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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Dress Up Rush.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #46885

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="11" color="#990099" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Boutique Design</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="11" color="#990099" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Fashion Design</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="11" color="#990099" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Description</font></p>



<p align="center"></p>











Customer Served:

Customer Lost:

Total Money:

Level Money:






Level Score:


Total Score:






<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="20" color="#990000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>CONGRATULATIONS!</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="12" color="#990000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">New funny characters - shoplifter, porter who helps customers bring their package, modeller who helps customers make their choice, cleaner who helps Jane to keep up boutique in order.</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="12" color="#990000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Funny mini game between game levels.</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="12" color="#990000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">More then 130 different clothes (including accessories).</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="12" color="#990000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">You can choose what wear you want to sell - for men, women, or both.</font></p>





<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="18" color="#990000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>CONGRATULATIONS!</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">ARE YOU SURE TO ABORT GAME?</font></p>



<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Sample text this is a hint text hello world Sample text this is a hint text hello worldSample text this is a hint text hello </font></p>

<p align="left"></p>

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; var pv; mb = "__mochibot__"; mbc = ""; g = (_global ? (_global) : (_level0._root)); if (g[mb + swfid]) { return(g[mb + swfid]); } s =; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = (x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : ((_global ? 6 : 5))); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == "localWithFile") { return(null); } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } pv = ((fv == 5) ? (getVersion()) : (System.capabilities.version)); u = (((((((((((("http://" + mbc) + "/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=") + fv) + "&v=") + escape(pv)) + "&swfid=") + escape(swfid)) + "&l=") + lv) + "&f=") + mc) + (sb ? ("&sb=" + sb) : "")) + (trk ? "&t=1" : ""); lv = ((fv > 6) ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : ((g[mb + "level"] ? (g[mb + "level"] + 1) : (lv)))); g[mb + "level"] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = "_level" + lv; if (!eval (res)) { loadMovieNum (u, lv); } } else { res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); } return(undefined); } var INGAMECLICK = true; __com_mochibot__("ae12f09a", this, 10301, true); var progressBmp_ = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("first_progress"); var resultBmp_ = (new flash.display.BitmapData(Stage.width, Stage.height, true, 0)); stop(); var OnMovieBlur; sliderLoading.ReadOnly = true; var INGAMECLICK = true; _root.loadingPhase = 0; var loading_target = _root; var languageXml = new XML(); var urlXml = new XML(); var levelsXml = new XML(); EndLoading = function () { delete amovie.onPress; amovie.removeMovieClip(); _root.onEnterFrame = null; gotoAndStop (3); }; _root.languageXml.ignoreWhite = true; var loaded = 0; var total = 100; var amovie = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("loader", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); var firstBitmap = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("first"); amovie.attachBitmap(firstBitmap, amovie.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.createEmptyMovieClip("custom_logo", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.custom_logo._x = 5; _root.custom_logo._y = 5; _root.createEmptyMovieClip("custom_logo2", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); loadMovie ("customlogo.jpg", custom_logo); loadMovie ("customlogo.png", custom_logo2); if (Helper.SHOWPREGAMEAD == true) { var myOptions = {id:"8e8ff140dab9857e", res:"640x480", clip:_root, color:26265, background:3355443, outline:16777215, ad_progress:function (percent) { }}; myOptions.ad_loaded = function (width, height) { }; myOptions.ad_progress = function (percent) { firstBitmap.copyPixels(progressBmp_, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, (progressBmp_.width / 100) * percent, progressBmp_.height), new flash.geom.Point(100, 0)); if (percent == 100) { } }; MochiAd.showPreGameAd(myOptions); } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { var swf_loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); var swf_total = _root.getBytesTotal(); var percs = 0; if ((swf_total != 0) && (swf_total != undefined)) { percs = percs + Math.floor((swf_loaded * 100) / swf_total); } if (!((percs >= 0) && (percs <= 100))) { percs = 0; } if (isNaN(percs)) { percs = 0; } if (!((percs >= 0) && (percs <= 100))) { percs = 0; } var out_percs = 0; if (percs >= 0) { if (percs <= 100) { out_percs = percs; } } if (out_percs == Number.NaN) { out_percs = 0; } firstBitmap.copyPixels(progressBmp_, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, (progressBmp_.width / 100) * out_percs, progressBmp_.height), new flash.geom.Point(100, 0)); var percs_str = String(out_percs); if (percs_str == "NaN") { percs_str = "0"; } strLoading = ("LOADING " + percs_str) + "%"; if (percs == 100) { _root.EndLoading(); } }; }
Frame 3
delete amovie.onPress; amovie.removeMovieClip(); _root.onEnterFrame = null; _root.loader.removeMovieClip(); attachMovie("Game", "Game1", 1); Game1.Create(); stop();
Symbol 467 MovieClip [__Packages.Helper] Frame 0
class Helper { function Helper () { } static function getRoot() { var retStr = _root._url; if (retStr.indexOf("file:") != -1) { retStr = "localFile"; } return(retStr); } static function musicVolume(aVol) { if (Game.musicOBJ_ != undefined) { Game.musicOBJ_.setVolume(aVol); } } static function musicPlay(aMus) { if (Game.musicOBJ_ != undefined) { Game.musicOBJ_.stop(); delete Game.musicOBJ_; } Game.musicOBJ_ = new Sound(Game.musicClip_); Game.musicOBJ_.attachSound(aMus); Game.musicOBJ_.setVolume(Menu_Options.musicVal_); Game.musicOBJ_.start(0, 1000); } static function soundPlay(aSnd) { var aSound = new Sound(Game.soundClip_); aSound.attachSound(aSnd); aSound.setVolume(Menu_Options.soundVal_); aSound.start(); return(aSound); } static function GetIt() { getURL (DOWNLOADPATH, "_blank"); } static function MoreGames() { getURL (GOTOPATH, "_blank"); } static var SHOWPREGAMEAD = true; static var LANG = "ENG"; static var GAMEID = "DressUpRushOnline"; static var GOTOPATH = ""; static var DOWNLOADPATH = ""; static var ADSLINK = (((("" + getRoot()) + "&event3=") + GAMEID) + "&goto=") + GOTOPATH; static var DNLDLINK = (((("" + getRoot()) + "&event3=") + GAMEID) + "&goto=") + DOWNLOADPATH; static var INGAMECLICK = true; static var SHOW_MOCHIADS = true; static var SHOW_INGAMEADS = true; }
Symbol 468 MovieClip [__Packages.Game] Frame 0
#initclip if (!_global.Game) { var _local1 = function () { super(); }; _global.Game = _local1; //_global.Game extends MovieClip var _local2 = _local1.prototype; _local1.disableTips = function () { var i = 0; while (i < Game.tipsDone.length) { if (Game.tipsDone[i] == Game.TIPNODONE) { Game.tipsDone[i] = Game.TIPDISABLED; } i++; } }; _local1.forceEnableTips = function () { var i = 0; while (i < Game.tipsDone.length) { Game.tipsDone[i] = Game.TIPNODONE; i++; } }; _local1.enableTips = function () { var i = 0; while (i < Game.tipsDone.length) { if (Game.tipsDone[i] == Game.TIPDISABLED) { Game.tipsDone[i] = Game.TIPNODONE; } i++; } }; _local1.calculateLevelScore = function (aMoney) { var sumIndex = 0; for (var key in Game.objsToCreate) { if ((((Game.objsToCreate[key].coeff_ != 0) && (!isNaN(Game.objsToCreate[key].coeff_))) && (Game.objsToCreate[key].coeff_ != undefined)) && (Game.objsToCreate[key]._name != undefined)) { sumIndex = sumIndex + Game.objsToCreate[key].coeff_; } } Game.levelScore_ = Math.round(aMoney + (aMoney * sumIndex)); }; _local1.calculateTotalScore = function (aMoney) { var sumIndex = 0; for (var key in Game.objsToCreate) { if ((((Game.objsToCreate[key].coeff_ != 0) && (!isNaN(Game.objsToCreate[key].coeff_))) && (Game.objsToCreate[key].coeff_ != undefined)) && (Game.objsToCreate[key]._name != undefined)) { sumIndex = sumIndex + Game.objsToCreate[key].coeff_; } } Game.totalScore_ = Game.totalScore_ + Math.round(aMoney + (aMoney * sumIndex)); }; _local2.__set__gamePlay = function (aVal) { this.gamePlay_ = aVal; if (this.gamePlay_ == false) { for (var key in Game.objsToCreate) { Game.objsToCreate[key].gamePlay = false; } } else { for (var key in Game.objsToCreate) { Game.objsToCreate[key].gamePlay = true; } this.startTime_ = getTimer(); this.programState_ = Game.PST_PLAYING; if (Game.musicOBJ_ == undefined) { Helper.musicPlay("sndGame"); } } return(this.__get__gamePlay()); }; _local2.__get__gamePlay = function () { return(this.gamePlay_); }; _local1.Translate = function (aString) { return(Game.gameXMLs["translation.xml"].firstChild.attributes[aString]); }; _local2.__set__moneyVal = function (aVal) { if (Math.round(aVal) != this.moneyVal_) { this.moneyVal_ = Math.round(aVal); this.gMenu.edtMoney = this.moneyVal_; } return(this.__get__moneyVal()); }; _local1.showTip = function (tipsId, aFunc, aScope, hlX, hlY) { var exitFunc; var exitScope; if (aFunc != undefined) { exitFunc = aFunc; } if (aScope != undefined) { exitScope = aScope; } if (hlX == undefined) { hlX = Game.tipsData[tipsId][2]; } if (hlY == undefined) { hlY = Game.tipsData[tipsId][3]; } if ((Game.tipsDone[tipsId] == Game.TIPDONE) || (Game.tipsDone[tipsId] == Game.TIPDISABLED)) { exitScope[exitFunc].call(exitScope); } else { Game.tipsDone[tipsId] = Game.TIPDONE; Game.aTip = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_.attachMovie("mcTip", "Tip1", Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.whatDraw = Game.aTip.create(exitFunc, exitScope, Game.tipsData[tipsId][6], new flash.geom.Point(hlX, hlY), new flash.geom.Point(Game.tipsData[tipsId][0], Game.tipsData[tipsId][1])); Game.aTip.setPos(Game.tipsData[tipsId][0], Game.tipsData[tipsId][1]); Game.aTip.tipsText = Game.Translate("TIP" + tipsId); } }; _local2.__get__moneyVal = function () { return(this.moneyVal_); }; _local2.updateMoneyTween = function (aVal) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(Game.GAMEINSTANCE, "moneyVal", [this.__get__moneyVal() + aVal], 0.5, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0); }; _local1.updateMoney = function (aVal) { Game.totalMoney_ = Game.totalMoney_ + aVal; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.levelMoney = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.levelMoney + aVal; if ((Game.completedshown == false) && (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__get__levelMoney() >= Game.goalVal_)) { Game.goalsound = Helper.soundPlay("sndGoal"); Game.ShowStartTextAnimation(Game.Translate("GAME_GOAL_COMPLETE"), "afterGoalCompleted", 3000, 330); Game.completedshown = true; } Game.GAMEINSTANCE.updateMoneyTween(aVal); }; _local1.showLevelEnd = function () { if (Game.maxCustomers_ == (Game.customersLost_ + Game.customersServed_)) { if (Game.levelcompletedshown == false) { Game.levelcompletedshown = true; if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__get__levelMoney() >= Game.goalVal_) { Game.ShowStartTextAnimation(Game.Translate("GAME_YOU_WIN"), "afterGoalCompleted", 5000, 130); Game.soundClip_.stop(); Game.goalsound.stop(); Helper.musicPlay("sndlevelup"); } else { Game.soundClip_.stop(); Helper.musicPlay("sndLevelDefeat"); Game.ShowStartTextAnimation(Game.Translate("GAME_YOU_LOSE"), "afterGoalCompleted", 3000, 130); } } } }; _local1.RemoveMeCallback = function (mc) { mc.removeMovieClip(); mc = undefined; }; _local1.CreateTrailToPoint = function (parentmc, fly_from, fly_to, head_mc_name, trail_mc_name) { var d = parentmc.getNextHighestDepth(); var head_mc = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_.attachMovie(Game.gameXMLs["coin.xml"].firstChild.attributes.classname, "aCoin" + Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_.getNextHighestDepth(), Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); head_mc.createByXML(Game.gameXMLs["coin.xml"], Game.GAMEINSTANCE); head_mc.xPos_ = fly_from.x; head_mc.yPos_ = fly_from.y; head_mc.setPosition(fly_from.x, fly_from.y); head_mc.playCycle(); = Math.atan2(Game.ANIM_TRAIL_START_DIRECT_Y, Game.ANIM_TRAIL_START_DIRECT_X); head_mc._x = fly_from.x; head_mc.yPos_ = fly_from.y; head_mc.fly_to = fly_to; head_mc.trail_mc_name = trail_mc_name; head_mc.speed = Game.ANIM_TRAIL_START_SPEED; head_mc.fly_distance = 0; head_mc.trail_distance = 0; head_mc.finish_phase = 0; head_mc.ang_change_summ = 0; head_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.finish_phase > 0) { if (this.finish_phase == 1) { this.xPos_ = fly_to.x; this.yPos_ = fly_to.y; this._alpha = 60; this.finish_phase = 2; } else if (this.finish_phase == 2) { this.finish_phase = 3; MovieClip(this).removeMovieClip(); this = undefined; } return(undefined); } var targ_ang = Math.atan2(this.fly_to.y - this.yPos_, this.fly_to.x - this.xPos); var diff_ang = (targ_ang -; if (Math.abs(diff_ang) > Math.PI) { diff_ang = ((diff_ang > 0) ? -1 : 1) * ((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(diff_ang)); } = + (diff_ang * Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_ANGLE_CHANGE_COEFF); if ( > Math.PI) { = - (Math.PI*2); } else if ( < -3.14159265358979) { = + (Math.PI*2); } var targ_dist1 = Math.sqrt(((this.fly_to.x - this.xPos_) * (this.fly_to.x - this.xPos_)) + ((this.fly_to.y - this.yPos_) * (this.fly_to.y - this.yPos_))); if (this._prev_time == undefined) { this._prev_time = getTimer(); } var dtime = (getTimer() - this._prev_time); this._prev_time = getTimer(); var speed2 = ((this.speed * ((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(diff_ang * Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_ANGLE_CHANGE_COEFF_FOR_SPEED))) / (Math.PI*2)); var fly_length = ((speed2 * dtime) / 1000); this.xPos_ = this.xPos_ + (Math.cos( * fly_length); this.yPos_ = this.yPos_ + (Math.sin( * fly_length); this.fly_distance = this.fly_distance + fly_length; this.trail_distance = this.trail_distance + fly_length; this.ang_change_summ = this.ang_change_summ + Math.abs(diff_ang); if (this.trail_distance > Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_EACH_DISTANCE) { this.trail_distance = this.trail_distance - Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_EACH_DISTANCE; var td = MovieClip(this)._parent.getNextHighestDepth(); var tmc = MovieClip(this)._parent.attachMovie(this.trail_mc_name, this.trail_mc_name + td, td); var tmc = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_.attachMovie(Game.gameXMLs["coin.xml"].firstChild.attributes.classname, "aCoin" + td, Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); tmc.createByXML(Game.gameXMLs["coin.xml"], Game.GAMEINSTANCE); tmc.xPos_ = this.xPos_ - (Math.cos( * Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_DIST_DELAY); tmc.yPos_ = this.yPos_ - (Math.sin( * Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_DIST_DELAY); tmc.setPosition(tmc.xPos_, tmc.yPos_); tmc.playCycle(); tmc.xPos_ = this.xPos_ - (Math.cos( * Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_DIST_DELAY); tmc.yPos_ = this.yPos_ - (Math.sin( * Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_DIST_DELAY); var trail_to_x = (tmc.xPos_ + (Math.cos( * fly_length)); var trail_to_y = (tmc.yPos_ + (Math.sin( * fly_length)); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(tmc, "_alpha,xPos_,yPos_", [0, trail_to_x, trail_to_y], Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_LIFE_TIME, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeInQuad, 0, {scope:Fx, func:"RemoveMeCallback", args:tmc}); } var targ_dist2 = Math.sqrt(((this.fly_to.x - this.xPos_) * (this.fly_to.x - this.xPos_)) + ((this.fly_to.y - this.yPos_) * (this.fly_to.y - this.yPos_))); if (((targ_dist2 > targ_dist1) && (targ_dist2 < (fly_length * 2.5))) || (this.ang_change_summ > 30)) { this.finish_phase = 1; } }; }; _local1.coinDone = function (aCoin) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.removeTween(aCoin); aCoin.removeMovieClip(); delete aCoin; }; _local1.forceHero = function () { Game.objsToCreate.hero.velocity_ = 330; Game.objsToCreate.hero.showStars(); _global.setTimeout(Game.velNormalHero, 15000); _global.setTimeout(Game.hideStars, 15000); }; _local1.velNormalHero = function () { Game.objsToCreate.hero.velocity_ = 230; }; _local1.hideStars = function () { Game.objsToCreate.hero.hideStars(); }; _local1.startCoin = function (startPoint, endPoint) { if (startPoint == undefined) { startPoint = new flash.geom.Point(320, 450); } if (endPoint == undefined) { endPoint = new flash.geom.Point(500, 10); } Game.CreateTrailToPoint(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_, startPoint, endPoint, "head_mc_name", "trail_mc_name"); }; _local1.startCoins = function () { Helper.soundPlay("sndCheckOut"); Game.startCoin(); }; _local1.getObjectsNotAtPos = function (aPos) { var retArr_ = new Array(); for (var key in Game.objsToCreate) { if ((!Game.objsToCreate[key].hitTest(aPos.x, aPos.y, true)) && (Game.objsToCreate[key].selectAble_ == true)) { retArr_[key] = Game.objsToCreate[key]; } } for (var key in Game.personsRequests) { if (!Game.personsRequests[key].hitTest(aPos.x, aPos.y, true)) { retArr_[key] = Game.personsRequests[key]; } } return(retArr_); }; _local1.getObjectsAtPos = function (aPos) { var retArr_ = new Array(); for (var key in Game.objsToCreate) { if (Game.objsToCreate[key].hitTest(aPos.x, aPos.y, true) && (Game.objsToCreate[key].selectAble_ == true)) { retArr_[key] = Game.objsToCreate[key]; } } for (var key in Game.personsRequests) { if (Game.personsRequests[key].hitTest(aPos.x, aPos.y, true)) { retArr_[key] = Game.personsRequests[key]; } } return(retArr_); }; _local1.hideSelection = function (parent) { if (parent instanceof Cloud) { var aSofa = parent.parentContainer_; if (aSofa.hitTest(Game.GAMEINSTANCE._xmouse, Game.GAMEINSTANCE._ymouse, true)) { return(undefined); } } else if (parent instanceof Mebel) { if (parent.hitTest(Game.GAMEINSTANCE._xmouse, Game.GAMEINSTANCE._ymouse, true)) { return(undefined); } } else if (parent instanceof GameClother) { parent["sel" + parent._name].removeMovieClip(); Game.selections_[parent] = undefined; } if (!parent.hitTest(Game.GAMEINSTANCE._xmouse, Game.GAMEINSTANCE._ymouse, true)) { if (parent instanceof Mebel) { var aPerson = parent.getData("OWNER"); if (Game.personsRequests[aPerson] != undefined) { Game.personsRequests[aPerson]["sel" + Game.personsRequests[aPerson]._name].removeMovieClip(); Game.selections_[Game.personsRequests[aPerson]] = undefined; } parent["sel" + parent._name].removeMovieClip(); Game.selections_[parent] = undefined; } else if (parent instanceof Cloud) { var aSofa = parent.parentContainer_; aSofa["sel" + aSofa._name].removeMovieClip(); Game.selections_[aSofa] = undefined; parent["sel" + parent._name].removeMovieClip(); Game.selections_[parent] = undefined; } } }; _local1.trySelect = function (parent, xpos, ypos) { if (Game.selections_[parent] == undefined) { if (parent instanceof Cloud) { } var selClip = parent.createEmptyMovieClip("sel" + parent._name, 1000); Game.selections_[parent] = selClip; selClip._x = xpos; selClip._y = ypos; if (parent instanceof GameClother) { selClip.attachBitmap(parent.selection_, 0); } else { selClip.attachBitmap(parent.selectionData_, 0); } return(true); } return(false); }; _local1.drawSelection = function (parent, xpos, ypos) { for (var key in Game.selections_) { if (Game.selections_[key]._parent instanceof Cloud) { if (parent instanceof Mebel) { if (Game.selections_[key]._parent.parentContainer_ != parent) { Game.selections_[key].removeMovieClip(); Game.selections_[key] = undefined; } } else if (parent instanceof Cloud) { if (parent != Game.selections_[key]._parent) { Game.selections_[key].removeMovieClip(); Game.selections_[key] = undefined; } } } else if (Game.selections_[key]._parent instanceof Mebel) { if (parent instanceof Cloud) { if (parent.parentContainer_ != Game.selections_[key]._parent) { Game.selections_[key].removeMovieClip(); Game.selections_[key] = undefined; } } else if (parent instanceof Mebel) { if (parent != Game.selections_[key]._parent) { Game.selections_[key].removeMovieClip(); Game.selections_[key] = undefined; } } } } if (Game.trySelect(parent, xpos, ypos)) { if (parent instanceof Mebel) { var aPerson = parent.getData("OWNER"); if (Game.personsRequests[aPerson] != undefined) { Game.trySelect(Game.personsRequests[aPerson], Game.personsRequests[aPerson].selectionX_, Game.personsRequests[aPerson].selectionY); } } else if (parent instanceof Cloud) { var aSofa = parent.parentContainer_; Game.trySelect(aSofa, aSofa.selectionX_, aSofa.selectionY); } } }; _local1.afterGoalCompleted = function (aMc) { aMc.removeMovieClip(); delete aMc; }; _local1.afterGo = function (aMc, aFuse) { aMc.removeMovieClip(); delete aMc; }; _local1.afterGetReady = function (aMc, aFuse, lastClip) { if (aMc == lastClip) { Game.ShowStartTextAnimation(Game.Translate("GAME_GO"), "afterGo", 2000, 130); } aMc.removeMovieClip(); delete aMc; }; _local1.ShowStartTextAnimation = function (aText, nextFunc, animTime, charY) { if (animTime == undefined) { animTime = Game.StartTextAnimation_TIME; } var between_chars = 34; var char_x = ((Stage.width / 2) - ((aText.length * between_chars) / 2)); if (charY != undefined) { var char_y = charY; } else { var char_y = (Stage.height / 2); } var start_fall_dy_min = 200; var start_fall_dy_diff = 50; var fall_time = (animTime / 1000); var fade_time = ((animTime / 1000) * 0.15); var i = 0; while (i < aText.length) { var ch = aText.charAt(i); var d = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_.getNextHighestDepth(); var mc = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_.attachMovie("BeginTextSymbolAnim", "beginTextSymbolAnim" + d, d); var lastClip; if (i == (aText.length - 1)) { lastClip = mc; } mc._x = char_x; mc._y = Math.random() * 100; mc.strValue2 = ch; mc.strValue3 = ch; MovieClip(mc.mcMasked).setMask(mc.textMask); var f = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse()); f.label = ("AnimationStart" + d) + aText; f.__set__target(mc); f.push({label:("appear" + d) + aText, y:char_y, start_alpha:0, time:fall_time, ease:com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeOutBounce}); f.push({_alpha:50, time:fade_time}); f.push({label:"eraseAnim", scope:Game, func:nextFunc, args:[mc, f, lastClip]}); f.start(true); char_x = char_x + between_chars; i++; } }; _local1.objectToPlace = function (object, place, objectPoint, placePoint) { object._x = (place._x + placePoint.x) - objectPoint.x; object._y = (place._y + placePoint.y) - objectPoint.y; }; _local1.showPers = function () { Game.objsToCreate.hero._visible = true; Game.objsToCreate.hero.gamePlay_ = true; for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (Game.objsToCreate[key].custstate != States.STATE_CUST_PREPARE_INVIS) { Game.objsToCreate[key]._visible = true; } } }; _local1.hidePers = function () { for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { Game.objsToCreate[key]._visible = false; } }; _local2.__get__levelMoney = function () { return(this.levelMoney_); }; _local2.__set__levelMoney = function (aVal) { this.levelMoney_ = aVal; return(this.__get__levelMoney()); }; _local1.getObjs = function (names, states, values) { var retArr = new Array(); for (var key in Game.objsToCreate) { var nameFounded = false; var i = 0; while (i < names.length) { if (Game.objsToCreate[key].name_ == names[i]) { nameFounded = true; break; } i++; } var statevalue = true; if (nameFounded == true) { var i = 0; while (i < states.length) { if (Game.objsToCreate[key].getData(states[i]) != values[i]) { statevalue = false; break; } i++; } if (statevalue) { retArr.push(Game.objsToCreate[key]); } } } return(retArr); }; _local1.restartClouds = function () { for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD != undefined) { Game.objsToCreate[key].askFuse.stop(); Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.imageScale = 1; Game.objsToCreate[key].askFuse.start(); } } }; _local1.coldClouds = function () { for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD != undefined) { Game.objsToCreate[key].askFuse.pause(); Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.showFreeze(); } } _global.setTimeout(Game.uncoldClouds, 3000); }; _local1.uncoldClouds = function () { for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD != undefined) { Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.hideFreeze(); Game.objsToCreate[key].askFuse.resume(); } } }; _local1.endFade = function () { if (Game.aTip != undefined) { Game.aTip.hLite.attachBitmap(Game.whatDraw, 0); var darkBmp = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("dark"); Game.aTip.hLite.attachBitmap(darkBmp, 1); } }; _local1.pauseGame = function () { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__set__gamePlay(false); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.pausedQuant = true; for (var key in Game.objsToCreate) { Game.objsToCreate[key].pauseQuant(); } com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.pauseTween(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gMenu); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gameClip_, "_brightness", [-50], 0.5, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0, {func:"endFade", scope:Game}); if (Game.bonusClip_ != undefined) { Game.bonusClip_.bonusFuse.pause(); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.pauseTween(Game.bonusClip_.mcAnim); } Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gMenu.gamePlay = false; }; _local2.startLevel = function () { Game.BONUSSHOWN = false; Game.objsToCreate.hero.aShadow_._visible = true; this.__set__levelMoney(0); Game.levelcompletedshown = false; Game.completedshown = false; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.initLevel(); Game.musicOBJ_.stop(); delete Game.musicOBJ_; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__set__gamePlay(true); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.pausedQuant = false; for (var key in Game.objsToCreate) { Game.objsToCreate[key].resumeQuant(); } com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gameClip_, "_brightness", [0], 0.5, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gMenu.gamePlay = true; this.processMap(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gMenu.runTimeBar(Game.timeOutTime); Game.showPers(); Game.NextCustomer(); Game.ShowStartTextAnimation(Game.Translate("GAME_GET_READY"), "afterGetReady", 2500, 210); }; _local1.resumeGame = function () { Game.LASTPRESSED = getTimer(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__set__gamePlay(true); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.pausedQuant = false; for (var key in Game.objsToCreate) { Game.objsToCreate[key].resumeQuant(); } com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gameClip_, "_brightness", [0], 0.5, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gMenu.gamePlay = true; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.resumeTween(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gMenu); if (Game.bonusClip_ != undefined) { Game.bonusClip_.bonusFuse.resume(); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.resumeTween(Game.bonusClip_.mcAnim); } }; _local1.abortGame = function () { }; _local1.trimString = function (aStr) { var retval = aStr; while (aStr.charAt(0) == " ") { aStr = aStr.slice(1); } while (aStr.charAt(aStr.length - 1) == " ") { aStr = aStr.slice(0, aStr.length - 1); } return(aStr); }; _local1.onCommand = function (aCommand) { switch (aCommand) { case "GAME_MENU" : if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__get__gamePlay() == true) { Game.pauseGame(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showInGameMenu(); } return; case "TRY_OK" : Game.totalMoney_ = Game.totalMoney_ - Game.GAMEINSTANCE.moneyVal; Game.totalScore_ = Game.totalScore_ - Game.levelScore_; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_; Game.RESTARTED = true; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showMapMenu(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.interLevelMenuClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.GAMEINSTANCE.interLevelMenuClip_; return; case "TRY_CANCEL" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_.toDisable_.gamePlay = true; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_.toDisable_._visible = true; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_; return; case "INTER_AGAIN" : if (Game.levelNum_ >= 15) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showEndGameMenu(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.interLevelMenuClip_.removeMovieClip(); } else { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showSureTryAgainMenu(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.interLevelMenuClip_); } return; case "INTER_NEXT" : if (Game.levelNum_ >= 15) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showEndGameMenu(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.interLevelMenuClip_.removeMovieClip(); } else { Game.levelNum_++; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showMapMenu(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.interLevelMenuClip_.removeMovieClip(); } return; case "END_OK" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.endGameClip_.removeMovieClip(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.destroy(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.Create(); return; case "INGAME_MOREGAMES" : case "MAIN_MOREGAMES" : Helper.MoreGames(); return; case "INGAME_GETFULL" : case "MAIN_GETFULL" : Helper.GetIt(); return; case "SURE_YES" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.ingameMenuClip_.removeMovieClip(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.destroy(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.Create(); return; case "SURE_NO" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_.toDisable_.gamePlay = true; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_.toDisable_._visible = true; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_; return; case "INGAME_ABORT" : if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.ingameMenuClip_._name != undefined) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showSureMenu(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.ingameMenuClip_); } else { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.ingameMenuClip_.removeMovieClip(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.destroy(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.Create(); } return; case "INGAME_OPTIONS" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showOptMenu(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.ingameMenuClip_); return; case "INGAME_RESUME" : Game.musicOBJ_.stop(); delete Game.musicOBJ_; Game.resumeGame(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.ingameMenuClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.GAMEINSTANCE.ingameMenuClip_; return; case "OPT_OK" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.optClip_.toDisable_.gamePlay = true; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.optClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.GAMEINSTANCE.optClip_; return; case "PLAYER_OK" : var plName = Game.trimString(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.plaClip_.varPlayer); if (plName == "") { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.plaClip_.varPlayer = "PLAYER"; } else { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.plaClip_.varPlayer = plName; } Game.PLAYERNAME = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.plaClip_.varPlayer; MainMenu.showWelcomeMsg(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.plaClip_.toDisable_.gamePlay = true; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.plaClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.GAMEINSTANCE.plaClip_; return; case "OPT_BACK" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.optClip_.musicVal = Menu_Options.prevMusic_; Helper.musicVolume(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.optClip_.musicVal); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.optClip_.toDisable_.gamePlay = true; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.optClip_.removeMovieClip(); return; case "MAIN_OPTIONS" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showOptMenu(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.mainMenuClip_); return; case "MAIN_PLAYER" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showPlayerMenu(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.mainMenuClip_); return; case "MAIN_START" : _root.custom_logo.removeMovieClip(); _root.custom_logo2.removeMovieClip(); delete _root.custom_logo; delete _root.custom_logo2; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showMapMenu(); return; case "MAIN_EXIT" : return; case "MAP_PLAY" : if (Game.levelNum_ == 1) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showLoadingMenu(Game.PST_LOADING_LEVEL); } else { if ((Game.levelNum_ == 2) && (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gameClip_["Stoika" + Game.BRB_ST] == undefined)) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.createBaraban(Game.BRB_ST); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.setBarabanPos(); } if ((Game.levelNum_ == 3) && (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gameClip_["Stoika" + Game.BRB_MA] == undefined)) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.createBaraban(Game.BRB_MA); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.setBarabanPos(); } Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__set__gamePlay(false); if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_ == undefined) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_ = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.attachMovie("Shop", "aShop", Game.GAMEINSTANCE.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.create(Game.GAMEINSTANCE); } Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.swapDepths(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.programState_ = Game.PST_INSHOP; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.loadAll(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.clearBought(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.gamePlay = true; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_._visible = true; Game.hidePers(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.updatePreview(); } return; case "SHOP_BUY" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.buySelected(); return; case "SHOP_CNV_RIGHT1" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.firstGood = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.firstGood + 1; return; case "SHOP_CNV_LEFT1" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.firstGood = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.firstGood - 1; return; case "SHOP_CNV_RIGHT2" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.firstClother++; return; case "SHOP_CNV_LEFT2" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.firstClother--; return; case "SHOP_EXIT" : Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.prepareExit(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.gamePlay = false; if ((((Game.levelNum_ == 3) || (Game.levelNum_ == 5)) || (Game.levelNum_ == 15)) && (Helper.SHOW_INGAMEADS == true)) { mc_ADS.showIngameAds(_root, Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showLoadingAfterADS, Game.GAMEINSTANCE, undefined, undefined, undefined); } else if ((((((Game.levelNum_ == 2) || (Game.levelNum_ == 6)) || (Game.levelNum_ == 8)) || (Game.levelNum_ == 10)) || (Game.levelNum_ == 12)) && (Helper.SHOW_MOCHIADS == true)) { Game.musicOBJ_.stop(); MochiAd.showInterLevelAd({id:"8e8ff140dab9857e", res:"640x480", ad_finished:Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showLoadingAfterADS}); } else { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_._visible = false; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.mapClip_.gamePlay = false; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.mapClip_._visible = false; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showLoadingMenu(Game.PST_LOADING_LEVEL); } } }; _local2.nextLevel = function () { }; _local2.prepareNextLevel = function () { Game.levelNum_ = Game.levelNum_ + 1; }; _local2.setBarabanPos = function () { var i = 0; while (i < this.barabanArray_.length) { switch (this.barabanArray_.length) { case 2 : this.barabanArray_[i].setPos(Game.brb_posArray2[i].x, Game.brb_posArray2[i].y); break; case 3 : this.barabanArray_[i].setPos(Game.brb_posArray3[i].x, Game.brb_posArray3[i].y); break; case 4 : this.barabanArray_[i].setPos(Game.brb_posArray4[i].x, Game.brb_posArray4[i].y); } i++; } }; _local2.resetData = function () { Game.LIFES = 3; Game.levelNum_ = 1; Game.totalMoney_ = 0; Game.totalScore_ = 0; Game.levelScore_ = 0; }; _local2.registerMebel = function (keyName, xmlName) { if (Game.objsToCreate[keyName] == undefined) { Game.mebelNmsDomain[keyName] = xmlName; this.createMeb(keyName); } }; _local1.removeMarks = function (target) { var k = target.okCount_; var i = 0; while (i < k) { target["aMark" + i].removeMovieClip(); target.okCount_--; if (target.okCount_ < 0) { target.okCount_ = 0; } i++; } }; _local1.removeMark = function (target) { target["aMark" + target.okCount_].removeMovieClip(); target.okCount_--; if (target.okCount_ < 0) { target.okCount_ = 0; } }; _local1.goodClick = function (target, xpos, ypos) { if ((target.okCount_ == 0) || (target.multiclick_ == true)) { Game.LASTPRESSED = getTimer(); var okClip = target.attachMovie("Mark", "aMark" + Number(target.okCount_ + 1), target.getNextHighestDepth()); okClip.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("mark_ok"), 0); okClip._width = 11; okClip._height = 13; if (target instanceof mcBonus) { okClip._x = (-okClip._width) - (okClip._width / 2); okClip._y = 0; } else if ((xpos == undefined) || (ypos == undefined)) { okClip._x = ((target._width / 2) - (okClip._width / 2)) + (target.okCount_ * 2); okClip._y = ((target._height / 2) - (okClip._height / 2)) + (target.okCount_ * 2); } else { okClip._x = (xpos - (okClip._width / 2)) + (target.okCount_ * 2); okClip._y = (ypos - (okClip._height / 2)) + (target.okCount_ * 2); } target.okCount_++; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(okClip, "_width,_height, _x, _y", [22, 26, okClip._x - 5.5, okClip._y - 6.5], 0.5, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeOutBounce, 0); } }; _local1.badClick = function (target, xpos, ypos) { Helper.soundPlay("sndWrongAction"); Game.LASTPRESSED = getTimer(); if (target.aMark == undefined) { var badClip = target.attachMovie("Mark", "aMark", target.getNextHighestDepth()); badClip.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("mark2"), 0); badClip._width = 11; badClip._height = 13; if ((xpos == undefined) || (ypos == undefined)) { badClip._x = (target._width / 2) - (badClip._width / 2); badClip._y = (target._height / 2) - (badClip._height / 2); } else { badClip._x = xpos - (badClip._width / 2); badClip._y = ypos - (badClip._height / 2); } com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(badClip, "_width,_height, _x, _y", [22, 26, badClip._x - 5.5, badClip._y - 6.5], 0.5, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeOutBounce, 0, {scope:Game, func:"decreaseMark", args:badClip}); } }; _local1.decreaseMark = function (mark) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(mark, "_width,_height, _x, _y", [11, 13, mark._x + 5.5, mark._y + 6.5], 0.5, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeOutQuad, 0, {scope:Game, func:"eraseMark", args:mark}); }; _local1.eraseMark = function (mark) { mark.removeMovieClip(); }; _local2.destroy = function () { this.gameClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete this.gameClip_; for (var key in Game.mebelNmsDomain) { delete Game.mebelNmsDomain[key]; } for (var key in Game.objsToCreate) { Game.objsToCreate[key].removeMovieClip(); delete Game.objsToCreate[key]; } Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_; delete this.onEnterFrame; delete this.onMouseMove; Game.requestsClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.requestsClip_; Game.mebselClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.mebselClip_; Game.packetClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.packetClip_; Game.reqselClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.reqselClip_; Game.carryClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.carryClip_; for (var key in Game.leftShArr) { delete Game.leftShArr[key]; } for (var key in Game.rightShArr) { delete Game.rightShArr[key]; } Game.leftShArr = new Array(); Game.rightShArr = new Array(); Game.forceEnableTips(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_; }; _local2.Create = function () { Game.priceList.pack = 10; this.moneyVal_ = 0; Game.replaceArr.con13_dlg = "con12_dlg"; Game.replaceArr.con5_dlg = "con6_dlg"; Game.replaceArr.con20_dlg = "con18_dlg"; Game.replaceArr.con2_dlg = "con9_dlg"; = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.cup = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con12_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con9_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con6_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con18_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con1_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con10_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con21_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con7_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con15_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con11_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con21_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con19_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con5_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con13_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con4_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con20_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con2_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con24_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con29_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con30_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con31_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con23_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con25_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.con16_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.pack = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); Game.dlgImgPoints.cash_dlg = new flash.geom.Point(-5, 2); this.closedArray_ = new Array(); this.levelCash_ = 10000; Game.GAMEINSTANCE = this; this.barabanArray_ = new Array(); this.swapArray_ = new Array(); var astyles = new TextStyles(); Game.map_ = new Map(); this.gameClip_ = this.createEmptyMovieClip("aGame", this.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.requestsClip_ = this.gameClip_.createEmptyMovieClip("requests", Game.REQUESTSDEPTH); Game.shadowsClip_ = this.gameClip_.createEmptyMovieClip("shadows", Game.SHADOWSDEPTH); Game.mebselClip_ = this.gameClip_.createEmptyMovieClip("mebsel", Game.MEBSELDEPTH); Game.packetClip_ = this.gameClip_.createEmptyMovieClip("packets", Game.PACKETCLIPDEPTH); Game.reqselClip_ = this.gameClip_.createEmptyMovieClip("reqsel", Game.REQUESTSSELDEPTH); Game.carryClip_ = this.gameClip_.createEmptyMovieClip("carry_mc", Game.CARRYDEPTH); if (Game.musicClip_ == undefined) { Game.musicClip_ = this.createEmptyMovieClip("musClip", this.getNextHighestDepth()); } if (Game.soundClip_ == undefined) { Game.soundClip_ = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sndClip", this.getNextHighestDepth()); } Game.extNmsDomain.curtain = "curtain.xml"; Game.custNmsDomain.loverBoy1 = "loverBoy.xml"; Game.custNmsDomain.loverBoy2 = "loverBoy.xml"; Game.custNmsDomain.loverBoy3 = "loverBoy.xml"; Game.custNmsDomain.loverBoy4 = "loverBoy.xml"; Game.custNmsDomain.loverBoy5 = "loverBoy.xml"; Game.custNmsDomain.wwdog5 = "wwdog.xml"; Game.custNmsDomain.wwdog4 = "wwdog.xml"; Game.custNmsDomain.wwdog3 = "wwdog.xml"; Game.custNmsDomain.wwdog2 = "wwdog.xml"; Game.custNmsDomain.wwdog1 = "wwdog.xml"; Game.custNmsDomain.hero = "hero.xml"; Game.mebelNmsDomain.floor1 = "floor1.xml"; Game.mebelNmsDomain.back_window = "backwindow.xml"; Game.mebelNmsDomain.window = "window.xml"; Game.mebelNmsDomain.wall_left = "wall_left.xml"; Game.mebelNmsDomain.wall_right = "wall_right.xml"; Game.mebelNmsDomain.column_left = "column_left.xml"; Game.mebelNmsDomain.column_right = "column_right.xml"; Game.mebelNmsDomain.shelf = "shelf.xml"; Game.mebelNmsDomain.reception = "reception.xml"; Game.mebelNmsDomain.table_center = "table_center.xml"; Game.mebelNmsDomain.sofa_leftu = "sofa_leftu.xml"; Game.mebelNmsDomain.sofa_rightu = "sofa_rightu.xml"; Game.mebelNmsDomain.trash = "trash.xml"; = "menu.xml"; Game.dlgNmsDomain.cloud_leftu = "cloud_left.xml"; Game.dlgNmsDomain.cloud_leftd = "cloud_left.xml"; Game.dlgNmsDomain.cloud_rightu = "cloud_right.xml"; Game.dlgNmsDomain.cloud_rightd = "cloud_right.xml"; Game.dlgNmsDomain.dust_sofa_left = "dust_left.xml"; Game.dlgNmsDomain.dust_sofa_right = "dust_right.xml"; Game.objsToCreate = new Array(); XMLFactory.XMLFactoryCr(); this.programState_ = Game.PST_LOADING_XMLS; this.onEnterFrame = this.aenterFrame; this.resetData(); this.onMouseMove = this.aMouseMove; }; _local1.isCashFree = function () { for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (key != "hero") { if ((Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CASH == true) || (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.INCASH == true)) { return(false); } } } return(true); }; _local2.aMouseMove = function () { Game.LASTPRESSED = getTimer(); if (this.__get__gamePlay() == false) { return(undefined); } var i = 0; while (i < this.barabanArray_.length) { if ((this.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_[2].hitTest(this._xmouse, this._ymouse) && (this.barabanArray_[i].rotating_ != true)) && (this.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_[2].selected_ != true)) { this.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_[2].select(); } else if ((this.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_[2].selected_ == true) && (!this.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_[2].hitTest(this._xmouse, this._ymouse))) { this.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_[2].unselect(); } i++; } }; _local1.getTurnAnim = function (tang) { if ((tang >= -0.5) && (tang <= 0.5)) { return(Game.TURNRIGHT); } if ((tang <= 2.1) && (tang >= 1.5)) { return(Game.TURNFRONT); } if (((tang > 2.7) && (tang <= 3.2)) || ((tang > -3.2) && (tang <= -2.7))) { return(Game.TURNLEFT); } if ((tang >= -1.8) && (tang <= -1.4)) { return(Game.TURNBACK); } if ((tang > 2.1) && (tang < 2.7)) { return(Game.TURNFRONTLEFT); } if ((tang < 1.5) && (tang > 0.5)) { return(Game.TURNFRONTRIGHT); } if ((tang > -2.7) && (tang < -1.8)) { return(Game.TURNBACKLEFT); } if ((tang > -1.4) && (tang < -0.5)) { return(Game.TURNBACKRIGHT); } }; _local1.moveToPoint = function (aClip, xpos, ypos) { var pathArray = Pathfinding.findPath(, Game.map_.YConvertToMap(aClip.getMPY()), Game.map_.XConvertToMap(aClip.getMPX()), Game.map_.YConvertToMap(ypos), Game.map_.XConvertToMap(xpos)); pathArray.shift(); if (pathArray.length > 0) { aClip.MoveToPath(pathArray); } }; _local2.countItems = function (aArr) { var retval = 0; for (var key in aArr) { retval++; } return(retval); }; _local2.addExtClother = function (clotherXML, toClip) { if (Game.gameXMLs[clotherXML].firstChild.attributes.type == "BOOTS") { if (Game.leftShArr[clotherXML] != undefined) { delete Game.leftShArr[clotherXML]; } var aDepth = this.countItems(Game.leftShArr); var aClother = toClip.extClip_.attachMovie("GameClother", "boot" + aDepth, aDepth); aClother.create(this, Game.gameXMLs[clotherXML].firstChild); aClother._x = Game.bootsPoses[aDepth].x; aClother._y = toClip._height - Game.bootsPoses[aDepth].y; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.setColorByKey(aClother, "brightness", 0); Game.leftShArr[clotherXML] = aClother; } else if (Game.gameXMLs[clotherXML].firstChild.attributes.type == "BAGS") { if (Game.rightShArr[clotherXML] != undefined) { delete Game.rightShArr[clotherXML]; } var aDepth = this.countItems(Game.rightShArr); var aClother = toClip.extClip_.attachMovie("GameClother", "bag" + aDepth, aDepth); aClother.create(this, Game.gameXMLs[clotherXML].firstChild); aClother._x = Game.bagsPoses[aDepth].x; aClother._y = toClip._height - Game.bagsPoses[aDepth].y; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.setColorByKey(aClother, "brightness", 0); Game.rightShArr[clotherXML] = aClother; } }; _local2.addClother = function (clotherXML) { if ((clotherXML == "con23.xml") || (clotherXML == "con25.xml")) { this.addExtClother(clotherXML, Game.objsToCreate.shelfleft1); } else if ((clotherXML == "con30.xml") || (clotherXML == "con31.xml")) { this.addExtClother(clotherXML, Game.objsToCreate.shelfright1); } else { var barabanID = Number(Game.gameXMLs[clotherXML].firstChild.attributes.baraban); var i = 0; while (i < this.barabanArray_.length) { if (this.barabanArray_[i].clType_ == barabanID) { this.barabanArray_[i].insertClother(Game.gameXMLs[clotherXML]); return; } i++; } } }; _local2.createBaraban = function (bID) { var aBaraban = this.gameClip_.attachMovie("Stoika", "Stoika" + bID, Game.BARABANSDEPTH[bID]); aBaraban.create(this); aBaraban.clType_ = bID; switch (bID) { case Game.BRB_SW : aBaraban.addClother(Game.gameXMLs["cl_def.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[bID]); break; case Game.BRB_JU : aBaraban.addClother(Game.gameXMLs["cl_def.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[bID]); break; case Game.BRB_ST : aBaraban.addClother(Game.gameXMLs["cl_def.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[bID]); break; case Game.BRB_MA : aBaraban.addClother(Game.gameXMLs["cl_def.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[bID]); } this.barabanArray_.push(aBaraban); aBaraban.distribClothers(); aBaraban.setDepths(); }; } else { // unexpected jump } _local1.showInterLevel = function (resPlay, Day, CS, CL, TM, LM) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.allOut(); var fuses = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse.getInstances(); var i = 0; while (i < fuses.length) { if (fuses[i].label.indexOf("AnimationStart") != -1) { fuses[i].skipTo("eraseAnim"); } i++; } for (var key in Game.mebelNmsDomain) { delete Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.OWNER; Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.MUSOR.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.MUSOR; delete Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.ACTION; Game.removeMarks(Game.objsToCreate[key]); Game.objsToCreate[key].okCount_ = 0; } CarryClip.clearHands(); Game.objsToCreate.hero.aShadow_._visible = false; Game.objsToCreate.hero.aStar.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.objsToCreate.hero.aStar; Game.pauseGame(); Game.calculateLevelScore(LM); Game.calculateTotalScore(LM); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showInterLevelMenu(resPlay, Day, CS, CL, TM, LM, Game.levelScore_, Game.totalScore_); }; _local1.onTimeOut = function () { Game.closed_ = true; Helper.soundPlay("sndHotel_close"); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gameClip_.createEmptyMovieClip("closeClip", Game.closeClipDepth_); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gameClip_.closeClip.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("close"), 0); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gameClip_.closeClip._x = 100; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gameClip_.closeClip._y = 170; }; _local2.showInterLevelMenu = function (resPlay, Day, CS, CL, TM, LM, LS, TS) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__set__gamePlay(false); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gameClip_.closeClip.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gameClip_.closeClip; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.interLevelMenuClip_ = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.attachMovie("InterLevelmenu", "aInterLevelMenu", Game.GAMEINSTANCE.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.interLevelMenuClip_.create(Game.GAMEINSTANCE, resPlay, Day, CS, CL, TM, LM, LS, TS); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.interLevelMenuClip_._x = 180; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.interLevelMenuClip_._y = 80; Helper.musicPlay("sndMenu"); }; _local2.showInGameMenu = function () { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__set__gamePlay(false); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.ingameMenuClip_ = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.attachMovie("InGameMenu", "ainGameMenu", Game.GAMEINSTANCE.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.ingameMenuClip_.create(Game.GAMEINSTANCE); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.ingameMenuClip_._x = 180; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.ingameMenuClip_._y = 80; Helper.musicPlay("sndMenu"); }; _local2.showMainMenu = function () { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.programState_ = Game.PST_MAINMENU; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__set__gamePlay(false); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.mainMenuClip_ = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.attachMovie("MainMenu", "aMainMenu", Game.GAMEINSTANCE.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.mainMenuClip_.create(Game.GAMEINSTANCE); Helper.musicPlay("sndMenu"); }; _local2.showPlayerMenu = function (toDisable) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.programState_ = Game.PST_PLAYER; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__set__gamePlay(false); toDisable.gamePlay = false; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.plaClip_ = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.attachMovie("Menu_Player", "aPlayer", Game.GAMEINSTANCE.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.plaClip_.create(Game.GAMEINSTANCE, toDisable); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.plaClip_.varPlayer = Game.PLAYERNAME; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.plaClip_._x = (Stage.width / 2) - (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.plaClip_._width / 2); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.plaClip_._y = 80; }; _local2.showSureTryAgainMenu = function (toDisable) { toDisable.gamePlay = false; toDisable._visible = false; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_ = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.attachMovie("SureMenu", "aSure", Game.GAMEINSTANCE.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_.create(Game.GAMEINSTANCE, toDisable, true); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_._x = 180; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_._y = 120; }; _local2.showSureMenu = function (toDisable) { toDisable.gamePlay = false; toDisable._visible = false; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_ = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.attachMovie("SureMenu", "aSure", Game.GAMEINSTANCE.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_.create(Game.GAMEINSTANCE, toDisable); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_._x = 180; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.sureClip_._y = 120; }; _local2.showOptMenu = function (toDisable) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.programState_ = Game.PST_OPT; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__set__gamePlay(false); toDisable.gamePlay = false; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.optClip_ = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.attachMovie("Menu_Options", "aOptions", Game.GAMEINSTANCE.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.optClip_.create(Game.GAMEINSTANCE, undefined, undefined, toDisable); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.optClip_.varMusic = Game.Translate("MENU_MUSIC_VOLUME"); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.optClip_.varSound = Game.Translate("MENU_SOUND_VOLUME"); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.optClip_._x = (Stage.width / 2) - (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.optClip_._width / 2); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.optClip_._y = 80; }; _local2.showMapMenu = function () { this.mainMenuClip_.removeMovieClip(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.programState_ = Game.PST_MAP; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__set__gamePlay(false); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.mapClip_ = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.attachMovie("MainMap", "aMainMap", Game.GAMEINSTANCE.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.mapClip_.create(Game.GAMEINSTANCE); }; _local2.showEndGameMenu = function () { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__set__gamePlay(false); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.endGameClip_ = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.attachMovie("EndGameMenu", "aEndGame", Game.GAMEINSTANCE.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.endGameClip_.create(Game.GAMEINSTANCE); }; _local2.showLoadingAfterADS = function () { Game.musicOBJ_.stop(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_._visible = false; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.mapClip_.gamePlay = false; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.mapClip_._visible = false; Game.musicOBJ_.start(); this.mainMenuClip_.removeMovieClip(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.mapClip_.removeMovieClip(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.programState_ = Game.PST_LOADING_LEVEL; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__set__gamePlay(false); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.loadingClip_ = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.attachMovie("LoadingMenu", "aLoading", Game.GAMEINSTANCE.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.loadingClip_.edtDay = Game.levelNum_; if (Game.levelNum_ == 1) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.loadingClip_.edtGoal = 15; } Game.GAMEINSTANCE.loadingClip_.create(Game.GAMEINSTANCE); }; _local2.showLoadingMenu = function (loadingCode) { this.mainMenuClip_.removeMovieClip(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.mapClip_.removeMovieClip(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.programState_ = loadingCode; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__set__gamePlay(false); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.loadingClip_ = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.attachMovie("LoadingMenu", "aLoading", Game.GAMEINSTANCE.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.loadingClip_.edtDay = Game.levelNum_; if (Game.levelNum_ == 1) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.loadingClip_.edtGoal = 15; } Game.GAMEINSTANCE.loadingClip_.create(Game.GAMEINSTANCE); }; _local1.fallBonus = function () { Game.BONUSSHOWN = true; var aBonus = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gameClip_.attachMovie("mcBonus", "mcBonus1", mcBonus.BONUSDEPTH); var bonusType = (Math.random() * 10); if (bonusType <= 2) { aBonus.createByXML(Game.gameXMLs["bonus_ice.xml"]); } else if (bonusType <= 4) { aBonus.createByXML(Game.gameXMLs["bonus_dollar.xml"]); } else if (bonusType <= 7) { aBonus.createByXML(Game.gameXMLs["bonus_heart.xml"]); } else if (bonusType <= 10) { aBonus.createByXML(Game.gameXMLs["bonus_shoe.xml"]); } var randPoint = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Game.BONUSPOINTS.length - 1)); aBonus._x = Game.BONUSPOINTS[randPoint].x; aBonus._y = Game.BONUSPOINTS[randPoint].y; Helper.soundPlay("sndBonusAppear"); }; _local2.setGameOnPress = function () { this.enablePress(); }; _local1.hasRequest = function (aname) { for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD != undefined) { if (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.imgName_ == aname) { return(true); } } } return(false); }; _local1.countRequests = function (aName) { var retVal = 0; for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (((Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD != undefined) && (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.imgName_ == aName)) || ((aName == "box") && (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.imgName_ == "pack"))) { retVal++; } } return(retVal); }; _local1.canSelect = function (aObj) { if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__get__gamePlay() == false) { return(false); } if (aObj instanceof Mebel) { if ((((aObj.name_ == "SOFA_LEFTD") || (aObj.name_ == "SOFA_RIGHTD")) || (aObj.name_ == "SOFA_LEFTU")) || (aObj.name_ == "SOFA_RIGHTU")) { if (aObj.getData("MUSOR") != undefined) { return(true); } if (aObj.getData("OWNER").getData("CLOUD") != undefined) { return(true); } } else { if (aObj.name_ == "MENU") { return(true); } if ((aObj.name_ == "TRASH") || (aObj.name_ == "SHELF")) { return(true); } if (aObj.name_ == "CUP") { return(true); } if ((aObj.name_ == "TABLE_LEFT") || (aObj.name_ == "SEWING_T")) { return(true); } if ((aObj.name_ == "TABLE_RIGHT") || (aObj.name_ == "PACKING_T")) { return(true); } if (aObj.name_ == "RECEPTION") { return(true); } } } else if (aObj instanceof Cloud) { return(true); } return(false); }; _local1.getClother = function (reqName) { var clotherName = reqName.substr(0, reqName.length - 4); var retArr = new Array(); var i = 0; while (i < Game.GAMEINSTANCE.barabanArray_.length) { var k = 0; while (k < Game.GAMEINSTANCE.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_.length) { if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_[k].requestName_ == reqName) { retArr.push(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_[k]); } k++; } i++; } for (var key in Game.leftShArr) { if (Game.leftShArr[key].requestName_ == reqName) { retArr.push(Game.leftShArr[key]); } } for (var key in Game.rightShArr) { if (Game.rightShArr[key].requestName_ == reqName) { retArr.push(Game.rightShArr[key]); } } return(retArr); }; _local1.getCarryingObj = function (reqName) { for (var key in Game.mebelNmsDomain) { if (Game.objsToCreate[key].requestName_ == reqName) { return(Game.objsToCreate[key]); } } }; _local1.countCheckedReqs = function (aReq) { var retVal = 0; for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if ((Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.imgName_ == aReq) && (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.okCount_ > 0)) { retVal++; } } return(retVal); }; _local1.canSewedCloudClick = function (aCloud) { var sewFuses = 0; var fuseArr = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse.getInstances(); var i = 0; while (i < fuseArr.length) { if (fuseArr[i].label == ("Sew of " + aCloud.imgName_)) { sewFuses++; } i++; } sewFuses = sewFuses + CarryClip.countCarryingSewed(aCloud.imgName_); var checkedFuses = 0; var sewingReqs = new Array(); for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (((Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.sewingBitmap_ != undefined) && (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.imgName_ == aCloud.imgName_)) && (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.okCount_ > 0)) { checkedFuses++; } } if ((sewFuses - checkedFuses) > 0) { return(true); } return(false); }; _local1.canCloudClick = function (aCloud) { var cloudRequest = aCloud.imgName_; if (Game.objsToCreate.hero.canGive(cloudRequest)) { return(true); } return(false); }; _local2.getAskingContainers = function (requestName) { var retArr = new Array(); for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if ((Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD != undefined) && (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.imgName_ == requestName)) { retArr.push(Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.parentContainer_); } } return(retArr); }; _local2.countGiveFuses = function (aTarget) { var fusesArr = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse.getInstances(); var retNum = 0; if (aTarget == undefined) { var i = 0; while (i < fusesArr.length) { if (fusesArr[i].label.indexOf("Give to ") != -1) { retNum++; } i++; } } else { var i = 0; while (i < fusesArr.length) { if (fusesArr[i].label.indexOf("Give to " + aTarget) != -1) { retNum++; } i++; } } return(retNum); }; _local2.countTakingFuses = function (aTarget) { var fusesArr = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse.getInstances(); var retNum = 0; if (aTarget != undefined) { var i = 0; while (i < fusesArr.length) { if (fusesArr[i].label == ("Take of " + aTarget)) { retNum++; } i++; } } else { var i = 0; while (i < fusesArr.length) { if (fusesArr[i].label.indexOf("Take of ") != -1) { retNum++; } i++; } } return(retNum); }; _local2.countCustFuses = function (fuseLabel, requestName, hero) { var cntrsArr = this.getAskingContainers(requestName, hero); var counter = 0; var i = 0; while (i < cntrsArr.length) { var fusename = (fuseLabel + cntrsArr[i].name_); if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse.getInstance(fusename) != undefined) { counter++; } i++; } return(counter); }; _local2.inArray = function (aString, aArray) { var k = 0; while (k < aArray.length) { if (aArray[k] == aString) { return(true); } k++; } return(false); }; _local2.randorder = function (a, b) { var rand1 = Math.random(); var rand2 = Math.random(); if (rand1 < rand2) { return(-1); } if (rand1 > rand2) { return(1); } return(0); }; _local2.shuffleArray = function (arr) { arr.sort(this.randorder); }; _local2.allOut = function () { Game.SEWED = false; Game.PACKED = false; Game.objsToCreate.hero.aShadow_._visible = false; for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { Game.objsToCreate[key].custstate = States.STATE_CUST_PREPARE_INVIS; } Game.objsToCreate.hero.path.splice(0, Game.objsToCreate.hero.path.length); Game.objsToCreate.hero.target_move = undefined; Game.objsToCreate.hero.nextActions_.splice(0, Game.objsToCreate.hero.nextActions_.length); Game.objsToCreate.hero.animObject.sendSignalState([Game.objsToCreate.hero.animObject.getName()], "wait"); var fuses = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse.getInstances(); var i = fuses.length; while (i > -1) { fuses[i].destroy; delete fuses[i]; i--; } for (var key in Game.mebelNmsDomain) { delete Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.OWNER; Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.MUSOR.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.MUSOR; delete Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.ACTION; Game.removeMark(Game.objsToCreate[key]); Game.objsToCreate[key].okCount_ = 0; } var i = 0; while (i < this.barabanArray_.length) { var k = 0; while (k < this.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_.length) { Game.removeMark(this.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_[k]); k++; } i++; } for (var key in Game.leftShArr) { Game.removeMark(Game.leftShArr[key]); } for (var key in Game.rightShArr) { Game.removeMark(Game.rightShArr[key]); } }; _local2.generateCustActions = function (aCust) { var retVal = 0; var clotherCount_; var packCount_; var sewCount_; if (aCust.actionFuse != undefined) { delete aCust.actionFuse; } aCust.actionFuse = new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(); aCust.actionFuse.label = "Customer Actions"; aCust.actionFuse.__set__target(aCust); aCust.actionFuse.push({func:"goHall", delay:3}); aCust.actionFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aCust.actionFuse.push({func:"goToObject"}); aCust.actionFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aCust.actionFuse.push({func:"askObject", args:"menu", delay:0.5}); aCust.actionFuse.push({command:"pause"}); var wearArray = new Array(); var i = 0; while (i < this.barabanArray_.length) { var k = 0; while (k < this.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_.length) { var aClotherName = this.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_[k].requestName_; if ((aCust.sex_ == "m") && ((this.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_[k].sex_ == "m") || (this.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_[k].sex_ == "mw"))) { if (!this.inArray(aClotherName, wearArray)) { wearArray.push(aClotherName); retVal = retVal + Game.priceList[aClotherName]; } } else if ((aCust.sex_ == "w") && ((this.