| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229820 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2597 · P5194 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #28612 |
Get the dozer to the enemy servicedepot to the north. dozer must not be detected. Construct a few mines near the servicedepot and wait for the convoy to arrive. |
Objective 1: Objective 2 : |
Protect the allied troops in green and our command centre. Escort APCs to the pier for evacuation of allied troops. |
Lure the enemy laser tanks to our base. EMP them and destroy the enemy strike team. Our emp artillery brigade must survive. |
Objective 1: Objective 2 : |
Get the humvees to the enemy tech centre to extract information regarding the protoype. Wait until the humvees complete extraction before evacuation. |
Get to the base and avoid being detected. Destroy all troops attempting to flee. Wait for Traitos' APC to arrive. Kill him by destroying his APC. |
Objective 1: Objective2 : |
Destroy the four control centres that power up the shield. Destroy Traitos' fortress. |
FInd the APC containing commander Martin and evacuate him to the drop off point at the eastern end of the road.(hint:To get into the base to the west, try destroying the enemy refinery to the east. Then , plant a mine on the road and wait for an oil truck to step on it.) |
Objective 1: |
Destroy the enemy prototype factilty. |
Earn $50000 and produce enough troops to raid the enemy tech centres.Rendezvous with the Ukraine Rebels. Follow the guide and protect him as he enters in the codes in the control centres .Guide must not die. |
Objective 1: Objective 2: |
Destroy all enemy forces in the area to win. The enemy's war factory complex must survive. |
Build a base and secure the region around the road. Destroy the enemy convoy. Do not let too many of their tanks escape. |
Well Done! Looks like you have gotten rid of the enemy forces in the base.But there's more where that came from.I'm detecting massive enemy forces around our base...Standby. |
Base Commander : |
Assume command of the base and defend it from further enemy attacks. A construction dozer has been provided for base repair and reconstruction. |
Objective 1: |
The next wave of enemy forces wil be arriving in: seconds. Waves left: |
<p align="left"></p> |
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Find a way out of the base and escort the APC to one of the four corners of the map. APC must not be destroyed! |
Assemble your strike team on the northwest corner of the map and Destroy all enemies. Do not let the base be destroyed. |
Building: % |
<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="16" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">100</font></p> |
Building: % |
<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="16" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0</font></p> |
<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="16" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0</font></p> |
Quit |
Quit |
Options |
Options |
Skirmish |
Skirmish |
Campaign |
Campaign |
Tutorial |
Tutorial |
v 2.0 |
Back |
Back |
Choose a Difficulty Level: |
Easy |
Easy |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Hard |
Hard |
Hard |
Load Saved Campaign |
Load Saved Campaign |
Campaign |
Sounds : |
Music : |
Video Quality : |
Smart AI : |
FullScreen : |
<p align="left"><font face="MS Reference Sans Serif" size="40" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Off</b></font></p> |
Display the game in full screen on your computer. (Note: this is not recommended if your resolution is less than 1024 x768) |
<p align="left"><font face="MS Reference Sans Serif" size="40" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Off</b></font></p> |
Makes the skirmish ingame AI able to plan strategies. If enabled, this might make the game more laggy. |
<p align="left"><font face="MS Reference Sans Serif" size="40" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>medium</b></font></p> |
Toggles the quality level of the game. The default reccomended is "medium".Note: this is a really laggy game so do not set the quality to High or Best unless your computer is extremely powerful. |
<p align="left"><font face="MS Reference Sans Serif" size="40" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>medium</b></font></p> |
<p align="left"><font face="MS Reference Sans Serif" size="40" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>On</b></font></p> |
Click to turn music on or off |
<p align="left"><font face="MS Reference Sans Serif" size="40" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>On</b></font></p> |
Click to turn in-game sound effects on or off |
Fog Of War : |
<p align="left"><font face="MS Reference Sans Serif" size="40" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Off</b></font></p> |
When on, the shroud regrows after all friendly units leave a shrouded area. |
Options |
Skirmish |
Start Battle |
Start Battle |
<p align="left"><font face="MS Reference Sans Serif" size="40" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Off</b></font></p> |
Turns on or off the shroud which obscures the enemy base from view. |
Shroud: |
Your starting position. Oilfield. Enemy's starting position. |
Starting Credits: (The amount of money you and the enemy begins with) |
<p align="left"></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="MS Reference Sans Serif" size="25" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Arena</font></p> |
AI : |
Map: |
Difficulty : |
<p align="left"><font face="MS Reference Sans Serif" size="15" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Technology Commander</font></p> |
<p align="left"><font face="MS Reference Sans Serif" size="15" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Novice Enemy</font></p> |
(The more difficult the AI, the faster it responds to events and builds troops). |
Easy Enemy |
Easy Enemy |
Medium Enemy |
Medium Enemy |
Hard Enemy |
Hard Enemy |
Brutal Enemy |
Brutal Enemy |
Superweapon Commander |
Novice Enemy |
Novice Enemy |
Technology Commander |
The technology commander makes careful use of few but heavily upgraded units to engage in battle. |
Technology Commander |
Offensive Commander |
The offense commander's strength lies in attack. Using the various hit and run tactics of this strategy, this commander can quickly confuse an enemy into submission (smart AI only) |
Offensive Commander |
The offense commander's strength lies in attack. Using the various hit and run tactics of this strategy, this commander can quickly confuse an enemy into submission (smart AI only) |
Defensive Commander |
Overly concerned about the base's safety, the Defense Commander will amass all available troops at its base before it strikes in overwhelming numbers. |
Defensive Commander |
Superweapon Commander |
This commander prefers to attack using long- ranged artillery to devastate an enemy base before using tactical nukes to finish it off ! |
Economic Commander |
The Ecomonic Commander will focus mainly on earning money and gaining control of all the oilfields on the map and then try to starve the enemy base out of valuable funds and into surrender (Smart AI only) |
Economic Commander |
The Ecomonic Commander will focus mainly on earning money and gaining control of all the oilfields on the map and then try to starve the enemy base out of valuable funds and surrender. |
<p align="justify"><font face="Arial" size="16" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1"><b>Copyright(c)</b></font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Arial" size="16" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1"><b>Tank Wars</b></font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Arial" size="16" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1"><b>2007</b></font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Arial" size="16" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1"><b>best quality: medium</b></font></p><p align="justify"></p><p align="justify"><font face="Arial" size="16" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1"><b>Dont build more than 50 units or lag.</b></font></p> |
What do you want to do? |
Abort Game |
Abort Game |
Save Game |
Save game |
<p align="justify"></p> |
1 |
<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="14" color="#0000ff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>100</b></font></p> |
Nuclear Missile : % |
Ready |
<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="14" color="#990000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>100</b></font></p> |
Nuclear Missile : % |
100 |
100 |
Nuclear Missile : % |
Rocket Launcher firepower: HP: speed: shellspeed: range: fire period: |
<p align="center"></p> |
+ |
+ |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="21" color="#0000ff" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1"><b>+</b></font></p> |
+ |
+1 |
<p align="left"></p> |
$ |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="14" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1"><b>Build Menu</b></font></p> |
<p align="center"></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="14" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1"><b>Unit Upgrades</b></font></p> |
Already built |
$ |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="23" color="#0000ff" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1"><b>Radar Unavailable</b></font></p> |
Surrender |
Surrender |
ASSHOLE L.A productions presents.... |
Based on the gameplay of.... |
The |
Series |
<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="16" color="#0066ff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Several Tanks of fueled dest....</font></p> |
Now Playing... |
Loading... |
Useful Strategies: |
Dozers are heavilly armoured. Get them into the heat of battle to build turrets which are less costly than tanks near the enemy base. |
The EMP upgrade on artillery and mines disables the engines on most units. But that doesn't keep some from firing at you provided your units are close enough. Attack EMPulsed units from a distance, preferredly with Rocket Launchers. |
Upgrade Units with high rate of fire with more damaging weapons and vice versa . Its cheaper this way. |
Humvees equipted with a laser are better left as support units to prevent enemy shells from reaching your troops while the heavier vehicles pummel your enemy's defenses down.Set them to non-guard mode. |
The best units to use en masse are light tanks. With their speed, medium armour and small cost, they are a threat to the enemy while in groups. |
Upgrade your Artillery with Rad cannons and they can destroy massive numbers of troops with just a few shots. |
Gatling Cannons have Highier HP but lower firepower than most other turrets. They are useful for wearing down armour slowly but surely and excellent against humvees. |
Laser Tanks' slow rate of fire makes it vunerable to attacks by large numbers of troops. Keep your laser tanks away from large goups of light vehicles. |
Heavy Tanks can crush turrets if you upgrade them with the Crush Vehicle upgrade in the tech centre. Use this combined with speed upgrades to make your heavy tanks crush enemy defenses. |
Nuclear Missiles are unlike most other weapons. No matter how much HP the target has, it can be destroyed with a direct hit. Blast effects damage surrounding units by 2/3, then 1/2 and 1/4 of their HP depending on their distance. |
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Press any key to continue... |
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Letter of Enlistment |
Date: 12 November 2033 |
Thomas E. Duncan President of the United States of America |
Mission 1 |
Lieutennant Wolffe |
We need to get out of here as soon as possible! Look at all those tanks! |
Enemy Soldier |
Sir, we detected those infidels! They're escaping through sector 11108! |
General |
Then what are you waiting for? After them! |
Base Commander |
Help, our base is being destroyed! |
Elite Tank Commander |
We are coming to assist. Standby.. |
Well Done Commander, But that ain't the last of them. I'm detecting tons of enemy forces thrusting over the border.Prepare to defend the base! |
Sir, the enemy convoy will be arriving in seconds. |
<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="15" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>60</b></font></p> |
The convoy is incoming. Prepare to engage those forces ! |
Sir, a significant proportion of the convoy has escaped. If we let this continue, the enemy will have enough supplies to invade Britain. |
Hurry.The enemy convoy will be arriving anytime soon! We have gotta get to the enemy servicedepot and rigg it with explosives, and quietly, we don't want to get detected. |
Hey! you ain't part of the convoy! What the hell are you doing here? |
The enemies' convoy is coming. Quick, set up those mines! |
Mine's up, let's go before the enemy arrive! |
Commander Rick |
Commander, its good to see you. I'm the head of the British Forces here and we need you to help defend us from the pursuing Germans till we all can get a transport and evacuate. |
The enemy is attacking our transports! We must defend them. |
Sir, a transport is inbound. Guide it to the pier so that Commander Rick's troops can board it. |
Humvee Commander |
The enemy's tech centre is to the south. But it is heavily guarded by enemy troops. We can't outbattle those. |
Perhalps if we attack the oil trucks or their refinery the guards will come to the rescue. |
Enemy Oil Truck Driver |
Help! We're being attacked by the US! |
Guards |
We're on our way . |
There's no US presence here, you must have been mistaken. Troops, move out. |
Extracting information. This could take some time. |
Russian Scientists |
To the east you can see our prototype laser tank in action. As you can see the new prototype laser tank is well equipted for massive destruction. |
It can destroy structures with just a few shots, and units, one or two. |
It also has more than enough armour to withstand relentless attacks from the US troops harmless firepower. |
However its main weakness is EMP cannons. If it is immobilized by such blasts from mines or artillery, it's firepower would be useless. The laser tank , of course, also can't stand a direct hit from a nuclear missile. |
Gosh, such power. We've gotta warn the base about this monstronsity. |
Artillery Commander |
Artillery brigade standing by. We carry the EM pulse cannon needed to disable the enemy laser tanks. |
Lieutenant Wolffe |
Over there, in the south, lies the rebels' base. The enemy is on its way to destroy it. We must act fast. |
Our presence has been detected. The laser tanks are coming to attack our base. Prepare ourselves! |
Base Commander |
To the south across the river is the Ukraine Rebels base. They expect us to pay them $50000 in exchange for the codes. Gather the money and send your apc to rendezvous with them when you're ready. |
Ukraine Rebel |
Greetings,US Commander! I've heard you've come to get the codes ya? Come, follow me, I show ya where their control stations are. |
Zhats one here. Come follow I show you some more. 3 in total. |
Zhats another one... |
Ok last one. Bye bye I go back to my base now ya? |
We have the enemy in our hands now. Destroy the enemy base with our new laser tanks. |
A convoy of APCs with enriched uranium is here. Protect it at all cost. |
Lieutennant Wolffe |
The enemy is helpless without their new prototypes . Lets wreck havoc. Oh,and watch out for the mines and artillery, they have EMP. |
The weapon silo is up and running. I'm calling in the Transports to send in the convoys. They will arrive every minute or so. |
The Commander is imprisoned to the west. We've gotta find a way to get past the guard and into the facility. |
Turkish Soldier |
Halt! And prepare for vehicle inspection. |
Ok. looks good, head on in! |
Its bugged! Shoot it right now! |
A bomb attack? Lets check that out. Follow me. |
By Allah! The oil plant has been destroyed! Now we've got to call for oil trucks to bring the oil to us. |
Across the river is Norwegian territory. We are only 150 kilometers from our port. Come on, lets move out! |
The Bridge is destroyed! Quick, Commander!Stop the convoy! |
An enemy ambush! We're surrounded! Defend the dozers! We've gotta get the bridge repaired! |
We're a quarter done, just give us more time! |
Halfway done. The bridge will be up soon. |
Three Quarters finished. We're almost done. |
There, finished. Quick everyone, across the bridge before more enmy troops arrive. |
This is it Commander. Traitos fortress is to the north. Its protected by a shield generator. Destroying the four control stations will permantly disable the shield and enable us entry. Be careful, I'm detecting extremely powerful turrets defending them. |
Oh my #%@^%^@! Traitos' fortress is a giant walking tank! How are we going to destroy it? |
The shield is down! Commence attack on that 'fortress' . Wait, its activated, and its shooting at us. Destroy it immediately! |
You did it commander! Now lets see who's inside. .. Wait! That isn't Traitos, its a decoy! We've been fooled. Troops, move out. |
Traitos! There you are! Come with us, you're wanted for investigation in the FBI! |
The base is to the east. We must get to it without getting seen. Our stealthly abilities give us the advantage of not getting spotted from afar, but we'd better move quickly to escape detection. |
Traitos has arrived. We'd better finish what we are doing quickly before he gets to the base. |
Enemy presence detected. I have to warn Traitos! |
Traitos detects the trap.. He is escaping to the North East. Capture him before he tries to escape! |
Traitos has fled. We'll never catch him now! Abandon the mission! |
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Click to continue... |
Mission 2 |
Click to restart... |
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Mission 3 |
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Mission 4 |
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Mission 5 |
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Mission 6 |
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Mission 7 |
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Mission 8 |
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Mission 9 |
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Mission 10 |
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Yes. That's you, Commander. |
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Welcome Commander ! |
Welcome to your basic military training. (To skip a section, press SHIFT). |
Tank Wars |
Tank Wars is a fully-fledged real-time strategy game built in flash, where you construct bases, build and upgrade your units and command them to destroy the enemy! |
Interface |
On the screen you see the battlefield interface. It shows you the positions of your units and structures. Right now, you see an army tank right in the middle of the screen. Click on it to select it. |
Moving |
Once you have selected a unit, you are in control of it. See that flag at the right of the screen? Click on it to command your tank to move to the flag. Once you're done, we'll proceed. |
Scrolling |
Of course, the whole map is too big for the interface to show alone. You can scroll the map to the left ,right, top and bottom by moving the mouse to the edges of the screen.Scroll to the right until you see another flag. |
Now, command your tank to move to the next flag. |
Attacking |
Scroll Downwards until you see a building. The building is marked in red to show that it belongs to the enemy. Your units are colored in blue in contrast. Command your tank to attack the building by selecting it and clicking on the building. Once the building is destroyed, we shall continue. |
Selecting Multiple Units |
Scroll to the bottom where you will find a group of tanks and a humvee. Select them by holding down your mouse button and dragging a box over them. release your mouse button and you're done! |
Deselecting Units |
Press SPACE to deselect all your units. Do it now. |
Identifying Units |
To the left of the map, there is an enemy tank and it looks different from the ones in your command. To know what it is, select it by clicking on it . |
Look at the panel screen at the bottom left the screen. It tells you that the enemy tank is a "heavy tank" and all the info on the tank such as firepower, speed and HP. Once you are done, select your units again. |
Here is an overview of what you saw on the panel: firepower: how much damage a shot does HP: how much damage a unit can take before its destroyed weapon speed: the speed of the shots fired by the unit. reload time: the time taken for the unit to reload its weapons. |
range: how far this unit can shoot. speed: how fast the unit moves avoid fire and guardmode are tactical controls which determine how the unit engages the enemy (but we will cover that later). All the stats can be upgraded (but we will also cover how to later). |
The heavy tank is more powerful than all of your units alone, but if they attack it together, the heavy tank doesn't stand a chance.Command your units to destroy the heavy tank (be careful, it retaliates) (don't worry if all your units are destroyed. They will respawn where you found them earlier until the tank is destroyed) |
When attacking, you will find that the heavy tank hardly gets to hit your humvee as it zips around. Certain units are strong against others, like humvee vs heavy tank. As you play, you will find out more about the best units to use while dealing with others. Now, scroll to the Right until you find another group of units. Select them. |
Unit Strengths |
Once your group of tanks gets large, you will find that as they move, they tend to clump together closely, making them easy targets for enemy artillery. There is a formations that allows you to avoid such happening. Click on the button at the bottom of the screen and click on the interface for your units to gather in a sparse formation at the loaction specified. Do it now. |
Unit Formations |
As you hover your mouse over the rows of buttons you find at the bottom left corner of the screen, the centre panel shows a description about what each button does. The button for example lets your units move around to avoid return fire when attacking and the buttons enable and disable guard mode. There's an unguarded enemy base on the bottom left corner of the map. Destroy it to complete the first part of this tutorial. |
Task Buttons |
Welcome to part 2 of your basic military training, where you will learn to build a base and destroy the enemy. |
Shrouds |
Notice that the area around the screen is all black. The terrain is shrouded. Only certain maps have shrouds.Have your dozer(the unit in the centre of your screen), to drive into the shroud to the right and reveal a flag. Command your dozer to move to the flag. |
Buidling a Base |
Have your dozer build a command centre by selecting it and clicking on the icon of it on the centre panel of the build menu.Drag the construction icon to where you want to build it and click.The building will begin building. |
Radar |
Now, once you have a command centre, you will see that the panel in the bottom right side of the screen change from "Radar Unavailable" to a picture of the map. This is your radar. It shows you the position of all the units on the map.Radar has the ability to see through the shroud and show you where the enemy is without revealing the shroud.You may also click on the radar screen to zoom your interface on a specific point of the minimap. |
Building a Base |
Now, build an oil refinery. Its the icon next to that of your command centre |
Oil |
You will see an oil truck spawn next to the refinery and go to the nearest oil field to collect oil. The oil truck then goes back to the refinery and converts the oil into cash. Oil is important because it provides you with money to build or upgrade. Be sure to guard your refinery, oil trucks and oil field well. |
Now, build a war factory. That is the third icon on your buildlist. A war factory enables you to build units to guard your base or attack the enemy base. |
In this tutorial, all you can build are humvees. Build five of them and have the scout out the enemy base.(note: you can queue an unlimited number of units by clicking on their icons while one is building). Set a rally point by Shift clicking anywhere . Units newly created will gather there. |
Turrets |
You can defend your base by building turrets. These structures are far cheaper than equally powerful units but can't move around.Build three gattling turrets (the first icon on the last row of the buildlist), and we shall proceed. |
Defending your base. |
A strike team of enemy humvees is on its way to attack your base. Be prepared! If your buildings get damaged the dozers will repair them by getting close to them. |
Unit Upgrades |
By building a tech centre upgrades for your units can be unlocked. Upgrades make your units have certain abilities they won't otherwise have, and they're instantaneous.Go on, build a tech centre, and then we'll proceed. |
Once you have your tech centre, click on the "unt upgrades" button on your build menu.The menu now displays all the possible upgrades for your humvee. Lets try adding a laser to a humvee. Click on the button after selecting a humvee. Do it now! |
By box selecting multiple units, you can upgrade all of them at once. The total cost is calculated and subtracted from your funds. Let's try upgrading the speed of three of your humvees. Select your humvees again and click on the icon on the bottom-left of the menu.(the one that looks like a wheel). |
Notice that the cost for the speed upgrade is now more costly.Each unit also has a stats upgrade limit of 5. This means that you can only upgrade a unit's firepower, weapon speed, reload time, range and HP only five times. This is to prevent certain units from being "overly powerful". |
Theres a patriot missile turret to the right of the map. Have your humvees with lasers attack it and you'll see what the laser upgrade does. |
Tutorial |
That quite about covers it. Destroy the enemy commander's base to the right to complete this tutorial. |
You have been defeated! |
Click to restart |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1function emailHandler3() { _root.gotoAndStop("victree"); } _global.teamtype = function (named, people, maxlength) { _root[named] = new Object(); _root[named].namet = named; _root[named].timer = 0; _root.ai.teamslist.push(named); _root[named].maxlength = maxlength; _root[named].members = people.concat(); if (people == undefined) { _root[named].members = []; } _root[named].targets = undefined; _root[named].attack = function (what, occupied) { this.targets = what; var _local4 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local4 > -1) { var _local3 = this.members[_local4]; if (_root[_local3].damage != undefined) { if ((occupied === true) && (_root[_local3].fireing || (_root[_local3].walking))) { } else { _root[_local3].aiattack(what); } } _local4--; } }; _root[named].goto = function (wherex, wherey, waypoint, occupied) { this.targets = undefined; var _local6 = wherex; var _local5 = wherey; if (_root[waypoint]._x != undefined) { _local6 = _root[waypoint]._x; _local5 = _root[waypoint]._y; } var _local4 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local4 > -1) { var _local3 = this.members[_local4]; if ((occupied === true) && (_root[_local3].fireing || (_root[_local3].walking))) { } else { _root[_local3].aigoto(_local6, _local5, false); } _local4--; } }; _root[named].checks = function () { var _local3 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { var _local4 = this.members[_local3]; if ((_root[_local4].life <= 0) || (_root[_local4].life == undefined)) { this.members.splice(_local3, 1); } _local3--; } }; _root[named].command = function (whats, values) { if ((whats != undefined) && (values != undefined)) { var _local3 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { var _local4 = this.members[_local3]; if (_root[_local4][whats] != undefined) { _root[_local4][whats] = values; } _local3--; } } }; _root[named].upgrade = function (attribute, magnitude) { var _local3 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { var _local4 = this.members[_local3]; _root[_local4][attribute] = _root[_local4][attribute] * magnitude; _local3--; } }; _root[named].istargetdestroyed = function () { if ((_root[this.targets].life <= 0) || (_root[this.targets].life == undefined)) { return(true); } return(false); }; _root[named].isfree = function () { var _local5 = true; var _local3 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { var _local4 = this.members[_local3]; if (_root[_local4].walking || (_root[_local4].fireing)) { _local5 = false; break; } _local3--; } return(_local5); }; _root[named].iswithindistance = function (targeted, ranger) { var _local7 = true; var _local3 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { var _local4 = this.members[_local3]; var _local5 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root[_local4]._x - _root[targeted]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root[_local4]._y - _root[targeted]._y, 2)); if ((_local5 > ranger) && (_local5 != undefined)) { _local7 = false; break; } _local3--; } return(_local7); }; _root[named].iswithindistance2 = function (targeted, ranger) { var _local7 = false; var _local3 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { var _local4 = this.members[_local3]; var _local5 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root[_local4]._x - _root[targeted]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root[_local4]._y - _root[targeted]._y, 2)); if (_local5 < ranger) { _local7 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local7); }; return(_root[named]); }; py = teamtype("3a", [], 4); var my_cm = new ContextMenu(); var menuItem_cmi3 = new ContextMenuItem("Win", emailHandler3); my_cm.customItems.push(menuItem_cmi3); _root.menu = my_cm; _root.fog = false; stop(); for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); };Frame 2function emailHandler() { _root.attachMovie("lasertank", "elite1", 1); _root.elite1._x = _root.lock1._x; _root.elite1._y = _root.lock1._y; } function emailHandler2() { _root.elite1.life = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */; _root.elite1.fulllife = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */; _root.elite1.damage = 1000; _root.elite1.speed = 10; _root.elite1.firerate = 1; } _root.soundon = false; _root.smartai = true; _root.screen = false; _root.owmmap5 = false; _root.setsoundon = true; _root.musicn = 1; _root._quality = "MEDIUM"; _root.attachMovie("bar", "bar", 11000); _root.bar._x = _root.flagn._x; _root.bar._y = _root.flagn._y; fscommand ("showmenu", false); _global.x1 = 624; _global.y1 = 420; _global.x2 = 772.2; _global.y2 = 420; _global.x3 = 616.2; _global.y3 = 576; _global.x4 = 772.2; _global.y4 = 537; _root.loadings = undefined; _root.n = 0; var my_cm = new ContextMenu(); var menuItem_cmi = new ContextMenuItem("cheat", emailHandler); my_cm.customItems.push(menuItem_cmi); _root.menu = my_cm; var menuItem_cmi2 = new ContextMenuItem("cheat2", emailHandler2); my_cm.customItems.push(menuItem_cmi2); _root.menu = my_cm; _root.n = 0; _root.guyzarray = []; _root.setsoundon = true; _root.musicon = true; stop(); _root.friendlylist = []; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.objarray = []; _root.shellarray = []; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; _root.monet = 30000; Mouse.show(); MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; _global.createobj = function () { a = Math.random(); if ((a > 0) && (a < 0.3)) { unittype = "light"; } if ((a > 0.3) && (a < 0.5)) { unittype = "rocket"; } if ((a > 0.5) && (a < 0.6)) { unittype = "heavy"; } if ((a > 0.6) && (a < 0.8)) { unittype = "humvee"; } if ((a > 0.9) && (a < 1)) { unittype = "artillery"; } _root.attachMovie(unittype, unittype + _root.n, _root.n); var _local2 = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 5); _root[unittype + _root.n]._x = _root["reinforcement" + _local2]._x + (a * 100); _root[unittype + _root.n]._y = _root["reinforcement" + _local2]._y; _root[unittype + _root.n].ally = true; _root.guyzarray.push(unittype + _root.n); unittype = undefined; _root.n++; if (_root.n > 10000) { _root.n = 1; } }; _global.createobj2 = function () { a = Math.random(); if ((a > 0) && (a < 0.3)) { unittype = "enemylight"; } if ((a > 0.3) && (a < 0.5)) { unittype = "enemyrocket"; } if ((a > 0.5) && (a < 0.6)) { unittype = "enemyheavy"; } if ((a > 0.6) && (a < 0.9)) { unittype = "enemyhumvee"; } if ((a > 0.9) && (a < 1)) { unittype = "enemyartillery"; } _root.attachMovie(unittype, unittype + _root.n, _root.n); var _local2 = 5 + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 5); _root[unittype + _root.n]._x = _root["reinforcement" + _local2]._x + (a * 100); _root[unittype + _root.n]._y = _root["reinforcement" + _local2]._y; _root[unittype + _root.n]._rotation = 0; _root.guyzarray.push(unittype + _root.n); unittype = undefined; _root.n++; }; _global.applyobj = function () { var _local4 = _root.guyzarray.length - 1; while (_local4 > -1) { current = _root.guyzarray[_local4]; _root.guyzarray.splice(_local4, 1); var _local3 = ["auto", "avoid", "laser", "seeker", "accurate", "gatling", "crush", "missile", "emp", "nuke", "blast", "shell2", "hitonly"]; var _local2 = _local3.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { currents = _local3[_local2]; if (Math.random() > 0.5) { _root[current][currents] = !_root[current][currents]; } _local2--; } _root[current].miss = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 3); if (_root[current]._y < _root.centre._y) { _root[current].aigoto(_root[current]._x, _root.centre1._y); } if (_root[current]._y > _root.centre._y) { _root[current].aigoto(_root[current]._x, _root.centre2._y); } _local4--; } };Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip "comcentre1" in Frame 2onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 1; life = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1054 MovieClip in Frame 2onClipEvent (load) { _root.musicn = 1; _root.music = new Sound(); _root.music.attachSound("music1"); _root.music.stop(); _root.music.start(0, 1000); }Frame 3for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; gotoAndPlay (99);Frame 4_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; gotoAndPlay (6); _root.bar.removeMovieClip();Frame 5_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; gotoAndPlay (25); _root.bar.removeMovieClip();Frame 6array1 = []; enemymines = 0; _root.obsarray = []; _root.shroudarray = []; _root.scrolla = true; for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.kills = 0; _root.losses = 0; _root.built = 0; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.upgradelevel = 0.7 / _root.difficulty; if (_root.ais == 4) { _root.upgradelevel = _root.upgradelevel * 2; }Instance of Symbol 1054 MovieClip in Frame 6onClipEvent (load) { _root.music.start(); }Frame 7_root.gotoAndStop("skirmish" + currento);Frame 8_root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.array1 = []; _root.rallylist = []; _root.enemyrallylist = []; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; Array.prototype.arrayfindfirst = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findsfirst = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched2 = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched2].unittype == element) { _local4 = elementsearched2; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; MovieClip.prototype.movesym = function () { _root[this._name + "symbols"]._x = (x1 + ((this._x - _root.back._x) * constantx)) - 10; _root[this._name + "symbols"]._y = (y1 + ((this._y - _root.back._y) * constanty)) - 10; }; nextFrame(); _root.timer = 6999; _root.limit = 1200; Array.prototype.countduplicate = function (element) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3++; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.finds = function (element) { var _local3 = -1; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.monet; _root.enemymoney = _root.money; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = []; _root.enemyturret1 = false; _root.enemyturret2 = false; _root.enemyturret3 = false; _root.enemyturret4 = false; _root.enemyturret5 = false; _root.n = 1000;Frame 9Mouse.hide(); stop(); stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 9onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 9onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 9onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 9onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig6" in Frame 9onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil6"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig10" in Frame 9onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil3"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig11" in Frame 9onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil2"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig12" in Frame 9onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil4"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig19" in Frame 9onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil1"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig122" in Frame 9onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil5"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 9onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 9/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1126 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 9onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.smartai) { aicheck(); } else { stupidai(); } }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 9onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if (((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root[current].dummy.obstacle = false; _root[current].dummy.flag2 = undefined; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root[current].dummy.obstacle = false; _root[current].dummy.flag2 = undefined; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; _root.sidebar.cacheAsBitmap = true; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 9onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.obsarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.obsarray[po]; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current2].walking || (_root[current2].fireing)) { if (_root.back[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { if (_root[current2].dummy.obstacle == undefined) { _root[current2].dummy.obstacle = false; } if ((!_root[current2].dummy.obstacle) || (_root[current2].dummy.obstacle == undefined)) { _root[current2].dummy.obstacle = true; if (_root.back[current].pos == "hoz") { roattion = _root[current2].dummy._rotation; if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation >= -90) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 90)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].rights; } if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation >= 90) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 360)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].lefts; } } if (_root.back[current].pos == "ver") { roattion = _root[current2].dummy._rotation; if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation <= 0) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation > -180)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].tops; } if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation > 0) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 180)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].bottoms; } } } } } i--; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 694 MovieClip in Frame 9onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Frame 10for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 10/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 10onClipEvent (keyDown) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.tutorial._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop("end2"); } onClipEvent (load) { _root.score = (_root.kills * _root.kills) + ((656 * (_root.kills * (_root.built + 1))) / (_root.losses * _root.losses)); _root.buil = 0; _root.kill = 0; _root.loss = 0; _root.scores = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.buil < _root.built) { _root.buil++; } if (_root.kill < _root.kills) { _root.kill++; } if (_root.loss < _root.losses) { _root.loss++; } if (_root.scores < _root.score) { _root.scores = _root.scores + 158; } }Frame 11for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 11onClipEvent (keyDown) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.tutorial._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop("end2"); } onClipEvent (load) { _root.score = (_root.kills * _root.kills) + ((656 * (_root.kills * (_root.built + 1))) / (_root.losses * _root.losses)); _root.buil = 0; _root.kill = 0; _root.loss = 0; _root.scores = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.buil < _root.built) { _root.buil++; } if (_root.kill < _root.kills) { _root.kill++; } if (_root.loss < _root.losses) { _root.loss++; } if (_root.scores < _root.score) { _root.scores = _root.scores + 158; } }Frame 12_root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.array1 = []; _root.rallylist = []; _root.enemyrallylist = []; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; Array.prototype.arrayfindfirst = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findsfirst = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched2 = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched2].unittype == element) { _local4 = elementsearched2; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; MovieClip.prototype.movesym = function () { _root[this._name + "symbols"]._x = (x1 + ((this._x - _root.back._x) * constantx)) - 10; _root[this._name + "symbols"]._y = (y1 + ((this._y - _root.back._y) * constanty)) - 10; }; nextFrame(); _root.timer = 6999; _root.limit = 1200; Array.prototype.countduplicate = function (element) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3++; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.finds = function (element) { var _local3 = -1; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.monet; _root.enemymoney = _root.money; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = []; _root.enemyturret1 = false; _root.enemyturret2 = false; _root.enemyturret3 = false; _root.enemyturret4 = false; _root.enemyturret5 = false; _root.n = 1000;Instance of Symbol 1152 MovieClip "back" in Frame 12onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Frame 13_root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(6); Mouse.hide(); stop(); stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 13onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 13onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 13onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 13onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1152 MovieClip "back" in Frame 13onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1113 MovieClip "oil3" in Frame 13onClipEvent (load) { this.oilspill._xscale = 100; this.oilspill._yscale = 100; }Instance of Symbol 1113 MovieClip "oil2" in Frame 13onClipEvent (load) { this.oilspill._xscale = 100; this.oilspill._yscale = 100; }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 13onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 694 MovieClip in Frame 13onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig19" in Frame 13onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil1"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 13/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 13onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if (((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root[current].dummy.obstacle = false; _root[current].dummy.flag2 = undefined; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root[current].dummy.obstacle = false; _root[current].dummy.flag2 = undefined; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 13onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.obsarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.obsarray[po]; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current2].walking || (_root[current2].fireing)) { if (_root.back[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { if (_root[current2].dummy.obstacle == undefined) { _root[current2].dummy.obstacle = false; } if ((!_root[current2].dummy.obstacle) || (_root[current2].dummy.obstacle == undefined)) { _root[current2].dummy.obstacle = true; if (_root.back[current].pos == "hoz") { roattion = _root[current2].dummy._rotation; if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation >= -90) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 90)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].rights; } if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation >= 90) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 360)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].lefts; } } if (_root.back[current].pos == "ver") { roattion = _root[current2].dummy._rotation; if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation <= 0) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation > -180)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].tops; } if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation > 0) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 180)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].bottoms; } } } } } i--; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1126 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 13onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.smartai) { aicheck(); } else { stupidai(); } }Frame 14_root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.array1 = []; _root.rallylist = []; _root.enemyrallylist = []; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; Array.prototype.arrayfindfirst = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findsfirst = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched2 = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched2].unittype == element) { _local4 = elementsearched2; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; MovieClip.prototype.movesym = function () { _root[this._name + "symbols"]._x = (x1 + ((this._x - _root.back._x) * constantx)) - 10; _root[this._name + "symbols"]._y = (y1 + ((this._y - _root.back._y) * constanty)) - 10; }; nextFrame(); _root.timer = 6999; _root.limit = 1200; Array.prototype.countduplicate = function (element) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3++; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.finds = function (element) { var _local3 = -1; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; gotoAndStop ("bo"); _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.monet; _root.enemymoney = _root.money; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = []; _root.enemyturret1 = false; _root.enemyturret2 = false; _root.enemyturret3 = false; _root.enemyturret4 = false; _root.enemyturret5 = false; _root.n = 1000;Instance of Symbol 1157 MovieClip "back" in Frame 14onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Frame 15Mouse.hide(); _root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(8); stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 15onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 15onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 15onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 15onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1157 MovieClip "back" in Frame 15onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig10" in Frame 15onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil3"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig11" in Frame 15onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil2"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig19" in Frame 15onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil1"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig1" in Frame 15onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil122"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 15onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 15/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 694 MovieClip in Frame 15onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 15onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if (((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root[current].dummy.obstacle = false; _root[current].dummy.flag2 = undefined; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root[current].dummy.obstacle = false; _root[current].dummy.flag2 = undefined; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1126 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 15onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.smartai) { aicheck(); } else { stupidai(); } }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 15onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.obsarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.obsarray[po]; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current2].walking || (_root[current2].fireing)) { if (_root.back[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { if (_root[current2].dummy.obstacle == undefined) { _root[current2].dummy.obstacle = false; } if ((!_root[current2].dummy.obstacle) || (_root[current2].dummy.obstacle == undefined)) { _root[current2].dummy.obstacle = true; if (_root.back[current].pos == "hoz") { roattion = _root[current2].dummy._rotation; if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation >= -90) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 90)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].rights; } if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation >= 90) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 360)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].lefts; } } if (_root.back[current].pos == "ver") { roattion = _root[current2].dummy._rotation; if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation <= 0) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation > -180)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].tops; } if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation > 0) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 180)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].bottoms; } } } } } i--; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Frame 16_root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.array1 = []; _root.rallylist = []; _root.enemyrallylist = []; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; Array.prototype.arrayfindfirst = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findsfirst = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched2 = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched2].unittype == element) { _local4 = elementsearched2; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; MovieClip.prototype.movesym = function () { _root[this._name + "symbols"]._x = (x1 + ((this._x - _root.back._x) * constantx)) - 10; _root[this._name + "symbols"]._y = (y1 + ((this._y - _root.back._y) * constanty)) - 10; }; _root.timer = 6999; _root.limit = 1200; Array.prototype.countduplicate = function (element) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3++; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.finds = function (element) { var _local3 = -1; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; nextFrame(); _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.monet; _root.enemymoney = _root.money; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = []; _root.enemyturret1 = false; _root.enemyturret2 = false; _root.enemyturret3 = false; _root.enemyturret4 = false; _root.enemyturret5 = false; _root.n = 1000;Frame 17Mouse.hide(); _root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 17onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 17onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 17onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 17onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig10" in Frame 17onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil3"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig19" in Frame 17onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil1"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 17onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 17/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 694 MovieClip in Frame 17onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 17onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if (((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root[current].dummy.obstacle = false; _root[current].dummy.flag2 = undefined; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root[current].dummy.obstacle = false; _root[current].dummy.flag2 = undefined; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 17onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.obsarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.obsarray[po]; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current2].walking || (_root[current2].fireing)) { if (_root.back[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { if (_root[current2].dummy.obstacle == undefined) { _root[current2].dummy.obstacle = false; } if ((!_root[current2].dummy.obstacle) || (_root[current2].dummy.obstacle == undefined)) { _root[current2].dummy.obstacle = true; if (_root.back[current].pos == "hoz") { roattion = _root[current2].dummy._rotation; if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation >= -90) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 90)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].rights; } if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation >= 90) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 360)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].lefts; } } if (_root.back[current].pos == "ver") { roattion = _root[current2].dummy._rotation; if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation <= 0) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation > -180)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].tops; } if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation > 0) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 180)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].bottoms; } } } } } i--; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1126 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 17onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.smartai) { aicheck(); } else { stupidai(); } }Frame 18_root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.array1 = []; _root.rallylist = []; _root.enemyrallylist = []; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; Array.prototype.arrayfindfirst = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findsfirst = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched2 = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched2].unittype == element) { _local4 = elementsearched2; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; MovieClip.prototype.movesym = function () { _root[this._name + "symbols"]._x = (x1 + ((this._x - _root.back._x) * constantx)) - 10; _root[this._name + "symbols"]._y = (y1 + ((this._y - _root.back._y) * constanty)) - 10; }; _root.timer = 6999; _root.limit = 1200; Array.prototype.countduplicate = function (element) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3++; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.finds = function (element) { var _local3 = -1; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; nextFrame(); _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.monet; _root.enemymoney = _root.money; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = []; _root.enemyturret1 = false; _root.enemyturret2 = false; _root.enemyturret3 = false; _root.enemyturret4 = false; _root.enemyturret5 = false; _root.n = 1000;Instance of Symbol 1168 MovieClip "back" in Frame 18onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Frame 19Mouse.hide(); _root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(10); stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 19onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 19onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 19onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 19onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1168 MovieClip "back" in Frame 19onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1113 MovieClip "oil4" in Frame 19onClipEvent (load) { this.oilspill._xscale = 100; this.oilspill._yscale = 100; }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig10" in Frame 19onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil4"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig19" in Frame 19onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil1"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig11" in Frame 19onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil4"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig12" in Frame 19onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil4"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig20" in Frame 19onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil1"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig21" in Frame 19onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil1"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 19onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 19/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 694 MovieClip in Frame 19onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 19onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if (((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root[current].dummy.obstacle = false; _root[current].dummy.flag2 = undefined; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root[current].dummy.obstacle = false; _root[current].dummy.flag2 = undefined; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 19onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.obsarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.obsarray[po]; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current2].walking || (_root[current2].fireing)) { if (_root.back[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { if (_root[current2].dummy.obstacle == undefined) { _root[current2].dummy.obstacle = false; } if ((!