Frame 1
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) {
var x;
var g;
var s;
var fv;
var sb;
var u;
var res;
var mb;
var mbc;
mb = "__mochibot__";
mbc = "";
g = (_global ? (_global) : (_level0._root));
if (g[mb + swfid]) {
return(g[mb + swfid]);
s =;
x = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
fv = (x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : ((_global ? 6 : 5)));
if (!s) {
s = {};
sb = s.sandboxType;
if (sb == "localWithFile") {
x = s.allowDomain;
if (x) {
x = s.allowInsecureDomain;
if (x) {
u = (((((((((((("http://" + mbc) + "/my/core.swf?mv=7&fv=") + fv) + "&v=") + escape(getVersion())) + "&swfid=") + escape(swfid)) + "&l=") + lv) + "&f=") + mc) + (sb ? ("&sb=" + sb) : "")) + (trk ? "&t=1" : "");
lv = ((fv > 6) ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : ((g[mb + "level"] ? (g[mb + "level"] + 1) : (lv))));
g[mb + "level"] = lv;
if (fv == 5) {
res = "_level" + lv;
if (!eval (res)) {
loadMovieNum (u, lv);
} else {
res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv);
__com_mochibot__("2d94aff7", this, 10301, true);
Frame 2;
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root._framesloaded == _root._totalframes) {
Frame 3
timer = 0;
item1go = false;
item2go = false;
item3go = false;
comet1 = false;
comet2 = false;
comet3 = false;
comet4 = false;
comet5 = false;
comet6 = false;
comet7 = false;
comet8 = false;
comet9 = false;
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "timer" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
timetown = 0;
mini = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.timer = timetown;
if (mini == 25) {
mini = 0;
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root.rolf._x;
this._y = _root.rolf._y;
aimDifx = _root._xmouse - _root.rolf._x;
aimDify = _root._ymouse - _root.rolf._y;
aimAngle = Math.atan2(aimDify, aimDifx);
aimAngle = (aimAngle / Math.PI) * 180;
this._rotation = aimAngle + 90;
Instance of Symbol 36 MovieClip "planet" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
mass = 150;
sizediff = 0;
sizespeed = 0;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
sizediff = ((mass * 2) - this._width) / 10;
sizespeed = sizespeed + sizediff;
sizespeed = sizespeed * 0.8;
this._width = this._width + sizespeed;
this._height = this._width;
if (Key.isDown(17)) {
this._width = this._width - 1;
this._height = this._height - 1;
if (mass <= 65) {;
} else {
if (mass <= 30) {
Instance of Symbol 38 MovieClip "rolf" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
mrotation = 180;
active = true;
friction = 0.85;
speed = 0;
xjumpspeed = 0;
yjumpspeed = 0;
jump = false;
jumpheight = 60;
attract = jumpheight;
count = 1;
leftallow = true;
rightallow = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
mrotation = mrotation + _root.vars.speed;
if (mrotation > 360) {
mrotation = 0;
if (mrotation < 0) {
mrotation = 360;
accel = (1 - ((_root.planet._width / 1000) + 0.33)) * 1.3;
if (accel <= 0.12) {
accel = 0.12;
this._rotation = mrotation - 180;
dist = _root.planet._width / 2;
if (Key.isDown(65) && (leftallow == true)) {
left = true;
facedir = 1;
} else {
left = false;
if (Key.isDown(68) && (rightallow == true)) {
right = true;
facedir = 2;
} else {
right = false;
if (active) {
if (left) {
if (jump == false) {
if (jump == true) {
speed = speed - (accel / 2);
rightallow = false;
} else {
speed = speed - accel;
rightallow = true;
if (right) {
if (jump == false) {
if (jump == true) {
speed = speed + (accel / 2);
leftallow = false;
} else {
speed = speed + accel;
leftallow = true;
speed = speed * friction;
mrotation = mrotation + speed;
delta_x = this._x - _root.planet._x;
delta_y = this._y - _root.planet._y;
dx = dist * Math.sin((mrotation * Math.PI) / 180);
dy = dist * Math.cos((mrotation * Math.PI) / 180);
this._x = this._x + ((_root.planet._x - this._x) - dx);
this._y = this._y + ((_root.planet._y - this._y) + dy);
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "bullet" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_name != "bullet") {
mass = 0.1;
xspeed = _root._xmouse - _root.rolf._x;
yspeed = _root._ymouse - _root.rolf._y;
gunHeight = 6;
gunPoint = _root.rolf._rotation;
angle = ((gunPoint / 360) * 2) * Math.PI;
xComponent = gunHeight * Math.sin(angle);
yComponent = gunHeight * Math.cos(angle);
this._x = xComponent + _root.rolf._x;
this._y = (-yComponent) + _root.rolf._y;
thingyjoe = (xspeed * xspeed) + (yspeed * yspeed);
thingyjoe = Math.sqrt(thingyjoe);
if ((_root.rolf.mrotation < 90) || (_root.rolf.mrotation > 270)) {
_root.vars.speed = _root.vars.speed + (xspeed / 1000);
} else {
_root.vars.speed = _root.vars.speed - (xspeed / 1000);
if (_root.rolf.mrotation > 180) {
_root.vars.speed = _root.vars.speed - (yspeed / 1000);
} else {
_root.vars.speed = _root.vars.speed + (yspeed / 1000);
collisionision_angle = 0;
magnitude_1 = 0;
magnitude_2 = 0;
direction_1 = 0;
direction_2 = 0;
new_xspeed_1 = 0;
new_yspeed_1 = 0;
new_xspeed_2 = 0;
new_yspeed_2 = 0;
final_xspeed_1 = 0;
final_xspeed_2 = 0;
final_yspeed_1 = 0;
final_yspeed_2 = 0;
go = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planet.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) && (go >= 2)) {
