Section 1
//bodythuggunner03_29 (AllVisual_fla.bodythuggunner03_29)
package AllVisual_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class bodythuggunner03_29 extends MovieClip {
public var upperbody:MovieClip;
}//package AllVisual_fla
Section 2
//thugopbody_16 (AllVisual_fla.thugopbody_16)
package AllVisual_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class thugopbody_16 extends MovieClip {
public var gun:MovieClip;
}//package AllVisual_fla
Section 3
//thugopbodycopy_23 (AllVisual_fla.thugopbodycopy_23)
package AllVisual_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class thugopbodycopy_23 extends MovieClip {
public var gun:MovieClip;
}//package AllVisual_fla
Section 4
//TextFieldFinder (BerzerkComponents.Multilingual.TextFieldFinder)
package BerzerkComponents.Multilingual {
import flash.display.*;
import Multilingual.*;
import flash.text.*;
public class TextFieldFinder extends MovieClip {
private var
:String;// = ""
private var :int;// = -1
private var :String;
private static var :Array = new Array();
public function TextFieldFinder(){
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, , false, 0, true);
addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, , false, 0, true);
visible = false;
private function (_arg1:Event):void{
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, );
private function (_arg1:Event):void{
removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, );
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ([_local2] == this){
.splice(_local2, 1);
public function get textId():String{
return (
public function (_arg1:String):void{
if (((( == null)) || ((_arg1 == null)))){
var _local2:TextFormat = .getTextFormat();
_local2.size = ;
.text = _arg1;
var _local3:int = ;
while ((((.maxScrollV > 1)) && ((_local3 > 8)))) {
_local2.size = _local3;
public function set textFieldName(_arg1:String):void{
= _arg1;
public function get ():TextField{
if (((( == null)) || ((parent == null)))){
return (null);
return (TextField(parent.getChildByName()));
private function ():void{
var _local1:int;
if (
!= ""){
_local1 = TextFactory.GetId(
if (_local1 != -1){
} else {
if ( != null){
_local1 = TextFactory.FindIdFromMessage(.text);
if (_local1 != -1){
public function set textId(_arg1:String):void{
= _arg1;
public function get textFieldName():String{
return ();
private function ():void{
if ( == null){
var _local1:TextFormat = .getTextFormat();
= int(_local1.size);
public static function Update():void{
var _local2:TextFieldFinder;
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < .length) {
_local2 = [_local1];
}//package BerzerkComponents.Multilingual
Section 5
//KongregateEvent (
package {
public class KongregateEvent extends Event {
public static const COMPLETE:String = "component_api_available";
public function KongregateEvent(_arg1:String){
Section 6
//AbstractShadowService (
package {
public class AbstractShadowService extends EventDispatcher {
protected function alert(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3="", _arg4:String=""):void{
trace(((((((("Kongregate API: " + _arg1) + ".") + _arg2) + "(") + _arg3) + ") ") + _arg4));
Section 7
//HighScoreServiceShadow (
package {
public class HighScoreServiceShadow extends AbstractShadowService implements IHighScoreServices {
private var mode:String;
public function HighScoreServiceShadow(){
mode = "";
public function submit(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String=null):void{
alert("IHighScoreServices", "submit", arguments);
public function connect():Boolean{
alert("IKongregateServices", "connect");
return (true);
public function requestList(_arg1:Function):void{
alert("IHighScoreServices", "requestList", "", (("[Mode: " + mode) + "]"));
public function setMode(_arg1:String):void{
alert("IHighScoreServices", "setMode", arguments);
this.mode = _arg1;
Section 8
//IHighScoreServices (
package {
public interface IHighScoreServices {
function setMode(_arg1:String):void;
function submit(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String=null):void;
function requestList(_arg1:Function):void;
Section 9
//IKongregateServices (
package {
public interface IKongregateServices extends IEventDispatcher {
function getPlayerInfo(_arg1:Function):void;
function connect(_arg1:Number=-1):Boolean;
Section 10
//IStatServices (
package {
public interface IStatServices {
function submitArray(_arg1:Array):void;
function submit(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number):void;
Section 11
//IUserServices (
package {
public interface IUserServices {
function getName():String;
function getPlayerInfo(_arg1:Function):void;
Section 12
//KongregateServiceShadow (
package {
public class KongregateServiceShadow extends AbstractShadowService implements IKongregateServices {
public function getName():String{
alert("IKongregateServices", "getName");
return ("Guest");
public function connect(_arg1:Number=-1):Boolean{
alert("IKongregateServices", "connect", arguments);
return (true);
public function getPlayerInfo(_arg1:Function):void{
alert("IKongregateServices", "getPlayerInfo");
_arg1(new Object());
Section 13
//StatServiceShadow (
package {
public class StatServiceShadow extends AbstractShadowService implements IStatServices {
public function submitArray(_arg1:Array):void{
alert("IStatServices", "submitArray", arguments);
public function submit(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number):void{
alert("IStatServices", "submitStat", arguments);
Section 14
//UserServiceShadow (
package {
public class UserServiceShadow extends AbstractShadowService implements IUserServices {
public function getName():String{
alert("UserService", "getName");
return ("Guest");
public function getPlayerInfo(_arg1:Function):void{
alert("UserService", "getPlayerInfo");
_arg1({isGuest:true, name:"Guest", points:0, level:0, isMode:false, isAdmin:false, isDeveloper:false, avatarPath:"", chatAvatarPath:""});
Section 15
//IAPIBootstrap (com.kongregate.as3.client.IAPIBootstrap)
package com.kongregate.as3.client {
import flash.display.*;
public interface IAPIBootstrap {
function init(_arg1:Event=null, _arg2:Stage=null):void;
function hideLog():void;
function showLog(_arg1:int=0):void;
}//package com.kongregate.as3.client
Section 16
//KongregateAPI (com.kongregate.as3.client.KongregateAPI)
package com.kongregate.as3.client {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.errors.*;
public class KongregateAPI extends Sprite {
private const VERSION:Number = 1;
private var :Loader;
private var :ApplicationDomain;
private static const CLASS_USER:String = "";
private static const CLASS_STATS:String = "";
private static const CLASS_SERVICES:String = "";
private static const CLASS_SCORES:String = "";
private static const DEBUG_API_URL:String = "//Linuxpc/kongregate/public/flash/API_AS3.swf";
private static var :Boolean;
private static var :IUserServices;
private static var :Boolean;
private static var
private static var :IHighScoreServices;
private static var :KongregateAPI;
private static var
private static var :IAPIBootstrap;
public function KongregateAPI(){
if ( != null){
throw (new Error("Warning: KongregateAPI has been added to stage more than once or accessed improperly. Use getInstance() or a stage reference to access."));
= this;
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init, false, 0, true);
public function get ():Boolean{
return ( );
public function get ():Boolean{
return ();
private function (_arg1:TimerEvent=null):void{
var _local2:KongregateEvent;
var _local3:Boolean;
_local2 = new KongregateEvent(KongregateEvent.COMPLETE);
_local3 = this.dispatchEvent(_local2);
private function init(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:URLRequest;
var _local5:LoaderContext;
this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
= false;
= false;
_local2 = LoaderInfo(root.loaderInfo).parameters;
_local3 = _local2.api_path;
if (_local3 == null){
trace("Alert: Kongregate API could not be loaded, due to local testing. API will load when the game is uploaded.");
_local4 = new URLRequest(_local3);
_local5 = new LoaderContext(false);
_local5.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
_local5.securityDomain = SecurityDomain.currentDomain;
= new Loader();
.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, );
.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, );
.load(_local4, _local5);
public function get ():IAPIBootstrap{
return ();
private function (_arg1:Event):void{
public function get
return ();
private function (_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{
throw (new IOError(("API file not found. " + _arg1)));
public function get ():IKongregateServices{
return (
public function get stats():IStatServices{
return (
private function
var _local1:Timer;
trace(">>> Kongregate Shadow Services instantiated for local development..");
= new KongregateServiceShadow();
= new HighScoreServiceShadow();
= new StatServiceShadow();
= new UserServiceShadow();
_local1 = new Timer(200, 1);
_local1.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, );
= true;
public function get ():IUserServices{
return ();
private function ():void{
var _local1:ApplicationDomain;
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
_local1 = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
= IAPIBootstrap(.getChildAt(0));
_local2 = _local1.getDefinition(CLASS_SERVICES);
= _local2.getInstance();
_local3 = _local1.getDefinition(CLASS_SCORES);
= _local3.getInstance();
_local4 = _local1.getDefinition(CLASS_STATS);
= _local4.getInstance();
_local5 = _local1.getDefinition(CLASS_USER);
= _local5.getInstance();
= true;
= true;
public static function getInstance():KongregateAPI{
if (!){
throw (new IllegalOperationError("You must add the Kongregate API component to the stage before attempting to access it."));
return ();
}//package com.kongregate.as3.client
Section 17
package CoreAS.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import NOTUSED.*;
public dynamic class BERZERK_HINT_FF3 extends MovieClip {
public var hint:BERZERK_HINT2;
public function BERZERK_HINT_FF3(){
addFrameScript(9, frame10, 20, frame21);
function frame10(){
function frame21(){
}//package CoreAS.Exported
Section 18
package CoreAS.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import NOTUSED.*;
public dynamic class BERZERK_HINT_FP10 extends MovieClip {
public var hint:BERZERK_HINT1;
public function BERZERK_HINT_FP10(){
addFrameScript(9, frame10, 20, frame21);
function frame10(){
function frame21(){
}//package CoreAS.Exported
Section 19
package CoreAS.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class BERZERK_LOGO extends MovieClip {
}//package CoreAS.Exported
Section 20
//BoutonX (CoreAS.Exported.BoutonX)
package CoreAS.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
public dynamic class BoutonX extends Button {
public function BoutonX(){
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 10, frame11, 16, frame17, 23, frame24);
function frame7(){
function frame17(){
function frame24(){
function frame11(){
}//package CoreAS.Exported
Section 21
package CoreAS.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FLASHNEEDED extends MovieClip {
public function FLASHNEEDED(){
addFrameScript(14, frame15);
function frame15(){
}//package CoreAS.Exported
Section 22
//FlashPlayerButton (CoreAS.Exported.FlashPlayerButton)
package CoreAS.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
public dynamic class FlashPlayerButton extends Button {
public function FlashPlayerButton(){
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 27, frame28);
function frame15(){
function frame7(){
function frame21(){
function frame28(){
}//package CoreAS.Exported
Section 23
package CoreAS.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class KONG_PRELOADER extends MovieClip {
public var linkBtn:kSymbol18copy;
}//package CoreAS.Exported
Section 24
package CoreAS.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public dynamic class LACHHH_ENGINE_LOGO extends MovieClip {
public function LACHHH_ENGINE_LOGO(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 23, frame24, 28, frame29, 33, frame34, 43, frame44, 50, frame51, 55, frame56, 59, frame60, 64, frame65, 67, frame68, 71, frame72, 75, frame76, 79, frame80, 83, frame84, 87, frame88, 94, frame95, 96, frame97, 99, frame100, 103, frame104, 105, frame106, 108, frame109, 114, frame115, 116, frame117, 119, frame120, 125, frame126, 127, frame128, 130, frame131, 134, frame135, 136, frame137, 139, frame140);
public function randomBop():Sound{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = (Math.random() * 5);
if (_local1 < 1){
return (new Bop1());
if (_local1 < 2){
return (new Bop2());
if (_local1 < 3){
return (new Bop3());
if (_local1 < 4){
return (new Bop4());
if (_local1 < 5){
return (new Bop5());
return (Bop5());
function frame65(){
function frame72(){
function frame76(){
function frame80(){
function frame84(){
function frame88(){
function frame95(){
function frame97(){
function frame106(){
function frame1(){
function frame109(){
function frame24(){
function frame104(){
function frame29(){
function frame100(){
function frame117(){
function frame34(){
function frame115(){
function frame126(){
function frame120(){
function frame44(){
function frame128(){
public function Bop(){
var _local1:Sound;
var _local2:SoundTransform;
_local1 = randomBop();
_local2 = new SoundTransform();
_local2.volume = 0.75;, 1, _local2);
function frame131(){
function frame51(){
function frame135(){
function frame56(){
function frame137(){
function frame140(){
function frame60(){
function frame68(){
}//package CoreAS.Exported
Section 25
//AdLoader (CPMStar.AdLoader)
package CPMStar {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.system.*;
public class AdLoader extends Sprite {
private var :Loader;
private var :String;
public function AdLoader(_arg1:String){
this. = _arg1;
addEventListener(Event.ADDED, );
private function (_arg1:Event):void{
private function (_arg1:Event):void{
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED, );
var _local2 = "";
var _local3:DisplayObjectContainer = parent;
= new Loader();
.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, );
.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, );
.load(new URLRequest(((_local2 + "?contentspotid=") + )));
}//package CPMStar
Section 26
//FlashPlayerNeeded_15 (DebugVisual_fla.FlashPlayerNeeded_15)
package DebugVisual_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import CoreAS.Exported.*;
public dynamic class FlashPlayerNeeded_15 extends MovieClip {
public var flash_mc:FlashPlayerButton;
public function FlashPlayerNeeded_15(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
flash_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
public function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "_blank");
}//package DebugVisual_fla
Section 27
//socledebade01 (DONOTUSE.socledebade01)
package DONOTUSE {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class socledebade01 extends MovieClip {
}//package DONOTUSE
Section 28
//socledebade04 (DONOTUSE.socledebade04)
package DONOTUSE {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class socledebade04 extends MovieClip {
}//package DONOTUSE
Section 29
//socledebade05 (DONOTUSE.socledebade05)
package DONOTUSE {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class socledebade05 extends MovieClip {
}//package DONOTUSE
Section 30
//Button (Interfaces.Forms.Button)
package Interfaces.Forms {
import flash.display.*;
public class Button extends MovieClip {
private var :Boolean;// = true
public function Button(){
buttonMode = true;
useHandCursor = true;
protected function Init():void{
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, , false, 0, true);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, , false, 0, true);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, , false, 0, true);
mouseChildren = false;
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (!canGoto){
public function get canGoto():Boolean{
return ();
public function set canGoto(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
buttonMode = _arg1;
useHandCursor = _arg1;
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (!canGoto){
public function Destroy():void{
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, );
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, );
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
mouseChildren = false;
public function gotoUp():void{
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (!canGoto){
}//package Interfaces.Forms
Section 31
//BoutonX (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BoutonX)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
public dynamic class BoutonX extends Button {
public function BoutonX(){
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 10, frame11, 16, frame17, 23, frame24);
function frame7(){
function frame17(){
function frame24(){
function frame11(){
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 32
//BTNBACK (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNBACK)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class BTNBACK extends Button {
public var __setPropDict:Dictionary;
public var __id40_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id41_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id39_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function BTNBACK(){
__setPropDict = new Dictionary(true);
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 27, frame28, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26, 26, frame27, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20);
try {
__id39_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id39_.textFieldName = "AUTO_5";
__id39_.textId = "ID_AUTO_BACK_0";
try {
__id39_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id39_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id39_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id39_.textId = "ID_AUTO_BACK_0";
try {
__id39_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame14(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
function frame18(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
function frame12(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
function frame15(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
function frame25(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id41_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id41_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id41_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id41_] = currentFrame;
function frame7(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id39_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id39_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id39_.textId = "ID_AUTO_BACK_0";
try {
__id39_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame21(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
function frame4(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
function frame8(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
function frame9(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
function frame24(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id41_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id41_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id41_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id41_] = currentFrame;
function frame27(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id41_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id41_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id41_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id41_] = currentFrame;
function frame23(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id41_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id41_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id41_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id41_] = currentFrame;
function frame1(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
function frame28(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id41_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id41_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id41_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id41_] = currentFrame;
function frame16(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
function frame17(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id41_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id41_.textFieldName = "AUTO_6";
__id41_.textId = "ID_AUTO_BACK_0";
try {
__id41_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame3(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
function frame11(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
function frame20(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
function frame26(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id41_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id41_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id41_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id41_] = currentFrame;
function frame2(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
function frame22(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id41_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id41_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id41_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id41_] = currentFrame;
function frame13(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id40_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id40_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id40_.textId = "ID_AUTO_BACK_0";
try {
__id40_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id40_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id40_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id40_.textId = "ID_AUTO_BACK_0";
try {
__id40_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame10(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
function frame19(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
function frame5(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
function frame6(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id39_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id39_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id39_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id40_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id40_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id40_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id39_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id39_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id39_.textId = "ID_AUTO_BACK_0";
try {
__id39_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 33
//BTNBERZERK (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNBERZERK)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
public dynamic class BTNBERZERK extends Button {
public function BTNBERZERK(){
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 27, frame28);
function frame15(){
function frame7(){
function frame21(){
function frame28(){
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 34
//BTNEN (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNEN)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
public dynamic class BTNEN extends Button {
public function BTNEN(){
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 22, frame23, 31, frame32);
function frame15(){
function frame7(){
function frame23(){
function frame32(){
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 35
//BTNFR (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNFR)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
public dynamic class BTNFR extends Button {
public function BTNFR(){
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 22, frame23, 31, frame32);
function frame15(){
function frame7(){
function frame23(){
function frame32(){
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 36
//BTNHIGHSCORE (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNHIGHSCORE)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class BTNHIGHSCORE extends Button {
public var __id69_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __setPropDict:Dictionary;
public var __id70_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id71_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function BTNHIGHSCORE(){
__setPropDict = new Dictionary(true);
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 27, frame28, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26, 26, frame27, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6);
try {
__id69_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id69_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id69_.textId = "ID_AUTO_HIGHSCORES_0";
try {
__id69_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame14(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id71_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id71_.textFieldName = "AUTO_6";
__id71_.textId = "ID_AUTO_HIGHSCORES_0";
try {
__id71_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame18(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
function frame12(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
function frame15(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
function frame25(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id71_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id71_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id71_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id71_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
function frame7(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
function frame23(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id71_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id71_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id71_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id71_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id69_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id69_.textFieldName = "AUTO_5";
__id69_.textId = "ID_AUTO_HIGHSCORES_0";
try {
__id69_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id69_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id69_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id69_.textId = "ID_AUTO_HIGHSCORES_0";
try {
__id69_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame21(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
function frame24(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id71_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id71_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id71_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id71_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id69_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id69_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id69_.textId = "ID_AUTO_HIGHSCORES_0";
try {
__id69_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame1(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id70_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id70_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id70_.textId = "ID_AUTO_HIGHSCORES_0";
try {
__id70_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame16(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
function frame17(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
function frame22(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id71_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id71_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id71_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id71_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
function frame27(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id71_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id71_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id71_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id71_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
function frame11(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
function frame20(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
function frame26(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id71_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id71_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id71_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id71_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
function frame28(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id71_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id71_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id71_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id71_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
function frame3(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id70_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id70_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id70_.textId = "ID_AUTO_HIGHSCORES_0";
try {
__id70_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame13(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
function frame4(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
function frame6(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
function frame8(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
function frame9(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
function frame10(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
function frame19(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
function frame5(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
function frame2(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id69_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id69_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id69_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id70_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id70_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id70_] = currentFrame;
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 37
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class BTNINSTRUCTIONS extends Button {
public var __id142_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id143_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id144_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __setPropDict:Dictionary;
public function BTNINSTRUCTIONS(){
__setPropDict = new Dictionary(true);
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 27, frame28, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26, 26, frame27, 0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20);
function frame14(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
function frame12(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
function frame3(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id143_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id143_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id143_.textId = "ID_AUTO_CREDITS_0";
try {
__id143_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame25(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id144_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id144_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id144_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id144_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
function frame7(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
function frame23(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id144_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id144_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id144_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id144_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
function frame21(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id144_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id144_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id144_.textId = "ID_AUTO_CREDITS_0";
try {
__id144_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame8(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
function frame9(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
function frame24(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id144_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id144_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id144_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id144_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
function frame15(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
function frame1(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
function frame28(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id144_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id144_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id144_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id144_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
try {
__id142_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id142_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id142_.textId = "ID_AUTO_CREDITS_0";
try {
__id142_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame16(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
function frame17(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
function frame22(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id144_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id144_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id144_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id144_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
function frame27(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id144_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id144_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id144_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id144_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
function frame18(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
function frame11(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
function frame20(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id142_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id142_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id142_.textId = "ID_AUTO_CREDITS_0";
try {
__id142_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame26(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id144_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id144_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id144_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id144_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
function frame2(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id142_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id142_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id142_.textId = "ID_AUTO_CREDITS_0";
try {
__id142_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame13(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
function frame4(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
function frame6(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
function frame10(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
function frame19(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
function frame5(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id142_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id142_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id142_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id143_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id143_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id143_] = currentFrame;
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 38
//BTNKONG (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNKONG)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
public dynamic class BTNKONG extends Button {
public function BTNKONG(){
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 27, frame28);
function frame15(){
function frame7(){
function frame21(){
function frame28(){
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 39
//BTNKONGONLY (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNKONGONLY)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
public dynamic class BTNKONGONLY extends Button {
public var __id37_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function BTNKONGONLY(){
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 27, frame28);
function frame15(){
function frame7(){
function frame21(){
function frame28(){
try {
__id37_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id37_.textFieldName = "AUTO_ONLYON";
__id37_.textId = "ID_AUTO_ONLY_ON";
try {
__id37_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 40
//BTNMUSIC (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNMUSIC)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
public dynamic class BTNMUSIC extends Button {
public function BTNMUSIC(){
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 22, frame23, 31, frame32);
function frame15(){
function frame7(){
function frame23(){
function frame32(){
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 41
//BTNNEXT (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNNEXT)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
public dynamic class BTNNEXT extends Button {
public function BTNNEXT(){
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 27, frame28);
function frame15(){
function frame7(){
function frame21(){
function frame28(){
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 42
//BTNPAUSE (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNPAUSE)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
public dynamic class BTNPAUSE extends Button {
public function BTNPAUSE(){
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 22, frame23, 31, frame32);
function frame15(){
function frame7(){
function frame23(){
function frame32(){
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 43
//BTNSKIP (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNSKIP)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class BTNSKIP extends Button {
public var __setPropDict:Dictionary;
public var __id12_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id13_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id14_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function BTNSKIP(){
__setPropDict = new Dictionary(true);
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 27, frame28, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26, 26, frame27, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6);
function (){
try {
__id12_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id12_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id12_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SKIP_1";
try {
__id12_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id12_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id12_.textFieldName = "AUTO_5";
__id12_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SKIP_0";
try {
__id12_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id13_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id13_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id13_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SKIP_0";
try {
__id13_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame14(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame12(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame18(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame15(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame25(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id14_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id14_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id14_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id14_] = currentFrame;
function frame7(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame23(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id14_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id14_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id14_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id14_] = currentFrame;
function frame21(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame16(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame9(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame24(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id14_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id14_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id14_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id14_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id12_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id12_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id12_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SKIP_0";
try {
__id12_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame28(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id14_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id14_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id14_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id14_] = currentFrame;
function frame20(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame17(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame22(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id14_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id14_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id14_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id14_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id13_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id13_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id13_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SKIP_0";
try {
__id13_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame27(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id14_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id14_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id14_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id14_] = currentFrame;
function frame11(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame26(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id14_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id14_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id14_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id14_] = currentFrame;
function frame2(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame3(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame13(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame4(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame6(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id12_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id12_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id12_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SKIP_0";
try {
__id12_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame8(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame10(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame1(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame19(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
function frame5(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id13_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id13_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id13_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id12_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id12_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id12_] = currentFrame;
try {
__id14_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id14_.textFieldName = "AUTO_6";
__id14_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SKIP_0";
try {
__id14_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 44
//BTNSON (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNSON)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
public dynamic class BTNSON extends Button {
public function BTNSON(){
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 22, frame23, 31, frame32);
function frame15(){
function frame7(){
function frame23(){
function frame32(){
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 45
//BTNSTART (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNSTART)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class BTNSTART extends Button {
public var __setPropDict:Dictionary;
public var __id64_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id65_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id66_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function BTNSTART(){
__setPropDict = new Dictionary(true);
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 27, frame28, 0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26, 26, frame27, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20);
function frame19(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id65_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id65_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id65_.textId = "ID_AUTO_START_0";
try {
__id65_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id64_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id64_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id64_.textId = "ID_AUTO_START_0";
try {
__id64_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame14(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame12(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame18(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame3(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame15(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame6(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame7(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id64_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id64_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id64_.textId = "ID_AUTO_START_0";
try {
__id64_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame21(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame4(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame9(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame2(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame5(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame23(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id66_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id66_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id66_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id66_] = currentFrame;
function frame1(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame8(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame17(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame22(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id66_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id66_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id66_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id66_] = currentFrame;
function frame25(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id66_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id66_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id66_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id66_] = currentFrame;
function frame27(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id66_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id66_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id66_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id66_] = currentFrame;
function frame24(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id66_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id66_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id66_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id66_] = currentFrame;
function frame11(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame20(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame16(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame26(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id66_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id66_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id66_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id66_] = currentFrame;
function frame28(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id66_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id66_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id66_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id66_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id64_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id64_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id64_.textId = "ID_AUTO_START_0";
try {
__id64_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame13(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function frame10(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id65_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id65_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id65_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id64_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id64_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id64_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id66_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id66_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id66_.textId = "ID_AUTO_START_0";
try {
__id66_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 46
//BTNSUBMIT (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNSUBMIT)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class BTNSUBMIT extends Button {
public var __id72_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id74_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __setPropDict:Dictionary;
public var __id73_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function BTNSUBMIT(){
__setPropDict = new Dictionary(true);
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 27, frame28, 34,
, 0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26, 26, frame27, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14);
function (){
try {
__id72_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id72_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id72_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_0";
try {
__id72_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame14(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function frame12(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function frame18(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
function frame3(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id72_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id72_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id72_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_0";
try {
__id72_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame6(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function frame7(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id72_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id72_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id72_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_0";
try {
__id72_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame21(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
function frame4(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function frame20(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
function frame9(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function frame2(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function frame15(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function frame23(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id74_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id74_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id74_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id74_] = currentFrame;
function frame1(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id72_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id72_.textFieldName = "AUTO_5";
__id72_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_0";
try {
__id72_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame5(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function frame17(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
function frame22(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id74_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id74_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id74_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id74_] = currentFrame;
function frame25(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id74_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id74_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id74_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id74_] = currentFrame;
function frame27(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id74_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id74_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id74_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id74_] = currentFrame;
function frame24(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id74_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id74_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id74_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id74_] = currentFrame;
function frame11(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function frame16(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
function frame26(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id74_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id74_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id74_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id74_] = currentFrame;
function frame28(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id74_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id74_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id74_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id74_] = currentFrame;
function frame13(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id74_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id74_.textFieldName = "AUTO_6";
__id74_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_0";
try {
__id74_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame8(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function frame10(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id73_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id73_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id73_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id73_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id73_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id73_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_0";
try {
__id73_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame19(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id72_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id72_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id72_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id73_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id73_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id73_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_0";
try {
__id73_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 47
//BTNSURVIVAL (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNSURVIVAL)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class BTNSURVIVAL extends Button {
public var __setPropDict:Dictionary;
public var __id145_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id146_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id147_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function BTNSURVIVAL(){
__setPropDict = new Dictionary(true);
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 27, frame28, 45, , 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26, 26, frame27, 0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20);
function (){
try {
__id146_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id146_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id146_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SPONSOR_0";
try {
__id146_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame14(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame12(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame18(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame3(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame15(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame25(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id147_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id147_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id147_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id147_] = currentFrame;
function frame7(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id147_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id147_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id147_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SPONSOR_0";
try {
__id147_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame21(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame4(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame8(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame9(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame24(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id147_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id147_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id147_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id147_] = currentFrame;
function frame27(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id147_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id147_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id147_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id147_] = currentFrame;
function frame23(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id147_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id147_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id147_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id147_] = currentFrame;
function frame1(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame16(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame17(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame22(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id147_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id147_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id147_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id147_] = currentFrame;
function frame11(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame20(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id145_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id145_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id145_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SPONSOR_1";
try {
__id145_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame28(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id147_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id147_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id147_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id147_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id145_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id145_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id145_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SPONSOR_0";
try {
__id145_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame13(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame26(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id147_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id147_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id147_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id147_] = currentFrame;
function frame10(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function (){
function frame19(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame5(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id145_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id145_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id145_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SPONSOR_0";
try {
__id145_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame2(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
function frame6(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id146_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id146_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id146_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id145_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id145_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id145_] = currentFrame;
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 48
//BTNWEAPONS (Interfaces.Screens.Exported.BTNWEAPONS)
package Interfaces.Screens.Exported {
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class BTNWEAPONS extends Button {
public var __id61_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id62_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id63_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __setPropDict:Dictionary;
public function BTNWEAPONS(){
__setPropDict = new Dictionary(true);
addFrameScript(6, frame7, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 27, frame28, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26, 26, frame27, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20);
function (){
try {
__id61_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id61_.textFieldName = "AUTO_5";
__id61_.textId = "ID_AUTO_WEAPONS_0";
try {
__id61_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame14(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame12(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame18(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame3(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame15(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame6(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame7(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame23(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id63_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id63_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id63_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id63_] = currentFrame;
function frame21(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id62_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id62_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id62_.textId = "ID_AUTO_WEAPONS_0";
try {
__id62_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame9(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id63_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id63_.textFieldName = "AUTO_6";
__id63_.textId = "ID_AUTO_WEAPONS_0";
try {
__id63_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id62_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id62_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id62_.textId = "ID_AUTO_WEAPONS_0";
try {
__id62_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame1(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame28(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id63_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id63_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id63_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id63_] = currentFrame;
function frame8(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame17(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame22(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id63_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id63_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id63_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id63_] = currentFrame;
function frame25(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id63_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id63_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id63_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id63_] = currentFrame;
function frame27(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id63_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id63_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id63_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id63_] = currentFrame;
function frame24(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id63_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id63_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id63_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id63_] = currentFrame;
function frame11(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame20(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame16(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame26(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id63_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id63_]) >= 22)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id63_]) <= 28))))))){
__setPropDict[__id63_] = currentFrame;
function frame2(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame13(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame4(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
try {
__id61_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id61_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id61_.textId = "ID_AUTO_WEAPONS_0";
try {
__id61_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame10(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 8)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 15))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id61_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id61_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id61_.textId = "ID_AUTO_WEAPONS_0";
try {
__id61_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame19(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 16)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 21))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function frame5(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id62_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id62_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id62_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id61_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id61_]) <= 7))))))){
__setPropDict[__id61_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id61_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id61_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id61_.textId = "ID_AUTO_WEAPONS_0";
try {
__id61_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces.Screens.Exported
Section 49
//AwardPanel_35 (Interfaces_fla.AwardPanel_35)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class AwardPanel_35 extends MovieClip {
public var __id166_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var txt:TextField;
public function AwardPanel_35(){
function (){
try {
__id166_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id166_.textFieldName = "txt";
__id166_.textId = "";
try {
__id166_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 50
//CreditsName_79 (Interfaces_fla.CreditsName_79)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
public dynamic class CreditsName_79 extends MovieClip {
public var __id84_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var kong:BTNKONG;
public var __id85_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id86_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id87_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id89_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id88_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id90_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id91_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_GAME_BY0:TextField;
public var AUTO_GAME_BY1:TextField;
public var __id92_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_2:TextField;
public var AUTO_4:TextField;
public var AUTO_6:TextField;
public var AUTO_7:TextField;
public var __id93_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_5:TextField;
public var AUTO_3:TextField;
public var berzerk:BTNBERZERK;
public var __id94_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id82_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id95_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id83_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var SPC_TNX1:TextField;
public var SPC_TNX2:TextField;
public var SPONSOR_BY0:TextField;
public var SPONSOR_BY1:TextField;
public function CreditsName_79(){
function (){
try {
__id82_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id82_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id82_.textId = "ID_AUTO_VISUAL_0";
try {
__id82_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id93_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id93_.textFieldName = "AUTO_GAME_BY0";
__id93_.textId = "ID_AUTO_GAME_BY";
try {
__id93_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id90_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id90_.textFieldName = "SPC_TNX1";
__id90_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SPC_TNX";
try {
__id90_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id87_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id87_.textFieldName = "AUTO_5";
__id87_.textId = "ID_AUTO_VISUAL_0";
try {
__id87_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id84_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id84_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id84_.textId = "ID_AUTO_MUSIC_0";
try {
__id84_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id95_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id95_.textFieldName = "SPONSOR_BY0";
__id95_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SPONSORED_BY";
try {
__id95_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id89_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id89_.textFieldName = "AUTO_7";
__id89_.textId = "ID_AUTO_MUSIC_0";
try {
__id89_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id92_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id92_.textFieldName = "AUTO_GAME_BY1";
__id92_.textId = "ID_AUTO_GAME_BY";
try {
__id92_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id86_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id86_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id86_.textId = "ID_AUTO_CREDITS_1";
try {
__id86_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id83_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id83_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id83_.textId = "ID_AUTO_PROGRAMMING_0";
try {
__id83_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id94_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id94_.textFieldName = "SPONSOR_BY1";
__id94_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SPONSORED_BY";
try {
__id94_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id88_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id88_.textFieldName = "AUTO_6";
__id88_.textId = "ID_AUTO_PROGRAMMING_1";
try {
__id88_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id91_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id91_.textFieldName = "SPC_TNX2";
__id91_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SPC_TNX";
try {
__id91_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id85_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id85_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id85_.textId = "ID_AUTO_CREDITS_0";
try {
__id85_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 51
//flameicon_24 (Interfaces_fla.flameicon_24)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class flameicon_24 extends MovieClip {
public var __id172_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var __id173_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function flameicon_24(){
function (){
try {
__id173_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id173_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id173_.textId = "ID_AUTO_F_0";
try {
__id173_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id172_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id172_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id172_.textId = "ID_AUTO_F_0";
try {
__id172_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 52
//flameiconcopy_100 (Interfaces_fla.flameiconcopy_100)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class flameiconcopy_100 extends MovieClip {
public var __id8_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id9_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public function flameiconcopy_100(){
try {
__id8_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id8_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id8_.textId = "ID_AUTO_F_0";
try {
__id8_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id9_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id9_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id9_.textId = "ID_AUTO_F_0";
try {
__id9_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 53
//gameover_18 (Interfaces_fla.gameover_18)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class gameover_18 extends MovieClip {
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var __id197_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id198_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function gameover_18(){
try {
__id198_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id198_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id198_.textId = "ID_AUTO_GAME_0";
try {
__id198_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id197_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id197_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id197_.textId = "ID_AUTO_GAME_0";
try {
__id197_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 54
//gathlingicon_28 (Interfaces_fla.gathlingicon_28)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class gathlingicon_28 extends MovieClip {
public var __id180_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id181_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public function gathlingicon_28(){
function (){
try {
__id181_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id181_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id181_.textId = "ID_AUTO_G_0";
try {
__id181_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id180_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id180_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id180_.textId = "ID_AUTO_G_0";
try {
__id180_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 55
//gunsicon_22 (Interfaces_fla.gunsicon_22)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gunsicon_22 extends MovieClip {
public function gunsicon_22(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 56
//hommingicon_25 (Interfaces_fla.hommingicon_25)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class hommingicon_25 extends MovieClip {
public var __id175_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var __id174_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function hommingicon_25(){
try {
__id174_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id174_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id174_.textId = "ID_AUTO_H_0";
try {
__id174_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id175_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id175_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id175_.textId = "ID_AUTO_H_0";
try {
__id175_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 57
//hommingiconcopy_99 (Interfaces_fla.hommingiconcopy_99)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class hommingiconcopy_99 extends MovieClip {
public var __id10_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id11_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public function hommingiconcopy_99(){
try {
__id11_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id11_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id11_.textId = "ID_AUTO_H_0";
try {
__id11_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id10_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id10_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id10_.textId = "ID_AUTO_H_0";
try {
__id10_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 58
//LevelStatsPanel_37 (Interfaces_fla.LevelStatsPanel_37)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class LevelStatsPanel_37 extends MovieClip {
public var time1:TextField;
public var time2:TextField;
public var kills1:TextField;
public var __id163_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id164_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id152_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id153_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id165_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id155_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var dmgStar:MovieClip;
public var __id154_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id156_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_2:TextField;
public var AUTO_5:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var damage1:TextField;
public var AUTO_4:TextField;
public var __id161_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_3:TextField;
public var damage2:TextField;
public var __id157_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id158_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var timeStar:MovieClip;
public var killStar:MovieClip;
public var __id162_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id160_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id159_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var kills2:TextField;
public function LevelStatsPanel_37(){
function (){
try {
__id157_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id157_.textFieldName = "damage1";
__id157_.textId = "";
try {
__id157_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id156_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id156_.textFieldName = "damage2";
__id156_.textId = "";
try {
__id156_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id162_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id162_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id162_.textId = "ID_AUTO_KILLS_0";
try {
__id162_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id163_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id163_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id163_.textId = "ID_AUTO_KILLS_0";
try {
__id163_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id159_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id159_.textFieldName = "damage1";
__id159_.textId = "";
try {
__id159_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id161_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id161_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id161_.textId = "ID_AUTO_TIME_0";
try {
__id161_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id160_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id160_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id160_.textId = "ID_AUTO_TIME_0";
try {
__id160_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id155_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id155_.textFieldName = "kills1";
__id155_.textId = "";
try {
__id155_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id158_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id158_.textFieldName = "damage1";
__id158_.textId = "";
try {
__id158_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id153_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id153_.textFieldName = "time1";
__id153_.textId = "";
try {
__id153_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id154_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id154_.textFieldName = "kills2";
__id154_.textId = "";
try {
__id154_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id164_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id164_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id164_.textId = "ID_AUTO_DAMAGE_0";
try {
__id164_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id165_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id165_.textFieldName = "AUTO_5";
__id165_.textId = "ID_AUTO_DAMAGE_0";
try {
__id165_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id152_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id152_.textFieldName = "time2";
__id152_.textId = "";
try {
__id152_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 59
//loadingcopy_70 (Interfaces_fla.loadingcopy_70)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class loadingcopy_70 extends MovieClip {
public var __id96_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id97_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __setPropDict:Dictionary;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_6:TextField;
public var AUTO_7:TextField;
public var AUTO_2:TextField;
public var AUTO_5:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var AUTO_4:TextField;
public var AUTO_3:TextField;
public function loadingcopy_70(){
__setPropDict = new Dictionary(true);
addFrameScript(4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7, 7, frame8, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 14, frame15, 15, frame16, 0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12);
try {
__id96_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id96_.textFieldName = "AUTO_6";
__id96_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LOADING_0";
try {
__id96_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id97_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id97_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id97_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LOADING___0";
try {
__id97_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id97_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id97_.textFieldName = "AUTO_5";
__id97_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LOADING____0";
try {
__id97_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame14(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 13)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 16))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 13)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 16))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function frame3(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 4))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 4))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function frame6(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 5)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 8))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 5)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 8))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function frame8(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 5)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 8))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 5)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 8))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function frame12(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 9)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 12))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 9)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 12))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function frame7(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 5)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 8))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 5)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 8))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function frame4(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 4))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 4))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function frame13(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 13)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 16))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 13)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 16))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function frame9(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 9)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 12))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 9)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 12))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function frame2(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 4))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 4))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function frame5(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 5)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 8))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 5)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 8))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function frame1(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 4))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 4))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
try {
__id96_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id96_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id96_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LOADING___0";
try {
__id96_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame16(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 13)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 16))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 13)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 16))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id96_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id96_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id96_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LOADING__0";
try {
__id96_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame11(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 9)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 12))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 9)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 12))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function frame10(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 9)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 12))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 9)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 12))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id97_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id97_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id97_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LOADING__0";
try {
__id97_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame15(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id96_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) >= 13)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id96_]) <= 16))))))){
__setPropDict[__id96_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id97_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) >= 13)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id97_]) <= 16))))))){
__setPropDict[__id97_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id96_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id96_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id96_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LOADING____0";
try {
__id96_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id97_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id97_.textFieldName = "AUTO_7";
__id97_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LOADING_0";
try {
__id97_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 60
//LockedLevelMsg_91 (Interfaces_fla.LockedLevelMsg_91)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class LockedLevelMsg_91 extends MovieClip {
public var __id60_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __setPropDict:Dictionary;
public var kongOnly:BTNKONGONLY;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var AUTO_2:TextField;
public var AUTO_4:TextField;
public var AUTO_3:TextField;
public function LockedLevelMsg_91(){
__setPropDict = new Dictionary(true);
addFrameScript(4, frame5, 1, frame2, 0, frame1, 3, frame4, 2, frame3);
try {
__id60_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id60_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id60_.textId = "ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_3";
try {
__id60_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id60_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id60_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id60_.textId = "ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_1";
try {
__id60_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame3(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id60_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id60_]) == 3))))){
__setPropDict[__id60_] = currentFrame;
function frame1(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id60_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id60_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id60_] = currentFrame;
function frame4(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id60_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id60_]) == 4))))){
__setPropDict[__id60_] = currentFrame;
function frame5(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id60_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id60_]) == 5))))){
__setPropDict[__id60_] = currentFrame;
function frame2(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id60_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id60_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id60_] = currentFrame;
try {
__id60_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id60_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id60_.textId = "ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_0";
try {
__id60_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id60_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id60_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id60_.textId = "ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_2";
try {
__id60_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id60_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id60_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id60_.textId = "ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_4";
try {
__id60_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 61
//mechanicalcomandtitle_63 (Interfaces_fla.mechanicalcomandtitle_63)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class mechanicalcomandtitle_63 extends MovieClip {
public var __id140_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id141_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public function mechanicalcomandtitle_63(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function (){
try {
__id141_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id141_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id141_.textId = "ID_AUTO_MECHANICAL_COMMANDO_0";
try {
__id141_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id140_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id140_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id140_.textId = "ID_AUTO_MECHANICAL_COMMANDO_0";
try {
__id140_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame1(){
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 62
//mechanicalinstruction_78 (Interfaces_fla.mechanicalinstruction_78)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mechanicalinstruction_78 extends MovieClip {
public var credits:MovieClip;
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 63
//mortiericon_30 (Interfaces_fla.mortiericon_30)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class mortiericon_30 extends MovieClip {
public var __id182_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id183_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public function mortiericon_30(){
function (){
try {
__id182_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id182_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id182_.textId = "ID_AUTO_M_0";
try {
__id182_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id183_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id183_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id183_.textId = "ID_AUTO_M_0";
try {
__id183_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 64
//mortiericoncopy_96 (Interfaces_fla.mortiericoncopy_96)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class mortiericoncopy_96 extends MovieClip {
public var __id6_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id7_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public function mortiericoncopy_96(){
function (){
try {
__id6_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id6_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id6_.textId = "ID_AUTO_M_0";
try {
__id6_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id7_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id7_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id7_.textId = "ID_AUTO_M_0";
try {
__id7_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 65
//mortiericons_29 (Interfaces_fla.mortiericons_29)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mortiericons_29 extends MovieClip {
public function mortiericons_29(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 66
//patanteagosse_75 (Interfaces_fla.patanteagosse_75)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class patanteagosse_75 extends MovieClip {
public var __id136_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id124_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id137_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id125_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id138_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id126_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id139_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id127_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id128_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id129_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_10:TextField;
public var AUTO_11:TextField;
public var AUTO_12:TextField;
public var AUTO_14:TextField;
public var AUTO_16:TextField;
public var AUTO_19:TextField;
public var AUTO_13:TextField;
public var AUTO_15:TextField;
public var AUTO_17:TextField;
public var __id130_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id131_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id132_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id120_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var AUTO_2:TextField;
public var AUTO_4:TextField;
public var AUTO_6:TextField;
public var AUTO_7:TextField;
public var AUTO_8:TextField;
public var AUTO_9:TextField;
public var AUTO_3:TextField;
public var AUTO_5:TextField;
public var __id133_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id121_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id134_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id122_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_SpaceBar:TextField;
public var __id135_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id123_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function patanteagosse_75(){
function (){
try {
__id120_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id120_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id120_.textId = "ID_AUTO_TO_0";
try {
__id120_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id122_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id122_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id122_.textId = "ID_AUTO_TO_0";
try {
__id122_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id124_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id124_.textFieldName = "AUTO_5";
__id124_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LEFT_0";
try {
__id124_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id126_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id126_.textFieldName = "AUTO_7";
__id126_.textId = "ID_AUTO_USE_0";
try {
__id126_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id128_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id128_.textFieldName = "AUTO_9";
__id128_.textId = "ID_AUTO_TO_1";
try {
__id128_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id131_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id131_.textFieldName = "AUTO_12";
__id131_.textId = "ID_AUTO_A_0";
try {
__id131_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id133_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id133_.textFieldName = "AUTO_14";
__id133_.textId = "ID_AUTO_OR_0";
try {
__id133_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id135_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id135_.textFieldName = "AUTO_16";
__id135_.textId = "ID_AUTO_AIM_0";
try {
__id135_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id137_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id137_.textFieldName = "AUTO_17";
__id137_.textId = "ID_AUTO_CTRL_0";
try {
__id137_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id139_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id139_.textFieldName = "AUTO_SpaceBar";
__id139_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SPACEBAR_0";
try {
__id139_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id121_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id121_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id121_.textId = "ID_AUTO_OR_0";
try {
__id121_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id125_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id125_.textFieldName = "AUTO_6";
__id125_.textId = "ID_AUTO_TO_1";
try {
__id125_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id127_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id127_.textFieldName = "AUTO_8";
__id127_.textId = "ID_AUTO_OR_0";
try {
__id127_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id129_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id129_.textFieldName = "AUTO_10";
__id129_.textId = "ID_AUTO_S_0";
try {
__id129_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id123_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id123_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id123_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LEFT_0";
try {
__id123_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id130_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id130_.textFieldName = "AUTO_11";
__id130_.textId = "ID_AUTO_W_0";
try {
__id130_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id132_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id132_.textFieldName = "AUTO_13";
__id132_.textId = "ID_AUTO_USE_0";
try {
__id132_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id134_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id134_.textFieldName = "AUTO_15";
__id134_.textId = "ID_AUTO_AIM_0";
try {
__id134_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id136_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id136_.textFieldName = "AUTO_16";
__id136_.textId = "";
try {
__id136_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id138_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id138_.textFieldName = "AUTO_19";
__id138_.textId = "ID_AUTO_OR_0";
try {
__id138_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 67
//PrimaraySponsor_114 (Interfaces_fla.PrimaraySponsor_114)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class PrimaraySponsor_114 extends MovieClip {
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var __id38_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function PrimaraySponsor_114(){
try {
__id38_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id38_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id38_.textId = "ID_AUTO_PRIMARY_SPONSOR__0";
try {
__id38_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 68
//robottopbodyGold_126 (Interfaces_fla.robottopbodyGold_126)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class robottopbodyGold_126 extends MovieClip {
public var gun3:MovieClip;
public var mortarGun:MovieClip;
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 69
//Rocketricon_27 (Interfaces_fla.Rocketricon_27)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class Rocketricon_27 extends MovieClip {
public var __id178_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id179_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public function Rocketricon_27(){
function (){
try {
__id178_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id178_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id178_.textId = "ID_AUTO_R_0";
try {
__id178_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id179_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id179_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id179_.textId = "ID_AUTO_R_0";
try {
__id179_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 70
//Rocketriconcopy_98 (Interfaces_fla.Rocketriconcopy_98)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class Rocketriconcopy_98 extends MovieClip {
public var __id0_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id1_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public function Rocketriconcopy_98(){
function (){
try {
__id1_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id1_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id1_.textId = "ID_AUTO_R_0";
try {
__id1_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id0_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id0_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id0_.textId = "ID_AUTO_R_0";
try {
__id0_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 71
//shotguntricon_26 (Interfaces_fla.shotguntricon_26)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class shotguntricon_26 extends MovieClip {
public var __id176_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id177_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public function shotguntricon_26(){
function (){
try {
__id176_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id176_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id176_.textId = "ID_AUTO_S_1";
try {
__id176_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id177_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id177_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id177_.textId = "ID_AUTO_S_0";
try {
__id177_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 72
//star_38 (Interfaces_fla.star_38)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class star_38 extends MovieClip {
public function star_38(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 73
//submitText_85 (Interfaces_fla.submitText_85)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class submitText_85 extends MovieClip {
public var __id75_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id76_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public function submitText_85(){
function (){
try {
__id76_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id76_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id76_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_0";
try {
__id76_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id75_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id75_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id75_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_0";
try {
__id75_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 74
//SurvivalText_58 (Interfaces_fla.SurvivalText_58)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class SurvivalText_58 extends MovieClip {
public var __id148_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id149_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public function SurvivalText_58(){
try {
__id149_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id149_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id149_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SURVIVAL_0";
try {
__id149_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id148_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id148_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id148_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SURVIVAL_0";
try {
__id148_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 75
//unlockedStuff_124 (Interfaces_fla.unlockedStuff_124)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class unlockedStuff_124 extends MovieClip {
public var __id5_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __setPropDict:Dictionary;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_6:TextField;
public var AUTO_7:TextField;
public var AUTO_8:TextField;
public var AUTO_2:TextField;
public var AUTO_5:TextField;
public var AUTO_10:TextField;
public var AUTO_11:TextField;
public var AUTO_4:TextField;
public var __id2_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_3:TextField;
public var AUTO_9:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var __id3_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id4_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function unlockedStuff_124(){
__setPropDict = new Dictionary(true);
addFrameScript(4, frame5, 0, frame1, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 1, frame2);
function (){
try {
__id2_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id2_.textFieldName = "AUTO_6";
__id2_.textId = "ID_AUTO_FLAME_1";
try {
__id2_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id3_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id3_.textFieldName = "AUTO_7";
__id3_.textId = "ID_AUTO_FLAME_1";
try {
__id3_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id3_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id3_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id3_.textId = "ID_AUTO_ROCKET_1";
try {
__id3_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id2_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id2_.textFieldName = "AUTO_8";
__id2_.textId = "ID_AUTO_HOMING_0";
try {
__id2_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id2_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id2_.textFieldName = "AUTO_10";
__id2_.textId = "ID_AUTO_GOLDEN_1";
try {
__id2_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id2_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id2_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id2_.textId = "ID_AUTO_ROCKET_1";
try {
__id2_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id3_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id3_.textFieldName = "AUTO_11";
__id3_.textId = "ID_AUTO_GOLDEN_1";
try {
__id3_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id3_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id3_.textFieldName = "AUTO_9";
__id3_.textId = "ID_AUTO_HOMING_0";
try {
__id3_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id3_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id3_.textFieldName = "AUTO_5";
__id3_.textId = "ID_AUTO_MORTAR_1";
try {
__id3_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame3(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id2_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id2_]) == 3))))){
__setPropDict[__id2_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id3_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id3_]) == 3))))){
__setPropDict[__id3_] = currentFrame;
function frame1(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id3_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id3_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id3_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id2_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id2_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id2_] = currentFrame;
function frame4(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id2_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id2_]) == 4))))){
__setPropDict[__id2_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id3_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id3_]) == 4))))){
__setPropDict[__id3_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id5_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id5_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id5_.textId = "ID_AUTO_YOU_0";
try {
__id5_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame2(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id3_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id3_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id3_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id2_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id2_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id2_] = currentFrame;
function frame5(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id3_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id3_]) == 5))))){
__setPropDict[__id3_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id2_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id2_]) == 5))))){
__setPropDict[__id2_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id4_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id4_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id4_.textId = "ID_AUTO_YOU_0";
try {
__id4_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id2_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id2_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id2_.textId = "ID_AUTO_MORTAR_1";
try {
__id2_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 76
//unlokablechart_95 (Interfaces_fla.unlokablechart_95)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class unlokablechart_95 extends MovieClip {
public var __id29_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var flameStar:MovieClip;
public var rocketLock:MovieClip;
public var __setPropDict:Dictionary;
public var AUTO_10:TextField;
public var AUTO_11:TextField;
public var AUTO_12:TextField;
public var AUTO_14:TextField;
public var AUTO_16:TextField;
public var AUTO_18:TextField;
public var AUTO_19:TextField;
public var AUTO_13:TextField;
public var AUTO_15:TextField;
public var AUTO_17:TextField;
public var __id30_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var goldenPrimary:BTNKONGONLY;
public var __id31_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var flameLock:MovieClip;
public var goldenStar:MovieClip;
public var __id32_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id33_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var homingLock:MovieClip;
public var __id34_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var flamePrimary:BTNKONGONLY;
public var __id35_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id36_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var mortarLock:MovieClip;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_2:TextField;
public var AUTO_4:TextField;
public var AUTO_6:TextField;
public var AUTO_7:TextField;
public var AUTO_9:TextField;
public var AUTO_3:TextField;
public var AUTO_5:TextField;
public var AUTO_8:TextField;
public var goldenLock:MovieClip;
public var __id27_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id28_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function unlokablechart_95(){
__setPropDict = new Dictionary(true);
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2);
function (){
try {
__id36_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id36_.textFieldName = "AUTO_9";
__id36_.textId = "ID_AUTO_ALL_0";
try {
__id36_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id36_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id36_.textFieldName = "AUTO_19";
__id36_.textId = "ID_AUTO_ALL_0";
try {
__id36_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id27_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id27_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id27_.textId = "ID_AUTO_ROCKET_0";
try {
__id27_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame2(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id30_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id30_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id30_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id31_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id31_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id31_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id28_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id28_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id28_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id34_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id34_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id34_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id33_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id33_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id33_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id27_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id27_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id27_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id29_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id29_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id29_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id32_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id32_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id32_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id35_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id35_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id35_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id36_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id36_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id36_] = currentFrame;
try {
__id31_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id31_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id31_.textId = "ID_AUTO_GOLDEN_0";
try {
__id31_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id27_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id27_.textFieldName = "AUTO_10";
__id27_.textId = "ID_AUTO_ROCKET_0";
try {
__id27_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame1(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id29_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id29_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id29_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id35_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id35_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id35_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id28_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id28_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id28_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id31_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id31_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id31_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id30_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id30_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id30_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id36_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id36_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id36_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id33_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id33_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id33_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id34_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id34_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id34_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id27_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id27_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id27_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id32_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id32_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id32_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id31_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id31_.textFieldName = "AUTO_14";
__id31_.textId = "ID_AUTO_GOLDEN_0";
try {
__id31_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id29_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id29_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id29_.textId = "ID_AUTO_FLAME_0";
try {
__id29_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id33_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id33_.textFieldName = "AUTO_6";
__id33_.textId = "ID_AUTO__X_1";
try {
__id33_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id29_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id29_.textFieldName = "AUTO_12";
__id29_.textId = "ID_AUTO_FLAME_0";
try {
__id29_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id33_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id33_.textFieldName = "AUTO_16";
__id33_.textId = "ID_AUTO__X_1";
try {
__id33_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id35_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id35_.textFieldName = "AUTO_18";
__id35_.textId = "ID_AUTO___X_0";
try {
__id35_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id35_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id35_.textFieldName = "AUTO_8";
__id35_.textId = "ID_AUTO___X_0";
try {
__id35_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id30_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id30_.textFieldName = "AUTO_13";
__id30_.textId = "ID_AUTO_HOMING_0";
try {
__id30_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id30_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id30_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id30_.textId = "ID_AUTO_HOMING_0";
try {
__id30_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id28_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id28_.textFieldName = "AUTO_11";
__id28_.textId = "ID_AUTO_MORTAR_0";
try {
__id28_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id32_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id32_.textFieldName = "AUTO_5";
__id32_.textId = "ID_AUTO__X_0";
try {
__id32_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id32_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id32_.textFieldName = "AUTO_15";
__id32_.textId = "ID_AUTO__X_0";
try {
__id32_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id28_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id28_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id28_.textId = "ID_AUTO_MORTAR_0";
try {
__id28_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id34_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id34_.textFieldName = "AUTO_17";
__id34_.textId = "ID_AUTO__X_0";
try {
__id34_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id34_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id34_.textFieldName = "AUTO_7";
__id34_.textId = "ID_AUTO__X_0";
try {
__id34_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 77
//victory_20 (Interfaces_fla.victory_20)
package Interfaces_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class victory_20 extends MovieClip {
public var __id195_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var __id196_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function victory_20(){
function (){
try {
__id196_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id196_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id196_.textId = "ID_AUTO_VICTORY_0";
try {
__id196_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id195_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id195_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id195_.textId = "ID_AUTO_VICTORY_0";
try {
__id195_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package Interfaces_fla
Section 78
//Bop1 (LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds.Bop1)
package LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds {
public dynamic class Bop1 extends Sound {
}//package LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds
Section 79
//Bop2 (LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds.Bop2)
package LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds {
public dynamic class Bop2 extends Sound {
}//package LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds
Section 80
//Bop3 (LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds.Bop3)
package LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds {
public dynamic class Bop3 extends Sound {
}//package LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds
Section 81
//Bop4 (LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds.Bop4)
package LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds {
public dynamic class Bop4 extends Sound {
}//package LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds
Section 82
//Bop5 (LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds.Bop5)
package LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds {
public dynamic class Bop5 extends Sound {
}//package LachhhEngine.Exported.Sounds
Section 83
//BtnPlus_8 (LevelEditor_fla.BtnPlus_8)
package LevelEditor_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class BtnPlus_8 extends MovieClip {
public function BtnPlus_8(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LevelEditor_fla
Section 84
//CollisionContainer_33 (LevelEditor_fla.CollisionContainer_33)
package LevelEditor_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CollisionContainer_33 extends MovieClip {
public var btnAddEvent:BtnAddEvent;
public var btnShowLines:BtnShowLines;
public var btnShowGrid:BtnShowGrid;
public var btnLoad:BtnLoad;
public var btnShowEvent:BtnShowEvent;
public var btnAddCol:BtnAddCollision;
public var btnSave:BtnSave;
}//package LevelEditor_fla
Section 85
//EventContainer_41 (LevelEditor_fla.EventContainer_41)
package LevelEditor_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class EventContainer_41 extends MovieClip {
public var eventHelper_mc:EVENT_HELPER;
}//package LevelEditor_fla
Section 86
//EventCreator_9 (LevelEditor_fla.EventCreator_9)
package LevelEditor_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class EventCreator_9 extends MovieClip {
public var quit_mc:MovieClip;
public var bas_mc:MovieClip;
public var haut_mc:MovieClip;
}//package LevelEditor_fla
Section 87
//TextDrop_21 (LevelEditor_fla.TextDrop_21)
package LevelEditor_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class TextDrop_21 extends MovieClip {
public var dropTrue:TextField;
public var dropFalse:TextField;
public function TextDrop_21(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LevelEditor_fla
Section 88
//TxtWallKick_22 (LevelEditor_fla.TxtWallKick_22)
package LevelEditor_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class TxtWallKick_22 extends MovieClip {
public var wallKickFalse:TextField;
public var wallKickTrue:TextField;
public function TxtWallKick_22(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LevelEditor_fla
Section 89
//Language (Multilingual.Language)
package Multilingual {
public class Language {
private var :Array;
private var :String;
private var :int;// = -1
public function Language(_arg1:String){
= new Array();
= _arg1;
public function GetText(_arg1:int):String{
if ([_arg1] == null){
throw (new Error(("text not found: " + _arg1)));
return ([_arg1]);
public function FindIdFromText(_arg1:String):int{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ([_local2] == _arg1){
return (_local2);
return (-1);
public function get frame():int{
return ();
public function AddText(_arg1:int, _arg2:String):void{
if ([_arg1] != null){
throw (new Error(((("Unilingual Text Duplicate : " + _arg2) + "/") + [_arg1])));
[_arg1] = _arg2;
public function Validate(_arg1:int):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < _arg1) {
if ([_local2] == null){
trace(((("WARNING : No text for " + ) + " at ") + _local2));
public function set frame(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
}//package Multilingual
Section 90
//TextFactory (Multilingual.TextFactory)
package Multilingual {
public class TextFactory {
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL2_START_BOSS2:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_ROCKET_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_END_MINIBOSS:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_H_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_ALL_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL4_START_BOSS:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_2:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_3:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_PAUSE_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_FLAME_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_FLAME_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_4:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_VISUAL__EL_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_LEVEL_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_LEVEL_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_LEVEL_2:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_LEVEL_4:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_END_BOSS:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL5_END_BOSS1:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL5_END_BOSS2:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_VICTORY_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_ROCKET_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_BACK_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_G_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_KILL__0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_LEVEL_3:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_TIMER_DESC_ESCAPE:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_W_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_USE_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_TIME__0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_ENTER_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_THUNDER_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_MUSIC_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_F_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_GAME_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_HEALTH:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_TIME_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_AIM_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_TIMER:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL4_INTRO2:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL4_INTRO1:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_WIN:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_WEAPONS_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LOSE_TIMER:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL3_END_LEVEL1:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_CREDITS_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_LOADING___0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_CREDITS_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_SURVIVAL_HARD:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_RIGHT_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_M_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_SURVIVAL_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_SKIP_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL2_INTRO:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_CTRL_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_LOADING_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_GOLDEN_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_SKIP_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_GOLDEN_0:int = ++;
public static const LANGUAGE_EN:Language = new Language("EN");
public static const ID_MSG_WELCOME1:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_WELCOME2:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_WELCOME3:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_HOMING_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_PRIMARY_SPONSOR__0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_SPC_TNX:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_SURVIVAL_WELCOME:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_YOU_0:int = ++;
public static const LANGUAGE_FR:Language = new Language("FR");
public static const ID_AUTO_LOADING__0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_ARMOR_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_ARMOR_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_SPACEBAR_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_JAIL_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_KILLS_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_SEA_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO___X_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_PROGRAMMING_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_SPONSOR_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_TIMER_DESC_SURVIVE:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_AWARD_SURVIVAL:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_PROGRAMMING_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_SPONSOR_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_LOADING____0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_S_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_S_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_TUT1END:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_VISUAL_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_TUT1:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_LEVEL2:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_OR_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_LEVEL1:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_MORTAR_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL4_END_BOSS1:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL4_END_BOSS3:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL5_START_BOSS1:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_LEFT_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL4_END_BOSS2:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_START_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_ONLY_ON:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_MORTAR_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_SURVIVAL_MEDIUM:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_DAMAGE__0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_JUNGLE_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_R_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_HIGHSCORES_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_SPONSORED_BY:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO__X_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_WAVE:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO__X_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_A_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_DAMAGE_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO1:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO2:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO3:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO4:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LOSE:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_TO_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_MECHANICAL_COMMANDO_0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_PROGRAMMING___0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_GAME_BY:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_KILLS__0:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO_TO_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_BOSS1:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL2_START_BOSS1:int = ++;
public static const ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_BOSS2:int = ++;
public static const ID_AUTO____0:int = ++;
private static var
private static var :Language = LANGUAGE_EN;
private static var :int = 0;
public static function GetMsg(_arg1:int):String{
if (!