_root[current2].dummy.obstacle) || (_root[current2].dummy.obstacle == undefined)) { _root[current2].dummy.obstacle = true; if (_root.back[current].pos == "hoz") { roattion = _root[current2].dummy._rotation; if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation >= -90) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 90)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].rights; } if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation >= 90) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 360)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].lefts; } } if (_root.back[current].pos == "ver") { roattion = _root[current2].dummy._rotation; if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation <= 0) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation > -180)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].tops; } if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation > 0) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 180)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].bottoms; } } } } } i--; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1126 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 19onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.smartai) { aicheck(); } else { stupidai(); } }Frame 20_root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.array1 = []; _root.rallylist = []; _root.enemyrallylist = []; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; Array.prototype.arrayfindfirst = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findsfirst = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched2 = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched2].unittype == element) { _local4 = elementsearched2; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; MovieClip.prototype.movesym = function () { _root[this._name + "symbols"]._x = (x1 + ((this._x - _root.back._x) * constantx)) - 10; _root[this._name + "symbols"]._y = (y1 + ((this._y - _root.back._y) * constanty)) - 10; }; _root.timer = 6999; _root.limit = 1200; Array.prototype.countduplicate = function (element) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3++; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.finds = function (element) { var _local3 = -1; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; nextFrame(); _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.monet; _root.enemymoney = _root.money; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = []; _root.enemyturret1 = false; _root.enemyturret2 = false; _root.enemyturret3 = false; _root.enemyturret4 = false; _root.enemyturret5 = false; _root.n = 1000;Instance of Symbol 1170 MovieClip "back" in Frame 20onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Frame 21Mouse.hide(); _root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(4); stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 21onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 21onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 21onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 21onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1170 MovieClip "back" in Frame 21onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1113 MovieClip "oil9" in Frame 21onClipEvent (load) { this.oilspill._xscale = 100; this.oilspill._yscale = 100; }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig12" in Frame 21onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil9"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig19" in Frame 21onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil1"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1113 MovieClip "oil33" in Frame 21onClipEvent (load) { this.oilspill._xscale = 100; this.oilspill._yscale = 100; }Instance of Symbol 1113 MovieClip "oil8" in Frame 21onClipEvent (load) { this.oilspill._xscale = 100; this.oilspill._yscale = 100; }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig19" in Frame 21onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil6"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig31" in Frame 21onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil34"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig20" in Frame 21onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil0"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 21onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 21/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 694 MovieClip in Frame 21onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 21onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if (((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root[current].dummy.obstacle = false; _root[current].dummy.flag2 = undefined; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root[current].dummy.obstacle = false; _root[current].dummy.flag2 = undefined; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 21onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.obsarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.obsarray[po]; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current2].walking || (_root[current2].fireing)) { if (_root.back[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { if (_root[current2].dummy.obstacle == undefined) { _root[current2].dummy.obstacle = false; } if ((!_root[current2].dummy.obstacle) || (_root[current2].dummy.obstacle == undefined)) { _root[current2].dummy.obstacle = true; if (_root.back[current].pos == "hoz") { roattion = _root[current2].dummy._rotation; if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation >= -90) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 90)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].rights; } if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation >= 90) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 360)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].lefts; } } if (_root.back[current].pos == "ver") { roattion = _root[current2].dummy._rotation; if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation <= 0) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation > -180)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].tops; } if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation > 0) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 180)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].bottoms; } } } } } i--; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1126 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 21onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.smartai) { aicheck(); } else { stupidai(); } }Frame 22_root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.array1 = []; _root.rallylist = []; _root.enemyrallylist = []; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; Array.prototype.arrayfindfirst = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findsfirst = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched2 = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched2].unittype == element) { _local4 = elementsearched2; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; MovieClip.prototype.movesym = function () { _root[this._name + "symbols"]._x = (x1 + ((this._x - _root.back._x) * constantx)) - 10; _root[this._name + "symbols"]._y = (y1 + ((this._y - _root.back._y) * constanty)) - 10; }; _root.timer = 6999; _root.limit = 1200; Array.prototype.countduplicate = function (element) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3++; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.finds = function (element) { var _local3 = -1; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; nextFrame(); _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.monet; _root.enemymoney = _root.money; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = []; _root.enemyturret1 = false; _root.enemyturret2 = false; _root.enemyturret3 = false; _root.enemyturret4 = false; _root.enemyturret5 = false; _root.n = 1000;Instance of Symbol 859 MovieClip "back" in Frame 22onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Frame 23Mouse.hide(); _root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(9); stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 23onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 23onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 23onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 23onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 859 MovieClip "back" in Frame 23onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1113 MovieClip "oil9" in Frame 23onClipEvent (load) { this.oilspill._xscale = 100; this.oilspill._yscale = 100; }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig12" in Frame 23onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil9"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig19" in Frame 23onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil1"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig19" in Frame 23onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil6"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig31" in Frame 23onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil34"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig20" in Frame 23onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil0"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 23onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 23/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 694 MovieClip in Frame 23onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 23onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if (((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root[current].dummy.obstacle = false; _root[current].dummy.flag2 = undefined; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root[current].dummy.obstacle = false; _root[current].dummy.flag2 = undefined; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 23onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.obsarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.obsarray[po]; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current2].walking || (_root[current2].fireing)) { if (_root.back[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { if (_root[current2].dummy.obstacle == undefined) { _root[current2].dummy.obstacle = false; } if ((!_root[current2].dummy.obstacle) || (_root[current2].dummy.obstacle == undefined)) { _root[current2].dummy.obstacle = true; if (_root.back[current].pos == "hoz") { roattion = _root[current2].dummy._rotation; if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation >= -90) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 90)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].rights; } if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation >= 90) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 360)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].lefts; } } if (_root.back[current].pos == "ver") { roattion = _root[current2].dummy._rotation; if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation <= 0) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation > -180)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].tops; } if ((_root[current2].dummy._rotation > 0) && (_root[current2].dummy._rotation < 180)) { _root[current2].dummy.flag2 = _root.back[current].bottoms; } } } } } i--; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1126 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 23onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.smartai) { aicheck(); } else { stupidai(); } }Frame 24for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.tutorial._visible = false; gotoAndStop (2);Frame 25_global.x1 = 624; _global.y1 = 420; _global.x2 = 772.2; _global.y2 = 420; _global.x3 = 616.2; _global.y3 = 576; _global.x4 = 772.2; _global.y4 = 537; _root.upgradelevel = _root.difficulty / 5; _root.mission = true; function emailHandler3() { _root.gotoAndStop("victree"); } array1 = []; stop(); enemymines = 0; _root.shroudarray = []; _root.build = 0; _root.kills = 0; _root.losses = 0; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; _global.teamtype = function (named, people, maxlength) { _root[named] = new Object(); _root[named].namet = named; _root.ai.teamslist.push(named); _root[named].maxlength = maxlength; _root[named].members = people.concat(); if (people == undefined) { _root[named].members = []; } _root[named].targets = undefined; _root[named].attack = function (what, occupied) { this.targets = what; var _local4 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local4 > -1) { var _local3 = this.members[_local4]; if (_root[_local3].damage != undefined) { if ((occupied === true) && (_root[_local3].fireing || (_root[_local3].walking))) { } else { _root[_local3].aiattack(what); } } _local4--; } }; _root[named].goto = function (wherex, wherey, waypoint, occupied) { this.targets = undefined; var _local6 = wherex; var _local5 = wherey; if (_root[waypoint]._x != undefined) { _local6 = _root[waypoint]._x; _local5 = _root[waypoint]._y; } var _local4 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local4 > -1) { var _local3 = this.members[_local4]; if ((occupied === true) && (_root[_local3].fireing || (_root[_local3].walking))) { } else { _root[_local3].aigoto(_local6, _local5, false); } _local4--; } }; _root[named].checks = function () { var _local3 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { var _local4 = this.members[_local3]; if ((_root[_local4].life <= 0) || (_root[_local4].life == undefined)) { this.members.splice(_local3, 1); } _local3--; } }; _root[named].command = function (whats, values) { if ((whats != undefined) && (values != undefined)) { var _local3 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { var _local4 = this.members[_local3]; if (_root[_local4][whats] != undefined) { _root[_local4][whats] = values; } _local3--; } } }; _root[named].upgrade = function (attribute, magnitude) { var _local3 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { var _local4 = this.members[_local3]; _root[_local4][attribute] = _root[_local4][attribute] * magnitude; _local3--; } }; _root[named].istargetdestroyed = function () { if ((_root[this.targets].life <= 0) || (_root[this.targets].life == undefined)) { return(true); } return(false); }; _root[named].isfree = function () { var _local5 = true; var _local3 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { var _local4 = this.members[_local3]; _root[_local4]._alpha = 100; if (_root[_local4].walking === true) { _local5 = false; break; } _local3--; } return(_local5); }; _root[named].iswithindistance = function (targeted, ranger) { var _local7 = true; var _local3 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { var _local4 = this.members[_local3]; var _local5 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root[_local4]._x - _root[targeted]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root[_local4]._y - _root[targeted]._y, 2)); if ((_local5 > ranger) && (_local5 != undefined)) { _local7 = false; break; } _local3--; } return(_local7); }; _root[named].iswithindistance2 = function (targeted, ranger) { var _local7 = false; var _local3 = this.members.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { var _local4 = this.members[_local3]; var _local5 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root[_local4]._x - _root[targeted]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root[_local4]._y - _root[targeted]._y, 2)); if (_local5 < ranger) { _local7 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local7); }; return(_root[named]); }; py = teamtype("3a", [], 4); var my_cm = new ContextMenu(); var menuItem_cmi3 = new ContextMenuItem("Win", emailHandler3); my_cm.customItems.push(menuItem_cmi3); _root.menu = my_cm; for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } if (loadings === true) { share.sharedObject.getLocal("save"); currentframe = share.data.currentframe; _root.gotoAndStop(currentframe); } stop(); stopAllSounds(); _root.missions = 0; buildary = ["turrets", "refinery", "warfactory", "comcentre", "laser", "patriotmissile", "servicedepot", "techcentre", "weaponsilo", "mine"]; buildray = ["light", "dozer", "oiltruck", "humvee", "heavy", "rocket", "lasertank", "artillery"];Frame 26_root.patrols1 = undefined; _root.patrols2 = undefined; _root.patrols3 = undefined; if (_root.difficulty == undefined) { _root.difficulty = 2; } stop();Instance of Symbol 1205 MovieClip in Frame 26onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; _root.starts = false; played = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha++; } if ((this._alpha == 100) && (!played)) { played = true; _root.shader2.play(); } }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader2" in Frame 26onClipEvent (load) { info = "French and Spanish Border. Population N/A. \n Control : Enemy.\n Economy: Global Financial Hub"; words = "Our forces are trapped in our own base after a rebellion following a failed negotiation attempt with the European Union. Now the Union members are deteermined to get us US forces out of Europe.An escape plan is suggested where we regroup in Friendly Spain.Lead your forces out of the base and into safety."; map = "map0"; }Frame 27_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; _root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.array1 = []; _root.rallylist = []; _root.enemyrallylist = []; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; Array.prototype.arrayfindfirst = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findsfirst = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched2 = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched2].unittype == element) { _local4 = elementsearched2; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; MovieClip.prototype.movesym = function () { _root[this._name + "symbols"]._x = (x1 + ((this._x - _root.back._x) * constantx)) - 10; _root[this._name + "symbols"]._y = (y1 + ((this._y - _root.back._y) * constanty)) - 10; }; if (_root.loadings === true) { share = SharedObject.getLocal("save"); p = 9; while (p > 1) { _root["ownmap" + p] = share.data["ownmap" + p]; _root.missions = share.data.missions; _root[("map" + p) + "array"] = share.data[("map" + p) + "array"].concat(); i = share.data[("map" + p) + "array"].length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = share.data[("map" + p) + "array"][i]; if (share.data[current + "obj"] == undefined) { current2 = current; current = current + ("map" + p); } _root[current + "obj"] = share.data[current + "obj"]; _root.enemypower = share.data.enemypower; _root.money = share.data.money; _root.difficulty = share.data.difficulty; _root.loadings = undefined; _root.gotoAndStop("mapbar"); i--; } p--; } } _root.timer = 6999; _root.limit = 1200; Array.prototype.countduplicate = function (element) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3++; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; _global.movetozero = function () { var _local4 = _root.back._x; var _local5 = _root.back._y; i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; var _local3 = _root[current]._x; var _local2 = _root[current]._y; _root[current]._x = _local3 - _local4; _root[current]._y = _local2 - _local5; i--; } _root.back._x = 0; _root.back._y = 0; }; _global.movetoloc = function (x, y) { xb = _root.back._x; yb = _root.back._y; _root.box6._x = x1 + (constantx * (x - xb)); _root.box6._y = y1 + (constanty * (y - yb)); _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x - xb); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y - yb); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x - xb); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y - yb); i--; } }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.finds = function (element) { var _local3 = -1; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = 0; _root.enemypower = 0; _root.enemymoney = 30000; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _root.attackarray = []; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = []; _root.enemyturret1 = false; _root.enemyturret2 = false; _root.enemyturret3 = false; _root.enemyturret4 = false; _root.enemyturret5 = false; _root.n = 1000; _root.ownmap4 = false;Instance of Symbol 1170 MovieClip "back" in Frame 27onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1054 MovieClip in Frame 27onClipEvent (load) { _root.music.start(); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 27onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Frame 28_root.attachMovie("mission0", "tutoriall", 100000); _root.tutoriall._x = 46.8; _root.tutoriall._y = 10.9; _root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(4); _root.sidebar._visible = false; _root.scrolla = true; Mouse.hide(); _root.enemymoney = 10000000000; stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 28onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 15; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 28onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 15; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 28onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 15; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 28onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 15; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1170 MovieClip "back" in Frame 28onClipEvent (load) { }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 28onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 0.5; baseunder = 0; }Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip in Frame 28onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 28onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 28onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; _root.refinery1e = 1; _root.comcentre1e = 1; _root.warfactory1e = 1; _root.pat1e = 1; _root.pat2e = 1; _root.array2 = []; build = true; rounds = 0; _root.enemyoiltrucks = 0; timer5 = 0; timergo = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer++; if (timergo) { timer5++; } if (timer5 == (300 / _root.difficulty)) { _root.dialogue.play(); } if (timer == 5) { i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].walking || (_root[current].fireing)) { x = _root[current]._x; y = _root[current]._y; p = 10; while (p > -1) { current2 = "wall" + p; if (_root[current2].hitTest(x, y, false)) { rads = (_root[current].dummy._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - ((Math.cos(rads) * _root[current].speed) * 7); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - ((Math.sin(rads) * _root[current].speed) * 7); _root[current].movesym(); _root[current].walking = false; break; } p--; } } i--; } timer = 0; } i = 4; while (i > 0) { if (_root.apc.hitTest(_root["flag" + i])) { _root.gotoAndStop("victory0"); } i--; } if (_root.apc.life <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat0"); } }Frame 29for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.missions++; _root.tutoriall.removeMovieClip(); _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); stop();Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 29/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 29onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss2"); }Frame 30_root.enemies = undefined; _root.friendly = undefined; stop();Instance of Symbol 1205 MovieClip in Frame 30onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; _root.starts = false; played = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha++; } if ((this._alpha == 100) && (!played)) { played = true; play(); } }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader2" in Frame 30onClipEvent (load) { info = "Southern France. Population 33 million. \n Control : Enemy.\n Economy: Global Financial Hub \n Battlefield statistics:Sandy and Grassy, with mostly light armour.Beware of mines."; words = "Having retreated to a more comfortable position in Spain, our forces are now ready to launch an invasion to retake France. This is one of two possible positions where we can effectively enter our forces.Commander,Take a squad of our best tanks and liberate whats left of our main base. Do not fail, the lives of our remaining elites count on it.Good luck commander!"; map = "map1"; }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader1" in Frame 30onClipEvent (load) { info = "Northern France. Population 33 million. \n Control : Enemy.\n Economy: Global Financial Hub. \n Battlefield statistics: Contains many heavily armoured tanks as well as enemy artillery.Well fortified with turrets."; words = "Having retreated to a more comfortable position in Spain, our forces are now ready to launch an invasion to retake France.This is one of two possible positions where we can effectively enter our forces. Commander,Take a squad of our best tanks and liberate whats left of our main base. Do not fail, the lives of our remaining elites count on it.Good luck commander!"; map = "map1b"; }Frame 31_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.missions++; _root.tutoriall.removeMovieClip(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1170 MovieClip "back" in Frame 31onClipEvent (load) { }Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 31/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 31onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss1"); }Instance of Symbol 1054 MovieClip in Frame 31onClipEvent (load) { _root.music.start(); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 31onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Frame 32_root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.array1 = []; _root.rallylist = []; _root.enemyrallylist = []; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; Array.prototype.arrayfindfirst = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findsfirst = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched2 = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched2].unittype == element) { _local4 = elementsearched2; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; MovieClip.prototype.movesym = function () { _root[this._name + "symbols"]._x = (x1 + ((this._x - _root.back._x) * constantx)) - 10; _root[this._name + "symbols"]._y = (y1 + ((this._y - _root.back._y) * constanty)) - 10; }; if (_root.loadings === true) { share = SharedObject.getLocal("save"); p = 9; while (p > 1) { _root["ownmap" + p] = share.data["ownmap" + p]; _root.missions = share.data.missions; _root[("map" + p) + "array"] = share.data[("map" + p) + "array"].concat(); i = share.data[("map" + p) + "array"].length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = share.data[("map" + p) + "array"][i]; if (share.data[current + "obj"] == undefined) { current2 = current; current = current + ("map" + p); } _root[current + "obj"] = share.data[current + "obj"]; _root.enemypower = share.data.enemypower; _root.money = share.data.money; _root.difficulty = share.data.difficulty; _root.loadings = undefined; _root.gotoAndStop("mapbar"); i--; } p--; } } _root.timer = 6999; _root.limit = 1200; Array.prototype.countduplicate = function (element) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3++; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; _global.movetozero = function () { var _local4 = _root.back._x; var _local5 = _root.back._y; i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; var _local3 = _root[current]._x; var _local2 = _root[current]._y; _root[current]._x = _local3 - _local4; _root[current]._y = _local2 - _local5; i--; } _root.back._x = 0; _root.back._y = 0; }; _global.movetoloc = function (x, y) { xb = _root.back._x; yb = _root.back._y; _root.box6._x = x1 + (constantx * (x - xb)); _root.box6._y = y1 + (constanty * (y - yb)); _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x - xb); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y - yb); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x - xb); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y - yb); i--; } }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.finds = function (element) { var _local3 = -1; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = 0; _root.enemypower = 0; _root.enemymoney = 30000; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _root.attackarray = []; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = []; _root.enemyturret1 = false; _root.enemyturret2 = false; _root.enemyturret3 = false; _root.enemyturret4 = false; _root.enemyturret5 = false; _root.n = 1000; _root.ownmap4 = false;Instance of Symbol 847 MovieClip "back" in Frame 32onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Frame 33_root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(3); _root.attachMovie("mission", "tutoriall", 1000900); _root.tutoriall._x = 46.8; _root.tutoriall._y = 10.9; _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(6); Mouse.hide(); stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 33onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 15; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 33onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 15; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 33onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 15; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 33onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 15; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 847 MovieClip "back" in Frame 33onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1334 MovieClip "wall1" in Frame 33onClipEvent (load) { _root.objarray.push(this._name); _root.unitsarray.push(this._name); this.life = 500; this.fulllife = 500; this.unittype = "wall"; }Instance of Symbol 1334 MovieClip "wall2" in Frame 33onClipEvent (load) { _root.objarray.push(this._name); _root.unitsarray.push(this._name); this.life = 500; this.fulllife = 500; this.unittype = "wall"; }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig10" in Frame 33onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil3"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 33onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 33onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 1; baseunder = 0; }Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip in Frame 33onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 33onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 33onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; _root.refinery1e = 1; _root.comcentre1e = 1; _root.warfactory1e = 1; _root.pat1e = 1; _root.pat2e = 1; _root.array2 = []; build = true; rounds = 0; _root.enemyoiltrucks = 0; timer5 = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.sidebar.build.light.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.oiltruck.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.heavy.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.dozer.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.humvee.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.artillery.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.weaponsilo.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.rocket.gotoAndStop(1); timer++; if (timer == 100) { _root.enemypower = _root.enemypower + _root.difficulty; timer5++; if (_root.refinery1.life <= 0) { _root.refinery1e = 0; } if (_root.comcentre1.life <= 0) { _root.comcentre1e = 0; } if (_root.warfactorey1._currentframe > 2) { _root.warfactory1e = 0; } if (_root.pat1.life <= 0) { _root.pat1e = 0; } if (_root.pat2.life <= 0) { _root.pat2e = 0; } if ((_root.enemyarray.length <= 0) || (Key.isDown(16))) { var i = 10; while (i > 0) { _root["elite" + i]._visible = false; i--; } _root.gotoAndStop("victory1"); } if (_root.structurearray.length <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat1"); } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root[current].unittype == "artillery") && (_root[current].turret._currentframe == 1)) { _root[current].deploy(); } if ((((_root[current].speed != undefined) && (!_root[current].fireing)) && ((_root[current]._y < _root.wall1._y) || (timer5 > 50))) && (_root[current].dummy._currentframe == 1)) { pat = _root.structurearray[Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.structurearray.length)]; _root[current].aiattack(pat); pat2 = _root.structurearray[0]; if ((_root[pat2].life <= 0) || (_root[pat2]._x == undefined)) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat"); break; } } i--; } timer = 0; } }Frame 34for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.missions++; _root.tutoriall.removeMovieClip(); _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); stop();Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 34/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 34onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss3"); }Frame 35for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 35onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss2"); }Frame 36stop();Instance of Symbol 1205 MovieClip in Frame 36onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; _root.starts = false; played = false; gotoAndStop (41); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha++; } if ((this._alpha == 100) && (!played)) { played = true; play(); } }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader2" in Frame 36onClipEvent (load) { info = "Country: France. \nPopulation 33 million. \n Control : US.\n Economy: Global Financial Hub"; words = "We have regained our main base. However our German and Italian counterparts aren't content with their loss of France. They intend to reinvade our main base. Commander, take control of our base and ward off their invading hordes."; map = "map2"; }Frame 37_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; _root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.shroudarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.money + (50000 * (10 / _root.difficulty)); _root.enemymoney = 0; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = [];Instance of Symbol 1170 MovieClip "back" in Frame 37onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1054 MovieClip in Frame 37onClipEvent (load) { _root.music.start(); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 37onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Frame 38_root.waves = 0; _root.timert = 0; _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(9); _root.attachMovie("mission2", "tutorial", 1000900); _root.tutorial._x = 46.8; _root.tutorial._y = 10.9; var i = (buildary.length - 1); while (i > -1) { _root.sidebar.build[buildary[i]].buildrate = _root.sidebar.build[buildary[i]].buildrate * 0.5; i--; } var i = (buildray.length - 1); while (i > -1) { _root.sidebar.build[buildray[i]].rates = _root.sidebar.build[buildray[i]].rates * 1.5; i--; } Mouse.hide(); stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 38onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 38onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 38onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 38onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1170 MovieClip "back" in Frame 38onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 575 MovieClip [warfactory] "warfactory1" in Frame 38onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.warfactoryle == 0) { gotoAndStop (35); } }Instance of Symbol 579 MovieClip [comcentre] "comcentre1" in Frame 38onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.comcentre1e == 0) { gotoAndStop (35); } }Instance of Symbol 573 MovieClip [patriotmiss] in Frame 38onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.pat1e == 0) { gotoAndStop (35); } }Instance of Symbol 573 MovieClip [patriotmiss] in Frame 38onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.pat2e == 0) { gotoAndStop (35); } }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig11" in Frame 38onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil6"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig5" in Frame 38onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil4"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 38onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 38onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 1; }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 38onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 38onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 38onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; gather = []; _root.waves = 7 * _root.difficulty; attack = []; refinery = false; warfactory = false; comcentrequeue = 0; warfactoryqueue = 0; currentrepairunit = undefined; dozers = ["enemydozer1"]; oiltrucks = []; attacktimer = 0; _root.timert = 20 * (7 / _root.difficulty); warfactorybuildteam4 = ["enemyrocket", "enemyrocket", "enemyrocket", "enemyrocket", "enemylight"]; warfactorybuildteam3 = ["enemyartillery", "enemyartillery", "enemyartillery", "enemyartillery", "enemylight"]; warfactorybuildteam2 = ["enemyhumvee", "enemyhumvee", "enemyhumvee", "enemyhumvee", "enemylight"]; warfactorybuildteam = ["enemylight", "enemylight", "enemylight", "enemylight", "enemyrocket"]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!(_root.ownmap6 === true)) { _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.timert = _root.timert - 0.05; timer++; warfactoryqueue++; attacktimer++; if ((_root.timert < 0) && (_root.waves > 0)) { _root.timert = 20 * (4 / _root.difficulty); _root.waves--; i = 5; while (i > 0) { current = warfactorybuildteam2[0]; _root.attachMovie(current, current + _root.n, _root.n); _root[current + _root.n]._x = _root.enemywarfactory1._x + _root.linex[i]; _root[current + _root.n]._y = _root.enemywarfactory1._y + _root.liney[i]; _root[current + _root.n]._rotation = 0; _root[current + _root.n].attacks = true; this.attack.push(current + _root.n); _root.n++; warfactorybuildteam2.splice(0, 1); if (warfactorybuildteam2.length <= 0) { warfactorybuildteam2 = ["enemyhumvee", "enemyhumvee", "enemyrocket", "enemylight", "enemyartillery"]; } i--; } i = 5; while (i > 0) { current = warfactorybuildteam[0]; _root.attachMovie(current, current + _root.n, _root.n); _root[current + _root.n]._x = _root.enemywarfactory2._x + _root.linex[i]; _root[current + _root.n]._y = _root.enemywarfactory2._y + _root.liney[i]; _root[current + _root.n]._rotation = 0; _root[current + _root.n].attacks = true; this.attack.push(current + _root.n); _root.n++; warfactorybuildteam.splice(0, 1); if (warfactorybuildteam.length <= 0) { warfactorybuildteam = ["enemylight", "enemyrocket", "enemyartillery", "enemyheavy", "enemyheavy"]; } i--; } i = 5; while (i > 0) { current = warfactorybuildteam3[0]; _root.attachMovie(current, current + _root.n, _root.n); _root[current + _root.n]._x = _root.enemywarfactory3._x + _root.linex[i]; _root[current + _root.n]._y = _root.enemywarfactory3._y + _root.liney[i]; _root[current + _root.n]._rotation = 0; _root[current + _root.n].attacks = true; this.attack.push(current + _root.n); _root.n++; warfactorybuildteam3.splice(0, 1); if (warfactorybuildteam3.length <= 0) { warfactorybuildteam3 = ["enemyrocket", "enemyrocket", "enemyhumvee", "enemylight", "enemyheavy"]; } i--; } i = 5; while (i > 0) { current = warfactorybuildteam4[0]; _root.attachMovie(current, current + _root.n, _root.n); _root[current + _root.n]._x = _root.enemywarfactory4._x + _root.linex[i]; _root[current + _root.n]._y = _root.enemywarfactory4._y + _root.liney[i]; _root[current + _root.n]._rotation = 0; _root[current + _root.n].attacks = true; this.attack.push(current + _root.n); _root.n++; warfactorybuildteam4.splice(0, 1); if (warfactorybuildteam4.length <= 0) { warfactorybuildteam4 = ["enemyrocket", "enemyrocket", "enemylight", "enemyheavy", "enemyheavy"]; } i--; } warfactoryqueue = 0; _root.waves--; } if (warfactoryqueue == 50) { _root.enemypower = _root.enemypower + 10; timer = 0; i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root[current].life <= 0) || (_root[current].life == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } else { attackunit = "friendlylist"; units = _root[attackunit][Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.friendlylist.length)]; _root[current].aiattack(units); } i--; } } if (_root.friendlylist.length <= 4) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat2"); } if ((_root.waves == 0) && (_root.enemyarray.length <= 0)) { _root.gotoAndStop("victory2"); } }Frame 39movetozero(); for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.warfactory1e = 0; _root.refinery1e = 0; _root.pat1e = 0; _root.pat2e = 0; _root.comcentre1e = 0; _root.enemypower = _root.enemypower - 70; _root.enemyattack = 0; _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); _root.ownmap2 = true; _root.ownmap3 = false; _root.missions++; stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 39onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndStop("miss4"); }Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 39/* no clip actions */Frame 40for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 40onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss3"); }Frame 41_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; _root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.array1 = []; _root.rallylist = []; _root.enemyrallylist = []; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; Array.prototype.arrayfindfirst = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findsfirst = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched2 = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched2].unittype == element) { _local4 = elementsearched2; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; MovieClip.prototype.movesym = function () { _root[this._name + "symbols"]._x = (x1 + ((this._x - _root.back._x) * constantx)) - 10; _root[this._name + "symbols"]._y = (y1 + ((this._y - _root.back._y) * constanty)) - 10; }; if (_root.loadings === true) { share = SharedObject.getLocal("save"); p = 9; while (p > 1) { _root["ownmap" + p] = share.data["ownmap" + p]; _root.missions = share.data.missions; _root[("map" + p) + "array"] = share.data[("map" + p) + "array"].concat(); i = share.data[("map" + p) + "array"].length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = share.data[("map" + p) + "array"][i]; if (share.data[current + "obj"] == undefined) { current2 = current; current = current + ("map" + p); } _root[current + "obj"] = share.data[current + "obj"]; _root.enemypower = share.data.enemypower; _root.money = share.data.money; _root.difficulty = share.data.difficulty; _root.loadings = undefined; _root.gotoAndStop("mapbar"); i--; } p--; } } _root.timer = 6999; _root.limit = 1200; Array.prototype.countduplicate = function (element) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3++; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; _global.movetozero = function () { var _local4 = _root.back._x; var _local5 = _root.back._y; i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; var _local3 = _root[current]._x; var _local2 = _root[current]._y; _root[current]._x = _local3 - _local4; _root[current]._y = _local2 - _local5; i--; } _root.back._x = 0; _root.back._y = 0; }; _global.movetoloc = function (x, y) { xb = _root.back._x; yb = _root.back._y; _root.box6._x = x1 + (constantx * (x - xb)); _root.box6._y = y1 + (constanty * (y - yb)); _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x - xb); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y - yb); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x - xb); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y - yb); i--; } }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.finds = function (element) { var _local3 = -1; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = 0; _root.enemypower = 0; _root.enemymoney = 30000; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _root.attackarray = []; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = []; _root.enemyturret1 = false; _root.enemyturret2 = false; _root.enemyturret3 = false; _root.enemyturret4 = false; _root.enemyturret5 = false; _root.n = 1000; _root.ownmap4 = false;Instance of Symbol 852 MovieClip "back" in Frame 41onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Frame 42_root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(5); _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(6); _root.attachMovie("mission", "tutoriall", 1000900); _root.tutoriall._x = 46.8; _root.tutoriall._y = 10.9; Mouse.hide(); stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 42onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 15; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 42onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 15; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 42onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 15; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 42onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 15; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 852 MovieClip "back" in Frame 42onClipEvent (load) { }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 42onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 42onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 2; baseunder = 0; }Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip in Frame 42onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 42onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 42onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; build = true; rounds = 0; _root.enemyoiltrucks = 0; timer5 = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.sidebar.build.light.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.oiltruck.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.heavy.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.dozer.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.humvee.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.artillery.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.weaponsilo.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.rocket.gotoAndStop(1); timer++; if (timer == 100) { _root.enemypower = _root.enemypower + _root.difficulty; timer5++; if (_root.refinery1.life <= 0) { _root.refinery1e = 0; } if (_root.comcentre1.life <= 0) { _root.comcentre1e = 0; } if (_root.warfactorey1._currentframe > 2) { _root.warfactory1e = 0; } if (_root.pat1.life <= 0) { _root.pat1e = 0; } if (_root.pat2.life <= 0) { _root.pat2e = 0; } if ((_root.enemyarray.length <= 0) || (Key.isDown(16))) { var i = 10; while (i > 0) { _root["elite" + i]._visible = false; i--; } _root.gotoAndStop("victory1b"); } if (_root.structurearray.length <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat1b"); } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root[current].unittype == "artillery") && (_root[current].turret._currentframe == 1)) { _root[current].deploy(); } if ((((_root[current].speed != undefined) && (!_root[current].fireing)) && ((_root[current]._y < _root.wall1._y) || (timer5 > 50))) && (_root[current].dummy._currentframe == 1)) { pat = _root.structurearray[Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.structurearray.length)]; _root[current].aiattack(pat); pat2 = _root.structurearray[0]; if ((_root[pat2].life <= 0) || (_root[pat2]._x == undefined)) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat1b"); break; } } i--; } timer = 0; } }Frame 43for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.missions++; _root.tutoriall.removeMovieClip(); _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); stop();Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 43/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 43onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss3"); }Frame 44for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 44onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss2"); }Frame 45stop();Instance of Symbol 1205 MovieClip in Frame 45onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; _root.starts = false; played = false; gotoAndStop ("miss4"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha++; } if ((this._alpha == 100) && (!played)) { played = true; play(); } }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader2" in Frame 45onClipEvent (load) { info = "Country: West Germany. \nPopulation 54 million. \n Control : Enemy.\n Economy: Major Education Centre"; words = "Sources say that the Germans and Italians are cooperating to channel oil, dozers and units via a convoy on a major highway in this sector. They plan to launch an attack on Britain with these resources. This convoy must not be allowed to reach Dunkirk or the Germans will have the upper hand in conquering Britain. Commander, take a team of dozers and build a base near the highway. We will ambush the convoy when the time is ripe and destroy it.Britain is counting on you, commander!"; map = "map4"; if (_root.map4bcomplete == undefined) { _root.map4bcomplete = false; } }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader1" in Frame 45onClipEvent (load) { info = "Country: Austria/Italy. \nPopulation N/A. \n Control : Enemy.\n Economy: Business Sector. Battlefield Coditions : Small bases with structures scattered about the region."; words = "Sources say that Germany and Italy are planning to destroy our bases in Britain.We must not let this happen. A convoy is passing through this supply base carrying resources to support their war effort. Commander, take a small force and attempt to capture the supply base. If sucessful, we can drastically reduce the size of their convoy which will make it easier for us to destroy it in the next mission."; map = "map4b"; if (_root.map4complete) { gotoAndStop ("complete"); this._visible = false; } }Frame 46_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; _root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.array1 = []; _root.rallylist = []; _root.enemyrallylist = []; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; Array.prototype.arrayfindfirst = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findsfirst = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched2 = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched2].unittype == element) { _local4 = elementsearched2; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; MovieClip.prototype.movesym = function () { _root[this._name + "symbols"]._x = (x1 + ((this._x - _root.back._x) * constantx)) - 10; _root[this._name + "symbols"]._y = (y1 + ((this._y - _root.back._y) * constanty)) - 10; }; _root.timer = 6999; _root.limit = 1200; Array.prototype.countduplicate = function (element) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3++; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; _global.movetozero = function () { var _local4 = _root.back._x; var _local5 = _root.back._y; i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; var _local3 = _root[current]._x; var _local2 = _root[current]._y; _root[current]._x = _local3 - _local4; _root[current]._y = _local2 - _local5; i--; } _root.back._x = 0; _root.back._y = 0; }; _global.movetoloc = function (x, y) { xb = _root.back._x; yb = _root.back._y; _root.box6._x = x1 + (constantx * (x - xb)); _root.box6._y = y1 + (constanty * (y - yb)); _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x - xb); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y - yb); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x - xb); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y - yb); i--; } }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.finds = function (element) { var _local3 = -1; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; _root.objarray = ["rallypoint"]; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = 0; _root.enemypower = 0; _root.enemymoney = 30000; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _root.attackarray = []; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = []; _root.enemyturret1 = false; _root.enemyturret2 = false; _root.enemyturret3 = false; _root.enemyturret4 = false; _root.enemyturret5 = false; _root.n = 1000; _root.ownmap4 = false;Instance of Symbol 856 MovieClip "back" in Frame 46onClipEvent (load) { }Instance of Symbol 1054 MovieClip in Frame 46onClipEvent (load) { _root.music.start(); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 46onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Frame 47_root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(7); _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(11); _root.dialogue._visible = true; _root.attachMovie("mission3", "tutoriall", 1000900); _root.tutoriall._x = 46.8; _root.tutoriall._y = 10.9; Mouse.hide(); _root.money = 100000 / _root.difficulty; _root.scrolla = true; stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 47onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 15; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 47onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 15; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 47onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 15; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 47onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 15; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 856 MovieClip "back" in Frame 47onClipEvent (load) { }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 47onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 47onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 2; baseunder = 0; }Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip in Frame 47onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig11" in Frame 47onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil5"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 47onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 47onClipEvent (load) { _root.guyzarray = []; timer = 200; numberleft = 50 * _root.difficulty; if (_root.map4bcomplete === true) { _root.waves = _root.waves * 0.5; timer = timer - 70; } passed = 0; attacktimer = 0; numberlimit = 20 / _root.difficulty; numbergo = 0; timert = 100 / _root.difficulty; this.createobj2 = function () { a = Math.random() * 1.5; if ((a > 0) && (a < 0.3)) { unittype = "enemylight"; } if ((a > 0.3) && (a < 0.5)) { unittype = "enemyrocket"; } if ((a > 0.5) && (a < 0.6)) { unittype = "enemyheavy"; } if ((a > 0.6) && (a < 0.9)) { unittype = "enemyhumvee"; } if ((a > 0.9) && (a < 1.5)) { unittype = "enemyoiltruck"; } _root.attachMovie(unittype, unittype + _root.n, _root.n); var _local2 = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 5); _root[unittype + _root.n]._x = _root["reinforcement" + _local2]._x + (a * 100); _root[unittype + _root.n]._y = _root["reinforcement" + _local2]._y; _root[unittype + _root.n]._rotation = 0; _root.guyzarray.push(unittype + _root.n); unittype = undefined; _root.n++; numberleft--; }; this.applyobj = function () { var _local2 = _root.guyzarray.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { current = _root.guyzarray[_local2]; if (!_root[current].walking) { _root[current].aigoto(_root[current]._x, _root.centre2._y); } if (_root[current].life == undefined) { _root.guyzarray.splice(_local2, 1); } if (_root[current]._y < (_root.centre2._y + 50)) { _root[current]._visible = false; _root[current].life = 0; _root.guyzarray.splice(_local2, 1); numbergo++; } _local2--; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer = timer - 0.05; _root.dialogue.seconds = timer; if (Math.round(timer) == 0) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(12); } if (timer < 0) { attacktimer++; if (attacktimer == Math.round(timert)) { createobj2(); } if (attacktimer == (Math.round(timert) + 1)) { applyobj(); attacktimer = 0; } } if (!(_root.ownmap6 === true)) { _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.gotoAndStop(1); } if (numbergo > numberlimit) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat4"); } if (numbergo == Math.round(numberlimit * 0.666666666666667)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("sir"); } if ((numberleft == 0) && (_root.enemyarray.length <= 0)) { _root.gotoAndStop("victory4"); } }Frame 48for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if (_root[name]._visible) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } _root.missions++; _root.tutoriall.removeMovieClip(); _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); stop();Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 48/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 48onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss5"); }Frame 49for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 49onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss4"); }Frame 50_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; _root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.array1 = []; _root.rallylist = []; _root.enemyrallylist = []; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; Array.prototype.arrayfindfirst = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findsfirst = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched2 = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched2].unittype == element) { _local4 = elementsearched2; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; MovieClip.prototype.movesym = function () { _root[this._name + "symbols"]._x = (x1 + ((this._x - _root.back._x) * constantx)) - 10; _root[this._name + "symbols"]._y = (y1 + ((this._y - _root.back._y) * constanty)) - 10; }; _root.timer = 6999; _root.limit = 1200; Array.prototype.countduplicate = function (element) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3++; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; _global.movetozero = function () { var _local4 = _root.back._x; var _local5 = _root.back._y; i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; var _local3 = _root[current]._x; var _local2 = _root[current]._y; _root[current]._x = _local3 - _local4; _root[current]._y = _local2 - _local5; i--; } _root.back._x = 0; _root.back._y = 0; }; _global.movetoloc = function (x, y) { xb = _root.back._x; yb = _root.back._y; _root.box6._x = x1 + (constantx * (x - xb)); _root.box6._y = y1 + (constanty * (y - yb)); _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x - xb); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y - yb); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x - xb); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y - yb); i--; } }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.finds = function (element) { var _local3 = -1; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = 0; _root.enemypower = 0; _root.enemymoney = 30000; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _root.attackarray = []; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = []; _root.enemyturret1 = false; _root.enemyturret2 = false; _root.enemyturret3 = false; _root.enemyturret4 = false; _root.enemyturret5 = false; _root.n = 1000; _root.ownmap4 = false;Instance of Symbol 1365 MovieClip "back" in Frame 50onClipEvent (load) { }Frame 51_root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(5); _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(16); _root.attachMovie("mission5", "tutoriall", 1000900); _root.tutoriall._x = 46.8; _root.tutoriall._y = 10.9; Mouse.hide(); _root.money = 1000; stop(); _root.scrolla = true; stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 51onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 15; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 51onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 15; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 51onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 15; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 51onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 15; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 15; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1365 MovieClip "back" in Frame 51onClipEvent (load) { }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 51onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 51onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 2; baseunder = 0; }Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip in Frame 51onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 51onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 51onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; build = true; _root.guyzarray = []; mines = false; hitten = false; rounds = 0; gd = false; _root.enemyoiltrucks = 0; timer5 = 0; this.createobj2 = function () { a = Math.random() * 1.5; if ((a > 0) && (a < 0.3)) { unittype = "enemylight"; } if ((a > 0.3) && (a < 0.5)) { unittype = "enemyrocket"; } if ((a > 0.5) && (a < 0.6)) { unittype = "enemydozer"; } if ((a > 0.6) && (a < 0.9)) { unittype = "enemyhumvee"; } if ((a > 0.9) && (a < 1.5)) { unittype = "enemyoiltruck"; } _root.attachMovie(unittype, unittype + _root.n, _root.n); var _local2 = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 3); _root[unittype + _root.n]._x = _root["reinforcement" + _local2]._x + (a * 100); _root[unittype + _root.n]._y = _root["reinforcement" + _local2]._y; _root[unittype + _root.n].convoy = true; _root.guyzarray.push(unittype + _root.n); unittype = undefined; _root.n++; }; this.applyobj = function () { var _local2 = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { current = _root.enemyarray[_local2]; if (_root[current].convoy && (!