[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 1 (14.97 KiB) ● ●
_accProps = new Object();
_accProps.name = "NOB STUDIO";
_accProps.description = "nobstudio games";
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) {
var x;
var g;
var s;
var fv;
var sb;
var u;
var res;
var mb;
var mbc;
mb = "__mochibot__";
mbc = "mochibot.com";
g = (_global ? (_global) : (_level0._root));
if (g[mb + swfid]) {
return(g[mb + swfid]);
s = System.security;
x = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
fv = (x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : ((_global ? 6 : 5)));
if (!s) {
s = {};
sb = s.sandboxType;
if (sb == "localWithFile") {
x = s.allowDomain;
if (x) {
x = s.allowInsecureDomain;
if (x) {
u = (((((((((((("http://" + mbc) + "/my/core.swf?mv=7&fv=") + fv) + "&v=") + escape(getVersion())) + "&swfid=") + escape(swfid)) + "&l=") + lv) + "&f=") + mc) + (sb ? ("&sb=" + sb) : "")) + (trk ? "&t=1" : "");
lv = ((fv > 6) ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : ((g[mb + "level"] ? (g[mb + "level"] + 1) : (lv))));
g[mb + "level"] = lv;
if (fv == 5) {
res = "_level" + lv;
if (!eval (res)) {
loadMovieNum (u, lv);
} else {
res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv);
var MochiAd = {getVersion:function () {
}, showPreGameAd:function (options) {
var _local1 = this;
var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:3000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showPreloaderAd", color:16747008, background:16777161, outline:13994812, ad_started:function () {
}, ad_finished:function () {
options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS);
var clip = options.clip;
var ad_msec = 11000;
var ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout;
delete options.ad_timeout;
var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time;
delete options.fadeout_time;
if (!MochiAd.load(options)) {
} else {
var mc = clip._mochiad;
mc.onUnload = function () {
var wh = MochiAd._getRes(options);
var _local3 = wh[0];
var h = wh[1];
mc._x = _local3 * 0.5;
mc._y = h * 0.5;
var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3);
chk._x = _local3 * -0.5;
chk._y = h * -0.5;
var bar = chk.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_bar", 4);
bar._x = 10;
bar._y = h - 20;
var bar_color = options.color;
delete options.color;
var bar_background = options.background;
delete options.background;
var bar_outline = options.outline;
delete options.outline;
var backing = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 1);
backing.moveTo(0, 0);
backing.lineTo(_local3 - 20, 0);
backing.lineTo(_local3 - 20, 10);
backing.lineTo(0, 10);
backing.lineTo(0, 0);
var _local2 = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("_inside", 2);
_local2.moveTo(0, 0);
_local2.lineTo(_local3 - 20, 0);
_local2.lineTo(_local3 - 20, 10);
_local2.lineTo(0, 10);
_local2.lineTo(0, 0);
_local2._xscale = 0;
var outline = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 3);
outline.lineStyle(0, bar_outline, 100);
outline.moveTo(0, 0);
outline.lineTo(_local3 - 20, 0);
outline.lineTo(_local3 - 20, 10);
outline.lineTo(0, 10);
outline.lineTo(0, 0);
chk.ad_msec = ad_msec;
chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout;
chk.started = getTimer();
chk.showing = false;
chk.last_pcnt = 0;
chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time;
chk.fadeFunction = function () {
var _local1 = this;
var _local2 = 100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - _local1.fadeout_start) / _local1.fadeout_time));
if (_local2 > 0) {
_local1._parent._alpha = _local2;
} else {
var _local3 = _local1._parent._parent;
delete _local1.onEnterFrame;
mc.lc.adLoaded = function (width, height) {
mc.lc.adjustProgress = function (msec) {
var _local1 = this.mc._mochiad_wait;
_local1.server_control = true;
_local1.started = getTimer();
_local1.ad_msec = msec;
chk.onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local1 = this;
var _clip = _local1._parent._parent;
var ad_clip = _local1._parent._mochiad_ctr;
var elapsed = (getTimer() - _local1.started);
var _local3 = false;
var clip_total = _clip.getBytesTotal();
var clip_loaded = _clip.getBytesLoaded();
var clip_pcnt = ((100 * clip_loaded) / clip_total);
var ad_pcnt = ((100 * elapsed) / chk.ad_msec);
var _inside = _local1._mochiad_bar._inside;
var _local2 = Math.min(100, Math.min(clip_pcnt || 0, ad_pcnt));
_local2 = Math.max(_local1.last_pcnt, _local2);
_local1.last_pcnt = _local2;
_inside._xscale = _local2;
if (!chk.showing) {
var total = ad_clip.getBytesTotal();
if ((total > 0) || (typeof(total) == "undefined")) {
chk.showing = true;
chk.started = getTimer();
} else if (elapsed > chk.ad_timeout) {
_local3 = true;
if (elapsed > chk.ad_msec) {
_local3 = true;
if (((clip_total > 0) && (clip_loaded >= clip_total)) && (_local3)) {
if (_local1.server_control) {
delete _local1.onEnterFrame;
} else {
_local1.fadeout_start = getTimer();
_local1.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction;
}, showInterLevelAd:function (options) {
var _local1 = this;
var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showTimedAd", ad_started:function () {
}, ad_finished:function () {
options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS);
var clip = options.clip;
var ad_msec = 11000;
var ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout;
delete options.ad_timeout;
var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time;
delete options.fadeout_time;
if (!MochiAd.load(options)) {
} else {
var mc = clip._mochiad;
mc.onUnload = function () {
var wh = MochiAd._getRes(options);
var w = wh[0];
var h = wh[1];
mc._x = w * 0.5;
mc._y = h * 0.5;
var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3);
chk.ad_msec = ad_msec;
chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout;
chk.started = getTimer();
chk.showing = false;
chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time;
chk.fadeFunction = function () {
var _local1 = this;
var _local2 = 100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - _local1.fadeout_start) / _local1.fadeout_time));
if (_local2 > 0) {
_local1._parent._alpha = _local2;
} else {
var _local3 = _local1._parent._parent;
delete _local1.onEnterFrame;
mc.lc.adLoaded = function (width, height) {
mc.lc.adjustProgress = function (msec) {
var _local1 = this.mc._mochiad_wait;
_local1.server_control = true;
_local1.started = getTimer();
_local1.ad_msec = msec - 250;
chk.onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local1 = this;
var ad_clip = _local1._parent._mochiad_ctr;
var elapsed = (getTimer() - _local1.started);
var _local2 = false;
if (!chk.showing) {
var _local3 = ad_clip.getBytesTotal();
if ((_local3 > 0) || (typeof(_local3) == "undefined")) {
chk.showing = true;
chk.started = getTimer();
} else if (elapsed > chk.ad_timeout) {
_local2 = true;
if (elapsed > chk.ad_msec) {
_local2 = true;
if (_local2) {
if (_local1.server_control) {
delete _local1.onEnterFrame;
} else {
_local1.fadeout_start = getTimer();
_local1.onEnterFrame = _local1.fadeFunction;
}, showTimedAd:function (options) {
}, showPreloaderAd:function (options) {
}, _allowDomains:function (server) {
var _local1 = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0];
if (System.security) {
if (System.security.allowDomain) {
if (System.security.allowInsecureDomain) {
}, _loadCommunicator:function (options) {
var _local2 = options;
var _local3 = arguments;
var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, com_server:"http://x.mochiads.com/com/1/", method:"loadCommunicator", depth:10337, id:"_UNKNOWN_"};
_local2 = MochiAd._parseOptions(_local2, DEFAULTS);
_local2.swfv = _local2.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6;
_local2.mav = MochiAd.getVersion();
var clip = _local2.clip;
var clipname = ("_mochiad_com_" + _local2.id);
if (!MochiAd._isNetworkAvailable()) {
if (clip[clipname]) {
var server = (_local2.com_server + _local2.id);
delete _local2.id;
delete _local2.com_server;
var depth = _local2.depth;
delete _local2.depth;
var mc = clip.createEmptyMovieClip(clipname, depth);
var lv = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_com", 1);
for (var k in _local2) {
lv[k] = _local2[k];
var lc = new LocalConnection();
var name = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), random(999999)].join("_");
lc.mc = mc;
lc.name = name;
lc.allowDomain = function (d) {
lc.allowInsecureDomain = lc.allowDomain;
mc.lc = lc;
lv.lc = name;
lc._id = 0;
lc._queue = [];
lc.rpcResult = function (cb_arg) {
var cb = parseInt(cb_arg);
var _local2 = this._callbacks[cb];
if (!_local2) {
} else {
delete this._callbacks[cb];
var _local3 = [];
var _local1 = 2;
while (_local1 < _local2.length) {
_local1 = 1;
while (_local1 < arguments.length) {
var method = _local2[1];
var obj = _local2[0];
if (obj && (typeof(method) == "string")) {
method = obj[method];
if (method) {
method.apply(obj, _local3);
lc._didConnect = function (endpoint) {
this._endpoint = endpoint;
var _local3 = this._queue;
delete this._queue;
var ds = this.doSend;
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _local3.length) {
var _local2 = _local3[_local1];
ds.apply(this, _local2);
lc.doSend = function (args, cbobj, cbfn) {
var _local2 = arguments;
if (this._endpoint == null) {
var _local3 = [];
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _local2.length) {
} else {
this._id = this._id + 1;
var id = this._id;
if ((cbfn === undefined) || (cbfn === null)) {
cbfn = cbobj;
this._callbacks[id] = [cbobj, cbfn];
var slc = new LocalConnection();
var ss = slc.send(this._endpoint, "rpc", id, args);
lc._callbacks = {};
lc._callbacks[0] = [lc, "_didConnect"];
lv.st = getTimer();
lv.loadMovie(server + ".swf", "POST");
}, fetchHighScores:function (options, callbackObj, callbackMethod) {
var _local2 = options;
var _local1 = MochiAd._loadCommunicator({id:_local2.id});
if (!_local1) {
var fncall = ["fetchHighScores", _local2];
_local1.doSend(["fetchHighScores", _local2], callbackObj, callbackMethod);
}, sendHighScore:function (options, callbackObj, callbackMethod) {
var _local2 = options;
var _local1 = MochiAd._loadCommunicator({id:_local2.id});
if (!_local1) {
var fncall = ["sendHighScore", _local2];
_local1.doSend(["sendHighScore", _local2], callbackObj, callbackMethod);
}, load:function (options) {
var _local1 = options;
var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, server:"http://x.mochiads.com/srv/1/", method:"load", depth:10333, id:"_UNKNOWN_"};
_local1 = MochiAd._parseOptions(_local1, DEFAULTS);
_local1.swfv = _local1.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6;
_local1.mav = MochiAd.getVersion();
var clip = _local1.clip;
if (!MochiAd._isNetworkAvailable()) {
if (clip._mochiad_loaded) {
var depth = _local1.depth;
delete _local1.depth;
var mc = clip.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad", depth);
var wh = MochiAd._getRes(_local1);
_local1.res = (wh[0] + "x") + wh[1];
_local1.server = _local1.server + _local1.id;
delete _local1.id;
clip._mochiad_loaded = true;
var _local2 = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_ctr", 1);
for (var k in _local1) {
_local2[k] = _local1[k];
var server = _local2.server;
delete _local2.server;
var hostname = MochiAd._allowDomains(server);
mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local1 = this;
if (_local1._mochiad_ctr._url != _local1._url) {
_local1.onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local1 = this;
if (!_local1._mochiad_ctr) {
delete _local1.onEnterFrame;
var _local3 = new LocalConnection();
var name = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), random(999999)].join("_");
_local3.mc = mc;
_local3.name = name;
_local3.hostname = hostname;
_local3.allowDomain = function (d) {
_local3.allowInsecureDomain = _local3.allowDomain;
mc.lc = _local3;
_local2.lc = name;
_local2.st = getTimer();
_local2.loadMovie(server + ".swf", "POST");
}, unload:function (clip) {
var _local1 = clip;
if (typeof(_local1) == "undefined") {
_local1 = _root;
if (_local1.clip && (_local1.clip._mochiad)) {
_local1 = _local1.clip;
if (!_local1._mochiad) {
delete _local1._mochiad_loaded;
delete _local1._mochiad;
}, _isNetworkAvailable:function () {
if (System.security) {
var _local1 = System.security;
if (_local1.sandboxType == "localWithFile") {
}, _getRes:function (options) {
var _local3 = options.clip.getBounds();
var _local2 = 0;
var _local1 = 0;
if (typeof(options.res) != "undefined") {
var xy = options.res.split("x");
_local2 = parseFloat(xy[0]);
_local1 = parseFloat(xy[1]);
} else {
_local2 = _local3.xMax - _local3.xMin;
_local1 = _local3.yMax - _local3.yMin;
if ((_local2 == 0) || (_local1 == 0)) {
_local2 = Stage.width;
_local1 = Stage.height;
return([_local2, _local1]);
}, _parseOptions:function (options, defaults) {
var _local3 = {};
for (var k in defaults) {
_local3[k] = defaults[k];
if (options) {
for (var k in options) {
_local3[k] = options[k];
if (_root.mochiad_options) {
var pairs = _root.mochiad_options.split("&");
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < pairs.length) {
var _local2 = pairs[_local1].split("=");
_local3[unescape(_local2[0])] = unescape(_local2[1]);
}, _:null};
MochiAd.showPreGameAd({id:"236af20cf4d236b9", res:"550x400"});
__com_mochibot__("51f050ec", this, 10301, true);
Frame 44 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip in Frame 44 (191 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
counter = math.floor((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
_root.counterpercent = counter + "%";
if (counter >= 100) {
Frame 46 (8 B)
Frame 50 (10.06 KiB) ● ●
if (greatmage == "yes") {
_root.info_t = ((("Year 210 to 240, Great Mage--" + name) + ", also known as the ") + _root.title) + ". ";
if (grep == 16) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nThe Great Mage tried to restore peace among the clans. ";
if (rank <= 3) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAll the mages who assasinated the former Great Mage were captured, or killed. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfew mages who assasinated the former Great Mage were captured, others got away. ";
if (fame >= 130) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Many mages supported the Great Mage, and peace is maintained among the clans. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + (("Not all mages supported the Great Mage, and although " + name) + " tried to stop, there were still battles between 'good' and 'evil' clans. ");
if (clanr >= 40) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Year 250, the Great Mage passed away peacefully. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the Few Evil Mages. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Year 250, Great Mage was assasinated by a group of rebellious young mages from his own clan. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the''Battle of Good and Evil''. ";
} else if (grep >= 8) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nThe Great Mage tried to revenge for the former Great Mage. ";
if (rank < 3) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAll the mages who assasinated the former Great Mage were captured, or killed. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfew mages who assasinated the former Great Mage were captured, others got away. ";
if (fame >= 130) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Many mages supported the Great Mage. Dark Fire, Chaos Fire and Poison Water Clan mages were not allowed to leave their Clan area. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + (("Not all mages supported the Great Mage, and although " + name) + " tried, the relation among the clans had gone worse. ");
if (clanr >= 40) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Year 250, the Great Mage passed away peacefully. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the''Battle of Good and Evil''. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Year 250, Great Mage was assasinated by a group of rebellious young mages from his own clan. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the ''Few Good Mages''. ";
} else if (brep == 16) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nThe Great Mage tried to create disaster among the clans. ";
if (rank < 3) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAll the mages who disagreed with the assasination of former Great Mage were captured, or killed. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfew of mages who disagreed with the assasination of former Great Mage were captured, others got away. ";
if (fame >= 130) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Many mages were fooled by the Great Mage. They fought each other, and many died, while others betrayed their own clan leaders and joined the Great Mage's clan. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + (("Not all mages were fooled by the Great Mage, and although " + name) + " tried very hard, only afew mages betrayed their own clan leaders, and joined the Great Mage's clan. ");
if (clanr >= 40) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Year 250, the Great Mage passed away peacefully. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the ''Dark Times''. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Year 250, Great Mage was assasinated by a group of rebellious young mages from his own clan. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the ''Few Good Mages''. ";
} else if (brep >= 8) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nThe Great Mage tried to reduce other clan's strength. ";
if (rank < 3) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAll the mages who disagreed with the assasination of former Great Mage were captured, or killed. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfew of mages who disagreed with the assasination of former Great Mage were captured, others got away. ";
if (fame >= 130) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Many mages were fooled the Great Mage. They betrayed their own clan leaders, and joined the Great Mage's clan. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + (("Not all mages were fooled the Great Mage, and although " + name) + " tried very hard, few mages were willing to join Great Mage's clan. ");
if (clanr >= 40) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Year 250, the Great Mage passed away peacefully. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the ''Few Good Mages''. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Year 250, Great Mage was assasinated by a group of rebellious young mages from his own clan. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the''Battle of Good and Evil''. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nThe Great Mage never tried to do anything to change the situation. \n There were battles among the 'good' and the 'evil' clans. Many came to Great Mage asking for support, but he ignored messengers from both sides. ";
if (clanr >= 40) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Year 250, the Great Mage passed away peacefully. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Year 250, Great Mage was assasinated by a group of rebellious young mages from his own clan. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the''Battle of Good and Evil''. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = "Year 210 to 240, Great Mage-Chaos Fire Clan Leader, also known as the 'BLOODTHURST MAGE'. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nThe Great Mage tried to create disaster among the clans. ";
if (grep >= 8) {
if (rank < 3) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + (("\nAfew of mages who disagreed with the assasination of former Great Mage were captured, others, with help of " + name) + ", got away. ");
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + (("\nAll the mages who disagreed with the assasination of former Great Mage were captured, or killed. Including " + name) + ". ");
if (fame >= 130) {
if (rank < 3) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + (name + "had united many mages, and although Great Mage tried very hard, only afew mages betrayed their own clan leaders, and joined the Great Mage's clan. ");
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Not all mages were fooled by the Great Mage, and although Great Mage tried very hard, only afew mages betrayed their own clan leaders, and joined the Great Mage's clan. ";
} else if (rank < 3) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + (("Many mages were fooled by the Great Mage. They fought each other, and many died, including " + name) + ". Others betrayed their own clan leaders and joined the Great Mage's clan. ");
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Many mages were fooled by the Great Mage. They fought each other, and many died, while others betrayed their own clan leaders and joined the Great Mage's clan. ";
if (clanr >= 40) {
if ((fame >= 130) and (rank < 3)) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + (((("Year 245, Great Mage was assasinated by a group of rebellious young mages, lead by " + name) + ". ") + name) + " was elected as the Great Mage. Year 250, He passed away peacefully.");
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the''Battle of Good and Evil''. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Year 250, Great Mage was assasinated by a group of rebellious young mages from his own clan. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the ''Few Good Mages''. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Year 250, the Great Mage passed away peacefully. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the ''Dark Times''. ";
} else if (brep >= 8) {
if (rank < 3) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + (("\n With the help of " + name) + ", all the mages who disagreed with the assasination of former Great Mage were captured, or killed. ");
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfew of mages who disagreed with the assasination of former Great Mage were captured, others, got away. ";
if (fame >= 130) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Many mages were fooled by the Great Mage. They fought each other, and many died, while others betrayed their own clan leaders and joined the Great Mage's clan. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Not all mages were fooled by the Great Mage, and although the Great Mage tried very hard, only afew mages betrayed their own clan leaders, and joined the Great Mage's clan. ";
if (clanr >= 40) {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + (("Year 245, " + name) + " assasinated the Great Mage, and claimed himself as the Great Mage. Year 250. He was assasinated by a good mage. ");
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the ''Few Good Mages''. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Year 250, Great Mage was assasinated by a group of rebellious young mages from his own clan. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the ''Dark Times''. ";
} else {
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\n All the mages who disagreed with the assasination of former Great Mage were captured, or killed. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Many mages were fooled by the Great Mage. They fought each other, and many died, while others betrayed their own clan leaders and joined the Great Mage's clan. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "Year 250, Great Mage was assasinated by a group of rebellious young mages from his own clan. ";
_root.info_t = _root.info_t + "\nAfter the End of ''Chaotic Period'', came the ''Dark Times''. ";
Frame 52 (5.15 KiB) ● ●
if (rank == 0) {
_root.rank = "none";
if (clan == "P") {
} else if (clan == "S") {
} else if (clan == "I") {
} else if (clan == "R") {
} else if (clan == "C") {
} else if (clan == "D") {
_root.title = "USELESS'";
if (fame >= 120) {
_root.title = "'STAR'";
} else if (fame >= 80) {
_root.title = "ACTOR'";
} else if (fame > 40) {
_root.title = "'NOBODY'";
if (((grep <= 3) and (brep <= 3)) and (mana > 250)) {
_root.title = "HERMIT'";
if (grep >= 9) {
