Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2564 · P5127

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #47626

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Do no bother me. It takes lots of concentration to load...
By Klaushouse

Use arrow keys

Warning! Could cause epilepsy. And I say this just because I don't
want to get sued by some random person who has an epilepsy for
some reason, not that my game encourages you to have
epilepsies.. I am going to stop now before I dig myself into a hole.







You need to click
this button :(




Welcome, young galaxy. Since this is your first time being a galaxy I should give you some
heads up! You can move around using your arrow keys. And now that you are a growing
galaxy you need to be careful with your diet. Just to keep you on track here is a list of
galaxies and which ones are healthy for you!

Normal Galaxy - This will be your main food. They make you grow into a big strong galaxy.

Evil Galaxy - Stay away from these galaxies, these are bad for your health and eat too many and you might disapear.

Time Galaxy - These types of galaxies cause time disruptancies when eaten, time slows down for a short time.

Magnet Galaxy - The rarest and most powerful of the galaxies. The magnet galaxy attracts normal galaxies towards you.

Other Galaxies - Careful, there are new unknown galaxies out there and who knows what they will do.
Each of these give you 100 points so maybe the are worth the possible outcome?


Being a Galaxy 101



Choose your mode

Normal Mode

Normal Mode

Single Mode

Single Mode

Endless Mode

Endless Mode

Go through 10 universes of increasing galaxies!  Careful for red galaxies, they will lower your final score

See how fast you can collect 35 galaxies! Careful. You immediately die to the evil red galaxies!

See how long you can last and what score you can rack up in an endless universe!

I love taking credit.

Galaxy is brought to you by
Graphics by Klaushouse
Coding by Klaushouse
Everything by KLAUSHOUSE, YEAH! Just kidding
In-Game Song 1 "Endless'" By Nirodha
In-Game Song 2 "==(Glowing Galaxy)==" by SBB
Menu Music "Elevator Music" by Khuskan
Help and opinions to form game brought to you by friendly community of ArmorGames!

