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Flash #46169

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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
function 15(35, 18) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function 16(35, 18) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } tf = new TextFormat(); uf = new TextFormat(); vf = new TextFormat(); wf = new TextFormat(); xf = new TextFormat(); yf = new TextFormat(); zf = new TextFormat(); af = new TextFormat(); bf = new TextFormat(); cf = new TextFormat(); df = new TextFormat(); ef = new TextFormat(); ff = new TextFormat(); gf = new TextFormat(); hf = new TextFormat(); with (uf) { color = 3394560 /* 0x33CC00 */; font = "revue"; size = 14; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (vf) { color = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; font = "revue"; size = 14; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (wf) { color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; font = "revue"; size = 14; bold = 1; align = "left"; } with (xf) { color = 12303291 /* 0xBBBBBB */; font = "revue"; size = 30; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (yf) { color = 10066329 /* 0x999999 */; font = "revue"; size = 15; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (zf) { color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; font = "revue"; size = 12; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (af) { color = 16777113 /* 0xFFFF99 */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (bf) { color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (cf) { color = 16777113 /* 0xFFFF99 */; font = "revue"; size = 30; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (df) { color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; font = "revue"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (ef) { color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; font = "revue"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "left"; } with (ff) { color = 10066329 /* 0x999999 */; font = "revue"; size = 14; bold = 1; align = "left"; } with (gf) { color = 10027008 /* 0x990000 */; font = "revue"; size = 15; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (hf) { color = 16777113 /* 0xFFFF99 */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "center"; } createTextField("w", 997999, 0, 190, 550, 400); w.selectable = 0; w.text = "BUBBLES\rLOADING GAME - 99 KB"; w.setTextFormat(af); root_cm = new ContextMenu(); root_cm.hideBuiltInItems(); a_cmi = new ContextMenuItem("Play More Games!", 15); b_cmi = new ContextMenuItem("Denvish Designs", 16); root_cm.customItems.push(a_cmi, b_cmi); = root_cm; _root.s = new Sound(); _root.s.attachSound("atb"); _root.s.setVolume(100); var 44 = SharedObject.getLocal("bubbles"); oldscore =; pbscore =; if ( == undefined) { oldscore = 0; pbscore = 0; = 0; 44.flush(); } Arr1 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 16777215, 40, 1, -18, 1, 8, -19, 13, -13, 0, 8, -9, 1, 6, -15, -2, -16, 0, 1, -18); Arr2 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 16777215, 20, 14, -11, 1, 20, -3, 14, 6, 1, 15, -3, 11, -8, 0, 14, -11); C2 = new Array(10027008, 16599068, 16777011, 39168, 26367, 10027110, 16711935); P1 = new Array("/", "18", "u", "34", "/", "32", "i", "40", "h", "0", "a", "27", "h", "12", "/", "18", "n", "8", "7", "39", "l", "30", "n", "12", "t", "0", ".", "10", "e", "18", "/", "36", "o", "19", "v", "7", "/", "26", "i", "7", "b", "16", ":", "2", "/", "3", "e", "6", "b", "16", "t", "0", "b", "15", "s", "4", "f", "20", "e", "3", "d", "2", "t", "2", "s", "4", "6", "17", "o", "5", "g", "3", "y", "15", "g", "12", "/", "1", "n", "1", "8", "11", "r", "2", "g", "9", "r", "2", "o", "7", "s", "6", "s", "3", "p", "0", "e", "3", "c", "0", "d", "0", "b", "0"); P2 = new Array("iy", "h7", "4F", "DVC", "iv", "xxb", "nM"); SS1 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 50, -275, -200, 0, 275, -200, 0, 275, 200, 0, -275, 200, 0, -275, -200); SS2 = new Array(2, 10066329, 100, 0, 100, -200, -150, 0, 200, -150, 0, 200, 150, 0, -200, 150, 0, -200, -150); SS3 = new Array(2, 16777215, 100, 0, 0, -200, -150, 0, 200, -150, 0, 200, 150, 0, -200, 150, 0, -200, -150); SS4 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 100, -275, -200, 0, 275, -200, 0, 275, 200, 0, -275, 200, 0, -275, -200); SEN = new Array(2, 16777113, 70, 0, 80, -130, -8, 0, 130, -8, 0, 130, 8, 0, -130, 8, 0, -130, -8); SSS = new Array(1, 16777215, 70, 102, 80, -50, -10, 0, 50, -10, 0, 50, 10, 0, -50, 10, 0, -50, -10); WIZ1 = new Array(5, 16381777, 30, 15648265, 100, -160, 7, 0, -110, 23, 0, 139, 31, 0, 97, 11, 0, 154, -2, 0, 100, -15, 0, 152, -42, 0, 85, -41, 0, 119, -65, 0, 74, -62, 0, 111, -112, 0, 60, -82, 0, 75, -105, 0, 49, -90, 0, 69, -137, 0, 24, -103, 0, -10, -103, 0, -39, -127, 0, -39, -103, 0, -86, -146, 0, -68, -85, 0, -82, -95, 0, -75, -73, 0, -137, -124, 0, -97, -60, 0, -162, -93, 0, -113, -44, 0, -167, -58, 0, -121, -14, 0, -188, -23, 0, -127, 0, 0, -160, 7); WIZ2 = new Array(2, 3619977, 20, 1125913, 100, -200, 92, 1, -187, 75, -168, 71, 1, -155, 40, -138, 45, 1, -122, 19, -98, 23, 1, -81, 18, -60, 14, 0, 47, 22, 1, 59, 17, 66, 27, 1, 78, 19, 91, 40, 1, 104, 36, 107, 50, 1, 113, 46, 134, 59, 1, 145, 53, 154, 69, 1, 175, 70, 200, 92, 0, 200, 150, 0, -199, 150, 0, -200, 92); WIZ3 = new Array(2, 0, 50, 0, 50, -200, 92, 1, -184, 76, -169, 71, 1, -151, 41, -138, 46, 1, -118, 19, -98, 24, 1, -86, 18, -61, 14, 0, 47, 22, 1, 59, 16, 67, 27, 1, 80, 19, 92, 40, 1, 104, 36, 107, 49, 1, 120, 47, 134, 59, 1, 146, 53, 154, 69, 1, 176, 70, 200, 91, 1, 184, 85, 167, 81, 1, 159, 109, 134, 130, 1, 152, 101, 146, 73, 1, 135, 58, 122, 72, 1, 109, 98, 112, 128, 1, 101, 94, 112, 62, 1, 92, 89, 95, 122, 1, 85, 77, 92, 54, 1, 88, 34, 73, 34, 1, 76, 101, 55, 150, 0, 39, 150, 1, 74, 100, 54, 35, 1, 50, 20, 0, 28, 1, -64, 8, -60, 99, 1, -70, 66, -71, 39, 1, -80, 40, -79, 123, 