly. Everything about me is huge right now.', '_expression': 'wonder', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[563] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[564] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[565] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[567] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[568] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[569] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech[570] = {'_line': 'unused_line', '_expression': 'blank', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'arm2': ''}; speech.BTnormal = {'_line': 'I\'m back down to the size I was? Well that\'s a relief..', '_expression': 'belly', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Nothing against kids, but I was barely ready for one child, let alone two...', '_expression2': 'joke', 'arm2': ''}; speech.unbirth = {'_line': 'Huh? The pain stopped?', '_expression': 'worried', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Well, I\'m both relieved and disappointed..', '_expression2': 'avoid', 'arm2': ''}; speech.naked = {'_line': 'Why are you looking at me like that? Do you know something I don\'t?', '_expression': 'curious', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': 'avoid', 'arm2': ''}; speech.finalbirth = {'_line': 'Wha-!? It\'s speeding uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppp!!!!!', '_expression': 'scream', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': 'avoid', 'arm2': ''}; eyeshifter.TE_B1.onPress = function () { setState('nervous'); stateTimer = 50; pregpoints += 50; }; eyeshifter.TE_B2.onPress = function () { Tbellysize += 50; if (Tbellysize > 549) { Tbellysize = 1; } if (Tbellysize > 500) { Tbellysize = 500; } }; states.afraid = {'eyes': 'wide_Vsad', 'mouth': 'grit_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': 11}; states.amazed = {'eyes': 'wide_up', 'mouth': 'yay_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': 11}; states.angry = {'eyes': 'wide_mad', 'mouth': 'rhombus', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': 11}; states.annoyed = {'eyes': 'gibbous_Vmad', 'mouth': 'flat', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 11, '_rpy': -3}; states.assured = {'eyes': 'in_half_mad', 'mouth': 'rhombus', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 9, '_rpy': 3}; states.astonished = {'eyes': 'in_wide_plain', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': -2}; states.astounded = {'eyes': 'wide_plain', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.avoid = {'eyes': 'in_half_sad', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 10, '_rpy': 3}; states.belly = {'eyes': 'in_open_up', 'mouth': 'yay_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -6, '_rpy': 7}; states.bored = {'eyes': 'half_flat', 'mouth': 'circle', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; = {'eyes': 'half_flat', 'mouth': 'open_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.cheer = {'eyes': 'in_open_up', 'mouth': 'yay_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.concern = {'eyes': 'in_open_twist', 'mouth': 'rhombus', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.content = {'eyes': 'in_cresent_sad', 'mouth': 'grin_small', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': 8}; states.cry = {'eyes': 'tight_Vsad', 'mouth': 'open_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.curious = {'eyes': 'in_open_twist', 'mouth': 'oval', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.defeated = {'eyes': 'in_gibbous_sad', 'mouth': 'open_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': -6}; states.determined = {'eyes': 'in_open_Vmad', 'mouth': 'square', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': -5}; states.dismiss = {'eyes': 'in_cresent_mad', 'mouth': 'o', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 7, '_rpy': 0}; states.disappointed = {'eyes': 'in_cresent_Vsad', 'mouth': 'flat', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 7, '_rpy': -5}; states.dream = {'eyes': 'in_gibbous_Vsad', 'mouth': 'U_up', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 7, '_rpy': 6}; states.eager = {'eyes': 'in_open_up', 'mouth': 'grin_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -4, '_rpy': 8}; states.embarrassed = {'eyes': 'in_open_Vsad', 'mouth': 'grin_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 8, '_rpy': 5}; states.excited = {'eyes': 'in_wide_up', 'mouth': 'yay_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -4, '_rpy': 7}; states.evil = {'eyes': 'in_wide_Vmad', 'mouth': 'grin_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -7, '_rpy': 8}; states.flirt = {'eyes': 'in_cresent_mad', 'mouth': 'tongue_up', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 3}; states.fear = {'eyes': 'open_sad', 'mouth': 'grit_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 3}; states.focused = {'eyes': 'half_mad', 'mouth': 'open_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.frustrated = {'eyes': 'gibbous_Vmad', 'mouth': 'open_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 7, '_rpy': -9}; states.giddy = {'eyes': 'in_wide_up', 'mouth': 'grin_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.good = {'eyes': 'half_plain', 'mouth': 'yay_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.grave = {'eyes': 'wide_up', 'mouth': 'circle', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.gravity = {'eyes': 'gibbous_up', 'mouth': 'oval', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': 9}; states.grumble = {'eyes': 'cresent_Vmad', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.grumpy = {'eyes': 'cresent_mad', 'mouth': 'U_down', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -4, '_rpy': 12}; states.happy = {'eyes': 'tight_up', 'mouth': 'yay_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.hatred = {'eyes': 'in_cresent_Vmad', 'mouth': 'grit_small', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 9, '_rpy': 0}; states.honour = {'eyes': 'down_curve_mad', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.huff = {'eyes': 'down_curve_mad', 'mouth': 'flat', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.huh? = {'eyes': 'open_twist', 'mouth': 'square', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': 10}; states.idea = {'eyes': 'in_open_up', 'mouth': 'yay_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 3, '_rpy': -11}; states.incredible = {'eyes': 'wide_up', 'mouth': 'open_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.incredulous = {'eyes': 'in_open_mad', 'mouth': 'circle', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.infatuated = {'eyes': 'in_cresent_Vsad', 'mouth': 