Archived flashes:
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Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Dominus Void.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #47226

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)





Play More Games

Play More Games



View High Scores

View High Scores

Animation and coding
by Matt Porter

Animation and coding
by Matt Porter

Voice Talent by
Francine Louise

by Reasoner

by MrMilkCarton
"Space Puzzler"
by Myke Taylor

"The Void"
by Boss man Bryan


Block Color






Hall of Fame

*The Hall of Fame consist of players who have completed the game 100%.*

Mode Locked

Rave Mode

Like the voice acting in this game? Contact Francine Louise for
your own games and movies.





Play other great games at

Play other great games at

Clear Data

Data Reset

Every living thing has a soul, and it’s this soul
that must pass the test in order to enter the
afterlife. The journey to the center of the void is
where it all begins. It is a test of ones mental
abilities, the abilities that matter in the first life,
and those to come. Do you have what it takes to
continue to the great beyond?


Turn on Tutorial mode?
(New objects and gameplay
mechanics will be explained
as they are introduced.)










Welcome to Dominus Void. This box
will appear when a new gameplay
mechanic is introduced into the
game. It is VERY important you read
these messages to understand the
game. Take your time in each level,
because in the void, there is no

Use the arrow keys to navigate
the light block(s) to reach the goal.
You can only move if the
controlled block is adjacent to
another block and not moving.
Only ONE light block must reach
the goal. Each death is -10 points
so be careful.

This is a light block and what you
will control in each level.

This is the goal and where you
must guide at least ONE light
block to in each level.

You also have the ability to toggle
your light beam by pressing "S".
This beam has a greater purpose
later on, but for now use it to your
advantage to predict where your
next move will bring you. This
beam uses up energy, however not
using it replenishes that energy.

You can skip a level at any time at
the expense of losing 200 points
on your score. Although hard to
reach, collecting light orbs will
give you extra points and help put
your name on top.

+10    +30   +50

"Ouchies" will move left-right, or
up-down but never both. Avoid
these at all costs as touching
these will instantly make you
restart the level. Ya that's right, I
called them ouchies.

Sometimes there is more then one
playable light block in a level. You
then must have them work
together in order to have ONE of
the light blocks reach the goal.
Press "A" to switch between light

Gate pads are what you see on
the left. While a light block is on
one of these it will open a
corresponding plasma gate. If a
light block touches a plasma gate
the level will restart.

Portals work as you might expect.
If you enter one portal moving
right, you will warp to the other
portal and continue moving right.
Same goes for any direction.
Simple enough, right?

Void blocks are untouchable
unless the light beam is touching
them, at which point they become
solid. If you are NOT MOVING and
touching a void block with the
light beam off, the level will restart.

Light orbs do not give extra
points, however they do
completely restore your energy.
Use these to your advantage when
areas are dense in void blocks and
one simple run of the light beam
won't be enough.

Level Skip





Sound FX













Track Selection






Challenge 1

Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Challenge 2

Challenge 3

Challenge 3

Challenge 4

Challenge 4

Challenge 5

Challenge 5

Challenge 6

Challenge 6

Challenge 7

Challenge 7

Challenge 8

Challenge 8

Challenge 9

Challenge 9

Challenge 10

Challenge 10




Thanks a ton beta testers!  Senti,  CrazyChihuahua,  Xeptic, NG-Unit , MrMacro, Myke Taylor, Jamie Wang, Lizz Gardiner and Ogre!

Congratulations on completing Dominus Void 100%   Enjoy  your spot in the hall of fame, thanks for being an awesome player !!

♥♥♥♥Porter + Gardiner ♥♥♥♥







You are one of what I will assume to
be very few people that have
completed the game 100%. I would
like to personally thank you for
playing my game and I really hope
you enjoyed it. Press "Done" to bring
up the the hall of fame submission
screen and submit your name to a list
that contains names of others who
have completed the game 100% as
well. This list gives me an idea of how
many people can actually complete
my game and shows the names of
players with true skill such as
yourself. You can only submit your
name once per computer unless you
reset all the data to allow someone
else to start a fresh file. Again, thanks
a lot for playing my game, I'm glad
you liked it,

So it’s been done, the light shines bright in the
heart of darkness, the center of the void. What
comes next cannot be told here, but only shown
when the time is right. Regardless, you have
succeeded this time, passed this life. Only time
will reveal what comes next. Continue onward
and strengthen in the ways of the mind, maybe
then the answers you seek will become clear…

