Frame 1
loadedbytes = getBytesLoaded();
totalbytes = getBytesTotal();
percentbytes = int(loadedbytes / (totalbytes / 100));
Frame 2
if (loadedbytes == totalbytes) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 3
Frame 4
fscommand ("showmenu", "false");
fscommand ("trapallkeys", "true");
score = 0;
sounds = new Sound();
sounds.start(0, 9999);
function bubbles() {
if (st == false) {
if (fps > 0) {
} else {
_root.attachMovie("bb", "bb" + nm, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Math.random() * 360, _y:400});
_root["bb" + nm]._width = Math.random(1) * 50;
_root["bb" + nm]._height = _root["bb" + nm]._width;
fps = 3;
fps = 13;
nm = 0;
st = false;
_root._quality = "low";
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Frame 5
st = true;
Frame 13
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((_root.bacteria_lifes < 0) && (_root.bacteria.gameover == false)) {
_root.HPScoreService.postScore(score, "");
_root.loading_level = true;
_root.bacteria.gameover = true;
function safelyRemoveClip(mc) {
var _local1 = mc._parent.getInstanceAtDepth(0);
if (_local1 != undefined) {
number_cells = 0;
number_cells_catched = 0;
number_bigcells = 0;
number_bigcells_catched = 0;
number_passivezoo = 0;
number_passivezoo_killed = 0;
bacteria_lifes = 4;
loading_level = true;
pauses = false;
red = new Object();
red.ra = 100;
red.rb = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0;
red.aa = 100;
red.ab = 0;
normal = new Object();
normal.ra = 100;
normal.rb = 0; = 100; = 0; = 100; = 0;
normal.aa = 100;
normal.ab = 0;
a = 0;
b = 2;
h = 1;
d = 1;
st = true;
bubbles2 = new Sound();
bubbles2.start(0, 99999);
bubbles3 = new Sound();
bubbles3.start(0, 99999);
cellhit = new Sound();
cellhit2 = new Sound();
cellhit3 = new Sound();
curehit = new Sound();
deathcell = new Sound();
deathcell2 = new Sound();
myNewMovieClip2 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("soundanchor2", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
sound1 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound2 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound3 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound4 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound5 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound6 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound7 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound8 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound9 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound10 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound11 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound12 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound13 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound14 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound15 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound16 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound17 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound18 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
sound23 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip2);
_root.score2.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
myNewMovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("soundanchor1", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
level1 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip);
level2 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip);
level3 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip);
level4 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip);
level5 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip);
level6 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip);
level7 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip);
level8 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip);
level9 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip);
level10 = new Sound(myNewMovieClip);
level1.start(0, 99999);
level = 1;
reload = false;
_root.bacteria.cacheAsBitmap = true;
MovieClip.prototype._brightness = function (amount) {
var _local3 = new Color(this);
myColorTransform = {ra:100 - Math.abs(amount), rb:2.55 * ((amount > 0) ? (amount) : 0), ga:100 - Math.abs(amount), gb:2.55 * ((amount > 0) ? (amount) : 0), ba:100 - Math.abs(amount), bb:2.55 * ((amount > 0) ? (amount) : 0)};
Instance of Symbol 232 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
_x = ((-_root._x) + 180);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 120);
Instance of Symbol 245 MovieClip "bacteria" in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
grav = 0.5;
grav_freno = 0.01;
frenadoleft = true;
frenadoright = true;
frenadoup = true;
frenadodown = true;
spy = 0;
spx = 0;
fps = 1;
size = 0;
hit_fps = 2;
hit = false;
life = 100;
restore = false;
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
returnspx = 20;
returnspy = 20;
death = false;
fpsreturn = 50;
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
returnrootx = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
returnrooty = (-_y) + 200;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
bosshit = false;
gameover = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
if (restore == false) {
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
((Key.isDown(37) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)(frenadoleft = false)(frenadoright = false)) : (((Key.isDown(39) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)(frenadoright = false)(frenadoleft = false)) : (( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 4)) : (( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx < 0)) ? ((spx = spx + grav_freno)(frenadoleft = true)(frenadoright = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx > 0)) ? ((spx = spx - grav_freno)(frenadoright = true)(frenadoleft = false)) : null);
(((frenadoleft == true) && (spx >= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
(((frenadoright == true) && (spx <= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
((Key.isDown(40) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : (((Key.isDown(38) && (!, _y - (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : ((, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -4)) : ((, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy > 0)) ? ((spy = spy - grav_freno)(frenadodown = true)(frenadoup = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy < 0)) ? ((spy = spy + grav_freno)(frenadoup = true)(frenadodown = false)) : null);
(((frenadoup == true) && (spy >= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
(((frenadodown == true) && (spy <= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
((spx > 4) ? ((spx = 4)) : null);
((spx < -4) ? ((spx = -4)) : null);
((spy > 4) ? ((spy = 4)) : null);
((spy < -4) ? ((spy = -4)) : null);
if ((((spx > 0) || (spx < 0)) || (spy > 0)) || (spy < 0)) {
((fps > -1) ? (fps--) : ((size = Math.random() * 30)i++_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bub" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * -30)) + 20, _y:this._y - (this._width / 2), _width:size, _height:size})(fps = 0)));
if ((hit == true) && (hit_fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
bosshit = false;
hit_fps = 4;
if (restore == false) {
((life <= 0) ? ((life = 0)(restore = true)(death = true)this.gotoAndStop("death")_root.bacteria_lifes--) : null);
if (((restore == true) && (_root.bacteria_lifes >= 0)) && (death == true)) {
if (returnpoint == false) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
if ((_root._x != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) > 20)) {
((_root._x > returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x - returnspx)) : null);
((_root._x < returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x + returnspx)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) < 20) {
_root._x = returnrootx;
xposition = true;
if ((_root._y != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) > 20)) {
((_root._y > returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y - returnspy)) : null);
((_root._y < returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y + returnspy)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) < 20) {
_root._y = returnrooty;
yposition = true;
if ((xposition == true) && (yposition == true)) {
returnpoint = true;
} else {
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
fpsreturn = 50;
restore = false;
life = 100;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
death = false;
((life > 100) ? ((life = 100)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria_lifes < 0) && (gameover == false)) {
_root.HPScoreService.postScore(_root.score, "");
_root.loading_level = true;
gameover = true;
if ((death == false) && (_root.zoobossfemale1.death == false)) {
if (_root.zoobossfemale1.hit == false) {
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((death == false) && (bosshit == false)) {
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((_root.arm1.death == false) && (hit == false)) {
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 251 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _root.bacteria._x;
_y = (_root.bacteria._y + 35);
lifebar._width = / 2;
life_bar = + "%";
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 314 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = ((-_root._x) - 45);
_y = ((-_root._y) - 45);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((-_root._x) - 45);
_y = ((-_root._y) - 45);
this.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Instance of Symbol 418 MovieClip "score2" in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 10);
_y = (-_root._y);
this.lifes = _root.bacteria_lifes; = _root.score;
if (_root.number_cells_catched <= 9) {
cells = "0" + _root.number_cells_catched;
} else if ((_root.number_cells_catched > 9) && (_root.number_cells_catched <= 99)) {
cells = _root.number_cells_catched;
if (_root.number_cells <= 9) {
cells_total = "0" + _root.number_cells;
} else if ((_root.number_cells > 9) && (_root.number_cells <= 99)) {
cells_total = _root.number_cells;
if (_root.number_passivezoo_killed <= 9) {
zoos = "0" + _root.number_passivezoo_killed;
} else if ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed > 9) && (_root.number_passivezoo_killed <= 99)) {
zoos = _root.number_passivezoo_killed;
if (_root.number_passivezoo <= 9) {
zoos_total = "0" + _root.number_passivezoo;
} else if ((_root.number_passivezoo > 9) && (_root.number_passivezoo <= 99)) {
zoos_total = _root.number_passivezoo;
if (_root.number_heart_killed <= 9) {
hearts = "0" + _root.number_heart_killed;
} else if ((_root.number_heart_killed > 9) && (_root.number_heart_killed <= 99)) {
hearts = _root.number_heart_killed;
if (_root.number_heart <= 9) {
hearts_total = "0" + _root.number_heart;
} else if ((_root.number_heart > 9) && (_root.number_heart <= 99)) {
hearts_total = _root.number_heart;
if (_root.number_bigcells_catched <= 9) {
bigcells = "0" + _root.number_bigcells_catched;
} else if ((_root.number_bigcells_catched > 9) && (_root.number_bigcells_catched <= 99)) {
bigcells = _root.number_bigcells_catched;
if (_root.number_bigcells <= 9) {
bigcells_total = "0" + _root.number_bigcells;
} else if ((_root.number_bigcells > 9) && (_root.number_bigcells <= 99)) {
bigcells_total = _root.number_bigcells;
if ((((_root.number_bigcells_catched == _root.number_bigcells) && (_root.number_cells == _root.number_cells_catched)) && (_root.number_passivezoo_killed == _root.number_passivezoo)) && (_root.loading_level == false)) {
_root.bacteria.spx = 0;
_root.bacteria.spy = 0;
_root.bacteria.fps = 1;
_root.bacteria.i = 1;
_root.loading_level = true;
_root.pauses = false;
Instance of Symbol 460 MovieClip "loadinglevel" in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
Frame 14
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
_root.loading_game = true;
pauses = false;
Frame 15