if (_name != "bullet") {
if (_root.item.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
_root.planet.mass = _root.planet.mass + 20;;
if (_root.item2.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
_root.planet.mass = _root.planet.mass - 20;
if (_root.item4.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
if (_root.thingy.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
dx = _root.thingy._x - this._x;
dy = _root.thingy._y - this._y;
collisionision_angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
magnitude_1 = Math.sqrt((_root.thingy.xspeed * _root.thingy.xspeed) + (_root.thingy.yspeed * _root.thingy.yspeed));
magnitude_2 = Math.sqrt((xspeed * xspeed) + (yspeed * yspeed));
direction_1 = Math.atan2(_root.thingy.yspeed, _root.thingy.xspeed);
direction_2 = Math.atan2(yspeed, xspeed);
new_xspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.cos(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.sin(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_xspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.cos(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.sin(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
final_xspeed_1 = (((_root.thingy.mass - mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass + mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy.mass + mass);
final_xspeed_2 = (((_root.thingy.mass + _root.thingy.mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass - _root.thingy.mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy.mass + mass);
final_yspeed_1 = new_yspeed_1;
final_yspeed_2 = new_yspeed_2;
_root.thingy.xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
_root.thingy.yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
if (_root.thingy2.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
dx = _root.thingy2._x - this._x;
dy = _root.thingy2._y - this._y;
collisionision_angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
magnitude_1 = Math.sqrt((_root.thingy2.xspeed * _root.thingy2.xspeed) + (_root.thingy2.yspeed * _root.thingy2.yspeed));
magnitude_2 = Math.sqrt((xspeed * xspeed) + (yspeed * yspeed));
direction_1 = Math.atan2(_root.thingy2.yspeed, _root.thingy2.xspeed);
direction_2 = Math.atan2(yspeed, xspeed);
new_xspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.cos(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.sin(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_xspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.cos(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.sin(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
final_xspeed_1 = (((_root.thingy2.mass - mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass + mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy2.mass + mass);
final_xspeed_2 = (((_root.thingy2.mass + _root.thingy2.mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass - _root.thingy2.mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy2.mass + mass);
final_yspeed_1 = new_yspeed_1;
final_yspeed_2 = new_yspeed_2;
_root.thingy2.xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
_root.thingy2.yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
if (_root.thingy3.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
dx = _root.thingy3._x - this._x;
dy = _root.thingy3._y - this._y;
collisionision_angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
magnitude_1 = Math.sqrt((_root.thingy3.xspeed * _root.thingy3.xspeed) + (_root.thingy3.yspeed * _root.thingy3.yspeed));
magnitude_2 = Math.sqrt((xspeed * xspeed) + (yspeed * yspeed));
direction_1 = Math.atan2(_root.thingy3.yspeed, _root.thingy3.xspeed);
direction_2 = Math.atan2(yspeed, xspeed);
new_xspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.cos(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.sin(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_xspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.cos(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.sin(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
final_xspeed_1 = (((_root.thingy3.mass - mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass + mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy3.mass + mass);
final_xspeed_2 = (((_root.thingy3.mass + _root.thingy3.mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass - _root.thingy3.mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy3.mass + mass);
final_yspeed_1 = new_yspeed_1;
final_yspeed_2 = new_yspeed_2;
_root.thingy3.xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
_root.thingy3.yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
if (_root.thingy4.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
dx = _root.thingy4._x - this._x;
dy = _root.thingy4._y - this._y;
collisionision_angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
magnitude_1 = Math.sqrt((_root.thingy4.xspeed * _root.thingy4.xspeed) + (_root.thingy4.yspeed * _root.thingy4.yspeed));
magnitude_2 = Math.sqrt((xspeed * xspeed) + (yspeed * yspeed));
direction_1 = Math.atan2(_root.thingy4.yspeed, _root.thingy4.xspeed);