_root[current].walking)) { _root[current].aggressive = false; _root[current].aigoto(_root[current]._x, _root.enemyservicedepot1._y); } _local2--; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer++; timer5++; if (timer == 200) { timer = 0; i = _root.enemyturretarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.enemyturretarray[i]; if ((_root[current].turret._currentframe > 3) && (_root[current].turret._currentframe != undefined)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndPlay("hey"); break; } i--; } } if ((timer5 > (5500 / _root.difficulty)) && (!gd)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("coming"); gd = true; } if (!hitten) { n = _root.minearray.length - 1; while (n > -1) { current = _root.minearray[n]; _root[current].gotoAndStop(2); n--; } if ((_root.minearray.length > 0) && (!mines)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndPlay("mines"); mines = true; } } if (timer == 20) { if (_root.enemies.isfree() === true) { hitten = true; n = _root.minearray.length - 1; while (n > -1) { current = _root.minearray[n]; if (_root[current].hitTest(_root.enemyservicedepot1)) { _root[current].play(); } n--; } } } if (hitten) { n = _root.minearray.length - 1; if (n > -1) { current = _root.minearray[n]; if (_root[current]._currentframe > 30) { c = _root.enemies.members.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemies.members[c]; _root[current2].life = 0; _root.gotoAndStop("victory4b"); c--; } } } } }Frame 52for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.missions++; _root.map4bcomplete = true; _root.tutoriall.removeMovieClip(); _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); stop();Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 52/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 52onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss4"); }Frame 53for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Frame 54stop();Instance of Symbol 1205 MovieClip in Frame 54onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; _root.starts = false; played = false; gotoAndStop ("miss5"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha++; } if ((this._alpha == 100) && (!played)) { played = true; play(); } }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader2" in Frame 54onClipEvent (load) { info = "Country: Scotland. \nPopulation 20 million. \n Control : US.\n Economy: Tourist Attraction"; words = "Even without the convoy, the Germans have managed to further their conquest of Britain. As a result, our forces are retreating to the north of Scotland where they are trapped. Commander, we have managed to capture a port in nearby Norway.Defend the base from enemy invasions until amphibious APCs can arrive from the coast and evacuate what troops we have left. We're counting on you commander!"; map = "map5"; }Frame 55_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; _root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.objarray = ["rallypoint"]; _root.num = 0; _root.apcarray = []; _root.allyarray = []; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.shroudarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.money + (10000 * (10 / _root.difficulty)); _root.enemymoney = 0; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = [];Instance of Symbol 864 MovieClip "back" in Frame 55onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1054 MovieClip in Frame 55onClipEvent (load) { _root.music.start(); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 55onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Frame 56_root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(15); _root.dialogue._visible = true; _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(24); _root.attachMovie("mission6", "tutorial", 1000900); _root.tutorial._x = 46.8; _root.tutorial._y = 10.9; var i = (buildary.length - 1); while (i > -1) { _root.sidebar.build[buildary[i]].buildrate = _root.sidebar.build[buildary[i]].buildrate * 0.5; i--; } var i = (buildray.length - 1); while (i > -1) { _root.sidebar.build[buildray[i]].rates = _root.sidebar.build[buildray[i]].rates * 1.5; i--; } Mouse.hide(); _root.scrolla = true; stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 56onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 56onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 56onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 56onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 864 MovieClip "back" in Frame 56/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig11" in Frame 56onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil6"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig5" in Frame 56onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil4"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 56onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 56onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 1; }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 56onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 56onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 56onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; oiltrucks = []; timert = 160 / _root.difficulty; timert2 = 1000 * _root.difficulty; numbersaved = 0; timer2 = 0; this.createobj2 = function () { a = Math.random(); if ((a > 0) && (a < 0.3)) { unittype = "enemylight"; } if ((a > 0.3) && (a < 0.5)) { unittype = "enemyrocket"; } if ((a > 0.5) && (a < 0.6)) { unittype = "enemyheavy"; } if ((a > 0.6) && (a < 0.8)) { unittype = "enemyhumvee"; } if ((a > 0.8) && (a < 1)) { unittype = "enemyartillery"; } _root.attachMovie(unittype, unittype + _root.n, _root.n); var _local2 = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 5); _root[unittype + _root.n]._x = _root["point" + _local2]._x; _root[unittype + _root.n]._y = _root["point" + _local2]._y; _root[unittype + _root.n].point = _local2; _root.n++; }; this.applyobj = function () { var _local2 = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { current = _root.enemyarray[_local2]; _root[current].point = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 5); if (_root[current].point == 3) { _root[current].aiattack("comcentre1"); } if (_root[current].point == 2) { nop = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.friendlylist.length); toattack = _root.friendlylist[nop]; if (_root[toattack]._x != undefined) { _root[current].aiattack(toattack); } } if (_root[current].point == 1) { nop = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.apcarray.length); toattack = _root.apcarray[nop]; x = _root[toattack]._x; y = _root[toattack]._y; if (!_root.back.water.hitTest(x, y, true)) { _root[current].aiattack(toattack); } else { _root[current].point = 4; } } if (_root[current].point == 4) { nop = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.friendlylist.length); toattack = _root.friendlylist[nop]; if (_root[toattack]._x != undefined) { _root[current].aiattack(toattack); } } if (_root[current].point == 5) { nop = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.allyarray.length); toattack = _root.allyarray[nop]; if (_root[toattack]._x != undefined) { _root[current].aiattack(toattack); } } _local2--; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!(_root.ownmap6 === true)) { _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.gotoAndStop(1); } timer++; timer2++; if (timer == Math.round(timert)) { n = _root.apcarray.length - 1; while (n > -1) { currenty = _root.apcarray[n]; if (_root[currenty].hitTest(_root.dropoin)) { _root[currenty]._visible = false; _root[currenty].life = 0; } n--; } createobj2(); i = _root.allyarray.length - 1; while (i > 0) { currenty2 = _root.allyarray[i]; _root[currenty2].aggressive = false; i--; } n = _root.apcarray.length - 1; while (n > -1) { currenty = _root.apcarray[n]; if (_root[currenty].hitTest(_root.dropoff)) { currentapc = currenty; break; } n--; } if ((_root[currentapc].life > 0) && (_root[currentapc].life != undefined)) { numberon = 0; i = _root.allyarray.length - 1; while (i > 0) { currenty2 = _root.allyarray[i]; if (numberon > 3) { break; } if (_root[currenty2].hitTest(_root.dropoff)) { numberon++; _root[currenty2]._visible = false; _root[currentapc].aigoto(_root.dropin._x, _root.dropin._y); currentapc = undefined; _root[currenty2].life = 0; numbersaved++; } i--; } } } if (timer == (Math.round(timert) + 3)) { applyobj(); timer = 0; } if (timer2 == Math.round(timert2)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("inbound"); _root.attachMovie("apc", "apc" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["apc" + _root.n]._x = _root.transportpoint._x; _root["apc" + _root.n]._y = _root.transportpoint._y; _root.n++; i = numbersaved + 4; while (i > numbersaved) { currenty2 = _root.allyarray[i]; _root[currenty2].aggressive = false; _root[currenty2].aigoto(_root.dropoff._x, _root.dropoff._y); _root[currenty2].apc = true; i--; } timer2 = 0; } if (_root.comcentre1.life <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat5"); } if (numbersaved > 9) { _root.gotoAndStop("victory5"); } else if (_root.allyarray.length <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat5"); } }Frame 57movetozero(); for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.warfactory1e = 0; _root.refinery1e = 0; _root.pat1e = 0; _root.pat2e = 0; _root.comcentre1e = 0; _root.enemypower = _root.enemypower - 70; _root.enemyattack = 0; _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); _root.ownmap2 = true; _root.ownmap3 = false; _root.missions++; stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 57onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndStop("miss6"); }Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 57/* no clip actions */Frame 58for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 58onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss5"); }Frame 59_root.sidebar.removeMovieClip(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1205 MovieClip in Frame 59onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; _root.starts = false; played = false; gotoAndStop ("miss6"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha++; } if ((this._alpha == 100) && (!played)) { played = true; play(); } }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader2" in Frame 59onClipEvent (load) { info = "Country: Russia. \nPopulation 150 million. \n Control : Enemy.\n Economy: Nuclear Weapon Supplier"; words = "Commander, Britain has fallen. But the enemy is losing territories as well as their once strong position in the war.Hence, they are resorting to unconventional warfare to achieve their goals. We have heard of a few Russian scientists researching on a new prototype tank which is rumoured almost invincible in warfare.Investigate these claims. You will be provided with a few humvees smuggled into Russian territory for this mission. Infiltrate their technology centre and steal their readouts on the new tank. That is all. "; map = "map6"; }Frame 60_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; _root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.shroudarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.money + (50000 * (10 / _root.difficulty)); _root.enemymoney = 0; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = [];Instance of Symbol 1375 MovieClip "back" in Frame 60onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1054 MovieClip in Frame 60onClipEvent (load) { _root.music.start(); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 60onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Frame 61_root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(30); _root.dialogue._visible = true; _root.waves = 0; _root.timert = 0; _root.attachMovie("mission7", "tutorial", 1000900); _root.tutorial._x = 46.8; _root.tutorial._y = 10.9; var i = (buildary.length - 1); while (i > -1) { _root.sidebar.build[buildary[i]].buildrate = _root.sidebar.build[buildary[i]].buildrate * 0.5; i--; } var i = (buildray.length - 1); while (i > -1) { _root.sidebar.build[buildray[i]].rates = _root.sidebar.build[buildray[i]].rates * 1.5; i--; } Mouse.hide(); _root.scrolla = true; stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 61onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 61onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 61onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 61onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1375 MovieClip "back" in Frame 61onClipEvent (load) { }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig11" in Frame 61onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil6"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 61onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 61onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 1; }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 61onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 61onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 61onClipEvent (load) { timert = 1000 / _root.difficulty; timer = 0; guyz = []; refhit = flase; help = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.dialogue._currentframe < 41) { if (!refhit) { i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(_root.ref)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("refinery"); refhit = true; break; } i--; } } if (!help) { if (_root.enemyrefinery1.life < _root.enemyrefinery1.fulllife) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("help"); help = true; } } if (help) { timer++; if (timer > timert) { timer = 0; _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("no have"); help = false; } if (_root.enemyrefinery1.life >= _root.enemyrefinery1.fulllife) { } else { _root.enemyrefinery1.auto.play(); } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(_root.tech1)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("extract"); currenthumvee = current; break; } i--; } if (_root.dialogue._currentframe == 40) { if (!_root[currenthumvee].hitTest(_root.tech1)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(31); } } if (_root.friendlylist.length < 8) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat6nn"); } } }Frame 62movetozero(); for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.warfactory1e = 0; _root.refinery1e = 0; _root.pat1e = 0; _root.pat2e = 0; _root.comcentre1e = 0; _root.enemypower = _root.enemypower - 70; _root.enemyattack = 0; _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); _root.ownmap2 = true; _root.ownmap3 = false; _root.missions++; stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 62onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndStop("miss7"); }Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 62/* no clip actions */Frame 63for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 63onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss6"); }Frame 64if ((_root.map7acomplete == undefined) && (_root.map7bcomplete == undefined)) { _root.map7acomplete = false; _root.map7bcomplete = false; } _root.sidebar.removeMovieClip(); _root.friendlies = undefined; _root.guards = undefined; for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1205 MovieClip in Frame 64onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; _root.starts = false; played = false; gotoAndStop ("miss7"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha++; } if ((this._alpha == 100) && (!played)) { played = true; play(); } }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader1" in Frame 64onClipEvent (load) { info = "Country: Latvia. \nPopulation 7 million. \n Control : Neutral.\n Economy: Food production"; words = " There is word that the enemy is planning to use their new prototype laser tank to destroy the people in these countries. We have set up temporary protection zones to prevent the enemy's advance into their countries. Unfortunately, our conventional tanks are no match for their new prototype, so desperate measures must be taken to destroy them. Commander, a column of laser tanks is on the rampage destroying buildings in Latvia.Intelligence reports that one way to deal with the tanks is to short circuit their engines via EMP cannons.Take a bunch of EMP artillery and attempt to lure the column to our base. There , will will disable and destroy these behemoths.Good luck commander."; map = "map7a"; if ((_root.map7acomplete === true) || (_root.map7bcomplete === true)) { this.gotoAndStop("complete"); } }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader2" in Frame 64onClipEvent (load) { info = "Country: Belarus. \nPopulation 26 million. \n Control : Neutral.\n Economy: Russian Support"; words = "Commander,intelligence reports on a laser tank production facility in this region. The facility mass produces the feared laser tanks in the enemy's arsenal. To deal with the threat, the facility must be destroyed. Owing to the facility being guarded by laser tanks, a direct invasion is impossible.Build a Weapons silo. APC Convoys carrying enriched Uranium will be en route to your base.Use the missiles to destroy the facility. "; map = "map7"; if (_root.map7acomplete === true) { words = "Commander,intelligence reports on a laser tank production facility in this region. The facility mass produces the feared laser tanks in the enemy's arsenal. To deal with the threat, the facility must be destroyed. As the column of laser tanks guarding the facility has been destroyed in recent campaigns, it is now possible and necessary to approach the facility directly using our conventional forces. Commander, wipe the facility out, along with all their prototypes"; } if (_root.map7bcomplete === true) { words = "Commander,intelligence reports on a laser tank production facility in this region. The facility mass produces the feared laser tanks in the enemy's arsenal. To deal with the threat, the facility must be destroyed. In recent campaigns we have suceeded in capturing their column of laser tanks intended to guard the base. Use these tanks to wreck havoc on their installations and destroy the facility. No further backup is required and enlisted. Good Luck COmmander."; } }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader0" in Frame 64onClipEvent (load) { info = "Country: Ukraine. \nPopulation 44 million. \n Control : Neutral.\n Economy: Fishing Industry."; words = "Espionage activity by the rebels in enemy Ukraine have managed to obtain the control codes for the robotic laser tanks invading Ukraine. If we obtain them and transmit them to the three Laser Tnak control facility, we may be able to gain control of their tanks and sustain a direct attack on their production facility in Belarus.This will greatly aid us in the campaign against the laser tank threats in this region."; map = "map7b"; if ((_root.map7acomplete === true) || (_root.map7bcomplete === true)) { this.gotoAndStop("complete"); } }Frame 65_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; _root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.shroudarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.money + (50000 * (10 / _root.difficulty)); _root.enemymoney = 0; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = [];Instance of Symbol 1152 MovieClip "back" in Frame 65onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1054 MovieClip in Frame 65onClipEvent (load) { _root.music.start(); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 65onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Frame 66_root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(47); _root.waves = 0; _root.timert = 0; _root.attachMovie("mission8", "tutorial", 1000900); _root.tutorial._x = 46.8; _root.tutorial._y = 10.9; var i = (buildary.length - 1); while (i > -1) { _root.sidebar.build[buildary[i]].buildrate = _root.sidebar.build[buildary[i]].buildrate * 0.5; i--; } var i = (buildray.length - 1); while (i > -1) { _root.sidebar.build[buildray[i]].rates = _root.sidebar.build[buildray[i]].rates * 1.5; i--; } Mouse.hide(); _root.scrolla = true; stop(); _root.money = 150000 / _root.difficulty; stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 66onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 66onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 66onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 66onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1152 MovieClip "back" in Frame 66onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 66onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 66onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 1; }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 66onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 66onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 66onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!(_root.ownmap6 === true)) { _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.gotoAndStop(1); } empdestroyed = false; i = 5; while (i > 0) { if ((_root["laser" + i].life < 7500) && (incoming == undefined)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("incoming"); incoming = true; } if (_root["em" + i].life > 0) { empdestroyed = true; } i--; } if ((_root.friendlylist.length <= 0) || (!empdestroyed)) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat7a"); } if (_root.enemyarray.length <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("victory7a"); } }Instance of Symbol 1388 MovieClip in Frame 66onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(102450); }Frame 67movetozero(); _root.map7acomplete = true; _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); _root.ownmap2 = true; _root.ownmap3 = false; _root.missions++; stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 67onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndStop("miss7"); }Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 67/* no clip actions */Frame 68for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 68onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss7"); }Frame 69_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; _root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.shroudarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.money + (50000 * (10 / _root.difficulty)); _root.enemymoney = 0; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = [];Instance of Symbol 859 MovieClip "back" in Frame 69onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Frame 70_root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(53); _root.dialogue._visible = true; _root.waves = 0; _root.timert = 0; _root.attachMovie("mission9", "tutorial", 1000900); _root.tutorial._x = 46.8; _root.tutorial._y = 10.9; var i = (buildary.length - 1); while (i > -1) { _root.sidebar.build[buildary[i]].buildrate = _root.sidebar.build[buildary[i]].buildrate * 0.5; i--; } var i = (buildray.length - 1); while (i > -1) { _root.sidebar.build[buildray[i]].rates = _root.sidebar.build[buildray[i]].rates * 1.5; i--; } Mouse.hide(); _root.scrolla = true; stop(); _root.money = 150000 / _root.difficulty; stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 70onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 70onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 70onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 70onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 859 MovieClip "back" in Frame 70onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 70onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig11" in Frame 70onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil5"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig10" in Frame 70onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil6"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 70onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 1; }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 70onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 70onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if ((_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) && (!_root[current].ally)) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 70onClipEvent (load) { function convert(what, to) { x = _root[what]._x; y = _root[what]._y; life = _root[what].life; fulllife = _root[what].fulllife; speed = _root[what].speed; _root[what]._visible = false; _root[what].life = 0; _root.attachMovie("lasertank", "lasertank" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["lasertank" + _root.n]._x = x; _root["lasertank" + _root.n]._y = y; nop = _root.n; _root.n++; lasertank = true; } timer = 0; _root.guide.ally = true; hit = true; _root.guide.dummy.empulse = -10; _root.guide.aggressive = false; _root.guide.life = 1000; _root.guide.fulllife = 1000; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (lasertank == true) { _root["lasertank" + nop].life = life; _root["lasertank" + nop].fulllife = 10000; _root["lasertank" + nop].speed = speed; lasertank = false; } timer++; if ((timer == 100) && (_root.enemywarfactory1.life > 0)) { i = _root.difficulty; while (i > 0) { a = Math.random(); if ((a > 0) && (a < 0.2)) { unittype = "enemylight"; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; } if ((a > 0.2) && (a < 0.4)) { unittype = "enemyrocket"; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1500; } if ((a > 0.4) && (a < 0.6)) { unittype = "enemyheavy"; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 2500; } if ((a > 0.6) && (a < 0.8)) { unittype = "enemyhumvee"; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 500; } if ((a > 0.8) && (a < 1)) { unittype = "enemyartillery"; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 2000; } _root.attachMovie(unittype, unittype + _root.n, _root.n); _root[unittype + _root.n]._x = _root.enemywarfactory1._x; _root[unittype + _root.n]._y = _root.enemywarfactory1._y + 100; _root[unittype + _root.n]._rotation = 0; _root.n++; i--; } } if (timer == 51) { timer = 0; i = 0; while (i < _root.enemyarray.length) { current = _root.enemyarray[i]; if (((!_root[current].fireing) && (!_root[current].walking)) && (_root[current].getDepth() > 0)) { lo = Math.floor(Math.random() * (_root.friendlylist.length - 1)); unit = _root.friendlylist[lo]; _root[current].aiattack(unit); } i++; } } if ((_root.apc.hitTest(_root.comm) && (_root.money > 50000)) && (hit)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("come"); hit = false; } if (_root.guide.hitTest(_root.techt1)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("one"); } if (_root.guide.hitTest(_root.techt2)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("two"); } if (_root.guide.hitTest(_root.techt3)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("three"); } if (!(_root.ownmap6 === true)) { _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.apc.life <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat7b"); } if (_root.guide.life <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat7b"); } if (_root.enemytechcentre1.life <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat7b"); } if (_root.enemytechcentre2.life <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat7b"); } if (_root.enemytechcentre3.life <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat7b"); } if (_root.enemyarray.length <= 3) { _root.gotoAndStop("victory7b"); } }Instance of Symbol 1388 MovieClip in Frame 70onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(102450); }Frame 71movetozero(); _root.map7bcomplete = true; _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); _root.ownmap2 = true; _root.ownmap3 = false; _root.missions++; stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 71onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndStop("miss7"); }Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 71/* no clip actions */Frame 72for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 72onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss7"); }Frame 73_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; _root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.enemies = undefined; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.shroudarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.money + (50000 * (10 / _root.difficulty)); _root.enemymoney = 0; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = [];Instance of Symbol 1168 MovieClip "back" in Frame 73onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Frame 74_root.waves = 0; _root.timert = 0; if (_root.map7bcomplete === true) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("laser"); } else { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(52); } _root.attachMovie("mission10", "tutorial", 1000900); _root.tutorial._x = 46.8; _root.tutorial._y = 10.9; Mouse.hide(); _root.scrolla = true; _root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(10); stop(); _root.money = 150000 / _root.difficulty; stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 74onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 74onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 74onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 74onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1168 MovieClip "back" in Frame 74/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 74onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig11" in Frame 74onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil6"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 74onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 1; }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 74onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { stop(); po = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig11" in Frame 74onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil5"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 74onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if ((_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) && (!_root[current].ally)) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 74onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; timer2 = 0; uranium = 0; lasertank = true; convoy = false; if (_root.map7bcomplete != true) { i = 4; while (i > 0) { _root.attachMovie("dozer", "dozer" + i, _root.n); _root["dozer" + i]._x = _root.pao1._x + (50 * i); _root["dozer" + i]._y = _root.pao1._y; _root.n++; i--; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (lasertank == true) { i = 10; while (i > 0) { _root["art" + i].emp = true; _root["art" + i].nuke = true; _root["art" + i].accurate = true; _root["art" + i].firerate = _root["art" + i].firerate * 3; i--; } } if ((lasertank == true) && ((_root.map7acomplete == true) || (_root.map7bcomplete == true))) { nop = 5; while (nop > -1) { _root["laser" + nop]._visible = false; _root["laser" + nop].life = 0; nop--; } lasertank = false; } if ((_root.map7acomplete == false) && (_root.map7bcomplete == false)) { if (_root.sidebar.nuketimer.percent == 0) { uranium = 0; } _root.sidebar.nuketimer.percent = uranium; } if ((_root.weaponsilo1._x != undefined) && (!convoy)) { convoy = true; _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("weaponsilo"); _root.weaponarea._x = _root.weaponsilo1._x; _root.weaponarea._y = _root.weaponsilo1._y; } if ((_root.weaponsilo1._x == undefined) && (convoy)) { convoy = false; } if (convoy) { _root.sidebar.nuketimer.pp.timer = 0; timer2++; if (timer2 == 600) { _root.attachMovie("apc", "apc", _root.n); _root.apc._x = _root.convoy._x; _root.apc._y = _root.convoy._y; _root.n++; } if (timer2 == 602) { _root.apc.aigoto(_root.weaponsilo1._x, _root.weaponsilo1._y); timer2 = 0; } } if (_root.apc.hitTest(_root.weaponarea) && (_root.apc.life > 0)) { _root.apc._visible = false; _root.apc.life = 0; if (uranium < 100) { _root.sidebar.nuketimer.nextFrame(); uranium = uranium + 12.5; } } timer++; if ((timer == 100) && (_root.enemywarfactory1.life > 0)) { i = _root.difficulty; while (i > 0) { a = Math.random(); if ((a > 0) && (a < 0.2)) { unittype = "enemylight"; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; } if ((a > 0.2) && (a < 0.4)) { unittype = "enemyrocket"; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1500; } if ((a > 0.4) && (a < 0.6)) { unittype = "enemyheavy"; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 2500; } if ((a > 0.6) && (a < 0.8)) { unittype = "enemyhumvee"; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 500; } if ((a > 0.8) && (a < 1)) { unittype = "enemyartillery"; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 2000; } _root.attachMovie(unittype, unittype + _root.n, _root.n); _root[unittype + _root.n]._x = _root.enemywarfactory1._x; _root[unittype + _root.n]._y = _root.enemywarfactory1._y + 100; _root.n++; if (Math.random() < (0.4 / _root.difficulty)) { unittype = "enemylasertank"; _root.attachMovie(unittype, unittype + _root.n, _root.n); _root[unittype + _root.n]._x = _root.facility._x; _root[unittype + _root.n]._y = _root.facility._y; _root.n++; } i--; } } if (timer == 51) { timer = 0; i = 0; while (i < _root.enemyarray.length) { current = _root.enemyarray[i]; if (((!_root[current].fireing) && (!_root[current].walking)) && (_root[current].getDepth() > 0)) { lo = Math.floor(Math.random() * (_root.friendlylist.length - 1)); unit = _root.friendlylist[lo]; if ((Math.random() > (1 / _root.difficulty)) && (_root.apc.life != undefined)) { unit = "apc"; } _root[current].aiattack(unit); } i++; } } if (_root.facility.life <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("victory7"); } if (_root.friendlylist.length <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat7"); } }Instance of Symbol 1388 MovieClip in Frame 74onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(102450); }Frame 75movetozero(); _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); _root.ownmap2 = true; _root.ownmap3 = false; _root.missions++; stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 75onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndStop("miss8"); }Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 75/* no clip actions */Frame 76for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 76onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss7"); }Frame 77_root.sidebar.removeMovieClip(); _root.friendlies = undefined; _root.guards = undefined; for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1205 MovieClip in Frame 77onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; _root.starts = false; played = false; gotoAndStop ("miss8"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha++; } if ((this._alpha == 100) && (!played)) { played = true; play(); } }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader2" in Frame 77onClipEvent (load) { info = "Country: Turkey. \nPopulation 33 million. \n Control : Enemy.\n Economy: Oil Industry"; words = "We have become aware of an imprisoned US commander in this region. Due to bribes made by an increasingly desperate European Condeferacy, US officers in Turkey have betrayed Commander Martin and taken him to a secure prison facility.Take a small squad and attempt to free him. Stealth is key. "; map = "map8"; }Frame 78_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; _root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.shroudarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.money + (50000 * (10 / _root.difficulty)); _root.enemymoney = 0; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = [];Instance of Symbol 1398 MovieClip "back" in Frame 78onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1054 MovieClip in Frame 78onClipEvent (load) { _root.music.start(); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 78onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Frame 79_root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(71); _root.waves = 0; _root.timert = 0; _root.attachMovie("mission11", "tutorial", 1000900); _root.tutorial._x = 46.8; _root.tutorial._y = 10.9; Mouse.hide(); _root.scrolla = true; stop(); _root.money = 1500; stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 79onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 79onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 79onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 79onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig11" in Frame 79onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil6"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 79onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1398 MovieClip "back" in Frame 79onClipEvent (load) { }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 79onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 1; }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 79onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig11" in Frame 79onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil7"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig10" in Frame 79onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil6"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 79onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 79onClipEvent (load) { bombed = false; patrolwait = 700 / _root.difficulty; teamtyp = false; trucktimer = 1446; go = false; timer = 0; rads = 0; timer3 = 1000000000 /* 0x3B9ACA00 */; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { patrolwait--; if (!teamtyp) { _root.apc.dummy.empulse = -2; _global.teamtype("patrols1", ["patrol1", "patrol2", "patrol3"], 4); _global.teamtype("patrols2", ["patrol4", "patrol5", "patrol6", "patrol7"], 4); _global.teamtype("patrols3", ["patrol8", "patrol9", "patrol10"], 4); teamtyp = true; } if (_root.truck.hitTest(_root.pat1) && (!go)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("halt"); } if (_root.truck.hitTest(_root.enemyservicedepot1) && (_root.truck.mined == false)) { _root.truck._visible = false; _root.truck.life = 0; } if (_root.truck.hitTest(_root.enemyservicedepot1) && (_root.truck.mined == true)) { _root.apc.dummy.empulse = 0; _root.attachMovie("nuke", "radiation" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["radiation" + _root.n]._x = _root.enemyservicedepot1._x; _root["radiation" + _root.n]._y = _root.enemyservicedepot1._y; _root["radiation" + _root.n]._xscale = 50; _root["radiation" + _root.n]._yscale = 50; _root.dialogue.gotoAndPlay("check"); _root.n++; _root.truck.mined = false; rads = 3; timer3 = 500; } timer3--; if ((rads > 0) && (timer3 <= 0)) { _root.attachMovie("nuke", "radiation" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["radiation" + _root.n]._x = _root.enemyservicedepot1._x; _root["radiation" + _root.n]._y = _root.enemyservicedepot1._y; _root["radiation" + _root.n]._xscale = 50; _root["radiation" + _root.n]._yscale = 50; _root.n++; _root.truck.mined = false; rads--; timer3 = 500; } if ((!bombed) && (_root.enemyrefinery1.life <= 0)) { trucktimer++; if (trucktimer == 1550) { _root.truck.removeMovieClip(); _root.attachMovie("enemyoiltruck", "truck", _root.n); _root.truck._x = _root.truckspawn._x; _root.truck._y = _root.truckspawn._y; _root.truck.mined = false; _root.n++; } if (trucktimer == 1552) { _root.truck.aigoto(_root.pat1._x, _root.pat1._y); trucktimer = 0; } } n = _root.minearray.length - 1; while (n > -1) { current = _root.minearray[n]; _root[current].gotoAndStop(2); if (_root[current].hitTest(_root.truck)) { _root.truck.mined = true; _root[current].removeMovieClip(); break; } n--; } if (_root.money <= 0) { _root.money = 1500; } if (_root.apc.life < 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat8y"); } _root.sidebar.build.mine.gotoAndStop(2); if (bombed) { if (_root.apc.hitTest(_root.oiltruckspawn)) { _root.gotoAndStop("victory8"); } } if (_root.enemyrefinery1._currentframe == 3) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("allah"); } }Frame 80_root.patrols1 = undefined; _root.patrols2 = undefined; _root.patrols3 = undefined; movetozero(); for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.warfactory1e = 0; _root.refinery1e = 0; _root.pat1e = 0; _root.pat2e = 0; _root.comcentre1e = 0; _root.enemypower = _root.enemypower - 70; _root.enemyattack = 0; _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); _root.ownmap2 = true; _root.ownmap3 = false; _root.missions++; stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 80onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndStop("miss9"); }Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 80/* no clip actions */Frame 81for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 81onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss8"); }Frame 82_root.sidebar.removeMovieClip(); _root.friendlies = undefined; _root.guards = undefined; for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1205 MovieClip in Frame 82onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; _root.starts = false; played = false; gotoAndStop ("miss9"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha++; } if ((this._alpha == 100) && (!played)) { played = true; play(); } }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader2" in Frame 82onClipEvent (load) { info = "Country: Sweden. \nPopulation 18 million. \n Control : US.\n Economy:Research Base"; words = "All Major enemy resistance has collapsed.How, the European Confederacy has degraded into an underground terrorist force still determined to destroy US presence in Europe. We are preparing a major assault on their last stronghold in Britain. It is believed that the leader of the organisation, Anton von Traitos is hiding there.Commander,we have amassed a large army of tanks at your disposal. Lead it out of Sweden and into our Norwegian Port. There , we can sail across the North Sea and retake Britain. "; map = "map9"; }Frame 83_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; _root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.shroudarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.money + (50000 * (10 / _root.difficulty)); _root.enemymoney = 0; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = [];Instance of Symbol 1416 MovieClip "back" in Frame 83onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1054 MovieClip in Frame 83onClipEvent (load) { _root.music.start(); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 83onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Frame 84_root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(83); _root.waves = 0; _root.timert = 0; _root.attachMovie("mission12", "tutorial", 1000900); _root.tutorial._x = 46.8; _root.tutorial._y = 10.9; var i = (buildary.length - 1); while (i > -1) { _root.sidebar.build[buildary[i]].buildrate = _root.sidebar.build[buildary[i]].buildrate * 0.5; i--; } var i = (buildray.length - 1); while (i > -1) { _root.sidebar.build[buildray[i]].rates = _root.sidebar.build[buildray[i]].rates * 1.5; i--; } Mouse.hide(); _root.scrolla = true; _root.enemymoney = 1000000 /* 0x0F4240 */; stop(); _root.money = 0; _root.scrolla = true; stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 84onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 84onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 84onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 84onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 84onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1416 MovieClip "back" in Frame 84onClipEvent (load) { }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 84onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 1; }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 84onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 84onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || ((!_root.sidebar._visible) && (canselect == true))) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 84onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; lifess = 1500 / _root.difficulty; timercock = 0; ambush = false; upbridge = []; guyz = []; dozers = []; win = false; troopfreq = 20 / _root.difficulty; numberevac = 0; downbridge = []; timer2 = 0; _root.box.canselect = false; timer3 = 0; coming = false; sayq = false; sayh = false; say3q = false; saywh = false; this.createobj2 = function () { a = Math.random() * 1.3; if ((a > 0) && (a < 0.3)) { unittype = "enemylight"; } if ((a > 0.3) && (a < 0.5)) { unittype = "enemyrocket"; } if ((a > 0.5) && (a < 0.6)) { unittype = "enemyheavy"; } if ((a > 0.6) && (a < 0.8)) { unittype = "enemyhumvee"; } if ((a > 0.8) && (a < 1)) { unittype = "enemyartillery"; } if (a > 1) { unittype = "enemydozer"; } _root.attachMovie(unittype, unittype + _root.n, _root.n); var _local2 = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6); _root[unittype + _root.n]._x = _root["point" + _local2]._x; _root[unittype + _root.n]._y = _root["point" + _local2]._y; _root[unittype + _root.n].point = _local2; guyz.push(unittype + _root.n); _root.n++; }; this.applyobj = function () { guyl = guyz.length - 1; var _local2 = guyl; while (_local2 > -1) { current = guyz[_local2]; if (_root[current].life == undefined) { guyz.splice(_local2, 1); } if (((((_root[current].speed != undefined) && (_root[current].damage != undefined)) && (!_root[current].walking)) && (!_root[current].fireing)) && (_root[current].getDepth() > 0)) { nop = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.friendlylist.length); toattack = _root.friendlylist[nop]; if (_root[toattack]._x != undefined) { _root[current].aiattack(toattack); } } _local2--; } if ((!_root[current].walking) && (!_root[current].build)) { nop = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.friendlylist.length); toattack = _root.friendlylist[nop]; bb = Math.random(); if (bb < 0.25) { _root[current].aibuild2("enemyturret", _root[toattack]._x + 30, _root[toattack]._y + 30, 1000, n, 1.5); _root[current].build = true; } if ((bb > 0.25) && (bb < 0.5)) { _root[current].aibuild2("enemymultiple", _root[toattack]._x - 30, _root[toattack]._y + 30, 1500, n, 1.5); _root[current].build = true; } if ((bb > 0.5) && (bb < 0.75)) { _root[current].aibuild2("enemylaser", _root[toattack]._x + 30, _root[toattack]._y - 30, 1500, n, 1.5); _root[current].build = true; } if (bb > 0.75) { _root[current].aibuild2("enemymine", _root[toattack]._x - 30, _root[toattack]._y - 30, 1500, n, 1.5); _root[current].build = true; } } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (win) { if (numberevac == _root.friendlylist.length) { _root.gotoAndStop("victory9"); } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(_root.dropoff) && (_root[current]._visible)) { _root[current]._visible = false; _root[current].life = 0; numberevac++; } i--; } } if (timer3 > troopfreq) { timer3 = 0; createobj2(); } if (timer2 == 20) { applyobj(); timer2 = 0; } if ((!coming) && (timercock == 10)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("ambush"); coming = true; } if (ambush) { timer++; timer3++; timer2++; if (timer == 50) { if (coming) { _root.upbridgelife = _root.upbridgelife + upbridge.length; _root.downbridgelife = _root.downbridgelife + downbridge.length; if (((_root.upbridgelife >= (lifess / 4)) && (_root.downbridgelife >= (lifess / 4))) && (!sayq)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("quarter"); sayq = true; } if (((_root.upbridgelife >= (lifess / 2)) && (_root.downbridgelife >= (lifess / 2))) && (!sayh)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("half"); sayh = true; } if (((_root.upbridgelife >= (lifess * 0.75)) && (_root.downbridgelife >= (lifess * 0.75))) && (!say3q)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("threeq"); say3q = true; } if (((_root.upbridgelife >= lifess) && (_root.downbridgelife >= lifess)) && (!saywh)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("whole"); win = true; i = _root.dozerarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.dozerarray[i]; _root[current].dummy.empulse = 1; i--; } saywh = true; } } i = upbridge.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = upbridge[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(_root.repair2)) { _root[current].dummy.empulse = -3; _root.back.repair2.auto.play(); } i--; } i = downbridge.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = downbridge[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(_root.repair1)) { _root[current].dummy.empulse = -3; _root.back.repair1.auto.play(); } i--; } timercock++; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; x = _root[current]._x; y = _root[current]._y; if (_root.back.water.hitTest(x, y, true)) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life - 50; } i--; } timer = 0; } } if ((!ambush) && (_root.upbridgelife == undefined)) { i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; _root[current].speed = 3; _root[current].savespeed = _root[current].speed; if ((Math.floor(i / 2) * 2) == i) { _root[current]._x = _root.bridge1._x; } if ((Math.floor(i / 2) * 2) != i) { _root[current]._x = _root.bridge2._x; } i--; } if (_root.trucker.hitTest(_root.bridge)) { _root.convoy = undefined; _root.upbridgelife = 0; _root.downbridgelife = 0; _root.back.bridge.play(); _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("bridge"); _root.box.canselect = true; _root.convoy = undefined; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; _root[current].speed = _root[current].savespeed; if (_root[current].hitTest(_root.bridge) || (_root[current].hitTest(_root.bridge2))) { _root[current].life = 0; } ambush = true; i--; } } } if (_root.dozerarray.length <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat9"); } if (_root.dozerarray.length <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat9"); } }Instance of Symbol 1388 MovieClip in Frame 84onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(102450); }Frame 85movetozero(); _root.map7acomplete = true; _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); _root.ownmap2 = true; _root.ownmap3 = false; _root.missions++; stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 85onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndStop("miss10"); }Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 85/* no clip actions */Frame 86for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 86onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss9"); }Frame 87_root.sidebar.removeMovieClip(); _root.friendlies = undefined; _root.guards = undefined; for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.upbridge = undefined; _root.downbridge = undefined; stop();Instance of Symbol 1205 MovieClip in Frame 87onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; _root.starts = false; played = false; gotoAndStop ("miss10"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha++; } if ((this._alpha == 100) && (!played)) { played = true; play(); } }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader2" in Frame 87onClipEvent (load) { info = "Country: England. \nPopulation 75 million. \n Control : Enemy.\n Economy:Design and Arts"; words = "This is it commander, our final battle. Traitos has holed himself up in his last remaining stronghold in England, where he has constructed a well defended fortress. Our forces have moved into Britain and surrounded the capital of London. Wipe him out, along with all his forces."; map = "map10"; if (_root.currentmap == "map10") { gotoAndStop ("complete"); } }Instance of Symbol 1214 MovieClip "shader1" in Frame 87onClipEvent (load) { info = "Country: Tunisia. \nPopulation 10 million. \n Control : Enemy.\n Economy:None"; words = "Triatos has another major base in Tunisia, where he plans to develop a new superweapon.We have prepared a small but elite stealth crack squad. Commander, destroy the base and wait for Traitos. Once Traitos is ihe vicinity, he will commence inspection. Arrest him immediately. If he detects the trap, capture him before he to flee the sector."; map = "map10a"; if (_root.currentmap == "map10a") { gotoAndStop ("complete"); } }Frame 88_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; _root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.objarray = []; _root.upgradelevel = _root.difficulty; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.shroudarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.money + (20000 * (10 / _root.difficulty)); _root.enemymoney = 1000000000000; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = [];Instance of Symbol 867 MovieClip "back" in Frame 88/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1054 MovieClip in Frame 88onClipEvent (load) { _root.music.start(); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 88onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Frame 89_root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(97); _root.waves = 0; _root.timert = 0; _root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(12); _root.attachMovie("mission13", "tutorial", 1000900); _root.tutorial._x = 46.8; _root.tutorial._y = 10.9; var i = (buildary.length - 1); while (i > -1) { _root.sidebar.build[buildary[i]].buildrate = _root.sidebar.build[buildary[i]].buildrate * 0.5; i--; } var i = (buildray.length - 1); while (i > -1) { _root.sidebar.build[buildray[i]].rates = _root.sidebar.build[buildray[i]].rates * 1.5; i--; } Mouse.hide(); _root.scrolla = true; _root.currentm = "map10"; stop(); _root.enemymoney = 1000000000000; stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 89onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 89onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 89onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 89onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 867 MovieClip "back" in Frame 89/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 89onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig13" in Frame 89onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil11"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig14" in Frame 89onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil1"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 89onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 1; }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 89onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; var revealed = false; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { revealed = true; break; } } i--; } if (revealed) { _root[current]._visible = false; } if ((!revealed) && (_root.fog)) { _root[current]._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig11" in Frame 89onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil2"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig12" in Frame 89onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil3"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 89onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 89onClipEvent (load) { timert = Math.round(3000 / _root.difficulty); timer = 0; timer2 = 0; shroud = false; fortress2 = false; fortresdest = false; guyz = []; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer2++; timer++; if (timer2 == 100) { if (fortress) { nop = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.friendlylist.length); toattack = _root.friendlylist[nop]; _root.fortress.aiattack(toattack); } timer2 = 0; guyl = guyz.length - 1; var i = guyl; while (i > -1) { current = guyz[i]; if (_root[current].life == undefined) { guyz.splice(i, 1); } if (((((_root[current].speed != undefined) && (_root[current].damage != undefined)) && (!_root[current].walking)) && (!