number_cells = 0;
number_cells_catched = 0;
number_bigcells = 0;
number_bigcells_catched = 0;
number_passivezoo = 0;
number_passivezoo_killed = 0;
bubbles2 = new Sound();
bubbles2.start(0, 99999);
bubbles3 = new Sound();
bubbles3.start(0, 99999);
level2.start(0, 99999);
level = 2;
pauses = false;
_root.bacteria.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_root.score2.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
Instance of Symbol 245 MovieClip "bacteria" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
grav = 0.5;
grav_freno = 0.01;
frenadoleft = true;
frenadoright = true;
frenadoup = true;
frenadodown = true;
spy = 0;
spx = 0;
fps = 1;
size = 0;
hit_fps = 2;
hit = false;
life = 100;
restore = false;
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
returnspx = 20;
returnspy = 20;
death = false;
fpsreturn = 50;
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
returnrootx = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
returnrooty = (-_y) + 200;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
bosshit = false;
gameover = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
if (restore == false) {
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
((Key.isDown(37) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)(frenadoleft = false)(frenadoright = false)) : (((Key.isDown(39) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)(frenadoright = false)(frenadoleft = false)) : (( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 4)) : (( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx < 0)) ? ((spx = spx + grav_freno)(frenadoleft = true)(frenadoright = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx > 0)) ? ((spx = spx - grav_freno)(frenadoright = true)(frenadoleft = false)) : null);
(((frenadoleft == true) && (spx >= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
(((frenadoright == true) && (spx <= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
((Key.isDown(40) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : (((Key.isDown(38) && (!, _y - (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : ((, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -4)) : ((, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy > 0)) ? ((spy = spy - grav_freno)(frenadodown = true)(frenadoup = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy < 0)) ? ((spy = spy + grav_freno)(frenadoup = true)(frenadodown = false)) : null);
(((frenadoup == true) && (spy >= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
(((frenadodown == true) && (spy <= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
((spx > 4) ? ((spx = 4)) : null);
((spx < -4) ? ((spx = -4)) : null);
((spy > 4) ? ((spy = 4)) : null);
((spy < -4) ? ((spy = -4)) : null);
if ((((spx > 0) || (spx < 0)) || (spy > 0)) || (spy < 0)) {
((fps > -1) ? (fps--) : ((size = Math.random() * 30)i++_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bub" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * -30)) + 20, _y:this._y - (this._width / 2), _width:size, _height:size})(fps = 0)));
if ((hit == true) && (hit_fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
bosshit = false;
hit_fps = 4;
if (restore == false) {
((life <= 0) ? ((life = 0)(restore = true)(death = true)this.gotoAndStop("death")_root.bacteria_lifes--) : null);
if (((restore == true) && (_root.bacteria_lifes >= 0)) && (death == true)) {
if (returnpoint == false) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
if ((_root._x != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) > 20)) {
((_root._x > returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x - returnspx)) : null);
((_root._x < returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x + returnspx)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) < 20) {
_root._x = returnrootx;
xposition = true;
if ((_root._y != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) > 20)) {
((_root._y > returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y - returnspy)) : null);
((_root._y < returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y + returnspy)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) < 20) {
_root._y = returnrooty;
yposition = true;
if ((xposition == true) && (yposition == true)) {
returnpoint = true;
} else {
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
fpsreturn = 50;
restore = false;
life = 100;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
death = false;
((life > 100) ? ((life = 100)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria_lifes < 0) && (gameover == false)) {
_root.HPScoreService.postScore(_root.score, "");
_root.loading_level = true;
gameover = true;
if ((death == false) && (_root.zoobossfemale1.death == false)) {
if (_root.zoobossfemale1.hit == false) {
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((death == false) && (bosshit == false)) {
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((_root.arm1.death == false) && (hit == false)) {
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 251 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _root.bacteria._x;
_y = (_root.bacteria._y + 35);
lifebar._width = / 2;
life_bar = + "%";
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 476 MovieClip "loadinglevel" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
Frame 16
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
_root.loading_game = true;
pauses = false;
Frame 17
number_cells = 0;
number_cells_catched = 0;
number_bigcells = 0;
number_bigcells_catched = 0;
number_passivezoo = 0;
number_passivezoo_killed = 0;
bubbles2 = new Sound();
bubbles2.start(0, 99999);
bubbles3 = new Sound();
bubbles3.start(0, 99999);
level3.start(0, 99999);
level = 3;
_root.bacteria.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_root.score2.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
pauses = false;
Instance of Symbol 245 MovieClip "bacteria" in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
grav = 0.5;
grav_freno = 0.01;
frenadoleft = true;
frenadoright = true;
frenadoup = true;
frenadodown = true;
spy = 0;
spx = 0;
fps = 1;
size = 0;
hit_fps = 2;
hit = false;
life = 100;
restore = false;
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
returnspx = 20;
returnspy = 20;
death = false;
fpsreturn = 50;
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
returnrootx = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
returnrooty = (-_y) + 200;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
bosshit = false;
gameover = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
if (restore == false) {
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
((Key.isDown(37) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)(frenadoleft = false)(frenadoright = false)) : (((Key.isDown(39) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)(frenadoright = false)(frenadoleft = false)) : (( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 4)) : (( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx < 0)) ? ((spx = spx + grav_freno)(frenadoleft = true)(frenadoright = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx > 0)) ? ((spx = spx - grav_freno)(frenadoright = true)(frenadoleft = false)) : null);
(((frenadoleft == true) && (spx >= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
(((frenadoright == true) && (spx <= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
((Key.isDown(40) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : (((Key.isDown(38) && (!, _y - (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : ((, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -4)) : ((, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy > 0)) ? ((spy = spy - grav_freno)(frenadodown = true)(frenadoup = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy < 0)) ? ((spy = spy + grav_freno)(frenadoup = true)(frenadodown = false)) : null);
(((frenadoup == true) && (spy >= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
(((frenadodown == true) && (spy <= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
((spx > 4) ? ((spx = 4)) : null);
((spx < -4) ? ((spx = -4)) : null);
((spy > 4) ? ((spy = 4)) : null);
((spy < -4) ? ((spy = -4)) : null);
if ((((spx > 0) || (spx < 0)) || (spy > 0)) || (spy < 0)) {
((fps > -1) ? (fps--) : ((size = Math.random() * 30)i++_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bub" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * -30)) + 20, _y:this._y - (this._width / 2), _width:size, _height:size})(fps = 0)));
if ((hit == true) && (hit_fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
bosshit = false;
hit_fps = 4;
if (restore == false) {
((life <= 0) ? ((life = 0)(restore = true)(death = true)this.gotoAndStop("death")_root.bacteria_lifes--) : null);
if (((restore == true) && (_root.bacteria_lifes >= 0)) && (death == true)) {
if (returnpoint == false) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
if ((_root._x != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) > 20)) {
((_root._x > returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x - returnspx)) : null);
((_root._x < returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x + returnspx)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) < 20) {
_root._x = returnrootx;
xposition = true;
if ((_root._y != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) > 20)) {
((_root._y > returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y - returnspy)) : null);
((_root._y < returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y + returnspy)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) < 20) {
_root._y = returnrooty;
yposition = true;
if ((xposition == true) && (yposition == true)) {
returnpoint = true;
} else {
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
fpsreturn = 50;
restore = false;
life = 100;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
death = false;
((life > 100) ? ((life = 100)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria_lifes < 0) && (gameover == false)) {
_root.HPScoreService.postScore(_root.score, "");
_root.loading_level = true;
gameover = true;
if ((death == false) && (_root.zoobossfemale1.death == false)) {
if (_root.zoobossfemale1.hit == false) {
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((death == false) && (bosshit == false)) {
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((_root.arm1.death == false) && (hit == false)) {
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 251 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _root.bacteria._x;
_y = (_root.bacteria._y + 35);
lifebar._width = / 2;
life_bar = + "%";
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
if (_root.bacteria.hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip "zooboss1" in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 499 MovieClip "loadinglevel" in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
Frame 18
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
_root.loading_game = true;
pauses = false;
Frame 19
number_cells = 0;
number_cells_catched = 0;
number_bigcells = 0;
number_bigcells_catched = 0;
number_passivezoo = 0;
number_passivezoo_killed = 0;
bubbles2 = new Sound();
bubbles2.start(0, 99999);
bubbles3 = new Sound();
bubbles3.start(0, 99999);
level4.start(0, 99999);
level = 4;
_root.bacteria.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_root.score2.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
pauses = false;
Instance of Symbol 245 MovieClip "bacteria" in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
grav = 0.5;
grav_freno = 0.01;
frenadoleft = true;
frenadoright = true;
frenadoup = true;
frenadodown = true;
spy = 0;
spx = 0;
fps = 1;
size = 0;
hit_fps = 2;
hit = false;
life = 100;
restore = false;
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
returnspx = 20;
returnspy = 20;
death = false;
fpsreturn = 50;
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
returnrootx = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
