Frame 1 (693 B)
function doSomething() {
getURL ("http://www.eggysgames", "_blank");
function doSomething2() {
getURL ("", "blank");
function doSomething3() {
getURL ("", "_blank");
MENU = new ContextMenu();
Functioned = new ContextMenuItem("Eggys Games", doSomething);
Functioned2 = new ContextMenuItem("Shibby Media", doSomething2);
Functioned3 = new ContextMenuItem("Armor Games", doSomething3);
MENU.builtInItems.quality = true; = MENU;
Instance of Symbol 26 MovieClip in Frame 1 (65 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Instance of Symbol 35 MovieClip in Frame 1 (64 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Frame 2 (8 B)
Frame 3 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 72 MovieClip in Frame 3 (62 B)
on (press) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Frame 4 (8 B)
Frame 5 (1.27 KiB) ●
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) {
var x;
var g;
var s;
var fv;
var sb;
var u;
var res;
var mb;
var mbc;
mb = "__mochibot__";
mbc = "";
g = (_global ? (_global) : (_level0._root));
if (g[mb + swfid]) {
return(g[mb + swfid]);
s =;
x = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
fv = (x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : ((_global ? 6 : 5)));
if (!s) {
s = {};
sb = s.sandboxType;
if (sb == "localWithFile") {
x = s.allowDomain;
if (x) {
x = s.allowInsecureDomain;
if (x) {
u = (((((((((((("http://" + mbc) + "/my/core.swf?mv=7&fv=") + fv) + "&v=") + escape(getVersion())) + "&swfid=") + escape(swfid)) + "&l=") + lv) + "&f=") + mc) + (sb ? ("&sb=" + sb) : "")) + (trk ? "&t=1" : "");
lv = ((fv > 6) ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : ((g[mb + "level"] ? (g[mb + "level"] + 1) : (lv))));
g[mb + "level"] = lv;
if (fv == 5) {
res = "_level" + lv;
if (!eval (res)) {
loadMovieNum (u, lv);
} else {
res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv);
_root.controlsone = 1;
_root.sound = true;
__com_mochibot__("6ae9b291", this, 10301, true);
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip in Frame 5 (940 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
left = _x;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, left, this._y, left + 158, _y);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 135 MovieClip in Frame 5 (588 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
_root.char._x = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.drag2 == true) {
_root.char._x = this._x;
onClipEvent (load) {
left = _x;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, left, this._y, left + 158, _y);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag2 = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag2 = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.drag2 == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "char" in Frame 5 (6.96 KiB) ● ●
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.restartX = _x;
_root.restartY = _y;
gravity = 0;
jumpheight = 12;
speed = 5;
rightface = _xscale;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.hit = false;
_root.drag = false;
_rotation = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (gravity > 9) {
gravity = 9;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true))) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_y = (_y - gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true))) {
_y = (_y+1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_x = (_x - gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 10, _y, true))) {
_x = (_x+1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_x = (_x + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 10, _y, true))) {
_x = (_x-1);
gravity = 0;
if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
_root.hit = true;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 3, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.hit = true;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 3, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 10, _y, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_root.hit = true;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 3, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 10, _y, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.hit = true;
} else {
_root.hit = false;
if (Key.isDown(38) and (_root.hit == true)) {
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_y = (_y - speed);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(39))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(37))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (Key.isDown(40) and (_root.hit == true)) {
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gotoAndStop (2);
_xscale = rightface;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gotoAndStop (2);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if ((((_root.gravswap == 4) and (_root.hit == true)) and (!Key.isDown(40))) and (!Key.isDown(38))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (Key.isDown(40) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_y = (_y + speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if (Key.isDown(38) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_x = (_x + speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(38))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_x = (_x + speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(40))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) and (_root.hit == true)) {
_x = (_x + 4);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
} else if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if ((((_root.gravswap == 3) and (_root.hit == true)) and (!Key.isDown(40))) and (!Key.isDown(38))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (Key.isDown(40) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_y = (_y + speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (Key.isDown(38) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_xscale = (-rightface);
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(38))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_xscale = rightface;
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(40))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((_root.gravswap == 4) and (_root.hit == true)) {
_x = (_x + 4);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
} else {
if (((_root.gravswap == 3) and Key.isDown(40)) and (_root.hit == false)) {
_y = (_y + 4);
_xscale = rightface;
} else if (((_root.gravswap == 3) and Key.isDown(38)) and (_root.hit == false)) {
_y = (_y - 4);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (((_root.gravswap == 4) and Key.isDown(40)) and (_root.hit == false)) {
_y = (_y + 4);
_xscale = (-rightface);
} else if (((_root.gravswap == 4) and Key.isDown(38)) and (_root.hit == false)) {
_y = (_y - 4);
_xscale = rightface;
if (((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(38))) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(40))) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(39))) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) and (!Key.isDown(38))) and (!Key.isDown(40))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(37))) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) and (!Key.isDown(38))) and (!Key.isDown(40))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_rotation != -90) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - 15);
if ((_rotation != 90) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 15);
if ((_rotation != 180) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 15);
if ((_rotation != 0) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - 15);
if (((Key.isDown(87) and (!Key.isDown(38))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 2;
if (((Key.isDown(83) and (!Key.isDown(40))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
if (((Key.isDown(65) and (!Key.isDown(37))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 3;
if (((Key.isDown(68) and (!Key.isDown(39))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 4;
if (_y > 550) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_y < -100) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_x < -100) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_x > 600) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if ((((_rotation == 0) or (_rotation == 90)) or (_rotation == 180)) or (_rotation == -90)) {
rotatedright = true;
} else {
rotatedright = false;
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Frame 5 (284 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _y + 80;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_y = (_y + 3);