Check out SBB

Check out SBB

Sorry you have to click his
button... :(

Check out Khuskan

Check out Khuskan

Check out Khuskan

Check out Nirodha

Check out Nirodha

Check out Nirodha

Amazing NG
Audio Authors








Back to Menu

Your galaxy disapeared  :(

Final Score : Endless Mode




Galaxies Devoured



Congratulations! You have devoured all galaxies and have become

Final Time: Single Mode

Level 1
Darkness Universe

Level 2
Purple Universe

Level 2
Purple Universe
++ New Galaxy

Level 3
Blue Universe

Level 4
Orange Universe
++ New Galaxy

Level 5
Green Universe

Level 6
Yellow Universe
++ New Galaxy

Level 6
Yellow Universe
++ New Galaxy

Level 7
Red Universe

Level 8
Bland Universe :(
++ New Galaxy

Level 8
Bland Universe
++ New Galaxy

Level 9
Multicolor Epileptic Universe

Final Level
Star Wars Universe
++ New Galaxy

Point to next level

Final Score : Normal Mode

Congratulations! You have devoured all galaxies and have become

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
musicon = 0; muted = 0; soundchosen = 1; function doSomething() { } function doSomething2() { getURL ("", _blank); } MENU.customItems.push(Functioned2); MENU = new ContextMenu(); MENU.hideBuiltInItems(); Functioned3 = new ContextMenuItem("Galaxy", doSomething); Functioned = new ContextMenuItem("By Klaushouse", doSomething); Functioned2 = new ContextMenuItem("Visit My Website", doSomething2); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned3); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned2); = MENU; stop(); this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask_mc", 1); preloader_mc.setMask("mask_mc"); mask_mc._x = 150; mask_mc._y = 200; var total = _root.getBytesTotal(); var X = 0; var Y = 0; mask_mc.lineStyle(1, 0, 100); mask_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); this.clear(); var _local3 = Math.floor((loaded / total) * 100); if (loaded != total) { loaded_txt.text = _local3 + "%"; this.beginFill(0); this.moveTo(X, Y); this.lineTo(X, Y + 12); this.lineTo(X + (_local3 * 2), Y + 12); this.lineTo(X + (_local3 * 2), Y); this.lineTo(X, Y); this.endFill(); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(2); this.removeMovieClip(); } };
Frame 2
stop(); xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; i = 1; MenuSound = new Sound(this); MenuSound.attachSound("MenuSound");
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip "main" in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(38))) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(40))) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(38))) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(40))) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39)) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(38)) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(40)) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } }
Instance of Symbol 17 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("mode"); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("mode"); }
Instance of Symbol 20 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("how"); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("how"); }
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { getURL ("", _blank); }
Instance of Symbol 27 MovieClip in Frame 2
on (release) { if (_root.muted == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); _root.muted = 1; } else if (_root.muted == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); _root.muted = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 31 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("credits"); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("credits"); }
Frame 3
stop(); xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip "main" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39)) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } }
Instance of Symbol 43 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); }
Frame 4
stop(); xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip "main" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(38))) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(40))) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(38))) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(40))) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39)) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(38)) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(40)) { unloadMovie (_root.arrowsormouse); _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } }
Instance of Symbol 43 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); }
Instance of Symbol 47 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("normalgame"); MenuSound.stop(); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("normalgame"); MenuSound.stop(); }
Instance of Symbol 50 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlegame"); _root.MenuSound.stop(); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlegame"); _root.MenuSound.stop(); }
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlessgame"); _root.MenuSound.stop(); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlessgame"); _root.MenuSound.stop(); }
Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip "main" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39)) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } }
Instance of Symbol 63 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { getURL ("", _blank); }
Instance of Symbol 43 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); }
Instance of Symbol 67 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { getURL ("", _blank); }
Instance of Symbol 71 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { getURL ("", _blank); }
Frame 6
truescore = 0; blue_got = 0; red_got = 0; purple_got = 0; green_got = 0; orange_got = 0; black_got = 0; yellow_got = 0; stop(); MenuSound.stop(); musicon = 0; levelon = 10; ballsize = 11; scoremax = 0; score = 0; speedin = 0; speed = 0; slowmoin = 0; slowmo = 0; friction = 0; frictionin = 0; invisible = 0; invisiblein = 0; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; magnet = 0; magnetin = 0; special = 0; randomnum = 0; specialinuse = 0; blue00 = 1; blue01 = 1; blue02 = 1; blue03 = 1; blue04 = 1; blue05 = 1; blue06 = 1; blue07 = 1; blue08 = 1; blue09 = 1; blue10 = 1; blue11 = 1; blue12 = 1; blue13 = 1; blue14 = 1; blue15 = 1; blue16 = 1; blue17 = 1; blue18 = 1; blue19 = 1; blue20 = 1; blue21 = 1; blue22 = 1; blue23 = 1; blue24 = 1; blue25 = 1; blue26 = 1; blue27 = 1; blue28 = 1; blue29 = 1; blue30 = 1; blue31 = 1; blue32 = 1; blue33 = 1; blue34 = 1; blue35 = 1; red00 = 1; red01 = 1; red02 = 1; red03 = 1; red04 = 1; red05 = 1; red06 = 1; red07 = 1; red08 = 1; red09 = 1; red10 = 1; red11 = 1; red12 = 1; red13 = 1; red14 = 1; red15 = 1; red16 = 1; red17 = 1; red18 = 1; _root.main.gotoAndStop(11); BG1Sound = new Sound(this); BG1Sound.attachSound("BG1Sound"); BG2Sound = new Sound(this); BG2Sound.attachSound("BG2Sound");
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip "main" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.friction == 0) { speed = 0.3; } else if (_root.friction == 1) { speed = 2; } if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39)) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } }
Instance of Symbol 74 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.slowmoin == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.slowmoin = 0; if (_root.specialinuse == 0) { _root.slowmomc.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 100; _root.purple_got = _root.purple_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 100; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 82 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.magnetin == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(800); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.magnetin = 0; if (_root.specialinuse == 0) { _root.magnetmc.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 100; _root.green_got = _root.green_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 100; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red02" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red02 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue09" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue09 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue10" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue10 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue11" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue11 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red14" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red14 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red11" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red11 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red12" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red12 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red13" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red13 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red06" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red06 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red08" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red08 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red04" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red04 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red09" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red09 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red16" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red16 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red10" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red10 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red00" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red00 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red15" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red15 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red17" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red17 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red07" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red07 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red01" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red01 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red05" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red05 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red03" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red03 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlesslose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue08" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue08 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue00" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue00 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue01" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue01 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.speedin == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.speedin = 0; if (_root.specialinuse == 0) { _root.speedmc.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 100; _root.orange_got = _root.orange_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 100; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue30" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue30 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue17" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue17 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue04" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue04 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue20" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue20 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue32" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue32 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue18" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue18 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue34" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue34 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue33" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue33 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue07" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue07 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue13" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue13 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue25" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue25 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue22" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue22 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue27" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue27 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue06" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue06 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue05" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue05 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue31" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue31 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue19" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue19 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue15" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue15 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue28" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue28 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue35" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue35 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue26" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue26 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue21" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue21 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue14" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue14 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue29" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue29 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue16" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue16 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue12" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue12 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue03" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue03 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue24" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue24 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue23" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue23 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.invisiblein == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.invisiblein = 0; if (_root.specialinuse == 0) { _root.invisiblemc.