Frame 62
_highquality = false;
Frame 63
ifFrameLoaded (68) {
gotoAndStop (65);
Frame 64
gotoAndPlay (63);
Frame 65
pass = 0;
Frame 66
Frame 67
_highquality = false;
score = 0;
pass = 0;
nitrous = 10;
crush = false;
speed = 0;
enemies = 4;
millisecond = 60;
second = 59;
minute = 1;
blood = 1;
speed_max = 75;
speed_accel = 0.25;
slip = 2;
s_horn = new Sound();
s_laugh = new Sound();
s_man = new Sound();
s_woman = new Sound();
Frame 68
playa_x = getProperty("/playa", _x);
Frame 69
Set("/:speed", 0);
Symbol 30 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/:blood >= 4) {
gotoAndPlay (13);
} else if (/:blood == 3) {
gotoAndPlay (9);
} else if (/:blood == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
if ((/:pass != 0) and (getProperty("student", _currentframe) == 1)) {
Set("student/:char", /:pass);
if ((/:pass == 0) and (getProperty("student", _currentframe) != 1)) {
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 16
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 2
if (getProperty("/playa", _xscale) == -100) {
_rotation = (_rotation - (/:speed * 2));
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation + (/:speed * 2));
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 56
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/:crush", false);
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/:crush", false);
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 13
Set("/:crush", true);
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 17
Set("/:crush", false);
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 87 Button
on (release) {
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
on (keyPress "<Up>") {
on (keyPress "<Down>") {
on (keyPress "a") {
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 82
Set("/:pass", 1);
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 396;
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 137 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 137 MovieClip Frame 23
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 1
if (../:avail == true) {
Symbol 185 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("../:female", true);
Symbol 185 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("../:female", false);
Symbol 185 MovieClip Frame 3
Set("../:female", true);
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 1
enemy_x = getProperty("../", _x);
enemy_y = getProperty("../", _y);
if (enemy_x < -200) {
if ((/:speed < -1) or (random(2) == 1)) {
setProperty("../", _x , 600);
} else {
setProperty("../", _x , -50);
setProperty("../", _y , random(75) + 265);
setProperty("../", _xscale , 100);
} else if (700 < enemy_x) {
if ((1 < /:speed) or (random(2) == 1)) {
setProperty("../", _x , -50);
} else {
setProperty("../", _x , 600);
setProperty("../", _y , random(75) + 265);
setProperty("../", _xscale , -100);
} else {
if ((../:avail == true) and (../:attention == true)) {
if (((/:playa_x + 40) < enemy_x) and (0 < ../:speed)) {
Set("../:speed", ../:speed * -1);
setProperty("../", _xscale , 100);
} else if ((enemy_x < (/:playa_x - 40)) and (../:speed < 0)) {
Set("../:speed", ../:speed * -1);
setProperty("../", _xscale , -100);
if (enemy_y < (/:playa_y - 10)) {
setProperty("../", _y , enemy_y + 1);
} else if ((/:playa_y + 10) < enemy_y) {
setProperty("../", _y , enemy_y - 1);
setProperty("../", _x , enemy_x + ../:speed);
if (((((/:playa_x - 60) < enemy_x) and (enemy_x < (/:playa_x + 60))) and ((/:playa_y - 10) < enemy_y)) and (enemy_y < (/:playa_y + 15))) {
if (/:speed == 0) {
if ((/:pass == 0) and (../:avail == true)) {
Set("/:pass", ../:char);
Set("/:dropoff", false);
if (random(2) == 1) {
destin = (destin = (enemy_x + random(5000)) + 1000);
Set("/:bonus", Math.round(destin / 240));
setProperty("/target_area", _x , destin);
} else {
destin = (destin = (enemy_x - random(5000)) - 1000);
Set("/:bonus", Math.round(destin / -240));
setProperty("/target_area", _x , destin);
} else if ((/:speed < 10) and (-10 < /:speed)) {
} else if ((/:speed < 17) and (-17 < /:speed)) {
} else if ((/:speed < 25) and (-25 < /:speed)) {
} else if ((/:speed < 50) and (-50 < /:speed)) {
} else {
if ((((getProperty("/playa/nitro", _currentframe) != 1) and ((/:playa_y - 10) < enemy_y)) and (enemy_y < (/:playa_y + 15))) and (((getProperty("/playa", _xscale) == 100) and (enemy_x < /:playa_x)) or ((getProperty("/playa", _xscale) == -100) and (/:playa_x < enemy_x)))) {
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((/:skid == true) and (((40 < /:speed) and (getProperty("/playa", _xscale) == 100)) or ((/:speed < -40) and (getProperty("/playa", _xscale) == -100)))) {
setProperty("../", _x , /:playa_x);
setProperty("../", _y , /:playa_y - 2);
setProperty("../", _xscale , getProperty("/playa", _xscale));
Set("/:dropoff", false);
Set("/:pass", 0);
Set("/:bonus", 0);