if (switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - 3);
if (_y > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_y < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Instance of Symbol 26 MovieClip in Frame 5 (65 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Instance of Symbol 35 MovieClip in Frame 5 (64 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Frame 6 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 226 MovieClip in Frame 6 (271 B)
on (press) {
_root.controlsone = 3;
if (_root.sound == true) {
someSound = new Sound();
someSound.attachSound("ding", this);
someSound.start(0, 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.controlsone == 3) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 232 MovieClip in Frame 6 (271 B)
on (press) {
_root.controlsone = 2;
if (_root.sound == true) {
someSound = new Sound();
someSound.attachSound("ding", this);
someSound.start(0, 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.controlsone == 2) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 238 MovieClip in Frame 6 (271 B)
on (press) {
_root.controlsone = 1;
if (_root.sound == true) {
someSound = new Sound();
someSound.attachSound("ding", this);
someSound.start(0, 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.controlsone == 1) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Frame 7 (29 B)
_root.drag = false;
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip in Frame 7 (214 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
someSound = new Sound();
someSound.attachSound("finish", this);
someSound.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 262 MovieClip in Frame 7 (110 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.controlsone == 1) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndStop (2);
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "char" in Frame 7 (8.74 KiB) ● ●
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.restartX = _x;
_root.restartY = _y;
gravity = 0;
jumpheight = 12;
speed = 5;
rightface = _xscale;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.hit = false;
_root.drag = false;
_root.stopthemove = false;
if (_root.controlsone == 1) {
_root.UP = 38;
_root.LEFT = 37;
_root.RIGHT = 39;
_root.DOWN = 40;
_root.gravityup = 87;
_root.gravityleft = 65;
_root.gravityright = 68;
_root.gravitydown = 83;
if (_root.controlsone == 2) {
_root.UP = 87;
_root.LEFT = 65;
_root.RIGHT = 68;
_root.DOWN = 83;
_root.gravityup = 38;
_root.gravityleft = 37;
_root.gravityright = 39;
_root.gravitydown = 40;
if (_root.controlsone == 3) {
_root.UP = 87;
_root.LEFT = 65;
_root.RIGHT = 68;
_root.DOWN = 83;
_root.gravityup = 84;
_root.gravityleft = 70;
_root.gravityright = 72;
_root.gravitydown = 71;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_currentframe == 5) {
gravity = 0;
if (_currentframe != 5) {
if (gravity > 9) {
gravity = 9;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true))) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_y = (_y - gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true))) {
_y = (_y+1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_x = (_x - gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 10, _y, true))) {
_x = (_x+1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_x = (_x + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 10, _y, true))) {
_x = (_x-1);
gravity = 0;
if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 3, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 3, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 10, _y, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 3, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 10, _y, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else {
_root.hit = false;
if ((Key.isDown(_root.UP) and (_root.hit == true)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_y = (_y - speed);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.LEFT))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((Key.isDown(_root.DOWN) and (_root.hit == true)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gotoAndStop (2);
_xscale = rightface;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gotoAndStop (2);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
if ((((_root.gravswap == 4) and (_root.hit == true)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (Key.isDown(_root.DOWN) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_y = (_y + speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if (Key.isDown(_root.UP) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_x = (_x + speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_x = (_x + speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) and (_root.hit == true)) {
_x = (_x + 4);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
} else if (Key.isDown(_root.LEFT) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
if ((((_root.gravswap == 3) and (_root.hit == true)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (Key.isDown(_root.DOWN) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_y = (_y + speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (Key.isDown(_root.UP) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_xscale = (-rightface);
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_xscale = rightface;
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((_root.gravswap == 4) and (_root.hit == true)) {
_x = (_x + 4);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
} else {
if ((((_root.gravswap == 3) and Key.isDown(_root.DOWN)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y + 4);
_xscale = rightface;
} else if ((((_root.gravswap == 3) and Key.isDown(_root.UP)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y - 4);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if ((((_root.gravswap == 4) and Key.isDown(_root.DOWN)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y + 4);
_xscale = (-rightface);
} else if ((((_root.gravswap == 4) and Key.isDown(_root.UP)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y - 4);
_xscale = rightface;
if (((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT))) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.LEFT))) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_currentframe != 5) {
if ((_rotation != -90) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - 10);
if ((_rotation != 90) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 10);
if ((_rotation != 180) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 10);
if ((_rotation != 0) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - 10);
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravityup) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 2;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravitydown) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravityleft) and (!Key.isDown(_root.LEFT))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 3;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravityright) and (!Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 4;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (_y > 550) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_y < -100) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_x < -100) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_x > 600) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if ((((_rotation == 0) or (_rotation == 90)) or (_rotation == 180)) or (_rotation == -90)) {
rotatedright = true;
} else {
rotatedright = false;
Instance of Symbol 288 MovieClip in Frame 7 (779 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
beenpressed = false;
bob = false;
fred = false;
_root.sound = true; = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!Key.isDown(78)) {
bob = false;
if (Key.isDown(78)) {
if ((_root.sound == true) and (bob == false)) {
_root.sound = false;
bob = true;
} else if ((_root.sound == false) and (bob == false)) {
_root.sound = true;
bob = true;
if (!Key.isDown(77)) {
fred = false;
if (Key.isDown(77)) {
if (( == true) and (fred == false)) {
stopAllSounds(); = false;
fred = true;
if (( == false) and (fred == false)) { = true;
someSound = new Sound();
someSound.attachSound("psybot", this);
someSound.start(0, 1E16);
fred = true;
Frame 8 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 90;
_root.char._y = 173;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
_root.gravswap = 1;