Final Score


Total Deaths

<p align="right"></p>

<p align="right"></p>


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
stop(); mochi.MochiServices.connect("b729aa195bfe941a"); MochiAd.showPreGameAd({id:"b729aa195bfe941a", res:"550x400"});
Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (206);
Frame 9
Frame 10
stop(); var myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); = myMenu; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("DominusVoid"); firstTimePlaying =; gameComplete =; fullComplete =; firstTimeComplete =; challenge1Complete =; challenge2Complete =; challenge3Complete =; challenge4Complete =; challenge5Complete =; challenge6Complete =; challenge7Complete =; challenge8Complete =; challenge9Complete =; challenge10Complete =; if ( == undefined) { firstTimePlaying = true; fullComplete = false; firstTimeComplete = true; gameComplete = false; challenge1Complete = false; challenge2Complete = false; challenge3Complete = false; challenge4Complete = false; challenge5Complete = false; challenge6Complete = false; challenge7Complete = false; challenge8Complete = false; challenge9Complete = false; challenge10Complete = false; } var blockColor = 0; var raveMode = false; var solidRave = true; var masterMusicVolume = 0; var masterSoundVolume = 100; var musicHolder1 = createEmptyMovieClip("musicHolder1", getNextHighestDepth()); var music1 = new Sound(musicHolder1); music1.attachSound("musicA"); music1.setVolume(masterMusicVolume); var musicHolder2 = createEmptyMovieClip("musicHolder2", getNextHighestDepth()); var music2 = new Sound(musicHolder2); music2.attachSound("musicB"); music2.setVolume(80); var musicHolder3 = createEmptyMovieClip("musicHolder3", getNextHighestDepth()); var music3 = new Sound(musicHolder3); music3.attachSound("musicC"); music3.setVolume(80); var musicHolder4 = createEmptyMovieClip("musicHolder4", getNextHighestDepth()); var music4 = new Sound(musicHolder4); music4.attachSound("musicD"); music4.setVolume(80); var soundHolder1 = createEmptyMovieClip("soundHolder1", getNextHighestDepth()); var sound1 = new Sound(soundHolder1); sound1.attachSound("soundA"); sound1.setVolume(80); var soundHolder2 = createEmptyMovieClip("soundHolder2", getNextHighestDepth()); var sound2 = new Sound(soundHolder2); sound2.attachSound("soundB"); sound2.setVolume(80); var soundHolder3 = createEmptyMovieClip("soundHolder3", getNextHighestDepth()); var sound3 = new Sound(soundHolder3); sound3.attachSound("soundC"); sound3.setVolume(80); var soundHolder4 = createEmptyMovieClip("soundHolder4", getNextHighestDepth()); var sound4 = new Sound(soundHolder4); sound4.attachSound("soundD"); sound4.setVolume(80); var soundHolder5 = createEmptyMovieClip("soundHolder5", getNextHighestDepth()); var sound5 = new Sound(soundHolder5); sound5.attachSound("soundE"); sound5.setVolume(80); var soundHolder6 = createEmptyMovieClip("soundHolder6", getNextHighestDepth()); var sound6 = new Sound(soundHolder6); sound6.attachSound("soundF"); sound6.setVolume(80); var soundHolder7 = createEmptyMovieClip("soundHolder7", getNextHighestDepth()); var sound7 = new Sound(soundHolder7); sound7.attachSound("soundG"); sound7.setVolume(80); var soundHolder8 = createEmptyMovieClip("soundHolder8", getNextHighestDepth()); var sound8 = new Sound(soundHolder8); sound8.attachSound("soundH"); sound8.setVolume(80); var soundHolder9 = createEmptyMovieClip("soundHolder9", getNextHighestDepth()); var sound9 = new Sound(soundHolder9); sound9.attachSound("soundI"); sound9.setVolume(80); var voiceHolder1 = createEmptyMovieClip("voiceHolder1", getNextHighestDepth()); var voice1 = new Sound(voiceHolder1); voice1.attachSound("voiceA"); voice1.setVolume(100); var voiceHolder2 = createEmptyMovieClip("voiceHolder2", getNextHighestDepth()); var voice2 = new Sound(voiceHolder2); voice2.attachSound("voiceB"); voice2.setVolume(100); teleportation = setInterval(function () { if (canTeleport == false) { teleportTime--; } }, 100, 0); colorSwitching = setInterval(function () { if (raveMode == true) { colorTime--; } }, 1000, 0); levelLoad = setInterval(function () { if (loading == true) { loadTime--; } }, 750, 0); energyControl = setInterval(function () { if (((_root.lightBeam.siteBarOn == true) && (energy > 0)) && (loading == false)) { energy--; } if (((_root.lightBeam.siteBarOn == false) && (energy < 100)) && (loading == false)) { energy++; } }, 50, 0);
Frame 20
Frame 27
stopAllSounds(); music1.start(0, 999);
Frame 29
if (dataReset == true) { = undefined; = false; = true; = false; = false; = false; = false; = false; = false; = false; = false; = false; = false; = false; savefile.flush(); } var dataReset = false; var tutorialNext = true; var tutorialMode = false; var firstTime = true; var levelSkipped = false; var destination = 0; var tutorial = false; var voidDeath = false; var wallsOn = true; var modeNumber = 0; var timedLevel = false; var timer = 0; var colorChange = false; var colorTime = 2; var currentPlayerSwitch = true; var loading = true; var loadTime = 2; var orbs = 0; var orbLevel = false; var energy = 100; var canTeleport = true; var teleportTime = 1; var levelJustSkipped = false; var currentLevel = 0; var levelComplete = false; var scoreAdded = false; var totalScore = 0; var deathScoreSubtraction = 10; var levelScore = 0; var totalDeaths = 0; var canTogglePlayer = true; var allowedToToggle = false; var haveToggled = false; var playerVariable = playerA; var numberOfPlayables = 1; var dead = false; var deathSent = false; var moveSpeed = 0; var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var canMoveLeft = false; var canMoveRight = false; var canMoveUp = false; var canMoveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var resetVariables = false; var randomMusic = 0; var musicFadeIn = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (colorTime < 0) { blockColor = int(Math.random() * 5) + 1; colorTime = 2; } if ((orbLevel == true) && (orbs < 1)) { levelComplete = true; orbLevel = false; timedLevel = false; } menuButton._y = menuBar._y; if (musicFadeIn == false) { masterMusicVolume = masterMusicVolume + 0.5; music1.setVolume(masterMusicVolume); if (masterMusicVolume >= 100) { masterMusicVolume = 100; musicFadeIn = true; } } if (tutorial == false) { if ((loadTime <= 0) && (currentLevel > 0)) { loading = false; } if (teleportTime <= 0) { canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; } if (loading == false) { if (timedLevel == true) { if (timer <= 0) { timedLevel = false; dead = true; } } if (dead == true) { if (deathSent == false) { sound7.start(0, 1); moveSpeed = 0; totalDeaths = totalDeaths + 1; if (totalScore > 19) { totalScore = totalScore - deathScoreSubtraction; } gotoAndPlay((currentLevel * 2) + modeNumber); deathSent = true; } } if (_root.levelComplete == false) { if ((((playerVariable._x < -100) || (playerVariable._x > 650)) || (playerVariable._y < -100)) || (playerVariable._y > 500)) { dead = true; } } if (voidDeath == false) { if (((((moveSpeed == 0) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) { allowedToToggle = true; } else { allowedToToggle = false; } if (allowedToToggle == true) { if ((((playerVariable == playerA) && (numberOfPlayables > 1)) && (canTogglePlayer == true)) && (Key.isDown(65))) { currentPlayerSwitch = true; playerVariable = playerB; sound8.start(0, 1); canTogglePlayer = false; } if (((playerVariable == playerB) && (canTogglePlayer == true)) && (Key.isDown(65))) { if (numberOfPlayables > 2) { currentPlayerSwitch = true; playerVariable = playerC; sound8.start(0, 1); canTogglePlayer = false; } else { currentPlayerSwitch = true; playerVariable = playerA; sound8.start(0, 1); canTogglePlayer = false; } } if (((playerVariable == playerC) && (canTogglePlayer == true)) && (Key.isDown(65))) { if (numberOfPlayables > 3) { } else { currentPlayerSwitch = true; playerVariable = playerA; sound8.start(0, 1); canTogglePlayer = false; } } allowedToToggle = false; } if ((!Key.isDown(65)) && (currentPlayerSwitch == false)) { canTogglePlayer = true; } else { canTogglePlayer = false; } if (wallsOn == true) { if (level.hitTest(playerVariable._x - 10, playerVariable._y, true) && (moveSpeed == 0)) { canMoveLeft = false; } else { canMoveLeft = true; } if (level.hitTest(playerVariable._x + 10, playerVariable._y, true) && (moveSpeed == 0)) { canMoveRight = false; } else { canMoveRight = true; } if (level.hitTest(playerVariable._x, playerVariable._y - 10, true) && (moveSpeed == 0)) { canMoveUp = false; } else { canMoveUp = true; } if (level.hitTest(playerVariable._x, playerVariable._y + 10, true) && (moveSpeed == 0)) { canMoveDown = false; } else { canMoveDown = true; } if ((((canMoveLeft == false) || (canMoveRight == false)) || (canMoveUp == false)) || (canMoveDown == false)) { if (resetVariables == false) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = true; } } } if ((canMoveLeft == true) && (moveSpeed == 0)) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { movingLeft = true; resetVariables = false; } } if ((canMoveRight == true) && (moveSpeed == 0)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { movingRight = true; resetVariables = false; } } if ((canMoveUp == true) && (moveSpeed == 0)) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { movingUp = true; resetVariables = false; } } if ((canMoveDown == true) && (moveSpeed == 0)) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { movingDown = true; resetVariables = false; } } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; playerVariable._x = playerVariable._x - moveSpeed; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; } if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; playerVariable._x = playerVariable._x + moveSpeed; movingLeft = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; } if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; playerVariable._y = playerVariable._y - moveSpeed; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingDown = false; } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; playerVariable._y = playerVariable._y + moveSpeed; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; } if (wallsOn == true) { if (level.hitTest(playerVariable._x - 10, playerVariable._y, true) && (movingLeft == true)) { moveSpeed = 0; } if (level.hitTest(playerVariable._x + 10, playerVariable._y, true) && (movingRight == true)) { moveSpeed = 0; } if (level.hitTest(playerVariable._x, playerVariable._y - 10, true) && (movingUp == true)) { moveSpeed = 0; } if (level.hitTest(playerVariable._x, playerVariable._y + 10, true) && (movingDown == true)) { moveSpeed = 0; } } } } } };
Frame 30
stop(); loading = true; = false; savefile.flush();
Instance of Symbol 39 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_alpha > 0) && (_root.loading == true)) { _alpha = (_alpha - 2); } if ((_root.loading == false) && ((!_root.destination) == 0)) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = (_alpha + 2); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha == 100) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.destination); } } if (_alpha < 0) { _root.loading = false; _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 42 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha < 6) { _alpha = (_alpha + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip "menuBar" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = (_alpha + 1); } if (_root.cursor._y <= 245) { _root.menuBar._y = 245; } if (_root.cursor._y >= 388) { _root.menuBar._y = 388; } if ((_root.cursor._y > 245) && (_root.cursor._y < 388)) { _root.menuBar._y = _root.cursor._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip "lightBeam" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) { var siteBarOn = true; var Yposition = 0; Yposition = _y - 150; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _y = (_y + 2); if (_y > 380) { _y = Yposition; } }
Instance of Symbol 54 MovieClip "startButton" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 57 MovieClip "challenges" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip "playMoreGames" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 63 MovieClip "extras" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 66 MovieClip "viewHighScores" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) { var creditChange = false; var credit = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.lightBeam.beamA)) { if (_root.lightBeam.siteBarOn == true) { if ((credit == 1) && (creditChange == false)) { credit = credit - 1; creditChange = true; gotoAndStop (3); } if ((credit == 0) && (creditChange == false)) { credit = credit + 1; creditChange = true; gotoAndStop (2); } } } else { creditChange = false; gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.gameComplete == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } Mouse.hide(); startDrag (this, true); }
Frame 44
loading = true; destination = 0;
Frame 45
stop(); modeNumber = 103;
Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip "rBlock1" in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.raveMode == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } } on (release) { if (_root.gameComplete == true) { _root.rBlock1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.rBlock2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.raveMode = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip "rBlock2" in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.raveMode == false) { gotoAndStop (2); } } on (release) { if (_root.gameComplete == true) { _root.rBlock1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rBlock2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.raveMode = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip "rBlock3" in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.solidRave == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } } on (release) { if (_root.gameComplete == true) { _root.rBlock3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.rBlock4.gotoAndStop(1); _root.solidRave = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip "rBlock4" in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.solidRave == false) { gotoAndStop (2); } } on (release) { if (_root.gameComplete == true) { _root.rBlock3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rBlock4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.solidRave = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(_root.blockColor + 1); }
Instance of Symbol 113 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.gameComplete == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Instance of Symbol 128 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor)) { _alpha = 50; } else { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 128 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor)) { _alpha = 50; } else { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 128 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor)) { _alpha = 50; } else { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 128 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor)) { _alpha = 50; } else { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 128 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor)) { _alpha = 50; } else { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 128 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor)) { _alpha = 50; } else { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 39 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_alpha > 0) && (_root.loading == true)) { _alpha = (_alpha - 2); } if ((_root.loading == false) && ((!_root.destination) == 0)) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = (_alpha + 2); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha == 100) {; } } if (_alpha < 0) { _root.loading = false; _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); startDrag (this, true); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(2)) { Mouse.hide(); } }
Frame 97
stop(); stopAllSounds();
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip in Frame 97
onClipEvent (load) { var voiceStart = false; _alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha < 99) { _alpha = (_alpha + 1); } if ((_alpha > 70) && (voiceStart == false)) { _root.voice1.start(0, 1); voiceStart = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 97
onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); startDrag (this, true); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(2)) { Mouse.hide(); } }
Frame 100
stop(); stopAllSounds();
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 100
onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); startDrag (this, true); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(2)) { Mouse.hide(); } }
Frame 102
modeNumber = 103; randomMusic = int(Math.random() * 3); if (randomMusic == 0) { music1.start(0, 999); } if (randomMusic == 1) { music2.start(0, 999); } if (randomMusic == 2) { music3.start(0, 999); }
Frame 105
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 106
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 1; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip in Frame 106
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _rotation = (_rotation + 0.2); }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip "level" in Frame 106
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 106
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "currentPlayerSelected" in Frame 106
onClipEvent (load) { var Xscale = 0; var Yscale = 0; var Xamount = 0; var Yamount = 0; var firstTime = true; Xscale = _xscale; Yscale = _yscale; Xamount = Xscale / 50; Yamount = Yscale / 50; _alpha = 70; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_root.loading == false) && (firstTime == true)) && (_root.levelComplete == false)) { _root.currentPlayerSwitch = true; firstTime = false; } if (_root.currentPlayerSwitch == true) { _x = _root.playerVariable._x; _y = _root.playerVariable._y; _xscale = (_xscale - Xamount); _yscale = (_yscale - Yamount); _alpha = (_alpha - 2); } if (_xscale < 2) { _alpha = 70; _x = -200; _xscale = Xscale; _yscale = Yscale; _root.currentPlayerSwitch = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "lightBeam" in Frame 106