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 100; _root.black_got = _root.black_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 100; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 89 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.frictionin == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.frictionin = 0; if (_root.specialinuse == 0) { _root.frictionmc.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax + 100; _root.yellow_got = _root.yellow_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 100; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Frame 6
on (release) { if (_root.muted == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); _root.muted = 1; } else if (_root.muted == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); _root.muted = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 99 MovieClip in Frame 6
on (release) { if (_root.muted == 0) { _root.BG2Sound.stop(); _root.BG1Sound.start(0, 999); _root.soundchosen = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 101 MovieClip in Frame 6
on (release) { if (_root.muted == 0) { _root.BG1Sound.stop(); _root.BG2Sound.start(0, 999); _root.soundchosen = 2; } }
Instance of Symbol 103 MovieClip in Frame 6
on (release) { _root.BG1Sound.stop(); _root.BG2Sound.stop(); _root.main._visible = true; _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); }
Frame 7
stop(); _root.main.gotoAndStop(1); BG1Sound.stop(); BG2Sound.stop(); _root.main._visible = true; MenuSound = new Sound(this); MenuSound.attachSound("MenuSound"); MenuSound.start(0, 99999); _root.musicon = 1; namevar = "No Name";
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip "main" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39)) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } }
Instance of Symbol 114 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlessgame"); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("endlessgame"); }
Instance of Symbol 119 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); }
Instance of Symbol 27 MovieClip in Frame 7
on (release) { if (_root.muted == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); _root.muted = 1; } else if (_root.muted == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); _root.muted = 0; } }
Frame 8
blue_got = 0; second = 0; stop(); MenuSound.stop(); musicon = 0; ballsize = 10; scoremax = 0; score = 0; i = 0; xspeed = 0; slow = 0; speed = 0; slowmo = 0; yspeed = 0; blue00 = 1; red0 = 1; red1 = 0; red2 = 0; red3 = 0; red4 = 0; red5 = 0; red6 = 0; red7 = 0; red8 = 0; red9 = 0; red10 = 0; red11 = 0; red12 = 0; red13 = 0; red14 = 0; red15 = 0; red16 = 0; red17 = 0; red18 = 1; red19 = 0; red20 = 0; red21 = 0; red22 = 0; red23 = 0; red24 = 0; red25 = 0; red26 = 0; red27 = 0; red28 = 0; red29 = 0; red30 = 0; red31 = 0; red32 = 0; red33 = 0; red34 = 0; red35 = 0; _root.main.gotoAndStop(11); BG1Sound = new Sound(this); BG1Sound.attachSound("BG1Sound"); BG2Sound = new Sound(this); BG2Sound.attachSound("BG2Sound");
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red2" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red2 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red14" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red14 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red11" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red11 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red12" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red12 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red13" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red13 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red6" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red6 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red8" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red8 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red4" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red4 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red9" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red9 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red16" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red16 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red10" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red10 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red0" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red0 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red15" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red15 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red17" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red17 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red7" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red7 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red1" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red1 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red5" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red5 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red3" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red3 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue00" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.i = 1; _root.addred.nextFrame(); _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red20" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red20 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red32" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red32 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red29" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red29 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red30" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red30 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red31" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red31 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red24" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red24 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red26" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red26 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red22" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red22 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red27" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red27 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red34" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red34 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red28" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red28 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red18" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red18 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red33" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red33 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red35" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red35 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red25" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red25 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red19" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red19 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red23" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red23 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red21" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red21 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlelose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { if (_root.muted == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); _root.muted = 1; } else if (_root.muted == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); _root.muted = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 99 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { if (_root.muted == 0) { _root.BG2Sound.stop(); _root.BG1Sound.start(0, 999); _root.soundchosen = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 101 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { if (_root.muted == 0) { _root.BG1Sound.stop(); _root.BG2Sound.start(0, 999); _root.soundchosen = 2; } }
Instance of Symbol 103 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.BG1Sound.stop(); _root.BG2Sound.stop(); _root.main._visible = true; _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); }
Frame 9
stop(); _root.main.gotoAndStop(1); BG1Sound.stop(); BG2Sound.stop(); _root.main._visible = true; MenuSound = new Sound(this); MenuSound.attachSound("MenuSound"); MenuSound.start(0, 99999); _root.musicon = 1; timeseconds = second + " seconds";
Instance of Symbol 114 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlegame"); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("singlegame"); }
Instance of Symbol 119 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); }
Instance of Symbol 27 MovieClip in Frame 9
on (release) { if (_root.muted == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); _root.muted = 1; } else if (_root.muted == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); _root.muted = 0; } }
Frame 10
stop(); _root.main.gotoAndStop(1); BG1Sound.stop(); BG2Sound.stop(); _root.main._visible = true; MenuSound = new Sound(this); MenuSound.attachSound("MenuSound"); MenuSound.start(0, 99999); _root.musicon = 1; timeseconds = second + " seconds"; namevar = "No Name";
Instance of Symbol 31 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("credits"); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("credits"); }
Frame 11
truescore = 0; blue_got = 0; red_got = 0; purple_got = 0; green_got = 0; orange_got = 0; black_got = 0; yellow_got = 0; stop(); MenuSound.stop(); musicon = 0; ballsize = 11; scoremax = 100; score = 100; speedin = 0; speed = 0; slowmoin = 0; slowmo = 0; friction = 0; frictionin = 0; invisible = 0; invisiblein = 0; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; magnet = 0; magnetin = 0; special = 0; randomnum = 0; specialinuse = 0; blue00 = 1; blue01 = 0; blue02 = 0; blue03 = 0; blue04 = 0; blue05 = 0; blue06 = 0; blue07 = 0; blue08 = 0; blue09 = 0; blue10 = 0; blue11 = 0; blue12 = 0; blue13 = 0; blue14 = 0; blue15 = 0; blue16 = 0; blue17 = 0; blue18 = 0; blue19 = 0; blue20 = 0; blue21 = 0; blue22 = 0; blue23 = 0; blue24 = 0; blue25 = 0; blue26 = 0; blue27 = 0; blue28 = 0; blue29 = 0; blue30 = 0; blue31 = 0; blue32 = 0; blue33 = 0; blue34 = 0; blue35 = 0; red00 = 1; red01 = 0; red02 = 0; red03 = 0; red04 = 0; red05 = 0; red06 = 0; red07 = 0; red08 = 0; red09 = 0; red10 = 0; red11 = 0; red12 = 0; red13 = 0; red14 = 0; red15 = 0; red16 = 0; red17 = 0; red18 = 0; levelon = 7; _root.main.gotoAndStop(11); BG1Sound = new Sound(this); BG1Sound.attachSound("BG1Sound"); BG2Sound = new Sound(this); BG2Sound.attachSound("BG2Sound");
Instance of Symbol 189 MovieClip "levels" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { function __f_enterFrame(eventObj) { if (_root.score >= 400) { _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); } } this.addEventListener("enterFrame", __f_enterFrame); }
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip "main" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.friction == 0) { speed = 0.3; } else if (_root.friction == 1) { speed = 2; } if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39)) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } }
Instance of Symbol 74 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.slowmoin == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.slowmoin = 0; if (_root.specialinuse == 0) { _root.slowmomc.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 100; _root.purple_got = _root.purple_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 100; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 82 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.magnetin == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(800); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.magnetin = 0; if (_root.specialinuse == 0) { _root.magnetmc.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 100; _root.green_got = _root.green_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 100; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red02" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red02 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue09" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue09 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue10" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue10 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue11" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue11 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red14" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red14 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red11" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red11 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red12" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red12 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red13" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red13 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red06" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red06 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red08" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red08 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red04" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red04 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red09" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red09 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red16" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red16 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red10" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red10 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red00" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red00 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red15" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red15 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red17" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red16 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red07" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red06 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red01" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red01 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red05" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red05 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 83 MovieClip "red03" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.red03 == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 0.5; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.red_got = _root.red_got + 1; if ((_root.ballsize - 10) <= 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("normallose"); } _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize - 10; _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; sf = speedglow; } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue08" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue08 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue00" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue00 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue01" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue01 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.speedin == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.speedin = 0; if (_root.specialinuse == 0) { _root.speedmc.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 100; _root.orange_got = _root.orange_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 100; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue30" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue30 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue17" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue17 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue04" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue04 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue20" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue20 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue32" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue32 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue18" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue18 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue34" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue34 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue33" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue33 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue07" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue07 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue13" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue13 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue25" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue25 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue22" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue22 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue27" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue27 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue06" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue06 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue05" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue05 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue31" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue31 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue19" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue19 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue15" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue15 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue28" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue28 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue35" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue35 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue26" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue26 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue21" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue21 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue14" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue14 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue29" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue29 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue16" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue16 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue12" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue12 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue03" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue03 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue24" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue24 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip "blue23" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; enemySpeed = 30; radToDeg = 57.2957795130823; degToRad = (Math.PI/180); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blue23 == 1) { if (_root.magnet == 0) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } else if (_root.magnet == 1) { xdist = this._x - _root.main._x; ydist = this._y - _root.main._y; dist = Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist)); if (dist >= this) { easing = dist / 25; targetRotation = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) * radToDeg) - 90; var difference = (this._rotation - targetRotation); if (difference > 180) { targetRotation = targetRotation + 360; } else if (difference < -180) { targetRotation = targetRotation - 360; } var changeInRotation = ((targetRotation - this._rotation) / easing); this._rotation = this._rotation + changeInRotation; this._y = this._y - (Math.cos(this._rotation * degToRad) * enemySpeed); this._x = this._x - ((-Math.sin(this._rotation * degToRad)) * enemySpeed); } else { this._y = _root.main._y; this._x = _root.main._x; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 10; _root.blue_got = _root.blue_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 10; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.invisiblein == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.invisiblein = 0; if (_root.specialinuse == 0) { _root.invisiblemc.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 100; _root.black_got = _root.black_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 100; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 89 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.frictionin == 1) { if (_root.slowmo == 1) { speedglow = 2; } if (_root.speed == 1) { speedglow = 15; } this._x = this._x - speedglow; if (this._x <= -25) { this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.frictionin = 0; if (_root.specialinuse == 0) { _root.frictionmc.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.scoremax = _root.scoremax - 100; _root.yellow_got = _root.yellow_got + 1; _root.truescore = _root.truescore + 100; _root.ballsize = _root.ballsize + 1; if (_root.ballsize >= 200) { _root.ballsize = 200; } _root.main.gotoAndStop(_root.ballsize); this._y = this._y + speedglow; this._x = 820; this._y = random(600); speedglow = random(10) + 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Frame 11
on (release) { if (_root.muted == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); _root.muted = 1; } else if (_root.muted == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); _root.muted = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 99 MovieClip in Frame 11
on (release) { if (_root.muted == 0) { _root.BG2Sound.stop(); _root.BG1Sound.start(0, 999); _root.soundchosen = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 101 MovieClip in Frame 11
on (release) { if (_root.muted == 0) { _root.BG1Sound.stop(); _root.BG2Sound.start(0, 999); _root.soundchosen = 2; } }
Instance of Symbol 103 MovieClip in Frame 11
on (release) { _root.BG1Sound.stop(); _root.BG2Sound.stop(); _root.main._visible = true; _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); }
Frame 12
stop(); _root.main.gotoAndStop(1); BG1Sound.stop(); BG2Sound.stop(); _root.main._visible = true; MenuSound = new Sound(this); MenuSound.attachSound("MenuSound"); MenuSound.start(0, 99999); _root.musicon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip "main" in Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed + speed; } else if (Key.isDown(39)) { _root.xspeed = _root.xspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed - speed; } else if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.yspeed = _root.yspeed + speed; } }
Instance of Symbol 114 MovieClip in Frame 12
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("normalgame"); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("normalgame"); }
Instance of Symbol 119 MovieClip in Frame 12
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.main)) { _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); }
Instance of Symbol 27 MovieClip in Frame 12
on (release) { if (_root.muted == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); _root.muted = 1; } else if (_root.muted == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); _root.muted = 0; } }
Frame 13
stop(); _root.main.gotoAndStop(1); BG1Sound.stop(); BG2Sound.stop(); _root.main._visible = true; MenuSound = new Sound(this); MenuSound.attachSound("MenuSound"); MenuSound.start(0, 99999); _root.musicon = 1; normalwinscore = (_root.truescore + (_root.blue_got * 10)) - (_root.red_got * 100); blueadd = _root.blue_got * 10; redminus = _root.red_got * 100; bluescoreadd = ("+" + blueadd) + " score"; redscoreminus = ("-" + redminus) + " score"; namevar = "No Name";
Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((_root.main._y <= 0) && (_root.yspeed < 0)) { _root.yspeed = 0; } if ((_root.main._y >= 600) && (_root.yspeed > 0)) { _root.yspeed = 0; } if ((_root.main._x <= 0) && (_root.xspeed > 0)) { _root.xspeed = 0; } if ((_root.main._x >= 800) && (_root.xspeed < 0)) { _root.xspeed = 0; } _root.main._x = _root.main._x - _root.xspeed; _root.main._y = _root.main._y + _root.yspeed; if (_root.scoremax > _root.score) { _root.score = _root.score + 1; _root.special = _root.special + 1; } if (_root.special >= 100) { _root.special = 0; _root.randomnum = random(10); if ((_root.randomnum == 1) && (_root.levelon >= 4)) { _root.magnetin = 1; } else if (_root.randomnum == 3) { _root.slowmoin = 1; } else if ((_root.randomnum == 5) && (_root.levelon >= 2)) { _root.speedin = 1; } else if ((_root.randomnum == 7) && (_root.levelon >= 6)) { _root.invisiblein = 1; } else if ((_root.randomnum == 9) && (_root.levelon >= 8)) { _root.frictionin = 1; } } if (_root.levelon == 1) { if (_root.score >= 200) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level2"); _root.levelon = 2; _root.blue01 = 1; _root.blue02 = 1; _root.blue03 = 1; _root.blue04 = 1; _root.red01 = 1; _root.red02 = 1; } } else if (_root.levelon == 2) { if (_root.score >= 1500) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level3"); _root.levelon = 3; _root.blue05 = 1; _root.blue06 = 1; _root.blue07 = 1; _root.blue08 = 1; _root.red03 = 1; _root.red04 = 1; } }