_root[current].fireing)) && (_root[current].getDepth() > 0)) { nop = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.friendlylist.length); toattack = _root.friendlylist[nop]; if (_root[toattack]._x != undefined) { _root[current].aiattack(toattack); } } i--; } } if (timer > timert) { if (!fortress2) { if ((((_root.control1.life <= 0) && (_root.control2.life < 0)) && (_root.control3.life < 0)) && (_root.control4.life < 0)) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("destroyfortess"); } } timer = 0; i = 4; while (i > -1) { if (_root["enemywarfactory" + i].life > 0) { a = Math.random(); if ((a > 0) && (a < 0.3)) { unittype = "enemylight"; } if ((a > 0.3) && (a < 0.5)) { unittype = "enemyrocket"; } if ((a > 0.5) && (a < 0.6)) { unittype = "enemyheavy"; } if ((a > 0.6) && (a < 0.8)) { unittype = "enemyhumvee"; } if ((a > 0.8) && (a < 1)) { unittype = "enemyartillery"; } _root.attachMovie(unittype, unittype + _root.n, _root.n); _root[unittype + _root.n]._x = _root["enemywarfactory" + i]._x; _root[unittype + _root.n]._y = _root["enemywarfactory" + i]._y; guyz.push(unittype + _root.n); _root.n++; } i--; } } if (_root.friendlylist.length <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat10"); } if ((_root.fortress.life <= 0) && (!fortressdest)) { fortressdest = true; if (Math.random() > 0.5) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("decoy"); } else { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("win"); } } if (!shroud) { if (!_root.shroudfortress._visible) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("fortress"); shroud = true; } } }Frame 90movetozero(); for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.warfactory1e = 0; _root.refinery1e = 0; _root.pat1e = 0; _root.pat2e = 0; _root.comcentre1e = 0; _root.enemypower = _root.enemypower - 70; _root.enemyattack = 0; _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); _root.ownmap2 = true; _root.ownmap3 = false; _root.missions++; stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 90onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.decoy) { _root.gotoAndStop("miss10"); } else { _root.gotoAndStop("win"); } }Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 90/* no clip actions */Frame 91for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 91onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss10"); }Frame 92_root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; _root.soundon = true; _root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.shroudarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = _root.money + (50000 * (10 / _root.difficulty)); _root.enemymoney = 0; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = [];Instance of Symbol 1426 MovieClip "back" in Frame 92onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }Frame 93_root.waves = 0; _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop(107); _root.timert = 0; _root.attachMovie("mission14", "tutorial", 1000900); _root.tutorial._x = 46.8; _root.tutorial._y = 10.9; Mouse.hide(); _root.scrolla = true; _root.currentm = "map10a"; stop(); _root.money = 1500; stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 93onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 93onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 93onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 93onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 93onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1426 MovieClip "back" in Frame 93/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 93onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 0.7; }Instance of Symbol 1040 MovieClip in Frame 93onClipEvent (load) { ranges = 0.5; }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 93onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if ((((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) && (_root.scrolla)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 93onClipEvent (load) { maxpatrolwait = Math.round(350 / _root.difficulty); patrolwait = Math.round(700 / _root.difficulty); timer = 0; detected = false; win = false; _root.apoc._visible = false; flee = false; escaped = false; timer2 = 1099; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer2++; patrolwait--; timer++; if (_root.apoc.hitTest(_root.flee)) { _root.apco._visible = false; _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("fled"); } if (timer == Math.round(100 / _root.difficulty)) { if (currentguy != undefined) { _root[currentguy].aigoto(_root.apoc._x, _root.apoc._y); if (_root[currentguy].hitTest(_root.apoc) && (!flee)) { _root.apoc.aigoto(_root.flee._x, _root.flee._y); _root.apoc.speed = 4; _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("flee"); flee = true; } if (_root[currentguy].life <= 0) { currentguy = undefined; detected = false; } } if (currentguy == undefined) { i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root[current].speed != undefined) && (_root[current].shellspd != undefined)) { if (_root[current].turret._currentframe > 3) { detected = true; _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("det"); currentguy = current; break; } } i--; } } timer = 0; } if (!teamtyp) { _root.apc.dummy.empulse = -2; _global.teamtype("patrols1", ["h1", "h2"], 4); _global.teamtype("patrols2", ["p1", "p2", "p3"], 4); _global.teamtype("patrols3", ["t1", "t2", "t3"], 4); _global.teamtype("patrols4", ["i1", "i2", "i3"], 4); teamtyp = true; } if ((patrolwait == maxpatrolwait) && (!detected)) { _root.patrols1.goto(undefined, undefined, "point4"); _root.patrols2.goto(undefined, undefined, "point5"); _root.patrols3.goto(undefined, undefined, "point2"); _root.patrols4.goto(undefined, undefined, "point6"); } if ((patrolwait == 0) && (!detected)) { _root.patrols1.goto(undefined, undefined, "point3"); _root.patrols2.goto(undefined, undefined, "point4"); _root.patrols3.goto(undefined, undefined, "point1"); _root.patrols4.goto(undefined, undefined, "point5"); patrolwait = Math.round(700 / _root.difficulty); } if (_root.friendlylist.length <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat10a"); } if ((_root.apoc.life <= 0) && (!win)) { win = true; if (Math.random() > 0.5) { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("win"); } else { _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("decoy"); } } if (timer2 == Math.round(2500 / _root.difficulty)) { _root.apoc._visible = true; _root.dialogue.gotoAndStop("arr"); _root.apoc.aigoto(_root.erefinery._x, _root.erefinery._y); _root.apcc2.aigoto(_root.erefinery._x, _root.erefinery._y); _root.apcc3.aigoto(_root.erefinery._x, _root.erefinery._y); } }Frame 94_root.patrols1 = undefined; _root.patrols2 = undefined; _root.patrols3 = undefined; movetozero(); for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.warfactory1e = 0; _root.refinery1e = 0; _root.pat1e = 0; _root.pat2e = 0; _root.comcentre1e = 0; _root.enemypower = _root.enemypower - 70; _root.enemyattack = 0; _root.box6.removeMovieClip(); _root.ownmap2 = true; _root.ownmap3 = false; _root.missions++; stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 94onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.decoy) { _root.gotoAndStop("miss10"); } else { _root.gotoAndStop("win"); } }Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 94/* no clip actions */Frame 95for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 95onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("miss10"); }Frame 96stopAllSounds(); stop();Frame 97nextFrame();Frame 98gotoAndPlay (1);Frame 99array1 = []; enemymines = 0; _root.scrolla = true; _root.soundon = _root.setsoundon; for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } con = new ContextMenu(); con.hideBuiltInItems();Frame 100_root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.array1 = []; _root.rallylist = []; _root.enemyrallylist = []; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; Array.prototype.arrayfindfirst = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findsfirst = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched2 = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched2].unittype == element) { _local4 = elementsearched2; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; MovieClip.prototype.movesym = function () { _root[this._name + "symbols"]._x = (x1 + ((this._x - _root.back._x) * constantx)) - 10; _root[this._name + "symbols"]._y = (y1 + ((this._y - _root.back._y) * constanty)) - 10; }; _root.timer = 6999; _root.limit = 1200; Array.prototype.countduplicate = function (element) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3++; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.finds = function (element) { var _local3 = -1; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = 30000; _root.enemymoney = 30000; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = []; _root.enemyturret1 = false; _root.enemyturret2 = false; _root.enemyturret3 = false; _root.enemyturret4 = false; _root.enemyturret5 = false; _root.n = 1000;Frame 101Mouse.hide(); stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 101onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 101onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 101onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 101onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig6" in Frame 101onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil6"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig10" in Frame 101onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil3"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig19" in Frame 101onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil1"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 101onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 101onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if (((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } if ((_root.tutorial._currentframe == 16) && (array != undefined)) { _root.tutorial.nextFrame(); } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Frame 102for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 102/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 102onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("tut3"); }Frame 135_root.victory._visible = false; _root.tutorial.swapDepths(-2);Frame 136array1 = []; enemymines = 0; _root.shroudarray = []; play(); for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } con = new ContextMenu(); con.hideBuiltInItems();Frame 137_root.attachMovie("sidebar", "sidebar", 1000000); _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); _root.sidebar._x = 132.6; _root.sidebar._y = 615; _root.sidebar._xscale = -58.5; _root.sidebar._yscale = 49.14; _root.sidebar._rotation = 90; _global.orix = _root.back._x; _global.oriy = _root.back._y; _root.attachMovie("box5", "box6", 10000004); _root.box6._x = x1; _root.box6._y = y1; _root.box6._height = (_root.box5._height / _root.back._height) * (y4 - y1); _root.box6._width = (_root.box5._width / _root.back._width) * (x4 - x1); _global.constanty = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _global.constantsy = (y4 - y1) / _root.back._height; _global.constantsx = (x4 - x1) / _root.back._width; _root.array1 = []; _root.rallylist = []; _root.enemyrallylist = []; MovieClip.prototype.aiattack = function (what) { current2 = what; if (_root[current2]._x != undefined) { current = this._name; _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = _root[current2]._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root[current2]._y; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }; MovieClip.prototype.aigoto = function (x1, y1, lock) { current = this._name; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); if ((!lock) || (lock == undefined)) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1; } if (lock) { _root["flag" + current]._x = x1 + _root.back._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = y1 + _root.back._y; } _root["flag" + current].vsisible = false; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched].unittype == element) { _local4 = true; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; Array.prototype.arrayfindfirst = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findsfirst = function (element) { var _local4 = false; var _local3 = this.length - 1; while (_local3 > -1) { elementsearched2 = this[_local3]; if (_root[elementsearched2].unittype == element) { _local4 = elementsearched2; break; } _local3--; } return(_local4); }; MovieClip.prototype.movesym = function () { _root[this._name + "symbols"]._x = (x1 + ((this._x - _root.back._x) * constantx)) - 10; _root[this._name + "symbols"]._y = (y1 + ((this._y - _root.back._y) * constanty)) - 10; }; _root.timer = 6999; _root.limit = 1200; Array.prototype.countduplicate = function (element) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3++; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.arrayfind = function (element) { var _local3 = false; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = true; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.finds = function (element) { var _local3 = -1; var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { _local3 = _local2; break; } _local2--; } return(_local3); }; Array.prototype.findandsplice = function (element) { var _local2 = this.length - 1; while (_local2 > -1) { elementsearched = this[_local2]; if (elementsearched == element) { this.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2--; } }; _root.objarray = []; _root.num = 0; _root.sparsex = [0, -50, 150, 100, -100, 150, 250, 200, -250, 300, 300, 350, -350, 400, -410, 500, -550]; _root.sparsey = [0, -50, 80, -180, 250, -50, 140, -150, 60, 150, -70, -220, -350, 350, -350, 375, -375]; _root.linex = [0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 350, 350, 400, 400, 450, 450, 500, 500, 550, 550]; _root.liney = [0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 50]; _root.unitsarray = []; _root.flagsarray = []; _root.selectedarray = []; _root.enemyarray = []; _root.friendlylist = []; _root.shellarray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.minearray = []; _root.enemyminearray = []; _root.money = 30000; _root.enemymoney = 30000; _root.warfactory = 0; _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _global.dozers = []; _root.dozerarray = []; _root.enemydozerarray = []; _root.structurearray = []; _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root.enemystructurearray = []; _root.comcentre = 0; _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root.oilarray = []; _root.enemyoiltruckarray = []; _root.oiltruckarray = []; _root.refinery = 0; _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root.techcentre = 0; _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.turretarray = []; _root.enemyturretarray = []; _root.enemyturret1 = false; _root.enemyturret2 = false; _root.enemyturret3 = false; _root.enemyturret4 = false; _root.enemyturret5 = false; _root.n = 1000;Frame 138Mouse.hide(); stop(); this.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop("map2"); stop();Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 138onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(38))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y + 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 138onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x + 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x + 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1108 MovieClip in Frame 138onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._x = _root.back._x - 20; _root.box6._x = x1 - (_root.back._x * constantx); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1106 MovieClip in Frame 138onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.mouse) || (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.scrolla)) { if (this.hitTest(_root.back.centre)) { _root.back._y = _root.back._y - 20; _root.box6._y = y1 - (_root.back._y * constanty); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - 20; i--; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig10" in Frame 138onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil3"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig10" in Frame 138onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil2"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Frame 138onClipEvent (enterFrame) { po++; if (po == _root.shroudarray.length) { po = 0; } current = _root.shroudarray[po]; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current2].unittype != "construction") { if (_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current]._visible = false; break; } } i--; } } onClipEvent (load) { po = 0; }Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 138onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; _root.array2 = []; build = true; rounds = 0; _root.enemyoiltrucks = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ppp = _root.enemyarray.toString(); Mouse.hide(); timer++; if ((Math.round(timer / 30) * 30) == timer) { if (_root.enemyarray.length <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("victory2e"); } if (_root.friendlylist.length <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat2e"); } n = _root.enemystructurearray.length - 1; while (n > -1) { current2 = _root.enemystructurearray[n]; i = dozers.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = dozers[i]; if (_root[current].build || (_root[current].walking)) { } else { dx = _root[current]._x - _root[current2]._x; dy = _root[current]._y - _root[current2]._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 1500) { ant = 0; if (((_root[current2].life < _root[current2].fulllife) && (_root[current2].percent == undefined)) && (_root[current2].auto._currentframe == 1)) { if (!_root[current].hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].aigoto(_root[current2]._x, _root[current2]._y, false); } _root[current2].auto.play(); h = array1.length - 1; while (h > -1) { currents = _root.array1[h]; if ((((_root[currents].natack == undefined) && (!_root[currents].walking)) && (!_root[currents].fireing)) && (ant < 5)) { ant++; _root[currents].aigoto(_root[current2]._x, _root[current2]._y, false); if (_root[current2].targetobj != undefined) { targetobj = _root[current2].targetobj; _root[currents].aiattack(targetobj); } } h--; } } } break; } i--; } n--; } } if ((Math.round(timer / 70) * 70) == timer) { if (((dozers.length < 4) && (_root.enemycomcentre1.life >= 0)) && (_root.enemymoney > 1000)) { _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; _root.attachMovie("enemydozer", "enemydozer" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["enemydozer" + _root.n]._x = _root.enemycomcentre1._x; _root["enemydozer" + _root.n]._y = _root.enemycomcentre1._y; _root["enemydozer" + _root.n]._rotation = 0; _root.n++; } if ((_root.enemymoney > 50000) && (!build)) { build = true; rounds++; } if ((_root.enemymoney < 20000) && (build)) { build = false; } i = 0; while (i < _root.array2.length) { current = _root.array2[i]; if (_root[current].life == undefined) { _root.array2.splice(i, 1); } else if ((!_root[current].fireing) && (!_root[current].walking)) { lo = Math.floor(Math.random() * (_root.friendlylist.length - 1)); unit = _root.friendlylist[lo]; _root[current].aiattack(unit); } i++; } arrayone = _root.array1.toString(); if (_root.enemywarfactory1.life > 0) { if ((_root.enemyoiltrucks < 1) && (_root.enemymoney >= 2000)) { _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1500; _root.attachMovie("enemyoiltruck", "enemyoiltruck" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["enemyoiltruck" + _root.n]._x = _root.enemywarfactory1._x; _root["enemyoiltruck" + _root.n]._y = _root.enemywarfactory1._y; _root["enemyoiltruck" + _root.n]._rotation = 0; _root.n++; } if ((_root.enemyarray.length < 15) && (_root.enemymoney > 0)) { unittype = "enemyhumvee"; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 500; _root.attachMovie(unittype, unittype + _root.n, _root.n); _root[unittype + _root.n]._x = _root.enemywarfactory1._x; _root[unittype + _root.n]._y = _root.enemywarfactory1._y + 100; _root[unittype + _root.n]._rotation = 0; unittype = undefined; _root.n++; } } } }Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "burton" in Frame 138onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1100100); }Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "box" in Frame 138onClipEvent (mouseDown) { hitunit = false; x = _root.mouse._x - 10; y = _root.mouse._y - 10; if (((_root.sidebar.mapp.hitTest(x, y, true) && (_root.comcentre1.life > 0)) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) && (_root.sidebar._visible)) { x1s = x - x1; y1s = y - y1; x2s = _root.box6._x - x1; y2s = _root.box6._y - y1; _root.box6._x = x; _root.box6._y = y; x1s = x1s / constantx; y1s = y1s / constanty; x2s = x2s / constantx; y2s = y2s / constanty; _root.back._x = _root.back._x - (x1s - x2s); _root.back._y = _root.back._y - (y1s - y2s); i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.objarray[i]; _root[current]._x = _root[current]._x - (x1s - x2s); _root[current]._y = _root[current]._y - (y1s - y2s); i--; } } if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, false)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { if (Key.isDown(16)) { _root.rallypoint._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.rallypoint._y = _root.mouse._y; } hits = false; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (current != "servicedepot1")) { hits = true; break; } i--; } origx = _root.mouse._x; origy = _root.mouse._y; this._visible = true; array = _root.formation; _root.formation = undefined; if (!hits) { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { if ((!_root[current].ally) && (!hitunit)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("o" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].turret._rotation = _root[current].dummy._rotation; c = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[c]; if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root[current2])) { _root[current].targetobj = current2; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = _root.boxns._x; _root["flag" + current]._y = _root.boxns._y; _root[current].locx = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root[current].locy = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _root[current].range) * 1.5; _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; break; } c--; } if (!hit) { origx = _root.mouse._x + _root[array + "x"][i]; origy = _root.mouse._y + _root[array + "y"][i]; if (isNaN(origx)) { origx = _root.mouse._x; } if (isNaN(origy)) { origy = _root.mouse._y; } if ((_root.tutorial._currentframe == 16) && (array != undefined)) { _root.tutorial.nextFrame(); } current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].destx = origx; _root[current].desty = origy; _root[current].attack = false; _root[current].locx = undefined; _root[current].locy = undefined; _root[current].walking = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { _root[current].targetobj = "flag" + current; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root.n++; } hit = false; i--; } } } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { x = _root.mouse._x; y = _root.mouse._y; _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(2); hitunit = false; if ((!_root.sidebar.hitTest(x, y, true)) || (!_root.sidebar._visible)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (!_root.selectedarray.arrayfind(current))) { _root[current].selector._visible = true; if ((((!_root[current].ally) && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (!hitunit)) && (_root[current].speed != undefined)) { soundobj = new Sound(); numbers = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); soundobj.attachSound("d" + numbers); soundobj.start(); hitunit = true; } _root[current].selected1 = true; _root.selectedarray.push(current); } i--; } } origx = undefined; origy = undefined; this._visible = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mouse.hitTest(_root.sidebar)) { _root.sidebar._alpha = 100; } else { _root.sidebar._alpha = 30; } _root.timer++; if (_root.timer == 7000) { for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { if ((_root[name].fulllife != undefined) && ((_root[name].life == undefined) || (_root[name].life <= 0))) { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.friendlylist[i]; if ((_root.friendlylist.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.friendlylist.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.enemyarray[i]; if ((_root.enemyarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.enemyarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.objarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.objarray[i]; if ((_root.objarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents]._x == undefined)) { _root.objarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (((_root.unitsarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) || (_root[currents].life == undefined)) || (_root[currents + "symbols"]._x == undefined)) { _root.unitsarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } i = _root.shellarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { currents = _root.shellarray[i]; if (_root.shellarray.countduplicate(currents) > 1) { _root.shellarray.splice(i, 1); } i--; } _root.timer = 0; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); _root.selectedarray = []; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; _root.sidebar.calccost(); i--; } } if (this._visible) { a = _root._xmouse - origx; b = _root._ymouse - origy; this._width = Math.abs(a); this._height = Math.abs(b); if (a < 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } if (b < 0) { this._yscale = this._yscale * -1; } } }Instance of Symbol 1120 MovieClip "rig122" in Frame 138onClipEvent (load) { oilfield = "oil5"; _root.objarray.push(this._name); }Frame 139for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Frame 139/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip "ai" in Frame 139onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _root.gotoAndPlay("meow"); }Frame 141_root.gotoAndStop("meow");Frame 142for (var name in _root) { if (typeof(_root[name]) == "movieclip") { _root[name].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.tutorial._visible = false; gotoAndStop (2);Symbol 39 MovieClip [mission5] Frame 1pp = 0; stop(); assignvars(); _root.attackarray = []; stop();Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip in Symbol 39 MovieClip [mission5] Frame 1/* no clip actions */Symbol 41 MovieClip [mission6] Frame 1pp = 0; stop(); assignvars(); _root.attackarray = []; stop();Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip in Symbol 41 MovieClip [mission6] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.enemytechcentre1.life <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat6"); } }Symbol 44 MovieClip [mission8] Frame 1pp = 0; stop(); assignvars(); stop();Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip in Symbol 44 MovieClip [mission8] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.airport.life <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat8"); } }Symbol 46 MovieClip [mission7] Frame 1pp = 0; stop(); assignvars(); stop();Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip in Symbol 46 MovieClip [mission7] Frame 1/* no clip actions */Symbol 50 MovieClip [mission14] Frame 1stop();Symbol 52 MovieClip [mission13] Frame 1stop();Symbol 55 MovieClip [mission11] Frame 1stop();Symbol 57 MovieClip [mission10] Frame 1pp = 0; stop(); assignvars(); stop();Symbol 60 MovieClip [mission9] Frame 1pp = 0; stop(); assignvars(); stop();Symbol 62 MovieClip [mission4] Frame 2pp = 0; stop(); assignvars(); _root.attackarray = []; stop();Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip in Symbol 62 MovieClip [mission4] Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.production3.life <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat4"); } if (_root.production1.life <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat4"); } if (_root.production2.life <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat4"); } if (_root.production4.life <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("defeat4"); } }Symbol 64 MovieClip [mission3] Frame 2stop(); stop();Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip in Symbol 64 MovieClip [mission3] Frame 2/* no clip actions */Symbol 72 MovieClip [mission2] Frame 1_root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(4); movetoloc(_root.tartar._x, _root.tartar._y); _root.scrolla = true; this._x = this._x * 0.78; this._y = this._y * 0.78; var i = 10; while (i > 0) { if (_root["elite" + i].life != undefined) { _root["elite" + i].life = _root["elite" + i].fulllife; _root["elite" + i]._x = _root.tart5._x + _root.linex[i]; _root["elite" + i]._y = _root.tart5._y + _root.liney[i]; _root["elite" + i]._visible = true; _root["elite" + i].walking = false; _root["elite" + i].fireing = false; _root.friendlylist.push("elite" + i); _root.unitsarray.push("elite" + i); _root.objarray.push("elite" + i); } i--; } stop();Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip in Symbol 72 MovieClip [mission2] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { pp++; if (pp > 100) { _parent.nextFrame(); } } onClipEvent (load) { pp = 0; }Symbol 72 MovieClip [mission2] Frame 2pp = 0; var i = 10; while (i > 0) { _root["elite" + i].swapDepths(i); _root["elite" + i].aigoto(_root.tart6._x, _root.tart6._y, false); i--; } stop();Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip in Symbol 72 MovieClip [mission2] Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.pp++; if (_parent.pp > 100) { _parent.nextFrame(); } } onClipEvent (load) { _parent.pp = 0; }Symbol 72 MovieClip [mission2] Frame 3nextFrame();Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip in Symbol 72 MovieClip [mission2] Frame 3/* no clip actions */Symbol 72 MovieClip [mission2] Frame 4stop();Symbol 74 MovieClip [mission0] Frame 1this._x = this._x * 0.78; this._y = this._y * 0.78; _global.teamtype("friendly", _root.friendlylist, 10000); _root.friendly.upgrade("fulllife", 5 / _root.difficulty); _root.friendly.upgrade("life", 5 / _root.difficulty); _root.friendly.command("hitonly", true); nextFrame(); stop();Symbol 74 MovieClip [mission0] Frame 2pp = 0; stop();Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 16stop();Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent.accurate == undefined) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_parent._parent.accurate === false) { this._alpha = 40; } if (_parent._parent.accurate === true) { this._alpha = 100; } }Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent.nuke == undefined) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_parent._parent.nuke === false) { this._alpha = 40; } if (_parent._parent.nuke === true) { this._alpha = 100; } }Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent.emp == undefined) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_parent._parent.emp === false) { this._alpha = 40; } if (_parent._parent.emp === true) { this._alpha = 100; } }Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent.shell2 == undefined) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_parent._parent.shell2 === false) { this._alpha = 40; } if (_parent._parent.shell2 === true) { this._alpha = 100; } }Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent.hitonly == undefined) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_parent._parent.hitonly === false) { this._alpha = 40; } if (_parent._parent.hitonly === true) { this._alpha = 100; } }Instance of Symbol 94 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { if ((_parent._parent.auto == undefined) || (_parent._parent.auto._x != undefined)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_parent._parent.auto === false) { this._alpha = 40; } if (_parent._parent.auto === true) { this._alpha = 100; } }Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent.gatling == undefined) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_parent._parent.gatling === false) { this._alpha = 40; } if (_parent._parent.gatling === true) { this._alpha = 100; } }Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent.laser == undefined) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_parent._parent.laser === false) { this._alpha = 40; } if (_parent._parent.laser === true) { this._alpha = 100; } }Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent.crush == undefined) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_parent._parent.crush === false) { this._alpha = 40; } if (_parent._parent.crush === true) { this._alpha = 100; } }Instance of Symbol 102 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { if ((_parent._parent.miss == undefined) || (_parent._parent.missile != undefined)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (!(_parent._parent.miss === 3)) { this._alpha = 40; } if (_parent._parent.miss === 3) { this._alpha = 100; } }Instance of Symbol 104 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent.seeker == undefined) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_parent._parent.seeker === false) { this._alpha = 40; } if (_parent._parent.seeker === true) { this._alpha = 100; } }Instance of Symbol 106 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent.miss == undefined) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if ((!(_parent._parent.miss === 2)) || (_parent._parent.missile === false)) { this._alpha = 40; } if ((_parent._parent.miss === 2) || (_parent._parent.missile === true)) { this._alpha = 100; } }Instance of Symbol 108 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent.blast == undefined) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_parent._parent.blast === false) { this._alpha = 40; } if (_parent._parent.blast === true) { this._alpha = 100; } }Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 2if (_parent.life < _parent.fulllife) { _parent.life = _parent.life + 15; }Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 15if (_parent.life < _parent.fulllife) { _parent.life = _parent.life + 15; }Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 30gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 121 MovieClip [weaponsilo] Frame 1_root.sidebar.nuketimer.gotoAndPlay(2); this.cacheAsBitmap = true; stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 121 MovieClip [weaponsilo] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _root.structurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.objarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 1500; _parent.fulllife = 1500; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "weaponsilo"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 121 MovieClip [weaponsilo] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 400 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 121 MovieClip [weaponsilo] Frame 2_root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 10000;Symbol 121 MovieClip [weaponsilo] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_name); _root.structurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.sidebar.build.weaponsilo.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.nuketimer.gotoAndStop(1); _root.targeter.removeMovieClip(); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this._name = "l"; this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 123 MovieClip [mission] Frame 1_root.sidebar.mapp.gotoAndStop(3); _root.scrolla = false; this._x = this._x * 0.78; this._y = this._y * 0.78; unitsarray = _root.unitsarray.concat(_root.oilarray); i = unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = unitsarray[i]; _root[current + "symbols"]._visible = false; i--; } i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].auto._x != undefined) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life * 5; _root[current].fulllife = _root[current].fulllife * 10; } if (_root[current].speed != undefined) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life * 2; _root[current].fulllife = _root[current].fulllife * 2; _root[current].laser = true; _root[current].auto = true; _root[current].miss = 2; _root[current].shell2 = true; } i--; } _root.box6._visible = false; _root.sidebar._visible = false;Symbol 123 MovieClip [mission] Frame 2pp = 0; stop();Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip in Symbol 123 MovieClip [mission] Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.pp++; if (_parent.pp > 100) { _parent.nextFrame(); } } onClipEvent (load) { _parent.pp = 0; }Symbol 123 MovieClip [mission] Frame 3_root.scrolla = true; var i = 4; while (i > 0) { _root.attachMovie("light", "elite" + i, _root.n); _root["elite" + i]._x = _root.tart._x; _root["elite" + i]._y = _root.tart._y; _root["elite" + i].life = 500; _root["elite" + i].fulllife = 500; _root["elite" + i].shell2 = true; _root["elite" + i].auto = true; _root["elite" + i].firerate = 10; _root.n++; i--; } var i = 6; while (i > 4) { _root.attachMovie("rocket", "elite" + i, _root.n); _root["elite" + i]._x = _root.tart._x; _root["elite" + i]._y = _root.tart._y; _root["elite" + i].miss = 2; _root["elite" + i].damage = 75; _root["elite" + i].seeker = true; _root.n++; i--; } var i = 9; while (i > 6) { _root.attachMovie("humvee", "elite" + i, _root.n); _root["elite" + i]._x = _root.tart._x; _root["elite" + i]._y = _root.tart._y; _root["elite" + i].laser = true; _root["elite" + i].speed = 8; _root.n++; i--; } var i = 10; while (i > 9) { _root.attachMovie("artillery", "elite" + i, _root.n); _root["elite" + i]._x = _root.tart._x; _root["elite" + i]._y = _root.tart._y; _root["elite" + i].emp = true; _root.n++; i--; } nextFrame();Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip in Symbol 123 MovieClip [mission] Frame 3/* no clip actions */Symbol 123 MovieClip [mission] Frame 4stop(); var i = 9; while (i > 0) { _root["elite" + i].aigoto(_root.tart3._x, _root.tart3._y); i--; } var i = 4; while (i > 0) { _root["elite" + i].life = 700; _root["elite" + i].fulllife = 700; _root["elite" + i].shell2 = true; _root["elite" + i].auto = true; _root["elite" + i].firerate = 10; i--; } var i = 6; while (i > 4) { _root["elite" + i].miss = 2; _root["elite" + i].damage = 105; _root["elite" + i].life = 500; _root["elite" + i].fulllife = 500; _root["elite" + i].seeker = true; i--; } var i = 9; while (i > 6) { _root["elite" + i].laser = true; _root["elite" + i].life = 300; _root["elite" + i].fulllife = 300; _root["elite" + i].speed = 8; i--; } var i = 10; while (i > 9) { _root["elite" + i].life = 500; _root["elite" + i].fulllife = 500; _root["elite" + i].emp = true; i--; } movetoloc(_root.elite1._x + 50, _root.elite1._y + 50);Symbol 128 MovieClip [rad] Frame 1timer++; this._xscale = this._xscale + 15; this._yscale = this._yscale + 15; this._alpha = this._alpha - 20; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life - (20 / timer); _root[current + "symbols"].play(); } i--; } if (this._alpha < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); }Symbol 128 MovieClip [rad] Frame 19timer++; this._xscale = this._xscale + 15; this._yscale = this._yscale + 15; this._alpha = this._alpha - 20; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life - (20 / timer); _root[current + "symbols"].play(); } i--; } if (this._alpha < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); }Symbol 128 MovieClip [rad] Frame 40gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 131 MovieClip [laser2] Frame 1Symbol 131 MovieClip [laser2] Frame 2if (((((this._x < 1000) && (this._y < 768)) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("la"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 131 MovieClip [laser2] Frame 4_root.objarray.findandsplice(this._name); this.removeMovieClip();Symbol 135 MovieClip [ionbeams] Frame 1this._alpha = 50;Symbol 135 MovieClip [ionbeams] Frame 4Symbol 138 MovieClip [laser] Frame 1Symbol 138 MovieClip [laser] Frame 2if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("Las"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 138 MovieClip [laser] Frame 4_root.objarray.findandsplice(this._name); this.removeMovieClip();Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 150 Buttonon (rollOver) { if (_root.selectedarray.length > 0) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop("attacker"); } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.selectedarray.length > 0) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop("locator"); } }Symbol 157 MovieClip [enemyconstruction] Frame 1this.cacheAsBitmap = true; stop();Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip "constructor" in Symbol 157 MovieClip [enemyconstruction] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.gotoAndStop(_parent.structure); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = _parent.percent; }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 157 MovieClip [enemyconstruction] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _parent.constructor._alpha = 0; _root.attachMovie("bigdot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.enemystructurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = true; _parent.aggressive = false; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 100; _parent.fulllife = 1000; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.percent = 0; _root[_parent.dozer].aigoto(_parent._x, _parent._y, false); _root[_parent.dozer].targetbuild = _parent._name; _root[_parent.dozer].build = true; _root[_parent.structure] = 1; _parent.drag = false; _parent.unittype = "construction"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.constructor._alpha = _parent.percent; if ((_root[_parent.dozer].life <= 0) || (_root[_parent.dozer].life == undefined)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 157 MovieClip [enemyconstruction] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 370 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if ((_parent.life <= 0) && (!_parent.drag)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 157 MovieClip [enemyconstruction] Frame 2_root.attachMovie(structure, structure + "1", _root.n - 1000); _root[structure + "1"]._x = this._x; _root[structure + "1"]._y = this._y; _root.n++; _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemystructurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip();Symbol 157 MovieClip [enemyconstruction] Frame 3Symbol 157 MovieClip [enemyconstruction] Frame 12_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemystructurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root[structure] = 0; _root.sidebar.calccost(); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 168 MovieClip Frame 1if (targetobj == undefined) { stop(); } dx = _root[targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > _parent.range) { targetobj = undefined; stop(); }Symbol 168 MovieClip Frame 2_root.attachMovie("shell2", "she3ll" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["she3ll" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x + 10; _root["she3ll" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y + 10; _root["she3ll" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["she3ll" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["she3ll" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["she3ll" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["she3ll" + _root.n].hitonly = _parent.hitonly; _root["she3ll" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["she3ll" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["she3ll" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.n++; _root.objarray.push("she3ll" + _root.n);Symbol 168 MovieClip Frame 4_root.attachMovie("shell2", "she2ll" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x - 10; _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y - 10; _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].hitonly = _parent.hitonly; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.n++; _root.objarray.push("she2ll" + _root.n); if ((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("mac"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 168 MovieClip Frame 6if ((_root[targetobj].life < 0) || (_root[targetobj].life == undefined)) { targetobj = undefined; } if ((!_root[targetobj].fireing) && (!_root[targetobj].walking)) { if (_root[targetobj].aggressive) { _root[targetobj].aiattack(_parent._name); } }Symbol 168 MovieClip Frame 7gotoAndPlay ("normal");Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 168 MovieClip "turret" in Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.targetobj == undefined) { this._rotation++; } }Symbol 176 Buttonon (keyPress "<Space>") { if (_parent.drag) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(12); } }Symbol 178 MovieClip [construction2] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "constructor" in Symbol 178 MovieClip [construction2] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.gotoAndStop(_parent.structure); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = _parent.percent; }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 178 MovieClip [construction2] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.structurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.aggressive = false; _parent.life = 100; _parent.fulllife = 500; timer = 0; _parent.unittype = "construction"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.drag) { timer++; _parent._y = _root._ymouse; _parent._x = _root._xmouse; if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.money = _root.money + _parent.cost; _parent.gotoAndPlay(12); } } if ((_root[_parent.dozer].life <= 0) || (_root[_parent.dozer].life == undefined)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { hit = false; if (_parent.drag) { c = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.unitsarray[c]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current2])) { break; } c--; } } if (((!hit) && (timer > 10)) && (_parent.drag)) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.aggressive = true; _parent.percent = 0; _root[_parent.dozer].aigoto(_parent._x, _parent._y, false); _root[_parent.dozer].targetbuild = _parent._name; _root[_parent.dozer].build = true; _parent.drag = false; _parent.constructor._alpha = 0; } }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 178 MovieClip [construction2] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 60 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if ((_parent._currentframe == 1) && (!_parent.drag)) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 178 MovieClip [construction2] Frame 2_root.attachMovie(structure, structure + _root.n, _root.n - 1000); _root[structure + _root.n]._x = this._x; _root[structure + _root.n]._y = this._y; _root.n++; _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_name); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root.sidebar.calccost(); this.removeMovieClip();Symbol 178 MovieClip [construction2] Frame 3Symbol 178 MovieClip [construction2] Frame 12_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_name); _root.structurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.sidebar.build[structure].gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 189 MovieClip [construction] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "constructor" in Symbol 189 MovieClip [construction] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.gotoAndStop(_parent.structure); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = _parent.percent; }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 189 MovieClip [construction] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.structurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.aggressive = false; _parent.life = 100; _parent.fulllife = 1000; timer = 0; _parent.unittype = "construction"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.constructor._alpha = _parent.percent; if (_parent.drag) { timer++; _parent._y = _root._ymouse; _parent._x = _root._xmouse; if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.money = _root.money + _parent.cost; _parent.gotoAndPlay(12); } } if ((_root[_parent.dozer].life <= 0) || (_root[_parent.dozer].life == undefined)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { hit = false; if (_parent.drag) { c = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (c > -1) { current2 = _root.unitsarray[c]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current2])) { break; } c--; } } if (((!hit) && (timer > 10)) && (_parent.drag)) { _parent.constructor._alpha = 0; _root.attachMovie("bigdot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.percent = 0; _root[_parent.dozer].aigoto(_parent._x, _parent._y, false); _root[_parent.dozer].targetbuild = _parent._name; _root[_parent.dozer].build = true; _parent.drag = false; } }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 189 MovieClip [construction] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 370 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if ((_parent.life <= 0) && (!_parent.drag)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 189 MovieClip [construction] Frame 2_root.attachMovie(structure, structure + "1", _root.n - 1000); _root[structure + "1"]._x = this._x; _root[structure + "1"]._y = this._y; _root.n++; _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_name); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip();Symbol 189 MovieClip [construction] Frame 3Symbol 189 MovieClip [construction] Frame 12_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_name); _root.structurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.sidebar.build[structure].gotoAndStop(1); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root.sidebar.calccost(); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 192 MovieClip [bigdot2] Frame 1if (_root.comcentre1.life == undefined) { this._visible = false; } stop();Symbol 192 MovieClip [bigdot2] Frame 6gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 194 MovieClip [bigdot] Frame 1if (_root.comcentre1.life == undefined) { this._visible = false; } stop();Symbol 194 MovieClip [bigdot] Frame 6gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 197 MovieClip [dot2] Frame 1if (_root.comcentre1.life == undefined) { this._visible = false; } stop();Symbol 197 MovieClip [dot2] Frame 6gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 208 MovieClip [nuke] Frame 1_root.objarray.push(_name);Symbol 208 MovieClip [nuke] Frame 7i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this)) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life - (0.75 * _root[current].fulllife); } i--; }Symbol 208 MovieClip [nuke] Frame 8i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this)) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life - (0.25 * _root[current].fulllife); } i--; } if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("exp2"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 208 MovieClip [nuke] Frame 10_root.n++; _root.attachMovie("rad", "rad" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["rad" + _root.n]._x = this._x; _root["rad" + _root.n]._y = this._y; _root["rad" + _root.n]._yscale = 200; _root["rad" + _root.n]._xscale = 200; _root["rad" + _root.n].timer = 0; _root.objarray.push("rad" + _root.n); _root.n++; if (_root.soundon) { soundobj2 = new Sound(); soundobj2.attachSound("crash"); soundobj2.start(); }Symbol 208 MovieClip [nuke] Frame 12i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this)) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life - 100; } i--; } if (_root.soundon) { soundobj3 = new Sound(); soundobj3.attachSound("exp"); soundobj3.start(); }Symbol 208 MovieClip [nuke] Frame 16_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 213 MovieClip [targeter] Frame 1timer = 1;Instance of Symbol 212 MovieClip in Symbol 213 MovieClip [targeter] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent._x = _root.mouse._x; _parent._y = _root.mouse._y; _parent.timer++; if (Key.isDown(32)) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if ((_parent.timer > 10) && (hit == undefined)) { _root.attachMovie("flag2", "nuclearstrike", _root.n); _root.nuclearstrike._x = _root.mouse._x; _root.nuclearstrike._y = _root.mouse._y; _root.objarray.push("nuclearstrike"); _root.n++; hit = true; _root.attachMovie("nukemiss", "nukemiss", _root.n); _root.nukemiss._x = _root.weaponsilo1._x; _root.nukemiss._y = _root.weaponsilo1._y; _root.n++; _parent._visible = false; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } }Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 3if ((_parent.timer > 12) && (!_parent.hitonly)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(_parent)) { _parent.hits = current; _parent.play(); break; } i--; } } if ((_parent.timer > 12) && (_parent.hitonly)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(_parent) && (_root[current].enemy == _root[_parent.targetobj].enemy)) { _parent.hits = current; _parent.play(); break; } i--; } } _parent.movex = _parent.movex * 1.4; _parent.movey = _parent.movey * 1.4; _parent.shellspd = _parent.shellspd + 2; if (_parent.hitTest(_root[_parent.targetobj])) { _parent.play(); } if (_parent.timer > 40) { _parent.play(); }Symbol 218 MovieClip [nukemiss2] Frame 1_root.objarray.push(this._name);Instance of Symbol 217 MovieClip in Symbol 218 MovieClip [nukemiss2] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.sidebar.enemynuketimer.gotoAndStop(2); flag = "nuclearstrike2"; dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; _parent._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); rads = (_parent._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * 10); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * 10); if (_parent.hitTest(_root[flag])) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _parent.walking = false; _root.attachMovie("nuke", "nuke2", _root.n); _root.nuke2._x = _parent._x; _root.nuke2._y = _parent._y; _root.n++; _root.objarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } }Symbol 220 MovieClip [nukemiss] Frame 1_root.objarray.push(this._name); _root.weaponsilo1.silodoors.gotoAndStop(1);Instance of Symbol 217 MovieClip in Symbol 220 MovieClip [nukemiss] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.sidebar.nuketimer.gotoAndStop(2); flag = "nuclearstrike"; dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; _parent._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); rads = (_parent._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * 10); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * 10); if (_parent.hitTest(_root[flag])) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _parent.walking = false; _root.attachMovie("nuke", "nuke", _root.n); _root.nuke._x = _parent._x; _root.nuke._y = _parent._y; _root.n++; _root.objarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } }Symbol 222 MovieClip [padded] Frame 1if (_root.comcentre1.life == undefined) { this._visible = false; } stop();Symbol 234 Buttonon (release) { fscommand ("quit"); }Symbol 239 Buttonon (release) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("options"); }Symbol 243 Buttonon (release) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("skirmish"); }Symbol 247 Buttonon (release) { _parent.play(); }Symbol 251 Buttonon (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay(2); }Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 6onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer == 10) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].unittype == "artillery") { if (Math.random() > 0.9) { _root[current].deploy(); } } i--; } } timer++; if (timer == 18) { createobj2(); } if (timer == 20) { createobj(); } if (timer == 42) { _global.applyobj(); timer = 0; } }Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 6/* no clip actions */Symbol 264 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay ("reverse"); }Symbol 270 Buttonon (release) { _root.difficulty = 2; _root.gotoAndStop(5); }Symbol 275 Buttonon (release) { _root.difficulty = 4; _root.gotoAndStop(5); }Symbol 279 Buttonon (release) { _root.difficulty = 6; _root.gotoAndStop(5); }Symbol 283 Buttonon (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(5); _root.loadings = true; }Symbol 297 Buttonon (release) { _root.screen = !_root.screen; if (_root.screen) { sc = "On"; } if (!_root.screen) { sc = "Off"; } fscommand ("fullscreen", _root.screen); }Symbol 302 Buttonon (release) { _root.smart = !_root.smart; if (_root.smart) { smart = "On"; } if (!_root.smart) { smart = "Off"; } }Symbol 308 Buttonon (release) { i = 1; while (i > 0) { if (_root._quality == "LOW") { _root._quality = "MEDIUM"; break; } if (_root._quality == "MEDIUM") { _root._quality = "HIGH"; break; } if (_root._quality == "HIGH") { _root._quality = "BEST"; break; } if (_root._quality == "BEST") { _root._quality = "LOW"; break; } i--; } qual = _root._quality; qaul.toLowerCase(); }Symbol 312 Buttonon (release) { _root.musicon = !_root.musicon; if (_root.musicon) { mus = "On"; _root.music.setVolume(100); } if (!_root.musicon) { mus = "Off"; _root.music.setVolume(0); } }Symbol 316 Buttonon (release) { _root.setsoundon = !_root.setsoundon; if (_root.setsoundon) { mute = "On"; } if (!_root.setsoundon) { mute = "Off"; } }Symbol 320 Buttonon (release) { _root.fog = !_root.fog; if (_root.fog) { foghorn = "On"; } if (!_root.fog) { foghorn = "Off"; } }Symbol 334 MovieClip Frame 1this._visible = false;Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 1this.cacheAsBitmap = true; this.opaqueBackground = 0; stop();Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Instance of Symbol 346 MovieClip "back" in Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 5/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 350 MovieClip "back" in Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 6/* no clip actions */Symbol 360 Buttonon (release) { _root.currento = current; _root.gotoAndPlay(4); }Symbol 364 Buttonon (release) { if (current > 0) { current--; } mapname = mapsarray[current]; _root.currentlist = mapslist[current]; mapp.gotoAndStop("map" + current); }Symbol 365 Buttonon (release) { if (current < (mapsarray.length - 1)) { current++; } mapname = mapsarray[current]; _root.currentlist = mapslist[current]; mapp.gotoAndStop("map" + current); }Symbol 368 Buttonon (release) { _root.ownmap5 = !_root.ownmap5; if (!