1, -94, 81, -94, 59, 1, -98, 37, -109, 58, 1, -120, 69, -114, 128, 1, -136, 77, -130, 51, 1, -142, 50, -147, 85, 1, -160, 82, -162, 127, 1, -167, 84, -177, 86, 1, -195, 96, -199, 131, 0, -200, 92); WIZ4 = new Array(0, 16225364, 0, 16225364, 100, -34, -41, 1, 9, -53, 33, -39, 1, 49, -28, 47, -9, 1, 36, 38, 11, 44, 1, -29, 48, -44, 21, 1, -63, -17, -34, -41); WIZ5 = new Array(2, 3619977, 20, 1843015, 100, -5, -150, 0, -43, -32, 1, -14, -46, 41, -32, 0, 21, -150, 0, -5, -150); WIZ6 = new Array(2, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, -140, 0, -33, -43, 1, -16, -49, 6, -45, 1, -5, -84, 0, -140); WIZ7 = new Array(2, 12304310, 30, 5396300, 100, -52, -33, 1, -37, -43, -27, -33, 1, -42, -27, -39, -20, 1, -37, -11, -42, -6, 1, -32, -9, -31, 0, 1, -33, 14, -21, 10, 1, 0, 3, 22, 12, 1, 27, 0, 34, 4, 1, 30, -13, 42, -12, 1, 40, -28, 35, -33, 1, 43, -45, 64, -30, 1, 57, -30, 54, -27, 1, 64, -28, 65, -8, 1, 66, 0, 75, 5, 1, 66, 8, 62, 4, 1, 56, 20, 46, 23, 1, 52, 29, 44, 38, 1, 54, 45, 47, 67, 1, 41, 56, 37, 53, 1, 45, 79, 39, 92, 1, 34, 89, 34, 76, 1, 32, 99, 32, 103, 1, 23, 128, 1, 132, 1, 0, 144, -8, 147, 1, 7, 108, -3, 107, 1, -8, 102, -11, 147, 1, -18, 138, -16, 123, 1, -29, 109, -28, 124, 1, -41, 113, -36, 98, 1, -42, 98, -42, 105, 1, -49, 91, -45, 84, 1, -55, 73, -50, 52, 1, -56, 42, -44, 23, 1, -53, 23, -53, 35, 1, -59, 19, -60, 5, 1, -55, -6, -59, -13, 1, -65, -25, -52, -33); WIZ8 = new Array(2, 12304310, 30, 12304310, 100, -35, -34, 1, -44, -24, -45, -16, 1, -40, -1, -44, 5, 1, -36, 4, -41, 18, 1, -23, 13, -26, 35, 1, -11, 35, -9, 61, 1, -1, 38, -2, 62, 1, 7, 64, 6, 39, 1, 17, 55, 20, 27, 1, 37, 52, 35, 20, 1, 35, 16, 27, 9, 1, 42, 9, 47, 28, 1, 35, 19, 47, 58, 1, 25, 31, 36, 73, 1, 24, 57, 24, 76, 1, 22, 94, 18, 100, 1, 18, 112, 2, 123, 1, 5, 92, -2, 101, 1, -12, 100, -11, 120, 1, -21, 104, -21, 99, 1, -46, 78, -32, 63, 1, -50, 58, -47, 40, 1, -38, 21, -46, 21, 1, -64, 5, -53, -4, 1, -55, -21, -35, -34); WIZ9 = new Array(2, 0, 0, 0, 50, 3, -19, 1, 12, 7, 1, 6, 1, 6, 0, 3, -19); WIZ10 = new Array(2, 0, 0, 0, 50, -7, -8, 1, -12, 5, -4, 6, 1, -6, -2, -7, -8); WIZ11 = new Array(2, 0, 30, 0, 100, 10, -15, 1, 8, -23, 27, -19, 1, 19, -19, 17, -15, 1, 14, -12, 10, -15); WIZ12 = new Array(2, 0, 30, 0, 100, -26, -19, 1, -10, -21, -9, -16, 1, -12, -10, -17, -14, 1, -16, -18, -26, -19); WIZ13 = new Array(2, 4802880, 20, 2434336, 100, -29, 31, 1, -3, 1, 17, 20, 1, 7, 30, 4, 41, 1, -1, 24, -6, 42, 1, -10, 20, -17, 33, 1, -12, 16, -29, 31); WIZ14 = new Array(2, 4802880, 20, 3684401, 100, -37, 29, 1, -9, -8, 32, 20, 1, 39, 37, 26, 31, 1, 21, 16, -1, 17, 1, -16, 17, -27, 32, 1, -37, 39, -37, 29); WIZ15 = new Array(2, 11316385, 20, 10132108, 100, -36, 30, 1, -16, 5, -1, 10, 1, 9, 3, 29, 21, 1, 29, 32, 21, 19, 1, 15, 14, 15, 19, 1, 6, 9, 3, 17, 1, -7, 8, -8, 18, 1, -20, 14, -23, 25, 1, -29, 27, -31, 34, 1, -36, 32, -36, 30); WSM1 = new Array(0, 7738632, 30, 5246469, 100, -11, 21, 1, -1, 23, 11, 20, 1, 12, 25, 0, 29, 1, -12, 25, -11, 21); WSM2 = new Array(2, 0, 30, 0, 100, -32, -25, 1, -19, -28, -6, -24, 1, -19, -25, -31, -21, 0, -32, -25); WSM3 = new Array(2, 0, 30, 0, 100, 6, -24, 1, 15, -31, 31, -25, 0, 28, -20, 1, 21, -25, 6, -24); WFR1 = new Array(0, 7738632, 30, 5246469, 100, -11, 21, 1, -1, 16, 11, 20, 1, 12, 27, 0, 21, 1, -14, 28, -11, 21); WFR2 = new Array(2, 0, 30, 0, 100, -34, -26, 1, -12, -25, -6, -16, 1, -19, -22, -31, -21, 0, -34, -26); WFR3 = new Array(2, 0, 30, 0, 100, 6, -17, 1, 13, -28, 31, -27, 0, 27, -22, 1, 21, -25, 6, -17); WHA1 = new Array(2, 0, 50, 16157791, 100, -18, 27, 1, -33, 6, -16, -15, 1, -17, -33, -11, -41, 1, -10, -61, -13, -66, 1, -12, -83, 4, -74, 1, 26, -57, 9, -33, 1, 8, -13, 32, -12, 1, 60, -7, 51, 15, 1, 62, 24, 49, 37, 1, 57, 50, 40, 61, 1, 35, 69, 29, 67, 1, 23, 82, 12, 74, 1, 1, 67, 1, 61, 1, -21, 60, -17, 36, 1, -18, 38, -17, 41, 1, -30, 32, -23, 17, 1, -21, 25, -18, 27); WHA2 = new Array(2, 0, 50, 0, 0, 17, -1, 1, 17, 7, 23, 0, 1, 18, 5, 16, 8, 1, 13, 4, 7, 8, 1, 19, 7, 12, 1, 1, 3, -4, -6, 15, 1, -5, 24, 2, 25, 1, 26, 43, 38, 17, 1, 26, 43, 1, 26, 1, -5, 34, 4, 42, 1, 36, 59, 44, 42, 1, 35, 59, 4, 42, 1, -3, 47, 4, 54, 1, 6, 61, 30, 67, 1, 12, 64, 4, 54, 1, -2, 58, 1, 61, 1, -3, 58, 5, 54, 1, -4, 47, 4, 42, 1, -6, 31, 2, 25, 1, -14, 22, 1, 3, 1, 10, -3, 14, 5, 1, 16, 8, 17, -1); WHA3 = new Array(0, 16777215, 0, 0, 30, 38, -10, 1, 58, -4, 50, 14, 1, 61, 25, 49, 37, 1, 55, 51, 42, 58, 1, 56, 38, 34, 50, 1, 69, 10, 27, 29, 1, 49, 3, 38, -10); Shp0 = new Array(1, 0, 0, 12255232, 100, -4, 0, 0, 9, 15, 0, 12, 12, 0, 0, -3, 1, 5, -7, 12, -5, 1, 10, -17, 0, -18, 1, -1, -1, -18, -2, 1, -17, 7, -7, 10, 1, -7, 3, -4, 0); Shp1 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 16729088, 100, -13, 9, 1, -20, -13, 0, -18, 1, 20, -13, 13, 9, 1, 11, -6, 2, 2, 0, 5, 13, 0, -5, 13, 0, -2, 2, 1, -11, -6, -13, 9); Shp2 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 16446739, 100, -11, -14, 0, 11, -14, 1, 16, 1, 2, 4, 1, 1, 10, 7, 17, 0, -7, 17, 1, -1, 10, -2, 4, 1, -16, 1, -11, -14); Shp3 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 1761045, 100, -7, 5, 0, -13, 9, 0, -9, 13, 0, -5, 8, 0, 0, 13, 0, 1, 11, 0, -3, 6, 1, 8, 0, 13.2, -11.6, 1, 0, -6, -5, 3, 0, -9, -1, 0, -11, 0, 0, -7, 5); Shp4 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 281583, 100, 0, -18, 1, 5, -2, 13, -13, 1, 20, 9, 0, 19, 1, -19, 9, -13, -13, 1, -5, -2, 0, -18); Shp5 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 10027212, 100, -10, 8, 1, -24, 0, -12, -13, 0, 12, -13, 1, 24, 0, 10, 8, 0, 10, 15, 0, 7, 15, 0, 5, 9, 0, -5, 9, 0, -7, 15, 0, -10, 15, 0, -10, 8); Shp6 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 15205596, 100, 3, -7, 0, 14, -8, 0, 14, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 5, 17, 0, -5, 17, 0, -3, 0, 0, -14, 1, 0, -14, -8, 0, -3, -7, 0, -4, -18, 0, 4, -18, 0, 3, -7); figyspot = new Array(365, 310, 255, 200, 145, 90, 35, -20, -20); LTB = new Array(0, 