'diamond', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.irritated = {'eyes': 'cresent_Vmad', 'mouth': 'open_cheek', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.joke = {'eyes': 'in_half_sad', 'mouth': 'grin_small', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; = {'eyes': 'open_sad', 'mouth': 'yay_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -11}; states.lost = {'eyes': 'gibbous_sad', 'mouth': 'o', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': -5}; = {'eyes': 'cresent_sad', 'mouth': 'yay_small', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': 12}; states.mad = {'eyes': 'open_Vmad', 'mouth': 'circle', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.mistake = {'eyes': 'gibbous_Vsad', 'mouth': 'open_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 11, '_rpy': -3}; states.moan = {'eyes': 'up_curve_Vsad', 'mouth': 'rhombus', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.mortified = {'eyes': 'wide_Vsad', 'mouth': 'U_down', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -6, '_rpy': 11}; states.nervous = {'eyes': 'wide_Vsad', 'mouth': 'grit_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -7, '_rpy': 10}; states.ouch = {'eyes': 'tight_Vmad', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.overwhelmed = {'eyes': 'in_gibbous_Vsad', 'mouth': 'open_tongue', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -8}; states.pant = {'eyes': 'in_half_Vsad', 'mouth': 'open_tongue', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -2}; states.pleasure = {'eyes': 'up_curve_sad', 'mouth': 'grin_small', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.pout = {'eyes': 'in_cresent_Vmad', 'mouth': 'open_wiggle', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 9, '_rpy': 4}; states.pray = {'eyes': 'open_Vsad', 'mouth': 'open_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -4, '_rpy': -9}; states.proud = {'eyes': 'tight_up', 'mouth': 'grin_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.query = {'eyes': 'open_sad', 'mouth': 'oval', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.regret = {'eyes': 'gibbous_sad', 'mouth': 'U_down', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.relax = {'eyes': 'curve_up_sad', 'mouth': 'U_up', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.relief = {'eyes': 'open_Vsad', 'mouth': 'triangle', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -2, '_rpy': -9}; = {'eyes': 'gibbous_flat', 'mouth': 'yay_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.report2 = {'eyes': 'gibbous_mad', 'mouth': 'yay_small', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.report3 = {'eyes': 'half_mad', 'mouth': 'yay_small', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.report4 = {'eyes': 'in_gibbous_mad', 'mouth': 'diamond', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.satisfied = {'eyes': 'down_curve_up', 'mouth': 'grin_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.scared = {'eyes': 'in_open_Vsad', 'mouth': 'square', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.scream = {'eyes': 'tight_Vsad', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.scoff = {'eyes': 'in_open_twist', 'mouth': 'grin_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.shock = {'eyes': 'wide_up', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': 10}; states.shy = {'eyes': 'in_open_sad', 'mouth': 'yay_wiggle', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 10, '_rpy': 2}; states.seethe = {'eyes': 'in_cresent_Vmad', 'mouth': 'grit_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.smirk = {'eyes': 'in_half_mad', 'mouth': 'tongue_up', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.smooth = {'eyes': 'in_cresent_mad', 'mouth': 'o', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.smug = {'eyes': 'in_cresent_mad', 'mouth': 'diamond', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 5, '_rpy': 0}; states.squee = {'eyes': 'tight_Vsad', 'mouth': 'grin_big', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.stunned = {'eyes': 'in_open_plain', 'mouth': 'open_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.sure = {'eyes': 'down_curve_sad', 'mouth': 'U_up', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.tease = {'eyes': 'in_half_mad', 'mouth': 'bite_yay', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.tempted = {'eyes': 'in_half_twist', 'mouth': 'grin_small', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 9, '_rpy': 4}; states.thought = {'eyes': 'gibbous_flat', 'mouth': 'oval', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 5, '_rpy': -9}; states.thrilled = {'eyes': 'in_open_plain', 'mouth': 'bite_yay', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.wary = {'eyes': 'in_half_twist', 'mouth': 'grit_small', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 9, '_rpy': 4}; states.weight = {'eyes': 'in_half_Vsad', 'mouth': 'open_tongue', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -2}; states.weird = {'eyes': 'in_open_twist', 'mouth': 'open_wiggle', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.what = {'eyes': 'in_open_twist', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.wonder = {'eyes': 'in_open_up', 'mouth': 'open_wiggle', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -6, '_rpy': 8}; = {'eyes': 'half_up', 'mouth': 'yay_plain', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.worried = {'eyes': 'open_sad', 'mouth': 'circle', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': 9}; states.yell = {'eyes': 'open_Vmad', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; = {'eyes': '', 'mouth': '', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.test1 = {'eyes': 'open_plain', 'mouth': 'yay_plain', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.test2 = {'eyes': 'open_mad', 'mouth': 'yay_big', '_lpx': 3, '_lpy': 3, '_rpx': 3, '_rpy': 3}; = {'eyes': '', 'mouth': '', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.idle0 = {'eyes': 'half_plain', 'mouth': 'up', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.idle1 = {'eyes': 'half_flat', 'mouth': 'down', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.idle2 = {'eyes': 'open_sad', 'mouth': 'wiggle_down', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -6, '_rpy': 10}; states.idle3 = {'eyes': 'in_cresent_mad', 'mouth': 'V_up', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': 11}; states.idle4 = {'eyes': 'up_curve_up', 'mouth': 'wiggle_up', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.idle5 = {'eyes': 'in_wide_sad', 'mouth': 'wiggle_down', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': 8}; states.idle6 = {'eyes': 'open_Vmad', 'mouth': 