Frame 1
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) {
var x;
var g;
var s;
var fv;
var sb;
var u;
var res;
var mb;
var mbc;
mb = "__mochibot__";
mbc = "";
g = (_global ? (_global) : (_level0._root));
if (g[mb + swfid]) {
return(g[mb + swfid]);
s =;
x = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
fv = (x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : ((_global ? 6 : 5)));
if (!s) {
s = {};
sb = s.sandboxType;
if (sb == "localWithFile") {
x = s.allowDomain;
if (x) {
x = s.allowInsecureDomain;
if (x) {
u = (((((((((((("http://" + mbc) + "/my/core.swf?mv=7&fv=") + fv) + "&v=") + escape(getVersion())) + "&swfid=") + escape(swfid)) + "&l=") + lv) + "&f=") + mc) + (sb ? ("&sb=" + sb) : "")) + (trk ? "&t=1" : "");
lv = ((fv > 6) ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : ((g[mb + "level"] ? (g[mb + "level"] + 1) : (lv))));
g[mb + "level"] = lv;
if (fv == 5) {
res = "_level" + lv;
if (!eval (res)) {
loadMovieNum (u, lv);
} else {
res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv);
__com_mochibot__("b3ad6117", this, 10301, true);
var MochiAd = {getVersion:function () {
}, showPreGameAd:function (options) {
var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:3000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showPreloaderAd", color:16747008, background:16777161, outline:13994812, ad_started:function () {
}, ad_finished:function () {;
}, ad_failed:function () {
trace("[MochAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software");
}, ad_loaded:function (width, height) {
options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS);
if ("5cc6f7dfb67f2f08341c831480f7c2a7".length == 0) {
var clip = options.clip;
var ad_msec = 11000;
var ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout;
delete options.ad_timeout;
var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time;
delete options.fadeout_time;
if (!MochiAd.load(options)) {
var mc = clip._mochiad;
mc.onUnload = function () {
var wh = MochiAd._getRes(options);
var w = wh[0];
var h = wh[1];
mc._x = w * 0.5;
mc._y = h * 0.5;
var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3);
chk._x = w * -0.5;
chk._y = h * -0.5;
var bar = chk.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_bar", 4);
bar._x = 10;
bar._y = h - 20;
var bar_color = options.color;
delete options.color;
var bar_background = options.background;
delete options.background;
var bar_outline = options.outline;
delete options.outline;
var backing = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 1);
backing.moveTo(0, 0);
backing.lineTo(w - 20, 0);
backing.lineTo(w - 20, 10);
backing.lineTo(0, 10);
backing.lineTo(0, 0);
var inside = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("_inside", 2);
inside.moveTo(0, 0);
inside.lineTo(w - 20, 0);
inside.lineTo(w - 20, 10);
inside.lineTo(0, 10);
inside.lineTo(0, 0);
inside._xscale = 0;
var outline = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 3);
outline.lineStyle(0, bar_outline, 100);
outline.moveTo(0, 0);
outline.lineTo(w - 20, 0);
outline.lineTo(w - 20, 10);
outline.lineTo(0, 10);
outline.lineTo(0, 0);
chk.ad_msec = ad_msec;
chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout;
chk.started = getTimer();
chk.showing = false;
chk.last_pcnt = 0;
chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time;
chk.fadeFunction = function () {
var p = (100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time)));
if (p > 0) {
this._parent._alpha = p;
} else {
var _clip = this._parent._parent;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
}; = options.ad_loaded; = function (msec) {
var _chk =;
_chk.server_control = true;
_chk.started = getTimer();
_chk.ad_msec = msec;
chk.onEnterFrame = function () {
var _clip = this._parent._parent;
var ad_clip = this._parent._mochiad_ctr;
var elapsed = (getTimer() - this.started);
var finished = false;
var clip_total = _clip.getBytesTotal();
var clip_loaded = _clip.getBytesLoaded();
var clip_pcnt = ((100 * clip_loaded) / clip_total);
var ad_pcnt = ((100 * elapsed) / chk.ad_msec);
var _inside = this._mochiad_bar._inside;
var pcnt = Math.min(100, Math.min(clip_pcnt || 0, ad_pcnt));
pcnt = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, pcnt);
this.last_pcnt = pcnt;
_inside._xscale = pcnt;
if (!chk.showing) {
var total = ad_clip.getBytesTotal();
if ((total > 0) || (typeof(total) == "undefined")) {
chk.showing = true;
chk.started = getTimer();
} else if (elapsed > chk.ad_timeout) {
finished = true;
if (elapsed > chk.ad_msec) {
finished = true;
if (((clip_total > 0) && (clip_loaded >= clip_total)) && (finished)) {
if (this.server_control) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
this.fadeout_start = getTimer();
this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction;
}, showInterLevelAd:function (options) {
var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showTimedAd", ad_started:function () {
}, ad_finished:function () {;
}, ad_failed:function () {
trace("[MochAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software");
}, ad_loaded:function (width, height) {
options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS);
var clip = options.clip;
var ad_msec = 11000;
var ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout;
delete options.ad_timeout;
var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time;
delete options.fadeout_time;
if (!MochiAd.load(options)) {
var mc = clip._mochiad;
mc.onUnload = function () {
var wh = MochiAd._getRes(options);
var w = wh[0];
var h = wh[1];
mc._x = w * 0.5;
mc._y = h * 0.5;
var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3);
chk.ad_msec = ad_msec;
chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout;
chk.started = getTimer();
chk.showing = false;
chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time;
chk.fadeFunction = function () {
var p = (100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time)));
if (p > 0) {
this._parent._alpha = p;
} else {
var _clip = this._parent._parent;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
}; = options.ad_loaded; = function (msec) {
var _chk =;
_chk.server_control = true;
_chk.started = getTimer();
_chk.ad_msec = msec - 250;
chk.onEnterFrame = function () {
var ad_clip = this._parent._mochiad_ctr;
var elapsed = (getTimer() - this.started);
var finished = false;
if (!chk.showing) {
var total = ad_clip.getBytesTotal();
if ((total > 0) || (typeof(total) == "undefined")) {
chk.showing = true;
chk.started = getTimer();
} else if (elapsed > chk.ad_timeout) {
finished = true;
if (elapsed > chk.ad_msec) {
finished = true;
if (finished) {
if (this.server_control) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
this.fadeout_start = getTimer();
this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction;
}, showTimedAd:function (options) {
trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showTimedAd was renamed to showInterLevelAd in 2.0");
}, showPreloaderAd:function (options) {
trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showPreloaderAd was renamed to showPreGameAd in 2.0");
}, _allowDomains:function (server) {
var hostname = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0];
if ( {
if ( {"*");;
if ( {"*");;
}, _loadCommunicator:function (options) {
var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, com_server:"", method:"loadCommunicator", depth:10337, id:"_UNKNOWN_"};
options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS);
options.swfv = options.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6;
options.mav = MochiAd.getVersion();
var clip = options.clip;
var clipname = ("_mochiad_com_" +;
if (!MochiAd._isNetworkAvailable()) {
if (clip[clipname]) {
var server = (options.com_server +;
delete options.com_server;
var depth = options.depth;
delete options.depth;
var mc = clip.createEmptyMovieClip(clipname, depth);
var lv = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_com", 1);
for (var k in options) {
lv[k] = options[k];
var lc = new LocalConnection();
var name = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), random(999999)].join("_"); = mc; = name;
lc.allowDomain = function (d) {
lc.allowInsecureDomain = lc.allowDomain;
lc.connect(name); = lc; = name;
lc._id = 0;
lc._queue = [];
lc.rpcResult = function (cb_arg) {
var cb = parseInt(cb_arg);
var cblst = this._callbacks[cb];
if (!cblst) {
delete this._callbacks[cb];
var args = [];
var i = 2;
while (i < cblst.length) {
var i = 1;
while (i < arguments.length) {
var method = cblst[1];
var obj = cblst[0];
if (obj && (typeof(method) == "string")) {
method = obj[method];
if (method) {
method.apply(obj, args);
lc._didConnect = function (endpoint) {
this._endpoint = endpoint;
var q = this._queue;
delete this._queue;
var ds = this.doSend;
var i = 0;
while (i < q.length) {
var item = q[i];
ds.apply(this, item);
lc.doSend = function (args, cbobj, cbfn) {
if (this._endpoint == null) {
var qargs = [];
var i = 0;
while (i < arguments.length) {
this._id = this._id + 1;
var id = this._id;
if ((cbfn === undefined) || (cbfn === null)) {
cbfn = cbobj;
this._callbacks[id] = [cbobj, cbfn];
var slc = new LocalConnection();
var ss = slc.send(this._endpoint, "rpc", id, args);
lc._callbacks = {};
lc._callbacks[0] = [lc, "_didConnect"]; = getTimer();
lv.loadMovie(server + ".swf", "POST");
}, fetchHighScores:function (options, callbackObj, callbackMethod) {
var lc = MochiAd._loadCommunicator({});
if (!lc) {
var fncall = ["fetchHighScores", options];
lc.doSend(["fetchHighScores", options], callbackObj, callbackMethod);
}, sendHighScore:function (options, callbackObj, callbackMethod) {
var lc = MochiAd._loadCommunicator({});
if (!lc) {
var fncall = ["sendHighScore", options];
lc.doSend(["sendHighScore", options], callbackObj, callbackMethod);
}, load:function (options) {
var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, server:"", method:"load", depth:10333, id:"_UNKNOWN_"};
options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS);
options.swfv = options.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6;
options.mav = MochiAd.getVersion();
var clip = options.clip;
if (!MochiAd._isNetworkAvailable()) {
if (clip._mochiad_loaded) {
var depth = options.depth;
delete options.depth;
var mc = clip.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad", depth);
var wh = MochiAd._getRes(options);
options.res = (wh[0] + "x") + wh[1];
options.server = options.server +;
clip._mochiad_loaded = true;
var lv = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_ctr", 1);
for (var k in options) {
lv[k] = options[k];
var server = lv.server;
delete lv.server;
var hostname = MochiAd._allowDomains(server);
mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._mochiad_ctr._url != this._url) {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!this._mochiad_ctr) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
var lc = new LocalConnection();
var name = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), random(999999)].join("_"); = mc; = name;
lc.hostname = hostname;
lc.allowDomain = function (d) {
lc.allowInsecureDomain = lc.allowDomain;
lc.connect(name); = lc; = name; = getTimer();
lv.loadMovie(server + ".swf", "POST");
}, unload:function (clip) {
if (typeof(clip) == "undefined") {
clip = _root;
if (clip.clip && (clip.clip._mochiad)) {
clip = clip.clip;
if (!clip._mochiad) {
delete clip._mochiad_loaded;
delete clip._mochiad;
}, _isNetworkAvailable:function () {
if ( {
var o =;
if (o.sandboxType == "localWithFile") {
}, _getRes:function (options) {
var b = options.clip.getBounds();
var w = 0;
var h = 0;
if (typeof(options.res) != "undefined") {
var xy = options.res.split("x");
w = parseFloat(xy[0]);
h = parseFloat(xy[1]);
} else {
w = b.xMax - b.xMin;
h = b.yMax - b.yMin;
if ((w == 0) || (h == 0)) {
w = Stage.width;
h = Stage.height;
return([w, h]);
}, _parseOptions:function (options, defaults) {
var optcopy = {};
for (var k in defaults) {
optcopy[k] = defaults[k];
if (options) {
for (var k in options) {
optcopy[k] = options[k];
if (_root.mochiad_options) {
var pairs = _root.mochiad_options.split("&");
var i = 0;
while (i < pairs.length) {
var kv = pairs[i].split("=");
optcopy[unescape(kv[0])] = unescape(kv[1]);
if ( == "test") {
trace("[MochiAd] WARNING: Using the MochiAds test identifier, make sure to use the code from your dashboard, not this example!");
}, _:null};
MochiAd.showPreGameAd({id:"4d9090c5056f0c33", res:"550x400", background:13684941, color:10724259, outline:0, no_bg:true});
Frame 2
var myMenu_cm:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
myMenu_cm.hideBuiltInItems(); = myMenu_cm;
shopname = "";
shopitemid = new Array(10);
shopitemp = new Array(10);
shopitempno = new Array(10);
shoptt = new Array(10);
wpnrack = new Array(10);
wpnrackno = new Array(10);
armrack = new Array(10);
armrackno = new Array(10);
splrack = new Array(10);
splrackno = new Array(10);
ItemName = new Array();
ItemNote = new Array();
ItemUse = new Array();
ItemComUse = new Array();
ItemComT = new Array();
ItemComV = new Array();
ItemArm = new Array();
ItemArmDef = new Array();
ItemWeapon = new Array();
ItemWeaponDmg = new Array();
ItemAcc = new Array();
ItemAccType = new Array();
ItemAccV = new Array();
ItemLearn = new Array();
ItemLearnSpell = new Array();
ItemName[1] = "Health Potion";
ItemNote[1] = "Heals 10 HP";
ItemUse[1] = 1;
ItemComUse[1] = 1;
ItemComV[1] = 10;
ItemComT[1] = 11;
ItemArm[1] = 0;
ItemArmDef[1] = 0;
ItemWeapon[1] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[1] = 0;
ItemAcc[1] = 0;
ItemAccType[1] = 0;
ItemAccV[1] = 0;
ItemLearn[1] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[1] = 0;
ItemName[2] = "Rock";
ItemNote[2] = "Throw at an enemy, 5 DMG";
ItemUse[2] = 0;
ItemComUse[2] = 3;
ItemComV[2] = 5;
ItemComT[2] = 21;
ItemArm[2] = 0;
ItemArmDef[2] = 0;
ItemWeapon[2] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[2] = 0;
ItemAcc[2] = 0;
ItemAccType[2] = 0;
ItemAccV[2] = 0;
ItemLearn[2] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[2] = 0;
ItemName[3] = "Heal All";
ItemNote[3] = "Heals whole party for 5 HP";
ItemUse[3] = 1;
ItemComUse[3] = 1;
ItemComV[3] = 5;
ItemComT[3] = 12;
ItemArm[3] = 0;
ItemArmDef[3] = 0;
ItemWeapon[3] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[3] = 0;
ItemAcc[3] = 0;
ItemAccType[3] = 0;
ItemAccV[3] = 0;
ItemLearn[3] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[3] = 0;
ItemName[4] = "Cherry Bomb";
ItemNote[4] = "Damages all enemies for 1 DMG";
ItemUse[4] = 0;
ItemComUse[4] = 3;
ItemComV[4] = 1;
ItemComT[4] = 22;
ItemArm[4] = 0;
ItemArmDef[4] = 0;
ItemWeapon[4] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[4] = 0;
ItemAcc[4] = 0;
ItemAccType[4] = 0;
ItemAccV[4] = 0;
ItemLearn[4] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[4] = 0;
ItemName[5] = "Energy Drink";
ItemNote[5] = "Restores 50 MP";
ItemUse[5] = 2;
ItemComUse[5] = 2;
ItemComV[5] = 10;
ItemComT[5] = 11;
ItemArm[5] = 0;
ItemArmDef[5] = 0;
ItemWeapon[5] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[5] = 0;
ItemAcc[5] = 0;
ItemAccType[5] = 0;
ItemAccV[5] = 0;
ItemLearn[5] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[5] = 0;
ItemName[6] = "Ressurection Stone";
ItemNote[6] = "Returns party member from the dead";
ItemUse[6] = 4;
ItemComUse[6] = 4;
ItemComV[6] = 10;
ItemComT[6] = 11;
ItemArm[6] = 0;
ItemArmDef[6] = 0;
ItemWeapon[6] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[6] = 0;
ItemAcc[6] = 0;
ItemAccType[6] = 0;
ItemAccV[6] = 0;
ItemLearn[6] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[6] = 0;
ItemName[7] = "Tranquilizer Dart";
ItemNote[7] = "Makes one enemy sleep";
ItemUse[7] = 0;
ItemComUse[7] = 5;
ItemComV[7] = 0;
ItemComT[7] = 21;
ItemArm[7] = 0;
ItemArmDef[7] = 0;
ItemWeapon[7] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[7] = 0;
ItemAcc[7] = 0;
ItemAccType[7] = 0;
ItemAccV[7] = 0;
ItemLearn[7] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[7] = 0;
ItemName[8] = "Sleeping Gas";
ItemNote[8] = "Makes all enemies sleep";
ItemUse[8] = 0;
ItemComUse[8] = 5;
ItemComV[8] = 0;
ItemComT[8] = 22;
ItemArm[8] = 0;
ItemArmDef[8] = 0;
ItemWeapon[8] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[8] = 0;
ItemAcc[8] = 0;
ItemAccType[8] = 0;
ItemAccV[8] = 0;
ItemLearn[8] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[8] = 0;
ItemName[9] = "Poison Dart";
ItemNote[9] = "Poisons an enemy";
ItemUse[9] = 0;
ItemComUse[9] = 6;
ItemComV[9] = 2;
ItemComT[9] = 21;
ItemArm[9] = 0;
ItemArmDef[9] = 0;
ItemWeapon[9] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[9] = 0;
ItemAcc[9] = 0;
ItemAccType[9] = 0;
ItemAccV[9] = 0;
ItemLearn[9] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[9] = 0;
ItemName[10] = "Gas Grenade";
ItemNote[10] = "Poisons all enemies";
ItemUse[10] = 0;
ItemComUse[10] = 6;
ItemComV[10] = 3;
ItemComT[10] = 22;
ItemArm[10] = 0;
ItemArmDef[10] = 0;
ItemWeapon[10] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[10] = 0;
ItemAcc[10] = 0;
ItemAccType[10] = 0;
ItemAccV[10] = 0;
ItemLearn[10] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[10] = 0;
ItemName[11] = "Antidote";
ItemNote[11] = "Cures poison";
ItemUse[11] = 7;
ItemComUse[11] = 7;
ItemComV[11] = 1;
ItemComT[11] = 11;
ItemArm[11] = 0;
ItemArmDef[11] = 0;
ItemWeapon[11] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[11] = 0;
ItemAcc[11] = 0;
ItemAccType[11] = 0;
ItemAccV[11] = 0;
ItemLearn[11] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[11] = 0;
ItemName[12] = "Tazzer";
ItemNote[12] = "Stops one enemy for 1 turn";
ItemUse[12] = 0;
ItemComUse[12] = 8;
ItemComV[12] = 1;
ItemComT[12] = 21;
ItemArm[12] = 0;
ItemArmDef[12] = 0;
ItemWeapon[12] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[12] = 0;
ItemAcc[12] = 0;
ItemAccType[12] = 0;
ItemAccV[12] = 0;
ItemLearn[12] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[12] = 0;
ItemName[13] = "Mute Dart";
ItemNote[13] = "Silences an enemy";
ItemUse[13] = 0;
ItemComUse[13] = 9;
ItemComV[13] = 1;
ItemComT[13] = 21;
ItemArm[13] = 0;
ItemArmDef[13] = 0;
ItemWeapon[13] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[13] = 0;
ItemAcc[13] = 0;
ItemAccType[13] = 0;
ItemAccV[13] = 0;
ItemLearn[13] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[13] = 0;
ItemName[14] = "Throat Sweet";
ItemNote[14] = "Cures silence";
ItemUse[14] = 10;
ItemComUse[14] = 10;
ItemComV[14] = 1;
ItemComT[14] = 11;
ItemArm[14] = 0;
ItemArmDef[14] = 0;
ItemWeapon[14] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[14] = 0;
ItemAcc[14] = 0;
ItemAccType[14] = 0;
ItemAccV[14] = 0;
ItemLearn[14] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[14] = 0;
ItemName[15] = "Weak Dart";
ItemNote[15] = "Weakens an enemy";
ItemUse[15] = 0;
ItemComUse[15] = 11;
ItemComV[15] = 1;
ItemComT[15] = 21;
ItemArm[15] = 0;
ItemArmDef[15] = 0;
ItemWeapon[15] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[15] = 0;
ItemAcc[15] = 0;
ItemAccType[15] = 0;
ItemAccV[15] = 0;
ItemLearn[15] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[15] = 0;
ItemName[16] = "Protein Bar";
ItemNote[16] = "Cures weakness";
ItemUse[16] = 12;
ItemComUse[16] = 12;
ItemComV[16] = 1;
ItemComT[16] = 11;
ItemArm[16] = 0;
ItemArmDef[16] = 0;
ItemWeapon[16] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[16] = 0;
ItemAcc[16] = 0;
ItemAccType[16] = 0;
ItemAccV[16] = 0;
ItemLearn[16] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[16] = 0;
ItemName[17] = "Leather Jacket";
ItemNote[17] = "+1 Def";
ItemUse[17] = 0;
ItemComUse[17] = 0;
ItemComV[17] = 1;
ItemComT[17] = 0;
ItemArm[17] = 1;
ItemArmDef[17] = 1;
ItemWeapon[17] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[17] = 0;
ItemAcc[17] = 0;
ItemAccType[17] = 0;
ItemAccV[17] = 0;
ItemLearn[17] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[17] = 0;
ItemName[18] = "Dead Test Monster";
ItemNote[18] = "Smells a bit...";
ItemUse[18] = 0;
ItemComUse[18] = 0;
ItemComV[18] = 0;
ItemComT[18] = 0;
ItemArm[18] = 0;
ItemArmDef[18] = 0;
ItemWeapon[18] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[18] = 0;
ItemAcc[18] = 0;
ItemAccType[18] = 0;
ItemAccV[18] = 0;
ItemLearn[18] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[18] = 0;
ItemName[19] = "Rusty 9mm";
ItemNote[19] = "+1 Dmg";
ItemUse[19] = 0;
ItemComUse[19] = 0;
ItemComV[19] = 1;
ItemComT[19] = 0;
ItemArm[19] = 0;
ItemArmDef[19] = 0;
ItemWeapon[19] = 1;
ItemWeaponDmg[19] = 1;
ItemAcc[19] = 0;
ItemAccType[19] = 0;
ItemAccV[19] = 0;
ItemLearn[19] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[19] = 0;
ItemName[20] = "Cheap 9mm";
ItemNote[20] = "+2 Dmg";
ItemUse[20] = 0;
ItemComUse[20] = 0;
ItemComV[20] = 1;
ItemComT[20] = 0;
ItemArm[20] = 0;
ItemArmDef[20] = 0;
ItemWeapon[20] = 1;
ItemWeaponDmg[20] = 2;
ItemAcc[20] = 0;
ItemAccType[20] = 0;
ItemAccV[20] = 0;
ItemLearn[20] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[20] = 0;
ItemName[21] = "Studded Leather Armour";
ItemNote[21] = "+2 Def";
ItemUse[21] = 0;
ItemComUse[21] = 0;
ItemComV[21] = 1;
ItemComT[21] = 0;
ItemArm[21] = 1;
ItemArmDef[21] = 2;
ItemWeapon[21] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[21] = 0;
ItemAcc[21] = 0;
ItemAccType[21] = 0;
ItemAccV[21] = 0;
ItemLearn[21] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[21] = 0;
ItemName[22] = "Pretty Ring";
ItemNote[22] = "No effect.";
ItemUse[22] = 0;
ItemComUse[22] = 0;
ItemComV[22] = 0;
ItemComT[22] = 0;
ItemArm[22] = 0;
ItemArmDef[22] = 0;
ItemWeapon[22] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[22] = 0;
ItemAcc[22] = 1;
ItemAccType[22] = 0;
ItemAccV[22] = 0;
ItemLearn[22] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[22] = 0;
ItemName[23] = "First Aid Manual";
ItemNote[23] = "Learn to heal a bit.";
ItemUse[23] = 0;
ItemComUse[23] = 0;
ItemComV[23] = 0;
ItemComT[23] = 0;
ItemArm[23] = 0;
ItemArmDef[23] = 0;
ItemWeapon[23] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[23] = 0;
ItemAcc[23] = 0;
ItemAccType[23] = 0;
ItemAccV[23] = 0;
ItemLearn[23] = 1;
ItemLearnSpell[23] = 1;
ItemName[24] = "Police 9mm";
ItemNote[24] = "+5 Dmg";
ItemUse[24] = 0;
ItemComUse[24] = 0;
ItemComV[24] = 1;
ItemComT[24] = 0;
ItemArm[24] = 0;
ItemArmDef[24] = 0;
ItemWeapon[24] = 1;
ItemWeaponDmg[24] = 5;
ItemAcc[24] = 0;
ItemAccType[24] = 0;
ItemAccV[24] = 0;
ItemLearn[24] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[24] = 0;
ItemName[25] = "Police Flak Jacket";
ItemNote[25] = "+4 Def";
ItemUse[25] = 0;
ItemComUse[25] = 0;
ItemComV[25] = 1;
ItemComT[25] = 0;
ItemArm[25] = 1;
ItemArmDef[25] = 4;
ItemWeapon[25] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[25] = 0;
ItemAcc[25] = 0;
ItemAccType[25] = 0;
ItemAccV[25] = 0;
ItemLearn[25] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[25] = 0;
ItemName[26] = "Lucky Grenade";
ItemNote[26] = "Damages all enemies for 499 DMG";
ItemUse[26] = 0;
ItemComUse[26] = 3;
ItemComV[26] = 499;
ItemComT[26] = 22;
ItemArm[26] = 0;
ItemArmDef[26] = 0;
ItemWeapon[26] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[26] = 0;
ItemAcc[26] = 0;
ItemAccType[26] = 0;
ItemAccV[26] = 0;
ItemLearn[26] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[26] = 0;
ItemName[27] = "Small Grenade";
ItemNote[27] = "Damages all enemies for 10 DMG";
ItemUse[27] = 0;
ItemComUse[27] = 3;
ItemComV[27] = 6;
ItemComT[27] = 22;
ItemArm[27] = 0;
ItemArmDef[27] = 0;
ItemWeapon[27] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[27] = 0;
ItemAcc[27] = 0;
ItemAccType[27] = 0;
ItemAccV[27] = 0;
ItemLearn[27] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[27] = 0;
ItemName[28] = "Doughnut";
ItemNote[28] = "Heals 10 HP (Out of combat)";
ItemUse[28] = 1;
ItemComUse[28] = 0;
ItemComV[28] = 5;
ItemComT[28] = 11;
ItemArm[28] = 0;
ItemArmDef[28] = 0;
ItemWeapon[28] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[28] = 0;
ItemAcc[28] = 0;
ItemAccType[28] = 0;
ItemAccV[28] = 0;
ItemLearn[28] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[28] = 0;
ItemName[29] = "Small Medi-Pak";
ItemNote[29] = "Heals 40 HP (Out of combat)";
ItemUse[29] = 1;
ItemComUse[29] = 0;
ItemComV[29] = 40;
ItemComT[29] = 11;
ItemArm[29] = 0;
ItemArmDef[29] = 0;
ItemWeapon[29] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[29] = 0;
ItemAcc[29] = 0;
ItemAccType[29] = 0;
ItemAccV[29] = 0;
ItemLearn[29] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[29] = 0;
ItemName[30] = "Whiskey";
ItemNote[30] = "Heals 10 HP";
ItemUse[30] = 1;
ItemComUse[30] = 1;
ItemComV[30] = 10;
ItemComT[30] = 11;
ItemArm[30] = 0;
ItemArmDef[30] = 0;
ItemWeapon[30] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[30] = 0;
ItemAcc[30] = 0;
ItemAccType[30] = 0;
ItemAccV[30] = 0;
ItemLearn[30] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[30] = 0;
ItemName[31] = "Beer";
ItemNote[31] = "Heals 10 HP";
ItemUse[31] = 1;
ItemComUse[31] = 1;
ItemComV[31] = 10;
ItemComT[31] = 11;
ItemArm[31] = 0;
ItemArmDef[31] = 0;
ItemWeapon[31] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[31] = 0;
ItemAcc[31] = 0;
ItemAccType[31] = 0;
ItemAccV[31] = 0;
ItemLearn[31] = 0;
ItemLearnSpell[31] = 0;
ItemName[32] = "Kung Fu Story";
ItemNote[32] = "Learn about kicking ass.";
ItemUse[32] = 0;
ItemComUse[32] = 0;
ItemComV[32] = 0;
ItemComT[32] = 0;
ItemArm[32] = 0;
ItemArmDef[32] = 0;
ItemWeapon[32] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[32] = 0;
ItemAcc[32] = 0;
ItemAccType[32] = 0;
ItemAccV[32] = 0;
ItemLearn[32] = 1;
ItemLearnSpell[32] = 2;
ItemName[33] = "Lullabys";
ItemNote[33] = "Learn about er... singing?";
ItemUse[33] = 0;
ItemComUse[33] = 0;
ItemComV[33] = 0;
ItemComT[33] = 0;
ItemArm[33] = 0;
ItemArmDef[33] = 0;
ItemWeapon[33] = 0;
ItemWeaponDmg[33] = 0;
ItemAcc[33] = 0;
ItemAccType[33] = 0;
ItemAccV[33] = 0;
ItemLearn[33] = 1;
ItemLearnSpell[33] = 4;
InvID = new Array(30);
InvNumber = new Array(30);
(InvID[1] = 12);
(InvNumber[1] = 6);
(InvID[2] = 7);
(InvNumber[2] = 4);
(InvID[3] = 10);
(InvNumber[3] = 2);
(InvID[4] = 28);
(InvNumber[4] = 12);
(InvID[5] = 0);
(InvNumber[5] = 0);
(InvID[6] = 0);
(InvNumber[6] = 0);
(InvID[7] = 0);
(InvNumber[7] = 0);
(InvID[8] = 0);
(InvNumber[8] = 0);
(InvID[9] = 0);
(InvNumber[9] = 0);
(InvID[10] = 0);
(InvNumber[10] = 0);
(InvID[11] = 0);
(InvNumber[11] = 0);
(InvID[12] = 0);
(InvNumber[12] = 0);
(InvID[13] = 0);
(InvNumber[13] = 0);
(InvID[14] = 0);
(InvNumber[14] = 0);
(InvID[15] = 0);
(InvNumber[15] = 0);
(InvID[16] = 0);
(InvNumber[16] = 0);
(InvID[17] = 0);
(InvNumber[17] = 0);
(InvID[18] = 0);
(InvNumber[18] = 0);
(InvID[19] = 0);
(InvNumber[19] = 0);
(InvID[20] = 0);
(InvNumber[20] = 0);
(InvID[21] = 0);
(InvNumber[21] = 0);
(InvID[22] = 0);
(InvNumber[22] = 0);
(InvID[23] = 0);
(InvNumber[23] = 0);
(InvID[24] = 0);
(InvNumber[24] = 0);
(InvID[25] = 0);
(InvNumber[25] = 0);
(InvID[26] = 0);
(InvNumber[26] = 0);
(InvID[27] = 0);
(InvNumber[27] = 0);
(InvID[28] = 0);
(InvNumber[28] = 0);
(InvID[29] = 0);
(InvNumber[29] = 0);
(InvID[30] = 0);
(InvNumber[30] = 0);
gold = 0;
itemsel = 1;
itemshift = 0;
learnchoice = 0;
spellselectID = 0;
SpellName = new Array();
SpellNote = new Array();
SpellUse = new Array();
SpellComUse = new Array();
SpellComT = new Array();
SpellComV = new Array();
SpellMana = new Array();
SpellName[1] = "Bandages";
SpellNote[1] = "Heals 1 party member for 10 HP";
SpellUse[1] = 1;
SpellComUse[1] = 1;
SpellComV[1] = 10;
SpellComT[1] = 11;
SpellMana[1] = 2;
SpellName[2] = "Drop Kick";
SpellNote[2] = "Damages 1 enemy for 10 HP";
SpellUse[2] = 0;
SpellComUse[2] = 3;
SpellComV[2] = 10;
SpellComT[2] = 21;
SpellMana[2] = 2;
SpellName[3] = "Raise Dead";
SpellNote[3] = "Resurrects 1 party member with 10 HP";
SpellUse[3] = 4;
SpellComUse[3] = 4;
SpellComV[3] = 10;
SpellComT[3] = 11;
SpellMana[3] = 10;
SpellName[4] = "Lullaby";
SpellNote[4] = "Sends 1 enemy to sleep";
SpellUse[4] = 0;
SpellComUse[4] = 5;
SpellComV[4] = 0;
SpellComT[4] = 21;
SpellMana[4] = 4;
SpellName[5] = "Poison";
SpellNote[5] = "Poisons one enemy";
SpellUse[5] = 0;
SpellComUse[5] = 6;
SpellComV[5] = 2;
SpellComT[5] = 21;
SpellMana[5] = 5;
SpellName[6] = "Stop";
SpellNote[6] = "Stops an enemy for 1 turn";
SpellUse[6] = 0;
SpellComUse[6] = 8;
SpellComV[6] = 1;
SpellComT[6] = 21;
SpellMana[6] = 6;
choice = 0;
turn = 0;
pdmg = 0;
mdef = 0;
mhp = 0;
mturn = 0;
matk = 0;
mdmg = 0;
pdef = 0;
pdefend = 0;
php = 0;
hitdmg = 0;
heal = 0;
mana = 0;
partydefend1 = 0;
partydefend2 = 0;
partydefend3 = 0;
partyspl1 = new Array(10);
partyspl2 = new Array(10);
partyspl3 = new Array(10);
partysize = 3;
partyname1 = "Bob";
partysprite1 = 3;
partycurhp1 = 80;
partymaxhp1 = 60;
partycurmp1 = 0;
partymaxmp1 = 0;
partydmg1 = 9;
partydef1 = 8;
partylvl1 = 4;
partyexp1 = 60;
partytnl1 = 40;
partyweapon1 = 24;
partyarm1 = 25;
partyacc1 = 0;
partyspl1[1] = 0;
partyspl1[2] = 0;
partyspl1[3] = 0;
partyspl1[4] = 0;
partyspl1[5] = 0;
partyspl1[6] = 0;
partydead1 = 0;
partyslp1 = 0;
partyslpx1 = 0;
partypsn1 = 0;
partypsnv1 = 0;
partypsnx1 = 0;
partystop1 = 0;
partystopv1 = 0;
partystopx1 = 0;
partysilence1 = 0;
partysilencex1 = 0;
partyweak1 = 0;
partyweakx1 = 0;
partyname2 = "Frank";
partysprite2 = 3;
partycurhp2 = 80;
partymaxhp2 = 60;
partycurmp2 = 0;
partymaxmp2 = 0;
partydmg2 = 9;
partydef2 = 8;
partylvl2 = 4;
partyexp2 = 60;
partytnl2 = 40;
partyweapon2 = 24;
partyarm2 = 25;
partyacc2 = 0;
partyspl2[1] = 0;
partyspl2[2] = 0;
partyspl2[3] = 0;
partyspl2[4] = 0;
partyspl2[5] = 0;
partyspl2[6] = 0;
partydead2 = 0;
partyslp2 = 0;
partyslpx2 = 0;
partypsn2 = 0;
partypsnv2 = 0;
partypsnx2 = 0;
partystop2 = 0;
partystopv2 = 0;
partystopx2 = 0;
partysilence2 = 0;
partysilencex2 = 0;
partyweak2 = 0;
partyweakx2 = 0;
partyname3 = "Dave";
partysprite3 = 3;
partycurhp3 = 80;
partymaxhp3 = 60;
partycurmp3 = 0;
partymaxmp3 = 0;
partydmg3 = 9;
partydef3 = 8;
partylvl3 = 4;
partyexp3 = 60;
partytnl3 = 40;
partyweapon3 = 24;
partyarm3 = 25;
partyacc3 = 0;
partyspl3[1] = 0;
partyspl3[2] = 0;
partyspl3[3] = 0;
partyspl3[4] = 0;
partyspl3[5] = 0;
partyspl3[6] = 0;
partydead3 = 0;
partyslp3 = 0;
partyslpx3 = 0;
partypsn3 = 0;
partypsnv3 = 0;
partypsnx3 = 0;
partystop3 = 0;
partystopv3 = 0;
partystopx3 = 0;
partysilence3 = 0;
partysilencex3 = 0;
partyweak3 = 0;
partyweakx3 = 0;
cutscene = 1;
convono = 0;
shopid = 0;
sel = 0;
norunning = 0;
mapname = "Outside the bank";
map = 3;
charposx = 75;
charposy = 75;
freeze = 0;
talk = 0;
sbscore = 0;
sbhiscore = 0;
mech = 0;
cranelift = 0;
Frame 3
_root.freeze = 0;
_root.turn = 0;
party1.gotoAndPlay(partysprite1 + 1);
if (partysize > 1) {
party2.gotoAndPlay(partysprite2 + 1);
if (partysize > 2) {
party3.gotoAndPlay(partysprite3 + 1);
monster1.gotoAndPlay(monstersprite1 + 1);
monster2.gotoAndPlay(monstersprite2 + 1);
monster3.gotoAndPlay(monstersprite3 + 1);
monster4.gotoAndPlay(monstersprite4 + 1);
monster5.gotoAndPlay(monstersprite5 + 1);
monster6.gotoAndPlay(monstersprite6 + 1);
monster7.gotoAndPlay(monstersprite7 + 1);
monster8.gotoAndPlay(monstersprite8 + 1);
monster9.gotoAndPlay(monstersprite9 + 1);
_root.itemsel = 1;
Frame 4
_root.explore.mover.gotoAndPlay(_root.partysprite1 + 1);
_root.itemsel = 1;
Frame 5
_root.itemsel = 1;
Frame 6
esno1 = 0;
esno2 = 0;
esno3 = 0;
esno4 = 0;
esno5 = 0;
esno6 = 0;
esno7 = 0;
esno8 = 0;
esno9 = 0;
esno10 = 0;
esname1 = " ";
esname2 = " ";
esname3 = " ";
esname4 = " ";
esname5 = " ";
esname6 = " ";
esname7 = " ";
esname8 = " ";
esname9 = " ";
esname10 = " ";
_root.itemsel = 1;
Frame 7
Frame 8
_root.itemsel = 1;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
} else {
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE1");
_root.esname1 =;
_root.s1pn1 =;
_root.s1pl1 =;
_root.s1pn2 =;
_root.s1pl2 =;
_root.s1pn3 =;
_root.s1pl3 =;
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE2");
_root.esname2 =;
_root.s2pn1 =;
_root.s2pl1 =;
_root.s2pn2 =;
_root.s2pl2 =;
_root.s2pn3 =;
_root.s2pl3 =;
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE3");
_root.esname3 =;
_root.s3pn1 =;
_root.s3pl1 =;
_root.s3pn2 =;
_root.s3pl2 =;
_root.s3pn3 =;
_root.s3pl3 =;
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 3) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 3) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE1");
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE2");
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE3");
(_root.InvID[1] =;
(_root.InvNumber[1] =;
(_root.InvID[2] =;
(_root.InvNumber[2] =;
(_root.InvID[3] =;
(_root.InvNumber[3] =;
(_root.InvID[4] =;
(_root.InvNumber[4] =;
(_root.InvID[5] =;
(_root.InvNumber[5] =;
(_root.InvID[6] =;
(_root.InvNumber[6] =;
(_root.InvID[7] =;
(_root.InvNumber[7] =;
(_root.InvID[8] =;
(_root.InvNumber[8] =;
(_root.InvID[9] =;
(_root.InvNumber[9] =;
(_root.InvID[10] =;
(_root.InvNumber[10] =;
(_root.InvID[11] =;
(_root.InvNumber[11] =;
(_root.InvID[12] =;
(_root.InvNumber[12] =;
(_root.InvID[13] =;
(_root.InvNumber[13] =;
(_root.InvID[14] =;
(_root.InvNumber[14] =;
(_root.InvID[15] =;
(_root.InvNumber[15] =;
(_root.InvID[16] =;
(_root.InvNumber[16] =;
(_root.InvID[17] =;
(_root.InvNumber[17] =;
(_root.InvID[18] =;
(_root.InvNumber[18] =;
(_root.InvID[19] =;
(_root.InvNumber[19] =;
(_root.InvID[20] =;
(_root.InvNumber[20] =;
(_root.InvID[21] =;
(_root.InvNumber[21] =;
(_root.InvID[22] =;
(_root.InvNumber[22] =;
(_root.InvID[23] =;
(_root.InvNumber[23] =;
(_root.InvID[24] =;
(_root.InvNumber[24] =;
(_root.InvID[25] =;
(_root.InvNumber[25] =;
(_root.InvID[26] =;
(_root.InvNumber[26] =;
(_root.InvID[27] =;
(_root.InvNumber[27] =;
(_root.InvID[28] =;
(_root.InvNumber[28] =;
(_root.InvID[29] =;
(_root.InvNumber[29] =;
(_root.InvID[30] =;
(_root.InvNumber[30] =; =;
_root.partysize =;
(_root.partyname1 =;
(_root.partyname2 =;
(_root.partyname3 =;
(_root.partysprite1 =;
(_root.partysprite2 =;
(_root.partysprite3 =;
(_root.partycurhp1 =;
(_root.partycurhp2 =;
(_root.partycurhp3 =;
(_root.partymaxhp1 =;
(_root.partymaxhp2 =;
(_root.partymaxhp3 =;
(_root.partycurmp1 =;
(_root.partycurmp2 =;
(_root.partycurmp3 =;
(_root.partymaxmp1 =;
(_root.partymaxmp2 =;
(_root.partymaxmp3 =;
(_root.partydmg1 =;
(_root.partydmg2 =;
(_root.partydmg3 =;
(_root.partydef1 =;
(_root.partydef2 =;
(_root.partydef3 =;
(_root.partylvl1 =;
(_root.partylvl2 =;
(_root.partylvl3 =;
(_root.partyexp1 =;
(_root.partyexp2 =;
(_root.partyexp3 =;
(_root.partytnl1 =;
(_root.partytnl2 =;
(_root.partytnl3 =;
(_root.partyweapon1 =;
(_root.partyweapon2 =;
(_root.partyweapon3 =;
(_root.partyarm1 =;
(_root.partyarm2 =;
(_root.partyarm3 =;
(_root.partyacc1 =;
(_root.partyacc2 =;
(_root.partyacc3 =;
(_root.partyspl1[1] =;
(_root.partyspl2[1] =;
(_root.partyspl3[1] =;
(_root.partyspl1[2] =;
(_root.partyspl2[2] =;
(_root.partyspl3[2] =;
(_root.partyspl1[3] =;
(_root.partyspl2[3] =;
(_root.partyspl3[3] =;
(_root.partyspl1[4] =;
(_root.partyspl2[4] =;
(_root.partyspl3[4] =;
(_root.partyspl1[5] =;
(_root.partyspl2[5] =;
(_root.partyspl3[5] =;
(_root.partyspl1[6] =;
(_root.partyspl2[6] =;
(_root.partyspl3[6] =;
(_root.partydead1 =;
(_root.partydead2 =;
(_root.partydead3 =;
(_root.partyslp1 =;
(_root.partyslp2 =;
(_root.partyslp3 =;
(_root.partyslpx1 =;
(_root.partyslpx2 =;
(_root.partyslpx3 =;
(_root.partypsn1 =;
(_root.partypsn2 =;
(_root.partypsn3 =;
(_root.partypsnv1 =;
(_root.partypsnv2 =;
(_root.partypsnv3 =;
(_root.partypsnx1 =;
(_root.partypsnx2 =;
(_root.partypsnx3 =;
(_root.partystop1 =;
(_root.partystop2 =;
(_root.partystop3 =;
(_root.partystopv1 =;
(_root.partystopv2 =;
(_root.partystopv3 =;
(_root.partystopx1 =;
(_root.partystopx2 =;
(_root.partystopx3 =;
(_root.partysilence1 =;
(_root.partysilence2 =;
(_root.partysilence3 =;
(_root.partysilencex1 =;
(_root.partysilencex2 =;
(_root.partysilencex3 =;
(_root.partyweak1 =;
(_root.partyweak2 =;
(_root.partyweak3 =;
(_root.partyweakx1 =;
(_root.partyweakx2 =;
(_root.partyweakx3 =;
_root.mech =;
_root.cranelift =;
_root.sbhiscore =;
_root.mapname =; =;
_root.charposx =;
_root.charposy =;
if ( > 0) {
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 35
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.freeze = 0;
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 60 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 60 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 62 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
on (release) {
_root.freeze = 1;
Symbol 63 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 2;
on (release) {
_root.freeze = 1;
Symbol 68 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 71 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("¤cy_code=GBP&lc=GB&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8", "_blank");
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 2) {
_root.itemsel = 2;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 2) {
_root.itemsel = 2;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
_root.freeze = 1;
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
_root.freeze = 1;
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndPlay(_root.combatloc + 1);
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 139 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 142 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 152 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 154 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 155 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 165 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 165 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 166 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 168 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 177 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 181 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 185 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 201 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 204 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 206 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 209 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 214 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 227 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 13
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 240 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 241 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 243 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 246 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 246 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 246 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 246 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 246 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 266 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 275 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 276 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 277 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 280 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 286 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 288 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 292 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 292 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 292 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 292 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 292 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 297 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 302 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 303 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 303 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 303 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 303 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 303 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 308 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 311 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 313 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 315 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 317 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 338 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 339 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 341 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 359 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 361 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 375 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 375 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 381 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 381 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 384 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 384 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 389 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndPlay(_root.combatloc + 1);
Symbol 389 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 389 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 389 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 389 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 389 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.partysize > 1) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 416 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.partysize > 2) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 416 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 420 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 420 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 422 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 422 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 424 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 424 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 429 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 429 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 429 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 430 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 431 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 432 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 433 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.turn == 1) and (_root.partysilence1 == 0)) {
if ((_root.turn == 2) and (_root.partysilence2 == 0)) {
if ((_root.turn == 3) and (_root.partysilence3 == 0)) {
Symbol 434 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.norunning == 0) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Can't escape!";
Symbol 437 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 437 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 438 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.monstersprite1 > 0) {
_root.choice = 1;
Symbol 439 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.monstersprite2 > 0) {
_root.choice = 2;
Symbol 440 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.monstersprite3 > 0) {
_root.choice = 3;
Symbol 441 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.monstersprite4 > 0) {
_root.choice = 4;
Symbol 442 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.monstersprite5 > 0) {
_root.choice = 5;
Symbol 443 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.monstersprite6 > 0) {
_root.choice = 6;
Symbol 444 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.monstersprite7 > 0) {
_root.choice = 7;
Symbol 445 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.monstersprite8 > 0) {
_root.choice = 8;
Symbol 446 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.monstersprite9 > 0) {
_root.choice = 9;
Symbol 449 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 451 MovieClip Frame 24
if (_root.mturn == 9) {
_root.mturn = 0;
_root.turn = 0;
} else {
Symbol 452 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.itemsel = 1;
(_root.isname1 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[1]]);
(_root.isno1 = _root.InvNumber[1]);
(_root.isname2 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[2]]);
(_root.isno2 = _root.InvNumber[2]);
(_root.isname3 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[3]]);
(_root.isno3 = _root.InvNumber[3]);
(_root.isname4 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[4]]);
(_root.isno4 = _root.InvNumber[4]);
(_root.isname5 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[5]]);
(_root.isno5 = _root.InvNumber[5]);
(_root.isname6 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[6]]);
(_root.isno6 = _root.InvNumber[6]);
(_root.isname7 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[7]]);
(_root.isno7 = _root.InvNumber[7]);
(_root.isname8 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[8]]);
(_root.isno8 = _root.InvNumber[8]);
(_root.isname9 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[9]]);
(_root.isno9 = _root.InvNumber[9]);
(_root.isname10 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[10]]);
(_root.isno10 = _root.InvNumber[10]);
(_root.isname11 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[11]]);
(_root.isno11 = _root.InvNumber[11]);
(_root.isname12 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[12]]);
(_root.isno12 = _root.InvNumber[12]);
(_root.isname13 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[13]]);
(_root.isno13 = _root.InvNumber[13]);
(_root.isname14 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[14]]);
(_root.isno14 = _root.InvNumber[14]);
(_root.isname15 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[15]]);
(_root.isno15 = _root.InvNumber[15]);
(_root.isname16 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[16]]);
(_root.isno16 = _root.InvNumber[16]);
(_root.isname17 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[17]]);
(_root.isno17 = _root.InvNumber[17]);
(_root.isname18 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[18]]);
(_root.isno18 = _root.InvNumber[18]);
(_root.isname19 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[19]]);
(_root.isno19 = _root.InvNumber[19]);
(_root.isname20 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[20]]);
(_root.isno20 = _root.InvNumber[20]);
(_root.isname21 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[21]]);
(_root.isno21 = _root.InvNumber[21]);
(_root.isname22 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[22]]);
(_root.isno22 = _root.InvNumber[22]);
(_root.isname23 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[23]]);
(_root.isno23 = _root.InvNumber[23]);
(_root.isname24 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[24]]);
(_root.isno24 = _root.InvNumber[24]);
(_root.isname25 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[25]]);
(_root.isno25 = _root.InvNumber[25]);
(_root.isname26 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[26]]);
(_root.isno26 = _root.InvNumber[26]);
(_root.isname27 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[27]]);
(_root.isno27 = _root.InvNumber[27]);
(_root.isname28 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[28]]);
(_root.isno28 = _root.InvNumber[28]);
(_root.isname29 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[29]]);
(_root.isno29 = _root.InvNumber[29]);
(_root.isname30 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[30]]);
(_root.isno30 = _root.InvNumber[30]);
if (_root.isno1 == 0) {
_root.isno1 = " ";
if (_root.isno2 == 0) {
_root.isno2 = " ";
if (_root.isno3 == 0) {
_root.isno3 = " ";
if (_root.isno4 == 0) {
_root.isno4 = " ";
if (_root.isno5 == 0) {
_root.isno5 = " ";
if (_root.isno6 == 0) {
_root.isno6 = " ";
if (_root.isno7 == 0) {
_root.isno7 = " ";
if (_root.isno8 == 0) {
_root.isno8 = " ";
if (_root.isno9 == 0) {
_root.isno9 = " ";
if (_root.isno10 == 0) {
_root.isno10 = " ";
if (_root.isno11 == 0) {
_root.isno11 = " ";
if (_root.isno12 == 0) {
_root.isno12 = " ";
if (_root.isno13 == 0) {
_root.isno13 = " ";
if (_root.isno14 == 0) {
_root.isno14 = " ";
if (_root.isno15 == 0) {
_root.isno15 = " ";
if (_root.isno16 == 0) {
_root.isno16 = " ";
if (_root.isno17 == 0) {
_root.isno17 = " ";
if (_root.isno18 == 0) {
_root.isno18 = " ";
if (_root.isno19 == 0) {
_root.isno19 = " ";
if (_root.isno20 == 0) {
_root.isno20 = " ";
if (_root.isno21 == 0) {
_root.isno21 = " ";
if (_root.isno22 == 0) {
_root.isno22 = " ";
if (_root.isno23 == 0) {
_root.isno23 = " ";
if (_root.isno24 == 0) {
_root.isno24 = " ";
if (_root.isno25 == 0) {
_root.isno25 = " ";
if (_root.isno26 == 0) {
_root.isno26 = " ";
if (_root.isno27 == 0) {
_root.isno27 = " ";
if (_root.isno28 == 0) {
_root.isno28 = " ";
if (_root.isno29 == 0) {
_root.isno29 = " ";
if (_root.isno30 == 0) {
_root.isno30 = " ";