returnrooty = (-_y) + 200;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
bosshit = false;
gameover = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
if (restore == false) {
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
((Key.isDown(37) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)(frenadoleft = false)(frenadoright = false)) : (((Key.isDown(39) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)(frenadoright = false)(frenadoleft = false)) : (( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 4)) : (( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx < 0)) ? ((spx = spx + grav_freno)(frenadoleft = true)(frenadoright = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx > 0)) ? ((spx = spx - grav_freno)(frenadoright = true)(frenadoleft = false)) : null);
(((frenadoleft == true) && (spx >= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
(((frenadoright == true) && (spx <= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
((Key.isDown(40) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : (((Key.isDown(38) && (!, _y - (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : ((, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -4)) : ((, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy > 0)) ? ((spy = spy - grav_freno)(frenadodown = true)(frenadoup = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy < 0)) ? ((spy = spy + grav_freno)(frenadoup = true)(frenadodown = false)) : null);
(((frenadoup == true) && (spy >= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
(((frenadodown == true) && (spy <= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
((spx > 4) ? ((spx = 4)) : null);
((spx < -4) ? ((spx = -4)) : null);
((spy > 4) ? ((spy = 4)) : null);
((spy < -4) ? ((spy = -4)) : null);
if ((((spx > 0) || (spx < 0)) || (spy > 0)) || (spy < 0)) {
((fps > -1) ? (fps--) : ((size = Math.random() * 30)i++_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bub" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * -30)) + 20, _y:this._y - (this._width / 2), _width:size, _height:size})(fps = 0)));
if ((hit == true) && (hit_fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
bosshit = false;
hit_fps = 4;
if (restore == false) {
((life <= 0) ? ((life = 0)(restore = true)(death = true)this.gotoAndStop("death")_root.bacteria_lifes--) : null);
if (((restore == true) && (_root.bacteria_lifes >= 0)) && (death == true)) {
if (returnpoint == false) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
if ((_root._x != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) > 20)) {
((_root._x > returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x - returnspx)) : null);
((_root._x < returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x + returnspx)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) < 20) {
_root._x = returnrootx;
xposition = true;
if ((_root._y != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) > 20)) {
((_root._y > returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y - returnspy)) : null);
((_root._y < returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y + returnspy)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) < 20) {
_root._y = returnrooty;
yposition = true;
if ((xposition == true) && (yposition == true)) {
returnpoint = true;
} else {
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
fpsreturn = 50;
restore = false;
life = 100;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
death = false;
((life > 100) ? ((life = 100)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria_lifes < 0) && (gameover == false)) {
_root.HPScoreService.postScore(_root.score, "");
_root.loading_level = true;
gameover = true;
if ((death == false) && (_root.zoobossfemale1.death == false)) {
if (_root.zoobossfemale1.hit == false) {
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((death == false) && (bosshit == false)) {
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((_root.arm1.death == false) && (hit == false)) {
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 251 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _root.bacteria._x;
_y = (_root.bacteria._y + 35);
lifebar._width = / 2;
life_bar = + "%";
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
damage = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (_root.bacteria.death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 503 MovieClip "zoobossfemale1" in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
curelife = 30;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip "zooboss1" in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 513 MovieClip "loadinglevel" in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
Frame 20
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
_root.loading_game = true;
pauses = false;
Frame 21
number_cells = 0;
number_cells_catched = 0;
number_bigcells = 0;
number_bigcells_catched = 0;
number_passivezoo = 0;
number_passivezoo_killed = 0;
bubbles2 = new Sound();
bubbles2.start(0, 99999);
bubbles3 = new Sound();
bubbles3.start(0, 99999);
level5.start(0, 99999);
level = 5;
h = 1;
_root.bacteria.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_root.score2.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
pauses = false;
Instance of Symbol 245 MovieClip "bacteria" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
grav = 0.5;
grav_freno = 0.01;
frenadoleft = true;
frenadoright = true;
frenadoup = true;
frenadodown = true;
spy = 0;
spx = 0;
fps = 1;
size = 0;
hit_fps = 2;
hit = false;
life = 100;
restore = false;
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
returnspx = 20;
returnspy = 20;
death = false;
fpsreturn = 50;
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
returnrootx = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
returnrooty = (-_y) + 200;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
bosshit = false;
gameover = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
if (restore == false) {
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
((Key.isDown(37) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)(frenadoleft = false)(frenadoright = false)) : (((Key.isDown(39) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)(frenadoright = false)(frenadoleft = false)) : (( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 4)) : (( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx < 0)) ? ((spx = spx + grav_freno)(frenadoleft = true)(frenadoright = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx > 0)) ? ((spx = spx - grav_freno)(frenadoright = true)(frenadoleft = false)) : null);
(((frenadoleft == true) && (spx >= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
(((frenadoright == true) && (spx <= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
((Key.isDown(40) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : (((Key.isDown(38) && (!, _y - (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : ((, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -4)) : ((, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy > 0)) ? ((spy = spy - grav_freno)(frenadodown = true)(frenadoup = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy < 0)) ? ((spy = spy + grav_freno)(frenadoup = true)(frenadodown = false)) : null);
(((frenadoup == true) && (spy >= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
(((frenadodown == true) && (spy <= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
((spx > 4) ? ((spx = 4)) : null);
((spx < -4) ? ((spx = -4)) : null);
((spy > 4) ? ((spy = 4)) : null);
((spy < -4) ? ((spy = -4)) : null);
if ((((spx > 0) || (spx < 0)) || (spy > 0)) || (spy < 0)) {
((fps > -1) ? (fps--) : ((size = Math.random() * 30)i++_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bub" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * -30)) + 20, _y:this._y - (this._width / 2), _width:size, _height:size})(fps = 0)));
if ((hit == true) && (hit_fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
bosshit = false;
hit_fps = 4;
if (restore == false) {
((life <= 0) ? ((life = 0)(restore = true)(death = true)this.gotoAndStop("death")_root.bacteria_lifes--) : null);
if (((restore == true) && (_root.bacteria_lifes >= 0)) && (death == true)) {
if (returnpoint == false) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
if ((_root._x != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) > 20)) {
((_root._x > returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x - returnspx)) : null);
((_root._x < returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x + returnspx)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) < 20) {
_root._x = returnrootx;
xposition = true;
if ((_root._y != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) > 20)) {
((_root._y > returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y - returnspy)) : null);
((_root._y < returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y + returnspy)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) < 20) {
_root._y = returnrooty;
yposition = true;
if ((xposition == true) && (yposition == true)) {
returnpoint = true;
} else {
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
fpsreturn = 50;
restore = false;
life = 100;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
death = false;
((life > 100) ? ((life = 100)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria_lifes < 0) && (gameover == false)) {
_root.HPScoreService.postScore(_root.score, "");
_root.loading_level = true;
gameover = true;
if ((death == false) && (_root.zoobossfemale1.death == false)) {
if (_root.zoobossfemale1.hit == false) {
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((death == false) && (bosshit == false)) {
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((_root.arm1.death == false) && (hit == false)) {
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 251 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _root.bacteria._x;
_y = (_root.bacteria._y + 35);
lifebar._width = / 2;
life_bar = + "%";
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 534 MovieClip "loadinglevel" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
Frame 22
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
_root.loading_game = true;
pauses = false;
Frame 23
number_cells = 0;
number_cells_catched = 0;
number_bigcells = 0;
number_bigcells_catched = 0;
number_passivezoo = 0;
number_passivezoo_killed = 0;
bubbles2 = new Sound();
bubbles2.start(0, 99999);
bubbles3 = new Sound();
bubbles3.start(0, 99999);
level6.start(0, 99999);
level = 6;
_root.bacteria.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_root.score2.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
pauses = false;
Instance of Symbol 245 MovieClip "bacteria" in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
grav = 0.5;
grav_freno = 0.01;
frenadoleft = true;
frenadoright = true;
frenadoup = true;
frenadodown = true;
spy = 0;
spx = 0;
fps = 1;
size = 0;
hit_fps = 2;
hit = false;
life = 100;
restore = false;
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
returnspx = 20;
returnspy = 20;
death = false;
fpsreturn = 50;
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
returnrootx = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
returnrooty = (-_y) + 200;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
bosshit = false;
gameover = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
if (restore == false) {
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
((Key.isDown(37) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)(frenadoleft = false)(frenadoright = false)) : (((Key.isDown(39) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)(frenadoright = false)(frenadoleft = false)) : (( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 4)) : (( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx < 0)) ? ((spx = spx + grav_freno)(frenadoleft = true)(frenadoright = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx > 0)) ? ((spx = spx - grav_freno)(frenadoright = true)(frenadoleft = false)) : null);
