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Slide N Loop.swf

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Flash #47937

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<p align="center"><font face="Freebooter" size="15" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>Get Slide N’Loop on your Mobile</b></font></p>


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SlideNLoop version 1.0

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2007. Puzzoo, Inc. Desarrollado por Puzzoo, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Publicado por Vivendi Games Mobile, una división de Vivendi Games Europe S.A. Todas las demás marcas comerciales son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios.


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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function makeAI(num) { var _local11 = "AI_01"; var mc = GrandParent.attachMovie(_local11, _local11, GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); mc.nom = _local11; mc.swapDepths(Mainperso); mc.onMakeAction = function () { if ((!this.Immobile) && (MAINGP.canplay)) { this.plx = this.pPos[0]; this.ply = this.pPos[1]; astate = randRange(0, 100); this.pState = "stand"; this.dopush = 0; if (astate > 80) { this.dopush = 1; this.pState = "push"; this.NbBouclePushCount = 0; if ((this.numBoss != 4) && (this.pState == "push")) { this.StartAnim(); } else if ((this.numBoss == 4) && (this.pState == "push")) { this.ApplyAnim("push"); } } else { AttachSoundDesign("AI", "Sloop_fx_FootSteps_boss.mp3"); this.makemove(0, 0); } } }; mc.onLoad = function () { this.piniposX = Maincontainer._x; this.piniposY = Maincontainer._y; this.confusion = 0; this.duration = 2500; this.Immobile = 0; this.numBoss = 1; this.CherchePos(); this.calcpos(); this.timeout = setInterval(this, "onMakeAction", this.duration); this.pState = "stand"; this.StartAnim(); this.NbBouclePush = 2; this.NbBouclePushCount = 0; this.dopush = 0; this.ListeState = new Array("stand", "push", "walk"); }; mc.isFreeCase = function (aposx, aposy) { if (this.pPos == undefined) { return(1); } if ((aposx == this.pPos[0]) && (aposy == this.pPos[1])) { return(0); } return(1); }; mc.CherchePos = function () { var _local6 = 0; var _local7 = 0; while (!_local6) { if ((Mainperso.pPos[0] == 0) || (Mainperso.pPos[0] == 8)) { var _local5 = randRange(0, 1); var _local2 = randRange(1, 7); if (_local5) { var _local3 = 8; } else { var _local3 = _local5; } } else { var _local4 = randRange(0, 1); var _local3 = randRange(1, 7); if (_local4) { var _local2 = 8; } else { var _local2 = _local4; } } _local6 = canmove(_local2, _local3); this.pPos = Array(_local2, _local3); _local7++; if (_local7 == 10) { _local6 = 1; } } }; mc.calcpos = function () { if ((this.numBoss == 1) || (this.numBoss == 2)) { if (this.pPos[1] == 0) { dy = 28; } else { dy = 15; } dy = dy * (MAINGP.height / 768); } else if (this.numBoss == 4) { if (this.pPos[1] == 0) { dy = 40; } else { dy = 15; } } else { dy = 0; } this._x = (this.piniposX + (this.pPos[0] * title_size)) - 12.5; this._y = ((this.piniposY + (this.pPos[1] * title_size)) - 12.5) - dy; }; mc.makemove = function (posx, posy) { if (MAINGP.canplay) { this.plx = this.pPos[0]; this.ply = this.pPos[1]; if ((this.plx >= 1) && (this.plx <= nbcase)) { posx = randRange(-1, 1); posy = 0; } else if ((ply >= 1) && (this.ply <= nbcase)) { posy = randRange(-1, 1); posx = 0; } else { posy = randRange(-1, 1); posx = randRange(-1, 1); } var _local3 = this.bornenum(this.plx + posx); var _local2 = this.bornenum(this.ply + posy); if (((_local3 == 0) && (_local2 == 0)) or ((_local3 == 8) && (_local2 == 8))) { _local3 = this.plx; _local2 = this.ply; } if (((_local3 == 8) && (_local2 == 0)) or ((_local3 == 0) && (_local2 == 8))) { _local3 = (this.plx + posx) + posy; _local2 = (this.ply + posx) + posy; } var _local6 = canmove(_local3, _local2); if (_local6 == 1) { this.pPos[0] = _local3; this.pPos[1] = _local2; mc.calcpos(); if (this.numBoss == 4) { this.pState = "walk"; this.StartAnim(); } } } }; mc.bornenum = function (val) { valmin = 0; valmax = 8; myval = Math.max(valmin, Math.min(valmax, val)); return(myval); }; mc.getnextcase = function (id) { if (id == 0) { id = 8; } if (id == 8) { id = 0; } return(id); }; mc.InitialiseImmobile = function () { this.Immobile = 1; this.IDIntervalImmobile = setInterval(this, "TickImmobile", 250); this.ImmobileCount = 0; }; mc.TickImmobile = function () { if (this.ImmobileCount < 24) { this.ImmobileCount++; this._visible = !this._visible; } else { clearInterval(this.IDIntervalImmobile); this.Immobile = 0; } }; mc.StartAnim = function () { if (this.IntervalIDAnim != undefined) { clearInterval(this.IntervalIDAnim); } if ((this.numBoss != 4) && (this.pState == "push")) { var _local2 = 100; this.stand.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.numBoss == 4) { var _local3 = getone(this.ListeState, this.pState); this.gotoAndStop(_local3 + 1); var _local2 = 250; } else { var _local2 = 250; this.stand.gotoAndStop(1); } this.IntervalIDAnim = setInterval(this, "ApplyAnim", _local2); }; mc.PeutBoucler = function () { push = this.pState.slice(0, 4); if ((push == "push") || (this.pState == "walk")) { this.pState = "stand"; this.gotoAndStop(1); this.StartAnim(); } }; mc.ApplyAnim = function (nfs) { if (nfs != undefined) { nf = 0; this.StartAnim(); } if (this.numBoss != 4) { this.pClip = "stand"; } else { this.pClip = this.pState; } var _local2 = this[this.pClip]; var nf = (_local2._currentframe + 1); var _local3 = _local2._totalframes; if (nf == (_local3 + 1)) { this.PeutBoucler(); nf = 1; _local2 = this[this.pState]; } _local2.gotoAndStop(nf); if (this.numBoss != 4) { if (((this.pState == "push") && (this.dopush)) && (_local2._currentframe == 2)) { PlayerPush(this.plx, this.ply, 0); this.dopush = 0; } } else if (((this.pState == "push") && (this.dopush)) && (_local2._currentframe == 4)) { PlayerPush(this.plx, this.ply, 0); this.dopush = 0; } }; mc.onLoad(); return(mc); } function DonneCoordonneePos(pos) { coord = new Array(); coord.push(pos[0] * title_size); coord.push(pos[1] * title_size); return(coord); } function getone(mylist, obj) { var _local3 = mylist.length; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { var _local2 = mylist[_local1]; if (_local2 == obj) { return(_local1); } _local1++; } return(-1); } function randRange(min, max) { var _local1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + min; return(_local1); } function Centermc(mc) { var _local5 = mc._width / 2; var _local3 = mc._height / 2; var _local4 = Stage.width / 2; var _local2 = Stage.height / 2; mc._x = _local4 - _local5; mc._y = _local2 - _local3; } function LanceMouvementVersScore(acontener, number, apos) { if (Maincontainer.scorefxmember == undefined) { var _local2 = GrandParent.attachMovie("Fx_Score", "Fx_Score", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); Maincontainer.scorefxmember = _local2; _local2.onLoad = function () { this.score = 0; var _local2 = DonneCoordonneePosGlobalDida(apos[0], apos[1]); if ((MAINGP.gamemode == "Survivor") && (MAINGP.canplay == 0)) { this.ciblex = MainHud.MainScore._x; this.cibley = MainHud.MainScore._y; this._x = MAINGP.width / 8; this._y = (2 * MAINGP.height) / 3; this.makemove = 0; } else { this.ciblex = _local2[0]; this.cibley = _local2[1]; this._x = _local2[0]; this._y = _local2[1]; this.makemove = 1; } this.wait = 10; this.count = 0; this.IntervalID = setInterval(this, "TickMvt", 84); }; _local2.scoring = function (number) { this.score = number; this.txt = this.score; }; _local2.TickMvt = function () { if (this.makemove == 1) { cx = this.ciblex; cy = this.cibley; this.coefDepl = 0.5; this._x = this._x + ((cx - this._x) * this.coefDepl); this._y = this._y + ((cy - this._y) * this.coefDepl); if ((this._x == cx) || (this._y == cy)) { this.count++; if (!((MAINGP.gamemode == "Survivor") && (Maincontainer.startgame == 0))) { if (this.count > this.wait) { Maincontainer.scorefxmember = undefined; removeMovieClip(this); clearInterval(this.IntervalID); } } } } }; _local2.newpos = function (abpos) { var _local2 = DonneCoordonneePosGlobalDida(abpos[0], abpos[1]); this.ciblex = _local2[0]; this.cibley = _local2[1]; this._x = _local2[0]; this._y = _local2[1]; this.count = 0; }; _local2.end = function () { Maincontainer.scorefxmember.end; this.makemove = 1; this.score = 0; }; _local2.onLoad(); } else if (MAINGP.gamemode != "Survivor") { Maincontainer.scorefxmember.newpos(apos); } Maincontainer.scorefxmember.scoring(number); } function ConstruitPoint(posx, posy) { obj = new Object(); obj.pos = new Array(Math.floor(posx), Math.floor(posy)); return(obj); } function FormatTexte(Texte) { if (Texte.indexOf("%") == -1) { return(Texte); } while (Texte.indexOf("%") != -1) { Texte = Texte.slice(0, Texte.indexOf("%")).concat("'" + Texte.slice(Texte.indexOf("%") + 1)); } return(Texte); } function DonneCoordonneePosGlobal(pos0, pos1) { coord = new Array(); coord.push(pos0 * title_size); coord.push(pos1 * title_size); return(coord); } function NbreChildXML(XMLRoot) { s = -1; var _local1 = XMLRoot.firstChild; while (_local1 != null) { s++; _local1 = _local1.nextSibling; } return(s); } function DonneCoordonneePosGlobalDida(pos0, pos1) { coord = new Array(); coord.push(((pos0 * title_size) + Maincontainer._x) - (title_size / 2)); coord.push(((pos1 * title_size) + Maincontainer._y) - (title_size / 2)); return(coord); } function DonneAutrePosGlobal(pos0, pos1) { coord = new Array(); coord.push(((pos0 * title_size) + Maincontainer._x) - (title_size / 2)); coord.push(((pos1 * title_size) + Maincontainer._y) - (title_size / 2)); return(coord); } MakeFxScorePiece = function (aposx, aposy) { var _local7 = (("Fx_score_" + aposx) + "_") + aposy; var _local2 = GrandParent.attachMovie("Etoiles", _local7, GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); _local2.onLoad = function () { var _local2 = DonneCoordonneePosGlobalDida(aposx, aposy); this._x = _local2[0]; this._y = _local2[1]; this._xscale = 70; this._yscale = 70; var _local3 = randRange(1, 1); this.cacheAsBitmap = true; this.gotoAndStop(_local3); this.Chemin = DonneCheminVersScore(_local2); this.curdest = this.Chemin[0]; this.dir = new Array(this.curdest[0] - this._x, this.curdest[1] - this._y); this.dir = NormalizeVector(this.dir); this.long = 50; this.IntervalID = setInterval(this, "Tick", 50); ArrayFxScore.push(0); var _local4 = new Array(0, 0); this.angle = GetAngleVecteur(_local4, this.dir); this._rotation = this.angle + 90; }; _local2.Tick = function () { if ((MAINGP.QuitSloop != undefined) || (MainMenuGame != undefined)) { return(0); } var _local3 = Math.abs(this.curdest[0] - this._x); var _local2 = Math.abs(this.curdest[1] - this._y); if ((_local3 <= this.long) && (_local2 <= this.long)) { this.Chemin.shift(); if (this.Chemin.length) { this.curdest = this.Chemin[0]; this.dir = new Array(this.curdest[0] - this._x, this.curdest[1] - this._y); this.dir = NormalizeVector(this.dir); var _local4 = new Array(0, 0); this.angle = GetAngleVecteur(_local4, this.dir); this._rotation = this.angle + 90; } else { removeMovieClip(this); ArrayFxScore.shift(); if (!ArrayFxScore.length) { if ((Didacticiel != undefined) && (Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 7)) { Didacticiel.WaitFor = ""; Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.encours = 0; clearInterval(Didacticiel.IntervalID); Didacticiel.ActualiseDidacticielInGame(1); } MainHud.IncrementObjectif(); } } } else { this._x = this._x + (this.long * this.dir[0]); this._y = this._y + (this.long * this.dir[1]); } }; _local2.onLoad(); }; DonneCheminVersScore = function (pos) { var _local11 = new Array(); if (MAINGP.gamemode == "Survivor") { var _local12 = new Array(MainHud.MainScore._x, MainHud.MainScore._y); } else { var _local12 = new Array(MainHud.Maintxt._x, MainHud.Maintxt._y); } var _local5 = new Array(_local12[0] - pos[0], _local12[1] - pos[1]); var _local2 = Math.sqrt((_local5[0] * _local5[0]) + (_local5[1] * _local5[1])); _local5 = NormalizeVector(_local5); var _local10 = new Array(-_local5[1], _local5[0]); var _local6 = 2; var _local9 = 32; var _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= (_local6 - 1)) { var _local4 = new Array(pos[0] + (((_local5[0] * _local1) * _local2) / _local6), pos[1] + (((_local5[1] * _local1) * _local2) / _local6)); var _local3 = new Array(((_local10[0] * _local1) * _local2) / _local9, ((_local10[1] * _local1) * _local2) / _local9); var _local7 = new Array(_local4[0] + _local3[0], _local4[1] + _local3[1]); _local11.push(_local7); _local1++; } _local11.push(_local12); return(_local11); }; NormalizeVector = function (vect) { var _local1 = new Array(); var _local3 = Math.sqrt((vect[0] * vect[0]) + (vect[1] * vect[1])); if (_local3 != 0) { _local1.push(vect[0] / _local3); _local1.push(vect[1] / _local3); } else { _local1.push(0, 0); } return(_local1); }; GetAngle = function (Xa, Ya, Xb, Yb) { deltaH = Xb - Xa; deltaV = Yb - Ya; if (deltaH) { slope = deltaV / deltaH; angle = Math.atan(slope); if (deltaH < 0) { angle = angle + Math.PI; } } else if (deltaV > 0) { angle = (Math.PI/2); } else if (deltaV < 0) { angle = 4.71238898038469; } else { angle = 0; } if (angle > Math.PI) { angle = angle - (Math.PI*2); } return(angle); }; GetAngleVecteur = function (v, w) { a = GetAngle(0, 0, v[0], v[1]); b = GetAngle(0, 0, w[0], w[1]); if ((b - a) < 0) { return((((b - a) + (Math.PI*2)) * 180) / Math.PI); } return(((b - a) * 180) / Math.PI); }; DonneNumVirgule = function (texte) { var _local3 = new Array(); if (texte.indexOf(",") == -1) { return(_local3); } while (texte.indexOf(",") != -1) { var _local2 = texte.slice(0, texte.indexOf(",")); _local3.push(_local2); texte = texte.slice(texte.indexOf(",") + 1); } _local3.push(texte); return(_local3); }; function makePlayer() { var _local2 = GrandParent.attachMovie("ZIA_128", "zia", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); _local2.onLoad = function () { this.piniposX = Maincontainer._x; this.piniposY = Maincontainer._y; this.pPos = Array(0, 1); this.malediction = 0; this.confusion = 0; this.Zombie = 0; this.Furie = 0; this.IsRolling = 0; this.calcpos(); this.go = false; this._x = this.xmove; this._y = this.ymove; this.xmove = this.x; this.ymove = this.y; this.pListState = Array("stand", "walk", "push", "jump", "stand_back", "push_back", "push_down", "win_1", "loose", "inversion", "spawn", "walk_zombie", "push_zombie", "push_back_zombie", "push_down_zombie", "eject", "stand_hammer", "stand_back_hammer", "walk_hammer", "push_hammer", "push_back_hammer", "push_down_hammer", "win_hammer", "slide", "stand_superzia", "stand_med", "win_med", "heurt", "push_superzia", "lava", "slide_zombie", "eject_zombie", "spawn"); this.pState = "stand"; this.pCurState = "stand"; this.SpeedDepl = MAINGP.persospeed; this.pFlip = 0; this.pathEnCours = 0; this.pPath = new Array(); this.dest = new Array(0, 1); this.pPathDest = new Array(0, 1); this.LastPos = new Array(this.pPos[0], this.pPos[1]); this.SuperZia = 0; this.Bloque = 0; if (MAINGP.gamemode == "Survivor") { this.ToucheSurvivor = 0; this.NbToucheSurvivor = 0; this.EteToucheSurvivorCount = 0; } this.StartAnim(); this.MystereDonne = 0; this.firstclick = 0; this.FinSuperZia = 0; this.Timer = 0; }; _local2.skill = function (askill) { if (this.malediction != 0) { this.malediction = 4; return(0); } if (((this.malediction != 0) || (this.SuperZia)) || (MAINGP.fingame == 1)) { return(0); } this.mcmalus = GrandParent.attachMovie("fx_malus", "fx_malus", MAINGP.root.getNextHighestDepth()); this.mcmalus._x = (240 * MAINGP.width) / 1024; this.mcmalus._y = (180 * MAINGP.height) / 768; this.malediction = 4; if (!(askill === "confusion")) { } else { this.confusion = 1; } this.DonneStand(); clearInterval(this.IntervalTeteMort); this.IntervalTeteMort = setInterval(this, "TickTeteMort", 55); this.mcmalus.gotoAndStop(1); BILAN.malus = BILAN.malus + 1; }; _local2.isFreeCase = function (aposx, aposy) { if ((aposx == this.pPos[0]) & (aposy == this.pPos[1])) { return(0); } return(1); }; _local2.EndCombo = function () { this.malediction--; if (this.malediction <= 0) { this.endskill(); } }; _local2.deletemalediction = function () { this.malediction = 0; this.confusion = 0; this.Zombie = 0; this.Furie = 0; this.endskill(); }; _local2.endskill = function (askill) { removeMovieClip(this.mcmalus); this.malediction = 0; this.confusion = 0; this.Zombie = 0; this.Furie = 0; this.IsRolling = 0; this.DonneStand(); this.firstclick = 0; clearInterval(this.IntervalTeteMort); }; _local2.TickTeteMort = function () { if (!(this.malediction === 0)) { if (this.pPos[0] < 5) { var _local3 = -40; } else { var _local3 = 20; } var _local5 = this._x + _local3; var _local4 = this._y - 60; this.coefDepl = 0.05; this.mcmalus._x = this.mcmalus._x + ((((_local5 - this.mcmalus._x) * this.coefDepl) * MAINGP.width) / 1024); this.mcmalus._y = this.mcmalus._y + ((((_local4 - this.mcmalus._y) * this.coefDepl) * MAINGP.height) / 768); var _local2 = this.mcmalus._currentframe; _local2++; if (_local2 > this.mcmalus._totalframes) { _local2 = 10; } this.mcmalus.gotoAndStop(_local2); } }; _local2.TickMainPerso = function () { if (MainAI != undefined) { if ((MainAI.pPos[0] == this.pPos[0]) && (MainAI.pPos[1] == this.pPos[1])) { MainAI.makemove(0, 0); } } if (MAINGP.fingame == 1) { this.endskill(); } this.GestAnim(); }; _local2.GestAnim = function () { if (this.pCurState != this.pState) { var _local3 = getone(this.pListState, this.pState); this.gotoAndStop(_local3 + 1); this.pCurState = this.pListState[_local3]; this.pState = this.pCurState; this.ApplyAnim("new"); switch (this.pCurState) { case "walk" : this.SpeedDepl = MAINGP.persospeed; if (this.Zombie == 1) { this.SpeedDepl = MAINGP.persospeed / 2; } break; case "jump" : this.SpeedDepl = MAINGP.persospeed * 2; break; case "walk_zombie" : this.SpeedDepl = MAINGP.persospeed / 2; } } else { var _local2 = this.pState.slice(0, 4); if ((this.pState == "push") || (_local2 == "push")) { if (this[this.pState]._currentframe == undefined) { var _local3 = getone(this.pListState, this.pState); this.gotoAndStop(_local3 + 1); this.ApplyAnim("new"); } } } }; _local2.calcpos = function () { var _local3 = (this.piniposX + (this.pPos[0] * title_size)) - (title_size / 2); var _local2 = (this.piniposY + (this.pPos[1] * title_size)) - (title_size / 2); _local2 = _local2 - 10; this.xmove = _local3; this.ymove = _local2; removeMovieClip(this.Target); mcTarget = getcontener(setValideCase(this.pPos[0]), setValideCase(this.pPos[1])); this.Target = mcTarget.attachMovie("TargetCase", "TargetCase", mcTarget.getNextHighestDepth()); this.go = true; }; _local2.pushcase = function () { if (this.Furie == 1) { this.IsRolling = Math.abs(this.IsRolling - 1); } this.DonnePush(); this.GestAnim(); if (this.SuperZia) { var _local3 = this.pPos[0]; var _local2 = this.pPos[1]; PlayerPush(_local3, _local2, 1); DalleManager.IncrementPousse(); } }; _local2.getnextcase = function (id) { if (id == 0) { id = 8; } if (id == 8) { id = 0; } return(id); }; _local2.ChercheChemin = function (aposx, aposy) { RemettreDalle(aposx, aposy); this.LastPos = Array(this.pPos[0], this.pPos[1]); this.pPos = Array(aposx, aposy); this.dest = Array(aposx, aposy); this.go = false; this.calcpos(); this.pState = "spawn"; this.GestAnim(); this._x = this.xmove; this._y = this.ymove; if ((this.pPos[1] == 0) || (this.pPos[1] == 8)) { if (this.LastPos[0] < this.pPos[0]) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } else if (this.pPos[0] == 0) { this._xscale = 100; } else if (this.pPos[0] == 8) { this._xscale = -100; } AttachSoundDesign("Zia", "teleport.mp3"); if (MainAI != undefined) { if ((this.pPos[1] != 0) && (this.pPos[1] != 8)) { if ((this.pPos[0] == MainAI.pPos[0]) && ((1 + this.pPos[1]) == MainAI.pPos[1])) { if (this.getDepth() > MainAI.getDepth()) { MainAI.swapDepths(this); } } else if ((this.pPos[0] == MainAI.pPos[0]) && (this.pPos[1] == (MainAI.pPos[1] + 1))) { if (this.getDepth() < MainAI.getDepth()) { MainAI.swapDepths(this); } } } } }; _local2.DonneStand = function () { if (this.confusion) { this.pState = "inversion"; } else { this.pState = "stand"; } }; _local2.DonnePush = function () { var _local2 = ""; if (this.pPos[1] == 8) { this.pState = "push_back" + _local2; } else if (this.pPos[1] == 0) { this.pState = "push_down" + _local2; } else { this.pState = "push" + _local2; } }; _local2.StartAnim = function () { if (this.IntervalIDAnim != undefined) { clearInterval(this.IntervalIDAnim); } this.IntervalIDAnim = setInterval(this, "ApplyAnim", 250); }; _local2.PeutBoucler = function () { var _local2 = this.pState.slice(0, 4); if ((((((((((this.pState == "jump") || (_local2 == "push")) || (this.pState == "eject")) || (this.pState == "slide")) || (this.pState == "push")) || (this.pState == "heurt")) || (this.pState == "eject_zombie")) || (this.pState == "slide_zombie")) || (this.pState == "lava")) || (this.pState == "spawn")) { this.DonneStand(); var _local3 = getone(this.pListState, this.pState); this.gotoAndStop(_local3 + 1); } }; _local2.TickBloque = function () { this.Bloque = 0; clearInterval(this.IntervalBloque); }; _local2.DoMove = function (posx, posy, astate) { if (this.pPosClick != undefined) { RemettreDalle(this.pPosClick[0], this.pPosClick[1]); } removeMovieClip(this.Fumee1); removeMovieClip(this.Fumee2); clearInterval(this.IntervalFumee1); clearInterval(this.IntervalFumee2); this.pPosClick = Array(posx, posy); if (astate == "click") { this.Nextpos = Array(posx, posy); this.InitFumee1(); } }; _local2.InitFumee1 = function () { this.countFumee1 = 0; this.Fumee1 = this._parent.attachMovie("Fumee", "Fumee1", this._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Fumee1.gotoAndStop(1); var _local2 = DonneAutrePosGlobal(this.pPos[0], this.pPos[1]); this.Fumee1._x = _local2[0]; this.Fumee1._y = _local2[1]; this.IntervalFumee1 = setInterval(this, "TickFumee1", 84); }; _local2.TickFumee1 = function () { this.countFumee1++; cf = this.Fumee1._currentframe; cf++; if (cf > this.Fumee1._totalframes) { clearInterval(this.IntervalFumee1); removeMovieClip(this.Fumee1); } else { this.Fumee1.gotoAndStop(cf); } if (cf == 3) { this.countFumee2 = 0; this.Fumee2 = this._parent.attachMovie("Fumee", "Fumee2", this._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); var _local2 = DonneAutrePosGlobal(this.Nextpos[0], this.Nextpos[1]); this.Fumee2._x = _local2[0]; this.Fumee2._y = _local2[1]; this.Fumee2.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = 0; this.IntervalFumee2 = setInterval(this, "TickFumee2", 84); } }; _local2.TickFumee2 = function () { this.countFumee2++; cf = this.Fumee2._currentframe; cf++; if (cf > this.Fumee2._totalframes) { clearInterval(this.IntervalFumee2); removeMovieClip(this.Fumee2); } else { this.Fumee2.gotoAndStop(cf); } if (cf == 3) { this._visible = 1; this.ChercheChemin(this.Nextpos[0], this.Nextpos[1]); if (Didacticiel != undefined) { Didacticiel.CanClick = 1; } } }; _local2.onLoad(); return(_local2); } function ScoreBonusMalus(mypiece, posxcase, posycase) { if (Maincontainer.isPlayerPush == 0) { return(0); } if (!MAINGP.canplay) { return(0); } if (mypiece == MAINGP.TimerPiece) { MainHud.Maintime.dyntext = MainHud.Maintime.dyntext + MAINGP.TimerGainTime; } var _local1 = getone(ListMalus, mypiece); if (_local1 > -1) { var _local3 = Array("confusion", "Furie", "Zombie"); var _local2 = 0; Mainperso.skill(_local3[_local2]); AttachSoundDesign("Malus", "Sloop_fx_ExploCombo-Malus_01.mp3"); } } function valgame(num) { if (!Maincontainer.startgame) { return(0); } Maincontainer.startgame = 0; MainGP.canplay = 0; mc = GrandParent.attachMovie("scoring", "scoring_winlose", this.getNextHighestDepth()); mc.ClipPng.gotoAndStop(num + 1); var _local4 = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[6].childNodes[num].firstChild; mc.ClipPng.txt = _local4; mc._x = MAINGP.width / 2; mc._y = MAINGP.height / 2; Mainperso.IsRolling = 0; Mainperso.deletemalediction(); mc.duration = 2500; DeleteMusic(); surfx = undefined; if (num == 1) { Mainperso.pState = "win_1"; AttachSoundDesign("Zia", "sloop_Zik_Win2.mp3"); } else { Mainperso.pState = "loose"; AttachSoundDesign("Zia", "sloop_Zik_Loose1.mp3"); } SoundDesign.Timer.stop(); trace("SoundDesign.Timer " + SoundDesign.Timer); Mainperso.GestAnim(); mc.remove = function (numl) { if (!numl) { } clearInterval(this.intervalId); removeMovieClip(this); }; mc.executeCallback = function () { MAINGP.canplay = 0; if (MAINGP.gamemode == "Libre") { if (surfx == undefined) { if ((num == 1) && (MAINGP.finscore)) { surfx = this.DecomptePointsTempsSurvivor(1); MAINGP.finscore = 1; MakeExplosionsCases(num); this.remove(1); } else if (num == 0) { surfx = this.DecomptePointsTempsSurvivor(0); this.remove(0); } } } }; mc.DecomptePointsTempsSurvivor = function (num) { var _local2 = GrandParent.createEmptyMovieClip("decompte", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); var parent = this; _local2.onLoad = function () { this.scoremax = MainHud.Maintime.dyntext * MainHud.facteur; this.score = 0; this.parent = parent; this.IntervalID = setInterval(this, "Tick", 20); }; _local2.Tick = function () { if (this.score < this.scoremax) { MainHud.Maintime.dyntext--; this.score = this.score + MainHud.facteur; if (MAINGP.MultiTemps != undefined) { MainHud.MainScore.dyntext = MainHud.MainScore.dyntext + (MainHud.facteur * MAINGP.MultiTemps); BILAN.Score = BILAN.Score + (MainHud.facteur * MAINGP.MultiTemps); } else { MainHud.MainScore.dyntext = MainHud.MainScore.dyntext + MainHud.facteur; BILAN.Score = BILAN.Score + MainHud.facteur; } } else { MAINGP.score = MainHud.MainScore.dyntext; if (MAINGP.ExplosionsFin) { this.parent.remove(num); clearInterval(this.IntervalID); removeMovieClip(this); MakeBilan(num); } } }; _local2.onLoad(); return(_local2); }; mc.intervalId = setInterval(mc, "executeCallback", mc.duration); } function MyNewCurseur() { var mc = this.attachMovie("Curseur", "Curseur", this.getNextHighestDepth()); mc.onLoad = function () { Mouse.hide(); mc.viensclique = 0; }; mc.clique = function (aparam) { var _local4 = (MAINGP.canplay && (!MAINGP.Didacticiel)) && (!Mainperso.Bloque); trace((((((("MAINGP.canplay " + MAINGP.canplay) + " ") + MAINGP.Didacticiel) + " ") + MAINGP.DidacticielInGame) + " ") + MainLevelCreate); trace((("curseur " + GrandParent.quitmenupause) + " ") + GrandParent.quitgame); if ((Maincontainer.pState != 1) && (MAINGP.DidacticielInGame)) { trace("exit didacticiel"); return(0); } if (GrandParent.quitgame != undefined) { trace("retunr 0 curseur menu quitgame"); return(0); } if (((MAINGP.canplay && (!Mainperso.Bloque)) || (MAINGP.DidacticielInGame)) && (MainLevelCreate)) { if (!this.viensclique) { for (var _local3 in this._parent.Maincontainer) { if (!this.viensclique) { if (this._parent.Maincontainer[_local3].hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { trace((("passe la" + Didacticiel) + " ") + this._parent.Maincontainer[_local3]); if (Didacticiel == undefined) { this._parent.Maincontainer[_local3].clique(); } this.viensclique = 1; if (((Didacticiel.WaitFor == "Click pos") && (Didacticiel.pPosOblig[0] == this._parent.Maincontainer[_local3].pPos[0])) && (Didacticiel.pPosOblig[1] == this._parent.Maincontainer[_local3].pPos[1])) { this._parent.Maincontainer[_local3].clique(); if (Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 2) { Didacticiel.WaitFor = ""; Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.encours = 0; clearInterval(Didacticiel.IntervalID); Didacticiel.ActualiseDidacticielInGame(1); } else if (((Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 12) || (Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 15)) || (Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 18)) { Didacticiel.WaitFor = "Click"; Didacticiel.Souris.pState = 1; } } else if ((Didacticiel.WaitFor == "Click") && ((((Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 5) || (Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 12)) || (Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 15)) || (Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 18))) { var _local2 = this._parent.Maincontainer[_local3].clique(); if (_local2) { Didacticiel.WaitFor = ""; Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.encours = 0; clearInterval(Didacticiel.IntervalID); Didacticiel.ActualiseDidacticielInGame(1); } } clearInterval(this.intervalID); this.intervalID = setInterval(this, "Tick", 250); } } } if (this._parent.MainHud.btQuit.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { this._parent.MainHud.btQuit.clique(); } } } if (MAINGP.Didacticiel) { if (this._parent.MainHud.btQuit.