return (.GetText(_arg1));
public static function set language(_arg1:Language):void{
= _arg1;
public static function GetId(_arg1:String):int{
return (TextFactory[_arg1]);
public static function Init():void{
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LOSE_TIMER, "Sorry, I can't wait any longer. Mission aborted.");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_END_MINIBOSS, "Hoooo yeah!!! Give 'em hell!");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_END_BOSS, "Oh no, red alert! I can't wait any longer! Get back to the airship ! I'm giving you 2 minutes, then I'm outta here!");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_WIN, "Here you are. Great job! Now let's get out of here.");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_SURVIVAL_WELCOME, "This is the survival mode. Try to resist against the enemy as long as you can. Difficulty will increase in 5 waves");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_WELCOME1, "Hi! My name is Ralph and I will be your air support for this mission.");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_WELCOME2, "Your mission is to find and destroy the enemy field commander of this area.");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_WELCOME3, "The last intel shows that he is located north of your position.");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_TUT1, "Here ! Use your mortar with Spacebar or Ctrl to destroy that enemy group!");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_TUT1END, "Nice shot !");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_HEALTH, "Your energy is low. You better search for a health pack.");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_AWARD_SURVIVAL, "You've unlocked survival mode !");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LOSE, "Can you hear me................ please answer me nooooo.......");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_SURVIVAL_MEDIUM, "Good! You have reached the next level of difficulty : Hard. Next increase in 5 waves");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_SURVIVAL_HARD, "Outstanding ! You are now about to battle against the deadliest waves. Good luck!");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_INTRO, "Your mission is to locate the entrance of the enemy bunker. Good luck!");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_START_BOSS1, "Here's the enemy bunker... but you won't live long enough to tell anybody where it is.");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_START_BOSS2, "They will make me a Commander if I change side, and a rich one too. There is no escape for you now... Rest in peace !! Hahahahaha!");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_BOSS1, "I heard your radio comm. This traitor will pay! But now we have to get you out of here, fast!");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_BOSS2, "Stay right there, I'm coming in a minute. Hang on !");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_TIMER, "I'm here ! Come to my airship !");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_LEVEL1, "Let's get out of here ! ");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_LEVEL2, "Damn Ralph, I knew he was a spy.");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO1, "Hi! I've been assigned to be your new air support. I'll give you intel and I'll do my best to help you");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO2, "By the way, my name is Roxanne");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO3, "The enemy is currently working on a new kind of mobile artillery right there in this facility.");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO4, "You mission is to find and destroy the prototype. Good Luck !");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL3_END_LEVEL1, "Great job ! ");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL4_INTRO1, "Treason is becoming a real problem these days. The enemy offers huge sums of money to corrupt our soldiers");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL4_INTRO2, "Your mission is to get rid of one of these traitors. He controls a mechanical commando just like you so be careful");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL4_START_BOSS, "There he is! Show him no mercy !");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL4_END_BOSS1, "Great job ! This will definitely slow the enemy down. Wait here, I'm coming.");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL4_END_BOSS2, "Hey what the hell is that ? Oh my god ! I'm hit ! Mayday !! Maydaaaaay.......");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL4_END_BOSS3, "So you're still alive ? You annoying little rat. We captured your pilot ! If you want her to live, come and get her! I'll deal with you myself !");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL5_START_BOSS1, "So here you are at last! I am done playing with you. It's time to die!");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL5_END_BOSS1, "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiii!!! How can it be possible!! Hhhaaaa noooooooo.........");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL5_END_BOSS2, "You came back for me! Thank you so much ! Let's get the hell out of this place.");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_GAME_0, "game over");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_VICTORY_0, "victory");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_F_0, "f");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_H_0, "h");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_S_1, "s");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_KILLS__0, "Kills:");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_ARMOR_0, "armor");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO____0, "//");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_KILLS_0, "Kills :");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_DAMAGE_0, "Damage :");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_PAUSE_0, "pause");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_MECHANICAL_COMMANDO_0, "mechanical\ncommando");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_START_0, "start mission");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_CREDITS_0, "credits");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_SURVIVAL_0, "survival");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_SPONSOR_0, "Play more games on");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_SPONSOR_1, "Play more games on");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_LOADING__0, "loading.");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_LOADING___0, "loading..");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_LOADING____0, "loading...");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_LOADING_0, "loading");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_TO_0, "to shoot your mortar");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_RIGHT_0, "right");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_OR_0, "or");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_LEFT_0, "left click to fire your gun");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_TO_1, " to move ");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_USE_0, "use");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_AIM_0, "aim with the mouse");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_VISUAL_0, "visual :\nel gros");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_PROGRAMMING_0, "programming :\n lachhh");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_MUSIC_0, "music :\nAll musics are from\\n\n6th gear - Doug Boss\n a diplomatic crisis - Bjorn A. Lynne\nSlam Dunk - Bjorn Lynne\nHeroes Might - Pierre Gerwig Langer\nSciophobia - Pierre Gerwig Langer\nAlices worst dream - Nery Bauer");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_PROGRAMMING_1, "Programming :\n lachhh");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_BACK_0, "back");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_HIGHSCORES_0, "highscores");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_0, "submit");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_ENTER_0, "enter your codename:");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_1, "submit your score");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_0, "Complete level 1");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_1, "Complete level 2");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_2, "Complete level 3");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_3, "complete level 4\n\nCOLLECT 6\nsilver stars");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_4, "complete level 5");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_LEVEL_0, "level 01");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_JUNGLE_0, "jungle hunt");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_LEVEL_1, "level 02");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_THUNDER_0, "thunder island");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_LEVEL_2, "level 03");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_ARMOR_1, "armor factory");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_LEVEL_3, "level 04");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_SEA_0, "sea facility");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_JAIL_0, "jail complex");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_LEVEL_4, "level 05");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_TIME__0, "time:");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_KILL__0, "kill:");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_DAMAGE__0, "damage:");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_WEAPONS_0, "weapons");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_PRIMARY_SPONSOR__0, "primary\nSponsor\n only");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_ROCKET_0, "Rocket Launcher ");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_MORTAR_0, "mortar ");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_FLAME_0, "flame thrower");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_HOMING_0, "homing missile");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_GOLDEN_0, "Golden \nCommando");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO__X_0, "3x");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO__X_1, "6x");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO___X_0, "10x");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_ALL_0, "all");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_VISUAL__EL_0, "visual:\nel gros");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_PROGRAMMING___0, "programming:\n lachhh");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_SKIP_0, "skip");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_YOU_0, "You have unlocked");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_ROCKET_1, "Rocket launcher");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_FLAME_1, "Flame thrower");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_GOLDEN_1, "golden commando");
LANGUAGE_EN.AddText(ID_AUTO_SPC_TNX, "special thanks:\nchris hughes\nand all team of");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_WAVE, "Tu as survécu à XXX groupes d'ennemies");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LOSE_TIMER, "Désolé, Je ne peux plus attendre. Mission échoué.");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_END_MINIBOSS, "Wouhouuuuu!!! Fais leur la peau!");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_END_BOSS, "Oh non, Alerte rouge! Je ne peux plus attendre! Reviens à l'avion! Je te donne 2 minutes, enfuis je fous le camp!");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_WIN, "Te voilà. Excellent travail! Foutons le camp.");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_SURVIVAL_WELCOME, "Bienvenue au mode survie. Résiste contre l'ennemi le plus longtemps possible. La difficulté va augmenter dans 5 groupes d'ennemis");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_WELCOME1, "Salut ! mon nom est Ralph et je serai ton support aérien pour cette mission.");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_WELCOME2, "Ta mission est de trouver et de détruire le commandant ennemi dans cette région.");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_WELCOME3, "Les dernières informations indiquent qu'il se situe au nord de cette région.");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_TUT1, "Ici ! Utilise ton mortier avec la touche 'espace' ou 'Ctrl' pour détruire ce groupe d'ennemis ! ");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_TUT1END, "Bon tir !");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_HEALTH, "Ton armure est faible, tu ferais mieux de trouver une trousse de réparation.");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_AWARD_SURVIVAL, "Excellent ! T'as débloqué le mode survie !");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LOSE, "Peux-tu m'entendre................ ? S'il te plaît, réponds....... non........ nooooon....... ");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_SURVIVAL_MEDIUM, "Parfait ! Tu passes maintenant à la difficulté supérieure : Expert. On augmente la difficulté dans 5 groupes ! ");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_SURVIVAL_HARD, "Incroyable ! Tu t'apprêtes à affronter les ennemis les plus dangereux. Bonne chance !");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_INTRO, "Ta mission est de localiser l'entrée du bunker ennemi. Bonne chance !");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_START_BOSS1, "Voilà l'entrée du bunker... mais tu ne vivras pas assez longtemps pour dire à quiconque son emplacement.");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_START_BOSS2, "Ils vont faire de moi un commandant si je change de camp, couvert de richesse ! Tu ne peux plus t'enfuir... Meurs !! Hahahahaha !");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_BOSS1, "J'ai entendu votre conversation radio. Ce traître va payer ! Mais pour l'instant, on doit te sortir de ce bordel et vite !");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_BOSS2, "Reste où tu es, j'arrive. Tiens bon !");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_TIMER, "Me voilà ! Viens me rejoindre !");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_LEVEL1, "Foutons le camp d'ici ! ");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_LEVEL2, "Foutu Ralph, je savais qu'il était un espion.");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO1, "Salut ! Je suis ton nouveau support aérien. Je pourrai te donner de l'information concernant les nouvelles missions.");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO2, "En passant, mon nom est Roxanne.");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO3, "L'ennemi travaille actuellement sur un nouveau prototype d'artillerie mobile, ici dans cette fabrique.");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO4, "Ta mission est de trouver et de détruire le prototype. Bonne chance !");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL3_END_LEVEL1, "Excellent travail ! ");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL4_INTRO1, "La trahison devient un problème de plus en plus important ces jours-ci. L'ennemi offre d'énormes montants d'argent pour corrompre nos soldats.");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL4_INTRO2, "Ta mission est de te débarrasser d'un de ces traîtres. Il dirige un commando mécanique comme toi, alors fais gaffe ! ");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL4_START_BOSS, "Le voilà ! Sois sans pitié ! ");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL4_END_BOSS1, "Excellent travail ! Cela va certainement ralentir l'ennemi. Attends ici. J'arrive.");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL4_END_BOSS2, "Mais qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ? Oh mon Dieu ! Je suis touchée ! Mayday !! Maydaaaaay.......");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL4_END_BOSS3, "Tiens tiens, t'es toujours vivant ? Espèce de petit emmerdeur. On a capturé ton pilote ! Si tu la veux en vie, viens la chercher ! Je m'occuperai de toi moi-même ! ");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL5_START_BOSS1, "Te voilà enfin ! J'en ai marre de jouer avec toi. Prépare-toi à mourir !");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL5_END_BOSS1, "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiii !!! Comment est-ce possible ? Hhhaaaa noooooooon.........");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_MSG_LEVEL5_END_BOSS2, "T'es revenu pour moi ! Merci beaucoup ! Foutons le camp de ce bordel !");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_GAME_0, "T'as perdu");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_KILLS__0, "Morts:");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO____0, "//");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_TIME_0, "Temps :");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_KILLS_0, "Morts :");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_DAMAGE_0, "Dommages :");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_SPONSOR_0, "Jouer à plus de jeux");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_SPONSOR_1, "Jouer à plus de jeux");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_LOADING__0, "Chargement.");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_LOADING___0, "Chargement..");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_LOADING____0, "Chargement...");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_LOADING_0, "Chargement");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_TO_0, "pour lancer un mortier");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_RIGHT_0, "droit");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_OR_0, "ou");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_LEFT_0, "Clique gauche pour tirer");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_TO_1, " pour bouger ");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_USE_0, "Utilise");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_AIM_0, "Vise avec la souris");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_VISUAL_0, "Visuel :\nel gros");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_PROGRAMMING_0, "programmation :\n lachhh");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_MUSIC_0, "Musique :\nToutes les musiques proviennent de\\n\n6th gear - Doug Boss\n a diplomatic crisis - Bjorn A. Lynne\nSlam Dunk - Bjorn Lynne\nHeroes Might - Pierre Gerwig Langer\nSciophobia - Pierre Gerwig Langer\nAlices worst dream - Nery Bauer");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_PROGRAMMING_1, "programmation :\n lachhh");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_BACK_0, "retour");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_ENTER_0, "Écris ton nom de code:");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_1, "Envoie ton score");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_0, "Complète le niveau 1");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_1, "Complète le niveau 2");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_2, "Complète le niveau 3");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_3, "Complète le niveau 4\n\nGagne 6\nétoile d'argent");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_COMPLETE_4, "Complète le niveau 5");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_LEVEL_0, "Niveau 01");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_JUNGLE_0, "Embuscade dans la jungle");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_LEVEL_1, "Niveau 02");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_THUNDER_0, "L'île du tonnerre");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_LEVEL_2, "Niveau 03");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_ARMOR_1, "Fabrique d'armes");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_LEVEL_3, "Niveau 04");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_SEA_0, "Plate-forme océanique");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_JAIL_0, "Pénitencier du chaos");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_LEVEL_4, "Niveau 05");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_TIME__0, "temps:");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_KILL__0, "morts:");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_DAMAGE__0, "dommages:");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_PRIMARY_SPONSOR__0, "Commanditaires\nPrimaire\n seulement");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_ROCKET_0, "Lance-Roquettes ");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_MORTAR_0, "Mortier ");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_FLAME_0, "Lance-Flammes");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_HOMING_0, "Missile à tête chercheuse");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_GOLDEN_0, "Commando \nÉlite");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO__X_0, "3x");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO__X_1, "6x");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO___X_0, "10x");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_ALL_0, "tous");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_VISUAL__EL_0, "visuel:\nel gros");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_PROGRAMMING___0, "programmation:\n lachhh");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_SKIP_0, "Passer");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_SKIP_1, "Passer");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_YOU_0, "Tu as débloqué");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_ROCKET_1, "Lance-Roquettes");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_FLAME_1, "Lance-Flammes");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_GOLDEN_1, "Commando Élite");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_SPC_TNX, "Remerciements spéciaux:\nchris hughes\net toute l'équipe de");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_SPONSORED_BY, "Commandité par");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_GAME_BY, "Réalisé par");
LANGUAGE_FR.AddText(ID_AUTO_ONLY_ON, "Seulement chez");
LANGUAGE_FR.frame = 1;
LANGUAGE_EN.frame = 2;
= true;
public static function get language():Language{
return ();
public static function FindIdFromMessage(_arg1:String):int{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = LANGUAGE_EN.FindIdFromText(_arg1);
if (_local2 != -1){
return (_local2);
_local2 = LANGUAGE_FR.FindIdFromText(_arg1);
if (_local2 != -1){
return (_local2);
return (-1);
}//package Multilingual
Section 91
package NOTUSED {
import flash.display.*;
import CoreAS.Exported.*;
public dynamic class BERZERK_HINT1 extends MovieClip {
public var quit:BoutonX;
}//package NOTUSED
Section 92
package NOTUSED {
import flash.display.*;
import CoreAS.Exported.*;
public dynamic class BERZERK_HINT2 extends MovieClip {
public var quit:BoutonX;
}//package NOTUSED
Section 93
//AdShowerScreen (Screens.AdShowerScreen)
package Screens {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import CPMStar.*;
public class AdShowerScreen extends Screen_c {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :int;// = 180
private var _cpmStarAd:AdLoader;
private static const CPM_STAR_AD_ID:String = "298Q5761F675";
public function AdShowerScreen(){
typedVisual.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
_cpmStarAd = new AdLoader(CPM_STAR_AD_ID);
_cpmStarAd.x = ((700 / 2) - (300 / 2));
_cpmStarAd.y = ((550 / 2) - (250 / 2));
typedVisual.alpha = 0;
override public function ShowOpen(_arg1:Main_c):void{
typedVisual.alpha = (typedVisual.alpha + 0.1);
if (typedVisual.alpha >= 1){
typedVisual.alpha = 1;
state = STATE_IDLE;
private function get typedVisual():SCREEN_AD_SHOWER{
var _local1:SCREEN_AD_SHOWER = SCREEN_AD_SHOWER(visual);
return (_local1);
override public function ShowIdle(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if ( < 0){
private function Close():void{
if (){
= true;
override public function Destroy():void{
typedVisual.quit.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
override public function ShowClose(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (_cpmStarAd.alpha > 0){
_cpmStarAd.alpha = (_cpmStarAd.alpha - 0.1);
} else {
typedVisual.alpha = (typedVisual.alpha - 0.1);
if (typedVisual.alpha <= 0){
override public function CreateVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_SCREEN_AD_SHOWER));
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
}//package Screens
Section 94
//AwardsScreen (Screens.AwardsScreen)
package Screens {
import flash.display.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class AwardsScreen extends Screen_c {
private var :Boolean;// = false
public function AwardsScreen(){
typedVisual.back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
typedVisual.back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.panel.rocketLock.gotoAndStop((GameOptions.rocketUnlocked) ? "ON" : "OFF");
typedVisual.panel.mortarLock.gotoAndStop((GameOptions.mortarUnlocked) ? "ON" : "OFF");
typedVisual.panel.flameLock.gotoAndStop((GameOptions.flameUnlocked) ? "ON" : "OFF");
typedVisual.panel.homingLock.gotoAndStop((GameOptions.homingUnlocked) ? "ON" : "OFF");
typedVisual.panel.goldenLock.gotoAndStop((GameOptions.goldMCUnlocked) ? "ON" : "OFF");
typedVisual.panel.flamePrimary.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.);
typedVisual.panel.goldenPrimary.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.);
typedVisual.panel.flameLock.visible = GameOptions.isInPrimarySite;
typedVisual.panel.goldenLock.visible = GameOptions.isInPrimarySite;
typedVisual.panel.AUTO_7.visible = GameOptions.isInPrimarySite;
typedVisual.panel.AUTO_9.visible = GameOptions.isInPrimarySite;
typedVisual.panel.goldenStar.visible = GameOptions.isInPrimarySite;
typedVisual.panel.flameStar.visible = GameOptions.isInPrimarySite;
typedVisual.panel.flamePrimary.visible = !(GameOptions.isInPrimarySite);
typedVisual.panel.goldenPrimary.visible = !(GameOptions.isInPrimarySite);
if (GameOptions.isNonExclusiveVersion){
} else {
state = STATE_IDLE;
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
override public function ShowIdle(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 58){
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 50){
override public function ShowClose(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (typedVisual.currentFrame >= (typedVisual.totalFrames - 5)){
private function Close():void{
if (){
= true;
ScreenManager.ShowScreen(ScreenFactory.ID_LEVEL_SELECTION, true);
private function get typedVisual():SCREEN_UNLOCKABLE{
return (_local1);
override public function Destroy():void{
typedVisual.back.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
typedVisual.back.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.back.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
override public function CreateVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_SCREEN_AWARDS));
}//package Screens
Section 95
//BerzerkHintFF3Screen (Screens.BerzerkHintFF3Screen)
package Screens {
import flash.display.*;
import CoreAS.Exported.*;
import Multilingual.*;
public class BerzerkHintFF3Screen extends Screen_c {
public function BerzerkHintFF3Screen(){
typedVisual.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, , false, 0, false);
state = Screen_c.STATE_IDLE;
public function UpdateLanguage():void{
if (typedVisual != null){
override public function ShowIdle(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (typedVisual.currentFrame >= 20){
public function get typedVisual():BERZERK_HINT_FF3{
var _local1:BERZERK_HINT_FF3 = BERZERK_HINT_FF3(visual);
return (_local1);
override public function Destroy():void{
typedVisual.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
override public function CreateVisual():MovieClip{
return (new BERZERK_HINT_FF3());
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
}//package Screens
Section 96
//BerzerkHintFP10Screen (Screens.BerzerkHintFP10Screen)
package Screens {
import flash.display.*;
import CoreAS.Exported.*;
import Multilingual.*;
public class BerzerkHintFP10Screen extends Screen_c {
public function BerzerkHintFP10Screen(){
typedVisual.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, , false, 0, false);
state = Screen_c.STATE_IDLE;
public function UpdateLanguage():void{
if (typedVisual != null){
override public function ShowIdle(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (typedVisual.currentFrame >= 20){
public function get typedVisual():BERZERK_HINT_FP10{
var _local1:BERZERK_HINT_FP10 = BERZERK_HINT_FP10(visual);
return (_local1);
override public function Destroy():void{
typedVisual.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
override public function CreateVisual():MovieClip{
return (new BERZERK_HINT_FP10());
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
}//package Screens
Section 97
//BerzerkLogo (Screens.BerzerkLogo)
package Screens {
import flash.display.*;
import CoreAS.Exported.*;
public class BerzerkLogo extends Screen_c {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :int;// = -1
public function BerzerkLogo(){
state = STATE_IDLE;
override public function ShowIdle(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (typedVisual.currentFrame >= (typedVisual.totalFrames - 3)){
public function set nextScreen(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
private function Close():void{
if (){
= true;
private function get typedVisual():BERZERK_LOGO{
return (BERZERK_LOGO(visual));
override public function CreateVisual():MovieClip{
return (new BERZERK_LOGO());
public function get nextScreen():int{
return ( );
}//package Screens
Section 98
//CreditsEndScreen (Screens.CreditsEndScreen)
package Screens {
import flash.display.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class CreditsEndScreen extends Screen_c {
private const NEXT_SONG:int = 300;
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var
private var
:int;// = 300
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var
:int;// = 0
public function CreditsEndScreen(){
= new Array();
private function
= true;
override public function ShowOpen(_arg1:Main_c):void{
var _local2:String = typedVisual.currentLabel;
if (_local2 == "IDLE"){
state = STATE_IDLE;
typedVisual.gotoAndPlay((typedVisual.currentFrame + 1));
override public function ShowIdle(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (
< 0){
if (
= 0;
if (
if (typedVisual.currentFrame >= (typedVisual.totalFrames - 22)){
private function Close():void{
if (){
= true;
private function get typedVisual():SCREEN_CREDITS_END{
return (_local1);
override public function Destroy():void{
override public function ShowClose(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (typedVisual.currentFrame >= (typedVisual.totalFrames - 5)){
override public function CreateVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_SCREEN_CREDITS_END));
}//package Screens
Section 99
//HighscoreScreen (Screens.HighscoreScreen)
package Screens {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.*;
import Multilingual.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.IO.*;
public class HighscoreScreen extends Screen_c {
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var
private static var :String = "61ed1cc816dc0ff8";
private static var :String = "";
public function HighscoreScreen(){
typedVisual.back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
typedVisual.back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.highscore.highscore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.highscore.submit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.highscore.highscore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.highscore.submit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
if ( != ""){
typedVisual.highscore.input.text = ;
if (!
} else {
private function
private function
return (((((!(GameOptions.isKong)) && (!(GameOptions.isBerzerk)))) && (false)));
private function get typedVisual():SCREEN_SUBMIT{
var _local1:SCREEN_SUBMIT = SCREEN_SUBMIT(visual);
return (_local1);
override public function ShowOpen(_arg1:Main_c):void{
var _local2:String;
if (typedVisual == null){
if (((!(
)) && (
= (LevelEventSurvival( - 1);
_local2 = (TextFactory.GetMsg(TextFactory.ID_MSG_WAVE).split("XXX").join(
) + ((
> 1)) ? "S." : ".");
typedVisual.highscore.wave1.text = _local2;
typedVisual.highscore.wave2.text = _local2;
= true;
= true;
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 12){
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 30){
if (
typedVisual.highscore.inputback.text = typedVisual.highscore.input.text;
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function Close():void{
if (){
= true;
ScreenManager.ShowScreen(ScreenFactory.ID_TITLE, true);
private function
= typedVisual.highscore.inputback.text;
typedVisual.highscore.input.selectable = false;
override public function Destroy():void{
typedVisual.back.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
typedVisual.back.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.back.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
if (
typedVisual.highscore.highscore.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.highscore.submit.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.highscore.highscore.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.highscore.submit.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
override public function ShowClose(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (typedVisual.currentFrame >= (typedVisual.totalFrames - 5)){
override public function CreateVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_SCREEN_SUBMIT));
}//package Screens
Section 100
//InstructionScreen (Screens.InstructionScreen)
package Screens {
import flash.display.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
public class InstructionScreen extends Screen_c {
private var :Boolean;// = false
public function InstructionScreen(){
typedVisual.back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
typedVisual.back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.panel.credits.kong.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.);
trace(("typedVisual.panel.credits.kong : " + typedVisual.panel.credits.kong));
trace(("typedVisual.back : " + typedVisual.back));
new BTNKONG();
state = STATE_IDLE;
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
override public function Destroy():void{
typedVisual.back.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
typedVisual.back.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.back.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
override public function ShowClose(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (typedVisual.currentFrame >= (typedVisual.totalFrames - 5)){
private function get typedVisual():SCREEN_INSTRUCTIONS{
return (_local1);
private function Close():void{
if (){
= true;
ScreenManager.ShowScreen(ScreenFactory.ID_TITLE, true);
override public function ShowIdle(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 58){
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 50){
private function
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(Main_c.BERZERK_URL));
override public function CreateVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_SCREEN_INSTRUCTIONS));
}//package Screens
Section 101
//LachhhEngineLogo (Screens.LachhhEngineLogo)
package Screens {
import flash.display.*;
import CoreAS.Exported.*;
public class LachhhEngineLogo extends Screen_c {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :int;// = -1
public function LachhhEngineLogo(){
state = STATE_IDLE;
visual.x = (700 / 2);
visual.y = (550 / 2);
override public function ShowIdle(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (typedVisual.currentFrame >= (typedVisual.totalFrames - 5)){
public function set nextScreen(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
private function Close():void{
if (){
= true;
if ( != -1){
ScreenManager.ShowScreen( );
private function get typedVisual():LACHHH_ENGINE_LOGO{
return (LACHHH_ENGINE_LOGO(visual));
override public function CreateVisual():MovieClip{
return (new LACHHH_ENGINE_LOGO());
public function get nextScreen():int{
return ( );
}//package Screens
Section 102
//LevelSelectionScreen (Screens.LevelSelectionScreen)
package Screens {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class LevelSelectionScreen extends Screen_c {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;// = true
private var :UnlockedScreen;
private var :Array;
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var :int;
public function LevelSelectionScreen(){
= GameOptions.nextLevel;
= new Array();
typedVisual.back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.start.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.start.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.weapons.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.weapons.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);, Main_c.OnClickSound);, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.panel.prev.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.panel.prev.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
typedVisual.weapons.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );, );
typedVisual.panel.prev.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
typedVisual.panel.lockMsg.kongOnly.visible = !(GameOptions.isInPrimarySite);
typedVisual.panel.lockMsg.kongOnly.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.);
(GameOptions.GetLevelStats( ));
GameOptions.mode = GameOptions.nextLevel;
override public function ShowOpen(_arg1:Main_c):void{
var _local2:String = typedVisual.currentLabel;
if (_local2 == "IDLE"){
state = STATE_IDLE;
= true;
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 68){
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 60){
private function get typedVisual():SCREEN_SELECTION{
return (_local1);
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function (_arg1:Boolean):void{
typedVisual.panel.time1.visible = _arg1;
typedVisual.panel.time2.visible = _arg1;
typedVisual.panel.kill1.visible = _arg1;
typedVisual.panel.kill2.visible = _arg1;
typedVisual.panel.dmg1.visible = _arg1;
typedVisual.panel.dmg2.visible = _arg1;
typedVisual.panel.timeStar1.visible = _arg1;
typedVisual.panel.timeStar2.visible = _arg1;
typedVisual.panel.timeStar3.visible = _arg1;
typedVisual.panel.killStar1.visible = _arg1;
typedVisual.panel.killStar2.visible = _arg1;
typedVisual.panel.killStar3.visible = _arg1;
typedVisual.panel.dmgStar1.visible = _arg1;
typedVisual.panel.dmgStar2.visible = _arg1;
typedVisual.panel.dmgStar3.visible = _arg1;
private function
if ( ){
GameOptions.mode = ;
override public function Destroy():void{
typedVisual.back.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.back.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.weapons.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.weapons.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.start.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.start.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);, Main_c.OnClickSound);, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.panel.prev.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.panel.prev.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.back.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );, );
typedVisual.panel.prev.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
override public function ShowClose(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (((!(( == null))) && (!(
= true;
if (typedVisual.currentFrame >= (typedVisual.totalFrames - 5)){
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
= Math.max(1, ( - 1));
GameOptions.mode = ( - 1);
(GameOptions.GetLevelStats( ));
private function Close(_arg1:int):void{
if (){
= true;
ScreenManager.ShowScreen(_arg1, true);
override public function ShowIdle(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if ( .length > 0){
if (((( == null)) || ( .isRemoved))){
= UnlockedScreen(ScreenManager.ShowScreen(ScreenFactory.ID_UNLOCKED));
.typedVisual.award.gotoAndStop( .shift());
.typedVisual.x = 350;
.typedVisual.y = 225;
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
= Math.min(GameOptions.numLevel, ( + 1));
GameOptions.mode = ( - 1);
(GameOptions.GetLevelStats( ));
private function (_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:String):void{
if (_arg1){
= true;
} else {
= false;
private function ():void{
if (GameOptions.newlyUnlockedRocket){
GameOptions.newlyUnlockedRocket = false;
if (GameOptions.newlyUnlockedMortar){
GameOptions.newlyUnlockedMortar = false;
if (GameOptions.newlyUnlockedFlame){
GameOptions.newlyUnlockedFlame = false;
if (GameOptions.newlyUnlockedHoming){
GameOptions.newlyUnlockedHoming = false;
if (GameOptions.newlyUnlockedGolden){
GameOptions.newlyUnlockedGolden = false;
private function (_arg1:LevelStats):void{
var _local2:int = _arg1.time;
var _local3:int = _arg1.kill;
var _local4:int = _arg1.damage;
var _local5:String = ((_local2 == -1)) ? "--:--:--" : Utils.FrameToTime(_local2, 36);
var _local6:String = ((_local3 == -1)) ? "---" : Utils.PutZero(_local3, 3);
var _local7:String = ((_local4 == -1)) ? "---" : Utils.PutZero(_local4, 3);
typedVisual.panel.gotoAndStop( );
if ( == GameOptions.MODE_SURVIVAL){
if (GameOptions.levelSurvivalUnlocked){
= true;
} else {
= false;
} else {
typedVisual.panel.time1.text = _local5;
typedVisual.panel.time2.text = _local5;
typedVisual.panel.kill1.text = _local6;
typedVisual.panel.kill2.text = _local6;
typedVisual.panel.dmg1.text = _local7;
typedVisual.panel.dmg2.text = _local7;
typedVisual.panel.timeStar1.gotoAndStop((_arg1.PassTimeAward(LevelStats.BRONZE)) ? 2 : 1);
typedVisual.panel.timeStar2.gotoAndStop((_arg1.PassTimeAward(LevelStats.SILVER)) ? 3 : 1);
typedVisual.panel.timeStar3.gotoAndStop((_arg1.PassTimeAward(LevelStats.GOLD)) ? 4 : 1);
typedVisual.panel.killStar1.gotoAndStop((_arg1.PassKillAward(LevelStats.BRONZE)) ? 2 : 1);
typedVisual.panel.killStar2.gotoAndStop((_arg1.PassKillAward(LevelStats.SILVER)) ? 3 : 1);
typedVisual.panel.killStar3.gotoAndStop((_arg1.PassKillAward(LevelStats.GOLD)) ? 4 : 1);
typedVisual.panel.dmgStar1.gotoAndStop((_arg1.PassDamageAward(LevelStats.BRONZE)) ? 2 : 1);
typedVisual.panel.dmgStar2.gotoAndStop((_arg1.PassDamageAward(LevelStats.SILVER)) ? 3 : 1);
typedVisual.panel.dmgStar3.gotoAndStop((_arg1.PassDamageAward(LevelStats.GOLD)) ? 4 : 1);
private function
switch ( ){
case GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_1:
= true;
case GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_2:
(GameOptions.level2Unlocked, "LVL2");
case GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_3:
(GameOptions.level3Unlocked, "LVL3");
case GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_4:
(GameOptions.level4Unlocked, "LVL4");
case GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_5:
(GameOptions.level5Unlocked, "LVL5");
override public function CreateVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_SCREEN_SELECTION));
}//package Screens
Section 103
//LoadingScreen (Screens.LoadingScreen)
package Screens {
import flash.display.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class LoadingScreen extends Screen_c {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var _context:Main_c;
private var :int;// = 36
public function LoadingScreen(){
state = STATE_IDLE;
override public function Destroy():void{
typedVisual.start.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.start.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
private function
= true;
typedVisual.start.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.start.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.loading2.visible = false;
_context = _arg1;
private function get typedVisual():SCREEN_LOADING{
var _local1:SCREEN_LOADING = SCREEN_LOADING(visual);
return (_local1);
override public function ShowIdle(_arg1:Main_c):void{
var _local2:Number = _arg1.GetProgress();
if (isNaN(_local2)){
_local2 = 0;
if ( > 0){
} else {
if (((((KongPreloader.withAds) && (!()))) && (!(_arg1.firstLevel)))){
= true;
ScreenManager.ShowScreen(ScreenFactory.ID_AD_SHOWER, false, true);
if (((( == null)) && (( <= 0)))){
if ((((_local2 == 100)) && (!( )))){
private function Close():void{
if (){
= true;
private function
override public function ShowClose(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 102){
if (typedVisual.currentFrame >= (typedVisual.totalFrames - 5)){
override public function CreateVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_SCREEN_LOADING));
private function (_arg1:int):void{
typedVisual.pct1.text = String(_arg1);
typedVisual.pct2.text = String(_arg1);
}//package Screens
Section 104
//Screen_c (Screens.Screen_c)
package Screens {
import flash.display.*;
public class Screen_c {
private var :int;
private var :Boolean;
protected var :MovieClip;
private var :Boolean;
private var :Boolean;// = false
public static var STATE_OPENING:int = 0;
public static var :int = -1;
public static var STATE_CLOSING:int = 2;
public static var STATE_IDLE:int = 1;
public function Screen_c(){
= ;
= CreateVisual();
public function get visual():MovieClip{
return ();
public function ShowOpen(_arg1:Main_c):void{
public function set visual(_arg1:MovieClip):void{
= _arg1;
public function get isActive():Boolean{
return ();
public function get state():int{
return ();
public function get isRemoved():Boolean{
return ();
public function ShowIdle(_arg1:Main_c):void{
public function Destroy():void{
= true;
public function ShowClose(_arg1:Main_c):void{
public function set state(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
public function set isDestroyed(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function set isActive(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function Update(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (){
switch (){
public function set isRemoved(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function get isDestroyed():Boolean{
return ();
public function CreateVisual():MovieClip{
return (null);
}//package Screens
Section 105
//ScreenFactory (Screens.ScreenFactory)
package Screens {
public class ScreenFactory {
private static var
:int = 0;
public static var ID_INSTRUCTIONS:int =
public static var :int =
public static var ID_UNLOCKED:int =
public static var ID_BERZERK_HINT_FP10:int =
public static var ID_CREDITS_END:int =
public static var ID_LACHH_ENGINE_LOGO:int =
public static var ID_TITLE:int =
public static var ID_AWARD_SCREEN:int =
public static var ID_LEVEL_SELECTION:int =
public static var ID_AD_SHOWER:int =
public static var ID_BERZERK_LOGO:int =
public static var ID_SUBMIT:int =
public static var ID_LOADING:int =
public static function CreateScreen(_arg1:int):Screen_c{
switch (_arg1){
case ID_TITLE:
return (new TitleScreen());
return (new InstructionScreen());
return (new LoadingScreen());
return (new HighscoreScreen());
return (new LevelSelectionScreen());
return (new AwardsScreen());
return (new CreditsEndScreen());
return (new UnlockedScreen());
return (new BerzerkLogo());
return (new LachhhEngineLogo());
case :
return (new BerzerkHintFF3Screen());
return (new BerzerkHintFP10Screen());
return (new AdShowerScreen());
return (null);
}//package Screens
Section 106
//ScreenManager (Screens.ScreenManager)
package Screens {
import flash.display.*;
public class ScreenManager {
private static var :Screen_c;
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var :Array = new Array();
private static var :MovieClip;
private static var :MovieClip;
private static var :Array = new Array();
private static var :MovieClip;
private static var :MovieClip;
private static function
if ( == null){
throw (new Error("Screen MAnager Not Initialized"));
private static function (_arg1:Screen_c):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ([_local2] == _arg1){
.splice(_local2, 1);
public static function Update(_arg1:Main_c):void{
var _local3:Screen_c;
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
_local3 = [_local2];
public static function ():void{
if (){
= true;
public static function CloseScreen(_arg1:Screen_c):void{
_arg1.state = Screen_c.STATE_CLOSING;
public static function ShowSuiteScreen(_arg1:Array):void{
= .concat(_arg1);
public static function Init(_arg1:MovieClip):void{
= _arg1;
= new MovieClip();
= new MovieClip();
= new MovieClip();
public static function IsOnStage(_arg1:Screen_c):void{
Utils.IsInArray(, _arg1);
public static function RemoveScreen(_arg1:Screen_c):void{
if (_arg1.visual != null){
_arg1.isRemoved = true;
_arg1.visual = null;
if (_arg1 == ){
public static function ShowScreen(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false):Screen_c{
var _local4:Screen_c = ScreenFactory.CreateScreen(_arg1);
if (_arg2){
.addChildAt(_local4.visual, 0);
} else {
if (_arg3){
} else {
return (_local4);
private static function ():void{
var _local1:int;
if (.length <= 0){
= false;
} else {
_local1 = .shift();
= ShowScreen(_local1);
private static function (_arg1:Screen_c):void{
if (.contains(_arg1.visual)){
} else {
if (.contains(_arg1.visual)){
} else {
if (.contains(_arg1.visual)){
}//package Screens
Section 107
//TitleScreen (Screens.TitleScreen)
package Screens {
import flash.display.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.IO.*;
public class TitleScreen extends Screen_c {
private var
:int;// = -1
private var
:int;// = 0
private var :Boolean;// = false
private static var :Boolean;
public function TitleScreen(){
typedVisual.survival.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.);
typedVisual.start.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.instructions.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.survival.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.start.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.instructions.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.survival.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
private function
override public function ShowOpen(_arg1:Main_c):void{
var _local2:String = typedVisual.currentLabel;
_arg1.ui.visible = true;
if (_local2 == "IDLE"){
state = STATE_IDLE;
typedVisual.survival.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.survival.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 12){
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 20){
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 40){
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 45){
private function get typedVisual():SCREEN_TITLE{
var _local1:SCREEN_TITLE = SCREEN_TITLE(visual);
return (_local1);
private function
= ScreenFactory.ID_INSTRUCTIONS;
GameOptions.mode = GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_1;
override public function ShowIdle(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (!){
= true;
private function
override public function Destroy():void{
typedVisual.survival.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.survival.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.start.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.start.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
typedVisual.instructions.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Main_c.OnClickSound);
typedVisual.instructions.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, Main_c.OnRollOverSound);
override public function ShowClose(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 113){
if (typedVisual.currentFrame >= (typedVisual.totalFrames - 5)){
override public function CreateVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_SCREEN_TITLE));
private function Close():void{
if (){
= true;
, true);
}//package Screens
Section 108
//UnlockedScreen (Screens.UnlockedScreen)
package Screens {
import flash.display.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class UnlockedScreen extends Screen_c {
private var :Boolean;// = false
public function UnlockedScreen(){
override public function ShowClose(_arg1:Main_c):void{
if (typedVisual.currentFrame == 12){
if (typedVisual.currentFrame >= (typedVisual.totalFrames - 5)){
public function get typedVisual():SCREEN_UNLOCKED{
return (_local1);
override public function CreateVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_SCREEN_UNLOCKED));
}//package Screens
Section 109
//Jukebox_c (Sfx.Jukebox_c)
package Sfx {
import flash.display.*;
public class Jukebox_c extends MovieClip {
private static var :MovieClip = null;
private static var :Array = new Array();
private static var :Array = new Array();
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var :String = "NONE";
private static var :Jukebox_c = null;
private static var :Array = new Array();
private static var :Boolean = false;
public static function (_arg1:Boolean):void{
public static function ():void{
if (() != null){
private static function
var _local2:MusicTrack;
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < .length) {
_local2 = [_local1];
public static function SetFxVolume(_arg1:Number):void{
public static function SetMusicVolume(_arg1:Number):void{
public static function get musicMuted():Boolean{
return ();
public static function
return (.length);
public static function ():void{
if (() != null){
public static function DestroySound(_arg1:Sound2D_c):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ([_local2] == _arg1){
.splice(_local2, 1);
if (_arg1.GetSound() != null){
trace(("WARNING :: Jukebox_C :: DestroySound :: Sound not found : " + _arg1.GetSound()));
public static function DestroyAllSounds():void{
while (.length > 0) {
public static function PlaySound(_arg1:int=0, _arg2:int=-1, _arg3:MovieClip=null, _arg4:MovieClip=null, _arg5:Boolean=false, _arg6:Number=400, _arg7:Number=1200, _arg8:Number=0):Sound2D_c{
var _local10:int;
var _local11:int;
if (.length >= 20){
_local10 = 0;
while (_local10 < .length) {
if (![_local10].GetIsLooping()){
if (.length >= 25){
if (_arg2 > 0){
_local11 = SoundAddedOfType(_arg1);
if (_local11 >= _arg2){
return (null);
var _local9:Sound2D_c = new Sound2D_c(SoundFactory.CreateSfx(_arg1), _arg1, _arg3, _arg4, _arg6, _arg7);
return (_local9);
public static function MuteSound(_arg1:Boolean):void{
var _local3:Sound2D_c;
= _arg1;
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
_local3 = [_local2];
if (_arg1){
public static function FadeAllMusicToDestroy(_arg1:int=72):void{
var _local2:MusicTrack;
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < .length) {
_local2 = MusicTrack([_local3]);
public static function DestroyMusicTrack(_arg1:MusicTrack):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ([_local2] == _arg1){
.splice(_local2, 1);
public static function get soundMuted():Boolean{
return ();
public static function DestroyAll():void{
public static function SoundAddedOfType(_arg1:int):int{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < .length) {
if ([_local3] == _arg1){
return (_local2);
public static function GetInstance():Jukebox_c{
return ();
public static function MuteMusic(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public static function ():void{
while (.length > 0) {
public static function FadeToMusic(_arg1:int, _arg2:int=72, _arg3:Boolean=true, _arg4:Function=null):MusicTrack{
var _local5:MusicTrack;
_local5 = new MusicTrack(SoundFactory.CreateSfx(_arg1), _arg3);
_local5.FadeTo(_arg2, 0, 1);
_local5.Play(0, 100, _arg4);
return (_local5);
public static function Update():void{
var _local1:MusicTrack;
var _local3:Sound2D_c;
while (.length > 0) {
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
_local1 = MusicTrack([_local2]);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < .length) {
_local3 = [_local2];
public static function GetNbSounds():Number{
return (.length);
public static function ():MusicTrack{
return ([0]);
}//package Sfx
Section 110
//MusicTrack (Sfx.MusicTrack)
package Sfx {
public class MusicTrack {
private var :Boolean;// = true
private var :SoundTransform;
private var :Boolean;// = true
private var :Sound;
private var :SoundChannel;// = null
private var :Function;
private var
private var :Function;
private var
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 1
private var :Number;// = 1
private static var :Number = 1;
private static var :Number = 1;
private static var :Boolean = false;
public function MusicTrack(_arg1:Sound, _arg2:Boolean){
= _arg1;
= new SoundTransform(( * ));
= _arg2;
public function Update():void{
if (){
SetVolume(( + ));
if (Math.abs(( - )) <= Math.abs(( * 2))){
= false;
public function Destroy():void{
= null;
= null;
public function FadeToDestroy(_arg1:int):void{
= Jukebox_c.DestroyMusicTrack;
= Jukebox_c;
= [this];
FadeTo(_arg1, , 0);
public function OnAdd():void{
private function DoCallback(_arg1:Event):void{
.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, DoCallback);
= null;
public function ():Boolean{
return (!(( == null)));
public function Play(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:int=0, _arg3:Function=null):void{
= .play(_arg1, () ? 999999 : _arg2, );
if (_arg3 != null){
= _arg3;
.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, DoCallback, false, 0, true);
public function SetEnable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function SetVolume(_arg1:Number):void{
.volume = (_arg1 * );
= _arg1;
if ( != null){
.soundTransform = ;
public function OnRemove():void{
public function IsEnabled():Boolean{
return ();
public function GetVolume():Number{
return ();
public function Stop():void{
if ( != null){
.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, DoCallback);
= null;
public function FadeTo(_arg1:int, _arg2:Number=-1, _arg3:Number=-1):void{
if ((((_arg2 == -1)) && ((_arg3 == -1)))){
SetVolume(((_arg2 == -1)) ? : _arg2);
= ((_arg3 == -1)) ? : _arg3;
if ( != ){
= true;
= (( - ) / _arg1);
public function ():void{
if ( != null){
public static function Mute(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1){
= ;
= 0;
} else {
= ;
= _arg1;
public static function SetMusicVolume(_arg1:Number):void{
= _arg1;
if (!){
= _arg1;
}//package Sfx
Section 111
//Sound2D_c (Sfx.Sound2D_c)
package Sfx {
import flash.display.*;
public class Sound2D_c {
private var :int;
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var
:Number;// = -1
private var :SoundChannel;// = null
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :MovieClip;// = null
private var :Number;// = 1
private var :MovieClip;// = null
private var :SoundTransform;// = null
private var :Number;// = -1
private var :Sound;// = null
private static var :Number = 1;
private static var :Number = 1;
public function Sound2D_c(_arg1:Sound, _arg2:int, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:MovieClip, _arg5:Number=100, _arg6:Number=1200, _arg7:Number=0){
= _arg1;
= _arg3;
= _arg4;
= _arg2;
= new SoundTransform(( * ));
= _arg5;
= _arg6;
= _arg7;
public function Destroy():void{
if ( != null){
.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, );
= null;
= null;
= null;
= null;
private function ():void{
if (((( == null)) || (( == null)))){
var _local1:Number = (.x - .x);
var _local2:Number = (.y - .y);
var _local3:Number = ((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2));
var _local4:Number = Math.min(Math.max(-1, (_local1 /
)), 1);
var _local5:Number = Math.max(Math.min((1 - (_local3 / ( * ))), 1), 0);
.pan = _local4;
.volume = (Jukebox_c.soundMuted) ? 0 : ((_local5 * ) * );
public function
return ();
public function Play(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{
if (((( == null)) || ((.length == 0)))){
trace("WARNING : Sound2D_c : The sound isn't map to anything. ");
= _arg1;
= .play(, (_arg1) ? 10000 : 0, );
if (!_arg1){
.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, );
public function IsEnabled():Boolean{
return (!(((((((( == null)) || (( == null)))) || (( == null)))) || (( == null)))));
public function Stop():void{
if ( == null){
trace(("WARNING :: 2DSound :: Stop :: Sound has not be played before : " + this));
public function OnRemove():void{
public function SetEnable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
public function Update():void{
.soundTransform = ;
public function get id():int{
return ();
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, );
public function OnAdd():void{
public function GetIsLooping():Boolean{
return ( );
public function GetSound():Sound{
return ();
public function SetVolume(_arg1:Number):void{
.volume = _arg1;
= _arg1;
.soundTransform = ;
public static function Mute(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1){
= ;
= 0;
} else {
= ;
public static function SetFxVolume(_arg1:Number):void{
= _arg1;
= _arg1;
}//package Sfx
Section 112
//SoundFactory (Sfx.SoundFactory)
package Sfx {
import TheGameAS3.Exported.SFX.*;
public class SoundFactory {
public static const TYPE_OF_HIT_HEAD:int = 2;
public static const TYPE_OF_HIT_HEAVY:int = 1;
public static const TYPE_OF_HIT_NORMAL:int = 0;
public static var ID_SFX_DEFEAT:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_INTERFACE_TITLE_OUT:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_EXPLOSION_RANDOM:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_INTERFACE_STEAM:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_INTERFACE_TITLE_IN:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_INTERFACE_DOOR_OPEN:int = ++;
public static var ID_MUSIC_LAST_BOSS:int = ++;
public static var ID_MUSIC_LAST_LEVEL:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_HEALTH:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_INTERFACE_BUTTON_ROLLOVER:int = ++;
public static var :int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_F_GUN:int = ++;
public static var :int = ++;
public static var
:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_ALARM:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_R_GUN:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_S_GUN:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_INTERFACE_DOOR_CLOSE:int = ++;
private static var :int = 0;
public static var ID_SFX_EXPLOSION_BOSS:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_JET_OUT:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_M_GUN:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_POWERUP:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_THUG_DIE_GORE:int = ++;
public static var ID_MUSIC_BOSSFIGHT:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_INTERFACE_BUTTON_CLICK:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_THUG_DIE_LONG_1:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_THUG_DIE_GIGA_LONG:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_MORTAR:int = ++;
public static var :int = ++;
public static var ID_MUSIC_LEVEL1:int = ++;
public static var ID_MUSIC_LEVEL3:int = ++;
public static var ID_MUSIC_LEVEL4:int = ++;
public static var ID_MUSIC_LEVEL2:int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_WATER_SPLASH:int = ++;
public static var :int = ++;
public static var ID_SFX_VICTORY:int = ++;
public static var ID_MUSIC_MENU:int = ++;
private static function (_arg1:Array):Sound{
var _local3:int;
var _local2:int = (Math.random() * _arg1.length);
if ((_arg1[_local2] is int)){
_local3 = _arg1[_local2];
} else {
throw (new Error("The content of the array must be int"));
return (CreateSfx(_local3));
public static function CreateSfx(_arg1:int):Sound{
switch (_arg1){
return (new MUSIC_INGAME());
return (new MUSIC_BOSS_FIGHT());
return (new MUSIC_MENU());
return (new MUSIC_LAST_LEVEL());
return (new MUSIC_LEVEL2());
return (new MUSIC_INGAME());
return (new MUSIC_LEVEL2());
return (new MUSIC_LAST_BOSS());
return (new SFX_ALARM());
case ID_SFX_F_GUN:
return (new SFX_F_GUN());
case ID_SFX_R_GUN:
return (new SFX_R_GUN());
case ID_SFX_M_GUN:
return (new SFX_M_GUN());
return (new SFX_H_GUN());
case ID_SFX_S_GUN:
return (new SFX_S_GUN());
case :
return (new SFX_G_GUN());
return (new SFX_MORTAR());
return (new SFX_WATER_SPLASH());
case :
return (new SFX_EXPLOSION_1());
case :
return (new SFX_EXPLOSION_2());
return (([, ]));
return (new SFX_EXPLOSION_BOSS());
return (new SFX_THUG_DIE_LONG1());
return (new SFX_THUG_DIE_GIGA_LONG());
return (new SFX_INTERFACE_TITLE_IN());
case :
return (new SFX_JET_IDLE());
return (new SFX_JET_OUT());
return (new SFX_INTERFACE_STEAM());
return (new SFX_POWERUP());
return (new SFX_HEALTH());
return (new SFX_THUG_DIE_GORE());
return (new SFX_DEFEAT());
return (new SFX_VICTORY());
return (null);
}//package Sfx
Section 113
//Animation_c (TheGameAS3.Animation.Animation_c)
package TheGameAS3.Animation {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class Animation_c extends EventDispatcher implements Updatable_i {
private var
:Array;// = null
private var :Boolean;// = true
private var
:Object;// = null
private var
:Boolean;// = true
private var
:MovieClip;// = null
private var :Boolean;// = true
private var :Number;// = 1
private var :Array;
private var :Function;// = null
private var :Number;// = 1
private var :Array;// = null
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Object;// = null
private var
:Function;// = null
private var :MovieClip;// = null
private var
:Boolean;// = true
public function Animation_c(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:MovieClip, _arg3:Number=1):void{
= new Array();
if ((((_arg2 == null)) || ((_arg1 == null)))){
= _arg3;
SetContainer(_arg1, _arg2);
public function
public function GetChild():MovieClip{
return (
public function ChangeAnim(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1 == null){
if (_arg2){
= 0;
if (
== _arg1){
if (.contains(
= null;
= _arg1;
public function
(_arg1:Function, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Array):void{
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
public function ():void{
if (
!= null){
private function
var _local3:DisplayObject;
var _local4:MovieClip;
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < _arg1.numChildren) {
_local3 = _arg1.getChildAt(_local2);
if ((_local3 is MovieClip)){
_local4 = MovieClip(_local3);
_local4.gotoAndStop(((_local4.currentFrame % _local4.totalFrames) + 1));
public function GotoAndStopFrame(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
public function OnAdd(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function get isPlaying():Boolean{
return (
public function IsEnabled():Boolean{
return (((!(ObjetMoteur_c.IsPaused())) && ()));
private function
(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{
var _local4:CallBack;
if (_arg1 == _arg2){
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < .length) {
_local4 = [_local3];
if (_local4.frame != -1){
if ((((_arg2 >= _local4.frame)) && ((_arg1 < _local4.frame)))){
.splice(_local3, 1);
} else {
if (_arg2 < _arg1){
.splice(_local3, 1);
public function Stop():void{
= false;
public function ():void{
if ( == null){
.apply( , );
public function AddCallbackAt(_arg1:int, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Object, _arg4:Array):void{
var _local5:CallBack = new CallBack(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
public function Refresh():void{
if (((
) && (!()))){
public function SetEndFunction(_arg1:Function, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Array):void{
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
public function Start(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{
= true;
= _arg1;
public function get looping():Boolean{
return (
public function set playChildren(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function GetCurrentFrame():Number{
return (Math.min(Math.max(1, ), GetTotalFrames()));
public function GotoAndStopBegin():void{
= 1;
public function Destroy():void{
= null;
= null;
= null;
= null;
= true;
public function SetContainer(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:MovieClip):void{
if ((((_arg1 == )) && ((
== _arg2)))){
if (((!(( == null))) && (.contains(
= null;
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
public function OnRemove(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function SetEnable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local3:int;
if (((!(
)) || ())){
var _local2:int = Math.floor();
= ( + (_arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetFrameSpeed() * ));
if (
== null){
if ((((Math.floor() >
.totalFrames)) && ((
.totalFrames > 1)))){
while ( >
.totalFrames) {
= ( -
if (!
_local3 = Math.floor();
(_local2, _local3);
if (((
) && (!()))){
if ((() && (!((_local2 == _local3))))){
public function get playChildren():Boolean{
return ();
public function Restart(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{
= true;
= 1;
= _arg1;
public function GetTotalFrames():int{
return (
public function (_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
public function set looping(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
}//package TheGameAS3.Animation
class CallBack {
private var :Function;
private var :Object;
private var :Array;
private var :int;
private function CallBack(_arg1:int, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Object, _arg4:Array){
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
= _arg4;
public function DoCallBack():void{
.apply(, );
public function get frame():int{
return ();
Section 114
//AnimationFactory_c (TheGameAS3.Animation.AnimationFactory_c)
package TheGameAS3.Animation {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
public class AnimationFactory_c {
public static const ID_SCREEN_SELECTION:int =
public static const ID_AMMO_FLAME:int =
public static const ID_FX_RIFLE_BURST_1:int =
public static const ID_FX_RIFLE_BURST_2:int =
public static const ID_FX_RIFLE_BURST_3:int =
public static const ID_FX_ICON_HOMING:int =
public static const ID_UI_GAMEOVER:int =
public static const ID_AMMO_SHOTGUN:int =
public static const ID_WEAPON_ENEMY:int =
public static const ID_WEAPON_GATLING:int =
public static const ID_WEAPON_ROCKET:int =
public static const ID_MAP_4_0:int =
public static const ID_AMMO_ROCKET:int =
public static const ID_UI_INGAME_TIMER:int =
public static const ID_SCREEN_UNLOCKED:int =
public static const ID_UI_INGAME_TEXT:int =
public static const ID_SCREEN_LOADING:int =
public static const ID_FX_TRACE_PATTE:int =
public static const ID_AMMO_MACHINE:int =
public static const ID_AMMO_ENEMY:int =
public static const ID_WEAPON_SHOTGUN:int =
public static const ID_FX_EXPLOSION:int =
public static const ID_AMMO_MORTAR1:int =
public static const ID_AMMO_MORTAR2:int =
public static const ID_MAP_3_0:int =
public static const ID_FX_DOOR_METAL:int =
public static const ID_FX_EXPLOSION_BIG:int =
public static const ID_SCREEN_AD_SHOWER:int =
public static const ID_FX_ICON_HEALTH:int =
public static const ID_WEAPON_MACHINE:int =
public static const ID_MAP_2_0:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY0:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY1:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY3:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY4:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY2:int =
public static const ID_FX_ICON_MORTAR:int =
public static const ID_UI_INGAME_TEXT_IN:int =
public static const ID_UI_VICTORY:int =
public static const ID_SCREEN_AWARDS:int =
public static const ID_MAP_1_0:int =
public static const ID_MAP_1_1:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD1:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD2:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD3:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD4:int =
public static const ID_UI_PAUSE:int =
public static const ID_FX_ICON_ROCKET:int =
public static const ID_FX_ICON_GATLING:int =
public static const ID_UI_BTNEN:int =
public static const ID_AMMO_DEBUG:int =
public static const ID_SCREEN_SUBMIT:int =
public static const ID_FX_IMPACT:int =
public static const ID_FX_ICON_FLAME:int =
public static const ID_FX_PILOTE_DIE:int =
public static const ID_FX_WAVE:int =
public static const ID_WEAPON_HOMING:int =
public static const ID_UI_INGAME_AWARD:int =
public static const ID_UI_BTNPAUSE:int =
public static const ID_FX_ICON_SHOTGUN:int =
public static const ID_FX_DROPSHIP:int =
public static const ID_AMMO_HOMING:int =
public static const ID_UI_BTNFR:int =
public static const ID_FX_WATER_SPLASH_UPPER:int =
public static const ID_SCREEN_TITLE:int =
public static const ID_UI_BTNMUSIC:int =
public static const ID_SCREEN_INSTRUCTIONS:int =
public static const ID_FX_ROX_IDLE:int =
public static const ID_MAP_SURVIVAL:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL1:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL2:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL3:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL4:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL5:int =
public static const ID_UI_PLAYER_TAG:int =
public static const ID_UI_INGAME_LEVEL_STATS:int =
public static const ID_UI_BTNSON:int =
public static const ID_UI_INGAME_TEXT_OUT:int =
public static const ID_FX_DROPSHIP_OUT:int =
public static const ID_SCREEN_CREDITS_END:int =
public static const ID_WEAPON_FLAME:int =
public static const ID_FX_TRACE_RAIL:int =
public static const ID_FX_WATER_SPLASH:int =
public static const ID_FX_PILOTE_IDLE:int =
public static const ID_AMMO_GATLING:int =
public static const ID_FX_PILOTE_DIED:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_MEDIUM1:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_MEDIUM2:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_MEDIUM3:int =
public static const ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_MEDIUM4:int =
public static const ID_FX_DROPSHIP_VOLE:int =
public static const ID_MAP_5_0:int =
public static var :int =
public static var ID_ENEMY_BOSS_LOWERBODY:int =
public static var :int =
public static var ID_ENEMY_BOSS_4_UPPERBODY_SHOOT:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var :int =
public static var :int =
public static var ID_HERO_UPPERBODY_GOLD_SHOOT:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var :int =
public static var ID_ENEMY_BOSS_4_RUN:int =
public static var :int =
public static var ID_HERO_ANIM_GOLD_RUN:int =
public static var ID_ENEMY_BOSS_3_LOWERBODY:int =
public static var :int =
public static var
:int =
public static var ID_HERO_ANIM_IDLE:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var ID_ENEMY_BOSS_4_UPPERBODY_IDLE:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var ID_HERO_ANIM_GOLD_IDLE:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var ID_HERO_UPPERBODY_SHOOT:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var ID_ENEMY_BOSS_4_IDLE:int =
private static var
:int = 0;
public static var ID_ENEMY1_LOWERBODY:int =
public static var
:int =
public static var ID_HERO_ANIM_RUN:int =
public static var ID_HERO_UPPERBODY_IDLE:int =
public static var ID_HERO_UPPERBODY_GOLD_IDLE:int =
public static var
:int =
public static function CreateAnimationFromId(_arg1:Number):MovieClip{
switch (_arg1){
return (new HERO_IDLE());
return (new HERO_RUN());
return (new HERO_UPPERBODY_IDLE());
return (new HERO_UPPERBODY_SHOOT());
return (new HERO_GOLD_IDLE());
return (new HERO_GOLD_RUN());
return (new ENEMY_1_IDLE());
case :
return (new ENEMY_1_DIE());
case :
return (new ENEMY_2_IDLE());
case :
return (new ENEMY_2_DIE());
return (new ENEMY_1_LOWER_BODY());
return (new ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE());
case :
return (new ENEMY_TURRET_1_DIE());
case :
return (new ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE());
return (new ENEMY_TURRET_2_DIE());
case :
return (new ENEMY_TURRET_3_IDLE());
return (new ENEMY_TURRET_3_DIE());
return (new ENEMY_THUG_IDLE());
return (new ENEMY_THUG_DIE());
return (new ENEMY_THUG2_IDLE());
return (new ENEMY_THUG2_DIE());
return (new ENEMY_BOSS_DIE());
return (new ENEMY_BOSS_IDLE());
return (new ENEMY_BOSS_LOWER_BODY());
case :
return (new ENEMY_BOSS_2_IDLE());
return (new ENEMY_BOSS_2_DIE());
return (new ENEMY_BOSS_3_LOWER_BODY());
return (new ENEMY_BOSS_3_IDLE());
return (new ENEMY_BOSS_3_DIE());
return (new ENEMY_BOSS_4_IDLE());
return (new ENEMY_BOSS_4_RUN());
return (new ENEMY_BOSS_5_ARM());
return (new ENEMY_BOSS_5_PINCE());
return (new ENEMY_BOSS_5_UPPERBODY_DIE());
return (new WEAPON_MACHINE_GUN());
return (new WEAPON_GATLING_GUN());
return (new WEAPON_SHOTGUN_GUN());
return (new WEAPON_ROCKET_GUN());
return (new WEAPON_MACHINE_GUN());
return (new WEAPON_FLAME_GUN());
return (new FX_PILOTE_IDLE());
return (new FX_PILOTE_DIE());
return (new FX_PILOTE_DIED());
return (new FX_ROX_IDLE());
return (new FX_EXPLOSION());
return (new FX_EXPLOSION_BIG());
return (new FX_RIFLE_BURST_1());
return (new FX_RIFLE_BURST_2());
return (new FX_RIFLE_BURST_3());
return (new FX_WATER_SPLASH());
return (new FX_WATER_SPLASH_UPPER());
return (new FX_IMPACT());
return (new FX_TRACE_PATTE());
return (new FX_TRACE_RAIL());
return (new FX_DROPSHIP());
return (new FX_DROPSHIP_OUT());
return (new FX_DROPSHIP_VOLE());
case ID_FX_WAVE:
return (new FX_WAVE());
return (new FX_DOOR_METAL());
return (new FX_ICON_FLAME());
return (new FX_ICON_GATLING());
return (new FX_ICON_HEALTH());
return (new FX_ICON_HOMING());
return (new FX_ICON_MORTAR());
return (new FX_ICON_ROCKET());
return (new FX_ICON_SHOTGUN());
return (new AMMO_ENEMY());
return (new AMMO_GATLING());
return (new AMMO_ROCKET_HOMING());
return (new AMMO_SHOTGUN());
return (new AMMO_ROCKET());
return (new AMMO_NORMAL());
return (new AMMO_FLAME());
return (new AMMO_DEBUG());
return (new AMMO_MORTAR1());
return (new AMMO_MORTAR2());
return (new ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL1());
return (new ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL2());
return (new ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL3());
return (new ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL4());
return (new ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL5());
return (new ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY0());
return (new ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY1());
return (new ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY2());
return (new ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY3());
return (new ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY4());
return (new ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD1());
return (new ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD2());
return (new ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD3());
return (new ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD4());
return (new BTNPAUSE());
return (new BTNSON());
return (new BTNMUSIC());
return (new BTNEN());
return (new BTNFR());
return (new UI_PAUSE());
return (new UI_GAMEOVER());
return (new UI_VICTORY());
return (new UI_INGAME_LEVEL_STATS());
return (new UI_INGAME_AWARD());
return (new UI_INGAME_TEXT());
return (new UI_INGAME_TEXT_IN());
return (new UI_INGAME_TEXT_OUT());
return (new UI_INGAME_TIMER());
return (new UI_PLAYER_TAG());
return (new SCREEN_TITLE());
return (new SCREEN_LOADING());
return (new SCREEN_SUBMIT());
return (new SCREEN_SELECTION());
return (new SCREEN_UNLOCKABLE());
return (new SCREEN_CREDITS_END());
return (new SCREEN_UNLOCKED());
return (new SCREEN_AD_SHOWER());
return (new MAP_SURVIVAL_0());
case ID_MAP_1_0:
return (new MAP_1_0());
case ID_MAP_1_1:
return (new MAP_1_1());
case ID_MAP_2_0:
return (new MAP_2_0());
case ID_MAP_3_0:
return (new MAP_3_0());
case ID_MAP_4_0:
return (new MAP_4_0());
case ID_MAP_5_0:
return (new MAP_5_0());
trace("ERROR : AnimationFactory_c :: CreateAnimationFromId :: WRONG ID ");
return (null);
public static function GetIdByName(_arg1:String):int{
if (AnimationFactory_c[_arg1] == undefined){
trace(("ERROR :: AnimationFactory_c :: GetIdByName :: WRONG NAME : " + _arg1));
return (-1);
return (AnimationFactory_c[_arg1]);
}//package TheGameAS3.Animation
Section 115
//Behavior_c (TheGameAS3.Behaviors.Behavior_c)
package TheGameAS3.Behaviors {
import TheGameAS3.*;
public class Behavior_c extends EventDispatcher implements Behavior_i {
private var :Boolean;// = false
public function Init(_arg1:Controllable_i, _arg2:Array):void{
public function Control(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Controllable_i):void{
public function Destroy():void{
public function End(_arg1:Controllable_i):void{
dispatchEvent(new Event(Behavior_c.EVENT_BEHAVIOR_ENDED));
}//package TheGameAS3.Behaviors
Section 116
//Behavior_i (TheGameAS3.Behaviors.Behavior_i)
package TheGameAS3.Behaviors {
import TheGameAS3.*;
public interface Behavior_i extends IEventDispatcher {
function Init(_arg1:Controllable_i, _arg2:Array):void;
function Destroy():void;
function End(_arg1:Controllable_i):void;
function Control(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Controllable_i):void;
}//package TheGameAS3.Behaviors
Section 117
//BehaviorManager_c (TheGameAS3.Behaviors.BehaviorManager_c)
package TheGameAS3.Behaviors {
public class BehaviorManager_c {
public static const PERSO_WAIT_FOR_GROUND:int = 4;
public static const EASE_IN_TO:int = 2;
public static const PERSO_GOTO:int = 3;
public static const MOVE_TO:int = 0;
public static const ID_CREATE_BEHAVIOR:String = "ADDBEH";
public static const OBJ_FADE_COLOR:int = 6;
public static const PERSO_WAIT:int = 5;
public static const EASE_OUT_TO:int = 1;
public function BehaviorManager_c(){
trace("WARNING :: BehaviorManager_c :: Constructor :: This class is abstract (Damn you flash)");
public static function GetIdFromName(_arg1:String):int{
if (BehaviorManager_c[_arg1] == undefined){
trace(("ERROR :: BehaviorManager_c :: GetIdFromStr :: WRONG NAME : " + _arg1));
return (-1);
return (BehaviorManager_c[_arg1]);
public static function CreateBehavior(_arg1:int, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Controllable_i):Behavior_i{
var _local4:Behavior_i;
switch (_arg1){
case MOVE_TO:
_local4 = new MoveTo_c();
_local4 = new EaseOutTo_c();
case EASE_IN_TO:
_local4 = new EaseInTo_c();
_local4 = new PersonnageGoto_c();
_local4 = new PersonnageWaitForGround_c();
_local4 = new PersonnageWait_c();
_local4 = new ObjetMoteurFadeColor_c();
trace(("ERROR :: BehaviorManager_c ::CreateBehavior :: Wrong ID : " + _arg1));
return (null);
_local4.Init(_arg3, _arg2);
return (_local4);
}//package TheGameAS3.Behaviors
Section 118
//Controllable_i (TheGameAS3.Behaviors.Controllable_i)
package TheGameAS3.Behaviors {
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public interface Controllable_i {
function GetPosition3D():Vector3D_c;
function SetPosition3D(_arg1:Vector3D_c):void;
}//package TheGameAS3.Behaviors
Section 119
//EaseInTo_c (TheGameAS3.Behaviors.EaseInTo_c)
package TheGameAS3.Behaviors {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class EaseInTo_c extends Behavior_c {
private var :Vector3D_c;// = null
private var :Number;// = 1
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
public function EaseInTo_c(){
= new Vector3D_c(0, 0, 0);
override public function Control(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Controllable_i):void{
var _local3:Vector3D_c;
if (_arg2 == null){
trace("On a un probleme");
_local3 = _arg2.GetPosition3D();
if (((((_local3.x - ) * (_local3.x - )) + ((_local3.y - ) * (_local3.y - ))) + ((_local3.z - ) * (_local3.z - ))) <= ( * )){
_local3.x = ;
_local3.y = ;
_local3.z = ;
= ( * 1.05);
.x = ( - _local3.x);
.y = ( - _local3.y);
.z = ( - _local3.z);
_local3.x = (_local3.x + ((.x * ) * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
_local3.y = (_local3.y + ((.y * ) * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
_local3.z = (_local3.z + ((.z * ) * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
override public function Init(_arg1:Controllable_i, _arg2:Array):void{
if ((((((((_arg2[0] == null)) || (isNaN(_arg2[0])))) || ((_arg2[1] == null)))) || (isNaN(_arg2[1])))){
trace(("ERROR :: MoveTo_c :: Init :: Wrong Paramaters : " + _arg2));
= _arg2[0];
= _arg2[1];
if (_arg2[2] != null){
if (!isNaN(_arg2[2])){
= _arg2[2];
} else {
trace(("ERROR: MoveTo :: Init :: Wrong Parameters : " + _arg2));
} else {
= 0;
if (_arg2[3] != null){
if (!isNaN(_arg2[3])){
= Number(_arg2[3]);
} else {
trace(("ERROR: MoveTo :: Init :: Wrong Parameters" + _arg2));
= ( * );
}//package TheGameAS3.Behaviors
Section 120
//EaseOutTo_c (TheGameAS3.Behaviors.EaseOutTo_c)
package TheGameAS3.Behaviors {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class EaseOutTo_c extends Behavior_c {
private var :Vector3D_c;// = null
private var :Number;// = 0.05
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
public function EaseOutTo_c(){
= new Vector3D_c(0, 0, 0);
override public function Control(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Controllable_i):void{
var _local3:Vector3D_c;
if (_arg2 == null){
trace("On a un probleme");
_local3 = _arg2.GetPosition3D();
if (((((_local3.x - ) * (_local3.x - )) + ((_local3.y - ) * (_local3.y - ))) + ((_local3.z - ) * (_local3.z - ))) <= 20){
_local3.x = ;
_local3.y = ;
_local3.z = ;
.x = ( - _local3.x);
.y = ( - _local3.y);
.z = ( - _local3.z);
_local3.x = (_local3.x + ((.x * ) * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
_local3.y = (_local3.y + ((.y * ) * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
_local3.z = (_local3.z + ((.z * ) * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
override public function Init(_arg1:Controllable_i, _arg2:Array):void{
if ((((((((_arg2[0] == null)) || (isNaN(_arg2[0])))) || ((_arg2[1] == null)))) || (isNaN(_arg2[1])))){
trace(("ERROR :: MoveTo_c :: Init :: Wrong Paramaters : " + _arg2));
= _arg2[0];
= _arg2[1];
if (_arg2[2] != null){
if (!isNaN(_arg2[2])){
= _arg2[2];
} else {
trace(("ERROR: MoveTo :: Init :: Wrong Parameters : " + _arg2));
} else {
= 0;
if (_arg2[3] != null){
if (!isNaN(_arg2[3])){
= Number(_arg2[3]);
} else {
trace(("ERROR: MoveTo :: Init :: Wrong Parameters" + _arg2));
= ( * );
}//package TheGameAS3.Behaviors
Section 121
//MoveTo_c (TheGameAS3.Behaviors.MoveTo_c)
package TheGameAS3.Behaviors {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class MoveTo_c extends Behavior_c {
private var :Vector3D_c;// = null
private var :Number;// = 10
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
public function MoveTo_c(){
= new Vector3D_c(0, 0, 0);
override public function Control(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Controllable_i):void{
var _local3:Vector3D_c;
if (_arg2 == null){
trace("On a un probleme");
_local3 = _arg2.GetPosition3D();
.x = ( - _local3.x);
.y = ( - _local3.y);
.z = ( - _local3.z);
if (((((_local3.x - ) * (_local3.x - )) + ((_local3.y - ) * (_local3.y - ))) + ((_local3.z - ) * (_local3.z - ))) <= ){
_local3.x = ;
_local3.y = ;
_local3.z = ;
_local3.x = (_local3.x + ((.x * ) * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
_local3.y = (_local3.y + ((.y * ) * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
_local3.z = (_local3.z + ((.z * ) * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
override public function Init(_arg1:Controllable_i, _arg2:Array):void{
if ((((((((_arg2[0] == null)) || (isNaN(_arg2[0])))) || ((_arg2[1] == null)))) || (isNaN(_arg2[1])))){
trace(("ERROR :: MoveTo_c :: Init :: Wrong Paramaters : " + _arg2));
= _arg2[0];
= _arg2[1];
if (_arg2[2] != null){
if (!isNaN(_arg2[2])){
= _arg2[2];
} else {
trace(("ERROR: MoveTo :: Init :: Wrong Parameters : " + _arg2));
} else {
= 0;
if (_arg2[3] != null){
if (!isNaN(_arg2[3])){
= Number(_arg2[3]);
} else {
trace(("ERROR: MoveTo :: Init :: Wrong Parameters" + _arg2));
= ( * );
}//package TheGameAS3.Behaviors
Section 122
//ObjetMoteurFadeColor_c (TheGameAS3.Behaviors.ObjetMoteurFadeColor_c)
package TheGameAS3.Behaviors {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class ObjetMoteurFadeColor_c extends Behavior_c {
private var :Vector3D_c;
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Vector3D_c;
private var :ColorTransform;
public function ObjetMoteurFadeColor_c(){
= new Vector3D_c(0, 0, 0);
= new Vector3D_c(0, 0, 0);
= new ColorTransform();
private function (_arg1:Vector3D_c, _arg2:Number, _arg3:ObjetMoteur_c):void{
.redOffset = _arg1.x;
.greenOffset = _arg1.y;
.blueOffset = _arg1.z;
.alphaMultiplier = _arg2;
_arg3.transform.colorTransform = ;
override public function Control(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Controllable_i):void{
if ((((_arg2 == null)) || (!((_arg2 is ObjetMoteur_c))))){
throw (new Error("the controllable must e a ObjetMoteur"));
.x = ( .x + (( .x - .x) * ));
.y = ( .y + (( .y - .y) * ));
.z = ( .z + (( .z - .z) * ));
= ( + (( - ) * ));
var _local3:Number = ( - );
( , , ObjetMoteur_c(_arg2));
if ((((((Vector3D_c.DistCarre( , ) <= 10)) && ((_local3 < 0.1)))) && ((_local3 > -0.1)))){
( , , ObjetMoteur_c(_arg2));
override public function Init(_arg1:Controllable_i, _arg2:Array):void{
if (((!(IsValid(_arg2))) || (!((_arg1 is ObjetMoteur_c))))){
trace(("ERROR :: MoveTo_c :: Init :: Wrong Paramaters : " + _arg2));
.x = _arg2[0];
.y = _arg2[1];
.z = _arg2[2];
= _arg2[3];
.x = _arg2[4];
.y = _arg2[5];
.z = _arg2[6];
= _arg2[7];
= _arg2[8];
( , , ObjetMoteur_c(_arg1));
private function IsValid(_arg1:Array):Boolean{
var _local2:Boolean;
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < 7) {
_local2 = ((_local2) || ((((_arg1[_local3] == null)) || (isNaN(_arg1[_local3])))));
return (!(_local2));
}//package TheGameAS3.Behaviors
Section 123
//PersonnageGoto_c (TheGameAS3.Behaviors.PersonnageGoto_c)
package TheGameAS3.Behaviors {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class PersonnageGoto_c extends Behavior_c {
private var :Vector3D_c;// = null
private var :Personnage_c;// = null
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
public function PersonnageGoto_c(){
= new Vector3D_c(0, 0, 0);
override public function Init(_arg1:Controllable_i, _arg2:Array):void{
if ((((((((((_arg2[0] == null)) || (isNaN(_arg2[0])))) || ((_arg2[1] == null)))) || (isNaN(_arg2[1])))) || (!((_arg1 is Personnage_c))))){
trace(("ERROR :: MoveTo_c :: Init :: Wrong Paramaters : " + _arg2));
= Personnage_c(_arg1);
= _arg2[0];
= _arg2[1];
override public function Control(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Controllable_i):void{
var _local3:Vector3D_c;
if (_arg2 == null){
trace("On a un probleme");
_local3 = _arg2.GetPosition3D();
.x = ( - _local3.x);
.y = ( - _local3.y);
.z = 0;
.PressLeft((.x < 0));
.PressRight((.x > 0));
if (((_local3.x - ) * (_local3.x - )) <= 200){
}//package TheGameAS3.Behaviors
Section 124
//PersonnageWait_c (TheGameAS3.Behaviors.PersonnageWait_c)
package TheGameAS3.Behaviors {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class PersonnageWait_c extends Behavior_c {
private var :Vector3D_c;// = null
private var :Personnage_c;// = null
private var
:Number;// = 0
override public function Init(_arg1:Controllable_i, _arg2:Array):void{
if ((((((_arg2[0] == null)) || (isNaN(_arg2[0])))) || (!((_arg1 is Personnage_c))))){
trace(("ERROR :: MoveTo_c :: Init :: Wrong Paramaters : " + _arg2));
= Personnage_c(_arg1);
= _arg2[0];
override public function Control(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Controllable_i):void{
if (_arg2 == null){
trace("On a un probleme");
= (
- FPSCounter_c.GetMsPerFrame());
if (
<= 0){
}//package TheGameAS3.Behaviors
Section 125
//PersonnageWaitForGround_c (TheGameAS3.Behaviors.PersonnageWaitForGround_c)
package TheGameAS3.Behaviors {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
public class PersonnageWaitForGround_c extends Behavior_c {
private var :Personnage_c;// = null
override public function Init(_arg1:Controllable_i, _arg2:Array):void{
if (!(_arg1 is Personnage_c)){
trace(("ERROR :: PersonnageWaitForGround_c :: Init :: Wrong Paramaters : " + _arg1));
= Personnage_c(_arg1);
override public function Control(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Controllable_i):void{
if (_arg2 == null){
trace("On a un probleme");
if (.lastCol != null){
}//package TheGameAS3.Behaviors
Section 126
//Cadre_c (TheGameAS3.Debug.Cadre_c)
package TheGameAS3.Debug {
import flash.display.*;
public class Cadre_c extends MovieClip {
private var :Number;
private var _mode:String;
private var
:Number;// = 0
private var :Number;
private var :Number;// = 0xFF
private var
:Number;// = 0xFF0000
public static var ROLLOVER:String = "ROLLOVER";
public static var IDLE:String = "IDLE";
public static var SELECTED:String = "SELECTED";
public function Cadre_c(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
public function SetRollOver():void{
_mode = ROLLOVER;
(10, );
private function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{;, _arg2, 1, false, LineScaleMode.NONE);, 0);, );, );, 0);, 0);
public function SetIdle():void{
_mode = IDLE;
public function GetCurrentMode():String{
return (_mode);
public function SetSelected():void{
_mode = SELECTED;
}//package TheGameAS3.Debug
Section 127
//Debug_c (TheGameAS3.Debug.Debug_c)
package TheGameAS3.Debug {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class Debug_c {
public static var :Number = 1;
public static var :Number = 2;
private static var m_context:Game_c = null;
private static var :Array = new Array();
public static var :Number = 3;
private static var :Array = new Array();
public static var GD_LIGNE:Number = 0;
public static function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{
[_arg4].graphics.lineStyle(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
public static function DessineLigne(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Array):void{
var _local5:Line_c;
var _local6:Point;
var _local7:Point;
var _local8:int;
var _local9:Line_c;
var _local10:Point;
var _local11:Point;
if (_arg1 == null){
_arg1 = m_context;
var _local3:Boolean;
var _local4:int;
while (_local4 < _arg2.length) {
_local3 = false;
_local5 = _arg2[_local4];
if (_local5 == null){
} else {
_local6 = _local5.GetPoint1();
_local7 = _local5.GetPoint2();
_local8 = _local4;
while (_local8 < _arg2.length) {
if (_local8 == _local4){
} else {
_local9 = _arg2[_local8];
if (_local9 == null){
} else {
_local10 = _local9.GetPoint1();
_local11 = _local9.GetPoint2();
if ((((((((_local10.x == _local7.x)) && ((_local10.y == _local7.y)))) && ((_local11.x == _local6.x)))) && ((_local11.y == _local6.y)))){
_local3 = true;
if (_local3){
(3, 0xFF0000, 100, GD_LIGNE);
(_local6.x, _local7.x, _local6.y, _local7.y, GD_LIGNE);
(1, 0xFF00, 100, GD_LIGNE);
} else {
((_local6.x + _arg1.GetCamera().GetOffsetX()), (_local7.x + _arg1.GetCamera().GetOffsetX()), (_local6.y + _arg1.GetCamera().GetOffsetY()), (_local7.y + _arg1.GetCamera().GetOffsetY()), GD_LIGNE);
public static function EffaceGroupeDessin(_arg1:Number):Boolean{
if ([_arg1] == undefined){
return (false);
(2, 0xFF00, 100, _arg1);
return (true);
public static function (_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:MovieClip, _arg3:Number):void{
(_arg1.x, _arg2.x, _arg1.y, _arg2.y, _arg3);
public static function Init(_arg1:Game_c):void{
m_context = _arg1;
public static function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number):void{
[_arg5].graphics.moveTo(_arg1, _arg3);
[_arg5].graphics.lineTo(_arg2, _arg4);
public static function GetContainer():MovieClip{
return ([GD_LIGNE]);
public static function AddDessinGroup(_arg1:Number, _arg2:MovieClip):Boolean{
if (_arg2 == null){
return (false);
[_arg1] = _arg2;
return (true);
public static function DessinePoints(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Array):void{
var _local4:Circle_c;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
if (_arg1 == null){
_arg1 = m_context;
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < _arg2.length) {
_local4 = Circle_c(_arg2[_local3]);
if (_local4 == null){
} else {
_local5 = _local4.rayon;
_local6 = (_local4.x + _arg1.GetCamera().GetOffsetX());
_local7 = (_local4.y + _arg1.GetCamera().GetOffsetY());
[GD_LIGNE].graphics.drawCircle(_local6, _local7, _local5);
}//package TheGameAS3.Debug
Section 128
//ObjDebug_c (TheGameAS3.Debug.ObjDebug_c)
package TheGameAS3.Debug {
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class ObjDebug_c extends ObjetMoteur_c {
public function ObjDebug_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c=null){
addChild(new OBJ_DEBUG());
}//package TheGameAS3.Debug
Section 129
//Acteur_c (TheGameAS3.Effects.Acteur_c)
package TheGameAS3.Effects {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class Acteur_c extends ObjetMoteur_c {
private var :int;// = 0
private var
:Boolean;// = true
private var :MovieClip;// = null
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Boolean;// = false
public function Acteur_c(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:int){
= _arg1;
= _arg3;
private function
var _local3:DisplayObject;
var _local4:MovieClip;
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < _arg1.numChildren) {
_local3 = _arg1.getChildAt(_local2);
if ((_local3 is MovieClip)){
_local4 = MovieClip(_local3);
_local4.gotoAndStop(((_local4.currentFrame % _local4.totalFrames) + 1));
public function get isPlaying():Boolean{
return (
public function set isPlaying(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if ( != null){
if (
= ( + _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetFrameSpeed());
if ( > .totalFrames){
= ( % .totalFrames);
if ( == 0){
} else {
public function GetMC():MovieClip{
return ();
public function ():Boolean{
return ();
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if ( != null){
if (.parent == this){
= null;
if (((!((this.parent == null))) && (this.parent.contains(this)))){
= true;
}//package TheGameAS3.Effects
Section 130
//ActeurSaigne_c (TheGameAS3.Effects.ActeurSaigne_c)
package TheGameAS3.Effects {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class ActeurSaigne_c extends ActeurTombant_c {
private var
:Number;// = 0
private var :int;// = 0
public function ActeurSaigne_c(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:int, _arg4:Boolean=false){
= 1;
= 2;
= (Math.random() * 36);
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Acteur_c;
var _local3:int;
= (
+ _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
if ((((
>= )) && (!(m_bWaiting)))){
_local2 = null;
_local3 = (Math.random() * 3);
switch (_local3){
case 0:
_local2 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_BLOOD_SAIGNE_ID, GetLayer());
case 1:
_local2 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_BLOOD_SAIGNE_2_ID, GetLayer());
case 2:
_local2 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_BLOOD_SAIGNE_3_ID, GetLayer());
_local2.px = px; = py;
_local2.scaleX = 0.5;
_local2.scaleY = 0.5;
= 0;
}//package TheGameAS3.Effects
Section 131
//ActeurTombant_c (TheGameAS3.Effects.ActeurTombant_c)
package TheGameAS3.Effects {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class ActeurTombant_c extends Acteur_c {
private var
:int;// = 15
private var :int;// = 0
private var :int;// = 3
private var :int;// = 0
private var :Boolean;// = false
protected var m_bWaiting:Boolean;// = false
public function ActeurTombant_c(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:int, _arg4:Boolean=false){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
= 0.75;
= _arg4;
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (m_bWaiting){
this.alpha = ((
- ) /
if ( >=
if (){
GetMC().rotation = (GetMC().rotation + (_arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetFrameSpeed() * ( - )));
this.vy = (this.vy + (this.grav * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
Moteur_c.JustRebound(_arg1, this, GetLineInView(), GetPointInView());
if ((((((((this.y >= 1000)) || ((this.y <= -1000)))) || ((this.x >= 1000)))) || ((this.x <= -1000)))){
if (this.lastCol != null){
vx = (vx / 2);
vy = (vy / 2);
if ( > ){
m_bWaiting = true;
}//package TheGameAS3.Effects
Section 132
//ActeurVelocity_c (TheGameAS3.Effects.ActeurVelocity_c)
package TheGameAS3.Effects {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
public class ActeurVelocity_c extends Acteur_c {
public function ActeurVelocity_c(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:int){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
px = (px + vx);
py = (py + vy);
}//package TheGameAS3.Effects
Section 133
//EffectManager_c (TheGameAS3.Effects.EffectManager_c)
package TheGameAS3.Effects {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class EffectManager_c {
private var :Array;// = null
private var _context:Game_c;
public static const ID_FORE_LAYER:int = 1;
public static const ID_BACK_LAYER:int = 0;
public function EffectManager_c(_arg1:Game_c){
= new Array();
_context = _arg1;
public function DestroyAll():void{
while ( .length > 0) {
DestroyActeur( [0]);
= new Array();
public function
(_arg1:int, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:int=1, _arg4:int=1, _arg5:String="NONE", _arg6:Point=null):Acteur_c{
var _local7:ActeurVelocity_c = new ActeurVelocity_c(AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(_arg1), _arg2, _arg3);
GetContainer(_arg4, _arg2).addChild(_local7);
if (_arg5 != "NONE"){
if (_arg6 != null){
_local7.vx = _arg6.x;
_local7.vy = _arg6.y;
return (_local7);
public function DestroyActeur(_arg1:Acteur_c):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ( [_local2] == _arg1){
.splice(_local2, 1);
trace(("WARNING EffectLayer :: DestroyActeur :: Acteur not found : " + _arg1));
private function GetContainer(_arg1:int, _arg2:LevelLayer_c):MovieClip{
switch (_arg1){
return (_arg2.GetBackFxContainer());
return (_arg2.GetForeFxContainer());
trace(("ERROR :: EffectLayer_c :: GetContainer :: WRONG ID " + _arg1));
return (null);
public function CreateSingleFx(_arg1:int, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:int=1, _arg4:int=1, _arg5:String="NONE"):Acteur_c{
var _local6:Acteur_c = new Acteur_c(AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(_arg1), _arg2, _arg3);
GetContainer(_arg4, _arg2).addChild(_local6);
if (_arg5 != "NONE"){
return (_local6);
public function (_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:int=1, _arg4:Point=null, _arg5:Point=null, _arg6:Boolean=false, _arg7:Boolean=false):ActeurTombant_c{
var _local8:ActeurTombant_c;
if (_arg7){
_local8 = new ActeurSaigne_c(_arg1, _arg2, -1, _arg6);
} else {
_local8 = new ActeurTombant_c(_arg1, _arg2, -1, _arg6);
GetContainer(_arg3, _arg2).addChild(_local8);
if (_arg4 != null){
_local8.px = _arg4.x; = _arg4.y;
if (_arg5 != null){
_local8.vx = _arg5.x;
_local8.vy = _arg5.y;
return (_local8);
public function (_arg1:int, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:int=1, _arg4:Point=null, _arg5:Point=null, _arg6:Boolean=false):ActeurTombant_c{
return ((AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(_arg1), _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, false));
public function
(_arg1:int, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:int=1, _arg4:Point=null, _arg5:Point=null, _arg6:Boolean=false):ActeurTombant_c{
return ((AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(_arg1), _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, true));
}//package TheGameAS3.Effects
Section 134
//CadavreEnemy_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.CadavreEnemy_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class CadavreEnemy_c {
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Array;// = null
private var :LevelLayer_c;// = null
public function CadavreEnemy_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){
_arg3 = (_arg3 + 10);
var _local4:Line_c = new Line_c((_arg2 - 50), _arg2, (_arg3 + 20), _arg3, true, false);
var _local5:Line_c = new Line_c(_arg2, (_arg2 + 50), _arg3, (_arg3 + 20), true, false);
var _local6:Line_c = new Line_c((_arg2 + 50), (_arg2 - 50), (_arg3 + 20), (_arg3 + 20), true, false);
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
= new Array();
public function GetX():Number{
return ();
public function GetY():Number{
return ();
public function IsPointBelow(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Boolean{
var _local4:int;
var _local3:Boolean;
while (_local4 < .length) {
_local3 = ((_local3) && (Line_c([_local4]).IsPointInNegativeSide(_arg1, _arg2)));
return (_local3);
public function Destroy(){
while (.length) {
= null;
= null;
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 135
//Enemy_i (TheGameAS3.Enemy.Enemy_i)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public interface Enemy_i {
function SetIsInfinite(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function GetHp():int;
function GetMoney():int;
function GetXp():int;
function GetId():int;
function GetObjFollow():ObjetMoteur_c;
function GetTeam():Number;
function IsDead():Boolean;
function InitEnemy(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Game_c):void;
function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void;
function GetSoundOnHit(_arg1:int):int;
function IsInfinite():Boolean;
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 136
//Enemy1_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.Enemy1_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class Enemy1_c extends EnemyDeuxEtat_c {
private const WAIT_BEFORE_TRACE:int = 10;
protected var VITESSE:int;// = 1
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Animation_c;
private var :Number;
private var :Point;
private var :Number;// = 0
private var
:int;// = 10
public function Enemy1_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
= new Point();
, AnimationFactory_c. );
= 400;
weapon1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
weapon2 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
= null;
override protected function GetWaitBeforeNextShoot():int{
return (25);
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Acteur_c;
var _local4:Acteur_c;
var _local5:Point;
var _local6:Point;
if (((destroyed) || (!(IsActive())))){
if (!IsDead()){
if (((CanMove()) && (!((m_objFollow == null))))){
.x = (m_objFollow.px - px);
.y = ( - py);
if (((.x * .x) + (.y * .y)) > 3000){
= EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(m_objFollow.px, px,, py);
_local2 = ( - );
while (_local2 > 180) {
_local2 = (_local2 - 360);
while (_local2 < -180) {
_local2 = (_local2 + 360);
while ( > 180) {
= ( - 360);
while ( < -180) {
= ( + 360);
= ( + (_local2 * 0.05));
vx = (EquationVecto_c.MyCos(-()) * VITESSE);
vy = (-(EquationVecto_c.MySin(-())) * VITESSE);
.GetChild().rotation = ( + 90);
Moteur_c.StickToGround(_arg1, this, GetLineInView(), GetPointInView());
if (((!((this.parent == null))) && (MCGame(_arg1).CanDirtFloor()))){
if (
<= 0){
_local3 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_TRACE_RAIL, GetLayer());
_local4 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_TRACE_RAIL, GetLayer());
_local5 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(), MovieClip(.GetChild().getChildByName("rail1")));
_local6 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(), MovieClip(.GetChild().getChildByName("rail2")));
_local3.rotation = ( + 90);
_local3.px = _local5.x; = _local5.y;
_local3.alpha = 0.2;
_local4.rotation = ( + 90);
_local4.px = _local6.x; = _local6.y;
_local4.alpha = 0.2;
} else {
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
oAnim.GetChild().rotation = (EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(px, m_objFollow.px, py, + 90);
if (IsDead()){
if ((((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() > 5)) && (!()))){
= true;
override protected function IsFloating():Boolean{
return (true);
override public function GetId():int{
return (EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_1);
override protected function GetGunContainer(_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c):MovieClip{
if (_arg1 == weapon1){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun1")));
if (_arg1 == weapon2){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun2")));
return (null);
override public function InitEnemy(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Game_c):void{
super.InitEnemy(_arg1, _arg2);
var _local3:MovieClip = AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY1_LOWERBODY);
= new Animation_c(this, null);
.SetContainer(this, _local3);
addChildAt(_local3, 0);
= (EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(m_objFollow.px, px,, py) + 90);
override public function GetMoney():int{
return (400);
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 137
//Enemy2_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.Enemy2_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class Enemy2_c extends Enemy1_c {
public function Enemy2_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
(AnimationFactory_c. , AnimationFactory_c. );
override public function GetId():int{
return (EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_2);
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 138
//EnemyBoss1_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyBoss1_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class EnemyBoss1_c extends EnemyDeuxEtat_c {
private const VITESSE:Number = 1;
private const WAIT_BEFORE_TRACE:int = 10;
private const WAIT_BEFORE_EXPLOSION:int = 10;
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Animation_c;
private var :Number;
private var :Point;
private var :Number;// = 0
private var
:int;// = 10
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var
:int;// = 10
public function EnemyBoss1_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
= new Point();
, AnimationFactory_c.
= 3000;
weapon1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
weapon2 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
weapon3 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
override public function GetId():int{
return (EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS);
override public function InitEnemy(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Game_c):void{
super.InitEnemy(_arg1, _arg2);
var _local3:MovieClip = AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS_LOWERBODY);
= new Animation_c(this, null, 0.1);
.SetContainer(this, _local3);
addChildAt(_local3, 0);
scaleX = 2;
scaleY = 2;
override public function PlayDeath(_arg1:Ammo_c):void{
var _local2:Acteur_c;
if (GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_1){
_local2 = m_context.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_IMPACT, GetLayer());
_local2.scaleX = 3;
_local2.scaleY = 3;
_local2.px = px; = py;
Hero_c(m_objFollow).mustBeInFOV = true;
= true;
override protected function CanMakeTrou():Boolean{
return (false);
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
= null;
if (){
if (GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_1){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().DoActionLevel(m_context, LevelEvent1.ACTION_END_BOSS);
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Acteur_c;
var _local4:Acteur_c;
var _local5:Point;
var _local6:Point;
var _local7:Acteur_c;
var _local8:Acteur_c;
if (((destroyed) || (!(IsActive())))){
if (!IsDead()){
if (((CanMove()) && (!((m_objFollow == null))))){
.x = (m_objFollow.px - px);
.y = ( - py);
if (((.x * .x) + (.y * .y)) > 3000){
= EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(m_objFollow.px, px,, py);
_local2 = ( - );
while (_local2 > 180) {
_local2 = (_local2 - 360);
while (_local2 < -180) {
_local2 = (_local2 + 360);
while ( > 180) {
= ( - 360);
while ( < -180) {
= ( + 360);
= ( + (_local2 * 0.05));
vx = (EquationVecto_c.MyCos(-()) * VITESSE);
vy = (-(EquationVecto_c.MySin(-())) * VITESSE);
.GetChild().rotation = ( + 90);
Moteur_c.StickToGround(_arg1, this, GetLineInView(), GetPointInView());
if (((!((this.parent == null))) && (MCGame(_arg1).CanDirtFloor()))){
if (
<= 0){
_local3 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_TRACE_RAIL, GetLayer());
_local4 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_TRACE_RAIL, GetLayer());
_local5 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(), MovieClip(.GetChild().getChildByName("rail1")));
_local6 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(), MovieClip(.GetChild().getChildByName("rail2")));
_local3.rotation = ( + 90);
_local3.px = _local5.x; = _local5.y;
_local3.alpha = 0.2;
_local3.scaleX = 3.5;
_local3.scaleY = 3.5;
_local4.rotation = ( + 90);
_local4.px = _local6.x; = _local6.y;
_local4.alpha = 0.2;
_local4.scaleX = 3.5;
_local4.scaleY = 3.5;
} else {
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
oAnim.GetChild().rotation = (EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(px, m_objFollow.px, py, + 90);
if (IsDead()){
if ((((
< 0)) && ((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() < (oAnim.GetTotalFrames() - 40))))){
_local7 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION, GetLayer());
_local7.px = ((px + (Math.random() * 100)) - 50); = ((py + (Math.random() * 100)) - 50);
if ((
% 2) == 0){
SetTint(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
} else {
SetTint(0, 0, 0);
if ((((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() >= (oAnim.GetTotalFrames() - 42))) && ((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() <= (oAnim.GetTotalFrames() - 40))))){
_local8 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION_BIG, GetLayer());
_local8.px = px; = py;
_local8.scaleX = 2;
_local8.scaleY = 2;
this.visible = false;
override public function GetMoney():int{
return (1000);
override protected function IsFloating():Boolean{
return (true);
override protected function GetGunContainer(_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c):MovieClip{
if (_arg1 == weapon1){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun1")));
if (_arg1 == weapon2){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun2")));
if (_arg1 == weapon3){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun3")));
return (null);
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 139
//EnemyBoss2_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyBoss2_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class EnemyBoss2_c extends EnemyDeuxEtat_c {
private const VITESSE:int = 10;
private const FORMATION_SIDE_SCROLL:int = 1;
private const TIME_SHOOT:int = 30;
private const TIME_SHOOT_MORTAR:int = 5;
private const TIME_BURST:int = 20;
private const TIME_FORMATION:int = 150;
private const FORMATION_IDLE:int = 0;
private const WAIT_BEFORE_EXPLOSION:int = 10;
private const FORMATION_ROTATION:int = 2;
private const FORMATION_PREPARE_ROTATION1:int = 3;
private const FORMATION_PREPARE_ROTATION2:int = 4;
private var
:int;// = 5
private var
:int;// = 0
private var
:int;// = 20
private var
:int;// = 4
private var
:int;// = 150
private var
:int;// = 0
private var
private var
:int;// = 10
private var
:int;// = 0
private var :Point;
private var :Boolean;// = false
public function EnemyBoss2_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
(AnimationFactory_c. , AnimationFactory_c.