onClipEvent (load) { var siteBarOn = true; var sizeSet = true; var canToggle = true; var xWidth = 0; xWidth = _width; var yHeight = 0; yHeight = _height; var animationVariable = 40; var lagVariableLeft = 0; var lagVariableRight = 0; var lagVariableUp = 0; var lagVariableDown = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width > xWidth) { _width = xWidth; } if (_height > yHeight) { _height = yHeight; } if (_root.loading == false) { if (Key.isDown(83) && (canToggle == true)) { if (_root.moveSpeed == 0) { if (siteBarOn == true) { siteBarOn = false; } else { siteBarOn = true; } } } if (!Key.isDown(83)) { canToggle = true; } else { canToggle = false; } _x = ((_root.playerVariable._x + lagVariableLeft) + lagVariableRight); _y = ((_root.playerVariable._y + lagVariableUp) + lagVariableDown); if ((siteBarOn == true) && (sizeSet == true)) { if (_width < xWidth) { canToggle = false; _width = (_width + animationVariable); } if (_height < yHeight) { canToggle = false; _height = (_height + animationVariable); } else { sizeSet = false; } } } if ((siteBarOn == false) && (sizeSet == false)) { if ((_width < 40) || (_height < 40)) { _width = 1; _height = 1; } if (_width > 5) { canToggle = false; _width = (_width - animationVariable); } if (_height > 5) { canToggle = false; _height = (_height - animationVariable); } else { sizeSet = true; } } if ((((_root.levelComplete == true) || ( == 0)) || (_root.dead == true)) || (_root.voidDeath == true)) { siteBarOn = false; sizeSet = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip "tutorialBox" in Frame 106
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.tutorial == false) { _x = -300; } else { _x = 384; } }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 106
onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); startDrag (this, true); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(2)) { Mouse.hide(); } }
Frame 107
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 108
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 2; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 301 MovieClip "level" in Frame 108
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 108
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; _root.firstTime = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 108
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Frame 109
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 110
stop(); if (tutorialMode == true) { if (firstTime == true) { tutorial = true; tutorialNext = true; firstTime = false; tutorialBox.backbutton.gotoAndStop(1); tutorialBox.gotoAndStop(6); tutorialBox.nextButton.gotoAndStop(1); } } voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 3; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 302 MovieClip "level" in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Frame 111
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 112
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 4; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 303 MovieClip "level" in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Frame 113
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 114
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 5; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 304 MovieClip "level" in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; _root.firstTime = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Frame 115
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 116
stop(); if (tutorialMode == true) { if (firstTime == true) { tutorial = true; tutorialNext = true; firstTime = false; tutorialBox.backbutton.gotoAndStop(1); tutorialBox.gotoAndStop(7); tutorialBox.nextButton.gotoAndStop(1); } } voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 6; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 2; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 305 MovieClip "level" in Frame 116
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 116
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch1.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 116
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 116
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch1" in Frame 116
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Frame 117
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 118
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 7; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 2; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 306 MovieClip "level" in Frame 118
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch1" in Frame 118
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch2" in Frame 118
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 118
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 118
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch2.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 118
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch1.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 118
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Frame 119
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 120
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 8; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 2; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 307 MovieClip "level" in Frame 120
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch1" in Frame 120
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch3.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch1.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch2" in Frame 120
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch3" in Frame 120
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch2.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Frame 121
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 122
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 9; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 2; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 309 MovieClip "level" in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 50; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch1.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch1" in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch3" in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch2.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch2" in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch3.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; _root.firstTime = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 50; }
Frame 123
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 124
stop(); if (tutorialMode == true) { if (firstTime == true) { tutorial = true; tutorialNext = true; firstTime = false; tutorialBox.gotoAndStop(9); tutorialBox.nextButton.gotoAndStop(1); } } voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 10; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 310 MovieClip "level" in Frame 124
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 124
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "teleporter1B" in Frame 124
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true) && (_root.canTeleport == true)) { _root.playerVariable._x = _root.teleporter1A._x; _root.playerVariable._y = _root.teleporter1A._y; _root.sound9.start(0, 1); _root.canTeleport = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "teleporter1A" in Frame 124
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true) && (_root.canTeleport == true)) { _root.playerVariable._x = _root.teleporter1B._x; _root.playerVariable._y = _root.teleporter1B._y; _root.sound9.start(0, 1); _root.canTeleport = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 124
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 124
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Frame 125
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 126
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 11; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 311 MovieClip "level" in Frame 126
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "teleporter1B" in Frame 126
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true) && (_root.canTeleport == true)) { _root.playerVariable._x = _root.teleporter1A._x; _root.playerVariable._y = _root.teleporter1A._y; _root.sound9.start(0, 1); _root.canTeleport = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "teleporter1A" in Frame 126
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true) && (_root.canTeleport == true)) { _root.playerVariable._x = _root.teleporter1B._x; _root.playerVariable._y = _root.teleporter1B._y; _root.sound9.start(0, 1); _root.canTeleport = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 126
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 126
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 126
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 126
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 126
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 126
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 126
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 126
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; } } }
Frame 127
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 128
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 12; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 2; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 312 MovieClip "level" in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "teleporter1B" in Frame 128
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true) && (_root.canTeleport == true)) { _root.playerVariable._x = _root.teleporter1A._x; _root.playerVariable._y = _root.teleporter1A._y; _root.sound9.start(0, 1); _root.canTeleport = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "teleporter1A" in Frame 128
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true) && (_root.canTeleport == true)) { _root.playerVariable._x = _root.teleporter1B._x; _root.playerVariable._y = _root.teleporter1B._y; _root.sound9.start(0, 1); _root.canTeleport = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch1" in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch1.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch2" in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch2.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch3" in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch3.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch4" in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch4.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; _root.firstTime = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 50; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 128
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Frame 129
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 130
stop(); if (tutorialMode == true) { if (firstTime == true) { tutorial = true; tutorialNext = true; firstTime = false; tutorialBox.gotoAndStop(10); tutorialBox.nextButton.gotoAndStop(1); } } voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 13; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 313 MovieClip "level" in Frame 130
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 130
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 130
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 130
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 130
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Frame 131
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 132
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 14; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 2; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 314 MovieClip "level" in Frame 132
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 132
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 132
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch2.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 132
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 132
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch2" in Frame 132
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch1" in Frame 132
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 132
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch1.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 132
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 132
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 132
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; } } }
Frame 133
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 134
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 15; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 3; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 315 MovieClip "level" in Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "teleporter1B" in Frame 134
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true) && (_root.canTeleport == true)) { _root.playerVariable._x = _root.teleporter1A._x; _root.playerVariable._y = _root.teleporter1A._y; _root.sound9.start(0, 1); _root.canTeleport = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "teleporter1A" in Frame 134
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true) && (_root.canTeleport == true)) { _root.playerVariable._x = _root.teleporter1B._x; _root.playerVariable._y = _root.teleporter1B._y; _root.sound9.start(0, 1); _root.canTeleport = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 134
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch2.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch1.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch2" in Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch1" in Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Frame 135
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 136
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 16; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 3; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 316 MovieClip "level" in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch1" in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch2" in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch3" in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch4.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch5.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch4" in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch5" in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch3.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch1.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch2.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; _root.firstTime = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 50; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 136
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Frame 137
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 138
stop(); if (tutorialMode == true) { if (firstTime == true) { tutorial = true; tutorialNext = true; firstTime = false; tutorialBox.gotoAndStop(11); tutorialBox.nextButton.gotoAndStop(1); } } voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 17; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 317 MovieClip "level" in Frame 138
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 138
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 138
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 138
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Frame 139
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 140
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 18; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 318 MovieClip "level" in Frame 140
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 140
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; _root.firstTime = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "teleporter1B" in Frame 140
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true) && (_root.canTeleport == true)) { _root.playerVariable._x = _root.teleporter1A._x; _root.playerVariable._y = _root.teleporter1A._y; _root.sound9.start(0, 1); _root.canTeleport = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "teleporter1A" in Frame 140
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true) && (_root.canTeleport == true)) { _root.playerVariable._x = _root.teleporter1B._x; _root.playerVariable._y = _root.teleporter1B._y; _root.sound9.start(0, 1); _root.canTeleport = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 140
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 140
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 50; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 140
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 140
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 140
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 140
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 140
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 140
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Frame 141
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 142
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 19; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 2; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 319 MovieClip "level" in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch1.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch3.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch4.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch2.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch2" in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch1" in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch3" in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch4" in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) { var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 142
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; _root.firstTime = true; } } }
Frame 143
moveSpeed = 0; totalScore = totalScore - levelScore; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 144
stop(); voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 20; levelComplete = false; scoreAdded = false; levelScore = 0; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 3; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 320 MovieClip "level" in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) {; } } }
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "teleporter1A" in Frame 144
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true) && (_root.canTeleport == true)) { _root.playerVariable._x = _root.teleporter1B._x; _root.playerVariable._y = _root.teleporter1B._y; _root.sound9.start(0, 1); _root.canTeleport = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "teleporter1B" in Frame 144