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_[k].sex_ == "w") || (this.barabanArray_[i].clothsArray_[k].sex_ == "mw"))) { if (!this.inArray(aClotherName, wearArray)) { wearArray.push(aClotherName); retVal = retVal + Game.priceList[aClotherName]; } } k++; } i++; } for (var key in Game.leftShArr) { var aClotherName = Game.leftShArr[key].requestName_; if ((aCust.sex_ == "m") && ((Game.leftShArr[key].sex_ == "m") || (Game.leftShArr[key].sex_ == "mw"))) { if (!this.inArray(aClotherName, wearArray)) { wearArray.push(aClotherName); retVal = retVal + Game.priceList[aClotherName]; } } else if ((aCust.sex_ == "w") && ((Game.leftShArr[key].sex_ == "w") || (Game.leftShArr[key].sex_ == "mw"))) { if (!this.inArray(aClotherName, wearArray)) { wearArray.push(aClotherName); retVal = retVal + Game.priceList[aClotherName]; } } } wearArray.sort(this.randorder); if (wearArray.length > 4) { var tokill = (wearArray.length - 4); var i = 0; while (i < tokill) { var randInd = Math.floor(Math.random() * wearArray.length); retVal = retVal - Game.priceList[wearArray[randInd]]; wearArray.splice(randInd, 1); i++; } } for (var key in Game.rightShArr) { var aClotherName = Game.rightShArr[key].requestName_; if ((aCust.sex_ == "m") && ((Game.rightShArr[key].sex_ == "m") || (Game.rightShArr[key].sex_ == "mw"))) { if (!this.inArray(aClotherName, wearArray)) { wearArray.push(aClotherName); retVal = retVal + Game.priceList[aClotherName]; } } else if ((aCust.sex_ == "w") && ((Game.rightShArr[key].sex_ == "w") || (Game.rightShArr[key].sex_ == "mw"))) { if (!this.inArray(aClotherName, wearArray)) { wearArray.push(aClotherName); retVal = retVal + Game.priceList[aClotherName]; } } } if (( != undefined) && ( != undefined)) { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { wearArray.push("cup"); retVal = retVal + Game.priceList.cup; } } wearArray.sort(this.randorder); Game.timeOutTime = Game.timeOutTime + (wearArray.length * 4); Game.timeOutTime = Game.timeOutTime + 5; Game.timeOutTime = Game.timeOutTime + 5; var i = 0; while (i < wearArray.length) { if (wearArray[i].indexOf("con") != -1) { var topack = false; var tosew = false; if (((Game.objsToCreate.table_left != undefined) && (Game.SEWED == false)) && (((wearArray[i] == "con1_dlg") || (wearArray[i] == "con18_dlg")) || (wearArray[i] == "con20_dlg"))) { tosew = ((Math.random() > 0.5) ? true : false); if (tosew == true) { Game.SEWED = true; retVal = retVal + 10; } } if ((Game.objsToCreate.table_right != undefined) && (Game.PACKED == false)) { topack = ((Math.random() > 0.5) ? true : false); Game.PACKED = topack; if (topack == true) { Game.PACKED = true; retVal = retVal + 10; } } aCust.actionFuse.push({func:"askObject", args:[wearArray[i], tosew, topack], delay:(Math.random() * 3) + 1}); } else { aCust.actionFuse.push({func:"askObject", args:[wearArray[i], undefined, undefined], delay:(Math.random() * 3) + 1}); } aCust.actionFuse.push({command:"pause"}); i++; } aCust.actionFuse.push({func:"nothingDo", delay:Math.random() * 3}); aCust.actionFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aCust.actionFuse.push({label:"outFromSofa", func:"goOutFromSofa", delay:3}); aCust.actionFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aCust.actionFuse.push({label:"askCash", func:"askObject", args:["cash_dlg"]}); aCust.actionFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aCust.actionFuse.push({label:"goToCash", func:"goToCash"}); aCust.actionFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aCust.actionFuse.push({label:"tryToPay", func:"tryToPay", delay:1}); aCust.actionFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aCust.actionFuse.push({label:"outFromCash", func:"outFromCash"}); aCust.actionFuse.push({command:"pause"}); return(retVal); }; _local1.shouldPress = function () { for (var key in Game.objsToCreate) { if ((Game.objsToCreate[key].getData("CLOUD") != undefined) && (Game.objsToCreate[key].getData("CLOUD").okCount_ == 0)) { return(true); } } return(false); }; _local2.processPress = function (aObj) { if (aObj instanceof Mebel) { if ((((aObj.name_ == "SOFA_LEFTD") || (aObj.name_ == "SOFA_RIGHTD")) || (aObj.name_ == "SOFA_LEFTU")) || (aObj.name_ == "SOFA_RIGHTU")) { if ((aObj.getData("MUSOR") != undefined) && (aObj.getData("ACTION") == undefined)) { Game.goodClick(aObj); Game.objsToCreate.hero.addCleanFuse(aObj); return(true); } if (aObj.getData("OWNER").getData("CLOUD") != undefined) { var aCloud = aObj.getData("OWNER").getData("CLOUD"); this.processPress(aCloud); var cloudReq = aCloud.imgName_; } } else if ((aObj.name_ == "MENU") || (aObj.name_ == "CUP")) { var empHands = CarryClip.countEmptyHands(); var wanted = aObj.wantedCount_; var fusesGive = this.countGiveFuses(); var fusesTake = this.countTakingFuses(); var deltaObj = (fusesTake - fusesGive); if ((aObj.wantedCount_ > 0) && (deltaObj < empHands)) { aObj.wantedCount_--; Game.goodClick(aObj); Game.objsToCreate.hero.addTakeObjFuse(aObj); return(true); } Game.badClick(aObj); } else if ((aObj.name_ == "TRASH") || (aObj.name_ == "SHELF")) { aObj = Game.objsToCreate.trash; if (CarryClip.hasUnrequested()) { Game.objsToCreate.hero.addTrashObjFuse(); Game.goodClick(aObj, 15, 35); return(true); } Game.badClick(aObj, 15, 35); } else if ((aObj.name_ == "TABLE_LEFT") || (aObj.name_ == "SEWING_T")) { aObj = Game.objsToCreate.sewing_t; var sewingReqs = new Array(); for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.sewingBitmap_ != undefined) { sewingReqs.push(Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.imgName_); } } if (sewingReqs.length > 0) { var carrysewed = CarryClip.countCarryingSewed(sewingReqs[0]); var carrys = CarryClip.countCarrying(sewingReqs[0]); var checkedFuses = Game.countCheckedReqs(sewingReqs[0]); var takeFuses = Game.objsToCreate.hero.countFuses("Take of ", sewingReqs[0]); if ((((carrys + takeFuses) - checkedFuses) - carrysewed) > aObj.okCount_) { Game.goodClick(Game.objsToCreate.sewing_t, 25, 25); Game.objsToCreate.hero.addSewObjFuse(sewingReqs[0]); } else { Game.badClick(Game.objsToCreate.sewing_t, 25, 25); } } else { Game.badClick(Game.objsToCreate.sewing_t, 25, 25); } } else if (aObj.name_ == "PACKING_T") { aObj = Game.objsToCreate.packing_t; var packingReqs = new Array(); for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if ((Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.imgName_ == "pack") && (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.data_.PACKED != true)) { packingReqs.push(Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.imgName_); } } var carrys = CarryClip.countCarrying("pack"); var carryb = CarryClip.countCarrying("box"); var alltake = 0; var checkedFuses = Game.countCheckedReqs("pack"); if (((carrys + checkedFuses) - carryb) > aObj.okCount_) { Game.goodClick(aObj, 25, 25); Game.objsToCreate.hero.addGiveObjFuse(Game.objsToCreate.table_right); } else { Game.badClick(aObj, 25, 25); } } else if (aObj.name_ == "RECEPTION") { if (aObj.okCount_ == 0) { Game.goodClick(aObj); Game.objsToCreate.hero.addGotoCashFuse(); } } } else if (aObj instanceof Cloud) { var cloudReq = aObj.imgName_; if (cloudReq == "pack") { if (aObj.data_.PACKED != true) { var give = this.countGiveFuses(); var take = this.countTakingFuses(); var fusesGivePack = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.countGiveFuses("TABLE_RIGHT"); give = give - fusesGivePack; var emptyHands = CarryClip.countEmptyHands(); if (((take - give) < emptyHands) && (aObj.okCount_ == 0)) { Game.goodClick(aObj); Game.objsToCreate.hero.addTakeToPackFuse(aObj.parentContainer_); return(true); } Game.badClick(aObj); } else if (aObj.okCount_ == 0) { var packFuses = this.countGiveFuses("TABLE_RIGHT"); var giveFuses = 0; for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (((Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.imgName_ == "pack") && (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.data_.PACKED == true)) && (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.okCount_ > 0)) { giveFuses++; } } var inHands = CarryClip.countCarrying("box"); if ((packFuses + inHands) > giveFuses) { Game.goodClick(aObj); Game.objsToCreate.hero.addGiveObjFuse(aObj.parentContainer_); } } } else if (aObj.sewingBitmap_ == undefined) { if (Game.canCloudClick(aObj) == true) { if (aObj.name_ == "CLOUD_LEFT") { Game.goodClick(aObj, 32, 30); } else { Game.goodClick(aObj, 42, 30); } var cloudContainer = aObj.parentContainer_; Game.objsToCreate.hero.addGiveObjFuse(cloudContainer); return(true); } if (aObj.name_ == "CLOUD_LEFT") { Game.badClick(aObj, 32, 30); } else { Game.badClick(aObj, 42, 30); } } else { if (Game.canSewedCloudClick(aObj)) { Game.goodClick(aObj); var cloudContainer = aObj.parentContainer_; Game.objsToCreate.hero.addGiveObjFuse(cloudContainer); return(true); } Game.badClick(aObj); } } return(false); }; _local1.alphaOut = function (aObj) { if (Game.countAlpha < 5) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aObj, "_alpha", [0], 0.4, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeInQuint, 0, {scope:Game, func:"alphaIn", args:[aObj]}); Game.countAlpha++; } else if ((Game.objsToCreate.floor2 == aObj) && (aObj._name != undefined)) { var floordepth = Game.objsToCreate.floor1.getDepth(); Game.objsToCreate.floor1.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.objsToCreate.floor1; Game.objsToCreate.floor2.swapDepths(floordepth); } else if ((Game.objsToCreate.column_left2 == aObj) && (aObj._name != undefined)) { var coldepth = Game.objsToCreate.column_left.getDepth(); Game.objsToCreate.column_left.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.objsToCreate.column_left; Game.objsToCreate.column_left2.swapDepths(coldepth); } else if ((Game.objsToCreate.wall_right1 == aObj) && (aObj._name != undefined)) { var walldepth = Game.objsToCreate.wall_right.getDepth(); Game.objsToCreate.wall_right.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.objsToCreate.wall_right; Game.objsToCreate.wall_right1.swapDepths(walldepth); } else if ((Game.objsToCreate.wall_left1 == aObj) && (aObj._name != undefined)) { var walldepth = Game.objsToCreate.wall_left.getDepth(); Game.objsToCreate.wall_left.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.objsToCreate.wall_left; Game.objsToCreate.wall_left1.swapDepths(walldepth); } else if ((Game.objsToCreate.column_right2 == aObj) && (aObj._name != undefined)) { var coldepth = Game.objsToCreate.column_right.getDepth(); Game.objsToCreate.column_right.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.objsToCreate.column_right; Game.objsToCreate.column_right2.swapDepths(coldepth); } }; _local1.alphaIn = function (aObj) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aObj, "_alpha", [100], 0.4, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeInQuint, 0, {scope:Game, func:"alphaOut", args:[aObj]}); }; _local1.previewBought = function (mc) { Game.countAlpha = 0; Game.alphaOut(mc); }; _local2.enablePress = function () { this.onMouseDown = function () { if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.loadingClip_ != undefined) { if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.loadingClip_.lblPressAnyKey == Game.Translate("PRESS_LEFT_BUTTON")) { if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_ == undefined) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_ = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.attachMovie("GameMenu", "gMenu", Game.GAMEINSTANCE.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_.create(Game.GAMEINSTANCE); } Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_.edtGoal = Game.goalVal_; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_.edtDay = Game.levelNum_; Game.GAMEINSTANCE.menuClip_.edtMoney = 0; this.startLevel(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.loadingClip_.removeMovieClip(); delete Game.GAMEINSTANCE.loadingClip_; var i = 0; while (i < Game.boughtArray.length) { Game.previewBought(Game.boughtArray[i]); i++; } Game.boughtArray.splice(0, Game.boughtArray.length); } return(undefined); } if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__get__gamePlay() == true) { var objsArr = Game.getObjectsAtPos(new flash.geom.Point(this._xmouse, this._ymouse)); var hasObjs = false; for (var key in objsArr) { hasObjs = true; if (((((Game.selections_[objsArr[key]] != undefined) || (objsArr[key].name_ == "SEWING_T")) || (objsArr[key].name_ == "TABLE_LEFT")) || (objsArr[key].name_ == "PACKING_T")) || (objsArr[key].name_ == "TABLE_RIGHT")) { if ((objsArr[key].name_ == "TABLE_RIGHT") || (objsArr[key].name_ == "PACKING_T")) { this.processPress(Game.objsToCreate.packing_t); } else { this.processPress(objsArr[key]); } break; } break; } if (hasObjs == false) { if (this.moveMC_.hitTest(this._xmouse, this._ymouse, true)) { } } } }; this.useHandCursor = false; }; _local2.drawDbgPath = function (logx, logy) { var rectclip = this.dbgClip_.createEmptyMovieClip(String(logx) + String(logy), this.dbgClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); rectclip._x = logx * Map.CELL_SIZE; rectclip._y = logy * Map.CELL_SIZE; rectclip.beginFill(11141290, 40); rectclip.moveTo(0, 0); rectclip.lineTo(Map.CELL_SIZE, 0); rectclip.lineTo(Map.CELL_SIZE, Map.CELL_SIZE); rectclip.lineTo(0, Map.CELL_SIZE); rectclip.lineTo(0, 0); rectclip.endFill(); }; _local2.closeCells = function (globalX, globalY, cell_w, cell_h) { if (isNaN(globalX)) { return(undefined); } var stepx = globalX; while (stepx < (globalX + cell_w)) { var logX = Math.floor(stepx / Map.CELL_SIZE); var stepy = globalY; while (stepy < (globalY + cell_h)) { var logY = Math.floor(stepy / Map.CELL_SIZE); this.closedArray_.push(logY, logX); stepy = stepy + Map.CELL_SIZE; } stepx = stepx + Map.CELL_SIZE; } }; _local2.processMap = function () { var i = 0; while (i < this.closedArray_.length) {[this.closedArray_[i]][this.closedArray_[i + 1]] = 0; i = i + 2; } }; _local2.initMap = function () { if (Game.SHOWDBG) { this.dbgClip_ = this.createEmptyMovieClip("square_mc", 30000); var afield = this.dbgClip_.createTextField("FpsText", this.dbgClip_.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 0, 0); afield.text = "FPS"; TextStyles.setFieldStyle(TextStyles.FSTYLE_INACT_CNTR, afield); afield.setTextFormat(TextStyles.txtStyleGameFace); afield._x = 20; afield._y = 460; } var mY = 0; while (mY < Game.map_.H) { Array()); var celly = (mY * Map.CELL_SIZE); var mX = 0; while (mX < Game.map_.W) { var cellx = (mX * Map.CELL_SIZE); if (this.moveMC_.hitTest((cellx + Map.CELL_SIZE) - 1, (celly + Map.CELL_SIZE) - 1, true) && (this.moveMC_.hitTest(cellx + 1, celly + 1, true))) { var full = false; if (full == false) {[mY].push(1); } else {[mY].push(0); } } else {[mY].push(0); } mX++; } mY++; } }; _local2.getPrevEmptyDepth = function (from) { while (true) { from = from - 20; if (this.gameClip_.getInstanceAtDepth(from) == undefined) { return(from); } from++; } }; _local2.getNextClosureDepth = function (from) { from = from + 2; while (true) { if (this.gameClip_.getInstanceAtDepth(from) == undefined) { return(from); } from++; } }; _local2.getNextEmptyDepth = function (from) { from = from + 20; while (true) { if (this.gameClip_.getInstanceAtDepth(from) == undefined) { return(from); } from--; } }; _local2.order = function (a, b) { if (a.getMPY() < b.getMPY()) { return(-1); } if (a.getMPY() > b.getMPY()) { return(1); } return(0); }; _local2.intersects = function (mc2, mc1) { if ((((mc1._x >= mc2._x) && (mc1._y >= mc2._y)) && ((mc1._x + mc1._width) <= (mc2._x + mc2._width))) && ((mc1._y + mc1._height) <= (mc2._y + mc2._height))) { return(true); } return(false); }; _local2.updateDepths = function (aMc) { aMc.updateShadow(); if (aMc.sex_ == "m") { aMc.aShadow_._y = aMc.aShadow_._y - 5; } var swapWith = new Array(); var i = 0; while (i < this.swapArray_.length) { if (((this.swapArray_[i] != aMc) && (this.swapArray_[i].hitTest(aMc))) && (this.swapArray_[i].custstate != States.STATE_CUST_SITTING_N)) { swapWith.push(this.swapArray_[i]); } i++; } swapWith.sort(this.order); if (aMc == Game.objsToCreate.hero) { } var swapedArr = new Array(); var i = 0; while (i < swapWith.length) { if ((aMc.getMPY() < swapWith[i].getMPY()) && (aMc.getDepth() > swapWith[i].getDepth())) { aMc.swapDepths(this.getPrevEmptyDepth(swapWith[i].getDepth())); swapedArr.push(swapWith[i]); } else if ((aMc.getMPY() > swapWith[i].getMPY()) && (aMc.getDepth() < swapWith[i].getDepth())) { aMc.swapDepths(this.getNextEmptyDepth(swapWith[i].getDepth())); swapedArr.push(swapWith[i]); } else if ((aMc.getMPY() == swapWith[i].getMPY()) && (aMc.getDepth() < swapWith[i].getDepth())) { aMc.swapDepths(this.getNextEmptyDepth(swapWith[i].getDepth())); } i++; } }; _local2.createDlg = function (key, person, aMeb, askTo, sewing) { var reqClip = Game.requestsClip_.attachMovie("Cloud", (aMeb.name_ + "_") + key, Game.requestsClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); if (Game.gameXMLs[Game.dlgNmsDomain[key]] != undefined) { reqClip.createByXML(Game.gameXMLs[Game.dlgNmsDomain[key]], this, person, aMeb, askTo, sewing); } Game.personsRequests[person] = reqClip; return(reqClip); }; _local2.createExt = function (key) { Game.objsToCreate[key] = this.gameClip_.attachMovie(Game.gameXMLs[Game.extNmsDomain[key]].firstChild.attributes.classname, key, this.gameClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.objsToCreate[key].createByXML(Game.gameXMLs[Game.extNmsDomain[key]], this); Game.objsToCreate[key].depth_ = Number(Game.gameXMLs["depths.xml"].firstChild.attributes[key]); if ((Game.objsToCreate[key].depth_ != undefined) && (!isNaN(Game.objsToCreate[key].depth_))) { Game.objsToCreate[key].swapDepths(Game.objsToCreate[key].depth_); } if (Game.objsToCreate[key].locked_ != true) { this.swapArray_.push(Game.objsToCreate[key]); } }; _local2.createMeb = function (key) { Game.objsToCreate[key] = this.gameClip_.attachMovie("Mebel", key, this.gameClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.objsToCreate[key].createByXML(Game.gameXMLs[Game.mebelNmsDomain[key]], this, key); Game.objsToCreate[key].depth_ = Number(Game.gameXMLs["depths.xml"].firstChild.attributes[key]); if ((Game.objsToCreate[key].depth_ != undefined) && (!isNaN(Game.objsToCreate[key].depth_))) { Game.objsToCreate[key].swapDepths(Game.objsToCreate[key].depth_); } if (Game.objsToCreate[key].locked_ != true) { this.swapArray_.push(Game.objsToCreate[key]); } return(Game.objsToCreate[key]); }; _local1.getCustomerNames = function () { var retArr = new Array(); for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { retArr.push(key); } return(retArr); }; _local1.CustomerFromHall = function () { for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (Game.objsToCreate[key].custstate == States.STATE_CUST_AWAITING_HALL) { var sofaArr = Game.getObjs(["SOFA_LEFTD", "SOFA_LEFTU", "SOFA_RIGHTU", "SOFA_RIGHTD"], ["OWNER", "MUSOR"], [undefined, undefined]); if (sofaArr.length > 0) { Game.objsToCreate[key].custstate = States.STATE_CUST_GO_OBJECT; Game.objsToCreate[key].addData("OBJECT", sofaArr[0]); Game.objsToCreate[key].actionFuse.resume(); sofaArr[0].addData("OWNER", Game.objsToCreate[key]); Game.NextCustomer(); return(true); } break; } } return(false); }; _local1.NextCustomer = function () { if ((Game.customersEntered_ == Game.maxCustomers_) || (Game.closed_ == true)) { return(undefined); } if ((Game.getObjs(["SOFA_LEFTD", "SOFA_LEFTU", "SOFA_RIGHTU", "SOFA_RIGHTD"], ["OWNER"], [undefined]).length > 0) && (Game.getObjs(Game.getCustomerNames(), ["STATE"], [States.STATE_CUST_AWAITING_HALL]).length == 0)) { var possibleCustomers = new Array(); for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (((key != "hero") && (Game.objsToCreate[key].custstate == States.STATE_CUST_PREPARE_INVIS)) && (Game.objsToCreate[key].actionFuse != undefined)) { possibleCustomers.push(Game.objsToCreate[key]); } } possibleCustomers[Math.floor(Math.random() * (possibleCustomers.length - 1))].actionFuse.start(); Game.customersEntered_++; } }; _local1.doCommand = function (target, cmdStruct) { switch (cmdStruct[Game.IND_CMD]) { case Game.CMD_GOTOOBJ : var obj = cmdStruct[Game.IND_DATA].DATA_TARGETOBJ; if (obj != undefined) { var endPoint; if (target instanceof Customer) { endPoint = obj.getCustPoint(); } else if (target instanceof Hero) { endPoint = obj.getHeroPoint(); } } break; case Game.CMD_CLEAR : break; case Game.CMD_SEW : break; case Game.CMD_TRASH : break; case Game.CMD_KASSA : break; case Game.CMD_GIVE : } if (target instanceof Hero) { if (!(cmdStruct[Game.IND_CMD] === Game.CMD_TAKE)) { } else if (!(cmdStruct[Game.IND_CMD][Game.IND_OP1] === Game.OP1_TAKE_CLOTHER)) { } else { var aBaraban = cmdStruct[Game.IND_DATA].DATA_BARABAN; } } else if (target instanceof Customer) { } }; _local2.initLevel = function () { Game.customersEntered_ = 0; Game.customersLeft_ = 0; Game.customersLost_ = 0; Game.customersServed_ = 0; this.__set__moneyVal(0); Game.maxCustomers_ = Number(Game.gameXMLs["levels.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[Game.levelNum_ - 1].attributes.clients); if (Game.objsToCreate.sofa_leftd._name != undefined) { Game.maxCustomers_++; } if (Game.objsToCreate.sofa_rightd._name != undefined) { Game.maxCustomers_++; } }; // unexpected jump // unexpected jump _local2.aenterFrame = function () { switch (this.programState_) { case Game.PST_LOADING_XMLS : var isLoading = false; var i = 0; while (i < Game.allXMLNames.length) { if ((Game.gameXMLs[Game.allXMLNames[i]] != undefined) && (Game.gameXMLs[Game.allXMLNames[i]].loaded == false)) { isLoading = true; break; } if (Game.gameXMLs[Game.allXMLNames[i]] == undefined) { if (XMLFactory.internalArr[Game.allXMLNames[i]] != undefined) { isLoading = false; Game.gameXMLs[Game.allXMLNames[i]] = XMLFactory.internalArr[Game.allXMLNames[i]]; } else { isLoading = true; Game.gameXMLs[Game.allXMLNames[i]] = new XML(); Game.gameXMLs[Game.allXMLNames[i]].ignoreWhite = true; Game.gameXMLs[Game.allXMLNames[i]].onLoad = function (success) { var k = 0; while (k < Game.allXMLNames.length) { if (Game.gameXMLs[Game.allXMLNames[k]] == this) { return; } k++; } }; Game.gameXMLs[Game.allXMLNames[i]].load(Game.allXMLNames[i]); break; } } i++; } if (isLoading == false) { this.programState_ = Game.PST_START_MAIN_MENU; this.showMainMenu(); } return; case Game.PST_CREATING_BOUGHT : return; case Game.PST_CREATING_OBJS : for (var key in Game.mebelNmsDomain) { this.createMeb(key); } for (var key in Game.extNmsDomain) { this.createExt(key); } this.initLevel(); for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (key != "hero") { Game.objsToCreate[key] = this.gameClip_.attachMovie("Customer", key, this.gameClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.objsToCreate[key].CreateByXML(Game.gameXMLs[Game.custNmsDomain[key]], this, key); } else { Game.objsToCreate[key] = this.gameClip_.attachMovie("Hero", key, this.gameClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); Game.objsToCreate[key].CreateByXML(Game.gameXMLs[Game.custNmsDomain[key]], this, key); } this.updateDepths(Game.objsToCreate[key]); this.swapArray_.push(Game.objsToCreate[key]); } this.createBaraban(Game.BRB_SW); this.createBaraban(Game.BRB_JU); this.setBarabanPos(); this.moveMC_ = this.gameClip_.attachMovie("sMoving", "movingMC", this.gameClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); this.moveMC_._visible = false; this.moveMC_.enabled = false; this.moveMC_._x = Game.objsToCreate.floor1._x; this.moveMC_._y = Game.objsToCreate.floor1._y; Game.map_.W = (this.gameClip_._width / Map.CELL_SIZE) + 1; Game.map_.H = (this.gameClip_._height / Map.CELL_SIZE) + 1; Game.map_.X = 0; Game.map_.Y = 0; this.initMap(); this.processMap(); this.setGameOnPress(); this.mainMenuClip_.removeMovieClip(); this.programState_ = Game.PST_CREATING_OBJS_DONE; return; case Game.PST_PLAYING : if (this.pausedQuant == true) { break; } var timeDelta = getTimer(); var timeDone_ = (timeDelta - this.startTime_); this.startTime_ = timeDelta; if (((timeDelta - Game.LASTPRESSED) >= Game.INGAMESTART) && (Game.objsToCreate.hero.actionFuse[Game.objsToCreate.hero.actionFuse.currentIndex].label != "clearing")) { if (Game.shouldPress() == true) { if ((Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__get__gamePlay() == true) && (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.ingameMenuClip_._name == undefined)) { Game.pauseGame(); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.showInGameMenu(); } } } for (var key in Game.objsToCreate) { Game.objsToCreate[key].quant(timeDone_); if (Game.objsToCreate[key].isChanged()) { Game.objsToCreate[key].resultBitmap.colorTransform(Game.objsToCreate[key].resultBitmap.rectangle, Game.transparent_); Game.objsToCreate[key].setChanged(false); Game.objsToCreate[key].drawIt(); } } if (!Game.SHOWDBG) { break; } var quantDone = getTimer(); this.dbgClip_.FpsText.text = quantDone - timeDelta; } }; _local1.LIFES = 0; _local1.INGAMESTART = 10000; _local1.LASTPRESSED = 0; _local1.BONUSSHOWN = false; _local1.PLAYERNAME = "PLAYER"; _local1.TURNRIGHT = 0; _local1.TURNLEFT = 1; _local1.TURNFRONT = 2; _local1.TURNBACK = 3; _local1.TURNFRONTLEFT = 4; _local1.TURNFRONTRIGHT = 5; _local1.TURNBACKRIGHT = 6; _local1.TURNBACKLEFT = 7; _local1.TURNSNAMES = new Array("sideright", "sideleft", "front", "back", "frontsideleft", "frontsideright", "backsideright", "backsideleft"); _local1.BONUSPOINTS = new Array(new flash.geom.Point(220, 410), new flash.geom.Point(220, 410), new flash.geom.Point(170, 410), new flash.geom.Point(490, 410), new flash.geom.Point(590, 300), new flash.geom.Point(260, 260), new flash.geom.Point(260, 240)); _local1.CARRYPOINTS = new Array(new Array(new flash.geom.Point(25, 25), new flash.geom.Point(20, 30)), new Array(new flash.geom.Point(20, 25), new flash.geom.Point(15, 30)), new Array(new flash.geom.Point(23, 30), new flash.geom.Point(3, 30)), new Array(new flash.geom.Point(23, 30), new flash.geom.Point(3, 30)), new Array(new flash.geom.Point(20, 25), new flash.geom.Point(15, 30)), new Array(new flash.geom.Point(25, 25), new flash.geom.Point(20, 30)), new Array(new flash.geom.Point(25, 25), new flash.geom.Point(20, 30)), new Array(new flash.geom.Point(20, 25), new flash.geom.Point(15, 30)), new Array(new flash.geom.Point(25, 30), new flash.geom.Point(0, 30))); _local1.IND_CMD = 0; _local1.IND_OP1 = 1; _local1.IND_DATA = 2; _local1.CMD_GOTOOBJ = 1; _local1.CMD_TAKE = 2; _local1.CMD_CLEAR = 3; _local1.CMD_SEW = 4; _local1.CMD_TRASH = 5; _local1.CMD_KASSA = 6; _local1.CMD_GIVE = 7; _local1.OP1_TAKE_CLOTHER = 1; _local1.PST_PLAYING = 0; _local1.PST_CREATING_OBJS = 1; _local1.PST_LOADING_XMLS = 2; _local1.PST_INSHOP = 3; _local1.PST_MAP = 4; _local1.PST_MAINMENU = 5; _local1.PST_START_MAIN_MENU = 6; _local1.PST_LOADING_LEVEL = 7; _local1.PST_CREATING_OBJS_DONE = 8; _local1.PST_OPT = 9; _local1.PST_PLAYER = 10; _local1.PST_CREATING_BOUGHT = 10; _local1.RESTARTED = false; _local1.BRB_SW = 0; _local1.BRB_ST = 1; _local1.BRB_MA = 2; _local1.BRB_JU = 3; _local1.SHOWDBG = false; _local1.SHOWMAP = false; _local1.SHOWMPY = false; _local1.closeClipDepth_ = 1103; _local1.transparent_ = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); _local1.BARABANS4 = new Array(Game.BRB_SW, Game.BRB_ST, Game.BRB_MA, Game.BRB_JU); _local1.BARABANS3 = new Array(Game.BRB_SW, Game.BRB_ST, Game.BRB_JU); _local1.BARABANS2 = new Array(Game.BRB_SW, Game.BRB_JU); _local1.BARABANSDEPTH = new Array(500, 600, 700, 800); _local1.SHADOWSDEPTH = 104; _local1.MEBSELDEPTH = 1600; _local1.PACKETCLIPDEPTH = 2301; _local1.REQUESTSDEPTH = 20000; _local1.CARRYDEPTH = 20500; _local1.REQUESTSSELDEPTH = 21000; _local1.brb_posArray4 = new Array(new flash.geom.Point(170, 95), new flash.geom.Point(410, 95), new flash.geom.Point(325, 80), new flash.geom.Point(245, 80)); _local1.brb_posArray3 = new Array(new flash.geom.Point(190, 95), new flash.geom.Point(290, 80), new flash.geom.Point(390, 95)); _local1.brb_posArray2 = new Array(new flash.geom.Point(245, 80), new flash.geom.Point(325, 80)); _local1.personsRequests = new Array(); _local1.levelNum_ = 1; _local1.customersEntered_ = 0; _local1.customersLeft_ = 0; _local1.customersLost_ = 0; _local1.customersServed_ = 0; _local1.totalMoney_ = 0; _local1.totalScore_ = 0; _local1.levelScore_ = 0; _local1.goalVal_ = 0; _local1.levelClosed_ = false; _local1.closed_ = false; _local1.selections_ = new Array(); _local1.dlgImgPoints = new Array(); _local1.priceList = new Array(); _local1.boughtArray = new Array(); _local1.SEWED = false; _local1.PACKED = false; _local1.TIPNODONE = 0; _local1.TIPDONE = 1; _local1.TIPDISABLED = 2; _local1.tipsData = new Array(new Array(250, 200, -150, -50), new Array(250, 200, 35, 190), new Array(0, 300, 255, -60), new Array(250, 200, 70, -80), new Array(0, 0, 55, -60)); _local1.tipsDone = new Array(Game.TIPNODONE, Game.TIPNODONE, Game.TIPNODONE, Game.TIPNODONE, Game.TIPNODONE, Game.TIPNODONE, Game.TIPNODONE); _local1.replaceArr = new Array(); _local1.allXMLNames = new Array("translation.xml", "wwdog.xml", "loverBoy.xml", "floor1.xml", "floor2.xml", "backwindow.xml", "window.xml", "wall_left.xml", "wall_left1.xml", "wall_right.xml", "wall_right1.xml", "column_left.xml", "column_left2.xml", "column_right.xml", "column_right2.xml", "shelf.xml", "hero.xml", "menuShop.xml", "mainMenu.xml", "endGameMenu.xml", "mainMap.xml", "gameMenu.xml", "inGameMenu.xml", "interLevelMenu.xml", "MenuOptions.xml", "MenuPlayer.xml", "items.xml", "goods.xml", "reception.xml", "depths.xml", "table_center.xml", "sofa_leftu.xml", "sofa_rightu.xml", "table_left.xml", "table_right.xml", "sofa_leftd.xml", "sofa_rightd.xml", "trash.xml", "cl_def.xml", "cloud_left.xml", "cloud_right.xml", "dust_left.xml", "dust_right.xml", "menu.xml", "carry_menu.xml", "coffee.xml", "carry_cup.xml", "carry_con12_dlg.xml", "carry_con18_dlg.xml", "carry_con6_dlg.xml", "carry_con9_dlg.xml", "levels.xml", "carry_pack.xml", "carry_box.xml", "sewing_t.xml", "packing_t.xml", "curtain.xml", "coin.xml", "con21.xml", "carry_con21_dlg.xml", "con7.xml", "con1.xml", "con10.xml", "carry_con1_dlg.xml", "carry_con7_dlg.xml", "carry_con10_dlg.xml", "con15.xml", "carry_con15_dlg.xml", "con11.xml", "carry_con11_dlg.xml", "con19.xml", "carry_con19_dlg.xml", "con5.xml", "carry_con5_dlg.xml", "con13.xml", "carry_con13_dlg.xml", "con4.xml", "carry_con4_dlg.xml", "con20.xml", "carry_con20_dlg.xml", "shelfleft1.xml", "con24.xml", "carry_con24_dlg.xml", "shelfright1.xml", "shelfright2.xml", "con29.xml", "carry_con29_dlg.xml", "con25.xml", "carry_con25_dlg.xml", "con23.xml", "carry_con23_dlg.xml", "shelfleft2.xml", "con30.xml", "carry_con30_dlg.xml", "con31.xml", "carry_con31_dlg.xml", "con16.xml", "carry_con16_dlg.xml", "con2.xml", "carry_con2_dlg.xml", "lamp1.xml", "lamp2.xml", "anim_ice.xml", "bonus_ice.xml", "anim_dollar.xml", "bonus_dollar.xml", "anim_shoe.xml", "bonus_shoe.xml", "anim_heart.xml", "bonus_heart.xml", "suremenu.xml", "star.xml"); _local1.gameXMLs = new Array(); _local1.custNmsDomain = new Array(); _local1.mebelNmsDomain = new Array(); _local1.moNmsDomain = new Array(); _local1.dlgNmsDomain = new Array(); _local1.extNmsDomain = new Array(); _local1.leftShArr = new Array(); _local1.rightShArr = new Array(); _local1.freeSofa_ = true; _local1.completedshown = false; _local1.ANIM_TRAIL_START_DIRECT_X = 2; _local1.ANIM_TRAIL_START_DIRECT_Y = -20; _local1.ANIM_TRAIL_START_SPEED = 450; _local1.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_EACH_DISTANCE = 25; _local1.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_DIST_DELAY = 25; _local1.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_LIFE_TIME = 0.8; _local1.ANIM_TRAIL_ANGLE_CHANGE_COEFF = 0.14; _local1.ANIM_TRAIL_ANGLE_CHANGE_COEFF_FOR_SPEED = 1; _local1.StartTextAnimation_TIME = 3800; _local1.bootsPoses = new Array(new flash.geom.Point(10, 100), new flash.geom.Point(10, 60), new flash.geom.Point(-2, 25)); _local1.bagsPoses = new Array(new flash.geom.Point(17, 134), new flash.geom.Point(17, 94), new flash.geom.Point(21, 57)); _local1.countAlpha = 0; _local1.levelcompletedshown = false; (_local2.addProperty("gamePlay", _local2.__get__gamePlay, _local2.__set__gamePlay));// not popped (_local2.addProperty("levelMoney", _local2.__get__levelMoney, _local2.__set__levelMoney));// not popped (_local2.addProperty("moneyVal", _local2.__get__moneyVal, _local2.__set__moneyVal));// not popped ASSetPropFlags(_global.Game.prototype, null, 1); #endinitclip
Symbol 469 MovieClip [__Packages.Map] Frame 0
class Map { var map, X, Y; function Map () { map = new Array(); } function XConvertToLocal(mapx) { return(X + (mapx * CELL_SIZE)); } function YConvertToLocal(mapy) { return(Y + (mapy * CELL_SIZE)); } function XConvertToMap(locx) { return(Math.floor((locx - X) / CELL_SIZE)); } function YConvertToMap(locy) { return(Math.floor((locy - Y) / CELL_SIZE)); } static var CELL_SIZE = 20; }
Symbol 470 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon { static var logOutput; function FuseKitCommon () { } static function _cts() { return("|_tint|_tintPercent|_brightness|_brightOffset|_contrast|_invertColor|_colorReset|_colorTransform|"); } static function _resetTo100() { return("|_alpha|_contrast|_invertColor|_tintPercent|_xscale|_yscale|_scale|"); } static function _resetTo0() { return("|_brightness|_brightOffset|_colorReset|_rotation|"); } static function _underscoreable() { return(_cts() + "_frame|_x|_y|_xscale|_yscale|_scale|_width|_height|_size|_rotation|_alpha|_fade|_visible|"); } static function _cbprops() { return("|skipLevel|cycles|roundResults|extra1|extra2|func|scope|args|startfunc|startscope|startargs|updfunc|updscope|updargs|"); } static function _fuseEvents() { return("|onStart|onStop|onPause|onResume|onAdvance|onComplete|"); } static function _fuseprops() { return("|command|label|delay|event|eventparams|target|addTarget|trigger|startAt|ease|easing|seconds|duration|time|"); } static function _validateFuseCommand(c, inGroup, hasArg, outputLevel, simple) { var valid = false; var misplaced = false; switch (c) { case "start" : case "stop" : case "pause" : case "resume" : case "setStartProps" : if (inGroup != true) { valid = true; } break; case "delay" : case "trigger" : if (simple == true) { if (hasArg == true) { valid = true; } } else { misplaced = true; } inGroup = false; break; case "skipTo" : if (!((hasArg == true) && (inGroup != true))) { break; } valid = true; } if ((outputLevel > 0) && (valid == false)) { error("109", c, inGroup, misplaced); } return(valid); } static function output(s) { if (typeof(logOutput) == "function") { logOutput(s); } } static function error(errorCode) { var a1 = arguments[1]; var a2 = arguments[2]; var a3 = arguments[3]; if (VERBOSE != true) { output(("[FuseKitCommon#" + errorCode) + "]"); return(undefined); } var es = ""; var _newline = newline; switch (errorCode) { case "001" : es = es + "** ERROR: When using simpleSetup to extend prototypes, you must pass the Shortcuts class. **"; es = es + (_newline + " import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;"); es = es + ((_newline + " ZigoEngine.simpleSetup(Shortcuts);") + _newline); break; case "002" : es = es + "** ZigoEngine.doShortcut: shortcuts missing. Use the setup commands: import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*; ZigoEngine.register(Shortcuts); **"; break; case "003" : es = es + ((_newline + "*** Error: DO NOT use #include \"\" with this version of ZigoEngine! ***") + _newline); break; case "004" : es = es + (("** ZigoEngine.doTween - too few arguments [" + a1) + "]."); if (Boolean(a2) == true) { es = es + " If you are trying to use Object Syntax without Fuse, pass FuseItem in your register() or simpleSetup() call. **"; } else { es = es + " Object syntax call failed. **"; } break; case "005" : es = es + (((("** ZigoEngine.doTween - missing targets[" + a1) + "] and/or props[") + a2) + "] **"); break; case "006" : es = es + (("** Error: easing shortcut string not recognized (\"" + a1) + "\"). You may need to pass the in PennerEasing class during register or simpleSetup. **"); break; case "007" : es = es + (((("- ZigoEngine: Target locked [" + a1) + "], ignoring tween call [") + a2) + "]"); break; case "008" : es = es + "** You must register the Shortcuts class in order to use easy string-type callback parsing. **"; break; case "009" : es = es + (("** ZigoEngine: A callback parameter \"" + a1) + "\" was not recognized. **"); break; case "010" : es = es + ((((("** " + ((a1 == true) ? "ZigoEngine" : "FuseItem")) + " unable to parse ") + ((a2 == 1) ? "callback[" : (String(a2) + " callbacks["))) + a3) + "]. Try using the syntax {scope:this, func:\"myFunction\"} **"); break; case "011" : es = es + (((("- ZigoEngine: Callbacks discarded via skipLevel 2 option [" + a1) + "|") + a2) + "]."); break; case "012" : es = es + (((((("- Engine set props or ignored no-change tween on: " + a1) + ", props passed:[") + a2) + "], endvals passed:[") + a3) + "]"); break; case "013" : es = es + (((((("- Engine added tween on:\n\ttargets:[" + a1) + "]\n\tprops:[") + a2) + "]\n\tendvals:[") + a3) + "]"); break; case "014" : es = es + "** Error: easing function passed is not usable with this engine. Functions need to follow the Robert Penner model. **"; break; case "015" : es = es + "** Error: The CustomEasing class must be passed during setup (register or simpleSetup) to use custom easing Arrays. **"; break; case "016" : es = es + (("[ ZigoEngine.TIME_MULTIPLIER: " + String(Number(Number(a1) * 100))) + "% ]"); break; case "101" : es = es + "** ERROR: Fuse simpleSetup was removed in version 2.0! **"; es = es + (_newline + " You must now use the following commands:"); es = es + ((_newline + _newline) + "\timport com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;"); es = es + (_newline + "\tZigoEngine.simpleSetup(Shortcuts, PennerEasing, Fuse);"); es = es + ((_newline + "Note that PennerEasing is optional, and FuseFMP is also accepted. (FuseFMP.simpleSetup is run automatically if included.)") + _newline); break; case "102" : es = es + (((("** Fuse " + a1) + " index or label not found (") + a2) + ") or out of range. **"); break; case "103" : es = es + (((("** Fuse skipTo (" + a1) + ") ignored - targets the current index (") + a2) + "). **"); break; case "104" : es = es + (("** Fuse fastForward index out of play range (" + a1) + ") - skipTo has been called instead. **"); break; case "105" : es = es + "** An unsupported Array method was called on Fuse. **"; break; case "106" : es = es + "** ERROR: You have not set up Fuse correctly. **"; es = es + (_newline + "You must now use the following commands (PennerEasing is optional)."); es = es + (_newline + "\timport com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;"); es = es + ((_newline + "\tZigoEngine.simpleSetup(Shortcuts, PennerEasing, Fuse);") + _newline); break; case "107" : es = es + "** Fuse :: id not found - Aborting open(). **"; break; case "108" : es = es + "** Fuse.startRecent: No recent Fuse found to start! **"; break; case "109" : es = es + (("** Command \"" + a1) + "\" discarded. "); if (a2 == true) { es = es + "Not allowed within a group. **"; } else if (a3 == true) { es = es + (("Not supported in Object Syntax, use the " + a1) + " property instead. **"); } else { es = es + "The command may be unrecognized or missing an argument. **"; } break; case "110" : es = es + (((("** " + a1) + " illegal Fuse property discarded:\"") + a2) + "\". Bezier keywords other than x and y cannot be set as start values. **"); break; case "112" : es = es + "** Fuse: missing com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine! Cannot tween. **"; break; case "113" : es = es + "** FuseItem: A callback has been discarded. Actions with a command may only contain: label, delay, scope, args. **"; break; case "115" : es = es + ((a1 + " overlapping prop discarded: ") + a2); break; case "116" : es = es + ("** FuseItem Error: Delays within groups (arrays) and start/update callbacks are not supported when using Fuse without ZigoEngine. Although you need to restructure your Fuse, it should be possible to achieve the same results. **" + _newline); break; case "117" : es = es + (("** " + a1) + ": infinite cycles are not allowed within Fuses - discarded. **"); break; case "118" : es = es + ((("** " + a1) + ": No targets found!") + ((a2 == true) ? " [Unable to set start props] **" : " [Skipping tween parameters in this action] **")); break; case "119" : es = es + ((((("** " + a1) + ": ") + ((a2 == 1) ? "" : (a2 + " actions in the group"))) + " missing targets") + ((a3 == true) ? " during setStartProps **" : " **")); break; case "120" : es = es + (((("** " + a1) + ": conflict with \"") + a2) + "\". Property might be doubled within a grouped-action array. **"); break; case "121" : es = es + "** Fuse timecode formatting requires \"00:\" formatting (example:\"01:01:33\" yields 61.33 seconds.) **"; break; case "122" : es = es + (("** Event \"" + a1) + "\" reserved by Fuse. **"); break; case "123" : es = es + (("** A Fuse event parameter failed in " + a1) + " **"); break; case "124" : es = es + (((("** " + a1) + ": trigger:") + a2) + " ignored - only one trigger is allowed per action **"); break; case "125" : es = es + (a1 + " Warning - fastForward hit an item during its tween cycle, may malfunction."); break; case "201" : es = es + (("**** FuseFMP cannot initialize argument " + a1) + " (BitmapFilters cannot be applied to this object type) ****"); break; case "202" : es = es + (((("** FuseFMP error: A " + a1) + " could not be created for ") + a2) + " **"); break; case "203" : es = es + (("** FuseFMP.setFilterProps - too few arguments passed (" + a1) + ") - minimum 2 required. **"); break; case "204" : es = es + (("** FuseFMP.setFilterProps could not locate the filter passed. (" + a1) + ") **"); } output(es); } static function parseCallback(callback, targets, outputLevel, callerIsEngine, addprefix) { if (callback._vcb == true) { return(callback); } var validCBs = {_vcb:true,, cycles:1}; if (callback == undefined) { return(validCBs); } var cbErrors = []; if (typeof(callback) == "object") { if (((callback.skipLevel != undefined) && (typeof(callback.skipLevel) == "number")) && (callback.skipLevel != { if ((callback.skipLevel >= 0) && (callback.skipLevel <= 2)) { validCBs.skipLevel = callback.skipLevel; } } if (callback.cycles != undefined) { if ((typeof(callback.cycles) == "number") && (callback.cycles > -1)) { validCBs.cycles = callback.cycles; } else if (callback.cycles.toUpperCase() == "LOOP") { validCBs.cycles = 0; } } if (callback.extra1 != undefined) { validCBs.extra1 = callback.extra1; } if (callback.extra2 != undefined) { validCBs.extra2 = callback.extra2; } if ((callback.roundResults === true) || (callback.roundResults === false)) { validCBs.roundResults = callback.roundResults; } } else { callback = {func:callback}; } var prefixes = ["start", "upd", ""]; var easyfuncparse =; for (var i in prefixes) { var prefix = prefixes[i]; var fstr = callback[prefix + "func"]; if (((fstr != undefined) && (typeof(fstr) == "string")) && (fstr.indexOf("(") > -1)) { if (easyfuncparse != undefined) { var efc = easyfuncparse(fstr); if (efc.func != undefined) { callback[prefix + "scope"] = efc.scope; callback[prefix + "func"] = efc.func; callback[prefix + "args"] = efc.args; } } else if (outputLevel > 0) { error("008"); } } } var basescope = callback.scope; for (var i in callback) { var fi = i.toLowerCase().indexOf("func"); if (fi > -1) { var prefix = i.slice(0, fi); var func = callback[i]; var args = callback[prefix + "args"]; var scope = ((callback[prefix + "scope"] == undefined) ? (basescope) : (callback[prefix + "scope"])); if ((typeof(func) == "string") && (scope[func] == undefined)) { for (var j in targets) { var targ = targets[j]; if (typeof(targ[func]) == "function") { scope = targ; break; } if (typeof(targ._parent[func]) == "function") { scope = targ._parent; break; } } if ((scope == undefined) && (_level0[func] != undefined)) { scope = _level0; } if ((scope == undefined) && (_global[func] != undefined)) { scope = _global; } } if (typeof(func) != "function") { if (typeof(scope[String(func)]) == "function") { func = scope[String(func)]; } else { func = eval (String(func)); } } if (func == undefined) { cbErrors.push(String((((((((addprefix == null) ? (i) : (addprefix + i)) + ":") + ((typeof(callback[i]) == "string") ? (("\"" + callback[i]) + "\"") : (callback[i]))) + "/") + prefix) + "scope:") + scope)); } else { if ((args != undefined) && (!(args instanceof Array))) { args = [args]; } if (prefix == "") { prefix = "end"; } validCBs[prefix] = {s:scope, f:func, a:args}; if (callerIsEngine == true) { validCBs[prefix].id = ++cbTicker; } if (prefix == "start") { validCBs.start.fired = false; } } } else if (_cbprops().indexOf(("|" + i) + "|") == -1) { error("009", i); } } if ((cbErrors.length > 0) && (outputLevel > 0)) { if (outputLevel > 0) { error("010", callerIsEngine, cbErrors.length, cbErrors.toString()); } } return(validCBs); } static var VERSION = "Fuse Kit 2.1.4 Copyright (c) 2006 Moses Gunesch, under MIT Open Source License"; static var VERBOSE = true; static var ALL = "ALL"; static var ALLCOLOR = "ALLCOLOR"; static var cbTicker = 0; }
Symbol 471 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine { static var extensions, updateTime, tweenHolder, instance, _listeners, broadcastMessage, updateIntId; function ZigoEngine () { } static function addListener(handler) { AsBroadcaster.initialize(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine); addListener(handler); } static function removeListener(handler) { } static function isPlaying() { return(_playing); } static function simpleSetup(shortcutsClass) { if (arguments.length > 0) { register.apply(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine, arguments); } _global.ZigoEngine = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine; if (extensions.fuse != undefined) { _global.Fuse = extensions.fuse; } if (extensions.fuseFMP != undefined) { extensions.fuseFMP.simpleSetup(); } initialize(MovieClip.prototype, Button.prototype, TextField.prototype); if (extensions.shortcuts == undefined) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("001"); } } static function register(classReference) { if (extensions == undefined) { extensions = {}; } var supported = "|fuse|fuseItem|fuseFMP|shortcuts|pennerEasing|customEasing|"; for (var i in arguments) { var key = arguments[i].registryKey; if ((extensions[key] == undefined) && (supported.indexOf(("|" + key) + "|") > -1)) { extensions[key] = arguments[i]; if ((key == "fuseFMP") || (key == "shortcuts")) { Object(extensions[key]).initialize(); } } } } static function initialize(target) { if (arguments.length > 0) { initializeTargets.apply(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine, arguments); if (extensions.shortcuts != undefined) { extensions.shortcuts.addShortcutsTo.apply(extensions.shortcuts, arguments); } } } static function deinitialize(target) { if ((arguments.length == 0) || (target == null)) { arguments.push(MovieClip.prototype, Button.prototype, TextField.prototype); } deinitializeTargets.apply(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine, arguments); if (extensions.shortcuts != undefined) { extensions.shortcuts.removeShortcutsFrom.apply(extensions.shortcuts, arguments); } } static function getUpdateInterval() { return(updateTime); } static function setUpdateInterval(time) { if (_playing) { setup(true); updateTime = time; setup(); } else { updateTime = time; } } static function getControllerDepth() { return(tweenHolder.getDepth()); } static function setControllerDepth(depth) { if ((depth == null) || (_global.isNaN(depth) == true)) { depth = 6789; } if (Object(tweenHolder).proof != null) { tweenHolder.swapDepths(depth); } else { tweenHolder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("ZigoEnginePulse", depth); } } static function doShortcut(targets, methodName) { if (extensions.shortcuts == undefined) { if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("002"); } return(null); } return(extensions.shortcuts.doShortcut.apply(extensions.shortcuts, arguments)); } static function doTween(targets, props, endvals, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { if (extensions.fuse.addBuildItem(arguments) == true) { return(null); } if (TIME_MULTIPLIER != prevTimeMult) { TIME_MULTIPLIER = Math.abs(TIME_MULTIPLIER); if (_global.isNaN(TIME_MULTIPLIER) == true) { TIME_MULTIPLIER = 1; } if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("016", TIME_MULTIPLIER); } prevTimeMult = TIME_MULTIPLIER; } if ((instance == undefined) || ((Object(tweenHolder).proof == undefined) && (updateTime == undefined))) { if ((MovieClip.prototype.tween != null) && (typeof(_global.$tweenManager) == "object")) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("003"); } instance = new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZManager(); _playing = false; } var params = instance.paramsObj(targets, props, endvals, true); var ta = ((([0] == null) || ( == 0)) ? undefined : (; if ((( == undefined) || (ta == undefined)) || (arguments.length < 3)) { if (((extensions.fuseItem != null) && (arguments.length == 1)) && (typeof(arguments[0]) == "object")) { return(extensions.fuseItem.doTween(arguments[0])); } if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { if (arguments.length < 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("004", (((arguments.length == 1) && (arguments[0] == null)) ? "1 (null)" : (String(arguments.length))), Boolean(extensions.fuseItem == null)); } else { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("005", ta.toString(),; } } return(null); } if (_playing != true) { setup(); } if ((seconds == null) || (_global.isNaN(seconds) == true)) { seconds = DURATION || 1; } else if (seconds < 0.01) { seconds = 0; } seconds = seconds * TIME_MULTIPLIER; if (((delay < 0.01) || (delay == null)) || (_global.isNaN(delay) == true)) { delay = 0; } delay = delay * TIME_MULTIPLIER; var validCBs = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.parseCallback(callback, ta, OUTPUT_LEVEL, true); var eqf; if (typeof(ease) == "function") { if (typeof(Function(ease).call(null, 1, 1, 1, 1)) == "number") { eqf = Function(ease); } else if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("014", ease); } } else if ((ease == null) || (ease == "")) { if (EASING instanceof Function) { eqf = Function(EASING); } else if (extensions.pennerEasing != undefined) { ease = EASING; } } if ((typeof(ease) == "string") && (ease != "")) { if (extensions.pennerEasing[ease] != undefined) { eqf = extensions.pennerEasing[ease]; } else if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("006", ease); } } else if (ease instanceof Array) { if (extensions.customEasing != undefined) { validCBs.extra1 = ease; if (typeof(ease[0]) == "number") { eqf = extensions.customEasing.precalced; } else { eqf = extensions.customEasing.fromCurve; } } else if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("015", ease); } } if (typeof(eqf) != "function") { eqf = function (t, b, c, d) { return((c * (((((((t = (t / d) - 1)) * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); }; } if (_listeners.length > 0) {, "onTweenAdd", ta,,, seconds, eqf, delay, validCBs); } var propsAdded = ""; for (var i in ta) { var o = ta[i]; if (o.__zigoID__ == null) { initializeTargets(o); } else if (instance.getStatus("locked", o) == true) { if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("007", ((o._name != undefined) ? (o._name) : (o.toString())),; } continue; } var pStr = instance.addTween(o,,, seconds, eqf, delay, validCBs); propsAdded = ((pStr == null) ? "|" : (pStr + "|")) + propsAdded; } propsAdded = propsAdded.slice(0, -1); return((((propsAdded == "") || (propsAdded == "|")) ? null : (propsAdded))); } static function removeTween(targs, props) { instance.removeTween(targs, props); } static function isTweening(targ, prop) { return(Boolean(instance.getStatus("active", targ, prop))); } static function getTweens(targ) { if (instance == undefined) { return(0); } return(Number(instance.getStatus("count", targ))); } static function lockTween(targ, setLocked) { instance.alterTweens("lock", targ, setLocked == true); } static function isTweenLocked(targ) { return(Boolean(instance.getStatus("locked", targ))); } static function ffTween(targs, props, suppressEndEvents) { instance.alterTweens("ff", targs, props, null, suppressEndEvents); } static function skipTweenTo(seconds, targs, props) { instance.alterTweens("skipTo", targs, props, false, false, seconds); } static function rewTween(targs, props, pauseFlag, suppressStartEvents) { instance.alterTweens("rewind", targs, props, pauseFlag, suppressStartEvents); } static function isTweenPaused(targ, prop) { return(Boolean(instance.getStatus("paused", targ, prop))); } static function pauseTween(targs, props) { instance.alterTweens("pause", targs, props); } static function unpauseTween(targs, props) { instance.alterTweens("unpause", targs, props); } static function resumeTween(targs, props) { instance.alterTweens("unpause", targs, props); } static function setColorByKey(targetObj, type, amt, rgb) { new Color(targetObj).setTransform(getColorTransObj(type, amt, rgb)); } static function getColorTransObj(type, amt, rgb) { switch (type) { case "brightness" : var percent = (100 - Math.abs(amt)); var offset = ((amt > 0) ? (255 * (amt / 100)) : 0); return({ra:percent, rb:offset, ga:percent, gb:offset, ba:percent, bb:offset}); case "brightOffset" : return({ra:100, rb:255 * (amt / 100), ga:100, gb:255 * (amt / 100), ba:100, bb:255 * (amt / 100)}); case "contrast" : return({ra:amt, rb:128 - (1.28 * amt), ga:amt, gb:128 - (1.28 * amt), ba:amt, bb:128 - (1.28 * amt)}); case "invertColor" : return({ra:100 - (2 * amt), rb:amt * 2.55, ga:100 - (2 * amt), gb:amt * 2.55, ba:100 - (2 * amt), bb:amt * 2.55}); case "tint" : if (rgb == null) { break; } var rgbnum; if (typeof(rgb) == "string") { if (rgb.charAt(0) == "#") { rgb = rgb.slice(1); } rgb = ((rgb.charAt(1).toLowerCase() != "x") ? ("0x" + rgb) : (rgb)); } rgbnum = Number(rgb); return({ra:100 - amt, rb:(rgbnum >> 16) * (amt / 100), ga:100 - amt, gb:((rgbnum >> 8) & 255) * (amt / 100), ba:100 - amt, bb:(rgbnum & 255) * (amt / 100)}); } return({rb:0, ra:100, gb:0, ga:100, bb:0, ba:100}); } static function getColorKeysObj(targOrTransObj) { var trans = ((targOrTransObj.ra != undefined) ? (targOrTransObj) : (new Color(targOrTransObj).getTransform())); var sim_a = ((trans.ra == && ( ==; var sim_b = ((trans.rb == && ( ==; var o = {tintPercent:Number(((sim_a == true) ? (100 - trans.ra) : 0))}; if (o.tintPercent != 0) { var ratio = (100 / o.tintPercent); o.tint = (((trans.rb * ratio) << 16) | (( * ratio) << 8)) | ( * ratio); var hexStr = o.tint.toString(16); var toFill = (6 - hexStr.length); while ((toFill--) > 0) { hexStr = "0" + hexStr; } o.tintString = "0x" + hexStr.toUpperCase(); } if ((sim_a == true) && (sim_b == true)) { if (trans.ra < 0) { o.invertColor = trans.rb * 0.392156862745098; } else if ((trans.ra == 100) && (trans.rb != 0)) { o.brightOffset = trans.rb * 0.392156862745098; } if (trans.ra != 100) { if ((trans.rb == 0) || ((trans.rb != 0) && (((255 * ((100 - trans.ra) / 100)) - trans.rb) <= 1))) { o.brightness = ((trans.rb != 0) ? (100 - trans.ra) : (trans.ra - 100)); } if (((128 - (1.28 * trans.ra)) - trans.rb) <= 1) { o.contrast = trans.ra; } } } return(o); } static function initializeTargets() { for (var i in arguments) { var obj = arguments[i]; if ((((obj == MovieClip.prototype) || (obj == Button.prototype)) || (obj == TextField.prototype)) || (obj == Object.prototype)) { if (obj.oldAddListener == undefined) { if (obj == TextField.prototype) { obj.oldAddListener = obj.addListener; _global.ASSetPropFlags(obj, "oldAddListener", 7, 1); } obj.addListener = function (o) { if (this.__zigoID__ == undefined) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.initializeTargets(this); } if (this instanceof TextField) { Function(this.oldAddListener).call(this, o); } else { this.addListener(o); } }; if (obj == MovieClip.prototype) { _global.ASSetPropFlags(obj, "addListener", 7, 1); } } } else if (obj.__zigoID__ == undefined) { obj.__zigoID__ = zigoIDs; _global.ASSetPropFlags(obj, "__zigoID__", 7, 1); zigoIDs++; if ((obj._listeners == null) || (obj.addListener == null)) { AsBroadcaster.initialize(obj); } } } } static function deinitializeTargets() { for (var i in arguments) { var obj = arguments[i]; if (obj.__zigoID__ != undefined) { _global.ASSetPropFlags(obj, "__zigoID__,_listeners,broadcastMessage,addListener,removeListener", 0, 2); delete obj.__zigoID__; delete obj._listeners; delete obj.broadcastMessage; delete obj.addListener; delete obj.removeListener; } if (obj.oldAddListener != undefined) { _global.ASSetPropFlags(obj, "oldAddListener", 0, 2); obj.addListener = obj.oldAddListener; delete obj.oldAddListener; } } } static function __mgrRelay(inst, method, args) { if (inst == instance) { Function(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine[method]).apply(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine, args); } } static function setup(deinitFlag) { if (deinitFlag == true) { _playing = false; clearInterval(updateIntId); delete tweenHolder.onEnterFrame; return(undefined); } instance.cleanUp(); clearInterval(updateIntId); delete updateIntId; if ((updateTime != null) && (updateTime > 0)) { updateIntId = setInterval(instance, "update", updateTime); } else { if (Object(tweenHolder).proof == null) { setControllerDepth(6789); Object(tweenHolder).proof = 1; } var _inst = instance; tweenHolder.onEnterFrame = function () {; }; } _playing = true; = getTimer(); } static var VERSION = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.VERSION + ", ZigoEngine based on concepts by L.Zigo"; static var EASING = "easeOutQuint"; static var DURATION = 1; static var TIME_MULTIPLIER = 1; static var ROUND_RESULTS = false; static var OUTPUT_LEVEL = 1; static var AUTOSTOP = false; static var SKIP_LEVEL = 0; static var _playing = false; static var zigoIDs = 0; static var prevTimeMult = 1; }
Symbol 472 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZManager { var tweens, now; function ZManager () { tweens = {}; numTweens = 0; } function addTween(obj, props, endvals, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { var skipLevel = ((callback.skipLevel == undefined) ? 0 : (callback.skipLevel)); var cycles = ((callback.cycles == undefined) ? 1 : (callback.cycles)); var extra1 = callback.extra1; var extra2 = callback.extra2; var ip = []; var fmp =; var fmps = String(("|" + fmp.getAllShortcuts().join("|")) + "|"); var cts = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon._cts(); var propsAdded = ""; var valsAdded = ""; var zID = obj.__zigoID__; var to = tweens[String(zID)]; if ((to != undefined) && (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.AUTOSTOP == true)) { if (obj._listeners.length > 0) { for (var j in to.props) { ip.unshift(j); } } to.numProps = 0; cleanUp(true); } for (var i in props) { var prop = props[i]; var ep = endvals[i]; var fade = 0; if (prop == "_fade") { prop = "_alpha"; fade = ((ep < 50) ? -1 : 1); } var isCT = (cts.indexOf(("|" + prop) + "|") > -1); var oldCP = to.colorProp; if (to != undefined) { if ((isCT == true) && (oldCP != undefined)) { ip.unshift(oldCP); delete to.props[oldCP]; delete to.colorProp; to.numProps--; } else if (to.props[prop] != undefined) { ip.unshift(prop); delete to[prop]; to.numProps--; } } var o = {c:-1, fmp:-1, complex:-1}; var isImmed = (((skipLevel == 0) && ((seconds + delay) == 0)) || ((skipLevel > 0) && (seconds == 0))); var propChanged = false; var isFMP = ((fmp != undefined) && (fmps.indexOf(("|" + prop) + "|") > -1)); var isColorsArray = ((prop.toLowerCase().indexOf("colors") > -1) && (ep instanceof Array)); var isFMPC = (((isFMP == true) && (prop.indexOf("lor") > -1)) && (prop.charAt(2) != "l")); if (isFMP == true) { o.fmp = fmp; = fmp.getFilterProp(obj, prop, true); o.special = true; } if (((isCT == true) || (isColorsArray == true)) || (isFMPC && (isImmed == false))) { o.complex = 1; if (isCT == true) { o.c = new Color(obj); = Color(o.c).getTransform(); var cp = ((((prop == "_tint") || (prop == "_tintPercent")) || (prop == "_colorReset")) ? "tint" : (prop.slice(1))); var amt = null; var tint = null; if (prop != "_colorTransform") { if (cp == "tint") { if (typeof(ep) == "object") { tint = ep.tint; amt = ((_global.isNaN(ep.percent) == true) ? 100 : (ep.percent)); } else if ((prop == "_tintPercent") || (prop == "_colorReset")) { var curPct = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorKeysObj(obj).tintPercent; if (prop == "_colorReset") { amt = Math.min(curPct, 100 - Math.abs(Number(ep))); } else { amt = ((typeof(ep) == "string") ? ((curPct || 0) + Number(ep)) : Number(ep)); } amt = Math.max(0, Math.min(amt, 100)); tint = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorKeysObj(obj).tint || 0; } else { tint = ep; amt = 100; } } else { amt = ((typeof(ep) == "string") ? ((com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorKeysObj(obj)[cp] || 0) + Number(ep)) : (ep)); } ep = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj(cp, amt, tint); } if (isImmed == true) { if (prop == "_colorTransform") { Color(o.c).setTransform(ep); } else { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.setColorByKey(obj, cp, amt, tint); } } else { var chObj = getChangeObj(, ep, false, false); =; if (chObj.changed == true) { propChanged = true; } } } else if (isImmed == true) { fmp.setFilterProp(obj, prop, ep); } else if (isColorsArray == true) { o.c = 2; = []; for (var j in ep) { if (ep[j] != null) { if ( == null) { = []; }[j] = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj("tint", 100, (([j] == null) ? obj[prop][j] :[j])); var chObj = getChangeObj([j], com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj("tint", 100, ep[j]), true, false);[j] =; if (chObj.changed == true) { propChanged = true; } } } } else { o.c = 1; = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj("tint", 100,; var chObj = getChangeObj(, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj("tint", 100, ep), true, false); =; if (chObj.changed == true) { propChanged = true; } } } else if (prop == "_bezier_") { removeTween(obj, "_x,_y", true); if (isImmed == true) { if ((ep.x != null) && (_global.isNaN(Number(ep.x)) == false)) { obj._x = ((typeof(ep.x) == "string") ? (obj._x + Number(ep.x)) : (ep.x)); } if ((ep.y != null) && (_global.isNaN(Number(ep.y)) == false)) { obj._y = ((typeof(ep.y) == "string") ? (obj._y + Number(ep.y)) : (ep.y)); } } else { o.special = true; = 0; = 1; = {sx:obj._x, sy:obj._y}; if ((ep.x == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(ep.x)))) { ep.x =; } if ((ep.y == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(ep.y)))) { ep.y =; } = ((typeof(ep.x) == "string") ? (Number(ep.x)) : (ep.x -; if (_global.isNaN( == true) { o.bx.chx = 0; } = ((typeof(ep.y) == "string") ? (Number(ep.y)) : (ep.y -; if (_global.isNaN( == true) { o.bx.chy = 0; } if ((ep.controlX == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(ep.controlX)))) { = + ( / 2); } else { = ((typeof(ep.controlX) == "string") ? ( + Number(ep.controlX)) : (ep.controlX)); } if ((ep.controlY == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(ep.controlY)))) { = + ( / 2); } else { = ((typeof(ep.controlY) == "string") ? ( + Number(ep.controlY)) : (ep.controlY)); } = -; = -; propChanged = ( + != 0; } } else { if (typeof(ep) == "object") { o.complex = ((ep instanceof Array) ? 0 : 1); } if ((prop == "_x") || (prop == "_y")) { removeTween(obj, "_bezier_", true); } if ((prop == "_frame") && (typeof(obj) == "movieclip")) { = obj._currentframe; o.special = true; } else if (isFMP == false) { if (o.complex > -1) { = ((o.complex == 0) ? ([]) : ({})); for (var j in ep) {[j] = obj[prop][j]; } } else { = obj[prop]; } } if (isImmed == true) { if (isFMP == true) { fmp.setFilterProp(obj, prop, ((typeof(ep) == "string") ? ( + Number(ep)) : (ep))); } else if (o.complex > -1) { for (var j in ep) { if ((ep[j] != null) && (_global.isNaN(Number(ep[j])) == false)) { obj[prop][j] = ((typeof(ep[j]) == "string") ? ([j] + Number(ep[j])) : ep[j]); if (_global.isNaN(obj[prop][j]) == true) { obj[prop][j] = 0; } } } } else { obj[prop] = ((typeof(ep) == "string") ? ( + Number(ep)) : (ep)); if (fade == 1) { obj._visible = true; } else if (fade == -1) { obj._visible = false; } } } else if (o.complex > -1) { var chObj = getChangeObj(, ep, isFMP, o.complex == 0); =; if (chObj.changed == true) { propChanged = true; } } else { if ((ep == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(ep)))) { ep =; } = ((typeof(ep) == "string") ? (Number(ep)) : (Number(ep) -; if (_global.isNaN( == true) { = 0; } propChanged = != 0; } } if (((skipLevel == 0) && ((propChanged == true) || (isImmed == false))) || ((propChanged == true) && (isImmed == false))) { if ((o.complex > -1) && (!(o.c === 2))) { = []; = []; } o.ts = now + (delay * 1000); = -1; o.d = seconds * 1000; o.ef = ease; o.sf = false; o.cycles = cycles; if (extra1 != undefined) { o.e1 = extra1; } if (extra2 != undefined) { o.e2 = extra2; } o.v = fade; if (callback.start != undefined) { = callback.start; } if (callback.upd != undefined) { o.ucb = callback.upd; } if (callback.end != undefined) { o.ecb = callback.end; } if (callback.roundResults != undefined) { o.rr = callback.roundResults; } if (tweens[String(zID)] == undefined) { to = (tweens[String(zID)] = {numProps:0, locked:false, targ:obj, targID:String(("\"" + ((obj._name != undefined) ? (obj._name) : (obj.toString()))) + "\""), targZID:zID, props:{}}); numTweens++; } if (isCT == true) { to.colorProp = prop; } to.props[prop] = o; to.numProps++; propsAdded = (prop + ",") + propsAdded; valsAdded = (((typeof(ep) == "string") ? (("\"" + ep) + "\"") : (ep)) + ",") + valsAdded; } o = undefined; } if ((to == undefined) || (to.numProps <= 0)) { cleanUp(); } if ((ip.length > 0) && (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine._listeners.length > 0)) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.broadcastMessage("onTweenInterrupt", {target:obj, props:ip, __zigoID__:zID, during:"add"}); } if (propsAdded == "") { if (skipLevel == 2) { if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.OUTPUT_LEVEL == 2) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("011", ((obj._name != undefined) ? (obj._name) : (obj.toString())), props.toString()); } } else { var de = (obj._listeners.length > 0); if (de == true) { obj.broadcastMessage("onTweenStart", {target:obj, props:props}); } if (callback.start != undefined) { callback.start.f.apply(callback.start.s, callback.start.a); } if (de == true) { obj.broadcastMessage("onTweenUpdate", {target:obj, props:props}); } if (callback.upd != undefined) { callback.upd.f.apply(callback.upd.s, callback.upd.a); } if (de == true) { obj.broadcastMessage("onTweenEnd", {target:obj, props:props}); } if (callback.end != undefined) { callback.end.f.apply(callback.end.s, callback.end.a); } } cleanUp(); } if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.OUTPUT_LEVEL == 2) { if (propsAdded == "") { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("012", ((obj._name != undefined) ? (obj._name) : (obj.toString())), props.toString(), endvals.toString()); } else { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("013", ((obj._name != undefined) ? (obj._name) : (obj.toString())), propsAdded.slice(0, -1), valsAdded.slice(0, -1)); } } return(((propsAdded == "") ? null : (propsAdded.slice(0, -1)))); } function removeTween(targs, props, noInit) { var ip = {}; var o = paramsObj(targs, props); if (o.none == true) { return(undefined); } var all = o.all; var allp = o.allprops; var tg = ((all == true) ? (tweens) : (Object(; var missing = false; for (var j in tg) { var id = ((all == true) ? (j) : (String(tg[j].__zigoID__))); var to = tweens[id]; var po = ((allp == true) ? (to.props) : (o.props)); for (var i in po) { var allcolor = ((i == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALLCOLOR) && (to.colorProp != undefined)); if ((to.props[i] != undefined) || (allcolor == true)) { if (ip[id] == null) { ip[id] = []; } ip[id].unshift(i); if ((i == to.colorProp) || (allcolor == true)) { delete to.props[to.colorProp]; delete to.colorProp; } else { delete to.props[i]; } to.numProps--; if (to.numProps <= 0) { missing = true; break; } } } } if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine._listeners.length > 0) { for (var k in ip) { var t = tweens[k].targ; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.broadcastMessage("onTweenInterrupt", {target:((typeof(t.addProperty) == "function") ? (t) : (("[MISSING(\"" + tweens[k].targID) + "\")]")), props:ip[k], __zigoID__:tweens[k].targZID, during:((noInit == true) ? "add" : "remove")}); } } if (missing == true) { cleanUp(noInit); } } function alterTweens(type, targs, props, pauseFlag, noEvents, skipTo) { if (type == "lock") { tweens[String(targs.__zigoID__)].locked = props; return(undefined); } var o = paramsObj(targs, props); if (o.none == true) { return(undefined); } var all = o.all; var allp = o.allprops; var tg = ((all == true) ? (tweens) : (Object(; var hits = 0; for (var j in tg) { var id = ((all == true) ? (j) : (String(tg[j].__zigoID__))); var to = tweens[id]; var po = ((allp == true) ? (to.props) : (o.props)); if (po.ALLCOLOR == true) { po[to.colorProp] = true; delete po.ALLCOLOR; } for (var prop in po) { hits++; var t = to.props[prop]; if (type == "rewind") { if (pauseFlag == true) { = now; } t.ts = now; if (noEvents != true) { t.sf = false; if ( != undefined) { = false; } } } else if (type == "ff") { if (noEvents == true) { t.suppressEnd = true; } t.o = true; = -1; t.ts = now - t.d; } else if (type == "skipTo") { t.ts = Math.min(now, (t.ts + (now - t.ts)) - (skipTo * 1000)); } else if (type == "pause") { if ( == -1) { = now; } } else if (type == "unpause") { if ( != -1) { t.ts = now - ( - t.ts); = -1; } } } } if ((type == "ff") && (hits > 0)) { update(); } else if ((type == "rewind") && (hits > 0)) { update(true); } } function getStatus(type, targ, param) { if (targ == null) { return(null); } var all = (String(targ).toUpperCase() == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALL); var t = tweens[String(targ.__zigoID__)]; switch (type) { case "paused" : var props = t.props; if (param != null) { if (props[String(param)] == undefined) { return(false); } return(Boolean(props[String(param)].pt != -1)); } for (var i in props) { if (props[i].pt != -1) { return(true); } } return(false); case "active" : if (param == null) { return(Boolean(t != undefined)); } if (String(param).toUpperCase() == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALLCOLOR) { return(Boolean(t.colorProp != undefined)); } return(Boolean(t.props[String(param)] != undefined)); case "count" : if (!all) { return(t.numProps); } var count = 0; for (var i in tweens) { count = count + tweens[i].numProps; } return(count); case "locked" : return(t.locked); } } function update(force) { var scb = {}; var ucb = {}; var ecb = {}; var sp = {}; var up = {}; var ep = {}; var missing = false; var RR = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.ROUND_RESULTS; for (var i in tweens) { var to = tweens[i]; var targ = to.targ; var props = to.props; var evtFlag = (targ._listeners.length > 0); if (targ.__zigoID__ == undefined) { missing = true; if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine._listeners.length > 0) { var plist = []; for (var prop in props) { plist.unshift(prop); } com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.broadcastMessage("onTweenInterrupt", {target:((typeof(targ.addProperty) == "function") ? (targ) : (("[MISSING:" + to.targID) + "]")), props:plist, __zigoID__:to.targZID, during:"update"}); } continue; } for (var prop in props) { var t = props[prop]; if (((t.ts > now) || ( != -1)) && (force != true)) { continue; } var done = (now >= (t.ts + t.d)); if (t.complex == -1) { var val; if (done == true) { val = +; if ((t.cycles > 1) || (t.cycles == 0)) { if (t.cycles > 1) { t.cycles--; } = val; =; t.ts = now; done = false; } } else { val = t.ef(now - t.ts,,, t.d, t.e1, t.e2); } if (_global.isNaN(val) == false) { if ((prop != "_bezier_") && ((t.rr == true) || ((RR == true) && (!(t.rr === false))))) { val = Math.round(Number(val)); } if (t.special != true) { targ[prop] = val; } else if (t.fmp != -1) { t.fmp.setFilterProp(targ, prop, val); } else if (prop == "_bezier_") { var bz =; var x = ( + (val * (((2 * (1 - val)) * bz.ctrlx) + (val * bz.chx)))); var y = ( + (val * (((2 * (1 - val)) * bz.ctrly) + (val * bz.chy)))); if ((t.rr == true) || ((RR == true) && (!(t.rr === false)))) { x = Math.round(Number(x)); y = Math.round(Number(y)); } targ._x = x; targ._y = y; } else if (prop == "_frame") { MovieClip(targ).gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(val)); } } } else { var loop = ((done == true) && ((t.cycles > 1) || (t.cycles == 0))); var tta = []; for (var k in { var tt = ((t.complex == 0) ? ([]) : ({})); for (var j in[k]) { var cv =[k][j]; var sv =[k][j]; if (done == true) { tt[j] = sv + cv; if (loop == true) {[k][j] = -cv; } } else { tt[j] = t.ef(now - t.ts, sv, cv, t.d, t.e1, t.e2); } if (_global.isNaN(tt[j]) == false) { if ((t.rr == true) || ((RR == true) && (!(t.rr === false)))) { tt[j] = Math.round(tt[j]); } } if ((t.fmp == -1) && (t.c == -1)) { targ[prop][j] = tt[j]; } } tta.push(tt); if ((t.fmp == -1) && (t.c == 2)) { targ[prop][k] = Number(((tt.rb << 16) | ( << 8)) |; } } if (t.fmp != -1) { if (t.c == 1) { t.fmp.setFilterProp(targ, prop, ((tta[0].rb << 16) | (tta[0].gb << 8)) | tta[0].bb); } else if (t.c == 2) { var copy = []; for (var j in tta) { copy.unshift(((tta[j].rb << 16) | (tta[j].gb << 8)) | tta[j].bb); } t.fmp.setFilterProp(targ, prop, copy); } else { t.fmp.setFilterProp(targ, prop, tta[0]); } } else if (t.c != -1) { t.c.setTransform(tta[0]); } if (loop == true) { if (t.cycles > 1) { t.cycles--; } done = false; t.ts = now; = tta; } } if (t.sf == false) { if (t.v != 0) { targ._visible = true; } if (evtFlag == true) { if (sp[i] == undefined) { sp[i] = [targ, []]; } sp[i][1].unshift(prop); } t.sf = true; } if ( == false) { scb[String(] =; = true; } if (evtFlag == true) { if (up[i] == undefined) { up[i] = [targ, []]; } up[i][1].unshift(prop); } if (t.ucb != undefined) { ucb[String(] = t.ucb; } if (done == true) { if (t.v === -1) { targ._visible = false; } if (t.suppressEnd != true) { if (evtFlag == true) { if (ep[i] == undefined) { ep[i] = [targ, []]; } ep[i][1].unshift(prop); } if (t.ecb != undefined) { ecb[String(] = t.ecb; } } delete props[prop]; if (prop == to.colorProp) { delete to.colorProp; } to.numProps--; if (to.numProps <= 0) { missing = true; } } delete t.suppressEnd; } } for (var i in sp) { sp[i][0].broadcastMessage("onTweenStart", {target:sp[i][0], props:sp[i][1]}); } for (var i in scb) { scb[i].f.apply(scb[i].s, scb[i].a); } for (var i in up) { up[i][0].broadcastMessage("onTweenUpdate", {target:up[i][0], props:up[i][1]}); } for (var i in ucb) { ucb[i].f.apply(ucb[i].s, ucb[i].a); } for (var i in ep) { ep[i][0].broadcastMessage("onTweenEnd", {target:ep[i][0], props:ep[i][1]}); } for (var i in ecb) { ecb[i].f.apply(ecb[i].s, ecb[i].a); } if (missing) { cleanUp(); } now = getTimer(); } function cleanUp(noInit) { for (var i in tweens) { var targ = tweens[i].targ; if ((tweens[i].numProps <= 0) || (targ.__zigoID__ == undefined)) { if ((((targ != undefined) && (targ.tween == undefined)) && (noInit != true)) && (targ._listeners.length <= 0)) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.deinitializeTargets(targ); } delete tweens[i]; numTweens--; } } if (numTweens <= 0) { numTweens = 0; delete tweens; tweens = {}; if (noInit != true) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.__mgrRelay(this, "setup", [true]); } } } function paramsObj(targs, props, endvals, retainFade) { var o = {}; o.all = String(targs).toUpperCase() == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALL; o.none = Boolean(targs == null); if (o.all == true) { = [null]; } else { = ((targs instanceof Array) ? (targs) : ([targs])); for (var i in { var t =[i]; if ((t == null) || (!((typeof(t) == "object") || (typeof(t) == "movieclip")))) {, 1); } } } o.allprops = props == null; var pa; var va; var pobj = {}; if (o.allprops == false) { if ((typeof(props) == "string") && ((String(props).indexOf(" ") > -1) || (String(props).indexOf(",") > -1))) { props = String(props.split(" ").join("")).split(","); } pa = ((props instanceof Array) ? (props.slice()) : ([props])); if (endvals != undefined) { if ((typeof(endvals) == "string") && ((String(endvals).indexOf(" ") > -1) || (String(endvals).indexOf(",") > -1))) { endvals = String(endvals.split(" ").join("")).split(","); } va = ((endvals instanceof Array) ? (endvals.slice()) : ([endvals])); while (va.length < pa.length) { va.push(va[va.length - 1]); } va.splice(pa.length, va.length - pa.length); } for (var i in pa) { var insert = Number(i); if ((pa[i] != "_scale") && (pa[i] != "_size")) { if (pobj[pa[i]] == undefined) { if ((pa[i] == "_fade") && (retainFade != true)) { pa[i] = "_alpha"; } if (String(pa[i]).toUpperCase() == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALLCOLOR) { pa[i] = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALLCOLOR; } pobj[pa[i]] = true; } else { pa.splice(insert, 1); va.splice(insert, 1); } } else { var prop = String(pa.splice(insert, 1)[0]); var val = va.splice(insert, 1)[0]; if (prop == "_scale") { if (pobj._xscale == undefined) { pa.splice(insert, 0, "_xscale"); va.splice(insert, 0, val); pobj._xscale = true; insert++; } if (pobj._yscale == undefined) { pa.splice(insert, 0, "_yscale"); va.splice(insert, 0, val); pobj._yscale = true; } } if (prop == "_size") { if (pobj._width == undefined) { pa.splice(insert, 0, "_width"); va.splice(insert, 0, val); pobj._width = true; insert++; } if (pobj._yscale == undefined) { pa.splice(insert, 0, "_height"); va.splice(insert, 0, val); pobj._height = true; } } } } for (var i in pa) { if (((pa[i] == "_xscale") && (pobj._width == true)) || ((pa[i] == "_yscale") && (pobj._height == true))) { pa.splice(Number(i), 1); va.splice(Number(i), 1); delete pobj[pa[i]]; } } } = pa; = va; o.props = pobj; return(o); } function getChangeObj(ps, ep, isFMP, useArray) { var ch = {map:((useArray == true) ? ([]) : ({})), changed:false}; for (var j in ep) { if ((((((isFMP == true) && (j.charAt(1) == "b")) || (ep[j] != ps[j])) || (useArray == true)) && (ep[j] != null)) && (_global.isNaN(Number(ep[j])) == false)) {[j] = ((typeof(ep[j]) == "string") ? (Number(ep[j])) : (ep[j] - ps[j])); if (_global.isNaN([j]) == true) {[j] = 0; } else if ([j] != 0) { ch.changed = true; } } } return(ch); } var numTweens = 0; }