= 3000;
weapon1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_GATLING));
weapon2 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_GATLING));
weapon3 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_GATLING));
weapon4 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_GATLING));
weapon5 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.));
autoShoot = false;
cameraCanControlMe = false;
private function
if (px < (.x - VITESSE)){
} else {
if (px > (.x + VITESSE)){
vx = -(VITESSE);
} else {
vx = 0;
px = .x;
if (
< 0){
.x = px;
.y = (py + 100);
private function
if (
vx = 0;
} else {
if (
px = .x;
py = (_arg1.GetCamera().GetYUpBorder(GetLayer()) - 100);
vx = 0;
= -90;
override public function PlayDeath(_arg1:Ammo_c):void{
var _local2:Acteur_c;
if (GameOptions.IsLevelMode()){
_local2 = m_context.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_IMPACT, GetLayer());
_local2.scaleX = 3;
_local2.scaleY = 3;
_local2.px = px; = py;
Hero_c(m_objFollow).mustBeInFOV = true;
= true;
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().DoActionLevel(m_context, LevelEvent2.ACTION_KILL_BOSS);
private function
if (
<= 0){
if ((
% 2) == 0){
Shoot(weapon1, _arg1, null, 30);
Shoot(weapon2, _arg1, null, 30);
Shoot(weapon3, _arg1, null, 30);
Shoot(weapon4, _arg1, null, 30);
if (
<= 0){
override public function GetMoney():int{
return (1000);
private function
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
var _local2:Number = ((Math.cos(((
/ 180) * Math.PI)) * _arg1.GetCamera().GetHeightView(GetLayer())) / 3);
var _local3:Number = ((Math.sin(((
/ 180) * Math.PI)) * _arg1.GetCamera().GetHeightView(GetLayer())) / 3);
px = (_local2 + .x);
py = ((_local3 + .y) + (_arg1.GetCamera().GetHeightView(GetLayer()) / 3));
if (
>= 270){
.x = _arg1.GetCamera().GetX();
.y = _arg1.GetCamera().GetY();
override public function InitEnemy(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Game_c):void{
super.InitEnemy(_arg1, _arg2);
= new Point(px, py);
= new Point(0, 0);
.x = px;
.y = (py + 100);
px = .x;
py = (_arg2.GetCamera().GetYUpBorder(GetLayer()) - 100);
private function
switch (
private function
vy = (vy * 1.05);
if (!_arg1.GetCamera().IsInFieldOfView(this)){
.x = px;
.y = (py + 100);
private function
var _local1:Number = (Math.random() * 100);
if (_local1 < 33){
if (
return (
//unresolved jump
if (_local1 < 66){
if (
return (
//unresolved jump
if (
return (
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (py > .y){
py = .y;
.x = px;
.y = (py + 100);
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Acteur_c;
var _local4:Acteur_c;
if (((destroyed) || (!(IsActive())))){
if (!IsDead()){
rotation = (EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(
.x, px,
.y, py) - 90);
px = (px + vx);
py = (py + vy);
= (
+ 5);
_local2 = ((Math.cos(((
/ 180) * Math.PI)) * 0.05) + 0.05);
scaleX = (_local2 + 1);
scaleY = (_local2 + 1);
if (IsDead()){
if ((((
< 0)) && ((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() < (oAnim.GetTotalFrames() - 40))))){
_local3 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION, GetLayer());
_local3.px = ((px + (Math.random() * 100)) - 50); = ((py + (Math.random() * 100)) - 50);
if ((
% 2) == 0){
SetTint(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
} else {
SetTint(0, 0, 0);
if ((((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() >= (oAnim.GetTotalFrames() - 42))) && ((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() <= (oAnim.GetTotalFrames() - 40))))){
_local4 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION_BIG, GetLayer());
_local4.px = px; = py;
_local4.scaleX = 2;
_local4.scaleY = 2;
this.visible = false;
rotation = (rotation + 7);
if (((!((parent == null))) && ((parent.getChildIndex(this) < (parent.numChildren - 1))))){
parent.setChildIndex(this, (parent.numChildren - 1));
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (
<= 0){
Shoot(weapon5, _arg1, null, 2);
override protected function CanMakeTrou():Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function IsFloating():Boolean{
return (true);
override public function GetId():int{
return (EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS2);
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (){
if (GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_2){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().DoActionLevel(m_context, LevelEvent2.ACTION_END_BOSS);
override protected function GetGunContainer(_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c):MovieClip{
if (_arg1 == weapon1){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun1")));
if (_arg1 == weapon2){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun2")));
if (_arg1 == weapon3){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun3")));
if (_arg1 == weapon4){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun4")));
if (_arg1 == weapon5){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gunMortar")));
return (null);
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (vx == 0){
} else {
if ((((((vx < 0)) && ((px < (_arg1.GetCamera().GetXLeftBorder(GetLayer()) + 400))))) || ((((vx > 0)) && ((px > (_arg1.GetCamera().GetXRightBorder(GetLayer()) - 400))))))){
vx = -(vx);
if (
< 0){
.x = px;
.y = (py + 100);
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 140
//EnemyBoss3_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyBoss3_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.Teams.*;
public class EnemyBoss3_c extends EnemyDeuxEtat_c implements IShooter {
private const VITESSE:Number = 5;
private const WAIT_BEFORE_TRACE:int = 10;
private const WAIT_BEFORE_EXPLOSION:int = 10;
private var :Animation_c;
private var :Number;
private var :Point;
private var
private var :EnemyTurret3_c;
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :int;// = 100
private var
:int;// = 10
private var
:int;// = 90
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var
:int;// = 10
private static const BURST_WAIT:int = 90;
private static const SHOOT_WAIT:int = 100;
public function EnemyBoss3_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
= new Point();
, AnimationFactory_c.
= 6000;
weapon1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_FLAME));
weapon2 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_FLAME));
WeaponFlameThrower1_c(weapon1).flames = 12;
WeaponFlameThrower1_c(weapon2).flames = 12;
autoShoot = false;
canBeDestroyedByFOV = false;
cameraCanControlMe = false;
override public function InitEnemy(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Game_c):void{
super.InitEnemy(_arg1, _arg2);
var _local3:MovieClip = AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS_3_LOWERBODY);
= new Animation_c(this, null, 0.1);
.SetContainer(this, _local3);
addChildAt(_local3, 0);
= EnemyTurret3_c(_arg2.GetEnemyManager().CreateEnemy(_arg1, EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_TURRET_3, GetLayer()));
= EnemyTurret3_c(_arg2.GetEnemyManager().CreateEnemy(_arg1, EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_TURRET_3, GetLayer()));
.cameraCanControlMe = false;
.canBeDestroyedByFOV = false;
.cameraCanControlMe = false;
.canBeDestroyedByFOV = false;
(_arg2, );
private function (_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:EnemyTurret3_c):void{
var _local3:Point;
if (_arg2 == null){
if (!_arg2.IsDead()){
if (_arg2 ==
_local3 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(), MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("turret1")));
} else {
if (_arg2 == ){
_local3 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(), MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("turret2")));
_arg2.px = _local3.x; = _local3.y;
} else {
if (_arg2 ==
= null;
} else {
if (_arg2 == ){
= null;
override public function PlayDeath(_arg1:Ammo_c):void{
var _local2:Acteur_c;
if (GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_3){
_local2 = m_context.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_IMPACT, GetLayer());
_local2.scaleX = 3;
_local2.scaleY = 3;
_local2.px = px; = py;
Hero_c(m_objFollow).mustBeInFOV = true;
= true;
override protected function CanMakeTrou():Boolean{
return (false);
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
= null;
if (){
if (GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_3){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().DoActionLevel(m_context, LevelEvent3.ACTION_END_BOSS);
public function GetAngleOfWeapon(_arg1:Weapon_i):Number{
return (-());
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Acteur_c;
var _local4:Acteur_c;
var _local5:Point;
var _local6:Point;
var _local7:Acteur_c;
var _local8:Acteur_c;
if (((destroyed) || (!(IsActive())))){
if (!IsDead()){
if (((CanMove()) && (!((m_objFollow == null))))){
.x = (m_objFollow.px - px);
.y = ( - py);
if (((.x * .x) + (.y * .y)) > 3000){
= EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(m_objFollow.px, px,, py);
_local2 = ( - );
while (_local2 > 180) {
_local2 = (_local2 - 360);
while (_local2 < -180) {
_local2 = (_local2 + 360);
while ( > 180) {
= ( - 360);
while ( < -180) {
= ( + 360);
_local2 = Math.min(Math.max(-50, _local2), 50);
= ( + (_local2 * 0.05));
vx = (EquationVecto_c.MyCos(-()) * VITESSE);
vy = (-(EquationVecto_c.MySin(-())) * VITESSE);
.GetChild().rotation = ( + 90);
Moteur_c.StickToGround(_arg1, this, GetLineInView(), GetPointInView());
if (((!((this.parent == null))) && (MCGame(_arg1).CanDirtFloor()))){
if (
<= 0){
_local3 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_TRACE_RAIL, GetLayer());
_local4 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_TRACE_RAIL, GetLayer());
_local5 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(), MovieClip(.GetChild().getChildByName("rail1")));
_local6 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(), MovieClip(.GetChild().getChildByName("rail2")));
_local3.rotation = ( + 90);
_local3.px = _local5.x; = _local5.y;
_local3.alpha = 0.2;
_local3.scaleX = 3.5;
_local3.scaleY = 3.5;
_local4.rotation = ( + 90);
_local4.px = _local6.x; = _local6.y;
_local4.alpha = 0.2;
_local4.scaleX = 3.5;
_local4.scaleY = 3.5;
} else {
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
oAnim.GetChild().rotation = ( - 90);
(_arg1, );
if (IsDead()){
if ((((
< 0)) && ((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() < (oAnim.GetTotalFrames() - 40))))){
_local7 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION, GetLayer());
_local7.px = ((px + (Math.random() * 100)) - 50); = ((py + (Math.random() * 100)) - 50);
if ((
% 2) == 0){
SetTint(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
} else {
SetTint(0, 0, 0);
if ((((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() >= (oAnim.GetTotalFrames() - 42))) && ((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() <= (oAnim.GetTotalFrames() - 40))))){
_local8 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION_BIG, GetLayer());
_local8.px = px; = py;
_local8.scaleX = 2;
_local8.scaleY = 2;
this.visible = false;
= ( + 15);
override public function GetMoney():int{
return (1000);
override protected function IsFloating():Boolean{
return (true);
private function
if ( <= 0){
if (!((IsAWallNearby()) && ((weapon1.GetId() == WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ROCKET_BOSS3)))){
weapon1.Shoot(_arg1, this, (TeamFactory.ALL_PERSO_TEAM ^ GetTeam()));
weapon2.Shoot(_arg1, this, (TeamFactory.ALL_PERSO_TEAM ^ GetTeam()));
if (
<= 0){
if ((Math.random() * 100) < 50){
SwitchGun(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_FLAME, weapon1);
SwitchGun(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_FLAME, weapon2);
WeaponFlameThrower1_c(weapon1).flames = 12;
WeaponFlameThrower1_c(weapon2).flames = 12;
} else {
SwitchGun(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ROCKET_BOSS3, weapon1);
SwitchGun(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ROCKET_BOSS3, weapon2);
SetTint(0, 0, 0);
} else {
if ( < 40){
if (( % 4) == 0){
SetTint(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
} else {
SetTint(0, 0, 0);
override protected function GetGunContainer(_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c):MovieClip{
if (_arg1 == weapon1){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun1")));
if (_arg1 == weapon2){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun2")));
return (null);
override public function GetId():int{
return (EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS3);
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 141
//EnemyBoss4_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyBoss4_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.Teams.*;
public class EnemyBoss4_c extends Personnage_c implements Enemy_i {
private const TIME_SHOOT:int = 60;
private const TIME_BURST:int = 20;
private const CLOCK_WISE_WAIT:int = 400;
private const WAIT_BEFORE_EXPLOSION:int = 10;
private const TIME_MORTAR:int = 100;
private var
private var
:int;// = 100
private var
:int;// = 3000
private var
:int;// = 60
private var
:int;// = 20
private var
:int;// = 10
private var
:CircleCollision_c;// = null
private var
:AmmoMelee_c;// = null
private var :Point;
private var :Boolean;// = true
private var :Point;
private var :Point;
private var :Point;
private var :Point;
private var :int;// = 200
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var _context:Game_c;
private var :Point;
private var :Boolean;
private var
:int;// = 400
public function EnemyBoss4_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
= new Point();
= new Point(2450, 3150);
= new Point(4250, 3150);
= new Point(4250, 4400);
= new Point(2450, 4400);
m_crntGun1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
m_crntGun2 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
m_crntGun3 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
m_crntGunMortar = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.));
m_rayon = 30;
= ;
cameraCanControlMe = false;
scaleX = 2;
scaleY = 2;
= 6;
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Acteur_c;
var _local3:Acteur_c;
if (!IsDead()){
Moteur_c.StickToGround(_arg1, this, GetLineInView(), GetPointInView());
.x = px;
.y = py;
if (
!= null){
.px = px;
.py = py;
if (()){
if (
<= 0){
= !();
if (IsDead()){
if ((((
< 0)) && (( > 2)))){
_local2 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION, GetLayer());
_local2.px = ((px + (Math.random() * 100)) - 50); = ((py + (Math.random() * 100)) - 50);
if ((
% 2) == 0){
SetTint(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
} else {
SetTint(0, 0, 0);
if ( < 0){
_local3 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION_BIG, GetLayer());
_local3.px = px; = py;
_local3.scaleX = 2;
_local3.scaleY = 2;
this.visible = false;
_context.GetEnemyManager().DestroyEnemy(this, false);
public function IsInfinite():Boolean{
return (false);
private function PlayDeath():void{
= false;
if (((!((_context == null))) && (!(IsDead())))){
= true;
cameraCanControlMe = false;
, GetTeam());
= true;
public function GetObjFollow():ObjetMoteur_c{
return (
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (
!= null){
= null;
if (){
if (GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_4){
_arg1.GetLevelEventManager().DoActionLevel(_context, LevelEvent4.ACTION_END_BOSS);
public function GetMoney():int{
return (1000);
private function
if (!_arg1.GetCamera().IsInFieldOfView(this)){
m_bShoot = false;
m_bMortar = false;
if (
<= 0){
m_bShoot = true;
if (
<= 0){
if ((((
< 20)) && (((
% 4) == 0)))){
SetTint(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
} else {
SetTint(0, 0, 0);
if (
< 0){
m_bMortar = true;
public function InitEnemy(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Game_c):void{
= _arg1;
= new CircleCollision_c(this.px,, this.m_rayon);
, GetTeam());
ANIM_IDLE = AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS_4_IDLE;
ANIM_RUN = AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS_4_RUN;
_context = _arg2;
= AmmoMelee_c(_arg2.GetAmmoManager().CreateBall(AmmoFactory_c.MELEE_AMMO, this, GetLayer()));
.SetTarget((TeamFactory.ALL_PERSO_TEAM ^ GetTeam()));
public function GetSoundOnHit(_arg1:int):int{
return (-1);
private function
if (){
if ( == ){
return ();
if ( == ){
return ();
if ( == ){
return ();
if ( == ){
return ();
} else {
if ( == ){
return ();
if ( == ){
return ();
if ( == ){
return ();
if ( == ){
return ();
return (null);
private function ():Boolean{
return (((((((!(m_bGoLeft)) && (!(m_bGoRight)))) && (!(m_bGoUp)))) && (!(m_bGoDown))));
override public function GetTeam():Number{
return (TeamFactory.ENEMY1_TEAM);
override protected function UpdateKeyMap():void{
if (!IsDead()){
.x =
.y =
m_bGoLeft = ((.x - px) < -10);
m_bGoRight = ((.x - px) > 10);
m_bGoUp = ((.y - py) < -10);
m_bGoDown = ((.y - py) > 10);
m_directionGun = ;
} else {
public function SetIsInfinite(_arg1:Boolean):void{
public function GetXp():int{
return (-1);
public function GetHp():int{
return (
private function ():void{
if (
!= null){
, GetTeam());
= null;
if (
!= null){
= null;
public function GetId():int{
return (EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS4);
override public function OnOwnerHit(_arg1:Heurtable_i, _arg2:Heurtable_i, _arg3:Collision_c):void{
var _local5:Ammo_c;
var _local4:int;
if (_arg1.GetOwner() == this){
if ((_arg2 is Ammo_i)){
_local5 = Ammo_c(_arg2);
_local4 = _local5.GetDamage();
FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.2);
= (
- _local4);
if ((((
<= 0)) && (!(IsDead())))){
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 142
//EnemyBoss5_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyBoss5_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Multilingual.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.Teams.*;
public class EnemyBoss5_c extends EnemyDeuxEtat_c implements IShooter {
private const VITESSE:Number = 10;
private const POS_UP:int = 0;
private const WAIT_BEFORE_EXPLOSION:int = 10;
private const POS_DOWN:int = 1;
private const WAIT_BEFORE_TRACE:int = 10;
private var :Animation_c;
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :int;// = 0
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :CircleCollision_c;// = null
private var
private var :Number;// = 100
private var
:int;// = 10
private var :EnemyTurret3_c;
private var :int;// = 300
private var
:Number;// = 90
private var
:int;// = 10
private var :Point;
private var :EnemyBoss5Arm;
private var :int;// = 30
private var :EnemyBoss5Arm;
private var
private var :EnemyBoss5Arm;
private var
private var :Number;
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Number;// = 90
private var
private var :Point;
private var :Boolean;// = false
private static const BURST_WAIT:int = 90;
private static const SHOOT_WAIT:int = 100;
public function EnemyBoss5_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
= ;
= new Point();
= ;
= new Point();
, AnimationFactory_c.
= 10000;
weapon1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_FLAME));
weapon2 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_FLAME));
WeaponFlameThrower1_c(weapon1).flames = 15;
WeaponFlameThrower1_c(weapon2).flames = 15;
cameraCanControlMe = false;
canBeDestroyedByFOV = false;
oAnim.playChildren = false;
autoShoot = false;
override public function PlayDeath(_arg1:Ammo_c):void{
var _local2:Acteur_c;
if (GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_5){
= true;
_local2 = m_context.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_IMPACT, GetLayer());
_local2.scaleX = 3;
_local2.scaleY = 3;
_local2.px = px; = py;
Hero_c(m_objFollow).mustBeInFOV = true;
if (GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_5){
MCGame(m_context).GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(m_context, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL5_END_BOSS1], [200], RalfManager.PERSO_RALF_DIE);
.anim.SetContainer(MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("arm1")), .visuel);
.anim.SetContainer(MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("arm2")), .visuel);
.anim.SetContainer(MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("arm4")), .visuel);
private function ():void{
if (){
if (py < .y){
py = .y;
= false;
} else {
if (
if (py > (.y + 700)){
py = (.y + 700);
= false;
} else {
if (
< 0){
= ;
if (
= true;
} else {
= true;
private function (_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{
var _local3:Acteur_c;
_local3 = m_context.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION_BIG, GetLayer());
_local3.px = _arg1; = _arg2;
_local3.scaleX = 2;
_local3.scaleY = 2;
public function get ():Boolean{
return ();
private function
if ( <= 0){
weapon1.Shoot(_arg1, this, (TeamFactory.ALL_PERSO_TEAM ^ GetTeam()));
weapon2.Shoot(_arg1, this, (TeamFactory.ALL_PERSO_TEAM ^ GetTeam()));
if (
<= 0){
public function GetAngleOfWeapon(_arg1:Weapon_i):Number{
return (-());
private function (_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:EnemyTurret3_c):void{
var _local3:Point;
if (_arg2 == null){
if (!_arg2.IsDead()){
if (_arg2 ==
_local3 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(), MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("turret1")));
} else {
if (_arg2 == ){
_local3 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(), MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("turret2")));
_arg2.px = _local3.x; = _local3.y;
} else {
if (_arg2 ==
= null;
} else {
if (_arg2 == ){
= null;
private function (_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:EnemyBoss5Arm):void{
var _local3:int;
if (((((Math.random() * 100) < 2)) || (IsDead()))){
_local3 = (Math.random() * 100);
if (_local3 < 33){
} else {
if (_local3 < 66){
} else {
_arg2.Update(_arg1, this, !(IsDead()));
override protected function CanMakeTrou():Boolean{
return (false);
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Point;
if ( < 0){
= ;
if (
_local2 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(),
_arg1.GetAmmoManager().DoDamageAt(_arg1, this, GetLayer(), 10, TeamFactory.ALLY1_TEAM, 50, _local2.x, _local2.y);
override public function InitEnemy(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Game_c):void{
super.InitEnemy(_arg1, _arg2);
var _local3:MovieClip = AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS_3_LOWERBODY);
= new Animation_c(this, null, 0.1);
.SetContainer(this, _local3);
addChildAt(_local3, 0);
.x = px;
.y = py;
scaleX = 2;
scaleY = 2;
= new EnemyBoss5Pince(MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("pince")));
= new EnemyBoss5Arm(MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("arm1")), GetLayer(), false);
= new EnemyBoss5Arm(MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("arm2")), GetLayer(), true);
= new EnemyBoss5Arm(MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("arm3")), GetLayer(), true);
= new EnemyBoss5Arm(MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("arm4")), GetLayer(), false);
= new CircleCollision_c(this.px, ( - 100), (this.m_rayon * 2));
GetLayer().AddTeamCollision(, GetTeam());
= EnemyTurret3_c(_arg2.GetEnemyManager().CreateEnemy(_arg1, EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_TURRET_3, GetLayer()));
= EnemyTurret3_c(_arg2.GetEnemyManager().CreateEnemy(_arg1, EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_TURRET_3, GetLayer()));
.cameraCanControlMe = false;
.canBeDestroyedByFOV = false;
.cameraCanControlMe = false;
.canBeDestroyedByFOV = false;
public function get
return ();
private function get
return ((() || ()));
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if ( != null){
GetLayer().RemoveTeamCollision(, GetTeam());
= null;
= null;
if ((((GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_5)) && ())){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().DoActionLevel(m_context, LevelEvent5.ACTION_END_BOSS);
public function get
return (( == POS_UP));
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Acteur_c;
var _local4:Acteur_c;
var _local5:Point;
var _local6:Point;
var _local7:Acteur_c;
if (((destroyed) || (!(IsActive())))){
if (!IsDead()){
if (((CanMove()) && (!((m_objFollow == null))))){
= EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(m_objFollow.px, px,, py);
_local2 = ( - );
while (_local2 > 180) {
_local2 = (_local2 - 360);
while (_local2 < -180) {
_local2 = (_local2 + 360);
while ( > 180) {
= ( - 360);
while ( < -180) {
= ( + 360);
_local2 = Math.min(Math.max(-50, _local2), 50);
= ( + (_local2 * 0.05));
.x = EquationVecto_c.MyCos(-());
.y = -(EquationVecto_c.MySin(-()));
oCircle.x = (px + (.x * 70));
oCircle.y = (py + (.y * 70));
.x = (px + (.x * -60));
.y = (py + (.y * -60));
if (
if (){
vy = -(VITESSE);
} else {
if (
Moteur_c.StickToGround(_arg1, this, GetLineInView(), GetPointInView());
if (((!((this.parent == null))) && (MCGame(_arg1).CanDirtFloor()))){
if (
<= 0){
_local3 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_TRACE_RAIL, GetLayer());
_local4 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_TRACE_RAIL, GetLayer());
_local5 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(), MovieClip(.GetChild().getChildByName("rail1")));
_local6 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(), MovieClip(.GetChild().getChildByName("rail2")));
_local3.px = _local5.x; = _local5.y;
_local3.alpha = 0.2;
_local3.scaleX = 3.75;
_local3.scaleY = 3.75;
_local4.px = _local6.x; = _local6.y;
_local4.alpha = 0.2;
_local4.scaleX = 3.75;
_local4.scaleY = 3.75;
} else {
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
(_arg1, );
(_arg1, );
(_arg1, );
(_arg1, );
oAnim.GetChild().rotation = ( - 90);
if (IsDead()){
if ((((
< 0)) && ((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() < (oAnim.GetTotalFrames() - 40))))){
_local7 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION, GetLayer());
_local7.px = ((px + (Math.random() * 200)) - 100); = ((py + (Math.random() * 200)) - 100);
if ((
% 2) == 0){
SetTint(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
} else {
SetTint(0, 0, 0);
if ((((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() >= (oAnim.GetTotalFrames() - 40))) && ((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() <= (oAnim.GetTotalFrames() - 40))))){
(px, py);
(((px - 50) + (Math.random() * 30)), ((py - 50) + (Math.random() * 30)));
(((px + 50) + (Math.random() * 30)), ((py - 50) + (Math.random() * 30)));
(((px - 50) + (Math.random() * 30)), ((py + 50) + (Math.random() * 30)));
(((px + 50) + (Math.random() * 30)), ((py + 50) + (Math.random() * 30)));
this.visible = false;
public function get
return (( == POS_DOWN));
override protected function GetGunContainer(_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c):MovieClip{
if (_arg1 == weapon1){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun1")));
if (_arg1 == weapon2){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun2")));
return (null);
override public function GetId():int{
return (EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS5);
override public function OnOwnerHit(_arg1:Heurtable_i, _arg2:Heurtable_i, _arg3:Collision_c):void{
super.OnOwnerHit(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
if (((destroyed) || (!(IsActive())))){
if ((((_arg1.GetOwner() == this)) && ((_arg1 == oCircle)))){
if ((_arg2 is Ammo_i)){
if (!fadeInRed){
.FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.2);
.FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.2);
} else {
.FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.2);
.FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.2);
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 143
//EnemyBoss5Arm (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyBoss5Arm)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.Teams.*;
public class EnemyBoss5Arm {
private const STATE_ATTACK:int = 2;
private const STATE_BLOCK:int = 0;
private const STATE_IDLE:int = 1;
private const STATE_TRANSITION:int = 3;
private var
private var
private var
private var
private var
private var :int;// = 1
private var
private var
private var
private var
private var :Animation_c;
private var
private var :int;
private var :int;
private var :int;
private var :Line_c;
public function EnemyBoss5Arm(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:Boolean){
var _local5:FrameLabel;
= ENEMY_BOSS_5_ARM(AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.
= new Animation_c(_arg1,
var _local4:int;
while (_local4 <
.length) {
_local5 =
switch ({
case "\x01\x05\x0B\x03":
= _local5.frame;
case "\x01\x05\x0B\x02":
= _local5.frame;
case "\x01\x05\n\x05":
= _local5.frame;
case "\x01\x05\n\n":
= _local5.frame;
case "\x01\x05\x0B\x01":
= _local5.frame;
case "\x01\x05\n\x10":
= _local5.frame;
case "\x01\x05\n\x07":
= _local5.frame;
case "\x01\x05\n\x06":
= _local5.frame;
= _arg3;
= new Line_c(0, 0, 0, 0, false, true);
= new Line_c(0, 0, 0, 0, false, true);
= new Circle_c(0, 0, 60);
public function Update(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:EnemyBoss5_c, _arg3:Boolean):void{
if (_arg3){
(_arg1, _arg2);
private function
(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:EnemyBoss5_c):void{
var _local3:Point = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, _arg2.GetLayer(),
var _local4:Point = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, _arg2.GetLayer(),
var _local5:Point = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, _arg2.GetLayer(),
_arg1.GetAmmoManager().DoDamageAt(_arg1, _arg2, _arg2.GetLayer(), 5, TeamFactory.ALLY1_TEAM, 10, _local3.x, _local3.y, (_local4.x - _local3.x), (_local4.y - _local3.y));
_arg1.GetAmmoManager().DoDamageAt(_arg1, _arg2, _arg2.GetLayer(), 5, TeamFactory.ALLY1_TEAM, 10, _local4.x, _local4.y, (_local5.x - _local4.x), (_local5.y - _local4.y));
if (
.Init(_local4.x, _local5.x, _local4.y, _local5.y, false, true);
.Init(_local3.x, _local4.x, _local3.y, _local4.y, false, true);
} else {
.Init(_local5.x, _local4.x, _local5.y, _local4.y, false, true);
.Init(_local4.x, _local3.x, _local4.y, _local3.y, false, true);
.x = _local5.x;
.y = _local5.y;
public function Attack():void{
if ( == STATE_BLOCK){
, this, [STATE_ATTACK]);
private function
(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Function, _arg4:Object, _arg5:Array):void{
.AddCallbackAt(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5);
public function get anim():Animation_c{
return ();
private function
= _arg1;
public function Idle():void{
if ( == STATE_BLOCK){
, this, [STATE_IDLE]);
public function Block():void{
if ( == STATE_IDLE){
(, ,
, this, [STATE_BLOCK]);
} else {
if ( == STATE_ATTACK){
, this, [STATE_BLOCK]);
public function get visuel():ENEMY_BOSS_5_ARM{
return (
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 144
//EnemyBoss5Pince (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyBoss5Pince)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class EnemyBoss5Pince {
private var :Animation_c;
private var
public function EnemyBoss5Pince(_arg1:MovieClip){
= ENEMY_BOSS_5_PINCE(AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.
= new Animation_c(_arg1,
public function Attack():void{
public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function get visuel():ENEMY_BOSS_5_PINCE{
return (
public function get isAttacking():Boolean{
return (.isPlaying);
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 145
//EnemyCreator (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyCreator)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class EnemyCreator implements Updatable_i {
private var :int;
private var :int;
private var :Array;
private var :Array;
public function EnemyCreator(){
= new Array();
= new Array();
public function AddEnemy(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:String, _arg5:Boolean=false):void{
var _local6:MetaEnemy = new MetaEnemy(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
if (_arg5){
public function AddEnemyCount():void{
public function SetEnemyCount(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
public function ActivateAll():void{
var _local2:EnemyDeuxEtat_c;
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < .length) {
_local2 = [_local1];
public function AddKillCount():void{
public function get killCount():int{
return ();
public function AddInactive(_arg1:EnemyDeuxEtat_c):void{
public function DeleteEnemiesExcept(_arg1:Array):void{
var _local3:MetaEnemy;
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
_local3 = [_local2];
if (!Utils.IsInArray(_arg1,{
.splice(_local2, 1);
public function GetNbInactive():int{
return (.length);
public function ():void{
= new Array();
public function Destroy():void{
= new Array();
= new Array();
public function IsEnabled():Boolean{
return (true);
public function (_arg1:Array):void{
var _local3:MetaEnemy;
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
_local3 = [_local2];
if (Utils.IsInArray(_arg1,{
.splice(_local2, 1);
public function OnRemove(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function SetEnable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
public function get enemyCount():int{
return ();
public function
= new Array();
public function RemoveInactive(_arg1:EnemyDeuxEtat_c):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ([_local2] == _arg1){
.splice(_local2, 1);
public function OnAdd(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function get enemyLeft():int{
return ( .length);
public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local3:MetaEnemy;
if (ObjetMoteur_c.IsPaused()){
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
_local3 = [_local2];
if (_arg1.GetCamera().IsPointInFieldOfView(_local3.pos, _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer(), 100, 100)){
_arg1.GetEnemyManager().CreateEnemy(_arg1.GetHeroManager().GetPlayer(HeroManager_c.HERO_1),, _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer(), _local3.tag, _local3.pos.x, _local3.pos.y);
.splice(_local2, 1);
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 146
//EnemyDeuxEtat_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyDeuxEtat_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import TheGameAS3.Items.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.Teams.*;
public class EnemyDeuxEtat_c extends ObjetMoteur_c implements Enemy_i, HeurtableContainer_i {
private const DROP_RATE:Number = 0.2;
private var :Boolean;// = false
protected var :int;
protected var _active:Boolean;// = true
protected var oAnim:Animation_c;
private var :Boolean;// = true
protected var m_objFollow:ObjetMoteur_c;
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Number;// = -1
private var :ObjetMoteur_c;
protected var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;// = true
private var :Boolean;// = true
private var :Number;// = -1
protected var weapon2:WeaponLongRange_c;
protected var weapon3:WeaponLongRange_c;
protected var weapon4:WeaponLongRange_c;
protected var weapon5:WeaponLongRange_c;
private var :Boolean;// = false
protected var weapon1:WeaponLongRange_c;
private var :int;
protected var :AmmoMelee_c;// = null
private var
:Boolean;// = true
private var :int;// = 36
protected var m_context:Game_c;
private var :CircleCollision_c;// = null
private var :Boolean;// = false
protected var :Boolean;// = false
public function EnemyDeuxEtat_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
= ;
m_objFollow = null;
= null;
= 30;
oAnim = new Animation_c(this, null);
m_rayon = 30;
= new ObjetMoteur_c(_arg1);
public function OnOwnerHit(_arg1:Heurtable_i, _arg2:Heurtable_i, _arg3:Collision_c):void{
var _local5:Ammo_c;
var _local4:int;
if (((destroyed) || (!(IsActive())))){
if ((((_arg1.GetOwner() == this)) && ((_arg1 == )))){
if ((_arg2 is Ammo_i)){
_local5 = Ammo_c(_arg2);
_local4 = _local5.GetDamage();
if (){
FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.2);
} else {
FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.2);
= !();
= ( - _local4);
if (((( <= 0)) && (!()))){
if ((((((((_local5 is AmmoMortar1_c)) || ((_local5 is AmmoMortar2_c)))) || ((_local5 is AmmoRocket)))) || ((_local5 is AmmoHoming01_c)))){
= true;
public function IsActive():Boolean{
return (_active);
private function
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:int;
if ((this is EnemyBoss1_c)){
} else {
if (((!((this is EnemyTurret1_c))) && (!((this is EnemyTurret2_c))))){
_local1 = (Math.random() * 100);
_local2 = Math.floor((Math.random() * (ItemFactory_c.MAX - 1)));
_local2 = int(Utils.PickRandomIn(()));
if (_local1 < (100 * DROP_RATE)){
m_context.GetItemManager().CreateItem(_local2, GetLayer(), new Point(px, py));
public function get fadeInRed():Boolean{
return ();
public function Activate():void{
if (!_active){
_active = true;
visible = true;
FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0.2, true);
FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.2, true);
= false;
protected function Shoot(_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:Point, _arg4:int=10):Ammo_c{
var _local5:Ammo_c;
var _local9:Point;
var _local10:Point;
_local5 = Ammo_c(_arg2.GetAmmoManager().CreateBall(_arg1.GetAmmoType(), this, GetLayer()));
var _local6:MovieClip = _arg1.GetMc();
var _local7:MovieClip = MovieClip(_local6.getChildByName("regCanon_mc"));
var _local8:Point = Utils.FindPoint(_arg2, GetLayer(), _local6);
_local9 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg2, GetLayer(), _local7);
if (_arg3 == null){
_local10 = new Point((_local9.x - _local8.x), (_local9.y - _local8.y));
} else {
_local10 = new Point((_arg3.x - _local9.x), (_arg3.y - _local9.y));
_local10 = EquationVecto_c.NormalizeVec(_local10);
_local5.px = _local9.x; = _local9.y;
_local5.vx = (_local10.x * _arg4);
_local5.vy = (_local10.y * _arg4);
_local5.rotation = (EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(_local5.vx, 0, _local5.vy, 0) + 90);
return (_local5);
public function get destroyed():Boolean{
return ();
public function get idAnimDie():Number{
return ();
public function get oCircle():CircleCollision_c{
return ();
public function InitEnemy(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Game_c):void{
var _local3:MovieClip = AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId();
= new CircleCollision_c(this.px,, this.m_rayon);
if (IsDestroyable()){
GetLayer().AddTeamCollision(, GetTeam());
m_context = _arg2;
m_objFollow = _arg1;
oAnim.SetContainer(this, _local3);
if (CanHurtHero()){
= AmmoMelee_c(_arg2.GetAmmoManager().CreateBall(AmmoFactory_c.MELEE_AMMO, this, GetLayer()));
.SetTarget((TeamFactory.ALL_PERSO_TEAM ^ GetTeam()));
(GetGunContainer(weapon1), weapon1);
(GetGunContainer(weapon2), weapon2);
(GetGunContainer(weapon3), weapon3);
(GetGunContainer(weapon4), weapon4);
(GetGunContainer(weapon5), weapon5);
_arg2.GetAmmoManager().AddTargetToAllAmmo(, GetTeam());
var _local4:String = GetTag();
if (_local4 != "NONE"){
if (_local4.indexOf("survival") != -1){
_active = false;
visible = false;
public function SetIsInfinite(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
protected function SwitchGun(_arg1:int, _arg2:WeaponLongRange_c):void{
if (_arg2 == weapon1){
_arg2 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(_arg1));
(GetGunContainer(weapon1), _arg2);
weapon1 = _arg2;
} else {
if (_arg2 == weapon2){
_arg2 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(_arg1));
(GetGunContainer(weapon2), _arg2);
weapon2 = _arg2;
} else {
if (_arg2 == weapon3){
_arg2 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(_arg1));
(GetGunContainer(weapon3), _arg2);
weapon3 = _arg2;
} else {
if (_arg2 == weapon4){
_arg2 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(_arg1));
(GetGunContainer(weapon4), _arg2);
weapon4 = _arg2;
} else {
if (_arg2 == weapon5){
_arg2 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(_arg1));
(GetGunContainer(weapon5), _arg2);
weapon5 = _arg2;
public function GetMoney():int{
return (100);
public function GetSoundOnHit(_arg1:int):int{
return (-1);
protected function DrawOnDead():Boolean{
return (false);
override public function OnRemove(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function set autoShoot(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
protected function IsFloating():Boolean{
return (false);
protected function GetGunContainer(_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c):MovieClip{
return (null);
protected function CanHurtHero():Boolean{
return (true);
protected function (_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:WeaponLongRange_c):void{
if (_arg2 != null){
public function IsInfinite():Boolean{
return ();
public function get canBeDestroyedByFOV():Boolean{
return (
protected function IsAWallNearby():Boolean{
var _local4:Line_c;
var _local1:Array = GetLineInView().slice();
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < _local1.length) {
_local4 = _local1[_local2];
if (!_local4.CanBeWallKicked()){
_local1.splice(_local2, 1);
.px = px;
.py = py;
.vx = (m_objFollow.px - px);
.vy = ( - py);
var _local3:Collision_c = EquationVecto_c.CheckCollision(, _local1, null, 1);
return (!((_local3 == null)));
public function PlayDeath(_arg1:Ammo_c):void{
var _local2:Acteur_c;
var _local3:Acteur_c;
var _local4:Acteur_c;
= false;
if (((((!((oAnim == null))) && (!((m_context == null))))) && (!()))){
= true;
oAnim.ChangeAnim(AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(), true);
oAnim.SetEndFunction(m_context.GetEnemyManager().DestroyEnemy, m_context.GetEnemyManager(), [this, DrawOnDead()]);
if (CanMakeExplosion()){
if ((this is Enemy1_c)){
_local2 = m_context.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION_BIG, GetLayer());
_local2.px = px; = py;
} else {
_local3 = m_context.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION, GetLayer());
_local3.px = px; = py;
if (CanMakeTrou()){
_local4 = m_context.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_IMPACT, GetLayer());
_local4.px = px; = py;
= true;
cameraCanControlMe = false;
if (((!((this is EnemyThug2_c))) && (!((this is Enemy2_c))))){
m_context.GetAmmoManager().RemoveTargetFromAllAmmo(, GetTeam());
private function ():Boolean{
return ((() && (!())));
protected function CanMove():Boolean{
return (!());
protected function IsDestroyable():Boolean{
return (true);
protected function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
public function get autoShoot():Boolean{
return ();
public function GetTeam():Number{
return (TeamFactory.ENEMY1_TEAM);
protected function CanMakeTrou():Boolean{
return (true);
public function get ():Number{
return ();
public function GetXp():int{
return (20);
protected function
return (false);
public function get justBeenKilled():Boolean{
return ();
public function GetHp():int{
return ( );
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
= null;
m_context = null;
= true;
= null;
if ( != null){
= null;
protected function GetWaitBeforeNextShoot():int{
return ();
public function set canBeDestroyedByFOV(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Point;
if (!IsActive()){
if ( != null){
.x = this.px;
.y =;
if ( != null){
.px = px;
.py = py;
if (_arg1.GetCamera().IsInFieldOfView(this)){
if (((((((( <= 0)) && (!(IsDead())))) && ())) && (!(_arg1.GetLevelEventManager().GetCurrentLevelEvent().IsCleared())))){
= GetWaitBeforeNextShoot();
if (!IsAWallNearby()){
_local2 = new Point(m_objFollow.px,;
if (weapon1 != null){
Shoot(weapon1, _arg1, _local2);
if (weapon2 != null){
Shoot(weapon2, _arg1, _local2);
if (weapon3 != null){
Shoot(weapon3, _arg1, _local2);
if (weapon4 != null){
Shoot(weapon4, _arg1, _local2);
if (weapon5 != null){
Shoot(weapon5, _arg1, _local2);
oAnim.SetEndFunction(oAnim.GotoAndStopBegin, oAnim, []);
if (((((((
) && (!(_arg1.GetCamera().IsInFieldOfView(this, 100))))) && (!(IsDead())))) && (GameOptions.IsLevelMode()))){
MCGame(_arg1).GetEnemyCreator().AddEnemy(GetId(), px, py, GetTag());
public function get hitByExplosion():Boolean{
return ();
private function ():Array{
var _local1:Array = new Array();
if (!GameOptions.IsSurvivalMode()){
if (GameOptions.rocketUnlocked){
if (GameOptions.mortarUnlocked){
if (GameOptions.flameUnlocked){
if (GameOptions.homingUnlocked){
return (_local1);
private function ():void{
if (((!(( == null))) && (IsDestroyable()))){
GetLayer().RemoveTeamCollision(, GetTeam());
= null;
= false;
if ( != null){
= null;
public function GetObjFollow():ObjetMoteur_c{
return (m_objFollow);
private function (_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c):void{
if (((((!((_arg1 == null))) && (!((_arg1.GetMcParent() == null))))) && (_arg1.GetMcParent().contains(_arg1.GetMc())))){
protected function CanMakeExplosion():Boolean{
return (true);
public function GetId():int{
return (-1);
public function IsDead():Boolean{
return ();
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 147
//EnemyFactory_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyFactory_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
public class EnemyFactory_c {
public static const MAX:int = ++;
public static const ID_ENEMY_TURRET_2:int = ++;
public static const ID_ENEMY_BOSS:int = ++;
public static const ID_ENEMY_THUG:int = ++;
public static const ID_ENEMY_BOSS2:int = ++;
public static const ID_ENEMY_BOSS3:int = ++;
public static const ID_ENEMY_BOSS5:int = ++;
public static const ID_ENEMY_THUG2:int = ++;
public static const ID_ENEMY_BOSS4:int = ++;
public static const ID_ENEMY_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_ENEMY_2:int = ++;
public static const ID_ENEMY_TURRET_1:int = ++;
public static const ID_ENEMY_TURRET_3:int = ++;
private static var :int = 0;
public static function CreateEnemyFromId(_arg1:int, _arg2:LevelLayer_c):Enemy_i{
switch (_arg1){
case ID_ENEMY_1:
return (new Enemy1_c(_arg2));
case ID_ENEMY_2:
return (new Enemy2_c(_arg2));
return (new EnemyTurret1_c(_arg2));
return (new EnemyTurret2_c(_arg2));
return (new EnemyTurret3_c(_arg2));
return (new EnemyThug_c(_arg2));
return (new EnemyThug2_c(_arg2));
return (new EnemyBoss1_c(_arg2));
return (new EnemyBoss2_c(_arg2));
return (new EnemyBoss3_c(_arg2));
return (new EnemyBoss4_c(_arg2));
return (new EnemyBoss5_c(_arg2));
trace(("ERROR :: EnemyFactory :: Wrong Parameters : " + _arg1));
return (null);
public static function GetIdByName(_arg1:String):int{
if (EnemyFactory_c[_arg1] == undefined){
trace(("ERROR :: EnemyID_c :: GetIdByName :: WRONG NAME : " + _arg1));
return (-1);
return (EnemyFactory_c[_arg1]);
public static function GetAllIds():Array{
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 148
//EnemyManager_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyManager_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class EnemyManager_c {
private var :Array;// = null
private var :Array;// = null
private var m_context:Game_c;// = null
public function DestroyAllEnemy():void{
while (.length > 0) {
while (.length > 0) {
public function GetAllEnemy():Array{
return ();
public function (_arg1:Number){
var _local2:CadavreEnemy_c = CadavreEnemy_c(.splice(_arg1, 1)[0]);
public function DestroyInfiniteEnemy():void{
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < .length) {
if (Enemy_i([_local1]).IsInfinite()){
public function CreateEnemy(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:int, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:String="NONE", _arg5:int=-1, _arg6:int=-1):Enemy_i{
if (m_context == null){
trace("ERROR :: EnemyManager_c :: CreateEnemy :: m_context = null");
return (null);
if (_arg3 == null){
_arg3 = m_context.GetActionLevelLayer();
var _local7:Enemy_i = EnemyFactory_c.CreateEnemyFromId(_arg2, _arg3);
_arg3.GetEnemyContainer().addChild((_local7 as MovieClip));
ObjetMoteur_c(_local7).px = _arg5;
ObjetMoteur_c(_local7).py = _arg6;
if (_arg4 != "NONE"){
_local7.InitEnemy(_arg1, m_context);
return (_local7);
public function OnEnemyDead(_arg1:Enemy_i):void{
if (_arg1.IsInfinite()){
CreateEnemy(_arg1.GetObjFollow(), _arg1.GetId(), _arg1.GetObjFollow().GetLayer());
public function DestroyEnemy(_arg1:Enemy_i, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
var _local3:ObjetMoteur_c;
var _local4:DisplayObjectContainer;
var _local5:int;
if ((_arg1 is ObjetMoteur_c)){
_local3 = (_arg1 as ObjetMoteur_c);
_local4 = _local3.parent;
if (_local4 != null){
if (_arg2){
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < .length) {
if (_local3 == [_local5]){
.splice(_local5, 1);
public function Init(_arg1:Game_c):void{
m_context = _arg1;
= new Array();
= new Array();
public function (_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):CadavreEnemy_c{
var _local6:CadavreEnemy_c;
var _local4:CadavreEnemy_c = new CadavreEnemy_c(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
var _local5:int;
while (_local5 < .length) {
_local6 = [_local5];
if (_local4.IsPointBelow(_local6.GetX(), _local6.GetY())){
if (Math.random() < 0.8){
return (_local4);
public function GetNbEnemyInLayer():int{
if ((((m_context == null)) || ((m_context.GetActionLevelLayer() == null)))){
return (-1);
return (m_context.GetActionLevelLayer().GetEnemyContainer().numChildren);
public function (_arg1:CadavreEnemy_c):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ([_local2] == _arg1){
trace("WARNING :: EnemyManager_c :: DestroyCadavre :: Cadavre not found");
public function GetNbEnemy():int{
return (.length);
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 149
//EnemyThug_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyThug_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Visuel.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class EnemyThug_c extends EnemyDeuxEtat_c {
protected var VITESSE:int;// = 1
private var
:Number;// = 0
private var :Point;
private var DESCEND:int;
private var
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var :Number;
private var MONTE:int;
private var :Number;
private var
:Boolean;// = false
public function EnemyThug_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
= new Point();
, AnimationFactory_c.
= 30;
weapon1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
= (Math.ceil(((Math.random() * 4) + 2)) * 3);
MONTE = ((Math.ceil((Math.random() * 5)) * 2) + 10);
override public function GetId():int{
return (EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_THUG);
override public function PlayDeath(_arg1:Ammo_c):void{
var _local2:Point;
_local2 = new Point(0, 0);
if (hitByExplosion){
_local2.x = (((px - _arg1.px) + (Math.random() * 30)) - 15);
_local2.y = (((py - + (Math.random() * 30)) - 15);
vx = (_local2.x / 10);
vy = (_local2.y / 10);
if (Jukebox_c.SoundAddedOfType(SoundFactory.ID_SFX_THUG_DIE_GIGA_LONG) <= 0){
Jukebox_c.PlaySound(SoundFactory.ID_SFX_THUG_DIE_LONG_1, 3, this, m_objFollow);
} else {
_local2.x = (px - _arg1.px);
_local2.y = (py -;
_local2 = EquationVecto_c.NormalizeVec(_local2);
vx = (_local2.x * 10);
vy = (_local2.y * 10);
rotation = (EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(px, _arg1.px, py, + 90);
Jukebox_c.PlaySound(SoundFactory.ID_SFX_THUG_DIE_GORE, -1, this, m_objFollow);
override protected function CanMakeTrou():Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function CanHurtHero():Boolean{
return (false);
private function ():void{
var _local1:Acteur_c;
_local1 = m_context.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_WATER_SPLASH, GetLayer());
var _local2:Acteur_c = m_context.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_WATER_SPLASH_UPPER, GetLayer());
_local1.px =
.px; =
_local2.px =
.px; =
Jukebox_c.PlaySound(SoundFactory.ID_SFX_WATER_SPLASH, -1,
, m_objFollow);
override protected function CanMakeExplosion():Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function DrawOnDead():Boolean{
return (!(hitByExplosion));
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Point;
var _local3:LevelPart_c;
if (((destroyed) || (!(IsActive())))){
if (!IsDead()){
if (((CanMove()) && (!((m_objFollow == null))))){
.x = (m_objFollow.px - px);
.y = ( - py);
if (((.x * .x) + (.y * .y)) > 15000){
= EquationVecto_c.NormalizeVec();
vx = (.x * VITESSE);
vy = (.y * VITESSE);
} else {
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
rotation = (EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(px, m_objFollow.px, py, + 90);
Moteur_c.StickToGround(_arg1, this, GetLineInView(), GetPointInView());
} else {
if (hitByExplosion){
if ((((
== null)) && (!(
= _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(idAnimDie, GetLayer(), -1, EffectManager_c.ID_FORE_LAYER);
.px = px;
.py = py;
.vx = vx;
.vy = vy;
visible = false;
} else {
if ((((
== null)) && (
if ( > 0){
= ( - _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
.scaleX = (
.scaleX + (( / 100) * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
.scaleY = (
.scaleY + (( / 100) * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
} else {
if ( > 0){
= ( - _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
.scaleX = (
.scaleX - (((DESCEND - ) / 100) * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
.scaleY = (
.scaleY - (((DESCEND - ) / 100) * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
.scaleX = Math.max(1,
.scaleY = Math.max(1,
if (((( <= 0)) && (!(
= true;
.scaleX = 1;
.scaleY = 1;
_local2 =
_local3 = GetLayer().GetLevelPartManager().GetLevelPart(_local2.x, _local2.y);
if (_local3 == null){
= false;
} else {
= (
if (
.vx = 0;
.vy = 0;
} else {
.vx = 0;
.vy = 0;
.scaleX = 1;
.scaleY = 1;
.SetTint(-25, -25, -25);
= null;
} else {
if (!
.rotation = (
.rotation + (
* _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
} else {
if (
.alpha = (
.alpha - (0.1 * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
if (
.alpha < 0){
= null;
.px = (
.px + (
.vx * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
.py = (
.py + (
.vy * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
} else {
vx = (vx * 0.8);
vy = (vy * 0.8);
Moteur_c.StickToGround(_arg1, this, GetLineInView(), GetPointInView());
override public function GetMoney():int{
return (30);
private function (_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c):Boolean{
var _local2:Point = _arg1.GetMatrixPos();
var _local3:LevelPart_c = GetLayer().GetLevelPartManager().GetLevelPart(_local2.x, _local2.y);
var _local4:Point = new Point();
var _local5:Bitmap = _local3.GetLevelBitmap();
var _local6:BitmapData = _local5.bitmapData;
_local4.x = Math.round((_arg1.px - (_local3.GetMatrixPos().x * LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_WIDTH)));
_local4.y = Math.round(( - (_local3.GetMatrixPos().y * LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_HEIGHT)));
var _local7:uint = _local6.getPixel((_local4.x * VisuelFactory_c.COMPRESSION), (_local4.y * VisuelFactory_c.COMPRESSION));
return ((_local7 == 6737151));
override protected function GetGunContainer(_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c):MovieClip{
return (MovieClip(MovieClip(MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("upperbody")).getChildByName("upperbody")).getChildByName("gun")));
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 150
//EnemyThug2_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyThug2_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class EnemyThug2_c extends EnemyThug_c {
public function EnemyThug2_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
, AnimationFactory_c.