} else if (/:dropoff == true) {
Set("/:dropoff", false);
Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 1
enemy_x = getProperty("../", _x);
enemy_y = getProperty("../", _y);
if (enemy_x < -200) {
if ((/:speed < -1) or (random(2) == 1)) {
setProperty("../", _x , 600);
} else {
setProperty("../", _x , -50);
setProperty("../", _y , random(75) + 265);
setProperty("../", _xscale , 100);
} else if (700 < enemy_x) {
if ((1 < /:speed) or (random(2) == 1)) {
setProperty("../", _x , -50);
} else {
setProperty("../", _x , 600);
setProperty("../", _y , random(75) + 265);
setProperty("../", _xscale , -100);
Set("../:down_count", ../:down_count + 1);
if (((((((/:playa_x - 60) < enemy_x) and (enemy_x < (/:playa_x + 60))) and ((/:playa_y - 5) < enemy_y)) and (enemy_y < (/:playa_y + 40))) and (/:crush == true)) and (20 < ../:down_count)) {
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("../", _x , /:playa_x);
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 2
speed = random(3) + 2;
if (500 < _x) {
speed = speed * -1;
_xscale = "100";
} else {
_xscale = "-100";
char = random(3) + 1;
if (((((/:pass == 0) and (/enemy1/:avail != true)) and (/enemy2/:avail != true)) and (/enemy3/:avail != true)) and (/enemy4/:avail != true)) {
avail = true;
} else {
avail = false;
attention = false;
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 5
Set("/:score", /:score + 5);
down_count = 0;
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 16
Set("/:score", /:score + 7);
down_count = 0;
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 27
Set("/:score", /:score + 12);
down_count = 0;
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 43
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 45
Set("/:score", /:score + 16);
if ((getProperty("/playa/nitro", _currentframe) != 1) and (getProperty("/playa/nitro", _currentframe) < 10)) {
if (female == true) {
/:s_woman.start(0, 0);
} else {
/:s_man.start(0, 0);
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 66
gotoAndStop (128);
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 67
Set("/:score", /:score + 17);
Set("/:blood", /:blood + 1);
if (/:blood == 2) {
/:s_laugh.start(0, 0);
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 84
gotoAndStop (128);
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 85
Set("/:score", /:score + 50);
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 106
gotoAndStop (128);
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 107
Set("/:score", /:score + 15);
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 115
gotoAndStop (128);
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 116
Set("/:score", /:score + 6);
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 128
enemy_x = _x;
if (random(2) == 1) {
if ((/:speed < -1) or (random(2) == 1)) {
_x = 600;
} else {
_x = -50;
_y = (random(75) + 265);
_xscale = 100;
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else {
if ((1 < /:speed) or (random(2) == 1)) {
_x = -50;
} else {
_x = 600;
_y = (random(75) + 265);
_xscale = -100;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 204 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/:moving", false);
Set("/:playa_y", getProperty("/playa", _y));
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if ((timer_r == 0) or (timer_l < timer_r)) {
if (-3 < /:speed) {
Set("/:speed", /:speed - /:slip);
if (/:speed < -3) {
Set("/:speed", -3);
} else if ((-/:speed_max) < /:speed) {
Set("/:speed", /:speed - /:speed_accel);
Set("/:moving", true);
timer_l = timer_l + 1;
} else {
timer_l = 0;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if ((timer_l == 0) or (timer_r < timer_l)) {
if (/:speed < 3) {
Set("/:speed", /:speed + /:slip);
if (3 < /:speed) {
Set("/:speed", 3);
} else if (/:speed < /:speed_max) {
Set("/:speed", /:speed + /:speed_accel);
Set("/:moving", true);
timer_r = timer_r + 1;
} else {
timer_r = 0;
if (Key.isDown(38) and (265 < /:playa_y)) {
setProperty("/playa", _y , /:playa_y - /:y_speed);
if (Key.isDown(40) and (/:playa_y < 340)) {
setProperty("/playa", _y , /:playa_y + /:y_speed);
if (/:moving == false) {
if (0 < /:speed) {
Set("/:speed", /:speed - /:slip);
if (/:speed < 0) {
Set("/:speed", 0);
} else if (/:speed < 0) {
Set("/:speed", /:speed + /:slip);
if (0 < /:speed) {
Set("/:speed", 0);
if ((((20 < /:speed) or (/:speed < -20)) and (timer_r == 0)) and (timer_l == 0)) {
if (getProperty("/playa", _xscale) == -100) {
} else {
setProperty("/skids", _x , 167.4);
setProperty("/skids", _y , /:playa_y + 45);
Set("/:skid", true);
} else {
Set("/:skid", false);
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 209 Button
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
setProperty("playa", _xscale , 100);
if (/:speed < 4) {
tellTarget ("playa/nitro") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("playa") {