_root.owmmap5) { shroud = "On"; } if (_root.ownmap5) { shroud = "Off"; } }Symbol 375 Buttonon (release) { if (_root.monet < 50000) { _root.monet = _root.monet + 5000; } }Symbol 376 Buttonon (release) { if (_root.monet > 5000) { _root.monet = _root.monet - 5000; } }Symbol 382 Buttonon (release) { this.lists._visible = !this.lists._visible; this.lists2._visible = false; }Symbol 385 Buttonon (release) { this.lists2._visible = !this.lists2._visible; this.lists._visible = false; }Symbol 392 Buttonon (release) { _root.difficulty = 3; _parent.difficulty = "Easy Enemy"; this._visible = false; }Symbol 396 Buttonon (release) { _root.difficulty = 2; _parent.difficulty = "Medium Enemy"; this._visible = false; }Symbol 400 Buttonon (release) { _root.difficulty = 1; _parent.difficulty = "Hard Enemy"; this._visible = false; }Symbol 405 Buttonon (release) { _root.difficulty = 0.5; _parent.difficulty = "Burtal Enemy"; this._visible = false; }Symbol 408 Buttonon (release) { _root.difficulty = 4; _parent.difficulty = "Novice Enemy"; this._visible = false; }Symbol 416 Buttonon (release) { _root.aip = "Technology Commander"; _root.ais = 4; this._visible = false; }Symbol 424 Buttonon (release) { _root.aip = "Offensive Commander"; _root.ais = 1; this._visible = false; }Symbol 430 Buttonon (release) { _root.aip = "Defensive Commander"; _root.ais = 2; this._visible = false; }Symbol 435 Buttonon (release) { _root.aip = "Superweapon Commander"; _root.ais = 5; this._visible = false; }Symbol 442 Buttonon (release) { _root.aip = "Economic Commander"; _root.ais = 3; this._visible = false; }Symbol 444 MovieClip [bar] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Symbol 444 MovieClip [bar] Frame 2onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer == 10) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].unittype == "artillery") { if (Math.random() > 0.9) { _root[current].deploy(); } } i--; } } timer++; if (timer == 18) { createobj2(); } if (timer == 20) { createobj(); } if (timer == 42) { _global.applyobj(); timer = 0; } }Symbol 444 MovieClip [bar] Frame 11stop();Symbol 444 MovieClip [bar] Frame 19gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 444 MovieClip [bar] Frame 30stop();Symbol 444 MovieClip [bar] Frame 41_root.ais = "Technology Commander"; difficulty = "Medium Enemy"; _root.difficulty = 2; mapsarray = ["Arena", "Near Oil Far", "No Man's Land", "Warring Factions", "River of Troubles", "Main Base", " Black Winter"]; mapslist = [3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17]; current = 0; _root.ownmap5 = false; stop();Instance of Symbol 356 MovieClip "mapp" in Symbol 444 MovieClip [bar] Frame 41/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "lists2" in Symbol 444 MovieClip [bar] Frame 41onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 443 MovieClip "lists" in Symbol 444 MovieClip [bar] Frame 41onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Symbol 449 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 168 MovieClip "turret" in Symbol 449 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.targetobj == undefined) { this._rotation++; } }Symbol 451 MovieClip [enemyconstruction2] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 449 MovieClip "constructor" in Symbol 451 MovieClip [enemyconstruction2] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.gotoAndStop(_parent.structure); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = _parent.percent; }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 451 MovieClip [enemyconstruction2] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.enemystructurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = true; _parent.aggressive = false; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 200; _parent.fulllife = 1000; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); timer = 0; _parent.unittype = "construction"; _parent.aggressive = true; _parent.percent = 0; _root[_parent.dozer].aigoto(_parent._x, _parent._y, false); _root[_parent.dozer].targetbuild = _parent._name; _root[_parent.dozer].build = true; _parent.constructor._alpha = 0; _root["enemyturret" + _parent.number] = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.constructor._alpha = _parent.percent; if ((_root[_parent.dozer].life <= 0) || (_root[_parent.dozer].life == undefined)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 451 MovieClip [enemyconstruction2] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 100 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 451 MovieClip [enemyconstruction2] Frame 2_root.attachMovie(structure, structure + _root.n, _root.n - 1000); if (structure == "enemymine") { _root[dozer].aigoto(_root.waypoint106._x, _root.waypoint106._y, false); } _root[structure + _root.n]._x = this._x; _root[structure + _root.n]._y = this._y; _root[structure + _root.n].number = number; _root.n++; _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip();Symbol 451 MovieClip [enemyconstruction2] Frame 3Symbol 451 MovieClip [enemyconstruction2] Frame 12_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); if (structure == "enemymine") { _root[dozer].aigoto(_root.waypoint106._x, _root.waypoint106._y, false); } _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root["enemyturret" + number] = false; _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemystructurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 454 MovieClip Frame 1if (_parent._parent.enemy) { gotoAndStop ("red"); } if (_parent._parent.ally === true) { this._visible = false; } stop();Symbol 454 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 455 Buttonon (rollOver) { if (_parent.enemy) { if (_root.selectedarray.length > 0) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop("attacker"); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_parent.enemy) { if (_root.selectedarray.length > 0) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop("locator"); } } } on (press) { if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("blip"); soundobj.start(); } }Symbol 457 MovieClip Frame 1if (_root.sidebar.build.lasertank._currentframe == 2) { _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.gotoAndStop(13); } stop();Symbol 457 MovieClip Frame 2if (_parent.enemy) { _root.money = _root.money + 100; } if (!_parent.enemy) { _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 100; } _parent.turret._visible = false; if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 457 MovieClip Frame 16_root.objarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.selectedarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.sidebar.calccost(); if (_root.sidebar.build.lasertank._currentframe == 13) { _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.gotoAndStop(2); } _root[_parent._name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + _parent._name].removeMovieClip(); _parent.nextFrame(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 461 MovieClip Frame 1dx = _root[targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > _parent.range) { targetobj = undefined; stop(); } if (targetobj == undefined) { stop(); }Symbol 461 MovieClip Frame 5Symbol 461 MovieClip Frame 6dx = -(_parent._x - _root[targetobj]._x); dy = -(_parent._y - _root[targetobj]._y); dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); _root.attachMovie("laser2", "laser" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["laser" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["laser" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["laser" + _root.n]._width = dist + 10; _root["laser" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.n++; _root[targetobj].life = _root[targetobj].life - _parent.damage;Symbol 461 MovieClip Frame 8if ((!_root[targetobj].fireing) && (!_root[targetobj].walking)) { if (_root[targetobj].aggressive) { _root[targetobj].aiattack(_parent._name); } } if ((_root[targetobj].life < 0) || (_root[targetobj].life == undefined)) { targetobj = undefined; } stop();Instance of Symbol 460 MovieClip in Symbol 461 MovieClip Frame 8onClipEvent (enterFrame) { n++; if (n > _parent._parent.firerate) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; }Symbol 461 MovieClip Frame 11gotoAndStop ("normal");Symbol 462 MovieClip [lasertank] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 457 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 462 MovieClip [lasertank] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _parent.auto = false; _parent.unittype = "lasertank"; _parent.shell2 = false; _parent.hitonly = false; _parent.damage = 250; _parent.avoid = false; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = false; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 800; nohit = 0; _parent.fulllife = 800; _parent.speed = 3; _parent.firerate = 50; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; _parent.range = 200; empulse = 0; as = 0; left = 1; if (_root.warfactory1._x != undefined) { _parent.aigoto(_root.rallypoint._x, _root.rallypoint._y, false); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.attack) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.walking = false; _parent.attack = false; } _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (_parent.attack) { _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (this.hitTest(_root[flag])) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > (_parent.range * 1.5)) { _parent.walking = true; _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; _parent.fireing = false; } } if (_parent.fireing) { _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } if (!_parent.walking) { if (_parent.avoid) { as++; if (left > 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) - 90; } if (left < 0) { this._rotation = -((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); } if (as > 50) { as = 0; left = -left; } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.tops)) { _parent._y = _parent._y + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.bottoms)) { _parent._y = _parent._y - 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.lefts)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.rights)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - 20; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 462 MovieClip [lasertank] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 462 MovieClip [lasertank] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 100 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 462 MovieClip [lasertank] Frame 2stop();Symbol 464 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 464 MovieClip Frame 2if (_parent.life < _parent.fulllife) { _parent.life = _parent.life + 55; }Symbol 465 Buttonon (rollOver) { if (_root.selectedarray.length > 0) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop("attacker"); } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.selectedarray.length > 0) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop("locator"); } }Symbol 466 MovieClip [enemyweaponsilo] Frame 1_root.sidebar.enemynuketimer.gotoAndPlay(2); this.cacheAsBitmap = true; stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 466 MovieClip [enemyweaponsilo] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _root.enemystructurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = true; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 1500; _parent.fulllife = 1500; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "weaponsilo"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 466 MovieClip [enemyweaponsilo] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 410 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 466 MovieClip [enemyweaponsilo] Frame 2_root.money = _root.money + 10000;Symbol 466 MovieClip [enemyweaponsilo] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemystructurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyweaponsilo = 0; _root.sidebar.enemynuketimer.gotoAndStop(1); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this._name = "pork"; this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 468 Buttonon (rollOver) { if (_parent.enemy) { if (_root.selectedarray.length > 0) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop("attacker"); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_parent.enemy) { if (_root.selectedarray.length > 0) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop("locator"); } } }Symbol 469 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 469 MovieClip Frame 2if (_parent.enemy) { _root.money = _root.money + 100; } if (!_parent.enemy) { _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 100; } _parent.turret._visible = false;Symbol 469 MovieClip Frame 8_root.objarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.selectedarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + _parent._name].removeMovieClip(); _parent.nextFrame(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 470 MovieClip [enemylasertank] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 469 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 470 MovieClip [enemylasertank] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _parent.unittype = "lasertank"; _parent.damage = 250; _parent.avoid = false; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = true; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 1000; nohit = 0; _parent.fulllife = 1000; _parent.speed = 3; _parent.firerate = 30; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; _parent.range = 250; empulse = 0; as = 0; left = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.attack) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.walking = false; _parent.attack = false; } _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (_parent.attack) { _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (this.hitTest(_root[flag])) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > (_parent.range * 1.5)) { _parent.walking = true; _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; _parent.fireing = false; } } if (_parent.fireing) { _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } if (!_parent.walking) { if (_parent.avoid) { as++; if (left > 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) - 90; } if (left < 0) { this._rotation = -((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); } if (as > 50) { as = 0; left = -left; } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.tops)) { _parent._y = _parent._y + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.bottoms)) { _parent._y = _parent._y - 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.lefts)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.rights)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - 20; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 470 MovieClip [enemylasertank] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 470 MovieClip [enemylasertank] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 100 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 470 MovieClip [enemylasertank] Frame 2stop();Symbol 472 Buttonon (rollOver) { if (_parent.enemy) { if (_root.selectedarray.length > 0) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop("attacker"); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_parent.enemy) { if (_root.selectedarray.length > 0) { _root.mouse.gotoAndStop("locator"); } } } on (press) { if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("blip"); soundobj.start(); } }Symbol 475 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 475 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 475 MovieClip Frame 3_parent._x = _root.enemyrefinery1._x; _parent._y = _root.enemyrefinery1._y + 30; this._rotation = 90; _parent.movesym(); play();Symbol 475 MovieClip Frame 4if (_parent.oil > 0) { _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 150; _parent.oil = _parent.oil - 20; }Symbol 475 MovieClip Frame 5if (_parent.oil > 0) { _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 250; _parent.oil = _parent.oil - 20; }Symbol 475 MovieClip Frame 6if (_parent.oil > 0) { _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 250; _parent.oil = _parent.oil - 20; }Symbol 475 MovieClip Frame 7if (_parent.oil > 0) { _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 150; _parent.oil = _parent.oil - 20; }Symbol 475 MovieClip Frame 8if (_parent.oil > 0) { _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 650; _parent.oil = _parent.oil - 20; } refinery = false; gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 475 MovieClip Frame 9if (_parent.enemy) { _root.kills++; } if (!_parent.enemy) { _root.losses++; } if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 475 MovieClip Frame 20if (_parent.enemy) { _root.kills++; } if (!_parent.enemy) { _root.losses++; } if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 475 MovieClip Frame 21_root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.enemyoiltruckarrray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.selectedarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root.enemyoiltrucks--; _root[_parent._name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + _parent._name].removeMovieClip(); _parent.nextFrame(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 476 MovieClip [enemyoiltruck] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 475 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 476 MovieClip [enemyoiltruck] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.enemyoiltrucks++; _parent.gotooil = function () { var _local3 = 100000000 /* 0x5F5E100 */; var _local4 = ""; i = _root.oilarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.oilarray[i]; if (_root[current].oilspill._xscale > 0) { dx = this._x - _root[current]._x; dy = this._y - _root[current]._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _local3) { _local3 = dist; _local4 = current; } } i--; } this.dummy.oil = _local4; this.aigoto(_root[_local4]._x, _root[_local4]._y, false); }; _parent.auto = false; _root.enemyoiltruckarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "oiltruck"; _parent.oil = 0; _parent.fulloil = 100; _parent.aggressive = false; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = true; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 500; _parent.fulllife = 500; _parent.speed = 3; _parent.walking = false; refinery = false; as = 0; left = 1; empulse = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((!_parent.walking) && (this._currentframe == 1)) && (!refinery)) { _parent.gotooil(); } if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (!refinery) { if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } } if (refinery) { if (!obstacle) { dx = _root.enemyrefinery1._x - _parent._x; dy = _root.enemyrefinery1._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); if (this.hitTest(_root[flag2])) { obstacle = false; flag2 = undefined; } if (this.hitTest(_root[flag]) && (!refinery)) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } if (oil != undefined) { if (_root[oil].oilspill._xscale <= 0) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); oil = undefined; _parent.walking = false; gotoAndStop (1); } if (this.hitTest(_root[oil].oilspill)) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; gotoAndStop ("sucking"); } } if (refinery) { if (this.hitTest(_root.enemyrefinery1.pad)) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; gotoAndStop ("refining"); } } } } if (this._currentframe == 2) { if (_parent.oil < 100) { _parent.oil++; _root[oil].oilspill._xscale = _root[oil].oilspill._xscale - 0.02; _root[oil].oilspill._yscale = _root[oil].oilspill._yscale - 0.02; } if (_root[oil].oilspill._xscale < 0) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_parent.oil == 100) { gotoAndStop (1); if (_root.enemyrefinery1.life != undefined) { _parent.aigoto(_root.enemyrefinery1._x, _root.enemyrefinery1._y - 20, false); } else { _parent.oil = 0; } oil = undefined; refinery = true; } } if (this._currentframe == 8) { _parent.gotooil(); } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 476 MovieClip [enemyoiltruck] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 476 MovieClip [enemyoiltruck] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 100 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe < 9) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 476 MovieClip [enemyoiltruck] Frame 2stop();Symbol 478 MovieClip [humveeebase] Frame 1stop();Symbol 478 MovieClip [humveeebase] Frame 2if (_parent.enemy) { _root.kills++; } if (!_parent.enemy) { _root.losses++; } _parent.turret._visible = false; if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 478 MovieClip [humveeebase] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.selectedarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root["flag" + _parent._name].removeMovieClip(); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _parent.nextFrame(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 2_root.attachMovie("bullet", "bullet" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["bullet" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["bullet" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["bullet" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["bullet" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["bullet" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["bullet" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["bullet" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["bullet" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["bullet" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.objarray.push("bullet" + _root.n); _root.n++; if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("mach"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 3if (!_parent.gatling) { gotoAndPlay ("shoot"); }Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 4_root.attachMovie("bullet", "bul2et" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["bul2et" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["bul2et" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["bul2et" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["bul2et" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["bul2et" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["bul2et" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["bull2et" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["bul2et" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["bul2et" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.objarray.push("bul2et" + _root.n); _root.n++;Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 5_root.attachMovie("bullet", "bul3et" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["bul3et" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["bul3et" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["bul3et" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["bul3et" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["bul3et" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["bul3et" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["bull3et" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["bul3et" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["bul3et" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.objarray.push("bul3et" + _root.n); _root.n++;Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 6_root.attachMovie("bullet", "bul4et" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["bul4et" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["bul4et" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["bul4et" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["bul4et" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["bul4et" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["bul4et" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["bul4et" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; _root.objarray.push("bul4et" + _root.n); rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["bul4et" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["bul4et" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.n++;Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 7stop(); if (_root[targetobj].enemy != _root[firerer].enemy) { if (_root[targetobj].aggressive) { if ((!_root[targetobj].fireing) && (!_root[targetobj].walking)) { _root[targetobj].targetobj = firerer; _root[targetobj].attack = true; _root["flag" + targetobj].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + targetobj); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + targetobj); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + targetobj, _root.n); _root["flag" + targetobj]._visible = false; _root["flag" + targetobj]._x = origx; _root["flag" + targetobj]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + targetobj); _root.objarray.push("flag" + targetobj); _root[targetobj].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } } }Instance of Symbol 483 MovieClip in Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 7onClipEvent (enterFrame) { n++; if (n > _parent._parent.firerate) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; }Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 11gotoAndStop ("normal");Symbol 485 MovieClip [humveeally] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip [humveeebase] "dummy" in Symbol 485 MovieClip [humveeally] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.allyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.upgrade = 0; _parent.unittype = "humvee"; _parent.laser = false; _parent.gatling = false; _parent.damage = 3; _parent.avoid = true; _parent.shellspd = 15; _parent.aggressive = true; this.stripe1._visible = false; this.stripe2._visible = false; this.stripe3._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; nohit = 0; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 200; _parent.fulllife = 200; _parent.speed = 6; _parent.firerate = 3; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; charge = 0; empulse = 0; _parent.range = 150; charge = 100; as = 0; left = 1; _parent.ally = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.attack) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { obstacle = false; _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.walking = false; _parent.attack = false; } _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (_parent.locx == undefined) { _parent.locx = 0; _parent.locy = 0; } if (!obstacle) { dx = (_root[flag]._x - _parent._x) + _parent.locx; dy = (_root[flag]._y - _parent._y) + _parent.locy; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > (_parent.range * 2)) { _parent.walking = true; _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; _parent.fireing = false; } _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } if (!_parent.walking) { if (_parent.avoid) { if (!obstacle) { as++; if (left > 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) - 90; } if (left < 0) { this._rotation = -((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); } if (as > 20) { as = 0; left = -left; } } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.tops)) { _parent._y = _parent._y + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.bottoms)) { _parent._y = _parent._y - 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.lefts)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.rights)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - 20; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 485 MovieClip [humveeally] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 485 MovieClip [humveeally] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 80 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _root.allyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 485 MovieClip [humveeally] Frame 2stop();Symbol 487 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 487 MovieClip Frame 2if (_parent.enemy) { _root.kills++; } if (!_parent.enemy) { _root.losses++; } _parent.turret._visible = false; if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 487 MovieClip Frame 10_root.objarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.selectedarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root["flag" + _parent._name].removeMovieClip(); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _parent.nextFrame(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 496 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 500 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 500 MovieClip Frame 5_root.attachMovie("missile", "missile" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["missile" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["missile" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["missile" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["missile" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["missile" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["missile" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["missile" + _root.n].hitonly = _parent.hitonly; _root["missile" + _root.n].blast = _parent.blast; _root["missile" + _root.n].seeker = _parent.seeker; _root["missile" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; _root.objarray.push("missile" + _root.n); rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["missile" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["missile" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.n++; if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("missi"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 500 MovieClip Frame 10if (_parent.miss < 2) { gotoAndPlay ("rd"); }Symbol 500 MovieClip Frame 14_root.attachMovie("missile", "miss2ile" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["miss2ile" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].hitonly = _parent.hitonly; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].blast = _parent.blast; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].seeker = _parent.seeker; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; _root.objarray.push("miss2ile" + _root.n); rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.n++; if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("missi"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 500 MovieClip Frame 15if (_parent.miss < 3) { gotoAndPlay ("rd"); }Symbol 500 MovieClip Frame 17_root.attachMovie("missile", "miss3ile" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["miss3ile" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["miss3ile" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["miss3ile" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["miss3ile" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["miss3ile" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["miss3ile" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["miss3ile" + _root.n].hitonly = _parent.hitonly; _root["miss3ile" + _root.n].blast = _parent.blast; _root["miss3ile" + _root.n].seeker = _parent.seeker; _root["miss3ile" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["miss3ile" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["miss3ile" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.objarray.push("miss3ile" + _root.n); _root.n++; if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("missi"); soundobj.start(); }Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip in Symbol 500 MovieClip Frame 19onClipEvent (enterFrame) { n++; if (n > _parent._parent.firerate) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; }Symbol 500 MovieClip Frame 45stop(); gotoAndStop ("normal");Symbol 501 MovieClip [rocketally] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 501 MovieClip [rocketally] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _root.allyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "rocket"; _parent.seeker = false; _parent.hitonly = false; _parent.blast = false; _parent.miss = 1; _parent.damage = 50; _parent.shellspd = 3; _parent.avoid = false; _parent.aggressive = true; _parent.turret.stripe._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; nohit = 0; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 250; _parent.fulllife = 250; _parent.speed = 2; _parent.firerate = 25; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; _parent.range = 350; as = 0; left = 1; empulse = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.attack) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { obstacle = false; _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.walking = false; _parent.attack = false; } _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (_parent.locx == undefined) { _parent.locx = 0; _parent.locy = 0; } if (!obstacle) { dx = (_root[flag]._x - _parent._x) + _parent.locx; dy = (_root[flag]._y - _parent._y) + _parent.locy; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > (_parent.range + 150)) { _parent.walking = true; _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; _parent.fireing = false; } } if (_parent.fireing) { _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } if (!_parent.walking) { if (_parent.avoid) { as++; if (!obstacle) { if (left > 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) - 45; } if (left < 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) + 90; } if (as > 70) { as = 0; left = -left; } } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.tops)) { _parent._y = _parent._y + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.bottoms)) { _parent._y = _parent._y - 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.lefts)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.rights)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - 20; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 501 MovieClip [rocketally] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 501 MovieClip [rocketally] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 110 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _root.allyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 501 MovieClip [rocketally] Frame 2stop();Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 1if (_parent.ally === true) { this.stripe._visible = false; } stop();Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 2if (_parent.ally === true) { this.stripe._visible = false; } play();Instance of Symbol 504 MovieClip in Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { n++; if (n > 4) { n = 0; _parent.nextFrame(); } } onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; n = 0; }Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 7play();Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 11if (_parent.ally === true) { this.stripe._visible = false; } _parent.turret.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } stop();Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 12play(); _parent.turret._visible = false; if (_parent.enemy) { _root.kills++; } if (!_parent.enemy) { _root.losses++; } if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 15play(); _parent.turret._visible = false; if (_parent.enemy) { _root.kills++; } if (!_parent.enemy) { _root.losses++; } if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 21_root.objarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.selectedarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root["flag" + _parent._name].removeMovieClip(); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _parent.nextFrame(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 516 MovieClip Frame 1_parent.aggressive = false; stop();Symbol 516 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 516 MovieClip Frame 3x = _root[targetobj]._x; y = _root[targetobj]._y;Symbol 516 MovieClip Frame 12if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("ar"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 516 MovieClip Frame 14Symbol 516 MovieClip Frame 30if (_parent.accurate) { x = _root[targetobj]._x; y = _root[targetobj]._y; } if (_parent.enemy) { _root.attachMovie("bomb2", "bomb" + _root.n, _root.n); } if (!_parent.enemy) { _root.attachMovie("bomb", "bomb" + _root.n, _root.n); } _root["bomb" + _root.n]._x = x; _root["bomb" + _root.n]._y = y; _root["bomb" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["bomb" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["bomb" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; _root["bomb" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["bomb" + _root.n].emp = _parent.emp; _root["bomb" + _root.n].nuke = _parent.nuke; _root.objarray.push("bomb" + _root.n); _root.n++; stop();Instance of Symbol 504 MovieClip in Symbol 516 MovieClip Frame 30onClipEvent (enterFrame) { n++; if (n > (_parent._parent.firerate - 8)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; }Symbol 516 MovieClip Frame 44gotoAndStop ("ready");Instance of Symbol 504 MovieClip in Symbol 516 MovieClip Frame 44onClipEvent (enterFrame) { n++; if (n > _parent._parent.firerate) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; }Symbol 517 MovieClip [artilleryally] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 507 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 517 MovieClip [artilleryally] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _parent.deploy = function () { this.walking = false; this.dummy.gotoAndPlay("deploying"); this.dummy._rotation = 90; }; _parent.unittype = "artillery"; _parent.accurate = false; _parent.nuke = false; _parent.emp = false; _parent.damage = 35; _parent.aggressive = false; this.stripe._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 300; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.fulllife = 300; _parent.speed = 1; _parent.firerate = 30; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; _parent.range = 550; _root.allyarray.push(_parent._name); empulse = 0; n = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (((!_parent.walking) && (!_parent.fireing)) && (_parent.aggressive)) { lo = Math.floor(Math.random() * (_root.enemyarray.length - 1)); unit = _root.enemyarray[lo]; _parent.aiattack(unit); } if (this._currentframe == 11) { n++; if (n == 10) { n = 0; if (!_parent.fireing) { n = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (n > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[n]; dx = -(_parent._x - _root[current2]._x); dy = -(_parent._y - _root[current2]._y); dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { _parent.targetobj = current2; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } hit = true; } n--; } } } } if (_parent.attack) { _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; if (this._currentframe == 1) { _parent.walking = false; this._rotation = 90; gotoAndPlay ("deploying"); _parent.fireing = true; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { if ((this._currentframe > 1) && (_parent.life > 0)) { gotoAndStop (1); _parent.turret.gotoAndStop(1); } if (this._currentframe == 1) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > this.num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 2) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } } else { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 517 MovieClip [artilleryally] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 517 MovieClip [artilleryally] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 110 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe <= 11) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _root.allyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 517 MovieClip [artilleryally] Frame 2stop();Symbol 520 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 520 MovieClip Frame 2if (_parent.enemy) { _root.money = _root.money + 500; } if (!_parent.enemy) { _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 500; } _parent.turret._visible = false; if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 520 MovieClip Frame 12_root.objarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.selectedarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root["flag" + _parent._name].removeMovieClip(); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _parent.nextFrame(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 4_root.attachMovie("shell", "shell" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["shell" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["shell" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["shell" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["shell" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["shell" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["shell" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["shell" + _root.n].hitonly = _parent.hitonly; _root["shell" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; _root.objarray.push("shell" + _root.n); rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["shell" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["shell" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.n++; if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("cannon6"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 5if (_parent.missile) { _root.attachMovie("missile", "missile" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["missile" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["missile" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["missile" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["missile" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage / 2; _root["missile" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd / 2; _root["missile" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["missile" + _root.n].hitonly = _parent.hitonly; _root.objarray.push("missile" + _root.n); rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["missile" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["missile" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.n++; }Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 6_root.attachMovie("shell", "she2ll" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y - 20; _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].hitonly = _parent.hitonly; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.objarray.push("she2ll" + _root.n); _root.n++; if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("cannon6"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 7if (_parent.missile) { _root.attachMovie("missile", "miss2ile" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["miss2ile" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y - 40; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage / 2; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd / 2; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].hitonly = _parent.hitonly; rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["miss2ile" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.objarray.push("miss2ile" + _root.n); _root.n++; }Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 10if (shell2) { _root.attachMovie("shell", "she2ll" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].hitonly = _parent.hitonly; _root.objarray.push("she2ll" + _root.n); } if ((!_root[targetobj].fireing) && (!_root[targetobj].walking)) { if (_root[targetobj].aggressive) { _root[targetobj].targetobj = firerer; _root[targetobj].attack = true; _root["flag" + targetobj].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + targetobj); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + targetobj); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + targetobj, _root.n); _root["flag" + targetobj]._visible = false; _root["flag" + targetobj]._x = origx; _root["flag" + targetobj]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + targetobj); _root.objarray.push("flag" + targetobj); _root[targetobj].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip in Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 10onClipEvent (enterFrame) { n++; if (n > _parent._parent.firerate) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; }Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 30if (shell2) { _root.attachMovie("shell", "she2ll" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].hitonly = _parent.hitonly; _root.objarray.push("she2ll" + _root.n); } gotoAndStop ("normal");Symbol 524 MovieClip [heavyally] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 520 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 524 MovieClip [heavyally] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _parent.auto = false; _parent.unittype = "heavy"; _parent.crush = false; _parent.missile = false; _parent.hitonly = false; _parent.avoid = false; _parent.damage = 30; _root.allyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.shellspd = 12; _parent.aggressive = true; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; nohit = 0; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.turret.stripe._visible = false; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 600; _parent.fulllife = 600; _parent.speed = 1; _parent.firerate = 20; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; _parent.range = 200; as = 0; left = 1; empulse = 0; lo = Math.floor(Math.random() * (_root.enemyarray.length - 1)); unit = _root.enemyarray[lo]; _parent.aiattack(unit); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if ((!_parent.walking) && (!_parent.fireing)) { lo = Math.floor(Math.random() * (_root.enemyarray.length - 1)); unit = _root.enemyarray[lo]; _parent.aiattack(unit); } if (_parent.attack) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { obstacle = false; _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.walking = false; _parent.attack = false; } _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (_parent.locx == undefined) { _parent.locx = 0; _parent.locy = 0; } if (!obstacle) { dx = (_root[flag]._x - _parent._x) + _parent.locx; dy = (_root[flag]._y - _parent._y) + _parent.locy; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > (_parent.range * 1.5)) { _parent.walking = true; _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; _parent.fireing = false; } } if (_parent.fireing) { _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } if (!_parent.walking) { if (_parent.crush) { this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); if ((dist < 10) && (_root[_parent.targetobj].auto._x == undefined)) { _root[_parent.targetobj].life = -1; _parent._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _parent._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; } } if (_parent.avoid) { if (!obstacle) { as++; if (left > 0) { if (!_parent.crush) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) + 90; } } if (left < 0) { this._rotation = -((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); } if (as > 100) { as = 0; } } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.tops)) { _parent._y = _parent._y + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.bottoms)) { _parent._y = _parent._y - 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.lefts)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.rights)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - 20; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 524 MovieClip [heavyally] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 524 MovieClip [heavyally] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 115 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _root.allyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 524 MovieClip [heavyally] Frame 2stop();Symbol 528 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 528 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 528 MovieClip Frame 3_parent._x = _root.refinery1._x; _parent._y = _root.refinery1._y + 30; this._rotation = 90; _parent.movesym(); play();Symbol 528 MovieClip Frame 4if (_parent.oil > 0) { _root.money = _root.money + 750; _parent.oil = _parent.oil - 20; }Symbol 528 MovieClip Frame 5if (_parent.oil > 0) { _root.money = _root.money + 250; _parent.oil = _parent.oil - 20; }Symbol 528 MovieClip Frame 6if (_parent.oil > 0) { _root.money = _root.money + 150; _parent.oil = _parent.oil - 20; }Symbol 528 MovieClip Frame 7if (_parent.oil > 0) { _root.money = _root.money + 250; _parent.oil = _parent.oil - 20; }Symbol 528 MovieClip Frame 8if (_parent.oil > 0) { _root.money = _root.money + 150; _parent.oil = _parent.oil - 20; } refinery = false; gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 528 MovieClip Frame 9if (_parent.enemy) { _root.money = _root.money + 200; } if (!_parent.enemy) { _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 200; } if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 528 MovieClip Frame 20if (_parent.enemy) { _root.money = _root.money + 200; } if (!_parent.enemy) { _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 200; } if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 528 MovieClip Frame 22_root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.selectedarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.oiltruckarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + _parent._name].removeMovieClip(); _parent.nextFrame(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 529 MovieClip [oiltruck] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 528 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 529 MovieClip [oiltruck] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _parent.gotooil = function () { var _local3 = 100000000 /* 0x5F5E100 */; var _local4 = ""; i = _root.oilarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.oilarray[i]; if (_root[current].oilspill._xscale > 0) { dx = this._x - _root[current]._x; dy = this._y - _root[current]._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _local3) { _local3 = dist; _local4 = current; } } i--; } this.aigoto(_root[_local4]._x, _root[_local4]._y, false); this.dummy.oil = _local4; }; _parent.auto = false; _root.oiltruckarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "oiltruck"; _parent.oil = 0; _parent.fulloil = 100; _parent.aggressive = false; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = false; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 500; _parent.fulllife = 500; _parent.speed = 3; _parent.walking = false; refinery = false; as = 0; left = 1; empulse = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((!_parent.walking) && (this._currentframe == 1)) && (!refinery)) { _parent.gotooil(); } if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (!refinery) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; } if (refinery) { dx = _root.refinery1._x - _parent._x; dy = _root.refinery1._y - _parent._y; } this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); if (this.hitTest(_root[flag]) && (!refinery)) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } if (oil != undefined) { if (_root[oil].oilspill._xscale <= 0) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); oil = undefined; _parent.walking = false; gotoAndStop (1); } if (this.hitTest(_root[oil].oilspill)) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; gotoAndStop ("sucking"); } } if (refinery) { if (this.hitTest(_root.refinery1.pad)) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; gotoAndStop ("refining"); } } } } if (this._currentframe == 2) { if (_parent.oil < 100) { _parent.oil++; _root[oil].oilspill._xscale = _root[oil].oilspill._xscale - 0.02; _root[oil].oilspill._yscale = _root[oil].oilspill._yscale - 0.02; } if (_root[oil].oilspill._xscale < 0) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_parent.oil == 100) { gotoAndStop (1); if (_root.refinery > 0) { _parent.aigoto(_root.refinery1._x, _root.refinery1._y - 20, false); } else { _parent.oil = 0; } oil = undefined; refinery = true; } } if (this._currentframe == 8) { _parent.gotooil(); } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 529 MovieClip [oiltruck] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 529 MovieClip [oiltruck] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 100 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe < 9) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "oilbar" in Symbol 529 MovieClip [oiltruck] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 60 * (_parent.oil / _parent.fulloil); }Symbol 529 MovieClip [oiltruck] Frame 2stop();Symbol 531 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 531 MovieClip Frame 2if (_parent.enemy) { _root.kills++; } if ((!_parent.enemy) && (!(_parent.ally === true))) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("unitloss"); soundobj.start(); _root.losses++; } _parent.turret._visible = false; if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 531 MovieClip Frame 12_root.objarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.selectedarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root["flag" + _parent._name].removeMovieClip(); _parent.nextFrame(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 4_root.attachMovie("shell", "shell" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["shell" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["shell" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["shell" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["shell" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["shell" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["shell" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["shell" + _root.n].hitonly = _parent.hitonly; _root["shell" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["shell" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["shell" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.objarray.push("shell" + _root.n); _root.n++; if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("lights"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 10if (_parent.shell2) { _root.attachMovie("shell", "she2ll" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["she2ll" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].hitonly = _parent.hitonly; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; _root.objarray.push("she2ll" + _root.n); rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].movex = Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root["she2ll" + _root.n].movey = Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd; _root.n++; } if ((!_root[targetobj].walking) && (!_root[targetobj].fireing)) { if (_root[targetobj].aggressive) { _root[targetobj].aiattack(_parent._name); } }Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip in Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 10onClipEvent (enterFrame) { n++; if (n > _parent._parent.firerate) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; }Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 16gotoAndStop ("normal");Symbol 536 MovieClip [lightally] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 531 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 536 MovieClip [lightally] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _parent.auto = false; _parent.unittype = "light"; _parent.shell2 = false; _parent.hitonly = false; _parent.damage = 20; _root.allyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.shellspd = 10; _parent.aggressive = true; this.stripe._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 300; nohit = 0; _parent.avoid = true; _parent.fulllife = 300; _parent.speed = 3; _parent.firerate = 5; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; _parent.range = 200; empulse = 0; as = 0; left = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.attack) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { obstacle = false; _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.walking = false; _parent.attack = false; } _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (_parent.locx == undefined) { _parent.locx = 0; _parent.locy = 0; } if (!obstacle) { dx = (_root[flag]._x - _parent._x) + _parent.locx; dy = (_root[flag]._y - _parent._y) + _parent.locy; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (_parent._width / 2); _parent._y = _parent._y + (_parent._height / 2); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (_parent._width / 2); _parent._y = _parent._y - (_parent._height / 2); } break; } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > (_parent.range * 1.5)) { _parent.walking = true; _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; _parent.fireing = false; } } if (_parent.fireing) { _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } if (!_parent.walking) { if (_parent.avoid) { as++; if (!obstacle) { if (left > 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) - 90; } if (left < 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) + 135; } if (as > 50) { as = 0; left = -left; } } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.tops)) { _parent._y = _parent._y + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.bottoms)) { _parent._y = _parent._y - 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.lefts)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.rights)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - 20; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 536 MovieClip [lightally] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 536 MovieClip [lightally] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 90 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _root.allyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 536 MovieClip [lightally] Frame 2stop();Symbol 542 MovieClip [mine] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 542 MovieClip [mine] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _root.minearray.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = false; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 500; _parent.fulllife = 500; _parent.damage = 450; _parent.unittype = "mine"; }Symbol 542 MovieClip [mine] Frame 28i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.enemyarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this)) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life - damage; _root[current + "symbols"].play(); _root[current].dummy.empulse = 100; } i--; } if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 542 MovieClip [mine] Frame 33_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_name); _root.structurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.minearray.findandsplice(this._name); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 545 MovieClip Frame 1dx = _root[targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > _parent.range) { targetobj = undefined; stop(); } if (targetobj == undefined) { stop(); }Symbol 545 MovieClip Frame 5Symbol 545 MovieClip Frame 6dx = -(_parent._x - _root[targetobj]._x); dy = -(_parent._y - _root[targetobj]._y); dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); _root.attachMovie("laser2", "laser" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["laser" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["laser" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["laser" + _root.n]._width = dist + 10; _root["laser" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.n++; _root[targetobj].life = _root[targetobj].life - _parent.damage;Symbol 545 MovieClip Frame 8if ((!_root[targetobj].fireing) && (!