Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2567 · P5134

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #31771

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

You were killed...

Nest Clear Bonus:

Nest Clear Bonus:

Glooples Left

New High Score!

New High Score!

Gloople Bestiary





















Display Quality

Spawn Limit

FPS Display








Reset All Saved Data

Clear High Scores

Practice Mode

Select the Glooples you want to practice against
and then

Go Practice


The character will continually move toward the curser's
position.  Guide the character around the screen by moving the
cursor.  To stop moving, simply move the cursor to the
character and leave it still.

To attack, click the left mouse button.  The character will
always attack facing the cursor's current location.  To attack
in a specific direction, move the cursor so that the character
faces that direction before clicking.

The "X" key will quit the current game and return to the
Main Menu.

Press "N" at any time to change to a different song.  Pressing
"M" will display the name of the song currently playing
without changing it.

Press the spacebar to pause the game, and again to resume.  When the
game is paused, current Bestiary and Award progress will be saved.

Tips Browser

Clear High Scores?




High Scores

Single Nest

Bounty Run

v 2.1

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip [Play Button] "PlayMe" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; _visible = false; _xscale = 30; _yscale = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) && (_visible)) { onMe = true; gotoAndStop (2); } else { onMe = false; gotoAndStop (1); } if (_root.SwordMask._currentframe == 101) { _visible = true; } if (_visible && (_xscale < 100)) { if (_xscale < 80) { _xscale = (_xscale + 10); _yscale = (_yscale + 10); } else { _xscale = (_xscale + 5); _yscale = (_yscale + 5); } } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe) {; } }
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip [Blanket of Goo] "GooBlanket" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.setMask(_root.SwordMask); }
Instance of Symbol 136 MovieClip "SwordMask" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { TotalNeeded = _level0.getBytesTotal(); HowMuchDone = _level0.getBytesLoaded(); PercentDone = int((HowMuchDone / TotalNeeded) * 100) + 1; gotoAndStop(PercentDone); }
Instance of Symbol 140 MovieClip "LoadingMarker" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _xscale = 75; _yscale = 75; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { Progress = _root.SwordMask._currentframe - 1; if (Progress < 22) { _x = (startingX + (20 * ((21 - Progress) / 21))); } else if (Progress < 44) { _x = (startingX + (20 * ((Progress - 21) / 22))); } else { _x = ((startingX + 20) + (155 * ((Progress - 43) / 57))); } _y = (startingY - (320 * (Progress / 100))); }
Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 1842 MovieClip "innocuousLogo" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { throughOnce = false; _alpha = 0; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { attachMovie("innocuous Logo1", "myLogo", 1); } else { attachMovie("innocuous Logo2", "myLogo", 1); } myLogo.stop(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _level0.nextFrame(); } onClipEvent (unload) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (myLogo._currentframe == 1) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } else {; } } if (myLogo._currentframe == 171) { throughOnce = true; myLogo.stop(); } if (throughOnce) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } else { _visible = false; } } }
Instance of Symbol 1844 MovieClip "ForAnd" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; framesExisted = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.innocuousLogo._visible == false) { if (framesExisted < 150) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = (_alpha + 10); } } else if (framesExisted < 210) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 10); } } else { _level0.nextFrame(); } framesExisted++; } }
Instance of Symbol 1846 MovieClip "NewgroundsLogo" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; framesExisted = 0; _xscale = 40; _yscale = 40; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) && (_alpha > 50)) { getURL ("", "blank"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.innocuousLogo._visible == false) { if (framesExisted < 150) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); _xscale = (_xscale + 6); _yscale = (_yscale + 6); } } else if (framesExisted < 210) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } } framesExisted++; } }
Instance of Symbol 1848 MovieClip "Blackout" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "Blackout") { framesExisted = 0; Blink = false; Fade = true; if (_name.slice(_name.length - 6) == "Bright") { Blink = true; } if (_name.slice(_name.length - 3) == "Dim") { Fade = false; } if (_name.slice(0, 4) == "Work") { _alpha = 60; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (((_name != "Blackout") && (!Blink)) && (Fade)) { if (framesExisted > 90) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha-1); } else { if (!HeroKilled) { _global.GainAward("Survive Blackout"); } removeMovieClip(this); } } else { framesExisted++; } if ((_root.HeroPointer.killsOnSwing > 0) && (_alpha > 50)) { _global.GainAward("Blind Kill"); } } else if (Blink) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); if (_alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 1850 MovieClip [Disclaimer] "Disclaim" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; framesExisted = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (framesExisted < 100) { _alpha = (_alpha+1); } else if ((framesExisted > 200) && (framesExisted < 300)) { _alpha = (_alpha-1); } else if (framesExisted >= 300) { _level0.nextFrame(); } framesExisted++; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _level0.nextFrame(); }
Frame 5
stop(); if (!RanOnce) { _global.interval = 30; _global.showFPSDisp = "Off"; _global.spawnLimit = 12; _global.showFPS = false; _global.soundMode = "All"; _global.floorMode = "Random"; _global.HardcoreMode = false; subMenu = false; _global.RanOnce = true; _global.TipsSeen = new Array(); _global.EnemiesSeen = new Array(); _global.EnemiesSeen.push("Gloople"); _global.EnemiesKilled = new Array(); _global.EnemiesKilled.push("Gloople"); _global.SaveFile = SharedObject.getLocal("Amorphous"); _global.Awards = new Array(); _global.AwardQue = new Array(); _global.AwardWait = 0; _global.NewAwards = new Array(); _global.CareerKills = new Array(18); _global.PlayTime = 0; _global.CKIndex = new Array("Gloople", "Oozle", "Stickie", "Biter", "Meltie", "Sharp", "Clutter", "Inkie", "Grinder", "Gray", "Fuzzle", "Torchie", "Frostie", "Amalgam", "Queen", "Horror", "VoidEater", "RazorQueen"); _global.Deaths = 0; _global.BadEnds = new Array(); _global.PlayerBumps = 0; _global.PlayerSparks = 0; _global.PlayerGooTime = 0; _global.PracticeSeconds = 0; _global.RewardsUnlocked = new Array(); _global.ABind = null; _global.SBind = null; _global.DBind = null; _global.gameMode = null; _global.GameTime = 0; _global.pause = false; _global.PracticeEnemies = new Array(); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Gloople"); _global.activeEnemies = new Array(); _global.EnemySet = new Array(); _global.EnemySet.push("Gloople"); _global.NestSize = 0; _global.KillsLeft = 0; _global.BountyRunHighScore = 0; _global.SingleNestHighScore = 0; _global.Rematch = false; _global.RematchesLeft = 0; _global.SearchArray = function (ArraytoSearch, ItemtoFind) { x = 0; while (x < ArraytoSearch.length) { if (ArraytoSearch[x] == ItemtoFind) { return(x); } x++; } return(null); }; mySound = new Sound(); _global.MakeNoise = function (NoisetoMake, startAt) { if ((soundMode == "All") || (soundMode == "FX Only")) { mySound.attachSound(NoisetoMake); mySound.start(startAt); } }; _global.KillCount = function (KilledWhat, Goal) { if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.CareerKills[SearchArray(CKIndex, KilledWhat)]++; if (_global.CareerKills[SearchArray(CKIndex, KilledWhat)] >= Goal) { _global.GainAward(((("Kill " + Goal) + " ") + KilledWhat) + "s"); } } }; _global.RotationVector = function (CurrentRotation, TargetRotation) { CurRot = CurrentRotation + 180; TarRot = TargetRotation + 180; if (CurRot > TarRot) { DifRot = CurRot - TarRot; if (DifRot < 180) { return(DifRot * -1); } return(DifRot - 180); } if (TarRot > CurRot) { DifRot = TarRot - CurRot; if (DifRot < 180) { return(DifRot); } return((DifRot - 180) * -1); } return(0); }; Music = new Sound(_root); _global.lastSong = ""; _global.playSong = function (WhatSong) { if (WhatSong == "nextSong") { Music.stop(); if ((soundMode == "All") || (soundMode == "Music Only")) { switch (_global.lastSong) { case "Effects of Elevation" : Songname = "Invisible Walls"; break; case "Invisible Walls" : Songname = "Accelerated Lifestyle"; break; case "Accelerated Lifestyle" : Songname = "Double the Daily Dose"; break; case "Double the Daily Dose" : Songname = "Habitual Ritual"; break; case "Habitual Ritual" : Songname = "Weekend Amnesia"; break; case "Weekend Amnesia" : Songname = "City Lights at Night"; break; case "City Lights at Night" : Songname = "Mind Mapping"; break; case "Mind Mapping" : Songname = "Ventus Solaris"; break; case "Ventus Solaris" : Songname = "As We May Think"; break; case "As We May Think" : Songname = "Biomythos"; break; case "Biomythos" : Songname = "Obscure Terrain"; break; case "Obscure Terrain" : Songname = "Effects of Elevation"; } Music.attachSound(Songname); _global.lastSong = Songname; Music.onSoundComplete = function () { _global.playSong("juke"); }; Music.start(); if (_root._currentframe < 7) { _root.attachMovie("Jukebox Backdrop", "jukeboxBack", 6649); with (_root.jukeboxBack) { _x = 30; _y = 30; } } _root.attachMovie("Jukebox Display", "Jukebox", 6650); with (_root.Jukebox) { _x = 30; _y = 30; } if ((((ABind != null) || (SBind != null)) || (DBind != null)) && (_root._currentframe == 7)) { _root.Jukebox._y = 60; } } } else if (WhatSong != "tellMeAgain") { Music.stop(); if ((soundMode == "All") || (soundMode == "Music Only")) { Songname = _global.lastSong; if (WhatSong == "juke") { while (Songname == _global.lastSong) { songPicker = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; switch (songPicker) { case 1 : Songname = "Invisible Walls"; break; case 2 : Songname = "Accelerated Lifestyle"; break; case 3 : Songname = "Double the Daily Dose"; break; case 4 : Songname = "Habitual Ritual"; break; case 5 : Songname = "Weekend Amnesia"; break; case 6 : Songname = "City Lights at Night"; break; case 7 : Songname = "Mind Mapping"; break; case 8 : Songname = "Ventus Solaris"; break; case 9 : Songname = "As We May Think"; break; case 10 : Songname = "Biomythos"; break; case 11 : Songname = "Obscure Terrain"; break; case 12 : Songname = "Effects of Elevation"; } } Music.attachSound(Songname); _global.lastSong = Songname; } else { Music.attachSound(WhatSong); _global.lastSong = WhatSong; } Music.onSoundComplete = function () { _global.playSong("juke"); }; Music.start(); if (_root._currentframe < 7) { _root.attachMovie("Jukebox Backdrop", "jukeboxBack", 6649); with (_root.jukeboxBack) { _x = 30; _y = 30; } } _root.attachMovie("Jukebox Display", "Jukebox", 6650); with (_root.Jukebox) { _x = 30; _y = 30; } if ((((ABind != null) || (SBind != null)) || (DBind != null)) && (_root._currentframe == 7)) { _root.Jukebox._y = 60; } } } else if ((soundMode == "All") || (soundMode == "Music Only")) { if (_root._currentframe < 7) { _root.attachMovie("Jukebox Backdrop", "jukeboxBack", 6649); with (_root.jukeboxBack) { _x = 30; _y = 30; } } _root.attachMovie("Jukebox Display", "Jukebox", 6650); with (_root.Jukebox) { _x = 30; _y = 30; } } }; _global.saveData = function () { _root.attachMovie("Saving Icon", "SaveIcon", 6652); with (_root.SaveIcon) { _x = 530; _y = 380; } = _global.BountyRunHighScore; = _global.SingleNestHighScore; = _global.Awards; = _global.RewardsUnlocked; = _global.ABind; = _global.SBind; = _global.DBind; = _global.CareerKills; = _global.PlayTime; = _global.Deaths; = _global.BadEnds; = _global.PlayerBumps; = _global.PlayerSparks; = _global.PlayerGooTime; = _global.PracticeSeconds; = _global.TipsSeen; = _global.EnemiesSeen; = _global.EnemiesKilled; = _global.interval; = _global.spawnLimit; = _global.showFPS; = _global.soundMode; = _global.floorMode; = _global.HardcoreMode; _global.SaveFile.flush(); }; _global.loadData = function () { if ( != undefined) { _global.BountyRunHighScore =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.SingleNestHighScore =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.Awards =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.RewardsUnlocked =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.ABind =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.SBind =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.DBind =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.CareerKills =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.PlayTime =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.Deaths =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.BadEnds =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.PlayerBumps =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.PlayerSparks =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.PlayerGooTime =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.PracticeSeconds =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.TipsSeen =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.EnemiesSeen =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.EnemiesKilled =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.interval =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.spawnLimit =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.showFPS =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.soundMode =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.floorMode =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.HardcoreMode =; } }; _global.resetAllData = function () { _global.interval = 30; _global.spawnLimit = 12; _global.showFPS = false; _global.soundMode = "All"; _global.floorMode = "Random"; _global.HardcoreMode = false; _global.TipsSeen = new Array(); _global.EnemiesSeen = new Array(); _global.EnemiesSeen.push("Gloople"); _global.EnemiesKilled = new Array(); _global.EnemiesKilled.push("Gloople"); _global.RewardsUnlocked = new Array(); _global.ABind = null; _global.SBind = null; _global.DBind = null; _global.Awards = new Array(); _global.AwardQue = new Array(); _global.AwardWait = 0; _global.NewAwards = new Array(); _global.CareerKills = new Array(18); _global.PlayTime = 0; _global.Deaths = 0; _global.BadEnds = new Array(); _global.PlayerBumps = 0; _global.PlayerSparks = 0; _global.PlayerGooTime = 0; _global.PracticeSeconds = 0; _global.gameMode = null; _global.GameTime = 0; _global.PracticeEnemies = new Array(); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Gloople"); _global.activeEnemies = new Array(); _global.EnemySet = new Array(); _global.EnemySet.push("Gloople"); _global.NestSize = 0; _global.KillsLeft = 0; _global.BountyRunHighScore = 0; _global.SingleNestHighScore = 0; _global.Rematch = false; _global.RematchesLeft = 0; _global.RazorGlaiveEquipped = false; _global.saveData(); }; _global.GainAward = function (awardName) { if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.Awards, awardName) == null) && (((_global.gameMode != "Practice") || (awardName == "Practice 10 min")) || (awardName.slice(-8) == "Playtime"))) { if (_global.SearchArray(_global.AwardQue, awardName) == null) { _global.AwardQue.push(awardName); } } }; _global.RewardKey = function (Reward) { if (_global.ABind == Reward) { return(65); } if (_global.SBind == Reward) { return(83); } if (_global.DBind == Reward) { return(68); } return(null); }; _global.RewardTab = function (Reward) { if (_global.ABind == Reward) { return("_root.ATab"); } if (_global.SBind == Reward) { return("_root.STab"); } if (_global.DBind == Reward) { return("_root.DTab"); } return(null); }; _global.loadData(); if (showFPS) { _global.showFPSDisp = "On"; } } _global.RazorGlaiveEquipped = false; _global.playSong("Ventus Solaris"); _global.saveData();
Instance of Symbol 1870 MovieClip "Practice" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; myTipText = "Play freely with any or all of the Glooples that you have previously encountered"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) && (_root.subMenu == false)) { if (!onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Mouseover"); } onMe = true; _root.infoBox.tipText = myTipText; if (_currentframe != 16) { play(); } else { stop(); } } else { onMe = false; if (_root.infoBox.tipText == myTipText) { _root.infoBox.tipText = null; } if (_currentframe != 1) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.attachMovie("Practice Plate", "PracticeMenu", 1000); with (_root.PracticeMenu) { _x = 275; _y = 205; } _root.subMenu = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 1893 MovieClip "SingleNest" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; myTipText = "Fight through a single Gloople nest with the goal of reducing the Gloople numbers to 0 before dying"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) && (_root.subMenu == false)) { if (!onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Mouseover"); } onMe = true; _root.infoBox.tipText = myTipText; if (_currentframe != 16) { play(); } else { stop(); } } else { onMe = false; if (_root.infoBox.tipText == myTipText) { _root.infoBox.tipText = null; } if (_currentframe != 1) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _global.EnemySet.splice(0); _global.EnemySet.push("Gloople"); _root.attachMovie("Nest Size Selector", "NestSize", 1000); with (_root.NestSize) { _x = 277.5; _y = 205; } _root.subMenu = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 1914 MovieClip "BountyRun" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; myTipText = "Dive into an endless Gloople nest in an attempt to collect the highest bounty score possible - the longer you last, the more Glooples will join the battle"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) && (_root.subMenu == false)) { if (!onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Mouseover"); } onMe = true; _root.infoBox.tipText = myTipText; if (_currentframe != 16) { play(); } else { stop(); } } else { onMe = false; if (_root.infoBox.tipText == myTipText) { _root.infoBox.tipText = null; } if (_currentframe != 1) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _global.EnemySet.splice(0); _global.EnemySet.push("Gloople"); _root.attachMovie("Difficulty Ramp Selector", "Difficulty", 1000); with (_root.Difficulty) { _x = 277.5; _y = 231; } _root.subMenu = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 1931 MovieClip "Options" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; myTipText = "Modify gameplay and technical settings"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) && (_root.subMenu == false)) { if (!onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Mouseover"); } onMe = true; _root.infoBox.tipText = myTipText; if (_currentframe != 16) { play(); } else { stop(); } } else { onMe = false; if (_root.infoBox.tipText == myTipText) { _root.infoBox.tipText = null; } if (_currentframe != 1) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.attachMovie("Option Menu", "OptionMenu", 1000); with (_root.OptionMenu) { _x = 250; _y = 250; } _root.subMenu = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 1950 MovieClip "Beastiary" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; myTipText = "View information on each type of Gloople you have encountered so far"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) && (_root.subMenu == false)) { if (!onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Mouseover"); } onMe = true; _root.infoBox.tipText = myTipText; if (_currentframe != 16) { play(); } else { stop(); } } else { onMe = false; if (_root.infoBox.tipText == myTipText) { _root.infoBox.tipText = null; } if (_currentframe != 1) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.attachMovie("Beastiary Plate", "BeastiaryMenu", 1000); with (_root.BeastiaryMenu) { _x = 275; _y = 205; } _root.subMenu = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 1952 MovieClip "MainTitle" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { widthGoal = 100; heightGoal = 100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (int(_xscale) == widthGoal) { widthGoal = int(Math.random() * 80) + 60; } else if (int(_xscale) < widthGoal) { _xscale = (_xscale + 0.1); } else { _xscale = (_xscale - 0.1); } if (int(_yscale) == heightGoal) { heightGoal = int(Math.random() * 80) + 60; } else if (int(_yscale) < heightGoal) { _yscale = (_yscale + 0.1); } else { _yscale = (_yscale - 0.1); } }
Instance of Symbol 1954 MovieClip "InfoBox" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { this.addProperty("tipText", this.getTipText, this.setTipText); tipText = null; _alpha = 0; showingCreds = false; timeRemaining = 0; framesRunning = 1; currentCred = 1; infoTextFormat = new TextFormat(); infoTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; infoTextFormat.color = 39168; infoTextFormat.size = 14; infoTextFormat.align = "center"; credTextFormat = new TextFormat(); credTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; credTextFormat.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; credTextFormat.size = 12; credTextFormat.align = "center"; this.createTextField("infoText", this.getDepth + 1, 0, 0, this._width, this._height); infoText.embedFonts = true; infoText.wordWrap = true; infoText.selectable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { framesRunning++; if (tipText != null) { infoText.text = tipText; showingCreds = false; infoText.setTextFormat(infoTextFormat); if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = (_alpha + 25); } } else if (showingCreds == false) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 25); } else { infoText.text = ""; if (int(framesRunning / 10) == (framesRunning / 10)) { showingCreds = true; } } } else { if ((timeRemaining == 0) && (infoText.text == "")) { switch (currentCred) { case 1 : infoText.text = "Designed, Coded, Drawn and Animated by\rCaleb Rhodes\"; break; case 2 : infoText.text = "Music excerpted from\rRevolution Void\r(check them out at"; break; case 3 : infoText.text = "Sound Effects by\rJanus Professional\r(and other misc. sounds)"; break; case 4 : infoText.text = "Play Tested by\rReid Pletcher\rZak Killian"; } currentCred++; if (currentCred == 5) { currentCred = 1; } infoText.setTextFormat(credTextFormat); timeRemaining = 180; } else if (timeRemaining > 8) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = (_alpha + 25); } } else if (timeRemaining > 0) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 25); } } else { infoText.text = ""; showingCreds = false; } if (timeRemaining > 0) { timeRemaining--; } } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (Key.getCode() == 78) { _global.playSong("juke"); } if (Key.getCode() == 77) { _global.playSong("tellMeAgain"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1958 MovieClip [High Scores] "Scoreboard" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { _xscale = 70; _yscale = 70; _alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_global.SingleNestHighScore == 0) && (_global.BountyRunHighScore == 0)) { _alpha = 0; } else { _alpha = 100; } }
Instance of Symbol 1985 MovieClip "Instructions" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; myTipText = "Review controls and basics of how to play the game"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) && (_root.subMenu == false)) { if (!onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Mouseover"); } onMe = true; _root.infoBox.tipText = myTipText; if (_currentframe != 16) { play(); } else { stop(); } } else { onMe = false; if (_root.infoBox.tipText == myTipText) { _root.infoBox.tipText = null; } if (_currentframe != 1) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.attachMovie("Instruction Plate", "InstructionMenu", 1000); with (_root.InstructionMenu) { _x = 275; _y = 205; } _root.subMenu = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 2000 MovieClip "Awards" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { !!!ERROR
Instance of Symbol 2017 MovieClip "Rewards" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; myTipText = "Unlock new Rewards, or review and equip Rewards you have already earned"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) && (_root.subMenu == false)) { if (!onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Mouseover"); } onMe = true; _root.infoBox.tipText = myTipText; if (_currentframe != 16) { play(); } else { stop(); } } else { onMe = false; if (_root.infoBox.tipText == myTipText) { _root.infoBox.tipText = null; } if (_currentframe != 1) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.attachMovie("Rewards Case", "RewardsCase", 1000); with (_root.RewardsCase) { _x = 255; _y = 195; } _root.subMenu = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 2028 MovieClip "Tips" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; myTipText = "Browse through all of the tips you have seen in the tips screen"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) && (_root.subMenu == false)) { if (!onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Mouseover"); } onMe = true; _root.infoBox.tipText = myTipText; if (_currentframe != 16) { play(); } else { stop(); } } else { onMe = false; if (_root.infoBox.tipText == myTipText) { _root.infoBox.tipText = null; } if (_currentframe != 1) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.attachMovie("Tip Browser", "TipBrowser", 1000); with (_root.TipBrowser) { _x = 275; _y = 205; } _root.subMenu = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 1826 MovieClip [Hardcore Mode Button] "HardcoreButton" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (2); onMe = false; if (_global.HardcoreMode) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_global.Awards.length < 25) { _visible = false; } myTipText = "Click here to toggle Hardcore Mode. While in Hardcore mode, different breeds of Glooples will not appear over time - you'll be set upon by every type from the very beginning!"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.Awards.length < 25) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } if ((hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) && (_root.subMenu == false)) && (_visible)) { if (!onMe) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Mouseover"); } onMe = true; _root.infoBox.tipText = myTipText; if (_xscale == 100) { _xscale = 110; _yscale = 110; } } else { onMe = false; if (_root.infoBox.tipText == myTipText) { _root.infoBox.tipText = null; } if (_xscale == 110) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (_visible)) { if (_global.HardcoreMode) { _global.MakeNoise("GraySnap"); gotoAndStop (2); _global.HardcoreMode = false; } else { _global.MakeNoise("GraySpear"); _global.MakeNoise("FuzzGrowl"); _global.MakeNoise("FuzzBite2"); _global.MakeNoise("Thump"); gotoAndStop (1); _global.HardcoreMode = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 1335 MovieClip [Hint Text] "HintBox" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { myText = null; _global.unbuildTo = null; dataTextFormat = new TextFormat(); dataTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; dataTextFormat.color = 39168; dataTextFormat.size = 14; dataTextFormat.align = "center"; this.createTextField("dataText", this.getDepth + 1, 0, 0, this._width, this._height); dataText.embedFonts = true; dataText.wordWrap = true; dataText.selectable = false; switch (_global.gameMode) { case "Practice" : rPick = (PracticeEnemies.length + 1) + 1; hintPick = int((Math.random() * (PracticeEnemies.length + 1)) + 1); switch (hintPick) { case 1 : hintCatagory = "General"; break; default : hintCatagory = PracticeEnemies[hintPick - 2]; } break; default : rPick = (EnemiesSeen.length + 2) + 1; hintPick = int((Math.random() * (EnemiesSeen.length + 2)) + 1); switch (hintPick) { case 1 : hintCatagory = "General"; break; case 2 : hintCatagory = _global.gameMode; break; default : hintCatagory = EnemiesSeen[hintPick - 3]; } } if (((_global.ABind != null) || (_global.SBind != null)) || (_global.DBind != null)) { if (int(Math.random() * rPick) == 0) { hintCatagory = null; if (_global.ABind != null) { hintCatagory = _global.ABind; } if ((_global.SBind != null) && ((hintCatagory == null) || (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1))) { hintCatagory = _global.SBind; } if ((_global.DBind != null) && ((hintCatagory == null) || (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1))) { hintCatagory = _global.DBind; } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (myText == null) { switch (hintCatagory) { case "General" : switch (int(Math.random() * 12) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Coax troublesome Glooples into moving out of the play area - they'll be eliminated from play. You will not score for them, however, and there are a few Glooples that this won't work on."; break; case 2 : myText = "Be very careful around the edges of the play area, a Gloople may come in from the edges and leave you too little time to get out of the way."; break; case 3 : myText = "Sometimes it's a better idea to just try and stay out of the way for a moment than to swing wildly - that brief second of immobility may be your demise."; break; case 4 : myText = "Most anything a Gloople can toss at you can be batted away, so if getting out of the way isn't an option, take a swing at it."; break; case 5 : myText = "Avoid swinging at anything too hard to damage - if your weapon bounces off, you'll be stunned for a moment. Make sure your whole swing arc is clear of obstructions."; break; case 6 : myText = "When you swing the SplatMaster3000, you create a wide killzone in front of you that lasts a tiny bit longer than you may think that it does. This means you can swing a bit early and let an enemy \"run into\" your swing from outside your actual reach."; break; case 7 : myText = "To splat a Gloople, make sure you get most of it in your swing arc - just grazing the edge of it won't count."; break; case 8 : myText = "The Spawn Limit option in the Options menu determines the general maximum number of glooples allowed onscreen at a time - this isn't an absolute limit, but turning it down will make the game a little easier and run a little better (and vice versa)."; break; case 9 : myText = "Stay aware of where your swing arc is going to be before you attack. If there's a danger you might hit something you need to avoid, try using the corners of the arc instead of the broad part in front of you."; break; case 10 : myText = "The closer you keep the cursor to the character, the more quickly you'll be able to make fine movements, and the more control you'll have over your facing and swings."; break; case 11 : myText = "Most Awards cannot be earned in Practice mode. You have to pull off the impressive deed when it counts to get the credit."; break; case 12 : myText = "Every 10 Awards you earn gets you a Reward Key. With it you can unlock a little something to give you an edge during play."; } break; case "Single" : switch (int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "As you near the end of the Nest, there is a chance that you'll come across a particularly dangerous Gloople. This is much more likely the longer your Game Length is set to."; break; case 2 : myText = "It doesn't matter what type of Gloople you splat, each kill counts down the nest by one, so go for the easy targets when you can - they count just as much as the real problem Glooples do."; break; case 3 : myText = "You don't need to try and splat every single Gloople; the ones that get away don't count against you in any way and the Glooples will keep coming until you've met the quota."; } break; case "Bounty" : switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Try to catch as many Glooples in a single swing as you can. Not only will this leave you vulnerable less often, but each additional Gloople acts as a bounty multiplier."; break; case 2 : myText = "More high point value Glooples in one swing means a higher base value for the multiplier to be applied to. Three Biters are far more valuable than three Glooples."; } break; case "Sprint" : switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Sprint is very effective but limited. You'll only get a few seconds of speed boost before you have to stop so that it can recharge. Use it wisely."; break; case 2 : myText = "Sprint will only recharge while you are standing completely still. You cannot be swinging, being bumped or anything else. When you're empty, try and look for a safe spot to catch a breather."; } break; case "Grenade" : switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "It is entirely possible to catch yourself with a Grenade blast. Even if you are outside the kill radius, it will still knock you off balance if you are a bit too close."; break; case 2 : myText = "Like all rewards that you need to toss, how hard you throw is determined by how far the mouse is from the character when you press the Use key. With lighter objects, like the Grenade, it should land somewhere near where your cursor was."; } break; case "Teleport" : switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "The first time you use the Teleporter, you'll toss down the TelePad. Position it well... you can't move it again, and it's where you'll always go when you teleport from then on."; break; case 2 : myText = "Keep in mind that once the Pad is down, you can teleport at any time... even mid-bump or while swinging - it's even possible to start swinging, teleport, and kill something on the other side."; } break; case "Choker" : switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "While it may not have any obvious effect, the Inhibitor can be a huge help when you're feeling overwhealmed. It doesn't do anythign to the Glooples already out, but it will keep more from showing up for a little while."; break; case 2 : myText = "More than any other Reward, it makes no difference where you put down the Inhibitor. It can't be damaged or destroyed, and will work until it runs out of battery regardless of where it is."; } break; case "Spike" : switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "While the Repulsor Stake can provide you with some easy free shots by holding glooples at bay, pay attention to it while it's out. When the power runs out, the sudden influx of angry glooples can be an unhappy surprise."; break; case 2 : myText = "Though it doesn't affect you, the Repulsor Spike is not completely protected from interruption. Be careful where you swing; if you catch it in an overzealous swing, it'll break."; } break; case "Lure" : switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Just because their attention is elsewhere does not make some glooples less lethal. When you divert them with the Lure, you still need to be wary that they can hurt you."; break; case 2 : myText = "When a Lure is out, not only will you not be actively persued by glooples, but you will not even be percieved as a threat. This means Biters won't lunge, nor will any other type direct attack be made against you."; } break; case "Mason" : switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "The most important part of using an Instant Wall is figuring out where to place it so that it does you the most good, while still not being too much in the way. Remember, it blocks you off as well as it does the enemies."; break; case 2 : myText = "It may seem invulnerable, but an Instant Wall can be broken down eventually, especially if it's struck by a lot of heavy hitters. Be prepared for the possibility that your barricade could be overwhealmed."; } break; case "BoxGun" : switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "The SCAER will do it's best to avoid hitting you. However, if you stand right in front of the barrel, or are caught by a ricochet off of a hard target, you could still be shot."; break; case 2 : myText = "A SCAER holds 30 rounds. If it runs out of ammo, it will self-destruct to clear the area. However, it can be destroyed ahead of time by dangerous glooples or even careless sword swings."; } break; case "Drone" : switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "While extremely efficient at cutting through glooples, the Saw Drone's design gives it only a limited battery life. Don't expect it to last too long."; break; case 2 : myText = "The Saw Drone will go to some lengths to avoid flying near you, but you should avoid doing silly things like running straight at it. In a pinch, you can whack it in a desired direction with your sword, though this is not particularly good for it."; } break; case "Hazard Suit" : switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Passive hazards are more or less nullified while in the Hazard Suit. Keep an eye on it's charge gauge, however, because when it runs out of juice, it will fall away and you'll be unprotected from there on out."; break; case 2 : myText = "While the Hazard Suit does nothing to defend against direct attacks, impediments and traps are completely ignored. Fight without fear of inconveniences, but you still have to keep from walking in front of something really bad."; } break; case "Armor" : switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "The Armor is basically an extra life. It will save you from death once, and only once. There are however a few things that can still kill you despite the Armor, so be mindful."; break; case 2 : myText = "The ablative nature of the Reactive Armor means that whatever is in your immediate vicinity when you take that fatal blow will be blown to smithereens."; } break; case "Glaive" : switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "The Razor Glaive is excessively powerful. You'll soon find that many opponents that seems exceptionally tough before are now as easly carved through as everything else."; break; case 2 : myText = "Despite it's incredible carnage-potential, the Razor Glaive does have one major flaw: It is very heavy. You'll find that your move speed is painfully reduced while you have this bruiser equipped."; } break; case "Gloople" : switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Green Glooples can't directly hurt you, but letting them bump into you will knock you off balance for a moment and give something worse a chance to strike."; break; case 2 : myText = "Glooples can stick together and form larger Glooples if you allow them to touch, although it only happens occasionally."; break; case 3 : myText = "Regular Glooples are subject to more or less all of the same dangers as you are - keep an eye on them when something new shows up. If it kills the Glooples, it'll probably do the same to you!"; break; case 4 : myText = "Green Glooples are plentiful, don't put yourself in danger trying to chase one down, and don't hesitate to use them as cover between yourself and something dangerous (although it may not do much good.)"; } break; case "Biter" : switch (int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Biters are quick, but they can only lunge in a straight line, and they can't stop. Wait for it to pounce, and then either splat it or step out of the way."; break; case 2 : myText = "A Biter can't lunge (or hurt you) if it's gummed up in Stickie goo, so use the opportunity to splat it safely, or clean up some other threats."; break; case 3 : myText = "Although it's very rare, Biters can glom together to form a very scary gloople - don't let them touch too often."; } break; case "Stickie" : switch (int(Math.random() * 5) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Stickies will pop when they touch anything, but they move completely straight so you can't steer them into things. Better to splat them and leave the goo as a trap or protective barrier."; break; case 2 : myText = "Stickie goo is a great insulator, and though it gums you up and slows you down, it will keep you from catching fire or being stuck in ice."; break; case 3 : myText = "When a Stickie enters the play field, it always aims for you. If you stay in one place while there are Stickies around, you'll eventually be bogged down."; break; case 4 : myText = "Big things are just too large and heavy to be slowed down (any more than they are) by Stickie goo, don't count an any help there."; break; case 5 : myText = "Certain Glooples have the ability to shake off Stickie goo more quickly than others, so keep on eye on those that don't seem to be affected as long as you'd hoped."; } break; case "Meltie" : switch (int(Math.random() * 5) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "While Meltie acid makes short work of a lot of Glooples, there are some who are too well protected to be hurt by it."; break; case 2 : myText = "Be very careful when splatting a Meltie: just because you hit it doesn't mean it can't splash toward you. Take note of the direction things splat when you hit them, and catch Melties on the correct side."; break; case 3 : myText = "Meltie acid lasts a while, so use them as defensive barriers while you can - most Glooples can't cross it safely."; break; case 4 : myText = "Right when a gloople gets caught in Meltie acid, there's a very brief time when it's stuck but not quite dissolved when you can still splat it and get the credit."; break; case 5 : myText = "Melties will gently curve toward you while traveling. Use this to your advantage and steer them into threats you don't want to deal with - or can't."; } break; case "Inkie" : switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Don't let an Inkie touch you - their thick black goo will blind you for more than long enough to get you killed."; break; case 2 : myText = "It's a good idea to steer clear of Inkie splats. It won't hurt you directly, but it'll cause you to slide a short way without any control - it takes a little luck to come out okay."; break; case 3 : myText = "Inkie ink pools are very flammable, and if lit on fire will create a big, long-burning fire. Anything caught in the blaze will go up as well."; break; case 4 : myText = "Under no circumstances should you let an Inkie get anywhere near a fire (don't worry about the little flames, though). If lit before they splat, they detonate and take out everything around them."; } break; case "Clutter" : switch (int(Math.random() * 7) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "A Clutter will never intentionally get anywhere near you - you'll have to take the fight to them. But don't let them get you into trouble trying to chase them down."; break; case 2 : myText = "Because of the way Clutters avoid you, don't be ashamed to just \"push\" them off of the edge of the play area. It's easy, and we all do it. You don't score, but they're out of the way."; break; case 3 : myText = "If you swing immediately after a swing that kills an adult Clutter, you'll usually mop up the babies it drops as well (and get a pretty good score for it, as well). Just don't do this at the expense of watching your back."; break; case 4 : myText = "You can really ignore baby Clutters safely for a while - it takes them a short time to grow up, and until then they aren't a threat. Just make sure you get to them before they reach full size."; break; case 5 : myText = "Most of the time you're better off just stepping out of the way of spit baby Clutters rather than swatting them. They splat when they hit the ground anyway. If you do splat them, though, they're worth as much as any small Clutter."; break; case 6 : myText = "If you get a baby Clutter stuck to you, you can shake them off quickly by spinning around in circles as fast as you can."; break; case 7 : myText = "Having more than one baby Clutter stuck to you is a serious problem because it begins to slow you down a lot, and can sometimes keep you from swinging. Shake them off as soon as you can."; } break; case "Sharp" : switch (int(Math.random() * 6) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "You can't take a Sharp head-on, with it's spines out it's pretty much invulnerable. Get around behind it, and it'll let it's guard down."; case 2 : myText = "More often than you'd like, the best way to deal with a Sharp is just to bat it out of the play area. You don't get credit for it, but you don't have to deal with it either."; break; case 3 : myText = "Sharps are clever enough that, if they see a hazard in front of them, they'll put their spines out. This goes for you, a dangerous pool, or any other Gloople, really."; break; case 4 : myText = "With their spines out, a Sharp is immune to the effect of any standing hazardous pool. Don't rely on defensively placed goo splats keeping Sharps off your back."; break; case 5 : myText = "Sharps can splat a lot of glooples, and a well placed swat can send them into some other unpleasantness that you'd rather not deal with."; break; case 6 : myText = "Continuously whacking at a Sharp won't work - if they take a smack, no matter which way they're facing, they'll leave their spines out for a few seconds."; } break; case "Grinder" : switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Most of the time the best thing you can do about a Grinder is get out of the way. On the bright side, they demolish basically anything they roll over."; break; case 2 : myText = "Grinders try and steer very subtly toward you, so it's possible to guide them into other threats (or each other, which is a different matter altogether)."; break; case 3 : myText = "Even if you find a way to weaken a Grinder's stony skin enough that you can hurt it, they still take a ton of punishment. Killing one is an impressive achievement."; break; case 4 : myText = "Grinders are big, and so is your swing area. Be very cautious when swinging anywhere around a Grinder - if you hit it at all, you'll bounce off and be stunned for a couple of seconds."; } break; case "Fuzzle" : switch (int(Math.random() * 5) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Like a Super-biter, a Fuzzle is better in pretty much every way. Give them your full attention when they show up."; break; case 2 : myText = "Be persistent when trying to splat a Fuzzle. If you knock off all of their fur, and then give them a few seconds, they'll grow it back and be just as tough as when they started. Make sure you get that last swing in when you can."; break; case 3 : myText = "When you've got a Fuzzle down to it's skin, it won't try and bite you and instead will try to run away for a while. If you're really in trouble, you can use this time to deal with something else - just don't take too long. It'll be back."; break; case 4 : myText = "It's easy to tell when a Fuzzle's about to lunge, it hunkers down and crawls for a couple of seconds first. Be careful though, while it's getting ready to jump it can adjust it's aim very quickly"; break; case 5 : myText = "Fuzzles are even resistant to many of the hazardous splats - they still have an effect, but it's not as severe as with other glooples."; } break; case "Torchie" : switch (int(Math.random() * 5) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Do not, under any circumstances, attack a Torchie while it's on fire - this is instant death, as the little beast will explode and take you with it."; break; case 2 : myText = "Once a Torchie has gone out, make sure you kill it before it has a chance to get into any flame. If it does, it will re-light itself and be just as dangerous as before. You can stomp out the little fires it leaves behind to take out some insurance against this happening."; break; case 3 : myText = "Torchies light almost anything they bump into on fire. This is the end of a lot of glooples, but not before they have the chance to spread the fire themselves. Don't touch anything on fire, or you'll join them."; break; case 4 : myText = "As dangerous as they are, a lot of things can extinguish a Torchie and make it an easy target. Try and use one of these methods if you don't feel like waiting for it to go out on it's own."; break; case 5 : myText = "Should you catch fire, you have a few seconds of panicky running about to try and put yourself out. The same things that put out most fires will work on you (although acid is not recommended)."; } break; case "Oozle" : switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Don't stand in front of an Oozle while trying to splat it. While you may get off a swing, you won't slow it down, and it'll just roll over you while you're getting ready to swing again."; break; case 2 : myText = "It's a good idea to take care of Oozles wherever they pop up. Letting them hang around gives them a chance to glom together with another Green Gloople and make your life harder."; } break; case "Gray" : switch (int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Most of the time it's useless to take a swing at a Gray, they can harden into a ball of steel faster than you can get your SplatMaster3000 into them. You'll have to wait for them to concentrate on something else before you get the chance to hurt them."; break; case 2 : myText = "As lethal as the Gray's tendril lance is, it's pretty easy to avoid. Mainly try not to get stunned or staggered while one is around and keep your eye on it, and you should be okay."; break; case 3 : myText = "If you have a Gray bearing down on you, but need to take a swing, it is possible to deflect it's lance with your attack. Just make sure you time it right."; } break; case "Frostie" : switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "The blast of frozen air from a burst Frostie is bigger than the reach of your SplatMaster3000. If you don't want to be frozen at all, just dodge, don't swing."; break; case 2 : myText = "How long you're frozen is a direct result of how far you were from the Frostie when it popped. If it hit you, you're in trouble. If you splatted it from as far away as you could manage, you'll be stuck for a couple of seconds at most."; break; case 3 : myText = "Frostie hit you, and you're frozen good? Try wiggling up and down, you'll break it much faster that way."; break; case 4 : myText = "Anything frozen (including you) can be destroyed by just bumping into it. On the other hand, you don't score for breaking frozen Glooples."; } break; case "Amalgam" : switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Persistence is the key when you have an Amalgam after you. Keep swinging, and keep in mind that every absorbed Gloople is another swing you have to make."; break; case 2 : myText = "It's not as important to immediately chase down small Amalgam that break off of the big one when you attack it - they can't hurt you until they get bigger."; break; case 3 : myText = "The old \"lure it into moving out of the play area\" trick won't work an Amalgam, they stay in the game even if they cross the border. You have to kill them all."; break; case 4 : myText = "Every time you land a hit on an Amalgam, you stun it for just about long enough to get another swing in. You can't stand right in front of it, but you can get in quite a few swipes before you'll even have to move if you get along side one."; } break; case "VoidEater" : switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "With a Void Eater on your hands, your main concern should be staying away from it. Most of what it does will try and draw you close enough for it to blast you into oblivion, so focus on keeping your distance and wait for your chance."; break; case 2 : myText = "It's very possible that a Void Eater could form right next to you and blast you with a shockwave before you even have a chance to react to it. The solution? Don't leave Grays hanging around."; break; case 3 : myText = "A Void Eater's density beam has a much more powerful gravity effect than it's gravity well. If you aren't well out of the way when it starts, you're probably doomed."; break; case 4 : myText = "You can tell the killzone around a Void Eater by where the Glooples are getting annihilated."; } break; case "Horror" : switch (int(Math.random() * 5) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Don't try to attack a Horror directly. Doing so is almost certainly your undoing, as it's way to hard for your SplatMaster3000 to damage, and in the time it takes you to recover from the recoil it will have already turned you into kibble."; break; case 2 : myText = "Horrors move fast enough that you'll have enough to do just trying to keep it from mowing you down in your tracks. Step around the side of it as close as you dare, and you'll force it to make a bit of a \"U\" turn and buy yourself a little time."; break; case 3 : myText = "It's basically impossible to know when a Horror is going to fling off a bunch of it's deadly little teeth, although it normally reserves this move for when you're too far for it to just roll over you and turn you into mulch. On the other hand, a Horror will never send it's disks after you unless you're well away from it."; break; case 4 : myText = "Horror teeth that it flings off of it's body aren't too hard to dodge, but if you have to you can just bat them out of the air. Also, keep track of any Green Glooples in the way: if they get hit, they'll mutate into a Biter and come after you."; break; case 5 : myText = "When a Horror sends it's disks after you, it becomes a bit more paranoid and makes an effort to keep a little distance from you. Don't let it draw you in long enough for the disks to come back around and slice you in half."; } break; case "Queen" : switch (int(Math.random() * 6) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "Don't let Queen larva hang around. You can splat them or just step on them, but leaving them alive means that if you manage to outmaneuver the Queen and get that killing blow, another one may pop up right behind her."; break; case 2 : myText = "If you should kill a Queen and notice a larva still crawling around, get it as fast as you can. It can't spawn a new Queen unless it gets to a Gloople host, and it will be trying it's hardest to do just that."; break; case 3 : myText = "The Queen's long reach and ability to lunge makes her very difficult to dodge. Sometimes your best bet is to swing into her in an attempt to parry. She'll do the same to you, after all."; break; case 4 : myText = "Because the Queen is cautious and will dodge away any time you make a swipe at her, it's possible to bully her around a bit if you need a moment to collect yourself. Just make sure you don't get caught swinging at nothing when she decides to pounce."; break; case 5 : myText = "It's always best to keep your distance when you can while fighting a Queen. The best time to strike her is during a lunge, and if you get in tight, remember: She has two huge sharp cutting thingies. You only have one."; break; case 6 : myText = "Should you be fighting a Queen and actually bump into one another (usually by way of you both missing one another) you can probably expect to get creamed immediately. She's much quicker at reacting to that sort of situation than you are."; } break; case "RazorQueen" : switch (int(Math.random() * 10) + 1) { case 1 : myText = "The fact that you've seen a Razor Queen at all should make you proud. In that \"What the heck is tha-Ow. I died.\" sort of way"; break; case 2 : myText = "When the Razor Queen digs her claws into the ground, you'd do well to put some distance between you and her. She starts to attack at range, and if you can't keep your eye on her and do some fancy footwork, you're not going to survive it."; break; case 3 : myText = "Like most things, the quills a Razor Queen launches from her body can be destroyed by slashing them. However, because this keeps you from moving, it's best to only do this if you really need to."; break; case 4 : myText = "The Razor Queen has five huge blades to your one. Trying to swing at her when she's not left herself open is blatant suicide."; break; case 5 : myText = "The spiny larva a Razor Queen spawns while she's chasing you around will explode if you get near enough, but it takes them a second. If you step in and then move away, you should be able to get rid of them safely without having to swing."; break; case 6 : myText = "The digging razor mites that a Razor Queen will spit while dug in are safe from attack while underground. However, they come up to lunge very predictably, and you should take the opportunity to kill them, lest they circle around and surprise you."; break; case 7 : myText = "When a Razor Queen spits a spine jack, she lobs it through the air. As long as you aren't nearby when it lands, you can walk safely under it while it's airborne."; break; case 8 : myText = "A spine jack stuck in the ground can really help you survive a Razor Queen's bombardment - the quills she launches will break when they hit it, and airborne razor mites will bounce off of it. Watch carefully though - mites can burrow under it, and the spine jack will break eventually"; break; case 9 : myText = "Like most glooples with distance-covering attacks, a Razor Queen will only lunge if you're far enough away for her to need to."; break; case 10 : myText = "If a Razor Queen has littered the screen with so many spine jacks you can't move around well, you can break them down with enough hits. This takes some time though - make sure you have it to spare."; } } dataText.text = myText; dataText.setTextFormat(dataTextFormat); dataText._width = dataText._width - 1; if ((SearchArray(_global.TipsSeen, myText) == null) && (myText != null)) { _global.TipsSeen.push(myText); } } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _level0.nextFrame(); }
Instance of Symbol 2037 MovieClip "PointMark" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "PointMark") { this.addProperty("exploded", this.getExploded, this.setExploded); exploded = false; this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnMode", this.getTurnMode, this.setTurnMode); this.addProperty("pointsOnSwing", this.getPointsOnSwing, this.setPointsOnSwing); this.addProperty("killsOnSwing", this.getKillsOnSwing, this.setKillsOnSwing); this.addProperty("clutters", this.getClutters, this.setClutters); this.addProperty("frozenFrames", this.getFrozenFrames, this.setFrozenFrames); this.addProperty("invincFrames", this.getInvincFrames, this.setInvincFrames); pointsOnSwing = 0; killsOnSwing = 0; consecCombo = 0; invincFrames = 0; speed = 5; topSpeed = 5; passiveTime = 0; clutters = new Array(); if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { speed = 4; topSpeed = 4; } frozenFrames = 0; wiggleTo = "up"; _global.heroWasX; _global.heroWasY; _visible = false; turnMode = true; _global.HeroAction = "none"; _global.justHit = null; _global.Score = 0; _global.HeroKilled = false; } else { duplicateMovieClip (this, "HeroPointer", 20); _root.HeroPointer._x = 222; _root.HeroPointer._y = 183; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((_name != "PointMark") && (!_global.pause)) { if ((_global.HeroAction == "none") && ((_global.ClearTime == 0) || (_global.gameMode != "Single"))) { if ((clutters.length < 3) || ((int(Math.random() * 10) + 1) > clutters.length)) { _global.HeroAction = "attacking"; if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroSlashRazor, "HeroSlashin", _global.heroDepth++); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroSlash, "HeroSlashin", _global.heroDepth++); } with (_root.HeroSlashin) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.MakeNoise("Swing"); passiveTime = 0; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } } else { _global.justHit = this; } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "PointMark") && (!_global.pause)) { if (clutters.length >= 5) { _global.GainAward("Bogged by Clutters"); } x = 1; while (x <= clutters.length) { if (eval (clutters[x - 1]) == undefined) { clutters.splice(x - 1, 1); } x++; } if ((_global.gameMode == "Single") && (_global.ClearTime > 0)) { passiveTime = 0; } passiveTime++; if (passiveTime >= 900) { _global.GainAward("30 Secs Without Swinging"); } if ((killsOnSwing > 1) && (_global.HeroAction != "attacking")) { CP = String(random(1000)); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, (_name + "Multi") + CP, _global.markDepth++); setProperty((("_root." + _name) + "Multi") + CP, _x , this._x); setProperty((("_root." + _name) + "Multi") + CP, _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Multi") + CP); BountyObject.bounty = "x" + String(killsOnSwing); pointsOnSwing = pointsOnSwing * killsOnSwing; if (pointsOnSwing >= 300) { _global.GainAward("300pt Swing"); } if (pointsOnSwing >= 200) { _global.GainAward("200pt Swing"); } if (pointsOnSwing >= 150) { _global.GainAward("150pt Swing"); } if (pointsOnSwing >= 100) { _global.GainAward("100pt Swing"); } if (pointsOnSwing >= 75) { _global.GainAward("75pt Swing"); } if (pointsOnSwing >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50pt Swing"); } if (pointsOnSwing >= 20) { _global.GainAward("20pt Swing"); } } if ((killsOnSwing > 0) && (_global.HeroAction != "attacking")) { _global.Score = _global.Score + pointsOnSwing; if (killsOnSwing == 1) { consecCombo = 0; } else { consecCombo++; } if (consecCombo >= 10) { _global.GainAward("10 Straight Combos"); } killsOnSwing = 0; pointsOnSwing = 0; } if (_global.HeroAction == "melted") { if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } if (eval (_root.HeroStagger) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroMelt, "HeroMelting", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.HeroMelting) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Melted") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Melted"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.HeroAction == "frozen") { if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } if (eval (_root.HeroStagger) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } if (eval (_root.HeroOnFire) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroOnFire); _global.GainAward("Survive Fire"); } if (eval (_root.HeroOnIce) == undefined) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroFrozen, "HeroOnIce", _global.heroDepth++); } with (_root.HeroOnIce) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } } if (_global.HeroAction == "flamed") { if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } if (eval (_root.HeroStagger) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } if (eval (_root.HeroOnFire) == undefined) { if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroFlamingRazor, "HeroOnFire", _global.heroDepth++); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroFlaming, "HeroOnFire", _global.heroDepth++); } } with (_root.HeroOnFire) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } } if (_global.HeroAction == "burned") { if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } if (eval (_root.HeroStagger) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroBurn, "HeroBurning", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.HeroBurning) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Burned") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Burned"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.HeroAction == "bounceback") { if (eval (_root.HeroBounce) == undefined) { if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } if (eval (_root.HeroStagger) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroBouncebackRazor, "HeroBounce", _global.heroDepth++); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroBounceback, "HeroBounce", _global.heroDepth++); } with (_root.HeroBounce) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } } _root.Census.perfectRun = false; } armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if ((armorTab != null) && (armorTab.charge == 300)) { if (_global.justHit != null) { armorTab.armorHit(); } } if (invincFrames > 0) { _global.justHit = null; invincFrames--; if (invincFrames == 1) { exploded = false; } } if (_global.justHit != null) { if (HeroAction == "frozen") { targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; removeMovieClip(_root.HeroOnIce); duplicateMovieClip (_root.SwordCold, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } iceNum = int(Math.random() * 6) + 8; toKillX = targetEnemy._x - _x; toKillY = targetEnemy._y - _y; brokeTo = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); _global.MakeNoise("HeroIcebreak"); ice = 1; while (ice < iceNum) { IceName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Ice") + ice; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Ice" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Ice") + Ice, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(IceName, _rotation , (brokeTo + int(Math.random() * 100)) - 59); setProperty(IceName, _x , this._x); setProperty(IceName, _xscale , 150); setProperty(IceName, _y , this._y); setProperty(IceName, _yscale , 150); ice++; } targetEnemy = null; _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Shattered") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Shattered"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 5) == "Oozle") || ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray") && (_global.justHit.action == "none"))) || ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 7) == "Amalgam") && (_global.justHit._xscale > 70))) { _global.MakeNoise("Glom"); targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "absorbed"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroAbsorbed, targetEnemy._name + "Hero", _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + targetEnemy._name) + "Hero")) { _x = targetEnemy._x; _y = targetEnemy._y; _rotation = targetEnemy._rotation; } targetEnemy._xscale = 120; targetEnemy._yscale = 120; targetEnemy._alpha = 75; targetEnemy = null; _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Absorbed") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Absorbed"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } else if ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 5) == "Biter") && (_global.justHit.lunging == true)) { _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "mangled"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Mangled") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Mangled"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } else if ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 5) == "Sharp") && (_global.justHit.spines == true)) { _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "impaled"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } splats = 1; while (splats < 4) { BloodName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + splats; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(BloodName, _rotation , (targetEnemy._rotation + int(Math.random() * 180)) - 89); setProperty(BloodName, _x , this._x); setProperty(BloodName, _y , this._y); splats++; } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Impaled") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Impaled"); } removeMovieClip(targetEnemy); this.removeMovieClip(); } else if ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") && (!_global.justHit.wall)) { _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "squashed"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } splats = 1; while (splats < 6) { BloodName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + splats; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(BloodName, _rotation , (targetEnemy._rotation + int(Math.random() * 180)) - 89); setProperty(BloodName, _x , (this._x + int(Math.random() * 30)) - 15); setProperty(BloodName, _y , (this._y + int(Math.random() * 30)) - 15); splats++; } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Squashed") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Squashed"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } else if ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 6) == "Fuzzle") && (_global.justHit.lunging == true)) { _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "chowed"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Chowed") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Chowed"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } else if ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray") && (_global.justHit.lancing)) { _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "speared"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Speared") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Speared"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (_global.justHit.slug) { _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "shot"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } deltaE_x = _global.justHit._x - _x; deltaE_y = _global.justHit._y - _y; enemyDir = (-Math.atan2(deltaE_x, deltaE_y)) / (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("Lil Guy Shot", "HeroTagged", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.HeroTagged) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = justHit._rotation; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, this._name + "Spray", _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Spray")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = (enemyDir + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 160; } BloodColor = new Color(eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Spray")); BloodColor.setRGB(11800592); _global.justHit = null; _global.HeroKilled = true; this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (_global.justHit.exploded && (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_x - justHit._x, 2) + Math.pow(_y - justHit._y, 2)) < 150)) { _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "gibbed"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } toBlastX = _x - targetEnemy._x; toBlastY = _y - targetEnemy._y; blastDir = (-Math.atan2(toBlastX, toBlastY)) / (Math.PI/180); blastDir = blastDir - 180; gibsNum = int(Math.random() * 5) + 6; gibs = 1; while (gibs < gibsNum) { GibName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Gib") + gibs; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Gib" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Gib") + gibs, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(GibName, _rotation , blastDir + (int(Math.random() * 20) - 40)); setProperty(GibName, _x , this._x); setProperty(GibName, _y , this._y); gibs++; } splats = 1; while (splats < 4) { BloodName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + splats; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(BloodName, _rotation , (blastDir + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20); setProperty(BloodName, _x , this._x); setProperty(BloodName, _y , this._y); setProperty(BloodName, _xscale , 50); setProperty(BloodName, _yscale , 50); splats++; } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Gibbed") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Gibbed"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } else if ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 4) == "Void") && (_global.justHit.action == "shoot")) { _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "disintigrated"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Disintigrated") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Disintigrated"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (_global.justHit.hook || _global.justHit.spike) { _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "hooked"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } deltaE_x = _x - targetEnemy._x; deltaE_y = _y - targetEnemy._y; enemyDir = (-Math.atan2(deltaE_x, deltaE_y)) / (Math.PI/180); b = 1; while (b < 4) { BloodName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + b; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + b, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(BloodName, _rotation , ((enemyDir + 180) + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20); setProperty(BloodName, _x , this._x); setProperty(BloodName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(BloodName, _y , this._y); setProperty(BloodName, _yscale , 40); b++; } if (targetEnemy.hook) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroHooked, "HeroTagged", _global.effectDepth++); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroSpiked, "HeroTagged", _global.effectDepth++); } with (_root.HeroTagged) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = enemyDir; if (targetEnemy.spike) { _rotation = _rotation + 180; } } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Hooked") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Hooked"); } removeMovieClip(targetEnemy); this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (_global.justHit.quill) { _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "stapled"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Stapled") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Stapled"); } removeMovieClip(targetEnemy); this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (_global.justHit.mite) { _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "split"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } x = 1; while (x < 3) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Spray") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + x)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 179; } BloodColor = new Color(eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + x)); BloodColor.setRGB(11800592); x++; } x = 1; while (x < 3) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroHalf, (this._name + "BodyHalf") + x, _global.heroDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "BodyHalf") + x)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } x++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Split") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Split"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (_global.justHit.hedgehog == "Crush") { _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "piked"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } b = 1; while (b < 4) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + b, _global.effectDepth++); BloodName = eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + b); with (BloodName) { _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } b++; } x = 1; while (x < 4) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Spray") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + x)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } BloodColor = new Color(eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + x)); BloodColor.setRGB(11800592); x++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroMangled, this._name + "Body", _global.heroDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Body")) { _x = targetEnemy._x; _y = targetEnemy._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Piked") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Piked"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (_global.justHit.hedgehog == "Ground") { _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "piked"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Piked") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Piked"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (_global.justHit.disk || _global.justHit.claw) { _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "sliced"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } deltaE_x = _x - targetEnemy._x; deltaE_y = _y - targetEnemy._y; enemyDir = (-Math.atan2(deltaE_x, deltaE_y)) / (Math.PI/180); b = 1; while (b < 3) { BloodName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + b; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + b, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(BloodName, _rotation , ((enemyDir + 180) + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20); setProperty(BloodName, _x , this._x); setProperty(BloodName, _y , this._y); b++; } if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroBisect, "HeroBisected", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.HeroBisected) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = enemyDir; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroTorso, "MyTorso", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.MyTorso) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = enemyDir + (int(Math.random() * 120) - 60); } } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroDecapitate, "HeroDecapitated", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.HeroDecapitated) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = enemyDir; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroHead, "MyHead", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.MyHead) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = enemyDir + (int(Math.random() * 120) - 60); } } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Sliced") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Sliced"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } else if ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror") && (_global.justHit.action != "collect")) { _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); targetEnemy = _global.justHit; _global.justHit = null; if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); } _global.HeroAction = "splattered"; if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sword, "mySword", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (_root.mySword) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } deltaE_x = _x - targetEnemy._x; deltaE_y = _y - targetEnemy._y; enemyRotation = (-Math.atan2(deltaE_x, deltaE_y)) / (Math.PI/180); splats = 1; while (splats < 6) { BloodName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + splats; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(BloodName, _rotation , ((enemyRotation + 180) + int(Math.random() * 180)) - 89); setProperty(BloodName, _x , (this._x + int(Math.random() * 30)) - 15); setProperty(BloodName, _y , (this._y + int(Math.random() * 30)) - 15); splats++; } splats = 1; while (splats < 4) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Spray") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + splats)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = ((enemyRotation + 180) + int(Math.random() * 180)) - 89; } BloodColor = new Color(eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + splats)); BloodColor.setRGB(11800592); splats++; } gibsNum = int(Math.random() * 6) + 8; gibs = 1; while (gibs < gibsNum) { GibName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Gib") + gibs; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Gib" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Gib") + gibs, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(GibName, _rotation , ((enemyRotation + 180) + int(Math.random() * 180)) - 89); setProperty(GibName, _x , this._x); setProperty(GibName, _y , this._y); gibs++; } _global.HeroKilled = true; if ((_global.SearchArray(_global.BadEnds, "Splattered") == null) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.BadEnds.push("Splattered"); } this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (_global.HeroAction != "flamed") { targetEnemy = _global.justHit; if (_global.justHit.exploded) { _global.GainAward("Survive Explosion"); } _global.justHit = null; deltaE_x = _x - targetEnemy._x; deltaE_y = _y - targetEnemy._y; enemyRotation = (-Math.atan2(deltaE_x, deltaE_y)) / (Math.PI/180); degreesToEnemy = enemyRotation - _rotation; if (degreesToEnemy < 0) { degreesToEnemy = degreesToEnemy + 360; } StaggerLink = "_root.HeroStagger"; if (_global.HeroAction != "staggered") { if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroWalkin); } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); } if (degreesToEnemy < 46) { StaggerLink = StaggerLink + "Down"; } else if (degreesToEnemy < 136) { StaggerLink = StaggerLink + "Left"; } else if (degreesToEnemy < 226) { StaggerLink = StaggerLink + "Up"; } else if (degreesToEnemy < 316) { StaggerLink = StaggerLink + "Right"; } else { StaggerLink = StaggerLink + "Down"; } if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { StaggerLink = StaggerLink + "Razor"; } duplicateMovieClip (eval (StaggerLink), "HeroStagger", _global.heroDepth++); setProperty(_root.HeroStagger, _x , this._x); setProperty(_root.HeroStagger, _y , this._y); setProperty(_root.HeroStagger, _rotation , this._rotation); _global.MakeNoise("Oomph"); if ((armorTab != null) && (armorTab.charge == 300)) { _global.MakeNoise("Armor Bump"); } if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerBumps++; if (_global.PlayerBumps >= 30) { _global.GainAward("30 Bumps"); } } } _root.Census.perfectRun = false; _global.HeroAction = "staggered"; } } if (_global.HeroAction == "none") { if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) == undefined) { if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroWalkRazor, "HeroWalkin", _global.heroDepth++); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroWalk, "HeroWalkin", _global.heroDepth++); } with (_root.HeroWalkin) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } } gotoSpotX = _root._xmouse; gotoSpotY = _root._ymouse; delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (turnMode) { _rotation = targetRotation; } speed = topSpeed; speed = speed - clutters.length; if (_root.HeroPointerGoo != undefined) { if ((_root.HeroPointerGoo._currentframe >= 12) && (_root.HeroPointerGoo._currentframe <= 55)) { speed = speed / 2; } } if (speed < 0) { speed = 0; } if (_root.HeroPointerSlickTag != undefined) { speed = 3; } sprintTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Sprint")); if ((((_global.RewardKey("Sprint") != null) && (Key.isDown(_global.RewardKey("Sprint")))) && (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) > (speed * 1.5))) && (sprintTab.charge >= 4)) {; didMove = false; ProjPosY = _y - ((speed * 1.5) * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((ProjPosY > 0) && (ProjPosY < 400)) { _y = ProjPosY; didMove = true; } else if (ProjPosY <= 0) { _y = 1; } else { _y = 399; } ProjPosX = _x + ((speed * 1.5) * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((ProjPosX > 0) && (ProjPosX < 550)) { _x = ProjPosX; didMove = true; } else if (ProjPosX <= 0) { _x = 1; } else { _x = 549; } if (didMove) { printName = "Footprint" + _global.effectDepth; if (int(_global.framesElapsed / 10) == (_global.framesElapsed / 10)) { _root.attachMovie("Sprint Footprint", printName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + printName)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; gotoAndStop(1); } } else if (int(_global.framesElapsed / 5) == (_global.framesElapsed / 5)) { _root.attachMovie("Sprint Footprint", printName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + printName)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; gotoAndStop(2); } } sprintTab.charge = sprintTab.charge - 4; } } else if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) > speed) {; ProjPosY = _y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((ProjPosY > 0) && (ProjPosY < 400)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else if (ProjPosY <= 0) { _y = 1; } else { _y = 399; } ProjPosX = _x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((ProjPosX > 0) && (ProjPosX < 550)) { _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else if (ProjPosX <= 0) { _x = 1; } else { _x = 549; } } else { _root.HeroWalkin.stop(); if (_global.RewardKey("Sprint") != null) { if (sprintTab.charge < 300) { sprintTab.charge = sprintTab.charge + 2; puffName = "Puff" + _global.effectDepth; if (int(_global.framesElapsed / 30) == (_global.framesElapsed / 30)) { _root.attachMovie("Sprint Puff", puffName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + puffName)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } } } } } with (_root.HeroWalkin) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } } else if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { passiveTime = 0; if (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe == _root.HeroSlashin._totalframes) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroSlashin); _global.HeroAction = "none"; if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroWalkRazor, "HeroWalkin", _global.heroDepth++); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroWalk, "HeroWalkin", _global.heroDepth++); } with (_root.HeroWalkin) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } if (killsOnSwing > 1) { CP = String(random(100)); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, (_name + "Multi") + CP, _global.markDepth++); setProperty((("_root." + _name) + "Multi") + CP, _x , this._x); setProperty((("_root." + _name) + "Multi") + CP, _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Multi") + CP); BountyObject.bounty = "x" + String(killsOnSwing); pointsOnSwing = pointsOnSwing * killsOnSwing; if (pointsOnSwing >= 300) { _global.GainAward("300pt Swing"); } if (pointsOnSwing >= 200) { _global.GainAward("200pt Swing"); } if (pointsOnSwing >= 150) { _global.GainAward("150pt Swing"); } if (pointsOnSwing >= 100) { _global.GainAward("100pt Swing"); } if (pointsOnSwing >= 75) { _global.GainAward("75pt Swing"); } if (pointsOnSwing >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50pt Swing"); } if (pointsOnSwing >= 20) { _global.GainAward("20pt Swing"); } } if (killsOnSwing > 0) { _global.Score = _global.Score + pointsOnSwing; if (killsOnSwing == 1) { consecCombo = 0; } else { consecCombo++; } if (consecCombo >= 10) { _global.GainAward("10 Straight Combos"); } } else { consecCombo = 0; } killsOnSwing = 0; pointsOnSwing = 0; _root.Census.CheckColors(); } } else if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { if (_root.HeroStagger._currentframe == 40) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroStagger); if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroWalkRazor, "HeroWalkin", _global.heroDepth++); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroWalk, "HeroWalkin", _global.heroDepth++); } with (_root.HeroWalkin) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.HeroAction = "none"; } } else if (_global.HeroAction == "bounceback") { if (_root.HeroBounce._currentframe == 30) { removeMovieClip(_root.HeroBounce); if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroWalkRazor, "HeroWalkin", _global.heroDepth++); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroWalk, "HeroWalkin", _global.heroDepth++); } with (_root.HeroWalkin) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.HeroAction = "none"; } } else if (_global.HeroAction == "flamed") { delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (turnMode) { _rotation = targetRotation; } if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) > speed) { ProjPosY = _y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((ProjPosY > 0) && (ProjPosY < 400)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else if (ProjPosY <= 0) { _y = 1; } else { _y = 399; } ProjPosX = _x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((ProjPosX > 0) && (ProjPosX < 550)) { _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else if (ProjPosX <= 0) { _x = 1; } else { _x = 549; } } else { gotoSpotX = _root._xmouse + (int(Math.random() * 100) - 50); gotoSpotY = _root._ymouse + (int(Math.random() * 100) - 50); } } else if (_global.HeroAction == "frozen") { if (frozenFrames > 0) { if ((wiggleTo == "up") && (_root._ymouse < (_y - 5))) { _y = (_y - 4); frozenFrames = frozenFrames - 5; wiggleTo = "down"; } else if ((wiggleTo == "down") && (_root._ymouse > (_y + 5))) { _y = (_y + 4); frozenFrames = frozenFrames - 5; wiggleTo = "up"; } frozenFrames--; } else { iceNum = int(Math.random() * 6) + 8; ice = 1; while (ice < iceNum) { Spread = int(Math.random() * 100); IceName = ((("_root." + this._name) + "Ice") + ice) + Spread; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Ice" + String(random(3) + 1)), ((this._name + "Ice") + ice) + Spread, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(IceName, _rotation , int(Math.random() * 360) - 179); setProperty(IceName, _x , this._x); setProperty(IceName, _y , this._y); ice++; } _global.MakeNoise("Icebreak" + (int(Math.random() * 3) + 1)); removeMovieClip(_root.HeroOnIce); if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroWalkRazor, "HeroWalkin", _global.heroDepth++); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroWalk, "HeroWalkin", _global.heroDepth++); } with (_root.HeroWalkin) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.HeroAction = "none"; _global.GainAward("Survive Ice"); } } if (eval (_root.HeroWalkin) != undefined) { with (_root.HeroWalkin) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } } if (eval (_root.HeroSlashin) != undefined) { with (_root.HeroSlashin) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } } with (_root.HeroSwing) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } if (_global.HeroAction == "staggered") { with (_root.HeroStagger) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } } if (_global.HeroAction == "bounceback") { with (_root.HeroBounce) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } } if (_global.HeroAction == "frozen") { with (_root.HeroOnIce) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } } _global.heroWasX = _x; _global.heroWasY = _y; } }
Instance of Symbol 2039 MovieClip "SpawnPoint" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { function SearchArray(ArraytoSearch, ItemtoFind) { x = 0; while (x < ArraytoSearch.length) { if (ArraytoSearch[x] == ItemtoFind) { return(x); } x++; } return(null); } this.addProperty("ChildCounter", this.getChildCounter, this.setChildCounter); noBoss = false; noBossTime = 0; musicSwitches = 0; ChildCounter = 0; _global.framesElapsed = 0; _global.QueenRevive = false; _global.Enemies = new Array(); _global.Hazards = new Array(); _global.activeEnemies = new Array(); _global.backgroundDepth = 50; _global.markDepth = 1000; _global.effectDepth = 2000; _global.baddieDepth = 3000; _global.heroDepth = 4000; _global.capDepth = 5000; if (_global.floorMode == "Random") { _root.attachMovie("Backdrop" + (int(Math.random() * 8) + 2), "Backdrop", _global.backgroundDepth++); } else { _root.attachMovie("Backdrop1", "Backdrop", _global.backgroundDepth++); } with (_root.Backdrop) { _x = 275; _y = 200; } if (_global.Rematch) { _global.activeEnemies.push("RazorQueen"); } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (Key.getCode() == 88) { _global.unbuildTo = "Menu"; } if (Key.getCode() == 78) { if ((_global.soundMode != "FX Only") && (_global.soundMode != "None")) { _global.playSong("nextSong"); musicSwitches++; if (musicSwitches == 5) { _global.GainAward("Next Song 5 Times"); } } } if (Key.getCode() == 77) { _global.playSong("tellMeAgain"); } if (Key.getCode() == 32) { if ((!HeroKilled) && ((_global.ClearTime == 0) || (_global.gameMode != "Single"))) { _global.pause = !_global.pause; if (eval (_root.PauseScreen) == undefined) { _root.attachMovie("Pause Blanket", "PauseScreen", 6645); with (_root.PauseScreen) { _x = 275; _y = 200; } _global.saveData(); } else { removeMovieClip(_root.PauseScreen); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { _global.GameTime = int(_global.framesElapsed / 30); if (!HeroKilled) { _global.framesElapsed++; if (_global.gameMode == "Bounty") { if (GameTime >= 60) { _global.GainAward("Survive 1 min"); } if (GameTime >= 120) { _global.GainAward("Survive 2 min"); } if (GameTime >= 180) { _global.GainAward("Survive 3 min"); } if (GameTime >= 240) { _global.GainAward("Survive 4 min"); } if (GameTime >= 300) { _global.GainAward("Survive 5 min"); } if (GameTime >= 420) { _global.GainAward("Survive 7 min"); } if (GameTime >= 600) { _global.GainAward("Survive 10 min"); } } if (int(_global.framesElapsed / 30) == (_global.framesElapsed / 30)) { _global.PlayTime++; MinutesPlayed = _global.Playtime / 60; if (MinutesPlayed >= 5) { _global.GainAward("5 min Playtime"); } if (MinutesPlayed >= 10) { _global.GainAward("10 min Playtime"); } if (MinutesPlayed >= 20) { _global.GainAward("20 min Playtime"); } if (MinutesPlayed >= 30) { _global.GainAward("30 min Playtime"); } if (MinutesPlayed >= 45) { _global.GainAward("45 min Playtime"); } if (MinutesPlayed >= 60) { _global.GainAward("60 min Playtime"); } if (MinutesPlayed >= 90) { _global.GainAward("90 min Playtime"); } if ((_root.HeroPointerGoo != undefined) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.PlayerGooTime++; if (_global.PlayerGooTime >= 60) { _global.GainAward("Stuck 1 Minute"); } } if (_global.gameMode == "Practice") { _global.PracticeSeconds++; if (_global.PracticeSeconds >= 600) { _global.GainAward("Practice 10 min"); } } } } bottomLine = 0; if (eval (_root.GrinderWall) != undefined) { bottomLine++; } if (eval (_root.myBoxGun) != undefined) { bottomLine++; } if (eval (_root.myDrone) != undefined) { bottomLine++; } x = 1; while (x <= _global.activeEnemies.length) { if (HeroKilled) { break; } spawnType = _global.activeEnemies[x - 1]; switch (spawnType) { case "Gloople" : spawnRate = 40; break; case "Oozle" : spawnRate = 5; break; case "Stickie" : spawnRate = 6; break; case "Biter" : spawnRate = 5; break; case "Meltie" : spawnRate = 4; break; case "Sharp" : spawnRate = 2; break; case "Clutter" : spawnRate = 3; break; case "Inkie" : spawnRate = 4; break; case "Grinder" : spawnRate = 2; break; case "Gray" : spawnRate = 0; break; case "Fuzzle" : spawnRate = 3; break; case "Torchie" : spawnRate = 2; break; case "Frostie" : spawnRate = 2; break; case "Amalgam" : spawnRate = 0; break; case "Queen" : spawnRate = 0; break; case "Horror" : spawnRate = 0; break; case "VoidEater" : spawnRate = 0; break; case "RazorQueen" : spawnRate = 0; } if (_global.gameMode == "Practice") { if (((_global.PracticeEnemies.length < 8) && (spawnRate < 3)) && (spawnRate != 0)) { spawnRate = 3; } if (((_global.PracticeEnemies.length < 5) && (spawnRate < 5)) && (spawnRate != 0)) { spawnRate = 5; } if (((_global.PracticeEnemies.length < 3) && (spawnRate < 7)) && (spawnRate != 0)) { spawnRate = 7; } if (((_global.PracticeEnemies.length == 1) && (spawnRate < 10)) && (spawnRate != 0)) { spawnRate = 10; } } if (_root.myChoker.jamming) { if (spawnRate > 0) { spawnRate = int(spawnRate / 2); } if ((spawnRate == 0) && (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1)) { _global.activeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.activeEnemies, spawnType), 1); noBossTime = 0; break; } } if (((((int(Math.random() * 1000) + 1) < spawnRate) && (_global.Enemies.length < (_global.spawnLimit + bottomLine))) || (spawnRate == 0)) || (((_global.gameMode == "Practice") && (Enemies.length == bottomLine)) && (int(Math.random() * 10) == 1))) { if (_global.gameMode == "Single") { if ((_global.Enemies.length >= (_global.KillsLeft + bottomLine)) || (_global.ClearTime != 0)) { break; } } if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { RazorQueenisOut = false; x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { RazorQueenisOut = true; } x++; } if (RazorQueenisOut) { break; } } GloopleName = ("_root." + spawnType) + String(ChildCounter); duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root." + spawnType), spawnType + String(ChildCounter), _global.baddieDepth++); switchVar = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; switch (switchVar) { case 1 : default : setProperty(GloopleName, _x , -5); setProperty(GloopleName, _y , int(Math.random() * 399) + 1); if ((spawnRate == 0) || (spawnType == "Oozle")) { setProperty(GloopleName, _rotation , 90); } break; case 2 : setProperty(GloopleName, _x , 555); setProperty(GloopleName, _y , int(Math.random() * 399) + 1); if ((spawnRate == 0) || (spawnType == "Oozle")) { setProperty(GloopleName, _rotation , -90); } break; case 3 : setProperty(GloopleName, _y , -5); setProperty(GloopleName, _x , int(Math.random() * 549) + 1); if ((spawnRate == 0) || (spawnType == "Oozle")) { setProperty(GloopleName, _rotation , 180); } break; case 4 : setProperty(GloopleName, _y , 405); setProperty(GloopleName, _x , int(Math.random() * 549) + 1); if (!((spawnRate == 0) || (spawnType == "Oozle"))) { break; } setProperty(GloopleName, _rotation , 0); } _global.Enemies.push(spawnType + String(ChildCounter)); if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, spawnType) == null) { EnemiesSeen.push(spawnType); } ChildCounter++; if (spawnRate == 0) { _global.activeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.activeEnemies, spawnType), 1); } } x++; } if (_global.backgroundDepth > 980) { _global.backgroundDepth = 50; } if (_global.markDepth > 1980) { _global.markDepth = 1000; } if (_global.effectDepth > 2980) { _global.effectDepth = 2000; } if (_global.baddieDepth > 3980) { _global.baddieDepth = 3000; } if (_global.heroDepth > 4980) { _global.heroDepth = 4000; } if (_global.capDepth > 5980) { _global.capDepth = 5000; } noBoss = true; x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if ((Enemies[x].slice(0, 5) == "Queen") || (Enemies[x].slice(0, 5) == "Amalg")) { noBoss = false; } x++; } if (noBoss) { noBossTime++; } else { noBossTime = 0; } if (noBossTime >= 300) { QueenRevive = false; _global.BossOnDeck = false; } } }