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true) && (_root.canTeleport == true)) { _root.playerVariable._x = _root.teleporter1A._x; _root.playerVariable._y = _root.teleporter1A._y; _root.sound9.start(0, 1); _root.canTeleport = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch5.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch6.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch4.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch3.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch1.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gateSwitch2.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; _root.firstTime = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch2" in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch1" in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch3" in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch4" in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch5" in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitch6" in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { if (engaged == false) { _root.sound5.start(0, 1); } engaged = true; } else { if (engaged == true) { _root.sound6.start(0, 1); } engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Frame 146
Instance of Symbol 39 MovieClip in Frame 146
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _alpha = (_alpha+1); if (_alpha > 95) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay(195); } }
Frame 148
loading = true; destination = 0;
Frame 149
stop(); modeNumber = 103;
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip "menuBar" in Frame 149
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = (_alpha + 1); } if (_root.cursor._y <= 75) { _root.menuBar._y = 75; } if (_root.cursor._y >= 360) { _root.menuBar._y = 360; } if ((_root.cursor._y > 75) && (_root.cursor._y < 360)) { _root.menuBar._y = _root.cursor._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 325 MovieClip "c1" in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 328 MovieClip "c2" in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 331 MovieClip "c3" in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 334 MovieClip "c4" in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 337 MovieClip "c5" in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 340 MovieClip "c6" in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var startingX = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; startingX = _x; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; if ((((((_root.gameComplete == true) && (_root.challenge1Complete == true)) && (_root.challenge2Complete == true)) && (_root.challenge3Complete == true)) && (_root.challenge4Complete == true)) && (_root.challenge5Complete == true)) { _x = startingX; } else { _x = -200; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 343 MovieClip "c7" in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; if ((_root.gameComplete == true) && (_root.challenge6Complete == true)) { _x = startingX; } else { _x = -200; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 346 MovieClip "c8" in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; if ((_root.gameComplete == true) && (_root.challenge7Complete == true)) { _x = startingX; } else { _x = -200; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 349 MovieClip "c9" in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; if ((_root.gameComplete == true) && (_root.challenge8Complete == true)) { _x = startingX; } else { _x = -200; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 352 MovieClip "c10" in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; if ((_root.gameComplete == true) && (_root.challenge9Complete == true)) { _x = startingX; } else { _x = -200; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.menuBar)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 355 MovieClip in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.challenge1Complete == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 355 MovieClip in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.challenge2Complete == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 355 MovieClip in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.challenge3Complete == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 355 MovieClip in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.challenge4Complete == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 355 MovieClip in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.challenge5Complete == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 355 MovieClip in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; if (_root.challenge6Complete == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if ((((((_root.gameComplete == true) && (_root.challenge1Complete == true)) && (_root.challenge2Complete == true)) && (_root.challenge3Complete == true)) && (_root.challenge4Complete == true)) && (_root.challenge5Complete == true)) { _x = startingX; } else { _x = -200; } var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 355 MovieClip in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; if (_root.challenge7Complete == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if ((_root.gameComplete == true) && (_root.challenge6Complete == true)) { _x = startingX; } else { _x = -200; } var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 355 MovieClip in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; if (_root.challenge8Complete == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if ((_root.gameComplete == true) && (_root.challenge7Complete == true)) { _x = startingX; } else { _x = -200; } var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 355 MovieClip in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; if (_root.challenge9Complete == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if ((_root.gameComplete == true) && (_root.challenge8Complete == true)) { _x = startingX; } else { _x = -200; } var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 355 MovieClip in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; if (_root.challenge10Complete == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if ((_root.gameComplete == true) && (_root.challenge9Complete == true)) { _x = startingX; } else { _x = -200; } var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 362 MovieClip in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { var secret = 0; var Xstart = 0; Xstart = _x; if (_root.challenge10Complete == true) { gotoAndStop (3); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (secret < 4) { _x = (_x - 2); } else { _x = (_x - 1); } if (_x < -100) { _x = Xstart; gotoAndStop(int(Math.random() * 2) + 1); } if (Key.isDown(76) && (secret == 0)) { secret = secret + 1; } if (Key.isDown(79) && (secret == 1)) { secret = secret + 1; } if (Key.isDown(86) && (secret == 2)) { secret = secret + 1; } if (Key.isDown(69) && (secret == 3)) { secret = secret + 1; } if (secret == 4) { gotoAndStop (10); } }
Instance of Symbol 39 MovieClip in Frame 149
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_alpha > 0) && (_root.loading == true)) { _alpha = (_alpha - 2); } if ((_root.loading == false) && ((!_root.destination) == 0)) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = (_alpha + 2); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha == 100) {; } } if (_alpha < 0) { _root.loading = false; _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 149
onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); startDrag (this, true); }
Frame 153
modeNumber = 153; clearInterval(timeToComplete); timeToComplete = setInterval(function () { if (loading == false) { if (timedLevel == true) { timer = timer - 0.01; } } }, 10); gotoAndPlay(destination);
Frame 155
moveSpeed = 0; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 156
stop(); timedLevel = true; timer = 30; voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 1; levelComplete = false; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false;
Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip in Frame 156
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _rotation = (_rotation + 0.2); }
Instance of Symbol 363 MovieClip "level" in Frame 156
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) { _root.challenge1Complete = true; _root.gotoAndPlay(175); } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 156
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 156
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 156
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 156
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 156
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 156
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 156
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 156
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip "goal" in Frame 156
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; _root.timedLevel = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "lightBeam" in Frame 156
onClipEvent (load) { var siteBarOn = true; var sizeSet = true; var canToggle = true; var xWidth = 0; xWidth = _width; var yHeight = 0; yHeight = _height; var animationVariable = 40; var lagVariableLeft = 0; var lagVariableRight = 0; var lagVariableUp = 0; var lagVariableDown = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width > xWidth) { _width = xWidth; } if (_height > yHeight) { _height = yHeight; } if (_root.loading == false) { if (Key.isDown(83) && (canToggle == true)) { if (_root.moveSpeed == 0) { if (siteBarOn == true) { siteBarOn = false; } else { siteBarOn = true; } } } if (!Key.isDown(83)) { canToggle = true; } else { canToggle = false; } _x = ((_root.playerVariable._x + lagVariableLeft) + lagVariableRight); _y = ((_root.playerVariable._y + lagVariableUp) + lagVariableDown); if ((siteBarOn == true) && (sizeSet == true)) { if (_width < xWidth) { canToggle = false; _width = (_width + animationVariable); } if (_height < yHeight) { canToggle = false; _height = (_height + animationVariable); } else { sizeSet = false; } } } if ((siteBarOn == false) && (sizeSet == false)) { if ((_width < 40) || (_height < 40)) { _width = 1; _height = 1; } if (_width > 5) { canToggle = false; _width = (_width - animationVariable); } if (_height > 5) { canToggle = false; _height = (_height - animationVariable); } else { sizeSet = true; } } if ((((_root.levelComplete == true) || ( == 0)) || (_root.dead == true)) || (_root.voidDeath == true)) { siteBarOn = false; sizeSet = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip "currentPlayerSelected" in Frame 156
onClipEvent (load) { var Xscale = 0; var Yscale = 0; var Xamount = 0; var Yamount = 0; var firstTime = true; Xscale = _xscale; Yscale = _yscale; Xamount = Xscale / 50; Yamount = Yscale / 50; _alpha = 70; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_root.loading == false) && (firstTime == true)) && (_root.levelComplete == false)) { _root.currentPlayerSwitch = true; firstTime = false; } if (_root.currentPlayerSwitch == true) { _x = _root.playerVariable._x; _y = _root.playerVariable._y; _xscale = (_xscale - Xamount); _yscale = (_yscale - Yamount); _alpha = (_alpha - 2); } if (_xscale < 2) { _alpha = 70; _x = -200; _xscale = Xscale; _yscale = Yscale; _root.currentPlayerSwitch = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip "tutorialBox" in Frame 156
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.tutorial == false) { _x = -300; } else { _x = 384; } }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 156
onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); startDrag (this, true); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(2)) { Mouse.hide(); } }
Frame 157
orbs = 100; orbLevel = true; moveSpeed = 0; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 158
stop(); timedLevel = false; timer = 99.99; voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 2; levelComplete = false; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 371 MovieClip "level" in Frame 158
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) { _root.challenge2Complete = true; _root.gotoAndPlay(175); } } }
Frame 159
moveSpeed = 0; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 160
stop(); timedLevel = true; timer = 6; voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 3; levelComplete = false; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 372 MovieClip "level" in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) { _root.challenge3Complete = true; _root.gotoAndPlay(175); } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; _root.timedLevel = false; } }
Frame 161
moveSpeed = 0; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 162
stop(); timedLevel = false; timer = 99.99; voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 4; levelComplete = false; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 373 MovieClip "level" in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) { _root.challenge4Complete = true; _root.gotoAndPlay(175); } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 162
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; _root.timedLevel = false; } }
Frame 163
orbs = 50; orbLevel = true; moveSpeed = 0; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 164
stop(); timedLevel = true; timer = 40; voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 5; levelComplete = false; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 374 MovieClip "level" in Frame 164
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) { _root.challenge5Complete = true; _root.gotoAndPlay(175); } } }
Instance of Symbol 375 MovieClip in Frame 164
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _rotation = (_rotation + 3); }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 164
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 164
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Frame 165
moveSpeed = 0; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 166
stop(); timedLevel = false; timer = 99.99; voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 6; levelComplete = false; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 376 MovieClip "level" in Frame 166
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) { _root.challenge6Complete = true; _root.gotoAndPlay(175); } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 166
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; _root.timedLevel = false; } }
Frame 167
orbs = 50; orbLevel = true; moveSpeed = 0; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 168
stop(); timedLevel = true; timer = 80; voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 7; levelComplete = false; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip "level" in Frame 168
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) { _root.challenge7Complete = true; _root.gotoAndPlay(175); } } }
Frame 169
orbs = 20; orbLevel = true; moveSpeed = 0; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 170
stop(); timedLevel = false; timer = 99.99; voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 8; levelComplete = false; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 378 MovieClip "level" in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) { _root.challenge8Complete = true; _root.gotoAndPlay(175); } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Frame 171
moveSpeed = 0; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 172
stop(); timedLevel = true; timer = 60; voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 9; levelComplete = false; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 379 MovieClip "level" in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) { _root.challenge9Complete = true; _root.gotoAndPlay(175); } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = false; var upDown = true; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeedVariable = 5; var moveSpeed = 0; var leftRight = true; var upDown = false; var moveLeft = false; var moveRight = false; var moveUp = false; var moveDown = false; var movingLeft = false; var movingRight = false; var movingUp = false; var movingDown = false; var changeDirectionTime = 15; var changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (leftRight == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingRight = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true)) { if ((movingLeft == true) || (movingRight == true)) { movingRight = false; movingLeft = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingLeft = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (upDown == true) { if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingDown = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true)) { if ((movingUp == true) || (movingDown == true)) { movingUp = false; movingDown = false; changeDirection = changeDirectionTime; moveSpeed = 0; } if (changeDirection <= 0) { movingUp = true; } else { changeDirection--; } } } if (leftRight == true) { if (movingRight == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x + moveSpeed); } if (movingLeft == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _x = (_x - moveSpeed); } } if (upDown == true) { if (movingUp == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y - moveSpeed); } if (movingDown == true) { moveSpeed = moveSpeedVariable; _y = (_y + moveSpeed); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 172
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { _root.currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; _root.levelComplete = true; _root.timedLevel = false; } }
Frame 173
orbs = 50; orbLevel = true; moveSpeed = 0; energy = 100; loading = true; currentPlayerSelected.firstTime = true; levelJustSkipped = false;
Frame 174
stop(); timedLevel = true; timer = 60; voidDeath = false; wallsOn = true; loading = true; loadTime = 4; canTeleport = true; teleportTime = 1; currentLevel = 10; levelComplete = false; canTogglePlayer = true; playerVariable = playerA; numberOfPlayables = 1; allowedToToggle = false; dead = false; deathSent = false; moveSpeed = 0; moveSpeedVariable = 5; canMoveLeft = false; canMoveRight = false; canMoveUp = false; canMoveDown = false; movingLeft = false; movingRight = false; movingUp = false; movingDown = false; resetVariables = false;
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "level" in Frame 174