direction_2 = Math.atan2(yspeed, xspeed);
new_xspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.cos(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.sin(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_xspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.cos(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.sin(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
final_xspeed_1 = (((_root.thingy4.mass - mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass + mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy4.mass + mass);
final_xspeed_2 = (((_root.thingy4.mass + _root.thingy4.mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass - _root.thingy4.mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy4.mass + mass);
final_yspeed_1 = new_yspeed_1;
final_yspeed_2 = new_yspeed_2;
_root.thingy4.xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
_root.thingy4.yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
if (_root.thingy5.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
dx = _root.thingy5._x - this._x;
dy = _root.thingy5._y - this._y;
collisionision_angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
magnitude_1 = Math.sqrt((_root.thingy5.xspeed * _root.thingy5.xspeed) + (_root.thingy5.yspeed * _root.thingy5.yspeed));
magnitude_2 = Math.sqrt((xspeed * xspeed) + (yspeed * yspeed));
direction_1 = Math.atan2(_root.thingy5.yspeed, _root.thingy5.xspeed);
direction_2 = Math.atan2(yspeed, xspeed);
new_xspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.cos(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.sin(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_xspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.cos(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.sin(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
final_xspeed_1 = (((_root.thingy5.mass - mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass + mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy5.mass + mass);
final_xspeed_2 = (((_root.thingy5.mass + _root.thingy5.mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass - _root.thingy5.mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy5.mass + mass);
final_yspeed_1 = new_yspeed_1;
final_yspeed_2 = new_yspeed_2;
_root.thingy5.xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
_root.thingy5.yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
if (_root.thingy6.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
dx = _root.thingy6._x - this._x;
dy = _root.thingy6._y - this._y;
collisionision_angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
magnitude_1 = Math.sqrt((_root.thingy6.xspeed * _root.thingy6.xspeed) + (_root.thingy6.yspeed * _root.thingy6.yspeed));
magnitude_2 = Math.sqrt((xspeed * xspeed) + (yspeed * yspeed));
direction_1 = Math.atan2(_root.thingy6.yspeed, _root.thingy6.xspeed);
direction_2 = Math.atan2(yspeed, xspeed);
new_xspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.cos(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.sin(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_xspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.cos(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.sin(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
final_xspeed_1 = (((_root.thingy6.mass - mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass + mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy6.mass + mass);
final_xspeed_2 = (((_root.thingy6.mass + _root.thingy6.mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass - _root.thingy6.mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy6.mass + mass);
final_yspeed_1 = new_yspeed_1;
final_yspeed_2 = new_yspeed_2;
_root.thingy6.xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
_root.thingy6.yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
if (_root.thingy7.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
dx = _root.thingy7._x - this._x;
dy = _root.thingy7._y - this._y;
collisionision_angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
magnitude_1 = Math.sqrt((_root.thingy7.xspeed * _root.thingy7.xspeed) + (_root.thingy7.yspeed * _root.thingy7.yspeed));
magnitude_2 = Math.sqrt((xspeed * xspeed) + (yspeed * yspeed));
direction_1 = Math.atan2(_root.thingy7.yspeed, _root.thingy7.xspeed);
direction_2 = Math.atan2(yspeed, xspeed);
new_xspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.cos(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.sin(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_xspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.cos(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.sin(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
final_xspeed_1 = (((_root.thingy7.mass - mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass + mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy7.mass + mass);
final_xspeed_2 = (((_root.thingy7.mass + _root.thingy7.mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass - _root.thingy7.mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy7.mass + mass);
final_yspeed_1 = new_yspeed_1;