Instance of Symbol 2042 MovieClip "HeroSwing" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped && (_xscale != 150)) { _xscale = 150; _yscale = 150; } }
Instance of Symbol 1249 MovieClip [Splat2] "Splat2" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "Splat2") { stop(); } else { this.addProperty("marker", this.getMarker, this.setMarker); marker = null; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Splat2") && (!_global.pause)) { if (((_currentframe > 5) || (eval (marker) == undefined)) || (_currentframe < 5)) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 32) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1263 MovieClip [Splat3] "Splat3" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "Splat3") { stop(); } else { this.addProperty("marker", this.getMarker, this.setMarker); marker = null; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Splat3") && (!_global.pause)) { if (((_currentframe > 5) || (eval (marker) == undefined)) || (_currentframe < 5)) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 32) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2046 MovieClip "StickyMark" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "StickyMark") { mommy = true; } else { _visible = false; framesSitting = 0; daddySplat = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 10)); daddySplat.marker = this; _rotation = daddySplat._rotation; _global.Hazards.push(_name); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (daddySplat._currentframe == 5) { daddySplat.stop(); } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true) && (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined)) { suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if ((suitTab != null) && (suitTab.charge > 1)) { suitTab.charge = suitTab.charge - 2; } else if (_root.HeroPointerGoo == undefined) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Goo, "HeroPointerGoo", _global.capDepth++); _global.MakeNoise("Goo"); } _root.Census.perfectRun = false; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 8) == "myBoxGun") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 7) == "myDrone") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 5) == "Oozle") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 4) == "Gray") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 4) == "Void") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 6) == "Horror") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 7) == "Amalgam") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 5) == "Queen") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { } else { targetEnemy = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if ((targetEnemy._name.slice(0, 5) == "Sharp") && targetEnemy.spines) { } else if (hitTest(targetEnemy._x, targetEnemy._y, true)) { if (eval (("_root." + targetEnemy._name) + "Goo") == undefined) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Goo, targetEnemy._name + "Goo", _global.capDepth++); _global.MakeNoise("Goo"); } } } x++; } } framesSitting++; if (framesSitting >= 155) {; _global.Hazards.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Hazards, _name), 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2058 MovieClip "Goo" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "Goo") { stop(); } else { framesExisted = 0; hostObject = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 3)); if (hostObject._name.slice(0, 7) == "Clutter") { _xscale = hostObject._xscale; _yscale = hostObject._yscale; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Goo") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (eval (hostObject) == undefined) { removeMovieClip(this); } _x = hostObject._x; _y = hostObject._y; _rotation = hostObject._rotation; if (_currentframe == 12) { if (hostObject._name != "HeroPointer") { hostObject.speed = hostObject.speed / 2; } } if ((_currentframe == 30) && (hostObject._name.slice(0, 6) == "Meltie")) { _global.MakeNoise("Sizzle"); gotoAndPlay (41); } if ((_currentframe == 30) && (hostObject._name.slice(0, 7) == "Frostie")) { iceNum = 4; ice = 1; while (ice < iceNum) { IceName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Ice") + ice; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Ice" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Ice") + Ice, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(IceName, _rotation , (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 100)) - 59); setProperty(IceName, _x , this._x); setProperty(IceName, _y , this._y); ice++; } gotoAndPlay (55); } if ((_currentframe == 40) && (framesExisted < 166)) { gotoAndPlay (16); } framesExisted++; if (_currentframe == 55) { if (hostObject._name != "HeroPointer") { hostObject.speed = hostObject.speed * 2; } removeMovieClip(this); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2060 MovieClip "Bounty" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if ((_name != "Bounty") && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { this.addProperty(bounty, getBounty, setBounty); _visible = false; framesExisted = 0; pointTextFormat = new TextFormat(); pointTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; pointTextFormat.color = 0; pointTextFormat.size = 20; pointTextFormat.align = "left"; _root.createTextField(_name + "Text", _global.capDepth++, this._x, this._y, 100, 35); pointText = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Text"); pointText.embedFonts = true; pointText.selectable = false; } else if (_global.gameMode == "Practice") { removeMovieClip(this); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_name != "Bounty") && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) && (!_global.pause)) { if (framesExisted < 40) { if (bounty == 0) { pointText.removeTextField(); removeMovieClip(this); } if (framesExisted == 0) { leadingChar = bounty.slice(0, 1); if (leadingChar != "t") { pointText.text = bounty; } else { pointText.text = bounty.slice(1); } pointText.setTextFormat(pointTextFormat); if (((leadingChar != "x") && (leadingChar != "+")) && (leadingChar != "t")) { _root.HeroPointer.pointsOnSwing = _root.HeroPointer.pointsOnSwing + bounty; _root.HeroPointer.killsOnSwing++; if ((gameMode == "Single") && (KillsLeft > 0)) { _global.KillsLeft--; } } else if (leadingChar == "t") { pointsMade = Number(bounty.slice(1)); _global.Score = _global.Score + pointsMade; if ((gameMode == "Single") && (KillsLeft > 0)) { _global.KillsLeft--; } } else if (leadingChar == "x") { switch (bounty.slice(1, 2)) { case "8" : _global.GainAward("x8 Combo"); case "7" : _global.GainAward("x7 Combo"); case "6" : _global.GainAward("x6 Combo"); case "5" : _global.GainAward("x5 Combo"); case "4" : _global.GainAward("x4 Combo"); case "3" : _global.GainAward("x3 Combo"); case "2" : _global.GainAward("x2 Combo"); } } } _y = (_y - 0.5); pointText._x = this._x - 5; pointText._y = this._y - 5; framesExisted++; } else { pointText.removeTextField(); removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2062 MovieClip "ScoreDisplay" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { lastScore = 0; sinceChanged = 0; _visible = false; updateQue = new Array(); updateDelay = 0; myEffects = 0; scoreTextFormat = new TextFormat(); scoreTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; scoreTextFormat.color = 0; scoreTextFormat.size = 26; scoreTextFormat.align = "left"; _root.createTextField("scoreText", 7000, this._x, this._y, 100, 25); scoreText = _root.scoreText; scoreText.embedFonts = true; scoreText.selectable = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameMode != "practice") { if (((!HeroKilled) && ((_global.ClearTime < 110) || (_global.gameMode != "Single"))) && (!_global.pause)) { if (_global.Score > lastScore) { scoreText.text = String(_global.Score); scoreText.setTextFormat(scoreTextFormat); scoreText._alpha = 100; updateQue.push(_global.Score - lastScore); lastScore = _global.Score; sinceChanged = 0; if (_global.Score >= 3000) { _global.GainAward("Score 3000"); } if (_global.Score >= 2500) { _global.GainAward("Score 2500"); } if (_global.Score >= 2000) { _global.GainAward("Score 2000"); } if (_global.Score >= 1500) { _global.GainAward("Score 1500"); } if (_global.Score >= 1000) { _global.GainAward("Score 1000"); } if (_global.Score >= 750) { _global.GainAward("Score 750"); } if (_global.Score >= 500) { _global.GainAward("Score 500"); } if (_global.Score >= 350) { _global.GainAward("Score 350"); } if (_global.Score >= 200) { _global.GainAward("Score 200"); } if (_global.Score >= 100) { _global.GainAward("Score 100"); } if (_global.Score == 777) { _global.GainAward("Jackpot"); } } else if ((sinceChanged > 60) && ((_global.KillsLeft > 0) || (_global.gameMode != "Single"))) { if (scoreText._alpha > 0) { scoreText._alpha--; } } else { sinceChanged++; } if ((updateDelay == 0) && (updateQue.length > 0)) { pointsMade = updateQue.shift(); updateName = "bountyUpdate" + (myEffects++); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, updateName, _global.markDepth++); setProperty("_root." + updateName, _x , this._x - 20); setProperty("_root." + updateName, _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval ("_root." + updateName); BountyObject.bounty = "+" + String(pointsMade); updateDelay = 20; } else if (updateDelay > 0) { updateDelay--; } } else { scoreText._alpha = 100; } dist_x = _x - _root.HeroPointer._x; dist_y = _y - _root.HeroPointer._y; if ((Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)) < 50) && (scoreText._alpha > 50)) { scoreText._alpha = 50; } } }
Instance of Symbol 2065 MovieClip "Sword" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 2082 MovieClip "HeroAbsorbed" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroAbsorbed") { stop(); } else { hostObject = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 4)); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "HeroAbsorbed") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (eval (hostObject) == undefined) { removeMovieClip(this); } _x = hostObject._x; _y = hostObject._y; _rotation = hostObject._rotation; } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 787 MovieClip "Meltie" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "Meltie") { mommy = true; stop(); } this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); speed = 3; turnSpeed = 1; if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else { gotoSpotX = 275; gotoSpotY = 200; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180)); objectHitX = null; objectHitY = null; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } if (((_currentframe == 20) || (_currentframe == 40)) || (_currentframe == 60)) { switch (_currentframe) { case 20 : bubbleRotation = _rotation + 45; break; case 40 : bubbleRotation = _rotation - 90; break; case 60 : bubbleRotation = _rotation - 180; } if (bubbleRotation > 179) { bubbleRotation = bubbleRotation - 360; } if (bubbleRotation < -180) { bubbleRotation = bubbleRotation + 360; } PopName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Pop") + _currentframe; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Pop") + _currentframe, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(PopName, _rotation , bubbleRotation); setProperty(PopName, _x , this._x + (10 * Math.sin(bubbleRotation * (Math.PI/180)))); setProperty(PopName, _y , this._y - (10 * Math.cos(bubbleRotation * (Math.PI/180)))); setProperty(PopName, _xscale , 30); setProperty(PopName, _yscale , 30); PopColor = new Color(eval (PopName)); PopColor.setRGB(15898925); } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; SplatNum = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + SplatNum), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(15898925); duplicateMovieClip (_root.AcidMark, this._name + "SplatAcidMark", _global.markDepth++); with (eval (SplatName + "AcidMark")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; gotoAndStop(SplatNum); } _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _global.MakeNoise("Sizzle"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 10; _global.GainAward("First Meltie"); _global.KillCount("Meltie", 50); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Meltie") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Meltie"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (killedBy != null) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t10"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; SplatNum = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + SplatNum), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(15898925); duplicateMovieClip (_root.AcidMark, this._name + "SplatAcidMark", _global.markDepth++); with (eval (SplatName + "AcidMark")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; gotoAndStop(SplatNum); } _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _global.MakeNoise("Sizzle"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { objectHitX = _root.HeroPointer._x; objectHitY = _root.HeroPointer._y; _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { objectHitX = hitTarget._x; objectHitY = hitTarget._y; break; } } x++; } } if ((objectHitX != null) && (objectHitY != null)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; SplatNum = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + SplatNum), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (-Math.atan2(_x - objectHitX, _y - objectHitY)) / (Math.PI/180)); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(15898925); duplicateMovieClip (_root.AcidMark, this._name + "SplatAcidMark", _global.markDepth++); with (eval (SplatName + "AcidMark")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; gotoAndStop(SplatNum); } _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _global.MakeNoise("Sizzle"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2086 MovieClip "AcidMark" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "AcidMark") { mommy = true; } else { _visible = false; framesSitting = 0; daddySplat = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 8)); daddySplat.marker = this; _rotation = daddySplat._rotation; _global.Hazards.push(_name); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (daddySplat._currentframe == 5) { daddySplat.stop(); } if (daddySplat._currentframe == 5) { if (int(framesSitting / 10) == (framesSitting / 10)) { BubbleName = (("_root." + _name) + "Bubble") + _global.effectDepth; duplicateMovieClip (_root.AcidBubble, (this._name + "Bubble") + _global.effectDepth, _global.effectDepth++); BubbleDistance = int(Math.random() * 60); BubbleOffset = (_rotation + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20; setProperty(BubbleName, _x , this._x + (BubbleDistance * Math.sin(BubbleOffset * (Math.PI/180)))); setProperty(BubbleName, _y , this._y - (BubbleDistance * Math.cos(BubbleOffset * (Math.PI/180)))); } } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if ((suitTab != null) && (suitTab.charge > 1)) { suitTab.charge = suitTab.charge - 3; _root.Census.perfectRun = false; } else { _global.HeroAction = "melted"; _global.MakeNoise("Sizzle"); } } else { x = 0; for ( ; x < _global.Enemies.length ; x++) { if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 8) == "myBoxGun") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 7) == "myDrone") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 6) == "Meltie") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 7) == "Torchie") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 4) == "Void") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 6) == "Horror") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 5) == "Queen") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { } else { targetEnemy = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if ((targetEnemy._name.slice(0, 5) == "Sharp") && targetEnemy.spines) { } else if ((targetEnemy._name.slice(0, 5) == "Amalg") && (targetEnemy.burnProtection > 0)) { } else if (hitTest(targetEnemy._x, targetEnemy._y, true)) { if (targetEnemy._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") { targetEnemy.acidized = true; } else if (targetEnemy._name.slice(0, 7) == "Amalgam") { if (targetEnemy._xscale > 60) { targetEnemy._xscale = targetEnemy._xscale - 10; targetEnemy._yscale = targetEnemy._yscale - 10; targetEnemy.burnProtection = 60; _global.MakeNoise("Sizzle"); x = 1; while (x < 3) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.WhiteSmoke, (_name + "Smoke") + x, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Smoke") + x)) { _x = (targetEnemy._x + int(Math.random() * 60)) - 30; _y = (targetEnemy._y + int(Math.random() * 60)) - 30; } x++; } continue; } } else if (targetEnemy._name.slice(0, 6) == "Fuzzle") { if (targetEnemy.gracePeriod > 0) { continue; } if (targetEnemy.fuzz != undefined) { if (eval (("_root." + targetEnemy._name) + "Flame") == undefined) { if (eval (("_root." + targetEnemy._name) + "Goo") != undefined) { continue; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Flames, targetEnemy._name + "Flame", _global.capDepth++); } } else if (eval (("_root." + targetEnemy._name) + "GloopleMelt") == undefined) { targetEnemy.gotoAndStop(1); duplicateMovieClip (_root.GloopleMelt, targetEnemy._name + "GloopleMelt", _global.capDepth++); _global.MakeNoise("Sizzle"); } } else if (eval (("_root." + targetEnemy._name) + "GloopleMelt") == undefined) { targetEnemy.gotoAndStop(1); duplicateMovieClip (_root.GloopleMelt, targetEnemy._name + "GloopleMelt", _global.capDepth++); _global.MakeNoise("Sizzle"); } } } } } framesSitting++; if (framesSitting >= 155) {; _global.Hazards.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Hazards, _name), 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2091 MovieClip "GloopleMelt" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "GloopleMelt") { stop(); } else { hostObject = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 11)); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "GloopleMelt") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); _x = hostObject._x; _y = hostObject._y; if (_currentframe == 2) { if (eval (hostObject) == undefined) { removeMovieClip(this); } _x = hostObject._x; _y = hostObject._y; _rotation = hostObject._rotation; if ((hostObject._name.slice(0, 5) == "Oozle") || (hostObject._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray")) { _xscale = 170; _yscale = 170; } if (hostObject._name.slice(0, 7) == "Clutter") { _xscale = hostObject._xscale; _yscale = hostObject._yscale; } hostObject.gotoAndStop(1); hostObject.speed = 1; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, hostObject._name), 1); } if (_currentframe == 41) { removeMovieClip(hostObject); } if (_currentframe == 81) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (int(_currentframe / 5) == (_currentframe / 5)) { BubbleName = (("_root." + _name) + "Bubble") + _global.capDepth; duplicateMovieClip (_root.AcidBubble, (this._name + "Bubble") + _global.capDepth, _global.capDepth++); BubbleDistance = int(Math.random() * 20); BubbleOffset = int(Math.random() * 359) - 180; setProperty(BubbleName, _x , this._x + (BubbleDistance * Math.sin(BubbleOffset * (Math.PI/180)))); setProperty(BubbleName, _y , this._y - (BubbleDistance * Math.cos(BubbleOffset * (Math.PI/180)))); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2119 MovieClip "HeroMelt" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroMelt") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (_currentframe < 121) { play(); } if (_currentframe < 81) { if (int(_currentframe / 5) == (_currentframe / 5)) { BubbleName = (("_root." + _name) + "Bubble") + _global.capDepth; duplicateMovieClip (_root.AcidBubble, (this._name + "Bubble") + _global.capDepth, _global.capDepth++); BubbleDistance = int(Math.random() * 20); BubbleOffset = int(Math.random() * 359) - 180; setProperty(BubbleName, _x , this._x + (BubbleDistance * Math.sin(BubbleOffset * (Math.PI/180)))); setProperty(BubbleName, _y , this._y - (BubbleDistance * Math.cos(BubbleOffset * (Math.PI/180)))); } } if (_currentframe == 121) { stop(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2126 MovieClip "BloodPrint" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "BloodPrint") { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 774 MovieClip "Inkie" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "Inkie") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); this.addProperty("exploded", this.getExploded, this.setExploded); killedBy = null; exploded = false; speed = 4; turnSpeed = 2; duplicateMovieClip (_root.InkTrail, this._name + "Trail", _global.effectDepth++); if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else { gotoSpotX = 275; gotoSpotY = 200; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180)); objectHitX = null; objectHitY = null; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (exploded) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } if (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Flame") != undefined) { exploded = true; _global.MakeNoise("Explode"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.VoidPulse, _name + "Shockwave", _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Shockwave")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blastmark, this._name + "Blastmark", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Blastmark")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blackout, this._name + "Bright", 6000); with (eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Bright")) { _x = 275; _y = 200; _xscale = 1000; _yscale = 1000; } BlinkColor = new Color(eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Bright")); BlinkColor.setRGB(16777215); x = 1; while (x < 5) { FireName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Fire") + littleFires; duplicateMovieClip (_root.SmallFire, (this._name + "Fire") + littleFires, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FireName, _x , (this._x + int(Math.random() * 160)) - 80); setProperty(FireName, _y , (this._y + int(Math.random() * 160)) - 80); littleFires++; x++; } ashpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 2; x = 0; while (x < ashpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Ash") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Ash") + x)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } AshColor = new Color(eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Ash") + x)); AshColor.setRGB(0); x++; } FireName = ("_root." + this._name) + "BigFire"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.BigFire, this._name + "BigFire", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FireName, _x , this._x); setProperty(FireName, _y , this._y); if ((eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) && (_global.justHit == null)) { _global.justHit = this; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); toTargetX = _x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)) <= 250) { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } else if ((!hitTarget.wall) && (!hitTarget.tool)) { hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (30 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (30 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._rotation = targetDirection; } } x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { toTargetX = _x - targetHazard._x; toTargetY = _y - targetHazard._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)) <= 250) { targetHazard.killedBy = this; } } x++; } } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; SplatNum = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + SplatNum), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(0); duplicateMovieClip (_root.OilMark, this._name + "SplatOilMark", _global.markDepth++); with (eval (SplatName + "OilMark")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; gotoAndStop(SplatNum); } _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 8; _global.GainAward("First Inkie"); _global.KillCount("Inkie", 30); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Inkie") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Inkie"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (killedBy != null) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t8"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; SplatNum = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + SplatNum), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(0); duplicateMovieClip (_root.OilMark, this._name + "SplatOilMark", _global.markDepth++); with (eval (SplatName + "OilMark")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; gotoAndStop(SplatNum); } _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { objectHitX = _root.HeroPointer._x; objectHitY = _root.HeroPointer._y; _global.justHit = this; _root.Census.perfectRun = false; suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if ((suitTab != null) && (suitTab.charge > 1)) { suitTab.charge = suitTab.charge - 100; } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blackout, this._name + "Blackout", 6000); with (eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Blackout")) { _x = 275; _y = 200; _xscale = 1000; _yscale = 1000; } } } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { objectHitX = hitTarget._x; objectHitY = hitTarget._y; break; } } x++; } } if ((objectHitX != null) && (objectHitY != null)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; SplatNum = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + SplatNum), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (-Math.atan2(_x - objectHitX, _y - objectHitY)) / (Math.PI/180)); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(0); duplicateMovieClip (_root.OilMark, this._name + "SplatOilMark", _global.markDepth++); with (eval (SplatName + "OilMark")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; gotoAndStop(SplatNum); } _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2127 MovieClip "InkTrail" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "InkTrail") { mommy = true; } else { mommy = false; this.lineStyle(6, 0, 100); hostObject = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 5)); _x = 0; _y = 0; notset = true; if (eval (hostObject) != undefined) { this.moveTo(hostObject._x, hostObject._y); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (eval (hostObject) == undefined) { _alpha = (_alpha - 1); } else if (((hostObject._y > 0) && (hostObject._x > 0)) || (notset)) { this.lineTo(hostObject._x, hostObject._y); notset = false; } if (_alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2131 MovieClip "OilMark" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "OilMark") { mommy = true; } else { _visible = false; framesSitting = 0; this.addProperty("onFire", this.getOnFire, this.setOnFire); onFire = false; daddySplat = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 7)); daddySplat.marker = this; _rotation = daddySplat._rotation; _global.Hazards.push(_name); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (daddySplat._currentframe == 5) { daddySplat.stop(); } if (onFire) { ignitePointY = _y - (30 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); ignitePointX = _x + (30 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); FireName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Fire"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.BigFire, this._name + "Fire", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FireName, _x , ignitePointX); setProperty(FireName, _y , ignitePointY);; _global.Hazards.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Hazards, _name), 1); removeMovieClip(this); } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if ((suitTab != null) && (suitTab.charge > 1)) { suitTab.charge = suitTab.charge - 2; } else if (_root.HeroPointerSlickTag == undefined) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.SlickTag, "HeroPointerSlickTag", _global.markDepth++); } _root.Census.perfectRun = false; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 8) == "myBoxGun") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 7) == "myDrone") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 5) == "Inkie") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 7) == "Torchie") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 4) == "Void") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { } else { targetEnemy = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if ((targetEnemy._name.slice(0, 5) == "Sharp") && targetEnemy.spines) { } else if (hitTest(targetEnemy._x, targetEnemy._y, true)) { if (eval (("_root." + targetEnemy._name) + "SlickTag") == undefined) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.SlickTag, targetEnemy._name + "SlickTag", _global.markDepth++); } } } x++; } } framesSitting++; if (framesSitting >= 155) {; _global.Hazards.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Hazards, _name), 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2133 MovieClip "SlickTag" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "SlickTag") { } else { _visible = false; framesExisted = 0; hostObject = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 8)); hostTurnSpeed = 0; hostSpeed = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "SlickTag") && (!_global.pause)) { if (eval (hostObject) == undefined) { removeMovieClip(this); } _x = hostObject._x; _y = hostObject._y; if (framesExisted == 0) { if (hostObject._name != "HeroPointer") { if (hostObject._name.slice(0, 5) != "Frost") { hostSpeed = hostObject.speed; hostObject.speed = 3; } if (hostObject.fuzz < 1) { hostTurnSpeed = hostObject.turnSpeed; hostObject.turnSpeed = 0; } } else { hostObject.turnMode = false; } } if (framesExisted == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.InkTrail, _name + "Trail", _global.effectDepth++); } if (framesExisted >= 60) { if (hostObject._name != "HeroPointer") { if (hostObject._name.slice(0, 5) != "Frost") { hostObject.speed = hostSpeed; } if (hostObject.fuzz < 1) { hostObject.turnSpeed = hostTurnSpeed; } } else { hostObject.turnMode = true; } removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } }
Instance of Symbol 600 MovieClip "Fuzzle" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; fuzzRecover = 0; recoil = 0; if (_name == "Fuzzle") { mommy = true; stop(); } this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); this.addProperty("lunging", this.getLunging, null); this.addProperty("fuzz", this.getFuzz, this.setFuzz); this.addProperty("beenShaved", this.getBeenShaved, this.setBeenShaved); killedBy = null; lunging = false; speed = 4; turnSpeed = 4; fuzz = 2; furDecal = 0; if ((((_x < 0) || (_x > 550)) || (_y < 0)) || (_y > 400)) { switch (_x) { case -5 : if (_y < 200) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } else { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } break; case 555 : if (_y < 200) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } break; default : if (_y == -5) { if (_x < 275) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 500) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } } else if (_x < 275) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 500) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180)); } if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) == undefined) { if (_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } myFire = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Flame"); if (eval (myFire) != undefined) { if (myFire._currentframe > 30) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.BlackSmoke, _name + "BSmoke", _global.capDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "BSmoke")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } removeMovieClip(myFire); duplicateMovieClip (_root.FuzzleHairless, _name + "Hairless", _global.baddieDepth++); myFuzzle = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Hairless"); with (myFuzzle) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } beenShaved++; myFuzzle.beenShaved = beenShaved; if (beenShaved >= 3) { _global.GainAward("Shave Fuzzle 3 Times"); } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); _visible = false; removeMovieClip(this); } } if (fuzzRecover > 0) { fuzzRecover--; } if ((fuzz < 2) && (fuzzRecover == 0)) { fuzz++; } if (recoil > 0) { recoil--; } if (speedBoost > 0) { speedBoost = speedBoost - 0.5; } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true) && (recoil == 0)) { if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { FuzzName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Fuzz") + furDecal; duplicateMovieClip (_root.FuzzPuff, (this._name + "Fuzz") + (furDecal++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FuzzName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(FuzzName, _x , this._x); setProperty(FuzzName, _y , this._y); SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(13806391); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 14; _global.GainAward("First Fuzzle"); _global.KillCount("Fuzzle", 20); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Fuzzle") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Fuzzle"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (fuzz == 1) { FuzzName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Fuzz") + furDecal; duplicateMovieClip (_root.FuzzPuff, (this._name + "Fuzz") + (furDecal++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FuzzName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(FuzzName, _x , this._x); setProperty(FuzzName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Slice"); _rotation = ((_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); duplicateMovieClip (_root.FuzzleHairless, _name + "Hairless", _global.baddieDepth++); myFuzzle = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Hairless"); with (myFuzzle) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } beenShaved++; myFuzzle.beenShaved = beenShaved; if (beenShaved >= 3) { _global.GainAward("Shave Fuzzle 3 Times"); } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); _visible = false; removeMovieClip(this); } else { FuzzName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Fuzz") + furDecal; duplicateMovieClip (_root.FuzzPuff, (this._name + "Fuzz") + (furDecal++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FuzzName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(FuzzName, _x , this._x); setProperty(FuzzName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Slice"); fuzz--; fuzzRecover = 120; recoil = 20; _rotation = ((_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); speedBoost = 3; lunging = false; if (_currentframe > 85) { speed = speed / 2; } else if (_currentframe > 61) { speed = speed * 2; } gotoAndPlay (1); } } } } if ((killedBy != null) && (recoil == 0)) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t14"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; if (((killedBy._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") || (killedBy.exploded)) || (fuzz == 1)) { FuzzName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Fuzz") + furDecal; duplicateMovieClip (_root.FuzzPuff, (this._name + "Fuzz") + (furDecal++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FuzzName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(FuzzName, _x , this._x); setProperty(FuzzName, _y , this._y); SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(13806391); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { FuzzName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Fuzz") + furDecal; duplicateMovieClip (_root.FuzzPuff, (this._name + "Fuzz") + (furDecal++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FuzzName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(FuzzName, _x , this._x); setProperty(FuzzName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Slice"); fuzz--; fuzzRecover = 120; justBounced = 8; recoil = 20; bouncedOffX = killedBy._x; bouncedOffY = killedBy._y; } } if ((justBounced == 0) || (killedBy != null)) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (!lunging) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = _root.HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffY = _root.HeroPointer._y; _global.justHit = this; } else { _global.justHit = this; armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if ((armorTab == null) || (armorTab.charge != 300)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroChow, _name + "Chowing", _global.heroDepth++); myChow = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Chowing"); with (myChow) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); } } } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (!lunging) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } x++; } } if (justBounced != 0) { _global.MakeNoise("Boing"); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { BouncetoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { BouncetoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (BouncetoSpotX > 275) { BouncetoSpotX = 555; } else { BouncetoSpotX = -5; } } else if (BouncetoSpotY > 200) { BouncetoSpotY = 405; } else { BouncetoSpotY = -5; } _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(_x - BouncetoSpotX, _y - BouncetoSpotY)) / (Math.PI/180)); killedBy = null; } } else { justBounced--; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if ((speed > 4) && (!lunging)) { speed = 4; } if ((_rotation != targetRotation) && (!lunging)) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - ((speed + speedBoost) * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + ((speed + speedBoost) * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((!lunging) && (speed == 4)) && (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined)) { if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 120) { if (Math.abs(_rotation - targetRotation) < 20) { speed = speed * 0.5; gotoAndPlay (62); } } } if (_currentframe == 86) { speed = speed * 4; lunging = true; _global.MakeNoise("FuzzGrowl"); } else if (_currentframe == 106) { speed = speed / 2; lunging = false; } else if (_currentframe == 61) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2162 MovieClip "FuzzleHairless" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; fuzzRecover = 120; gracePeriod = 20; if (_name == "FuzzleHairless") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); this.addProperty("gracePeriod", this.getGracePeriod, null); this.addProperty("beenShaved", this.getBeenShaved, this.setBeenShaved); killedBy = null; speed = 4; turnSpeed = 4; if (_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } if (fuzzRecover > 0) { fuzzRecover--; } if (gracePeriod > 0) { gracePeriod--; } if ((_global.HeroAction == "attacking") && (gracePeriod == 0)) { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(13806391); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 14; _global.GainAward("First Fuzzle"); _global.KillCount("Fuzzle", 20); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Fuzzle") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Fuzzle"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if ((killedBy != null) & (gracePeriod == 0)) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t14"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(13806391); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (justBounced == 0) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = _root.HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffY = _root.HeroPointer._y; _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } } x++; } } if (justBounced != 0) { _global.MakeNoise("Boing"); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { BouncetoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { BouncetoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (BouncetoSpotX > 275) { BouncetoSpotX = 555; } else { BouncetoSpotX = -5; } } else if (BouncetoSpotY > 200) { BouncetoSpotY = 405; } else { BouncetoSpotY = -5; } _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(_x - BouncetoSpotX, _y - BouncetoSpotY)) / (Math.PI/180)); } } else { justBounced--; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if ((fuzzRecover == 0) && (_currentframe < 41)) { gotoAndPlay (41); } if (_currentframe == 40) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_currentframe == 81) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Fuzzle, _name.slice(0, _name.length - 8), _global.baddieDepth++); myFuzzle = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 8)); with (myFuzzle) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } myFuzzle.beenShaved = beenShaved; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); _global.Enemies.push(_name.slice(0, _name.length - 8)); _visible = false; removeMovieClip(this); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2259 MovieClip "HeroChow" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroChow") { stop(); } else { speed = 4; playsthrough = 0; splats = 0; daddyFuzzle = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 7)); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "HeroChow") && (!_global.pause)) { if ((_currentframe > 1) && (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } play(); if (_currentframe == 2) { x = 1; while (x < 3) { BloodName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + splats; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(BloodName, _rotation , (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20); setProperty(BloodName, _x , this._x); setProperty(BloodName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(BloodName, _y , this._y); setProperty(BloodName, _yscale , 40); splats++; x++; } } if (_currentframe == 3) { removeMovieClip(daddyFuzzle); } if (_currentframe < 15) { if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } } if ((_currentframe == 47) || (_currentframe == 77)) { BloodName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + splats; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(BloodName, _rotation , (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 120)) - 50); setProperty(BloodName, _x , this._x); setProperty(BloodName, _y , this._y); splats++; _global.MakeNoise("FuzzBite" + (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1)); } if ((_currentframe == 55) || (_currentframe == 85)) { BloodName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + splats; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(BloodName, _rotation , (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 50)) - 180); setProperty(BloodName, _x , this._x); setProperty(BloodName, _y , this._y); splats++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Spray") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + splats)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 360)) - 180; } BloodColor = new Color(eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + (splats++))); BloodColor.setRGB(11800592); _global.MakeNoise("Rend"); } if ((_currentframe == 72) && (playsthrough < 2)) { gotoAndPlay (42); playsthrough++; } if ((_currentframe == 110) && (playsthrough == 2)) { stop(); duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroChowed, "DeadHero", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.DeadHero) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Fuzzle, "Fuzzle00", _global.baddieDepth++); with (_root.Fuzzle00) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } removeMovieClip(this); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2266 MovieClip "OozleGlom" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; if (_name == "OozleGlom") { mommy = true; stop(); } this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); speed = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 2; _global.GainAward("Splat a Glom"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Oozle, "Oozle" + _name.slice(4), _global.baddieDepth++); _global.Enemies.push("Oozle" + _name.slice(4)); with (eval ("_root.Oozle" + _name.slice(4))) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (killedBy != null) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t2"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "BigSplat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "BigSplat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 170); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 170); _global.MakeNoise("Pop"); _global.MakeNoise("Splash"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (justBounced == 0) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = _root.HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffY = _root.HeroPointer._x; _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } x++; } } if (justBounced != 0) { BoingNoise = new Sound(); BoingNoise.attachSound("Boing Sound"); BoingNoise.onSoundComplete = function () { BoingNoise.stop(); }; BoingNoise.start(); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { gotoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { gotoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (gotoSpotX > 275) { gotoSpotX = 555; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; } } else if (gotoSpotY > 200) { gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotY = -5; } } } else { justBounced--; } if (justBounced > 0) { delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); _rotation = targetRotation; } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_currentframe == 31) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Gray, "Gray" + _name.slice(4), _global.baddieDepth++); _global.Enemies.push("Gray" + _name.slice(4)); with (eval ("_root.Gray" + _name.slice(4))) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 728 MovieClip "Gray" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "Gray") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("health", this.getHealth, this.setHealth); this.addProperty("hazard", this.getHazard, this.setHazard); this.addProperty("action", this.getAction, this.setAction); health = 3; recoil = 0; speed = 2; turnSpeed = 2; action = "none"; if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else { gotoSpotX = _x + 20; gotoSpotY = _y + 20; } if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Gray") == null) { EnemiesSeen.push("Gray"); } if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if ((_currentframe != 126) && (_currentframe != 127)) { play(); } if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } if (recoil > 0) { recoil--; if (recoil == 18) { action = "none"; } } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { distance_x = _x - _root.HeroPointer._x; distance_y = _y - _root.HeroPointer._y; adjustedRotation = (-Math.atan2(distance_x, distance_y)) / (Math.PI/180); impactPointY = _y - (10 * Math.cos(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); impactPointX = _x + (10 * Math.sin(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(impactPointX, impactPointY, true) && (recoil == 0)) { if (action != "gaurd") { health--; recoil = 20; action = "stun"; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(9803157); if ((health == 0) || (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "BigSplat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "BigSplat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 170); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 170); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(9803157); _global.MakeNoise("Pop"); _global.MakeNoise("Splash"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 35; _global.GainAward("First Gray"); _global.KillCount("Gray", 5); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Gray") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Gray"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { _global.MakeNoise("Slice"); } } else { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation - 90); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _global.HeroAction = "bounceback"; } } } } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Gloople") && ((int(Math.random() * 100) + 1) < 11)) { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, hitTarget._name), 1); _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); duplicateMovieClip (_root.GrayGlom, "Glom" + _name.slice(4), _global.baddieDepth++); _global.Enemies.push("Glom" + _name.slice(4)); Glommie = eval ("_root.Glom" + _name.slice(4)); with (Glommie) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = (-Math.atan2(this._x - hitTarget._x, this._y - hitTarget._y)) / (Math.PI/180); } _global.MakeNoise("Glom"); removeMovieClip(hitTarget); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } } x++; } } if (killedBy != null) { if ((((((killedBy._name.slice(0, 5) == "Sharp") || (killedBy._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray")) || (killedBy._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder")) || (killedBy.exploded)) || (killedBy._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror")) || (killedBy.claw)) { if (action != "gaurd") { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t35"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "BigSplat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "BigSplat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 170); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 170); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(9803157); _global.MakeNoise("Pop"); _global.MakeNoise("Splash"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { killedBy = null; } } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } hazard = false; if (_root.myLure.luring) { toHazardX = _x - _root.myLure._x; toHazardY = _y - _root.myLure._y; } else { toHazardX = _x - _root.HeroPointer._x; toHazardY = _y - _root.HeroPointer._y; } if (Math.sqrt((toHazardX * toHazardX) + (toHazardY * toHazardY)) <= 100) { if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { hazard = true; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hazTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if ((hazTarget.claw || (hazTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Sharp")) || ((hazTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") && (!hazTarget.wall))) { toHazardX = _x - hazTarget._x; toHazardY = _y - hazTarget._y; if (Math.sqrt((toHazardX * toHazardX) + (toHazardY * toHazardY)) <= 100) { hazard = true; } } } x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 6) == "Meltie") { p = 10; while (p < 70) { ProjPathX = _x + (p * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); ProjPathY = _y - (p * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if (targetHazard.hitTest(ProjPathX, ProjPathY, false)) { hazard = true; } p = p + 10; } } x++; } if (((action == "none") && (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined)) && (_currentframe < 55)) { if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 210) { if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) > 120) { if (Math.abs(_rotation - targetRotation) < 20) { gotoAndPlay (101); } } } } if (((hazard == true) && ((action == "none") || (action == "reel"))) && ((_currentframe < 55) || (_currentframe > 92))) { gotoAndPlay (55); speed = 1; } if ((_currentframe > 55) && (_currentframe < 93)) { speed = 0; action = "gaurd"; } if ((_currentframe > 92) && (_currentframe < 100)) { speed = 1; action = "none"; } if (((_currentframe == 51) || (_currentframe == 100)) || (_currentframe == 140)) { speed = 2; turnSpeed = 2; action = "none"; gotoAndPlay (11); } if ((_currentframe > 100) && (_currentframe < 126)) { speed = 1; action = "none"; } if ((_currentframe == 126) && (action == "none")) { speed = 0; turnSpeed = 0; stop(); action = "lance"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.GrayTip, _name + "Tip", _global.baddieDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Tip")) { _y = this._y - (25 * Math.cos(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = this._x + (25 * Math.sin(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.MakeNoise("GraySpear"); } if ((_currentframe == 126) && (action == "reel")) { gotoAndStop (127); } if ((_currentframe == 127) && (action == "none")) { speed = 1; turnSpeed = 2; play(); } if (action == "stun") { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2270 MovieClip "GrayBit" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "GrayTip") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!mommy) { if (_currentframe == 16) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2274 MovieClip "GrayTip" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; gotoSpotX = null; gotoSpotY = null; if (_name == "GrayTip") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("lancing", this.getLancing, null); killedBy = null; lancing = true; bowing = false; reeling = false; speed = 8; framesExisted = 0; tendrilBits = 0; buildAtY = _y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); buildAtX = _x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); daddyGray = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 3)); bankName = daddyGray._name; heroSpeared = null; gotoAndStop (1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (gotoSpotX == null) { gotoSpotX = _x + (210 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); gotoSpotY = _y - (210 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } if (((eval (daddyGray) == undefined) || (daddyGray.action == "stun")) || (daddyGray.action == "gaurd")) { lancing = false; bowing = false; reeling = false; x = 0; while (x < tendrilBits) { BitName = eval ((("_root." + bankName) + "Bit") + x);; x++; } play(); } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation - 90); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); lancing = false; bowing = true; framesExisted = 0; daddyGray.action = "reel"; _global.HeroAction = "bounceback"; } } } if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (lancing) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if ((armorTab == null) || (armorTab.charge != 300)) { _visible = false; duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroSpear, daddyGray._name + "HeroSpear", _global.heroDepth++); heroSpeared = eval (("_root." + daddyGray._name) + "HeroSpear"); with (heroSpeared) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } } else { lancing = false; bowing = true; framesExisted = 0; daddyGray.action = "reel"; } _global.justHit = this; } else { _global.justHit = this; } } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != daddyGray._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if ((((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "myBox") || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror")) || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder")) || ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray") && (hitTarget.action == "guard"))) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation - 90); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); if (lancing) { lancing = false; bowing = true; framesExisted = 0; daddyGray.action = "reel"; } } else if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Sharp") && (hitTarget.spines)) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation - 90); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); if (lancing) { lancing = false; bowing = true; framesExisted = 0; daddyGray.action = "reel"; } hitTarget.killedBy = this; } else { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } } x++; } } if (lancing) { delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) > speed) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); x = 0; while (x < tendrilBits) { BitName = (("_root." + daddyGray._name) + "Bit") + x; with (eval (BitName)) { _y = _y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = _x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } x++; } } else { lancing = false; bowing = true; framesExisted = 0; daddyGray.action = "reel"; _global.MakeNoise("GraySnap"); } } else if (bowing) { if (framesExisted < 11) { speed = 4; gotoSpotX = daddyGray._x; gotoSpotY = daddyGray._y; delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; moveRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveRotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveRotation * (Math.PI/180)))); position = "leftout"; x = 0; while (x < tendrilBits) { dirRotation = moveRotation; BitName = eval ((("_root." + daddyGray._name) + "Bit") + x); if (eval ((("_root." + daddyGray._name) + "Bit") + x) == undefined) { tendrilBits--; } else { with (BitName) { switch (position) { case "leftout" : _rotation = _rotation - 4.5; position = "leftfull"; break; case "leftfull" : dirRotation = dirRotation - 20; position = "leftin"; break; case "leftin" : dirRotation = dirRotation - 20; _rotation = _rotation + 4.5; position = "leftbridge"; break; case "leftbridge" : _rotation = _rotation + 0; position = "rightout"; speed = speed - 0.5; break; case "rightout" : _rotation = _rotation + 4.5; position = "rightfull"; break; case "rightfull" : dirRotation = dirRotation + 20; position = "rightin"; break; case "rightin" : dirRotation = dirRotation + 20; _rotation = _rotation - 4.5; position = "rightbridge"; break; case "rightbridge" : _rotation = _rotation - 0; position = "leftout"; speed = speed - 0.5; } _y = _y - (speed * Math.cos(dirRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = _x + (speed * Math.sin(dirRotation * (Math.PI/180))); } if (daddyGray.hitTest(BitName._x, BitName._y, true)) { BitName.removeMovieClip(); tendrilBits--; } } x++; } } else { bowing = false; reeling = true; _global.MakeNoise("GrayRetract"); } } else if (reeling == true) { speed = 4; nextBit = eval (("_root." + daddyGray._name) + "Bit1"); if (nextBit == undefined) { gotoSpotX = daddyGray._x; gotoSpotY = daddyGray._y; } else { gotoSpotX = nextBit._x; gotoSpotY = nextBit._y; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; moveRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveRotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveRotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _rotation = (moveRotation - 180); x = 0; while (x < tendrilBits) { dirRotation = moveRotation; BitName = eval ((("_root." + daddyGray._name) + "Bit") + x); if (eval ((("_root." + daddyGray._name) + "Bit") + x) == undefined) { tendrilBits--; } else { with (BitName) { nextBit = eval ((("_root." + daddyGray._name) + "Bit") + (x + 1)); if (nextBit == undefined) { gotoSpotX = daddyGray._x; gotoSpotY = daddyGray._y; } else { gotoSpotX = nextBit._x; gotoSpotY = nextBit._y; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; moveRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); _y = _y - (speed * Math.cos(moveRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = _x + (speed * Math.sin(moveRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = moveRotation - 180; } if (daddyGray.hitTest(BitName._x, BitName._y, true)) { BitName.removeMovieClip(); tendrilBits--; } } x++; } if (daddyGray.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { x = 0; while (x < 15) { BitName = (("_root." + daddyGray._name) + "Bit") + x; if (eval (BitName) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(eval (BitName)); } x++; } if (heroSpeared != null) { removeMovieClip(heroSpeared); _global.MakeNoise("Glom"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroSpearAbsorbed, daddyGray._name + "Hero", _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + daddyGray._name) + "Hero")) { _x = daddyGray._x; _y = daddyGray._y; _rotation = daddyGray._rotation; } daddyGray._xscale = 120; daddyGray._yscale = 120; daddyGray._alpha = 75; } daddyGray.action = "none"; removeMovieClip(this); } } if (lancing && (int(framesExisted / 2) == (framesExisted / 2))) { BitName = (("_root." + daddyGray._name) + "Bit") + tendrilBits; duplicateMovieClip (_root.GrayBit, (daddyGray._name + "Bit") + tendrilBits, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (BitName)) { _x = buildAtX; _y = buildAtY; _rotation = this._rotation; bitNumber = tendrilBits; } tendrilBits++; } framesExisted++; if (_currentframe == 16) { removeMovieClip(heroSpeared); removeMovieClip(this); } if (heroSpeared != null) { heroSpeared._x = this._x; heroSpeared._y = this._y; heroSpeared._rotation = this._rotation; } else { _visible = true; } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2290 MovieClip "HeroSpear" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroSpear") { stop(); } else { splats = 0; daddyGray = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 9)); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != "HeroSpear") { if ((_currentframe == 2) && (_global.HeroKilled)) { x = 1; while (x < 3) { BloodName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + splats; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(BloodName, _rotation , (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20); setProperty(BloodName, _x , this._x); setProperty(BloodName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(BloodName, _y , this._y); setProperty(BloodName, _yscale , 40); splats++; x++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Spray") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + splats)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation - 180; } BloodColor = new Color(eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + (splats++))); BloodColor.setRGB(11800592); } if ((_currentframe == 2) && (!_global.HeroKilled)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if ((_currentframe == 11) && (daddyGray.action == "lance")) { stop(); } if ((_currentframe == 11) && (daddyGray.action == "reel")) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 21) { stop(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2322 MovieClip "HeroSpearAbsorbed" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroSpearAbsorbed") { stop(); } else { hostObject = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 4)); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "HeroSpearAbsorbed") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (eval (hostObject) == undefined) { removeMovieClip(this); } _x = hostObject._x; _y = hostObject._y; _rotation = hostObject._rotation; } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 880 MovieClip "Torchie" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "Torchie") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("burning", this.getBurning, this.setBurning); this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); this.addProperty("exploded", this.getExploded, this.setExploded); killedBy = null; exploded = false; speed = 4; turnSpeed = 2; justBounced = 0; burning = true; littleFires = 0; framesBurned = 0; if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else { gotoSpotX = 275; gotoSpotY = 200; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180)); objectHitX = null; objectHitY = null; if ((((_x == -5) || (_x == 555)) || (_y == -5)) || (_y == 405)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Flames, _name + "Flame", _global.capDepth++); myFire = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Flame"); stop(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (exploded) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (eval (myFire) == undefined) { burning = false; framesBurned = 0; play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); burning = true; if ((framesBurned > 120) && (int(Math.random() * 100) == 1)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.WhiteSmoke, _name + "WSmoke", _global.capDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "WSmoke")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } removeMovieClip(myFire); } } if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } if (burning) { if (int(framesBurned / 8) == (framesBurned / 8)) { FireName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Fire") + littleFires; duplicateMovieClip (_root.SmallFire, (this._name + "Fire") + littleFires, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FireName, _x , this._x); setProperty(FireName, _y , this._y); littleFires++; } } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { if (burning) { exploded = true; _global.MakeNoise("Explode"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.VoidPulse, _name + "Shockwave", _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Shockwave")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blastmark, this._name + "Blastmark", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Blastmark")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blackout, this._name + "Bright", 6000); with (eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Bright")) { _x = 275; _y = 200; _xscale = 1000; _yscale = 1000; } BlinkColor = new Color(eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Bright")); BlinkColor.setRGB(16777215); x = 1; while (x < 5) { FireName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Fire") + littleFires; duplicateMovieClip (_root.SmallFire, (this._name + "Fire") + littleFires, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FireName, _x , (this._x + int(Math.random() * 160)) - 80); setProperty(FireName, _y , (this._y + int(Math.random() * 160)) - 80); littleFires++; x++; } ashpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 2; x = 0; while (x < ashpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Ash") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Ash") + x)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } AshColor = new Color(eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Ash") + x)); AshColor.setRGB(0); x++; } FireName = ("_root." + this._name) + "BigFire"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.BigFire, this._name + "BigFire", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FireName, _x , this._x); setProperty(FireName, _y , this._y); if ((eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) && (_global.justHit == null)) { _global.justHit = this; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); toTargetX = _x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)) <= 250) { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } else if ((!hitTarget.wall) && (!hitTarget.tool)) { hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (30 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (30 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._rotation = targetDirection; } } x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { toTargetX = _x - targetHazard._x; toTargetY = _y - targetHazard._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)) <= 250) { targetHazard.killedBy = this; } } x++; } } else { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(8207650); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 28; _global.GainAward("First Torchie"); _global.KillCount("Torchie", 6); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Torchie") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Torchie"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } if (killedBy != null) { if (burning) { exploded = true; _global.MakeNoise("Explode"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blackout, this._name + "Bright", 6000); with (eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Bright")) { _x = 275; _y = 200; _xscale = 1000; _yscale = 1000; } BlinkColor = new Color(eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Bright")); BlinkColor.setRGB(16777215); x = 1; while (x < 5) { FireName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Fire") + littleFires; duplicateMovieClip (_root.SmallFire, (this._name + "Fire") + littleFires, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FireName, _x , (this._x + int(Math.random() * 160)) - 80); setProperty(FireName, _y , (this._y + int(Math.random() * 160)) - 80); littleFires++; x++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blastmark, this._name + "Blastmark", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Blastmark")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } ashpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 2; x = 0; while (x < ashpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Ash") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Ash") + x)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } AshColor = new Color(eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Ash") + x)); AshColor.setRGB(0); x++; } FireName = ("_root." + this._name) + "BigFire"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.BigFire, this._name + "BigFire", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FireName, _x , this._x); setProperty(FireName, _y , this._y); if ((eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) && (_global.justHit == null)) { _global.justHit = this; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); toTargetX = _x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)) <= 250) { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } else if ((!hitTarget.wall) && (!hitTarget.tool)) { hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (30 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (30 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._rotation = targetDirection; } } x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { toTargetX = _x - targetHazard._x; toTargetY = _y - targetHazard._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)) <= 250) { targetHazard.killedBy = this; } } x++; } } else { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t28"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(8207650); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (justBounced == 0) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = _root.HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffY = _root.HeroPointer._y; _global.justHit = this; if (burning) { } } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; if (burning) { } break; } } x++; } } if (justBounced != 0) { _global.MakeNoise("Boing"); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { BouncetoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { BouncetoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (BouncetoSpotX > 275) { BouncetoSpotX = 555; } else { BouncetoSpotX = -5; } } else if (BouncetoSpotY > 200) { BouncetoSpotY = 405; } else { BouncetoSpotY = -5; } _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(_x - BouncetoSpotX, _y - BouncetoSpotY)) / (Math.PI/180)); } } else { justBounced--; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (burning) { framesBurned++; } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2327 MovieClip "GloopleBurn" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "GloopleBurn") { stop(); } else { hostObject = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 11)); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "GloopleBurn") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); _x = hostObject._x; _y = hostObject._y; if (_currentframe == 2) { if (eval (hostObject) == undefined) { removeMovieClip(this); } _x = hostObject._x; _y = hostObject._y; _rotation = hostObject._rotation; if ((hostObject._name.slice(0, 5) == "Oozle") || (hostObject._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray")) { _xscale = 170; _yscale = 170; } if (hostObject._name.slice(0, 7) == "Clutter") { _xscale = hostObject._xscale; _yscale = hostObject._yscale; } if (hostObject._name.slice(0, 7) == "Amalgam") { _xscale = (hostObject._xscale + 70); _yscale = (hostObject._yscale + 70); } hostObject.gotoAndStop(1); hostObject.speed = 1; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, hostObject._name), 1); } if (_currentframe == 41) { removeMovieClip(hostObject); duplicateMovieClip (_root.BlackSmoke, _name + "BSmoke", _global.capDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "BSmoke")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } } if (_currentframe == 81) { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2329 MovieClip "Gib1" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "Gib1") { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; speed = 8; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _rotation; rotateSpeed = int(Math.random() * 20) + 6; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Gib1") && (!_global.pause)) { if (speed != 0) { _rotation = (_rotation + rotateSpeed); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } framesAtSpeed++; } } }
Instance of Symbol 2331 MovieClip "Gib2" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "Gib2") { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; speed = 8; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _rotation; rotateSpeed = int(Math.random() * 20) + 6; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Gib2") && (!_global.pause)) { if (speed != 0) { _rotation = (_rotation + rotateSpeed); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } framesAtSpeed++; } } }
Instance of Symbol 2333 MovieClip "Gib3" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "Gib3") { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; speed = 8; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _rotation; rotateSpeed = int(Math.random() * 20) + 6; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Gib3") && (!_global.pause)) { if (speed != 0) { _rotation = (_rotation + rotateSpeed); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } framesAtSpeed++; } } }
Instance of Symbol 766 MovieClip "Horror" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "Horror") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("action", this.getAction, this.setAction); speed = 1; turnSpeed = 1; justBounced = 0; action = "none"; hookCount = 10; if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else { gotoSpotX = _x + 20; gotoSpotY = _y + 20; } if ((_global.soundMode == "All") || (_global.soundMode == "FX Only")) { myWhine = new Sound(this); myWhine.attachSound("HorrorAmb"); myWhine.start(0, 100); } if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Horror") == null) { EnemiesSeen.push("Horror"); } } } onClipEvent (unload) { myWhine.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe != 91) { play(); } if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (action == "collect") { impactPointY = _y; impactPointX = _x; } else { distance_x = _x - _root.HeroPointer._x; distance_y = _y - _root.HeroPointer._y; adjustedRotation = (-Math.atan2(distance_x, distance_y)) / (Math.PI/180); impactPointY = _y - (10 * Math.cos(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); impactPointX = _x + (10 * Math.sin(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); } if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(impactPointX, impactPointY, true)) { if (action == "collect") { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(2781657); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _global.MakeNoise("HorrorKill"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 50; _global.GainAward("First Horror"); _global.KillCount("Horror", 3); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Horror") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Horror"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation - 90); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _global.HeroAction = "bounceback"; if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { _rotation = ((_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); } } } } } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = this; } else if (justBounced == 0) { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { if (((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") || (hitTarget.action == "gaurd")) || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror")) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } x++; } } else if (justBounced == 8) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , this._rotation); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { BouncetoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { BouncetoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (BouncetoSpotX > 275) { BouncetoSpotX = 555; } else { BouncetoSpotX = -5; } } else if (BouncetoSpotY > 200) { BouncetoSpotY = 405; } else { BouncetoSpotY = -5; } _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(_x - BouncetoSpotX, _y - BouncetoSpotY)) / (Math.PI/180)); justBounced--; } else { justBounced--; } if (killedBy != null) { if (action != "collect") { if (killedBy._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t50"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "BigSplat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "BigSplat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 170); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 170); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(2781657); _global.MakeNoise("Pop"); _global.MakeNoise("Splash"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (killedBy.exploded || (killedBy.claw)) { toKillX = killedBy._x - _x; toKillY = killedBy._y - _y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); _rotation = killDir; SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); killedBy = null; } } else { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t50"; } SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(2781657); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } if (((action == "collect") && (speed == 0)) && (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 100)) { if ((((_y > 10) && (_y < 390)) && (_x > 10)) && (_x < 540)) { _y = (_y - (2 * Math.cos((_rotation + 180) * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (2 * Math.sin((_rotation + 180) * (Math.PI/180)))); } } if ((((action == "none") && (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined)) && (_currentframe < 71)) && (_currentframe > 40)) { if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) >= 70) { if (int(Math.random() * 100) == 1) { gotoAndPlay (102); _global.MakeNoise("HorrorHooks"); } } } if ((((action == "none") && (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined)) && (_currentframe < 71)) && (_currentframe > 40)) { if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) >= 150) { if (int(Math.random() * 100) == 1) { gotoAndPlay (72); _global.MakeNoise("HorrorSplit"); myWhine.stop(); myWhine.attachSound("HorrorDisk"); myWhine.start(0, 100); } } } if ((_currentframe == 21) || (_currentframe == 72)) { speed = 2; turnSpeed = 2; } else if (_currentframe == 31) { speed = 3; turnSpeed = 3; } if (_currentframe == 76) { speed = 1; turnSpeed = 1; h = 1; while (h < 5) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HorrorDisk, (_name + "Disk") + h, _global.baddieDepth++); myDisk = eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Disk") + h); diskRotation = (_rotation + ((h - 1) * 90)) + 45; with (myDisk) { _y = this._y - (20 * Math.cos(hookRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = this._x + (20 * Math.sin(hookRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = diskRotation; } h++; } action = "collect"; } if (_currentframe == 91) { speed = 0; disksBack = 0; stop(); h = 1; while (h < 5) { myDisk = eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Disk") + h); toDiskX = _x - myDisk._x; toDiskY = _y - myDisk._y; if (Math.sqrt((toDiskX * toDiskX) + (toDiskY * toDiskY)) <= 15) { disksBack++; } h++; } if (disksBack == 4) { speed = 1; action = "none"; play(); removeMovieClip(eval (("_root." + _name) + "Disk1")); removeMovieClip(eval (("_root." + _name) + "Disk2")); removeMovieClip(eval (("_root." + _name) + "Disk3")); removeMovieClip(eval (("_root." + _name) + "Disk4")); } } if (_currentframe == 101) { gotoAndPlay (1); myWhine.stop(); myWhine.attachSound("HorrorAmb"); myWhine.start(0, 100); } if (_currentframe == 102) { h = 1; while (h < 9) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HorrorHook, (_name + "Hook") + hookCount, _global.capDepth++); myHook = eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Hook") + hookCount); hookRotation = _rotation + ((h - 1) * 45); with (myHook) { _y = this._y - (30 * Math.cos(hookRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = this._x + (30 * Math.sin(hookRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = hookRotation; } hookCount++; if (hookCount > 99) { hookCount = 10; } h++; } } if ((_currentframe == 71) || (_currentframe == 131)) { action = "none"; speed = 3; turnSpeed = 3; gotoAndPlay (41); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2339 MovieClip "HorrorDisk" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "HorrorDisk") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); this.addProperty("disk", this.getDisk, null); disk = true; this.addProperty("moveDirection", this.getMoveDirection, this.setMoveDirection); killedBy = null; wayBack = false; speed = 8; turnSpeed = 6; speedBoost = 0; beenDead = 0; daddyHorror = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 5)); gotoAndStop (1); moveDirection = _rotation; justStruck = 0; if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; int(Math.random() * 80) - 40; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; int(Math.random() * 80) - 40; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = (_root.HeroPointer._x + int(Math.random() * 80)) - 40; gotoSpotY = (_root.HeroPointer._y + int(Math.random() * 80)) - 40; } else { gotoSpotX = 275; gotoSpotY = 200; } framesExisted = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if ((beenDead > 0) && (_currentframe < 31)) { play(); } if (beenDead == 0) { _rotation = (_rotation + 30); if (framesExisted > 120) { wayBack = true; turnSpeed = 30; } } if (speedBoost > 0) { speedBoost = speedBoost - 0.5; } if (justStruck > 0) { justStruck--; } if (wayBack) { gotoSpotX = daddyHorror._x; gotoSpotY = daddyHorror._y; } if ((eval (daddyHorror) == undefined) || (beenDead > 0)) { if (beenDead == 0) { play(); speed = 0; turnSpeed = 0; speedBoost = 0; } else if (beenDead < 150) { if (_currentframe == 31) { stop(); } } else if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } beenDead++; } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { if ((justStruck == 0) && (beenDead == 0)) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , moveDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } moveDirection = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30; speedBoost = 3; justStruck = 20; } } } } if (beenDead == 0) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != daddyHorror._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if ((((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") || (hitTarget.spines)) || (hitTarget.action == "gaurd")) || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror")) { if (justStruck == 0) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , moveDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); toMyX = hitTarget._x - _x; toMyY = hitTarget._y - _y; toMyDir = (-Math.atan2(toMyX, toMyY)) / (Math.PI/180); moveDirection = toMyDir; speedBoost = 3; justStruck = 5; hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } else { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } } x++; } } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (moveDirection > 180) { moveDirection = moveDirection - 360; } if (moveDirection < -180) { moveDirection = moveDirection + 360; } if (moveDirection != targetRotation) { if ((moveDirection >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (moveDirection > targetRotation) { if ((moveDirection - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { moveDirection = moveDirection - turnSpeed; } else { moveDirection = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - moveDirection) > turnSpeed) { moveDirection = moveDirection + turnSpeed; } else { moveDirection = targetRotation; } } else if ((moveDirection < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (moveDirection > targetRotation) { if ((moveDirection - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { moveDirection = moveDirection - turnSpeed; } else { moveDirection = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - moveDirection) > turnSpeed) { moveDirection = moveDirection + turnSpeed; } else { moveDirection = targetRotation; } } else if (moveDirection > targetRotation) { if (moveDirection < (targetRotation + 180)) { moveDirection = moveDirection - turnSpeed; } else { moveDirection = moveDirection + turnSpeed; } } else if (moveDirection > (targetRotation - 180)) { moveDirection = moveDirection + turnSpeed; } else { moveDirection = moveDirection - turnSpeed; } } if (beenDead == 0) { _y = (_y - ((speedBoost + speed) * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + ((speedBoost + speed) * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 30) { if (!wayBack) { gotoSpotX = daddyHorror._x; gotoSpotY = daddyHorror._y; wayBack = true; } else if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 15) { speed = 0.5; } else { speed = 8; } } else { speed = 8; } } framesExisted++; } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2342 MovieClip "HorrorHook" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "HorrorHook") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); this.addProperty("hook", this.getHook, null); hook = true; killedBy = null; framesLoose = 0; speed = 10; moveDirection = _rotation; daddyHorror = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 6)); gotoAndStop (1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (framesLoose < 30) { _rotation = (_rotation + 30); } if (framesLoose > 0) { if (framesLoose < 30) { speed = 3; } else if (framesLoose < 90) { speed = 0; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } framesLoose++; } if ((_global.HeroAction == "attacking") && (framesLoose == 0)) { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatDir = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , SplatDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(2781657); _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); moveDirection = SplatDir; gotoAndStop (2); framesLoose++; } } } if (framesLoose == 0) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _global.justHit = this; armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if ((armorTab != null) && (armorTab.charge == 300)) { SplatDir = _rotation - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , SplatDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(2781657); _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); moveDirection = SplatDir; gotoAndStop (2); framesLoose++; } } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != daddyHorror._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { Hit = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if ((((((((((((Hit == "myBo") || (Hit == "myDr")) || (Hit == "Bite")) || ((Hit == "Shar") && (hitTarget.spines))) || (Hit == "Grin")) || (Hit == "Oozl")) || (Hit == "Gray")) || (Hit == "Void")) || (Hit == "Horr")) || (Hit == "Quee")) || (Hit == "Razo")) || ((Hit == "Amal") && (hitTarget._xscale > 70))) { SplatDir = _rotation - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , SplatDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(2781657); _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); moveDirection = SplatDir; gotoAndStop (2); framesLoose++; } else { hitTarget.gotoAndStop(1); duplicateMovieClip (_root.BiterMorph, hitTarget._name + "Morph", _global.capDepth++); removeMovieClip(this); } } } x++; } } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _visible = false; this.removeMovieClip(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2347 MovieClip "BiterMorph" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "BiterMorph") { stop(); } else { hostObject = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 5)); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "BiterMorph") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (eval (hostObject) == undefined) { removeMovieClip(this); } _x = hostObject._x; _y = hostObject._y; _rotation = hostObject._rotation; if (_currentframe == 31) { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, hostObject._name), 1); removeMovieClip(hostObject); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Biter, "Biter" + _root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter, _global.baddieDepth++); with (eval ("_root.Biter" + _root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.Enemies.push("Biter" + _root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter); _root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter++; removeMovieClip(this); } } else if (_name != "BiterMorph") { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2357 MovieClip "HeroHooked" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroHooked") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != "HeroHooked") { if (_currentframe == 15) { stop(); } else { _y = (_y - (3 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (3 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2366 MovieClip "HeroBisect" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroBisect") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "HeroBisect") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe < 15) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 15) { stop(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2374 MovieClip "HeroDecapitate" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroDecapitate") { stop(); splat = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "HeroDecapitate") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe < 15) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 15) { stop(); if (!splat) { BloodName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Blood"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Blood", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(BloodName, _rotation , this._rotation); setProperty(BloodName, _x , this._x + (10 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); setProperty(BloodName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(BloodName, _y , this._y - (10 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); setProperty(BloodName, _yscale , 40); splat = true; } } else { _y = (_y - (3 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (3 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2379 MovieClip "HeroHead" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "HeroHead") { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 10) + 5; speed = 4; framesAtSpeed = 0; prints = 0; } else { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != "HeroHead") { if (speed != 0) { if (_currentframe == 30) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.BloodPrint, (_name + "print") + prints, _global.backgroundDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "print") + prints)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; gotoAndStop(6); } prints++; } _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 0.5; framesAtSpeed = 0; } framesAtSpeed++; } else { stop(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2384 MovieClip "HeroTorso" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroTorso") { stop(); } else { speed = int(Math.random() * 3) + 2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != "HeroTorso") { if (_currentframe == 15) { stop(); if (speed > 0) { BloodName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Blood"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Blood", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(BloodName, _rotation , _rotation + 180); setProperty(BloodName, _x , this._x); setProperty(BloodName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(BloodName, _y , this._y); setProperty(BloodName, _yscale , 40); speed = 0; } } else { _y = (_y - (Speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (Speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } }
Instance of Symbol 551 MovieClip "Frostie" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "Frostie") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); killedBy = null; framesExisted = 0; speed = 6; turnSpeed = 4; if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else { gotoSpotX = 275; gotoSpotY = 200; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180)); objectHitX = null; objectHitY = null; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } if (int(framesExisted / 3) == (framesExisted / 3)) { FrostName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Frost") + littleFrosts; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Frost, (this._name + "Frost") + littleFrosts, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FrostName, _x , this._x); setProperty(FrostName, _y , this._y); littleFrosts++; } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(16777215); duplicateMovieClip (_root.ColdBurst, this._name + "ColdBurst", _global.capDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "ColdBurst")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _global.MakeNoise("FrostiePop"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 8; _global.GainAward("First Frostie"); _global.KillCount("Frostie", 6); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Frostie") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Frostie"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (killedBy != null) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t8"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(16777215); duplicateMovieClip (_root.ColdBurst, this._name + "ColdBurst", _global.capDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "ColdBurst")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _global.MakeNoise("FrostiePop"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { objectHitX = _root.HeroPointer._x; objectHitY = _root.HeroPointer._y; _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { objectHitX = hitTarget._x; objectHitY = hitTarget._y; break; } } x++; } } if (((eval (("_root." + _name) + "Flame") != undefined) || (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Morph") != undefined)) || (eval (("_root." + _name) + "GloopleMelt") != undefined)) { objectHitY = _y - (5 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); objectHitX = _x + (5 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } if ((objectHitX != null) && (objectHitY != null)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (-Math.atan2(_x - objectHitX, _y - objectHitY)) / (Math.PI/180)); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(16777215); duplicateMovieClip (_root.ColdBurst, this._name + "ColdBurst", _global.capDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "ColdBurst")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _global.MakeNoise("FrostiePop"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } framesExisted++; } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1131 MovieClip [Frost] "Frost" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "Frost") { framesExisted = 0; this._rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Frost") && (!_global.pause)) { if (framesExisted < 30) { this._xscale--; this._yscale--; } else if (framesExisted > 59) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 10; } if (_alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2386 MovieClip "ColdBurst" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "ColdBurst") { framesExisted = 0; littleFrosts = 0; this._xscale = 1000; this._yscale = 1000; this._alpha = 50; _global.Hazards.push(_name); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "ColdBurst") && (!_global.pause)) { if (framesExisted < 6) { this._xscale = this._xscale + 100; this._yscale = this._yscale + 100; if (framesExisted > 2) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 20; } } else { _global.Hazards.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Hazards, _name), 1); removeMovieClip(this); } f = 1; while (f < 6) { setOutDir = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; setOutDist = int(Math.random() * 100) + 1; FrostName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Frost") + littleFrosts; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Frost, (this._name + "Frost") + littleFrosts, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FrostName, _x , this._x + (setOutDist * Math.sin(setOutDir * (Math.PI/180)))); setProperty(FrostName, _y , this._y - (setOutDist * Math.cos(setOutDir * (Math.PI/180)))); littleFrosts++; f++; } if (framesExisted == 2) { if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { if (_root.HeroPointerGoo == undefined) { suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if ((suitTab != null) && (suitTab.charge > 1)) { suitTab.charge = suitTab.charge - 50; _root.Census.perfectRun = false; } else { _global.HeroAction = "frozen"; toHero_x = _x - _root.HeroPointer._x; toHero_y = _y - _root.HeroPointer._y; heroDist = Math.sqrt((toHero_x * toHero_x) + (toHero_y * toHero_y)); _root.HeroPointer.frozenFrames = 120 - heroDist; _root.Census.perfectRun = false; } } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 8) == "myBoxGun") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 7) == "myDrone") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 4) == "Void") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 7) == "Frostie") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 5) == "Queen") { } else if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { } else if (eval (("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]) + "Goo") != undefined) { } else { targetEnemy = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if ((targetEnemy._name.slice(0, 7) == "Torchie") && targetEnemy.burning) { } else if (hitTest(targetEnemy._x, targetEnemy._y, true)) { if (targetEnemy._name.slice(targetEnemy._name.length - 6) != "Frozen") { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Frozen, targetEnemy._name + "Frozen", _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + targetEnemy._name) + "Frozen")) { _x = targetEnemy._x; _y = targetEnemy._y; _rotation = targetEnemy._rotation; if (((targetEnemy._name.slice(0, 5) == "Oozle") || (targetEnemy._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray")) || (targetEnemy._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror")) { _xscale = 170; _yscale = 170; } else if (targetEnemy._name.slice(0, 7) == "Clutter") { _xscale = targetEnemy._xscale; _yscale = targetEnemy._yscale; } else if (targetEnemy._name.slice(0, 7) == "Amalgam") { _xscale = targetEnemy._xscale + 70; _xscale = targetEnemy._yscale + 70; } } } } } x++; } } framesExisted++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2389 MovieClip "Frozen" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "Frozen") { stop(); } else { stop(); framesExisted = 0; hostObject = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 6)); hostName = hostObject._name; numDigs = 0; brokeTo = null; gimpedHorror = false; if (hostName.slice(hostName.length - 4) != Number(hostName.slice(hostName.length - 4))) { if (hostName.slice(hostName.length - 3) != Number(hostName.slice(hostName.length - 3))) { if (hostName.slice(hostName.length - 2) != Number(hostName.slice(hostName.length - 2))) { numDigs = 1; } else { numDigs = 2; } } else { numDigs = 3; } } else { numDigs = 4; } hostArch = "_root." + hostName.slice(0, hostName.length - numDigs); _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, hostName), 1); removeMovieClip(hostObject); _global.Enemies.push(_name); if (hostArch == "_root.Meltie") { framesExisted = 60; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Frozen") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe == 1) { if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { brokeTo = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30; } } } if (killedBy != null) { toKillX = killedBy._x - _x; toKillY = killedBy._y - _y; brokeTo = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); } if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { toKillX = _root.HeroPointer._x - _x; toKillY = _root.HeroPointer._y - _y; brokeTo = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { toKillX = hitTarget._x - _x; toKillY = hitTarget._y - _y; brokeTo = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); } } x++; } } if (broketo != null) { iceNum = int(Math.random() * 6) + 8; if (_xscale > 101) { iceNum = iceNum + 5; } ice = 1; while (ice < iceNum) { IceName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Ice") + ice; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Ice" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Ice") + Ice, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(IceName, _rotation , (brokeTo + int(Math.random() * 100)) - 59); setProperty(IceName, _x , this._x); setProperty(IceName, _y , this._y); ice++; } FrostName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Frost"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Frost, this._name + "Frost", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(FrostName, _x , this._x); setProperty(FrostName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Icebreak" + (int(Math.random() * 3) + 1)); _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (framesExisted > 120) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 10) { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); duplicateMovieClip (eval (hostArch), hostName, _global.baddieDepth++); hostObject = eval ("_root." + hostName); hostObject._x = this._x; hostObject._y = this._y; hostObject._rotation = this._rotation; if (hostArch == "_root.Clutter") { hostObject._xscale = this._xscale; hostObject._yscale = this._yscale; } _global.Enemies.push(hostName); _global.Hazards.push(_name.slice(2)); } else if (_currentframe == 31) { stop(); if (framesExisted > 200) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } } if (_alpha <= 0) { _global.Hazards.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Hazards, _name.slice(2)), 1); removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2391 MovieClip "Ice1" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "Ice1") { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; speed = 8; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _rotation; rotateSpeed = int(Math.random() * 15) + 6; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Ice1") && (!_global.pause)) { if (speed != 0) { _rotation = (_rotation + rotateSpeed); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } } else if (framesAtSpeed > 90) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2393 MovieClip "Ice2" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "Ice2") { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; speed = 8; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _rotation; rotateSpeed = int(Math.random() * 15) + 6; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Ice2") && (!_global.pause)) { if (speed != 0) { _rotation = (_rotation + rotateSpeed); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } } else if (framesAtSpeed > 90) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2395 MovieClip "Ice3" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "Ice3") { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; speed = 8; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _rotation; rotateSpeed = int(Math.random() * 15) + 6; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Ice3") && (!_global.pause)) { if (speed != 0) { _rotation = (_rotation + rotateSpeed); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } } else if (framesAtSpeed > 90) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2398 MovieClip "SwordCold" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 2401 MovieClip "HeroFrozen" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 2403 MovieClip "FPSdisplay" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { FramesThisSecond = 0; ThisSecond = 0; LastSecond = 0; _visible = false; _root.createTextField("FPSText", _global.capDepth++, this._x, this._y, 20, 10); myText = _root.FPSText; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.showFPS) { myText._visible = false; } if (myText.autoSize != "right") { myText.text = " "; myText.type = "dynamic"; myText.autoSize = "right"; myText._alpha = 75; myText.selectable = false; myFormat = new TextFormat(); myFormat.font = "Arial"; myFormat.Color = 0; myFormat.size = 18; myFormat.bold = true; myText.setTextFormat(myFormat); myText.setNewTextFormat(myFormat); } FramesThisSecond++; ThisSecond = getTimer(); if (ThisSecond >= ((LastSecond * 1000) + 1000)) { myText.text = String(FramesThisSecond); myText.Color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; FramesThisSecond = 0; LastSecond = Math.round(ThisSecond / 1000); } else { myText.Color = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 508 MovieClip "Amalgam" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "Amalgam") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("burnProtection", this.getBurnProtection, this.setBurnProtection); recoil = 20; stuffEaten = 0; justBounced = 0; burnProtection = 0; speed = 3; turnSpeed = 4; Splitting = false; if (_root.myLure.luring && (_xscale > 70)) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if ((eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) && (_xscale > 70)) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 490) + 26; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 340) + 26; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_root.myLure.luring && (_xscale > 70)) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if ((eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) && (_xscale > 70)) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } speed = 3 + (0.1 * ((100 - _xscale) / 5)); if (speed < 0.5) { speed = 0.5; } turnSpeed = 4 + (0.2 * ((100 - _xscale) / 5)); if (turnSpeed < 1) { turnSpeed = 1; } if (burnProtection > 0) { burnProtection--; } if (recoil > 0) { recoil--; speed = speed / 2; turnSpeed = turnSpeed / 2; } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { myFatness = int(((_xscale - 50) / 10) * 2); if (myFatness > 0) { distance_x = _x - _root.HeroPointer._x; distance_y = _y - _root.HeroPointer._y; adjustedRotation = (-Math.atan2(distance_x, distance_y)) / (Math.PI/180); impactPointY = _y - (myFatness * Math.cos(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); impactPointX = _x + (myFatness * Math.sin(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); } else { impactPointY = _y; impactPointX = _x; } if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(impactPointX, impactPointY, true) && (recoil == 0)) { recoil = 20; _xscale = (_xscale - 10); _yscale = (_yscale - 10); if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { _xscale = (_xscale - 10); _yscale = (_yscale - 10); } SplatNum = "Splat" + String(random(20)); SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + SplatNum; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + SplatNum, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(11589714); _global.MakeNoise("Slice"); if (_xscale == 70) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 490) + 26; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 340) + 26; } if (_xscale < 50) { _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 30; _global.GainAward("First Amalgam"); _global.KillCount("Amalgam", 15); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Amalgam") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Amalgam"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (_xscale >= 70) { if ((int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) == 1) { SpitDir = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30; KidName = "Amalgam" + String(_root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter++); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Amalgam, KidName, _global.baddieDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + KidName)) { _x = this._x + ((_xscale - 50) * Math.sin(SpitDir * (Math.PI/180))); _y = this._y - ((_xscale - 50) * Math.cos(SpitDir * (Math.PI/180))); _xscale = 50; _yscale = 50; _rotation = SpitDir; } _global.Enemies.push(KidName); } } } } } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { if (_xscale > 70) { _global.justHit = this; } else if (justBounced == 0) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = _root.HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffY = _root.HeroPointer._y; _global.justHit = this; } } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { TouchWhat = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if (((((hitTarget.tool || (TouchWhat == "Quee")) || (TouchWhat == "Grin")) || (TouchWhat == "Void")) || (TouchWhat == "Horr")) || (((TouchWhat == "Amal") && (hitTarget._xscale > 90)) && (_xscale > 90))) { if (justBounced == 0) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; } } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, hitTarget._name), 1); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Absorbing, "Yum" + String(stuffEaten), _global.effectDepth++); Slurp = eval ("_root.Yum" + String(stuffEaten++)); with (Slurp) { _x = hitTarget._x; _y = hitTarget._y; _rotation = (-Math.atan2(this._x - hitTarget._x, this._y - hitTarget._y)) / (Math.PI/180); } if ((TouchWhat == "Gray") || (TouchWhat == "Oozl")) { with (Slurp) { _xscale = 170; _yscale = 170; } } _global.MakeNoise("Glom"); _xscale = (_xscale + 10); _yscale = (_yscale + 10); if (((TouchWhat == "Gray") || (TouchWhat == "Oozl")) || ((TouchWhat == "Amal") && (hitTarget._xscale > 70))) { _xscale = (_xscale + 20); _yscale = (_yscale + 20); } removeMovieClip(hitTarget); } } } x++; } } if (killedBy != null) { killName = killedBy._name.slice(0, 4); if ((((((killName == "Horr") || (killedBy.exploded)) || (killedBy.claw)) || (killName == "Grin")) || (killName == "Razo")) || (killName == "Gray")) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t30"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; if (_xscale > 70) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "BigSplat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "BigSplat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 170); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 170); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(11589714); _global.MakeNoise("Pop"); _global.MakeNoise("Splash"); } else { SplatNum = "Splat" + String(random(20)); SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + SplatNum; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + SplatNum, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(11589714); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } if ((justBounced != 0) && (bouncedOffX != null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Boing"); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { BouncetoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { BouncetoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (BouncetoSpotX > 275) { BouncetoSpotX = 555; } else { BouncetoSpotX = -5; } } else if (BouncetoSpotY > 200) { BouncetoSpotY = 405; } else { BouncetoSpotY = -5; } _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(_x - BouncetoSpotX, _y - BouncetoSpotY)) / (Math.PI/180)); bouncedOffX = null; } else if (justBounced > 0) { justBounced--; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 490) + 26; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 340) + 26; } if (_currentframe == 61) { if ((_xscale > 130) && ((int(Math.random() * 5) + 1) == 1)) { Splitting = true; } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } } if (_currentframe == 81) { SplatNum = "Splat" + String(random(20)); SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + SplatNum; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + SplatNum, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , this._rotation); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(11589714); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); SpitDir = _rotation + 90; newSize = _xscale * 0.8; newSize = int(newSize / 5) * 5; KidName = "Amalgam" + String(_root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter++); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Amalgam, KidName, _global.baddieDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + KidName)) { _x = this._x + ((newSize / 2) * Math.sin(SpitDir * (Math.PI/180))); _y = this._y - ((newSize / 2) * Math.cos(SpitDir * (Math.PI/180))); _xscale = newSize; _yscale = newSize; _rotation = SpitDir; } _global.Enemies.push(KidName); _rotation = (_rotation - 90); _xscale = newSize; _yscale = newSize; _x = (_x + ((oldSize / 2) * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - ((oldSize / 2) * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); Splitting = false; gotoAndPlay (1); } } else if (!mommy) { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2406 MovieClip "Absorbing" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "Absorbing") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != "Absorbing") { if (!_global.pause) { play(); if (_currentframe == 16) { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { stop(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2420 MovieClip "QueenLarva" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "QueenLarva") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); killedBy = null; nearTarget = 0; speed = 1; turnSpeed = 2; _rotation = (int(Math.random() * 360) - 179); mommyQueen = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 6)); gotoSpotX = 275; gotoSpotY = 200; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (int(Math.random() * 200) == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("LarvaSpawn"); } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(16206387); _global.MakeNoise("LarvaCrunch"); mommyQueen.larva--; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } nearTarget = 1000; if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(16206387); _global.MakeNoise("LarvaCrunch"); mommyQueen.larva--; this.removeMovieClip(); } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != mommyQueen._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); Targ = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (((((((((Targ == "myBo") || (Targ == "myDr")) || (Targ == "Grin")) || (hitTarget.spines)) || (hitTarget.action == "gaurd")) || (Targ == "Horr")) || (Targ == "Quee")) || (Targ == "Razo")) || (Targ == "Void")) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(16206387); _global.MakeNoise("LarvaCrunch"); mommyQueen.larva--; this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Seed") == undefined) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.QueenSeed, hitTarget._name + "Seed", _global.effectDepth++); seedName = eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Seed"); seedName.mommyQueen = mommyQueen; hitTarget._alpha = 70; mommyQueen.larva--; this.removeMovieClip(); } } else if (((((Targ != "Grin") && (Targ != "Horr")) && (Targ != "Gray")) && (Targ != "Razo")) && (Targ != "Void")) { deltaX = _x - hitTarget._x; deltaY = _y - hitTarget._y; toGloople = Math.sqrt((deltaX * deltaX) + (deltaY * deltaY)); if (toGloople < nearTarget) { gotoSpotX = hitTarget._x; gotoSpotY = hitTarget._y; nearTarget = toGloople; } } } x++; } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { mommyQueen.larva--; this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2422 MovieClip "GameControl" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { deadFor = null; GlooplesInGame = 0; _global.BossOnDeck = false; frameInterval = interval * 30; UserClicked = false; NoticeQue = new Array(); NoticeWait = 0; if (_global.gameMode == "Single") { _global.KillsLeft = _global.NestSize; foundQueen = false; _global.ClearTime = 0; _root.attachMovie("Nest Counter", "NestCount", 6500); with (_root.NestCount) { _x = 135; _y = 380; } } if (_global.gameMode == "Practice") { _root.attachMovie("To Exit Practice", "ExitSign", 6500); with (_root.ExitSign) { _x = 270; _y = 380; ExitBlink = true; } } if (_global.HardcoreMode && ((_global.gameMode == "Single") || (_global.gameMode == "Bounty"))) { x = 0; while (x < _global.EnemySet.length) { if (_global.SearchArray(_global.EnemiesSeen, _global.EnemySet[x]) != null) { _global.activeEnemies.push(_global.EnemySet[x]); } x++; } GlooplesInGame = _global.activeEnemies.length - 1; } _global.playSong("juke"); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (ClearTime > 160) { UserClicked = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.RazorGlaiveUnlocked && (SwordUnlockStatus == 0)) { SwordUnlockStatus = 1; } if (!_global.pause) { switch (_global.gameMode) { case "Bounty" : if ((GameTime > (interval * GlooplesInGame)) && (GlooplesInGame < _global.EnemySet.length)) { _global.activeEnemies.push(_global.EnemySet[GlooplesInGame]); GlooplesInGame++; } if ((GlooplesInGame > (_global.EnemySet.length / 2)) && ((GameTime > 60) || (!_global.HardcoreMode))) { if (((int(framesElapsed / frameInterval) == (framesElapsed / frameInterval)) && (!_global.BossOnDeck)) && (int(Math.random() * 15) == 1)) { _global.activeEnemies.push("Amalgam"); _global.BossOnDeck = true; } } if ((GlooplesInGame == _global.EnemySet.length) && ((GameTime > 120) || (!_global.HardcoreMode))) { if (((int(framesElapsed / (frameInterval * 2)) == (framesElapsed / (frameInterval * 2))) && (!_global.BossOnDeck)) && (int(Math.random() * 5) == 1)) { if ((_global.EnemiesSeen.length >= 17) && ((int(Math.random() * 100) + 1) <= 40)) { _global.activeEnemies.push("RazorQueen"); } else { _global.activeEnemies.push("Queen"); } _global.BossOnDeck = true; } } break; case "Single" : bottomLine = 0; if (eval (_root.GrinderWall) != undefined) { bottomLine++; } if (eval (_root.myBoxGun) != undefined) { bottomLine++; } if (eval (_root.myDrone) != undefined) { bottomLine++; } if ((GameTime > (30 * GlooplesInGame)) && (GlooplesInGame < _global.EnemySet.length)) { _global.activeEnemies.push(_global.EnemySet[GlooplesInGame]); GlooplesInGame++; } if (KillsLeft < (NestSize / 2)) { if (((int(framesElapsed / frameInterval) == (framesElapsed / frameInterval)) && (!_global.BossOnDeck)) && (int(Math.random() * 15) == 1)) { _global.activeEnemies.push("Amalgam"); _global.BossOnDeck = true; } } if (KillsLeft <= (NestSize / 10)) { if (((((framesElapsed / 30) == (GameTime + 1)) && (!foundQueen)) && (int(Math.random() * 400) < (interval / 10))) && (!_global.BossOnDeck)) { if ((_global.EnemiesSeen.length >= 17) && ((int(Math.random() * 100) + 1) <= 40)) { _global.activeEnemies.push("RazorQueen"); } else { _global.activeEnemies.push("Queen"); } _global.BossOnDeck = true; foundQueen = true; } } if ((KillsLeft == 0) && (((_global.Enemies.length - bottomLine) == 0) || (ClearTime > 0))) { if (ClearTime == 0) { _root.attachMovie("Clear Message", "AllClear", 7001); with (_root.AllClear) { _x = 270; _y = 180; _alpha = 0; } _global.MakeNoise("Victory!"); if (_root.HeroPointer.clutters.length >= 1) { _global.GainAward("Clutter at Finish"); } } else if (ClearTime == 60) { clearBonus = interval * 20; _global.Score = _global.Score + clearBonus; CP = String(random(300)); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, (_name + "Plus") + CP, _global.markDepth++); setProperty((("_root." + _name) + "Plus") + CP, _x , _root.ScoreDisplay._x - 20); setProperty((("_root." + _name) + "Plus") + CP, _y , _root.ScoreDisplay._y); BountyObject = eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Plus") + CP); BountyObject.bounty = "+" + String(clearBonus); _root.attachMovie("Nest Clear Bonus", "BonusPoints", 7002); with (_root.BonusPoints) { _x = 270; _y = 100; } _global.MakeNoise("Kaching"); switch (_global.interval) { case 15 : _global.GainAward("Clear Short Nest"); break; case 30 : _global.GainAward("Clear Normal Nest"); break; case 60 : _global.GainAward("Clear Long Nest"); } } else if (ClearTime == 130) { if (_global.Score > _global.SingleNestHighScore) { _global.SingleNestHighScore = _global.Score; _root.attachMovie("New High Score!", "NewHigh", 7005); with (_root.NewHigh) { _x = 270; _y = 280; } } } else if (ClearTime == 160) { _root.attachMovie("Click to Exit", "ClickExit", 7007); with (_root.ClickExit) { _x = 270; _y = 380; } } else if (ClearTime > 160) { if (UserClicked) { _global.unbuildTo = "Menu"; } if (ExitBlink) { if (_root.ClickExit._alpha > 0) { _root.ClickExit._alpha = _root.ClickExit._alpha - 2; } else { ExitBlink = false; } } else if (_root.ClickExit._alpha < 100) { _root.ClickExit._alpha = _root.ClickExit._alpha + 2; } else { ExitBlink = true; } } if (_root.AllClear._alpha < 100) { _root.AllClear._alpha = _root.AllClear._alpha + 5; _root.NestCount._alpha = _root.NestCount._alpha - 5; } _global.ClearTime++; } break; case "Practice" : if (!SetPracticeFoes) { x = 1; while (x <= _global.PracticeEnemies.length) { _global.activeEnemies.push(_global.PracticeEnemies[x - 1]); x++; } SetPracticeFoes = true; _global.BossOnDeck = true; } else if ((framesElapsed / 150) == int(framesElapsed / 150)) { x = 1; while (x <= _global.PracticeEnemies.length) { switch (PracticeEnemies[x - 1]) { case "RazorQueen" : remake = true; y = 0; while (y < Enemies.length) { if (Enemies[y].slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { remake = false; } y++; } if (remake) { _global.activeEnemies.push("RazorQueen"); } break; case "Queen" : remake = true; y = 0; while (y < Enemies.length) { if (Enemies[y].slice(0, 5) == "Queen") { remake = false; } y++; } if (remake) { if (!BossOnDeck) { _global.activeEnemies.push("Queen"); _global.BossOnDeck = true; } } break; case "VoidEater" : remake = true; y = 0; while (y < Enemies.length) { if (Enemies[y].slice(0, 4) == "Void") { remake = false; } y++; } if (remake) { _global.activeEnemies.push("VoidEater"); } break; case "Amalgam" : remake = true; y = 0; while (y < Enemies.length) { if (Enemies[y].slice(0, 7) == "Amalgam") { remake = false; } y++; } if (remake) { _global.activeEnemies.push("Amalgam"); } break; case "Horror" : remake = true; y = 0; while (y < Enemies.length) { if (Enemies[y].slice(0, 6) == "Horror") { remake = false; } y++; } if (remake) { _global.activeEnemies.push("Horror"); } break; case "Gray" : remake = true; y = 0; while (y < Enemies.length) { if (Enemies[y].slice(0, 4) == "Gray") { remake = false; } y++; } if (!remake) { break; } _global.activeEnemies.push("Gray"); } x++; } } if (ExitBlink) { if (_root.ExitSign._alpha > 0) { _root.ExitSign._alpha = _root.ExitSign._alpha - 2; } else { ExitBlink = false; } } else if (_root.ExitSign._alpha < 100) { _root.ExitSign._alpha = _root.ExitSign._alpha + 2; } else { ExitBlink = true; } } pauseTime = 0; } else { pauseTime++; if (pauseTime >= 3600) { _global.GainAward("2 minute Pause"); } } if (HeroKilled) { _global.pause = false; if (deadFor == null) { deadFor = 100; } if ((deadFor == 90) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { _global.Deaths++; if (_global.Deaths >= 10) { _global.GainAward("10 Deaths"); } if (_global.Deaths >= 25) { _global.GainAward("25 Deaths"); } if (_global.Deaths >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Deaths"); } if (_global.Deaths >= 100) { _global.GainAward("100 Deaths"); } if (_global.BadEnds.length >= 5) { _global.GainAward("Died 5 Ways"); } if (_global.BadEnds.length >= 10) { _global.GainAward("Died 10 Ways"); } if (_global.BadEnds.length >= 15) { _global.GainAward("Died 15 Ways"); } } if ((deadFor == 100) && (_global.gameMode != "Practice")) { RazorQueenisOut = false; x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { RazorQueenisOut = true; } x++; } if (RazorQueenisOut) { if (_global.Rematch) { _global.RematchesLeft--; } else { _global.RematchesLeft = 3; } } else { _global.RematchesLeft = 0; } _global.Rematch = false; } if ((gameMode == "Single") && (deadFor == 40)) { if (_global.Score > _global.SingleNestHighScore) { _global.SingleNestHighScore = _global.Score; _root.attachMovie("New High Score!", "NewHigh", 7005); with (_root.NewHigh) { _x = 270; _y = 280; } } } if ((gameMode == "Bounty") && (deadFor == 40)) { if (_global.Score > _global.BountyRunHighScore) { _global.BountyRunHighScore = _global.Score; _root.attachMovie("New High Score!", "NewHigh", 7005); with (_root.NewHigh) { _x = 270; _y = 280; } } } if (deadFor > 0) { deadFor--; } else if (eval (_root.DeathPop) == undefined) { _global.saveData(); _root.attachMovie("Death Popup", "DeathPop", 7001); with (_root.DeathPop) { _x = 270; _y = 200; } } } if (_global.AwardQue.length > 0) { if (_global.AwardWait == 0) { awardName = _global.AwardQue.shift(); _global.Awards.push(awardName); _global.NewAwards.push(awardName); _root.attachMovie("New Award Notice", awardName, 6653); with (eval ("_root." + awardName)) { _x = 200; _y = 420; } _global.MakeNoise("AwardGet"); _global.AwardWait = 60; if (int(_global.Awards.length / 10) == (_global.Awards.length / 10)) { NoticeQue.push("Key"); } if (_global.Awards.length == 25) { NoticeQue.push("HCore"); } if (_global.Awards.length == 55) { NoticeQue.push("SSlot"); } if (_global.Awards.length == 110) { NoticeQue.push("DSlot"); } if (awardName == "First Razor Queen") { NoticeQue.push("SKey"); } _global.saveData(); } } if (_global.AwardWait > 0) { _global.AwardWait--; } if (NoticeQue.length > 0) { if (NoticeWait == 0) { noticeName = NoticeQue.shift(); switch (noticeName) { case "Key" : _root.attachMovie("New Reward Key Notice", "KeyNotice", 6654); with (_root.KeyNotice) { _x = 200; _y = -20; } _global.MakeNoise("New Reward Notice"); noticeWait = 60; break; case "SKey" : _root.attachMovie("New Special Key Notice", "SKeyNotice", 6654); with (_root.KeyNotice) { _x = 200; _y = -20; } _global.MakeNoise("New Reward Notice"); noticeWait = 60; break; case "HCore" : _root.attachMovie("Hardcore Mode Notice", "HCoreNotice", 6654); with (_root.HCoreNotice) { _x = 200; _y = -20; } _global.MakeNoise("New Reward Notice"); noticeWait = 60; break; case "SSlot" : _root.attachMovie("Slot S Notice", "SSlotNotice", 6654); with (_root.SSlotNotice) { _x = 200; _y = -20; } _global.MakeNoise("New Reward Notice"); noticeWait = 60; break; case "DSlot" : _root.attachMovie("Slot D Notice", "DSlotNotice", 6654); with (_root.DSlotNotice) { _x = 200; _y = -20; } _global.MakeNoise("New Reward Notice"); noticeWait = 60; } } } if (NoticeWait > 0) { NoticeWait--; } if ((_global.unbuildTo != null) && (_global.AwardQue.length == 0)) { _global.pause = false; x = 1; while (x < 7100) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("Cleaner", x); removeMovieClip(_root.Cleaner); x++; } _global.Enemies.splice(0); _global.Hazards.splice(0); _global.activeEnemies.splice(0); _global.GameTime = 0; soundkill = new Sound(); soundkill.stop(); if (unbuildTo == "Menu") { _global.unbuildTo = null; _level0.gotoAndStop(5); } else { _global.unbuildTo = null; _level0.prevFrame(); } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]) == undefined) { _global.Enemies.splice(x, 1); } x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { if (eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]) == undefined) { _global.Hazards.splice(x, 1); } x++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2424 MovieClip "GroundPebble" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "GroundPebble") { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 10) + 5; speed = 4; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _rotation; myScale = int(Math.random() * 30) + 50; _xscale = myScale; _yscale = myScale; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "GroundPebble") && (!_global.pause)) { if (speed == 4) { } if (speed != 0) { if ((_rotation + 20) > 179) { _rotation = (_rotation - 340); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + 20); } _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } } else if (framesAtSpeed >= 30) { removeMovieClip(this); } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2426 MovieClip "GroundDust" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "GroundDust") { framesExisted = 0; this._rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "GroundDust") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_alpha == 100) { _alpha = 50; } if (framesExisted < 100) { if ((framesExisted / 5) == int(framesExisted / 5)) { this._xscale++; this._yscale++; } this._x = this._x + 1; this._y = this._y - 1; if (framesExisted > 89) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } } else { removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2428 MovieClip "RazorQuill" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "RazorQuill") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); this.addProperty("quill", this.getQuill, null); quill = true; this.addProperty("claw", this.getClaw, null); claw = true; killedBy = null; framesExisted = 0; speed = 0; Loose = false; _yscale = 40; mommyQueen = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 7)); myAim = _rotation - mommyQueen._rotation; if (myAim > 180) { myAim = myAim - 360; } if (myAim < 180) { myAim = myAim + 360; } if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _xscale = -100; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { ColPtY = _y - (18 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); ColPtX = _x + (18 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if (!Loose) { _y = mommyQueen._y; _x = mommyQueen._x; _rotation = (mommyQueen._rotation + myAim); if (framesExisted < 30) { _yscale = (_yscale + 2); } else if (framesExisted == 45) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.QuillPop, _name + "Pop", _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Pop")) { _x = ColPtX; _y = ColPtY; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); Loose = true; speed = 15; _yscale = 100; } } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(ColPtX, ColPtY, true)) { if (Loose) { pieces = int(Math.random() * 2) + 3; x = 1; while (x <= pieces) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.BoneChip" + String(random(2) + 1)), (this._name + "Chip") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Chip") + x)) { _x = (ColPtX + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (ColPtY + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 140)) + 70; } x++; } SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation + 80); setProperty(SparkName, _x , ColPtX); setProperty(SparkName, _y , ColPtY); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } _global.MakeNoise("Shatter"); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , moveDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , ColPtX); setProperty(SparkName, _y , ColPtY); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _global.HeroAction = "bounceback"; } } } } if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(ColPtX, ColPtY, true)) { if (Loose) { _global.justHit = this; armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if ((armorTab == null) || (armorTab.charge != 300)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroQuilled, _name + "Hit", _global.heroDepth++); myHit = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Hit"); with (myHit) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } } else { _rotation = (_rotation - 180); pieces = int(Math.random() * 2) + 3; x = 1; while (x <= pieces) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.BoneChip" + String(random(2) + 1)), (this._name + "Chip") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Chip") + x)) { _x = (ColPtX + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (ColPtY + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } x++; } _global.MakeNoise("Shatter"); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != mommyQueen._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(ColPtX, ColPtY, true)) { Hit = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if (((hitTarget.spines || (Hit == "Grin")) || ((Hit == "Gray") && (hitTarget.action == "gaurd"))) || ((Hit == "Horr") && (hitTarget.action != "collect"))) { _rotation = (_rotation - 180); pieces = int(Math.random() * 2) + 3; x = 1; while (x <= pieces) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.BoneChip" + String(random(2) + 1)), (this._name + "Chip") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Chip") + x)) { _x = (ColPtX + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (ColPtY + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } x++; } _global.MakeNoise("Shatter"); if (hitTarget.wall) { hitTarget.Health = hitTarget.Health - 2; } this.removeMovieClip(); } else { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } } x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { _rotation = (_rotation - 180); pieces = int(Math.random() * 2) + 3; x = 1; while (x <= pieces) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.BoneChip" + String(random(2) + 1)), (this._name + "Chip") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Chip") + x)) { _x = (ColPtX + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (ColPtY + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } x++; } targetHazard.Health--; _global.MakeNoise("Shatter"); this.removeMovieClip(); } } x++; } } if (Loose) { if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _visible = false; this.removeMovieClip(); } } framesExisted++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2440 MovieClip "QuillPop" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "QuillPop") { stop(); } else if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _xscale = -100; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "QuillPop") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe < 12) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 12) { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2442 MovieClip "BoneChip1" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "BoneChip1") { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 8) + 5; speed = int(Math.random() * 3) + 3; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _rotation; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { Clockwise = true; } if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { _xscale = -100; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "BoneChip1") && (!_global.pause)) { if (speed != 0) { if (Clockwise) { _rotation = (_rotation + (speed * 15)); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - (speed * 15)); } _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } } else if (framesAtSpeed >= 90) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } if (_alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2444 MovieClip "BoneChip2" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "BoneChip2") { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 8) + 5; speed = int(Math.random() * 3) + 3; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _rotation; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { Clockwise = true; } if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { _xscale = -100; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "BoneChip2") && (!_global.pause)) { if (speed != 0) { if (Clockwise) { _rotation = (_rotation + (speed * 15)); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - (speed * 15)); } _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } } else if (framesAtSpeed >= 90) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } if (_alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2453 MovieClip "RazorMite" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; overheadObstruction = false; if (_name == "RazorMite") { mommy = true; stop(); } this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("mite", this.getMite, null); mite = true; this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); this.addProperty("inGround", this.getInGround, null); killedBy = null; inGround = false; surfaceFrames = 0; burrowFrames = 0; _xscale = 70; _yscale = 70; impacts = 0; swells = 0; mommyQueen = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 6)); if ((_global.soundMode == "All") || (_global.soundMode == "FX Only")) { mySound = new Sound(this); mySound.attachSound("Grind"); } } onClipEvent (unload) { mySound.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } overheadObstruction = false; if (!inGround) { speed = 10; turnSpeed = 0; if (surfaceFrames < 8) { _xscale = (_xscale + 5); _yscale = (_yscale + 5); surfaceFrames++; } else if (surfaceFrames < 16) { _xscale = (_xscale - 5); _yscale = (_yscale - 5); surfaceFrames++; } else { _visible = false; inGround = true; surfaceFrames = 0; impacts++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundHole, (this._name + "Hole") + impacts, _global.markDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Hole") + impacts)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } Pebbles = int(Math.random() * 4) + 2; x = 0; while (x <= Pebbles) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundPebble, ((this._name + "Pebble") + x) + impacts, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (((("_root." + this._name) + "Pebble") + x) + impacts)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } Dustpuffs = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; x = 0; while (x < Dustpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDust, ((this._name + "Dust") + x) + impacts, _global.capDepth++); with (eval (((("_root." + this._name) + "Dust") + x) + impacts)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } Dirtpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 3; x = 0; while (x < Dirtpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, ((this._name + "Dirt") + x) + impacts, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (((("_root." + this._name) + "Dirt") + x) + impacts)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 180)) - 90; } x++; } speed = 4; turnSpeed = 5; _global.MakeNoise("SharpsIn"); _global.MakeNoise("GrinderHurt"); mySound.start(0, 100); } } else { burrowFrames++; } if (inGround && (burrowFrames > 0)) { if (int(burrowFrames / 7) == (burrowFrames / 7)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundMound, (this._name + "Swell") + swells, _global.markDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Swell") + swells)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } swells++; } } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true) && (!inGround)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 70); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 70); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(3560301); teeth = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; x = 1; while (x <= teeth) { duplicateMovieClip ("_root.ShedTooth", (this._name + "Tooth") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Tooth") + x)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 140)) + 70; } x++; } pieces = int(Math.random() * 2) + 2; x = 1; while (x <= pieces) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.BoneChip" + String(random(2) + 1)), (this._name + "Chip") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Chip") + x)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 140)) + 70; } x++; } SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation + 80); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } mommyQueen.mites--; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (killedBy != null) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 40)) + 160); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 70); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 70); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(3560301); teeth = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; x = 1; while (x <= teeth) { duplicateMovieClip ("_root.ShedTooth", (this._name + "Tooth") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Tooth") + x)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 80)) + 140; } x++; } pieces = int(Math.random() * 2) + 2; x = 1; while (x <= pieces) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.BoneChip" + String(random(2) + 1)), (this._name + "Chip") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Chip") + x)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 80)) + 140; } x++; } SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , this._rotation + 180); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); mommyQueen.mites--; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (justBounced == 0) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (!inGround) { _global.justHit = this; } } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != mommyQueen._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { hitWhat = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if (((((hitWhat == "myBo") || (hitWhat == "Grin")) || ((hitWhat == "Horr") && (hitTarget.action == "none"))) || ((hitWhat == "Gray") && (hitTarget.action == "guard"))) || (hitTarget.spines)) { if (!inGround) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; if ((hitWhat == "myBo") || (hitTarget.wall)) { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } break; } overheadObstruction = true; } else if (!inGround) { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } } x++; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { if (!inGround) { justBounced = 8; targetHazard.Health--; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } overheadObstruction = true; } } x++; } if (justBounced != 0) { _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (SparkName)) { _rotation = this._rotation; _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } if (_x > bouncedOffX) { BouncetoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { BouncetoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (BouncetoSpotX > 275) { BouncetoSpotX = 555; } else { BouncetoSpotX = -5; } } else if (BouncetoSpotY > 200) { BouncetoSpotY = 405; } else { BouncetoSpotY = -5; } _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(_x - BouncetoSpotX, _y - BouncetoSpotY)) / (Math.PI/180)); } } else { justBounced--; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { p = 10; while (p < 30) { ProjPathX = _x + (p * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); ProjPathY = _y - (p * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if (targetHazard.hitTest(ProjPathX, ProjPathY, false)) { overheadObstruction = true; } p = p + 10; } } x++; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if ((_rotation != targetRotation) && (inGround)) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); if (inGround && (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined)) { if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 90) { if ((Math.abs(_rotation - targetRotation) < 15) && (!overheadObstruction)) { inGround = false; _visible = true; burrowFrames = 0; impacts++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundHole, (this._name + "Hole") + impacts, _global.markDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Hole") + impacts)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } Pebbles = int(Math.random() * 4) + 2; x = 0; while (x <= Pebbles) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundPebble, ((this._name + "Pebble") + x) + impacts, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (((("_root." + this._name) + "Pebble") + x) + impacts)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } Dustpuffs = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; x = 0; while (x < Dustpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDust, ((this._name + "Dust") + x) + impacts, _global.capDepth++); with (eval (((("_root." + this._name) + "Dust") + x) + impacts)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } Dirtpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 3; x = 0; while (x < Dirtpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, ((this._name + "Dirt") + x) + impacts, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (((("_root." + this._name) + "Dirt") + x) + impacts)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 180)) - 90; } x++; } mySound.stop(); _global.MakeNoise("GrinderHurt"); _global.MakeNoise("Mite Jump"); } } } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2455 MovieClip "GroundMound" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "GroundMound") { framesExisted = 0; _alpha = 0; this._rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "GroundMound") && (!_global.pause)) { if (framesExisted < 80) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = (_alpha + 25); } if (framesExisted < 10) { _xscale = (_xscale + 2); _yscale = (_yscale + 2); } else if (framesExisted < 20) { _xscale = (_xscale - 2); _yscale = (_yscale - 2); } } else if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 10); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2457 MovieClip "GroundHole" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "GroundHole") { framesExisted = 0; _xscale = 50; _yscale = 50; this._rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "GroundHole") && (!_global.pause)) { if (framesExisted < 120) { if (framesExisted < 5) { _xscale = (_xscale + 10); _yscale = (_yscale + 10); } } else if (_xscale > 10) { _xscale = (_xscale - 10); _yscale = (_yscale - 10); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2470 MovieClip "RazorMaw" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "RazorMaw") { stop(); } else { this.addProperty("task", this.getTask, this.setTask); mommyQueen = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 3)); started = false; pause = 0; stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "RazorMaw") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (eval (mommyQueen) == undefined) { removeMovieClip(this); } _rotation = mommyQueen._rotation; _x = mommyQueen._x; _y = mommyQueen._y; ColPtY = _y - (20 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); ColPtX = _x + (20 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); switch (task) { case "mite" : if (!started) { gotoAndPlay (1); started = true; } else if (_currentframe == 5) { if (pause == 0) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorMite, (mommyQueen._name + "Mite") + mommyQueen.miteCounter, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + mommyQueen._name) + "Mite") + mommyQueen.miteCounter)) { _x = ColPtX; _y = ColPtY; _rotation = this._rotation; } mommyQueen.miteCounter++; mommyQueen.mites++; if (mommyQueen.miteCounter == 80) { mommyQueen.miteCounter = 10; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, this._name + "Spit", _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Spit")) { _x = ColPtX; _y = ColPtY; _rotation = this._rotation; } SpitColor = new Color(eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Spit")); SpitColor.setRGB(3560301); stop(); pause++; } else if (pause > 10) { play(); } else { stop(); pause++; } } else if (_currentframe == 20) { removeMovieClip(this); } case "hedgehog" : if (!started) { gotoAndPlay (1); started = true; } else if (_currentframe == 5) { if (pause == 0) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorHedgehog, (mommyQueen._name + "Hog") + mommyQueen.hogs, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + mommyQueen._name) + "Hog") + mommyQueen.hogs)) { _x = ColPtX; _y = ColPtY; _rotation = this._rotation; } mommyQueen.hogs++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, this._name + "Spit", _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Spit")) { _x = ColPtX; _y = ColPtY; _rotation = this._rotation; } SpitColor = new Color(eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Spit")); SpitColor.setRGB(3560301); stop(); pause++; } else if (pause > 15) { play(); } else { stop(); pause++; } } else { if (_currentframe != 20) { break; } removeMovieClip(this); } } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2481 MovieClip "RazorHedgehog" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; if (_name == "RazorHedgehog") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("hedgehog", this.getHedgehog, null); hedgehog = "Stun"; this.addProperty("claw", this.getClaw, null); claw = true; this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); this.addProperty("Health", this.getHealth, this.setHealth); killedBy = null; Planted = false; flightFrames = 0; Health = 5; chips = 1; speed = int(3 * (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root.HeroPointer._x) * (_x - _root.HeroPointer._x)) + ((_y - _root.HeroPointer._y) * (_y - _root.HeroPointer._y))) / 100)); speed = speed + ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) * 0.5); gotoAndPlay(int(Math.random() * 10) + 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (!Planted) { play(); } claw = true; if (Planted && (hedgehog != "Crush")) { hedgehog = "Ground"; } else { hedgehog = "Stun"; } if (!Planted) { if (flightFrames < 15) { _xscale = (_xscale + 5); _yscale = (_yscale + 5); flightFrames++; } else if (flightFrames < 30) { _xscale = (_xscale - 5); _yscale = (_yscale - 5); flightFrames++; } else { Planted = true; stop(); flightFrames = 0; duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundCrack, this._name + "Crack", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Crack")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; gotoAndPlay(((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) * 2) - 1); } Pebbles = int(Math.random() * 4) + 4; x = 0; while (x <= Pebbles) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundPebble, ((this._name + "Pebble") + x) + impacts, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (((("_root." + this._name) + "Pebble") + x) + impacts)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } Dustpuffs = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; x = 0; while (x < Dustpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDust, ((this._name + "Dust") + x) + impacts, _global.capDepth++); with (eval (((("_root." + this._name) + "Dust") + x) + impacts)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } Dirtpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 3; x = 0; while (x < Dirtpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Dirt") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Dirt") + x)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } speed = 0; _global.MakeNoise("GrinderHurt"); _global.MakeNoise("Impact"); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Pebble"); } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { hedgehog = "Crush"; _global.justHit = this; } else if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root.HeroPointer._x) * (_x - _root.HeroPointer._x)) + ((_y - _root.HeroPointer._y) * (_y - _root.HeroPointer._y))) < 40) { claw = false; _global.justHit = this; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard.hitTest(_x, _y, false)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { targetHazard.killedBy = this; } } x++; } _global.Hazards.push(_name); } } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true) && (Planted)) { if ((Health > 1) && (!_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped)) { pieces = int(Math.random() * 3) + int((7 - Health) / 2); x = 1; while (x <= pieces) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.BoneChip" + String(random(2) + 1)), (this._name + "Chip") + chips, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Chip") + (chips++))) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation - int(Math.random() * 140)) + 70; } x++; } SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation + 80); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } Health--; _global.HeroAction = "bounceback"; } else { pieces = int(Math.random() * 3) + 4; x = 1; while (x <= pieces) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.BoneChip" + String(random(2) + 1)), (this._name + "Chip") + chips, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Chip") + (chips++))) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 140)) + 70; } x++; } pieces = int(Math.random() * 2) + 2; x = 1; while (x <= pieces) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.BoneChip" + String(random(2) + 1)), (this._name + "Chip") + chips, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Chip") + (chips++))) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 140)) + 70; _xscale = 150; _yscale = 150; } x++; } _global.MakeNoise("Shatter"); _global.Hazards.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Hazards, _name), 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } } } if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (Planted && (hedgehog == "Ground")) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if ((armorTab == null) || (armorTab.charge != 300)) { _global.justHit = this; duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroPiked, _name + "Hit", _global.capDepth++); myHit = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Hit"); with (myHit) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = (-Math.atan2(_x - _root.HeroPointer._x, _y - _root.HeroPointer._y)) / (Math.PI/180); } } else { _global.justHit = this; } } } else if (Planted) { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { Hit = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if (((Hit == "Grin") || ((Hit == "Horr") && (hitTarget.action != "collect"))) || (hitTarget.claw)) { pieces = int(Math.random() * 3) + 4; x = 1; while (x <= pieces) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.BoneChip" + String(random(2) + 1)), (this._name + "Chip") + chips, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Chip") + (chips++))) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 360)) - 179; } x++; } pieces = int(Math.random() * 2) + 2; x = 1; while (x <= pieces) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.BoneChip" + String(random(2) + 1)), (this._name + "Chip") + chips, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Chip") + (chips++))) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 360)) - 179; _xscale = 150; _yscale = 150; } x++; } _global.MakeNoise("Shatter"); _global.Hazards.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Hazards, _name), 1); removeMovieClip(this); } else { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } x++; } } if ((killedBy != null) || (Health <= 0)) { pieces = int(Math.random() * 3) + 4; x = 1; while (x <= pieces) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.BoneChip" + String(random(2) + 1)), (this._name + "Chip") + chips, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Chip") + (chips++))) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 360)) - 179; } x++; } pieces = int(Math.random() * 2) + 2; x = 1; while (x <= pieces) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.BoneChip" + String(random(2) + 1)), (this._name + "Chip") + chips, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Chip") + (chips++))) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 360)) - 179; _xscale = 150; _yscale = 150; } x++; } _global.MakeNoise("Shatter"); _global.Hazards.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Hazards, _name), 1); removeMovieClip(this); } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2496 MovieClip "HeroQuilled" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroQuilled") { stop(); } else { speed = 6; splats = 0; pauseFor = 6; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "HeroQuilled") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe < 30) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 2) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); BloodName = eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + (splats++)); with (BloodName) { _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 200; _x = this._x; _xscale = 40; _y = this._y; _yscale = 40; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Spray") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + splats)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 200; } BloodColor = new Color(eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + (splats++))); BloodColor.setRGB(11800592); } if (_currentframe < 20) { if (_currentframe == 12) { speed = 4; } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_currentframe == 11) { if (pauseFor > 0) { stop(); pauseFor--; } else { play(); } } } else if (_currentframe == 20) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); BloodName = eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + (splats++)); with (BloodName) { _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20; _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } x = 1; while (x < 3) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Spray") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + splats)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 80)) - 40; } BloodColor = new Color(eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + (splats++))); BloodColor.setRGB(11800592); x++; } } else if (_currentframe == 30) { stop(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2507 MovieClip "RazorLarva" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "RazorLarva") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); killedBy = null; huntHero = false; speed = 1; turnSpeed = 2; spikeCounter = 0; _rotation = (int(Math.random() * 360) - 179); mommyQueen = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 6)); gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe < 40) { play(); } if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; huntHero = true; } else if (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_x - _root.HeroPointer._x, 2) + Math.pow(_y - _root.HeroPointer._y, 2)) < 150) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; huntHero = true; } else if (huntHero) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; huntHero = false; } } if (int(Math.random() * 100) == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Spiny Chirp"); } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 80); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 80); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(3560301); pieces = int(Math.random() * 3) + 3; x = 1; while (x <= pieces) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.BoneChip" + String(random(2) + 1)), (this._name + "Chip") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Chip") + x)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 140)) + 70; } x++; } SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation + 80); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } mommyQueen.larva--; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != mommyQueen._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); Targ = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (((((Targ == "Grin") || (hitTarget.spines)) || (hitTarget.action == "gaurd")) || (Targ == "Horr")) || (Targ == "Quee")) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(16206387); _global.MakeNoise("LarvaCrunch"); mommyQueen.larva--; this.removeMovieClip(); } else { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } } x++; } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } } else { mommyQueen.larva--; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (huntHero && (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 100)) { if (_currentframe < 26) { gotoAndPlay (26); speed = 0; turnSpeed = 0; _global.MakeNoise("Spiny Pressure"); } } else if (_currentframe == 25) { gotoAndPlay (1); } if (_currentframe == 40) { facing = 0; while (facing < 4) { Spikes = int(Math.random() * 3) + 3; x = 0; while (x <= Spikes) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorSpike, (this._name + "Spike") + spikeCounter, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spike") + spikeCounter)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = (int(Math.random() * 90) - 45) + (90 * facing); } spikeCounter++; x++; } facing++; } SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Pop"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorLarvaPop, this._name + "Pop", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Spiny Pop"); mommyQueen.larva--; this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Razor Spike] "RazorSpike" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "RazorSpike") { this.addProperty("spike", this.getSpike, null); spike = true; flyRange = int(Math.random() * 6) + 10; speed = 6; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _rotation; myScale = int(Math.random() * 30) + 100; _xscale = myScale; _yscale = myScale; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "RazorSpike") && (!_global.pause)) { if (speed != 0) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { if (speed > 2) { speed = speed / 2; framesAtSpeed = 0; _yscale = (_yscale - 30); } else { speed = 0; } } if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && (speed > 2)) { _global.justHit = this; } } else if (framesAtSpeed >= 30) { removeMovieClip(this); } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2515 MovieClip "HeroSpiked" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroSpiked") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != "HeroSpiked") { if (_currentframe == 15) { stop(); } else { _y = (_y - (3 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (3 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2636 MovieClip [Lil Guy Flaming Razor] "HeroFlamingRazor" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroFlamingRazor") { stop(); } else { framesExisted = 0; putOut = false; smokies = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "HeroFlamingRazor") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if ((eval (_root.HeroPointer) == undefined) && (_currentframe < 92)) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = _root.HeroPointer._rotation; } if ((_currentframe > 30) && (_currentframe < 92)) { if (int(framesExisted / 20) == (framesExisted / 20)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.BlackSmoke, (_name + "Smoke") + smokies, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Smoke") + smokies)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } smokies++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != hostObject._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Flame") == undefined) { if (eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Goo") != undefined) { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Stickie") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") { } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Flames, hitTarget._name + "Flame", _global.capDepth++); GloopleFire = eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Flame"); if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Oozle") || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray")) { with (GloopleFire) { _xscale = 170; _yscale = 170; } } } } } } x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Inkie") { targetHazard.onFire = true; } else { p = 1; while (p < 4) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.WhiteSmoke, (_name + "WSmoke") + p, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "WSmoke") + p)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } p++; } _global.HeroAction = "none"; if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 6) != "Meltie") { _global.GainAward("Survive Fire"); } removeMovieClip(this); } } x++; } } if ((_currentframe == 91) && (framesExisted < 200)) { gotoAndPlay (31); } if (_currentframe == 92) { if (!putOut) { _global.HeroAction = "burned"; } } if (_currentframe == 130) { removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2638 MovieClip "Blastmark" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { _rotation = (int(Math.random() * 360) - 180); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _xscale = -100; } }
Instance of Symbol 2422 MovieClip "Census" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { function CheckColors() { x = 0; while (x <= (colorsOnKill.length - 1)) { Gloop = colorsOnKill[x].slice(0, 4); if (_global.SearchArray(uniqueColors, Gloop) == null) { uniqueColors.push(Gloop); } x++; } if (uniqueColors.length >= 4) { _global.GainAward("4 Color Splats"); } colorsOnKill = new Array(); uniqueColors = new Array(); } _visible = false; this.addProperty("firesStomped", this.getFiresStomped, this.setFiresStomped); this.addProperty("colorsOnKill", this.getColorsOnKill, this.setColorsOnKill); this.addProperty("perfectRun", this.getPerfectRun, this.setPerfectRun); perfectRun = true; firesStomped = 0; colorsOnKill = new Array(); uniqueColors = new Array(); if (_global.ABind != null) { _root.attachMovie("Reward Tab", "ATab", 6401); with (_root.ATab) { _x = 25; _y = 20; } } if (_global.SBind != null) { _root.attachMovie("Reward Tab", "STab", 6402); with (_root.STab) { _x = 70; _y = 20; } } if (_global.DBind != null) { _root.attachMovie("Reward Tab", "DTab", 6403); with (_root.DTab) { _x = 115; _y = 20; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (firesStomped >= 10) { _global.GainAward("Smother 10 Fires"); } if (((_global.gameMode == "Single") && (_global.ClearTime >= 10)) && (perfectRun)) { _global.GainAward("Perfect Run"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1235 MovieClip [Splat1] "Splat1" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "Splat1") { stop(); } else { this.addProperty("marker", this.getMarker, this.setMarker); marker = null; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Splat1") && (!_global.pause)) { if (((_currentframe > 5) || (eval (marker) == undefined)) || (_currentframe < 5)) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 32) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2644 MovieClip "Blood1" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "Blood1") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_currentframe == 5) { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2650 MovieClip "Blood2" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "Blood2") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_currentframe == 5) { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2656 MovieClip "Blood3" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "Blood3") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_currentframe == 5) { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2658 MovieClip "MoltenStone" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "MoltenStone") { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 4) + 2; speed = 8; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _rotation; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "MoltenStone") && (!_global.pause)) { if (speed == 8) { if (int(Math.random() * 30) == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Pebble"); } } if (speed != 0) { if ((_rotation + 20) > 179) { _rotation = (_rotation - 340); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + 20); } _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } } else if (framesAtSpeed >= 30) { removeMovieClip(this); } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2660 MovieClip "Stone" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "Stone") { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 4) + 2; speed = 8; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _rotation; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Stone") && (!_global.pause)) { if (speed == 8) { if (int(Math.random() * 30) == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Pebble"); } } if (speed != 0) { if ((_rotation + 20) > 179) { _rotation = (_rotation - 340); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + 20); } _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } } else if (framesAtSpeed >= 30) { removeMovieClip(this); } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Instance of Symbol 608 MovieClip "Gloople" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; if (_name == "Gloople") { mommy = true; stop(); } this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); killedBy = null; speed = 3; switch (_x) { case -5 : if (_y < 200) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } else { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } break; case 555 : if (_y < 200) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } break; default : if (_y == -5) { if (_x < 275) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 500) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } } else if (_x < 275) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 500) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 1; _global.GainAward("First Gloople"); _global.KillCount("Gloople", 1000); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Gloople") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Gloople"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (killedBy != null) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t1"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (justBounced == 0) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = _root.HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffY = _root.HeroPointer._y; _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Gloople") && ((int(Math.random() * 100) + 1) < 6)) { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, hitTarget._name), 1); _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); duplicateMovieClip (_root.GloopleGlom, "Glom" + _name.slice(7), _global.baddieDepth++); _global.Enemies.push("Glom" + _name.slice(7)); Glommie = eval ("_root.Glom" + _name.slice(7)); with (Glommie) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = (-Math.atan2(this._x - hitTarget._x, this._y - hitTarget._y)) / (Math.PI/180); } _global.MakeNoise("Glom"); removeMovieClip(hitTarget); this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4) != "Amal") { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } } } x++; } } if (justBounced != 0) { _global.MakeNoise("Boing"); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { gotoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { gotoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (gotoSpotX > 275) { gotoSpotX = 555; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; } } else if (gotoSpotY > 200) { gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotY = -5; } } } else { justBounced--; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); _rotation = targetRotation; if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) > speed) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 870 MovieClip "Stickie" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; hasMoved = false; if (_name == "Stickie") { mommy = true; stop(); } this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); speed = 3; if (_root.myLure.luring) { pathSpotX = _root.myLure._x; pathSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { pathSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; pathSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else { pathSpotX = 275; pathSpotY = 200; } objectHitX = null; objectHitY = null; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; SplatNum = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + SplatNum), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(15329345); duplicateMovieClip (_root.StickyMark, this._name + "SplatStickyMark", _global.markDepth++); with (eval (SplatName + "StickyMark")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; gotoAndStop(SplatNum); } _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 3; _global.GainAward("First Stickie"); _global.KillCount("Stickie", 100); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Stickie") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Stickie"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (killedBy != null) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t3"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; SplatNum = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + SplatNum), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(15329345); duplicateMovieClip (_root.StickyMark, this._name + "SplatStickyMark", _global.markDepth++); with (eval (SplatName + "StickyMark")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; gotoAndStop(SplatNum); } _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { objectHitX = _root.HeroPointer._x; objectHitY = _root.HeroPointer._y; _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { objectHitX = hitTarget._x; objectHitY = hitTarget._y; break; } } x++; } } if ((objectHitX != null) && (objectHitY != null)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; SplatNum = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + SplatNum), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (-Math.atan2(_x - objectHitX, _y - objectHitY)) / (Math.PI/180)); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(15329345); duplicateMovieClip (_root.StickyMark, this._name + "SplatStickyMark", _global.markDepth++); with (eval (SplatName + "StickyMark")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; gotoAndStop(SplatNum); } _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (!hasMoved) { delta_x = _x - pathSpotX; delta_y = _y - pathSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); _rotation = targetRotation; } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); hasMoved = true; } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2664 MovieClip "GloopleGlom" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; if (_name == "GloopleGlom") { mommy = true; stop(); } this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); speed = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat2"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat2", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x + 10); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y + 10); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 2; _global.GainAward("Splat a Glom"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (killedBy != null) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t2"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killdir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (justBounced == 0) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = _root.HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffY = _root.HeroPointer._x; _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } } x++; } } if (justBounced != 0) { BoingNoise = new Sound(); BoingNoise.attachSound("Boing Sound"); BoingNoise.onSoundComplete = function () { BoingNoise.stop(); }; BoingNoise.start(); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { gotoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { gotoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (gotoSpotX > 275) { gotoSpotX = 555; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; } } else if (gotoSpotY > 200) { gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotY = -5; } } } else { justBounced--; } if (justBounced > 0) { delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); _rotation = targetRotation; } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_currentframe == 31) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Oozle, "Oozle" + _name.slice(4), _global.baddieDepth++); _global.Enemies.push("Oozle" + _name.slice(4)); with (eval ("_root.Oozle" + _name.slice(4))) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 795 MovieClip "Oozle" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "Oozle") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("health", this.getHealth, this.setHealth); health = 3; recoil = 0; lilSplats = 0; speed = 2; turnSpeed = 2; if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else { gotoSpotX = _x + 20; gotoSpotY = _y + 20; } if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Oozle") == null) { EnemiesSeen.push("Oozle"); } if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } if (recoil > 0) { recoil--; } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { distance_x = _x - _root.HeroPointer._x; distance_y = _y - _root.HeroPointer._y; adjustedRotation = (-Math.atan2(distance_x, distance_y)) / (Math.PI/180); impactPointY = _y - (10 * Math.cos(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); impactPointX = _x + (10 * Math.sin(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(impactPointX, impactPointY, true) && (recoil == 0)) { health--; recoil = 20; SplatName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Splat") + lilSplats; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Splat") + (lilSplats++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); if ((health == 0) || (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "BigSplat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "BigSplat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 170); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 170); _global.MakeNoise("Pop"); _global.MakeNoise("Splash"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 15; _global.GainAward("First Oozle"); _global.KillCount("Oozle", 15); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Oozle") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Oozle"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { _global.MakeNoise("Slice"); } } } } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Gloople") && ((int(Math.random() * 100) + 1) < 11)) { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, hitTarget._name), 1); _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); duplicateMovieClip (_root.OozleGlom, "Glom" + _name.slice(5), _global.baddieDepth++); _global.Enemies.push("Glom" + _name.slice(5)); Glommie = eval ("_root.Glom" + _name.slice(5)); with (Glommie) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = (-Math.atan2(this._x - hitTarget._x, this._y - hitTarget._y)) / (Math.PI/180); } _global.MakeNoise("Glom"); removeMovieClip(hitTarget); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } } x++; } } if (killedBy != null) { killName = killedBy._name.slice(0, 4); if (((((((killName == "Oozl") || (killName == "Shar")) || (killName == "Grin")) || (killName == "Gray")) || (killedBy.exploded)) || (killName == "Horr")) || (killedBy.claw)) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t15"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "BigSplat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "BigSplat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 170); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 170); _global.MakeNoise("Pop"); _global.MakeNoise("Splash"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 532 MovieClip "Biter" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; if (_name == "Biter") { mommy = true; stop(); } this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); this.addProperty("lunging", this.getLunging, null); killedBy = null; lunging = false; speed = 4; turnSpeed = 3; framesExisted = 0; switch (_x) { case -5 : if (_y < 200) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } else { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } break; case 555 : if (_y < 200) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } break; default : if (_y == -5) { if (_x < 275) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 500) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } } else if (_x < 275) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 500) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180)); if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) == undefined) { if (_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play();; framesExisted++; if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(2781657); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 8; _global.GainAward("First Biter"); _global.KillCount("Biter", 70); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Biter") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Biter"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (killedBy != null) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t8"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(2781657); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (justBounced == 0) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (!lunging) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = _root.HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffY = _root.HeroPointer._y; _global.justHit = this; } else { _global.justHit = this; armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if ((armorTab == null) || (armorTab.charge != 300)) { if (framesExisted <= 30) { _global.GainAward("Ambush"); } removeMovieClip(myLunge); duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroMangle, _name + "Mangling", _global.heroDepth++); myMangler = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Mangling"); with (myMangler) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); } } } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Biter") && ((int(Math.random() * 100) + 1) < 11)) { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, hitTarget._name), 1); _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); duplicateMovieClip (_root.BiterGlom, "Glom" + _name.slice(5), _global.baddieDepth++); _global.Enemies.push("Glom" + _name.slice(5)); Glommie = eval ("_root.Glom" + _name.slice(5)); with (Glommie) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = (-Math.atan2(this._x - hitTarget._x, this._y - hitTarget._y)) / (Math.PI/180); } _global.MakeNoise("Glom"); removeMovieClip(hitTarget); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (!lunging) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) != "Oozle") { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } } } x++; } } if (justBounced != 0) { _global.MakeNoise("Boing"); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { BouncetoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { BouncetoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (BouncetoSpotX > 275) { BouncetoSpotX = 555; } else { BouncetoSpotX = -5; } } else if (BouncetoSpotY > 200) { BouncetoSpotY = 405; } else { BouncetoSpotY = -5; } _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(_x - BouncetoSpotX, _y - BouncetoSpotY)) / (Math.PI/180)); } } else { justBounced--; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if ((speed > 4) && (!lunging)) { speed = 4; } if ((_rotation != targetRotation) && (!lunging)) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((!lunging) && (speed == 4)) && (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined)) { if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 120) { if (Math.abs(_rotation - targetRotation) < 20) { _visible = false; duplicateMovieClip (_root.BiterLunge, _name + "Lunge", _global.baddieDepth++); myLunge = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Lunge"); with (myLunge) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } speed = speed * 1.5; lunging = true; _global.MakeNoise("BiterGrowl" + (int(Math.random() * 3) + 1)); } } } if (lunging && (myLunge._currentFrame == 20)) { removeMovieClip(myLunge); _visible = true; speed = speed / 1.5; lunging = false; } } else if (!mommy) { stop(); myLunge.stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2685 MovieClip "BiterLunge" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "BiterLunge") { stop(); } else { daddyBiter = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 5)); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != "BiterLunge") { if (eval (daddyBiter) == undefined) { removeMovieClip(this); } _x = daddyBiter._x; _y = daddyBiter._y; _rotation = daddyBiter._rotation; } }