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((_root.main._y <= 0) && (_root.yspeed < 0)) { _root.yspeed = 0; } if ((_root.main._y >= 600) && (_root.yspeed > 0)) { _root.yspeed = 0; } if ((_root.main._x <= 0) && (_root.xspeed > 0)) { _root.xspeed = 0; } if ((_root.main._x >= 800) && (_root.xspeed < 0)) { _root.xspeed = 0; } _root.main._x = _root.main._x - _root.xspeed; _root.main._y = _root.main._y + _root.yspeed; if (_root.scoremax > _root.score) { _root.score = _root.score + 1; _root.special = _root.special + 1; } if (_root.special >= 100) { _root.special = 0; _root.randomnum = random(10); if ((_root.randomnum == 1) && (_root.levelon >= 4)) { _root.magnetin = 1; } else if (_root.randomnum == 3) { _root.slowmoin = 1; } else if ((_root.randomnum == 5) && (_root.levelon >= 2)) { _root.speedin = 1; } else if ((_root.randomnum == 7) && (_root.levelon >= 6)) { _root.invisiblein = 1; } else if ((_root.randomnum == 9) && (_root.levelon >= 8)) { _root.frictionin = 1; } } if (_root.levelon == 1) { if (_root.score >= 200) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level2"); _root.levelon = 2; _root.blue01 = 1; _root.blue02 = 1; _root.blue03 = 1; _root.blue04 = 1; _root.red01 = 1; _root.red02 = 1; } } else if (_root.levelon == 2) { if (_root.score >= 1500) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level3"); _root.levelon = 3; _root.blue05 = 1; _root.blue06 = 1; _root.blue07 = 1; _root.blue08 = 1; _root.red03 = 1; _root.red04 = 1; } }
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 24 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 24 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 24 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_root.muted == 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (_root.musicon == 0) { _root.musicon = 1; _root.MenuSound.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); _root.MenuSound.stop();
Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 43 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 43 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.slowmo = 1; _root.specialinuse = 1;
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 320
_root.slowmo = 0; _root.specialinuse = 0; gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.magnet = 1; _root.specialinuse = 1;
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 154
_root.magnet = 0; _root.specialinuse = 0; gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.speed = 1; _root.specialinuse = 1;
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 320
_root.speed = 0; _root.specialinuse = 0; gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.specialinuse = 1; _root.main._visible = false;
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 320
_root.specialinuse = 0; _root.main._visible = true; gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.specialinuse = 1; _root.friction = 1; _root.xspeed = 0; _root.yspeed = 0;
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 320
_root.specialinuse = 0; _root.friction = 0; gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_root.muted == 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (_root.soundchosen == 1) { _root.BG1Sound.start(0, 999); } else if (_root.soundchosen == 2) { _root.BG2Sound.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); _root.BG1Sound.stop(); _root.BG2Sound.stop();
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); _root.red1 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); _root.red2 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); _root.red3 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); _root.red4 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); _root.red5 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); _root.red6 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); _root.red7 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); _root.red8 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); _root.red9 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); _root.red11 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); _root.red12 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); _root.red13 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 14
stop(); _root.red14 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 15
stop(); _root.red15 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); _root.red16 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 17
stop(); _root.red17 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); _root.red18 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 19
stop(); _root.red19 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); _root.red20 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); _root.red21 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); _root.red22 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); _root.red23 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); _root.red24 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); _root.red25 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); _root.red26 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); _root.red27 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); _root.red28 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 29
stop(); _root.red29 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); _root.red30 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 31
stop(); _root.red31 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 32
stop(); _root.red32 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); _root.red33 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 34
stop(); _root.red34 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 35
stop(); _root.red35 = 1;
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 36
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 32
_root.second = _root.second + 1;
Instance of Symbol 168 MovieClip in Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._y = this._y - 120; }
Instance of Symbol 168 MovieClip in Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._y = this._y - 120; }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._y = this._y - 20; }
Instance of Symbol 183 MovieClip in Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._y = this._y - 120; }
Instance of Symbol 183 MovieClip in Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._y = this._y - 120; }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._y = this._y + 10; }
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 100
stop(); _root.levelon = 1;
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 200
stop(); _root.levelon = 2;
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 300
stop(); _root.levelon = 3;
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 400
stop(); _root.levelon = 4;
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 500
stop(); _root.levelon = 5;
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 600
stop(); _root.levelon = 6;
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 700
stop(); _root.levelon = 7;
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 800
stop(); _root.levelon = 8;
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 900
stop(); _root.levelon = 9;
Instance of Symbol 170 MovieClip in Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 901
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(20) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._x - speedship; if (this._x <= -600) { this._x = 600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(20) + 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 901
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(4) + 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._x - speedship; if (this._x <= -600) { this._x = 600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(4) + 2; } }
Instance of Symbol 174 MovieClip in Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 901
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = -600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(4) + 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._x + speedship; if (this._x > 600) { this._x = -600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(4) + 2; } }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip in Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 901
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._x - speedship; if (this._x <= -600) { this._x = 600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(10) + 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 901
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = -600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(20) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._x + speedship; if (this._x > 600) { this._x = -600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(20) + 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip in Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 901
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = -600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._x + speedship; if (this._x > 600) { this._x = -600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(10) + 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 170 MovieClip in Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 901
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(20) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._x - speedship; if (this._x <= -600) { this._x = 600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(20) + 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 170 MovieClip in Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 901
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(20) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._x - speedship; if (this._x <= -600) { this._x = 600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(20) + 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip in Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 901
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._x - speedship; if (this._x <= -600) { this._x = 600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(10) + 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 901
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = -600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(20) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._x + speedship; if (this._x > 600) { this._x = -600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(20) + 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 901
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = -600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(20) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._x + speedship; if (this._x > 600) { this._x = -600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(20) + 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip in Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 901
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = -600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(10) + 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._x + speedship; if (this._x > 600) { this._x = -600; this._y = random(600); speedship = random(10) + 1; } }
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 1000
stop(); _root.levelon = 10;
Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((_root.main._y <= 0) && (_root.yspeed < 0)) { _root.yspeed = 0; } if ((_root.main._y >= 600) && (_root.yspeed > 0)) { _root.yspeed = 0; } if ((_root.main._x <= 0) && (_root.xspeed > 0)) { _root.xspeed = 0; } if ((_root.main._x >= 800) && (_root.xspeed < 0)) { _root.xspeed = 0; } _root.main._x = _root.main._x - _root.xspeed; _root.main._y = _root.main._y + _root.yspeed; if (_root.scoremax < _root.score) { _root.score = _root.score - 1; _root.special = _root.special + 1; } if (_root.special >= 100) { _root.special = 0; _root.randomnum = random(10); if ((_root.randomnum == 1) && (_root.levelon >= 4)) { _root.magnetin = 1; } else if (_root.randomnum == 3) { _root.slowmoin = 1; } else if ((_root.randomnum == 5) && (_root.levelon >= 2)) { _root.speedin = 1; } else if ((_root.randomnum == 7) && (_root.levelon >= 6)) { _root.invisiblein = 1; } else if ((_root.randomnum == 9) && (_root.levelon >= 8)) { _root.frictionin = 1; } } if (_root.score == 0) { if (_root.levelon == 1) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level2"); _root.score = 200; _root.scoremax = 200; _root.levelon = 2; _root.blue01 = 1; _root.blue02 = 1; _root.blue03 = 1; _root.blue04 = 1; _root.red01 = 1; _root.red02 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 2) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level3"); _root.scoremax = 400; _root.score = 400; _root.levelon = 3; _root.blue05 = 1; _root.blue06 = 1; _root.blue07 = 1; _root.blue08 = 1; _root.red03 = 1; _root.red04 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 3) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level4"); _root.scoremax = 800; _root.score = 800; _root.levelon = 4; _root.blue09 = 1; _root.blue10 = 1; _root.blue11 = 1; _root.blue12 = 1; _root.red05 = 1; _root.red06 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 4) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("leveL5"); _root.scoremax = 1500; _root.score = 1500; _root.levelon = 5; _root.blue13 = 1; _root.blue14 = 1; _root.blue15 = 1; _root.blue16 = 1; _root.red07 = 1; _root.red08 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 5) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level6"); _root.scoremax = 2000; _root.score = 2000; _root.levelon = 6; _root.blue17 = 1; _root.blue18 = 1; _root.blue19 = 1; _root.blue20 = 1; _root.red09 = 1; _root.red10 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 6) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level7"); _root.scoremax = 2500; _root.score = 2500; _root.levelon = 7; _root.blue21 = 1; _root.blue22 = 1; _root.blue23 = 1; _root.blue24 = 1; _root.red11 = 1; _root.red12 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 7) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level8"); _root.scoremax = 3000; _root.score = 3000; _root.levelon = 8; _root.blue25 = 1; _root.blue26 = 1; _root.blue27 = 1; _root.blue28 = 1; _root.red13 = 1; _root.red14 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 8) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level9"); _root.scoremax = 4000; _root.score = 4000; _root.levelon = 9; _root.blue29 = 1; _root.blue30 = 1; _root.blue31 = 1; _root.blue32 = 1; _root.red14 = 1; _root.red15 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 9) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level10"); _root.scoremax = 5000; _root.score = 5000; _root.levelon = 10; _root.blue33 = 1; _root.blue34 = 1; _root.blue35 = 1; _root.red16 = 1; _root.red17 = 1; _root.red18 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay("normalwin"); } }
Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((_root.main._y <= 0) && (_root.yspeed < 0)) { _root.yspeed = 0; } if ((_root.main._y >= 600) && (_root.yspeed > 0)) { _root.yspeed = 0; } if ((_root.main._x <= 0) && (_root.xspeed > 0)) { _root.xspeed = 0; } if ((_root.main._x >= 800) && (_root.xspeed < 0)) { _root.xspeed = 0; } _root.main._x = _root.main._x - _root.xspeed; _root.main._y = _root.main._y + _root.yspeed; if (_root.scoremax < _root.score) { _root.score = _root.score - 1; _root.special = _root.special + 1; } if (_root.special >= 100) { _root.special = 0; _root.randomnum = random(10); if ((_root.randomnum == 1) && (_root.levelon >= 4)) { _root.magnetin = 1; } else if (_root.randomnum == 3) { _root.slowmoin = 1; } else if ((_root.randomnum == 5) && (_root.levelon >= 2)) { _root.speedin = 1; } else if ((_root.randomnum == 7) && (_root.levelon >= 6)) { _root.invisiblein = 1; } else if ((_root.randomnum == 9) && (_root.levelon >= 8)) { _root.frictionin = 1; } } if (_root.score == 0) { if (_root.levelon == 1) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level2"); _root.score = 200; _root.scoremax = 200; _root.levelon = 2; _root.blue01 = 1; _root.blue02 = 1; _root.blue03 = 1; _root.blue04 = 1; _root.red01 = 1; _root.red02 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 2) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level3"); _root.scoremax = 400; _root.score = 400; _root.levelon = 3; _root.blue05 = 1; _root.blue06 = 1; _root.blue07 = 1; _root.blue08 = 1; _root.red03 = 1; _root.red04 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 3) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level4"); _root.scoremax = 800; _root.score = 800; _root.levelon = 4; _root.blue09 = 1; _root.blue10 = 1; _root.blue11 = 1; _root.blue12 = 1; _root.red05 = 1; _root.red06 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 4) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("leveL5"); _root.scoremax = 1500; _root.score = 1500; _root.levelon = 5; _root.blue13 = 1; _root.blue14 = 1; _root.blue15 = 1; _root.blue16 = 1; _root.red07 = 1; _root.red08 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 5) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level6"); _root.scoremax = 2000; _root.score = 2000; _root.levelon = 6; _root.blue17 = 1; _root.blue18 = 1; _root.blue19 = 1; _root.blue20 = 1; _root.red09 = 1; _root.red10 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 6) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level7"); _root.scoremax = 2500; _root.score = 2500; _root.levelon = 7; _root.blue21 = 1; _root.blue22 = 1; _root.blue23 = 1; _root.blue24 = 1; _root.red11 = 1; _root.red12 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 7) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level8"); _root.scoremax = 3000; _root.score = 3000; _root.levelon = 8; _root.blue25 = 1; _root.blue26 = 1; _root.blue27 = 1; _root.blue28 = 1; _root.red13 = 1; _root.red14 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 8) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level9"); _root.scoremax = 4000; _root.score = 4000; _root.levelon = 9; _root.blue29 = 1; _root.blue30 = 1; _root.blue31 = 1; _root.blue32 = 1; _root.red14 = 1; _root.red15 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 9) { _root.levels.gotoAndPlay("level10"); _root.scoremax = 5000; _root.score = 5000; _root.levelon = 10; _root.blue33 = 1; _root.blue34 = 1; _root.blue35 = 1; _root.red16 = 1; _root.red17 = 1; _root.red18 = 1; } else if (_root.levelon == 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay("normalwin"); } }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [MenuSound]
Symbol 2 Sound [BG2Sound]
Symbol 3 Sound [BG1Sound]
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 5 FontUsed by:6 7 11 13 15 16 18 19 21 22 23 28 29 30 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 48 49 51 52 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 62 64 65 66 68 69 70 72 73 76 79 85 90 93 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 115 116 117 118 120 121 122 124 126 127 128 129 130 131 133 135 138 141 144 147 148 152 156 157 159 188 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212
Symbol 6 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 7 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClipUses:8Used by:10 32 74 82 83 84 88 89  Timeline
Symbol 10 MovieClipUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 11 TextUses:5Used by:12
Symbol 12 MovieClipUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 13 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 14 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 15 TextUses:5Used by:17
Symbol 16 TextUses:5Used by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:15 16Used by:Timeline
Symbol 18 TextUses:5Used by:20
Symbol 19 TextUses:5Used by:20
Symbol 20 MovieClipUses:18 19Used by:Timeline
Symbol 21 TextUses:5Used by:24
Symbol 22 TextUses:5Used by:24
Symbol 23 TextUses:5Used by:24
Symbol 24 MovieClipUses:21 22 23Used by:Timeline
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:27 96
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27 96
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:25 26Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 29 TextUses:5Used by:31
Symbol 30 TextUses:5Used by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClipUses:29 30Used by:Timeline
Symbol 32 MovieClipUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 33 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 34 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 35 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 36 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 37 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 38 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 39 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 40 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 41 TextUses:5Used by:43
Symbol 42 TextUses:5Used by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:41 42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 44 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 45 TextUses:5Used by:47
Symbol 46 TextUses:5Used by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClipUses:45 46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 48 TextUses:5Used by:50
Symbol 49 TextUses:5Used by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClipUses:48 49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 51 TextUses:5Used by:53
Symbol 52 TextUses:5Used by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:51 52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 54 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 55 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 56 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 58 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 59 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 TextUses:5Used by:63
Symbol 61 TextUses:5Used by:63
Symbol 62 TextUses:5Used by:63 67 71
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:60 61 62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 64 TextUses:5Used by:67
Symbol 65 TextUses:5Used by:67
Symbol 66 TextUses:5Used by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClipUses:64 65 66 62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 68 TextUses:5Used by:71
Symbol 69 TextUses:5Used by:71
Symbol 70 TextUses:5Used by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:68 69 70 62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 72 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 73 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:78 81 87 92 95
Symbol 76 TextUses:5Used by:78 81 87 92
Symbol 77 ShapeTweeningUsed by:78
Symbol 78 MovieClipUses:75 76 77Used by:Timeline
Symbol 79 TextUses:5Used by:81
Symbol 80 ShapeTweeningUsed by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClipUses:75 79 80 76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 82 MovieClipUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 83 MovieClipUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 84 MovieClipUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 85 TextUses:5Used by:87
Symbol 86 ShapeTweeningUsed by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:75 85 86 76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 MovieClipUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 TextUses:5Used by:92
Symbol 91 ShapeTweeningUsed by:92
Symbol 92 MovieClipUses:75 90 91 76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 TextUses:5Used by:95
Symbol 94 ShapeTweeningUsed by:95
Symbol 95 MovieClipUses:75 93 94Used by:Timeline
Symbol 96 MovieClipUses:25 26Used by:Timeline
Symbol 97 FontUsed by:98 100 102
Symbol 98 EditableTextUses:97Used by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClipUses:98Used by:Timeline
Symbol 100 EditableTextUses:97Used by:101
Symbol 101 MovieClipUses:100Used by:Timeline
Symbol 102 TextUses:97Used by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:102Used by:Timeline
Symbol 104 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 105 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 106 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 107 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 108 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 109 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 TextUses:5Used by:114
Symbol 113 TextUses:5Used by:114
Symbol 114 MovieClipUses:112 113Used by:Timeline
Symbol 115 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 116 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 117 TextUses:5Used by:119
Symbol 118 TextUses:5Used by:119
Symbol 119 MovieClipUses:117 118Used by:Timeline
Symbol 120 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 121 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 122 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 124 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 125 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 126 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 127 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 128 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 129 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 130 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 131 TextUses:5Used by:189
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 133 TextUses:5Used by:189
Symbol 134 ShapeTweeningUsed by:189
Symbol 135 TextUses:5Used by:189
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 137 ShapeTweeningUsed by:189
Symbol 138 TextUses:5Used by:189
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 140 ShapeTweeningUsed by:189
Symbol 141 TextUses:5Used by:189
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 143 ShapeTweeningUsed by:189
Symbol 144 TextUses:5Used by:189
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 146 ShapeTweeningUsed by:189
Symbol 147 TextUses:5Used by:189
Symbol 148 TextUses:5Used by:189
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 151 ShapeTweeningUsed by:189
Symbol 152 TextUses:5Used by:189
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 155 ShapeTweeningUsed by:189
Symbol 156 TextUses:5Used by:189
Symbol 157 TextUses:5Used by:189
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 159 TextUses:5Used by:189
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:165
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:165
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:165
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:165
