[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Section 1 (2.18 KiB) ●
//CustomSharedObject (classes.CustomSharedObject)
package classes {
import flash.net.*;
public class CustomSharedObject {
public static var data:Object;
private static var isDebugMode:Boolean = true;
private static var so:SharedObject;
public static function wipe(_arg1:Object):void{
var i:*;
var $obj = _arg1;
try {
for (i in $obj) {
delete so.data[i];
data = so.data;
} catch(e:Error) {
debugTrace("wipe() - Error: CustomSharedObject not init()ed");
public static function set(_arg1:Object):void{
var i:*;
var $obj = _arg1;
try {
for (i in $obj) {
so.data[i] = $obj[i];
data = so.data;
} catch(e:Error) {
debugTrace("set() - Error: CustomSharedObject not init()ed");
public static function clear():void{
data = so.data;
public static function init(_arg1:String, _arg2:String="/"):void{
so = SharedObject.getLocal(_arg1, _arg2);
data = so.data;
public static function checkData(_arg1:String, _arg2=null){
if (so.data[_arg1] != undefined){
return (so.data[_arg1]);
if (_arg2 != null){
so.data[_arg1] = _arg2;
return (_arg2);
public static function updateData(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:*;
for (_local2 in _arg1) {
so.data[_local2] = _arg1[_local2];
data = so.data;
public static function deleteData(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:*;
for (_local2 in _arg1) {
delete so.data[_local2];
data = so.data;
public static function get(_arg1:String, _arg2=null){
var $propertyName = _arg1;
var $defaultValue = _arg2;
try {
if (so.data[$propertyName] != undefined){
return (so.data[$propertyName]);
} else {
if ($defaultValue != null){
so.data[$propertyName] = $defaultValue;
return ($defaultValue);
} catch(e:Error) {
debugTrace("get() - Error: CustomSharedObject not init()ed");
return (null);
private static function debugTrace(_arg1):void{
if (isDebugMode){
Debug.iTrace(("CustomSharedObject - " + _arg1));
}//package classes
Section 2 (0.99 KiB)
//Debug (classes.Debug)
package classes {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.*;
public class Debug {
private static var conn:LocalConnection;
public static function init():void{
if (conn == null){
conn = new LocalConnection();
conn.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatus);
private static function onStatus(_arg1:StatusEvent):void{
switch (_arg1.level){
case "status":
case "error":
public static function iTrace(_arg1:String):void{
var $traceString = _arg1;
try {
} catch(e:Error) {
private static function sendMessage(_arg1:String):void{
_arg1 = ((("<b>" + _arg1.slice(0, _arg1.indexOf(" - "))) + "</b>") + _arg1.slice(_arg1.indexOf(" - "), _arg1.length));
if (conn == null){
throw (new Error("Debug LocalConnection not initialised"));
conn.send("myConnection", "lcHandler", _arg1);
}//package classes
Section 3 (2.88 KiB) ●
//InboxTag (classes.InboxTag)
package classes {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.system.*;
public class InboxTag {
private static var timeOut:int = 600;
private static var clientId:int = 0;
private static var maxTagDepth:int = 10;
public static var doExtraCalls:Boolean = true;
private static var isDebugMode:Boolean = true;
private static var tagPath:String = "http://www.inboxtag.com/";
private static var isInit:Boolean = false;
private static var tagData:Object;
private static var tagHolder:Sprite;
private static var curTagDepth:int = initTagDepth;
private static var initTagDepth:int = 1;
public static function callViralChart():void{
var _local1:URLRequest;
var _local2:Loader;
_local1 = new URLRequest((("http://www.viralchart.com/tracker.php?media=" + Settings.get("viralChartId")) + "&f=F"));
_local2 = new Loader();
private static function debugTrace(_arg1):void{
if (isDebugMode){
Debug.iTrace(("InboxTag - " + _arg1));
public static function init(_arg1:Stage):void{
clientId = InboxTagData.clientId;
tagData = InboxTagData.tagData;
if (!isInit){
tagHolder = new Sprite();
isInit = true;
public static function callTag(_arg1, _arg2:int=-1):void{
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:Loader;
var _local6:URLRequest;
var _local7:URLVariables;
var _local8:*;