'V_up', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': 9}; states.idle7 = {'eyes': 'open_plain', 'mouth': 'wiggle_down', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': -5}; states.idle8 = {'eyes': 'wide_up', 'mouth': 'V_down', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': 10}; states.idle9 = {'eyes': 'in_gibbous_Vsad', 'mouth': 'open_tongue', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -4, '_rpy': -6}; states.idle10 = {'eyes': 'half_plain', 'mouth': 'up', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.idle11 = {'eyes': 'in_wide_up', 'mouth': 'wiggle_down', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': 7}; states.idlebirth = {'eyes': 'wide_Vsad', 'mouth': 'breathing', '_lpx': N, '_lpy': N, '_rpx': -6, '_rpy': 10}; setState = function (str) { stateTimer = 35 + speech_b._txt.length * 1.5; if (CurState != str) { CurState = str; ivy.head.eye.gotoAndPlay(states[CurState].eyes); ivy.head.snout.gotoAndPlay(states[CurState].mouth); ivy.head.eye.R_pupil._x = rpX + states[CurState]._rpx; ivy.head.eye.R_pupil._y = rpY + states[CurState]._rpy; } }; moveArm = function (u_s) { if (ivy.arm._currentlabel != u_s) { ivy.arm.gotoAndPlay(ivy.arm._currentlabel + '2' + u_s); } }; charSpeak = function (n, f) { if (birthtimer > 0 && f == true) { n = 'birth' + n; } speechTimer = speech[n]._line.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line; setState(speech[n]._expression); moveArm(speech[n]._arm); if (speech[n].forcekick == true) { kickran = 8000; } if (speech[n]._line2 != '') { if (secondline != n) { secondline = n; } else { if (speech[n]._blush2 > 0) { blushing = speech[n]._blush2; } speechTimer = speech[n]._line2.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line2; setState(speech[n]._expression2); moveArm(speech[n]._arm2); if (f == false) { secondline = -5000; } } } else { secondline = -5000; } if (f == true) { if (speech[n]._blush > 0) { blushing = speech[n]._blush; } speechTimer = speech[n]._line.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line; setState(speech[n]._expression); moveArm(speech[n]._arm); } }; ivy.head.snout.onPress = function () { speechTimer = 0; forceDelay = 0; ranspeech = 1; }; speech_b.onPress = function () { if (speechTimer > 10) { speechTimer = 10; stateTimer = 15; } }; reset = function () { Tbellysize = 1; Tbustsize = 0; Thipshize = 0; resetTimer = 0; nextspeech = 0; helpcancelled = 0; birthing = 0; birthclicks = 1000; birthpoints = 0; Nspin = 0; naked = false; updateClothes(); firstkick = false; finalpush = 0; BBB._visible = true; BBB._alpha = 0; pokeball_red._alpha = 0; _panel.twins_b._visible = false; Tbellysizemax = 500; _panel.expand_b._visible = true; havingtwins = false; twinsready = false; birthtimer = 0; Tbox._visible = false; ivy._visible = true; _panel._visible = true; newspaper.gotoAndStop(1); }; countdown = function (a, b) { if (_root[a] > b) { _root[a] -= 1; } }; minmax = function (a, b, c) { if (_root[a] < b) { _root[a] = b; } if (_root[a] > c) { _root[a] = c; } }; smoothAdjust = function (s1, s2, mu) { if (_root[s1] != _root[s2]) { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu > 1 || (_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu < -1) { _root[s1] += Math.floor((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu); } else { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu < 0) { _root[s1] -= 1; } else { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu > 0) { _root[s1] += 1; } } } } }; circular = function (astart, a, aplus) { if (_root[a + 'started'] != 8) { _root[a] = astart; _root[a + 'started'] = 8; } if (_root[a] < 6.283185307179586) { _root[a] += aplus; } else { _root[a] -= 6.283185307179586; } }; squaredistance = function (x1, x2, y1, y2) { return Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)); }; ivy.belly.onPress = function () { startrub = 10; }; ivy.L_breast.onPress = function () { bstartrub = 10; }; ivy.R_breast.onPress = ivy.L_breast.onPress; onMouseUp = function () { mousepressed = false; if (startrub > 1) { startrub = 2; } if (bstartrub > 1) { bstartrub = 2; } rubbing = 0; brubbing = 0; mousemove = 0; change_size = 0; }; onMouseDown = function () { mousepressed = true; }; makeKick = function (kx, ky) { var v1 = ivy.belly.midpoint.attachMovie('babykick', 'kick' + kickID, kickID); v1._x = kx; v1._y = ky; v1.centerx = 0; v1.centery = 0; v1._rotation * 360; kickID += 1; if (kickID > 200) { kickID -= 100; } }; var birthstart = false; var sparkleID = 0; var sparkles = new Array(); MakeSparkle = function () { var v2 = 0; var v3 = 0; while (v2 < 8) { var v1 = sparklespawner.attachMovie('sparkle', 'sparkle' + sparkleID, sparkleID); Xspread = 10 - Math.random() * 20; while (Math.abs(Xspread) < 3) { Xspread = 10 - Math.random() * 20; } if (Math.random() < 0.5 && birthtimer > 0) { v1.ispokeball = true; } else { v1.ispokeball = false; } YVran = 14 + Math.random() * 5; v1.XV = Xspread; v1.YV = -YVran; if (v2 == 8) { v1.YV = -20; } sparkleID += 1; if (sparkleID > 50) { sparkleID = 0; } sparkles.push(v1); eyeshifter.TE_B1.gotoAndPlay(2); if (v2 > 0) { v1.wrong = true; v1.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } else { v1.wrong = false; } v2 += 1; } }; MakeSparkle(); PYSB = _panel._y; PYS = _panel._y; _panel.birth_b._txt.text = 'Birth'; _panel.expand_b._txt.text = 'Expand'; _panel.revert_b._txt.text = 'Revert'; _panel.help_b._txt.text = 'Help'; _panel.reset_b._txt.text = 'Reset'; _panel.revert_b._txt.text = 'Revert'; _panel.speed_b._txt.text = 'Speed = X' + Gspeed; var resetD = 0; _panel.reset_b.onPress = function () { if (resetD <= 0) { resetD = 25; } else { resetD = 0; reset(); } }; var birthD = 0; _panel.birth_b.onPress = function () { if (Tbellysize < 500) { birthD = 25; } else { if (birthtimer <= 0) { var v1 = big_pokeball.attachMovie('vanish', 'vanish1', 1); } birthpoints = 1; birthtimer = 1600; charSpeak('birth0'); } }; _panel.expand_b.onPress = function () { change_size = 1; }; _panel.speed_b.onPress = function () { switch (Gspeed) { case 1: Gspeed = 2; break; case 2: Gspeed = 5; break; case 5: Gspeed = 10; break; case 10: Gspeed = -2; break; case -2: Gspeed = -1; break; case -1: Gspeed = 1; } _panel.speed_b._txt.text = 'Speed = X' + Gspeed; if (Gspeed > 0) { _panel.expand_b._txt.text = 'Expand'; } else { _panel.expand_b._txt.text = 'Revert'; } }; var help_ASB = 0; _panel.help_b.onPress = function () { helpmode = !helpmode; if (helpmode == true) { _panel.help_b.