_root.title = "KIND HEARTED'";
if (fame > 80) {
_root.title = "'JUDGE'";
if (brep >= 9) {
_root.title = "'SHAMLESS ONE'";
if (fame > 80) {
_root.title = "'ASSASIN'";
if (rank == 1) {
_root.title = "'UNDEFEATABLE'";
} else if (rank <= 10) {
_root.title = "'TALENTED MAGE'";
if (brep >= 16) {
_root.title = "'EVIL MAGE'";
if (rank <= 10) {
_root.title = "'DEVIL'";
if (rank == 1) {
_root.title = "'SATAN'";
if (grep >= 16) {
_root.title = "'HOLY MAGE'";
if (rank <= 10) {
_root.title = "'SAINT'";
if (rank == 1) {
_root.title = "'GOD'";
_root.info_t2 = "";
if (rank == "none") {
_root.info_t2 = _root.info_t2 + "Rank:He was terrible with magic! He doesnt deserve to be in this book. ";
} else if (rank == 1) {
_root.info_t2 = _root.info_t2 + "Rank:One of the most powerful mage in history, ranking number 1 at his time. ";
} else if (rank == 2) {
_root.info_t2 = _root.info_t2 + "Rank:A powerful mage, ranking number 2 at his time.";
} else if (rank == 3) {
_root.info_t2 = _root.info_t2 + "Rank:A powerful mage, ranking number 3 at his time. ";
} else if (rank <= 10) {
_root.info_t2 = _root.info_t2 + "Rank:He knew how to use magic well. He was ranking in top 10 at his time. ";
} else if (rank <= 50) {
_root.info_t2 = _root.info_t2 + "Rank:He was an average skilled mage. He was in the top 50 at his time. ";
} else if (rank <= 100) {
_root.info_t2 = _root.info_t2 + "Rank:He wasnt good with magic, his ranking was below 50. ";
if (apprendicecontest == "yes") {
_root.info_t2 = _root.info_t2 + (("\nYear 195, " + name) + " won the Apprendice Contest in his clan. ");
if (youngmage == "yes") {
_root.info_t2 = _root.info_t2 + (("\nYear 200, " + name) + " won the Young Mage Contest, and made it to top 100 mages for the first time.");
if (clanleader == "yes") {
_root.info_t2 = _root.info_t2 + (("\nYear 209, " + name) + " became the Leader of the Clan. ");
if (greatmage == "yes") {
_root.info_t2 = _root.info_t2 + (("\nYear 210, " + name) + " became the Great Mage. ");
if ((((apprendicecontest == "no") and (youngmage == "no")) and (clanleader == "no")) and (greatmage == "no")) {
_root.info_t2 = _root.info_t2 + "\nHe had achieved nothing in his life. Why is his name in this book?";
_root.info_t1 = name + ", from Year 175 to 250.";
if (fame >= 120) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nFame:He was the most famous mage!!!";
} else if (fame >= 100) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nFame:He was very famous!!";
} else if (fame >= 80) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nFame:He was famous!";
} else if (fame >= 60) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nFame:Some mages heard of him.";
} else if (fame >= 40) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nFame:Few mages heard of him.";
} else if (fame >= 20) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nFame:One or two mages heard of him";
} else {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nFame:Who is he?";
if (clanr >= 60) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nClan:The most popular mage!";
} else if (clanr >= 40) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nClan:He was well-liked in clan!";
} else if (clanr >= 20) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nClan:He had some friends in clan.";
} else if (clanr >= 5) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nClan:He was unpopular in clan.";
} else if (clanr >= -10) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nClan:He had no friend in clan at all.";
} else if (clanr >= -20) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nClan:Every mage of his clan hate him!";
} else {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nClan:his clan mages wanted him dead!";
if (brep >= 16) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nRepulation:The most evil mage in history! ";
} else if (brep >= 10) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nRepulation:A killer with no mercy!";
} else if (brep >= 5) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nRepulation:He had done some bad things. ";
} else if ((brep < 5) and (grep < 5)) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nRepulation:He was neither evil or good.";
} else if (grep >= 16) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nRepulation:The most holy mage in history!";
} else if (grep >= 10) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nRepulation:A good mage with kind heart!";
} else if (grep >= 5) {
_root.info_t1 = _root.info_t1 + "\nRepulation:He had done some good things.";
Frame 53 (4.73 KiB) ●
_global.name = "Wilson";
_global.mana = 0;
_global.level = 0;
_root.mpts = 0;
_global.life = 100;
_global.grep = 0;
_global.brep = 0;
_global.fame = 0;
_global.clanr = 0;
_global.rank = 0;
_global.ah = 0;
_global.al = 0;
_global.ab = 0;
_global.dh = 0;
_global.dl = 0;
_global.sp1 = "none";
_global.sp2 = "none";
_global.sp1r = 0;
_global.sp2r = 0;
_global.Pmax = new Array(24, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5);
_global.Psp = new Array("poison", "pn1", 3, "pn2", 5);
_global.Imax = new Array(24, 6, 5, 3, 4, 6);
_global.Isp = new Array("freeze", "fz1", 5, "fz2", 10);
_global.Smax = new Array(24, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6);
_global.Ssp = new Array("heal", "hl1", 6, "hl2", 10);
_global.Cmax = new Array(24, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3);
_global.Csp = new Array("twice", "tc1", 4, "tc2", 2);
_global.Rmax = new Array(24, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4);
_global.Rsp = new Array("mana regen", "mr1", 4, "mr2", 7);
_global.Dmax = new Array(24, 6, 4, 6, 4, 4);
_global.Dsp = new Array("defendshield", "ds1", 5, "ds2", 3);
_global.dmg = 10;
_global.mdmg = 5;
_global.mc = 1;
_global.reg = 6;
_global.E_su = function (ec, ect, el, em) {
var _local1 = el;
_global.Rclan = ec;
_global.Rmana = em;
_global.Rmmana = em;
_global.Rlife = 100;
_global.Rah = 1;
_global.Ral = 1;
_global.Rab = 1;
_global.Rdh = 1;
_global.Rdl = 1;
_global.Rct = ect;
var mah = _global[ec + "max"][1];
var mal = _global[ec + "max"][2];
var _local2 = _global[ec + "max"][3];
var mdh = _global[ec + "max"][4];
var _local3 = _global[ec + "max"][5];
if (_local1 > 18) {
_global.Rsp1 = _global[ec + "sp"][1];
_global.Rsp1r = _global[ec + "sp"][2];
if (_local1 > 19) {
_global.Rsp2 = _global[ec + "sp"][3];
_global.Rsp2r = _global[ec + "sp"][4];
_local1 = _local1 - 1;
} else {
_global.Rsp2 = "none";
_global.Rsp2r = 0;
_local1 = _local1 - 1;
} else {
_global.Rsp1 = "none";
_global.Rsp1r = 0;
_global.Rsp2 = "none";
_global.Rsp2r = 0;
_local1 = _local1 - 5;
if (ect == "oh") {
while (_local1 != 0) {
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rah < mah)) {
_local1 = cl("ah", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rab < _local2)) {
_local1 = cl("ab", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rdl < _local3)) {
_local1 = cl("dl", _local1);
if (((Rah == mah) and (Rab == _local2)) and (Rdl == _local3)) {
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Ral < mal)) {
_local1 = cl("al", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rdh < mdh)) {
_local1 = cl("dh", _local1);
} else if (ect == "ol") {
while (_local1 != 0) {
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Ral < mal)) {
_local1 = cl("al", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rab < _local2)) {
_local1 = cl("ab", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rdh < mdh)) {
_local1 = cl("dh", _local1);
if (((Ral == mal) and (Rab == _local2)) and (Rdh == mdh)) {
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rah < mah)) {
_local1 = cl("ah", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rdl < _local3)) {
_local1 = cl("dl", _local1);
} else if (ect == "oa") {
while (_local1 != 0) {
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rah < mah)) {
_local1 = cl("ah", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Ral < mal)) {
_local1 = cl("al", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rab < _local2)) {
_local1 = cl("ab", _local1);
if (((Rah == mah) and (Ral == mal)) and (Rab == _local2)) {
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rdh < mdh)) {
_local1 = cl("dh", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rdl < _local3)) {
_local1 = cl("dl", _local1);
} else if (ect == "d") {
while (_local1 != 0) {
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rab < _local2)) {
_local1 = cl("ab", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rdh < mdh)) {
_local1 = cl("dh", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rdl < _local3)) {
_local1 = cl("dl", _local1);
if (((Rab == _local2) and (Rdh == mdh)) and (Rdl == _local3)) {
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Ral < mal)) {
_local1 = cl("al", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rah < mah)) {
_local1 = cl("ah", _local1);
} else if (ect == "b") {
while (_local1 != 0) {
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rab < _local2)) {
_local1 = cl("ab", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Ral < mal)) {
_local1 = cl("al", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rdh < mdh)) {
_local1 = cl("dh", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rah < mah)) {
_local1 = cl("ah", _local1);
if ((_local1 != 0) and (Rdl < _local3)) {
_local1 = cl("dl", _local1);
_global.cl = function (m, l) {
_global["R" + m]++;
Frame 54 (16.45 KiB) ● ● ●
_global.E_Pai = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (turn == "L") {
if (Lmt == "ah") {
if (((Rdh >= Rah) and (Rmana >= (Rdh * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rdh._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rah * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rdh * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rdh._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (Lmt == "al") {
if (((Rdl >= Ral) and (Rmana >= (Rdl * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rdl._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rdl * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rdl._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (_local1.b_Rpn2._visible == true) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Rpn1._visible == true) and (Rsp2 != "pn2")) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Rhl1._visible == true) and (Llife < 10)) {
} else if (((((Rah >= Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and ((Rah >= Rab) or (Lmana <= 13))) and (Rmana >= (Rah * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if (((((Rab > Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and (Rmana >= (Rab * mc))) and (Lmana >= 13)) and (_local1.b_Rab._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (turn == "R") {
if (_local1.b_Rpn2._visible == true) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Rpn1._visible == true) and (Rsp2 != "pn2")) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Rhl1._visible == true) and (Llife < 10)) {
} else if (((((Rah >= Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and ((Rah >= Rab) or (Lmana <= 13))) and (Rmana >= (Rah * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if (((((Rab > Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and (Rmana >= (Rab * mc))) and (Lmana >= 13)) and (_local1.b_Rab._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else {
_global.E_Iai = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (turn == "L") {
if (Lmt == "ah") {
if (_local1.b_Rfz1._visible == true) {
} else if (((Rdh >= Rah) and (Rmana >= (Rdh * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rdh._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rah * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rdh * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rdh._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (Lmt == "al") {
if (_local1.b_Rfz1._visible == true) {
} else if (((Rdl >= Ral) and (Rmana >= (Rdl * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rdl._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rdl * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rdl._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (((((Rah >= Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and ((Rah >= Rab) or (Lmana <= 13))) and (Rmana >= (Rah * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if (((((Rab > Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and (Rmana >= (Rab * mc))) and (Lmana >= 13)) and (_local1.b_Rab._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (turn == "R") {
if (((((Rah >= Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and ((Rah >= Rab) or (Lmana <= 13))) and (Rmana >= (Rah * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
if (_local1.b_Rfz2._visible == true) {
} else {
} else if (((((Rab > Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and (Rmana >= (Rab * mc))) and (Lmana >= 13)) and (_local1.b_Rab._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
if (_local1.b_Rfz2._visible == true) {
} else {
} else {
_global.E_Sai = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if ((_local1.b_Rhl2._visible == true) and (Rlife < 80)) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Rhl1._visible == true) and (Rlife < 50)) {
} else if (((_local1.b_Rhl1._visible == true) and (Rlife < 80)) and (Rsp2 != "hl2")) {
} else if (turn == "L") {
if (Lmt == "ah") {
if (((Rdh >= Rah) and (Rmana >= (Rdh * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rdh._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rah * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rdh * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rdh._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (Lmt == "al") {
if (((Rdl >= Ral) and (Rmana >= (Rdl * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rdl._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rdl * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rdl._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (((((Rah >= Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and ((Rah > Rab) or (Lmana <= 13))) and (Rmana >= (Rah * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if (((((Rab >= Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and (Rmana >= (Rab * mc))) and (Lmana >= 13)) and (_local1.b_Rab._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (turn == "R") {
if (((((Rah >= Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and ((Rah > Rab) or (Lmana <= 13))) and (Rmana >= (Rah * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if (((((Rab >= Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and (Rmana >= (Rab * mc))) and (Lmana >= 13)) and (_local1.b_Rab._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else {
_global.E_Dai = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (turn == "L") {
if (Lmt == "ah") {
if (_local1.b_Rds1._visible == true) {
} else if (((Rdh >= Rah) and (Rmana >= (Rdh * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rdh._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rah * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rdh * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rdh._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (Lmt == "al") {
if (_local1.b_Rds1._visible == true) {
} else if (((Rdl >= Ral) and (Rmana >= (Rdl * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rdl._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rdl * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rdl._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (((((Rah >= Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and ((Rah >= Rab) or (Lmana <= 13))) and (Rmana >= (Rah * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if (((((Rab >= Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and (Rmana >= (Rab * mc))) and (Lmana >= 13)) and (_local1.b_Rab._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (turn == "R") {
if (((_local1.b_Rds2._visible == true) and ((Lspt >= Lsp2r) or (Lspt >= Lsp1r))) and (Rlife > 50)) {
} else if (((((Rah >= Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and ((Rah >= Rab) or (Lmana <= 13))) and (Rmana >= (Rah * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if (((((Rab >= Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and (Rmana >= (Rab * mc))) and (Lmana >= 13)) and (_local1.b_Rab._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else {
_global.E_Cai = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (turn == "L") {
if (Lmt == "ah") {
if ((_local1.b_Rtc1._visible == true) or (_local1.b_Rtc2._visible == true)) {
if ((Rdh >= Rah) and (Rmana >= (Rdh * mc))) {
if ((_local1.b_Rdh._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc2._visible == true)) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Rdh._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc1._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (Rmana >= (Rah * mc)) {
if ((_local1.b_Rah._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc2._visible == true)) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Rah._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc1._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else {
} else if (((Rdh >= Rah) and (Rmana >= (Rdh * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rdh._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rah * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rdh * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rdh._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (Lmt == "al") {
if ((_local1.b_Rtc1._visible == true) or (_local1.b_Rtc2._visible == true)) {
if ((Rdl >= Ral) and (Rmana >= (Rdl * mc))) {
if ((_local1.b_Rdl._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc2._visible == true)) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Rdl._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc1._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) {
if ((_local1.b_Ral._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc2._visible == true)) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Ral._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc1._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else {
} else if (((Rdl >= Ral) and (Rmana >= (Rdl * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rdl._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rdl * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rdl._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if ((_local1.b_Rtc1._visible == true) or (_local1.b_Rtc2._visible == true)) {
if (((Rah >= Ral) and (Rah > Rab)) and (Rmana >= (Rah * mc))) {
if ((_local1.b_Rah._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc2._visible == true)) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Rah._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc1._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if ((Rab > Ral) and (Rmana >= (Rab * mc))) {
if ((_local1.b_Rab._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc2._visible == true)) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Rab._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc1._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) {
if ((_local1.b_Ral._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc2._visible == true)) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Ral._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc1._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else {
} else if (((((Rah >= Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and ((Rah >= Rab) or (Lmana <= 13))) and (Rmana >= (Rah * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if (((((Rab > Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and (Rmana >= (Rab * mc))) and (Lmana >= 13)) and (_local1.b_Rab._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (turn == "R") {
if ((_local1.b_Rtc1._visible == true) or (_local1.b_Rtc2._visible == true)) {
if (((Rah >= Ral) and ((Rah >= Rab) or (Lmana <= 13))) and (Rmana >= (Rah * mc))) {
if ((_local1.b_Rah._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc2._visible == true)) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Rah._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc1._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (((Rab > Ral) and (Rmana >= (Rab * mc))) and (Lmana >= 13)) {
if ((_local1.b_Rab._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc2._visible == true)) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Rab._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc1._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) {
if ((_local1.b_Ral._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc2._visible == true)) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Ral._visible == false) and (_local1.b_Rtc1._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else {
} else if (((((Rah >= Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and ((Rah >= Rab) or (Lmana <= 13))) and (Rmana >= (Rah * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if (((((Rab > Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and (Rmana >= (Rab * mc))) and (Lmana >= 13)) and (_local1.b_Rab._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else {
_global.E_Rai = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
trace("Rai activated");
if ((_local1.b_Rmr2._visible == true) and (Rmmana > Rmana)) {
} else if ((_local1.b_Rmr1._visible == true) and (Rmana < 20)) {
} else if (((_local1.b_Rmr1._visible == true) and (Rmmana > Rmana)) and (Rsp2 != "mr2")) {
} else if (turn == "L") {
if (Lmt == "ah") {
trace("high attack detected");
if (((Rdh >= Rah) and (Rmana >= (Rdh * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rdh._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rah * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rdh * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rdh._visible == true)) {
trace("high attack detected");
} else {
} else if (Lmt == "al") {
if (((Rdl >= Ral) and (Rmana >= (Rdl * mc))) and (_local1.b_Rdl._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Ral * mc)) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rdl * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rdl._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (((((Ral >= Rah) or (_local1.b_Rah._visible == false)) and ((Ral >= Rab) or (Lmana <= 13))) and (Rmana >= (Ral * mc))) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else if ((((Rab > Rah) and (Rmana >= (Rab * mc))) and (Lmana >= 13)) and (_local1.b_Rab._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rah * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else {
} else if (turn == "R") {
if (((((Ral >= Rah) or (_local1.b_Rah._visible == false)) and ((Ral >= Rab) or (Lmana <= 13))) and (Rmana >= (Ral * mc))) and (_local1.b_Ral._visible == true)) {
} else if (((((Rab > Ral) or (_local1.b_Ral._visible == false)) and (Rmana >= (Rab * mc))) and (Lmana >= 13)) and (_local1.b_Rab._visible == true)) {
} else if ((Rmana >= (Rah * mc)) and (_local1.b_Rah._visible == true)) {
} else {
Frame 55 (8.46 KiB) ● ●
_global.mth = 1;
_global.yr = 191;
_global.loc = clan;
_global.qtype = "none";
_global.qe_nw = 2;
_global.qe_n = 0;
_global.checkqe = "yes";
_global.qe_fame = 0;
_global.qe_grep = 0;
_global.qe_brep = 0;
_global.qe_clanr = 0;
_global.qe_lose = 0;
_global.qe_win = 0;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_loc2 = "none";
_global.qe_n = 0;
_global.qe_rs = function () {
var _local1 = _global;
_local1.qe_n = 0;
_local1.qe_loc = "none";
_local1.qe_loc2 = "none";
_local1.qe_fame = 0;
_local1.qe_grep = 0;
_local1.qe_brep = 0;
_local1.qe_clanr = 0;
_local1.qe_lose = 0;
_local1.qe_win = 0;
_root.say_t = "";
_global.rankreq = 0;
_global.c_P1 = "no";
_global.c_P2 = "no";
_global.c_P3 = "no";
_global.c_P4 = "no";
_global.c_P5 = "no";
_global.c_P6 = "no";
_global.c_I1 = "no";
_global.c_I2 = "no";
_global.c_I3 = "no";
_global.c_I4 = "no";
_global.c_I5 = "no";
_global.c_I6 = "no";
_global.c_S1 = "no";
_global.c_S2 = "no";
_global.c_S3 = "no";
_global.c_S4 = "no";
_global.c_S5 = "no";
_global.c_S6 = "no";
_global.c_D1 = "no";
_global.c_D2 = "no";
_global.c_D3 = "no";
_global.c_D4 = "no";
_global.c_D5 = "no";
_global.c_D6 = "no";