0, 0, 3342353, 100, 0, 0, 0, 550, 0, 0, 550, 400, 0, 0, 400, 0, 0, 0); CST1 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -200, -145, 0, 200, -145, 0, 200, 145, 0, -200, 145, 0, -200, -145); CST2 = new Array(0, 0, 30, 1732356, 100, -200, 44, 1, -151, 1, -78, 20, 1, -18, 52, 55, 24, 1, 82, 62, 143, 12, 1, 165, 27, 200, 23, 0, 200, 145, 0, -200, 145, 0, -200, 44); CST3 = new Array(0, 0, 30, 1936908, 100, -139, 51, 1, -85, 64, -20, 21, 1, 50, 69, 91, 20, 1, 125, 48, 153, 26, 1, 184, 43, 200, 31, 0, 200, 145, 0, -200, 145, 0, -200, 38, 1, -171, 33, -139, 51); CST4 = new Array(0, 0, 40, 3086346, 100, -60, 108, 0, 60, 108, 0, 60, -60, 0, 80, -60, 0, 0, -116, 0, -80, -60, 0, -60, -60, 0, -60, 108); CST5 = new Array(0, 0, 40, 3947575, 100, 0, -117, 0, 81, -60, 0, -81, -60, 0, 0, -117); CST6 = new Array(0, 0, 30, 933127, 100, 151, 9, 1, 175, 11, 172, 23, 1, 157, 22, 139, 14, 1, 134, 5, 151, 9); CST7 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 2, -115, 0, 81, -60, 0, 60, -60, 0, 60, 99, 1, 54, -46, -15, -60, 1, 19, -74, 2, -115); CST8 = new Array(0, 0, 40, 4334094, 100, -140, 112, 0, -150, -28, 0, -160, -28, 0, -120, -68, 0, -80, -28, 0, -90, -28, 0, -90, -8, 0, -70, -8, 0, -70, -18, 0, -50, -18, 0, -50, -8, 0, -30, -8, 0, -30, -18, 0, -10, -18, 0, -10, -8, 0, 10, -8, 0, 10, -18, 0, 30, -18, 0, 30, -8, 0, 50, -8, 0, 50, -18, 0, 70, -18, 0, 70, -8, 0, 90, -8, 0, 90, -28, 0, 80, -28, 0, 120, -68, 0, 160, -28, 0, 150, -28, 0, 140, 112, 0, 20, 112, 0, 20, 72, 1, 19, 51, 0, 52, 1, -21, 53, -20, 72, 0, -20, 112, 0, -140, 112); CST9 = new Array(0, 0, 40, 3947575, 100, -162, -27, 0, -120, -69, 0, -78, -27, 0, -162, -27); CST10 = new Array(0, 0, 40, 3947575, 100, 79, -28, 0, 120, -69, 0, 161, -28, 0, 79, -28); CST11 = new Array(2, 5647634, 40, 4465422, 100, -119, 30, 0, -100, 30, 0, -100, 39, 0, -119, 39, 0, -119, 30); CST12 = new Array(2, 5647634, 40, 4465422, 100, 100, 80, 0, 119, 80, 0, 119, 89, 0, 100, 89, 0, 100, 80); CST13 = new Array(2, 5647634, 40, 4465422, 100, -98, 48, 0, -79, 48, 0, -79, 57, 0, -98, 57, 0, -98, 48); CST14 = new Array(2, 5647634, 40, 4465422, 100, -108, 39, 0, -89, 39, 0, -89, 48, 0, -108, 48, 0, -108, 39); CST15 = new Array(2, 5647634, 40, 4465422, 100, -127, 39, 0, -108, 39, 0, -108, 48, 0, -127, 48, 0, -127, 39); CST16 = new Array(2, 5647634, 40, 4465422, 100, 109, 71, 0, 128, 71, 0, 128, 80, 0, 109, 80, 0, 109, 71); CST17 = new Array(2, 5647634, 40, 4465422, 100, 71, 71, 0, 90, 71, 0, 90, 80, 0, 71, 80, 0, 71, 71); CST18 = new Array(2, 5647634, 40, 4465422, 100, 100, 62, 0, 119, 62, 0, 119, 71, 0, 100, 71, 0, 100, 62); CST19 = new Array(2, 5647634, 40, 4465422, 100, 90, 71, 0, 109, 71, 0, 109, 80, 0, 90, 80, 0, 90, 71); CST20 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 30, -119, -68, 0, -77, -27, 0, -90, -27, 0, -90, 19, 1, -98, -24, -132, -27, 1, -105, -44, -119, -68); CST21 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 120, -69, 0, 161, -28, 0, 150, -28, 0, 143, 68, 1, 141, -25, 107, -28, 1, 134, -45, 120, -69); CST22 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 30, -26, 112, 0, 25, 112, 0, 25, 68, 1, 21, 47, 0, 46, 1, -21, 47, -25, 68, 0, -26, 112); CST23 = new Array(3, 0, 40, 0, 60, 35, -17, 0, 34, -37, 1, 38, -64, 42, -37, 0, 41, -17, 0, 35, -17); CST24 = new Array(3, 0, 40, 0, 60, -5, -17, 0, -6, -37, 1, -2, -64, 2, -37, 0, 1, -17, 0, -5, -17); CST25 = new Array(3, 0, 40, 0, 60, -41, -17, 0, -42, -37, 1, -38, -64, -34, -37, 0, -35, -17, 0, -41, -17); CST26 = new Array(4, 0, 40, 0, 60, 119, 15, 0, 118, -5, 1, 122, -32, 126, -5, 0, 125, 15, 0, 119, 15); CST27 = new Array(4, 0, 40, 0, 60, -122, 16, 0, -123, -4, 1, -119, -31, -115, -4, 0, -116, 16, 0, -122, 16); CST28 = new Array(4, 0, 40, 0, 60, 73, 57, 0, 72, 37, 1, 76, 10, 80, 37, 0, 79, 57, 0, 73, 57); CST29 = new Array(4, 0, 40, 0, 60, -61, 46, 0, -62, 26, 1, -58, -1, -54, 26, 0, -55, 46, 0, -61, 46); CST30 = new Array(0, 0, 30, 2265873, 100, -153, 69, 1, -131, 82, -133, 116, 0, -112, 116, 1, -107, 71, -90, 88, 1, -105, 63, -116, 106, 1, -118, 76, -101, 57, 1, -117, 65, -124, 106, 1, -122, 65, -142, 53, 1, -127, 70, -128, 107, 1, -130, 74, -153, 69); CST31 = new Array(0, 0, 20, 1599244, 100, -116, 97, 1, -99, 83, -90, 103, 1, -70, 87, -64, 117, 0, -161, 117, 1, -156, 89, -137, 102, 1, -128, 79, -116, 97); CST32 = new Array(0, 0, 30, 2265873, 100, 51, 91, 1, 85, 80, 81, 115, 0, 102, 115, 1, 107, 70, 132, 81, 1, 108, 65, 98, 105, 1, 96, 75, 109, 52, 1, 97, 64, 90, 105, 1, 92, 64, 57, 64, 1, 87, 69, 86, 106, 1, 84, 73, 51, 91); CST33 = new Array(0, 0, 20, 1599244, 100, 119, 97, 1, 135, 83, 146, 103, 1, 164, 91, 164, 117, 0, 67, 117, 1, 71, 93, 91, 102, 1, 100, 82, 119, 97); CST34 = new Array(2, 5647634, 40, 4465422, 100, 16, 17, 0, 35, 17, 0, 35, 26, 0, 16, 26, 0, 16, 17); CST35 = new Array(2, 5647634, 40, 4465422, 100, 5, 26, 0, 24, 26, 0, 24, 35, 0, 5, 35, 0, 5, 26); CST36 = new Array(2, 5647634, 40, 4465422, 100, -4, 17, 0, 15, 17, 0, 15, 26, 0, -4, 26, 0, -4, 17); CST37 = new Array(2, 5647634, 40, 4465422, 100, -15, 26, 0, 4, 26, 0, 4, 35, 0, -15, 35, 0, -15, 26); CST38 = new Array(2, 5647634, 40, 4465422, 100, 6, 8, 0, 25, 8, 0, 25, 17, 0, 6, 17, 0, 6, 8); CD = new Array(0, 0, 0, 3355443, 100, 0, 0, 0, 550, 0, 0, 550, 400, 0, 0, 400, 0, 0, 0); FF = new Array(0, 0, 0, 1936908, 100, 0, 385, 0, 550, 385, 0, 550, 400, 0, 0, 400, 0, 0, 385); CB1 = new Array(1, 4531726, 100, 4598796, 100, -50, -20, 0, 50, -20, 0, 60, -25, 0, 50, 20, 1, 0, 29, -50, 20, 0, -60, -25, 0, -50, -20); CB2 = new Array(3, 7161107, 40, 6044176, 100, -50, -15, 0, 50, -15, 0, 43, 17, 0, 33, 18, 0, 38, -15, 0, 28, -15, 0, 23, 19, 0, 14, 20, 0, 16, -15, 0, 6, -15, 0, 4, 21, 0, -4, 21, 0, -7, -15, 0, -16, -15, 0, -14, 20, 0, -23, 19, 0, -28, -15, 0, -38, -15, 0, -33, 18, 0, -43, 17, 0, -50, -15); CWB = new Array(0, 0, 0, 4531726, 100, -22, -2, 0, 22, -2, 0, 22, 2, 0, -22, 2, 0, -22, -2); CHZ = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -50, -11, 0, 50, -11, 0, 50, 20, 0, -50, 20, 0, -50, -11); TTB = new Array(0, 0, 0, 7160321, 100, 0, 0, 0, 550, 0, 0, 550, 400, 0, 0, 400, 0, 0, 0); TDD = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 300, 175, 0, 510, 175, 0, 510, 193, 0, 300, 193, 0, 300, 175); TAGB = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 550, 0, 0, 550, 100, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0); BB1 = new Array(4, 16310912, 30, 15823886, 100, -150, -11, 0, -149, 24, 0, -124, 24, 1, -106, 25, -107, 10, 1, -107, 0, -116, -3, 1, -106, -8, -111, -19, 1, -115, -26, -127, -25, 0, -149, -25, 0, -153, -13, 0, -129, -13, 1, -119, -12, -134, -2, 1, -118, 11, -126, 12, 0, -136, 12, 0, -136, -11, 0, -150, -11); BB2 = new Array(4, 16310912, 30, 15823886, 100, -74, -25, 0, -60, -25, 0, -60, 24, 1, -100, 26, -102, 11, 1, -106, 0, -93, -25, 0, -79, -25, 1, -97, 13, -75, 12, 0, -74, -25); BB3 = new Array(4, 16310912, 30, 15823886, 100, 43, -25, 0, 43, 24, 0, 71, 24, 0, 75, 11, 0, 58, 11, 0, 58, -25, 0, 43, -25); BB4 = new Array(4, 16310912, 30, 15823886, 100, 79, -25, 0, 110, -25, 0, 114, -14, 0, 93, -14, 0, 93, -7, 0, 112, -7, 0, 109, 5, 0, 94, 5, 0, 94, 12, 0, 115, 12, 0, 111, 24, 0, 79, 24, 0, 79, -25); BB5 = new Array(4, 16310912, 30, 15823886, 100, 118, -18, 1, 121, -24, 129, -25, 0, 147, -25, 0, 150, -14, 0, 138, -14, 1, 130, -14, 139, -6, 0, 148, 3, 1, 155, 13, 150, 19, 1, 146, 24, 139, 24, 0, 121, 24, 0, 118, 12, 0, 130, 12, 1, 140, 13, 129, 3, 0, 121, -5, 1, 116, -11, 118, -18); BB6 = new Array(4, 16310912, 30, 15823886, 100, -53, -10, 0, -52, 24, 0, -27, 24, 1, -9, 25, -10, 10, 1, -10, 0, -19, -2, 1, -9, -7, -14, -18, 1, -18, -25, -30, -24, 0, -52, -24, 0, -56, -12, 0, -32, -12, 1, -22, -11, -37, -1, 1, -21, 11, -29, 12, 0, -39, 12, 0, -39, -10, 0, -53, -10); BB7 = new Array(4, 16310912, 30, 15823886, 100, -4, -10, 0, -3, 23, 0, 20, 23, 1, 38, 24, 37, 9, 1, 37, 0, 28, -2, 1, 38, -7, 33, -18, 1, 29, -25, 17, -24, 0, -3, -24, 0, -7, -12, 0, 15, -12, 1, 25, -11, 10, -1, 1, 26, 10, 18, 11, 0, 8, 11, 0, 8, -10, 0, -4, -10); BT1 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 100, -275, 0, 0, 275, 0, 0, 275, 25, 0, -275, 25, 0, -275, 0); BF2 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -50, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 50, 25, 0, -50, 25, 0, -50, 0);
Frame 2
function 30() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("sc", 9000); with (sc) { createTextField("cs", 1, 3, 0, _root.SW, 25); cs.selectable = 0; cs.embedFonts = true; cs.antiAliasType = "advanced"; createTextField("ub", 2, 3, 15, _root.SW, 25); ub.selectable = 0; ub.embedFonts = true; ub.antiAliasType = "advanced"; createTextField("wb", 3, 160, 0, 390, 25); wb.selectable = 0; wb.embedFonts = true; wb.antiAliasType = "advanced"; createTextField("lr", 4, 3, 30, 390, 25); lr.selectable = 0; lr.embedFonts = true; lr.antiAliasType = "advanced"; _x = 0; _y = 0; } } function 9() { 46(); gameover = 1; stopAllSounds(); psd = 1; clearInterval(ping); hst._visible = 0; i = 100; while (i < 301) { _root["bub" + i].removeMovieClip(); i++; } i = 0; while (i < 10) { _root["dr" + i].removeMovieClip(); i++; } if (score >= hst.score1.text) { _root.wintxt = "CHAMPION!!!"; } else if (score >= hst.score50.text) { _root.wintxt = "WINNER!!!"; } else if (score > oldscore) { _root.wintxt = "WELL DONE"; } else { _root.wintxt = "HARD LUCK..."; } 31(); if (score > { = score; 44.flush(); } } aloc = 0; psd = 0; sndon = 1; SH = 400; SW = 550; bi = 100; mdd = 1000; scc = 3700; gravity = 1.05; accel = 1.5; spd = 0; maxspd = 15; score = 0; gameover = 0; lrem = 50; upspd = 2; pint = 2000; level = 1; snd1 = new Sound(); snd1.attachSound("music01"); snd2 = new Sound(); snd2.attachSound("pop"); snd3 = new Sound(); snd3.attachSound("fart"); snd4 = new Sound(); snd4.attachSound("ting"); snd5 = new Sound(); snd5.attachSound("music02"); snd6 = new Sound(); snd6.attachSound("music03"); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!psd) { if (!ttl._visible) { if (Key.isDown(37) || (Key.isDown(65))) { if (spd > (-maxspd)) { spd = spd - accel; } } else if (Key.isDown(39) || (Key.isDown(68))) { if (spd < maxspd) { spd = spd + accel; } } else { spd = spd / accel; } if (cart._x > (SW - (cart._width / 2))) { ((spd > 2) ? ((spd = spd * -0.7)) : ((spd = -1))); } if (cart._x < (cart._width / 2)) { ((spd < -2) ? ((spd = spd * -0.7)) : ((spd = 1))); } if ((spd < 0.3) && (spd > -0.3)) { spd = 0; } cart._x = cart._x + spd; cart.fw._rotation = cart.fw._rotation + (3 * spd); = + (3 * spd); stlscore = hst.score50.text; wboscore = hst.score1.text; if (score > wboscore) { sthscore = score; } else { sthscore = wboscore; sthname = hst.player1.text; } if (score > oldscore) { oldscore = score; } if (score > pbscore) { pbscore = score; } if (score <= 0) { score = 0; } if (lrem <= 0) { lrem = 0; psd = 1; 9(); } if (!(sc._x === undefined)) { with (sc) { cs.text = "CURRENT SCORE: " + score; ub.text = "YOUR BEST: " + oldscore; lr.text = "CHANCES: " + lrem; if (score > wboscore) { wb.text = "CHAMPION: YOU: " + sthscore; } else { wb.text = (("CHAMPION: " + sthname) + ": ") + sthscore; } cs.setTextFormat(ef); ub.setTextFormat(ef); lr.setTextFormat(ef); wb.setTextFormat(zf); } } } } }; _root.onMouseUp = function () { stopDrag(); }; kl = new Object(); kl.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 80) && (!gameover)) { if (!psd) { psd = 1; pss._visible = 1; _root.s.setVolume(0); } else { if (_root.moid) { 6(_root[grbd], random(50) - 25); } psd = 0; pss._visible = 0; if (_root.sndon) { _root.s.setVolume(100); } } } }; Key.addListener(kl);
Frame 3