Symbol 473 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing { function PennerEasing () { } static function linear(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * t) / d) + b); } static function easeInQuad(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * ((t = t / d))) * t) + b); } static function easeOutQuad(t, b, c, d) { return((((-c) * ((t = t / d))) * (t - 2)) + b); } static function easeInOutQuad(t, b, c, d) { if (((t = t / (d / 2))) < 1) { return((((c / 2) * t) * t) + b); } return((((-c) / 2) * (((--t) * (t - 2)) - 1)) + b); } static function easeInExpo(t, b, c, d) { return(((t == 0) ? (b) : ((c * Math.pow(2, 10 * ((t / d) - 1))) + b))); } static function easeOutExpo(t, b, c, d) { return(((t == d) ? (b + c) : ((c * ((-Math.pow(2, (-10 * t) / d)) + 1)) + b))); } static function easeInOutExpo(t, b, c, d) { if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (t == d) { return(b + c); } if (((t = t / (d / 2))) < 1) { return(((c / 2) * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1))) + b); } return(((c / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, -10 * (--t))) + 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInExpo(t, b, c, d) { if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (t == d) { return(b + c); } if (((t = t / (d / 2))) < 1) { return(((c / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) + 1)) + b); } return(((c / 2) * (Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 2)) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInElastic(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var s; if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (((t = t / d)) == 1) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; s = p / 4; } else { s = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } return((-((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * ((t = t - 1)))) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + b); } static function easeOutElastic(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var s; if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (((t = t / d)) == 1) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; s = p / 4; } else { s = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } return((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)) + c) + b); } static function easeInOutElastic(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var s; if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (((t = t / (d / 2))) == 2) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.45; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; s = p / 4; } else { s = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } if (t < 1) { return((-0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * ((t = t - 1)))) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + b); } return(((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * ((t = t - 1)))) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)) * 0.5) + c) + b); } static function easeOutInElastic(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var s; if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (((t = t / (d / 2))) == 2) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.45; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; s = p / 4; } else { s = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } if (t < 1) { return(((0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + (c / 2)) + b); } return(((c / 2) + (0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 2))) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)))) + b); } static function easeInBack(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } return((((c * ((t = t / d))) * t) * (((s + 1) * t) - s)) + b); } static function easeOutBack(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } return((c * (((((t = (t / d) - 1)) * t) * (((s + 1) * t) + s)) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInOutBack(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } if (((t = t / (d / 2))) < 1) { return(((c / 2) * ((t * t) * (((((s = s * 1.525)) + 1) * t) - s))) + b); } return(((c / 2) * (((((t = t - 2)) * t) * (((((s = s * 1.525)) + 1) * t) + s)) + 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInBack(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } if (((t = t / (d / 2))) < 1) { return(((c / 2) * ((((--t) * t) * (((((s = s * 1.525)) + 1) * t) + s)) + 1)) + b); } return(((c / 2) * ((((--t) * t) * (((((s = s * 1.525)) + 1) * t) - s)) + 1)) + b); } static function easeOutBounce(t, b, c, d) { if (((t = t / d)) < 0.363636363636364) { return((c * ((7.5625 * t) * t)) + b); } if (t < 0.727272727272727) { return((c * (((7.5625 * ((t = t - 0.545454545454545))) * t) + 0.75)) + b); } if (t < 0.909090909090909) { return((c * (((7.5625 * ((t = t - 0.818181818181818))) * t) + 0.9375)) + b); } return((c * (((7.5625 * ((t = t - 0.954545454545455))) * t) + 0.984375)) + b); } static function easeInBounce(t, b, c, d) { return((c - easeOutBounce(d - t, 0, c, d)) + b); } static function easeInOutBounce(t, b, c, d) { if (t < (d / 2)) { return((easeInBounce(t * 2, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + b); } return(((easeOutBounce((t * 2) - d, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); } static function easeOutInBounce(t, b, c, d) { if (t < (d / 2)) { return((easeOutBounce(t * 2, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + b); } return(((easeInBounce((t * 2) - d, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); } static function easeInCubic(t, b, c, d) { return((((c * ((t = t / d))) * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOutCubic(t, b, c, d) { return((c * (((((t = (t / d) - 1)) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInOutCubic(t, b, c, d) { if (((t = t / (d / 2))) < 1) { return(((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) + b); } return(((c / 2) * (((((t = t - 2)) * t) * t) + 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInCubic(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); return(((c / 2) * ((((--t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInQuart(t, b, c, d) { return(((((c * ((t = t / d))) * t) * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOutQuart(t, b, c, d) { return(((-c) * ((((((t = (t / d) - 1)) * t) * t) * t) - 1)) + b); } static function easeInOutQuart(t, b, c, d) { if (((t = t / (d / 2))) < 1) { return((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } return((((-c) / 2) * ((((((t = t - 2)) * t) * t) * t) - 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInQuart(t, b, c, d) { if (((t = t / (d / 2))) < 1) { return((((-c) / 2) * (((((--t) * t) * t) * t) - 1)) + b); } return(((c / 2) * (((((--t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInQuint(t, b, c, d) { return((((((c * ((t = t / d))) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOutQuint(t, b, c, d) { return((c * (((((((t = (t / d) - 1)) * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInOutQuint(t, b, c, d) { if (((t = t / (d / 2))) < 1) { return(((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } return(((c / 2) * (((((((t = t - 2)) * t) * t) * t) * t) + 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInQuint(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); return(((c / 2) * ((((((--t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInSine(t, b, c, d) { return((((-c) * Math.cos((t / d) * (Math.PI/2))) + c) + b); } static function easeOutSine(t, b, c, d) { return((c * Math.sin((t / d) * (Math.PI/2))) + b); } static function easeInOutSine(t, b, c, d) { return((((-c) / 2) * (Math.cos((Math.PI * t) / d) - 1)) + b); } static function easeOutInSine(t, b, c, d) { if (((t = t / (d / 2))) < 1) { return(((c / 2) * Math.sin((Math.PI * t) / 2)) + b); } return((((-c) / 2) * (Math.cos((Math.PI * (--t)) / 2) - 2)) + b); } static function easeInCirc(t, b, c, d) { return(((-c) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (((t = t / d)) * t)) - 1)) + b); } static function easeOutCirc(t, b, c, d) { return((c * Math.sqrt(1 - (((t = (t / d) - 1)) * t))) + b); } static function easeInOutCirc(t, b, c, d) { if (((t = t / (d / 2))) < 1) { return((((-c) / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)) - 1)) + b); } return(((c / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (((t = t - 2)) * t)) + 1)) + b); } static function easeOutInCirc(t, b, c, d) { if (((t = t / (d / 2))) < 1) { return(((c / 2) * Math.sqrt(1 - ((--t) * t))) + b); } return(((c / 2) * (2 - Math.sqrt(1 - ((--t) * t)))) + b); } static var registryKey = "pennerEasing"; }
Symbol 474 MovieClip [__Packages.Fx] Frame 0
class Fx { static var bdArr; function Fx () { } static function CreateTrailToPoint(parentmc, fly_from, fly_to, head_mc_name, trail_mc_name) { if (bdArr == undefined) { bdArr = new Array(); } var d = parentmc.getNextHighestDepth(); if (bdArr[head_mc_name] == undefined) { var head_bdata = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(head_mc_name); bdArr[head_mc_name] = head_bdata; } else { var head_bdata = bdArr[head_mc_name]; } if (bdArr[trail_mc_name] == undefined) { var trail_bdata = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(trail_mc_name); bdArr[trail_mc_name] = trail_bdata; } else { var trail_bdata = bdArr[trail_mc_name]; } var head_mc = parentmc.createEmptyMovieClip(head_mc_name + d, d); head_mc.attachBitmap(head_bdata, head_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); = Math.atan2(ANIM_TRAIL_START_DIRECT_Y, ANIM_TRAIL_START_DIRECT_X); head_mc._x = fly_from.x; head_mc._y = fly_from.y; head_mc.fly_to = fly_to; head_mc.trail_mc_name = trail_mc_name; head_mc.speed = ANIM_TRAIL_START_SPEED; head_mc.fly_distance = 0; head_mc.trail_distance = 0; head_mc.finish_phase = 0; head_mc.ang_change_summ = 0; head_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.finish_phase > 0) { if (this.finish_phase == 1) { this._x = fly_to.x; this._y = fly_to.y; this._alpha = 60; this.finish_phase = 2; } else if (this.finish_phase == 2) { this.finish_phase = 3; MovieClip(this).removeMovieClip(); this = undefined; } return(undefined); } var targ_ang = Math.atan2(this.fly_to.y - this._y, this.fly_to.x - this._x); var diff_ang = (targ_ang -; if (Math.abs(diff_ang) > Math.PI) { diff_ang = ((diff_ang > 0) ? -1 : 1) * ((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(diff_ang)); } = + (diff_ang * Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_ANGLE_CHANGE_COEFF); if ( > Math.PI) { = - (Math.PI*2); } else if ( < -3.14159265358979) { = + (Math.PI*2); } var targ_dist1 = Math.sqrt(((this.fly_to.x - this._x) * (this.fly_to.x - this._x)) + ((this.fly_to.y - this._y) * (this.fly_to.y - this._y))); if (this._prev_time == undefined) { this._prev_time = getTimer(); } var dtime = (getTimer() - this._prev_time); this._prev_time = getTimer(); var speed2 = ((this.speed * ((Math.PI*2) - Math.abs(diff_ang * Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_ANGLE_CHANGE_COEFF_FOR_SPEED))) / (Math.PI*2)); var fly_length = ((speed2 * dtime) / 1000); this._x = this._x + (Math.cos( * fly_length); this._y = this._y + (Math.sin( * fly_length); this.fly_distance = this.fly_distance + fly_length; this.trail_distance = this.trail_distance + fly_length; this.ang_change_summ = this.ang_change_summ + Math.abs(diff_ang); if (this.trail_distance > Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_EACH_DISTANCE) { this.trail_distance = this.trail_distance - Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_EACH_DISTANCE; var td = MovieClip(this)._parent.getNextHighestDepth(); var tmc = MovieClip(this)._parent.createEmptyMovieClip(this.trail_mc_name + td, td); tmc.attachBitmap(trail_bdata, 0); tmc._x = this._x - (Math.cos( * Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_DIST_DELAY); tmc._y = this._y - (Math.sin( * Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_DIST_DELAY); var trail_to_x = (tmc._x + (Math.cos( * fly_length)); var trail_to_y = (tmc._y + (Math.sin( * fly_length)); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(tmc, "_alpha,_x,_y", [0, trail_to_x, trail_to_y], Fx.ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_LIFE_TIME, mx.transitions.easing.None.easeNone, 0, {scope:Fx, func:"RemoveMeCallback", args:tmc}); } var targ_dist2 = Math.sqrt(((this.fly_to.x - this._x) * (this.fly_to.x - this._x)) + ((this.fly_to.y - this._y) * (this.fly_to.y - this._y))); if (((targ_dist2 > targ_dist1) && (targ_dist2 < (fly_length * 2.5))) || (this.ang_change_summ > 30)) { this.finish_phase = 1; } }; } static function CreateGrowUp(parentmc, fly_from, mc_name, count_multiply) { var pieces = (ANIM_GROW_PIECES + ((ANIM_GROW_PIECES * count_multiply) / 2)); var i = 0; while (i < pieces) { var d = parentmc.getNextHighestDepth(); var mc = parentmc.attachMovie(mc_name, mc_name + d, d); mc._x = fly_from.x + (ANIM_GROW_WIDTH * (Math.random() - 0.5)); mc._y = fly_from.y + (ANIM_GROW_HEIGHT * (Math.random() - 0.5)); mc._xscale = (mc._yscale = ANIM_GROW_PIECE_SIZE_FROM + ((ANIM_GROW_PIECE_SIZE_TO - ANIM_GROW_PIECE_SIZE_FROM) * Math.random())); mc.speed = ANIM_GROW_MIN_SPEED + (ANIM_GROW_SPEED_DELTA * Math.random()); var life_time = (ANIM_GROW_LIFETIME_FROM + (ANIM_GROW_LIFETIME_DELTA * Math.random())); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(mc, "_y,_alpha", [mc._y - mc.speed, 0], life_time, mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeIn, 0, {scope:Fx, func:"RemoveMeCallback", args:mc}); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(mc, "_x", mc._x + (10 * ((Math.random() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1)), life_time, mx.transitions.easing.Elastic.easeIn, 0); i++; } } static function CreateParticlesEmmiterUp(parentmc, fly_from, mc_name) { var d = parentmc.getNextHighestDepth(); var head_mc = parentmc.createEmptyMovieClip("particlesEmmiterUp" + d, d); head_mc._x = fly_from.x; head_mc._y = fly_from.y; head_mc.EmmitCounter = 0; head_mc.ParticleMCName = mc_name; head_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.EmmitCounter >= Fx.EMIT_EACH_FRAME) { var td = MovieClip(this).getNextHighestDepth(); var tmc = MovieClip(this).attachMovie(this.ParticleMCName, this.ParticleMCName + td, td); tmc._y = 0; tmc._x = ((-Fx.EMIT_WIDTH) / 2) + (Math.random() * Fx.EMIT_WIDTH); var life_time = (Fx.EMIT_LIFE_TIME + (Math.random() * Fx.EMIT_LIFE_TIME_DELTA)); var to_y = (tmc._y - (Fx.EMIT_GROW_UP_FROM + (Math.random() * Fx.EMIT_GROW_UP_DELTA))); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(tmc, "_y,_alpha", [to_y, 0], life_time, mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeIn, 0, {scope:Fx, func:"RemoveMeCallback", args:tmc}); this.EmmitCounter = 0; } this.EmmitCounter++; }; head_mc.Terminate = function () { this.removeMovieClip(); this = undefined; }; return(head_mc); } static function PlayAppearAnimation(target) { var f = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse()); f.__set__target(target); f.push({delay:0.25}); f.push({label:"appear", start_alpha:0, time:2.3, ease:"easeOutBack", trigger:0.5}); f.push({alpha:10, scale:104, ease:"easeInOutQuad", cycles:2, time:0.5, delay:0.1}); f.push({alpha:100, time:0.1}); f.start(true); } static function RemoveMeCallback(mc) { mc.removeMovieClip(); mc = undefined; } static var ANIM_TRAIL_START_DIRECT_X = 2; static var ANIM_TRAIL_START_DIRECT_Y = -20; static var ANIM_TRAIL_START_SPEED = 350; static var ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_EACH_DISTANCE = 50; static var ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_DIST_DELAY = 50; static var ANIM_TRAIL_TRAIL_LIFE_TIME = 0.3; static var ANIM_TRAIL_ANGLE_CHANGE_COEFF = 0.14; static var ANIM_TRAIL_ANGLE_CHANGE_COEFF_FOR_SPEED = 1; static var ANIM_GROW_PIECES = 4; static var ANIM_GROW_PIECE_SIZE_FROM = 60; static var ANIM_GROW_PIECE_SIZE_TO = 100; static var ANIM_GROW_WIDTH = 50; static var ANIM_GROW_HEIGHT = 20; static var ANIM_GROW_SPEED_DELTA = 15; static var ANIM_GROW_MIN_SPEED = 22; static var ANIM_GROW_LIFETIME_FROM = 0.4; static var ANIM_GROW_LIFETIME_DELTA = 0.5; static var EMIT_EACH_FRAME = 1; static var EMIT_WIDTH = 30; static var EMIT_GROW_UP_FROM = 10; static var EMIT_GROW_UP_DELTA = 10; static var EMIT_LIFE_TIME = 1; static var EMIT_LIFE_TIME_DELTA = 1; }
Symbol 475 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.easing.None { function None () { } static function easeNone(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * t) / d) + b); } static function easeIn(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * t) / d) + b); } static function easeOut(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * t) / d) + b); } static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * t) / d) + b); } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 476 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.easing.Regular { function Regular () { } static function easeIn(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * ((t = t / d))) * t) + b); } static function easeOut(t, b, c, d) { return((((-c) * ((t = t / d))) * (t - 2)) + b); } static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) { if (((t = t / (d / 2))) < 1) { return((((c / 2) * t) * t) + b); } return((((-c) / 2) * (((--t) * (t - 2)) - 1)) + b); } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 477 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.easing.Elastic { function Elastic () { } static function easeIn(t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (((t = t / d)) == 1) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; var s = (p / 4); } else { var s = ((p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a)); } return((-((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * ((t = t - 1)))) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + b); } static function easeOut(t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (((t = t / d)) == 1) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; var s = (p / 4); } else { var s = ((p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a)); } return((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)) + c) + b); } static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (((t = t / (d / 2))) == 2) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.45; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; var s = (p / 4); } else { var s = ((p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a)); } if (t < 1) { return((-0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * ((t = t - 1)))) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + b); } return(((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * ((t = t - 1)))) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)) * 0.5) + c) + b); } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 478 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse extends Array { var _nID, _aDefaultTargs, length, scope, _nIndex, _oDel1, dispatchEvent, label, autoClear, duration, easing; function Fuse (fuseAction) { super();; _nID = registerInstance(this); _nState = -1; _aDefaultTargs = new Array(); if (arguments.length > 0) { splice.apply(this, new Array(0, 0).concat(arguments)); } var unsupport = ["concat", "join", "sort", "sortOn"]; for (var i in unsupport) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse.prototype[unsupport[i]] = function () { if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse.OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("105"); } }; } } function addEventListener(event, handler) { } function removeEventListener(event, handler) { } function destroy() { if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 1) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(getHandle() + " destroy."); } stop(true); splice(0, length); _aDefaultTargs = null; scope = null; _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, null, 0, 7); var id = _nID; for (var i in this) { delete this[i]; } removeInstanceAt(id, true); delete id; delete this; } static function getInstance(idOrLabel) { if (typeof(idOrLabel) == "number") { return(_aInstances[idOrLabel]); } if (typeof(idOrLabel) == "string") { for (var i in _aInstances) { if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(_aInstances[i]).label == idOrLabel) { return(_aInstances[i]); } } } return(null); } static function getInstances(stateFilter, targets) { var all = ((stateFilter == null) || (stateFilter.toUpperCase() == "ALL")); if (!(targets instanceof Array)) { targets = arguments.slice(1); } var a = []; for (var i in _aInstances) { var instance = _aInstances[i]; if (_aInstances[i] == null) { continue; } if ((all == false) && (instance.__get__state() != stateFilter)) { continue; } var found = (targets.length == 0); if (found == false) { if (found == true) { continue; } var instTargs = instance.getActiveTargets(true); for (var j in targets) { for (var k in instTargs) { if (instTargs[k] == targets[j]) { found = true; break; } } } } if (found == true) { a.unshift(instance); } } return(a); } function get id() { return(_nID); } function get state() { switch (_nState) { case -1 : return("stopped"); case 0 : return("paused"); case 1 : return("playing"); } return(undefined); } function get currentIndex() { return(_nIndex); } function get currentLabel() { return(this[_nIndex].label); } function get target() { return(((_aDefaultTargs.length == 1) ? (_aDefaultTargs[0]) : (_aDefaultTargs))); } function set target(t) { delete _aDefaultTargs; if (t != null) { addTarget(t); } //return(target); } function addTarget(t) { if (_aDefaultTargs == null) { _aDefaultTargs = []; } if (arguments[0] instanceof Array) { arguments = arguments[0]; } for (var i in arguments) { var found = false; for (var j in _aDefaultTargs) { if (arguments[i] == _aDefaultTargs[j]) { found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { _aDefaultTargs.push(arguments[i]); } } } function removeTarget(t) { if ((_aDefaultTargs == null) || (_aDefaultTargs.length == 0)) { return(undefined); } if (arguments[0] instanceof Array) { arguments = arguments[0]; } for (var i in arguments) { for (var j in _aDefaultTargs) { if (arguments[i] == _aDefaultTargs[j]) { _aDefaultTargs.splice(Number(j), 1); } } } } function getActiveTargets(includeDefaults) { if (_nState == -1) { return([]); } var targetList; if (includeDefaults == true) { targetList = _aDefaultTargs.slice(); } else { targetList = []; } return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(this[_nIndex]).getActiveTargets(targetList)); } function clone() { var initObjs = []; var i = 0; while (i < length) { initObjs.push(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(this[i]).getInitObj()); i++; } var f = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse()); f.push.apply(f, initObjs); f.scope = scope; f.__set__target(target); return(f); } function push(fuseAction) { splice.apply(this, new Array(length, 0).concat(arguments)); return(length); } function pushTween(targets, props, endvals, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { push({__buildMode:true, tweenargs:arguments}); return(length); } function pop() { var o = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(this[length - 1]).getInitObj(); splice(length - 1, 1); return(o); } function unshift(fuseAction) { splice.apply(this, new Array(0, 0).concat(arguments)); return(length); } function shift() { var o = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(this[0]).getInitObj(); splice(0, 1); return(o); } function splice(startIndex, deleteCount, fuseAction) { stop(true); var si = Number(arguments.shift()); if (si < 0) { si = length + si; } deleteCount = Number(arguments.shift()); var newItems = new Array(); var i = 0; while (i < arguments.length) { var item = ((arguments[i] instanceof com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse) ? (arguments[i]) : (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(si + i, arguments[i], _nID))); addEventListener("onStop", item); addEventListener("evtSetStart", item); newItems.push(item); i++; } var deadItems = super.splice.apply(this, new Array(si, deleteCount).concat(newItems)); for (var j in deadItems) { var item = deadItems[j]; removeEventListener("onStop", item); removeEventListener("evtSetStart", item); if (item instanceof com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse) { item.removeEventListener("onComplete", _oDel1); } else { item.destroy(); delete item; } } var i = 0; while (i < length) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(this[i])._nItemID = i; i++; } } function slice(indexA, indexB) { var a = super.slice(indexA, indexB); var initObjs = new Array(); var i = 0; while (i < arguments.length) { initObjs.push(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(this[i]).getInitObj()); i++; } return(initObjs); } function reverse() { stop(true); super.reverse(); var i = 0; while (i < length) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(this[i])._nItemID = i; i++; } } function traceItems(indexA, indexB) { var s = ""; var a = super.slice(indexA, indexB); s = s + ((getHandle() + " traceItems:") + "\n----------\n"); var i = 0; while (i < a.length) { if (a[i] instanceof com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse) { s = s + (((((getHandle() + ">Item#") + i) + ": [Nested Fuse] ") + a[i]) + newline); } else { s = s + (a[i] + newline); } i++; } s = s + "----------"; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(s); } function toString() { return(((getHandle() + " (contains ") + length) + ((length == 1) ? " item)" : " items)")); } function setStartProps(trueOrItemIDs) { var all = (((arguments.length == 0) || (trueOrItemIDs === true)) || (trueOrItemIDs == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALL)); dispatchEvent({target:this, type:"evtSetStart", all:all, filter:((trueOrItemIDs instanceof Array) ? (trueOrItemIDs) : (arguments)), curIndex:((_nState == 1) ? (_nIndex) : -1), targs:_aDefaultTargs, scope:scope}); } function start(setStart) { close(); stop(true); _nState = 1; if (length == 0) { advance(false, true, false); } if ((setStart != null) && (setStart != false)) { setStartProps.apply(this, arguments); } dispatchEvent({target:this, type:"onStart"}); if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 1) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(getHandle() + " start."); } playCurrentItem(); } function stop() { if (_nState != -1) { var i = 0; while (i < length) { if (this[i] instanceof com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(this[i]).removeEventListener("onComplete", _oDel1); if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(this[i]).__get__state() == "playing") { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(this[i]).stop(); } } else if ((i == _nIndex) || (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(this[i]).hasTriggerFired() == true)) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(this[i]).stop(); } i++; } } var prevstate = _nState; _nState = -1; if ((!(arguments[0] === true)) && (prevstate != -1)) { dispatchEvent({target:this, type:"onStop"}); if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 1) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(getHandle() + " stop."); } } _nIndex = 0; clearInterval(_nDelay); _nTimeCache = (_nDelay = -1); } function skipTo(indexOrLabel) { close(); var index = normalizeIndex(indexOrLabel); if (index == null) { if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("102", "skipTo", String(indexOrLabel)); } return(undefined); } if ((index == _nIndex) && (arguments[1] === true)) { if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("103", String(indexOrLabel), _nIndex); } } if (this[_nIndex] instanceof com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(this[_nIndex]).removeEventListener("onComplete", _oDel1); } stop(true); _nIndex = index; var s = _nState; _nState = 1; if (s == -1) { dispatchEvent({target:this, type:"onStart"}); } playCurrentItem(); if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 1) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output("skipTo:" + index); } } function pause() { if (_nState == 1) { var i = 0; while (i <= _nIndex) { if ((this[i].state === "playing") || (this[i]._nPlaying > 0)) { this[i].pause(); } i++; } if (_nTimeCache != -1) { _nTimeCache = _nTimeCache - getTimer(); clearInterval(_nDelay); } _nState = 0; if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 1) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(getHandle() + " pause."); } dispatchEvent({target:this, type:"onPause"}); } } function resume() { if (_nState != 0) { return(undefined); } close(); _nState = 1; if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 1) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(getHandle() + " resume."); } dispatchEvent({target:this, type:"onResume"}); if (_nTimeCache != -1) { playCurrentItem(false, true); } var i = 0; while (i <= _nIndex) { if ((this[i] instanceof com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse) && (this[i].state == "paused")) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(this[i]).resume(); } else if (this[i]._nPlaying == 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(this[i]).pause(true); } i++; } } function fastForward(resumeAtIndexOrLabel) { var index = ((resumeAtIndexOrLabel == null) ? (length) : (normalizeIndex(resumeAtIndexOrLabel))); if (index == null) { if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("102", "fastForward", String(resumeAtIndexOrLabel)); } return(undefined); } if ((index == 0) || (index <= _nIndex)) { if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("104", index); } skipTo(index); return(undefined); } clearInterval(_nDelay); var i = _nIndex; while (i < index) { this[i].fastForward(null, _aDefaultTargs, scope); advance(false, true, !((i == (index - 1)) && (index < length))); i++; } } function getHandle() { return("-Fuse" + ((label != undefined) ? ((" \"" + label) + "\"") : ("#" + String(_nID)))); } function advance(wasTriggered, silentStop, isFF) { if (_nState < 1) { if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 1) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(((((("** DEVELOPER ALERT: " + getHandle()) + " advance called out of turn! (state:") + state) + " currentIndex:") + currentIndex) + ") Please report this Fuse's details to **"); } return(undefined); } var isLastFinal = false; if ((_nIndex == (length - 1)) && (isFF != true)) { var i = (length - 1); while (i > -1) { if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(this[i])._nPlaying > -1) { return(undefined); } i--; } isLastFinal = true; } if ((wasTriggered == true) && (isLastFinal == false)) { return(undefined); } if (this[_nIndex] instanceof com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(this[_nIndex]).removeEventListener("onComplete", _oDel1); } if ((_nIndex + 1) >= length) { stop(silentStop); if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 1) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(getHandle() + " complete."); } _nIndex = length - 1; dispatchEvent({target:this, type:"onComplete"}); if ((autoClear == true) || ((!(autoClear === false)) && (AUTOCLEAR == true))) { destroy(); } return(undefined); } _nIndex++; if (isFF == true) { return(undefined); } if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 1) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output((getHandle() + " advance: ") + _nIndex); } dispatchEvent({target:this, type:"onAdvance"}); playCurrentItem(); } function playCurrentItem(postDelay, resumeDelay) { clearInterval(_nDelay); if ((postDelay != true) || (resumeDelay == true)) { var d = 0; if (resumeDelay != true) { d = (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(this[_nIndex]).evalDelay(scope) || 0) * 1000; } if ((d > 0) || (resumeDelay == true)) { if (resumeDelay == true) { d = _nTimeCache; _nTimeCache = _nTimeCache + getTimer(); } else { var multiplier = Math.abs(; if (_global.isNaN(multiplier) == true) { multiplier = 1; } d = d * multiplier; _nTimeCache = getTimer() + d; } _nDelay = setInterval(this, "playCurrentItem", d, true); return(undefined); } } _nTimeCache = (_nDelay = -1); if (this[_nIndex] instanceof com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse) { if (_oDel1 == null) { _oDel1 = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, advance); } com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(this[_nIndex]).addEventListener("onComplete", _oDel1); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(this[_nIndex]).start(_aDefaultTargs, scope); } else { var propsTweened = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(this[_nIndex]).startItem(_aDefaultTargs, scope, duration, easing); if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 1) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output((getHandle() + " props tweened: ") + propsTweened); } } } function evtSetStart(o) { setStartProps.apply(this, o.filter); } static function open(fuseOrID) { var _ZigoEngine =; if (_ZigoEngine == undefined) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("106"); return(null); } _ZigoEngine.register(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem); if (_oBuildMode == null) { _oBuildMode = {curID:-1, prevID:-1, curGroup:null}; } else if ((_oBuildMode != null) && (_oBuildMode.curID > -1)) { close(); } if (fuseOrID != null) { if (fuseOrID instanceof com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse) { _oBuildMode.curID =; } else if (getInstance(fuseOrID) != null) { _oBuildMode.curID = getInstance(fuseOrID).id; } else { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("107"); return(null); } } else { _oBuildMode.curID = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse()).id; } _oBuildMode.prevID = _oBuildMode.curID; return(getInstance(_oBuildMode.curID)); } static function openGroup(fuseOrID) { if (!((_oBuildMode != null) && (_oBuildMode.curID > -1))) { open(fuseOrID); } else if (_oBuildMode.curGroup != null) { closeGroup(); } _oBuildMode.curGroup = new Array(); return(getInstance(_oBuildMode.curID)); } static function closeGroup() { if ((_oBuildMode.curGroup == null) || (!((_oBuildMode != null) && (_oBuildMode.curID > -1)))) { return(undefined); } getInstance(_oBuildMode.curID).push(_oBuildMode.curGroup); _oBuildMode.curGroup = null; } static function close() { if (!((_oBuildMode != null) && (_oBuildMode.curID > -1))) { return(undefined); } if (_oBuildMode.curGroup != null) { closeGroup(); } _oBuildMode.curID = -1; } static function closeAndStart(setStart) { if (!((_oBuildMode != null) && (_oBuildMode.curID > -1))) { return(undefined); } var f = getInstance(_oBuildMode.curID); close(); f.start.apply(f, arguments); } static function startRecent(setStart) { var f = getInstance(_oBuildMode.prevID); if (f != null) { f.start.apply(f, arguments); } else { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("108"); } } static function addCommand(commandOrScope, indexOrFunc, argument) { if (!((_oBuildMode != null) && (_oBuildMode.curID > -1))) { return(undefined); } var inGroup = (_oBuildMode.curGroup != null); var into = ((inGroup == true) ? (_oBuildMode.curGroup) : (getInstance(_oBuildMode.curID))); if (typeof(commandOrScope) == "string") { var hasArg = (indexOrFunc != undefined); var valid = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon._validateFuseCommand(String(commandOrScope), inGroup, hasArg, OUTPUT_LEVEL, true); if (valid == true) { into.push({__buildMode:true, command:commandOrScope, commandargs:indexOrFunc}); } } else { into.push({__buildMode:true, scope:commandOrScope, func:indexOrFunc, args:arguments.slice(2)}); } } static function addBuildItem(args) { if (!((_oBuildMode != null) && (_oBuildMode.curID > -1))) { return(false); } var into = ((_oBuildMode.curGroup != null) ? (_oBuildMode.curGroup) : (getInstance(_oBuildMode.curID))); if ((args.length == 1) && (typeof(args[0]) == "object")) { into.push(args[0]); } else { into.push({__buildMode:true, tweenargs:args}); } return(true); } function normalizeIndex(indexOrLabel) { var index; if (typeof(indexOrLabel) == "string") { index = -1; var i = 0; while (i < length) { if (this[i].label == String(indexOrLabel)) { index = i; break; } i++; } if (index == -1) { return(null); } } else { index = Number(indexOrLabel); } if ((_global.isNaN(index) == true) || (Math.abs(index) >= length)) { return(null); } if (index < 0) { index = Math.max(0, length + index); } return(index); } static function registerInstance(s) { if (_aInstances == null) { _aInstances = new Array(); } return(_aInstances.push(s) - 1); } static function removeInstanceAt(id, isDestroyCall) { if (isDestroyCall != true) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(_aInstances[id]).destroy(); } delete _aInstances[id]; } static var registryKey = "fuse"; static var VERSION = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.VERSION; static var OUTPUT_LEVEL = 1; static var AUTOCLEAR = false; static var AUTOSTOP = true; var _nState = -1; var _nDelay = -1; var _nTimeCache = -1; static var _aInstances = null; static var _oBuildMode = null; }
Symbol 479 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function EventDispatcher () { } static function _removeEventListener(queue, event, handler) { if (queue != undefined) { var l = queue.length; var i; i = 0; while (i < l) { var o = queue[i]; if (o == handler) { queue.splice(i, 1); return(undefined); } i++; } } } static function initialize(object) { if (_fEventDispatcher == undefined) { _fEventDispatcher = new; } object.addEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.addEventListener; object.removeEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener; object.dispatchEvent = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent; object.dispatchQueue = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue; } function dispatchQueue(queueObj, eventObj) { var queueName = ("__q_" + eventObj.type); var queue = queueObj[queueName]; if (queue != undefined) { var i; for (i in queue) { var o = queue[i]; var oType = typeof(o); if ((oType == "object") || (oType == "movieclip")) { if (o.handleEvent != undefined) { o.handleEvent(eventObj); } if (o[eventObj.type] != undefined) { if (exceptions[eventObj.type] == undefined) { o[eventObj.type](eventObj); } } } else { o.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]); } } } } function dispatchEvent(eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + "Handler"](eventObj); dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); } function addEventListener(event, handler) { var queueName = ("__q_" + event); if (this[queueName] == undefined) { this[queueName] = new Array(); } _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, queueName, 1); _removeEventListener(this[queueName], event, handler); this[queueName].push(handler); } function removeEventListener(event, handler) { var queueName = ("__q_" + event); _removeEventListener(this[queueName], event, handler); } static var _fEventDispatcher = undefined; static var exceptions = {move:1, draw:1, load:1}; }
Symbol 480 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem { static var _ZigoEngine, _aInstances; var _nItemID, _nFuseID, _initObj, _aProfiles, _oElements, _oTemps, _sImage, _aTweens, _oTwBeingAdded; function FuseItem (id, o, fuseID) { _ZigoEngine =; _nItemID = id; _nFuseID = fuseID; _initObj = o; _aProfiles = []; _oElements = {aEvents:[]}; _oTemps = {}; if (!(o instanceof Array)) { o = [o]; } var fuse =; _oTemps.outputLevel = ((fuse != undefined) ? (fuse.OUTPUT_LEVEL) : (; if (o.length == 1) { var o0 = o[0]; var obj = ((o0.action != undefined) ? (o0.action) : (o0)); if ((obj.__buildMode != true) && (obj.command != undefined)) { _oElements.command = obj.command; _oElements.scope = obj.scope; _oElements.args = obj.args; _sImage = " Elements:[" + ("command" + ((typeof(obj.command) == "string") ? ((":\"" + obj.command) + "\", ") : ", ")); if (obj.delay != undefined) { _sImage = _sImage + "delay, "; _oElements.delay = obj.delay; } _sImage = _sImage.slice(0, -2) + "]"; if ((obj.func != undefined) && (_oTemps.outputLevel > 0)) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("113"); } return; } } _oTemps.sImgS = ""; _oTemps.sImgE = ""; _oTemps.sImgB = ""; = 0; _oTemps.ael = 0; _oTemps.twDelayFlag = false; _oTemps.nActions = o.length; _oTemps.fuseProps = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon._fuseprops(); _oTemps.cbProps = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon._cbprops(); _oTemps.sUP = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon._underscoreable(); _oTemps.sCT = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon._cts(); _oTemps.bTriggerFound = false; for (var i in o) { var item = o[i]; if ((item.label != undefined) && (typeof(item.label) == "string")) { _oElements.label = item.label; } var aap; var bApplied = Boolean(typeof(item.action) == "object"); if (bApplied == true) { var a = ((item.action instanceof Array) ? (item.action) : ([item.action])); aap = {delay:item.delay,, addTarget:item.addTarget, label:item.label, trigger:item.trigger}; for (var j in a) { var oPr = parseProfile(a[j], aap); if (oPr != undefined) { _aProfiles.unshift(oPr); } } } else { var a = item; var oPr = parseProfile(a, aap); if (oPr != undefined) { _aProfiles.unshift(oPr); } } } _sImage = ""; var str = ""; if ( > 0) { str = str + (( > 1) ? ( + " callbacks, ") : "callback, "); } if ((_oElements.delay != undefined) || (_oTemps.twDelayFlag == true)) { str = str + "delay, "; } if (_oTemps.bTriggerFound == true) { str = str + "trigger, "; } if (_oTemps.ael > 0) { str = str + ((_oTemps.ael > 1) ? (_oTemps.ael + " events, ") : "event, "); } if (str != "") { _sImage = _sImage + ((" Elements:[" + str.slice(0, -2)) + "]"); } if (_oTemps.sImgS != "") { _sImage = _sImage + ((" StartProps:[" + _oTemps.sImgS.slice(0, -2)) + "]"); } if (_oTemps.sImgE != "") { _sImage = _sImage + ((" Props:[" + _oTemps.sImgE.slice(0, -2)) + "]"); } if (_oTemps.sImgB != "") { _sImage = _sImage + ((" Simple Syntax Props:[" + _oTemps.sImgB.slice(0, -1)) + "]"); } if (_sImage.slice(-2) == ", ") { _sImage = _sImage.slice(0, -2); } delete _oTemps; } static function doTween() { for (var i in arguments) { if (typeof(arguments[i]) == "object") { if (_aInstances == undefined) { _aInstances = new Array(); } var o = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(_aInstances.length, arguments[i], -1)); return(o.startItem()); } } } function get label() { return(_oElements.label); } function hasTriggerFired() { return(_bTrigger == true); } function getInitObj() { return(_initObj); } function getActiveTargets(targetList) { if (_aTweens.length <= 0) { return(targetList); } var found = false; for (var i in _aTweens) { for (var j in targetList) { if (targetList[j] == _aTweens[i].targ) { found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { targetList.unshift(_aTweens[i].targ); } } return(targetList); } function toString() { return(String((_sID() + ":") + _sImage)); } function evalDelay(scope) { var d = _oElements.delay; if (d instanceof Function) { d = d.apply(((_oElements.delayscope != undefined) ? (_oElements.delayscope) : (scope))); } if (typeof(d) == "string") { d = parseClock(String(d)); } if (_global.isNaN(Number(d)) == true) { return(0); } return(Number(d)); } function startItem(targs, scope, duration, easing) { _ZigoEngine =; var fuse =; var outputLevel = ((fuse != undefined) ? (fuse.OUTPUT_LEVEL) : (_ZigoEngine.OUTPUT_LEVEL)); if (_oElements.command != null) { var cs = (_oElements.scope || (scope)); var command = ((_oElements.command instanceof Function) ? (String(_oElements.command.apply(cs))) : (String(_oElements.command))); var args = ((_oElements.args instanceof Function) ? (_oElements.args.apply(cs)) : (_oElements.args)); var valid = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon._validateFuseCommand(command, _aProfiles.length > 0, (args != null) && (!((args instanceof Array) && (args.length == 0))), outputLevel, false); if (valid == true) { _nPlaying = 1; if (!(args instanceof Array)) { args = ((args == null) ? ([]) : ([args])); } dispatchRequest(String(command), args); } if ((valid == false) || (command == "setStartProps")) { complete(); } return(null); } if (_aTweens.length > 0) { stop(); } _ZigoEngine.addListener(this); _nPlaying = 2; var propsAdded = null; if (_aProfiles.length > 0) { if (_ZigoEngine == undefined) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("112"); } else { propsAdded = doTweens(targs, scope, duration, easing, false, false); } } _nPlaying = 1; var fa = _oElements.aEvents; for (var i in fa) { if (((propsAdded == null) && (_aTweens.length > 0)) && (fa[i].skipLevel == 2)) { continue; } fireEvents(fa[i], scope, outputLevel, targs); } if (((propsAdded == null) && (_aTweens.length <= 0)) && (_nPlaying == 1)) { if (outputLevel == 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(((_sID() + " no tweens added - item done. [getTimer()=") + getTimer()) + "]"); } complete(); } return(propsAdded); } function stop() { var doOnStop = (_nPlaying > -1); _nPlaying = -1; if (doOnStop == true) { onStop(); } _ZigoEngine.removeListener(this); } static function removeInstance(id) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseItem(_aInstances[id]).destroy(); delete _aInstances[id]; } function onStop() { _bStartSet = false; for (var i in _aTweens) { var to = _aTweens[i]; to.targ.removeListener(this); _ZigoEngine.removeTween(to.targ, to.props); delete _aTweens[i]; } delete _aTweens; _bTrigger = false; } function evtSetStart(o) { if ((_sImage.indexOf("StartProps:") == -1) || (o.curIndex == _nItemID)) { return(undefined); } if (o.all != true) { var match = false; for (var i in o.filter) { if ((Number(o.filter[i]) == _nItemID) || (String(o.filter[i]) == _oElements.label)) { match = true; } } if (match == false) { return(undefined); } } _nPlaying = 2; doTweens(o.targs, o.scope, null, null, true, false); _nPlaying = -1; _bStartSet = true; } function pause(resume) { if (_nPlaying == -1) { return(undefined); } _nPlaying = ((resume == true) ? 1 : 0); for (var i in _aTweens) { var o = _aTweens[i]; var t = o.targ; var p = o.props; if (resume == true) { var missing = []; var oldTL = _aTweens.length; for (var j in p) { if (_ZigoEngine.isTweenPaused(t, p[j]) == false) { missing.push(p[j]); } } if (missing.length > 0) { onTweenEnd({__zigoID__:o.targZID, props:missing, isResume:true}); } if (_aTweens.length == oldTL) { t.addListener(this); _ZigoEngine.unpauseTween(t, o.props); } } else { t.removeListener(this); _ZigoEngine.pauseTween(t, o.props); } } if ((resume == true) && (_aTweens.length <= 0)) { complete(); } else if (resume == true) { _ZigoEngine.addListener(this); } else { _ZigoEngine.removeListener(this); } } function fastForward(ignore, targs, scope) { if (_nPlaying == 1) { for (var i in _aTweens) { var o = _aTweens[i]; var t = o.targ; t.removeListener(this); _ZigoEngine.ffTween(t, o.props, true); } return(undefined); } if (_nPlaying == 2) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("125", _nItemID); } _nPlaying = 2; doTweens(targs, scope, null, null, false, true); stop(); } function destroy() { var doRemove = (_nPlaying > -1); _nPlaying = -1; for (var i in _aTweens) { var o = _aTweens[i]; o.targ.removeListener(this); if (doRemove == true) { _ZigoEngine.removeTween(o.targ, o.props); } delete _aTweens[i]; } for (var j in this) { delete this[j]; } } function dispatchRequest(type, args) { var f =; if ((!(args instanceof Array)) && (args != null)) { args = new Array(args); } Function(f[type]).apply(f, args); } function _sID() { var str; if (_nFuseID == -1) { str = "-One-off tween "; } else { str =; } str = str + (">Item #" + String(_nItemID)); if (_oElements.label != undefined) { str = str + ((" \"" + _oElements.label) + "\""); } return(str); } function parseProfile(obj, aap) { var i; var j; var k; if (obj.__buildMode == true) { if (obj.command != undefined) { if (obj.command == "delay") { _oElements.delay = obj.commandargs; } else if (obj.command == "trigger") { if (_oTemps.bTriggerFound == false) { _oTemps.bTriggerFound = true; return({trigger:obj.commandargs, _doTimer:true}); } if (_oTemps.outputLevel > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("124", _sID(), obj.commandargs); } } else { _oElements.command = obj.command; _oElements.args = obj.commandargs; } } if (obj.func != undefined) {; _oElements.aEvents.unshift({scope:obj.scope, func:obj.func, args:obj.args}); } if (obj.tweenargs != undefined) { _oTemps.sImgB = _oTemps.sImgB + (obj.tweenargs[1].toString() + ","); return(obj); } return(null); } var oPr = {delay:((aap.delay != undefined) ? (aap.delay) : (obj.delay)), ease:obj.ease, seconds:obj.seconds, event:obj.event, eventparams:obj.eventparams, skipLevel:((((typeof(obj.skipLevel) == "number") && (obj.skipLevel >= 0)) && (obj.skipLevel <= 2)) ? (obj.skipLevel) : (_ZigoEngine.SKIP_LEVEL)), roundResults:obj.roundResults, oSP:{}, oEP:{}, oAFV:{}}; var trigger = ((aap.trigger != undefined) ? (aap.trigger) : (obj.trigger)); if (trigger != undefined) { if (_oTemps.bTriggerFound == false) { oPr.trigger = trigger; _oTemps.bTriggerFound = true; } else if (_oTemps.outputLevel > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("124", _sID(), trigger); } } if (oPr.delay == undefined) { oPr.delay = obj.startAt; } if (oPr.ease == undefined) { oPr.ease = obj.easing; } if (oPr.seconds == undefined) { oPr.seconds = ((obj.duration != undefined) ? (obj.duration) : (obj.time)); } if ( != undefined) { = (( instanceof Array) ? ( : ([])); } else if ( != undefined) { = (( instanceof Array) ? ( : ([])); } if (obj.addTarget != undefined) { oPr.addTarget = ((obj.addTarget instanceof Array) ? (obj.addTarget) : ([obj.addTarget])); } if (aap.addTarget != undefined) { if (oPr.addTarget == undefined) { oPr.addTarget = ((aap.addTarget instanceof Array) ? (aap.addTarget) : ([aap.addTarget])); } else { oPr.addTarget = ((oPr.addTarget instanceof Array) ? (oPr.addTarget.concat(aap.addTarget)) : (new Array(oPr.addTarget).concat(aap.addTarget))); } } var bTwFlag = false; for (j in obj) { var v = obj[j]; if (_oTemps.cbProps.indexOf(("|" + j) + "|") > -1) { if (j != "skipLevel") { oPr[j] = v; } continue; } if (_oTemps.fuseProps.indexOf(("|" + j) + "|") > -1) { if (((j == "command") && (_oTemps.nActions > 1)) && (_oTemps.outputLevel > 0)) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("109", String(v), true); } continue; } if (typeof(v) == "object") { var copy = ((v instanceof Array) ? ([]) : ({})); for (k in v) { copy[k] = v[k]; } v = copy; } var se; var seCP; if (j.indexOf("start_") == 0) { if (((j == "start_controlX") || (j == "start_controlY")) || (j.indexOf("_bezier_") > -1)) { if (_oTemps.outputLevel > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("110", _sID(), j); } continue; } j = j.slice(6); se = oPr.oSP; } else { se = oPr.oEP; } if ((ADD_UNDERSCORES == true) && (_oTemps.sUP.indexOf(("|_" + j) + "|") > -1)) { j = "_" + j; } if (_oTemps.sCT.indexOf(("|" + j) + "|") > -1) { var addPct = ((j == "_tintPercent") && (se.colorProp.p == "_tint")); var addTint = ((j == "_tint") && (se.colorProp.p == "_tintPercent")); if (((se.colorProp == undefined) || (addPct == true)) || (addTint == true)) { if (addPct == true) { se.colorProp = {p:"_tint", v:{tint:se.colorProp.v, percent:v}}; } else if (addTint == true) { se.colorProp = {p:"_tint", v:{tint:v, percent:se.colorProp.v}}; } else { se.colorProp = {p:j, v:v}; } bTwFlag = true; } else if (_oTemps.outputLevel > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("115", _sID(), j); } } else if (v != null) { se[j] = v; bTwFlag = true; } } if ((bTwFlag == false) && ((oPr.trigger != undefined) || (((oPr.delay != undefined) || (oPr.seconds != undefined)) && (((oPr.startfunc != undefined) || (oPr.updfunc != undefined)) || ((oPr.func != undefined) && (_oTemps.nActions > 1)))))) { if (_ZigoEngine == undefined) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("116"); } else { if (oPr.func != undefined) {; } if (oPr.event != undefined) { _oTemps.ael++; } oPr._doTimer = true; if (oPr.delay != undefined) { _oTemps.twDelayFlag = true; } return(oPr); } } if (bTwFlag == true) { var bEC = (oPr.oEP.colorProp != undefined); var l = 0; while (l < 2) { var se = ((l == 0) ? (oPr.oSP) : (oPr.oEP)); var str = ((l == 0) ? (_oTemps.sImgS) : (_oTemps.sImgE)); var sCP = se.colorProp.p; if (sCP != undefined) { se[sCP] = se.colorProp.v; delete se.colorProp; } if (((se._xscale != undefined) || (se._scale != undefined)) && ((se._width != undefined) || (se._size != undefined))) { var discard = ((se._xscale != undefined) ? "_xscale" : "_scale"); delete se[discard]; if (_oTemps.outputLevel > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("115", _sID(), discard); } } if (((se._yscale != undefined) || (se._scale != undefined)) && ((se._height != undefined) || (se._size != undefined))) { var discard = ((se._yscale != undefined) ? "_yscale" : "_scale"); delete se[discard]; if (_oTemps.outputLevel > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("115", _sID(), discard); } } if ((se._fade != undefined) && (se._alpha != undefined)) { delete se._alpha; if (_oTemps.outputLevel > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("115", _sID(), "_alpha"); } } for (j in se) { if (str.indexOf(j + ", ") == -1) { str = str + (j + ", "); } if (se == oPr.oSP) { if ((oPr.oEP[j] == undefined) && (!((j == sCP) && (bEC == true)))) { oPr.oAFV[j] = true; oPr.oEP[j] = []; } } } ((l == 0) ? ((_oTemps.sImgS = str)) : ((_oTemps.sImgE = str))); l++; } return(oPr); } if ((oPr.delay != undefined) && (_oTemps.nActions == 1)) { _oElements.delay = oPr.delay; _oElements.delayscope = oPr.scope; } if (oPr.event != undefined) { _oTemps.ael++; _oElements.aEvents.unshift({scope:oPr.scope, e:oPr.event, ep:oPr.eventparams, skipLevel:oPr.skipLevel}); } var oldL = _oElements.aEvents.length; if (oPr.func != undefined) { _oElements.aEvents.push({func:oPr.func, scope:oPr.scope, args:oPr.args, skipLevel:oPr.skipLevel}); } = + (_oElements.aEvents.length - oldL); delete oPr; return(undefined); } function doTweens(targs, defaultScope, defaultSeconds, defaultEase, setStart, isFF) { if (_aTweens == null) { _aTweens = []; } var tba = ((_oTwBeingAdded = {})); var ZE = _ZigoEngine; var addTween = function (target, props, endvals, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { if (target.__zigoID__ == null) { ZE.initializeTargets(target); } tba[target.__zigoID__] = true; var sProps = ZE.doTween.apply(ZE, arguments); tba[target.__zigoID__] = false; return(((sProps == null) ? ([]) : (sProps.split(",")))); }; var fuse =; var outputLevel = ((fuse != undefined) ? (fuse.OUTPUT_LEVEL) : (_ZigoEngine.OUTPUT_LEVEL)); var propsAdded = ""; var nTgErrors = 0; var i; var j; var k; var doSetStarts = ((_bStartSet != true) && ((setStart == true) || (_sImage.indexOf("StartProps:") > -1))); var h = 0; while (h < _aProfiles.length) { if (_nPlaying < 2) { return(null); } var pr = _aProfiles[h]; if (pr.__buildMode == true) { var twArgs = _aProfiles[h].tweenargs; var prevPropsAdded = propsAdded; if ((twArgs[6].cycles === 0) || (twArgs[6].cycles.toUpperCase() == "LOOP")) { delete twArgs[6].cycles; if (outputLevel > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("117", _sID()); } } var cb = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.parseCallback(twArgs[6]); if (!(twArgs[0] instanceof Array)) { twArgs[0] = [twArgs[0]]; } for (i in twArgs[0]) { if (isFF == true) { addTween(twArgs[0][i], twArgs[1], twArgs[2], 0, null, 0, {skipLevel:0}); if (outputLevel == 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(((((("\n-" + _sID()) + " FF(simple syntax)\ttargets:[") + twArgs[0][i]) + "]\tprops:[") + twArgs[1]) + "]"); } } else { var aProps = addTween(twArgs[0][i], twArgs[1], twArgs[2], twArgs[3], twArgs[4], twArgs[5], cb); if (aProps.length > 0) { _aTweens.push({targ:twArgs[0][i], props:aProps, targZID:twArgs[0][i].__zigoID__}); twArgs[0][i].addListener(this); for (j in aProps) { if (propsAdded.indexOf(aProps[j] + ",") == -1) { propsAdded = propsAdded + (aProps[j] + ","); } } } if (outputLevel == 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(((((("\n-" + _sID()) + " TWEEN(simple syntax)\ttargets:[") + twArgs[0][i]) + "]\tprops tweened:[") + aProps.toString()) + "]"); } } } if ((isFF == false) && ((prevPropsAdded == propsAdded) || (propsAdded == ""))) { nTgErrors++; } } else { var scope = defaultScope; var targets = []; var aBase = (( == undefined) ? (targs) : (; var aTemp = []; var bTgError = false; for (i in aBase) { var v = aBase[i]; aTemp = aTemp.concat(((v instanceof Function) ? (v.apply(scope)) : (v))); } for (i in pr.addTarget) { var v = pr.addTarget[i]; aTemp = aTemp.concat(((v instanceof Function) ? (v.apply(scope)) : (v))); } for (i in aTemp) { var v = aTemp[i]; if (v != null) { var exists = false; for (j in targets) { if (targets[j] == v) { exists = true; break; } } if (exists == false) { targets.unshift(v); } } else { bTgError = true; } } var doTimer = (((pr._doTimer == true) && (targets.length == 0)) && (isFF == false)); if ((bTgError == true) || ((targets.length == 0) && (pr._doTimer != true))) { nTgErrors++; } if (doSetStarts == true) { for (i in targets) { if (_nPlaying < 2) { return(null); } var targ = targets[i]; var aSP = []; var aSV = []; if (setStart == true) { for (var q in pr.oEP) {, q, true); } } for (var p in pr.oSP) { var v = pr.oSP[p]; if (v instanceof Function) { v = v.apply(scope); } if ((v === true) || (v === false)) { targ[p] = v; if (pr.oAFV[p] == true) { for (k in pr.oEP[p]) { if (pr.oEP[p][k].targ == targ) { pr.oEP[p].splice(Number(k), 1); } } pr.oEP[p].push({targ:targ, val:"IGNORE", _isAF:true}); } continue; } if (((pr.oAFV[p] == true) && (!((p == "_colorReset") && (v == 100)))) && (!((p == "_tintPercent") && (v == 0)))) { var afv; if ((p == "_tint") || (p == "_colorTransform")) { afv = _ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj(); } else if ((String(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon._resetTo100()).indexOf(("|" + p) + "|") > -1) || ((p == "_fade") && (v < 50))) { afv = 100; } else if ((String(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon._resetTo0()).indexOf(("|" + p) + "|") > -1) || (p == "_fade")) { afv = 0; } else { var fmpVal =, p, true); if (fmpVal != null) { afv = fmpVal; } else { afv = ((_global.isNaN(targ[p]) == false) ? targ[p] : 0); } } for (k in pr.oEP[p]) { if (pr.oEP[p][k].targ == targ) { pr.oEP[p].splice(Number(k), 1); } } pr.oEP[p].push({targ:targ, val:afv, _isAF:true}); } if (typeof(v) == "object") { var copy = ((v instanceof Array) ? ([]) : ({})); for (k in v) { copy[k] = ((v[k] instanceof Function) ? Function(v[k]).apply(scope) : v[k]); } v = copy; } aSP.push(p); aSV.push(v); } if (aSV.length > 0) { if (outputLevel == 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output((((_sID() + " ") + targ) + " SET STARTS: ") + [("[" + aSP) + "]", ("[" + aSV) + "]"]); } addTween(targ, aSP, aSV, 0); } } } if (setStart == true) { } else { var event; var skipLevel; var oSimpleCB; var oCB; var triggerTrue; var triggerTime; var cbstr = ""; if (isFF == false) { if (pr.scope != undefined) { scope = pr.scope; } skipLevel = ((pr.skipLevel instanceof Function) ? (pr.skipLevel.apply(scope)) : (pr.skipLevel)); var extra1 = ((pr.extra1 instanceof Function) ? (pr.extra1.apply(scope)) : (pr.extra1)); var extra2 = ((pr.extra2 instanceof Function) ? (pr.extra2.apply(scope)) : (pr.extra2)); var roundResults = ((pr.roundResults instanceof Function) ? (pr.roundResults.apply(scope)) : (pr.roundResults)); oSimpleCB = {skipLevel:skipLevel, extra1:extra1, extra2:extra2, roundResults:roundResults}; oCB = {skipLevel:skipLevel, extra1:extra1, extra2:extra2, roundResults:roundResults}; if (pr.cycles != undefined) { var cycles = ((pr.cycles instanceof Function) ? (pr.cycles.apply(scope)) : (pr.cycles)); if (((Number(cycles) == 0) || (String(cycles).toUpperCase() == "LOOP")) && (fuse != undefined)) { delete pr.cycles; if (outputLevel > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("117", _sID()); } } else { oSimpleCB.cycles = (oCB.cycles = cycles); } } if (((pr.func != undefined) || (pr.startfunc != undefined)) || (pr.updfunc != undefined)) { for (i in pr) { if (i.indexOf("func") > -1) { oCB[i] = pr[i]; } else if (((i == "startscope") || (i == "updscope")) || (i.indexOf("args") > -1)) { oCB[i] = pr[i]; } } if (scope != undefined) { if ((oCB.func != undefined) && (oCB.scope == undefined)) { oCB.scope = scope; } if ((oCB.updfunc != undefined) && (oCB.updscope == undefined)) { oCB.updscope = scope; } if ((oCB.startfunc != undefined) && (oCB.startscope == undefined)) { oCB.startscope = scope; } } } for (j in oCB) { cbstr = cbstr + (((j + ":") + oCB[j]) + "|"); } if (pr.event != undefined) { event = {scope:pr.scope, e:pr.event, ep:pr.eventparams, skipLevel:skipLevel}; } triggerTrue = pr.trigger === true; triggerTime = undefined; if ((triggerTrue == false) && (pr.trigger != undefined)) { triggerTime = ((pr.trigger instanceof Function) ? (pr.trigger.apply(scope)) : (pr.trigger)); if (typeof(triggerTime) == "string") { triggerTime = ((String(triggerTime).charAt(0) == "-") ? (-parseClock(String(triggerTime).slice(1))) : (parseClock(String(triggerTime)))); } if (_global.isNaN(triggerTime) == true) { triggerTime = undefined; } } } var delay; var seconds; var ease; var booleans; var tweenSuccess = false; var targsOrProxy = ((doTimer == false) ? (targets) : ([0])); var nBezError = -1; for (i in targsOrProxy) { if (_nPlaying < 2) { return(null); } if (isFF == false) { if (pr.ease != null) { ease = pr.ease; if (ease instanceof Function) { var ef = Function(ease); if (typeof(ef(1, 1, 1, 1)) != "number") { ease = ef.apply(scope); } } } if (ease == null) { ease = defaultEase; } seconds = ((pr.seconds instanceof Function) ? (pr.seconds.apply(scope)) : (pr.seconds)); if (seconds != undefined) { if (typeof(seconds) == "string") { seconds = parseClock(String(seconds)); } if (_global.isNaN(seconds) == true) { seconds = _ZigoEngine.DURATION || 0; } } if (seconds == null) { seconds = defaultSeconds; } delay = ((pr.delay instanceof Function) ? (pr.delay.apply(scope)) : (pr.delay)); if (typeof(delay) == "string") { delay = parseClock(String(delay)); } if ((delay == null) || (_global.isNaN(delay) == true)) { delay = 0; } if (doTimer == true) { continue; } } var targ = targsOrProxy[i]; var aEP = []; var aEV = []; var numBools = 0; var bezIndex = -2; for (var p in pr.oEP) { var v = pr.oEP[p]; if (v instanceof Function) { v = v.apply(scope); } if ((v === true) || (v === false)) { if (booleans == undefined) { booleans = {}; } booleans[p] = v; numBools++; continue; } if (typeof(v) == "object") { if (v[0]._isAF == true) { for (k in v) { if (v[k].targ == targ) { v = v[k].val; break; } } } else { var copy = ((v instanceof Array) ? [] : {}); for (k in v) { copy[k] = ((v[k] instanceof Function) ? Function(v[k]).apply(scope) : v[k]); } v = copy; } } if (v != "IGNORE") { if (p == "_bezier_") { bezIndex = aEP.length; } else if ((bezIndex == -2) && ((p == "controlX") || (p == "controlY"))) { bezIndex = -1; } aEP.push(p); aEV.push(v); } } if (aEV.length > 0) { if (bezIndex > -2) { if (bezIndex == -1) { bezIndex = aEP.length; } aEP[bezIndex] = "_bezier_"; if (typeof(aEV[bezIndex]) != "object") { aEV[bezIndex] = {}; } var bezObj = aEV[bezIndex]; for (j in aEP) { if ("|x|y|_x|_y|controlX|controlY|".indexOf(("|" + aEP[j]) + "|") > -1) { if (aEP[j].charAt(0) == "_") { aEP[j] = aEP[j].slice(-1); } if (typeof(bezObj[aEP[j]]) == "number") { if ((outputLevel > 0) && ((nBezError == -1) || (nBezError == i))) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("115", _sID(), aEP[j]); nBezError = Number(i); } } else { bezObj[aEP[j]] = aEV[j]; } aEP.splice(Number(j), 1); aEV.splice(Number(j), 1); } } } if (isFF == true) { if (outputLevel == 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(((((("\n-" + _sID()) + " FF\ttargets:[") + targ) + "]\tprops:[") + aEP.toString()) + "]"); } addTween(targ, aEP, aEV, 0, null, 0, {skipLevel:0}); continue; } var listener = {caught:false, onTweenEnd:function (evto) { this.caught = true; }}; targ.addListener(listener); var aProps = addTween(targ, aEP, aEV, seconds, ease, delay, oCB); targ.removeListener(listener); if (aProps.length == 0) { if (listener.caught == true) { oCB = oSimpleCB; } } else { if (aProps.length > 0) { var to = {targ:targ, props:aProps, bools:booleans, targZID:targ.__zigoID__}; if (tweenSuccess == false) { oCB = oSimpleCB; to.event = event; event = (booleans = undefined); to.trigger = triggerTrue; } _aTweens.push(to); targ.addListener(this); tweenSuccess = true; for (j in aProps) { if (propsAdded.indexOf(aProps[j] + ",") == -1) { propsAdded = propsAdded + (aProps[j] + ","); } } } if (outputLevel == 3) { var epstr = aEP.toString(); if (aProps.length > aEP.length) { epstr = epstr + (("\n\t[NO-CHANGE PROPS DISCARDED (disregard this for double props like _scale). KEPT:" + aProps.toString()) + "]"); } var evstr = ""; for (j in aEV) { evstr = (((typeof(aEV[j]) == "string") ? (("\"" + aEV[j]) + "\"") : aEV[j]) + ", ") + evstr; } com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output((("\n-" + _sID()) + " TWEEN:\n") + [("\t[getTimer():" + getTimer()) + "] ", "targ: " + targ, "props: " + epstr, "endVals: " + evstr, "time: " + ((seconds == undefined) ? _ZigoEngine.DURATION : seconds), "easing: " + ((ease == undefined) ? _ZigoEngine.EASING : ease), "delay: " + ((delay == undefined) ? 0 : delay), "callbacks: " + ((cbstr == "") ? "(none)" : cbstr)].join("\n\t")); } } listener = undefined; } } if ((_global.isNaN(seconds) == true) || (pr.seconds == null)) { seconds = 0; } var time = (delay + seconds); if (triggerTime != undefined) { if (triggerTime < 0) { triggerTime = triggerTime + time; } if ((triggerTime > 0) && ((time == 0) || (triggerTime < time))) { if (time == 0) { if (outputLevel == 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(((((((((_sID() + " graft a timed trigger (") + triggerTime) + " sec). [has callback:") + (oCB != oSimpleCB)) + ", has event:") + (event != undefined)) + ", has booleans:") + (booleans != undefined)) + "]"); } doTimerTween(null, triggerTime, 0, true, booleans, oCB, event); tweenSuccess = true; } else { if (outputLevel == 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(((_sID() + " graft a timed trigger (") + triggerTime) + " sec)."); } doTimerTween(null, triggerTime, 0, true); } } else if (outputLevel == 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(((((_sID() + " timed trigger discarded: out of range. [") + triggerTime) + "/") + time) + "]"); } } if ((tweenSuccess == false) && (((oCB != oSimpleCB) || (event != undefined)) || (booleans != undefined))) { if ((skipLevel == 0) && (time > 0)) { if (outputLevel == 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(((((((((_sID() + " no props tweened - graft a delay (") + time) + " sec). [has callback:") + (oCB != oSimpleCB)) + ", has event:") + (event != undefined)) + ", has booleans:") + (booleans != undefined)) + "]"); } doTimerTween(targets, seconds, delay, triggerTrue, booleans, oCB, event); } else { if (outputLevel == 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(((((((_sID() + " no props tweened, executing nontween items. [has callback:") + (oCB != oSimpleCB)) + ", has event:") + (event != undefined)) + ", has booleans:") + (booleans != undefined)) + "]"); } for (i in targets) { for (j in booleans) { targets[i][j] = booleans[j]; } } if (skipLevel < 2) { if (oCB != undefined) { fireEvents(oCB, scope, outputLevel, targets); } if (event != undefined) { fireEvents(event, scope, outputLevel); } } } } } } h++; } if ((nTgErrors > 0) && (outputLevel > 0)) { if ((nTgErrors == _aProfiles.length) && (propsAdded == "")) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("118", _sID(), setStart); } else { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("119", _sID(), nTgErrors, doSetStarts); } } tba = undefined; _oTwBeingAdded = undefined; return(((propsAdded == "") ? null : (propsAdded.slice(0, -1)))); } function doTimerTween(actualTargets, duration, delay, trigger, booleans, callback, event) { var proxy = {__TweenedDelay:0}; _ZigoEngine.initializeTargets(proxy); _aTweens.push({targ:proxy, props:["__TweenedDelay"], trigger:trigger, bools:booleans, event:event, actualTargs:actualTargets, targZID:proxy.__zigoID__}); var canceled = (_ZigoEngine.doTween(proxy, "__TweenedDelay", 1, duration, null, delay, callback) == null); if (canceled == true) { onTweenEnd({target:proxy, props:["__TweenedDelay"]}); } else { proxy.addListener(this); } } function onTweenEnd(o, doAutoStop) { if (_nPlaying < 1) { return(undefined); } var fuse =; var outputLevel = ((fuse != undefined) ? (fuse.OUTPUT_LEVEL) : (_ZigoEngine.OUTPUT_LEVEL)); var id = ((!(o.__zigoID__ === undefined)) ? (o.__zigoID__) : (; for (var i in _aTweens) { var to = _aTweens[i]; if (to.targZID == id) { for (var j in o.props) { var pa = to.props; for (var k in pa) { var p = pa[k]; if (p == o.props[j]) { pa.splice(Number(k), 1); if (doAutoStop == true) { var inst = fuse.getInstance(_nFuseID); var interruptedByLocalFuse = ((((_bTrigger == true) && (o.during == "add")) && (inst[inst.currentIndex]._oTwBeingAdded[id] === true)) && (inst.state == "playing")); if (interruptedByLocalFuse == false) { to.targ.removeListener(this); for (i in _aTweens) { if (_aTweens[i].targZID == id) { for (j in o.props) { for (k in _aTweens[i].props) { if (_aTweens[i].props[k] == o.props[j]) { _aTweens[i].props.splice(Number(k), 1); } } } if (_aTweens[i].props.length == 0) { _aTweens.splice(Number(i), 1); } } } if (outputLevel == 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(_sID() + " triggering auto-stop due to interruption"); } if ((inst.autoClear == true) || ((!(inst.autoClear === false)) && (fuse.AUTOCLEAR == true))) { dispatchRequest("destroy"); } else { dispatchRequest("stop"); } return(undefined); } if (outputLevel == 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(((("note -" + _sID()) + " interrupted one of its own properties \"") + p) + "\". (Autostop not triggered.)"); } } if ((_nPlaying == 2) && (p != "__TweenedDelay")) { if (outputLevel > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("120", _sID(), p); } } if (pa.length == 0) { if (to.event != undefined) { fireEvents(to.event, null, outputLevel); } if (p == "__TweenedDelay") { _ZigoEngine.deinitializeTargets(to.targ); delete to.targ; for (var m in to.bools) { for (var t in to.actualTargs) { to.actualTargs[t][m] = to.bools[m]; } } } else { var found = false; for (var m in to.bools) { to.targ[m] = to.bools[m]; } for (var l in _aTweens) { if ((l != i) && (_aTweens[l].targ == to.targ)) { found = true; } } if (found == false) { to.targ.removeListener(this); } } if (to.trigger == true) { if (((_bTrigger == false) && (o.isResume != true)) && (_aTweens.length > 1)) { _bTrigger = true; if (outputLevel == 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(_sID() + " trigger fired!"); } var breakChainInt; breakChainInt = setInterval(function (fi) { clearInterval(breakChainInt); fi.dispatchRequest("advance", [false, false, false]); }, 1, this); } } _aTweens.splice(Number(i), 1); } } } } } } if (((_aTweens.length == 0) && (_nPlaying == 1)) && (o.isResume != true)) { complete(outputLevel); } } function onTweenInterrupt(o) { if (_nPlaying == -1) { return(undefined); } var fuse =; var parentfuse = fuse.getInstance(_nFuseID); var autoStop = ((parentfuse.autoStop == true) || ((!(parentfuse.autoStop === false)) && (fuse.AUTOSTOP == true))); var id = o.__zigoID__; var outputLevel = ((fuse != undefined) ? (fuse.OUTPUT_LEVEL) : (_ZigoEngine.OUTPUT_LEVEL)); if ((autoStop == true) || ((!(autoStop === false)) && (fuse.AUTOSTOP == true))) { onTweenEnd(o, true); return(undefined); } if (typeof( != "string") { onTweenEnd(o); return(undefined); } for (var i in _aTweens) { if (_aTweens[i].targZID == id) { _aTweens.splice(Number(i), 1); } } if ((_aTweens.length == 0) && (_nPlaying == 1)) { complete(outputLevel); } } function complete(outputLevel) { if (outputLevel == 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.output(_sID() + " complete."); } var breakChainInt; breakChainInt = setInterval(function (fi, trigger) { clearInterval(breakChainInt); var itemstate = fi._nPlaying; if (trigger != true) { if (itemstate < 1) { return(undefined); } } fi.stop(); if (itemstate > 0) { fi.dispatchRequest("advance", [trigger, false, false]); } }, 1, this, _bTrigger); } function parseClock(str) { if (str.indexOf(":") != 2) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("121"); return(_ZigoEngine.DURATION || 0); } var time = 0; var spl = str.split(":"); spl.reverse(); var t; if ((String(spl[0]).length == 2) && (_global.isNaN((t = Math.abs(Number(spl[0])))) == false)) { time = time + (t / 100); } if (((String(spl[1]).length == 2) && (_global.isNaN((t = Math.abs(Number(spl[1])))) == false)) && (t < 60)) { time = time + t; } if (((String(spl[2]).length == 2) && (_global.isNaN((t = Math.abs(Number(spl[2])))) == false)) && (t < 60)) { time = time + (t * 60); } if (((String(spl[3]).length == 2) && (_global.isNaN((t = Math.abs(Number(spl[3])))) == false)) && (t < 24)) { time = time + (t * 3600); } return(time); } function fireEvents(o, scope, outputLevel, targets) { if (o.scope == undefined) { o.scope = scope; } if (o.e == undefined) { var callback = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.parseCallback(o, targets, outputLevel, false); if (callback.start.f != null) { callback.start.f.apply(callback.start.s, callback.start.a); } if (callback.upd.f != null) { callback.upd.f.apply(callback.upd.s, callback.upd.a); } if (callback.end.f != null) { callback.end.f.apply(callback.end.s, callback.end.a); } } else { var type = ((o.e instanceof Function) ? (String(o.e.apply(scope))) : (String(o.e))); if ((type != "undefined") && (type.length > 0)) { if (String(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon._fuseEvents()).indexOf(("|" + type) + "|") > -1) { if (outputLevel > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("122", type); } } else { var fuse =; var evObj = ((o.ep instanceof Function) ? (o.ep.apply(scope)) : (o.ep)); if ((evObj == null) || (typeof(evObj) != "object")) { evObj = {}; } = fuse; evObj.type = type;, evObj); } } else if (outputLevel > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("123", _sID()); } } } static var registryKey = "fuseItem"; static var ADD_UNDERSCORES = true; var _nPlaying = -1; var _bStartSet = false; var _bTrigger = false; }