_global.c_R1 = "no";
_global.c_R2 = "no";
_global.c_R3 = "no";
_global.c_R4 = "no";
_global.c_R5 = "no";
_global.c_R6 = "no";
_global.c_C1 = "no";
_global.c_C2 = "no";
_global.c_C3 = "no";
_global.c_C4 = "no";
_global.c_C5 = "no";
_global.c_C6 = "no";
_global.cwm = "none";
_global.youngmage == "none";
_global.apprendicecontest = "none";
_global.clanleader = "none";
_global.greatmage = "none";
_global.qe_assasinate == "none";
_global.f_mth = function () {
var _local1 = _global;
_local1.mth = _local1.mth + 1;
if (mth > 12) {
_local1.mth = 1;
_local1.yr = _local1.yr + 1;
_global.f_cqe = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (yr == 191) {
if (mth == 1) {
} else if (mth == 7) {
} else if (mth == 8) {
} else if (yr == 192) {
if (mth == 2) {
} else if (mth == 3) {
} else if (mth == 9) {
} else if (mth == 10) {
} else if (yr == 193) {
if (mth == 4) {
} else if (mth == 5) {
} else if (mth == 11) {
} else if (mth == 12) {
} else if (yr == 194) {
if (mth == 12) {
} else if (yr == 195) {
if (mth == 12) {
} else if (yr == 197) {
if (mth == 5) {
} else if (yr == 199) {
if (mth == 1) {
} else if (yr == 200) {
if (mth == 1) {
} else if (((mth == 2) and (clan == "P")) and (youngmage == "yes")) {
} else if (((mth == 3) and (clan != "P")) and (youngmage == "yes")) {
} else if (yr == 201) {
if (mth == 3) {
} else if (yr == 203) {
if (mth == 3) {
} else if (yr == 204) {
if (mth == 2) {
} else if (yr == 205) {
if (mth == 4) {
if (qe_assasinate == "yes") {
} else if (qe_assasinate == "no") {
} else if (yr == 206) {
if (mth == 3) {
} else if (yr == 209) {
if (mth == 5) {
} else if (mth == 11) {
} else if (yr == 210) {
if (mth == 4) {
} else if (mth == 11) {
if (((((yr > 200) and (mth == 1)) and (youngmage == "no")) and (rankreq >= 5)) and (rank == 0)) {
_global.q_con = function (qst) {
var _local1 = _global;
var _local2 = _root;
_local2.bg_say._visible = true;
var a = (qst + "_c");
var _local3 = qst + "_n";
if ((_local1[a + _local1[_local3]] == "con") and (qe_loc2 != "none")) {
_local2.say_t = " ";
_local2.bg_say._visible = false;
_local2.b_dn._visible = false;
} else {
_local1[_local3] = _local1[_local3] + 1;
if (_local1[a + _local1[_local3]] == "chs") {
_local2.b_chs1._visible = true;
_local2.b_chs2._visible = true;
_local2.chs1_t = _local1[a + [_local1[_local3] + 1]];
_local2.chs2_t = _local1[a + [_local1[_local3] + 2]];
_local2.b_dn._visible = false;
} else if (_local1[a + _local1[_local3]] == "mth") {
_local2.say_t = "";
_local2.bg_say._visible = false;
_local2.b_dn._visible = false;
} else if (_local1[a + _local1[_local3]] == "con") {
_local2.say_t = " ";
_local2.bg_say._visible = false;
_local2.b_dn._visible = false;
} else if (_local1[a + _local1[_local3]] == "end") {
} else if (_local1[a + _local1[_local3]] == "only") {
_local2.say_t = "";
_local2.bg_say._visible = false;
_local2.b_dn._visible = false;
_local1[_local3] = _local1[_local3] + 1;
_local2["b_" + _local1[a + _local1[_local3]]]._visible = true;
if (_local1[a + [_local1[_local3] + 1]] == "end2") {
_local1[qst + "_rs"]();
} else if (_local1[a + _local1[_local3]] == "end2") {
_local2.bg_say._visible = false;
_local2.b_dn._visible = false;
_local1[qst + "_rs"]();
} else if (_local1[a + _local1[_local3]] > 0) {
_local1.qtype = qst;
f_fgt(_local1[a + _local1[_local3]]);
} else if (_local1[a + _local1[_local3]] == "gameover") {
} else {
_local2.b_dn._visible = true;
_local2.say_t = _local1[a + _local1[_local3]];
_global.f_fgt = function (n) {
var _local1 = _global;
var _local2 = (qtype + "_e") + n;
E_su(_local1[_local2][1], _local1[_local2][2], _local1[_local2][3], _local1[_local2][4]);
_local1.ffame = _local1[_local2][5];
_local1.fgrep = _local1[_local2][6];
_local1.fbrep = _local1[_local2][7];
_local1.fclanr = _local1[_local2][8];
trace(((((((((((((((((Rah + newline) + Ral) + newline) + Rab) + newline) + Rdh) + newline) + Rdl) + newline) + Rsp1) + newline) + Rsp1r) + newline) + Rsp2) + newline) + Rsp2r) + newline);
_global.f_cqst = function (qst) {
var _local1 = _global;
var _local2 = qst;
if (_local1[_local2 + "_fame"] != 0) {
_local1.fame = _local1.fame + _local1[_local2 + "_fame"];
var a = (("fame increased by " + _local1[_local2 + "_fame"]) + newline);
} else {
var a = "";
if (_local1[_local2 + "_grep"] != 0) {
_local1.grep = _local1.grep + _local1[_local2 + "_grep"];
var b = (("good reputation increased by " + _local1[_local2 + "_grep"]) + newline);
} else {
var b = "";
if (_local1[_local2 + "_brep"] != 0) {
_local1.brep = _local1.brep + _local1[_local2 + "_brep"];
var c = (("bad reputation increased by " + _local1[_local2 + "_brep"]) + newline);
} else {
var c = "";
if (_local1[_local2 + "_clanr"] != 0) {
_local1.clanr = _local1.clanr + _local1[_local2 + "_clanr"];
if (_local1[_local2 + "_clanr"] > 0) {
var _local3 = ("relationship with your clan +" + _local1[_local2 + "_clanr"]) + newline;
} else if (_local1[_local2 + "_clanr"] < 0) {
var _local3 = ("relationship with your clan " + _local1[_local2 + "_clanr"]) + newline;
} else {
var _local3 = "";
_root.say_t = ((a + b) + c) + _local3;
_global.b_cls = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.b_manac._visible = false;
_local1.b_hall._visible = false;
_local1.b_taven._visible = false;
_local1.b_gate._visible = false;
_local1.b_arena._visible = false;
_local1.b_tground._visible = false;
_global.b_op = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.b_manac._visible = true;
_local1.b_hall._visible = true;
_local1.b_taven._visible = true;
_local1.b_gate._visible = true;
_local1.b_arena._visible = true;
_local1.b_tground._visible = true;
Frame 56 (26.66 KiB) ● ● ●
_global.mdn = function (s) {
if (turn != s) {
} else if (turn == "L") {
if (s_fz != "R") {
} else {
_global.s_fz = "none";
} else if (s_fz != "L") {
} else {
_global.s_fz = "none";
_global.cal = function () {
var _local1 = _global;
var _local2 = chg(turn);
var b = (_local2 + "mt");
if ((_local1[b] == "dl") or (_local1[b] == "dh")) {
_local1.cdef = ("mc_" + turn) + _local1[turn + "mt"];
_local1.cwho = turn;
_local1.cmid = "go";
trace("cdef=" + cdef);
trace("cwho=" + cwho);
} else if (Lmt == Rmt) {
if ((Lmt == "none") or (Rmt == "none")) {
} else {
var c = _local1[turn + "ml"];
var _local3 = _local1[_local2 + "ml"];
if (c >= _local3) {
_local1.cmid = ("mc_" + turn) + _local1[turn + "mt"];
_local1.cwho = turn;
_local1.cwin = c - _local3;
} else {
_local1.cmid = ("mc_" + _local2) + _local1[_local2 + "mt"];
_local1.cwho = chg(turn);
_local1.cwin = _local3 - c;
trace("cmid==" + cmid);
trace("cwin==" + cwin);
trace("cwho==" + cwho);
_local1.cdef = "go";
} else {
_local1.cmid = "go";
_local1.cdef = "go";
if ((Lmt == "ah") or (Lmt == "al")) {
_local1.cwho = "L";
} else if ((Rmt == "ah") or (Rmt == "al")) {
_local1.cwho = "R";
_local1.cwin = 0;
_root["mc_L" + Lmt].play();
_root["mc_R" + Rmt].play();
_global.nt = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
var _local2 = _global;
_local2.Lspt = _local2.Lspt + 1;
_local1.t_Lspt = Lspt;
_local2.Rspt = _local2.Rspt + 1;
_local1.t_Rspt = Rspt;
if (turn == "R") {
_local2.turn = "L";
} else {
_local2.turn = "R";
_local2.Lml = 0;
_local2.Rml = 0;
_local2.cmid = "none";
_local2.cdef = "none";
_local2.cwin = 0;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wsp1._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wsp2._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wah._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wal._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wab._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wdh._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wdl._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wr._visible = true;
_local1.Lsd1._visible = false;
_local1.Lsd2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wsp1._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wsp2._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wah._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wal._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wab._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wdh._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wdl._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wr._visible = true;
_local1.Rsd1._visible = false;
_local1.Rsd2._visible = false;
if (turn == "R") {
_global.cb = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.b_Lah._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lal._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lab._visible = false;
_local1.b_Ldh._visible = false;
_local1.b_Ldl._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lr._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lpn1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lpn2._visible = false;
_local1.b_Ltc1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Ltc2._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lmr1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lmr2._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lhl1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lhl2._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lfz1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lfz2._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lds1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lds2._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rah._visible = false;
_local1.b_Ral._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rab._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rdh._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rdl._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rr._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rpn1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rpn2._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rtc1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rtc2._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rmr1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rmr2._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rhl1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rhl2._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rfz1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rfz2._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rds1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rds2._visible = false;
_global.ob = function (s) {
var _local1 = _root;
if (turn == "R") {
if (s == "L") {
if (Rmt == "ah") {
_local1.b_Lah._visible = true;
_local1.b_Ldh._visible = true;
if (Lspt >= Lsp1r) {
if (Lsp1 == "fz1") {
_local1.b_Lfz1._visible = true;
} else if (((Lmt == "ah") or (Lmt == "dh")) and (Lsp1 == "tc1")) {
_local1.b_Ltc1._visible = true;
if ((((Lmt == "ah") or (Lmt == "dh")) and (Lspt >= Lsp2r)) and (Lsp2 == "tc2")) {
_local1.b_Ltc2._visible = true;
} else if (Rmt == "al") {
_local1.b_Lal._visible = true;
_local1.b_Ldl._visible = true;
if (Lspt >= Lsp1r) {
if (Lsp1 == "fz1") {
_local1.b_Lfz1._visible = true;
} else if (((Lmt == "al") or (Lmt == "dl")) and (Lsp1 == "tc1")) {
_local1.b_Ltc1._visible = true;
if ((((Lmt == "al") or (Lmt == "dl")) and (Lspt >= Lsp2r)) and (Lsp2 == "tc2")) {
_local1.b_Ltc2._visible = true;
} else if (Rmt == "none") {
_local1.b_Lah._visible = true;
_local1.b_Lal._visible = true;
_local1.b_Lab._visible = true;
if (((((Lmt == "ab") or (Lmt == "ah")) or (Lmt == "al")) and (Lspt >= Lsp1r)) and (Lsp1 == "tc1")) {
_local1.b_Ltc1._visible = true;
if (((((Lmt == "ab") or (Lmt == "ah")) or (Lmt == "al")) and (Lspt >= Lsp2r)) and (Lsp2 == "tc2")) {
_local1.b_Ltc2._visible = true;
_local1["b_L" + Lmt]._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lr._visible = true;
if (Lspt >= Lsp1r) {
if (Lsp1 == "fz1") {
_local1.b_Lfz1._visible = true;
} else if (Lsp1 == "ds1") {
_local1.b_Lds1._visible = true;
} else if (Lsp1 == "pn1") {
_local1.b_Lpn1._visible = true;
} else if (Lsp1 == "hl1") {
_local1.b_Lhl1._visible = true;
} else if (Lsp1 == "mr1") {
_local1.b_Lmr1._visible = true;
if (Lspt >= Lsp2r) {
if (Lsp2 == "pn2") {
_local1.b_Lpn2._visible = true;
} else if (Lsp2 == "hl2") {
_local1.b_Lhl2._visible = true;
} else if (Lsp2 == "mr2") {
_local1.b_Lmr2._visible = true;
if (s_ds == "L") {
_local1["b_L" + Lsp1]._visible = false;
_local1["b_L" + Lsp2]._visible = false;
_local1.Lsd1._visible = true;
_local1.Lsd2._visible = true;
} else {
_local1.b_Rah._visible = true;
_local1.b_Ral._visible = true;
_local1.b_Rab._visible = true;
_local1["b_R" + Rmt]._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rr._visible = true;
if (Rspt >= Rsp1r) {
if (Rsp1 == "pn1") {
_local1.b_Rpn1._visible = true;
} else if (Rsp1 == "hl1") {
_local1.b_Rhl1._visible = true;
} else if (Rsp1 == "mr1") {
_local1.b_Rmr1._visible = true;
} else if ((((Rmt == "ab") or (Rmt == "ah")) or (Rmt == "al")) and (Rsp1 == "tc1")) {
_local1.b_Rtc1._visible = true;
if (Rspt >= Rsp2r) {
if (Rsp2 == "fz2") {
_local1.b_Rfz2._visible = true;
} else if (Rsp2 == "pn2") {
_local1.b_Rpn2._visible = true;
} else if (Rsp2 == "hl2") {
_local1.b_Rhl2._visible = true;
} else if (Rsp2 == "mr2") {
_local1.b_Rmr2._visible = true;
} else if ((((Rmt == "ab") or (Rmt == "ah")) or (Rmt == "al")) and (Rsp2 == "tc2")) {
_local1.b_Rtc2._visible = true;
} else if (Rsp2 == "ds2") {
_local1.b_Rds2._visible = true;
if (s_ds == "R") {
_local1["b_R" + Rsp1]._visible = false;
_local1["b_R" + Rsp2]._visible = false;
_global.s_ds = "none";
_local1.Rsd1._visible = true;
_local1.Rsd2._visible = true;
} else if (turn == "L") {
if (s == "R") {
if (Lmt == "ah") {
_local1.b_Rah._visible = true;
_local1.b_Rdh._visible = true;
if (Rspt >= Rsp1r) {
if (Rsp1 == "fz1") {
_local1.b_Rfz1._visible = true;
} else if (((Rmt == "ah") or (Rmt == "dh")) and (Rsp1 == "tc1")) {
_local1.b_Rtc1._visible = true;
if ((((Rmt == "ah") or (Rmt == "dh")) and (Rspt >= Rsp2r)) and (Rsp2 == "tc2")) {
_local1.b_Rtc2._visible = true;
} else if (Lmt == "al") {
_local1.b_Ral._visible = true;
_local1.b_Rdl._visible = true;
if (Rspt >= Rsp1r) {
if (Rsp1 == "fz1") {
_local1.b_Rfz1._visible = true;
} else if (((Rmt == "al") or (Rmt == "dl")) and (Rsp1 == "tc1")) {
_local1.b_Rtc1._visible = true;
if ((((Rmt == "al") or (Rmt == "dl")) and (Rspt >= Rsp2r)) and (Rsp2 == "tc2")) {
_local1.b_Rtc2._visible = true;
} else if (Lmt == "none") {
_local1.b_Rah._visible = true;
_local1.b_Ral._visible = true;
_local1.b_Rab._visible = true;
if (((((Rmt == "ab") or (Rmt == "ah")) or (Rmt == "al")) and (Rspt >= Rsp1r)) and (Rsp1 == "tc1")) {
_local1.b_Rtc1._visible = true;
if (((((Rmt == "ab") or (Rmt == "ah")) or (Rmt == "al")) and (Rspt >= Rsp2r)) and (Rsp2 == "tc2")) {
_local1.b_Rtc2._visible = true;
_local1["b_R" + Rmt]._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rr._visible = true;
if (Rspt >= Rsp1r) {
if (Rsp1 == "fz1") {
_local1.b_Rfz1._visible = true;
} else if (Rsp1 == "pn1") {
_local1.b_Rpn1._visible = true;
} else if (Rsp1 == "hl1") {
_local1.b_Rhl1._visible = true;
} else if (Rsp1 == "mr1") {
_local1.b_Rmr1._visible = true;
} else if (Rsp1 == "ds1") {
_local1.b_Rds1._visible = true;
if (Rspt >= Rsp2r) {
if (Rsp2 == "pn2") {
_local1.b_Rpn2._visible = true;
} else if (Rsp2 == "hl2") {
_local1.b_Rhl2._visible = true;
} else if (Rsp2 == "mr2") {
_local1.b_Rmr2._visible = true;
if (s_ds == "R") {
_local1["b_R" + Rsp1]._visible = false;
_local1["b_R" + Rsp2]._visible = false;
_local1.Rsd1._visible = true;
_local1.Rsd2._visible = true;
} else {
_local1.b_Lah._visible = true;
_local1.b_Lal._visible = true;
_local1.b_Lab._visible = true;
_local1["b_L" + Lmt]._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lr._visible = true;
if (Lspt >= Lsp1r) {
if (Lsp1 == "pn1") {
_local1.b_Lpn1._visible = true;
} else if (Lsp1 == "hl1") {
_local1.b_Lhl1._visible = true;
} else if (Lsp1 == "mr1") {
_local1.b_Lmr1._visible = true;
} else if ((((Lmt == "ab") or (Lmt == "ah")) or (Lmt == "al")) and (Lsp1 == "tc1")) {
_local1.b_Ltc1._visible = true;
if (Lspt >= Lsp2r) {
if (Lsp2 == "fz2") {
_local1.b_Lfz2._visible = true;
} else if (Lsp2 == "pn2") {
_local1.b_Lpn2._visible = true;
} else if (Lsp2 == "hl2") {
_local1.b_Lhl2._visible = true;
} else if (Lsp2 == "mr2") {
_local1.b_Lmr2._visible = true;
} else if ((((Lmt == "ab") or (Lmt == "ah")) or (Lmt == "al")) and (Lsp2 == "tc2")) {
_local1.b_Ltc2._visible = true;
} else if (Lsp2 == "ds2") {
_local1.b_Lds2._visible = true;
if (s_ds == "L") {
_local1["b_L" + Lsp1]._visible = false;
_local1["b_L" + Lsp2]._visible = false;
_global.s_ds = "none";
_local1.Lsd1._visible = true;
_local1.Lsd2._visible = true;
_global.f_ab = function (n) {
var _local1 = _global;
var _local2 = n;
if (_local1[_local2 + "mana"] >= (_local1[_local2 + "ab"] * mc)) {
_local1[_local2 + "mana"] = _local1[_local2 + "mana"] - (_local1[_local2 + "ab"] * mc);
var _local3 = chg(_local2);
_local1[_local2 + "mt"] = "ab";
_local1[_local3 + "mt"] = "none";
_local1[_local3 + "mana"] = _local1[_local3 + "mana"] - (_local1[_local2 + "ab"] * mdmg);
duplicateMovieClip (_root[_local3 + "text"], "mc_ab", 21);
_root.mc_ab.t.text = "mana -" + (_local1[_local2 + "ab"] * mdmg);
if (_local1[_local3 + "mana"] < 0) {
_local1[_local3 + "mana"] = 0;
_root[_local2 + "_wab"]._visible = false;
_root[("t_" + _local3) + "m"] = _local1[_local3 + "mana"];
_root.t_Lm = Lmana;
_root.t_Rm = Rmana;
_local1.s_fz = "none";
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_root[_local2 + "text"], "mc_mn", 20);
_root.mc_mn.t.text = "Not enough mana";
_global.rm = function (n) {
var _local1 = n;
var _local2 = _global;
var _local3 = _root;
_local2[_local1 + "mt"] = "none";
_local2[_local1 + "ml"] = 0;
_local3[("mc_" + _local1) + "c"].gotoAndPlay("regen");
var a = (_local1 + "mana");
var b = (_local1 + "mmana");
_local2[a] = _local2[a] + reg;
duplicateMovieClip (_local3[_local1 + "text"], "mc_rm", 22);
_local3.mc_rm.t.text = "mana +" + reg;
if (_local2[a] > _local2[b]) {
_local2[a] = _local2[b];
_local3.t_Lm = Lmana;
_local3.t_Rm = Rmana;
_local3[("mc_" + _local1) + "bg"][_local1 + "_wr"]._visible = false;
_global.L_move = function (n) {
var _local1 = _root;
var _local2 = n;
var _local3 = _global;
var a = (_local3["L" + _local2] * mc);
if (a <= Lmana) {
_local3.Lmana = _local3.Lmana - a;
_local1.t_Lm = Lmana;
_local3.Lmt = _local2;
_local3.Lml = _local3["L" + _local2];
if ((_local2 == "ah") or (_local2 == "al")) {
i = 1;
while (i < (Lml + 1)) {
_local1["mc_L" + Lmt]["a" + i]._visible = true;
_local1["mc_L" + _local2].play();
} else if ((_local2 == "dh") or (_local2 == "dl")) {
_local1["mc_L" + _local2].gotoAndPlay("ds" + Lml);
_local1.mc_Lbg["L_w" + _local2]._visible = false;
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Ltext, "mc_mn", 20);
_local1.mc_mn.t.text = "Not enough mana";
_global.R_move = function (n) {
var _local1 = _root;
var _local2 = n;
var _local3 = _global;
var a = (_local3["R" + _local2] * mc);
if (a <= Rmana) {
_local3.Rmana = _local3.Rmana - a;
_local1.t_Rm = Rmana;
_local3.Rmt = _local2;
_local3.Rml = _local3["R" + _local2];
if ((_local2 == "ah") or (_local2 == "al")) {
i = 1;
while (i < (Rml + 1)) {
_local1["mc_R" + Rmt]["a" + i]._visible = true;
_local1["mc_R" + Rmt].play();
} else if ((_local2 == "dh") or (_local2 == "dl")) {
_local1["mc_R" + _local2].gotoAndPlay("ds" + Rml);
} else if (_local2 == "fz") {
_local1.mc_Rbg["R_w" + _local2]._visible = false;
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Rtext, "mc_mn", 20);
_local1.mc_mn.t.text = "Not enough mana";
_global.f_ds = function (n, l) {
var _local1 = _global;
var _local2 = _root;
_local1.cdef = ("mc_" + turn) + _local1[turn + "mt"];
_local1.cwho = turn;
_local1.cmid = "go";
if (n == "L") {
_local1.Lml = 6;
duplicateMovieClip (_local2.Ltext, "mc_ds", 23);
_local2.mc_ds.t.text = "DEFEND SHIELD";
_local2["mc_R" + Rmt].play();
_local1.Lmt = "none";
} else if (n == "R") {
_local1.Rml = 6;
duplicateMovieClip (_local2.Rtext, "mc_ds", 23);
_local2.mc_ds.t.text = "DEFEND SHIELD";
_local2["mc_L" + Lmt].play();
_local1.Rmt = "none";
_global.f_mr = function (n, l) {
var _local1 = _root;
var _local2 = _global;
var _local3 = n;
trace("n = " + _local3);
if (_local3 == "L") {
if (l == 1) {
_local2.Lmana = _local2.Lmana + 20;
_local2.Rmana = _local2.Rmana - 20;
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Ltext, "mc_mr", 25);
_local1.mc_mr.t.text = "mana +20";
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Rtext, "mc_Rmr", 30);
_local1.mc_Rmr.t.text = "DRAINED mana -20";
} else if (l == 2) {
_local2.Lmana = _local2.Lmana + 40;
_local2.Rmana = _local2.Rmana - 40;
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Ltext, "mc_mr", 25);
_local1.mc_mr.t.text = "mana +40";
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Rtext, "mc_Rmr", 30);
_local1.mc_Rmr.t.text = "DRAINED mana -40";
if (Lmana > Lmmana) {
_local2.Lmana = Lmmana;
if (Rmana < 0) {
_local2.Rmana = 0;
} else if (_local3 == "R") {
trace("n = " + _local3);
if (l == 1) {
_local2.Rmana = _local2.Rmana + 20;
_local2.Lmana = _local2.Lmana - 20;
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Rtext, "mc_mr", 25);
_local1.mc_mr.t.text = "mana +20";
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Ltext, "mc_Lmr", 30);
_local1.mc_Lmr.t.text = "mana -20";
} else if (l == 2) {
_local2.Rmana = _local2.Rmana + 40;
_local2.Lmana = _local2.Lmana - 40;
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Rtext, "mc_mr", 25);
_local1.mc_mr.t.text = "mana +40";
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Ltext, "mc_Lmr", 30);
_local1.mc_Lmr.t.text = "mana -40";
if (Rmana > Rmmana) {
_local2.Rmana = Rmmana;
if (Lmana < 0) {
_local2.Lmana = 0;
_local1.t_Rm = Rmana;
_local1.t_Lm = Lmana;
_global.f_tc = function (n) {
var _local1 = _root;
if (n == "L") {
_local1["b_L" + Lmt]._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Lbg["b_Lw" + Lmt]._visible = true;
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Ltext, "mc_tc", 26);
_local1.mc_tc.t.text = "TWICE";
if (n == "R") {
_local1["b_R" + Rmt]._visible = true;
_local1.mc_Rbg["b_Rw" + Rmt]._visible = true;
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Rtext, "mc_tc", 26);
_local1.mc_tc.t.text = "TWICE";
_global.f_hl = function (n, l) {
var _local1 = _root;
var _local2 = _global;
var _local3 = l;
if (n == "L") {
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Ltext, "mc_hl", 27);
if (_local3 == 1) {
_local2.Llife = _local2.Llife + 20;
_local1.mc_hl.t.text = "HEALED life +20";
} else if (_local3 == 2) {
_local2.Llife = _local2.Llife + 40;
_local1.mc_hl.t.text = "HEALED life +40";
if (Llife > 100) {
_local2.Llife = 100;
_local1.t_Ll = Llife;
} else if (n == "R") {
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Rtext, "mc_hl", 27);
if (_local3 == 1) {
_local2.Rlife = _local2.Rlife + 20;
_local1.mc_hl.t.text = "HEALED life +20";
} else if (_local3 == 2) {
_local2.Rlife = _local2.Rlife + 40;
_local1.mc_hl.t.text = "HEALED life +40";
if (Rlife > 100) {
_local2.Rlife = 100;
_local1.t_Rl = Rlife;
_global.f_pn = function (n, l) {
var _local1 = _root;
var _local2 = n;
var _local3 = _global;
if (l == 1) {
_local3[_local2 + "life"] = _local3[_local2 + "life"] - 10;
duplicateMovieClip (_local1[_local2 + "text"], "mc_pn", 28);
_local1.mc_pn.t.text = "POISONED life -10";
} else if (l == 2) {
_local3[_local2 + "life"] = _local3[_local2 + "life"] - 20;
duplicateMovieClip (_local1[_local2 + "text"], "mc_pn", 28);
_local1.mc_pn.t.text = "POISONED life -20";
_local1[("t_" + _local2) + "l"] = _local3[_local2 + "life"];
_local1[("mc_" + _local2) + "c"].gotoAndPlay("poison");
if (Llife <= 0) {
} else if (Rlife <= 0) {
_global.f_fz = function (n, l) {
var _local1 = _root;
var _local2 = _global;
var _local3 = l;
if (n == "L") {
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Rtext, "mc_fz", 29);
_local1.mc_fz.t.text = "FREEZED";
if (_local3 == 1) {
_local1.mc_Rah.a1._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rah.a2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rah.a3._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rah.a4._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rah.a5._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rah.a6._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Ral.a1._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Ral.a2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Ral.a3._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Ral.a4._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Ral.a5._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Ral.a6._visible = false;