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel1" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel1" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel2" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 2;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel3" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel4" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 4;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel5" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 5;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel6" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 6;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel7" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 7;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel8" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 8;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel9" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 9;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel10" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel11" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 11;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel12" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 12;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel13" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 13;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel14" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 14;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel15" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 15;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel16" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 16;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel17" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 17;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel18" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 18;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel19" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 19;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel20" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 20;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel21" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 21;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel22" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 22;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel23" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 23;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel24" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 24;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel25" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 25;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel26" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 26;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel27" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 27;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel28" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 28;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel29" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 29;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel30" in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 30;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 517 MovieClip in Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.commes = _root.ItemNote[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 10) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 11) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 12) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 13) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 14) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 15) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 16) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 17) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 18) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 19) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 20) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 21) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 22) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 23) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 24) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 25) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 26) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 27) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 28) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 29) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 30) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 30) {
_root.itemsel = 30;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (_root.itemsel > 10) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 10;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (_root.itemsel < 21) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 10;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Symbol 519 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite1 > 0) and (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 1;
Symbol 520 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite2 > 0) and (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 2;
Symbol 521 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite3 > 0) and (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 3;
Symbol 522 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite4 > 0) and (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 4;
Symbol 523 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite5 > 0) and (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 5;
Symbol 524 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite6 > 0) and (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 6;
Symbol 525 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite7 > 0) and (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 7;
Symbol 526 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite8 > 0) and (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 8;
Symbol 527 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite9 > 0) and (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 9;
Symbol 528 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
} else if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
_root.choice = 1;
Symbol 529 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead2 == 1) {
_root.choice = 2;
} else if (_root.partydead2 == 0) {
_root.choice = 2;
Symbol 530 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead3 == 1) {
_root.choice = 3;
} else if (_root.partydead3 == 0) {
_root.choice = 3;
Symbol 531 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 532 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.partystop1 == 1) {
_root.partystopv1 = _root.partystopv1 - 1;
if (_root.partystopv1 == 0) {
_root.partystop1 = 0;
if (_root.partystop2 == 1) {
_root.partystopv2 = _root.partystopv2 - 1;
if (_root.partystopv2 == 0) {
_root.partystop2 = 0;
if (_root.partystop3 == 1) {
_root.partystopv3 = _root.partystopv3 - 1;
if (_root.partystopv3 == 0) {
_root.partystop3 = 0;
if (_root.monsterstop1 == 1) {
_root.monsterstopv1 = _root.monsterstopv1 - 1;
if (_root.monsterstopv1 == 0) {
_root.monsterstop1 = 0;
if (_root.monsterstop2 == 1) {
_root.monsterstopv2 = _root.monsterstopv2 - 1;
if (_root.monsterstopv2 == 0) {
_root.monsterstop2 = 0;
if (_root.monsterstop3 == 1) {
_root.monsterstopv3 = _root.monsterstopv3 - 1;
if (_root.monsterstopv3 == 0) {
_root.monsterstop3 = 0;
if (_root.monsterstop4 == 1) {
_root.monsterstopv4 = _root.monsterstopv4 - 1;
if (_root.monsterstopv4 == 0) {
_root.monsterstop4 = 0;
if (_root.monsterstop5 == 1) {
_root.monsterstopv5 = _root.monsterstopv5 - 1;
if (_root.monsterstopv5 == 0) {
_root.monsterstop5 = 0;
if (_root.monsterstop6 == 1) {
_root.monsterstopv6 = _root.monsterstopv6 - 1;
if (_root.monsterstopv6 == 0) {
_root.monsterstop6 = 0;
if (_root.monsterstop7 == 1) {
_root.monsterstopv7 = _root.monsterstopv7 - 1;
if (_root.monsterstopv7 == 0) {
_root.monsterstop7 = 0;
if (_root.monsterstop8 == 1) {
_root.monsterstopv8 = _root.monsterstopv8 - 1;
if (_root.monsterstopv8 == 0) {
_root.monsterstop8 = 0;
if (_root.monsterstop9 == 1) {
_root.monsterstopv9 = _root.monsterstopv9 - 1;
if (_root.monsterstopv9 == 0) {
_root.monsterstop9 = 0;
if ((_root.partypsn1 == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
} else if ((_root.partypsn2 == 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
} else if ((_root.partypsn3 == 1) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
} else if ((_root.monsterpsn1 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 > 0)) {
} else if ((_root.monsterpsn2 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite2 > 0)) {
} else if ((_root.monsterpsn3 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite3 > 0)) {
} else if ((_root.monsterpsn4 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite4 > 0)) {
} else if ((_root.monsterpsn5 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite5 > 0)) {
} else if ((_root.monsterpsn6 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite6 > 0)) {
} else if ((_root.monsterpsn7 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite7 > 0)) {
} else if ((_root.monsterpsn8 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite8 > 0)) {
} else if ((_root.monsterpsn9 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite9 > 0)) {
} else {
Symbol 532 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.commes = "POISON!";
if ((_root.partypsn1 == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
_root.hitdmg = _root.partypsnv1;
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > 0) {
} else {
_root.partycurhp1 = 0;
_root.partydead1 = 1;
if ((_root.partypsn2 == 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
_root.hitdmg = _root.partypsnv2;
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > 0) {
} else {
_root.partycurhp2 = 0;
_root.partydead2 = 1;
if ((_root.partypsn3 == 1) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
_root.hitdmg = _root.partypsnv3;
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > 0) {
} else {
_root.partycurhp3 = 0;
_root.partydead3 = 1;
if (((_root.partydead1 == 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 1)) and (_root.partydead3 == 1)) {
if ((_root.monsterpsn1 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 > 0)) {
_root.hitdmg = _root.monsterpsnv1;
_root.monhp1 = _root.monhp1 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp1 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if ((_root.monsterpsn2 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite2 > 0)) {
_root.hitdmg = _root.monsterpsnv2;
_root.monhp2 = _root.monhp2 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp2 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if ((_root.monsterpsn3 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite3 > 0)) {
_root.hitdmg = _root.monsterpsnv3;
_root.monhp3 = _root.monhp3 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp3 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if ((_root.monsterpsn4 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite4 > 0)) {
_root.hitdmg = _root.monsterpsnv4;
_root.monhp4 = _root.monhp4 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp4 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if ((_root.monsterpsn5 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite5 > 0)) {
_root.hitdmg = _root.monsterpsnv5;
_root.monhp5 = _root.monhp5 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp5 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if ((_root.monsterpsn6 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite6 > 0)) {
_root.hitdmg = _root.monsterpsnv6;
_root.monhp6 = _root.monhp6 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp6 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if ((_root.monsterpsn7 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite7 > 0)) {
_root.hitdmg = _root.monsterpsnv7;
_root.monhp7 = _root.monhp7 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp7 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if ((_root.monsterpsn8 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite8 > 0)) {
_root.hitdmg = _root.monsterpsnv8;
_root.monhp8 = _root.monhp8 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp8 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if ((_root.monsterpsn9 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite9 > 0)) {
_root.hitdmg = _root.monsterpsnv9;
_root.monhp9 = _root.monhp9 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp9 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp9 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monsters == 0) {
Symbol 532 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (_root.turn == 1) {
(_root.ssname1 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[1]]);
(_root.ssno1 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[1]]);
(_root.ssname2 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[2]]);
(_root.ssno2 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[2]]);
(_root.ssname3 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[3]]);
(_root.ssno3 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[3]]);
(_root.ssname4 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[4]]);
(_root.ssno4 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[4]]);
(_root.ssname5 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[5]]);
(_root.ssno5 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[5]]);
(_root.ssname6 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[6]]);
(_root.ssno6 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[6]]);
(_root.ssname7 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[7]]);
(_root.ssno7 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[7]]);
(_root.ssname8 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[8]]);
(_root.ssno8 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[8]]);
(_root.ssname9 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[9]]);
(_root.ssno9 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[9]]);
(_root.ssname10 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[10]]);
(_root.ssno10 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[10]]);
(_root.ssname11 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[11]]);
(_root.ssno11 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[11]]);
(_root.ssname12 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[12]]);
(_root.ssno12 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[12]]);
(_root.ssname13 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[13]]);
(_root.ssno13 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[13]]);
(_root.ssname14 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[14]]);
(_root.ssno14 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[14]]);
(_root.ssname15 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[15]]);
(_root.ssno15 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[15]]);
(_root.ssname16 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[16]]);
(_root.ssno16 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[16]]);
(_root.ssname17 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[17]]);
(_root.ssno17 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[17]]);
(_root.ssname18 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[18]]);
(_root.ssno18 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[18]]);
(_root.ssname19 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[19]]);
(_root.ssno19 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[19]]);
(_root.ssname20 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[20]]);
(_root.ssno20 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[20]]);
(_root.ssname21 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[21]]);
(_root.ssno21 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[21]]);
(_root.ssname22 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[22]]);
(_root.ssno22 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[22]]);
(_root.ssname23 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[23]]);
(_root.ssno23 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[23]]);
(_root.ssname24 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[24]]);
(_root.ssno24 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[24]]);
(_root.ssname25 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[25]]);
(_root.ssno25 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[25]]);
(_root.ssname26 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[26]]);
(_root.ssno26 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[26]]);
(_root.ssname27 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[27]]);
(_root.ssno27 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[27]]);
(_root.ssname28 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[28]]);
(_root.ssno28 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[28]]);
(_root.ssname29 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[29]]);
(_root.ssno29 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[29]]);
(_root.ssname30 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[30]]);
(_root.ssno30 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[30]]);
if (_root.turn == 2) {
(_root.ssname1 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[1]]);
(_root.ssno1 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[1]]);
(_root.ssname2 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[2]]);
(_root.ssno2 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[2]]);
(_root.ssname3 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[3]]);
(_root.ssno3 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[3]]);
(_root.ssname4 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[4]]);
(_root.ssno4 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[4]]);
(_root.ssname5 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[5]]);
(_root.ssno5 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[5]]);
(_root.ssname6 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[6]]);
(_root.ssno6 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[6]]);
(_root.ssname7 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[7]]);
(_root.ssno7 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[7]]);
(_root.ssname8 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[8]]);
(_root.ssno8 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[8]]);
(_root.ssname9 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[9]]);
(_root.ssno9 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[9]]);
(_root.ssname10 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[10]]);
(_root.ssno10 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[10]]);
(_root.ssname11 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[11]]);
(_root.ssno11 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[11]]);
(_root.ssname12 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[12]]);
(_root.ssno12 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[12]]);
(_root.ssname13 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[13]]);
(_root.ssno13 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[13]]);
(_root.ssname14 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[14]]);
(_root.ssno14 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[14]]);
(_root.ssname15 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[15]]);
(_root.ssno15 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[15]]);
(_root.ssname16 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[16]]);
(_root.ssno16 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[16]]);
(_root.ssname17 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[17]]);
(_root.ssno17 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[17]]);
(_root.ssname18 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[18]]);
(_root.ssno18 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[18]]);
(_root.ssname19 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[19]]);
(_root.ssno19 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[19]]);
(_root.ssname20 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[20]]);
(_root.ssno20 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[20]]);
(_root.ssname21 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[21]]);
(_root.ssno21 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[21]]);
(_root.ssname22 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[22]]);
(_root.ssno22 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[22]]);
(_root.ssname23 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[23]]);
(_root.ssno23 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[23]]);
(_root.ssname24 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[24]]);
(_root.ssno24 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[24]]);
(_root.ssname25 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[25]]);
(_root.ssno25 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[25]]);
(_root.ssname26 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[26]]);
(_root.ssno26 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[26]]);
(_root.ssname27 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[27]]);
(_root.ssno27 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[27]]);
(_root.ssname28 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[28]]);
(_root.ssno28 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[28]]);
(_root.ssname29 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[29]]);
(_root.ssno29 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[29]]);
(_root.ssname30 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[30]]);
(_root.ssno30 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[30]]);
if (_root.turn == 3) {
(_root.ssname1 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[1]]);
(_root.ssno1 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[1]]);
(_root.ssname2 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[2]]);
(_root.ssno2 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[2]]);
(_root.ssname3 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[3]]);
(_root.ssno3 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[3]]);
(_root.ssname4 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[4]]);
(_root.ssno4 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[4]]);
(_root.ssname5 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[5]]);
(_root.ssno5 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[5]]);
(_root.ssname6 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[6]]);
(_root.ssno6 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[6]]);
(_root.ssname7 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[7]]);
(_root.ssno7 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[7]]);
(_root.ssname8 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[8]]);
(_root.ssno8 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[8]]);
(_root.ssname9 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[9]]);
(_root.ssno9 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[9]]);
(_root.ssname10 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[10]]);
(_root.ssno10 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[10]]);
(_root.ssname11 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[11]]);
(_root.ssno11 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[11]]);
(_root.ssname12 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[12]]);
(_root.ssno12 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[12]]);
(_root.ssname13 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[13]]);
(_root.ssno13 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[13]]);
(_root.ssname14 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[14]]);
(_root.ssno14 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[14]]);
(_root.ssname15 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[15]]);
(_root.ssno15 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[15]]);
(_root.ssname16 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[16]]);
(_root.ssno16 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[16]]);
(_root.ssname17 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[17]]);
(_root.ssno17 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[17]]);
(_root.ssname18 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[18]]);
(_root.ssno18 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[18]]);
(_root.ssname19 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[19]]);
(_root.ssno19 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[19]]);
(_root.ssname20 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[20]]);
(_root.ssno20 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[20]]);
(_root.ssname21 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[21]]);
(_root.ssno21 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[21]]);
(_root.ssname22 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[22]]);
(_root.ssno22 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[22]]);
(_root.ssname23 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[23]]);
(_root.ssno23 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[23]]);
(_root.ssname24 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[24]]);
(_root.ssno24 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[24]]);
(_root.ssname25 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[25]]);
(_root.ssno25 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[25]]);
(_root.ssname26 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[26]]);
(_root.ssno26 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[26]]);
(_root.ssname27 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[27]]);
(_root.ssno27 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[27]]);
(_root.ssname28 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[28]]);
(_root.ssno28 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[28]]);
(_root.ssname29 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[29]]);
(_root.ssno29 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[29]]);
(_root.ssname30 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[30]]);
(_root.ssno30 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[30]]);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel1" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel2" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 2;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel3" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel4" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 4;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel5" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 5;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel6" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 6;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel7" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 7;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel8" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 8;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel9" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 9;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel10" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel11" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 11;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel12" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 12;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel13" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 13;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel14" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 14;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel15" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 15;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel16" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 16;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel17" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 17;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel18" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 18;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel19" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 19;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel20" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 20;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel21" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 21;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel22" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 22;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel23" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 23;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel24" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 24;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel25" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 25;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel26" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 26;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel27" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 27;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel28" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 28;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel29" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 29;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel30" in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 30;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 517 MovieClip in Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.spellselectID = _root.partyspl1[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.spellselectID = _root.partyspl2[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.spellselectID = _root.partyspl3[_root.itemsel];
_root.commes = _root.SpellNote[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 10) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 11) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 12) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 13) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 14) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 15) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 16) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 17) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 18) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 19) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 20) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 21) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 22) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 23) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 24) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 25) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 26) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 27) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 28) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 29) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 30) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 30) {
_root.itemsel = 30;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (_root.itemsel > 10) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 10;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (_root.itemsel < 21) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 10;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
_root.commes = "Cast " + _root.SpellName[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Symbol 594 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite1 > 0) and (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 1;
Symbol 595 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite2 > 0) and (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 2;
Symbol 596 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite3 > 0) and (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 3;
Symbol 597 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite4 > 0) and (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 4;
Symbol 598 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite5 > 0) and (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 5;
Symbol 599 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite6 > 0) and (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 6;
Symbol 600 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite7 > 0) and (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 7;
Symbol 601 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite8 > 0) and (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 8;
Symbol 602 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.monstersprite9 > 0) and (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21)) {
_root.choice = 9;
Symbol 603 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
} else if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
_root.choice = 1;
Symbol 604 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead2 == 1) {
_root.choice = 2;
} else if (_root.partydead2 == 0) {
_root.choice = 2;
Symbol 605 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead3 == 1) {
_root.choice = 3;
} else if (_root.partydead3 == 0) {
_root.choice = 3;
Symbol 607 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 624 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.partysize > 1) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 624 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 635 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.partysize > 2) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 635 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 647 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 647 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 651 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.partysize > 1) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 651 MovieClip Frame 2
expbarpc = (((_root.partylvl2 * 10) - _root.partytnl2) / (_root.partylvl2 * 10)) * 100;
if (expbarpc > 100) {
expbarpc = expbarpc - 100;
setProperty(expbar, _xscale , expbarpc);
Symbol 652 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.partysize > 2) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 652 MovieClip Frame 2
expbarpc = (((_root.partylvl3 * 10) - _root.partytnl3) / (_root.partylvl3 * 10)) * 100;
if (expbarpc > 100) {
expbarpc = expbarpc - 100;
setProperty(expbar, _xscale , expbarpc);
Symbol 653 MovieClip Frame 1
expbarpc = (((_root.partylvl1 * 10) - _root.partytnl1) / (_root.partylvl1 * 10)) * 100;
if (expbarpc > 100) {
expbarpc = expbarpc - 100;
setProperty(expbar, _xscale , expbarpc);
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.turn = _root.turn + 1;
if (_root.turn == 1) {
if (((_root.partydead1 == 1) or (_root.partyslp1 == 1)) or (_root.partystop1 == 1)) {
_root.turn = _root.turn + 1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
if (((_root.partydead2 == 1) or (_root.partyslp2 == 1)) or (_root.partystop2 == 1)) {
_root.turn = _root.turn + 1;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
if (((_root.partydead3 == 1) or (_root.partyslp3 == 1)) or (_root.partystop3 == 1)) {
_root.turn = _root.turn + 1;
if (_root.turn > _root.partysize) {
_root.turn = 0;
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.partydefend1 = 0;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.partydefend2 = 0;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.partydefend3 = 0;
if (_root.turn == 1) {
if (_root.turn == 2) {
if (_root.turn == 3) {
if ((_root.monsterslp1 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterslp2 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite2 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterslp3 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite3 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterslp4 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite4 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterslp5 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite5 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterslp6 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite6 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterslp7 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite7 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterslp8 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite8 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterslp9 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite9 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partyslp1 == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partyslp2 == 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partyslp3 == 1) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterstop1 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterstop2 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite2 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterstop3 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite3 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterstop4 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite4 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterstop5 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite5 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterstop6 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite6 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterstop7 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite7 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterstop8 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite8 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterstop9 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite9 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partystop1 == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partystop2 == 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partystop3 == 1) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterpsn1 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterpsn2 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite2 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterpsn3 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite3 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterpsn4 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite4 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterpsn5 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite5 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterpsn6 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite6 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterpsn7 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite7 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterpsn8 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite8 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterpsn9 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite9 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partypsn1 == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partypsn2 == 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partypsn3 == 1) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monstersilence1 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monstersilence2 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite2 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monstersilence3 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite3 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monstersilence4 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite4 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monstersilence5 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite5 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monstersilence6 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite6 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monstersilence7 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite7 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monstersilence8 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite8 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monstersilence9 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite9 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partysilence1 == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partysilence2 == 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partysilence3 == 1) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterweak1 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterweak2 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite2 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterweak3 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite3 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterweak4 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite4 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterweak5 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite5 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterweak6 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite6 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterweak7 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite7 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterweak8 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite8 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.monsterweak9 == 1) and (_root.monstersprite9 > 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partyweak1 == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partyweak2 == 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partyweak3 == 1) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
} else {
if (_root.turn == 0) {
_root.mturn = _root.mturn + 1;
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.commes = ("It's " + _root.partyname1) + "'s turn!";
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.commes = ("It's " + _root.partyname2) + "'s turn!";
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.commes = ("It's " + _root.partyname3) + "'s turn!";
_root.choice = 1;
_root.freeze = 1;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 5) {;
} else {;
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 5;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 5) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 5;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 5) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 4) {
if ((_root.turn == 1) and (_root.partysilence1 == 0)) {
if ((_root.turn == 2) and (_root.partysilence2 == 0)) {
if ((_root.turn == 3) and (_root.partysilence3 == 0)) {
if (_root.choice == 5) {
if (_root.norunning == 0) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Can't escape!";
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.commes = "Choose enemy...";
_root.choice = 1;
_root.freeze = 1;
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice1" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 3
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monstersprite2 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monstersprite3 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 4;
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monstersprite4 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 5;
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monstersprite5 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 6;
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monstersprite6 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 7;
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monstersprite7 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 8;
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monstersprite8 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 9;
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monstersprite9 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 9) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 9;
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monstersprite9 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 8;
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monstersprite8 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 7;
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monstersprite7 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 6;
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monstersprite6 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 5;
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monstersprite5 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 4;
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monstersprite4 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monstersprite3 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monstersprite2 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 9;
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 9) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 9;
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monstersprite9 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 8;
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monstersprite8 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 7;
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monstersprite7 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 6;
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monstersprite6 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 5;
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monstersprite5 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 4;
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monstersprite4 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monstersprite3 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monstersprite2 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 9;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 9) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice1" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 3
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice1" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 3
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 4
crit = ((75 + random(25)) + random(25)) / 100;
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pdmg = Math.round(_root.partydmg1 * crit);
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pdmg = Math.round(_root.partydmg2 * crit);
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pdmg = Math.round(_root.partydmg3 * crit);
if (_root.choice == 1) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef1);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp1);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 2) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef2);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp2);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 3) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef3);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp3);
(_root.monsterslp3 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 4) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef4);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp4);
(_root.monsterslp4 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 5) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef5);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp5);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 6) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef6);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp6);
(_root.monsterslp6 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 7) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef7);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp7);
(_root.monsterslp7 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 8) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef8);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp8);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 9) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef9);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp9);
(_root.monsterslp9 = 0);
if ((_root.turn == 1) and (_root.partyweak1 == 1)) {
_root.pdmg = int(_root.pdmg / 10);
if ((_root.turn == 2) and (_root.partyweak2 == 1)) {
_root.pdmg = int(_root.pdmg / 10);
if ((_root.turn == 3) and (_root.partyweak3 == 1)) {
_root.pdmg = int(_root.pdmg / 10);
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mdef;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.mhp = _root.mhp - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.turn == 1) {
(_root.commes = _root.partyname1);
if (_root.turn == 2) {
(_root.commes = _root.partyname2);
if (_root.turn == 3) {
(_root.commes = _root.partyname3);
if (_root.mhp > 0) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.monhp1 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.monhp2 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.monhp3 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 4) {
_root.monhp4 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 5) {
_root.monhp5 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 6) {
_root.monhp6 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 7) {
_root.monhp7 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 8) {
_root.monhp8 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 9) {
_root.monhp9 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " attacks ") + _root.monstername1) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 2) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " attacks ") + _root.monstername2) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 3) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " attacks ") + _root.monstername3) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 4) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " attacks ") + _root.monstername4) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 5) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " attacks ") + _root.monstername5) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 6) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " attacks ") + _root.monstername6) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 7) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " attacks ") + _root.monstername7) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 8) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " attacks ") + _root.monstername8) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 9) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " attacks ") + _root.monstername9) + "!");
} else {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
(_root.monhp1 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite1 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 2) {
(_root.monhp2 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite2 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 3) {
(_root.monhp3 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite3 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 4) {
(_root.monhp4 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite4 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 5) {
(_root.monhp5 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite5 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 6) {
(_root.monhp6 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite6 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 7) {
(_root.monhp7 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite7 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 8) {
(_root.monhp8 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite8 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 9) {