Symbol 481 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.utils.Delegate extends Object { var func; function Delegate (f) { super(); func = f; } static function create(obj, func) { var f = function () { var target =; var func = arguments.callee.func; return(func.apply(target, arguments)); }; = obj; f.func = func; return(f); } function createDelegate(obj) { return(create(obj, func)); } }
Symbol 482 MovieClip [__Packages.IDrawAble] Frame 0
interface IDrawAble { }
Symbol 483 MovieClip [__Packages.Cloud] Frame 0
class Cloud extends MovieClip implements IDrawAble { static var animSource_; var changed_, dIce, aStar, createEmptyMovieClip, getNextHighestDepth, attachMovie, parentContainer_, parentPerson_, imgName_, removeMovieClip, sewingBitmap_, imageScale_, gamePlay_, data_, segmentBitmap_, segmentHeight_, offsetImgX, imageBitmap_, imageSource_, resultBitmap_, okCount_, parentGame_, selectAble_, selectionData_, selectionX_, selectionY_, animObject, dbgBitmap_, name_, depth_, onRollOver, onRollOut, attachBitmap; function Cloud () { super(); } function setChanged(aVal) { changed_ = aVal; } function isChanged() { return(changed_); } function hideFreeze() { dIce.removeMovieClip(); aStar.removeMovieClip(); delete dIce; delete aStar; } function showFreeze() { var freezeDlg = createEmptyMovieClip("dIce", getNextHighestDepth()); freezeDlg._alpha = 50; freezeDlg.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("dialog_ice"), freezeDlg.getNextHighestDepth()); var head_mc = attachMovie(Game.gameXMLs["star.xml"].firstChild.attributes.classname, "aStar", getNextHighestDepth()); head_mc.createByXML(Game.gameXMLs["star.xml"], Game.GAMEINSTANCE); head_mc.playTime_ = 1; if (parentContainer_.name_.indexOf("RIGHT") != -1) { head_mc.xpos = 28; head_mc.setPosition(28, 20); freezeDlg._x = 8; } else { head_mc.xpos = 20; head_mc.setPosition(20, 20); } head_mc.playCycle(); } function failCloud() { var aFuse = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse.getInstance("Give to " + parentContainer_.name_); if ((aFuse != undefined) && (!Game.objsToCreate.hero.inNextActions(aFuse))) { return(undefined); } delete parentPerson_.data_.PACK; if ((imgName_ == "menu") || (imgName_ == "cash_dlg")) { parentPerson_.data_.CLOUD = undefined; parentPerson_.actionFuse.skipTo("outFromSofa"); } else if (imgName_ == "cup") { var cObj = Game.getCarryingObj(imgName_); cObj.wantedCount_--; parentPerson_.data_.CLOUD = undefined; parentPerson_.actionFuse.resume(); } else if (imgName_.indexOf("con") != -1) { parentPerson_.data_.CLOUD = undefined; parentPerson_.actionFuse.resume(); } else if (imgName_.indexOf("pack") != -1) { parentPerson_.data_.CLOUD = undefined; parentPerson_.actionFuse.resume(); } removeMovieClip(); } static function fadeOutHeart(aVal) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aVal, "_y", [aVal._y - 20], 2, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aVal, "_alpha", [20], 0.3, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeOutSine, 0, {scope:Cloud, func:"removeHeart", args:aVal}); } static function removeHeart(aVal) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.removeTween(aVal); aVal.removeMovieClip(); delete aVal; } static function sineLeft(aVal, offset) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aVal, "_x", [(aVal._x - 10) - offset], 0.4, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeInOutSine, 0, {scope:Cloud, func:"sineRight", args:[aVal, offset]}); } static function sineRight(aVal, offset) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aVal, "_x", [(aVal._x + 10) + offset], 0.4, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeInOutSine, 0, {scope:Cloud, func:"sineLeft", args:[aVal, offset]}); } static function startHeart(aNum, aX, aY, fuse) { fuse.destroy(); delete fuse; var aVal = Game.requestsClip_.createEmptyMovieClip("aheart" + aNum, Game.requestsClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); aVal.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("heart"), 0); var xrand = (Math.random() * 20); xrand = xrand - 10; aVal._x = aX + xrand; aVal._y = aY + xrand; var offset = (Math.random() * 9); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aVal, "_y", [aVal._y - 60], 1 + Math.random(), com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0, {scope:Cloud, func:"fadeOutHeart", args:aVal}); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { sineLeft(aVal, offset); } else { sineRight(aVal, offset); } } function startHearts() { var i = 0; while (i < 10) { var aFuse = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse()); aFuse.label = "heart" + i; aFuse.scope = Cloud; aFuse.push({func:"startHeart", args:[i, parentPerson_._x + 10, parentPerson_._y, aFuse], delay:Math.random() / 2}); aFuse.start(); i++; } } function doneCloud(nextResume) { startHearts(); if (Game.priceList[imgName_] != undefined) { parentPerson_.moneyLeft = parentPerson_.moneyLeft + Game.priceList[imgName_]; if (sewingBitmap_ != undefined) { parentPerson_.moneyLeft = parentPerson_.moneyLeft + 10; } if (imgName_ != "cup") { parentPerson_.data_.OBJECT.attachPacket(); } } parentPerson_.data_.CLOUD = undefined; if (nextResume != false) { parentPerson_.actionFuse.resume(); } removeMovieClip(); } function doScale(aVal) { drawImage(aVal); imageScale_ = aVal; } function set imageScale(aVal) { drawImage(aVal); imageScale_ = aVal; //return(imageScale); } function get imageScale() { return(imageScale_); } function hideSelection() { } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function addData(key, aData) { data_[key] = aData; } function getData(key) { return(data_[key]); } function eraseData(key) { data_[key] = undefined; } function drawSegment(aNum, segmentColor) { segmentBitmap_.colorTransform(segmentBitmap_.rectangle, Game.transparent_); segmentBitmap_.copyPixels(animSource_, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, segmentHeight_ * aNum, animSource_.width, segmentHeight_), new flash.geom.Point(0 + offsetImgX, 4), undefined, undefined, false); segmentBitmap_.colorTransform(segmentBitmap_.rectangle, segmentColor); if (imgName_ == "cash_dlg") { if (Game.isCashFree() == true) { parentPerson_.actionFuse.skipTo("goToCash"); parentPerson_.askFuse.destroy(); delete parentPerson_.askFuse; delete parentPerson_.data_.CLOUD; removeMovieClip(); } } } function drawImage(aScale) { imageBitmap_.colorTransform(imageBitmap_.rectangle, Game.transparent_); var translateMatrix = (new flash.geom.Matrix()); translateMatrix.scale(aScale, aScale); translateMatrix.translate((((resultBitmap_.width / 2) - ((imageSource_.width * aScale) / 2)) + (Game.dlgImgPoints[imgName_].x * aScale)) + (offsetImgX * aScale), ((resultBitmap_.height / 2) - ((imageSource_.height * aScale) / 2)) + (Game.dlgImgPoints[imgName_].y * aScale)); imageBitmap_.draw(imageSource_, translateMatrix); } function createByXML(xmlScript, parentGame, parentPerson, parentContainer, imageName, sewing) { okCount_ = 0; imgName_ = imageName; parentGame_ = parentGame; parentContainer_ = parentContainer; parentPerson_ = parentPerson; if (animSource_ == undefined) { animSource_ = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("dialog_anim"); } segmentHeight_ = animSource_.height / maxSegments; imageSource_ = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(imageName); if (xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.offimgx != undefined) { offsetImgX = Number(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.offimgx); } else { offsetImgX = 0; } data_ = new Array(); if (xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS] != undefined) { data_.custPoint_ = new flash.geom.Point(Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.custX), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.custY)); data_.sitPoint_ = new flash.geom.Point(Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.sitX), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.sitY)); data_.askPoint_ = new flash.geom.Point(Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.askX), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.askY)); } selectAble_ = true; if (selectAble_) { selectionData_ = SpriteFactory.getSharedBitmap(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_SELECTION]); selectionX_ = ((xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_SELECTION].attributes.xpos == undefined) ? 0 : (Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_SELECTION].attributes.xpos))); selectionY_ = ((xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_SELECTION].attributes.ypos == undefined) ? 0 : (Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_SELECTION].attributes.ypos))); } if (xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.animated == "false") { resultBitmap_ = SpriteFactory.getSharedSprite(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.bitmap, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), undefined, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.flipHor == "true").bitmap_; } else { resultBitmap_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(Number(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.width), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.height), true, 0); animObject = new AnimObject(); animObject.createByXML(xmlScript.firstChild, this); drawIt(); } dbgBitmap_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(resultBitmap_.width, resultBitmap_.height, true, 0); name_ = xmlScript.firstChild.nodeName; depth_ = Number(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.depth); drawIt(); segmentBitmap_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(resultBitmap_.width, resultBitmap_.height, true, 0); imageBitmap_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(resultBitmap_.width, resultBitmap_.height, true, 0); if (sewing == true) { sewingBitmap_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(resultBitmap_.width, resultBitmap_.height, true, 0); var sewingsrc = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("sewing1"); sewingBitmap_.copyPixels(sewingsrc, sewingsrc.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point((((resultBitmap_.width / 2) - (sewingsrc.width / 2)) + offsetImgX) - 5, ((resultBitmap_.height / 2) - (sewingsrc.height / 2)) + 5), undefined, undefined, true); } drawIt(); if (selectAble_) { enableSelection(); } } function enableSelection() { onRollOver = function () { if (Game.canSelect(this) == true) { Game.drawSelection(this, this.selectionX_, this.selectionY_); } }; onRollOut = function () { Game.hideSelection(this); }; } function drawIt() { if (animObject != undefined) { resultBitmap_ = animObject.drawIt(resultBitmap_, 0, 0); } attachBitmap(resultBitmap_, 0, "auto", true); attachBitmap(segmentBitmap_, 1, "auto", true); attachBitmap(imageBitmap_, 2, "auto", true); attachBitmap(sewingBitmap_, 3, "auto", true); } var SEGMENTDELAY = 0.1; static var maxSegments = 20; static var IND_CLOSED = 2; static var IND_SELECTION = 3; static var IND_AREAS = 4; }
Symbol 484 MovieClip [__Packages.Customer] Frame 0
class Customer extends MovieClip implements IDrawAble { var asking_, pausedQuant, qPausedArr, actionFuse, askFuse, data_, _width, _x, _height, _y, mX_, parentGame_, mY_, custstate_, _visible, aShadow_, boughtArray_, moneyLeft, sex_, changed_, gamePlay_, path, sofaReqsArr_, target_move, animObject, swapDepths, moving_direction, resultBitmap, attachBitmap, name_, waitingTime_, requestsInf_, intervalsArr_, shadY_; function Customer () { super(); } function get asking() { return(asking_); } function set asking(aVal) { asking_ = aVal; //return(asking); } function pauseQuant() { pausedQuant = true; qPausedArr = new Array(); if (actionFuse.__get__state() == "playing") { qPausedArr.push(actionFuse); actionFuse.pause(); } if (askFuse != undefined) { if (askFuse.__get__state() == "playing") { qPausedArr.push(askFuse); askFuse.pause(); } } com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.pauseTween(this); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.pauseTween(data_.CLOUD); } function resumeQuant() { pausedQuant = false; var i = 0; while (i < qPausedArr.length) { qPausedArr[i].resume(); i++; } delete qPausedArr; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.resumeTween(this); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.resumeTween(data_.CLOUD); } function get mX() { return(_x + (_width / 2)); } function get mY() { return(_y + _height); } function set mX(aVal) { _x = aVal - (_width / 2); if (mX_ != aVal) { parentGame_.updateDepths(this); } mX_ = aVal; //return(mX); } function set mY(aVal) { _y = aVal - _height; if (mY_ != aVal) { parentGame_.updateDepths(this); } mY_ = aVal; //return(mY); } function addData(key, aData) { data_[key] = aData; } function getData(key) { return(data_[key]); } function eraseData(key) { data_[key] = undefined; } function set custstate(aState) { custstate_ = aState; addData("STATE", aState); switch (custstate_) { case States.STATE_CUST_PREPARE_INVIS : mX = (POINT_CREATINGX); mY = (POINT_CREATINGY); _visible = false; aShadow_._visible = false; boughtArray_.splice(0, boughtArray_.length); data_.CLOUD.removeMovieClip(); delete data_.CLOUD; delete data_.OBJECT; delete data_.PACK; actionFuse.destroy(); delete actionFuse; actionFuse = undefined; moneyLeft = 0; break; case States.STATE_CUST_GO_HALL : _visible = true; aShadow_._visible = true; if (sex_ == "m") { Helper.soundPlay("sndhello_male1"); } else { Helper.soundPlay("sndhello_female1"); } Game.moveToPoint(this, POINT_ENTERHALLX, POINT_ENTERHALLY); break; case States.STATE_CUST_SITTING_N : break; case States.STATE_ASKDONE : actionFuse.resume(); } //return(custstate); } function get custstate() { return(custstate_); } function setChanged(aVal) { changed_ = aVal; } function isChanged() { return(changed_); } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function MoveToPath(path_array) { path = path_array; doMove(); } function processRequests() { var nextRequest = Number(sofaReqsArr_.pop()); } function nextCust() { Game.NextCustomer(); } function con9press() { Stoika.processClotherPress(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.barabanArray_[1].clothsArray_[2]); } function menuPress() { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.processPress(; } function receptionPress() { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.processPress(Game.objsToCreate.reception); } function musorLeftPress() { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.processPress(Game.objsToCreate.sofa_leftu); } function musorRightPress() { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.processPress(Game.objsToCreate.sofa_rightu); } function doMove() { if (pausedQuant == true) { return(undefined); } if (path.length > 0) { var nextpoint = path.shift(); target_move = new flash.geom.Point(Game.map_.XConvertToLocal(nextpoint[1]), Game.map_.YConvertToLocal(nextpoint[0])); target_move.x = target_move.x + (Map.CELL_SIZE - 1); target_move.y = target_move.y + (Map.CELL_SIZE - 1); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "mX,mY", [target_move.x, target_move.y], 0.1, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0, {scope:this, func:"doMove"}); var dx = ((target_move.x - (_width / 2)) - _x); var dy = (((target_move.y - _height) + 2) - _y); setMovingDirection(Math.atan2(dy, dx)); updateTurn(); } else { target_move = undefined; var mState = Number(getData("STATE")); switch (mState) { case States.STATE_CUST_GO_HALL : custstate = (States.STATE_CUST_AWAITING_HALL); var sofaArr = Game.getObjs(["SOFA_LEFTD", "SOFA_LEFTU", "SOFA_RIGHTU", "SOFA_RIGHTD"], ["OWNER", "MUSOR"], [undefined, undefined]); if (sofaArr.length > 0) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shuffleArray(sofaArr); custstate = (States.STATE_CUST_GO_OBJECT); var sofaInd = 0; addData("OBJECT", sofaArr[sofaInd]); actionFuse.resume(); sofaArr[sofaInd].addData("OWNER", this); Game.showTip(0, "nextCust", this); return(undefined); } animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "stay"); if (Game.tipsDone[4] == Game.TIPNODONE) { var fromSofa; var musorSofa = Game.getObjs(["SOFA_LEFTD", "SOFA_LEFTU", "SOFA_RIGHTU", "SOFA_RIGHTD"], ["OWNER"], [undefined]); var i = 0; while (i < musorSofa.length) { if (musorSofa[i].getData("MUSOR") != undefined) { fromSofa = musorSofa[i]; break; } i++; } if (fromSofa != undefined) { if (fromSofa.name_ == "SOFA_LEFTU") { Game.showTip(4, "musorLeftPress", this, 135, 255); } else if (fromSofa.name_ == "SOFA_RIGHTU") { Game.showTip(4, "musorRightPress", this, 445, 245); } } } return; case States.STATE_CUST_GO_OBJECT : var targetName = getData("OBJECT").name_; switch (targetName) { case "SOFA_LEFTU" : case "SOFA_RIGHTU" : case "SOFA_LEFTD" : case "SOFA_RIGHTD" : custstate = (States.STATE_CUST_SITTING_N); var persData; if ((targetName == "SOFA_LEFTU") || (targetName == "SOFA_LEFTD")) { animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "sitbreathright"); persData = animObject.getStateData(["SITBREATHRIGHT", "BODY", "DEFAULT"]); aShadow_._visible = false; } else if ((targetName == "SOFA_RIGHTU") || (targetName == "SOFA_RIGHTD")) { animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "sitbreathleft"); persData = animObject.getStateData(["SITBREATHLEFT", "BODY", "DEFAULT"]); aShadow_._visible = false; } var sofa = Game.getObjs([targetName], [undefined], [undefined])[0]; Game.objectToPlace(this, sofa, new flash.geom.Point(Number(persData.sitX), Number(persData.sitY)), sofa.data_.sitPoint_); swapDepths(parentGame_.getNextClosureDepth(sofa.getDepth())); actionFuse.resume(); break; case "RECEPTION" : data_.INCASH = true; delete data_.CASH; animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "stay"); if (Game.tipsDone[1] == Game.TIPNODONE) { Game.showTip(1, "receptionPress", this); } break; default : animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "stay"); } return; case States.STATE_OUT_FROM_SOFA : custstate = (States.STATE_CUST_PREPARE_INVIS); animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "stay"); aShadow_._visible = false; processOut(); return; default : animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "stay"); } } } function updateTurn() { var turn = Game.getTurnAnim(moving_direction); animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], Game.TURNSNAMES[turn]); } function setMovingDirection(aVal) { moving_direction = aVal; } function sitOn(aNum) { custstate = (States.STATE_CUST_SITTING_N); addData("NUMBER", aNum); } function drawIt() { resultBitmap = animObject.drawIt(resultBitmap, 0, 0); attachBitmap(resultBitmap, 0, "auto", true); } function quant(timeDone) { if (pausedQuant != true) { animObject.quant(timeDone); } } function getMPX() { return(_x + (_width / 2)); } function getMPY() { return((_y + _height) - 1); } function pushTask(aTask, aData) { } function insertTask(taskIndex, aTask, aData) { } function goHall() { custstate = (States.STATE_CUST_GO_HALL); } function tryToPay() { delete data_.INCASH; actionFuse.skipTo("outFromCash"); } function goToCash() { var fromSofa = Mebel(getData("OBJECT")); var k = 1; while (true) { if (fromSofa.packets["pac" + k] == undefined) { break; } fromSofa.packets["pac" + k].removeMovieClip(); k++; } fromSofa.packNum_ = undefined; if ((Math.random() > 0.5) || (Game.levelNum_ == 1)) { leaveMusor(); } fromSofa.addData("OWNER", undefined); if (Game.CustomerFromHall() == false) { Game.NextCustomer(); } var aObject = Game.objsToCreate.reception; data_.OBJECT = aObject; data_.CASH = true; custstate = (States.STATE_CUST_GO_OBJECT); aShadow_._visible = true; Game.moveToPoint(this, aObject._x + aObject.data_.custPoint_.x, aObject._y + aObject.data_.custPoint_.y); } function goToObject() { var aObject = Mebel(data_.OBJECT); custstate = (States.STATE_CUST_GO_OBJECT); Game.moveToPoint(this, aObject._x + aObject.data_.custPoint_.x, aObject._y + aObject.data_.custPoint_.y); } function leaveMusor() { var aObject = Mebel(data_.OBJECT); var aMusor = aObject.attachMovie("Mebel", "musor", aObject.getNextHighestDepth()); aObject.addData("MUSOR", aMusor); if (aObject.name_.indexOf("LEFT") != -1) { aMusor.createByXML(Game.gameXMLs[Game.dlgNmsDomain.dust_sofa_left]); } else { aMusor.createByXML(Game.gameXMLs[Game.dlgNmsDomain.dust_sofa_right]); } aMusor._x = flash.geom.Point(aObject.getData("musorPoint_")).x; aMusor._y = flash.geom.Point(aObject.getData("musorPoint_")).y; } function addSegments(toFuse, addDelay) { if (addDelay == undefined) { addDelay = 0; } toFuse.push({func:"drawSegment", args:[0, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 255, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[1, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 255, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[2, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 10, 255, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[3, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 40, 255, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[4, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 70, 254, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[5, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 112, 250, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[6, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 137, 247, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[7, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 162, 243, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[8, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 178, 240, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[9, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 226, 227, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[10, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 231, 217, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[11, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 237, 207, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[12, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 243, 197, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[13, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 250, 187, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[14, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 255, 168, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[15, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 255, 128, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[16, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 255, 88, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[17, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 255, 58, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[18, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 255, 28, 0, 0)]}); toFuse.push({delay:SEGMENTDELAY + addDelay, func:"drawSegment", args:[19, new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 255, 0, 0, 0)]}); } function addCloud(aVal, sewing) { if (Game.BONUSSHOWN == false) { if (Math.random() > 0.8) { Game.fallBonus(); } } switch (data_.OBJECT.name_) { case "SOFA_LEFTD" : var aCloud = parentGame_.createDlg("cloud_leftd", this, data_.OBJECT, aVal, sewing); break; case "SOFA_LEFTU" : var aCloud = parentGame_.createDlg("cloud_leftu", this, data_.OBJECT, aVal, sewing); break; case "SOFA_RIGHTU" : var aCloud = parentGame_.createDlg("cloud_rightu", this, data_.OBJECT, aVal, sewing); break; case "SOFA_RIGHTD" : var aCloud = parentGame_.createDlg("cloud_rightd", this, data_.OBJECT, aVal, sewing); } data_.CLOUD = aCloud; aCloud._x = data_.OBJECT._x + data_.OBJECT.data_.askPoint_.x; aCloud._y = data_.OBJECT._y + data_.OBJECT.data_.askPoint_.y; aCloud.imageScale = 0.5; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aCloud, "imageScale", [1], 1, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeOutBounce); return(aCloud); } function addLastScaling(toFuse, aCloud) { toFuse.push({delay:SCALEDELAY, func:"doScale", args:0.5}); toFuse.pushTween(aCloud, "imageScale", [1], 1, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeOutBounce); toFuse.push({func:"doScale", args:0.5}); toFuse.pushTween(aCloud, "imageScale", [1], 1, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeOutBounce); toFuse.push({func:"doScale", args:0.5}); toFuse.pushTween(aCloud, "imageScale", [1], 1, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeOutBounce); toFuse.push({func:"failCloud"}); toFuse.push({command:"pause"}); } function askPack(aFuse) { delete data_.PACK; var aCloud = addCloud("pack"); if (askFuse != undefined) { delete askFuse; } askFuse = new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(); askFuse.label = "Ask Actions " + name_; askFuse.__set__target(aCloud); addSegments(askFuse, 0.5); addLastScaling(askFuse, aCloud); askFuse.start(); } function askObject(aVal, sewing, packing) { var aCloud = addCloud(aVal, sewing); if (packing == true) { data_.PACK = true; } if (aVal.indexOf("_dlg") != -1) { var acObjArr = Game.getClother(aVal); var i = 0; while (i < acObjArr.length) { acObjArr[i].wantedCount_++; i++; } } else { var acObj = Game.getCarryingObj(aVal); acObj.wantedCount_++; } var mouseOn = Game.getObjectsAtPos(new flash.geom.Point(Game.GAMEINSTANCE._xmouse, Game.GAMEINSTANCE._ymouse)); for (var key in mouseOn) { if (mouseOn[key].requestName_ == aVal) { mouseOn[key].onRollOver(); break; } } if (askFuse != undefined) { delete askFuse; } askFuse = new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(); askFuse.label = "Ask Actions " + name_; askFuse.__set__target(aCloud); var addTime = 0; if ((sewing == true) || (aVal == "cash_dlg")) { addTime = 0.5; } addSegments(askFuse, addTime); addLastScaling(askFuse, aCloud); if (packing == true) { askFuse.push({delay:3, scope:this, func:"askPack", label:"askPack", args:[askFuse]}); } askFuse.start(); if (aVal == "menu") { if (Game.tipsDone[2] == Game.TIPNODONE) { Game.showTip(2, "menuPress", this); } } else if (aVal == "con9_dlg") { if (Game.tipsDone[3] == Game.TIPNODONE) { Game.showTip(3, "con9press", this); } } } function nothingDo() { if (moneyLeft > 0) { if (Game.isCashFree() == false) { actionFuse.skipTo("askCash"); } else { actionFuse.skipTo("goToCash"); } } else { actionFuse.skipTo("outFromSofa"); } } function processOut() { Game.customersLeft_++; if (((Game.customersEntered_ == Game.maxCustomers_) && (Game.customersEntered_ == Game.customersLeft_)) || ((Game.customersEntered_ == Game.customersLeft_) && (Game.closed_ == true))) { if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__get__levelMoney() >= Game.goalVal_) { Game.showInterLevel(InterLevelMenu.RESULTPERFECT, Game.levelNum_, Game.customersServed_, Game.customersLost_, Game.totalMoney_, Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__get__moneyVal()); } else { Game.showInterLevel(InterLevelMenu.RESULTLOSE, Game.levelNum_, Game.customersServed_, Game.customersLost_, Game.totalMoney_, Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__get__moneyVal()); } } } function outFromCash() { custstate = (States.STATE_OUT_FROM_SOFA); Game.moveToPoint(this, POINT_CREATINGX, POINT_CREATINGY); Game.customersServed_++; Game.updateMoney(moneyLeft); Game.showLevelEnd(); } function goOutFromSofa() { var fromSofa = Mebel(getData("OBJECT")); var k = 1; while (true) { if (fromSofa.packets["pac" + k] == undefined) { break; } fromSofa.packets["pac" + k].removeMovieClip(); k++; } fromSofa.packNum_ = undefined; fromSofa.addData("OWNER", undefined); if (Game.CustomerFromHall() == false) { Game.NextCustomer(); } Game.customersLost_++; custstate = (States.STATE_OUT_FROM_SOFA); animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "stay"); Game.moveToPoint(this, POINT_CREATINGX, POINT_CREATINGY); if (fromSofa.hitTest(Game.GAMEINSTANCE._xmouse, Game.GAMEINSTANCE._ymouse, true)) { if (Game.canSelect(fromSofa)) { Game.drawSelection(fromSofa, fromSofa.selectionX_, fromSofa.selectionY_); } } Game.showLevelEnd(); } function byClother(aClother) { boughtArray_.push(10); } function CreateByXML(xmlScript, parentGame, nameSuff) { moneyLeft = 0; waitingTime_ = Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[0].attributes.waiting); SEGMENTDELAY = (waitingTime_ / 19) / 1000; boughtArray_ = new Array(); sofaReqsArr_ = new Array(); requestsInf_ = new Array(); parentGame_ = parentGame; data_ = new Array(); intervalsArr_ = new Array(); shadY_ = Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[0].attributes.shady); resultBitmap = new flash.display.BitmapData(Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[0].attributes.width), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[0].attributes.height), true, 0); name_ = nameSuff; if (name_.indexOf("lover") != -1) { sex_ = "m"; } else { sex_ = "w"; } custstate_ = States.STATE_CUST_PREPARE_INVIS; animObject = new AnimObject(); animObject.createByXML(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[ANIMATIONIND], this); for (var key in xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[REQUESTINFIND].attributes) { requestsInf_[key] = xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[REQUESTINFIND].attributes[key]; } drawIt(); mX = (POINT_CREATINGX); mY = (POINT_CREATINGY); _visible = false; aShadow_ = Game.shadowsClip_.createEmptyMovieClip("shad" + nameSuff, Game.shadowsClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); aShadow_._visible = false; aShadow_.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("shadow"), 0); updateShadow(); } function updateShadow() { aShadow_._x = (_x + (_width / 2)) - (aShadow_._width / 2); aShadow_._y = _y + shadY_; } var SEGMENTDELAY = 0.1; static var SCALEDELAY = 0.5; static var MININTERREQUEST = 2000; static var ADDINTERREQUEST = 2000; static var POINT_CREATINGX = 70; static var POINT_CREATINGY = 250; static var POINT_ENTERHALLX = 130; static var POINT_ENTERHALLY = 250; static var ASK_MAGAZINE = 0; static var ASK_CASH = 1; static var TIME_BTW_CUSTOMERS = 3000; static var ANIMATIONIND = 0; static var REQUESTINFIND = 1; }
Symbol 485 MovieClip [__Packages.States] Frame 0
class States { function States () { } static var STATE_CUST_PREPARE_INVIS = 0; static var STATE_CUST_GO_HALL = 2; static var STATE_CUST_GO_OBJECT = 3; static var STATE_CUST_SITTING_N = 4; static var STATE_CUST_AWAITING_HALL = 5; static var STATE_OUT_FROM_SOFA = 6; static var STATE_ASKDONE = 7; }
Symbol 486 MovieClip [__Packages.AnimObject] Frame 0
class AnimObject { var __get__signalState, objectName_, objectStates_, currStateInd_, transitions_, attachments_; function AnimObject () { } function set signalState(signal) { signalState_ = signal; //return(__get__signalState()); } function getName() { return(objectName_); } function getStatesByPath(path) { if (path.length == 0) { return(objectStates_); } var nextState = objectStates_.getState(path[0]); var nextObj = nextState.getObject(path[1]); path.splice(0, 2); return(nextObj.getStatesByPath(path)); } function getStateData(path) { var aState = getStateByPath(path); return(aState.stateData_); } function getCurrStateData() { var aState = getCurrState(); return(aState.stateData_); } function getStateByPath(path) { var nextState = objectStates_.getState(path[0]); if (nextState == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (path.length == 1) { return(nextState); } var nextObj = nextState.getObject(path[1]); if (nextObj == undefined) { return(undefined); } path.splice(0, 2); return(nextObj.getStateByPath(path)); } function removePart(statePath, aName) { var aStates = getStatesByPath(statePath); var i = 0; while (i < aStates.possibleStates_.length) { var aState = aStates.possibleStates_[i]; aState.removeObject(aName); i++; } } function insertPart(statePath, afterWhich, aObject) { var targetState = getStateByPath(statePath); if (targetState != undefined) { targetState.insertObject(afterWhich, aObject); } } function sendSignalState(path, signal) { if ((path[0] == objectName_) && (path.length == 1)) { signalState_ = signal; } else if ((path[0] == objectName_) && (path.length > 1)) { setState([path[0], path[1]]); path.splice(0, 2); getChildObject(path[0]).sendSignalState(path, signal); } else { path.splice(0, 2); getChildObject(path[0]).sendSignalState(path, signal); } } function getCurrState() { return(objectStates_.getStateByInd(currStateInd_)); } function quant(aTime) { if (signalState_ != "") { if (transitions_[signalState_] != undefined) { if (getCurrState().getStateName() != transitions_[signalState_].destState) { setState([objectName_, transitions_[signalState_].destState]); getCurrState().rootAnim_.setChanged(true); var i = 0; while (i < attachments_.length) { attachments_[i].setState([attachments_[i].objectName_, transitions_[signalState_].destState]); i++; } signalState_ = ""; } } } objectStates_.getStateByInd(currStateInd_).quant(aTime); var i = 0; while (i < attachments_.length) { attachments_[i].quant(aTime); i++; } } function drawIt(bData, prevX, prevY) { return(objectStates_.drawCurrent(bData, prevX, prevY)); } function getChildObject(ObjectName) { var aState = getCurrState(); if (aState != null) { return(aState.getObject(ObjectName)); } return(null); } function changeState(stateName) { var newInd = objectStates_.getStateInd(stateName); if (newInd != currStateInd_) { currStateInd_ = newInd; objectStates_.setState(newInd); } } function updatePartState(path) { if ((path[0] == getName()) && (path.length == 2)) { changeState(path[1]); } else { path.splice(0, 2); var nextObj = path[0]; var target = getChildObject(nextObj); target.updatePartState(path); } } function setState(path) { if (path[0] == getName()) { changeState(path[1]); path.splice(0, 2); if (path.length > 1) { var nextObj = path[0]; var nextState = path[1]; var target = getChildObject(nextObj); target.setState(path); } } } function traceIt(level) { var indentStr = ""; var i = 0; while (i < level) { indentStr = indentStr + " "; i++; } objectStates_.traceIt(level); } function addAttachmentP(path, attachment, cover) { path.splice(0, 1); objectStates_.addAttachmentP(path, attachment, cover); } function getChildObjectByState(nextObj, nextState) { var aState = objectStates_.getState(nextState); if (aState != null) { return(aState.getObject(nextObj)); } return(null); } function addAttachment(attachment) { attachments_.push(attachment); } function setRegX(stateName, attValue) { var aState = objectStates_.getState(stateName); aState.regX_ = attValue; } function setRegY(stateName, attValue) { var aState = objectStates_.getState(stateName); aState.regY_ = attValue; } function reset() { objectStates_.reset(); } function createByXML(xmlScript, rootAnim) { attachments_ = new Array(); transitions_ = new Array(); objectName_ = xmlScript.nodeName; objectStates_ = new AnimStates(this); objectStates_.Create(xmlScript.childNodes[STATESIND], rootAnim, this); currStateInd_ = objectStates_.currentState_; if (xmlScript.childNodes[TRANSITIONS] != undefined) { var i = 0; while (i < xmlScript.childNodes[TRANSITIONS].childNodes.length) { var transAnim = new TransitionAnim(this); transAnim.createByXML(xmlScript.childNodes[TRANSITIONS].childNodes[i]); transitions_[transAnim.signal_] = transAnim; i++; } } } var signalState_ = ""; static var STATESIND = 0; static var TRANSITIONS = 1; }
Symbol 487 MovieClip [__Packages.AnimStates] Frame 0
class AnimStates { var possibleStates_, currentState_, masterObject_, defaultStateName; function AnimStates () { possibleStates_ = new Array(); } function insertParts(xmlScript) { } function reset() { var i = 0; while (i < possibleStates_.length) { possibleStates_[i].reset(); i++; } } function getCurrStateFrame(frameNum) { var aState = possibleStates_[currentState_]; var adata = aState.getFrame(frameNum); return(adata); } function getCurrStateCurrFrame() { var aState = possibleStates_[currentState_]; if (aState.__get__animated() != undefined) { if (aState.__get__animated() == true) { if (aState.hasFrame(aState.__get__currFrame())) { var adata = aState.getCurrFrame(); return(adata); } } else { var adata = aState.getCurrFrame(); return(adata); } } } function addAttachmentP(path, attachment, cover) { if (path.length == 1) { var aState = getState(path[0]); if (aState != null) { aState.addAttachment(attachment, cover); } } else { var nextState = String(path[0]); var nextObj = String(path[1]); path.splice(0, 1); var aState = getState(nextState); if (aState != null) { var target = aState.getObject(nextObj); target.addAttachmentP(path, attachment, cover); } } } function getStateInd(stateName) { var i = 0; while (i < possibleStates_.length) { if (possibleStates_[i].getStateName() == stateName) { return(i); } i++; } return(-1); } function getCurrStateName() { return(possibleStates_[currentState_].getStateName()); } function getStateByInd(ind) { return(possibleStates_[ind]); } function getState(stateName) { var i = 0; while (i < possibleStates_.length) { if (possibleStates_[i].getStateName() == stateName) { return(possibleStates_[i]); } i++; } return(null); } function traceIt(indent) { var indentStr = ""; var i = 0; while (i < indent) { indentStr = indentStr + " "; i++; } var i = 0; while (i < possibleStates_.length) { possibleStates_[i].traceIt(indent); i++; } } function addPossibleState(stateScript, rootAnim) { var aState = new AnimState(); aState.createByXML(stateScript, rootAnim, this); possibleStates_.push(aState); } function drawCurrent(bData, newX, newY) { var aState = getStateByInd(currentState_); var i = 0; while (i < aState.attcovers_.length) { if (aState.attX_ > 0) { } bData = aState.attcovers_[i].drawIt(bData, newX + aState.attX_, newY + aState.attY_); i++; } var objBitmap = getCurrStateCurrFrame(); if (objBitmap != null) { bData.copyPixels(objBitmap, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, objBitmap.width, objBitmap.height), new flash.geom.Point(newX + aState.regX_, newY + aState.regY_), null, null, true); } var stateObjsArr = aState.getObjectsArray(); var i = 0; while (i < stateObjsArr.length) { bData = stateObjsArr[i].drawIt(bData, newX + aState.regX_, newY + aState.regY_); i++; } var i = 0; while (i < aState.attbacks_.length) { bData = aState.attbacks_[i].drawIt(bData, newX + aState.attX_, newY + aState.attY_); i++; } return(bData); } function Create(animScript, rootAnim, masterObject) { masterObject_ = masterObject; defaultStateName = animScript.attributes.def; var l = animScript.childNodes.length; var i = 0; while (i < l) { addPossibleState(animScript.childNodes[i], rootAnim); if (animScript.childNodes[i].nodeName == defaultStateName) { currentState_ = i; } i++; } } function registerChildByName(aName) { var aChild = new AnimStates(); } function setState(stateId) { possibleStates_[stateId].timeLast_ = possibleStates_[currentState_].timeLast_; currentState_ = stateId; } static var XMLPARTSLVL = 0; static var XMLPOSSIBLESTLVL = 0; }
Symbol 488 MovieClip [__Packages.AnimState] Frame 0
class AnimState { var objects_, attcovers_, attbacks_, animated_, bitmapArray_, totalTime_, totalFrames_, loop_, masterStates_, nextState_, rootAnim_, stateName_, stateData_, attX_, attY_; function AnimState () { objects_ = new Array(); attcovers_ = new Array(); attbacks_ = new Array(); timeLast_ = 0; } function get currFrame() { return(currFrame_); } function set currFrame(aValue) { currFrame_ = aValue; //return(currFrame); } function get animated() { return(animated_); } function reset() { timeLast_ = 0; } function isUpdated() { return(updated_); } function hasFrames() { if (bitmapArray_ == undefined) { return(false); } return(true); } function addAttachment(attachment, cover) { if (cover == true) { attcovers_.push(attachment); } else { attbacks_.push(attachment); } } function hasFrame(frameNum) { if ((bitmapArray_ == undefined) || (bitmapArray_[frameNum] == undefined)) { return(false); } return(true); } function quant(timeDone) { if (animated_ == true) { var newFrame = Math.floor(totalFrames_ * ((timeLast_ % totalTime_) / totalTime_)); if (newFrame != currFrame_) { if ((loop_ == false) && (newFrame < currFrame_)) { masterStates_.masterObject_.changeState(nextState_); } else { currFrame_ = newFrame; updated_ = true; rootAnim_.setChanged(true); } } timeLast_ = timeLast_ + timeDone; } var k = 0; while (k < objects_.length) { objects_[k].quant(timeDone); k++; } } function getObject(objectName) { var i = 0; while (i < objects_.length) { if (objects_[i].getName() == objectName) { return(objects_[i]); } i++; } return(null); } function getObjectsArray() { return(objects_); } function getStateName() { return(stateName_); } function getFrame(frameNum) { return(bitmapArray_[frameNum]); } function getCurrFrame() { if (bitmapArray_[currFrame_] != undefined) { return(bitmapArray_[currFrame_]); } return(null); } function getstateName() { return(stateName_); } function createByXML(xmlValue, rootAnim, masterStates) { rootAnim_ = rootAnim; masterStates_ = masterStates; stateData_ = new Array(); if (xmlValue.attributes.attx != undefined) { attX_ = Number(xmlValue.attributes.attx); } else { attX_ = 0; } if (xmlValue.attributes.atty != undefined) { attY_ = Number(xmlValue.attributes.atty); } else { attY_ = 0; } if (xmlValue.attributes.regx != undefined) { regX_ = Number(xmlValue.attributes.regx); } else { regX_ = 0; } if (xmlValue.attributes.regy != undefined) { regY_ = Number(xmlValue.attributes.regy); } else { regY_ = 0; } if (xmlValue.attributes.loop == "false") { loop_ = false; } if (xmlValue.attributes.nextstate != undefined) { nextState_ = xmlValue.attributes.nextstate; } stateName_ = xmlValue.nodeName; var startTime = getTimer(); if (xmlValue.attributes.bitmap != undefined) { var fullFrame = SpriteFactory.getSharedSprite(xmlValue.attributes.bitmap, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, xmlValue.attributes.alpha).bitmap_; var FullHeight = fullFrame.height; var FullWidth = fullFrame.width; totalFrames_ = Number(xmlValue.attributes.frames); bitmapArray_ = new Array(); var frameHeight = (FullHeight / totalFrames_); var effXML = xmlValue.childNodes[EFFECTSIND]; if (xmlValue.attributes.time != undefined) { animated_ = true; totalTime_ = Number(xmlValue.attributes.time); var i = 0; while (i < totalFrames_) { var sourceY = (i * frameHeight); if (xmlValue.attributes.reversed == "true") { bitmapArray_.unshift(SpriteFactory.getSharedSprite(xmlValue.attributes.bitmap, new flash.geom.Point(0, sourceY), new flash.geom.Point(FullWidth, frameHeight), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), xmlValue.attributes.flipHor == "true", xmlValue.childNodes[EFFECTSIND]).bitmap_); } else { bitmapArray_.push(SpriteFactory.getSharedSprite(xmlValue.attributes.bitmap, new flash.geom.Point(0, sourceY), new flash.geom.Point(FullWidth, frameHeight), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), xmlValue.attributes.flipHor == "true", xmlValue.childNodes[EFFECTSIND]).bitmap_); } i++; } } else { animated_ = false; var sourceY = (Number(xmlValue.attributes.frame) * frameHeight); bitmapArray_.push(SpriteFactory.getSharedSprite(xmlValue.attributes.bitmap, new flash.geom.Point(0, sourceY), new flash.geom.Point(FullWidth, frameHeight), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), xmlValue.attributes.flipHor == "true", xmlValue.childNodes[EFFECTSIND]).bitmap_); currFrame_ = 0; } } if (xmlValue.hasChildNodes) { if (xmlValue.childNodes[PARTSIND].nodeName == "PARTS") { var k = xmlValue.childNodes[PARTSIND].childNodes.length; var s = 0; while (s < k) { var newObject = new AnimObject(); newObject.createByXML(xmlValue.childNodes[PARTSIND].childNodes[s], rootAnim); objects_.push(newObject); s++; } } if (xmlValue.childNodes[DATAIND] != undefined) { for (var key in xmlValue.childNodes[DATAIND].attributes) { stateData_[key] = xmlValue.childNodes[DATAIND].attributes[key]; } } } } function insertObject(afterWhich, aObject) { if (afterWhich == "root") { objects_.unshift(aObject); return(undefined); } if (afterWhich == "last") { objects_.push(aObject); return(undefined); } var i = 0; while (i < objects_.length) { if (objects_[i].objectName_ == afterWhich) { objects_.splice(i + 1, 0, aObject); return(undefined); } i++; } } function removeObject(objName) { var remInd; var i = 0; while (i < objects_.length) { if (objects_[i].objectName_ == objName) { objects_.splice(i, 1); return; } i++; } } function traceIt(indent) { var indentStr = ""; var i = 0; while (i < indent) { indentStr = indentStr + " "; i++; } indent++; var k = 0; while (k < objects_.length) { objects_[k].traceIt(indent); k++; } } var regX_ = 0; var regY_ = 0; var currFrame_ = 0; var timeLast_ = 0; var updated_ = false; static var PARTSIND = 0; static var EFFECTSIND = 1; static var DATAIND = 2; }
Symbol 489 MovieClip [__Packages.SpriteFactory] Frame 0
class SpriteFactory { static var stores_, filterStores_; function SpriteFactory () { } static function doTransform(transXML, aObject) { if (!(transXML.attributes.type === "flipHor")) { } else { var rotatedData = (new flash.display.BitmapData(aObject.width, aObject.height, true, 0)); var myMatrix = (new flash.geom.Matrix()); myMatrix.scale(-1, 1); myMatrix.translate(aObject.width, 0); rotatedData.draw(aObject, myMatrix); return(rotatedData); } } static function getSharedBitmap(bitmapXML) { if (stores_ == undefined) { stores_ = new Array(); } if (stores_[bitmapXML.toString()] == undefined) { var retBdata; var bSource = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(bitmapXML.attributes.image); if (bitmapXML.childNodes[XMLIND_TRANSFORM].childNodes.length > 0) { var i = 0; while (i < bitmapXML.childNodes[XMLIND_TRANSFORM].childNodes.length) { bSource = doTransform(bitmapXML.childNodes[XMLIND_TRANSFORM].childNodes[i], bSource); i++; } } stores_[bitmapXML.toString()] = bSource; } return(stores_[bitmapXML.toString()]); } static function getSharedSprite(sourceName, fromPoint, size, destPoint, flipHor, effXML, alphaName) { if ((stores_ == undefined) || (stores_[sourceName] == undefined)) { var aSprite = new XSprite(); if (alphaName == undefined) { aSprite.bitmap_ = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(sourceName); } else { var alBitmap = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(alphaName); var srcBitmap = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(sourceName); aSprite.bitmap_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(srcBitmap.width, srcBitmap.height, true, 0); aSprite.bitmap_.copyPixels(srcBitmap, srcBitmap.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); aSprite.bitmap_.copyChannel(alBitmap, alBitmap.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), 1, 8); } aSprite.bitmapName_ = sourceName; if (stores_ == undefined) { stores_ = new Array(); } stores_[sourceName] = aSprite; } else { var aSprite = stores_[sourceName]; } if (fromPoint == undefined) { return(aSprite); } var resSprite = new XSprite(); var aName = (((((sourceName + fromPoint.toString()) + size.toString()) + destPoint.toString()) + flipHor.toString()) + effXML.toString()); if (stores_[aName] == undefined) { if (size == undefined) { size = new flash.geom.Point(aSprite.bitmap_.width, aSprite.bitmap_.height); } var frameData = (new flash.display.BitmapData(size.x, size.y)); if (alphaName != undefined) { frameData.copyPixels(aSprite.bitmap_, new flash.geom.Rectangle(fromPoint.x, fromPoint.y, size.x, size.y), destPoint); } else { frameData.copyPixels(aSprite.bitmap_, new flash.geom.Rectangle(fromPoint.x, fromPoint.y, size.x, size.y), destPoint); } if (flipHor == true) { var rotatedData = (new flash.display.BitmapData(size.x, size.y, true, 0)); var myMatrix = (new flash.geom.Matrix()); myMatrix.scale(-1, 1); myMatrix.translate(size.x, 0); rotatedData.draw(frameData, myMatrix); resSprite.bitmap_ = rotatedData; } else { resSprite.bitmap_ = frameData; } if (effXML != undefined) { var effLength = effXML.childNodes.length; var i = 0; while (i < effLength) { var currNode = effXML.childNodes[i]; if (!(currNode.attributes.filterName === "glow")) { } else { if (filterStores_ == undefined) { filterStores_ = new Array(); } var aglowName = ("glow" + currNode.toString()); if (filterStores_[aglowName] == undefined) { var color = Number(currNode.childNodes[PARAMSIND].attributes.color); var alpha = Number(currNode.childNodes[PARAMSIND].attributes.alpha); var blurX = Number(currNode.childNodes[PARAMSIND].attributes.blurx); var blurY = Number(currNode.childNodes[PARAMSIND].attributes.blury); var strength = Number(currNode.childNodes[PARAMSIND].attributes.strength); var quality = Number(currNode.childNodes[PARAMSIND].attributes.quality); var inner = (currNode.childNodes[PARAMSIND].attributes.inner == "true"); var knockout = (currNode.childNodes[PARAMSIND].attributes.knockout == "true"); var aFilter = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter(color, alpha, blurX, blurY, strength, quality, inner, knockout)); filterStores_[aglowName] = aFilter; } resSprite.bitmap_.applyFilter(resSprite.bitmap_, resSprite.bitmap_.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), filterStores_[aglowName]); } i++; } } stores_[aName] = resSprite; } return(stores_[aName]); } static var PARAMSIND = 0; static var XMLIND_TRANSFORM = 0; static var XMLIND_EFFECTS = 1; }
Symbol 490 MovieClip [__Packages.XSprite] Frame 0
class XSprite { var bitmap_; function XSprite () { } function Create(fullFrame, size, destPoint, sourcePoint, flipHor_) { var fullSprite = SpriteFactory.getSharedSprite(fullFrame); var frameData = (new flash.display.BitmapData(size.x, size.y)); frameData.copyPixels(fullSprite.bitmap_, new flash.geom.Rectangle(sourcePoint.x, sourcePoint.y, size.x, size.y), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); if (flipHor_ == true) { } else { bitmap_ = frameData; } } }
Symbol 491 MovieClip [__Packages.TransitionAnim] Frame 0
class TransitionAnim { var holder_, sourceArr_, destState_, signal_; function TransitionAnim (holder) { holder_ = holder; } function get sourceArr() { return(sourceArr_); } function get destState() { return(destState_); } function get signal() { return(signal_); } function Fire() { if (holder_.getCurrState().getStateName() != destState_) { holder_.setState([holder_.getName(), destState_]); } } function createByXML(XMLtext) { var beforeStr = XMLtext.attributes.before; destState_ = XMLtext.attributes.after; signal_ = XMLtext.attributes.signal; } }
Symbol 492 MovieClip [__Packages.Stoika] Frame 0
class Stoika extends MovieClip { var gamePlay_, rotating_, statesUpdated_, clothsArray_, btnSelected_, button_, _x, _y, getDepth, arrow_, parentGame_, barabanBitmap_, resultBitmap_, attachBitmap, createEmptyMovieClip, onMouseMove, onRollOut, onPress, clType_, freeze_; function Stoika () { super(); } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function clOrder(a, b) { if (a.bState < b.bState) { return(-1); } if (a.bState > b.bState) { return(1); } return(0); } static function processClotherPress(aClother) { if (aClother.okCount_ == 0) { var empHands = CarryClip.countEmptyHands(); var fusesGive = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.countGiveFuses(); var fusesTake = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.countTakingFuses(); var fusesGivePack = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.countGiveFuses("TABLE_RIGHT"); fusesGive = fusesGive - fusesGivePack; var deltaObj = (fusesTake - fusesGive); if ((aClother.wantedCount_ > 0) && (deltaObj < empHands)) { var i = 0; while (i < aClother.parentStoika_.clothsArray_.length) { if (aClother.requestName_ == aClother.parentStoika_.clothsArray_[i].requestName_) { aClother.parentStoika_.clothsArray_[i].wantedCount_--; } i++; } Game.goodClick(aClother); Game.objsToCreate.hero.addTakeObjFuse(aClother); return(true); } Game.badClick(aClother); } else { Game.badClick(aClother); } } function forceRotate() { if (rotating_ != true) { selectButton(); statesUpdated_ = false; clothsArray_.sort(clOrder); rotateFirst1(); rotateSecond(); rotateFird(); rotating_ = true; } } function processPress() { if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__get__gamePlay() == false) { return(undefined); } if (((rotating_ != true) && (btnSelected_ == true)) && (clothsArray_[2].okCount_ == 0)) { statesUpdated_ = false; clothsArray_.sort(clOrder); rotateFirst1(); rotateSecond(); rotateFird(); rotating_ = true; } else if ((btnSelected_ == true) && (clothsArray_[2].okCount_ > 0)) { Game.badClick(button_); } else if (clothsArray_[2].selected_ == true) { processClotherPress(clothsArray_[2]); } } function setPos(xPos, yPos) { _x = xPos; _y = yPos; var i = 0; while (i < clothsArray_.length) { clothsArray_[i].updatePos(); i++; } } function setY(yPos) { _y = yPos; } function isRotating() { return((((com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getTweens(clothsArray_[0]) == 0) || (isNaN(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getTweens(clothsArray_[0])))) && ((com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getTweens(clothsArray_[2]) == 0) || (isNaN(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getTweens(clothsArray_[2]))))) && ((com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getTweens(clothsArray_[1]) == 0) || (isNaN(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getTweens(clothsArray_[1]))))); } function rotateFirst1() { clothsArray_[2].unselect(); clothsArray_[2].swapDepths(getDepth() + GameClother.MIDDEPTHARR[2]); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(clothsArray_[2], "_bezier_", {x:"30", y:"-7", controlY:"-2", controlX:"38"}, 0.2, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeInCirc, 0, {scope:this, func:"rotateFirst2"}); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(arrow_, "frame", [arrow_.frame + 10], 0.4, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeInQuint, 0); } function rotateFirst2() { clothsArray_[2].unselect(); clothsArray_[2].swapDepths(clothsArray_[2].getDepth() - 5); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(clothsArray_[2], "_bezier_", {x:"-30", y:"-9", controlY:"2", controlX:"3"}, 0.2, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeOutCirc, 0, {scope:this, func:"afterRotateFirst"}); } function rotateSecond() { clothsArray_[1].unselect(); clothsArray_[1].swapDepths(getDepth() + GameClother.MIDDEPTHARR[1]); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(clothsArray_[1], "_bezier_", {x:"30", y:"7", controlY:"2", controlX:"-38"}, 0.4, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeInOutQuint, 0, {scope:this, func:"afterRotateSecond"}); } function rotateFird() { clothsArray_[0].unselect(); clothsArray_[0].swapDepths(getDepth() + GameClother.MIDDEPTHARR[0]); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(clothsArray_[0], "_bezier_", {x:"-30", y:"7", controlY:"2", controlX:"-38"}, 0.4, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeInOutQuint, 0, {scope:this, func:"afterRotateFird"}); } function setDepths() { clothsArray_[0].swapDepths(getDepth() + GameClother.DEPTHARR[0]); clothsArray_[1].swapDepths(getDepth() + GameClother.DEPTHARR[1]); clothsArray_[2].swapDepths(getDepth() + GameClother.DEPTHARR[2]); } function updatebStates() { if (isRotating()) { if (!statesUpdated_) { clothsArray_[0].swapDepths(getDepth() + GameClother.DEPTHARR[1]); clothsArray_[1].swapDepths(getDepth() + GameClother.DEPTHARR[2]); clothsArray_[2].swapDepths(getDepth() + GameClother.DEPTHARR[0]); clothsArray_[0].bState = 1; clothsArray_[1].bState = 2; clothsArray_[2].bState = 0; statesUpdated_ = true; rotating_ = false; clothsArray_.sort(clOrder); parentGame_.aMouseMove(); if (placeClothers() == true) { clothsArray_[0].swapDepths(clothsArray_[1]); clothsArray_[0].bState = GameClother.BSTATE_GRAY; clothsArray_[1].bState = GameClother.BSTATE_BLACK; var oldX = clothsArray_[0]._x; var oldY = clothsArray_[0]._y; clothsArray_.sort(clOrder); } } } } function afterRotateFirst() { updatebStates(); } function afterRotateSecond() { updatebStates(); } function afterRotateFird() { updatebStates(); if (!button_.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { unSelectButton(); } } function selectButton() { btnSelected_ = true; button_.createEmptyMovieClip("slctn", 1); button_.slctn._x = button_.slctn._x - 3; button_.slctn._y = button_.slctn._y - 3; button_.slctn.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("baraban_button_a"), 1); } function unSelectButton() { btnSelected_ = false; button_.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("baraban_button_n"), 1); } function create(aParent) { clothsArray_ = new Array(); parentGame_ = aParent; var tempBitmap = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("baraban"); barabanBitmap_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(70, 170, true, 0); resultBitmap_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(barabanBitmap_.width, barabanBitmap_.height, true, 0); barabanBitmap_.copyPixels(tempBitmap, tempBitmap.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); resultBitmap_.copyPixels(barabanBitmap_, barabanBitmap_.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); attachBitmap(barabanBitmap_, BARABANDEPTH); button_ = createEmptyMovieClip("btn", 30); button_.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("baraban_button_n"), 0); button_._x = 20; arrow_ = button_.attachMovie("BtnArrow", "Arrow", 2); arrow_.create(); arrow_._y = (button_._width / 2) - 3; onMouseMove = function () { if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__get__gamePlay() == false) { return(undefined); } if (this.button_.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse) && (this.btnSelected_ != true)) { this.selectButton(); } else if ((!this.button_.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) && (this.btnSelected_ == true)) { this.unSelectButton(); } }; onRollOut = function () { if (this.btnSelected_ == true) { this.btnSelected_ = false; this.button_.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("baraban_button_n"), 1); } }; onPress = processPress; } function distribClothers() { if (clothsArray_.length > 0) { while (clothsArray_.length < 3) { clothsArray_[clothsArray_.length - 1].copyClother(); } var i = 0; while (i < clothsArray_.length) { clothsArray_[i].bState = i; i++; } } } function placeClothers() { if ((clothsArray_[1].requestName_ == clothsArray_[2].requestName_) && (clothsArray_[0].requestName_ != clothsArray_[2].requestName_)) { return(true); } return(false); } function replaceClother(delInd, aClotherXML) { var delClother = clothsArray_[delInd]; var newName = delClother._name; var clipDepth = delClother.getDepth(); delClother.removeMovieClip(); var aClother = parentGame_.gameClip_.attachMovie("GameClother", newName, clipDepth); aClother.create(parentGame_, aClotherXML.firstChild, this); clothsArray_[delInd] = aClother; clothsArray_[delInd].bState = delInd; } function insertClother(aClotherXML) { var delInd; if ((clothsArray_[0].requestName_ == clothsArray_[1].requestName_) && (clothsArray_[1].requestName_ == clothsArray_[2].requestName_)) { delInd = 1; replaceClother(delInd, aClotherXML); } else { var delClotherName = Game.replaceArr[aClotherXML.firstChild.attributes.requestname]; if (clothsArray_[0].requestName_ == delClotherName) { delInd = 0; replaceClother(delInd, aClotherXML); } if (clothsArray_[1].requestName_ == delClotherName) { delInd = 1; replaceClother(delInd, aClotherXML); } if (clothsArray_[2].requestName_ == delClotherName) { delInd = 2; replaceClother(delInd, aClotherXML); } } } function addClother(aClotherXML) { var aClother = parentGame_.gameClip_.attachMovie("GameClother", ("clother" + clType_) + clothsArray_.length, parentGame_.gameClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); aClother.create(parentGame_, aClotherXML, this); clothsArray_.push(aClother); } function set freeze(aval) { freeze_ = aval; //return(freeze); } function get freeze() { return(freeze_); } function drawIt() { } static var XMLIND = 0; static var COLLIND = 1; static var BARABANDEPTH = 0; static var DEPTHARR = new Array(); }
Symbol 493 MovieClip [__Packages.GameClother] Frame 0
class GameClother extends MovieClip { var parentGame_, parentStoika_, initXML_, _x, _width, bState_, _y, swapDepths, selected_, slctn, createEmptyMovieClip, selection_, selX_, selY_, wantedCount_, bData_, sex_, collectionID_, requestName_, price_, onRollOver, onRollOut, onPress, attachBitmap; function GameClother () { super(); } function copyClother() { var aClother = parentGame_.gameClip_.attachMovie("GameClother", ("clother" + parentStoika_.clType_) + parentStoika_.clothsArray_.length, parentGame_.gameClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); aClother.create(parentGame_, initXML_, parentStoika_); parentStoika_.clothsArray_.push(aClother); return(aClother); } function updatePos() { _x = (parentStoika_._x + XPOSESARR[bState_]) - (_width / 2); _y = parentStoika_._y + YPOSESARR[bState_]; } function set bState(aVal) { bState_ = aVal; updatePos(); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.setColorByKey(this, "brightness", BRIGHTARR[aVal]); swapDepths(parentStoika_.getDepth() + DEPTHARR[aVal]); //return(bState); } function get bState() { return(bState_); } function unselect() { selected_ = false; slctn.removeMovieClip(); } function select() { selected_ = true; var selClip = createEmptyMovieClip("slctn", 1); selClip.attachBitmap(selection_, 0); selClip._x = selClip._x - selX_; selClip._y = selClip._y + selY_; } function create(parentGame, xmlData, parentStoika) { wantedCount_ = 0; okCount_ = 0; initXML_ = xmlData; parentStoika_ = parentStoika; parentGame_ = parentGame; bData_ = SpriteFactory.getSharedBitmap(xmlData.childNodes[IND_BITMAP]); selection_ = SpriteFactory.getSharedBitmap(xmlData.childNodes[IND_SELECTION]); drawIt(); bState = (BSTATE_BLACK); selX_ = Number(xmlData.attributes.selx); selY_ = Number(xmlData.attributes.sely); sex_ =; collectionID_ = Number(xmlData.attributes.collection); requestName_ = xmlData.attributes.requestname; price_ = Number(xmlData.attributes.price); Game.priceList[requestName_] = price_; if (parentStoika == undefined) { onRollOver = function () { if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__get__gamePlay() == true) { Game.drawSelection(this, this.selX_, this.selY_); } }; onRollOut = function () { Game.hideSelection(this); }; onPress = function () { if (Game.GAMEINSTANCE.__get__gamePlay() == true) { Stoika.processClotherPress(this); } }; } } function drawIt() { attachBitmap(bData_, 0); } static var IND_BITMAP = 0; static var IND_SELECTION = 1; static var BSTATE_BLACK = 0; static var BSTATE_GRAY = 1; static var BSTATE_LIGHT = 2; static var MIDDEPTHARR = new Array(-4, 2, 4); static var DEPTHARR = new Array(-3, 1, 3); static var BRIGHTARR = new Array(-70, -40, 0); static var XPOSESARR = new Array(32, 4, 32); static var YPOSESARR = new Array(28, 35, 43); var okCount_ = 0; }
Symbol 494 MovieClip [__Packages.CarryClip] Frame 0