_local2.Rml = 0;
_local2.Lmt = "none";
} else if (_local3 == 2) {
_local2.s_fz = "R";
trace("s_fz = " + s_fz);
_local2.Rmt = "none";
} else if (n == "R") {
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Ltext, "mc_fz", 29);
_local1.mc_fz.t.text = "FREEZED";
if (_local3 == 1) {
_local1.mc_Lah.a1._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lah.a2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lah.a3._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lah.a4._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lah.a5._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lah.a6._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lal.a1._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lal.a2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lal.a3._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lal.a4._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lal.a5._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lal.a6._visible = false;
_local2.Lml = 0;
_local2.Rmt = "none";
} else if (_local3 == 2) {
_local2.s_fz = "L";
_local2.Lmt = "none";
_global.mid = function (n) {
var _local1 = _root;
var _local2 = _global;
if (cmid == n) {
trace("mid attackside");
if (_local2[cwho + "ml"] > cwin) {
_local1["mc_L" + Lmt]["a" + Lml]._visible = false;
_local1[("Lm" + Lmt) + "e"].play();
_local1["mc_R" + Rmt]["a" + Rml]._visible = false;
_local1[("Rm" + Rmt) + "e"].play();
_local2.Lml = _local2.Lml - 1;
_local2.Rml = _local2.Rml - 1;
if ((Lml == 0) and (Rml == 0)) {
_global.def = function (n) {
var _local1 = _global;
if (cdef == n) {
if (_local1[turn + "ml"] > cwin) {
var a = _local1[turn + "mt"];
var _local3 = _local1[turn + "ml"];
_root[n]["a" + _local3]._visible = false;
_root[((turn + "d") + a) + "e"].play();
_local1.Lml = _local1.Lml - 1;
_local1.Rml = _local1.Rml - 1;
var _local2 = chg(turn);
_root[("mc_" + _local2) + _local1[_local2 + "mt"]].gotoAndStop("d" + _local1[_local2 + "ml"]);
if (_local1[_local2 + "ml"] == 0) {
_local1.cdef = "go";
if (_local1[turn + "ml"] == 0) {
_global.hit = function (n) {
var _local1 = _global;
var _local2 = chg(cwho);
var _local3 = cwho + "ml";
var c = _local1[cwho + "mt"];
_root[n]["a" + _local1[_local3]]._visible = false;
_root[((cwho + "h") + c) + "e"].play();
_local1[_local3] = _local1[_local3] - 1;
var d = (_local2 + "life");
_local1[d] = _local1[d] - dmg;
_root[("t_" + _local2) + "l"] = _local1[d];
if (_local1[_local3] == 0) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root[_local2 + "text"], ("mc_" + _local2) + _local1[_local3], 10 + _local1[_local3]);
_root[("mc_" + _local2) + _local1[_local3]].t.text = "life-" + dmg;
if (Llife <= 0) {
} else if (Rlife <= 0) {
} else {
_root[("mc_" + _local2) + "c"].gotoAndPlay("hit");
} else {
_root[("mc_" + _local2) + "c"].gotoAndPlay("hit");
duplicateMovieClip (_root[_local2 + "text"], ("mc_" + _local2) + _local1[_local3], 10 + _local1[_local3]);
_root[("mc_" + _local2) + _local1[_local3]].t.text = "life-" + dmg;
_global.die = function (n) {
var _local1 = _global;
var _local2 = _root;
if (n == "mc_Rc") {
var a = "WON\n\n";
trace("a=" + a);
if (ffame != 0) {
_local1.fame = _local1.fame + ffame;
var _local3 = ("fame +" + ffame) + newline;
trace("b=" + _local3);
if (fgrep != 0) {
_local1.grep = _local1.grep + fgrep;
var c = (("good reputation increased by " + fgrep) + newline);
if (fbrep != 0) {
_local1.brep = _local1.brep + fbrep;
var d = (("bad reputation increased by " + fbrep) + newline);
if (fclanr != 0) {
_local1.clanr = _local1.clanr + fclanr;
if (fclanr > 0) {
var e = (("relationship with your clan +" + fclanr) + newline);
} else {
var e = (("relationship with your clan " + fclanr) + newline);
if (qtype == "qe") {
_local1[qtype + "_win"] = _local1[qtype + "_win"] + 1;
} else if (qtype == "qc") {
_local1[cwm] = "yes";
if (youngmage == "no") {
_local1.rankreq = _local1.rankreq + 1;
} else if (qtype == "qr") {
if (_local1.cwm != "none") {
_local1[cwm] = "yes";
if (rank == 100) {
_local1.rank = 91;
var f = "you are now ranking 91 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 91) {
_local1.rank = 76;
var f = "you are now ranking 76 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 76) {
_local1.rank = 54;
var f = "you are now ranking 54 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 54) {
_local1.rank = 29;
var f = "you are now ranking 29 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 29) {
_local1.rank = 18;
var f = "you are now ranking 18 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 18) {
_local1.rank = 13;
var f = "you are now ranking 13 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 13) {
_local1.rank = 12;
var f = "you are now ranking 12 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 12) {
_local1.rank = 11;
var f = "you are now ranking 11 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 11) {
_local1.rank = 10;
var f = "you are now ranking 10 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 10) {
_local1.rank = 9;
var f = "you are now ranking 9 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 9) {
_local1.rank = 8;
var f = "you are now ranking 8 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 8) {
_local1.rank = 7;
var f = "you are now ranking 7 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 7) {
_local1.rank = 6;
var f = "you are now ranking 6 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 6) {
_local1.rank = 5;
var f = "you are now ranking 5 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 5) {
_local1.rank = 4;
var f = "you are now ranking 4 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 4) {
_local1.rank = 3;
var f = "you are now ranking 3 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 3) {
_local1.rank = 2;
var f = "you are now ranking 2 in Book of Mages";
} else if (rank == 2) {
_local1.rank = 1;
var f = "you are now ranking 1 in Book of Mages";
_local2.fr_t = ((((a + _local3) + c) + d) + e) + f;
} else if (n == "mc_Lc") {
_local2.fr_t = "LOSE\n\n";
if (qtype == "qe") {
_local1[qtype + "_lose"] = _local1[qtype + "_lose"] + 1;
_local2.b_fr._visible = true;
_local2.bg_say._visible = true;
_local1.cwm = "none";
_local1.qtype = "none";
_global.chg = function (n) {
if (n == "L") {
Frame 57 (16.37 KiB) ● ● ●
_global.c_su = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
var _local2 = _global;
if (((clan == "P") or (clan == "S")) or (clan == "I")) {
} else if (((clan == "R") or (clan == "D")) or (clan == "C")) {
_local1.yr_t = yr;
_local1.mth_t = mth;
_local1.mc_side.t_name.text = name;
if (clan == "P") {
_local1.mc_side.t_clan.text = "Poison";
} else if (clan == "S") {
_local1.mc_side.t_clan.text = "Sea";
} else if (clan == "I") {
_local1.mc_side.t_clan.text = "Ice";
} else if (clan == "C") {
_local1.mc_side.t_clan.text = "Chaos";
} else if (clan == "D") {
_local1.mc_side.t_clan.text = "Dark";
} else if (clan == "R") {
_local1.mc_side.t_clan.text = "Red";
_local1.mc_side.t_mana.text = mana;
_local1.mc_side.t_ah.text = ah;
_local1.mc_side.t_al.text = al;
_local1.mc_side.t_ab.text = ab;
_local1.mc_side.t_dh.text = dh;
_local1.mc_side.t_dl.text = dl;
if (sp1 == "hl1") {
_local1.mc_side.t_s1.text = "HEAL 1";
} else if (sp1 == "pn1") {
_local1.mc_side.t_s1.text = "POISON 1";
} else if (sp1 == "fz1") {
_local1.mc_side.t_s1.text = "FREEZE 1";
} else if (sp1 == "ds1") {
_local1.mc_side.t_s1.text = "DARK SHIELD";
} else if (sp1 == "mr1") {
_local1.mc_side.t_s1.text = "DRAIN MANA 1";
} else if (sp1 == "tc1") {
_local1.mc_side.t_s1.text = "TWICE 1";
if (sp2 == "hl2") {
_local1.mc_side.t_s2.text = "HEAL 2";
} else if (sp2 == "pn2") {
_local1.mc_side.t_s2.text = "POISON 2";
} else if (sp2 == "fz2") {
_local1.mc_side.t_s2.text = "FREEZE 2";
} else if (sp2 == "ds2") {
_local1.mc_side.t_s2.text = "SILENCE";
} else if (sp2 == "mr2") {
_local1.mc_side.t_s2.text = "DRAIN MANA 2";
} else if (sp2 == "tc2") {
_local1.mc_side.t_s2.text = "TWICE 2";
_local1.mc_side.t_grep.text = grep;
_local1.mc_side.t_brep.text = brep;
_local1.mc_side.t_fame.text = fame;
_local1.mc_side.t_clanr.text = clanr;
_local1.mc_side.t_rank.text = rank;
if (qe_n > 0) {
} else if (checkqe == "yes") {
_local2.checkqe = "no";
_local1.b_manac.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
var _local2 = _global;
if (qe_loc != "none") {
if (loc == qe_loc) {
if (qe_loc2 == "tground") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Training Ground.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "gate") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Gate.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "taven") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Taven.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "arena") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Arena.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "hall") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Great Hall.";
} else if (qe_loc == "P") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Poison Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "S") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Sea Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "I") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Ice Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "D") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Dark Fire clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "R") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Red Fire clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "C") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Chaos Fire clan.";
_local1.b_dn2._visible = true;
if ((loc == qe_loc) and (qe_loc2 == "manac")) {
_local1.b_dn2._visible = false;
_local2.qe_loc = "none";
_local2.qe_loc2 = "none";
} else if (loc == clan) {
_local2.mana = _local2.mana + 1;
_local1.mc_side.t_mana.text = mana;
_local1.say_t = "Your mana has increased by 1.";
_local1.b_dn3._visible = true;
if (((mana / 6) == (level + 1)) and (level < 26)) {
_local2.level = _local2.level + 1;
_local1.mpts = _local1.mpts + 1;
_local1.say_t = "Your mana has increased by 1. \n Your level has increase by 1, you can go to training ground to train your magic.";
} else if (level == 26) {
_local2.mana = _local2.mana + 1;
_local1.mc_side.t_mana.text = mana;
_local1.say_t = "Your mana has increased by 2.";
} else {
_local1.say_t = "I can ONLY train mana in my own clan.";
_local1.b_dn2._visible = true;
_local1.bg_say._visible = true;
_local1.b_hall.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (qe_loc != "none") {
if (loc == qe_loc) {
if (qe_loc2 == "tground") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Training Ground.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "gate") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Gate.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "taven") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Taven.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "arena") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Arena.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "manac") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Mana Cave.";
} else if (qe_loc == "P") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Poison Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "S") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Sea Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "I") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Ice Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "D") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Dark Fire clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "R") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Red Fire clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "C") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Chaos Fire clan.";
_local1.b_dn2._visible = true;
if ((loc == qe_loc) and (qe_loc2 == "hall")) {
_local1.b_dn2._visible = false;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_loc2 = "none";
_local1.bg_say._visible = true;
} else {
_local1.b_arena.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (qe_loc != "none") {
if (loc == qe_loc) {
if (qe_loc2 == "tground") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Training Ground.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "gate") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Gate.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "taven") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Taven.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "hall") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Great Hall.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "manac") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Mana Cave.";
} else if (qe_loc == "P") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Poison Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "S") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Sea Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "I") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Ice Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "D") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Dark Fire clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "R") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Red Fire clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "C") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Chaos Fire clan.";
_local1.b_dn2._visible = true;
if ((loc == qe_loc) and (qe_loc2 == "arena")) {
_local1.b_dn2._visible = false;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_loc2 = "none";
_local1.bg_say._visible = true;
} else if ((youngmage == "yes") or (youngmage == "no")) {
} else {
_local1.b_tground.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (qe_loc != "none") {
if (loc == qe_loc) {
if (qe_loc2 == "arena") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Arena.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "gate") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Gate.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "taven") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Taven.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "hall") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Great Hall.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "manac") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Mana Cave.";
} else if (qe_loc == "P") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Poison Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "S") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Sea Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "I") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Ice Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "D") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Dark Fire clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "R") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Red Fire clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "C") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Chaos Fire clan.";
_local1.b_dn2._visible = true;
if ((loc == qe_loc) and (qe_loc2 == "tground")) {
_local1.b_dn2._visible = false;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_loc2 = "none";
_local1.bg_say._visible = true;
} else if (loc == clan) {
} else {
_local1.say_t = "I can ONLY train magic in my own clan.";
_local1.b_dn2._visible = true;
_local1.bg_say._visible = true;
_local1.b_taven.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (qe_loc != "none") {
if (loc == qe_loc) {
if (qe_loc2 == "tground") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Training Ground.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "gate") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Gate.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "arena") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Arena.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "hall") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Great Hall.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "manac") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Mana Cave.";
} else if (qe_loc == "P") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Poison Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "S") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Sea Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "I") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Ice Water clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "D") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Dark Fire clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "R") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Red Fire clan.";
} else if (qe_loc == "C") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Chaos Fire clan.";
} else if ((rank == 0) and (youngmage == "no")) {
_local1.say_t = "Drunk Mages:\nYou want to be in the Ranking? Go to Arena of any clans and defeat at least FIVE mages.Every end of the year author of Book of Mages will judge who is worthy to be in the Ranking. ";
} else if (rank == 0) {
_local1.say_t = "Drunk Mages:\nHave you heard of Book of Mages? That book records the names of top 100 fire and water mages. Mages are ranked according to their magic level. You can challenge them, and if you win, his ranking will be yours!!!! ";
} else if (rank == 100) {
_local1.say_t = "Drunk Mages:\n You are the lowest ranking mage in the book? haha, well if you want to raise your ranking, go to Arena challenge other mages.";
} else if (rank == 91) {
_local1.say_t = "Drunk Mages:\n I see, you are trying to climb up the Rank ladder? You can go to different clan and challenge mages at Arena.";
} else if (rank == 76) {
_local1.say_t = "Drunk Mages:\n I heard of your name. You just defeated another mage huh. Well, Keep doing it to raise your rank.";
} else if (rank == 54) {
_local1.say_t = "Drunk Mages:\n Who the hell..it you!..Dont challenge me, I dont have a rank! Go to Arena and you will find your opponent.";
} else if (rank == 29) {
_local1.say_t = "Drunk Mages:\n The Famous mage! Go to Arena of various clans, you'll find some mages higher ranking than you.";
} else if (rank == 18) {
_local1.say_t = "Drunk Mages:\n Maybe one day, you will reach rank 1. Arena is the place if you want to raise your rank.";
} else if (rank == 13) {
_local1.say_t = "Drunk Mages:\n I know you! You are the Rank 13 mage! Well, top 12 mages are much more powerful thank the rest, for example, rank 12 mage, is the Magic Master of Chaos Fire Clan, you can find him in Great Hall of Chaos Fire Clan.";
} else if (rank == 12) {
_local1.say_t = ("Taven Master:\n Good Evening, " + name) + ". Rank 11 mage is the Magic Master of Ice Water Clan, you can find him in Great Hall of Ice Water Clan.";
} else if (rank == 11) {
_local1.say_t = ("Taven Master:\n Good Evening, " + name) + ". Rank 10 mage is the Magic Master of Red Fire Clan, you can find him in Great Hall of Red Fire Clan.";
} else if (rank == 10) {
_local1.say_t = ("Taven Master:\n Good Evening, " + name) + ". Rank 9 mage is the Magic Master of Sea Water Clan, you can find him in Great Hall of Sea Water Clan.";
} else if (rank == 9) {
_local1.say_t = ("Taven Master:\n Good Evening, " + name) + ". Rank 8 mage is the Magic Master of Dark Fire Clan, you can find him in Great Hall of Dark Fire Clan.";
} else if (rank == 8) {
_local1.say_t = ("Taven Master:\n Good Evening, " + name) + ". Rank 7 mage is the Magic Master of Poison Water Clan, you can find him in Great Hall of Poison Water Clan.";
} else if (rank == 7) {
_local1.say_t = ("Taven Master:\n Good Evening, " + name) + ". Rank 6 mage is the Clan Leader of Poison Water Clan, you can find him in Great Hall of Poison Water Clan.";
} else if (rank == 6) {
_local1.say_t = ("Taven Master:\n Good Evening, " + name) + ". Rank 5 mage is the Clan Leader of Red Fire Clan, you can find him in Great Hall of Red Fire Clan.";
} else if (rank == 5) {
_local1.say_t = ("Taven Master:\n Good Evening, " + name) + ". Rank 4 mage is the Clan Leader of Sea Water Clan, you can find him in Great Hall of Sea Water Clan.";
} else if (rank == 4) {
_local1.say_t = ("Taven Master:\n Good Evening, " + name) + ". Rank 3 mage is the Clan Leader of Dark Fire Clan, you can find him in Great Hall of Dark Fire Clan.";
} else if (rank == 3) {
_local1.say_t = ("Taven Master:\n Good Evening, " + name) + ". Rank 2 mage is the Clan Leader of Ice Water Clan, you can find him in Great Hall of Ice Water Clan.";
} else if (rank == 2) {
_local1.say_t = ("Taven Master:\n Good Evening, " + name) + ". Rank 1 mage is the Clan Leader of Chaos Fire Clan, you can find him in Great Hall of Chaos Fire Clan.";
} else if (rank == 1) {
_local1.say_t = "Drunk Mages:\n Oh my god! Its the Number one Mage! Wait, i think i am drunk, you are just my imagination. Because I AM THE NUMBER ONE MAGE, hahahaha!";
_local1.b_dn2._visible = true;
if ((loc == qe_loc) and (qe_loc2 == "taven")) {
_local1.b_dn2._visible = false;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_loc2 = "none";
_local1.bg_say._visible = true;
_local1.b_gate.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (yr < 200) {
_local1.say_t = "I think I am not ready to leave our clan. I should concerntrate on learning magics.";
_local1.b_dn2._visible = true;
_local1.bg_say._visible = true;
} else if ((qe_loc != "none") and (loc == qe_loc)) {
if (qe_loc2 == "tground") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Training Ground.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "mana") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Mana Cave.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "taven") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Taven.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "arena") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Arena.";
} else if (qe_loc2 == "hall") {
_local1.say_t = "I need to go to Great Hall.";
_local1.b_dn2._visible = true;
if ((loc == qe_loc) and (qe_loc2 == "gate")) {
_local1.b_dn2._visible = false;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_loc2 = "none";
_local1.bg_say._visible = true;
} else {
_local1.b_dn.onRelease = function () {
_local1.b_dn2.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.b_dn2._visible = false;
_local1.bg_say._visible = false;
_local1.say_t = "";
if ((qtype == "qr") or (qtype == "qc")) {
_local1.b_dn3.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.b_dn3._visible = false;
_local1.bg_say._visible = false;
_local1.say_t = "";
_local1.b_chs1.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.qe_nw = _global.qe_nw + 1;
_local1.b_chs1._visible = false;
_local1.b_chs2._visible = false;
_local1.b_chs2.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.qe_nw = _global.qe_nw + 2;
_local1.b_chs1._visible = false;
_local1.b_chs2._visible = false;
_local1.b_chs1._visible = false;
_local1.b_chs2._visible = false;
_local1.b_dn._visible = false;
_local1.b_dn2._visible = false;
_local1.b_dn3._visible = false;
_local1.bg_say._visible = false;
if (yr > 193) {
_local1.b_skip._visible = false;
Frame 58 (24 B)
Frame 67 (28 B)
_global.loc = "R";
Instance of Symbol 300 MovieClip "bg_say" in Frame 67 (194 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((clan == "P") or (clan == "S")) or (clan == "I")) {
} else if (((clan == "R") or (clan == "D")) or (clan == "C")) {
Frame 68 (28 B)
_global.loc = "C";
Frame 69 (28 B)
_global.loc = "D";
Frame 70 (28 B)
_global.loc = "S";
Frame 71 (28 B)
_global.loc = "I";
Frame 72 (28 B)
_global.loc = "P";
Frame 73 (298 B)
_root.mc_mth.gotoAndPlay("m" + mth);
if (((clan == "P") or (clan == "S")) or (clan == "I")) {
} else if (((clan == "R") or (clan == "D")) or (clan == "C")) {
Frame 75 (663 B)
_root.fr_t = "";
_global.turn = "L";
_global.Lmt = "none";
_global.Lml = 0;
_global.Rmt = "none";
_global.Rml = 0;
_global.cmid = "none";
_global.cdef = "none";
_global.cwin = 0;
_global.Lclan = clan;