Instance of Symbol 305 MovieClip in Frame 8 (167 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.controlsone == 1) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.controlsone == 2) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
Frame 9 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 31;
_root.char._y = 144;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
_root.gravswap = 1;
Frame 10 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 28;
_root.char._y = 139;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
_root.gravswap = 1;
Frame 11 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 43;
_root.char._y = 332;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
_root.gravswap = 1;
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "char" in Frame 11 (8.7 KiB) ● ●
onClipEvent (load) {
gravity = 0;
jumpheight = 12;
speed = 5;
rightface = _xscale;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.hit = false;
_root.drag = false;
_root.stopthemove = false;
if (_root.controlsone == 1) {
_root.UP = 38;
_root.LEFT = 37;
_root.RIGHT = 39;
_root.DOWN = 40;
_root.gravityup = 87;
_root.gravityleft = 65;
_root.gravityright = 68;
_root.gravitydown = 83;
if (_root.controlsone == 2) {
_root.UP = 87;
_root.LEFT = 65;
_root.RIGHT = 68;
_root.DOWN = 83;
_root.gravityup = 38;
_root.gravityleft = 37;
_root.gravityright = 39;
_root.gravitydown = 40;
if (_root.controlsone == 3) {
_root.UP = 87;
_root.LEFT = 65;
_root.RIGHT = 68;
_root.DOWN = 83;
_root.gravityup = 84;
_root.gravityleft = 70;
_root.gravityright = 72;
_root.gravitydown = 71;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_currentframe == 5) {
gravity = 0;
if (_currentframe != 5) {
if (gravity > 9) {
gravity = 9;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true))) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_y = (_y - gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true))) {
_y = (_y+1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_x = (_x - gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 10, _y, true))) {
_x = (_x+1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_x = (_x + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 10, _y, true))) {
_x = (_x-1);
gravity = 0;
if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 3, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 3, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 10, _y, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 3, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 10, _y, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else {
_root.hit = false;
if ((Key.isDown(_root.UP) and (_root.hit == true)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_y = (_y - speed);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.LEFT))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((Key.isDown(_root.DOWN) and (_root.hit == true)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gotoAndStop (2);
_xscale = rightface;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gotoAndStop (2);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
if ((((_root.gravswap == 4) and (_root.hit == true)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (Key.isDown(_root.DOWN) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_y = (_y + speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if (Key.isDown(_root.UP) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_x = (_x + speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_x = (_x + speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) and (_root.hit == true)) {
_x = (_x + 4);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
} else if (Key.isDown(_root.LEFT) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
if ((((_root.gravswap == 3) and (_root.hit == true)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (Key.isDown(_root.DOWN) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_y = (_y + speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (Key.isDown(_root.UP) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_xscale = (-rightface);
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_xscale = rightface;
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((_root.gravswap == 4) and (_root.hit == true)) {
_x = (_x + 4);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
} else {
if ((((_root.gravswap == 3) and Key.isDown(_root.DOWN)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y + 4);
_xscale = rightface;
} else if ((((_root.gravswap == 3) and Key.isDown(_root.UP)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y - 4);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if ((((_root.gravswap == 4) and Key.isDown(_root.DOWN)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y + 4);
_xscale = (-rightface);
} else if ((((_root.gravswap == 4) and Key.isDown(_root.UP)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y - 4);
_xscale = rightface;
if (((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT))) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.LEFT))) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_currentframe != 5) {
if ((_rotation != -90) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - 10);
if ((_rotation != 90) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 10);
if ((_rotation != 180) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 10);
if ((_rotation != 0) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - 10);
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravityup) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 2;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravitydown) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravityleft) and (!Key.isDown(_root.LEFT))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 3;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravityright) and (!Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 4;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (_y > 550) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_y < -100) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_x < -100) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_x > 600) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if ((((_rotation == 0) or (_rotation == 90)) or (_rotation == 180)) or (_rotation == -90)) {
rotatedright = true;
} else {
rotatedright = false;
Frame 12 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 92;
_root.char._y = 332;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
_root.gravswap = 1;
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip in Frame 12 (214 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
someSound = new Sound();
someSound.attachSound("finish", this);
someSound.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "char" in Frame 12 (8.74 KiB) ● ●
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.restartX = _x;
_root.restartY = _y;
gravity = 0;
jumpheight = 12;
speed = 5;
rightface = _xscale;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.hit = false;
_root.drag = false;
_root.stopthemove = false;
if (_root.controlsone == 1) {
_root.UP = 38;
_root.LEFT = 37;
_root.RIGHT = 39;
_root.DOWN = 40;
_root.gravityup = 87;
_root.gravityleft = 65;
_root.gravityright = 68;
_root.gravitydown = 83;
if (_root.controlsone == 2) {
_root.UP = 87;
_root.LEFT = 65;
_root.RIGHT = 68;
_root.DOWN = 83;
_root.gravityup = 38;
_root.gravityleft = 37;
_root.gravityright = 39;
_root.gravitydown = 40;
if (_root.controlsone == 3) {
_root.UP = 87;
_root.LEFT = 65;
_root.RIGHT = 68;
_root.DOWN = 83;
_root.gravityup = 84;
_root.gravityleft = 70;
_root.gravityright = 72;
_root.gravitydown = 71;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_currentframe == 5) {
gravity = 0;
if (_currentframe != 5) {
if (gravity > 9) {
gravity = 9;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true))) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_y = (_y - gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true))) {
_y = (_y+1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_x = (_x - gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 10, _y, true))) {
_x = (_x+1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_x = (_x + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 10, _y, true))) {
_x = (_x-1);
gravity = 0;
if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 3, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 3, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 10, _y, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 3, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 10, _y, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else {