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { this._parent.MainHud.btQuit.clique(); } } }; mc.movecurs = function () { curentlocz = this._parent.getNextHighestDepth(); if (this.getDepth() < (curentlocz - 1)) { this._parent.tempMc = this._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("temp_mc", this._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); this._parent.tempMc.swapDepths(this); removeMovieClip(this._parent.tempMc); } if (this._parent.Mainperso == undefined) { this._x = this._x + this._xmouse; this._y = this._y + this._ymouse; } else if ((!this._parent.Mainperso.confusion) || (!this._parent.Maincontainer.startgame)) { this._x = this._x + this._xmouse; this._y = this._y + this._ymouse; } else { this._x = Stage.width - _xmouse; this._y = Stage.height - _ymouse; } Mouse.hide(); }; mc.Tick = function () { this.viensclique = 0; clearInterval(this.intervalID); }; mc.onLoad(); return(mc); } CreateDidacticielInGame = function () { trace("DIDACTICIEL" + MAINGP.level); if (this.gamemenu && (_root.FresqueIntro == undefined)) { removeMovieClip(this.gamemenu); } var _local10 = GrandParent.createEmptyMovieClip("Dicacticiel", this.getNextHighestDepth()); _local10.onLoad = function () { MAINGP.DoExplosionsFin = 0; this.LocDidacticiel = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[12]; this.MainDidacticiel = new Object(); this.MainDidacticiel.courant = 0; this.MainDidacticiel.maxcount = NbreChildXML(this.LocDidacticiel); this.MainDidacticiel.maxcount = this.MainDidacticiel.maxcount - 1; this.MainDidacticiel.encours = 0; this.inigameDidacticielInGame(); this.TexteDidacticiel = this.CreateTexteDidacticielInGame(); this.ActualiseDidacticielInGame(0); MAINGP.DidacticielInGame = 1; this.Souris = this.CreateSouris(); this.WaitFor = ""; this.ListeNouvellesPieces = this.PrepareNouvellesPiecesInGame(); MAINGP.cursor._visible = 1; }; _local10.ReLoc = function () { this.LocDidacticiel = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[12]; this.TexteDidacticiel.txt = FormatTexte(this.LocDidacticiel.childNodes[this.MainDidacticiel.courant].firstChild.nodeValue); }; _local10.CreateTexteDidacticielInGame = function () { var _local2 = this.attachMovie("Texte_Dicacticiel", "Texte_Dicacticiel", this.getNextHighestDepth()); _local2.onLoad = function () { this._x = MAINGP.width / 2; this._y = (MAINGP.height - (this._height / 2)) - 15; this._alpha = 95; }; _local2.Didac_Prec._visible = 0; _local2.Didac_Suiv.onRelease = function () { if (MainMenuGame == undefined) { this._parent._parent.ActualiseDidacticielInGame(1); } }; _local2.onLoad(); return(_local2); }; _local10.inigameDidacticielInGame = function () { if (this.gamemenu) { removeMovieClip(this.gamemenu); } MAINGP.ExplosionFin = 0; MAINGP.level = 1; MAINGP.score = 0; MAINGP.gamemode = "Libre"; MAINGP.DidacticielInGame = 1; MAINGP.fingame = 0; namebase = "cas_const"; nbcase = 7; casespeed = 15; NbExplosive = 0; if (MAINGP.PiecesTurn) { listtype = Array("Bleu_Turn", "Jaune_Turn", "Violette_Turn", "Pierre_Inca", "Oeil_Blink", "Pierre_guerrier_s", "Pierre_rouge_s"); liststandartpieces = Array("Bleu_Turn", "Jaune_Turn", "Violette_Turn", "Pierre_Inca", "Oeil_Blink", "Pierre_guerrier_s", "Pierre_rouge_s"); listtypealeatoire = Array("Bleu_Turn", "Jaune_Turn", "Violette_Turn", "Pierre_Inca", "Oeil_Blink", "Pierre_guerrier_s", "Pierre_rouge_s"); } else { this.listtype = Array("Bleu_Shine", "Jaune_Shine", "Violette_Shine", "Pierre_Inca", "Oeil_Blink", "Pierre_guerrier_s", "Pierre_rouge_s"); this.liststandartpieces = Array("Bleu_Shine", "Jaune_Shine", "Violette_Shine", "Pierre_Inca", "Oeil_Blink", "Pierre_guerrier_s", "Pierre_rouge_s"); listtypealeatoire = Array("Bleu_Shine", "Jaune_Shine", "Violette_Shine", "Pierre_Inca", "Oeil_Blink", "Pierre_guerrier_s", "Pierre_rouge_s"); } MAINGP.PieceSize = 30; title_size = (33 * MAINGP.width) / 480; object_resize = (33 * MAINGP.height) / 360; val = 2; MAINGP.ground = "Jungle"; MAINGP.idground = val; MainBG = this.attachMovie("Fond_0" + val, "bg_01", this.getNextHighestDepth()); MainBG._x = MAINGP.width / 2; MainBG._y = MAINGP.height / 2; MainBG._width = MAINGP.width; MainBG._height = MAINGP.height; Maincontainer = this.createEmptyMovieClip("GamingZone", this.getNextHighestDepth()); IniMaincontener(Maincontainer); Centermc(Maincontainer); Maincontainer._x = (290 * MAINGP.width) / 1024; Maincontainer._y = (190 * MAINGP.height) / 768; this.MainBGFond = Maincontainer.attachMovie("Fond_Game", "Fond_Game", Maincontainer.getNextHighestDepth()); var _local3 = this.MainBGFond._width; var _local2 = this.MainBGFond._height; this.MainBGFond._width = this.MainBGFond._width * (title_size / MAINGP.PieceSize); this.MainBGFond._height = this.MainBGFond._height * (title_size / MAINGP.PieceSize); this.MainBGFond._x = _local3 / 2; this.MainBGFond._y = _local2 / 2; TraceLevel(); this.MakeLevelDidacticielInGame(); TraceDalle(); MakeFrise(this); Mainperso = makePlayer(); MainHud = HUD(this); trace("make musique tuto"); MakeMusic(); MAINGP.BandeauDalle = 0; BILAN = new Object(); BILAN.Score = 0; BILAN.combo = 0; BILAN.coup = 0; BILAN.malus = 0; BILAN.Ennemis = 0; ArrayFxScore = new Array(); DeleteMusicMenu(); }; _local10.Delete = function () { DeleteIntervalPerso(); RemoveAllInterval(); removeMovieClip(MainBG); removeMovieClip(MainBGFx); removeMovieClip(frise); DeleteFrise(); removeMovieClip(Maincontainer); removeMovieClip(Mainperso); removeMovieClip(MainHud); removeMovieClip(CurseurDidacticiel); removeMovieClip(FlecheDidacticiel); removeMovieClip(TexteDidacticiel); removeMovieClip(AnimDidacticiel); MAINGP.DidacticielInGame = 0; DeleteMusic(); clearInterval(intervalFx); removeMovieClip(MainBGFond); MAINGP.DidacticielInGame = 0; MAINGP.NewDidacticiel = 0; removeMovieClip(this); }; _local10.ActualiseDidacticielInGame = function (sens) { if (this.MainDidacticiel.encours) { return(0); } if (((this.MainDidacticiel.courant + sens) >= 0) && ((this.MainDidacticiel.courant + sens) <= this.MainDidacticiel.maxcount)) { this.MainDidacticiel.courant = this.MainDidacticiel.courant + sens; this.TexteDidacticiel.txt = FormatTexte(this.LocDidacticiel.childNodes[this.MainDidacticiel.courant].firstChild.nodeValue); this.ApplyAnimDidacticielInGame(); } if (this.MainDidacticiel.maxcount == this.MainDidacticiel.courant) { this.TexteDidacticiel.Didac_Suiv._visible = 0; } }; _local10.ApplyAnimDidacticielInGame = function () { trace("this.MainDidacticiel.courant " + this.MainDidacticiel.courant); if (this.AnimDidacticiel != undefined) { removeMovieClip(this.AnimDidacticiel); } this.CanClick = 0; if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 0) { this.AnimDidacticiel = this.attachMovie("Rond_Didacticiel", "Rond_Didacticiel", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.AnimDidacticiel._x = Mainperso._x; this.AnimDidacticiel._y = Mainperso._y; this.WaitFor = ""; } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 1) { this.AnimDidacticiel = this.attachMovie("Rond_Didacticiel", "Rond_Didacticiel", this.getNextHighestDepth()); var _local3 = DonneAutrePosGlobal(-1, 0); this.AnimDidacticiel._x = _local3[0] - 7; this.AnimDidacticiel._y = _local3[1] - 18; this.WaitFor = ""; } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 2) { this.Souris._visible = 1; this.MainDidacticiel.encours = 1; this.Souris.pState = 1; this.AnimDidacticiel = this.attachMovie("Rond_Didacticiel", "Rond_Didacticiel", this.getNextHighestDepth()); var _local3 = DonneAutrePosGlobal(8, 4); this.pPosOblig = Array(8, 4); this.AnimDidacticiel._x = _local3[0]; this.AnimDidacticiel._y = _local3[1]; this.WaitFor = "Click pos"; this.IntervalID = setInterval(this, "TickSouris", 250); } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 3) { this.Souris._visible = 0; this.WaitFor = ""; } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 4) { this.Souris._visible = 0; this.Souris.pState = 0; this.WaitFor = ""; } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 5) { this.AnimDidacticiel = this.attachMovie("Highlight_Line", "Highlight_Line", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.AnimDidacticiel._x = MAINGP.width / 2; var _local3 = DonneAutrePosGlobal(this.pPosOblig[0], this.pPosOblig[1]); this.AnimDidacticiel._y = _local3[1]; this.Souris._visible = 1; this.Souris.gotoAndStop(1); this.MainDidacticiel.encours = 1; this.Souris.pState = 1; this.WaitFor = "Click"; this.CanClick = 1; clearInterval(this.IntervalID); this.IntervalID = setInterval(this, "TickSouris", 250); } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 6) { this.Souris._visible = 0; this.MainDidacticiel.encours = 0; this.Souris.pState = 1; this.WaitFor = ""; clearInterval(this.IntervalID); this.IntervalID = setInterval(this, "TickSouris", 250); } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 7) { this.AnimDidacticiel = this.attachMovie("HighLight_Alignement", "HighLight_Alignement", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.AnimDidacticiel._x = MAINGP.width / 2; this.AnimDidacticiel._y = MAINGP.height / 2; this.AnimDidacticiel.gotoAndStop(1); this.WaitFor = ""; this.count = 0; this.maxcount = 10; this.MainDidacticiel.encours = 1; this.Deloc = 0; clearInterval(this.IntervalID); this.IntervalID = setInterval(this, "Tick", 250); } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 8) { this.AnimDidacticiel = this.attachMovie("Rond_Didacticiel_2", "Rond_Didacticiel_e", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.AnimDidacticiel._x = MainHud.Maintxt._x; this.AnimDidacticiel._y = MainHud.Maintxt._y; this.AnimDidacticiel._visible = 1; this.WaitFor = ""; } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 9) { this.AnimDidacticiel = this.attachMovie("Rond_Didacticiel_2", "Rond_Didacticiel_e", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); this.AnimDidacticiel._x = MainHud.MainScore._x; this.AnimDidacticiel._y = MainHud.MainScore._y; this.AnimDidacticiel._visible = 1; this.WaitFor = ""; } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 10) { this.WaitFor = ""; } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 11) { this.WaitFor = ""; } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 12) { this.Souris._visible = 1; this.MainDidacticiel.encours = 1; this.Souris.pState = 1; this.AnimDidacticiel = this.attachMovie("Rond_Didacticiel", "Rond_Didacticiel", this.getNextHighestDepth()); var _local3 = DonneAutrePosGlobal(3, 0); this.pPosOblig = Array(3, 0); this.AnimDidacticiel._x = _local3[0]; this.AnimDidacticiel._y = _local3[1]; this.WaitFor = "Click pos"; clearInterval(this.IntervalID); this.IntervalID = setInterval(this, "TickSouris", 250); } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 13) { this.Souris._visible = 0; this.WaitFor = ""; } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 14) { this.WaitFor = ""; } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 15) { this.Souris._visible = 1; this.MainDidacticiel.encours = 1; this.Souris.pState = 1; this.AnimDidacticiel = this.attachMovie("Rond_Didacticiel", "Rond_Didacticiel", this.getNextHighestDepth()); var _local3 = DonneAutrePosGlobal(0, 3); this.pPosOblig = Array(0, 3); this.AnimDidacticiel._x = _local3[0]; this.AnimDidacticiel._y = _local3[1]; this.WaitFor = "Click pos"; clearInterval(this.IntervalID); this.IntervalID = setInterval(this, "TickSouris", 250); } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 16) { this.AnimDidacticiel = this.attachMovie("Rond_Didacticiel_2", "Rond_Didacticiel_e", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.AnimDidacticiel._x = (140 * MAINGP.width) / 1024; this.AnimDidacticiel._y = (10 * MAINGP.height) / 768; this.AnimDidacticiel._visible = 1; this.Souris._visible = 0; this.WaitFor = ""; } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 17) { this.WaitFor = ""; } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 18) { this.Souris._visible = 1; this.MainDidacticiel.encours = 1; this.Souris.pState = 1; this.AnimDidacticiel = this.attachMovie("Rond_Didacticiel", "Rond_Didacticiel", this.getNextHighestDepth()); var _local3 = DonneAutrePosGlobal(8, 2); this.pPosOblig = Array(8, 2); this.AnimDidacticiel._x = _local3[0]; this.AnimDidacticiel._y = _local3[1]; this.WaitFor = "Click pos"; clearInterval(this.IntervalID); this.IntervalID = setInterval(this, "TickSouris", 250); } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 19) { this.AnimDidacticiel = this.attachMovie("Rond_Didacticiel_2", "Rond_Didacticiel_e", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); this.AnimDidacticiel._x = MainHud.Maintxt._x; this.AnimDidacticiel._y = MainHud.Maintxt._y; this.AnimDidacticiel._visible = 1; this.WaitFor = ""; this.Souris._visible = 0; } else if (this.MainDidacticiel.courant == 20) { } }; _local10.MakeLevelDidacticielInGame = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 7) { var _local6 = MAINGP.GrilleDidacticielJouer.childNodes[i - 1].firstChild.toString(); var _local5 = DonneNumVirgule(_local6); j = 1; while (j <= 7) { num = _local5[j - 1]; var _local1 = ((namebase + i) + "_") + j; var _local2 = Maincontainer[_local1]; var _local4 = listtypealeatoire[num - 1]; var _local3 = _local2[moviename]; MakeContener(_local2, i, j, _local3, _local4); j++; } i++; } apuissance = 10; var j = 1; while (j < (nbcase + 1)) { var i = 1; while (i < (nbcase + 1)) { var _local1 = ((namebase + i) + "_") + j; var _local2 = Maincontainer[_local1]; pushPiece(_local2, "bottom", apuissance + (2 * (nbcase - i))); i++; } j++; } }; _local10.BuildCaseDidacticiel = function () { p = this.ListeNouvellesPieces.shift(); return(p); }; _local10.PrepareNouvellesPiecesInGame = function () { an = new Array(); an.push(listtypealeatoire[0]); an.push(listtypealeatoire[1]); an.push(listtypealeatoire[0]); an.push(listtypealeatoire[4]); an.push(listtypealeatoire[1]); an.push(listtypealeatoire[1]); an.push(listtypealeatoire[2]); an.push(listtypealeatoire[3]); an.push(listtypealeatoire[5]); an.push(listtypealeatoire[5]); an.push(listtypealeatoire[2]); an.push(listtypealeatoire[6]); return(an); }; _local10.CreateSouris = function () { var _local2 = GrandParent.attachMovie("Souris", "Souris", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); _local2.onLoad = function () { this._x = MAINGP.width * 0.9; this._y = MAINGP.height / 2; this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = 0; this.pState = 0; this.pCurState = 0; }; _local2.onLoad(); return(_local2); }; _local10.TickSouris = function () { if (this.Souris.pCurState == this.Souris.pState) { this.Souris.pCurState = 0; } else { this.Souris.pCurState = this.Souris.pState; } this.Souris.gotoAndStop(this.Souris.pCurState + 1); }; _local10.Tick = function () { this.count++; if (this.count <= this.maxcount) { if (this.count % 2) { this.AnimDidacticiel._visible = 1; } else { this.AnimDidacticiel._visible = 0; } } else { this.Deloc = 1; ABTestGrille(); this.MainDidacticiel.encours = 0; clearInterval(this.IntervalID); } }; _local10.onLoad(); return(_local10); }; CreateDidacticielBloc = function () { if (this.gamemenu) { removeMovieClip(this.gamemenu); } MAINGP.DidacticielBloc = 1; listnewpieces = new Array(); listnewpieces.push(MAINGP.TimerPiece); listnewpieces.push(MAINGP.CrnPiece); listnewpieces.push(MAINGP.indestructiblePiece); listnewpieces.push(MAINGP.ExplosiveDemo); listnewpieces.push(MAINGP.StarPiece); var _local3 = GrandParent.createEmptyMovieClip("blocsdida", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.gamemenu = _local3; _local3.onLoad = function () { this.Fond = this.attachMovie("Fond_Menu", "fond", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Expli = MakeExplicationsPieces(); this.btQuit = this.attachMovie("dyn_button", "btQuit", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.btQuit._x = MAINGP.width * 0.85; this.btQuit._y = MAINGP.height * 0.9; this.btQuit.txt = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[0].childNodes[2].firstChild; this.btQuit.gotoAndStop(8); this.btQuit.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3"); }; this.btQuit.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(8); }; this.btQuit.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(8); }; this.Loading = this.attachMovie("Loading", "Loading", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Loading._x = LoadingPosX; this.Loading._y = LoadingPosY; this.btQuit.onRelease = function () { AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3"); clearInterval(this._parent.Expli.IntervalID); removeMovieClip(this._parent.Expli); removeMovieClip(this._parent); MAINGP.DidacticielBloc = 0; CreateMenu(3); }; }; _local3.onLoad(); }; function StartWeb() { trace("StartWeb"); InitFriseWeb(); } function PlayAllSounds() { SoundMc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("SoundMc", this.getNextHighestDepth()); aSound = new Sound(SoundMc); aSound.attachSound("Mus_jungle.mp3"); var _local3 = ls.shift(); if (ls.length) { trace("succes for " + _local3); aSound.stop(); aSound.duration = 0; PlayAllSounds(); } else { AllSoundLoaded = 1; } trace("ls " + ls); var _local2 = ls[0]; trace(("nom son " + Chem) + _local2); aSound.setVolume(0); } var DOWNLOAD_URL = "";"", "", "", "*");"*");"*"); _root.__tt_ident = "{18ddcd52-583b-4a48-9e47-3680e9462ce9}"; this.createEmptyMovieClip("tonictrack", 999999); __trackref = this.tonictrack; __trackref.loadMovie(""); System.useCodepage = true; fscommand ("showmenu", false); var root = this; var MAINGP = new Object(); MAINGP.width = 480; MAINGP.height = 360; GrandParent = this.createEmptyMovieClip("GrandParent", this.getNextHighestDepth()); Screen_Loading = GrandParent.attachMovie("Screen_1", "Screen_1", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); Screen_Loading.LoadingWeb.Barre._width = 0; Screen_Loading._x = MAINGP.width / 2; Screen_Loading._y = MAINGP.height / 2; AllSoundLoaded = 0; var checkLoading = function () { var _local3 = root.getBytesTotal(); var _local4 = root.getBytesLoaded(); var _local1 = (_local4 / _local3) * 100; var _local2 = 148; Screen_Loading.LoadingWeb.Barre._width = (_local2 * _local1) / 100; Screen_Loading.LoadingWeb.Barre._x = -74 + (Screen_Loading.LoadingWeb.Barre._width / 2); if ((_local1 == 100) && (AllSoundLoaded)) { clearInterval(interval); removeMovieClip(GrandParent);; } }; ResizeFriseWeb = function () { dw = Stage.width - MAINGP.width; dh = Stage.height - MAINGP.height; FriseWeb.HautGche._x = dw / 4; FriseWeb.HautGche._y = dh / 4; FriseWeb.HautGche._width = dw / 2; FriseWeb.HautGche._height = dh / 2; FriseWeb.Haut._x = Stage.width / 2; FriseWeb.Haut._y = dh / 4; FriseWeb.Haut._width = MAINGP.width; FriseWeb.Haut._height = dh / 2; FriseWeb.HautDte._x = MAINGP.width + ((3 * dw) / 4); FriseWeb.HautDte._y = dh / 4; FriseWeb.HautDte._width = dw / 2; FriseWeb.HautDte._height = dh / 2; FriseWeb.Bas._x = Stage.width / 2; FriseWeb.Bas._y = MAINGP.height + ((3 * dh) / 4); FriseWeb.Bas._width = MAINGP.width; FriseWeb.Bas._height = dh / 2; FriseWeb.BasGche._x = dw / 4; FriseWeb.BasGche._y = MAINGP.height + ((3 * dh) / 4); FriseWeb.BasGche._width = dw / 2; FriseWeb.BasGche._height = dh / 2; FriseWeb.BasDte._x = Stage.width - (dw / 4); FriseWeb.BasDte._y = MAINGP.height + ((3 * dh) / 4); FriseWeb.BasDte._width = dw / 2; FriseWeb.BasDte._height = dh / 2; FriseWeb.Gche._x = dw / 4; FriseWeb.Gche._y = (MAINGP.height / 2) + (dh / 2); FriseWeb.Gche._width = dw / 2; FriseWeb.Gche._height = MAINGP.height; FriseWeb.Dte._x = Stage.width - (dw / 4); FriseWeb.Dte._y = (MAINGP.height / 2) + (dh / 2); FriseWeb.Dte._width = dw / 2; FriseWeb.Dte._height = MAINGP.height; }; ResizeFondWeb = function () { trace("resize"); Stage.align = "TL"; GrandParent._x = (Stage.width / 2) - (MAINGP.width / 2); GrandParent._y = (Stage.height / 2) - (MAINGP.height / 2); Screen_Loading._x = MAINGP.width / 2; Screen_Loading._y = MAINGP.height / 2; ResizeFriseWeb(); }; InitFriseWeb = function () { FriseWeb = this.createEmptyMovieClip("Frise_web", this.getNextHighestDepth()); FriseWeb.onLoad = function () { this.HautGche = this.attachMovie("frise_web_ht_gche", "frise_web_ht_gche", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Gche = this.attachMovie("frise_web_gche", "frise_web_gche", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.BasGche = this.attachMovie("frise_web_bas_gche", "frise_web_bas_gche", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Haut = this.attachMovie("frise_web_haut", "frise_web_haut", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.HautDte = this.attachMovie("frise_web_ht_dte", "frise_web_ht_dte", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Dte = this.attachMovie("frise_web_dte", "frise_web_dte", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.BasDte = this.attachMovie("frise_web_bas_dte", "frise_web_bas_dte", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Bas = this.attachMovie("frise_web_bas", "frise_web_bas", this.getNextHighestDepth()); }; FriseWeb.onLoad(); ResizeFondWeb(); }; StartWeb(); var interval = setInterval(this, "checkLoading", 20); var ls = new Array("Mus_jungle.mp3"); var Chem = "sounds/"; PlayAllSounds(); Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; var myListener = new Object(); myListener.onResize = function () { ResizeFondWeb(); }; Stage.addListener(myListener); stop();
Frame 2
MakeExplosionsCases = function (num) { MAINGP.ExplosionsFin = 0; MAINGP.DoExplosionsFin = 1; MAINGP.Victoire = num; arraycases = DonneArrayCasesExplosions(); IntervalIDExplosion = setInterval(this, "TickExplosionsMain", 84); ExplosionsCount = 0; ExplosionsMaxCount = 70; }; TickExplosionsMain = function () { if (arraycases.length) { var _local1 = arraycases.shift(); var _local2 = getcontener(_local1.pos[0], _local1.pos[1]); _local2.fx_disp(); Deletecase(_local2, 1); MakeExplosionsEtoiles(_local1); } ExplosionsCount++; if (ExplosionsCount > ExplosionsMaxCount) { if (MAINGP.gamemode != "Libre") { } clearInterval(IntervalIDExplosion); SoundDesign.Blocs.stop(); SoundDesign.Blocs.boucle = 0; SoundDesign.Blocs.position = SoundDesign.Blocs.duration; MAINGP.ExplosionsFin = 1; } }; MakeExplosionsEtoiles = function (obj) { var _local4 = (("TtesEtoiles_" + obj.pos[0]) + "_") + obj.pos[1]; var _local3 = GrandParent.createEmptyMovieClip(_local4, GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); _local3.onLoad = function () { this.numEtoiles = 1; var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= this.numEtoiles) { this["Etoiles" + _local2] = DonneEtoiles(obj, _local2, this); _local2++; } this.rayon = 30; this.inter = 100; this.intervalID = setInterval(this, "Tick", this.inter); this.maxcount = 10; this.count = 0; }; _local3.Tick = function () { var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= this.numEtoiles) { this["Etoiles" + _local2]._x = this["Etoiles" + _local2]._x + (this.rayon * this["Etoiles" + _local2].dirx); this["Etoiles" + _local2]._y = this["Etoiles" + _local2]._y + (this.rayon * this["Etoiles" + _local2].diry); _local2++; } this.count++; if (this.count > this.maxcount) { clearInterval(this.intervalID); removeMovieClip(this); this=undefined;//parameter overwritten } }; _local3.onLoad(); return(_local3); }; DonneEtoiles = function (obj, num, parent) { var _local5 = (((("Etoiles_" + obj.pos[0]) + "_") + obj.pos[1]) + "_") + num; var _local2 = parent.attachMovie("Etoiles", _local5, parent.getNextHighestDepth()); _local2.onLoad = function () { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; var _local2 = DonneCoordonneePosGlobalDida(obj.pos[0], obj.pos[1]); this._x = _local2[0]; this._y = _local2[1]; var _local3 = randRange(1, 3); _local3 = 1; this.gotoAndStop(_local3); this.dirx = Math.cos(((((Math.PI * (obj.pos[0] - 4)) * 2) / 4) + ((Math.PI * (num - 1)) / 2)) + (Math.PI/4)); this.diry = Math.sin(((((Math.PI * (obj.pos[1] - 4)) * 2) / 4) + ((Math.PI * (num - 1)) / 2)) + (Math.PI/4)); var _local4 = new Array(0, 0); this.dir = new Array(this.dirx, this.diry); this.angle = GetAngleVecteur(_local4, this.dir); this._rotation = this.angle; this._xscale = 70; this._yscale = 70; }; _local2.onLoad(); return(_local2); }; DonneArrayCasesExplosions = function () { var _local3 = new Array(); var _local1 = new Object(); _local1.pos = new Array(4, 4); _local3.push(_local1); var _local9 = 1; var _local10 = 1; var _local2 = 1; var _local8 = 1; var _local7 = 1; var _local11 = 1; var _local12 = 7; var _local13 = 7; var _local5 = 4; var _local4 = 4; var _local6 = 0; while (!_local6) { while (_local2 <= _local7) { _local5 = _local5 + _local9; _local1 = new Object(); _local1.pos = new Array(_local5, _local4); _local3.push(_local1); _local2++; if ((_local7 == 7) && (_local2 == 8)) { _local6 = 1; _local3.pop(); } } _local9 = -_local9; _local2 = 1; _local7++; while ((_local8 <= _local11) && (!_local6)) { _local4 = _local4 + _local10; _local1 = new Object(); _local1.pos = new Array(_local5, _local4); _local3.push(_local1); _local8++; } _local10 = -_local10; _local8 = 1; _local11++; } return(_local3); }; Sloop_Loc_xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><Language><Francais><Son Titre='Son'><SonAvec>Avec</SonAvec><SonSans>Sans</SonSans><RetourOptions>Retour</RetourOptions></Son><Menu Titre='Menu'><Aide>Instructions</Aide><Jouer>Jouer</Jouer><Apropos>\u00C0 propos</Apropos><Options>Options</Options></Menu><Options Titre='Options'><Son>Son</Son><Langue>Langues</Langue><Retour>Retour</Retour></Options><Aide Titre='Instructions'><CommentJouer>Didacticiel</CommentJouer><Blocs>Les blocs</Blocs><Retour>Retour</Retour></Aide><ExplicationsPieces Titre ='Nouveau bloc'><Chrono><Nom>Sablier</Nom><Explication>Permet \u00E0 Zia de gagner quelques secondes.</Explication></Chrono><TeteMort><Nom>T\u00EAte de mort</Nom><Explication>Le contr\u00F4le de la souris sera invers\u00E9. Tu devras faire 3 alignements pour revenir dans un \u00E9tat normal.</Explication></TeteMort><Etoile><Nom>\u00C9toile</Nom><Explication>Remplace n'importe quel bloc.</Explication></Etoile><Indestrucible><Nom>Rocher</Nom><Explication>Ne bouge pas, ne peut pas \u00EAtre d\u00E9truit sauf par les explosifs.</Explication></Indestrucible><ExplosiveDemo><Nom>Explosifs</Nom><Explication>Explose les blocs adjacents dans un alignement.</Explication></ExplosiveDemo></ExplicationsPieces><QuitGame><Question>Es-tu s\u00FBr(e) de vouloir quitter la partie ?</Question><Oui>Oui</Oui><Non>Non</Non><Question>Es-tu s\u00FBr(e) de vouloir quitter le didacticiel ?</Question></QuitGame><WinLoose><Perdu>Perdu</Perdu><Gagne>Gagn\u00E9</Gagne></WinLoose><Bilan><Level>Niveau : </Level><Score>Score : </Score><Push>Meilleur coup : </Push><Combos>Combos : </Combos><Malus>Malus : </Malus><Ennemis>Ennemis : </Ennemis></Bilan><QuitMenu><Reprise>Reprendre</Reprise><Options>Options</Options><Principal>Menu principal</Principal></QuitMenu><Recommencer><Question>Veux-tu recommencer ?</Question><Oui>Oui</Oui><Non>Non</Non></Recommencer><Continue><Question>Clique pour continuer.</Question></Continue><Welcome><Welcome>Bienvenue</Welcome></Welcome><DidacticielInGame><page1>Voici Zia, l'h\u00E9ro\u00EFne qui t'accompagnera tout au long de cette aventure.</page1><page2>Le but du jeu est de d\u00E9truire un certain nombre de blocs dans le temps imparti pour passer au niveau suivant.</page2><page3>Pour d\u00E9placer Zia, il suffit de placer le curseur de la souris sur la case d\u00E9sir\u00E9e puis de faire un clic gauche. Tente de d\u00E9placer Zia sur la case indiqu\u00E9e.</page3><page4>Bravo, tu vois, c'est tr\u00E8s simple ! Tu d\u00E9places le curseur sur la case et tu fais un clic gauche. </page4><page5>Pour d\u00E9placer les rang\u00E9es de blocs, appuie sur le bouton gauche de la souris lorsque le curseur est \u00E0 l'int\u00E9rieur de la grille de jeu. Zia d\u00E9placera la rang\u00E9e de blocs qui se trouve en face d'elle.</page5><page6>Place le curseur \u00E0 l'int\u00E9rieur de la grille et appuie sur le bouton gauche pour pousser la rang\u00E9e de blocs en face de Zia.</page6><page7>Bien jou\u00E9 !</page7><page8>Lorsque Zia aligne au moins trois blocs identiques, ils disparaissent de la grille et l'objectif diminue.</page8><page9>Les blocs d\u00E9truits se d\u00E9duisent de l'objectif \u00E0 atteindre.</page9><page10>Faire dispara\u00EEtre des blocs rapporte des points. Tu peux voir ton score en haut \u00E0 gauche de l'\u00E9cran.</page10><page11>Plus Zia fait dispara\u00EEtre de blocs d'un coup, plus le nombre de points est important. </page11><page12>Parfois, pousser une rang\u00E9e d\u00E9clenchera une r\u00E9action en cha\u00EEne \u00A0: c'est un combo.</page12><page13>D\u00E9place Zia sur la case indiqu\u00E9e et pousse la rang\u00E9e de blocs en face d'elle.</page13><page14>Bravo ! Il y a 6 niveaux de combo. \u00C0 toi de les d\u00E9couvrir durant ton aventure.</page14><page15>Si Zia pousse une rang\u00E9e de blocs sans faire d'alignement, elle perd un c\u0153ur. </page15><page16>D\u00E9place Zia sur la case indiqu\u00E9e et pousse la rang\u00E9e de blocs en face d'elle.</page16><page17>Attention, si Zia perd tous ses c\u0153urs, la partie est termin\u00E9e. </page17><page18>\u00C0 chaque fois que Zia fait un alignement, elle r\u00E9cup\u00E8re tous ses c\u0153urs.</page18><page19>D\u00E9place Zia sur la case indiqu\u00E9e et pousse la rang\u00E9e de blocs en face d'elle.</page19><page20>L'objectif est \u00E0 z\u00E9ro, tu peux passer au niveau suivant. Tu es pr\u00EAt pour partir \u00E0 l'aventure !</page20><page21>Tu es pr\u00EAt pour partir \u00E0 l'aventure !</page21></DidacticielInGame><BackGame>Menu</BackGame><Level>Nv. </Level><Credit Titre = '\u00C0 propos'><Legal>2007. Puzzoo, Inc. D\u00E9velopp\u00E9 par Puzzoo, Inc. Tous droits r\u00E9serv\u00E9s. \u00C9dit\u00E9 par Vivendi Games Mobile, une division de Vivendi Games Europe S.A. Toutes les autres marques commerciales sont la propri\u00E9t\u00E9 de leurs d\u00E9tenteurs respectifs.</Legal><Version>Slide'N Loop version 1.0</Version><TextUrl>Visite notre site :</TextUrl><Url> (site en anglais)</Url></Credit><EndGame>Bravo, tu as r\u00E9ussi tous les niveaux. N'h\u00E9site pas \u00E0 rejouer.</EndGame><NewNew><Download>T\u00E9l\u00E9charge ce jeu sur ton site</Download><Send>Abschicken!</Send><Mobile>T\u00E9l\u00E9charge Slide N'Loop sur ton portable!</Mobile><SendTitle>Envoyer \u00E0 un(e) ami(e)</SendTitle><SendLead>Remplis le formulaire ci-dessous pour que ton ami(e) puisse t\u2019aider \u00E0 sauver le village de Zia </SendLead><YourName>Ton nom :</YourName><YourEmail>Ton e-mail :</YourEmail><FriendsName>Nom de ton ami(e)</FriendsName><FriendsEmail>E-mail de ton ami(e)</FriendsEmail><LoseLead>Zia didn\u2019t get to save her village.</LoseLead><LoseDescription1>Aide Zia \u00E0 retrouver les quatre morceaux du m\u00E9daillon pour sauver son village.</LoseDescription1><LoseDescription2>Joue \u00E0 Slide N\u2019 Loop(TM) sur ton t\u00E9l\u00E9phone !</LoseDescription2><emailTitle>Salut $XXX$</emailTitle><emailContent><![CDATA[ Salut $XXX$<br><br> Ton ami(e) $YYY$ vient de jouer \u00E0 Slide N'Loop(TM) et a pens\u00E9 que ce jeu pourrait te plaire.<br><a href=''>Clique ici pour jouer !</a><br><br> Pour plus d'informations sur Slide N'Loop(TM), visite ce site Web :<br><a href=''></a><br> ]]></emailContent></NewNew></Francais><English><Son Titre='Sound'><SonAvec>On</SonAvec><SonSans>Off</SonSans><RetourOptions>Back</RetourOptions></Son><Menu Titre='Menu'><Aide>Instructions</Aide><Jouer>Play</Jouer><Apropos>About</Apropos><Options>Options</Options></Menu><Options Titre='Options'><Son>Sound</Son><Langue>Languages</Langue><Retour>Back</Retour></Options><Aide Titre='Instructions'><CommentJouer>Tutorial</CommentJouer><Blocs>The tiles</Blocs><Retour>Back</Retour></Aide><ExplicationsPieces Titre ='New tile'><Chrono><Nom>Hourglass</Nom><Explication>Earns Zia a time bonus.</Explication></Chrono><TeteMort><Nom>Skull</Nom><Explication>The mouse controls will be inverted. You will have to put together 3 sets of tiles to return to normal.</Explication></TeteMort><Etoile><Nom>Star</Nom><Explication>Replaces any tile.</Explication></Etoile><Indestrucible><Nom>Rock</Nom><Explication>Cannot be moved and can only be destroyed by explosives.</Explication></Indestrucible><ExplosiveDemo><Nom>Explosive</Nom><Explication>Blows up the adjacent tiles in an alignment.</Explication></ExplosiveDemo></ExplicationsPieces><QuitGame><Question>Are you sure you want to quit the game?</Question><Oui>Yes</Oui><Non>No</Non><Question>Are you sure you want to quit the tutorial?</Question></QuitGame><WinLoose><Perdu>Lost</Perdu><Gagne>Won</Gagne></WinLoose><Bilan><Level>Level: </Level><Score>Score: </Score><Push>Best play: </Push><Combos>Combos: </Combos><Malus>Malus: </Malus><Ennemis>Enemies: </Ennemis></Bilan><QuitMenu><Reprise>Resume</Reprise><Options>Options</Options><Principal>Main menu</Principal></QuitMenu><Recommencer><Question>Do you want to restart?</Question><Oui>Yes</Oui><Non>No</Non></Recommencer><Continue><Question>Click to continue.</Question></Continue><Welcome><Welcome>Welcome</Welcome></Welcome><DidacticielInGame><page1>This is Zia, the heroine who will accompany you throughout your adventure.</page1><page2>The aim of the game is to destroy a certain number of tiles within the allotted time in order to move on to the next level.</page2><page3>To move Zia, all you have to do is place your mouse pointer over the square you want to move to and left-click. Try to move Zia to the highlighted square.</page3><page4>Well done! As you can see, it's very easy! Just move the pointer over the square and left-click.</page4><page5>To push a row of tiles, all you have to do is press the left mouse button when the pointer is inside the game puzzle. Zia will then push the row of tiles directly in front of her.</page5><page6>Position the pointer inside the grid and press the left mouse button to push the row of tiles in front of Zia.</page6><page7>Well done!</page7><page8>When Zia aligns at least 3 identical tiles, they disappear from the grid and your goal is reduced.</page8><page9>Destroyed tiles are deducted from your goal.</page9><page10>Destroying tiles scores you points. Your current score is displayed on the top left of the screen.