(((frenadoleft == true) && (spx >= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
(((frenadoright == true) && (spx <= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
((Key.isDown(40) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : (((Key.isDown(38) && (!, _y - (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : ((, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -4)) : ((, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy > 0)) ? ((spy = spy - grav_freno)(frenadodown = true)(frenadoup = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy < 0)) ? ((spy = spy + grav_freno)(frenadoup = true)(frenadodown = false)) : null);
(((frenadoup == true) && (spy >= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
(((frenadodown == true) && (spy <= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
((spx > 4) ? ((spx = 4)) : null);
((spx < -4) ? ((spx = -4)) : null);
((spy > 4) ? ((spy = 4)) : null);
((spy < -4) ? ((spy = -4)) : null);
if ((((spx > 0) || (spx < 0)) || (spy > 0)) || (spy < 0)) {
((fps > -1) ? (fps--) : ((size = Math.random() * 30)i++_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bub" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * -30)) + 20, _y:this._y - (this._width / 2), _width:size, _height:size})(fps = 0)));
if ((hit == true) && (hit_fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
bosshit = false;
hit_fps = 4;
if (restore == false) {
((life <= 0) ? ((life = 0)(restore = true)(death = true)this.gotoAndStop("death")_root.bacteria_lifes--) : null);
if (((restore == true) && (_root.bacteria_lifes >= 0)) && (death == true)) {
if (returnpoint == false) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
if ((_root._x != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) > 20)) {
((_root._x > returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x - returnspx)) : null);
((_root._x < returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x + returnspx)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) < 20) {
_root._x = returnrootx;
xposition = true;
if ((_root._y != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) > 20)) {
((_root._y > returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y - returnspy)) : null);
((_root._y < returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y + returnspy)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) < 20) {
_root._y = returnrooty;
yposition = true;
if ((xposition == true) && (yposition == true)) {
returnpoint = true;
} else {
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
fpsreturn = 50;
restore = false;
life = 100;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
death = false;
((life > 100) ? ((life = 100)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria_lifes < 0) && (gameover == false)) {
_root.HPScoreService.postScore(_root.score, "");
_root.loading_level = true;
gameover = true;
if ((death == false) && (_root.zoobossfemale1.death == false)) {
if (_root.zoobossfemale1.hit == false) {
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((death == false) && (bosshit == false)) {
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((_root.arm1.death == false) && (hit == false)) {
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 251 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _root.bacteria._x;
_y = (_root.bacteria._y + 35);
lifebar._width = / 2;
life_bar = + "%";
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 549 MovieClip "loadinglevel" in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
Frame 24
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
_root.loading_game = true;
pauses = false;
Frame 25
number_cells = 0;
number_cells_catched = 0;
number_bigcells = 0;
number_bigcells_catched = 0;
number_passivezoo = 0;
number_passivezoo_killed = 0;
bubbles2 = new Sound();
bubbles2.start(0, 99999);
bubbles3 = new Sound();
bubbles3.start(0, 99999);
level7.start(0, 99999);
level = 7;
_root.bacteria.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_root.score2.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
pauses = false;
Instance of Symbol 245 MovieClip "bacteria" in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
grav = 0.5;
grav_freno = 0.01;
frenadoleft = true;
frenadoright = true;
frenadoup = true;
frenadodown = true;
spy = 0;
spx = 0;
fps = 1;
size = 0;
hit_fps = 2;
hit = false;
life = 100;
restore = false;
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
returnspx = 20;
returnspy = 20;
death = false;
fpsreturn = 50;
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
returnrootx = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
returnrooty = (-_y) + 200;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
bosshit = false;
gameover = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
if (restore == false) {
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
((Key.isDown(37) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)(frenadoleft = false)(frenadoright = false)) : (((Key.isDown(39) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)(frenadoright = false)(frenadoleft = false)) : (( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 4)) : (( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx < 0)) ? ((spx = spx + grav_freno)(frenadoleft = true)(frenadoright = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx > 0)) ? ((spx = spx - grav_freno)(frenadoright = true)(frenadoleft = false)) : null);
(((frenadoleft == true) && (spx >= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
(((frenadoright == true) && (spx <= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
((Key.isDown(40) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : (((Key.isDown(38) && (!, _y - (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : ((, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -4)) : ((, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy > 0)) ? ((spy = spy - grav_freno)(frenadodown = true)(frenadoup = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy < 0)) ? ((spy = spy + grav_freno)(frenadoup = true)(frenadodown = false)) : null);
(((frenadoup == true) && (spy >= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
(((frenadodown == true) && (spy <= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
((spx > 4) ? ((spx = 4)) : null);
((spx < -4) ? ((spx = -4)) : null);
((spy > 4) ? ((spy = 4)) : null);
((spy < -4) ? ((spy = -4)) : null);
if ((((spx > 0) || (spx < 0)) || (spy > 0)) || (spy < 0)) {
((fps > -1) ? (fps--) : ((size = Math.random() * 30)i++_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bub" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * -30)) + 20, _y:this._y - (this._width / 2), _width:size, _height:size})(fps = 0)));
if ((hit == true) && (hit_fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
bosshit = false;
hit_fps = 4;
if (restore == false) {
((life <= 0) ? ((life = 0)(restore = true)(death = true)this.gotoAndStop("death")_root.bacteria_lifes--) : null);
if (((restore == true) && (_root.bacteria_lifes >= 0)) && (death == true)) {
if (returnpoint == false) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
if ((_root._x != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) > 20)) {
((_root._x > returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x - returnspx)) : null);
((_root._x < returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x + returnspx)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) < 20) {
_root._x = returnrootx;
xposition = true;
if ((_root._y != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) > 20)) {
((_root._y > returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y - returnspy)) : null);
((_root._y < returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y + returnspy)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) < 20) {
_root._y = returnrooty;
yposition = true;
if ((xposition == true) && (yposition == true)) {
returnpoint = true;
} else {
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
fpsreturn = 50;
restore = false;
life = 100;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
death = false;
((life > 100) ? ((life = 100)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria_lifes < 0) && (gameover == false)) {
_root.HPScoreService.postScore(_root.score, "");
_root.loading_level = true;
gameover = true;
if ((death == false) && (_root.zoobossfemale1.death == false)) {
if (_root.zoobossfemale1.hit == false) {
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((death == false) && (bosshit == false)) {
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((_root.arm1.death == false) && (hit == false)) {
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 251 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _root.bacteria._x;
_y = (_root.bacteria._y + 35);
lifebar._width = / 2;
life_bar = + "%";
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
_root.number_passivezoo = _root.number_passivezoo + 1;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
damage = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if (hit == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - damage)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed = _root.number_passivezoo_killed + 1)(curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 577 MovieClip "loadinglevel" in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
Frame 26
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
_root.loading_game = true;
pauses = false;
Frame 27
number_cells = 0;
number_cells_catched = 0;
number_bigcells = 0;
number_bigcells_catched = 0;
number_passivezoo = 0;
number_passivezoo_killed = 0;
number_heart = 0;
number_heart_killed = 0;
death_heart = false;
bubbles2 = new Sound();
bubbles2.start(0, 99999);
bubbles3 = new Sound();
bubbles3.start(0, 99999);
level8.start(0, 99999);
level = 8;
_root.bacteria.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_root.score2.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
pauses = false;
Instance of Symbol 245 MovieClip "bacteria" in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
grav = 0.5;
grav_freno = 0.01;
frenadoleft = true;
frenadoright = true;
frenadoup = true;
frenadodown = true;
spy = 0;
spx = 0;
fps = 1;
size = 0;
hit_fps = 2;
hit = false;
life = 100;
restore = false;
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
returnspx = 20;
returnspy = 20;
death = false;
fpsreturn = 50;
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
returnrootx = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
returnrooty = (-_y) + 200;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
bosshit = false;
gameover = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
if (restore == false) {
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
((Key.isDown(37) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)(frenadoleft = false)(frenadoright = false)) : (((Key.isDown(39) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)(frenadoright = false)(frenadoleft = false)) : (( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 4)) : (( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx < 0)) ? ((spx = spx + grav_freno)(frenadoleft = true)(frenadoright = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx > 0)) ? ((spx = spx - grav_freno)(frenadoright = true)(frenadoleft = false)) : null);
(((frenadoleft == true) && (spx >= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
(((frenadoright == true) && (spx <= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
((Key.isDown(40) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : (((Key.isDown(38) && (!, _y - (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : ((, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -4)) : ((, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy > 0)) ? ((spy = spy - grav_freno)(frenadodown = true)(frenadoup = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy < 0)) ? ((spy = spy + grav_freno)(frenadoup = true)(frenadodown = false)) : null);