SetTint(0xFF, 0, 0);
override public function GetId():int{
return (EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_THUG2);
override protected function GetWaitBeforeNextShoot():int{
return (25);
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 151
//EnemyTurret1_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyTurret1_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class EnemyTurret1_c extends EnemyDeuxEtat_c {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var
public function EnemyTurret1_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
, AnimationFactory_c. );
= 250;
weapon1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
weapon2 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
override public function GetMoney():int{
return (250);
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (((destroyed) || (!(IsActive())))){
rotation = (EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(px, m_objFollow.px, py, + 90);
if (IsDead()){
if ((((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() > 5)) && (!()))){
= true;
override public function GetId():int{
return (EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_TURRET_1);
override protected function GetGunContainer(_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c):MovieClip{
if (_arg1 == weapon1){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun1")));
if (_arg1 == weapon2){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun2")));
return (null);
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
= null;
override public function InitEnemy(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Game_c):void{
super.InitEnemy(_arg1, _arg2);
var _local3:String = GetTag();
if (_local3 != "NONE"){
if (_local3.indexOf("turretMB") != -1){
_active = false;
visible = false;
= true;
= new Circle_c(px, py, 50);
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 152
//EnemyTurret2_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyTurret2_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class EnemyTurret2_c extends EnemyDeuxEtat_c {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var
public function EnemyTurret2_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
(AnimationFactory_c. , AnimationFactory_c.
= 150;
weapon1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
override public function GetMoney():int{
return (150);
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (((destroyed) || (!(IsActive())))){
rotation = (EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(px, m_objFollow.px, py, + 90);
if (IsDead()){
if ((((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() > 5)) && (!()))){
= true;
override public function GetId():int{
return (EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_TURRET_2);
override protected function GetGunContainer(_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c):MovieClip{
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun")));
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
= null;
override public function InitEnemy(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Game_c):void{
super.InitEnemy(_arg1, _arg2);
var _local3:String = GetTag();
if (_local3 != "NONE"){
if (_local3.indexOf("turretMB") != -1){
_active = false;
visible = false;
= true;
= new Circle_c(px, py, 50);
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 153
//EnemyTurret3_c (TheGameAS3.Enemy.EnemyTurret3_c)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class EnemyTurret3_c extends EnemyDeuxEtat_c {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var
public function EnemyTurret3_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
(AnimationFactory_c. , AnimationFactory_c.
= 250;
weapon1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
weapon2 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
override public function GetMoney():int{
return (250);
override protected function IsDestroyable():Boolean{
return (false);
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (((destroyed) || (!(IsActive())))){
rotation = (EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(px, m_objFollow.px, py, + 90);
if (IsDead()){
if ((((oAnim.GetCurrentFrame() > 5)) && (!()))){
= true;
override public function GetId():int{
return (EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_TURRET_3);
override protected function GetGunContainer(_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c):MovieClip{
if (_arg1 == weapon1){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun1")));
if (_arg1 == weapon2){
return (MovieClip(oAnim.GetChild().getChildByName("gun2")));
return (null);
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
= null;
override public function InitEnemy(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Game_c):void{
super.InitEnemy(_arg1, _arg2);
var _local3:String = GetTag();
if (_local3 != "NONE"){
if (_local3.indexOf("turretMB") != -1){
_active = false;
visible = false;
= true;
= new Circle_c(px, py, 50);
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 154
//MetaEnemy (TheGameAS3.Enemy.MetaEnemy)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import flash.geom.*;
public class MetaEnemy {
private var :int;
private var :Point;
private var :String;
public function MetaEnemy(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:String){
= _arg1;
= new Point(_arg2, _arg3);
= _arg4;
public function get id():int{
return ();
public function get tag():String{
return ();
public function get pos():Point{
return ();
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 155
//SpawningDoor (TheGameAS3.Enemy.SpawningDoor)
package TheGameAS3.Enemy {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class SpawningDoor {
private var :int;// = 0
private var :int;// = 0
private var :int;// = 0
private var :int;// = 0
private var :int;// = 0
private var
private var :Array;
private var :Acteur_c;
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var :Array;
private var :int;
private static const STATE_IDLE:int = 0;
private static const STATE_CLOSING:int = 3;
private static const STATE_OPENING:int = 1;
private static const STATE_SPAWNING:int = 2;
private static const BLACK_TINT:Number = -255;
private static var :Number = -255;
private static var :Number = -255;
private static var :Number = -255;
public function SpawningDoor(_arg1:int, _arg2:Acteur_c){
= new Array();
= new Array();
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
.isPlaying = false;
= .GetMC();
public function get ():Boolean{
return (( == STATE_CLOSING));
public function get ():Boolean{
return (( == STATE_IDLE));
public function get visuelActeur():Acteur_c{
return ();
public function get ():Boolean{
return (( == STATE_OPENING));
public function (_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):void{
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
= true;
private function Close():void{
public function get ():Boolean{
return (( == STATE_SPAWNING));
public function get enemyToSpawn():int{
return (.length);
public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MetaEnemy;
if ( ){
if ( <= 0){
if (.length > 0){
_local2 = .shift();
(_local2, _arg1);
if (.length > 0){
= .shift();
} else {
} else {
if (){
if (
.currentFrame > 1){
} else {
} else {
if (){
if (
.currentFrame <
} else {
private function Open():void{
private function (_arg1:MetaEnemy, _arg2:Game_c):void{
var _local3:ObjetMoteur_c = ObjetMoteur_c(_arg2.GetEnemyManager().CreateEnemy(_arg2.GetPlayer1(),, _arg2.GetPlayer1().GetLayer()));
_local3.FadeTintFromTo(, , , 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.1);
_local3.px = _arg1.pos.x; = _arg1.pos.y;
public function AddEnemyToSpawn(_arg1:MetaEnemy, _arg2:int):void{
public function get id():int{
return ();
public static function (_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):void{
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
}//package TheGameAS3.Enemy
Section 156
package TheGameAS3.Exported.LevelSelection {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class LEVEL_SELECTION_PANEL extends MovieClip {
public var prev:BTNNEXT;
public var __id50_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __setPropDict:Dictionary;
public var lockMsg:MovieClip;
public var __id51_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id52_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var kill2:TextField;
public var kill1:TextField;
public var __id53_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_10:TextField;
public var AUTO_11:TextField;
public var AUTO_12:TextField;
public var AUTO_14:TextField;
public var AUTO_16:TextField;
public var AUTO_18:TextField;
public var AUTO_19:TextField;
public var AUTO_13:TextField;
public var AUTO_15:TextField;
public var AUTO_17:TextField;
public var __id54_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id42_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_20:TextField;
public var AUTO_21:TextField;
public var AUTO_22:TextField;
public var AUTO_23:TextField;
public var AUTO_24:TextField;
public var AUTO_25:TextField;
public var AUTO_26:TextField;
public var AUTO_27:TextField;
public var __id43_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id55_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var next:BTNNEXT;
public var time1:TextField;
public var time2:TextField;
public var dmg1:TextField;
public var __id56_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id44_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id57_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id45_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var dmg2:TextField;
public var __id46_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var timeStar1:MovieClip;
public var timeStar2:MovieClip;
public var timeStar3:MovieClip;
public var killStar3:MovieClip;
public var killStar2:MovieClip;
public var killStar1:MovieClip;
public var __id58_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id47_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id48_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id59_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id49_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_2:TextField;
public var AUTO_4:TextField;
public var AUTO_7:TextField;
public var AUTO_8:TextField;
public var AUTO_9:TextField;
public var AUTO_3:TextField;
public var AUTO_5:TextField;
public var AUTO_6:TextField;
public var dmgStar1:MovieClip;
public var dmgStar2:MovieClip;
public var dmgStar3:MovieClip;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public function LEVEL_SELECTION_PANEL(){
__setPropDict = new Dictionary(true);
addFrameScript(5, frame6, 4, frame5, 2, frame3, 0, frame1, 1, frame2, 3, frame4);
function (){
try {
__id54_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id54_.textFieldName = "AUTO_27";
__id54_.textId = "";
try {
__id54_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id58_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id58_.textFieldName = "AUTO_6";
__id58_.textId = "ID_AUTO_THUNDER_0";
try {
__id58_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id58_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id58_.textFieldName = "AUTO_14";
__id58_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SEA_0";
try {
__id58_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id58_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id58_.textFieldName = "AUTO_10";
__id58_.textId = "ID_AUTO_ARMOR_1";
try {
__id58_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id58_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id58_.textFieldName = "AUTO_18";
__id58_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LEVEL_4";
try {
__id58_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id58_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id58_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id58_.textId = "ID_AUTO_JUNGLE_0";
try {
__id58_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id42_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id42_.textFieldName = "time2";
__id42_.textId = "";
try {
__id42_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id59_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id59_.textFieldName = "AUTO_11";
__id59_.textId = "ID_AUTO_ARMOR_1";
try {
__id59_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id59_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id59_.textFieldName = "AUTO_19";
__id59_.textId = "ID_AUTO_JAIL_0";
try {
__id59_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id59_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id59_.textFieldName = "AUTO_15";
__id59_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SEA_0";
try {
__id59_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame2(){
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__setPropDict[__id56_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id57_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id57_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id57_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id59_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id59_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id59_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id58_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id58_]) == 2))))){
__setPropDict[__id58_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id51_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id51_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id51_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id51_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id48_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id48_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id48_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id48_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id50_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id50_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id50_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id50_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id53_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id53_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id53_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id53_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id49_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id49_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id49_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id49_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id52_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id52_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id52_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id52_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id54_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id54_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id54_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id54_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id55_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id55_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id55_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id55_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id59_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id59_.textFieldName = "AUTO_7";
__id59_.textId = "ID_AUTO_THUNDER_0";
try {
__id59_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame6(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id56_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id56_]) == 6))))){
__setPropDict[__id56_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id57_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id57_]) == 6))))){
__setPropDict[__id57_] = currentFrame;
try {
__id43_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id43_.textFieldName = "kill2";
__id43_.textId = "";
try {
__id43_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame3(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id51_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id51_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id51_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id51_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id48_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id48_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id48_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id48_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id50_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id50_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id50_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id50_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id56_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id56_]) == 3))))){
__setPropDict[__id56_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id53_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id53_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id53_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id53_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id57_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id57_]) == 3))))){
__setPropDict[__id57_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id58_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id58_]) == 3))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id49_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id49_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id49_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id49_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id52_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id52_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id52_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id52_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id54_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id54_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id54_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id54_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id55_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id55_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id55_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id55_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id59_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id59_]) == 3))))){
__setPropDict[__id59_] = currentFrame;
function frame4(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id57_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id57_]) == 4))))){
__setPropDict[__id57_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id56_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id56_]) == 4))))){
__setPropDict[__id56_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id51_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id51_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id51_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id51_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id48_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id48_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id48_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id48_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id59_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id59_]) == 4))))){
__setPropDict[__id59_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id50_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id50_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id50_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id50_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id58_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id58_]) == 4))))){
__setPropDict[__id58_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id53_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id53_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id53_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id53_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id49_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id49_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id49_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id49_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id52_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id52_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id52_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id52_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id54_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id54_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id54_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id54_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id55_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id55_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id55_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id55_] = currentFrame;
function frame5(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id56_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id56_]) == 5))))){
__setPropDict[__id56_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id58_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id58_]) == 5))))){
__setPropDict[__id58_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id51_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id51_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id51_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id51_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id48_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id48_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id48_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id48_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id50_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id50_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id50_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id50_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id57_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id57_]) == 5))))){
__setPropDict[__id57_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id53_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id53_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id53_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id53_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id49_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id49_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id49_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id49_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id52_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id52_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id52_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id52_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id54_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id54_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id54_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id54_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id55_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id55_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id55_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id55_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id59_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id59_]) == 5))))){
__setPropDict[__id59_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id55_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id55_.textFieldName = "AUTO_27";
__id55_.textId = "";
try {
__id55_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame1(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id57_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id57_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id57_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id51_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id51_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id51_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id51_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id48_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id48_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id48_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id48_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id59_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id59_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id59_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id50_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id50_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id50_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id50_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id58_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id58_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id58_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id53_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id53_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id53_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id53_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id49_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id49_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id49_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id49_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id52_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id52_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id52_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id52_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id56_] == undefined)) || (!((int(__setPropDict[__id56_]) == 1))))){
__setPropDict[__id56_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id54_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id54_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id54_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id54_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id55_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id55_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id55_]) <= 5))))))){
__setPropDict[__id55_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id59_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id59_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id59_.textId = "ID_AUTO_JUNGLE_0";
try {
__id59_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id44_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id44_.textFieldName = "dmg2";
__id44_.textId = "";
try {
__id44_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id45_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id45_.textFieldName = "time1";
__id45_.textId = "";
try {
__id45_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id50_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id50_.textFieldName = "AUTO_24";
__id50_.textId = "ID_AUTO_DAMAGE__0";
try {
__id50_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id46_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id46_.textFieldName = "kill1";
__id46_.textId = "";
try {
__id46_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id48_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id48_.textFieldName = "AUTO_22";
__id48_.textId = "ID_AUTO_TIME__0";
try {
__id48_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id47_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id47_.textFieldName = "dmg1";
__id47_.textId = "";
try {
__id47_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id56_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id56_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id56_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LEVEL_0";
try {
__id56_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id56_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id56_.textFieldName = "AUTO_12";
__id56_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LEVEL_3";
try {
__id56_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id56_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id56_.textFieldName = "AUTO_16";
__id56_.textId = "ID_AUTO_JAIL_0";
try {
__id56_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id51_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id51_.textFieldName = "AUTO_25";
__id51_.textId = "ID_AUTO_TIME__0";
try {
__id51_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id52_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id52_.textFieldName = "AUTO_26";
__id52_.textId = "ID_AUTO_KILL__0";
try {
__id52_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id56_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id56_.textFieldName = "AUTO_20";
__id56_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SURVIVAL_0";
try {
__id56_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id49_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id49_.textFieldName = "AUTO_23";
__id49_.textId = "ID_AUTO_KILL__0";
try {
__id49_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id56_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id56_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id56_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LEVEL_1";
try {
__id56_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id53_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id53_.textFieldName = "AUTO_27";
__id53_.textId = "ID_AUTO_DAMAGE__0";
try {
__id53_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id57_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id57_.textFieldName = "AUTO_9";
__id57_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LEVEL_2";
try {
__id57_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id57_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id57_.textFieldName = "AUTO_13";
__id57_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LEVEL_3";
try {
__id57_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id57_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id57_.textFieldName = "AUTO_17";
__id57_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LEVEL_4";
try {
__id57_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id57_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id57_.textFieldName = "AUTO_21";
__id57_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SURVIVAL_0";
try {
__id57_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id56_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id56_.textFieldName = "AUTO_8";
__id56_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LEVEL_2";
try {
__id56_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id57_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id57_.textFieldName = "AUTO_5";
__id57_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LEVEL_1";
try {
__id57_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id57_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id57_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id57_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LEVEL_0";
try {
__id57_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.LevelSelection
Section 157
//SFX_ALARM (TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx.SFX_ALARM)
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_ALARM extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 158
//SFX_DEFEAT (TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx.SFX_DEFEAT)
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_DEFEAT extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 159
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_EXPLOSION_1 extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 160
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_EXPLOSION_2 extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 161
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_EXPLOSION_BOSS extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 162
//SFX_F_GUN (TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx.SFX_F_GUN)
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_F_GUN extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 163
//SFX_G_GUN (TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx.SFX_G_GUN)
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_G_GUN extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 164
//SFX_H_GUN (TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx.SFX_H_GUN)
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_H_GUN extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 165
//SFX_HEALTH (TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx.SFX_HEALTH)
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_HEALTH extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 166
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_INTERFACE_BTN_CLICK extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 167
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_INTERFACE_BTN_ROLLOVER extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 168
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_INTERFACE_DOOR_CLOSE extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 169
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_INTERFACE_DOOR_OPEN extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 170
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_INTERFACE_STEAM extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 171
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_INTERFACE_TITLE_IN extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 172
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_INTERFACE_TITLE_OUT extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 173
//SFX_JET_IDLE (TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx.SFX_JET_IDLE)
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_JET_IDLE extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 174
//SFX_JET_OUT (TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx.SFX_JET_OUT)
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_JET_OUT extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 175
//SFX_M_GUN (TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx.SFX_M_GUN)
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_M_GUN extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 176
//SFX_MORTAR (TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx.SFX_MORTAR)
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_MORTAR extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 177
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_POWERUP extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 178
//SFX_R_GUN (TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx.SFX_R_GUN)
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_R_GUN extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 179
//SFX_S_GUN (TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx.SFX_S_GUN)
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_S_GUN extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 180
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_THUG_DIE_GIGA_LONG extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 181
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_THUG_DIE_GORE extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 182
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_THUG_DIE_LONG1 extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 183
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_WATER_SPLASH extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 184
package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx {
public dynamic class SFX_VICTORY extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.Sfx
Section 185
package TheGameAS3.Exported.SFX {
public dynamic class MUSIC_BOSS_FIGHT extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.SFX
Section 186
package TheGameAS3.Exported.SFX {
public dynamic class MUSIC_INGAME extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.SFX
Section 187
package TheGameAS3.Exported.SFX {
public dynamic class MUSIC_LAST_BOSS extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.SFX
Section 188
package TheGameAS3.Exported.SFX {
public dynamic class MUSIC_LAST_LEVEL extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.SFX
Section 189
package TheGameAS3.Exported.SFX {
public dynamic class MUSIC_LEVEL2 extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.SFX
Section 190
package TheGameAS3.Exported.SFX {
public dynamic class MUSIC_MENU extends Sound {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported.SFX
Section 191
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class AMMO_DEBUG extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 192
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class AMMO_ENEMY extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 193
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class AMMO_FLAME extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 194
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class AMMO_GATLING extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 195
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class AMMO_MORTAR1 extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 196
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class AMMO_MORTAR2 extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 197
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class AMMO_NORMAL extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 198
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class AMMO_ROCKET extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 199
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class AMMO_ROCKET_HOMING extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 200
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class AMMO_SHOTGUN extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 201
//ENEMY_1_DIE (TheGameAS3.Exported.ENEMY_1_DIE)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_1_DIE extends MovieClip {
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 202
//ENEMY_1_IDLE (TheGameAS3.Exported.ENEMY_1_IDLE)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_1_IDLE extends MovieClip {
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 203
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_1_LOWER_BODY extends MovieClip {
public var rail2:MovieClip;
public var rail1:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 204
//ENEMY_2_DIE (TheGameAS3.Exported.ENEMY_2_DIE)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_2_DIE extends MovieClip {
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 205
//ENEMY_2_IDLE (TheGameAS3.Exported.ENEMY_2_IDLE)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_2_IDLE extends MovieClip {
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 206
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_2_DIE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 207
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_2_IDLE extends MovieClip {
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gunMortar:MovieClip;
public var gun3:MovieClip;
public var gun4:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 208
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_3_DIE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 209
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_3_IDLE extends MovieClip {
public var turret1:MovieClip;
public var turret2:MovieClip;
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 210
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_3_LOWER_BODY extends MovieClip {
public var rail2:MovieClip;
public var rail1:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 211
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_4_IDLE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 212
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_4_RUN extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 213
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_4_UPPERBODY_IDLE extends MovieClip {
public var gun3:MovieClip;
public var mortarGun:MovieClip;
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 214
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_4_UPPERBODY_SHOOT extends MovieClip {
public var gun3:MovieClip;
public var mortarGun:MovieClip;
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 215
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_5_ARM extends MovieClip {
public var attack0:MovieClip;
public var attack1:MovieClip;
public var attack2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 216
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_5_PINCE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 217
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_5_UPPERBODY_DIE extends MovieClip {
public var arm3:MovieClip;
public var arm2:MovieClip;
public var arm4:MovieClip;
public var arm1:MovieClip;
public var pince:MovieClip;
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 218
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_5_UPPERBODY_IDLE extends MovieClip {
public var turret1:MovieClip;
public var arm3:MovieClip;
public var arm2:MovieClip;
public var arm4:MovieClip;
public var arm1:MovieClip;
public var turret2:MovieClip;
public var pince:MovieClip;
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 219
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_DIE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 220
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_IDLE extends MovieClip {
public var gun3:MovieClip;
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 221
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_BOSS_LOWER_BODY extends MovieClip {
public var rail2:MovieClip;
public var rail1:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 222
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL1 extends MovieClip {
public var turretMB1:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB5:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB9:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB3:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB12:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB6:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB7:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB10:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB4:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB8:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB13:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB20:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB21:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB11:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB27:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB26:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB23:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB25:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB22:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB24:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB2:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 223
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL2 extends MovieClip {
public var survival:ENEMY_1_IDLE;
public var turretMB:ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 224
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL3 extends MovieClip {
public var turretMB:ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE;
public var survival1:ENEMY_BOSS_IDLE;
public var survival3:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival5:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival7:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival8:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival2:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival4:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival9:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival6:ENEMY_1_IDLE;
public var survival10:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival11:ENEMY_1_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 225
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL4 extends MovieClip {
public var turretMB1:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB5:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB3:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB6:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB7:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB4:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB2:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var survival1:ENEMY_BOSS_IDLE;
public var survival2:ENEMY_BOSS_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 226
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL5 extends MovieClip {
public var turretMB1:ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE;
public var turretMB5:ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE;
public var turretMB3:ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE;
public var turretMB6:ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE;
public var turretMB8:ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE;
public var turretMB4:ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE;
public var turretMB7:ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE;
public var turretMB2:ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE;
public var survival1:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival3:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival5:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival7:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival8:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival2:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival4:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival9:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival6:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival10:ENEMY_BOSS_IDLE;
public var survival11:ENEMY_BOSS_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 227
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY0 extends MovieClip {
public var survival1:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 228
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY1 extends MovieClip {
public var turretMB8:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB7:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB22:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB21:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var survival1:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival3:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival2:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival4:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var turretMB40:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB41:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB49:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB50:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 229
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY2 extends MovieClip {
public var survival1:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival3:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival2:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival4:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 230
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY3 extends MovieClip {
public var turretMB8:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB21:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var survival1:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival3:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival2:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival4:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var turretMB40:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var turretMB50:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 231
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY4 extends MovieClip {
public var survival2:ENEMY_1_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 232
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD1 extends MovieClip {
public var turretMB24:ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 233
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD2 extends MovieClip {
public var turretMB24:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var survival2:ENEMY_1_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 234
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD3 extends MovieClip {
public var turretMB24:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var survival1:ENEMY_BOSS_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 235
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD4 extends MovieClip {
public var turretMB24:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var survival3:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
public var survival2:ENEMY_1_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 236
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_MEDIUM1 extends MovieClip {
public var survival1:ENEMY_BOSS_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 237
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_MEDIUM2 extends MovieClip {
public var turretMB24:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 238
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_MEDIUM3 extends MovieClip {
public var turretMB24:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var survival2:ENEMY_1_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 239
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_MEDIUM4 extends MovieClip {
public var turretMB24:ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE;
public var survival3:ENEMY_THUG_IDLE;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 240
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_THUG_DIE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 241
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_THUG_IDLE extends MovieClip {
public var upperbody:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 242
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_THUG2_DIE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 243
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_THUG2_IDLE extends MovieClip {
public var upperbody:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 244
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_TURRET_1_DIE extends MovieClip {
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 245
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE extends MovieClip {
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 246
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_TURRET_2_DIE extends MovieClip {
public var gun:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 247
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE extends MovieClip {
public var gun:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 248
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_TURRET_3_DIE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 249
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ENEMY_TURRET_3_IDLE extends MovieClip {
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 250
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_DOOR_METAL extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 251
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_DROPSHIP extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 252
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_DROPSHIP_OUT extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 253
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_DROPSHIP_VOLE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 254
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_EXPLOSION extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 255
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_EXPLOSION_BIG extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 256
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_ICON_FLAME extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 257
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_ICON_GATLING extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 258
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_ICON_HEALTH extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 259
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_ICON_HOMING extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 260
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_ICON_MORTAR extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 261
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_ICON_ROCKET extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 262
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_ICON_SHOTGUN extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 263
//FX_IMPACT (TheGameAS3.Exported.FX_IMPACT)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_IMPACT extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 264
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_PILOTE_DIE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 265
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_PILOTE_DIED extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 266
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_PILOTE_IDLE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 267
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_RIFLE_BURST_1 extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 268
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_RIFLE_BURST_2 extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 269
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_RIFLE_BURST_3 extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 270
//FX_ROX_IDLE (TheGameAS3.Exported.FX_ROX_IDLE)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_ROX_IDLE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 271
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_TRACE_PATTE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 272
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_TRACE_RAIL extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 273
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_WATER_SPLASH extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 274
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_WATER_SPLASH_UPPER extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 275
//FX_WAVE (TheGameAS3.Exported.FX_WAVE)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class FX_WAVE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 276
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class HERO_GOLD_IDLE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 277
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class HERO_GOLD_RUN extends MovieClip {
public var patte1:MovieClip;
public var patte2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 278
//HERO_IDLE (TheGameAS3.Exported.HERO_IDLE)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class HERO_IDLE extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 279
//HERO_RUN (TheGameAS3.Exported.HERO_RUN)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class HERO_RUN extends MovieClip {
public var patte1:MovieClip;
public var patte2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 280
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class HERO_UPPERBODY_GOLD_IDLE extends MovieClip {
public var gun3:MovieClip;
public var mortarGun:MovieClip;
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 281
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class HERO_UPPERBODY_GOLD_SHOOT extends MovieClip {
public var gun3:MovieClip;
public var mortarGun:MovieClip;
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 282
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class HERO_UPPERBODY_IDLE extends MovieClip {
public var gun3:MovieClip;
public var mortarGun:MovieClip;
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 283
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class HERO_UPPERBODY_SHOOT extends MovieClip {
public var gun3:MovieClip;
public var mortarGun:MovieClip;
public var gun1:MovieClip;
public var gun2:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 284
//MAP_1_0 (TheGameAS3.Exported.MAP_1_0)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class MAP_1_0 extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 285
//MAP_1_1 (TheGameAS3.Exported.MAP_1_1)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class MAP_1_1 extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 286
//MAP_2_0 (TheGameAS3.Exported.MAP_2_0)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class MAP_2_0 extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 287
//MAP_3_0 (TheGameAS3.Exported.MAP_3_0)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class MAP_3_0 extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 288
//MAP_4_0 (TheGameAS3.Exported.MAP_4_0)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class MAP_4_0 extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 289
//MAP_5_0 (TheGameAS3.Exported.MAP_5_0)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class MAP_5_0 extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 290
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class MAP_SURVIVAL_0 extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 291
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
public dynamic class SCORE_PANEL extends MovieClip {
public var __id67_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id68_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var highscore:BTNHIGHSCORE;
public var submit:BTNSUBMIT;
public var wave1:TextField;
public var wave2:TextField;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var AUTO_2:TextField;
public var inputback:TextField;
public var __id77_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id81_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_3:TextField;
public var __id78_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id80_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var input:TextField;
public var __id79_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function SCORE_PANEL(){
function (){
try {
__id81_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id81_.textFieldName = "wave1";
__id81_.textId = "";
try {
__id81_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id80_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id80_.textFieldName = "wave2";
__id80_.textId = "";
try {
__id80_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id78_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id78_.textFieldName = "inputback";
__id78_.textId = "";
try {
__id78_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id79_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id79_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id79_.textId = "ID_AUTO_ENTER_0";
try {
__id79_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id68_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id68_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id68_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_1";
try {
__id68_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id67_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id67_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id67_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SUBMIT_1";
try {
__id67_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id77_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id77_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id77_.textId = "ID_AUTO_ENTER_0";
try {
__id77_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 292
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
public dynamic class SCREEN_AD_SHOWER extends MovieClip {
public var ad:MovieClip;
public var quit:BoutonX;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 293
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
public dynamic class SCREEN_CREDITS_END extends MovieClip {
public var skip:BTNSKIP;
public function SCREEN_CREDITS_END(){
addFrameScript(29, frame30);
function frame30(){
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 294
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
public dynamic class SCREEN_INSTRUCTIONS extends MovieClip {
public var panel:MovieClip;
public var back:BTNBACK;
public function SCREEN_INSTRUCTIONS(){
addFrameScript(83, frame84);
function frame84(){
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 295
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class SCREEN_LOADING extends MovieClip {
public var __id112_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id100_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id113_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id101_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id98_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id114_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __setPropDict:Dictionary;
public var __id102_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var start:BTNSTART;
public var __id115_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id103_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id99_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var loading2:MovieClip;
public var __id116_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id104_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id117_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id105_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_10:TextField;
public var AUTO_11:TextField;
public var AUTO_12:TextField;
public var AUTO_14:TextField;
public var AUTO_16:TextField;
public var AUTO_19:TextField;
public var AUTO_13:TextField;
public var AUTO_15:TextField;
public var AUTO_17:TextField;
public var __id118_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id106_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id119_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id107_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id108_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id109_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var pct2:TextField;
public var pct1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var AUTO_2:TextField;
public var AUTO_4:TextField;
public var AUTO_6:TextField;
public var AUTO_7:TextField;
public var AUTO_8:TextField;
public var AUTO_9:TextField;
public var AUTO_3:TextField;
public var AUTO_5:TextField;
public var __id110_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_SpaceBar:TextField;
public var __id111_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function SCREEN_LOADING(){
__setPropDict = new Dictionary(true);
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 14, frame15, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20, 20, frame21, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26, 26, frame27, 27, frame28, 28, frame29, 29, frame30, 30, , 31, frame32, 32, , 33, frame34, 34,
, 35, , 36, , 37, , 38,
, 39, , 40, , 41, , 42, , 43, frame44, 44, , 45, , 46,
, 47, , 48,
, 49, , 50, frame51, 51, , 52, , 53, , 54, frame55, 55, frame56, 56, , 57, , 58, , 59, frame60, 60, frame61, 61, , 62, , 63, , 64, frame65, 65, , 66, , 67, frame68, 68, , 69, , 70, frame71, 71, frame72, 72, , 73, , 74, , 75, frame76, 76,
, 77, , 78,
, 79, frame80, 80, , 81, , 82, , 83, frame84, 84, , 85, , 86, , 87, frame88, 88,
, 89, , 90, , 91,
, 92, , 93, , 94, frame95, 95,
, 96, frame97, 97, , 98,
, 99, frame100);
function (){
try {
__id102_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id102_.textFieldName = "AUTO_5";
__id102_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LEFT_0";
try {
__id102_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id114_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id114_.textFieldName = "AUTO_16";
__id114_.textId = "";
try {
__id114_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame16(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id98_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id98_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id98_.textId = "ID_AUTO_TO_0";
try {
__id98_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame15(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame18(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame4(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
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__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
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__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
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__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame5(){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id108_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id108_.textFieldName = "AUTO_11";
__id108_.textId = "ID_AUTO_W_0";
try {
__id108_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame7(){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame3(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame10(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame11(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
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__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
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__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame6(){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame13(){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id103_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id103_.textFieldName = "AUTO_6";
__id103_.textId = "ID_AUTO_TO_1";
try {
__id103_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame2(){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame17(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame19(){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame9(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame1(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame24(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame25(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame26(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame8(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame23(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame12(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame22(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame30(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame27(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame14(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame20(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame21(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
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function (){
try {
__id118_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id118_.textFieldName = "pct2";
__id118_.textId = "";
try {
__id118_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame29(){
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function (){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
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__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