</page10><page11>The more tiles Zia destroys in one go, the more points you score.</page11><page12>Sometimes, pushing a row of tiles will set off a chain reaction: this is a combo.</page12><page13>Move Zia to the highlighted square and push the row of tiles in front of her.</page13><page14>Excellent! There are 6 combo moves. It's up to you to discover them over the course of your adventure.</page14><page15>If Zia pushes a row without destroying any tiles she will lose one heart.</page15><page16>Move Zia to the highlighted square and push the row of tiles in front of her.</page16><page17>Be careful, the game is over if Zia loses all her hearts.</page17><page18>Every time Zia aligns a row of 3 tiles, she recovers all her hearts.</page18><page19>Move Zia to the highlighted square and push the row of tiles in front of her.</page19><page20>The goal has been reduced to zero, you can move on to the next level. You're ready to begin your adventure!</page20><page21>You're ready to begin your adventure!</page21></DidacticielInGame><BackGame>Menu</BackGame><Level>Lv. </Level><Credit Titre = 'About'><Legal>2007. Puzzoo, Inc. Developed by Puzzoo, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by Vivendi Games Mobile, a division of Vivendi Games Europe S.A. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.</Legal><Version>Slide'N Loop version 1.0</Version><TextUrl>Visit our website:</TextUrl><Url></Url></Credit><EndGame>Well done, you have completed all levels. Do not hesitate to replay.</EndGame><NewNew><Download>Download for your site</Download><Send>Send to a friend</Send><Mobile>Get Slide N'Loop on your Mobile Phone!</Mobile><SendTitle>Send to a friend</SendTitle><SendLead>Fill in your details and your friends and let them help Zia save her village.</SendLead><YourName>Your Name</YourName><YourEmail>Your E-mail</YourEmail><FriendsName>Friends Name</FriendsName><FriendsEmail>Friends E-mail</FriendsEmail><LoseLead>Zia didn\u2019t get to save her village.</LoseLead><LoseDescription1>Embody Zia and find the four pieces of the medallion to save your village from the God's rage</LoseDescription1><LoseDescription2>Match 3, 4, 5 or even 6 tiles of the same colour in a row, in no more than three consecutive moves.</LoseDescription2><emailTitle>Hi $XXX$</emailTitle><emailContent><![CDATA[ Hi $XXX$<br><br> Your friend $YYY$ played Slide N'Loop(TM) recently and thought you might enjoy the game.<br><a href=''>Click here to play!</a><br><br> To find out more about Slide N'Loop(TM), visit the website:<br><a href=''></a><br> ]]></emailContent></NewNew></English><Deutsch><Son Titre='Ton'><SonAvec>An</SonAvec><SonSans>Aus</SonSans><RetourOptions>Zur\u00FCck</RetourOptions></Son><Menu Titre='Men\u00FC'><Aide>Anleitung</Aide><Jouer>Spielen</Jouer><Apropos>Info</Apropos><Options>Optionen</Options></Menu><Options Titre='Optionen'><Son>Ton</Son><Langue>Sprachen</Langue><Retour>Zur\u00FCck</Retour></Options><Aide Titre='Anleitung'><CommentJouer>Tutorial</CommentJouer><Blocs>Die Bl\u00F6cke</Blocs><Retour>Zur\u00FCck</Retour></Aide><ExplicationsPieces Titre ='Neuer Block'><Chrono><Nom>Sanduhr</Nom><Explication>Beschert Zia einen Zeitbonus.</Explication></Chrono><TeteMort><Nom>Totenkopf</Nom><Explication>Die Maussteuerung wird umgekehrt. Bilde drei weitere Blockreihen, um zur normalen Steuerung zur\u00FCckzukehren.</Explication></TeteMort><Etoile><Nom>Stern</Nom><Explication>Steht f\u00FCr einen beliebigen Block.</Explication></Etoile><Indestrucible><Nom>Fels</Nom><Explication>Kann nicht bewegt und nur durch Sprengstoff zerst\u00F6rt werden.</Explication></Indestrucible><ExplosiveDemo><Nom>Sprengstoff</Nom><Explication>L\u00E4sst benachbarte Bl\u00F6cke in einer Anordnung explodieren.</Explication></ExplosiveDemo></ExplicationsPieces><QuitGame><Question>Bist du sicher, dass du das Spiel beenden m\u00F6chtest?</Question><Oui>Ja</Oui><Non>Nein</Non><Question>Bist du sicher, dass du das Tutorial beenden m\u00F6chtest?</Question></QuitGame><WinLoose><Perdu>Verloren</Perdu><Gagne>Gewonnen</Gagne></WinLoose><Bilan><Level>Level: </Level><Score>Punktzahl: </Score><Push>Rekord: </Push><Combos>Combos: </Combos><Malus>Malus: </Malus><Ennemis>Feinde: </Ennemis></Bilan><QuitMenu><Reprise>Fortsetzen</Reprise><Options>Optionen</Options><Principal>Hauptmen\u00FC</Principal></QuitMenu><Recommencer><Question>M\u00F6chtest du das Spiel neu starten?</Question><Oui>Ja</Oui><Non>Nein</Non></Recommencer><Continue><Question>Klicke um fortzufahren.</Question></Continue><Welcome><Welcome>Willkommen</Welcome></Welcome><DidacticielInGame><page1>Das ist Zia, die Heldin, die dich durch dein Abenteuer begleiten wird.</page1><page2>Ziel ist es, eine bestimmte Anzahl von Bl\u00F6cken innerhalb der gegebenen Zeit zu beseitigen, um den n\u00E4chsten Level zu erreichen.</page2><page3>Um Zia zu bewegen, musst du nur auf das Feld linksklicken, auf das sie sich begeben soll. Versuche, Zia auf das markierte Feld zu bewegen.</page3><page4>Gut gemacht! Wie du siehst, keine gro\u00DFe Hexerei! Einfach nur den Mauszeiger auf das Feld bewegen und linksklicken. </page4><page5>Um eine Blockreihe zu schieben, musst du einfach die linke Maustaste dr\u00FCcken, wenn sich der Zeiger im Puzzle befindet. Zia schiebt dann die Blockreihe, die sich vor ihr befindet.</page5><page6>Stelle den Mauszeiger in das Raster und dr\u00FCcke die linke Maustaste, um die Blockreihe zu schieben, die sich vor Zia befindet.</page6><page7>Gut gemacht!</page7><page8>Wenn Zia 3 oder mehr gleiche Bl\u00F6cke in eine Linie bringt (waagerecht oder senkrecht), verschwinden sie und werden von der Zielvorgabe abgezogen.</page8><page9>Beseitigte Bl\u00F6cke werden von der Zielvorgabe abgezogen.</page9><page10>Das Beseitigen von Bl\u00F6cken bringt Punkte. Deinen Punktestand siehst du oben links im Bild.</page10><page11>Je mehr Bl\u00F6cke Zia in einem Zug zerst\u00F6rt, desto mehr Punkte erh\u00E4ltst du.</page11><page12>Manchmal l\u00F6st das Verschieben einer Blockreihe eine Kettenreaktion aus: Dies wird 'Combo' genannt.</page12><page13>Bewege Zia auf das markierte Feld und verschiebe die Blockreihe, die vor ihr liegt.</page13><page14>Ausgezeichnet! Es gibt 6 Combos, die du im Verlauf des Abenteuers entdecken kannst.</page14><page15>Wenn Zia eine Reihe verschiebt, ohne dabei Bl\u00F6cke zu zerst\u00F6ren, verliert sie ein Herz.</page15><page16>Bewege Zia auf das markierte Feld und verschiebe die Blockreihe, die sich vor ihr befindet.</page16><page17>Achtung! Das Spiel ist vorbei, wenn Zia alle Herzen verliert.</page17><page18>Jedes Mal wenn Zia einen 3er-Block bildet, bekommt sie alle ihre Herzen zur\u00FCck.</page18><page19>Bewege Zia auf das markierte Feld und verschiebe die Blockreihe, die sich vor ihr befindet.</page19><page20>Die Zielvorgabe wurde erf\u00FCllt. Du hast Zutritt zum n\u00E4chsten Level. Du bist bereit, dein Abenteuer anzutreten!</page20><page21>Du bist bereit, dein Abenteuer anzutreten!</page21></DidacticielInGame><BackGame>Men\u00FC</BackGame><Level>Lv. </Level><Credit Titre = 'Info'><Legal>2007. Puzzoo, Inc. Entwickelt von Puzzoo, Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Herausgegeben von Vivendi Games Mobile, eine Abteilung von Vivendi Games Europe S.A. Alle anderen Warenzeichen sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Inhaber.</Legal><Version>Slide'N Loop version 1.0</Version><TextUrl>Besuchen Sie unsere Webseite:</TextUrl><Url></Url></Credit><EndGame>Bravo, du hast alle Levels geschafft. Du kannst sie erneut durchspielen.</EndGame><NewNew><Download>Lade dieses Spiel f\u00FCr deine Site herunter</Download><Send>An einen Freund/eine Freundin schicken</Send><Mobile>Hol dir Slide N'Loop auf dein Handy!</Mobile><SendTitle>An einen Freund/eine Freundin schicken</SendTitle><SendLead>F\u00FCll dieses Formular aus, sodass dein Freund/deine Freundin Zia dabei helfen kann, ihr Dorf zu retten</SendLead><YourName>Dein Name:</YourName><YourEmail>Deine E-Mail-Adresse</YourEmail><FriendsName>Der Name deines Freundes/deiner Freundin</FriendsName><FriendsEmail>Die E-Mail-Adresse deines Freundes/deiner Freundin</FriendsEmail><LoseLead>Zia didn\u2019t get to save her village.</LoseLead><LoseDescription1>Versuche als Zia, die vier Teile des Medaillons zu finden, um dein Dorf zu retten.</LoseDescription1><LoseDescription2>Bring 3, 4, 5 oder gar 6 gleichfarbige Bl\u00F6cke in eine Reihe \u00AC\u2013 mit nicht mehr als drei Bewegungen hintereinander.</LoseDescription2><emailTitle>Hallo $XXX$,</emailTitle><emailContent><![CDATA[ Hallo $XXX$,<br><br> $YYY$ hat vor kurzem Slide N'Loop(TM) gespielt und sich gedacht, dass es dir auch gefallen k\u00F6nnte.<br><a href=''>Klick hier, um zu spielen!</a><br><br> Mehr Info \u00FCber Slide N'Loop(TM) findest du auf dieser Website:<br><a href=''></a><br> ]]></emailContent></NewNew></Deutsch><Spanish><Son Titre='Sonido'><SonAvec>Activado</SonAvec><SonSans>Desactivado</SonSans><RetourOptions>Volver</RetourOptions></Son><Menu Titre='Men\u00FA'><Aide>Instrucciones</Aide><Jouer>Jugar</Jouer><Apropos>Acerca de</Apropos><Options>Opciones</Options></Menu><Options Titre='Opciones'><Son>Sonido</Son><Langue>Idiomas</Langue><Retour>Volver</Retour></Options><Aide Titre='Instrucciones'><CommentJouer>Tutorial</CommentJouer><Blocs>Los bloques</Blocs><Retour>Volver</Retour></Aide><ExplicationsPieces Titre ='Nuevo bloque'><Chrono><Nom>Reloj de arena</Nom><Explication>Concede a Zia un tiempo adicional.</Explication></Chrono><TeteMort><Nom>Calavera</Nom><Explication>Los controles del rat\u00F3n se invertir\u00E1n. Deber\u00E1s realizar tres alineaciones de bloques para volver al modo normal.</Explication></TeteMort><Etoile><Nom>Estrella</Nom><Explication>Sustituye a cualquier bloque.</Explication></Etoile><Indestrucible><Nom>Roca</Nom><Explication>No puede moverse y s\u00F3lo puede destruirse con explosivos.</Explication></Indestrucible><ExplosiveDemo><Nom>Explosivos</Nom><Explication>Destruye los bloques adyacentes en una alineaci\u00F3n.</Explication></ExplosiveDemo></ExplicationsPieces><QuitGame><Question>\u00BFSeguro que quieres salir del juego?</Question><Oui>S\u00ED</Oui><Non>No</Non><Question>\u00BFSeguro que quieres salir del tutorial?</Question></QuitGame><WinLoose><Perdu>Perdido</Perdu><Gagne>Ganado</Gagne></WinLoose><Bilan><Level>Nivel: </Level><Score>Puntuaci\u00F3n: </Score><Push>Mejor jugada: </Push><Combos>Combos: </Combos><Malus>Penalizaciones: </Malus><Ennemis>Enemigos: </Ennemis></Bilan><QuitMenu><Reprise>Reanudar</Reprise><Options>Opciones</Options><Principal>Men\u00FA principal</Principal></QuitMenu><Recommencer><Question>\u00BFQuieres reiniciar la partida?</Question><Oui>S\u00ED</Oui><Non>No</Non></Recommencer><Continue><Question>Haz clic para continuar.</Question></Continue><Welcome><Welcome>Bienvenido</Welcome></Welcome><DidacticielInGame><page1>\u00C9sta es Zia, la hero\u00EDna que te acompa\u00F1ar\u00E1 a lo largo de tu aventura.</page1><page2>El objetivo del juego es destruir un cierto n\u00FAmero de bloques antes de que se agote el tiempo y pasar al siguiente nivel.</page2><page3>Para mover a Zia, debes situar el cursor sobre el cuadro que quieres mover y hacer clic. Intenta mover a Zia al cuadro resaltado.</page3><page4>\u00A1Muy bien! Como puedes ver, es muy f\u00E1cil. S\u00F3lo tienes que situar el cursor sobre el cuadro y hacer clic.</page4><page5>Para empujar una hilera de bloques, tienes que hacer clic cuando el cursor se encuentre dentro de la rejilla de juego. Zia empujar\u00E1 la hilera de bloques que se encuentre frente a ella.</page5><page6>Sit\u00FAa el cursor dentro de la rejilla y pulsa el bot\u00F3n izquierdo del rat\u00F3n para empujar la hilera de bloques que se encuentra frente a Zia.</page6><page7>\u00A1Muy bien!</page7><page8>Si Zia alinea por lo menos 3 bloques iguales, \u00E9stos desaparecer\u00E1n de la rejilla y el objetivo disminuir\u00E1.</page8><page9>Los bloques destruidos se restan a tu objetivo.</page9><page10>Destruir bloques te da puntos. Tu puntuaci\u00F3n actual se muestra en la parte superior izquierda de la pantalla.</page10><page11>Cuantos m\u00E1s bloques destruya Zia de golpe, m\u00E1s puntos obtendr\u00E1s.</page11><page12>A veces, empujar una hilera de bloques provoca una reacci\u00F3n en cadena: se trata de un combo.</page12><page13>Mueve a Zia al cuadro resaltado y empuja la hilera de bloques frente a ella.</page13><page14>\u00A1Excelente! Hay 6 tipos de combo. Tendr\u00E1s que descubrirlos a medida que avances en tu aventura.</page14><page15>Si Zia empuja una hilera y no destruye ning\u00FAn bloque, perder\u00E1 un coraz\u00F3n.</page15><page16>Mueve a Zia al cuadro resaltado y empuja la hilera de bloques frente a ella.</page16><page17>\u00A1Cuidado! La partida termina cuando Zia pierde todos sus corazones.</page17><page18>Cada vez que Zia alinee 3 bloques, recupera todos sus corazones.</page18><page19>Mueve a Zia al cuadro resaltado y empuja la hilera de bloques frente a ella.</page19><page20>El objetivo se ha reducido a cero. El siguiente nivel te espera. \u00A1Ya puedes iniciar tu aventura!</page20><page21>\u00A1Ya puedes iniciar tu aventura!</page21></DidacticielInGame><BackGame>Men\u00FA</BackGame><Level>Nv. </Level><Credit Titre = 'Acerca de'><Legal>2007. Puzzoo, Inc. Desarrollado por Puzzoo, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Publicado por Vivendi Games Mobile, una divisi\u00F3n de Vivendi Games Europe S.A. Todas las dem\u00E1s marcas comerciales son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios.</Legal><Version>Slide'N Loop versi\u00F3n 1.0</Version><TextUrl>Visita nuestro sitio web:</TextUrl><Url></Url></Credit><EndGame>Bravo, has completado todos los niveles. No vaciles en volver a jugar.</EndGame><NewNew><Download>Descargue este juego para su sitio web</Download><Send>Enviar a un amigo</Send><Mobile>Consigue el Slide N'Loop en tu tel\u00E9fono m\u00F3vil!</Mobile><SendTitle>Send to a friend</SendTitle><SendLead>Cumplimente el siguiente formulario para que su amigo pueda ayudar a salvar la aldea de Zia</SendLead><YourName>Su nombre:</YourName><YourEmail>Su correo electr\u00F3nico:</YourEmail><FriendsName>El nombre de su amigo:</FriendsName><FriendsEmail>El correo electr\u00F3nico de su amigo:</FriendsEmail><LoseLead>Zia didn\u2019t get to save her village.</LoseLead><LoseDescription1>Personifique a Zia y encuentre las cuatro piezas del medall\u00F3n para salvar su aldea.</LoseDescription1><LoseDescription2>Consiga 3, 4, 5 o 6 baldosas del mismo color en fila, en no m\u00E1s de tres movimientos consecutivos.</LoseDescription2><emailTitle>Hola $XXX$</emailTitle><emailContent><![CDATA[ Hola $XXX$<br><br> Su amigo $YYY$ jug\u00F3 hace poco a Slide N'Loop(TM) y pens\u00F3 que tal vez a usted tambi\u00E9n le gustar\u00EDa.<br><a href=''>Haga clic aqu\u00ED para jugar!</a><br><br> Pasar saber m\u00E1s sobre Slide N'Loop(TM), visite el sitio web: <br><a href=''></a><br> ]]></emailContent></NewNew></Spanish><Italian><Son Titre='Audio'><SonAvec>Attivato</SonAvec><SonSans>Disattivato</SonSans><RetourOptions>Indietro</RetourOptions></Son><Menu Titre='Menu'><Aide>Istruzioni</Aide><Jouer>Giocare</Jouer><Apropos>Informazioni</Apropos><Options>Opzioni</Options></Menu><Options Titre='Opzioni'><Son>Audio</Son><Langue>Lingue</Langue><Retour>Indietro</Retour></Options><Aide Titre='Istruzioni'><CommentJouer>Tutorial</CommentJouer><Blocs>I blocchi</Blocs><Retour>Indietro</Retour></Aide><ExplicationsPieces Titre ='Nuovo blocco'><Chrono><Nom>Clessidra</Nom><Explication>Permette a Zia di guadagnare qualche secondo.</Explication></Chrono><TeteMort><Nom>Teschio</Nom><Explication>I comandi del mouse verranno invertiti. Dovrai fare 3 allineamenti per ritornare allo stato normale.</Explication></TeteMort><Etoile><Nom>Stella</Nom><Explication>Sostituisce qualsiasi blocco.</Explication></Etoile><Indestrucible><Nom>Roccia</Nom><Explication>Immobile, non pu\u00F2 essere distrutta se non con gli esplosivi.</Explication></Indestrucible><ExplosiveDemo><Nom>Esplosivo</Nom><Explication>Fa esplodere i blocchi adiacenti in un allineamento.</Explication></ExplosiveDemo></ExplicationsPieces><QuitGame><Question>Sei sicuro/a di voler uscire dalla partita?</Question><Oui>S\u00EC</Oui><Non>No</Non><Question>Sei sicuro/a di voler uscire dal tutorial?</Question></QuitGame><WinLoose><Perdu>Hai perso</Perdu><Gagne>Hai vinto</Gagne></WinLoose><Bilan><Level>Livello: </Level><Score>Punteggio: </Score><Push>Migliore mossa: </Push><Combos>Combo: </Combos><Malus>Malus: </Malus><Ennemis>Nemici: </Ennemis></Bilan><QuitMenu><Reprise>Riprendere</Reprise><Options>Opzioni</Options><Principal>Menu principale</Principal></QuitMenu><Recommencer><Question>Vuoi ricominciare?</Question><Oui>S\u00EC</Oui><Non>No</Non></Recommencer><Continue><Question>Clicca per continuare.</Question></Continue><Welcome><Welcome>Benvenuto</Welcome></Welcome><DidacticielInGame><page1>Ecco Zia, l'eroina che ti accompagner\u00E0 durante tutta la tua avventura.</page1><page2>Lo scopo del gioco \u00E8 di distruggere un determinato numero di blocchi durante il tempo concesso per passare al livello successivo.</page2><page3>Per muovere Zia, basta spostare il cursore del mouse sulla casella desiderata e poi fare clic sinistro. Prova a spostare Zia sulla casella indicata.</page3><page4>Bene, hai visto, \u00E8 molto semplice! Sposta il cursore sulla casella e fai clic sinistro.</page4><page5>Per spostare le file di blocchi, basta premere il pulsante sinistro del mouse. Zia sposter\u00E0 allora la fila di blocchi che si trovano proprio davanti a lei.</page5><page6>Premi il pulsante sinistro per spingere la fila di blocchi davanti a Zia.</page6><page7>Bene!</page7><page8>Quando Zia allinea almeno 3 blocchi identici, questi spariscono dalla griglia e l'obiettivo diminuisce.</page8><page9>I blocchi distrutti si sottraggono all'obiettivo da raggiungere.</page9><page10>Far sparire dei blocchi ti permette di segnare dei punti. Qui \u00E8 visualizzato il tuo punteggio.</page10><page11>Maggiore \u00E8 il numero di blocchi che Zia fa sparire in un colpo solo, maggiore \u00E8 il numero di punti ottenuti. </page11><page12>A volte, spingere una fila scatener\u00E0 una reazione a catena: \u00E8 un combo.</page12><page13>Muovi Zia sulla casella indicata e spingi la fila di blocchi davanti a lei.</page13><page14>Bene! Ci sono 6 livelli di combo. Sta a te scoprirli durante la tua avventura.</page14><page15>Se Zia spinge una fila di blocchi senza fare un allineamento, perde un cuore.</page15><page16>Muovi Zia sulla casella indicata e spingi la fila di blocchi davanti a lei.</page16><page17>Attenzione, se Zia perde tutti i suoi cuori, la partita \u00E8 persa.</page17><page18>Ogni volta che Zia fa un allineamento, recupera tutti i cuori.</page18><page19>Muovi Zia sulla casella indicata e spingi la fila di blocchi davanti a lei.</page19><page20>L'obiettivo \u00E8 azzerato, puoi passare al livello successivo. Sei pronto a partire all'avventura!</page20><page21>Sei pronto a partire all'avventura!</page21></DidacticielInGame><BackGame>Menu</BackGame><Level>Liv. </Level><Credit Titre = 'Informazioni'><Legal>2007. Puzzoo, Inc. Sviluppato da Puzzoo, Inc. Tutti i diritti riservati. Pubblicato da Vivendi Games Mobile, una divisione di Vivendi Games Europe S.A. Tutti gli altri marchi sono di propriet\u00E0 dei rispettivi proprietari.</Legal><Version>Slide'N Loop versione 1.0</Version><TextUrl>Visita il nostro sito Web:</TextUrl><Url></Url></Credit><EndGame>Bravo, hai completato tutti i livelli. Non esitare a rigiocare.</EndGame><NewNew><Download>Scarica questo gioco per il tuo sito</Download><Send>Invia a un amico</Send><Mobile>Ricevi Slide N'Loop sul tuo telefono cellulare!</Mobile><SendTitle>Invia al tuo amico!</SendTitle><SendLead>Compila il seguente modulo in modo che il tuo amico possa salvare il villaggio di Zia</SendLead><YourName>Il tuo nome:</YourName><YourEmail>Il tuo indirizzo e-mail</YourEmail><FriendsName>Il nome del tuo amico</FriendsName><FriendsEmail>L\u2019indirizzo e-mail del tuo amico</FriendsEmail><LoseLead>Zia didn\u2019t get to save her village.</LoseLead><LoseDescription1>Impersona Zia e trova le quattro parti del medaglione per salvare il tuo villaggio.</LoseDescription1><LoseDescription2>Fai combaciare 3, 4, 5 o persino 6 tessere dello stesso colore in una riga con non pi\u00F9 di tre mosse consecutive.</LoseDescription2><emailTitle>Ciao $XXX$</emailTitle><emailContent><![CDATA[ Ciao $XXX$<br><br> Il tuo amico $YYY$ ha giocato di recente a Slide N'Loop(TM) e ha pensato che potesse piacerti.<br><a href=''>Fai clic qui per giocare!</a><br><br> Per saperne di pi\u00F9 su Slide N'Loop(TM), visita il sito web:<br><a href=''></a><br> ]]></emailContent></NewNew></Italian></Language> "; SlideNLoop_grids_xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><Grids><Level1></Level1><Level2></Level2><Level3></Level3><Level4></Level4><Level13><pos1 x='1' y='1'/><pos2 x='7' y='4'/><pos3 x='1' y='7'/></Level13><Level24><pos1 x='2' y='2'/><pos2 x='6' y='2'/><pos3 x='2' y='6'/><pos4 x='6' y='6'/></Level24><Level30><pos1 x='2' y='2'/><pos2 x='6' y='3'/><pos3 x='4' y='4'/><pos4 x='2' y='6'/><pos5 x='5' y='6'/></Level30><Level41><pos1 x='1' y='1'/><pos2 x='4' y='2'/><pos3 x='6' y='3'/><pos4 x='3' y='4'/><pos5 x='5' y='6'/><pos6 x='2' y='7'/></Level41><Level44><pos1 x='1' y='1'/><pos2 x='2' y='2'/><pos3 x='3' y='3'/><pos4 x='4' y='4'/><pos5 x='5' y='5'/><pos6 x='6' y='6'/><pos7 x='7' y='7'/></Level44><Level48><pos1 x='1' y='1'/><pos2 x='4' y='1'/><pos3 x='7' y='1'/><pos4 x='1' y='4'/><pos5 x='7' y='4'/><pos6 x='1' y='7'/><pos7 x='4' y='7'/><pos8 x='7' y='7'/></Level48><Level50><pos1 x='1' y='1'/><pos2 x='2' y='2'/><pos3 x='5' y='2'/><pos4 x='7' y='3'/><pos5 x='3' y='4'/><pos6 x='1' y='5'/><pos7 x='6' y='5'/><pos8 x='2' y='6'/><pos9 x='4' y='7'/></Level50><Level54><pos1 x='2' y='2'/><pos2 x='4' y='2'/><pos3 x='6' y='2'/><pos4 x='1' y='4'/><pos5 x='3' y='4'/><pos6 x='5' y='4'/><pos7 x='7' y='4'/><pos8 x='2' y='6'/><pos9 x='4' y='6'/><pos10 x='6' y='6'/></Level54><Level58><pos1 x='4' y='1'/><pos2 x='2' y='2'/><pos3 x='6' y='2'/><pos4 x='1' y='4'/><pos5 x='3' y='4'/><pos6 x='4' y='4'/><pos7 x='5' y='4'/><pos8 x='7' y='4'/><pos9 x='2' y='6'/><pos10 x='6' y='6'/><pos11 x='4' y='6'/></Level58><Level59><pos1 x='1' y='1'/><pos2 x='7' y='1'/><pos3 x='4' y='2'/><pos4 x='3' y='3'/><pos5 x='5' y='3'/><pos6 x='1' y='4'/><pos7 x='7' y='4'/><pos8 x='3' y='5'/><pos9 x='5' y='5'/><pos10 x='4' y='6'/><pos11 x='1' y='7'/><pos12 x='7' y='7'/></Level59><Level61><pos1 x='1' y='1'/><pos2 x='6' y='1'/><pos3 x='4' y='2'/><pos4 x='3' y='3'/><pos5 x='1' y='4'/><pos6 x='5' y='4'/><pos7 x='7' y='4'/><pos8 x='3' y='5'/><pos9 x='4' y='5'/><pos10 x='3' y='6'/><pos11 x='7' y='6'/><pos12 x='2' y='7'/><pos13 x='6' y='7'/></Level61><Level64><pos1 x='1' y='1'/><pos2 x='2' y='1'/><pos3 x='4' y='1'/><pos4 x='6' y='1'/><pos5 x='7' y='1'/><pos6 x='1' y='2'/><pos7 x='4' y='2'/><pos8 x='7' y='2'/><pos9 x='1' y='4'/><pos10 x='2' y='4'/><pos11 x='4' y='4'/><pos12 x='6' y='4'/><pos13 x='7' y='4'/><pos14 x='1' y='6'/><pos15 x='4' y='6'/><pos16 x='7' y='6'/><pos17 x='1' y='7'/><pos18 x='2' y='7'/><pos19 x='4' y='7'/><pos20 x='6' y='7'/><pos21 x='7' y='7'/></Level64></Grids>"; Sloop_Param_xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><SloopParam><PiecesTurn>1</PiecesTurn><Niveau>undefined</Niveau><MaxPiecesSpeciales>10</MaxPiecesSpeciales><DidacticielJouer><Ligne1>1,2,7,4,7,2,5</Ligne1><Ligne2>4,3,4,5,7,4,7</Ligne2><Ligne3>2,6,1,6,3,7,2</Ligne3><Ligne4>4,3,1,7,1,2,4</Ligne4><Ligne5>5,6,5,1,7,1,4</Ligne5><Ligne6>5,2,1,4,3,4,6</Ligne6><Ligne7>7,5,2,3,4,5,5</Ligne7></DidacticielJouer><Maincadence>50</Maincadence><Casespeed>10</Casespeed><Facteur>2</Facteur><Timer><Nbre>4</Nbre><App>2</App></Timer><Skull><Nbre>6</Nbre><App>3</App></Skull><Star><Nbre>2</Nbre><App>7</App></Star><Indestructible><Nbre>0</Nbre><App>5</App></Indestructible><Explosive><Nbre>2</Nbre><App>6</App></Explosive><BlocsNormaux><Bleu>1</Bleu><Jaune>1</Jaune><Violet>1</Violet><Inca>1</Inca><Oeil>1</Oeil><Guerrier>1</Guerrier><Rouge>1</Rouge></BlocsNormaux><Objectif><start>30</start><multi>14</multi></Objectif><Combos><C2>20</C2><C3>30</C3><C4>40</C4><C5>50</C5><C6>60</C6><C7>70</C7></Combos><Score><Facteur>10</Facteur><S3>1</S3><S4>1</S4><S5>1</S5><S6>1</S6></Score><MaxTime>150</MaxTime></SloopParam>"; function IniXml() { var _local1; ChargeXMLLangue(); } function ChargeXMLLangue() { LangueXML = new XML(Sloop_Loc_xml); LangueXML.ignoreWhite = true; traiteXML(); } function traiteXML() { ChangeLanguage(); BeginSloop(); } function ChangeLanguage() { if (Language == undefined) { Language = "Fr"; } if (Language == "Fr") { _global.ChildLanguage = LangueXML.firstChild.childNodes[0]; } else if (Language == "En") { _global.ChildLanguage = LangueXML.firstChild.childNodes[1]; } else if (Language == "All") { _global.ChildLanguage = LangueXML.firstChild.childNodes[2]; } else if (Language == "Sp") { _global.ChildLanguage = LangueXML.firstChild.childNodes[3]; } else if (Language == "It") { _global.ChildLanguage = LangueXML.firstChild.childNodes[4]; } } function ChargeXMLParametres() { trace("Charge xml parameters"); ParametresXML = new XML(Sloop_Param_xml); ParametresXML.ignoreWhite = true; traiteXMLParametres(); } function traiteXMLParametres() { MAINGP.PiecesTurn = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[0].firstChild.toString(); MAINGP.levelxml = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[1].firstChild.toString(); MAINGP.MaxPiecesSpeciales = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[2].firstChild.toString(); MAINGP.GrilleDidacticielJouer = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[3]; MAINGP.Maincadence = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[4].firstChild.toString(); MAINGP.Casespeed = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[5].firstChild.toString(); MAINGP.Facteurcase = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[6].firstChild.toString(); var _local3 = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[7]; MAINGP.TimerPieceNum = Number(_local3.childNodes[0].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.TimerPieceApp = Number(_local3.childNodes[1].firstChild.toString()); _local3 = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[8]; MAINGP.CrnPieceNum = Number(_local3.childNodes[0].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.CrnPieceApp = Number(_local3.childNodes[1].firstChild.toString()); _local3 = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[9]; trace("etoile " + _local3); MAINGP.StarPieceNum = Number(_local3.childNodes[0].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.StarPieceApp = Number(_local3.childNodes[1].firstChild.toString()); trace((("etoile " + MAINGP.StarPieceNum) + " ") + MAINGP.CrnPieceApp); _local3 = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[10]; MAINGP.indestructiblePieceNum = Number(_local3.childNodes[0].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.indestructiblePieceApp = Number(_local3.childNodes[1].firstChild.toString()); trace((("indestructiblePieceApp " + MAINGP.indestructiblePieceNum) + " ") + MAINGP.indestructiblePieceApp); _local3 = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[11]; MAINGP.ExplosiveNum = _local3.childNodes[0].firstChild.toString(); MAINGP.ExplosiveApp = _local3.childNodes[1].firstChild.toString(); _local3 = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[12]; var _local2 = Array("Bleu_Turn", "Jaune_Turn", "Violette_Turn", "Pierre_Inca", "Oeil_Blink", "Pierre_guerrier_s", "Pierre_rouge_s"); listpiecesxml = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < _local2.length) { var _local1 = _local3.childNodes[i].firstChild.toString(); if (Number(_local1)) { listpiecesxml.push(_local2[i]); } i++; } _local3 = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[13]; MAINGP.Objectif = new Object(); MAINGP.Objectif.astart = Number(_local3.childNodes[0].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.Objectif.multi = Number(_local3.childNodes[1].firstChild.toString()); _local3 = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[14]; MAINGP.MultiCombo2 = Number(_local3.childNodes[0].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.MultiCombo3 = Number(_local3.childNodes[1].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.MultiCombo4 = Number(_local3.childNodes[2].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.MultiCombo5 = Number(_local3.childNodes[3].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.MultiCombo6 = Number(_local3.childNodes[4].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.MultiCombo7 = Number(_local3.childNodes[5].firstChild.toString()); _local3 = ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[15]; MAINGP.FacteurScore = Number(_local3.childNodes[0].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.Number3 = Number(_local3.childNodes[1].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.Number4 = Number(_local3.childNodes[2].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.Number5 = Number(_local3.childNodes[3].