final_yspeed_2 = new_yspeed_2;
_root.thingy7.xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
_root.thingy7.yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
if (_root.thingy8.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
dx = _root.thingy8._x - this._x;
dy = _root.thingy8._y - this._y;
collisionision_angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
magnitude_1 = Math.sqrt((_root.thingy8.xspeed * _root.thingy8.xspeed) + (_root.thingy8.yspeed * _root.thingy8.yspeed));
magnitude_2 = Math.sqrt((xspeed * xspeed) + (yspeed * yspeed));
direction_1 = Math.atan2(_root.thingy8.yspeed, _root.thingy8.xspeed);
direction_2 = Math.atan2(yspeed, xspeed);
new_xspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.cos(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.sin(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_xspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.cos(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.sin(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
final_xspeed_1 = (((_root.thingy8.mass - mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass + mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy8.mass + mass);
final_xspeed_2 = (((_root.thingy8.mass + _root.thingy8.mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass - _root.thingy8.mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy8.mass + mass);
final_yspeed_1 = new_yspeed_1;
final_yspeed_2 = new_yspeed_2;
_root.thingy8.xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
_root.thingy8.yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
if (_root.thingy9.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
dx = _root.thingy9._x - this._x;
dy = _root.thingy9._y - this._y;
collisionision_angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
magnitude_1 = Math.sqrt((_root.thingy9.xspeed * _root.thingy9.xspeed) + (_root.thingy9.yspeed * _root.thingy9.yspeed));
magnitude_2 = Math.sqrt((xspeed * xspeed) + (yspeed * yspeed));
direction_1 = Math.atan2(_root.thingy9.yspeed, _root.thingy9.xspeed);
direction_2 = Math.atan2(yspeed, xspeed);
new_xspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.cos(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_1 = magnitude_1 * Math.sin(direction_1 - collisionision_angle);
new_xspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.cos(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
new_yspeed_2 = magnitude_2 * Math.sin(direction_2 - collisionision_angle);
final_xspeed_1 = (((_root.thingy9.mass - mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass + mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy9.mass + mass);
final_xspeed_2 = (((_root.thingy9.mass + _root.thingy9.mass) * new_xspeed_1) + ((mass - _root.thingy9.mass) * new_xspeed_2)) / (_root.thingy9.mass + mass);
final_yspeed_1 = new_yspeed_1;
final_yspeed_2 = new_yspeed_2;
_root.thingy9.xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
_root.thingy9.yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_1) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_1);
xspeed = (Math.cos(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.cos(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
yspeed = (Math.sin(collisionision_angle) * final_xspeed_2) + (Math.sin(collisionision_angle + (Math.PI/2)) * final_yspeed_2);
if ((((this._x > ( + ( / 2))) || (this._x < ( - ( / 2)))) || (this._y < ( - ( / 2)))) || (this._y > ( + ( / 2)))) {
this._x = this._x + (xspeed / 10);
this._y = this._y + (yspeed / 10);
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip "thingy" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
function resetme() {
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 500;
yspeed = dy / 500;
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dxr = 0;
dyr = 0;
distrolf = 0;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 1000;
yspeed = dy / 1000;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dothis = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.comet1 == true) {
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
dxr = _root.rolf._x - this._x;
dyr = _root.rolf._y - this._y;
distrolf = (dxr * dxr) + (dyr * dyr);
distrolf = Math.sqrt(distrolf);
if (dist > ( * 2)) {
if (dist < ((_root.planet._width / 2) + (this._width / 2))) {
_root.planet.mass = _root.planet.mass - (mass / 10);;
_root.lastx = this._x;
_root.lasty = this._y;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray, "poop" + random(243423), random(344465575) + 1000);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray2, "poop" + random(2434323), random(344465575) + 100450);
_root.lastx = this._x;
_root.lasty = this._y;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray, "poop" + random(243423), random(344465575) + 1000);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray2, "poop" + random(2434323), random(344465575) + 100450);
if (distrolf < (15 + (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
Instance of Symbol 47 MovieClip "item" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
function startover() {
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dxr = 0;