_root[targetobj].walking)) { if (_root[targetobj].aggressive) { _root[targetobj].aiattack(_parent._name); } } if ((_root[targetobj].life < 0) || (_root[targetobj].life == undefined)) { targetobj = undefined; } stop();Instance of Symbol 544 MovieClip in Symbol 545 MovieClip Frame 8onClipEvent (enterFrame) { n++; if (n > _parent._parent.firerate) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; }Symbol 545 MovieClip Frame 11gotoAndStop ("normal");Symbol 546 MovieClip [laserbasedefense] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 545 MovieClip "turret" in Symbol 546 MovieClip [laserbasedefense] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.targetobj == undefined) { this._rotation++; } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 546 MovieClip [laserbasedefense] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _root.turretarray.push(_parent._name); _root.structurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 500; _parent.fulllife = 500; _parent.range = 360; _parent.damage = 60; _parent.firerate = 50; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "turret3"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 546 MovieClip [laserbasedefense] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 100 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 546 MovieClip [laserbasedefense] Frame 2_root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 1500;Symbol 546 MovieClip [laserbasedefense] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_name); _root.structurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.turretarray.findandsplice(this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 547 MovieClip [turrets] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 547 MovieClip [turrets] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _root.turretarray.push(_parent._name); _root.structurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 800; _parent.fulllife = 800; _parent.range = 270; _parent.damage = 4; _parent.firerate = 1; _parent.shellspd = 30; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "turret1"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 547 MovieClip [turrets] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 100 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Instance of Symbol 168 MovieClip "turret" in Symbol 547 MovieClip [turrets] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.targetobj == undefined) { this._rotation++; } }Symbol 547 MovieClip [turrets] Frame 2_root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 1000;Symbol 547 MovieClip [turrets] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_name); _root.structurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.turretarray.findandsplice(this._name); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 549 MovieClip [enemywarfactory] Frame 1names = this._name; repairs = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; _root.ai.build = true; stop();Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 549 MovieClip [enemywarfactory] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 290 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 549 MovieClip [enemywarfactory] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.enemywarfactory = 1; _root.enemystructurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = true; _parent.aggressive = false; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 1000; _parent.fulllife = 1000; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "war factory"; }Symbol 549 MovieClip [enemywarfactory] Frame 2_root.money = _root.money + 2000;Symbol 549 MovieClip [enemywarfactory] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemywarfactory = 0; _root.enemystructurearray.findandsplice(_name); this._name = "lolo"; this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 551 MovieClip [enemyrefinery] Frame 1_root.attachMovie("enemyoiltruck", "enemyoiltruck" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["enemyoiltruck" + _root.n]._x = this._x; _root["enemyoiltruck" + _root.n]._y = this._y; _root.ai.oiltrucks.push("enemyoiltruck" + _root.n); _root["enemyoiltruck" + _root.n]._rotation = 0; _root.n++; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; repairs = false; stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 551 MovieClip [enemyrefinery] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.enemyrefinery = 1; _root.enemystructurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = true; _parent.aggressive = false; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 1700; _parent.fulllife = 1700; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "refinery"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 551 MovieClip [enemyrefinery] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 400 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 551 MovieClip [enemyrefinery] Frame 2_root.money = _root.money + 5000;Symbol 551 MovieClip [enemyrefinery] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemystructurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyrefinery = 0; _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this._name = "nobody"; this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 560 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 556 MovieClip in Symbol 560 MovieClip Frame 20onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.t++; _parent._x = _parent._x + _parent.movex; _parent._y = _parent._y + _parent.movey; if (_parent.hitTest(_root[_parent.targetobj])) { _parent.play(); } if (_parent.t > 11) { _parent.play(); } }Instance of Symbol 556 MovieClip in Symbol 560 MovieClip Frame 25onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.t++; _parent._x = _parent._x + _parent.movex; _parent._y = _parent._y + _parent.movey; if (_parent.hitTest(_root[_parent.targetobj])) { _parent.play(); } if (_parent.t > 11) { _parent.play(); } }Symbol 561 MovieClip [enemyservicedepot] Frame 1_root.enemyservicedepot = 1; _root.waypoint106._x = this._x; _root.waypoint106._y = this._y; repairs = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 561 MovieClip [enemyservicedepot] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.enemystructurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = true; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 1000; _parent.fulllife = 1000; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "servicedepot"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 561 MovieClip [enemyservicedepot] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 380 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 561 MovieClip [enemyservicedepot] Frame 2_root.money = _root.money + 5000;Symbol 561 MovieClip [enemyservicedepot] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemystructurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyservicedepot = 0; _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this._name = "star"; this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 563 MovieClip [servicedepot] Frame 1_root.servicedepot = 1; _root.sidebar.serviceepot.gotoAndStop(3); this.cacheAsBitmap = true; stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 563 MovieClip [servicedepot] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _root.structurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 1000; _parent.fulllife = 1000; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "servicedepot"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 563 MovieClip [servicedepot] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 380 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 563 MovieClip [servicedepot] Frame 2_root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 5000;Symbol 563 MovieClip [servicedepot] Frame 13_root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_name); _root.structurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.servicedepot--; _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this._name = "popp"; this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 565 MovieClip [techcentre] Frame 1names = this._name; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; _root.sidebar.build.techcentre.gotoAndStop(3); if ((_root.money > _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.cost) && (_root.warfactory1._x != undefined)) { if (_root.sidebar.build.lasertank._currentframe == 1) { _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.money > _root.sidebar.build.weaponsilo.cost) { if (_root.sidebar.build.weaponsilo._currentframe == 1) { _root.sidebar.build.weaponsilo.gotoAndStop(2); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 565 MovieClip [techcentre] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _root.structurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.aggressive = false; _root.objarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 1000; _parent.fulllife = 1000; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "techcentre"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 565 MovieClip [techcentre] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 240 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 565 MovieClip [techcentre] Frame 2_root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 1500;Symbol 565 MovieClip [techcentre] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_name); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root.structurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.techcentre = 0; _root.sidebar.build.techcentre.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.sidebar.build.weaponsilo._currentframe == 2) { _root.sidebar.build.weaponsilo.gotoAndStop(1); } this._name = ""; this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 1dx = _root[targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > _parent.range) { targetobj = undefined; stop(); } if (tragetobj == undefined) { stop(); }Instance of Symbol 569 MovieClip in Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 1/* no clip actions */Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 2_root.attachMovie("patriot", "patriot" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["patriot" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["patriot" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y + 10; _root["patriot" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["patriot" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["patriot" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["patriot" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["patriot" + _root.n].seeker = true; _root["patriot" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; _root.objarray.push("patriot" + _root.n); _root.n++;Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 5_root.attachMovie("patriot", "patrio2t" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["patrio2t" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["patrio2t" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y; _root["patrio2t" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["patrio2t" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["patrio2t" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["patrio2t" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["patrio2t" + _root.n].seeker = true; _root["patrio2t" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; _root.objarray.push("patrio2t" + _root.n); _root.n++;Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 8_root.attachMovie("patriot", "patrio3t" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["patrio3t" + _root.n]._x = _parent._x; _root["patrio3t" + _root.n]._y = _parent._y - 10; _root["patrio3t" + _root.n]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["patrio3t" + _root.n].damage = _parent.damage; _root["patrio3t" + _root.n].shellspd = _parent.shellspd; _root["patrio3t" + _root.n].targetobj = targetobj; _root["patrio3t" + _root.n].seeker = true; _root["patrio3t" + _root.n].firerer = _parent._name; _root.objarray.push("patrio3t" + _root.n); _root.n++;Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 16if ((_root[targetobj].life < 0) || (_root[targetobj].life == undefined)) { targetobj = undefined; } stop();Instance of Symbol 569 MovieClip in Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 16onClipEvent (enterFrame) { n++; if (n > _parent._parent.firerate) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (load) { n = 0; }Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 20gotoAndStop ("normal");Symbol 573 MovieClip [patriotmiss] Frame 1if (targetobj == undefined) { stop(); }Instance of Symbol 572 MovieClip "turret" in Symbol 573 MovieClip [patriotmiss] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.targetobj == undefined) { this._rotation++; } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 573 MovieClip [patriotmiss] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _root.turretarray.push(_parent._name); _root.structurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 500; _parent.shellspd = 10; _parent.fulllife = 500; _parent.range = 400; _parent.damage = 15; _parent.firerate = 30; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "turret2"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 573 MovieClip [patriotmiss] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 110 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 573 MovieClip [patriotmiss] Frame 2_root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 1500;Symbol 573 MovieClip [patriotmiss] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_name); _root.structurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.turretarray.findandsplice(this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 575 MovieClip [warfactory] Frame 1_root.warfactory = 1; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; _root.rallypoint._x = this._x; _root.rallypoint._y = this._y; _root.sidebar.build.warfactory.gotoAndStop(3); if (_root.money > _root.sidebar.build.light.cost) { if (_root.sidebar.build.light._currentframe == 1) { _root.sidebar.build.light.gotoAndStop(2); } } if ((_root.money > _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.cost) && (_root.techcentre1._x != undefined)) { if (_root.sidebar.build.lasertank._currentframe == 1) { _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.money > _root.sidebar.build.heavy.cost) { if (_root.sidebar.build.heavy._currentframe == 1) { _root.sidebar.build.heavy.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.money > _root.sidebar.build.rocket.cost) { if (_root.sidebar.build.rocket._currentframe == 1) { _root.sidebar.build.rocket.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.money > _root.sidebar.build.humvee.cost) { if (_root.sidebar.build.humvee._currentframe == 1) { _root.sidebar.build.humvee.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.money > _root.sidebar.build.artillery.cost) { if (_root.sidebar.build.artillery._currentframe == 1) { _root.sidebar.build.artillery.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.money > _root.sidebar.build.oiltruck.cost) { if (_root.sidebar.build.oiltruck._currentframe == 1) { _root.sidebar.build.oiltruck.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.money > _root.sidebar.build.techcentre.cost) { if (_root.sidebar.build.techcentre._currentframe == 1) { _root.sidebar.build.techcentre.gotoAndStop(2); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 575 MovieClip [warfactory] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.structurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 1000; _parent.fulllife = 1000; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "war factory"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 575 MovieClip [warfactory] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 290 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 575 MovieClip [warfactory] Frame 2_root.sidebar.build.light.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.humvee.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.heavy.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.rocket.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.artillery.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.oiltruck.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.lasertank.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sidebar.build.buildlist = []; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 2000;Symbol 575 MovieClip [warfactory] Frame 12_root.sidebar.build.buildlist = [];Symbol 575 MovieClip [warfactory] Frame 13_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_name); _root.rallypoint._y = -100; _root.rallypoint._x = -100; _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root.structurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.warfactory = 0; _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root.sidebar.build.warfactory.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.sidebar.build.techcentre._currentframe == 2) { _root.sidebar.build.techcentre.gotoAndStop(1); } this._name = "noob"; this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 577 MovieClip [refinery] Frame 1if (!(_root.nooiltruck === true)) { _root.attachMovie("oiltruck", "oiltruck" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["oiltruck" + _root.n]._x = this._x; _root["oiltruck" + _root.n]._y = this._y; _root["oiltruck" + _root.n]._rotation = 0; } if (_root.money > _root.sidebar.build.servicedepot.cost) { if (_root.sidebar.build.servicedepot._currentframe == 1) { _root.sidebar.build.servicedepot.gotoAndStop(2); } } _root.sidebar.build.refinery.gotoAndStop(3); _root.n++; stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 577 MovieClip [refinery] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _root.refinery = 1; _root.structurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.aggressive = false; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 1700; _parent.fulllife = 1700; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "refinery"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 577 MovieClip [refinery] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 400 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 577 MovieClip [refinery] Frame 2_root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 5000; if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 577 MovieClip [refinery] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_name); _root.structurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this._name = "no2ob"; _root.refinery = 0; if (_root.sidebar.build.servicedepot._currentframe == 2) { _root.sidebar.build.servicedepot.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.sidebar.build.refinery.gotoAndStop(1); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 579 MovieClip [comcentre] Frame 1_root.comcentre = 1; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; _root.sidebar.radarscreen.gotoAndStop(2); _root.sidebar.build.comcentre.gotoAndStop(3); if (_root.sidebar._visible) { unitsarray = _root.unitsarray.concat(_root.oilarray); i = unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = unitsarray[i]; _root[current + "symbols"]._visible = true; i--; } _root.box6._visible = true; } if (_root.money > _root.sidebar.build.dozer.cost) { if (_root.sidebar.build.dozer._currentframe == 1) { _root.sidebar.build.dozer.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.money > _root.sidebar.build.refinery.cost) { if (_root.sidebar.build.refinery._currentframe == 1) { _root.sidebar.build.refinery.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.money > _root.sidebar.build.warfactory.cost) { if (_root.sidebar.build.warfactory._currentframe == 1) { _root.sidebar.build.warfactory.gotoAndStop(2); } } stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 579 MovieClip [comcentre] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _root.structurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = false; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 2000; _parent.fulllife = 2000; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "comcentre"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 579 MovieClip [comcentre] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 370 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 579 MovieClip [comcentre] Frame 2_root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney + 5000; _root.sidebar.build.dozer.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 579 MovieClip [comcentre] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.sidebar.radarscreen.gotoAndStop(1); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_name); _root.structurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.comcentre--; _root.sidebar.build.comcentre.gotoAndStop(1); unitsarray = _root.unitsarray.concat(_root.oilarray); i = unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = unitsarray[i]; _root[current + "symbols"]._visible = false; i--; } _root.box6._visible = false; _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this._name = "noo2b"; this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 581 MovieClip [enemylaser] Frame 1repairs = false; stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 581 MovieClip [enemylaser] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.enemyturretarray.push(_parent._name); _root.enemystructurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = true; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 500; _parent.fulllife = 500; _parent.range = 360; _parent.damage = 60; _parent.firerate = 50; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "turret3"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 581 MovieClip [enemylaser] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 100 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Instance of Symbol 545 MovieClip "turret" in Symbol 581 MovieClip [enemylaser] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.targetobj == undefined) { this._rotation--; } }Symbol 581 MovieClip [enemylaser] Frame 2_root.money = _root.money + 1500;Symbol 581 MovieClip [enemylaser] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root["enemyturret" + number] = false; _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.structurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyturretarray.findandsplice(this._name); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 582 MovieClip [enemyturret] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 582 MovieClip [enemyturret] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.enemyturretarray.push(_parent._name); _root.enemystructurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = true; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 800; _parent.fulllife = 800; _parent.range = 270; _parent.damage = 4; _parent.firerate = 1; _parent.shellspd = 30; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "turret1"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 582 MovieClip [enemyturret] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 100 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 582 MovieClip [enemyturret] Frame 2_root.money = _root.money + 1000;Symbol 582 MovieClip [enemyturret] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemystructurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyturretarray.findandsplice(this._name); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _root["enemyturret" + number] = false; this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 584 MovieClip [enemytechcentre] Frame 1names = this._name; repairs = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 584 MovieClip [enemytechcentre] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.enemystructurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = true; _parent.aggressive = false; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 1000; _parent.fulllife = 1000; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "techcentre"; _root.enemytechcentre = 1; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 584 MovieClip [enemytechcentre] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 240 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 584 MovieClip [enemytechcentre] Frame 2_root.money = _root.money + 1500;Symbol 584 MovieClip [enemytechcentre] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemytechcentre = 0; _root.enemystructurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this._name = "ops"; this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 591 MovieClip [enemymine] Frame 1_root.enemymines++; stop(); this._visible = false; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; repairs = false; stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 591 MovieClip [enemymine] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _root.enemyminearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = true; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 500; _parent.fulllife = 500; _parent.damage = 250; _parent.unittype = "mine"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 591 MovieClip [enemymine] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 130 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 591 MovieClip [enemymine] Frame 2this._visible = true;Symbol 591 MovieClip [enemymine] Frame 25_root.enemymines--; if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 591 MovieClip [enemymine] Frame 29i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this)) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life - damage; _root[current + "symbols"].play(); _root[current].dummy.empulse = 100; } i--; }Symbol 591 MovieClip [enemymine] Frame 34_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyminearray.findandsplice(this._name); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 592 MovieClip [enemymultiple] Frame 1if (targetobj == undefined) { stop(); } repairs = false;Instance of Symbol 572 MovieClip "turret" in Symbol 592 MovieClip [enemymultiple] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.targetobj == undefined) { this._rotation--; } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 592 MovieClip [enemymultiple] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.enemyturretarray.push(_parent._name); _root.enemystructurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = true; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 500; _parent.fulllife = 500; _parent.range = 400; _parent.damage = 15; _parent.firerate = 30; _parent.shellspd = 10; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "turret2"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 592 MovieClip [enemymultiple] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 110 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 592 MovieClip [enemymultiple] Frame 2_root.money = _root.money + 1500;Symbol 592 MovieClip [enemymultiple] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root["enemyturret" + number] = false; _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemystructurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyturretarray.findandsplice(this._name); _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 594 MovieClip [enemycomcentre] Frame 1_root.enemycomcentre = 1; repairs = false; name = this._name; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 594 MovieClip [enemycomcentre] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("bigdot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _root.enemystructurearray.push(_parent._name); this._visible = false; _parent.enemy = true; _parent.aggressive = false; _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 2000; _parent.fulllife = 2000; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "comcentre"; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 594 MovieClip [enemycomcentre] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 370 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } }Symbol 594 MovieClip [enemycomcentre] Frame 2_root.money = _root.money + 5000;Symbol 594 MovieClip [enemycomcentre] Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemystructurearray.findandsplice(_name); _root.enemycomcentre = 0; _root[_name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); this._name = "opo"; this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 596 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 596 MovieClip Frame 2if (_parent.enemy) { _root.kills++; } if (!_parent.enemy) { _root.losses++; } _parent.turret._visible = false; if (((((_parent._x < 1000) && (_parent._y < 768)) && (_parent._x > 0)) && (_parent._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 596 MovieClip Frame 11_root.objarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.apcarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.selectedarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root["flag" + _parent._name].removeMovieClip(); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _parent.nextFrame(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 597 MovieClip [apc] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 596 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 597 MovieClip [apc] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _parent.unittype = "apc"; _root.apcarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.avoid = false; _parent.aggressive = false; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = false; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; nohit = 0; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 1500; _parent.fulllife = 1500; _parent.speed = 2; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; empulse = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (_parent.locx == undefined) { _parent.locx = 0; _parent.locy = 0; } if (!obstacle) { dx = (_root[flag]._x - _parent._x) + _parent.locx; dy = (_root[flag]._y - _parent._y) + _parent.locy; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 597 MovieClip [apc] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 597 MovieClip [apc] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 160 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 597 MovieClip [apc] Frame 2stop();Symbol 611 Buttonon (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("end"); }Symbol 615 Buttonon (release) { share = SharedObject.getLocal("save"); share.data.currentframe = _root._currentframe; share.flush(); _visible = false; this._x = 100; }Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Symbol 616 MovieClip Frame 1/* no clip actions */Symbol 618 MovieClip [mapbar] Frame 1function calccost2() { var _local3 = 20 + moven; while (_local3 > (moven - 1)) { current = _root.attackarray[_local3]; this.build["d" + Number((_local3 + 1) - moven)].gotoAndStop(1); this.build["d" + Number((_local3 - moven) + 1)].gotoAndStop(_root[current + "obj"].unittype); this.build["d" + Number((_local3 - moven) + 1)].unit = current + "obj"; this.build["d" + Number((_local3 - moven) + 1)].unitn = current; _local3--; } } function calccost() { if (selectedarray.length == 0) { this.shower.gotoAndStop(1); } i = 20 + garn; while (i > (garn - 1)) { this["s" + i].gotoAndStop(1); this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop(1); i--; } i = selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = selectedarray[i]; if (_root[current + "obj"].fulllife == undefined) { current = current + mapn; } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "rocket") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("rocket"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "humvee") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("humvee"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "artillery") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("artillery"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "light") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("light"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "heavy") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("heavy"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "war factory") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("war factory"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "dozer") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("dozer"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "comcentre") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("comcentre"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "lasertank") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("lasertank"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "oiltruck") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("oiltruck"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "refinery") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("refinery"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "construction") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("construction"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "turret1") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("turret1"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "mine") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("mine"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "turret2") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("turret2"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "servicedepot") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("servicedepot"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "turret3") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("turret3"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "weaponsilo") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("weaponsilo"); } if (_root[current + "obj"].unittype == "techcentre") { this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].gotoAndStop("techcentre"); } this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].unitn = current; this.shower["d" + Number((i + 1) - garn)].unit = current + "obj"; i--; } } avoid = true; _root.dialogue._visible = false; _root.attachMovie("mo", "mouse", 1000001); garn = 0; moven = 0; invadebutton._visible = false; commandbutton._visible = false; stop();Instance of Symbol 600 MovieClip "kiss" in Symbol 618 MovieClip [mapbar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function loadtexts() { n = 0; _root.mapbar.textss = ""; stringarray = _root.mapbar.words.split(""); pp = stringarray.length - 1; sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound("ting"); sound.start(undefined, 10000); playa = true; } playa = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((n < pp) && (playa)) { i = n; _root.mapbar.textss = _root.mapbar.textss + stringarray[i]; n = n + 1; } else { sound.stop(); } }Instance of Symbol 616 MovieClip "escape" in Symbol 618 MovieClip [mapbar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (Key.isDown(13)) { this._visible = !this._visible; if (this._visible) { this._x = 650; } if (!this._visible) { this._x = 100; } } }Symbol 624 MovieClip [mo] Frame 1Mouse.hide(); stop();Instance of Symbol 620 MovieClip "mouse" in Symbol 624 MovieClip [mo] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent._x = _root._xmouse; _parent._y = _root._ymouse; }Symbol 624 MovieClip [mo] Frame 2stop();Instance of Symbol 623 MovieClip in Symbol 624 MovieClip [mo] Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent._x = _root._xmouse; _parent._y = _root._ymouse; }Symbol 624 MovieClip [mo] Frame 3stop();Symbol 626 MovieClip [dot] Frame 1if (_root.comcentre1.life == undefined) { this._visible = false; } stop();Symbol 626 MovieClip [dot] Frame 6gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 627 MovieClip [light] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 531 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 627 MovieClip [light] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _parent.auto = false; _parent.unittype = "light"; _parent.shell2 = false; _parent.hitonly = false; _parent.damage = 20; _parent.shellspd = 10; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = false; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 300; nohit = 0; _parent.avoid = true; _parent.fulllife = 300; _parent.speed = 3; _parent.firerate = 5; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; _parent.range = 200; empulse = 0; as = 0; left = 1; if (_root.warfactory1._x != undefined) { _parent.aigoto(_root.rallypoint._x, _root.rallypoint._y, false); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.attack) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { obstacle = false; _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.walking = false; _parent.attack = false; } _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (_parent.locx == undefined) { _parent.locx = 0; _parent.locy = 0; } if (!obstacle) { dx = (_root[flag]._x - _parent._x) + _parent.locx; dy = (_root[flag]._y - _parent._y) + _parent.locy; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (_parent._width / 2); _parent._y = _parent._y + (_parent._height / 2); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (_parent._width / 2); _parent._y = _parent._y - (_parent._height / 2); } break; } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > (_parent.range * 1.5)) { _parent.walking = true; _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; _parent.fireing = false; } } if (_parent.fireing) { _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } if (!_parent.walking) { if (_parent.avoid) { as++; if (!obstacle) { if (left > 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) - 90; } if (left < 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) + 135; } if (as > 50) { as = 0; left = -left; } } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.tops)) { _parent._y = _parent._y + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.bottoms)) { _parent._y = _parent._y - 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.lefts)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.rights)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - 20; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 627 MovieClip [light] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 627 MovieClip [light] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 90 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 627 MovieClip [light] Frame 2stop();Symbol 628 MovieClip [heavy] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 520 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 628 MovieClip [heavy] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _parent.auto = false; _parent.unittype = "heavy"; _parent.crush = false; _parent.missile = false; _parent.hitonly = false; _parent.avoid = false; _parent.damage = 30; _parent.shellspd = 12; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = false; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; nohit = 0; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 600; _parent.fulllife = 600; _parent.speed = 1; _parent.firerate = 20; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; _parent.range = 200; as = 0; left = 1; empulse = 0; if (_root.warfactory1._x != undefined) { _parent.aigoto(_root.rallypoint._x, _root.rallypoint._y, false); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.attack) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { obstacle = false; _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.walking = false; _parent.attack = false; } _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (_parent.locx == undefined) { _parent.locx = 0; _parent.locy = 0; } if (!obstacle) { dx = (_root[flag]._x - _parent._x) + _parent.locx; dy = (_root[flag]._y - _parent._y) + _parent.locy; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > (_parent.range * 1.5)) { _parent.walking = true; _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; _parent.fireing = false; } } if (_parent.fireing) { _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } if (!_parent.walking) { if (_parent.crush && (_root[_parent.targetobj].life < _parent.life)) { this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); if ((dist < 10) && (_root[_parent.targetobj].life < _parent.life)) { _root[_parent.targetobj].life = -1; _parent._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _parent._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; } } if (_parent.avoid) { if (!obstacle) { as++; if (left > 0) { if (!_parent.crush) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) + 90; } } if (left < 0) { this._rotation = -((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); } if (as > 100) { as = 0; } } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.tops)) { _parent._y = _parent._y + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.bottoms)) { _parent._y = _parent._y - 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.lefts)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.rights)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - 20; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 628 MovieClip [heavy] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 628 MovieClip [heavy] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 115 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 628 MovieClip [heavy] Frame 2stop();Symbol 629 MovieClip [artillery] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 507 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 629 MovieClip [artillery] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _parent.deploy = function () { this.walking = false; this.dummy.gotoAndPlay("deploying"); this.dummy._rotation = 90; }; _parent.unittype = "artillery"; _parent.accurate = false; _parent.nuke = false; _parent.emp = false; _parent.damage = 35; _parent.aggressive = false; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = false; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 300; _parent.fulllife = 300; _parent.speed = 1; _parent.firerate = 30; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; _parent.range = 550; empulse = 0; n = 0; if (_root.warfactory1._x != undefined) { _parent.aigoto(_root.rallypoint._x, _root.rallypoint._y, false); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (this._currentframe == 11) { n++; if (n == 10) { n = 0; if (!_parent.fireing) { n = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (n > -1) { current2 = _root.enemyarray[n]; dx = -(_parent._x - _root[current2]._x); dy = -(_parent._y - _root[current2]._y); dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { _parent.targetobj = current2; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } hit = true; } n--; } } } } if (_parent.attack) { _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; if (this._currentframe == 1) { _parent.walking = false; this._rotation = 90; gotoAndPlay ("deploying"); _parent.fireing = true; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); rangereq = 10; if (_parent.attack) { rangereq = _parent.range; } if (((this._currentframe > 1) && (_parent.life > 0)) && (dist > rangereq)) { gotoAndStop (1); _parent.turret.gotoAndStop(1); } if (this._currentframe == 1) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > this.num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 2) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } } else { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 629 MovieClip [artillery] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 629 MovieClip [artillery] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 110 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe <= 11) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 629 MovieClip [artillery] Frame 2stop();Symbol 632 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 632 MovieClip Frame 2if (_parent.enemy) { _root.kills++; } if ((!_parent.enemy) && (!(_parent.ally === true))) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("unitloss"); soundobj.start(); _root.losses++; } dozers.findandsplice(_parent._name); if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("crash"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 632 MovieClip Frame 11if (_parent.enemy) { _root.kills++; } dozers.findandsplice(_parent._name);Symbol 632 MovieClip Frame 13_root.unitsarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.enemyarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.friendlylist.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.selectedarray.findandsplice(_parent._name); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + _parent._name); _root.sidebar.calccost(); _root["flag" + _parent._name].removeMovieClip(); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"].removeMovieClip(); _parent.nextFrame(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 633 MovieClip [dozer] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 632 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 633 MovieClip [dozer] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _parent.auto = false; _root.dozerarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.unittype = "dozer"; _parent.aggressive = false; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = false; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; _parent.targetbuild = undefined; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 450; _parent.fulllife = 450; _parent.speed = 3; building = false; nohit = 0; _parent.walking = false; _parent.build = false; empulse = 0; if (_root.comcentre1._x != undefined) { _parent.aigoto(_root.comcentre1._x, _root.comcentre1._y + 100, false); } _parent.aibuild = function (what) { }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.build) { if (_root[_parent.targetbuild].life == undefined) { obstacle = false; buidling = false; _parent.build = false; _parent.walking = false; _parent.targetbuild = undefined; } } if (building) { _root[_parent.targetbuild].percent = _root[_parent.targetbuild].percent + (0.25 * _root[_parent.targetbuild].buildrate); _root[_parent.targetbuild].life = _root[_parent.targetbuild].life + (2.4 * _root[_parent.targetbuild].buildrate); if (_root[_parent.targetbuild].percent >= 100) { _root[_parent.targetbuild].nextFrame(); buidling = false; _parent.build = false; } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (_parent.build) { if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[_parent.targetbuild]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetbuild]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } _root[_parent.targetbuild].percent = 0; if (_root[_parent.targetbuild].life > 100) { _root[_parent.targetbuild].life = 100; } } if (!_parent.build) { if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (this.hitTest(_root[flag2])) { obstacle = false; } if (_parent.build && (_root[_parent.targetbuild]._x == undefined)) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); obstacle = false; _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; _parent.build = false; } if (this.hitTest(_root[flag]) && (!_parent.build)) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); obstacle = false; _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } if (this.hitTest(_root[_parent.targetbuild]) && (_parent.build)) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); obstacle = false; _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; building = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 633 MovieClip [dozer] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 633 MovieClip [dozer] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 85 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 633 MovieClip [dozer] Frame 2stop();Symbol 634 MovieClip [rocket] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 634 MovieClip [rocket] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _parent.unittype = "rocket"; _parent.seeker = false; _parent.hitonly = false; _parent.blast = false; _parent.miss = 1; _parent.damage = 50; _parent.shellspd = 3; _parent.avoid = false; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = false; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; nohit = 0; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 250; _parent.fulllife = 250; _parent.speed = 2; _parent.firerate = 25; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; _parent.range = 350; as = 0; left = 1; empulse = 0; if (_root.warfactory1._x != undefined) { _parent.aigoto(_root.rallypoint._x, _root.rallypoint._y, false); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.attack) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { obstacle = false; _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.walking = false; _parent.attack = false; } _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (_parent.locx == undefined) { _parent.locx = 0; _parent.locy = 0; } if (!obstacle) { dx = (_root[flag]._x - _parent._x) + _parent.locx; dy = (_root[flag]._y - _parent._y) + _parent.locy; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > (_parent.range + 150)) { _parent.walking = true; _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; _parent.fireing = false; } } if (_parent.fireing) { _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } if (!_parent.walking) { if (_parent.avoid) { as++; if (!obstacle) { if (left > 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) - 45; } if (left < 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) + 90; } if (as > 70) { as = 0; left = -left; } } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.tops)) { _parent._y = _parent._y + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.bottoms)) { _parent._y = _parent._y - 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.lefts)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.rights)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - 20; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 634 MovieClip [rocket] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 634 MovieClip [rocket] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 110 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 634 MovieClip [rocket] Frame 2stop();Symbol 635 MovieClip [humvee] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip [humveeebase] "dummy" in Symbol 635 MovieClip [humvee] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.upgrade = 0; _parent.unittype = "humvee"; _parent.laser = false; _parent.gatling = false; _parent.damage = 3; _parent.avoid = true; _parent.shellspd = 15; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.friendlylist.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = false; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; nohit = 0; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 200; _parent.fulllife = 200; _parent.speed = 6; _parent.firerate = 3; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; charge = 0; empulse = 0; _parent.range = 150; charge = 100; as = 0; left = 1; if (_root.warfactory1._x != undefined) { _parent.aigoto(_root.rallypoint._x, _root.rallypoint._y, false); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.attack) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { obstacle = false; _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.walking = false; _parent.attack = false; } _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (_parent.locx == undefined) { _parent.locx = 0; _parent.locy = 0; } if (!obstacle) { dx = (_root[flag]._x - _parent._x) + _parent.locx; dy = (_root[flag]._y - _parent._y) + _parent.locy; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > (_parent.range * 2)) { _parent.walking = true; _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; _parent.fireing = false; } _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } if (!_parent.walking) { if (_parent.avoid) { if (!obstacle) { as++; if (left > 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) - 90; } if (left < 0) { this._rotation = -((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); } if (as > 20) { as = 0; left = -left; } } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.tops)) { _parent._y = _parent._y + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.bottoms)) { _parent._y = _parent._y - 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.lefts)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.rights)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - 20; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 635 MovieClip [humvee] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 635 MovieClip [humvee] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 80 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 635 MovieClip [humvee] Frame 2stop();Symbol 636 MovieClip [enemyheavy] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 520 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 636 MovieClip [enemyheavy] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.crush = false; _parent.missile = false; _parent.hitonly = false; _parent.auto = false; _parent.unittype = "heavy"; _parent.avoid = false; upgrade = 0; if ((_root.enemymoney > 30000) && (_root.enemytechcentre1._x != undefined)) { upgrade = _root.upgradelevel; } aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.5) { _parent.crush = true; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; } if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.5) { _parent.missile = true; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; } if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.3) { _parent.hitonly = true; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; } _parent.damage = 30 + Math.round(aaa * 50); _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (aaa * 500); aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; _parent.shellspd = 12; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = true; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 600 + Math.round(aaa * 200); _parent.fulllife = 600 + Math.round(aaa * 200); _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (aaa * 750); _parent.speed = 1; _parent.firerate = 20; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; _parent.range = 200 + Math.round(aaa * 120); _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (aaa * 700); empulse = 0; nohit = 0; as = 0; left = 1; this.waypoint = "waypoint" + String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 100); _root.n++; _parent.selector.play(); if ((_root[this.waypoint]._x != undefined) && (_parent.getDepth() > 0)) { _parent.aigoto(_root[this.waypoint]._x, _root[this.waypoint]._y, false); } aaa = undefined; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.attack) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { obstacle = false; _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.walking = false; _parent.attack = false; } _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if ((_parent.crush && (!_root[current].enemy)) && (_root[current].fulllife < 500)) { _root[current].life = 0; } if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > (_parent.range * 1.5)) { _parent.walking = true; _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; _parent.fireing = false; } } if (_parent.fireing) { _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } if (_parent.crush && (_root[_parent.targetobj].life < _parent.life)) { this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); if ((dist < 10) && (_root[_parent.targetobj].life < _parent.life)) { _root[_parent.targetobj].life = -1; _parent._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _parent._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; } } if (((!_parent.walking) && (_parent.avoid)) && (!_parent.crush)) { if (!obstacle) { as++; if (left > 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) - 90; } if (left < 0) { this._rotation = -((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); } if (as > 50) { as = 0; } } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.tops)) { _parent._y = _parent._y + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.bottoms)) { _parent._y = _parent._y - 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.lefts)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.rights)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - 20; } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 636 MovieClip [enemyheavy] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 636 MovieClip [enemyheavy] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 115 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 636 MovieClip [enemyheavy] Frame 2stop();Symbol 637 MovieClip [enemyrocket] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 637 MovieClip [enemyrocket] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.seeker = false; _parent.miss = 1; _parent.blast = false; _parent.avoid = false; upgrade = 0; if ((_root.enemymoney > 30000) && (_root.enemytechcentre1._x != undefined)) { upgrade = _root.upgradelevel; } aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.5) { _parent.seeker = true; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; } if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.2) { _parent.miss++; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; } if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.5) { _parent.miss++; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; } if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.5) { _parent.blast = true; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; } _parent.unittype = "rocket"; _parent.hitonly = false; aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; _parent.damage = 50 + Math.round(aaa * 25); _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (aaa * 1000); aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; _parent.shellspd = 3 + Math.round(aaa * 4); _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (aaa * 250); as = 0; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = true; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; nohit = 0; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 250; _parent.fulllife = 250; aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (aaa * 250); _parent.speed = 2 + Math.round(aaa * 4); _parent.firerate = 25; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; nohit = 0; _parent.range = 350; empulse = 0; left = 1; this.waypoint = "waypoint" + String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 100); _root.n++; _parent.selector.play(); if ((_root[this.waypoint]._x != undefined) && (_parent.getDepth() > 0)) { _parent.aigoto(_root[this.waypoint]._x, _root[this.waypoint]._y, false); } aaa = undefined; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.attack) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.walking = false; _parent.attack = false; obstacle = false; } _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (_parent.locx == undefined) { _parent.locx = 0; _parent.locy = 0; } if (!obstacle) { dx = (_root[flag]._x - _parent._x) + _parent.locx; dy = (_root[flag]._y - _parent._y) + _parent.locy; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > (_parent.range + 150)) { _parent.walking = true; _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; _parent.fireing = false; } } if (_parent.fireing) { _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } if (!