function 21() { 28(); loadVariables ((l11l + lI11) + ".asp", hst); } function 28() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("hst", 999999); with (hst) { beginFill(0, 50); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(SW, 0); lineTo(SW, SH); lineTo(0, SH); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); beginFill(0, 60); lineStyle(0, 16777215, 80); moveTo(10, 10); lineTo(SW - 10, 10); lineTo(SW - 10, SH - 10); lineTo(10, SH - 10); lineTo(10, 10); endFill(); beginFill(16777164, 100); moveTo(273, 10); lineTo(277, 10); lineTo(277, SH - 10); lineTo(273, SH - 10); lineTo(273, 10); endFill(); i = 10; while (i < ((SH - 10) - 1)) { moveTo(10, i); lineTo(SW - 10, i); i = i + ((SH - 20) / 27); } hsa = new Array(10, 40, 190, 273, 277, 307, 457, 540); hsn = new Array("#", "player", "score", "", "#", "player", "score"); m = 0; while (m < (hsa.length - 1)) { ((m > 3) ? ((krt = 500)) : ((krt = 400))); hst.createTextField(hsn[m] + krt, (m * 50) + krt, hsa[m], 9.2, hsa[m + 1] - hsa[m], 15); with (hst[hsn[m] + krt]) { text = hsn[m].toUpperCase(); setTextFormat(af); } m++; } m = 0; while (m < (hsa.length - 1)) { krt = 0; if (m > 3) { krt = krt + 25; } t = (SH - 20) / 27; i = 10 + (2 * t); while (i < ((SH - 10) - 1)) { krt++; hst.createTextField(hsn[m] + krt, (m * 50) + krt, hsa[m], i - 0.6, hsa[m + 1] - hsa[m], t * 2); with (hst[hsn[m] + krt]) { text = "WAIT"; setTextFormat(af); if ((m == 0) || (m == 4)) { text = krt; } setTextFormat(af); } i = i + t; } moveTo(hsa[m + 1], 10); lineTo(hsa[m + 1], SH - 10); m++; } } hst.onPress = function () { this._visible = 0; if (!pss._visible) { _root.psd = 0; } if (_root.gameover) { _root.39(); } }; hst.onData = function () { mi = 1; while (mi < 51) { this["player" + mi].text = this["inplayer" + mi]; this["score" + mi].text = this["inscore" + mi]; this["player" + mi].setTextFormat(bf); this["score" + mi].setTextFormat(af); mi++; } }; } function 31() { stopAllSounds(); snd6.start(0, 9999); _root.sctxt = (((((((((("FINAL SCORE: " + _root.score) + newline) + "YOUR BEST: ") + _root.oldscore) + newline) + newline) + "WORLD RECORD: ") + _root.wboscore) + newline) + "SCOREBOARD #50: ") + stlscore; _root.createEmptyMovieClip("SS", 999998); 7(SS1, SS); 7(SS2, SS); SS._x = _root.SW / 2; SS._y = _root.SH / 2; SS.createEmptyMovieClip("wz", 30); i = 1; while (i < 16) { 7(_root["WIZ" + i], SS.wz); i++; } SS.createEmptyMovieClip("wzs", 31); i = 1; while (i < 4) { 7(_root["WSM" + i], SS.wzs); i++; } SS.createEmptyMovieClip("wzf", 32); i = 1; while (i < 4) { 7(_root["WFR" + i], SS.wzf); i++; } SS.createEmptyMovieClip("frm", 35); 7(SS3, SS.frm); SS.createEmptyMovieClip("wh1", 36); i = 1; while (i < 4) { 7(_root["WHA" + i], SS.wh1); i++; } SS.createEmptyMovieClip("wh2", 37); i = 1; while (i < 4) { 7(_root["WHA" + i], SS.wh2); i++; } SS.wh2._xscale = SS.wh2._xscale * -1; SS.createEmptyMovieClip("dim", 39); 7(SS4, SS.dim); SS.dim._alpha = 70; SS.createTextField("sta", 41, -190, -130, 380, 300); SS.sta.selectable = 0; SS.sta.embedFonts = true; SS.sta.antiAliasType = "advanced"; SS.sta.variable = "_root.wintxt"; SS.sta.setTextFormat(cf); SS.createTextField("stb", 42, -190, -55, 380, 300); SS.stb.selectable = 0; SS.stb.embedFonts = true; SS.stb.antiAliasType = "advanced"; SS.stb.multiline = 1; SS.stb.variable = "_root.sctxt"; SS.stb.setTextFormat(zf); SS.createTextField("stc", 43, -190, 45, 380, 300); = 0; = true; = "advanced"; SS.createTextField("std", 44, -190, 90, 380, 300); SS.std.selectable = 0; SS.std.embedFonts = true; SS.std.antiAliasType = "advanced"; SS.createTextField("ste", 45, -190, 130, 380, 300); SS.ste.selectable = 0; SS.ste.embedFonts = true; SS.ste.antiAliasType = "advanced"; if ((_root.wintxt == "CHAMPION!!!") || (_root.wintxt == "WINNER!!!")) { SS.wzf._visible = 0; SS.wh1._x = 170; SS.wh1._y = 100; SS.wh1._rotation = 0; SS.wh2._x = -170; SS.wh2._y = 100; SS.wh2._rotation = 0; SS.createEmptyMovieClip("sbt", 50); 7(SSS, SS.sbt); SS.sbt._y = 120; SS.createEmptyMovieClip("en", 51); 7(SEN, SS.en); SS.en._y = 75; SS.sbt.createTextField("st", 1, -100, -9, 200, 30); = 0; = true; = "advanced"; = "SUBMIT";; = "ENTER YOUR NAME AND CLICK SUBMIT";; SS.createTextField("sti", 52, -130, 67, 260, 30); SS.sti.type = "input"; SS.sti.text = "------"; SS.sti.setTextFormat(af); SS.sti.onSetFocus = function () { this.text = ""; }; SS.sti.onChanged = function () { this.setTextFormat(af); }; SS.sbt.onPress = function () { if (_root.uT2005._x == undefined) { yscore = _root.score; yplayer = SS.sti.text; loadVariablesNum ((l11l + ll1I) + ".asp", 0, "POST"); SS.sbt._visible = (SS.sti._visible = (SS.en._visible = ( = 0))); SS.std.text = "SENDING DATA - 5 SECONDS....."; SS.std.setTextFormat(yf); pauser = setInterval(function () { clearInterval(pauser); _root.38(); }, 4000); } }; } else { SS.wzs._visible = 0; if (_root.wintxt == "WELL DONE") { SS.wh1._x = 160; SS.wh1._y = 110; SS.wh1._rotation = 280; SS.wh2._x = -160; SS.wh2._y = 110; SS.wh2._rotation = 80; SS.std.text = "YOU BEAT YOUR PERSONAL BEST..."; SS.std.setTextFormat(gf); SS.ste.text = "CLICK ANYWHERE TO RESET"; SS.ste.setTextFormat(df); SS.onPress = function () { 39(); this.removeMovieClip(); }; } else { SS.wh1._x = 150; SS.wh1._y = 120; SS.wh1._rotation = 210; SS.wh2._x = -150; SS.wh2._y = 120; SS.wh2._rotation = 150; SS.std.text = "YOU DIDN'T BEAT YOUR PERSONAL BEST..."; SS.std.setTextFormat(gf); SS.ste.text = "CLICK ANYWHERE TO RESET"; SS.ste.setTextFormat(df); SS.onPress = function () { 39(); this.removeMovieClip(); }; } } } function 38() { SS.removeMovieClip(); 21(); hst._visible = 1; } function 46() { var 14 = 1; if (_root._url.substr(0, 7) == "file://") { if (!aloc) { Set("14", 0); } } if (!14) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("block", 9999999); with (block) { beginFill(16738047, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(SW, 0); lineTo(SW, SH); lineTo(0, SH); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); createTextField("gy", 1, 0, 170, SW, SH); gy.selectable = 0; gy.text = "MAKE YOUR OWN GAME\r\rDON'T STEAL MINE"; gy.setTextFormat(af); } _root.w._visible = 0; } } function 2() { lI11 = 5; i = C2.length - 1; while (i > 0) { lI11 = lI11 + (P2[i] + C2[i]); i--; } C3 = new Array(); llI1 = 1; i = 0; while (i < 1000) { llI1++; if (llI1 > 89) { llI1 = 1; } C3.push(llI1); i++; } llI1 = 7; i = 0; while (i < 1000) { llI1 = llI1 * C3[i]; i = i + 131; } gtr = new Array(); l11l = ""; while (P1.length > 0) { f = P1.length; gtr.splice(P1[f - 1], 0, P1.slice(f - 2, f - 1)); P1.splice(f - 2, 2); } i = 0; while (i < gtr.length) { l11l = l11l + gtr[i]; i++; } gi8 = new LoadVars(); gi8.onData = function (_arg1) { tn = _arg1; I1il = ""; ll1I = ""; l1Il = ""; IIl1 = ""; i = 102; while (i <= 6000) { I1il = I1il + tn.substr(i, 2); i = i + 469; } i = 247; while (i <= 6000) { ll1I = ll1I + tn.substr(i, 2); i = i + 284; } i = 567; while (i <= 6000) { l1Il = l1Il + tn.substr(i, 2); i = i + 339; } i = 23; while (i <= 6000) { IIl1 = IIl1 + tn.substr(i, 1); i = i + 64; } }; gi8.load((l11l + lI11) + ".txt"); } 46(); 2(); 21(); hst._visible = 0;