dyr = 0;
distrolf = 0;
xspeed = dx / 500;
yspeed = dy / 500;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dothis = false;
mass = 20;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
dxr = _root.rolf._x - this._x;
dyr = _root.rolf._y - this._y;
distrolf = (dxr * dxr) + (dyr * dyr);
distrolf = Math.sqrt(distrolf);
if (dist < ((_root.planet._width / 2) + (this._width / 2))) {
if (distrolf < (15 + (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
Instance of Symbol 50 MovieClip "vars" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
poop = 0;
speed = 0;
fric = 0.95;
accel = 0;
count = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speed = speed * fric;
thingy = random(1000);
if (thingy == 1) {
_root.item1go = true;
if (thingy == 2) {
_root.item2go = true;
if (thingy == 3) {
_root.item3go = true;
if (thingy == 4) {
_root.item4go = true;
if (thingy == 4) {
poop = random(3);
if (count >= 1) {
_root.comet1 = true;
if (count >= 50) {
_root.comet2 = true;
if (count >= 100) {
_root.comet3 = true;
if (count >= 400) {
_root.comet4 = true;
if (count >= 700) {
_root.comet5 = true;
if (count >= 1000) {
_root.comet6 = true;
if (count >= 1200) {
_root.comet7 = true;
if (count >= 1400) {
_root.comet8 = true;
if (count >= 1000) {
_root.comet9 = true;
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip "thingy2" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
function resetme() {
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 500;
yspeed = dy / 500;
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dxr = 0;
dyr = 0;
distrolf = 0;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 1000;
yspeed = dy / 1000;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dothis = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.comet2 == true) {
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
dxr = _root.rolf._x - this._x;
dyr = _root.rolf._y - this._y;
distrolf = (dxr * dxr) + (dyr * dyr);
distrolf = Math.sqrt(distrolf);
if (dist > ( * 2)) {
if (dist < ((_root.planet._width / 2) + (this._width / 2))) {
_root.planet.mass = _root.planet.mass - (mass / 10);;
_root.lastx = this._x;
_root.lasty = this._y;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray, "poop" + random(243423), random(344465575) + 1000);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray2, "poop" + random(2434323), random(344465575) + 100450);
if (distrolf < (15 + (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip "thingy3" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
function resetme() {
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 500;
yspeed = dy / 500;
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dxr = 0;
dyr = 0;
distrolf = 0;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 1000;
yspeed = dy / 1000;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dothis = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.comet3 == true) {
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
dxr = _root.rolf._x - this._x;
dyr = _root.rolf._y - this._y;
distrolf = (dxr * dxr) + (dyr * dyr);
distrolf = Math.sqrt(distrolf);
if (dist > ( * 2)) {
if (dist < ((_root.planet._width / 2) + (this._width / 2))) {
_root.planet.mass = _root.planet.mass - (mass / 10);;
_root.lastx = this._x;
_root.lasty = this._y;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray, "poop" + random(243423), random(344465575) + 1000);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray2, "poop" + random(2434323), random(344465575) + 100450);
if (distrolf < (15 + (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip "planetgraphic" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root.planet._x;
this._y = _root.planet._y;
this._rotation = this._rotation + _root.vars.speed;
if (_width != _root.planet._width) {
oldrot = this._rotation;
this._rotation = 0;
this._width = _root.planet._width;
this._height = _root.planet._height;
this._rotation = oldrot;
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip "thingy4" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
function resetme() {
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 500;
yspeed = dy / 500;
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dxr = 0;
dyr = 0;
distrolf = 0;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 1000;
yspeed = dy / 1000;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dothis = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.comet4 == true) {
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
dxr = _root.rolf._x - this._x;
dyr = _root.rolf._y - this._y;
distrolf = (dxr * dxr) + (dyr * dyr);
distrolf = Math.sqrt(distrolf);
if (dist > ( * 2)) {
if (dist < ((_root.planet._width / 2) + (this._width / 2))) {
_root.planet.mass = _root.planet.mass - (mass / 10);;
_root.lastx = this._x;
_root.lasty = this._y;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray, "poop" + random(243423), random(344465575) + 1000);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray2, "poop" + random(2434323), random(344465575) + 100450);
