| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229928 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2599 · P5197 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #3286 |
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Why the Fullmetal Alchemist cast should never use AIM... |
By Kylee Henke |
Not_A_Shrimp: |
Feh...I'm bored, Al. Who's online? |
TinMan: |
Well...there's Roy, but... |
D:< NO. |
<SuperMechaWinry has joined the conversation> |
Oh look, Winry just signed on. |
SuperMechaWinry: |
OMG HEY!!1 ^_^ |
Oh joy. |
LOL u guyz r nevr on!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 |
Hi Winry : ) |
It's not like we can get to a computer very often. |
y cant u use ur alckomy 2make one???? |
I can't use Alchemy to get an internet connection, duh |
OMG y arnt u talkin to ROy?!?!!!1 |
I'll go tel him 2 join!!!!!! ^______^ |
Wait, Winry, don't! |
<Pyro_Hunk has joined the conversation> |
oh HELL no |
Pyro_Hunk: |
You can't hide from me, Fullmetal. |
Behave yourself, Elric. Perhaps you've forgotten I'm your boss? |
he's got you there, brother |
get over it ed lol shutup XD |
>:3 |
I don't care WHAT you say. Just cause you're my boss, it doesn't mean I have to like you |
even one iota |
OwO;; |
Aw. You have chafed my pride and broken my heart, Fullmetal D: |
<DeadEye_Riza has joined the conversation> |
<FamilyMan547 has joined the conversation> |
<AlexLouisArmstrong has joined the conversation> |
you're NOT SERIOUS |
Oh, but I am. >:D |
Did you HAVE to bring them ALL?? |
FamilyMan547: |
What's the matter, not happy to see me, Ed? =D |
DeadEye_Riza: |
Lieutenant Colonel, are you being nice to that boy? |
Honestly, Sir. Have some respect. |
....you're no fun. D< |
hey guys lookit |
What's that gray thing...? |
OW...my eyes... |
I didn't know you were magenta, Hughes |
Wait a sec didn't Armstrong sign on a while ago? |
You're right! I wonder why he hasn't said anything |
omg dose ne1 wanna' roleplay??? |
hey Armstrong, if you're reading this, use the enter button |
AlexLouisArmstrong: |
OHO! so that was what appeared to be the problem! |
dipwad |
This method of ignoring you has been passed down the Armstrong family for GENERATIONS!!!!! |
I SAID DOSE NE1 WANNA ROLEPLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
<Warrior_of_Ishbala has joined the conversation> |
wait |
...wait |
wtf |
Who is this?! |
Warrior_of_Ishbala: |
What the hell?!?!?! |
*kicks ed in the butt* hahahahahahha *runs awya* |
jsgdab bgeh |
t h;arz |
sdvhfew |
NO!! is he...?? |
OMG!!!!!!!! |
jmsrb |
poooooooooootimwsre |
<AlexLouisArmstrong has left the conversation> |
................... |
<Warrior_of_Ishbala has left the conversation> |
Dammit....Hawkeye! Hughes! Alert Central...tell them we have a lead on Scar's wherabouts. |
yessir. |
<DeadEye_Riza has left the conversation> |
<FamilyMan547 has left the conversation> |
Our conversation will have to be postponed, Fullmetal |
Just stay where you are, and more importantly, DON'T panic. |
<Pyro_Hunk has left the conversation> |
<SuperMechaWinry has left the conversation> |
...Alphonse...are you there? |
Yeah.. |
WTF DO I DO???!?!!!!! |
we gotta hide, brother..!! |
<Not_A_Shrimp has left the conversation> |
<TinMan has left the conversation> |
<SonicRocksMySocks has joined the conversation> |
<AlexLouisArmstrong has joined the conversation> |
SonicRocksMySocks: |
Dude. We just pwned them SO hard |
A very successful prank it was! |
After all, this method of pulling practical jokes HAS been passed down the Armstrong Family line for generations! |
uhuh. |
Hey Armstrong, I had no idea you could play Scar so well! "Warrior of Ishbala," lologram. The suckers totally fell for it! |
....That wasn't YOU impersonating Scar...? |
.... |
Then...it...wasn't you, either? |
No... |
.... |
.... |
<SonicRocksMySocks has left the conversation> |
<AlexLouisArmstrong has left the conversation> |
<Warrior_of_Ishbala has joined the conversation> |
hahahahahaahahahahhahaaaa. |
<Warrior_of_Ishbala has left the conversation> |
Replay |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1stopAllSounds(); stop();Instance of Symbol 17 MovieClip in Frame 1//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { download = 0; percent = 0; total = "?"; } onClipEvent (load) { }Frame 3701stop();Symbol 3 Buttonon (release) { play(); }Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 100tellTarget ("../../../") { play(); }; stop();Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1tellTarget ("bar") { gotoAndStop(../:frame); }; play();Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 2prevFrame();Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1total = int(_root.getBytesTotal() / 1000); download = int(_root.getBytesLoaded() / 1000); if (total == download) { tellTarget ("../") { play(); }; } else { play(); }Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "preloader_v5" in Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (load) { total = int(_root.getBytesTotal() / 1000); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { download = int(_root.getBytesLoaded() / 1000); bytesleft = (_root.getBytesTotal() - _root.getBytesLoaded()) + " bytes"; percent = int((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100) + " %"; frame = int((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); }Symbol 149 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Library Items
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Symbol 2 EditableText | Uses:1 | Used by:3 |
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Instance Names
"bar" | Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 15 MovieClip |
"preloader_v5" | Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 16 MovieClip |
Dynamic Text Variables
percent | Symbol 7 EditableText | "" |
download | Symbol 8 EditableText | "" |
total | Symbol 9 EditableText | "" |