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.Number6 = Number(_local3.childNodes[4].firstChild.toString()); MAINGP.MaxTime = Number(ParametresXML.firstChild.childNodes[16].firstChild.toString()); } function ChargeXMLGrids() { GridsXML = new XML(SlideNLoop_grids_xml); GridsXML.ignoreWhite = true; traiteXMLGrids(); } function traiteXMLGrids() { AllGrids = GridsXML.firstChild; } function IniMaincontener(mc) { mc.onLoad = function () { this.startgame = 1; this.pAnimJewel = 0; this.pState = 1; this.pTempa = 0; if (MAINGP.Maincadence != undefined) { this.mainduration = MAINGP.Maincadence; } else { this.mainduration = 20; } if (MAINGP.MaincadenceMarteau != undefined) { this.rollingduration = MAINGP.MaincadenceMarteau; } else { this.rollingduration = 30; } this.IntervalIDMainC = setInterval(this, "TestonEnterFrame", this.mainduration); this.pStateInt = "Main"; this.count = 0; }; mc.onLoad(); mc.vibre = function (milieu_x, milieu_y, diviseurx, diviseury) { xmax = Number(Math.abs(Math.floor((_xmouse - milieu_x) / diviseurx))); ymax = Number(Math.abs(Math.floor((_ymouse - milieu_y) / diviseury))); _x = Number(Math.floor(Math.random() * xmax)); _y = Number(Math.floor(Math.random() * ymax)); }; mc.TestonEnterFrame = function () { if (MainMenuGame != undefined) { return(0); } if (MAINGP.fingame == 0) { var _local5 = GrilleisOk(); this.pState = _local5; if ((!MainLevelCreate) && (_local5 == 1)) { MainLevelCreate = 1; if (MainHud.Maintime != undefined) { MainHud.Maintime.IntervalID = setInterval(MainHud.Maintime, "executeCallback", MainHud.Maintime.duration); } if (MAINGP.Casespeed != undefined) { casespeed = MAINGP.Casespeed; } else { casespeed = 11; } } if (_local5 < -4) { if (this.pTempa == 1) { if (Mainperso.IsRolling == 1) { PlayerPush(Mainperso.pPos[0], Mainperso.pPos[1], 1); } this.pTempa = 0; } } else if (_local5 < 1) { testal = ABTestGrille(); if (_local5 == -1) { MainHud.countmulti = 0; } if (this.pTempa == 0) { MainHud.StartCombo(); this.pTempa = 1; } } else if (this.pTempa == 1) { if (Mainperso.IsRolling == 1) { PlayerPush(Mainperso.pPos[0], Mainperso.pPos[1], 1); } else { MainHud.EndCombo(); } this.pTempa = 0; } else if ((_local5 == 1) && (JoueSonAlignement)) { JoueSonAlignement = 0; } } var _local4 = 1; while (_local4 < (nbcase + 1)) { var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 < (nbcase + 1)) { myname = ((namebase + _local2) + "_") + _local4; var _local3 = this[myname]; _local3.MAINCADENCE(); _local2++; } _local4++; } this.count++; if ((this.count % 2) == 0) { Mainperso.TickMainPerso(); this.count = 0; } }; } function MakeContener(acontener, casex, casey, contenu, mypiece) { var _local6 = acontener; _local6.onLoad = function () { this.pname = ((namebase + casex) + "_") + casey; this.Explosive = 0; BuildCase(this, mypiece); this.xcase = casex; this.ycase = casey; this.xmove = this.x; this.ymove = this.y; this.needtest = 1; this.go = false; this.ismoved = false; this.fx = 0; this.pContenu.gotoAndStop(1); this.anime = 0; this.nSeconds = 1; this.my_date = new Date(); this.cSeconds = this.my_date.getMilliseconds(); this.lSeconds = this.my_date.getMilliseconds(); this.tduration = 60; this.durationAnimation = 84; if (((this.pActor == MAINGP.SuperZia) || (this.pActor == MAINGP.JokerExplosif)) || (this.pActor == MAINGP.MskPiece)) { this.IntervalAnim = setInterval(this, "TickAnimation", this.durationAnimation); } else { this.IntervalAnimation = setInterval(this, "Animation", 3500); } this.pContenu._visible = 0; this.count = 0; }; _local6.makemove = function (movex, movey) { if (MAINGP.Facteurcase != undefined) { var _local2 = MAINGP.Facteurcase; } else { var _local2 = 2.2; } if (Mainperso.IsRolling) { if (MAINGP.FacteurMarteaucase != undefined) { var _local2 = MAINGP.FacteurMarteaucase; } else { var _local2 = 0.75; } } this.xmove = movex * _local2; this.ymove = movey * _local2; this.go = true; this.ismoved = true; this.fx = 0; }; _local6.fx_disp = function () { var _local2 = "fx_explos_1"; this.fxmovie = this.attachMovie("halo2", _local2, this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.fx = _local2; this.IntervalFxExplosion = setInterval(this, "TickFxExplosion", 60); this.fxmovie.explosion.gotoAndStop(1); }; _local6.TickFxExplosion = function () { if (MainMenuGame != undefined) { return(0); } var _local2 = this.fxmovie.explosion._currentframe; _local2++; if (_local2 == (this.fxmovie.explosion._totalframes + 1)) { clearInterval(this.IntervalFxExplosion); } else { this.fxmovie.explosion.gotoAndStop(_local2); } }; _local6.mctop = function () { var _local5 = 1; var _local2 = this.ycase - _local5; var _local3 = 0; if (_local2 < 1) { _local3 = 1; } while (_local3 == 0) { _local2 = this.ycase - _local5; var _local4 = getcontener(this.xcase, _local2); _local5++; if (!(_local4.pActor === MAINGP.indestructiblePiece)) { _local3 = 1; } if (_local2 < 1) { _local3 = 1; } } if (_local2 > 0) { mc = getcontener(this.xcase, _local2); if (isInPlace(mc)) { var _local7 = mc; this.Explosive = mc.Explosive; var _local6 = _local7.pActor; Deletecase(_local7); BuildCase(this, _local6, 1); pushPiece(this, "bottom"); } } else { if ((!MAINGP.Didacticiel) && (Didacticiel == undefined)) { var _local6 = BuildNewCase(); } else if (Didacticiel != undefined) { var _local6 = Didacticiel.BuildCaseDidacticiel(); } else if (MAINGP.Didacticiel) { var _local6 = BuildCaseDidacticiel(); } BuildCase(this, _local6); pushPiece(this, "bottom"); } }; _local6.isinplace = function () { if (this.pContenu == 0) { return(0); } if (this.go == true) { return(0); } }; _local6.deletefx = function (afx) { removeMovieClip(afx); this.fx = 0; clearInterval(this.IntervalFxExplosion); }; _local6.gravity = function () { if ((MAINGP.canplay || (MAINGP.Didacticiel == 1)) || (MAINGP.DidacticielInGame == 1)) { if (this.pContenu == 0) { if (!(this.fx === 0)) { return(0); } this.mctop(); } } }; _local6.MAINCADENCE = function () { if ((MAINGP.canplay || (MAINGP.Didacticiel)) || (MAINGP.DidacticielInGame == 1)) { if (this.pContenu == 0) { this.go = false; } if (this.go == true) { this.pContenu.gotoAndStop(1); var _local4 = -this.pContenu._x; var _local3 = -this.pContenu._y; if (_local4 >= 0) { var _local6 = Math.min(_local4, this.xmove); } else { var _local6 = Math.max(_local4, this.xmove); } if (_local3 >= 0) { var _local5 = Math.min(_local3, this.ymove); } else { var _local5 = Math.max(_local3, this.ymove); } this.pContenu._x = this.pContenu._x + _local6; this.pContenu._y = this.pContenu._y + _local5; if ((this.pContenu._x == 0) && (this.pContenu._y == 0)) { this.go = false; } if (this.pContenu._y > ((-this.ycase) * title_size)) { this.pContenu._visible = 1; } } } this.count++; if (this.Explosive && ((this.count % 10) == 0)) { var _local2 = this.pContenuExplosive._currentframe; if (_local2 == this.pContenuExplosive._totalframes) { _local2 = 0; } _local2++; this.pContenuExplosive.gotoAndStop(_local2); this.count = 0; } }; _local6.Animation = function () { if (!this.anime) { var _local2 = randRange(0, 10); if (_local2 <= 2) { this.anime = 1; this.IntervalAnim = setInterval(this, "TickAnimation", this.durationAnimation); } } }; _local6.TickAnimation = function () { if (Mainperso.IsRolling) { return(0); } nf = this.pContenu._currentframe; nf++; if (nf == this.pContenu._totalframes) { if (((this.pActor != MAINGP.SuperZia) || (this.pActor != MAINGP.JokerExplosif)) || (this.pActor != MAINGP.MskPiece)) { clearInterval(this.IntervalAnim); this.anime = 0; } nf = 1; } this.pContenu.gotoAndStop(nf); }; _local6.onLoad(); } function GrilleisOk() { var _local3 = 1; while (_local3 < (nbcase + 1)) { var _local1 = 1; while (_local1 < (nbcase + 1)) { var _local4 = ((namebase + _local1) + "_") + _local3; var _local2 = Maincontainer[_local4]; var _local5 = _local2.pActor; if (_local5 == false) { return(-2); } if (_local2.go == true) { return(0); } _local1++; } _local3++; } if (Mainperso.IsRolling == 1) { return(1); } _local3 = 1; while (_local3 < (nbcase + 1)) { var _local1 = 1; while (_local1 < (nbcase + 1)) { var _local4 = ((namebase + _local1) + "_") + _local3; var _local2 = Maincontainer[_local4]; if (_local2.ismoved == true) { return(-1); } _local1++; } _local3++; } return(1); } function CheckAlignment(myArray, n) { if (n.length > 0) { mystere = 0; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < n.length) { val = n[_local2]; var _local1 = getcontener(val[0], val[1]); var _local5 = _local1.pActor; if (_local1.Explosive) { myArray = DonnePiecesAdjacentes(myArray, val); MAINGP.ExplosiveCount--; if (MAINGP.ExplosiveCount < 0) { MAINGP.ExplosiveCount = 0; } Mainperso.Explosive = 1; } myArray.push(val); _local2++; } if (mystere) { _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < n.length) { val = n[_local2]; var _local1 = getcontener(val[0], val[1]); _local1.pActor = MAINGP.MskPiece; _local2++; } } } return(myArray); } function ABTestGrille() { if (MainMenuGame != undefined) { return(0); } if (Didacticiel != undefined) { if (Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 6) { return(undefined); } if ((Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 7) && (!Didacticiel.Deloc)) { return(undefined); } } Mainperso.MystereDonne = 0; Mainperso.Explosive = 0; Mainperso.Timer = 0; var _local7 = new Array(); var _local15 = 0; if (Maincontainer.pState == -1) { _local15 = 1; } var _local4 = 1; while (_local4 <= nbcase) { var _local10 = 1; while (_local10 <= nbcase) { var _local9 = ((namebase + _local10) + "_") + _local4; var _local3 = Maincontainer[_local9]; if (_local15) { _local3.ismoved = false; var _local8 = endmove(_local3); _local7 = CheckAlignment(_local7, _local8); } else { _local3.gravity(); } _local10++; } _local4++; } if (_local7.length > 0) { var _local2 = new Array(); var _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < _local7.length) { var _local6 = _local7[_local10]; var _local11 = 0; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2.length) { var _local5 = _local2[_local4]; if ((_local5[0] == _local6[0]) && (_local5[1] == _local6[1])) { _local11 = 1; } _local4++; } if (_local11 == 0) { _local2.push(_local6); } _local10++; } _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < _local2.length) { var _local14 = _local2[_local10][0]; var _local13 = _local2[_local10][1]; var _local1 = getcontener(_local14, _local13); _local1.Explosive = 0; if (!Mainperso.Explosive) { if (!(_local1.pActor === MAINGP.MskPiece)) { if (_local1.pActor != MAINGP.TimerPiece) { MakeFxScorePiece(_local1.xcase, _local1.ycase); } else { Mainperso.Timer++; } Deletecase(_local1, 1); } else { Deletecase(_local1); BuildCase(_local1, MAINGP.indestructiblePiece); } } else { if (_local1.pActor != MAINGP.TimerPiece) { MakeFxScorePiece(_local1.xcase, _local1.ycase); } Deletecase(_local1, 1); } _local1.fx_disp(); _local10++; } JoueSonAlignement = 1; if (((!MAINGP.canplay) && (!MAINGP.Didacticiel)) && (Didacticiel == undefined)) { return(0); } var _local17 = new Array(); if (_local2.length) { var _local18 = Math.round(_local2.length / 2); _local17 = _local2[_local18 - 1]; } if (MainLevelCreate) { var _local16 = 0; if (Mainperso.Timer == _local2.length) { _local16 = 1; _local2 = Array(); } else if (Mainperso.Timer >= 3) { var _local12 = 1; while (_local12 <= Mainperso.Timer) { _local2.pop(); _local12++; } } MainHud.scoring(_local2.length, _local17, _local16); } return(1); } return(0); } function Deletecase(acase, needtest) { if (needtest == 1) { acase.needtest == 0; } var _local2 = acase.pContenu; thename = acase.pActor; if (needtest == 1) { if (MAINGP.canplay) { SoundDesign.Blocs.stop(); SoundDesign.Divers.stop(); trace("blocs son" + thename); if (thename == MAINGP.CrnPiece) { } else if (thename == MAINGP.TimerPiece) { AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "sablier.mp3"); trace("Son sablier"); } else { AttachSoundDesign("Blocs", "Sloop_fx_Bloc.mp3"); trace("Son blocs"); } } else { trace((("startgame " + MAINGP.fingame) + " ") + MAINGP.DoExplosionsFin); if (MAINGP.DoExplosionsFin && ((Didacticiel == undefined) || (MAINGP.fingame))) { MAINGP.DoExplosionsFin = 0; } else if (((Didacticiel != undefined) && (!MAINGP.fingame)) && (!MAINGP.DoExplosionsFin)) { AttachSoundDesign("Blocs", "Sloop_fx_Bloc.mp3"); } trace("Son autre blocs" + Didacticiel); } } if (thename != undefined) { MAINGP.countpiece[thename]--; if (IsSpecialPiece(thename)) { MAINGP.countpiece.special--; } } removeMovieClip(_local2); acase.pContenu = 0; acase.pActor = 0; acase.Explosive = 0; } function IsSpecialPiece(thename) { if (((((thename == MAINGP.StarPiece) || (thename == MAINGP.arrawHPiece)) || (thename == MAINGP.arrawVPiece)) || (thename == MAINGP.arrawDblPiece)) || (thename == MAINGP.JokerExplosif)) { return(1); } } function BuildNewCase() { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 == 0) { if (MAINGP.NbListeStandart < listtypealeatoire.length) { var _local2 = 4; if ((MAINGP.gamemode == "Survivor") && (listtypealeatoire.length < (MAINGP.NbListeStandart + 3))) { p = randRange(1, 8); _local2 = 7; } else { p = randRange(1, 5); } if (p <= _local2) { listtirage = listtypealeatoire.slice(0, MAINGP.NbListeStandart); } else { listtirage = listtypealeatoire.slice(MAINGP.NbListeStandart, listtypealeatoire.length); } } else { listtirage = listtypealeatoire; } var _local3 = randRange(1, listtirage.length) - 1; var _local4 = listtirage[_local3]; _local1 = 1; if (IsSpecialPiece(_local4)) { if ((MAINGP.countpiece.special >= MAINGP.MaxPiecesSpeciales) || (MAINGP.countpiece[_local4] > 2)) { _local1 = 0; } } if (_local4 == undefined) { _local1 = 0; } } if (MAINGP.gamemode == "Puzzle") { var _local4 = MAINGP.indestructiblePiece; } return(_local4); } function BuildCase(mc, thename, from) { if (MAINGP.countpiece[thename] == undefined) { MAINGP.countpiece[thename] = 0; } if (IsSpecialPiece(thename)) { if (MAINGP.countpiece.special == undefined) { MAINGP.countpiece.special = 0; } MAINGP.countpiece.special++; } MAINGP.countpiece[thename]++; var _local4 = "b" + thename; if (from == undefined) { if (((((NbExplosive != 0) && (!IsSpecialPiece(thename))) && (!(thename === MAINGP.CrnPiece))) && (!(thename === MAINGP.MskPiece))) && (!(thename === MAINGP.indestructiblePiece))) { if (MAINGP.ExplosiveCount < NbExplosive) { r = random(10); if (r < 1) { mc.Explosive = 1; MAINGP.ExplosiveCount++; } } } } piece = mc.attachMovie(thename, _local4, mc.getNextHighestDepth()); mc.pContenu = mc[_local4]; if (mc.Explosive == 1) { mc.pContenuExplosive = mc.pContenu.attachMovie("Pierre_explosive", _local4 + "2nd", mc.pContenu.getNextHighestDepth()); mc.pContenuExplosive.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_parent.pAnimJewel == 0) { mc.pContenu.stop(); } mc.pActor = thename; } function endmove(mc) { var _local1 = testPossiblepiece2(mc.pActor, mc.xcase, mc.ycase, mc.Explosive); if (!(_local1 === 0)) { var _local3 = _local1.length; return(_local1); } } function Addcol(aliste, num) { var _local1 = 1; while (_local1 < (nbcase + 1)) { var _local2 = getcontener(num, _local1); if (_local2.pActor != MAINGP.indestructiblePiece) { aliste.push(Array(num, _local1)); } _local1++; } return(aliste); } function Addligne(aliste, num) { var _local1 = 1; while (_local1 < (nbcase + 1)) { var _local2 = getcontener(_local1, num); if (_local2.pActor != MAINGP.indestructiblePiece) { aliste.push(Array(_local1, num)); } _local1++; } return(aliste); } function DonnePiecesAdjacentes(aliste, pos) { i = -1; while (i <= 1) { j = -1; while (j <= 1) { p = new Array(pos[0] + i, pos[1] + j); if ((((p[0] >= 1) && (p[0] <= 7)) && (p[1] >= 1)) && (p[1] <= 7)) { aliste.push(p); } j++; } i++; } return(aliste); } function DonneToutesPieces(aliste, namepiece) { i = 1; while (i <= 7) { j = 1; while (j <= 7) { actor = getcontener(i, j).pActor; if (actor == namepiece) { a = new Array(i, j); aliste.push(a); } j++; } i++; } return(aliste); } function canmove(aposx, aposy) { var _local1 = Mainperso.isFreeCase(aposx, aposy); if (_local1 != 1) { return(_local1); } if (MAINGP.IAActive) { _local1 = MainAI.isFreeCase(aposx, aposy); if (_local1 == undefined) { _local1 = 1; } else if (_local1 != 1) { return(_local1); } if (_local1 == undefined) { _local1 = 1; } else if (_local1 != 1) { return(_local1); } } _local1 = DalleManager.isFreeCase(aposx, aposy); if (_local1 == undefined) { _local1 = 1; } return(_local1); } function isEmptyMc(mc) { if ((mc.pContenu == 0) && (mc.go == 0)) { return(1); } return(0); } function isFullMc(mc) { if ((mc.pContenu == 1) && (mc.go == 0)) { return(1); } return(0); } function isInPlace(mc) { if (mc.pContenu == 0) { return(0); } if (mc.go == true) { return(0); } return(1); } function PlayerPush(plx, ply, isPlayer) { if (Maincontainer.pState == 1) { Maincontainer.isPlayerPush = isPlayer; if ((ply >= 1) && (ply <= nbcase)) { if (plx < 1) { apush = -1; } else { apush = 1; } this.pushline(ply, apush); } else { if (ply < 1) { apush = -1; } else { apush = 1; } this.pushcol(plx, apush); } } } function pushPiece(mycont, adirection, apuissance) { if (apuissance == undefined) { apuissance = 1; } valmove = casespeed; avaldecal = title_size * apuissance; if (adirection == "top") { mycont.pContenu._y = avaldecal; mycont.makemove(0, -valmove); } if (adirection == "bottom") { mycont.pContenu._y = -avaldecal; mycont.makemove(0, valmove); } if (adirection == "left") { mycont.pContenu._x = avaldecal; mycont.makemove(-valmove, 0); } if (adirection == "right") { mycont.pContenu._x = -avaldecal; mycont.makemove(valmove, 0); } } function pushcol(myval, asens) { if (asens == -1) { thepush = "bottom"; } else { thepush = "top"; } var _local7 = new Array(); var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 < (nbcase + 1)) { var _local4 = getcontener(myval, _local2); if (_local4.pActor == MAINGP.indestructiblePiece) { var _local9 = 1; } _local7[_local2 - 1] = _local4.pActor; _local2++; } var _local8 = new Array(); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 < (nbcase + 1)) { i = myval; j = _local2; nextpos = getnextcase(j + asens); conteneur = getcontener(i, j); _local8[j - 1] = conteneur.Explosive; _local2++; } _local2 = 1; while (_local2 < (nbcase + 1)) { i = myval; j = _local2; myname = ((namebase + i) + "_") + j; var conteneur = getcontener(i, j); if (conteneur.go == true) { return(0); } if (!(conteneur.pActor === MAINGP.indestructiblePiece)) { Deletecase(conteneur, 0); var nextpos = getnextcase(j + asens); conteneur2 = getcontener(i, nextpos); var _local1 = 2; while (conteneur2.pActor == MAINGP.indestructiblePiece) { var nextpos = getnextcase(j + (_local1 * asens)); conteneur2 = getcontener(i, nextpos); _local1++; } var _local6 = _local7[nextpos - 1]; conteneur.Explosive = _local8[nextpos - 1]; BuildCase(conteneur, _local6); pushPiece(conteneur, thepush); } _local2++; } } function pushline(myval, asens) { if (asens == -1) { thepush = "right"; } else { thepush = "left"; } var _local8 = new Array(); var _local10 = 0; var _local3 = 1; while (_local3 < (nbcase + 1)) { var _local5 = getcontener(_local3, myval); if (_local5.pActor == MAINGP.indestructiblePiece) { _local10 = 1; } _local8[_local3 - 1] = _local5.pActor; _local3++; } var _local9 = new Array(); _local3 = 1; while (_local3 < (nbcase + 1)) { i = _local3; j = myval; nextpos = getnextcase(i + asens); conteneur = getcontener(i, j); _local9[_local3 - 1] = conteneur.Explosive; _local3++; } _local3 = 1; while (_local3 < (nbcase + 1)) { i = _local3; j = myval; myname = ((namebase + i) + "_") + j; var conteneur = getcontener(i, j); if (conteneur.go == true) { return(0); } if (!(conteneur.pActor === MAINGP.indestructiblePiece)) { Deletecase(conteneur, 0); var nextpos = getnextcase(i + asens); var _local2 = getcontener(nextpos, j); var _local1 = 2; while (_local2.pActor == MAINGP.indestructiblePiece) { var nextpos = getnextcase(i + (_local1 * asens)); _local2 = getcontener(nextpos, j); _local1++; } var _local7 = _local8[nextpos - 1]; conteneur.Explosive = _local9[nextpos - 1]; BuildCase(conteneur, _local7); pushPiece(conteneur, thepush); } _local3++; } } function MakeLevel() { this.lst_emptycase = new Array(); this.lst_emptycase1 = new Array(); this.count = 0; var _local3 = 1; while (_local3 < (this.nbcase + 1)) { var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 < (this.nbcase + 1)) { this.lst_emptycase[count] = Array(_local2, _local3); this.lst_emptycase1[count] = Array(_local2, _local3); count++; _local2++; } _local3++; } var _local4 = 0; while (!_local4) { _local4 = TraceLevelEntier(); } } function MakePiecesObligatoires() { listnewpieces = new Array(); listpiecesobligatoires = new Array(); listspecialspieces = new Array(); if (MAINGP.level > MAINGP.TimerPieceApp) { this.listtype.push(MAINGP.TimerPiece); this.listnumber.push(MAINGP.TimerPieceNum); i = 1; while (i <= Math.floor(MAINGP.TimerPieceNum)) { listtypealeatoire.push(MAINGP.TimerPiece); i++; } } if (MAINGP.level > MAINGP.CrnPieceApp) { this.listtype.push(MAINGP.CrnPiece); this.listnumber.push(MAINGP.CrnPieceNum); AjouteSpecialesPieces(MAINGP.CrnPiece, MAINGP.CrnPieceNum); i = 1; while (i <= Math.floor(MAINGP.CrnPieceNum / 2)) { listtypealeatoire.push(MAINGP.CrnPiece); i++; } } if (MAINGP.level >= MAINGP.ExplosiveApp) { NbExplosive = 3; MAINGP.ExplosiveCount = 0; } else { NbExplosive = 0; } if (MAINGP.level > MAINGP.StarPieceApp) { this.listtype.push(MAINGP.StarPiece); this.listnumber.push(MAINGP.StarPieceNum); AjouteSpecialesPieces(MAINGP.StarPiece, MAINGP.StarPieceNum); i = 1; while (i <= Math.floor(MAINGP.StarPieceNum / 2)) { listtypealeatoire.push(MAINGP.StarPiece); i++; } } if (MAINGP.level == MAINGP.TimerPieceApp) { listnewpieces.push(MAINGP.TimerPiece); i = 1; while (i <= MAINGP.TimerPieceNum) { listpiecesobligatoires.push(MAINGP.TimerPiece); i++; } listtypealeatoire.push(MAINGP.TimerPiece); } if (MAINGP.level == MAINGP.CrnPieceApp) { listnewpieces.push(MAINGP.CrnPiece); i = 1; while (i <= MAINGP.CrnPieceNum) { listpiecesobligatoires.push(MAINGP.CrnPiece); i++; } listtypealeatoire.push(MAINGP.CrnPiece); } if (MAINGP.level == MAINGP.StarPieceApp) { listnewpieces.push(MAINGP.StarPiece); i = 1; while (i <= MAINGP.StarPieceNum) { listpiecesobligatoires.push(MAINGP.StarPiece); i++; } listtypealeatoire.push(MAINGP.StarPiece); } if (MAINGP.level == MAINGP.ExplosiveApp) { listnewpieces.push(MAINGP.ExplosiveDemo); } if (MAINGP.level == MAINGP.indestructiblePieceApp) { listnewpieces.push(MAINGP.indestructiblePiece); } } function TraceLevelEntier() { DebugLevel = 0; MainLevelCreate = 0; this.lst_emptycase = new Array(); this.lst_emptycase1 = new Array(); this.count = 0; var _local20 = 1; while (_local20 < (this.nbcase + 1)) { var _local6 = 1; while (_local6 < (this.nbcase + 1)) { this.lst_emptycase[count] = Array(_local6, _local20); this.lst_emptycase1[count] = Array(_local6, _local20); count++; var _local15 = getcontener(_local6, _local20); Deletecase(_local15, 0); _local6++; } _local20++; } MakePiecesObligatoires(); if (MAINGP.gamemode != "Survivor") { var _local28 = AllGrids.childNodes[MAINGP.level - 1]; if (_local28 != undefined) { var _local6 = 0; var _local12 = _local28.firstChild; while (_local12 != null) { var _local25 = Number(_local12.attributes.x); var _local24 = Number(_local12.attributes.y); var _local22 = ((_local25 + (7 * (_local24 - 1))) - 1) - _local6; var _local17 = lst_emptycase[_local22]; newpiece = MAINGP.indestructiblePiece; var _local9 = ((namebase + _local17[0]) + "_") + _local17[1]; var _local15 = Maincontainer[_local9]; var _local16 = _local15[moviename]; MakeContener(_local15, _local17[0], _local17[1], _local16, newpiece); lst_emptycase.splice(_local22, 1); _local6++; _local12 = _local12.nextSibling; } } } specialespiecescount = 0; var _local27 = 5; while (listpiecesobligatoires.length) { var _local21 = randRange(1, lst_emptycase.length) - 1; var _local17 = lst_emptycase[_local21]; var _local6 = _local17[0]; _local20 = _local17[1]; var _local9 = ((namebase + _local6) + "_") + _local20; var _local15 = Maincontainer[_local9]; var _local18 = randRange(1, listpiecesobligatoires.length) - 1; var newpiece = listpiecesobligatoires[_local18]; var _local23 = TestPositionnePlaceSpeciale(newpiece, _local17[0], _local17[1]); if (_local23) { var _local16 = _local15[moviename]; this.MakeContener(_local15, _local6, _local20, _local16, newpiece); lst_emptycase.splice(_local21, 1); listpiecesobligatoires.splice(_local18, 1); specialespiecescount++; } } while (listspecialspieces.length && (specialespiecescount < MAINGP.MaxPiecesSpeciales)) { var _local21 = randRange(1, lst_emptycase.length) - 1; var _local17 = lst_emptycase[_local21]; var _local6 = _local17[0]; _local20 = _local17[1]; var _local9 = ((namebase + _local6) + "_") + _local20; var _local15 = Maincontainer[_local9]; var _local18 = randRange(1, listspecialspieces.length) - 1; var newpiece = listspecialspieces[_local18]; if (newpiece == MAINGP.indestructiblePiece) { var _local23 = TestPositionnePlaceStandart(newpiece, _local17[0], _local17[1]); } else { var _local23 = TestPositionnePlaceSpeciale(newpiece, _local17[0], _local17[1]); } if (_local23) { var _local16 = _local15[moviename]; this.MakeContener(_local15, _local6, _local20, _local16, newpiece); lst_emptycase.splice(_local21, 1); listspecialspieces.splice(_local18, 1); specialespiecescount++; } } p = 0; while (lst_emptycase.length) { var _local21 = randRange(1, lst_emptycase.length) - 1; var _local17 = lst_emptycase[_local21]; var _local6 = _local17[0]; _local20 = _local17[1]; var _local9 = ((namebase + _local6) + "_") + _local20; var _local15 = Maincontainer[_local9]; var _local18 = randRange(1, liststandartpieces.length) - 1; var newpiece = liststandartpieces[_local18]; var _local23 = TestPositionnePlaceStandart(newpiece, _local17[0], _local17[1]); p++; if (_local23) { var _local16 = _local15[moviename]; this.MakeContener(_local15, _local6, _local20, _local16, newpiece); lst_emptycase.splice(_local21, 1); p = 0; } if (p > 10) { trace((("probl\u00E8me " + newpiece) + "nb places restantes ") + lst_emptycase.length); } } var _local11 = 1; var _local26 = 0; while (_local11 && (_local26 <= 100)) { _local20 = 1; var _local5 = 0; var _local14 = 0; while (((!_local5) && (_local20 <= nbcase)) && (_local14 <= 100)) { var _local6 = 1; var _local3 = 0; while (((!_local5) && (_local6 <= nbcase)) && (_local3 <= 100)) { var _local9 = ((namebase + _local6) + "_") + _local20; var _local10 = Maincontainer[_local9]; var _local4 = endmove(_local10); var _local2 = new Array(); if (_local4 != undefined) { _local2 = CheckAlignment(_local2, _local4); _local2 = NettoyerAlignement(_local2); } _local11 = _local2.length; _local5 = _local11; _local6++; _local3++; } _local20++; if (_local3 == 101) { return(0); } _local14++; } if (_local14 == 101) { return(0); } if (_local5) { return(0); } if (_local5) { var _local19 = 0; var _local13 = 0; while ((!_local19) && (_local13 <= 100)) { var _local8 = _local2[Math.round((_local2.length / 2) - 1)][0]; var _local7 = _local2[Math.round((_local2.length / 2) - 1)][1]; var _local9 = ((namebase + _local8) + "_") + _local7; var _local15 = Maincontainer[_local9]; var _local18 = randRange(1, liststandartpieces.length) - 1; var newpiece = liststandartpieces[_local18]; _local19 = TestPositionnePlaceStandart(newpiece, _local8, _local7); if (_local19) { var _local16 = _local15[moviename]; this.MakeContener(_local15, _local8, _local7, _local16, newpiece); } _local13++; } if (_local13 == 101) { return(0); } if ((_local6 == nbcase) && (_local20 == nbcase)) { _local11 = 1; } } _local26++; } if (_local26 == 101) { return(0); } _local20 = 1; while (_local20 < (nbcase + 1)) { var _local6 = 1; while (_local6 < (nbcase + 1)) { var _local9 = ((namebase + _local6) + "_") + _local20; var _local15 = Maincontainer[_local9]; pushPiece(_local15, "bottom", _local27 + (2 * (nbcase - _local6))); _local6++; } _local20++; } return(1); } function NettoyerAlignement(anArray) { var _local4 = new Array(); var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < anArray.length) { var _local3 = anArray[_local6]; var _local5 = 0; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local4.length) { var _local2 = _local4[_local1]; if ((_local2[0] == _local3[0]) && (_local2[1] == _local3[1])) { _local5 = 1; } _local1++; } if (_local5 == 0) { _local4.push(_local3); } _local6++; } return(_local4); } function TestPositionnePlaceSpeciale(mypiece, posxcase, posycase) { if ((((mypiece == MAINGP.StarPiece) || (mypiece == MAINGP.arrawHPiece)) || (mypiece == MAINGP.arrawDblPiece)) || (mypiece == MAINGP.JokerExplosif)) { var _local11 = getrealcontener(posxcase - 1, posycase).pActor; var _local13 = getrealcontener(posxcase + 1, posycase).pActor; if ((_local11 == _local13) && (_local11 != 0)) { return(0); } } var _local2 = 0; var _local5 = posxcase; var _local3 = 0; var _local9 = 0; while ((_local2 == 0) && (_local9 < 2)) { _local5 = _local5 - 1; _local2 = this.TestvoisinDeb(mypiece, _local5, posycase, _local3); if (_local2 == 1) { _local3++; if (_local3 <= 2) { _local2 = 0; } } _local9++; } if (_local2) { return(0); } var _local14 = posxcase; var _local6 = _local14; _local3 = 0; _local9 = 0; while ((_local2 == 0) && (_local9 < 2)) { _local6 = _local6 + 1; _local2 = this.TestvoisinDeb(mypiece, _local6, posycase, _local3); if (_local2 == 1) { _local3++; if (_local3 <= 2) { _local2 = 0; } } _local9++; } if (_local2) { return(0); } if ((((mypiece == MAINGP.StarPiece) || (mypiece == MAINGP.arrawVPiece)) || (mypiece == MAINGP.arrawDblPiece)) || (mypiece == MAINGP.JokerExplosif)) { var _local10 = getrealcontener(posxcase, posycase - 1).pActor; var _local12 = getrealcontener(posxcase, posycase + 1).pActor; if ((_local10 == _local12) && (_local10 != 0)) { return(0); } } _local5 = posycase; _local9 = 0; _local3 = 0; while ((_local2 == 0) && (_local9 < 2)) { _local5 = _local5 - 1; _local2 = this.TestvoisinDeb(mypiece, posxcase, _local5, _local3); if (_local2 == 1) { _local3++; if (_local3 <= 2) { _local2 = 0; } } _local9++; } if (_local2) { return(0); } _local14 = posycase; _local6 = _local14; _local9 = 0; _local3 = 0; while ((_local2 == 0) && (_local9 < 2)) { _local6 = _local6 + 1; _local2 = this.TestvoisinDeb(mypiece, posxcase, _local6, _local3); if (_local2 == 1) { _local3++; if (_local3 <= 2) { _local2 = 0; } } _local9++; } if (_local2) { return(0); } return(1); } function TestPositionnePlaceStandart(mypiece, posxcase, posycase) { var _local2 = 0; var _local5 = posxcase; var _local3 = 0; var _local9 = 0; while ((_local2 == 0) && (_local9 < 2)) { _local5 = _local5 - 1; _local2 = this.TestvoisinDeb(mypiece, _local5, posycase, _local3); if (_local2 && (!_local3)) { _local3++; if (_local3 <= 2) { _local2 = 0; } } _local9++; } if (_local2) { return(0); } var _local14 = posxcase; var _local6 = _local14; _local3 = 0; _local9 = 0; while ((_local2 == 0) && (_local9 < 2)) { _local6 = _local6 + 1; _local2 = this.TestvoisinDeb(mypiece, _local6, posycase, _local3); if (_local2 && (!_local3)) { _local3++; if (_local3 <= 2) { _local2 = 0; } } _local9++; } if (_local2) { return(0); } _local5 = posycase; _local9 = 0; _local3 = 0; while ((_local2 == 0) && (_local9 < 2)) { _local5 = _local5 - 1; _local2 = this.TestvoisinDeb(mypiece, posxcase, _local5, _local3); if (_local2 && (!_local3)) { _local3++; if (_local3 <= 2) { _local2 = 0; } } _local9++; } if (_local2) { return(0); } _local14 = posycase; _local6 = _local14; _local9 = 0; _local3 = 0; while ((_local2 == 0) && (_local9 < 2)) { _local6 = _local6 + 1; _local2 = this.TestvoisinDeb(mypiece, posxcase, _local6, _local3); if (_local2 && (!_local3)) { _local3++; if (_local3 <= 2) { _local2 = 0; } } _local9++; } if (_local2) { return(0); } var _local13 = this.TestvoisinDeb(mypiece, posxcase - 1, posycase); var _local12 = this.TestvoisinDeb(mypiece, posxcase + 1, posycase); if (_local13 && (_local12)) { return(0); } var _local11 = this.TestvoisinDeb(mypiece, posxcase, posycase - 1); var _local10 = this.TestvoisinDeb(mypiece, posxcase, posycase + 1); if (_local11 && (_local10)) { return(0); } return(1); } function TestvoisinDeb(mypiece, posxcase, posycase, pos) { var _local3 = ((namebase + posxcase) + "_") + posycase; var _local2 = Maincontainer[_local3]; var _local1 = _local2.pActor; if (_local1 != 0) { if (((((_local1 == MAINGP.StarPiece) || (_local1 == MAINGP.arrawHPiece)) || (_local1 == MAINGP.arrawVPiece)) || (_local1 == MAINGP.arrawDblPiece)) || (_local1 == MAINGP.JokerExplosif)) { return(2); } if (_local1 == mypiece) { if (pos == undefined) { return(1); } if (pos > 1) { return(0); } return(1); } } return(0); } function ValidePiece(mypiece) { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < listtype2.length) { var _local2 = listtype2[_local1]; if (_local2 == mypiece) { listnumber[_local1] = listnumber[_local1] - 1; } _local1++; } } function getapiece() { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 == 0) { var _local1 = random(listtype2.length); var _local2 = listnumber[_local1]; if (_local2 > 0) { _local3 = 1; } else { listtype2.splice(_local1, 1); listnumber.splice(_local1, 1); } } var _local4 = listtype2[_local1]; return(_local4); } function getcontener(posxcase, posycase) { posxcase = getnextcase(posxcase); posycase = getnextcase(posycase); myname = ((namebase + posxcase) + "_") + posycase; return(Maincontainer[myname]); } function setValideCase(id) { var _local1 = Math.max(1, Math.min(nbcase, id)); return(_local1); } function getnextcase(id) { if (id < 1) { var _local2 = id; id = nbcase - _local2; } if (id > nbcase) { var _local2 = id - nbcase; id = _local2; } return(id); } function TraceLevel() { trace((("TraceLevel " + Maincontainer._x) + " ") + Maincontainer._y); var _local3 = 1; while (_local3 < (nbcase + 1)) { var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 < (nbcase + 1)) { var _local7 = ((namebase + _local2) + "_") + _local3; var _local6 = Maincontainer.getNextHighestDepth(); var _local1 = Maincontainer.attachMovie("case0", _local7, _local6); var _local5 = (_local2 * title_size) - (title_size / 2); var _local4 = (_local3 * title_size) - (title_size / 2); _local1._x = _local5; _local1._y = _local4; _local1._xscale = (_local1._yscale = (title_size / 32) * 100); _local1.pActor = false; _local1.clique = function () { if (MAINGP.DidacticielInGame == 0) { Mainperso.pushcase(); } else if (MAINGP.DidacticielInGame && (MainLevelCreate)) { if ((Didacticiel.WaitFor == "Click") && (Didacticiel.CanClick)) { Mainperso.pushcase(); Didacticiel.WaitFor = ""; Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.encours = 0; clearInterval(Didacticiel.IntervalID); Didacticiel.ActualiseDidacticielInGame(1); MAINGP.cursor.viensclique = 1; clearInterval(MAINGP.cursor.intervalID); MAINGP.cursor.intervalID = setInterval(MAINGP.cursor, "Tick", 250); if ((Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 16) || (Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 19)) { return(0); } return(1); } } }; _local2++; } _local3++; } } function testpiece(mypiece, posxcase, posycase) { var _local7 = mypiece; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 <= 15) { var _local3 = this.testPossiblepiece(mypiece, posxcase, posycase); if (_local3 != 0) { mypiece = this.getapiece(); } else { _local2 = 15; } _local2++; } return(mypiece); } function testPossiblepiece(mypiece, posxcase, posycase) { var _local6 = new Array(); var _local2 = this.Testvoisin(mypiece, posxcase + 1, posycase); if (_local2 == 1) { _local2 = this.Testvoisin(mypiece, posxcase + 2, posycase); if (_local2 == 1) { _local6.push(Array(posxcase + 2, posycase)); } } _local2 = this.Testvoisin(mypiece, posxcase - 1, posycase); if (_local2 == 1) { _local2 = this.Testvoisin(mypiece, posxcase - 2, posycase); if (_local2 == 1) { _local6.push(Array(posxcase - 2, posycase)); } } _local2 = this.Testvoisin(mypiece, posxcase, posycase - 1); if (_local2 == 1) { _local2 = this.Testvoisin(mypiece, posxcase, posycase - 2); if (_local2 == 1) { _local6.push(Array(posxcase, posycase - 2)); } } _local2 = this.Testvoisin(mypiece, posxcase, posycase + 1); if (_local2 == 1) { _local2 = this.Testvoisin(mypiece, posxcase, posycase + 2); if (_local2 == 1) { _local6.push(Array(posxcase, posycase + 2)); } } if (_local6.length > 0) { return(1); } return(0); } function getrealcontener(posxcase, posycase) { myname = ((namebase + posxcase) + "_") + posycase; return(Maincontainer[myname]); } function testPossiblepiece2(mypiece, posxcase, posycase) { var _local6 = new Array(); var _local13 = _local6.length; var _local9 = ""; if ((((mypiece == MAINGP.StarPiece) || (mypiece == MAINGP.arrawHPiece)) || (mypiece == MAINGP.arrawDblPiece)) || (mypiece == MAINGP.JokerExplosif)) { n1 = getrealcontener(posxcase - 1, posycase).pActor; n2 = getrealcontener(posxcase + 1, posycase).pActor; if (n1 == n2) { _local9 = mypiece; mypiece = n1; } } var _local7 = 1; var _local8 = posxcase; while (_local7 == 1) { _local8 = _local8 - 1; _local7 = this.Testvoisin(mypiece, _local8, posycase); } var _local10 = _local8 + 1; var _local11 = _local10; _local7 = 1; while (_local7 == 1) { _local11 = _local11 + 1; _local7 = this.Testvoisin(mypiece, _local11, posycase); } _local11 = _local11 - 1; var _local12 = _local11 - _local10; if (_local12 >= 2) { if ((_local9 == MAINGP.arrawHPiece) || (_local9 == MAINGP.arrawDblPiece)) { _local11 = 7; _local10 = 1; } var _local3 = _local10; while (_local3 <= _local11) { _local6.push(Array(_local3, posycase)); if (_local9 == MAINGP.arrawDblPiece) { _local6.push(Array(posxcase, _local3)); } conte = getrealcontener(_local3, posycase); if (conte.pActor == MAINGP.JokerExplosif) { conte.JokerExplosif = mypiece; } _local3++; } } if ((((mypiece == MAINGP.StarPiece) || (mypiece == MAINGP.arrawVPiece)) || (mypiece == MAINGP.arrawDblPiece)) || (mypiece == MAINGP.JokerExplosif)) { _local9 = mypiece; n3 = getrealcontener(posxcase, posycase - 1).pActor; n4 = getrealcontener(posxcase, posycase + 1).pActor; if (n3 == n4) { mypiece = n3; } } _local7 = 1; _local8 = posycase; while (_local7 == 1) { _local8 = _local8 - 1; _local7 = this.Testvoisin(mypiece, posxcase, _local8); } _local10 = _local8 + 1; _local11 = _local10; _local7 = 1; while (_local7 == 1) { _local11 = _local11 + 1; _local7 = this.Testvoisin(mypiece, posxcase, _local11); } _local11 = _local11 - 1; _local12 = _local11 - _local10; if (_local12 >= 2) { if ((_local9 == MAINGP.arrawVPiece) || (_local9 == MAINGP.arrawDblPiece)) { _local11 = 7; _local10 = 1; } var _local3 = _local10; while (_local3 <= _local11) { _local6.push(Array(posxcase, _local3)); if (this.specialpiece == MAINGP.arrawDblPiece) { _local6.push(Array(_local3, posycase)); } conte = getrealcontener(posxcase, _local3); if (conte.pActor == MAINGP.JokerExplosif) { conte.JokerExplosif = mypiece; } _local3++; } } if (_local6.length > 0) { if (mypiece == MAINGP.indestructiblePiece) { return(0); } ScoreBonusMalus(mypiece, posxcase, posycase); return(_local6); } return(0); } function Testvoisin(mypiece, posxcase, posycase) { var _local3 = ((namebase + posxcase) + "_") + posycase; var _local2 = Maincontainer[_local3]; var _local1 = _local2.pActor; if (_local1 != 0) { if (_local1 == mypiece) { return(1); } if (((((_local1 == MAINGP.StarPiece) || (_local1 == MAINGP.arrawHPiece)) || (_local1 == MAINGP.arrawVPiece)) || (_local1 == MAINGP.arrawDblPiece)) || (_local1 == MAINGP.JokerExplosif)) { return(1); } } return(0); } function TraceDalle() { kx = 1; ky = 0; j = 0; var _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= nbcase) { myname = (("dalle_" + kx) + "_") + ky; var _local3 = (_local1 * title_size) - (title_size / 2); var _local2 = (-title_size) / 2; onNewDalle(myname, _local3, _local2, _local1, j); kx++; _local1++; } j = 1; kx = 8; _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= nbcase) { ky++; myname = (("dalle_" + kx) + "_") + ky; var _local3 = ((nbcase + 1) * title_size) - (title_size / 2); var _local2 = (_local1 * title_size) - (title_size / 2); onNewDalle(myname, _local3, _local2, nbcase + 1, _local1); _local1++; } kx = 1; ky = 8; j = 0; _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= nbcase) { myname = (("dalle_" + kx) + "_") + ky; var _local3 = (_local1 * title_size) - (title_size / 2); var _local2 = ((nbcase + 1) * title_size) - (title_size / 2); onNewDalle(myname, _local3, _local2, _local1, nbcase + 1); kx++; _local1++; } j = 0; kx = 0; ky = 0; _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= nbcase) { ky++; myname = (("dalle_" + kx) + "_") + ky; var _local3 = -(title_size / 2); var _local2 = (_local1 * title_size) - (title_size / 2); onNewDalle(myname, _local3, _local2, 0, _local1); _local1++; } myname = "dalle_0_0"; var _local3 = -(title_size / 2); var _local2 = (-title_size) / 2; onNewDalle(myname, _local3, _local2, 0, 0); myname = "dalle_8_0"; _local3 = (8 * title_size) - (title_size / 2); _local2 = (-title_size) / 2; onNewDalle(myname, _local3, _local2, 8, 0); myname = "dalle_8_8"; _local3 = (8 * title_size) - (title_size / 2); _local2 = (8 * title_size) - (title_size / 2); onNewDalle(myname, _local3, _local2, 8, 8); myname = "dalle_0_8"; _local3 = -(title_size / 2); _local2 = (8 * title_size) - (title_size / 2); onNewDalle(myname, _local3, _local2, 0, 8); } function RemettreDalle(aposx, aposy) { dalledest = Maincontainer[(("dalle_" + aposx) + "_") + aposy]; dalledest.gotoAndStop(1); } onNewDalle = function (aname, posx, posy, aposx, aposy) { mlevel = Maincontainer.getNextHighestDepth(); nomdalle = "NewDalle_" + MAINGP.idground; Maincontainer.attachMovie(nomdalle, aname, mlevel); mydalle = Maincontainer[aname]; if (((((aposx == 0) && (aposy == 0)) || ((aposx == 0) && (aposy == 8))) || ((aposx == 8) && (aposy == 0))) || ((aposx == 8) && (aposy == 8))) { mydalle._x = posx; mydalle._y = posy; mydalle._height = title_size; mydalle._width = title_size; mydalle.gotoAndPlay(15); } else { mydalle._x = posx; mydalle._y = posy; mydalle._height = title_size; mydalle._width = title_size; } mydalle.pPos = Array(aposx, aposy); mydalle.piegee = 0; mydalle.clique = function () { if (MAINGP.DidacticielInGame) { if ((Didacticiel.WaitFor == "Click pos") && ((Didacticiel.pPosOblig[0] != this.pPos[0]) || (Didacticiel.pPosOblig[1] != this.pPos[1]))) { clearInterval(MAINGP.Cursor.intervalID); return(0); } if (Didacticiel.WaitFor != "Click pos") { clearInterval(MAINGP.Cursor.intervalID); return(0); } } if (Mainperso.IsRolling != 1) { if ((((!((aposx == 0) && (aposy == 0))) && (!((aposx == 0) && (aposy == 8)))) && (!((aposx == 8) && (aposy == 0)))) && (!((aposx == 8) && (aposy == 8)))) { var _local2 = canmove(this.pPos[0], this.pPos[1]); if ((Mainperso.dest[0] != aposx) || (Mainperso.dest[1] != aposy)) { if (_local2) { RemettreDalle(Mainperso.dest[0], Mainperso.dest[1]); if (this._currentframe != 15) { this.gotoAndPlay(14); } Mainperso.DoMove(this.pPos[0], this.pPos[1], "click"); AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3"); } } } } return(1); }; }; var mouseListener = new Object(); mouseListener.onMouseMove = function () { if (MAINGP.Didacticiel == 1) { CurseurDidacticiel.movecurs(); } else { MAINGP.cursor.movecurs(); } }; mouseListener.onMouseUp = function () { if (Maincontainer.startgame == 0) { return(0); } if (MAINGP.Didacticiel == 1) { CurseurDidacticiel.clique(); } else { MAINGP.cursor.clique(); } }; Mouse.addListener(mouseListener); monEcouteur = new Object(); monEcouteur.onKeyUp = function () { if (Maincontainer.startgame == 0) { return(0); } mykey = Key.getCode(); if (!(mykey === 83)) { } else if (MAINGP.canplay && (MainKeyCode.unlocked)) { MAINGP.fingame = 1; MAINGP.VALGAME = valgame(1); } }; monEcouteur.onKeyDown = function () { mykey = Key.getAscii(); trace("Menu courant " + MenuCourant); if ((mykey == 32) && (MenuCourant == "menu1")) { trace(Clip_Sheet); MainKeyCode.Init(); Selection.setFocus(Clip_Sheet); } }; Key.addListener(monEcouteur); MakeMusic = function (Map) { MusiqueMc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("MusiqueMc", this.getNextHighestDepth()); Musique = new Sound(MusiqueMc); Musique.boucle = 1; var _local2 = "Mus_jungle.mp3"; Musique.attachSound("Mus_jungle.mp3"); Musique.setVolume(MAINGP.volumemusique); Musique.start(); Musique.onSoundComplete = function () { var _local1 = "Mus_jungle"; if (Musique.boucle) { Musique.start(); } }; Musique.onPause = function () { this.lastid = this.position / 1000; this.stop(); }; Musique.onRestart = function () { this.start(this.lastid, 1); this.setVolume(MAINGP.volumemusique); }; }; DeleteMusic = function () { Musique.stop(); removeMovieClip(MusiqueMc); delete Musique; }; MakeSoundDesign = function () { SoundDesign = new Object(); SDComboMc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("SDComboMc", this.getNextHighestDepth()); SoundDesign.Combo = new Sound(SDComboMc); SDZiaMc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("SDZiaMc", this.getNextHighestDepth()); SoundDesign.Zia = new Sound(SDZiaMc); SDBlocsMc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("SDBlocsMc", this.getNextHighestDepth()); SoundDesign.Blocs = new Sound(SDBlocsMc); SDDallesMc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("SDDallesMc", this.getNextHighestDepth()); SoundDesign.Dalles = new Sound(SDDallesMc); SDDiversMc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("SDDiversMc", this.getNextHighestDepth()); SoundDesign.Divers = new Sound(SDDiversMc); SDAIMc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("SDAIMc", this.getNextHighestDepth()); SoundDesign.AI = new Sound(SDAIMc); SDFxScore = this.createEmptyMovieClip("SDFxScore", this.getNextHighestDepth()); SoundDesign.FxScore = new Sound(SDFxScore); SDMalus = this.createEmptyMovieClip("SDMalus", this.getNextHighestDepth()); SoundDesign.Malus = new Sound(SDMalus); SDTimer = this.createEmptyMovieClip("SDTimer", this.getNextHighestDepth()); SoundDesign.Timer = new Sound(SDTimer); for (var _local2 in SoundDesign) { SoundDesign[_local2].setVolume(MAINGP.volumefx * 0.75); } SoundDesign.onPause = function () { for (var _local2 in this) { trace("SoundDesign pause " + _local2); this[_local2].stop(); this[_local2].lastid = this[_local2].position / 1000; } }; SoundDesign.onRestart = function () { for (var _local2 in this) { this[_local2].setVolume(MAINGP.volumefx * 0.75); if ((MainHud.Maintime.dyntext > 20) && (_local2 == "Timer")) { this[_local2].setVolume(0); } if ((MAINGP.canplay == 0) && (_local2 == "Timer")) { this[_local2].setVolume(0); } this[_local2].start(this[_local2].lastid, 1); } }; SoundDesign.onStop = function () { for (var _local2 in this) { trace("SoundDesign Stop" + _local2); this[_local2].stop(); } }; }; AttachSoundDesign = function (type, nom, boucle) { trace((((("attach sound design " + type) + " ") + nom) + " ") + boucle); if (boucle == undefined) { boucle = 0; } SoundDesign[type].onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { if (type == "Timer") { SoundDesign[type].setVolume(0); } else { SoundDesign[type].setVolume(MAINGP.volumefx); } SoundDesign[type].start(); } }; SoundDesign[type].boucle = boucle; SoundDesign[type].attachSound(nom); SoundDesign[type].onLoad(1); SoundDesign[type].onSoundComplete = function () { trace("Sound Complete"); if (this.boucle) { this.start(0, this.boucle); if (MAINGP.fingame && (nom == "Sloop_fx_Time Alert_01.mp3")) { this.setVolume(0); } } }; }; DeleteSoundDesign = function () { for (var _local1 in SoundDesign) { SoundDesign[_local1].stop(); } removeMovieClip(SDComboMc); removeMovieClip(SDZiaMc); removeMovieClip(SDBlocsMc); removeMovieClip(SDDallesMc); removeMovieClip(SDDiversMc); removeMovieClip(SDAIMc); removeMovieClip(SDFxScore); removeMovieClip(SDMalus); removeMovieClip(SDTimer); }; MakeMusicMenu = function () { if (MusiqueMenu != undefined) { return(0); } MusiqueMenuMc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("MusiqueMenuMc", this.getNextHighestDepth()); MusiqueMenu = new Sound(MusiqueMenuMc); MusiqueMenu.attachSound("Sloop Sup Pizzi.mp3"); MusiqueMenu.start(); MusiqueMenu.setVolume(MAINGP.volumemusique); MusiqueMenu.onSoundComplete = function () { MusiqueMenu.start(); }; MusiqueMenu.onPause = function () { this.lastid = this.position / 1000; this.stop(); }; MusiqueMenu.onRestart = function () { this.start(this.lastid, 1); this.setVolume(MAINGP.volumemusique); }; }; DeleteMusicMenu = function () { MusiqueMenu.stop(); removeMovieClip(MusiqueMenuMc); MusiqueMenu = undefined; }; CreateMusiqueFresque = function (from) { this.MMc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("MMc", this.getNextHighestDepth()); MusiqueFresque = new Sound(this.MMc); if (from == "debut") { MusiqueFresque.attachSound("slide intro guigui coloss Rendered 2.mp3"); } else { MusiqueFresque.attachSound("Sloop_Zik_Outro.mp3"); } MusiqueFresque.setVolume(MAINGP.volumemusique); MusiqueFresque.start(); }; DeleteMusiqueFresque = function () { MusiqueFresque.stop(); removeMovieClip(this.MMc); }; function AfficheXmlMenu(mc, posX, posY, IncrX, IncrY, XmlRoot) { var _local12 = XmlRoot; var _local6 = posX; var _local7 = posY; var _local5 = 0; var _local15 = new Array(MAINGP.width / 2, MAINGP.height / 2); var _local17 = 250; var _local16 = 250; var _local9 = 0; var _local10 = 60; var _local8 = _local12.firstChild; while (_local8 != null) { _local9++; _local8 = _local8.nextSibling; } trace((("## menu " + mc._name) + " nbnodes ") + _local9); MenuCourant = mc._name; _local8 = _local12.firstChild; while (_local8 != null) { trace(((((("#### menu " + mc._name) + " nbnodes ") + _local9) + " --- |") + _local8.nodeName) + "|"); var _local11 = _local8.nodeName; var _local4 = mc.attachMovie("dyn_button", _local11, mc.getNextHighestDepth()); = _local11; _local4.txt = _local8.firstChild; _local4.dt = 15; if (mc._name == "menu1") { if ((_local5 % 2) == 0) { _local6 = ((MAINGP.width / 6) * 5) + 7; _local7 = (MAINGP.height * 0.825) - ((_local10 * ((_local9 - _local5) - 1)) / 2); } else { _local6 = (MAINGP.width / 6) * 1; _local7 = (MAINGP.height * 0.825) - ((_local10 * (_local9 - _local5)) / 2); } if (_local5 == 4) { _local6 = MAINGP.width / 2; _local7 = MAINGP.height * 0.85; _local4._xscale = _local4._xscale * 1.3; _local4.Clip_Texte._xscale = _local4.Clip_Texte._xscale * 0.8; _local4.Clip_Texte._x = _local4.Clip_Texte._x + 25; } _local4.staten = 8; _root.btMobile.txt.htmlText = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[2].firstChild.toString(); _local7 = _local7 - 70; if (_local5 == 1) { _local4.attachMovie("btSend", "btSend", _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); _local4.btSend.txt.text = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[1].firstChild.toString(); = 250; _local4.btSend._x = 155; _local4.btSend._y = 110; _local4.btSend.onRollOver = function () {"Over"); }; _local4.btSend.onRollOut = function () {"Normal"); }; _local4.btSend.onRelease = function () { _root.attachMovie("popupSend", "popupSend2", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:40, _y:40}); }; _local4.attachMovie("btSend", "btDownload", _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); _local4.btDownload.txt.text = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[0].firstChild.toString(); = 250; _local4.btDownload._x = 155; _local4.btDownload._y = 160; _local4.btDownload.onRollOver = function () {"Over"); }; _local4.btDownload.onRollOut = function () {"Normal"); }; _local4.btDownload.onRelease = function () { getURL ("", "_blank"); }; } } else if ((mc._name == "menu2") || (mc._name == "menu4")) { if ((_local5 % 2) == 1) { _local6 = ((MAINGP.width / 6) * 5) + 7; } else { _local6 = (MAINGP.width / 6) * 1; _local7 = (MAINGP.height * 0.825) - ((_local10 * (_local9 - _local5)) / 2); } if (_local5 == 0) { _local4.staten = 1; } else if (_local5 == 1) { _local4.staten = 3; } else if (_local5 == 2) { _local4.staten = 4; } else if (_local5 == 3) { _local4.staten = 6; } else if (_local5 == 4) { _local4.staten = 7; _local6 = _local6 + 7; } else if (_local5 == 5) { _local4.staten = 9; _local6 = _local6 - 7; } } else if (mc._name == "menu7") { _local6 = MAINGP.width / 2; _local7 = (MAINGP.height * 0.65) - (_local10 * ((_local9 + 1) - _local5)); _local4.staten = 7 + (_local5 * 6); } else if (mc._name == "menu0") { _local4.staten = 8; if (_local5 == 0) { _local6 = ((MAINGP.width / 6) * 5) + 7; _local7 = MAINGP.height * 0.7; } else if (_local5 == 1) { _local6 = (MAINGP.width / 6) * 1; _local7 = MAINGP.height * 0.7; } else if (_local5 == 2) { _local6 = MAINGP.width / 2; _local7 = MAINGP.height * 0.85; } } else if (mc._name == "menu3") { _local4.staten = 8; if (_local5 == 0) { _local6 = ((MAINGP.width / 6) * 5) + 7; _local7 = MAINGP.height * 0.7; } else if (_local5 == 1) { _local6 = (MAINGP.width / 6) * 1; _local7 = MAINGP.height * 0.7; } else if (_local5 == 2) { _local6 = MAINGP.width / 2; _local7 = MAINGP.height * 0.85; } } _local4._x = _local6; _local4._y = _local7; _local4.gotoAndStop(_local4.staten); _local4.idnum = _local5; _local5++; _local4.Inst.onRelease = function () { if ((mc._name == "menu1") && (MainKeyCode.WaitForClick)) { return(0); } AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3"); XmlMenuAction(; }; _local4.Inst.onRollOver = function () { if ((mc._name == "menu1") && (MainKeyCode.WaitForClick)) { return(0); } if (!MAINGP.QuitGame) { if ((Explication != undefined) && (this._parent.idnum != 5)) { Explication._visible = 1; fd = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[9]; if (EstModeDebloque(this._parent.idnum) == 1) { Explication.text_expli = FormatTexte(fd.childNodes[this._parent.idnum].firstChild.nodeValue); } else if (EstModeDebloque(this._parent.idnum) == 2) { Explication.text_expli = FormatTexte(fd.childNodes[this._parent.idnum + 10].firstChild.nodeValue); } else { Explication.text_expli = FormatTexte(fd.childNodes[this._parent.idnum + 5].firstChild.nodeValue); } } this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten + this._parent.dt); AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3"); } }; _local4.Inst.onRollOut = function () { if (Explication != undefined) { Explication._visible = 0; } this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local4.Inst.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (Explication != undefined) { Explication._visible = 0; } this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local8 = _local8.nextSibling; } if (mc._name == "menu2") { Explication = mc.attachMovie("Explication", Explication, mc.getNextHighestDepth()); Explication._x = MAINGP.width / 2; Explication._y = (7 * MAINGP.height) / 8; Explication._visible = 0; } else if (Explication != undefined) { removeMovieClip(Explication); Explication = undefined; } return(_local4); } function XmlMenuAction(val) { if (MAINGP.QuitGame && (!MAINGP.FromQuitGame)) { return(0); } if (MessageAppuye) { return(0); } MakeMusicMenu(); switch (val) { case "Jouer" : trace("PRESS BT1"); _root.__trackref.hitPage("{5d3851c5-5c08-4aa2-afb3-26b4ec22ccee}"); LanceLeJeu(); break; case "Options" : CreateMenuOptions(); break; case "Son" : CreateMenuSon(); break; case "Langue" : createmenulanguage("Menu"); break; case "Retour" : if (ViensOptionsInGame == 1) { removeMovieClip(gamemenu); gamemenu = undefined; } else { CreateMenu(1); } break; case "Aide" : CreateMenu(3); break; case "CommentJouer" : trace("comment jouer"); HowToPlay = 1; Didacticiel = CreateDidacticielInGame(); break; case "RetourOptions" : CreateMenuOptions(); break; case "Blocs" : CreateDidacticielBloc(); break; case "Apropos" : CreateCredits(); } } function XmlData(anumber) { var _local5 = MAINGP.width / 2; var _local4 = MAINGP.height / 6; var _local7 = 0; var _local6 = MAINGP.height / 12; var _local3 = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[anumber]; this.gamemenu.activemenu = AfficheXmlMenu(this.gamemenu, _local5, _local4, _local7, _local6, _local3); } function HUD(from) { if (from != undefined) { var _local3 = from.createEmptyMovieClip("hudzone", from.getNextHighestDepth()); } else { var _local3 = GrandParent.createEmptyMovieClip("hudzone", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); } _local3.onLoad = function () { this.tabEnabled = false; this.tabChildren = false; this.Fond = this.attachMovie("MAIN_HUD", "MAIN_HUD", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Fond.gotoAndStop(2); this.countpoint = 0; this.multi = 1; this.countmulti = 0; this.pMainlife = 3; if (from != undefined) { this.Objectif = 12; } else if (MAINGP.Objectif != undefined) { this.Objectif = MAINGP.Objectif.astart + (MAINGP.Objectif.multi * MAINGP.level); } else { this.Objectif = 30 + (14 * MAINGP.level); } this.StartObjectif = this.Objectif; this.Maincombo = this.attachMovie("fx_combo", "fx_combo1", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Maincombo._x = 0; this.Maincombo._y = -40; this.scorepoint = MAINGP.score; this.lastscore = this.scorepoint; this.IntervalID = 0; this.Mainlife = this.attachMovie("int_life", "int_life1", this.getNextHighestDepth()); var _local5 = 80; var _local4 = 40; this.Mainlife.gotoAndStop(4); this.Maintxt = this.attachMovie("textdyn", "Maintxt", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Maintxt._x = (140 * MAINGP.width) / 1024; this.Maintxt._y = (60 * MAINGP.width) / 1024; this.Maintxt._xscale = 40; this.Maintxt._yscale = 50; this.Maintxt.dyntext = this.Objectif; this.MainScore = this.attachMovie("textdyn", "MainScore", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.MainScore._x = (290 * MAINGP.width) / 1024; this.MainScore._y = (30 * MAINGP.width) / 1024; this.MainScore._xscale = 50; this.MainScore._yscale = 50; this.MainScore.dyntext = this.scorepoint; this.dObjectif = 0; this.Level = this.attachMovie("textdyn", "Level", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Level._x = (52 * MAINGP.width) / 1024; this.Level._y = (50 * MAINGP.width) / 1024; this.Level._xscale = 50; this.Level._yscale = 50; var _local3 = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[14].firstChild; this.Level.dyntext = _local3 + String(MAINGP.level); monTextFormat = new TextFormat(); monTextFormat.size = 24; this.Level.textoc.setTextFormat(monTextFormat); this.btQuit = this.attachMovie("retour", "btQuit", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.btQuit.txt = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[13].firstChild; this.btQuit.clique = function () { if (!MAINGP.QuitGame) { CreateQuitGame(); } }; this.btQuit._x = MAINGP.width * 0.92; this.btQuit._y = MAINGP.height * 0.9; this.Maintime = this.NewTimer(); this.bestscore = 0; if (MAINGP.FacteurScore != undefined) { this.facteur = MAINGP.FacteurScore; } else { this.facteur = 10; } this.comboSurvie = 1; this.fin = 0; }; _local3.ChangeLanguage = function () { var _local3 = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[14].firstChild; this.Level.dyntext = _local3 + String(MAINGP.level); this.btQuit.txt = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[13].firstChild; }; _local3.StartCombo = function () { if (Mainperso.SuperZiaEclairEnCours != 1) { this.multi = 1; this.countpoint = 0; } }; _local3.scoring = function (number, apos, timeral) { if (Maincontainer.isPlayerPush == 0) { var _local3 = this.Objectif + number; _local3 = Math.max(0, _local3); this.Objectif = _local3; this.Maintxt.dyntext = this.Objectif; return(0); } this.dObjectif = this.dObjectif + number; if (Maincontainer.isPlayerPush == 1) { if (this.countmulti == 0) { if (this.multi > 1) { if (MAINGP.MultiCombo != undefined) { if (this.multi < 7) { var _local4 = MAINGP["MultiCombo" + this.multi]; } else { var _local4 = MAINGP.MultiCombo7; } this.countpoint = this.countpoint + _local4; } else { valScores = number; this.countpoint = this.countpoint + valScores; } number = 0; } } if (MAINGP.Number4 != undefined) { if (number == 3) { number = number * MAINGP.Number3; } else if (number == 4) { number = number * MAINGP.Number4; } else if (number == 5) { number = number * MAINGP.Number5; } else { number = number * MAINGP.Number6; } } this.countpoint = this.countpoint + number; if (this.countpoint != 0) { LanceMouvementVersScore(0, this.countpoint, apos); } if (this.multi > 1) { this.Maincombo.gotoAndStop(this.multi); if (this.IntervalCombo != undefined) { clearInterval(this.IntervalCombo); } this.framecombo = this.multi; if (this.multi > 6) { this.Maincombo.gotoAndStop(7); } this.Maincombo.combo.gotoAndStop(1); this.IntervalCombo = setInterval(this, "TickCombo", 84); } this.multi = this.multi + 1; if (this.multi > 2) { BILAN.combo = BILAN.combo + 1; } var _local5 = 0; if (Math.ceil(MAINGP.level / MAINGP.maxlevel) < MAINGP.maxlevel) { if (Math.ceil(MAINGP.level / MAINGP.maxlevel) == 1) { _local5 = 2; } else { _local5 = 3; } if (MAINGP.level < (MAINGP.maxlevel * 4)) { if (MAINGP.IAActive && (this.multi > _local5)) { if (!MainAI.Immobile) { MainAI.InitialiseImmobile(); } } } } this.pMainlife = 3;; this.countmulti = 1; this.mystere = undefined; if (Mainperso.SuperZia && ((this.Objectif - this.dObjectif) < 1)) { this.IntervalIDObjectif = undefined; MainHud.IncrementObjectif(); } Mainperso.EndCombo(); this.timeral = timeral; if ((number == 0) && (this.timeral)) { this.countpoint = 1; } } }; _local3.EndCombo = function (number) { if (Didacticiel != undefined) { if (Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 6) { return(undefined); } if ((Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 7) && (!this.Deloc)) { return(undefined); } if ((Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 7) && (this.Deloc)) { } } if (Maincontainer.isPlayerPush == 1) { if (this.countpoint == 0) { if (!(MAINGP.gamemode === "Survivor")) { if (!Mainperso.SuperZia) { this.pMainlife = this.pMainlife - 1; } }; } else { Maincontainer.scorefxmember.end(); } } if ((Maincontainer.isPlayerPush == 0) && (Maincontainer.scorefxmember != undefined)) { Maincontainer.scorefxmember.end(); Mainperso.EndCombo(); } if (Mainperso.SuperZiaEclairEnCours == 1) { Maincontainer.scorefxmember.end(); Mainperso.EndCombo(); Mainperso.SuperZiaEclairEnCours = 0; } if (MAINGP.gamemode != "Survivor") { if (((this.Objectif - this.dObjectif) < 1) && (!this.timeral)) { MAINGP.canplay = 0; this.fin = 1; } } this.Maincombo.gotoAndStop(1); this.pTempa = 0; BILAN.Score = BILAN.Score + (this.countpoint * this.facteur); this.scorepoint = this.scorepoint + (this.countpoint * this.facteur); if (((Mainperso.SuperZia && (this.countpoint)) && ((this.Objectif - this.dObjectif) > 1)) && (MAINGP.gamemode != "Survivor")) { Mainperso.SuperZiaEclair = MakeFxSuperZiaEclair(); } if ((this.countpoint * this.facteur) > this.bestscore) { this.bestscore = this.countpoint * this.facteur; BILAN.coup = this.countpoint * this.facteur; } this.countpoint = 0; this.IntervalID = setInterval(this, "ActualiseScore", 20); clearInterval(this.IntervalIDFin); if ((MAINGP.gamemode != "Survivor") && (!this.timeral)) { this.IntervalIDFin = setInterval(this, "TestFin", 50); } if (Didacticiel != undefined) { if ((Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 13) && (this.multi == 2)) { Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.encours = 0; Didacticiel.WaitFor = ""; Didacticiel.Souris._visible = 0; clearInterval(Didacticiel.IntervalID); Didacticiel.ActualiseDidacticielInGame(1); } if (Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 15) { Didacticiel.AnimDidacticiel._visible = 1; } if (Didacticiel.MainDidacticiel.courant == 16) { Didacticiel.AnimDidacticiel._visible = 1; } } }; = function () { if (this.pMainlife <= 0) { this.pMainlife = 0; MAINGP.fingame = 1; MAINGP.VALGAME = valgame(0); } this.Mainlife.gotoAndStop(this.pMainlife + 1); }; _local3.ActualiseScore = function () { if (this.lastscore < this.scorepoint) { this.lastscore = this.lastscore + this.facteur; this.MainScore.dyntext = this.lastscore; } else { clearInterval(this.IntervalID); MAINGP.finscore = 1; } }; _local3.NewTimer = function () { mca = this.attachMovie("textdyn", "timer", this.getNextHighestDepth()); mca.onLoad = function () { this._x = (170 * MAINGP.width) / 1024; this._y = (125 * MAINGP.height) / 768; this._xscale = 60; this._yscale = 60; this.ptime = 0; this.dyntext = MAINGP.MaxTime; this.dt = -1; this.duration = 1000; if (MAINGP.level != 1) { AttachSoundDesign("Timer", "Sloop_fx_Time Alert_01.mp3", 1); trace("SoundDesign.Timer " + SoundDesign.Timer); } SoundDesign.Timer.setVolume(0); }; mca.executeCallback = function () { if (MAINGP.canplay && (Maincontainer.startgame)) { if ((this._parent.Objectif - this._parent.dObjectif) > 1) { this.dyntext = this.dyntext + this.dt; this.ptime = this.ptime + this.dt; } if ((this._parent.Objectif - this._parent.dObjectif) < 1) { if (!this.timeral) { MAINGP.canplay = 0; } } else if (this.dyntext <= 0) { SoundDesign.Timer.setVolume(0); removeMovieClip(this); MAINGP.fingame = 1; MAINGP.VALGAME = valgame(0); } if (this.dyntext == 0) { SoundDesign.Timer.setVolume(0); } else if (this.dyntext <= 20) { SoundDesign.Timer.setVolume(MAINGP.volumefx); } else { SoundDesign.Timer.setVolume(0); } trace("SoundDesign.Timer " + SoundDesign.Timer); monTextFormat = new TextFormat(); if (this.dyntext <= 20) { monTextFormat.color = "0xFF0000"; if ((this.dyntext % 2) == 0) { monTextFormat.size = 40; this._y = (124 * MAINGP.height) / 768; } else { monTextFormat.size = 33; this._y = (125 * MAINGP.height) / 768; } } else { monTextFormat.size = 33; monTextFormat.color = "0xFFFFFF"; this._y = (125 * MAINGP.height) / 768; } this.textoc.setTextFormat(monTextFormat); } else { trace("SoundDesign.Timer " + SoundDesign.Timer.volume); SoundDesign.Timer.setVolume(0); } }; mca.onLoad(); return(mca); }; _local3.IncrementObjectif = function () { if (this.IntervalIDObjectif == undefined) { if (Didacticiel != undefined) { this.IntervalIDObjectif = setInterval(this, "TickObjectif", 400); } else { this.IntervalIDObjectif = setInterval(this, "TickObjectif", 150); } } }; _local3.TickObjectif = function () { if (this.dObjectif > 0) { var _local2 = this.Objectif - 1; _local2 = Math.max(0, _local2); this.Objectif = _local2; this.Maintxt.dyntext = this.Objectif; this.dObjectif--; } else { clearInterval(this.IntervalIDObjectif); this.IntervalIDObjectif = undefined; SoundDesign.FxScore.stop(); if ((this.Objectif < 1) && (this.IntervalIDFin == undefined)) { this.IntervalIDFin = setInterval(this, "TestFin", 150); } } }; _local3.TestFin = function () { if (this.dObjectif == 0) { if (this.Objectif < 1) { this.Objectif = 0; if (MainMenuGame != undefined) { return(0); } SoundDesign.Timer.setVolume(0); MAINGP.fingame = 1; MAINGP.VALGAME = valgame(1); clearInterval(this.IntervalIDObjectif); this.IntervalIDObjectif = undefined; } else if ((this.Objectif - this.dObjectif) > 0) { clearInterval(this.IntervalIDFin); this.IntervalIDFin = undefined; } } }; _local3.TickCombo = function () { var _local2 = this.Maincombo.combo._currentframe; _local2++; if (_local2 == (this.Maincombo.combo._totalframes + 1)) { clearInterval(this.IntervalCombo); this.Maincombo.gotoAndStop(1); } this.Maincombo.combo.gotoAndStop(_local2); }; _local3.onLoad(); return(_local3); } function createmenulanguage(from) { trace((("ViensOptionsInGame " + ViensOptionsInGame) + " MAINGP.QuitSloop ") + MAINGP.QuitSloop); if (((ViensOptionsInGame != 1) && (ViensOptionsInGame == undefined)) && (MAINGP.QuitSloop == undefined)) { if (gamemenu) { removeMovieClip(gamemenu); gamemenu = undefined; } } var _local4 = GrandParent.createEmptyMovieClip("drapeaux", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); if ((ViensOptionsInGame != 1) && (ViensOptionsInGame == undefined)) { gamemenu = _local4; } MenuCourant = "menulanguage"; _local4.onLoad = function () { this.activemenu = 1; this.MakeMenu(); this.tabEnabled = false; this.tabChildren = false; trace("LANGUAGE from : " + from); if (from != undefined) { var bt = this.attachMovie("dyn_button", "LangueRetour", this.getNextHighestDepth()); = myname; bt.txt = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[2].childNodes[2].firstChild; bt._x = MAINGP.width * 0.5; bt._y = MAINGP.height * 0.9; bt.staten = 8; bt.gotoAndStop(bt.staten); bt.onRelease = function () { AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3"); if ((ViensOptionsInGame == 1) || (MAINGP.QuitSloop != undefined)) { removeMovieClip(this._parent); } else { CreateMenuOptions(); } MenuCourant = "menuoptions"; }; bt.onRollOver = function () { if ((!MAINGP.QuitGame) || (MAINGP.FromQuitGame)) { this.gotoAndStop(bt.staten + 15); AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3"); } }; bt.