(_root.monhp9 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite9 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 1) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " kills ") + _root.monstername1) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 2) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " kills ") + _root.monstername2) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 3) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " kills ") + _root.monstername3) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 4) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " kills ") + _root.monstername4) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 5) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " kills ") + _root.monstername5) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 6) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " kills ") + _root.monstername6) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 7) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " kills ") + _root.monstername7) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 8) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " kills ") + _root.monstername8) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 9) {
(_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " kills ") + _root.monstername9) + "!");
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monsters == 0) {
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root.turn == 1) {
(_root.partydefend1 = 1);
if (_root.turn == 2) {
(_root.partydefend2 = 1);
if (_root.turn == 3) {
(_root.partydefend3 = 1);
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.commes = _root.partyname1 + " defends!";
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.commes = _root.partyname2 + " defends!";
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.commes = _root.partyname3 + " defends!";
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 6
crit = ((75 + random(25)) + random(25)) / 100;
if (_root.mturn == 1) {
if (((_root.monstersprite1 > 0) and (_root.monsterslp1 == 0)) and (_root.monsterstop1 == 0)) {
_root.commes = _root.monstername1;
_root.turn = -1;
if (_root.matkturn1 == 1) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamea1;
_root.matk = _root.matka1;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmga1 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mta1;
if (_root.matkturn1 == 2) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnameb1;
_root.matk = _root.matkb1;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgb1 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtb1;
if (_root.matkturn1 == 3) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamec1;
_root.matk = _root.matkc1;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgc1 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtc1;
if (_root.matk == 1) {
if (_root.monsterweak1 == 1) {
_root.mdmg = int(_root.mdmg / 10);
if (_root.matkturn1 == 1) {
if (_root.matks1 > 1) {
_root.matkturn1 = 2;
} else if (_root.matkturn1 == 2) {
if (_root.matks1 > 2) {
_root.matkturn1 = 3;
} else {
_root.matkturn1 = 1;
} else if (_root.matkturn1 == 3) {
_root.matkturn1 = 1;
} else {
_root.mturn = 2;
if (_root.mturn == 2) {
if (((_root.monstersprite2 > 0) and (_root.monsterslp2 == 0)) and (_root.monsterstop2 == 0)) {
_root.commes = _root.monstername2;
_root.turn = -1;
if (_root.matkturn2 == 1) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamea2;
_root.matk = _root.matka2;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmga2 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mta2;
if (_root.matkturn2 == 2) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnameb2;
_root.matk = _root.matkb2;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgb2 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtb2;
if (_root.matkturn2 == 3) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamec2;
_root.matk = _root.matkc2;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgc2 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtc2;
if (_root.matk == 1) {
if (_root.monsterweak2 == 1) {
_root.mdmg = int(_root.mdmg / 10);
if (_root.matkturn2 == 1) {
if (_root.matks2 > 1) {
_root.matkturn2 = 2;
} else if (_root.matkturn2 == 2) {
if (_root.matks2 > 2) {
_root.matkturn2 = 3;
} else {
_root.matkturn2 = 1;
} else if (_root.matkturn2 == 3) {
_root.matkturn2 = 1;
} else {
_root.mturn = 3;
if (_root.mturn == 3) {
if (((_root.monstersprite3 > 0) and (_root.monsterslp3 == 0)) and (_root.monsterstop3 == 0)) {
_root.commes = _root.monstername3;
_root.turn = -1;
if (_root.matkturn3 == 1) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamea3;
_root.matk = _root.matka3;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmga3 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mta3;
if (_root.matkturn3 == 2) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnameb3;
_root.matk = _root.matkb3;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgb3 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtb3;
if (_root.matkturn3 == 3) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamec3;
_root.matk = _root.matkc3;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgc3 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtc3;
if (_root.matk == 1) {
if (_root.monsterweak3 == 1) {
_root.mdmg = int(_root.mdmg / 10);
if (_root.matkturn3 == 1) {
if (_root.matks3 > 1) {
_root.matkturn3 = 2;
} else if (_root.matkturn3 == 2) {
if (_root.matks3 > 2) {
_root.matkturn3 = 3;
} else {
_root.matkturn3 = 1;
} else if (_root.matkturn3 == 3) {
_root.matkturn3 = 1;
} else {
_root.mturn = 4;
if (_root.mturn == 4) {
if (((_root.monstersprite4 > 0) and (_root.monsterslp4 == 0)) and (_root.monsterstop4 == 0)) {
_root.commes = _root.monstername4;
_root.turn = -1;
if (_root.matkturn4 == 1) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamea4;
_root.matk = _root.matka4;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmga4 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mta4;
if (_root.matkturn4 == 2) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnameb4;
_root.matk = _root.matkb4;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgb4 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtb4;
if (_root.matkturn4 == 3) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamec4;
_root.matk = _root.matkc4;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgc4 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtc4;
if (_root.matk == 1) {
if (_root.monsterweak4 == 1) {
_root.mdmg = int(_root.mdmg / 10);
if (_root.matkturn4 == 1) {
if (_root.matks4 > 1) {
_root.matkturn4 = 2;
} else if (_root.matkturn4 == 2) {
if (_root.matks4 > 2) {
_root.matkturn4 = 3;
} else {
_root.matkturn4 = 1;
} else if (_root.matkturn4 == 3) {
_root.matkturn4 = 1;
} else {
_root.mturn = 5;
if (_root.mturn == 5) {
if (((_root.monstersprite5 > 0) and (_root.monsterslp5 == 0)) and (_root.monsterstop5 == 0)) {
_root.commes = _root.monstername5;
_root.turn = -1;
if (_root.matkturn5 == 1) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamea5;
_root.matk = _root.matka5;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmga5 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mta5;
if (_root.matkturn5 == 2) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnameb5;
_root.matk = _root.matkb5;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgb5 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtb5;
if (_root.matkturn5 == 3) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamec5;
_root.matk = _root.matkc5;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgc5 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtc5;
if (_root.matk == 1) {
if (_root.monsterweak5 == 1) {
_root.mdmg = int(_root.mdmg / 10);
if (_root.matkturn5 == 1) {
if (_root.matks5 > 1) {
_root.matkturn5 = 2;
} else if (_root.matkturn5 == 2) {
if (_root.matks5 > 2) {
_root.matkturn5 = 3;
} else {
_root.matkturn5 = 1;
} else if (_root.matkturn5 == 3) {
_root.matkturn5 = 1;
} else {
_root.mturn = 6;
if (_root.mturn == 6) {
if (((_root.monstersprite6 > 0) and (_root.monsterslp6 == 0)) and (_root.monsterstop6 == 0)) {
_root.commes = _root.monstername6;
_root.turn = -1;
if (_root.matkturn6 == 1) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamea6;
_root.matk = _root.matka6;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmga6 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mta6;
if (_root.matkturn6 == 2) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnameb6;
_root.matk = _root.matkb6;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgb6 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtb6;
if (_root.matkturn6 == 3) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamec6;
_root.matk = _root.matkc6;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgc6 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtc6;
if (_root.matk == 1) {
if (_root.monsterweak6 == 1) {
_root.mdmg = int(_root.mdmg / 10);
if (_root.matkturn6 == 1) {
if (_root.matks6 > 1) {
_root.matkturn6 = 2;
} else if (_root.matkturn6 == 2) {
if (_root.matks6 > 2) {
_root.matkturn6 = 3;
} else {
_root.matkturn6 = 1;
} else if (_root.matkturn6 == 3) {
_root.matkturn6 = 1;
} else {
_root.mturn = 7;
if (_root.mturn == 7) {
if (((_root.monstersprite7 > 0) and (_root.monsterslp7 == 0)) and (_root.monsterstop7 == 0)) {
_root.commes = _root.monstername7;
_root.turn = -1;
if (_root.matkturn7 == 1) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamea7;
_root.matk = _root.matka7;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmga7 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mta7;
if (_root.matkturn7 == 2) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnameb7;
_root.matk = _root.matkb7;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgb7 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtb7;
if (_root.matkturn7 == 3) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamec7;
_root.matk = _root.matkc7;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgc7 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtc7;
if (_root.matk == 1) {
if (_root.monsterweak7 == 1) {
_root.mdmg = int(_root.mdmg / 10);
if (_root.matkturn7 == 1) {
if (_root.matks7 > 1) {
_root.matkturn7 = 2;
} else if (_root.matkturn7 == 2) {
if (_root.matks7 > 2) {
_root.matkturn7 = 3;
} else {
_root.matkturn7 = 1;
} else if (_root.matkturn7 == 3) {
_root.matkturn7 = 1;
} else {
_root.mturn = 8;
if (_root.mturn == 8) {
if (((_root.monstersprite8 > 0) and (_root.monsterslp8 == 0)) and (_root.monsterstop8 == 0)) {
_root.commes = _root.monstername8;
_root.turn = -1;
if (_root.matkturn8 == 1) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamea8;
_root.matk = _root.matka8;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmga8 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mta8;
if (_root.matkturn8 == 2) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnameb8;
_root.matk = _root.matkb8;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgb8 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtb8;
if (_root.matkturn8 == 3) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamec8;
_root.matk = _root.matkc8;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmgc8 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtc8;
if (_root.matk == 1) {
if (_root.monsterweak8 == 1) {
_root.mdmg = int(_root.mdmg / 10);
if (_root.matkturn8 == 1) {
if (_root.matks8 > 1) {
_root.matkturn8 = 2;
} else if (_root.matkturn8 == 2) {
if (_root.matks8 > 2) {
_root.matkturn8 = 3;
} else {
_root.matkturn8 = 1;
} else if (_root.matkturn8 == 3) {
_root.matkturn8 = 1;
} else {
_root.mturn = 9;
if (_root.mturn == 9) {
if (((_root.monstersprite9 > 0) and (_root.monsterslp9 == 0)) and (_root.monsterstop9 == 0)) {
_root.commes = _root.monstername9;
if (_root.matkturn9 == 1) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamea9;
_root.matk = _root.matka9;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmga9 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mta9;
if (_root.matkturn9 == 2) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnameb9;
_root.matk = _root.matkb9;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmga9 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtb9;
if (_root.matkturn9 == 3) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + _root.mnamec9;
_root.matk = _root.matkc9;
_root.mdmg = Math.round(_root.mdmga9 * crit);
_root.mtar = _root.mtc9;
if (_root.matk == 1) {
if (_root.monsterweak9 == 1) {
_root.mdmg = int(_root.mdmg / 10);
if (_root.matkturn9 == 1) {
if (_root.matks9 > 1) {
_root.matkturn9 = 2;
} else if (_root.matkturn9 == 2) {
if (_root.matks9 > 2) {
_root.matkturn9 = 3;
} else {
_root.matkturn9 = 1;
} else if (_root.matkturn9 == 3) {
_root.matkturn9 = 1;
} else {
_root.mturn = 0;
_root.turn = 0;
if (_root.mturn > 0) {
if (_root.partysize == 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.partysize == 2) {
_root.choice = random(2) + 1;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.choice = 2;
if (_root.partysize == 3) {
_root.choice = random(3) + 1;
if (_root.choice == 4) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 1)) {
if (_root.partydead2 == 0) {
_root.choice = 2;
} else {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.partydead2 == 1)) {
if (_root.partydead3 == 0) {
_root.choice = 3;
} else {
_root.choice = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.partydead3 == 1)) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
_root.choice = 1;
} else {
_root.choice = 2;
if (_root.matk == 1) {
if (_root.mturn == 1) {
if (_root.mturn == 2) {
if (_root.mturn == 3) {
if (_root.mturn == 4) {
if (_root.mturn == 5) {
if (_root.mturn == 6) {
if (_root.mturn == 7) {
if (_root.mturn == 8) {
if (_root.mturn == 9) {
if (_root.mtar == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.pdef = _root.partydef1;
_root.pdefend = _root.partydefend1;
_root.php = _root.partycurhp1;
_root.partyslp1 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.pdef = _root.partydef2;
_root.pdefend = _root.partydefend2;
_root.php = _root.partycurhp2;
_root.partyslp2 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.pdef = _root.partydef3;
_root.pdefend = _root.partydefend3;
_root.php = _root.partycurhp3;
_root.partyslp3 = 0;
if (_root.pdefend == 1) {
_root.pdef = _root.pdef * 2;
_root.hitdmg = _root.mdmg - _root.pdef;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.php = _root.php - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.php > 0) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.php;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.php;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.php;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
(_root.commes = (_root.commes + _root.partyname1) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 2) {
(_root.commes = (_root.commes + _root.partyname2) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 3) {
(_root.commes = (_root.commes + _root.partyname3) + "!");
} else {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
(_root.partycurhp1 = 0);
(_root.partydead1 = 1);
if (_root.choice == 2) {
(_root.partycurhp2 = 0);
(_root.partydead2 = 1);
if (_root.choice == 3) {
(_root.partycurhp3 = 0);
(_root.partydead3 = 1);
if (_root.choice == 1) {
(_root.commes = (_root.commes + _root.partyname1) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 2) {
(_root.commes = (_root.commes + _root.partyname2) + "!");
if (_root.choice == 3) {
(_root.commes = (_root.commes + _root.partyname3) + "!");
if (_root.mtar == 2) {
_root.commes = _root.commes + "everyone!";
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
_root.partyslp1 = 0;
_root.pdef = _root.partydef1;
if (_root.partydefend1 == 1) {
_root.pdef = _root.pdef * 2;
_root.hitdmg = _root.mdmg - _root.pdef;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > 0) {
} else {
_root.partycurhp1 = 0;
_root.partydead1 = 1;
if (_root.partydead2 == 0) {
_root.partyslp2 = 0;
_root.pdef = _root.partydef2;
if (_root.partydefend2 == 1) {
_root.pdef = _root.pdef * 2;
_root.hitdmg = _root.mdmg - _root.pdef;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > 0) {
} else {
_root.partycurhp2 = 0;
_root.partydead2 = 1;
if (_root.partydead3 == 0) {
_root.partyslp3 = 0;
_root.pdef = _root.partydef3;
if (_root.partydefend3 == 1) {
_root.pdef = _root.pdef * 2;
_root.hitdmg = _root.mdmg - _root.pdef;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > 0) {
} else {
_root.partycurhp3 = 0;
_root.partydead3 = 1;
if (((_root.partydead1 == 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 1)) and (_root.partydead3 == 1)) {
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 7
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
if ((_root.partysize > 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
if ((_root.partysize > 2) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
_root.commes = "You Win!";
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.commes = "You Lose!";
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.commes = "Select Item";
_root.freeze = 1;
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.choice = _root.turn;
_root.freeze = 1;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monstersprite2 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monstersprite3 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 4;
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monstersprite4 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 5;
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monstersprite5 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 6;
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monstersprite6 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 7;
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monstersprite7 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 8;
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monstersprite8 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 9;
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monstersprite9 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 9;
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monstersprite9 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 8;
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monstersprite8 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 7;
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monstersprite7 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 6;
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monstersprite6 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 5;
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monstersprite5 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 4;
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monstersprite4 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monstersprite3 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monstersprite2 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 9;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 9) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 9;
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monstersprite9 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 8;
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monstersprite8 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 7;
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monstersprite7 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 6;
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monstersprite6 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 5;
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monstersprite5 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 4;
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monstersprite4 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monstersprite3 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monstersprite2 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 9;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 9) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.partysize < 3)) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.partydead2 == 1) {
_root.choice = 2;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
} else {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.partydead2 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.partydead3 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 22) {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice10" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 10
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice11" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 10
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice12" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 10
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice1" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 10
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice1" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 10
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice1" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 10
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 11
if (_root.turn == 1) {
if (_root.turn == 2) {
if (_root.turn == 3) {
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 1) {
_root.heal = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
if (_root.partydead2 == 0) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
if (_root.partydead3 == 0) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 2) {
_root.mana = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partycurmp1 = _root.partycurmp1 + _root.mana;
if (_root.partycurmp1 > _root.partymaxmp1) {
_root.partycurmp1 = _root.partymaxmp1;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partycurmp2 = _root.partycurmp2 + _root.mana;
if (_root.partycurmp2 > _root.partymaxmp2) {
_root.partycurmp2 = _root.partymaxmp2;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partycurmp3 = _root.partycurmp3 + _root.mana;
if (_root.partycurmp3 > _root.partymaxmp3) {
_root.partycurmp3 = _root.partymaxmp3;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
if (_root.partydead2 == 0) {
if (_root.partydead3 == 0) {
_root.partycurmp1 = _root.partycurmp1 + _root.mana;
if (_root.partycurmp1 > _root.partymaxmp1) {
_root.partycurmp1 = _root.partymaxmp1;
_root.partycurmp2 = _root.partycurmp2 + _root.mana;
if (_root.partycurmp2 > _root.partymaxmp2) {
_root.partycurmp2 = _root.partymaxmp2;
_root.partycurmp3 = _root.partycurmp3 + _root.mana;
if (_root.partycurmp3 > _root.partymaxmp3) {
_root.partycurmp3 = _root.partymaxmp3;
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 3) {
_root.pdmg = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef1);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp1);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 2) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef2);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp2);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 3) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef3);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp3);
(_root.monsterslp3 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 4) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef4);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp4);
(_root.monsterslp4 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 5) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef5);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp5);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 6) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef6);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp6);
(_root.monsterslp6 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 7) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef7);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp7);
(_root.monsterslp7 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 8) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef8);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp8);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 9) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef9);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp9);
(_root.monsterslp9 = 0);
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mdef;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.mhp = _root.mhp - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.mhp > 0) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.monhp1 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.monhp2 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.monhp3 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 4) {
_root.monhp4 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 5) {
_root.monhp5 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 6) {
_root.monhp6 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 7) {
_root.monhp7 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 8) {
_root.monhp8 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 9) {
_root.monhp9 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 4) {
if (_root.choice == 5) {
if (_root.choice == 6) {
if (_root.choice == 7) {
if (_root.choice == 8) {
if (_root.choice == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
(_root.monhp1 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite1 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 2) {
(_root.monhp2 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite2 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 3) {
(_root.monhp3 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite3 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 4) {
(_root.monhp4 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite4 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 5) {
(_root.monhp5 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite5 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 6) {
(_root.monhp6 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite6 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 7) {
(_root.monhp7 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite7 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 8) {
(_root.monhp8 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite8 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 9) {
(_root.monhp9 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite9 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 4) {
if (_root.choice == 5) {
if (_root.choice == 6) {
if (_root.choice == 7) {
if (_root.choice == 8) {
if (_root.choice == 9) {
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 22) {
if (_root.monstersprite1 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp1 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef1;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp1 = _root.monhp1 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp1 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite2 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp2 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef2;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp2 = _root.monhp2 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp2 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite3 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp3 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef3;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp3 = _root.monhp3 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp3 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite4 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp4 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef4;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp4 = _root.monhp4 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp4 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite5 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp5 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef5;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp5 = _root.monhp5 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp5 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite6 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp6 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef6;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp6 = _root.monhp6 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp6 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite7 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp7 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef7;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp7 = _root.monhp7 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp7 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite8 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp8 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef8;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp8 = _root.monhp8 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp8 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite9 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp9 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef9;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp9 = _root.monhp9 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp9 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp9 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
_root.heal = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partydead1 = 0;
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partydead2 = 0;
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partydead3 = 0;
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
(_root.partydead1 = 0);
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
(_root.partydead2 = 0);
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
(_root.partydead3 = 0);
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 5) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monsterslpx1 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp1 = 1);
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monsterslpx2 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp2 = 1);
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monsterslpx3 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp3 = 1);
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monsterslpx4 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp4 = 1);
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monsterslpx5 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp5 = 1);
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monsterslpx6 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp6 = 1);
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monsterslpx7 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp7 = 1);
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monsterslpx8 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp8 = 1);
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monsterslpx9 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp9 = 1);
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 22) {
if ((_root.monstersprite1 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx1 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp1 = 1);
if ((_root.monstersprite2 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx2 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp2 = 1);
if ((_root.monstersprite3 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx3 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp3 = 1);
if ((_root.monstersprite4 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx4 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp4 = 1);
if ((_root.monstersprite5 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx5 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp5 = 1);
if ((_root.monstersprite6 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx6 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp6 = 1);
if ((_root.monstersprite7 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx7 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp7 = 1);
if ((_root.monstersprite8 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx8 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp8 = 1);
if ((_root.monstersprite9 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx9 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterslp9 = 1);
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 6) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monsterpsnx1 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monsterpsnx2 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monsterpsnx3 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn3 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv3 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monsterpsnx4 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn4 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv4 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monsterpsnx5 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monsterpsnx6 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn6 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv6 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monsterpsnx7 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn7 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv7 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monsterpsnx8 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monsterpsnx9 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn9 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv9 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 22) {
if ((_root.monstersprite1 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx1 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite2 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx2 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite3 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx3 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn3 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv3 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite4 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx4 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn4 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv4 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite5 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx5 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite6 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx6 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn6 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv6 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite7 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx7 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn7 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv7 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite8 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx8 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite9 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx9 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn9 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv9 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 7) {
_root.heal = "CURED";
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partypsn1 = 0;
_root.partypsnv1 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partypsn2 = 0;
_root.partypsnv2 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partypsn3 = 0;
_root.partypsnv3 = 0;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 0) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 0) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
_root.partypsn1 = 0;
_root.partypsnv1 = 0;
_root.partypsn2 = 0;
_root.partypsnv2 = 0;
_root.partypsn3 = 0;
_root.partypsnv3 = 0;
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 8) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monsterstopx1 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop1 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monsterstopx2 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop2 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monsterstopx3 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop3 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv3 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monsterstopx4 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop4 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv4 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monsterstopx5 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop5 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monsterstopx6 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop6 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv6 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monsterstopx7 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop7 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv7 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monsterstopx8 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop8 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monsterstopx9 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop9 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv9 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 22) {
if ((_root.monstersprite1 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx1 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop1 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite2 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx2 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop2 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite3 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx3 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop3 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv3 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite4 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx4 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop4 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv4 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite5 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx5 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop5 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite6 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx6 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop6 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv6 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite7 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx7 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop7 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv7 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite8 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx8 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop8 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if ((_root.monstersprite9 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx9 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop9 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv9 = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]]);
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 9) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monstersilencex1 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence1 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monstersilencex2 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence2 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monstersilencex3 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence3 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monstersilencex4 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence4 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monstersilencex5 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence5 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monstersilencex6 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence6 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monstersilencex7 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence7 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monstersilencex8 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence8 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monstersilencex9 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence9 = 1;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 22) {
if ((_root.monstersprite1 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex1 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence1 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite2 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex2 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence2 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite3 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex3 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence3 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite4 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex4 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence4 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite5 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex5 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence5 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite6 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex6 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence6 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite7 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex7 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence7 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite8 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex8 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence8 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite9 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex9 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence9 = 1;
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 10) {
_root.heal = "CURED";
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partysilence1 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partysilence2 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partysilence3 = 0;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 0) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 0) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
_root.partysilence1 = 0;
_root.partysilence2 = 0;
_root.partysilence3 = 0;
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 21) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monsterweakx1 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak1 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monsterweakx2 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak2 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monsterweakx3 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak3 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monsterweakx4 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak4 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monsterweakx5 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak5 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monsterweakx6 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak6 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monsterweakx7 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak7 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monsterweakx8 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak8 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monsterweakx9 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak9 = 1;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 22) {
if ((_root.monstersprite1 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx1 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak1 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite2 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx2 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak2 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite3 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx3 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak3 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite4 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx4 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak4 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite5 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx5 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak5 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite6 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx6 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak6 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite7 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx7 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak7 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite8 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx8 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak8 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite9 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx9 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak9 = 1;
if (_root.ItemComUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
_root.heal = "CURED";
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweak1 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweak2 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweak3 = 0;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 0) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 0) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
_root.partyweak1 = 0;
_root.partyweak2 = 0;
_root.partyweak3 = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemsel] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemsel] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[_root.itemsel] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = _root.itemsel;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = "";
if (_root.monsters == 0) {
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 12
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
if ((_root.partysize > 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
if ((_root.partysize > 2) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
_root.commes = "You Run!";
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.freeze = 1;
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.choice = _root.turn;
_root.freeze = 1;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.spellselectID = _root.partyspl1[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.spellselectID = _root.partyspl2[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.spellselectID = _root.partyspl3[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monstersprite2 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monstersprite3 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 4;
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monstersprite4 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 5;
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monstersprite5 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 6;
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monstersprite6 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 7;
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monstersprite7 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 8;
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monstersprite8 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 9;
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monstersprite9 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 9;
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monstersprite9 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 8;
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monstersprite8 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 7;
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monstersprite7 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 6;
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monstersprite6 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 5;
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monstersprite5 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 4;
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monstersprite4 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monstersprite3 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monstersprite2 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 9;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 9) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 9;
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monstersprite9 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 8;
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monstersprite8 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 7;
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monstersprite7 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 6;
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monstersprite6 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 5;
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monstersprite5 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 4;
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monstersprite4 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monstersprite3 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monstersprite2 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monstersprite1 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 9;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 9) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.partysize < 3)) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.partydead2 == 1) {