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { _panel.help_b.gotoAndStop(1); } }; _panel.twins_b._visible = false; _panel.twins_b._txt.text = 'Twins'; var havingtwins = false; var twinsD = 0; _panel.twins_b.onPress = function () { if (Tbellysize < 500 || birthtimer > 0) { twinsD = 30; } else { havingtwins = !havingtwins; if (havingtwins == true) { Tbellysizemax = 550; Tbellysize = 550; _panel.expand_b._visible = false; _panel.twins_b.gotoAndPlay(3); newspaper.gotoAndStop(2); } else { Tbellysizemax = 500; Tbellysize = 500; _panel.expand_b._visible = true; _panel.twins_b.gotoAndPlay(1); charSpeak('BTnormal'); nextspeech = 550; newspaper.gotoAndStop(1); } } }; _panel.onEnterFrame = function () { help_ASB = 0; if (helpmode == true) { help_ASB = 100; } if (_panel.help_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { if (help_ASB < 100) { help_ASB = 60; } } _panel.powerbar.powermask._xscale = Fpregpoints * 0.45; _panel.powerglow._alpha = 0; if (Math.abs(pregpoints - Fpregpoints) > 0.2 && change_size == 0) { _panel.powerglow._alpha = (pregpoints - Fpregpoints) * 3; _panel.powerglow._alpha = Math.min(_panel.powerglow._alpha, 300); _panel.powerglow._xscale = Math.min(100 + (pregpoints - Fpregpoints) * 10, 450); _panel.powerglow._yscale = _panel.powerglow._xscale; } if (_panel.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { PYSB = 0; updateQboxes(); if (firsthelp == false) { firsthelp = true; var v2 = _panel.help_b.attachMovie('showhintbutton', 'SHB1', 2); v2._x += _panel.help_b._width * 0.25; } } else { PYSB = PYS; } if (_panel._y != PYSB) { _panel._y += (PYSB - _panel._y) * 0.25; } if (displaybirth > 0) { displaybirth -= 1; _panel.birth_b._txt.text = birthtext; } else { _panel.birth_b._txt.text = 'Birth'; } this.reset_b._txt.text = 'Reset'; if (resetD > 0) { this.reset_b._txt.text = 'Really?'; resetD -= 1; } this.birth_b._txt.text = 'Birth'; if (birthD > 0) { birthD -= 1; if (Tbellysize < 500) { this.birth_b._txt.text = 'Not yet...'; } } if (twinsD <= 0) { _panel.twins_b._txt.text = 'Twins'; } else { twinsD -= 1; _panel.twins_b._txt.text = 'Not Now...'; } if (birthtimer > 0) { _panel.Q1._txt.text = speech.birth10._question; _panel.Q2._txt.text = speech.birth11._question; _panel.Q3._txt.text = speech.birth12._question; } else { _panel.Q1._txt.text = speech[curspeech + 10]._question; _panel.Q2._txt.text = speech[curspeech + 11]._question; _panel.Q3._txt.text = speech[curspeech + 12]._question; } if (_panel.secret_b._alpha > 0 && _panel.secret_b._alpha < 100) { _panel.secret_b._alpha -= 0.5; } }; _panel.Q1.onPress = function () { charSpeak(curspeech + 10, true); }; _panel.Q2.onPress = function () { charSpeak(curspeech + 11, true); }; _panel.Q3.onPress = function () { charSpeak(curspeech + 12, true); }; _panel.secret_b._alpha = 0; _panel.secret_b._txt.text = 'Secret'; _panel.secret_b.onPress = function () { if (_panel.secret_b._alpha < 100) { _panel.secret_b._alpha += 10; } else { naked_secret = !naked_secret; if (naked_secret == false) { _panel.secret_b.gotoAndPlay(3); charSpeak('naked'); } else { _panel.secret_b.gotoAndStop(1); } ivy.bra._visible = naked_secret; ivy.skirt._visible = naked_secret; ivy.collar1._visible = naked_secret; ivy.collar2._visible = naked_secret; ivy.jacket1._visible = naked_secret; ivy.jacket2._visible = naked_secret; ivy.L_arm.sleeve._visible = naked_secret; ivy.R_arm.sleeve._visible = naked_secret; } }; _panel.chatter_b.gotoAndPlay(3); _panel.chatter_b._txt.text = 'Chatter'; _panel.chatter_b.onPress = function () { canchat = !canchat; if (canchat == true) { _panel.chatter_b.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { _panel.chatter_b.gotoAndStop(1); } }; ILFASX = ivy.mic_arm._x; ILFASY = ivy.mic_arm._y; big_pokeball.PB_inner._alpha = 0; help_box._alpha = 0; helpcheck = function (n, n1) { if (n.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { help_box._txt.text = helpspeech[n1]._line; } }; var helpmode = false; var helpspeech = new Object(); helpspeech.helpme = {'_line': 'This is the help button. If you click on it, you\'ll receive help messages.'}; helpspeech.powerbar = {'_line': 'This is the power bar. It shows you how many "pregpoints" you\'ve got in stock.When the bar is full, you have enough pregpoints to get Ivy to her maximum size. However, it can store up to twice as many pregpoints as it\'s size suggests.'}; helpspeech.head = {'_line': 'Ivy\'s head contains a variety of things, most of which is useful to her. The part that\'s most useful to her though, is her snout, clicking on it will prompt her to chat with you.'}; helpspeech.expand = {'_line': 'Click and hold on this button to make Ivy more pregnant. She\'ll grow at a rate determined by the growth speed button. However, note that you may only do this if the bar in the center of the options panel is not empty. '}; helpspeech.revert = {'_line': 'Click and hold on this button to make Ivy less pregnant. She\'ll shrink at a rate determined by the growth speed button. This will refund any points you spent on making her bigger.'}; helpspeech.growthspeed = {'_line': 'Click on this button to change the speed at which Ivy\'s pregnancy progresses when you use the expand/revert button'}; helpspeech.reset = {'_line': 'If you want to play this game again from the start, clicking on this button will reset all your progress.'}; helpspeech.birth_before = {'_line': 'Ivy isn\'t ready to give birth yet. But when she is, you can use this button to start the process.'}; helpspeech.birth_after = {'_line': 'Now that Ivy is ready to give birth, clicking on this button will start a timer. You will have a time limit to gather mini pokeballs in order to complete the pregnancy.'}; helpspeech.question = {'_line': 'If you click on this button you will ask Ivy the question in the box. Honestly, I don\'t know what else it could be.'}; helpspeech.bust = {'_line': 'This is one of Ivy\'s two breasts. You may quickly click on it to prod her here, or click and drag to rub her here instead. Make sure her other breast gets some love too though. It\'s rude to ignore a lady.'}; helpspeech.belly = {'_line': 'This is Ivy\'s waist. You can click here quickly to poke her here, or click and drag to touch her more pleasantly. Ivy\'s waste would be found on the other side of her, but this isn\'t that sort of fetish animation.'}; helpspeech.ivy = {'_line': 'This is Ivy. An arbok gardevoir hybrid pokegirl. She mostly gets her looks from her mother. She\'s here hoping to get some kind of story about the rumours that this fertility spring can make people pregnant with prestidigitation. You should help her with that...'}; helpspeech.Tbox = {'_line': 'This is the birth timer. As long as this is greater than zero, some sparkles from the lake will be pokeballs. Stop enough pokeballs from falling into the water before time runs out. You can restart the timer with no penalty, but if you exceed the timer, you\'ll extend the timer with pregpoints instead.'