_root.hit = false;
if ((Key.isDown(_root.UP) and (_root.hit == true)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_y = (_y - speed);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.LEFT))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((Key.isDown(_root.DOWN) and (_root.hit == true)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gotoAndStop (2);
_xscale = rightface;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gotoAndStop (2);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
if ((((_root.gravswap == 4) and (_root.hit == true)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (Key.isDown(_root.DOWN) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_y = (_y + speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if (Key.isDown(_root.UP) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_x = (_x + speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_x = (_x + speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) and (_root.hit == true)) {
_x = (_x + 4);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
} else if (Key.isDown(_root.LEFT) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
if ((((_root.gravswap == 3) and (_root.hit == true)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (Key.isDown(_root.DOWN) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_y = (_y + speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (Key.isDown(_root.UP) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_xscale = (-rightface);
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_xscale = rightface;
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((_root.gravswap == 4) and (_root.hit == true)) {
_x = (_x + 4);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
} else {
if ((((_root.gravswap == 3) and Key.isDown(_root.DOWN)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y + 4);
_xscale = rightface;
} else if ((((_root.gravswap == 3) and Key.isDown(_root.UP)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y - 4);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if ((((_root.gravswap == 4) and Key.isDown(_root.DOWN)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y + 4);
_xscale = (-rightface);
} else if ((((_root.gravswap == 4) and Key.isDown(_root.UP)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y - 4);
_xscale = rightface;
if (((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT))) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.LEFT))) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_currentframe != 5) {
if ((_rotation != -90) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - 10);
if ((_rotation != 90) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 10);
if ((_rotation != 180) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 10);
if ((_rotation != 0) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - 10);
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravityup) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 2;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravitydown) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravityleft) and (!Key.isDown(_root.LEFT))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 3;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravityright) and (!Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 4;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (_y > 550) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_y < -100) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_x < -100) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_x > 600) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if ((((_rotation == 0) or (_rotation == 90)) or (_rotation == 180)) or (_rotation == -90)) {
rotatedright = true;
} else {
rotatedright = false;
Frame 13 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 31;
_root.char._y = 332;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
_root.gravswap = 1;
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip in Frame 13 (214 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
someSound = new Sound();
someSound.attachSound("finish", this);
someSound.start(0, 1);
Frame 14 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 43;
_root.char._y = 332;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
_root.gravswap = 1;
Frame 15 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 43;
_root.char._y = 332;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
_root.gravswap = 1;
Frame 16 (139 B)
_root.char._x = 180;
_root.char._y = 190;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
_root.gravswap = 1;
Frame 17 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 55;
_root.char._y = 183;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
_root.gravswap = 1;
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Frame 17 (304 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _y + 80;
speed = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (_y > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_y < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Frame 17 (284 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _y + 80;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_y = (_y + 3);
if (switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - 3);
if (_y > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_y < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Frame 18 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 37;
_root.char._y = 277;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
_root.gravswap = 1;
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Frame 18 (284 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _y + 80;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_y = (_y + 3);
if (switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - 3);
if (_y > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_y < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Frame 19 (139 B)
_root.char._x = 280;
_root.char._y = 140;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
_root.gravswap = 1;
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Frame 19 (284 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _y + 80;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_y = (_y + 3);
if (switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - 3);
if (_y > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_y < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Frame 19 (284 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _y + 80;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_y = (_y + 3);
if (switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - 3);
if (_y > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_y < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Frame 19 (284 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _y + 80;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_y = (_y + 3);
if (switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - 3);
if (_y > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_y < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Frame 20 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 276;
_root.char._y = 14;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
_root.gravswap = 1;
Instance of Symbol 413 MovieClip in Frame 20 (284 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _x + 80;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_x = (_x + 3);
if (switcher == true) {
_x = (_x - 3);
if (_x > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_x < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Instance of Symbol 413 MovieClip in Frame 20 (284 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _x + 80;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_x = (_x + 3);
if (switcher == true) {
_x = (_x - 3);
if (_x > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_x < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Frame 20 (283 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = true;
stopper = _y + 80;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_y = (_y + 3);
if (switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - 3);
if (_y > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_y < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Instance of Symbol 413 MovieClip in Frame 20 (284 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _x + 80;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_x = (_x + 3);