_root.choice = 2;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
} else {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.partydead2 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.partydead3 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 12) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 22) {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice10" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 15
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice11" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 15
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice12" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 15
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice1" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 15
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice1" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 15
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice1" in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 15
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 16
if (_root.turn == 1) {
if (_root.turn == 2) {
if (_root.turn == 3) {
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 1) {
_root.heal = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 12) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
if (_root.partydead2 == 0) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
if (_root.partydead3 == 0) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 3) {
_root.pdmg = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef1);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp1);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 2) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef2);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp2);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 3) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef3);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp3);
(_root.monsterslp3 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 4) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef4);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp4);
(_root.monsterslp4 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 5) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef5);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp5);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 6) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef6);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp6);
(_root.monsterslp6 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 7) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef7);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp7);
(_root.monsterslp7 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 8) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef8);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp8);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 9) {
(_root.mdef = _root.mondef9);
(_root.mhp = _root.monhp9);
(_root.monsterslp9 = 0);
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mdef;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.mhp = _root.mhp - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.mhp > 0) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.monhp1 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.monhp2 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.monhp3 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 4) {
_root.monhp4 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 5) {
_root.monhp5 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 6) {
_root.monhp6 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 7) {
_root.monhp7 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 8) {
_root.monhp8 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 9) {
_root.monhp9 = _root.mhp;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 4) {
if (_root.choice == 5) {
if (_root.choice == 6) {
if (_root.choice == 7) {
if (_root.choice == 8) {
if (_root.choice == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
(_root.monhp1 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite1 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 2) {
(_root.monhp2 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite2 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 3) {
(_root.monhp3 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite3 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 4) {
(_root.monhp4 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite4 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 5) {
(_root.monhp5 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite5 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 6) {
(_root.monhp6 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite6 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 7) {
(_root.monhp7 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite7 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 8) {
(_root.monhp8 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite8 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 9) {
(_root.monhp9 = 0);
(_root.monstersprite9 = 0);
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 4) {
if (_root.choice == 5) {
if (_root.choice == 6) {
if (_root.choice == 7) {
if (_root.choice == 8) {
if (_root.choice == 9) {
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 22) {
if (_root.monstersprite1 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp1 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef1;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp1 = _root.monhp1 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp1 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite2 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp2 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef2;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp2 = _root.monhp2 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp2 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite3 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp3 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef3;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp3 = _root.monhp3 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp3 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite4 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp4 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef4;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp4 = _root.monhp4 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp4 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite5 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp5 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef5;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp5 = _root.monhp5 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp5 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite6 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp6 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef6;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp6 = _root.monhp6 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp6 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite7 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp7 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef7;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp7 = _root.monhp7 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp7 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite8 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp8 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef8;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp8 = _root.monhp8 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp8 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.monstersprite9 > 0) {
_root.monsterslp9 = 0;
_root.hitdmg = _root.pdmg - _root.mondef9;
if (_root.hitdmg < 1) {
_root.hitdmg = 1;
_root.monhp9 = _root.monhp9 - _root.hitdmg;
if (_root.monhp9 > 0) {
} else {
_root.monhp9 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
_root.monsters = _root.monsters - 1;
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
_root.heal = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partydead1 = 0;
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partydead2 = 0;
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partydead3 = 0;
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 12) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
(_root.partydead1 = 0);
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
(_root.partydead2 = 0);
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
(_root.partydead3 = 0);
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 5) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monsterslpx1 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp1 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monsterslpx2 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp2 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monsterslpx3 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp3 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monsterslpx4 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp4 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monsterslpx5 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp5 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monsterslpx6 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp6 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monsterslpx7 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp7 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monsterslpx8 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp8 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monsterslpx9 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp9 = 1;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 22) {
if ((_root.monstersprite1 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx1 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp1 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite2 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx2 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp2 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite3 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx3 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp3 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite4 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx4 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp4 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite5 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx5 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp5 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite6 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx6 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp6 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite7 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx7 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp7 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite8 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx8 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp8 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite9 > 0) and (_root.monsterslpx9 == 0)) {
_root.monsterslp9 = 1;
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 6) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monsterpsnx1 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monsterpsnx2 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monsterpsnx3 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn3 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv3 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monsterpsnx4 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn4 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv4 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monsterpsnx5 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monsterpsnx6 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn6 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv6 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monsterpsnx7 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn7 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv7 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monsterpsnx8 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monsterpsnx9 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn9 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv9 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 22) {
if ((_root.monstersprite1 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx1 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite2 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx2 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite3 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx3 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn3 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv3 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite4 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx4 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn4 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv4 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite5 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx5 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite6 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx6 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn6 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv6 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite7 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx7 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn7 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv7 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite8 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx8 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite9 > 0) and (_root.monsterpsnx9 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterpsn9 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsnv9 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 7) {
_root.heal = "CURED";
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partypsn1 = 0;
_root.partypsnv1 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partypsn2 = 0;
_root.partypsnv2 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partypsn3 = 0;
_root.partypsnv3 = 0;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 12) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 0) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 0) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
_root.partypsn1 = 0;
_root.partypsnv1 = 0;
_root.partypsn2 = 0;
_root.partypsnv2 = 0;
_root.partypsn3 = 0;
_root.partypsnv3 = 0;
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 8) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monsterstopx1 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop1 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monsterstopx2 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop2 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monsterstopx3 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop3 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv3 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monsterstopx4 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop4 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv4 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monsterstopx5 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop5 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monsterstopx6 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop6 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv6 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monsterstopx7 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop7 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv7 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monsterstopx8 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop8 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monsterstopx9 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop9 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv9 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 22) {
if ((_root.monstersprite1 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx1 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop1 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite2 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx2 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop2 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite3 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx3 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop3 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv3 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite4 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx4 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop4 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv4 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite5 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx5 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop5 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite6 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx6 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop6 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv6 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite7 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx7 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop7 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv7 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite8 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx8 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop8 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if ((_root.monstersprite9 > 0) and (_root.monsterstopx9 == 0)) {
(_root.monsterstop9 = 1);
(_root.monsterstopv9 = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID]);
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 9) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monstersilencex1 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence1 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monstersilencex2 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence2 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monstersilencex3 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence3 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monstersilencex4 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence4 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monstersilencex5 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence5 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monstersilencex6 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence6 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monstersilencex7 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence7 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monstersilencex8 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence8 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monstersilencex9 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence9 = 1;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 22) {
if ((_root.monstersprite1 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex1 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence1 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite2 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex2 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence2 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite3 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex3 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence3 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite4 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex4 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence4 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite5 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex5 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence5 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite6 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex6 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence6 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite7 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex7 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence7 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite8 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex8 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence8 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite9 > 0) and (_root.monstersilencex9 == 0)) {
_root.monstersilence9 = 1;
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 10) {
_root.heal = "CURED";
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partysilence1 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partysilence2 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partysilence3 = 0;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 12) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 0) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 0) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
_root.partysilence1 = 0;
_root.partysilence2 = 0;
_root.partysilence3 = 0;
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 21) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.monsterweakx1 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak1 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.monsterweakx2 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak2 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.monsterweakx3 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak3 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 4) and (_root.monsterweakx4 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak4 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 5) and (_root.monsterweakx5 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak5 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 6) and (_root.monsterweakx6 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak6 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 7) and (_root.monsterweakx7 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak7 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 8) and (_root.monsterweakx8 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak8 = 1;
if ((_root.choice == 9) and (_root.monsterweakx9 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak9 = 1;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 22) {
if ((_root.monstersprite1 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx1 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak1 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite2 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx2 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak2 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite3 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx3 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak3 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite4 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx4 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak4 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite5 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx5 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak5 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite6 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx6 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak6 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite7 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx7 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak7 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite8 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx8 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak8 = 1;
if ((_root.monstersprite9 > 0) and (_root.monsterweakx9 == 0)) {
_root.monsterweak9 = 1;
if (_root.SpellComUse[_root.spellselectID] == 12) {
_root.heal = "CURED";
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweak1 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweak2 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweak3 = 0;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 12) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 0) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 0) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
_root.partyweak1 = 0;
_root.partyweak2 = 0;
_root.partyweak3 = 0;
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.partycurmp1 = _root.partycurmp1 - _root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.partycurmp2 = _root.partycurmp2 - _root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.partycurmp3 = _root.partycurmp3 - _root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.monsters == 0) {
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.commes = _root.combatexp + " experience!";
if (_root.combatitem > 0) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.combatitem;
buyno = _root.combatitemno;
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + buyno;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = buyno;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) {
_root.commes = ((((_root.commes + " Found ") + buyno) + " ") + _root.ItemName[_root.combatitem]) + "s!";
} else {
_root.commes = _root.commes + " But no room!";
if (_root.combatgold > 0) { = + _root.combatgold;
_root.commes = ((_root.commes + " + ") + _root.combatgold) + " dollars!";
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
_root.partyexp1 = _root.partyexp1 + _root.combatexp;
_root.partytnl1 = _root.partytnl1 - _root.combatexp;
while (_root.partytnl1 < 1) {
_root.partylvl1 = _root.partylvl1 + 1;
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 + 1;
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 + 1;
_root.partymaxhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1 + 20;
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + 20;
_root.partymaxmp1 = _root.partymaxmp1 + 20;
_root.partycurmp1 = _root.partycurmp1 + 20;
_root.partytnl1 = _root.partytnl1 + (_root.partylvl1 * 10);
if (_root.partydead2 == 0) {
_root.partyexp2 = _root.partyexp2 + _root.combatexp;
_root.partytnl2 = _root.partytnl2 - _root.combatexp;
while (_root.partytnl2 < 1) {
_root.partylvl2 = _root.partylvl2 + 1;
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 + 1;
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 + 1;
_root.partymaxhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2 + 20;
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + 20;
_root.partymaxmp2 = _root.partymaxmp2 + 20;
_root.partycurmp2 = _root.partycurmp2 + 20;
_root.partytnl2 = _root.partytnl2 + (_root.partylvl2 * 10);
if (_root.partydead3 == 0) {
_root.partyexp3 = _root.partyexp3 + _root.combatexp;
_root.partytnl3 = _root.partytnl3 - _root.combatexp;
while (_root.partytnl3 < 1) {
_root.partylvl3 = _root.partylvl3 + 1;
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 + 1;
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 + 1;
_root.partymaxhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3 + 20;
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + 20;
_root.partymaxmp3 = _root.partymaxmp3 + 20;
_root.partycurmp3 = _root.partycurmp3 + 20;
_root.partytnl3 = _root.partytnl3 + (_root.partylvl3 * 10);
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 17
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
Symbol 704 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 704 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 704 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 704 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 707 Button
on (release) {
_root.freeze = 1;
Symbol 720 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 1;
on (release) {
if (shop == 1) {
_root.shopid = shoplink;
} else if (link1 == 0) { = 0;
} else {
Symbol 721 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 2;
on (release) {
if (link2 == 0) { = 0;
} else {
Symbol 722 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 3;
on (release) {
if (link3 == 0) { = 0;
} else {
Symbol 723 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 4;
on (release) {
if (link4 == 0) { = 0;
} else {
Symbol 724 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 5;
on (release) {
if (link5 == 0) { = 0;
} else {
Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 7 = 0;
_root.freeze = 0;
Symbol 727 MovieClip Frame 12 = 1;
Symbol 786 Button
on (release) { = 0;
Symbol 791 MovieClip Frame 1
starn = 200;
Instance of Symbol 788 MovieClip in Symbol 791 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
stars = 100;
do {
eval ("" + (stars + 200))._y = eval ("" + (stars + 200))._y + 5;
if (eval ("" + (stars + 200)).hitTest(_parent.block3)) {
removeMovieClip(eval ("" + (stars + 200)));
stars = stars - 1;
} while (stars > 0);
roll = random(100);
if (roll > 50) {
_parent.starn = _parent.starn + 1;
if (_parent.starn == 301) {
_parent.starn = 201;
duplicateMovieClip (, "star" + _parent.starn, _parent.starn);
setProperty("" + _parent.starn, _x , random(200) - 100);
setProperty("" + _parent.starn, _y , -100);
setProperty("" + _parent.starn, _alpha , 255);
Symbol 806 Button
on (keyPress "<Space>") {
sn = sn + 1;
if (sn == 51) {
sn = 1;
duplicateMovieClip (laser, "l" + sn, sn);
setProperty("l" + sn, _x , ship._x);
setProperty("l" + sn, _y , ship._y);
setProperty("l" + sn, _alpha , 255);
Symbol 808 MovieClip Frame 1
v = 0;
sn = 0;
an = 100;
asterchance = 900;
Instance of Symbol 807 MovieClip in Symbol 808 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
BoomSound = new Sound(_root);
f = 0.9;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_parent.v = _parent.v - 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_parent.v = _parent.v + 1;
if ((!Key.isDown(39)) and (!Key.isDown(37))) {
_parent.v = _parent.v * f;
_parent.ship._x = _parent.ship._x + _parent.v;
if (_parent.ship.hitTest(_parent.block1) or _parent.ship.hitTest(_parent.block2)) {
_parent.ship._x = _parent.ship._x - _parent.v;
_parent.v = 0;
shots = 50;
do {
if (eval ("_parent.l" + shots).hitTest(_parent.block4)) {
removeMovieClip(eval ("_parent.l" + shots));
asters = 30;
do {
if (eval ("_parent.l" + shots).hitTest("_parent.a" + (asters + 100))) {
removeMovieClip(eval ("_parent.l" + shots));
eval ("_parent.a" + (asters + 100))._xscale = eval ("_parent.a" + (asters + 100))._xscale - 20;
eval ("_parent.a" + (asters + 100))._yscale = eval ("_parent.a" + (asters + 100))._yscale - 20;
if (eval ("_parent.a" + (asters + 100))._xscale < 50) {
removeMovieClip(eval ("_parent.a" + (asters + 100)));
_root.sbscore = _root.sbscore + 10;
asters = asters - 1;
} while (asters > 0);
eval ("_parent.l" + shots)._y = eval ("_parent.l" + shots)._y - 5;
shots = shots - 1;
} while (shots > 0);
asters = 30;
do {
eval ("_parent.a" + (asters + 100))._y = eval ("_parent.a" + (asters + 100))._y + 3;
if (eval ("_parent.a" + (asters + 100)).hitTest(_parent.block3)) {
removeMovieClip(eval ("_parent.a" + (asters + 100)));
if (eval (_parent.ship).hitTest("_parent.a" + (asters + 100))) {
asters = asters - 1;
} while (asters > 0);
roll = random(1000);
if (roll > _parent.asterchance) {
_parent.asterchance = _parent.asterchance - 1; = + 1;
if ( == 131) { = 101;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.aster, "a" +,;
setProperty("_parent.a" +, _x , random(200) - 100);
setProperty("_parent.a" +, _y , -120);
setProperty("_parent.a" +, _alpha , 255);
asize = (random(75) + random(75)) + 50;
setProperty("_parent.a" +, _xscale , asize);
setProperty("_parent.a" +, _yscale , asize);
Symbol 808 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 819 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.sbscore = 0;
Instance of Symbol 807 MovieClip in Symbol 819 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
Symbol 819 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 819 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_root.sbscore > _root.sbhiscore) {
_root.sbhiscore = _root.sbscore;
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "Hi there!";
shop = 1;
shoplink = 2;
lines = 3;
line1 = "What are you selling?";
link1 = 0;
line2 = "sup homie!";
link2 = 3;
line3 = "Bye";
link3 = 0;
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.sel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 10) {
} else {
if ( == 1) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel - 1;
if (_root.sel < 1) {
_root.sel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel + 1;
if (_root.sel > 10) {
_root.sel = 10;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel - 1;
if (_root.sel < 1) {
_root.sel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel + 1;
if (_root.sel > 10) {
_root.sel = 10;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
c = 1;
if (( == 1) and (_root.sel == 1)) {
_root.shopid = _parent.shoplink;
} else {
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (eval ("" + c) == 0) { = 0;
} else {
_parent.gotoAndPlay(eval ("" + c));
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= _parent.lines);
if (Key.isDown(9)) { = 0;
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "Wurd...";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 0;
lines = 1;
line1 = "Bye";
link1 = 0;
line2 = "";
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "Hey, looking for some fun?";
shop = 1;
shoplink = 3;
lines = 4;
line1 = "Want to trade?";
link1 = 0;
line2 = "What kind of fun?";
link2 = 5;
line3 = "Aren't you cold?";
link3 = 6;
line4 = "Bye";
link4 = 0;
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.sel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 10) {
} else {
if ( == 1) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel - 1;
if (_root.sel < 1) {
_root.sel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel + 1;
if (_root.sel > _parent.lines) {
_root.sel = _parent.lines;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel - 1;
if (_root.sel < 1) {
_root.sel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel + 1;
if (_root.sel > _parent.lines) {
_root.sel = _parent.lines;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
c = 1;
if (( == 1) and (_root.sel == 1)) {
_root.shopid = _parent.shoplink;
} else {
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (eval ("" + c) == 0) { = 0;
} else {
_parent.gotoAndPlay(eval ("" + c));
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= _parent.lines);
if (Key.isDown(9)) { = 0;
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "We can do anything you like for $20...";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 0;
lines = 2;
line1 = "OK! (Restores Health)";
link1 = 7;
line2 = "Er, no thanks";
link2 = 0;
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "Wanna warm me up?";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 0;
lines = 2;
line1 = "Erm how?";
link1 = 5;
line2 = "No thanks...";
link2 = 0;
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 7
if ( < 20) {
gotoAndPlay (8);
} else { = - 20;
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "That was quick! Was it good for you too?";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 0;
lines = 1;
line1 = "Thanks! Bye!";
link1 = 0;
line2 = "";
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "You haven't got enough cash! I don't do freebies!";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 0;
lines = 1;
line1 = "Oh, OK, bye...";
link1 = 0;
line2 = "";
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "OK guys, get in there and stop this gang before they get all the cash. Remember it's ARROW KEYS to move, SPACE to select and TAB for cancel/back and menu.";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 0;
lines = 1;
line1 = "Yes Sir!";
link1 = 0;
line2 = "";
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.freeze = 1;
if (_root.mech == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (24);
if (_root.cranelift == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "Operate the crane?";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 0;
lines = 2;
line1 = "Yes";
link1 = 11;
line2 = "No";
link2 = 0;
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.freeze = 1;
if (_root.cranelift == 0) {
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "Button Pressed.";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 0;
lines = 1;
line1 = "Done.";
link1 = 0;
line2 = "";
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "Welcome to Guns 'R' Us!";
shop = 1;
shoplink = 4;
lines = 2;
line1 = "What have you got?";
link1 = 0;
line2 = "Bye";
link2 = 0;
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "Hi... What do you want?";
shop = 1;
shoplink = 5;
lines = 3;
line1 = "Want to trade?";
link1 = 0;
line2 = "Where are all the cars?";
link2 = 14;
line3 = "Bye";
link3 = 0;
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.sel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 10) {
} else {
if ( == 1) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel - 1;
if (_root.sel < 1) {
_root.sel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel + 1;
if (_root.sel > _parent.lines) {
_root.sel = _parent.lines;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel - 1;
if (_root.sel < 1) {
_root.sel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel + 1;
if (_root.sel > _parent.lines) {
_root.sel = _parent.lines;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
c = 1;
if (( == 1) and (_root.sel == 1)) {
_root.shopid = _parent.shoplink;
} else {
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (eval ("" + c) == 0) { = 0;
} else {
_parent.gotoAndPlay(eval ("" + c));
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= _parent.lines);
if (Key.isDown(9)) { = 0;
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "I have more important things to worry about right now...";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 3;
lines = 2;
line1 = "Like what?";
link1 = 15;
line2 = "Oh OK, Bye then.";
link2 = 0;
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "None of your business.";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 3;
lines = 2;
line1 = "Looks like you could use a drink...";
link1 = 16;
line2 = "Oh OK, Bye then.";
link2 = 0;
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "...";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 3;
lines = 3;
line1 = "How about some Whiskey?";
link1 = 17;
line2 = "How about some Beer?";
link2 = 18;
line3 = "But I don't have any, Bye.";
link3 = 0;
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "I only drink Beer...";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 3;
lines = 2;
line1 = "How about some Beer then?";
link1 = 18;
line2 = "Hmm, don't have any, Bye.";
link2 = 0;
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 18
ownid = 31;
invsearch = 1;
owned = 0;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == ownid) {
_parent.ownno = _root.InvNumber[invsearch];
owned = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (owned == 0) {
_parent.ownno = 0;
gotoAndPlay (19);
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "I love beer, thanks.";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 3;
lines = 1;
line1 = "So what's up?";
link1 = 20;
line2 = "";
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 19
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "But you don't have any...";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 3;
lines = 1;
line1 = "Oh yeah... Bye then.";
link1 = 0;
line2 = "";
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.freeze = 1;
sellid = 31;
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == sellid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "I created a robot but it's gone psychotic. I think it's in the scrap yard somewhere.";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 3;
lines = 2;
line1 = "I'll help you destroy it...";
link1 = 21;
line2 = "OMG you nutjob, Bye.";
link2 = 0;
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.partysize = _root.partysize + 1;
_root.partyname2 = "Mechanic";
_root.partysprite2 = 4;
_root.partycurhp2 = 100;
_root.partymaxhp2 = 100;
_root.partycurmp2 = 80;
_root.partymaxmp2 = 80;
_root.partydmg2 = 6;
_root.partydef2 = 5;
_root.partylvl2 = 5;
_root.partyexp2 = 100;
_root.partytnl2 = 50;
_root.partyweapon2 = 19;
_root.partyarm2 = 0;
_root.partyacc2 = 0;
_root.partyspl2[1] = 0;
_root.partyspl2[2] = 0;
_root.partyspl2[3] = 0;
_root.partyspl2[4] = 0;
_root.partyspl2[5] = 0;
_root.partyspl2[6] = 0;
_root.partydead2 = 0;
_root.partyslp2 = 0;
_root.partyslpx2 = 0;
_root.partypsn2 = 0;
_root.partypsnv2 = 0;
_root.partypsnx2 = 0;
_root.partystop2 = 0;
_root.partystopv2 = 0;
_root.partystopx2 = 0;
_root.partysilence2 = 0;
_root.partysilencex2 = 0;
_root.partyweak2 = 0;
_root.partyweakx2 = 0;
_root.mech = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "Great let's go! The junk yard is SE of here.";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 3;
lines = 1;
line1 = "let's roll!";
link1 = 23;
line2 = "";
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "Welcome to C.D.s Bar!";
shop = 1;
shoplink = 6;
lines = 2;
line1 = "What have you got?";
link1 = 0;
line2 = "Bye";
link2 = 0;
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); = 0;
_root.freeze = 0;
_root.charposx = 100;
_root.charposy = 0;
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.sel = 1;
npctext = "I don't know how to use this.";
shop = 0;
shoplink = 0;
lines = 1;
line1 = "Done.";
link1 = 0;
line2 = "";
line3 = "";
line4 = "";
line5 = "";
line6 = "";
line7 = "";
line8 = "";
line9 = "";
line10 = "";
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.freeze = 1;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.sel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 10) {
} else {
if ( == 1) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel - 1;
if (_root.sel < 1) {
_root.sel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel + 1;
if (_root.sel > _parent.lines) {
_root.sel = _parent.lines;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel - 1;
if (_root.sel < 1) {
_root.sel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel + 1;
if (_root.sel > _parent.lines) {
_root.sel = _parent.lines;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
c = 1;
if (( == 1) and (_root.sel == 1)) {
_root.shopid = _parent.shoplink;
} else {
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (eval ("" + c) == 0) { = 0;
} else {
_parent.gotoAndPlay(eval ("" + c));
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= _parent.lines);
if (Key.isDown(9)) { = 0;
Symbol 824 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 824 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 824 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 825 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 825 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 825 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 826 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 826 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 826 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 834 Button
on (release) {
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.itemsel = 1;
Symbol 835 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 835 MovieClip Frame 2
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 840 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 840 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.hitTest(_parent._parent.mover)) {;
Symbol 840 MovieClip Frame 12
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 840 MovieClip Frame 12
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!_parent.hitTest(_parent._parent.mover)) {;
Symbol 840 MovieClip Frame 23
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 846 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 856 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 856 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 865 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 939 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 939 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.hitTest(_parent._parent.mover)) {;
Symbol 939 MovieClip Frame 12
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 939 MovieClip Frame 12
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!_parent.hitTest(_parent._parent.mover)) {;
Symbol 939 MovieClip Frame 23
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 970 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cranelift == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (37);
Symbol 970 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.cranelift = 1;
Symbol 970 MovieClip Frame 37
Symbol 974 Button
on (release) {
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.itemsel = 1;
Symbol 975 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 975 MovieClip Frame 2
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 1019 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.mech == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1019 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 1
coa = 0;
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "fight zone"; = 1;
blocks = 8;
exits = 1;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 10;
exitmap1 = 2;
exitx1 = -200;
exity1 = 0;
nextatk = int(random(10) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 1);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 1);
(_root.combatitem = 18);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
_root.norunning = 0;
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 2);
(_root.monhp1 = 2);
(_root.monmp1 = 1);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 3);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " attacks ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 1);
(_root.mta1 = 2);
(_root.mnameb1 = " thumps ");
(_root.matkb1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb1 = 3);
(_root.mtb1 = 1);
(_root.mnamec1 = " attacks ");
(_root.matkc1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgc1 = 2);
(_root.mtc1 = 1);
if (nextatk > 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 1);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 2);
(_root.combatitem = 18);
(_root.combatitemno = 2);
_root.norunning = 1;
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 2);
(_root.monhp2 = 2);
(_root.monmp2 = 1);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 3);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " attacks ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 1);
(_root.mta2 = 2);
(_root.mnameb2 = " thumps ");
(_root.matkb2 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb2 = 3);
(_root.mtb2 = 1);
(_root.mnamec2 = " attacks ");
(_root.matkc2 = 1);
(_root.mdmgc2 = 2);
(_root.mtc2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 2);
(_root.monhp8 = 2);
(_root.monmp8 = 1);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 3);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " attacks ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 1);
(_root.mta8 = 2);
(_root.mnameb8 = " thumps ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 3);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
(_root.mnamec8 = " attacks ");
(_root.matkc8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgc8 = 2);
(_root.mtc8 = 1);
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
_parent.mover._x = _root.charposx;
_parent.mover._y = _root.charposy;
_parent.feet._x = _root.charposx;
_parent.feet._y = _root.charposy;
x = 0;
y = 0;
moving = 0;
dir = 0;
rndatk = 0;
spd = 8;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
y = y - spd;
moving = 1;
dir = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
y = y + spd;
moving = 1;
dir = 5;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (moving == 1) {
if (dir == 1) {
dir = 8;
if (dir == 5) {
dir = 6;
} else {
dir = 7;
x = x - spd;
moving = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (moving == 1) {
if (dir == 1) {
dir = 2;
if (dir == 5) {
dir = 4;
} else {
dir = 3;
x = x + spd;
moving = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
if (dir == 2) {
if (dir == 3) {
if (dir == 4) {
if (dir == 5) {
if (dir == 6) {
if (dir == 7) {
if (dir == 8) {
_parent.mover._x = _parent.mover._x + x;
_parent.mover._y = _parent.mover._y + y;
_parent.feet._x = _parent.feet._x + x;
_parent.feet._y = _parent.feet._y + y;
b = 1;
hitblock = 0;
do {
if (_parent.feet.hitTest("_parent.block" + b)) {
hitblock = 1;
b = b + 1;
} while (b <= _parent.blocks);
if (hitblock == 1) {
if (x < 0) {
_parent.mover._x = _parent.mover._x + spd;
} else if (x > 0) {
_parent.mover._x = _parent.mover._x - spd;
if (y < 0) {
_parent.mover._y = _parent.mover._y + spd;
} else if (y > 0) {
_parent.mover._y = _parent.mover._y - spd;
_parent.feet._x = _parent.mover._x;
_parent.feet._y = _parent.mover._y;
e = 1;
hitexit = 0;
exitno = 0;
do {
if (_parent.mover.hitTest("_parent.exit" + e)) {
hitexit = 1;
exitno = e;
e = e + 1;
} while (e <= _parent.exits);
if (hitexit == 1) {
_parent.mover._x = eval ("_parent.exitx" + exitno);
_parent.mover._y = eval ("_parent.exity" + exitno);
_parent.gotoAndPlay(eval ("_parent.exitmap" + exitno));
n = 1;
do {
if (_parent.mover.hitTest("_parent.npc" + n)) {
eval ("_parent.convo" + n).gotoAndPlay(2);
_root.convono = eval ("_parent.npcconvo" + n);
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.itemsel = 1;
} else {
eval ("_parent.convo" + n).gotoAndPlay(1);
n = n + 1;
} while (n <= _parent.npcs);
if (_parent.rndatkc == 0) {
_parent.coa = 0;
if (_parent.coa == 0) {
_parent.coa = _parent.rndatkc;
_root.charposx = _parent.mover._x;
_root.charposy = _parent.mover._y;
if ((moving == 1) and (_parent.coa > 0)) {