(((frenadoup == true) && (spy >= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
(((frenadodown == true) && (spy <= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
((spx > 4) ? ((spx = 4)) : null);
((spx < -4) ? ((spx = -4)) : null);
((spy > 4) ? ((spy = 4)) : null);
((spy < -4) ? ((spy = -4)) : null);
if ((((spx > 0) || (spx < 0)) || (spy > 0)) || (spy < 0)) {
((fps > -1) ? (fps--) : ((size = Math.random() * 30)i++_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bub" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * -30)) + 20, _y:this._y - (this._width / 2), _width:size, _height:size})(fps = 0)));
if ((hit == true) && (hit_fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
bosshit = false;
hit_fps = 4;
if (restore == false) {
((life <= 0) ? ((life = 0)(restore = true)(death = true)this.gotoAndStop("death")_root.bacteria_lifes--) : null);
if (((restore == true) && (_root.bacteria_lifes >= 0)) && (death == true)) {
if (returnpoint == false) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
if ((_root._x != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) > 20)) {
((_root._x > returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x - returnspx)) : null);
((_root._x < returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x + returnspx)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) < 20) {
_root._x = returnrootx;
xposition = true;
if ((_root._y != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) > 20)) {
((_root._y > returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y - returnspy)) : null);
((_root._y < returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y + returnspy)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) < 20) {
_root._y = returnrooty;
yposition = true;
if ((xposition == true) && (yposition == true)) {
returnpoint = true;
} else {
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
fpsreturn = 50;
restore = false;
life = 100;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
death = false;
((life > 100) ? ((life = 100)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria_lifes < 0) && (gameover == false)) {
_root.HPScoreService.postScore(_root.score, "");
_root.loading_level = true;
gameover = true;
if ((death == false) && (_root.zoobossfemale1.death == false)) {
if (_root.zoobossfemale1.hit == false) {
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((death == false) && (bosshit == false)) {
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((_root.arm1.death == false) && (hit == false)) {
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 251 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _root.bacteria._x;
_y = (_root.bacteria._y + 35);
lifebar._width = / 2;
life_bar = + "%";
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 2;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.loading_level == false) && (!_root.bacteria.hitTest(_root.protect))) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 603 MovieClip "arm1" in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.death_heart == true) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 603 MovieClip "arm2" in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.death_heart == true) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 396 MovieClip "heart" in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 50;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((kick == false) && (death == false)) && (_root.bacteria.death == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 20, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 20, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 20, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 20, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 40, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 40, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 40, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 40, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest((_x - (_width / 2)) + 20, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest((_x + (_width / 2)) - 20, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest((_x - (_width / 2)) + 40, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest((_x + (_width / 2)) - 40, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 26) && (death == true)) {
_root.death_heart = true;
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 466 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
taken = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (taken == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? (this.gotoAndPlay("taken")( = + 5)(taken = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe >= 8) && (taken == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 611 MovieClip "loadinglevel" in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
Frame 28
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
_root.loading_game = true;
pauses = false;
Frame 29
number_cells = 0;
number_cells_catched = 0;
number_bigcells = 0;
number_bigcells_catched = 0;
number_passivezoo = 0;
number_passivezoo_killed = 0;
number_heart = 0;
number_heart_killed = 0;
death_heart = false;
bubbles2 = new Sound();
bubbles2.start(0, 99999);
bubbles3 = new Sound();
bubbles3.start(0, 99999);
level9.start(0, 99999);
level = 9;
_root.bacteria.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_root.score2.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
pauses = false;
Instance of Symbol 245 MovieClip "bacteria" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
grav = 0.5;
grav_freno = 0.01;
frenadoleft = true;
frenadoright = true;
frenadoup = true;
frenadodown = true;
spy = 0;
spx = 0;
fps = 1;
size = 0;
hit_fps = 2;
hit = false;
life = 100;
restore = false;
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
returnspx = 20;
returnspy = 20;
death = false;
fpsreturn = 50;
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
returnrootx = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
returnrooty = (-_y) + 200;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
bosshit = false;
gameover = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
if (restore == false) {
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
((Key.isDown(37) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)(frenadoleft = false)(frenadoright = false)) : (((Key.isDown(39) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)(frenadoright = false)(frenadoleft = false)) : (( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 4)) : (( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx < 0)) ? ((spx = spx + grav_freno)(frenadoleft = true)(frenadoright = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx > 0)) ? ((spx = spx - grav_freno)(frenadoright = true)(frenadoleft = false)) : null);
(((frenadoleft == true) && (spx >= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
(((frenadoright == true) && (spx <= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
((Key.isDown(40) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : (((Key.isDown(38) && (!, _y - (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : ((, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -4)) : ((, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy > 0)) ? ((spy = spy - grav_freno)(frenadodown = true)(frenadoup = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy < 0)) ? ((spy = spy + grav_freno)(frenadoup = true)(frenadodown = false)) : null);
(((frenadoup == true) && (spy >= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
(((frenadodown == true) && (spy <= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
((spx > 4) ? ((spx = 4)) : null);
((spx < -4) ? ((spx = -4)) : null);
((spy > 4) ? ((spy = 4)) : null);
((spy < -4) ? ((spy = -4)) : null);
if ((((spx > 0) || (spx < 0)) || (spy > 0)) || (spy < 0)) {
((fps > -1) ? (fps--) : ((size = Math.random() * 30)i++_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bub" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * -30)) + 20, _y:this._y - (this._width / 2), _width:size, _height:size})(fps = 0)));
if ((hit == true) && (hit_fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
bosshit = false;
hit_fps = 4;
if (restore == false) {
((life <= 0) ? ((life = 0)(restore = true)(death = true)this.gotoAndStop("death")_root.bacteria_lifes--) : null);
if (((restore == true) && (_root.bacteria_lifes >= 0)) && (death == true)) {
if (returnpoint == false) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
if ((_root._x != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) > 20)) {
((_root._x > returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x - returnspx)) : null);
((_root._x < returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x + returnspx)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) < 20) {
_root._x = returnrootx;
xposition = true;
if ((_root._y != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) > 20)) {
((_root._y > returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y - returnspy)) : null);
((_root._y < returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y + returnspy)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) < 20) {
_root._y = returnrooty;
yposition = true;
if ((xposition == true) && (yposition == true)) {
returnpoint = true;
} else {
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
fpsreturn = 50;
restore = false;
life = 100;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
death = false;
((life > 100) ? ((life = 100)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria_lifes < 0) && (gameover == false)) {
_root.HPScoreService.postScore(_root.score, "");
_root.loading_level = true;
gameover = true;
if ((death == false) && (_root.zoobossfemale1.death == false)) {
if (_root.zoobossfemale1.hit == false) {
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((death == false) && (bosshit == false)) {
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((_root.arm1.death == false) && (hit == false)) {
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 251 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _root.bacteria._x;
_y = (_root.bacteria._y + 35);
lifebar._width = / 2;
life_bar = + "%";
Instance of Symbol 622 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
fpskicked = 2;
kicked = false;
kick = false;
lifecell = 25;
death = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (death == false) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y - (_height / 2)) + 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = -4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), (_y + (_height / 2)) - 15, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 4)(_root.bacteria.spy = 4)this.gotoAndStop("kicked")(kicked = true)(kick = true)) : null);
if (kicked == true) {
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
_root.attachMovie("bub", "bub2" + a, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * 49)) - 49, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize});
lifecell = lifecell - 5;
kicked = false;
if ((kick == true) && (fpskicked > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
kick = false;
fpskicked = 2;
if ((lifecell < 0) && (death == false)) {
kick = false;
kicked == true;
death = true;
lifecell = 0;
if ((this._currentframe == 15) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
damage = 6;
splimit = (Math.random() * 0.5) + 3;
_width = ((Math.random() * 30) + 20);
_height = this._width;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria.death == false) && (_root.bacteria.hit == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 623 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 628 MovieClip "loadinglevel" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
