Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5148

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Super Sonic.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #46903

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)



<p align="center"><font face="Eras Demi ITC" size="16" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Controls: </b>Mouse click <sbr />to climb, release to <sbr />drop. </font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Eras Demi ITC" size="28" color="#0000cc" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Super Sonic Click</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Eras Demi ITC" size="28" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Super Sonic Click</b></font></p>

Play Game

Play Game

Click to start

Click to start

Act 1 :   Warehouse

Your score is :

<p align="left"></p>

High score :

<p align="left"></p>

Play again

Play again

Game  Over

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
bytes_loaded = Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded()); bytes_total = Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal()); getPercent = bytes_loaded / bytes_total; _root.loadBar._width = getPercent * 100; _root.loadText = Math.round(getPercent * 100) + "%"; if (bytes_loaded == bytes_total) { _root.gotoAndPlay(3); }
Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 3
function deadClick() { } function gotoMySite() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } var myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); var copyrightNotice = new ContextMenuItem("\u00A9 2008", deadClick); copyrightNotice.separatorBefore = true; var mySiteLink = new ContextMenuItem("Designed by", gotoMySite); myMenu.customItems.push(mySiteLink, copyrightNotice); = myMenu; stop();
Frame 4
super_sonic_dying.removeMovieClip(); tunnel_movie.removeMovieClip(); _root.attachMovie("sonic_change", "sonic_change", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:115, _y:180}); charge_noise_sound = new Sound(); charge_noise_sound.attachSound("charge_noise"); charge_noise_sound.start();
Frame 25
Frame 26
stop(); sonic_change.removeMovieClip(); var star_filter = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 0.8, 4, 4, 2, 3, false, false)); var power_rings_filter = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16314760, 0.8, 4, 4, 2, 3, false, false)); collect_ring_sound = new Sound(); collect_ring_sound.attachSound("ring_sound"); die_sound = new Sound(); die_sound.attachSound("die"); boom_sound = new Sound(); boom_sound.attachSound("boom"); bg_sound = new Sound(); bg_sound.attachSound("levelonemusic"); bg_sound.start(); var hscore; scores = 0; gravity = 2.1; thrust = 4.2; yspeed = 0; xspeed = 25; distance = 100; star_interval = 10000; frames_passed = 0; tunnel_height = -60; rings = 35; power = false; _root.attachMovie("bg_ani", "bg_ani", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:0, _y:75}); _root.attachMovie("super_sonic", "super_sonic", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:150, _y:200}); _root.attachMovie("tunnel", "tunnel_movie", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:500, _y:tunnel_height}); _root.attachMovie("flash", "flashbg", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:0, _y:0}); flashbg._alpha = 75; _root.createEmptyMovieClip("deadly_movie", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.attachMovie("score", "score", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); super_sonic.onEnterFrame = function () { = (((((("Distance: " + distance) + " - ") + "Ring Power: ") + rings) + " - ") + "High Score: ") + hscore; if ((rings > 0) and power) { yspeed = yspeed - thrust; rings = rings - 1; } if (distance == 32725) { bg_sound.start(); } if (distance == 5700) { _root.attachMovie("b_bang", "b_bang", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:-30, _y:180}); boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 5800) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 5900) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 6000) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 6100) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 6200) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 6300) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 6400) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 6500) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 6600) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 6700) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 6800) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 6900) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 7000) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 7100) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 7200) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 7300) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 7400) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 7500) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 7600) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 7700) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 7800) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 7900) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 8000) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 8100) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 8200) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 8300) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 8400) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 8500) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 8600) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 8700) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 8800) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 8900) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 9000) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 9100) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 9200) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 9300) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 