onClipEvent (load) { var soundPlayed = false; var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 60; var correctLookVariable = 0; var scoreAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.levelComplete == true) { if (scoreAdded == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + 100; _root.levelScore = 0; _root.sound2.start(0, 1); scoreAdded = true; } if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (soundPlayed == false)) { _root.sound1.start(0, 1); soundPlayed = true; } if ((_xscale < 0.5) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + (0.1 + correctLookVariable); correctLookVariable = correctLookVariable + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); if (_xscale > 1) { _alpha = (_alpha - 4); } } if (scaleRate > scaleOutMax) { _root.challenge10Complete = true; _root.fullComplete = true; _root.gotoAndPlay(175); } } }
Frame 181
stop(); currentLevel = 0; = challenge1Complete; = challenge2Complete; = challenge3Complete; = challenge4Complete; = challenge5Complete; = challenge6Complete; = challenge7Complete; = challenge8Complete; = challenge9Complete; = challenge10Complete; = fullComplete; savefile.flush();
Instance of Symbol 382 MovieClip in Frame 181
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - 600); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } if (inPosition == true) { _alpha = (_alpha-1); if (_alpha < 1) { if (_root.challenge10Complete == false) {; } if (_root.challenge10Complete == true) { trace(_root.firstTimeComplete); if (_root.firstTimeComplete == true) { _root.gotoAndPlay(187); } else {; } } } } }
Frame 186
gotoAndPlay (147);
Frame 191
stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { = false; playersName = _root.playerName.text; };
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 191
onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); startDrag (this, true); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(2)) { Mouse.hide(); } }
Frame 197
Instance of Symbol 387 MovieClip in Frame 197
onClipEvent (load) { var voiceStart = false; _alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha < 99) { _alpha = (_alpha + 1); } if ((_alpha > 70) && (voiceStart == false)) { _root.voice2.start(0, 1); voiceStart = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 197
onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); startDrag (this, true); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(2)) { Mouse.hide(); } }
Frame 201
stop(); gameComplete = true;
Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip in Frame 201
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _rotation = (_rotation + 0.2); }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 201
onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); startDrag (this, true); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(2)) { Mouse.hide(); } }
Frame 203
stop();; mochi.MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:"22cbd39ca0b71cd5", score:totalScore});
Frame 205
Mouse.hide(); gotoAndPlay (25);
Frame 206
Frame 207
gotoAndPlay (212); stopAllSounds();
Frame 212
Frame 213
gotoAndPlay (5);
Frame 216; mochi.MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:"22cbd39ca0b71cd5"});
Frame 221
Mouse.hide(); gotoAndPlay (28);
Frame 222;
Frame 223
mochi.MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:"c4f736727c1fa88a", score:100});
Frame 227
Mouse.hide(); gotoAndPlay (25);
Frame 229;
Frame 230
Frame 232
Mouse.hide(); gotoAndPlay (40);
Symbol 412 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.MochiServices] Frame 0
class mochi.MochiServices { static var _id, _container, _clip, _sendChannelName, _rcvChannelName, __get__comChannelName, onError, _listenChannel, _rcvChannel, _loader, _loaderListener, _sendChannel; function MochiServices () { } static function get id() { return(_id); } static function get clip() { return(_container); } static function get childClip() { return(_clip); } static function getVersion() { return("1.31"); } static function allowDomains(server) { var _local1 = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if ( { if ( {"*");; } if ( {"*");; } } return(_local1); } static function get isNetworkAvailable() { if ( { var _local1 =; if (_local1.sandboxType == "localWithFile") { return(false); } } return(true); } static function set comChannelName(val) { if (val != undefined) { if (val.length > 3) { _sendChannelName = val + "_fromgame"; _rcvChannelName = val; initComChannels(); } } //return(__get__comChannelName()); } static function get connected() { return(_connected); } static function connect(id, clip, onError) { if ((!_connected) && (_clip == undefined)) { trace("MochiServices Connecting..."); _connecting = true; init(id, clip); } if (onError != undefined) { mochi.MochiServices.onError = onError; } else if (mochi.MochiServices.onError == undefined) { mochi.MochiServices.onError = function (errorCode) { trace(errorCode); }; } } static function disconnect() { if (_connected || (_connecting)) { _connecting = (_connected = false); flush(true); if (_clip != undefined) { _clip.removeMovieClip(); delete _clip; } _listenChannel.close(); _rcvChannel.close(); } } static function init(id, clip) { _id = id; if (clip != undefined) { _container = clip; } else { _container = _root; } loadCommunicator(id, _container); } static function loadCommunicator(id, clip) { var _local2 = "_mochiservices_com_" + id; if (_clip != null) { return(_clip); } if (!isNetworkAvailable) { return(null); } allowDomains(_gatewayURL); _clip = clip.createEmptyMovieClip(_local2, 10336, false); _loader = new MovieClipLoader(); if (_loaderListener.waitInterval != null) { clearInterval(_loaderListener.waitInterval); } _loaderListener = {}; _loaderListener.onLoadError = function (target_mc, errorCode, httpStatus) { trace("MochiServices could not load."); mochi.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, [errorCode]); }; _loaderListener.onLoadStart = function (target_mc) { this.isLoading = true; }; _loaderListener.startTime = getTimer(); _loaderListener.wait = function () { if ((getTimer() - this.startTime) > 10000) { if (!this.isLoading) { mochi.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ["IOError"]); } clearInterval(this.waitInterval); } }; _loaderListener.waitInterval = setInterval(_loaderListener, "wait", 1000); _loader.addListener(_loaderListener); _loader.loadClip(_gatewayURL, _clip); _sendChannel = new LocalConnection(); _sendChannel._queue = []; _rcvChannel = new LocalConnection(); _rcvChannel.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _rcvChannel.allowInsecureDomain = _rcvChannel.allowDomain; _rcvChannel._nextcallbackID = 0; _rcvChannel._callbacks = {}; listen(); return(_clip); } static function onStatus(infoObject) { if (!(infoObject.level === "error")) { } else { _connected = false; _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); } } static function listen() { _listenChannel = new LocalConnection(); _listenChannel.handshake = function (args) { mochi.MochiServices.__set__comChannelName(args.newChannel); }; _listenChannel.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _listenChannel.allowInsecureDomain = _listenChannel.allowDomain; _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); trace("Waiting for MochiAds services to connect..."); } static function initComChannels() { if (!_connected) { _sendChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"handshakeDone"}); _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"registerGame", id:_id, clip:_clip, version:getVersion()}); _rcvChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; _rcvChannel.onReceive = function (pkg) { var _local5 = pkg.callbackID; var _local4 = this._callbacks[_local5]; if (!_local4) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = _local4.callbackMethod; var _local3 = _local4.callbackObject; if (_local3 && (typeof(_local2) == "string")) { _local2 = _local3[_local2]; } if (_local2 != undefined) { _local2.apply(_local3, pkg.args); } delete this._callbacks[_local5]; }; _rcvChannel.onError = function () { mochi.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ["IOError"]); }; _rcvChannel.connect(_rcvChannelName); trace("connected!"); _connecting = false; _connected = true; _listenChannel.close(); while (_sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", _sendChannel._queue.shift()); } } } static function flush(error) { var _local1; var _local2; while (_sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { _local1 = _sendChannel._queue.shift(); if (_local1.callbackID != null) { _local2 = _rcvChannel._callbacks[_local1.callbackID]; } delete _rcvChannel._callbacks[_local1.callbackID]; if (error) { handleError(_local1.args, _local2.callbackObject, _local2.callbackMethod); } } } static function handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (args != null) { if (args.onError != null) { args.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); } } if (callbackMethod != null) { args = {}; args.error = true; args.errorCode = "NotConnected"; if ((callbackObject != null) && (typeof(callbackMethod) == "string")) { callbackObject[callbackMethod](args); } else if (callbackMethod != null) { callbackMethod.apply(args); } } } static function send(methodName, args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (_connected) { _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:methodName, args:args, callbackID:_rcvChannel._nextcallbackID}); } else { if ((_clip == undefined) || (!_connecting)) { onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod); flush(true); return(undefined); } _sendChannel._queue.push({methodName:methodName, args:args, callbackID:_rcvChannel._nextcallbackID}); } _rcvChannel._callbacks[_rcvChannel._nextcallbackID] = {callbackObject:callbackObject, callbackMethod:callbackMethod}; _rcvChannel._nextcallbackID++; } static var _gatewayURL = ""; static var _listenChannelName = "__mochiservices"; static var _connecting = false; static var _connected = false; }
Symbol 413 MovieClip [__Packages.MochiAd] Frame 0
class MochiAd { function MochiAd () { } static function getVersion() { return("2.5"); } static function showPreGameAd(options) { var _local26 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:3000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showPreloaderAd", color:16747008, background:16777161, outline:13994812, no_progress_bar:false, ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_skipped:function () { }, ad_progress:function (percent) { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local26); if ("c862232051e0a94e1c3609b3916ddb17".substr(0) == "dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def") { options.ad_started(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } var clip = options.clip; var _local22 = 11000; var _local25 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local14 = _getRes(options); var _local4 = _local14[0]; var _local13 = _local14[1]; mc._x = _local4 * 0.5; mc._y = _local13 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk._x = _local4 * -0.5; chk._y = _local13 * -0.5; var _local6 = chk.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_bar", 4); if (options.no_progress_bar) { _local6._visible = false; delete options.no_progress_bar; } else { _local6._x = 10; _local6._y = _local13 - 20; } var _local21 = options.color; delete options.color; var _local19 = options.background; delete options.background; var _local23 = options.outline; delete options.outline; var _local5 = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 1); _local5.beginFill(_local19); _local5.moveTo(0, 0); _local5.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 0); _local5.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 10); _local5.lineTo(0, 10); _local5.lineTo(0, 0); _local5.endFill(); var _local3 = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_inside", 2); _local3.beginFill(_local21); _local3.moveTo(0, 0); _local3.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 0); _local3.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 10); _local3.lineTo(0, 10); _local3.lineTo(0, 0); _local3.endFill(); _local3._xscale = 0; var _local7 = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 3); _local7.lineStyle(0, _local23, 100); _local7.moveTo(0, 0); _local7.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 0); _local7.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 10); _local7.lineTo(0, 10); _local7.lineTo(0, 0); chk.ad_msec = _local22; chk.ad_timeout = _local25; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.last_pcnt = 0; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var _local2 = 100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time)); if (_local2 > 0) { this._parent._alpha = _local2; } else { var _local3 = this._parent._parent; MochiAd.unload(_local3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = function (lc_name) { mc._containerLCName = lc_name; }; var sendHostProgress = false; = function (lc_name) { sendHostProgress = true; }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var _local2 =; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = msec; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local6 = this._parent._parent; var _local11 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local5 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local3 = false; var _local4 = _local6.getBytesTotal(); var _local8 = _local6.getBytesLoaded(); var _local2 = (100 * _local8) / _local4; var _local10 = (100 * _local5) / chk.ad_msec; var _local9 = this._mochiad_bar._inside; var _local13 = Math.min(100, Math.min(_local2 || 0, _local10)); _local13 = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, _local13); this.last_pcnt = _local13; _local9._xscale = _local13; options.ad_progress(_local13); if (sendHostProgress) {, "notify", {id:"hostLoadPcnt", pcnt:_local2}); if (_local2 == 100) { sendHostProgress = false; } } if (!chk.showing) { var _local7 = _local11.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local7 > 0) || (typeof(_local7) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if ((_local5 > chk.ad_timeout) && (_local2 == 100)) { options.ad_failed(); _local3 = true; } } if (_local5 > chk.ad_msec) { _local3 = true; } if (((_local4 > 0) && (_local8 >= _local4)) && (_local3)) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showClickAwayAd(options) { var _local9 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showClickAwayAd", res:"300x250", no_bg:true, ad_started:function () { }, ad_finished:function () { }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_skipped:function () { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local9); var clip = options.clip; var _local8 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local4 = _getRes(options); var _local10 = _local4[0]; var _local7 = _local4[1]; mc._x = _local10 * 0.5; mc._y = _local7 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_timeout = _local8; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (callbackID, arg) { MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; var _local20 = false; = function (lc_name) { mc._containerLCName = lc_name; }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local4 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local2 = false; if (!chk.showing) { var _local3 = _local5.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local3 > 0) || (typeof(_local3) == "undefined")) { _local2 = true; chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (_local4 > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); _local2 = true; } } if (_local2) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } static function showInterLevelAd(options) { var _local13 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showTimedAd", ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_skipped:function () { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local13); var clip = options.clip; var _local10 = 11000; var _local12 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local5 = _getRes(options); var _local14 = _local5[0]; var _local11 = _local5[1]; mc._x = _local14 * 0.5; mc._y = _local11 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_msec = _local10; chk.ad_timeout = _local12; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var _local2 = 100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time)); if (_local2 > 0) { this._parent._alpha = _local2; } else { var _local3 = this._parent._parent; MochiAd.unload(_local3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var _local2 =; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = msec - 250; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local4 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local2 = false; if (!chk.showing) { var _local3 = _local5.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local3 > 0) || (typeof(_local3) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (_local4 > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); _local2 = true; } } if (_local4 > chk.ad_msec) { _local2 = true; } if (_local2) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showPreloaderAd(options) { trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showPreloaderAd was renamed to showPreGameAd in 2.0"); showPreGameAd(options); } static function showTimedAd(options) { trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showTimedAd was renamed to showInterLevelAd in 2.0"); showInterLevelAd(options); } static function _allowDomains(server) { var _local1 = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if ( { if ( {"*");; } if ( {"*");; } } return(_local1); } static function load(options) { var _local13 = {clip:_root, server:"", method:"load", depth:10333, id:"_UNKNOWN_"}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local13); options.swfv = options.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6; options.mav = getVersion(); var _local9 = options.clip; if (!_isNetworkAvailable()) { return(null); } if (_local9._mochiad_loaded) { return(null); } var _local12 = options.depth; delete options.depth; var _local6 = _local9.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad", _local12); var _local11 = _getRes(options); options.res = (_local11[0] + "x") + _local11[1]; options.server = options.server +; delete; _local9._mochiad_loaded = true; var _local4 = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_ctr", 1); for (var _local7 in options) { _local4[_local7] = options[_local7]; } var _local10 = _local4.server; delete _local4.server; var _local14 = _allowDomains(_local10); _local6.