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__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
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function (){
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__id109_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id109_.textFieldName = "AUTO_12";
__id109_.textId = "ID_AUTO_A_0";
try {
__id109_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
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__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
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__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
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__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
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__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id115_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id115_.textFieldName = "AUTO_17";
__id115_.textId = "ID_AUTO_CTRL_0";
try {
__id115_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame28(){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
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__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
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__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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function frame44(){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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function frame32(){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
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function (){
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function (){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame34(){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
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__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
try {
__id104_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id104_.textFieldName = "AUTO_7";
__id104_.textId = "ID_AUTO_USE_0";
try {
__id104_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function frame55(){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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function (){
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function frame56(){
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function (){
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function (){
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function (){
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function frame60(){
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function (){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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function (){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame51(){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
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function (){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame61(){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
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function frame68(){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
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function (){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function frame65(){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
function (){
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
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function (){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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function (){
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} catch(e:Error) {
__id119_.textFieldName = "pct1";
__id119_.textId = "";
try {
__id119_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
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function frame71(){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
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__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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function (){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
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__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
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__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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function frame76(){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
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function (){
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} catch(e:Error) {
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__id116_.textId = "ID_AUTO_OR_0";
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} catch(e:Error) {
function frame80(){
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function (){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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function frame84(){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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function (){
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__id105_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
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__id105_.textId = "ID_AUTO_OR_0";
try {
__id105_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
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function (){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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function frame88(){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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function (){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
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function (){
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function frame72(){
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function (){
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function (){
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function frame95(){
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function (){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
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function (){
try {
__id100_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id100_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id100_.textId = "ID_AUTO_TO_0";
try {
__id100_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
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function frame97(){
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__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
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function (){
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function frame100(){
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function (){
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function (){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
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if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
try {
__id117_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id117_.textFieldName = "AUTO_SpaceBar";
__id117_.textId = "ID_AUTO_SPACEBAR_0";
try {
__id117_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
if ((((__setPropDict[__id111_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id111_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id111_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id108_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id108_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id108_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id115_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id115_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id115_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id114_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id114_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id114_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id104_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id104_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id104_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id107_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id107_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id107_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id109_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id109_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id109_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id100_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id100_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id100_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id116_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id116_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id116_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id117_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id117_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id117_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id119_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id119_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id119_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id118_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id118_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id118_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id102_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id102_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id102_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id112_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id112_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id112_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id105_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id105_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id105_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id106_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id106_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id106_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id113_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id113_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id113_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id103_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id103_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id103_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id101_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id101_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id101_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id98_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id98_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id98_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id99_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id99_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id99_] = currentFrame;
if ((((__setPropDict[__id110_] == undefined)) || (!((((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) >= 1)) && ((int(__setPropDict[__id110_]) <= 100))))))){
__setPropDict[__id110_] = currentFrame;
try {
__id106_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id106_.textFieldName = "AUTO_9";
__id106_.textId = "ID_AUTO_TO_1";
try {
__id106_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id112_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id112_.textFieldName = "AUTO_15";
__id112_.textId = "ID_AUTO_AIM_0";
try {
__id112_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id101_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id101_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id101_.textId = "ID_AUTO_LEFT_0";
try {
__id101_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id107_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id107_.textFieldName = "AUTO_10";
__id107_.textId = "ID_AUTO_S_0";
try {
__id107_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id113_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id113_.textFieldName = "AUTO_16";
__id113_.textId = "ID_AUTO_AIM_0";
try {
__id113_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 296
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.LevelSelection.*;
public dynamic class SCREEN_SELECTION extends MovieClip {
public var panel:LEVEL_SELECTION_PANEL;
public var start:BTNSTART;
public var weapons:BTNWEAPONS;
public var back:BTNBACK;
public function SCREEN_SELECTION(){
addFrameScript(60, frame61);
function frame61(){
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 297
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
public dynamic class SCREEN_SUBMIT extends MovieClip {
public var highscore:SCORE_PANEL;
public var back:BTNBACK;
public function SCREEN_SUBMIT(){
addFrameScript(54, frame55);
function frame55(){
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 298
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
public dynamic class SCREEN_TITLE extends MovieClip {
public var survival:BTNSURVIVAL;
public var start:BTNSTART;
public var instructions:BTNINSTRUCTIONS;
public function SCREEN_TITLE(){
addFrameScript(70, frame71);
function frame71(){
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 299
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
public dynamic class SCREEN_UNLOCKABLE extends MovieClip {
public var panel:MovieClip;
public var back:BTNBACK;
public function SCREEN_UNLOCKABLE(){
addFrameScript(43, frame44);
function frame44(){
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 300
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class SCREEN_UNLOCKED extends MovieClip {
public var award:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 301
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class UI_GAMEOVER extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 302
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class UI_INGAME_AWARD extends MovieClip {
public var award:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 303
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class UI_INGAME_LEVEL_STATS extends MovieClip {
public var stats:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 304
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class UI_INGAME_TEXT extends MovieClip {
public var perso:MovieClip;
public var txt:TextField;
public var __id171_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function UI_INGAME_TEXT(){
function (){
try {
__id171_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id171_.textFieldName = "txt";
__id171_.textId = "";
try {
__id171_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 305
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class UI_INGAME_TEXT_IN extends MovieClip {
public var perso:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 306
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class UI_INGAME_TEXT_OUT extends MovieClip {
public var perso:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 307
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class UI_INGAME_TIMER extends MovieClip {
public var __id170_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id167_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id168_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id169_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var desc2:TextField;
public var txt2:TextField;
public var desc1:TextField;
public var txt1:TextField;
public function UI_INGAME_TIMER(){
function (){
try {
__id169_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id169_.textFieldName = "desc2";
__id169_.textId = "";
try {
__id169_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id168_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id168_.textFieldName = "txt1";
__id168_.textId = "";
try {
__id168_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id167_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id167_.textFieldName = "txt2";
__id167_.textId = "";
try {
__id167_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id170_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id170_.textFieldName = "desc1";
__id170_.textId = "";
try {
__id170_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 308
//UI_PAUSE (TheGameAS3.Exported.UI_PAUSE)
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class UI_PAUSE extends MovieClip {
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var __id150_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id151_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function UI_PAUSE(){
function (){
try {
__id150_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id150_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id150_.textId = "ID_AUTO_PAUSE_0";
try {
__id150_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id151_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id151_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id151_.textId = "ID_AUTO_PAUSE_0";
try {
__id151_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 309
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class UI_PLAYER_TAG extends MovieClip {
public var __id188_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id192_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id193_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var health2:TextField;
public var __id194_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var health1:TextField;
public var __id189_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var item2:MovieClip;
public var AUTO_1:TextField;
public var AUTO_0:TextField;
public var AUTO_2:TextField;
public var __id184_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var AUTO_4:TextField;
public var item1:MovieClip;
public var AUTO_3:TextField;
public var __id185_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id190_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id186_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var score2:TextField;
public var score1:TextField;
public var __id191_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public var __id187_:MultilingualTextFieldFinder;
public function UI_PLAYER_TAG(){
function (){
try {
__id192_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id192_.textFieldName = "health2";
__id192_.textId = "";
try {
__id192_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
__id193_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id193_.textFieldName = "health2";
__id193_.textId = "";
try {
__id193_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id185_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id185_.textFieldName = "AUTO_1";
__id185_.textId = "ID_AUTO_KILLS__0";
try {
__id185_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id190_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id190_.textFieldName = "health1";
__id190_.textId = "";
try {
__id190_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id184_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id184_.textFieldName = "AUTO_0";
__id184_.textId = "ID_AUTO_KILLS__0";
try {
__id184_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id194_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id194_.textFieldName = "health2";
__id194_.textId = "";
try {
__id194_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id186_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id186_.textFieldName = "AUTO_2";
__id186_.textId = "ID_AUTO_ARMOR_0";
try {
__id186_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id189_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id189_.textFieldName = "score1";
__id189_.textId = "";
try {
__id189_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id187_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id187_.textFieldName = "AUTO_3";
__id187_.textId = "ID_AUTO_ARMOR_0";
try {
__id187_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id188_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id188_.textFieldName = "score2";
__id188_.textId = "";
try {
__id188_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
function (){
try {
__id191_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true;
} catch(e:Error) {
__id191_.textFieldName = "AUTO_4";
__id191_.textId = "ID_AUTO____0";
try {
__id191_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 310
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class UI_PRELOADER_MSG extends MovieClip {
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 311
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class UI_VICTORY extends MovieClip {
public var victory:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 312
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class WEAPON_FLAME_GUN extends MovieClip {
public var regCanon_mc:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 313
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class WEAPON_GATLING_GUN extends MovieClip {
public var regCanon_mc:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 314
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class WEAPON_HOMING_MISSILE_GUN extends MovieClip {
public var regCanon_mc:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 315
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class WEAPON_MACHINE_GUN extends MovieClip {
public var regCanon_mc:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 316
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class WEAPON_ROCKET_GUN extends MovieClip {
public var regCanon_mc:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 317
package TheGameAS3.Exported {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class WEAPON_SHOTGUN_GUN extends MovieClip {
public var regCanon_mc:MovieClip;
}//package TheGameAS3.Exported
Section 318
//Hero_c (TheGameAS3.Hero.Hero_c)
package TheGameAS3.Hero {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import TheGameAS3.Enemy.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import TheGameAS3.Scenario.*;
import TheGameAS3.Items.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Multilingual.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.Teams.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class Hero_c extends Personnage_c {
private const FRAME_INVINCIBLE_AFTER_HIT:int = 15;
private const FRAME_INVINCIBLE_AFTER_DEATH:int = 90;
private const GOLD_HP:int = 150;
private const NORMAL_HP:int = 100;
private const WAIT_BEFORE_EXPLOSION:int = 10;
private var :int;
private var :Number;
private var :CircleCollision_c;// = null
private var :Number;
private var :int;// = 100
private var :int;// = 100
private var
private var :Number;
private var :Number;
private var
:ObjetMoteur_c;// = null
private var :int;
private var :int;
private var :int;// = 0
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :int;
private var :int;// = 0
private var :UI_PLAYER_TAG;
private var :Boolean;// = true
private var
private var :int;
private var
:Boolean;// = true
private var :int;// = 0
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :int;// = 90
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :int;// = 10
private var :int;// = 5
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Object;
private var m_context:Game_c;
private var :int;// = 1
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var :int;// = 0
private var :int;
public function Hero_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
this.px = 200; = 500;
this.m_rayon = 30;
= new ObjetMoteur_c(GetLayer());
m_crntGun1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_MACHINE));
m_crntGun2 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_MACHINE));
m_crntGun3 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_MACHINE));
m_crntGunMortar = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(WeaponFactory_c.));
= 0;
= 100;
= 1;
= null;
public function get timePlayed():int{
return ();
override public function OnMessage(_arg1:String):void{
if (_arg1 == "MINI_BOSS_LEVEL1"){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().GetCurrentLevelEvent().DoAction(m_context, LevelEvent1.ACTION_START_MINI_BOSS);
} else {
if (_arg1 == "BOSS_LEVEL1"){
= true;
= false;
} else {
if (_arg1 == "TUT1"){
} else {
if (_arg1 == "MINI_BOSS_LEVEL2"){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().GetCurrentLevelEvent().DoAction(m_context, LevelEvent2.ACTION_START_MINI_BOSS);
} else {
if (_arg1 == "BOSS_LEVEL2"){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().GetCurrentLevelEvent().DoAction(m_context, LevelEvent2.ACTION_START_BOSS);
} else {
if (_arg1 == "MINI_BOSS_LEVEL3"){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().GetCurrentLevelEvent().DoAction(m_context, LevelEvent3.ACTION_START_MINI_BOSS);
} else {
if (_arg1 == "BOSS_LEVEL3"){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().GetCurrentLevelEvent().DoAction(m_context, LevelEvent3.ACTION_START_BOSS);
} else {
if (_arg1 == "MINI_BOSS_LEVEL4"){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().GetCurrentLevelEvent().DoAction(m_context, LevelEvent4.ACTION_START_MINI_BOSS);
} else {
if (_arg1 == "BOSS_LEVEL4"){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().GetCurrentLevelEvent().DoAction(m_context, LevelEvent4.ACTION_START_BOSS);
} else {
if (_arg1 == "MINI_BOSS_LEVEL5"){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().GetCurrentLevelEvent().DoAction(m_context, LevelEvent5.ACTION_START_MINI_BOSS);
} else {
if (_arg1 == "BOSS_LEVEL5"){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().GetCurrentLevelEvent().DoAction(m_context, LevelEvent5.ACTION_START_BOSS);
public function ():void{
= ( * 1.1);
public function get invincible():Boolean{
return ();
public function get playerTagVisible():Boolean{
return (
public function set score(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
public function UpdateUI():void{
var _local1 = (m_crntGunMortar is WeaponMortar2_c);
if ( < ){
= ( + ( / 13));
} else {
= ;
playerTag.health1.text = String( );
playerTag.health2.text = String( );
playerTag.item2.gotoAndStop((_local1) ? 2 : 1);
playerTag.score1.text = String(killPct);
playerTag.score2.text = String(killPct);
public function set invincible(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function GetFollowPoint():ObjetMoteur_c{
return (
public function InitHero(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0):void{
px = _arg3;
py = _arg4;
.px = _arg3;
.py = _arg4;
= new CircleCollision_c(this.px,, this.m_rayon);
GetLayer().AddTeamCollision(, GetTeam());
m_context = _arg1;
= _arg2;
if (GameOptions.goldMCUnlocked){
ANIM_RUN = AnimationFactory_c.ID_HERO_ANIM_GOLD_RUN;
} else {
ANIM_IDLE = AnimationFactory_c.ID_HERO_ANIM_IDLE;
ANIM_RUN = AnimationFactory_c.ID_HERO_ANIM_RUN;
= GetLayer().GetTeamCollision(TeamFactory.ALLY_EVENT_TEAM);
public function set mustBeInFOV(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
private function (_arg1:Item_c):void{
var _local2:int = m_crntGun1.GetId();
var _local3:int = m_crntGunMortar.GetId();
switch (_arg1.GetID()){
case ItemFactory_c.HEALTH:
FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.1);
case ItemFactory_c.FLAME:
_local2 = WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_FLAME;
FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.1);
case ItemFactory_c.GATLING:
_local2 = WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_GATLING;
FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.1);
case ItemFactory_c.HOMING:
_local2 = WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_HOMING;
FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.1);
case ItemFactory_c.MORTAR:
_local3 = WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_MORTAR2;
FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.1);
case ItemFactory_c.ROCKET:
_local2 = WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ROCKET;
FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.1);
case ItemFactory_c.SHOTGUN:
_local2 = WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_SHOTGUN;
FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.1);
case ItemFactory_c.DROP_SHIP:
if (GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_1){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().DoActionLevel(m_context, LevelEvent1.ACTION_END_LEVEL);
} else {
if (GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_2){
m_context.GetLevelEventManager().DoActionLevel(m_context, LevelEvent2.ACTION_END_LEVEL);
SwitchGun(m_crntGun1, _local2);
SwitchGun(m_crntGun2, _local2);
SwitchGun(m_crntGun3, _local2);
SwitchGun(m_crntGunMortar, _local3);
private function (_arg1:Number):void{
var _local2:int;
if (((GameOptions.IsLevelMode()) && ((((( + _arg1) <= 30)) && (( > 30)))))){
_local2 = MCGame(m_context).GetHelper();
if (_local2 != -1){
MCGame(m_context).GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(m_context, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_HEALTH], [90], _local2);
= ( + _arg1);
= Math.min( , );
if (_arg1 < 0){
= ( + -(_arg1));
public function (_arg1:int):void{
= ( + _arg1);
if ( >= ){
= ( - );
public function set playerTagVisible(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
private function PlayDeath():void{
if (m_bIsDead){
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
var _local1:Acteur_c = m_context.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION, GetLayer(), 1, EffectManager_c.ID_FORE_LAYER);
_local1.px = px; = py;
= false;
= true;
public function set canMove(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
if (! ){
public function (_arg1:int):void{
= ( + _arg1);
= ( - );
public function get score():int{
return ();
public function get mustBeInFOV():Boolean{
return (
public function get killPct():int{
return (Math.floor(((MCGame(m_context).GetEnemyCreator().killCount / MCGame(m_context).GetEnemyCreator().enemyCount) * 100)));
private function ():void{
MCGame(m_context).GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(m_context, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_TUT1], [120], RalfManager.PERSO_RALF_IDLE);
= true;
override public function GetTeam():Number{
return (TeamFactory.ALLY1_TEAM);
public function get dmgTook():int{
return ();
override protected function UpdateKeyMap():void{
if (((canMove) && (!(IsDead())))){
m_bGoLeft = ((KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.LEFT)) || (KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(65)));
m_bGoRight = ((KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.RIGHT)) || (KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(68)));
m_bGoUp = ((KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.UP)) || (KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(87)));
m_bGoDown = ((KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.DOWN)) || (KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(83)));
m_bMortar = ((KeyMap_c.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.CONTROL)) || (KeyMap_c.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.SPACE)));
m_bShoot = KeyMap_c.IsMouseDown();
m_directionGun = m_context.GetCamera().ConvertPointToMoteur(KeyMap_c.GetMousePos(), GetLayer());
if (((GameOptions.DEBUG_ALL_GUN_WITH_E) && (KeyMap_c.IsKeyPressed(69)))){
if (m_crntGun1.GetId() < WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_DEBUG){
} else {
SwitchGun(m_crntGun1, 1);
SwitchGun(m_crntGun2, 1);
SwitchGun(m_crntGun3, 1);
} else {
public function get canMove():Boolean{
return ( );
public function (_arg1:int):void{
= ( + _arg1);
public function LoseLife(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{
var _local2:MovieClip;
var _local3:Animation_c;
var _local4:int;
m_bIsDead = false;
= true;
= ;
if ( <= 0){
_local2 = m_context.GetIngameUIManager().PlayFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_GAMEOVER, 0, false, MCGame(m_context).ReturnToMenu, m_context, []);
_local2.x = (Camera_c.WIDTH_VIEW / 2);
_local2.y = (Camera_c.HEIGHT_VIEW / 2);
_local3 = m_context.GetIngameUIManager().GetAnimFromMc(_local2);
_local3.AddCallbackAt(93, Jukebox_c.PlaySound, Jukebox_c, [SoundFactory.ID_SFX_INTERFACE_DOOR_CLOSE]);
_local3.AddCallbackAt(110, Jukebox_c.PlaySound, Jukebox_c, [SoundFactory.ID_SFX_DEFEAT]);
= 0;
if (((GameOptions.IsLevelMode()) && (_arg1))){
_local4 = MCGame(m_context).GetHelper();
if (_local4 != -1){
MCGame(m_context).GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(m_context, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LOSE], [90], _local4);
} else {
private function ():int{
if ((m_crntGun2 is WeaponFlameThrower1_c)){
return (2);
if ((m_crntGun2 is WeaponGatling_c)){
return (6);
if ((m_crntGun2 is WeaponRocket_c)){
return (5);
if ((m_crntGun2 is WeaponHoming_c)){
return (3);
if ((m_crntGun2 is WeaponShotgun_c)){
return (4);
return (1);
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
= null;
= null;
m_context = null;
= null;
private function ():void{
GetLayer().RemoveTeamCollision(, GetTeam());
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local4:Acteur_c;
var _local5:Acteur_c;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:HeurtableContainer_i;
if (((IsDead()) && (( >= 0)))){
if ( < 0){
if ( > 0){
_local4 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION, GetLayer());
_local4.px = ((px + (Math.random() * 30)) - 15); = ((py + (Math.random() * 30)) - 15);
} else {
_local5 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION_BIG, GetLayer());
_local5.px = px; = py;
_local5.scaleX = 2;
_local5.scaleY = 2;
if (((IsDead()) && (( < 0)))){
.px = (
.px + ((px -
.px) * 0.4));
.py = (
.py + ((py -
.py) * 0.4));
this. = this.px;
this. =;
this. = this.vx;
this. = this.vy;
if (!GameOptions.DEBUG_NO_COLLISION){
switch (Moteur_c.StickToGround(_arg1, this, GetLineInView(), GetPointInView())){
this.px = this.; = this.;
case Moteur_c.MSG_OK:
} else {
px = (px + (vx * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
py = (py + (vy * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
if (!m_bIsDead){
.x = this.px;
.y =;
var _local2:Circle_c = Circle_c(EquationVecto_c.CollisionEntreCercle(this,
if (_local2 != null){
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 <
.length) {
if (_local2 ==
.splice(_local6, 1);
EventSwitch_c(_local2).OnHit(, null);
if (){
this.visible = !(this.visible);
if ( > ){
= false;
= 0;
this.visible = true;
if (
_local7 = _arg1.GetCamera().GetXLeftBorder(GetLayer());
_local8 = _arg1.GetCamera().GetXRightBorder(GetLayer());
_local9 = _arg1.GetCamera().GetYUpBorder(GetLayer());
_local10 = _arg1.GetCamera().GetYDownBorder(GetLayer());
if (px < _local7){
px = _local7;
if (px > _local8){
px = _local8;
if (py < _local9){
py = _local9;
if (py > _local10){
py = _local10;
var _local3:Circle_c = EquationVecto_c.CollisionEntreCercle(this, _arg1.GetItemManager().GetAllCollision());
if (_local3 != null){
CircleCollision_c(_local3).OnHit(, null);
_local11 = CircleCollision_c(_local3).GetOwner();
if ((_local11 is Item_c)){
= animHero.GetCurrentFrame();
if (GetBehaviorsAsync().length > 0){
.px = px;
.py = py;
public function set playerTag(_arg1:UI_PLAYER_TAG):void{
= _arg1;
public function MakeDirtOnFloor(_arg1:MCGame):void{
var _local2:Acteur_c;
var _local3:Point;
var _local4:Acteur_c;
var _local5:Point;
if (((((!(IsDead())) && (_arg1.CanDirtFloor()))) && ((animHero.GetChild() == ANIM_RUN_VISUAL)))){
if ((((animHero.GetCurrentFrame() >= 8)) && (( <= 8)))){
_local2 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_TRACE_PATTE, GetLayer(), 1, EffectManager_c.ID_BACK_LAYER);
_local3 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(), MovieClip(animHero.GetChild().getChildByName("patte1")));
_local2.rotation = m_crntAnimMc.rotation;
_local2.px = _local3.x; = _local3.y;
_local2.alpha = 0.7;
} else {
if ((((animHero.GetCurrentFrame() >= 1)) && (( >= (animHero.GetTotalFrames() - 1))))){
_local4 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_TRACE_PATTE, GetLayer(), 1, EffectManager_c.ID_BACK_LAYER);
_local5 = Utils.FindPoint(_arg1, GetLayer(), MovieClip(animHero.GetChild().getChildByName("patte2")));
_local4.rotation = m_crntAnimMc.rotation;
_local4.px = _local5.x; = _local5.y;
_local4.alpha = 0.7;
= animHero.GetCurrentFrame();
public function get playerTag():UI_PLAYER_TAG{
return ();
override public function OnOwnerHit(_arg1:Heurtable_i, _arg2:Heurtable_i, _arg3:Collision_c):void{
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Enemy_i;
if (((((m_bIsDead) || ())) || ())){
if (_arg1.GetOwner() == this){
if ((_arg2 is Ammo_i)){
_local4 = Ammo_i(_arg2).GetDamage();
if ( <= 0){
} else {
= true;
FadeTintFromTo(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.1);
if (_arg1.GetOwner().IsDead()){
if ((((_arg1.GetOwner() is EnemyDeuxEtat_c)) && (EnemyDeuxEtat_c(_arg1.GetOwner()).justBeenKilled))){
_local5 = Enemy_i(_arg1.GetOwner());
if ((() && (!()))){
if ((((_arg2 is AmmoMortar1_c)) || ((_arg2 is AmmoMortar2_c)))){
= true;
MCGame(m_context).GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(m_context, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_TUT1END], [60], RalfManager.PERSO_RALF_IDLE);
}//package TheGameAS3.Hero
Section 319
//HeroManager_c (TheGameAS3.Hero.HeroManager_c)
package TheGameAS3.Hero {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
public class HeroManager_c {
private var :Hero_c;// = null
private var :Hero_c;// = null
private var m_context:Game_c;
private var :Hero_c;// = null
private var :Hero_c;// = null
public static const HERO_DIDIER_ID:int = 0;
public static const HERO_1:int = 0;
public static const HERO_2:int = 1;
public static const HERO_3:int = 2;
public static const HERO_4:int = 3;
public function OnHeroDead(_arg1:Hero_c):void{
public function DestroyAllHero():void{
if ( != null){
if ( != null){
if ( != null){
if ( != null){
public function Init(_arg1:Game_c):void{
m_context = _arg1;
public function (_arg1:Hero_c):void{
if (((!((_arg1.parent == null))) && (_arg1.parent.contains(_arg1)))){
_arg1 = null;
public function CreateHero(_arg1:int, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:int, _arg4:Number=0, _arg5:Number=0):Hero_c{
if (m_context == null){
trace("ERROR :: HeroManager_c :: CreateHero : m_context = null");
return (null);
if (_arg2 == null){
_arg2 = m_context.GetActionLevelLayer();
switch (_arg3){
case HERO_1:
= new Hero_c(_arg2);
.InitHero(m_context, KeyMap_c.oKeyMap_1, _arg4, _arg5);
return ();
case HERO_2:
= new Hero_c(_arg2);
.InitHero(m_context, KeyMap_c.oKeyMap_2, _arg4, _arg5);
return ();
case HERO_3:
= new Hero_c(_arg2);
.InitHero(m_context, KeyMap_c.oKeyMap_3, _arg4, _arg5);
return ();
case HERO_4:
= new Hero_c(_arg2);
.InitHero(m_context, KeyMap_c.oKeyMap_4, _arg4, _arg5);
return ();
trace(("ERROR : HEROMANAGER :: CreateHero Wrong ID " + _arg3));
return (null);
public function GetPlayer(_arg1:int):Hero_c{
switch (_arg1){
case HERO_1:
return ();
case HERO_2:
return ();
case HERO_3:
return ();
case HERO_4:
return ();
trace(("ERROR HeroManager :: GetPlayer :: WRONG ID " + _arg1));
return (null);
public static function GetPossibleHero():Array{
return (["HERO_1", "HERO_2", "HERO_3", "HERO_4"]);
public static function GetIdByName(_arg1:String):int{
if (HeroManager_c[_arg1] == undefined){
trace(("ERROR :: HeroManager_c :: GetIdByName :: WRONG NAME : " + _arg1));
return (-1);
return (HeroManager_c[_arg1]);
}//package TheGameAS3.Hero
Section 320
//Personnage_c (TheGameAS3.Hero.Personnage_c)
package TheGameAS3.Hero {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.Teams.*;
public class Personnage_c extends ObjetMoteur_c implements IShooter {
private const MSG_CHANGE_GUN:String = "CHANGE_GUN";
protected var :Animation_c;// = null
private var :Sound2D_c;
private var :int;// = 3
protected var m_bWaiting:Boolean;
protected var :MovieClip;
protected var :Animation_c;// = null
protected var ANIM_RUN:int;// = -1
protected var m_bGoLeft:Boolean;// = false
protected var ANIM_IDLE:int;// = -1
protected var :MovieClip;// = null
protected var :Number;// = 0
protected var
protected var m_crntAnimMc:MovieClip;// = null
protected var m_crntUpperbodyMc:MovieClip;// = null
protected var ANIM_RUN_VISUAL:MovieClip;
protected var m_crntGun1:WeaponLongRange_c;
protected var m_crntGun2:WeaponLongRange_c;
protected var m_crntGun3:WeaponLongRange_c;
protected var
:Number;// = 0
protected var :Number;// = 0
protected var :Boolean;// = false
protected var :MovieClip;
protected var m_crntGunMortar:WeaponLongRange_c;
protected var :MovieClip;// = null
protected var :MovieClip;
protected var m_bMortar:Boolean;// = false
protected var m_bGoUp:Boolean;// = false
private var :Number;
protected var m_bGoDown:Boolean;// = false
protected var
protected var m_bGoRight:Boolean;// = false
protected var m_bIsDead:Boolean;// = false
protected var m_directionGun:Point;
protected var m_bShoot:Boolean;// = false
protected var :int;// = -1
protected var ANIM_UPPERBODY_SHOOT:int;// = -1
protected var :Boolean;// = false
protected var ANIM_UPPERBODY_IDLE:int;// = -1
protected var :int;// = -1
public function Personnage_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
m_crntGun1 = null;
= 10;
= true;
= 0;
= 0;
m_bWaiting = false;
xVisualOffSet = 1;
yVisualOffSet = 8;
m_crntAnimMc = null;
m_crntUpperbodyMc = null;
= this;
if (ANIM_IDLE == -1){
trace("ERROR Personnage_c :: Constructor ANIM_IDLE pas initialisé");
public function OnOwnerHit(_arg1:Heurtable_i, _arg2:Heurtable_i, _arg3:Collision_c):void{
trace("PERSONNAGE_c :: ");
trace(("ammo : " + _arg1));
trace(("enemy : " + _arg2.GetOwner()));
private function (_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:int):void{
if (_arg1){
if ( != null){
if (.id != _arg2){
= Jukebox_c.PlaySound(_arg2, -1, null, null, true);
} else {
= Jukebox_c.PlaySound(_arg2, -1, null, null, true);
} else {
override public function OnMessage(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:Array;
var _local4:Number;
_local2 = _arg1.split(",");
var _local3:String = _local2.shift();
switch (_local3){
_local4 = _local2.shift();
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (GetBehaviorsSync().length <= 0){
= EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(px, m_directionGun.x, py, m_directionGun.y);
if (!IsDead()){
private function
return ((-() + 180));
public function (_arg1:Boolean):void{
m_bGoUp = _arg1;
protected function SetLowerBody(_arg1:int):void{
if (_arg1 != ){
= _arg1;
m_crntAnimMc = (_arg1);
.ChangeAnim(m_crntAnimMc, true);
this.setChildIndex(m_crntAnimMc, 0);
if (((!((vx == 0))) || (!((vy == 0))))){
m_crntAnimMc.rotation = (EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(0, vx, 0, vy) + 90);
protected function SetUpperbody(_arg1:int):void{
if (_arg1 != ){
= _arg1;
m_crntUpperbodyMc = (_arg1);
.ChangeAnim(m_crntUpperbodyMc, true);
(m_crntGun1, MovieClip(m_crntUpperbodyMc.getChildByName("gun1")));
(m_crntGun2, MovieClip(m_crntUpperbodyMc.getChildByName("gun2")));
(m_crntGun3, MovieClip(m_crntUpperbodyMc.getChildByName("gun3")));
(m_crntGunMortar, MovieClip(m_crntUpperbodyMc.getChildByName("mortarGun")));
m_crntUpperbodyMc.rotation = ( + 90);
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
= ( + (1 * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
if ( >= ){
override public function OnAdd(_arg1:Game_c):void{
private function (_arg1:int):MovieClip{
switch (_arg1){
return (
case ANIM_RUN:
return ();
return ();
return (null);
protected function NextGun(_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c):void{
SwitchGun(_arg1, ((_arg1.GetId() % WeaponFactory_c.NB_GUNS) + 1));
public function GetAngleOfWeapon(_arg1:Weapon_i):Number{
var _local2:Number =
if ((_arg1 is WeaponFlameThrower1_c)){
return (_local2);
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (!_arg1.GetCamera().IsInFieldOfView(this)){
var _local2:WeaponLongRange_c = ();
var _local3:Boolean;
if (m_bShoot){
if ((((((m_crntGun1 is WeaponFlameThrower1_c)) && ((m_crntGun2 is WeaponFlameThrower1_c)))) && ((m_crntGun3 is WeaponFlameThrower1_c)))){
_local3 = true;
_local2 = ();
_local3 = (_local2, _arg1);
} else {
_local3 = (_local2, _arg1);
if (!_local3){
} else {
(((_local3) && ((m_crntGun1 == _local2))), m_crntGun1);
if (m_bMortar){
((m_crntGunMortar, _arg1), m_crntGunMortar);
public function get ():Animation_c{
return ();
protected function SwitchGun(_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c, _arg2:Number):void{
if (isNaN(_arg2)){
trace(("ERROR :: Pêrsonnage_c :: SwitchGun :: Wrong Id :: " + _arg2));
if (_arg2 == _arg1.GetId()){
if (_arg1 == m_crntGun1){
_arg1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(_arg2));
(_arg1, MovieClip(m_crntUpperbodyMc.getChildByName("gun1")));
m_crntGun1 = _arg1;
} else {
if (_arg1 == m_crntGun2){
_arg1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(_arg2));
(_arg1, MovieClip(m_crntUpperbodyMc.getChildByName("gun2")));
m_crntGun2 = _arg1;
} else {
if (_arg1 == m_crntGun3){
_arg1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(_arg2));
(_arg1, MovieClip(m_crntUpperbodyMc.getChildByName("gun3")));
m_crntGun3 = _arg1;
} else {
if (_arg1 == m_crntGunMortar){
_arg1 = WeaponLongRange_c(WeaponFactory_c.CreateWeaponFromId(_arg2));
(_arg1, MovieClip(m_crntUpperbodyMc.getChildByName("mortarGun")));
m_crntGunMortar = _arg1;
private function DestroySound():void{
if ( != null){
= null;
protected function ():void{
if (m_bShoot){
} else {
public function Die():void{
m_bIsDead = true;
if ( != null){
override public function OnRemove(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function (_arg1:Boolean):void{
m_bGoDown = _arg1;
private function (_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c, _arg2:MovieClip):void{
public function ResetKeyMap():void{
m_bShoot = false;
m_bGoLeft = false;
m_bGoRight = false;
m_bGoUp = false;
m_bGoDown = false;
m_bMortar = false;
public function get animHero():Animation_c{
return ();
private function (_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:WeaponLongRange_c):void{
if ((_arg2 is WeaponHoming_c)){
if (_arg1){
} else {
if ((_arg2 is WeaponRocket_c)){
if (_arg1){
} else {
if ((_arg2 is WeaponMortar1_c)){
if (_arg1){
} else {
if ((_arg2 is WeaponMortar2_c)){
if (_arg1){
} else {
if ((_arg2 is WeaponGatling_c)){
(m_bShoot, SoundFactory.ID_SFX_S_GUN);
} else {
if ((_arg2 is WeaponMachine_c)){
(m_bShoot, SoundFactory.ID_SFX_M_GUN);
} else {
if ((_arg2 is WeaponShotgun_c)){
(m_bShoot, SoundFactory.ID_SFX_S_GUN);
} else {
if ((_arg2 is WeaponFlameThrower1_c)){
(m_bShoot, SoundFactory.ID_SFX_F_GUN);
public function GetTeam():Number{
return (-1);
public function PressRight(_arg1:Boolean):void{
m_bGoRight = _arg1;
protected function (_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c):void{
var _local2:int = (_arg1.GetId() - 1);
if (_local2 <= 0){
_local2 = (_local2 + WeaponFactory_c.NB_GUNS);
SwitchGun(_arg1, _local2);
public function (_arg1:Boolean):void{
m_bShoot = _arg1;
protected function ():Boolean{
return ((() && (!(m_bIsDead))));
protected function UpdateKeyMap():void{
public function IsDead():Boolean{
return (m_bIsDead);
private function ():void{
= true;
m_bWaiting = false;
public function PressLeft(_arg1:Boolean):void{
m_bGoLeft = _arg1;
protected function (_arg1:Number):void{
= _arg1;
= 0;
= false;
m_bWaiting = true;
private function (_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c, _arg2:Game_c):Boolean{
return (_arg1.Shoot(_arg2, this, (TeamFactory.ALL_PERSO_TEAM ^ GetTeam())));
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (!()){
if (m_bWaiting){
if (m_bGoLeft){
vx = -(
} else {
if (m_bGoRight){
vx =
} else {
vx = 0;
if (m_bGoUp){
vy = -(
} else {
if (m_bGoDown){
vy =
} else {
vy = 0;
if ((((vx == 0)) && ((vy == 0)))){
} else {
protected function InitPerso(_arg1:Game_c):void{
= AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(ANIM_IDLE);
ANIM_RUN_VISUAL = AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(ANIM_RUN);
= AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(ANIM_UPPERBODY_IDLE);
= AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(ANIM_UPPERBODY_SHOOT);
.x = 1;
.y = -8;
.x = 1;
.y = -8;
m_crntAnimMc =
m_crntUpperbodyMc = ;
(m_crntGun1, MovieClip(.getChildByName("gun1")));
(m_crntGun2, MovieClip(.getChildByName("gun2")));
(m_crntGun3, MovieClip(.getChildByName("gun3")));
(m_crntGunMortar, MovieClip(.getChildByName("mortarGun")));
= new Animation_c(, m_crntAnimMc);
= new Animation_c(, m_crntUpperbodyMc);
public function
m_bMortar = _arg1;
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
= null;
m_crntAnimMc = null;
m_crntUpperbodyMc = null;
m_crntGun1 = null;
m_crntGun2 = null;
m_crntGun3 = null;
= null;
= null;
= null;
= null;
private function ():WeaponLongRange_c{
var _local1:int = .GetCurrentFrame();
if (_local1 == 1){
return (WeaponLongRange_c(m_crntGun2));
if (_local1 == 2){
return (WeaponLongRange_c(m_crntGun1));
if (_local1 == 3){
return (WeaponLongRange_c(m_crntGun3));
return (null);
private function (_arg1:WeaponLongRange_c):void{
if (((((!((_arg1 == null))) && (!((_arg1.GetMcParent() == null))))) && (_arg1.GetMcParent().contains(_arg1.GetMc())))){
}//package TheGameAS3.Hero
Section 321
//CircleCollision_c (TheGameAS3.Heurtable.CircleCollision_c)
package TheGameAS3.Heurtable {
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class CircleCollision_c extends Circle_c implements Heurtable_i {
private var :HeurtableContainer_i;// = null
public function CircleCollision_c(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
= null;
public function OnHit(_arg1:Heurtable_i, _arg2:Collision_c):void{
.OnOwnerHit(this, _arg1, _arg2);
public function SetOwner(_arg1:HeurtableContainer_i):void{
= _arg1;
public function GetOwner():HeurtableContainer_i{
return ();
}//package TheGameAS3.Heurtable
Section 322
//Heurtable_i (TheGameAS3.Heurtable.Heurtable_i)
package TheGameAS3.Heurtable {
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public interface Heurtable_i {
function SetOwner(_arg1:HeurtableContainer_i):void;
function OnHit(_arg1:Heurtable_i, _arg2:Collision_c):void;
function GetOwner():HeurtableContainer_i;
}//package TheGameAS3.Heurtable
Section 323
//HeurtableContainer_i (TheGameAS3.Heurtable.HeurtableContainer_i)
package TheGameAS3.Heurtable {
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public interface HeurtableContainer_i {
function IsDead():Boolean;
function OnOwnerHit(_arg1:Heurtable_i, _arg2:Heurtable_i, _arg3:Collision_c):void;
}//package TheGameAS3.Heurtable
Section 324
//IShooter (TheGameAS3.Heurtable.IShooter)
package TheGameAS3.Heurtable {
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
public interface IShooter extends HeurtableContainer_i {
function GetAngleOfWeapon(_arg1:Weapon_i):Number;
function GetLayer():LevelLayer_c;
}//package TheGameAS3.Heurtable
Section 325
//KongStats (TheGameAS3.IO.KongStats)
package TheGameAS3.IO {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import com.kongregate.as3.client.*;
public class KongStats {
private static var :String = "timeRankLvl";
private static var :KongregateAPI;
private static var :String = "totalSilver";
private static var
:String = "killRankLvl";
private static var :String = "lvlCompleted";
private static var :String = "totalBronze";
private static var
:String = "dmgRankLvl";
private static var :String = "totalGold";
private static var SURVIVAL:String = "survivalWave";
public static function AddHighScore(_arg1:Number):void{
if (!GameOptions.isKong){
.stats.submit(SURVIVAL, _arg1);
public static function SendLevelStats(_arg1:LevelStats):void{
if (!GameOptions.isKong){
var _local2:Array = new Array();
var _local3:int = (_arg1.GetTimeAwardIndex() - 1);
var _local4:int = (_arg1.GetKillAwardIndex() - 1);
var _local5:int = (_arg1.GetDamageAwardIndex() - 1);
if (_local3 > 0){
_local2.push({name:( + _arg1.level), value:_local3});
if (_local4 > 0){
+ _arg1.level), value:_local4});
if (_local5 > 0){
+ _arg1.level), value:_local5});
_local2.push({name:, value:GameOptions.numBronze});
_local2.push({name: , value:GameOptions.numSilver});
_local2.push({name:, value:GameOptions.numGold});
_local2.push({name:, value:_arg1.level});
public static function SendTotalMedal():void{
if (!GameOptions.isKong){
var _local1:Array = new Array();
_local1.push({name:, value:GameOptions.numBronze});
_local1.push({name: , value:GameOptions.numSilver});
_local1.push({name:, value:GameOptions.numGold});
_local1.push({name:, value:GameOptions.levelCompleted});
public static function Init(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):void{
= new KongregateAPI();
}//package TheGameAS3.IO
Section 326
//AllyItem_c (TheGameAS3.Items.AllyItem_c)
package TheGameAS3.Items {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Teams.*;
public class AllyItem_c extends Item_c {
protected var :CircleCollision_c;
private var
:int;// = 180
private var
private var :int;
public function AllyItem_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:ItemManager_c){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
= new CircleCollision_c(this.px, ( - m_rayon), m_rayon);
GetLayer().AddTeamCollision(, TeamFactory.ALLY_ITEM_TEAM);
= GetItemVisuel();
protected function GetItemVisuel():MovieClip{
return (null);
override public function GetAllCollision():Array{
return ([]);
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
.x = px;
.y = (py - m_rayon);
if (!IsDurable()){
if (((( < 30)) && (( > 0)))){
visible = !(visible);
FadeTintTo(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0, 0.05);
} else {
if ( < 0){
protected function IsDurable():Boolean{
return (false);
override public function GetID():int{
return (ItemFactory_c.NONE);
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
GetLayer().RemoveTeamCollision(, TeamFactory.ALLY_ITEM_TEAM);
= null;
= null;
override public function OnOwnerHit(_arg1:Heurtable_i, _arg2:Heurtable_i, _arg3:Collision_c):void{
super.OnOwnerHit(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
}//package TheGameAS3.Items
Section 327
//DropShip (TheGameAS3.Items.DropShip)
package TheGameAS3.Items {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class DropShip extends AllyItem_c {
public function DropShip(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:ItemManager_c){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
override public function GetID():int{
return (ItemFactory_c.DROP_SHIP);
override protected function GetItemVisuel():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_DROPSHIP));
override protected function IsDurable():Boolean{
return (true);
}//package TheGameAS3.Items
Section 328
//Flame (TheGameAS3.Items.Flame)
package TheGameAS3.Items {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class Flame extends AllyItem_c {
public function Flame(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:ItemManager_c){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
override public function GetID():int{
return (ItemFactory_c.FLAME);
override protected function GetItemVisuel():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_ICON_FLAME));
}//package TheGameAS3.Items
Section 329
//Gatling (TheGameAS3.Items.Gatling)
package TheGameAS3.Items {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class Gatling extends AllyItem_c {
public function Gatling(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:ItemManager_c){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
override public function GetID():int{
return (ItemFactory_c.GATLING);
override protected function GetItemVisuel():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_ICON_GATLING));
}//package TheGameAS3.Items
Section 330
//Health (TheGameAS3.Items.Health)
package TheGameAS3.Items {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class Health extends AllyItem_c {
public function Health(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:ItemManager_c){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
override public function GetID():int{
return (ItemFactory_c.HEALTH);
override protected function GetItemVisuel():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_ICON_HEALTH));
}//package TheGameAS3.Items
Section 331
//Homing (TheGameAS3.Items.Homing)
package TheGameAS3.Items {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class Homing extends AllyItem_c {
public function Homing(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:ItemManager_c){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
override public function GetID():int{
return (ItemFactory_c.HOMING);
override protected function GetItemVisuel():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_ICON_HOMING));
}//package TheGameAS3.Items
Section 332
//Item_c (TheGameAS3.Items.Item_c)
package TheGameAS3.Items {
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
public class Item_c extends ObjetMoteur_c implements Item_i, HeurtableContainer_i {
private var
:Boolean;// = false
protected var :ItemManager_c;
public function Item_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:ItemManager_c){
= _arg2;
public function OnOwnerHit(_arg1:Heurtable_i, _arg2:Heurtable_i, _arg3:Collision_c):void{
= true;
public function GetAllCollision():Array{
throw (new Error("This function must be ovveriden"));
public function IsDead():Boolean{
return (
public function GetID():int{
throw (new Error("This function must be ovveriden"));
}//package TheGameAS3.Items
Section 333
//Item_i (TheGameAS3.Items.Item_i)
package TheGameAS3.Items {
import TheGameAS3.*;
public interface Item_i {
function GetID():int;
function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void;
function GetAllCollision():Array;
}//package TheGameAS3.Items
Section 334
//ItemFactory_c (TheGameAS3.Items.ItemFactory_c)
package TheGameAS3.Items {
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
public class ItemFactory_c {
public static var HEALTH:int = ++;
public static var MAX:int = ++;
public static var SHOTGUN:int = ++;
private static var :int = -1;
public static var ROCKET:int = ++;
public static var MORTAR:int = ++;
public static var GATLING:int = ++;
public static var FLAME:int = ++;
public static var DROP_SHIP:int = ++;
public static var HOMING:int = ++;
public static var NONE:int = ++;
public static function CreateItem(_arg1:int, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:ItemManager_c):Item_c{
switch (_arg1){
case MORTAR:
return (new Mortar(_arg2, _arg3));
return (new Gatling(_arg2, _arg3));
case ROCKET:
return (new Rocket(_arg2, _arg3));
case HOMING:
return (new Homing(_arg2, _arg3));
return (new Shotgun(_arg2, _arg3));
case FLAME:
return (new Flame(_arg2, _arg3));
case HEALTH:
return (new Health(_arg2, _arg3));
return (new DropShip(_arg2, _arg3));
return (null);
}//package TheGameAS3.Items
Section 335
//ItemManager_c (TheGameAS3.Items.ItemManager_c)
package TheGameAS3.Items {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class ItemManager_c {
private var _context:Game_c;
private var
private var :Array;
public function ItemManager_c(){
= new Array();
= new Array();
public function GetAllCollision():Array{
return ();
public function DestroyItem(_arg1:Item_c):void{
var _local3:Circle_c;
var _local2:Array = _arg1.GetAllCollision();
while (_local2.length > 0) {
_local3 = _local2.shift();
.splice((, _local3), 1);
if (((!((_arg1.parent == null))) && (_arg1.parent.contains(_arg1)))){
, _arg1), 1);
public function CreateItem(_arg1:int, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:Point):Item_c{
var _local4:Item_c = ItemFactory_c.CreateItem(_arg1, _arg2, this);
_local4.px = _arg3.x; = _arg3.y;
= .concat(_local4.GetAllCollision());
return (_local4);
public function Init(_arg1:Game_c):void{
_context = _arg1;
public function DestroyAllItem():void{
while (
.length > 0) {
private function (_arg1:Array, _arg2:Object):int{
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
if (_arg1[_local3] == _arg2){
return (_local3);
return (-1);
}//package TheGameAS3.Items
Section 336
//Mortar (TheGameAS3.Items.Mortar)
package TheGameAS3.Items {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class Mortar extends AllyItem_c {
public function Mortar(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:ItemManager_c){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
override public function GetID():int{
return (ItemFactory_c.MORTAR);
override protected function GetItemVisuel():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_ICON_MORTAR));
}//package TheGameAS3.Items
Section 337
//Rocket (TheGameAS3.Items.Rocket)
package TheGameAS3.Items {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class Rocket extends AllyItem_c {
public function Rocket(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:ItemManager_c){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
override public function GetID():int{
return (ItemFactory_c.ROCKET);
override protected function GetItemVisuel():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_ICON_ROCKET));
}//package TheGameAS3.Items
Section 338
//Shotgun (TheGameAS3.Items.Shotgun)
package TheGameAS3.Items {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class Shotgun extends AllyItem_c {
public function Shotgun(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:ItemManager_c){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
override public function GetID():int{
return (ItemFactory_c.SHOTGUN);
override protected function GetItemVisuel():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_ICON_SHOTGUN));
}//package TheGameAS3.Items
Section 339
//ILevelEvent (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.ILevelEvent)
package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents {
import TheGameAS3.*;
public interface ILevelEvent {
function DoAction(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:int):void;
function IsCleared():Boolean;
function InitLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void;
function DestroyLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void;
function UpdateLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void;
}//package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents
Section 340
//LevelEvent1 (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.LevelEvent1)
package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Enemy.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import TheGameAS3.Items.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Multilingual.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.IO.*;
public class LevelEvent1 implements ILevelEvent {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :int;// = 0
private var
private var :Boolean;
private var
public static const ACTION_END_LEVEL:int = 1;
public static const ACTION_END_BOSS:int = 0;
public static const ACTION_START_MINI_BOSS:int = 2;
public function DoAction(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:int):void{
switch (_arg2){
public function UpdateLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
var _local3:Hero_c = _arg1.GetPlayer1();
if (((((
) && (!(_local3.IsDead())))) && (!(ObjetMoteur_c.IsPaused())))){
if (!_local2.GetRalfManager().TickTimer()){
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LOSE_TIMER], [90], RalfManager.PERSO_RALF_IDLE);
if (_local3.playerTagVisible){
if (_local3.playerTag.alpha < 1){
_local3.playerTag.alpha = (_local3.playerTag.alpha + 0.05);
} else {
_local3.playerTag.alpha = 1;
} else {
if (_local3.playerTag.alpha > 0.5){
_local3.playerTag.alpha = (_local3.playerTag.alpha - 0.05);
} else {
_local3.playerTag.alpha = 0.5;
if (){
if (MCGame(_arg1).GetEnemyCreator().GetNbInactive() <= 0){
= false;
_local3.mustBeInFOV = false;
if (GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_1){
MCGame(_arg1).GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_END_MINIBOSS], [90], RalfManager.PERSO_RALF_IDLE);
_local3.playerTagVisible = true;
public function IsCleared():Boolean{
return ();
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Hero_c = _arg1.GetPlayer1();
= true;
_local2.mustBeInFOV = true;
_local2.playerTagVisible = false;
private function
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
var _local3:Array = _arg1.GetLevelManager().GetAllLayers();
var _local4:Acteur_c = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_DROPSHIP_OUT, LevelLayer_c(_local3[(_local3.length - 1)]));
var _local5:LevelStats = GameOptions.GetLevelStats(1);
_local4.px = 950; = 6700;
var _local6:MovieClip = _arg1.GetIngameUIManager().PlayFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_VICTORY, 0, false, _local2.ReturnToMenu, _local2, []);
var _local7:Animation_c = _arg1.GetIngameUIManager().GetAnimFromMc(_local6);
_local7.AddCallbackAt(100, _local2.GetRalfManager().ShowLevelStats, _local2.GetRalfManager(), [_local2, _arg1.GetPlayer1(), 1]);
_local6.x = (Camera_c.WIDTH_VIEW / 2);
_local6.y = ((Camera_c.HEIGHT_VIEW / 2) - 100);
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_WIN], [120], RalfManager.PERSO_RALF_IDLE);
_arg1.GetCamera().LockOn(950, 6700, 800, 0.2);
_local7.AddCallbackAt(30, _arg1.GetCamera().LockOn, _arg1.GetCamera(), [950, 6700, 2000, 0.01]);
_local7.AddCallbackAt(93, Jukebox_c.PlaySound, Jukebox_c, [SoundFactory.ID_SFX_INTERFACE_DOOR_CLOSE]);
_local7.AddCallbackAt(110, Jukebox_c.PlaySound, Jukebox_c, [SoundFactory.ID_SFX_VICTORY]);
_arg1.GetPlayer1().visible = false;
_arg1.GetPlayer1().canMove = false;
_arg1.GetPlayer1().invincible = true;
_local5.time = _arg1.GetPlayer1().timePlayed;
_local5.kill = _arg1.GetPlayer1().killPct;
_local5.damage = _arg1.GetPlayer1().dmgTook;
= true;
public function DestroyLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (
!= null){
= null;
= false;
public function InitLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
_local2.CreateAllEnemy(AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL1, true, false);
_local2.GetEnemyCreator().AddEnemy(EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS, 1400, 1000, "NONE");
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_WELCOME1, TextFactory.ID_MSG_WELCOME2, TextFactory.ID_MSG_WELCOME3], [120, 120, 120], RalfManager.PERSO_RALF_IDLE);
= false;
= _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_DROPSHIP, _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer(), -1);
.px = 950;
.py = 6700;
private function
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
var _local3:Hero_c = _arg1.GetPlayer1();
_local3.mustBeInFOV = false;
_local3.playerTagVisible = true;
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_END_BOSS], [120], RalfManager.PERSO_RALF_IDLE);
_local2.GetRalfManager().PlayTimer(_arg1, (RalfManager.MINUTE * 2), TextFactory.GetMsg(TextFactory.ID_MSG_TIMER_DESC_ESCAPE));
= true;
_local2.GetEnemyCreator().DeleteEnemiesExcept([EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_TURRET_1, EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_TURRET_2]);
_local2.CreateAllEnemy(AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_MAP_LEVEL1, false, false);
_arg1.GetItemManager().CreateItem(ItemFactory_c.DROP_SHIP, _local3.GetLayer(), new Point(950, 6700));
= null;
}//package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents
Section 341
//LevelEvent2 (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.LevelEvent2)