_global.Lmana = mana;
_global.Lmmana = mana;
_global.Llife = life;
_global.Lah = ah;
_global.Lal = al;
_global.Lab = ab;
_global.Ldh = dh;
_global.Ldl = dl;
_global.s_fz = "none";
_global.s_ds = "none";
_global.Lsp1 = sp1;
_global.Lsp1r = sp1r;
_global.Lsp2 = sp2;
_global.Lsp2r = sp2r;
_global.Lspt = 0;
_global.Rspt = 0;
duplicateMovieClip (_root["mc_L" + Lclan], "mc_Lc", 1);
duplicateMovieClip (_root["mc_R" + Rclan], "mc_Rc", 2);
Frame 80 (11.41 KiB) ● ●
_root.mc_Lc._x = 80;
_root.mc_Rc._x = 471;
if (Lclan == "P") {
_root.mc_Lc._y = 160;
} else if (Lclan == "S") {
_root.mc_Lc._y = 168;
} else if (Lclan == "I") {
_root.mc_Lc._y = 203;
} else if (Lclan == "C") {
_root.mc_Lc._y = 180;
_root.mc_Lc._x = 92;
} else if (Lclan == "D") {
_root.mc_Lc._y = 168;
} else if (Lclan == "R") {
_root.mc_Lc._y = 180;
if (Rclan == "P") {
_root.mc_Rc._y = 160;
} else if (Rclan == "S") {
_root.mc_Rc._y = 168;
} else if (Rclan == "I") {
_root.mc_Rc._y = 203;
} else if (Rclan == "C") {
_root.mc_Rc._y = 180;
_root.mc_Rc._x = 459;
} else if (Rclan == "D") {
_root.mc_Rc._y = 168;
} else if (Rclan == "R") {
_root.mc_Rc._y = 180;
_root.b_fr.onRelease = function () {
_root.b_Lah.onRelease = function () {
_root.b_Lal.onRelease = function () {
_root.b_Lab.onRelease = function () {
_root.b_Ldh.onRelease = function () {
_root.b_Ldl.onRelease = function () {
_root.b_Lr.onRelease = function () {
_root.b_Lfz1.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Lspt = _global.Lspt - Lsp1r;
_local1.t_Lspt = Lspt;
_local1.b_Lfz1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lfz2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wsp1._visible = false;
f_fz("L", 1);
_root.b_Lfz2.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Lspt = _global.Lspt - Lsp2r;
_local1.t_Lspt = Lspt;
_local1.b_Lfz1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lfz2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wsp2._visible = false;
f_fz("L", 2);
_root.b_Lds1.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Lspt = _global.Lspt - Lsp1r;
_local1.t_Lspt = Lspt;
_local1.b_Lds1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lds2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wsp1._visible = false;
f_ds("L", 1);
_root.b_Lds2.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Lspt = _global.Lspt - Lsp2r;
_local1.t_Lspt = Lspt;
_local1.b_Lds1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lds2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wsp2._visible = false;
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Rtext, "mc_ds2", 24);
_local1.mc_ds2.t.text = "SILENCED";
_global.s_ds = "R";
_root.b_Lhl1.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Lspt = _global.Lspt - Lsp1r;
_local1.t_Lspt = Lspt;
_local1.b_Lhl1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lhl2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wsp1._visible = false;
f_hl("L", 1);
_root.b_Lhl2.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Lspt = _global.Lspt - Lsp2r;
_local1.t_Lspt = Lspt;
_local1.b_Lhl1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lhl2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wsp2._visible = false;
f_hl("L", 2);
_root.b_Lmr1.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Lspt = _global.Lspt - Lsp1r;
_local1.t_Lspt = Lspt;
_local1.b_Lmr1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lmr2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wsp1._visible = false;
f_mr("L", 1);
_root.b_Lmr2.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Lspt = _global.Lspt - Lsp2r;
_local1.t_Lspt = Lspt;
_local1.b_Lmr1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lmr2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wsp2._visible = false;
f_mr("L", 2);
_root.b_Ltc1.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Lspt = _global.Lspt - Lsp1r;
_local1.t_Lspt = Lspt;
_local1.b_Ltc1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Ltc2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wsp1._visible = false;
_root.b_Ltc2.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Lspt = _global.Lspt - Lsp2r;
_local1.t_Lspt = Lspt;
_local1.b_Ltc1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Ltc2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wsp2._visible = false;
_root.b_Lpn1.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Lspt = _global.Lspt - Lsp1r;
_local1.t_Lspt = Lspt;
_local1.b_Lpn1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lpn2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wsp1._visible = false;
f_pn("R", 1);
_root.b_Lpn2.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Lspt = _global.Lspt - Lsp2r;
_local1.t_Lspt = Lspt;
_local1.b_Lpn1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Lpn2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Lbg.L_wsp2._visible = false;
f_pn("R", 2);
_global.R_ah = function () {
_global.R_al = function () {
_global.R_ab = function () {
_global.R_dh = function () {
_global.R_dl = function () {
_global.R_r = function () {
_global.R_fz1 = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Rspt = _global.Rspt - Rsp1r;
_local1.t_Rspt = Rspt;
_local1.b_Rfz1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rfz2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wsp1._visible = false;
f_fz("R", 1);
_global.R_fz2 = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Rspt = _global.Rspt - Rsp2r;
_local1.t_Rspt = Rspt;
_local1.b_Rfz1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rfz2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wsp2._visible = false;
f_fz("R", 2);
_global.R_ds1 = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Rspt = _global.Rspt - Rsp1r;
_local1.t_Rspt = Rspt;
_local1.b_Rds1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rds2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wsp1._visible = false;
f_ds("R", 1);
_global.R_ds2 = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Rspt = _global.Rspt - Rsp2r;
_local1.t_Rspt = Rspt;
_local1.b_Rds1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rds2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wsp2._visible = false;
duplicateMovieClip (_local1.Ltext, "mc_ds2", 24);
_local1.mc_ds2.t.text = "SILENCED";
_global.s_ds = "L";
_global.R_hl1 = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Rspt = _global.Rspt - Rsp1r;
_local1.t_Rspt = Rspt;
_local1.b_Rhl1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rhl2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wsp1._visible = false;
f_hl("R", 1);
_global.R_hl2 = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Rspt = _global.Rspt - Rsp2r;
_local1.t_Rspt = Rspt;
_local1.b_Rhl1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rhl2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wsp2._visible = false;
f_hl("R", 2);
_global.R_mr1 = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Rspt = _global.Rspt - Rsp1r;
_local1.t_Rspt = Rspt;
_local1.b_Rmr1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rmr2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wsp1._visible = false;
f_mr("R", 1);
_global.R_mr2 = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Rspt = _global.Rspt - Rsp2r;
_local1.t_Rspt = Rspt;
_local1.b_Rmr1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rmr2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wsp2._visible = false;
f_mr("R", 2);
_global.R_tc1 = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Rspt = _global.Rspt - Rsp1r;
_local1.t_Rspt = Rspt;
_local1.b_Rtc1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rtc2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wsp1._visible = false;
_global.R_tc2 = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Rspt = _global.Rspt - Rsp2r;
_local1.t_Rspt = Rspt;
_local1.b_Rtc1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rtc2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wsp2._visible = false;
_global.R_pn1 = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Rspt = _global.Rspt - Rsp1r;
_local1.t_Rspt = Rspt;
_local1.b_Rpn1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rpn2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wsp1._visible = false;
f_pn("L", 1);
_global.R_pn2 = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_global.Rspt = _global.Rspt - Rsp2r;
_local1.t_Rspt = Rspt;
_local1.b_Rpn1._visible = false;
_local1.b_Rpn2._visible = false;
_local1.mc_Rbg.R_wsp2._visible = false;
f_pn("L", 2);
_root.t_Ll = Llife;
_root.t_Rl = Rlife;
_root.t_Lm = Lmana;
_root.t_Rm = Rmana;
_root.t_Lsp1r = Lsp1r;
_root.t_Lsp2r = Lsp2r;
_root.t_Rsp1r = Rsp1r;
_root.t_Rsp2r = Rsp2r;
_root.t_Lspt = Lspt;
_root.t_Rspt = Rspt;
_root.b_Lfz1._visible = false;
_root.b_Lfz2._visible = false;
_root.b_Lds1._visible = false;
_root.b_Lds2._visible = false;
_root.b_Ltc1._visible = false;
_root.b_Ltc2._visible = false;
_root.b_Lpn1._visible = false;
_root.b_Lpn2._visible = false;
_root.b_Lmr1._visible = false;
_root.b_Lmr2._visible = false;
_root.b_Lhl1._visible = false;
_root.b_Lhl2._visible = false;
_root.b_Rfz1._visible = false;
_root.b_Rfz2._visible = false;
_root.b_Rds1._visible = false;
_root.b_Rds2._visible = false;
_root.b_Rtc1._visible = false;
_root.b_Rtc2._visible = false;
_root.b_Rpn1._visible = false;
_root.b_Rpn2._visible = false;
_root.b_Rmr1._visible = false;
_root.b_Rmr2._visible = false;
_root.b_Rhl1._visible = false;
_root.b_Rhl2._visible = false;
_root.mc_Lah.a1._visible = false;
_root.mc_Lah.a2._visible = false;
_root.mc_Lah.a3._visible = false;
_root.mc_Lah.a4._visible = false;
_root.mc_Lah.a5._visible = false;
_root.mc_Lah.a6._visible = false;
_root.mc_Rah.a1._visible = false;
_root.mc_Rah.a2._visible = false;
_root.mc_Rah.a3._visible = false;
_root.mc_Rah.a4._visible = false;
_root.mc_Rah.a5._visible = false;
_root.mc_Rah.a6._visible = false;
_root.mc_Lal.a1._visible = false;
_root.mc_Lal.a2._visible = false;
_root.mc_Lal.a3._visible = false;
_root.mc_Lal.a4._visible = false;
_root.mc_Lal.a5._visible = false;
_root.mc_Lal.a6._visible = false;
_root.mc_Ral.a1._visible = false;
_root.mc_Ral.a2._visible = false;
_root.mc_Ral.a3._visible = false;
_root.mc_Ral.a4._visible = false;
_root.mc_Ral.a5._visible = false;
_root.mc_Ral.a6._visible = false;
_root.Lsd1._visible = false;
_root.Lsd2._visible = false;
_root.Rsd1._visible = false;
_root.Rsd2._visible = false;
_root.bg_say._visible = false;
_root.b_fr._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 300 MovieClip "bg_say" in Frame 80 (194 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((clan == "P") or (clan == "S")) or (clan == "I")) {
} else if (((clan == "R") or (clan == "D")) or (clan == "C")) {
Symbol 107 Button (45 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 110 Button (46 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 113 Button (43 B)
on (release) {
fscommand ("quit", true);
Symbol 116 Button (47 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 118 Button (62 B)
on (press) {
getURL ("http://www.nobstudio.com", "_blank");
Symbol 127 Button (41 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 131 Button (44 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 136 Button (41 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 137 Button (41 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 141 Button (41 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 142 Button (41 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 147 Button (41 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 9 (8 B)
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 19 (8 B)
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 29 (8 B)
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 39 (8 B)
Symbol 154 Button (38 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 157 Button (39 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 160 Button (39 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 163 Button (39 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 166 Button (39 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 169 Button (39 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 174 Button (45 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 177 Button (38 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 7 (23 B)
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 15 (23 B)
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 21 (23 B)
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 27 (23 B)
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 28 (8 B)
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 42 (17 B)
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 7 (23 B)
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 15 (23 B)
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 21 (23 B)
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 27 (23 B)
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 28 (8 B)
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 42 (17 B)
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 5 (20 B)
_global.clan = "C";
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 13 (8 B)
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 15 (20 B)
_global.clan = "I";
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 23 (8 B)
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 25 (20 B)
_global.clan = "D";
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 33 (8 B)
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 35 (20 B)
_global.clan = "S";
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 43 (8 B)
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 45 (20 B)
_global.clan = "R";
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 53 (8 B)
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 55 (20 B)
_global.clan = "P";
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 64 (8 B)
Symbol 201 Button (48 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 203 Button (46 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 205 Button (48 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 214 Button (48 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 2 (2.62 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 2;
if (clan == "P") {
_global.qe_c1 = name + ":\n I wish to join Poison Water Clan.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Clan Leader:\n Come nearer. Put your hand in the green water. Hmm...yes, you do have potential.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Clan Leader:\n very well, you are now a Poison Water Mage. Magic Master will teach you basic magics.";
} else if (clan == "S") {
_global.qe_c1 = name + ":\n I wish to join Sea Water Clan.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Clan Leader:\n Come nearer. Put your hand in the sea water. Hmm...yes, you do have potential.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Clan Leader:\n very well, you are now a Sea Water Mage. Magic Master will teach you basic magics.";
} else if (clan == "I") {
_global.qe_c1 = name + ":\n I wish to join Ice Water Clan.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Clan Leader:\n Come nearer. Put your hand in the cold water. Hmm...yes, you do have potential.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Clan Leader:\n very well, you are now a Ice Water Mage. Magic Master will teach you basic magics.";
} else if (clan == "D") {
_global.qe_c1 = name + ":\n I wish to join Dark Fire Clan.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Clan Leader:\n Come nearer. Put your hand in the black flame. Hmm...yes, you do have potential.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Clan Leader:\n very well, you are now a Dark Fire Mage. Magic Master will teach you basic magics.";
} else if (clan == "C") {
_global.qe_c1 = name + ":\n I wish to join Chaos Fire Clan.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Clan Leader:\n Come nearer. Put your hand in the burning flame. Hmm...yes, you do have potential.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Clan Leader:\n very well, you are now a Chaos Fire Mage. Magic Master will teach you basic magics.";
} else if (clan == "R") {
_global.qe_c1 = name + ":\n I wish to join Red Fire Clan.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Clan Leader:\n Come nearer. Put your hand in the red flame. Hmm...yes, you do have potential.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Clan Leader:\n very well, you are now a Red Fire Mage. Magic Master will teach you basic magics.";
_global.qe_c4 = "Magic Master:\n I will explain to you how to train magic. You need mana to cast a magic.";
_global.qe_c5 = "Magic Master:\n Your First task, is to train your mana to 6. Mana training is in Mana Cave. It takes one month to train 1 mana.";
_global.qe_c6 = name + ":\n Yes Magic Master. I will go to MANA CAVE and train mana to 6.";
_global.qe_c7 = "only";
_global.qe_c8 = "manac";
_global.qe_c9 = "only";
_global.qe_c10 = "manac";
_global.qe_c11 = "only";
_global.qe_c12 = "manac";
_global.qe_c13 = "only";
_global.qe_c14 = "manac";
_global.qe_c15 = "only";
_global.qe_c16 = "manac";
_global.qe_c17 = "only";
_global.qe_c18 = "manac";
_global.qe_c19 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 3 (636 B)
_global.qe_nw = 3;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = "Magic Master:\n Very Good, you learn fast.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Magic Master:\n Now you are ready to learn more about magic. Magics can be categorised into Attack magic and Defend magic.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Magic Master:\n Go to Training Ground and train 'High Attack' magic, after you have mastered it I will teach more. It usually takes one month to train one magic.";
_global.qe_c4 = name + ":\n Yes Magic Master. I shall go to TRAINING GROUND and practise HIGH ATTACK magic.";
_global.qe_c5 = "only";
_global.qe_c6 = "tground";
_global.qe_c7 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 4 (1.15 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 4;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = "Magic Master:\n So you have mastered High Attack magic. Very good, you do have potential.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Magic Master:\n When you cast High Attack magic, you attack the enemy from air.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Magic Master:\n Enemies can respond your attack in two ways:\n One. They will cast High Defend magic to defend themselves.";
_global.qe_c4 = "Magic Master:\n Two. they will cast High Attack magic which can counter your attack, and if his High Attack magic level is higher than yours, you will get injured!";
_global.qe_c5 = "Magic Master:\n So now, lets practise High Defend Magic. But before you go to Training Ground, you have to raise you mana by 6.";
_global.qe_c6 = name + ":\n Yes Magic Master. I will go to MANA CAVE and train my mana to 12.";
_global.qe_c7 = "only";
_global.qe_c8 = "manac";
_global.qe_c9 = "only";
_global.qe_c10 = "manac";
_global.qe_c11 = "only";
_global.qe_c12 = "manac";
_global.qe_c13 = "only";
_global.qe_c14 = "manac";
_global.qe_c15 = "only";
_global.qe_c16 = "manac";
_global.qe_c17 = "only";
_global.qe_c18 = "manac";
_global.qe_c19 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 5 (328 B)
_global.qe_nw = 5;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = "Magic Master:\n Now, go to TRAINING GROUND and practise HIGH DEFEND magic.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Magic Master:\n We will talk more when you have mastered High Defend magic.";
_global.qe_c3 = "only";
_global.qe_c4 = "tground";
_global.qe_c5 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 6 (1.03 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 6;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = "Magic Master:\n So you have mastered High Defend magic. Very good, you do have potential.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Magic Master:\n When enemy cast High Attack magic to attack you, you can cast High Defend magic to defend yourself.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Magic Master:\n Or if you want, you can cast High Attack magic to counter enemy's High Attack magic. If your High Attack magic level is higher, you will damage your enemy!";
_global.qe_c4 = "Magic Master:\n Now, we should move on to Low Attack magic. Go to Mana Cave to raise your mana by 6.";
_global.qe_c5 = name + ":\n Yes Magic Master. I will go to MANA CAVE and train my mana to 18.";
_global.qe_c6 = "only";
_global.qe_c7 = "manac";
_global.qe_c8 = "only";
_global.qe_c9 = "manac";
_global.qe_c10 = "only";
_global.qe_c11 = "manac";
_global.qe_c12 = "only";
_global.qe_c13 = "manac";
_global.qe_c14 = "only";
_global.qe_c15 = "manac";
_global.qe_c16 = "only";
_global.qe_c17 = "manac";
_global.qe_c18 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 7 (226 B)
_global.qe_nw = 7;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = "Magic Master:\n Go to TRAINING GROUND and practise LOW ATTACK magic.";
_global.qe_c2 = "only";
_global.qe_c3 = "tground";
_global.qe_c4 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 8 (1.17 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 8;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = "Magic Master:\n So you have mastered Low Attack magic. Very good, you do have potential.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Magic Master:\n When you cast Low Attack magic, you attack the enemy from land.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Magic Master:\n Same as High Attack magic, enemies can respond your attack in two ways:\n One. They will cast Low Defend magic to defend themselves.";
_global.qe_c4 = "Magic Master:\n Two. they will cast Low Attack magic which can counter your attack, and if his Low Attack magic level is higher than yours, you will get injured!";
_global.qe_c5 = "Magic Master:\n Lets practise Low Defend Magic. But before you go to Training Ground, you have to raise you mana by 6.";
_global.qe_c6 = name + ":\n Yes Magic Master. I will go to MANA CAVE and train my mana to 24.";
_global.qe_c7 = "only";
_global.qe_c8 = "manac";
_global.qe_c9 = "only";
_global.qe_c10 = "manac";
_global.qe_c11 = "only";
_global.qe_c12 = "manac";
_global.qe_c13 = "only";
_global.qe_c14 = "manac";
_global.qe_c15 = "only";
_global.qe_c16 = "manac";
_global.qe_c17 = "only";
_global.qe_c18 = "manac";
_global.qe_c19 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 9 (226 B)
_global.qe_nw = 9;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = "Magic Master:\n Go to TRAINING GROUND and practise LOW DEFEND magic.";
_global.qe_c2 = "only";
_global.qe_c3 = "tground";
_global.qe_c4 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 10 (1.05 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 10;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = "Magic Master:\n So you have mastered Low Defend magic. Very good, you do have potential.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Magic Master:\n Same as High Defend magic, you can cast Low Defend magic to defend yourself.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Magic Master:\n Or if you want, you can cast Low Attack magic to counter enemy's Low Attack magic. If your Low Attack magic level is higher, you will damage your enemy!";
_global.qe_c4 = "Magic Master:\n Now, we should move on to Mana Burn magic. Go to Mana Cave to raise your mana by 6. I will teach you more once you have learnt it,";
_global.qe_c5 = name + ":\n Yes Magic Master. I will go to Mana Cave and train my mana to 30.";
_global.qe_c6 = "only";
_global.qe_c7 = "manac";
_global.qe_c8 = "only";
_global.qe_c9 = "manac";
_global.qe_c10 = "only";
_global.qe_c11 = "manac";
_global.qe_c12 = "only";
_global.qe_c13 = "manac";
_global.qe_c14 = "only";
_global.qe_c15 = "manac";
_global.qe_c16 = "only";
_global.qe_c17 = "manac";
_global.qe_c18 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 11 (226 B)
_global.qe_nw = 11;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = "Magic Master:\n Go to Training Ground and practise Mana Burn magic.";
_global.qe_c2 = "only";
_global.qe_c3 = "tground";