Instance of Symbol 2732 MovieClip "HeroMangle" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroMangle") { stop(); } else { speed = 4; playsthrough = 0; splats = 0; daddyBiter = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 8)); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "HeroMangle") && (!_global.pause)) { if ((_currentframe > 1) && (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } play(); if (_currentframe == 4) { removeMovieClip(daddyBiter); } if (_currentframe < 16) { if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } } if ((_currentframe == 25) || (_currentframe == 40)) { BloodName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + splats; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(BloodName, _rotation , int(Math.random() * 360) - 180); setProperty(BloodName, _x , this._x); setProperty(BloodName, _y , this._y); splats++; _global.MakeNoise("Wound"); } if ((_currentframe == 46) && (playsthrough < 3)) { gotoAndPlay (16); playsthrough++; } else if (playsthrough == 3) { stop(); duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroMangled, "DeadHero", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.DeadHero) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Biter, "Biter00", _global.baddieDepth++); with (_root.Biter00) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } removeMovieClip(this); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2737 MovieClip "AcidBubble" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "AcidBubble") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "AcidBubble") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (_currentframe == 20) { bubbleRotation = int(Math.random() * 359) - 180; PopName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Pop") + _currentframe; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Pop") + _currentframe, _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(PopName, _rotation , bubbleRotation); setProperty(PopName, _x , this._x); setProperty(PopName, _y , this._y); setProperty(PopName, _xscale , 30); setProperty(PopName, _yscale , 30); PopColor = new Color(eval (PopName)); PopColor.setRGB(15898925); removeMovieClip(this); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 863 MovieClip "Sharp" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; justStruck = 0; rattled = 0; HerosFault = 0; if (_name == "Sharp") { mommy = true; stop(); } this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); this.addProperty("hazard", this.getHazard, setHazard); this.addProperty("spines", this.getSpines, null); killedBy = null; spines = false; hazard = false; speed = 3; turnSpeed = 3; speedBoost = 0; switch (_x) { case -5 : if (_y < 200) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } else { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } break; case 555 : if (_y < 200) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } break; default : if (_y == -5) { if (_x < 275) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 500) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } } else if (_x < 275) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 500) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180)); if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) == undefined) { if (_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } if (speedBoost > 0) { speedBoost = speedBoost - 0.5; } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { if (justStruck == 0) { if ((!spines) || (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped)) { if (spines) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , this._rotation); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } } SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(4776397); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 12; _global.GainAward("First Sharp"); _global.KillCount("Sharp", 10); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Sharp") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Sharp"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , this._rotation); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _rotation = ((_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); speedBoost = 3; justStruck = 20; rattled = 50; HerosFault = 60; } } } } } if (justStruck > 0) { justStruck--; } if ((killedBy != null) && (!spines)) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t12"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(4776397); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (killedBy != null) { if (killedBy.exploded) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t12"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(4776397); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (killedBy._name.slice(0, 3) == "Ooz") { killedBy = null; } else { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , this._rotation); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _rotation = ((killedBy._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); speedBoost = 3; justStruck = 20; rattled = 50; killedBy = null; } } if (justBounced == 0) { if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { if (!spines) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = _root.HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffY = _root.HeroPointer._y; _global.justHit = this; } else { _global.justHit = this; armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if ((armorTab == null) || (armorTab.charge != 300)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroImpaled, _name + "Impale", _global.heroDepth++); myImpale = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Impale"); with (myImpale) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); _visible = false; } } } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { if (!spines) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } if (((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Sharp") && (hitTarget.spines)) || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder")) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } hitTarget.killedBy = this; if (HerosFault > 0) { _global.GainAward("Sharp as Weapon"); } } } x++; } } if (justBounced != 0) { if (spines) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , this._rotation); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); } else { _global.MakeNoise("Boing"); } if (_x > bouncedOffX) { BouncetoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { BouncetoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (BouncetoSpotX > 275) { BouncetoSpotX = 555; } else { BouncetoSpotX = -5; } } else if (BouncetoSpotY > 200) { BouncetoSpotY = 405; } else { BouncetoSpotY = -5; } _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(_x - BouncetoSpotX, _y - BouncetoSpotY)) / (Math.PI/180)); } } else { justBounced--; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - ((speed + speedBoost) * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + ((speed + speedBoost) * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { if (HerosFault > 0) { _global.GainAward("Fling Sharp"); } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hazard) { if (_currentframe < 42) { gotoAndPlay (42); } if (_currentframe == 76) { gotoAndPlay (56); } } else if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } hazard = false; if (_currentframe == 45) { _global.MakeNoise("SharpsOut"); } if (_currentframe == 77) { _global.MakeNoise("SharpsIn"); } if (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Flame") != undefined) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Goo") != undefined) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Morph") != undefined) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (eval (("_root." + _name) + "GloopleBurn") != undefined) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (eval (("_root." + _name) + "GloopleMelt") != undefined) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_root.myLure.luring) { toHazardX = _x - _root.myLure._x; toHazardY = _y - _root.myLure._y; } else { toHazardX = _x - _root.HeroPointer._x; toHazardY = _y - _root.HeroPointer._y; } hazardRotation = (-Math.atan2(toHazardX, toHazardY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.sqrt((toHazardX * toHazardX) + (toHazardY * toHazardY)) <= 200) { if (Math.abs(_rotation - hazardRotation) < 60) { hazard = true; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hazTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); toHazardX = _x - hazTarget._x; toHazardY = _y - hazTarget._y; hazardRotation = (-Math.atan2(toHazardX, toHazardY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.sqrt((toHazardX * toHazardX) + (toHazardY * toHazardY)) <= 100) { if (Math.abs(_rotation - hazardRotation) < 30) { hazard = true; } } } x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); p = 10; while (p < 70) { ProjPathX = _x + (p * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); ProjPathY = _y - (p * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if (targetHazard.hitTest(ProjPathX, ProjPathY, false)) { hazard = true; } p = p + 10; } x++; } if (rattled > 0) { hazard = true; rattled--; } if (HerosFault > 0) { HerosFault--; } if ((_currentframe < 46) || (_currentframe > 89)) { spines = false; turnspeed = 3; } else { spines = true; turnspeed = 2; } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2746 MovieClip "Sparks" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "Sparks") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Sparks") && (!_global.pause)) { _root.attachMovie("Spark Shower", _name + "Show", _global.capDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Show")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2793 MovieClip "HeroImpaled" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; printcount = 0; if (_name == "HeroImpaled") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { killedBy = null; spines = true; speed = 3; turnSpeed = 3; _global.Enemies.push(_name); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } if (justBounced == 0) { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Sharp") && (hitTarget.spines)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } x++; } if (justBounced != 0) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , this._rotation); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); ClangNoise = new Sound(); ClangNoise.attachSound("Sword Clang Sound"); ClangNoise.onSoundComplete = function () { ClangNoise.stop(); }; ClangNoise.start(); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { BouncetoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { BouncetoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (BouncetoSpotX > 275) { BouncetoSpotX = 555; } else { BouncetoSpotX = -5; } } else if (BouncetoSpotY > 200) { BouncetoSpotY = 405; } else { BouncetoSpotY = -5; } _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(_x - BouncetoSpotX, _y - BouncetoSpotY)) / (Math.PI/180)); } } else { justBounced--; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - ((speed + speedBoost) * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + ((speed + speedBoost) * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if ((_currentframe == 6) && (printcount < 6)) { printName = (("_root." + _name) + "Bloodprint") + printcount; duplicateMovieClip (_root.BloodPrint, (_name + "Bloodprint") + (printcount++), _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (printName)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; gotoAndStop(printcount); } } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 547 MovieClip "Clutter" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; spitting = false; spitDelay = 0; if (_name == "Clutter") { mommy = true; stop(); } this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); this.addProperty("little", this.getLittle, null); killedBy = null; little = false; orbitDir = "left"; speed = 4; turnSpeed = 4; driftChange = 0; lockX = false; lockY = false; posture = "search"; spitBabies = 10; beenLittle = 0; fledFor = 0; switch (_x) { case -5 : if (_y < 200) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } else { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } break; case 555 : if (_y < 200) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } break; default : if (_y == -5) { if (_x < 275) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 500) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } } else if (_x < 275) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 500) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180)); moveRotation = _rotation; if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) == undefined) { if (_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_xscale < 95) { little = true; } else { little = false; } if ((_global.HeroAction == "attacking") && ((!little) || (beenLittle > 10))) { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , this._xscale); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , this._yscale); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(13781982); if (!little) { littleClutters = int(Math.random() * 3) + 2; x = 1; while (x < littleClutters) { ClutterNum = _root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter; ClutterName = "_root.Clutter" + String(ClutterNum); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Clutter, "Clutter" + String(ClutterNum), _global.baddieDepth++); with (eval (ClutterName)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _xscale = 40; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _yscale = 40; _rotation = this._rotation - ((180 + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20); } _global.Enemies.push("Clutter" + String(ClutterNum)); _root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter++; x++; } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); if (!little) { BountyObject.bounty = 8; _global.GainAward("First Clutter"); _global.KillCount("Clutter", 50); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Clutter") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Clutter"); } _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); } else { BountyObject.bounty = 3; _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (killedBy != null) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); if (!little) { BountyObject.bounty = "t8"; } else { BountyObject.bounty = "t3"; } } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , this._xscale); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , this._yscale); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(13781982); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); if (!little) { littleClutters = int(Math.random() * 3) + 2; x = 1; while (x < littleClutters) { ClutterNum = _root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter; ClutterName = "_root.Clutter" + String(ClutterNum); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Clutter, "Clutter" + String(ClutterNum), _global.baddieDepth++); with (eval (ClutterName)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _xscale = 40; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _yscale = 40; _rotation = this._rotation - ((180 + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20); } _global.Enemies.push("Clutter" + String(ClutterNum)); _root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter++; x++; } } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (justBounced == 0) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (!little) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = _root.HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffY = _root.HeroPointer._y; _global.justHit = this; } else { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = _root.HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffX = _root.HeroPointer._y; } } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } } x++; } } if (justBounced != 0) { _global.MakeNoise("Boing"); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { BouncetoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { BouncetoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (BouncetoSpotX > 275) { BouncetoSpotX = 555; } else { BouncetoSpotX = -5; } } else if (BouncetoSpotY > 200) { BouncetoSpotY = 405; } else { BouncetoSpotY = -5; } _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(_x - BouncetoSpotX, _y - BouncetoSpotY)) / (Math.PI/180)); } } else { justBounced--; } if (posture != "drift") { if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } } if ((eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) && (posture != "leave")) { if (_root.myLure.luring) { toHero_x = _x - _root.myLure._x; toHero_y = _y - _root.myLure._y; } else { toHero_x = _x - _root.HeroPointer._x; toHero_y = _y - _root.HeroPointer._y; } heroDist = Math.sqrt((toHero_x * toHero_x) + (toHero_y * toHero_y)); if (!little) { if (heroDist > 160) { posture = "search"; } else if ((heroDist <= 160) && (heroDist > 140)) { posture = "orbit"; } else { posture = "flee"; } } else if (heroDist > 140) { if ((posture != "drift") || (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed)) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 500) + 26; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 350) + 26; delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180)); } posture = "drift"; } else { posture = "flee"; } } else if (posture != "leave") { posture = "search"; if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } } CluttersOnScreen = 0; x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 7) == "Clutter") { CluttersOnScreen++; } x++; } if (CluttersOnScreen >= (_global.spawnLimit * 0.7)) { if (int(Math.random() * 130) == 1) { posture = "leave"; } } else if (posture == "leave") { posture = "flee"; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } switch (posture) { case "search" : moveRotation = _rotation; throttle = speed; break; case "orbit" : throttle = speed / 2; if (driftChange > 60) { if ((int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) == 1) { orbitDir = "left"; } else { orbitDir = "right"; } driftChange = 0; } if ((orbitDir = "left")) { moveRotation = targetRotation - (int(Math.random() * 20) + 80); } else { moveRotation = targetRotation + (int(Math.random() * 20) + 80); } break; case "flee" : case "leave" : if (driftChange > 10) { moveRotation = targetRotation - (int(Math.random() * 20) - 170); driftChange = 0; } if (!little) { throttle = speed / 2; } else { throttle = speed * 0.75; } driftChange++; break; case "drift" : moveRotation = _rotation; throttle = speed * 0.75; } if (moveRotation > 179) { moveRotation = moveRotation - 360; } if (moveRotation < -180) { moveRotation = moveRotation + 360; } driftChange++; if (posture != "leave") { if ((((_y < 10) || (_y > 390)) && (heroDist > 100)) && ((posture == "flee") || (posture == "orbit"))) { lockY = true; } else { lockY = false; } if ((((_x < 10) || (_x > 540)) && (heroDist > 100)) && ((posture == "flee") || (posture == "orbit"))) { lockX = true; } else { lockX = false; } } if (posture == "flee") { fleeFor++; } else { fleeFor = 0; } if (((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) && (!spitting)) { if (((Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) > speed) || (posture == "flee")) || (posture == "leave")) { if (!lockY) { _y = (_y - (throttle * Math.cos(moveRotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } if (!lockX) { _x = (_x + (throttle * Math.sin(moveRotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } } else if (!spitting) { if (fleeFor >= 60) { _global.GainAward("Push Clutter"); } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (little) { beenLittle++; } if ((little && (beenLittle > 150)) && (_currentframe == 2)) { this._xscale = this._xscale + 10; this._yscale = this._yscale + 10; } if ((!little) && (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined)) { if ((heroDist < 156) && (posture == "orbit")) { if ((_rotation == targetRotation) && (spitDelay == 0)) { gotoAndPlay (81); spitting = true; spitDelay = 60; } } } if (spitDelay > 0) { spitDelay--; } if (_currentframe == 80) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_currentframe == 101) { BabyName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Spit") + spitBabies; duplicateMovieClip (_root.ClutterSpit, (this._name + "Spit") + spitBabies, _global.baddieDepth++); setProperty(BabyName, _rotation , this._rotation); setProperty(BabyName, _x , this._x); setProperty(BabyName, _y , this._y); if (spitBabies < 99) { spitBabies++; } else { spitBabies = 10; } _global.MakeNoise("Spit"); } else if (_currentframe == 111) { spitting = false; } } else if (!mommy) { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2796 MovieClip "ClutterSpit" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; gotoSpotX = null; gotoSpotY = null; if (_name == "ClutterSpit") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); killedBy = null; stuck = false; stuckToArmor = false; speed = 8; priorRotation = 0; totalRotation = 0; daddyClutter = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 6)); gotoAndStop (1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((!mommy) && (!stuck)) && (!_global.pause)) { if (gotoSpotX == null) { gotoSpotX = _x + (170 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); gotoSpotY = _y - (170 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(13781982); _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 3; _visible = false; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (killedBy != null) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killedBy._rotation); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(13781982); _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); _visible = false; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if ((suitTab != null) && (suitTab.charge > 1)) { suitTab.charge = suitTab.charge - 15; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , this._rotation); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(13781982); _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); _root.Census.perfectRun = false; _visible = false; this.removeMovieClip(); } else { play(); stuck = true; stuck_x = _root.HeroPointer._x - this._x; stuck_y = _root.HeroPointer._y - this._y; stuckRotation = (-Math.atan2(stuck_x, stuck_y)) / (Math.PI/180); offHeroRotation = stuckRotation - _root.HeroPointer._rotation; _root.HeroPointer.clutters.push(this); _root.Census.perfectRun = false; armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if ((armorTab != null) && (armorTab.charge == 300)) { stuckToArmor = true; } } } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != daddyClutter._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killedBy._rotation); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(13781982); _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); _visible = false; this.removeMovieClip(); } } x++; } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); _rotation = targetRotation; if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) > speed) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , this._rotation); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(13781982); _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); _visible = false; this.removeMovieClip(); } } else if (((!mommy) && (stuck)) && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe < 10) { play(); } gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; if (_currentframe == 10) { stop(); } armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if ((armorTab != null) && (armorTab.charge != 300)) { if (stuckToArmor) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , this._rotation); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(13781982); _root.HeroPointer.clutters = _root.HeroPointer.clutters - 1; _root.HeroPointer.speed = _root.HeroPointer.speed + 1; _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); _visible = false; this.removeMovieClip(); } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; myRotation = _root.HeroPointer._rotation + offHeroRotation; if (myRotation > 179) { myRotation = myRotation - 360; } if (myRotation < -180) { myRotation = myRotation + 360; } this._x = gotoSpotX + (10 * Math.sin(myRotation * (Math.PI/180))); this._y = gotoSpotY - (10 * Math.cos(myRotation * (Math.PI/180))); this._rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.abs(_rotation - priorRotation) < 190) { totalRotation = totalRotation + Math.abs(_rotation - priorRotation); } priorRotation = _rotation; if (((totalRotation >= 3000) || (eval (_root.HeroPointer) == undefined)) && ((_global.gameMode != "Single") || (_global.ClearTime == 0))) { ClutterNum = _root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter; ClutterName = "_root.Clutter" + String(ClutterNum); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Clutter, "Clutter" + String(ClutterNum), _global.baddieDepth++); with (eval (ClutterName)) { _x = this._x; _xscale = 40; _y = this._y; _yscale = 40; _rotation = this._rotation - 180; } _global.Enemies.push("Clutter" + String(ClutterNum)); _root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 735 MovieClip "Grinder" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; rockCounter = 0; if (_name == "Grinder") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); this.addProperty("acidized", this.getAcidized, this.setAcidized); killedBy = null; acidized = false; speed = 2.5; turnSpeed = 0.7; switch (_x) { case -5 : if (_y < 200) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } else { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } break; case 555 : if (_y < 200) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } break; default : if (_y == -5) { if (_x < 275) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 500) + 1; gotoSpotY = 405; } } else if (_x < 275) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = 555; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 550) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } } else if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) == 1) { gotoSpotX = -5; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 400) + 1; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 500) + 1; gotoSpotY = -5; } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180)); if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) == undefined) { if (_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } } if ((_global.soundMode == "All") || (_global.soundMode == "FX Only")) { myGrind = new Sound(this); myGrind.attachSound("Grind"); myGrind.start(0, 10); } } } onClipEvent (unload) { myGrind.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } if (acidized) { _global.MakeNoise("Sizzle"); x = 1; while (x < 5) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.WhiteSmoke, (_name + "Smoke") + x, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Smoke") + x)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 60)) - 30; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 60)) - 30; } x++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.GrinderCracked, _name + "Cracked", _global.baddieDepth++); myGrinder = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Cracked"); with (myGrinder) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); _visible = false; removeMovieClip(this); } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 6) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { distance_x = _x - _root.HeroSwing._x; distance_y = _y - _root.HeroSwing._y; adjustedRotation = (-Math.atan2(distance_x, distance_y)) / (Math.PI/180); impactPointY = _y - (25 * Math.cos(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); impactPointX = _x + (25 * Math.sin(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(impactPointX, impactPointY, true)) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation - 90); setProperty(SparkName, _x , ImpactPointX); setProperty(SparkName, _y , ImpactPointY); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _global.HeroAction = "bounceback"; if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { _global.MakeNoise("Pebble"); _global.MakeNoise("GrindRumble", 1.2); debrisNum = int(Math.random() * 5) + 4; x = 0; while (x < debrisNum) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) != 1) { rockType = "_root.Stone"; } else { rockType = "_root.MoltenStone"; } RockName = (this._name + "Stone") + int(Math.random() * 1000); duplicateMovieClip (eval (rockType), RockName, _global.effectDepth++); RockName = "_root." + RockName; if ((int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) == 1) { setProperty(RockName, _rotation , this._rotation + (int(Math.random() * 40) + 70)); } else { setProperty(RockName, _rotation , this._rotation - (int(Math.random() * 40) + 70)); } rockScale = int(Math.random() * 40) + 40; setProperty(RockName, _x , impactPointX); setProperty(RockName, _xscale , rockScale); setProperty(RockName, _y , impactPointY); setProperty(RockName, _yscale , rockScale); x++; } _rotation = ((_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); duplicateMovieClip (_root.GrinderCracked, _name + "Cracked", _global.baddieDepth++); myGrinder = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Cracked"); with (myGrinder) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); _visible = false; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } if (killedBy != null) { if (killedBy._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = killedBy._x; bouncedOffY = killedBy._y; } else if (killedBy.exploded) { toBlastX = _x - killedBy._x; toBlastY = _y - killedBy._y; blastDir = (-Math.atan2(toBlastX, toBlastY)) / (Math.PI/180); blastDir = blastDir - 180; debrisNum = int(Math.random() * 5) + 4; x = 0; while (x < debrisNum) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) != 1) { rockType = "_root.Stone"; } else { rockType = "_root.MoltenStone"; } RockName = (this._name + "Stone") + int(Math.random() * 1000); duplicateMovieClip (eval (rockType), RockName, _global.effectDepth++); RockName = "_root." + RockName; setProperty(RockName, _rotation , blastDir - (int(Math.random() * 40) + 70)); rockScale = int(Math.random() * 40) + 40; setProperty(RockName, _x , this._x); setProperty(RockName, _xscale , rockScale); setProperty(RockName, _y , this._y); setProperty(RockName, _yscale , rockScale); x++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.GrinderCracked, _name + "Cracked", _global.baddieDepth++); myGrinder = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Cracked"); with (myGrinder) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); _visible = false; removeMovieClip(this); } else { killedBy = null; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { targetHazard.killedBy = this; } } x++; } if ((justBounced == 0) || (killedBy != null)) { if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) != "Grinder") && (!((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray") && (hitTarget.action == "gaurd")))) { if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } else { distance_x = _x - hitTarget._x; distance_y = _y - hitTarget._y; adjustedRotation = (-Math.atan2(distance_x, distance_y)) / (Math.PI/180); impactPointY = _y - (25 * Math.cos(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); impactPointX = _x + (25 * Math.sin(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); if (hitTarget.hitTest(impactPointX, impactPointY, true)) { hitTarget.killedBy = this; justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } } } x++; } } if ((justBounced != 0) || (killedBy != null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Pebble"); _global.MakeNoise("GrindRumble", 1.2); debrisNum = int(Math.random() * 5) + 4; x = 0; while (x < debrisNum) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) != 1) { rockType = "_root.Stone"; } else { rockType = "_root.MoltenStone"; } RockName = (this._name + "Stone") + int(Math.random() * 1000); duplicateMovieClip (eval (rockType), RockName, _global.effectDepth++); RockName = "_root." + RockName; if ((int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) == 1) { setProperty(RockName, _rotation , this._rotation + (int(Math.random() * 40) + 70)); } else { setProperty(RockName, _rotation , this._rotation - (int(Math.random() * 40) + 70)); } rockScale = int(Math.random() * 40) + 40; setProperty(RockName, _x , impactPointX); setProperty(RockName, _xscale , rockScale); setProperty(RockName, _y , impactPointY); setProperty(RockName, _yscale , rockScale); x++; } if (_x > bouncedOffX) { BouncetoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { BouncetoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (BouncetoSpotX > 275) { BouncetoSpotX = 555; } else { BouncetoSpotX = -5; } } else if (BouncetoSpotY > 200) { BouncetoSpotY = 405; } else { BouncetoSpotY = -5; } _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(_x - BouncetoSpotX, _y - BouncetoSpotY)) / (Math.PI/180)); duplicateMovieClip (_root.GrinderCracked, _name + "Cracked", _global.baddieDepth++); myGrinder = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Cracked"); with (myGrinder) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); _visible = false; removeMovieClip(this); } } else { justBounced--; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -16) && (_x > -16)) && (_y < 416)) && (_x < 566)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2800 MovieClip "GrinderCracked" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; recoil = 0; rockCounter = 0; if (_name == "GrinderCracked") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("health", this.getHealth, this.setHealth); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); this.addProperty("acidized", this.getAcidized, this.setAcidized); killedBy = null; health = 5; speed = 2; turnSpeed = 0.5; _global.Enemies.push(_name); if ((_global.soundMode == "All") || (_global.soundMode == "FX Only")) { myGrind = new Sound(this); myGrind.attachSound("Grind"); myGrind.start(0, 10); } } } onClipEvent (unload) { myGrind.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } if (recoil > 0) { recoil--; } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 6) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { distance_x = _x - _root.HeroSwing._x; distance_y = _y - _root.HeroSwing._y; adjustedRotation = (-Math.atan2(distance_x, distance_y)) / (Math.PI/180); impactPointY = _y - (25 * Math.cos(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); impactPointX = _x + (25 * Math.sin(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(impactPointX, impactPointY, true) && (recoil == 0)) { health--; recoil = 20; if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { health = health - 2; } SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , impactPointX); setProperty(SplatName, _y , impactPointY); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(15884813); if (health <= 0) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "BigSplat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "BigSplat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 230); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 230); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(15884813); debrisNum = int(Math.random() * 5) + 10; x = 0; while (x < debrisNum) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) != 1) { rockType = "_root.Stone"; } else { rockType = "_root.MoltenStone"; } RockName = (this._name + "Stone") + int(Math.random() * 1000); duplicateMovieClip (eval (rockType), RockName, _global.effectDepth++); RockName = "_root." + RockName; setProperty(RockName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); rockScale = int(Math.random() * 40) + 40; setProperty(RockName, _x , impactPointX); setProperty(RockName, _xscale , rockScale); setProperty(RockName, _y , impactPointY); setProperty(RockName, _yscale , rockScale); x++; } _global.MakeNoise("GrinderKill"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 100; _global.GainAward("First Grinder"); _global.KillCount("Grinder", 4); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Grinder") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Grinder"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { _global.MakeNoise("Slice"); _global.MakeNoise("GrinderHurt"); debrisNum = int(Math.random() * 5) + 4; x = 0; while (x < debrisNum) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) != 1) { rockType = "_root.Stone"; } else { rockType = "_root.MoltenStone"; } RockName = (this._name + "Stone") + int(Math.random() * 1000); duplicateMovieClip (eval (rockType), RockName, _global.effectDepth++); RockName = "_root." + RockName; setProperty(RockName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); rockScale = int(Math.random() * 40) + 40; setProperty(RockName, _x , impactPointX); setProperty(RockName, _xscale , rockScale); setProperty(RockName, _y , impactPointY); setProperty(RockName, _yscale , rockScale); x++; } } } } } if (killedBy != null) { if (killedBy._name.slice(0, 7) != "Grinder") { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = killedBy._x; bouncedOffY = killedBy._y; } else if (killedBy.exploded) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t100"; } toBlastX = _x - killedBy._x; toBlastY = _y - killedBy._y; blastDir = (-Math.atan2(toBlastX, toBlastY)) / (Math.PI/180); blastDir = blastDir - 180; debrisNum = int(Math.random() * 5) + 10; x = 0; while (x < debrisNum) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) != 1) { rockType = "_root.Stone"; } else { rockType = "_root.MoltenStone"; } RockName = (this._name + "Stone") + int(Math.random() * 1000); duplicateMovieClip (eval (rockType), RockName, _global.effectDepth++); RockName = "_root." + RockName; setProperty(RockName, _rotation , blastDir - (int(Math.random() * 40) + 70)); rockScale = int(Math.random() * 40) + 40; setProperty(RockName, _x , this._x); setProperty(RockName, _xscale , rockScale); setProperty(RockName, _y , this._y); setProperty(RockName, _yscale , rockScale); x++; } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { killedBy = null; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { targetHazard.killedBy = this; } } x++; } if (justBounced == 0) { if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) != "Grinder") && (!((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray") && (hitTarget.action == "gaurd")))) { if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } else { distance_x = _x - hitTarget._x; distance_y = _y - hitTarget._y; adjustedRotation = (-Math.atan2(distance_x, distance_y)) / (Math.PI/180); impactPointY = _y - (25 * Math.cos(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); impactPointX = _x + (25 * Math.sin(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); if (hitTarget.hitTest(impactPointX, impactPointY, true)) { hitTarget.killedBy = this; justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } } } x++; } } if (justBounced != 0) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , this._rotation); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Pebble"); _global.MakeNoise("GrindRumble", 1.2); debrisNum = int(Math.random() * 5) + 4; x = 0; while (x < debrisNum) { if ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) != 1) { rockType = "_root.Stone"; } else { rockType = "_root.MoltenStone"; } RockName = (this._name + "Stone") + int(Math.random() * 1000); duplicateMovieClip (eval (rockType), RockName, _global.effectDepth++); RockName = "_root." + RockName; if ((int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) == 1) { setProperty(RockName, _rotation , this._rotation + (int(Math.random() * 40) + 70)); } else { setProperty(RockName, _rotation , this._rotation - (int(Math.random() * 40) + 70)); } rockScale = int(Math.random() * 40) + 40; setProperty(RockName, _x , impactPointX); setProperty(RockName, _xscale , rockScale); setProperty(RockName, _y , impactPointY); setProperty(RockName, _yscale , rockScale); x++; } if (_x > bouncedOffX) { BouncetoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { BouncetoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (BouncetoSpotX > 275) { BouncetoSpotX = 555; } else { BouncetoSpotX = -5; } } else if (BouncetoSpotY > 200) { BouncetoSpotY = 405; } else { BouncetoSpotY = -5; } _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(_x - BouncetoSpotX, _y - BouncetoSpotY)) / (Math.PI/180)); } } else { justBounced--; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2813 MovieClip "FuzzPuff" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "FuzzPuff") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "FuzzPuff") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe < 31) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 31) { stop(); _alpha = (_alpha - 5); if (_alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2854 MovieClip "SmallFire" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "SmallFire") { framesExisted = 0; putOut = false; } else { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "SmallFire") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if ((_currentframe == 60) && (framesExisted < 150)) { gotoAndPlay (20); } if ((_currentframe > 19) && (_currentframe < 61)) { if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { putOut = true; _root.Census.firesStomped++; } } } if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { putOut = true; _root.Census.firesStomped++; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Flame") == undefined) { if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Torchie") && (eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Goo") == undefined)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Flames, hitTarget._name + "Flame", _global.capDepth++); } else { putOut = true; } } } x++; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Inkie") { targetHazard.onFire = true; } else { putOut = true; } } x++; } } if (putOut) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.WhiteSmoke, _name + "WSmoke", _global.capDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "WSmoke")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } removeMovieClip(this); } if (_currentframe == 87) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.BlackSmoke, _name + "BSmoke", _global.capDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "BSmoke")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } } if (_currentframe == 90) { removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2856 MovieClip "BlackSmoke" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "BlackSmoke") { framesExisted = 0; this._xscale = 30; this._yscale = 30; this._rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "BlackSmoke") && (!_global.pause)) { if (framesExisted < 100) { this._xscale++; this._yscale++; this._x = this._x + 0.5; this._y = this._y - 0.5; if (framesExisted > 89) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 10; } } else { removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } }
Instance of Symbol 2858 MovieClip "WhiteSmoke" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "WhiteSmoke") { framesExisted = 0; this._xscale = 30; this._yscale = 30; this._rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "WhiteSmoke") && (!_global.pause)) { if (framesExisted < 100) { this._xscale++; this._yscale++; this._x = this._x + 0.5; this._y = this._y - 0.5; if (framesExisted > 89) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 10; } } else { removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } }
Instance of Symbol 1198 MovieClip [Gloople Flame] "Flames" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "Flames") { stop(); } else { framesExisted = 0; TorchieFlame = false; hostObject = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 5)); if (hostObject._name.slice(0, 7) == "Torchie") { TorchieFlame = true; } _global.MakeNoise("Lit"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "Flames") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (eval (hostObject) == undefined) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (eval (hostObject._name + "Goo") != undefined) { removeMovieClip(this); } _x = hostObject._x; _y = hostObject._y; _rotation = hostObject._rotation; if ((_currentframe == 2) && (!TorchieFlame)) { hostObject.speed = 2; } if ((_currentframe > 29) && (_currentframe < 101)) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if ((_global.HeroAction != "flamed") && (_global.HeroAction != "frozen")) { if (_root.HeroPointerGoo == undefined) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if ((armorTab == null) || (armorTab.charge != 300)) { _root.Census.perfectRun = false; suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if ((suitTab != null) && (suitTab.charge > 1)) { suitTab.charge = suitTab.charge - 50; } else { _global.HeroAction = "flamed"; } } } } } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != hostObject._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Flame") == undefined) { if (eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Goo") != undefined) { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 8) == "myBoxGun") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "myDrone") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Stickie") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4) == "Void") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Queen") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Flames, hitTarget._name + "Flame", _global.capDepth++); GloopleFire = eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Flame"); if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Oozle") || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray")) { with (GloopleFire) { _xscale = 170; _yscale = 170; } } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Clutter") { with (GloopleFire) { _xscale = hitTarget._xscale; _yscale = hitTarget._yscale; } } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Amalgam") { with (GloopleFire) { _xscale = hitTarget._xscale + 70; _yscale = hitTarget._yscale + 70; } } } } } } x++; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Inkie") { targetHazard.onFire = true; } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.WhiteSmoke, _name + "WSmoke", _global.capDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "WSmoke")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } removeMovieClip(this); } } x++; } } if ((_currentframe == 100) && (TorchieFlame)) { gotoAndPlay (30); } if ((_currentframe == 100) && (!TorchieFlame)) { hostObject.gotoAndStop(1); duplicateMovieClip (_root.GloopleBurn, hostObject._name + "GloopleBurn", _global.capDepth++); } if (_currentframe == 130) { removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3011 MovieClip "BigFire" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "BigFire") { framesExisted = 0; putOut = false; smokies = 0; if ((_global.soundMode == "All") || (_global.soundMode == "FX Only")) { flameSound = new Sound(this); flameSound.attachSound("BigFire"); flameSound.start(0, 5); } } else { stop(); } } onClipEvent (unload) { flameSound.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "BigFire") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if ((_currentframe == 121) && (framesExisted < 300)) { gotoAndPlay (41); } if (int(framesExisted / 20) == (framesExisted / 20)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.BlackSmoke, (_name + "Smoke") + smokies, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Smoke") + smokies)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 40)) + 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 70; } smokies++; } if ((_currentframe > 40) && (_currentframe < 122)) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (_global.HeroAction != "flamed") { if (_root.HeroPointerGoo == undefined) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if ((armorTab == null) || (armorTab.charge != 300)) { _root.Census.perfectRun = false; suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if ((suitTab != null) && (suitTab.charge > 1)) { suitTab.charge = suitTab.charge - 3; } else { _global.HeroAction = "flamed"; } } } } } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { if (eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Flame") == undefined) { if (eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Goo") != undefined) { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 8) == "myBoxGun") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "myDrone") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Stickie") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4) == "Void") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Queen") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Flames, hitTarget._name + "Flame", _global.capDepth++); GloopleFire = eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Flame"); if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Oozle") || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray")) { with (GloopleFire) { _xscale = 170; _yscale = 170; } } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Clutter") { with (GloopleFire) { _xscale = hitTarget._xscale; _yscale = hitTarget._yscale; } } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Amalgam") { with (GloopleFire) { _xscale = hitTarget._xscale + 70; _yscale = hitTarget._yscale + 70; } } } } } x++; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Inkie") { targetHazard.onFire = true; } else { putOut = true; x = 1; while (x < 5) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.WhiteSmoke, (_name + "WSmoke") + x, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "WSmoke") + x)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 40)) + 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 70; } x++; } gotoAndPlay (122); } } x++; } } if ((_currentframe == 160) || ((_currentframe == 25) && (!putOut))) { x = 1; while (x < 5) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.BlackSmoke, (_name + "BSmoke") + x, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "BSmoke") + x)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 40)) + 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 70; } x++; } } if (_currentframe == 170) { removeMovieClip(this); flameSound.stop(); } framesExisted++; } else if (_name != "BigFire") { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3134 MovieClip "HeroFlaming" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroFlaming") { stop(); } else { framesExisted = 0; putOut = false; smokies = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "HeroFlaming") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if ((eval (_root.HeroPointer) == undefined) && (_currentframe < 92)) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = _root.HeroPointer._rotation; } if ((_currentframe > 30) && (_currentframe < 92)) { if (int(framesExisted / 20) == (framesExisted / 20)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.BlackSmoke, (_name + "Smoke") + smokies, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Smoke") + smokies)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } smokies++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != hostObject._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Flame") == undefined) { if (eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Goo") != undefined) { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Stickie") { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") { } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Flames, hitTarget._name + "Flame", _global.capDepth++); GloopleFire = eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Flame"); if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Oozle") || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray")) { with (GloopleFire) { _xscale = 170; _yscale = 170; } } } } } } x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Inkie") { targetHazard.onFire = true; } else { p = 1; while (p < 4) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.WhiteSmoke, (_name + "WSmoke") + p, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "WSmoke") + p)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } p++; } _global.HeroAction = "none"; if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 6) != "Meltie") { _global.GainAward("Survive Fire"); } removeMovieClip(this); } } x++; } } if ((_currentframe == 91) && (framesExisted < 200)) { gotoAndPlay (31); } if (_currentframe == 92) { if (!putOut) { _global.HeroAction = "burned"; } } if (_currentframe == 130) { removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3157 MovieClip "HeroBurn" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroBurn") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (_currentframe < 121) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 81) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.BlackSmoke, _name + "BSmoke", _global.capDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "BSmoke")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } } if (_currentframe == 121) { stop(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1006 MovieClip "VoidEater" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "VoidEater") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("action", this.getAction, this.setAction); this.addProperty("exploded", this.getExploded, null); speed = 1; turnSpeed = 1; action = "none"; proximity = false; chargedUp = 0; pulseDown = 0; exploded = false; if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else { gotoSpotX = _x + 20; gotoSpotY = _y + 20; } if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "VoidEater") == null) { EnemiesSeen.push("VoidEater"); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (_root.myLure.luring) { gotoSpotX = _root.myLure._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myLure._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } if (exploded) { exploded = false; } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(8589215); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 50; _global.GainAward("First Void Eater"); _global.KillCount("Void Eater", 3); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "VoidEater") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("VoidEater"); } removeMovieClip(eval (myDim)); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } x++; } } if (killedBy != null) { if ((((killedBy._name.slice(0, 5) == "Sharp") || (killedBy._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder")) || (killedBy.exploded)) || (killedBy.claw)) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t50"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(8589215); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); removeMovieClip(eval (myDim)); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } proximity = false; if ((action == "none") || (action == "grav")) { if (_root.myLure.luring) { toHazardX = _x - _root.myLure._x; toHazardY = _y - _root.myLure._y; } else { toHazardX = _x - _root.HeroPointer._x; toHazardY = _y - _root.HeroPointer._y; } if (Math.sqrt((toHazardX * toHazardX) + (toHazardY * toHazardY)) <= 120) { proximity = true; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hazTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); toHazardX = _x - hazTarget._x; toHazardY = _y - hazTarget._y; if (Math.sqrt((toHazardX * toHazardX) + (toHazardY * toHazardY)) <= 50) { proximity = true; } } x++; } } if ((((action == "none") && (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined)) && (!proximity)) && (_currentframe < 71)) { if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) >= 200) { if ((Math.abs(_rotation - targetRotation) < 20) && (int(Math.random() * 10) == 1)) { gotoAndPlay (81); } } } if ((((action == "none") && (!proximity)) && (int(Math.random() * 60) == 1)) && (_currentframe < 71)) { action = "grav"; gotoAndPlay (71); } if ((proximity && (_currentframe < 71)) && (pulseDown == 0)) { action == "none"; gotoAndPlay (71); } if (_currentframe == 78) { stop(); speed = 0; turnspeed = 0; if ((action == "none") || (action == "grav")) { if (_xscale > 20) { _xscale = (_xscale - 20); _yscale = (_yscale - 20); } else if (action == "none") { action = "pulse"; pulseDown = 20; exploded = true; pulseName = (_name + "Pulse") + _global.effectDepth; duplicateMovieClip (_root.VoidPulse, pulseName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + pulseName)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } _global.MakeNoise("VoidPulse"); if ((eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) && (_global.justHit == null)) { Trudelta_x = _x - _root.HeroPointer._x; Trudelta_y = _y - _root.HeroPointer._y; if (Math.sqrt((Trudelta_x * Trudelta_x) + (Trudelta_y * Trudelta_y)) <= 120) { _global.justHit = this; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); toTargetX = _x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)) <= 150) { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } x++; } } else if (action == "grav") { if (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Spiral") == undefined) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.VoidSpiral, _name + "Spiral", _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Spiral")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } } myDim = ("_root." + _name) + "Dim"; if (eval (myDim) == undefined) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blackout, _name + "Dim", 6000); with (eval (myDim)) { _x = 275; _y = 200; _xscale = 1000; _yscale = 1000; _alpha = 20; } } if (_root.HeroPointer != undefined) { toMyX = _root.HeroPointer._x - _x; toMyY = _root.HeroPointer._y - _y; toMyDir = (-Math.atan2(toMyX, toMyY)) / (Math.PI/180); suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if ((suitTab != null) && (suitTab.charge > 1)) { suitTab.charge--; _root.HeroPointer._y = _root.HeroPointer._y - (1 * Math.cos(toMyDir * (Math.PI/180))); _root.HeroPointer._x = _root.HeroPointer._x + (1 * Math.sin(toMyDir * (Math.PI/180))); } else { _root.HeroPointer._y = _root.HeroPointer._y - (4 * Math.cos(toMyDir * (Math.PI/180))); _root.HeroPointer._x = _root.HeroPointer._x + (4 * Math.sin(toMyDir * (Math.PI/180))); } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if ((_global.Enemies[x] != _name) && (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 7) != "Grinder")) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray") && (hitTarget.action != "none")) { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "myBox") { } else { toMyX = hitTarget._x - _x; toMyY = hitTarget._y - _y; toMyDir = (-Math.atan2(toMyX, toMyY)) / (Math.PI/180); hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (4 * Math.cos(toMyDir * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (4 * Math.sin(toMyDir * (Math.PI/180))); } } x++; } if (proximity && (pulseDown == 0)) { removeMovieClip(eval (myDim)); removeMovieClip(eval (("_root." + _name) + "Spiral")); action = "none"; } } } else if (action == "pulse") { if (_xscale < 100) { _xscale = (_xscale + 20); _yscale = (_yscale + 20); } else { speed = 1; turnSpeed = 1; action = "none"; gotoAndPlay (1); } } } if (_currentframe == 107) { if (chargedUp == 0) { stop(); speed = 0; turnSpeed = 0; action = "charge"; chargePointY = _y - (20 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); chargePointX = _x + (20 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); myDim = ("_root." + _name) + "Dim"; if (eval (myDim) == undefined) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blackout, _name + "Dim", 6000); with (eval (myDim)) { _x = 275; _y = 200; _xscale = 1000; _yscale = 1000; _alpha = 20; } } chargedUp++; } else if (chargedUp < 45) { stop(); if (int(chargedUp / 5) == (chargedUp / 5)) { chargeDir = (_rotation + int(Math.random() * 180)) - 90; duplicateMovieClip (_root.VoidBall, (_name + "Charge") + chargedUp, _global.effectDepth++); myCharge = eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Charge") + chargedUp); with (myCharge) { _y = chargePointY - (50 * Math.cos(chargeDir * (Math.PI/180))); _x = chargePointX + (50 * Math.sin(chargeDir * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = chargeDir - 180; } } chargedUp++; } else { if (eval (myDim) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(eval (myDim)); } chargedUp = 0; play(); } } if (_currentframe == 109) { stop(); if (action == "charge") { duplicateMovieClip (_root.VoidBeam, _name + "Beam", _global.effectDepth++); myBeam = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Beam"); with (myBeam) { _y = this._y - (10 * Math.cos(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = this._x + (10 * Math.sin(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = this._rotation; _yscale = 4000; } action = "shoot"; } else if (eval (myBeam) == undefined) { speed = 1; turnSpeed = 1; action = "none"; play(); } } if (_currentframe == 70) { gotoAndPlay (11); } if (_currentframe == 117) { gotoAndPlay (1); } if (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Spiral") != undefined) { with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Spiral")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } } if (pulseDown > 0) { pulseDown--; } } else { stop(); } } onClipEvent (unload) { if (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Spiral") != undefined) { removeMovieClip(eval (("_root." + _name) + "Spiral")); } }
Instance of Symbol 3161 MovieClip "GrayGlom" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; if (_name == "GrayGlom") { mommy = true; stop(); } this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); speed = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 2; _global.GainAward("Splat a Glom"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Gray, "Gray" + _name.slice(4), _global.baddieDepth++); _global.Enemies.push("Gray" + _name.slice(4)); with (eval ("_root.Gray" + _name.slice(4))) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (killedBy != null) { toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "BigSplat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "BigSplat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 170); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 170); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(9803157); _global.MakeNoise("Pop"); _global.MakeNoise("Splash"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (justBounced == 0) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = _root.HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffY = _root.HeroPointer._x; _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } x++; } } if (justBounced != 0) { BoingNoise = new Sound(); BoingNoise.attachSound("Boing Sound"); BoingNoise.onSoundComplete = function () { BoingNoise.stop(); }; BoingNoise.start(); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { gotoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { gotoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (gotoSpotX > 275) { gotoSpotX = 555; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; } } else if (gotoSpotY > 200) { gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotY = -5; } } } else { justBounced--; } if (justBounced > 0) { delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); _rotation = targetRotation; } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_currentframe == 31) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.VoidEater, "VoidEater" + _name.slice(4), _global.baddieDepth++); _global.Enemies.push("VoidEater" + _name.slice(4)); with (eval ("_root.VoidEater" + _name.slice(4))) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3163 MovieClip "VoidPulse" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "VoidPulse") { framesExisted = 0; backdropName = (_name + "fakeBackdrop") + _global.backgroundDepth; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Backdrop, backdropName, _global.backgroundDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + backdropName)) { _xscale = 105; _yscale = 105; } myBackdrop = eval ("_root." + backdropName); myBackdrop.setMask(this); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "VoidPulse") && (!_global.pause)) { if (framesExisted < 30) { this._xscale = this._xscale + 60; this._yscale = this._yscale + 60; } else { myBackdrop.removeMovieClip(); removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } }
Instance of Symbol 3165 MovieClip "VoidSpiral" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "VoidSpiral") { _alpha = 50; if ((_global.soundMode == "All") || (_global.soundMode == "FX Only")) { voidSound = new Sound(this); voidSound.attachSound("VoidField"); voidSound.start(0, 15); } } } onClipEvent (unload) { voidSound.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "VoidSpiral") && (!_global.pause)) { _rotation = (_rotation+1); } }
Instance of Symbol 3167 MovieClip "VoidBall" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "VoidBall") { framesExisted = 0; _global.MakeNoise("VoidCharge"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "VoidBall") && (!_global.pause)) { if (framesExisted < 20) { _xscale = (_xscale - 5); _yscale = (_yscale - 5); _y = (_y - (3 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (3 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } }
Instance of Symbol 3171 MovieClip "VoidBeam" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "VoidBeam") { framesExisted = 0; hostObject = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 4)); if ((_global.soundMode == "All") || (_global.soundMode == "FX Only")) { beamSound = new Sound(this); beamSound.attachSound("VoidBeam"); beamSound.start(0, 3); } } else { stop(); } } onClipEvent (unload) { beamSound.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "VoidBeam") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (eval (hostObject) == undefined) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (framesExisted < 90) { if (_root.HeroPointer != undefined) { movingForward = true; dragToX = _x; dragToY = _y; testAtX = _x + (20 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); testAtY = _y - (20 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); m = 0; while (m < 15) { dragDifX = dragToX - _root.HeroPointer._x; dragDifY = dragToY - _root.HeroPointer._y; dragToDist = Math.sqrt((dragDifX * dragDifX) + (dragDifY * dragDifY)); testDifX = testAtX - _root.HeroPointer._x; testDifY = testAtY - _root.HeroPointer._y; testAtDist = Math.sqrt((testDifX * testDifX) + (testDifY * testDifY)); if (testAtDist < dragToDist) { dragToX = testAtX; dragToY = testAtY; if (movingForward) { testAtX = testAtX + (20 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); testAtY = testAtY - (20 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } else { testAtX = testAtX + (20 * Math.sin((_rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); testAtY = testAtY - (20 * Math.cos((_rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); } } else if (movingForward && (dragToX == _x)) { movingForward = false; testAtX = _x + (20 * Math.sin((_rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); testAtY = _y - (20 * Math.cos((_rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); } else { m = 20; } if (!hitTest(testAtX, testAtY, true)) { if (movingForward && (dragToX == _x)) { movingForward = false; testAtX = _x + (20 * Math.sin((_rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); testAtY = _y - (20 * Math.cos((_rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); } else { m = 20; } } m++; } toMyX = _root.HeroPointer._x - dragToX; toMyY = _root.HeroPointer._y - dragToY; toMyDir = (-Math.atan2(toMyX, toMyY)) / (Math.PI/180); suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if ((suitTab != null) && (suitTab.charge > 1)) { suitTab.charge--; _root.HeroPointer._y = _root.HeroPointer._y - (2 * Math.cos(toMyDir * (Math.PI/180))); _root.HeroPointer._x = _root.HeroPointer._x + (2 * Math.sin(toMyDir * (Math.PI/180))); } else { _root.HeroPointer._y = _root.HeroPointer._y - (6 * Math.cos(toMyDir * (Math.PI/180))); _root.HeroPointer._x = _root.HeroPointer._x + (6 * Math.sin(toMyDir * (Math.PI/180))); } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = hostObject; duplicateMovieClip (_root.HeroDisintigrate, "HeroDisInt", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.HeroDisInt) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = toMyDir; } } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if ((_global.Enemies[x] != hostObject._name) && (_global.Enemies[x].slice(0, 7) != "Grinder")) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray") && (hitTarget.action != "none")) { } else if (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "myBox") { } else { movingForward = true; dragToX = _x; dragToY = _y; testAtX = _x + (20 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); testAtY = _y - (20 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); m = 0; while (m < 15) { dragDifX = dragToX - hitTarget._x; dragDifY = dragToY - hitTarget._y; dragToDist = Math.sqrt((dragDifX * dragDifX) + (dragDifY * dragDifY)); testDifX = testAtX - hitTarget._x; testDifY = testAtY - hitTarget._y; testAtDist = Math.sqrt((testDifX * testDifX) + (testDifY * testDifY)); if (testAtDist < dragToDist) { dragToX = testAtX; dragToY = testAtY; if (movingForward) { testAtX = testAtX + (20 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); testAtY = testAtY - (20 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } else { testAtX = testAtX + (20 * Math.sin((_rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); testAtY = testAtY - (20 * Math.cos((_rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); } } else if (movingForward && (dragToX == _x)) { movingForward = false; testAtX = _x + (20 * Math.sin((_rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); testAtY = _y - (20 * Math.cos((_rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); } else { m = 20; } if (!hitTest(testAtX, testAtY, true)) { if (movingForward && (dragToX == _x)) { movingForward = false; testAtX = _x + (20 * Math.sin((_rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); testAtY = _y - (20 * Math.cos((_rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); } else { m = 20; } } m++; } toMyX = hitTarget._x - dragToX; toMyY = hitTarget._y - dragToY; toMyDir = (-Math.atan2(toMyX, toMyY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Oozle") || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray")) || ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror") && (hitTarget.action != "collect"))) { hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (2 * Math.cos(toMyDir * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (2 * Math.sin(toMyDir * (Math.PI/180))); } else { hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (6 * Math.cos(toMyDir * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (6 * Math.sin(toMyDir * (Math.PI/180))); } if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GloopleDisintigrate, hitTarget._name + "DisInt", _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "DisInt")) { _x = hitTarget._x; _y = hitTarget._y; _rotation = toMyDir; if (((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 5) == "Oozle") || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray")) || ((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror") && (hitTarget.action != "collect"))) { _xscale = 170; _yscale = 170; } } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, hitTarget._name), 1); removeMovieClip(hitTarget); } } } x++; } } else { removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3207 MovieClip "GloopleDisintigrate" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "GloopleDisintigrate") { stop(); } else { _global.MakeNoise("Disintigrate"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "GloopleDisintigrate") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe < 45) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 45) { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3229 MovieClip "HeroDisintigrate" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroDisintigrate") { stop(); } else { _global.MakeNoise("Disintigrate"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "HeroDisintigrate") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (_currentframe == 38) { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3249 MovieClip "BiterGlom" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; justBounced = 0; if (_name == "BiterGlom") { mommy = true; stop(); } this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); speed = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(2781657); SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat2"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat2", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x + 10); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y + 10); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(2781657); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 16; _global.GainAward("Splat a Glom"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (killedBy != null) { toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killdir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(2781657); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (justBounced == 0) { if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = _root.HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffY = _root.HeroPointer._x; _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } } x++; } } if (justBounced != 0) { _global.MakeNoise("Boing"); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { gotoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { gotoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (gotoSpotX > 275) { gotoSpotX = 555; } else { gotoSpotX = -5; } } else if (gotoSpotY > 200) { gotoSpotY = 405; } else { gotoSpotY = -5; } } } else { justBounced--; } if (justBounced > 0) { delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); _rotation = targetRotation; } if ((((_y > -6) && (_x > -6)) && (_y < 406)) && (_x < 556)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } else { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_currentframe == 31) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Horror, "Horror" + _name.slice(4), _global.baddieDepth++); _global.Enemies.push("Horror" + _name.slice(4)); with (eval ("_root.Horror" + _name.slice(4))) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } else if (!mommy) { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 801 MovieClip "Queen" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "Queen") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("action", this.getAction, this.setAction); this.addProperty("wisps", this.getWisps, this.setWisps); this.addProperty("larva", this.getLarva, this.setLarva); speed = 3; turnSpeed = 4; justBounced = 0; justSwung = 0; stop(); action = "prowl"; lungeFrames = 0; larva = 0; _global.QueenRevive = false; LeftClaw = null; RightClaw = null; wisps = 0; wispCounter = 0; wigglers = 0; timesLunged = 0; if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else { gotoSpotX = _x + 20; gotoSpotY = _y + 20; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.QueenClaw, _name + "ClawL", _global.baddieDepth++); LeftClaw = eval (("_root." + _name) + "ClawL"); ClawRotation = _rotation - 135; with (LeftClaw) { _y = this._y - (20 * Math.cos(ClawRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = this._x + (20 * Math.sin(ClawRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = this._rotation; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.QueenClaw, _name + "ClawR", _global.baddieDepth++); RightClaw = eval (("_root." + _name) + "ClawR"); ClawRotation = _rotation + 135; with (RightClaw) { _y = this._y - (20 * Math.cos(ClawRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = this._x + (20 * Math.sin(ClawRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = this._rotation; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if ((action == "dodge") || (_currentframe > 1)) { play(); } if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } if (action != "lunge") { turnSpeed = 4; if ((timesLunged >= 5) && (!_global.HeroKilled)) { _global.GainAward("5 Queen Misses"); } if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { toHero = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); if (toHero <= 150) { speed = 2; if (toHero <= 100) { speed = 1; if (toHero <= 50) { speed = 0.5; } } } else { speed = 3; } } else { speed = 3; } } else { speed = 10; turnSpeed = 0; lungeFrames++; } if ((wisps < 10) && (int(Math.random() * 5) == 1)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.QueenWisp, (_name + "Wisp") + wispCounter, _global.effectDepth++); wisps++; wispCounter++; if (wispCounter == 10) { wispCounter = 0; } } if (int(Math.random() * 20) == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.QueenWiggler, (_name + "Wiggler") + wigglers, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Wiggler") + wigglers)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; } wigglers++; } if ((larva < 5) && (int(Math.random() * 100) == 1)) { LarvaName = null; useNum = 0; while (useNum < 10) { if (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Larva") + useNum) == undefined) { LarvaName = (_name + "Larva") + useNum; break; } useNum++; } if (LarvaName == null) { } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.QueenLarva, LarvaName, _global.markDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + LarvaName)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; } larva++; _global.MakeNoise("LarvaSpawn"); } } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(16206129); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 75; _global.GainAward("First Queen"); _global.KillCount("Queen", 3); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "Queen") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("Queen"); } _visible = false; _global.QueenRevive = true; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, false)) { _global.justHit = this; justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffY = HeroPointer._y; } else if (justBounced == 0) { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } } x++; } } else if (justBounced == 8) { _global.MakeNoise("Boing"); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { BouncetoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { BouncetoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (BouncetoSpotX > 275) { BouncetoSpotX = 555; } else { BouncetoSpotX = -5; } } else if (BouncetoSpotY > 200) { BouncetoSpotY = 405; } else { BouncetoSpotY = -5; } _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(_x - BouncetoSpotX, _y - BouncetoSpotY)) / (Math.PI/180)); justBounced--; } else { justBounced--; } if (killedBy != null) { if (((((killedBy._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") || (killedBy.exploded)) || (killedBy._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror")) || (killedBy._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor")) || (killedBy.disk)) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t75"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(16206129); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.QueenRevive = true; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { killedBy = null; } } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { scareRange = 130; } else { scareRange = 100; } if ((action == "prowl") && (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= scareRange)) { if (((_global.HeroAction == "attacking") && (_currentframe == 1)) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { action = "dodge"; gotoAndPlay (1); } if ((eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) && (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 20)) { action = "dodge"; gotoAndPlay (1); } } if ((action == "prowl") && (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 100)) { if ((Math.abs(_rotation - targetRotation) < 100) && (justSwung == 0)) { if ((int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) && (Math.abs(_rotation - LeftClaw._rotation) < 20)) { LeftClaw.action = "swipe"; action = "swing"; justSwung = justSwung + (int(Math.random() * 50) + 15); _global.MakeNoise("Swing"); timesLunged++; } else if (Math.abs(_rotation - RightClaw._rotation) < 20) { RightClaw.action = "swipe"; action = "swing"; justSwung = justSwung + (int(Math.random() * 50) + 15); _global.MakeNoise("Swing"); timesLunged++; } } } if ((action == "prowl") && (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 300)) { if ((Math.abs(_rotation - targetRotation) < 50) && (justSwung == 0)) { if ((Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) >= 100) && (_global.HeroAction != "attacking")) { if ((int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) && (Math.abs(_rotation - LeftClaw._rotation) < 20)) { LeftClaw.action = "swipe"; action = "lunge"; justSwung = justSwung + (int(Math.random() * 60) + 25); timesLunged++; _rotation = (_rotation - 10); _global.MakeNoise("Swing"); } else if (Math.abs(_rotation - RightClaw._rotation) < 20) { RightClaw.action = "swipe"; action = "lunge"; justSwung = justSwung + (int(Math.random() * 60) + 25); timesLunged++; _rotation = (_rotation + 10); _global.MakeNoise("Swing"); } } } } if (justSwung > 0) { justSwung--; } if ((action == "prowl") || (action == "lunge")) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } } else if (action == "dodge") { _rotation = targetRotation; _y = (_y - (12 * Math.cos((_rotation + 180) * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (12 * Math.sin((_rotation + 180) * (Math.PI/180)))); } if (lungeFrames == 10) { action = "swing"; lungeFrames = 0; } if (_currentframe == 10) { action = "prowl"; } if (_currentframe == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3252 MovieClip "QueenClaw" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "QueenClaw") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("action", this.getAction, this.setAction); this.addProperty("claw", this.getClaw, null); claw = true; killedBy = null; beenDead = 0; action = "none"; turnSpeed = 4; speedBoost = 0; Right = false; sLoc = 0; swipeFrames = 0; stop(); mommyQueen = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 5)); gotoAndStop (1); moveDirection = _rotation; justStruck = 0; if (_name.slice(_name.length - 1, _name.length) == "R") { Right = true; _xscale = -100; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.QueenArm, _name + "Arm", _global.baddieDepth++); myArm = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Arm"); with (myArm) { _y = this._y; _x = this._x; _rotation = this._rotation; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((!mommy) && (beenDead == 0)) && (!_global.pause)) { if (speedBoost > 0) { speedBoost = speedBoost - 0.5; } if (justStruck > 0) { justStruck--; } deltaQ_x = _x - mommyQueen._x; deltaQ_y = _y - mommyQueen._y; toQueen = Math.sqrt((deltaQ_x * deltaQ_x) + (deltaQ_y * deltaQ_y)); speed = int(toQueen / 10); if (action == "swipe") { speed = 7; swipeFrames++; } if (mommyQueen.action == "lunge") { speed = 12; } if ((action == "none") || ((action == "pull") && (toQueen > 50))) { if (Right) { zoneOff = mommyQueen._rotation + (int(Math.random() * 90) + 45); } else { zoneOff = mommyQueen._rotation - (int(Math.random() * 90) + 45); } gotoSpotX = mommyQueen._x + ((int(Math.random() * 10) + 10) * Math.sin(zoneOff * (Math.PI/180))); gotoSpotY = mommyQueen._y - ((int(Math.random() * 10) + 10) * Math.cos(zoneOff * (Math.PI/180))); action = "pull"; } else if (action == "swipe") { if (!Right) { if (sLoc == 0) { swipeRot = mommyQueen._rotation + 90; } else { swipeRot = mommyQueen._rotation; } } else if (sLoc == 0) { swipeRot = mommyQueen._rotation - 90; } else { swipeRot = mommyQueen._rotation; } gotoSpotX = mommyQueen._x + (30 * Math.sin(swipeRot * (Math.PI/180))); gotoSpotY = mommyQueen._y - (30 * Math.cos(swipeRot * (Math.PI/180))); } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_x, _y, true)) { if (justStruck == 0) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , moveDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } moveDirection = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30; speedBoost = 3; justStruck = 5; if (action == "swipe") { action = "none"; sLoc = 0; swipeFrames = 0; mommyQueen.action = "dodge"; } _global.HeroAction = "bounceback"; } } } } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != mommyQueen._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { if ((((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") || (hitTarget.spines)) || (hitTarget.action == "gaurd")) || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror")) { if (justStruck == 0) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , moveDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); moveDirection = moveDirection - 180; speedBoost = 3; justStruck = 5; if (action == "swipe") { action = "none"; sLoc = 0; swipeFrames = 0; mommyQueen.action = "prowl"; } } hitTarget.killedBy = this; } else { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } } x++; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { targetHazard.killedBy = this; } } x++; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (justStruck == 0) { moveDirection = targetRotation; } if (moveDirection > 180) { moveDirection = moveDirection - 360; } if (moveDirection < -180) { moveDirection = moveDirection + 360; } if (mommyQueen._currentframe != 1) { turnSpeed = 30; } else { turnSpeed = 4; } if (beenDead == 0) { if (action != "swipe") { if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } } else if (Right) { _rotation = (_rotation + 15); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - 15); } } _y = (_y - ((speedBoost + speed) * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + ((speedBoost + speed) * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 5) { if (action == "swipe") { if (sLoc < 2) { sLoc++; } else if (swipeFrames >= 17) { action = "none"; sLoc = 0; swipeFrames = 0; mommyQueen.action = "prowl"; } } else { action = "none"; } } if (((mommyQueen.action != "swing") && (mommyQueen.action != "lunge")) && (action == "swipe")) { action = "none"; sLoc = 0; swipeFrames = 0; } armRotate = (-Math.atan2(deltaQ_x, deltaQ_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (eval (mommyQueen) != undefined) { with (myArm) { _x = this._x + ((toQueen / 2) * Math.sin(armRotate * (Math.PI/180))); _y = this._y - ((toQueen / 2) * Math.cos(armRotate * (Math.PI/180))); } } if (eval (mommyQueen) == undefined) { SplatName = ("_root." + myArm._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), myArm._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , int(Math.random() * 360) - 179); setProperty(SplatName, _x , myArm._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 60); setProperty(SplatName, _y , myArm._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 60); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(16206387); _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); myArm.removeMovieClip(); SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , this._rotation - 130); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(16206387); if (action == "swipe") { turnSpeed = 15; } if (_rotation > targetRotation) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed * -1; } if (speed > 15) { speed = 15; } beenDead++; } } else if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { gotoAndStop (2); _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); beenDead++; if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - 1; } else { speed = 0; } if (Math.abs(turnSpeed) > 0) { if (turnSpeed > 0) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed - 1; } if (turnSpeed < 0) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed + 1; } } else { turnSpeed = 0; } if (beenDead > 200) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 1221 MovieClip [Queen Wisp] "QueenWisp" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "QueenWisp") { stop(); } else { mommyQueen = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 5)); whereOnSkin = int(Math.random() * 359) - 180; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _xscale = -100; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "QueenWisp") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe < 56) { play(); } if (eval (mommyQueen) == undefined) { removeMovieClip(this); } _rotation = (mommyQueen._rotation + whereOnSkin); _x = (mommyQueen._x + (10 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (mommyQueen._y - (10 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); if (_currentframe == 56) { mommyQueen.wisps--; removeMovieClip(this); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3280 MovieClip "QueenWiggler" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "QueenWiggler") { framesExisted = 0; mySize = int(Math.random() * 50) + 50; _rotation = (int(Math.random() * 360) - 180); _xscale = mySize; _yscale = mySize; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _xscale = (_xscale * -1); } } else { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "QueenWiggler") && (!_global.pause)) { play(); if (framesExisted > 239) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 10; } if (_alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3303 MovieClip "QueenSeed" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "QueenSeed") { stop(); } else { this.addProperty("mommyQueen", this.getMommyQueen, this.setMommyQueen); stop(); hostObject = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 4)); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "QueenSeed") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe > 1) { play(); } if ((eval (hostObject) == undefined) && (_currentframe < 21)) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (_currentframe < 21) { _x = hostObject._x; _y = hostObject._y; _rotation = hostObject._rotation; } if (((eval (mommyQueen) == undefined) && (_global.QueenRevive == true)) && (eval (hostObject) != undefined)) { gotoAndPlay (2); _global.QueenRevive = false; _global.BossOnDeck = true; _global.MakeNoise("QueenHatch"); } if (_currentframe == 21) { hostObject.killedBy = this; } if (_currentframe == 61) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Queen, "Queen" + _root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter, _global.baddieDepth++); mommyQueen = eval ("_root.Queen" + _root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter); _global.Enemies.push("Queen" + _root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter); _root.SpawnPoint.ChildCounter++; with (mommyQueen) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 805 MovieClip "RazorQueen" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "RazorQueen") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("speed", this.getSpeed, this.setSpeed); this.addProperty("turnSpeed", this.getTurnSpeed, this.setTurnSpeed); this.addProperty("action", this.getAction, this.setAction); this.addProperty("mode", this.getMode, this.setMode); this.addProperty("larva", this.getLarva, this.setLarva); this.addProperty("mites", this.getMites, this.setMites); this.addProperty("hogs", this.getHogs, this.setHogs); this.addProperty("miteCounter", this.getMiteCounter, this.setMiteCounter); this.addProperty("teeth", this.getTeeth, this.setTeeth); this.addProperty("health", this.getHealth, this.setHealth); health = 5; recoil = 0; lilSplats = 0; speed = 2; turnSpeed = 2; justBounced = 0; justSwung = 0; justSwitched = 300; spinClockwise = true; stop(); action = "prowl"; mode = "melee"; lungeFrames = 0; larva = 0; lashLag = 0; mites = 0; miteCounter = 10; hogs = 10; LeftForClaw = null; RightForClaw = null; LeftDuClaw = null; RightDuClaw = null; teeth = 0; toothCounter = 10; quillCounter = 10; if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } else { gotoSpotX = _x + 20; gotoSpotY = _y + 20; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorForClaw, _name + "FClawL", _global.baddieDepth++); LeftForClaw = eval (("_root." + _name) + "FClawL"); ClawRotation = _rotation - 45; with (LeftForClaw) { _y = this._y - (20 * Math.cos(ClawRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = this._x + (20 * Math.sin(ClawRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = this._rotation; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorForClaw, _name + "FClawR", _global.baddieDepth++); RightForClaw = eval (("_root." + _name) + "FClawR"); ClawRotation = _rotation + 45; with (RightForClaw) { _y = this._y - (20 * Math.cos(ClawRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = this._x + (20 * Math.sin(ClawRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = this._rotation; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorDuClaw, _name + "DClawL", _global.baddieDepth++); LeftDuClaw = eval (("_root." + _name) + "DClawL"); ClawRotation = _rotation - 135; with (LeftDuClaw) { _y = this._y - (20 * Math.cos(ClawRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = this._x + (20 * Math.sin(ClawRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = this._rotation; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorDuClaw, _name + "DClawR", _global.baddieDepth++); RightDuClaw = eval (("_root." + _name) + "DClawR"); ClawRotation = _rotation + 135; with (RightDuClaw) { _y = this._y - (20 * Math.cos(ClawRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = this._x + (20 * Math.sin(ClawRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = this._rotation; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorTail, _name + "Tail1", _global.baddieDepth++); myTail = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Tail1"); TailRotation = _rotation + 180; with (myTail) { _y = this._y - (20 * Math.cos(TailRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = this._x + (20 * Math.sin(TailRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = this._rotation; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name) == null) { _global.Enemies.push(_name); } if (((eval (_root.myBoxGun) != undefined) && (_root.myBoxGun.deployed)) && (!_root.myBoxGun.exploded)) { gotoSpotX = _root.myBoxGun._x; gotoSpotY = _root.myBoxGun._y; } else if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { gotoSpotX = _root.HeroPointer._x; gotoSpotY = _root.HeroPointer._y; } if (justSwitched > 0) { justSwitched--; } if (recoil > 0) { recoil--; } if (mode == "melee") { if ((action == "prowl") || (action == "pause")) { turnSpeed = 2; if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { toHero = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); if (toHero <= 150) { speed = 1; if (toHero <= 100) { speed = 0.5; if (toHero <= 50) { speed = 0.2; } } } else { speed = 2; } } else { speed = 2; } } else if (action == "lunge") { speed = 7; turnSpeed = 0; } else if (action == "lash") { speed = 0; turnSpeed = 4; } } else if (mode == "turret") { speed = 0; turnSpeed = 2; } else { speed = 0; turnSpeed = 0; } if (((teeth < 10) && ((int(Math.random() * 20) == 1) && (mode == "melee"))) || ((int(Math.random() * 50) == 1) && (mode == "turret"))) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorTooth, (_name + "Tooth") + toothCounter, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Tooth") + toothCounter)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 359) - 180; } teeth++; toothCounter++; if (toothCounter == 80) { toothCounter = 10; } } if (((larva < 2) && (int(Math.random() * 400) == 1)) && (mode == "melee")) { LarvaName = null; useNum = 0; while (useNum < 10) { if (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Larva") + useNum) == undefined) { LarvaName = (_name + "Larva") + useNum; break; } useNum++; } if (LarvaName == null) { } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorLarva, LarvaName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + LarvaName)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; } larva++; } } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { distance_x = _x - _root.HeroPointer._x; distance_y = _y - _root.HeroPointer._y; adjustedRotation = (-Math.atan2(distance_x, distance_y)) / (Math.PI/180); impactPointY = _y - (10 * Math.cos(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); impactPointX = _x + (10 * Math.sin(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(impactPointX, impactPointY, true) && (recoil == 0)) { health--; recoil = 20; if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { health = health - 2; } SplatName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Splat") + lilSplats; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Splat") + (lilSplats++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(3560301); if (health <= 0) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "BigSplat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "BigSplat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 130); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 130); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(3560301); _global.MakeNoise("Pop"); _global.MakeNoise("Splash"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = 500; _global.GainAward("First Razor Queen"); _global.KillCount("Razor Queen", 2); _root.Census.colorsOnKill.push(_name); if (SearchArray(EnemiesKilled, "RazorQueen") == null) { EnemiesKilled.push("RazorQueen"); } _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { _global.MakeNoise("Slice"); struckTeeth = int(Math.random() * 4) + 3; x = 1; while (x <= struckTeeth) { duplicateMovieClip ("_root.ShedTooth", (this._name + "sTooth") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "sTooth") + x)) { _x = (this._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 140)) + 70; } x++; } } } } } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, false)) { if (justBounced == 0) { _global.justHit = this; justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = HeroPointer._x; bouncedOffY = HeroPointer._y; } } else if (justBounced == 0) { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, false)) { justBounced = 8; bouncedOffX = hitTarget._x; bouncedOffY = hitTarget._y; break; } } x++; } } else if (justBounced == 8) { _global.MakeNoise("Boing"); if (_x > bouncedOffX) { BouncetoSpotX = (int(Math.random() * (550 - _x)) + _x) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotX = int(Math.random() * _x) - 19; } if (_y > bouncedOffY) { BouncetoSpotY = (int(Math.random() * (400 - _y)) + _y) + 20; } else { BouncetoSpotY = int(Math.random() * _y) - 19; } delta_bounceX = Math.abs(_x - bouncedOffX); delta_bounceY = Math.abs(_y - bouncedOffY); if (delta_bounceX > delta_bounceY) { if (BouncetoSpotX > 275) { BouncetoSpotX = 555; } else { BouncetoSpotX = -5; } } else if (BouncetoSpotY > 200) { BouncetoSpotY = 405; } else { BouncetoSpotY = -5; } _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(_x - BouncetoSpotX, _y - BouncetoSpotY)) / (Math.PI/180)); justBounced--; } else { justBounced--; } if ((killedBy != null) && (recoil == 0)) { if ((((killedBy._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") || (killedBy.exploded)) || (killedBy._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror")) || (killedBy.disk)) { health--; recoil = 20; if (killedBy._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") { health = 0; } SplatName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Splat") + lilSplats; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Splat") + (lilSplats++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , (killedBy._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(3560301); if (health <= 0) { if (killedBy.tool) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.Bounty, _name + "Bounty", _global.markDepth++); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _x , this._x); setProperty(("_root." + _name) + "Bounty", _y , this._y); BountyObject = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Bounty"); BountyObject.bounty = "t500"; } toKillX = _x - killedBy._x; toKillY = _y - killedBy._y; killDir = (-Math.atan2(toKillX, toKillY)) / (Math.PI/180); killDir = killDir - 180; SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , killDir); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(3560301); _global.MakeNoise("Splat"); _visible = false; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _name), 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } killedBy = null; } else { killedBy = null; } } else { killedBy = null; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (hitTest(targetHazard._x, targetHazard._y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { targetHazard.killedBy = this; } } x++; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (action != "lash") { if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } } else if (spinClockwise) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } if (mode == "turret") { if (int(Math.random() * 20) == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorQuill, (_name + "Quill") + quillCounter, _global.effectDepth++); quillRotation = (targetRotation + int(Math.random() * 70)) - 35; if (quillRotation > 180) { quillRotation = quillRotation - 360; } if (quillRotation < 180) { quillRotation = quillRotation + 360; } with (eval ((("_root." + _name) + "Quill") + quillCounter)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = quillRotation; } quillCounter++; if (quillCounter == 80) { quillCounter = 10; } } } if (((mode == "melee") && (action == "prowl")) && (justSwung == 0)) { if ((((Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) >= 100) && (int(Math.random() * 200) == 1)) && (justSwitched == 0)) && (eval (_root.myBoxGun) == undefined)) { LeftForClaw.action = "entrench"; RightForClaw.action = "entrench"; LeftDuClaw.action = "entrench"; RightDuClaw.action = "entrench"; mode = "turret"; action = "track"; justSwitched = 300; } } else if (((mode == "turret") && (action == "track")) && (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Maw") == undefined)) { if (((Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) >= 100) && (int(Math.random() * 200) == 1)) && (justSwitched == 0)) { LeftForClaw.action = "digup"; RightForClaw.action = "digup"; LeftDuClaw.action = "digup"; RightDuClaw.action = "digup"; mode = "melee"; action = "prowl"; justSwitched = 300; } } if (eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) { if (mode == "turret") { if ((((int(Math.random() * 250) == 1) && (mites < 2)) && (Math.abs(_rotation - targetRotation) < 45)) && (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Maw") == undefined)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorMaw, _name + "Maw", _global.baddieDepth++); myMaw = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Maw"); with (myMaw) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } myMaw.task = "mite"; _global.MakeNoise("Razor Spit"); } Hedgehogs = 0; x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { Hedgehogs++; } x++; } if (((((int(Math.random() * 200) == 1) || (_root.myBoxGun.deployed && (int(Math.random() * 30) == 1))) && (Math.abs(_rotation - targetRotation) < 45)) && (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Maw") == undefined)) && (Hedgehogs < 4)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorMaw, _name + "Maw", _global.baddieDepth++); myMaw = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Maw"); with (myMaw) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } myMaw.task = "hedgehog"; _global.MakeNoise("Razor Spit"); } } if (mode == "melee") { if ((action == "prowl") && (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 150)) { if ((Math.abs(_rotation - targetRotation) < 45) && (justSwung == 0)) { if ((_rotation > targetRotation) || ((_rotation == targetRotation) && (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0))) { if (LeftForClaw.action == "none") { LeftForClaw.action = "jab"; justSwung = justSwung + (int(Math.random() * 50) + 15); _global.MakeNoise("Swing"); } } else if (RightForClaw.action == "none") { RightForClaw.action = "jab"; justSwung = justSwung + (int(Math.random() * 50) + 15); _global.MakeNoise("Swing"); } } } if ((action == "prowl") && (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 180)) { if ((Math.abs(_rotation - targetRotation) < 85) && (justSwung == 0)) { if (((_rotation >= targetRotation) && (Math.abs(_rotation - LeftDuClaw._rotation) < 30)) && (LeftDuClaw.action == "none")) { LeftDuClaw.action = "swipe"; justSwung = justSwung + (int(Math.random() * 40) + 35); _global.MakeNoise("Swing"); } else if (((_rotation <= targetRotation) && (Math.abs(_rotation - RightDuClaw._rotation) < 30)) && (RightDuClaw.action == "none")) { RightDuClaw.action = "swipe"; justSwung = justSwung + (int(Math.random() * 40) + 35); _global.MakeNoise("Swing"); } } } if (((action == "prowl") && (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 150)) && (justSwung == 0)) { if (((Math.abs(_rotation - targetRotation) > 50) && (justSwung == 0)) && (lashLag == 0)) { if ((_rotation > targetRotation) || ((_rotation == targetRotation) && (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0))) { spinClockwise = true; action = "lash"; lashLag = 120; } else { spinClockwise = false; action = "lash"; lashLag = 120; } } } if (((action == "prowl") && (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 225)) && (!_root.myBoxGun.deployed)) { if ((Math.abs(_rotation - targetRotation) < 20) && (justSwung == 0)) { if ((Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) >= 180) && (_global.HeroAction != "attacking")) { if ((LeftForClaw.action == "none") && (RightForClaw.action == "none")) { action = "pause"; LeftForClaw.action = "backswing"; RightForClaw.action = "backswing"; justSwung = justSwung + (int(Math.random() * 60) + 30); lungeFrames = 0; } } } } } } if (action == "pause") { lungeFrames++; if (lungeFrames == 21) { action = "lunge"; lungeFrames = 0; _global.MakeNoise("Swing"); } } else if (action == "lunge") { lungeFrames++; if (lungeFrames == 21) { action = "prowl"; lungeFrames = 0; } } else if (action == "lash") { lungeFrames++; if (lungeFrames == 91) { action = "prowl"; lungeFrames = 0; } } if (justSwung > 0) { justSwung--; } if (lashLag > 0) { lashLag--; } if ((action == "prowl") || (action == "lunge")) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= speed) { gotoSpotX = int(Math.random() * 540) + 6; gotoSpotY = int(Math.random() * 390) + 6; } } else if (action == "dodge") { _rotation = targetRotation; _y = (_y - (12 * Math.cos((_rotation + 180) * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (12 * Math.sin((_rotation + 180) * (Math.PI/180)))); } } }