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._mochiad_ctr._url != this._url) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this._mochiad_ctr) { delete this.onEnterFrame; MochiAd.unload(this._parent); } }; } }; var _local5 = new LocalConnection(); var _local8 = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), random(999999)].join("_"); = _local6; = _local8; _local5.hostname = _local14; _local5.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _local5.allowInsecureDomain = _local5.allowDomain; _local5.connect(_local8); = _local5; = _local8; = getTimer(); _local4.loadMovie(_local10 + ".swf", "POST"); return(_local6); } static function unload(clip) { if (typeof(clip) == "undefined") { clip = _root; } if (clip.clip && (clip.clip._mochiad)) { clip = clip.clip; } if (!clip._mochiad) { return(false); } if (clip._mochiad._containerLCName != undefined) {, "notify", {id:"unload"}); } clip._mochiad.removeMovieClip(); delete clip._mochiad_loaded; delete clip._mochiad; return(true); } static function _isNetworkAvailable() { if ( { var _local1 =; if (_local1.sandboxType == "localWithFile") { return(false); } } return(true); } static function _getRes(options) { var _local3 = options.clip.getBounds(); var _local2 = 0; var _local1 = 0; if (typeof(options.res) != "undefined") { var _local4 = options.res.split("x"); _local2 = parseFloat(_local4[0]); _local1 = parseFloat(_local4[1]); } else { _local2 = _local3.xMax - _local3.xMin; _local1 = _local3.yMax - _local3.yMin; } if ((_local2 == 0) || (_local1 == 0)) { _local2 = Stage.width; _local1 = Stage.height; } return([_local2, _local1]); } static function _parseOptions(options, defaults) { var _local4 = {}; for (var _local8 in defaults) { _local4[_local8] = defaults[_local8]; } if (options) { for (var _local8 in options) { _local4[_local8] = options[_local8]; } } if (_root.mochiad_options) { var _local5 = _root.mochiad_options.split("&"); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local5.length) { var _local3 = _local5[_local2].split("="); _local4[unescape(_local3[0])] = unescape(_local3[1]); _local2++; } } if ( == "test") { trace("[MochiAd] WARNING: Using the MochiAds test identifier, make sure to use the code from your dashboard, not this example!"); } return(_local4); } static function rpc(clip, callbackID, arg) { switch ( { case "setValue" : setValue(clip, arg.objectName, arg.value); break; case "getValue" : var _local4 = getValue(clip, arg.objectName);, "rpcResult", callbackID, _local4); break; case "runMethod" : var _local3 = runMethod(clip, arg.method, arg.args);, "rpcResult", callbackID, _local3); break; default : trace("[mochiads rpc] unknown rpc id: " +; } } static function setValue(base, objectName, value) { var _local2 = objectName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } base[_local2[_local1]] = value; } static function getValue(base, objectName) { var _local2 = objectName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } return(base[_local2[_local1]]); } static function runMethod(base, methodName, argsArray) { var _local2 = methodName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } if (typeof(base[_local2[_local1]]) == "function") { return(base[_local2[_local1]].apply(base, argsArray)); } return(undefined); } }
Symbol 414 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.MochiScores] Frame 0
class mochi.MochiScores { static var boardID, onClose, onError; function MochiScores () { } static function setBoardID(boardID) { mochi.MochiScores.boardID = boardID; mochi.MochiServices.send("scores_setBoardID", {boardID:boardID}); } static function showLeaderboard(options) { if (options.clip != null) { if ((options.clip != mochi.MochiServices.__get__clip()) || (mochi.MochiServices.__get__childClip()._target == undefined)) { mochi.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.MochiServices.connect(mochi.MochiServices.__get__id(), options.clip); } delete options.clip; } if ( != null) { if (typeof( == "object") { if ( != undefined) { =; } } } if (options.score != null) { if (typeof(options.score) == "object") { if (options.score.text != undefined) { options.score = options.score.text; } } } if (options.onDisplay != null) { options.onDisplay(); } else { mochi.MochiServices.__get__clip().stop(); } if (options.onClose != null) { onClose = options.onClose; } else { onClose = function () { mochi.MochiServices.__get__clip().play(); }; } if (options.onError != null) { onError = options.onError; } else { onError = onClose; } if (options.boardID == null) { if (boardID != null) { options.boardID = boardID; } } mochi.MochiServices.send("scores_showLeaderboard", {options:options}, null, doClose); } static function closeLeaderboard() { mochi.MochiServices.send("scores_closeLeaderboard"); } static function getPlayerInfo(callbackObj, callbackMethod) { mochi.MochiServices.send("scores_getPlayerInfo", null, callbackObj, callbackMethod); } static function submit(score, name, callbackObj, callbackMethod) { mochi.MochiServices.send("scores_submit", {score:score, name:name}, callbackObj, callbackMethod); } static function requestList(callbackObj, callbackMethod) { mochi.MochiServices.send("scores_requestList", null, callbackObj, callbackMethod); } static function scoresArrayToObjects(scores) { var _local5 = {}; var _local1; var _local4; var _local2; var _local6; for (var _local8 in scores) { if (typeof(scores[_local8]) == "object") { if ((scores[_local8].cols != null) && (scores[_local8].rows != null)) { _local5[_local8] = []; _local2 = scores[_local8]; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2.rows.length) { _local6 = {}; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2.cols.length) { _local6[_local2.cols[_local1]] = _local2.rows[_local4][_local1]; _local1++; } _local5[_local8].push(_local6); _local4++; } } else { _local5[_local8] = {}; for (var _local7 in scores[_local8]) { _local5[_local8][_local7] = scores[_local8][_local7]; } } } else { _local5[_local8] = scores[_local8]; } } return(_local5); } static function doClose(args) { if (args.error == true) { if (args.errorCode == undefined) { args.errorCode = "IOError"; } onError.apply(null, [args.errorCode]); } else { onClose.apply(); } } }
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 130;
Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 75
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 260;
Symbol 49 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 47 MovieClip in Symbol 49 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var newAlpha = true; var randomAlpha = 0; var timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (newAlpha == true) { randomAlpha = int(Math.random() * 70); _alpha = randomAlpha; newAlpha = false; } if (newAlpha == false) { _alpha = (_alpha - 0.5); if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } if (_alpha == 0) { if (timer < 80) { timer++; } } } if (timer >= 80) { newAlpha = true; timer = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 49 MovieClip in Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var touchingLeft = false; var touchingRight = false; var touchingUp = false; var touchingDown = false; var wallsOnSet = false; var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!_parent.tutorialBlock) == true) { if (_root.loading == false) { if ((((touchingLeft == true) || (touchingRight == true)) || (touchingUp == true)) || (touchingDown == true)) { if (_root.lightBeam.siteBarOn == false) { if (_root.moveSpeed == 0) { _root.playerVariable.innerPlayer.gotoAndStop(2); } _root.canMoveLeft = false; _root.canMoveRight = false; _root.canMoveUp = false; _root.canMoveDown = false; } else { _root.wallsOn = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.lightBeam.beamA) || (this.hitTest(_root.lightBeam.beamB))) { if (_root.lightBeam.siteBarOn == true) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } } else { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_root.playerVariable.hitTest(((_x + _parent._parent._x) + _parent._x) - 10, (_y + _parent._parent._y) + _parent._y, true)) { touchingLeft = true; if (_root.lightBeam.siteBarOn == true) { wallsOnSet = true; } else { _root.wallsOn = false; wallsOnSet = true; } } else { touchingLeft = false; } if (_root.playerVariable.hitTest(((_x + _parent._parent._x) + _parent._x) + 10, (_y + _parent._parent._y) + _parent._y, true)) { touchingRight = true; if (_root.lightBeam.siteBarOn == true) { wallsOnSet = true; } else { _root.wallsOn = false; wallsOnSet = true; } } else { touchingRight = false; } if (_root.playerVariable.hitTest((_x + _parent._parent._x) + _parent._x, ((_y + _parent._parent._y) + _parent._y) - 10, true)) { touchingUp = true; if (_root.lightBeam.siteBarOn == true) { wallsOnSet = true; } else { _root.wallsOn = false; wallsOnSet = true; } } else { touchingUp = false; } if (_root.playerVariable.hitTest((_x + _parent._parent._x) + _parent._x, ((_y + _parent._parent._y) + _parent._y) + 10, true)) { touchingDown = true; if (_root.lightBeam.siteBarOn == true) { wallsOnSet = true; } else { _root.wallsOn = false; wallsOnSet = true; } } else { touchingDown = false; } if (wallsOnSet == true) { if (touchingLeft == false) { if (touchingRight == false) { if (touchingUp == false) { if (touchingDown == false) { _root.wallsOn = true; wallsOnSet = false; } } } } } } } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); _root.sound3.start(0, 1);
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); _root.sound3.start(0, 1);
Symbol 60 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 60 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); _root.sound3.start(0, 1);
Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); _root.sound3.start(0, 1);
Symbol 66 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 66 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); _root.sound3.start(0, 1);
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 74 Button
on (release) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.startButton)) { _root.destination = 50; _root.loading = false; } if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.challenges)) { _root.destination = 147; _root.loading = false; } if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.viewHighScores)) { gotoAndPlay (215); } if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.playMoreGames)) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.extras)) { _root.destination = 40; _root.loading = false; } } }
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 92 Button
on (release) { if (_root.fullComplete == true) { _root.rBlock1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rBlock2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.raveMode = false; } }
Symbol 96 Button
on (release) { _root.blockColor = 0; }
Symbol 97 Button
on (release) { _root.blockColor = 1; }
Symbol 98 Button
on (release) { _root.blockColor = 2; }
Symbol 99 Button
on (release) { _root.blockColor = 3; }
Symbol 100 Button
on (release) { _root.blockColor = 4; }
Symbol 101 Button
on (release) { _root.blockColor = 5; }
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 103 MovieClip in Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 113 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 118 Button
on (press) { if (_quality == "HIGH") { _quality = "MEDIUM"; } else if (_quality == "MEDIUM") { _quality = "LOW"; } else if (_quality == "LOW") { _quality = "HIGH"; } }
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 125 MovieClip in Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.modeNumber == 103) { gotoAndStop (1); } else { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Symbol 127 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay(28); }
Symbol 131 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay(228); }
Symbol 136 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 139 Button
on (release) { _root.dataReset = true; _root.dataResetText._x = 363; }
Symbol 147 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 152 Button
on (release) { _root.tutorialMode = false; _root.tutorial = false;; }
Symbol 155 Button
on (release) { _root.tutorialMode = true; _root.tutorial = true;; }
Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip in Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var raveColor = 0; var colorSet = false; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); gotoAndStop(_root.blockColor + 1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((colorSet == true) && (_root.colorTime == 2)) { colorSet = false; } if (_root.colorTime == 0) { if (colorSet == false) { if (_root.solidRave == true) { gotoAndStop(_root.blockColor + 1); colorSet = true; } else { raveColor = int(Math.random() * 5); gotoAndStop(raveColor + 2); colorSet = true; } } } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y > startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var startingX = 0; var startingY = 0; startingX = _x; startingY = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { mX =; mY =; _x = (_x + ((mX - _x) / 20)); _y = (_y + ((mY - _y) / 20)); if (Math.abs(mX - _x) < 1) { _alpha = int(Math.random() * 100); _x = startingX; _y = startingY; } }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Symbol 165 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } if (_root.levelComplete == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 10); } }
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 166 MovieClip in Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.voidDeath = true; _alpha = (_alpha-1); if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } if (_alpha == 0) { _root.dead = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 167 MovieClip "innerPlayer" in Symbol 168 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } if (_root.levelComplete == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 10); } }
Symbol 182 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Symbol 183 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop( + 1); if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } }
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip in Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _rotation = (_rotation - 7); }
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip in Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _rotation = (_rotation + 7); }
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 190 Button
on (release) { backbutton.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.tutorialNext == true) { nextFrame(); _parent.gotoAndStop(undefined); } }
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 193 Button
on (release) { _root.tutorialNext = true; nextButton.gotoAndStop(1); if (_currentframe == 2) { backbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_currentframe > 1) { prevFrame(); _parent.gotoAndStop(undefined); } }
Symbol 196 Button
on (release) { _root.tutorial = false; }
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent.orb._alpha = 0;
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 30
_parent.orb._alpha = 0;
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 54
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 60
_parent.orb._alpha = 0;
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 84
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var pointsAdded = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!_parent._parent.tutorialOrb) == true) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (_root.levelComplete == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true) && (pointsAdded == false)) { _root.levelScore = _root.levelScore + _parent._parent.pointValue; _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore + _parent._parent.pointValue; if (_parent._parent.pointValue == 10) { gotoAndPlay (2); } if (_parent._parent.pointValue == 30) { gotoAndPlay (30); } if (_parent._parent.pointValue == 50) { gotoAndPlay (60); } _root.sound4.start(0, 1); pointsAdded = true; } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 211 MovieClip "orb" in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); } if (_xscale > scaleOutMax) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = false; } } }
Instance of Symbol 212 MovieClip in Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } if (_root.levelComplete == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 10); } }
Instance of Symbol 218 MovieClip in Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _rotation = (_rotation + 5); if ((!_parent._parent.tutorialOuchie) == true) { if (_root.levelComplete == false) { if (_root.loading == false) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC))) { _root.dead = true; } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _rotation = (_rotation - 10); }
Instance of Symbol 221 MovieClip in Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } if (_root.levelComplete == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 10); } }
Instance of Symbol 226 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 1) { _width = (_width - 0.1); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 4) { _width = (_width + 0.2); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 226 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 1) { _width = (_width - 0.1); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 4) { _width = (_width + 0.2); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 228 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!_parent._parent.tutorialGate) == true) { if (_root.levelComplete == false) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (_parent._parent.gateSwitchVariable == false) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.playerA._x, _root.playerA._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerB._x, _root.playerB._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.playerC._x, _root.playerC._y, true))) { _root.dead = true; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var gettingSmaller = false; var startingX = 0; startingX = _x; var movingLeft = false; var color = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (gettingSmaller == true) { if (_width > 0.8) { _height = (_height - 0.05); _width = (_width - 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = false; } } if (gettingSmaller == false) { if (_width < 2) { _height = (_height + 0.05); _width = (_width + 0.05); } else { gettingSmaller = true; } } if (movingLeft == false) { if (_x > (startingX + 4)) { _x = (_x + 0.1); } else { movingLeft = true; } } if (movingLeft == true) { if (_x > startingX) { _x = (_x - 0.1); } else { movingLeft = false; } } if (_y > -2) { _y = (_y - 0.2); } else { _y = 14; } color = int(Math.random() * 100); if (color == 20) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (color == 30) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Symbol 230 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } if (_root.levelComplete == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 10); } }