if (switcher == true) {
_x = (_x - 3);
if (_x > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_x < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Frame 21 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 27;
_root.char._y = 259;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip in Frame 21 (214 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
someSound = new Sound();
someSound.attachSound("finish", this);
someSound.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "cannon2" in Frame 21 (31 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
Frame 22 (117 B)
_root.char._x = 24;
_root.char._y = 290;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Frame 23 (139 B)
_root.char._x = 270;
_root.char._y = 180;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Frame 24 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 34;
_root.char._y = 312;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Frame 25 (139 B)
_root.char._x = 260;
_root.char._y = 320;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "cannon2" in Frame 25 (31 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 413 MovieClip in Frame 25 (284 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _x + 80;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_x = (_x + 3);
if (switcher == true) {
_x = (_x - 3);
if (_x > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_x < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Frame 26 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 59;
_root.char._y = 163;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Instance of Symbol 459 MovieClip in Frame 26 (102 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.WEBBROTATION == true) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 5.625);
Instance of Symbol 459 MovieClip in Frame 26 (102 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.WEBBROTATION == true) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 5.625);
Instance of Symbol 459 MovieClip in Frame 26 (102 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.WEBBROTATION == true) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 5.625);
Instance of Symbol 459 MovieClip in Frame 26 (102 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.WEBBROTATION == true) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 5.625);
Frame 27 (138 B)
_root.char._x = 68;
_root.char._y = 148;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Instance of Symbol 475 MovieClip in Frame 27 (235 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 1)) {
_root.switcher = true;
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (_root.switcher == false) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Frame 28 (163 B)
_root.switcher = false;
_root.char._x = 50;
_root.char._y = 156;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Frame 29 (163 B)
_root.switcher = false;
_root.char._x = 30;
_root.char._y = 301;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Instance of Symbol 459 MovieClip in Frame 29 (102 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.WEBBROTATION == true) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 5.625);
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Frame 29 (304 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _y + 80;
speed = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (_y > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_y < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Frame 29 (304 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _y + 80;
speed = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (_y > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_y < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Frame 29 (304 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _y + 80;
speed = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (_y > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_y < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Frame 30 (163 B)
_root.switcher = false;
_root.char._x = 285;
_root.char._y = 21;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Frame 31 (162 B)
_root.switcher = false;
_root.char._x = 275;
_root.char._y = 0;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Instance of Symbol 475 MovieClip in Frame 31 (235 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 1)) {
_root.switcher = true;
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (_root.switcher == false) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Frame 32 (162 B)
_root.switcher = false;
_root.char._x = 300;
_root.char._y = 0;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "char" in Frame 32 (8.74 KiB) ● ●
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.restartX = _x;
_root.restartY = _y;
gravity = 0;
jumpheight = 12;
speed = 5;
rightface = _xscale;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.hit = false;
_root.drag = false;
_root.stopthemove = false;
if (_root.controlsone == 1) {
_root.UP = 38;
_root.LEFT = 37;
_root.RIGHT = 39;
_root.DOWN = 40;
_root.gravityup = 87;
_root.gravityleft = 65;
_root.gravityright = 68;
_root.gravitydown = 83;
if (_root.controlsone == 2) {
_root.UP = 87;
_root.LEFT = 65;
_root.RIGHT = 68;
_root.DOWN = 83;
_root.gravityup = 38;
_root.gravityleft = 37;
_root.gravityright = 39;
_root.gravitydown = 40;
if (_root.controlsone == 3) {
_root.UP = 87;
_root.LEFT = 65;
_root.RIGHT = 68;
_root.DOWN = 83;
_root.gravityup = 84;
_root.gravityleft = 70;
_root.gravityright = 72;
_root.gravitydown = 71;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_currentframe == 5) {
gravity = 0;
if (_currentframe != 5) {
if (gravity > 9) {
gravity = 9;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true))) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_y = (_y - gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true))) {
_y = (_y+1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_x = (_x - gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 10, _y, true))) {
_x = (_x+1);
gravity = 0;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_x = (_x + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 10, _y, true))) {
_x = (_x-1);
gravity = 0;
if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 3, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 3, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 10, _y, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 3, _y, true) and (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 10, _y, true))) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.hit = true;
_root.stopthemove = false;
} else {
_root.hit = false;
if ((Key.isDown(_root.UP) and (_root.hit == true)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_y = (_y - speed);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.LEFT))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((Key.isDown(_root.DOWN) and (_root.hit == true)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gotoAndStop (2);
_xscale = rightface;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_y = (_y + speed);
gotoAndStop (2);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
if ((((_root.gravswap == 4) and (_root.hit == true)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (Key.isDown(_root.DOWN) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_y = (_y + speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if (Key.isDown(_root.UP) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_x = (_x + speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_x = (_x + speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) and (_root.hit == true)) {
_x = (_x + 4);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
} else if (Key.isDown(_root.LEFT) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
if ((((_root.gravswap == 3) and (_root.hit == true)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
if (Key.isDown(_root.DOWN) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_y = (_y + speed);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if (Key.isDown(_root.UP) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_y = (_y - speed);
_xscale = rightface;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_xscale = (-rightface);
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_xscale = rightface;
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((_root.gravswap == 4) and (_root.hit == true)) {
_x = (_x + 4);
gravity = -jumpheight;