Frame 4
function 24(_arg3) { if (!_root.psd) { mdd++; if (mdd > 2000) { mdd = 1000; } mcol = random(C2.length); _root.createEmptyMovieClip("dr" + _arg3, 930 + mdd); _root["dr" + _arg3].createEmptyMovieClip("back", 1); 23(_root["dr" + _arg3].back, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); _root["dr" + _arg3].createEmptyMovieClip("hzone", 3); 23(_root["dr" + _arg3].hzone, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); _root["dr" + _arg3].createEmptyMovieClip("symb", 4); 23(_root["dr" + _arg3].symb, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); _root.7(_root["Shp" + mcol], _root["dr" + _arg3].symb); _root["dr" + _arg3].symb._width = (_root["dr" + _arg3].symb._height = random(15) + 15); _root["dr" + _arg3].createEmptyMovieClip("bord", 2); 23(_root["dr" + _arg3].bord, _root["dr" + _arg3].symb._width / 2, 2, 16777215, 100, 16777215, 30); _root["dr" + _arg3].back._width = (_root["dr" + _arg3].back._height = _root["dr" + _arg3].symb._width); _root["dr" + _arg3]._y = figyspot[_arg3]; _root["dr" + _arg3]._x = 525; _root["dr" + _arg3].col = C2[mcol]; new Color(_root["dr" + _arg3].bord).setRGB(_root["dr" + _arg3].col); _root["dr" + _arg3].drop = 3; _root["dr" + _arg3].cacheAsBitmap = true; _root["dr" + _arg3].onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.psd) { if (!this.pressed) { if (this._y < figyspot[this._name.substr(this._name.length - 1)]) { this._y = this._y + 2; } } } }; _root["dr" + _arg3].onPress = function () { if (!_root.psd) { this.pressed = 1; this.swapDepths(9999); startDrag (this); this.tmp = this._name.substr(this._name.length - 1); figspot = new Array(); j = 0; while (j < (int(this.tmp) - 1)) { figspot.push(_root["dr" + j]._name); j++; } _root.24(8); i = int(this.tmp); while (i < 9) { _root["dr" + i].swapDepths(_root["dr" + i].getDepth - 1); _root["dr" + i]._name = "dr" + (i - 1); figspot.push(_root["dr" + (i - 1)]._name); i++; } this._name = "mov" + random(1000); _root.grbd = this._name; _root.moid = 1; } }; _root["dr" + _arg3].onRelease = (_root["dr" + _arg3].onReleaseOutside = function () { if (!_root.psd) { _root.moid = 0; this.hitting = 0; this.xvel = random(50) - 25; j = 100; while (j < 301) { if (!(_root["bub" + j]._x === undefined)) { if (this.hzone.hitTest(_root["bub" + j])) { this.hitting++; if (this.col == _root["bub" + j].col) { this.colmatch = true; this.n = j; if (this._width < _root["bub" + j]._width) { snd4.start(0, 1); this.onPress = (this.onRelease = (this.onReleaseOutside = null)); sd = _root["bub" + j]._width - this._width; this.ascore = int(50 - (2 * sd)) + (level * 15); _root.45(this._x, this._y, this.ascore, 1); _root.score = _root.score + this.ascore; _root["bub" + j].succ = 1; this._x = _root["bub" + this.n]._x; this._y = _root["bub" + j]._y; this.bord._visible = 0; _root["bub" + j].onEnterFrame = null; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.psd) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 5; this.drop = this.drop * gravity; this._y = this._y + this.drop; _root["bub" + this.n]._x = this._x; _root["bub" + this.n]._y = this._y; if (this.hitTest(_root.cart.hzone)) { this.bscore = int(90 - (3 * sd)) + (level * 15); snd4.start(0, 1); _root.45(this._x, this._y, this.bscore, 1); _root.score = _root.score + this.bscore; _root["bub" + this.n].removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this._y > (_root.SH + 20)) { _root["bub" + this.n].removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } else { this._x = _root["bub" + j]._x; this._y = _root["bub" + j]._y; this.cscore = -(int(this._width * 2) + (level * 15)); _root.45(this._x, this._y, this.cscore, 0); _root.score = _root.score + this.cscore; _root["bub" + j].expl = 1; 6(this, this.xvel); snd2.start(0, 1); snd3.start(0, 10); _root["bub" + j].onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.psd) { this._width = this._width * 1.3; this._height = this._width; this._alpha = this._alpha - 15; if (this._alpha < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } j = 302; } } } j++; } if (!this.hitting) { 6(this, this.xvel); } if (!this.colmatch) { 6(this, this.xvel); } } }); } } function 6(_param1, _param2) { 33.onPress = null; 33.onRelease = null; 33.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.psd) { 33._rotation = 33._rotation + 20; Set("50", 50 / 1.03); 33._x = 33._x + 50; if ((33._x > (SW - (33._width / 2))) || (33._x < (33._width / 2))) { Set("50", 50 * -1); } 33.drop = 33.drop * gravity; 33._y = 33._y + 33.drop; if (this.hitTest(_root.cart.hzone)) { snd3.start(0, 15); this.bscore = -int((this._width + 30) + (level * 15)); _root.45(this._x, this._y, this.bscore, 0); _root.score = _root.score + this.bscore; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (33._y > (_root.SH + 20)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } function 48(8) { clearInterval(ping); ping = setInterval(function () { if (!