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.engaged == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip in Symbol 236 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } if (_root.levelComplete == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 10); } }
Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip in Symbol 243 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var xWidth = 0; xWidth = _width; var yHeight = 0; yHeight = _height; var animationVariable = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (_width > 0.5) { _width = (_width - animationVariable); } if (_height > 0.5) { _height = (_height - animationVariable); } else { _width = xWidth; _height = yHeight; } } }
Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip in Symbol 243 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var xWidth = 0; xWidth = _width; var yHeight = 0; yHeight = _height; var animationVariable = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width > 0.5) { _width = (_width - animationVariable); } if (_height > 0.5) { _height = (_height - animationVariable); } else { _width = xWidth; _height = yHeight; } }
Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip in Symbol 243 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var xWidth = 0; xWidth = _width; var yHeight = 0; yHeight = _height; var animationVariable = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width > 0.5) { _width = (_width - animationVariable); } if (_height > 0.5) { _height = (_height - animationVariable); } else { _width = xWidth; _height = yHeight; } }
Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip in Symbol 243 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var xWidth = 0; xWidth = _width; var yHeight = 0; yHeight = _height; var animationVariable = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width > 0.5) { _width = (_width - animationVariable); } if (_height > 0.5) { _height = (_height - animationVariable); } else { _width = xWidth; _height = yHeight; } }
Instance of Symbol 243 MovieClip in Symbol 244 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } if (_root.levelComplete == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 10); } }
Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 211 MovieClip "orb" in Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var scaleRate = 0; var scaleInMax = 3; var scalingOut = false; var scaleOutMax = 100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (scalingOut == false) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale - scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale - scaleRate); } if ((_xscale < 50) && (scalingOut == false)) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = true; } if (scalingOut == true) { scaleRate = scaleRate + 0.1; _xscale = (_xscale + scaleRate); _yscale = (_yscale + scaleRate); } if (_xscale > scaleOutMax) { scaleRate = 0; scalingOut = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 247 MovieClip in Symbol 248 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!_parent.tutorialOrb) == true) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (this.hitTest(_root.playerVariable._x, _root.playerVariable._y, true)) { if (_root.orbLevel == true) { _root.orbs = _root.orbs - 1; } = 100; gotoAndStop (2); } } } if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } if (_root.levelComplete == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 10); } }
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "backbutton" in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_currentframe == 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Instance of Symbol 128 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor)) { _alpha = 50; } else { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 128 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor)) { _alpha = 50; } else { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 128 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.cursor)) { _alpha = 50; } else { _alpha = 0; } }
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root.currentLevel > 2) { _root.tutorialNext = true; } else { _root.tutorialNext = false; nextButton.gotoAndStop(2); }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { var tutorialOrb = true; var pointValue = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { var tutorialOrb = true; var pointValue = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { var tutorialOrb = true; var pointValue = 50; }
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 6
if (_root.currentLevel > 5) { _root.tutorialNext = true; } else { _root.tutorialNext = false; nextButton.gotoAndStop(2); }
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { var tutorialOuchie = true; }
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 8
if (_root.currentLevel > 9) { _root.tutorialNext = true; } else { _root.tutorialNext = false; nextButton.gotoAndStop(2); }
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { var tutorialGate = true; var gateSwitchVariable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.gateSwitchX.engaged == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); gateSwitchVariable = true; } else { gateSwitchVariable = false; _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gateSwitchX" in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { var engaged = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.tutorialBlock)) { engaged = true; } else { engaged = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 168 MovieClip "tutorialBlock" in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { var Xposition = 0; Xposition = _x; var wait = 100; var waiting = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((waiting == false) && (_x == Xposition)) { wait--; } if (wait < 0) { wait = 0; } if (wait > 100) { wait = 100; } if (wait == 0) { _x = (_x + 5); } if (_x > -124.5) { _x = -124.5; waiting = true; } if (waiting == true) { wait++; } if (wait == 100) { waiting = false; } if ((wait == 100) && (_x > Xposition)) { _x = (_x - 5); } if (_x < Xposition) { _x = Xposition; } }
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 9
if (_root.currentLevel > 12) { _root.tutorialNext = true; } else { _root.tutorialNext = false; nextButton.gotoAndStop(2); }
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root.currentLevel < 16) { _root.tutorialNext = false; nextButton.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.tutorialNext = true; }
Instance of Symbol 50 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) { var tutorialBlock = false; }
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.tutorialNext = false; nextButton.gotoAndStop(2);
Instance of Symbol 248 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { var tutorialOrb = true; }
Symbol 251 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 251 MovieClip in Symbol 252 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.totalScore > 199) { gotoAndStop (1); } else { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Symbol 253 Button
on (release) { if (_root.totalScore > 199) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (_root.levelJustSkipped == false) { _root.totalScore = _root.totalScore - 300; _root.levelSkipped = true; _root.levelComplete = true; _root.levelJustSkipped = true; if (((((_root.currentLevel == 2) || (_root.currentLevel == 5)) || (_root.currentLevel == 9)) || (_root.currentLevel == 12)) || (_root.currentLevel == 16)) { _root.firstTime = true; } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip in Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; var fadeIn = true; var wait = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (fadeIn == true) { _alpha = (_alpha + 1); } if ((_alpha > 30) && (wait > 60)) { fadeIn = false; wait = 120; } if (fadeIn == false) { _alpha = (_alpha - 1); } if ((_alpha < 1) && (wait < 1)) { fadeIn = true; } if (_alpha > 30) { wait++; } if (_alpha < 1) { wait--; } }
Symbol 258 Button
on (release) { _root.helpMenu._x = 265; }
Symbol 268 Button
on (release) { _root.masterMusicVolume = 30; _root.music1.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); _root.music2.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); _root.music3.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); _root.music4.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); mBoxA.gotoAndStop(2); mBoxB.gotoAndStop(1); mBoxC.gotoAndStop(1); mBoxD.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 269 Button
on (release) { _root.masterMusicVolume = 80; _root.music1.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); _root.music2.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); _root.music3.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); _root.music4.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); mBoxA.gotoAndStop(1); mBoxB.gotoAndStop(2); mBoxC.gotoAndStop(1); mBoxD.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 270 Button
on (release) { _root.masterMusicVolume = 140; _root.music1.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); _root.music2.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); _root.music3.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); _root.music4.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); mBoxA.gotoAndStop(1); mBoxB.gotoAndStop(1); mBoxC.gotoAndStop(2); mBoxD.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 271 Button
on (release) { _root.masterMusicVolume = 0; _root.music1.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); _root.music2.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); _root.music3.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); _root.music4.setVolume(_root.masterMusicVolume); mBoxA.gotoAndStop(1); mBoxB.gotoAndStop(1); mBoxC.gotoAndStop(1); mBoxD.gotoAndStop(2); }
Symbol 272 Button
on (release) { tBoxA.gotoAndStop(2); tBoxB.gotoAndStop(1); tBoxC.gotoAndStop(1); tBoxD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.music1.stop(); _root.music2.stop(); _root.music3.stop(); _root.music4.stop(); _root.music1.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 273 Button
on (release) { tBoxA.gotoAndStop(1); tBoxB.gotoAndStop(2); tBoxC.gotoAndStop(1); tBoxD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.music1.stop(); _root.music2.stop(); _root.music3.stop(); _root.music4.stop(); _root.music2.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 274 Button
on (release) { tBoxA.gotoAndStop(1); tBoxB.gotoAndStop(1); tBoxC.gotoAndStop(2); tBoxD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.music1.stop(); _root.music2.stop(); _root.music3.stop(); _root.music4.stop(); _root.music3.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 275 Button
on (release) { tBoxA.gotoAndStop(1); tBoxB.gotoAndStop(1); tBoxC.gotoAndStop(1); tBoxD.gotoAndStop(2); _root.music1.stop(); _root.music2.stop(); _root.music3.stop(); _root.music4.stop(); _root.music4.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 279 Button
on (release) { _root.masterSoundVolume = 30; _root.sound1.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound2.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound3.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound4.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound5.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound6.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound7.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound8.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound9.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); sBoxA.gotoAndStop(2); sBoxB.gotoAndStop(1); sBoxC.gotoAndStop(1); sBoxD.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 280 Button
on (release) { _root.masterSoundVolume = 80; _root.sound1.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound2.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound3.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound4.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound5.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound6.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound7.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound8.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound9.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); sBoxA.gotoAndStop(1); sBoxB.gotoAndStop(2); sBoxC.gotoAndStop(1); sBoxD.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 281 Button
on (release) { _root.masterSoundVolume = 140; _root.sound1.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound2.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound3.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound4.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound5.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound6.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound7.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound8.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound9.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); sBoxA.gotoAndStop(1); sBoxB.gotoAndStop(1); sBoxC.gotoAndStop(2); sBoxD.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 282 Button
on (release) { _root.masterSoundVolume = 0; _root.sound1.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound2.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound3.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound4.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound5.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound6.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound7.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound8.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); _root.sound9.setVolume(_root.masterSoundVolume); sBoxA.gotoAndStop(1); sBoxB.gotoAndStop(1); sBoxC.gotoAndStop(1); sBoxD.gotoAndStop(2); }
Symbol 288 Button
on (release) { if (_root.modeNumber == 103) { _root.loading = true; _root.orbLevel = false; _root.timedLevel = false; _root.destination = 0; _root.currentLevel = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay(25); } }
Symbol 290 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 290 MovieClip in Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.modeNumber == 153) { gotoAndStop (1); } else { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Symbol 292 Button
on (release) { if (_root.modeNumber == 153) { _root.loading = true; _root.orbLevel = false; _root.timedLevel = false; _root.destination = 0; _root.currentLevel = 0; stopAllSounds(); _root.music1.start(0, 1); _root.gotoAndPlay(147); } }
Symbol 295 Button
on (release) { _root.tutorial = true; }
Symbol 298 Button
on (release) { _root.helpMenu._x = -20; }
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip "sBoxA" in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.masterSoundVolume == 30) { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip "sBoxB" in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if ((_root.masterSoundVolume == 100) || (_root.masterSoundVolume == 80)) { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip "sBoxC" in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.masterSoundVolume == 140) { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip "mBoxB" in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip "tBoxA" in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.randomMusic == 0) { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip "tBoxB" in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.randomMusic == 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip "tBoxC" in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.randomMusic == 2) { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Symbol 308 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var startingY = 0; var vel_y = 0; startingY = _y; var inPosition = false; _y = (_y - (500 + int(Math.random() * 700))); color = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (inPosition == false) { vel_y++; if (_y < startingY) { _y = (_y + vel_y); } } if (_y >= startingY) { _y = startingY; inPosition = true; } if (vel_y >= 25) { vel_y = 25; } if (_root.levelComplete == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 10); } }
Symbol 322 Button
on (release) { if (_root.loading == false) { if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.c1)) { _root.destination = 155; _root.loading = false; } if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.c2)) { _root.destination = 157; _root.loading = false; } if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.c3)) { _root.destination = 159; _root.loading = false; } if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.c4)) { _root.destination = 161; _root.loading = false; } if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.c5)) { _root.destination = 163; _root.loading = false; } if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.c6)) { _root.destination = 165; _root.loading = false; } if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.c7)) { _root.destination = 167; _root.loading = false; } if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.c8)) { _root.destination = 169; _root.loading = false; } if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.c9)) { _root.destination = 171; _root.loading = false; } if (_root.menuBar.hitTest(_root.c10)) { _root.destination = 173; _root.loading = false; } }; }
Symbol 325 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 328 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 334 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 340 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 349 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 352 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 355 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 385 Button
on (release) { _root.firstTimeComplete = false; = false; savefile.flush(); _root.gotoAndPlay(222); }
Symbol 388 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds();; }
Symbol 396 Button
on (release) { = gameComplete; savefile.flush();; }