9400) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 9500) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 9600) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 9700) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 9800) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 9900) { boom_sound.start(); } if (distance == 10000) { b_bang.removeMovieClip(); } if (distance == 100) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:200}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 800) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:200}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 1350) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:290}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 2000) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:100}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 2750) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:290}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 3350) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:290}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 4000) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:100}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 5200) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:290}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 7200) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:100}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 7725) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:100}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 8550) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:200}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 9325) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:290}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 10425) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:100}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 11550) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:290}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 13175) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:290}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 14650) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:290}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 18025) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:100}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 19225) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:290}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 20000) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:290}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 22375) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:290}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 23050) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:290}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 26900) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:200}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 29050) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:290}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 35100) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:200}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (distance == 37525) { _root.attachMovie("power_rings", "power_rings", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:560, _y:200}); power_rings.filters = new Array(power_rings_filter); power_rings.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - (xspeed * 1.2); if (this._x < -10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } tunnel_movie._x = tunnel_movie._x - xspeed; yspeed = yspeed + gravity; this._y = this._y + yspeed; frames_passed++; distance = distance + xspeed; if (frames_passed >= star_interval) { sm = _root.attachMovie("star", "star" + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x - 70, _y:this._y - 15}); sm.filters = new Array(star_filter); sm.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x - xspeed; this._alpha = this._alpha - 25; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; frames_passed = 0; } if (super_sonic.hitTest(_root.power_rings)) { collect_ring_sound.start(); rings = rings + 35; power_rings.removeMovieClip(); } if (distance == 38800) { tunnel_movie.removeMovieClip(); scores = rings + distance; yspeed = 0; rings = 0; gravity = 0; } if (distance >= 39700) { tunnel_movie.removeMovieClip(); super_sonic.removeMovieClip(); score.removeMovieClip(); flashbg.removeMovieClip(); power_rings.removeMovieClip(); warning.removeMovieClip(); flake.removeMovieClip(); bg_ani.removeMovieClip(); b_bang.removeMovieClip(); stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay(39); } if (((super_sonic._y > 400) or (super_sonic._y < 0)) or _root.tunnel_movie.hitTest(super_sonic._x, super_sonic._y, true)) { scores = rings + distance; yspeed = 0; rings = 0; gravity = 0; die_sound.start(); _root.attachMovie("super_sonic_dying", "super_sonic_dying", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.super_sonic_dying._x = super_sonic._x; _root.super_sonic_dying._y = super_sonic._y; super_sonic.removeMovieClip(); warning.removeMovieClip(); score.removeMovieClip(); flashbg.removeMovieClip(); power_rings.removeMovieClip(); bg_ani.removeMovieClip(); b_bang.removeMovieClip(); _root.gotoAndPlay(27); } }; _root.onMouseDown = function () { power = true; star_interval = 5; }; _root.onMouseUp = function () { power = false; star_interval = 5; }; final_score.text = scores; if (hscore == undefined) { hscore = scores; high_score.text = scores; } else if (scores > hscore) { hscore = scores; high_score.text = hscore; } else { high_score.text = hscore; }
Frame 38
stop(); stopAllSounds(); bg_ani.removeMovieClip(); tunnel_movie.removeMovieClip(); _root.gotoAndPlay(38);
Frame 39
stop(); final_score.text = scores; if (hscore == undefined) { hscore = scores; high_score.text = scores; } else if (scores > hscore) { hscore = scores; high_score.text = hscore; } else { high_score.text = hscore; }
Symbol 39 MovieClip [bg_ani] Frame 200
gotoAndPlay (116);
Symbol 55 MovieClip [super_sonic_dying] Frame 12