class CarryClip extends MovieClip { var attachBitmap, carryPoint, requestName; function CarryClip () { super(); } static function clearHands() { Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.removeMovieClip(); Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.removeMovieClip(); } static function countEmptyHands() { var retVal = 0; var leftHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.requestName; if (leftHName == undefined) { retVal++; } var rightHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.requestName; if (rightHName == undefined) { retVal++; } return(retVal); } static function hideCarrying() { Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry._visible = false; Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry._visible = false; } static function showCarrying() { Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry._visible = true; Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry._visible = true; } static function updateCarryPoints(pointLeft, pointRight) { if (pointLeft != undefined) { if (Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry != undefined) { Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry._x = pointLeft.x - Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.carryPoint.x; Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry._y = pointLeft.y - Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.carryPoint.y; } if (Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry != undefined) { Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry._x = pointRight.x - Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.carryPoint.x; Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry._y = pointRight.y - Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.carryPoint.y; } } } static function countCarryingSewed(aClother) { var retval = 0; var leftHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.requestName; var rightHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.requestName; if ((leftHName == aClother) && (Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.sewed_ == true)) { retval++; } if ((rightHName == aClother) && (Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.sewed_ == true)) { retval++; } return(retval); } static function setSewed(aClother) { var leftHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.requestName; if (leftHName == aClother) { Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.sewed_ = true; } else { var rightHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.requestName; if (rightHName == aClother) { Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.sewed_ = true; } } } static function doTrash() { var leftHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.requestName; var rightHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.requestName; if (leftHName != undefined) { if (Game.countRequests(leftHName) == 0) { Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.removeMovieClip(); } } if (rightHName != undefined) { if (Game.countRequests(rightHName) == 0) { Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.removeMovieClip(); } } } static function hasUnrequested() { var reqarr = new Array(); var retNum = false; var leftHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.requestName; if (leftHName != undefined) { reqarr.push(leftHName); } var rightHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.requestName; if (rightHName != undefined) { reqarr.push(rightHName); } var i = 0; while (i < reqarr.length) { if (Game.countRequests(reqarr[i]) == 0) { retNum = true; } i++; } return(retNum); } static function countCarrying(aRequest) { var retval = 0; var leftHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.requestName; var rightHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.requestName; if (leftHName == aRequest) { retval++; } if (rightHName == aRequest) { retval++; } return(retval); } static function detach(aObj) { var leftHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.requestName; var rightHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.requestName; if (leftHName == aObj) { Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.removeMovieClip(); } else if (rightHName == aObj) { Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.removeMovieClip(); } } static function attach(aObj) { var aScript = (("carry_" + aObj) + ".xml"); if (Game.gameXMLs[aScript] == undefined) { } var aHand; var leftHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.left_carry.requestName; if (leftHName == undefined) { aHand = "left"; } else { var rightHName = Game.objsToCreate.hero.right_carry.requestName; if (rightHName == undefined) { aHand = "right"; } } if (aHand != undefined) { var retClip = Game.objsToCreate.hero.attachMovie("CarryClip", aHand + "_carry", Game.objsToCreate.hero.getNextHighestDepth()); retClip.sewed_ = false; retClip.createByXML(Game.gameXMLs[aScript]); if ((aScript.indexOf("con") != -1) && (aScript.indexOf("pack") == -1)) { retClip._width = retClip._width / 1.5; retClip._height = retClip._height / 1.5; } if (aHand == "left") { retClip._x = (-retClip.carryPoint.x) + 1; retClip._y = (-retClip.carryPoint.y) + 40; } else { retClip._x = (-retClip.carryPoint.x) + 20; retClip._y = (-retClip.carryPoint.y) + 40; } return(retClip); } return(undefined); } function createByXML(aXml) { var aBitmap = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(aXml.firstChild.attributes.bitmap); attachBitmap(aBitmap, 0); carryPoint = new flash.geom.Point(Number(aXml.firstChild.attributes.xpos), Number(aXml.firstChild.attributes.ypos)); requestName = aXml.firstChild.attributes.requestname; } }
Symbol 495 MovieClip [__Packages.Mebel] Frame 0
class Mebel extends MovieClip implements IDrawAble { var changed_, mpYOffset_, _y, gamePlay_, data_, packNum_, packets, multiclick_, wantedCount_, okCount_, carryXML_, createEmptyMovieClip, extClip_, selectAble_, selectionData_, selectionX_, selectionY_, parentGame_, coeff_, requestName_, resultBitmap_, animObject, dbgBitmap_, name_, depth_, _x, locked_, _height, getNextHighestDepth, onRollOver, onRollOut, attachBitmap, attachMovie, MPY; function Mebel () { super(); } function setChanged(aVal) { changed_ = aVal; } function isChanged() { return(changed_); } function getMPY() { return(_y + mpYOffset_); } function hideSelection() { } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function addData(key, aData) { data_[key] = aData; } function getData(key) { return(data_[key]); } function eraseData(key) { data_[key] = undefined; } function attachPacket() { if (packNum_ == undefined) { packNum_ = 1; } else { packNum_++; } var packetClip = packets.createEmptyMovieClip("pac" + packNum_, packets.getNextHighestDepth()); packetClip.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("package"), 0); packetClip._x = data_.packetPoint_.x + (packNum_ * 3); packetClip._y = data_.packetPoint_.y + (packNum_ * 3); } function createByXML(xmlScript, parentGame) { multiclick_ = true; wantedCount_ = 0; okCount_ = 0; data_ = new Array(); data_.requestName = xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.requestname; carryXML_ = xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.carryxml; if (xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS] != undefined) { data_.custPoint_ = new flash.geom.Point(Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.custX), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.custY)); data_.sitPoint_ = new flash.geom.Point(Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.sitX), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.sitY)); data_.askPoint_ = new flash.geom.Point(Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.askX), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.askY)); data_.musorPoint_ = new flash.geom.Point(Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.trashX), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.trashY)); data_.heroPoint_ = new flash.geom.Point(Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.heroX), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.heroY)); if (xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.packetX != undefined) { data_.packetPoint_ = new flash.geom.Point(Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.packetX), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_AREAS].attributes.packetY)); createEmptyMovieClip("packets", 20000); } extClip_ = createEmptyMovieClip("extClip", 30000); } selectAble_ = (xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_SELECTION] != undefined) && (xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.bitmap != "shelf_left_1"); if (selectAble_) { selectionData_ = SpriteFactory.getSharedBitmap(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_SELECTION]); selectionX_ = ((xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_SELECTION].attributes.xpos == undefined) ? 0 : (Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_SELECTION].attributes.xpos))); selectionY_ = ((xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_SELECTION].attributes.ypos == undefined) ? 0 : (Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_SELECTION].attributes.ypos))); } parentGame_ = parentGame; coeff_ = 0; if (xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.coeff != undefined) { coeff_ = Number(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.coeff); } if (xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.animated == "false") { requestName_ = xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.requestname; var price = Number(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.price); if ((price != undefined) && (!isNaN(price))) { Game.priceList[requestName_] = price; } resultBitmap_ = SpriteFactory.getSharedSprite(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.bitmap, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), undefined, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.flipHor == "true").bitmap_; } else { resultBitmap_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(Number(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.width), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.height), true, 0); animObject = new AnimObject(); animObject.createByXML(xmlScript.firstChild, this); drawIt(); } dbgBitmap_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(resultBitmap_.width, resultBitmap_.height, true, 0); name_ = xmlScript.firstChild.nodeName; depth_ = Number(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.depth); _x = Number(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.xpos); _y = Number(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.ypos); mpYOffset_ = Number(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.mpy); locked_ = xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.locked == "true"; drawIt(); if ((mpYOffset_ == undefined) || (isNaN(mpYOffset_))) { mpYOffset_ = _height + 2; } drawIt(); if (xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.requestname == "cup") { var mcCup = createEmptyMovieClip("mcCup", getNextHighestDepth()); mcCup.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("cup"), 0); mcCup._y = 30; mcCup._width = 30; mcCup._height = 26; } if (xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_CLOSED].childNodes.length > 0) { var i = 0; while (i < xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_CLOSED].childNodes.length) { parentGame_.closeCells(_x + Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_CLOSED].childNodes[i].attributes.x), _y + Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_CLOSED].childNodes[i].attributes.y), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_CLOSED].childNodes[i].attributes.width), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[IND_CLOSED].childNodes[i].attributes.height)); i++; } } if (selectAble_) { enableSelection(); } if (xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.defclother != undefined) { parentGame_.addExtClother(xmlScript.firstChild.attributes.defclother, this); } } function enableSelection() { onRollOver = function () { if (Game.canSelect(this) == true) { Game.drawSelection(this, this.selectionX_, this.selectionY_); } }; onRollOut = function () { Game.hideSelection(this); }; } function drawdbgData() { if (data_.custPoint_ != undefined) { dbgBitmap_.fillRect(new flash.geom.Rectangle(data_.custPoint_.x - 2, data_.custPoint_.y - 2, 4, 4), 4294903808); } if (data_.sitPoint_ != undefined) { dbgBitmap_.fillRect(new flash.geom.Rectangle(data_.sitPoint_.x - 2, data_.sitPoint_.y - 2, 4, 4), 4278192383); } if (data_.heroPoint_ != undefined) { dbgBitmap_.fillRect(new flash.geom.Rectangle(data_.heroPoint_.x - 2, data_.heroPoint_.y - 2, 4, 4), 4280295424); } attachBitmap(dbgBitmap_, 50, "auto", true); } function drawIt() { if (animObject != undefined) { resultBitmap_ = animObject.drawIt(resultBitmap_, 0, 0); } attachBitmap(resultBitmap_, 0, "auto", true); if ((Game.SHOWMPY == true) && (locked_ != true)) { attachMovie("sMPY", "MPY", 1); MPY._y = mpYOffset_ - MPY._height; var afield = MPY.createTextField("NameText", MPY.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 0, 0); afield.text = name_; TextStyles.setFieldStyle(TextStyles.FSTYLE_INACT_CNTR, afield); afield.setTextFormat(TextStyles.txtStyleDebugData); afield._x = afield._x + (afield._width / 2); MPY._x = MPY._x + (MPY._width / 2); } } static var IND_CLOSED = 2; static var IND_SELECTION = 3; static var IND_AREAS = 4; }
Symbol 496 MovieClip [__Packages.TextStyles] Frame 0
class TextStyles { static var txtStyleDebugData, txtStyleGameMenuBtn, txtStyleCommonCenter, txtStyleCommonGreen, txtStyleCommonFuxia, txtStyleCommon, txtStyleGameFace, txtStyleShopHint, txtStyleShopLarge, txtLoadingLarge; function TextStyles () { txtStyleDebugData = (txtStyleGameMenuBtn = new TextFormat("Arial Black", 6, 204, false, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, "right")); txtStyleCommonCenter = new TextFormat("Arial Black", 14, 13369344, false, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, "center"); txtStyleGameMenuBtn = new TextFormat("Arial Black", 12, 16385280, false); txtStyleCommonGreen = new TextFormat("Arial Black", 14, 52224, false); txtStyleCommonFuxia = new TextFormat("Arial Black", 14, 16711935, false); txtStyleCommon = new TextFormat("Arial Black", 14, 13369344, false); txtStyleGameFace = new TextFormat("Arial Black", 9, 16777215, false); txtStyleShopHint = new TextFormat("Arial Black", 8, 0, false); txtStyleShopLarge = new TextFormat("Arial Black", 14, 0, false); txtLoadingLarge = new TextFormat("Arial Black", 24, 14823472, false); } static function setFieldStyle(styleId, afield) { switch (styleId) { case FSTYLE_INACT_CNTR : afield.autoSize = "center"; afield.antiAliasType = "advanced"; afield.selectable = false; return; case FSTYLE_INACT_RIGHT : afield.autoSize = "right"; afield.antiAliasType = "advanced"; afield.selectable = false; return; case FSTYLE_INACT_LEFT_CNTR : afield.autoSize = "left"; afield.antiAliasType = "advanced"; afield.selectable = false; afield.embedFonts = true; return; case FSTYLE_EDT_CNTR : afield.autoSize = false; afield.antiAliasType = "advanced"; afield.selectable = true; afield.embedFonts = true; afield.type = "input"; afield.border = true; afield.borderColor = 16711935 /* 0xFF00FF */; afield.maxChars = 12; afield.multiline = false; } } static var FSTYLE_INACT_CNTR = 0; static var FSTYLE_EDT_CNTR = 1; static var FSTYLE_INACT_LEFT_CNTR = 2; static var FSTYLE_INACT_RIGHT = 3; }
Symbol 497 MovieClip [__Packages.InterLevelMenu] Frame 0
class InterLevelMenu extends MovieClip { var gamePlay_, enabled, menuBase_, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth, edtResult, edtDay, edtCustomerServed, edtCustomerLost, edtTotalMoney, edtLevelMoney, edtTotalScore, edtLevelScore, lblCustomerServed, lblCustomerLost, lblTotalMoney, lblLevelMoney, lblTotalScore, lblLevelScore, lblDay, lblLifes, attachMovie, lbltoDo, edtLifes; function InterLevelMenu () { super(); } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; if (gamePlay_ == false) { enabled = false; var i = 0; while (i < menuBase_.menuItArr_.length) { MenuBase.enableItem(menuBase_.menuItArr_[i]); i++; } } //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function create(aGame, resPlay, Day, CS, CL, TM, LM, LS, TS) { gamePlay = (true); parentGame_ = aGame; menuBase_ = new MenuBase(); menuBase_.create(this, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth(), Game.gameXMLs["interLevelMenu.xml"]); edtResult = Game.Translate(RESULTNAMES[resPlay]); edtDay = Day; edtCustomerServed = CS; edtCustomerLost = CL; edtTotalMoney = TM; edtLevelMoney = LM; edtTotalScore = TS; edtLevelScore = LS; lblCustomerServed = Game.Translate("STAT_CUSTOMER_SERVED"); lblCustomerLost = Game.Translate("STAT_CUSTOMER_LOST"); lblTotalMoney = Game.Translate("STAT_TOTAL_MONEY"); lblLevelMoney = Game.Translate("STAT_LEVEL_MONEY"); lblTotalScore = Game.Translate("STAT_TOTAL_SCORE"); lblLevelScore = Game.Translate("STAT_LEVEL_SCORE"); lblDay = Game.Translate("STAT_DAY"); lblLifes = Game.Translate("MENU_LIFES"); var i = 0; while (i < 20) { var aBaloon = attachMovie("mc_Baloon_colored", "mcBal" + i, getNextHighestDepth()); aBaloon._x = (Math.random() * 640) - 200; aBaloon._y = 380 + (Math.random() * 100); var greenTransform = (new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0.5, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 10, 10, 10, 0)); var blueTransform = (new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0.5, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 10, 10, 10, 0)); var redTransform = (new flash.geom.ColorTransform(1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 10, 10, 10, 0)); var transarray = new Array(greenTransform, blueTransform, redTransform); var trans = (new flash.geom.Transform(aBaloon.mcColored)); trans.colorTransform = transarray[Math.round(Math.random() * transarray.length)]; aBaloon.colTrans = trans.colorTransform; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aBaloon, "_y", [-120], (Math.random() * 20) + 10, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0, {scope:this, func:"restartBaloon", args:aBaloon}); aBaloon.onPress = function () { Helper.soundPlay("sndBaloon"); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.removeTween(this); var baloonBum = this._parent.attachMovie("mcboom", "boom" + this._name, this._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); var trans = (new flash.geom.Transform(baloonBum)); trans.colorTransform = this.colTrans; baloonBum._x = this._x; baloonBum._y = this._y; var bumFuse = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse()); bumFuse.label = "boom"; bumFuse.push({scope:this._parent, func:"removeBum", delay:Math.random() / 4, args:[bumFuse, baloonBum]}); bumFuse.start(); this._parent.restartBaloon(this); }; i++; } if (resPlay == RESULTLOSE) { Game.LIFES--; if (Game.LIFES < 0) { Game.LIFES = 0; } if (Game.LIFES == 0) { lbltoDo = Game.Translate("MENU_HAVELIFESABORT"); menuBase_.menuItArr_[0].btnText.text = Game.Translate("MENU_HAVELIFESABORT"); menuBase_.menuItArr_[0].rCode_ = "INGAME_ABORT"; TextStyles.setFieldStyle(TextStyles.FSTYLE_INACT_CNTR, menuBase_.menuItArr_[0].btnText); menuBase_.menuItArr_[0].btnText.setTextFormat(TextStyles.txtStyleGameMenuBtn); } else { lbltoDo = Game.Translate("MENU_HAVELIFESRESTART"); } menuBase_.menuItArr_[1]._visible = false; menuBase_.menuItArr_[0]._x = 77; } edtLifes = Game.LIFES; } function removeBum(aFuse, aClip) { aFuse.destroy(); delete aFuse; aClip.removeMovieClip(); delete aClip; } function restartBaloon(aMc) { aMc._y = 380 + (Math.random() * 100); aMc._x = (Math.random() * 640) - 200; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aMc, "_y", [-120], (Math.random() * 20) + 10, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0, {scope:this, func:"restartBaloon", args:aMc}); } static var RESULTPERFECT = 0; static var RESULTLOSE = 1; static var RESULTNAMES = new Array("ENDLEVEL_PERFECT", "ENDLEVEL_NOT_BAD"); }
Symbol 498 MovieClip [__Packages.MenuBase] Frame 0
class MenuBase { var gamePlay_, parentMC_, parentGame_, menuItArr_, menuMC_, hasExclude; function MenuBase () { } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function order(a, b) { if (a._y < b._y) { return(-1); } if (a._y > b._y) { return(1); } return(0); } function create(parentMC, parentGame, depth, menuXML) { parentMC_ = parentMC; parentMC_.gamePlay = true; parentGame_ = parentGame; menuItArr_ = new Array(); if (depth == undefined) { depth = parentMC_.getNextHighestDepth(); } menuMC_ = parentMC.createEmptyMovieClip("menuBase", depth); var i = 0; while (i < menuXML.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes.length) { addMenuIt(menuXML.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[i]); i++; } if (hasExclude == true) { var minY = 1000; var maxY = 0; menuItArr_.sort(order); var i = 0; while (i < menuItArr_.length) { if (menuItArr_[i]._y < minY) { minY = menuItArr_[i]._y; } if (menuItArr_[i]._y > maxY) { maxY = menuItArr_[i]._y; } i++; } var yOffs = ((maxY - minY) / menuItArr_.length); var i = 1; while (i < menuItArr_.length) { menuItArr_[i]._y = minY + (yOffs * i); i++; } } } static function enableItem(aItem) { if (aItem.type_ == "button") { if (aItem.bdArray_.NORMAL != undefined) { aItem.attachBitmap(aItem.bdArray_.NORMAL, 0); aItem.btnText._x = (aItem.bdArray_.NORMAL.width / 2) - (aItem.btnText._width / 2); aItem.btnText._y = (aItem.bdArray_.NORMAL.height / 2) - (aItem.btnText._height / 2); aItem.onRollOver = function () { if (aItem.parentBase_.parentMC_.gamePlay) { aItem.attachBitmap(aItem.bdArray_.NORMAL, 0); } }; } else { aItem.attachBitmap(undefined, 0); } if (aItem.bdArray_.ACTIVE != undefined) { aItem.onRollOver = function () { if (aItem.parentBase_.parentMC_.gamePlay) { aItem.attachBitmap(aItem.bdArray_.ACTIVE, 0); Helper.soundPlay("sndMenu_toggle"); } }; } if (aItem.bdArray_.NORMAL != undefined) { aItem.onRollOut = function () { if (aItem.parentBase_.parentMC_.gamePlay) { aItem.attachBitmap(aItem.bdArray_.NORMAL, 0); Helper.soundPlay("sndMenu_toggle"); } }; } aItem.onPress = function () { if (aItem.parentBase_.parentMC_.gamePlay) { aItem.btnText._y = aItem.btnText._y + 1; } if (aItem.bdArray_.PRESS != undefined) { if (aItem.parentBase_.parentMC_.gamePlay) { aItem.attachBitmap(aItem.bdArray_.PRESS, 0); Helper.soundPlay("sndMenu_click"); } } }; aItem.onRelease = function () { if (aItem.parentBase_.parentMC_.gamePlay) { aItem.attachBitmap(aItem.bdArray_.ACTIVE, 0); aItem.btnText._y = aItem.btnText._y - 1; Game.onCommand(this.rCode_); } }; aItem.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (aItem.parentBase_.parentMC_.gamePlay) { aItem.attachBitmap(aItem.bdArray_.NORMAL, 0); aItem.btnText._y = aItem.btnText._y - 1; } }; } } function addMenuIt(itXML) { if (itXML.attributes.exclude != "true") { var aItem = menuMC_.attachMovie("MenuItem", "MenuItem" + menuItArr_.length, menuMC_.getNextHighestDepth()); aItem.create(itXML, this); aItem.rCode_ = itXML.attributes.rcode; enableItem(aItem); aItem._x = Number(itXML.attributes.xpos); aItem._y = Number(itXML.attributes.ypos); menuItArr_.push(aItem); return(RET_ADDED); } hasExclude = true; return(RET_EXCLUDED); } static var RET_EXCLUDED = 0; static var RET_ADDED = 1; }
Symbol 499 MovieClip [__Packages.MainMenu] Frame 0
class MainMenu extends MovieClip { var gamePlay_, enabled, menuBase_, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth; function MainMenu () { super(); } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; if (gamePlay_ == false) { enabled = false; var i = 0; while (i < menuBase_.menuItArr_.length) { MenuBase.enableItem(menuBase_.menuItArr_[i]); i++; } } //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } static function showWelcomeMsg() { var aTextField = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.mainMenuClip_.createTextField("btnText", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); aTextField.text = (Game.Translate("MENU_WELCOME") + " ") + Game.PLAYERNAME; TextStyles.setFieldStyle(TextStyles.FSTYLE_INACT_CNTR, aTextField); aTextField.setTextFormat(TextStyles.txtStyleGameFace); aTextField._x = 320 - (aTextField._width / 2); aTextField._y = 450; } function create(aGame) { gamePlay = (true); parentGame_ = aGame; menuBase_ = new MenuBase(); menuBase_.create(this, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth(), Game.gameXMLs["mainMenu.xml"]); showWelcomeMsg(); } }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [__Packages.Menu_Options] Frame 0
class Menu_Options extends MovieClip { static var prevSound_, prevMusic_; var barComplete_aSrc_, selectedMusic_, barMusic_, barEmpty_aSrc_, barEmpty_nSrc_, barComplete_nSrc_, musicClip_, selectedSound_, barSound_, soundClip_, gamePlay_, enabled, toDisable_, parentGame_, menuBase_, getNextHighestDepth, createTextField, createEmptyMovieClip, _width; function Menu_Options () { super(); } function set musicVal(aVal) { musicVal_ = aVal; var selLength = ((barComplete_aSrc_.width / 100) * aVal); if (selectedMusic_ == true) { barMusic_.draw(barEmpty_aSrc_); barMusic_.copyPixels(barComplete_aSrc_, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, selLength, barComplete_aSrc_.height), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); } else { barMusic_.draw(barEmpty_nSrc_); barMusic_.copyPixels(barComplete_nSrc_, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, selLength, barComplete_nSrc_.height), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); } musicClip_.attachBitmap(barMusic_, 0); //return(musicVal); } function get musicVal() { return(musicVal_); } function set soundVal(aVal) { soundVal_ = aVal; var selLength = ((barComplete_aSrc_.width / 100) * aVal); if (selectedSound_ == true) { barSound_.draw(barEmpty_aSrc_); barSound_.copyPixels(barComplete_aSrc_, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, selLength, barComplete_aSrc_.height), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); } else { barSound_.draw(barEmpty_nSrc_); barSound_.copyPixels(barComplete_nSrc_, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, selLength, barComplete_nSrc_.height), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); } soundClip_.attachBitmap(barSound_, 0); //return(soundVal); } function get soundVal() { return(soundVal_); } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; if (gamePlay_ == false) { enabled = false; } //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function create(aGame, asoundVal, amusicVal, toDisable) { toDisable_ = toDisable; prevSound_ = soundVal_; prevMusic_ = musicVal_; barEmpty_aSrc_ = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("bar_empty_a"); barEmpty_nSrc_ = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("bar_empty_n"); barComplete_aSrc_ = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("bar_complete"); barComplete_nSrc_ = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("bar_complete_n"); barSound_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(barEmpty_nSrc_.width, barEmpty_nSrc_.height, true, 0); barMusic_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(barEmpty_nSrc_.width, barEmpty_nSrc_.height, true, 0); parentGame_ = aGame; menuBase_ = new MenuBase(); menuBase_.create(this, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth(), Game.gameXMLs["MenuOptions.xml"]); var aTextField = createTextField("btnText", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); aTextField.text = (Game.Translate("MENU_WELCOME") + " ") + Game.PLAYERNAME; TextStyles.setFieldStyle(TextStyles.FSTYLE_INACT_CNTR, aTextField); aTextField.setTextFormat(TextStyles.txtStyleGameFace); aTextField._x = 320 - (aTextField._width / 2); aTextField._y = 450; soundClip_ = createEmptyMovieClip("mcSound", getNextHighestDepth()); soundClip_.attachBitmap(barEmpty_nSrc_, 0); musicClip_ = createEmptyMovieClip("mcMusic", getNextHighestDepth()); musicClip_.attachBitmap(barEmpty_nSrc_, 0); soundClip_._x = (_width / 2) - (soundClip_._width / 2); soundClip_._y = 200; musicClip_._x = (_width / 2) - (musicClip_._width / 2); musicClip_._y = 100; soundClip_.onRollOver = function () { this.attachBitmap(this._parent.barEmpty_aSrc_, 0); this._parent.selectedMusic_ = false; this._parent.selectedSound_ = true; this._parent.soundVal = this._parent.soundVal; Helper.soundPlay("sndMenu_toggle"); }; soundClip_.onRollOut = function () { this.attachBitmap(this._parent.barEmpty_nSrc_, 0); this._parent.selectedSound_ = false; this._parent.soundVal = this._parent.soundVal; Helper.soundPlay("sndMenu_toggle"); }; musicClip_.onRollOver = function () { this.attachBitmap(this._parent.barEmpty_aSrc_, 0); this._parent.selectedSound_ = false; this._parent.selectedMusic_ = true; this._parent.musicVal = this._parent.musicVal; Helper.soundPlay("sndMenu_toggle"); }; musicClip_.onPress = function () { var posit = this._xmouse; var sVal = (100 * (posit / this._width)); this._parent.musicVal = sVal; Helper.musicVolume(sVal); Helper.soundPlay("sndMenu_click"); }; soundClip_.onPress = function () { var posit = this._xmouse; var sVal = (100 * (posit / this._width)); this._parent.soundVal = sVal; }; musicClip_.onRollOut = function () { this.attachBitmap(this._parent.barEmpty_nSrc_, 0); this._parent.selectedMusic_ = false; this._parent.musicVal = this._parent.musicVal; Helper.soundPlay("sndMenu_click"); }; if (asoundVal != undefined) { soundVal = (asoundVal); } else { soundVal = (soundVal_); } if (amusicVal != undefined) { musicVal = (amusicVal); } else { musicVal = (musicVal_); } } static var soundVal_ = 90; static var musicVal_ = 50; }
Symbol 501 MovieClip [__Packages.mc_ADS] Frame 0
class mc_ADS extends MovieClip { static var hasChild, exFunc, exCaller, exArgs, CLIPINSTANCE, remId, clockId, clockTxt; var createEmptyMovieClip, onRelease, removeMovieClip, attachBitmap; function mc_ADS () { super(); } static function showIngameAds(mc_Parent, aFunc, aCaller, aArgs, aChild, clockLength) { hasChild = false; var adsmc = mc_Parent.attachMovie("mc_ADS", "mc_ADS1", mc_Parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_alpha:0}); if (clockLength != undefined) { CLOCKLENGTH = clockLength; } if (aChild != undefined) { var childClip = mc_Parent.mc_ADS1.attachMovie(aChild, aChild + "1", CHILDDEPTH); hasChild = true; } adsmc.create(aFunc, aCaller, aArgs); } function create(aFunc, aCaller, aArgs) { exFunc = aFunc; exCaller = aCaller; exArgs = aArgs; if (addBitmap()) { CLIPINSTANCE = this; remId = setInterval(this, "removeIt", CLOCKLENGTH); clockId = setInterval(this, "showClock", 1000); clockTxt = createEmptyMovieClip("mc_Clock", CLOCKDEPTH); var aText = clockTxt.createTextField("mc_txt", 0, Stage.width - 50, 0, 50, 30); var aFormat = new TextFormat(); aFormat.bold = true; aText.setTextFormat(aFormat); aText.setNewTextFormat(aFormat); aText.selectable = false; aText.text = String(CLOCKLENGTH / 1000); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_alpha", [100], 1, mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeIn, 0); } else { removeIt(); } if (Helper.INGAMECLICK == true) { if (hasChild == false) { onRelease = function () { (this.getURL(Helper.ADSLINK, "_blank"));// not popped }; } } } function showClock() { if ((Number(CLIPINSTANCE.mc_Clock.mc_txt.text) - 1) >= 10) { CLIPINSTANCE.mc_Clock.mc_txt.text = String(Number(CLIPINSTANCE.mc_Clock.mc_txt.text) - 1); } else { CLIPINSTANCE.mc_Clock.mc_txt.text = "0" + String(Number(CLIPINSTANCE.mc_Clock.mc_txt.text) - 1); } } function removeIt() { exFunc.apply(exCaller, exArgs); clearInterval(remId); clearInterval(clockId); removeMovieClip(); } function addBitmap() { var bName = ("splash" + LASTNUM); LASTNUM++; if (LASTNUM > 2) { LASTNUM = 1; } var aBitmap = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(bName); if (aBitmap == undefined) { return(false); } attachBitmap(aBitmap, BITMAPDEPTH); return(true); } static var CLOCKDEPTH = 1000; static var CHILDDEPTH = 100; static var BITMAPDEPTH = 50; static var LASTNUM = 1; static var CLOCKLENGTH = 7000; }
Symbol 502 MovieClip [__Packages.MochiAd] Frame 0
class MochiAd { function MochiAd () { } static function getVersion() { return("2.5"); } static function showPreGameAd(options) { var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:3000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showPreloaderAd", color:16747008, background:16777161, outline:13994812, no_progress_bar:false, ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }, ad_failed:function () { }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_skipped:function () { }, ad_progress:function (percent) { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); if ("c862232051e0a94e1c3609b3916ddb17".substr(0) == "dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def") { options.ad_started(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } var clip = options.clip; var ad_msec = 11000; var ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var wh = _getRes(options); var w = wh[0]; var h = wh[1]; mc._x = w * 0.5; mc._y = h * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk._x = w * -0.5; chk._y = h * -0.5; var bar = chk.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_bar", 4); if (options.no_progress_bar) { bar._visible = false; delete options.no_progress_bar; } else { bar._x = 10; bar._y = h - 20; } var bar_color = options.color; delete options.color; var bar_background = options.background; delete options.background; var bar_outline = options.outline; delete options.outline; var backing = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 1); backing.beginFill(bar_background); backing.moveTo(0, 0); backing.lineTo(w - 20, 0); backing.lineTo(w - 20, 10); backing.lineTo(0, 10); backing.lineTo(0, 0); backing.endFill(); var inside = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("_inside", 2); inside.beginFill(bar_color); inside.moveTo(0, 0); inside.lineTo(w - 20, 0); inside.lineTo(w - 20, 10); inside.lineTo(0, 10); inside.lineTo(0, 0); inside.endFill(); inside._xscale = 0; var outline = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 3); outline.lineStyle(0, bar_outline, 100); outline.moveTo(0, 0); outline.lineTo(w - 20, 0); outline.lineTo(w - 20, 10); outline.lineTo(0, 10); outline.lineTo(0, 0); chk.ad_msec = ad_msec; chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.last_pcnt = 0; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var p = (100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time))); if (p > 0) { this._parent._alpha = p; } else { var _clip = this._parent._parent; MochiAd.unload(_clip); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = function (lc_name) { mc._containerLCName = lc_name; }; var sendHostProgress = false; = function (lc_name) { sendHostProgress = true; }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var _chk =; _chk.server_control = true; _chk.started = getTimer(); _chk.ad_msec = msec; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { return(s); }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _clip = this._parent._parent; var ad_clip = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var elapsed = (getTimer() - this.started); var finished = false; var clip_total = _clip.getBytesTotal(); var clip_loaded = _clip.getBytesLoaded(); var clip_pcnt = ((100 * clip_loaded) / clip_total); var ad_pcnt = ((100 * elapsed) / chk.ad_msec); var _inside = this._mochiad_bar._inside; var pcnt = Math.min(100, Math.min(clip_pcnt || 0, ad_pcnt)); pcnt = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, pcnt); this.last_pcnt = pcnt; _inside._xscale = pcnt; options.ad_progress(pcnt); if (sendHostProgress) {, "notify", {id:"hostLoadPcnt", pcnt:clip_pcnt}); if (clip_pcnt == 100) { sendHostProgress = false; } } if (!chk.showing) { var total = ad_clip.getBytesTotal(); if ((total > 0) || (typeof(total) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if ((elapsed > chk.ad_timeout) && (clip_pcnt == 100)) { options.ad_failed(); finished = true; } } if (elapsed > chk.ad_msec) { finished = true; } if (((clip_total > 0) && (clip_loaded >= clip_total)) && (finished)) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showClickAwayAd(options) { var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showClickAwayAd", res:"300x250", no_bg:true, ad_started:function () { }, ad_finished:function () { }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_failed:function () { }, ad_skipped:function () { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); var clip = options.clip; var ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var wh = _getRes(options); var w = wh[0]; var h = wh[1]; mc._x = w * 0.5; mc._y = h * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (callbackID, arg) { MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { return(s); }; var sendHostProgress = false; = function (lc_name) { mc._containerLCName = lc_name; }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var ad_clip = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var elapsed = (getTimer() - this.started); var finished = false; if (!chk.showing) { var total = ad_clip.getBytesTotal(); if ((total > 0) || (typeof(total) == "undefined")) { finished = true; chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (elapsed > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); finished = true; } } if (finished) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } static function showInterLevelAd(options) { var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showTimedAd", ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }, ad_failed:function () { }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_skipped:function () { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); var clip = options.clip; var ad_msec = 11000; var ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var wh = _getRes(options); var w = wh[0]; var h = wh[1]; mc._x = w * 0.5; mc._y = h * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_msec = ad_msec; chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var p = (100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time))); if (p > 0) { this._parent._alpha = p; } else { var _clip = this._parent._parent; MochiAd.unload(_clip); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var _chk =; _chk.server_control = true; _chk.started = getTimer(); _chk.ad_msec = msec - 250; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { return(s); }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var ad_clip = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var elapsed = (getTimer() - this.started); var finished = false; if (!chk.showing) { var total = ad_clip.getBytesTotal(); if ((total > 0) || (typeof(total) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (elapsed > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); finished = true; } } if (elapsed > chk.ad_msec) { finished = true; } if (finished) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showPreloaderAd(options) { showPreGameAd(options); } static function showTimedAd(options) { showInterLevelAd(options); } static function _allowDomains(server) { var hostname = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if ( { if ( {"*");; } if ( {"*");; } } return(hostname); } static function load(options) { var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, server:"", method:"load", depth:10333, id:"_UNKNOWN_"}; options = _parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); options.swfv = options.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6; options.mav = getVersion(); var clip = options.clip; if (!_isNetworkAvailable()) { return(null); } if (clip._mochiad_loaded) { return(null); } var depth = options.depth; delete options.depth; var mc = clip.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad", depth); var wh = _getRes(options); options.res = (wh[0] + "x") + wh[1]; options.server = options.server +; delete; clip._mochiad_loaded = true; var lv = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_ctr", 1); for (var k in options) { lv[k] = options[k]; } var server = lv.server; delete lv.server; var hostname = _allowDomains(server); mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._mochiad_ctr._url != this._url) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this._mochiad_ctr) { delete this.onEnterFrame; MochiAd.unload(this._parent); } }; } }; var lc = new LocalConnection(); var name = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), random(999999)].join("_"); = mc; = name; lc.hostname = hostname; lc.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; lc.allowInsecureDomain = lc.allowDomain; lc.connect(name); = lc; = name; = getTimer(); lv.loadMovie(server + ".swf", "POST"); return(mc); } static function unload(clip) { if (typeof(clip) == "undefined") { clip = _root; } if (clip.clip && (clip.clip._mochiad)) { clip = clip.clip; } if (!clip._mochiad) { return(false); } if (clip._mochiad._containerLCName != undefined) {, "notify", {id:"unload"}); } clip._mochiad.removeMovieClip(); delete clip._mochiad_loaded; delete clip._mochiad; return(true); } static function _isNetworkAvailable() { if ( { var o =; if (o.sandboxType == "localWithFile") { return(false); } } return(true); } static function _getRes(options) { var b = options.clip.getBounds(); var w = 0; var h = 0; if (typeof(options.res) != "undefined") { var xy = options.res.split("x"); w = parseFloat(xy[0]); h = parseFloat(xy[1]); } else { w = b.xMax - b.xMin; h = b.yMax - b.yMin; } if ((w == 0) || (h == 0)) { w = Stage.width; h = Stage.height; } return([w, h]); } static function _parseOptions(options, defaults) { var optcopy = {}; for (var k in defaults) { optcopy[k] = defaults[k]; } if (options) { for (var k in options) { optcopy[k] = options[k]; } } if (_root.mochiad_options) { var pairs = _root.mochiad_options.split("&"); var i = 0; while (i < pairs.length) { var kv = pairs[i].split("="); optcopy[unescape(kv[0])] = unescape(kv[1]); i++; } } if ( == "test") { } return(optcopy); } static function rpc(clip, callbackID, arg) { switch ( { case "setValue" : setValue(clip, arg.objectName, arg.value); return; case "getValue" : var val = getValue(clip, arg.objectName);, "rpcResult", callbackID, val); return; case "runMethod" : var ret = runMethod(clip, arg.method, arg.args);, "rpcResult", callbackID, ret); } } static function setValue(base, objectName, value) { var nameArray = objectName.split("."); var i; i = 0; while (i < (nameArray.length - 1)) { if ((base[nameArray[i]] == undefined) || (base[nameArray[i]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[nameArray[i]]; i++; } base[nameArray[i]] = value; } static function getValue(base, objectName) { var nameArray = objectName.split("."); var i; i = 0; while (i < (nameArray.length - 1)) { if ((base[nameArray[i]] == undefined) || (base[nameArray[i]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[nameArray[i]]; i++; } return(base[nameArray[i]]); } static function runMethod(base, methodName, argsArray) { var nameArray = methodName.split("."); var i; i = 0; while (i < (nameArray.length - 1)) { if ((base[nameArray[i]] == undefined) || (base[nameArray[i]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[nameArray[i]]; i++; } if (typeof(base[nameArray[i]]) == "function") { return(base[nameArray[i]].apply(base, argsArray)); } return(undefined); } }
Symbol 503 MovieClip [__Packages.mcBonus] Frame 0
class mcBonus extends MovieClip { var removeMovieClip, okCount_, bonusName_, mcAnim, attachMovie, getNextHighestDepth, onPress, bonusFuse; function mcBonus () { super(); } function removeThis() { removeMovieClip(); } static function fireBonus(aName, xPos, yPos) { if (aName == "anim_ice.xml") { Game.coldClouds(); } else if (aName == "anim_dollar.xml") { Game.startCoin(new flash.geom.Point(xPos, yPos)); Game.updateMoney(10); } else if (aName == "anim_shoe.xml") { Game.forceHero(); } else if (aName == "anim_heart.xml") { Game.restartClouds(); } } function createByXML(aXML) { Game.bonusClip_ = this; okCount_ = 0; bonusName_ = aXML.firstChild.attributes.animxml; var animName = aXML.firstChild.attributes.animxml; mcAnim = attachMovie(Game.gameXMLs[animName].firstChild.attributes.classname, "mcAnim", getNextHighestDepth()); mcAnim.createByXML(Game.gameXMLs[animName], this); mcAnim.playCycle(); onPress = function () { Game.objsToCreate.hero.addTakeBonusFuse(this); Game.goodClick(this); }; bonusFuse = new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(); bonusFuse.label = "bonus Fuse"; bonusFuse.__set__target(this); bonusFuse.push({func:"removeThis", delay:7}); bonusFuse.start(); } static var BONUSDEPTH = 105; }
Symbol 504 MovieClip [__Packages.XMLFactory] Frame 0
class XMLFactory { function XMLFactory () { } static function XMLFactoryCr() { internalArr["backwindow.xml"] = new XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><BACKWINDOW bitmap=\"back_window\" xpos=\"175\" ypos=\"6\" animated=\"false\" locked=\"true\" />"); if (Helper.LANG == "RUS") { internalArr["translation.xml"] = new XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><DICTIONARY MENU_START=\"\u0421\u0422\u0410\u0420\u0422\" MENU_SHOWHINT=\"\u041F\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0437\u044B\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C \u043F\u043E\u0434\u0441\u043A\u0430\u0437\u043A\u0438?\" MENU_HIDEHINT=\"\u0421\u043A\u0440\u044B\u0442\u044C \u043F\u043E\u0434\u0441\u043A\u0430\u0437\u043A\u0438?\" MENU_MONEY=\"\u0414\u0415\u041D\u042C\u0413\u0418\" MENU_ENTER_YOUR_NAME=\"\u0412\u0412\u0415\u0414\u0418\u0422\u0415 \u0412\u0410\u0428\u0415 \u0418\u041C\u042F\" MENU_PLAYER=\"\u0418\u0413\u0420\u041E\u041A\" MENU_PLAY=\"\u0418\u0413\u0420\u0410\u0422\u042C\" MENU_WELCOME=\"\u041F\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442,\" MENU_SOUND_VOLUME=\"\u0413\u0420\u041E\u041C\u041A\u041E\u0421\u0422\u042C \u0417\u0412\u0423\u041A\u0410\" MENU_MUSIC_VOLUME=\"\u0413\u0420\u041E\u041C\u041A\u041E\u0421\u0422\u042C \u041C\u0423\u0417\u042B\u041A\u0418\" MENU_MOREGAMES=\"\u0415\u0429\u0415 \u0418\u0413\u0420\u042B\" MENU_GETFULL=\"\u041F\u041E\u041B\u0423\u0427\u0418\u0422\u042C \u041F\u041E\u041B\u041D\u0423\u042E \u0412\u0415\u0420\u0421\u0418\u042E\" MENU_TIP_ON=\"\u041F\u043E\u0434\u0441\u043A\u0430\u0437\u043A\u0438 \u0412\u041A\u041B\" MENU_TIP_OFF=\"\u041F\u043E\u0434\u0441\u043A\u0430\u0437\u043A\u0438 \u0412\u042B\u041A\u041B\" MENU_OK=\"\u041E\u043A\" MENU_YES=\"\u0414\u0430\" MENU_NO=\"\u041D\u0435\u0442\" MENU_EXIT=\"\u0412\u042B\u0425\u041E\u0414\" MENU_RESUME=\"\u041F\u0420\u041E\u0414\u041E\u041B\u0416\u0418\u0422\u042C\" MENU_ABORT=\"\u041F\u0420\u0415\u0420\u0412\u0410\u0422\u042C\" MENU_OPTIONS=\"\u041D\u0410\u0421\u0422\u0420\u041E\u0419\u041A\u0418\" MENU_SCORES=\"\u041E\u0427\u041A\u0418\" MENU_SCORE=\"\u041E\u0427\u041A\u0418\" MENU_HELP=\"\u041F\u041E\u041C\u041E\u0429\u042C\" MENU_BACK=\"\u041D\u0410\u0417\u0410\u0414\" MENU_YOU_SURE_EXIT=\"\u0412\u044B \u0434\u0435\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E \u0445\u043E\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432\u044B\u0439\u0442\u0438 \u0438\u0437 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044B?\" MENU_DO_YOU_SURE_ABORT=\"\u0412\u044B \u0434\u0435\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E \u0445\u043E\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432\u044B\u0439\u0442\u0438 \u0432 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044E?\" MENU_DO_YOU_SURE_RESTART=\"\u0412\u044B \u0434\u0435\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E \u0445\u043E\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043F\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044C \u044D\u0442\u043E\u0442 \u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0435\u043D\u044C?\" MENU_NEXT=\"\u0414\u0430\u043B\u044C\u0448\u0435\" MENU_AGAIN=\"\u041F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0442\u044C\" MENU_MAIN=\"\u041C\u0435\u043D\u044E\" MENU_OPEN=\"\u041E\u0422\u041A\u0420\u042B\u0422\u041E\" MENU_CLOSE=\"\u0417\u0410\u041A\u0420\u042B\u0422\u041E\" MENU_GOAL=\"\u0426\u0415\u041B\u042C\" MENU_SCOR=\"\u0414\u0415\u041D\u042C\u0413\u0418:\" SHOP_BD=\"\u0414\u0438\u0437\u0430\u0439\u043D \u0411\u0443\u0442\u0438\u043A\u0430\" SHOP_FD=\"\u0414\u0438\u0437\u0430\u0439\u043D \u041E\u0434\u0435\u0436\u0434\u044B\" SHOP_DESCR=\"\u041F\u043E\u044F\u0441\u043D\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435\" ENDLEVEL_GOOD=\"\u0425\u041E\u0420\u041E\u0428\u041E!\" ENDLEVEL_NOT_BAD=\"\u0412\u044B \u041F\u0440\u043E\u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u043B\u0438\" ENDLEVEL_PERFECT=\"\u0412\u0435\u043B\u0438\u043A\u043E\u043B\u0435\u043F\u043D\u043E!\" STAT_GOAL=\"\u0426\u0435\u043B\u044C:\" STAT_DAY=\"\u0414\u0435\u043D\u044C:\" STAT_CUSTOMER_SERVED=\"\u041A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442\u043E\u0432 \u043E\u0431\u0441\u043B\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043D\u043E:\" STAT_CUSTOMER_LOST=\"\u041A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442\u043E\u0432 \u043F\u043E\u0442\u0435\u0440\u044F\u043D\u043E:\" STAT_LEVEL_SCORE=\"\u041E\u0447\u043A\u0438:\" STAT_TOTAL_SCORE=\"\u041E\u0431\u0449\u0438\u0435 \u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438:\" STAT_TOTAL_MONEY=\"\u0412\u0441\u0435\u0433\u043E \u0434\u0435\u043D\u0435\u0433:\" STAT_LEVEL_MONEY=\"\u0414\u0435\u043D\u044C\u0433\u0438:\" MENU_LOADING=\"\u0417\u0430\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0437\u043A\u0430...\" GAME_GET_READY=\"\u041F\u0420\u0418\u0413\u041E\u0422\u041E\u0412\u042C\u0422\u0415\u0421\u042C\" GAME_GO=\"\u0412\u041F\u0415\u0420\u0415\u0414!\" GAME_GOAL_COMPLETE=\"\u0426\u0415\u041B\u042C \u0412\u042B\u041F\u041E\u041B\u041D\u0415\u041D\u0410\" GAME_EXPERT_COMPLETE=\"\u042D\u041A\u0421\u041F\u0415\u0420\u0422\" GAME_YOU_LOSE=\"\u0412\u042B \u041F\u0420\u041E\u0418\u0413\u0420\u0410\u041B\u0418\" GAME_YOU_WIN=\"\u0412\u042B \u0412\u042B\u0418\u0413\u0420\u0410\u041B\u0418\" MENU_MENU=\"\u041C\u0415\u041D\u042E\" COMBO_GOOD=\"\u0425\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043E!\" COMBO_EXCELLENT=\"\u041E\u0442\u043B\u0438\u0447\u043D\u043E!\" COMBO_IMPRESSIVE=\"\u0412\u0435\u043B\u0438\u043A\u043E\u043B\u0435\u043F\u043D\u043E!\" COMBO_INCREDIBLE=\"\u041F\u043E\u0442\u0440\u044F\u0441\u0430\u044E\u0449\u0435!\" PRESS_ANY_KEY=\"\u041D\u0430\u0436\u043C\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043B\u044E\u0431\u0443\u044E \u043A\u043D\u043E\u043F\u043A\u0443\" SHOP_PLAY=\"\u0414\u0430\u043B\u0435\u0435\" SHOP_CONTINUE=\"\u0414\u0430\u043B\u0435\u0435\" tipshop_floor2=\"\u0421\u0435\u0440\u0430\u044F \u043F\u043B\u0438\u0442\u043A\u0430&lt;BR&gt;\u0421\u0442\u0438\u043B\u044C\u043D\u0430\u044F \u0438\u0442\u0430\u043B\u044C\u044F\u043D\u0441\u043A\u0430\u044F \u043F\u043B\u0438\u0442\u043A\u0430 \u0443\u043B\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0438\u0442 \u0432\u043D\u0435\u0448\u043D\u0438\u0439 \u0432\u0438\u0434 \u0432\u0430\u0448\u0435\u0433\u043E \u043C\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0437\u0438\u043D\u0430.&lt;BR&gt;\u0423\u0432\u0435\u043B\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438.\" tipshop_cofe=\"\u041A\u043E\u0444\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0440\u043A\u0430&lt;BR&gt;\u041A\u043E\u0444\u0435 \u0434\u043E\u0431\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442 \u043A\u043E\u043C\u0444\u043E\u0440\u0442\u0430 \u043A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0430\u043C \u043C\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0437\u0438\u043D\u0430, \u0438 \u043A\u0430\u043A \u0441\u043B\u0435\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u0435 \u0443\u0432\u0435\u043B\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0442 \u0447\u0430\u0435\u0432\u044B\u0435.\" tipshop_wall2=\"\u0412\u0435\u043B\u044E\u0440\u043E\u0432\u044B\u0435 \u043E\u0431\u043E\u0438&lt;BR&gt;\u0421\u0442\u0438\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u0432\u0435\u043B\u044E\u0440\u043E\u0432\u044B\u0435 \u043E\u0431\u043E\u0438 \u0443\u043B\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0430\u0442 \u0432\u043D\u0435\u0448\u043D\u0438\u0439 \u0432\u0438\u0434 \u0432\u0430\u0448\u0435\u0433\u043E \u043C\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0437\u0438\u043D\u0430.&lt;BR&gt;\u0423\u0432\u0435\u043B\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438.\" tipshop_lamp=\"\u041B\u0430\u043C\u043F\u044B&lt;BR&gt;\u0412 \u044D\u0442\u043E\u043C \u0441\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u0432\u0430\u0448 \u043C\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0437\u0438\u043D \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0435\u0442 \u0432\u044B\u0433\u043B\u044F\u0434\u0435\u0442\u044C \u043D\u0430\u043C\u043D\u043E\u0433\u043E \u0441\u043E\u043B\u0438\u0434\u043D\u0435\u0435.&lt;BR&gt;\u0423\u0432\u0435\u043B\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438.\" tipshop_sofa1=\"\u0414\u043E\u043F\u043E\u043B\u043D\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E\u0435 \u043A\u0440\u0435\u0441\u043B\u043E&lt;BR&gt;\u0414\u043E\u043F\u043E\u043B\u043D\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043A\u043E\u043C\u0444\u043E\u0440\u0442 \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0433\u0434\u0430 \u043F\u0440\u0438\u0432\u043B\u0435\u043A\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0434\u043E\u043F\u043E\u043B\u043D\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0445 \u043A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442\u043E\u0432&lt;BR&gt;\u0423\u0432\u0435\u043B\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u043A\u043E\u043B\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E \u043A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442\u043E\u0432 \u043D\u0430 \u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043D\u0435 \u043D\u0430 +1\" tipshop_shelf1=\"\u0412\u0438\u0442\u0440\u0438\u043D\u0430\" tipshop_shelf1_2=\"\u0414\u043E\u043F\u043E\u043B\u043D\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u0430\u044F \u0432\u0438\u0442\u0440\u0438\u043D\u0430\" tipcon5_cnvr=\"\u041A\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043D\u0430\u044F \u043C\u0430\u0439\u043A\u0430\" tipcon1_cnvr=\"\u0414\u0436\u0438\u043D\u0441\u043E\u0432\u044B\u0435 \u0431\u0440\u0438\u0434\u0436\u0438\" tipcon10_cnvr=\"\u0412\u0435\u043B\u044C\u0432\u0435\u0442\u043E\u0432\u0430\u044F \u044E\u0431\u043A\u0430\" tipcon7_cnvr=\"\u0411\u0435\u043B\u0430\u044F \u043C\u0430\u0439\u043A\u0430\" tipcon16_cnvr=\"\u041F\u0443\u043B\u043E\u0432\u0435\u0440\" tipcon20_cnvr=\"\u0414\u0436\u0438\u043D\u0441\u044B\" tipcon13_cnvr=\"\u0416\u0435\u043B\u0442\u0430\u044F \u0440\u0443\u0431\u0430\u0448\u043A\u0430\" tipcon25=\"\u0421\u0438\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u0441\u043F\u043E\u0440\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u043A\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0441\u043E\u0432\u043A\u0438\" tipcon23=\"\u0421\u0430\u0431\u043E\" tipcon30=\"\u0416\u0435\u043D\u0441\u043A\u0430\u044F \u0441\u0443\u043C\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0430\" tipcon31=\"\u041C\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0434\u0435\u0436\u043D\u0430\u044F \u0441\u0443\u043C\u043A\u0430\" tipcon2_cnvr=\"\u0424\u0438\u043E\u043B\u0435\u0442\u043E\u0432\u0430\u044F \u044E\u0431\u043A\u0430\" MENU_CONGRATE=\"\u041F\u041E\u0417\u0414\u0420\u0410\u0412\u041B\u042F\u0415\u041C!\" MENU_GETFULL_TEXT=\"\u041D\u043E\u0432\u044B\u0435 \u0437\u0430\u0431\u0430\u0432\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u043F\u0435\u0440\u0441\u043E\u043D\u0430\u0436\u0438 - \u043D\u043E\u0441\u0438\u043B\u044C\u0449\u0438\u043A, \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u044B\u0439 \u043F\u043E\u043C\u043E\u0433\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u043A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0430\u043C \u043D\u043E\u0441\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0432\u0435\u0449\u0438, \u043C\u043E\u0434\u0435\u043B\u044C\u0435\u0440, \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u044B\u0439 \u043F\u043E\u043C\u043E\u0433\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u043A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0430\u043C \u0441\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0432\u044B\u0431\u043E\u0440, \u0443\u0431\u043E\u0440\u0449\u0438\u0446\u0430, \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0430\u044F \u043F\u043E\u043C\u043E\u0433\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0414\u0436\u0435\u0439\u043D \u0443\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0432 \u043C\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0437\u0438\u043D\u0435. \u0412\u0435\u0441\u0435\u043B\u044B\u0435 \u043C\u0438\u043D\u0438-\u0438\u0433\u0440\u044B \u043C\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0443 \u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043D\u044F\u043C\u0438. \u0411\u043E\u043B\u0435\u0435 130 \u043C\u043E\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0435\u0439 \u043E\u0434\u0435\u0436\u0434\u044B (\u0432\u043A\u043B\u044E\u0447\u0430\u044F \u0430\u043A\u0441\u0435\u0441\u0441\u0443\u0430\u0440\u044B). \u0412\u044B \u043C\u043E\u0436\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u0432\u044B\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044C, \u043A\u0430\u043A\u0443\u044E \u043E\u0434\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0443 \u0445\u043E\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0434\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C - \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043C\u0443\u0436\u0447\u0438\u043D, \u0436\u0435\u043D\u0449\u0438\u043D \u0438\u043B\u0438 \u0434\u043B\u044F \u0442\u0435\u0445 \u0438 \u0434\u0443\u0433\u0438\u0445.\" MENU_INFULL=\"\u0412 \u043F\u043E\u043B\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u0432\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0438\u0438 \u0412\u044B \u043F\u043E\u043B\u0443\u0447\u0438\u0442\u0435:\" TIP0=\"\u042D\u0442\u043E \u0432\u0430\u0448 \u043F\u0435\u0440\u0432\u044B\u0439 \u043A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442.\" TIP1=\"\u041A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442 \u0432\u044B\u0431\u0440\u0430\u043B \u0432\u0441\u0435-\u0447\u0442\u043E \u0435\u043C\u0443 \u043D\u0435\u043E\u0431\u0445\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043C\u043E.&lt;BR&gt;\u041D\u0430\u0436\u043C\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043D\u0430 \u043A\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0443. \u0417\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0447\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E,&lt;BR&gt;\u044D\u0442\u043E \u0432\u0430\u0448\u0438 \u043F\u0435\u0440\u0432\u044B\u0435 \u0434\u0435\u043D\u044C\u0433\u0438!\" TIP2=\"\u041E\u043D \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0438\u0442 \u0434\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0435\u043C\u0443&lt;BR&gt;\u0436\u0443\u0440\u043D\u0430\u043B \u0434\u043B\u044F \u0442\u043E\u0433\u043E, \u0447\u0442\u043E\u0431\u044B \u043E\u043D&lt;BR&gt;\u043C\u043E\u0433 \u0432\u044B\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044C \u043D\u0435\u043E\u0431\u0445\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043C\u044B\u0435 \u0435\u043C\u0443 \u0432\u0435\u0449\u0438.\" TIP3=\"\u041A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0438\u0442&lt;BR&gt;\u0412\u0430\u0441 \u0434\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0435\u043C\u0443 \u044E\u0431\u043A\u0443.\" TIP4=\"\u041D\u0435\u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u044B\u0435 \u043A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442\u044B \u043C\u043E\u0433\u0443\u0442 \u043E\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u044C \u043C\u0443\u0441\u043E\u0440 \u0437\u0430 \u0441\u043E\u0431\u043E\u0439.&lt;BR&gt;\u0415\u0433\u043E \u043D\u0435\u043E\u0431\u0445\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043C\u043E \u0443\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044C, \u0447\u0442\u043E\u0431\u044B&lt;BR&gt;\u0441\u043B\u0435\u0434\u0443\u044E\u0449\u0438\u0439 \u043A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442 \u043C\u043E\u0433 \u0441\u0435\u0441\u0442\u044C \u043D\u0430 \u043A\u0440\u0435\u0441\u043B\u043E.\" HELPlevelfirst=\"\u041A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442 \u0432\u044B\u0431\u0440\u0430\u043B \u043A\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043D\u0443\u044E \u043C\u0430\u0439\u043A\u0443. \u041F\u043E\u0432\u0435\u0440\u043D\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432\u0435\u0448\u0430\u043B\u043A\u0443. \u0412\u043E\u0437\u044C\u043C\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043A\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043D\u0443\u044E \u043C\u0430\u0439\u043A\u0443, \u0438 \u043E\u0442\u0434\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0435\u0451 \u043A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0443.\" HELPlevel_sew=\"\u041A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0438\u0442 \u043F\u043E\u0434\u0448\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0432\u0435\u0449\u044C. \u0412\u043E\u0437\u044C\u043C\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432\u0435\u0449\u044C, \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0443\u044E \u043D\u0435\u043E\u0431\u0445\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043C\u043E \u043F\u043E\u0434\u0448\u0438\u0442\u044C. \u041F\u043E\u0434\u0448\u0435\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0435\u0435. \u0418 \u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043C \u043E\u0442\u0434\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u043A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0443.\" HELPlevel_pack=\"\u041A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442 \u0432\u044B\u0431\u0440\u0430\u043B \u0432\u0435\u0449\u044C, \u0438 \u043E\u043D \u0445\u043E\u0447\u0435\u0442, \u0447\u0442\u043E\u0431\u044B \u0432\u044B \u0435\u0435 \u043A\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u043E \u0443\u043F\u0430\u043A\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043B\u0438. \u0412\u043E\u0437\u044C\u043C\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u044D\u0442\u0443 \u0432\u0435\u0449\u044C. \u0423\u043F\u0430\u043A\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0435\u0435. \u0422\u0435\u043F\u0435\u0440\u044C \u043E\u0442\u0434\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u043A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0443.\" HELPlevel_ice=\"\u0411\u043E\u043D\u0443\u0441 \u0421\u043D\u0435\u0436\u0438\u043D\u043A\u0430 - \u0437\u0430\u043C\u043E\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u044F \u043E\u0436\u0438\u0434\u0430\u043D\u0438\u044F \u043A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442\u043E\u0432&lt;&gt;\u043D\u0430 \u043D\u0435\u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0435 \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u044F.\" HELPlevel_heart=\"\u0411\u043E\u043D\u0443\u0441 \u0421\u0435\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0447\u043A\u043E - \u043E\u0431\u043D\u0443\u043B\u044F\u0435\u0442 \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u044F \u043E\u0436\u0438\u0434\u0430\u043D\u0438\u044F \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0445 \u043A\u043B\u0438\u0435\u043D\u0442\u043E\u0432.\" HELPlevel_dollar=\"\u0411\u043E\u043D\u0443\u0441 \u041C\u043E\u043D\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0430 - \u0434\u043E\u0431\u0430\u0432\u043B\u044F\u0435\u0442 \u043D\u0435\u043C\u043D\u043E\u0433\u043E \u0434\u0435\u043D\u0435\u0433.\" HELPlevel_shoe=\"\u0411\u043E\u043D\u0443\u0441 \u0422\u0443\u0444\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043A\u0430 - \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u0435\u043D\u043D\u043E \u0443\u0432\u0435\u043B\u0438\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0441\u043A\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0442\u044C \u043F\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0432\u0438\u0436\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u0414\u0436\u0435\u0439\u043D.\" SHOP_BUY=\"\u041A\u0423\u041F\u0418\u0422\u042C\" MENU_LIFES=\"\u0416\u0438\u0437\u043D\u0438:\" MENU_HAVELIFESRESTART=\"\u041F\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0435\u043D\u044C\" MENU_HAVELIFESABORT=\"\u041F\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0443\" />"); } else { internalArr["translation.xml"] = new XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><DICTIONARY MENU_START=\"START\" MENU_SHOWHINT=\"Show hints?\" MENU_HIDEHINT=\"Hide hints?\" MENU_MONEY=\"MONEY\" MENU_ENTER_YOUR_NAME=\"ENTER YOUR NAME\" MENU_PLAYER=\"PLAYER\" MENU_PLAY=\"PLAY\" MENU_WELCOME=\"Welcome,\" MENU_SOUND_VOLUME=\"SOUND VOLUME\" MENU_MUSIC_VOLUME=\"MUSIC VOLUME\" MENU_MOREGAMES=\"MORE GAMES\" MENU_GETFULL=\"GET FULL\" MENU_TIP_ON=\"Tips ON\" MENU_TIP_OFF=\"Tips OFF\" MENU_OK=\"Ok\" MENU_YES=\"Yes\" MENU_NO=\"No\" MENU_EXIT=\"EXIT\" MENU_RESUME=\"RESUME\" MENU_ABORT=\"ABORT\" MENU_OPTIONS=\"OPTIONS\" MENU_SCORES=\"SCORES\" MENU_SCORE=\"SCORE\" MENU_HELP=\"HELP\" MENU_BACK=\"BACK\" MENU_YOU_SURE_EXIT=\"Are you sure you want to exit the game?\" MENU_DO_YOU_SURE_ABORT=\"Are you sure you want to quit the game?\" MENU_DO_YOU_SURE_RESTART=\"Are you sure you want to restart the level?\" MENU_NEXT=\"Next Level\" MENU_AGAIN=\"Try again\" MENU_MAIN=\"Main Menu\" MENU_OPEN=\"OPEN\" MENU_CLOSE=\"CLOSE\" MENU_GOAL=\"GOAL\" MENU_SCOR=\"MONEY:\" SHOP_BD=\"Boutique Design\" SHOP_FD=\"Fashion Design\" SHOP_DESCR=\"Description\" ENDLEVEL_GOOD=\"GOOD!\" ENDLEVEL_NOT_BAD=\"You lose\" ENDLEVEL_PERFECT=\"PERFECT!\" STAT_GOAL=\"Goal:\" STAT_DAY=\"Day:\" STAT_CUSTOMER_SERVED=\"Customer Served:\" STAT_CUSTOMER_LOST=\"Customer Lost:\" STAT_LEVEL_SCORE=\"Level Score:\" STAT_TOTAL_SCORE=\"Total Score:\" STAT_TOTAL_MONEY=\"Total Money:\" STAT_LEVEL_MONEY=\"Level Money:\" MENU_LOADING=\"Loading...\" GAME_GET_READY=\"GET READY\" GAME_GO=\"GO\" GAME_GOAL_COMPLETE=\"GOAL COMPLETED\" GAME_EXPERT_COMPLETE=\"EXPERT GOAL\" GAME_YOU_LOSE=\"YOU LOSE\" GAME_YOU_WIN=\"YOU WIN\" MENU_MENU=\"MENU\" COMBO_GOOD=\"Good!\" COMBO_EXCELLENT=\"Excellent!\" COMBO_IMPRESSIVE=\"Impressive!\" COMBO_INCREDIBLE=\"Incredible!\" PRESS_ANY_KEY=\"Press any key\" SHOP_PLAY=\"PLAY\" SHOP_CONTINUE=\"PLAY\" tipshop_floor2=\"Gray tile&lt;BR&gt;These stylish Italian tiles will improve the look of your store.&lt;BR&gt;Increases level score.\" tipshop_cofe=\"Coffee maker&lt;BR&gt;Serving coffee to customers will earn you tips.\" tipshop_wall2=\"Velour wallpaper&lt;BR&gt;Stylish velour wallpaper will improve the design of your store.&lt;BR&gt;Increases level score.\" tipshop_lamp=\"Lamps&lt;BR&gt;This lighting will make your store look more respectably.&lt;BR&gt;Increases the level score.\" tipshop_sofa1=\"Extra armchair&lt;BR&gt;Extra comfort always attracts new customers.&lt;BR&gt;Increases number of customers at a level by 1\" tipshop_shelf1=\"Extra shelf\" tipshop_shelf1_2=\"Additional shelf\" tipcon5_cnvr=\"Red strap vest\" tipcon1_cnvr=\"Jeans breeches\" tipcon10_cnvr=\"Velvet skirt\" tipcon7_cnvr=\"White strap vest\" tipcon16_cnvr=\"Pullover\" tipcon20_cnvr=\"Jeans\" tipcon13_cnvr=\"Yellow shirt\" tipcon25=\"Blue sneakers\" tipcon23=\"Sabot\" tipcon30=\"Green handbag\" tipcon31=\"Trendy bag\" tipcon2_cnvr=\"Purple skirt\" MENU_CONGRATE=\"CONGRATULATIONS!\" MENU_GETFULL_TEXT=\"New funny characters - shoplifter, porter who helps customers bring their package, modeller who helps customers make their choice, cleaner who helps Jane to keep up boutique in order. Funny mini game between game levels. More then 130 different clothes (including accessories). You can choose what wear you want to sell - for men, women, or both.\" MENU_INFULL=\"In full version you can get:\" TIP0=\"Here is your first customer.\" TIP1=\"Customer has chosen everything he wanted.&lt;BR&gt;Press on the cash register. Great,&lt;BR&gt;this is your first money!\" TIP2=\"Customer is asking you to give them&lt;BR&gt;the magazine so they&lt;BR&gt;can browse fashion.\" TIP3=\"Customer is asking&lt;BR&gt;you to give them the Shorts\" TIP4=\"Some customers may leave trash behind.&lt;BR&gt;You have to clean arm chairs so&lt;BR&gt;next customers can sit.\" HELPlevelfirst=\"Customer is asking for red strap vest. Turn the hanger. Now take the red strap vest shirt and give it to the customer.\" HELPlevel_sew=\"Customer is asking you to hem a pair of jeans. Take a pair of jeans that is needed to be hemed. Hem it. Give it to the customer.\" HELPlevel_pack=\"Customer chooses an item and wants it to be gift-wrapped. Take the item. Gift-wrap it. Give it to the customer.\" HELPlevel_ice=\"Bonus Snowflake - freezes waiting time for customers&lt;&gt;temporarily.\" HELPlevel_heart=\"Bonus Heart - reduces waiting time to zero for customers.\" HELPlevel_dollar=\"Bonus Coin - adds you some money.\" HELPlevel_shoe=\"Bonus Shoe - speeds up rate of Jane's movement.\" SHOP_BUY=\"BUY\" MENU_LIFES=\"Lifes:\" MENU_HAVELIFESRESTART=\"Restart Level\" MENU_HAVELIFESABORT=\"Restart Game\" MENU_DAY=\"DAY\" PRESS_LEFT_BUTTON=\"PRESS LEFT BUTTON\" GAME_DAY=\"DAY:\" GAME_MONEY=\"MONEY:\" GAME_GOAL=\"GOAL:\" />"); } internalArr["suremenu.xml"] = new XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><SHURE_MENU><ITEMS><BTN_YES rcode=\"SURE_YES\" type=\"button\" text=\"MENU_YES\" txtStyle=\"TXT_SHOPBTN\" xpos=\"13\" ypos=\"80\"><STATES><NORMAL gtype=\"autofill3\" width=\"90\"><SIDE_LEFT image=\"button_left_n\"></SIDE_LEFT><SIDE_RIGHT image=\"button_left_n\"><TRANSFORMS><TRANSF0 type=\"flipHor\" /></TRANSFORMS></SIDE_RIGHT><SIDE_CENTER 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depth=\"1003\" xpos=\"65\" ypos=\"1\" locked=\"true\" />"); internalArr["wall_right.xml"] = new XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><WALL_RIGHT animated=\"false\" bitmap=\"wall_right\" xpos=\"466\" ypos=\"-1\" locked=\"true\" />"); internalArr["wall_right1.xml"] = new XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><WALL_RIGHT1 animated=\"false\" bitmap=\"wall_right1\" xpos=\"466\" ypos=\"2\" locked=\"true\" coeff=\"0.6\" />"); internalArr["star.xml"] = new XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><STARS frames=\"7\" playtime=\".5\" loops=\"1\" looptype=\"0\" bitmap_=\"star\" xpos=\"20\" ypos=\"90\" classname=\"SimpleAnim\" startingframe=\"0\" poscorner=\"la\" mpy=\"0\" />"); internalArr["window.xml"] = new XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><WINDOW bitmap=\"window\" xpos=\"169\" ypos=\"-1\" animated=\"false\" locked=\"true\" />"); internalArr["wwdog.xml"] = new XML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><DATA><WWDOG width=\"63\" height=\"107\" waiting=\"12000\" shady=\"103\"><POSSIBLESTATES def=\"STAYRIGHT\"><STAYRIGHT><PARTS><BODY><POSSIBLESTATES def=\"DEFAULT\"><DEFAULT bitmap=\"wwDog_Stand_Breath\" flipHor=\"true\" alpha=\"_wwDog_Stand_Breath\" frames=\"13\" time=\"2500\" /></POSSIBLESTATES></BODY></PARTS></STAYRIGHT><MOVERIGHT><PARTS><BODY><POSSIBLESTATES def=\"DEFAULT\"><DEFAULT bitmap=\"wwDog_Walk_Side\" flipHor=\"true\" alpha=\"_wwDog_Walk_Side\" frames=\"16\" time=\"727\" /></POSSIBLESTATES></BODY></PARTS></MOVERIGHT><MOVEFRONT><PARTS><BODY><POSSIBLESTATES def=\"DEFAULT\"><DEFAULT bitmap=\"wwDog_Walk_Front\" alpha=\"_wwDog_Walk_Front\" frames=\"16\" time=\"727\" /></POSSIBLESTATES></BODY></PARTS></MOVEFRONT><MOVEBACK><PARTS><BODY><POSSIBLESTATES def=\"DEFAULT\"><DEFAULT bitmap=\"wwDog_Walk_Back\" alpha=\"_wwDog_Walk_Back\" frames=\"16\" time=\"727\" /></POSSIBLESTATES></BODY></PARTS></MOVEBACK><MOVELEFT><PARTS><BODY><POSSIBLESTATES def=\"DEFAULT\"><DEFAULT bitmap=\"wwDog_Walk_Side\" alpha=\"_wwDog_Walk_Side\" frames=\"16\" time=\"727\" /></POSSIBLESTATES></BODY></PARTS></MOVELEFT><MOVEFRONTLEFT><PARTS><BODY><POSSIBLESTATES def=\"DEFAULT\"><DEFAULT bitmap=\"wwDog_Walk_FrontSide\" alpha=\"_wwDog_Walk_FrontSide\" frames=\"16\" time=\"727\" /></POSSIBLESTATES></BODY></PARTS></MOVEFRONTLEFT><MOVEBACKLEFT><PARTS><BODY><POSSIBLESTATES def=\"DEFAULT\"><DEFAULT bitmap=\"wwDog_Walk_BackSide\" alpha=\"_wwDog_Walk_BackSide\" frames=\"16\" time=\"727\" /></POSSIBLESTATES></BODY></PARTS></MOVEBACKLEFT><MOVEFRONTRIGHT><PARTS><BODY><POSSIBLESTATES def=\"DEFAULT\"><DEFAULT bitmap=\"wwDog_Walk_FrontSide\" alpha=\"_wwDog_Walk_FrontSide\" flipHor=\"true\" frames=\"16\" time=\"727\" /></POSSIBLESTATES></BODY></PARTS></MOVEFRONTRIGHT><MOVEBACKRIGHT><PARTS><BODY><POSSIBLESTATES def=\"DEFAULT\"><DEFAULT bitmap=\"wwDog_Walk_BackSide\" alpha=\"_wwDog_Walk_BackSide\" flipHor=\"true\" frames=\"16\" time=\"727\" /></POSSIBLESTATES></BODY></PARTS></MOVEBACKRIGHT><SITBREATHRIGHT><PARTS><BODY><POSSIBLESTATES def=\"DEFAULT\"><DEFAULT bitmap=\"wwDog_Sit_Breath\" alpha=\"_wwDog_Sit_Breath\" frames=\"11\" time=\"2500\"><PARTS /><EFFECTS /><DATA sitX=\"22\" sitY=\"55\" /></DEFAULT></POSSIBLESTATES></BODY></PARTS></SITBREATHRIGHT><SITBREATHLEFT><PARTS><BODY><POSSIBLESTATES def=\"DEFAULT\"><DEFAULT bitmap=\"wwDog_Sit_Breath\" alpha=\"_wwDog_Sit_Breath\" flipHor=\"true\" frames=\"11\" time=\"2500\"><PARTS /><EFFECTS /><DATA sitX=\"22\" sitY=\"55\" /></DEFAULT></POSSIBLESTATES></BODY></PARTS></SITBREATHLEFT></POSSIBLESTATES><TRANSITIONS><TRSTAYRIGHT before=\"*\" after=\"STAYRIGHT\" signal=\"stay\" /><TRMOVERIGHT before=\"*\" after=\"MOVERIGHT\" signal=\"sideright\" /><TRMOVELEFT before=\"*\" after=\"MOVELEFT\" signal=\"sideleft\" /><TRMOVEFRONTLEFT before=\"*\" after=\"MOVEFRONTLEFT\" signal=\"frontsideleft\" /><TRMOVEBACKLEFT before=\"*\" after=\"MOVEBACKLEFT\" signal=\"backsideleft\" /><TRMOVEFRONTRIGHT before=\"*\" after=\"MOVEFRONTRIGHT\" signal=\"frontsideright\" /><TRMOVEBACKRIGHT before=\"*\" after=\"MOVEBACKRIGHT\" signal=\"backsideright\" /><TRMOVEBACK before=\"*\" after=\"MOVEBACK\" signal=\"back\" /><TRMOVEFRONT before=\"*\" after=\"MOVEFRONT\" signal=\"front\" /><TRSITBREATHRIGHT before=\"*\" after=\"SITBREATHRIGHT\" signal=\"sitbreathright\" /><TRSITBREATHLEFT before=\"*\" after=\"SITBREATHLEFT\" signal=\"sitbreathleft\" /></TRANSITIONS></WWDOG><CHILDS /></DATA>"); } function loadExt(aFile, aObject) { var internalF = false; if (internalArr[aFile] != undefined) { internalArr[aFile].ignoreWhite = true; isLoading = false; internalF = true; internalArr[aFile].loaded = true; return(internalArr[aFile]); } if (internalF == false) { aObject.ignoreWhite = true; aObject.onLoad = function (success) { XMLFactory.isLoading = false; }; aObject.load(aFile); isLoading = true; } } static var internalArr = new Array(); static var isLoading = false; }