Instance of Symbol 15 MovieClip [RazorQueen Tail] "RazorTail" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "RazorTail") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("action", this.getAction, this.setAction); killedBy = null; beenDead = 0; action = "none"; turnSpeed = 6; speedBoost = 0; sLoc = 0; stretch = 10; swipeFrames = 0; stop(); mommyQueen = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 5)); gotoAndStop (1); moveDirection = _rotation; SegNumber = Number(_name.slice(_name.length - 1, _name.length)); if (SegNumber == 1) { Anchor = mommyQueen; } else { Anchor = eval ((("_root." + mommyQueen._name) + "Tail") + (SegNumber - 1)); } if (SegNumber < 4) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorTail, (mommyQueen._name + "Tail") + (SegNumber + 1), _global.baddieDepth++); nextSeg = eval ((("_root." + mommyQueen._name) + "Tail") + (SegNumber + 1)); with (nextSeg) { _y = this._y - (10 * Math.cos((this._rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); _x = this._x + (10 * Math.sin((this._rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = this._rotation; } } if (SegNumber == 4) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorBlade, mommyQueen._name + "Blade", _global.baddieDepth++); myBlade = eval (("_root." + mommyQueen._name) + "Blade"); with (myBlade) { _y = this._y - (10 * Math.cos((this._rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); _x = this._x + (10 * Math.sin((this._rotation - 180) * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = this._rotation; } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((!mommy) && (beenDead == 0)) && (!_global.pause)) { if (speedBoost > 0) { speedBoost = speedBoost - 0.5; } if ((mommyQueen.action == "lash") || (mommyQueen.mode == "turret")) { stretch = 30; } else { stretch = 10; } zoneOff = Anchor._rotation - 180; gotoSpotX = Anchor._x + (stretch * Math.sin(zoneOff * (Math.PI/180))); gotoSpotY = Anchor._y - (stretch * Math.cos(zoneOff * (Math.PI/180))); delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; toSpot = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); speed = int(toSpot / 10); if ((mommyQueen.action == "lunge") || (mommyQueen.action == "lash")) { speed = speed * 2; } if (toSpot < speed) { speed = toSpot; } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != mommyQueen._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { if ((((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") || (hitTarget.spines)) || (hitTarget.action == "gaurd")) || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror")) { if (justStruck == 0) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , moveDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } } } else { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } } x++; } } moveDirection = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (moveDirection > 180) { moveDirection = moveDirection - 360; } if (moveDirection < -180) { moveDirection = moveDirection + 360; } deltaQ_x = _x - Anchor._x; deltaQ_y = _y - Anchor._y; _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(deltaQ_x, deltaQ_y)) / (Math.PI/180)); _y = (_y - ((speedBoost + speed) * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + ((speedBoost + speed) * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (eval (mommyQueen) == undefined) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , this._rotation - 130); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(3560301); if (action == "swipe") { turnSpeed = 15; } if (_rotation > targetRotation) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed * -1; } if (speed > 15) { speed = 15; } beenDead++; } } else if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe != 2) { moveDirection = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; speed = int(Math.random() * 4); turnSpeed = int(Math.random() * 25); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed * -1; } } gotoAndStop (2); _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); beenDead++; if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - 1; } else { speed = 0; } if (Math.abs(turnSpeed) > 0) { if (turnSpeed > 0) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed - 0.5; } if (turnSpeed < 0) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed + 0.5; } } else { turnSpeed = 0; } if (beenDead > 200) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 3307 MovieClip "RazorForClaw" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "RazorForClaw") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("action", this.getAction, this.setAction); this.addProperty("claw", this.getClaw, null); claw = true; killedBy = null; beenDead = 0; action = "none"; turnSpeed = 4; speedBoost = 0; Right = false; sLoc = 0; stop(); mommyQueen = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 6)); gotoAndStop (1); moveDirection = _rotation; justStruck = 0; if (_name.slice(_name.length - 1, _name.length) == "R") { Right = true; _xscale = -100; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorArm, _name + "Arm", _global.baddieDepth++); myArm = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Arm"); with (myArm) { _y = this._y; _x = this._x; _rotation = this._rotation; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((!mommy) && (beenDead == 0)) && (!_global.pause)) { if (speedBoost > 0) { speedBoost = speedBoost - 0.5; } if (justStruck > 0) { justStruck--; } deltaQ_x = _x - gotoSpotX; deltaQ_y = _y - gotoSpotY; toSpot = Math.sqrt((deltaQ_x * deltaQ_x) + (deltaQ_y * deltaQ_y)); speed = int(toSpot / 4); if (action == "jab") { speed = speed * 2; } if (action == "placed") { speed = 0; } switch (action) { case "none" : case "draw" : case "digup" : zoneOff = 55; zoneDist = 30; break; case "jab" : zoneOff = 15; zoneDist = 50; break; case "backswing" : zoneOff = 80; zoneDist = 40; break; case "swing" : zoneOff = 5; zoneDist = 80; break; case "entrench" : zoneOff = 45; zoneDist = 50; } if (Right) { zoneOff = mommyQueen._rotation + zoneOff; } else { zoneOff = mommyQueen._rotation - zoneOff; } gotoSpotX = mommyQueen._x + (zoneDist * Math.sin(zoneOff * (Math.PI/180))); gotoSpotY = mommyQueen._y - (zoneDist * Math.cos(zoneOff * (Math.PI/180))); if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (Right) { radialAdjust = _rotation - 10; } else { radialAdjust = _rotation + 10; } if (radialAdjust > 180) { radialAdjust = radialAdjust - 360; } if (radialAdjust < -180) { radialAdjust = radialAdjust + 360; } if (action == "placed") { ColPtExt = 25; } else { ColPtExt = 40; } ColPtY = _y - (ColPtExt * Math.cos(radialAdjust * (Math.PI/180))); ColPtX = _x + (ColPtExt * Math.sin(radialAdjust * (Math.PI/180))); if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(ColPtX, ColPtY, true)) { if (justStruck == 0) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , moveDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , ColPtX); setProperty(SparkName, _y , ColPtY); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } if (action != "placed") { moveDirection = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30; speedBoost = 3; justStruck = 5; if (action != "draw") { action = "draw"; sLoc = 0; } } _global.HeroAction = "bounceback"; } } } } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != mommyQueen._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { if ((((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") || (hitTarget.spines)) || (hitTarget.action == "gaurd")) || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror")) { if (justStruck == 0) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , moveDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); if (action != "placed") { moveDirection = moveDirection - 180; speedBoost = 3; justStruck = 5; if (action != "draw") { action = "draw"; sLoc = 0; } } } hitTarget.killedBy = this; } else { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } } x++; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (hitTest(targetHazard._x, targetHazard._y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { targetHazard.killedBy = this; } } x++; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (justStruck == 0) { moveDirection = targetRotation; } if (((action == "none") || (action == "draw")) || (action == "digup")) { if (Right) { targetRotation = mommyQueen._rotation - 10; } else { targetRotation = mommyQueen._rotation + 10; } } else if (action == "jab") { if (Right) { targetRotation = mommyQueen._rotation + 80; } else { targetRotation = mommyQueen._rotation - 80; } } else if (action == "backswing") { if (Right) { targetRotation = mommyQueen._rotation + 90; } else { targetRotation = mommyQueen._rotation - 90; } } else if (action == "entrench") { if (Right) { targetRotation = mommyQueen._rotation + 45; } else { targetRotation = mommyQueen._rotation - 45; } } else if (action == "placed") { targetRotation = _rotation; } if (targetRotation > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } if (targetRotation < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } if (moveDirection > 180) { moveDirection = moveDirection - 360; } if (moveDirection < -180) { moveDirection = moveDirection + 360; } if (action == "jab") { turnSpeed = 8; } else { turnSpeed = 4; } if (beenDead == 0) { if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } } if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) > 5) { _y = (_y - ((speedBoost + speed) * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + ((speedBoost + speed) * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); } else if (action == "draw") { action = "none"; } else if (action == "entrench") { action = "placed"; } if (action == "jab") { if (sLoc < 15) { sLoc++; } else { action = "draw"; sLoc = 0; } } if (action == "backswing") { if (sLoc < 20) { sLoc++; } else { action = "swing"; sLoc = 0; } } if (action == "swing") { if (sLoc < 20) { sLoc++; } else { action = "draw"; sLoc = 0; } } deltaQ_x = _x - mommyQueen._x; deltaQ_y = _y - mommyQueen._y; toQueen = Math.sqrt((deltaQ_x * deltaQ_x) + (deltaQ_y * deltaQ_y)); armRotate = (-Math.atan2(deltaQ_x, deltaQ_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (eval (mommyQueen) != undefined) { with (myArm) { _x = this._x + ((toQueen * 0.25) * Math.sin(armRotate * (Math.PI/180))); _y = this._y - ((toQueen * 0.25) * Math.cos(armRotate * (Math.PI/180))); } } if ((action == "entrench") || (action == "placed")) { if (_currentframe == 1) { if (Math.abs(_xscale > 30)) { if (Right) { _xscale = (_xscale + 5); } else { _xscale = (_xscale - 5); } } else { if (Right) { _xscale = -100; } else { _xscale = 100; } gotoAndStop (2); } } else if (((_currentframe == 2) && (action == "placed")) && (_yscale == 100)) { _yscale = 80; ePointX = _x + (40 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); ePointY = _y - (40 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundCrack, this._name + "Crack", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Crack")) { _x = ePointX; _y = ePointY; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; gotoAndPlay(((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) * 2) - 1); } Pebbles = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; x = 0; while (x <= Pebbles) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundPebble, (this._name + "Pebble") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Pebble") + x)) { _x = ePointX; _y = ePointY; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } Dustpuffs = int(Math.random() * 2); x = 0; while (x < Dustpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDust, (this._name + "Dust") + x, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Dust") + x)) { _x = (ePointX + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (ePointY + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } Dirtpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3); x = 0; while (x < Dirtpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Dirt") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Dirt") + x)) { _x = (ePointX + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _y = (ePointY + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } _global.MakeNoise("GrinderHurt"); _global.MakeNoise("SharpsIn"); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Pebble"); } _x = (_x + (10 * Math.sin(armRotate * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (10 * Math.cos(armRotate * (Math.PI/180)))); } } if (action == "digup") { if (_currentframe == 2) { gotoAndStop (1); if (Right) { _xscale = -30; } else { _xscale = 30; } _yscale = 100; ePointX = _x + (40 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); ePointY = _y - (40 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); Pebbles = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; x = 0; while (x <= Pebbles) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundPebble, (this._name + "Pebble") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Pebble") + x)) { _x = ePointX; _y = ePointY; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } Dirtpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3); x = 0; while (x < Dirtpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Dirt") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Dirt") + x)) { _x = (ePointX + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _y = (ePointY + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Pebble"); } _global.MakeNoise("SharpsOut"); } else if ((_currentframe == 1) && (Math.abs(_xscale) < 100)) { if (Right) { _xscale = (_xscale - 5); } else { _xscale = (_xscale + 5); } if (Math.abs(_xscale) == 100) { action = "none"; } } } if (eval (mommyQueen) == undefined) { SplatName = ("_root." + myArm._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), myArm._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , int(Math.random() * 360) - 179); setProperty(SplatName, _x , myArm._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 60); setProperty(SplatName, _y , myArm._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 60); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(3560301); _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); myArm.removeMovieClip(); SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , this._rotation - 130); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(3560301); if (action == "swipe") { turnSpeed = 15; } if (_rotation > targetRotation) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed * -1; } if (speed > 15) { speed = 15; } beenDead++; } } else if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe != 3) { moveDirection = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; turnSpeed = int(Math.random() * 18); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed * -1; } } gotoAndStop (3); _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); beenDead++; if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - 1; } else { speed = 0; } if (Math.abs(turnSpeed) > 0) { if (turnSpeed > 0) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed - 1; } if (turnSpeed < 0) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed + 1; } } else { turnSpeed = 0; } if (beenDead > 200) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 3311 MovieClip "RazorDuClaw" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "RazorDuClaw") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("action", this.getAction, this.setAction); this.addProperty("claw", this.getClaw, null); claw = true; killedBy = null; beenDead = 0; action = "none"; turnSpeed = 6; speedBoost = 0; Right = false; sLoc = 0; swipeFrames = 0; stop(); mommyQueen = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 6)); gotoAndStop (1); moveDirection = _rotation; justStruck = 0; if (_name.slice(_name.length - 1, _name.length) == "R") { Right = true; _xscale = -100; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.RazorArm, _name + "Arm", _global.baddieDepth++); myArm = eval (("_root." + _name) + "Arm"); with (myArm) { _y = this._y; _x = this._x; _rotation = this._rotation; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((!mommy) && (beenDead == 0)) && (!_global.pause)) { if (speedBoost > 0) { speedBoost = speedBoost - 0.5; } if (justStruck > 0) { justStruck--; } deltaQ_x = _x - mommyQueen._x; deltaQ_y = _y - mommyQueen._y; toQueen = Math.sqrt((deltaQ_x * deltaQ_x) + (deltaQ_y * deltaQ_y)); speed = int(toQueen / 20); if (action == "swipe") { speed = 6; } if ((action == "entrench") && (speed < 2)) { speed = 2; } if (action == "placed") { speed = 0; } if (((action == "none") || (action == "digup")) || ((action == "pull") && (toQueen > 70))) { if (Right) { zoneOff = mommyQueen._rotation + (int(Math.random() * 30) + 90); } else { zoneOff = mommyQueen._rotation - (int(Math.random() * 30) + 90); } if (zoneOff > 180) { zoneOff = zoneOff - 360; } if (zoneOff < -180) { zoneOff = zoneOff + 360; } gotoSpotX = mommyQueen._x + ((int(Math.random() * 10) + 20) * Math.sin(zoneOff * (Math.PI/180))); gotoSpotY = mommyQueen._y - ((int(Math.random() * 10) + 20) * Math.cos(zoneOff * (Math.PI/180))); if (action != "digup") { action = "pull"; } } else if (action == "swipe") { if (!Right) { if (sLoc == 0) { swipeRot = mommyQueen._rotation + 45; } else { swipeRot = mommyQueen._rotation - 25; } } else if (sLoc == 0) { swipeRot = mommyQueen._rotation - 45; } else { swipeRot = mommyQueen._rotation + 25; } if (swipeRot > 180) { swipeRot = swipeRot - 360; } if (swipeRot < -180) { swipeRot = swipeRot + 360; } gotoSpotX = mommyQueen._x + (50 * Math.sin(swipeRot * (Math.PI/180))); gotoSpotY = mommyQueen._y - (50 * Math.cos(swipeRot * (Math.PI/180))); swipeFrames++; } else if (action == "entrench") { if (Right) { zoneOff = mommyQueen._rotation + 135; } else { zoneOff = mommyQueen._rotation - 135; } if (zoneOff > 180) { zoneOff = zoneOff - 360; } if (zoneOff < -180) { zoneOff = zoneOff + 360; } gotoSpotX = mommyQueen._x + (50 * Math.sin(zoneOff * (Math.PI/180))); gotoSpotY = mommyQueen._y - (50 * Math.cos(zoneOff * (Math.PI/180))); } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { radialAdjust = _rotation - 180; if (radialAdjust > 180) { radialAdjust = radialAdjust - 360; } if (radialAdjust < -180) { radialAdjust = radialAdjust + 360; } if (action == "placed") { ColPtExt = 45; } else { ColPtExt = 90; } ColPtY = _y - (ColPtExt * Math.cos(radialAdjust * (Math.PI/180))); ColPtX = _x + (ColPtExt * Math.sin(radialAdjust * (Math.PI/180))); if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(ColPtX, ColPtY, true)) { if (justStruck == 0) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , moveDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , ColPtX); setProperty(SparkName, _y , ColPtY); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } if (action != "placed") { moveDirection = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 61)) + 30; speedBoost = 3; justStruck = 5; if (action == "swipe") { action = "none"; sLoc = 0; swipeFrames = 0; } } _global.HeroAction = "bounceback"; } } } } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != mommyQueen._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { if ((((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") || (hitTarget.spines)) || (hitTarget.action == "gaurd")) || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror")) { if (justStruck == 0) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , moveDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); if (action != "placed") { moveDirection = moveDirection - 180; speedBoost = 3; justStruck = 5; if (action == "swipe") { action = "none"; sLoc = 0; swipeFrames = 0; } } } hitTarget.killedBy = this; } else { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } } x++; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (hitTest(targetHazard._x, targetHazard._y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { targetHazard.killedBy = this; } } x++; } delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (justStruck == 0) { moveDirection = targetRotation; } if (action == "entrench") { if (Right) { targetRotation = mommyQueen._rotation - 45; } else { targetRotation = mommyQueen._rotation + 45; } if (targetRotation > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } if (targetRotation < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } } if (moveDirection > 180) { moveDirection = moveDirection - 360; } if (moveDirection < -180) { moveDirection = moveDirection + 360; } if (beenDead == 0) { if ((((action == "pull") || (action == "none")) || (action == "digup")) || (action == "entrench")) { if (_rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _rotation) > turnSpeed) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_rotation > targetRotation) { if (_rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } } else if (_rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed); } } } else if (action == "swipe") { if (Right) { _rotation = (_rotation + 9); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - 9); } } } if ((Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) >= 5) || (action == "swipe")) { _y = (_y - ((speedBoost + speed) * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + ((speedBoost + speed) * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); } else if (action == "entrench") { _y = gotoSpotY; _x = gotoSpotX; } if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 5) { if (action == "swipe") { if (sLoc < 2) { sLoc++; } else if (swipeFrames >= 15) { action = "none"; sLoc = 0; swipeFrames = 0; } } else if (action == "pull") { action = "none"; } else if (action == "entrench") { action = "placed"; } } armRotate = (-Math.atan2(deltaQ_x, deltaQ_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (eval (mommyQueen) != undefined) { with (myArm) { _x = this._x + ((toQueen / 2) * Math.sin(armRotate * (Math.PI/180))); _y = this._y - ((toQueen / 2) * Math.cos(armRotate * (Math.PI/180))); } } if ((action == "entrench") || (action == "placed")) { if (_currentframe == 1) { if (Math.abs(_xscale > 30)) { if (Right) { _xscale = (_xscale + 5); } else { _xscale = (_xscale - 5); } } else { if (Right) { _xscale = -100; } else { _xscale = 100; } gotoAndStop (2); } } else if (((_currentframe == 2) && (action == "placed")) && (_yscale == 100)) { _yscale = 80; ePointX = _x - (60 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); ePointY = _y + (60 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundCrack, this._name + "Crack", _global.backgroundDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Crack")) { _x = ePointX; _y = ePointY; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; gotoAndPlay(((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) * 2) - 1); } Pebbles = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; x = 0; while (x <= Pebbles) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundPebble, (this._name + "Pebble") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Pebble") + x)) { _x = ePointX; _y = ePointY; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } Dustpuffs = int(Math.random() * 2); x = 0; while (x < Dustpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDust, (this._name + "Dust") + x, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Dust") + x)) { _x = (ePointX + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (ePointY + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } Dirtpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3); x = 0; while (x < Dirtpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Dirt") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Dirt") + x)) { _x = (ePointX + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _y = (ePointY + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } _global.MakeNoise("GrinderHurt"); _global.MakeNoise("SharpsIn"); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Pebble"); } _x = (_x + (10 * Math.sin(armRotate * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (10 * Math.cos(armRotate * (Math.PI/180)))); } } if (action == "digup") { if (_currentframe == 2) { gotoAndStop (1); if (Right) { _xscale = -30; } else { _xscale = 30; } _yscale = 100; ePointX = _x + (60 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); ePointY = _y - (60 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); Pebbles = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; x = 0; while (x <= Pebbles) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundPebble, (this._name + "Pebble") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Pebble") + x)) { _x = ePointX; _y = ePointY; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } Dirtpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3); x = 0; while (x < Dirtpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Dirt") + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Dirt") + x)) { _x = (ePointX + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _y = (ePointY + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } _global.MakeNoise("SharpsOut"); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Pebble"); } } else if ((_currentframe == 1) && (Math.abs(_xscale) < 100)) { if (Right) { _xscale = (_xscale - 5); } else { _xscale = (_xscale + 5); } if (Math.abs(_xscale) == 100) { action = "none"; } } } if (eval (mommyQueen) == undefined) { SplatName = ("_root." + myArm._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), myArm._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , int(Math.random() * 360) - 179); setProperty(SplatName, _x , myArm._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 60); setProperty(SplatName, _y , myArm._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 60); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(3560301); _global.MakeNoise("LilSplat"); myArm.removeMovieClip(); SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , this._rotation - 130); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(3560301); if (action == "swipe") { turnSpeed = 15; } if (_rotation > targetRotation) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed * -1; } if (speed > 15) { speed = 15; } beenDead++; } } else if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe != 3) { moveDirection = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; turnSpeed = int(Math.random() * 15); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed * -1; } } gotoAndStop (3); _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); beenDead++; if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - 1; } else { speed = 0; } if (Math.abs(turnSpeed) > 0) { if (turnSpeed > 0) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed - 1; } if (turnSpeed < 0) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed + 1; } } else { turnSpeed = 0; } if (beenDead > 200) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [RazorQueen Blade] "RazorBlade" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { mommy = false; if (_name == "RazorBlade") { mommy = true; stop(); } else { this.addProperty("action", this.getAction, this.setAction); this.addProperty("claw", this.getClaw, null); claw = true; this.addProperty("exploded", this.getExploded, null); exploded = true; killedBy = null; beenDead = 0; action = "none"; turnSpeed = 6; speedBoost = 0; sLoc = 0; stretch = 10; swipeFrames = 0; stop(); justStruck = 0; mommyQueen = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 5)); gotoAndStop (1); moveDirection = _rotation; Anchor = eval (("_root." + mommyQueen._name) + "Tail4"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((!mommy) && (beenDead == 0)) && (!_global.pause)) { if (speedBoost > 0) { speedBoost = speedBoost - 0.5; } if (justStruck > 0) { justStruck--; } if ((mommyQueen.action == "lash") || (mommyQueen.mode == "turret")) { stretch = 30; } else { stretch = 10; } zoneOff = Anchor._rotation - 180; gotoSpotX = Anchor._x + (stretch * Math.sin(zoneOff * (Math.PI/180))); gotoSpotY = Anchor._y - (stretch * Math.cos(zoneOff * (Math.PI/180))); delta_x = _x - gotoSpotX; delta_y = _y - gotoSpotY; toSpot = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); speed = int(toSpot / 10); if ((mommyQueen.action == "lunge") || (mommyQueen.action == "lash")) { speed = speed * 2; } if (toSpot < speed) { speed = toSpot; } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { radialAdjust = _rotation - 180; if (radialAdjust > 180) { radialAdjust = radialAdjust - 360; } if (radialAdjust < -180) { radialAdjust = radialAdjust + 360; } ColPtY = _y - (50 * Math.cos(radialAdjust * (Math.PI/180))); ColPtX = _x + (50 * Math.sin(radialAdjust * (Math.PI/180))); if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(ColPtX, ColPtY, true)) { if (justStruck == 0) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , moveDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , ColPtX); setProperty(SparkName, _y , ColPtY); if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); justStruck = 5; _global.HeroAction = "bounceback"; } } } } if (hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = this; } else { x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != mommyQueen._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { if ((((hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") || (hitTarget.spines)) || (hitTarget.action == "gaurd")) || (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror")) { if (justStruck == 0) { SparkName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Sparks"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, this._name + "Sparks", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , moveDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , this._y); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); justStruck = 5; } } else { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } } x++; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (hitTest(targetHazard._x, targetHazard._y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { targetHazard.killedBy = this; } } x++; } moveDirection = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (moveDirection > 180) { moveDirection = moveDirection - 360; } if (moveDirection < -180) { moveDirection = moveDirection + 360; } deltaQ_x = _x - Anchor._x; deltaQ_y = _y - Anchor._y; _rotation = ((-Math.atan2(deltaQ_x, deltaQ_y)) / (Math.PI/180)); _y = (_y - ((speedBoost + speed) * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + ((speedBoost + speed) * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (eval (mommyQueen) == undefined) { SplatName = ("_root." + this._name) + "Splat"; duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Splat" + String(random(3) + 1)), this._name + "Splat", _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SplatName, _rotation , this._rotation - 130); setProperty(SplatName, _x , this._x); setProperty(SplatName, _xscale , 40); setProperty(SplatName, _y , this._y); setProperty(SplatName, _yscale , 40); SplatColor = new Color(eval (SplatName)); SplatColor.setRGB(3560301); if (action == "swipe") { turnSpeed = 15; } if (_rotation > targetRotation) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed * -1; } if (speed > 15) { speed = 15; } beenDead++; } } else if ((!mommy) && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe != 2) { moveDirection = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; speed = int(Math.random() * 2); turnSpeed = int(Math.random() * 10); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed * -1; } } gotoAndStop (2); _rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); beenDead++; if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - 0.5; } else { speed = 0; } if (Math.abs(turnSpeed) > 0) { if (turnSpeed > 0) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed - 0.5; } if (turnSpeed < 0) { turnSpeed = turnSpeed + 0.5; } } else { turnSpeed = 0; } if (beenDead > 200) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 3315 MovieClip [Shed Tooth] "ShedTooth" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "ShedTooth") { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; speed = 3; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _rotation; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { Clockwise = true; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "ShedTooth") && (!_global.pause)) { if (speed != 0) { if (Clockwise) { _rotation = (_rotation + (speed * 15)); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - (speed * 15)); } _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180)))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } } else if (framesAtSpeed >= 90) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } if (_alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Instance of Symbol 1265 MovieClip [Razor Tooth] "RazorTooth" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "RazorTooth") { _xscale = 50; _yscale = 50; offSet = int(Math.random() * 5) + 1; mommyQueen = eval ("_root." + _name.slice(0, _name.length - 7)); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _xscale = -50; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "RazorTooth") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_yscale < 100) { if (_xscale < 0) { _xscale = (_xscale - 5); } else { _xscale = (_xscale + 5); } _yscale = (_yscale + 5); offSet = offSet + 0.2; } else if (offSet < 16) { offSet = offSet + 0.5; } else { mommyQueen.teeth--; duplicateMovieClip (_root.ShedTooth, _name + "Shed", _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _name) + "Shed")) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = this._rotation; } removeMovieClip(this); } _y = (mommyQueen._y - (offSet * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (mommyQueen._x + (offSet * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 3322 MovieClip [Ground Crack] "GroundCrack" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { framesExisted = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "GroundCrack") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_alpha > 0) { if (framesExisted > 900) { _alpha = (_alpha-1); } } else { removeMovieClip(this); } framesExisted++; } }
Instance of Symbol 3328 MovieClip "GroundDirt" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "GroundDirt") { stop(); } else if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _xscale = -100; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "GroundDirt") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe < 21) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 21) { stop(); _alpha = (_alpha - 5); if (_alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3337 MovieClip "HeroPiked" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroPiked") { stop(); } else { splats = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "HeroPiked") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe < 45) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 2) { x = 1; while (x < 3) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, (this._name + "Spray") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + splats)) { _x = this._x; _y = this._y; _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 80)) - 40; } BloodColor = new Color(eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Spray") + (splats++))); BloodColor.setRGB(11800592); x++; } } else if (_currentframe == 15) { duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); BloodName = eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + (splats++)); with (BloodName) { _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20; _x = this._x; _y = this._y; } } else if (_currentframe == 45) { stop(); } } else { stop(); } if (!_global.HeroKilled) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3351 MovieClip "HeroHalf" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroHalf") { stop(); } else { splats = 0; if (_name.slice(_name.length - 1, _name.length) == "2") { _xscale = -100; } Method = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != "HeroHalf") { switch (Method) { case 1 : if (_currentframe == 31) { SplatPtY = _y - (25 * Math.cos((_rotation - (90 * (_xscale / 100))) * (Math.PI / 180))); SplatPtX = _x + (25 * Math.sin((_rotation - (90 * (_xscale / 100))) * (Math.PI / 180))); duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); BloodName = eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + (splats++)); with (BloodName) { _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 200; _x = SplatPtX; _y = SplatPtY; } } else if (_currentframe == 45) { stop(); } break; case 2 : if (_currentframe == 2) { gotoAndPlay (46); } else if (_currentframe == 66) { SplatPtY = _y - (25 * Math.cos((_rotation - 180) * (Math.PI / 180))); SplatPtX = _x + (25 * Math.sin((_rotation - 180) * (Math.PI / 180))); duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); BloodName = eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + (splats++)); with (BloodName) { _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 40)) + (70 * (this._xscale / 100)); _x = SplatPtX; _y = SplatPtY; } } else if (_currentframe == 80) { stop(); } break; case 3 : if (_currentframe == 2) { gotoAndPlay (81); } else if (_currentframe == 96) { SplatPtY = _y - (25 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI / 180))); SplatPtX = _x + (25 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI / 180))); duplicateMovieClip (eval ("_root.Blood" + String(random(3) + 1)), (this._name + "Blood") + splats, _global.effectDepth++); BloodName = eval ((("_root." + this._name) + "Blood") + (splats++)); with (BloodName) { _rotation = (this._rotation + int(Math.random() * 40)) + (70 * (this._xscale / 100)); _x = SplatPtX; _y = SplatPtY; } } else { if (_currentframe != 111) { break; } stop(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 3364 MovieClip [Razor Larva Pop] "RazorLarvaPop" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "RazorLarvaPop") { stop(); } else { if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _xscale = -100; } _rotation = (int(Math.random() * 360) - 179); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "RazorLarvaPop") && (!_global.pause)) { if (_currentframe < 12) { play(); } if (_currentframe == 12) { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1308 MovieClip "HeroSlash" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroSlash") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { play(); } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1286 MovieClip "HeroWalk" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroWalk") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { play(); } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3369 MovieClip "HeroStaggerUp" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroStaggerUp") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { play(); } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3373 MovieClip "HeroStaggerRight" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroStaggerRight") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { play(); } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3377 MovieClip "HeroStaggerLeft" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroStaggerLeft") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { play(); } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3381 MovieClip "HeroStaggerDown" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroStaggerDown") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { play(); } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3388 MovieClip "HeroBounceback" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroBounceback") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != "HeroBounceback") { if (_global.pause) { stop(); } else { play(); } if (_global.HeroAction != "bounceback") { removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 3394 MovieClip [Lil Guy Walkin Razor] "HeroWalkRazor" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroWalkRazor") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { play(); } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3405 MovieClip [Lil Guy Slash Razor] "HeroSlashRazor" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroSlashRazor") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { play(); } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3407 MovieClip [Lil Guy Stagger Down Razor] "HeroStaggerDownRazor" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroStaggerDownRazor") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { play(); } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3410 MovieClip [Lil Guy Stagger Left Razor] "HeroStaggerLeftRazor" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroStaggerLeftRazor") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { play(); } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3413 MovieClip [Lil Guy Stagger Right Razor] "HeroStaggerRightRazor" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroStaggerRightRazor") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { play(); } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3414 MovieClip [Lil Guy Stagger Up Razor] "HeroStaggerUpRazor" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroStaggerUpRazor") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { play(); } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 3416 MovieClip [Lil Guy Bounce Back Razor] "HeroBouncebackRazor" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == "HeroBouncebackRazor") { stop(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != "HeroBouncebackRazor") { if (_global.pause) { stop(); } else { play(); } if (_global.HeroAction != "bounceback") { removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Symbol 9 MovieClip [Clear Message] Frame 1
if ((_global.soundMode == "All") || (_global.soundMode == "FX Only")) { myApplause = new Sound(this); myApplause.attachSound("Cheers"); myApplause.start(); }
Symbol 9 MovieClip [Clear Message] Frame 61
Symbol 23 MovieClip [Jukebox Backdrop] Frame 47
Instance of Symbol 26 MovieClip "Light Wash" in Symbol 29 MovieClip [Blanket of Goo] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { xvel = 0; yvel = 0; xtime = 0; ytime = 0; xchange = 0; ychange = 0; xscroll = int(Math.random() * 5) - 2; yscroll = int(Math.random() * 7) - 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_x > -200) && (_x < 300)) { if (xtime == xchange) { xscroll = int(Math.random() * 5) - 2; xtime = 0; xchange = int(Math.random() * 90) + 60; } } else if ((_x <= -200) && (xscroll <= 0)) { xscroll = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; xtime = 0; xchange = int(Math.random() * 90) + 60; } else if ((_x >= 300) && (xscroll >= 0)) { xscroll = int(Math.random() * 3) - 3; xtime = 0; xchange = int(Math.random() * 90) + 60; } if (xvel > xscroll) { xvel = xvel - 0.2; } else if (xvel < xscroll) { xvel = xvel + 0.2; } _x = (_x + xvel); xtime++; if ((_y > -300) && (_y < 400)) { if (ytime == ychange) { yscroll = int(Math.random() * 7) - 3; ytime = 0; ychange = int(Math.random() * 90) + 60; } } else if ((_y <= -300) && (yscroll <= 0)) { yscroll = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; ytime = 0; ychange = int(Math.random() * 90) + 60; } else if ((_y >= 400) && (yscroll >= 0)) { yscroll = int(Math.random() * 4) - 4; ytime = 0; ychange = int(Math.random() * 90) + 60; } if (yvel > yscroll) { yvel = yvel - 0.2; } else if (yvel < yscroll) { yvel = yvel + 0.2; } _y = (_y + yvel); ytime++; }
Instance of Symbol 28 MovieClip "Dark wash" in Symbol 29 MovieClip [Blanket of Goo] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { xvel = 0; yvel = 0; xtime = 0; ytime = 0; xchange = 0; ychange = 0; xscroll = int(Math.random() * 5) - 2; yscroll = int(Math.random() * 7) - 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_x > -200) && (_x < 300)) { if (xtime == xchange) { xscroll = int(Math.random() * 5) - 2; xtime = 0; xchange = int(Math.random() * 90) + 60; } } else if ((_x <= -200) && (xscroll <= 0)) { xscroll = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; xtime = 0; xchange = int(Math.random() * 90) + 60; } else if ((_x >= 300) && (xscroll >= 0)) { xscroll = int(Math.random() * 3) - 3; xtime = 0; xchange = int(Math.random() * 90) + 60; } if (xvel > xscroll) { xvel = xvel - 0.2; } else if (xvel < xscroll) { xvel = xvel + 0.2; } _x = (_x + xvel); xtime++; if ((_y > -300) && (_y < 400)) { if (ytime == ychange) { yscroll = int(Math.random() * 7) - 3; ytime = 0; ychange = int(Math.random() * 90) + 60; } } else if ((_y <= -300) && (yscroll <= 0)) { yscroll = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; ytime = 0; ychange = int(Math.random() * 90) + 60; } else if ((_y >= 400) && (yscroll >= 0)) { yscroll = int(Math.random() * 4) - 4; ytime = 0; ychange = int(Math.random() * 90) + 60; } if (yvel > yscroll) { yvel = yvel - 0.2; } else if (yvel < yscroll) { yvel = yvel + 0.2; } _y = (_y + yvel); ytime++; }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "Percentage" in Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { loadingTextFormat = new TextFormat(); loadingTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; loadingTextFormat.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; loadingTextFormat.size = 24; loadingTextFormat.align = "right"; this.createTextField("loadingText", 1, 0, 0, this._width, this._height); loadingText.embedFonts = true; loadingText.selectable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { TotalNeeded = _level0.getBytesTotal(); HowMuchDone = _level0.getBytesLoaded(); loadingText.text = int((HowMuchDone / TotalNeeded) * 100); loadingText.setTextFormat(loadingTextFormat); }
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip "GoBack" in Symbol 146 MovieClip [Award Case] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 110; _yscale = 110; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } on (press) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise 2"); _root.subMenu = false; _root.AwardsCase.removeMovieClip(); }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 146 MovieClip [Award Case] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.InspectingAward = null; AwardsListing = new Array("First Gloople", "First Stickie", "First Biter", "First Meltie", "First Clutter", "First Inkie", "First Oozle", "First Fuzzle", "First Sharp", "First Frostie", "First Torchie", "First Amalgam", "First Gray", "First Grinder", "First Horror", "First Void Eater", "First Queen", "First Razor Queen", "Splat a Glom", "x2 Combo", "x3 Combo", "x4 Combo", "x5 Combo", "x6 Combo", "x7 Combo", "x8 Combo", "Practice 10 min", "20pt Swing", "50pt Swing", "75pt Swing", "100pt Swing", "150pt Swing", "200pt Swing", "300pt Swing", "Clear Short Nest", "Clear Normal Nest", "Clear Long Nest", "10 Deaths", "25 Deaths", "50 Deaths", "100 Deaths", "Died 5 Ways", "Died 10 Ways", "Died 15 Ways", "5 min Playtime", "10 min Playtime", "20 min Playtime", "30 min Playtime", "45 min Playtime", "60 min Playtime", "90 min Playtime", "Score 100", "Score 200", "Score 350", "Score 500", "Score 750", "Score 1000", "Score 1500", "Score 2000", "Score 2500", "Score 3000", "Survive 1 min", "Survive 2 min", "Survive 3 min", "Survive 4 min", "Survive 5 min", "Survive 7 min", "Survive 10 min", "Kill 1000 Glooples", "Kill 100 Stickies", "Kill 70 Biters", "Kill 50 Melties", "Kill 50 Clutters", "Kill 30 Inkies", "Kill 15 Oozles", "Kill 20 Fuzzles", "Kill 10 Sharps", "Kill 6 Frosties", "Kill 6 Torchies", "Kill 5 Grays", "Kill 15 Amalgams", "Kill 4 Grinders", "Kill 3 Horrors", "Kill 3 Void Eaters", "Kill 3 Queens", "Kill 2 Razor Queens", "2 minute Pause", "Next Song 5 Times", "Jackpot", "Ambush", "30 Secs Without Swinging", "Push Clutter", "Blind Kill", "Fling Sharp", "Sharp as Weapon", "Shave Fuzzle 3 Times", "Smother 10 Fires", "5 Queen Misses", "10 Straight Combos", "4 Color Splats", "Perfect Run", "Clutter at Finish", "Survive Blackout", "Survive Ice", "Survive Explosion", "Survive Fire", "30 Bumps", "Bogged by Clutters", "Stuck 1 Minute", "50 Sparks"); x = 0; while (x < AwardsListing.length) { ShadowName = "Sd " + AwardsListing[x]; WorkingShadow = null; _parent.attachMovie("Award Shadow", ShadowName, x + 202); WorkingShadow = eval ("_parent." + ShadowName); row = int(x / 17); with (WorkingShadow) { _xscale = 40; _yscale = 40; _x = 15 + ((x - (row * 17)) * 30); _y = 30 + (row * 50); if (row == 6) { _x = _x + 135; } } x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Awards.length) { if (_global.SearchArray(AwardsListing, _global.Awards[x]) == null) { _global.Awards.splice(x, 1); } x++; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.InspectingAward != null) { if (eval (_parent.InfoPlate) == null) { _parent.attachMovie("Award Info Plate", "InfoPlate", 1500); _parent.InfoPlate._x = 255; _parent.InfoPlate._alpha = 20; if (_ymouse < 160) { _parent.InfoPlate._y = 320; } else { _parent.InfoPlate._y = 60; } } else if (_parent.InfoPlate._alpha < 100) { _parent.InfoPlate._alpha = _parent.InfoPlate._alpha + 20; } } else if (eval (_parent.InfoPlate) != null) { if (_parent.InfoPlate._alpha > 0) { _parent.InfoPlate._alpha = _parent.InfoPlate._alpha - 20; } else { removeMovieClip(_parent.InfoPlate); } } }
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip [Reward Display] "AwardCounter" in Symbol 146 MovieClip [Award Case] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { awardCTextFormat = new TextFormat(); awardCTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; awardCTextFormat.color = 0; awardCTextFormat.size = 14; awardCTextFormat.align = "right"; this.createTextField("awardCount", 1, 0, 0, 30, 10); awardCount.embedFonts = true; awardCount.wordWrap = false; awardCount.selectable = false; awardCount.text = String(_global.Awards.length); awardCount.setTextFormat(AwardCTextFormat); }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 147 MovieClip [Award] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _parent.addProperty("comm", this.getComm, this.setComm); initialized = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.comm != null) && (initialized == false)) { myMedal = "Medal " + _global.awardTrait(_parent.comm, "Medal"); myRibbon = "Ribbon " + _global.awardTrait(_parent.comm, "Ribbon"); myDecal = "Dc " + _parent.comm; _parent.attachMovie(myMedal, "Medal", 3); _parent.attachMovie(myRibbon, "Ribbon", 1); _parent.Ribbon._y = 10; _parent.attachMovie(myDecal, "Decal", 5); initialized = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 149 MovieClip [Award Shadow] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { myAward = null; Acquired = false; onMe = 0; myBindingBox = null; AwardIsNew = false; myComm = _parent._name.slice(3); homeDepth = _parent.getDepth(); if (_global.SearchArray(_global.Awards, myComm) != null) { Acquired = true; } myBindingBox = _parent.getBounds(_root); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((myAward == null) && (Acquired)) { _parent.attachMovie("Award", "myAward", 2); _parent.myAward.comm = myComm; myAward = _parent.myAward; if (_global.SearchArray(_global.NewAwards, myComm) != null) { _parent.attachMovie("Award Glow", "myGlow", 1); AwardIsNew = true; _global.NewAwards.splice(_global.SearchArray(_global.NewAwards, myComm), 1); } } if ((myAward != null) && (Acquired)) { if ((((_root._xmouse <= myBindingBox.xMax) && (_root._xmouse >= myBindingBox.xMin)) && (_root._ymouse <= myBindingBox.yMax)) && (_root._ymouse >= myBindingBox.yMin)) { if (onMe < 25) { onMe++; } if (myAward._xscale < 400) { myAward._xscale = myAward._xscale + 40; myAward._yscale = myAward._yscale + 40; } else if (myAward._xscale > 400) { myAward._xscale = 400; myAward._yscale = 400; if (AwardIsNew) { _parent.myGlow.removeMovieClip(); AwardIsNew = false; } } else if (onMe == 25) { _global.InspectingAward = myComm; } _parent.swapDepths(1000); } else { onMe = 0; if (_global.InspectingAward == myComm) { _global.InspectingAward = null; } if (myAward._xscale > 100) { myAward._xscale = myAward._xscale - 40; myAward._yscale = myAward._yscale - 40; } else if (myAward._xscale < 100) { myAward._xscale = 100; myAward._yscale = 100; } _parent.swapDepths(homeDepth); } } }
Symbol 160 MovieClip [New Award Notice] Frame 1
stop(); attachMovie("Award", "myAward", 1); myAward.comm = _name; myAward._xscale = 40; myAward._yscale = 40; myAward._y = -8;
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "BlackBox" in Symbol 160 MovieClip [New Award Notice] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { blackFormat = new TextFormat(); blackFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; blackFormat.color = 0; blackFormat.size = 16; blackFormat.align = "left"; this.createTextField("blackText", 1, 0, 0, 300, this._height); blackText.embedFonts = true; blackText.selectable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { blackText.text = _global.AwardTrait(_parent._name, "Title"); blackText.setTextFormat(blackFormat); }
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip [Plus Sign] "Plus" in Symbol 160 MovieClip [New Award Notice] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var yVector = -7; stallTime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yVector < 10) { _parent._y = _parent._y + yVector; if (yVector < -1) { yVector = yVector + 0.5; } else if (yVector < 1) { if ((yVector > -0.01) && (yVector < 0)) { yVector = 0; } if ((yVector == 0) && (stallTime < 20)) { stallTime++; } else { yVector = yVector + 0.1; } } else { yVector = yVector + 0.5; } } else { removeMovieClip(_parent); } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "WhiteBox" in Symbol 160 MovieClip [New Award Notice] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { whiteFormat = new TextFormat(); whiteFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; whiteFormat.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; whiteFormat.size = 14; whiteFormat.align = "left"; this.createTextField("whiteText", 1, 0, 0, 300, this._height); whiteText.embedFonts = true; whiteText.selectable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { whiteText.text = _global.AwardTrait(_parent._name, "Title"); whiteText.setTextFormat(whiteFormat); }
Symbol 414 MovieClip [Award Info Plate] Frame 1
headerTextFormat = new TextFormat(); headerTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; headerTextFormat.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; headerTextFormat.size = 24; headerTextFormat.align = "left"; this.createTextField("headerText", 3, -244, -50, 400, 22); headerText.embedFonts = true; headerText.wordWrap = false; headerText.selectable = false; headerText.text = _global.AwardTrait(_global.InspectingAward, "Title"); headerText.setTextFormat(headerTextFormat); dataTextFormat = new TextFormat(); dataTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; dataTextFormat.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; dataTextFormat.size = 12; dataTextFormat.align = "left"; this.createTextField("dataText", 1, -237, -22, 480, 65); dataText.embedFonts = true; dataText.wordWrap = true; dataText.selectable = false; dataText.text = _global.AwardTrait(_global.InspectingAward, "Description"); dataText.setTextFormat(dataTextFormat); dataText._width = dataText._width - 1; stop();
Symbol 415 MovieClip [Award Exporter] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 439 MovieClip "DeathTime" in Symbol 451 MovieClip [Death Popup] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { TimeLeft = 900; deadTextFormat = new TextFormat(); deadTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; deadTextFormat.color = 0; deadTextFormat.size = 24; deadTextFormat.align = "center"; this.createTextField("deadText", 1, 0, 0, this._width, this._height); deadText.embedFonts = true; deadText.selectable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { deadText.text = ":" + int(TimeLeft / 30); deadText.setTextFormat(deadTextFormat); TimeLeft--; if (TimeLeft == 0) { _global.unbuildTo = "Menu"; } }
Instance of Symbol 442 MovieClip "Retry" in Symbol 451 MovieClip [Death Popup] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); } on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (2); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (1); } on (press) { _global.unbuildTo = "Hint"; }
Instance of Symbol 445 MovieClip "Menu" in Symbol 451 MovieClip [Death Popup] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); } on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (2); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (1); } on (press) { _global.unbuildTo = "Menu"; }
Instance of Symbol 450 MovieClip [Rematch Button] "Rematch" in Symbol 451 MovieClip [Death Popup] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); if (_global.RematchesLeft == 0) { _visible = false; } } on (rollOver) { switch (_global.RematchesLeft) { case 3 : gotoAndStop (2); break; case 2 : gotoAndStop (3); break; case 1 : gotoAndStop (4); } } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (1); } on (press) { if (_global.RematchesLeft > 0) { _global.Rematch = true; _global.unbuildTo = "Hint"; } }
Instance of Symbol 460 MovieClip [FireworkVis] "Work" in Symbol 461 MovieClip [Firework] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); (flyframes = 0); (popframes = 0); speed = 3 + int(Math.random() * 3); flyTo = int(Math.random() * 20) + 30; listTo = int(Math.random() * 3) - 1; FireworkColor = new Color(this); Colorswitcher = int(Math.random() * 7) + 1; switch (Colorswitcher) { case 1 : FireworkColor.setRGB(15674384); break; case 2 : FireworkColor.setRGB(15855725); break; case 3 : FireworkColor.setRGB(5592814); break; case 4 : FireworkColor.setRGB(15880683); break; case 5 : FireworkColor.setRGB(2744407); break; case 6 : FireworkColor.setRGB(16756491); break; case 7 : FireworkColor.setRGB(16777215); } _global.MakeNoise("Fireworklight"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (flyframes < flyTo) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + listTo; _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); flyframes++; } else if (popframes == 0) { _parent._rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; nextFrame(); _global.MakeNoise("Firework" + (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1)); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blackout, this._name + "Bright", 7095); with (eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Bright")) { _x = 275; _y = 200; _xscale = 1000; _yscale = 1000; } FlashColor = new Color(eval (("_root." + this._name) + "Bright")); FlashColor.setRGB(FireworkColor.getRGB()); popframes++; } else if (popframes < 6) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 10; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 10; popframes++; } else { _parent._y = _parent._y + 0.5; if (popframes >= 40) { if (_currentframe < 8) { nextFrame(); } else { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } popframes++; } }
Instance of Symbol 464 MovieClip "theBoss" in Symbol 467 MovieClip [Jukebox Display] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { framesExisted = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (framesExisted > 120) { if (_parent._alpha <= 0) { if (eval (_root.jukeboxBack) != undefined) { removeMovieClip(_root.jukeboxBack); } removeMovieClip(_parent); } else { _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 2; if (eval (_root.jukeboxBack) != undefined) { _root.jukeboxBack._alpha = _root.jukeboxBack._alpha - 1; } } } framesExisted++; if ((eval (_root.jukeboxBack) != undefined) && (_root._currentframe == 7)) { removeMovieClip(_root.jukeboxBack); } }
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip "SongTitle" in Symbol 467 MovieClip [Jukebox Display] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { SongTextFormat = new TextFormat(); SongTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; SongTextFormat.color = 0; SongTextFormat.size = 18; SongTextFormat.align = "left"; this.createTextField("SongText", 1, 0, 0, this._width, this._height); SongText.embedFonts = true; SongText.selectable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { SongText.text = _global.lastSong; SongText.setTextFormat(SongTextFormat); }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "ClearBonusShadow" in Symbol 470 MovieClip [Nest Clear Bonus] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { ClearTextFormat = new TextFormat(); ClearTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; ClearTextFormat.color = 39168; ClearTextFormat.size = 26; ClearTextFormat.align = "center"; this.createTextField("ClearText", 1, 0, 0, this._width, this._height); ClearText.embedFonts = true; ClearText.selectable = false; ClearText.text = interval * 20; ClearText.setTextFormat(ClearTextFormat); }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "ClearBonus" in Symbol 470 MovieClip [Nest Clear Bonus] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { ClearTextFormat = new TextFormat(); ClearTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; ClearTextFormat.color = 0; ClearTextFormat.size = 26; ClearTextFormat.align = "center"; this.createTextField("ClearText", 1, 0, 0, this._width, this._height); ClearText.embedFonts = true; ClearText.selectable = false; ClearText.text = interval * 20; ClearText.setTextFormat(ClearTextFormat); totalSparkles = int(Math.random() * 40) + 20; x = 10; while (x <= totalSparkles) { _root.attachMovie("Sparkle", "Sparky" + x, 7100 + x); MySparkle = eval ("_root.Sparky" + x); with (MySparkle) { _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 280)) - 140; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20; } SparkleColor = new Color(eval ("_root.Sparky" + x)); Colorswitcher = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; switch (Colorswitcher) { case 1 : SparkleColor.setRGB(3384627); break; case 2 : SparkleColor.setRGB(7459441); break; case 3 : SparkleColor.setRGB(16777215); } x++; } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "Gloople Counter" in Symbol 473 MovieClip [Nest Counter] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { killTextFormat = new TextFormat(); killTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; killTextFormat.color = 0; killTextFormat.size = 24; killTextFormat.align = "center"; this.createTextField("killText", 1, 0, 0, this._width, this._height); killText.embedFonts = true; killText.selectable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { killText.text = _global.KillsLeft; killText.setTextFormat(killTextFormat); }
Instance of Symbol 476 MovieClip [New High Score Text] "HighScoreText" in Symbol 477 MovieClip [New High Score!] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { Fireworks = 10; framesExisted = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (framesExisted < 180) { if (int(Math.random() * 10) == 1) { _root.attachMovie("Firework", "Work" + Fireworks, 7050 + Fireworks); MyFirework = eval ("_root.Work" + Fireworks); with (MyFirework) { _rotation = int(Math.random() * 60) - 30; _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 200)) - 100; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 50)) - 25; } Fireworks++; } } framesExisted++; }
Instance of Symbol 481 MovieClip "NewWeaponText" in Symbol 482 MovieClip [New Weapon Unlocked!] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { framesExisted = 0; totalSparkles = int(Math.random() * 40) + 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_currentframe == 30) { x = 10; while (x <= totalSparkles) { _root.attachMovie("Sparkle", "Spark" + x, 7100 + x); MySparkle = eval ("_root.Spark" + x); with (MySparkle) { _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 280)) - 140; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20; } SparkleColor = new Color(eval ("_root.Spark" + x)); Colorswitcher = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; switch (Colorswitcher) { case 1 : SparkleColor.setRGB(16776960); break; case 2 : SparkleColor.setRGB(16306230); break; case 3 : SparkleColor.setRGB(16777215); } x++; } } else if (_currentframe == 31) { stop(); } framesExisted++; }
Instance of Symbol 484 MovieClip [SparkleVis] "Sparley" in Symbol 485 MovieClip [Sparkle] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); framesExisted = 0; speed = 0.5 + (int(Math.random() * 6) * 0.5); life = int(Math.random() * 40) + 50; spin = int(Math.random() * 50) - 25; heading = int(Math.random() * 120) - 60; newScale = int(Math.random() * 40) + 10; _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - 180; _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + heading; _parent._xscale = newScale; _parent._yscale = newScale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent._rotation > -180) && (_parent._rotation < 0)) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - 1; } else if ((_parent._rotation < 180) && (_parent._rotation > 0)) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + 1; } _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _rotation = (_rotation + spin); if (framesExisted >= life) { if (_parent._xscale > 5) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 1; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 1; } else { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } framesExisted++; }
Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
stop(); _global.selectedGloople = null;
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip "GoBack" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 110; _yscale = 110; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } on (press) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise 2"); _root.subMenu = false; _root.BeastiaryMenu.removeMovieClip(); }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileGloople" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Gloople") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Gloople", "InfoGloople", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Gloople"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileStickie" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Stickie") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Stickie", "InfoStickie", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Stickie"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileBiter" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Biter") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Biter", "InfoBiter", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Biter"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileMeltie" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Meltie") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Meltie", "InfoMeltie", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Meltie"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileSharp" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Sharp") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Sharp", "InfoSharp", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Sharp"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileClutter" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Clutter") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Clutter", "InfoClutter", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Clutter"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileInkie" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Inkie") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Inkie", "InfoInkie", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Inkie"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileGrinder" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Grinder") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Grinder", "InfoGrinder", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Grinder"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileFuzzle" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Fuzzle") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Fuzzle", "InfoFuzzle", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Fuzzle"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileOozle" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Oozle") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Oozle", "InfoOozle", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Oozle"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileTorchie" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Torchie") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Torchie", "InfoTorchie", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Torchie"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileFrostie" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Frostie") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Frostie", "InfoFrostie", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Frostie"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileGray" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Gray") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Gray", "InfoGray", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Gray"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileAmalgam" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Amalgam") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Amalgam", "InfoAmalgam", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Amalgam"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileHorror" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Horror") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Horror", "InfoHorror", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Horror"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileVoidEater" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "VoidEater") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info VoidEater", "InfoVoidEater", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "VoidEater"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileQueen" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Queen") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Queen", "InfoQueen", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "Queen"; } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileRazorQueen" in Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; _visible = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "RazorQueen") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; _visible = true; attachMovie("Info RazorQueen", "InfoRazorQueen", 1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (tileLit)) && (_global.selectedGloople == null)) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.BeastiaryMenu.attachMovie("Data Panel", "DataPanel", 40); _global.selectedGloople = "RazorQueen"; } }
Symbol 501 MovieClip [Data Panel] Frame 1
attachMovie("Info " + _global.selectedGloople, "InfoProfile", 1); with (InfoProfile) { _x = _x - 170; _y = _y - 150; } headerTextFormat = new TextFormat(); headerTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; headerTextFormat.color = 39168; headerTextFormat.size = 24; headerTextFormat.align = "center"; this.createTextField("headerText", 3, -80, -175, 200, 50); headerText.embedFonts = true; headerText.wordWrap = true; headerText.selectable = false; headerText.text = _global.selectedGloople; headerText.setTextFormat(headerTextFormat); _parent.detailOpen = true; stop();
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip "BackButton" in Symbol 501 MovieClip [Data Panel] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 110; _yscale = 110; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } on (press) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise 2"); _global.selectedGloople = null; _root.BeastiaryMenu.DataPanel.removeMovieClip(); }
Instance of Symbol 500 MovieClip [Data Display] "Display" in Symbol 501 MovieClip [Data Panel] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { myText = null; dataTextFormat = new TextFormat(); dataTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; dataTextFormat.color = 39168; dataTextFormat.size = 12; dataTextFormat.align = "left"; this.createTextField("dataText", this.getDepth + 1, 0, 0, this._width, this._height); dataText.embedFonts = true; dataText.wordWrap = true; dataText.selectable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (myText == null) { switch (_global.selectedGloople) { case "Gloople" : myText = " The Gloople, or Green Gloople, is by far the most common and simplest type of Gloople. Normally the first encountered, and the first sign of a Gloople infestation. Glooples are composed of a thick, celluloid membrane which contains a highly complex gelatinous mass of enzymes, proteins, synaptic fibers and numerous other fluid components. Glooples are hydraulic organisms and rely on internal pressurization to maintain living functions, although unlike most organisms they are alcohol rather than water-based.\r\r The Green Gloople is a worker of sorts and is "; myText = myText + "normally found absorbing either small bits of food or burrowing out the chambers or tunnels of the nest (again by absorbing small bits of impediment and carrying them away). The normal Gloople has very little intelligence, able only to follow the simplest directives of the nest. They are of generally very little threat, and posses no means of inflicting harm on a human as the membranes which surround them are only able to absorb small objects. However, a Gloople is seldom if ever alone, and upon encountering one be wary of other, more hazardous varieties which "; myText = myText + "are sure to be nearby.\r\r As very simple but massive organisms, Glooples are capable of a kind of reverse mitosis - combining by mutual absorption to create a larger and more complex organism."; break; case "Stickie" : myText = " Stickies possess much of the same composition as Green Glooples, and very little additional behavioral functionality. They possess a much thinner outer membrane and a thick, viscous binding agent in their organic plasm. When a Stickie comes in contact with anything solid, they burst and release this adhesive goo. This acts as both a defensive measure to obstruct threats to the nest, and as a tool to aid more deadly Glooples in catching prey.\r\r Stickie goo is a very effective substance at restricting movement and also has insulative properties. The goo, "; myText = myText + "however, like most Gloople composition, breaks down after only a short time due to open-air exposure and friction, and is in no way permanent. Behaviorally, the Nest simply directs the closest Stickie toward whatever it wishes to gum up - the Stickies have very little ability to make fine adjustments to their course of travel and lack any sort of observational skills."; break; case "Biter" : myText = " Regardless of how deep one gets into a Gloople nest, one of the most dangerous Glooples will always be the Biter. Neither rare nor passive in any sense, the Biter is the primary hunting mechanism of a Gloople nest.\r\r Very similar to Green Glooples in organic composition, the Biters are equipped with much more complex and well developed synaptic fiber clusters and the ability to grow shaped, keratinous protrusions connected to the central mass by sinuous tensile strands. The \"teeth\" calcify within the body of the Biter over only a few hours, so those that are"; myText = myText + " broken away are quickly replaced. Biters have thicker and more durable outer membranes suited to anchoring it's teeth while biting. Because of this tougher membrane, Biters are unable to absorb small matter into their bodies, but their greater musculature does allow them to make short distance lunges in an attempt to snag or pin down prey.\r\r Due to their physiology and role in the nest, Biters are very aggressive and very persistent at pursuing prey or threats to the nest. The vast majority of human injuries are due to these Glooples. In addition, some experts speculate "; myText = myText + "that because of their similarly rudimentary organic composition to that of a common Green Gloople, it may be possible that they are also capable of reverse mitosis."; break; case "Meltie" : myText = " All Gloople's internal organic compounds are slightly acidic, though most at only a very minor level. Melties, however, possess an extremely voracious acid within their bodies, held back by only a thin protective membrane. Though they are more complex organisms than the common Gloople, they are incapable of complex behavior, presumably due to the fact that their synaptic and biomechanical components require such specific and extensive protective coatings and structures to be able to function within the deadly acid that composes their fluids.\r\r Like Stickies,"; myText = myText + "the Meltie's behavior patterns are primarily to move toward whatever threat or target the nest has identified. Melties are not particularly rare, and their highly caustic fluids are more than potent enough to be fatal to any human, and as such they are a great threat to any venturing into a nest. However, very few other Glooples are as well-protected from this acid as the Meltie itself is, and as such a burst Meltie can cause havoc among other Glooples as readily as it can human intruders.\r\r In any case, extreme caution is advised anywhere in the vicinity of one of these "; myText = myText + "acid \"bombs\", and the appearance of one should always garner caution and one's full attention."; break; case "Sharp" : myText = " Sharps are generally found to be a defensive tool of the nest rather than a function of hunting or utility. This Gloople has the ability to both shape and harden it's outer membrane in response to it's surroundings, and is one of the more externally aware and perceptive Glooples to be discovered. When threatened or approaching a threat, the Sharp coils internal threads of sinuous tissue and thrusts these out against it's outer membrane causing spiny protrusions. At the same time, it's skin is hardened into a shell-like enamel which produces several spear shaped points."; myText = myText + "\r\r The Sharp responds in this way to any dangerous stimuli it encounters, and while in this form is very durable. Once the hazard is no longer present, the Sharp returns to it's usual shape. Sharps are fairly agile and will continue to follow and attempted to skewer any threat they can identify until destroyed or driven away."; break; case "Inkie" : myText = " Like Stickies, Inkies are designed to travel toward a target and burst themselves by contact, rupturing their fragile outer membranes to release the fluid contents of their bodies. Unlike Stickies, however, Inkies are composed of a substance very similar to petrol. The resulting area after an Inkie has burst is left extremely slick and difficult to move dexterously through.\r\r In addition, while all Glooples are somewhat flammable due to the alcohol base of their liquid components, Inkies are especially so, and their ink, if ignited will burn for an extended "; myText = myText + "period or may even combust if adequately compressed. Any Inkie within the proximity of open flame should be carefully avoided."; break; case "Clutter" : myText = " Simple organisms are noted for their ability to reproduce by self-duplication, normally in the form of mitosis. However, most Glooples do not exhibit this trait. The Clutter, however, has the ability to produce similar organisms to itself at an alarming rate and even uses them as a method of bringing down threats to the nest. A Clutter is a veritable duplicate factory, and is in the constant stages of bearing small versions of itself within it's body. These \"babies\" develop very rapidly within the protective confines of their parent Gloople, and upon completion"; myText = myText + " are projected at foes from a distance.\r\r Clutter spawn are considerably sticky after being freshly jettisoned from the bodies of fully grown Clutters, and tend to stick to and impair an intruding threat to the nest. Baby Clutters cling well and their bulk and weight will eventually burden down an opponent, particularly if several siblings are attached as well. Even if shaken free, these infant Glooples begin a process of very rapid growth and can reach full size and adulthood in mere moments - where they can then produce spawn of their own.\r\r Even if destroyed, an "; myText = myText + "adult Clutter is a threat. As it's outer membrane is breached, any developed spawn within it's body are freed to immediately begin growth into adults. In addition, Clutters are cautious and observant enough to try and stay out of reach of any potential threats."; break; case "Fuzzle" : myText = " A peculiarity among Glooples, the Fuzzle is possibly the least like any other Gloople that has been previously observed. The Fuzzle's outer membrane is extremely thick, more like a tough hide than the filmy membrane of it's relatives. Additionally, the Fuzzle grows a thick coat of fur around the whole of it's body, which gives it additional protection from harm. These elements make the Fuzzle exceptionally tough compared to other Glooples of it's size.\r\r This durability is matched by a much more advanced mandible, which mimics the jaw of a more typical creature, complete with "; myText = myText + "teeth. Fuzzles are capable of longer-distance lunges and more precise movements than it's simpler cousin, the Biter. Even mutual hazards such as pools of acid, open flame and damage from other hostile Glooples cannot immediately dissuade a Fuzzle from it's prey.\r\r Even more alarming is that, as it is wounded and it's coat is damaged, the Fuzzle will attempt to avoid any further threats for a short time. This allows it's exceptionally high metabolic rate to regrow it's coat in only a matter of moments, restoring any lost durability it may have suffered.\r\r An extremely "; myText = myText + "dangerous Gloople and a much more advanced hunting machine than it's predecessor, Fuzzles should be dealt with quickly and carefully."; break; case "Oozle" : myText = " The result of the peculiar quality of reverse-mitosis which Glooples exhibit, the Oozle is the compounding of two compatible common Glooples into a single, much larger and more complex organism. The Oozle, firstly, is of adequate size to absorb threats as large as humans. Thus, their behavior is also somewhat altered in that they are able to actively pursue such a target in an attempt to simply come in contact with and absorb it.\r\r Because the Oozle is much more massive and it's external membrane is much thicker than it's smaller components, much more trauma is required to "; myText = myText + "the Oozle's outer skin in order to breach it. The Oozle's lumbering mass is generally not disturbed by much of any type of damage to it's body - even that which is significant to do it harm. Therefore, it is wise for any attempting to attack this brute to do so from behind, as it's large size also adversely affects it's movement speed."; break; case "Grinder" : myText = " Grinders are more similar to their much smaller relatives than it may first appear. This Gloople secretes from it's outer membrane an extremely powerful adhesive which slowly solidifies to a mineral hardness. The Grinder uses this sticky secretion to collect various pieces of rock loosened or dug out during the excavation of the nest. These fragments of stone collect and compress into tight layers as more of the thick adhesive seeps around the cracks and collects more stone. Once the Grinder has reached a certain density, it ceases to produce the organic glue and actively "; myText = myText + "facilitates the continued compacting of it's stony shell by constantly rolling through rock beds.\r\r At this stage, the Grinder begins to heat up greatly at it's core, and this intense heat in addition to the tight compression of the inner layers of stone causes the deepest layers to become slightly molten and gain the ability to shift with the momentum of the Grinder.\r\r Not particularly aggressive, the Grinders in a nest are generally used to bash apart any obstructions during the construction of a nest, or to simply crush anything which might threaten the nest. Though not "; myText = myText + " particularly fast, a Grinder's speed can be surprising, and it's incredibly hard shell makes it all but invulnerable to harm while the stone is intact. The best course of action is generally to move out of the way as soon as possible."; break; case "Torchie" : myText = " Torchies have developed a much purer composition of their alcohol-based organic fluids than any other known variety of Gloople, as well as a very effective method of utilizing this quality. A Torchie's outer skin is considerably more flame resistant than it's cousins and indeed vents a constant flow of the flammable liquid through pores in this membrane. The Torchie is then able to trigger a sudden and volatile chemical reaction in a gland on it's surface which combusts and sheathes the organism in flame.\r\r So \"armed\", the Torchie is then able to spread this flame to anything "; myText = myText + "remotely flammable by spreading it's burning liquid onto touched surfaces. The constant flow of fuel around the surface of the Torchie keeps the flame lit with fair consistency, although the fire has been observed to go out after an extended period of time. Once lit, the Torchie's behavior patterns seem to focus on coming in contact with as much matter as possible and spreading any existing fires. Once extinguished, however, it appears that the ignition gland becomes exhausted after a single use, and the Gloople must either flee or find an alternate source of ignition to re-light "; myText = myText + "itself.\r\r It has been unfortunately observed that breaching a Torchie's outer skin while it is alight has the cataclysmic result of igniting the Gloople's entire payload at once, and such action is strongly discouraged."; break; case "Frostie" : myText = " A biological mystery, the Frostie is a strange and very dangerous result of a nest's development. This gloople produces in large quantities an extremely highly compressed, low-density fluid which it stores in a layer of insulated cells just inside it's outer membrane. This fluid leaks constantly from the porous skin of the Frostie and creates a thin layer of frozen water vapor around the organism. Like many other breeds of Gloople, the Frostie's purpose in existence is to come in direct contact with a threat or predatory target of the nest and breach itself. In doing so, the "; myText = myText + "Frostie's stores of super cooled fluid are released violently in a cloud of freezing vapor. The result is a thick coating of solid ice around everything in the area.\r\r Some quality of the Frostie, possibly the fact that it is surrounded in a constantly-shifting area of frost, makes it the fastest moving Gloople to be currently observed. These hazards are difficult to avoid, and there does not seem to be any completely safe way of disposing of them without being at least somewhat effected by their dramatic detonation. Caution and advanced preparation are advised to any "; myText = myText + "with intentions of damaging one of these bizarre organisms."; break; case "Gray" : myText = " Further mutual absorption of the common Gloople seems to lend a progressively more developed and sinister organism. The Gray maintains the advantages of size, but it's additional density and cellular complexity gives it a much harder and still quite mutable outer membrane, which it uses in both a defensive and offensive capacity.\r\r Just as resilient as it's simpler cousin the Oozle, the Grey gains considerable traits of perception and stimulus response. When directly threatened, the Gray hardens it's outer skin into an almost steel-strong shell that appears to be impenetrable."; myText = myText + " In this form, while the Gloople is unable of any type of locomotion, any type of attack is ineffective against it. The Gray has also developed this quality into a weapon, by extending a long thread of it's substance and hardening it's tip into this same metallic structure, the Gloople thrusts forward a lance capable of impaling it's enemies from a distance with deadly accuracy.\r\r With this organism's exceptional defensive ability and long-reaching offensive potential, those looking to deal with it by force would be well advised to seek an opportunity during which the Gray would be "; myText = myText + "unable to quickly react in order to strike successfully."; break; case "VoidEater" : myText = " An incredible organism that seems to bend the rules of biology and physics alike, the Void Eater is a phenomenal threat to any intruder into a Gloople nest. Apparently with the compounding and compression of numerous already-dense simple organisms, the final product gains the uncanny ability to manipulate gravitational fields on a frightening scale. One could not even begin to guess at the physiology of such an organism, and a sample has never been recovered for study (if such study would even be possible).\r\r What is known is that the Void Eater is able to produce powerful "; myText = myText + "gravity wells by further compressing it's form into a tiny point, thus drawing any and all nearby objects toward it. When any such object approaches within the vicinity of the Void Eater, the organism is capable of creating an incredibly destructive shockwave by rapidly compressing and decompressing it's mass. This shockwave decimates anything nearby with explosive force in an instant. How any prospective attacker would even approach this creature is questionable.\r\r In addition to this, it has been reported that in a truly baffling show of force, the Void Eater is able to use "; myText = myText + "a moment to collect and compress local particles and then project this incredibly dense material in a type of \"density stream\" which would draw in and obliterate any nearby matter. Avoid at all costs."; break; case "Amalgam" : myText = " An occasional mutation within the genetic structure of the common Gloople has been observed to cause the development of this type of cellulophagic aberration, which has been labeled the Amalgam. This organism seems to be as much a threat to the nest that spawned it as it is to any human intruders, although the nest still seems to be able to direct it against any foes which present themselves. The Amalgam has a constantly mutating structure and in fact is a maelstrom of self-consuming and self dividing cells.\r\r When this mass comes in contact with any external organic mass, such as"; myText = myText + " another Gloople or a human intruder, it immediately and very rapidly breaks down each and every cell to it's most basic components and integrates the biomass into it's own, growing in size but not complexity. As the Amalgam consumes and grows to a certain size, it spontaneously divides into two identical organisms, which then continue on their quest to rampantly consume any available living matter. Because the Amalgam, unlike any other known Gloople, is a decentralized organism and possesses no discernable anatomical or physiological parts, it is very difficult to destroy. Even "; myText = myText + " massive trauma only destroys some of the organisms cells, and will sometimes cause the sudden separation of a smaller Amalgam from the main mass. Fortunately, the Amalgam can only consume living things of it's own size or smaller."; break; case "Horror" : myText = " Reverse mitosis, normally observed between common Glooples, lends much more dangerous organisms. Biters, an already very dangerous Gloople, are clearly capable of this feat as well, and doing so produces one of the deadliest Glooples ever cataloged - the Horror. With increased mass, more developed behavior and an unmatched arsenal of biological weaponry, the Horror is a nightmare to any human attempting to confront it. While a Biter is generally able to expose only a few of it's keratinous teeth at any time, the Horror can expose and utilize a huge number of these sharp extrusions "; myText = myText + "all at once.\r\r Constantly surrounded by rapidly rotating tracks of these teeth, the Horror needs to do little more than drive itself into most foes to shred them into unrecognizable ribbons. Unfortunately, this terror is able to release a row of these teeth at will and allow them to fly at deadly velocity away from it's body to bury into any unprepared opponent. What's worse, these loosed teeth are seeded with a powerful genetic spore which, if buried into the mass of a common Gloople, triggers a rapid mutation of that organism into a Biter.\r\r The Horror is also capable of a sort"; myText = myText + " of controlled division, during which it casts out a group of subordinate toothy disks at it's prey which then return and recombine into the creature. Use all available measures to prevent such a creature from forming."; break; case "Queen" : myText = " Once a nest reaches a certain size and maturity, through a process not well understood, a single Queen forms. This organism exhibits much more complex behavioral patterns and perception than other Glooples. It is not clear if the Queen actually directs the actions of the nest or is simply an extension of the nest as a whole.\r\r The Queen's biology is also exceptional in that she is possessed of a pair of extremely large blade-like limbs which are most often drug behind her as she moves. However, when threatened the queen is able to make deft swipes and lunges with these lethal "; myText = myText + "instruments with precision enough to match the most skilled of human equivalents. The chitinous construction of these blades is iron-hard yet light enough to be very quickly swung.\r\r In addition to this swordsmanship, the Queen constantly produces and releases small larva when she is threatened. If these larva come in contact with a viable Gloople host, they infest and lie dormant inside until the host is destroyed or travels outside of the influence of the Queen. Should the Queen be destroyed while one of these larval pods remains within her reach, a chemical signal is received "; myText = myText + "and the pupa bursts violently free of it's host and develops with incredible alacrity into a battle-ready duplicate of the felled Queen. Engaging a Queen in combat is incredibly dangerous."; break; case "RazorQueen" : myText = " Very rarely, a nest that reaches a level of maturity in which a Queen is born will have an unusually high concentration of Biters among it's populous. Through a specific mutation due to the prevalence of Biter genes in the nest, a Razor Queen, or Biter Queen, may be born. An organism of remarkable complexity and elegant lethality, such an aberrant queen is an almost insurmountable opponent.\r\r The Razor Queen seems to combine properties of several other types of Glooples. Like a Queen, her primary method of attack and defense are"; myText = myText + " pairs of massive bladed limbs which she wields in much the same way, raking and slashing at potential enemies. Like Biters, she constantly produces a hard, keratinous material at an extremely high rate which she uses to form various projectiles, and sheds the excess as teeth from her body. Worse, she appears to be able to use an advanced form of the Queen's larva-producing ability to create subordinate organisms adorned with these bladelike spines.\r\r"; myText = myText + " The Razor Queen is extremely well protected, and opportunities for attack are rare. The Razor Queen is the most dangerous enemy one could potentially face in any nest."; } dataText.text = myText; dataText.setTextFormat(dataTextFormat); dataText._width = dataText._width - 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 508 MovieClip "Model" in Symbol 510 MovieClip [Info Amalgam] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_currentframe == 61) { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 547 MovieClip "Model" in Symbol 549 MovieClip [Info Clutter] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_currentframe == 81) { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 551 MovieClip "Model" in Symbol 553 MovieClip [Info Frostie] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { frosts = 0; frostCounter = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((frosts < 10) && (int(Math.random() * 5) == 1)) { attachMovie("Frost", "Frost" + frostCounter, frostCounter); with (eval ("Frost" + frostCounter)) { _rotation = _rotation + int(Math.random() * 360); _x = _x + (int(Math.random() * 30) - 15); _y = _y + (int(Math.random() * 30) - 15); } frosts++; frostCounter++; if (frostCounter == 10) { frostCounter = 0; } } x = 0; while (x < 10) { lookFrost = eval ("Frost" + x); if (lookFrost != null) { if ((lookFrost._xscale == 60) && (int(Math.random() * 10) == 1)) { lookFrost.removeMovieClip(); frosts--; } if (lookFrost._xscale > 60) { lookFrost._xscale = lookFrost._xscale - 2; lookFrost._yscale = lookFrost._yscale - 2; } } x++; } }
Instance of Symbol 600 MovieClip "Model" in Symbol 602 MovieClip [Info Fuzzle] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_currentframe == 61) && (int(Math.random() * 5) != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 728 MovieClip "Model" in Symbol 730 MovieClip [Info Gray] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_currentframe == 51) && (int(Math.random() * 5) != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (11); } if (_currentframe == 95) { gotoAndPlay (2); } }
Instance of Symbol 766 MovieClip "Model" in Symbol 768 MovieClip [Info Horror] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_currentframe == 71) { gotoAndPlay (41); } }
Instance of Symbol 787 MovieClip "Model" in Symbol 789 MovieClip [Info Meltie] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_currentframe == 20) || (_currentframe == 40)) || (_currentframe == 60)) { switch (_currentframe) { case 20 : bubbleRotation = _rotation + 45; break; case 40 : bubbleRotation = _rotation - 90; break; case 60 : bubbleRotation = _rotation - 180; } if (bubbleRotation > 179) { bubbleRotation = bubbleRotation - 360; } if (bubbleRotation < -180) { bubbleRotation = bubbleRotation + 360; } PopName = (("_root." + this._name) + "Pop") + _currentframe; attachMovie("Splat" + String(random(3) + 1), "Pop" + _currentframe, _currentframe); with (eval ("Pop" + _currentframe)) { _rotation = bubbleRotation; _x = _x + (10 * Math.sin(bubbleRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _y = _y - (10 * Math.cos(bubbleRotation * (Math.PI/180))); _xscale = 30; _yscale = 30; PopColor = new Color(eval ("Pop" + this._currentframe)); PopColor.setRGB(15898925); } } x = 20; while (x < 80) { popName = eval ("Pop" + x); if (popName != null) { if (popName._currentframe == 32) { popName.removeMovieClip(); } } x = x + 20; } }