Frame 30
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
_root.loading_game = true;
pauses = false;
Frame 31
number_cells = 0;
number_cells_catched = 0;
number_bigcells = 0;
number_bigcells_catched = 0;
number_passivezoo = 0;
number_passivezoo_killed = 0;
number_heart = 0;
number_heart_killed = 0;
death_heart = false;
bubbles2 = new Sound();
bubbles2.start(0, 99999);
bubbles3 = new Sound();
bubbles3.start(0, 99999);
level10.start(0, 99999);
level = 10;
_root.bacteria.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_root.score2.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
pauses = false;
Instance of Symbol 245 MovieClip "bacteria" in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
grav = 0.5;
grav_freno = 0.01;
frenadoleft = true;
frenadoright = true;
frenadoup = true;
frenadodown = true;
spy = 0;
spx = 0;
fps = 1;
size = 0;
hit_fps = 2;
hit = false;
life = 100;
restore = false;
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
returnspx = 20;
returnspy = 20;
death = false;
fpsreturn = 50;
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
returnrootx = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
returnrooty = (-_y) + 200;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
bosshit = false;
gameover = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
if (restore == false) {
_root._x = (-_x) + 200;
_root._y = (-_y) + 200;
((Key.isDown(37) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)(frenadoleft = false)(frenadoright = false)) : (((Key.isDown(39) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)(frenadoright = false)(frenadoleft = false)) : (( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 4)) : (( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx < 0)) ? ((spx = spx + grav_freno)(frenadoleft = true)(frenadoright = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (spx > 0)) ? ((spx = spx - grav_freno)(frenadoright = true)(frenadoleft = false)) : null);
(((frenadoleft == true) && (spx >= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
(((frenadoright == true) && (spx <= 0)) ? ((spx = 0)) : null);
((Key.isDown(40) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : (((Key.isDown(38) && (!, _y - (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)(frenadoup = false)(frenadodown = false)) : ((, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -4)) : ((, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 4)) : null)))))));
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy > 0)) ? ((spy = spy - grav_freno)(frenadodown = true)(frenadoup = false)) : null);
((((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (spy < 0)) ? ((spy = spy + grav_freno)(frenadoup = true)(frenadodown = false)) : null);
(((frenadoup == true) && (spy >= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
(((frenadodown == true) && (spy <= 0)) ? ((spy = 0)) : null);
((spx > 4) ? ((spx = 4)) : null);
((spx < -4) ? ((spx = -4)) : null);
((spy > 4) ? ((spy = 4)) : null);
((spy < -4) ? ((spy = -4)) : null);
if ((((spx > 0) || (spx < 0)) || (spy > 0)) || (spy < 0)) {
((fps > -1) ? (fps--) : ((size = Math.random() * 30)i++_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bub" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (Math.random() * -30)) + 20, _y:this._y - (this._width / 2), _width:size, _height:size})(fps = 0)));
if ((hit == true) && (hit_fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
bosshit = false;
hit_fps = 4;
if (restore == false) {
((life <= 0) ? ((life = 0)(restore = true)(death = true)this.gotoAndStop("death")_root.bacteria_lifes--) : null);
if (((restore == true) && (_root.bacteria_lifes >= 0)) && (death == true)) {
if (returnpoint == false) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
if ((_root._x != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) > 20)) {
((_root._x > returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x - returnspx)) : null);
((_root._x < returnrootx) ? ((_root._x = _root._x + returnspx)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(returnrootx - Math.abs(_root._x)) < 20) {
_root._x = returnrootx;
xposition = true;
if ((_root._y != returnrooty) && (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) > 20)) {
((_root._y > returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y - returnspy)) : null);
((_root._y < returnrooty) ? ((_root._y = _root._y + returnspy)) : null);
} else if (Math.abs(Math.abs(returnrooty) - Math.abs(_root._y)) < 20) {
_root._y = returnrooty;
yposition = true;
if ((xposition == true) && (yposition == true)) {
returnpoint = true;
} else {
returnx = 181.25;
returny = 282.1;
_x = returnx;
_y = returny;
fpsreturn = 50;
restore = false;
life = 100;
returnpoint = false;
xposition = false;
yposition = false;
death = false;
((life > 100) ? ((life = 100)) : null);
if ((_root.bacteria_lifes < 0) && (gameover == false)) {
_root.HPScoreService.postScore(_root.score, "");
_root.loading_level = true;
gameover = true;
if ((death == false) && (_root.zoobossfemale1.death == false)) {
if (_root.zoobossfemale1.hit == false) {
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zoobossfemale1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 3)(_root.zoobossfemale1.hit = true)(_root.zoobossfemale1.curelife = _root.zoobossfemale1.curelife - 1)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((death == false) && (bosshit == false)) {
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss1.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spx = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = 1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.zooboss2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(_root.zooboss2.spy = -1)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
if ((_root.arm1.death == false) && (hit == false)) {
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm1.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((hit = true)(spx = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = -3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
(_root.arm2.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((hit = true)(spy = 3)(life = life - 5)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)(bosshit = true)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 251 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _root.bacteria._x;
_y = (_root.bacteria._y + 35);
lifebar._width = / 2;
life_bar = + "%";
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
spy = Math.random() * 3;
loady = this._y;
_root.number_cells = _root.number_cells + 1;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_root.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
_root.number_cells_catched = _root.number_cells_catched + 1;
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 639 MovieClip "loadinglevel" in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 200);
_y = ((-_root._y) + 180);
Frame 32
_root.HPScoreService.postScore(_root.score, "");
_root._x = 0;
_root._y = 0;
pauses = false;
Frame 77
_root.bacteria_lifes = 4;
this.gotoAndPlay("level" + _root.level);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Frame 77
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
curelife = 10;
death = false;
hit = false;
fps = 2;
bubsize = Math.random() * 40;
c = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
(((_root.bacteria._x <= _x) && (! + (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._x >= _x) && (! - (_width / 2), _y, true))) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
(((_root.bacteria._y <= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : ((((_root.bacteria._y >= _y) && (!, _y + (_height / 2), true))) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = splimit)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -splimit)) : null);
if (death == false) {
( + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = -2)) : null);
( - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((spx = 2)) : null);
(, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = -2)) : null);
(, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((spy = 2)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x + (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = 1)(spx = -2)(curelife = curelife - 1)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x - (_width / 2), _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spx = -1)(spx = 2)(curelife = curelife - 1)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y + (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = 1)(spy = -2)(curelife = curelife - 1)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y - (_height / 2), true) ? ((_root.bacteria.spy = -1)(spy = 2)(curelife = curelife - 1)(hit = true)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if ((hit == true) && (fps > 0)) {
red = new Color(this);
} else {
normal = new Color(this);
hit = false;
fps = 2;
(((curelife < 0) && (death == false)) ? ((curelife = 0)this.gotoAndPlay("death")_root.deathcell2.start(0, 1)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(bubsize = Math.random() * 40)_root.attachMovie("bub" + _root.level, "bubcell" + c, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _width:bubsize, _height:bubsize})c++(death = true)) : null);
if ((this._currentframe == 11) && (death == true)) {
Instance of Symbol 418 MovieClip "score" in Frame 77
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((-_root._x) + 10);
_y = (-_root._y);
this.lifes = _root.bacteria_lifes;
if (_root.number_cells_catched <= 9) {
cells = "0" + _root.number_cells_catched;
} else if ((_root.number_cells_catched > 9) && (_root.number_cells_catched <= 99)) {
cells = _root.number_cells_catched;
if (_root.number_cells <= 9) {
cells_total = "0" + _root.number_cells;
} else if ((_root.number_cells > 9) && (_root.number_cells <= 99)) {
cells_total = _root.number_cells;
if (_root.number_passivezoo_killed <= 9) {
zoos = "0" + _root.number_passivezoo_killed;
} else if ((_root.number_passivezoo_killed > 9) && (_root.number_passivezoo_killed <= 99)) {
zoos = _root.number_passivezoo_killed;
if (_root.number_passivezoo <= 9) {
zoos_total = "0" + _root.number_passivezoo;
} else if ((_root.number_passivezoo > 9) && (_root.number_passivezoo <= 99)) {
zoos_total = _root.number_passivezoo;
if (_root.number_bigcells_catched <= 9) {
bigcells = "0" + _root.number_bigcells_catched;
} else if ((_root.number_bigcells_catched > 9) && (_root.number_bigcells_catched <= 99)) {
bigcells = _root.number_bigcells_catched;
if (_root.number_bigcells <= 9) {
bigcells_total = "0" + _root.number_bigcells;
} else if ((_root.number_bigcells > 9) && (_root.number_bigcells <= 99)) {
bigcells_total = _root.number_bigcells;
if ((((_root.number_bigcells_catched == _root.number_bigcells) && (_root.number_cells == _root.number_cells_catched)) && (_root.number_passivezoo_killed == _root.number_passivezoo)) && (_root.loading_level == false)) {
_root.bacteria.spx = 0;
_root.bacteria.spy = 0;
_root.bacteria.fps = 1;
_root.bacteria.i = 1;
_root.loading_level = true;
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 16 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 20 MovieClip [preloaderexplosion] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 30 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 30 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
size = random(100);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
xspeed = random(30) - 15;
yspeed = random(30) - 15;
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 3);
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y - yspeed;
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha < 0) {
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 222
_root.gotoAndPlay(_root._currentframe + 1);
Symbol 41 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", _blank);
Symbol 45 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 46 MovieClip [Symbol 1ssssssssss] Frame 1