gotoAndStop (4);
} else {
if ((((_root.gravswap == 3) and Key.isDown(_root.DOWN)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y + 4);
_xscale = rightface;
} else if ((((_root.gravswap == 3) and Key.isDown(_root.UP)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y - 4);
_xscale = (-rightface);
if ((((_root.gravswap == 4) and Key.isDown(_root.DOWN)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y + 4);
_xscale = (-rightface);
} else if ((((_root.gravswap == 4) and Key.isDown(_root.UP)) and (_root.hit == false)) and (_root.stopthemove == false)) {
_y = (_y - 4);
_xscale = rightface;
if (((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT))) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((((_root.hit == true) and (!Key.isDown(_root.LEFT))) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) {
gotoAndStop (1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_currentframe != 5) {
if ((_rotation != -90) and (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - 10);
if ((_rotation != 90) and (_root.gravswap == 3)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 10);
if ((_rotation != 180) and (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 10);
if ((_rotation != 0) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - 10);
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravityup) and (!Key.isDown(_root.UP))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 2;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravitydown) and (!Key.isDown(_root.DOWN))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravityleft) and (!Key.isDown(_root.LEFT))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 3;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (((Key.isDown(_root.gravityright) and (!Key.isDown(_root.RIGHT))) and (_root.drag == false)) and (rotatedright == true)) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 4;
_root.stopthemove = true;
if (_y > 550) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_y < -100) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_x < -100) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if (_x > 600) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_rotation = 0;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_x = _root.restartX;
_y = _root.restartY;
if ((((_rotation == 0) or (_rotation == 90)) or (_rotation == 180)) or (_rotation == -90)) {
rotatedright = true;
} else {
rotatedright = false;
Instance of Symbol 475 MovieClip in Frame 32 (235 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 1)) {
_root.switcher = true;
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (_root.switcher == false) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Frame 33 (163 B)
_root.switcher = false;
_root.char._x = 23;
_root.char._y = 160;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip in Frame 33 (214 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
someSound = new Sound();
someSound.attachSound("finish", this);
someSound.start(0, 1);
Frame 34 (163 B)
_root.switcher = false;
_root.char._x = 23;
_root.char._y = 160;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Frame 34 (304 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
switcher = false;
stopper = _y + 80;
speed = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (switcher == false) {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (_y > stopper) {
switcher = true;
if (_y < (stopper - 160)) {
switcher = false;
Frame 35 (163 B)
_root.switcher = false;
_root.char._x = 23;
_root.char._y = 160;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Instance of Symbol 459 MovieClip in Frame 35 (102 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.WEBBROTATION == true) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 5.625);
Instance of Symbol 459 MovieClip in Frame 35 (102 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.WEBBROTATION == true) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 5.625);
Instance of Symbol 459 MovieClip in Frame 35 (102 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.WEBBROTATION == true) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 5.625);
Frame 36 (164 B)
_root.switcher = false;
_root.char._x = 268;
_root.char._y = 128;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.restartX = _root.char._x;
_root.restartY = _root.char._y;
Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1 (181 B)
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
bar._xscale = PercentLoaded;
} else {
Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 2 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 40 (14 B);
Symbol 47 Button (64 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 81 (19 B)
Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 58 (8 B)
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 155 (37 B)
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 96 (19 B)
Symbol 79 Button (63 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 142 MovieClip in Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 1 (349 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
if (((((_root.char._rotation == 0) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) or ((_root.char._rotation == 180) and (_root.gravswap == 2))) or ((_root.char._rotation == 90) and (_root.gravswap == 3))) or ((_root.char._rotation == -90) and (_root.gravswap == 4))) {
Symbol 156 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 9 (331 B)
_root.switcher = false;
_root.char._rotation = 0;
_root.gravswap = 1;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_root.drag3 = false;
_root.dragdown = false;
_root.dragdown2 = false;
_root.dragdown3 = false;
_root.char._x = _root.restartX;
_root.char._y = _root.restartY;
Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 5 (129 B)
if (_root.sound == true) {
someSound = new Sound();
someSound.attachSound("die", this);
someSound.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 142 MovieClip in Symbol 182 MovieClip Frame 1 (349 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
if (((((_root.char._rotation == 0) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) or ((_root.char._rotation == 180) and (_root.gravswap == 2))) or ((_root.char._rotation == 90) and (_root.gravswap == 3))) or ((_root.char._rotation == -90) and (_root.gravswap == 4))) {
Symbol 188 Button (34 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 191 Button (64 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 194 Button (63 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 195 Button (63 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 201 Button (2 KiB) ●
on (press) {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "first") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "omopi") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "55556") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "hg764") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "ohyou") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "pinea") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "apple") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "drink") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "87600") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "tootl") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "1g1g1") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "jhkas") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "3579h") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "mnbas") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "bradl") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "oiulo") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "roflm") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "lmaoe") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "passw") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "kkkkn") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "dadad") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "6hnmk") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "segff") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "007dn") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "dunhe") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "neari") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "egggy") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "hrdlo") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "uhhoh") {
if (_root.levelcode.text == "endin") {
Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 29 (8 B)