_parent.walking) { if (_parent.avoid) { as++; if (!obstacle) { if (left > 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) - 45; } if (left < 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) + 90; } if (as > 70) { as = 0; left = -left; } } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.tops)) { _parent._y = _parent._y + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.bottoms)) { _parent._y = _parent._y - 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.lefts)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.rights)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - 20; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 637 MovieClip [enemyrocket] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 637 MovieClip [enemyrocket] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 110 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 637 MovieClip [enemyrocket] Frame 2stop();Symbol 638 MovieClip [enemyhumvee] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 638 MovieClip [enemyhumvee] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip [humveeebase] "dummy" in Symbol 638 MovieClip [enemyhumvee] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; upgrade = 0; charge = 0; _parent.gatling = false; _parent.avoid = true; _parent.laser = false; if ((_root.enemymoney > 30000) && (_root.enemytechcentre1._x != undefined)) { upgrade = _root.upgradelevel; } aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.5) { _parent.gatling = true; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 500; } if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.5) { _parent.laser = true; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; } _parent.unittype = "humvee"; _parent.damage = 3 + Math.round(aaa * 2); _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (aaa * 200); aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; _parent.shellspd = 15; _parent.aggressive = true; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = true; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; nohit = 0; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 200; _parent.fulllife = 200; _parent.speed = 6 + Math.round(aaa * 3); _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (aaa * 120); aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; _parent.firerate = 3 - Math.round(aaa * 2); _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (aaa * 100); _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; _parent.range = 150; as = 0; empulse = 0; left = 1; this.waypoint = "waypoint" + String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 100); _root.n++; _parent.selector.play(); if ((_root[this.waypoint]._x != undefined) && (_parent.getDepth() > 0)) { _parent.aigoto(_root[this.waypoint]._x, _root[this.waypoint]._y, false); } aaa = undefined; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.attack) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { obstacle = false; _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.walking = false; _parent.attack = false; } _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (_parent.locx == undefined) { _parent.locx = 0; _parent.locy = 0; } if (!obstacle) { dx = (_root[flag]._x - _parent._x) + _parent.locx; dy = (_root[flag]._y - _parent._y) + _parent.locy; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > (_parent.range * 2)) { _parent.walking = true; _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; _parent.fireing = false; } _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } if (!_parent.walking) { if (_parent.avoid) { if (!obstacle) { as++; if (left > 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) - 90; } if (left < 0) { this._rotation = -((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); } if (as > 20) { as = 0; left = -left; } } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.tops)) { _parent._y = _parent._y + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.bottoms)) { _parent._y = _parent._y - 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.lefts)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.rights)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - 20; } } } }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 638 MovieClip [enemyhumvee] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 80 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 638 MovieClip [enemyhumvee] Frame 2stop();Symbol 639 MovieClip [enemylight] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 531 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 639 MovieClip [enemylight] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _root.attachMovie("dot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.auto = false; _parent.shell2 = false; _parent.hitonly = false; _parent.avoid = true; upgrade = 0; if ((_root.enemymoney > 30000) && (_root.enemytechcentre1._x != undefined)) { upgrade = _root.upgradelevel; } aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.5) { _parent.auto = true; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; } if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.5) { _parent.shell2 = true; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; } if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.3) { _parent.hitonly = true; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; } _parent.unittype = "light"; _parent.shellspd = 10; _parent.damage = 20; _parent.aggressive = true; _parent.enemy = true; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 300 + Math.round(aaa * 350); _parent.fulllife = 300 + Math.round(aaa * 350); _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (aaa * 300); aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; nohit = 0; _parent.speed = 3 + Math.round(aaa * 3); _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (aaa * 250); aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; _parent.firerate = 5 - Math.round(aaa * 4); _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (aaa * 450); _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; _parent.range = 200; empulse = 0; as = 0; left = 1; this.waypoint = "waypoint" + String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 100); _root.n++; _parent.selector.play(); if ((_root[this.waypoint]._x != undefined) && (_parent.getDepth() > 0)) { _parent.aigoto(_root[this.waypoint]._x, _root[this.waypoint]._y, false); } aaa = undefined; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.attack) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { obstacle = false; _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.walking = false; _parent.attack = false; } _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.attack = false; _parent.fireing = false; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (_parent.locx == undefined) { _parent.locx = 0; _parent.locy = 0; } if (!obstacle) { dx = (_root[flag]._x - _parent._x) + _parent.locx; dy = (_root[flag]._y - _parent._y) + _parent.locy; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (_parent._width / 2); _parent._y = _parent._y + (_parent._height / 2); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (_parent._width / 2); _parent._y = _parent._y - (_parent._height / 2); } break; } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist > (_parent.range * 1.5)) { _parent.walking = true; _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; _parent.fireing = false; } } if (_parent.fireing) { _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } if (!_parent.walking) { if (_parent.avoid) { as++; if (!obstacle) { if (left > 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) + 90; } if (left < 0) { this._rotation = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) - 135; } if (as > 50) { as = 0; left = -left; } } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.tops)) { _parent._y = _parent._y + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.bottoms)) { _parent._y = _parent._y - 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.lefts)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + 20; } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.back.rights)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - 20; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 639 MovieClip [enemylight] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 639 MovieClip [enemylight] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 90 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 639 MovieClip [enemylight] Frame 2stop();Symbol 640 MovieClip [enemyartillery] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 507 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 640 MovieClip [enemyartillery] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.deploy = function () { this.walking = false; this.dummy.gotoAndPlay("deploying"); this.dummy._rotation = 90; }; _parent.nuke = false; _parent.accurate = false; _parent.emp = false; upgrade = 0; if ((_root.enemymoney > 30000) && (_root.enemytechcentre1._x != undefined)) { upgrade = _root.upgradelevel; } aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.2) { _parent.accurate = true; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 1000; } if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.7) { _parent.nuke = true; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 2000; } if ((Math.random() * upgrade) > 0.6) { _parent.emp = true; _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - 2000; } _parent.unittype = "artillery"; _parent.damage = 35 + Math.round(aaa * 25); _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (800 * aaa); _parent.aggressive = true; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = true; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; nohit = 0; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 300; _parent.fulllife = 300; _parent.speed = 1; aaa = Math.random() * upgrade; _parent.firerate = 30 - Math.round(aaa * 15); _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (500 * aaa); _parent.walking = false; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; _parent.range = 550 + Math.round(aaa * 200); _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - (1000 * aaa); empulse = 0; n = 0; this.waypoint = "waypoint" + String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 100); _root.n++; _parent.selector.play(); if ((_root[this.waypoint]._x != undefined) && (_parent.getDepth() > 0)) { _parent.aigoto(_root[this.waypoint]._x, _root[this.waypoint]._y, false); } if (_parent.getDepth() < 0) { _parent.deploy(); } aaa = undefined; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (this._currentframe == 11) { n++; if (n == 10) { n = 0; if (!_parent.fireing) { n = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (n > -1) { current2 = _root.friendlylist[n]; dx = -(_parent._x - _root[current2]._x); dy = -(_parent._y - _root[current2]._y); dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { _parent.targetobj = current2; _parent.fireing = true; _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 1) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } hit = true; } n--; } } } } if (_parent.attack) { _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { _parent.walking = false; gotoAndPlay ("deploying"); _parent.fireing = true; this._rotation = 90; } } } if (_parent.walking == true) { if ((this._currentframe > 1) && (_parent.life > 0)) { gotoAndStop (1); _parent.turret.gotoAndStop(1); } if (this._currentframe == 1) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (_parent.attack) { _root[flag]._x = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x; _root[flag]._y = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { obstacle = false; _parent.walking = false; gotoAndPlay ("deploying"); this._rotation = 90; _parent.fireing = true; } } if (obstacle) { dx = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { obstacle = false; } } if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < 10) { _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; if (!_parent.attacks) { _parent.deploy(); } } } } } if (_parent.fireing) { dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (dist < _parent.range) { _parent.turret._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (_parent.turret._currentframe == 2) { _parent.turret.play(); _parent.turret.targetobj = _parent.targetobj; } if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } } else { _parent.targetobj = undefined; _parent.fireing = false; _parent.attack = false; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 640 MovieClip [enemyartillery] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 640 MovieClip [enemyartillery] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 110 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe <= 11) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 640 MovieClip [enemyartillery] Frame 2stop();Symbol 641 MovieClip [enemydozer] Frame 1dozers.push(this._name); stop();Instance of Symbol 632 MovieClip "dummy" in Symbol 641 MovieClip [enemydozer] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie("dot2", _parent._name + "symbols", 1000006 + _root.n); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._x = x1 + (constantsx * (_parent._x - _root.back._x)); _root[_parent._name + "symbols"]._y = y1 + (constantsy * (_parent._y - _root.back._y)); _root.n++; _parent.aibuild = function (what, x, y, cost, rate) { _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - cost; _root.attachMovie("enemyconstruction", "enemyconstruction" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["enemyconstruction" + _root.n].structure = what; _root["enemyconstruction" + _root.n].buildrate = rate; _root["enemyconstruction" + _root.n]._x = x; _root["enemyconstruction" + _root.n]._y = y; _root["enemyconstruction" + _root.n].dozer = _parent._name; _root.n++; }; _parent.aibuild2 = function (what, x, y, cost, nnn, rate) { _root.enemymoney = _root.enemymoney - cost; _root.attachMovie("enemyconstruction2", "enemyconstruction" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["enemyconstruction" + _root.n].structure = what; _root["enemyconstruction" + _root.n].buildrate = rate; _root["enemyconstruction" + _root.n]._x = x; _root["enemyconstruction" + _root.n]._y = y; _root["enemyconstruction" + _root.n].number = nnn; _root["enemyconstruction" + _root.n].dozer = _parent._name; _root.n++; }; _parent.build = false; building = false; nohit = 0; _parent.auto = false; _parent.unittype = "dozer"; _parent.aggressive = false; _root.enemyarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.enemy = true; _parent.num = _root.num; _root.num++; _parent.selected1 = false; _root.unitsarray.push(_parent._name); _root.objarray.push(_parent._name); _parent.life = 450; _parent.fulllife = 450; _parent.speed = 3; _parent.walking = false; as = 0; left = 1; empulse = 0; if (_root.enemycomcentre1._x != undefined) { _parent.aigoto(_root.enemycomcentre1._x, _root.enemycomcentre1._y + 100, false); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (empulse > 0) { empulse--; } if (empulse == 0) { if (_parent.build) { if (_root[_parent.targetbuild].life == undefined) { obstacle = false; buidling = false; _parent.build = false; _parent.walking = false; _parent.targetbuild = undefined; } } if (building) { _root[_parent.targetbuild].percent = _root[_parent.targetbuild].percent + (0.25 * _root[_parent.targetbuild].buildrate); _root[_parent.targetbuild].life = _root[_parent.targetbuild].life + (2.4 * _root[_parent.targetbuild].buildrate); if (_root[_parent.targetbuild].percent >= 100) { _root[_parent.targetbuild].nextFrame(); buidling = false; _parent.build = false; } } if (_parent.walking == true) { _parent.fireing = false; hit = false; flag = "flag" + _parent._name; if (_parent.build) { if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[_parent.targetbuild]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetbuild]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } _root[_parent.targetbuild].percent = 0; if (_root[_parent.targetbuild].life > 100) { _root[_parent.targetbuild].life = 100; } } if (!_parent.build) { if (!obstacle) { dx = _root[flag]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[flag]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } if (obstacle) { dxn = _root[flag2]._x - _parent._x; dyn = _root[flag2]._y - _parent._y; this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dyn, dxn) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } } rads = (this._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.speed); _parent.movesym(); nohit++; if (nohit == 20) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { if (_parent.num > _root[current].num) { if (this._rotation > 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y + (0.2 * _parent._height); } if (this._rotation < 0) { _parent._x = _parent._x - (0.2 * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.2 * _parent._height); } } } i--; } nohit = 0; } if (this.hitTest(_root[flag2])) { obstacle = false; } if (_parent.build && (_root[_parent.targetbuild]._x == undefined)) { obstacle = false; _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; _parent.build = false; } if (this.hitTest(_root[flag]) && (!_parent.build)) { obstacle = false; _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; } if (this.hitTest(_root[_parent.targetbuild]) && (_parent.build)) { obstacle = false; _root[flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent.walking = false; building = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "selector" in Symbol 641 MovieClip [enemydozer] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip "lifebar" in Symbol 641 MovieClip [enemydozer] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 85 * (_parent.life / _parent.fulllife); if (_parent.dummy._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.life <= 0) { _parent.dummy.gotoAndPlay("explode"); } } }Symbol 641 MovieClip [enemydozer] Frame 2stop();Symbol 643 MovieClip [box5] Frame 1if (_root.comcentre1.life == undefined) { this._visible = false; }Symbol 656 Buttonon (rollOver) { _root.sidebar.build.texts = "Nuclear Missile superweapon timer"; _root.sidebar.texts = "Nuclear Missile superweapon timer"; } on (rollOut) { _root.sidebar.build.texts = ""; _root.sidebar.texts = ""; }Symbol 666 Buttonon (press) { if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("click"); soundobj.start(); } _root.attachMovie("targeter", "targeter", 1100001); } on (rollOver) { _root.sidebar.build.texts = "Launch nuclear missile at target specified by cursor"; _root.sidebar.texts = "Launch nuclear missile at target specified by cursor"; } on (rollOut) { _root.sidebar.build.texts = ""; _root.sidebar.texts = ""; }Symbol 668 MovieClip Frame 1this._visible = false; stop();Symbol 668 MovieClip Frame 2this._visible = true; percent = 0; stop();Instance of Symbol 648 MovieClip "pp" in Symbol 668 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; pptimer = 0; this._visible = false; _parent.percent = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._currentframe != 10) { timer++; pptimer++; if (pptimer == 20) { _parent.percent = _parent.percent + 1.25; pptimer = 0; } if (timer == 200) { _parent.nextFrame(); timer = 0; } } }Symbol 668 MovieClip Frame 10_root.weaponsilo1.silodoors.play(); stop();Symbol 688 MovieClip Frame 1this._visible = false; stop();Symbol 688 MovieClip Frame 2this._visible = true; stop();Instance of Symbol 648 MovieClip in Symbol 688 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; _parent.percent = 0; pptimer = 0; this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer++; pptimer++; if (pptimer > 20) { _parent.percent = _parent.percent + 1.25; pptimer = 0; } if (timer == 200) { _parent.nextFrame(); timer = 0; } }Symbol 688 MovieClip Frame 9_root.enemyweaponsilo1.silodoors.play();Symbol 688 MovieClip Frame 10nonculear = true; len = _root.structurearray.length - 2; if (_root[_root.structurearray[len]]._x != undefined) { af = _root.structurearray[len]; _root.sidebar.enemynuketimer.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "nuclearstrike2", _root.n); _root.nuclearstrike2._x = _root[af]._x; _root.nuclearstrike2._y = _root[af]._y; _root.objarray.push("nuclearstrike2"); _root.n++; hit = true; _root.attachMovie("nukemiss2", "nukemiss2", _root.n); _root.nukemiss2._x = _root.enemyweaponsilo1._x; _root.nukemiss2._y = _root.enemyweaponsilo1._y; _root.n++; _root.enemyweaponsilo1.silodoors.gotoAndStop(1); soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("launch"); soundobj.start(); nonuclear = false; }Symbol 694 MovieClip Frame 1n = 0; hit = false; stop();Symbol 694 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 698 Buttonon (press) { if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("blip"); soundobj.start(); } i = 20; while (i > 0) { if (this._name == ("d" + i)) { unit = _root.selectedarray[i - 1]; hp = _root[unit].life; if ((hp > 0) && (hp != undefined)) { firepower = _root[unit].damage; hp2 = _root[unit].fulllife; rate = 1 / _root[unit].firerate; speed = _root[unit].speed; range = _root[unit].range; unittype = _root[unit].unittype; _parent.unittype = unittype; if (unittype == "light") { unittype2 = "Light Tank"; } else if (unittype == "heavy") { unittype2 = "Heavy Tank"; } else if (unittype == "rocket") { unittype2 = "Rocket Launcher"; } else if (unittype == "humvee") { unittype2 = "Humvee"; } else if (unittype == "artillery") { unittype2 = "Artillery"; } else if (unittype == "dozer") { unittype2 = "Construction Dozer"; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; i--; } _parent.unit = unit; _root.selectedarray = [unit]; _root[unit].selector._visible = true; _parent.stats = (((((((((((((((((unittype2 + newline) + newline) + "firepower:") + firepower) + newline) + "HP:") + hp) + "/") + hp2) + newline) + "speed:") + speed) + newline) + "rate of fire:") + rate) + newline) + "range:") + range; _parent.gotoAndStop("selected"); } } i--; } }Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Instance of Symbol 694 MovieClip "boxns" in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (load) { if (_root[_parent.unit].enemy) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].accurate) { this._visible = false; } }Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].nuke) { this._visible = false; } }Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].emp) { this._visible = false; } }Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].shell2) { this._visible = false; } }Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].hitonly) { this._visible = false; } }Instance of Symbol 94 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].auto) { this._visible = false; } }Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Instance of Symbol 104 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 4onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].seeker) { this._visible = false; } }Instance of Symbol 102 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 4onClipEvent (load) { if (_root[_parent.unit].miss != 3) { this._visible = false; } }Instance of Symbol 106 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 4onClipEvent (load) { if (_root[_parent.unit].miss != 2) { this._visible = false; } }Instance of Symbol 108 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 4onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].blast) { this._visible = false; } }Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].gatling) { this._visible = false; } }Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].laser) { this._visible = false; } }Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 6onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].crush) { this._visible = false; } }Instance of Symbol 106 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 6onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].missile) { this._visible = false; } }Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 6onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].hitonly) { this._visible = false; } }Instance of Symbol 94 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 6onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].auto) { this._visible = false; } }Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 7stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 8stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 9stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 10stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 11stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 12stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 13stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 14stop();Instance of Symbol 569 MovieClip in Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 14/* no clip actions */Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 15stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 16stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 17stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 18stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 19stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 20stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 21stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 22stop();Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 23stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Instance of Symbol 694 MovieClip "boxns" in Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (load) { if (_root[_parent._parent.unit].enemy) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 7stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 8stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 9stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 10stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 11stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 12stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 13stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 14stop();Instance of Symbol 569 MovieClip in Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 14/* no clip actions */Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 15stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 16stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 17stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 18stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 19stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 20stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 21stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 22stop();Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 23stop();Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Instance of Symbol 745 MovieClip "picture" in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_parent.unittype); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { unit = _parent.unit; hp = Math.round(_root[unit].life); if ((hp < 0) || (hp == undefined)) { _parent.prevFrame(); } firepower = _root[unit].damage; hp2 = _root[unit].fulllife; rate = _root[unit].firerate; speed = _root[unit].speed; shellspd = _root[unit].shellspd; range = _root[unit].range; unittype = _root[unit].unittype; _parent.unittype = unittype; if (unittype == "light") { unittype2 = "Light Tank"; } if (unittype == "lasertank") { unittype2 = "Laser Tank"; } if (unittype == "techcentre") { unittype2 = "Tech Centre"; } if (unittype == "heavy") { unittype2 = "Heavy Tank"; } if (unittype == "rocket") { unittype2 = "Rocket Launcher"; } if (unittype == "apc") { unittype2 = " APC"; } if (unittype == "humvee") { unittype2 = "Humvee"; } if (unittype == "artillery") { unittype2 = "Artillery"; } if (unittype == "war factory") { unittype2 = "War Factory"; } if (unittype == "dozer") { unittype2 = "Construction Dozer"; } if (unittype == "comcentre") { unittype2 = "Command Centre"; } if (unittype == "oiltruck") { unittype2 = "Oil Truck"; } if (unittype == "refinery") { unittype2 = "Oil Refinery"; } if (unittype == "construction") { unittype2 = "Construction Site"; } if (unittype == "turret1") { unittype2 = "Gattling Turret"; } if (unittype == "turret2") { unittype2 = "Patriot Missile"; } if (unittype == "turret3") { unittype2 = "Laser"; } if (unittype == "servicedepot") { unittype2 = "Service Depot"; } if (unittype == "mine") { unittype2 = "Mine"; } if (unittype == "weaponsilo") { unittype2 = "Weapon Silo"; } if (unittype == "derrick") { unittype2 = "Enemy Laser Tank Facility"; } if (unittype == "airport") { unittype2 = "Airport"; } if (unittype == "radar") { unittype2 = "Control Station"; } if (_root[unit].enemy) { unittype2 = "Enemy " + unittype2; } if (_root[unit].ally) { unittype2 = "Allied " + unittype2; } i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].selector._visible = false; _root[current].selected1 = false; i--; } aggressive = _root[unit].aggressive; avoid = _root[unit].avoid; _root.selectedarray = [unit]; _root[unit].selector._visible = true; _parent.stats = (((((((((((((((((((((((unittype2 + newline) + "firepower:") + firepower) + newline) + "HP:") + hp) + "/") + hp2) + newline) + "speed:") + speed) + newline) + "weapon speed:") + shellspd) + newline) + "reload time:") + rate) + newline) + "range:") + range) + "\n guardmode:") + aggressive) + "\n avoid fire:") + avoid; }Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].accurate) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].nuke) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].emp) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].shell2) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].hitonly) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }Instance of Symbol 94 MovieClip in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].auto) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].gatling) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].laser) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].crush) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }Instance of Symbol 102 MovieClip in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root[_parent.unit].miss != 3) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }Instance of Symbol 104 MovieClip in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].seeker) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }Instance of Symbol 106 MovieClip in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root[_parent.unit].miss != 2) || (_root[_parent.unit].missile && (_root[_parent.unit].unittype == "heavy"))) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }Instance of Symbol 108 MovieClip in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root[_parent.unit].blast) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }Symbol 751 Buttonon (press) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("click"); soundobj.start(); i = _parent.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _parent.selectedarray[i]; if (((_parent[current].speed != undefined) && (_parent[current].damage != undefined)) && (!_parent[current].enemy)) { _parent[current].targetobj = undefined; _parent[current].fireing = false; _parent[current].attack = false; flag = _parent[current].dummy.flag; _root[_parent[current].dummy.flag].removeMovieClip(); _root.objarray.findandsplice(flag); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice(flag); _parent[current].walking = false; } i--; } } on (rollOver) { build.texts = "Stops the selected units"; texts = "Stops the selected units"; } on (rollOut) { texts = ""; build.texts = ""; }Symbol 755 Buttonon (press) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("o3"); soundobj.start(); i = _parent.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _parent.selectedarray[i]; if (((!_parent[current].enemy) && (_parent[current].speed != undefined)) && (_parent[current].damage != undefined)) { _parent[current].aggressive = false; } i--; } } on (keyPress "U") { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("o3"); soundobj.start(); i = _parent.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _parent.selectedarray[i]; if (((!_parent[current].enemy) && (_parent[current].speed != undefined)) && (_parent[current].damage != undefined)) { _parent[current].aggressive = false; } i--; } } on (rollOver) { build.texts = "Forces all selected units into 'harmless' mode.\n 'harmless' units won't attack any unit unless ordered to."; texts = "Forces all selected units into 'harmless' mode.\n 'harmless' units won't attack any unit unless ordered to."; } on (rollOut) { texts = ""; build.texts = ""; }Symbol 759 Buttonon (press) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("click"); soundobj.start(); _root.formation = "sparse"; } on (rollOver) { build.texts = "The selected units will gather in a scattered formation at the location specified by the mouse"; texts = "The selected units will gather in a scattered formation at the location specified by the mouse"; } on (rollOut) { texts = ""; build.texts = ""; }Symbol 771 Buttonon (press) { doo(); } on (rollOver) { _root.sidebar.texts = ((texts + newline) + "cost:$") + calculatecost; } on (rollOut) { _root.sidebar.texts = ""; }Symbol 772 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 772 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 773 Buttonon (press) { doo(); } on (rollOver) { _root.sidebar.texts = ((texts + newline) + "cost:$") + calculatecost; } on (rollOut) { _root.sidebar.texts = ""; }Symbol 774 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 774 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 780 Buttonon (press) { if (_root.sidebar._visible) { this.build._visible = true; i = 20; while (i > -1) { this["s" + i].gotoAndStop(1); i--; } } } on (keyPress "D") { if (_root.sidebar._visible) { this.build._visible = true; i = 20; while (i > -1) { this["s" + i].gotoAndStop(1); i--; } } }Symbol 787 Buttonon (press) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("building"); soundobj.start(); if (_root.money >= cost) { if (_parent.buildlist.length == 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop ("reserved"); } _root.money = _root.money - cost; this.buildno++; _parent.buildlist.push(unittype); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.texts = ((texts + newline) + "cost:$") + calculatecost; } on (rollOut) { _parent.texts = ""; }Symbol 789 Buttonon (press) { doo(); } on (rollOver) { _root.sidebar.texts = texts; } on (rollOut) { _root.sidebar.texts = ""; }Symbol 790 Buttonon (press) { if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("click"); soundobj.start(); } if (_root.money >= cost) { _root.money = _root.money - cost; this.buildno++; _parent.buildlist.push(unittype); } else { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("fund"); soundobj.start(); } } on (rollOver) { _root.sidebar.texts = ((texts + newline) + "cost:$") + calculatecost; } on (rollOut) { _root.sidebar.texts = ""; }Symbol 799 Buttonon (press) { if (_root.moeny >= cost) { if (_parent.buildlist.length == 0) { play(); } _root.money = _root.money - cost; this.buildno++; this.s.queue++; _parent.buildlist.push(unittype); } else { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("fund"); soundobj.start(); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.texts = ((texts + newline) + "cost:$") + calculatecost; } on (rollOut) { _parent.texts = ""; }Symbol 800 MovieClip Frame 1if (_root.warfactory < 1) { this.buildno = 0; stop(); }Instance of Symbol 786 MovieClip in Symbol 800 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((_root.money > _parent.cost) && (_root.warfactory1._x != undefined)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } }Symbol 800 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 800 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Instance of Symbol 648 MovieClip in Symbol 800 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; this.queue = _parent.buildno; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer++; if (timer >= _parent.rates) { _parent.nextFrame(); timer = 0; } this.queue = _parent.buildno; }Symbol 800 MovieClip Frame 11type = _parent.buildlist.shift(); type2 = _parent.buildlist[0]; _root.attachMovie(unittype, unittype + _root.n, _root.n); _root[unittype + _root.n]._x = _root.warfactory1._x; _root[unittype + _root.n]._y = _root.warfactory1._y; _root[unittype + _root.n]._rotation = 0; _root.rallylist.push(unittype + _root.n); _root.n++; _root.built++; if (_parent.buildlist[0] == unittype) { gotoAndPlay ("building"); } else { gotoAndStop ("reserved"); _parent[type2].gotoAndPlay("building"); } buildno--; if (buildno == 0) { gotoAndStop (2); }Symbol 800 MovieClip Frame 12stop();Instance of Symbol 648 MovieClip "s" in Symbol 800 MovieClip Frame 12onClipEvent (load) { this.queue = _parent.buildno; }Symbol 802 Buttonon (press) { if (_root.sidebar._visible) { _visible = false; } } on (keyPress "A") { if (_root.sidebar._visible) { _visible = false; } }Symbol 803 Buttonon (press) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("building"); soundobj.start(); if (_root.money >= cost) { play(); _root.money = _root.money - cost; this.buildno++; } else { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("fund"); soundobj.start(); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.texts = ((texts + newline) + "cost:$") + calculatecost; } on (rollOut) { _parent.texts = ""; }Symbol 804 Buttonon (press) { if (_root.money >= cost) { _root.money = _root.money - cost; this.buildno++; soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("click"); soundobj.start(); } else { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("fund"); soundobj.start(); } } on (rollOver) { _root.sidebar.texts = ((texts + newline) + "cost:$") + calculatecost; } on (rollOut) { _root.sidebar.texts = ""; }Symbol 805 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 786 MovieClip in Symbol 805 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((_root.money > _parent.cost) && (_root.comcentre1.life != undefined)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } }Symbol 805 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 805 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Instance of Symbol 648 MovieClip in Symbol 805 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; this.queue = _parent.buildno; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer++; if (timer >= _parent.rates) { _parent.nextFrame(); timer = 0; } this.queue = _parent.buildno; }Symbol 805 MovieClip Frame 11_root.attachMovie(unittype, unittype + _root.n, _root.n); _root[unittype + _root.n]._x = _root.comcentre1._x; _root[unittype + _root.n]._y = _root.comcentre1._y; _root[unittype + _root.n]._rotation = 0; _root.n++; buildno--; if (buildno == 0) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }Symbol 806 Buttonon (press) { if (_root.money >= cost) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("click"); soundobj.start(); _root.attachMovie("construction", "construction" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["construction" + _root.n].drag = true; _root["construction" + _root.n].structure = structure; _root["construction" + _root.n].buildrate = buildrate; _root["construction" + _root.n].cost = cost; found = false; i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { elementsearched = _root.selectedarray[i]; if (((_root[elementsearched].unittype == "dozer") && (!_root[elementsearched].enemy)) && (!_root[elementsearched].build)) { found = elementsearched; break; } i--; } _root["construction" + _root.n].dozer = found; _root.n++; if (found != false) { _root.money = _root.money - cost; nextFrame(); } } else { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("fund"); soundobj.start(); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.texts = ((texts + newline) + "cost:$") + calculatecost; } on (rollOut) { _parent.texts = ""; }Symbol 808 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 786 MovieClip in Symbol 808 MovieClip Frame 1/* no clip actions */Symbol 808 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 808 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Instance of Symbol 786 MovieClip in Symbol 808 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root[structure] < 0) { gotoAndStop (1); } }Symbol 809 Buttonon (press) { if (_root.money >= cost) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("click"); soundobj.start(); _root.attachMovie("construction2", "construction2" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["construction2" + _root.n].drag = true; _root["construction2" + _root.n].structure = structure; _root["construction2" + _root.n].buildrate = buildrate; _root["construction2" + _root.n].cost = cost; found = false; i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { elementsearched = _root.selectedarray[i]; if (((_root[elementsearched].unittype == "dozer") && (!_root[elementsearched].enemy)) && (!_root[elementsearched].build)) { found = elementsearched; break; } i--; } _root["construction2" + _root.n].dozer = found; _root.n++; if (found != false) { _root.money = _root.money - cost; } } else { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("fund"); soundobj.start(); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.texts = ((texts + newline) + "cost:$") + calculatecost; } on (rollOut) { _parent.texts = ""; }Symbol 810 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 786 MovieClip in Symbol 810 MovieClip Frame 1/* no clip actions */Symbol 810 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 811 Buttonon (press) { if (_root.money >= cost) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("click"); soundobj.start(); if (_parent.buildlist.length == 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop ("reserved"); } _root.money = _root.money - cost; this.buildno++; _parent.buildlist.push(unittype); } else { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("fund"); soundobj.start(); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.texts = ((texts + newline) + "cost:$") + calculatecost; } on (rollOut) { _parent.texts = ""; }Symbol 812 Buttonon (rollOver) { _root.sidebar.texts = ((texts + newline) + "cost:$") + calculatecost; } on (rollOut) { _root.sidebar.texts = ""; }Symbol 813 Buttonon (press) { if (_root.moeny >= cost) { if (_parent.buildlist.length == 0) { play(); } _root.money = _root.money - cost; this.buildno++; this.s.queue++; _parent.buildlist.push(unittype); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.texts = ((texts + newline) + "cost:$") + calculatecost; } on (rollOut) { _parent.texts = ""; }Symbol 815 MovieClip Frame 1if (_root.warfactory < 1) { stop(); }Instance of Symbol 786 MovieClip in Symbol 815 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (((_root.money > _parent.cost) && (_root.warfactory1._x != undefined)) && (_root.techcentre1._x != undefined)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } }Symbol 815 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 815 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Instance of Symbol 648 MovieClip in Symbol 815 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; this.queue = _parent.buildno; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer++; if (timer >= _parent.rates) { _parent.nextFrame(); timer = 0; } this.queue = _parent.buildno; }Symbol 815 MovieClip Frame 11type = _parent.buildlist.shift(); type2 = _parent.buildlist[0]; _root.attachMovie(unittype, unittype + _root.n, _root.n); _root[unittype + _root.n]._x = _root.warfactory1._x; _root[unittype + _root.n]._y = _root.warfactory1._y; _root[unittype + _root.n]._rotation = 0; _root.rallylist.push(unittype + _root.n); _root.n++; _root.built++; gotoAndStop ("already"); _parent[type2].gotoAndPlay("building"); buildno--; if (buildno == 0) { gotoAndStop (2); }Symbol 815 MovieClip Frame 12stop();Instance of Symbol 648 MovieClip "s" in Symbol 815 MovieClip Frame 12onClipEvent (load) { this.queue = _parent.buildno; }Symbol 815 MovieClip Frame 13stop();Symbol 816 Buttonon (press) { if (_root.money >= cost) { _root.attachMovie("construction", "construction" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["construction" + _root.n].drag = true; _root["construction" + _root.n].structure = structure; _root["construction" + _root.n].buildrate = buildrate; found = false; i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { elementsearched = _root.selectedarray[i]; if (((_root[elementsearched].unittype == "dozer") && (!_root[elementsearched].enemy)) && (!_root[elementsearched].build)) { found = elementsearched; break; } i--; } _root["construction" + _root.n].dozer = found; _root.n++; if (found != false) { _root.money = _root.money - cost; nextFrame(); } } } on (rollOver) { _parent.texts = ((texts + newline) + "cost:$") + calculatecost; } on (rollOut) { _parent.texts = ""; }Symbol 817 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 786 MovieClip in Symbol 817 MovieClip Frame 1/* no clip actions */Symbol 817 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 817 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Instance of Symbol 786 MovieClip in Symbol 817 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root[structure] < 0) { gotoAndStop (1); } }Instance of Symbol 569 MovieClip in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 800 MovieClip "light" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { unittype = "light"; buildno = 0; rates = 5; cost = 1000; calculatecost = cost; texts = "Build Light Tank\n\nA medium sized armoured unit\nbasic firepower:20\nbasic HP:300"; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.warfactory1.life == undefined) { gotoAndStop (1); } }Instance of Symbol 800 MovieClip "rocket" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { unittype = "rocket"; buildno = 0; rates = 8; cost = 1500; calculatecost = cost; texts = "Build Rocket Launcher\n\nSlow but deadly unit in terms of firepower\nbasic firepower:50\nbasic HP:250"; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.warfactory1.life == undefined) { gotoAndStop (1); } }Instance of Symbol 800 MovieClip "artillery" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { unittype = "artillery"; buildno = 0; rates = 13; cost = 2000; calculatecost = cost; texts = "Build Artillery\nLong range unit used to lob shells great distances.Must be deployed to fire.\nbasic firepower:35\nbasic HP:300"; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.warfactory1.life == undefined) { gotoAndStop (1); } }Instance of Symbol 800 MovieClip "heavy" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { unittype = "heavy"; buildno = 0; rates = 15; cost = 2500; calculatecost = cost; texts = "Build Heavy Tank\n\nLarge,lumbering but heavily armoured unit\nbasic firepower:30\nbasic HP:600"; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.warfactory1.life == undefined) { gotoAndStop (1); } }Instance of Symbol 805 MovieClip "dozer" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { unittype = "dozer"; buildno = 0; rates = 8; cost = 1000; calculatecost = cost; texts = "Build Dozer\n\nUsed to construct or repair buildings"; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.comcentre1.life == undefined) { gotoAndStop (1); } }Instance of Symbol 800 MovieClip "oiltruck" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { unittype = "oiltruck"; buildno = 0; rates = 7; cost = 1500; calculatecost = cost; texts = "Build Oil Truck\n\nGathers oil from oil wells and converts it into cash "; }Instance of Symbol 808 MovieClip "warfactory" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { structure = "warfactory"; cost = 2000; calculatecost = cost; buildrate = 1; texts = "Build War Factory\n\nBuilds your units."; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this._currentframe != 3) { if (_root[structure] > 0) { gotoAndStop (3); } found = false; i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { elementsearched = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((_root[elementsearched].unittype == "dozer") && (!_root[elementsearched].enemy)) { found = true; break; } i--; } if (((_root.money > cost) && (found)) && (_root.comcentre1._x != undefined)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } } }Instance of Symbol 808 MovieClip "techcentre" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { structure = "techcentre"; cost = 1500; calculatecost = cost; buildrate = 0.7; texts = "Build Tech Centre\n\nEnables unit upgrading, and the laser tank prototype, and weapon silo to be built"; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this._currentframe != 3) { if (_root[structure] > 0) { gotoAndStop (3); } found = false; i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { elementsearched = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((_root[elementsearched].unittype == "dozer") && (!_root[elementsearched].enemy)) { found = true; break; } i--; } if (((_root.money > cost) && (found)) && (_root.warfactory1._x != undefined)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } } }Instance of Symbol 810 MovieClip "turrets" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { structure = "turrets"; cost = 1000; calculatecost = cost; buildrate = 1.5; texts = "Build Gattling Turret\n\nBase Defense.Fires bullets in quick sucession."; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { found = false; i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { elementsearched = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((_root[elementsearched].unittype == "dozer") && (!_root[elementsearched].enemy)) { found = true; break; } i--; } if (((_root.money > cost) && (found)) && (_root.comcentre1._x != undefined)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }Instance of Symbol 810 MovieClip "patriotmissile" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { structure = "patriotmiss"; cost = 1500; calculatecost = cost; buildrate = 1.5; texts = "Build Patriot Missile Turret\n\nBase Defense.Fires 3 homing missiles at enemy."; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { found = false; i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { elementsearched = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((_root[elementsearched].unittype == "dozer") && (!_root[elementsearched].enemy)) { found = true; break; } i--; } if (((_root.money > cost) && (found)) && (_root.comcentre1._x != undefined)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }Instance of Symbol 810 MovieClip "laser" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { structure = "laserbasedefense"; cost = 1500; calculatecost = cost; buildrate = 1.5; texts = "Build Laser Turret\n\nBase Defense.Fires one devastating laser bolt at enemy."; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { found = false; i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { elementsearched = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((_root[elementsearched].unittype == "dozer") && (!_root[elementsearched].enemy)) { found = true; break; } i--; } if (((_root.money > cost) && (found)) && (_root.comcentre1._x != undefined)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }Instance of Symbol 808 MovieClip "servicedepot" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { structure = "servicedepot"; cost = 1500; calculatecost = cost; buildrate = 1; texts = "Build Service Depot\n\nRepairs damaged units that come on top of it."; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this._currentframe != 3) { if (_root[structure] > 0) { gotoAndStop (3); } found = false; i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { elementsearched = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((_root[elementsearched].unittype == "dozer") && (!_root[elementsearched].enemy)) { found = true; break; } i--; } if (((_root.money > cost) && (found)) && (_root.refinery1._x != undefined)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } } }Instance of Symbol 810 MovieClip "mine" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { structure = "mine"; cost = 1000; calculatecost = cost; buildrate = 5; texts = "Build Mine\n\nBase Defense.Detonates when enemy units come too close, disabling and damaging it"; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { found = false; i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { elementsearched = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((_root[elementsearched].unittype == "dozer") && (!_root[elementsearched].enemy)) { found = true; break; } i--; } if (((_root.money > cost) && (found)) && (_root.comcentre1._x != undefined)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }Instance of Symbol 815 MovieClip "lasertank" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { unittype = "lasertank"; buildno = 0; rates = 30; cost = 5000; calculatecost = cost; texts = "Build Laser Tank\n\nPrototype special unit.Limited to one unit at a time\nbasic firepower:80\nbasic HP:1000"; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.warfactory1.life == undefined) { gotoAndStop (1); } }Instance of Symbol 817 MovieClip "weaponsilo" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { structure = "weaponsilo"; cost = 10000; calculatecost = cost; buildrate = 0.2; texts = "Build Weapon Silo\n\nUnleashes the Nuclear Missile superweapon "; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this._currentframe != 3) { if (_root[structure] > 0) { gotoAndStop (3); } found = false; i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { elementsearched = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((_root[elementsearched].unittype == "dozer") && (!_root[elementsearched].enemy)) { found = true; break; } i--; } if (((_root.money > cost) && (found)) && (_root.techcentre1._x != undefined)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } } }Instance of Symbol 800 MovieClip "humvee" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { unittype = "humvee"; buildno = 0; rates = 2; cost = 500; calculatecost = cost; texts = "Build Humvee\n\nA fast agile unit with high rate of fire\nbasic firepower:7\nbasic HP:200"; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.warfactory1.life == undefined) { gotoAndStop (1); } }Instance of Symbol 808 MovieClip "refinery" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { structure = "refinery"; cost = 3000; calculatecost = cost; buildrate = 1; texts = "Build Oil Refinery\n\nUsed by Oiltrucks to refine oil and convert into cash."; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this._currentframe != 3) { if (_root[structure] > 0) { gotoAndStop (3); } found = false; i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { elementsearched = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((_root[elementsearched].unittype == "dozer") && (!_root[elementsearched].enemy)) { found = true; break; } i--; } if (((_root.money > cost) && (found)) && (_root.comcentre1._x != undefined)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } } }Instance of Symbol 808 MovieClip "comcentre" in Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { structure = "comcentre"; cost = 5000; calculatecost = cost; buildrate = 0.5; texts = "Build Command Centre\n\nWhere you build dozers to construct or repair your base.Provides radar."; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this._currentframe != 3) { if (_root[structure] > 0) { gotoAndStop (3); } found = false; i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { elementsearched = _root.selectedarray[i]; if ((_root[elementsearched].unittype == "dozer") && (!_root[elementsearched].enemy)) { found = true; break; } i--; } if ((_root.money > cost) && (found)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } } }Symbol 824 Buttonon (press) { i = _parent.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _parent.selectedarray[i]; if ((_parent[current].unittype == "artillery") && (!_parent[current].enemy)) { _parent[current].deploy(); if (deploying == undefined) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("deploying"); soundobj.start(); deploying = true; } } i--; } deploying = undefined; } on (keyPress "D") { i = _parent.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _parent.selectedarray[i]; if ((_parent[current].unittype == "artillery") && (!_parent[current].enemy)) { _parent[current].deploy(); if (deploying == undefined) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("deploying"); soundobj.start(); deploying = true; } } i--; } deploying = undefined; } on (rollOver) { build.texts = "Deploys the selected artillery into firing position"; texts = "Deploys the selected artillery into firing position"; } on (rollOut) { texts = ""; build.texts = ""; }Symbol 828 Buttonon (press) { i = _parent.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _parent.selectedarray[i]; if ((_parent[current].auto._x != undefined) && (!_parent[current].enemy)) { _parent[current].gotoAndPlay(10); _parent.money = _parent.money + _parent[current].life; _parent[current]._visible = false; soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("sold"); soundobj.start(); } i--; } } on (rollOver) { build.texts = "Sells the selected structures for their HP worth of cash"; texts = "Sells the selected structures for their HP worth of cash"; } on (rollOut) { texts = ""; build.texts = ""; }Symbol 832 Buttonon (press) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("o2"); soundobj.start(); i = _parent.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _parent.selectedarray[i]; if (((!_parent[current].enemy) && (_parent[current].speed != undefined)) && (_parent[current].damage != undefined)) { _parent[current].aggressive = true; } i--; } } on (keyPress "G") { if (_root.soundon) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("o2"); soundobj.start(); } i = _parent.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _parent.selectedarray[i]; if (((!