if (distrolf < (15 + (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip "thingy6" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
function resetme() {
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 500;
yspeed = dy / 500;
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dxr = 0;
dyr = 0;
distrolf = 0;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 1000;
yspeed = dy / 1000;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dothis = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.comet6 == true) {
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
dxr = _root.rolf._x - this._x;
dyr = _root.rolf._y - this._y;
distrolf = (dxr * dxr) + (dyr * dyr);
distrolf = Math.sqrt(distrolf);
if (dist > ( * 2)) {
if (dist < ((_root.planet._width / 2) + (this._width / 2))) {
_root.planet.mass = _root.planet.mass - (mass / 10);;
_root.lastx = this._x;
_root.lasty = this._y;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray, "poop" + random(243423), random(344465575) + 1000);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray2, "poop" + random(2434323), random(344465575) + 100450);
if (distrolf < (15 + (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip "thingy5" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
function resetme() {
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 500;
yspeed = dy / 500;
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dxr = 0;
dyr = 0;
distrolf = 0;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 1000;
yspeed = dy / 1000;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dothis = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.comet5 == true) {
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
dxr = _root.rolf._x - this._x;
dyr = _root.rolf._y - this._y;
distrolf = (dxr * dxr) + (dyr * dyr);
distrolf = Math.sqrt(distrolf);
if (dist > ( * 2)) {
if (dist < ((_root.planet._width / 2) + (this._width / 2))) {
_root.planet.mass = _root.planet.mass - (mass / 10);;
_root.lastx = this._x;
_root.lasty = this._y;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray, "poop" + random(243423), random(344465575) + 1000);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray2, "poop" + random(2434323), random(344465575) + 100450);
if (distrolf < (15 + (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip "thingy7" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
function resetme() {
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 500;
yspeed = dy / 500;
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dxr = 0;
dyr = 0;
distrolf = 0;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 1000;
yspeed = dy / 1000;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dothis = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.comet7 == true) {
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
dxr = _root.rolf._x - this._x;
dyr = _root.rolf._y - this._y;
distrolf = (dxr * dxr) + (dyr * dyr);
distrolf = Math.sqrt(distrolf);
if (dist > ( * 2)) {
if (dist < ((_root.planet._width / 2) + (this._width / 2))) {
_root.planet.mass = _root.planet.mass - (mass / 10);;
_root.lastx = this._x;
_root.lasty = this._y;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray, "poop" + random(243423), random(344465575) + 1000);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray2, "poop" + random(2434323), random(344465575) + 100450);
if (distrolf < (15 + (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
Instance of Symbol 55 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = 0;
yspeed = 0;
shotCount = 0;
shotTimer = 0;
shotInterval = 2.5;
fire = false;
_root.onMouseDown = function () {
fire = true;
_root.onMouseUp = function () {
fire = false;
onClipEvent (load) {
function __f_mouseUp(eventObj) {
fire = false;
this.addEventListener("mouseUp", __f_mouseUp);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((fire == true) && (shotTimer <= 0)) {
shotCount = shotCount + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.bullet, "bullet" + shotCount, (shotCount % 100) + 1100);
shotTimer = shotInterval;
shotTimer = shotTimer - 1;
this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 57 MovieClip "item2" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
function startover() {
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dxr = 0;
dyr = 0;
distrolf = 0;
xspeed = dx / 500;
yspeed = dy / 500;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dothis = false;
mass = 20;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
dxr = _root.rolf._x - this._x;
dyr = _root.rolf._y - this._y;
distrolf = (dxr * dxr) + (dyr * dyr);
distrolf = Math.sqrt(distrolf);
if (dist < ((_root.planet._width / 2) + (this._width / 2))) {
if (distrolf < (15 + (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip "thingy8" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
function resetme() {
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 500;
yspeed = dy / 500;
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dxr = 0;
dyr = 0;
distrolf = 0;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 1000;