_global.qe_c4 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 12 (1.38 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 12;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = "Magic Master:\n Mana Burn is a unique magic, when you cast it, you will lower enemy's mana. ";
_global.qe_c2 = "Magic Master:\n It is very useful if enemy has a low mana pool. Once enemy's mana pool is emptied, he cannot cast any spell.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Magic Master:\n On the other hand, if you run out of mana, the only action you can do is rest. Rest will regenerate some mana.";
_global.qe_c4 = "Magic Master:\n You have mastered the five different kind of magics, you can increase your magic level by training on the same magic.";
_global.qe_c5 = name + ":\n Master, do I have to train 6 mana before I go for one magic training?";
_global.qe_c6 = "Magic Master:\n Yes, this is to ensure that during battles, you have enough mana to cast magic. ";
_global.qe_c7 = "Magic Master:\n To cast a level one magic will need 1 mana. Cast level two magic will cost 2 mana. Some Magics can be trained up to level 6. ";
_global.qe_c8 = "Magic Master:\n Also, remember that during battle, you cannot caste the same magic consequetively. ";
_global.qe_c9 = "Magic Master:\n From now on, You are on your own. You can go to arena and challenge beginner mages, have a taste of what battle is like.";
_global.qe_c10 = name + ":\n Finally, now I am a qualified Mage!";
_global.qe_c11 = "end";
_global.qe_c12 = "end2";
_global.qe_fame = 1;
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 13 (387 B)
_global.qe_nw = 13;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = "Clan Leader:\n Next year of December is our clan's 70th Apprendice Contest. Only 8 talented young mages of our clan are chosen, you are one of them.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Clan Leader:\n This is to test how much you have learnt. Prepare yourself for the contest. Do not dissapoint me.";
_global.qe_c3 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 14 (1.65 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 14;
_global.apprendicecontest = "yes";
_global.qe_c1 = "Clan Leader:\n This is the 70th Apprendice Contest, who will be the star of our clan?";
_global.qe_c2 = "Clan Leader:\n Come, young mages, show me what you have learnt.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Clan Leader:\n 1st round, eight mages will pair up and fight each other, the four winners stay.";
_global.qe_c4 = 1;
_global.qe_c5 = "Clan Leader:\n Very good, you learn well, 2nd round. The two winners stay.";
_global.qe_c6 = 2;
_global.qe_c7 = "Clan Leader:\n Final round, one of you will be the champion!!";
_global.qe_c8 = 3;
_global.qe_c9 = "Clan Leader:\n Congradulation, you are the champion! Well done, young mage!";
_global.qe_c10 = "end";
_global.qe_c11 = "end2";
_global.qe_e1 = new Array();
_global.qe_e1[1] = clan;
_global.qe_e1[2] = "d";
_global.qe_e1[3] = 8;
_global.qe_e1[4] = 48;
_global.qe_e1[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e1[8] = 1;
_global.qe_e2 = new Array();
_global.qe_e2[1] = clan;
_global.qe_e2[2] = "b";
_global.qe_e2[3] = 9;
_global.qe_e2[4] = 55;
_global.qe_e2[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e2[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e2[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e2[8] = 1;
_global.qe_e3 = new Array();
_global.qe_e3[1] = clan;
_global.qe_e3[2] = "oa";
_global.qe_e3[3] = 10;
_global.qe_e3[4] = 65;
_global.qe_e3[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e3[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e3[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e3[8] = 1;
if (qe_lose >= 1) {
_global.qe_n = 0;
_global.qe_c1 = "Clan Leader:\n hmm...you lose? Lucky i didnt bet on you. Now be gone, go and train harder.";
_global.qe_c2 = "end2";
_global.apprendicecontest = "no";
_global.qe_fame = 2;
_global.qe_clanr = 2;
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 15 (1.22 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 15;
_global.qe_c1 = "Old Mage:\n I heard among the young mages you have the most potential. ";
_global.qe_c2 = "Old Mage:\n I want to know how good you are, show me what you have learnt.";
_global.qe_c3 = 1;
_global.qe_c5 = name + ":\n What is Young Mage Contest?";
_global.qe_c6 = "Old Mage:\n You never heard of it? Every 5 year The Great Mage will to organise a Contest for young mages of the six clans. Next Young Mage Contest will be in year 200.";
_global.qe_c7 = name + ":\n Hm.. I better practise harder then.";
if (qe_lose >= 1) {
_global.qe_c4 = "Old Mage:\n Not as good as I expected....I was must better than you when I was your age, and I won the Young Mage Contest ....";
_global.qe_c8 = "end2";
} else {
_global.qe_c4 = "Old Mage:\n Not bad, I was the winner of Young Mage Contest when I was your age, but my magic skill is not as good as you at that time....";
_global.qe_c8 = "end";
_global.qe_c9 = "end2";
_global.qe_e1 = new Array();
_global.qe_e1[1] = clan;
_global.qe_e1[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e1[3] = 14;
_global.qe_e1[4] = 80;
_global.qe_e1[5] = 0;
_global.qe_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qe_fame = 3;
_global.qe_clanr = 4;
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 16 (353 B)
_global.qe_nw = 16;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = "Clan Leader:\n Begining of next year, The great mage will host a Young Mage Contest.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Clan Leader:\n You will have to fight against young mages of other clans.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Clan Leader:\n Prepare yourself for the contest.";
_global.qe_c4 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 17 (4.79 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 17;
if (loc != "P") {
_global.qe_c1 = "Clan Leader:\n It is time, young mage contest is on next month, you have to leave now.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Clan Leader:\n Go to the GATE, and travel to POISON WATER CLAN, and enter their ARENA. Good luck my apprendice.";
_global.qe_c3 = "con";
} else {
_global.qe_c1 = "Clan Leader:\n It is time, my apprendice, the young mage contest is starting soon.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Clan Leader:\n Go to ARENA, Good luck my apprendice.";
_global.qe_c3 = "con";
_global.qe_loc = "P";
_global.qe_loc2 = "arena";
_global.qe_c4 = "The Great Mage:\n Every five years,there will be a contest between young mages of different clans. ";
_global.qe_c5 = "The Great Mage:\n Winner of the contest will bring honor to his clan.";
_global.qe_c6 = "The Great Mage:\n 1st round.";
_global.qe_c7 = 1;
_global.qe_c8 = "The Great Mage:\n 2nd round.";
_global.qe_c9 = 2;
_global.qe_c10 = "The Great Mage:\n 3rd round.";
_global.qe_c11 = 3;
_global.qe_c12 = "The Great Mage:\n 4th round.";
_global.qe_c13 = 4;
_global.qe_c14 = "The Great Mage:\n Final round.";
_global.qe_c15 = 5;
if (qe_win == 5) {
_global.qe_c16 = ("The Great Mage:\n Congradulation, " + name) + ", you are the winner, your Clan will be very proud of you, young mage.";
_global.qe_c17 = "end";
_global.qe_c18 = "end2";
_global.youngmage = "yes";
} else {
if (clan != "I") {
_global.qe_c16 = "The Great Mage:\n And the winner is from Ice Water Clan! Your Clan will be very proud of you, young mage.";
} else {
_global.qe_c16 = "The Great Mage:\n And the winner is from Dark Fire Clan! Your Clan will be very proud of you, young mage.";
_global.qe_c17 = "The Great Mage:\n Winner will be ranked 100 in the Book of Mages! ";
_global.qe_c18 = "The Great Mage:\n For the rest of you, if you wish to get your name in the Book of Mages, you have to challenge mages at Arena. ";
_global.qe_c19 = "The Great Mage:\n Every December, the author of Book of Mages will judge who is qualified to be in the Ranking. ";
_global.qe_c20 = name + ":\n (say to yourself) I want to be in the Ranking! I shall defeat at least FIVE mages at ARENA of any clans. ";
_global.qe_c21 = "end2";
_global.youngmage = "no";
_global.qe_e1 = new Array();
_global.qe_e1[3] = 15;
_global.qe_e1[4] = 90;
_global.qe_e1[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e1[8] = 1;
_global.qe_e2 = new Array();
_global.qe_e2[3] = 15;
_global.qe_e2[4] = 90;
_global.qe_e2[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e2[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e2[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e2[8] = 1;
_global.qe_e3 = new Array();
_global.qe_e3[3] = 15;
_global.qe_e3[4] = 90;
_global.qe_e3[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e3[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e3[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e3[8] = 1;
_global.qe_e4 = new Array();
_global.qe_e4[3] = 15;
_global.qe_e4[4] = 100;
_global.qe_e4[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e4[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e4[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e4[8] = 1;
_global.qe_e5 = new Array();
_global.qe_e5[3] = 16;
_global.qe_e5[4] = 110;
_global.qe_e5[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e5[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e5[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e5[8] = 1;
if (clan == "P") {
_global.qe_e1[1] = "S";
_global.qe_e1[2] = "d";
_global.qe_e2[1] = "C";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "oa";
_global.qe_e3[1] = "D";
_global.qe_e3[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e4[1] = "R";
_global.qe_e4[2] = "ol";
_global.qe_e5[1] = "I";
_global.qe_e5[2] = "oh";
} else if (clan == "I") {
_global.qe_e1[1] = "S";
_global.qe_e1[2] = "d";
_global.qe_e2[1] = "C";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "oa";
_global.qe_e3[1] = "D";
_global.qe_e3[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e4[1] = "R";
_global.qe_e4[2] = "ol";
_global.qe_e5[1] = "P";
_global.qe_e5[2] = "b";
} else if (clan == "S") {
_global.qe_e1[1] = "I";
_global.qe_e1[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e2[1] = "C";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "oa";
_global.qe_e3[1] = "D";
_global.qe_e3[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e4[1] = "R";
_global.qe_e4[2] = "ol";
_global.qe_e5[1] = "P";
_global.qe_e5[2] = "b";
} else if (clan == "R") {
_global.qe_e1[1] = "S";
_global.qe_e1[2] = "d";
_global.qe_e2[1] = "C";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "oa";
_global.qe_e3[1] = "D";
_global.qe_e3[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e4[1] = "I";
_global.qe_e4[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e5[1] = "P";
_global.qe_e5[2] = "b";
} else if (clan == "C") {
_global.qe_e1[1] = "S";
_global.qe_e1[2] = "d";
_global.qe_e2[1] = "I";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e3[1] = "D";
_global.qe_e3[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e4[1] = "R";
_global.qe_e4[2] = "ol";
_global.qe_e5[1] = "P";
_global.qe_e5[2] = "b";
} else if (clan == "D") {
_global.qe_e1[1] = "S";
_global.qe_e1[2] = "d";
_global.qe_e2[1] = "C";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "oa";
_global.qe_e3[1] = "I";
_global.qe_e3[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e4[1] = "R";
_global.qe_e4[2] = "ol";
_global.qe_e5[1] = "P";
_global.qe_e5[2] = "b";
_global.qe_fame = 5;
_global.qe_clanr = 5;
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 18 (476 B)
_global.qe_nw = 18;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = ("Mysterious Mage:\n " + name) + ", I am here to inform you, you are in the Book of Mages. Your ranking is 100.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Mysterious Mage disappeared.";
_global.qe_c3 = name + ":\n My name is in the Book of Mages? Haha, lets go to Taven and celebrate, maybe they will give me a free beer, haha.";
_global.qe_c4 = "end2";
_global.rank = 100;
_global.qe_fame = 2;
_global.qe_clanr = 2;
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 19 (1.82 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 19;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = "Poison Water Clan Leader:\n I call for all the leaders to come here, because the Great Mage is dying, he has not wake up for 3 days.";
_global.qe_c2 = "The Great Mage:\n zzzzzz..(Sleeping)";
_global.qe_c3 = "Poison Water Clan Leader:\n The Great Mage is old and sick, maybe I should take over as Great Mage.";
_global.qe_c4 = "Ice Water Clan Leader:\n What? I think not. He will recover in afew month.";
_global.qe_c5 = "Chaos Fire Clan Leader:\n Well, it is time for Great Mage election, this old man is as good as dead.";
_global.qe_c6 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n Great Mage is still alive! We should try to heal him. Let me cast my healing magic. ";
_global.qe_c7 = "Red Fire Clan Leader:\n Yes, I'll transfer some mana to Great Mage to help him get well sooner.";
_global.qe_c8 = "Dark Fire Clan Leader:\n Lets not wast our mana! He is too old! Let him die!";
_global.qe_c9 = "Ice Water Clan Leader:\n I shall transfer some of my mana to him too.";
_global.qe_c10 = "Chaos Fire Clan Leader\n I am not going to waste time on him, I shall go back and wait for the Great Mage election.";
_global.qe_c11 = "Dark Fire Clan Leader\n The Great Mage is dying. I am leaving too. I suggest you all go back and prepare for the Great Mage election too.";
_global.qe_c12 = "Poison Water Clan Leader:\n ............\n I will stay here, and watch. ";
_global.qe_c13 = "5 hours later";
_global.qe_c14 = "The Great Mage:\n I thought I was dead.....wait, I feel my mana and magic skill are back again! ";
_global.qe_c15 = "The Great Mage:\n Thank you Sea Water Clan Leader, Ice Water Clan Leader and Red Fire Clan Leader!";
_global.qe_c16 = "Poison Water Clan Leader:\n ............(damn!)\n Well, since the Great Mage is healed, you all can go back now.";
_global.qe_c17 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 20 (823 B)
_global.qe_nw = 20;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = ("Mages in Shadow:\n " + name) + ", I heard of your name. I have a special mission here.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Mages in Shadow:\n The Great Mage is old, but he can live for another 10 years. ";
_global.qe_c3 = "Mages in Shadow:\n We dont want to wait, we want to end his life now. Dont worry, although he has recovered from the illness, he is still very weak.";
_global.qe_c4 = "Mages in Shadow:\n We can handle the Great Mage, but he has some mages protecting him, we need you to take care of them.";
_global.qe_c5 = "Mages in Shadow:\n So are you interested in this mission? I am sure you want to take part in Great Mage election, right? ";
_global.qe_c6 = "chs";
_global.qe_c7 = name + ":Yes, count me in.";
_global.qe_c8 = name + ":No!";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 21 (3.88 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 21;
_global.qe_assasinate = "yes";
_global.qe_loc = "P";
_global.qe_loc2 = "hall";
_global.qe_c1 = name + ":\n I dont want to wait for another 10 years for the Great Mage election too. Count me in, lets assasinate the old man!";
_global.qe_c2 = "Mages in shadow:\n Good, see you at GREAT HALL of POISON WATER CLAN.";
_global.qe_c3 = "con";
_global.qe_c4 = "Mages in shadow:\n I shall introduce everyone. I am Poison Water Clan Leader, he is Chaos Fire Clan Leader, and he is Dark Fire Clan Leader.";
_global.qe_c5 = "Poison Water Clan Leader:\n I have also invited 10 mages from various clans. ";
_global.qe_c6 = "Poison Water Clan Leader:\n We three Leaders will kill the Great Mage, the rest of you have to kill Great Mage's guards and Apprendices. ";
_global.qe_c7 = "Chaos Fire Clan Leader:\n Lets do it. ";
_global.qe_c8 = "Guards:\n Great Mage is sleeping now, please dont disturb....arrrrhhhhhh! ";
_global.qe_c9 = 1;
_global.qe_c10 = "Guards:\n Stop them! Protect Great Mage! ";
_global.qe_c11 = 2;
_global.qe_c12 = "Apprendices:\n Great Mage is injured. We must ........arrrhhhhhhh! ";
_global.qe_c13 = 3;
_global.qe_c14 = name + ":\n The guards and apprendices are dead.";
_global.qe_c15 = "Dark Fire Clan Leader:\n You are powerful indeed. ";
_global.qe_c16 = "Chaos Fire Clan Leader:\n Great Mage, I am so sorry, but you have to die!";
_global.qe_c17 = "Poison Water Clan Leader:\n Master, you should have given the title to me! ";
_global.qe_c18 = "The Great Mage:\n Traitors. Assassins. I will fight and die with honor! \n Arrrhhhhh........";
_global.qe_c19 = "Dark Fire Clan Leader:\n Is it done? Good, lets get out of here.";
_global.qe_c20 = "Chaos Fire Clan Leader:\n Haha, great. Our alliance ends here, see you in Great Mage election.";
_global.qe_c21 = "Poison Water Clan Leader:\n What? Wait! The two of you promised to let me be the Great Mage!";
_global.qe_c22 = "Dark Fire Clan Leader:\n I keep no promise to a traitor like you. See you in Great Mage election.";
_global.qe_c23 = "end";
_global.qe_c24 = "end2";
_global.qe_e1 = new Array();
_global.qe_e1[1] = "S";
_global.qe_e1[2] = "d";
_global.qe_e1[3] = 20;
_global.qe_e1[4] = 100;
_global.qe_e1[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e1[7] = 1;
_global.qe_e2 = new Array();
_global.qe_e2[1] = "I";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e2[3] = 20;
_global.qe_e2[4] = 120;
_global.qe_e2[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e2[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e2[7] = 1;
_global.qe_e3 = new Array();
_global.qe_e3[1] = "P";
_global.qe_e3[2] = "b";
_global.qe_e3[3] = 22;
_global.qe_e3[4] = 140;
_global.qe_e3[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e3[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e3[7] = 1;
if (((clan == "P") or (clan == "C")) or (clan == "D")) {
_global.qe_e1[8] = 1;
_global.qe_e2[8] = 1;
_global.qe_e3[8] = 1;
_global.qe_clanr = 5;
} else {
_global.qe_e1[8] = -1;
_global.qe_e2[8] = -1;
_global.qe_e3[8] = -1;
_global.qe_clanr = -5;
if (qe_lose >= 1) {
_global.qe_n = 0;
_global.qe_c1 = name + ":\n Arrrhhhh....help me! ";
_global.qe_c2 = "Dark Fire Clan Leader:\n What a useless mage! Out of my way, I will handle them.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Chaos Fire Clan Leader:\n Great Mage, I am so sorry, but you have to die!";
_global.qe_c4 = "Poison Water Clan Leader:\n Master, you should have given the title to me! ";
_global.qe_c5 = "The Great Mage:\n Traitors. Assassins. I will fight and die with honor! \n Arrrhhhhh........";
_global.qe_c6 = "Dark Fire Clan Leader:\n Is it done? Good, lets get out of here.";
_global.qe_c7 = "Chaos Fire Clan Leader:\n Haha, great. Our alliance ends here, see you in Great Mage election.";
_global.qe_c8 = "Poison Water Clan Leader:\n What? Wait! The two of you promised to let me be the Great Mage!";
_global.qe_c9 = "Dark Fire Clan Leader:\n I keep no promise to a traitor like you. See you in Great Mage election.";
_global.qe_c10 = "end2";
_global.qe_fame = 5;
_global.qe_brep = 5;
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 22 (7.61 KiB) ● ●
_global.qe_nw = 22;
_global.qe_assasinate = "no";
if (qe_n == 0) {
_global.loc = "S";
} else if (qe_n == 4) {
_global.qe_loc = "D";
_global.qe_loc2 = "taven";
} else if (qe_n == 18) {
_global.qe_loc = "C";
_global.qe_loc2 = "taven";
} else if (qe_n == 28) {
_global.qe_loc = "P";
_global.qe_loc2 = "taven";
} else if (qe_n == 41) {
_global.qe_loc = "S";
_global.qe_loc2 = "hall";
_global.qe_c1 = name + ":\n Who the hell are you? Step out from the shadow! I will report this to my clan leader right now...";
_global.qe_c2 = "Mages in Shadow:\n You must not live...(more mages come out from your back and knocked you down)";
_global.qe_c3 = "Mages in Shadow:\n He is dead. Lets go. Who is next on the name list? hmmm....yes,.........this mage from dark fire clan might be interested...(walked away)";
_global.qe_c4 = "mth";
_global.qe_c5 = name + ":\n (Wake up)My head...where am I? ";
_global.qe_c6 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n You are safe here. I have already healed your wounds. ";
_global.qe_c7 = name + ":\n I was attacked by some mages, they wanted to assasinate The Great Mage! ";
_global.qe_c8 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n They have already succeed. The Great Mage is dead. Do you know who the mages are?";
_global.qe_c9 = name + ":\n I cant see their face....It was dark. Wait, they mentioned about going to Dark Fire Clan. ";
_global.qe_c10 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n Very well, you should go to Dark Fire Clan and investigate it. Go to their Taven and see if you can find anything.";
_global.qe_c11 = name + ":\n I will find those assasins! They will pay for what they have done to the Great Mage, and me! ";
_global.qe_c12 = "con";
_global.qe_c13 = "Dark Fire Mage:\n Haha, and what is even worse is that he cast a High Attack magic....... ";
_global.qe_c14 = name + ":\n His voice sounds familiar, yes, he is one of mages in shadow! I shall ambush him outside the taven. ";
_global.qe_c15 = "Hours later. Dark Fire Mage walked out of Taven alone.";
_global.qe_c16 = name + ":\n Stop right there. Tell me, who sent you to assasinate the Great Mage?";
_global.qe_c17 = "Dark Fire Mage:\n Its you! I thought you were dead. I'll just have to kill you again! ";
_global.qe_c18 = 1;
_global.qe_c19 = name + ":\n You are no match to me, now, tell me, who organised the assasination?";
_global.qe_c20 = "Dark Fire Mage:\n I dont know! I am just like you, being invited by Chaos Fire Mages to join the assasination... ";
_global.qe_c21 = name + ":\n Chaos Fire Mages? hmm... I will go to Chaos Fire Clan and check out their Taven. ";
_global.qe_c22 = "con";
_global.qe_c23 = "Chaos Fire Mage:\n Why she left me...why!!!!!!(drinking beer)";
_global.qe_c24 = name + ":\n He must be one of the mages in shadow! I shall wait for other mages to leave. ";
_global.qe_c25 = "Hours later. Chaos Fire Mage falls asleep in the Taven alone.";
_global.qe_c26 = name + ":\n Wake up you pig, recognize me?";
_global.qe_c27 = "Dark Fire Mage:\n Ghost! you are ghost! I am not afraid of you! ";
_global.qe_c28 = 2;
_global.qe_c29 = "Dark Fire Mage:\n (Vomiting blood) Dont Kill me....";
_global.qe_c30 = name + ":\n Tell me who is the mastermind behind this assasination and I shall spare your life.";
_global.qe_c31 = "Dark Fire Mage:\n (Vomiting blood) I dont know, that day some Poison Clan Mages came to me....(fainted)";
_global.qe_c32 = name + ":\n Poison Clan? How can it be? Great mage is a Poison Clan Mages. They have traitor with in their clan?";
_global.qe_c33 = name + ":\n Only way to find out is to go to Poison Water Clan and visit their Taven.";
_global.qe_c34 = "con";
_global.qe_c35 = "Poison Water Mage:\n So Clan Leader tapped on my shoulder and said to me, you are my most trusted mage.... hahahaha!";
_global.qe_c36 = name + ":\n I think this is the guy I am looking for. I wonder if he knows who the traitor is.(You dressed up as bar tender)";
_global.qe_c37 = name + ":\n Hi, have you heard of the assasination of Great Mage?";
_global.qe_c38 = "Poison Water Mage:\n Yes of course, I have seen it, hahaha, because I did it with our Clan Leader!";
_global.qe_c39 = name + ":\n What? I dont believe it.....";
_global.qe_c40 = "Poison Water Mage:\n Wait, you are not one of us.....I am so careless.";
_global.qe_c41 = 3;
_global.qe_c42 = "Poison Water Mage:\n My clan leader will hunt you down......(dead)";
_global.qe_c43 = name + ":\n Damn, I must talk to Sea Water Clan Leader about it. He is in Great hall of Sea Water Clan.";
_global.qe_c44 = "con";
_global.qe_c45 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n So it is Poison Clan Leader who organised this assasination! ";
_global.qe_c46 = name + ":\n Yes. But I dont understand, Great Mage is his master! They were from the same clan!";
_global.qe_c47 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n Poison Water Clan Leader always wanted Great Mage to pass his title to him, I guess he realised it is impossible.";
_global.qe_c48 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n So he decided to assasinate Great Mage, together with Dark Fire Clan Leader and Chaos Fire Clan Leader.";