}; helpspeech.chatter = {'_line': 'This is the chatter button. If this is active, Ivy will periodically speak. If it is inactive, Ivy will only use her idle lines if you click on her snout. It\'s not good for a journalist to keep her mouth shut, so try not to overuse it.'}; helpspeech.secret = {'_line': 'There\'s no secret button here. Why would you even think that!'}; helpspeech.secret2 = {'_line': 'This is the secret button. It will make Ivy\'s clothes invisible through the camera you\'re using.'}; helpspeech.twins = {'_line': 'You found the secret twins button! Congratulations. Clicking on this when Ivy is at her full size will make her just a little bit bigger, with a twin!'}; helpspeech.sign = {'_line': 'This signpost,when clicked on, will produce 8 purple stars. 7 of them have 6 points, one of them has 4 points. Ensure that the 4 pointed star is still in the air when the 6 pointed stars sink.'}; helpspeech.default = {'_line': 'The basic means to play this game is to click on the wooden sign, and then make sure that the star with 4 points doesn\'t fall in the water.'}; helpspeech.generic = {'_line': 'linegoeshere'}; helpspeech.generic = {'_line': 'linegoeshere'}; onEnterFrame = function () { help_box._txt.text = helpspeech.default._line; helpcheck(_panel.help_b, 'helpme'); if (Gspeed > 0) { helpcheck(_panel.expand_b, 'expand'); } else { helpcheck(_panel.expand_b, 'revert'); } helpcheck(_panel.speed_b, 'growthspeed'); helpcheck(_panel.powerbar, 'powerbar'); helpcheck(_panel.chatter_b, 'chatter'); helpcheck(_panel.secret_b, 'secret'); if (_panel.secret_b._alpha >= 100) { helpcheck(_panel.secret_b, 'secret2'); } helpcheck(_panel.twins_b, 'secret'); if (_panel.twins_b._visible == true) { helpcheck(_panel.twins_b, 'twins'); } helpcheck(_panel.reset_b, 'reset'); helpcheck(_panel.birth_b, 'birth_before'); if (Tbellysize >= 500) { helpcheck(_panel.birth_b, 'birth_after'); } helpcheck(_panel.Q1, 'question'); helpcheck(_panel.Q2, 'question'); helpcheck(_panel.Q3, 'question'); helpcheck(_root.Tbox, 'Tbox'); helpcheck(BG.signpost, 'sign'); helpcheck(_root.ivy, 'ivy'); helpcheck(ivy.head, 'head'); helpcheck(ivy.L_breast, 'bust'); helpcheck(ivy.R_breast, 'bust'); helpcheck(ivy.belly, 'belly'); help_box._alpha += (help_ASB - help_box._alpha) * 0.4; if (only_just_scored > 0) { only_just_scored -= 1; } Fpregpoints += (pregpoints - Fpregpoints) * 0.08; if (change_size != 0) { temp_change = change_size * Gspeed; for (;;) { if (!(temp_change > 0 && pregpoints > 0 && Tbellysize < Tbellysizemax)) break; pregpoints -= 1; temp_change -= 1; Tbellysize += 1; } for (;;) { if (!(temp_change < 0 && pregpoints < pregpointmax && Tbellysize > 1)) break; pregpoints += 1; temp_change += 1; Tbellysize -= 1; } } circular(0, 'headrot', 0.04); ivy.head._rotation = Math.sin(headrot) * 3; circular(0, 'armrot', 0.056); ivy.R_arm._rotation = Math.sin(armrot) * 1.5; ivy.R_arm.F_arm._rotation = Math.sin(armrot) * 6; ivy.mic_arm._rotation = Math.cos(armrot) * 3; if (Sfailure > 0) { Sfailure -= 1; } if (Sfailure > -1 && Sfailure < 1) { Sfailure = 0; } countdown('stateTimer', 0); countdown('speechTimer', 0); if (stateTimer <= 5) { setState(backupState); if (secondline != -5000) { charSpeak(secondline, false); } } startrub = Math.max(0, startrub - 1); if (startrub == 1 && mousemove < 1) { charSpeak(curspeech + 1, true); } bstartrub = Math.max(0, bstartrub - 1); if (bstartrub == 1 && mousemove < 1) { charSpeak(curspeech + 2, true); } if (mousemove > 1 && overbelly == true) { startrub = 0; if (rubbing <= 0) { charSpeak(curspeech + 3, true); } rubbing = 10; } if (mousemove > 1 && overbreast == true) { bstartrub = 0; if (brubbing <= 0) { charSpeak(curspeech + 4, true); } brubbing = 10; } if (xmsb != _xmouse || ymsb != _ymouse) { if (mousepressed == true) { mousemove += squaredistance(xmsb, _xmouse, ymsb, _ymouse) / 5; mousemove = Math.max(0, mousemove - 1); mousemove = Math.max(20, mousemove); } xmsb = _xmouse; ymsb = _ymouse; } rubbing = Math.max(0, rubbing - 1); brubbing = Math.max(0, brubbing - 1); overbreast = false; overbelly = false; if (ivy.L_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overbreast = true; } if (ivy.R_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overbreast = true; } if (ivy.belly.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overbelly = true; } if (canchat == false) { ranspeech = 8000; } if (speechTimer <= 0) { countdown('forceDelay', 0); if (forceDelay == 1) { ranspeech = 7850; } if (forceDelay <= 0) { countdown('ranspeech', 0); if (Math.random() * 8000 > ranspeech) { rannum = Math.floor(Math.random() * ranlines.length); charSpeak(curspeech + ranlines[rannum], true); ranlines.splice(rannum, 1); if (ranlines.length <= 0) { resetLines(); } forceDelay = 40; } } } else { ranspeech = 8004; } curspeech = Math.floor(Tbellysize / 50) * 50; if (birthtimer > 0) { curspeech = 0; } switch (curspeech) { case 0: backupState = 'idle0'; break; case 50: backupState = 'idle1'; break; case 100: backupState = 'idle2'; break; case 150: backupState = 'idle3'; break; case 200: backupState = 'idle4'; break; case 250: backupState = 'idle5'; break; case 300: backupState = 'idle6'; break; case 350: backupState = 'idle7'; break; case 400: backupState = 'idle8'; break; case 450: backupState = 'idle9'; break; case 500: backupState = 'idle10'; break; case 550: backupState = 'idle11'; } if (curspeech >= nextspeech) { nextspeech += 50; charSpeak(curspeech, true); } if (blushing > 0) { blushing -= 1; } if (ivy.head.blush._alpha != blushing) { ivy.head.blush._alpha += (blushing - ivy.head.blush._alpha) * 0.3; } if (change_size != 0 && Math.abs(Tbellysize - bellysize) > 0) { ivy.fake_belly.filters = [purpleglow]; } else { ivy.fake_belly.filters = []; } smoothAdjust('bellysize', 'Tbellysize', 0.1); smoothAdjust('bustsize', 'Tbustsize', 0.1); smoothAdjust('hipsize', 'Thipsize', 0.1); if (kickplus > 0) { kickplus -= kickplus * 0.1; } Tbustsize = Tbellysize; Thipsize = Tbellysize; Kbellysize = Math.round(bellysize - kickplus); ivy.belly.gotoAndStop(Kbellysize); ivy.fake_belly.gotoAndStop(Kbellysize); ivy.L_breast.gotoAndStop(bustsize); ivy.R_breast.gotoAndStop(bustsize); ivy.bra.gotoAndStop(bustsize); ivy.chest_spike.gotoAndStop(bustsize); ivy.L_leg.gotoAndStop(hipsize); ivy.R_leg.gotoAndStop(hipsize); ivy.skirt.gotoAndStop(hipsize); ivy.L_arm._rotation = bustsize / 36; ivy.mic_arm._x = ILFASX - bustsize / 24; ivy.mic_arm._y = ILFASY - bustsize / 22; circular(0.4, 'testrot', 0.6); if (speech_b._alpha < speechTimer * 10) { speech_b._alpha += 10; } else { speech_b._alpha = speechTimer * 10; } if (speech_b._alpha > 100) { speech_b._alpha = 100; } if (speech_b._alpha < 1) { speech_b._visible = false; } else { speech_b._visible = true; } if (Tbellysize >= 250 && finished != 1) { if (firstkick == false) { kickran = 5000; firstkick = true; } kickran += 1; if (Math.random() * 5000 < Tbellysize + kickran && kickran > 0) { kickran = -25; kickplus = 7 + Math.floor(Tbellysize / 60); makeKick(25 - Math.random() * 50, 25 - Math.random() * 50); } } else { kickran = 0; } newspaper._xscale = Nspin / 10; newspaper._yscale = newspaper._xscale; newspaper._rotation = Nspin * 5; if (finalpush > 0) { if (finalpush == 2) { charSpeak('finalbirth'); } finalpush += 1; finalpush = Math.min(100, finalpush); BBB._alpha = finalpush; pokeball_red._alpha = finalpush * 3; if (finalpush >= 50) { if (Nspin == 0) { Nspin = 1; } } } if (Nspin > 0 && Nspin < 1000) { Nspin += 24; } if (Nspin >= 1000) { if (ivy._visible == true) { ivy._visible = false; _panel._visible = false; var v3 = BBB.attachMovie('panel_button1', 'PB1', 1); v3._x = 60; v3._y = 60; var v2 = BBB.attachMovie('vanish', 'PB2', 2); v2._x = 60; v2._y = 60; } } if (pregpoints > pregpointmax) { pregpoints -= 1; } big_pokeball._alpha = Math.min(Math.max(0, birthpoints * 100), 100); circular(0, 'Pballrot', 0.076); big_pokeball.red_inner._alpha = birthpoints / 10 - Math.abs(Math.sin(Pballrot) * 50); big_pokeball.white_inner._alpha = birthpoints / 10 - Math.abs(Math.cos(Pballrot) * 50); if (birthpoints > 1000) { big_pokeball.white_inner._alpha = 100; big_pokeball.red_inner._alpha = 100; if (finalpush == 0) { finalpush = 1; BBB._visible = true; } } Tbox.powerbar._visible = false; if (birthtimer > 0) { backupState = 'idlebirth'; _panel.expand_b._visible = false; Tbox._visible = true; if (birthtimer > 1) { birthtimer -= 1; TBT = birthtimer; BTseconds = 0; while (TBT > 24) { BTseconds += 1; TBT -= 24; } BTminutes = 0; BTtens = 0; while (BTseconds > 9) { BTtens += 1; BTseconds -= 10; } while (BTtens > 5) { BTtens -= 6; BTminutes += 1; } } Tbox.powerbar.powermask._xscale = pregpoints / 14.5; if (birthtimer == 1 && pregpoints > 0) { Tbox.powerbar._visible = true; pregpoints -= 1; TBT = pregpoints; BTseconds = 0; while (TBT > 24) { BTseconds += 1; TBT -= 24; } BTminutes = 0; BTtens = 0; while (BTseconds > 9) { BTtens += 1; BTseconds -= 10; } BTtensT = BTtens; while (BTtens > 5) { BTtens -= 6; BTminutes += 1; } } else { if (birthtimer == 1) { birthtimer = 0; birthpoints = 0; Tbox._visible = false; charSpeak('unbirth'); _panel.expand_b._visible = true; } } Tbox._txt.text = BTminutes + ':' + BTtens + BTseconds; if (birthpoints >= 1000) { Tbox._visible = false; } } AYSB = 635; if (achievespeed > 0) { achievespeed -= 1; AYSB = 450; } smoothAdjust('AYIS', 'AYSB', 0.2); achievement_txt._y = AYIS; if (debugging == true) { eyeshifter.debug_01.text = pregpoints; eyeshifter.debug_02.text = speech_b._alpha; eyeshifter.debug_03.text = Tbellysize; eyeshifter.debug_04.text = curspeech; eyeshifter.debug_05.text = secondline; eyeshifter.debug_06.text = birthpoints; } else { debug_01.text = ''; debug_02.text = ''; debug_03.text = ''; } }; var purpleglow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(15597806, 12, 12, 12, 1, 5, false, false); var purpleglow2 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(15597806, 25, 18, 18, 1, 5, false, false); Tbox._visible = false; } movieClip 135 { frame 1 { spawnreflect = 0; var WRID = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { spawnreflect += 1; if (spawnreflect > 3) { var v2 = this.attachMovie('water_reflect', 'WR' + WRID, WRID); WRID += 1; if (WRID > 50) { WRID = 0; } v2._x = 200 + Math.random() * 600; v2._y = Math.random() * 250; for (;;) { if (!(v2._x < 250 && v2._y < 100)) break; v2._x = Math.random() * 800; v2._y = Math.random() * 250; } v2.maxsize = v2._y * 0.3; v2._alpha = v2.maxsize; spawnreflect = 0; } }; } } movieClip 178 { } movieClip 182 { } movieClip 188 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'splash'; } frame 1 { this._alpha = 60; } frame 21 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } // unknown tag 88 length 119 movieClip 193 { } movieClip 195 { } movieClip 198 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 201 { } movieClip 209 { } movieClip 212 { } movieClip 219 { } movieClip 223 { } movieClip 227 { } movieClip 228 { } movieClip 230 { } movieClip 246 { } movieClip 252 { } movieClip 265 { } movieClip 269 { } movieClip 284 { } movieClip 293 { } movieClip 295 { } movieClip 301 { } movieClip 304 { } movieClip 305 { } movieClip 308 { } movieClip 310 { } movieClip 314 { } movieClip 379 { frame 1 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 3 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 5 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 7 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 9 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 11 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 13 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 15 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 17 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 19 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 21 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 23 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 25 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 27 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 29 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 31 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 33 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 34 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 35 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 37 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 39 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 41 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 42 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 43 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 44 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 45 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 46 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 47 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 49 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 51 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 52 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 53 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 54 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 55 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 56 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 57 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 58 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 59 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 