if ((((tagData == null)) || (!(isInit)))){
debugTrace("tagData is undefined. Check that InboxTag.init() has been called");
} else {
if (isNaN(_arg1.pg)){
_local3 = _arg1.pg;
_arg1.pg = tagData[_arg1.pg];
if (_arg1.pg != undefined){
debugTrace("start callTag---------------------");
if (_local3 != undefined){
debugTrace((" " + _local3));
for (_local4 in _arg1) {
debugTrace((((" " + _local4) + "=") + _arg1[_local4]));
debugTrace("end callTag---------------------------------");
if (LangContent.isMultiLang){
_arg1.p5 = LangContent.lang;
_local5 = new Loader();
_local6 = new URLRequest((tagPath + "tag.swf"));
_local7 = new URLVariables();
if (_arg2 != -1){
_local7.cl = _arg2;
} else {
_local7.cl = clientId;
_local7.js = "yes";
_local7.isFlashCall = true;
_local7.ti = 600;
for (_local8 in _arg1) {
_local7[_local8] = _arg1[_local8];
_local7.rnd = new Date().getTime();
_local6.data = _local7;
_local5.load(_local6, new LoaderContext(true));
} else {
trace("------InboxTag Error-----------------------------");
trace((" Page undefined - tagDataID:" + _local3));
}//package classes
Section 4 (788 B)
//InboxTagData (classes.InboxTagData)
package classes {
public class InboxTagData {
private static var _tagData:Object = {initLoadFlash:2746, enterGame:2747, playGame:2748, enterCompetition:2749, clickPrizeFundImage:2750, clickMPU1:2751, clickMPU2:2752, clickMPU3:2753, clickMPU4:2754, viewPrizeFund:2755, viewRange:2756, clickViewRangeMoreInfo:2757, clickViewRangeViewRange:2758, clickInbox:2759, clickPanasonic:2760, contextMenuInbox:2762, contextMenuGamenet:2763, contextMenuViralnet:2764, tellAFriend:2766, quickTag:2767, holeCompleted:2768, achievementOffered:2769};
private static var _clientId:int = 142;
public static function get tagData():Object{
return (_tagData);
public static function get clientId():int{
return (_clientId);
}//package classes
Section 5 (7.53 KiB) ● ●
//LangContent (classes.LangContent)
package classes {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class LangContent extends EventDispatcher {
public static const LOADED:String = "loaded";
public static const CHANGE:String = "change";
private static var errorCharacter:String = "!";
private static var currentLang:String = "en";
private static var isDebugMode:Boolean = true;
private static var defaultLang:String = "en";
private static var _status:String;
protected static var disp:EventDispatcher;
private static var isTestMode:Boolean = false;
private static var isInitLoad:Boolean = true;
private static var langContentList:Array = [];
private static var langList:Array = [];
private static var isErrorToDefaultLang:Boolean = false;
private static var firstLoadCount:int;
public static function getLangList():Array{
return (langList);
private static function parseLang(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{
var _local3:Array;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:Array;
_local3 = _arg1.split("&");
for (_local4 in _local3) {
_local5 = _local3[_local4].split("=");
langContentList[_arg2][_local5[0]] = decodeURIComponent(_local5[1]);
public static function returnFailure(_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{
debugTrace(("returnFailure - event:" + _arg1));
status = "failed";
currentLang = defaultLang;
langContentList[currentLang] = LangLocalStrings.stringsData;
if (isInitLoad){
dispatchEvent(new Event(LOADED));
} else {
dispatchEvent(new Event(CHANGE));
isInitLoad = false;
public static function changeLang(_arg1:String):void{
InboxTag.callTag({pg:"changeLang", p1:_arg1, p2:currentLang});
currentLang = _arg1;
public static function init(_arg1:String="", _arg2:Boolean=true):void{
var _local3:String;
var _local4:Boolean;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:String;
debugTrace((" forceLang:" + _arg1));
langList = LangLocalStrings.langList;
isTestMode = _arg2;
if (isTestMode){
currentLang = defaultLang;
langContentList[currentLang] = LangLocalStrings.stringsData;
status = "success";
dispatchEvent(new Event(LOADED));
} else {
if (((!((CustomSharedObject.get("myLang", "none") == "none"))) && (!(Settings.get("isLocal"))))){
_local6 = CustomSharedObject.get("myLang");