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:165
Symbol 165 MovieClipUses:160 161 162 163 164Used by:189
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:170
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:168
Symbol 168 MovieClipUses:167Used by:170 184
Symbol 169 GraphicUsed by:170
Symbol 170 MovieClipUses:166 168 169Used by:189
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 172 MovieClipUses:171Used by:189
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:174
Symbol 174 MovieClipUses:173Used by:189
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:177
Symbol 177 MovieClipUses:176Used by:179 187
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 179 MovieClipUses:175 177 178Used by:189
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:184
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:184
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:183
Symbol 183 MovieClipUses:182Used by:184
Symbol 184 MovieClipUses:180 168 181 183Used by:189
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:187
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:187
Symbol 187 MovieClipUses:185 177 186Used by:189
Symbol 188 TextUses:5Used by:189
Symbol 189 MovieClipUses:131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 165 170 172 174 179 184 187 188Used by:Timeline
Symbol 190 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 191 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 192 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 193 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 194 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 195 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 196 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 197 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 198 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 199 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 200 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 201 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 202 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 203 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 205 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 206 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 207 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 208 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 209 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 210 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 211 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 212 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"loaded_txt"Frame 1Symbol 7 EditableText
"main"Frame 2Symbol 10 MovieClip
"arrowsormouse"Frame 2Symbol 12 MovieClip
"main"Frame 3Symbol 10 MovieClip
"main"Frame 4Symbol 10 MovieClip
"main"Frame 5Symbol 10 MovieClip
"score"Frame 6Symbol 73 EditableText
"main"Frame 6Symbol 10 MovieClip
"slowmomc"Frame 6Symbol 78 MovieClip
"magnetmc"Frame 6Symbol 81 MovieClip
"red02"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"blue09"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue10"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue11"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"red14"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red11"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red12"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red13"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red06"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red08"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red04"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red09"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red16"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red10"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red00"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red15"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red17"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red07"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red01"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red05"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red03"Frame 6Symbol 83 MovieClip
"blue08"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue00"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue01"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue30"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue17"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue04"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue20"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue32"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue18"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue34"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue33"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue07"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue13"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue25"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue22"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue27"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue06"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue05"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue31"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue19"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue15"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue28"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue35"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue26"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue21"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue14"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue29"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue16"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue12"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue03"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue24"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue23"Frame 6Symbol 32 MovieClip
"speedmc"Frame 6Symbol 87 MovieClip
"invisiblemc"Frame 6Symbol 92 MovieClip
"frictionmc"Frame 6Symbol 95 MovieClip
"main"Frame 7Symbol 10 MovieClip
"truescore"Frame 7Symbol 105 EditableText
"blue_got"Frame 7Symbol 107 EditableText
"red_got"Frame 7Symbol 109 EditableText
"purple_got"Frame 7Symbol 110 EditableText
"green_got"Frame 7Symbol 111 EditableText
"orange_got"Frame 7Symbol 116 EditableText
"black_got"Frame 7Symbol 120 EditableText
"yellow_got"Frame 7Symbol 121 EditableText
"blue_got"Frame 8Symbol 122 EditableText
"slowmomc"Frame 8Symbol 78 MovieClip
"magnetmc"Frame 8Symbol 81 MovieClip
"red2"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red14"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red11"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red12"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red13"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red6"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red8"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red4"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red9"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red16"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red10"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red0"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red15"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red17"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red7"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red1"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red5"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red3"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"blue00"Frame 8Symbol 32 MovieClip
"speedmc"Frame 8Symbol 87 MovieClip
"red20"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red32"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red29"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red30"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red31"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red24"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red26"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red22"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red27"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red34"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red28"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red18"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red33"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red35"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red25"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red19"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red23"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red21"Frame 8Symbol 83 MovieClip
"addred"Frame 8Symbol 123 MovieClip
"second"Frame 8Symbol 124 EditableText
"invisiblemc"Frame 8Symbol 92 MovieClip
"frictionmc"Frame 8Symbol 95 MovieClip
"blue_got"Frame 9Symbol 126 EditableText
"blue_got"Frame 10Symbol 130 EditableText
"levels"Frame 11Symbol 189 MovieClip
"score"Frame 11Symbol 191 EditableText
"main"Frame 11Symbol 10 MovieClip
"red02"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"blue09"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue10"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue11"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"red14"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red11"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red12"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red13"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red06"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red08"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red04"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red09"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red16"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red10"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red00"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red15"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red17"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red07"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red01"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red05"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"red03"Frame 11Symbol 83 MovieClip
"blue08"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue00"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue01"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue30"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue17"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue04"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue20"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue32"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue18"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue34"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue33"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue07"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue13"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue25"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue22"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue27"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue06"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue05"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue31"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue19"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue15"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue28"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue35"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue26"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue21"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue14"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue29"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue16"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue12"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue03"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue24"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"blue23"Frame 11Symbol 32 MovieClip
"slowmomc"Frame 11Symbol 78 MovieClip
"magnetmc"Frame 11Symbol 81 MovieClip
"speedmc"Frame 11Symbol 87 MovieClip
"invisiblemc"Frame 11Symbol 92 MovieClip
"frictionmc"Frame 11Symbol 95 MovieClip
"main"Frame 12Symbol 10 MovieClip
"truescore"Frame 12Symbol 193 EditableText
"blue_got"Frame 12Symbol 195 EditableText
"red_got"Frame 12Symbol 196 EditableText
"purple_got"Frame 12Symbol 197 EditableText
"green_got"Frame 12Symbol 198 EditableText
"orange_got"Frame 12Symbol 199 EditableText
"black_got"Frame 12Symbol 200 EditableText
"yellow_got"Frame 12Symbol 201 EditableText
"blue_got"Frame 13Symbol 204 EditableText
"red_got"Frame 13Symbol 205 EditableText
"purple_got"Frame 13Symbol 206 EditableText
"green_got"Frame 13Symbol 207 EditableText
"orange_got"Frame 13Symbol 208 EditableText
"black_got"Frame 13Symbol 209 EditableText
"yellow_got"Frame 13Symbol 210 EditableText
"main"Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 9 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "MenuSound"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "BG2Sound"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "BG1Sound"