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(bt.staten); }; bt.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(bt.staten); }; } }; _local4.MakeMenu = function () { var _local7 = this.attachMovie("Loading", "Loading", this.getNextHighestDepth()); _local7._x = LoadingPosX; _local7._y = LoadingPosY; var _local2 = MAINGP.width / 5; var _local4 = MAINGP.height / 3; var _local3 = MAINGP.width / 5; var _local5 = MAINGP.height / 8; var _local6 = MAINGP.width / 32; var _local8 = MAINGP.height / 6; CreeEtPlaceClip(this, "Allemagne", "All", _local2, _local4, _local3, _local5); _local2 = (_local2 + _local3) + _local6; CreeEtPlaceClip(this, "Angleterre", "En", _local2, _local4, _local3, _local5); _local2 = (_local2 + _local3) + _local6; CreeEtPlaceClip(this, "Espagne", "Sp", _local2, _local4, _local3, _local5); _local2 = MAINGP.width * 0.3; _local4 = (_local4 + _local5) + _local8; CreeEtPlaceClip(this, "France", "Fr", _local2, _local4, _local3, _local5); _local2 = (_local2 + _local3) + _local6; CreeEtPlaceClip(this, "Italie", "It", _local2, _local4, _local3, _local5); }; _local4.Fond = _local4.attachMovie("Fond_Menu", "fond", this.getNextHighestDepth()); _local4.Fond._width = MAINGP.width; _local4.Fond._height = MAINGP.height; _local4.onLoad(); } function CreeEtPlaceClip(Parent, nomid, nomclip, posx, posy, larg, haut) { Parent.All = Parent.attachMovie(nomid, nomclip, Parent.getNextHighestDepth()); Parent.All.tabEnabled = false; Parent.All.tabChildren = false; Parent.All._x = posx; Parent.All._y = posy; Parent.All.gotoAndStop(1); Parent.All.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; Parent.All.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; Parent.All.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; Parent.All.onRelease = function () { MenuCourant = "menuoptions"; MAINGP.Language = nomclip; Language = nomclip; ChangeLanguage(); ActualiseLanguePlayer(); trace("Nouveau language " + Language); removeMovieClip(Parent); if ((ViensOptionsInGame == 1) || (MAINGP.QuitSloop != undefined)) { if (GrandParent.quitgame != undefined) { GrandParent.quitgame.ChangeLanguage(); } if (GrandParent.menuoptions != undefined) { GrandParent.menuoptions.ChangeLanguage(); } if (GrandParent.clip_map != undefined) { GrandParent.clip_map.ChangeLanguage(); } if (MainHud != undefined) { MainHud.ChangeLanguage(); } if (ExpliPieces != undefined) { ExpliPieces.ChangeLanguage(); } if (MAINGP.DidacticielInGame == 1) { Didacticiel.ReLoc(); } } else { CreateMenu(1); } }; } function CreateMenu(num) { if (gamemenu) { removeMovieClip(gamemenu); gamemenu = undefined; } var _local3 = GrandParent.createEmptyMovieClip("menu" + num, GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); gamemenu = _local3; if (num == 1) { EstPasseMenu = 1; } _local3.onLoad = function () { this.tabEnabled = false; this.tabChildren = false; this.activemenu = 1; this.Fond = this.attachMovie("Fond_Menu", "fond", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Fond._width = MAINGP.width; this.Fond._height = MAINGP.height; this.Title = this.attachMovie("Titre_Menu", "titre", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Title._x = MAINGP.width * 0.85; this.Title._y = MAINGP.height * 0.1; this.Title.txt = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[num].attributes.Titre; XmlData(num); this.Loading = this.attachMovie("Loading", "Loading", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Loading._x = LoadingPosX; this.Loading._y = LoadingPosY; AfficherProfilCourant(this); }; _local3.onLoad(); } function createloading() { } function CreateMenuSon(from) { var _local3 = GrandParent.createEmptyMovieClip("menuson", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); MenuCourant = "menuson"; _local3.tabEnabled = false; _local3.tabChildren = false; _local3.Fond = _local3.attachMovie("Fond_Menu", "fond", _local3.getNextHighestDepth()); _local3.Fond._x = 0; _local3.Fond._y = 0; _local3.Fond._width = MAINGP.width; _local3.Fond._height = MAINGP.height; _local3.loc = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[0]; _local3.Title = _local3.attachMovie("Titre_Menu", "titre", _local3.getNextHighestDepth()); _local3.Title._x = MAINGP.width * 0.85; _local3.Title._y = MAINGP.height * 0.1; _local3.Title.txt = _local3.loc.attributes.Titre; _local3.from = from; var _local5 = MAINGP.height / 6; var _local6 = 80; _local5 = _local5 + _local6; var avec = _local3.attachMovie("dyn_button", "avec", _local3.getNextHighestDepth()); avec.txt = _local3.loc.childNodes[0].firstChild; avec._x = MAINGP.width * 0.25; avec._y = MAINGP.height * 0.7; = _local3.loc.childNodes[0].nodeName; avec.staten = 8; avec.gotoAndStop(avec.staten); avec.Inst.onRelease = function () { MAINGP.volumemusique = 100; MAINGP.volumefx = 100; AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3"); XmlMenuAction(; if (from != undefined) { ViensOptionsInGame = 1; } this._parent._parent.ChangeSon(); }; avec.Inst.onRollOver = function () { if ((!MAINGP.QuitGame) || (MAINGP.FromQuitGame)) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten + 15); AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3"); } }; avec.Inst.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; avec.Inst.onReleaseOutside = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local5 = _local5 + _local6; var sans = _local3.attachMovie("dyn_button", "sans", _local3.getNextHighestDepth()); sans.txt = _local3.loc.childNodes[1].firstChild; sans._x = MAINGP.width * 0.75; sans._y = MAINGP.height * 0.7; = _local3.loc.childNodes[1].nodeName; sans.staten = 8; sans.gotoAndStop(sans.staten); sans.Inst.onRelease = function () { MAINGP.volumemusique = 0; MAINGP.volumefx = 0; AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3"); XmlMenuAction(; if (from != undefined) { ViensOptionsInGame = 1; } this._parent._parent.ChangeSon(); }; sans.Inst.onRollOver = function () { if ((!MAINGP.QuitGame) || (MAINGP.FromQuitGame)) { AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3"); this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten + 15); } }; sans.Inst.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; sans.Inst.onReleaseOutside = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local5 = _local5 + _local6; var _local4 = _local3.attachMovie("dyn_button", "retour", _local3.getNextHighestDepth()); _local4.txt = _local3.loc.childNodes[2].firstChild; _local4._x = MAINGP.width / 2; _local4._y = MAINGP.height * 0.85; = _local3.loc.childNodes[2].nodeName; _local4.staten = 8; _local4.gotoAndStop(_local4.staten); _local4.Inst.onRelease = function () { AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3"); if (((from == undefined) && (MAINGP.QuitSloop == undefined)) && (MainMenuGame == undefined)) { XmlMenuAction(; removeMovieClip(this._parent._parent); } else { removeMovieClip(this._parent._parent); } var _local2 = SharedObject.getLocal("currentsloop"); SoundDesign.FxScore.setVolume(MAINGP.volumefx); MenuCourant = "menuoptions"; }; _local4.Inst.onRollOver = function () { if ((!MAINGP.QuitGame) || (MAINGP.FromQuitGame)) { AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3"); this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten + 15); } }; _local4.Inst.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local4.Inst.onReleaseOutside = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local3.Loading = _local3.attachMovie("Loading", "Loading", _local3.getNextHighestDepth()); _local3.Loading._x = LoadingPosX; _local3.Loading._y = LoadingPosY; _local3.ChangeSon = function () { if (MAINGP.volumemusique == 100) { monTextFormat = new TextFormat(); monTextFormat.color = "0x00FF00"; this.avec.Clip_Texte.setTextFormat(monTextFormat); monTextFormat = new TextFormat(); monTextFormat.color = "0xFF0000"; this.sans.Clip_Texte.setTextFormat(monTextFormat); } else { monTextFormat = new TextFormat(); monTextFormat.color = "0x00FF00"; this.sans.Clip_Texte.setTextFormat(monTextFormat); monTextFormat = new TextFormat(); monTextFormat.color = "0xFF0000"; this.avec.Clip_Texte.setTextFormat(monTextFormat); } }; _local3.ChangeSon(); } MakeExplicationsPieces = function () { var _local3 = GrandParent.attachMovie("Explication_Piece", "Explication_Piece", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); _local3.onLoad = function () { this.tabEnabled = false; this.tabChildren = false; this._x = MAINGP.width / 2; this._y = MAINGP.height / 2; if (!MAINGP.DidacticielBloc) { this._width = this._width * 0.9; this._height = this._height * 0.9; } this.currentpiece = 0; this.loc = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[4]; this.titre = FormatTexte(this.loc.attributes.Titre); this.AffichePiece(); if (listnewpieces.length == 1) { this.fleche_moins._visible = 0; this.fleche_plus._visible = 0; } if (MAINGP.DidacticielBloc) { this.fermer._visible = 0; this.Cliptitre._visible = 0; } this.fleche_plus.onRelease = function () { if (this._parent.currentpiece < (listnewpieces.length - 1)) { this._parent.currentpiece++; this._parent.AffichePiece(); } else if (this._parent.currentpiece == (listnewpieces.length - 1)) { this._parent.currentpiece = 0; this._parent.AffichePiece(); } }; this.fleche_moins.onRelease = function () { if (this._parent.currentpiece > 0) { this._parent.currentpiece--; this._parent.AffichePiece(); } else if (this._parent.currentpiece == 0) { this._parent.currentpiece = listnewpieces.length - 1; this._parent.AffichePiece(); } }; this.fermer.onRelease = function () { if (!MAINGP.QuitGame) { removeMovieClip(this._parent); if (ExplicationsDalles) { MakeExplicationsDalles(); } else if (!MAINGP.DidacticielBloc) { MAINGP.canplay = 1; } ExplicationsPieces = 0; ExpliPieces = undefined; } }; }; _local3.AffichePiece = function () { if (this.piece != undefined) { removeMovieClip(this.piece); } this.piece = this.attachMovie(listnewpieces[this.currentpiece], "Affiche_Piece", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.piece._x = 0; this.piece._y = (20 * MAINGP.height) / 768; this.piece._width = 32; this.piece._height = 32; var _local3 = DonneIdLocPiece(listnewpieces[this.currentpiece]); var _local2 = this.loc.childNodes[_local3]; this.typepiece = FormatTexte(_local2.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue); this.explication = FormatTexte(_local2.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue); this.piece.gotoAndStop(1); if (this.IntervalID != undefined) { clearInterval(this.IntervalID); } this.IntervalID = setInterval(this, "Tick", 120); }; _local3.ChangeLanguage = function () { this.loc = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[4]; this.titre = FormatTexte(this.loc.attributes.Titre); var _local4 = DonneIdLocPiece(listnewpieces[this.currentpiece]); var _local3 = this.loc.childNodes[_local4]; this.typepiece = FormatTexte(_local3.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue); this.explication = FormatTexte(_local3.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue); }; _local3.Tick = function () { var _local2 = this.piece._currentframe; _local2++; if (_local2 > this.piece._totalframes) { _local2 = 1; } this.piece.gotoAndStop(_local2); }; _local3.onLoad(); return(_local3); }; DonneIdLocPiece = function (piece) { switch (piece) { case MAINGP.TimerPiece : return(0); case MAINGP.CrnPiece : return(1); case MAINGP.indestructiblePiece : return(3); case MAINGP.ExplosiveDemo : return(4); case MAINGP.StarPiece : return(2); } }; CreateQuitGame = function () { MainMenuGame = CreateQuitGameMain(); }; CreateQuitGameMain = function (from) { var _local3 = GrandParent.attachMovie("quitgame", "quitgame", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); _local3._x = MAINGP.width / 2; _local3._y = MAINGP.height / 2; _local3.tabEnabled = false; _local3.tabChildren = false; MAINGP.canplay = 0; Musique.onPause(); SoundDesign.onPause(); _local3.onLoad = function () { Mainperso.lastconfusion = Mainperso.confusion; Mainperso.confusion = 0; this.loc = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[8]; this.Clip_Reprise.txt = this.loc.childNodes[0].firstChild; this.Clip_Options.txt = this.loc.childNodes[1].firstChild; this.Clip_Retour.txt = this.loc.childNodes[2].firstChild; this.Clip_Quit.txt = this.loc.childNodes[3].firstChild; this.Clip_Reprise.staten = 8; this.Clip_Reprise.gotoAndStop(this.Clip_Reprise.staten); this.Clip_Options.staten = 8; this.Clip_Options.gotoAndStop(this.Clip_Options.staten); this.Clip_Retour.staten = 8; this.Clip_Retour.gotoAndStop(this.Clip_Retour.staten); this.Clip_Quit.staten = 8; this.Clip_Quit.gotoAndStop(this.Clip_Quit.staten); this.pState = 0; this.from = from; }; _local3.ChangeLanguage = function () { this.loc = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[8]; this.Clip_Reprise.txt = this.loc.childNodes[0].firstChild; this.Clip_Options.txt = this.loc.childNodes[1].firstChild; this.Clip_Retour.txt = this.loc.childNodes[2].firstChild; this.Clip_Quit.txt = this.loc.childNodes[3].firstChild; MainHud.btQuit.txt = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[13].firstChild; }; _local3.Clip_Reprise.Inst.onRollOver = function () { if (this._parent._parent.pState) { return(0); } if ((!this._parent._parent.pState) || (MAINGP.FromQuitGame)) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten + 15); AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3"); } }; _local3.Clip_Reprise.Inst.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local3.Clip_Reprise.Inst.onReleaseOutside = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local3.Clip_Reprise.Inst.onRelease = function () { if (!this._parent._parent.pState) { SoundDesign.Blocs.stop(); SoundDesign.Blocs.boucle = 0; SoundDesign.Blocs.position = SoundDesign.Blocs.duration; AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3"); removeMovieClip(this._parent._parent); if ((Maincontainer.startgame != undefined) && (Maincontainer.startgame)) { if (ExpliPieces == undefined) { MAINGP.canplay = 1; } } if (Didacticiel != undefined) { MAINGP.canplay = 0; } MAINGP.QuitGame = 0; MAINGP.CanEchap = 1; ViensOptionsInGame = 0; Mainperso.confusion = Mainperso.lastconfusion; Musique.onRestart(); SoundDesign.onRestart(); MainMenuGame = undefined; MAINGP.QuitSloop = undefined; } }; _local3.Clip_Options.Inst.onRollOver = function () { if (!this._parent._parent.pState) { AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3"); this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten + 15); } }; _local3.Clip_Options.Inst.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local3.Clip_Options.Inst.onReleaseOutside = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local3.Clip_Options.Inst.onRelease = function () { if (!this._parent._parent.pState) { AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3"); if ((from != "Quit") || (MAINGP.canplay)) { CreateMenuOptions(1); } else { MAINGP.FromQuitGame = 1; CreateMenuOptions(); } this._parent._parent.pState = 1; } }; _local3.Clip_Retour.Inst.onRollOver = function () { if (!this._parent._parent.pState) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten + 15); AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3"); } }; _local3.Clip_Retour.Inst.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local3.Clip_Retour.Inst.onReleaseOutside = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local3.Clip_Retour.Inst.onRelease = function () { if (!this._parent._parent.pState) { AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3"); if ((from != "Quit") || (MAINGP.canplay)) { CreateQuitMenuPause(this._parent._parent); } else { MAINGP.FromQuitGame = 1; CreateQuitMenuPause(this._parent._parent); } this._parent._parent.pState = 1; } }; _local3.Clip_Quit._xscale = _local3.Clip_Quit._xscale * 1.3; _local3.Clip_Quit.Clip_Texte._xscale = _local3.Clip_Quit.Clip_Texte._xscale * 0.8; _local3.Clip_Quit.Clip_Texte._x = _local3.Clip_Quit.Clip_Texte._x + 25; _local3.Clip_Quit.Inst.onRollOver = function () { if (!this._parent._parent.pState) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten + 15); AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3"); } }; _local3.Clip_Quit.Inst.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local3.Clip_Quit.Inst.onReleaseOutside = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local3.Clip_Quit.Inst.onRelease = function () { }; _local3.onLoad(); return(_local3); }; LanceLeJeu = function (aMode) { MenuCourant = "jeu"; MAINGP.demenu = 1; MAINGP.level = MAINGP.MainLevel; MAINGP.score = MAINGP.MainScore; if (MAINGP.level == 1) { MAINGP.score = 0; MAINGP.cursor._visible = 1; Didacticiel = CreateDidacticielInGame(); } else { inigame(); } }; CreateMenuOptions = function (from) { if (Language == false) { trace("Correction langue mais comment faire plus de CurrentPlayer"); } removeMovieClip(gamemenu); gamemenu = undefined; var _local4 = GrandParent.createEmptyMovieClip("menuoptions", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); MenuCourant = "menuoptions"; _local4.tabEnabled = false; _local4.tabChildren = false; gamemenu = _local4; _local4.Fond = _local4.attachMovie("Fond_Menu", "fond", _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); _local4.Fond._width = MAINGP.width; _local4.Fond._height = MAINGP.height; _local4.loc = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[2]; _local4.Title = _local4.attachMovie("Titre_Menu", "titre", _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); _local4.Title._x = MAINGP.width * 0.85; _local4.Title._y = MAINGP.height * 0.1; _local4.Title.txt = _local4.loc.attributes.Titre; _local4.ChangeLanguage = function () { this.loc = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[2]; this.Title.txt = this.loc.attributes.Titre; this.son.txt = this.loc.childNodes[0].firstChild; this.langue.txt = this.loc.childNodes[1].firstChild; this.retour.txt = this.loc.childNodes[2].firstChild; if ((Language == "All") || (_global.Language == "All")) { monTextFormat = new TextFormat(); monTextFormat.size = 24; init.Clip_Texte.setTextFormat(monTextFormat); } else { monTextFormat = new TextFormat(); monTextFormat.size = 29; init.Clip_Texte.setTextFormat(monTextFormat); } }; var _local6 = MAINGP.height / 6; var _local5 = 80; _local6 = _local6 + _local5; var son = _local4.attachMovie("dyn_button", "son", _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); son.txt = _local4.loc.childNodes[0].firstChild; son._x = MAINGP.width * 0.25; son._y = MAINGP.height * 0.7; = _local4.loc.childNodes[0].nodeName; son.staten = 8; son.gotoAndStop(son.staten); son.Inst.onRelease = function () { if (_root.menuson != undefined) { return(0); } if (MenuCourant != "menuoptions") { return(0); } AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3"); XmlMenuAction(; if (from != undefined) { ViensOptionsInGame = 1; } }; son.Inst.onRollOver = function () { if (MenuCourant != "menuoptions") { return(0); } if ((!MAINGP.QuitGame) || (MAINGP.FromQuitGame)) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten + 15); AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3"); } }; son.Inst.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; son.Inst.onReleaseOutside = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local6 = _local6 + _local5; var langue = _local4.attachMovie("dyn_button", "langue", _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); langue.txt = _local4.loc.childNodes[1].firstChild; langue._x = MAINGP.width * 0.75; langue._y = MAINGP.height * 0.7; = _local4.loc.childNodes[1].nodeName; langue.staten = 8; langue.gotoAndStop(langue.staten); langue.Inst.onRelease = function () { if (MenuCourant != "menuoptions") { return(0); } if (_root.menuson != undefined) { return(0); } if (from != undefined) { ViensOptionsInGame = 1; } AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3"); XmlMenuAction(; }; langue.Inst.onRollOver = function () { if (MenuCourant != "menuoptions") { return(0); } if ((!MAINGP.QuitGame) || (MAINGP.FromQuitGame)) { AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3"); this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten + 15); } }; langue.Inst.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; langue.Inst.onReleaseOutside = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local5 = _local5 + 20; _local6 = _local6 + _local5; _local6 = _local6 + _local5; _local6 = _local6 + _local5; _local5 = _local5 - 20; _local6 = _local6 + _local5; var retour = _local4.attachMovie("dyn_button", "retour", _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); retour.txt = _local4.loc.childNodes[2].firstChild; retour._x = MAINGP.width / 2; retour._y = MAINGP.height * 0.85; = _local4.loc.childNodes[2].nodeName; retour.staten = 8; retour.gotoAndStop(retour.staten); retour.Inst.onRelease = function () { if (MenuCourant != "menuoptions") { return(0); } if (_root.menuson != undefined) { return(0); } AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3"); ActualiseSon(); if (from == undefined) { if (MainMenuGame != undefined) { MainMenuGame.pState = 0; DeleteMusicMenu(); removeMovieClip(this._parent._parent); } else if (MAINGP.QuitSloop != undefined) { trace("CreateMenuOptions passe l\u00E0"); MAINGP.QuitSloop.pState = 0; DeleteMusicMenu(); removeMovieClip(this._parent._parent); } else { XmlMenuAction(; } } else { MainMenuGame.pState = 0; DeleteMusicMenu(); removeMovieClip(this._parent._parent); } if (MainMenuGame != undefined) { gamemenu = undefined; } else if (MAINGP.QuitSloop != undefined) { gamemenu = undefined; } }; retour.Inst.onRollOver = function () { if (MenuCourant != "menuoptions") { return(0); } if ((!MAINGP.QuitGame) || (MAINGP.FromQuitGame)) { AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3"); this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten + 15); } }; retour.Inst.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; retour.Inst.onReleaseOutside = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; this.Loading = _local4.attachMovie("Loading", "Loading", _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Loading._x = LoadingPosX; this.Loading._y = LoadingPosY; var _local7 = MakeMusicMenu(); if (_local7 == 0) { MusiqueMenu.onRestart(); } }; CreateCredits = function () { if (gamemenu) { removeMovieClip(gamemenu); gamemenu = undefined; } var _local3 = GrandParent.createEmptyMovieClip("menuCredits", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); this.gamemenu = _local3; _local3.tabEnabled = false; _local3.tabChildren = false; _local3.Fond = _local3.attachMovie("Fond_Menu", "fond", _local3.getNextHighestDepth()); _local3.Fond._width = MAINGP.width; _local3.Fond._height = MAINGP.height; _local3.loc = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[15]; trace("loc credit " + _local3.localToGlobal); _local3.Title = _local3.attachMovie("Titre_Menu", "titre", _local3.getNextHighestDepth()); _local3.Title._x = MAINGP.width * 0.85; _local3.Title._y = MAINGP.height * 0.1; _local3.Title.txt = _local3.loc.attributes.Titre; _local3.Loading = _local3.attachMovie("Loading", "Loading", _local3.getNextHighestDepth()); _local3.Loading._x = LoadingPosX; _local3.Loading._y = LoadingPosY; _local3.Main = _local3.attachMovie("Credits", "Credits", _local3.getNextHighestDepth()); _local3.Main._x = MAINGP.width / 2; _local3.Main._y = MAINGP.height / 2; = _local3.loc.childNodes[0].firstChild; var _local5 = _local3.loc.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue; _local3.Main.version = _local5; _local3.Main.txturl = (_local3.loc.childNodes[2].firstChild + " ") + _local3.loc.childNodes[3].firstChild; var _local4 = _local3.attachMovie("dyn_button", "retourcredit", _local3.getNextHighestDepth()); _local4.txt = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[2].childNodes[2].firstChild; _local4._x = MAINGP.width * 0.85; _local4._y = (720 * MAINGP.height) / 768; = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[2].childNodes[2].nodeName; _local4.staten = 8; _local4.gotoAndStop(_local4.staten); _local4.Inst.onRelease = function () { AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3"); XmlMenuAction(; }; _local4.Inst.onRollOver = function () { if ((!MAINGP.QuitGame) || (MAINGP.FromQuitGame)) { AttachSoundDesign("Divers", "Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3"); this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten + 15); } }; _local4.Inst.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; _local4.Inst.onReleaseOutside = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent.staten); }; if (Language == "It") { } }; MakeBilan = function (num) { var _local3 = GrandParent.attachMovie("Bilan", "Bilan", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); _local3.onLoad = function () { SoundDesign.Blocs.stop(); SoundDesign.Blocs.boucle = 0; SoundDesign.Blocs.position = SoundDesign.Blocs.duration; this.tabEnabled = false; this.tabChildren = false; this.loc = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[7]; this._x = MAINGP.width / 2; this._y = MAINGP.height / 2; this.maxx = 180; this.minx = 150; this.dx = 10; this.sens = 1; this.frame = 1; this.Clip_Bilan_Level.txt = this.loc.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue + MAINGP.level; this.score = this.loc.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue + "0"; this.pushi = this.loc.childNodes[2].firstChild.nodeValue + "0"; this.combo = this.loc.childNodes[3].firstChild.nodeValue + "0"; this.malus = this.loc.childNodes[4].firstChild.nodeValue + "0"; this.Clip_level._visible = 0; Motif_Bilan_level._visible = 0; this.Ennemi_1._visible = 0; this.Tete_Malus.gotoAndStop(1); this.Etincelle_1.gotoAndStop(1); this.Etincelle_2.gotoAndStop(1); this.Etincelle_3.gotoAndStop(1); this.Tete_Malus._visible = 0; this.dxscore = 0; this.dxcoup = 0; this.dxcombo = 0; this.dxmalus = 0; this.dxennemis = 0; DeleteIntervalPerso(); RemovePersoAI(); this.Zia = this.attachMovie("ZIA_128", "zia", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Zia._x = (-180 * MAINGP.width) / 1024; this.Zia._y = (125 * MAINGP.height) / 768; if (num == 1) { this.Zia.pState = "win_1"; this.Zia.gotoAndStop(8); } else { this.Zia.pState = "loose"; this.Zia.gotoAndStop(9); } this.IntervalZia = setInterval(this.Zia, "ApplyAnim", 250); this.IntervalScore = setInterval(this, "IncrScore", 25); this.IntervalFx = setInterval(this, "TickFx", 84); if (BILAN.Score > 0) { AttachSoundDesign("FxScore", "count.mp3", 1); } else { AttachSoundDesign("FxScore", "count.mp3"); } if (MAINGP.QuitSloop != undefined) { this.swapDepths(MAINGP.QuitSloop); } else if (MainMenuGame != undefined) { this.swapDepths(MainMenuGame); } this.remettre = 0; }; _local3.IncrScore = function () { if ((MAINGP.QuitSloop != undefined) || (MainMenuGame != undefined)) { this.remettre = 1; SoundDesign.onPause(); SoundDesign.FxScore.stop(); return(0); } if (this.remettre) { this.remettre = 0; SoundDesign.onRestart(); SoundDesign.FxScore.start(SoundDesign.FxScore.position / 1000); } if (this.dxscore == BILAN.Score) { this.dxscore = -1; SoundDesign.FxScore.boucle = 0; SoundDesign.FxScore.position = SoundDesign.FxScore.duration; SoundDesign.FxScore.stop(); } else if (this.dxscore != -1) { this.dxscore = this.dxscore + MainHud.facteur; this.score = this.loc.