} else {
if (_arg1 != null){
_local6 = _arg1;
} else {
_local6 = Capabilities.language.slice(0, 2);
_local3 = "";
_local4 = false;
_local5 = 0;
while (((!(_local4)) && ((_local5 < langList.length)))) {
if (langList[_local5].code == _local6){
_local4 = true;
_local3 = _local6;
} else {
debugTrace((" isFoundValidLanguage:" + _local4));
debugTrace((" initLang:" + _local3));
debugTrace((" sniffLang:" + _local6));
if (!_local4){
_local3 = defaultLang;
if (_local3 == defaultLang){
firstLoadCount = 1;
} else {
firstLoadCount = 0;
if (Settings.get("isLocal")){
isErrorToDefaultLang = true;
currentLang = _local3;
public static function get status():String{
return (_status);
public static function removeEventListener(... _args):void{
if (disp == null){
disp.removeEventListener.apply(null, _args);
private static function exportLang():void{
var _local1:*;
var _local2:String;
trace(" Language Export Data");
trace("Language IDs:");
for (_local1 in LangLocalStrings.stringsData) {
trace("Language Strings:");
for (_local1 in LangLocalStrings.stringsData) {
trace("Language Data:");
_local2 = "";
for (_local1 in LangLocalStrings.stringsData) {
_local2 = (_local2 + (((_local1 + "=") + escape(LangLocalStrings.stringsData[_local1])) + "&"));
public static function addEventListener(... _args):void{
if (disp == null){
disp = new EventDispatcher();
disp.addEventListener.apply(null, _args);
public static function checkValidText(_arg1:String):Boolean{
if (langContentList[currentLang] != null){
if (langContentList[currentLang][_arg1] != null){
return (true);
return (false);
//unresolved jump
return (false);
public static function getText(_arg1:String):String{
var _local2:*;
if (langContentList[currentLang] != null){
_local2 = langContentList[currentLang][_arg1];
} else {
_local2 = null;
if (_local2 == null){
debugTrace(("Error - text Id not found:" + _arg1));
if (isErrorToDefaultLang){
_local2 = langContentList[defaultLang][_arg1];
if (_local2 == null){
if (_arg1 == ""){
_local2 = "";
} else {
_local2 = (errorCharacter + _arg1);
} else {
if (_arg1 == ""){
_local2 = "";
} else {
_local2 = (errorCharacter + _arg1);
return (Validation.trimText(_local2));
public static function set status(_arg1:String):void{
_status = _arg1;
private static function debugTrace(_arg1):void{
if (isDebugMode){
Debug.iTrace(("LangContent - " + _arg1));
public static function dispatchEvent(... _args):void{
if (disp == null){
disp.dispatchEvent.apply(null, _args);
public static function get lang():String{
return (currentLang);
private static function loadLang(_arg1:String):void{
var req:URLRequest;
var vars:*;
var langVars:*;
var langToLoad = _arg1;
debugTrace((" langToLoad:" + langToLoad));
langContentList[currentLang] = {};
status = "loading";
if (Settings.get("isLocal")){
req = new URLRequest((("langs/" + langToLoad) + ".txt"));
} else {
req = new URLRequest((((Settings.get("flashFilesPath") + "langs/") + langToLoad) + ".txt"));
vars = new URLVariables();
try {
langVars = new URLLoader(req);
} catch(e:Error) {
langVars.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, returnSuccess);
langVars.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, returnFailure);
public static function returnSuccess(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:URLLoader;
debugTrace("- returnSuccess");
_local2 = URLLoader(_arg1.target);
parseLang(_local2.data, currentLang);
status = "loaded";
if (isInitLoad){
if (firstLoadCount == 2){
dispatchEvent(new Event(LOADED));
isInitLoad = false;
} else {
dispatchEvent(new Event(CHANGE));
public static function get isMultiLang():Boolean{
if (langList.length <= 1){
return (false);
return (true);
}//package classes
Section 6 (6.64 KiB) ● ●
//LangLocalStrings (classes.LangLocalStrings)
package classes {
public class LangLocalStrings {