Symbol 46 MovieClip [Symbol 1ssssssssss] Frame 2
Symbol 49 MovieClip [bb] Frame 1
spY = 10;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._y = this._y - spY;
if (this._y < (-300 - (this._height / 2))) {
Symbol 52 MovieClip [bub2] Frame 31
Symbol 55 MovieClip [bub10] Frame 31
Symbol 56 MovieClip [bub9] Frame 31
Symbol 59 MovieClip [bub8] Frame 31
Symbol 60 MovieClip [bub7] Frame 31
Symbol 61 MovieClip [bub6] Frame 31
Symbol 62 MovieClip [bub5] Frame 31
Symbol 63 MovieClip [bub4] Frame 31
Symbol 64 MovieClip [bub3] Frame 31
Symbol 69 MovieClip [bullet2] Frame 1
sp = 8;
end = false;
size = Math.random() * 20;
fps = 1;
damage = 8;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.loading_level == true) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
if (!, _y, true)) {
if (side == "right") {
_rotation = 0;
_x = (_x + sp);
if ((_root.bacteria.hit == false) && (_root.bacteria.death == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 3)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if (side == "left") {
this._rotation = 180;
this._x = this._x - sp;
if ((_root.bacteria.hit == false) && (_root.bacteria.death == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -3)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if (side == "up") {
this._rotation = -90;
this._y = this._y - sp;
if ((_root.bacteria.hit == false) && (_root.bacteria.death == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -3)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if (side == "down") {
this._rotation = 90;
this._y = this._y + sp;
if ((_root.bacteria.hit == false) && (_root.bacteria.death == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 3)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
} else if (, _y, true) && (end == false)) {
end = true;
if (fps > 0) {
} else {
_root.attachMovie("bub9", "bub9" + d, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:((this._x + (_width / 2)) - (Math.random() * 5)) - 5, _y:(this._y + (Math.random() * 20)) - 10, _width:size, _height:size});
fps = 2;
size = Math.random() * 20;
Symbol 69 MovieClip [bullet2] Frame 7
Symbol 74 MovieClip [bullet] Frame 1
sp = 8;
end = false;
size = Math.random() * 20;
fps = 1;
damage = 8;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.loading_level == true) {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
if (!, _y, true)) {
if (side == "right") {
_rotation = 0;
_x = (_x + sp);
if ((_root.bacteria.hit == false) && (_root.bacteria.death == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = 3)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if (side == "left") {
this._rotation = 180;
this._x = this._x - sp;
if ((_root.bacteria.hit == false) && (_root.bacteria.death == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spx = -3)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if (side == "up") {
this._rotation = -90;
this._y = this._y - sp;
if ((_root.bacteria.hit == false) && (_root.bacteria.death == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = -3)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
if (side == "down") {
this._rotation = 90;
this._y = this._y + sp;
if ((_root.bacteria.hit == false) && (_root.bacteria.death == false)) {
(_root.bacteria.hitTest(_x, _y, true) ? ((_root.bacteria.hit = true)(_root.bacteria.spy = 3)( = - damage)_root.curehit.start(0, 1)_root.cellhit.start(0, 1)) : null);
} else if (, _y, true) && (end == false)) {
end = true;
if (fps > 0) {
} else {
_root.attachMovie("bub5", "bub5" + d, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:((this._x + (_width / 2)) - (Math.random() * 5)) - 5, _y:(this._y + (Math.random() * 20)) - 10, _width:size, _height:size});
fps = 2;
size = Math.random() * 20;
Symbol 74 MovieClip [bullet] Frame 7
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] Frame 1
Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] Frame 2
_root.cellhit.start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit2.start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit3.start(0, 1);
Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] Frame 3
_root.score = _root.score + 200;
_root.deathcell.start(0, 1);
Symbol 107 MovieClip [Cells] Frame 15
Symbol 108 MovieClip [bub1] Frame 31
Symbol 110 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", _blank);
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 161 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("menu");
Symbol 183 Button
on (release) {
_root._quality = "high";;
Symbol 185 Button
on (release) {
_root._quality = "medium";;
Symbol 187 Button
on (release) {
_root._quality = "low";;
Symbol 193 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 209 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 213 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 217 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 227 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 691
Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 738
Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 739
Symbol 242 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 244 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.sound23.start(0, 1);
Symbol 244 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 266 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 266 MovieClip Frame 3
_root["sound" + Math.round(Math.random(1) * 18)].start(0, 1);
Symbol 266 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.score = _root.score + 300;
Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 3
_root["sound" + Math.round(Math.random(1) * 18)].start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit2.start(0, 1);
Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.score = _root.score + 100;
Symbol 289 Button
on (release) {
_root._quality = "high";
Symbol 292 Button
on (release) {
_root._quality = "medium";
Symbol 295 Button
on (release) {
_root._quality = "low";
Symbol 300 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.pauses == true) && (_root.loading_level == false)) {
_root.loading_level = true;;
} else if (((_root.pauses == true) && (_root.loading_level == true)) && (paus._currentframe == 15)) {;
Symbol 303 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", _blank);
getURL ("", _blank);
Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.loading_level = false;
Symbol 327 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 396 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 396 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 396 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.score = _root.score + 100000;
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 424 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 424 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 424 MovieClip Frame 3
_root["sound" + Math.round(Math.random(1) * 18)].start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit2.start(0, 1);
Symbol 424 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 425 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 425 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 425 MovieClip Frame 3
_root["sound" + Math.round(Math.random(1) * 18)].start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit2.start(0, 1);
Symbol 425 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 426 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 426 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 426 MovieClip Frame 3
_root["sound" + Math.round(Math.random(1) * 18)].start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit2.start(0, 1);
Symbol 426 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 431 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 451 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 457 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", _blank);
Symbol 458 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", _blank);
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip in Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 81
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 425 MovieClip in Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 87
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 426 MovieClip in Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 93
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 296
Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 326
_root.loading_level = false;
_root.pauses = true;
Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 352
_root.bacteria._x = _root.bacteria.returnx;
_root.bacteria._y = _root.bacteria.returny;
Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 440
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 519
Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 545
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 2
_root["sound" + Math.round(Math.random(1) * 18)].start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit2.start(0, 1);
Symbol 470 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 470 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 470 MovieClip Frame 3
_root["sound" + Math.round(Math.random(1) * 18)].start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit2.start(0, 1);
Symbol 470 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 3
_root["sound" + Math.round(Math.random(1) * 18)].start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit2.start(0, 1);
Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 3
_root["sound" + Math.round(Math.random(1) * 18)].start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit2.start(0, 1);
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 10
Instance of Symbol 470 MovieClip in Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 81
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 471 MovieClip in Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 87
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 93
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 296
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 326
_root.loading_level = false;
_root.pauses = true;
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 352
_root.bacteria._x = _root.bacteria.returnx;
_root.bacteria._y = _root.bacteria.returny;
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 440
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 519
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 545
Instance of Symbol 470 MovieClip in Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 82
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 471 MovieClip in Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 94
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip "zooboss1" in Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 309
Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 339
_root.loading_level = false;
_root.pauses = true;
Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 365
_root.bacteria._x = _root.bacteria.returnx;
_root.bacteria._y = _root.bacteria.returny;
Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 453
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 532
Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 558
Symbol 503 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 503 MovieClip Frame 3
_root["sound" + Math.round(Math.random(1) * 18)].start(0, 1);
Symbol 503 MovieClip Frame 11
(_root.score = _root.score + 10);
Instance of Symbol 470 MovieClip in Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 81
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 471 MovieClip in Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 87
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 93
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 314
Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 344
_root.loading_level = false;
_root.pauses = true;
Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 370