_global.qe_c49 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n We failed to protect the Great Mage. But we wont let any of the 3 assasins win the Great Mage election!";
_global.qe_c50 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n You can leave now, I have to prepare myself for the Great Mage election. It will be on year 210.";
_global.qe_c51 = name + ":\n Yes Clan Leader. Beware of those assasins, they might want to get rid of us too.";
_global.qe_c52 = "end";
_global.qe_c53 = "end2";
_global.qe_e1 = new Array();
_global.qe_e1[1] = "D";
_global.qe_e1[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e1[3] = 20;
_global.qe_e1[4] = 70;
_global.qe_e1[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e1[6] = 1;
_global.qe_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e2 = new Array();
_global.qe_e2[1] = "C";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "oa";
_global.qe_e2[3] = 20;
_global.qe_e2[4] = 70;
_global.qe_e2[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e2[6] = 1;
_global.qe_e2[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e3 = new Array();
_global.qe_e3[1] = "P";
_global.qe_e3[2] = "b";
_global.qe_e3[3] = 22;
_global.qe_e3[4] = 100;
_global.qe_e3[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e3[6] = 1;
_global.qe_e3[7] = 0;
if (((clan == "S") or (clan == "I")) or (clan == "R")) {
_global.qe_e1[8] = 1;
_global.qe_e2[8] = 1;
_global.qe_e3[8] = 1;
_global.qe_clanr = 5;
} else {
_global.qe_e1[8] = -1;
_global.qe_e2[8] = -1;
_global.qe_e3[8] = -1;
_global.qe_clanr = -5;
if (qe_lose >= 1) {
if (qe_n != 1) {
_global.qe_n = 0;
_global.loc = "S";
_global.qe_c1 = "mth";
_global.qe_c2 = name + ":\n (Wake up)My head...where am I? ";
_global.qe_c3 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n I saved you...again. You are too weak for this misson. I have already sent someone else to investigate it. ";
_global.qe_c4 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n If i have guessed correctly, it is Poison Water Clan Leader who organised this assasination! ";
_global.qe_c5 = name + ":\n What! But Great Mage is his master! They were from the same clan!";
_global.qe_c6 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n Poison Water Clan Leader always wanted Great Mage to pass his title to him, I guess he realised it is impossible.";
_global.qe_c7 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n So he decided to assasinate Great Mage, together with Dark Fire Clan Leader and Chaos Fire Clan Leader.";
_global.qe_c8 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n We failed to protect the Great Mage. But we wont let any of the 3 assasins win the Great Mage election!";
_global.qe_c9 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n Thank you for your help. You can leave now, I have to prepare myself for the Great Mage election. It will be on year 210.";
_global.qe_c10 = name + ":\n Yes Clan Leader. Beware of those assasins, they might want to get rid of us too.";
_global.qe_c12 = "end2";
_global.qe_fame = 5;
_global.qe_grep = 5;
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 23 (509 B)
_global.qe_nw = 23;
_global.qe_c1 = ("Ice Water Mage:\n " + name) + ", I know you were involved in the assasination.";
_global.qe_c2 = name + ":\n No I did not!";
_global.qe_c3 = "Sea Water Mage:\n well, a Chaos Fire Mage told us you are. Now tell us who organised this assasination.";
_global.qe_c4 = "Red Fire Mage:\n Speak, and we will spare your life.";
_global.qe_c5 = "chs";
_global.qe_c6 = name + ":I'll tell you, dont kill me!";
_global.qe_c7 = name + ":No one can threaten me!";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 24 (719 B)
_global.qe_nw = 24;
_global.qe_c1 = name + ":\n Great Mage is killed by Poison Water Clan Leader, together with Chaos Fire Clan Leader and Dark Fire Clan Leader. ";
_global.qe_c2 = "Ice Water Mage:\n Right....a shocking piece of information it is, you can die now!";
_global.qe_c3 = ("Red Fire Mage:\n Wait, I promised to spare his life. " + name) + ", get lost before I change my mind.";
_global.qe_c4 = "Sea Water Mage:\n Lets go. We must inform our Clan Leaders immediately.";
_global.qe_c5 = name + ":\n (say to ownself) One day I will make them pay for this humiliation...Letting me live is a mistake they will regret! ";
_global.qe_c6 = "end";
_global.qe_c7 = "end2";
_global.qe_clanr = -5;
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 25 (2.3 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 25;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = name + ":\n None of you will leave this place alive. ";
_global.qe_c2 = "Sea Water Mage:\n If fight is what you want, you have it.";
_global.qe_c3 = 1;
_global.qe_c4 = "Ice Water Mage:\n You do have some skills. But you really think you can win the three of us?";
_global.qe_c5 = 2;
_global.qe_c6 = "Red Fire Mage:\n You are brave, but you are out numbered, surrender now!";
_global.qe_c7 = 3;
_global.qe_c8 = name + ":\n Haha, beg me and I shall spare your lifes! ";
_global.qe_c9 = "Mages:\n Never! (suicide)";
_global.qe_c10 = name + ":\n I was joking....fools. ";
_global.qe_c11 = "end";
_global.qe_c12 = "end2";
_global.qe_e1 = new Array();
_global.qe_e1[1] = "S";
_global.qe_e1[2] = "d";
_global.qe_e1[3] = 21;
_global.qe_e1[4] = 140;
_global.qe_e1[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e1[7] = 1;
_global.qe_e2 = new Array();
_global.qe_e2[1] = "I";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e2[3] = 22;
_global.qe_e2[4] = 160;
_global.qe_e2[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e2[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e2[7] = 1;
_global.qe_e3 = new Array();
_global.qe_e3[1] = "R";
_global.qe_e3[2] = "ol";
_global.qe_e3[3] = 24;
_global.qe_e3[4] = 180;
_global.qe_e3[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e3[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e3[7] = 1;
if (((clan == "P") or (clan == "C")) or (clan == "D")) {
_global.qe_e1[8] = 1;
_global.qe_e2[8] = 1;
_global.qe_e3[8] = 1;
_global.qe_clanr = 5;
} else {
_global.qe_e1[8] = -1;
_global.qe_e2[8] = -1;
_global.qe_e3[8] = -1;
_global.qe_clanr = -5;
_global.qe_brep = 5;
_global.qe_fame = 5;
if (qe_lose >= 1) {
_global.qe_n = 0;
_global.qe_c1 = name + ":\n Wait, dont kill me! I'll tell you everything. ";
_global.qe_c2 = name + ":\n Great Mage is killed by Poison Water Clan Leader, together with Chaos Fire Clan Leader and Dark Fire Clan Leader. ";
_global.qe_c3 = "Ice Water Mage:\n Right....a shocking piece of information it is.";
_global.qe_c4 = "Sea Water Mage:\n Lets inform our Clan Leaders immediately.";
_global.qe_c5 = ("Red Fire Mage:\n " + name) + ", get lost. Dont let me see you again, or I will end your pitiful life. ";
_global.qe_c6 = name + ":\n (say to ownself) One day I will make them pay for this humiliation...Letting me live is a mistake they will regret! ";
_global.qe_c7 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 26 (465 B)
_global.qe_nw = 26;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_c1 = ("Poison Water Mage:\n " + name) + ", you were investigating us. Now our Clan Leaders think you are a threat to us.";
_global.qe_c2 = "Dark Fire Mage:\n We are here to get rid of you. Prepare to die!";
_global.qe_c3 = "Chaos Fire Mage:\n Any last word?.";
_global.qe_c4 = "chs";
_global.qe_c5 = name + ":Dont kill me! (begging)";
_global.qe_c6 = name + ":(take out your staff....)";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 27 (553 B)
_global.qe_nw = 27;
_global.qe_c1 = "Poison Water Mage:\n What a disgrace. ";
_global.qe_c2 = "Dark Fire Mage:\n I wont kill a coward.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Chaos Fire Mage:\n I guess he is not a threat to us after all. ";
_global.qe_c4 = "Poison Water Mage:\n Get lose, I dont want to end your pitiful life, yet. ";
_global.qe_c5 = name + ":\n (say to ownself) One day I will make them pay for this humiliation...Letting me live is a mistake they will regret! ";
_global.qe_c6 = "end";
_global.qe_c7 = "end2";
_global.qe_clanr = -5;
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 28 (2.14 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 28;
_global.qe_c1 = name + ":\n Assasins, surrender now before it is too late. ";
_global.qe_c2 = "Chaos Fire Mage:\n Ha. You. Die!";
_global.qe_c3 = 1;
_global.qe_c4 = "Poison Water Mage:\n Chaos Fire Mages are useless! Move away, let me kill him!";
_global.qe_c5 = 2;
_global.qe_c6 = "Dark Fire Mage:\n You are indeed a threat to our Clan, I must get rid of you for before you grow even more powerful.";
_global.qe_c7 = 3;
_global.qe_c8 = ((name + ":\n Go back and tell your Clan Leaders, I ") + name) + " will revenge for Great Mage! ";
_global.qe_c9 = "The three badly injured assasins ran away. ";
_global.qe_c10 = "end";
_global.qe_c11 = "end2";
_global.qe_e1 = new Array();
_global.qe_e1[1] = "C";
_global.qe_e1[2] = "oa";
_global.qe_e1[3] = 21;
_global.qe_e1[4] = 130;
_global.qe_e1[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e1[6] = 1;
_global.qe_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e2 = new Array();
_global.qe_e2[1] = "P";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "b";
_global.qe_e2[3] = 22;
_global.qe_e2[4] = 150;
_global.qe_e2[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e2[6] = 1;
_global.qe_e2[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e3 = new Array();
_global.qe_e3[1] = "D";
_global.qe_e3[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e3[3] = 24;
_global.qe_e3[4] = 170;
_global.qe_e3[5] = 1;
_global.qe_e3[6] = 1;
_global.qe_e3[7] = 0;
if (((clan == "S") or (clan == "I")) or (clan == "R")) {
_global.qe_e1[8] = 1;
_global.qe_e2[8] = 1;
_global.qe_e3[8] = 1;
_global.qe_clanr = 5;
} else {
_global.qe_e1[8] = -1;
_global.qe_e2[8] = -1;
_global.qe_e3[8] = -1;
_global.qe_clanr = -5;
_global.qe_grep = 5;
_global.qe_fame = 5;
if (qe_lose >= 1) {
_global.qe_n = 0;
_global.qe_c1 = name + ":\n Dont kill me........I beg you. ";
_global.qe_c2 = "Poison Water Mage:\n What a disgrace. ";
_global.qe_c3 = "Dark Fire Mage:\n I wont fight with a coward.";
_global.qe_c4 = "Chaos Fire Mage:\n I guess he is not a threat to us after all. ";
_global.qe_c5 = "Poison Water Mage:\n Get lose,I dont want to end your pitiful life, yet. ";
_global.qe_c6 = name + ":\n (say to ownself) One day I will make them pay for this humiliation...Letting me live is a mistake they will regret! ";
_global.qe_c7 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 29 (1.18 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 29;
if (qe_n < 5) {
_global.qe_loc = clan;
_global.qe_loc2 = "hall";
_global.qe_c1 = ("Messenger:\n " + name) + ", Magic Master ask you to come back to Clan.";
_global.qe_c2 = name + ":\n What for? ";
_global.qe_c3 = "Messenger:\n Good news. He wants to teach you your clan's special magic! Find him in GREAT HALL.";
_global.qe_c4 = "con";
if (_root.mpts >= 1) {
if ((qe_n >= 4) and (qe_n != 6)) {
_global.qe_n = 4;
if (qe_n == 6) {
_root.mpts = _root.mpts - 1;
_global.qe_c5 = "Magic Master:\n I will teach you our first special magic. You can talk to Clan Leader to learn more about our clan's special magic.";
_global.sp1 = _global[clan + "sp"][1];
_global.sp1r = _global[clan + "sp"][2];
_global.qe_c6 = "mth";
_global.qe_c7 = "You have learnt 1st special magic.";
_global.qe_c8 = "end2";
} else if (sp1 == "none") {
if (qe_n >= 7) {
_global.qe_n = 5;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_loc2 = "none";
_global.qe_c5 = "Magic Master:\n You are here. Go train your mana until you are ready to train a magic level, and then come back to me.";
_global.qe_c6 = "only";
_global.qe_c7 = "manac";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 30 (1.18 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 30;
if (qe_n < 5) {
_global.qe_loc = clan;
_global.qe_loc2 = "hall";
_global.qe_c1 = ("Messenger:\n " + name) + ", Magic Master ask you to come back to Clan.";
_global.qe_c2 = name + ":\n What for? ";
_global.qe_c3 = "Messenger:\n Good news. He wants to teach you your clan's special magic! Find him in GREAT HALL.";
_global.qe_c4 = "con";
if (_root.mpts >= 1) {
if ((qe_n >= 4) and (qe_n != 6)) {
_global.qe_n = 4;
if (qe_n == 6) {
_root.mpts = _root.mpts - 1;
_global.qe_c5 = "Magic Master:\n I will teach you our second special magic. You can talk to Clan Leader to learn more about our clan's special magic.";
_global.sp2 = _global[clan + "sp"][3];
_global.sp2r = _global[clan + "sp"][4];
_global.qe_c6 = "mth";
_global.qe_c7 = "You have learnt 2nd special magic.";
_global.qe_c8 = "end2";
} else if (sp2 == "none") {
if (qe_n >= 7) {
_global.qe_n = 5;
_global.qe_loc = "none";
_global.qe_loc2 = "none";
_global.qe_c5 = "Magic Master:\n You are here. Go train your mana until you are ready to train a magic level, and then come back to me.";
_global.qe_c6 = "only";
_global.qe_c7 = "manac";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 31 (406 B)
_global.qe_nw = 31;
_global.qe_c1 = "Clan Leader:\n End of this year is the Clan Leader election. ";
_global.qe_c2 = "Clan Leader:\n Any mage of our clan can take part, you have to fight among yourselves, the winner can come and challenge me.";
_global.qe_c3 = "Clan Leader:\n If you win me, you are the new Clan Leader. But of course, that wont happen..hahaha.";
_global.qe_c4 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 32 (2.2 KiB) ●
_global.qe_nw = 32;
_global.clanleader = "yes";
if (loc != clan) {
_global.qe_c1 = "Messenger:\n Come to back to clan now, the Clan Leader election is starting soon! It will be at ARENA.";
_global.qe_c2 = "con";
} else {
_global.qe_c1 = "Clan Leader:\n Come to ARENA now, the Clan Leader election is starting soon!.";
_global.qe_c2 = "con";
_global.qe_loc = clan;
_global.qe_loc2 = "arena";
_global.qe_c3 = "Clan Leader:\n Clan Leader election starts now.";
_global.qe_c4 = "Clan Leader:\n Mages who wish to challenge me, come forward.";
_global.qe_c5 = name + ":\n I want to lead the Clan.";
_global.qe_c6 = "Rival Mage:\n I wish to challenge you.";
_global.qe_c7 = "Clan Leader:\n Ah, two challengers! You two have to fight against each other, the winner will challenge me.";
_global.qe_c8 = 1;
_global.qe_c9 = ("Clan Leader:\n " + name) + ", you won, but you still have to fight me before you can call yourself the Clan Leader!";
_global.qe_c10 = 2;
_global.qe_c11 = "Clan Leader:\n I lose....From now on..you are the clan leader.";
_global.qe_c12 = "end";
_global.qe_c13 = "end2";
_global.qe_e1 = new Array();
_global.qe_e1[1] = clan;
_global.qe_e1[3] = 25;
_global.qe_e1[4] = 200;
_global.qe_e1[5] = 4;
_global.qe_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e1[8] = 4;
_global.qe_e2 = new Array();
_global.qe_e2[1] = clan;
_global.qe_e2[3] = 26;
_global.qe_e2[4] = 250;
_global.qe_e2[5] = 4;
_global.qe_e2[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e2[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e2[8] = 4;
if (clan == "P") {
_global.qe_e1[2] = "b";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "b";
} else if (clan == "I") {
_global.qe_e1[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "oh";
} else if (clan == "S") {
_global.qe_e1[2] = "d";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "d";
} else if (clan == "R") {
_global.qe_e1[2] = "ol";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "ol";
} else if (clan == "C") {
_global.qe_e1[2] = "oa";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "oa";
} else if (clan == "D") {
_global.qe_e1[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "oh";
if (qe_lose >= 1) {
_global.qe_n = 0;
_global.qe_c1 = ("Clan Leader:\n Ha ha ha, I am still the Clan Leader! Nice try," + name) + ", Hahaha.";
_global.qe_c2 = "end2";
_global.clanleader = "no";
_global.qe_fame = 5;
_global.qe_clanr = 5;
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 33 (243 B)
_global.qe_nw = 33;
_global.qe_c1 = "Clan Leader:\n End of this year is the Great Mage election. ";
_global.qe_c2 = "Clan Leader:\n All of us will have attend the election. Prepare yourselves, mages.";
_global.qe_c3 = "end2";
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 34 (7.82 KiB) ● ●
_global.qe_nw = 34;
_global.greatmage = "yes";
if (loc != "P") {
_global.qe_c1 = "Messenger:\n Come to back to POISON WATER CLAN now, the Great Mage election is starting soon! It will be at ARENA.";
_global.qe_c2 = "con";
} else {
_global.qe_c1 = "Messenger:\n Come to ARENA now, the Great Mage election is starting soon!.";
_global.qe_c2 = "con";
_global.qe_loc = "P";
_global.qe_loc2 = "arena";
_global.qe_c3 = "Old Mage:\n Great Mage election starts now! Who wants to come and take the title?";
_global.qe_c4 = name + ":\n I want to be Great Mage.";
_global.qe_c5 = ("Old Mage:\n Well, anyone objects? If not, " + name) + " will be the Great Mage!";
_global.qe_c18 = ("Old Mage:\n Anyone else objects? No? Then I shall announce " + name) + " as the Great Mage!";
_global.qe_c19 = name + ":\n Finally, I am the Great Mage!!!";
_global.qe_c20 = ("Old Mage:\n" + name) + ", you are the Great Mage, the King of Mages. Our future is now in your hand.";
_global.qe_c22 = "end";
_global.qe_c23 = "Your adventure ends here. \n Your story is recorded in the Book of Mages.";
_global.qe_c24 = "gameover";
_global.qe_e1 = new Array();
_global.qe_e1[1] = "C";
_global.qe_e1[2] = "oa";
_global.qe_e1[3] = 26;
_global.qe_e1[4] = 400;
_global.qe_e1[5] = 0;
_global.qe_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qe_e2 = new Array();
_global.qe_e2[1] = "I";
_global.qe_e2[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e2[3] = 26;
_global.qe_e2[4] = 350;
_global.qe_e2[5] = 0;
_global.qe_e2[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e2[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e2[8] = 0;
_global.qe_e3 = new Array();
_global.qe_e3[1] = "D";
_global.qe_e3[2] = "oh";
_global.qe_e3[3] = 26;
_global.qe_e3[4] = 300;
_global.qe_e3[5] = 5;
_global.qe_e3[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e3[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e3[8] = 5;
_global.qe_e4 = new Array();
_global.qe_e4[1] = "S";
_global.qe_e4[2] = "d";
_global.qe_e4[3] = 26;
_global.qe_e4[4] = 300;
_global.qe_e4[5] = 5;
_global.qe_e4[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e4[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e4[8] = 5;
_global.qe_e5 = new Array();
_global.qe_e5[1] = "R";
_global.qe_e5[2] = "ol";
_global.qe_e5[3] = 26;
_global.qe_e5[4] = 250;
_global.qe_e5[5] = 5;
_global.qe_e5[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e5[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e5[8] = 5;
_global.qe_e6 = new Array();
_global.qe_e6[1] = "P";
_global.qe_e6[2] = "b";
_global.qe_e6[3] = 26;
_global.qe_e6[4] = 250;
_global.qe_e6[5] = 5;
_global.qe_e6[6] = 0;
_global.qe_e6[7] = 0;
_global.qe_e6[8] = 5;
_global.qe_fame = 25;
_global.qe_clanr = 25;
if (fame < 105) {
_global.qe_c6 = "Poison water Clan Leader:\n You are not famous enough to be Great Mage!.";
if ((clan == "P") and (clanleader == "yes")) {
_global.qe_c7 = "Poison water Clan Leader:\n But you are my Clan Leader now, so I will support you. ";
} else {
_global.qe_c7 = 6;
} else {
_global.qe_c6 = "Poison water Clan Leader:\n You are famous. Yes you can to be Great Mage.";
_global.qe_c7 = "Poison water Clan Leader:\n I have no objection.";
if (mana < 220) {
_global.qe_c8 = "Red Fire Clan Leader:\n A powerful mage should have a large amount of mana. You are not powerful enough to be Great Mage!.";
if ((clan == "R") and (clanleader == "yes")) {
_global.qe_c9 = "Red Fire Clan Leader:\n But you are my Clan Leader now, so I will support you. ";
} else {
_global.qe_c9 = 5;
} else {
_global.qe_c8 = "Red Fire Clan Leader:\n Yes, you are a powerful mage, you have a large amount of mana. You can be Great Mage.";
_global.qe_c9 = "Red Fire Clan Leader:\n I have no objection.";
if (grep < 15) {
_global.qe_c10 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n Your reputation is not good enough to be Great Mage!.";
if ((clan == "S") and (clanleader == "yes")) {
_global.qe_c11 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n But you are my Clan Leader now, so I will support you. ";
} else {
_global.qe_c11 = 4;
} else {
_global.qe_c10 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n You have a good reputation, I think you will be a good Great Mage.";
_global.qe_c11 = "Sea Water Clan Leader:\n I have no objection.";
if (brep < 15) {
_global.qe_c12 = "Dark Fire Clan Leader:\n Your reputation is not evil enough, I doubt your ability to lead us!";
if ((clan == "D") and (clanleader == "yes")) {
_global.qe_c13 = "Dark Fire Clan Leader:\n But you are my Clan Leader now, so I will support you. ";
} else {
_global.qe_c13 = 3;
} else {
_global.qe_c12 = "Dark Fire Clan Leader:\n You are cruel and merciless, I think you do have the ability to control all the mages.";
_global.qe_c13 = "Dark Fire Clan Leader:\n I have no objection.";
if (clanr < 35) {
_global.qe_c14 = "Ice Water Clan Leader:\n Your relationship with your clan is not very good. How can you be Great Mage when even your own clan dont support you?.";
if ((clan == "I") and (clanleader == "yes")) {
_global.qe_c15 = "Ice Water Clan Leader:\n But you are my Clan Leader now, so I will support you. ";
} else {
_global.qe_c15 = 2;
} else {
_global.qe_c14 = "Ice Water Clan Leader:\n You are highly respected in your clan, I think you can earn our respect too. ";
_global.qe_c15 = "Ice Water Clan Leader:\n I have no objection.";
if (rank != 1) {
_global.qe_c16 = "Chaos Fire Clan Leader:\n I am ranking number one in Book of Mages, I should be the Great Mage!";
if ((clan == "C") and (clanleader == "yes")) {
_global.qe_c17 = "Chaos Fire Clan Leader:\n But you are my Clan Leader now, so I will support you. ";
} else {
_global.qe_c17 = 1;
} else {
_global.qe_c16 = "Chaos Fire Clan Leader:\n You are ranking number one now....I have nothing to say.";
_global.qe_c17 = "Chaos Fire Clan Leader:\n I have no objection.";
if (qe_lose >= 1) {
_global.qe_n = 0;
_global.qe_c1 = "You were defeated. \nChaos Fire Clan Leader defeated other mages, and becomes the Great Mage. ";
_global.qe_c2 = "Chaos Fire Clan Leader:\n Ha ha ha, I am the Great Mage!! I am the Great Mage!! I am the Great Mage!! Hahaha.";
_global.qe_c3 = name + ":\n And the future will be a dark one...";
_global.qe_c4 = "Your adventure ends here. \n Your story is recorded in the Book.";
_global.qe_c5 = "gameover";
_global.greatmage = "no";
if (clanleader == "no") {
if (clan == "P") {
_global.qe_c21 = "Poison Water Clan Mages:\n You are not Clan Leader...You shouldn't be Great Mage.\n Your relation with your clan has turned bad.";
} else if (clan == "S") {
_global.qe_c21 = "Sea Water Clan Mages:\n You are not Clan Leader...You shouldn't be Great Mage.\n Your relation with your clan has turned bad.";
} else if (clan == "I") {
_global.qe_c21 = "Ice Water Clan Mages:\n You are not Clan Leader...You shouldn't be Great Mage.\n Your relation with your clan has turned bad.";
} else if (clan == "R") {
_global.qe_c21 = "Red Fire Clan Mages:\n You are not Clan Leader...You shouldn't be Great Mage.\n Your relation with your clan has turned bad.";
} else if (clan == "C") {
_global.qe_c21 = "Chaos Fire Clan Mages:\n You are not Clan Leader...You shouldn't be Great Mage.\n Your relation with your clan has turned bad.";
} else if (clan == "D") {
_global.qe_c21 = "Dark Fire Clan Mages:\n You are not Clan Leader...You shouldn't be Great Mage.\n Your relation with your clan has turned bad.";
_global.qe_clanr = -25;
} else if (clan == "P") {
_global.qe_c21 = "Poison Water Clan Mages:\n Our Clan Leader is the Great Mage!!!";
} else if (clan == "S") {
_global.qe_c21 = "Sea Water Clan Mages:\n Our Clan Leader is the Great Mage!!!";
} else if (clan == "I") {
_global.qe_c21 = "Ice Water Clan Mages:\n Our Clan Leader is the Great Mage!!!";
} else if (clan == "R") {
_global.qe_c21 = "Red Fire Clan Mages:\n Our Clan Leader is the Great Mage!!!";
} else if (clan == "C") {
_global.qe_c21 = "Chaos Fire Clan Mages:\n Our Clan Leader is the Great Mage!!!";