private static const STRINGS_DATA:Object = {splashPlayGame:"Play", splashLoading:"Loading", scoreLabel:"Score", inGameInstructions1:"Click and drag on ball to select direction and power", inGameInstructions2:"Choose your view with your mouse or arrow keys", inGameInstructions3:"To zoom, spin your mouse wheel or use the T-W bar", gameHoleInOne:"Hole-in-one", gameAlbatross:"Albatross", gameEagle:"Eagle", gameBirdie:"Birdie", gamePar:"Par", gameBogey:"Bogey", gameDoubleBogey:"Double Bogey", gameTripleBogey:"Triple Bogey", gameQuadrupleBogey:"Quadruple Bogey", gameFailed:"Too many shots", gameShot:"Shot", gameHole:"Hole", egypt1Name:"Putt like an Egyptian", egypt2Name:"Pharoah on the fairway", acropolis1Name:"Greek tragedy", acropolis2Name:"Greece is the word", easterIsland1Name:"Happy Easter", easterIsland2Name:"Easter birdie", newYork1Name:"New York, New York", newYork2Name:"In the hole!", goldenGate1Name:"California dreamin'", goldenGate2Name:"The golden shot", greatWallOfChina1Name:"China in your hands", greatWallOfChina2Name:"Hole in the wall", sydney1Name:"G'day mate", sydney2Name:"Down under in one", stonehenge1Name:"Sink it like a stone", stonehenge2Name:"Leave no stone unturned", coliseum1Name:"When in Rome...", coliseum2Name:"Putt them to the lions", formForename:"First name", formSurname:"Surname", formInvalidForeame:"Please enter your first name", formInvalidSurname:"Please enter your surname", formInvalidEmail:"Please enter a valid email", challengesTitle:"Challenges", challengesLocked:"Locked", challengesCompleted:"Completed", challenge0title:"Par", challenge0success:"You got a par", challenge1title:"Birdie", challenge1success:"You got a birdie", challenge2title:"3 pars in a row", challenge2success:"You got 3 pars in a row", challenge3title:"3 birdies in a row", challenge3success:"You got 3 birdies in a row", challenge4title:"Hole-in-one", challenge4success:"You got a hole-in-one", challenge5title:"6 birdies in a row", challenge5success:"You got 6 birdies in a row", challenge6title:"6 eagles in a row", challenge6success:"You got 6 eagles in a row", challenge7title:"18 birdies in a row", challenge7success:"18 birdies in a row", challenge8title:"6 holes-in-one", challenge8success:"You got 6 holes-on-one", challenge9title:"18 eagles in a row", challenge9success:"You got 18 eagles in a row", welcomeTitle:"Welcome", welcomeBody:"Play a round around the world.\nPlay for glory. Play for great prizes.", welcomeViewPrizeFund:"See what you could win", welcomePlay:"Play", welcomeCompCompetition:"Competition", welcomeCompBody:"Win one of these great prizes", levelOverUnderPar:"Under par", levelOverOverPar:"Over par", levelOverLevelPar:"Level par", levelOverTitleHoleInOne:"Great shot!", levelOverTitleAlbatross:"Amazing!", levelOverTitleEagle:"Great !", levelOverTitleBirdie:"Well played!", levelOverTitlePar:"Well done", levelOverTitleBogey:"Unlucky", levelOverTitleDoubleBogey:"Try harder!", levelOverTitleTripleBogey:"That was rubbish!", levelOverTitleQuadrupleBogey:"Terrible...", levelOverTitleFailed:"You failed", levelOverPlayNextHole:"Play next hole", levelOverPlayAgain:"Play again", levelOverRoundComplete:"Congratulations", levelOverCompCompetition:"Competition", levelOverCompBody:"Has been added to your prize stack", levelOverCompBody2:"Enter the competition for a chance to win these prizes", levelOverCompStarText:"Enter prize draw", levelOverCompStarBody:"You've completed a challenge and have won an entry into the prize draw", levelOverCompStarBody2:"You've completed a challenge", levelOverCompSubheader:"Just enter your details below", levelOverCompName:"Name", levelOverCompEmail:"Email", levelOverCompOptin:"Send me Panasonic news and offers", levelOverCompGamenetOptin:"Send me future Gamenet games", levelOverCompSubmit:"Submit", levelOverCompThankyou:"Thanks. You've been entered. Good luck!", levelOverViewPrizeFund:"See what you could win", levelOverRestartGame:"Restart game", levelOverTellAFriend:"Tell a friend", levelOverMPU1Text:"See the UNESCO heritage sites", levelOverMPU2Text:"View the best photos of the UK", levelOverMPU3Text:"Watch the amazing TV ad", levelOverMPU4Text:"Watch the Sphinx TV ad", levelOverMPU5Text:"Play the game, win the prizes", levelOverViewRangeTitle:"Get the big picture", levelOverViewRangeBody:"The Lumix TZ5\nBring pictures to life", levelOverViewRangeButton:"More info", viewRangePanasonicURL:"panasonic.co.uk/lumix", viewRangeTitle1:"TZ Series", viewRangeTitle2:"Digital still cameras", viewRangeSpec:"28mm Wide Angle & 10x Optical Zoom LEICA DC VARIO-ELMAR Lens<br><br>Intelligent Auto mode with Intelligent Exposure<br><br>1/2.33” CCD 9.1 megapixels<br><br>High picture quality and high sensitivity by Venus Engine IV<br><br>3.0” (460k dots) Intelligent LCD with Auto-Brightness Control<br><br>30 fps High-Definition Motion picture/ HD output<br><br>*Image and spec refers to DMC-TZ5 only", viewRangeMoreInfo:"More info", viewRangeViewLumixRange:"View the Lumix Range", footerSoundOn:"Sound on >", footerSoundOff:"Sound off >", footerPanasonic:"www.panasonic.co.uk/lumix >", footerTermsAndConditions:"Terms & conditions >", footerGameSeededByViralnet:"Seeded by Viralnet >", footerGameBuiltByInbox:"Game built by Inbox >", tellAFriendSubject:"Play Lumix World Golf Game", tellAFriendBody:"If you’ve ever played crazy golf, you’re gonna love this game.<br><br>It's a superb 3D version of crazy golf, but set in cool places around the world, like over the Golden Gate Bridge or the Sphinx in Egypt.<br><br>If you're good enough, there are some pretty nice prizes too – like a 42\" Viera TV and a £2,000 holiday.<br><br>Ready to tee off? Then go to <url>", prizeFundBack:"Back", prizeFundLocked:"Locked", prizeFundEnterDraw:"Enter Draw", prizeFundEntered:"Entered", prizeFund1Name:"DVD Player", prizeFund2Name:"Surround sound system", prizeFund3Name:"50x Goody Bag", prizeFund4Name:"Plasma TV", prizeFund5Name:"£2000 holiday", prizeFund1Description:"DVD Player", prizeFund2Description:"Surround sound system", prizeFund3Description:"50x Goody Bag", prizeFund4Description:"Plasma TV", prizeFund5Description:"· £2000 in Holiday Vouchers to spend on the trip of a lifetime.\n\n· You’ve played the game, now take in the Pyramids, Golden Gate Bridge or the Great Wall of China for real.", dummyEnd:""};
private static const LANGS_LIST:Array = [{name:"English", code:"en"}];
public static function get langList():Array{
return (LANGS_LIST);
public static function get stringsData():Object{
return (STRINGS_DATA);
}//package classes
Section 7 (3.48 KiB) ●
//Settings (classes.Settings)
package classes {
import flash.display.*;
public class Settings {
private static var isInit:Boolean = false;
private static var propertyData:Object = {};
public static function init(_arg1:LoaderInfo):void{
var _local2:*;
if (!isInit){
isInit = true;
_local2 = {};
_local2.gameName = "lumixgolf_c";
_local2.gamePath = "http://www.lumixworldgolf.com/";
_local2.cgiPath = "http://www.hyperblastgame.com/cgi-bin/hyperblastgame/";
_local2.leagueStandingsPath = "http://www.viewstandings.com/hyperblastgame/";
_local2.leagueCgiPath = "http://www.inboxtag.com/cgi-bin/inboxtag/";
_local2.competitionEntryURL = "http://www.inboxtag.com/lumixworldgolf/enter.php";
_local2.panasonicOptinURL = "http://www.panasonicmail.com/gameregprocess.php";
_local2.termsURL = "http://www.lumixworldgolf.co.uk/terms.html";
_local2.panasonicURL = "http://www.panasonic.co.uk/html/en_GB/287246/index.html#anker_287246";
_local2.lumixMoreInfoURL = "http://www.panasonic.co.uk/html/en_GB/702921/index.html#anker_702924";
_local2.lumixRangeURL = "http://www.panasonic.co.uk/html/en_GB/287246/index.html#anker_287246";
_local2.mpu1URL = "http://ourplaceworldheritage.com/";
_local2.mpu2URL = "http://www.my-place.tv/myplace/html/en/261/index.html";
_local2.mpu3URL = "http://www.panasonic.co.uk/html/en_GB/479324/index.html";
_local2.mpu4URL = "http://www.panasonic.co.uk/html/en_GB/479324/index.html";
_local2.prizeFund1URL = "http://www.panasonic.co.uk/html/en_GB/670380/index.html";
_local2.prizeFund2URL = "http://www.panasonic.co.uk/html/en_GB/1208482/index.html";
_local2.prizeFund3URL = "http://www.my-place.tv/myplace/html/en/261/index.html";
_local2.prizeFund4URL = "http://www.panasonic.co.uk/html/en_GB/870677/index.html";
_local2.prizeFund5URL = "http://www.my-place.tv/myplace/html/en/261/index.html";
_local2.inboxURL = "http://www.inboxgames.co.uk/";
_local2.gamenetRegisterURL = "http://www.gamenet.com/newsletter/register/gamenet_generic_reg.php";
_local2.viralnetURL = "http://www.viralnet.com/";