rndatk = int(random(3000) + 1);
if (rndatk <= _parent.coa) {
_parent.coa = 0;
_root.freeze = 1;
} else {
_parent.coa = _parent.coa + 1;
if (moving == 0) {
} else {
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "start"; = 2;
blocks = 6;
exits = 1;
npcs = 1;
rndatkc = 0;
npcconvo1 = 2;
exitmap1 = 1;
exitx1 = 200;
exity1 = 0;
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Outside the Bank"; = 3;
blocks = 7;
exits = 1;
npcs = 1;
rndatkc = 0;
npcconvo1 = 9;
exitmap1 = 4;
exitx1 = 0;
exity1 = 130;
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Inside the Bank"; = 4;
blocks = 6;
exits = 2;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 10;
exitmap1 = 3;
exitx1 = 0;
exity1 = 0;
exitmap2 = 5;
exitx2 = -50;
exity2 = 75;
nextatk = int(random(10) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 1);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 4);
(_root.combatitem = 27);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 1);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Gang Member");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 4);
(_root.monhp1 = 40);
(_root.monmp1 = 1);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 1);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " shoots ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 18);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
if (nextatk > 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 1);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 6);
(_root.combatitem = 29);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 1);
(_root.combatgold = 20);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Gang Member");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 5);
(_root.monhp2 = 20);
(_root.monmp2 = 1);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 1);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " shoots ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 18);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Gang Member");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 6);
(_root.monhp8 = 20);
(_root.monmp8 = 1);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 1);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " shoots ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 18);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "bank Staircase"; = 5;
blocks = 3;
exits = 2;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 0;
exitmap1 = 4;
exitx1 = -120;
exity1 = -120;
exitmap2 = 6;
exitx2 = 130;
exity2 = -120;
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Bank upstairs"; = 6;
blocks = 7;
exits = 2;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 10;
exitmap1 = 5;
exitx1 = -50;
exity1 = -75;
exitmap2 = 7;
exitx2 = -30;
exity2 = 75;
nextatk = int(random(10) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 1);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 4);
(_root.combatitem = 27);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 1);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Gang Member");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 4);
(_root.monhp1 = 40);
(_root.monmp1 = 1);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 1);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " shoots ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 18);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
if (nextatk > 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 1);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 6);
(_root.combatitem = 29);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 1);
(_root.combatgold = 20);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Gang Member");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 5);
(_root.monhp2 = 20);
(_root.monmp2 = 1);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 1);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " shoots ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 18);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Gang Member");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 6);
(_root.monhp8 = 20);
(_root.monmp8 = 1);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 1);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " shoots ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 18);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "bank stairs to roof"; = 7;
blocks = 3;
exits = 2;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 0;
exitmap1 = 6;
exitx1 = -40;
exity1 = -120;
exitmap2 = 8;
exitx2 = 130;
exity2 = -20;
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Bank safe room"; = 8;
blocks = 6;
exits = 2;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 10;
exitmap1 = 7;
exitx1 = -25;
exity1 = -75;
exitmap2 = 9;
exitx2 = -30;
exity2 = 75;
nextatk = int(random(10) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 1);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 4);
(_root.combatitem = 27);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 1);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Gang Member");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 4);
(_root.monhp1 = 40);
(_root.monmp1 = 1);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 1);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " shoots ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 18);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
if (nextatk > 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 1);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 6);
(_root.combatitem = 29);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 1);
(_root.combatgold = 20);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Gang Member");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 5);
(_root.monhp2 = 20);
(_root.monmp2 = 1);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 1);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " shoots ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 18);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Gang Member");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 6);
(_root.monhp8 = 20);
(_root.monmp8 = 1);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 1);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " shoots ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 18);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.cutscene = 2;
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.cutscene = 3;
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Alleyway"; = 11;
blocks = 4;
exits = 1;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 10;
exitmap1 = 12;
exitx1 = 0;
exity1 = 100;
nextatk = int(random(15) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 15) {
(_root.combatloc = 3);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 6);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 2);
(_root.monhp1 = 18);
(_root.monmp1 = 0);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 2);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 10);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
(_root.mnameb1 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb1 = 20);
(_root.mtb1 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 10) {
(_root.combatloc = 3);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 2);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 2);
(_root.monhp2 = 18);
(_root.monmp2 = 0);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 2);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 10);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.mnameb2 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb2 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb2 = 20);
(_root.mtb2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 8);
(_root.monhp8 = 12);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 3);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 4);
(_root.combatitem = 0);
(_root.combatitemno = 0);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 0);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername5 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite5 = 8);
(_root.monhp5 = 12);
(_root.monmp5 = 0);
(_root.mondef5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx5 = 0);
(_root.matks5 = 2);
(_root.matkturn5 = 1);
(_root.mnamea5 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka5 = 1);
(_root.mdmga5 = 10);
(_root.mta5 = 1);
(_root.mnameb5 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb5 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb5 = 20);
(_root.mtb5 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Street"; = 12;
blocks = 4;
exits = 4;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 10;
exitmap1 = 11;
exitx1 = -200;
exity1 = 50;
exitmap2 = 13;
exitx2 = 200;
exity2 = 0;
exitmap3 = 14;
exitx3 = -200;
exity3 = 50;
if (_root.mech == 0) {
exitmap4 = 24;
if (_root.mech == 1) {
exitmap4 = 26;
exitx4 = -100;
exity4 = 100;
nextatk = int(random(15) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 15) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 6);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 2);
(_root.monhp1 = 18);
(_root.monmp1 = 0);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 2);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 10);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
(_root.mnameb1 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb1 = 20);
(_root.mtb1 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 10) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 2);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 2);
(_root.monhp2 = 18);
(_root.monmp2 = 0);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 2);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 10);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.mnameb2 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb2 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb2 = 20);
(_root.mtb2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 8);
(_root.monhp8 = 12);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 4);
(_root.combatitem = 0);
(_root.combatitemno = 0);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 0);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername5 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite5 = 8);
(_root.monhp5 = 12);
(_root.monmp5 = 0);
(_root.mondef5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx5 = 0);
(_root.matks5 = 2);
(_root.matkturn5 = 1);
(_root.mnamea5 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka5 = 1);
(_root.mdmga5 = 10);
(_root.mta5 = 1);
(_root.mnameb5 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb5 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb5 = 20);
(_root.mtb5 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Outside CD's Bar"; = 13;
blocks = 4;
exits = 2;
npcs = 1;
rndatkc = 10;
npcconvo1 = 4;
exitmap1 = 12;
exitx1 = -200;
exity1 = 0;
exitmap2 = 23;
exitx2 = 0;
exity2 = 100;
nextatk = int(random(15) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 15) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 6);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 2);
(_root.monhp1 = 18);
(_root.monmp1 = 0);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 2);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 10);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
(_root.mnameb1 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb1 = 20);
(_root.mtb1 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 10) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 2);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 2);
(_root.monhp2 = 18);
(_root.monmp2 = 0);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 2);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 10);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.mnameb2 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb2 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb2 = 20);
(_root.mtb2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 8);
(_root.monhp8 = 12);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 4);
(_root.combatitem = 0);
(_root.combatitemno = 0);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 0);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername5 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite5 = 8);
(_root.monhp5 = 12);
(_root.monmp5 = 0);
(_root.mondef5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx5 = 0);
(_root.matks5 = 2);
(_root.matkturn5 = 1);
(_root.mnamea5 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka5 = 1);
(_root.mdmga5 = 10);
(_root.mta5 = 1);
(_root.mnameb5 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb5 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb5 = 20);
(_root.mtb5 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Outside Guns 'R' Us"; = 14;
blocks = 3;
exits = 3;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 10;
exitmap1 = 12;
exitx1 = 200;
exity1 = 50;
exitmap2 = 15;
exitx2 = -200;
exity2 = 50;
exitmap3 = 22;
exitx3 = 0;
exity3 = 100;
nextatk = int(random(15) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 15) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 6);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 2);
(_root.monhp1 = 18);
(_root.monmp1 = 0);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 2);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 10);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
(_root.mnameb1 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb1 = 20);
(_root.mtb1 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 10) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 2);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 2);
(_root.monhp2 = 18);
(_root.monmp2 = 0);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 2);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 10);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.mnameb2 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb2 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb2 = 20);
(_root.mtb2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 8);
(_root.monhp8 = 12);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 4);
(_root.combatitem = 0);
(_root.combatitemno = 0);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 0);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername5 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite5 = 8);
(_root.monhp5 = 12);
(_root.monmp5 = 0);
(_root.mondef5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx5 = 0);
(_root.matks5 = 2);
(_root.matkturn5 = 1);
(_root.mnamea5 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka5 = 1);
(_root.mdmga5 = 10);
(_root.mta5 = 1);
(_root.mnameb5 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb5 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb5 = 20);
(_root.mtb5 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Outside junk yard"; = 15;
blocks = 4;
exits = 2;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 10;
exitmap1 = 14;
exitx1 = 200;
exity1 = 50;
exitmap2 = 16;
exitx2 = 0;
exity2 = 100;
nextatk = int(random(15) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 15) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 6);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 2);
(_root.monhp1 = 18);
(_root.monmp1 = 0);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 2);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 10);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
(_root.mnameb1 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb1 = 20);
(_root.mtb1 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 10) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 2);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 2);
(_root.monhp2 = 18);
(_root.monmp2 = 0);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 2);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 10);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.mnameb2 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb2 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb2 = 20);
(_root.mtb2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 8);
(_root.monhp8 = 12);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 4);
(_root.combatitem = 0);
(_root.combatitemno = 0);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 0);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername5 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite5 = 8);
(_root.monhp5 = 12);
(_root.monmp5 = 0);
(_root.mondef5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx5 = 0);
(_root.matks5 = 2);
(_root.matkturn5 = 1);
(_root.mnamea5 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka5 = 1);
(_root.mdmga5 = 10);
(_root.mta5 = 1);
(_root.mnameb5 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb5 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb5 = 20);
(_root.mtb5 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Junk Yard"; = 16;
blocks = 6;
exits = 2;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 10;
exitmap1 = 15;
exitx1 = 0;
exity1 = -50;
if (_root.cranelift == 0) {
exitmap2 = 17;
if (_root.cranelift == 1) {
exitmap2 = 20;
exitx2 = -200;
exity2 = -50;
nextatk = int(random(15) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 15) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 20);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 2);
(_root.monhp1 = 18);
(_root.monmp1 = 0);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 2);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 10);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
(_root.mnameb1 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb1 = 20);
(_root.mtb1 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 2);
(_root.monhp8 = 18);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 10) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 2);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 2);
(_root.monhp2 = 18);
(_root.monmp2 = 0);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 2);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 10);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.mnameb2 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb2 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb2 = 20);
(_root.mtb2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 8);
(_root.monhp8 = 12);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 3);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 0);
(_root.combatitemno = 0);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 0);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
(_root.monstername5 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite5 = 8);
(_root.monhp5 = 12);
(_root.monmp5 = 0);
(_root.mondef5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx5 = 0);
(_root.matks5 = 2);
(_root.matkturn5 = 1);
(_root.mnamea5 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka5 = 1);
(_root.mdmga5 = 10);
(_root.mta5 = 1);
(_root.mnameb5 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb5 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb5 = 20);
(_root.mtb5 = 1);
(_root.monstername3 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite3 = 8);
(_root.monhp3 = 12);
(_root.monmp3 = 0);
(_root.mondef3 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp3 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx3 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence3 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex3 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak3 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx3 = 0);
(_root.matks3 = 2);
(_root.matkturn3 = 1);
(_root.mnamea3 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka3 = 1);
(_root.mdmga3 = 10);
(_root.mta3 = 1);
(_root.mnameb3 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb3 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb3 = 20);
(_root.mtb3 = 1);
(_root.monstername9 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite9 = 8);
(_root.monhp9 = 12);
(_root.monmp9 = 0);
(_root.mondef9 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp9 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx9 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence9 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex9 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak9 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx9 = 0);
(_root.matks9 = 2);
(_root.matkturn9 = 1);
(_root.mnamea9 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka9 = 1);
(_root.mdmga9 = 10);
(_root.mta9 = 1);
(_root.mnameb9 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb9 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb9 = 20);
(_root.mtb9 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Junk Yard"; = 17;
blocks = 5;
exits = 2;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 10;
exitmap1 = 16;
exitx1 = 200;
exity1 = -50;
exitmap2 = 18;
exitx2 = -200;
exity2 = 100;
nextatk = int(random(15) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 15) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 20);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 2);
(_root.monhp1 = 18);
(_root.monmp1 = 0);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 2);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 10);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
(_root.mnameb1 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb1 = 20);
(_root.mtb1 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 2);
(_root.monhp8 = 18);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 10) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 2);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 2);
(_root.monhp2 = 18);
(_root.monmp2 = 0);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 2);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 10);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.mnameb2 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb2 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb2 = 20);
(_root.mtb2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 8);
(_root.monhp8 = 12);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 3);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 0);
(_root.combatitemno = 0);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 0);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
(_root.monstername5 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite5 = 8);
(_root.monhp5 = 12);
(_root.monmp5 = 0);
(_root.mondef5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx5 = 0);
(_root.matks5 = 2);
(_root.matkturn5 = 1);
(_root.mnamea5 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka5 = 1);
(_root.mdmga5 = 10);
(_root.mta5 = 1);
(_root.mnameb5 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb5 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb5 = 20);
(_root.mtb5 = 1);
(_root.monstername3 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite3 = 8);
(_root.monhp3 = 12);
(_root.monmp3 = 0);
(_root.mondef3 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp3 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx3 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence3 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex3 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak3 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx3 = 0);
(_root.matks3 = 2);
(_root.matkturn3 = 1);
(_root.mnamea3 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka3 = 1);
(_root.mdmga3 = 10);
(_root.mta3 = 1);
(_root.mnameb3 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb3 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb3 = 20);
(_root.mtb3 = 1);
(_root.monstername9 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite9 = 8);
(_root.monhp9 = 12);
(_root.monmp9 = 0);
(_root.mondef9 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp9 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx9 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence9 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex9 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak9 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx9 = 0);
(_root.matks9 = 2);
(_root.matkturn9 = 1);
(_root.mnamea9 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka9 = 1);
(_root.mdmga9 = 10);
(_root.mta9 = 1);
(_root.mnameb9 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb9 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb9 = 20);
(_root.mtb9 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Junk Yard"; = 18;
blocks = 5;
exits = 2;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 10;
if (_root.cranelift == 0) {
exitmap1 = 17;
if (_root.cranelift == 1) {
exitmap1 = 20;
exitx1 = 200;
exity1 = -50;
exitmap2 = 19;
exitx2 = 70;
exity2 = 130;
nextatk = int(random(15) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 15) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 20);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 2);
(_root.monhp1 = 18);
(_root.monmp1 = 0);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 2);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 10);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
(_root.mnameb1 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb1 = 20);
(_root.mtb1 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 2);
(_root.monhp8 = 18);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 10) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 2);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 2);
(_root.monhp2 = 18);
(_root.monmp2 = 0);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 2);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 10);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.mnameb2 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb2 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb2 = 20);
(_root.mtb2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 8);
(_root.monhp8 = 12);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 3);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 0);
(_root.combatitemno = 0);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 0);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
(_root.monstername5 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite5 = 8);
(_root.monhp5 = 12);
(_root.monmp5 = 0);
(_root.mondef5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx5 = 0);
(_root.matks5 = 2);
(_root.matkturn5 = 1);
(_root.mnamea5 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka5 = 1);
(_root.mdmga5 = 10);
(_root.mta5 = 1);
(_root.mnameb5 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb5 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb5 = 20);
(_root.mtb5 = 1);
(_root.monstername3 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite3 = 8);
(_root.monhp3 = 12);
(_root.monmp3 = 0);
(_root.mondef3 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp3 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx3 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence3 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex3 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak3 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx3 = 0);
(_root.matks3 = 2);
(_root.matkturn3 = 1);
(_root.mnamea3 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka3 = 1);
(_root.mdmga3 = 10);
(_root.mta3 = 1);
(_root.mnameb3 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb3 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb3 = 20);
(_root.mtb3 = 1);
(_root.monstername9 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite9 = 8);
(_root.monhp9 = 12);
(_root.monmp9 = 0);
(_root.mondef9 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp9 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx9 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence9 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex9 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak9 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx9 = 0);
(_root.matks9 = 2);
(_root.matkturn9 = 1);
(_root.mnamea9 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka9 = 1);
(_root.mdmga9 = 10);
(_root.mta9 = 1);
(_root.mnameb9 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb9 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb9 = 20);
(_root.mtb9 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 19
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Junk Yard Crane"; = 19;
blocks = 5;
exits = 1;
npcs = 1;
rndatkc = 10;
npcconvo1 = 10;
exitmap1 = 18;
exitx1 = -100;
exity1 = -150;
nextatk = int(random(15) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 15) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 20);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 2);
(_root.monhp1 = 18);
(_root.monmp1 = 0);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 2);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 10);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
(_root.mnameb1 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb1 = 20);
(_root.mtb1 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 2);
(_root.monhp8 = 18);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 10) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 2);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 2);
(_root.monhp2 = 18);
(_root.monmp2 = 0);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 2);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 10);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.mnameb2 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb2 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb2 = 20);
(_root.mtb2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 8);
(_root.monhp8 = 12);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 3);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 0);
(_root.combatitemno = 0);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 0);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
(_root.monstername5 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite5 = 8);
(_root.monhp5 = 12);
(_root.monmp5 = 0);
(_root.mondef5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx5 = 0);
(_root.matks5 = 2);
(_root.matkturn5 = 1);
(_root.mnamea5 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka5 = 1);
(_root.mdmga5 = 10);
(_root.mta5 = 1);
(_root.mnameb5 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb5 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb5 = 20);
(_root.mtb5 = 1);
(_root.monstername3 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite3 = 8);
(_root.monhp3 = 12);
(_root.monmp3 = 0);
(_root.mondef3 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp3 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx3 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence3 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex3 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak3 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx3 = 0);
(_root.matks3 = 2);
(_root.matkturn3 = 1);
(_root.mnamea3 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka3 = 1);
(_root.mdmga3 = 10);
(_root.mta3 = 1);
(_root.mnameb3 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb3 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb3 = 20);
(_root.mtb3 = 1);
(_root.monstername9 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite9 = 8);
(_root.monhp9 = 12);
(_root.monmp9 = 0);
(_root.mondef9 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp9 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx9 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence9 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex9 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak9 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx9 = 0);
(_root.matks9 = 2);
(_root.matkturn9 = 1);
(_root.mnamea9 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka9 = 1);
(_root.mdmga9 = 10);
(_root.mta9 = 1);
(_root.mnameb9 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb9 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb9 = 20);
(_root.mtb9 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Junk Yard"; = 20;
blocks = 5;
exits = 3;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 10;
exitmap1 = 16;
exitx1 = 200;
exity1 = -50;
exitmap2 = 18;
exitx2 = -200;
exity2 = 100;
exitmap3 = 27;
exitx3 = 0;
exity3 = 100;
nextatk = int(random(15) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 15) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 20);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 2);
(_root.monhp1 = 18);
(_root.monmp1 = 0);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 2);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 10);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
(_root.mnameb1 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb1 = 20);
(_root.mtb1 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 2);
(_root.monhp8 = 18);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 10) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 2);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 2);
(_root.monhp2 = 18);
(_root.monmp2 = 0);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 2);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 10);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.mnameb2 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb2 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb2 = 20);
(_root.mtb2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 8);
(_root.monhp8 = 12);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 3);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 0);
(_root.combatitemno = 0);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 0);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
(_root.monstername5 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite5 = 8);
(_root.monhp5 = 12);
(_root.monmp5 = 0);
(_root.mondef5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx5 = 0);
(_root.matks5 = 2);
(_root.matkturn5 = 1);
(_root.mnamea5 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka5 = 1);
(_root.mdmga5 = 10);
(_root.mta5 = 1);
(_root.mnameb5 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb5 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb5 = 20);
(_root.mtb5 = 1);
(_root.monstername3 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite3 = 8);
(_root.monhp3 = 12);
(_root.monmp3 = 0);
(_root.mondef3 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp3 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv3 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv3 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx3 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence3 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex3 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak3 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx3 = 0);
(_root.matks3 = 2);
(_root.matkturn3 = 1);
(_root.mnamea3 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka3 = 1);
(_root.mdmga3 = 10);
(_root.mta3 = 1);
(_root.mnameb3 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb3 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb3 = 20);
(_root.mtb3 = 1);
(_root.monstername9 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite9 = 8);
(_root.monhp9 = 12);
(_root.monmp9 = 0);
(_root.mondef9 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp9 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv9 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv9 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx9 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence9 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex9 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak9 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx9 = 0);
(_root.matks9 = 2);
(_root.matkturn9 = 1);
(_root.mnamea9 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka9 = 1);
(_root.mdmga9 = 10);
(_root.mta9 = 1);
(_root.mnameb9 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb9 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb9 = 20);
(_root.mtb9 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Junk Yard"; = 21;
blocks = 5;
exits = 1;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 0;
exitmap1 = 20;
exitx1 = 0;
exity1 = -120;
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Guns 'R' Us"; = 22;
blocks = 5;
exits = 1;
npcs = 1;
rndatkc = 0;
npcconvo1 = 12;
exitmap1 = 14;
exitx1 = -60;
exity1 = -50;
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "CDs Bar"; = 23;
blocks = 6;
exits = 1;
npcs = 2;
rndatkc = 0;
npcconvo1 = 22;
npcconvo2 = 25;
exitmap1 = 13;
exitx1 = 20;
exity1 = -50;
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Outside Garage"; = 24;
blocks = 6;
exits = 2;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 10;
exitmap1 = 12;
exitx1 = -100;
exity1 = -100;
exitmap2 = 25;
exitx2 = 75;
exity2 = 25;
nextatk = int(random(15) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 15) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 6);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 2);
(_root.monhp1 = 18);
(_root.monmp1 = 0);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 2);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 10);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
(_root.mnameb1 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb1 = 20);
(_root.mtb1 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 10) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 2);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 2);
(_root.monhp2 = 18);
(_root.monmp2 = 0);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 2);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 10);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.mnameb2 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb2 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb2 = 20);
(_root.mtb2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 8);
(_root.monhp8 = 12);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 4);
(_root.combatitem = 0);
(_root.combatitemno = 0);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 0);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername5 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite5 = 8);
(_root.monhp5 = 12);
(_root.monmp5 = 0);
(_root.mondef5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx5 = 0);
(_root.matks5 = 2);
(_root.matkturn5 = 1);
(_root.mnamea5 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka5 = 1);
(_root.mdmga5 = 10);
(_root.mta5 = 1);
(_root.mnameb5 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb5 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb5 = 20);
(_root.mtb5 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Garage"; = 25;
blocks = 7;
exits = 1;
npcs = 1;
rndatkc = 0;
npcconvo1 = 13;
if (_root.mech == 0) {
exitmap1 = 24;
if (_root.mech == 1) {
exitmap1 = 26;
exitx1 = 100;
exity1 = -50;
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.freeze = 0;
mover._x = _root.charposx;
mover._y = _root.charposy;
_root.mapname = "Outside Garage"; = 26;
blocks = 5;
exits = 1;
npcs = 0;
rndatkc = 10;
exitmap1 = 12;
exitx1 = -100;
exity1 = -100;
nextatk = int(random(15) + 1);
if (nextatk <= 15) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 6);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 1);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 2);
(_root.monhp1 = 18);
(_root.monmp1 = 0);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 2);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 10);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
(_root.mnameb1 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb1 = 20);
(_root.mtb1 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 10) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 2);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 30);
(_root.combatitemno = 2);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 10);
_root.monstersprite1 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername2 = "Mugger");
(_root.monstersprite2 = 2);
(_root.monhp2 = 18);
(_root.monmp2 = 0);
(_root.mondef2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp2 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv2 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence2 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak2 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx2 = 0);
(_root.matks2 = 2);
(_root.matkturn2 = 1);
(_root.mnamea2 = " slashes ");
(_root.matka2 = 1);
(_root.mdmga2 = 10);
(_root.mta2 = 1);
(_root.mnameb2 = " stabs ");
(_root.matkb2 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb2 = 20);
(_root.mtb2 = 1);
(_root.monstername8 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite8 = 8);
(_root.monhp8 = 12);
(_root.monmp8 = 0);
(_root.mondef8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp8 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv8 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence8 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak8 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx8 = 0);
(_root.matks8 = 2);
(_root.matkturn8 = 1);
(_root.mnamea8 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka8 = 1);
(_root.mdmga8 = 10);
(_root.mta8 = 1);
(_root.mnameb8 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb8 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb8 = 20);
(_root.mtb8 = 1);
if (nextatk <= 5) {
(_root.combatloc = 4);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 4);
(_root.combatitem = 0);
(_root.combatitemno = 0);
(_root.norunning = 0);
(_root.combatgold = 0);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername5 = "Savage Dog");
(_root.monstersprite5 = 8);
(_root.monhp5 = 12);
(_root.monmp5 = 0);
(_root.mondef5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx5 = 0);
(_root.matks5 = 2);
(_root.matkturn5 = 1);
(_root.mnamea5 = " scratches ");
(_root.matka5 = 1);
(_root.mdmga5 = 10);
(_root.mta5 = 1);
(_root.mnameb5 = " bites ");
(_root.matkb5 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb5 = 20);
(_root.mtb5 = 1);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.cutscene = 4;
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.cutscene = 5;
Symbol 1030 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1030 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.freeze = 0;
Symbol 1075 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 1;
on (release) {
c = 1;
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 1) {
if ( >= _root.shopitemp[c]) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) { = - _root.shopitemp[c];
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 2) {
if (ownno > 0) {
sellid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == sellid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
pay = _root.shopitemp[c]; = + pay;
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 3) {
if (tradeownno > (_root.shopitempno[c] - 1)) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) {
tradeid = _root.shopitemp[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == tradeid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - _root.shopitempno[c];
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= items);
Symbol 1076 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 2;
on (release) {
c = 1;
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 1) {
if ( >= _root.shopitemp[c]) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) { = - _root.shopitemp[c];
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 2) {
if (ownno > 0) {
sellid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == sellid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
pay = _root.shopitemp[c]; = + pay;
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 3) {
if (tradeownno > (_root.shopitempno[c] - 1)) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) {
tradeid = _root.shopitemp[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == tradeid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - _root.shopitempno[c];
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= items);
Symbol 1077 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 3;
on (release) {
c = 1;
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 1) {
if ( >= _root.shopitemp[c]) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) { = - _root.shopitemp[c];
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 2) {
if (ownno > 0) {
sellid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == sellid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
pay = _root.shopitemp[c]; = + pay;
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 3) {
if (tradeownno > (_root.shopitempno[c] - 1)) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) {
tradeid = _root.shopitemp[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == tradeid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - _root.shopitempno[c];
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= items);
Symbol 1078 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 4;
on (release) {
c = 1;
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 1) {
if ( >= _root.shopitemp[c]) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) { = - _root.shopitemp[c];
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 2) {
if (ownno > 0) {
sellid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == sellid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
pay = _root.shopitemp[c]; = + pay;
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 3) {
if (tradeownno > (_root.shopitempno[c] - 1)) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) {
tradeid = _root.shopitemp[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == tradeid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - _root.shopitempno[c];
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= items);
Symbol 1079 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 5;
on (release) {
c = 1;
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 1) {
if ( >= _root.shopitemp[c]) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) { = - _root.shopitemp[c];
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 2) {
if (ownno > 0) {
sellid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == sellid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
pay = _root.shopitemp[c]; = + pay;
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 3) {
if (tradeownno > (_root.shopitempno[c] - 1)) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) {
tradeid = _root.shopitemp[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == tradeid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - _root.shopitempno[c];
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= items);
Symbol 1080 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 6;
on (release) {
c = 1;
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 1) {
if ( >= _root.shopitemp[c]) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) { = - _root.shopitemp[c];
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 2) {
if (ownno > 0) {
sellid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == sellid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
pay = _root.shopitemp[c]; = + pay;
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 3) {
if (tradeownno > (_root.shopitempno[c] - 1)) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) {
tradeid = _root.shopitemp[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == tradeid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - _root.shopitempno[c];
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= items);
Symbol 1081 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 7;
on (release) {
c = 1;
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 1) {
if ( >= _root.shopitemp[c]) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) { = - _root.shopitemp[c];
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 2) {
if (ownno > 0) {
sellid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == sellid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
pay = _root.shopitemp[c]; = + pay;
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 3) {
if (tradeownno > (_root.shopitempno[c] - 1)) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) {
tradeid = _root.shopitemp[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == tradeid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - _root.shopitempno[c];
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= items);
Symbol 1082 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 8;
on (release) {
c = 1;
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 1) {
if ( >= _root.shopitemp[c]) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) { = - _root.shopitemp[c];
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 2) {
if (ownno > 0) {
sellid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == sellid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
pay = _root.shopitemp[c]; = + pay;
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 3) {
if (tradeownno > (_root.shopitempno[c] - 1)) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) {
tradeid = _root.shopitemp[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == tradeid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - _root.shopitempno[c];
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= items);
Symbol 1083 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 9;
on (release) {
c = 1;
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 1) {
if ( >= _root.shopitemp[c]) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) { = - _root.shopitemp[c];
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 2) {
if (ownno > 0) {
sellid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == sellid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
pay = _root.shopitemp[c]; = + pay;
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 3) {
if (tradeownno > (_root.shopitempno[c] - 1)) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) {