Instance of Symbol 801 MovieClip "Model" in Symbol 803 MovieClip [Info Queen] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); wisps = 0; wispCounter = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((wisps < 10) && (int(Math.random() * 5) == 1)) { attachMovie("Queen Wisp", "Wisp" + wispCounter, wispCounter); with (eval ("Wisp" + wispCounter)) { whereOnSkin = int(Math.random() * 359) - 180; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _xscale = -100; } _rotation = this._rotation + whereOnSkin; _x = _x + (10 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _y = _y - (10 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } wisps++; wispCounter++; if (wispCounter == 10) { wispCounter = 0; } } x = 0; while (x < 10) { lookWisp = eval ("Wisp" + x); if (lookWisp != null) { if (lookWisp._currentframe == 56) { lookWisp.removeMovieClip(); wisps--; } } x++; } }
Instance of Symbol 805 MovieClip "Model" in Symbol 807 MovieClip [Info RazorQueen] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); teeth = 0; toothCounter = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((teeth < 10) && (int(Math.random() * 20) == 1)) { attachMovie("Razor Tooth", "Tooth" + toothCounter, toothCounter); with (eval ("Tooth" + toothCounter)) { whereOnSkin = int(Math.random() * 359) - 180; _yscale = 50; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { _xscale = -50; } else { _xscale = 50; } _rotation = _rotation + whereOnSkin; _x = _x + (2 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _y = _y - (2 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } teeth++; toothCounter++; if (toothCounter == 10) { toothCounter = 0; } } x = 0; while (x < 10) { lookTooth = eval ("Tooth" + x); if (lookTooth != null) { with (lookTooth) { toHost_x = _x - this._x; toHost_y = _y - this._y; offSet = Math.sqrt((toHost_x * toHost_x) + (toHost_y * toHost_y)); if (_yscale < 100) { if (_xscale < 0) { _xscale = _xscale - 5; } else { _xscale = _xscale + 5; } _yscale = _yscale + 5; _y = _y - (0.2 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = _x + (0.2 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } else if (_yscale < 105) { _yscale = _yscale + 0.2; _y = _y - (0.5 * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _x = _x + (0.5 * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } else { this.teeth--; lookTooth.removeMovieClip(); } } } x++; } }
Instance of Symbol 863 MovieClip "Model" in Symbol 864 MovieClip [Info Sharp] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_currentframe == 41) && (int(Math.random() * 3) != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } if ((_currentframe == 76) && (int(Math.random() * 3) != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (56); } }
Instance of Symbol 880 MovieClip "Model" in Symbol 882 MovieClip [Info Torchie] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_currentframe == 1) && (int(Math.random() * 4) == 1)) && (eval (myFlame) == null)) { attachMovie("Gloople Flame", "myFlame", 1); myFlame._rotation = myFlame._rotation - 180; } if (eval (myFlame) != null) { if (myFlame._currentframe == 130) { myFlame.removeMovieClip(); } if ((myFlame._currentframe == 100) && (int(Math.random() * 5) != 1)) { myFlame.gotoAndPlay(30); } } }
Instance of Symbol 1006 MovieClip "Model" in Symbol 1009 MovieClip [Info VoidEater] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_currentframe == 70) { gotoAndPlay (11); } }
Instance of Symbol 1018 MovieClip "QualityDown" in Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1
on (press) { if (_quality == "BEST") { _quality = "HIGH"; } else if (_quality == "HIGH") { _quality = "MEDIUM"; } else if (_quality == "MEDIUM") { _quality = "LOW"; } _parent.QualitySetting.text = _quality; }
Instance of Symbol 1018 MovieClip "SpawnDown" in Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1
on (press) { if (_global.spawnLimit > 8) { _global.spawnLimit--; _parent.SpawnSetting.text = _global.spawnLimit; } }
Instance of Symbol 1018 MovieClip "FPSDown" in Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1
on (press) { if (_global.showFPS) { _global.showFPS = false; _global.showFPSDisp = "Off"; _parent.FPSSetting.text = "Off"; } }
Instance of Symbol 1018 MovieClip "QualityUp" in Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1
on (press) { if (_quality == "LOW") { _quality = "MEDIUM"; } else if (_quality == "MEDIUM") { _quality = "HIGH"; } else if (_quality == "HIGH") { _quality = "BEST"; } _parent.QualitySetting.text = _quality; }
Instance of Symbol 1018 MovieClip "SpawnUp" in Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1
on (press) { if (_global.spawnLimit < 20) { _global.spawnLimit++; _parent.SpawnSetting.text = _global.spawnLimit; } }
Instance of Symbol 1018 MovieClip "FPSUp" in Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1
on (press) { if (!_global.showFPS) { _global.showFPS = true; _global.showFPSDisp = "On"; _parent.FPSSetting.text = "On"; } }
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip "OptionBack" in Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 110; _yscale = 110; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } on (press) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise 2"); _root.subMenu = false; _global.saveData(); _root.OptionMenu.removeMovieClip(); }
Instance of Symbol 1018 MovieClip "MusicDown" in Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1
on (press) { if (_global.soundMode == "Music Only") { _global.soundMode = "None"; _global.playSong("juke"); } if (_global.soundMode == "FX Only") { _global.soundMode = "Music Only"; _global.playSong("juke"); } if (_global.soundMode == "All") { _global.soundMode = "FX Only"; _global.playSong("juke"); } _parent.MusicSetting.text = _global.soundMode; }
Instance of Symbol 1018 MovieClip "MusicUp" in Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1
on (press) { if (_global.soundMode == "FX Only") { _global.soundMode = "All"; _global.playSong("juke"); } if (_global.soundMode == "Music Only") { _global.soundMode = "FX Only"; _global.playSong("juke"); } if (_global.soundMode == "None") { _global.soundMode = "Music Only"; _global.playSong("juke"); } _parent.MusicSetting.text = _global.soundMode; }
Instance of Symbol 1018 MovieClip "BackdropsDown" in Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1
on (press) { if (_global.floorMode == "Random") { _global.floorMode = "Simple"; } _parent.FloorSetting.text = _global.floorMode; }
Instance of Symbol 1018 MovieClip "BackdropsUp" in Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1
on (press) { if (_global.floorMode == "Simple") { _global.floorMode = "Random"; } _parent.FloorSetting.text = _global.floorMode; }
Instance of Symbol 1025 MovieClip "ResetAll" in Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 35; _yscale = 35; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 30; _yscale = 30; } on (press) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.attachMovie("Reset All Conf", "ResetAllConf", 1001); with (_root.ResetAllConf) { _x = 250; _y = 220; } _root.OptionMenu.removeMovieClip(); }
Instance of Symbol 1028 MovieClip [Reset Scores Button] "ScoreReset" in Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 45; _yscale = 45; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 40; _yscale = 40; } on (press) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise"); _root.attachMovie("Reset Scores Conf", "ResetScoresConf", 1001); with (_root.ResetScoresConf) { _x = 250; _y = 220; } _root.OptionMenu.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
stop(); _global.selectedGloople = null;
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip "GoBack" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 110; _yscale = 110; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } on (press) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise 2"); _root.subMenu = false; _root.PracticeMenu.removeMovieClip(); }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileGloople" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Gloople") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Gloople", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Gloople") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Gloople") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Gloople"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Gloople"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileStickie" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Stickie") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Stickie", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Stickie") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Stickie") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Stickie"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Stickie"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileBiter" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Biter") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Biter", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Biter") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Biter") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Biter"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Biter"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileMeltie" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Meltie") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Meltie", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Meltie") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Meltie") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Meltie"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Meltie"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileSharp" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Sharp") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Sharp", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Sharp") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Sharp") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Sharp"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Sharp"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileClutter" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Clutter") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Clutter", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Clutter") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Clutter") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Clutter"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Clutter"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileInkie" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Inkie") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Inkie", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Inkie") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Inkie") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Inkie"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Inkie"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileGrinder" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Grinder") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Grinder", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Grinder") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Grinder") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Grinder"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Grinder"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileFuzzle" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Fuzzle") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Fuzzle", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Fuzzle") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Fuzzle") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Fuzzle"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Fuzzle"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileOozle" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Oozle") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Oozle", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Oozle") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Oozle") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Oozle"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Oozle"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileTorchie" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Torchie") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Torchie", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Torchie") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Torchie") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Torchie"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Torchie"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileFrostie" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Frostie") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Frostie", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Frostie") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Frostie") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Frostie"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Frostie"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileGray" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Gray") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Gray", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Gray") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Gray") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Gray"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Gray"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileAmalgam" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Amalgam") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Amalgam", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Amalgam") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Amalgam") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Amalgam"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Amalgam"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileHorror" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Horror") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Horror", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Horror") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Horror") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Horror"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Horror"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileVoidEater" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "VoidEater") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info VoidEater", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "VoidEater") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "VoidEater") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "VoidEater"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("VoidEater"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileQueen" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "Queen") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; attachMovie("Info Queen", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Queen") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "Queen") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "Queen"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("Queen"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile] "TileRazorQueen" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; _visible = false; if (SearchArray(EnemiesSeen, "RazorQueen") == null) { tileLit = false; } else { tileLit = true; _visible = true; attachMovie("Info RazorQueen", "Profile", 1); if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "RazorQueen") == null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (tileLit) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay (1); } } else { onMe = false; play(); if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); } } } else { gotoAndStop (42); } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe && (tileLit)) { if (SearchArray(PracticeEnemies, "RazorQueen") != null) { attachMovie("Tile Shader", "Shader", 2); _global.MakeNoise("Select Off"); _global.PracticeEnemies.splice(SearchArray(_global.PracticeEnemies, "RazorQueen"), 1); } else { Shader.removeMovieClip(); _global.MakeNoise("Select On"); _global.PracticeEnemies.push("RazorQueen"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 1034 MovieClip "GoButton" in Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 110; _yscale = 110; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } on (press) { if (PracticeEnemies.length > 0) { _global.gameMode = "Practice"; _root.subMenu = false; _level0.nextFrame(); _root.PracticeMenu.removeMovieClip(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1042 MovieClip [SwordButton RazorGlaive] "RazorglaiveButton" in Symbol 1047 MovieClip [Weapon Select] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; myTipText = "The Razor Glaive is an exceedingly powerful weapon with a wide swing arc. Exceptional density and size lend great reach and destructive power, but at the cost of mobility"; if (!_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { _xscale = 70; _yscale = 70; gotoAndStop (21); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.RazorGlaiveUnlocked) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) && (_root.subMenu == false)) { onMe = true; _root.infoBox.tipText = myTipText; } else { onMe = false; if (_root.infoBox.tipText == myTipText) { _root.infoBox.tipText = null; } } if (!_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_xscale > 70) { _xscale = (_xscale - 2); _yscale = (_yscale - 2); } } else { if (_currentframe != 1) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_xscale < 100) { _xscale = (_xscale + 2); _yscale = (_yscale + 2); } } } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe) { if (!_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { _global.RazorGlaiveEquipped = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 1046 MovieClip [SwordButton Splatmaster] "SplatmasterButton" in Symbol 1047 MovieClip [Weapon Select] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); onMe = false; myTipText = "The Splatmaster 3000 is the standard Gloople population control device. Very effective at eliminating typical threats and durable enough to withstand protracted use"; if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { _xscale = 70; _yscale = 70; gotoAndStop (21); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.RazorGlaiveUnlocked) { if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) && (_root.subMenu == false)) { onMe = true; _root.infoBox.tipText = myTipText; } else { onMe = false; if (_root.infoBox.tipText == myTipText) { _root.infoBox.tipText = null; } } if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { if (_currentframe != 21) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_xscale > 70) { _xscale = (_xscale - 2); _yscale = (_yscale - 2); } } else { if (_currentframe != 1) { play(); } else { stop(); } if (_xscale < 100) { _xscale = (_xscale + 2); _yscale = (_yscale + 2); } } } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (onMe) { if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { _global.RazorGlaiveEquipped = false; } } }
Symbol 1060 MovieClip [Music Exporter] Frame 1
Symbol 1129 MovieClip [Sound Exporter] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1271 MovieClip [Hazard Suit Body] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit") != null) { suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if (suitTab.charge == 1) { _parent._visible = false; } else { _parent._visible = true; } } else { _parent._visible = false; } if (_global.RewardTab("Armor") != null) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if (armorTab.charge == 300) { _parent._visible = false; } } if (_root._currentframe != 7) { _parent._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe == 7) { if (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit") != null) { suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if (suitTab.charge == 1) { _parent._visible = false; } else { _parent._visible = true; } } else { _parent._visible = false; } if (_global.RewardTab("Armor") != null) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if (armorTab.charge == 300) { _parent._visible = false; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1273 MovieClip [Hazard Suit Head] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit") != null) { suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if (suitTab.charge == 1) { _parent._visible = false; } else { _parent._visible = true; } } else { _parent._visible = false; } if (_global.RewardTab("Armor") != null) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if (armorTab.charge == 300) { _parent._visible = false; } } if (_root._currentframe != 7) { _parent._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe == 7) { if (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit") != null) { suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if (suitTab.charge == 1) { _parent._visible = false; } else { _parent._visible = true; } } else { _parent._visible = false; } if (_global.RewardTab("Armor") != null) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if (armorTab.charge == 300) { _parent._visible = false; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1276 MovieClip [Armor Body] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.RewardTab("Armor") != null) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if (armorTab.charge != 300) { _parent._visible = false; } else if (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit") != null) { suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if (suitTab.charge > 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); _parent._visible = true; } else { _parent._visible = true; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { _parent._visible = true; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { _parent._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.RewardTab("Armor") != null) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if (armorTab.charge != 300) { _parent._visible = false; } else if (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit") != null) { suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if (suitTab.charge > 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); _parent._visible = true; } else { _parent._visible = true; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { _parent._visible = true; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { _parent._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1279 MovieClip [Armor Head] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.RewardTab("Armor") != null) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if (armorTab.charge != 300) { _parent._visible = false; } else if (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit") != null) { suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if (suitTab.charge > 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); _parent._visible = true; } else { _parent._visible = true; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { _parent._visible = true; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { _parent._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.RewardTab("Armor") != null) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if (armorTab.charge != 300) { _parent._visible = false; } else if (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit") != null) { suitTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Hazard Suit")); if (suitTab.charge > 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); _parent._visible = true; } else { _parent._visible = true; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { _parent._visible = true; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { _parent._visible = false; } }
Symbol 1320 MovieClip [Instruction Plate] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip "GoBack" in Symbol 1320 MovieClip [Instruction Plate] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 110; _yscale = 110; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } on (press) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise 2"); _root.subMenu = false; _root.InstructionMenu.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 1333 MovieClip [Tip Browser] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip "GoBack" in Symbol 1333 MovieClip [Tip Browser] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 110; _yscale = 110; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } on (press) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise 2"); _root.subMenu = false; _root.TipBrowser.removeMovieClip(); }
Instance of Symbol 1329 MovieClip "UpArrow" in Symbol 1333 MovieClip [Tip Browser] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { if (_parent.Scroll.viewingAt > 1) { _xscale = 110; _yscale = 110; } } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } on (press) { if (_parent.Scroll.viewingAt > 1) { _parent.Scroll.viewingAt--; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.Scroll.viewingAt > 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } }
Instance of Symbol 1329 MovieClip "DownArrow" in Symbol 1333 MovieClip [Tip Browser] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { if ((_parent.Scroll.viewingAt + 1) < _global.TipsSeen.length) { _xscale = 110; _yscale = 110; } } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } on (press) { if ((_parent.Scroll.viewingAt + 1) < _global.TipsSeen.length) { _parent.Scroll.viewingAt++; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.Scroll.viewingAt + 1) < _global.TipsSeen.length) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } }
Instance of Symbol 1331 MovieClip [Tip Scroll] "Scroll" in Symbol 1333 MovieClip [Tip Browser] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.addProperty("viewingAt", this.getViewingAt, this.setViewingAt); viewingAt = 1; startingY = _y; TipTextFormat = new TextFormat(); TipTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; TipTextFormat.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; TipTextFormat.size = 14; TipTextFormat.align = "center"; if (_global.TipsSeen.length == 0) { attachMovie("Hint Text", "Tip0", 1); Tip0.createTextField("tipText", 1, 0, 0, Tip0._width, Tip0._height); Tip0.tipText.embedFonts = true; Tip0.tipText.wordWrap = true; Tip0.tipText.selectable = false; Tip0.tipText.text = "Start a game to see gameplay tips"; Tip0.tipText.setTextFormat(TipTextFormat); Tip0.tipText._width = Tip0.tipText._width - 1; } else { x = 0; while (x < TipsSeen.length) { attachMovie("Hint Text", "Tip" + x, x + 1); currentTip = eval ("Tip" + x); with (currentTip) { _height = 150; _y = 0 + (150 * x); createTextField("tipText", 1, 0, 0, _width, _height); tipText.embedFonts = true; tipText.wordWrap = true; tipText.selectable = false; tipText.text = _global.TipsSeen[x]; tipText.setTextFormat(TipTextFormat); tipText._width = tipText._width - 1; } x++; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { targetY = -150 * (viewingAt - 1); currentY = _y - startingY; gap = Math.abs(targetY - currentY); if (targetY < currentY) { if (gap > 300) { _y = (_y - 25); } else if (gap > 20) { _y = (_y - 10); } else if (gap > 0) { _y = (_y - 5); } } else if (targetY > currentY) { if (gap > 300) { _y = (_y + 25); } else if (gap > 20) { _y = (_y + 10); } else if (gap > 0) { _y = (_y + 5); } } }
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip "Back" in Symbol 1337 MovieClip [Reset All Conf] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 120; _yscale = 120; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 110; _yscale = 110; } on (press) { _root.subMenu = false; _root.ResetAllConf.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 1337 MovieClip [Reset All Conf] Frame 61
Instance of Symbol 1025 MovieClip "Reset" in Symbol 1337 MovieClip [Reset All Conf] Frame 61
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 45; _yscale = 45; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 40; _yscale = 40; } on (press) { _root.subMenu = false; _global.resetAllData(); _root.ResetAllConf.removeMovieClip(); }
Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip [Selector] "NestSizeSel" in Symbol 1350 MovieClip [Nest Size Selector] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { onMe = false; this.addProperty("timeUp", this.getTimeUp, this.setTimeUp); timeUp = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timeUp++; if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; } else { onMe = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (!onMe) { _root.subMenu = false; _root.NestSize.removeMovieClip(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1343 MovieClip [Small Nest Button] "SmallNest" in Symbol 1350 MovieClip [Nest Size Selector] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); } on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (2); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (1); } on (press) { if (_parent.NestSizeSel.timeUp > 5) { _global.interval = 15; _global.gameMode = "Single"; switch (interval) { case 15 : breedsInNest = 5; _global.NestSize = 200; break; case 30 : breedsInNest = 8; _global.NestSize = 350; break; case 60 : breedsInNest = 11; _global.NestSize = 500; } while (EnemySet.length < breedsInNest) { if (EnemySet.length < 5) { switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Stickie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Stickie"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Biter") == null) { EnemySet.push("Biter"); } break; case 3 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Meltie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Meltie"); } break; case 4 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Clutter") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Clutter"); } } else if (EnemySet.length < 9) { switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Sharp") == null) { EnemySet.push("Sharp"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Inkie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Inkie"); } break; case 3 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Grinder") == null) { EnemySet.push("Grinder"); } break; case 4 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Fuzzle") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Fuzzle"); } } else { switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Torchie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Torchie"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Frostie") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Frostie"); } } } _root.subMenu = false; _level0.nextFrame(); _root.NestSize.removeMovieClip(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1346 MovieClip [Huge Nest Button] "HugeNest" in Symbol 1350 MovieClip [Nest Size Selector] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); } on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (2); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (1); } on (press) { if (_parent.NestSizeSel.timeUp > 5) { _global.interval = 60; _global.gameMode = "Single"; switch (interval) { case 15 : breedsInNest = 5; _global.NestSize = 200; break; case 30 : breedsInNest = 8; _global.NestSize = 350; break; case 60 : breedsInNest = 11; _global.NestSize = 500; } while (EnemySet.length < breedsInNest) { if (EnemySet.length < 5) { switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Stickie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Stickie"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Biter") == null) { EnemySet.push("Biter"); } break; case 3 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Meltie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Meltie"); } break; case 4 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Clutter") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Clutter"); } } else if (EnemySet.length < 9) { switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Sharp") == null) { EnemySet.push("Sharp"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Inkie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Inkie"); } break; case 3 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Grinder") == null) { EnemySet.push("Grinder"); } break; case 4 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Fuzzle") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Fuzzle"); } } else { switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Torchie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Torchie"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Frostie") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Frostie"); } } } _root.subMenu = false; _level0.nextFrame(); _root.NestSize.removeMovieClip(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1349 MovieClip [Big Nest Button] "BigNest" in Symbol 1350 MovieClip [Nest Size Selector] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); } on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (2); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (1); } on (press) { if (_parent.NestSizeSel.timeUp > 5) { _global.interval = 30; _global.gameMode = "Single"; switch (interval) { case 15 : breedsInNest = 5; _global.NestSize = 200; break; case 30 : breedsInNest = 8; _global.NestSize = 350; break; case 60 : breedsInNest = 11; _global.NestSize = 500; } while (EnemySet.length < breedsInNest) { if (EnemySet.length < 5) { switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Stickie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Stickie"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Biter") == null) { EnemySet.push("Biter"); } break; case 3 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Meltie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Meltie"); } break; case 4 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Clutter") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Clutter"); } } else if (EnemySet.length < 9) { switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Sharp") == null) { EnemySet.push("Sharp"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Inkie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Inkie"); } break; case 3 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Grinder") == null) { EnemySet.push("Grinder"); } break; case 4 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Fuzzle") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Fuzzle"); } } else { switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Torchie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Torchie"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Frostie") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Frostie"); } } } _root.subMenu = false; _level0.nextFrame(); _root.NestSize.removeMovieClip(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1339 MovieClip [Selector] "DiffSel" in Symbol 1361 MovieClip [Difficulty Ramp Selector] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { onMe = false; this.addProperty("timeUp", this.getTimeUp, this.setTimeUp); timeUp = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timeUp++; if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { onMe = true; } else { onMe = false; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (!onMe) { _root.subMenu = false; _root.Difficulty.removeMovieClip(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1354 MovieClip [Slow Ramp Button] "SlowRamp" in Symbol 1361 MovieClip [Difficulty Ramp Selector] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); } on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (2); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (1); } on (press) { if (_parent.DiffSel.timeUp > 5) { _global.interval = 60; _global.gameMode = "Bounty"; while (EnemySet.length < 11) { if (EnemySet.length < 5) { switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Stickie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Stickie"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Biter") == null) { EnemySet.push("Biter"); } break; case 3 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Meltie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Meltie"); } break; case 4 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Clutter") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Clutter"); } } else if (EnemySet.length < 9) { switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Sharp") == null) { EnemySet.push("Sharp"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Inkie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Inkie"); } break; case 3 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Grinder") == null) { EnemySet.push("Grinder"); } break; case 4 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Fuzzle") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Fuzzle"); } } else { switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Torchie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Torchie"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Frostie") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Frostie"); } } } _root.subMenu = false; _level0.nextFrame(); _root.Difficulty.removeMovieClip(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1357 MovieClip [Fast Ramp Button] "FastRamp" in Symbol 1361 MovieClip [Difficulty Ramp Selector] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); } on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (2); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (1); } on (press) { if (_parent.DiffSel.timeUp > 5) { _global.interval = 15; _global.gameMode = "Bounty"; while (EnemySet.length < 11) { if (EnemySet.length < 5) { switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Stickie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Stickie"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Biter") == null) { EnemySet.push("Biter"); } break; case 3 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Meltie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Meltie"); } break; case 4 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Clutter") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Clutter"); } } else if (EnemySet.length < 9) { switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Sharp") == null) { EnemySet.push("Sharp"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Inkie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Inkie"); } break; case 3 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Grinder") == null) { EnemySet.push("Grinder"); } break; case 4 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Fuzzle") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Fuzzle"); } } else { switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Torchie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Torchie"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Frostie") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Frostie"); } } } _root.subMenu = false; _level0.nextFrame(); _root.Difficulty.removeMovieClip(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1360 MovieClip [Medium Ramp Button] "MediumRamp" in Symbol 1361 MovieClip [Difficulty Ramp Selector] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); } on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (2); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (1); } on (press) { if (_parent.DiffSel.timeUp > 5) { _global.interval = 30; _global.gameMode = "Bounty"; while (EnemySet.length < 11) { if (EnemySet.length < 5) { switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Stickie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Stickie"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Biter") == null) { EnemySet.push("Biter"); } break; case 3 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Meltie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Meltie"); } break; case 4 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Clutter") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Clutter"); } } else if (EnemySet.length < 9) { switch (int(Math.random() * 4) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Sharp") == null) { EnemySet.push("Sharp"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Inkie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Inkie"); } break; case 3 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Grinder") == null) { EnemySet.push("Grinder"); } break; case 4 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Fuzzle") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Fuzzle"); } } else { switch (int(Math.random() * 2) + 1) { case 1 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Torchie") == null) { EnemySet.push("Torchie"); } break; case 2 : if (SearchArray(EnemySet, "Frostie") != null) { break; } EnemySet.push("Frostie"); } } } _root.subMenu = false; _level0.nextFrame(); _root.Difficulty.removeMovieClip(); } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1364 MovieClip [Sprint Footprint] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { lifeSpan = 100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (lifeSpan > 0) { lifeSpan--; } else { _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 20; } if (_parent._alpha <= 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1366 MovieClip [Reward Tab] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _parent.addProperty("charge", this.getCharge, this.setCharge); myKeyCode = null; myReward = null; _parent.charge = 300; tick = 0; switch (_parent._name.slice(0, 1)) { case "A" : myReward = _global.ABind; myKeyCode = 65; break; case "S" : myReward = _global.SBind; myKeyCode = 83; break; case "D" : myReward = _global.DBind; myKeyCode = 68; } if (((myReward != "Armor") && (myReward != "Glaive")) && (myReward != "Hazard Suit")) { _parent.attachMovie("SetLight " + _parent._name.slice(0, 1), "myLight", 2); _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(2); } if ((myReward != "Armor") && (myReward != "Glaive")) { _parent.attachMovie("Charge Gauge", "myGauge", 5); _parent.myGauge._y = 6; _parent.myGauge.gotoAndStop(300); } _parent.attachMovie("Reward Icon " + myReward, "myIcon", 3); _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); if (myReward == "Glaive") { _global.RazorGlaiveEquipped = true; } if (myReward == "Armor") { _parent.armorHit = function () { hitTarget = _global.justHit; if (HeroAction == "frozen") { _parent.charge = 2; _global.justHit = null; HeroAction = "none"; _root.HeroPointer.frozenFrames = 0; } else if (((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 5) == "Oozle") || ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray") && (_global.justHit.action == "none"))) || ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 7) == "Amalgam") && (_global.justHit._xscale > 70))) { _parent.charge = 2; _global.justHit = null; } else if ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 5) == "Biter") && (_global.justHit.lunging == true)) { _parent.charge = 2; _global.justHit = null; } else if ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 5) == "Sharp") && (_global.justHit.spines == true)) { _parent.charge = 2; _global.justHit = null; } else if ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 7) == "Grinder") && (!_global.justHit.wall)) { _parent.charge = 2; } else if ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 6) == "Fuzzle") && (_global.justHit.lunging == true)) { _parent.charge = 2; _global.justHit = null; } else if ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 4) == "Gray") && (_global.justHit.lancing)) { _parent.charge = 2; _global.justHit = null; } else if (_global.justHit.exploded && (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root.HeroPointer._x - justHit._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root.HeroPointer._y - justHit._y, 2)) < 150)) { _parent.charge = 2; _global.justHit = null; } else if ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 4) == "Void") && (_global.justHit.action == "shoot")) { } else if (_global.justHit.hook || _global.justHit.spike) { _parent.charge = 2; _global.justHit = null; } else if (_global.justHit.quill || _global.justHit.slug) { _parent.charge = 2; _global.justHit = null; } else if (_global.justHit.mite) { _parent.charge = 2; _global.justHit = null; } else if (_global.justHit.hedgehog == "Crush") { _parent.charge = 2; _global.justHit = null; } else if (_global.justHit.hedgehog == "Ground") { _parent.charge = 2; _global.justHit = null; } else if (_global.justHit.disk || _global.justHit.claw) { _parent.charge = 2; _global.justHit = null; } else if ((_global.justHit._name.slice(0, 6) == "Horror") && (_global.justHit.action != "collect")) { _parent.charge = 2; _global.justHit = null; } else if (_global.HeroAction != "flamed") { } if (_parent.charge == 2) { _root.HeroPointer.exploded = true; _root.attachMovie("Armor Blast", "ArmorBlast", _global.heroDepth++); with (_root.ArmorBlast) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = _root.HeroPointer._rotation; } myShards = int(Math.random() * 4) + 8; Quadrant = 0; x = 1; while (x <= myShards) { shardName = "Shard" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Armor Shard", shardName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + shardName)) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = (Quadrant + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } Quadrant = Quadrant + 90; if (Quadrant == 270) { Quadrant = -90; } x++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.VoidPulse, "ArmorShockwave", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.ArmorShockwave) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; } blastName = "ArmorBlastmark" + _global.backgroundDepth; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blastmark, blastName, _global.backgroundDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + blastName)) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blackout, "ArmorBright", 6000); with (_root.ArmorBright) { _x = 275; _y = 200; _xscale = 1000; _yscale = 1000; } BlinkColor = new Color(_root.ArmorBright); BlinkColor.setRGB(16777215); ashpuffs = int(Math.random() * 2) + 2; x = 0; while (x < ashpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, "ArmorAsh" + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root.ArmorAsh" + x)) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } AshColor = new Color(eval ("_root.ArmorAsh" + x)); AshColor.setRGB(0); x++; } armSparks = int(Math.random() * 6) + 12; x = 1; while (x <= armSparks) { sparkName = "ArmorSpark" + x; _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16053248); x++; } if ((!hitTarget.exploded) && (hitTarget._name.slice(0, 7) != "Grinder")) { toTargetX = _root.HeroPointer._x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _root.HeroPointer._y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (10 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (10 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._rotation = targetDirection; if (hitTarget.disk) { hitTarget.moveDirection = targetDirection; } if (hitTarget.claw || (hitTarget.mite)) { hitTarget.killedBy = _root.HeroPointer; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); toTargetX = _root.HeroPointer._x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _root.HeroPointer._y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); distToEnemy = Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)); if (distToEnemy <= 100) { hitTarget.killedBy = _root.HeroPointer; } else if (distToEnemy <= 150) { if (!hitTarget.wall) { hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (10 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (10 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._rotation = targetDirection; } } } x++; } _global.MakeNoise("Armor Explode"); _global.MakeNoise("Explode"); if (_global.justHit == null) { _root.HeroPointer.invincFrames = 5; } _parent.charge = 1; _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } }; } if (myReward == "Hazard Suit") { suitHealth == 300; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (((!_global.pause) && (!HeroKilled)) && ((_global.ClearTime == 0) || (_global.gameMode != "Single"))) { if ((Key.getCode() == _global.RewardKey(myReward)) && ((myReward == "Teleport") || (_global.HeroAction == "none"))) { switch (myReward) { case "Grenade" : if (_parent.charge == 300) { _root.attachMovie("Grenade", "myGrenade", _global.capDepth++); with (_root.myGrenade) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = _root.HeroPointer._rotation; } _parent.charge = 1; _global.MakeNoise("Toss Noise"); } break; case "Lure" : if (_parent.charge == 300) { _root.attachMovie("Lure", "myLure", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.myLure) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = _root.HeroPointer._rotation; } _parent.charge = 1; _global.MakeNoise("Toss Noise"); } break; case "Spike" : if (_parent.charge == 300) { _root.attachMovie("Spike", "mySpike", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.mySpike) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = _root.HeroPointer._rotation; } _parent.charge = 1; _global.MakeNoise("Toss Noise"); } break; case "Choker" : if (_parent.charge == 300) { _root.attachMovie("Choker", "myChoker", _global.baddieDepth++); with (_root.myChoker) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = _root.HeroPointer._rotation; } _parent.charge = 1; _global.MakeNoise("Toss Noise"); } break; case "BoxGun" : if ((_parent.charge == 300) && (eval (_root.myBoxGun) == undefined)) { _root.attachMovie("SCAER", "myBoxGun", 996); with (_root.myBoxGun) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = _root.HeroPointer._rotation; } _global.MakeNoise("Toss Noise"); } break; case "Drone" : if ((_parent.charge == 300) && (eval (_root.myDrone) == undefined)) { _root.attachMovie("Buzz Drone", "myDrone", _global.heroDepth++); with (_root.myDrone) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = _root.HeroPointer._rotation; } _global.MakeNoise("Toss Noise"); } break; case "Teleport" : if (eval (_root.myTelepad) == undefined) { _root.attachMovie("Telepad", "myTelepad", 995); with (_root.myTelepad) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = _root.HeroPointer._rotation; } } else if ((_parent.charge == 300) && (_root.myTelepad.ready)) { _root.attachMovie("Teleport Gap", "myGap", _global.capDepth++); with (_root.myGap) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = _root.HeroPointer._rotation; } myArcs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 3; x = 1; while (x <= myArcs) { arcName = "myArc" + _global.capDepth; _root.attachMovie("Arc", arcName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + arcName)) { _x = (_root.HeroPointer._x + int(Math.random() * 60)) - 30; _y = (_root.HeroPointer._y + int(Math.random() * 60)) - 30; _xscale = int(Math.random() * 30) + 70; _yscale = int(Math.random() * 30) + 70; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } arcColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + arcName)); arcColor.setRGB(3848943); x++; } toMyX = _root.HeroPointer._x - _root.myTelepad._x; toMyY = _root.HeroPointer._y - _root.myTelepad._y; distToHero = Math.sqrt((toMyX * toMyX) + (toMyY * toMyY)); toMyDir = (-Math.atan2(toMyX, toMyY)) / (Math.PI / 180); _root.attachMovie("Teleport Bolt", "myBolt", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.myBolt) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = toMyDir; _yscale = distToHero; _xscale = 100 + (distToHero / 5); } mySparks = int(Math.random() * 6) + 8; x = 1; while (x <= mySparks) { sparkName = "TeleSpark" + x; _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = _root.myTelepad._x; _y = _root.myTelepad._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(3848943); x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_root.myTelepad._x, _root.myTelepad._y, true)) { hitTarget.killedBy = _root.myTelepad; } x++; } _root.HeroPointer._x = _root.myTelepad._x; _root.HeroPointer._y = _root.myTelepad._y; _parent.charge = 1; _global.MakeNoise("Teleport A"); _global.MakeNoise("Teleport B"); } break; case "Mason" : if (_parent.charge != 300) { break; } _root.attachMovie("Mason Bomb", "myMasonBomb", _global.capDepth++); with (_root.myMasonBomb) { _x = _root.HeroPointer._x; _y = _root.HeroPointer._y; _rotation = _root.HeroPointer._rotation; } _parent.charge = 1; _global.MakeNoise("Toss Noise"); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (myReward != "Armor") { if (_parent.charge < 1) { _parent.charge = 1; } if (_parent.charge > 300) { _parent.charge = 300; } _parent.myGauge.gotoAndStop(_parent.charge); } if ((!_global.pause) && (_global.HeroKilled)) { if ((myReward == "Armor") && (_parent.charge == 300)) { _parent.charge = 1; _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(2); myShards = int(Math.random() * 4) + 8; Quadrant = 0; x = 1; while (x <= myShards) { shardName = "Shard" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Armor Shard", shardName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + shardName)) { _x = _global.heroWasX; _y = _global.heroWasY; _rotation = (Quadrant + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } Quadrant = Quadrant + 90; if (Quadrant == 270) { Quadrant = -90; } x++; } armSparks = int(Math.random() * 6) + 12; x = 1; while (x <= armSparks) { sparkName = "ArmorSpark" + x; _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = _global.heroWasX; _y = _global.heroWasY; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16053248); x++; } } if ((myReward == "Hazard Suit") && (_parent.charge > 1)) { _parent.charge = 1; myScraps = int(Math.random() * 2) + 4; Quadrant = 0; x = 1; while (x <= myScraps) { scrapName = "Scrap" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Light Scrapmetal", scrapName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + scrapName)) { _x = _global.heroWasX; _y = _global.heroWasY; _rotation = (Quadrant + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } Quadrant = Quadrant + 90; if (Quadrant == 270) { Quadrant = -90; } x++; } myShreds = int(Math.random() * 5) + 15; Quadrant = 0; x = 1; while (x <= myShreds) { scrapName = "Shred" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Suit Tatter", scrapName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + scrapName)) { _x = _global.heroWasX; _y = _global.heroWasY; _rotation = (Quadrant + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } Quadrant = Quadrant + 90; if (Quadrant == 270) { Quadrant = -90; } x++; } suitSparks = int(Math.random() * 6) + 12; x = 1; while (x <= suitSparks) { sparkName = "SuitSpark" + x; _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = _global.heroWasX; _y = _global.heroWasY; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16053248); x++; } } } if (((!_global.pause) && (!HeroKilled)) && ((_global.ClearTime == 0) || (_global.gameMode != "Single"))) { switch (myReward) { case "Sprint" : if (_parent.charge == 1) { _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } break; case "Grenade" : if (_parent.charge < 300) { _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(2); if ((tick == 5) || (_global.gameMode == "Practice")) { _parent.charge++; tick = 0; } else { tick++; } } else { if (_parent.myLight._currentframe == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Bleep"); } _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(2); tick = 0; _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } break; case "Lure" : if (_parent.charge < 300) { _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(1); if (eval (_root.myLure) == undefined) { _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(2); if ((tick == 7) || (_global.gameMode == "Practice")) { _parent.charge++; tick = 0; } else { tick++; } } else { _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (_parent.myLight._currentframe == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Bleep"); } _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(2); tick = 0; _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } break; case "Spike" : if (_parent.charge < 300) { _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(1); if (eval (_root.mySpike) == undefined) { _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(2); if ((tick == 5) || (_global.gameMode == "Practice")) { _parent.charge++; tick = 0; } else { tick++; } } else { _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (_parent.myLight._currentframe == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Bleep"); } _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(2); tick = 0; _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } break; case "Choker" : if (_parent.charge < 300) { _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(1); if (eval (_root.myChoker) == undefined) { _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(2); if ((tick == 8) || (_global.gameMode == "Practice")) { _parent.charge++; tick = 0; } else { tick++; } } else { _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { if (_parent.myLight._currentframe == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Bleep"); } _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(2); tick = 0; _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } break; case "Drone" : if (_parent.charge < 300) { _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(1); if (eval (_root.myDrone) == undefined) { _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(2); if ((tick == 3) || (_global.gameMode == "Practice")) { _parent.charge++; tick = 0; } else { tick++; } } else { _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { tick = 0; _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); if (eval (_root.myDrone) == undefined) { if (_parent.myLight._currentframe == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Bleep"); } _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(1); } } break; case "BoxGun" : if (_parent.charge < 300) { _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(1); if (eval (_root.myBoxGun) == undefined) { _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(2); if ((tick == 11) || (_global.gameMode == "Practice")) { _parent.charge++; tick = 0; } else { tick++; } } else { _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { tick = 0; _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); if (eval (_root.myBoxGun) == undefined) { if (_parent.myLight._currentframe == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Bleep"); } _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(1); } } break; case "Teleport" : if (_parent.charge < 300) { _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(2); if ((tick == 9) || (_global.gameMode == "Practice")) { _parent.charge++; tick = 0; } else { tick++; } } else { if (_parent.myLight._currentframe == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Bleep"); } _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(2); tick = 0; } break; case "Mason" : if (_parent.charge < 300) { _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(2); if (((eval (_root.GrinderWall) == undefined) && (eval (_root.myMasonBomb) == undefined)) && (eval (_root.myBlast) == undefined)) { if ((tick == 11) || (_global.gameMode == "Practice")) { _parent.charge++; tick = 0; } else { tick++; } } } else { if (_parent.myLight._currentframe == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Bleep"); } _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.myLight.gotoAndStop(2); tick = 0; } break; case "Hazard Suit" : suitDamage = suitHealth - _parent.charge; if (suitDamage > 0) { suitSparks = int(Math.random() * 3) + int(suitDamage / 10); x = 1; while (x <= suitSparks) { sparkName = "SuitSpark" + _global.capDepth; _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = _global.heroWasX; _y = _global.heroWasY; _rotation = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 200; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16053248); x++; } suitArcs = int(suitDamage / 30); if ((suitArcs == 0) && (int(Math.random() * 5) == 0)) { suitArcs = 1; } x = 1; while (x <= suitArcs) { arcName = "SuitArc" + _global.capDepth; _root.attachMovie("Arc", arcName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + arcName)) { _x = (_global.heroWasX + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (_global.heroWasY + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _xscale = int(Math.random() * 30) + 70; _yscale = int(Math.random() * 30) + 70; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } arcColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + arcName)); arcColor.setRGB(16053248); x++; } } if ((_parent.charge == 1) && (suitHealth > 1)) { myScraps = int(Math.random() * 2) + 4; Quadrant = 0; x = 1; while (x <= myScraps) { scrapName = "Scrap" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Light Scrapmetal", scrapName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + scrapName)) { _x = _global.heroWasX; _y = _global.heroWasY; _rotation = (Quadrant + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } Quadrant = Quadrant + 90; if (Quadrant == 270) { Quadrant = -90; } x++; } myShreds = int(Math.random() * 5) + 15; Quadrant = 0; x = 1; while (x <= myShreds) { scrapName = "Shred" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Suit Tatter", scrapName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + scrapName)) { _x = _global.heroWasX; _y = _global.heroWasY; _rotation = (Quadrant + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } Quadrant = Quadrant + 90; if (Quadrant == 270) { Quadrant = -90; } x++; } suitSparks = int(Math.random() * 6) + 12; x = 1; while (x <= suitSparks) { sparkName = "SuitSpark" + x; _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = _global.heroWasX; _y = _global.heroWasY; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16053248); x++; } } suitHealth = _parent.charge; if (_parent.charge > 1) { _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1381 MovieClip [Sprint Puff] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { lifeSpan = 40; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (lifeSpan > 0) { lifeSpan--; } else { _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 10; } if (_parent._alpha <= 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } speed = lifeSpan / 40; _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 1; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 1; _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1387 MovieClip [Grenade] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { lifeSpan = 40; moveDirection = _parent._rotation; myEffects = 0; _parent.addProperty("exploded", this.getExploded, this.setExploded); _parent.addProperty("tool", this.getTool, this.setTool); _parent.tool = true; speed = int(3 * (Math.sqrt(((_x - _xmouse) * (_x - _xmouse)) + ((_y - _ymouse) * (_y - _ymouse))) / 100)); speed = speed + ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) * 0.5); spin = int(Math.random() * 40) - 20; if (speed < 4) { speed = 4; } _parent.exploded = false; _root.attachMovie("Grenade Pin", "myPin", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.myPin) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = (this._parent._rotation + int(Math.random() * 30)) + 80; } _global.MakeNoise("Grenade Pin Pull"); if ((_global.soundMode == "All") || (_global.soundMode == "FX Only")) { myFuse = new Sound(this); myFuse.attachSound("Fuse Burn"); myFuse.start(0, 2); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (_parent.exploded) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (lifeSpan > 0) { Lift = int(lifeSpan / 5) - 6; if (Lift <= -4) { Lift = Lift + 5; } _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + Lift; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + Lift; if (lifeSpan == 10) { spin = int(Math.random() * 40) - 20; _global.MakeNoise("Dirt Hit"); } lifeSpan--; _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + spin; if (lifeSpan > 5) { fusePointY = _parent._y - (10 * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); fusePointX = _parent._x + (10 * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); sparkName = "grenadeFuse" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = fusePointX; _y = fusePointY; _rotation = (this._parent._rotation + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16577155); } } else { myFuse.stop(); _parent.exploded = true; _global.MakeNoise("Grenade Pop"); _global.MakeNoise("Explode"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.VoidPulse, "GrenadeShockwave", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.GrenadeShockwave) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } blastName = "GrenadeBlastmark" + _global.backgroundDepth; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blastmark, blastName, _global.backgroundDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + blastName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blackout, "GrenadeBright", 6000); with (_root.GrenadeBright) { _x = 275; _y = 200; _xscale = 1000; _yscale = 1000; } BlinkColor = new Color(_root.GrenadeBright); BlinkColor.setRGB(16777215); ashpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 2; x = 0; while (x < ashpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, "GrenadeAsh" + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root.GrenadeAsh" + x)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } AshColor = new Color(eval ("_root.GrenadeAsh" + x)); AshColor.setRGB(0); x++; } if ((eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) && (_global.justHit == null)) { toTargetX = _parent._x - _root.HeroPointer._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - _root.HeroPointer._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); distToHero = Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)); if (distToHero <= 100) { _global.justHit = _parent; } else if (distToHero <= 150) { _global.justHit = this; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); toTargetX = _parent._x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); distToEnemy = Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)); if (distToEnemy <= 180) { hitTarget.killedBy = _parent; } else if (distToEnemy <= 250) { if ((!hitTarget.wall) && (!hitTarget.tool)) { hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (30 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (30 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._rotation = targetDirection; } } } x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { toTargetX = _parent._x - targetHazard._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - targetHazard._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)) <= 250) { targetHazard.killedBy = _parent; } } x++; } } _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - 0.05; } else { speed = 0; } if ((((_parent._y < -5) || (_parent._x < -5)) || (_parent._y > 405)) || (_parent._x > 555)) { myTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Grenade")); myTab.charge = 200; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1396 MovieClip [Lure] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { lifeSpan = 50; moveDirection = _parent._rotation; payload = 450; _parent.addProperty("luring", this.getLuring, this.setLuring); speed = int(2 * (Math.sqrt(((_x - _xmouse) * (_x - _xmouse)) + ((_y - _ymouse) * (_y - _ymouse))) / 100)); speed = speed + ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) * 0.5); if (speed < 2) { speed = 2; } _parent.luring = false; _parent.stop(); roll = 0; windDirection = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; if ((_global.soundMode == "All") || (_global.soundMode == "FX Only")) { myHiss = new Sound(this); myHiss.attachSound("Lure Hiss 3"); } } onClipEvent (unload) { myHiss.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (lifeSpan > 0) { lifeSpan--; if (lifeSpan > 35) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 2; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 2; } else if (lifeSpan > 20) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 2; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 2; } else if (lifeSpan > 10) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 4; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 4; } else { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 4; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 4; } if ((lifeSpan == 20) || (lifeSpan == 1)) { _global.MakeNoise("Dirt Hit"); } roll++; switch (roll) { case 3 : _parent.gotoAndStop(2); break; case 6 : _parent.gotoAndStop(3); break; case 9 : _parent.gotoAndStop(4); break; case 12 : _parent.gotoAndStop(1); roll = 0; } } else { if (payload == 450) { _global.MakeNoise("Lure Hiss Start"); myHiss.start(0, 100); } if (speed >= 1) { speed--; } _parent.luring = true; if (payload > 0) { if ((payload / 10) == int(payload / 10)) { _root.attachMovie("Pheremone", "Pher" + payload, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root.Pher" + payload)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = windDirection; } windDirection = windDirection + (int(Math.random() * 10) - 5); if (windDirection > 180) { windDirection = windDirection - 360; } if (windDirection < -180) { windDirection = windDirection + 360; } } payload--; } else if (_parent._alpha > 0) { _parent.luring = false; myHiss.stop(); _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 20; } else { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - 0.05; } else { speed = 0; } if ((((_parent._y < -5) || (_parent._x < -5)) || (_parent._y > 405)) || (_parent._x > 555)) { myTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Lure")); myTab.charge = 200; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1398 MovieClip [Pheremone] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { driftdirection = _parent._rotation; lifespan = 60; _parent._rotation = int(Math.random() * 359) - 180; _parent._xscale = 50; _parent._yscale = 50; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (lifespan > 0) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 2; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 2; lifespan--; } else if (_parent._alpha > 0) { _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 5; } else { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } _parent._y = _parent._y - (2 * Math.cos(driftDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (2 * Math.sin(driftDirection * (Math.PI/180))); } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1401 MovieClip [Spike] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { airtime = 20; battery = 400; _parent.stop(); myEffects = 0; inert = 0; _parent.addProperty("claw", this.getClaw, this.setClaw); speed = int(3 * (Math.sqrt(((_x - _xmouse) * (_x - _xmouse)) + ((_y - _ymouse) * (_y - _ymouse))) / 100)); speed = speed + ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) * 0.5); if (speed < 2) { speed = 2; } if (speed > 8) { speed = 8; } _parent.claw = true; Broken = false; flickerCount = 0; if ((_global.soundMode == "All") || (_global.soundMode == "FX Only")) { myVibe = new Sound(this); myVibe.attachSound("Repulse Field Amb"); } } onClipEvent (unload) { myVibe.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (airtime > 0) { airtime--; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 3; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 1; _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - 0.05; } else { speed = 0; } if ((((_parent._y < -5) || (_parent._x < -5)) || (_parent._y > 405)) || (_parent._x > 555)) { myTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Spike")); myTab.charge = 200; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } else if (airtime == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _global.MakeNoise("GrinderHurt"); _global.MakeNoise("SharpsIn"); Dustpuffs = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; x = 0; while (x < Dustpuffs) { DustName = "SpikeDust" + x; duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDust, DustName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + DustName)) { _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } x++; } Dirtpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 3; x = 0; while (x < Dirtpuffs) { DirtName = "SpikeDirt" + x; duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, DirtName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + DirtName)) { _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _rotation = (this._parent._rotation + int(Math.random() * 180)) - 90; } x++; } CrackName = "SpikeCrack" + _global.backgroundDepth; duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundCrack, CrackName, _global.backgroundDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + CrackName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; gotoAndPlay(((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) * 2) - 1); } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, false)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { targetHazard.killedBy = _parent; } } x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); if (hitTarget.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { Hit = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if (((hitTarget.spines || (Hit == "Grin")) || ((Hit == "Gray") && (hitTarget.action == "gaurd"))) || ((Hit == "Horr") && (hitTarget.action != "collect"))) { toTargetX = _parent._x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); SparkName = (("_root." + _parent._name) + "Sparks") + myEffects; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, (_parent._name + "Sparks") + (myEffects++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , targetDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , hitTarget._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , hitTarget._y); myScraps = int(Math.random() * 4) + 6; x = 1; while (x <= myScraps) { scrapName = "Scrap" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Light Scrapmetal", scrapName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + scrapName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } x++; } _global.MakeNoise("Repulsor Break"); _root.SpikeField.removeMovieClip(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } else { hitTarget.killedBy = _parent; } } x++; } airtime--; } else if (battery > 0) { if (battery == 400) { myVibe.start(0, 100); _root.attachMovie("Repulse Field", "SpikeField", _global.capDepth++); with (_root.SpikeField) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } } if ((battery / 40) == int(battery / 40)) { BloomName = "Bloom" + _global.capDepth; _root.attachMovie("Repulse Bloom", BloomName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + BloomName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); subjName = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if ((subjName == "Gray") && (hitTarget.action != "none")) { } else if (subjName == "Void") { } else { toMyX = hitTarget._x - _parent._x; toMyY = hitTarget._y - _parent._y; distToEnemy = Math.sqrt((toMyX * toMyX) + (toMyY * toMyY)); toMyDir = (-Math.atan2(toMyX, toMyY)) / (Math.PI/180); pushDir = toMyDir - 180; if (pushDir < -180) { pushDir = pushDir + 360; } pushForce = int(10 - (distToEnemy / 22)); if (((((subjName == "Oozl") || (subjName == "Gray")) || (subjName == "Horr")) || ((subjName == "Amal") && (hitTarget._xscale > 70))) || (subjName == "Razo")) { pushForce = pushForce / 2; } if ((subjName == "Grin") || (subjName == "Void")) { pushForce = pushForce / 4; } if (distToEnemy < 200) { hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (pushForce * Math.cos(pushDir * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (pushForce * Math.sin(pushDir * (Math.PI/180))); } } x++; } _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + 4; battery--; if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { SparkName = (("_root." + _parent._name) + "Sparks") + myEffects; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, (_parent._name + "Sparks") + (myEffects++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation - 90); setProperty(SparkName, _x , _parent._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , _parent._y); myScraps = int(Math.random() * 4) + 6; x = 1; while (x <= myScraps) { scrapName = "Scrap" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Light Scrapmetal", scrapName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + scrapName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = (_root.HeroPointer._rotation + int(Math.random() * 90)) + 45; } x++; } _global.MakeNoise("Repulsor Break"); _root.SpikeField.removeMovieClip(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _parent._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); targ = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if ((((targ == "Grin") || (targ == "Bite")) || (targ == "Horr")) || (targ == "Razo")) { if (hitTarget.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { toTargetX = _parent._x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); SparkName = (("_root." + _parent._name) + "Sparks") + myEffects; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, (_parent._name + "Sparks") + (myEffects++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , targetDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , hitTarget._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , hitTarget._y); myScraps = int(Math.random() * 4) + 6; x = 1; while (x <= myScraps) { scrapName = "Scrap" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Light Scrapmetal", scrapName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + scrapName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } x++; } _global.MakeNoise("Repulsor Break"); _root.SpikeField.removeMovieClip(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } x++; } if ((battery < 150) && ((battery / 30) == int(battery / 30))) { LEDName = "SpikeLED" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("LED", LEDName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + LEDName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } LEDColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + LEDName)); LEDColor.setRGB(15990543); _global.MakeNoise("Beep 1"); } if ((battery < 100) && (flickerCount == 0)) { if (int(Math.random() * 20) == 1) { flickerCount = int(Math.random() * 5) + 2; } } if (flickerCount > 0) { _root.SpikeField._visible = false; flickerCount--; } else { _root.SpikeField._visible = true; } } else { if (inert == 0) { myVibe.stop(); _root.SpikeField.removeMovieClip(); LEDName = "SpikeLED" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("LED", LEDName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + LEDName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } LEDColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + LEDName)); LEDColor.setRGB(14221312); } else if (inert > 60) { if (_parent._alpha <= 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } else { _parent._alpha--; } } inert++; } } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1408 MovieClip [Repulse Field] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _parent._xscale = 30; _parent._yscale = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (eval (_root.mySpike) == undefined) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - 1.5; if (_parent._xscale < 100) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 10; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 10; } } }
Symbol 1435 MovieClip [Repulse Bloom] Frame 30
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1450 MovieClip [Choker] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { airtime = 20; battery = 600; _parent.stop(); moveDirection = _parent._rotation; _parent.addProperty("jamming", this.getJamming, this.setJamming); speed = int(3 * (Math.sqrt(((_x - _xmouse) * (_x - _xmouse)) + ((_y - _ymouse) * (_y - _ymouse))) / 100)); speed = speed + ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) * 0.5); spin = int(Math.random() * 8) + 8; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { spin = -spin; } _parent._xscale = 130; _parent._yscale = 130; _parent.jamming = false; if (speed < 1) { speed = 1; } if (speed > 5) { speed = 5; } Quadrant = 0; myEffects = 0; inert = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (airtime > 0) { airtime--; _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 1; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 1; _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + spin; if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - 0.05; } else { speed = 0; } if ((((_parent._y < -5) || (_parent._x < -5)) || (_parent._y > 405)) || (_parent._x > 555)) { myTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Choker")); myTab.charge = 200; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } else if (airtime == 0) { _global.MakeNoise("GrinderHurt"); _global.MakeNoise("Dirt Hit"); Dirtpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 3; x = 0; while (x < Dirtpuffs) { DirtName = "SpikeDirt" + x; duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, DirtName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + DirtName)) { _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _rotation = (moveDirection + int(Math.random() * 180)) - 90; } x++; } airtime--; } else if (battery > 0) {; _parent.jamming = true; if ((battery / 30) == int(battery / 30)) { runnerName = "Runner" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Runner Line", runnerName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + runnerName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = (Quadrant + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } Quadrant = Quadrant + 90; if (Quadrant == 270) { Quadrant = -90; } _global.MakeNoise("Choker Pulse"); } if (int(Math.random() * 25) == 1) { arcName = "ChokeArc" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Arc", arcName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + arcName)) { _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; _xscale = int(Math.random() * 30) + 30; _yscale = int(Math.random() * 30) + 30; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } arcColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + arcName)); arcColor.setRGB(14221312); } battery--; if ((battery < 150) && (int(battery / 30) == (battery / 30))) { LEDDir = _parent._rotation + 45; if (LEDDir > 180) { LED = LED - 360; } LEDSpotY = _parent._y - (5 * Math.cos(LEDDir * (Math.PI/180))); LEDSpotX = _parent._x + (5 * Math.sin(LEDDir * (Math.PI/180))); LEDName = "ChokeLED" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("LED", LEDName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + LEDName)) { _x = LEDSpotX; _y = LEDSpotY; } LEDColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + LEDName)); LEDColor.setRGB(15990543); _global.MakeNoise("Beep 1"); } } else { if (inert == 0) { mySparks = int(Math.random() * 4) + 8; x = 1; while (x <= mySparks) { sparkName = "ChokerSpark" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(14221312); x++; } _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (inert > 60) { if (_parent._alpha <= 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } else { _parent._alpha--; } } inert++; } } else { _parent.stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1461 MovieClip [Runner Line] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _parent.addProperty("aim", this.getAim, this.setAim); lifespan = 90;; if (_parent._name.slice(-1) != "s") { _parent.aim = _parent._rotation; } else { lastLine = eval ("_root." + _parent._name.slice(0, -1)); _parent.aim = lastLine.aim; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (_parent._currentframe < 6) {; } else if ((_parent._currentframe == 6) && (lifespan == 90)) { _parent.stop(); endPointY = _parent._y - (20 * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); endPointX = _parent._x + (20 * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((endPointY > -6) && (endPointX > -6)) && (endPointY < 406)) && (endPointX < 556)) { stray = (_parent.aim + int(Math.random() * 120)) - 60; _root.attachMovie("Runner Line", _parent._name + "s", _global.effectDepth++); with (eval (("_root." + _parent._name) + "s")) { _x = endPointX; _y = endPointY; _rotation = stray; } } lifespan--; } else if (lifespan > 0) { _parent.stop(); lifespan--; } else if (_parent._currentframe < 27) {; } else { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } else { _parent.stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1483 MovieClip [Telepad] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { airtime = 30; _parent.stop(); moveDirection = _parent._rotation; _parent.addProperty("ready", this.getReady, this.setReady); speed = int(3 * (Math.sqrt(((_x - _xmouse) * (_x - _xmouse)) + ((_y - _ymouse) * (_y - _ymouse))) / 100)); speed = speed + ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) * 0.5); spin = int(Math.random() * 8) + 8; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { spin = -spin; } _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent.ready = false; if (speed < 1) { speed = 1; } if (speed > 5) { speed = 5; } _parent.Arm.stop(); _parent.Bar.stop(); myTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Teleport")); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (airtime > 0) { airtime--; _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 1; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 1; _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + spin; if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - 0.05; } else { speed = 0; } if ((((_parent._y < 0) || (_parent._x < 0)) || (_parent._y > 400)) || (_parent._x > 550)) { myTab.charge = 200; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } else if (airtime == 0) { _global.MakeNoise("GrinderHurt"); _global.MakeNoise("Dirt Hit"); Dirtpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 3; x = 0; while (x < Dirtpuffs) { DirtName = "PadDirt" + x; duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, DirtName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + DirtName)) { _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _rotation = (moveDirection + int(Math.random() * 180)) - 90; } x++; } airtime--;; } else if (_parent._currentframe == 6) { _parent.stop(); _parent.ready = true; lightGrade = int(myTab.charge / 10); if (lightGrade == 0) { lightGrade++; } _parent.Arm.gotoAndStop(lightGrade); _parent.Bar.gotoAndStop(lightGrade); _parent.Arm._rotation = _parent.Arm._rotation - (myTab.charge / 15); _parent.Bar._rotation = _parent.Bar._rotation + (myTab.charge / 10); } else {; } } else { _parent.stop(); } }
Symbol 1491 MovieClip [Teleport Bolt] Frame 9
Symbol 1497 MovieClip [Teleport Gap] Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1499 MovieClip [Spark] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { lifeSpan = int(Math.random() * 10) + 10; listTo = int(Math.random() * 11) - 5; _parent._yscale = 80 + (lifeSpan * 2); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (lifeSpan > 0) { if (_parent._yscale >= 7) { _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 7; } speed = lifeSpan / 2; _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + listTo; lifeSpan--; } else { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1503 MovieClip [Spark Shower] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { mySparks = int(Math.random() * 4) + 5; x = 1; while (x <= mySparks) { sparkName = (_parent._name + "Spark") + x; _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = (this._parent._rotation + int(Math.random() * 100)) - 50; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16436339); x++; } }
Symbol 1503 MovieClip [Spark Shower] Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1510 MovieClip [Mason Bomb] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { lifeSpan = 60; moveDirection = _parent._rotation; _parent.stop(); _parent.addProperty("exploded", this.getExploded, this.setExploded); _parent.addProperty("tool", this.getTool, this.setTool); _parent.tool = true; speed = int(2 * (Math.sqrt(((_x - _xmouse) * (_x - _xmouse)) + ((_y - _ymouse) * (_y - _ymouse))) / 100)); speed = speed - ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) * 0.5); spin = 20; if (speed < 2) { speed = 2; } if (speed > 7) { speed = 7; } _parent.exploded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (_parent.exploded) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (lifeSpan > 0) { lifeSpan--; _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + spin; if (lifeSpan > 40) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 1; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 1; } else if (lifeSpan > 20) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 1; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 1; } else if (lifeSpan > 10) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 2; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 2; } else { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 2; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 2; } if (lifeSpan == 20) { spin = 10; } } else if (lifeSpan >= -3) { alignment = moveDirection - 180; if (alignment < -180) { alignment = alignment + 360; } x = 1; while (x <= spin) { if ((int(_parent._rotation) == int(moveDirection)) || (int(_parent._rotation) == int(alignment))) { if (_parent._currentframe == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Mason Activate"); } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); lifeSpan--; break; } _parent._rotation++; x++; } } else if (lifeSpan == -4) { _parent.exploded = true; _global.MakeNoise("Wall Pop"); _global.MakeNoise("Explode"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.VoidPulse, "MasonShockwave", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.MasonShockwave) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } blastName = "MasonBlastmark" + _global.backgroundDepth; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blastmark, blastName, _global.backgroundDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + blastName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blackout, "MasonBright", 6000); with (_root.MasonBright) { _x = 275; _y = 200; _xscale = 1000; _yscale = 1000; } BlinkColor = new Color(_root.MasonBright); BlinkColor.setRGB(16777215); ashpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 2; x = 0; while (x < ashpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, "MasonAsh" + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root.MasonAsh" + x)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } AshColor = new Color(eval ("_root.MasonAsh" + x)); AshColor.setRGB(0); x++; } _root.attachMovie("Mason Blast", "myBlast", _global.capDepth++); with (_root.myBlast) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = this._parent._rotation; } if ((eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) && (_global.justHit == null)) { toTargetX = _parent._x - _root.HeroPointer._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - _root.HeroPointer._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); distToHero = Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)); if (distToHero <= 30) { _global.justHit = _parent; } else if (distToHero <= 80) { _global.justHit = this; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); toTargetX = _parent._x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); distToEnemy = Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)); if (distToEnemy <= 50) { hitTarget.killedBy = _parent; } else if (distToEnemy <= 100) { if ((!hitTarget.wall) && (!hitTarget.tool)) { hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (30 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (30 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._rotation = targetDirection; } } } x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { toTargetX = _parent._x - targetHazard._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - targetHazard._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)) <= 80) { targetHazard.killedBy = _parent; } } x++; } } _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - 0.05; } else { speed = 0; } if ((speed == 0) && (lifeSpan > 0)) { spin = 10; lifeSpan = 0; } if ((((_parent._y < -5) || (_parent._x < -5)) || (_parent._y > 405)) || (_parent._x > 555)) { myTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Mason")); myTab.charge = 200; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } }
Symbol 1517 MovieClip [Mason Blast] Frame 12
_root.attachMovie("Mason Wall", "GrinderWall", _global.heroDepth++); _root.GrinderWall._x = this._x; _root.GrinderWall._y = this._y; _root.GrinderWall._rotation = this._rotation; this.removeMovieClip();