_parent[current].enemy) && (_parent[current].speed != undefined)) && (_parent[current].damage != undefined)) { _parent[current].aggressive = true; } i--; } } on (rollOver) { build.texts = "Sends all selected unit into guard mode.\n They will attack any enemy that comes near them."; texts = "Sends all selected unit into guard mode.\n They will attack any enemy that comes near them."; } on (rollOut) { texts = ""; build.texts = ""; }Symbol 836 Buttonon (press) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("o3"); soundobj.start(); i = _parent.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _parent.selectedarray[i]; if (((!_parent[current].enemy) && (_parent[current].speed != undefined)) && (_parent[current].damage != undefined)) { _parent[current].avoid = avoid; } i--; } avoid = !avoid; } on (rollOver) { build.texts = "Sends the selected units into 'stand ground' mode.\n They won't move around while firing to avoid return fire.\n Press again to disable 'stand ground' mode."; texts = "Sends the selected units into 'stand ground' mode.\n They won't move around while firing to avoid return fire.\n Press again to disable 'stand ground' mode."; } on (rollOut) { texts = ""; build.texts = ""; }Symbol 840 Buttonon (press) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("click"); soundobj.start(); _root.formation = "line"; } on (rollOver) { build.texts = "The selected units will gather in a dense line formation at the location specified by the mouse"; texts = "The selected units will gather in a dense line formation at the location specified by the mouse"; } on (rollOut) { texts = ""; build.texts = ""; }Symbol 846 MovieClip Frame 1this._visible = false;Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 1this.cacheAsBitmap = true; this.opaqueBackground = 0;Symbol 852 MovieClip Frame 1this.cacheAsBitmap = true; this.opaqueBackground = 0;Symbol 856 MovieClip Frame 1this.cacheAsBitmap = true;Symbol 859 MovieClip Frame 1this.cacheAsBitmap = true; this.opaqueBackground = 0;Symbol 864 MovieClip Frame 1this.cacheAsBitmap = true; this.opaqueBackground = 0;Symbol 867 MovieClip Frame 1this.cacheAsBitmap = true; this.opaqueBackground = 0;Symbol 868 MovieClip Frame 1this.cacheAsBitmap = true; this.opaqueBackground = 0; stop();Symbol 868 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Instance of Symbol 852 MovieClip "back" in Symbol 868 MovieClip Frame 5/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 856 MovieClip "back" in Symbol 868 MovieClip Frame 7/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 346 MovieClip "back" in Symbol 868 MovieClip Frame 8/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 859 MovieClip "back" in Symbol 868 MovieClip Frame 9onClipEvent (load) { }Instance of Symbol 350 MovieClip "back" in Symbol 868 MovieClip Frame 10/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 864 MovieClip "back" in Symbol 868 MovieClip Frame 11/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 867 MovieClip "back" in Symbol 868 MovieClip Frame 12/* no clip actions */Symbol 872 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 872 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 876 Buttonon (release) { i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; _root[current].life = 0; i--; } if (_root.mission) { currentframe = _root._currentframe; _root.gotoAndStop(currentframe + 2); } }Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Symbol 877 MovieClip Frame 1/* no clip actions */Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1function calccost() { _root.money = Math.round(_root.money); if (_root.selectedarray.length == 0) { this.shower.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.selectedarray.length == 1) { this.shower.gotoAndStop(2); this.shower.unit = _root.selectedarray[0]; this.shower.unittype = _root[_root.selectedarray[0]].unittype; } else { this.shower.gotoAndStop(1); } laser = 0; hitonly = 0; firepower = 0; armour = 0; fire = 0; range = 0; speed = 0; shell = 0; auto = 0; loads = 0; miss2 = 0; crush = 0; seeker = 0; blast = 0; gatling = 0; accurate = 0; enemy = true; nuke = 0; emp = 0; rocket = false; light = false; humvee = false; artillery = false; heavy = false; i = 20; while (i > -1) { this["s" + i].gotoAndStop(1); this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop(1); i--; } if (_root.selectedarray.length > 0) { this.s1.gotoAndStop(2); this.s2.gotoAndStop(2); this.s7.gotoAndStop(2); this.s8.gotoAndStop(2); this.s13.gotoAndStop(2); this.s14.gotoAndStop(2); } i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; if (!this.build._visible) { if (_root.techcentre1._x != undefined) { if (!_root[current].enemy) { if (_root[current].upgrade < 5) { enemy = false; if (!isNaN(_root[current].damage)) { firepower = firepower + (_root[current].damage * 5); } if (!isNaN(_root[current].speed)) { speed = speed + (_root[current].speed * 100); } if (_root[current].shellspd != undefined) { shell = shell + (_root[current].shellspd * 20); } if (!isNaN(_root[current].damage)) { fire = fire + ((50 - _root[current].firerate) * 10); range = range + (_root[current].range * 9); } armour = armour + _root[current].fulllife; } } if (_root[current].unittype == "rocket") { if (!_root[current].enemy) { rocket = true; if (!_root[current].blast) { if (_root.money >= this.s16.cost) { this.s16.gotoAndStop(2); } blast = blast + this.s16.cost; } } } if (!_root[current].enemy) { if (_root[current].unittype == "rocket") { if (!_root[current].seeker) { if (_root.money >= this.s4.cost) { this.s4.gotoAndStop(2); } seeker = seeker + this.s4.cost; } } if (_root[current].unittype == "rocket") { if (_root[current].miss < 3) { if (_root.money >= this.s10.cost) { this.s10.gotoAndStop(2); } miss2 = miss2 + this.s10.cost; } } if (_root[current].unittype == "heavy") { heavy = true; if (!_root[current].missile) { this.s10.gotoAndStop(2); miss2 = miss2 + (this.s10.cost * 2); } } } if (_root[current].unittype == "humvee") { if (!_root[current].enemy) { if (!_root[current].gatling) { humvee = true; if (_root.money >= this.s5.cost) { this.s5.gotoAndStop(2); } gatling = gatling + this.s5.cost; } if (!_root[current].laser) { if (_root.money >= this.s11.cost) { this.s11.gotoAndStop(2); } laser = laser + this.s11.cost; } } } if (((_root[current].unittype == "rocket") || (_root[current].unittype == "light")) || (_root[current].unittype == "heavy")) { if (!_root[current].enemy) { if (!_root[current].hitonly) { hitonly = hitonly + this.s17.cost; if (_root.money >= this.s17.cost) { this.s17.gotoAndStop(2); } light = true; } } } if (_root[current].unittype == "artillery") { if (!_root[current].enemy) { artillery = true; if (!_root[current].accurate) { if (_root.money >= this.s6.cost) { this.s6.gotoAndStop(2); } accurate = accurate + this.s6.cost; } if (!_root[current].nuke) { if (_root.money >= this.s12.cost) { this.s12.gotoAndStop(2); } nuke = nuke + this.s12.cost; } if (!_root[current].emp) { if (_root.money >= this.s18.cost) { this.s18.gotoAndStop(2); } emp = emp + this.s18.cost; } } } if (_root[current].unittype == "light") { if (!_root[current].enemy) { if (!_root[current].shell2) { if (_root.money >= this.s3.cost) { this.s3.gotoAndStop(2); } loads = loads + this.s3.cost; } } } if (_root[current].unittype == "heavy") { if (!_root[current].enemy) { if (!_root[current].crush) { if (_root.money >= this.s9.cost) { this.s9.gotoAndStop(2); } crush = crush + this.s9.cost; } } } if (((_root[current].unittype == "light") || (_root[current].unittype == "heavy")) || (_root[current].unittype == "dozer")) { if (!_root[current].enemy) { if (!_root[current].auto) { if (_root.money >= this.s15.cost) { this.s15.gotoAndStop(2); } auto = auto + this.s15.cost; } } } } } if (_root[current].unittype == "rocket") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("rocket"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "humvee") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("humvee"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "artillery") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("artillery"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "light") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("light"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "heavy") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("heavy"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "war factory") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("war factory"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "dozer") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("dozer"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "comcentre") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("comcentre"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "lasertank") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("lasertank"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "oiltruck") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("oiltruck"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "refinery") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("refinery"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "construction") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("construction"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "turret1") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("turret1"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "mine") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("mine"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "turret2") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("turret2"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "servicedepot") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("servicedepot"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "turret3") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("turret3"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "weaponsilo") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("weaponsilo"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "techcentre") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("techcentre"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "derrick") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("derrick"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "apc") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("apc"); } if (_root[current].unittype == "radar") { this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].gotoAndStop("radar"); } this.shower["d" + Number(i + 1)].unit = current; i--; } if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.s6.calculatecost = accurate; this.s12.calculatecost = nuke; this.s18.calculatecost = emp; this.s9.calculatecost = crush; this.s3.calculatecost = loads; this.s15.calculatecost = auto; this.s16.calculatecost = blast; this.s11.calculatecost = laser; this.s10.calculatecost = miss2; this.s4.calculatecost = seeker; this.s5.calculatecost = gatling; this.s17.calculatecost = hitonly; this.s1.calculatecost = firepower; this.s2.calculatecost = fire; this.s7.calculatecost = armour; this.s8.calculatecost = range; this.s13.calculatecost = speed; this.s14.calculatecost = shell; i = 0; if (enemy) { this.s1.gotoAndStop(1); this.s2.gotoAndStop(1); this.s7.gotoAndStop(1); this.s8.gotoAndStop(1); this.s13.gotoAndStop(1); this.s14.gotoAndStop(1); } } } this.cacheAsBitmap = true; avoid = true; stop();Instance of Symbol 746 MovieClip "shower" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _parent.build.buildlist = []; }Instance of Symbol 772 MovieClip "s1" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if (!_root[current].enemy) { if (((_root.money >= (_root[current].damage * 5)) && (!isNaN(_root[current].damage))) && (_root[current].upgrade < 5)) { _root.money = _root.money - (_root[current].damage * 5); _root[current].damage = _root[current].damage * 1.25; _root[current].upgrade++; } } i--; } } texts = "Firepower Uprgade\n\nIncrease the firepower of this unit by 25%"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { i = 18; while (i > 1) { if (_root.money < _parent["s" + i].cost) { _parent["s" + i].gotoAndStop(1); } i--; } }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s2" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if (!_root[current].enemy) { if (((_root.money >= ((50 - _root[current].firerate) * 10)) && (!isNaN(_root[current].firerate))) && (_root[current].upgrade < 5)) { _root.money = _root.money - ((50 - _root[current].firerate) * 10); _root[current].firerate = _root[current].firerate * 0.8; _root[current].upgrade++; } } i--; } } texts = "Reload time upgrade\n\nDecrease the reload time of this unit by 25%"; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s3" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].unittype == "light")) { if (!_root[current].shell2) { _root.money = _root.money - cost; _root[current].shell2 = true; if (_root.money < cost) { break; } } } i--; } } cost = 750; texts = "Autoloader\n\nLight Tanks can fire two shells at once"; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s4" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].unittype == "rocket")) { if (!_root[current].seeker) { _root.money = _root.money - cost; _root[current].seeker = true; if (_root.money < cost) { break; } } } i--; } } cost = 2000; texts = "Homing Missiles\n\nThis Rocket Launcher can fire homing missiles"; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s5" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].unittype == "humvee")) { if (!_root[current].gatling) { _root[current].gatling = true; _root.money = _root.money - cost; if (_root.money < cost) { break; } } } i--; } } cost = 1000; texts = "Gatling Gun\n\nIncreases the rate of fire of this Humvee drastically"; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s6" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].unittype == "artillery")) { if (!_root[current].accurate) { _root.money = _root.money - cost; _root[current].accurate = true; if (_root.money < cost) { break; } } } i--; } } cost = 3000; texts = "Accurate Targeting\n\nThis Artillery now hit all targets spot on."; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s7" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if (!_root[current].enemy) { if ((_root.money >= _root[current].fulllife) && (_root[current].upgrade < 5)) { _root.money = _root.money - _root[current].fulllife; _root[current].life = _root[current].life * 1.25; _root[current].fulllife = _root[current].fulllife * 1.25; _root[current].upgrade++; } } i--; } } texts = "Armour Uprgade\n\nIncrease the HP of this unit by 25%"; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s8" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if (!_root[current].enemy) { if (((_root.money >= (_root[current].range * 9)) && (!isNaN(_root[current].range))) && (_root[current].upgrade < 5)) { _root.money = _root.money - (_root[current].range * 9); _root[current].range = _root[current].range * 1.15; _root[current].upgrade++; } } i--; } } texts = "Range Uprgade\n\nIncrease the range of this unit by 15%"; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s14" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if (!_root[current].enemy) { if (((_root.money >= (_root[current].shellspd * 20)) && (!isNaN(_root[current].shellspd))) && (_root[current].upgrade < 5)) { if (_root[current].shellspd != undefined) { _root.money = _root.money - (_root[current].shellspd * 20); _root[current].shellspd = _root[current].shellspd * 1.2; _root[current].upgrade++; } } } i--; } } texts = "Shell Speed Upgrade\n\nIncrease the speed of all projectiles fired by this unit by 20%"; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s9" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].unittype == "heavy")) { if (!_root[current].crush) { _root[current].crush = true; _root.money = _root.money - cost; if (_root.money < cost) { break; } } } i--; } } cost = 2000; texts = "Tank Crushers\n\nThis Heavy Tank can crush smaller vehicles by running on top of them"; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s15" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (((_root[current].unittype == "light") || (_root[current].unittype == "heavy")) || (_root[current].unittype == "dozer"))) { if (!_root[current].auto) { _root[current].auto = true; _root.money = _root.money - cost; if (_root.money < cost) { break; } } } i--; } } cost = 2000; texts = "Auto Repair\n\nThis Light Tank , Heavy Tank or Construction Dozer can auto heal itself "; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s10" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].unittype == "rocket")) { if (_root[current].miss < 3) { _root.money = _root.money - cost; _root[current].miss++; } } if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].unittype == "heavy")) { if (!_root[current].missile) { _root[current].missile = true; _root.money = _root.money - (cost * 2); if (_root.money < cost) { break; } } } i--; } } cost = 1000; texts = "Multiple Missiles\nThis Rocket Launcher fires 1 more missile (max 3) Heavy Tank also fires missiles"; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s16" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].unittype == "rocket")) { if (!_root[current].blast) { _root[current].blast = true; _root.money = _root.money - cost; if (_root.money < cost) { break; } } } i--; } } cost = 2500; texts = "Blast Effects\n\nMissiles damage the area around it when it hits."; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s17" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (((_root[current].unittype == "rocket") || (_root[current].unittype == "light")) || (_root[current].unittype == "heavy"))) { if (!_root[current].hitonly) { _root.money = _root.money - cost; _root[current].hitonly = true; if (_root.money < cost) { break; } } } i--; } } cost = 1500; texts = "Friendly Targeting\n\nShells or missiles can no longer damage friendly units"; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s11" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].unittype == "humvee")) { if (!_root[current].laser) { _root.money = _root.money - cost; _root[current].laser = true; if (_root.money < cost) { break; } } } i--; } } cost = 1500; texts = "Laser Interceptors\nThis Humvee shoots a laser to intercept enemy missiles or shells and make them explode before the reach their targets"; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s18" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].unittype == "artillery")) { if (!_root[current].emp) { _root.money = _root.money - cost; _root[current].emp = true; if (_root.money < cost) { break; } } } i--; } } cost = 2500; texts = "EM pulse\n\nRounds from this artillery disable enemy units when hit."; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s12" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if ((!_root[current].enemy) && (_root[current].unittype == "artillery")) { if (!_root[current].nuke) { _root.money = _root.money - cost; _root[current].nuke = true; if (_root.money < cost) { break; } } } i--; } } cost = 2500; texts = "Rad Cannon\nThis Artillery fires rounds that leave behind a green cloud of radiation which damages all units in that area for 10 seconds "; }Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "s13" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function doo() { i = _root.selectedarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.selectedarray[i]; _root[current].selector.play(); if (!_root[current].enemy) { if (((_root.money >= (_root[current].speed * 100)) && (!isNaN(_root[current].speed))) && (_root[current].upgrade < 5)) { _root.money = _root.money - (_root[current].speed * 100); _root[current].speed = _root[current].speed * 1.2; _root[current].upgrade++; } } i--; } } texts = "Speed Upgrade\n\nIncrease the speed of this unit by 20%"; }Instance of Symbol 820 MovieClip "build" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = true; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.money < this.light.cost) { if (this.light._currentframe == 2) { this.light.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.money < this.heavy.cost) { if (this.heavy._currentframe == 2) { this.heavy.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.money < this.rocket.cost) { if (this.rocket._currentframe == 2) { this.rocket.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.money < this.humvee.cost) { if (this.humvee._currentframe == 2) { this.humvee.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.money < this.dozer.cost) { if (this.dozer._currentframe == 2) { this.dozer.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.money < this.artillery.cost) { if (this.artillery._currentframe == 2) { this.artillery.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.money < this.oiltruck.cost) { if (this.oiltruck._currentframe == 2) { this.oiltruck.gotoAndStop(1); } } }Instance of Symbol 868 MovieClip "mapp" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 877 MovieClip "escape" in Symbol 878 MovieClip [sidebar] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (Key.isDown(13)) { this._visible = !this._visible; if (this._visible) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].dummy.empulse = -1; i--; } _root.pig.stop(); _root.pig2.stop(); this._x = 650; _root.ai.lastimer = _root.ai.timer; _root.ai.timer = undefined; } if (!this._visible) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; _root[current].dummy.empulse = 0; i--; } _root.pig.play(); _root.pig2.play(); _root.ai.timer = _root.ai.lastimer; _root.ai.lastimer = undefined; this._x = 100; } _root.sidebar._visible = true; } }Symbol 881 MovieClip [patriot] Frame 1timer = 0; _root.shellarray.push(this._name); stop();Instance of Symbol 217 MovieClip in Symbol 881 MovieClip [patriot] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.seeker) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.play(); } _parent.timer++; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; _parent._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); rads = (_parent._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd); } }Symbol 881 MovieClip [patriot] Frame 2if (this.hitTest(_root[targetobj])) { _root[targetobj].life = _root[targetobj].life - damage; _root[targetobj + "symbols"].play(); if ((((!_root[targetobj].walking) && (!_root[targetobj].fireing)) && (_root[targetobj].enemy == _root[targetobj].enemy)) && (_root[targetobj].aggressive)) { _root[targetobj].targetobj = firerer; _root[targetobj].attack = true; _root["flag" + targetobj].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + targetobj); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + targetobj); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + targetobj, _root.n); _root["flag" + targetobj]._visible = false; _root["flag" + targetobj]._x = origx; _root["flag" + targetobj]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + targetobj); _root.objarray.push("flag" + targetobj); _root[targetobj].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } } if (((((this._x < 1000) && (this._y < 768)) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("exp"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 881 MovieClip [patriot] Frame 3_root.shellarray.findandsplice(this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 885 MovieClip [shell2] Frame 1_root.objarray.push(this._name); ti = 0; stop();Instance of Symbol 556 MovieClip in Symbol 885 MovieClip [shell2] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.ti++; _parent._x = _parent._x + _parent.movex; _parent._y = _parent._y + _parent.movey; if (_parent.hitTest(_root[_parent.targetobj])) { _parent.play(); } if (_parent.ti > 40) { _parent.play(); } }Symbol 885 MovieClip [shell2] Frame 4_root[targetobj].life = _root[targetobj].life - damage; _root[targetobj + "symbols"].play();Symbol 885 MovieClip [shell2] Frame 5this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 886 MovieClip [emp] Frame 1i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (this.hitTest(_root[current])) { _root[current].dummy.empulse = 100; _root[current + "symbols"].play(); break; } i--; }Symbol 886 MovieClip [emp] Frame 3this._alpha = this._alpha - 30;Symbol 886 MovieClip [emp] Frame 5this._alpha = this._alpha - 30;Symbol 886 MovieClip [emp] Frame 7_root.objarray.findandsplice(this._name); this.removeMovieClip();Symbol 890 MovieClip [bomb2] Frame 1Symbol 890 MovieClip [bomb2] Frame 2if (((((this._x < 1000) && (this._y < 768)) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("exp"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 890 MovieClip [bomb2] Frame 4i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this)) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life - (damage / 2); _root[current + "symbols"].play(); } i--; }Symbol 890 MovieClip [bomb2] Frame 6hitp = 0; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this)) { hitp++; if (hitp < 5) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life - (damage / 2); _root[current + "symbols"].play(); } if (((!_root[current].walking) && ((!_root[current].fireing) || (_root[current].unittype == "artillery"))) && (_root[current].aggressive)) { _root[current].attack = true; _root[current].targetobj = firerer; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } } i--; } if (emp) { _root.attachMovie("emp", "emp" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["emp" + _root.n]._x = this._x; _root["emp" + _root.n]._y = this._y; _root["emp" + _root.n].timer = 0; _root.objarray.push("emp" + _root.n); _root.n++; } if (nuke) { _root.attachMovie("rad", "rad" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["rad" + _root.n]._x = this._x; _root["rad" + _root.n]._y = this._y; _root["rad" + _root.n].timer = 0; _root.objarray.push("rad" + _root.n); _root.n++; i = _root.friendlylist.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.friendlylist[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(_root["rad" + _root.n])) { _root[current + "symbols"].play(); if (((!_root[current].walking) && ((!_root[current].fireing) || (_root[current].unittype == "artillery"))) && (_root[current].aggressive)) { _root[current].attack = true; _root[current].targetobj = firerer; _root["rad" + _root.n].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } } i--; } }Symbol 890 MovieClip [bomb2] Frame 21stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 892 MovieClip [bomb] Frame 1Symbol 892 MovieClip [bomb] Frame 2if (((((this._x < 1000) && (this._y < 768)) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("exp"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 892 MovieClip [bomb] Frame 4i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.enemyarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this)) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life - (damage / 2); _root[current + "symbols"].play(); } i--; }Symbol 892 MovieClip [bomb] Frame 6hitp = 0; i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.enemyarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(this)) { hitp++; if (hitp < 5) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life - (damage / 2); _root[current + "symbols"].play(); } if (((!_root[current].walking) && ((!_root[current].fireing) || (_root[current].unittype == "artillery"))) && (_root[current].aggressive)) { _root[current].attack = true; _root[current].targetobj = firerer; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } } i--; } if (emp) { _root.attachMovie("emp", "emp" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["emp" + _root.n]._x = this._x; _root["emp" + _root.n]._y = this._y; _root["emp" + _root.n].timer = 0; _root.objarray.push("emp" + _root.n); _root.n++; } if (nuke) { _root.attachMovie("rad", "rad" + _root.n, _root.n); _root["rad" + _root.n]._x = this._x; _root["rad" + _root.n]._y = this._y; _root["rad" + _root.n].timer = 0; _root.objarray.push("rad" + _root.n); _root.n++; i = _root.enemyarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.enemyarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(_root["rad" + _root.n])) { _root[current + "symbols"].play(); if (((!_root[current].walking) && ((!_root[current].fireing) || (_root[current].unittype == "artillery"))) && (_root[current].aggressive)) { _root[current].attack = true; _root[current].targetobj = firerer; _root["rad" + _root.n].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } } i--; } }Symbol 892 MovieClip [bomb] Frame 21stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 893 MovieClip [bullet] Frame 1_root.objarray.push(this._name); t = 0; stop();Instance of Symbol 556 MovieClip in Symbol 893 MovieClip [bullet] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.t++; _parent._x = _parent._x + _parent.movex; _parent._y = _parent._y + _parent.movey; if (_parent.hitTest(_root[_parent.targetobj])) { _parent.play(); } if (_parent.t > 11) { _parent.play(); } }Symbol 893 MovieClip [bullet] Frame 4_root[targetobj].life = _root[targetobj].life - damage; _root[targetobj + "symbols"].play();Symbol 893 MovieClip [bullet] Frame 5this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 897 MovieClip [missile] Frame 1timer = 0; _root.shellarray.push(this._name); stop();Instance of Symbol 217 MovieClip in Symbol 897 MovieClip [missile] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!_parent.seeker) || (_parent.seeker == undefined)) { _parent.timer++; _parent._x = _parent._x + _parent.movex; _parent._y = _parent._y + _parent.movey; } if (_parent.seeker) { if (_root[_parent.targetobj].life <= 0) { _parent.play(); } _parent.timer++; dx = _root[_parent.targetobj]._x - _parent._x; dy = _root[_parent.targetobj]._y - _parent._y; _parent._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); rads = (_parent._rotation * (Math.PI*2)) / 360; _parent._x = _parent._x + (Math.cos(rads) * _parent.shellspd); _parent._y = _parent._y + (Math.sin(rads) * _parent.shellspd); } }Symbol 897 MovieClip [missile] Frame 2if (this.hitTest(_root[hits])) { _root[hits].life = _root[hits].life - (damage / 2); _root[hits + "symbols"].play(); if ((((!_root[hits].walking) && (!_root[hits].fireing)) && (_root[hits].enemy == _root[targetobj].enemy)) && (_root[hits].aggressive)) { _root[hits].targetobj = firerer; _root[hits].attack = true; _root["flag" + hits].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + hits); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + hits); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + hits, _root.n); _root["flag" + hits]._visible = false; _root["flag" + hits]._x = origx; _root["flag" + hits]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + hits); _root.objarray.push("flag" + hits); _root[hits].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } }Symbol 897 MovieClip [missile] Frame 3if (this.hitTest(_root[hits])) { _root[hits].life = _root[hits].life - (damage / 2); _root[hits + "symbols"].play(); if ((((!_root[hits].walking) && (!_root[hits].fireing)) && (_root[hits].enemy == _root[targetobj].enemy)) && (_root[hits].aggressive)) { _root[hits].targetobj = firerer; _root[hits].attack = true; _root["flag" + hits].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + hits); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + hits); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + hits, _root.n); _root["flag" + hits]._visible = false; _root["flag" + hits]._x = origx; _root["flag" + hits]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + hits); _root.objarray.push("flag" + hits); _root[hits].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } } if (blast) { hitp = 0; i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (hitonly) { if (_root[current].hitTest(this) && (_root[current].enemy == _root[targetobj].enemy)) { hitp++; if (hitp < 5) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life - (damage / 2); } _root[current + "symbols"].play(); if ((((!_root[current].walking) && (!_root[current].fireing)) && (_root[current].enemy == _root[targetobj].enemy)) && (_root[current].aggressive)) { _root[current].targetobj = firerer; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } } } if (!hitonly) { if (_root[current].hitTest(this)) { hitp++; if (hitp < 5) { _root[current].life = _root[current].life - (damage / 2); } _root[current + "symbols"].play(); if ((((!_root[current].walking) && (!_root[current].fireing)) && (_root[current].enemy == _root[targetobj].enemy)) && (_root[current].aggressive)) { _root[current].targetobj = firerer; _root[current].attack = true; _root["flag" + current].removeMovieClip(); _root.flagsarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.objarray.findandsplice("flag" + current); _root.attachMovie("flag2", "flag" + current, _root.n); _root["flag" + current]._visible = false; _root["flag" + current]._x = origx; _root["flag" + current]._y = origy; _root.flagsarray.push("flag" + current); _root.objarray.push("flag" + current); _root[current].walking = true; _root.n++; hit = true; } } } i--; } } if (((((this._x < 1000) && (this._y < 768)) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("exp3"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 897 MovieClip [missile] Frame 4_root.shellarray.findandsplice(this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 899 MovieClip [flag2] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 600 MovieClip in Symbol 899 MovieClip [flag2] Frame 1/* no clip actions */Symbol 903 MovieClip Frame 5if (_parent.timer > 8) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_parent.hitonly) { if (_root[current].hitTest(_parent) && (_root[current].enemy == _root[_parent.targetobj].enemy)) { _parent.targetobj = current; _parent.play(); break; } } if (!_parent.hitonly) { if (_root[current].hitTest(_parent)) { _parent.targetobj = current; _parent.play(); break; } } i--; } } if ((_parent.timer > 8) && (_parent.hitonly)) { i = _root.unitsarray.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _root.unitsarray[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(_parent) && (_root[current].enemy == _root[_parent.targetobj].enemy)) { _parent.hits = current; _parent.play(); break; } i--; } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root[_parent.targetobj])) { _parent.play(); } if (_parent.timer > 40) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); }Symbol 905 MovieClip [shell] Frame 1timer = 0; _root.shellarray.push(this._name); stop();Instance of Symbol 903 MovieClip in Symbol 905 MovieClip [shell] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.timer++; _parent._x = _parent._x + _parent.movex; _parent._y = _parent._y + _parent.movey; }Symbol 905 MovieClip [shell] Frame 2if (this.hitTest(_root[targetobj])) { _root[targetobj].life = _root[targetobj].life - damage; _root[targetobj + "symbols"].play(); } if (((((this._x < 1000) && (this._y < 768)) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._y > 0)) && (_root.soundon)) { soundobj = new Sound(); soundobj.attachSound("exp2"); soundobj.start(); }Symbol 905 MovieClip [shell] Frame 3_root.shellarray.findandsplice(this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); stop();Symbol 908 MovieClip [flag] Frame 1this._visible = false; dd = _root.flagsarray.concat(_root.unitsarray); stop();Instance of Symbol 600 MovieClip in Symbol 908 MovieClip [flag] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hit = false; i = _parent.dd.length - 1; while (i > -1) { current = _parent.dd[i]; if (_root[current].hitTest(_parent) && (current != _parent._name)) { _parent._x = _parent._x - ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _parent._width); _parent._y = _parent._y - ((Math.random() - 0.5) * _parent._height); hit = true; } i--; } if (!hit) { _parent.nextFrame(); } }Symbol 908 MovieClip [flag] Frame 2if (this.vsisible == undefined) { this._visible = true; }Symbol 911 MovieClip [flag copy] Frame 1_root.objarray.push(this._name); this._visible = false; stop();Instance of Symbol 600 MovieClip in Symbol 911 MovieClip [flag copy] Frame 1/* no clip actions */Symbol 919 MovieClip [BrdrShdw] Frame 1mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "shadowColor");Symbol 921 MovieClip [BrdrFace] Frame 1mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "buttonColor");Symbol 924 MovieClip [BrdrBlk] Frame 1mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "borderColor");Symbol 926 MovieClip [BrdrHilght] Frame 1mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "highlightColor");Symbol 929 MovieClip [Defaults] Frame 1#initclip 25 Object.registerClass("Defaults", mx.skins.halo.Defaults); #endinitclipSymbol 930 MovieClip [UIObjectExtensions] Frame 1#initclip 26 Object.registerClass("UIObjectExtensions", mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions); #endinitclipSymbol 931 MovieClip [UIObject] Frame 1#initclip 27 Object.registerClass("UIObject", mx.core.UIObject); #endinitclip stop();Symbol 934 Buttonon (keyPress "<Tab>") { this.tabHandler(); }Symbol 935 MovieClip Frame 1#initclip 28 Object.registerClass("FocusManager", mx.managers.FocusManager); if (_root.focusManager == undefined) { _root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, "focusManager", mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--); } #endinitclipSymbol 936 MovieClip [FocusRect] Frame 1#initclip 29 Object.registerClass("FocusRect", mx.skins.halo.FocusRect); #endinitclipSymbol 937 MovieClip [FocusManager] Frame 1#initclip 30 Object.registerClass("FocusManager", mx.managers.FocusManager); #endinitclip stop();Symbol 938 MovieClip [UIComponentExtensions] Frame 1#initclip 31 Object.registerClass("UIComponentExtensions", mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions); #endinitclipSymbol 939 MovieClip [UIComponent] Frame 1#initclip 32 Object.registerClass("UIComponent", mx.core.UIComponent); #endinitclip stop();Symbol 940 MovieClip [SimpleButton] Frame 1#initclip 33 Object.registerClass("SimpleButton", mx.controls.SimpleButton); #endinitclip stop();Symbol 941 MovieClip [Border] Frame 1#initclip 34 Object.registerClass("Border", mx.skins.Border); #endinitclip stop();Symbol 942 MovieClip [RectBorder] Frame 1#initclip 35 mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(mx.skins.RectBorder.symbolName, Object(mx.skins.RectBorder)); Object.registerClass("RectBorder", mx.skins.halo.RectBorder); #endinitclip stop();Symbol 943 MovieClip [ButtonSkin] Frame 1#initclip 36 Object.registerClass("ButtonSkin", mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin); #endinitclipSymbol 944 MovieClip [Button] Frame 1#initclip 37 Object.registerClass("Button", mx.controls.Button); #endinitclip stop();Instance of Symbol 940 MovieClip [SimpleButton] in Symbol 944 MovieClip [Button] Frame 2//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; }Symbol 1003 Buttonon (release) { getURL ("http://www.newgrounds.com", "_blank"); }Symbol 1012 Buttonon (release) { _parent.play(); }Symbol 1014 MovieClip Frame 1_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { bar._xscale = PercentLoaded; } else { gotoAndStop ("loaded"); }Symbol 1014 MovieClip Frame 2gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 1032 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 1032 MovieClip Frame 2function onEnterFrame() { if (!loaded) { var _local3 = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal(); if (_local3 >= 1) { play(); bar._x = initX; loaded = true; } else { bar._x = initX + ((_local3 - 1) * bar._width); } } var _local4 = getTimer() - time; timeAccum = timeAccum + _local4; while (timeAccum >= FRAME_TIME) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < timeClips.length) { if (timeClips[_local2]._currentframe < timeClips[_local2]._totalframes) { timeClips[_local2].nextFrame(); } else { timeClips[_local2].gotoAndStop(1); } _local2++; } if (loaded && (_currentframe < _totalframes)) { nextFrame(); } timeAccum = timeAccum - FRAME_TIME; } time = time + _local4; } stop(); _root.stop(); var initX = bar._x; var time = getTimer(); var FRAME_TIME = 33.3333333333333; var timeAccum = 0; var loaded = false; timeClips = [bargfx, tank.mc0, tank.mc1, tank.mc2, tank.mc3, tank.mc4, tank.mc4.mc0, tank.mc4.mc1, tank.mc4.mc0.mc0, tank.mc4.mc0.mc0.mc0.mc0, tank.mc4.mc0.mc0.mc0.mc1, tank.mc4.mc0.mc0.mc0.mc2, tank.mc4.mc0.mc0.mc0.mc3, tank.mc4.mc0.mc0.mc1, tank.mc4.mc0.mc0.mc2, tank.mc5.mc0]; var i = 0; while (i < timeClips.length) { timeClips[i].stop(); i++; }Symbol 1032 MovieClip Frame 52Symbol 1032 MovieClip Frame 161stopAllSounds();Symbol 1032 MovieClip Frame 173Symbol 1032 MovieClip Frame 302_root.play();Symbol 912 MovieClip [__Packages.mx.core.UIObject] Frame 0class mx.core.UIObject extends MovieClip { var _width, _height, _x, _y, _parent, _minHeight, _minWidth, _visible, dispatchEvent, _xscale, _yscale, methodTable, onEnterFrame, tfList, __width, __height, moveTo, lineTo, createTextField, attachMovie, buildDepthTable, findNextAvailableDepth, idNames, childrenCreated, _name, createAccessibilityImplementation, _endInit, validateNow, hasOwnProperty, initProperties, stylecache, className, ignoreClassStyleDeclaration, _tf, fontFamily, fontSize, color, marginLeft, marginRight, fontStyle, fontWeight, textAlign, textIndent, textDecoration, embedFonts, styleName, enabled; function UIObject () { super(); constructObject(); } function get width() { return(_width); } function get height() { return(_height); } function get left() { return(_x); } function get x() { return(_x); } function get top() { return(_y); } function get y() { return(_y); } function get right() { return(_parent.width - (_x + width)); } function get bottom() { return(_parent.height - (_y + height)); } function getMinHeight(Void) { return(_minHeight); } function setMinHeight(h) { _minHeight = h; } function get minHeight() { return(getMinHeight()); } function set minHeight(h) { setMinHeight(h); //return(minHeight); } function getMinWidth(Void) { return(_minWidth); } function setMinWidth(w) { _minWidth = w; } function get minWidth() { return(getMinWidth()); } function set minWidth(w) { setMinWidth(w); //return(minWidth); } function setVisible(x, noEvent) { if (x != _visible) { _visible = x; if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:(x ? "reveal" : "hide")}); } } } function get visible() { return(_visible); } function set visible(x) { setVisible(x, false); //return(visible); } function get scaleX() { return(_xscale); } function set scaleX(x) { _xscale = x; //return(scaleX); } function get scaleY() { return(_yscale); } function set scaleY(y) { _yscale = y; //return(scaleY); } function doLater(obj, fn) { if (methodTable == undefined) { methodTable = new Array(); } methodTable.push({obj:obj, fn:fn}); onEnterFrame = doLaterDispatcher; } function doLaterDispatcher(Void) { delete onEnterFrame; if (invalidateFlag) { redraw(); } var _local3 = methodTable; methodTable = new Array(); if (_local3.length > 0) { var _local2; while (_local2 = _local3.shift() , _local2 != undefined) { _local2.obj[_local2.fn](); } } } function cancelAllDoLaters(Void) { delete onEnterFrame; methodTable = new Array(); } function invalidate(Void) { invalidateFlag = true; onEnterFrame = doLaterDispatcher; } function invalidateStyle(Void) { invalidate(); } function redraw(bAlways) { if (invalidateFlag || (bAlways)) { invalidateFlag = false; var _local2; for (_local2 in tfList) { tfList[_local2].draw(); } draw(); dispatchEvent({type:"draw"}); } } function draw(Void) { } function move(x, y, noEvent) { var _local3 = _x; var _local2 = _y; _x = x; _y = y; if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:"move", oldX:_local3, oldY:_local2}); } } function setSize(w, h, noEvent) { var _local2 = __width; var _local3 = __height; __width = w; __height = h; size(); if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:"resize", oldWidth:_local2, oldHeight:_local3}); } } function size(Void) { _width = __width; _height = __height; } function drawRect(x1, y1, x2, y2) { moveTo(x1, y1); lineTo(x2, y1); lineTo(x2, y2); lineTo(x1, y2); lineTo(x1, y1); } function createLabel(name, depth, text) { createTextField(name, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0); var _local2 = this[name]; _local2._color = textColorList; _local2._visible = false; _local2.__text = text; if (tfList == undefined) { tfList = new Object(); } tfList[name] = _local2; _local2.invalidateStyle(); invalidate(); _local2.styleName = this; return(_local2); } function createObject(linkageName, id, depth, initobj) { return(attachMovie(linkageName, id, depth, initobj)); } function createClassObject(className, id, depth, initobj) { var _local3 = className.symbolName == undefined; if (_local3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className); } var _local4 = createObject(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, id, depth, initobj); if (_local3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className.symbolOwner); } return(_local4); } function createEmptyObject(id, depth) { return(createClassObject(mx.core.UIObject, id, depth)); } function destroyObject(id) { var _local2 = this[id]; if (_local2.getDepth() < 0) { var _local4 = buildDepthTable(); var _local5 = findNextAvailableDepth(0, _local4, "up"); var _local3 = _local5; _local2.swapDepths(_local3); } _local2.removeMovieClip(); delete this[id]; } function getSkinIDName(tag) { return(idNames[tag]); } function setSkin(tag, linkageName, initObj) { if (_global.skinRegistry[linkageName] == undefined) { mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(linkageName, mx.skins.SkinElement); } return(createObject(linkageName, getSkinIDName(tag), tag, initObj)); } function createSkin(tag) { var _local2 = getSkinIDName(tag); createEmptyObject(_local2, tag); return(this[_local2]); } function createChildren(Void) { } function _createChildren(Void) { createChildren(); childrenCreated = true; } function constructObject(Void) { if (_name == undefined) { return(undefined); } init(); _createChildren(); createAccessibilityImplementation(); _endInit(); if (validateNow) { redraw(true); } else { invalidate(); } } function initFromClipParameters(Void) { var _local4 = false; var _local2; for (_local2 in clipParameters) { if (hasOwnProperty(_local2)) { _local4 = true; this["def_" + _local2] = this[_local2]; delete this[_local2]; } } if (_local4) { for (_local2 in clipParameters) { var _local3 = this["def_" + _local2]; if (_local3 != undefined) { this[_local2] = _local3; } } } } function init(Void) { __width = _width; __height = _height; if (initProperties == undefined) { initFromClipParameters(); } else { initProperties(); } if (_global.cascadingStyles == true) { stylecache = new Object(); } } function getClassStyleDeclaration(Void) { var _local4 = this; var _local3 = className; while (_local3 != undefined) { if (ignoreClassStyleDeclaration[_local3] == undefined) { if (_global.styles[_local3] != undefined) { return(_global.styles[_local3]); } } _local4 = _local4.__proto__; _local3 = _local4.className; } } function setColor(color) { } function __getTextFormat(tf, bAll) { var _local8 = stylecache.tf; if (_local8 != undefined) { var _local3; for (_local3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local3])) { if (tf[_local3] == undefined) { tf[_local3] = _local8[_local3]; } } } return(false); } var _local6 = false; for (var _local3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local3])) { if (tf[_local3] == undefined) { var _local5 = _tf[_local3]; if (_local5 != undefined) { tf[_local3] = _local5; } else if ((_local3 == "font") && (fontFamily != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontFamily; } else if ((_local3 == "size") && (fontSize != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontSize; } else if ((_local3 == "color") && (color != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = color; } else if ((_local3 == "leftMargin") && (marginLeft != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = marginLeft; } else if ((_local3 == "rightMargin") && (marginRight != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = marginRight; } else if ((_local3 == "italic") && (fontStyle != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontStyle == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "bold") && (fontWeight != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontWeight == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "align") && (textAlign != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textAlign; } else if ((_local3 == "indent") && (textIndent != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textIndent; } else if ((_local3 == "underline") && (textDecoration != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textDecoration == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "embedFonts") && (embedFonts != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = embedFonts; } else { _local6 = true; } } } } if (_local6) { var _local9 = styleName; if (_local9 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local9) != "string") { _local6 = _local9.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } else if (_global.styles[_local9] != undefined) { _local6 = _global.styles[_local9].__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } } if (_local6) { var _local10 = getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (_local10 != undefined) { _local6 = _local10.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } if (_local6) { if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (_parent != undefined) { _local6 = _parent.__getTextFormat(tf, false); } } } if (_local6) { _local6 = _global.style.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } return(_local6); } function _getTextFormat(Void) { var _local2 = stylecache.tf; if (_local2 != undefined) { return(_local2); } _local2 = new TextFormat(); __getTextFormat(_local2, true); stylecache.tf = _local2; if (enabled == false) { var _local3 = getStyle("disabledColor"); _local2.color = _local3; } return(_local2); } function getStyleName(Void) { var _local2 = styleName; if (_local2 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local2) != "string") { return(_local2.getStyleName()); } return(_local2); } if (_parent != undefined) { return(_parent.getStyleName()); } return(undefined); } function getStyle(styleProp) { var _local3; _global.getStyleCounter++; if (this[styleProp] != undefined) { return(this[styleProp]); } var _local6 = styleName; if (_local6 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local6) != "string") { _local3 = _local6.getStyle(styleProp); } else { var _local7 = _global.styles[_local6]; _local3 = _local7.getStyle(styleProp); } } if (_local3 != undefined) { return(_local3); } var _local7 = getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (_local7 != undefined) { _local3 = _local7[styleProp]; } if (_local3 != undefined) { return(_local3); } if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp))) { var _local5 = stylecache; if (_local5 != undefined) { if (_local5[styleProp] != undefined) { return(_local5[styleProp]); } } if (_parent != undefined) { _local3 = _parent.getStyle(styleProp); } else { _local3 = _global.style[styleProp]; } if (_local5 != undefined) { _local5[styleProp] = _local3; } return(_local3); } } if (_local3 == undefined) { _local3 = _global.style[styleProp]; } return(_local3); } static function mergeClipParameters(o, p) { for (var _local3 in p) { o[_local3] = p[_local3]; } return(true); } static var symbolName = "UIObject"; static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIObject; static var version = ""; static var textColorList = {color:1, disabledColor:1}; var invalidateFlag = false; var lineWidth = 1; var lineColor = 0; var tabEnabled = false; var clipParameters = {visible:1, minHeight:1, minWidth:1, maxHeight:1, maxWidth:1, preferredHeight:1, preferredWidth:1}; }Symbol 913 MovieClip [__Packages.mx.core.UIComponent] Frame 0class mx.core.UIComponent extends mx.core.UIObject { var __width, __height, invalidate, stylecache, removeEventListener, dispatchEvent, drawFocus, addEventListener, _xscale, _yscale, _focusrect, watch, enabled; function UIComponent () { super(); } function get width() { return(__width); } function get height() { return(__height); } function setVisible(x, noEvent) { super.setVisible(x, noEvent); } function enabledChanged(id, oldValue, newValue) { setEnabled(newValue); invalidate(); delete stylecache.tf; return(newValue); } function setEnabled(enabled) { invalidate(); } function getFocus() { var selFocus = Selection.getFocus(); return(((selFocus === null) ? null : (eval (selFocus)))); } function setFocus() { Selection.setFocus(this); } function getFocusManager() { var _local2 = this; while (_local2 != undefined) { if (_local2.focusManager != undefined) { return(_local2.focusManager); } _local2 = _local2._parent; } return(undefined); } function onKillFocus(newFocus) { removeEventListener("keyDown", this); removeEventListener("keyUp", this); dispatchEvent({type:"focusOut"}); drawFocus(false); } function onSetFocus(oldFocus) { addEventListener("keyDown", this); addEventListener("keyUp", this); dispatchEvent({type:"focusIn"}); if (getFocusManager().bDrawFocus != false) { drawFocus(true); } } function findFocusInChildren(o) { if (o.focusTextField != undefined) { return(o.focusTextField); } if (o.tabEnabled == true) { return(o); } return(undefined); } function findFocusFromObject(o) { if (o.tabEnabled != true) { if (o._parent == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (o._parent.tabEnabled == true) { o = o._parent; } else if (o._parent.tabChildren) { o = findFocusInChildren(o._parent); } else { o = findFocusFromObject(o._parent); } } return(o); } function pressFocus() { var _local3 = findFocusFromObject(this); var _local2 = getFocus(); if (_local3 != _local2) { _local2.drawFocus(false); if (getFocusManager().bDrawFocus != false) { _local3.drawFocus(true); } } } function releaseFocus() { var _local2 = findFocusFromObject(this); if (_local2 != getFocus()) { _local2.setFocus(); } } function isParent(o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o == this) { return(true); } o = o._parent; } return(false); } function size() { } function init() { super.init(); _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; _focusrect = _global.useFocusRect == false; watch("enabled", enabledChanged); if (enabled == false) { setEnabled(false); } } function dispatchValueChangedEvent(value) { dispatchEvent({type:"valueChanged", value:value}); } static var symbolName = "UIComponent"; static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; static var version = ""; static var kStretch = 5000; var focusEnabled = true; var tabEnabled = true; var origBorderStyles = {themeColor:16711680}; var clipParameters = {}; static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIObject.prototype.clipParameters); }Symbol 914 MovieClip [__Packages.mx.controls.SimpleButton] Frame 0class mx.controls.SimpleButton extends mx.core.UIComponent { static var emphasizedStyleDeclaration; var preset, boundingBox_mc, useHandCursor, skinName, linkLength, iconName, destroyObject, __width, _width, __height, _height, __emphaticStyleName, styleName, enabled, invalidate, pressFocus, dispatchEvent, autoRepeat, interval, getStyle, releaseFocus, createLabel, invalidateStyle; function SimpleButton () { super(); } function init(Void) { super.init(); if (preset == undefined) { boundingBox_mc._visible = false; boundingBox_mc._width = (boundingBox_mc._height = 0); } useHandCursor = false; } function createChildren(Void) { if (preset != undefined) { var _local2 = this[idNames[preset]]; this[refNames[preset]] = _local2; skinName = _local2; if (falseOverSkin.length == 0) { rolloverSkin = fus; } if (falseOverIcon.length == 0) { rolloverIcon = fui; } initializing = false; } else if (__state == true) { setStateVar(true); } else { if (falseOverSkin.length == 0) { rolloverSkin = fus; } if (falseOverIcon.length == 0) { rolloverIcon = fui; } } } function setIcon(tag, linkageName) { return(setSkin(tag + 8, linkageName)); } function changeIcon(tag, linkageName) { linkLength = linkageName.length; var _local2 = stateNames[tag] + "Icon"; this[_local2] = linkageName; this[idNames[tag + 8]] = _local2; setStateVar(getState()); } function changeSkin(tag, linkageName) { var _local2 = stateNames[tag] + "Skin"; this[_local2] = linkageName; this[idNames[tag]] = _local2; setStateVar(getState()); } function viewIcon(varName) { var _local4 = varName + "Icon"; var _local3 = this[_local4]; if (typeof(_local3) == "string") { var _local5 = _local3; if (__emphasized) { if (this[_local3 + "Emphasized"].length > 0) { _local3 = _local3 + "Emphasized"; } } if (this[_local3].length == 0) { return(undefined); } _local3 = setIcon(tagMap[_local5], this[_local3]); if ((_local3 == undefined) && (_global.isLivePreview)) { _local3 = setIcon(0, "ButtonIcon"); } this[_local4] = _local3; } iconName._visible = false; iconName = _local3; iconName._visible = true; } function removeIcons() { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 2) { var _local2 = 8; while (_local2 < 16) { destroyObject(idNames[_local2]); this[stateNames[_local2 - 8] + "Icon"] = ""; _local2++; } _local3++; } refresh(); } function setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj) { var _local3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, ((initobj != undefined) ? (initobj) : ({styleName:this}))); calcSize(tag, _local3); return(_local3); } function calcSize(Void) { __width = _width; __height = _height; } function viewSkin(varName, initObj) { var _local3 = varName + "Skin"; var _local2 = this[_local3]; if (typeof(_local2) == "string") { var _local4 = _local2; if (__emphasized) { if (this[_local2 + "Emphasized"].length > 0) { _local2 = _local2 + "Emphasized"; } } if (this[_local2].length == 0) { return(undefined); } _local2 = setSkin(tagMap[_local4], this[_local2], ((initObj != undefined) ? (initObj) : ({styleName:this}))); this[_local3] = _local2; } skinName._visible = false; skinName = _local2; skinName._visible = true; } function showEmphasized(e) { if (e && (!__emphatic)) { if (emphasizedStyleDeclaration != undefined) { __emphaticStyleName = styleName; styleName = emphasizedStyleDeclaration; } __emphatic = true; } else { if (__emphatic) { styleName = __emphaticStyleName; } __emphatic = false; } } function refresh(Void) { var _local2 = getState(); if (enabled == false) { viewIcon("disabled"); viewSkin("disabled"); } else { viewSkin(phase); viewIcon(phase); } setView(phase == "down"); iconName.enabled = enabled; } function setView(offset) { if (iconName == undefined) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = (offset ? (btnOffset) : 0); iconName._x = ((__width - iconName._