package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Enemy.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import TheGameAS3.Items.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Multilingual.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.IO.*;
import TheGameAS3.Teams.*;
public class LevelEvent2 implements ILevelEvent {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :int;// = 1500
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :SpawningDoor;
private var :SpawningDoor;
private var :SpawningDoor;
private var :SpawningDoor;
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :int;// = 150
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :int;// = 0
private var
private var :Acteur_c;
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;// = true
public static const ACTION_KILL_BOSS:int = _action++;
public static const ACTION_START_MINI_BOSS:int = _action++;
public static const ACTION_START_BOSS:int = _action++;
public static const ACTION_END_LEVEL:int = _action++;
public static const ACTION_END_BOSS:int = _action++;
public static const ACTION_SPAWN_ENEMY:int = _action++;
public static var _action:int = 0;
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
= true;
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_TIMER], [120], RalfManager.PERSO_ROX_IDLE);
= _local2.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_DROPSHIP_VOLE, _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer(), -1);
.rotation = 180;
.px = 5763;
.py = 3000;
public function IsCleared():Boolean{
return ();
private function
switch (_arg1){
case 1:
return ();
case 2:
return ();
case 3:
return ();
case 4:
return ();
return (null);
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
_local2.GetRalfManager().PlayTimer(_arg1, RalfManager.MINUTE, TextFactory.GetMsg(TextFactory.ID_MSG_TIMER_DESC_SURVIVE));
= 60;
= true;
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame;
var _local3:MovieClip;
_local2 = MCGame(_arg1);
_local3 = _arg1.GetIngameUIManager().PlayFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_VICTORY, 0, false, _local2.ReturnToMenu, _local2, []);
var _local4:Animation_c = _arg1.GetIngameUIManager().GetAnimFromMc(_local3);
var _local5:LevelStats = GameOptions.GetLevelStats(2);
= _local2.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_DROPSHIP_VOLE, _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer(), -1);
.rotation = 180;
.px = 5763;
.py = ;
.vy = -1;
_local5.time = _arg1.GetPlayer1().timePlayed;
_local5.kill = _arg1.GetPlayer1().killPct;
_local5.damage = _arg1.GetPlayer1().dmgTook;
_local4.AddCallbackAt(100, _local2.GetRalfManager().ShowLevelStats, _local2.GetRalfManager(), [_local2, _arg1.GetPlayer1(), 2]);
_local4.AddCallbackAt(30, _arg1.GetCamera().LockOn, _arg1.GetCamera(), [5763, 900, 2800, 0.01]);
_local4.AddCallbackAt(93, Jukebox_c.PlaySound, Jukebox_c, [SoundFactory.ID_SFX_INTERFACE_DOOR_CLOSE]);
_local4.AddCallbackAt(110, Jukebox_c.PlaySound, Jukebox_c, [SoundFactory.ID_SFX_VICTORY]);
_local3.x = (Camera_c.WIDTH_VIEW / 2);
_local3.y = ((Camera_c.HEIGHT_VIEW / 2) - 100);
_arg1.GetPlayer1().visible = false;
_arg1.GetPlayer1().canMove = false;
_arg1.GetPlayer1().invincible = true;
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_LEVEL1, TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_LEVEL2], [120, 120], RalfManager.PERSO_ROX_IDLE);
= true;
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
= false;
_arg1.GetAmmoManager().DoDamageAt(_arg1, _arg1.GetPlayer1(), _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer(), 999999, TeamFactory.ENEMY1_TEAM, 999999, 4000, 4000);
private function
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
var _local3:Hero_c = _arg1.GetPlayer1();
_local3.mustBeInFOV = false;
_local3.playerTagVisible = true;
= true;
_arg1.GetCamera().LockOn(5763, 900, 2800, 0.1);
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_BOSS1, TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL2_END_BOSS2], [180, 120], RalfManager.PERSO_ROX_IDLE, , this, [_arg1]);
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL2_START_BOSS1, TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL2_START_BOSS2], [180, 180], RalfManager.PERSO_RALF_IDLE, , this, [_arg1]);
= _local2.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_DROPSHIP, _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer(), -1);
.rotation = 90;
.px = 5700;
.py = 450;
public function UpdateLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Hero_c = _arg1.GetPlayer1();
var _local3:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
if (_local2.playerTagVisible){
if (_local2.playerTag.alpha < 1){
_local2.playerTag.alpha = (_local2.playerTag.alpha + 0.05);
} else {
_local2.playerTag.alpha = 1;
} else {
if (_local2.playerTag.alpha > 0.5){
_local2.playerTag.alpha = (_local2.playerTag.alpha - 0.05);
} else {
_local2.playerTag.alpha = 0.5;
if (!){
if (){
if (MCGame(_arg1).GetEnemyCreator().GetNbInactive() <= 0){
= false;
_local2.mustBeInFOV = false;
if ((((() && (!()))) && ())){
if ( <= 0){
= ( - 10);
= Math.max(60, );
= ;
((), _arg1);
((), _arg1);
((), _arg1);
((), _arg1);
((), _arg1);
if (){
if (((((((!()) && ())) && (!(_local2.IsDead())))) && (!(ObjetMoteur_c.IsPaused())))){
if (!_local3.GetRalfManager().TickTimer()){
if ((() && (!((
== null))))){
.py = (
.py +
.vy = (
.vy * 1.1);
} else {
if ((() && (!((
== null))))){
.py = (
.py + (( -
.py) * 0.2));
if (Math.abs(( -
.py)) < 5){
private function ():int{
return ((((.enemyToSpawn + .enemyToSpawn) + .enemyToSpawn) + .enemyToSpawn));
public function get boss2Cleared():Boolean{
return ();
private function ():int{
return (int(Math.ceil((Math.random() * 4))));
public function get inBoss():Boolean{
return ();
public function InitLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL2_INTRO], [120], RalfManager.PERSO_RALF_IDLE);
var _local3:LevelLayer_c = _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer();
= new SpawningDoor(1, _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_DOOR_METAL, _local3));
= new SpawningDoor(2, _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_DOOR_METAL, _local3));
= new SpawningDoor(3, _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_DOOR_METAL, _local3));
= new SpawningDoor(4, _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_DOOR_METAL, _local3));
.visuelActeur.px = 5324; = 273;
.visuelActeur.px = 6045; = 273;
.visuelActeur.px = 6480; = 560;
.visuelActeur.rotation = 90;
.visuelActeur.px = 6480; = 1120;
.visuelActeur.rotation = 90;
public function DoAction(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:int):void{
switch (_arg2){
_arg1.GetCamera().LockOn(1023, 2518, 2500, 0.1, , this, [_arg1]);
_arg1.GetCamera().LockOn(5763, 900, 2800, 0.1);
(1, _arg1);
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
= true;
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
var _local3:Hero_c = _arg1.GetPlayer1();
_local3.mustBeInFOV = true;
_arg1.GetEnemyManager().CreateEnemy(_arg1.GetPlayer1(), EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS2, _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer(), "NONE", 5700, 450);
= true;
= _local2.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_DROPSHIP_OUT, _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer());
.rotation = 90;
.px = 5700;
.py = 450;
public function DestroyLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
private function
= null;
var _local2:Item_c = _arg1.GetItemManager().CreateItem(ItemFactory_c.DROP_SHIP, _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer(), new Point(5763, ));
_local2.rotation = 180;
private function (_arg1:int, _arg2:Game_c):void{
var _local3:int = (_arg2.GetEnemyManager().GetNbEnemy() + ());
if (_local3 > 5){
var _local4:SpawningDoor =
var _local5:Number = (_local4.visuelActeur.px + ((_local4.visuelActeur.rotation > 0)) ? 0 : ((Math.random() * 300) - 150));
var _local6:Number = ( + ((_local4.visuelActeur.rotation > 0)) ? ((Math.random() * 300) - 150) : 0);
var _local7:MetaEnemy = new MetaEnemy(int(Utils.PickRandomIn([EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_THUG2, EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_2])), _local5, _local6, ObjetMoteur_c.NONE_TAG);
_local4.AddEnemyToSpawn(_local7, 15);
}//package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents
Section 342
//LevelEvent3 (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.LevelEvent3)
package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Enemy.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import Multilingual.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.IO.*;
public class LevelEvent3 implements ILevelEvent {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;// = false
public static const ACTION_END_BOSS:int = _action++;
public static const ACTION_START_BOSS:int = _action++;
public static const ACTION_START_MINI_BOSS:int = _action++;
public static var _action:int = 0;
public function DoAction(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:int):void{
var _local3:Hero_c = _arg1.GetPlayer1();
switch (_arg2){
_arg1.GetCamera().LockOn(5400, 5800, 2500, 0.1, , this, [_arg1]);
_local3.mustBeInFOV = true;
_arg1.GetCamera().LockOn(5346, 2661, 2000, 0.03, , this, [_arg1]);
_local3.mustBeInFOV = true;
_arg1.GetEnemyManager().CreateEnemy(_arg1.GetPlayer1(), EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS3, _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer(), "NONE", 5374, 526);
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
= true;
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
var _local3:MovieClip = _arg1.GetIngameUIManager().PlayFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_VICTORY, 0, false, _local2.ReturnToMenu, _local2, []);
var _local4:Animation_c = _arg1.GetIngameUIManager().GetAnimFromMc(_local3);
var _local5:LevelStats = GameOptions.GetLevelStats(3);
_local5.time = _arg1.GetPlayer1().timePlayed;
_local5.kill = _arg1.GetPlayer1().killPct;
_local5.damage = _arg1.GetPlayer1().dmgTook;
_local4.AddCallbackAt(100, _local2.GetRalfManager().ShowLevelStats, _local2.GetRalfManager(), [_local2, _arg1.GetPlayer1(), 3]);
_local4.AddCallbackAt(30, _arg1.GetCamera().SetZoom, _arg1.GetCamera(), [2800]);
_local4.AddCallbackAt(93, Jukebox_c.PlaySound, Jukebox_c, [SoundFactory.ID_SFX_INTERFACE_DOOR_CLOSE]);
_local4.AddCallbackAt(110, Jukebox_c.PlaySound, Jukebox_c, [SoundFactory.ID_SFX_VICTORY]);
_local3.x = (Camera_c.WIDTH_VIEW / 2);
_local3.y = ((Camera_c.HEIGHT_VIEW / 2) - 100);
_arg1.GetPlayer1().canMove = false;
_arg1.GetPlayer1().invincible = true;
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL3_END_LEVEL1], [120], RalfManager.PERSO_ROX_IDLE);
= true;
public function DestroyLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
_arg1.GetCamera().SetEase(0.03, 0.03, 0.03);
_arg1.GetCamera().SetBounds(4000, 6650, 100, 3400);
= true;
public function InitLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO1, TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO2, TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO3, TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL3_INTRO4], [150, 120, 180, 150], RalfManager.PERSO_ROX_IDLE);
public function IsCleared():Boolean{
return ();
public function UpdateLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Hero_c = _arg1.GetPlayer1();
if (_local2.playerTagVisible){
if (_local2.playerTag.alpha < 1){
_local2.playerTag.alpha = (_local2.playerTag.alpha + 0.05);
} else {
_local2.playerTag.alpha = 1;
} else {
if (_local2.playerTag.alpha > 0.5){
_local2.playerTag.alpha = (_local2.playerTag.alpha - 0.05);
} else {
_local2.playerTag.alpha = 0.5;
if (){
if (MCGame(_arg1).GetEnemyCreator().GetNbInactive() <= 0){
= false;
_local2.mustBeInFOV = false;
}//package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents
Section 343
//LevelEvent4 (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.LevelEvent4)
package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Enemy.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import Multilingual.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.IO.*;
public class LevelEvent4 implements ILevelEvent {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;
public static const ACTION_END_BOSS:int = _action++;
public static const ACTION_START_BOSS:int = _action++;
public static const ACTION_START_MINI_BOSS:int = _action++;
public static var _action:int = 0;
public function DoAction(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:int):void{
var _local3:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
var _local4:Hero_c = _arg1.GetPlayer1();
switch (_arg2){
_arg1.GetCamera().LockOn(5875, 2780, 2000, 0.1, , this, [_arg1]);
_local4.mustBeInFOV = true;
_local4.mustBeInFOV = true;
_local4.playerTagVisible = false;
_arg1.GetEnemyManager().CreateEnemy(_arg1.GetPlayer1(), EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS4, _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer(), "NONE", 2850, 4350);
MCGame(_arg1).GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL4_START_BOSS], [180], RalfManager.PERSO_ROX_IDLE);
_local4.mustBeInFOV = false;
_local4.playerTagVisible = true;
_local3.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL4_END_BOSS1, TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL4_END_BOSS2], [180, 120], RalfManager.PERSO_ROX_IDLE, , this, [_arg1]);
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
var _local3:MovieClip = _arg1.GetIngameUIManager().PlayFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_VICTORY, 0, false, _local2.ReturnToMenu, _local2, []);
var _local4:Animation_c = _arg1.GetIngameUIManager().GetAnimFromMc(_local3);
var _local5:LevelStats = GameOptions.GetLevelStats(4);
_local5.time = _arg1.GetPlayer1().timePlayed;
_local5.kill = _arg1.GetPlayer1().killPct;
_local5.damage = _arg1.GetPlayer1().dmgTook;
_arg1.GetCamera().SetEase(Camera_c.DEFAULT_EASE_X, Camera_c.DEFAULT_EASE_Y, 0.01);
_local4.AddCallbackAt(100, _local2.GetRalfManager().ShowLevelStats, _local2.GetRalfManager(), [_local2, _arg1.GetPlayer1(), 4]);
_local4.AddCallbackAt(93, Jukebox_c.PlaySound, Jukebox_c, [SoundFactory.ID_SFX_INTERFACE_DOOR_CLOSE]);
_local4.AddCallbackAt(110, Jukebox_c.PlaySound, Jukebox_c, [SoundFactory.ID_SFX_VICTORY]);
_local3.x = (Camera_c.WIDTH_VIEW / 2);
_local3.y = ((Camera_c.HEIGHT_VIEW / 2) - 100);
public function DestroyLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
= true;
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
MCGame(_arg1).GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL4_END_BOSS3], [180], RalfManager.PERSO_RALF_IDLE, , this, [_arg1]);
= true;
_arg1.GetPlayer1().canMove = false;
_arg1.GetPlayer1().invincible = true;
public function InitLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL4_INTRO1, TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL4_INTRO2], [180, 180], RalfManager.PERSO_ROX_IDLE);
public function IsCleared():Boolean{
return ();
public function UpdateLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Hero_c = _arg1.GetPlayer1();
if (_local2.playerTagVisible){
if (_local2.playerTag.alpha < 1){
_local2.playerTag.alpha = (_local2.playerTag.alpha + 0.05);
} else {
_local2.playerTag.alpha = 1;
} else {
if (_local2.playerTag.alpha > 0.5){
_local2.playerTag.alpha = (_local2.playerTag.alpha - 0.05);
} else {
_local2.playerTag.alpha = 0.5;
if (){
if (MCGame(_arg1).GetEnemyCreator().GetNbInactive() <= 0){
= false;
_local2.mustBeInFOV = false;
_local2.playerTagVisible = true;
}//package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents
Section 344
//LevelEvent5 (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.LevelEvent5)
package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Enemy.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import Multilingual.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.IO.*;
public class LevelEvent5 implements ILevelEvent {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;
private var :Boolean;
public static const ACTION_END_BOSS:int = _action++;
public static const ACTION_START_BOSS:int = _action++;
public static const ACTION_START_MINI_BOSS:int = _action++;
private static var _action:int = 0;
public function IsCleared():Boolean{
return ();
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL5_END_BOSS2], [180], RalfManager.PERSO_ROX_IDLE);
var _local3:MovieClip = _arg1.GetIngameUIManager().PlayFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_VICTORY, 0, false, _local2.ReturnToMenu, _local2, [true]);
var _local4:Animation_c = _arg1.GetIngameUIManager().GetAnimFromMc(_local3);
var _local5:LevelStats = GameOptions.GetLevelStats(5);
_local5.time = _arg1.GetPlayer1().timePlayed;
_local5.kill = _arg1.GetPlayer1().killPct;
_local5.damage = _arg1.GetPlayer1().dmgTook;
_arg1.GetCamera().SetEase(Camera_c.DEFAULT_EASE_X, Camera_c.DEFAULT_EASE_Y, 0.01);
_local4.AddCallbackAt(100, _local2.GetRalfManager().ShowLevelStats, _local2.GetRalfManager(), [_local2, _arg1.GetPlayer1(), 5]);
_local4.AddCallbackAt(93, Jukebox_c.PlaySound, Jukebox_c, [SoundFactory.ID_SFX_INTERFACE_DOOR_CLOSE]);
_local4.AddCallbackAt(110, Jukebox_c.PlaySound, Jukebox_c, [SoundFactory.ID_SFX_VICTORY]);
_local3.x = (Camera_c.WIDTH_VIEW / 2);
_local3.y = ((Camera_c.HEIGHT_VIEW / 2) - 100);
_arg1.GetPlayer1().canMove = false;
_arg1.GetPlayer1().invincible = true;
= true;
public function DestroyLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
= true;
public function DoAction(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:int):void{
var _local3:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
var _local4:Hero_c = _arg1.GetPlayer1();
switch (_arg2){
_arg1.GetCamera().LockOn(1600, 4725, 2500, 0.1, , this, [_arg1]);
_local4.mustBeInFOV = true;
_arg1.GetCamera().LockOn(5800, 800, 2200, 0.05, , this, [_arg1]);
_local4.mustBeInFOV = true;
_local4.playerTagVisible = false;
_arg1.GetEnemyManager().CreateEnemy(_arg1.GetPlayer1(), EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS5, _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer(), "NONE", 5840, 850);
_local3.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_LEVEL5_START_BOSS1], [180], RalfManager.PERSO_RALF_IDLE);
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
_arg1.GetCamera().SetBounds(5000, 6645, 150, 2250);
_arg1.GetCamera().SetEase(0.03, 0.03, 0.03);
= true;
public function InitLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
public function UpdateLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Hero_c = _arg1.GetPlayer1();
if (_local2.playerTagVisible){
if (_local2.playerTag.alpha < 1){
_local2.playerTag.alpha = (_local2.playerTag.alpha + 0.05);
} else {
_local2.playerTag.alpha = 1;
} else {
if (_local2.playerTag.alpha > 0.5){
_local2.playerTag.alpha = (_local2.playerTag.alpha - 0.05);
} else {
_local2.playerTag.alpha = 0.5;
if (){
if (MCGame(_arg1).GetEnemyCreator().GetNbInactive() <= 0){
= false;
_local2.mustBeInFOV = false;
_local2.playerTagVisible = true;
}//package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents
Section 345
//LevelEventFactory (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.LevelEventFactory)
package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents {
public class LevelEventFactory {
public static const ID_LEVEL1:int = ++;
public static const ID_LEVEL2:int = ++;
public static const ID_LEVEL3:int = ++;
public static const ID_LEVEL5:int = ++;
public static const ID_LEVEL_NONE:int = ++;
public static const ID_LEVEL4:int = ++;
public static const ID_LEVEL_SURVIVAL:int = ++;
private static var :int = 0;
public static function CreateLevelEvent(_arg1:int):ILevelEvent{
switch (_arg1){
return (new LevelEventNull());
case ID_LEVEL1:
return (new LevelEvent1());
case ID_LEVEL2:
return (new LevelEvent2());
case ID_LEVEL3:
return (new LevelEvent3());
case ID_LEVEL4:
return (new LevelEvent4());
case ID_LEVEL5:
return (new LevelEvent5());
return (new LevelEventSurvival());
return (null);
}//package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents
Section 346
//LevelEventManager (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.LevelEventManager)
package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents {
import TheGameAS3.*;
public class LevelEventManager {
private var
public function Destroy():void{
= null;
public function DoActionLevel(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:int):void{
.DoAction(_arg1, _arg2);
public function InitLevel(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:int):void{
= LevelEventFactory.CreateLevelEvent(_arg2);
public function GetCurrentLevelEvent():ILevelEvent{
return (
public function DestroyLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (
!= null){
public function UpdateLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (
!= null){
}//package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents
Section 347
//LevelEventNull (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.LevelEventNull)
package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents {
import TheGameAS3.*;
public class LevelEventNull implements ILevelEvent {
public function InitLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function DoAction(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:int):void{
public function IsCleared():Boolean{
return (false);
public function DestroyLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function UpdateLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
}//package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents
Section 348
//LevelEventSurvival (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.LevelEventSurvival)
package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Enemy.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import Multilingual.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class LevelEventSurvival implements ILevelEvent {
private const HARD_LEVEL:int = 10;
private const MEDIUM_LEVEL:int = 5;
private var :int;// = 180
private var
:int;// = 0
private var
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var
:int;// = 0
private var
private var
public function LevelEventSurvival(){
= [AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY1, AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY2, AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY3, AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_EASY4];
= [AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD1, AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD2, AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD3, AnimationFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_SURVIVAL_MAP_HARD4];
public function DoAction(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:int):void{
public function InitLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
_arg1.GetPlayer1().playerTagVisible = false;
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_SURVIVAL_WELCOME], [180], RalfManager.PERSO_ROX_IDLE);
private function CreateAllEnemy(_arg1:int, _arg2:Game_c):void{
var _local8:DisplayObject;
var _local9:String;
var _local3:MovieClip = AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(_arg1);
var _local4:EnemyManager_c = _arg2.GetEnemyManager();
var _local5:Hero_c = _arg2.GetHeroManager().GetPlayer(HeroManager_c.HERO_1);
var _local6:LevelLayer_c = _local5.GetLayer();
var _local7:int;
while (_local7 < _local3.numChildren) {
_local8 = _local3.getChildAt(_local7);
_local9 = (((( == null)) || (( == "")))) ? "NONE" :;
if ((_local8 is ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE)){
_local4.CreateEnemy(_local5, EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_TURRET_1, _local6, _local9, _local8.x, _local8.y);
} else {
if ((_local8 is ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE)){
_local4.CreateEnemy(_local5, EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_TURRET_2, _local6, _local9, _local8.x, _local8.y);
} else {
if ((_local8 is ENEMY_THUG_IDLE)){
_local4.CreateEnemy(_local5, EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_THUG, _local6, _local9, _local8.x, _local8.y);
} else {
if ((_local8 is ENEMY_1_IDLE)){
_local4.CreateEnemy(_local5, EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_1, _local6, _local9, _local8.x, _local8.y);
} else {
if ((_local8 is ENEMY_BOSS_IDLE)){
_local4.CreateEnemy(_local5, EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS, _local6, _local9, _local8.x, _local8.y);
public function IsCleared():Boolean{
return ();
public function DestroyLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
private function
var _local1:int;
if (
_local1 =
} else {
if (
_local1 =
} else {
_local1 =
if (_local1 ==
return (
return (_local1);
public function UpdateLevel(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
var _local3:Hero_c = _arg1.GetPlayer1();
if ((((_local2.GetEnemyCreator().GetNbInactive() <= 0)) && (( < 0)))){
private function
var _local3:int;
var _local2:int = (Math.random() * _arg1.length);
if ((_arg1[_local2] is int)){
_local3 = _arg1[_local2];
} else {
throw (new Error("The content of the array must be int"));
return (_local3);
public function get wave():int{
return (
private function
var _local2:MCGame = MCGame(_arg1);
if (
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_SURVIVAL_MEDIUM], [180], RalfManager.PERSO_ROX_IDLE);
= 180;
if (
_local2.GetRalfManager().ShowMessage(_arg1, [TextFactory.ID_MSG_SURVIVAL_HARD], [180], RalfManager.PERSO_ROX_IDLE);
= 180;
, _arg1);
}//package TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents
Section 349
//LevelLayer_c (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelLayer_c)
package TheGameAS3.Level {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Scenario.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Visuel.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import TheGameAS3.Teams.*;
public class LevelLayer_c extends MovieClip {
private const LEVEL_PART_ID:int = 6;
private const AMMO_ID:int = 2;
private const PLAYER_ID:int = 3;
private const BACK_FX_ID:int = 4;
private const ENEMY_ID:int = 1;
private const FORE_FX_ID:int = 0;
private const DEBUG_ID:int = 7;
private const ITEM_PART_ID:int = 5;
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var
:Array;// = null
private var
:Number;// = 100
private var
:Number;// = 0
private var :Array;// = null
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Array;// = null
private var
:String;// = ""
private var :XML;
public var
:BitmapData;// = null
private var :Array;// = null
private var :Array;// = null
private var :LevelPartManager_c;// = null
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var m_context:Game_c;// = null
private var
private var :Array;// = null
private var :Array;// = null
public static const NO_PNG:String = "LevelEmpty";
public function LevelLayer_c(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Number, _arg3:XML, _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:Boolean=false){
= new Rectangle();
if (_arg1 == null){
trace("ERROR LevelLayer_c :: Constructor Wrong parameters : ");
trace(("context: " + _arg1));
= new Array();
= new Array();
= new Array();
= new Array();
= new Array();
= new Array();
= _arg4;
= _arg5;
var _local6:int;
while (_local6 < TeamFactory.NB_TEAM) {
.push(new Array());
.push(new Array());
m_context = _arg1;
= _arg2;
private function
var _local5:int;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:String;
var _local8:int;
var _local9:int;
var _local10:int;
var _local11:int;
var _local12:int;
var _local13:int;
var _local14:String;
var _local1:XMLList = .Visual.hor;
var _local2:XMLList;
var _local3:XML;
var _local4:int;
while (_local4 < _local1.length()) {
_local3 = _local1[_local4];
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3.ver.length()) {
_local6 = _local3.@x;
_local7 = _local3.ver[_local5].@y;
_local8 = -1;
_local9 = -1;
_local10 = -1;
_local11 = -1;
_local12 = -1;
_local13 = -1;
if (isNaN(Number(_local6))){
if (((isNaN(Number(_local6.split("~")[0]))) || (isNaN(Number(_local6.split("~")[1]))))){
trace(((("ERROR :: LevelLayer_c :: BuildCollisionFromXml : Problem with attribute X Of XML" + _local4) + "/") + _local6));
_local8 = Number(_local6.split("~")[0]);
_local9 = _local8;
_local10 = Number(_local6.split("~")[1]);
} else {
_local8 = int(_local6);
_local9 = _local8;
_local10 = _local8;
if (isNaN(Number(_local7))){
if (((isNaN(Number(_local7.split("~")[0]))) || (isNaN(Number(_local7.split("~")[1]))))){
trace(((("ERROR :: LevelLayer_c :: BuildCollisionFromXml : Problem with attribute Y Of XML" + _local5) + "/") + _local7));
_local11 = Number(_local7.split("~")[0]);
_local12 = _local11;
_local13 = Number(_local7.split("~")[1]);
} else {
_local11 = int(_local7);
_local12 = _local11;
_local13 = _local11;
_local8 = _local9;
while (_local8 <= _local10) {
_local11 = _local12;
while (_local11 <= _local13) {
_local14 = _local3.ver[_local5];
SetLevelPart(_local14, _local8, _local11);
public function IsDrawable():Boolean{
return (
public function ():XML{
return ();
public function ():Boolean{
return (
public function AddLine(_arg1:Line_c):void{
if (_arg1 == null){
public function GetLevelPart(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):String{
if (((([_arg1] == null)) || (([_arg1][_arg2] == null)))){
return (NO_PNG);
return ([_arg1][_arg2]);
private function (_arg1:XML):void{
var _local2:Number = Number(_arg1.@x1);
var _local3:Number = Number(_arg1.@y1);
var _local4:Number = Number(_arg1.@x2);
var _local5:Number = Number(_arg1.@y2);
var _local6:Boolean = ((_arg1.@canDrop == "true")) ? true : false;
var _local7:Boolean = ((_arg1.@canWallKick == "true")) ? true : false;
AddLine(new Line_c(_local2, _local4, _local3, _local5, _local6, _local7));
private function (_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); = _arg1;
this.addChildAt(_local2, 0);
public function GetHeroContainer():MovieClip{
return ((PLAYER_ID));
public function GetPointsInRange(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Array{
var _local4:Array = new Array();
var _local5:Circle_c;
if ( == null){
return (null);
var _local6:int;
while (_local6 < .length) {
_local5 = [_local6];
if (_local5 == null){
} else {
if ((((_arg3 == -1)) || ((_local5.GetDistanceCarre(_arg1, _arg2) <= ((_arg3 + _local5.rayon) * (_arg3 + _local5.rayon)))))){
return (_local4);
public function GetItemContainer():MovieClip{
return ((ITEM_PART_ID));
public function RemoveTeamCollision(_arg1:Circle_c, _arg2:Number):void{
if (_arg1 == null){
var _local3:Array = (_arg2);
if (_local3.length > 1){
trace(("ERROR LevelLayer_c :: RemoveTeamCollision :: More than one team detected (Must be log2)" + _arg2));
var _local4:Array =
var _local5:int;
while (_local5 < _local4.length) {
if (_local4[_local5] == _arg1){
delete _local4[_local5];
_local4.splice(_local5, 1);
trace("WARNING :: LevelLayer_c::RemoveTeamCollision :: Collision not found");
public function ():Number{
return (
public function (_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):void{
if ((((_arg1 == null)) || ((_arg2 == null)))){
trace("ERROR LevelLayer_c :: Init Wrong parameters : ");
trace(("strPathOfXml : " + _arg1));
trace(("fctCallBack : " + _arg2));
var _local3:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
_local3.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, , false, 1);
_local3.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _arg2, false, 0);
_local3.load(new URLRequest(_arg1));
public function SetZoom(_arg1:Number):void{
= _arg1;
public function GetZoom():Number{
return (
public function SetPctOfView(_arg1:Number):void{
= _arg1;
public function GetDebugContainer():MovieClip{
return ((DEBUG_ID));
public function RemovePoint(_arg1:Circle_c):Boolean{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if (_arg1 == [_local2]){
delete [_local2];
.splice(_local2, 1);
return (true);
return (false);
public function GetBackFxContainer():MovieClip{
return ((BACK_FX_ID));
public function AddTeamCollision(_arg1:Circle_c, _arg2:Number):void{
if (_arg1 == null){
var _local3:Array = (_arg2);
if (_local3.length > 1){
trace(("ERROR LevelLayer_c :: AddTeamCollision :: More than one team detected (Must be log2)" + _arg2));
var _local4:Array =
private function (_arg1:EventManager_c, _arg2:XML):void{
var _local3:Number = Number(_arg2.@x);
var _local4:Number = Number(_arg2.@y);
var _local5:Number = Number(_arg2.@nRayon);
var _local6:String = _arg2.@name;
var _local7:String = _arg2.@nTeam;
var _local8:int = TeamFactory.GetTeamNumberByName(_local7);
var _local9:XMLList = _arg2.Event;
var _local10:EventSwitch_c = _arg1.CreateEventSwitch(this, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local8);
var _local11:Event_c;
var _local12 = -1;
var _local13:Array;
var _local14:int;
while (_local14 < _local9.length()) {
_local12 = ScenarioEventID_c.GetIdByName(_local9[_local14].@idEvent);
_local13 = ((_local9[_local14].@params)!="null") ? _local9[_local14].@params.split("~") : null;
if (((((!((_local13 == null))) && ((_local13.length == 1)))) && ((_local13[0] == "")))){
_local13 = null;
_local11 = ScenarioManager_c.GetEmptyEvent(_local12);
public function GetForeFxContainer():MovieClip{
return ((FORE_FX_ID));
public function GetBmpUseCount(_arg1:Bitmap):int{
var _local8:int;
var _local9:String;
var _local2:Number =
var _local3:Number = (_local2 +
var _local4:Number =
var _local5:Number = (_local4 +
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int = _local2;
while (_local7 <= _local3) {
if ([_local7] == null){
} else {
_local8 = _local4;
while (_local8 <= _local5) {
if ([_local7][_local8] == null){
} else {
_local9 = VisuelFactory_c.GetStrFromBmpData(_arg1.bitmapData);
if (_local9 == [_local7][_local8]){
return (_local6);
public function SetZ(_arg1:Number):void{
= Math.max((-(Camera_c.Z_POSITION_START) + 1), _arg1);
private function (_arg1:int):MovieClip{
if (m_context == null){
trace("ERROR : LevelLayer_c :: CheckAndReturnStuff :: Init pas callé ");
return (null);
switch (_arg1){
case DEBUG_ID:
return (MovieClip(this.getChildByName("ligneContainer_mc")));
case FORE_FX_ID:
return (MovieClip(this.getChildByName("foreFxContainer_mc")));
case ENEMY_ID:
return (MovieClip(this.getChildByName("enemyContainer_mc")));
case AMMO_ID:
return (MovieClip(this.getChildByName("ammoContainer_mc")));
return (MovieClip(this.getChildByName("playerContainer_mc")));
case BACK_FX_ID:
return (MovieClip(this.getChildByName("backFxContainer_mc")));
return (MovieClip(this.getChildByName("itemContainer_mc")));
return (MovieClip(this.getChildByName("levelPartContainer_mc")));
trace(("ERROR : LevelLayer_c :: CheckAndReturnStuff :: Wrong Id : " + _arg1));
return (null);
private function ():XML{
var _local5:Line_c;
var _local6:Circle_c;
var _local1:XML = <Collision></Collision>
var _local2:XML;
var _local3:XML;
var _local4:int;
while (_local4 < .length) {
_local5 = [_local4];
if ((((_local5 == null)) || (_local5.IsDynamic()))){
} else {
_local2 = <Line></Line>
_local2.@x1 = _local5.GetPoint1().x;
_local2.@y1 = _local5.GetPoint1().y;
_local2.@x2 = _local5.GetPoint2().x;
_local2.@y2 = _local5.GetPoint2().y;
_local2.@canDrop = _local5.CanBeDropped();
_local2.@canWallKick = _local5.CanBeWallKicked();
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < .length) {
_local6 = [_local4];
if ((((_local6 == null)) || (_local6.IsDynamic()))){
} else {
_local3 = <Point></Point>
_local3.@x = _local6.x;
_local3.@y = _local6.y;
_local3.@rayon = _local6.rayon;
return (_local1);
public function GetLevelPartManager():LevelPartManager_c{
return ();
public function GetLinesInRange(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Boolean=true, _arg5:Boolean=true):Array{
var _local6:Array = new Array();
var _local7:Line_c;
var _local8:Point;
var _local9:Number = 0;
if ( == null){
return (null);
var _local10:int;
while (_local10 < .length) {
_local7 = [_local10];
if (_local7 == null){
} else {
if (((!(_arg4)) && (_local7.CanBeDropped()))){
} else {
if (((!(_arg5)) && (_local7.CanBeWallKicked()))){
} else {
_local8 = _local7.GetCenterPoint();
_local9 = (((_arg1 - _local8.x) * (_arg1 - _local8.x)) + ((_arg2 - _local8.y) * (_arg2 - _local8.y)));
if ((((_arg3 == -1)) || ((_local9 < (_local7.GetRayonCarre() + (_arg3 * _arg3)))))){
return (_local6);
public function SetLevelPart(_arg1:String, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):void{
if ([_arg2] == null){
[_arg2] = new Array();
if (_arg2 <
.width = (
.width + (
.x - _arg2));
.x = _arg2;
} else {
if (_arg2 > (
.x +
.width = (_arg2 -
if (_arg3 <
.height = (
.height + (
.y - _arg3));
.y = _arg3;
} else {
if (_arg3 > (
.y +
.height = (_arg3 -
[_arg2][_arg3] = _arg1;
public function SetLevelPartManager(_arg1:LevelPartManager_c):void{
= _arg1;
public function IsReady():Boolean{
return (!(( == null)));
public function (_arg1:XML):void{
= _arg1;
public function GetLevelPartContainer():MovieClip{
return ((LEVEL_PART_ID));
private function ():XML{
var _local6:EventSwitch_c;
var _local7:Array;
var _local8:int;
var _local1:XML = <EventSwitch></EventSwitch>
var _local2:XML;
var _local3:XML;
var _local4:Array = m_context.GetEventManager().GetSwitchByLayer(this);
var _local5:int;
while (_local5 < _local4.length) {
_local6 = _local4[_local5];
if (_local6 == null){
} else {
_local2 = <Switch></Switch>
_local2.@name = _local6.GetName();
_local2.@x = _local6.x;
_local2.@y = _local6.y;
_local2.@nRayon = _local6.rayon;
_local2.@nTeam = TeamFactory.GetTeamNameById(_local6.GetTeam());
_local7 = _local6.GetAllEvent();
_local8 = 0;
while (_local8 < _local7.length) {
_local3 = <Event></Event>
_local3.@idEvent = ScenarioEventID_c.GetNameById(_local7[_local8].GetId());
_local3.@params = ((_local7[_local8].GetParameters() == null)) ? null : _local7[_local8].GetParametersValue().join("~");
return (_local1);
public function ():Array{
return ();
public function AddPoint(_arg1:Circle_c):void{
if (_arg1 == null){
public function (_arg1:XML):void{
private function (_arg1:Event):void{
(new XML(;
public function (_arg1:Array):void{
if (_arg1 == null){
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < _arg1.length) {
public function GetEnemyContainer():MovieClip{
return ((ENEMY_ID));
public function RemoveLine(_arg1:Line_c):Boolean{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if (_arg1 == [_local2]){
delete [_local2];
.splice(_local2, 1);
return (true);
return (false);
public function GetAmmoContainer():MovieClip{
return ((AMMO_ID));
public function GetTeamCollision(_arg1:Number):Array{
if ((((_arg1 == 0)) || ((
== null)))){
return (null);
var _local2:Array = (_arg1);
var _local3:Array = new Array();
var _local4:int;
while (_local4 < _local2.length) {
_local3 = _local3.concat(
return (_local3);
private function (_arg1:XML):void{
var _local2:Number = Number(_arg1.@x);
var _local3:Number = Number(_arg1.@y);
var _local4:Number = Number(_arg1.@rayon);
AddPoint(new Circle_c(_local2, _local3, _local4));
public function GetXmlLayer():XML{
var _local1:XML = <Layer></Layer>
_local1.@Name = GetName();
_local1.@z = GetZ();
_local1.@bDrawable = IsDrawable();
_local1.@bActionLayer =
return (_local1);
public function ():Number{
return (
private function ():XML{
var _local9:int;
var _local1:Number =
var _local2:Number = (_local1 +
var _local3:Number =
var _local4:Number = (_local3 +
var _local5:XML = <Visual></Visual>
var _local6:XML;
var _local7:XML;
var _local8:int = _local1;
while (_local8 <= _local2) {
if ([_local8] == null){
} else {
_local6 = <hor></hor>
_local6.@x = _local8;
_local9 = _local3;
while (_local9 <= _local4) {
if ([_local8][_local9] == null){
} else {
_local7 = <ver></ver>
_local7.@y = _local9;
if (_local6.children().length() > 0){
return (_local5);
public function Destroy():void{
= null;
= null;
= null;
= null;
= null;
= null;
= null;
= null;
= null;
public function ConnectLine(_arg1:Array):void{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Line_c;
var _local5:Line_c;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Circle_c;
var _local9:Circle_c;
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < _arg1.length) {
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
if ((((((_local2 == _local3)) || ((_arg1[_local2] == null)))) || ((_arg1[_local3] == null)))){
} else {
_local4 = _arg1[_local2];
_local5 = _arg1[_local3];
if (_local4.GetPoint2().equals(_local5.GetPoint1())){
_local6 = ((_local4.Angle() >= 0)) ? (_local4.Angle() - 180) : (_local4.Angle() + 180);
_local7 = _local5.Angle();
_local8 = new Circle_c(_local4.GetPoint2().x, _local4.GetPoint2().y, 0, _local6, _local7);
_local9 = _local4.GetJoint2();
if (_local8.AngleRange() > 180){
if (_local9 == null){
_local4.SetJoint2(_local8, _local5);
_local5.SetJoint1(_local8, _local4);
} else {
if (_local8.AngleRange() > _local9.AngleRange()){
_local4.SetJoint2(_local8, _local5);
_local5.SetJoint1(_local8, _local4);
public function GetName():String{
return (
public function GetZ():Number{
return ();
public function ():void{
var _local8:Array;
var _local9:String;
var _local10:int;
var _local11:MovieClip;
var _local12:Point;
var _local13:Point;
var _local14:int;
var _local15:int;
var _local16:int;
var _local17:int;
var _local18:String;
var _local1:XMLList = .Collision.Line;
var _local2:XMLList = .Collision.Point;
var _local3:XMLList = .EventSwitch.Switch;
var _local4:XMLList;
= .@Name;
var _local5:int;
while (_local5 < _local1.length()) {
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local2.length()) {
= new Array();
var _local6:String = .Visual.@dynamicVisual;
if (((!((_local6 == null))) && (!((_local6 == ""))))){
_local8 = _local6.split(VisuelFactory_c.DYNAMIC_VISUAL);
_local9 = _local8[1];
if (isNaN(Number(_local9))){
_local10 = AnimationFactory_c.GetIdByName(_local9);
} else {
_local10 = int(_local9);
_local11 = AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(_local10);
_local12 = Utils.GetOriginOfMc(_local11);
_local13 = new Point();
if (_local12.x < 0){
_local13.x = -(_local12.x);
if (_local12.x > _local11.width){
_local13.x = (_local12.x - _local11.width);
if (_local12.y < 0){
_local13.y = -(_local12.y);
if (_local12.x > _local11.width){
_local13.y = (_local12.y - _local11.height);
_local14 = Math.ceil(((_local11.width + _local13.x) / LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_WIDTH));
_local15 = Math.ceil(((_local11.height + _local13.y) / LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_HEIGHT));
_local16 = 0;
while (_local16 < _local14) {
_local17 = 0;
while (_local17 < _local15) {
_local18 = ((((_local6 + "~") + _local16) + "~") + _local17);
SetLevelPart(_local18, _local16, _local17);
} else {
var _local7:EventManager_c = m_context.GetEventManager();
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3.length()) {
(_local7, _local3[_local5]);
public function GetContainer():MovieClip{
return (this);
public function ():Number{
return (
public static function (_arg1:Object, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Array):Boolean{
var _local4:int;
while (_local4 < _arg2.length) {
if (_arg2[_local4] == _arg1){
delete _arg2[_local4];
_arg2.splice(_local4, 1);
return (true);
return (false);
public static function (_arg1:int):Array{
var _local2 = 10;
var _local3:int = Math.pow(2, _local2);
var _local4:int = _local3;
var _local5:int = _local3;
var _local6:Array = new Array();
while (_local4 != 0) {
_local5 = _arg1;
_local5 = (_local5 - _local4);
if (_local5 >= 0){
_arg1 = (_arg1 - _local4);
_local4 = (_local4 / 2);
return (_local6);
public static function (_arg1:Object, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Array):Number{
return ((_arg2.length - 1));
}//package TheGameAS3.Level
Section 350
//LevelManager_c (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelManager_c)
package TheGameAS3.Level {
import TheGameAS3.*;
public class LevelManager_c implements Updatable_i {
private var :Array;
private var :Boolean;// = true
public function LevelManager_c(){
= new Array();
= true;
public function OnAdd(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function SetEnable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function OnRemove(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function GetAllLayers():Array{
return ();
public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local3:LevelLayer_c;
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
_local3 = [_local2];
= false;
public function Move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Camera_c):void{
var _local5:LevelLayer_c;
var _local4:int;
while (_local4 < .length) {
_local5 = [_local4];
_local5.GetLevelPartManager().Move(_arg1, _arg2);
= true;
public function CreateLayer(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Number, _arg3:XML, _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:Boolean=false, _arg6:Boolean=false, _arg7:Boolean=false):LevelLayer_c{
var _local8:LevelLayer_c = new LevelLayer_c(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5);
var _local9:LevelPartManager_c = new LevelPartManager_c(_local8, _arg6, _arg7);
return (_local8);
public function IsEnabled():Boolean{
return ();
public function IsReady():Boolean{
var _local2:LevelLayer_c;
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < .length) {
_local2 = [_local1];
if (!_local2.IsReady()){
return (false);
return (true);
public function GetLayer(_arg1:uint):LevelLayer_c{
return ([_arg1]);
public function ():LevelPartManager_c{
return ([1].GetLevelPartManager());
public function DestroyAllLayer():void{
var _local2:LevelLayer_c;
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < .length) {
_local2 = [_local1];
if (_local2.parent != null){
_local2 = null;
= new Array();
}//package TheGameAS3.Level
Section 351
//LevelPart_c (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelPart_c)
package TheGameAS3.Level {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Visuel.*;
import TheGameAS3.Debug.*;
public class LevelPart_c extends MovieClip {
private var :LevelPart_c;
private var :BitmapData;
private var :LevelPart_c;
private var :Point;
private var :Bitmap;
private var :Point;
private var :LevelPart_c;
private var :LevelPart_c;
private var
:Number;// = -1
private var :Number;// = -1
public function LevelPart_c(_arg1:BitmapData, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:Boolean=false){
var _local6:Cadre_c;
= null;
= null;
= null;
= null;
this. = null;
this. = null;
this. = new Point();
= _arg2;
this. = _arg3;
this. = _arg1;
if (getChildByName("mcCadre") == null){
_local6 = new Cadre_c(LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_WIDTH, LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_HEIGHT); = "mcCadre";
getChildByName("mcCadre").visible = _arg4;
if (getChildByName("mcGrid")){
getChildByName("mcGrid").visible = _arg5;
Init(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
scaleX = (1 / VisuelFactory_c.COMPRESSION);
scaleY = (1 / VisuelFactory_c.COMPRESSION);
public function get left():LevelPart_c{
return ( );
public function SetPos(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
if (this. == null){
trace("ERROR :: LevelPart_c :: SetPos :: m_bmp = null");
trace(("this.x : " + this.
trace(("this.y : " + this.));
this.x = Math.floor((_arg1 + .x));
this.y = Math.floor((_arg2 + .y));
public function set left(_arg1:LevelPart_c):void{
= _arg1;
public function get down():LevelPart_c{
return ();
public function ToString():String{
var _local1:String = String(
var _local2:String = String();
while (_local1.length < 3) {
_local1 = (_local1 + " ");
while (_local2.length < 3) {
_local2 = (_local2 + " ");
return ((((("(" + _local1) + ",") + _local2) + ")"));
public function GetMatrixPos():Point{
return ();
public function set down(_arg1:LevelPart_c):void{
= _arg1;
public function Destroy():void{
= null;
= null;
public function get up():LevelPart_c{
return ();
public function GetCadre():Cadre_c{
return (Cadre_c(getChildByName("mcCadre")));
public function Hide():void{
if ( != null){
.right = null;
= null;
if ( != null){
.left = null;
= null;
if ( != null){
.down = null;
= null;
if ( != null){
.up = null;
= null;
if (this.parent != null){
public function GetY():Number{
return (this.);
public function get right():LevelPart_c{
return ();
public function Init(_arg1:BitmapData, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{
this. = new Point(_arg2, _arg3);
this. = CreateVisual(_arg1);
public function GetX():Number{
return (this.
public function IsOnStage():Boolean{
return (!((this.parent == null)));
public function set up(_arg1:LevelPart_c):void{
= _arg1;
public function set right(_arg1:LevelPart_c):void{
= _arg1;
private function CreateVisual(_arg1:BitmapData):Bitmap{
var _local2:Bitmap;
var _local3:BitmapData = _arg1;
_local2 = new Bitmap(_local3);
addChildAt(_local2, 0);
return (_local2);
public function GetLevelBitmap():Bitmap{
return (this.);
}//package TheGameAS3.Level
Section 352
//LevelPartManager_c (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelPartManager_c)
package TheGameAS3.Level {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Visuel.*;
public class LevelPartManager_c implements Updatable_i {
private var
:LevelPart_c;// = null
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;
private var :Array;
private var
:LevelPart_c;// = null
private var :LevelLayer_c;
public static var LEVEL_HEIGHT:int = 0x0100;
public static var LEVEL_WIDTH:int = 0x0100;
public function LevelPartManager_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false){
= new Array();
= true;
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
public function OnAdd(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function SetShowGrid(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
private function ():void{
var _local1:LevelPart_c =
while (_local1.up != null) {
_local1 = _local1.up;
private function (_arg1:LevelPart_c):void{
if (_arg1 == null){
throw (new Error("Lvl must be non-null"));
private function ():void{
var _local2:int;
var _local1:int =
while (_local1 <=
.GetX()) {
_local2 =
while (_local2 <=
.GetY()) {
[_local1][_local2].down = (([_local1][(_local2 + 1)] == undefined)) ? null : ([_local1][(_local2 + 1)].IsOnStage()) ? [_local1][(_local2 + 1)] : null;
[_local1][_local2].up = (([_local1][(_local2 - 1)] == undefined)) ? null : ([_local1][(_local2 - 1)].IsOnStage()) ? [_local1][(_local2 - 1)] : null;
[_local1][_local2].left = (([(_local1 - 1)] == undefined)) ? null : (([(_local1 - 1)][_local2] == undefined)) ? null : ([(_local1 - 1)][_local2].IsOnStage()) ? [(_local1 - 1)][_local2] : null;
[_local1][_local2].right = (([(_local1 + 1)] == undefined)) ? null : (([(_local1 + 1)][_local2] == undefined)) ? null : ([(_local1 + 1)][_local2].IsOnStage()) ? [(_local1 + 1)][_local2] : null;
private function
var _local3:int;
var _local1 = "THE MATRIX \n";
var _local2:int =
while (_local2 <= (
.GetY() + 1)) {
_local3 =
while (_local3 <= (
.GetX() + 1)) {
_local1 = (_local1 + ([_local3][_local2].ToString() + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + "\n");
_local1 = (_local1 + ("TopLeft : " +
_local1 = (_local1 + ("\nBottomRight : " +
public function DestroyLevel(_arg1:LevelPart_c):void{
if (_arg1 == null){
delete [_arg1.GetX()][_arg1.GetY()];
[_arg1.GetX()][_arg1.GetY()] = null;
_arg1 = null;
private function ():void{
var _local1:LevelPart_c =
while (_local1.left != null) {
_local1 = _local1.left;
public function IsEnabled():Boolean{
return ();
public function GetLevelPart(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):LevelPart_c{
if ( == null){
return (null);
if ([_arg1] == null){
return (null);
return ([_arg1][_arg2]);
public function (_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
private function (_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{
if ([_arg1] == undefined){
[_arg1] = new Array();
if (((([_arg1][_arg2] == null)) || (([_arg1][_arg2] == undefined)))){
[_arg1][_arg2] = new LevelPart_c(VisuelFactory_c.GetBitmapDataFromStr(.GetLevelPart(_arg1, _arg2), .IsDrawable()), _arg1, _arg2, , );
private function ():void{
if ((((
== null)) || ((
== null)))){
var _local1 = "THE REFERENCE \n";
var _local2:Number = 0;
var _local3:LevelPart_c;
var _local4:int =
while (_local4 <=
.GetY()) {
_local3 =
_local2 = _local4;
while (_local2 >
.GetY()) {
_local3 = _local3.down;
while (_local3.right != null) {
_local1 = (_local1 + (_local3.ToString() + "|"));
_local3 = _local3.right;
_local1 = (_local1 + (_local3.ToString() + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + "\n");
_local1 = (_local1 + ("TopLeft : " +
_local1 = (_local1 + ("\nBottomRight : " +
public function ():LevelPart_c{
return (
public function OnRemove(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function SetEnable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function DestroyAll():void{
var _local6:int;
if ((((
== null)) || ((
== null)))){
var _local1:Number =
var _local2:Number = (
.GetX() + 1);
var _local3:Number =
var _local4:Number = (
.GetY() + 1);
var _local5:int = _local3;
while (_local5 <= _local4) {
_local6 = _local1;
while (_local6 <= _local2) {
if ([_local6] == null){
} else {
if ([_local6][_local5] != null){
delete [_local6][_local5];
[_local6][_local5] = null;
private function ():void{
var _local1:LevelPart_c =
while (_local1.down != null) {
_local1 = _local1.down;
public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:LevelPart_c =
while (_local2 != null) {
if (_local2.right != null){
_local2.right.SetPos(((_local2.x + LEVEL_WIDTH) - 1), _local2.y);
_local2 = _local2.right;
public function ():LevelPart_c{
return (
public function (_arg1:LevelPart_c):void{
if (_arg1 == null){
if (_arg1.up != null){
_arg1.SetPos(_arg1.up.x, ((_arg1.up.y + LEVEL_HEIGHT) - 1));
public function LoadLevelPart(_arg1:Camera_c, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
var _local8:int;
var _local3:Number = ((_arg1.GetX() - (_arg1.GetWidthView() / 2)) / LEVEL_WIDTH);
var _local4:Number = ((_arg1.GetY() - (_arg1.GetHeightView() / 2)) / LEVEL_HEIGHT);
var _local5:Number = (_local3 + (_arg1.GetWidthView() / LEVEL_WIDTH));
var _local6:Number = (_local4 + (_arg1.GetHeightView() / LEVEL_HEIGHT));
_local3 = Math.floor(_local3);
_local4 = Math.floor(_local4);
_local5 = Math.floor(_local5);
_local6 = Math.floor(_local6);
_local5 = Math.min((_local3 + 10), _local5);
_local6 = Math.min((_local4 + 10), _local6);
if (((!((
== null))) && (!(_arg2)))){
if ((((((((
.GetX() == _local3)) && ((
.GetY() == _local4)))) && ((
.GetX() == _local5)))) && ((
.GetY() == _local6)))){
while (((!((
== null))) && ((_local5 <
.GetX())))) {
while (((!((
== null))) && ((_local6 <
.GetY())))) {
while (((!((
== null))) && ((_local3 >
.GetX())))) {
while (((!((
== null))) && ((_local4 >
.GetY())))) {
var _local7:int = _local3;
while (_local7 <= _local5) {
_local8 = _local4;
while (_local8 <= _local6) {
(_local7, _local8);
if (((([_local3] == undefined)) || (([_local5] == undefined)))){
trace("WARNING : LevelPartManager_c :: LoadLevelPart :: Problème d'affection de la matrix");
= [_local3][_local4];
= [_local5][_local6];
Move(_arg1.GetX(), _arg1.GetY());
private function ():void{
var _local1:LevelPart_c =
while (_local1.right != null) {
_local1 = _local1.right;
public function Move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
if (
== null){
.GetMatrixPos().x * LEVEL_WIDTH) - (_arg1 - (Camera_c.WIDTH_VIEW / 2))), ((
.GetMatrixPos().y * LEVEL_HEIGHT) - (_arg2 - (Camera_c.HEIGHT_VIEW / 2))));
private function (_arg1:MovieClip):void{
public function GetLayer():LevelLayer_c{
return ();
}//package TheGameAS3.Level
Section 353
//LevelXML (TheGameAS3.Level.LevelXML)
package TheGameAS3.Level {
public class LevelXML {
public static var LEVEL1_XML:XML = <Level Name="Level1">
<startPos hero1="750~6700" cameraPos="750~6700~1300" cameraBounds="350.0143211689492~7000~264.0131350559217~6957.435492057168" visualStaticBack=""/>
<Layer Name="LayerAction1" z="0" bDrawable="true" bActionLayer="true">
<Visual dynamicVisual="DYNAMIC_FROM_MC_ID_MAP_1_0">
<Line x1="395" y1="6910" x2="1395" y2="6910" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="395" y1="3860" x2="395" y2="6910" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="3450" y1="3860" x2="395" y2="3860" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="3450" y1="5860" x2="3450" y2="3860" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="5050" y1="5860" x2="3450" y2="5860" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="5050" y1="4860" x2="5050" y2="5860" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="5900" y1="4860" x2="5050" y2="4860" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="5900" y1="3960" x2="5900" y2="4860" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="3950" y1="3965" x2="5900" y2="3960" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="3945" y1="3060" x2="3950" y2="3965" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="400" y1="3060" x2="3945" y2="3060" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="400" y1="305" x2="400" y2="3060" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="2450" y1="305" x2="400" y2="305" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="2450" y1="1860" x2="2450" y2="305" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="7000" y1="1855" x2="2450" y2="1860" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="7000" y1="6910" x2="7000" y2="1855" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="2395" y1="6915" x2="7000" y2="6910" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="2395" y1="4965" x2="2395" y2="6915" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="1395" y1="4965" x2="2395" y2="4965" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="1395" y1="6910" x2="1395" y2="4965" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="5850" y1="5665" x2="6445" y2="5665" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="6445" y1="5665" x2="6445" y2="6305" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="5850" y1="6305" x2="5850" y2="5665" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="6445" y1="6305" x2="5850" y2="6305" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="5350" y1="2510" x2="6395" y2="2510" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="6395" y1="2510" x2="6395" y2="3110" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="6395" y1="3110" x2="5350" y2="3110" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="5350" y1="3110" x2="5350" y2="2510" canDrop="false" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="900" y1="6160" x2="395" y2="6160" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="395" y1="6110" x2="900" y2="6110" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="900" y1="6110" x2="900" y2="6160" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="850" y1="5960" x2="1250" y2="5960" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="1250" y1="5960" x2="1250" y2="6010" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="1250" y1="6010" x2="850" y2="6010" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="850" y1="6010" x2="850" y2="5960" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="550" y1="5460" x2="600" y2="5460" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="600" y1="5460" x2="600" y2="5505" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="600" y1="5505" x2="550" y2="5505" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="550" y1="5505" x2="550" y2="5460" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="850" y1="5460" x2="900" y2="5460" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="900" y1="5460" x2="900" y2="5510" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="900" y1="5510" x2="850" y2="5510" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="850" y1="5510" x2="850" y2="5460" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="1200" y1="5460" x2="1245" y2="5460" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="1245" y1="5460" x2="1245" y2="5510" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="1245" y1="5510" x2="1200" y2="5510" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="1200" y1="5510" x2="1200" y2="5460" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="1050" y1="5260" x2="1100" y2="5260" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="1100" y1="5260" x2="1100" y2="5310" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="1100" y1="5310" x2="1050" y2="5310" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="1050" y1="5310" x2="1050" y2="5260" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="700" y1="5260" x2="750" y2="5260" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="750" y1="5260" x2="750" y2="5310" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="750" y1="5310" x2="700" y2="5310" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
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<Line x1="950" y1="5060" x2="995" y2="5060" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
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public static var LEVEL3_XML:XML = <Level Name="Level3">
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public static var LEVEL4_XML:XML = <Level Name="Level4">
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<Line x1="1125" y1="930" x2="1125" y2="3880" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="1125" y1="3880" x2="3025" y2="3880" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="3025" y1="3880" x2="3025" y2="2880" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="3025" y1="2880" x2="3225" y2="2880" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="3225" y1="2880" x2="3225" y2="3880" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="3225" y1="3880" x2="6470" y2="3880" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="6470" y1="2380" x2="5675" y2="2380" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="5675" y1="2380" x2="5675" y2="2180" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="5675" y1="2180" x2="6475" y2="2180" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="5175" y1="280" x2="5175" y2="2230" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="5175" y1="2230" x2="2375" y2="2230" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4825" y1="2230" x2="4825" y2="3180" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4825" y1="3180" x2="6025" y2="3180" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="6025" y1="3180" x2="6025" y2="3380" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="6025" y1="3380" x2="4625" y2="3380" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4625" y1="3380" x2="4625" y2="2230" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="2375" y1="2230" x2="2375" y2="3480" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="2375" y1="3480" x2="2025" y2="3480" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="2025" y1="3480" x2="2025" y2="1980" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="2025" y1="1980" x2="4775" y2="1980" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4775" y1="1980" x2="4775" y2="280" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4375" y1="280" x2="4375" y2="680" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4375" y1="680" x2="4175" y2="680" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4175" y1="680" x2="4175" y2="280" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="475" y1="880" x2="675" y2="880" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="675" y1="880" x2="675" y2="1080" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="675" y1="1080" x2="475" y2="1080" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="475" y1="1080" x2="475" y2="880" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="475" y1="2280" x2="675" y2="2280" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="675" y1="2280" x2="675" y2="2485" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="675" y1="2485" x2="475" y2="2485" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="475" y1="2485" x2="475" y2="2280" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="475" y1="3630" x2="675" y2="3630" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="675" y1="3630" x2="675" y2="3830" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="675" y1="3830" x2="475" y2="3830" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="475" y1="3830" x2="475" y2="3630" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="1025" y1="4375" x2="1225" y2="4375" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="1225" y1="4375" x2="1225" y2="4580" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="1225" y1="4580" x2="1025" y2="4580" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="1025" y1="4580" x2="1025" y2="4375" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="1025" y1="4875" x2="1225" y2="4875" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="1225" y1="4875" x2="1225" y2="5080" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="1225" y1="5080" x2="1025" y2="5080" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="1025" y1="5080" x2="1025" y2="4875" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="275" y1="5330" x2="2625" y2="5330" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="2625" y1="5330" x2="2625" y2="4980" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="2625" y1="4980" x2="4675" y2="4980" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4675" y1="4980" x2="4675" y2="5780" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4675" y1="5780" x2="275" y2="5780" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4975" y1="5580" x2="5875" y2="5580" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="5875" y1="5580" x2="5875" y2="5780" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="5875" y1="5780" x2="4975" y2="5780" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4975" y1="5780" x2="4975" y2="5580" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4225" y1="4330" x2="4625" y2="4330" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4625" y1="4330" x2="4625" y2="4630" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4625" y1="4630" x2="4225" y2="4630" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4225" y1="4630" x2="4225" y2="4330" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="2875" y1="4230" x2="3075" y2="4230" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="3075" y1="4230" x2="3075" y2="4430" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="3075" y1="4430" x2="2875" y2="4430" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="2875" y1="4430" x2="2875" y2="4230" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="2875" y1="4630" x2="3075" y2="4630" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="3075" y1="4630" x2="3075" y2="4830" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="3075" y1="4830" x2="2875" y2="4830" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="2875" y1="4830" x2="2875" y2="4630" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="1925" y1="1380" x2="2325" y2="1380" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="2325" y1="1380" x2="2325" y2="1680" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="2325" y1="1680" x2="1925" y2="1680" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="1925" y1="1680" x2="1925" y2="1380" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="3725" y1="2730" x2="4125" y2="2730" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4125" y1="2730" x2="4125" y2="3030" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="4125" y1="3030" x2="3725" y2="3030" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="3725" y1="3030" x2="3725" y2="2730" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="3325" y1="1380" x2="3725" y2="1380" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="3725" y1="1380" x2="3725" y2="1680" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="3725" y1="1680" x2="3325" y2="1680" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Line x1="3325" y1="1685" x2="3325" y2="1380" canDrop="false" canWallKick="true"/>