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1522 MovieClip [Mason Wall] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { formed = false; healthWas = 100; myEffects = 0; _parent.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); _parent.addProperty("wall", this.getWall, this.setWall); _parent.addProperty("Health", this.getHealth, this.setHealth); _parent.killedBy = null; _parent.wall = true; _parent.Health = 100; ContactsX = new Array(6); ContactsY = new Array(6); ContactsY[0] = _parent._y - (20 * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); ContactsX[0] = _parent._x + (20 * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); adjRot = _parent._rotation - 180; if (adjRot < -180) { adjRot = adjRot + 360; } ContactsY[1] = _parent._y - (20 * Math.cos(adjRot * (Math.PI/180))); ContactsX[1] = _parent._x + (20 * Math.sin(adjRot * (Math.PI/180))); adjRot = _parent._rotation + 75; if (adjRot > 180) { adjRot = adjRot - 360; } ContactsY[2] = _parent._y - (75 * Math.cos(adjRot * (Math.PI/180))); ContactsX[2] = _parent._x + (75 * Math.sin(adjRot * (Math.PI/180))); adjRot = _parent._rotation - 75; if (adjRot < -180) { adjRot = adjRot + 360; } ContactsY[3] = _parent._y - (75 * Math.cos(adjRot * (Math.PI/180))); ContactsX[3] = _parent._x + (75 * Math.sin(adjRot * (Math.PI/180))); adjRot = _parent._rotation + 105; if (adjRot > 180) { adjRot = adjRot - 360; } ContactsY[4] = _parent._y - (75 * Math.cos(adjRot * (Math.PI/180))); ContactsX[4] = _parent._x + (75 * Math.sin(adjRot * (Math.PI/180))); adjRot = _parent._rotation - 105; if (adjRot < -180) { adjRot = adjRot + 360; } ContactsY[5] = _parent._y - (75 * Math.cos(adjRot * (Math.PI/180))); ContactsX[5] = _parent._x + (75 * Math.sin(adjRot * (Math.PI/180))); _global.MakeNoise("Wall Form"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (_parent._currentframe < 31) {; } else { if (!formed) { _global.Enemies.push(_parent._name); _parent.stop(); formed = true; } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 6) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { f = 0; while (f < 6) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(ContactsX[f], ContactsY[f], true)) { SparkName = (("_root." + _parent._name) + "Sparks") + myEffects; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, (_parent._name + "Sparks") + (myEffects++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation - 90); setProperty(SparkName, _x , ContactsX[f]); setProperty(SparkName, _y , ContactsY[f]); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _global.HeroAction = "bounceback"; if (_global.gameMode != "Practice") { _global.PlayerSparks++; if (_global.PlayerSparks >= 50) { _global.GainAward("50 Sparks"); } } if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 15; } _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 10; f = 6; } f++; } } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = _parent; toTargetX = _parent._x - _root.HeroPointer._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - _root.HeroPointer._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); _root.HeroPointer._y = _root.HeroPointer._y - (10 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _root.HeroPointer._x = _root.HeroPointer._x + (10 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _parent._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); targ = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if (((((((((targ == "Bite") || (targ == "Fuzz")) || (targ == "Oozl")) || (targ == "Gray")) || (targ == "Clut")) || (targ == "Horr")) || (targ == "Shar")) || (targ == "Amal")) || (targ == "Razo")) { if (_parent.hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { toTargetX = _parent._x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (hitTarget.spines || ((targ == "Horr") && (hitTarget.action != "collect"))) { _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _parent.killedBy = hitTarget; SparkName = (("_root." + _parent._name) + "Sparks") + myEffects; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, (_parent._name + "Sparks") + (myEffects++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , targetDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , hitTarget._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , hitTarget._y); } else { _global.MakeNoise("Boing"); } hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (10 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (10 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._rotation = targetDirection; } } } x++; } if (_parent.killedBy != null) { if (_parent.killedBy.exploded) { _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 40; } else if (_parent.killedBy.disk || (_parent.killedBy.claw)) { _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 5; } else { switch (_parent.killedBy._name.slice(0, 4)) { case "Grin" : _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 25; break; case "Horr" : _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 15; break; case "Gray" : _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 5; break; case "Shar" : _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 5; break; case "Void" : _parent.Health--; } } _parent.killedBy = null; } if (_parent.Health < healthWas) { damageTook = healthWas - _parent.Health; rubble = (int(Math.random() * 3) + 2) + (int(damageTook / 5) * 2); if (damageTook == 1) { rubble = 1; } x = 1; while (x <= rubble) { _global.MakeNoise("Pebble"); RockName = (this._name + "Stone") + (myEffects++); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Stone, RockName, _global.effectDepth++); RockName = "_root." + RockName; legalSpot = false; while (legalSpot == false) { rockDistance = int(Math.random() * 75); rockOffset = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; rockX = _parent._x + (rockDistance * Math.sin(rockOffset * (Math.PI/180))); rockY = _parent._y - (rockDistance * Math.cos(rockOffset * (Math.PI/180))); if (_parent.hitTest(rockX, rockY, true)) { legalSpot = true; } } rockScale = int(Math.random() * 40) + 10; with (eval (RockName)) { _x = rockX; _y = rockY; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; _xscale = rockScale; _yscale = rockScale; } _root.attachMovie("RockDust", "Dust" + myEffects, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root.Dust" + (myEffects++))) { _x = rockX; _y = rockY; _rotation = rockOffset; } x++; } healthWas = _parent.Health; } if (_parent.Health <= 0) { rubble = int(Math.random() * 4) + 15; x = 1; while (x <= rubble) { _global.MakeNoise("Pebble"); _global.MakeNoise("GrinderKill"); RockName = (this._name + "Stone") + (myEffects++); duplicateMovieClip (_root.Stone, RockName, _global.effectDepth++); RockName = "_root." + RockName; legalSpot = false; while (legalSpot == false) { rockDistance = int(Math.random() * 75); rockOffset = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; rockX = _parent._x + (rockDistance * Math.sin(rockOffset * (Math.PI/180))); rockY = _parent._y - (rockDistance * Math.cos(rockOffset * (Math.PI/180))); if (_parent.hitTest(rockX, rockY, true)) { legalSpot = true; } } rockScale = int(Math.random() * 80) + 50; with (eval (RockName)) { _x = rockX; _y = rockY; _rotation = rockOffset; _xscale = rockScale; _yscale = rockScale; } _root.attachMovie("RockDust", "Dust" + myEffects, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root.Dust" + (myEffects++))) { _x = rockX; _y = rockY; _rotation = (60 + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20; } x++; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } else { _parent.stop(); } } onClipEvent (unload) { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _parent._name), 1); }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1524 MovieClip [RockDust] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { driftdirection = _parent._rotation; lifespan = 20; _parent._rotation = int(Math.random() * 359) - 180; _parent._xscale = 50; _parent._yscale = 50; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (lifespan > 0) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 2; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 2; lifespan--; } else if (_parent._alpha > 0) { _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 5; } else { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } _parent._y = _parent._y - (2 * Math.cos(driftDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (2 * Math.sin(driftDirection * (Math.PI/180))); } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1530 MovieClip [Armor Body Frozen] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.RewardTab("Armor") != null) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if (armorTab.charge != 300) { _parent._visible = false; } } else { _parent._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.RewardTab("Armor") != null) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if (armorTab.charge != 300) { _parent._visible = false; } } else { _parent._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1532 MovieClip [Armor Head Frozen] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.RewardTab("Armor") != null) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if (armorTab.charge != 300) { _parent._visible = false; } } else { _parent._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.RewardTab("Armor") != null) { armorTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Armor")); if (armorTab.charge != 300) { _parent._visible = false; } } else { _parent._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1538 MovieClip [Armor Shard] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 8) + 5; speed = int(Math.random() * 3) + 3; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _parent._rotation; _parent.gotoAndStop(int(Math.random() * 5) + 1); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { Clockwise = true; } if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { _parent._xscale = -100; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (speed != 0) { if (Clockwise) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + (speed * 15); } else { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - (speed * 15); } _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } } else if (framesAtSpeed >= 90) { _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 5; } if (_parent._alpha <= 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Symbol 1552 MovieClip [Armor Blast] Frame 22
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1562 MovieClip [Suit Tatter] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 10) + 10; drift = false; speed = int(Math.random() * 3) + 5; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _parent._rotation; _parent.gotoAndStop(int(Math.random() * 5) + 1); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { Clockwise = true; } _parent._rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; _parent._xscale = 150; _parent._yscale = 150; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (!drift) { if (speed > 0) { _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); framesAtSpeed++; if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; } } else { drift = true; framesAtSpeed = 0; } } else if (framesAtSpeed <= 20) { if (Clockwise) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + 5; } else { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - 5; } _parent._y = _parent._y - (0.5 * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (0.5 * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 2; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 2; framesAtSpeed++; } else { _parent._alpha--; } if (_parent._alpha <= 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1568 MovieClip [Light Scrapmetal] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 8) + 5; speed = int(Math.random() * 3) + 3; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _parent._rotation; _parent.gotoAndStop(int(Math.random() * 5) + 1); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { Clockwise = true; } if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { _parent._xscale = -100; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (speed != 0) { if (Clockwise) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + (speed * 15); } else { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - (speed * 15); } _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } } else if (framesAtSpeed >= 90) { _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 5; } if (_parent._alpha <= 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Symbol 1601 MovieClip [Box Turret] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1602 MovieClip [SCAER] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { airtime = 30; _parent.stop(); moveDirection = _parent._rotation; myEffects = 0; _parent.addProperty("deployed", this.getDeployed, this.setDeployed); _parent.addProperty("Health", this.getHealth, this.setHealth); _parent.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); _parent.killedBy = null; _parent.addProperty("exploded", this.getExploded, this.setExploded); _parent.exploded = false; _parent.addProperty("ineffective", this.getIneffective, this.setIneffective); _parent.addProperty("tool", this.getTool, this.setTool); _parent.tool = true; speed = int(3 * (Math.sqrt(((_x - _xmouse) * (_x - _xmouse)) + ((_y - _ymouse) * (_y - _ymouse))) / 100)); speed = speed + ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) * 0.5); spin = int(Math.random() * 5); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { spin = -spin; } _parent._xscale = 140; _parent._yscale = 140; _parent.Health = 100; _parent.deployed = false; _parent.ineffective = false; LockOn = null; deployFrames = 0; refire = 0; muzzlePointX = 0; muzzlePointY = 0; if (speed < 3) { speed = 3; } if (speed > 7) { speed = 7; } myTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("BoxGun")); checkFire = false; turnSpeed = 4; warnings = 0; huskTime = 0; gearTracking = false; if ((_global.soundMode == "All") || (_global.soundMode == "FX Only")) { myGear = new Sound(this); myGear.attachSound("Turret Track Amb"); } } onClipEvent (unload) { myGear.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (!_parent.deployed) { if (airtime > 10) { airtime--; _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 2; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 2; _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + spin; if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - 0.05; } else { speed = 0; } if ((((_parent._y < -5) || (_parent._x < -5)) || (_parent._y > 405)) || (_parent._x > 555)) { myTab.charge = 200; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } else if (airtime > 0) { if (airtime == 10) { speed = speed - 1.5; if (speed < 0) { speed = 0; } Dirtpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 3; x = 0; while (x < Dirtpuffs) { DirtName = "BoxDirt" + (myEffects++); duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, DirtName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + DirtName)) { _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 10)) - 5; _rotation = (moveDirection + int(Math.random() * 180)) - 90; } x++; } _global.Enemies.push(_parent._name); _global.MakeNoise("GrinderHurt"); _global.MakeNoise("Thump"); } airtime--; _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + spin; if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - 0.05; } else { speed = 0; } if ((((_parent._y < -5) || (_parent._x < -5)) || (_parent._y > 405)) || (_parent._x > 555)) { myTab.charge = 200; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } else if (_parent._currentframe < 51) { if (deployFrames < 60) { if ((deployFrames == 30) || (deployFrames == 45)) { LEDSpotY = _parent._y - (-8 * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); LEDSpotX = _parent._x + (-8 * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); LEDName = "BoxGunLED" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("LED", LEDName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + LEDName)) { _x = LEDSpotX; _y = LEDSpotY; } LEDColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + LEDName)); LEDColor.setRGB(5956677); _global.MakeNoise("Soft Beep"); } } else if (deployFrames < 90) { if (deployFrames == 60) { _global.MakeNoise("Box Deploy 2"); } if (_parent._currentframe < 12) {; } else { _parent.stop(); } } else if (deployFrames < 120) { if (deployFrames == 90) { _global.MakeNoise("Box Deploy 1"); } if (_parent._currentframe < 24) {; } else { _parent.stop(); } if (_parent._currentframe == 23) { DirtDir = _parent._rotation - 45; if (DirtDir < -180) { DirtDir = DirtDir + 360; } x = 0; while (x < 4) { DirtSpotY = _parent._y - (20 * Math.cos(DirtDir * (Math.PI/180))); DirtSpotX = _parent._x + (20 * Math.sin(DirtDir * (Math.PI/180))); DirtName = "BoxDirt" + (myEffects++); duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, DirtName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + DirtName)) { _x = DirtSpotX; _y = DirtSpotY; _rotation = (DirtDir + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; } DirtDir = DirtDir + 90; if (DirtDir > 180) { DirtDir = DirtDir - 360; } x++; } _global.MakeNoise("Box Deploy 3"); } } else if (deployFrames < 150) { if (deployFrames == 120) { _global.MakeNoise("Box Deploy 4"); }; } deployFrames++; } else { _parent.stop(); _parent.deployed = true; _root.attachMovie("Box Turret", "myTurret", 4995); with (_root.myTurret) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = this._parent._rotation; } } if (airtime <= 0) { if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { SparkName = (("_root." + _parent._name) + "Sparks") + myEffects; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, (_parent._name + "Sparks") + (myEffects++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation - 90); setProperty(SparkName, _x , _parent._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , _parent._y); _global.HeroAction = "bounceback"; } } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = _parent; toTargetX = _parent._x - _root.HeroPointer._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - _root.HeroPointer._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); _root.HeroPointer._y = _root.HeroPointer._y - (5 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _root.HeroPointer._x = _root.HeroPointer._x + (5 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _parent._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); targ = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if (hitTarget.wall) { if (hitTarget.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { myTab.charge = 200; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } if (((((((((targ == "Bite") || (targ == "Fuzz")) || (targ == "Oozl")) || (targ == "Gray")) || (targ == "Clut")) || (targ == "Horr")) || (targ == "Shar")) || (targ == "Amal")) || (targ == "Razo")) { if (_parent.hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { toTargetX = _parent._x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (hitTarget.spines || ((targ == "Horr") && (hitTarget.action != "collect"))) { _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); SparkName = (("_root." + _parent._name) + "Sparks") + myEffects; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, (_parent._name + "Sparks") + (myEffects++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , targetDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , hitTarget._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , hitTarget._y); } else { _global.MakeNoise("Boing"); } hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (5 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (5 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._rotation = targetDirection; } } } x++; } if (_parent.killedBy != null) { _parent.killedBy = null; } } } else if (!_parent.exploded) { checkFire = false; if (_root.myTurret._currentframe > 1) {; } if (((LockOn == null) || (eval (LockOn) == undefined)) || (_parent.ineffective)) { x = _global.Enemies.length; while (x > 0) { if (_global.Enemies[x - 1] != _parent._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x - 1]); targ = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if ((((!hitTarget.wall) && (!hitTarget.burning)) && (targ != "myDr")) && (targ != "Grin")) { LockOn = hitTarget; x = 0; } } x--; } _parent.ineffective = false; } delta_x = _parent._x - LockOn._x; delta_y = _parent._y - LockOn._y; if (Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) <= 60) { LockOn = null; } if ((((refire == 0) && (LockOn != null)) && (eval (LockOn) != undefined)) && (myTab.charge > 1)) { targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (_root.myTurret._rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_root.myTurret._rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_root.myTurret._rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_root.myTurret._rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _root.myTurret._rotation = _root.myTurret._rotation - turnSpeed; } else { _root.myTurret._rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _root.myTurret._rotation) > turnSpeed) { _root.myTurret._rotation = _root.myTurret._rotation + turnSpeed; } else { _root.myTurret._rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_root.myTurret._rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_root.myTurret._rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_root.myTurret._rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _root.myTurret._rotation = _root.myTurret._rotation - turnSpeed; } else { _root.myTurret._rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _root.myTurret._rotation) > turnSpeed) { _root.myTurret._rotation = _root.myTurret._rotation + turnSpeed; } else { _root.myTurret._rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_root.myTurret._rotation > targetRotation) { if (_root.myTurret._rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _root.myTurret._rotation = _root.myTurret._rotation - turnSpeed; } else { _root.myTurret._rotation = _root.myTurret._rotation + turnSpeed; } } else if (_root.myTurret._rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _root.myTurret._rotation = _root.myTurret._rotation + turnSpeed; } else { _root.myTurret._rotation = _root.myTurret._rotation - turnSpeed; } if (!gearTracking) { myGear.start(0, 100); gearTracking = true; } } else { myGear.stop(); gearTracking = false; } } else { myGear.stop(); gearTracking = false; } muzzlePointY = _parent._y - (51 * Math.cos(_root.myTurret._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); muzzlePointX = _parent._x + (51 * Math.sin(_root.myTurret._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); Hdelta_x = _parent._x - _root.HeroPointer._x; Hdelta_y = _parent._y - _root.HeroPointer._y; HeroVector = (-Math.atan2(Hdelta_x, Hdelta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if ((Math.abs(HeroVector) > 175) && (Math.abs(_root.myTurret._rotation) > 175)) { if ((Math.abs(_root.myTurret._rotation) - Math.abs(HeroVector)) < 11) { checkFire = true; } } else if (Math.abs(_root.myTurret._rotation - HeroVector) < 11) { checkFire = true; } if (((((refire == 0) && (!checkFire)) && (myTab.charge > 1)) && (LockOn != null)) && (eval (LockOn) != undefined)) { onTarget = false; if ((Math.abs(targetRotation) > 175) && (Math.abs(_root.myTurret._rotation) > 175)) { if ((Math.abs(_root.myTurret._rotation) - Math.abs(targetRotation)) < 3) { onTarget = true; } } else if (Math.abs(_root.myTurret._rotation - targetRotation) < 3) { onTarget = true; } if (onTarget) { mySparks = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; x = 1; while (x <= mySparks) { sparkName = "bulletSpark" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = muzzlePointX; _y = muzzlePointY; _rotation = (_root.myTurret._rotation + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16777215); x++; } _root.attachMovie("Muzzle Flare", "myMuzzFlare", _global.capDepth++); with (_root.myMuzzFlare) { _x = muzzlePointX; _y = muzzlePointY; _rotation = _root.myTurret._rotation; } _root.attachMovie("Box Bullet", "myBullet", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.myBullet) { _x = muzzlePointX; _y = muzzlePointY; _rotation = _root.myTurret._rotation; } brassName = "SCAERBrass" + (myEffects++); brassDir = _root.myTurret._rotation + 90; if (brassDir > 180) { brassDir = brassDir - 360; } ejectPortY = _parent._y - (10 * Math.cos(brassDir * (Math.PI/180))); ejectPortX = _parent._x + (10 * Math.sin(brassDir * (Math.PI/180))); _root.attachMovie("Brass", brassName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + brassName)) { _x = ejectPortX; _y = ejectPortY; _rotation = _root.myTurret._rotation; } _global.MakeNoise("Gunshot"); _global.MakeNoise("Loud Boom");; refire = 60; myTab.charge = myTab.charge - 10; } } if (refire > 0) { refire--; if (refire == 50) { _global.MakeNoise("Box Gun Cock 2"); } } if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { SparkName = (("_root." + _parent._name) + "Sparks") + myEffects; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, (_parent._name + "Sparks") + (myEffects++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation - 90); setProperty(SparkName, _x , _parent._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , _parent._y); _global.HeroAction = "bounceback"; _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 20; if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 30; } } } } if (_root.myTurret.hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = _parent; toTargetX = _parent._x - _root.HeroPointer._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - _root.HeroPointer._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); _root.HeroPointer._y = _root.HeroPointer._y - (5 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _root.HeroPointer._x = _root.HeroPointer._x + (5 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _parent._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); targ = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if (hitTarget.wall) { if (hitTarget.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { = 0; } } if (((((((((targ == "Bite") || (targ == "Fuzz")) || (targ == "Oozl")) || (targ == "Gray")) || (targ == "Clut")) || (targ == "Horr")) || (targ == "Shar")) || (targ == "Amal")) || (targ == "Razo")) { if (_root.myTurret.hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true)) { toTargetX = _parent._x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); if (hitTarget.spines || ((targ == "Horr") && (hitTarget.action != "collect"))) { _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _parent.killedBy = hitTarget; SparkName = (("_root." + _parent._name) + "Sparks") + myEffects; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, (_parent._name + "Sparks") + (myEffects++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , targetDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , hitTarget._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , hitTarget._y); } else { _global.MakeNoise("Boing"); } hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (5 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (5 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._rotation = targetDirection; } } } x++; } if (_parent.killedBy != null) { if (_parent.killedBy.hedgehog != null) { _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 100; } else if (_parent.killedBy.slug) { _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 10; } else if (_parent.killedBy.exploded) { _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 80; } else if (_parent.killedBy.disk || (_parent.killedBy.claw)) { _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 20; } else { switch (_parent.killedBy._name.slice(0, 4)) { case "Grin" : _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 100; break; case "Horr" : _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 60; break; case "Gray" : _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 5; break; case "Shar" : _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 10; break; case "Void" : _parent.Health--; } } _parent.killedBy = null; } if (_parent.Health < 100) { if ((int(Math.random() * 100) > _parent.Health) && (int(Math.random() * 20) == 1)) { mySparks = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; x = 1; while (x <= mySparks) { sparkName = "SCAERdamSpark" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(8766206); x++; } } if ((int(Math.random() * 70) > _parent.Health) && (int(Math.random() * 15) == 1)) { arcName = "SCAERdamArc" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Arc", arcName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + arcName)) { _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 30)) - 15; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 30)) - 15; _xscale = int(Math.random() * 30) + 70; _yscale = int(Math.random() * 30) + 70; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } arcColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + arcName)); arcColor.setRGB(8766206); } if ((int(Math.random() * 30) > _parent.Health) && (int(Math.random() * 40) == 1)) { smokeName = "SCAERsmoke" + (myEffects++); duplicateMovieClip (_root.BlackSmoke, smokeName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + smokeName)) { _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 30)) - 15; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 30)) - 15; } } } if (_parent.Health <= 0) { _parent.exploded = true; _global.MakeNoise("Explode"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.VoidPulse, "SCAERShockwave", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.SCAERShockwave) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } blastName = "SCAERBlastmark" + _global.backgroundDepth; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blastmark, blastName, _global.backgroundDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + blastName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blackout, "SCAERBright", 6000); with (_root.SCAERBright) { _x = 275; _y = 200; _xscale = 1000; _yscale = 1000; } BlinkColor = new Color(_root.SCAERBright); BlinkColor.setRGB(16777215); ashpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 2; x = 0; while (x < ashpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, "SCAERAsh" + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root.SCAERAsh" + x)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } AshColor = new Color(eval ("_root.SCAERAsh" + x)); AshColor.setRGB(0); x++; } littleFires = int(Math.random() * 5) + 6; x = 0; while (x < littleFires) { FireName = "SCAERFire" + (myEffects++); duplicateMovieClip (_root.SmallFire, FireName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + FireName)) { _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 160)) - 80; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 160)) - 80; } x++; } if ((eval (_root.HeroPointer) != undefined) && (_global.justHit == null)) { toTargetX = _parent._x - _root.HeroPointer._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - _root.HeroPointer._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); distToHero = Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)); if (distToHero <= 120) { _global.justHit = _root.myTurret; } } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _parent._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); toTargetX = _parent._x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); distToEnemy = Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)); if (distToEnemy <= 80) { hitTarget.killedBy = _parent; } else if (distToEnemy <= 150) { if ((!hitTarget.wall) && (!hitTarget.tool)) { hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (30 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (30 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._rotation = targetDirection; } } } x++; } myScraps = int(Math.random() * 2) + 4; Quadrant = 0; x = 1; while (x <= myScraps) { scrapName = "Scrap" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Light Scrapmetal", scrapName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + scrapName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = (Quadrant + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } Quadrant = Quadrant + 90; if (Quadrant == 270) { Quadrant = -90; } x++; } myFrag = int(Math.random() * 5) + 12; Quadrant = 0; x = 1; while (x <= myFrag) { scrapName = "Frag" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Dark Scrapmetal", scrapName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + scrapName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = (Quadrant + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } Quadrant = Quadrant + 90; if (Quadrant == 270) { Quadrant = -90; } x++; } mySparks = int(Math.random() * 6) + 12; x = 1; while (x <= mySparks) { sparkName = "SCAERexpSpark" + x; _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16053248); x++; } myTab.charge = 1; _root.myTurret.removeMovieClip(); _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _parent._name), 1); } if ((myTab.charge < 60) && (myTab.charge > 1)) { if (int(_global.framesElapsed / 30) == (_global.framesElapsed / 30)) { LEDDir = _root.myTurret._rotation - 90; if (LEDDir < -180) { LEDDir = LEDDir + 360; } LEDSpotY = _parent._y - (10 * Math.cos(LEDDir * (Math.PI/180))); LEDSpotX = _parent._x + (10 * Math.sin(LEDDir * (Math.PI/180))); LEDName = "BoxGunLED" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("LED", LEDName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + LEDName)) { _x = LEDSpotX; _y = LEDSpotY; } LEDColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + LEDName)); LEDColor.setRGB(15990543); _global.MakeNoise("Low Ammo Warning"); } } if (myTab.charge == 1) { if (int(_global.framesElapsed / 30) == (_global.framesElapsed / 30)) { if (warnings < 3) { LEDDir = _root.myTurret._rotation - 90; if (LEDDir < -180) { LEDDir = LEDDir + 360; } LEDSpotY = _parent._y - (10 * Math.cos(LEDDir * (Math.PI/180))); LEDSpotX = _parent._x + (10 * Math.sin(LEDDir * (Math.PI/180))); LEDName = "BoxGunLED" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("LED", LEDName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + LEDName)) { _x = LEDSpotX; _y = LEDSpotY; } LEDColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + LEDName)); LEDColor.setRGB(14221312); if (warnings == 0) { _global.MakeNoise("SD Warning"); } warnings++; } else { _parent.exploded = true; _global.MakeNoise("Explode"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.VoidPulse, "SCAERShockwave", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.SCAERShockwave) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } blastName = "SCAERBlastmark" + _global.backgroundDepth; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blastmark, blastName, _global.backgroundDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + blastName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blackout, "SCAERBright", 6000); with (_root.SCAERBright) { _x = 275; _y = 200; _xscale = 1000; _yscale = 1000; } BlinkColor = new Color(_root.SCAERBright); BlinkColor.setRGB(16777215); ashpuffs = int(Math.random() * 3) + 2; x = 0; while (x < ashpuffs) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, "SCAERAsh" + x, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root.SCAERAsh" + x)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 179; } AshColor = new Color(eval ("_root.SCAERAsh" + x)); AshColor.setRGB(0); x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _parent._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); toTargetX = _parent._x - hitTarget._x; toTargetY = _parent._y - hitTarget._y; targetDirection = (-Math.atan2(toTargetX, toTargetY)) / (Math.PI/180); distToEnemy = Math.sqrt((toTargetX * toTargetX) + (toTargetY * toTargetY)); if (distToEnemy <= 80) { if ((!hitTarget.wall) && (!hitTarget.tool)) { hitTarget._y = hitTarget._y - (30 * Math.cos(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._x = hitTarget._x + (30 * Math.sin(targetDirection * (Math.PI/180))); hitTarget._rotation = targetDirection; } } } x++; } myScraps = int(Math.random() * 2) + 4; Quadrant = 0; x = 1; while (x <= myScraps) { scrapName = "Scrap" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Light Scrapmetal", scrapName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + scrapName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = (Quadrant + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } Quadrant = Quadrant + 90; if (Quadrant == 270) { Quadrant = -90; } x++; } myFrag = int(Math.random() * 5) + 12; Quadrant = 0; x = 1; while (x <= myFrag) { scrapName = "Frag" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Dark Scrapmetal", scrapName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + scrapName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = (Quadrant + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } Quadrant = Quadrant + 90; if (Quadrant == 270) { Quadrant = -90; } x++; } mySparks = int(Math.random() * 6) + 12; x = 1; while (x <= mySparks) { sparkName = "SCAERexpSpark" + x; _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16053248); x++; } _root.myTurret.removeMovieClip(); _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _parent._name), 1); } } } } else if (huskTime < 120) { if (int(_global.framesElapsed / 30) == (_global.framesElapsed / 30)) { smokeName = "SCAERsmoke" + (myEffects++); duplicateMovieClip (_root.BlackSmoke, smokeName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + smokeName)) { _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 30)) - 15; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 30)) - 15; } } huskTime++; } else if (_parent._alpha > 0) { _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 2; } else { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } else { _parent.stop(); _root.myTurret.stop(); } } onClipEvent (unload) { if (!_parent.exploded) { _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _parent._name), 1); } }
Symbol 1606 MovieClip [LED] Frame 22
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1611 MovieClip [Box Bullet] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { ricochet = false; deflectSteps = 0; dead = false; myEffects = 0; _parent.addProperty("exploded", this.getExploded, this.setExploded); _parent.exploded = false; _parent.addProperty("slug", this.getSlug, this.setSlug); _parent.slug = true; _parent.addProperty("tool", this.getTool, this.setTool); _parent.tool = true; freePointX = _parent._x; freePointY = _parent._y; travelled = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (!dead) { while (!dead) { if (_global.HeroAction == "attacking") { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { _global.MakeNoise("Ricochet Noise"); TraceName = (_parent._name + "Trace") + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Bullet Trace", TraceName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + TraceName)) { _x = freePointX; _y = freePointY; _rotation = this._parent._rotation; _yscale = travelled; } freePointX = _parent._x; freePointY = _parent._y; travelled = 0; toMyX = hitTarget._x - _parent._x; toMyY = hitTarget._y - _parent._y; deflectDir = (-Math.atan2(toMyX, toMyY)) / (Math.PI/180); _parent._rotation = deflectDir; mySparks = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; x = 1; while (x <= mySparks) { sparkName = "bulletSpark" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = (deflectDir + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16777215); x++; } _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + (int(Math.random() * 30) - 15); deflectSteps = int(Math.random() * 15) + 5; ricochet = true; } } } if (_root.HeroPointer.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { TraceName = (_parent._name + "Trace") + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Bullet Trace", TraceName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + TraceName)) { _x = freePointX; _y = freePointY; _rotation = this._parent._rotation; _yscale = travelled; } _global.justHit = _parent; dead = true; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); targ = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); clawhit = null; if (targ == "Quee") { qClaw = eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "ClawL"); if (qClaw.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { clawhit = qClaw; } qClaw = eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "ClawR"); if (qClaw.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { clawhit = qClaw; } } if (targ == "Razo") { qClaw = eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "FClawL"); if (qClaw.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { clawhit = qClaw; } qClaw = eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "FClawR"); if (qClaw.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { clawhit = qClaw; } qClaw = eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "DClawL"); if (qClaw.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { clawhit = qClaw; } qClaw = eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "DClawR"); if (qClaw.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { clawhit = qClaw; } qClaw = eval (("_root." + hitTarget._name) + "Blade"); if (qClaw.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { clawhit = qClaw; } } if (clawhit != null) { _global.MakeNoise("Ricochet Noise"); TraceName = (_parent._name + "Trace") + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Bullet Trace", TraceName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + TraceName)) { _x = freePointX; _y = freePointY; _rotation = this._parent._rotation; _yscale = travelled; } freePointX = _parent._x; freePointY = _parent._y; travelled = 0; toMyX = clawhit._x - _parent._x; toMyY = clawhit._y - _parent._y; deflectDir = (-Math.atan2(toMyX, toMyY)) / (Math.PI/180); _parent._rotation = deflectDir; mySparks = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; x = 1; while (x <= mySparks) { sparkName = "bulletSpark" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = (deflectDir + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16777215); x++; } _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + (int(Math.random() * 30) - 15); deflectSteps = int(Math.random() * 15) + 5; ricochet = true; } if (hitTarget.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { if ((((targ == "Grin") || ((targ == "Horr") && (hitTarget.action != "collect"))) || (hitTarget.spines)) || ((targ == "Gray") && (hitTarget.action == "gaurd"))) { _global.MakeNoise("Ricochet Noise"); if ((targ == "Horr") || (targ == "Shar")) { hitTarget._rotation = _parent._rotation; } TraceName = (_parent._name + "Trace") + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Bullet Trace", TraceName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + TraceName)) { _x = freePointX; _y = freePointY; _rotation = this._parent._rotation; _yscale = travelled; } freePointX = _parent._x; freePointY = _parent._y; travelled = 0; toMyX = hitTarget._x - _parent._x; toMyY = hitTarget._y - _parent._y; deflectDir = (-Math.atan2(toMyX, toMyY)) / (Math.PI/180); _parent._rotation = deflectDir; mySparks = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; x = 1; while (x <= mySparks) { sparkName = "bulletSpark" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = (deflectDir + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16777215); x++; } _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + (int(Math.random() * 30) - 15); deflectSteps = int(Math.random() * 15) + 5; ricochet = true; _root.myBoxGun.ineffective = true; } else { TraceName = (_parent._name + "Trace") + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Bullet Trace", TraceName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + TraceName)) { _x = freePointX; _y = freePointY; _rotation = this._parent._rotation; _yscale = travelled; } _parent.exploded = true; hitTarget.killedBy = _parent; dead = true; } } } x++; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Hazards.length) { targetHazard = eval ("_root." + _global.Hazards[x]); if (targetHazard.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { if (targetHazard._name.slice(0, 5) == "Razor") { _global.MakeNoise("Ricochet Noise"); TraceName = (_parent._name + "Trace") + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Bullet Trace", TraceName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + TraceName)) { _x = freePointX; _y = freePointY; _rotation = this._parent._rotation; _yscale = travelled; } freePointX = _parent._x; freePointY = _parent._y; travelled = 0; toMyX = targetHazard._x - _parent._x; toMyY = targetHazard._y - _parent._y; deflectDir = (-Math.atan2(toMyX, toMyY)) / (Math.PI/180); _parent._rotation = deflectDir; mySparks = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; x = 1; while (x <= mySparks) { sparkName = "bulletSpark" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = (deflectDir + int(Math.random() * 20)) - 10; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16777215); x++; } _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + (int(Math.random() * 30) - 15); deflectSteps = int(Math.random() * 15) + 5; ricochet = true; targetHazard.Health--; } } x++; } if (!dead) { _parent._y = _parent._y - (10 * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (10 * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); travelled = travelled + 10; if ((((_parent._y <= -6) || (_parent._x <= -6)) || (_parent._y >= 406)) || (_parent._x >= 556)) { TraceName = (_parent._name + "Trace") + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Bullet Trace", TraceName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + TraceName)) { _x = freePointX; _y = freePointY; _rotation = this._parent._rotation; _yscale = travelled; } dead = true; } if (ricochet) { deflectSteps--; if (deflectSteps <= 0) { TraceName = (_parent._name + "Trace") + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Bullet Trace", TraceName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + TraceName)) { _x = freePointX; _y = freePointY; _rotation = this._parent._rotation; _yscale = travelled; } x = 1; while (x < 3) { DirtName = "BulletDirt" + (myEffects++); duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, DirtName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + DirtName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } x++; } dead = true; } } } } } else { if (deflectSteps > 5) { deflectSteps = 5; } if (deflectSteps > -2) { deflectSteps--; } else { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Symbol 1616 MovieClip [Bullet Trace] Frame 5
Symbol 1622 MovieClip [Muzzle Flare] Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1637 MovieClip [Brass] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { tumble = false; _parent.stop(); tink = false; flight = 0; tumbleFast = false; speed = int(Math.random() * 2) + 4; framesAtSpeed = 0; atRest = false; lift = int(Math.random() * 3) + 2; speed = speed - lift; listLeft = false; moveDirection = _parent._rotation + 90; _parent._xscale = 105; _parent._yscale = 105; moveDirection = moveDirection + (int(Math.random() * 30) - 15); spin = int(Math.random() * 30) + 20; if (moveDirection > 180) { moveDirection = moveDirection - 360; } if (moveDirection < -180) { moveDirection = moveDirection + 360; } if (speed <= 0) { speed = 0.5; } if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { tumble = true; } if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { tumbleFast = true; } if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { listLeft = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (!atRest) { if (!tumble) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + spin; } else {; } if (tumble && (tumbleFast)) { _parent.nextFrame(); } _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); if (framesAtSpeed >= 10) { speed = speed - 0.1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } if (flight < 30) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + lift; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + lift; } else { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - lift; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - lift; } if (_parent._yscale < 100) { if (!tink) { tink = true; flight = 15; lift = lift / 2; speed = speed / 2; spin = spin / 2; _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; tumbleFast = false; _global.MakeNoise("Brass" + String(int(Math.random() * 3) + 1)); } else { if (tumble) { if ((_parent._currentframe < 12) || (_parent._currentframe > 31)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(20); } } atRest = true; _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - lift; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - lift; framesAtSpeed = 0; _parent.swapDepths(_global.effectDepth++); } } flight++; } else if (framesAtSpeed <= 300) { _parent.stop(); _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); if (speed > 0) { if (listLeft) { moveDirection = moveDirection - 5; _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - 5; } else { moveDirection = moveDirection + 5; _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + 5; } if (moveDirection > 180) { moveDirection = moveDirection - 360; } if (moveDirection < -180) { moveDirection = moveDirection + 360; } speed = speed - 0.2; } else { speed = 0; } } else { _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 5; } if (_parent._alpha <= 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1643 MovieClip [Dark Scrapmetal] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { flyRange = int(Math.random() * 8) + 2; speed = int(Math.random() * 3) + 2; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _parent._rotation; _parent.gotoAndStop(int(Math.random() * 5) + 1); if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { Clockwise = true; } if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { _parent._xscale = -100; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (speed != 0) { if (Clockwise) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + (speed * 15); } else { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - (speed * 15); } _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); if (framesAtSpeed >= flyRange) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } } else if (framesAtSpeed >= 90) { _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 5; } if (_parent._alpha <= 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1655 MovieClip [Buzz Drone] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { airtime = 70; _parent.stop(); myEffects = 0; crashDown = false; _parent.addProperty("deployed", this.getDeployed, this.setDeployed); _parent.addProperty("Health", this.getHealth, this.setHealth); _parent.addProperty("killedBy", this.getKilledBy, this.setKilledBy); _parent.killedBy = null; _parent.addProperty("exploded", this.getExploded, this.setExploded); _parent.exploded = false; _parent.addProperty("claw", this.getClaw, this.setClaw); _parent.claw = true; _parent.addProperty("disk", this.getDisk, this.setDisk); _parent.disk = true; _parent.addProperty("tool", this.getTool, this.setTool); _parent.tool = true; speed = int(3 * (Math.sqrt(((_x - _xmouse) * (_x - _xmouse)) + ((_y - _ymouse) * (_y - _ymouse))) / 100)); speed = speed + ((int(Math.random() * 3) + 1) * 0.5); spin = 0; banking = 0; drain = 0; _parent.Health = 100; _parent.deployed = false; LockOn = null; justBounced = 0; if (speed < 4) { speed = 4; } if (speed > 7) { speed = 7; } myTab = eval (_global.RewardTab("Drone")); turnSpeed = 4; speedBoost = 0; if ((_global.soundMode == "All") || (_global.soundMode == "FX Only")) { myBuzz = new Sound(this); myBuzz.attachSound("Drone Buzz Amb 1"); } } onClipEvent (unload) { myBuzz.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (!_parent.deployed) { if (airtime > 50) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 2; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 2; } else if (airtime > 40) { if (_parent._currentframe < 7) {; } else { _parent.stop(); } _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 2; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 2; if (airtime == 50) { _global.MakeNoise("Drone Snap"); _global.MakeNoise("Drone Snap 2"); } } else if (airtime > 20) { spin = spin + 2; _parent.myArray._rotation = _parent.myArray._rotation + spin; _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 1; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 1; if (airtime == 40) { _global.MakeNoise("Drone Buzz Start"); _global.MakeNoise("Drone Buzz Start 2"); } } else if (airtime > 0) { spin = spin + 2; _parent.myArray._rotation = _parent.myArray._rotation + spin; speed = speed + 0.15; _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 2; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 2; if (airtime == 20) { myBuzz.start(0, 100); } } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(8); _parent.myDisk._alpha = 0; _parent.stop(); _parent.deployed = true; _global.Enemies.push(_parent._name); } _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if (speed > 0) { speed = speed - 0.05; } else { speed = 0; } airtime--; } else if (!crashDown) { if (_parent.myDisk._alpha < 100) { _parent.myDisk._alpha = _parent.myDisk._alpha + 5; } _parent.myArray._rotation = _parent.myArray._rotation + spin; _parent.myDisk._rotation = -_parent._rotation; if (speed < 6) { speed = speed + 0.2; } else { speed = 6; } if (speedBoost > 0) { speedBoost = speedBoost - 0.2; } else { speedBoost = 0; } if (justBounced > 0) { justBounced--; } if ((LockOn == null) || (eval (LockOn) == undefined)) { x = _global.Enemies.length; while (x > 0) { if (_global.Enemies[x - 1] != _parent._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x - 1]); targ = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); if (((!hitTarget.burning) && (targ != "Grin")) && (targ != "myBo")) { LockOn = hitTarget; x = 0; } } x--; } } oldRotation = _parent._rotation; delta_x = _parent._x - LockOn._x; delta_y = _parent._y - LockOn._y; targetRotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); veer = false; Hdelta_x = _parent._x - _root.HeroPointer._x; Hdelta_y = _parent._y - _root.HeroPointer._y; HeroDir = (-Math.atan2(Hdelta_x, Hdelta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.sqrt((Hdelta_x * Hdelta_x) + (Hdelta_y * Hdelta_y)) <= 150) { HeroVector = _global.RotationVector(_parent._rotation, HeroDir); if (Math.abs(HeroVector) < 90) { veer = true; if (HeroVector > 0) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - turnSpeed; } else { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + turnSpeed; } } } if ((((LockOn != null) && (eval (LockOn) != undefined)) && (myTab.charge > 1)) && (!veer)) { if (_parent._rotation != targetRotation) { if ((_parent._rotation >= 0) && (targetRotation >= 0)) { if (_parent._rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_parent._rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - turnSpeed; } else { _parent._rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _parent._rotation) > turnSpeed) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + turnSpeed; } else { _parent._rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((_parent._rotation < 0) && (targetRotation < 0)) { if (_parent._rotation > targetRotation) { if ((_parent._rotation - targetRotation) > turnSpeed) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - turnSpeed; } else { _parent._rotation = targetRotation; } } else if ((targetRotation - _parent._rotation) > turnSpeed) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + turnSpeed; } else { _parent._rotation = targetRotation; } } else if (_parent._rotation > targetRotation) { if (_parent._rotation < (targetRotation + 180)) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - turnSpeed; } else { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + turnSpeed; } } else if (_parent._rotation > (targetRotation - 180)) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + turnSpeed; } else { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - turnSpeed; } } } degreeOfChange = _global.rotationVector(oldRotation, _parent._rotation); if (degreeOfChange > 2) { banking++; } else if (degreeOfChange < -2) { banking--; } else if (banking > 0) { banking--; } else if (banking < 0) { banking++; } if (banking > 10) { banking = 10; } if (banking < -10) { banking = -10; } _parent._xscale = 100 - (Math.abs(banking) * 2); _parent.myHat._xscale = 100 + (Math.abs(banking) * 4); _parent.myHat._x = banking / 2; _parent._y = _parent._y - ((speed + speedBoost) * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + ((speed + speedBoost) * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((_global.HeroAction == "attacking") && (justBounced == 0)) { if ((_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe > 4) && (_root.HeroSlashin._currentframe < 14)) { if (_root.HeroSwing.hittest(_parent._x, _parent._y, true)) { Hdelta_x = _root.HeroPointer._x - _parent._x; Hdelta_y = _root.HeroPointer._y - _parent._y; HeroVector = (-Math.atan2(Hdelta_x, Hdelta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); SparkName = (("_root." + _parent._name) + "Sparks") + myEffects; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, (_parent._name + "Sparks") + (myEffects++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , _root.HeroPointer._rotation - 90); setProperty(SparkName, _x , _parent._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , _parent._y); _parent._rotation = HeroVector; _parent.myDisk._alpha = 0; justBounced = 10; speedBoost = 4; _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 20; if (_global.RazorGlaiveEquipped) { _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 80; } } } } if (_parent.hitTest(_root.HeroPointer._x, _root.HeroPointer._y, true)) { _global.justHit = _parent; } x = 0; while (x < _global.Enemies.length) { if (_global.Enemies[x] != _parent._name) { hitTarget = eval ("_root." + _global.Enemies[x]); targ = hitTarget._name.slice(0, 4); distance_x = _parent._x - hitTarget._x; distance_y = _parent._y - hitTarget._y; adjustedRotation = (-Math.atan2(distance_x, distance_y)) / (Math.PI/180); impactPointY = _parent._y - (15 * Math.cos(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); impactPointX = _parent._x + (15 * Math.sin(adjustedRotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((hitTarget.hitTest(impactPointX, impactPointY, true) || (_parent.hitTest(hitTarget._x, hitTarget._y, true))) || ((_parent.killedBy == hitTarget) && (!hitTarget.exploded))) { toMyX = hitTarget._x - _parent._x; toMyY = hitTarget._y - _parent._y; deflectDirection = (-Math.atan2(toMyX, toMyY)) / (Math.PI/180); if ((((((targ == "myBo") || (targ == "Grin")) || (hitTarget.spines)) || ((targ == "Horr") && (hitTarget.action != "collect"))) || (hitTarget.action == "gaurd")) || (hitTarget.claw)) { if (justBounced == 0) { _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); _parent.killedBy = hitTarget; SparkName = (("_root." + _parent._name) + "Sparks") + myEffects; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, (_parent._name + "Sparks") + (myEffects++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , deflectDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , _parent._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , _parent._y); _parent._rotation = deflectDirection; _parent.myDisk._alpha = 0; justBounced = 10; speedBoost = 2; if (hitTarget.wall) { hitTarget.killedBy = this; } } } else { hitTarget.killedBy = _parent; } } } x++; } if (_parent.killedBy != null) { if (_parent.killedBy.slug) { _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 100; } else if (_parent.killedBy.exploded) { _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 100; } else if (_parent.killedBy.disk || (_parent.killedBy.claw)) { toMyX = _parent.killedBy._x - _parent._x; toMyY = _parent.killedBy._y - _parent._y; deflectDirection = (-Math.atan2(toMyX, toMyY)) / (Math.PI/180); _global.MakeNoise("Clang"); SparkName = (("_root." + _parent._name) + "Sparks") + myEffects; duplicateMovieClip (_root.Sparks, (_parent._name + "Sparks") + (myEffects++), _global.effectDepth++); setProperty(SparkName, _rotation , deflectDirection); setProperty(SparkName, _x , _parent._x); setProperty(SparkName, _y , _parent._y); _parent._rotation = deflectDirection; _parent.myDisk._alpha = 0; justBounced = 10; speedBoost = 2; _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 10; _parent.killedBy.killedBy = this; } else { switch (_parent.killedBy._name.slice(0, 4)) { case "Grin" : _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 10; break; case "Horr" : _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 30; break; case "Gray" : _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 10; break; case "Shar" : _parent.Health = _parent.Health - 5; break; case "Void" : _parent.Health--; } } _parent.killedBy = null; } if (_parent.Health < 100) { if ((int(Math.random() * 100) > _parent.Health) && (int(Math.random() * 10) == 1)) { mySparks = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; x = 1; while (x <= mySparks) { sparkName = "DronedamSpark" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(8766206); x++; } } } if (_parent.Health <= 0) { _parent.exploded = true; myBuzz.stop(); _global.MakeNoise("Explode"); _global.MakeNoise("Lose Blade Wobble"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.VoidPulse, "DroneShockwave", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.DroneShockwave) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.Blackout, "DroneBright", 6000); with (_root.DroneBright) { _x = 275; _y = 200; _xscale = 1000; _yscale = 1000; } BlinkColor = new Color(_root.DroneBright); BlinkColor.setRGB(8766206); myScraps = int(Math.random() * 4) + 8; Quadrant = 0; x = 1; while (x <= myScraps) { scrapName = "Scrap" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Light Scrapmetal", scrapName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + scrapName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = (Quadrant + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } Quadrant = Quadrant + 90; if (Quadrant == 270) { Quadrant = -90; } x++; } Quadrant = 0; x = 1; while (x <= 4) { bladeName = "Blade" + _global.effectDepth; _root.attachMovie("Loose Blade", bladeName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + bladeName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = this._parent._rotation + Quadrant; } Quadrant = Quadrant + 90; if (Quadrant == 270) { Quadrant = -90; } x++; } mySparks = int(Math.random() * 6) + 12; x = 1; while (x <= mySparks) { sparkName = "DroneexpSpark" + x; _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = int(Math.random() * 360) - 180; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16053248); x++; } myTab.charge = 1; _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _parent._name), 1); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (drain == 1) { myTab.charge--; drain = 0; } else { drain = 1; } if ((myTab.charge < 60) && (myTab.charge > 1)) { if (int(_global.framesElapsed / 30) == (_global.framesElapsed / 30)) { LEDSpotY = _parent._y - (10 * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); LEDSpotX = _parent._x + (10 * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); LEDName = "DroneLED" + (myEffects++); _root.attachMovie("LED", LEDName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + LEDName)) { _x = LEDSpotX; _y = LEDSpotY; } LEDColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + LEDName)); LEDColor.setRGB(15990543); _global.MakeNoise("Beep 1"); } } if (myTab.charge == 1) { crashDown = true; _parent._xscale = 100; _parent.myHat._xscale = 100; _parent.myHat._x = 0; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { turnSpeed = -6; } else { turnSpeed = 6; } _global.Enemies.splice(_root.SpawnPoint.SearchArray(_global.Enemies, _parent._name), 1); } } else { if (airtime == 1) { _global.MakeNoise("Drone Crash Noise"); } if (airtime < 20) { _parent._xscale--; _parent._yscale--; _parent.myArray._rotation = _parent.myArray._rotation + (spin--); if (_parent.myDisk._alpha > 0) { _parent.myDisk._alpha = _parent.myDisk._alpha - 5; } _parent._y = _parent._y - ((speed + speedBoost) * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + ((speed + speedBoost) * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + turnSpeed; } else { _global.MakeNoise("GrinderHurt"); _global.MakeNoise("SharpsIn"); _global.MakeNoise("Thump"); myBuzz.stop(); _root.attachMovie("Drone Crash", "myDroneWreck", _global.effectDepth++); with (_root.myDroneWreck) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = this._parent._rotation; } DirtSpotY = _parent._y - (10 * Math.cos(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); DirtSpotX = _parent._x + (10 * Math.sin(_parent._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); DirtName = "DroneDirt" + (myEffects++); duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, DirtName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + DirtName)) { _x = DirtSpotX; _y = DirtSpotY; _rotation = this._parent._rotation; } mySparks = int(Math.random() * 4) + 8; x = 1; while (x <= mySparks) { sparkName = "DroneSpark" + x; _root.attachMovie("Spark", sparkName, _global.capDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + sparkName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = (this._parent._rotation + int(Math.random() * 90)) - 45; } sparkColor = new Color(eval ("_root." + sparkName)); sparkColor.setRGB(16053248); x++; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } airtime++; } } else { _parent.stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1657 MovieClip [Drone Crash] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { framesExisted = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (framesExisted > 120) { _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 5; if (_parent._alpha <= 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } framesExisted++; }
Symbol 1680 MovieClip [Lil Guy Shot] Frame 81
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1682 MovieClip [Loose Blade] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { Skyward = false; buried = false; framesStuck = 0; speed = int(Math.random() * 5) + 12; _parent.stop(); moveDirection = _parent._rotation; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { Skyward = true; } if (Skyward) { _parent.swapDepths(_global.capDepth++); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (!buried) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + 100; _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); if (Skyward) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 10; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 10; } else { _parent._xscale--; _parent._yscale--; if (_parent._xscale <= 80) { _parent._rotation = moveDirection; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); DirtName = _parent._name + "Dirt"; duplicateMovieClip (_root.GroundDirt, DirtName, _global.effectDepth++); with (eval ("_root." + DirtName)) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; _rotation = this._parent._rotation; } buried = true; } } if ((((_parent._y < -5) || (_parent._x < -5)) || (_parent._y > 405)) || (_parent._x > 555)) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } else if (framesStuck < 90) { framesStuck++; } else { _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 5; } if (_parent._alpha <= 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } }
Symbol 1690 MovieClip [Arc] Frame 1
_global.MakeNoise("Arc" + String(int(Math.random() * 3) + 1));
Symbol 1690 MovieClip [Arc] Frame 8
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1692 MovieClip [Grenade Pin] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { speed = int(Math.random() * 2) + 4; framesAtSpeed = 0; moveDirection = _parent._rotation; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 0) { Clockwise = true; } _parent._xscale = 120; _parent._yscale = 120; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.pause) { if (speed != 0) { if (Clockwise) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + 15; } else { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - 15; } _parent._y = _parent._y - (speed * Math.cos(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); _parent._x = _parent._x + (speed * Math.sin(moveDirection * (Math.PI/180))); if (framesAtSpeed >= 10) { speed = speed - 1; framesAtSpeed = 0; } _parent._xscale--; _parent._yscale--; if (_parent._xscale <= 90) { speed = 0; } } else if (framesAtSpeed >= 90) { _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 5; } if (_parent._alpha <= 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } framesAtSpeed++; } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1695 MovieClip [Reward Plate] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { myReward = _parent._name.slice(0, -6); onMe = false; tipFocus = false; _parent.attachMovie("Reward Icon " + myReward, "myIcon", 3); _parent.myIcon._xscale = 130; _parent.myIcon._yscale = 130; if (_global.SearchArray(_global.RewardsUnlocked, myReward) != null) { _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); if (_global.ABind == myReward) { _parent._parent.attachMovie("Key Bound Reticle", "ABindRing", 1050); with (_parent._parent.ABindRing) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } } else if (_global.SBind == myReward) { _parent._parent.attachMovie("Key Bound Reticle", "SBindRing", 1051); with (_parent._parent.SBindRing) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } } else if (_global.DBind == myReward) { _parent._parent.attachMovie("Key Bound Reticle", "DBindRing", 1052); with (_parent._parent.DBindRing) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } } } else { _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(3); lockName = myReward + "lock"; if (myReward == "Glaive") { _parent._parent.attachMovie("Reward Lock Razor", lockName, _parent._parent.lockDepths++); } else { _parent._parent.attachMovie("Reward Lock", lockName, _parent._parent.lockDepths++); } myLock = eval ("_parent._parent." + lockName); with (myLock) { _y = this._parent._y - 12; _x = this._parent._x; } } switch (myReward) { case "Sprint" : myInfoText = " SPRINT - Through intensive physical training and stamina exercises, this ability will allow for short bursts of much faster movement. While in use, Sprint will allow you to manuever quickly and even offeset some hazards which may normally impede travel. Use caution, however, as Sprinting is exhausting and you must find opportunities to rest and regain your endurance."; break; case "Grenade" : myInfoText = " GRENADE - A high-explosive concussive grenade which creates a powerful pressure wave upon detonation, causing severe trauma to any target within it's damage radius. Note that while extremely potent, these types of concussive weapons carry a high risk of unforunate accident: be sure to stay clear of the blast and give it a good throw."; break; case "Choker" : myInfoText = " INHIBITOR - A more high-tech product of the anti-gloople R&D department, the Gloople Nest Coordination Inhibitor, or Choker as it is sometimes referred, sends out confined-band directional electrostatic pulses. These pulses confuse the communicative abilities of the Gloople nest on the whole, and prevents them from effectively coordinating an attack. In short, this device reduces the amount of Glooples which are able to attack for a brief time."; break; case "Teleport" : myInfoText = " TELEPORTER - Cutting edge technology, the Teleporter is a two-part system. The primary unit is a deployable recieving pad which, once placed on the ground, will build up and hold a charge. When ready, the user activates a small homing device on his person, and is instantaneously translocated back to the pad's location. Side-effects such as nausea, nosebleeds and temporary amnesia are common."; break; case "Lure" : myInfoText = " LURE - Experimentation into the biology of the Gloople and behavior of the nest has lead the R&D department to develop this small gas-grenade. Once thrown, it will begin to emit a powerful enzymatic pheremone which will overpower any other stimuli the nest may be responding to. Any Glooples in the area will turn their hostilities toward this device. However, some more advanced Glooples may not be fooled, and the lure's chemical payload is limited."; break; case "Mason" : myInfoText = " INSTANT WALL - Also called the Mason Bomb, the Instant Wall is a high powered explosive packed with nitrogen-reactive liquid state epoxy polymers. The explosive device disperses these resins with a shaped charge, which harden very rapidly when exposed to open air. The resulting barricade is very solid and proves an effective barrier against nearly any kind of assault."; break; case "BoxGun" : myInfoText = " BOX GUN - The S.C.A.E.R (Self-Contained Autonomous Emplacement Rifle) is a man-portable, deployable support sentry programmed to track and destroy Glooples. Once placed, the SCAER will entrench itself and begin rendering suppressive fire on any targets in it's field of view. Typically the 50 caliber rounds fired by this turret are enough to pacify any target, but beware exceptionally hard targets which may cause ricochets."; break; case "Spike" : myInfoText = " REPULSOR - Utilizing principles of pressure wave density and psuedomagnetics, the Repulsor Stake is able to isolate the specific buoyancy of Gloople Plasm in air and generate a field of radiating compression waves at this specific frequency. While operating, Glooples will be expelled from the center of the effect, providing a bubble of safety for the user, who will remain unaffected."; break; case "Drone" : myInfoText = " SAW DRONE - Affectionately referred to as the Chopper, the Saw Drone is an airborne robotic attack unit compact enough to be man-portable. Once activated and thrown, the Chopper snaps open and begins flying under it's own power. A Saw Drone is able to acquire targets and differentiate friendlies from hostiles mid-combat. However, because of it's extremely deadly nature, a wise user keeps as clear as possible."; break; case "Armor" : myInfoText = " REACTIVE ARMOR - A combination of shaped microcharges and fractal-flechette ceramic plates form the Reactive Armor's fundamental structure. The only model of ablative armor designed to be infantry-borne, this protective skin responds to deadly impacts with a powerful explosion and a shower of ceramic shrapnel, while creating a captured pocket of air within, leaving the wearer completely unscathed. Obviously, this only works once."; break; case "Hazard Suit" : myInfoText = " HAZARD SUIT - Second cousin to both the SCUBA suit and stealth suit, the Hazard Suit uses a contained power pack to operate a powerful lattice of disruptive current-yielding microfibre woven into a thick protective body suit. While charged, the suit responds to potentially dangerous conditions by a combination of electromagnetic current, insulative coating and atmospheric filtration. The last word in material hazard evasion."; break; case "Glaive" : myInfoText = " RAZOR GLAIVE - With specimens of the rare Razor Queen to work with, this piece of biografted hardware was the next logical step in anti-gloople warfare. Sculped directly from the claw bones of the great Razor Queen, this blade is incredibly durable and razor sharp. The only major flaw in this design is it's overwhelming heft. Take caution, while it is remarkably destructive, this sword can be a considerable burden."; } myBindingBox = _parent.getBounds(_root); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((onMe && (_parent.myIcon._currentframe == 3)) && (_parent._parent.myKeys.length > 0)) { if (myReward == "Glaive") { scaryKeyPos = _global.SearchArray(_parent._parent.myKeys, "razorKey"); if (scaryKeyPos != null) { myLock.gotoAndStop(2); _global.MakeNoise("Unlock 2"); _global.MakeNoise("Unlock Jingle"); _global.RewardsUnlocked.push(myReward); _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); _parent._parent.myKeys.splice(scaryKeyPos, 1); _root.razorKey.removeMovieClip(); _global.saveData(); } } else { howManyKeys = _parent._parent.myKeys.length; x = howManyKeys; while (x > 0) { keyToUse = _parent._parent.myKeys[x - 1]; if (keyToUse != "razorKey") { myLock.gotoAndStop(2); _global.MakeNoise("Unlock 1"); _global.MakeNoise("Unlock Jingle"); _global.RewardsUnlocked.push(myReward); _parent.myIcon.gotoAndStop(1); removeMovieClip(eval ("_root." + keyToUse)); _parent._parent.myKeys.splice(x - 1, 1); _global.saveData(); x = 0; } x--; } } } else if (onMe && (_parent.myIcon._currentframe == 1)) { if (_global.RewardKey(myReward) == null) { if (_global.ABind == null) { _global.MakeNoise("Bind Reward Key"); _parent._parent.attachMovie("Key Bound Reticle", "ABindRing", 1050); with (_parent._parent.ABindRing) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } _global.ABind = myReward; } else if ((_global.SBind == null) && (_global.Awards.length >= 55)) { _global.MakeNoise("Bind Reward Key"); _parent._parent.attachMovie("Key Bound Reticle", "SBindRing", 1051); with (_parent._parent.SBindRing) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } _global.SBind = myReward; } else if ((_global.DBind == null) && (_global.Awards.length >= 110)) { _global.MakeNoise("Bind Reward Key"); _parent._parent.attachMovie("Key Bound Reticle", "DBindRing", 1052); with (_parent._parent.DBindRing) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } _global.DBind = myReward; } else { _global.MakeNoise("Bind Reward Key"); _parent._parent.attachMovie("Key Bound Reticle", "ABindRing", 1050); with (_parent._parent.ABindRing) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } _global.ABind = myReward; } } else if (_global.ABind == myReward) { _parent._parent.ABindRing.removeMovieClip(); _global.ABind = null; _global.MakeNoise("UnBind Reward Key"); } else if (_global.SBind == myReward) { _parent._parent.SBindRing.removeMovieClip(); _global.SBind = null; _global.MakeNoise("UnBind Reward Key"); } else if (_global.DBind == myReward) { _parent._parent.DBindRing.removeMovieClip(); _global.DBind = null; _global.MakeNoise("UnBind Reward Key"); } } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (onMe && (_parent.myIcon._currentframe == 1)) { if ((Key.getCode() == 65) && (_global.ABind != myReward)) { _global.MakeNoise("Bind Reward Key"); _parent._parent.attachMovie("Key Bound Reticle", "ABindRing", 1050); with (_parent._parent.ABindRing) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } _global.ABind = myReward; if (_global.SBind == myReward) { _global.SBind = null; _global.MakeNoise("UnBind Reward Key"); } if (_global.DBind == myReward) { _global.DBind = null; _global.MakeNoise("UnBind Reward Key"); } } else if (((Key.getCode() == 83) && (_global.Awards.length >= 55)) && (_global.SBind != myReward)) { _global.MakeNoise("Bind Reward Key"); _parent._parent.attachMovie("Key Bound Reticle", "SBindRing", 1051); with (_parent._parent.SBindRing) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } _global.SBind = myReward; if (_global.ABind == myReward) { _global.ABind = null; _global.MakeNoise("UnBind Reward Key"); } if (_global.DBind == myReward) { _global.DBind = null; _global.MakeNoise("UnBind Reward Key"); } } else if (((Key.getCode() == 68) && (_global.Awards.length == 110)) && (_global.DBind != myReward)) { _global.MakeNoise("Bind Reward Key"); _parent._parent.attachMovie("Key Bound Reticle", "DBindRing", 1052); with (_parent._parent.DBindRing) { _x = this._parent._x; _y = this._parent._y; } _global.DBind = myReward; if (_global.ABind == myReward) { _global.ABind = null; _global.MakeNoise("UnBind Reward Key"); } if (_global.SBind == myReward) { _global.SBind = null; _global.MakeNoise("UnBind Reward Key"); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root._xmouse <= myBindingBox.xMax) && (_root._xmouse >= myBindingBox.xMin)) && (_root._ymouse <= myBindingBox.yMax)) && (_root._ymouse >= myBindingBox.yMin)) { onMe = true; _parent.myIcon._xscale = 110; _parent.myIcon._yscale = 110; } else { onMe = false; _parent.myIcon._xscale = 100; _parent.myIcon._yscale = 100; } if (onMe) { if (_parent.myIcon._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent._parent.displayShow != myInfoText) { _parent._parent.displayShow = myInfoText; } } else if (_parent._parent.myKeys.length > 0) { if (myReward == "Glaive") { if (_global.SearchArray(_parent._parent.myKeys, "razorKey") != null) { _parent._parent.displayShow = "Click here to use that strange Key to remove this lock and get at the unique Reward hidden within..."; } else { _parent._parent.displayShow = "Normal Reward Keys will not release this lock... it apears something special is required..."; } } else if ((_parent._parent.myKeys.length > 1) || (_parent._parent.myKeys[0] != "razorKey")) { _parent._parent.displayShow = "Click here to use a Key to release this lock and bring this Reward into battle with you."; } else { _parent._parent.displayShow = "That strange Key will not fit this lock."; } } else { _parent._parent.displayShow = "Gain Awards to earn a Key to open this lock and access the reward it hides..."; } tipFocus = true; } else if (tipFocus) { _parent._parent.displayShow = null; tipFocus = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1703 MovieClip [Key Bound Slot] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { myBind = _parent._name.slice(0, 1); active = true; switch (myBind) { case "A" : _parent.gotoAndStop(1); break; case "S" : _parent.gotoAndStop(2); if (_global.Awards.length < 55) { active = false; } break; case "D" : _parent.gotoAndStop(3); if (_global.Awards.length >= 110) { break; } active = false; } if (!active) { _parent._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { _parent.InnerRing._rotation = _parent.InnerRing._rotation - 3; _parent.OuterRing._rotation = _parent.OuterRing._rotation + 6; switch (myBind) { case "A" : if (_global.ABind == null) { _parent._visible = true; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _parent._visible = false; } break; case "S" : if (_global.SBind == null) { _parent._visible = true; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _parent._visible = false; } break; case "D" : if (_global.DBind == null) { _parent._visible = true; _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } else { _parent._visible = false; } } } }
Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1
displayShow = null; lockDepths = 1000; stop();
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip "GoBack" in Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 110; _yscale = 110; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } on (press) { _global.MakeNoise("Menu Noise 2"); _global.saveData(); _root.subMenu = false; _root.RewardsCase.removeMovieClip(); }
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip [Reward Display] "RewardDisplay" in Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { nowShowing = null; lettersUp = 0; rewardTextFormat = new TextFormat(); rewardTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; rewardTextFormat.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; rewardTextFormat.size = 10; rewardTextFormat.align = "left"; this.createTextField("rewardText", 1, 0, 0, 323, 100); rewardText.embedFonts = true; rewardText.wordWrap = true; rewardText.selectable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.displayShow == null) { if (_global.RewardsUnlocked.length > 0) { if (_global.Awards.length > 54) { _parent.displayShow = "Clicking on an unlocked Reward will assign it the next open Equip slot. Clicking on an Equipped Reward will free that slot. If all slots are full, the A slot will be reassigned to the Reward you click. You may also mouse over the Reward you wish to assign and press the key you wish to assign it to."; } else { _parent.displayShow = "Click on an unlocked Reward to equip it. Clicking on a Reward you already have equipped will unequip it. Equipped Rewards will be brought with you into battle - each one is unique and offers different advantages."; } } else { _parent.displayShow = "By gaining Awards in Single Nest or Bounty Run mode, you will earn Reward Keys. Use these Keys in the Rewards Case to unlock new tools and abilities to give you the edge in combat."; } } if (nowShowing != _parent.displayShow) { nowShowing = _parent.displayShow; lettersUp = 0; } if (lettersUp < (nowShowing.length - 2)) { lettersUp = lettersUp + 2; rewardText.text = nowShowing.slice(0, lettersUp); rewardText.setTextFormat(rewardTextFormat); rewardText._width = 323; } else if (lettersUp != nowShowing.length) { lettersUp = nowShowing.length; rewardText.text = nowShowing; rewardText.setTextFormat(rewardTextFormat); rewardText._width = 323; } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "KeyRing" in Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _parent.myKeys = new Array(); keyPosition = 0; keysOnRing = int(_global.Awards.length / 10) - _global.RewardsUnlocked.length; if (_global.SearchArray(_global.RewardsUnlocked, "Glaive") != null) { keysOnRing++; } x = 1; while (x <= keysOnRing) { keyName = "rewardKey" + x; _root.attachMovie("Reward Key", keyName, 1050 + keyPosition); with (eval ("_root." + keyName)) { _x = _root._xmouse + keyPosition; _y = _root._ymouse + keyPosition; } keyPosition = keyPosition + 5; _parent.myKeys.push(keyName); x++; } if (_global.SearchArray(_global.RewardsUnlocked, "Glaive") == null) { if (_global.SearchArray(_global.Awards, "First Razor Queen") != null) { _root.attachMovie("Reward Key Razor", "razorKey", 1040); with (_root.razorKey) { _x = _root._xmouse - 5; _y = _root._ymouse - 5; } _parent.myKeys.push("razorKey"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1707 MovieClip [Reward Lock] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _parent.stop(); flyFor = 300; flyOff = false; _parent._rotation = int(Math.random() * 20) - 10; listTo = 0; speed = 0; twist = int(Math.random() * 4) + 4; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { twist = twist * -1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent._currentframe == 2) && (!flyOff)) { listTo = int(Math.random() * 5) - 2; speed = -4; x = 1; while (x <= 15) { sparkleName = "Spark" + x; _parent._parent.attachMovie("Sparkle", sparkleName, 3000 + x); MySparkle = eval ("_parent._parent." + sparkleName); with (MySparkle) { _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20; } SparkleColor = new Color(MySparkle); Colorswitcher = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; switch (Colorswitcher) { case 1 : SparkleColor.setRGB(16776960); break; case 2 : SparkleColor.setRGB(16306230); break; case 3 : SparkleColor.setRGB(16777215); } x++; } flyOff = true; } if (flyOff) { _parent._y = _parent._y + speed; _parent._x = _parent._x + listTo; _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + twist; if (speed < -0.2) { speed = speed + 0.2; } else if (speed < 0) { speed = 0; } else { speed = speed + 0.2; } if (flyFor > 0) { flyFor--; } else { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1710 MovieClip [Reward Lock Razor] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _parent.stop(); flyFor = 300; flyOff = false; _parent._rotation = int(Math.random() * 20) - 10; listTo = 0; speed = 0; twist = int(Math.random() * 4) + 4; if (int(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { twist = twist * -1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent._currentframe == 2) && (!flyOff)) { listTo = int(Math.random() * 5) - 2; speed = -4; x = 1; while (x <= 15) { sparkleName = "Spark" + x; _parent._parent.attachMovie("Sparkle", sparkleName, 3000 + x); MySparkle = eval ("_parent._parent." + sparkleName); with (MySparkle) { _x = (this._parent._x + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20; _y = (this._parent._y + int(Math.random() * 40)) - 20; } SparkleColor = new Color(MySparkle); Colorswitcher = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; switch (Colorswitcher) { case 1 : SparkleColor.setRGB(0); break; case 2 : SparkleColor.setRGB(4348275); break; case 3 : SparkleColor.setRGB(16777215); } x++; } flyOff = true; } if (flyOff) { _parent._y = _parent._y + speed; _parent._x = _parent._x + listTo; _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + twist; if (speed < -0.2) { speed = speed + 0.2; } else if (speed < 0) { speed = 0; } else { speed = speed + 0.2; } if (flyFor > 0) { flyFor--; } else { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1712 MovieClip [Reward Key] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { momentum = 0; lastX = _parent._x; lastY = _parent._y; swingTo = 0; offsetX = _parent._x - _root._xmouse; offsetY = _parent._y - _root._ymouse; swingDir = 0; toFros = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent._x = _root._xmouse + offsetX; _parent._y = _root._ymouse + offsetY; momentum = int(Math.abs(_parent._x - lastX) / 3); if (_parent._x > lastX) { if (_parent._rotation < 70) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + momentum; } else { _parent._rotation--; } if (_parent._rotation > 90) { _parent._rotation = 90; } swingTo = -1 * (int(Math.random() * int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 3)) + int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 2)); swingDir = -1; toFros = 0; } else if (_parent._x < lastX) { if (_parent._rotation > -70) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - momentum; } else { _parent._rotation++; } if (_parent._rotation < -90) { _parent._rotation = -90; } swingTo = int(Math.random() * int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 3)) + int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 2); swingDir = 1; toFros = 0; } else if (_parent._rotation < swingTo) { if (swingDir == 1) { swingSpeed = int((110 - Math.abs(_parent._rotation)) / 7) + 1; swingSpeed = swingSpeed - (toFros * 3); if (swingSpeed < 1) { swingSpeed = 1; } _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + swingSpeed; } else { _parent._rotation = swingTo; } } else if (_parent._rotation > swingTo) { if (swingDir == -1) { swingSpeed = int((110 - Math.abs(_parent._rotation)) / 7) + 1; swingSpeed = swingSpeed - (toFros * 3); if (swingSpeed < 1) { swingSpeed = 1; } _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - swingSpeed; } else { _parent._rotation = swingTo; } } else if (swingTo != 0) { if (_parent._rotation > 0) { swingTo = -1 * (int(Math.random() * int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 3)) + int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 2)); swingDir = -1; toFros++; } else { swingTo = int(Math.random() * int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 3)) + int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 2); swingDir = 1; toFros++; } if (Math.abs(swingTo) < 10) { swingTo = 0; } } else { swingDir = 0; } lastX = _parent._x; lastY = _parent._y; if (_root.subMenu == false) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1714 MovieClip [Reward Key Razor] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { momentum = 0; lastX = _parent._x; lastY = _parent._y; swingTo = 0; offsetX = _parent._x - _root._xmouse; offsetY = _parent._y - _root._ymouse; swingDir = 0; toFros = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent._x = _root._xmouse + offsetX; _parent._y = _root._ymouse + offsetY; momentum = int(Math.abs(_parent._x - lastX) / 3); if (_parent._x > lastX) { if (_parent._rotation < 70) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + momentum; } else { _parent._rotation--; } if (_parent._rotation > 90) { _parent._rotation = 90; } swingTo = -1 * (int(Math.random() * int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 3)) + int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 2)); swingDir = -1; toFros = 0; } else if (_parent._x < lastX) { if (_parent._rotation > -70) { _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - momentum; } else { _parent._rotation++; } if (_parent._rotation < -90) { _parent._rotation = -90; } swingTo = int(Math.random() * int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 3)) + int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 2); swingDir = 1; toFros = 0; } else if (_parent._rotation < swingTo) { if (swingDir == 1) { swingSpeed = int((110 - Math.abs(_parent._rotation)) / 7) + 1; swingSpeed = swingSpeed - (toFros * 3); if (swingSpeed < 1) { swingSpeed = 1; } _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + swingSpeed; } else { _parent._rotation = swingTo; } } else if (_parent._rotation > swingTo) { if (swingDir == -1) { swingSpeed = int((110 - Math.abs(_parent._rotation)) / 7) + 1; swingSpeed = swingSpeed - (toFros * 3); if (swingSpeed < 1) { swingSpeed = 1; } _parent._rotation = _parent._rotation - swingSpeed; } else { _parent._rotation = swingTo; } } else if (swingTo != 0) { if (_parent._rotation > 0) { swingTo = -1 * (int(Math.random() * int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 3)) + int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 2)); swingDir = -1; toFros++; } else { swingTo = int(Math.random() * int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 3)) + int(Math.abs(_parent._rotation) / 2); swingDir = 1; toFros++; } if (Math.abs(swingTo) < 10) { swingTo = 0; } } else { swingDir = 0; } lastX = _parent._x; lastY = _parent._y; if (_root.subMenu == false) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "Code" in Symbol 1718 MovieClip [Key Bound Reticle] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { myBind = _parent._name.slice(0, 1); _parent._xscale = 300; _parent._yscale = 300; _parent.stop(); _parent._alpha = 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._xscale > 100) { _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 25; _parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 25; _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha + 10; } else if (_parent._currentframe == 1) { switch (myBind) { case "A" : _parent.gotoAndStop(2); break; case "S" : _parent.gotoAndStop(3); break; case "D" : _parent.gotoAndStop(4); } } _parent.InnerRing._rotation = _parent.InnerRing._rotation - 2; _parent.OuterRing._rotation = _parent.OuterRing._rotation + 4; if (_root.subMenu == false) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } switch (myBind) { case "A" : if (_global.ABind == null) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } break; case "S" : if (_global.SBind == null) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } break; case "D" : if (_global.DBind != null) { break; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1720 MovieClip [New Reward Key Notice] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var yVector = 7; stallTime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yVector > -10) { _parent._y = _parent._y + yVector; if (yVector > 1) { yVector = yVector - 0.5; } else if (yVector > -1) { if ((yVector < 0.01) && (yVector > 0)) { yVector = 0; } if ((yVector == 0) && (stallTime < 20)) { stallTime++; } else { yVector = yVector - 0.1; } } else { yVector = yVector - 0.5; } } else { removeMovieClip(_parent); } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1722 MovieClip [Slot S Notice] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var yVector = 7; stallTime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yVector > -10) { _parent._y = _parent._y + yVector; if (yVector > 1) { yVector = yVector - 0.5; } else if (yVector > -1) { if ((yVector < 0.01) && (yVector > 0)) { yVector = 0; } if ((yVector == 0) && (stallTime < 20)) { stallTime++; } else { yVector = yVector - 0.1; } } else { yVector = yVector - 0.5; } } else { removeMovieClip(_parent); } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1724 MovieClip [Slot D Notice] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var yVector = 7; stallTime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yVector > -10) { _parent._y = _parent._y + yVector; if (yVector > 1) { yVector = yVector - 0.5; } else if (yVector > -1) { if ((yVector < 0.01) && (yVector > 0)) { yVector = 0; } if ((yVector == 0) && (stallTime < 20)) { stallTime++; } else { yVector = yVector - 0.1; } } else { yVector = yVector - 0.5; } } else { removeMovieClip(_parent); } }
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1726 MovieClip [New Special Key Notice] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var yVector = 7; stallTime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yVector > -10) { _parent._y = _parent._y + yVector; if (yVector > 1) { yVector = yVector - 0.5; } else if (yVector > -1) { if ((yVector < 0.01) && (yVector > 0)) { yVector = 0; } if ((yVector == 0) && (stallTime < 20)) { stallTime++; } else { yVector = yVector - 0.1; } } else { yVector = yVector - 0.5; } } else { removeMovieClip(_parent); } }
Symbol 1789 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 1270 MovieClip "code" in Symbol 1828 MovieClip [Hardcore Mode Notice] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var yVector = 7; stallTime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yVector > -10) { _parent._y = _parent._y + yVector; if (yVector > 1) { yVector = yVector - 0.5; } else if (yVector > -1) { if ((yVector < 0.01) && (yVector > 0)) { yVector = 0; } if ((yVector == 0) && (stallTime < 20)) { stallTime++; } else { yVector = yVector - 0.1; } } else { yVector = yVector - 0.5; } } else { removeMovieClip(_parent); } }
Symbol 1829 MovieClip [Reward Exporter] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 1834 MovieClip [Cancel Button] "Back" in Symbol 1837 MovieClip [Reset Scores Conf] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 70; _yscale = 70; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 60; _yscale = 60; } on (press) { _root.subMenu = false; _root.ResetScoresConf.removeMovieClip(); }
Instance of Symbol 1836 MovieClip [Confirmation Button] "Reset" in Symbol 1837 MovieClip [Reset Scores Conf] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _xscale = 70; _yscale = 70; } on (rollOut) { _xscale = 60; _yscale = 60; } on (press) { _root.subMenu = false; _global.BountyRunHighScore = 0; _global.SingleNestHighScore = 0; _global.saveData(); _root.ResetScoresConf.removeMovieClip(); }
Instance of Symbol 1839 MovieClip [Saving Graphic] "Saving" in Symbol 1840 MovieClip [Saving Icon] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { framesExisted = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (framesExisted > 30) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 2); } else { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } framesExisted++; }
Instance of Symbol 1869 MovieClip "Shader" in Symbol 1870 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe); }
Instance of Symbol 1892 MovieClip "Shader" in Symbol 1893 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe); }
Instance of Symbol 1913 MovieClip "Shader" in Symbol 1914 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe); }
Instance of Symbol 1930 MovieClip "Shader" in Symbol 1931 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe); }
Instance of Symbol 1949 MovieClip "Shader" in Symbol 1950 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe); }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "SNHS" in Symbol 1958 MovieClip [High Scores] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { SNHSTextFormat = new TextFormat(); SNHSTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; SNHSTextFormat.color = 39168; SNHSTextFormat.size = 18; SNHSTextFormat.align = "center"; this.createTextField("SNHSText", 1, 0, 0, this._width, this._height); SNHSText.embedFonts = true; SNHSText.selectable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { SNHSText.text = _global.SingleNestHighScore; SNHSText.setTextFormat(SNHSTextFormat); }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "BRHS" in Symbol 1958 MovieClip [High Scores] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { BRHSTextFormat = new TextFormat(); BRHSTextFormat.font = "Cooper Black"; BRHSTextFormat.color = 39168; BRHSTextFormat.size = 18; BRHSTextFormat.align = "center"; this.createTextField("BRHSText", 1, 0, 0, this._width, this._height); BRHSText.embedFonts = true; BRHSText.selectable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { BRHSText.text = _global.BountyRunHighScore; BRHSText.setTextFormat(BRHSTextFormat); }
Instance of Symbol 1984 MovieClip "Shader" in Symbol 1985 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe); }
Instance of Symbol 1999 MovieClip "Shader" in Symbol 2000 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe); }
Instance of Symbol 2016 MovieClip "Shader" in Symbol 2017 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe); }
Instance of Symbol 2027 MovieClip "Shader" in Symbol 2028 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe); }
Symbol 3322 MovieClip [Ground Crack] Frame 2
Symbol 3322 MovieClip [Ground Crack] Frame 4
Symbol 3322 MovieClip [Ground Crack] Frame 6