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue + this.dxscore; } if (this.dxcoup == BILAN.coup) { this.dxcoup = -1; } else if (this.dxcoup != -1) { this.dxcoup = this.dxcoup + MainHud.facteur; this.pushi = this.loc.childNodes[2].firstChild.nodeValue + this.dxcoup; } if (this.dxcombo == BILAN.combo) { this.dxcombo = -1; } else if (this.dxcombo != -1) { this.dxcombo++; this.combo = this.loc.childNodes[3].firstChild.nodeValue + this.dxcombo; } if (this.dxmalus == BILAN.malus) { this.dxmalus = -1; } else if (this.dxmalus != -1) { this.dxmalus++; this.malus = this.loc.childNodes[4].firstChild.nodeValue + this.dxmalus; } if (this.dxennemis == BILAN.Ennemis) { this.dxennemis = -1; } else if (this.dxennemis != -1) { this.dxennemis++; this.malus = this.loc.childNodes[5].firstChild.nodeValue + this.dxennemis; } if (((((this.dxscore == -1) && (this.dxcombo == -1)) && (this.dxcoup == -1)) && (this.dxscore == -1)) && (this.dxennemis == -1)) { clearInterval(this.IntervalScore); clearInterval(this.IntervalFx); this.Tete_Malus.gotoAndStop(1); this.Ennemi_1.stand.gotoAndStop(1); SoundDesign.FxScore.stop(); } }; _local3.fermer.onRelease = function () { if ((MAINGP.QuitSloop != undefined) || (MainMenuGame != undefined)) { return(0); } clearInterval(this._parent.IntervalZia); clearInterval(this._parent.IntervalScore); clearInterval(this._parent.IntervalFx); removeMovieClip(this._parent); SoundDesign.FxScore.stop(); SoundDesign.onPause(); LanceSuiteBilan(num); SoundDesign.FxScore.boucle = 0; SoundDesign.FxScore.position = SoundDesign.FxScore.duration; }; _local3.TickFx = function () { if ((MAINGP.QuitSloop != undefined) || (MainMenuGame != undefined)) { return(0); } this.frame++; if ((this.Etincelle_1._totalframes + 1) == this.frame) { this.frame = 1; } this.Etincelle_1.gotoAndStop(this.frame); this.Etincelle_4.gotoAndStop(this.frame); if (this.dxcoup != -1) { this.Etincelle_2.gotoAndStop(this.frame); } else { this.Etincelle_2._visible = 0; } if (this.dxcombo != -1) { this.Etincelle_3.gotoAndStop(this.frame); } else { this.Etincelle_3._visible = 0; } var _local3 = this.Tete_Malus._currentframe; _local3++; if (_local3 == (this.Tete_Malus._totalframes + 1)) { _local3 = 1; } this.Tete_Malus.gotoAndStop(_local3); if (this.Ennemi_1._visible) { var _local2 = this.Ennemi_1.stand._currentframe; _local2++; if (_local2 == (this.Ennemi_1.stand._totalframes + 1)) { _local2 = 1; } this.Ennemi_1.stand.gotoAndStop(_local2); } }; _local3.Delete = function () { clearInterval(this.IntervalZia); clearInterval(this.IntervalScore); clearInterval(this.IntervalFx); removeMovieClip(this); MAINBILAN = undefined; SoundDesign.onPause(); }; _local3.onLoad(); return(_local3); }; LanceSuiteBilan = function (num) { SoundDesign.onStop(); if (num == 1) { if (HowToPlay == 1) { MAINGP.Didacticiel = 0; HowToPlay = 0; if (Didacticiel != undefined) { Didacticiel.Delete(); Didacticiel = undefined; MAINGP.DidacticielInGame = 0; } trace("FIN TUTO"); deletegame(); MAINGP.canplay = 0; CreateMenu(3); MakeMusicMenu(); return(0); } MAINGP.level = Number(MAINGP.level) + 1; MAINGP.score = Number(MAINGP.score); MAINGP.MainScore = MAINGP.score; MAINGP.MainLevel = MAINGP.level; if (Didacticiel != undefined) { Didacticiel.Delete(); Didacticiel = undefined; MAINGP.DidacticielInGame = 0; MAINGP.canplay = 1; } if (MAINGP.level != 17) { deletegame(); inigame(); } else { CreateFinGame(); } } else if (num == 0) { MAINGP.MainLevel = MAINGP.level; MAINGP.finscore = 1; AfficherRestart(); } }; AfficherProfilCourant = function (parent) { }; AfficherRestart = function () { mc = GrandParent.attachMovie("quitsloop", "restart", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); mc.tabEnabled = false; mc.tabChildren = false; mc._x = MAINGP.width / 2; mc._y = MAINGP.height / 2; mc.loc = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[9]; trace("mc.loc " + mc.loc); mc.intitule = mc.loc.childNodes[0].firstChild; mc.Oui.validation = mc.loc.childNodes[1].firstChild; mc.Non.validation = mc.loc.childNodes[2].firstChild; MAINGP.canplay = 0; Musique.onPause(); SoundDesign.onPause(); mc.Oui.onRelease = function () { removeMovieClip(this._parent); deletegame(); inigame(); SoundDesign.Restart(); }; mc.Non.onRelease = function () { removeMovieClip(this._parent); deletegame(); MakeMusicMenu(); CreateMenu(1); }; }; CreateQuitMenuPause = function (aparent) { var _local3 = GrandParent.attachMovie("quitsloop", "quitmenupause", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); _local3.tabEnabled = false; _local3.tabChildren = false; _local3._x = MAINGP.width / 2; _local3._y = MAINGP.height / 2; var _local4 = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[5]; _local3.intitule = _local4.childNodes[0].firstChild; _local3.Oui.validation = _local4.childNodes[1].firstChild; _local3.Non.validation = _local4.childNodes[2].firstChild; _local3.aparent = aparent; _local3.Oui.onRelease = function () { removeMovieClip(this._parent.aparent); removeMovieClip(this._parent); SoundDesign.onPause(); SoundDesign.FxScore.boucle = 0; SoundDesign.FxScore.position = SoundDesign.FxScore.duration; SoundDesign.FxScore.stop(); Musique.onPause(); if (Didacticiel != undefined) { Didacticiel.Delete(); Didacticiel = undefined; clearInterval(IntervalIDExplosion); MAINBILAN.Delete(); MAINGP.VALGAME.remove(); clearInterval(surfx.IntervalID); removeMovieClip(surfx); } else if (!MAINGP.Didacticiel) { clearInterval(IntervalIDExplosion); MAINBILAN.Delete(); MAINGP.VALGAME.remove(); clearInterval(surfx.IntervalID); removeMovieClip(surfx); deletegame(); } else { DeleteDidacticiel(); } MAINGP.QuitGame = 0; MAINGP.CanEchap = 1; MAINGP.QuitSloop = undefined; CreateMenu(1); MainMenuGame = undefined; ViensOptionsInGame = 0; ViensOptionsInGame = undefined; var _local2 = MakeMusicMenu(); if (_local2 == 0) { MusiqueMenu.onRestart(); } }; _local3.Non.onRelease = function () { removeMovieClip(this._parent); MainMenuGame.pState = 0; if (MAINGP.QuitSloop != undefined) { MAINGP.QuitSloop.pState = 0; } }; }; CreateFinGame = function () { var _local3 = GrandParent.attachMovie("FinGame", "FinGame", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); _local3.onLoad = function () { this.tabEnabled = false; this.tabChildren = false; this.loc = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[16]; this._x = MAINGP.width / 2; this._y = MAINGP.height / 2; this.intitule = this.loc.firstChild.nodeValue; }; _local3.Fermer.onRelease = function () { removeMovieClip(this._parent); deletegame(); CreateMenu(1); }; _local3.onLoad(); return(_local3); }; function deletegame() { RemoveAllInterval(); removeMovieClip(MainBG); removeMovieClip(Maincontainer); removeMovieClip(MainHud); removeMovieClip(MainBGFx); removeMovieClip(frise); DeleteFrise(); RemovePersoAI(); DeleteMusic(); clearInterval(intervalFx); MAINGP.gamequit = 0; removeMovieClip(MainBGFond); removeMovieClip(_root.Explication_Piece); } function RemovePersoAI() { removeMovieClip(Mainperso); if (MAINGP.IAActive) { removeMovieClip(MainAI); MainAI = undefined; } if (MAINGP.root.fx_malus != undefined) { removeMovieClip(MAINGP.root.fx_malus); } } function inigame() { if (MAINGP.level > 16) { MAINGP.level = 1; } if (MAINGP.score == 0) { } MAINGP.gamemode = "Libre"; MAINGP.Didacticiel = 0; MAINGP.ExplosionFin = 0; MAINGP.DoExplosionsFin = 0; Didacticiel = undefined; if (this.gamemenu.activemenu) { removeMovieClip(this.gamemenu); this.gamemenu = undefined; } this.gamemenu = undefined; MAINGP.canplay = 1; trace((("avant " + MAINGP.gamemode) + " ") + MAINGP.level); trace((MAINGP.gamemode + " ") + MAINGP.level); MAINGP.fingame = 0; MAINGP.gamequit = 1; this.namebase = "cas_const"; this.nbcase = 7; this.casespeed = 12; if (listpiecesxml.length) { listtype = new Array(); liststandartpieces = new Array(); listtypealeatoire = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < listpiecesxml.length) { listtypealeatoire.push(listpiecesxml[i]); listtype.push(listpiecesxml[i]); liststandartpieces.push(listpiecesxml[i]); i++; } } else { this.listtype = Array("Bleu_Turn", "Jaune_Turn", "Violette_Turn", "Pierre_Inca", "Oeil_Blink", "Pierre_guerrier_s", "Pierre_rouge_s"); this.liststandartpieces = Array("Bleu_Turn", "Jaune_Turn", "Violette_Turn", "Pierre_Inca", "Oeil_Blink", "Pierre_guerrier_s", "Pierre_rouge_s"); listtypealeatoire = Array("Bleu_Turn", "Jaune_Turn", "Violette_Turn", "Pierre_Inca", "Oeil_Blink", "Pierre_guerrier_s", "Pierre_rouge_s"); } this.listnumber = Array(500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500); MAINGP.NbListeStandart = liststandartpieces.length; this.listcount = listtype.length; this.listtype2 = this.listtype.slice(0, this.listcount); this.ListMalus = Array(MAINGP.CrnPiece); MAINGP.PieceSize = 30; this.title_size = (33 * MAINGP.width) / 480; this.object_resize = (33 * MAINGP.height) / 360; val = 2; if (!(val === 2)) { } else { MAINGP.ground = "Jungle"; } MAINGP.idground = val; this.MainBG = GrandParent.attachMovie("Fond_0" + val, "bg_01", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); this.MainBG._x = MAINGP.width / 2; this.MainBG._y = MAINGP.height / 2; this.MainBG._width = MAINGP.width; this.MainBG._height = MAINGP.height; this.Maincontainer = GrandParent.createEmptyMovieClip("GamingZone", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); this.IniMaincontener(Maincontainer); Centermc(Maincontainer); this.Maincontainer._x = (290 * MAINGP.width) / 1024; this.Maincontainer._y = (190 * MAINGP.height) / 768; this.MainBGFond = Maincontainer.attachMovie("Fond_Game", "Fond_Game", Maincontainer.getNextHighestDepth()); var _local3 = this.MainBGFond._width; var _local2 = this.MainBGFond._height; this.MainBGFond._width = this.MainBGFond._width * (title_size / MAINGP.PieceSize); this.MainBGFond._height = this.MainBGFond._height * (title_size / MAINGP.PieceSize); this.MainBGFond._x = _local3 / 2; this.MainBGFond._y = _local2 / 2; this.TraceLevel(); this.MakeLevel(); this.TraceDalle(); mlevel = GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth(); MakeFrise(); Mainperso = this.makePlayer(); MAINGP.IAActive = 0; if ((MAINGP.level % 4) == 0) { MAINGP.IAActive = 1; this.MainAI = this.makeAI(1); } this.MainHud = HUD(); ExplicationsDalles = 0; if (listnewpieces.length) { MAINGP.canplay = 0; ExpliPieces = MakeExplicationsPieces(); ExplicationsPieces = 1; } else { MAINGP.canplay = 1; ExplicationsPieces = 0; } MakeMusic(); MAINGP.BandeauDalle = 0; BILAN = new Object(); BILAN.Score = 0; BILAN.combo = 0; BILAN.coup = 0; BILAN.malus = 0; BILAN.Ennemis = 0; ArrayFxScore = new Array(); } DeleteIntervalPerso = function () { with (Mainperso) { clearInterval(IntervalBloque); clearInterval(IntervalIDSuperZia); clearInterval(IntervalIDAnim); clearInterval(IntervalTeteMort); clearInterval(MainInterval); clearInterval(IntervalFumee1); clearInterval(IntervalFumee2); } if (MainAI != undefined) { with (MainAI) { clearInterval(timeout); clearInterval(IDIntervalImmobile); clearInterval(IntervalIDAnim); } } }; RemoveAllInterval = function () { clearInterval(Maincontainer.IntervalIDMainC); var j = 1; while (j < (nbcase + 1)) { var i = 1; while (i < (nbcase + 1)) { myname = ((namebase + i) + "_") + j; mymovie = Maincontainer[myname]; clearInterval(mymovie.IntervalID); clearInterval(mymovie.IntervalAnimation); clearInterval(mymovie.IntervalAnim); clearInterval(mymovie.IntervalFxExplosion); i++; } j++; } clearInterval(intervalFx); if (atimeoutsurvivor != undefined) { clearInterval(atimeoutsurvivor); } with (MainHud) { clearInterval(Maintime.IntervalID); clearInterval(IntervalID); clearInterval(IntervalCombo); } clearInterval(Maincontainer.scorefxmember.IntervalID); }; InitGameMode = function () { MAINGP.level = MAINGP[MAINGP.gamemode].level; MAINGP.score = MAINGP[MAINGP.gamemode].beginscore; }; AjouteSpecialesPieces = function (typepiece, numpieces) { i = 1; while (i <= numpieces) { listspecialspieces.push(typepiece); i++; } }; MakeFrise = function (parent) { if (parent == undefined) { parent = GrandParent; } frise_haut = parent.attachMovie("Frise_Haut", "Frise_Haut", parent.getNextHighestDepth()); frise_haut._width = 7 * title_size; frise_haut._height = (frise_haut._height * title_size) / MAINGP.PieceSize; var _local3 = frise_haut._width; var _local2 = frise_haut._height; frise_haut._x = Maincontainer._x + (_local3 / 2); frise_haut._y = (Maincontainer._y + (_local2 / 2)) - (title_size * 2); frise_bas = parent.attachMovie("Frise_Bas", "Frise_Bas", parent.getNextHighestDepth()); frise_bas._width = 7 * title_size; frise_bas._height = (frise_bas._height * title_size) / MAINGP.PieceSize; _local3 = frise_bas._width; _local2 = frise_bas._height; frise_bas._x = Maincontainer._x + (_local3 / 2); frise_bas._y = Maincontainer._y + (title_size * 7.75); frise_dte = parent.attachMovie("Frise_Dte", "Frise_Dte", parent.getNextHighestDepth()); frise_dte._width = (frise_dte._width * title_size) / MAINGP.PieceSize; frise_dte._height = 10.5 * title_size; _local3 = frise_dte._width; _local2 = frise_dte._height; frise_dte._x = Maincontainer._x + (8 * title_size); frise_dte._y = Maincontainer._y + (title_size * 3.5); frise_gche = parent.attachMovie("Frise_Gche", "Frise_Gche", parent.getNextHighestDepth()); frise_gche._width = (frise_gche._width * title_size) / MAINGP.PieceSize; frise_gche._height = 10.5 * title_size; _local3 = frise_gche._width; _local2 = frise_gche._height; frise_gche._x = Maincontainer._x - (title_size * 1.25); frise_gche._y = Maincontainer._y + (title_size * 3.5); }; DeleteFrise = function () { removeMovieClip(frise_haut); removeMovieClip(frise_bas); removeMovieClip(frise_dte); removeMovieClip(frise_gche); }; function CreateMainKeyCode() { MKC = new Object(); MKC.key = " 866521"; MKC.unlocked = 0; MKC.WaitForClick = 0; MKC.Init = function () { this.curKey = ""; = GrandParent.attachMovie("Unlocked", "Unlocked", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth()); = MAINGP.width / 2; = MAINGP.height / 2; = function () { MainKeyCode.WaitForClick = 0; removeMovieClip(this._parent); }; = 0; }; MKC.ActivateInterval = function () { this.count = 0; this.maxcount = 100; this.intervalID = setInterval(this, "TickKey", 84); }; MKC.TickKey = function () { this.count++; if (this.count > this.maxcount) { this.DeleteInterval(); } }; MKC.DeleteInterval = function () { clearInterval(this.intervalID); }; MKC.AddKey = function (key) { if (this.curKey == this.key) { this.unlocked = 1; this.DeleteInterval(); } }; MKC.Tick = function (key) { trace((this.curKey + " ") + this.key); var _local3 = Number(this.curKey) == Number(this.key); trace((((Number(this.curKey) + " ") + Number(this.key)) + " ") + _local3); if ((this.curKey == this.key) || (Number(this.curKey) == Number(this.key))) { trace("unlocked"); this.unlocked = 1; var _local2 = GrandParent.createEmptyMovieClip("Unlocked2", GrandParent.getNextHighestDepth());; removeMovieClip(_local2); = 1; this.DeleteInterval(); this.WaitForClick = 1; } }; return(MKC); } MainKeyCode = CreateMainKeyCode(); Clip_Sheet.onChanged = function () { trace("sheet " + sheet); MainKeyCode.curKey = sheet; MainKeyCode.Tick(); }; function StartWeb() { var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 63) { trace((("i " + _local2) + " ") + this["Web_" + _local2]); this["Web_" + _local2]._visible = 0; _local2++; } InitFriseWeb(); ChargeXMLParametres(); ChargeXMLGrids(); IniXml(); } function checkParamsLoaded() { if (InitSloopVar == 0) { InitSloop(0); clearInterval(param_interval); } if (InitSloopVar == 1) { InitSloop(1); clearInterval(param_interval); } } function BeginSloop() { ResizeFondWeb(); MakeSoundDesign(); MakeMusicMenu(); createmenulanguage(); } function DemarreSloop() { if (this.Logo != undefined) { removeMovieClip(this.Logo); } if (TestInitPlayer()) { InitLanguage(); CreateMenu(1); ReadSharedObject(); } else { createmenulanguage(); } } function CreateLogoVivendi() { mc = this.attachMovie("Logo_Vivendi", "Logo_Vivendi", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Logo = mc; mc.onLoad = function () { this._x = MAINGP.width / 2; this._y = MAINGP.height / 2; }; mc.onRelease = function () { removeMovieClip(this); MakeSplashScreen(); }; mc.Fond.onRelease = function () { removeMovieClip(this._parent); MakeSplashScreen(); }; mc.onLoad(); return(mc); } function CreateLogoPulsanim() { if (this.Logo != undefined) { removeMovieClip(this.Logo); } mc = this.attachMovie("Logo_Pulsanim", "Logo_Pulsanim", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Logo = mc; mc.onLoad = function () { this._x = MAINGP.width / 2; this._y = MAINGP.height / 2; }; mc.onRelease = function () { removeMovieClip(this); DemarreSloop(); }; mc.Fond.onRelease = function () { removeMovieClip(this._parent); DemarreSloop(); }; mc.onLoad(); } fscommand ("showmenu", false); var MAINGP = new Object(); MAINGP.root = this; MAINGP.cursor = this.MyNewCurseur(); MAINGP.Language = "Fr"; MAINGP.soundActived = 1; MAINGP.persospeed = 30; MAINGP.level = 1; = 1; MAINGP.IAActive = 0; MAINGP.StarActive = 1; MAINGP.score = 0; MAINGP.countpiece = new Object(); MAINGP.CrnPiece = "Pierre_Tete_mort_s"; MAINGP.CrnPieceNum = 6; MAINGP.MskPiece = "clip_GEM_masque"; MAINGP.MskPieceNum = 5; MAINGP.StarPiece = "Pierre_Etoile_s"; MAINGP.StarPieceNum = 2; MAINGP.arrawVPiece = "Pierre_Fleche_HB_s"; MAINGP.arrawVPieceNum = 1; MAINGP.arrawHPiece = "Pierre_Fleche_GD_s"; MAINGP.arrawHPieceNum = 1; MAINGP.arrawDblPiece = "Pierre_Fleche_4_s"; MAINGP.arrawDblPieceNum = 1; MAINGP.TimerPiece = "Pierre_sablier"; MAINGP.TimerPieceNum = 5; MAINGP.Timertotaltime = 90; MAINGP.TimerGainTime = 15; MAINGP.indestructiblePiece = "clip_GEM_Puzzle"; MAINGP.Mystere = "Pierre_Mystere_s"; MAINGP.MystereNum = 5; MAINGP.Explosive = "Pierre_explosive"; MAINGP.ExplosiveNum = 2; MAINGP.JokerExplosif = "Pierre_JokerExplosif"; MAINGP.JokerExplosifNum = 4; MAINGP.SuperZia = "Pierre_SuperZia"; MAINGP.SuperZiaNum = 4; MAINGP.ExplosiveDemo = "Explosive_demo"; MAINGP.ExplosiveDemoNum = 1; MAINGP.width = 480; MAINGP.height = 360; PixelMode = 1; EstPasseMenu = 0; MAINGP.SurvivorMaxTime = 10; MAINGP.NbMaxPageIntroGene = 3; MAINGP.IntroGeneCount = 0; MessageAppuye = 0; MAINGP.DidacticielInGame = 0; MAINGP.MainLevel = 1; MAINGP.MainScore = 0; MAINGP.IntroGame = new Array(); obj = new Object(); obj.maxcount = 2; obj.count = 0; MAINGP.IntroGame.push(obj); obj = new Object(); obj.maxcount = 1; obj.count = 0; MAINGP.IntroGame.push(obj); obj = new Object(); obj.maxcount = 1; obj.count = 0; MAINGP.IntroGame.push(obj); obj = new Object(); obj.maxcount = 1; obj.count = 0; MAINGP.IntroGame.push(obj); obj = new Object(); obj.maxcount = 2; obj.count = 0; MAINGP.IntroGame.push(obj); _global.InitSloopVar = "0"; MustInit = 0; LoadingPosX = 160; LoadingPosY = 100; MAINGP.QuitGame = 0; MAINGP.SurvivorMaxEnnemis = 4; MAINGP.WebVersion = 1; MAINGP.gamemode = "Libre"; MAINGP.score = 0; MAINGP.level = 1; MAINGP.volumemusique = 100; MAINGP.volumefx = 100; MAINGP.maxlevel = 4; ResizeFriseWeb = function () { dw = Stage.width - MAINGP.width; dh = Stage.height - MAINGP.height; FriseWeb.HautGche._x = dw / 4; FriseWeb.HautGche._y = dh / 4; FriseWeb.HautGche._width = dw / 2; FriseWeb.HautGche._height = dh / 2; FriseWeb.Haut._x = Stage.width / 2; FriseWeb.Haut._y = dh / 4; FriseWeb.Haut._width = MAINGP.width; FriseWeb.Haut._height = dh / 2; FriseWeb.HautDte._x = MAINGP.width + ((3 * dw) / 4); FriseWeb.HautDte._y = dh / 4; FriseWeb.HautDte._width = dw / 2; FriseWeb.HautDte._height = dh / 2; FriseWeb.Bas._x = Stage.width / 2; FriseWeb.Bas._y = MAINGP.height + ((3 * dh) / 4); FriseWeb.Bas._width = MAINGP.width; FriseWeb.Bas._height = dh / 2; FriseWeb.BasGche._x = dw / 4; FriseWeb.BasGche._y = MAINGP.height + ((3 * dh) / 4); FriseWeb.BasGche._width = dw / 2; FriseWeb.BasGche._height = dh / 2; FriseWeb.BasDte._x = Stage.width - (dw / 4); FriseWeb.BasDte._y = MAINGP.height + ((3 * dh) / 4); FriseWeb.BasDte._width = dw / 2; FriseWeb.BasDte._height = dh / 2; FriseWeb.Gche._x = dw / 4; FriseWeb.Gche._y = (MAINGP.height / 2) + (dh / 2); FriseWeb.Gche._width = dw / 2; FriseWeb.Gche._height = MAINGP.height; FriseWeb.Dte._x = Stage.width - (dw / 4); FriseWeb.Dte._y = (MAINGP.height / 2) + (dh / 2); FriseWeb.Dte._width = dw / 2; FriseWeb.Dte._height = MAINGP.height; }; InitFriseWeb = function () { FriseWeb = this.createEmptyMovieClip("Frise_web", this.getNextHighestDepth()); FriseWeb.onLoad = function () { this.HautGche = this.attachMovie("frise_web_ht_gche", "frise_web_ht_gche", this.getNextHighestDepth()); trace(this.HautGche); this.Gche = this.attachMovie("frise_web_gche", "frise_web_gche", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.BasGche = this.attachMovie("frise_web_bas_gche", "frise_web_bas_gche", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Haut = this.attachMovie("frise_web_haut", "frise_web_haut", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.HautDte = this.attachMovie("frise_web_ht_dte", "frise_web_ht_dte", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Dte = this.attachMovie("frise_web_dte", "frise_web_dte", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.BasDte = this.attachMovie("frise_web_bas_dte", "frise_web_bas_dte", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.Bas = this.attachMovie("frise_web_bas", "frise_web_bas", this.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.attachMovie("btMobileS", "btMobile", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.btMobile.txt.text = "..."; _root.btMobile._y = Stage.height; _root.btMobile._x = 320; }; FriseWeb.onLoad(); ResizeFriseWeb(); }; GrandParent = this.createEmptyMovieClip("GrandParent", this.getNextHighestDepth()); ResizeFondWeb = function () { Stage.align = "TL"; GrandParent._x = (Stage.width / 2) - (MAINGP.width / 2); GrandParent._y = (Stage.height / 2) - (MAINGP.height / 2); ResizeFriseWeb(); }; StartWeb(); InitSloop = function (t) { ChargeXMLParametres(); IniXml(); if (t == 1) { MustInit = 1; } }; MakeSplashScreen = function () { removeMovieClip(MAINGP.logovivendi); mc = this.attachMovie("SplashScreen_s", "SplashScreen_s", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.gamemenu = mc; mc.onLoad = function () { this._x = MAINGP.width / 2; this._y = MAINGP.height / 2; this._son = new Sound(); this._son.attachSound("sloop_Zik_medaillon.mp3"); this._son.start(); this._son.setVolume(100); this.gotoAndStop(1); }; mc.onRelease = function () { this._son.stop(); removeMovieClip(this); DemarreSloop(); }; mc.onLoad(); }; Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; var myListener = new Object(); myListener.onResize = function () { ResizeFondWeb(); }; Stage.addListener(myListener); stop();
Symbol 57 MovieClip [fx_malus] Frame 14
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 91 MovieClip [btMobileS] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { _root.__trackref.hitPage("{aa2799d0-65f3-429d-9124-ce56596e5765}"); getURL ("", "_blank"); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._xscale = 110; this._yscale = 110; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; };
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1
function searchAndReplace(holder, searchfor, replacement) { temparray = holder.split(searchfor); holder = temparray.join(replacement); return(holder); } trace("-----------------------------------"); trace("0" + _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[0].firstChild.toString()); trace("1" + _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[1].firstChild.toString()); trace("2" + _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[2].firstChild.toString()); trace("3" + _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[3].firstChild.toString()); trace("4" + _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[4].firstChild.toString()); trace("5" + _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[5].firstChild.toString()); trace("6" + _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[6].firstChild.toString()); trace("7" + _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[7].firstChild.toString()); trace("8" + _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[8].firstChild.toString()); trace("9" + _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[9].firstChild.toString()); trace("10" + _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[10].firstChild.toString()); trace("11" + _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[11].firstChild.toString()); trace("12" + _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[12].firstChild.toString()); trace("13" + _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[13].firstChild.toString()); trace("-----------------------------------"); this.TXT_btSend.text = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[1].firstChild.toString(); this.TXT_btDownload.text = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[0].firstChild.toString(); this.TXT_title.text = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[3].firstChild.toString(); this.TXT_lead.text = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[4].firstChild.toString(); this.TXT_yourname.text = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[5].firstChild.toString(); this.TXT_youremail.text = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[6].firstChild.toString(); this.TXT_friendsname.text = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[7].firstChild.toString(); this.TXT_friensdemail.text = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[8].firstChild.toString(); this.btSend2Over.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.btSend2Over.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 10; }; this.btSend2Over.onRelease = function () { trace("SEND OK"); yourname = IN_yourname.text; youremail = IN_youremail.text; friendsname = IN_friendsname.text; friendsemail = IN_friendsemail.text; valido = true; if (((yourname != "") && (youremail != "")) && (valido == true)) { trace("START SENDING"); friendsnames = []; friendsemails = []; friendsnames.push(friendsname); friendsemails.push(friendsemail); subject = searchAndReplace(_global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[12].firstChild.nodeValue, "$XXX$", friendsname); mymessage = searchAndReplace(_global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[13].firstChild.nodeValue, "$XXX$", friendsname); mymessage = searchAndReplace(mymessage, "$YYY$", yourname); trace((((((((((("SENDING: " + yourname) + "|") + youremail) + "|") + friendsnames) + "|") + friendsemails) + "|") + subject) + "|") + mymessage); _root.__trackref.emailFriends(yourname, youremail, friendsnames, friendsemails, subject, mymessage); } _root.popupSend2.removeMovieClip(); }; this.btDownload2Over.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.btDownload2Over.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 10; }; this.btDownload2Over.onRelease = function () { getURL ("", "_blank"); };
Symbol 125 MovieClip [Curseur] Frame 1
Symbol 168 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 188 MovieClip [Explication_Piece] Frame 1
Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 1
stop(); this.ApplyAnim = function (nfs) { if (nfs != undefined) { nf = 0; this.StartAnim(); this[this.pState].gotoAndStop(1); } clip = this[this.pState]; nf = clip._currentframe + 1; nbframe = clip._totalframes; if (nf == (nbframe + 1)) { this.PeutBoucler(); nf = 1; clip = this[this.pState]; } clip.gotoAndStop(nf); var _local5 = this.pState.slice(0, 4); if (_local5 == "push") { if (((nf == 3) && (!this.Furie)) || ((nf == 3) && (this.Furie))) { if (Mainperso.SuperZia) { _root.AttachSoundDesign("Zia", "Sloop_fx_ZiaKinesie_07.mp3"); } else { var _local6 = 1; var _local7 = ("hammer" + _local6) + ".mp3"; _root.AttachSoundDesign("Zia", _local7); } var _local4 = this.pPos[0]; var _local3 = this.pPos[1]; if (this.Furie && (this.IsRolling)) { _root.PlayerPush(_local4, _local3, 1); } else if (!this.Furie) { _root.PlayerPush(_local4, _local3, 1); } } } };
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 331 MovieClip "walk" in Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 2
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 3
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 342 MovieClip "jump" in Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 4
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 5
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 6
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 7
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 8
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 9
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 10
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 11
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 12
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 13
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 14
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 15
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 16
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 17
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 18
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 19
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 20
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 21
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 22
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 23
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 24
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 25
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 26
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 27
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 28
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 29
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 30
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 31
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 32
Symbol 397 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 405 MovieClip [dyn_button] Frame 1
Symbol 411 MovieClip [Coeur] Frame 1
Symbol 415 MovieClip [int_life] Frame 1
Symbol 420 MovieClip [MAIN_HUD] Frame 1
Symbol 435 MovieClip [Win_Lose_png] Frame 1
this.TXT_btSend.text = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[1].firstChild.toString(); this.TXT_btDownload.text = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[0].firstChild.toString(); this.TXT_lead.htmlText = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[9].firstChild.toString(); this.TXT_1.text = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[10].firstChild.toString(); this.TXT_2.text = _global.ChildLanguage.childNodes[17].childNodes[11].firstChild.toString(); this.btSend2Over.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.btSend2Over.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 10; }; this.btSend2Over.onRelease = function () { _root.attachMovie("popupSend", "popupSend2", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:40, _y:40}); }; this.btDownload2Over.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.btDownload2Over.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 10; }; this.btDownload2Over.onRelease = function () { _root.__trackref.hitPage("{aa2799d0-65f3-429d-9124-ce56596e5765}"); getURL ("", "_blank"); }; stop();
Symbol 436 MovieClip [scoring] Frame 56
Symbol 464 MovieClip [NewDalle_2] Frame 1
Symbol 464 MovieClip [NewDalle_2] Frame 2
Symbol 464 MovieClip [NewDalle_2] Frame 10
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 464 MovieClip [NewDalle_2] Frame 13
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 464 MovieClip [NewDalle_2] Frame 14
Symbol 464 MovieClip [NewDalle_2] Frame 15
Symbol 473 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 486 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 487 MovieClip [fx_combo] Frame 1
Symbol 493 MovieClip [AI_01] Frame 1
Symbol 495 MovieClip [quitgame] Frame 1
Symbol 503 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 503 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 504 MovieClip [quitsloop] Frame 1
stop(); Oui.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; Non.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; Oui.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; Oui.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; Non.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; Non.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); };