tradeid = _root.shopitemp[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == tradeid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - _root.shopitempno[c];
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= items);
Symbol 1084 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.sel = 10;
on (release) {
c = 1;
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 1) {
if ( >= _root.shopitemp[c]) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) { = - _root.shopitemp[c];
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 2) {
if (ownno > 0) {
sellid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == sellid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
pay = _root.shopitemp[c]; = + pay;
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 3) {
if (tradeownno > (_root.shopitempno[c] - 1)) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) {
tradeid = _root.shopitemp[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == tradeid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - _root.shopitempno[c];
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= items);
Symbol 1085 Button
on (release) {
_root.freeze = 1;
Symbol 1086 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1086 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.sel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 10) {
} else {
if (_root.sel == 11) {
} else {
if (_root.shopitemid[_root.sel] > 0) {
_parent.itemdesname = _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemid[_root.sel]];
_parent.itemdes = _root.ItemNote[_root.shopitemid[_root.sel]];
} else {
_parent.itemdesname = " ";
_parent.itemdes = " ";
ownid = _root.shopitemid[_root.sel];
invsearch = 1;
owned = 0;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == ownid) {
_parent.ownno = _root.InvNumber[invsearch];
owned = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (owned == 0) {
_parent.ownno = 0;
if (_root.shopitemid[_root.sel] == 0) {
_parent.ownno = "";
if (_root.shoptt[_root.sel] == 3) {
_parent.tradeownnodis = "You have ";
_parent.tradeownno = 0;
ownid = _root.shopitemp[_root.sel];
invsearch = 1;
owned = 0;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == ownid) {
_parent.tradeownno = _root.InvNumber[invsearch];
_parent.tradeownnodis = _parent.tradeownnodis + _root.InvNumber[invsearch];
owned = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (owned == 0) {
_parent.tradeownnodis = _parent.tradeownnodis + 0;
_parent.tradeownno = 0;
_parent.tradeownnodis = ((_parent.tradeownnodis + " ") + _root.ItemName[ownid]) + "s to trade in.";
} else {
_parent.tradeownno = 0;
_parent.tradeownnodis = " ";
if (_root.shopitemid[1] > 0) {
_parent.line1 = _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemid[1]];
if (_root.shopitemid[2] > 0) {
_parent.line2 = _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemid[2]];
if (_root.shopitemid[3] > 0) {
_parent.line3 = _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemid[3]];
if (_root.shopitemid[4] > 0) {
_parent.line4 = _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemid[4]];
if (_root.shopitemid[5] > 0) {
_parent.line5 = _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemid[5]];
if (_root.shopitemid[6] > 0) {
_parent.line6 = _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemid[6]];
if (_root.shopitemid[7] > 0) {
_parent.line7 = _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemid[7]];
if (_root.shopitemid[8] > 0) {
_parent.line8 = _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemid[8]];
if (_root.shopitemid[9] > 0) {
_parent.line9 = _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemid[9]];
if (_root.shopitemid[10] > 0) {
_parent.line10 = _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemid[10]];
if (_root.shopitemid[1] > 0) {
if ((_root.shoptt[1] == 1) or 2) {
_parent.line1p = _root.shopitemp[1];
if (_root.shoptt[1] == 3) {
_parent.line1p = ((_root.shopitempno[1] + " ") + _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemp[1]]) + "s";
if (_root.shopitemid[2] > 0) {
if ((_root.shoptt[2] == 1) or 2) {
_parent.line2p = _root.shopitemp[2];
if (_root.shoptt[2] == 3) {
_parent.line2p = ((_root.shopitempno[2] + " ") + _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemp[2]]) + "s";
if (_root.shopitemid[3] > 0) {
if ((_root.shoptt[3] == 1) or 2) {
_parent.line3p = _root.shopitemp[3];
if (_root.shoptt[3] == 3) {
_parent.line3p = ((_root.shopitempno[3] + " ") + _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemp[3]]) + "s";
if (_root.shopitemid[4] > 0) {
if ((_root.shoptt[4] == 1) or 2) {
_parent.line4p = _root.shopitemp[4];
if (_root.shoptt[4] == 3) {
_parent.line4p = ((_root.shopitempno[4] + " ") + _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemp[4]]) + "s";
if (_root.shopitemid[5] > 0) {
if ((_root.shoptt[5] == 1) or 2) {
_parent.line5p = _root.shopitemp[5];
if (_root.shoptt[5] == 3) {
_parent.line5p = ((_root.shopitempno[5] + " ") + _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemp[5]]) + "s";
if (_root.shopitemid[6] > 0) {
if ((_root.shoptt[6] == 1) or 2) {
_parent.line6p = _root.shopitemp[6];
if (_root.shoptt[6] == 3) {
_parent.line6p = ((_root.shopitempno[6] + " ") + _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemp[6]]) + "s";
if (_root.shopitemid[7] > 0) {
if ((_root.shoptt[7] == 1) or 2) {
_parent.line7p = _root.shopitemp[7];
if (_root.shoptt[7] == 3) {
_parent.line7p = ((_root.shopitempno[7] + " ") + _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemp[7]]) + "s";
if (_root.shopitemid[8] > 0) {
if ((_root.shoptt[8] == 1) or 2) {
_parent.line8p = _root.shopitemp[8];
if (_root.shoptt[8] == 3) {
_parent.line8p = ((_root.shopitempno[8] + " ") + _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemp[8]]) + "s";
if (_root.shopitemid[9] > 0) {
if ((_root.shoptt[9] == 1) or 2) {
_parent.line9p = _root.shopitemp[9];
if (_root.shoptt[9] == 3) {
_parent.line9p = ((_root.shopitempno[9] + " ") + _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemp[9]]) + "s";
if (_root.shopitemid[10] > 0) {
if ((_root.shoptt[10] == 1) or 2) {
_parent.line10p = _root.shopitemp[10];
if (_root.shoptt[10] == 3) {
_parent.line10p = ((_root.shopitempno[10] + " ") + _root.ItemName[_root.shopitemp[10]]) + "s";
if (_root.shoptt[1] == 1) {
_parent.trade1 = "Buy";
if (_root.shoptt[1] == 2) {
_parent.trade1 = "Sell";
if (_root.shoptt[1] == 3) {
_parent.trade1 = "Trade";
if (_root.shoptt[1] == 0) {
_parent.trade1 = " ";
if (_root.shoptt[2] == 1) {
_parent.trade2 = "Buy";
if (_root.shoptt[2] == 2) {
_parent.trade2 = "Sell";
if (_root.shoptt[2] == 3) {
_parent.trade2 = "Trade";
if (_root.shoptt[2] == 0) {
_parent.trade2 = " ";
if (_root.shoptt[3] == 1) {
_parent.trade3 = "Buy";
if (_root.shoptt[3] == 2) {
_parent.trade3 = "Sell";
if (_root.shoptt[3] == 3) {
_parent.trade3 = "Trade";
if (_root.shoptt[3] == 0) {
_parent.trade3 = " ";
if (_root.shoptt[4] == 1) {
_parent.trade4 = "Buy";
if (_root.shoptt[4] == 2) {
_parent.trade4 = "Sell";
if (_root.shoptt[4] == 3) {
_parent.trade4 = "Trade";
if (_root.shoptt[4] == 0) {
_parent.trade4 = " ";
if (_root.shoptt[5] == 1) {
_parent.trade5 = "Buy";
if (_root.shoptt[5] == 2) {
_parent.trade5 = "Sell";
if (_root.shoptt[5] == 3) {
_parent.trade5 = "Trade";
if (_root.shoptt[5] == 0) {
_parent.trade5 = " ";
if (_root.shoptt[6] == 1) {
_parent.trade6 = "Buy";
if (_root.shoptt[6] == 2) {
_parent.trade6 = "Sell";
if (_root.shoptt[6] == 3) {
_parent.trade6 = "Trade";
if (_root.shoptt[6] == 0) {
_parent.trade6 = " ";
if (_root.shoptt[7] == 1) {
_parent.trade7 = "Buy";
if (_root.shoptt[7] == 2) {
_parent.trade7 = "Sell";
if (_root.shoptt[7] == 3) {
_parent.trade7 = "Trade";
if (_root.shoptt[7] == 0) {
_parent.trade7 = " ";
if (_root.shoptt[8] == 1) {
_parent.trade8 = "Buy";
if (_root.shoptt[8] == 2) {
_parent.trade8 = "Sell";
if (_root.shoptt[8] == 3) {
_parent.trade8 = "Trade";
if (_root.shoptt[8] == 0) {
_parent.trade8 = " ";
if (_root.shoptt[9] == 1) {
_parent.trade9 = "Buy";
if (_root.shoptt[9] == 2) {
_parent.trade9 = "Sell";
if (_root.shoptt[9] == 3) {
_parent.trade9 = "Trade";
if (_root.shoptt[9] == 0) {
_parent.trade9 = " ";
if (_root.shoptt[10] == 1) {
_parent.trade10 = "Buy";
if (_root.shoptt[10] == 2) {
_parent.trade10 = "Sell";
if (_root.shoptt[10] == 3) {
_parent.trade10 = "Trade";
if (_root.shoptt[10] == 0) {
_parent.trade10 = " ";
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel - 1;
if (_root.sel < 1) {
_root.sel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel + 1;
if (_root.sel > 11) {
_root.sel = 11;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel - 1;
if (_root.sel < 1) {
_root.sel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.sel = _root.sel + 1;
if (_root.sel > 11) {
_root.sel = 11;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
c = 1;
do {
if (_root.sel == c) {
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 1) {
if ( >= _root.shopitemp[c]) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) { = - _root.shopitemp[c];
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 2) {
if (_parent.ownno > 0) {
sellid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == sellid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
pay = _root.shopitemp[c]; = + pay;
if (_root.shoptt[c] == 3) {
if (_parent.tradeownno > (_root.shopitempno[c] - 1)) {
bought = 0;
buyid = _root.shopitemid[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == buyid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (bought == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = buyid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
bought = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (bought == 0));
if (bought == 1) {
tradeid = _root.shopitemp[c];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == tradeid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - _root.shopitempno[c];
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
c = c + 1;
} while (c <= _parent.items);
if (_root.sel == 11) {
_root.freeze = 1;
Symbol 1086 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.sel = 1;
itemdes = " ";
itemdesname = " ";
ownno = 0;
_root.shopname = "test shop";
npctext = "Take your pick!";
items = 9;
(_root.shopitemid[1] = 1);
(_root.shopitemp[1] = 10);
(_root.shopitempno[1] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[1] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[2] = 2);
(_root.shopitemp[2] = 11);
(_root.shopitempno[2] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[2] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[3] = 3);
(_root.shopitemp[3] = 12);
(_root.shopitempno[3] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[3] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[4] = 4);
(_root.shopitemp[4] = 13);
(_root.shopitempno[4] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[4] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[5] = 9);
(_root.shopitemp[5] = 14);
(_root.shopitempno[5] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[5] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[6] = 10);
(_root.shopitemp[6] = 1);
(_root.shopitempno[6] = 2);
(_root.shoptt[6] = 3);
(_root.shopitemid[7] = 18);
(_root.shopitemp[7] = 10);
(_root.shopitempno[7] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[7] = 2);
(_root.shopitemid[8] = 17);
(_root.shopitemp[8] = 18);
(_root.shopitempno[8] = 5);
(_root.shoptt[8] = 3);
(_root.shopitemid[9] = 23);
(_root.shopitemp[9] = 10);
(_root.shopitempno[9] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[9] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[10] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[10] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[10] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[10] = 0);
Symbol 1086 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.sel = 1;
itemdes = " ";
itemdesname = " ";
ownno = 0;
_root.shopname = "Jezzika";
npctext = "What you wanna trade?";
items = 6;
(_root.shopitemid[1] = 30);
(_root.shopitemp[1] = 5);
(_root.shopitempno[1] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[1] = 2);
(_root.shopitemid[2] = 30);
(_root.shopitemp[2] = 10);
(_root.shopitempno[2] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[2] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[3] = 5);
(_root.shopitemp[3] = 20);
(_root.shopitempno[3] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[3] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[4] = 23);
(_root.shopitemp[4] = 100);
(_root.shopitempno[4] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[4] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[5] = 32);
(_root.shopitemp[5] = 100);
(_root.shopitempno[5] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[5] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[6] = 33);
(_root.shopitemp[6] = 100);
(_root.shopitempno[6] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[6] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[7] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[7] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[7] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[7] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[8] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[8] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[8] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[8] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[9] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[9] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[9] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[9] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[10] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[10] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[10] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[10] = 0);
Symbol 1086 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.sel = 1;
itemdes = " ";
itemdesname = " ";
ownno = 0;
_root.shopname = "Guns 'R' Us";
npctext = "What you after?";
items = 10;
(_root.shopitemid[1] = 20);
(_root.shopitemp[1] = 50);
(_root.shopitempno[1] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[1] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[2] = 17);
(_root.shopitemp[2] = 40);
(_root.shopitempno[2] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[2] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[3] = 19);
(_root.shopitemp[3] = 20);
(_root.shopitempno[3] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[3] = 2);
(_root.shopitemid[4] = 20);
(_root.shopitemp[4] = 40);
(_root.shopitempno[4] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[4] = 2);
(_root.shopitemid[5] = 17);
(_root.shopitemp[5] = 30);
(_root.shopitempno[5] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[5] = 2);
(_root.shopitemid[6] = 12);
(_root.shopitemp[6] = 10);
(_root.shopitempno[6] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[6] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[7] = 7);
(_root.shopitemp[7] = 10);
(_root.shopitempno[7] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[7] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[8] = 10);
(_root.shopitemp[8] = 10);
(_root.shopitempno[8] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[8] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[9] = 27);
(_root.shopitemp[9] = 10);
(_root.shopitempno[9] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[9] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[10] = 29);
(_root.shopitemp[10] = 10);
(_root.shopitempno[10] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[10] = 1);
Symbol 1086 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.sel = 1;
itemdes = " ";
itemdesname = " ";
ownno = 0;
_root.shopname = "Mechanic";
npctext = "What you wanna trade?";
items = 2;
(_root.shopitemid[1] = 30);
(_root.shopitemp[1] = 5);
(_root.shopitempno[1] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[1] = 2);
(_root.shopitemid[2] = 30);
(_root.shopitemp[2] = 10);
(_root.shopitempno[2] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[2] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[3] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[3] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[3] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[3] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[4] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[4] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[4] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[4] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[5] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[5] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[5] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[5] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[6] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[6] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[6] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[6] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[7] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[7] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[7] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[7] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[8] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[8] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[8] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[8] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[9] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[9] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[9] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[9] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[10] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[10] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[10] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[10] = 0);
Symbol 1086 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.sel = 1;
itemdes = " ";
itemdesname = " ";
ownno = 0;
_root.shopname = "CDs Bar";
npctext = "What can I get you?";
items = 2;
(_root.shopitemid[1] = 30);
(_root.shopitemp[1] = 10);
(_root.shopitempno[1] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[1] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[2] = 31);
(_root.shopitemp[2] = 10);
(_root.shopitempno[2] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[2] = 1);
(_root.shopitemid[3] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[3] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[3] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[3] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[4] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[4] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[4] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[4] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[5] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[5] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[5] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[5] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[6] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[6] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[6] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[6] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[7] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[7] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[7] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[7] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[8] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[8] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[8] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[8] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[9] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[9] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[9] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[9] = 0);
(_root.shopitemid[10] = 0);
(_root.shopitemp[10] = 0);
(_root.shopitempno[10] = 0);
(_root.shoptt[10] = 0);
Symbol 1088 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1088 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1088 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1090 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1090 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1092 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1092 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1094 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.choice = 1;
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1095 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.choice = 2;
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 1096 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.choice = 3;
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (8);
Symbol 1097 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.choice = 4;
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (14);
Symbol 1098 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.choice = 5;
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (13);
Symbol 1099 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.choice = 6;
on (release) {
_root.freeze = 1;
Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.itemsel = 1;
(_root.isname1 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[1]]);
(_root.isno1 = _root.InvNumber[1]);
(_root.isname2 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[2]]);
(_root.isno2 = _root.InvNumber[2]);
(_root.isname3 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[3]]);
(_root.isno3 = _root.InvNumber[3]);
(_root.isname4 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[4]]);
(_root.isno4 = _root.InvNumber[4]);
(_root.isname5 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[5]]);
(_root.isno5 = _root.InvNumber[5]);
(_root.isname6 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[6]]);
(_root.isno6 = _root.InvNumber[6]);
(_root.isname7 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[7]]);
(_root.isno7 = _root.InvNumber[7]);
(_root.isname8 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[8]]);
(_root.isno8 = _root.InvNumber[8]);
(_root.isname9 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[9]]);
(_root.isno9 = _root.InvNumber[9]);
(_root.isname10 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[10]]);
(_root.isno10 = _root.InvNumber[10]);
(_root.isname11 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[11]]);
(_root.isno11 = _root.InvNumber[11]);
(_root.isname12 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[12]]);
(_root.isno12 = _root.InvNumber[12]);
(_root.isname13 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[13]]);
(_root.isno13 = _root.InvNumber[13]);
(_root.isname14 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[14]]);
(_root.isno14 = _root.InvNumber[14]);
(_root.isname15 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[15]]);
(_root.isno15 = _root.InvNumber[15]);
(_root.isname16 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[16]]);
(_root.isno16 = _root.InvNumber[16]);
(_root.isname17 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[17]]);
(_root.isno17 = _root.InvNumber[17]);
(_root.isname18 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[18]]);
(_root.isno18 = _root.InvNumber[18]);
(_root.isname19 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[19]]);
(_root.isno19 = _root.InvNumber[19]);
(_root.isname20 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[20]]);
(_root.isno20 = _root.InvNumber[20]);
(_root.isname21 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[21]]);
(_root.isno21 = _root.InvNumber[21]);
(_root.isname22 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[22]]);
(_root.isno22 = _root.InvNumber[22]);
(_root.isname23 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[23]]);
(_root.isno23 = _root.InvNumber[23]);
(_root.isname24 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[24]]);
(_root.isno24 = _root.InvNumber[24]);
(_root.isname25 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[25]]);
(_root.isno25 = _root.InvNumber[25]);
(_root.isname26 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[26]]);
(_root.isno26 = _root.InvNumber[26]);
(_root.isname27 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[27]]);
(_root.isno27 = _root.InvNumber[27]);
(_root.isname28 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[28]]);
(_root.isno28 = _root.InvNumber[28]);
(_root.isname29 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[29]]);
(_root.isno29 = _root.InvNumber[29]);
(_root.isname30 = _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[30]]);
(_root.isno30 = _root.InvNumber[30]);
if (_root.isno1 == 0) {
_root.isno1 = " ";
if (_root.isno2 == 0) {
_root.isno2 = " ";
if (_root.isno3 == 0) {
_root.isno3 = " ";
if (_root.isno4 == 0) {
_root.isno4 = " ";
if (_root.isno5 == 0) {
_root.isno5 = " ";
if (_root.isno6 == 0) {
_root.isno6 = " ";
if (_root.isno7 == 0) {
_root.isno7 = " ";
if (_root.isno8 == 0) {
_root.isno8 = " ";
if (_root.isno9 == 0) {
_root.isno9 = " ";
if (_root.isno10 == 0) {
_root.isno10 = " ";
if (_root.isno11 == 0) {
_root.isno11 = " ";
if (_root.isno12 == 0) {
_root.isno12 = " ";
if (_root.isno13 == 0) {
_root.isno13 = " ";
if (_root.isno14 == 0) {
_root.isno14 = " ";
if (_root.isno15 == 0) {
_root.isno15 = " ";
if (_root.isno16 == 0) {
_root.isno16 = " ";
if (_root.isno17 == 0) {
_root.isno17 = " ";
if (_root.isno18 == 0) {
_root.isno18 = " ";
if (_root.isno19 == 0) {
_root.isno19 = " ";
if (_root.isno20 == 0) {
_root.isno20 = " ";
if (_root.isno21 == 0) {
_root.isno21 = " ";
if (_root.isno22 == 0) {
_root.isno22 = " ";
if (_root.isno23 == 0) {
_root.isno23 = " ";
if (_root.isno24 == 0) {
_root.isno24 = " ";
if (_root.isno25 == 0) {
_root.isno25 = " ";
if (_root.isno26 == 0) {
_root.isno26 = " ";
if (_root.isno27 == 0) {
_root.isno27 = " ";
if (_root.isno28 == 0) {
_root.isno28 = " ";
if (_root.isno29 == 0) {
_root.isno29 = " ";
if (_root.isno30 == 0) {
_root.isno30 = " ";
itemdes = " ";
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel1" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel2" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 2;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel3" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel4" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 4;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel5" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 5;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel6" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 6;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel7" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 7;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel8" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 8;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel9" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 9;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel10" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel11" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 11;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel12" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 12;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel13" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 13;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel14" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 14;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel15" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 15;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel16" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 16;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel17" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 17;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel18" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 18;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel19" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 19;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel20" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 20;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel21" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 21;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel22" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 22;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel23" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 23;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel24" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 24;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel25" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 25;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel26" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 26;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel27" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 27;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel28" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 28;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel29" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 29;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel30" in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 30;
on (release) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
Instance of Symbol 517 MovieClip in Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.commes = _root.ItemNote[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 10) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 11) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 12) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 13) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 14) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 15) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 16) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 17) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 18) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 19) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 20) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 21) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 22) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 23) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 24) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 25) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 26) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 27) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 28) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 29) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 30) {
} else {
_parent.itemdes = _root.ItemNote[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 30) {
_root.itemsel = 30;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (_root.itemsel > 10) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 10;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (_root.itemsel < 21) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 10;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if ((_root.InvID[_root.itemsel] > 0) and (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] > 0)) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
_root.commes = "Use " + _root.ItemName[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
Symbol 1162 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1163 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
_root.choice = 1;
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 1164 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
_root.choice = 2;
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (_root.partydead2 == 0) {
_root.choice = 2;
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 1165 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
_root.choice = 3;
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (_root.partydead3 == 0) {
_root.choice = 3;
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 1166 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.itemsel = 1;
(_root.ssname1 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[1]]);
(_root.ssno1 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[1]]);
(_root.ssname2 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[2]]);
(_root.ssno2 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[2]]);
(_root.ssname3 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[3]]);
(_root.ssno3 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[3]]);
(_root.ssname4 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[4]]);
(_root.ssno4 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[4]]);
(_root.ssname5 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[5]]);
(_root.ssno5 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[5]]);
(_root.ssname6 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[6]]);
(_root.ssno6 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[6]]);
(_root.ssname7 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[7]]);
(_root.ssno7 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[7]]);
(_root.ssname8 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[8]]);
(_root.ssno8 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[8]]);
(_root.ssname9 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[9]]);
(_root.ssno9 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[9]]);
(_root.ssname10 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[10]]);
(_root.ssno10 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[10]]);
(_root.ssname11 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[1]]);
(_root.ssno11 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[1]]);
(_root.ssname12 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[2]]);
(_root.ssno12 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[2]]);
(_root.ssname13 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[3]]);
(_root.ssno13 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[3]]);
(_root.ssname14 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[4]]);
(_root.ssno14 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[4]]);
(_root.ssname15 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[5]]);
(_root.ssno15 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[5]]);
(_root.ssname16 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[6]]);
(_root.ssno16 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[6]]);
(_root.ssname17 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[7]]);
(_root.ssno17 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[7]]);
(_root.ssname18 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[8]]);
(_root.ssno18 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[8]]);
(_root.ssname19 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[9]]);
(_root.ssno19 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[9]]);
(_root.ssname20 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[10]]);
(_root.ssno20 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[10]]);
(_root.ssname21 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[1]]);
(_root.ssno21 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[1]]);
(_root.ssname22 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[2]]);
(_root.ssno22 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[2]]);
(_root.ssname23 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[3]]);
(_root.ssno23 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[3]]);
(_root.ssname24 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[4]]);
(_root.ssno24 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[4]]);
(_root.ssname25 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[5]]);
(_root.ssno25 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[5]]);
(_root.ssname26 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[6]]);
(_root.ssno26 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[6]]);
(_root.ssname27 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[7]]);
(_root.ssno27 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[7]]);
(_root.ssname28 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[8]]);
(_root.ssno28 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[8]]);
(_root.ssname29 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[9]]);
(_root.ssno29 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[9]]);
(_root.ssname30 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[10]]);
(_root.ssno30 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[10]]);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel1" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel2" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 2;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel3" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel4" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 4;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel5" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 5;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel6" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 6;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel7" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 7;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel8" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 8;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel9" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 9;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel10" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel11" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 11;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel12" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 12;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel13" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 13;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel14" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 14;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel15" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 15;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel16" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 16;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel17" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 17;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel18" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 18;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel19" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 19;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel20" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 20;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel21" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 21;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel22" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 22;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel23" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 23;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel24" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 24;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel25" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 25;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel26" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 26;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel27" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 27;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel28" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 28;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel29" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 29;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel30" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 30;
on (release) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 517 MovieClip in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.itemsel < 31) {
_root.spellselectID = _root.partyspl3[_root.itemsel - 20];
_root.turn = 3;
if (_root.itemsel < 21) {
_root.spellselectID = _root.partyspl2[_root.itemsel - 10];
_root.turn = 2;
if (_root.itemsel < 11) {
_root.spellselectID = _root.partyspl1[_root.itemsel];
_root.turn = 1;
_root.commes = _root.SpellNote[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 10) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 11) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 12) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 13) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 14) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 15) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 16) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 17) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 18) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 19) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 20) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 21) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 22) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 23) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 24) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 25) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 26) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 27) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 28) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 29) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 30) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 30) {
_root.itemsel = 30;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (_root.itemsel > 10) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 10;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (_root.itemsel < 21) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 10;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp1;
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp2;
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.pmp = _root.partycurmp3;
if (((_root.spellselectID > 0) and (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] > 0)) and (_root.pmp > (_root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID] - 1))) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
Symbol 1229 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
_root.choice = 1;
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 1230 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
_root.choice = 2;
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (_root.partydead2 == 0) {
_root.choice = 2;
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 1231 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
_root.choice = 3;
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (_root.partydead3 == 0) {
_root.choice = 3;
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 1232 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1234 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
_root.choice = 1;
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 1235 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.partydead2 == 0) {
_root.choice = 2;
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 1236 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.partydead3 == 0) {
_root.choice = 3;
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 1263 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 1264 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 2;
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 1265 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (12);
Symbol 1351 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
on (release) {
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE1");
( = _root.InvID[1]);
( = _root.InvNumber[1]);
( = _root.InvID[2]);
( = _root.InvNumber[2]);
( = _root.InvID[3]);
( = _root.InvNumber[3]);
( = _root.InvID[4]);
( = _root.InvNumber[4]);
( = _root.InvID[5]);
( = _root.InvNumber[5]);
( = _root.InvID[6]);
( = _root.InvNumber[6]);
( = _root.InvID[7]);
( = _root.InvNumber[7]);
( = _root.InvID[8]);
( = _root.InvNumber[8]);
( = _root.InvID[9]);
( = _root.InvNumber[9]);
( = _root.InvID[10]);
( = _root.InvNumber[10]);
( = _root.InvID[11]);
( = _root.InvNumber[11]);
( = _root.InvID[12]);
( = _root.InvNumber[12]);
( = _root.InvID[13]);
( = _root.InvNumber[13]);
( = _root.InvID[14]);
( = _root.InvNumber[14]);
( = _root.InvID[15]);
( = _root.InvNumber[15]);
( = _root.InvID[16]);
( = _root.InvNumber[16]);
( = _root.InvID[17]);
( = _root.InvNumber[17]);
( = _root.InvID[18]);
( = _root.InvNumber[18]);
( = _root.InvID[19]);
( = _root.InvNumber[19]);
( = _root.InvID[20]);
( = _root.InvNumber[20]);
( = _root.InvID[21]);
( = _root.InvNumber[21]);
( = _root.InvID[22]);
( = _root.InvNumber[22]);
( = _root.InvID[23]);
( = _root.InvNumber[23]);
( = _root.InvID[24]);
( = _root.InvNumber[24]);
( = _root.InvID[25]);
( = _root.InvNumber[25]);
( = _root.InvID[26]);
( = _root.InvNumber[26]);
( = _root.InvID[27]);
( = _root.InvNumber[27]);
( = _root.InvID[28]);
( = _root.InvNumber[28]);
( = _root.InvID[29]);
( = _root.InvNumber[29]);
( = _root.InvID[30]);
( = _root.InvNumber[30]); =; = _root.partysize;
( = _root.partyname1);
( = _root.partyname2);
( = _root.partyname3);
( = _root.partysprite1);
( = _root.partysprite2);
( = _root.partysprite3);
( = _root.partycurhp1);
( = _root.partycurhp2);
( = _root.partycurhp3);
( = _root.partymaxhp1);
( = _root.partymaxhp2);
( = _root.partymaxhp3);
( = _root.partycurmp1);
( = _root.partycurmp2);
( = _root.partycurmp3);
( = _root.partymaxmp1);
( = _root.partymaxmp2);
( = _root.partymaxmp3);
( = _root.partydmg1);
( = _root.partydmg2);
( = _root.partydmg3);
( = _root.partydef1);
( = _root.partydef2);
( = _root.partydef3);
( = _root.partylvl1);
( = _root.partylvl2);
( = _root.partylvl3);
( = _root.partyexp1);
( = _root.partyexp2);
( = _root.partyexp3);
( = _root.partytnl1);
( = _root.partytnl2);
( = _root.partytnl3);
( = _root.partyweapon1);
( = _root.partyweapon2);
( = _root.partyweapon3);
( = _root.partyarm1);
( = _root.partyarm2);
( = _root.partyarm3);
( = _root.partyacc1);
( = _root.partyacc2);
( = _root.partyacc3);
( = _root.partyspl1[1]);
( = _root.partyspl2[1]);
( = _root.partyspl3[1]);
( = _root.partyspl1[2]);
( = _root.partyspl2[2]);
( = _root.partyspl3[2]);
( = _root.partyspl1[3]);
( = _root.partyspl2[3]);
( = _root.partyspl3[3]);
( = _root.partyspl1[4]);
( = _root.partyspl2[4]);
( = _root.partyspl3[4]);
( = _root.partyspl1[5]);
( = _root.partyspl2[5]);
( = _root.partyspl3[5]);
( = _root.partyspl1[6]);
( = _root.partyspl2[6]);
( = _root.partyspl3[6]);
( = _root.partydead1);
( = _root.partydead2);
( = _root.partydead3);
( = _root.partyslp1);
( = _root.partyslp2);
( = _root.partyslp3);
( = _root.partyslpx1);
( = _root.partyslpx2);
( = _root.partyslpx3);
( = _root.partypsn1);
( = _root.partypsn2);
( = _root.partypsn3);
( = _root.partypsnv1);
( = _root.partypsnv2);
( = _root.partypsnv3);
( = _root.partypsnx1);
( = _root.partypsnx2);
( = _root.partypsnx3);
( = _root.partystop1);
( = _root.partystop2);
( = _root.partystop3);
( = _root.partystopv1);
( = _root.partystopv2);
( = _root.partystopv3);
( = _root.partystopx1);
( = _root.partystopx2);
( = _root.partystopx3);
( = _root.partysilence1);
( = _root.partysilence2);
( = _root.partysilence3);
( = _root.partysilencex1);
( = _root.partysilencex2);
( = _root.partysilencex3);
( = _root.partyweak1);
( = _root.partyweak2);
( = _root.partyweak3);
( = _root.partyweakx1);
( = _root.partyweakx2);
( = _root.partyweakx3); = _root.mech; = _root.cranelift; = _root.sbhiscore; = _root.mapname; =; = _root.charposx; = _root.charposy;
Symbol 1352 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 2;
on (release) {
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE2");
( = _root.InvID[1]);
( = _root.InvNumber[1]);
( = _root.InvID[2]);
( = _root.InvNumber[2]);
( = _root.InvID[3]);
( = _root.InvNumber[3]);
( = _root.InvID[4]);
( = _root.InvNumber[4]);
( = _root.InvID[5]);
( = _root.InvNumber[5]);
( = _root.InvID[6]);
( = _root.InvNumber[6]);
( = _root.InvID[7]);
( = _root.InvNumber[7]);
( = _root.InvID[8]);
( = _root.InvNumber[8]);
( = _root.InvID[9]);
( = _root.InvNumber[9]);
( = _root.InvID[10]);
( = _root.InvNumber[10]);
( = _root.InvID[11]);
( = _root.InvNumber[11]);
( = _root.InvID[12]);
( = _root.InvNumber[12]);
( = _root.InvID[13]);
( = _root.InvNumber[13]);
( = _root.InvID[14]);
( = _root.InvNumber[14]);
( = _root.InvID[15]);
( = _root.InvNumber[15]);
( = _root.InvID[16]);
( = _root.InvNumber[16]);
( = _root.InvID[17]);
( = _root.InvNumber[17]);
( = _root.InvID[18]);
( = _root.InvNumber[18]);
( = _root.InvID[19]);
( = _root.InvNumber[19]);
( = _root.InvID[20]);
( = _root.InvNumber[20]);
( = _root.InvID[21]);
( = _root.InvNumber[21]);
( = _root.InvID[22]);
( = _root.InvNumber[22]);
( = _root.InvID[23]);
( = _root.InvNumber[23]);
( = _root.InvID[24]);
( = _root.InvNumber[24]);
( = _root.InvID[25]);
( = _root.InvNumber[25]);
( = _root.InvID[26]);
( = _root.InvNumber[26]);
( = _root.InvID[27]);
( = _root.InvNumber[27]);
( = _root.InvID[28]);
( = _root.InvNumber[28]);
( = _root.InvID[29]);
( = _root.InvNumber[29]);
( = _root.InvID[30]);
( = _root.InvNumber[30]); =; = _root.partysize;
( = _root.partyname1);
( = _root.partyname2);
( = _root.partyname3);
( = _root.partysprite1);
( = _root.partysprite2);
( = _root.partysprite3);
( = _root.partycurhp1);
( = _root.partycurhp2);
( = _root.partycurhp3);
( = _root.partymaxhp1);
( = _root.partymaxhp2);
( = _root.partymaxhp3);
( = _root.partycurmp1);
( = _root.partycurmp2);
( = _root.partycurmp3);
( = _root.partymaxmp1);
( = _root.partymaxmp2);
( = _root.partymaxmp3);
( = _root.partydmg1);
( = _root.partydmg2);
( = _root.partydmg3);
( = _root.partydef1);
( = _root.partydef2);
( = _root.partydef3);
( = _root.partylvl1);
( = _root.partylvl2);
( = _root.partylvl3);
( = _root.partyexp1);
( = _root.partyexp2);
( = _root.partyexp3);
( = _root.partytnl1);
( = _root.partytnl2);
( = _root.partytnl3);
( = _root.partyweapon1);
( = _root.partyweapon2);
( = _root.partyweapon3);
( = _root.partyarm1);
( = _root.partyarm2);
( = _root.partyarm3);
( = _root.partyacc1);
( = _root.partyacc2);
( = _root.partyacc3);