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 8 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip in Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 1 (940 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
left = _x;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, left, this._y, left + 158, _y);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 270 MovieClip Frame 16 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 270 MovieClip in Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 1 (36 B)
onClipEvent (load) {;
Symbol 274 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 270 MovieClip in Symbol 274 MovieClip Frame 1 (44 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 274 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 275 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 270 MovieClip in Symbol 275 MovieClip Frame 1 (44 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 275 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 280 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 280 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 270 MovieClip in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1 (44 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 15 (8 B)
Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 274 MovieClip in Symbol 288 MovieClip Frame 1 (205 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 2;
_root.stopthemove = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 275 MovieClip in Symbol 288 MovieClip Frame 1 (205 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 3;
_root.stopthemove = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 280 MovieClip in Symbol 288 MovieClip Frame 1 (201 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.stopthemove = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 281 MovieClip in Symbol 288 MovieClip Frame 1 (205 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.hit == true) {
_root.gravswap = 4;
_root.stopthemove = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 294 Button (243 B)
on (press) {
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_root.drag3 = false;
_root.dragdown = false;
_root.dragdown2 = false;
_root.dragdown3 = false;
_root.gravswap = 1;
_root.char._x = _root.restartX;
_root.char._y = _root.restartY;
Symbol 296 Button (55 B)
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1 (940 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
left = _x;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, left, this._y, left + 158, _y);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 135 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1 (588 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
_root.char._x = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.drag2 == true) {
_root.char._x = this._x;
onClipEvent (load) {
left = _x;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, left, this._y, left + 158, _y);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag2 = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag2 = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.drag2 == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 305 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 305 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 305 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 315 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip in Symbol 316 MovieClip Frame 1 (940 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
left = _x;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, left, this._y, left + 158, _y);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 320 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 142 MovieClip in Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 1 (349 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
if (((((_root.char._rotation == 0) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) or ((_root.char._rotation == 180) and (_root.gravswap == 2))) or ((_root.char._rotation == 90) and (_root.gravswap == 3))) or ((_root.char._rotation == -90) and (_root.gravswap == 4))) {
Symbol 336 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 1 (79 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {;
Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 2 (93 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 50 (261 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
_root.char._rotation = 0;
_root.gravswap = 1;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_root.char._x = _root.restartX;
_root.char._y = _root.restartY;
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip in Symbol 395 MovieClip Frame 1 (940 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
left = _x;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, left, this._y, left + 158, _y);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 135 MovieClip in Symbol 395 MovieClip Frame 1 (588 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
_root.char._x = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.drag2 == true) {
_root.char._x = this._x;
onClipEvent (load) {
left = _x;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, left, this._y, left + 158, _y);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag2 = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag2 = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.drag2 == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 401 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 401 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 403 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 403 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 400 MovieClip in Symbol 404 MovieClip Frame 1 (945 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dragdown == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
up = _y;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, _x, up, _x, up + 158);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.dragdown == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 401 MovieClip in Symbol 404 MovieClip Frame 1 (949 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dragdown2 == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
up = _y;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, _x, up, _x, up + 158);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown2 = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown2 = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.dragdown2 == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 403 MovieClip in Symbol 404 MovieClip Frame 1 (949 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dragdown3 == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
up = _y;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, _x, up, _x, up + 158);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown3 = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown3 = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.dragdown3 == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 400 MovieClip in Symbol 410 MovieClip Frame 1 (945 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dragdown == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
up = _y;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, _x, up, _x, up + 158);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.dragdown == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 142 MovieClip in Symbol 413 MovieClip Frame 1 (611 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
if (((((_root.char._rotation == 0) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) or ((_root.char._rotation == 180) and (_root.gravswap == 2))) or ((_root.char._rotation == 90) and (_root.gravswap == 3))) or ((_root.char._rotation == -90) and (_root.gravswap == 4))) {
_root.char._rotation = 0;
_root.gravswap = 1;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_root.drag3 = false;
_root.dragdown = false;
_root.dragdown2 = false;
_root.dragdown3 = false;
_root.char._x = _root.restartX;
_root.char._y = _root.restartY;
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip in Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 1 (214 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
someSound = new Sound();
someSound.attachSound("finish", this);
someSound.start(0, 1);
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip in Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 2 (85 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