60 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 61 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 62 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 63 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 64 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 65 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 66 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 67 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 68 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 69 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 70 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 71 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 72 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 73 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 74 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 75 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 76 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 77 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 78 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 79 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 105 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } } movieClip 382 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 386 { } movieClip 460 { frame 1 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 3 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 5 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 7 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 9 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 11 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 13 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 15 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 17 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 19 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 21 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 23 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 25 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 27 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 29 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 31 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 33 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 34 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 35 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 37 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 39 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 41 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 42 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 43 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 44 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 45 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 46 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 47 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 49 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 51 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 52 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 53 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 54 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 55 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 56 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 57 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 58 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 59 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 60 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 61 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 62 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 63 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 64 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 65 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 66 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 67 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 68 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 69 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 70 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 71 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 72 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 73 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 74 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 75 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 76 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 77 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 78 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 79 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 80 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 81 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 82 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 83 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 84 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 85 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 86 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 87 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 88 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 89 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 90 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 91 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 92 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 93 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 94 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 95 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 96 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 97 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 98 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 99 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 100 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 101 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 102 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 103 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 104 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 105 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 106 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 107 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 108 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 109 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 110 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 111 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 112 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 113 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 114 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 115 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 116 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 117 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 118 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 119 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 120 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 121 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 122 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 123 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 124 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 125 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 126 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 127 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 128 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 129 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 130 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 131 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 132 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 133 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 134 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 135 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 136 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 137 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 138 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 139 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 140 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 141 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 142 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 143 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 144 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 145 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 146 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 147 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 148 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 149 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 150 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 151 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 152 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 153 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 154 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 155 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 156 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 157 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 158 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 159 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 160 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 161 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 162 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 163 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 164 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 165 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 166 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 167 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 168 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 169 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 170 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 171 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 172 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 173 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 174 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 175 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 176 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 177 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 178 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 179 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 180 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 181 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 182 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 183 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 184 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 185 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 186 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 187 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 188 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 189 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 190 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 191 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 192 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 193 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 194 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 195 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 196 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 197 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 198 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 199 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 200 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 201 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 202 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 203 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 204 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 205 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 206 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 207 { _CL = this._currentframe; } frame 208 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } } movieClip 465 { } movieClip 467 { } movieClip 470 { } movieClip 471 { } movieClip 476 { frame 1 { flashflash = 0; flashflashmax = 3; onEnterFrame = function () { flashflash += 0.1; if (flashflash > flashflashmax) { flashflash -= flashflashmax; } if (flashflash > flashflashmax / 2) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } }; } } movieClip 479 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 482 { } movieClip 486 { frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 488 { } movieClip 491 { } movieClip 497 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 499 { } movieClip 500 { } movieClip 503 { } movieClip 513 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = _root.catch_baby._x; this._y = _root.catch_baby._y; _alpha = _root.catch_baby.rotplus; }; } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } // unknown tag 88 length 69 movieClip 517 { } // unknown tag 88 length 282 movieClip 528 { } movieClip 532 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 537 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 50; } } movieClip 541 { } movieClip 543 { } movieClip 546 { } movieClip 551 { frame 1 { stop(); } }
Created: 9/5 -2024 03:21:58 Last modified: 9/5 -2024 03:21:58 Server time: 27/07 -2024 04:29:42