gotoAndPlay ("hop");
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
setProperty("playa", _xscale , -100);
if (-4 < /:speed) {
tellTarget ("playa/nitro") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("playa") {
gotoAndPlay ("hop");
on (keyPress "a") {
/:s_horn.start(0, 0);
if (/enemy1/:avail == true) {
Set("/enemy1/:attention", true);
} else if (/enemy2/:avail == true) {
Set("/enemy2/:attention", true);
} else if (/enemy3/:avail == true) {
Set("/enemy3/:attention", true);
} else if (/enemy4/:avail == true) {
Set("/enemy4/:attention", true);
on (keyPress "s") {
if (0 < /:nitrous) {
Set("/:nitrous", /:nitrous - 1);
if (getProperty("/playa", _xscale) == 100) {
Set("/:speed", /:speed + 30);
if (/:speed < 30) {
Set("/:speed", 30);
} else if (/:speed_max < /:speed) {
Set("/:speed", /:speed_max);
} else {
Set("/:speed", /:speed - 30);
if (-30 < /:speed) {
Set("/:speed", -30);
} else if (/:speed < (/:speed_max * -1)) {
Set("/:speed", /:speed_max * -1);
if (getProperty("/playa/nitro", _currentframe) != 1) {
setProperty("/playa/nitro", _yscale , getProperty("/playa/nitro", _yscale) + 30);
} else {
setProperty("/playa/nitro", _yscale , 100);
tellTarget ("playa/nitro") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("playa") {
gotoAndPlay ("hop");
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 1
bg_x = getProperty("/bg", _x);
bg_width = getProperty("/bg", _width);
bg_diff = bg_x - /:speed;
if (bg_diff < 0) {
setProperty("/bg", _x , (bg_width / 2) + bg_diff);
} else if ((bg_width / 2) < bg_diff) {
setProperty("/bg", _x , ((bg_width / 2) - bg_diff) - /:speed);
} else {
setProperty("/bg", _x , bg_x - /:speed);
wall_speed = /:speed / 2;
wall_x = getProperty("/wall", _x);
wall_width = 128;
wall_diff = wall_x - wall_speed;
if (wall_diff < 0) {
setProperty("/wall", _x , (wall_width / 2) + wall_diff);
} else if ((wall_width / 2) < wall_diff) {
setProperty("/wall", _x , ((wall_width / 2) - wall_diff) - wall_speed);
} else {
setProperty("/wall", _x , wall_x - wall_speed);
if (/:skid == false) {
skids_x = getProperty("/skids", _x);
setProperty("/skids", _x , skids_x - /:speed);
setProperty("/enemy1", _x , getProperty("/enemy1", _x) - /:speed);
setProperty("/enemy2", _x , getProperty("/enemy2", _x) - /:speed);
setProperty("/enemy3", _x , getProperty("/enemy3", _x) - /:speed);
setProperty("/enemy4", _x , getProperty("/enemy4", _x) - /:speed);
setProperty("/target_area", _x , getProperty("/target_area", _x) - /:speed);
if (/:speed == 0) {
tellTarget ("/sound_engine") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Set("/:y_speed", 0);
} else if ((/:speed < 20) and (-20 < /:speed)) {
tellTarget ("/sound_engine") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Set("/:y_speed", 3);
} else if ((/:speed < 50) and (-50 < /:speed)) {
tellTarget ("/sound_engine") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Set("/:y_speed", 5);
} else {
tellTarget ("/sound_engine") {
gotoAndStop (4);
Set("/:y_speed", 7);
if (/:speed != 0) {
} else {
if (0 < /:pass) {
arrow_x = getProperty("/target_area", _x);
if (((/:playa_x - 100) < arrow_x) and (arrow_x < (/:playa_x + 100))) {
if (/:speed == 0) {
Set("/:dropoff", true);
Set("/:pass", 0);
} else {
} else if (/:playa_x < arrow_x) {
setProperty("/arrow", _xscale , 100);
} else if (arrow_x < /:playa_x) {
setProperty("/arrow", _xscale , -100);
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 1
total = 4;
i = 1;
playa_depth = 0;
playa_y = getProperty("/playa", _y);
while (total >= i) {
other_name = "/enemy" + i;
other_depth = ("/enemy" + i) + "/:depth";
other_y = getProperty(other_name, _y);
depth = 0;
if (playa_y < other_y) {
depth = depth + 1;
} else {
playa_depth = playa_depth + 1;
r = 1;
while (total >= r) {
new_name = "/enemy" + r;
new_y = getProperty(new_name, _y);
if (new_y < other_y) {
depth = depth + 1;
r = r + 1;
tellTarget (other_name) {
Set(other_depth, depth);
i = i + 1;
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/:millisecond", /:millisecond - 2);
if (/:millisecond < 0) {
if ((0 < /:minute) or (0 < /:second)) {
Set("/:millisecond", 60);
Set("/:second", /:second - 1);
if ((0 < /:bonus) and (0 < /:pass)) {
Set("/:bonus", /:bonus - 1);
} else {
Set("/:millisecond", 0);
if (/:second < 0) {
if (0 < /:minute) {
Set("/:second", 59);
Set("/:minute", /:minute - 1);
} else {
Set("/:second", 0);
Set("/:timer", (((String(/:minute) + ":") + String(/:second)) + ":") + String(/:millisecond));
if (((/:minute == 0) and (/:second == 0)) and (/:millisecond == 0)) {
Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 3
Set("/:second", /:second + /:bonus);
Set("/:nitrous", /:nitrous + 4);
while (60 < /:second) {
Set("/:second", /:second - 60);
Set("/:minute", /:minute + 1);
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 230 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (67);