( = _root.partyspl1[1]);
( = _root.partyspl2[1]);
( = _root.partyspl3[1]);
( = _root.partyspl1[2]);
( = _root.partyspl2[2]);
( = _root.partyspl3[2]);
( = _root.partyspl1[3]);
( = _root.partyspl2[3]);
( = _root.partyspl3[3]);
( = _root.partyspl1[4]);
( = _root.partyspl2[4]);
( = _root.partyspl3[4]);
( = _root.partyspl1[5]);
( = _root.partyspl2[5]);
( = _root.partyspl3[5]);
( = _root.partyspl1[6]);
( = _root.partyspl2[6]);
( = _root.partyspl3[6]);
( = _root.partydead1);
( = _root.partydead2);
( = _root.partydead3);
( = _root.partyslp1);
( = _root.partyslp2);
( = _root.partyslp3);
( = _root.partyslpx1);
( = _root.partyslpx2);
( = _root.partyslpx3);
( = _root.partypsn1);
( = _root.partypsn2);
( = _root.partypsn3);
( = _root.partypsnv1);
( = _root.partypsnv2);
( = _root.partypsnv3);
( = _root.partypsnx1);
( = _root.partypsnx2);
( = _root.partypsnx3);
( = _root.partystop1);
( = _root.partystop2);
( = _root.partystop3);
( = _root.partystopv1);
( = _root.partystopv2);
( = _root.partystopv3);
( = _root.partystopx1);
( = _root.partystopx2);
( = _root.partystopx3);
( = _root.partysilence1);
( = _root.partysilence2);
( = _root.partysilence3);
( = _root.partysilencex1);
( = _root.partysilencex2);
( = _root.partysilencex3);
( = _root.partyweak1);
( = _root.partyweak2);
( = _root.partyweak3);
( = _root.partyweakx1);
( = _root.partyweakx2);
( = _root.partyweakx3); = _root.mech; = _root.cranelift; = _root.sbhiscore; = _root.mapname; =; = _root.charposx; = _root.charposy;
Symbol 1353 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
on (release) {
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE3");
( = _root.InvID[1]);
( = _root.InvNumber[1]);
( = _root.InvID[2]);
( = _root.InvNumber[2]);
( = _root.InvID[3]);
( = _root.InvNumber[3]);
( = _root.InvID[4]);
( = _root.InvNumber[4]);
( = _root.InvID[5]);
( = _root.InvNumber[5]);
( = _root.InvID[6]);
( = _root.InvNumber[6]);
( = _root.InvID[7]);
( = _root.InvNumber[7]);
( = _root.InvID[8]);
( = _root.InvNumber[8]);
( = _root.InvID[9]);
( = _root.InvNumber[9]);
( = _root.InvID[10]);
( = _root.InvNumber[10]);
( = _root.InvID[11]);
( = _root.InvNumber[11]);
( = _root.InvID[12]);
( = _root.InvNumber[12]);
( = _root.InvID[13]);
( = _root.InvNumber[13]);
( = _root.InvID[14]);
( = _root.InvNumber[14]);
( = _root.InvID[15]);
( = _root.InvNumber[15]);
( = _root.InvID[16]);
( = _root.InvNumber[16]);
( = _root.InvID[17]);
( = _root.InvNumber[17]);
( = _root.InvID[18]);
( = _root.InvNumber[18]);
( = _root.InvID[19]);
( = _root.InvNumber[19]);
( = _root.InvID[20]);
( = _root.InvNumber[20]);
( = _root.InvID[21]);
( = _root.InvNumber[21]);
( = _root.InvID[22]);
( = _root.InvNumber[22]);
( = _root.InvID[23]);
( = _root.InvNumber[23]);
( = _root.InvID[24]);
( = _root.InvNumber[24]);
( = _root.InvID[25]);
( = _root.InvNumber[25]);
( = _root.InvID[26]);
( = _root.InvNumber[26]);
( = _root.InvID[27]);
( = _root.InvNumber[27]);
( = _root.InvID[28]);
( = _root.InvNumber[28]);
( = _root.InvID[29]);
( = _root.InvNumber[29]);
( = _root.InvID[30]);
( = _root.InvNumber[30]); =; = _root.partysize;
( = _root.partyname1);
( = _root.partyname2);
( = _root.partyname3);
( = _root.partysprite1);
( = _root.partysprite2);
( = _root.partysprite3);
( = _root.partycurhp1);
( = _root.partycurhp2);
( = _root.partycurhp3);
( = _root.partymaxhp1);
( = _root.partymaxhp2);
( = _root.partymaxhp3);
( = _root.partycurmp1);
( = _root.partycurmp2);
( = _root.partycurmp3);
( = _root.partymaxmp1);
( = _root.partymaxmp2);
( = _root.partymaxmp3);
( = _root.partydmg1);
( = _root.partydmg2);
( = _root.partydmg3);
( = _root.partydef1);
( = _root.partydef2);
( = _root.partydef3);
( = _root.partylvl1);
( = _root.partylvl2);
( = _root.partylvl3);
( = _root.partyexp1);
( = _root.partyexp2);
( = _root.partyexp3);
( = _root.partytnl1);
( = _root.partytnl2);
( = _root.partytnl3);
( = _root.partyweapon1);
( = _root.partyweapon2);
( = _root.partyweapon3);
( = _root.partyarm1);
( = _root.partyarm2);
( = _root.partyarm3);
( = _root.partyacc1);
( = _root.partyacc2);
( = _root.partyacc3);
( = _root.partyspl1[1]);
( = _root.partyspl2[1]);
( = _root.partyspl3[1]);
( = _root.partyspl1[2]);
( = _root.partyspl2[2]);
( = _root.partyspl3[2]);
( = _root.partyspl1[3]);
( = _root.partyspl2[3]);
( = _root.partyspl3[3]);
( = _root.partyspl1[4]);
( = _root.partyspl2[4]);
( = _root.partyspl3[4]);
( = _root.partyspl1[5]);
( = _root.partyspl2[5]);
( = _root.partyspl3[5]);
( = _root.partyspl1[6]);
( = _root.partyspl2[6]);
( = _root.partyspl3[6]);
( = _root.partydead1);
( = _root.partydead2);
( = _root.partydead3);
( = _root.partyslp1);
( = _root.partyslp2);
( = _root.partyslp3);
( = _root.partyslpx1);
( = _root.partyslpx2);
( = _root.partyslpx3);
( = _root.partypsn1);
( = _root.partypsn2);
( = _root.partypsn3);
( = _root.partypsnv1);
( = _root.partypsnv2);
( = _root.partypsnv3);
( = _root.partypsnx1);
( = _root.partypsnx2);
( = _root.partypsnx3);
( = _root.partystop1);
( = _root.partystop2);
( = _root.partystop3);
( = _root.partystopv1);
( = _root.partystopv2);
( = _root.partystopv3);
( = _root.partystopx1);
( = _root.partystopx2);
( = _root.partystopx3);
( = _root.partysilence1);
( = _root.partysilence2);
( = _root.partysilence3);
( = _root.partysilencex1);
( = _root.partysilencex2);
( = _root.partysilencex3);
( = _root.partyweak1);
( = _root.partyweak2);
( = _root.partyweak3);
( = _root.partyweakx1);
( = _root.partyweakx2);
( = _root.partyweakx3); = _root.mech; = _root.cranelift; = _root.sbhiscore; = _root.mapname; =; = _root.charposx; = _root.charposy;
Symbol 1355 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
_root.choice = 1;
gotoAndPlay (15);
Symbol 1356 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.partydead2 == 0) {
_root.choice = 2;
gotoAndPlay (15);
Symbol 1357 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.partydead3 == 0) {
_root.choice = 3;
gotoAndPlay (15);
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.choice = 1;
_root.freeze = 1;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip "display code" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_parent.party1.gotoAndPlay(_root.partysprite1 + 1);
if (_root.partysize > 1) {
_parent.party2.gotoAndPlay(_root.partysprite2 + 1);
if (_root.partysize > 2) {
_parent.party3.gotoAndPlay(_root.partysprite3 + 1);
if ((_root.partyslp1 == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partyslp2 == 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partyslp3 == 1) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partystop1 == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partystop2 == 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partystop3 == 1) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partypsn1 == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partypsn2 == 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partypsn3 == 1) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partysilence1 == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partysilence2 == 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partysilence3 == 1) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partyweak1 == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partyweak2 == 1) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
} else {
if ((_root.partyweak3 == 1) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 5) {;
} else {;
if (_root.choice == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 6;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 6) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 6;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 6) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (_root.choice == 4) {
if (_root.choice == 5) {
if (_root.choice == 6) {
_root.freeze = 1;
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.freeze = 1;
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.freeze = 1;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
} else {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.partydead2 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.partydead3 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice10" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 3
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice11" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 3
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice12" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 3
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 1) {
_root.heal = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
if (_root.partydead2 == 0) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
if (_root.partydead3 == 0) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 2) {
_root.mana = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partycurmp1 = _root.partycurmp1 + _root.mana;
if (_root.partycurmp1 > _root.partymaxmp1) {
_root.partycurmp1 = _root.partymaxmp1;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partycurmp2 = _root.partycurmp2 + _root.mana;
if (_root.partycurmp2 > _root.partymaxmp2) {
_root.partycurmp2 = _root.partymaxmp2;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partycurmp3 = _root.partycurmp3 + _root.mana;
if (_root.partycurmp3 > _root.partymaxmp3) {
_root.partycurmp3 = _root.partymaxmp3;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
_root.partycurmp1 = _root.partycurmp1 + _root.mana;
if (_root.partycurmp1 > _root.partymaxmp1) {
_root.partycurmp1 = _root.partymaxmp1;
_root.partycurmp2 = _root.partycurmp2 + _root.mana;
if (_root.partycurmp2 > _root.partymaxmp2) {
_root.partycurmp2 = _root.partymaxmp2;
_root.partycurmp3 = _root.partycurmp3 + _root.mana;
if (_root.partycurmp3 > _root.partymaxmp3) {
_root.partycurmp3 = _root.partymaxmp3;
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 4) {
_root.heal = _root.ItemComV[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partydead1 = 0;
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partydead2 = 0;
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partydead3 = 0;
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
_root.partydead1 = 0;
_root.partydead2 = 0;
_root.partydead3 = 0;
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 7) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partypsn1 = 0;
_root.partypsnv1 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partypsn2 = 0;
_root.partypsnv2 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partypsn3 = 0;
_root.partypsnv3 = 0;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
_root.partypsn1 = 0;
_root.partypsnv1 = 0;
_root.partypsn2 = 0;
_root.partypsnv2 = 0;
_root.partypsn3 = 0;
_root.partypsnv3 = 0;
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 10) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partysilence1 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partysilence2 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partysilence3 = 0;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
_root.partysilence1 = 0;
_root.partysilence2 = 0;
_root.partysilence3 = 0;
if (_root.ItemUse[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweak1 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweak2 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweak3 = 0;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.InvID[_root.itemsel]] == 12) {
_root.partyweak1 = 0;
_root.partyweak2 = 0;
_root.partyweak3 = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemsel] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemsel] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[_root.itemsel] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = _root.itemsel;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = "";
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.freeze = 1;
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.freeze = 1;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.partydead2 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.partydead3 == 0)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
} else {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.partydead2 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.partydead3 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (_root.ItemComT[_root.spellselectID] == 12) {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice10" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 6
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice11" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 6
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice12" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 6
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 7
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 1) {
_root.heal = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 12) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 0) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
if (_root.partydead2 == 0) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
if (_root.partydead3 == 0) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 4) {
_root.heal = _root.SpellComV[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partydead1 = 0;
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partydead2 = 0;
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partydead3 = 0;
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 12) {
if (_root.partydead1 == 1) {
_root.partydead1 = 0;
if ((_root.partydead2 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 1)) {
_root.partydead2 = 0;
if ((_root.partydead3 == 1) and (_root.partysize > 2)) {
_root.partydead3 = 0;
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partycurhp1 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp1 > _root.partymaxhp1) {
_root.partycurhp1 = _root.partymaxhp1;
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partycurhp2 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp2 > _root.partymaxhp2) {
_root.partycurhp2 = _root.partymaxhp2;
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partycurhp3 + _root.heal;
if (_root.partycurhp3 > _root.partymaxhp3) {
_root.partycurhp3 = _root.partymaxhp3;
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 7) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partypsn1 = 0;
_root.partypsnv1 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partypsn2 = 0;
_root.partypsnv2 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partypsn3 = 0;
_root.partypsnv3 = 0;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 12) {
_root.partypsn1 = 0;
_root.partypsnv1 = 0;
_root.partypsn2 = 0;
_root.partypsnv2 = 0;
_root.partypsn3 = 0;
_root.partypsnv3 = 0;
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 10) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partysilence1 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partysilence2 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partysilence3 = 0;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 12) {
_root.partysilence1 = 0;
_root.partysilence2 = 0;
_root.partysilence3 = 0;
if (_root.SpellUse[_root.spellselectID] == 12) {
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 11) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweak1 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweak2 = 0;
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweak3 = 0;
if (_root.SpellComT[_root.spellselectID] == 12) {
_root.partyweak1 = 0;
_root.partyweak2 = 0;
_root.partyweak3 = 0;
if (_root.turn == 1) {
_root.partycurmp1 = _root.partycurmp1 - _root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.turn == 2) {
_root.partycurmp2 = _root.partycurmp2 - _root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID];
if (_root.turn == 3) {
_root.partycurmp3 = _root.partycurmp3 - _root.SpellMana[_root.spellselectID];
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.commes = " ";
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.choice = 1;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.partydead2 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.partydead3 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice10" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 8
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice11" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 8
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice12" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 8
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.partynamee = eval ("_root.partyname" + _root.choice);
_root.partycurhpe = eval ("_root.partycurhp" + _root.choice);
_root.partycurmpe = eval ("_root.partycurmp" + _root.choice);
_root.partydmge = eval ("_root.partydmg" + _root.choice);
_root.partydefe = eval ("_root.partydef" + _root.choice);
_root.partylvle = eval ("_root.partylvl" + _root.choice);
_root.partyexpe = eval ("_root.partyexp" + _root.choice);
_root.partytnle = eval ("_root.partytnl" + _root.choice);
_root.partyweapone = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
_root.partyarme = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
_root.partyacce = eval ("_root.partyacc" + _root.choice);
if (_root.partyweapone > 0) {
_root.partyweaponedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyweapone];
} else {
_root.partyweaponedis = " ";
if (_root.partyarme > 0) {
_root.partyarmedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyarme];
} else {
_root.partyarmedis = " ";
if (_root.partyacce > 0) {
_root.partyaccedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyacce];
} else {
_root.partyaccedis = " ";
_root.itemsel = 1;
(_root.esname1 = " ");
(_root.esno1 = " ");
(_root.esname2 = " ");
(_root.esno2 = " ");
(_root.esname3 = " ");
(_root.esno3 = " ");
(_root.esname4 = " ");
(_root.esno4 = " ");
(_root.esname5 = " ");
(_root.esno5 = " ");
(_root.esname6 = " ");
(_root.esno6 = " ");
(_root.esname7 = " ");
(_root.esno7 = " ");
(_root.esname8 = " ");
(_root.esno8 = " ");
(_root.esname9 = " ");
(_root.esno9 = " ");
(_root.esname10 = " ");
(_root.esno10 = " ");
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 3) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 3) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.partynamee = eval ("_root.partyname" + _root.choice);
_root.partycurhpe = eval ("_root.partycurhp" + _root.choice);
_root.partycurmpe = eval ("_root.partycurmp" + _root.choice);
_root.partydmge = eval ("_root.partydmg" + _root.choice);
_root.partydefe = eval ("_root.partydef" + _root.choice);
_root.partylvle = eval ("_root.partylvl" + _root.choice);
_root.partyexpe = eval ("_root.partyexp" + _root.choice);
_root.partytnle = eval ("_root.partytnl" + _root.choice);
_root.partyweapone = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
_root.partyarme = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
_root.partyacce = eval ("_root.partyacc" + _root.choice);
if (_root.partyweapone > 0) {
_root.partyweaponedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyweapone];
} else {
_root.partyweaponedis = " ";
if (_root.partyarme > 0) {
_root.partyarmedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyarme];
} else {
_root.partyarmedis = " ";
if (_root.partyacce > 0) {
_root.partyaccedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyacce];
} else {
_root.partyaccedis = " ";
_root.itemsel = 1;
(_root.wpnrackno[1] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[2] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[3] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[4] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[5] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[6] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[7] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[8] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[9] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[10] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[1] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[2] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[3] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[4] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[5] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[6] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[7] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[8] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[9] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[10] = 0);
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.partynamee = eval ("_root.partyname" + _root.choice);
_root.partycurhpe = eval ("_root.partycurhp" + _root.choice);
_root.partycurmpe = eval ("_root.partycurmp" + _root.choice);
_root.partydmge = eval ("_root.partydmg" + _root.choice);
_root.partydefe = eval ("_root.partydef" + _root.choice);
_root.partylvle = eval ("_root.partylvl" + _root.choice);
_root.partyexpe = eval ("_root.partyexp" + _root.choice);
_root.partytnle = eval ("_root.partytnl" + _root.choice);
_root.partyweapone = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
_root.partyarme = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
_root.partyacce = eval ("_root.partyacc" + _root.choice);
if (_root.partyweapone > 0) {
_root.partyweaponedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyweapone];
} else {
_root.partyweaponedis = " ";
if (_root.partyarme > 0) {
_root.partyarmedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyarme];
} else {
_root.partyarmedis = " ";
if (_root.partyacce > 0) {
_root.partyaccedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyacce];
} else {
_root.partyaccedis = " ";
_root.commes = _root.ItemNote[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 10) {
} else {
invsearch = 1;
wrs = 1;
do {
if (_root.ItemWeapon[_root.InvID[invsearch]] > 0) {
_root.wpnrack[wrs] = _root.InvID[invsearch];
_root.wpnrackno[wrs] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch];
wrs = wrs + 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (wrs <= 10));
if (wrs < 11) {
do {
_root.wpnrack[wrs] = 0;
_root.wpnrackno[wrs] = 0;
wrs = wrs + 1;
} while (wrs <= 10);
if (_root.wpnrackno[1] > 0) {
(_root.esno1 = _root.wpnrackno[1]);
(_root.esname1 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[1]]);
} else {
(_root.esno1 = " ");
(_root.esname1 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[2] > 0) {
(_root.esno2 = _root.wpnrackno[2]);
(_root.esname2 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[2]]);
} else {
(_root.esno2 = " ");
(_root.esname2 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[3] > 0) {
(_root.esno3 = _root.wpnrackno[3]);
(_root.esname3 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[3]]);
} else {
(_root.esno3 = " ");
(_root.esname3 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[4] > 0) {
(_root.esno4 = _root.wpnrackno[4]);
(_root.esname4 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[4]]);
} else {
(_root.esno4 = " ");
(_root.esname4 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[5] > 0) {
(_root.esno5 = _root.wpnrackno[5]);
(_root.esname5 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[5]]);
} else {
(_root.esno5 = " ");
(_root.esname5 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[6] > 0) {
(_root.esno6 = _root.wpnrackno[6]);
(_root.esname6 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[6]]);
} else {
(_root.esno6 = " ");
(_root.esname6 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[7] > 0) {
(_root.esno7 = _root.wpnrackno[7]);
(_root.esname7 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[7]]);
} else {
(_root.esno7 = " ");
(_root.esname7 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[8] > 0) {
(_root.esno8 = _root.wpnrackno[8]);
(_root.esname8 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[8]]);
} else {
(_root.esno8 = " ");
(_root.esname8 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[9] > 0) {
(_root.esno9 = _root.wpnrackno[9]);
(_root.esname9 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[9]]);
} else {
(_root.esno9 = " ");
(_root.esname9 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[10] > 0) {
(_root.esno10 = _root.wpnrackno[10]);
(_root.esname10 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[10]]);
} else {
(_root.esno10 = " ");
(_root.esname10 = " ");
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 10) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 10) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
wepid = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
if (wepid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == wepid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = wepid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweapon1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweapon2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweapon3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel1" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
wepid = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
if (wepid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == wepid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = wepid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweapon1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweapon2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweapon3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel2" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 2;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
wepid = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
if (wepid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == wepid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = wepid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweapon1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweapon2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweapon3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel3" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
wepid = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
if (wepid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == wepid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = wepid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweapon1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweapon2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweapon3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel4" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 4;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
wepid = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
if (wepid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == wepid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = wepid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweapon1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweapon2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweapon3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel5" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 5;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
wepid = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
if (wepid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == wepid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = wepid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweapon1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweapon2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweapon3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel6" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 6;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
wepid = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
if (wepid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == wepid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = wepid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweapon1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweapon2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweapon3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel7" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 7;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
wepid = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
if (wepid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == wepid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = wepid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweapon1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweapon2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweapon3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel8" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 8;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
wepid = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
if (wepid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == wepid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = wepid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweapon1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweapon2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweapon3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel9" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 9;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
wepid = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
if (wepid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == wepid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = wepid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweapon1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweapon2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweapon3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel10" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
wepid = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
if (wepid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == wepid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = wepid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyweapon1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyweapon2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyweapon3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg1 = _root.partydmg1 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg2 = _root.partydmg2 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (wepid > 0) {
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 - _root.ItemWeaponDmg[wepid];
_root.partydmg3 = _root.partydmg3 + _root.ItemWeaponDmg[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.partynamee = eval ("_root.partyname" + _root.choice);
_root.partycurhpe = eval ("_root.partycurhp" + _root.choice);
_root.partycurmpe = eval ("_root.partycurmp" + _root.choice);
_root.partydmge = eval ("_root.partydmg" + _root.choice);
_root.partydefe = eval ("_root.partydef" + _root.choice);
_root.partylvle = eval ("_root.partylvl" + _root.choice);
_root.partyexpe = eval ("_root.partyexp" + _root.choice);
_root.partytnle = eval ("_root.partytnl" + _root.choice);
_root.partyweapone = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
_root.partyarme = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
if (_root.partyweapone > 0) {
_root.partyweaponedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyweapone];
} else {
_root.partyweaponedis = " ";
if (_root.partyarme > 0) {
_root.partyarmedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyarme];
} else {
_root.partyarmedis = " ";
if (_root.partyacce > 0) {
_root.partyaccedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyacce];
} else {
_root.partyaccedis = " ";
_root.itemsel = 1;
(_root.wpnrackno[1] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[2] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[3] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[4] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[5] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[6] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[7] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[8] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[9] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[10] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[1] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[2] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[3] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[4] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[5] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[6] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[7] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[8] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[9] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[10] = 0);
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.partynamee = eval ("_root.partyname" + _root.choice);
_root.partycurhpe = eval ("_root.partycurhp" + _root.choice);
_root.partycurmpe = eval ("_root.partycurmp" + _root.choice);
_root.partydmge = eval ("_root.partydmg" + _root.choice);
_root.partydefe = eval ("_root.partydef" + _root.choice);
_root.partylvle = eval ("_root.partylvl" + _root.choice);
_root.partyexpe = eval ("_root.partyexp" + _root.choice);
_root.partytnle = eval ("_root.partytnl" + _root.choice);
_root.partyweapone = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
_root.partyarme = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
_root.partyacce = eval ("_root.partyacc" + _root.choice);
if (_root.partyweapone > 0) {
_root.partyweaponedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyweapone];
} else {
_root.partyweaponedis = " ";
if (_root.partyarme > 0) {
_root.partyarmedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyarme];
} else {
_root.partyarmedis = " ";
_root.commes = _root.ItemNote[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 10) {
} else {
invsearch = 1;
wrs = 1;
do {
if (_root.ItemArm[_root.InvID[invsearch]] > 0) {
_root.wpnrack[wrs] = _root.InvID[invsearch];
_root.wpnrackno[wrs] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch];
wrs = wrs + 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (wrs <= 10));
if (wrs < 11) {
do {
_root.wpnrack[wrs] = 0;
_root.wpnrackno[wrs] = 0;
wrs = wrs + 1;
} while (wrs <= 10);
if (_root.wpnrackno[1] > 0) {
(_root.esno1 = _root.wpnrackno[1]);
(_root.esname1 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[1]]);
} else {
(_root.esno1 = " ");
(_root.esname1 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[2] > 0) {
(_root.esno2 = _root.wpnrackno[2]);
(_root.esname2 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[2]]);
} else {
(_root.esno2 = " ");
(_root.esname2 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[3] > 0) {
(_root.esno3 = _root.wpnrackno[3]);
(_root.esname3 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[3]]);
} else {
(_root.esno3 = " ");
(_root.esname3 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[4] > 0) {
(_root.esno4 = _root.wpnrackno[4]);
(_root.esname4 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[4]]);
} else {
(_root.esno4 = " ");
(_root.esname4 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[5] > 0) {
(_root.esno5 = _root.wpnrackno[5]);
(_root.esname5 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[5]]);
} else {
(_root.esno5 = " ");
(_root.esname5 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[6] > 0) {
(_root.esno6 = _root.wpnrackno[6]);
(_root.esname6 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[6]]);
} else {
(_root.esno6 = " ");
(_root.esname6 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[7] > 0) {
(_root.esno7 = _root.wpnrackno[7]);
(_root.esname7 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[7]]);
} else {
(_root.esno7 = " ");
(_root.esname7 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[8] > 0) {
(_root.esno8 = _root.wpnrackno[8]);
(_root.esname8 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[8]]);
} else {
(_root.esno8 = " ");
(_root.esname8 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[9] > 0) {
(_root.esno9 = _root.wpnrackno[9]);
(_root.esname9 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[9]]);
} else {
(_root.esno9 = " ");
(_root.esname9 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[10] > 0) {
(_root.esno10 = _root.wpnrackno[10]);
(_root.esname10 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[10]]);
} else {
(_root.esno10 = " ");
(_root.esname10 = " ");
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 10) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 10) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
armid = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
if (armid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == armid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = armid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyarm1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyarm2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyarm3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel1" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 11
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
armid = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
if (armid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == armid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = armid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyarm1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyarm2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyarm3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel2" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 11
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 2;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
armid = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
if (armid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == armid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = armid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyarm1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyarm2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyarm3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel3" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 11
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
armid = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
if (armid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == armid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = armid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyarm1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyarm2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyarm3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel4" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 11
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 4;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
armid = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
if (armid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == armid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = armid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyarm1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyarm2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyarm3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel5" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 11
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 5;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
armid = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
if (armid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == armid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = armid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyarm1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyarm2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyarm3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel6" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 11
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 6;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
armid = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
if (armid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == armid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = armid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyarm1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyarm2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyarm3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel7" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 11
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 7;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
armid = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
if (armid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == armid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = armid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyarm1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyarm2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyarm3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel8" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 11
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 8;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
armid = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
if (armid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == armid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = armid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyarm1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyarm2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyarm3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel9" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 11
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 9;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
armid = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
if (armid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == armid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = armid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyarm1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyarm2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyarm3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel10" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 11
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
on (release) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
armid = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
if (armid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == armid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = armid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyarm1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyarm2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyarm3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 1) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef1 = _root.partydef1 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef2 = _root.partydef2 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
if (armid > 0) {
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 - _root.ItemArmDef[armid];
_root.partydef3 = _root.partydef3 + _root.ItemArmDef[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.partynamee = eval ("_root.partyname" + _root.choice);
_root.partycurhpe = eval ("_root.partycurhp" + _root.choice);
_root.partycurmpe = eval ("_root.partycurmp" + _root.choice);
_root.partydmge = eval ("_root.partydmg" + _root.choice);
_root.partydefe = eval ("_root.partydef" + _root.choice);
_root.partylvle = eval ("_root.partylvl" + _root.choice);
_root.partyexpe = eval ("_root.partyexp" + _root.choice);
_root.partytnle = eval ("_root.partytnl" + _root.choice);
_root.partyweapone = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
_root.partyarme = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
if (_root.partyweapone > 0) {
_root.partyweaponedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyweapone];
} else {
_root.partyweaponedis = " ";
if (_root.partyarme > 0) {
_root.partyarmedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyarme];
} else {
_root.partyarmedis = " ";
if (_root.partyacce > 0) {
_root.partyaccedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyacce];
} else {
_root.partyaccedis = " ";
_root.itemsel = 1;
(_root.wpnrackno[1] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[2] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[3] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[4] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[5] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[6] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[7] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[8] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[9] = 0);
(_root.wpnrackno[10] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[1] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[2] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[3] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[4] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[5] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[6] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[7] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[8] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[9] = 0);
(_root.wpnrack[10] = 0);
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 12
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.partynamee = eval ("_root.partyname" + _root.choice);
_root.partycurhpe = eval ("_root.partycurhp" + _root.choice);
_root.partycurmpe = eval ("_root.partycurmp" + _root.choice);
_root.partydmge = eval ("_root.partydmg" + _root.choice);
_root.partydefe = eval ("_root.partydef" + _root.choice);
_root.partylvle = eval ("_root.partylvl" + _root.choice);
_root.partyexpe = eval ("_root.partyexp" + _root.choice);
_root.partytnle = eval ("_root.partytnl" + _root.choice);
_root.partyweapone = eval ("_root.partyweapon" + _root.choice);
_root.partyarme = eval ("_root.partyarm" + _root.choice);
_root.partyacce = eval ("_root.partyacc" + _root.choice);
if (_root.partyweapone > 0) {
_root.partyweaponedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyweapone];
} else {
_root.partyweaponedis = " ";
if (_root.partyarme > 0) {
_root.partyarmedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyarme];
} else {
_root.partyarmedis = " ";
if (_root.partyacce > 0) {
_root.partyaccedis = _root.ItemName[_root.partyacce];
} else {
_root.partyaccedis = " ";
_root.commes = _root.ItemNote[_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel]];
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 10) {
} else {
invsearch = 1;
wrs = 1;
do {
if (_root.ItemAcc[_root.InvID[invsearch]] > 0) {
_root.wpnrack[wrs] = _root.InvID[invsearch];
_root.wpnrackno[wrs] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch];
wrs = wrs + 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (wrs <= 10));
if (wrs < 11) {
do {
_root.wpnrack[wrs] = 0;
_root.wpnrackno[wrs] = 0;
wrs = wrs + 1;
} while (wrs <= 10);
if (_root.wpnrackno[1] > 0) {
(_root.esno1 = _root.wpnrackno[1]);
(_root.esname1 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[1]]);
} else {
(_root.esno1 = " ");
(_root.esname1 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[2] > 0) {
(_root.esno2 = _root.wpnrackno[2]);
(_root.esname2 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[2]]);
} else {
(_root.esno2 = " ");
(_root.esname2 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[3] > 0) {
(_root.esno3 = _root.wpnrackno[3]);
(_root.esname3 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[3]]);
} else {
(_root.esno3 = " ");
(_root.esname3 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[4] > 0) {
(_root.esno4 = _root.wpnrackno[4]);
(_root.esname4 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[4]]);
} else {
(_root.esno4 = " ");
(_root.esname4 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[5] > 0) {
(_root.esno5 = _root.wpnrackno[5]);
(_root.esname5 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[5]]);
} else {
(_root.esno5 = " ");
(_root.esname5 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[6] > 0) {
(_root.esno6 = _root.wpnrackno[6]);
(_root.esname6 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[6]]);
} else {
(_root.esno6 = " ");
(_root.esname6 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[7] > 0) {
(_root.esno7 = _root.wpnrackno[7]);
(_root.esname7 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[7]]);
} else {
(_root.esno7 = " ");
(_root.esname7 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[8] > 0) {
(_root.esno8 = _root.wpnrackno[8]);
(_root.esname8 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[8]]);
} else {
(_root.esno8 = " ");
(_root.esname8 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[9] > 0) {
(_root.esno9 = _root.wpnrackno[9]);
(_root.esname9 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[9]]);
} else {
(_root.esno9 = " ");
(_root.esname9 = " ");
if (_root.wpnrackno[10] > 0) {
(_root.esno10 = _root.wpnrackno[10]);
(_root.esname10 = _root.ItemName[_root.wpnrack[10]]);
} else {
(_root.esno10 = " ");
(_root.esname10 = " ");
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 10) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 10) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
sheafed = 0;
accid = eval ("_root.partyacc" + _root.choice);
if (accid > 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == accid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] + 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
if (sheafed == 0) {
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.InvID[invsearch] = accid;
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = 1;
sheafed = 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (sheafed == 0));
} else {
sheafed = 1;
if (sheafed == 1) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyacc1 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyacc2 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyacc3 = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
equipid = _root.wpnrack[_root.itemsel];
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.itemsel = 1;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
} else {
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE1");
_root.esname1 =;
_root.s1pn1 =;
_root.s1pl1 =;
_root.s1pn2 =;
_root.s1pl2 =;