Symbol 505 MovieClip [__Packages.Pathfinding] Frame 0
class Pathfinding { var mapStatus, openList; function Pathfinding () { } function isOpen(y, x) { return(mapStatus[y][x].open); } function isClosed(y, x) { return(mapStatus[y][x].closed); } function nearerSquare() { var minimum = 999999; var indexFound = 0; var thisF = undefined; var thisSquare = undefined; var i = openList.length; while ((i--) > 0) { thisSquare = mapStatus[openList[i][0]][openList[i][1]]; thisF = thisSquare.heuristic + thisSquare.movementCost; if (thisF <= minimum) { minimum = thisF; indexFound = i; } } return(indexFound); } function closeSquare(y, x) { var len = openList.length; var i = 0; while (i < len) { if (openList[i][0] == y) { if (openList[i][1] == x) { openList.splice(i, 1); break; } } i++; } mapStatus[y][x].open = false; mapStatus[y][x].closed = true; } function openSquare(y, x, parent, movementCost, heuristic, replacing) { if (!replacing) { openList.push([y, x]); mapStatus[y][x] = {heuristic:heuristic, open:true, closed:false}; } mapStatus[y][x].parent = parent; mapStatus[y][x].movementCost = movementCost; } function findPathInternal(map, startY, startX, endY, endX) { if ((startY == undefined) || (startX == undefined)) { return(null); } if ((endY == undefined) || (endX == undefined)) { return(null); } var mapH = map.length; var mapW = map[0].length; mapStatus = new Array(); var i = 0; while (i < mapH) { mapStatus[i] = new Array(); i++; } openList = new Array(); openSquare(startY, startX, undefined, 0); while ((openList.length > 0) && (!isClosed(endY, endX))) { var i = nearerSquare(); var nowY = openList[i][0]; var nowX = openList[i][1]; closeSquare(nowY, nowX); var j = (nowY - 1); while (j < (nowY + 2)) { var k = (nowX - 1); while (k < (nowX + 2)) { if (((((((j >= 0) && (j < mapH)) && (k >= 0)) && (k < mapW)) && (!((j == nowY) && (k == nowX)))) && ((ALLOW_DIAGONAL || (j == nowY)) || (k == nowX))) && (((ALLOW_DIAGONAL_CORNERING || (j == nowY)) || (k == nowX)) || ((map[j][nowX] != 0) && (map[nowY][k])))) { if (map[j][k] != 0) { if (!isClosed(j, k)) { var movementCost = (mapStatus[nowY][nowX].movementCost + ((((j == nowY) || (k == nowX)) ? (HV_COST) : (D_COST)) * map[j][k])); if (isOpen(j, k)) { if (movementCost < mapStatus[j][k].movementCost) { openSquare(j, k, [nowY, nowX], movementCost, undefined, true); } } else { var heuristic = ((Math.abs(j - endY) + Math.abs(k - endX)) * 10); openSquare(j, k, [nowY, nowX], movementCost, heuristic, false); } } } } k++; } j++; } } var pFound = isClosed(endY, endX); if (pFound) { var returnPath = new Array(); var nowY = endY; var nowX = endX; while ((nowY != startY) || (nowX != startX)) { returnPath.push([nowY, nowX]); var newY = mapStatus[nowY][nowX].parent[0]; var newX = mapStatus[nowY][nowX].parent[1]; nowY = newY; nowX = newX; } returnPath.push([startY, startX]); returnPath.reverse(); return(returnPath); } return(null); } static function findPath(map, startY, startX, endY, endX) { var pf = new Pathfinding(); var ret = pf.findPathInternal(map, startY, startX, endY, endX); delete pf; return(ret); } var HV_COST = 10; var D_COST = 14; var ALLOW_DIAGONAL = true; var ALLOW_DIAGONAL_CORNERING = false; }
Symbol 506 MovieClip [__Packages.Hero] Frame 0
class Hero extends MovieClip implements IDrawAble { var changed_, data_, gamePlay_, path, moving_direction, animObject, attachMovie, getNextHighestDepth, aStar, target_move, _x, _width, _y, _height, currFuse, resultBitmap, attachBitmap, parentGame_, aShadow_, nextActions_, actionFuse, shadY_, persName_; function Hero () { super(); } function setChanged(aVal) { changed_ = aVal; } function isChanged() { return(changed_); } function addData(key, aData) { data_[key] = aData; } function getData(key) { return(data_[key]); } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function takeClother(aClother) { } function HasPath() { return((path != undefined) && (path.length > 0)); } function updateTurn() { var turn = Game.getTurnAnim(moving_direction); if (CarryClip.countEmptyHands() != 2) { var pointLeft = Game.CARRYPOINTS[turn][0]; var pointRight = Game.CARRYPOINTS[turn][1]; CarryClip.updateCarryPoints(pointLeft, pointRight); } animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName(), "MOVING", "BODY"], Game.TURNSNAMES[turn]); } function MoveToPath(path_array) { path = path_array; DoPathMove(); } function setMovingDirection(aVal) { if (moving_direction != aVal) { moving_direction = aVal; return(true); } return(false); } function showStars() { var head_mc = attachMovie(Game.gameXMLs["star.xml"].firstChild.attributes.classname, "aStar", getNextHighestDepth()); head_mc.createByXML(Game.gameXMLs["star.xml"], Game.GAMEINSTANCE); head_mc.setPosition(20, 90); head_mc.playCycle(); } function hideStars() { aStar.removeMovieClip(); delete aStar; } function DoPathMove() { if (HasPath()) { var nextpoint = path.shift(); target_move = new flash.geom.Point(Game.map_.XConvertToLocal(nextpoint[1]), Game.map_.YConvertToLocal(nextpoint[0])); if (target_move == undefined) { } target_move.x = target_move.x + (Map.CELL_SIZE - 1); target_move.y = target_move.y + (Map.CELL_SIZE - 1); var dx = ((target_move.x - (_width / 2)) - _x); var dy = (((target_move.y - _height) + 2) - _y); var dirAngle = Math.atan2(dy, dx); if (setMovingDirection(dirAngle)) { } updateTurn(); } else { target_move = undefined; if (data_.OBJECT != undefined) { if (currFuse != undefined) { currFuse.resume(); } else { animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "wait"); CarryClip.updateCarryPoints(Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][0], Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][1]); updateShadow(-5); } } else { animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "wait"); CarryClip.updateCarryPoints(Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][0], Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][1]); updateShadow(-5); } } } function getMPX() { return(_x + (_width / 2)); } function getMPY() { return((_y + _height) - 1); } function drawIt() { resultBitmap = animObject.drawIt(resultBitmap, 0, 0); attachBitmap(resultBitmap, 0, "auto", true); } function quant(timeDone) { if (target_move != undefined) { var dx = ((target_move.x - (_width / 2)) - _x); var dy = (((target_move.y - _height) + 2) - _y); if ((dx == 0) && (dy == 0)) { } var ang = Math.atan2(dy, dx); var speedx = (((Math.cos(ang) * velocity_) * timeDone) / 1000); var speedy = (((Math.sin(ang) * velocity_) * timeDone) / 1000); var speed = ((velocity_ * timeDone) / 1000); if ((Math.abs(dx) <= speed) && (Math.abs(dy) <= speed)) { _x = target_move.x - (_width / 2); _y = (target_move.y - _height) + 2; if (HasPath()) { DoPathMove(); } else { target_move = undefined; if (data_.OBJECT != undefined) { if (currFuse != undefined) { if (currFuse.__get__state() == "playing") { var index = currFuse.__get__currentIndex(); if ((index + 2) < currFuse.length) { currFuse.skipTo(index + 2); } else { currFuse.skipTo(index + 1); } target_move = undefined; } else { currFuse.resume(); } } else { animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "wait"); CarryClip.updateCarryPoints(Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][0], Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][1]); updateShadow(-5); } } else { animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "wait"); CarryClip.updateCarryPoints(Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][0], Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][1]); updateShadow(-5); } } } else { var xchanged = false; if ((_x + speedx) != _x) { xchanged = true; } _x = _x + speedx; var ychanged = false; if ((_y + speedy) != _y) { ychanged = true; } _y = _y + speedy; if ((ychanged == true) || (xchanged == true)) { parentGame_.updateDepths(this); } } } animObject.quant(timeDone); } function testforCheck(objs) { } function gotoObject(aObj, aFuse) { currFuse = aFuse; if (aObj._name == undefined) { animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "wait"); CarryClip.updateCarryPoints(Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][0], Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][1]); updateShadow(-5); target_move = undefined; currFuse.fastForward(); return(undefined); } addData("OBJECT", aObj); if (aObj instanceof GameClother) { if (aObj.parentStoika_ != undefined) { Game.moveToPoint(this, aObj.parentStoika_._x, (aObj.parentStoika_._y + aObj.parentStoika_._height) - 20); } else if (((aObj.requestName_.indexOf("con24") != -1) || (aObj.requestName_.indexOf("con23") != -1)) || (aObj.requestName_.indexOf("con25") != -1)) { addData("OBJECTTOTAKE", aObj); aObj = Game.objsToCreate.shelfleft1; addData("OBJECT", Game.objsToCreate.shelfleft1); Game.moveToPoint(this, aObj.getData("heroPoint_").x + aObj._x, aObj.getData("heroPoint_").y + aObj._y); } else if (((aObj.requestName_.indexOf("con29") != -1) || (aObj.requestName_.indexOf("con30") != -1)) || (aObj.requestName_.indexOf("con31") != -1)) { addData("OBJECTTOTAKE", aObj); aObj = Game.objsToCreate.shelfright1; addData("OBJECT", Game.objsToCreate.shelfright1); Game.moveToPoint(this, aObj.getData("heroPoint_").x + aObj._x, aObj.getData("heroPoint_").y + aObj._y); } } else if (aObj instanceof mcBonus) { Game.moveToPoint(this, aObj._x, aObj._y); } else { Game.moveToPoint(this, aObj.getData("heroPoint_").x + aObj._x, aObj.getData("heroPoint_").y + aObj._y); } } function takeforPack(aCustomer) { if (aCustomer.data_.CLOUD.imgName_ == "pack") { CarryClip.attach("pack"); aCustomer.data_.CLOUD.data_.PACKED = true; Game.removeMark(aCustomer.data_.CLOUD); } } function takeObject() { if ((data_.OBJECT == Game.objsToCreate.shelfleft1) || (data_.OBJECT == Game.objsToCreate.shelfright1)) { CarryClip.attach(data_.OBJECTTOTAKE.requestName_); Game.removeMark(data_.OBJECTTOTAKE); Helper.soundPlay("sndPickup_clothes"); } else if ((data_.OBJECT instanceof mcBonus) || (data_.OBJECT._name == undefined)) { if (data_.OBJECT.bonusName_ != undefined) { mcBonus.fireBonus(data_.OBJECT.bonusName_, data_.OBJECT._x, data_.OBJECT._y); } data_.OBJECT.bonusFuse.destroy(); delete data_.OBJECT.bonusFuse; data_.OBJECT.fireBonus(); data_.OBJECT.removeMovieClip(); delete data_.OBJECT; } else { CarryClip.attach(data_.OBJECT.requestName_); Game.removeMark(data_.OBJECT); if (data_.OBJECT instanceof GameClother) { data_.OBJECT.parentStoika_.forceRotate(); Helper.soundPlay("sndPickup_clothes"); } else { Helper.soundPlay("sndPickup_catalogue"); } } } function trashObject() { CarryClip.doTrash(); Game.removeMark(data_.OBJECT); } function giveObject() { if (data_.OBJECT.name_ == "TABLE_RIGHT") { } else if (((data_.OBJECT.data_.OWNER.data_.CLOUD.imgName_ == "pack") && (data_.OBJECT.data_.OWNER.data_.CLOUD.data_.PACKED == true)) && (CarryClip.countCarrying("box") > 0)) { data_.OBJECT.data_.OWNER.data_.CLOUD.doneCloud(true); CarryClip.detach("box"); var custFuse = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse.getInstance("Ask Actions " + data_.OBJECT.data_.OWNER.name_); custFuse.destroy(); delete custFuse; } else if (((data_.OBJECT.data_.OWNER != undefined) && (data_.OBJECT.data_.OWNER.data_.CLOUD != undefined)) && (CarryClip.countCarrying(data_.OBJECT.data_.OWNER.data_.CLOUD.imgName_) > 0)) { CarryClip.detach(data_.OBJECT.data_.OWNER.data_.CLOUD.imgName_); var custFuse = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse.getInstance("Ask Actions " + data_.OBJECT.data_.OWNER.name_); if (data_.OBJECT.data_.OWNER.data_.PACK == undefined) { data_.OBJECT.data_.OWNER.data_.CLOUD.doneCloud(true); custFuse.destroy(); delete custFuse; } else { data_.OBJECT.data_.OWNER.data_.CLOUD.doneCloud(false); custFuse.skipTo("askPack"); } } } function endClearing() { Game.removeMark(data_.OBJECT); data_.OBJECT.musor.removeMovieClip(); data_.OBJECT.addData("MUSOR", undefined); data_.OBJECT.addData("ACTION", undefined); addData("OBJECT", undefined); CarryClip.showCarrying(); aShadow_._visible = true; Game.CustomerFromHall(); } function clearObject() { var aObj = getData("OBJECT"); if ((aObj.name_ == "SOFA_LEFTD") || (aObj.name_ == "SOFA_LEFTU")) { animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "clear_left"); aShadow_._y = (_y + _height) - 25; aShadow_._x = _x + 20; aStar.setPosition(23, 75); } else if ((aObj.name_ == "SOFA_RIGHTD") || (aObj.name_ == "SOFA_RIGHTU")) { animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "clear_right"); aShadow_._y = (_y + _height) - 25; aShadow_._x = _x; aStar.setPosition(3, 75); } CarryClip.hideCarrying(); } function inNextActions(aFuse) { var i = 0; while (i < nextActions_.length) { if (nextActions_[i] == aFuse) { return(true); } i++; } return(false); } function addTrashObjFuse() { if (actionFuse.length == 0) { actionFuse.push(fuseTrash()); } else { nextActions_.push(fuseTrash()); } if (nextActions_.length == 0) { actionFuse.start(true); } } function addSewObjFuse(sewingClother) { if (actionFuse.length == 0) { actionFuse.push(fuseSew(sewingClother)); } else { nextActions_.push(fuseSew(sewingClother)); } if (nextActions_.length == 0) { actionFuse.start(true); } } function addTakeToPackFuse(target) { if (actionFuse.length == 0) { actionFuse.push(fuseTakePack(target)); } else { nextActions_.push(fuseTakePack(target)); } if (nextActions_.length == 0) { actionFuse.start(true); } } function addGotoCashFuse() { if (actionFuse.length == 0) { actionFuse.push(fuseCash()); } else { nextActions_.push(fuseCash()); } if (nextActions_.length == 0) { actionFuse.start(true); } } function addGiveObjFuse(target) { if (actionFuse.length == 0) { actionFuse.push(fuseGive(target)); } else { nextActions_.push(fuseGive(target)); } if (nextActions_.length == 0) { actionFuse.start(true); } } function countFuses(baseLabel, cloudRequest) { var retVal = 0; var fuses = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse.getInstances(); var reqSource = Game.getCarryingObj(cloudRequest); var i = 0; while (i < fuses.length) { if (fuses[i].label == ("Take of " + cloudRequest)) { retVal++; } i++; } return(retVal); } function canGive(cloudRequest) { var getCounter = CarryClip.countCarrying(cloudRequest); var giveCounter = 0; for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.imgName_ == cloudRequest) { var container = Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.CLOUD.parentContainer_.name_; if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse.getInstance("Give to " + container) != undefined) { giveCounter++; } } } getCounter = getCounter + countFuses("Take of ", cloudRequest); if (getCounter > giveCounter) { return(true); } return(false); } function isFusing() { if (actionFuse.length > 0) { return(true); } return(false); } function addTakeBonusFuse(target) { if (actionFuse.length == 0) { actionFuse.push(fuseTakeBonus(target)); } else { nextActions_.push(fuseTakeBonus(target)); } if (nextActions_.length == 0) { actionFuse.start(true); } } function addTakeObjFuse(target) { if (actionFuse.length == 0) { actionFuse.push(fuseTake(target)); } else { nextActions_.push(fuseTake(target)); } if (nextActions_.length == 0) { actionFuse.start(true); } } function addCleanFuse(target) { target.addData("ACTION", "CLEAN"); if (actionFuse.length == 0) { actionFuse.push(fuseClean(target)); } else { nextActions_.push(fuseClean(target)); } if (nextActions_.length == 0) { actionFuse.start(true); } } function handleEvent(o) { var targetFuse = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(; if (o.type == "onComplete") { currFuse.removeEventListener("onComplete", this); currFuse.destroy(); delete currFuse; actionFuse.pop(); if (nextActions_.length > 0) { actionFuse.push(nextActions_.shift()); actionFuse.start(); } else { animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "wait"); CarryClip.updateCarryPoints(Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][0], Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][1]); updateShadow(-5); } } } function fuseTrash() { var myListenerObj = new Object(); var aFuse = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse()); var target = Game.objsToCreate.trash; aFuse.label = "Trash to" + target.name_; aFuse.scope = this; aFuse.push({func:"gotoObject", args:[target, aFuse]}); aFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aFuse.push({func:"trashObject"}); aFuse.addEventListener("onComplete", this); return(aFuse); } function doPacking() { CarryClip.detach("pack"); CarryClip.attach("box"); CarryClip.hideCarrying(); Game.removeMark(Game.objsToCreate.packing_t); animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "sewing"); } function endPacking() { CarryClip.showCarrying(); animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "wait"); CarryClip.updateCarryPoints(Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][0], Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][1]); updateShadow(-5); } function doSewing(aClother) { CarryClip.hideCarrying(); Game.removeMark(Game.objsToCreate.sewing_t); animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "sewing"); } function endSewing(aClother) { CarryClip.showCarrying(); CarryClip.setSewed(aClother); animObject.sendSignalState([animObject.getName()], "wait"); CarryClip.updateCarryPoints(Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][0], Game.CARRYPOINTS[8][1]); updateShadow(-5); } function fuseSew(clother) { var myListenerObj = new Object(); var aFuse = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse()); aFuse.label = "Sew of " + clother; aFuse.scope = this; var target = Game.objsToCreate.table_left; aFuse.push({func:"gotoObject", args:[target, aFuse]}); aFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aFuse.push({func:"doSewing", args:[clother]}); aFuse.push({func:"endSewing", args:[clother], delay:3}); aFuse.addEventListener("onComplete", this); return(aFuse); } function fuseTakePack(target) { var myListenerObj = new Object(); var aFuse = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse()); aFuse.label = "Take of " + target.name_; aFuse.scope = this; aFuse.push({func:"gotoObject", args:[target, aFuse]}); aFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aFuse.push({func:"takeforPack", args:target.data_.OWNER}); aFuse.addEventListener("onComplete", this); return(aFuse); } function endCash() { Game.removeMark(Game.objsToCreate.reception); data_.INCASH = true; for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if ((Game.objsToCreate[key] instanceof Customer) && (Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.INCASH == true)) { Game.startCoins(); delete Game.objsToCreate[key].data_.INCASH; Game.objsToCreate[key].actionFuse.skipTo("tryToPay"); } } } function fuseCash() { var myListenerObj = new Object(); var aFuse = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse()); aFuse.label = "to Cash"; aFuse.scope = this; aFuse.push({func:"gotoObject", args:[Game.objsToCreate.reception, aFuse]}); aFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aFuse.push({func:"endCash"}); aFuse.addEventListener("onComplete", this); return(aFuse); } function isOnCash() { return(true); } function fuseGive(target) { var myListenerObj = new Object(); var aFuse = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse()); aFuse.label = "Give to " + target.name_; aFuse.scope = this; aFuse.push({func:"gotoObject", args:[target, aFuse]}); aFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aFuse.push({func:"giveObject"}); if (target.name_ == "TABLE_RIGHT") { aFuse.push({func:"doPacking"}); aFuse.push({func:"endPacking", delay:3}); } aFuse.addEventListener("onComplete", this); return(aFuse); } function fuseTakeBonus(target) { var myListenerObj = new Object(); var aFuse = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse()); aFuse.scope = this; aFuse.label = "bonus fuse" + target.bonusName_; aFuse.push({func:"gotoObject", args:[target, aFuse]}); aFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aFuse.push({func:"takeObject"}); aFuse.addEventListener("onComplete", this); return(aFuse); } function fuseTake(target) { var myListenerObj = new Object(); var aFuse = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse()); aFuse.scope = this; aFuse.label = "Take of " + target.requestName_; aFuse.push({func:"gotoObject", args:[target, aFuse]}); aFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aFuse.push({func:"takeObject"}); aFuse.addEventListener("onComplete", this); return(aFuse); } function fuseClean(target) { var myListenerObj = new Object(); var aFuse = (new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse()); aFuse.label = "clearing"; aFuse.scope = this; aFuse.push({func:"gotoObject", args:[target, aFuse]}); aFuse.push({command:"pause"}); aFuse.push({func:"clearObject"}); aFuse.push({func:"endClearing", delay:4}); aFuse.addEventListener("onComplete", this); return(aFuse); } function createActionFuse() { actionFuse = new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse(); actionFuse.label = "hero Actions"; actionFuse.__set__target(this); } function CreateByXML(xmlScript, parentGame, nameSuff) { nextActions_ = new Array(); shadY_ = Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[0].attributes.shady); data_ = new Array(); parentGame_ = parentGame; createActionFuse(); resultBitmap = new flash.display.BitmapData(Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[0].attributes.width), Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[0].attributes.height), true, 0); persName_ = xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[ANIMATIONIND].nodeName + nameSuff; animObject = new AnimObject(); animObject.createByXML(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[ANIMATIONIND], this); if (xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[0].attributes.xpos != undefined) { _x = Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[0].attributes.xpos); } if (xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[0].attributes.ypos != undefined) { _y = Number(xmlScript.firstChild.childNodes[0].attributes.ypos); } drawIt(); aShadow_ = Game.shadowsClip_.createEmptyMovieClip("shad" + nameSuff, Game.shadowsClip_.getNextHighestDepth()); aShadow_.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("shadow"), 0); updateShadow(); } function updateShadow(xoffs) { if (target_move == undefined) { xoffs = -9; aStar.setPosition(4, 85); } else { aStar.setPosition(15, 85); } if (xoffs == undefined) { xoffs = 0; } aShadow_._x = ((_x + (_width / 2)) - (aShadow_._width / 2)) + xoffs; aShadow_._y = _y + shadY_; } var velocity_ = 230; static var ANIMATIONIND = 0; }
Symbol 507 MovieClip [__Packages.Shop] Frame 0
class Shop extends MovieClip { var firstClother_, clothersArray_, sClother_, clothersClip_, goodsArray_, goodsClip_, collectionNum_, loadNew_, parentGame_, firstGood_, sGood_, gamePlay_, enabled, edtMoney, mnMale_, mnMaleClotherArr_, mnFemale_, mnFemaleClotherArr_, mcGamePrev, getNextHighestDepth, logoClip_, createEmptyMovieClip, previewData_, edtBD, edtFD, edtDESCR, loadNewGoods_, menuBase_; function Shop () { super(); } function get firstClother() { return(firstClother_); } function set firstClother(aVal) { if (((aVal < (clothersArray_.length - 3)) && (aVal >= 0)) && (aVal != firstClother_)) { if (sClother_ != undefined) { deselectClothers(undefined); } firstClother_ = aVal; drawShopItems(firstClother_, clothersArray_, clothersClip_); onMoneyChanged(); } //return(firstClother); } function priceOrder(a, b) { if (a.price_ < b._price) { return(-1); } if (a.price_ > b.price_) { return(1); } return(0); } function returnBought() { var i = (clothersArray_.length - 1); while (i > -1) { if (clothersArray_[i].sold == true) { setUnsold(clothersClip_["ShopItem" + i]); clothersArray_[i].sold = false; } i--; } var i = (goodsArray_.length - 1); while (i > -1) { if (goodsArray_[i].sold == true) { setUnsold(goodsClip_["ShopItem" + i]); goodsArray_[i].sold = false; var k = 0; while (k < goodsArray_[i].gameXMLs_.length) { Game.objsToCreate[goodsArray_[i].gameNames_[k]].removeMovieClip(); k++; } } i--; } } function clearBought() { var i = (clothersArray_.length - 1); while (i > -1) { if (clothersArray_[i].sold == true) { clothersClip_["ShopItem" + i].Price.removeTextField(); clothersArray_.splice(i, 1); } i--; } if (clothersArray_.length == 0) { collectionNum_++; loadNew_ = true; loadItems(); if (collectionNum_ == 2) { var goodsXML = Game.gameXMLs["goods.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[1]; var objNum = 0; while (objNum < goodsXML.childNodes.length) { var aItem = new ShopGood(); var k = 0; while (k < goodsXML.childNodes[objNum].childNodes[IND_GAMEDATA].length) { aItem.gameDatas_.push(goodsXML.childNodes[objNum].childNodes[IND_GAMEDATA].childNodes[k]); k++; } aItem.create(parentGame_, goodsXML.childNodes[objNum].childNodes[IND_SHOPDATA]); goodsArray_.push(aItem); objNum++; } } } var i = (goodsArray_.length - 1); while (i > -1) { if (goodsArray_[i].sold == true) { goodsClip_["ShopItem" + i].Price.removeTextField(); if (goodsArray_[i].gameNames_[0] == "shelfleft1") { var goodsXML = Game.gameXMLs["goods.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[2]; var aItem = new ShopGood(); aItem.create(parentGame_, goodsXML.childNodes[0].childNodes[IND_SHOPDATA]); goodsArray_.push(aItem); } else if (goodsArray_[i].gameNames_[0] == "shelfright1") { var goodsXML = Game.gameXMLs["goods.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[3]; var aItem = new ShopGood(); aItem.create(parentGame_, goodsXML.childNodes[0].childNodes[IND_SHOPDATA]); goodsArray_.push(aItem); } goodsArray_.splice(i, 1); } i--; } clothersArray_.sort(priceOrder); goodsArray_.sort(priceOrder); drawShopItems(0, clothersArray_, clothersClip_); drawShopItems(0, goodsArray_, goodsClip_); onMoneyChanged(); } function set firstGood(aVal) { if (((aVal < (goodsArray_.length - 3)) && (aVal >= 0)) && (aVal != firstGood_)) { if (sGood_ != undefined) { deselectClothers(undefined); } firstGood_ = aVal; drawShopItems(firstGood_, goodsArray_, goodsClip_); onMoneyChanged(); } //return(firstGood); } function get firstGood() { return(firstGood_); } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; if (gamePlay_ == false) { enabled = false; } edtMoney = Game.totalMoney_; //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function removeSelection(aClip) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.removeTween(aClip.leftupAngle); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.removeTween(aClip.rightDAngle); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.removeTween(aClip.rightUAngle); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.removeTween(aClip.leftDAngle); aClip.leftupAngle.removeMovieClip(); aClip.rightDAngle.removeMovieClip(); aClip.rightUAngle.removeMovieClip(); aClip.leftDAngle.removeMovieClip(); } function deselectClothers(except) { var i = 0; while (i < clothersArray_.length) { if (((clothersClip_["ShopItem" + i] != undefined) && (clothersClip_["ShopItem" + i] != except)) && (clothersClip_["ShopItem" + i].leftupAngle != undefined)) { removeSelection(clothersClip_["ShopItem" + i]); } i++; } var i = 0; while (i < goodsArray_.length) { if (((goodsClip_["ShopItem" + i] != undefined) && (goodsClip_["ShopItem" + i] != except)) && (goodsClip_["ShopItem" + i].leftupAngle != undefined)) { removeSelection(goodsClip_["ShopItem" + i]); } i++; } } static function updateFunc() { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.updatePreview(); } static function alphaOut(aObj) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aObj, "_alpha", [0], 0.4, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeInQuint, 0, {scope:Shop, updfunc:"updateFunc", func:"alphaIn", args:[aObj]}); } static function alphaIn(aObj) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aObj, "_alpha", [100], 0.4, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeInQuint, 0, {scope:Shop, updfunc:"updateFunc", func:"alphaOut", args:[aObj]}); } static function tweenOut(aObj, nextX, nextY, startX, startY) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aObj, "_x,_y", [nextX, nextY], 0.4, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeInQuint, 0, {scope:Shop, func:"tweenIn", args:[aObj, startX, startY, nextX, nextY]}); } static function tweenIn(aObj, nextX, nextY, startX, startY) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aObj, "_x,_y", [nextX, nextY], 0.4, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeInQuint, 0, {scope:Shop, func:"tweenOut", args:[aObj, startX, startY, nextX, nextY]}); } function updateMN(male) { if (male) { var i = 1; while (i < 7) { mnMale_["cl" + i].attachBitmap(mnMaleClotherArr_[i - 1].male_image_, 0); mnMale_["cl" + i]._x = mnMaleClotherArr_[i - 1].mnMaleXpos_; mnMale_["cl" + i]._y = mnMaleClotherArr_[i - 1].mnMaleYpos_; if (mnMaleClotherArr_[i - 1].selected == true) { mnMale_.createEmptyMovieClip("selected_h", mnMale_.getNextHighestDepth()); mnMale_.selected_h.attachBitmap(mnMaleClotherArr_[i - 1].male_active_, 0); mnMale_.selected_h._x = mnMaleClotherArr_[i - 1].mnSelMaleXpos_; mnMale_.selected_h._y = mnMaleClotherArr_[i - 1].mnSelMaleYpos_; } i++; } } else { var i = 1; while (i < 7) { mnFemale_["cl" + i].attachBitmap(mnFemaleClotherArr_[i - 1].female_image_, 0); mnFemale_["cl" + i]._x = mnFemaleClotherArr_[i - 1].mnFmaleXpos_; mnFemale_["cl" + i]._y = mnFemaleClotherArr_[i - 1].mnFmaleYpos_; if (mnFemaleClotherArr_[i - 1].selected == true) { mnFemale_.createEmptyMovieClip("selected_h", mnFemale_.getNextHighestDepth()); mnFemale_.selected_h.attachBitmap(mnFemaleClotherArr_[i - 1].fem_active_, 0); mnFemale_.selected_h._x = mnFemaleClotherArr_[i - 1].mnSelFemaleXpos_; mnFemale_.selected_h._y = mnFemaleClotherArr_[i - 1].mnSelFemaleYpos_; } i++; } } var clearfmale = false; var clearmale = false; var i = 1; while (i < 7) { if (((mnFemaleClotherArr_[i - 1].selected == false) && (mnFemale_.selected_h != undefined)) && (mnFemaleClotherArr_[i - 1].female_image_ != undefined)) { clearfmale = true; } if (((mnMaleClotherArr_[i - 1].selected == false) && (mnMale_.selected_h != undefined)) && (mnMaleClotherArr_[i - 1].male_image_ != undefined)) { clearmale = true; } i++; } } function setDefaultClother() { if (collectionNum_ == 1) { mnMaleClotherArr_[1] = defClothersArray_[2]; mnMaleClotherArr_[2] = defClothersArray_[1]; mnFemaleClotherArr_[1] = defClothersArray_[5]; mnFemaleClotherArr_[2] = defClothersArray_[6]; } else { mnMaleClotherArr_[2] = defClothersArray_[1]; mnMaleClotherArr_[1] = defClothersArray_[2]; mnFemaleClotherArr_[1] = defClothersArray_[5]; mnFemaleClotherArr_[2] = defClothersArray_[6]; } updateMN(true); updateMN(false); } function deselectMN() { var i = 0; var k = clothersArray_.length; while (i < k) { clothersArray_[i].selected = false; i++; } mnFemale_.selected_h.removeMovieClip(); mnMale_.selected_h.removeMovieClip(); } function previewShopGood(item) { for (var key in previewArr) { previewArr[key].removeMovieClip(); delete previewArr[key]; } var itemNum = Number(item._name.substr(8, item._name.length - 8)); var k = 0; while (k < goodsArray_[itemNum].gameXMLs_.length) { Game.mebelNmsDomain[goodsArray_[itemNum].gameNames_[k]] = goodsArray_[itemNum].gameXMLs_[k]; previewArr[goodsArray_[itemNum].gameNames_[k]] = parentGame_.createMeb(goodsArray_[itemNum].gameNames_[k]); alphaOut(previewArr[goodsArray_[itemNum].gameNames_[k]]); k++; } updatePreview(); } function highLightClother(item) { var startInd = Number(item._name.substr(8, item._name.length - 7)); if ((item._parent == clothersClip_) && (hasRequred(clothersArray_[startInd]) == false)) { return(undefined); } deselectMN(); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.setColorByKey(item, "brightness", 20); if (item._parent == clothersClip_) { if ((clothersArray_[startInd].sex_ == 1) || (clothersArray_[startInd].sex_ == 2)) { clothersArray_[startInd].selected = true; mnMaleClotherArr_[clothersArray_[startInd].type_] = clothersArray_[startInd]; updateMN(true); } if ((clothersArray_[startInd].sex_ == 2) || (clothersArray_[startInd].sex_ == 3)) { clothersArray_[startInd].selected = true; mnFemaleClotherArr_[clothersArray_[startInd].type_] = clothersArray_[startInd]; updateMN(false); } } else if ((item._parent == goodsClip_) && (item.leftupAngle == undefined)) { previewShopGood(item); } } function normalLightClother(item) { var startInd = Number(item._name.substr(8, item._name.length - 7)); if ((item._parent == clothersClip_) && (hasRequred(clothersArray_[startInd]) == false)) { return(undefined); } com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.setColorByKey(item, "brightness", 0); if (item._parent == goodsClip_) { if (item.leftupAngle == undefined) { for (var key in previewArr) { previewArr[key].removeMovieClip(); delete previewArr[key]; } var i = 0; while (i < goodsArray_.length) { if ((goodsClip_["ShopItem" + i] != undefined) && (goodsClip_["ShopItem" + i].leftupAngle != undefined)) { previewShopGood(goodsClip_["ShopItem" + i]); break; } i++; } } } updatePreview(); } function prepareExit() { for (var key in previewArr) { previewArr[key].removeMovieClip(); delete previewArr[key]; } } function selectClother(item) { if (item.leftupAngle == undefined) { deselectClothers(item); if (item._parent == goodsClip_) { sGood_ = item.getDepth() + firstGood_; sClother_ = undefined; } else if (item._parent == clothersClip_) { sClother_ = item.getDepth() + firstClother_; sGood_ = undefined; for (var key in previewArr) { previewArr[key].removeMovieClip(); delete previewArr[key]; } updatePreview(); } var leftUangle = item.createEmptyMovieClip("leftupAngle", item.getNextHighestDepth()); var leftDangle = item.createEmptyMovieClip("leftDAngle", item.getNextHighestDepth()); var rightDangle = item.createEmptyMovieClip("rightDAngle", item.getNextHighestDepth()); var rightUangle = item.createEmptyMovieClip("rightUAngle", item.getNextHighestDepth()); leftUangle.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("zone_angle"), leftUangle.getNextHighestDepth()); leftDangle.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("zone_angle"), leftDangle.getNextHighestDepth()); rightDangle.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("zone_angle"), rightDangle.getNextHighestDepth()); rightUangle.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("zone_angle"), rightUangle.getNextHighestDepth()); rightDangle._rotation = 180; rightDangle._x = item._width - rightDangle._width; rightDangle._y = item._height - rightDangle._height; leftDangle._y = item._height; leftDangle._yscale = -100; rightUangle._xscale = -100; rightUangle._x = item._width - rightDangle._width; tweenIn(leftUangle, 3, 3, 0, 0); tweenIn(rightUangle, item._width - 3, 3, item._width, 0); tweenIn(leftDangle, 3, item._height - 3, 0, item._height); tweenIn(rightDangle, item._width - 3, item._height - 3, item._width, item._height); } } function hasItem(aName) { var i = 0; while (i < clothersArray_.length) { if (clothersArray_[i].name_ == aName) { return(true); } i++; } return(false); } function hasRequred(aItem) { if ((aItem.name_ == "con25") || (aItem.name_ == "con23")) { var shelfsLeft = 0; if ((Game.objsToCreate.shelfleft1 != undefined) && (Game.objsToCreate.shelfleft1._name != undefined)) { shelfsLeft = shelfsLeft + 2; } if ((Game.objsToCreate.shelfleft2 != undefined) && (Game.objsToCreate.shelfleft2._name != undefined)) { shelfsLeft++; } shelfsLeft = shelfsLeft - Game.GAMEINSTANCE.countItems(Game.leftShArr); if (shelfsLeft <= 0) { return(false); } } else if ((aItem.name_ == "con30") || (aItem.name_ == "con31")) { var shelfsLeft = 0; if ((Game.objsToCreate.shelfright1 != undefined) && (Game.objsToCreate.shelfright1._name != undefined)) { shelfsLeft = shelfsLeft + 2; } if ((Game.objsToCreate.shelfright2 != undefined) && (Game.objsToCreate.shelfright2._name != undefined)) { shelfsLeft++; } shelfsLeft = shelfsLeft - Game.GAMEINSTANCE.countItems(Game.rightShArr); if (shelfsLeft <= 0) { return(false); } } else if (aItem.name_ == "con27") { var shelfsMid = 0; if (Game.objsToCreate.shelfsmid1 != undefined) { shelfsMid++; } if (Game.objsToCreate.shelfsmid2 != undefined) { shelfsMid++; } if (shelfsMid <= 0) { return(false); } } return(true); } function onMoneyChanged() { var i = 0; while (i < clothersArray_.length) { var itClip = clothersClip_["ShopItem" + i]; if (((((Number(clothersArray_[i].price_) > Game.totalMoney_) || (hasRequred(clothersArray_[i]) == false)) || (Game.levelNum_ == 1)) || (Game.levelNum_ == 2)) && (clothersArray_[i].sold != true)) { clothersArray_[i].locked = true; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.setColorByKey(itClip, "brightness", -50); } else if (clothersArray_[i].sold != true) { clothersArray_[i].locked = false; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.setColorByKey(itClip, "brightness", 0); } i++; } var i = 0; while (i < goodsArray_.length) { var itClip = goodsClip_["ShopItem" + i]; if (Number(goodsArray_[i].price_) > Game.totalMoney_) { goodsArray_[i].locked = true; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.setColorByKey(itClip, "brightness", -50); } else { goodsArray_[i].locked = false; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.setColorByKey(itClip, "brightness", 0); } i++; } } function drawShopItems(firstNum, itemsArr, canvas) { var i = 0; while (i < 30) { if (canvas["ShopItem" + i] != undefined) { canvas["ShopItem" + i].removeMovieClip(); } i++; } var i = firstNum; var counter = 0; while ((i < itemsArr.length) && (counter < 4)) { var itClip = canvas.createEmptyMovieClip("ShopItem" + i, counter); itClip.attachBitmap(itemsArr[i].image_, 0); itClip._x = counter * itClip._width; itClip.tipname_ = itemsArr[i].tipName_; itClip.onPress = function () { var colorObj = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorKeysObj(this); if ((colorObj.brightness == undefined) || (colorObj.brightness >= 0)) { if (this.mc_Sold == undefined) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.selectClother(this); } } }; itClip.onRollOver = function () { if ((this.mc_Sold == undefined) && (this.mc_Locked == undefined)) { var colorObj = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorKeysObj(this); if ((colorObj.brightness == undefined) || (colorObj.brightness >= 0)) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.highLightClother(this); this._parent._parent.edtTip = Game.Translate(this.tipname_); } } }; itClip.onRollOut = function () { var colorObj = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorKeysObj(this); if ((colorObj.brightness == undefined) || (colorObj.brightness >= 0)) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.normalLightClother(this); Game.GAMEINSTANCE.shopClip_.deselectMN(); } }; var afield = itClip.createTextField("Price", itClip.getNextHighestDepth(), 10, 60, 0, 0); afield.text = itemsArr[i].price_; TextStyles.setFieldStyle(TextStyles.FSTYLE_INACT_CNTR, afield); afield.setTextFormat(TextStyles.txtStyleCommonFuxia); afield._x = (itClip._width / 2) - (afield._width / 2); if (canvas == goodsClip_) { if ((sGood_ != undefined) && (sGood_ == i)) { selectClother(itClip); } } if (itemsArr[i].sold == true) { setSold(itClip); } i++; counter++; } } function updatePreview() { var nextDepth; if (mcGamePrev != undefined) { nextDepth = mcGamePrev.getDepth(); } else { nextDepth = getNextHighestDepth(); logoClip_ = createEmptyMovieClip("mcLogo", nextDepth + 1); logoClip_.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("logotip"), 0); logoClip_._x = 320 - (logoClip_._width / 2); } createEmptyMovieClip("mcGamePrev", nextDepth); previewData_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(GPREVIEW_WIDTH, GPREVIEW_HEIGHT, true, 0); var transformMatrix = (new flash.geom.Matrix()); transformMatrix.scale(0.45, 0.451); previewData_.draw(parentGame_.gameClip_, transformMatrix); mcGamePrev.attachBitmap(previewData_, 0); mcGamePrev._y = GPREVIEW_X; mcGamePrev._x = GPREVIEW_Y; } function loadAll() { loadItems(); loadGoods(); firstClother_ = 0; firstGood_ = 0; clothersClip_._x = 348; clothersClip_._y = 383; goodsClip_._y = 383; goodsClip_._x = 34; drawShopItems(firstClother_, clothersArray_, clothersClip_); drawShopItems(firstGood_, goodsArray_, goodsClip_); onMoneyChanged(); setDefaultClother(); } function create(aGame) { edtBD = Game.Translate("SHOP_BD"); edtFD = Game.Translate("SHOP_FD"); edtDESCR = Game.Translate("SHOP_DESCR"); sGood_ = undefined; mnMaleClotherArr_ = new Array(5); mnFemaleClotherArr_ = new Array(5); mnMale_ = createEmptyMovieClip("mc_Man", getNextHighestDepth()); mnMale_.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("male_mn"), 0); mnMale_._x = 380; mnMale_._y = 50; var i = 1; while (i < 7) { mnMale_.createEmptyMovieClip("cl" + i, i); i++; } mnFemale_ = createEmptyMovieClip("mc_Fem", getNextHighestDepth()); mnFemale_.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("female_mn"), 0); mnFemale_._x = 490; mnFemale_._y = 55; var i = 1; while (i < 7) { mnFemale_.createEmptyMovieClip("cl" + i, i); i++; } clothersClip_ = createEmptyMovieClip("mcClothers", getNextHighestDepth()); goodsClip_ = createEmptyMovieClip("mcGoods", getNextHighestDepth()); clothersArray_ = new Array(); goodsArray_ = new Array(); parentGame_ = aGame; collectionNum_ = 1; loadNew_ = true; loadNewGoods_ = true; menuBase_ = new MenuBase(); menuBase_.create(this, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth(), Game.gameXMLs["menuShop.xml"]); } function setUnsold(aClip) { aClip.mc_Sold.removeMovieClip(); aClip.Price._visible = true; } function setSold(aClip) { aClip.createEmptyMovieClip("mc_Sold", aClip.getNextHighestDepth()); aClip.mc_Sold.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("sold"), 0); aClip.mc_Sold._x = ((aClip._width / 2) - (aClip.mc_Sold._width / 2)) - 4; aClip.mc_Sold._y = ((aClip._height / 2) - (aClip.mc_Sold._height / 2)) - 5; aClip.Price._visible = false; } function buySelected() { if (sClother_ != undefined) { sClother_ = undefined; var i = 0; while (i < clothersArray_.length) { if ((clothersClip_["ShopItem" + i] != undefined) && (clothersClip_["ShopItem" + i].leftupAngle != undefined)) { removeSelection(clothersClip_["ShopItem" + i]); setSold(clothersClip_["ShopItem" + i]); clothersArray_[i].sold = true; deselectMN(); parentGame_.addClother(clothersArray_[i].gamexml_); Game.totalMoney_ = Game.totalMoney_ - clothersArray_[i].price_; edtMoney = Game.totalMoney_; drawShopItems(firstClother_, clothersArray_, clothersClip_); break; } i++; } } else if (sGood_ != undefined) { sGood_ = undefined; var i = 0; while (i < goodsArray_.length) { if ((goodsClip_["ShopItem" + i] != undefined) && (goodsClip_["ShopItem" + i].leftupAngle != undefined)) { removeSelection(goodsClip_["ShopItem" + i]); setSold(goodsClip_["ShopItem" + i]); goodsArray_[i].sold = true; for (var key in previewArr) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.removeTween(previewArr[key]); previewArr[key]._alpha = 100; Game.boughtArray.push(previewArr[key]); delete previewArr[key]; } updatePreview(); Game.totalMoney_ = Game.totalMoney_ - goodsArray_[i].price_; edtMoney = Game.totalMoney_; drawShopItems(firstGood_, goodsArray_, goodsClip_); break; } i++; } } onMoneyChanged(); } function updateGoods() { } function updateClothers() { } function loadGoods() { if (loadNewGoods_ == true) { var goodsXML = Game.gameXMLs["goods.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[0]; var objNum = 0; while (objNum < goodsXML.childNodes.length) { var aItem = new ShopGood(); var k = 0; while (k < goodsXML.childNodes[objNum].childNodes[IND_GAMEDATA].length) { aItem.gameDatas_.push(goodsXML.childNodes[objNum].childNodes[IND_GAMEDATA].childNodes[k]); k++; } aItem.create(parentGame_, goodsXML.childNodes[objNum].childNodes[IND_SHOPDATA]); goodsArray_.push(aItem); objNum++; } loadNewGoods_ = false; } } function loadItems() { if (loadNew_ == true) { switch (collectionNum_) { case 1 : var contentXML = Game.gameXMLs["items.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[0]; var groups = 0; while (groups < contentXML.childNodes.length) { var group = contentXML.childNodes[groups]; var objNum = 0; while (objNum < group.childNodes.length) { var aItem = new ShopItem(); aItem.create(parentGame_, group.childNodes[objNum]); clothersArray_.push(aItem); objNum++; } groups++; } if (collectionNum_ == 1) { defClothersArray_[1] = clothersArray_[2]; defClothersArray_[2] = clothersArray_[1]; defClothersArray_[5] = clothersArray_[1]; defClothersArray_[6] = clothersArray_[2]; } else { defClothersArray_[1] = clothersArray_[3]; defClothersArray_[2] = clothersArray_[1]; defClothersArray_[5] = clothersArray_[1]; defClothersArray_[6] = clothersArray_[0]; } updateMN(true); updateMN(false); break; case 2 : var contentXML = Game.gameXMLs["items.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[1]; var groups = 0; for(;;){ if (groups >= contentXML.childNodes.length) { break; } var group = contentXML.childNodes[groups]; var objNum = 0; while (objNum < group.childNodes.length) { var aItem = new ShopItem(); aItem.create(parentGame_, group.childNodes[objNum]); clothersArray_.push(aItem); objNum++; } groups++; }; } loadNew_ = false; } } static var GPREVIEW_WIDTH = 287; static var GPREVIEW_HEIGHT = 217; static var GPREVIEW_X = 38; static var GPREVIEW_Y = 20; static var IND_SHOPDATA = 0; static var IND_GAMEDATA = 1; static var defClothersArray_ = new Array(10); static var previewArr = new Array(); }
Symbol 508 MovieClip [__Packages.ShopGood] Frame 0
class ShopGood { var sold_, locked_, tipName_, parentGame_, price_, image_, gameNames_, gameXMLs_, gameXs_, gameYs_, gameDatas_; function ShopGood () { } function set sold(aVal) { sold_ = aVal; //return(sold); } function get sold() { return(sold_); } function set locked(aVal) { locked_ = aVal; //return(locked); } function get locked() { return(locked_); } function create(parentGame, aNode) { tipName_ = "tip" + aNode.childNodes[0].attributes.image; locked_ = false; parentGame_ = parentGame; price_ = Number(; image_ = SpriteFactory.getSharedBitmap(aNode.childNodes[0]); sold_ = false; gameNames_ = new Array(); gameXMLs_ = new Array(); gameXs_ = new Array(); gameYs_ = new Array(); var k = 0; while (k < aNode.childNodes[GAMEDATAIND].childNodes.length) { gameXMLs_.push(aNode.childNodes[GAMEDATAIND].childNodes[k].attributes.gamexml); gameXs_.push(Number(aNode.childNodes[GAMEDATAIND].childNodes[k].attributes.gameX)); gameYs_.push(Number(aNode.childNodes[GAMEDATAIND].childNodes[k].attributes.gameY)); gameNames_.push(aNode.childNodes[GAMEDATAIND].childNodes[k].attributes.gameName); k++; } gameDatas_ = new Array(); } static var GAMEDATAIND = 1; }
Symbol 509 MovieClip [__Packages.ShopItem] Frame 0
class ShopItem { var sold_, selected_, tipName_, parentGame_, type_, sex_, score_, price_, yoffset_cnv_, image_, name_, male_image_, female_image_, male_active_, fem_active_, mnMaleXpos_, mnMaleYpos_, mnFmaleXpos_, mnFmaleYpos_, mnSelMaleXpos_, mnSelMaleYpos_, mnSelFemaleXpos_, mnSelFemaleYpos_, gamexml_; function ShopItem () { } function set sold(aVal) { sold_ = aVal; //return(sold); } function get sold() { return(sold_); } function set selected(aval) { selected_ = aval; //return(selected); } function get selected() { return(selected_); } function create(parentGame, aNode) { tipName_ = "tip" + aNode.childNodes[0].attributes.image; selected_ = false; parentGame_ = parentGame; type_ = Number(aNode.attributes.type); sex_ = Number(; score_ = Number(aNode.attributes.score); price_ = Number(; var itemImage = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("shop_item"); var clover = SpriteFactory.getSharedBitmap(aNode.childNodes[0]); yoffset_cnv_ = 0; if (aNode.childNodes[0].attributes.ypos != undefined) { yoffset_cnv_ = Number(aNode.childNodes[0].attributes.ypos); } itemImage.copyPixels(clover, clover.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point((itemImage.width / 2) - (clover.width / 2), 10 + yoffset_cnv_)); image_ = itemImage; name_ = aNode.attributes.image; male_image_ = SpriteFactory.getSharedBitmap(aNode.childNodes[1]); female_image_ = SpriteFactory.getSharedBitmap(aNode.childNodes[2]); male_active_ = SpriteFactory.getSharedBitmap(aNode.childNodes[3]); fem_active_ = SpriteFactory.getSharedBitmap(aNode.childNodes[4]); sold_ = false; mnMaleXpos_ = Number(aNode.attributes.mnmalexpos); mnMaleYpos_ = Number(aNode.attributes.mnmaleypos); mnFmaleXpos_ = Number(aNode.attributes.mnfmalexpos); mnFmaleYpos_ = Number(aNode.attributes.mnfmaleypos); mnSelMaleXpos_ = Number(aNode.attributes.mnselmalexpos); mnSelMaleYpos_ = Number(aNode.attributes.mnselmaleypos); mnSelFemaleXpos_ = Number(aNode.attributes.mnselfmalexpos); mnSelFemaleYpos_ = Number(aNode.attributes.mnselfmaleypos); gamexml_ = aNode.attributes.gamexml; } static var TYPE_UP = 1; static var TYPE_DOWN = 2; static var TYPE_BOOTS = 3; static var TYPE_CAPS = 4; static var TYPE_BAGS = 5; static var SEX_MAN = 1; static var SEX_UNI = 2; static var SEX_WMAN = 3; }
Symbol 510 MovieClip [__Packages.MenuItem] Frame 0
class MenuItem extends MovieClip { var parentBase_, bdArray_, type_, createTextField, rCode_, attachBitmap; function MenuItem () { super(); } function create(itXML, parentBase) { parentBase_ = parentBase; bdArray_ = new Array(); if (!(itXML.attributes.type === "button")) { } else { type_ = itXML.attributes.type; if (itXML.attributes.text != undefined) { var aTextField = createTextField("btnText", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); aTextField.text = Game.Translate(itXML.attributes.text); TextStyles.setFieldStyle(TextStyles.FSTYLE_INACT_CNTR, aTextField); aTextField.setTextFormat(TextStyles.txtStyleGameMenuBtn); } rCode_ = itXML.attributes.rcode; var i = 0; while (i < itXML.childNodes[IND_STATES].childNodes.length) { bdArray_[itXML.childNodes[IND_STATES].childNodes[i].nodeName] = createBtnState(itXML.childNodes[IND_STATES].childNodes[i]); i++; } } } function createBtnState(stateXML) { switch (stateXML.attributes.gtype) { case "autofill3" : var btnWidth = Number(stateXML.attributes.width); var leftSource = SpriteFactory.getSharedBitmap(stateXML.childNodes[0]); var rightSource = SpriteFactory.getSharedBitmap(stateXML.childNodes[1]); var centerSource = SpriteFactory.getSharedBitmap(stateXML.childNodes[2]); var centerWidth = (btnWidth - (leftSource.width * 2)); var sideWidth = leftSource.width; var retBmp = (new flash.display.BitmapData(btnWidth, leftSource.height, true, 0)); retBmp.copyPixels(leftSource, leftSource.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); var i = sideWidth; while (i < (centerWidth + sideWidth)) { retBmp.copyPixels(centerSource, centerSource.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(i, 0)); i++; } retBmp.copyPixels(rightSource, rightSource.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(i, 0)); return(retBmp); case "graphic" : var bodySource = SpriteFactory.getSharedBitmap(stateXML.childNodes[0]); var retBmp = (new flash.display.BitmapData(bodySource.width, bodySource.height, true, 0)); retBmp.copyPixels(bodySource, bodySource.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); attachBitmap(retBmp, 0); return(retBmp); } return(undefined); } function addState(stateXML, aText) { } function drawIt(statename) { attachBitmap(bdArray_[statename], 0); } static var IND_STATES = 0; }
Symbol 511 MovieClip [__Packages.BtnArrow] Frame 0
class BtnArrow extends MovieClip { var frame_, currBitmap_, bitmap_, frameHeight_, attachBitmap; function BtnArrow () { super(); } function set frame(aVal) { frame_ = aVal; currBitmap_.copyPixels(bitmap_, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, frameHeight_ * Math.floor((frame_ % 10) - 1), bitmap_.width, frameHeight_), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); attachBitmap(currBitmap_, 0); //return(frame); } function get frame() { return(frame_); } function create() { bitmap_ = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("baraban_arrow_anim"); frameHeight_ = bitmap_.height / 10; currBitmap_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(bitmap_.width, frameHeight_, true, 0); frame = (1); } }
Symbol 512 MovieClip [__Packages.SimpleAnim] Frame 0
class SimpleAnim extends MovieClip { var currFrame_, mpYOffset_, _y, data_, frames_, playTime_, loops_, srcBitmap_, looptype_, startingFrame_, frameWidth_, frameHeight_, frameBitmap_, attachBitmap, posCorner_, xPos_, yPos_, _x, _width; function SimpleAnim () { super(); } function set currFrame(aNumber) { drawFrame(aNumber); //return(currFrame); } function get currFrame() { return(currFrame_); } function getMPY() { return(_y + mpYOffset_); } function createByXML(aXML, parentGame_) { data_ = new Array(); frames_ = Number(aXML.firstChild.attributes.frames); playTime_ = Number(aXML.firstChild.attributes.playtime); loops_ = Number(aXML.firstChild.attributes.loops); srcBitmap_ = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(aXML.firstChild.attributes.bitmap_); looptype_ = Number(aXML.firstChild.attributes.looptype); startingFrame_ = Number(aXML.firstChild.attributes.startingframe); mpYOffset_ = Number(aXML.firstChild.attributes.mpy); currFrame_ = -1; frameWidth_ = srcBitmap_.width; frameHeight_ = srcBitmap_.height / frames_; frameBitmap_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(frameWidth_, frameHeight_, true, 0); attachBitmap(frameBitmap_, FRAMEBMPDEPTH); drawFrame(startingFrame_); switch (aXML.firstChild.attributes.poscorner) { case "ra" : posCorner_ = CORNERRA; break; case "la" : posCorner_ = CORNERLA; } xPos_ = Number(aXML.firstChild.attributes.xpos); yPos_ = Number(aXML.firstChild.attributes.ypos); setPosition(xPos_, yPos_); } function get yPos() { return(yPos_); } function get xPos() { return(xPos_); } function set xPos(aVal) { switch (posCorner_) { case CORNERRA : _x = aVal - _width; xPos_ = aVal; break; case CORNERLA : _x = aVal; xPos_ = aVal; } //return(xPos); } function set yPos(aVal) { switch (posCorner_) { case CORNERRA : case CORNERLA : _y = aVal; yPos_ = aVal; } //return(yPos); } function setPosition(x, y) { switch (posCorner_) { case CORNERRA : _x = x - _width; _y = y; return; case CORNERLA : xPos = (x); yPos = (y); _x = x; _y = y; } } function drawFrame(aNumber) { if (currFrame_ != Math.abs(Math.floor(aNumber))) { currFrame_ = Math.abs(Math.floor(aNumber)); frameBitmap_.colorTransform(frameBitmap_.rectangle, Game.transparent_); frameBitmap_.copyPixels(srcBitmap_, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, currFrame_ * frameHeight_, frameWidth_, frameHeight_), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); setPosition(xPos_, yPos_); } } function nextCycle() { currFrame = (-1); playCycle(); } function playCycle() { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "currFrame", [frames_ - 1], playTime_, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0, {scope:this, func:"nextCycle"}); } function playForward(startFrame, endFrame, playTime) { if (startFrame == undefined) { startFrame = currFrame_; } if (endFrame == undefined) { endFrame = frames_ - 1; } if (playTime == undefined) { playTime = playTime_; } com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "currFrame", [frames_ - 1], playTime_, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0); } function playBack(startFrame, endFrame, playTime) { if (startFrame == undefined) { startFrame = currFrame_; } if (endFrame == undefined) { endFrame = frames_ - 1; } if (playTime == undefined) { playTime = playTime_; } com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "currFrame", [0], playTime_, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0); } static var LOOP_FWD_BACK = 0; static var FRAMEBMPDEPTH = 10; static var CORNERRA = 0; static var CORNERLA = 1; }
Symbol 513 MovieClip [__Packages.LoadingMenu] Frame 0
class LoadingMenu extends MovieClip { var barValue_, loadingBitmap_, currBitmap_, loadingBar_, gamePlay_, enabled, parentGame_, lblScore, edtScore, lblGoal, edtGoal, lblPressAnyKey, createEmptyMovieClip, getNextHighestDepth, lblDay, _width, lblHelp; function LoadingMenu () { super(); } function set barValue(aVal) { barValue_ = aVal; var bitmapWidth = ((loadingBitmap_.width / 100) * aVal); currBitmap_.copyPixels(loadingBitmap_, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, bitmapWidth, loadingBitmap_.height), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); loadingBar_.attachBitmap(currBitmap_, 0); //return(barValue); } function get barValue() { return(barValue_); } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; if (gamePlay_ == false) { enabled = false; } //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function barUpd() { if ((barValue >= 1) && (parentGame_.programState_ == Game.PST_LOADING_LEVEL)) { if ((Game.levelNum_ == 1) && (Game.RESTARTED == false)) { parentGame_.programState_ = Game.PST_CREATING_OBJS; } else { parentGame_.programState_ = Game.PST_CREATING_BOUGHT; prepareLevel(); } } } function prepareLevel() { var mebCount = 0; while (true) { if (Game.gameXMLs["levels.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[Game.levelNum_ - 1].attributes["meb" + mebCount] != undefined) { Game.GAMEINSTANCE.registerMebel(Game.gameXMLs["levels.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[Game.levelNum_ - 1].attributes["meb" + mebCount], Game.gameXMLs["levels.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[Game.levelNum_ - 1].attributes["meb" + mebCount] + ".xml"); } else { break; } mebCount++; } var fusesArr = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Fuse.getInstances(); var i = fusesArr.length; while (i > -1) { fusesArr[i].destroy(); delete fusesArr[i]; i--; } var actCount = 0; var priceAll = 0; var maxCustomers = Number(Game.gameXMLs["levels.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[Game.levelNum_ - 1].attributes.clients); if (Game.objsToCreate.sofa_leftd._name != undefined) { maxCustomers++; } if (Game.objsToCreate.sofa_rightd._name != undefined) { maxCustomers++; } Game.timeOutTime = 0; Game.closed_ = false; var mcustarray = new Array(); var fcustarray = new Array(); for (var key in Game.custNmsDomain) { if (key.indexOf("wwdog") != -1) { fcustarray.push(Game.objsToCreate[key]); } else if (key.indexOf("lover") != -1) { mcustarray.push(Game.objsToCreate[key]); } } var allCastArray = new Array(); var i = 0; while (i < fcustarray.length) { allCastArray.push(fcustarray[i]); allCastArray.push(mcustarray[i]); i++; } var i = 0; while (i < allCastArray.length) { if (actCount < maxCustomers) { var priceVal = Game.GAMEINSTANCE.generateCustActions(allCastArray[i]); priceAll = priceAll + priceVal; actCount++; } i++; } Game.objsToCreate.hero.createActionFuse(); lblScore = Game.Translate("MENU_SCORE"); edtScore = Game.totalScore_; lblGoal = Game.Translate("MENU_GOAL"); if (Game.levelNum_ != 1) { edtGoal = priceAll; Game.goalVal_ = priceAll; } else { Game.goalVal_ = 15; } } function barDone() { lblPressAnyKey = Game.Translate("PRESS_LEFT_BUTTON"); if ((Game.levelNum_ == 1) && (Game.RESTARTED == false)) { prepareLevel(); } Game.RESTARTED = false; } function create(aGame) { parentGame_ = aGame; loadingBar_ = createEmptyMovieClip("aBar", getNextHighestDepth()); loadingBar_._x = 186; loadingBar_._y = 401; loadingBitmap_ = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("bar_complete"); currBitmap_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(loadingBitmap_.width, loadingBitmap_.height, true, 0); barValue = (0); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "barValue", [100], 5, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0, {scope:this, updfunc:"barUpd", func:"barDone"}); lblScore = Game.Translate("MENU_SCORE"); edtScore = Game.totalScore_; lblDay = Game.Translate("MENU_DAY"); if (Game.levelNum_ == 1) { lblGoal = Game.Translate("MENU_GOAL"); } var hintClip = createEmptyMovieClip("hintClip", getNextHighestDepth()); var bmpName = Game.gameXMLs["levels.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[Game.levelNum_ - 1].attributes.tip; if (bmpName == undefined) { bmpName = Game.gameXMLs["levels.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[0].attributes.tip; } hintClip.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(bmpName), 0); hintClip._y = 325 - hintClip._height; hintClip._x = (_width / 2) - (hintClip._width / 2); lblHelp = Game.Translate("HELP" + bmpName); } }
Symbol 514 MovieClip [__Packages.GameMenu] Frame 0
class GameMenu extends MovieClip { var tbWidth_, tbBitmap_, tbSource_, gamePlay_, enabled, menuBase_, mcTimeBar_, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth, createEmptyMovieClip, lblDay, lblMoney, lblGoal; function GameMenu () { super(); } function set tbWidth(aVal) { tbWidth_ = aVal; tbBitmap_.copyPixels(tbSource_, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, tbWidth_, tbSource_.height), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); //return(tbWidth); } function get tbWidth() { return(tbWidth_); } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; if (gamePlay_ == false) { enabled = false; var i = 0; while (i < menuBase_.menuItArr_.length) { MenuBase.enableItem(menuBase_.menuItArr_[i]); i++; } } //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function onTimeOut() { Game.onTimeOut(); } function runTimeBar(maxTime) { tbBitmap_ = new flash.display.BitmapData(tbSource_.width, tbSource_.height, true, 0); mcTimeBar_.attachBitmap(tbBitmap_, 0); tbWidth = (0); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.removeTween(this, "tbWidth"); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "tbWidth", [tbSource_.width], maxTime, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0, {scope:this, func:"onTimeOut"}); } function create(aGame) { parentGame_ = aGame; menuBase_ = new MenuBase(); menuBase_.create(this, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth(), Game.gameXMLs["gameMenu.xml"]); mcTimeBar_ = createEmptyMovieClip("TimeBar", getNextHighestDepth()); tbSource_ = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("timebar"); mcTimeBar_._x = 192; mcTimeBar_._y = 4; lblDay = Game.Translate("GAME_DAY"); lblMoney = Game.Translate("GAME_MONEY"); lblGoal = Game.Translate("GAME_GOAL"); } }
Symbol 515 MovieClip [__Packages.InGameMenu] Frame 0
class InGameMenu extends MovieClip { var gamePlay_, enabled, menuBase_, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth; function InGameMenu () { super(); } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; if (gamePlay_ == false) { enabled = false; var i = 0; while (i < menuBase_.menuItArr_.length) { MenuBase.enableItem(menuBase_.menuItArr_[i]); i++; } } //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function create(aGame) { gamePlay = (true); parentGame_ = aGame; menuBase_ = new MenuBase(); menuBase_.create(this, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth(), Game.gameXMLs["inGameMenu.xml"]); } }
Symbol 516 MovieClip [__Packages.Menu_Player] Frame 0
class Menu_Player extends MovieClip { var gamePlay_, enabled, toDisable_, parentGame_, menuBase_, getNextHighestDepth, inpPlayer, lblEnterName; function Menu_Player () { super(); } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; if (gamePlay_ == false) { enabled = false; } //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function create(aGame, toDisable) { toDisable_ = toDisable; parentGame_ = aGame; menuBase_ = new MenuBase(); menuBase_.create(this, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth(), Game.gameXMLs["MenuPlayer.xml"]); inpPlayer.onSetFocus(); lblEnterName = Game.Translate("MENU_ENTER_YOUR_NAME"); } }
Symbol 517 MovieClip [__Packages.EndGameMenu] Frame 0
class EndGameMenu extends MovieClip { var gamePlay_, enabled, parentGame_, menuBase_, getNextHighestDepth, lblScore, lblTotalMoney, lblCongratulate, edtScore, edtMoney, lblCongrText, lblinFull; function EndGameMenu () { super(); } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; if (gamePlay_ == false) { enabled = false; } //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function create(aGame) { parentGame_ = aGame; parentGame_ = aGame; menuBase_ = new MenuBase(); menuBase_.create(this, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth(), Game.gameXMLs["endGameMenu.xml"]); lblScore = Game.Translate("MENU_SCORE"); lblTotalMoney = Game.Translate("MENU_MONEY"); lblCongratulate = Game.Translate("MENU_CONGRATE"); edtScore = Game.totalScore_; edtMoney = Game.totalMoney_; lblCongrText = Game.Translate("MENU_GETFULL_TEXT"); lblinFull = Game.Translate("MENU_INFULL"); } }
Symbol 518 MovieClip [__Packages.SureMenu] Frame 0
class SureMenu extends MovieClip { var gamePlay_, enabled, menuBase_, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth, toDisable_, sureText; function SureMenu () { super(); } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; if (gamePlay_ == false) { enabled = false; var i = 0; while (i < menuBase_.menuItArr_.length) { MenuBase.enableItem(menuBase_.menuItArr_[i]); i++; } } //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function create(aGame, toDisable, tryAgain) { gamePlay = (true); parentGame_ = aGame; menuBase_ = new MenuBase(); menuBase_.create(this, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth(), Game.gameXMLs["suremenu.xml"]); toDisable_ = toDisable; if (tryAgain == true) { menuBase_.menuItArr_[0].rCode_ = "TRY_OK"; menuBase_.menuItArr_[1].rCode_ = "TRY_CANCEL"; sureText = Game.Translate("MENU_DO_YOU_SURE_RESTART"); } else { sureText = Game.Translate("MENU_YOU_SURE_EXIT"); } } }
Symbol 519 MovieClip [__Packages.MainMap] Frame 0
class MainMap extends MovieClip { var gamePlay_, enabled, createEmptyMovieClip, getNextHighestDepth, parentGame_, menuBase_; function MainMap () { super(); } function set gamePlay(aVal) { gamePlay_ = aVal; if (gamePlay_ == false) { enabled = false; } //return(gamePlay); } function get gamePlay() { return(gamePlay_); } function wayUpd(mc) { mc._x = mc.xpoint - (mc._width / 2); mc._y = mc.ypoint - (mc._height / 2); } function brightDown(mc) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(mc, "_brightness, _width, _height", [0, 28, 29], 0.5, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0, {scope:this, func:"animateWay", args:mc, updfunc:"wayUpd", updargs:mc}); } function animateWay(mc) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(mc, "_brightness,_width,_height", [50, 24, 25], 0.5, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.linear, 0, {scope:this, func:"brightDown", args:mc, updfunc:"wayUpd", updargs:mc}); } function showWay() { var i = 1; while (i < 16) { var xpoint = Number(Game.gameXMLs["levels.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[i - 1].attributes.starx); var ypoint = Number(Game.gameXMLs["levels.xml"].firstChild.childNodes[i - 1].attributes.stary); var wayClip = createEmptyMovieClip("way" + i, getNextHighestDepth()); wayClip.xpoint = xpoint; wayClip.ypoint = ypoint; if (i <= Game.levelNum_) { wayClip.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("way2"), 0); } else { wayClip.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("way"), 0); } wayClip._x = xpoint - (wayClip._width / 2); wayClip._y = ypoint - (wayClip._height / 2); if (i == Game.levelNum_) { animateWay(wayClip); } i++; } } function create(aGame) { parentGame_ = aGame; menuBase_ = new MenuBase(); menuBase_.create(this, parentGame_, getNextHighestDepth(), Game.gameXMLs["mainMap.xml"]); showWay(); } }
Symbol 520 MovieClip [__Packages.mcTip] Frame 0
class mcTip extends MovieClip { var _x, _y, lblHint, exitProc_, exitProcScope_, hlPos_, createEmptyMovieClip, pointA, Point; function mcTip () { super(); } function setPos(xpos, ypos) { _x = xpos; _y = ypos; } static function arrowTween(aClip) { aClip._x = 85; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(aClip, "_x", [75], 1, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing.easeOutBounce, 0, {scope:mcTip, func:"arrowTween", args:aClip}); } function create(nextFunction, scope, args, hlPos, thisPos) { lblHint = Game.Translate("MENU_HIDEHINT"); exitProc_ = nextFunction; exitProcScope_ = scope; hlPos_ = hlPos; var hLite = createEmptyMovieClip("hLite", -1); var hlData = (new flash.display.BitmapData(75, 75, true, 0)); var transformMatrix = (new flash.geom.Matrix()); transformMatrix.translate(-(thisPos.x + hlPos.x), -(thisPos.y + hlPos.y)); hlData.draw(Game.GAMEINSTANCE.gameClip_, transformMatrix); hLite._x = hlPos.x; hLite._y = hlPos.y; var hArrow = hLite.createEmptyMovieClip("mcArrow", 100); hArrow.attachBitmap(flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("arrow"), hArrow.getNextHighestDepth()); hArrow._y = 25; Game.pauseGame(); arrowTween(hArrow); hLite.onPress = function () { if (this._parent.pointA._visible == false) { Game.disableTips(); } Game.resumeGame(); this._parent.exitProcScope_[this._parent.exitProc_].call(this._parent.exitProcScope_, this._parent.exitprocScopeArgs_); delete hLite.onPress; this._parent.removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); }; pointA.onPress = function () { this._visible = false; this._parent.lblHint = Game.Translate("MENU_SHOWHINT"); }; Point.onPress = function () { this._parent.pointA._visible = true; this._parent.lblHint = Game.Translate("MENU_HIDEHINT"); }; return(hlData); } }
Symbol 81 MovieClip [Customer] Frame 1
#initclip 79 Object.registerClass("Customer", Customer); #endinitclip
Symbol 82 MovieClip [Game] Frame 1
#initclip 55 Object.registerClass("Game", Game); #endinitclip
Symbol 83 MovieClip [Mebel] Frame 1
#initclip 56 Object.registerClass("Mebel", Mebel); #endinitclip
Symbol 84 MovieClip [Hero] Frame 1
#initclip 57 Object.registerClass("Hero", Hero); #endinitclip
Symbol 85 MovieClip [Stoika] Frame 1
#initclip 58 Object.registerClass("Stoika", Stoika); #endinitclip
Symbol 94 MovieClip [Shop] Frame 1
#initclip 59 Object.registerClass("Shop", Shop); #endinitclip
Symbol 95 MovieClip [MenuItem] Frame 1
#initclip 60 Object.registerClass("MenuItem", MenuItem); #endinitclip
Symbol 97 MovieClip [GameClother] Frame 1
#initclip 61 Object.registerClass("GameClother", GameClother); #endinitclip
Symbol 98 MovieClip [BtnArrow] Frame 1
#initclip 62 Object.registerClass("BtnArrow", BtnArrow); #endinitclip
Symbol 101 MovieClip [Cloud] Frame 1
#initclip 63 Object.registerClass("Cloud", Cloud); #endinitclip
Symbol 102 MovieClip [CarryClip] Frame 1
#initclip 64 Object.registerClass("CarryClip", CarryClip); #endinitclip
Symbol 103 MovieClip [SimpleAnim] Frame 1
#initclip 65 Object.registerClass("SimpleAnim", SimpleAnim); #endinitclip
Symbol 106 MovieClip [MainMenu] Frame 1
#initclip 66 Object.registerClass("MainMenu", MainMenu); #endinitclip
Symbol 118 MovieClip [LoadingMenu] Frame 1
#initclip 67 Object.registerClass("LoadingMenu", LoadingMenu); #endinitclip
Symbol 123 MovieClip [Menu_Options] Frame 1
#initclip 68 Object.registerClass("Menu_Options", Menu_Options); #endinitclip
Symbol 133 MovieClip [GameMenu] Frame 1
#initclip 69 Object.registerClass("GameMenu", GameMenu); #endinitclip
Symbol 135 MovieClip [InGameMenu] Frame 1
#initclip 70 Object.registerClass("InGameMenu", InGameMenu); #endinitclip
Symbol 155 MovieClip [InterLevelMenu] Frame 1
#initclip 71 Object.registerClass("InterLevelMenu", InterLevelMenu); #endinitclip
Symbol 162 MovieClip [Menu_Player] Frame 1
#initclip 72 Object.registerClass("Menu_Player", Menu_Player); #endinitclip
Symbol 171 MovieClip [EndGameMenu] Frame 1
#initclip 73 Object.registerClass("EndGameMenu", EndGameMenu); #endinitclip
Symbol 172 MovieClip [mcBonus] Frame 1
#initclip 74 Object.registerClass("mcBonus", mcBonus); #endinitclip
Symbol 175 MovieClip [SureMenu] Frame 1
#initclip 75 Object.registerClass("SureMenu", SureMenu); #endinitclip
Symbol 176 MovieClip [mc_ADS] Frame 1
#initclip 76 Object.registerClass("mc_ADS", mc_ADS); #endinitclip
Symbol 259 MovieClip [MainMap] Frame 1
#initclip 77 Object.registerClass("MainMap", MainMap); #endinitclip
Symbol 426 MovieClip [mcTip] Frame 1
#initclip 78 Object.registerClass("mcTip", mcTip); #endinitclip
Symbol 463 MovieClip Frame 1