"menu"Frame 2
"how"Frame 3
"mode"Frame 4
"credits"Frame 5
"endlessgame"Frame 6
"endlesslose"Frame 7
"singlegame"Frame 8
"singlelose"Frame 9
"singlewin"Frame 10
"normalgame"Frame 11
"normallose"Frame 12
"normalwin"Frame 13
"level2"Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 101
"level3"Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 201
"level4"Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 301
"level5"Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 401
"level6"Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 501
"level7"Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 601
"level8"Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 701
"level9"Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 801
"level10"Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 901

Dynamic Text Variables

scoreSymbol 73 EditableText""
truescoreSymbol 105 EditableText""
blue_gotSymbol 107 EditableText""
red_gotSymbol 109 EditableText""
purple_gotSymbol 110 EditableText""
green_gotSymbol 111 EditableText""
orange_gotSymbol 116 EditableText""
black_gotSymbol 120 EditableText""
yellow_gotSymbol 121 EditableText""
blue_gotSymbol 122 EditableText""
secondSymbol 124 EditableText""
blue_gotSymbol 126 EditableText""
timesecondsSymbol 128 EditableText""
blue_gotSymbol 130 EditableText""
scoreSymbol 191 EditableText""
truescoreSymbol 193 EditableText""
blue_gotSymbol 195 EditableText""
red_gotSymbol 196 EditableText""
purple_gotSymbol 197 EditableText""
green_gotSymbol 198 EditableText""
orange_gotSymbol 199 EditableText""
black_gotSymbol 200 EditableText""
yellow_gotSymbol 201 EditableText""
normalwinscoreSymbol 203 EditableText""
blue_gotSymbol 204 EditableText""
red_gotSymbol 205 EditableText""
purple_gotSymbol 206 EditableText""
green_gotSymbol 207 EditableText""
orange_gotSymbol 208 EditableText""
black_gotSymbol 209 EditableText""
yellow_gotSymbol 210 EditableText""
bluescoreaddSymbol 211 EditableText""
redscoreminusSymbol 212 EditableText""
Created: 1/5 -2019 11:48:12 Last modified: 1/5 -2019 11:48:12 Server time: 15/06 -2024 01:22:56