Library Items

Symbol 412 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.MochiServices]
Symbol 413 MovieClip [__Packages.MochiAd]
Symbol 414 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.MochiScores]
Symbol 1 BitmapUsed by:2 133
Symbol 2 GraphicUses:1Used by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClipUses:2Used by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 5 BitmapUsed by:6
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Symbol 243 MovieClipUses:238 240 242Used by:244
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Symbol 256 MovieClipUses:255Used by:258
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Symbol 262 TextUses:119Used by:300
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Symbol 272 ButtonUses:91 81 80Used by:300
Symbol 273 ButtonUses:91 81 80Used by:300
Symbol 274 ButtonUses:91 81 80Used by:300
Symbol 275 ButtonUses:91 81 80Used by:300
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Symbol 277 TextUses:119Used by:300
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Symbol 285 TextUses:93Used by:300
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Symbol 293 TextUses:93Used by:294 295
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Symbol 296 TextUses:93Used by:297 298
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Symbol 299 TextUses:148Used by:300  Timeline
Symbol 300 MovieClipUses:259 82 260 261 262 105 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 253 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 118 120 288 292 295 298 299Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 302 MovieClipUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 303 MovieClipUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 304 MovieClipUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 305 MovieClipUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 306 MovieClipUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 307 MovieClipUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 308 MovieClipUses:229Used by:Timeline
Symbol 309 MovieClipUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 310 MovieClipUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 311 MovieClipUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 312 MovieClipUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 313 MovieClipUses:159 50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 314 MovieClipUses:159 50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 315 MovieClipUses:159 50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 316 MovieClipUses:159 50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 317 MovieClipUses:159 50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 318 MovieClipUses:159 50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 319 MovieClipUses:159 50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 320 MovieClipUses:159 50Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 365 EditableTextUses:172Used by:Timeline
Symbol 366 EditableTextUses:172Used by:Timeline
Symbol 367 EditableTextUses:172Used by:Timeline
Symbol 368 EditableTextUses:172Used by:Timeline
Symbol 369 EditableTextUses:172Used by:Timeline
Symbol 370 EditableTextUses:172Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 372 MovieClipUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 373 MovieClipUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 374 MovieClipUses:159 50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 375 MovieClipUses:248Used by:Timeline
Symbol 376 MovieClipUses:159 50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 377 MovieClipUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 378 MovieClipUses:159 50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 379 MovieClipUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 380 MovieClipUses:159 50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 381 TextUses:119Used by:382
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Symbol 383 TextUses:119Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 386 TextUses:142Used by:387
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Symbol 388 ButtonUses:146 122 80 145Used by:Timeline
Symbol 389 TextUses:51Used by:Timeline
Symbol 390 TextUses:51Used by:Timeline
Symbol 391 TextUses:51Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 393 EditableTextUses:51Used by:Timeline
Symbol 394 TextUses:93Used by:395 396
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Symbol 398 Sound [soundB]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 399 Sound [soundC]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 400 Sound [soundD]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 401 Sound [soundE]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 402 Sound [soundF]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 403 Sound [soundG]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 404 Sound [soundH]Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 406 Sound [voiceA]Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 408 Sound [musicA]Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 410 Sound [musicC]Used by:Timeline
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Instance Names

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"rBlock4"Frame 45Symbol 105 MovieClip
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"cursor"Frame 197Symbol 76 MovieClip
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"beamB"Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 44 MovieClip
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 210Symbol 405 as "soundI"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 210Symbol 406 as "voiceA"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 210Symbol 407 as "voiceB"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 210Symbol 408 as "musicA"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 210Symbol 409 as "musicB"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 210Symbol 410 as "musicC"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 211Symbol 411 as "musicD"

Dynamic Text Variables

totalScoreSymbol 173 EditableText""
currentLevelSymbol 177 EditableText" "
currentLevelSymbol 367 EditableText" "
orbsSymbol 368 EditableText""
timerSymbol 369 EditableText""
totalDeathsSymbol 392 EditableText"<p align="right"></p>"
totalScoreSymbol 393 EditableText"<p align="right"></p>"
Created: 2/5 -2019 07:04:43 Last modified: 2/5 -2019 07:04:43 Server time: 03/01 -2025 02:06:47