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [sndhello_female1]Used by:463
Symbol 2 Bitmap [mark_ok]Used by:364
Symbol 3 Bitmap [first_progress]Used by:466
Symbol 4 Bitmap [first]Used by:5 364 466
Symbol 5 GraphicUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 467 MovieClip [__Packages.Helper]
Symbol 468 MovieClip [__Packages.Game]
Symbol 469 MovieClip [__Packages.Map]
Symbol 470 MovieClip []
Symbol 471 MovieClip []
Symbol 472 MovieClip []
Symbol 473 MovieClip []
Symbol 474 MovieClip [__Packages.Fx]
Symbol 475 MovieClip []
Symbol 476 MovieClip []
Symbol 477 MovieClip []
Symbol 478 MovieClip []
Symbol 479 MovieClip []
Symbol 480 MovieClip []
Symbol 481 MovieClip []
Symbol 482 MovieClip [__Packages.IDrawAble]
Symbol 483 MovieClip [__Packages.Cloud]
Symbol 484 MovieClip [__Packages.Customer]
Symbol 485 MovieClip [__Packages.States]
Symbol 486 MovieClip [__Packages.AnimObject]
Symbol 487 MovieClip [__Packages.AnimStates]
Symbol 488 MovieClip [__Packages.AnimState]
Symbol 489 MovieClip [__Packages.SpriteFactory]
Symbol 490 MovieClip [__Packages.XSprite]
Symbol 491 MovieClip [__Packages.TransitionAnim]
Symbol 492 MovieClip [__Packages.Stoika]
Symbol 493 MovieClip [__Packages.GameClother]
Symbol 494 MovieClip [__Packages.CarryClip]
Symbol 495 MovieClip [__Packages.Mebel]
Symbol 496 MovieClip [__Packages.TextStyles]
Symbol 497 MovieClip [__Packages.InterLevelMenu]
Symbol 498 MovieClip [__Packages.MenuBase]
Symbol 499 MovieClip [__Packages.MainMenu]
Symbol 500 MovieClip [__Packages.Menu_Options]
Symbol 501 MovieClip [__Packages.mc_ADS]
Symbol 502 MovieClip [__Packages.MochiAd]
Symbol 503 MovieClip [__Packages.mcBonus]
Symbol 504 MovieClip [__Packages.XMLFactory]
Symbol 505 MovieClip [__Packages.Pathfinding]
Symbol 506 MovieClip [__Packages.Hero]
Symbol 507 MovieClip [__Packages.Shop]
Symbol 508 MovieClip [__Packages.ShopGood]
Symbol 509 MovieClip [__Packages.ShopItem]
Symbol 510 MovieClip [__Packages.MenuItem]
Symbol 511 MovieClip [__Packages.BtnArrow]
Symbol 512 MovieClip [__Packages.SimpleAnim]
Symbol 513 MovieClip [__Packages.LoadingMenu]
Symbol 514 MovieClip [__Packages.GameMenu]
Symbol 515 MovieClip [__Packages.InGameMenu]
Symbol 516 MovieClip [__Packages.Menu_Player]
Symbol 517 MovieClip [__Packages.EndGameMenu]
Symbol 518 MovieClip [__Packages.SureMenu]
Symbol 519 MovieClip [__Packages.MainMap]
Symbol 520 MovieClip [__Packages.mcTip]
Symbol 6 Bitmap [Hero_CleansCouch]Used by:79
Symbol 7 Bitmap [_Hero_CleansCouch]Used by:79
Symbol 8 Bitmap [loverBoy_Walk_Side]Used by:79
Symbol 9 Bitmap [loverBoy_Walk_FrontSide]Used by:79
Symbol 10 Bitmap [loverBoy_Walk_Front]Used by:79
Symbol 11 Bitmap [loverBoy_Walk_BackSide]Used by:79
Symbol 12 Bitmap [loverBoy_Walk_Back]Used by:79
Symbol 13 Bitmap [loverBoy_Stand_Joy]Used by:79
Symbol 14 Bitmap [loverBoy_Stand_Breath]Used by:79
Symbol 15 Bitmap [loverBoy_Sit_Idle]Used by:79
Symbol 16 Bitmap [loverBoy_Sit_Breath]Used by:79
Symbol 17 Bitmap [_loverBoy_Walk_Side]Used by:79
Symbol 18 Bitmap [_loverBoy_Walk_FrontSide]Used by:79
Symbol 19 Bitmap [_loverBoy_Walk_Front]Used by:79
Symbol 20 Bitmap [_loverBoy_Walk_BackSide]Used by:79
Symbol 21 Bitmap [_loverBoy_Walk_Back]Used by:79
Symbol 22 Bitmap [_loverBoy_Stand_Breath]Used by:79
Symbol 23 Bitmap [_loverBoy_Sit_Idle]Used by:79
Symbol 24 Bitmap [_loverBoy_Sit_CheckingClothBox]Used by:79
Symbol 25 Bitmap [_loverBoy_Sit_Breath]Used by:79
Symbol 26 Bitmap [baraban_arrow_anim]Used by:79
Symbol 27 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_Side]Used by:79
Symbol 28 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_FrontSide]Used by:79
Symbol 29 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_Front]Used by:79
Symbol 30 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_BackSide]Used by:79
Symbol 31 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_Back]Used by:79
Symbol 32 Bitmap [Hero_P1_PickUp]Used by:79
Symbol 33 Bitmap [Hero_Breath]Used by:79
Symbol 34 Bitmap [Hero_P1_Act1]Used by:79
Symbol 35 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_S_RH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 36 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_S_LH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 37 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_FS_RH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 38 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_FS_LH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 39 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_F_RH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 40 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_F_LH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 41 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_BS_RH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 42 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_BS_LH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 43 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_B_RH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 44 Bitmap [Hero_Walk_B_LH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 45 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_S_RH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 46 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_S_LH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 47 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_FS_RH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 48 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_FS_LH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 49 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_F_RH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 50 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_F_LH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 51 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_BS_RH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 52 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_BS_LH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 53 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_B_RH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 54 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_B_LH_Free]Used by:79
Symbol 55 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_Side]Used by:79
Symbol 56 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_FrontSide]Used by:79
Symbol 57 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_Front]Used by:79
Symbol 58 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_BackSide]Used by:79
Symbol 59 Bitmap [_Hero_Walk_Back]Used by:79
Symbol 60 Bitmap [_Hero_P1_PickUp]Used by:79
Symbol 61 Bitmap [_Hero_Breath]Used by:79
Symbol 62 Bitmap [_Hero_P1_Act1]Used by:79
Symbol 63 Bitmap [wwDog_Walk_Side]Used by:79
Symbol 64 Bitmap [wwDog_Walk_FrontSide]Used by:79
Symbol 65 Bitmap [wwDog_Walk_Front]Used by:79
Symbol 66 Bitmap [wwDog_Walk_BackSide]Used by:79
Symbol 67 Bitmap [wwDog_Walk_Back]Used by:79
Symbol 68 Bitmap [wwDog_Stand_Joy]Used by:79
Symbol 69 Bitmap [wwDog_Stand_Breath]Used by:79
Symbol 70 Bitmap [wwDog_Sit_Joy]Used by:79
Symbol 71 Bitmap [wwDog_Sit_Breath]Used by:79
Symbol 72 Bitmap [_wwDog_Walk_Side]Used by:79
Symbol 73 Bitmap [_wwDog_Walk_FrontSide]Used by:79
Symbol 74 Bitmap [_wwDog_Walk_Front]Used by:79
Symbol 75 Bitmap [_wwDog_Walk_BackSide]Used by:79
Symbol 76 Bitmap [_wwDog_Walk_Back]Used by:79
Symbol 77 Bitmap [_wwDog_Stand_Breath]Used by:79
Symbol 78 Bitmap [_wwDog_Sit_Breath]Used by:79
Symbol 79 GraphicUses:6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78Used by:80
Symbol 80 MovieClipUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 81 MovieClip [Customer]Used by:177
Symbol 82 MovieClip [Game]Used by:177
Symbol 83 MovieClip [Mebel]Used by:177
Symbol 84 MovieClip [Hero]Used by:177
Symbol 85 MovieClip [Stoika]Used by:177
Symbol 86 BitmapUsed by:87
Symbol 87 GraphicUses:86Used by:94
Symbol 88 FontUsed by:89 90 91 92 93 115 121 122 127 128 129 130 131 132 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 160 161 165 174 391 424
Symbol 89 EditableTextUses:88Used by:94
Symbol 90 EditableTextUses:88Used by:94
Symbol 91 EditableTextUses:88Used by:94
Symbol 92 EditableTextUses:88Used by:94
Symbol 93 EditableTextUses:88Used by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClip [Shop]Uses:87 89 90 91 92 93Used by:177
Symbol 95 MovieClip [MenuItem]Used by:177
Symbol 96 MovieClip [ShopItem]Used by:177
Symbol 97 MovieClip [GameClother]Used by:177
Symbol 98 MovieClip [BtnArrow]Used by:177
Symbol 99 MovieClipUsed by:100
Symbol 100 MovieClip [Mark]Uses:99Used by:177
Symbol 101 MovieClip [Cloud]Used by:177
Symbol 102 MovieClip [CarryClip]Used by:177
Symbol 103 MovieClip [SimpleAnim]Used by:177
Symbol 104 Bitmap [main_back]Used by:105 364
Symbol 105 GraphicUses:104Used by:106
Symbol 106 MovieClip [MainMenu]Uses:105Used by:177
Symbol 107 BitmapUsed by:108 163
Symbol 108 GraphicUses:107Used by:118
Symbol 109 FontUsed by:110 111 112 113 114 116 117 164 166 167 168 169 170 392 425
Symbol 110 EditableTextUses:109Used by:118
Symbol 111 EditableTextUses:109Used by:118
Symbol 112 EditableTextUses:109Used by:118
Symbol 113 EditableTextUses:109Used by:118
Symbol 114 EditableTextUses:109Used by:118
Symbol 115 EditableTextUses:88Used by:118
Symbol 116 EditableTextUses:109Used by:118
Symbol 117 EditableTextUses:109Used by:118
Symbol 118 MovieClip [LoadingMenu]Uses:108 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117Used by:177
Symbol 119 BitmapUsed by:120 134 136 159 163 173
Symbol 120 GraphicUses:119Used by:123
Symbol 121 EditableTextUses:88Used by:123
Symbol 122 EditableTextUses:88Used by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClip [Menu_Options]Uses:120 121 122Used by:177
Symbol 124 BitmapUsed by:126
Symbol 125 BitmapUsed by:126
Symbol 126 GraphicUses:124 125Used by:133
Symbol 127 EditableTextUses:88Used by:133
Symbol 128 EditableTextUses:88Used by:133
Symbol 129 EditableTextUses:88Used by:133
Symbol 130 EditableTextUses:88Used by:133
Symbol 131 EditableTextUses:88Used by:133
Symbol 132 EditableTextUses:88Used by:133
Symbol 133 MovieClip [GameMenu]Uses:126 127 128 129 130 131 132Used by:177
Symbol 134 GraphicUses:119Used by:135
Symbol 135 MovieClip [InGameMenu]Uses:134Used by:177
Symbol 136 GraphicUses:119Used by:155
Symbol 137 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 138 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 139 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 140 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 141 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 142 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 143 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 144 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 145 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 146 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 147 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 148 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 149 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 150 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 151 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 152 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 153 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 154 EditableTextUses:88Used by:155
Symbol 155 MovieClip [InterLevelMenu]Uses:136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154Used by:177
Symbol 156 BitmapUsed by:158 258
Symbol 157 Bitmap [logotip]Used by:158
Symbol 158 GraphicUses:156 157Used by:177
Symbol 159 GraphicUses:119Used by:162
Symbol 160 EditableTextUses:88Used by:162
Symbol 161 EditableTextUses:88Used by:162
Symbol 162 MovieClip [Menu_Player]Uses:159 160 161Used by:177
Symbol 163 GraphicUses:119 107Used by:171
Symbol 164 EditableTextUses:109Used by:171
Symbol 165 EditableTextUses:88Used by:171
Symbol 166 EditableTextUses:109Used by:171
Symbol 167 EditableTextUses:109Used by:171
Symbol 168 EditableTextUses:109Used by:171
Symbol 169 EditableTextUses:109Used by:171
Symbol 170 EditableTextUses:109Used by:171
Symbol 171 MovieClip [EndGameMenu]Uses:163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170Used by:177
Symbol 172 MovieClip [mcBonus]Used by:177 463
Symbol 173 GraphicUses:119Used by:175
Symbol 174 EditableTextUses:88Used by:175
Symbol 175 MovieClip [SureMenu]Uses:173 174Used by:177
Symbol 176 MovieClip [mc_ADS]Used by:177
Symbol 177 MovieClipUses:81 82 83 84 85 94 95 96 97 98 100 101 102 103 106 118 123 133 135 155 158 162 171 172 175 176Used by:Timeline
Symbol 178 Bitmap [back_window]Used by:186
Symbol 179 Bitmap [window]Used by:186
Symbol 180 Bitmap [wall_right]Used by:186
Symbol 181 Bitmap [wall_left]Used by:186
Symbol 182 Bitmap [shelf]Used by:186
Symbol 183 Bitmap [reception]Used by:186
Symbol 184 Bitmap [floor]Used by:186
Symbol 185 Bitmap [column_left]Used by:186
Symbol 186 GraphicUses:178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185Used by:463
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:188
Symbol 188 MovieClip [sMoving]Uses:187Used by:463
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:190
Symbol 190 MovieClip [sMPY]Uses:189Used by:463
Symbol 191 Bitmap [con31_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 192 Bitmap [con31_a]Used by:257
Symbol 193 Bitmap [con31]Used by:257
Symbol 194 Bitmap [con30_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 195 Bitmap [con30_cnvr]Used by:257
Symbol 196 Bitmap [con30_a]Used by:257
Symbol 197 Bitmap [con30]Used by:257
Symbol 198 Bitmap [con29_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 199 Bitmap [con29_cnvr]Used by:257
Symbol 200 Bitmap [con29_a]Used by:257
Symbol 201 Bitmap [con29]Used by:257
Symbol 202 Bitmap [con25_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 203 Bitmap [con25_a]Used by:257
Symbol 204 Bitmap [con25]Used by:257
Symbol 205 Bitmap [con24_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 206 Bitmap [con24_a]Used by:257
Symbol 207 Bitmap [con24]Used by:257
Symbol 208 Bitmap [con23_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 209 Bitmap [con23_a]Used by:257
Symbol 210 Bitmap [con23]Used by:257
Symbol 211 Bitmap [con20_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 212 Bitmap [con20_cnvr]Used by:257
Symbol 213 Bitmap [con20_a]Used by:257
Symbol 214 Bitmap [con20]Used by:257
Symbol 215 Bitmap [con18_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 216 Bitmap [con18_a]Used by:257
Symbol 217 Bitmap [con18]Used by:257
Symbol 218 Bitmap [con16_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 219 Bitmap [con16_cnvr]Used by:257
Symbol 220 Bitmap [con16_a]Used by:257
Symbol 221 Bitmap [con16]Used by:257
Symbol 222 Bitmap [con15]Used by:257
Symbol 223 Bitmap [con13_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 224 Bitmap [con13_cnvr]Used by:257
Symbol 225 Bitmap [con13_a]Used by:257
Symbol 226 Bitmap [con13]Used by:257
Symbol 227 Bitmap [con12_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 228 Bitmap [con12_a]Used by:257
Symbol 229 Bitmap [con12]Used by:257
Symbol 230 Bitmap [con10_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 231 Bitmap [con10_cnvr]Used by:257
Symbol 232 Bitmap [con10_a]Used by:257
Symbol 233 Bitmap [con10]Used by:257
Symbol 234 Bitmap [con9_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 235 Bitmap [con9_a]Used by:257
Symbol 236 Bitmap [con9]Used by:257
Symbol 237 Bitmap [con7_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 238 Bitmap [con7_cnvr]Used by:257
Symbol 239 Bitmap [con7_a]Used by:257
Symbol 240 Bitmap [con7]Used by:257
Symbol 241 Bitmap [con6_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 242 Bitmap [con6_a]Used by:257
Symbol 243 Bitmap [con6]Used by:257
Symbol 244 Bitmap [con5_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 245 Bitmap [con5_cnvr]Used by:257
Symbol 246 Bitmap [con5_a]Used by:257
Symbol 247 Bitmap [con5]Used by:257
Symbol 248 Bitmap [con2_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 249 Bitmap [con2_cnvr]Used by:257
Symbol 250 Bitmap [con2_a]Used by:257
Symbol 251 Bitmap [con2]Used by:257
Symbol 252 Bitmap [con1_dlg]Used by:257
Symbol 253 Bitmap [con1_cnvr]Used by:257
Symbol 254 Bitmap [con1_a]Used by:257
Symbol 255 Bitmap [con1]Used by:257
Symbol 256 Bitmap [baraban]Used by:257
Symbol 257 GraphicUses:191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256Used by:463
Symbol 258 GraphicUses:156Used by:259
Symbol 259 MovieClip [MainMap]Uses:258Used by:463
Symbol 260 Bitmap [way2]Used by:364
Symbol 261 Bitmap [way]Used by:364
Symbol 262 Bitmap [wall_left1]Used by:364
Symbol 263 Bitmap [shadow]Used by:364
Symbol 264 Bitmap [con16_f_a]Used by:364
Symbol 265 Bitmap [con16_f]Used by:364
Symbol 266 Bitmap [lamp]Used by:364
Symbol 267 Bitmap [shelf_bottom]Used by:364
Symbol 268 Bitmap [bar_empty_n]Used by:364
Symbol 269 Bitmap [bar_empty_a]Used by:364
Symbol 270 Bitmap [bar_complete_n]Used by:364
Symbol 271 Bitmap [bar_complete]Used by:364
Symbol 272 Bitmap [curtain]Used by:364
Symbol 273 Bitmap [sewing_t]Used by:364
Symbol 274 Bitmap [package]Used by:364
Symbol 275 Bitmap [pack]Used by:364
Symbol 276 Bitmap [sewing1]Used by:364
Symbol 277 Bitmap [sewing]Used by:364
Symbol 278 Bitmap [cup]Used by:364
Symbol 279 Bitmap [coffee_a]Used by:364
Symbol 280 Bitmap [coffee]Used by:364
Symbol 281 Bitmap [menu_a]Used by:364
Symbol 282 Bitmap [dust_sofa]Used by:364
Symbol 283 Bitmap [menu]Used by:364
Symbol 284 Bitmap [dialog_anim]Used by:364
Symbol 285 Bitmap [cloud_ask_a]Used by:364
Symbol 286 Bitmap [cloud_ask]Used by:364
Symbol 287 Bitmap [mark2]Used by:364
Symbol 288 Bitmap [baraban_button_n]Used by:364
Symbol 289 Bitmap [baraban_button_a]Used by:364
Symbol 290 Bitmap [trash_a]Used by:364
Symbol 291 Bitmap [sofa_a]Used by:364
Symbol 292 Bitmap [paper_a]Used by:364
Symbol 293 Bitmap [sewing_a]Used by:364
Symbol 294 Bitmap [reception_a]Used by:364
Symbol 295 Bitmap [trash]Used by:364
Symbol 296 Bitmap [table_2]Used by:364
Symbol 297 Bitmap [sofa]Used by:364
Symbol 298 Bitmap [table_1]Used by:364
Symbol 299 Bitmap [con36_m]Used by:364
Symbol 300 Bitmap [con31_m_a]Used by:364
Symbol 301 Bitmap [con31_m]Used by:364
Symbol 302 Bitmap [con31_f_a]Used by:364
Symbol 303 Bitmap [con31_f]Used by:364
Symbol 304 Bitmap [con30_f_a]Used by:364
Symbol 305 Bitmap [con30_f]Used by:364
Symbol 306 Bitmap [con29_m_a]Used by:364
Symbol 307 Bitmap [con29_m]Used by:364
Symbol 308 Bitmap [con25_m_a]Used by:364
Symbol 309 Bitmap [con25_m]Used by:364
Symbol 310 Bitmap [con24_m_a]Used by:364
Symbol 311 Bitmap [con24_m]Used by:364
Symbol 312 Bitmap [con24_f_a]Used by:364
Symbol 313 Bitmap [con24_f]Used by:364
Symbol 314 Bitmap [con23_f_a]Used by:364
Symbol 315 Bitmap [con23_f]Used by:364
Symbol 316 Bitmap [con20_m_a]Used by:364
Symbol 317 Bitmap [con20_m]Used by:364
Symbol 318 Bitmap [con20_f_a]Used by:364
Symbol 319 Bitmap [con20_f]Used by:364
Symbol 320 Bitmap [con13_m_a]Used by:364
Symbol 321 Bitmap [con13_m]Used by:364
Symbol 322 Bitmap [con10_f_a]Used by:364
Symbol 323 Bitmap [con10_f]Used by:364
Symbol 324 Bitmap [con7_m_a]Used by:364
Symbol 325 Bitmap [con7_m]Used by:364
Symbol 326 Bitmap [con7_f_a]Used by:364
Symbol 327 Bitmap [con7_f]Used by:364
Symbol 328 Bitmap [con5_f_a]Used by:364
Symbol 329 Bitmap [con5_f]Used by:364
Symbol 330 Bitmap [con2_f_a]Used by:364
Symbol 331 Bitmap [con2_f]Used by:364
Symbol 332 Bitmap [con1_m_a]Used by:364
Symbol 333 Bitmap [con1_m]Used by:364
Symbol 334 Bitmap [con1_f_a]Used by:364
Symbol 335 Bitmap [con1_f]Used by:364
Symbol 336 Bitmap [female_mn]Used by:364
Symbol 337 Bitmap [male_mn]Used by:364
Symbol 338 Bitmap [shop_wallP]Used by:364
Symbol 339 Bitmap [shop_wall2]Used by:364
Symbol 340 Bitmap [shop_sofaP]Used by:364
Symbol 341 Bitmap [shop_sofa2]Used by:364
Symbol 342 Bitmap [shop_sofa1]Used by:364
Symbol 343 Bitmap [shop_shelf3]Used by:364
Symbol 344 Bitmap [shop_shelf1_2]Used by:364
Symbol 345 Bitmap [shop_shelf1]Used by:364
Symbol 346 Bitmap [shop_shelf_back]Used by:364
Symbol 347 Bitmap [shop_mirror]Used by:364
Symbol 348 Bitmap [shop_lamp]Used by:364
Symbol 349 Bitmap [shop_floorP]Used by:364
Symbol 350 Bitmap [shop_floor2]Used by:364
Symbol 351 Bitmap [shop_cofe]Used by:364
Symbol 352 Bitmap [sold]Used by:364
Symbol 353 Bitmap [zone_angle]Used by:364
Symbol 354 Bitmap [shop_item]Used by:364
Symbol 355 Bitmap [konveer_button_n]Used by:364
Symbol 356 Bitmap [konveer_button_p]Used by:364
Symbol 357 Bitmap [konveer_button_a]Used by:364
Symbol 358 Bitmap [button_left_p]Used by:364
Symbol 359 Bitmap [button_center_p]Used by:364
Symbol 360 Bitmap [button_center_a]Used by:364
Symbol 361 Bitmap [button_left_a]Used by:364
Symbol 362 Bitmap [button_center_n]Used by:364
Symbol 363 Bitmap [button_left_n]Used by:364
Symbol 364 GraphicUses:4 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 104 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 2 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363Used by:463
Symbol 365 BitmapUsed by:366
Symbol 366 GraphicUses:365Used by:367
Symbol 367 MovieClipUses:366Used by:370
Symbol 368 BitmapUsed by:369
Symbol 369 GraphicUses:368Used by:370
Symbol 370 MovieClip [mc_Baloon_colored]Uses:367 369Used by:463
Symbol 371 BitmapUsed by:372
Symbol 372 GraphicUses:371Used by:373
Symbol 373 MovieClip [mcBoom]Uses:372Used by:463
Symbol 374 Bitmap [heart]Used by:388
Symbol 375 Bitmap [close]Used by:388
Symbol 376 Bitmap [packing_t]Used by:388
Symbol 377 Bitmap [con31_mm_a]Used by:388
Symbol 378 Bitmap [con31_mm]Used by:388
Symbol 379 Bitmap [con31_ff_a]Used by:388
Symbol 380 Bitmap [con31_ff]Used by:388
Symbol 381 Bitmap [shelf_left_1]Used by:388
Symbol 382 Bitmap [wall_right1]Used by:388
Symbol 383 Bitmap [columnleft2]Used by:388
Symbol 384 Bitmap [floor1]Used by:388
Symbol 385 Bitmap [timebar]Used by:388
Symbol 386 Bitmap [cash_dlg]Used by:388
Symbol 387 Bitmap [dark]Used by:388
Symbol 388 GraphicUses:374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387Used by:463
Symbol 389 GraphicUsed by:390
Symbol 390 MovieClipUses:389Used by:393
Symbol 391 EditableTextUses:88Used by:393
Symbol 392 EditableTextUses:109Used by:393
Symbol 393 MovieClip [BeginTextSymbolAnim]Uses:390 391 392Used by:463
Symbol 394 Bitmap [coin]Used by:395
Symbol 395 GraphicUses:394Used by:463
Symbol 396 BitmapUsed by:398
Symbol 397 BitmapUsed by:398
Symbol 398 GraphicUses:396 397Used by:426
Symbol 399 BitmapUsed by:400
Symbol 400 GraphicUses:399Used by:401
Symbol 401 MovieClipUses:400Used by:426
Symbol 402 BitmapUsed by:403
Symbol 403 GraphicUses:402Used by:404
Symbol 404 MovieClipUses:403Used by:426
Symbol 405 BitmapUsed by:406
Symbol 406 GraphicUses:405Used by:407
Symbol 407 MovieClipUses:406Used by:426
Symbol 408 BitmapUsed by:409
Symbol 409 GraphicUses:408Used by:410
Symbol 410 MovieClipUses:409Used by:426
Symbol 411 BitmapUsed by:412
Symbol 412 GraphicUses:411Used by:426
Symbol 413 BitmapUsed by:414
Symbol 414 GraphicUses:413Used by:415
Symbol 415 MovieClipUses:414Used by:426
Symbol 416 BitmapUsed by:417
Symbol 417 GraphicUses:416Used by:426
Symbol 418 BitmapUsed by:419
Symbol 419 GraphicUses:418Used by:420
Symbol 420 MovieClipUses:419Used by:426
Symbol 421 BitmapUsed by:422
Symbol 422 GraphicUses:421Used by:423
Symbol 423 MovieClipUses:422Used by:426
Symbol 424 EditableTextUses:88Used by:426
Symbol 425 EditableTextUses:109Used by:426
Symbol 426 MovieClip [mcTip]Uses:398 401 404 407 410 412 415 417 420 423 424 425Used by:463
Symbol 427 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 428 MovieClipUses:427Used by:429
Symbol 429 MovieClip [tipHighLite]Uses:428Used by:463
Symbol 430 Bitmap [snowflake]Used by:435
Symbol 431 Bitmap [levelfirst]Used by:435
Symbol 432 Bitmap [level_sew]Used by:435
Symbol 433 Bitmap [level_pack]Used by:435
Symbol 434 Bitmap [arrow]Used by:435
Symbol 435 GraphicUses:430 431 432 433 434Used by:463
Symbol 436 Bitmap [dialog_ice]Used by:447
Symbol 437 Bitmap [fice]Used by:447
Symbol 438 Bitmap [star]Used by:447
Symbol 439 Bitmap [splash2]Used by:447
Symbol 440 Bitmap [splash1]Used by:447
Symbol 441 Bitmap [level_ice]Used by:447
Symbol 442 Bitmap [level_shoe]Used by:447
Symbol 443 Bitmap [level_heart]Used by:447
Symbol 444 Bitmap [level_dollar]Used by:447
Symbol 445 Bitmap [aheart]Used by:447 465
Symbol 446 Bitmap [dollar]Used by:447
Symbol 447 GraphicUses:436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446Used by:463
Symbol 448 Sound [sndMenu]Used by:463
Symbol 449 Sound [sndGame]Used by:463
Symbol 450 Sound [sndMenu_click]Used by:463
Symbol 451 Sound [sndMenu_toggle]Used by:463
Symbol 452 Sound [sndCheckout]Used by:463
Symbol 453 Sound [sndhello_male1]Used by:463
Symbol 454 Sound [sndPickup_catalogue]Used by:463
Symbol 455 Sound [sndPickup_clothes]Used by:463
Symbol 456 Sound [sndGoal]Used by:463
Symbol 457 Sound [sndWrongAction]Used by:463
Symbol 458 Sound [sndHotel_close]Used by:463
Symbol 459 Sound [sndlevelup]Used by:463
Symbol 460 Sound [sndLevelDefeat]Used by:463
Symbol 461 Sound [sndBaloon]Used by:463
Symbol 462 Sound [sndBonusAppear]Used by:463
Symbol 463 MovieClipUses:186 188 190 257 259 364 370 373 388 393 395 426 429 435 172 447 448 449 450 451 452 1 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462Used by:Timeline
Symbol 464 Bitmap [shoe]Used by:465
Symbol 465 GraphicUses:445 464Used by:Timeline
Symbol 466 GraphicUses:3 4Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"inpPlayer"Symbol 162 MovieClip [Menu_Player] Frame 1Symbol 161 EditableText
"mcColored"Symbol 370 MovieClip [mc_Baloon_colored] Frame 1Symbol 367 MovieClip
"mcMasked"Symbol 393 MovieClip [BeginTextSymbolAnim] Frame 1Symbol 390 MovieClip
"textMask"Symbol 393 MovieClip [BeginTextSymbolAnim] Frame 1Symbol 391 EditableText
"Point"Symbol 426 MovieClip [mcTip] Frame 1Symbol 420 MovieClip
"pointA"Symbol 426 MovieClip [mcTip] Frame 1Symbol 423 MovieClip