yspeed = dy / 1000;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dothis = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.comet8 == true) {
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
dxr = _root.rolf._x - this._x;
dyr = _root.rolf._y - this._y;
distrolf = (dxr * dxr) + (dyr * dyr);
distrolf = Math.sqrt(distrolf);
if (dist > ( * 2)) {
if (dist < ((_root.planet._width / 2) + (this._width / 2))) {
_root.planet.mass = _root.planet.mass - (mass / 10);;
_root.lastx = this._x;
_root.lasty = this._y;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray, "poop" + random(243423), random(344465575) + 1000);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray2, "poop" + random(2434323), random(344465575) + 100450);
if (distrolf < (15 + (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip "thingy9" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
function resetme() {
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 500;
yspeed = dy / 500;
mass = random(200) + 20;
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dxr = 0;
dyr = 0;
distrolf = 0;
this._width = mass;
this._height = mass;
xspeed = dx / 1000;
yspeed = dy / 1000;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dothis = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.comet9 == true) {
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
dxr = _root.rolf._x - this._x;
dyr = _root.rolf._y - this._y;
distrolf = (dxr * dxr) + (dyr * dyr);
distrolf = Math.sqrt(distrolf);
if (dist > ( * 2)) {
if (dist < ((_root.planet._width / 2) + (this._width / 2))) {
_root.planet.mass = _root.planet.mass - (mass / 10);;
_root.lastx = this._x;
_root.lasty = this._y;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray, "poop" + random(243423), random(344465575) + 1000);
duplicateMovieClip (_root.light_ray2, "poop" + random(2434323), random(344465575) + 100450);
if (distrolf < (15 + (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
Instance of Symbol 59 MovieClip "item4" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
function startover() {
maxradius = (random( * 2) + ( / 1.5)) + mass;
distangle = random(360);
this._x = _root.planet._x + (Math.cos(distangle) * maxradius);
this._y = _root.planet._y + (Math.sin(distangle) * maxradius);
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dxr = 0;
dyr = 0;
distrolf = 0;
xspeed = dx / 500;
yspeed = dy / 500;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dothis = false;
mass = 20;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
dx = _root.planet._x - this._x;
dy = _root.planet._y - this._y;
dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
dxr = _root.rolf._x - this._x;
dyr = _root.rolf._y - this._y;
distrolf = (dxr * dxr) + (dyr * dyr);
distrolf = Math.sqrt(distrolf);
if (dist < ((_root.planet._width / 2) + (this._width / 2))) {
if (distrolf < (15 + (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip "light_ray" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
if (_name == "light_ray") {
} else {
this._x = _root.lastx;
this._y = _root.lasty;
this._rotation = random(360);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name == "light_ray") {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
this._alpha = 60;
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip "light_ray2" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
if (_name == "light_ray2") {
} else {
this._x = _root.lastx;
this._y = _root.lasty;
this._rotation = random(360);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name == "light_ray2") {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
this._alpha = 60;
Instance of Symbol 87 MovieClip "camera" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Frame 4;
_root.kongregateStats.submit("Time", _root.timer);
Frame 5;
_root.kongregateStats.submit("Time", _root.timer);
Symbol 19 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 28 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 45 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 38
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 374
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 1
function camControl() {
var _local4 = sX / this._width;
var _local3 = sY / this._height;
_parent._x = cX - (this._x * _local4);
_parent._y = cY - (this._y * _local3);
_parent._xscale = 100 * _local4;
_parent._yscale = 100 * _local3;
function resetStage() {
var _local2 = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
_parent._xscale = 100;
_parent._yscale = 100;
_parent._x = 0;
_parent._y = 0;
this._visible = false;
var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode;
Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit";
var cX = (Stage.width / 2);
var cY = (Stage.height / 2);
var sX = Stage.width;
var sY = Stage.height;
Stage.scaleMode = oldMode;
var camColor = new Color(this);
var parentColor = new Color(_parent);
this.onEnterFrame = camControl;
this.onUnload = resetStage;
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 93 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 110 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 114 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");