_local2.viralChartId = "848";
_local2.isLocal = ((_arg1.url.slice(0, 4) == "file")) ? true : false;
_local2.gameTitle = "Lumix World Golf";
_local2.gameFacebookAPIKey = "f3adc5c7b829fc17044babf6d2c5f440";
_local2.isShell = false;
if (_local2.isLocal){
_local2.flashFilesPath = "";
_local2.soundFilesPath = "";
} else {
_local2.flashFilesPath = _local2.gamePath;
_local2.soundFilesPath = _local2.gamePath;
_local2.flashVars = _arg1.parameters;
_local2.versionNumber = ((_arg1.parameters.game_version == undefined)) ? "1.0.0" : _arg1.parameters.game_version;
_local2.submitPath = (_local2.gamePath + "submit.php");
_local2.getLevelsPath = (_local2.gamePath + "getfolders.php");
_local2.levelPath = (_local2.gamePath + "levels/");
_local2.presetPath = (_local2.gamePath + "presets/");
_local2.paperWorlds = (_local2.flashFilesPath + "world/");
_local2.paperTextures = (_local2.flashFilesPath + "world/textures/");
_local2.isForceComp = false;
public static function get(_arg1:String){
if (propertyData[_arg1] == null){
throw (new Error((("Settings property:" + _arg1) + " not found")));
return (propertyData[_arg1]);
public static function set(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:*;
for (_local2 in _arg1) {
propertyData[_local2] = _arg1[_local2];
}//package classes
Section 8 (2.15 KiB) ●
//Validation (classes.Validation)
package classes {
public class Validation {
public static function validatePassword(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=0):String{
if (_arg1.length < _arg3){
return ("password too short");
if (_arg1 != _arg2){
return ("passwords don't match");
return ("success");
public static function validateText(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number=0):String{
if (_arg1.length < _arg2){
return ("name too short");
return ("success");
public static function validatePostcode(_arg1:String=null):String{
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:int;
if ((((_arg1.length == 0)) || ((_arg1 == null)))){
return ("noPostcode");
_local2 = _arg1.split(" ");
_local3 = "";
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local2.length) {
_local3 = (_local3 + _local2[_local4]);
if (_local3.length > 7){
return ("tooLong");
if (_local3.length < 5){
return ("tooShort");
if (!isNaN(_local3.substr(0, 1))){
return ("startWithNumber");
if (!isNaN(_local3.substr(-1, 1))){
return ("last digit is a number");
if (!isNaN(_local3.substr(-2, 1))){
return ("2nd to last digit is a number");
if (isNaN(_local3.substr(-3, 1))){
return ("3rd to last digit is a letter");
if (isNaN(_local3.substr(-4, 1))){
return ("4th to last digit is a letter");
return ("success");
public static function validateEmail(_arg1:String):String{
var _local2:RegExp;
_local2 = /^[a-z][\w.-]+@\w[\w.-]+\.[\w.-]*[a-z][a-z]$/i;
if (_local2.test(_arg1)){
return ("success");
return ("invalidEmail");
public static function trimText(_arg1:String):String{
var _local2:*;
_local2 = 0;
while ((((_arg1.charCodeAt(_local2) == 32)) || ((_arg1.charCodeAt(_local2) == 10)))) {
_arg1 = _arg1.slice(1, _arg1.length);
_local2 = (_arg1.length - 1);
while ((((_arg1.charCodeAt(_local2) == 32)) || ((_arg1.charCodeAt(_local2) == 10)))) {
_arg1 = _arg1.slice(0, (_arg1.length - 1));
_local2 = (_arg1.length - 1);
return (_arg1);
}//package classes
Section 9 (1.34 KiB) ●
//MainTimeline (lumixWrapper_fla.MainTimeline)
package lumixWrapper_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import classes.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip {
public var tempLoader;
public var asc;
public var url:URLRequest;
public var variables:URLVariables;
public function MainTimeline(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
asc = 952;
InboxTag.callTag({pg:"quickTag", sc:asc, p1:loaderInfo.url});
url = new URLRequest("http://www.lumixworldgolf.com/shell.swf");
variables = new URLVariables();
variables.rnd = new Date().getTime();
url.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;
url.data = variables;
tempLoader = new Loader();
tempLoader.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, completeLoad);
public function completeLoad(_arg1:Event){
}//package lumixWrapper_fla