Special Tags

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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 265 as "con16_f"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 270 as "bar_complete_n"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 271 as "bar_complete"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 274 as "package"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 275 as "pack"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 277 as "sewing"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 280 as "coffee"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 282 as "dust_sofa"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 283 as "menu"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 284 as "dialog_anim"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 285 as "cloud_ask_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 286 as "cloud_ask"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 287 as "mark2"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 289 as "baraban_button_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 290 as "trash_a"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 292 as "paper_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 293 as "sewing_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 294 as "reception_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 295 as "trash"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 297 as "sofa"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 298 as "table_1"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 301 as "con31_m"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 309 as "con25_m"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 313 as "con24_f"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 314 as "con23_f_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 315 as "con23_f"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 316 as "con20_m_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 317 as "con20_m"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 318 as "con20_f_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 319 as "con20_f"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 320 as "con13_m_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 321 as "con13_m"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 322 as "con10_f_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 323 as "con10_f"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 324 as "con7_m_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 325 as "con7_m"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 326 as "con7_f_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 327 as "con7_f"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 328 as "con5_f_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 329 as "con5_f"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 330 as "con2_f_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 331 as "con2_f"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 332 as "con1_m_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 333 as "con1_m"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 334 as "con1_f_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 335 as "con1_f"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 336 as "female_mn"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 337 as "male_mn"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 338 as "shop_wallP"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 339 as "shop_wall2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 340 as "shop_sofaP"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 341 as "shop_sofa2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 342 as "shop_sofa1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 343 as "shop_shelf3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 344 as "shop_shelf1_2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 345 as "shop_shelf1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 346 as "shop_shelf_back"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 347 as "shop_mirror"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 348 as "shop_lamp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 349 as "shop_floorP"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 350 as "shop_floor2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 351 as "shop_cofe"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 352 as "sold"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 353 as "zone_angle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 354 as "shop_item"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 355 as "konveer_button_n"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 356 as "konveer_button_p"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 357 as "konveer_button_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 358 as "button_left_p"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 359 as "button_center_p"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 360 as "button_center_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 361 as "button_left_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 362 as "button_center_n"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 363 as "button_left_n"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 370 as "mc_Baloon_colored"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 373 as "mcBoom"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 374 as "heart"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 375 as "close"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 376 as "packing_t"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 377 as "con31_mm_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 378 as "con31_mm"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 379 as "con31_ff_a"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 380 as "con31_ff"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 381 as "shelf_left_1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 382 as "wall_right1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 383 as "columnleft2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 384 as "floor1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 385 as "timebar"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 386 as "cash_dlg"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 387 as "dark"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 393 as "BeginTextSymbolAnim"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 394 as "coin"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 426 as "mcTip"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 429 as "tipHighLite"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 430 as "snowflake"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 431 as "levelfirst"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 432 as "level_sew"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 433 as "level_pack"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 434 as "arrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 436 as "dialog_ice"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 437 as "fice"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 438 as "star"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 439 as "splash2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 440 as "splash1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 441 as "level_ice"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 442 as "level_shoe"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 443 as "level_heart"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 444 as "level_dollar"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 445 as "aheart"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 446 as "dollar"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 448 as "sndMenu"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 449 as "sndGame"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 450 as "sndMenu_click"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 451 as "sndMenu_toggle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 452 as "sndCheckout"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 453 as "sndhello_male1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 454 as "sndPickup_catalogue"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 455 as "sndPickup_clothes"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 456 as "sndGoal"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 457 as "sndWrongAction"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 458 as "sndHotel_close"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 459 as "sndlevelup"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 460 as "sndLevelDefeat"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 461 as "sndBaloon"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 462 as "sndBonusAppear"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 464 as "shoe"
EnableDebugger2 (64)Timeline Frame 131 bytes "..$1$kG$K1OI3Osu0okUBea9l1ghU1."
DebugMX1 (63)Timeline Frame 1

Dynamic Text Variables

edtMoneySymbol 89 EditableText"123"
edtTipSymbol 90 EditableText"<p align="center"></p>"
edtBDSymbol 91 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="11" color="#990099" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Boutique Design</font></p>"
edtFDSymbol 92 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="11" color="#990099" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Fashion Design</font></p>"
edtDESCRSymbol 93 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="11" color="#990099" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Description</font></p>"
lblPressAnyKeySymbol 110 EditableText""
lblDaySymbol 111 EditableText"DAY"
lblGoalSymbol 112 EditableText""
edtDaySymbol 113 EditableText"DAY"
edtGoalSymbol 114 EditableText""
lblHelpSymbol 115 EditableText"<p align="center"></p>"
lblScoreSymbol 116 EditableText"SCORE"
edtScoreSymbol 117 EditableText"DAY"
varMusicSymbol 121 EditableText"MUSIC VOLUME"
varSoundSymbol 122 EditableText"SOUND VOLUME"
lblDaySymbol 127 EditableText"DAY:"
lblMoneySymbol 128 EditableText"MONEY:"
lblGoalSymbol 129 EditableText"GOAL:"
edtDaySymbol 130 EditableText""
edtMoneySymbol 131 EditableText""
edtGoalSymbol 132 EditableText"9999"
edtResultSymbol 137 EditableText"PERFECT"
lblDaySymbol 138 EditableText"Day:"
lblCustomerServedSymbol 139 EditableText"Customer Served:"
lblCustomerLostSymbol 140 EditableText"Customer Lost:"
lblTotalMoneySymbol 141 EditableText"Total Money:"
lblLevelMoneySymbol 142 EditableText"Level Money:"
edtCustomerServedSymbol 143 EditableText"20"
edtCustomerLostSymbol 144 EditableText"20"
edtTotalMoneySymbol 145 EditableText"300"
edtLevelMoneySymbol 146 EditableText"1000"
edtDaySymbol 147 EditableText"29"
lblLevelScoreSymbol 148 EditableText"Level Score:"
edtLevelScoreSymbol 149 EditableText"1000"
lblTotalScoreSymbol 150 EditableText"Total Score:"
edtTotalScoreSymbol 151 EditableText"1000"
lbltoDoSymbol 152 EditableText""
lblLifesSymbol 153 EditableText"Lifes:"
edtLifesSymbol 154 EditableText"1000"
lblEnterNameSymbol 160 EditableText"ENTER YOUR NAME"
varPlayerSymbol 161 EditableText"PLAYER"
lblCongratulateSymbol 164 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="20" color="#990000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>CONGRATULATIONS!</b></font></p>"
lblCongrTextSymbol 165 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="12" color="#990000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">New funny characters - shoplifter, porter who helps customers bring their package, modeller who helps customers make their choice, cleaner who helps Jane to keep up boutique in order.</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="12" color="#990000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Funny mini game between game levels.</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="12" color="#990000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">More then 130 different clothes (including accessories).</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="12" color="#990000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">You can choose what wear you want to sell - for men, women, or both.</font></p>"
lblScoreSymbol 166 EditableText"SCORE"
edtScoreSymbol 167 EditableText"DAY"
lblTotalMoneySymbol 168 EditableText"SCORE"
edtMoneySymbol 169 EditableText"DAY"
lblinFullSymbol 170 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="18" color="#990000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>CONGRATULATIONS!</b></font></p>"
sureTextSymbol 174 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">ARE YOU SURE TO ABORT GAME?</font></p>"
strValue2Symbol 391 EditableText"R"
strValue3Symbol 392 EditableText"R"
tipsTextSymbol 424 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Sample text this is a hint text hello world Sample text this is a hint text hello worldSample text this is a hint text hello </font></p>"
lblHintSymbol 425 EditableText"<p align="left"></p>"
Created: 2/5 -2019 21:33:47 Last modified: 2/5 -2019 21:33:47 Server time: 05/11 -2024 11:25:26