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [teleport.mp3]
Symbol 2 Sound [sloop_Zik_Win2.mp3]
Symbol 3 Sound [sloop_Zik_Loose1.mp3]
Symbol 4 Sound [Sloop_fx_Time Alert_01.mp3]
Symbol 5 Sound [Sloop_fx_ExploCombo-Malus_01.mp3]
Symbol 6 Sound [Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_10 (1).mp3]
Symbol 7 Sound [Sloop_fx_ClicSelect_01.mp3]
Symbol 8 Sound [Sloop_fx_Bloc.mp3]
Symbol 9 Sound [sablier.mp3]
Symbol 10 Sound [Mus_jungle.mp3]
Symbol 11 Sound [hammer1.mp3]
Symbol 12 Sound [explosion3.mp3]
Symbol 13 Sound [count.mp3]
Symbol 14 BitmapUsed by:15
Symbol 15 GraphicUses:14Used by:28
Symbol 16 BitmapUsed by:17
Symbol 17 GraphicUses:16Used by:28
Symbol 18 BitmapUsed by:19
Symbol 19 GraphicUses:18Used by:28
Symbol 20 BitmapUsed by:21
Symbol 21 GraphicUses:20Used by:28
Symbol 22 BitmapUsed by:23
Symbol 23 GraphicUses:22Used by:28
Symbol 24 BitmapUsed by:25
Symbol 25 GraphicUses:24Used by:28
Symbol 26 BitmapUsed by:27
Symbol 27 GraphicUses:26Used by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClip [Fumee]Uses:15 17 19 21 23 25 27
Symbol 29 BitmapUsed by:30
Symbol 30 GraphicUses:29Used by:57 530
Symbol 31 BitmapUsed by:32
Symbol 32 GraphicUses:31Used by:57 530
Symbol 33 BitmapUsed by:34
Symbol 34 GraphicUses:33Used by:57 530
Symbol 35 BitmapUsed by:36
Symbol 36 GraphicUses:35Used by:57 530
Symbol 37 BitmapUsed by:38
Symbol 38 GraphicUses:37Used by:57 530
Symbol 39 BitmapUsed by:40
Symbol 40 GraphicUses:39Used by:57 530
Symbol 41 BitmapUsed by:42
Symbol 42 GraphicUses:41Used by:57 530
Symbol 43 BitmapUsed by:44
Symbol 44 GraphicUses:43Used by:57 530
Symbol 45 BitmapUsed by:46
Symbol 46 GraphicUses:45Used by:57 530
Symbol 47 BitmapUsed by:48
Symbol 48 GraphicUses:47Used by:57 530
Symbol 49 BitmapUsed by:50
Symbol 50 GraphicUses:49Used by:57 530
Symbol 51 BitmapUsed by:52
Symbol 52 GraphicUses:51Used by:57 530
Symbol 53 BitmapUsed by:54
Symbol 54 GraphicUses:53Used by:57 530
Symbol 55 BitmapUsed by:56
Symbol 56 GraphicUses:55Used by:57 530
Symbol 57 MovieClip [fx_malus]Uses:30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56
Symbol 58 BitmapUsed by:59
Symbol 59 GraphicUses:58Used by:70
Symbol 60 BitmapUsed by:61
Symbol 61 GraphicUses:60Used by:70
Symbol 62 BitmapUsed by:63
Symbol 63 GraphicUses:62Used by:70
Symbol 64 BitmapUsed by:65
Symbol 65 GraphicUses:64Used by:70
Symbol 66 BitmapUsed by:67
Symbol 67 GraphicUses:66Used by:70
Symbol 68 BitmapUsed by:69
Symbol 69 GraphicUses:68Used by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClipUses:59 61 63 65 67 69Used by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClip [halo2]Uses:70
Symbol 72 BitmapUsed by:73 421
Symbol 73 GraphicUses:72Used by:76
Symbol 74 FontUsed by:75 90 97 107 108 109 110 111 112 114 165 184 391 392 393 394 398 426 427 428 429 431 439 443 453 497 500 502 547
Symbol 75 EditableTextUses:74Used by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClip [Fx_Score]Uses:73 75
Symbol 77 BitmapUsed by:78
Symbol 78 GraphicUses:77Used by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClip [Loading_Web_Barre]Uses:78Used by:82
Symbol 80 BitmapUsed by:81
Symbol 81 GraphicUses:80Used by:82
Symbol 82 MovieClip [Loading_Web]Uses:81 79Used by:86
Symbol 83 BitmapUsed by:85
Symbol 84 BitmapUsed by:85 416
Symbol 85 GraphicUses:83 84Used by:86
Symbol 86 MovieClip [Screen_1]Uses:82 85
Symbol 87 BitmapUsed by:88
Symbol 88 GraphicUses:87Used by:91
Symbol 89 FontUsed by:90 113 182 183 404 422 430 431 434 437 443 446 447 448 457
Symbol 90 EditableTextUses:74 89Used by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClip [btMobileS]Uses:88 90
Symbol 92 BitmapUsed by:93
Symbol 93 GraphicUses:92Used by:96 405
Symbol 94 BitmapUsed by:95
Symbol 95 GraphicUses:94Used by:96 405
Symbol 96 MovieClipUses:93 95Used by:98
Symbol 97 EditableTextUses:74Used by:98
Symbol 98 MovieClip [btSend]Uses:96 97
Symbol 99 BitmapUsed by:100
Symbol 100 GraphicUses:99Used by:120
Symbol 101 BitmapUsed by:102
Symbol 102 GraphicUses:101Used by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:102Used by:120 435
Symbol 104 BitmapUsed by:105
Symbol 105 GraphicUses:104Used by:106
Symbol 106 MovieClipUses:105Used by:120 435
Symbol 107 EditableTextUses:74Used by:120
Symbol 108 EditableTextUses:74Used by:120
Symbol 109 EditableTextUses:74Used by:120
Symbol 110 EditableTextUses:74Used by:120
Symbol 111 EditableTextUses:74Used by:120
Symbol 112 EditableTextUses:74Used by:120
Symbol 113 EditableTextUses:89Used by:120
Symbol 114 EditableTextUses:74Used by:120
Symbol 115 FontUsed by:116 117 118 119
Symbol 116 EditableTextUses:115Used by:120
Symbol 117 EditableTextUses:115Used by:120
Symbol 118 EditableTextUses:115Used by:120
Symbol 119 EditableTextUses:115Used by:120
Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend]Uses:100 103 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 116 117 118 119Used by:Timeline
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClip [Roll_Bouton]Uses:121Used by:405
Symbol 123 BitmapUsed by:124
Symbol 124 GraphicUses:123Used by:125
Symbol 125 MovieClip [Curseur]Uses:124Used by:Timeline
Symbol 126 BitmapUsed by:127
Symbol 127 GraphicUses:126Used by:134
Symbol 128 BitmapUsed by:129
Symbol 129 GraphicUses:128Used by:134
Symbol 130 BitmapUsed by:131
Symbol 131 GraphicUses:130Used by:134
Symbol 132 BitmapUsed by:133
Symbol 133 GraphicUses:132Used by:134
Symbol 134 MovieClip [ZIA_PUSH]Uses:127 129 131 133Used by:389
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 136 MovieClip [frise_web_ht_gche]Uses:135Used by:Timeline
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClip [frise_web_ht_dte]Uses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:140
Symbol 140 MovieClip [frise_web_haut]Uses:139Used by:Timeline
Symbol 141 GraphicUsed by:142
Symbol 142 MovieClip [frise_web_gche]Uses:141Used by:Timeline
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:144
Symbol 144 MovieClip [frise_web_dte]Uses:143Used by:Timeline
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:146
Symbol 146 MovieClip [frise_web_bas_gche]Uses:145Used by:Timeline
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:148
Symbol 148 MovieClip [frise_web_bas_dte]Uses:147Used by:Timeline
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 150 MovieClip [frise_web_bas]Uses:149Used by:Timeline
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:152
Symbol 152 MovieClip [HighLight_Alignement]Uses:151Used by:Timeline
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 154 MovieClip [Highlight_Line]Uses:153Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:158
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:158
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:158
Symbol 158 MovieClip [Rond_Didacticiel]Uses:155 156 157Used by:Timeline
Symbol 159 GraphicUsed by:162
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:162
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:162
Symbol 162 MovieClip [Rond_Didacticiel_2]Uses:159 160 161Used by:Timeline
Symbol 163 BitmapUsed by:164 181 390 452 494 496 546
Symbol 164 GraphicUses:163Used by:169
Symbol 165 EditableTextUses:74Used by:169
Symbol 166 BitmapUsed by:167
Symbol 167 GraphicUses:166Used by:168
Symbol 168 MovieClipUses:167Used by:169 188
Symbol 169 MovieClip [Texte_Dicacticiel]Uses:164 165 168Used by:Timeline
Symbol 170 BitmapUsed by:171
Symbol 171 GraphicUses:170Used by:172
Symbol 172 MovieClip [Fond_02]Uses:171Used by:Timeline
Symbol 173 BitmapUsed by:174
Symbol 174 GraphicUses:173Used by:175
Symbol 175 MovieClip [Fond_Game]Uses:174Used by:Timeline
Symbol 176 BitmapUsed by:177 217 219 221 223
Symbol 177 GraphicUses:176Used by:180
Symbol 178 BitmapUsed by:179 218 220 222
Symbol 179 GraphicUses:178Used by:180
Symbol 180 MovieClip [Pierre_explosive]Uses:177 179Used by:Timeline
Symbol 181 GraphicUses:163Used by:188
Symbol 182 EditableTextUses:89Used by:188
Symbol 183 EditableTextUses:89Used by:188
Symbol 184 EditableTextUses:74Used by:188
Symbol 185 BitmapUsed by:186 454
Symbol 186 GraphicUses:185Used by:187
Symbol 187 MovieClipUses:186Used by:188 402
Symbol 188 MovieClip [Explication_Piece]Uses:181 182 183 184 168 187Used by:Timeline
Symbol 189 BitmapUsed by:190 217
Symbol 190 GraphicUses:189Used by:203
Symbol 191 BitmapUsed by:192 218
Symbol 192 GraphicUses:191Used by:203
Symbol 193 BitmapUsed by:194 219
Symbol 194 GraphicUses:193Used by:203
Symbol 195 BitmapUsed by:196 220
Symbol 196 GraphicUses:195Used by:203
Symbol 197 BitmapUsed by:198 221
Symbol 198 GraphicUses:197Used by:203
Symbol 199 BitmapUsed by:200 222
Symbol 200 GraphicUses:199Used by:203
Symbol 201 BitmapUsed by:202 223
Symbol 202 GraphicUses:201Used by:203
Symbol 203 MovieClip [Bleu_Turn]Uses:190 192 194 196 198 200 202Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 BitmapUsed by:205
Symbol 205 GraphicUses:204Used by:216
Symbol 206 BitmapUsed by:207
Symbol 207 GraphicUses:206Used by:216
Symbol 208 BitmapUsed by:209
Symbol 209 GraphicUses:208Used by:216
Symbol 210 BitmapUsed by:211
Symbol 211 GraphicUses:210Used by:216
Symbol 212 BitmapUsed by:213
Symbol 213 GraphicUses:212Used by:216
Symbol 214 BitmapUsed by:215
Symbol 215 GraphicUses:214Used by:216
Symbol 216 MovieClip [Pierre_Etoile_s]Uses:205 207 209 211 213 215Used by:Timeline
Symbol 217 GraphicUses:176 189Used by:224
Symbol 218 GraphicUses:178 191Used by:224
Symbol 219 GraphicUses:176 193Used by:224
Symbol 220 GraphicUses:178 195Used by:224
Symbol 221 GraphicUses:176 197Used by:224
Symbol 222 GraphicUses:178 199Used by:224
Symbol 223 GraphicUses:176 201Used by:224
Symbol 224 MovieClip [Explosive_demo]Uses:217 218 219 220 221 222 223Used by:Timeline
Symbol 225 BitmapUsed by:226
Symbol 226 GraphicUses:225Used by:227
Symbol 227 MovieClip [Pierre_guerrier_s]Uses:226Used by:Timeline
Symbol 228 BitmapUsed by:229
Symbol 229 GraphicUses:228Used by:242
Symbol 230 BitmapUsed by:231
Symbol 231 GraphicUses:230Used by:242
Symbol 232 BitmapUsed by:233
Symbol 233 GraphicUses:232Used by:242
Symbol 234 BitmapUsed by:235
Symbol 235 GraphicUses:234Used by:242
Symbol 236 BitmapUsed by:237
Symbol 237 GraphicUses:236Used by:242
Symbol 238 BitmapUsed by:239
Symbol 239 GraphicUses:238Used by:242
Symbol 240 BitmapUsed by:241
Symbol 241 GraphicUses:240Used by:242
Symbol 242 MovieClip [Pierre_inca]Uses:229 231 233 235 237 239 241Used by:Timeline
Symbol 243 BitmapUsed by:244
Symbol 244 GraphicUses:243Used by:255
Symbol 245 BitmapUsed by:246
Symbol 246 GraphicUses:245Used by:255
Symbol 247 BitmapUsed by:248
Symbol 248 GraphicUses:247Used by:255
Symbol 249 BitmapUsed by:250
Symbol 250 GraphicUses:249Used by:255
Symbol 251 BitmapUsed by:252
Symbol 252 GraphicUses:251Used by:255
Symbol 253 BitmapUsed by:254
Symbol 254 GraphicUses:253Used by:255
Symbol 255 MovieClip [Jaune_Turn]Uses:244 246 248 250 252 254Used by:Timeline
Symbol 256 BitmapUsed by:257
Symbol 257 GraphicUses:256Used by:264
Symbol 258 BitmapUsed by:259
Symbol 259 GraphicUses:258Used by:264
Symbol 260 BitmapUsed by:261
Symbol 261 GraphicUses:260Used by:264
Symbol 262 BitmapUsed by:263
Symbol 263 GraphicUses:262Used by:264
Symbol 264 MovieClip [Oeil_Blink]Uses:257 259 261 263Used by:Timeline
Symbol 265 BitmapUsed by:266
Symbol 266 GraphicUses:265Used by:267
Symbol 267 MovieClip [clip_GEM_Puzzle]Uses:266Used by:Timeline
Symbol 268 BitmapUsed by:269
Symbol 269 GraphicUses:268Used by:282
Symbol 270 BitmapUsed by:271
Symbol 271 GraphicUses:270Used by:282
Symbol 272 BitmapUsed by:273
Symbol 273 GraphicUses:272Used by:282
Symbol 274 BitmapUsed by:275
Symbol 275 GraphicUses:274Used by:282
Symbol 276 BitmapUsed by:277
Symbol 277 GraphicUses:276Used by:282
Symbol 278 BitmapUsed by:279
Symbol 279 GraphicUses:278Used by:282
Symbol 280 BitmapUsed by:281
Symbol 281 GraphicUses:280Used by:282
Symbol 282 MovieClip [Pierre_rouge_s]Uses:269 271 273 275 277 279 281Used by:Timeline
Symbol 283 BitmapUsed by:284
Symbol 284 GraphicUses:283Used by:309
Symbol 285 BitmapUsed by:286
Symbol 286 GraphicUses:285Used by:309
Symbol 287 BitmapUsed by:288
Symbol 288 GraphicUses:287Used by:309
Symbol 289 BitmapUsed by:290
Symbol 290 GraphicUses:289Used by:309
Symbol 291 BitmapUsed by:292
Symbol 292 GraphicUses:291Used by:309
Symbol 293 BitmapUsed by:294
Symbol 294 GraphicUses:293Used by:309
Symbol 295 BitmapUsed by:296
Symbol 296 GraphicUses:295Used by:309
Symbol 297 BitmapUsed by:298
Symbol 298 GraphicUses:297Used by:309
Symbol 299 BitmapUsed by:300
Symbol 300 GraphicUses:299Used by:309
Symbol 301 BitmapUsed by:302
Symbol 302 GraphicUses:301Used by:309
Symbol 303 BitmapUsed by:304
Symbol 304 GraphicUses:303Used by:309
Symbol 305 BitmapUsed by:306
Symbol 306 GraphicUses:305Used by:309
Symbol 307 BitmapUsed by:308
Symbol 308 GraphicUses:307Used by:309
Symbol 309 MovieClip [Pierre_Tete_mort_s]Uses:284 286 288 290 292 294 296 298 300 302 304 306 308Used by:Timeline
Symbol 310 BitmapUsed by:311
Symbol 311 GraphicUses:310Used by:322
Symbol 312 BitmapUsed by:313
Symbol 313 GraphicUses:312Used by:322
Symbol 314 BitmapUsed by:315
Symbol 315 GraphicUses:314Used by:322
Symbol 316 BitmapUsed by:317
Symbol 317 GraphicUses:316Used by:322
Symbol 318 BitmapUsed by:319
Symbol 319 GraphicUses:318Used by:322
Symbol 320 BitmapUsed by:321
Symbol 321 GraphicUses:320Used by:322
Symbol 322 MovieClip [Violette_Turn]Uses:311 313 315 317 319 321Used by:Timeline
Symbol 323 BitmapUsed by:324
Symbol 324 GraphicUses:323Used by:325
Symbol 325 MovieClip [TargetCase]Uses:324Used by:Timeline
Symbol 326 BitmapUsed by:327
Symbol 327 GraphicUses:326Used by:330
Symbol 328 BitmapUsed by:329
Symbol 329 GraphicUses:328Used by:330
Symbol 330 MovieClipUses:327 329Used by:389
Symbol 331 MovieClipUsed by:389
Symbol 332 BitmapUsed by:333
Symbol 333 GraphicUses:332Used by:342 388
Symbol 334 BitmapUsed by:335
Symbol 335 GraphicUses:334Used by:342 388
Symbol 336 BitmapUsed by:337
Symbol 337 GraphicUses:336Used by:342 388
Symbol 338 BitmapUsed by:339
Symbol 339 GraphicUses:338Used by:342 388
Symbol 340 BitmapUsed by:341
Symbol 341 GraphicUses:340Used by:342 388
Symbol 342 MovieClipUses:333 335 337 339 341Used by:389
Symbol 343 BitmapUsed by:344
Symbol 344 GraphicUses:343Used by:351
Symbol 345 BitmapUsed by:346
Symbol 346 GraphicUses:345Used by:351
Symbol 347 BitmapUsed by:348
Symbol 348 GraphicUses:347Used by:351
Symbol 349 BitmapUsed by:350
Symbol 350 GraphicUses:349Used by:351
Symbol 351 MovieClipUses:344 346 348 350Used by:389
Symbol 352 BitmapUsed by:353
Symbol 353 GraphicUses:352Used by:360
Symbol 354 BitmapUsed by:355
Symbol 355 GraphicUses:354Used by:360
Symbol 356 BitmapUsed by:357
Symbol 357 GraphicUses:356Used by:360
Symbol 358 BitmapUsed by:359
Symbol 359 GraphicUses:358Used by:360
Symbol 360 MovieClipUses:353 355 357 359Used by:389
Symbol 361 BitmapUsed by:362
Symbol 362 GraphicUses:361Used by:369
Symbol 363 BitmapUsed by:364
Symbol 364 GraphicUses:363Used by:369
Symbol 365 BitmapUsed by:366
Symbol 366 GraphicUses:365Used by:369
Symbol 367 BitmapUsed by:368
Symbol 368 GraphicUses:367Used by:369
Symbol 369 MovieClipUses:362 364 366 368Used by:389
Symbol 370 BitmapUsed by:371
Symbol 371 GraphicUses:370Used by:378
Symbol 372 BitmapUsed by:373
Symbol 373 GraphicUses:372Used by:378
Symbol 374 BitmapUsed by:375
Symbol 375 GraphicUses:374Used by:378
Symbol 376 BitmapUsed by:377
Symbol 377 GraphicUses:376Used by:378
Symbol 378 MovieClipUses:371 373 375 377Used by:389
Symbol 379 BitmapUsed by:380
Symbol 380 GraphicUses:379Used by:387
Symbol 381 BitmapUsed by:382
Symbol 382 GraphicUses:381Used by:387
Symbol 383 BitmapUsed by:384
Symbol 384 GraphicUses:383Used by:387
Symbol 385 BitmapUsed by:386
Symbol 386 GraphicUses:385Used by:387
Symbol 387 MovieClipUses:380 382 384 386Used by:389
Symbol 388 MovieClip [ZIA_SPAWN]Uses:333 335 337 339 341Used by:389
Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128]Uses:330 331 134 342 351 360 369 378 387 388Used by:Timeline
Symbol 390 GraphicUses:163Used by:402
Symbol 391 EditableTextUses:74Used by:402
Symbol 392 EditableTextUses:74Used by:402
Symbol 393 EditableTextUses:74Used by:402
Symbol 394 EditableTextUses:74Used by:402
Symbol 395 BitmapUsed by:396
Symbol 396 GraphicUses:395Used by:397
Symbol 397 MovieClipUses:396Used by:402
Symbol 398 EditableTextUses:74Used by:401
Symbol 399 BitmapUsed by:400
Symbol 400 GraphicUses:399Used by:401
Symbol 401 MovieClipUses:398 400Used by:402
Symbol 402 MovieClip [Bilan]Uses:390 391 392 393 394 187 397 401Used by:Timeline
Symbol 403 MovieClip [case0]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 404 EditableTextUses:89Used by:405
Symbol 405 MovieClip [dyn_button]Uses:95 404 122 93Used by:495  Timeline
Symbol 406 BitmapUsed by:407
Symbol 407 GraphicUses:406Used by:408
Symbol 408 MovieClip [Fond_Menu]Uses:407Used by:Timeline
Symbol 409 BitmapUsed by:410 412 413 414
Symbol 410 GraphicUses:409Used by:411
Symbol 411 MovieClip [Coeur]Uses:410Used by:Timeline
Symbol 412 GraphicUses:409Used by:415
Symbol 413 GraphicUses:409Used by:415
Symbol 414 GraphicUses:409Used by:415
Symbol 415 MovieClip [int_life]Uses:412 413 414Used by:Timeline
Symbol 416 GraphicUses:84Used by:417
Symbol 417 MovieClip [Loading]Uses:416Used by:Timeline
Symbol 418 BitmapUsed by:419
Symbol 419 GraphicUses:418Used by:420
Symbol 420 MovieClip [MAIN_HUD]Uses:419Used by:Timeline
Symbol 421 GraphicUses:72Used by:423
Symbol 422 EditableTextUses:89Used by:423
Symbol 423 MovieClip [retour]Uses:421 422Used by:Timeline
Symbol 424 BitmapUsed by:425
Symbol 425 GraphicUses:424Used by:435
Symbol 426 EditableTextUses:74Used by:435
Symbol 427 EditableTextUses:74Used by:435
Symbol 428 EditableTextUses:74Used by:435
Symbol 429 EditableTextUses:74Used by:435
Symbol 430 EditableTextUses:89Used by:435
Symbol 431 EditableTextUses:74 89Used by:435
Symbol 432 BitmapUsed by:433
Symbol 433 GraphicUses:432Used by:435
Symbol 434 EditableTextUses:89Used by:435
Symbol 435 MovieClip [Win_Lose_png]Uses:425 103 106 426 427 428 429 430 431 433 434Used by:436  Timeline
Symbol 436 MovieClip [scoring]Uses:435Used by:445  Timeline
Symbol 437 EditableTextUses:89Used by:438
Symbol 438 MovieClip [textdyn]Uses:437Used by:Timeline
Symbol 439 EditableTextUses:74Used by:442
Symbol 440 BitmapUsed by:441
Symbol 441 GraphicUses:440Used by:442
Symbol 442 MovieClip [Titre_Menu]Uses:439 441Used by:Timeline
Symbol 443 EditableTextUses:74 89Used by:444
Symbol 444 MovieClip [txtOptions]Uses:443Used by:Timeline
Symbol 445 MovieClip [winlose]Uses:436Used by:Timeline
Symbol 446 EditableTextUses:89Used by:451
Symbol 447 EditableTextUses:89Used by:451
Symbol 448 EditableTextUses:89Used by:451
Symbol 449 FontUsed by:450
Symbol 450 EditableTextUses:449Used by:451
Symbol 451 MovieClip [Credits]Uses:446 447 448 450Used by:Timeline
Symbol 452 GraphicUses:163Used by:456
Symbol 453 EditableTextUses:74Used by:456
Symbol 454 GraphicUses:185Used by:455
Symbol 455 MovieClipUses:454Used by:456 548
Symbol 456 MovieClip [Unlocked]Uses:452 453 455Used by:Timeline
Symbol 457 EditableTextUses:89Used by:Timeline
Symbol 458 BitmapUsed by:459
Symbol 459 GraphicUses:458Used by:464
Symbol 460 BitmapUsed by:461
Symbol 461 GraphicUses:460Used by:464
Symbol 462 BitmapUsed by:463
Symbol 463 GraphicUses:462Used by:464
Symbol 464 MovieClip [NewDalle_2]Uses:459 461 463Used by:Timeline
Symbol 465 BitmapUsed by:466
Symbol 466 GraphicUses:465Used by:467
Symbol 467 MovieClipUses:466Used by:468
Symbol 468 MovieClip [Etoiles]Uses:467Used by:Timeline
Symbol 469 BitmapUsed by:470
Symbol 470 GraphicUses:469Used by:473 476 479 482 485 486
Symbol 471 BitmapUsed by:472
Symbol 472 GraphicUses:471Used by:473
Symbol 473 MovieClipUses:470 472Used by:487
Symbol 474 BitmapUsed by:475
Symbol 475 GraphicUses:474Used by:476
Symbol 476 MovieClipUses:470 475Used by:487
Symbol 477 BitmapUsed by:478
Symbol 478 GraphicUses:477Used by:479
Symbol 479 MovieClipUses:470 478Used by:487
Symbol 480 BitmapUsed by:481
Symbol 481 GraphicUses:480Used by:482
Symbol 482 MovieClipUses:470 481Used by:487
Symbol 483 BitmapUsed by:484
Symbol 484 GraphicUses:483Used by:485
Symbol 485 MovieClipUses:470 484Used by:487
Symbol 486 MovieClipUses:470Used by:487
Symbol 487 MovieClip [fx_combo]Uses:473 476 479 482 485 486Used by:Timeline
Symbol 488 BitmapUsed by:489
Symbol 489 GraphicUses:488Used by:492
Symbol 490 BitmapUsed by:491
Symbol 491 GraphicUses:490Used by:492
Symbol 492 MovieClip [PIRATE_STAND]Uses:489 491Used by:493
Symbol 493 MovieClip [AI_01]Uses:492Used by:Timeline
Symbol 494 GraphicUses:163Used by:495
Symbol 495 MovieClip [quitgame]Uses:494 405Used by:Timeline
Symbol 496 GraphicUses:163Used by:504
Symbol 497 EditableTextUses:74Used by:504
Symbol 498 BitmapUsed by:499 501
Symbol 499 GraphicUses:498Used by:503
Symbol 500 EditableTextUses:74Used by:503
Symbol 501 GraphicUses:498Used by:503
Symbol 502 EditableTextUses:74Used by:503
Symbol 503 MovieClipUses:499 500 501 502Used by:504
Symbol 504 MovieClip [quitsloop]Uses:496 497 503Used by:Timeline
Symbol 505 BitmapUsed by:506
Symbol 506 GraphicUses:505Used by:509
Symbol 507 BitmapUsed by:508
Symbol 508 GraphicUses:507Used by:509
Symbol 509 MovieClip [Allemagne]Uses:506 508Used by:Timeline
Symbol 510 BitmapUsed by:511
Symbol 511 GraphicUses:510Used by:514
Symbol 512 BitmapUsed by:513
Symbol 513 GraphicUses:512Used by:514
Symbol 514 MovieClip [Angleterre]Uses:511 513Used by:Timeline
Symbol 515 BitmapUsed by:516
Symbol 516 GraphicUses:515Used by:519
Symbol 517 BitmapUsed by:518
Symbol 518 GraphicUses:517Used by:519
Symbol 519 MovieClip [Espagne]Uses:516 518Used by:Timeline
Symbol 520 BitmapUsed by:521
Symbol 521 GraphicUses:520Used by:524
Symbol 522 BitmapUsed by:523
Symbol 523 GraphicUses:522Used by:524
Symbol 524 MovieClip [France]Uses:521 523Used by:Timeline
Symbol 525 BitmapUsed by:526
Symbol 526 GraphicUses:525Used by:529
Symbol 527 BitmapUsed by:528
Symbol 528 GraphicUses:527Used by:529
Symbol 529 MovieClip [Italie]Uses:526 528Used by:Timeline
Symbol 530 MovieClip [fx_tete]Uses:30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56Used by:Timeline
Symbol 531 BitmapUsed by:532
Symbol 532 GraphicUses:531Used by:533
Symbol 533 MovieClip [Frise_Bas]Uses:532Used by:Timeline
Symbol 534 BitmapUsed by:535
Symbol 535 GraphicUses:534Used by:536
Symbol 536 MovieClip [Frise_Dte]Uses:535Used by:Timeline
Symbol 537 BitmapUsed by:538
Symbol 538 GraphicUses:537Used by:539
Symbol 539 MovieClip [Frise_Gche]Uses:538Used by:Timeline
Symbol 540 BitmapUsed by:541
Symbol 541 GraphicUses:540Used by:542
Symbol 542 MovieClip [Frise_Haut]Uses:541Used by:Timeline
Symbol 543 BitmapUsed by:544
Symbol 544 GraphicUses:543Used by:545
Symbol 545 MovieClip [Pierre_sablier]Uses:544Used by:Timeline
Symbol 546 GraphicUses:163Used by:548
Symbol 547 EditableTextUses:74Used by:548
Symbol 548 MovieClip [FinGame]Uses:546 547 455Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"Web_51"Frame 1Symbol 152 MovieClip [HighLight_Alignement]
"Web_50"Frame 1Symbol 154 MovieClip [Highlight_Line]
"Web_53"Frame 1Symbol 158 MovieClip [Rond_Didacticiel]
"Web_52"Frame 1Symbol 162 MovieClip [Rond_Didacticiel_2]
"Web_54"Frame 1Symbol 169 MovieClip [Texte_Dicacticiel]
"Web_1"Frame 2Symbol 172 MovieClip [Fond_02]
"Web_3"Frame 2Symbol 175 MovieClip [Fond_Game]
"Web_10"Frame 2Symbol 180 MovieClip [Pierre_explosive]
"Web_11"Frame 2Symbol 188 MovieClip [Explication_Piece]
"Web_12"Frame 2Symbol 203 MovieClip [Bleu_Turn]
"Web_13"Frame 2Symbol 216 MovieClip [Pierre_Etoile_s]
"Web_14"Frame 2Symbol 224 MovieClip [Explosive_demo]
"Web_15"Frame 2Symbol 227 MovieClip [Pierre_guerrier_s]
"Web_16"Frame 2Symbol 242 MovieClip [Pierre_inca]
"Web_17"Frame 2Symbol 255 MovieClip [Jaune_Turn]
"Web_20"Frame 2Symbol 264 MovieClip [Oeil_Blink]
"Web_21"Frame 2Symbol 267 MovieClip [clip_GEM_Puzzle]
"Web_22"Frame 2Symbol 282 MovieClip [Pierre_rouge_s]
"Web_23"Frame 2Symbol 309 MovieClip [Pierre_Tete_mort_s]
"Web_24"Frame 2Symbol 322 MovieClip [Violette_Turn]
"Web_25"Frame 2Symbol 325 MovieClip [TargetCase]
"Web_26"Frame 2Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128]
"Web_27"Frame 2Symbol 402 MovieClip [Bilan]
"Web_28"Frame 2Symbol 403 MovieClip [case0]
"Web_29"Frame 2Symbol 125 MovieClip [Curseur]
"Web_30"Frame 2Symbol 405 MovieClip [dyn_button]
"Web_32"Frame 2Symbol 408 MovieClip [Fond_Menu]
"Web_33"Frame 2Symbol 411 MovieClip [Coeur]
"Web_34"Frame 2Symbol 415 MovieClip [int_life]
"Web_35"Frame 2Symbol 417 MovieClip [Loading]
"Web_36"Frame 2Symbol 420 MovieClip [MAIN_HUD]
"Web_37"Frame 2Symbol 423 MovieClip [retour]
"Web_38"Frame 2Symbol 436 MovieClip [scoring]
"Web_39"Frame 2Symbol 438 MovieClip [textdyn]
"Web_41"Frame 2Symbol 442 MovieClip [Titre_Menu]
"Web_42"Frame 2Symbol 444 MovieClip [txtOptions]
"Web_43"Frame 2Symbol 435 MovieClip [Win_Lose_png]
"Web_44"Frame 2Symbol 445 MovieClip [winlose]
"Web_6"Frame 2Symbol 451 MovieClip [Credits]
"Web_30"Frame 2Symbol 456 MovieClip [Unlocked]
"Clip_Sheet"Frame 2Symbol 457 EditableText
"Web_7"Frame 2Symbol 464 MovieClip [NewDalle_2]
"Web_8"Frame 2Symbol 468 MovieClip [Etoiles]
"Web_9"Frame 2Symbol 487 MovieClip [fx_combo]
"Web_5"Frame 2Symbol 493 MovieClip [AI_01]
"Web_55"Frame 2Symbol 495 MovieClip [quitgame]
"Web_63"Frame 2Symbol 504 MovieClip [quitsloop]
"Web_46"Frame 2Symbol 509 MovieClip [Allemagne]
"Web_45"Frame 2Symbol 514 MovieClip [Angleterre]
"Web_47"Frame 2Symbol 519 MovieClip [Espagne]
"Web_48"Frame 2Symbol 524 MovieClip [France]
"Web_49"Frame 2Symbol 529 MovieClip [Italie]
"Web_18"Frame 2Symbol 530 MovieClip [fx_tete]
"Web_59"Frame 2Symbol 533 MovieClip [Frise_Bas]
"Web_57"Frame 2Symbol 536 MovieClip [Frise_Dte]
"Web_56"Frame 2Symbol 539 MovieClip [Frise_Gche]
"Web_58"Frame 2Symbol 542 MovieClip [Frise_Haut]
"Web_19"Frame 2Symbol 545 MovieClip [Pierre_sablier]
"Web_2"Frame 2Symbol 548 MovieClip [FinGame]
"popupSend"Frame 2Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend]
"explosion"Symbol 71 MovieClip [halo2] Frame 1Symbol 70 MovieClip
"Barre"Symbol 82 MovieClip [Loading_Web] Frame 1Symbol 79 MovieClip [Loading_Web_Barre]
"LoadingWeb"Symbol 86 MovieClip [Screen_1] Frame 1Symbol 82 MovieClip [Loading_Web]
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"bg"Symbol 98 MovieClip [btSend] Frame 1Symbol 96 MovieClip
"txt"Symbol 98 MovieClip [btSend] Frame 1Symbol 97 EditableText
"btSend2Over"Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1Symbol 103 MovieClip
"btDownload2Over"Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1Symbol 106 MovieClip
"TXT_yourname"Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1Symbol 107 EditableText
"TXT_youremail"Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1Symbol 108 EditableText
"TXT_friendsname"Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1Symbol 109 EditableText
"TXT_btSend"Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1Symbol 110 EditableText
"TXT_btDownload"Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1Symbol 111 EditableText
"TXT_friensdemail"Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1Symbol 112 EditableText
"TXT_title"Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1Symbol 113 EditableText
"TXT_lead"Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1Symbol 114 EditableText
"IN_yourname"Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1Symbol 116 EditableText
"IN_youremail"Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1Symbol 117 EditableText
"IN_friendsname"Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1Symbol 118 EditableText
"IN_friendsemail"Symbol 120 MovieClip [popupSend] Frame 1Symbol 119 EditableText
"Didac_Suiv"Symbol 169 MovieClip [Texte_Dicacticiel] Frame 1Symbol 168 MovieClip
"Cliptitre"Symbol 188 MovieClip [Explication_Piece] Frame 1Symbol 182 EditableText
"Cliptypepiece"Symbol 188 MovieClip [Explication_Piece] Frame 1Symbol 183 EditableText
"fleche_plus"Symbol 188 MovieClip [Explication_Piece] Frame 1Symbol 168 MovieClip
"fleche_moins"Symbol 188 MovieClip [Explication_Piece] Frame 1Symbol 168 MovieClip
"fermer"Symbol 188 MovieClip [Explication_Piece] Frame 1Symbol 187 MovieClip
"stand"Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 1Symbol 330 MovieClip
"walk"Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 2Symbol 331 MovieClip
"push"Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 3Symbol 134 MovieClip [ZIA_PUSH]
"jump"Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 4Symbol 342 MovieClip
"push_back"Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 6Symbol 351 MovieClip
"push_down"Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 7Symbol 360 MovieClip
"win_1"Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 8Symbol 369 MovieClip
"loose"Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 9Symbol 378 MovieClip
"inversion"Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 10Symbol 387 MovieClip
"spawn"Symbol 389 MovieClip [ZIA_128] Frame 11Symbol 388 MovieClip [ZIA_SPAWN]
"Clip_push"Symbol 402 MovieClip [Bilan] Frame 1Symbol 391 EditableText
"Clip_Combo"Symbol 402 MovieClip [Bilan] Frame 1Symbol 392 EditableText
"Clip_Malus"Symbol 402 MovieClip [Bilan] Frame 1Symbol 393 EditableText
"Clip_Score"Symbol 402 MovieClip [Bilan] Frame 1Symbol 394 EditableText
"fermer"Symbol 402 MovieClip [Bilan] Frame 1Symbol 187 MovieClip
"Motif_Bilan_level"Symbol 402 MovieClip [Bilan] Frame 1Symbol 397 MovieClip
"Clip_Bilan_Level"Symbol 402 MovieClip [Bilan] Frame 1Symbol 401 MovieClip
"Clip_Texte"Symbol 405 MovieClip [dyn_button] Frame 1Symbol 404 EditableText
"Inst"Symbol 405 MovieClip [dyn_button] Frame 1Symbol 122 MovieClip [Roll_Bouton]
"TXT_btSend"Symbol 435 MovieClip [Win_Lose_png] Frame 1Symbol 426 EditableText
"TXT_btDownload"Symbol 435 MovieClip [Win_Lose_png] Frame 1Symbol 427 EditableText
"TXT_1"Symbol 435 MovieClip [Win_Lose_png] Frame 1Symbol 428 EditableText
"TXT_2"Symbol 435 MovieClip [Win_Lose_png] Frame 1Symbol 429 EditableText
"TXT_lead"Symbol 435 MovieClip [Win_Lose_png] Frame 1Symbol 431 EditableText
"ClipPng"Symbol 436 MovieClip [scoring] Frame 1Symbol 435 MovieClip [Win_Lose_png]
"textoc"Symbol 438 MovieClip [textdyn] Frame 1Symbol 437 EditableText
"ClipPng"Symbol 445 MovieClip [winlose] Frame 1Symbol 436 MovieClip [scoring]
"Copyright"Symbol 451 MovieClip [Credits] Frame 1Symbol 450 EditableText
"Fermer"Symbol 456 MovieClip [Unlocked] Frame 1Symbol 455 MovieClip
"etoile"Symbol 468 MovieClip [Etoiles] Frame 1Symbol 467 MovieClip
"combo"Symbol 487 MovieClip [fx_combo] Frame 2Symbol 473 MovieClip
"combo"Symbol 487 MovieClip [fx_combo] Frame 3Symbol 476 MovieClip
"combo"Symbol 487 MovieClip [fx_combo] Frame 4Symbol 479 MovieClip
"combo"Symbol 487 MovieClip [fx_combo] Frame 5Symbol 482 MovieClip
"combo"Symbol 487 MovieClip [fx_combo] Frame 6Symbol 485 MovieClip
"combo"Symbol 487 MovieClip [fx_combo] Frame 7Symbol 486 MovieClip
"stand"Symbol 493 MovieClip [AI_01] Frame 1Symbol 492 MovieClip [PIRATE_STAND]
"Clip_Reprise"Symbol 495 MovieClip [quitgame] Frame 1Symbol 405 MovieClip [dyn_button]
"Clip_Options"Symbol 495 MovieClip [quitgame] Frame 1Symbol 405 MovieClip [dyn_button]
"Clip_Retour"Symbol 495 MovieClip [quitgame] Frame 1Symbol 405 MovieClip [dyn_button]
"Oui"Symbol 504 MovieClip [quitsloop] Frame 1Symbol 503 MovieClip
"Non"Symbol 504 MovieClip [quitsloop] Frame 1Symbol 503 MovieClip
"Fermer"Symbol 548 MovieClip [FinGame] Frame 1Symbol 455 MovieClip

Special Tags

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Created: 30/4 -2019 21:37:45 Last modified: 30/4 -2019 21:37:45 Server time: 03/01 -2025 15:29:06