} else if (clan == "D") {
_global.qe_c21 = "Dark Fire Clan Mages:\n Our Clan Leader is the Great Mage!!!";
Symbol 329 Button (52 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 352 Button (4.46 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if ((clan == loc) and (clanleader == "yes")) {
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = "Clan Leader: \nYou are the Clan Leader now. ";
} else if (loc == "C") {
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = "Clan Leader: \nWe have powerful attack magics, and our special magic allows us to caste attack magics continuously. ";
if (rank == 2) {
_global.qr_e1 = new Array();
_global.qr_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qr_e1[2] = "oa";
_global.qr_e1[3] = 26;
_global.qr_e1[4] = 500;
_global.qr_e1[5] = 19;
_global.qr_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qr";
_root.b_dn3._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else if (loc == "I") {
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = "Clan Leader: \nOur special magic is freeze. We can freeze enemy so they cannot attack, or we can freeze them so they cannot defend themselves. ";
if (rank == 3) {
_global.qr_e1 = new Array();
_global.qr_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qr_e1[2] = "oh";
_global.qr_e1[3] = 26;
_global.qr_e1[4] = 450;
_global.qr_e1[5] = 4;
_global.qr_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qr";
_root.b_dn3._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else if (loc == "D") {
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = "Clan Leader: \nDark shield can protect us from any attacks, and Silence can prevent enemy from casting special magic. ";
if (rank == 4) {
_global.qr_e1 = new Array();
_global.qr_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qr_e1[2] = "oh";
_global.qr_e1[3] = 26;
_global.qr_e1[4] = 400;
_global.qr_e1[5] = 4;
_global.qr_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qr";
_root.b_dn3._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else if (loc == "S") {
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = "Clan Leader: \nWe are the master of defence, and we can heal ourselves. It is definately not easy to kill a Sea Water Mage! ";
if (rank == 5) {
_global.qr_e1 = new Array();
_global.qr_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qr_e1[2] = "d";
_global.qr_e1[3] = 26;
_global.qr_e1[4] = 350;
_global.qr_e1[5] = 4;
_global.qr_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qr";
_root.b_dn3._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else if (loc == "R") {
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = "Clan Leader: \nWe will never run out of mana, because our special magic is drain mana. We drain enemy's mana and increase our own mana! ";
if (rank == 6) {
_global.qr_e1 = new Array();
_global.qr_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qr_e1[2] = "ol";
_global.qr_e1[3] = 26;
_global.qr_e1[4] = 300;
_global.qr_e1[5] = 4;
_global.qr_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qr";
_root.b_dn3._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else if (loc == "P") {
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = "Clan Leader: \nPoison Water Clan's special magic is poison. Poisonous little water drops, once it touchs the skin of enemies, they are dead!.";
if (rank == 7) {
_global.qr_e1 = new Array();
_global.qr_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qr_e1[2] = "b";
_global.qr_e1[3] = 26;
_global.qr_e1[4] = 250;
_global.qr_e1[5] = 4;
_global.qr_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qr";
_root.b_dn3._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
Symbol 355 Button (4.36 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (loc == "P") {
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = "Magic Master: \nOur magic skills are balanced. Seek enemy's weakness, and attack. Use poison to speed up enemy's death!";
if (rank == 8) {
_global.qr_e1 = new Array();
_global.qr_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qr_e1[2] = "b";
_global.qr_e1[3] = 25;
_global.qr_e1[4] = 200;
_global.qr_e1[5] = 3;
_global.qr_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qr";
_root.b_dn3._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else if (loc == "D") {
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = "Magic Master: \nWe excel in High Magic attack and mana burn. If enemy has low High Defend magic level or low mana pool, we can take them easily.";
if (rank == 9) {
_global.qr_e1 = new Array();
_global.qr_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qr_e1[2] = "oh";
_global.qr_e1[3] = 24;
_global.qr_e1[4] = 190;
_global.qr_e1[5] = 3;
_global.qr_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qr";
_root.b_dn3._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else if (loc == "S") {
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = "Magic Master: \nOur fighting style is different, we are good in defensive magics and we use mana burn to reduce enemy's mana. A mage without mana is as good as dead.";
if (rank == 10) {
_global.qr_e1 = new Array();
_global.qr_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qr_e1[2] = "d";
_global.qr_e1[3] = 23;
_global.qr_e1[4] = 180;
_global.qr_e1[5] = 3;
_global.qr_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qr";
_root.b_dn3._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else if (loc == "R") {
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = "Magic Master: \nWe have great Low attack magic and High defend magic, a really good combination. Combine with our special--mana drain, we can win any battle.";
if (rank == 11) {
_global.qr_e1 = new Array();
_global.qr_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qr_e1[2] = "ol";
_global.qr_e1[3] = 22;
_global.qr_e1[4] = 170;
_global.qr_e1[5] = 3;
_global.qr_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qr";
_root.b_dn3._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else if (loc == "I") {
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = "Magic Master: \nWe have powerful attacks, especially our High attack magic. We are also good in defending Low attack magics. Who needs mana burn if we have both good attack and defend magic? ";
if (rank == 12) {
_global.qr_e1 = new Array();
_global.qr_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qr_e1[2] = "oh";
_global.qr_e1[3] = 21;
_global.qr_e1[4] = 160;
_global.qr_e1[5] = 3;
_global.qr_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qr";
_root.b_dn3._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else if (loc == "C") {
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = "Magic Master: \nAttack, and attack. We Chaos Fire Mages only cares about attacks. Defend magics are for the weaks. ";
if (rank == 13) {
_global.qr_e1 = new Array();
_global.qr_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qr_e1[2] = "oa";
_global.qr_e1[3] = 20;
_global.qr_e1[4] = 150;
_global.qr_e1[5] = 3;
_global.qr_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qr";
_root.b_dn3._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
Symbol 360 Button (577 B)
on (release) {
if (_global[("c_" + loc) + "1"] == "no") {
_global.qc_e1 = new Array();
_global.qc_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qc_e1[2] = "b";
_global.qc_e1[3] = 5;
_global.qc_e1[4] = 36;
_global.qc_e1[5] = 1;
_global.qc_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qc_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qc_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qc";
_global.cwm = ("c_" + loc) + "1";
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else {
_root.mc_talk.say.text = "You have already defeated him.";
Symbol 363 Button (579 B)
on (release) {
if (_global[("c_" + loc) + "2"] == "no") {
_global.qc_e1 = new Array();
_global.qc_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qc_e1[2] = "oh";
_global.qc_e1[3] = 10;
_global.qc_e1[4] = 60;
_global.qc_e1[5] = 1;
_global.qc_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qc_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qc_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qc";
_global.cwm = ("c_" + loc) + "2";
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else {
_root.mc_talk.say.text = "You have already defeated him.";
Symbol 366 Button (579 B)
on (release) {
if (_global[("c_" + loc) + "3"] == "no") {
_global.qc_e1 = new Array();
_global.qc_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qc_e1[2] = "ol";
_global.qc_e1[3] = 15;
_global.qc_e1[4] = 90;
_global.qc_e1[5] = 1;
_global.qc_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qc_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qc_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qc";
_global.cwm = ("c_" + loc) + "3";
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else {
_root.mc_talk.say.text = "You have already defeated him.";
Symbol 369 Button (580 B)
on (release) {
if (_global[("c_" + loc) + "4"] == "no") {
_global.qc_e1 = new Array();
_global.qc_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qc_e1[2] = "oa";
_global.qc_e1[3] = 17;
_global.qc_e1[4] = 110;
_global.qc_e1[5] = 1;
_global.qc_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qc_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qc_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qc";
_global.cwm = ("c_" + loc) + "4";
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else {
_root.mc_talk.say.text = "You have already defeated him.";
Symbol 372 Button (580 B)
on (release) {
if (_global[("c_" + loc) + "5"] == "no") {
_global.qc_e1 = new Array();
_global.qc_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qc_e1[2] = "oa";
_global.qc_e1[3] = 19;
_global.qc_e1[4] = 140;
_global.qc_e1[5] = 1;
_global.qc_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qc_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qc_e1[8] = 0;
_global.qtype = "qc";
_global.cwm = ("c_" + loc) + "5";
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
} else {
_root.mc_talk.say.text = "You have already defeated him.";
Symbol 375 Button (1.06 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_global[("c_" + loc) + "6"] == "no") {
if (rank != 0) {
_global.qr_e1 = new Array();
_global.qr_e1[1] = loc;
_global.qr_e1[3] = 20;
_global.qr_e1[4] = 150;
_global.qr_e1[5] = 2;
_global.qr_e1[6] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[7] = 0;
_global.qr_e1[8] = 0;
if (loc == "P") {
_global.qr_e1[2] = "b";
} else if (loc == "S") {
_global.qr_e1[2] = "d";
} else if (loc == "I") {
_global.qr_e1[2] = "oh";
} else if (loc == "D") {
_global.qr_e1[2] = "oh";
} else if (loc == "R") {
_global.qr_e1[2] = "ol";
} else if (loc == "C") {
_global.qr_e1[2] = "oa";
_global.qtype = "qr";
_root.b_dn2._visible = true;
_root.bg_say._visible = true;
_root.say_t = name + ":\n I want to challenge you.";
_global.cwm = ("c_" + loc) + "6";
} else {
_root.mc_talk.say.text = "High Mage:\n You are not in the Ranking List. Dont waste my time, go away!";
} else {
_root.mc_talk.say.text = "You have already defeated him. Go challenge other clan's Mage with Ranking.";
Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 2 (3.74 KiB) ●
this.b_tah.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (_global[clan + "max"][1] == ah) {
_local1.mc_talk.say.text = "Your High Attack Magic has already reached max level.";
} else if (_local1.mpts >= 1) {
_local1.mpts = _local1.mpts - 1;
_global.ah = _global.ah + 1;
_local1.mc_side.t_ah.text = ah;
_local1.b_dn3._visible = true;
_local1.say_t = "High Attack Magic Level increased by 1.";
_local1.bg_say._visible = true;
} else {
_local1.mc_talk.say.text = "You need more training on your mana.";
this.b_tal.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (_global[clan + "max"][2] == al) {
_local1.mc_talk.say.text = "Your Low Attack Magic has already reached max level.";
} else if (_local1.mpts >= 1) {
_local1.mpts = _local1.mpts - 1;
_global.al = _global.al + 1;
_local1.mc_side.t_al.text = al;
_local1.b_dn3._visible = true;
_local1.bg_say._visible = true;
_local1.say_t = "Low Attack Magic Level increased by 1.";
} else {
_local1.mc_talk.say.text = "You need more training on your mana.";
this.b_tab.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (_global[clan + "max"][3] == ab) {
_local1.mc_talk.say.text = "Your Mana Burn Magic has already reached max level.";
} else if (_local1.mpts >= 1) {
_local1.mpts = _local1.mpts - 1;
_global.ab = _global.ab + 1;
_local1.mc_side.t_ab.text = ab;
_local1.b_dn3._visible = true;
_local1.bg_say._visible = true;
_local1.say_t = "Mana Burn Magic Level increased by 1.";
} else {
_local1.mc_talk.say.text = "You need more training on your mana.";
this.b_tdh.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (_global[clan + "max"][4] == dh) {
_local1.mc_talk.say.text = "Your High Defend Magic has already reached max level.";
} else if (_local1.mpts >= 1) {
_local1.mpts = _local1.mpts - 1;
_global.dh = _global.dh + 1;
_local1.mc_side.t_dh.text = dh;
_local1.b_dn3._visible = true;
_local1.bg_say._visible = true;
_local1.say_t = "High Defend Magic Level increased by 1.";
} else {
_local1.mc_talk.say.text = "You need more training on your mana.";
this.b_tdl.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
if (_global[clan + "max"][5] == dl) {
_local1.mc_talk.say.text = "Your Low Defend Magic has already reached max level.";
} else if (_local1.mpts >= 1) {
_local1.mpts = _local1.mpts - 1;
_global.dl = _global.dl + 1;
_local1.mc_side.t_dl.text = dl;
_local1.b_dn3._visible = true;
_local1.bg_say._visible = true;
_local1.say_t = "Low Defend Magic Level increased by 1.";
} else {
_local1.mc_talk.say.text = "You need more training on your mana.";
if (ah == 0) {
this.b_tal._visible = false;
this.b_tab._visible = false;
this.b_tdh._visible = false;
this.b_tdl._visible = false;
this.b_leave._visible = false;
} else if (dh == 0) {
this.b_tal._visible = false;
this.b_tab._visible = false;
this.b_tah._visible = false;
this.b_tdl._visible = false;
this.b_leave._visible = false;
} else if (al == 0) {
this.b_tdh._visible = false;
this.b_tab._visible = false;
this.b_tah._visible = false;
this.b_tdl._visible = false;
this.b_leave._visible = false;
} else if (dl == 0) {
this.b_tal._visible = false;
this.b_tab._visible = false;
this.b_tah._visible = false;
this.b_tdh._visible = false;
this.b_leave._visible = false;
} else if (ab == 0) {
this.b_tal._visible = false;
this.b_tdh._visible = false;
this.b_tah._visible = false;
this.b_tdl._visible = false;
this.b_leave._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 300 MovieClip "bg_say" in Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 2 (194 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((clan == "P") or (clan == "S")) or (clan == "I")) {
} else if (((clan == "R") or (clan == "D")) or (clan == "C")) {
Instance of Symbol 300 MovieClip "bg_say" in Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 2 (194 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((clan == "P") or (clan == "S")) or (clan == "I")) {
} else if (((clan == "R") or (clan == "D")) or (clan == "C")) {
Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 3 (1.14 KiB) ●
if (loc == "S") {
this.b_swc._visible = false;
} else if (loc == "I") {
this.b_iwc._visible = false;
} else if (loc == "P") {
this.b_pwc._visible = false;
} else if (loc == "R") {
this.b_rfc._visible = false;
} else if (loc == "C") {
this.b_cfc._visible = false;
} else if (loc == "D") {
this.b_dfc._visible = false;
if (qe_loc != "none") {
if (qe_loc != "D") {
this.b_dfc._visible = false;
if (qe_loc != "S") {
this.b_swc._visible = false;
if (qe_loc != "I") {
this.b_iwc._visible = false;
if (qe_loc != "P") {
this.b_pwc._visible = false;
if (qe_loc != "C") {
this.b_cfc._visible = false;
if (qe_loc != "R") {
this.b_rfc._visible = false;
this.b_swc.onRelease = function () {
_global.loc = "S";
this.b_iwc.onRelease = function () {
_global.loc = "I";
this.b_pwc.onRelease = function () {
_global.loc = "P";
this.b_dfc.onRelease = function () {
_global.loc = "D";
this.b_cfc.onRelease = function () {
_global.loc = "C";
this.b_rfc.onRelease = function () {
_global.loc = "R";
Instance of Symbol 300 MovieClip "bg_say" in Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 5 (194 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((clan == "P") or (clan == "S")) or (clan == "I")) {
} else if (((clan == "R") or (clan == "D")) or (clan == "C")) {
Symbol 382 Button (206 B)
on (release) {
_global.yr = 193;
_global.mth = 12;
_global.ah = 1;
_global.al = 1;
_global.ab = 1;
_global.dh = 1;
_global.dl = 1;
_global.mana = 30;
_global.level = 5;
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 9 (50 B)
_global.checkqe = "yes";
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 19 (50 B)
_global.checkqe = "yes";
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 29 (50 B)
_global.checkqe = "yes";
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 39 (50 B)
_global.checkqe = "yes";
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 49 (50 B)
_global.checkqe = "yes";
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 59 (50 B)
_global.checkqe = "yes";
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 70 (50 B)
_global.checkqe = "yes";
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 79 (50 B)
_global.checkqe = "yes";
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 89 (50 B)
_global.checkqe = "yes";
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 100 (50 B)
_global.checkqe = "yes";
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 110 (50 B)
_global.checkqe = "yes";
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 121 (50 B)
_global.checkqe = "yes";
Symbol 433 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 433 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 433 MovieClip Frame 7 (23 B)
Symbol 433 MovieClip Frame 15 (23 B)
Symbol 433 MovieClip Frame 21 (23 B)
Symbol 433 MovieClip Frame 28 (23 B)
Symbol 433 MovieClip Frame 29 (8 B)
Symbol 433 MovieClip Frame 43 (17 B)
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 7 (23 B)
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 15 (23 B)
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 21 (23 B)
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 27 (23 B)
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 28 (8 B)
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 42 (17 B)
Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 7 (23 B)
Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 15 (23 B)
Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 21 (23 B)
Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 27 (23 B)
Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 28 (8 B)
Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 42 (17 B)
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 7 (23 B)
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 15 (23 B)
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 21 (23 B)
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 27 (23 B)
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 28 (8 B)
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 42 (17 B)
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 6 (8 B)
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 7 (8 B)
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 13 (8 B)
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 16 (8 B)
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 19 (8 B)
Symbol 532 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 532 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 532 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 532 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 532 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 532 MovieClip Frame 6 (8 B)
Symbol 533 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 533 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 533 MovieClip Frame 7 (8 B)
Symbol 533 MovieClip Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 533 MovieClip Frame 13 (8 B)
Symbol 533 MovieClip Frame 16 (8 B)
Symbol 533 MovieClip Frame 19 (8 B)
Symbol 536 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 536 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 536 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 536 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 536 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 536 MovieClip Frame 6 (8 B)
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 6 (104 B)
if (this._name == "mc_Rah") {
} else if (this._name == "mc_Lah") {
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 8 (49 B)
if (a6._visible == true) {
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 9 (49 B)
if (a5._visible == true) {
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 10 (49 B)
if (a4._visible == true) {
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 11 (100 B)
if (a6._visible == true) {
if (a3._visible == true) {
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 12 (100 B)
if (a5._visible == true) {
if (a2._visible == true) {
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 13 (100 B)
if (a4._visible == true) {
if (a1._visible == true) {
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 14 (100 B)
if (a3._visible == true) {
if (a6._visible == true) {
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 15 (100 B)
if (a2._visible == true) {
if (a5._visible == true) {
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 16 (100 B)
if (a1._visible == true) {
if (a4._visible == true) {
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 17 (49 B)
if (a3._visible == true) {
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 18 (49 B)
if (a2._visible == true) {
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 19 (49 B)
if (a1._visible == true) {
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 20 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 539 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 539 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 539 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 539 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 539 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 539 MovieClip Frame 6 (8 B)
Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 4 (21 B)
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 6 (8 B)
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 6 (104 B)
if (this._name == "mc_Ral") {
} else if (this._name == "mc_Lal") {
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 8 (49 B)
if (a6._visible == true) {
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 9 (49 B)
if (a5._visible == true) {
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 10 (49 B)
if (a4._visible == true) {
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 11 (100 B)
if (a6._visible == true) {
if (a3._visible == true) {
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 12 (100 B)
if (a5._visible == true) {
if (a2._visible == true) {
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 13 (100 B)
if (a4._visible == true) {
if (a1._visible == true) {
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 14 (100 B)
if (a3._visible == true) {
if (a6._visible == true) {
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 15 (100 B)
if (a2._visible == true) {
if (a5._visible == true) {
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 16 (100 B)
if (a1._visible == true) {
if (a4._visible == true) {
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 17 (49 B)
if (a3._visible == true) {
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 18 (49 B)
if (a2._visible == true) {
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 19 (49 B)
if (a1._visible == true) {
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 20 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 6 (8 B)
Symbol 553 MovieClip Frame 7 (24 B)
Symbol 555 MovieClip Frame 7 (24 B)
Symbol 556 MovieClip Frame 2 (34 B)
_global[("e_" + Rclan) + "ai"]();
Symbol 556 MovieClip Frame 20 (21 B)