_root.s1pn3 =;
_root.s1pl3 =;
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE2");
_root.esname2 =;
_root.s2pn1 =;
_root.s2pl1 =;
_root.s2pn2 =;
_root.s2pl2 =;
_root.s2pn3 =;
_root.s2pl3 =;
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE3");
_root.esname3 =;
_root.s3pn1 =;
_root.s3pl1 =;
_root.s3pn2 =;
_root.s3pl2 =;
_root.s3pn3 =;
_root.s3pl3 =;
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 3) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 3) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE1");
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE2");
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE3");
( = _root.InvID[1]);
( = _root.InvNumber[1]);
( = _root.InvID[2]);
( = _root.InvNumber[2]);
( = _root.InvID[3]);
( = _root.InvNumber[3]);
( = _root.InvID[4]);
( = _root.InvNumber[4]);
( = _root.InvID[5]);
( = _root.InvNumber[5]);
( = _root.InvID[6]);
( = _root.InvNumber[6]);
( = _root.InvID[7]);
( = _root.InvNumber[7]);
( = _root.InvID[8]);
( = _root.InvNumber[8]);
( = _root.InvID[9]);
( = _root.InvNumber[9]);
( = _root.InvID[10]);
( = _root.InvNumber[10]);
( = _root.InvID[11]);
( = _root.InvNumber[11]);
( = _root.InvID[12]);
( = _root.InvNumber[12]);
( = _root.InvID[13]);
( = _root.InvNumber[13]);
( = _root.InvID[14]);
( = _root.InvNumber[14]);
( = _root.InvID[15]);
( = _root.InvNumber[15]);
( = _root.InvID[16]);
( = _root.InvNumber[16]);
( = _root.InvID[17]);
( = _root.InvNumber[17]);
( = _root.InvID[18]);
( = _root.InvNumber[18]);
( = _root.InvID[19]);
( = _root.InvNumber[19]);
( = _root.InvID[20]);
( = _root.InvNumber[20]);
( = _root.InvID[21]);
( = _root.InvNumber[21]);
( = _root.InvID[22]);
( = _root.InvNumber[22]);
( = _root.InvID[23]);
( = _root.InvNumber[23]);
( = _root.InvID[24]);
( = _root.InvNumber[24]);
( = _root.InvID[25]);
( = _root.InvNumber[25]);
( = _root.InvID[26]);
( = _root.InvNumber[26]);
( = _root.InvID[27]);
( = _root.InvNumber[27]);
( = _root.InvID[28]);
( = _root.InvNumber[28]);
( = _root.InvID[29]);
( = _root.InvNumber[29]);
( = _root.InvID[30]);
( = _root.InvNumber[30]); =; = _root.partysize;
( = _root.partyname1);
( = _root.partyname2);
( = _root.partyname3);
( = _root.partysprite1);
( = _root.partysprite2);
( = _root.partysprite3);
( = _root.partycurhp1);
( = _root.partycurhp2);
( = _root.partycurhp3);
( = _root.partymaxhp1);
( = _root.partymaxhp2);
( = _root.partymaxhp3);
( = _root.partycurmp1);
( = _root.partycurmp2);
( = _root.partycurmp3);
( = _root.partymaxmp1);
( = _root.partymaxmp2);
( = _root.partymaxmp3);
( = _root.partydmg1);
( = _root.partydmg2);
( = _root.partydmg3);
( = _root.partydef1);
( = _root.partydef2);
( = _root.partydef3);
( = _root.partylvl1);
( = _root.partylvl2);
( = _root.partylvl3);
( = _root.partyexp1);
( = _root.partyexp2);
( = _root.partyexp3);
( = _root.partytnl1);
( = _root.partytnl2);
( = _root.partytnl3);
( = _root.partyweapon1);
( = _root.partyweapon2);
( = _root.partyweapon3);
( = _root.partyarm1);
( = _root.partyarm2);
( = _root.partyarm3);
( = _root.partyacc1);
( = _root.partyacc2);
( = _root.partyacc3);
( = _root.partyspl1[1]);
( = _root.partyspl2[1]);
( = _root.partyspl3[1]);
( = _root.partyspl1[2]);
( = _root.partyspl2[2]);
( = _root.partyspl3[2]);
( = _root.partyspl1[3]);
( = _root.partyspl2[3]);
( = _root.partyspl3[3]);
( = _root.partyspl1[4]);
( = _root.partyspl2[4]);
( = _root.partyspl3[4]);
( = _root.partyspl1[5]);
( = _root.partyspl2[5]);
( = _root.partyspl3[5]);
( = _root.partyspl1[6]);
( = _root.partyspl2[6]);
( = _root.partyspl3[6]);
( = _root.partydead1);
( = _root.partydead2);
( = _root.partydead3);
( = _root.partyslp1);
( = _root.partyslp2);
( = _root.partyslp3);
( = _root.partyslpx1);
( = _root.partyslpx2);
( = _root.partyslpx3);
( = _root.partypsn1);
( = _root.partypsn2);
( = _root.partypsn3);
( = _root.partypsnv1);
( = _root.partypsnv2);
( = _root.partypsnv3);
( = _root.partypsnx1);
( = _root.partypsnx2);
( = _root.partypsnx3);
( = _root.partystop1);
( = _root.partystop2);
( = _root.partystop3);
( = _root.partystopv1);
( = _root.partystopv2);
( = _root.partystopv3);
( = _root.partystopx1);
( = _root.partystopx2);
( = _root.partystopx3);
( = _root.partysilence1);
( = _root.partysilence2);
( = _root.partysilence3);
( = _root.partysilencex1);
( = _root.partysilencex2);
( = _root.partysilencex3);
( = _root.partyweak1);
( = _root.partyweak2);
( = _root.partyweak3);
( = _root.partyweakx1);
( = _root.partyweakx2);
( = _root.partyweakx3); = _root.mech; = _root.cranelift; = _root.sbhiscore; = _root.mapname; =; = _root.charposx; = _root.charposy;
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.commes = " ";
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.choice = 1;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 14
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.choice == 1) and (_root.partydead1 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 2;
if ((_root.choice == 2) and (_root.partydead2 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 3;
if ((_root.choice == 3) and (_root.partydead3 == 1)) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (_root.choice == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.choice == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice - 1;
if (_root.choice < 1) {
_root.choice = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.choice = _root.choice + 1;
if (_root.choice > 3) {
_root.choice = 3;
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice10" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 14
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice11" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 14
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "choice12" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 14
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.itemsel = 1;
_root.partynamee = eval ("_root.partyname" + _root.choice);
if (_root.choice == 1) {
(_root.ssname1 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[1]]);
(_root.ssno1 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[1]]);
(_root.ssname2 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[2]]);
(_root.ssno2 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[2]]);
(_root.ssname3 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[3]]);
(_root.ssno3 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[3]]);
(_root.ssname4 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[4]]);
(_root.ssno4 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[4]]);
(_root.ssname5 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[5]]);
(_root.ssno5 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[5]]);
(_root.ssname6 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[6]]);
(_root.ssno6 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[6]]);
(_root.ssname7 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[7]]);
(_root.ssno7 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[7]]);
(_root.ssname8 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[8]]);
(_root.ssno8 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[8]]);
(_root.ssname9 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[9]]);
(_root.ssno9 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[9]]);
(_root.ssname10 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[10]]);
(_root.ssno10 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[10]]);
if (_root.choice == 2) {
(_root.ssname1 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[1]]);
(_root.ssno1 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[1]]);
(_root.ssname2 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[2]]);
(_root.ssno2 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[2]]);
(_root.ssname3 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[3]]);
(_root.ssno3 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[3]]);
(_root.ssname4 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[4]]);
(_root.ssno4 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[4]]);
(_root.ssname5 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[5]]);
(_root.ssno5 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[5]]);
(_root.ssname6 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[6]]);
(_root.ssno6 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[6]]);
(_root.ssname7 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[7]]);
(_root.ssno7 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[7]]);
(_root.ssname8 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[8]]);
(_root.ssno8 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[8]]);
(_root.ssname9 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[9]]);
(_root.ssno9 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[9]]);
(_root.ssname10 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[10]]);
(_root.ssno10 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[10]]);
if (_root.choice == 3) {
(_root.ssname1 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[1]]);
(_root.ssno1 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[1]]);
(_root.ssname2 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[2]]);
(_root.ssno2 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[2]]);
(_root.ssname3 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[3]]);
(_root.ssno3 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[3]]);
(_root.ssname4 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[4]]);
(_root.ssno4 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[4]]);
(_root.ssname5 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[5]]);
(_root.ssno5 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[5]]);
(_root.ssname6 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[6]]);
(_root.ssno6 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[6]]);
(_root.ssname7 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[7]]);
(_root.ssno7 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[7]]);
(_root.ssname8 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[8]]);
(_root.ssno8 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[8]]);
(_root.ssname9 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[9]]);
(_root.ssno9 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[9]]);
(_root.ssname10 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[10]]);
(_root.ssno10 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[10]]);
_root.splrack[1] = 0;
_root.splrack[2] = 0;
_root.splrack[3] = 0;
_root.splrack[4] = 0;
_root.splrack[5] = 0;
_root.splrack[6] = 0;
_root.splrack[7] = 0;
_root.splrack[8] = 0;
_root.splrack[9] = 0;
_root.splrack[10] = 0;
_root.splrackno[1] = 0;
_root.splrackno[2] = 0;
_root.splrackno[3] = 0;
_root.splrackno[4] = 0;
_root.splrackno[5] = 0;
_root.splrackno[6] = 0;
_root.splrackno[7] = 0;
_root.splrackno[8] = 0;
_root.splrackno[9] = 0;
_root.splrackno[10] = 0;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
invsearch = 1;
wrs = 1;
do {
if (_root.ItemLearn[_root.InvID[invsearch]] > 0) {
_root.splrack[wrs] = _root.InvID[invsearch];
_root.splrackno[wrs] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch];
wrs = wrs + 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (wrs <= 10));
if (wrs < 11) {
do {
_root.wpnrack[wrs] = 0;
_root.wpnrackno[wrs] = 0;
wrs = wrs + 1;
} while (wrs <= 10);
if (_root.splrackno[1] > 0) {
(_root.esno1 = _root.splrackno[1]);
(_root.esname1 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[1]]);
} else {
(_root.esno1 = " ");
(_root.esname1 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[2] > 0) {
(_root.esno2 = _root.splrackno[2]);
(_root.esname2 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[2]]);
} else {
(_root.esno2 = " ");
(_root.esname2 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[3] > 0) {
(_root.esno3 = _root.splrackno[3]);
(_root.esname3 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[3]]);
} else {
(_root.esno3 = " ");
(_root.esname3 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[4] > 0) {
(_root.esno4 = _root.splrackno[4]);
(_root.esname4 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[4]]);
} else {
(_root.esno4 = " ");
(_root.esname4 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[5] > 0) {
(_root.esno5 = _root.splrackno[5]);
(_root.esname5 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[5]]);
} else {
(_root.esno5 = " ");
(_root.esname5 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[6] > 0) {
(_root.esno6 = _root.splrackno[6]);
(_root.esname6 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[6]]);
} else {
(_root.esno6 = " ");
(_root.esname6 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[7] > 0) {
(_root.esno7 = _root.splrackno[7]);
(_root.esname7 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[7]]);
} else {
(_root.esno7 = " ");
(_root.esname7 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[8] > 0) {
(_root.esno8 = _root.splrackno[8]);
(_root.esname8 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[8]]);
} else {
(_root.esno8 = " ");
(_root.esname8 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[9] > 0) {
(_root.esno9 = _root.splrackno[9]);
(_root.esname9 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[9]]);
} else {
(_root.esno9 = " ");
(_root.esname9 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[10] > 0) {
(_root.esno10 = _root.splrackno[10]);
(_root.esname10 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[10]]);
} else {
(_root.esno10 = " ");
(_root.esname10 = " ");
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 10) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 10) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 10) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.splrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
_root.learnchoice = _root.splrack[_root.itemsel];
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel1" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 15
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
on (release) {
if (_root.splrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
_root.learnchoice = _root.splrack[_root.itemsel];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel2" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 15
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 2;
on (release) {
if (_root.splrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
_root.learnchoice = _root.splrack[_root.itemsel];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel3" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 15
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
on (release) {
if (_root.splrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
_root.learnchoice = _root.splrack[_root.itemsel];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel4" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 15
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 4;
on (release) {
if (_root.splrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
_root.learnchoice = _root.splrack[_root.itemsel];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel5" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 15
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 5;
on (release) {
if (_root.splrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
_root.learnchoice = _root.splrack[_root.itemsel];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel6" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 15
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 6;
on (release) {
if (_root.splrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
_root.learnchoice = _root.splrack[_root.itemsel];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel7" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 15
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 7;
on (release) {
if (_root.splrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
_root.learnchoice = _root.splrack[_root.itemsel];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel8" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 15
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 8;
on (release) {
if (_root.splrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
_root.learnchoice = _root.splrack[_root.itemsel];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel9" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 15
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 9;
on (release) {
if (_root.splrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
_root.learnchoice = _root.splrack[_root.itemsel];
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel10" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 15
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
on (release) {
if (_root.splrack[_root.itemsel] > 0) {
_root.learnchoice = _root.splrack[_root.itemsel];
Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.freeze = 1;
_root.itemsel = 1;
_root.partynamee = eval ("_root.partyname" + _root.choice);
if (_root.choice == 1) {
(_root.ssname1 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[1]]);
(_root.ssno1 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[1]]);
(_root.ssname2 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[2]]);
(_root.ssno2 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[2]]);
(_root.ssname3 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[3]]);
(_root.ssno3 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[3]]);
(_root.ssname4 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[4]]);
(_root.ssno4 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[4]]);
(_root.ssname5 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[5]]);
(_root.ssno5 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[5]]);
(_root.ssname6 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[6]]);
(_root.ssno6 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[6]]);
(_root.ssname7 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[7]]);
(_root.ssno7 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[7]]);
(_root.ssname8 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[8]]);
(_root.ssno8 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[8]]);
(_root.ssname9 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[9]]);
(_root.ssno9 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[9]]);
(_root.ssname10 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl1[10]]);
(_root.ssno10 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl1[10]]);
if (_root.choice == 2) {
(_root.ssname1 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[1]]);
(_root.ssno1 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[1]]);
(_root.ssname2 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[2]]);
(_root.ssno2 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[2]]);
(_root.ssname3 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[3]]);
(_root.ssno3 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[3]]);
(_root.ssname4 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[4]]);
(_root.ssno4 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[4]]);
(_root.ssname5 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[5]]);
(_root.ssno5 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[5]]);
(_root.ssname6 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[6]]);
(_root.ssno6 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[6]]);
(_root.ssname7 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[7]]);
(_root.ssno7 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[7]]);
(_root.ssname8 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[8]]);
(_root.ssno8 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[8]]);
(_root.ssname9 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[9]]);
(_root.ssno9 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[9]]);
(_root.ssname10 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl2[10]]);
(_root.ssno10 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl2[10]]);
if (_root.choice == 3) {
(_root.ssname1 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[1]]);
(_root.ssno1 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[1]]);
(_root.ssname2 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[2]]);
(_root.ssno2 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[2]]);
(_root.ssname3 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[3]]);
(_root.ssno3 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[3]]);
(_root.ssname4 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[4]]);
(_root.ssno4 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[4]]);
(_root.ssname5 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[5]]);
(_root.ssno5 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[5]]);
(_root.ssname6 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[6]]);
(_root.ssno6 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[6]]);
(_root.ssname7 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[7]]);
(_root.ssno7 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[7]]);
(_root.ssname8 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[8]]);
(_root.ssno8 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[8]]);
(_root.ssname9 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[9]]);
(_root.ssno9 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[9]]);
(_root.ssname10 = _root.SpellName[_root.partyspl3[10]]);
(_root.ssno10 = _root.SpellMana[_root.partyspl3[10]]);
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
invsearch = 1;
wrs = 1;
do {
if (_root.ItemLearn[_root.InvID[invsearch]] > 0) {
_root.splrack[wrs] = _root.InvID[invsearch];
_root.splrackno[wrs] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch];
wrs = wrs + 1;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while ((invsearch <= 30) and (wrs <= 10));
if (wrs < 11) {
do {
_root.splrack[wrs] = 0;
_root.splrackno[wrs] = 0;
wrs = wrs + 1;
} while (wrs <= 10);
if (_root.splrackno[1] > 0) {
(_root.esno1 = _root.splrackno[1]);
(_root.esname1 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[1]]);
} else {
(_root.esno1 = " ");
(_root.esname1 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[2] > 0) {
(_root.esno2 = _root.splrackno[2]);
(_root.esname2 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[2]]);
} else {
(_root.esno2 = " ");
(_root.esname2 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[3] > 0) {
(_root.esno3 = _root.splrackno[3]);
(_root.esname3 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[3]]);
} else {
(_root.esno3 = " ");
(_root.esname3 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[4] > 0) {
(_root.esno4 = _root.splrackno[4]);
(_root.esname4 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[4]]);
} else {
(_root.esno4 = " ");
(_root.esname4 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[5] > 0) {
(_root.esno5 = _root.splrackno[5]);
(_root.esname5 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[5]]);
} else {
(_root.esno5 = " ");
(_root.esname5 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[6] > 0) {
(_root.esno6 = _root.splrackno[6]);
(_root.esname6 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[6]]);
} else {
(_root.esno6 = " ");
(_root.esname6 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[7] > 0) {
(_root.esno7 = _root.splrackno[7]);
(_root.esname7 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[7]]);
} else {
(_root.esno7 = " ");
(_root.esname7 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[8] > 0) {
(_root.esno8 = _root.splrackno[8]);
(_root.esname8 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[8]]);
} else {
(_root.esno8 = " ");
(_root.esname8 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[9] > 0) {
(_root.esno9 = _root.splrackno[9]);
(_root.esname9 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[9]]);
} else {
(_root.esno9 = " ");
(_root.esname9 = " ");
if (_root.splrackno[10] > 0) {
(_root.esno10 = _root.splrackno[10]);
(_root.esname10 = _root.ItemName[_root.splrack[10]]);
} else {
(_root.esno10 = " ");
(_root.esname10 = " ");
if (_root.itemsel == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 2) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 3) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 4) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 5) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 6) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 7) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 8) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 9) {
} else {
if (_root.itemsel == 10) {
} else {
if (_root.freeze == 0) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 10) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel - 1;
if (_root.itemsel < 1) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.itemsel = _root.itemsel + 1;
if (_root.itemsel > 10) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyspl1[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyspl2[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyspl3[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
equipid = _root.learnchoice;
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
if (Key.isDown(9)) {
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel1" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 16
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
on (release) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyspl1[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyspl2[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyspl3[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
equipid = _root.learnchoice;
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel2" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 16
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 2;
on (release) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyspl1[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyspl2[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyspl3[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
equipid = _root.learnchoice;
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel3" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 16
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
on (release) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyspl1[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyspl2[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyspl3[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
equipid = _root.learnchoice;
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel4" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 16
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 4;
on (release) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyspl1[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyspl2[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyspl3[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
equipid = _root.learnchoice;
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel5" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 16
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 5;
on (release) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyspl1[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyspl2[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyspl3[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
equipid = _root.learnchoice;
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel6" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 16
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 6;
on (release) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyspl1[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyspl2[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyspl3[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
equipid = _root.learnchoice;
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel7" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 16
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 7;
on (release) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyspl1[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyspl2[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyspl3[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
equipid = _root.learnchoice;
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel8" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 16
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 8;
on (release) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyspl1[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyspl2[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyspl3[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
equipid = _root.learnchoice;
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel9" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 16
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 9;
on (release) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyspl1[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyspl2[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyspl3[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
equipid = _root.learnchoice;
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip "sel10" in Symbol 1442 MovieClip Frame 16
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 10;
on (release) {
if (_root.choice == 1) {
_root.partyspl1[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 2) {
_root.partyspl2[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
if (_root.choice == 3) {
_root.partyspl3[_root.itemsel] = _root.ItemLearnSpell[_root.learnchoice];
equipid = _root.learnchoice;
invsearch = 1;
do {
if (_root.InvID[invsearch] == equipid) {
_root.InvNumber[invsearch] = _root.InvNumber[invsearch] - 1;
if (_root.InvNumber[invsearch] == 0) {
_root.itemshift = invsearch;
if ((_root.itemshift < 30) and (_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0)) {
do {
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = _root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift + 1];
_root.itemshift = _root.itemshift + 1;
} while ((_root.InvID[_root.itemshift + 1] > 0) and (_root.itemshift < 30));
_root.InvID[_root.itemshift] = 0;
_root.InvNumber[_root.itemshift] = 0;
invsearch = invsearch + 1;
} while (invsearch <= 30);
Symbol 1448 MovieClip Frame 51
Symbol 1475 MovieClip Frame 195
(_root.InvID[1] = 26);
(_root.InvNumber[1] = 1);
(_root.InvID[2] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[2] = 0);
(_root.InvID[3] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[3] = 0);
(_root.InvID[4] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[4] = 0);
(_root.InvID[5] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[5] = 0);
(_root.InvID[6] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[6] = 0);
(_root.InvID[7] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[7] = 0);
(_root.InvID[8] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[8] = 0);
(_root.InvID[9] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[9] = 0);
(_root.InvID[10] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[10] = 0);
(_root.InvID[11] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[11] = 0);
(_root.InvID[12] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[12] = 0);
(_root.InvID[13] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[13] = 0);
(_root.InvID[14] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[14] = 0);
(_root.InvID[15] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[15] = 0);
(_root.InvID[16] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[16] = 0);
(_root.InvID[17] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[17] = 0);
(_root.InvID[18] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[18] = 0);
(_root.InvID[19] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[19] = 0);
(_root.InvID[20] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[20] = 0);
(_root.InvID[21] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[21] = 0);
(_root.InvID[22] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[22] = 0);
(_root.InvID[23] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[23] = 0);
(_root.InvID[24] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[24] = 0);
(_root.InvID[25] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[25] = 0);
(_root.InvID[26] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[26] = 0);
(_root.InvID[27] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[27] = 0);
(_root.InvID[28] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[28] = 0);
(_root.InvID[29] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[29] = 0);
(_root.InvID[30] = 0);
(_root.InvNumber[30] = 0); = 0;
_root.partysize = 1;
_root.partyname1 = "Thug";
_root.partysprite1 = 2;
_root.partycurhp1 = 120;
_root.partymaxhp1 = 120;
_root.partycurmp1 = 100;
_root.partymaxmp1 = 100;
_root.partydmg1 = 7;
_root.partydef1 = 6;
_root.partylvl1 = 6;
_root.partyexp1 = 150;
_root.partytnl1 = 60;
_root.partyweapon1 = 19;
_root.partyarm1 = 0;
_root.partyacc1 = 0;
_root.partyspl1[1] = 0;
_root.partyspl1[2] = 0;
_root.partyspl1[3] = 0;
_root.partyspl1[4] = 0;
_root.partyspl1[5] = 0;
_root.partyspl1[6] = 0;
_root.partydead1 = 0;
_root.partyslp1 = 0;
_root.partyslpx1 = 0;
_root.partypsn1 = 0;
_root.partypsnv1 = 0;
_root.partypsnx1 = 0;
_root.partystop1 = 0;
_root.partystopv1 = 0;
_root.partystopx1 = 0;
_root.partysilence1 = 0;
_root.partysilencex1 = 0;
_root.partyweak1 = 0;
_root.partyweakx1 = 0;
_root.partyname2 = " ";
_root.partysprite2 = 0;
_root.partycurhp2 = 0;
_root.partymaxhp2 = 0;
_root.partycurmp2 = 0;
_root.partymaxmp2 = 0;
_root.partydmg2 = 0;
_root.partydef2 = 0;
_root.partylvl2 = 0;
_root.partyexp2 = 0;
_root.partytnl2 = 0;
_root.partyweapon2 = 0;
_root.partyarm2 = 0;
_root.partyacc2 = 0;
_root.partyspl2[1] = 0;
_root.partyspl2[2] = 0;
_root.partyspl2[3] = 0;
_root.partyspl2[4] = 0;
_root.partyspl2[5] = 0;
_root.partyspl2[6] = 0;
_root.partydead2 = 1;
_root.partyslp2 = 0;
_root.partyslpx2 = 0;
_root.partypsn2 = 0;
_root.partypsnv2 = 0;
_root.partypsnx2 = 0;
_root.partystop2 = 0;
_root.partystopv2 = 0;
_root.partystopx2 = 0;
_root.partysilence2 = 0;
_root.partysilencex2 = 0;
_root.partyweak2 = 0;
_root.partyweakx2 = 0;
_root.partyname3 = " ";
_root.partysprite3 = 0;
_root.partycurhp3 = 0;
_root.partymaxhp3 = 0;
_root.partycurmp3 = 0;
_root.partymaxmp3 = 0;
_root.partydmg3 = 0;
_root.partydef3 = 0;
_root.partylvl3 = 0;
_root.partyexp3 = 0;
_root.partytnl3 = 0;
_root.partyweapon3 = 0;
_root.partyarm3 = 0;
_root.partyacc3 = 0;
_root.partyspl3[1] = 0;
_root.partyspl3[2] = 0;
_root.partyspl3[3] = 0;
_root.partyspl3[4] = 0;
_root.partyspl3[5] = 0;
_root.partyspl3[6] = 0;
_root.partydead3 = 1;
_root.partyslp3 = 0;
_root.partyslpx3 = 0;
_root.partypsn3 = 0;
_root.partypsnv3 = 0;
_root.partypsnx3 = 0;
_root.partystop3 = 0;
_root.partystopv3 = 0;
_root.partystopx3 = 0;
_root.partysilence3 = 0;
_root.partysilencex3 = 0;
_root.partyweak3 = 0;
_root.partyweakx3 = 0;
_root.mapname = "Rooftop"; = 10;
_root.charposx = 0;
_root.charposy = 0;
(_root.combatloc = 2);
(_root.monsters = 3);
(_root.combatexp = 12);
(_root.combatitem = 0);
(_root.combatitemno = 0);
(_root.norunning = 1);
(_root.combatgold = 0);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Bob");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 7);
(_root.monhp1 = 100);
(_root.monmp1 = 1);
(_root.mondef1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 0);
(_root.matks1 = 1);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " shoots ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 20);
(_root.mta1 = 1);
(_root.monstername5 = "Frank");
(_root.monstersprite5 = 7);
(_root.monhp5 = 100);
(_root.monmp5 = 1);
(_root.mondef5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp5 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv5 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence5 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak5 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx5 = 0);
(_root.matks5 = 1);
(_root.matkturn5 = 1);
(_root.mnamea5 = " shoots ");
(_root.matka5 = 1);
(_root.mdmga5 = 20);
(_root.mta5 = 1);
(_root.monstername7 = "Dave");
(_root.monstersprite7 = 7);
(_root.monhp7 = 100);
(_root.monmp7 = 1);
(_root.mondef7 = 0);
(_root.monsterslp7 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx7 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsn7 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv7 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx7 = 0);
(_root.monsterstop7 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv7 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx7 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence7 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex7 = 0);
(_root.monsterweak7 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx7 = 0);
(_root.matks7 = 1);
(_root.matkturn7 = 1);
(_root.mnamea7 = " shoots ");
(_root.matka7 = 1);
(_root.mdmga7 = 20);
(_root.mta7 = 1);
Symbol 1480 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 1484 MovieClip Frame 103
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 1484 MovieClip Frame 103
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
Symbol 1484 MovieClip Frame 104
_root.charposx = 0;
_root.charposy = 80; = 11;
Symbol 1492 MovieClip Frame 76
_root.mapname = "Junk Yard"; = 28;
_root.charposx = 0;
_root.charposy = 0;
(_root.combatloc = 5);
(_root.monsters = 1);
(_root.combatexp = 100);
(_root.combatitem = 0);
(_root.combatitemno = 0);
(_root.norunning = 1);
(_root.combatgold = 100);
_root.monstersprite2 = 0;
_root.monstersprite3 = 0;
_root.monstersprite4 = 0;
_root.monstersprite5 = 0;
_root.monstersprite6 = 0;
_root.monstersprite7 = 0;
_root.monstersprite8 = 0;
_root.monstersprite9 = 0;
(_root.monstername1 = "Evil Robot");
(_root.monstersprite1 = 9);
(_root.monhp1 = 30);
(_root.monmp1 = 0);
(_root.mondef1 = 5);
(_root.monsterslp1 = 0);
(_root.monsterslpx1 = 1);
(_root.monsterpsn1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterpsnx1 = 1);
(_root.monsterstop1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopv1 = 0);
(_root.monsterstopx1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilence1 = 0);
(_root.monstersilencex1 = 1);
(_root.monsterweak1 = 0);
(_root.monsterweakx1 = 1);
(_root.matks1 = 2);
(_root.matkturn1 = 1);
(_root.mnamea1 = " blasts ");
(_root.matka1 = 1);
(_root.mdmga1 = 20);
(_root.mta1 = 2);
(_root.mnameb1 = " attacks ");
(_root.matkb1 = 1);
(_root.mdmgb1 = 40);
(_root.mtb1 = 1);
Symbol 1494 MovieClip Frame 36
_root.charposx = 0;
_root.charposy = 100; = 21;
Symbol 1495 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1495 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1495 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1495 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1495 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1517 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1518 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 1;
on (release) {
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE1");
(_root.InvID[1] =;
(_root.InvNumber[1] =;
(_root.InvID[2] =;
(_root.InvNumber[2] =;
(_root.InvID[3] =;
(_root.InvNumber[3] =;
(_root.InvID[4] =;
(_root.InvNumber[4] =;
(_root.InvID[5] =;
(_root.InvNumber[5] =;
(_root.InvID[6] =;
(_root.InvNumber[6] =;
(_root.InvID[7] =;
(_root.InvNumber[7] =;
(_root.InvID[8] =;
(_root.InvNumber[8] =;
(_root.InvID[9] =;
(_root.InvNumber[9] =;
(_root.InvID[10] =;
(_root.InvNumber[10] =;
(_root.InvID[11] =;
(_root.InvNumber[11] =;
(_root.InvID[12] =;
(_root.InvNumber[12] =;
(_root.InvID[13] =;
(_root.InvNumber[13] =;
(_root.InvID[14] =;
(_root.InvNumber[14] =;
(_root.InvID[15] =;
(_root.InvNumber[15] =;
(_root.InvID[16] =;
(_root.InvNumber[16] =;
(_root.InvID[17] =;
(_root.InvNumber[17] =;
(_root.InvID[18] =;
(_root.InvNumber[18] =;
(_root.InvID[19] =;
(_root.InvNumber[19] =;
(_root.InvID[20] =;
(_root.InvNumber[20] =;
(_root.InvID[21] =;
(_root.InvNumber[21] =;
(_root.InvID[22] =;
(_root.InvNumber[22] =;
(_root.InvID[23] =;
(_root.InvNumber[23] =;
(_root.InvID[24] =;
(_root.InvNumber[24] =;
(_root.InvID[25] =;
(_root.InvNumber[25] =;
(_root.InvID[26] =;
(_root.InvNumber[26] =;
(_root.InvID[27] =;
(_root.InvNumber[27] =;
(_root.InvID[28] =;
(_root.InvNumber[28] =;
(_root.InvID[29] =;
(_root.InvNumber[29] =;
(_root.InvID[30] =;
(_root.InvNumber[30] =; =;
_root.partysize =;
(_root.partyname1 =;
(_root.partyname2 =;
(_root.partyname3 =;
(_root.partysprite1 =;
(_root.partysprite2 =;
(_root.partysprite3 =;
(_root.partycurhp1 =;
(_root.partycurhp2 =;
(_root.partycurhp3 =;
(_root.partymaxhp1 =;
(_root.partymaxhp2 =;
(_root.partymaxhp3 =;
(_root.partycurmp1 =;
(_root.partycurmp2 =;
(_root.partycurmp3 =;
(_root.partymaxmp1 =;
(_root.partymaxmp2 =;
(_root.partymaxmp3 =;
(_root.partydmg1 =;
(_root.partydmg2 =;
(_root.partydmg3 =;
(_root.partydef1 =;
(_root.partydef2 =;
(_root.partydef3 =;
(_root.partylvl1 =;
(_root.partylvl2 =;
(_root.partylvl3 =;
(_root.partyexp1 =;
(_root.partyexp2 =;
(_root.partyexp3 =;
(_root.partytnl1 =;
(_root.partytnl2 =;
(_root.partytnl3 =;
(_root.partyweapon1 =;
(_root.partyweapon2 =;
(_root.partyweapon3 =;
(_root.partyarm1 =;
(_root.partyarm2 =;
(_root.partyarm3 =;
(_root.partyacc1 =;
(_root.partyacc2 =;
(_root.partyacc3 =;
(_root.partyspl1[1] =;
(_root.partyspl2[1] =;
(_root.partyspl3[1] =;
(_root.partyspl1[2] =;
(_root.partyspl2[2] =;
(_root.partyspl3[2] =;
(_root.partyspl1[3] =;
(_root.partyspl2[3] =;
(_root.partyspl3[3] =;
(_root.partyspl1[4] =;
(_root.partyspl2[4] =;
(_root.partyspl3[4] =;
(_root.partyspl1[5] =;
(_root.partyspl2[5] =;
(_root.partyspl3[5] =;
(_root.partyspl1[6] =;
(_root.partyspl2[6] =;
(_root.partyspl3[6] =;
(_root.partydead1 =;
(_root.partydead2 =;
(_root.partydead3 =;
(_root.partyslp1 =;
(_root.partyslp2 =;
(_root.partyslp3 =;
(_root.partyslpx1 =;
(_root.partyslpx2 =;
(_root.partyslpx3 =;
(_root.partypsn1 =;
(_root.partypsn2 =;
(_root.partypsn3 =;
(_root.partypsnv1 =;
(_root.partypsnv2 =;
(_root.partypsnv3 =;
(_root.partypsnx1 =;
(_root.partypsnx2 =;
(_root.partypsnx3 =;
(_root.partystop1 =;
(_root.partystop2 =;
(_root.partystop3 =;
(_root.partystopv1 =;
(_root.partystopv2 =;
(_root.partystopv3 =;
(_root.partystopx1 =;
(_root.partystopx2 =;
(_root.partystopx3 =;
(_root.partysilence1 =;
(_root.partysilence2 =;
(_root.partysilence3 =;
(_root.partysilencex1 =;
(_root.partysilencex2 =;
(_root.partysilencex3 =;
(_root.partyweak1 =;
(_root.partyweak2 =;
(_root.partyweak3 =;
(_root.partyweakx1 =;
(_root.partyweakx2 =;
(_root.partyweakx3 =;
_root.mech =;
_root.cranelift =;
_root.sbhiscore =;
_root.mapname =; =;
_root.charposx =;
_root.charposy =;
if ( > 0) {
Symbol 1519 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 2;
on (release) {
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE2");
(_root.InvID[1] =;
(_root.InvNumber[1] =;
(_root.InvID[2] =;
(_root.InvNumber[2] =;
(_root.InvID[3] =;
(_root.InvNumber[3] =;
(_root.InvID[4] =;
(_root.InvNumber[4] =;
(_root.InvID[5] =;
(_root.InvNumber[5] =;
(_root.InvID[6] =;
(_root.InvNumber[6] =;
(_root.InvID[7] =;
(_root.InvNumber[7] =;
(_root.InvID[8] =;
(_root.InvNumber[8] =;
(_root.InvID[9] =;
(_root.InvNumber[9] =;
(_root.InvID[10] =;
(_root.InvNumber[10] =;
(_root.InvID[11] =;
(_root.InvNumber[11] =;
(_root.InvID[12] =;
(_root.InvNumber[12] =;
(_root.InvID[13] =;
(_root.InvNumber[13] =;
(_root.InvID[14] =;
(_root.InvNumber[14] =;
(_root.InvID[15] =;
(_root.InvNumber[15] =;
(_root.InvID[16] =;
(_root.InvNumber[16] =;
(_root.InvID[17] =;
(_root.InvNumber[17] =;
(_root.InvID[18] =;
(_root.InvNumber[18] =;
(_root.InvID[19] =;
(_root.InvNumber[19] =;
(_root.InvID[20] =;
(_root.InvNumber[20] =;
(_root.InvID[21] =;
(_root.InvNumber[21] =;
(_root.InvID[22] =;
(_root.InvNumber[22] =;
(_root.InvID[23] =;
(_root.InvNumber[23] =;
(_root.InvID[24] =;
(_root.InvNumber[24] =;
(_root.InvID[25] =;
(_root.InvNumber[25] =;
(_root.InvID[26] =;
(_root.InvNumber[26] =;
(_root.InvID[27] =;
(_root.InvNumber[27] =;
(_root.InvID[28] =;
(_root.InvNumber[28] =;
(_root.InvID[29] =;
(_root.InvNumber[29] =;
(_root.InvID[30] =;
(_root.InvNumber[30] =; =;
_root.partysize =;
(_root.partyname1 =;
(_root.partyname2 =;
(_root.partyname3 =;
(_root.partysprite1 =;
(_root.partysprite2 =;
(_root.partysprite3 =;
(_root.partycurhp1 =;
(_root.partycurhp2 =;
(_root.partycurhp3 =;
(_root.partymaxhp1 =;
(_root.partymaxhp2 =;
(_root.partymaxhp3 =;
(_root.partycurmp1 =;
(_root.partycurmp2 =;
(_root.partycurmp3 =;
(_root.partymaxmp1 =;
(_root.partymaxmp2 =;
(_root.partymaxmp3 =;
(_root.partydmg1 =;
(_root.partydmg2 =;
(_root.partydmg3 =;
(_root.partydef1 =;
(_root.partydef2 =;
(_root.partydef3 =;
(_root.partylvl1 =;
(_root.partylvl2 =;
(_root.partylvl3 =;
(_root.partyexp1 =;
(_root.partyexp2 =;
(_root.partyexp3 =;
(_root.partytnl1 =;
(_root.partytnl2 =;
(_root.partytnl3 =;
(_root.partyweapon1 =;
(_root.partyweapon2 =;
(_root.partyweapon3 =;
(_root.partyarm1 =;
(_root.partyarm2 =;
(_root.partyarm3 =;
(_root.partyacc1 =;
(_root.partyacc2 =;
(_root.partyacc3 =;
(_root.partyspl1[1] =;
(_root.partyspl2[1] =;
(_root.partyspl3[1] =;
(_root.partyspl1[2] =;
(_root.partyspl2[2] =;
(_root.partyspl3[2] =;
(_root.partyspl1[3] =;
(_root.partyspl2[3] =;
(_root.partyspl3[3] =;
(_root.partyspl1[4] =;
(_root.partyspl2[4] =;
(_root.partyspl3[4] =;
(_root.partyspl1[5] =;
(_root.partyspl2[5] =;
(_root.partyspl3[5] =;
(_root.partyspl1[6] =;
(_root.partyspl2[6] =;
(_root.partyspl3[6] =;
(_root.partydead1 =;
(_root.partydead2 =;
(_root.partydead3 =;
(_root.partyslp1 =;
(_root.partyslp2 =;
(_root.partyslp3 =;
(_root.partyslpx1 =;
(_root.partyslpx2 =;
(_root.partyslpx3 =;
(_root.partypsn1 =;
(_root.partypsn2 =;
(_root.partypsn3 =;
(_root.partypsnv1 =;
(_root.partypsnv2 =;
(_root.partypsnv3 =;
(_root.partypsnx1 =;
(_root.partypsnx2 =;
(_root.partypsnx3 =;
(_root.partystop1 =;
(_root.partystop2 =;
(_root.partystop3 =;
(_root.partystopv1 =;
(_root.partystopv2 =;
(_root.partystopv3 =;
(_root.partystopx1 =;
(_root.partystopx2 =;
(_root.partystopx3 =;
(_root.partysilence1 =;
(_root.partysilence2 =;
(_root.partysilence3 =;
(_root.partysilencex1 =;
(_root.partysilencex2 =;
(_root.partysilencex3 =;
(_root.partyweak1 =;
(_root.partyweak2 =;
(_root.partyweak3 =;
(_root.partyweakx1 =;
(_root.partyweakx2 =;
(_root.partyweakx3 =;
_root.mech =;
_root.cranelift =;
_root.sbhiscore =;
_root.mapname =; =;
_root.charposx =;
_root.charposy =;
if ( > 0) {
Symbol 1520 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.itemsel = 3;
on (release) {
_root.pos = sharedobject.getLocal("RPGSAVE3");
(_root.InvID[1] =;
(_root.InvNumber[1] =;
(_root.InvID[2] =;
(_root.InvNumber[2] =;
(_root.InvID[3] =;
(_root.InvNumber[3] =;
(_root.InvID[4] =;
(_root.InvNumber[4] =;
(_root.InvID[5] =;
(_root.InvNumber[5] =;
(_root.InvID[6] =;
(_root.InvNumber[6] =;
(_root.InvID[7] =;
(_root.InvNumber[7] =;
(_root.InvID[8] =;
(_root.InvNumber[8] =;
(_root.InvID[9] =;
(_root.InvNumber[9] =;
(_root.InvID[10] =;
(_root.InvNumber[10] =;
(_root.InvID[11] =;
(_root.InvNumber[11] =;
(_root.InvID[12] =;
(_root.InvNumber[12] =;
(_root.InvID[13] =;
(_root.InvNumber[13] =;
(_root.InvID[14] =;
(_root.InvNumber[14] =;
(_root.InvID[15] =;
(_root.InvNumber[15] =;
(_root.InvID[16] =;
(_root.InvNumber[16] =;
(_root.InvID[17] =;
(_root.InvNumber[17] =;
(_root.InvID[18] =;
(_root.InvNumber[18] =;
(_root.InvID[19] =;
(_root.InvNumber[19] =;
(_root.InvID[20] =;
(_root.InvNumber[20] =;
(_root.InvID[21] =;
(_root.InvNumber[21] =;
(_root.InvID[22] =;
(_root.InvNumber[22] =;
(_root.InvID[23] =;
(_root.InvNumber[23] =;
(_root.InvID[24] =;
(_root.InvNumber[24] =;
(_root.InvID[25] =;
(_root.InvNumber[25] =;
(_root.InvID[26] =;
(_root.InvNumber[26] =;
(_root.InvID[27] =;
(_root.InvNumber[27] =;
(_root.InvID[28] =;
(_root.InvNumber[28] =;
(_root.InvID[29] =;
(_root.InvNumber[29] =;
(_root.InvID[30] =;
(_root.InvNumber[30] =; =;
_root.partysize =;
(_root.partyname1 =;
(_root.partyname2 =;
(_root.partyname3 =;
(_root.partysprite1 =;
(_root.partysprite2 =;
(_root.partysprite3 =;
(_root.partycurhp1 =;
(_root.partycurhp2 =;
(_root.partycurhp3 =;
(_root.partymaxhp1 =;
(_root.partymaxhp2 =;
(_root.partymaxhp3 =;
(_root.partycurmp1 =;
(_root.partycurmp2 =;
(_root.partycurmp3 =;
(_root.partymaxmp1 =;
(_root.partymaxmp2 =;
(_root.partymaxmp3 =;
(_root.partydmg1 =;
(_root.partydmg2 =;
(_root.partydmg3 =;
(_root.partydef1 =;
(_root.partydef2 =;
(_root.partydef3 =;
(_root.partylvl1 =;
(_root.partylvl2 =;
(_root.partylvl3 =;
(_root.partyexp1 =;
(_root.partyexp2 =;
(_root.partyexp3 =;
(_root.partytnl1 =;
(_root.partytnl2 =;
(_root.partytnl3 =;
(_root.partyweapon1 =;
(_root.partyweapon2 =;
(_root.partyweapon3 =;
(_root.partyarm1 =;
(_root.partyarm2 =;
(_root.partyarm3 =;
(_root.partyacc1 =;
(_root.partyacc2 =;
(_root.partyacc3 =;
(_root.partyspl1[1] =;
(_root.partyspl2[1] =;
(_root.partyspl3[1] =;
(_root.partyspl1[2] =;
(_root.partyspl2[2] =;
(_root.partyspl3[2] =;
(_root.partyspl1[3] =;
(_root.partyspl2[3] =;
(_root.partyspl3[3] =;
(_root.partyspl1[4] =;
(_root.partyspl2[4] =;
(_root.partyspl3[4] =;
(_root.partyspl1[5] =;
(_root.partyspl2[5] =;
(_root.partyspl3[5] =;
(_root.partyspl1[6] =;
(_root.partyspl2[6] =;
(_root.partyspl3[6] =;
(_root.partydead1 =;
(_root.partydead2 =;
(_root.partydead3 =;
(_root.partyslp1 =;
(_root.partyslp2 =;
(_root.partyslp3 =;
(_root.partyslpx1 =;
(_root.partyslpx2 =;
(_root.partyslpx3 =;
(_root.partypsn1 =;
(_root.partypsn2 =;
(_root.partypsn3 =;
(_root.partypsnv1 =;
(_root.partypsnv2 =;
(_root.partypsnv3 =;
(_root.partypsnx1 =;
(_root.partypsnx2 =;
(_root.partypsnx3 =;
(_root.partystop1 =;
(_root.partystop2 =;
(_root.partystop3 =;
(_root.partystopv1 =;
(_root.partystopv2 =;
(_root.partystopv3 =;
(_root.partystopx1 =;
(_root.partystopx2 =;
(_root.partystopx3 =;
(_root.partysilence1 =;
(_root.partysilence2 =;
(_root.partysilence3 =;
(_root.partysilencex1 =;
(_root.partysilencex2 =;
(_root.partysilencex3 =;
(_root.partyweak1 =;
(_root.partyweak2 =;
(_root.partyweak3 =;
(_root.partyweakx1 =;
(_root.partyweakx2 =;
(_root.partyweakx3 =;
_root.mech =;
_root.cranelift =;
_root.sbhiscore =;
_root.mapname =; =;
_root.charposx =;
_root.charposy =;
if ( > 0) {