Library Items

Symbol 1 Font [Cooper Black]Used by:137 437 438 465 468 469 474 475 489 492 509 533 548 552 601 609 729 736 767 775 788 796 802 806 808 871 881 1007 1008 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1019 1020 1021 1022 1024 1027 1030 1031 1033 1266 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1326 1334 1831 1833 1835 1843 1955 1956 1957 2029
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClip [Clear Message]Uses:2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:12
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:12
Symbol 12 MovieClip [RazorQueen Blade]Uses:10 11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClip [RazorQueen Tail]Uses:13 14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 16 ShapeTweeningUsed by:23
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 20 ShapeTweeningUsed by:23
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClip [Jukebox Backdrop]Uses:16 17 18 19 20 21 22Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 26 MovieClipUses:25Used by:29
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClipUses:27Used by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClip [Blanket of Goo]Uses:24 26 28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClip [Play Button]Uses:30 31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClip [PreloaderSword]Uses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 136 MovieClipUses:36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135Used by:Timeline
Symbol 137 EditableTextUses:1Used by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClipUses:137Used by:140 160 470 473 1958
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:140
Symbol 140 MovieClipUses:138 139Used by:Timeline
Symbol 141 GraphicUsed by:146
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 143 MovieClipUses:142Used by:146 497 501 1029 1035 1320 1333 1337 1704
Symbol 144 MovieClipUsed by:146 147 149 1364 1366 1381 1387 1396 1398 1401 1408 1450 1461 1483 1510 1524 1602 1655 1657
Symbol 145 MovieClip [Reward Display]Used by:146 1704
Symbol 146 MovieClip [Award Case]Uses:141 143 144 145Used by:415
Symbol 147 MovieClip [Award]Uses:144Used by:415
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:149
Symbol 149 MovieClip [Award Shadow]Uses:148 144Used by:415
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:151
Symbol 151 MovieClip [Medal Bronze]Uses:150Used by:415
Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:153
Symbol 153 MovieClip [Medal Gold]Uses:152Used by:415
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:155
Symbol 155 MovieClip [Medal Silver]Uses:154Used by:415
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:157
Symbol 157 MovieClip [Stopwatch]Uses:156Used by:415
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:159
Symbol 159 MovieClip [Plus Sign]Uses:158Used by:160
Symbol 160 MovieClip [New Award Notice]Uses:138 159Used by:415
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:162
Symbol 162 MovieClip [Decal Missing]Uses:161Used by:415
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 164 MovieClip [Dc First Amalgam]Uses:163Used by:415
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:166
Symbol 166 MovieClip [Dc First Biter]Uses:165Used by:415
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:168
Symbol 168 MovieClip [Dc First Clutter]Uses:167Used by:415
Symbol 169 GraphicUsed by:170
Symbol 170 MovieClip [Dc First Frostie]Uses:169Used by:415
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 172 MovieClip [Dc First Fuzzle]Uses:171Used by:415
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:174
Symbol 174 MovieClip [Dc First Gloople]Uses:173Used by:415
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 176 MovieClip [Dc First Gray]Uses:175Used by:415
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:178
Symbol 178 MovieClip [Dc First Grinder]Uses:177Used by:415
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:180
Symbol 180 MovieClip [Dc First Horror]Uses:179Used by:415
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 182 MovieClip [Dc First Inkie]Uses:181Used by:415
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:184
Symbol 184 MovieClip [Dc First Meltie]Uses:183Used by:415
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:186
Symbol 186 MovieClip [Dc First Oozle]Uses:185Used by:415
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:188
Symbol 188 MovieClip [Dc First Sharp]Uses:187Used by:415
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:190
Symbol 190 MovieClip [Dc First Stickie]Uses:189Used by:415
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Dc First Torchie]Uses:191Used by:415
Symbol 193 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 194 MovieClip [Dc First Void Eater]Uses:193Used by:415
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:196
Symbol 196 MovieClip [Dc x2 Combo]Uses:195Used by:415
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:198
Symbol 198 MovieClip [Dc x3 Combo]Uses:197Used by:415
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:200
Symbol 200 MovieClip [Dc x4 Combo]Uses:199Used by:415
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:202
Symbol 202 MovieClip [Dc x5 Combo]Uses:201Used by:415
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:204
Symbol 204 MovieClip [Dc First Queen]Uses:203Used by:415
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:206
Symbol 206 MovieClip [Dc First Razor Queen]Uses:205Used by:415
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:208
Symbol 208 MovieClip [Dc 20pt Swing]Uses:207Used by:415
Symbol 209 GraphicUsed by:210
Symbol 210 MovieClip [Dc 50pt Swing]Uses:209Used by:415
Symbol 211 GraphicUsed by:212
Symbol 212 MovieClip [Dc 75pt Swing]Uses:211Used by:415
Symbol 213 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 214 MovieClip [Dc 100pt Swing]Uses:213Used by:415
Symbol 215 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 216 MovieClip [Dc 150pt Swing]Uses:215Used by:415
Symbol 217 GraphicUsed by:218
Symbol 218 MovieClip [Dc 200pt Swing]Uses:217Used by:415
Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:220
Symbol 220 MovieClip [Dc 300pt Swing]Uses:219Used by:415
Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 222 MovieClip [Dc Score 100]Uses:221Used by:415
Symbol 223 GraphicUsed by:224
Symbol 224 MovieClip [Dc Score 200]Uses:223Used by:415
Symbol 225 GraphicUsed by:226
Symbol 226 MovieClip [Dc Score 350]Uses:225Used by:415
Symbol 227 GraphicUsed by:228
Symbol 228 MovieClip [Dc Score 500]Uses:227Used by:415
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:230
Symbol 230 MovieClip [Dc Score 750]Uses:229Used by:415
Symbol 231 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 232 MovieClip [Dc Score 1000]Uses:231Used by:415
Symbol 233 GraphicUsed by:234
Symbol 234 MovieClip [Dc Score 1500]Uses:233Used by:415
Symbol 235 GraphicUsed by:236
Symbol 236 MovieClip [Dc Score 2000]Uses:235Used by:415
Symbol 237 GraphicUsed by:238
Symbol 238 MovieClip [Dc Score 3000]Uses:237Used by:415
Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:240
Symbol 240 MovieClip [Dc Score 2500]Uses:239Used by:415
Symbol 241 GraphicUsed by:242
Symbol 242 MovieClip [Dc Clear Short Nest]Uses:241Used by:415
Symbol 243 GraphicUsed by:244
Symbol 244 MovieClip [Dc Clear Normal Nest]Uses:243Used by:415
Symbol 245 GraphicUsed by:246
Symbol 246 MovieClip [Dc Clear Long Nest]Uses:245Used by:415
Symbol 247 GraphicUsed by:248
Symbol 248 MovieClip [Dc x6 Combo]Uses:247Used by:415
Symbol 249 GraphicUsed by:250
Symbol 250 MovieClip [Dc x7 Combo]Uses:249Used by:415
Symbol 251 GraphicUsed by:252
Symbol 252 MovieClip [Dc x8 Combo]Uses:251Used by:415
Symbol 253 GraphicUsed by:254
Symbol 254 MovieClip [Dc Survive 1 min]Uses:253Used by:415
Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:256
Symbol 256 MovieClip [Dc Survive 2 min]Uses:255Used by:415
Symbol 257 GraphicUsed by:258
Symbol 258 MovieClip [Dc Survive 3 min]Uses:257Used by:415
Symbol 259 GraphicUsed by:260
Symbol 260 MovieClip [Dc Survive 4 min]Uses:259Used by:415
Symbol 261 GraphicUsed by:262
Symbol 262 MovieClip [Dc Survive 5 min]Uses:261Used by:415
Symbol 263 GraphicUsed by:264
Symbol 264 MovieClip [Dc Survive 7 min]Uses:263Used by:415
Symbol 265 GraphicUsed by:266
Symbol 266 MovieClip [Dc Survive 10 min]Uses:265Used by:415
Symbol 267 GraphicUsed by:268
Symbol 268 MovieClip [Dc Kill 1000 Glooples]Uses:267Used by:415
Symbol 269 GraphicUsed by:270
Symbol 270 MovieClip [Dc Kill 15 Oozles]Uses:269Used by:415
Symbol 271 GraphicUsed by:272
Symbol 272 MovieClip [Dc Kill 100 Stickies]Uses:271Used by:415
Symbol 273 GraphicUsed by:274
Symbol 274 MovieClip [Dc Kill 50 Clutters]Uses:273Used by:415
Symbol 275 GraphicUsed by:276
Symbol 276 MovieClip [Dc Kill 70 Biters]Uses:275Used by:415
Symbol 277 GraphicUsed by:278
Symbol 278 MovieClip [Dc Kill 50 Melties]Uses:277Used by:415
Symbol 279 GraphicUsed by:280
Symbol 280 MovieClip [Dc Kill 5 Grays]Uses:279Used by:415
Symbol 281 GraphicUsed by:282
Symbol 282 MovieClip [Dc Kill 4 Grinders]Uses:281Used by:415
Symbol 283 GraphicUsed by:284
Symbol 284 MovieClip [Dc Kill 10 Sharps]Uses:283Used by:415
Symbol 285 GraphicUsed by:286
Symbol 286 MovieClip [Dc Kill 20 Fuzzles]Uses:285Used by:415
Symbol 287 GraphicUsed by:288
Symbol 288 MovieClip [Dc Kill 30 Inkies]Uses:287Used by:415
Symbol 289 GraphicUsed by:290
Symbol 290 MovieClip [Dc Kill 6 Frosties]Uses:289Used by:415
Symbol 291 GraphicUsed by:292
Symbol 292 MovieClip [Dc Kill 15 Amalgams]Uses:291Used by:415
Symbol 293 GraphicUsed by:294
Symbol 294 MovieClip [Dc Kill 6 Torchies]Uses:293Used by:415
Symbol 295 GraphicUsed by:296
Symbol 296 MovieClip [Dc Kill 3 Horrors]Uses:295Used by:415
Symbol 297 GraphicUsed by:298
Symbol 298 MovieClip [Dc Kill 3 Void Eaters]Uses:297Used by:415
Symbol 299 GraphicUsed by:300
Symbol 300 MovieClip [Dc Kill 3 Queens]Uses:299Used by:415
Symbol 301 GraphicUsed by:302
Symbol 302 MovieClip [Dc Kill 2 Razor Queens]Uses:301Used by:415
Symbol 303 GraphicUsed by:304
Symbol 304 MovieClip [Dc 5 min Playtime]Uses:303Used by:415
Symbol 305 GraphicUsed by:306
Symbol 306 MovieClip [Dc 10 min Playtime]Uses:305Used by:415
Symbol 307 GraphicUsed by:308
Symbol 308 MovieClip [Dc 20 min Playtime]Uses:307Used by:415
Symbol 309 GraphicUsed by:310
Symbol 310 MovieClip [Dc 30 min Playtime]Uses:309Used by:415
Symbol 311 GraphicUsed by:312
Symbol 312 MovieClip [Dc 45 min Playtime]Uses:311Used by:415
Symbol 313 GraphicUsed by:314
Symbol 314 MovieClip [Dc 60 min Playtime]Uses:313Used by:415
Symbol 315 GraphicUsed by:316
Symbol 316 MovieClip [Dc 90 min Playtime]Uses:315Used by:415
Symbol 317 GraphicUsed by:318
Symbol 318 MovieClip [Dc 50 Deaths]Uses:317Used by:415
Symbol 319 GraphicUsed by:320
Symbol 320 MovieClip [Dc 100 Deaths]Uses:319Used by:415
Symbol 321 GraphicUsed by:322
Symbol 322 MovieClip [Dc Died 5 Ways]Uses:321Used by:415
Symbol 323 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 324 MovieClip [Dc Died 10 Ways]Uses:323Used by:415
Symbol 325 GraphicUsed by:326
Symbol 326 MovieClip [Dc Died 15 Ways]Uses:325Used by:415
Symbol 327 GraphicUsed by:328
Symbol 328 MovieClip [Dc 10 Deaths]Uses:327Used by:415
Symbol 329 GraphicUsed by:330
Symbol 330 MovieClip [Dc 25 Deaths]Uses:329Used by:415
Symbol 331 GraphicUsed by:332
Symbol 332 MovieClip [Dc 2 minute Pause]Uses:331Used by:415
Symbol 333 GraphicUsed by:334
Symbol 334 MovieClip [Dc 30 Bumps]Uses:333Used by:415
Symbol 335 GraphicUsed by:336
Symbol 336 MovieClip [Dc Blind Kill]Uses:335Used by:415
Symbol 337 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 338 MovieClip [Dc Survive Blackout]Uses:337Used by:415
Symbol 339 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 340 MovieClip [Dc Survive Fire]Uses:339Used by:415
Symbol 341 GraphicUsed by:342
Symbol 342 MovieClip [Dc Survive Ice]Uses:341Used by:415
Symbol 343 GraphicUsed by:344
Symbol 344 MovieClip [Dc Survive Explosion]Uses:343Used by:415
Symbol 345 GraphicUsed by:346
Symbol 346 MovieClip [Ribbon Career]Uses:345Used by:415
Symbol 347 GraphicUsed by:348
Symbol 348 MovieClip [Ribbon Combo]Uses:347Used by:415
Symbol 349 GraphicUsed by:350
Symbol 350 MovieClip [Ribbon Deaths]Uses:349Used by:415
Symbol 351 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 352 MovieClip [Ribbon First]Uses:351Used by:415
Symbol 353 GraphicUsed by:354
Symbol 354 MovieClip [Ribbon Points]Uses:353Used by:415
Symbol 355 GraphicUsed by:356
Symbol 356 MovieClip [Ribbon Score]Uses:355Used by:415
Symbol 357 GraphicUsed by:358
Symbol 358 MovieClip [Ribbon Survival]Uses:357Used by:415
Symbol 359 GraphicUsed by:360
Symbol 360 MovieClip [Ribbon Time]Uses:359Used by:415
Symbol 361 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 362 MovieClip [Ribbon Clear]Uses:361Used by:415
Symbol 363 GraphicUsed by:364
Symbol 364 MovieClip [Dc 50 Sparks]Uses:363Used by:415
Symbol 365 GraphicUsed by:366
Symbol 366 MovieClip [Dc Bogged by Clutters]Uses:365Used by:415
Symbol 367 GraphicUsed by:368
Symbol 368 MovieClip [Dc Clutter at Finish]Uses:367Used by:415
Symbol 369 GraphicUsed by:370
Symbol 370 MovieClip [Dc Fling Sharp]Uses:369Used by:415
Symbol 371 GraphicUsed by:372
Symbol 372 MovieClip [Dc Jackpot]Uses:371Used by:415
Symbol 373 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 374 MovieClip [Dc Stuck 1 Minute]Uses:373Used by:415
Symbol 375 GraphicUsed by:376
Symbol 376 MovieClip [Dc Next Song 5 Times]Uses:375Used by:415
Symbol 377 GraphicUsed by:378
Symbol 378 MovieClip [Ribbon Hazard]Uses:377Used by:415
Symbol 379 GraphicUsed by:380
Symbol 380 MovieClip [Ribbon Heart]Uses:379Used by:415
Symbol 381 GraphicUsed by:382
Symbol 382 MovieClip [Ribbon Lucky]Uses:381Used by:415
Symbol 383 GraphicUsed by:384
Symbol 384 MovieClip [Ribbon Skill]Uses:383Used by:415
Symbol 385 GraphicUsed by:386
Symbol 386 MovieClip [Dc Sharp as Weapon]Uses:385Used by:415
Symbol 387 GraphicUsed by:388
Symbol 388 MovieClip [Dc Practice 10 min]Uses:387Used by:415
Symbol 389 GraphicUsed by:390
Symbol 390 MovieClip [Dc Smother 10 Fires]Uses:389Used by:415
Symbol 391 GraphicUsed by:392
Symbol 392 MovieClip [Dc Shave Fuzzle 3 Times]Uses:391Used by:415
Symbol 393 GraphicUsed by:394
Symbol 394 MovieClip [Dc Push Clutter]Uses:393Used by:415
Symbol 395 GraphicUsed by:396
Symbol 396 MovieClip [Dc Ambush]Uses:395Used by:415
Symbol 397 GraphicUsed by:398
Symbol 398 MovieClip [Dc 5 Queen Misses]Uses:397Used by:415
Symbol 399 GraphicUsed by:400
Symbol 400 MovieClip [Dc 10 Straight Combos]Uses:399Used by:415
Symbol 401 ShapeTweeningUsed by:404
Symbol 402 ShapeTweeningUsed by:404
Symbol 403 GraphicUsed by:404
Symbol 404 MovieClip [Award Glow]Uses:401 402 403Used by:415
Symbol 405 GraphicUsed by:406
Symbol 406 MovieClip [Dc 4 Color Splats]Uses:405Used by:415
Symbol 407 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 408 MovieClip [Dc Splat a Glom]Uses:407Used by:415
Symbol 409 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 410 MovieClip [Dc Perfect Run]Uses:409Used by:415
Symbol 411 GraphicUsed by:412
Symbol 412 MovieClip [Dc 30 Secs Without Swinging]Uses:411Used by:415
Symbol 413 GraphicUsed by:414
Symbol 414 MovieClip [Award Info Plate]Uses:413Used by:415
Symbol 415 MovieClip [Award Exporter]Uses:146 147 149 151 153 155 157 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 188 190 192 194 196 198 200 202 204 206 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 294 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 320 322 324 326 328 330 332 334 336 338 340 342 344 346 348 350 352 354 356 358 360 362 364 366 368 370 372 374 376 378 380 382 384 386 388 390 392 394 396 398 400 404 406 408 410 412 414Used by:Timeline
Symbol 416 GraphicUsed by:417
Symbol 417 MovieClip [Backdrop1]Uses:416Used by:Timeline
Symbol 418 GraphicUsed by:419
Symbol 419 MovieClip [Backdrop2]Uses:418Used by:Timeline
Symbol 420 GraphicUsed by:421
Symbol 421 MovieClip [Backdrop3]Uses:420Used by:Timeline
Symbol 422 GraphicUsed by:423
Symbol 423 MovieClip [Backdrop4]Uses:422Used by:Timeline
Symbol 424 GraphicUsed by:425
Symbol 425 MovieClip [Backdrop5]Uses:424Used by:Timeline
Symbol 426 GraphicUsed by:427
Symbol 427 MovieClip [Backdrop6]Uses:426Used by:Timeline
Symbol 428 GraphicUsed by:429
Symbol 429 MovieClip [Backdrop7]Uses:428Used by:Timeline
Symbol 430 GraphicUsed by:431
Symbol 431 MovieClip [Backdrop8]Uses:430Used by:Timeline
Symbol 432 GraphicUsed by:433
Symbol 433 MovieClip [Backdrop9]Uses:432Used by:Timeline
Symbol 434 GraphicUsed by:435
Symbol 435 MovieClip [Click to Exit]Uses:434Used by:Timeline
Symbol 436 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 437 TextUses:1Used by:451
Symbol 438 EditableTextUses:1Used by:439
Symbol 439 MovieClipUses:438Used by:451
Symbol 440 GraphicUsed by:442
Symbol 441 GraphicUsed by:442
Symbol 442 MovieClipUses:440 441Used by:451
Symbol 443 GraphicUsed by:445
Symbol 444 GraphicUsed by:445
Symbol 445 MovieClipUses:443 444Used by:451
Symbol 446 GraphicUsed by:450
Symbol 447 GraphicUsed by:450
Symbol 448 GraphicUsed by:450
Symbol 449 GraphicUsed by:450
Symbol 450 MovieClip [Rematch Button]Uses:446 447 448 449Used by:451
Symbol 451 MovieClip [Death Popup]Uses:436 437 439 442 445 450Used by:Timeline
Symbol 452 GraphicUsed by:460
Symbol 453 GraphicUsed by:460
Symbol 454 GraphicUsed by:460
Symbol 455 GraphicUsed by:460
Symbol 456 GraphicUsed by:460
Symbol 457 GraphicUsed by:460
Symbol 458 GraphicUsed by:460
Symbol 459 GraphicUsed by:460
Symbol 460 MovieClip [FireworkVis]Uses:452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459Used by:461
Symbol 461 MovieClip [Firework]Uses:460Used by:Timeline
Symbol 462 GraphicUsed by:463
Symbol 463 MovieClipUses:462Used by:464
Symbol 464 MovieClipUses:463Used by:467
Symbol 465 EditableTextUses:1Used by:466
Symbol 466 MovieClipUses:465Used by:467
Symbol 467 MovieClip [Jukebox Display]Uses:464 466Used by:Timeline
Symbol 468 TextUses:1Used by:470
Symbol 469 TextUses:1Used by:470
Symbol 470 MovieClip [Nest Clear Bonus]Uses:468 138 469Used by:Timeline
Symbol 471 FontUsed by:472 499 1953
Symbol 472 TextUses:471Used by:473
Symbol 473 MovieClip [Nest Counter]Uses:472 138Used by:Timeline
Symbol 474 TextUses:1Used by:476
Symbol 475 TextUses:1Used by:476
Symbol 476 MovieClip [New High Score Text]Uses:474 475Used by:477
Symbol 477 MovieClip [New High Score!]Uses:476Used by:Timeline
Symbol 478 ShapeTweeningUsed by:481
Symbol 479 ShapeTweeningUsed by:481
Symbol 480 GraphicUsed by:481
Symbol 481 MovieClipUses:478 479 480Used by:482
Symbol 482 MovieClip [New Weapon Unlocked!]Uses:481Used by:Timeline
Symbol 483 GraphicUsed by:484
Symbol 484 MovieClip [SparkleVis]Uses:483Used by:485
Symbol 485 MovieClip [Sparkle]Uses:484Used by:Timeline
Symbol 486 GraphicUsed by:487
Symbol 487 MovieClip [To Exit Practice]Uses:486Used by:Timeline
Symbol 488 GraphicUsed by:497 1035 1320 1333
Symbol 489 TextUses:1Used by:497
Symbol 490 ShapeTweeningUsed by:496
Symbol 491 GraphicUsed by:496 510 534 549 553 602 610 730 737 768 776 789 797 803 807 864 872 882 1009
Symbol 492 TextUses:1Used by:496
Symbol 493 ShapeTweeningUsed by:496
Symbol 494 GraphicUsed by:496
Symbol 495 GraphicUsed by:496
Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]Uses:490 491 492 493 494 495Used by:497 1035
Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate]Uses:488 489 143 496Used by:Timeline
Symbol 498 GraphicUsed by:501
Symbol 499 EditableTextUses:471Used by:500
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Data Display]Uses:499Used by:501
Symbol 501 MovieClip [Data Panel]Uses:498 143 500Used by:Timeline
Symbol 502 ShapeTweeningUsed by:508
Symbol 503 ShapeTweeningUsed by:508
Symbol 504 ShapeTweeningUsed by:508
Symbol 505 ShapeTweeningUsed by:508
Symbol 506 ShapeTweeningUsed by:508
Symbol 507 GraphicUsed by:508
Symbol 508 MovieClipUses:502 503 504 505 506 507Used by:510  Timeline
Symbol 509 TextUses:1Used by:510
Symbol 510 MovieClip [Info Amalgam]Uses:491 508 509Used by:Timeline
Symbol 511 ShapeTweeningUsed by:532
Symbol 512 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 513 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 514 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 515 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 516 ShapeTweeningUsed by:532
Symbol 517 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 518 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 519 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 520 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 521 ShapeTweeningUsed by:532
Symbol 522 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 523 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 524 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 525 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 526 ShapeTweeningUsed by:532
Symbol 527 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 528 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 529 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 530 GraphicUsed by:532
Symbol 531 GraphicUsed by:532 2732
Symbol 532 MovieClipUses:511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531Used by:534  Timeline
Symbol 533 TextUses:1Used by:534
Symbol 534 MovieClip [Info Biter]Uses:491 532 533Used by:Timeline
Symbol 535 ShapeTweeningUsed by:547
Symbol 536 ShapeTweeningUsed by:547
Symbol 537 ShapeTweeningUsed by:547
Symbol 538 ShapeTweeningUsed by:547
Symbol 539 ShapeTweeningUsed by:547
Symbol 540 ShapeTweeningUsed by:547
Symbol 541 ShapeTweeningUsed by:547
Symbol 542 ShapeTweeningUsed by:547
Symbol 543 ShapeTweeningUsed by:547
Symbol 544 ShapeTweeningUsed by:547
Symbol 545 ShapeTweeningUsed by:547
Symbol 546 GraphicUsed by:547
Symbol 547 MovieClipUses:535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546Used by:549  Timeline
Symbol 548 TextUses:1Used by:549
Symbol 549 MovieClip [Info Clutter]Uses:491 547 548Used by:Timeline
Symbol 550 GraphicUsed by:551
Symbol 551 MovieClipUses:550Used by:553  Timeline
Symbol 552 TextUses:1Used by:553
Symbol 553 MovieClip [Info Frostie]Uses:491 551 552Used by:Timeline
Symbol 554 GraphicUsed by:600 2259
Symbol 555 ShapeTweeningUsed by:600
Symbol 556 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 557 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 558 ShapeTweeningUsed by:600
Symbol 559 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 560 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 561 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 562 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 563 ShapeTweeningUsed by:600
Symbol 564 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 565 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 566 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 567 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 568 ShapeTweeningUsed by:600
Symbol 569 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 570 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 571 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 572 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 573 ShapeTweeningUsed by:600
Symbol 574 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 575 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 576 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 577 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 578 ShapeTweeningUsed by:600
Symbol 579 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 580 GraphicUsed by:600 2162 2259
Symbol 581 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 582 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 583 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 584 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 585 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 586 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 587 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 588 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 589 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 590 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 591 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 592 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 593 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 594 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 595 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 596 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 597 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 598 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 599 GraphicUsed by:600
Symbol 600 MovieClipUses:554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599Used by:602  Timeline
Symbol 601 TextUses:1Used by:602
Symbol 602 MovieClip [Info Fuzzle]Uses:491 600 601Used by:Timeline
Symbol 603 ShapeTweeningUsed by:608
Symbol 604 ShapeTweeningUsed by:608
Symbol 605 ShapeTweeningUsed by:608
Symbol 606 ShapeTweeningUsed by:608
Symbol 607 GraphicUsed by:608
Symbol 608 MovieClipUses:603 604 605 606 607Used by:610  Timeline
Symbol 609 TextUses:1Used by:610
Symbol 610 MovieClip [Info Gloople]Uses:491 608 609Used by:Timeline
Symbol 611 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 612 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 613 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 614 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 615 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 616 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 617 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 618 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 619 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 620 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 621 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 622 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 623 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 624 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 625 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 626 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 627 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 628 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 629 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 630 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 631 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 632 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 633 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 634 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 635 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 636 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 637 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 638 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 639 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 640 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 641 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 642 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 643 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 644 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 645 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 646 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 647 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 648 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 649 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 650 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 651 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 652 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 653 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 654 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 655 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 656 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 657 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 658 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 659 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 660 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 661 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 662 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 663 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 664 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 665 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 666 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 667 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 668 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 669 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 670 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 671 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 672 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 673 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 674 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 675 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 676 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 677 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 678 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 679 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 680 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 681 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 682 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 683 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 684 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 685 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 686 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 687 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 688 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 689 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 690 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 691 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 692 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 693 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 694 ShapeTweeningUsed by:728
Symbol 695 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 696 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 697 ShapeTweeningUsed by:728
Symbol 698 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 699 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 700 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 701 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 702 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 703 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 704 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 705 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 706 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 707 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 708 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 709 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 710 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 711 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 712 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 713 GraphicUsed by:728
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Symbol 717 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 718 ShapeTweeningUsed by:728
Symbol 719 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 720 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 721 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 722 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 723 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 724 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 725 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 726 GraphicUsed by:728
Symbol 727 GraphicUsed by:728
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Symbol 734 GraphicUsed by:735
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Symbol 744 GraphicUsed by:766
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Symbol 755 ShapeTweeningUsed by:766
Symbol 756 ShapeTweeningUsed by:766
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Symbol 784 GraphicUsed by:787
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Symbol 787 MovieClipUses:777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786Used by:789  Timeline
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Symbol 792 ShapeTweeningUsed by:795
Symbol 793 ShapeTweeningUsed by:795
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Symbol 795 MovieClipUses:790 791 792 793 794Used by:797  Timeline
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Symbol 810 ShapeTweeningUsed by:863
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Symbol 814 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 815 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 816 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 817 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 818 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 819 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 820 GraphicUsed by:863
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Symbol 822 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 823 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 824 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 825 GraphicUsed by:863
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Symbol 827 GraphicUsed by:863 2793
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Symbol 830 GraphicUsed by:863 2793
Symbol 831 GraphicUsed by:863 2793
Symbol 832 GraphicUsed by:863 2793
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Symbol 835 GraphicUsed by:863 2793
Symbol 836 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 837 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 838 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 839 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 840 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 841 GraphicUsed by:863
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Symbol 843 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 844 GraphicUsed by:863
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Symbol 853 GraphicUsed by:863
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Symbol 856 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 857 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 858 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 859 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 860 GraphicUsed by:863
Symbol 861 GraphicUsed by:863
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Symbol 867 ShapeTweeningUsed by:870
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Symbol 885 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 887 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 889 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 890 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 891 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 892 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 893 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 894 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 895 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 896 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 898 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 899 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 903 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 919 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 923 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 929 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 932 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 933 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 934 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 935 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 936 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 937 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 938 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 939 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 941 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 942 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 943 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 944 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 945 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 948 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 949 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 953 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 954 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 955 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 956 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 957 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 958 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 959 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 960 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 961 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 962 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 966 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 967 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 974 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 975 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 977 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 979 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 980 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 981 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 982 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 983 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 984 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 985 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 986 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 987 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 988 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 989 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 990 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 991 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 992 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 993 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 994 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 995 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 996 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 997 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 1003 GraphicUsed by:1006
Symbol 1004 GraphicUsed by:1006
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Symbol 1021 TextUses:1Used by:1029
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Symbol 1031 TextUses:1Used by:1035
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Symbol 1040 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1042
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Symbol 1044 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1046
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Symbol 1047 MovieClip [Weapon Select]Uses:1038 1042 1046Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 1049 Sound [As We May Think]Used by:1060
Symbol 1050 Sound [Biomythos]Used by:1060
Symbol 1051 Sound [City Lights at Night]Used by:1060
Symbol 1052 Sound [Double the Daily Dose]Used by:1060
Symbol 1053 Sound [Effects of Elevation]Used by:1060
Symbol 1054 Sound [Habitual Ritual]Used by:1060
Symbol 1055 Sound [Invisible Walls]Used by:1060
Symbol 1056 Sound [Mind Mapping]Used by:1060
Symbol 1057 Sound [Obscure Terrain]Used by:1060
Symbol 1058 Sound [Ventus Solaris]Used by:1060
Symbol 1059 Sound [Weekend Amnesia]Used by:1060
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Symbol 1063 Sound [BiterGrowl2]Used by:1129
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Symbol 1066 Sound [Cheers]Used by:1129
Symbol 1067 Sound [Clang]Used by:1129
Symbol 1068 Sound [Disintigrate]Used by:1129
Symbol 1069 Sound [Explode]Used by:1129
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Symbol 1071 Sound [Firework2]Used by:1129
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Symbol 1075 Sound [FuzzGrowl]Used by:1129
Symbol 1076 Sound [FuzzBite2]Used by:1129
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Symbol 1078 Sound [Goo]Used by:1129
Symbol 1079 Sound [GrayRetract]Used by:1129
Symbol 1080 Sound [GraySnap]Used by:1129
Symbol 1081 Sound [GraySpear]Used by:1129
Symbol 1082 Sound [Grind]Used by:1129
Symbol 1083 Sound [GrinderHurt]Used by:1129
Symbol 1084 Sound [GrinderKill]Used by:1129
Symbol 1085 Sound [GrindRumble]Used by:1129
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Symbol 1087 Sound [HorrorAmb]Used by:1129
Symbol 1088 Sound [HorrorDisk]Used by:1129
Symbol 1089 Sound [HorrorHooks]Used by:1129
Symbol 1090 Sound [HorrorKill]Used by:1129
Symbol 1091 Sound [HorrorSplit]Used by:1129
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Symbol 1093 Sound [Icebreak2]Used by:1129
Symbol 1094 Sound [Icebreak3]Used by:1129
Symbol 1095 Sound [Kaching]Used by:1129
Symbol 1096 Sound [LarvaCrunch]Used by:1129
Symbol 1097 Sound [LarvaSpawn]Used by:1129
Symbol 1098 Sound [LilSplat]Used by:1129
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Symbol 1102 Sound [Pop]Used by:1129
Symbol 1103 Sound [QueenHatch]Used by:1129
Symbol 1104 Sound [Rend]Used by:1129
Symbol 1105 Sound [SharpsIn]Used by:1129
Symbol 1106 Sound [SharpsOut]Used by:1129
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Symbol 1108 Sound [Slice]Used by:1129
Symbol 1109 Sound [Spit]Used by:1129
Symbol 1110 Sound [Splash]Used by:1129
Symbol 1111 Sound [Splat]Used by:1129
Symbol 1112 Sound [Swing]Used by:1129
Symbol 1113 Sound [Victory!]Used by:1129
Symbol 1114 Sound [VoidBeam]Used by:1129
Symbol 1115 Sound [VoidCharge]Used by:1129
Symbol 1116 Sound [VoidField]Used by:1129
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Symbol 1122 Sound [Mite Jump]Used by:1129
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Symbol 1135 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
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Symbol 1137 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1138 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1139 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
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Symbol 1141 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1142 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1143 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1144 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1145 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1146 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1147 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1148 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1149 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
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Symbol 1152 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1153 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1154 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1155 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1156 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1157 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
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Symbol 1162 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1163 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1164 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1165 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1166 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
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Symbol 1169 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
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Symbol 1172 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
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Symbol 1175 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
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Symbol 1182 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
Symbol 1183 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1198
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Symbol 1204 GraphicUsed by:1221
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Symbol 1214 GraphicUsed by:1221
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Symbol 1217 GraphicUsed by:1221
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Symbol 1238 GraphicUsed by:1249
Symbol 1239 GraphicUsed by:1249
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Symbol 1244 GraphicUsed by:1249
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Symbol 1252 GraphicUsed by:1263
Symbol 1253 GraphicUsed by:1263
Symbol 1254 GraphicUsed by:1263
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Symbol 1256 GraphicUsed by:1263
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Symbol 1258 GraphicUsed by:1263
Symbol 1259 GraphicUsed by:1263
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Symbol 1275 GraphicUsed by:1276
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Symbol 1278 GraphicUsed by:1279
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Symbol 1282 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1286
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Symbol 1284 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1286
Symbol 1285 GraphicUsed by:1286
Symbol 1286 MovieClipUses:1267 1268 1271 1273 1276 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285Used by:1291  Timeline
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Symbol 1294 GraphicUsed by:1308
Symbol 1295 GraphicUsed by:1308
Symbol 1296 GraphicUsed by:1308
Symbol 1297 GraphicUsed by:1308
Symbol 1298 GraphicUsed by:1308
Symbol 1299 GraphicUsed by:1308
Symbol 1300 GraphicUsed by:1308
Symbol 1301 GraphicUsed by:1308
Symbol 1302 GraphicUsed by:1308
Symbol 1303 GraphicUsed by:1308
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Symbol 1312 GraphicUsed by:1313
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Symbol 1314 GraphicUsed by:1320
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Symbol 1316 TextUses:1Used by:1320
Symbol 1317 TextUses:1Used by:1320
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Symbol 1325 MovieClip [Pause Blanket]Uses:1321 1323 1324Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 1328 GraphicUsed by:1329
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Symbol 1342 GraphicUsed by:1343
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Symbol 1345 GraphicUsed by:1346
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Symbol 1348 GraphicUsed by:1349
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Symbol 1352 GraphicUsed by:1354
Symbol 1353 GraphicUsed by:1354
Symbol 1354 MovieClip [Slow Ramp Button]Uses:1352 1353Used by:1361
Symbol 1355 GraphicUsed by:1357
Symbol 1356 GraphicUsed by:1357
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Symbol 1358 GraphicUsed by:1360
Symbol 1359 GraphicUsed by:1360
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Symbol 1361 MovieClip [Difficulty Ramp Selector]Uses:1339 1351 1354 1357 1360Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1362 GraphicUsed by:1364
Symbol 1363 GraphicUsed by:1364
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Symbol 1365 GraphicUsed by:1366
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Symbol 1367 GraphicUsed by:1370 1438 1441
Symbol 1368 GraphicUsed by:1370
Symbol 1369 GraphicUsed by:1370
Symbol 1370 MovieClip [SetLight A]Uses:1367 1368 1369Used by:1829
Symbol 1371 GraphicUsed by:1375
Symbol 1372 GraphicUsed by:1375
Symbol 1373 GraphicUsed by:1374
Symbol 1374 MovieClipUses:1373Used by:1375
Symbol 1375 MovieClip [Charge Gauge]Uses:1371 1372 1374Used by:1829
Symbol 1376 GraphicUsed by:1379
Symbol 1377 GraphicUsed by:1379
Symbol 1378 GraphicUsed by:1379
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Symbol 1380 GraphicUsed by:1381
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Symbol 1382 GraphicUsed by:1385
Symbol 1383 GraphicUsed by:1385
Symbol 1384 GraphicUsed by:1385
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Symbol 1386 GraphicUsed by:1387
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Symbol 1388 GraphicUsed by:1391
Symbol 1389 GraphicUsed by:1391
Symbol 1390 GraphicUsed by:1391
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Symbol 1392 GraphicUsed by:1396
Symbol 1393 GraphicUsed by:1396
Symbol 1394 GraphicUsed by:1396
Symbol 1395 GraphicUsed by:1396
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Symbol 1397 GraphicUsed by:1398
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Symbol 1400 GraphicUsed by:1401
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Symbol 1402 GraphicUsed by:1405
Symbol 1403 GraphicUsed by:1405
Symbol 1404 GraphicUsed by:1405
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Symbol 1407 GraphicUsed by:1408
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Symbol 1410 GraphicUsed by:1435
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Symbol 1412 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1413 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1414 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1415 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1416 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1417 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1418 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1419 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1420 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1421 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1422 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1423 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1424 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1425 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1426 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1427 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1428 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1429 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1430 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1431 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1432 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1433 GraphicUsed by:1435
Symbol 1434 GraphicUsed by:1435
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Symbol 1436 GraphicUsed by:1438
Symbol 1437 GraphicUsed by:1438
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Symbol 1439 GraphicUsed by:1441
Symbol 1440 GraphicUsed by:1441
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Symbol 1442 GraphicUsed by:1445
Symbol 1443 GraphicUsed by:1445
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Symbol 1446 GraphicUsed by:1450
Symbol 1447 GraphicUsed by:1450
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Symbol 1467 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1473
Symbol 1468 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1473
Symbol 1469 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1473
Symbol 1470 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1473
Symbol 1471 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1473
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Symbol 1473 MovieClipUses:1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472Used by:1483
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Symbol 1476 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1482
Symbol 1477 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1482
Symbol 1478 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1482
Symbol 1479 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1482
Symbol 1480 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1482
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Symbol 1485 GraphicUsed by:1487
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Symbol 1488 GraphicUsed by:1491
Symbol 1489 GraphicUsed by:1491
Symbol 1490 GraphicUsed by:1491
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Symbol 1492 GraphicUsed by:1497
Symbol 1493 GraphicUsed by:1497
Symbol 1494 GraphicUsed by:1497
Symbol 1495 GraphicUsed by:1497
Symbol 1496 GraphicUsed by:1497
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Symbol 1502 GraphicUsed by:1503
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Symbol 1505 GraphicUsed by:1507
Symbol 1506 GraphicUsed by:1507
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Symbol 1508 GraphicUsed by:1510
Symbol 1509 GraphicUsed by:1510
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Symbol 1511 GraphicUsed by:1517
Symbol 1512 GraphicUsed by:1517
Symbol 1513 GraphicUsed by:1517
Symbol 1514 GraphicUsed by:1517
Symbol 1515 GraphicUsed by:1517
Symbol 1516 GraphicUsed by:1517
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Symbol 1519 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1522
Symbol 1520 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1522
Symbol 1521 GraphicUsed by:1522
Symbol 1522 MovieClip [Mason Wall]Uses:1270 1518 1519 1520 1521Used by:1829
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Symbol 1525 GraphicUsed by:1528
Symbol 1526 GraphicUsed by:1528
Symbol 1527 GraphicUsed by:1528
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Symbol 1533 GraphicUsed by:1538
Symbol 1534 GraphicUsed by:1538
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Symbol 1536 GraphicUsed by:1538
Symbol 1537 GraphicUsed by:1538
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Symbol 1540 GraphicUsed by:1552
Symbol 1541 GraphicUsed by:1552
Symbol 1542 GraphicUsed by:1552
Symbol 1543 GraphicUsed by:1552
Symbol 1544 GraphicUsed by:1552
Symbol 1545 GraphicUsed by:1552
Symbol 1546 GraphicUsed by:1552
Symbol 1547 GraphicUsed by:1552
Symbol 1548 GraphicUsed by:1552
Symbol 1549 GraphicUsed by:1552
Symbol 1550 GraphicUsed by:1552
Symbol 1551 GraphicUsed by:1552
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Symbol 1554 GraphicUsed by:1556
Symbol 1555 GraphicUsed by:1556
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Symbol 1557 GraphicUsed by:1562
Symbol 1558 GraphicUsed by:1562
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Symbol 1560 GraphicUsed by:1562
Symbol 1561 GraphicUsed by:1562
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Symbol 1564 GraphicUsed by:1568
Symbol 1565 GraphicUsed by:1568
Symbol 1566 GraphicUsed by:1568
Symbol 1567 GraphicUsed by:1568
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Symbol 1570 GraphicUsed by:1571
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Symbol 1572 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1602
Symbol 1573 GraphicUsed by:1574
Symbol 1574 MovieClipUses:1573Used by:1601 1602
Symbol 1575 GraphicUsed by:1602
Symbol 1576 GraphicUsed by:1577
Symbol 1577 MovieClipUses:1576Used by:1601 1602
Symbol 1578 GraphicUsed by:1579
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Symbol 1580 GraphicUsed by:1581
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Symbol 1582 GraphicUsed by:1583
Symbol 1583 MovieClip [Box Foot B]Uses:1582Used by:1602
Symbol 1584 GraphicUsed by:1585
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Symbol 1586 GraphicUsed by:1601 1602
Symbol 1587 GraphicUsed by:1588
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Symbol 1590 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1602
Symbol 1591 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1602
Symbol 1592 GraphicUsed by:1601 1602
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Symbol 1596 GraphicUsed by:1601
Symbol 1597 GraphicUsed by:1598
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Symbol 1599 GraphicUsed by:1601
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Symbol 1604 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1606
Symbol 1605 GraphicUsed by:1606
Symbol 1606 MovieClip [LED]Uses:1603 1604 1605Used by:1829
Symbol 1607 GraphicUsed by:1610
Symbol 1608 GraphicUsed by:1610
Symbol 1609 GraphicUsed by:1610
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Symbol 1611 MovieClip [Box Bullet]Uses:1270Used by:1829
Symbol 1612 GraphicUsed by:1616
Symbol 1613 GraphicUsed by:1616
Symbol 1614 GraphicUsed by:1616
Symbol 1615 GraphicUsed by:1616
Symbol 1616 MovieClip [Bullet Trace]Uses:1612 1613 1614 1615Used by:1829
Symbol 1617 GraphicUsed by:1622
Symbol 1618 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1622
Symbol 1619 GraphicUsed by:1622
Symbol 1620 GraphicUsed by:1622
Symbol 1621 GraphicUsed by:1622
Symbol 1622 MovieClip [Muzzle Flare]Uses:1617 1618 1619 1620 1621Used by:1829
Symbol 1623 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1637
Symbol 1624 GraphicUsed by:1625
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Symbol 1626 GraphicUsed by:1627
Symbol 1627 MovieClipUses:1626Used by:1637
Symbol 1628 GraphicUsed by:1637
Symbol 1629 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1637
Symbol 1630 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1637
Symbol 1631 GraphicUsed by:1637
Symbol 1632 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1637
Symbol 1633 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1637
Symbol 1634 GraphicUsed by:1635
Symbol 1635 MovieClipUses:1634Used by:1637
Symbol 1636 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1637
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Symbol 1639 GraphicUsed by:1643
Symbol 1640 GraphicUsed by:1643
Symbol 1641 GraphicUsed by:1643
Symbol 1642 GraphicUsed by:1643
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Symbol 1645 GraphicUsed by:1647
Symbol 1646 GraphicUsed by:1647
Symbol 1647 MovieClip [Reward Icon Drone]Uses:1644 1645 1646Used by:1829
Symbol 1648 GraphicUsed by:1649 1682
Symbol 1649 MovieClip [Drone Blade]Uses:1648Used by:1652 1655
Symbol 1650 GraphicUsed by:1651
Symbol 1651 MovieClip [Drone Hat]Uses:1650Used by:1655
Symbol 1652 MovieClip [Drone Array]Uses:1649Used by:1655
Symbol 1653 GraphicUsed by:1654
Symbol 1654 MovieClip [Drone Disk]Uses:1653Used by:1655
Symbol 1655 MovieClip [Buzz Drone]Uses:144 1649 1651 1652 1654Used by:1829
Symbol 1656 GraphicUsed by:1657
Symbol 1657 MovieClip [Drone Crash]Uses:144 1656Used by:1829
Symbol 1658 GraphicUsed by:1680
Symbol 1659 GraphicUsed by:1660 1680 2496
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Symbol 1661 GraphicUsed by:1662 1680 2259 2262 2496 3337
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Symbol 1663 GraphicUsed by:1664 1680 2259 2496 3337
Symbol 1664 MovieClip [DudeHead]Uses:1663Used by:1680
Symbol 1665 GraphicUsed by:1680
Symbol 1666 GraphicUsed by:1680
Symbol 1667 GraphicUsed by:1680
Symbol 1668 GraphicUsed by:1680
Symbol 1669 GraphicUsed by:1680
Symbol 1670 GraphicUsed by:1680
Symbol 1671 GraphicUsed by:1680
Symbol 1672 GraphicUsed by:1680
Symbol 1673 GraphicUsed by:1680
Symbol 1674 GraphicUsed by:1675
Symbol 1675 MovieClipUses:1674Used by:1680
Symbol 1676 GraphicUsed by:1680
Symbol 1677 GraphicUsed by:1680
Symbol 1678 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1680
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Symbol 1682 MovieClip [Loose Blade]Uses:1270 1648 1681Used by:1829
Symbol 1683 GraphicUsed by:1686
Symbol 1684 GraphicUsed by:1686
Symbol 1685 GraphicUsed by:1686
Symbol 1686 MovieClip [Reward Icon Glaive]Uses:1683 1684 1685Used by:1829
Symbol 1687 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1690
Symbol 1688 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1690
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Symbol 1690 MovieClip [Arc]Uses:1687 1688 1689Used by:1829
Symbol 1691 GraphicUsed by:1692
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Symbol 1693 GraphicUsed by:1704
Symbol 1694 GraphicUsed by:1695
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Symbol 1696 GraphicUsed by:1697
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Symbol 1698 GraphicUsed by:1699
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Symbol 1700 GraphicUsed by:1703
Symbol 1701 GraphicUsed by:1703
Symbol 1702 GraphicUsed by:1703
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Symbol 1706 GraphicUsed by:1707
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Symbol 1708 GraphicUsed by:1710
Symbol 1709 GraphicUsed by:1710
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Symbol 1711 GraphicUsed by:1712
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Symbol 1713 GraphicUsed by:1714
Symbol 1714 MovieClip [Reward Key Razor]Uses:1713 1270Used by:1829
Symbol 1715 GraphicUsed by:1718
Symbol 1716 GraphicUsed by:1718
Symbol 1717 GraphicUsed by:1718
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Symbol 1719 GraphicUsed by:1720
Symbol 1720 MovieClip [New Reward Key Notice]Uses:1719 1270Used by:1829
Symbol 1721 GraphicUsed by:1722
Symbol 1722 MovieClip [Slot S Notice]Uses:1721 1270Used by:1829
Symbol 1723 GraphicUsed by:1724
Symbol 1724 MovieClip [Slot D Notice]Uses:1723 1270Used by:1829
Symbol 1725 GraphicUsed by:1726
Symbol 1726 MovieClip [New Special Key Notice]Uses:1725 1270Used by:1829
Symbol 1727 Sound [Arc1]Used by:1789
Symbol 1728 Sound [Armor Bump]Used by:1789
Symbol 1729 Sound [Armor Explode]Used by:1789
Symbol 1730 Sound [Box Deploy 4]Used by:1789
Symbol 1731 Sound [Box Gun Cock 2]Used by:1789
Symbol 1732 Sound [Brass1]Used by:1789
Symbol 1733 Sound [Brass2]Used by:1789
Symbol 1734 Sound [Brass3]Used by:1789
Symbol 1735 Sound [Drone Buzz Amb 1]Used by:1789
Symbol 1736 Sound [Toss Noise]Used by:1789
Symbol 1737 Sound [Lure Hiss 3]Used by:1789
Symbol 1738 Sound [Drone Crash Noise]Used by:1789
Symbol 1739 Sound [Drone Snap 2]Used by:1789
Symbol 1740 Sound [Fuse Burn]Used by:1789
Symbol 1741 Sound [Grenade Pin Pull]Used by:1789
Symbol 1742 Sound [Lose Blade Wobble]Used by:1789
Symbol 1743 Sound [Loud Boom]Used by:1789
Symbol 1744 Sound [Lure Start 2]Used by:1789
Symbol 1745 Sound [Mason Activate]Used by:1789
Symbol 1746 Sound [Menu Mouseover]Used by:1789
Symbol 1747 Sound [SD Warning]Used by:1789
Symbol 1748 Sound [Menu Noise]Used by:1789
Symbol 1749 Sound [Teleport A]Used by:1789
Symbol 1750 Sound [Teleport B]Used by:1789
Symbol 1751 Sound [Turret Track Amb]Used by:1789
Symbol 1752 Sound [Bleep]Used by:1789
Symbol 1753 Sound [Unlock 1]Used by:1789
Symbol 1754 Sound [Unlock 2]Used by:1789
Symbol 1755 Sound [Ricochet Noise]Used by:1789
Symbol 1756 Sound [Select Off]Used by:1789
Symbol 1757 Sound [Select On]Used by:1789
Symbol 1758 Sound [Unlock Jingle]Used by:1789
Symbol 1759 Sound [UnBind Reward Key]Used by:1789
Symbol 1760 Sound [Arc2]Used by:1789
Symbol 1761 Sound [Arc3]Used by:1789
Symbol 1762 Sound [Beep 1]Used by:1789
Symbol 1763 Sound [Beep 2]Used by:1789
Symbol 1764 Sound [Beep 3]Used by:1789
Symbol 1765 Sound [Bind Reward Key]Used by:1789
Symbol 1766 Sound [Boop]Used by:1789
Symbol 1767 Sound [Box Deploy 1]Used by:1789
Symbol 1768 Sound [Box Deploy 2]Used by:1789
Symbol 1769 Sound [Box Deploy 3]Used by:1789
Symbol 1770 Sound [Choker Pulse]Used by:1789
Symbol 1771 Sound [Dirt Hit]Used by:1789
Symbol 1772 Sound [Drone Buzz Start]Used by:1789
Symbol 1773 Sound [Drone Buzz Start 2]Used by:1789
Symbol 1774 Sound [Drone Snap]Used by:1789
Symbol 1775 Sound [Grenade Pop]Used by:1789
Symbol 1776 Sound [Gunshot]Used by:1789
Symbol 1777 Sound [Loud Pop]Used by:1789
Symbol 1778 Sound [Low Ammo Warning]Used by:1789
Symbol 1779 Sound [Lure Hiss 1]Used by:1789
Symbol 1780 Sound [Lure Hiss Start]Used by:1789
Symbol 1781 Sound [Menu Noise 2]Used by:1789
Symbol 1782 Sound [New Reward Notice]Used by:1789
Symbol 1783 Sound [Repulse Field Amb]Used by:1789
Symbol 1784 Sound [Repulsor Break]Used by:1789
Symbol 1785 Sound [Soft Beep]Used by:1789
Symbol 1786 Sound [Thump]Used by:1789 1823
Symbol 1787 Sound [Wall Form]Used by:1789
Symbol 1788 Sound [Wall Pop]Used by:1789
Symbol 1789 MovieClipUses:1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788Used by:1829
Symbol 1790 GraphicUsed by:1800 1823
Symbol 1791 GraphicUsed by:1800 1823
Symbol 1792 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1800
Symbol 1793 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1800
Symbol 1794 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1800
Symbol 1795 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1800
Symbol 1796 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1800
Symbol 1797 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1800
Symbol 1798 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1800
Symbol 1799 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1800
Symbol 1800 MovieClip [innocuous Logo1]Uses:1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799Used by:1829
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Symbol 1802 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1823
Symbol 1803 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1823
Symbol 1804 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1823
Symbol 1805 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1823
Symbol 1806 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1823
Symbol 1807 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1823
Symbol 1808 GraphicUsed by:1823
Symbol 1809 GraphicUsed by:1823
Symbol 1810 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1823
Symbol 1811 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1823
Symbol 1812 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1823
Symbol 1813 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1823
Symbol 1814 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1823
Symbol 1815 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1823
Symbol 1816 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1823
Symbol 1817 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1823
Symbol 1818 GraphicUsed by:1823
Symbol 1819 GraphicUsed by:1823
Symbol 1820 GraphicUsed by:1823
Symbol 1821 GraphicUsed by:1823
Symbol 1822 GraphicUsed by:1823
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Symbol 1824 GraphicUsed by:1826
Symbol 1825 GraphicUsed by:1826
Symbol 1826 MovieClip [Hardcore Mode Button]Uses:1824 1825Used by:1829  Timeline
Symbol 1827 GraphicUsed by:1828
Symbol 1828 MovieClip [Hardcore Mode Notice]Uses:1827 1270Used by:1829
Symbol 1829 MovieClip [Reward Exporter]Uses:1364 1366 1370 1375 1379 1381 1385 1387 1391 1396 1398 1401 1405 1408 1435 1438 1441 1445 1450 1461 1483 1487 1491 1497 1499 1503 1507 1510 1517 1522 1524 1528 1276 1279 1530 1532 1538 1552 1556 1271 1273 1562 1568 1602 1606 1610 1611 1616 1622 1637 1643 1647 1655 1657 1680 1682 1686 1690 1692 1704 1707 1710 1712 1714 1718 1720 1722 1724 1726 1789 1800 1823 1826 1828Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1830 GraphicUsed by:1837
Symbol 1831 TextUses:1Used by:1837
Symbol 1832 GraphicUsed by:1834 1836
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Instance Names

"BigSword"Frame 1Symbol 34 MovieClip [PreloaderSword]
"PlayMe"Frame 1Symbol 32 MovieClip [Play Button]
"GooBlanket"Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip [Blanket of Goo]
"SwordMask"Frame 1Symbol 136 MovieClip
"LoadingMarker"Frame 1Symbol 140 MovieClip
"MusicExpo"Frame 2Symbol 1060 MovieClip [Music Exporter]
"Sound Expo"Frame 2Symbol 1129 MovieClip [Sound Exporter]
"PauseDoodad"Frame 2Symbol 1325 MovieClip [Pause Blanket]
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"ForAnd"Frame 3Symbol 1844 MovieClip
"NewgroundsLogo"Frame 3Symbol 1846 MovieClip
"Blackout"Frame 3Symbol 1848 MovieClip
"Disclaim"Frame 4Symbol 1850 MovieClip [Disclaimer]
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"BountyRun"Frame 5Symbol 1914 MovieClip
"Options"Frame 5Symbol 1931 MovieClip
"Beastiary"Frame 5Symbol 1950 MovieClip
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"Scoreboard"Frame 5Symbol 1958 MovieClip [High Scores]
"Instructions"Frame 5Symbol 1985 MovieClip
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"Rewards"Frame 5Symbol 2017 MovieClip
"Tips"Frame 5Symbol 2028 MovieClip
"HardcoreButton"Frame 5Symbol 1826 MovieClip [Hardcore Mode Button]
"HintBox"Frame 6Symbol 1335 MovieClip [Hint Text]
"PointMark"Frame 7Symbol 2037 MovieClip
"SpawnPoint"Frame 7Symbol 2039 MovieClip
"HeroSwing"Frame 7Symbol 2042 MovieClip
"Splat2"Frame 7Symbol 1249 MovieClip [Splat2]
"Splat3"Frame 7Symbol 1263 MovieClip [Splat3]
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"Goo"Frame 7Symbol 2058 MovieClip
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"ScoreDisplay"Frame 7Symbol 2062 MovieClip
"Sword"Frame 7Symbol 2065 MovieClip
"HeroAbsorbed"Frame 7Symbol 2082 MovieClip
"Meltie"Frame 7Symbol 787 MovieClip
"AcidMark"Frame 7Symbol 2086 MovieClip
"GloopleMelt"Frame 7Symbol 2091 MovieClip
"HeroMelt"Frame 7Symbol 2119 MovieClip
"BloodPrint"Frame 7Symbol 2126 MovieClip
"Inkie"Frame 7Symbol 774 MovieClip
"InkTrail"Frame 7Symbol 2127 MovieClip
"OilMark"Frame 7Symbol 2131 MovieClip
"SlickTag"Frame 7Symbol 2133 MovieClip
"Fuzzle"Frame 7Symbol 600 MovieClip
"FuzzleHairless"Frame 7Symbol 2162 MovieClip
"HeroChow"Frame 7Symbol 2259 MovieClip
"HeroChowed"Frame 7Symbol 2262 MovieClip
"OozleGlom"Frame 7Symbol 2266 MovieClip
"Gray"Frame 7Symbol 728 MovieClip
"GrayBit"Frame 7Symbol 2270 MovieClip
"GrayTip"Frame 7Symbol 2274 MovieClip
"HeroSpear"Frame 7Symbol 2290 MovieClip
"HeroSpearAbsorbed"Frame 7Symbol 2322 MovieClip
"Torchie"Frame 7Symbol 880 MovieClip
"GloopleBurn"Frame 7Symbol 2327 MovieClip
"Gib1"Frame 7Symbol 2329 MovieClip
"Gib2"Frame 7Symbol 2331 MovieClip
"Gib3"Frame 7Symbol 2333 MovieClip
"Horror"Frame 7Symbol 766 MovieClip
"HorrorDisk"Frame 7Symbol 2339 MovieClip
"HorrorHook"Frame 7Symbol 2342 MovieClip
"BiterMorph"Frame 7Symbol 2347 MovieClip
"HeroHooked"Frame 7Symbol 2357 MovieClip
"HeroBisect"Frame 7Symbol 2366 MovieClip
"HeroDecapitate"Frame 7Symbol 2374 MovieClip
"HeroHead"Frame 7Symbol 2379 MovieClip
"HeroTorso"Frame 7Symbol 2384 MovieClip
"Frostie"Frame 7Symbol 551 MovieClip
"Frost"Frame 7Symbol 1131 MovieClip [Frost]
"ColdBurst"Frame 7Symbol 2386 MovieClip
"Frozen"Frame 7Symbol 2389 MovieClip
"Ice1"Frame 7Symbol 2391 MovieClip
"Ice2"Frame 7Symbol 2393 MovieClip
"Ice3"Frame 7Symbol 2395 MovieClip
"SwordCold"Frame 7Symbol 2398 MovieClip
"HeroFrozen"Frame 7Symbol 2401 MovieClip
"FPSdisplay"Frame 7Symbol 2403 MovieClip
"Amalgam"Frame 7Symbol 508 MovieClip
"Absorbing"Frame 7Symbol 2406 MovieClip
"QueenLarva"Frame 7Symbol 2420 MovieClip
"GameControl"Frame 7Symbol 2422 MovieClip
"GroundPebble"Frame 7Symbol 2424 MovieClip
"GroundDust"Frame 7Symbol 2426 MovieClip
"RazorQuill"Frame 7Symbol 2428 MovieClip
"QuillPop"Frame 7Symbol 2440 MovieClip
"BoneChip1"Frame 7Symbol 2442 MovieClip
"BoneChip2"Frame 7Symbol 2444 MovieClip
"RazorMite"Frame 7Symbol 2453 MovieClip
"GroundMound"Frame 7Symbol 2455 MovieClip
"GroundHole"Frame 7Symbol 2457 MovieClip
"RazorMaw"Frame 7Symbol 2470 MovieClip
"RazorHedgehog"Frame 7Symbol 2481 MovieClip
"HeroQuilled"Frame 7Symbol 2496 MovieClip
"RazorLarva"Frame 7Symbol 2507 MovieClip
"RazorSpike"Frame 7Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Razor Spike]
"HeroSpiked"Frame 7Symbol 2515 MovieClip
"HeroFlamingRazor"Frame 7Symbol 2636 MovieClip [Lil Guy Flaming Razor]
"Blastmark"Frame 7Symbol 2638 MovieClip
"Census"Frame 7Symbol 2422 MovieClip
"Splat1"Frame 7Symbol 1235 MovieClip [Splat1]
"Blood1"Frame 7Symbol 2644 MovieClip
"Blood2"Frame 7Symbol 2650 MovieClip
"Blood3"Frame 7Symbol 2656 MovieClip
"MoltenStone"Frame 7Symbol 2658 MovieClip
"Stone"Frame 7Symbol 2660 MovieClip
"Gloople"Frame 7Symbol 608 MovieClip
"Stickie"Frame 7Symbol 870 MovieClip
"GloopleGlom"Frame 7Symbol 2664 MovieClip
"Oozle"Frame 7Symbol 795 MovieClip
"Biter"Frame 7Symbol 532 MovieClip
"BiterLunge"Frame 7Symbol 2685 MovieClip
"HeroMangle"Frame 7Symbol 2732 MovieClip
"HeroMangled"Frame 7Symbol 2734 MovieClip
"AcidBubble"Frame 7Symbol 2737 MovieClip
"Sharp"Frame 7Symbol 863 MovieClip
"Sparks"Frame 7Symbol 2746 MovieClip
"HeroImpaled"Frame 7Symbol 2793 MovieClip
"Clutter"Frame 7Symbol 547 MovieClip
"ClutterSpit"Frame 7Symbol 2796 MovieClip
"Grinder"Frame 7Symbol 735 MovieClip
"GrinderCracked"Frame 7Symbol 2800 MovieClip
"FuzzPuff"Frame 7Symbol 2813 MovieClip
"SmallFire"Frame 7Symbol 2854 MovieClip
"BlackSmoke"Frame 7Symbol 2856 MovieClip
"WhiteSmoke"Frame 7Symbol 2858 MovieClip
"Flames"Frame 7Symbol 1198 MovieClip [Gloople Flame]
"BigFire"Frame 7Symbol 3011 MovieClip
"HeroFlaming"Frame 7Symbol 3134 MovieClip
"HeroBurn"Frame 7Symbol 3157 MovieClip
"VoidEater"Frame 7Symbol 1006 MovieClip
"GrayGlom"Frame 7Symbol 3161 MovieClip
"VoidPulse"Frame 7Symbol 3163 MovieClip
"VoidSpiral"Frame 7Symbol 3165 MovieClip
"VoidBall"Frame 7Symbol 3167 MovieClip
"VoidBeam"Frame 7Symbol 3171 MovieClip
"GloopleDisintigrate"Frame 7Symbol 3207 MovieClip
"HeroDisintigrate"Frame 7Symbol 3229 MovieClip
"BiterGlom"Frame 7Symbol 3249 MovieClip
"Queen"Frame 7Symbol 801 MovieClip
"QueenClaw"Frame 7Symbol 3252 MovieClip
"QueenArm"Frame 7Symbol 3254 MovieClip
"QueenWisp"Frame 7Symbol 1221 MovieClip [Queen Wisp]
"QueenWiggler"Frame 7Symbol 3280 MovieClip
"QueenSeed"Frame 7Symbol 3303 MovieClip
"RazorQueen"Frame 7Symbol 805 MovieClip
"RazorTail"Frame 7Symbol 15 MovieClip [RazorQueen Tail]
"RazorForClaw"Frame 7Symbol 3307 MovieClip
"RazorDuClaw"Frame 7Symbol 3311 MovieClip
"RazorArm"Frame 7Symbol 3313 MovieClip
"RazorBlade"Frame 7Symbol 12 MovieClip [RazorQueen Blade]
"ShedTooth"Frame 7Symbol 3315 MovieClip [Shed Tooth]
"RazorTooth"Frame 7Symbol 1265 MovieClip [Razor Tooth]
"GroundCrack"Frame 7Symbol 3322 MovieClip [Ground Crack]
"GroundDirt"Frame 7Symbol 3328 MovieClip
"HeroPiked"Frame 7Symbol 3337 MovieClip
"HeroHalf"Frame 7Symbol 3351 MovieClip
"RazorLarvaPop"Frame 7Symbol 3364 MovieClip [Razor Larva Pop]
"HeroSlash"Frame 7Symbol 1308 MovieClip
"HeroWalk"Frame 7Symbol 1286 MovieClip
"HeroStaggerUp"Frame 7Symbol 3369 MovieClip
"HeroStaggerRight"Frame 7Symbol 3373 MovieClip
"HeroStaggerLeft"Frame 7Symbol 3377 MovieClip
"HeroStaggerDown"Frame 7Symbol 3381 MovieClip
"HeroBounceback"Frame 7Symbol 3388 MovieClip
"HeroWalkRazor"Frame 7Symbol 3394 MovieClip [Lil Guy Walkin Razor]
"HeroSlashRazor"Frame 7Symbol 3405 MovieClip [Lil Guy Slash Razor]
"HeroStaggerDownRazor"Frame 7Symbol 3407 MovieClip [Lil Guy Stagger Down Razor]
"HeroStaggerLeftRazor"Frame 7Symbol 3410 MovieClip [Lil Guy Stagger Left Razor]
"HeroStaggerRightRazor"Frame 7Symbol 3413 MovieClip [Lil Guy Stagger Right Razor]
"HeroStaggerUpRazor"Frame 7Symbol 3414 MovieClip [Lil Guy Stagger Up Razor]
"HeroBouncebackRazor"Frame 7Symbol 3416 MovieClip [Lil Guy Bounce Back Razor]
"Light Wash"Symbol 29 MovieClip [Blanket of Goo] Frame 1Symbol 26 MovieClip
"Dark wash"Symbol 29 MovieClip [Blanket of Goo] Frame 1Symbol 28 MovieClip
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"Code"Symbol 147 MovieClip [Award] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 149 MovieClip [Award Shadow] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"BlackBox"Symbol 160 MovieClip [New Award Notice] Frame 1Symbol 138 MovieClip
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"WhiteBox"Symbol 160 MovieClip [New Award Notice] Frame 1Symbol 138 MovieClip
"BootTime"Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 438 EditableText
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"Retry"Symbol 451 MovieClip [Death Popup] Frame 1Symbol 442 MovieClip
"Menu"Symbol 451 MovieClip [Death Popup] Frame 1Symbol 445 MovieClip
"Rematch"Symbol 451 MovieClip [Death Popup] Frame 1Symbol 450 MovieClip [Rematch Button]
"Work"Symbol 461 MovieClip [Firework] Frame 1Symbol 460 MovieClip [FireworkVis]
"BootTime"Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 465 EditableText
"theBoss"Symbol 467 MovieClip [Jukebox Display] Frame 1Symbol 464 MovieClip
"SongTitle"Symbol 467 MovieClip [Jukebox Display] Frame 1Symbol 466 MovieClip
"ClearBonusShadow"Symbol 470 MovieClip [Nest Clear Bonus] Frame 1Symbol 138 MovieClip
"ClearBonus"Symbol 470 MovieClip [Nest Clear Bonus] Frame 1Symbol 138 MovieClip
"Gloople Counter"Symbol 473 MovieClip [Nest Counter] Frame 1Symbol 138 MovieClip
"HighScoreText"Symbol 477 MovieClip [New High Score!] Frame 1Symbol 476 MovieClip [New High Score Text]
"NewWeaponText"Symbol 482 MovieClip [New Weapon Unlocked!] Frame 1Symbol 481 MovieClip
"Sparley"Symbol 485 MovieClip [Sparkle] Frame 1Symbol 484 MovieClip [SparkleVis]
"GoBack"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"TileGloople"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileStickie"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileBiter"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileMeltie"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileSharp"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileClutter"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileInkie"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileGrinder"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileFuzzle"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileOozle"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileTorchie"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileFrostie"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
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"TileAmalgam"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileHorror"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileVoidEater"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileQueen"Symbol 497 MovieClip [Beastiary Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
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"Model"Symbol 549 MovieClip [Info Clutter] Frame 1Symbol 547 MovieClip
"Model"Symbol 553 MovieClip [Info Frostie] Frame 1Symbol 551 MovieClip
"Model"Symbol 602 MovieClip [Info Fuzzle] Frame 1Symbol 600 MovieClip
"Model"Symbol 730 MovieClip [Info Gray] Frame 1Symbol 728 MovieClip
"Model"Symbol 768 MovieClip [Info Horror] Frame 1Symbol 766 MovieClip
"Model"Symbol 789 MovieClip [Info Meltie] Frame 1Symbol 787 MovieClip
"Model"Symbol 803 MovieClip [Info Queen] Frame 1Symbol 801 MovieClip
"Model"Symbol 807 MovieClip [Info RazorQueen] Frame 1Symbol 805 MovieClip
"Model"Symbol 864 MovieClip [Info Sharp] Frame 1Symbol 863 MovieClip
"Model"Symbol 882 MovieClip [Info Torchie] Frame 1Symbol 880 MovieClip
"Model"Symbol 1009 MovieClip [Info VoidEater] Frame 1Symbol 1006 MovieClip
"QualitySetting"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1014 EditableText
"SpawnSetting"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1015 EditableText
"FPSSetting"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1016 EditableText
"QualityDown"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1018 MovieClip
"SpawnDown"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1018 MovieClip
"FPSDown"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1018 MovieClip
"QualityUp"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1018 MovieClip
"SpawnUp"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1018 MovieClip
"FPSUp"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1018 MovieClip
"OptionBack"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
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"MusicDown"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1018 MovieClip
"MusicUp"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1018 MovieClip
"FloorSetting"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1022 EditableText
"BackdropsDown"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1018 MovieClip
"BackdropsUp"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1018 MovieClip
"ResetAll"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1025 MovieClip
"ScoreReset"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [Option Menu] Frame 1Symbol 1028 MovieClip [Reset Scores Button]
"GoBack"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"TileGloople"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileStickie"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileBiter"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileMeltie"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileSharp"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileClutter"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileInkie"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileGrinder"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileFuzzle"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileOozle"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileTorchie"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileFrostie"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileGray"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileAmalgam"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileHorror"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileVoidEater"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileQueen"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"TileRazorQueen"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 496 MovieClip [Tile]
"GoButton"Symbol 1035 MovieClip [Practice Plate] Frame 1Symbol 1034 MovieClip
"RazorglaiveButton"Symbol 1047 MovieClip [Weapon Select] Frame 1Symbol 1042 MovieClip [SwordButton RazorGlaive]
"SplatmasterButton"Symbol 1047 MovieClip [Weapon Select] Frame 1Symbol 1046 MovieClip [SwordButton Splatmaster]
"Code"Symbol 1271 MovieClip [Hazard Suit Body] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1273 MovieClip [Hazard Suit Head] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1276 MovieClip [Armor Body] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1279 MovieClip [Armor Head] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Pointer"Symbol 1291 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1288 MovieClip
"Pointer"Symbol 1309 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1288 MovieClip
"GoBack"Symbol 1320 MovieClip [Instruction Plate] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"Walk Demo"Symbol 1320 MovieClip [Instruction Plate] Frame 1Symbol 1291 MovieClip
"AttackDemo"Symbol 1320 MovieClip [Instruction Plate] Frame 1Symbol 1309 MovieClip
"PauseIcon"Symbol 1325 MovieClip [Pause Blanket] Frame 1Symbol 1323 MovieClip [Pause Icon]
"GoBack"Symbol 1333 MovieClip [Tip Browser] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
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"DownArrow"Symbol 1333 MovieClip [Tip Browser] Frame 1Symbol 1329 MovieClip
"Scroll"Symbol 1333 MovieClip [Tip Browser] Frame 1Symbol 1331 MovieClip [Tip Scroll]
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"Back"Symbol 1337 MovieClip [Reset All Conf] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"Reset"Symbol 1337 MovieClip [Reset All Conf] Frame 61Symbol 1025 MovieClip
"NestSizeSel"Symbol 1350 MovieClip [Nest Size Selector] Frame 1Symbol 1339 MovieClip [Selector]
"SmallNest"Symbol 1350 MovieClip [Nest Size Selector] Frame 1Symbol 1343 MovieClip [Small Nest Button]
"HugeNest"Symbol 1350 MovieClip [Nest Size Selector] Frame 1Symbol 1346 MovieClip [Huge Nest Button]
"BigNest"Symbol 1350 MovieClip [Nest Size Selector] Frame 1Symbol 1349 MovieClip [Big Nest Button]
"DiffSel"Symbol 1361 MovieClip [Difficulty Ramp Selector] Frame 1Symbol 1339 MovieClip [Selector]
"SlowRamp"Symbol 1361 MovieClip [Difficulty Ramp Selector] Frame 1Symbol 1354 MovieClip [Slow Ramp Button]
"FastRamp"Symbol 1361 MovieClip [Difficulty Ramp Selector] Frame 1Symbol 1357 MovieClip [Fast Ramp Button]
"MediumRamp"Symbol 1361 MovieClip [Difficulty Ramp Selector] Frame 1Symbol 1360 MovieClip [Medium Ramp Button]
"code"Symbol 1364 MovieClip [Sprint Footprint] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1366 MovieClip [Reward Tab] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"blind2"Symbol 1375 MovieClip [Charge Gauge] Frame 1Symbol 1374 MovieClip
"blind1"Symbol 1375 MovieClip [Charge Gauge] Frame 1Symbol 1374 MovieClip
"blind2"Symbol 1375 MovieClip [Charge Gauge] Frame 300Symbol 1374 MovieClip
"blind1"Symbol 1375 MovieClip [Charge Gauge] Frame 300Symbol 1374 MovieClip
"code"Symbol 1381 MovieClip [Sprint Puff] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"code"Symbol 1387 MovieClip [Grenade] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"code"Symbol 1396 MovieClip [Lure] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1398 MovieClip [Pheremone] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"code"Symbol 1401 MovieClip [Spike] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1408 MovieClip [Repulse Field] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"code"Symbol 1450 MovieClip [Choker] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1461 MovieClip [Runner Line] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"code"Symbol 1483 MovieClip [Telepad] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"Arm"Symbol 1483 MovieClip [Telepad] Frame 1Symbol 1473 MovieClip
"Bar"Symbol 1483 MovieClip [Telepad] Frame 1Symbol 1482 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1499 MovieClip [Spark] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1503 MovieClip [Spark Shower] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"code"Symbol 1510 MovieClip [Mason Bomb] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1522 MovieClip [Mason Wall] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1524 MovieClip [RockDust] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1530 MovieClip [Armor Body Frozen] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1532 MovieClip [Armor Head Frozen] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1538 MovieClip [Armor Shard] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1562 MovieClip [Suit Tatter] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1568 MovieClip [Light Scrapmetal] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"code"Symbol 1602 MovieClip [SCAER] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"Foot1"Symbol 1602 MovieClip [SCAER] Frame 1Symbol 1581 MovieClip [Box Foot A]
"Foot2"Symbol 1602 MovieClip [SCAER] Frame 1Symbol 1583 MovieClip [Box Foot B]
"Foot3"Symbol 1602 MovieClip [SCAER] Frame 1Symbol 1583 MovieClip [Box Foot B]
"Foot4"Symbol 1602 MovieClip [SCAER] Frame 1Symbol 1581 MovieClip [Box Foot A]
"Code"Symbol 1611 MovieClip [Box Bullet] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1637 MovieClip [Brass] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1643 MovieClip [Dark Scrapmetal] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"code"Symbol 1655 MovieClip [Buzz Drone] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"myHat"Symbol 1655 MovieClip [Buzz Drone] Frame 1Symbol 1651 MovieClip [Drone Hat]
"myArray"Symbol 1655 MovieClip [Buzz Drone] Frame 7Symbol 1652 MovieClip [Drone Array]
"myDisk"Symbol 1655 MovieClip [Buzz Drone] Frame 8Symbol 1654 MovieClip [Drone Disk]
"code"Symbol 1657 MovieClip [Drone Crash] Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1682 MovieClip [Loose Blade] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1692 MovieClip [Grenade Pin] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1695 MovieClip [Reward Plate] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"OuterRing"Symbol 1703 MovieClip [Key Bound Slot] Frame 1Symbol 1697 MovieClip [Reticle Inner Ring]
"InnerRing"Symbol 1703 MovieClip [Key Bound Slot] Frame 1Symbol 1699 MovieClip [Reticle Outer Ring]
"Code"Symbol 1703 MovieClip [Key Bound Slot] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Sprint Plate"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1695 MovieClip [Reward Plate]
"Grenade Plate"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1695 MovieClip [Reward Plate]
"Lure Plate"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1695 MovieClip [Reward Plate]
"Choker Plate"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1695 MovieClip [Reward Plate]
"Hazard Suit Plate"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1695 MovieClip [Reward Plate]
"Drone Plate"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1695 MovieClip [Reward Plate]
"Mason Plate"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1695 MovieClip [Reward Plate]
"Spike Plate"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1695 MovieClip [Reward Plate]
"BoxGun Plate"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1695 MovieClip [Reward Plate]
"Teleport Plate"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1695 MovieClip [Reward Plate]
"Armor Plate"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1695 MovieClip [Reward Plate]
"Glaive Plate"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1695 MovieClip [Reward Plate]
"GoBack"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"RewardDisplay"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 145 MovieClip [Reward Display]
"KeyRing"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"ASlot"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1703 MovieClip [Key Bound Slot]
"SSlot"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1703 MovieClip [Key Bound Slot]
"DSlot"Symbol 1704 MovieClip [Rewards Case] Frame 1Symbol 1703 MovieClip [Key Bound Slot]
"Code"Symbol 1707 MovieClip [Reward Lock] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1710 MovieClip [Reward Lock Razor] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1712 MovieClip [Reward Key] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Code"Symbol 1714 MovieClip [Reward Key Razor] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"OuterRing"Symbol 1718 MovieClip [Key Bound Reticle] Frame 1Symbol 1697 MovieClip [Reticle Inner Ring]
"InnerRing"Symbol 1718 MovieClip [Key Bound Reticle] Frame 1Symbol 1699 MovieClip [Reticle Outer Ring]
"Code"Symbol 1718 MovieClip [Key Bound Reticle] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"code"Symbol 1720 MovieClip [New Reward Key Notice] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"code"Symbol 1722 MovieClip [Slot S Notice] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"code"Symbol 1724 MovieClip [Slot D Notice] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"code"Symbol 1726 MovieClip [New Special Key Notice] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"code"Symbol 1828 MovieClip [Hardcore Mode Notice] Frame 1Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"Back"Symbol 1837 MovieClip [Reset Scores Conf] Frame 1Symbol 1834 MovieClip [Cancel Button]
"Reset"Symbol 1837 MovieClip [Reset Scores Conf] Frame 1Symbol 1836 MovieClip [Confirmation Button]
"Saving"Symbol 1840 MovieClip [Saving Icon] Frame 1Symbol 1839 MovieClip [Saving Graphic]
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"Shader"Symbol 1893 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1892 MovieClip
"Shader"Symbol 1914 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1913 MovieClip
"Shader"Symbol 1931 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1930 MovieClip
"Shader"Symbol 1950 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1949 MovieClip
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"SNHS"Symbol 1958 MovieClip [High Scores] Frame 1Symbol 138 MovieClip
"BRHS"Symbol 1958 MovieClip [High Scores] Frame 1Symbol 138 MovieClip
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"Shader"Symbol 2000 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1999 MovieClip
"Shader"Symbol 2017 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 2016 MovieClip
"Shader"Symbol 2028 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 2027 MovieClip

Special Tags

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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 166 as "Dc First Biter"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 168 as "Dc First Clutter"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 170 as "Dc First Frostie"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 172 as "Dc First Fuzzle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 174 as "Dc First Gloople"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 176 as "Dc First Gray"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 186 as "Dc First Oozle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 188 as "Dc First Sharp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 190 as "Dc First Stickie"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 192 as "Dc First Torchie"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 194 as "Dc First Void Eater"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 196 as "Dc x2 Combo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 198 as "Dc x3 Combo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 200 as "Dc x4 Combo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 202 as "Dc x5 Combo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 204 as "Dc First Queen"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 206 as "Dc First Razor Queen"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 208 as "Dc 20pt Swing"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 210 as "Dc 50pt Swing"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 212 as "Dc 75pt Swing"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 214 as "Dc 100pt Swing"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 216 as "Dc 150pt Swing"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 218 as "Dc 200pt Swing"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 220 as "Dc 300pt Swing"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 222 as "Dc Score 100"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 224 as "Dc Score 200"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 226 as "Dc Score 350"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 228 as "Dc Score 500"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 230 as "Dc Score 750"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 232 as "Dc Score 1000"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 234 as "Dc Score 1500"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 236 as "Dc Score 2000"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 238 as "Dc Score 3000"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 240 as "Dc Score 2500"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 242 as "Dc Clear Short Nest"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 244 as "Dc Clear Normal Nest"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 246 as "Dc Clear Long Nest"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 248 as "Dc x6 Combo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 250 as "Dc x7 Combo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 252 as "Dc x8 Combo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 254 as "Dc Survive 1 min"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 256 as "Dc Survive 2 min"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 258 as "Dc Survive 3 min"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 260 as "Dc Survive 4 min"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 262 as "Dc Survive 5 min"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 264 as "Dc Survive 7 min"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 266 as "Dc Survive 10 min"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 268 as "Dc Kill 1000 Glooples"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 270 as "Dc Kill 15 Oozles"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 272 as "Dc Kill 100 Stickies"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 274 as "Dc Kill 50 Clutters"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 276 as "Dc Kill 70 Biters"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 278 as "Dc Kill 50 Melties"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 280 as "Dc Kill 5 Grays"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 282 as "Dc Kill 4 Grinders"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 284 as "Dc Kill 10 Sharps"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 286 as "Dc Kill 20 Fuzzles"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 288 as "Dc Kill 30 Inkies"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 290 as "Dc Kill 6 Frosties"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 292 as "Dc Kill 15 Amalgams"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 294 as "Dc Kill 6 Torchies"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 296 as "Dc Kill 3 Horrors"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 298 as "Dc Kill 3 Void Eaters"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 300 as "Dc Kill 3 Queens"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 302 as "Dc Kill 2 Razor Queens"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 304 as "Dc 5 min Playtime"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 306 as "Dc 10 min Playtime"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 308 as "Dc 20 min Playtime"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 310 as "Dc 30 min Playtime"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 312 as "Dc 45 min Playtime"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 314 as "Dc 60 min Playtime"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 316 as "Dc 90 min Playtime"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 318 as "Dc 50 Deaths"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 320 as "Dc 100 Deaths"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 322 as "Dc Died 5 Ways"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 324 as "Dc Died 10 Ways"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 326 as "Dc Died 15 Ways"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 328 as "Dc 10 Deaths"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 330 as "Dc 25 Deaths"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 332 as "Dc 2 minute Pause"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 334 as "Dc 30 Bumps"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 336 as "Dc Blind Kill"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 338 as "Dc Survive Blackout"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 340 as "Dc Survive Fire"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 342 as "Dc Survive Ice"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 344 as "Dc Survive Explosion"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 346 as "Ribbon Career"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 348 as "Ribbon Combo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 350 as "Ribbon Deaths"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 352 as "Ribbon First"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 354 as "Ribbon Points"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 356 as "Ribbon Score"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 358 as "Ribbon Survival"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 360 as "Ribbon Time"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 362 as "Ribbon Clear"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 364 as "Dc 50 Sparks"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 366 as "Dc Bogged by Clutters"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 368 as "Dc Clutter at Finish"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 370 as "Dc Fling Sharp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 372 as "Dc Jackpot"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 374 as "Dc Stuck 1 Minute"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 376 as "Dc Next Song 5 Times"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 378 as "Ribbon Hazard"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 380 as "Ribbon Heart"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 382 as "Ribbon Lucky"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 384 as "Ribbon Skill"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 386 as "Dc Sharp as Weapon"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 388 as "Dc Practice 10 min"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 390 as "Dc Smother 10 Fires"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 392 as "Dc Shave Fuzzle 3 Times"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 394 as "Dc Push Clutter"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 396 as "Dc Ambush"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 398 as "Dc 5 Queen Misses"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 400 as "Dc 10 Straight Combos"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 404 as "Award Glow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 406 as "Dc 4 Color Splats"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 408 as "Dc Splat a Glom"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 410 as "Dc Perfect Run"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 412 as "Dc 30 Secs Without Swinging"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 414 as "Award Info Plate"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 415 as "Award Exporter"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 451 as "Death Popup"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 460 as "FireworkVis"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 461 as "Firework"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 467 as "Jukebox Display"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 470 as "Nest Clear Bonus"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 473 as "Nest Counter"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 476 as "New High Score Text"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 477 as "New High Score!"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 482 as "New Weapon Unlocked!"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 484 as "SparkleVis"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 485 as "Sparkle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 487 as "To Exit Practice"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 496 as "Tile"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 501 as "Data Panel"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 510 as "Info Amalgam"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 534 as "Info Biter"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 549 as "Info Clutter"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 553 as "Info Frostie"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 602 as "Info Fuzzle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 610 as "Info Gloople"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 730 as "Info Gray"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 737 as "Info Grinder"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 768 as "Info Horror"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 776 as "Info Inkie"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 789 as "Info Meltie"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 797 as "Info Oozle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 803 as "Info Queen"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 807 as "Info RazorQueen"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 864 as "Info Sharp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 872 as "Info Stickie"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 882 as "Info Torchie"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1009 as "Info VoidEater"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1028 as "Reset Scores Button"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1029 as "Option Menu"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 496 as "Tile"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1037 as "Tile Shader"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1042 as "SwordButton RazorGlaive"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1046 as "SwordButton Splatmaster"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1047 as "Weapon Select"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1048 as "Accelerated Lifestyle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1049 as "As We May Think"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1050 as "Biomythos"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1051 as "City Lights at Night"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1052 as "Double the Daily Dose"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1053 as "Effects of Elevation"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1054 as "Habitual Ritual"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1055 as "Invisible Walls"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1056 as "Mind Mapping"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1057 as "Obscure Terrain"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1058 as "Ventus Solaris"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1059 as "Weekend Amnesia"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1060 as "Music Exporter"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1061 as "BigFire"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1062 as "BiterGrowl1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1063 as "BiterGrowl2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1064 as "BiterGrowl3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1065 as "Boing"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1066 as "Cheers"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1067 as "Clang"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1068 as "Disintigrate"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1069 as "Explode"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1071 as "Firework2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1072 as "Fireworklight"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1073 as "FrostiePop"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1075 as "FuzzGrowl"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1076 as "FuzzBite2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1077 as "Glom"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1078 as "Goo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1079 as "GrayRetract"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1080 as "GraySnap"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1081 as "GraySpear"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1082 as "Grind"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1083 as "GrinderHurt"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1084 as "GrinderKill"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1085 as "GrindRumble"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1086 as "HeroIcebreak"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1087 as "HorrorAmb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1088 as "HorrorDisk"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1089 as "HorrorHooks"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1090 as "HorrorKill"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1091 as "HorrorSplit"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1092 as "Icebreak1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1093 as "Icebreak2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1094 as "Icebreak3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1095 as "Kaching"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1096 as "LarvaCrunch"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1097 as "LarvaSpawn"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1098 as "LilSplat"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1099 as "Lit"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1100 as "Oomph"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1101 as "Pebble"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1102 as "Pop"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1103 as "QueenHatch"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1104 as "Rend"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1105 as "SharpsIn"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1106 as "SharpsOut"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1107 as "Sizzle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1108 as "Slice"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1109 as "Spit"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1110 as "Splash"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1111 as "Splat"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1112 as "Swing"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1113 as "Victory!"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1115 as "VoidCharge"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1116 as "VoidField"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1117 as "VoidPulse"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1118 as "Wound"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1119 as "Spiny Chirp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1120 as "Spiny Pop"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1121 as "Shatter"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1122 as "Mite Jump"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1123 as "Spiny Pressure"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1124 as "LogoAmb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1125 as "LogoHit"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1127 as "AwardGet"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1131 as "Frost"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1249 as "Splat2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1263 as "Splat3"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1276 as "Armor Body"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1279 as "Armor Head"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1273 as "Hazard Suit Head"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1649 as "Drone Blade"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1649 as "Drone Blade"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1660 as "DudeFeet"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1660 as "DudeFeet"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1682 as "Loose Blade"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1690 as "Arc"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1695 as "Reward Plate"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1695 as "Reward Plate"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1697 as "Reticle Inner Ring"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1699 as "Reticle Outer Ring"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1697 as "Reticle Inner Ring"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1703 as "Key Bound Slot"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1703 as "Key Bound Slot"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1712 as "Reward Key"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1714 as "Reward Key Razor"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1697 as "Reticle Inner Ring"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1699 as "Reticle Outer Ring"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1697 as "Reticle Inner Ring"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1722 as "Slot S Notice"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1724 as "Slot D Notice"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1729 as "Armor Explode"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1733 as "Brass2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1734 as "Brass3"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1736 as "Toss Noise"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1737 as "Lure Hiss 3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1738 as "Drone Crash Noise"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1739 as "Drone Snap 2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1740 as "Fuse Burn"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1741 as "Grenade Pin Pull"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1742 as "Lose Blade Wobble"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1743 as "Loud Boom"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1744 as "Lure Start 2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1745 as "Mason Activate"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1746 as "Menu Mouseover"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1747 as "SD Warning"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1748 as "Menu Noise"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1750 as "Teleport B"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1754 as "Unlock 2"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1757 as "Select On"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1764 as "Beep 3"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1768 as "Box Deploy 2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1769 as "Box Deploy 3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1770 as "Choker Pulse"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1771 as "Dirt Hit"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1772 as "Drone Buzz Start"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1773 as "Drone Buzz Start 2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1774 as "Drone Snap"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1775 as "Grenade Pop"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1776 as "Gunshot"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1777 as "Loud Pop"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1778 as "Low Ammo Warning"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1779 as "Lure Hiss 1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1780 as "Lure Hiss Start"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1781 as "Menu Noise 2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1782 as "New Reward Notice"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1783 as "Repulse Field Amb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1784 as "Repulsor Break"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1785 as "Soft Beep"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1786 as "Thump"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1787 as "Wall Form"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1788 as "Wall Pop"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1120 as "Spiny Pop"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 1 as "Cooper Black"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 1532 as "Armor Head Frozen"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 1530 as "Armor Body Frozen"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 1532 as "Armor Head Frozen"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 2509 as "Razor Spike"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 2509 as "Razor Spike"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 2509 as "Razor Spike"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 2509 as "Razor Spike"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 2509 as "Razor Spike"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 2509 as "Razor Spike"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 2509 as "Razor Spike"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 2509 as "Razor Spike"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 2509 as "Razor Spike"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 2509 as "Razor Spike"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 2509 as "Razor Spike"
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Dynamic Text Variables

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Created: 18/5 -2019 11:31:16 Last modified: 18/5 -2019 11:31:16 Server time: 27/07 -2024 00:06:09