Instance of Symbol 400 MovieClip in Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 1 (945 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dragdown == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
up = _y;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, _x, up, _x, up + 158);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.dragdown == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 417 MovieClip in Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 1 (945 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dragdown == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
up = _y;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, _x, up, _x, up + 158);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.dragdown == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 423 MovieClip Frame 2 (93 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
Symbol 423 MovieClip Frame 25 (30 B)
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 423 MovieClip Frame 50 (261 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
_root.char._rotation = 0;
_root.gravswap = 1;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_root.char._x = _root.restartX;
_root.char._y = _root.restartY;
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 2 (93 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 50 (287 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.switcher = false;
gotoAndStop (2);
_root.char._rotation = 0;
_root.gravswap = 1;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_root.char._x = _root.restartX;
_root.char._y = _root.restartY;
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip in Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 1 (940 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
left = _x;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, left, this._y, left + 158, _y);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 434 MovieClip in Symbol 441 MovieClip Frame 1 (349 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
if (((((_root.char._rotation == 0) and (_root.gravswap == 1)) or ((_root.char._rotation == 180) and (_root.gravswap == 2))) or ((_root.char._rotation == 90) and (_root.gravswap == 3))) or ((_root.char._rotation == -90) and (_root.gravswap == 4))) {
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 6 (93 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 54 (261 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
_root.char._rotation = 0;
_root.gravswap = 1;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_root.char._x = _root.restartX;
_root.char._y = _root.restartY;
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 452 MovieClip Frame 6 (93 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
Symbol 452 MovieClip Frame 54 (27 B)
_root.WEBBROTATION = true;
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 452 MovieClip Frame 54 (261 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
_root.char._rotation = 0;
_root.gravswap = 1;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_root.char._x = _root.restartX;
_root.char._y = _root.restartY;
Symbol 452 MovieClip Frame 70 (28 B)
_root.WEBBROTATION = false;
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 455 MovieClip Frame 6 (93 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 455 MovieClip Frame 54 (261 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
_root.char._rotation = 0;
_root.gravswap = 1;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_root.char._x = _root.restartX;
_root.char._y = _root.restartY;
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 458 MovieClip Frame 6 (93 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 458 MovieClip Frame 54 (261 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
_root.char._rotation = 0;
_root.gravswap = 1;
gravity = 0;
_root.drag = false;
_root.drag2 = false;
_root.char._x = _root.restartX;
_root.char._y = _root.restartY;
Instance of Symbol 463 MovieClip in Symbol 464 MovieClip Frame 1 (142 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.switcher == true) {
_y = (_y + 5);
if (_y > 380) {
_y = 380;
} else {
_y = 210;
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 14 (8 B)
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 26 (8 B)
Symbol 475 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 475 MovieClip Frame 20 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 403 MovieClip in Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 1 (949 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dragdown3 == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
up = _y;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, _x, up, _x, up + 158);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown3 = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown3 = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.dragdown3 == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 315 MovieClip in Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 1 (143 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.switcher == true) {
_y = (_y + 5);
if (_y > 100) {
_y = 100;
} else {
_y = 33.6;
Instance of Symbol 315 MovieClip in Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 1 (143 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.switcher == true) {
_y = (_y + 5);
if (_y > 100) {
_y = 100;
} else {
_y = 33.6;
Instance of Symbol 403 MovieClip in Symbol 481 MovieClip Frame 1 (949 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dragdown3 == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
up = _y;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, _x, up, _x, up + 158);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown3 = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown3 = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.dragdown3 == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip in Symbol 481 MovieClip Frame 1 (940 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
left = _x;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, left, this._y, left + 158, _y);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 400 MovieClip in Symbol 481 MovieClip Frame 1 (945 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dragdown == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 3) or (_root.gravswap == 4)) {
_root.char._y = _y;
if (_root.gravswap == 2) {
_root.char._y = _y + 21;
if (_root.gravswap == 1) {
_root.char._y = _y - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
up = _y;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, _x, up, _x, up + 158);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.dragdown = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.dragdown == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Symbol 488 MovieClip Frame 1 (141 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - 5);
if (_y <= 70) {
_y = 70;
} else {
_y = 120;
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Symbol 488 MovieClip Frame 1 (141 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - 5);
if (_y <= 90) {
_y = 90;
} else {
_y = 120;
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Symbol 488 MovieClip Frame 1 (141 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.switcher == true) {
_y = (_y - 5);
if (_y <= 50) {
_y = 50;
} else {
_y = 120;
Instance of Symbol 492 MovieClip in Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 1 (166 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.switcher == true) {
_x = (_x - 5);
if (_x < 50) {
_x = 50;
} else if (_root.switcher == false) {
_x = 195;
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip in Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 1 (940 B)
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_currentframe == 2)) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
if ((_root.gravswap == 1) or (_root.gravswap == 2)) {
_root.char._x = _x;
if (_root.gravswap == 3) {
_root.char._x = _x + 22;
if (_root.gravswap == 4) {
_root.char._x = _x - 13;
onClipEvent (load) {
left = _x;
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, left, this._y, left + 158, _y);
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) {
_root.drag = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
if (_root.drag == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 528 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 530 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 532 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 536 MovieClip Frame 555 (40 B)