Symbol 65 MovieClip [sonic_change] Frame 17
Symbol 104 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay(4); }
Symbol 108 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(26); }
Symbol 116 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay(4); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [levelonemusic]
Symbol 2 Sound [charge_noise]
Symbol 3 Sound [die]
Symbol 4 Sound [ring_sound]
Symbol 5 Sound [boom]
Symbol 6 BitmapUsed by:7
Symbol 7 GraphicUses:6Used by:18
Symbol 8 BitmapUsed by:9
Symbol 9 GraphicUses:8Used by:18
Symbol 10 BitmapUsed by:11
Symbol 11 GraphicUses:10Used by:18
Symbol 12 BitmapUsed by:13
Symbol 13 GraphicUses:12Used by:18
Symbol 14 BitmapUsed by:15
Symbol 15 GraphicUses:14Used by:18
Symbol 16 BitmapUsed by:17
Symbol 17 GraphicUses:16Used by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClipUses:7 9 11 13 15 17Used by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip [b_bang]Uses:18
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:20Used by:29
Symbol 22 BitmapUsed by:23
Symbol 23 GraphicUses:22Used by:29
Symbol 24 BitmapUsed by:25
Symbol 25 GraphicUses:24Used by:28
Symbol 26 BitmapUsed by:27
Symbol 27 GraphicUses:26Used by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClipUses:25 27Used by:29 36
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:21 23 28Used by:36
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClipUses:30Used by:36
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:36
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:34 35
Symbol 34 MovieClipUses:33Used by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClipUses:33 34Used by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClip [tunnel]Uses:29 28 31 32 35
Symbol 37 BitmapUsed by:38
Symbol 38 GraphicUses:37Used by:39
Symbol 39 MovieClip [bg_ani]Uses:38
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClip [splash]Uses:40 41 42 43
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClipUses:50Used by:55 65
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:54
Symbol 54 MovieClipUses:53Used by:55 65
Symbol 55 MovieClip [super_sonic_dying]Uses:45 46 47 48 49 51 52 54
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:64
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClip [super_sonic]Uses:62 63Used by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClip [sonic_change]Uses:56 57 58 59 60 51 61 64 54
Symbol 66 FontUsed by:67
Symbol 67 EditableTextUses:66Used by:68
Symbol 68 MovieClip [score]Uses:67
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClip [rock]Uses:69
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClip [power_rings]Uses:71
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClip [sonic]Uses:73 74 75 76 77 78
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClip [star]Uses:80
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClip [flash]Uses:82
Symbol 84 FontUsed by:85 86
Symbol 85 EditableTextUses:84Used by:Timeline
Symbol 86 EditableTextUses:84Used by:Timeline
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:88
Symbol 88 MovieClipUses:87Used by:Timeline
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 90 BitmapUsed by:91
Symbol 91 GraphicUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:101 104 108 116  Timeline
Symbol 93 FontUsed by:95 99 100 102 103 106 107 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 117
Symbol 94 Font
Symbol 95 EditableTextUses:93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 99 EditableTextUses:93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 100 EditableTextUses:93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 101 MovieClipUses:92Used by:104
Symbol 102 TextUses:93Used by:104
Symbol 103 TextUses:93Used by:104
Symbol 104 ButtonUses:101 102 103 92Used by:Timeline
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 106 TextUses:93Used by:108
Symbol 107 TextUses:93Used by:108
Symbol 108 ButtonUses:92 106 107Used by:Timeline
Symbol 109 TextUses:93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 TextUses:93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 EditableTextUses:93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 TextUses:93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 EditableTextUses:93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 TextUses:93Used by:116
Symbol 115 TextUses:93Used by:116
Symbol 116 ButtonUses:92 114 115Used by:Timeline
Symbol 117 TextUses:93Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"loadBar"Frame 1Symbol 88 MovieClip
"final_score"Frame 39Symbol 111 EditableText
"high_score"Frame 39Symbol 113 EditableText
"sc"Symbol 68 MovieClip [score] Frame 1Symbol 67 EditableText

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "levelonemusic"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "charge_noise"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "die"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "ring_sound"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 5 as "boom"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19 as "b_bang"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 36 as "tunnel"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 39 as "bg_ani"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 44 as "splash"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 55 as "super_sonic_dying"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 64 as "super_sonic"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 65 as "sonic_change"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 68 as "score"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 70 as "rock"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 72 as "power_rings"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 79 as "sonic"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 81 as "star"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 83 as "flash"

Dynamic Text Variables

loadTextSymbol 85 EditableText"Loading...."
Created: 9/3 -2019 00:21:55 Last modified: 9/3 -2019 00:21:55 Server time: 05/11 -2024 09:20:49