_root.bacteria._x = _root.bacteria.returnx;
_root.bacteria._y = _root.bacteria.returny;
Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 458
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 537
Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 563
Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.cellhit.start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit2.start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit3.start(0, 1);
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.deathcell.start(0, 1);
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.score = _root.score + 500;
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 42
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 42
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 42
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 42
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 42
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 42
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 470 MovieClip in Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 81
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 471 MovieClip in Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 87
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 93
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 138
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 138
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 138
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 138
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 296
Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 326
_root.loading_level = false;
_root.pauses = true;
Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 352
_root.bacteria._x = _root.bacteria.returnx;
_root.bacteria._y = _root.bacteria.returny;
Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 440
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 519
Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 545
Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
} else if (_root.loading_level == true) {
Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 8
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
if (this._rotation == 0) {
_root.h = _root.h + 1;
_root.attachMovie("bullet", "bul" + _root.h, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (_width / 2)) + 10, _y:this._y, side:"right"});
if (this._rotation == -90) {
_root.h = _root.h + 1;
_root.attachMovie("bullet", "bul" + _root.h, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y - 30, side:"up"});
_root["bul" + _root.h].side = "up";
if (this._rotation == 180) {
_root.h = _root.h + 1;
_root.attachMovie("bullet", "bul" + _root.h, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x - (_width / 2)) - 10, _y:this._y, side:"left"});
_root["bul" + _root.h].side = "left";
if (this._rotation == 90) {
_root.h = _root.h + 1;
_root.attachMovie("bullet", "bul" + _root.h, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y + 30, side:"down", _rotation:90});
_root["bul" + _root.h].side = "down";
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 470 MovieClip in Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 81
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 471 MovieClip in Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 87
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 93
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 134
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 322
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 352
_root.loading_level = false;
_root.pauses = true;
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 378
_root.bacteria._x = _root.bacteria.returnx;
_root.bacteria._y = _root.bacteria.returny;
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 466
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 545
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 571
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 51
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 51
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 51
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 51
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 51
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip in Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 51
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.1;
splimit = 8;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : null)));
((spx > splimit) ? ((spx = splimit)) : null);
((spx < (-splimit)) ? ((spx = -splimit)) : null);
((spy > splimit) ? ((spy = 0.5)) : null);
((spy < (-splimit)) ? ((spy = -0.5)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 470 MovieClip in Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 81
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 471 MovieClip in Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 87
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 93
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 151
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 6) ? ((spx = 6)) : null);
((spx < -6) ? ((spx = -6)) : null);
((spy > 6) ? ((spy = 6)) : null);
((spy < -6) ? ((spy = -6)) : null);
Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 349
Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 379
_root.loading_level = false;
_root.pauses = true;
Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 405
_root.bacteria._x = _root.bacteria.returnx;
_root.bacteria._y = _root.bacteria.returny;
Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 493
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 573
Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 599
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 594 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 594 MovieClip Frame 17
Instance of Symbol 594 MovieClip in Symbol 595 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.death_heart == true) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Symbol 603 MovieClip Frame 531
Symbol 603 MovieClip Frame 552
Instance of Symbol 470 MovieClip in Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 81
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 471 MovieClip in Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 87
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 93
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 119
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 155
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 6) ? ((spx = 6)) : null);
((spx < -6) ? ((spx = -6)) : null);
((spy > 6) ? ((spy = 6)) : null);
((spy < -6) ? ((spy = -6)) : null);
Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 371
Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 401
_root.loading_level = false;
_root.pauses = true;
Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 427
_root.bacteria._x = _root.bacteria.returnx;
_root.bacteria._y = _root.bacteria.returny;
Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 515
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 595
Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 621
Symbol 621 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 622 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 622 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.cellhit.start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit2.start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit3.start(0, 1);
Symbol 622 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.deathcell.start(0, 1);
Symbol 622 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.score = _root.score + 12000;
Symbol 623 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 623 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 623 MovieClip Frame 3
_root["sound" + Math.round(Math.random(1) * 18)].start(0, 1);
_root.cellhit2.start(0, 1);
Symbol 623 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.score = _root.score + 10000;
Instance of Symbol 470 MovieClip in Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 81
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 471 MovieClip in Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 87
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 93
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "zooboss2" in Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
grav = 0.5;
splimit = (Math.random() * 1) + 1;
_width = ((Math.random() * 20) + 20);
_height = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + spx);
_y = (_y + spy);
((_parent.bacteria._x <= _x) ? ((spx = spx - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._x >= _x) ? ((spx = spx + grav)) : null)));
((_parent.bacteria._y <= _y) ? ((spy = spy - grav)) : (((_parent.bacteria._y >= _y) ? ((spy = spy + grav)) : null)));
((spx > 7) ? ((spx = 7)) : null);
((spx < -7) ? ((spx = -7)) : null);
((spy > 7) ? ((spy = 7)) : null);
((spy < -7) ? ((spy = -7)) : null);
Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 296
Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 326
_root.loading_level = false;
_root.pauses = true;
Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 352
_root.bacteria._x = _root.bacteria.returnx;
_root.bacteria._y = _root.bacteria.returny;
Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 440
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 519
Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 545
Symbol 633 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
} else if (_root.loading_level == true) {
Symbol 633 MovieClip Frame 8
if (_root.loading_level == false) {
if (this._rotation == 0) {
_root.h = _root.h + 1;
_root.attachMovie("bullet2", "bul" + _root.h, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x + (_width / 2)) + 10, _y:this._y, side:"right"});
if (this._rotation == -90) {
_root.h = _root.h + 1;
_root.attachMovie("bullet2", "bul" + _root.h, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y - 30, side:"up"});
_root["bul" + _root.h].side = "up";
if (this._rotation == 180) {
_root.h = _root.h + 1;
_root.attachMovie("bullet2", "bul" + _root.h, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:(this._x - (_width / 2)) - 10, _y:this._y, side:"left"});
_root["bul" + _root.h].side = "left";
if (this._rotation == 90) {
_root.h = _root.h + 1;
_root.attachMovie("bullet2", "bul" + _root.h, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y + 30, side:"down", _rotation:90});
_root["bul" + _root.h].side = "down";
Instance of Symbol 470 MovieClip in Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 103
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 471 MovieClip in Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 109
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 115
onClipEvent (load) {
death = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + spy);
if (this._y > (loady + 10)) {
spy = -(Math.random() * 2);
} else if (this._y < (loady - 10)) {
spy = Math.random() * 2;
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("afraid");
} else if ((!_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.hittest)) && (death == false)) {
gotoAndStop ("normal");
if (_parent.bacteria.hitTest(this.eatbox) && (death == false)) {
death = true;
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 296
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 326
_root.loading_level = false;
_root.pauses = true;
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 352
_root.bacteria._x = _root.bacteria.returnx;
_root.bacteria._y = _root.bacteria.returny;
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 440
_root.gotoAndStop("level" + _root.level);
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 519
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 545
Symbol 649 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 650 MovieClip Frame 180
_root.HPScoreService.postScore(score, "");
Symbol 651 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", _blank);