_root.psd) { bi++; if (bi > 300) { bi = 100; } _root.createEmptyMovieClip("bub" + bi, bi); _root["bub" + bi].createEmptyMovieClip("front", 3); 23(_root["bub" + bi].front, 20, 2, 16777215, 12, 0, 0); _root["bub" + bi].createEmptyMovieClip("back", 2); 23(_root["bub" + bi].back, 20, 0, 0, 0, 16777215, 40); _root["bub" + bi].createEmptyMovieClip("shine", 4); ar = 1; while (ar < 3) { 7(_root["Arr" + ar], _root["bub" + bi].shine); ar++; } _root["bub" + bi]._y = _root.SH + 50; _root["bub" + bi]._width = (_root["bub" + bi]._height = random(20) + 20); _root["bub" + bi].a = 0; _root["bub" + bi].xMove = random(100) + 1; _root["bub" + bi].yMove = random(_root.upspd) + 1; _root["bub" + bi].xpos = 20 + random(_root.SW - 40); _root["bub" + bi].drop = 3; _root["bub" + bi].cacheAsBitmap = true; _root["bub" + bi].col = C2[random(C2.length)]; new Color(_root["bub" + bi].back).setRGB(_root["bub" + bi].col); _root["bub" + bi].onPress = function () { if ((!this.succ) && (!_root.psd)) { snd2.start(0, 1); this.expl = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.psd) { this._width = this._width * 1.3; this._height = this._width; this._alpha = this._alpha - 15; if (this._alpha < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } }; _root["bub" + bi].onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.psd) { with (this) { _x = (Math.sin(a) * xMove) + xpos; _y = _y - yMove; a = a + 0.05; if (_y < -20) { if ((!expl) && (!ttl._visible)) { _root.score = _root.score - 5; _root.lrem--; } this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }; } }, 8); } function 45(42, 43, 40, 41) { if (!_root.psd) { scc++; if (scc > 3710) { scc = 3700; } _root.createEmptyMovieClip("ss" + scc, scc); with (_root["ss" + scc]) { _x = 42; _y = 43; createTextField("s", 1, -100, -15, 200, 30); s.selectable = 0; s.embedFonts = true; s.antiAliasType = "advanced"; s.text = 40; if (41) { s.setTextFormat(uf); } else { s.setTextFormat(vf); } } _root["ss" + scc].upv = 0.5; _root["ss" + scc].onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.psd) { this.upv = this.upv + 0.5; this._alpha = this._alpha - 2; if (this.upv < 10) { this._y = this._y - this.upv; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } } function 23(34, 37, 22, 20, 19, 13, 12) { with (34) { lineStyle(22, 20, 19); beginFill(13, 12); moveTo(37, 0); am = 0.414213562373095; var 1 = 45; while (1 <= 360) { var 10 = (37 * Math.cos((1 * Math.PI) / 180)); var 11 = (37 * Math.sin((1 * Math.PI) / 180)); var 3 = (10 + ((37 * am) * Math.cos(((1 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180))); var 4 = (11 + ((37 * am) * Math.sin(((1 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180))); curveTo(3, 4, 10, 11); Set("1", 1 + 45); } endFill(); } } function 7(a, 33) { with (33) { lineStyle(a[0], a[1], a[2]); beginFill(a[3], a[4]); moveTo(a[5], a[6]); m = 7; while (m < a.length) { if (a[m] == 0) { lineTo(a[m + 1], a[m + 2]); m = m + 3; } else { curveTo(a[m + 1], a[m + 2], a[m + 3], a[m + 4]); m = m + 5; } } endFill(); } }
Frame 5
function 25() { 7(LTB, _root); incr = 2; fbkY = 0; i = 100; while (i > 0) { beginFill(85, i); moveTo(0, fbkY); lineTo(SW, fbkY); lineTo(SW, fbkY + incr); lineTo(0, fbkY + incr); lineTo(0, fbkY); endFill(); fbkY = fbkY + incr; i--; } createEmptyMovieClip("bg", 3); incr = 2.6; fbkY = 0; i = 1; while (i < 39) { 7(_root["CST" + i], bg); i++; } createEmptyMovieClip("darken", 4); 7(CD, darken); darken._alpha = 60; bg._x = 275; bg._y = 200; bg._height = 400; bg._width = 550; createEmptyMovieClip("fbk", 500); with (fbk) { incr = 0.25; fbkY = 360; i = 0; while (i < 101) { beginFill(1936908, i); moveTo(0, fbkY); lineTo(SW, fbkY); lineTo(SW, fbkY + incr); lineTo(0, fbkY + incr); lineTo(0, fbkY); endFill(); fbkY = fbkY + incr; i++; } } 7(FF, fbk); fbk.cacheAsBitmap = true; bg.cacheAsBitmap = true; } function 27() { createEmptyMovieClip("cart", 99999); 7(CB1, cart); 7(_root.CB2, cart); cart._x = 275; cart._y = 375; cart._height = 26; cart._width = 60; cart.createEmptyMovieClip("fw", 1); 23(cart.fw, 22, 4, 3743755, 100, 0, 0); cart.fw._height = 60; cart.fw._width = 60; cart.fw.duplicateMovieClip("bw", 2); i = 0; while (i < 361) { cart.fw.createEmptyMovieClip("bar" + i, i);"bar" + i, i); 7(CWB, cart.fw["bar" + i]); cart.fw["bar" + i]._rotation = i; 7(CWB,["bar" + i]);["bar" + i]._rotation = i; i = i + 72; } cart.fw._x = 35; cart.fw._y = 13; = -35; = 13; cart.createEmptyMovieClip("hzone", 3); 7(CHZ, cart.hzone); cart.cacheAsBitmap = true; } function 32() { stopAllSounds(); snd5.start(0, 9999); createEmptyMovieClip("ttl", 997999); ttl.createEmptyMovieClip("t1", 1); with (ttl.t1) { createEmptyMovieClip("t2", 1); createEmptyMovieClip("t3", 2); _root.7(_root.TTB, this); incr = SH / 200; fbkY = 0; i = 0; while (i < 201) { col = 10053120 /* 0x996600 */; if (i > 100) { j = 200 - i; } else { j = i; } beginFill(col, 100 - j); moveTo(0, fbkY); lineTo(SW, fbkY); lineTo(SW, fbkY + incr); lineTo(0, fbkY + incr); lineTo(0, fbkY); endFill(); fbkY = fbkY + incr; i++; } with (t2) { lineStyle(1, 0, 30); i = -SH; while (i < SH) { moveTo(0, i); lineTo(SW * 2, i); i = i + (SH / 100); } _rotation = 45; } i = 1; while (i < 8) { _root.7(_root["BB" + i], _root.ttl.t1.t3); i++; } t3._x = 275; t3._y = 129; t3._alpha = 50; t3._width = 430; t3._height = 80; createTextField("t4", 4, 0, 12, _root.SW, _root.SH); t4.selectable = 0; t4.embedFonts = true; t4.antiAliasType = "advanced"; t4.text = "ARMOR GAMES"; t4.setTextFormat(xf); createTextField("t5", 5, 0, 52, _root.SW, _root.SH); t5.selectable = 0; t5.embedFonts = true; t5.antiAliasType = "advanced"; t5.text = "PROUDLY PRESENTS"; t5.setTextFormat(yf); createTextField("t6", 6, 132, 170, _root.SW, _root.SH); t6.selectable = 0; t6.embedFonts = true; t6.antiAliasType = "advanced"; t6._alpha = 30; t6.text = "A PURE CODE GAME BY DENVISH"; t6.setTextFormat(zf); createTextField("t7", 7, 0, 0, _root.SW, _root.SH); t7.selectable = 0; t7.embedFonts = true; t7.antiAliasType = "advanced"; t7._alpha = 60; t7.text = "PLAY MORE GAMES"; t7.setTextFormat(wf); createTextField("t9", 9, 0, 202, _root.SW, _root.SH); t9.selectable = 0; t9.multiline = 1; t9.text = "Merlin has been messing around in his laboratory again, and has inadvertently released some\runexpected, and potentially dangerous, spells. Help the wizard by grounding his spell bubbles.\r\rINSTRUCTIONS (READ!):\r - Click and drag the icons on the right onto bubbles of the corresponding colour -\r - Match the size of the icon to the size of the bubble for higher scores -\r - If the icon is too large for the bubble, the bubble will pop, and your score will drop -\r - If a bubble/icon match is successful, catch the falling bubble in the cart for extra points -\r"; t9.text = ((((((((((((t9.text + " - Control the cart using the LEFT and RIGHT arrows or A and D -") + newline) + " - Discard unwanted icons by releasing them anywhere. Don't let them hit the cart, though! -") + newline) + " - If a bubble escapes, you lose 5 points and 1 Chance. 0 Chances = GAME OVER -") + newline) + " - Preserve your Chances by simply popping the bubbles before they escape. No penalty -") + newline) + " - Bubbles will appear, and move, more quickly as levels advance. Scores also get bigger -") + newline) + " - Survive for as long as you can for a spot on the scoreboard -") + newline) + " - Press P at any time to PAUSE -"; t9.setTextFormat(hf); ttl.cacheAsBitmap = 1; } createEmptyMovieClip("t50", 998000); 7(TAGB, t50); t50.onPress = function () { getURL ("", "_blank"); }; createEmptyMovieClip("t51", 998001); 7(TDD, t51); t51.onPress = function () { getURL ("", "_blank"); }; ttl.onPress = function () { clearInterval(ping); i = 100; while (i < 301) { _root["bub" + i].removeMovieClip(); i++; } this._visible = 0; t50._visible = 0; t51._visible = 0; stopAllSounds(); snd1.start(0, 9999); 17(); }; 48(2000); } function 26() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("bt", 999994); 7(BT1, bt); bt._x = 275; bt._y = 400; bt.createTextField("b1", 50, 0, 0, 300, 300); bt.b1.selectable = 0; bt.b1.html = true; bt.b1.htmlText = "<a href='' target='_blank'> <img src=''></a>"; bt.b1._x = -280; bt.b1._y = -21; bt.createTextField("b2", 52, -30, 4, 120, 300); bt.b2.selectable = 0; bt.b2.embedFonts = true; bt.b2.antiAliasType = "advanced"; bt.b2.text = "SCOREBOARD"; bt.b2.setTextFormat(ff); bt.createTextField("b3", 53, 95, 4, 120, 300); bt.b3.selectable = 0; bt.b3.embedFonts = true; bt.b3.antiAliasType = "advanced"; bt.b3.text = "SOUNDS (ON)"; bt.b3.setTextFormat(ff); bt.createTextField("b4", 54, 220, 4, 120, 300); bt.b4.selectable = 0; bt.b4.embedFonts = true; bt.b4.antiAliasType = "advanced"; bt.b4.text = "RESET"; bt.b4.setTextFormat(ff); bt.createEmptyMovieClip("f2", 62); 7(BF2, bt.f2); bt.f2._x = 20; bt.createEmptyMovieClip("f3", 63); 7(BF2, bt.f3); bt.f3._x = 142; bt.createEmptyMovieClip("f4", 64); 7(BF2, bt.f4); bt.f4._width = 60; bt.f4._x = 245; bt.f2.onPress = function () { psd = 1; 21(); }; bt.f3.onPress = function () { if (_root.s.getVolume() < 100) { _root.s.setVolume(100); sndon = 1; bt.b3.text = "SOUNDS (ON)"; bt.b3.setTextFormat(ff); } else { _root.s.setVolume(0); sndon = 0; bt.b3.text = "SOUNDS (OFF)"; bt.b3.setTextFormat(ff); } }; bt.f4.onPress = function () { _root.39(); }; } function 29() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("pss", 999986); 7(SS1, pss); pss._x = SW / 2; pss._y = SH / 2; pss.createTextField("b2", 1, -200, -20, 400, 300); pss.b2.selectable = 0; pss.b2.embedFonts = true; pss.b2.antiAliasType = "advanced"; pss.b2.text = "GAME PAUSED\rPRESS 'P' TO UNPAUSE"; pss.b2.setTextFormat(yf); pss._visible = 0; } function 39() { stopAllSounds(); snd5.start(0, 9999); bi = 100; mdd = 1000; scc = 3700; score = 0; lrem = 50; upspd = 2; score = 0; pint = 2000; level = 1; gameover = 0; sc.removeMovieClip(); bg.removeMovieClip(); _root.clear; cart.removeMovieClip(); psd = 0; pss._visible = 0; clearInterval(pong); clearInterval(ping); clearInterval(pang); i = 0; while (i < 1000) { _root["mov" + i].removeMovieClip(); i++; } i = 100; while (i < 301) { _root["bub" + i].removeMovieClip(); i++; } i = 0; while (i < 10) { _root["dr" + i].removeMovieClip(); i++; } 32(); }
Frame 6
function 47() { lvuc = 0; pong = setInterval(function () { if (!psd) { lvuc++; } if ((lvuc > 450) && (!psd)) { lvuc = 0; 46(); level++; if (upspd < 10) { upspd = upspd + 0.35; } if (pint > 200) { pint = pint - 150; } 48(pint); createEmptyMovieClip("lu", 999988); lu.createTextField("lvu", 1, 0, -30, 200, 60); lu.lvu.selectable = 0; lu.lvu.embedFonts = true; lu.lvu.antiAliasType = "advanced"; lu.lvu._x = (SW / 2) - 100; lu.lvu._y = SH / 2; lu.lvu.text = "LEVEL " + level; lu.lvu.setTextFormat(yf); lu._alpha = 0; lu.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha = this._alpha + 5; } else { this.onEnterFrame = null; pung = setInterval(function () { lu.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha > 0) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } else { this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; clearInterval(pung); }, 2000); } }; } }, 100); } function 49() { pang = setInterval(function () { 21(); hst._visible = 0; }, 180000); } function 17() { 29(); 25(); 27(); 30(); i = 0; while (i < 8) { 24(i); i++; } 48(pint); 47(); 49(); } 26(); 32(); stop();

Library Items

Symbol 1 Font [revue]
Symbol 2 Sound [ting]
Symbol 3 Sound [pop]
Symbol 4 Sound [music01]
Symbol 5 Sound [music03]
Symbol 6 Sound [music02]
Symbol 7 Sound [fart]

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "revue"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "ting"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "pop"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "music01"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 5 as "music03"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 6 as "music02"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 7 as "fart"
Created: 4/5 -2019 05:23:22 Last modified: 4/5 -2019 05:23:22 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:26:14