<Switch name="" x="1843.0275000000001" y="4693.675" nRayon="710.0750739402487" nTeam="ALLY_EVENT_TEAM">
<Event idEvent="ID_SEND_MESSAGE" params="PLAYER_1~MINI_BOSS_LEVEL5"/>
<Switch name="" x="5791.05" y="764.3275000000001" nRayon="927.0967922802071" nTeam="ALLY_EVENT_TEAM">
<Event idEvent="ID_SEND_MESSAGE" params="PLAYER_1~BOSS_LEVEL5"/>
public static var LEVEL_SURVIVAL_XML:XML = <Level Name="Level1">
<startPos hero1="931.7090000000001~1014.7345" cameraPos="1013.5~1117.75~1300" cameraBounds="41~1840~67~1838" visualStaticBack=""/>
<Layer Name="LayerAction1" z="0" bDrawable="true" bActionLayer="true">
<Visual dynamicVisual="DYNAMIC_FROM_MC_ID_MAP_SURVIVAL">
<Line x1="285" y1="1610" x2="1590" y2="1615" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="1590" y1="1615" x2="1585" y2="305" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="1585" y1="305" x2="285" y2="305" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
<Line x1="285" y1="305" x2="285" y2="1610" canDrop="true" canWallKick="false"/>
}//package TheGameAS3.Level
Section 354
//Cadre_c (TheGameAS3.LevelEditor.Cadre_c)
package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor {
import flash.display.*;
public class Cadre_c extends MovieClip {
private var :Number;
private var _mode:String;
private var
;// = 0
private var :Number;
private var ;// = 0xFF
private var
;// = 0xFF0000
public static var ROLLOVER = "ROLLOVER";
public static var IDLE = "IDLE";
public static var SELECTED = "SELECTED";
public function Cadre_c(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
public function SetRollOver():void{
_mode = ROLLOVER;
(10, );
private function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{;, _arg2, 1, false, LineScaleMode.NONE);, 0);, );, );, 0);, 0);
public function SetIdle():void{
_mode = IDLE;
public function GetCurrentMode():String{
return (_mode);
public function SetSelected():void{
_mode = SELECTED;
}//package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor
Section 355
//CamBoundsHelper_c (TheGameAS3.LevelEditor.CamBoundsHelper_c)
package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class CamBoundsHelper_c {
private var :Acteur_c;// = null
private var :Acteur_c;// = null
private var :Acteur_c;// = null
private var :Rectangle;// = null
private var :Acteur_c;// = null
private var :LevelLayer_c;// = null
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var :Acteur_c;// = null
private static var :Camera_c = null;
public function CamBoundsHelper_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:Rectangle){
= new Acteur_c(new CAM_BOUNDS_SIDE(), _arg1, -1);
= new Acteur_c(new CAM_BOUNDS_SIDE(), _arg1, -1);
= new Acteur_c(new CAM_BOUNDS_SIDE(), _arg1, -1);
= new Acteur_c(new CAM_BOUNDS_SIDE(), _arg1, -1);
.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
= _arg2;
= _arg1;
.cameraCanControlMe = false;
.cameraCanControlMe = false;
.cameraCanControlMe = false;
.cameraCanControlMe = false;
private function (_arg1:Event){
if ( == null){
trace("ERROR :: CamBoundsHelper :: Drag :: Class not init");
var _local2:* = new Point(.stage.mouseX, .stage.mouseY);
_local2 = .ConvertPointToMoteur(_local2, .GetLayer());
if (((( == )) || (( == )))){
.px = _local2.x;
} else {
.py = _local2.y;
private function (_arg1:Event){
if ( != null){
= Acteur_c(MovieClip(;
.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, );
.stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
public function (){
.rotation = 0;
.px = .x;
.py = .y;
.width = .height;
.rotation = 90;
.px = (.x + .width);
.py = (.y + .height);
.rotation = 0;
.width = .height;
.rotation = 270;
.px = (.x + .width);
.py = .y;
.rotation = 0;
.width = .width;
.rotation = 180;
.rotation = 0;
.px = .x;
.py = (.y + .height);
.width = .width;
.rotation = 0;
private function (){
.x = .px;
.y = .py;
.width = (.px - .px);
.height = (.py - .py);
private function (_arg1:Event){
.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, );
.stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
= null;
public function GetBounds():Rectangle{
return ();
public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c){
.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
public static function Init(_arg1:Camera_c){
= _arg1;
}//package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor
Section 356
//EnemyHelper_c (TheGameAS3.LevelEditor.EnemyHelper_c)
package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Scenario.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
public class EnemyHelper_c {
private var
private var :Parameter_c;
private var :ObjetMoteur_c;// = null
private var :Point;
private var :EventSwitchHelper_c;
private var :MovieClip;// = null
static var :Array = new Array();
private static var :LevelEditor_c = null;
public function EnemyHelper_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:int, _arg3:EventSwitchHelper_c, _arg4:Parameter_c, _arg5:Parameter_c){
= new Point();
if (_arg2 == -1){
= ObjetMoteur_c(.GetEnemyManager().CreateEnemy(.GetHeroManager().GetPlayer(HeroManager_c.HERO_1), _arg2, _arg1));
= MovieClip(.parent);
= _arg3;
.alpha = 0.5;
.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
= _arg4;
= _arg5;
.px = ((
.GetValue())!="") ? Number(
.GetValue()) : 0;
.py = ((.GetValue())!="") ? Number(.GetValue()) : 0;
public function (_arg1:MouseEvent){
.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, );
private function ():void{
var _local1:EventSwitch_c = .GetSwitch();
var _local2:* = new Point(.px, .py);
var _local3:* = new Point(.GetVisual().px, .GetVisual().py);
_local2 = .GetCamera().ConvertPointToScreen(_local2, .GetLayer());
_local3 = .GetCamera().ConvertPointToScreen(_local3, .GetLayer());
.GetVisual().GetLayer().graphics.moveTo(.GetVisual().x, (.GetVisual().y + _local1.rayon));
.GetVisual().GetLayer().graphics.lineTo(.x, .y);
.GetVisual().GetLayer().graphics.moveTo(.GetVisual().x, (.GetVisual().y - _local1.rayon));
.GetVisual().GetLayer().graphics.lineTo(.x, .y);
public function Hide(){
if (((!(( == null))) && (.contains(())))){
public function Destroy():void{
if (.parent != null){
.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, );
.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
= null;
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < .length) {
if (((( [_local1] == this)) || (( [_local1] == null)))){
.splice(_local1, 1);
public function (_arg1:MouseEvent){
var _local2:* = new Point(.stage.mouseX, .stage.mouseY);
_local2 = .GetCamera().ConvertPointToMoteur(_local2, .GetLayer());
.x = (.px - _local2.x);
.y = (.py - _local2.y);
if (!.IsSelected()){
.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, );
.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
public function (_arg1:Event){
var _local2:* = new Point(.stage.mouseX, .stage.mouseY);
_local2 = .GetCamera().ConvertPointToMoteur(_local2, .GetLayer());
.px = (_local2.x + .x);
.py = (_local2.y + .y);
if (
!= null){
.SetValue(String((_local2.x + .x)));
.SetValue(String((_local2.y + .y)));
public function ():MovieClip{
return ();
public function Refresh():void{
public function Show(){
if (((!(( == null))) && (!(.contains(()))))){
public static function Init(_arg1:LevelEditor_c):void{
= _arg1;
static function (){
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < .length) {
static function
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < .length) {
}//package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor
Section 357
//EventHelper_c (TheGameAS3.LevelEditor.EventHelper_c)
package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Scenario.*;
public class EventHelper_c extends EVENT_HELPER {
private const X_OPEN:Number = -550;
private const X_CLOSE:Number = 14;
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var
:Array;// = null
private var
:Number;// = 0
private var :Array;// = null
private var
:Array;// = null
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :EventSwitch_c;// = null
private var :Number;// = 7
private var :EventSwitchHelper_c;// = null
private static const Y_DEPART:Number = 40;
private static var m_context:LevelEditor_c = null;
public function EventHelper_c(){
var _local2:int;
var _local3:Event_c;
var _local4:*;
MovieClip(this).name_txt.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, );
= new Array();
= new Array();
MovieClip(this).btnOpen_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).btnCopy_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).new_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).newPanel_mc.quit_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).newPanel_mc.bas_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).newPanel_mc.haut_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
var _local1:Array = ScenarioEventID_c.();
= new Array();
while (_local2 < _local1.length) {
_local3 = ScenarioManager_c.GetEmptyEvent(_local1[_local2]);
_local4 = new EventTab_c();
_local4.x = 10;
_local4.y = ((_local2 * _local4.height) + 10);
_local4.InitForSelection(this, _local3);
= _local2;
MovieClip(this).newPanel_mc.visible = false;
MovieClip(this).new_mc.visible = false;
MovieClip(this).btnCopy_mc.visible = false;
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:EventSwitch_c = .Clone();
_local2.x = (_local2.x + 30);
_local2.y = (_local2.y + 30);
var _local3:EventSwitchHelper_c = new EventSwitchHelper_c( .GetLayer(), _local2);
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
= Math.min(( - ),
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
= Math.max(
, 0);
public function ():void{
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < ) {
if ((((_local1 < (
+ ))) && ((_local1 >=
[_local1].visible = true;
[_local1].y = (((_local1 -
) *
[_local1].height) + 10);
} else {
[_local1].visible = false;
public function MoveDown(_arg1:EventTab_c):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 <
.length) {
if (_arg1 ==
if (_local2 >= (
.length - 1)){
(_local2, 1);
public function Open():void{
x = X_OPEN;
= true;
public function InitFromSwitch(_arg1:EventSwitchHelper_c){
= _arg1;
if ( != null){
= .GetSwitch();
public function Delete(_arg1:EventTab_c){
var _local2:Array = .GetAllEvent();
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 <
.length) {
if (_arg1 ==
if (_local3 <
_local2.splice(_local3, 1);
.splice(_local3, 1);
} else {
trace("ERROR : EventHelper_C :: Delete :: Event Not found");
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (IsOpen()){
} else {
public function Close():void{
x = X_CLOSE;
= false;
private function (_arg1:TextEvent){
if ( != null){
.SetName((MovieClip(this).name_txt.text + _arg1.text));
private function ():void{
if ( == null){
MovieClip(this).name_txt.text = "No EventSwitch Selected";
MovieClip(this).new_mc.visible = false;
MovieClip(this).btnCopy_mc.visible = false;
MovieClip(this).new_mc.visible = true;
MovieClip(this).btnCopy_mc.visible = true;
public function Select(_arg1:EventTab_c):void{
var _local4:Array;
var _local2:Array = .GetAllEvent();
var _local3:Event_c = ScenarioManager_c.GetEmptyEvent(_arg1.GetEvent().GetId());
if (_local3.GetId() == ScenarioEventID_c.ID_CREATE_ENEMY){
_local4 = _local3.GetParameters();
public function MoveUp(_arg1:EventTab_c):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 <
.length) {
if (_arg1 ==
if (_local2 == 0){
(_local2, -1);
private function SetName():void{
MovieClip(this).name_txt.text = .GetName();
public function (_arg1:int, _arg2){
var _local3:Array = .GetAllEvent();
var _local4:EventTab_c =
[(_arg1 + _arg2)];
[(_arg1 + _arg2)] =
[_arg1] = _local4;
_local3[(_arg1 + _arg2)] =
[(_arg1 + _arg2)].GetEvent();
_local3[_arg1] =
private function Destroy(){
MovieClip(this).name_txt.removeEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, );
MovieClip(this).btnOpen_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).btnCopy_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).new_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).newPanel_mc.quit_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).newPanel_mc.bas_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).newPanel_mc.haut_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
public function IsOpen():Boolean{
return ();
public function Reset(){
var _local1:* = 0;
while (_local1 <
.length) {
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < .length) {
delete [_local1];
= new Array();
= new Array();
= null;
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
MovieClip(this).newPanel_mc.visible = false;
private function ():void{
var _local3:*;
var _local1:Array = .GetAllEvent();
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < _local1.length) {
_local3 = new EventTab_c();
_local3.x = 10;
_local3.Init(this, _local1[_local2]);
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
MovieClip(this).newPanel_mc.visible = true;
public function Refresh():void{
var _local3:EventTab_c;
var _local1:Number = 0;
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 <
.length) {
_local3 =
_local3.y = (_local1 + Y_DEPART);
_local1 = (_local1 + _local3.m_height);
public static function Init(_arg1:LevelEditor_c){
m_context = _arg1;
}//package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor
Section 358
//EventSwitchHelper_c (TheGameAS3.LevelEditor.EventSwitchHelper_c)
package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Enemy.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import TheGameAS3.Scenario.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class EventSwitchHelper_c {
private var :EventSwitch_c;// = null
private var
:Acteur_c;// = null
private var :LevelLayer_c;
private var :Array;
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Point;
public static var m_selectedSwitch:EventSwitchHelper_c = null;
private static var :Boolean = true;
public static var
:Array = new Array();
private static var :LevelEditor_c = null;
public function EventSwitchHelper_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:EventSwitch_c, _arg3:Boolean=false){
= new Array();
= new Point();
= _arg1;
= new Acteur_c(new EVENT_SWITCH_HELPER(), _arg1, -1);
if (_arg3){
.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
.GetMC()).border_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, );
= _arg2;
.cameraCanControlMe = false;
public function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (! ){
.x =
.y =
= .GetCamera().ConvertPointToMoteur(,
.x = (.x -
.y = (.y -
.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
public function IsSelected():Boolean{
return ();
public function InitEnemyHelper():void{
var _local3:Event_c;
var _local4:Array;
var _local5:EnemyHelper_c;
var _local1:Array = .GetAllEvent();
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < _local1.length) {
_local3 = _local1[_local2];
if (_local3.GetId() == ScenarioEventID_c.ID_CREATE_ENEMY){
_local4 = _local3.GetParameters();
_local5 = new EnemyHelper_c(
.GetLayer(), EnemyFactory_c.GetIdByName(_local4[1].GetValue()), this, _local4[2], _local4[3]);
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
= false;
.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
public function GetSwitch():EventSwitch_c{
return ( );
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:Point = new Point(
_local2 = .GetCamera().ConvertPointToMoteur(_local2,
var _local3:Number = 10;
var _local4:Number = (_local2.x % _local3);
var _local5:Number = (_local2.y % _local3);
_local2.x = (_local2.x - _local4);
if (_local4 > (_local3 / 2)){
_local2.x = (_local2.x + _local3);
_local2.y = (_local2.y - _local5);
if (_local5 > (_local3 / 2)){
_local2.y = (_local2.y + _local3);
.SetRayon(Math.sqrt((((_local2.x - .x) * (_local2.x - .x)) + ((_local2.y - .y) * (_local2.y - .y)))));
public function GetVisual():Acteur_c{
return (
public function Destroy():void{
if (){
m_selectedSwitch = null;
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 <
.length) {
if (
[_local1] == this){
.splice(_local1, 1);
.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
.GetMC().border_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
if (
.stage != null){
.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, );
if (
.parent != null){
.GetEventManager().DestroyEventSwitch( );
public function
while ( .length > 0) {
= new Array();
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:Point = new Point(
_local2 = .GetCamera().ConvertPointToMoteur(_local2,
var _local3:Number = 10;
var _local4:Number = (_local2.x % _local3);
var _local5:Number = (_local2.y % _local3);
_local2.x = (_local2.x - _local4);
if (_local4 > (_local3 / 2)){
_local2.x = (_local2.x + _local3);
_local2.y = (_local2.y - _local5);
if (_local5 > (_local3 / 2)){
_local2.y = (_local2.y + _local3);
_local2.x = (_local2.x - .x);
_local2.y = (_local2.y - .y);
.SetPosition(_local2.x, _local2.y);
public function ShowVisible(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1){
} else {
public function SelectSwitch(_arg1:Event):void{
if (){
if (m_selectedSwitch != null){
m_selectedSwitch = this;
private function ():void{
if (){
} else {
.GetLayer().graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFF0000, 0.5);
.px = .x;
.py = .y;
.width = ( .rayon * 2);
.height = ( .rayon * 2);
public function Refresh():void{
.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFF0000, 0.5);
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < .length) {
public function SetSelected(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
.GetMC().recSelection.visible = ;
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
= true;
.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
public static function DestroyAll():void{
while (
.length > 0) {
= new Array();
public static function get isVisible():Boolean{
return ();
public static function Init(_arg1:LevelEditor_c):void{
= _arg1;
public static function UnSelect():void{
if (m_selectedSwitch != null){
m_selectedSwitch = null;
public static function RefreshSelected():void{
if (m_selectedSwitch != null){
public static function Show(_arg1:Boolean):void{
var _local3:EventSwitchHelper_c;
if ( == _arg1){
= _arg1;
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 <
.length) {
_local3 =
}//package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor
Section 359
//EventTab_c (TheGameAS3.LevelEditor.EventTab_c)
package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Scenario.*;
public class EventTab_c extends EVENT_TAB {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Array;// = null
private var
private var :EventHelper_c;// = null
private var
:Number;// = 0
public var m_height:Number;// = 0
private var
:Number;// = 40
public function EventTab_c(){
m_height = this.height;
= this.height;
= new Array();
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (IsOpen()){
} else {
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function InitForSelection(_arg1:EventHelper_c, _arg2:Event_c){
MovieClip(this).btn_mc.visible = false;
MovieClip(this).bas_mc.visible = false;
MovieClip(this).haut_mc.visible = false;
MovieClip(this).delete_mc.visible = false;
= _arg2;
= _arg1;
MovieClip(this).name_txt.text =
public function GetEvent():Event_c{
return (
private function ():void{
var _local1:ParamTab_c;
while (.length > 0) {
_local1 = .shift();
_local1 = null;
m_height =
= false;
private function
public function Init(_arg1:EventHelper_c, _arg2:Event_c):void{
MovieClip(this).btnOk_mc.visible = false;
MovieClip(this).bas_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).haut_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).delete_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
= _arg2;
= _arg1;
MovieClip(this).name_txt.text =
if ((((
.GetParameters() == null)) || ((
.GetParameters().length <= 0)))){
MovieClip(this).btn_mc.visible = false;
} else {
MovieClip(this).btn_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
public function IsOpen():Boolean{
return ();
private function
var _local3:Parameter_c;
var _local4:ParamTab_c;
var _local1:Array =
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < _local1.length) {
_local3 = _local1[_local2];
_local4 = new ParamTab_c();
_local4.y = m_height;
_local4.x =
m_height = (m_height + _local4.m_height);
= true;
public function Destroy():void{
MovieClip(this).btn_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).bas_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).haut_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
MovieClip(this).delete_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
= null;
}//package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor
Section 360
//LineHelper_c (TheGameAS3.LevelEditor.LineHelper_c)
package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Debug.*;
public class LineHelper_c extends ObjetMoteur_c {
public var :ObjDebug_c;// = null
private var :Line_c;// = null
public var :ObjDebug_c;// = null
private var :LevelLayer_c;
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :LINE_HELPER;
public static var :Array = new Array();
public static var m_selectedLine:LineHelper_c = null;
private static var :Boolean = true;
private static var :LevelEditor_c = null;
public function LineHelper_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:Line_c){
= new LINE_HELPER();
= _arg1;
= new ObjDebug_c(_arg1);
= new ObjDebug_c(_arg1);
, false, 0, true);
.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, AttachRightToCursor, false, 0, true);
.recSelection.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, , false, 0, true);
.recSelection.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, , false, 0, true);
.drop_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, , false, 0, true);
.wall_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, , false, 0, true);
= _arg2;
cameraCanControlMe = false;
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
if (.m_bAddCol){
private function ():void{
var _local1:Point = .GetCenterPoint();
.fleche.x = _local1.x;
.fleche.y = _local1.y;
.fleche.rotation = .Angle();
private function ():void{
var _local1:Point = .GetPoint2();
.px = _local1.x;
.py = _local1.y;
private function ():void{
var _local1:Point = .GetPoint1();
.recSelection.alpha = () ? 1 : 0;
.recSelection.x = _local1.x;
.recSelection.y = _local1.y;
.recSelection.rotation = 0;
.recSelection.width = (.GetRayon() * 2);
.recSelection.rotation = .Angle();
private function ():void{
.drop_mc.x = (.GetCenterPoint().x - 100);
.wall_mc.x = .GetCenterPoint().x;
.drop_mc.y = .GetCenterPoint().y;
.wall_mc.y = .GetCenterPoint().y;
.drop_mc.gotoAndStop((.CanBeDropped()) ? "ON" : "OFF");
.wall_mc.gotoAndStop((.CanBeWallKicked()) ? "ON" : "OFF");
function ():Line_c{
return ();
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
private function ():void{
if (((!(.CanBeWallKicked())) && (!(.CanBeDropped())))){
graphics.lineStyle(5, 0, 1);
} else {
if (((!(.CanBeWallKicked())) && (.CanBeDropped()))){
graphics.lineStyle(5, 0xFF00, 1);
} else {
if (((.CanBeWallKicked()) && (!(.CanBeDropped())))){
graphics.lineStyle(5, 0xFF0000, 1);
} else {
graphics.lineStyle(5, 0xFFFFFF, 1);
graphics.moveTo(.px, .py);
graphics.lineTo(.px, .py);
public function AttachRightToCursor(_arg1:Event, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
if (!){
if (((.m_bAddCol) && (!(_arg2)))){
.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, AttachRightToCursor);
this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, );
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
this.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, );
.GetLayer().ConnectLine(.GetLayer().GetLinesInRange(0, 0, -1));
private function ():void{
var _local1:Point;
_local1 = .GetPoint1();
.px = _local1.x;
.py = _local1.y;
public function ShowVisible(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1){
} else {
if (((.contains(this)) && ((this.parent == )))){
if (((.contains()) && ((.parent == )))){
if (((.contains()) && ((.parent == )))){
public function
(_arg1:Event, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
if (!){
if (((.m_bAddCol) && (!(_arg2)))){
this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, );
public function
var _local2:Point = new Point(this.stage.mouseX, this.stage.mouseY);
_local2 = .GetCamera().ConvertPointToMoteur(_local2, .GetLayer());
var _local3:Number = 5;
var _local4:Number = (_local2.x % _local3);
var _local5:Number = (_local2.y % _local3);
_local2.x = (_local2.x - _local4);
if (_local4 > (_local3 / 2)){
_local2.x = (_local2.x + _local3);
_local2.y = (_local2.y - _local5);
if (_local5 > (_local3 / 2)){
_local2.y = (_local2.y + _local3);
_arg1.px = Math.ceil(_local2.x); = Math.ceil(_local2.y);
_arg1.px = (_arg1.px - (_arg1.px % 5)); = ( - ( % 5));
.Init(.px, .px, .py, .py, .CanBeDropped(), .CanBeWallKicked());
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (){
m_selectedLine = null;
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ([_local2] == this){
.splice(_local2, 1);
.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, AttachRightToCursor);
.recSelection.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
.recSelection.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, );
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, );
if (((!((.parent == null))) && (.parent.contains()))){
if (((!((.parent == null))) && (.parent.contains()))){
private function ():void{
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
if (.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP)){
.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, AttachRightToCursor);
this.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, );
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
.GetLayer().ConnectLine(.GetLayer().GetLinesInRange(0, 0, -1));
public function
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
if (){
if (m_selectedLine != null){
m_selectedLine = this;
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
public function SetSelected(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public static function get isVisible():Boolean{
return ();
public static function DestroyAll():void{
while (.length > 0) {
= new Array();
public static function Init(_arg1:LevelEditor_c):void{
= _arg1;
public static function UnSelect():void{
if (m_selectedLine != null){
m_selectedLine = null;
public static function Show(_arg1:Boolean):void{
var _local3:LineHelper_c;
if ( == _arg1){
= _arg1;
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
_local3 = [_local2];
}//package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor
Section 361
//ParamTab_c (TheGameAS3.LevelEditor.ParamTab_c)
package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Scenario.*;
import flash.text.*;
public class ParamTab_c extends PARAM_TAB {
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Array;// = null
private var :Array;// = null
public var m_height:Number;// = 0
public var :Parameter_c;// = null
public function ParamTab_c(){
m_height = this.height;
= new Array();
= new Array();
public function
var _local2:int;
var _local3:TextField;
var _local1:Array = .GetPossibleValues();
while (_local2 < _local1.length) {
_local3 = new TextField();
_local3.text = _local1[_local2];
_local3.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
_local3.x = ((MovieClip(this).expand_mc.x + MovieClip(this).expand_mc.width) + 10);
_local3.y = (_local2 * 20);
= true;
public function Refresh():void{
MovieClip(this).value_txt.text = .GetValue();
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (IsOpen()){
} else {
public function ():Parameter_c{
return ();
public function Destroy():void{
MovieClip(this).value_txt.removeEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, );
MovieClip(this).expand_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function SetAndCheck():Boolean{
MovieClip(this).recErreur_mc.visible = !(.IsValid());
return (.IsValid());
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function Init(_arg1:Parameter_c):void{
= _arg1;
MovieClip(this).name_txt.text = .GetName();
MovieClip(this).type_txt.text = .GetType();
MovieClip(this).value_txt.text = .GetValue();
MovieClip(this).value_txt.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, );
MovieClip(this).recErreur_mc.visible = !(.IsValid());
if (.GetPossibleValues() != null){
MovieClip(this).expand_mc.visible = true;
MovieClip(this).expand_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
= .GetPossibleValues();
} else {
MovieClip(this).expand_mc.visible = false;
public function IsOpen():Boolean{
return ();
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function Close():void{
var _local1:TextField;
while (.length > 0) {
_local1 = .shift();
= false;
private function (_arg1:TextEvent){
.SetValue((MovieClip(this).value_txt.text + _arg1.text));
MovieClip(this).recErreur_mc.visible = !(.IsValid());
}//package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor
Section 362
//ScrollLevelPart_c (TheGameAS3.LevelEditor.ScrollLevelPart_c)
package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Visuel.*;
import flash.text.*;
public class ScrollLevelPart_c extends SCROLL_LEVEL_PART {
private var MAX_HEIGHT:uint;// = 400
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :uint;// = 448
private var :uint;// = 136
private var :uint;// = 48
private var :LevelPart_c;// = null
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :LevelEditor_c;// = null
private var
public function ScrollLevelPart_c(){
= new Array();
public function GetBitmapSelected():Bitmap{
if ( == null){
return (null);
return ( .GetLevelBitmap());
public function AddImg(_arg1:BitmapData):void{
var _local2:MovieClip = new LevelPart_c(_arg1, 0, 0, true, false);
var _local3:TextField = new TextField();
var _local4:TextField = new TextField();
var _local5:String = VisuelFactory_c.GetStrFromBmpData(_arg1);
if (_local5.indexOf("/") != -1){
_local3.text = _local5.split("/")[1];
} else {
_local3.text = _local5;
_local3.scaleX = 10;
_local3.scaleY = 10;
_local3.textColor = 0xFF0000;
_local3.selectable = false;
_local3.mouseEnabled = false;
_local3.y = 50;
_local4.text = "";
_local4.scaleX = 10;
_local4.scaleY = 10;
_local4.textColor = 0xFF0000;
_local4.selectable = false;
_local4.mouseEnabled = false; = "txtCount";
_local4.y = 150;
_local2.y = (100 *
_local2.scaleX = 0.1;
_local2.scaleY = 0.1;
_local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, );
_local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, );
_local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, OnClick);
public function GetBounds():Rectangle{
return (new Rectangle(, , 0, (MovieClip(this).scroll_mc.scaleY * MAX_HEIGHT)));
public function RefreshUI():void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:TextField;
var _local4:Bitmap;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:LevelLayer_c;
var _local1:Array = .GetLevelManager().GetAllLayers();
while (_local2 <
.length) {
_local3 =
_local4 =
_local5 = 0;
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < _local1.length) {
_local7 = _local1[_local6];
_local5 = (_local5 + _local7.GetBmpUseCount(_local4));
_local3.text = (("(" + String(_local5)) + ")");
if (_local5 > 0){
[_local2].alpha = 0.25;
} else {
[_local2].alpha = 1;
public function OnClick(_arg1:Event):void{
if (!( is LevelPart_c)){
var _local2:LevelPart_c = LevelPart_c(;
if (_local2 == ){
= null;
= _local2;
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
if (!( is LevelPart_c)){
var _local2:LevelPart_c = LevelPart_c(;
if (_local2.GetCadre().GetCurrentMode() == Cadre_c.SELECTED){
public function ClearImg():void{
var _local2:LevelPart_c;
if (
== null){
var _local1:* = 0;
while (_local1 <
.length) {
_local2 =
if (_local2 == null){
} else {
_local2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, );
_local2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, );
_local2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, OnClick);
= new Array();
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
if (!( is LevelPart_c)){
var _local2:LevelPart_c = LevelPart_c(;
if (_local2.GetCadre().GetCurrentMode() == Cadre_c.SELECTED){
public function IsDeleting():Boolean{
return ();
public function UnSelect():void{
if ( == null){
= null;
public function
var _local2:Number = 0;
_local2 = ((MovieClip(this).scroll_mc.y - ) / (MovieClip(this).scroll_mc.scaleY * MAX_HEIGHT));
MovieClip(this).imgScroll_mc.y = ( - (_local2 * ));
public function SelectDelete(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
MovieClip(this).btn_delete.gotoAndStop(() ? "ON" : "OFF");
public function Init(_arg1:Array, _arg2:LevelEditor_c):void{
var _local3:uint = (_arg1.length * 100);
= _arg2;
MovieClip(this).imgScroll_mc.y = ;
MovieClip(this).scroll_mc.visible = true;
if (_local3 <= 400){
MovieClip(this).scroll_mc.visible = false;
= 0;
= (_local3 - MAX_HEIGHT);
MovieClip(this).scroll_mc.scaleY = (MAX_HEIGHT / _local3);
MovieClip(this).btn_delete.gotoAndStop(() ? "ON" : "OFF");
}//package TheGameAS3.LevelEditor
Section 363
//Circle_c (TheGameAS3.Physique.Circle_c)
package TheGameAS3.Physique {
import flash.geom.*;
public class Circle_c extends Point {
private var
:Number;// = 0
private var
:Number;// = 0
private var
:Number;// = -1
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var
:int;// = -1
public function Circle_c(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number=-180, _arg5:Number=180){
x = _arg1;
y = _arg2;
= _arg3;
= _arg4;
= _arg5;
public function IsDynamic():Boolean{
return (
public function GetIndexAAA():int{
return (
public function IsInside(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Boolean{
return (((
) > (((_arg1 - x) * (_arg1 - x)) + ((_arg2 - y) * (_arg2 - y)))));
public function SetRayon(_arg1:Number):void{
= _arg1;
public function get rayon():Number{
return (
public function AngleIsInRange(_arg1:Number):Boolean{
if (
return ((((((_arg1 >=
)) && ((_arg1 <= 180)))) || ((((_arg1 > -180)) && ((_arg1 <=
return ((((
<= _arg1)) && ((
>= _arg1))));
public function SetPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
x = _arg1;
y = _arg2;
public function AngleRange():Number{
if (
return ((360 - (
return ((
public function SetIsDynamic(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function SetIndexAAA(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
public function GetDistanceCarre(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{
return ((((_arg1 - x) * (_arg1 - x)) + ((_arg2 - y) * (_arg2 - y))));
}//package TheGameAS3.Physique
Section 364
//Collision_c (TheGameAS3.Physique.Collision_c)
package TheGameAS3.Physique {
import flash.geom.*;
public class Collision_c {
public var distV1:Number;
public var distV2:Number;
public var vecFinal:Point;
public var vecFollowSansPerte:Point;
public var sens:Number;
public var vecFollow:Point;
public var pFinal:Point;
public var pointOfCollision:Circle_c;
public var vecAng:Point;
public var pFirstCollision:Point;
public var line:Line_c;
public var vecRebound:Point;
}//package TheGameAS3.Physique
Section 365
//EquationVecto_c (TheGameAS3.Physique.EquationVecto_c)
package TheGameAS3.Physique {
import flash.geom.*;
public class EquationVecto_c {
private static var
:Array = new Array();
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var
:Number = 0;
private static var
:Number = 0.00872664625997165;
private static var
:Array = new Array();
public static function
(_arg1:Array, _arg2:ObjetMoteur_c):Object{
var _local18:Number;
var _local19:Line_c;
var _local3:Number = -1;
var _local4:Point = new Point(0, 0);
var _local5:Point;
var _local6:Number = 0;
var _local7:Point;
var _local8:Number = ((_arg2.vx * _arg2.vx) + (_arg2.vy * _arg2.vy));
var _local9:Number = Math.sqrt(_local8);
var _local10:Number = (_arg2.rayon * _arg2.rayon);
var _local11:Number = 0;
var _local12:Number = (_arg2.px + _arg2.vx);
var _local13:Number = ( + _arg2.vy);
var _local14:Point = new Point(_local12, _local13);
var _local15:Point = new Point(_arg2.px,;
var _local16:Point =
(_local15, _local14);
var _local17:int;
while (_local17 < _arg1.length) {
if (_arg1[_local17] == null){
} else {
_local11 = (((_local9 / 2) + (_arg2.rayon + _arg1[_local17].rayon)) * ((_local9 / 2) + (_arg2.rayon + _arg1[_local17].rayon)));
_local18 = GetDistAuCarre(_local16, _arg1[_local17]);
_local7 =
(_arg1[_local17], _arg2, _local9, _arg1[_local17].rayon);
if (_local7 != null){
_local19 = new Line_c(_arg1[_local17].x, _local7.x, _arg1[_local17].y, _local7.y, false, false);
_local19 = _local19.GetNormLine();
if (_arg1[_local17].AngleIsInRange(_local19.Angle())){
_local6 = (((_arg2.px - _local7.x) * (_arg2.px - _local7.x)) + (( - _local7.y) * ( - _local7.y)));
if ((((_local3 == -1)) || ((_local6 < _local3)))){
_local3 = _local6;
_local4.x = _local7.x;
_local4.y = _local7.y;
_local5 = _arg1[_local17];
if (_local5 != null){
return ({point:_local5, pFirstCol:_local4});
return (null);
public static function
(_arg1:Array, _arg2:ObjetMoteur_c):Object{
var _local32:Line_c;
var _local33:Point;
var _local34:Number;
var _local35:Number;
var _local36:Number;
var _local37:Number;
var _local3:Number = -1;
var _local4:Line_c;
var _local5:Number = 0;
var _local6:Number = 0;
var _local7:Number = 0;
var _local8:Number = 0;
var _local9:Number = 0;
var _local10:Number = 0;
var _local11:Number = 0;
var _local12:Number = 0;
var _local13:Number = 0;
var _local14:Number = 0;
var _local15:Number = (_arg2.px + _arg2.vx);
var _local16:Number = ( + _arg2.vy);
var _local17:Number = (_arg2.px + (_arg2.vx / 2));
var _local18:Number = ( + (_arg2.vy / 2));
var _local19:Number = _local15;
var _local20:Number = _local16;
var _local21:Number = _arg2.vx;
var _local22:Number = _arg2.vy;
var _local23:Number = _local22;
var _local24:Number = -(_local21);
var _local25:Number = ((_local21 * _local20) - (_local22 * _local19));
var _local26:Number = _arg2.rayon;
var _local27:Number = (_arg2.rayon * _local26);
var _local28:Number = 0;
var _local29:Number = 0;
var _local30:Number = 0;
var _local31:int;
for (;_local31 < _arg1.length;_local31++) {
_local32 = _arg1[_local31];
if (_local32 == null){
} else {
_local33 = _local32.GetCenterPoint();
_local34 = (((_local17 - _local33.x) * (_local17 - _local33.x)) + ((_local18 - _local33.y) * (_local18 - _local33.y)));
_local35 = (((_arg2.px - _local15) * (_arg2.px - _local15)) + (( - _local16) * ( - _local16)));
_local8 = _local32.A();
_local9 = _local32.B();
_local10 = (_local32.C() - _local26);
if ((((((_local23 * _local9) - (_local8 * _local24)) == 0)) && ((((_local8 * _local24) - (_local23 * _local9)) == 0)))){
} else {
if (_local8 != 0){
_local14 = (((_local8 * _local25) - (_local23 * _local10)) / ((_local23 * _local9) - (_local8 * _local24)));
_local13 = (((-(_local9) * _local14) - _local10) / _local8);
} else {
_local13 = (((_local9 * _local25) - (_local10 * _local24)) / ((_local8 * _local24) - (_local23 * _local9)));
_local14 = (((-(_local8) * _local13) - _local10) / _local9);
if (((isNaN(_local13)) || (!(isFinite(_local13))))){
trace(("lA : " + _local8));
trace(("lB : " + _local9));
trace(("lC : " + _local10));
trace(("Ab : " + _local23));
trace(("Bb : " + _local24));
trace(("Cb : " + _local25));
trace(("(Ab*lB - lA*Bb) : " + ((_local8 * _local24) - (_local23 * _local9))));
return (null);
_local36 = (_local13 - _arg2.px);
_local37 = (_local14 -;
_local5 = ((_local36 * _local36) + (_local37 * _local37));
_local6 = (_local32.GetCenterPoint().x - _local13);
_local7 = (_local32.GetCenterPoint().y - _local14);
_local28 = (((_local8 * _local19) + (_local9 * _local20)) + _local10);
_local29 = (((((_local8 * _local19) + (_local9 * _local20)) + _local10) * _local28) / ((_local8 * _local8) + (_local9 * _local9)));
_local30 = (((_local8 * _arg2.px) + (_local9 * + _local10);
if (((_local6 * _local6) + (_local7 * _local7)) >= Math.pow((_local32.GetRayon() + (_local26 / 2)), 2)){
} else {
if (_local30 >= 0){
if ((((_local28 < 0)) || ((_local29 < 0)))){
if ((((_local3 == -1)) || ((_local5 < _local3)))){
_local3 = _local5;
_local11 = _local13;
_local12 = _local14;
_local4 = _local32;
if (_local3 != -1){
return ({line:_local4, pFirstCol:new Point(_local11, _local12)});
return (null);
public static function
(_arg1:Point, _arg2:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Point{
var _local35:Number;
var _local36:Number;
var _local37:Number;
var _local38:Number;
var _local5:Number = (_arg2.px + _arg2.vx);
var _local6:Number = ( + _arg2.vy);
var _local7:Number = _local5;
var _local8:Number = _local6;
var _local9:Number = _arg2.vx;
var _local10:Number = _arg2.vy;
var _local11:Number = _local10;
var _local12:Number = -(_local9);
var _local13:Number = ((_local9 * _local8) - (_local10 * _local7));
var _local14:Number = -(_local9);
var _local15:Number = -(_local10);
var _local16:Number = ((_local10 * _arg1.y) + (_local9 * _arg1.x));
var _local17:Number = -(_local9);
var _local18:Number = -(_local10);
var _local19:Number = ((_local10 * + (_local9 * _arg2.px));
var _local20:Number = ((_arg2.rayon + _arg4) * (_arg2.rayon + _arg4));
var _local21:Number = (((_local11 * _arg1.x) + (_local12 * _arg1.y)) + _local13);
var _local22:Number = (((((_local11 * _arg1.x) + (_local12 * _arg1.y)) + _local13) * _local21) / ((_local11 * _local11) + (_local12 * _local12)));
var _local23:Number = (((_local17 * _arg1.x) + (_local18 * _arg1.y)) + _local19);
var _local24:Number = ((_local21 * _local21) / ((_local17 * _local17) + (_local18 * _local18)));
var _local25:Number = ((_arg2.vx * _arg2.vx) + (_arg2.vy * _arg2.vy));
var _local26:Number = 0;
var _local27:Number = 0;
var _local28:Number = 0;
var _local29:Number = 0;
var _local30:Number = 0;
var _local31:Point = new Point(_arg2.px,;
var _local32:Point =
(_local31, new Point(_local5, _local6));
var _local33:Number = GetDistAuCarre(_local32, _arg1);
var _local34:Number = GetDistAuCarre(_local32, _local31);
if ((((_local22 <= _local20)) && ((((_local23 < 0)) || ((_local24 < 0)))))){
if ((((((_local14 * _local12) - (_local11 * _local15)) == 0)) && ((((_local11 * _local15) - (_local14 * _local12)) == 0)))){
trace("HAHA !");
return (null);
if (_local11 != 0){
_local27 = (((_local11 * _local16) - (_local14 * _local13)) / ((_local14 * _local12) - (_local11 * _local15)));
_local26 = (((-(_local12) * _local27) - _local13) / _local11);
} else {
_local26 = (((_local12 * _local16) - (_local13 * _local15)) / ((_local11 * _local15) - (_local14 * _local12)));
_local27 = (((-(_local11) * _local26) - _local13) / _local12);
_local35 = (((_local26 - _arg1.x) * (_local26 - _arg1.x)) + ((_local27 - _arg1.y) * (_local27 - _arg1.y)));
if (_local20 < _local35){
trace("WARNING :: EquationVecto_c :: GetGpFromPoint :: Ok, probleme icitte la");
trace(("distNpCp : " + _local35));
trace(("p : " + _arg1));
trace(((("Npx : " + _local26) + "/") + _local27));
trace(((("rayonCarre : " + _local20) + "/") + _arg4));
trace(("distPoint : " + _local22));
return (null);
_local36 = Math.sqrt((_local20 - _local35));
_local37 = (_arg2.vx / _arg3);
_local38 = (_arg2.vy / _arg3);
_local28 = (_local26 - (_local37 * _local36));
_local29 = (_local27 - (_local38 * _local36));
if (isNaN(_local28)){
trace(((((((((((((((((("gPx :: " + _local26) + "/") + _local37) + "/") + _local36) + "/") + _local20) + "/") + _local35) + "/") + _local22) + "/") + _local26) + "/") + _local27) + "/") + _arg1));
return (null);
_local30 = (((_arg2.px - _local28) * (_arg2.px - _local28)) + (( - _local29) * ( - _local29)));
return (new Point(_local28, _local29));
return (null);
public static function
(_arg1:Array, _arg2:ObjetMoteur_c):Array{
var _local14:Number;
var _local15:Number;
var _local16:Number;
var _local3:Array = new Array();
var _local4:Number = ((_arg2.vx * _arg2.vx) + (_arg2.vy * _arg2.vy));
var _local5:Number = Math.sqrt(_local4);
var _local6:Number = (_arg2.rayon * _arg2.rayon);
var _local7:Number = 0;
var _local8:Number = (_arg2.px + _arg2.vx);
var _local9:Number = ( + _arg2.vy);
var _local10:Point = new Point(_local8, _local9);
var _local11:Point = new Point(_arg2.px,;
var _local12:Point =
(_local11, _local10);
var _local13:int;
while (_local13 < _arg1.length) {
if (_arg1[_local13] == null){
} else {
_local7 = (((_local5 / 2) + (_arg2.rayon + _arg1[_local13].rayon)) * ((_local5 / 2) + (_arg2.rayon + _arg1[_local13].rayon)));
_local14 = GetDistAuCarre(_local12, _arg1[_local13]);
_local15 = GetDistAuCarre(_local11, _arg1[_local13]);
_local16 = GetDistAuCarre(_local10, _arg1[_local13]);
if (_local14 <= _local7){
return (_local3);
public static function
return (((_arg1 / 180) * Math.PI));
public static function SetEquilibreInstantane(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Collision_c, _arg3:Number):void{
var _local4:Number = ((_arg2.sens > 0)) ? 1 : ((_arg2.sens == 0)) ? 0 : -1;
var _local5:Number = ((GetNorm(_arg2.vecFollowSansPerte) == 0)) ? 0 : (GetNorm(_arg2.vecFollow) / GetNorm(_arg2.vecFollowSansPerte));
var _local6:Number = ((_local5 * _arg1.vitesse) * _local4);
var _local7:Number = ((_arg1.vitesseAngulaire / 360) * _arg1.circonference);
var _local8:Number = ((_local6 + _local7) / 2);
if ((_local8 / _local6) == 1){
var _local9:Number = (_local7 - _local6);
_arg1.vitesseAngulaire = (_arg1.vitesseAngulaire - (((_local9 * _arg3) / _arg1.circonference) * 360));
public static function
(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Point, _arg3:Point, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number):Number{
var _local6:Number = _arg1.vitesse;
var _local7:Number = ((_arg4 > 0)) ? 1 : ((_arg4 == 0)) ? 0 : -1;
var _local8:Number = GetNorm(_arg3);
var _local9:Number = ((_local8 == 0)) ? 0 : (GetNorm(_arg2) / _local8);
var _local10:Number = (_local6 * _local7);
var _local11:Number = ((_arg1.vitesseAngulaire / 360) * _arg1.circonference);
var _local12:Number = ((_local11 - _local10) * (_arg5 / 10));
return (_local12);
public static function GetDistAuCarre(_arg1:Point, _arg2:Point):Number{
return ((((_arg1.x - _arg2.x) * (_arg1.x - _arg2.x)) + ((_arg1.y - _arg2.y) * (_arg1.y - _arg2.y))));
public static function
(_arg1:Line_c, _arg2:Point, _arg3:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Circle_c):Collision_c{
if (_arg1 == null){
return (null);
var _local6:Collision_c = new Collision_c();
var _local7:Number = (_arg3.px + _arg3.vx);
var _local8:Number = ( + _arg3.vy);
var _local9:Number = _local7;
var _local10:Number = _local8;
var _local11:Number = _arg3.vx;
var _local12:Number = _arg3.vy;
var _local13:Number = _local12;
var _local14:Number = -(_local11);
var _local15:Number = ((_local11 * _local10) - (_local12 * _local9));
_local6.sens = 0;
var _local16:Point;
var _local17:Number = 0;
var _local18:Number = 0;
var _local19:Number = _arg2.x;
var _local20:Number = _arg2.y;
var _local21:Point = _arg1.GetPoint1();
var _local22:Point = _arg1.GetPoint2();
_local6.distV1 = Math.sqrt((((_arg3.px - _local19) * (_arg3.px - _local19)) + (( - _local20) * ( - _local20))));
_local6.distV2 = Math.sqrt((((_local7 - _local19) * (_local7 - _local19)) + ((_local8 - _local20) * (_local8 - _local20))));
var _local23:Point = new Point((_local22.y - _local21.y), (_local21.x - _local22.x));
_local23 = MultiplyVec(NormalizeVec(_local23), (1 / 2000));
_local16 =
(_arg1, _arg3);
_local6.vecFollow = new Point((_local16.x - _local19), (_local16.y - _local20));
_local6.vecFollow = MultiplyVec(NormalizeVec(_local6.vecFollow), (GetNorm(_local6.vecFollow) + GetNorm(_local23)));
_local6.vecFollowSansPerte = MultiplyVec(NormalizeVec(_local6.vecFollow), _local6.distV2);
_local6.vecRebound = new Point((_local16.x - _local7), (_local16.y - _local8));
_local6.vecRebound = MultiplyVec(_local6.vecRebound, (_arg3.nBounce * _arg4));
_local6.vecFinal = new Point(0, 0);
_local6.vecFinal = _local6.vecFollow.add(_local6.vecRebound);
_local6.pFinal = new Point(0, 0);
_local6.pFinal.x = (((_local19 + _local6.vecFinal.x) + _local23.x) + _arg1.GetVelocity().x);
_local6.pFinal.y = (((_local20 + _local6.vecFinal.y) + _local23.y) + _arg1.GetVelocity().y);
_local6.sens = (((_local13 * _local17) + (_local14 * _local18)) + _local15);
_local6.vecAng = _local6.vecFollow.clone();
var _local24:Number =
(_arg3, _local6.vecFollow, _local6.vecFollowSansPerte, _local6.sens, _arg1.GetFriction());
_local6.vecAng.x = ((_arg1.GetVx() * _local24) * _arg1.GetFriction());
_local6.vecAng.y = ((_arg1.GetVy() * _local24) * _arg1.GetFriction());
_local6.line = _arg1;
_local6.pFirstCollision = new Point((_local19 + _local23.x), (_local20 + _local23.y));
_local6.pointOfCollision = _arg5;
return (_local6);
public static function GetNorm(_arg1:Point):Number{
return (Math.sqrt(((_arg1.x * _arg1.x) + (_arg1.y * _arg1.y))));
public static function MyCos(_arg1:Number):Number{
= _arg1;
while (
< 0) {
= (
+ 360);
= Math.floor((
* 2));
= Math.min(Math.max(0,
), 719);
return (
public static function CollisionEntreCercle(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Array):Circle_c{
var _local4:Circle_c;
if ((((_arg2 == null)) || ((_arg1 == null)))){
return (null);
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < _arg2.length) {
_local4 = Circle_c(_arg2[_local3]);
if (_local4 == null){
} else {
if (GetDistAuCarre(new Point(_arg1.px,, _local4) <= Math.pow((_arg1.rayon + _local4.rayon), 2)){
return (_local4);
return (null);
public static function GetRotation(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{
var _local5:Number = (_arg1 - _arg2);
var _local6:Number = (_arg3 - _arg4);
var _local7:Number = Math.atan2(_local6, _local5);
return (((_local7 / Math.PI) * 180));
public static function
(_arg1:Line_c, _arg2:ObjetMoteur_c):Point{
var _local3:Number = _arg1.A();
var _local4:Number = _arg1.B();
var _local5:Number = (_arg1.C() - _arg2.rayon);
var _local6:Number = (_arg2.px + _arg2.vx);
var _local7:Number = ( + _arg2.vy);
var _local8:Number = 0;
var _local9:Number = 0;
var _local10:Number = _local4;
var _local11:Number = -(_local3);
var _local12:Number = ((_local3 * _local7) - (_local4 * _local6));
if (_local3 != 0){
_local9 = (((_local3 * _local12) - (_local10 * _local5)) / ((_local10 * _local4) - (_local3 * _local11)));
_local8 = (((-(_local4) * _local9) - _local5) / _local3);
} else {
_local8 = (((_local4 * _local12) - (_local5 * _local11)) / ((_local3 * _local11) - (_local10 * _local4)));
_local9 = (((-(_local3) * _local8) - _local5) / _local4);
return (new Point(_local8, _local9));
public static function CheckCollision(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Boolean=false):Collision_c{
var _local10:Line_c;
var _local11:Object;
var _local12:Line_c;
var _local13:Object;
if ((((_arg1.vx == 0)) && ((_arg1.vy == 0)))){
return (null);
var _local6:Object = ((_arg2 == null)) ? null :
(_arg2, _arg1);
var _local7:Object = ((_arg3 == null)) ? null :
(_arg3, _arg1);
if (((_arg5) && (!((_local7 == null))))){
trace(((((("myLine : " + _local6) + "/") + _local7.point) + "/") + _local7.pFirstCol));
if ((((_local6 == null)) && ((_local7 == null)))){
return (null);
if (_local7 == null){
return (
(_local6.line, _local6.pFirstCol, _arg1, _arg4, null));
if (_local6 == null){
_local10 =
(_local7.point, _local7.pFirstCol);
_local11 =
([_local10], _arg1);
if (_local11 == null){
return (null);
return (
(_local11.line, _local11.pFirstCol, _arg1, _arg4, _local7.point));
var _local8:Number = GetDistAuCarre(_local6.pFirstCol, new Point(_arg1.px,;
var _local9:Number = GetDistAuCarre(_local7.pFirstCol, new Point(_arg1.px,;
if (_local8 < _local9){
return (
(_local6.line, _local6.pFirstCol, _arg1, _arg4, null));
_local12 =
(_local7.point, _local7.pFirstCol);
_local13 =
([_local12], _arg1);
if (_local13 == null){
return (null);
return (
(_local13.line, _local13.pFirstCol, _arg1, _arg4, _local7.point));
public static function MySin(_arg1:Number):Number{
= _arg1;
while (
< 0) {
= (
+ 360);
= Math.floor((
* 2));
= Math.min(Math.max(0,
), 719);
return (
public static function NormalizeVec(_arg1:Point):Point{
var _local2:Number = Math.sqrt(((_arg1.x * _arg1.x) + (_arg1.y * _arg1.y)));
if (_local2 < 1E-13){
return (new Point(0, 0));
var _local3:Number = (_arg1.x / _local2);
var _local4:Number = (_arg1.y / _local2);
return (new Point(_local3, _local4));
public static function
(_arg1:Circle_c, _arg2:Point):Line_c{
var _local3:Point = new Point((_arg1.x - _arg2.x), (_arg1.y - _arg2.y));
var _local4:Number = Math.sqrt(((_local3.x * _local3.x) + (_local3.y * _local3.y)));
if (isNaN(_arg2.x)){
trace("Putain de probleme");
var _local5:Line_c = new Line_c(_arg1.x, _arg2.x, _arg1.y, _arg2.y, false, false);
var _local6:Number = (_arg1.x - ((_arg1.rayon / _local4) * _local3.x));
var _local7:Number = (_arg1.y - ((_arg1.rayon / _local4) * _local3.y));
var _local8:Number = (_local5.normVx * -20);
var _local9:Number = (_local5.normVy * -20);
var _local10:Number = (_local6 + _local8);
var _local11:Number = (_local7 + _local9);
_local6 = (_local6 - _local8);
_local7 = (_local7 - _local9);
var _local12:Line_c = new Line_c(_local6, _local10, _local7, _local11, false, false);
return (_local12);
public static function Init():void{
if (){
= true;
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < 720) {
.push(Math.cos((_local1 *
.push(Math.sin((_local1 *
[360] = 0;
public static function GetNearestCircle(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Array):Circle_c{
var _local3:Circle_c;
var _local4:Circle_c;
var _local5:Number = -1;
var _local6:Number = -1;
var _local7:Point = new Point(_arg1.px,;
var _local8:int;
while (_local8 < _arg2.length) {
_local4 = _arg2[_local8];
if (_local4 == null){
} else {
_local6 = GetDistAuCarre(_local7, _local4);
if ((((_local5 > _local6)) || ((_local5 == -1)))){
_local5 = _local6;
_local3 = _local4;
return (_local3);
public static function ReduceAngularVelocity(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Number):void{
if (_arg1.vitesseAngulaire > 0){
_arg1.vitesseAngulaire = (_arg1.vitesseAngulaire - _arg2);
} else {
if (_arg1.vitesseAngulaire < 0){
_arg1.vitesseAngulaire = (_arg1.vitesseAngulaire + _arg2);
public static function
(_arg1:Point, _arg2:Point):Point{
var _local3:Number = (((_arg2.x - _arg1.x) / 2) + _arg1.x);
var _local4:Number = (((_arg2.y - _arg1.y) / 2) + _arg1.y);
return (new Point(_local3, _local4));
public static function MultiplyVec(_arg1:Point, _arg2:Number):Point{
return (new Point((_arg1.x * _arg2), (_arg1.y * _arg2)));
}//package TheGameAS3.Physique
Section 366
//Line_c (TheGameAS3.Physique.Line_c)
package TheGameAS3.Physique {
import flash.geom.*;
public class Line_c {
private var :Number;
private var :Line_c;// = null
private var :Number;// = -1
private var :Line_c;// = null
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var :Number;// = -1
private var :Number;// = -1
private var :Number;// = -1
private var :Boolean;
private var :Number;
private var
private var :Number;
private var nRayon:Number;// = -1
protected var :Point;
protected var :Point;
private var vy:Number;
private var :Circle_c;// = null
private var :Circle_c;// = null
private var vx:Number;
private var :Point;
private var :Boolean;
private var
:int;// = -1
private var :Boolean;// = false
public function Line_c(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Boolean, _arg6:Boolean, _arg7:Boolean=false){
Init(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6);
public function SetWallKick(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function (_arg1, _arg2):Boolean{
return ((((( * _arg1) + ( * _arg2)) + ) == 0));
public function GetPoint1():Point{
return ();
public function SetIsDynamic(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function ():Boolean{
return ((((Angle() < 60)) && ((Angle() > -60))));
public function
return ();
public function get normVy():Number{
return (
public function GetVy():Number{
return (vy);
public function get normVx():Number{
return ();
public function GetLinkedLine2():Line_c{
return ();
public function GetCenterPoint():Point{
return ();
public function GetNormLine():Line_c{
var _local1:Number = .x;
var _local2:Number = .y;
var _local3:Number = ( * 20);
var _local4:Number = (
* 20);
var _local5:Number = (_local1 + _local3);
var _local6:Number = (_local2 + _local4);
return (new Line_c(_local1, _local5, _local2, _local6, false, false));
public function GetVx():Number{
return (vx);
public function CanBeDropped():Boolean{
return ();
public function Init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Boolean, _arg6:Boolean):void{
= 0;
= new Point((((_arg2 - _arg1) / 2) + _arg1), (((_arg4 - _arg3) / 2) + _arg3));
nRayon = (Math.sqrt((Math.pow((_arg2 - _arg1), 2) + Math.pow((_arg4 - _arg3), 2))) / 2);
= (nRayon * nRayon);
var _local7:Number = ((nRayon)!=0) ? ((_arg4 - _arg3) / (nRayon * 2)) : 0;
var _local8:Number = ((nRayon)!=0) ? ((_arg2 - _arg1) / (nRayon * 2)) : 0;
var _local9:Number = .x;
var _local10:Number = .y;
var _local11:Number = _local8;
var _local12:Number = _local7;
= new Point(_arg1, _arg3);
= new Point(_arg2, _arg4);
= _local7;
= -(_local8);
= EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(_arg2, _arg1, _arg4, _arg3);
= _local12;
= -(_local11);
= ((_local11 * _local10) - (_local12 * _local9));
vx = _local8;
vy = _local7;
= _arg5;
= _arg6;
public function ():Boolean{
return (false);
public function Angle():Number{
return ();
public function ():Circle_c{
return ();
public function GetJoint2():Circle_c{
return ();
public function ():Boolean{
return ((((Angle() > 150)) || ((Angle() < -150))));
public function A():Number{
return ();
public function SetJoint1(_arg1:Circle_c, _arg2:Line_c):void{
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
public function SetJoint2(_arg1:Circle_c, _arg2:Line_c):void{
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
public function GetVelocity():Point{
return (new Point());
public function IsDynamic():Boolean{
return (
public function GetFriction():Number{
return ();
public function C():Number{
return ();
public function (_arg1, _arg2):Boolean{
return ((((( * _arg1) + ( * _arg2)) + ) > 0));
public function GetRayonCarre():Number{
return ();
public function SetDrop(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function B():Number{
return ();
public function DestroyJoint1():void{
= null;
= null;
public function CanBeWallKicked():Boolean{
return ();
public function GetIndexAAA():int{
return (
public function DestroyJoint2():void{
= null;
= null;
public function SetIndexAAA(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
public function GetRayon():Number{
return (nRayon);
public function IsPointInNegativeSide(_arg1, _arg2):Boolean{
return ((((( * _arg1) + ( * _arg2)) + ) < 0));
public function GetPoint2():Point{
return ();
}//package TheGameAS3.Physique
Section 367
//Moteur_c (TheGameAS3.Physique.Moteur_c)
package TheGameAS3.Physique {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class Moteur_c {
private static var
:Number = 30;
public static var MSG_TOO_MUCH_COLLISION:int = 1;
private static var :Number = 2;
private static var :Boolean = false;
public static var MSG_OK:int = 0;
private static var
:Number = 0;
public static function (_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:ObjetMoteur_c):void{
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:Number;
var _local12:Collision_c;
var _local13:Point;
var _local14:Point;
var _local3:Boolean;
var _local4:Number = 1;
var _local5:Collision_c;
var _local6:Number = 0;
_arg2.vx = (_arg2.vx * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
_arg2.vy = (_arg2.vy * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
_local5 = EquationVecto_c.CheckCollision(_arg2, _arg2.GetLineInView(), _arg2.GetPointInView(), 1);
_arg2.lastCol = _local5;
if (_local5 != null){
_arg2.vitesse = (_local5.distV1 + _local5.distV2);
_local7 = (_local5.distV2 / _arg2.vitesse);
if (_local7 > 0.999){
_local7 = 1;
_local8 = (_arg2.grav * _local7);
_local9 = _arg2.px;
_local10 =;
_local11 = _arg2.vy;
_arg2.vy = (_arg2.vy - _local8);
_arg2.px = _local5.pFirstCollision.x; = _local5.pFirstCollision.y;
_local12 = EquationVecto_c.CheckCollision(_arg2, [_local5.line], _arg2.GetPointInView(), 1);
_arg2.vy = _local11;
_arg2.px = _local9; = _local10;
if (_local12 != null){
if (EquationVecto_c.GetNorm(_local12.vecRebound) > (_arg2.grav +
_arg2.bFirstFollow = true;
_local3 = false;
} else {
_arg2.bFirstFollow = true;
_local3 = false;
if (_local3){
if (((_arg2.bFirstFollow) && ((_arg2.vy > 0)))){
EquationVecto_c.SetEquilibreInstantane(_arg2, _arg2.lastCol, 1);
_arg2.bFirstFollow = false;
_local4 = 0;
_local5 = EquationVecto_c.CheckCollision(_arg2, _arg2.GetLineInView(), _arg2.GetPointInView(), _local4);
_arg2.lastCol = _local5;
while (((!((_local5 == null))) && ((_local6 <
)))) {
_arg2.vx = _local5.vecFinal.x;
_arg2.vy = _local5.vecFinal.y;
_arg2.px = _local5.pFirstCollision.x; = _local5.pFirstCollision.y;
_arg2.lastCol = _local5;
_local5 = EquationVecto_c.CheckCollision(_arg2, _arg2.GetLineInView(), _arg2.GetPointInView(), _local4);
if (_local6 >=
if (_local6 > 0){
if (_local3){
if (_local6 > 1){
_local13 = EquationVecto_c.NormalizeVec(_arg2.lastCol.vecFollow);
_local13 = EquationVecto_c.MultiplyVec(_local13, _arg2.vitesse);
_arg2.vx = _local13.x;
_arg2.vy = _local13.y;
_arg2.bIsOnLine = true;
EquationVecto_c.SetEquilibreInstantane(_arg2, _arg2.lastCol, _arg2.lastCol.line.GetFriction());
} else {
_local14 = _arg2.lastCol.vecFinal;
_local14 = EquationVecto_c.NormalizeVec(_local14);
_arg2.vx = (((_arg2.vitesse + ((1 - _local7) * _arg2.grav)) - (_arg2.grav * _local7)) * _local14.x);
_arg2.vy = (((_arg2.vitesse + ((1 - _local7) * _arg2.grav)) - (_arg2.grav * _local7)) * _local14.y);
_arg2.px = _arg2.lastCol.pFinal.x; = _arg2.lastCol.pFinal.y;
} else {
_arg2.bIsOnLine = false;
_arg2.px = (_arg2.px + _arg2.vx); = ( + _arg2.vy);
MovieClip(_arg2).rot._rotation = (MovieClip(_arg2).rot._rotation + (_arg2.vitesseAngulaire / 2));
if (_arg2.bIsOnLine){
EquationVecto_c.ReduceAngularVelocity(_arg2, _arg2.lastCol.line.GetFriction());
_arg2.vx = (_arg2.vx / _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
_arg2.vy = (_arg2.vy / _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
public static function GetGravite():Number{
return ();
public static function JustRebound(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Boolean=true):void{
var _local7:Collision_c;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Point;
var _local6:Number = 0;
if (_arg5){
_arg2.vx = (_arg2.vx * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
_arg2.vy = (_arg2.vy * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
_local7 = EquationVecto_c.CheckCollision(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 1);
_arg2.lastCol = _local7;
if (_local7 != null){
_arg2.vitesse = (_local7.distV1 + _local7.distV2);
_local8 = (_local7.distV2 / _arg2.vitesse);
if (_local8 > 0.999){
_local8 = 1;
while (((!((_local7 == null))) && ((_local6 <
)))) {
_arg2.vx = _local7.vecFinal.x;
_arg2.vy = _local7.vecFinal.y;
_arg2.px = _local7.pFirstCollision.x; = _local7.pFirstCollision.y;
_arg2.lastCol = _local7;
_local7 = EquationVecto_c.CheckCollision(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 1);
if (_local6 > 0){
_local9 = _arg2.lastCol.vecFinal;
_local9 = EquationVecto_c.NormalizeVec(_local9);
_arg2.vx = ((((_arg2.vitesse + ((1 - _local8) * _arg2.grav)) - (_arg2.grav * _local8)) * _local9.x) * _arg2.nBounce);
_arg2.vy = ((((_arg2.vitesse + ((1 - _local8) * _arg2.grav)) - (_arg2.grav * _local8)) * _local9.y) * _arg2.nBounce);
_arg2.px = _arg2.lastCol.pFinal.x; = _arg2.lastCol.pFinal.y;
} else {
_arg2.px = (_arg2.px + _arg2.vx); = ( + _arg2.vy);
} else {
_arg2.px = (_arg2.px + _arg2.vx); = ( + _arg2.vy);
if (_arg5){
_arg2.vx = (_arg2.vx / _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
_arg2.vy = (_arg2.vy / _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
public static function Init():void{
if (){
= true;
public static function FirstContact(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Array):void{
_arg2.vx = (_arg2.vx * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
_arg2.vy = (_arg2.vy * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
var _local5:Collision_c = EquationVecto_c.CheckCollision(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 1);
_arg2.lastCol = _local5;
if (_local5 == null){
_arg2.px = (_arg2.px + _arg2.vx); = ( + _arg2.vy);
} else {
_arg2.px = _local5.pFirstCollision.x; = _local5.pFirstCollision.y;
_arg2.vx = (_arg2.vx / _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
_arg2.vy = (_arg2.vy / _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
public static function StickToGround(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Array):int{
var _local5:int;
var _local6:Number = _arg2.vx;
var _local7:Number = _arg2.vy;
_arg2.vx = (_arg2.vx * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
_arg2.vy = (_arg2.vy * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed());
var _local8:Collision_c = EquationVecto_c.CheckCollision(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 0);
_arg2.lastCol = _local8;
while (((!((_local8 == null))) && ((_local5 <
)))) {
_arg2.vx = _local8.vecFinal.x;
_arg2.vy = _local8.vecFinal.y;
_arg2.px = _local8.pFirstCollision.x; = _local8.pFirstCollision.y;
_arg2.lastCol = _local8;
_local8 = EquationVecto_c.CheckCollision(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 0);
if (_local5 >=
if (_local5 > 0){
_arg2.bIsOnLine = true;
_arg2.px = _arg2.lastCol.pFinal.x; = _arg2.lastCol.pFinal.y;
} else {
_arg2.bIsOnLine = false;
_arg2.px = (_arg2.px + _arg2.vx); = ( + _arg2.vy);
_arg2.vx = _local6;
_arg2.vy = _local7;
return (MSG_OK);
}//package TheGameAS3.Physique
Section 368
//ObjetMoteur_c (TheGameAS3.Physique.ObjetMoteur_c)
package TheGameAS3.Physique {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Scenario.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Visuel.*;
import TheGameAS3.Behaviors.*;
public class ObjetMoteur_c extends MovieClip implements Updatable_i, MessageListener_i, Controllable_i {
public var px:Number;
public var py:Number;
public var lastCol:Collision_c;
public var vitesse:Number;
protected var :Number;
private var :DisplayObjectContainer;
protected var m_rayon:Number;
public var :LevelLayer_c;
protected var :Array;// = null
private var :Boolean;// = true
public var :Circle_c;// = null
public var xVisualOffSet:Number;
protected var :Number;
protected var :Number;
protected var :Array;// = null
public var vitesseAngulaire:Number;
protected var m_tabPointCol:Array;// = null
public var bFirstFollow:Boolean;
public var vx:Number;
public var vy:Number;
protected var :Number;
public var bIsOnLine:Boolean;
private var :String;// = "NONE"
private var :Vector3D_c;
protected var :Boolean;
protected var m_tabLinesCol:Array;// = null
public var yVisualOffSet:Number;
public static const NONE_TAG:String = "NONE";
public static var RAYON_VISION_LIGNE:Number = 3000;
public static var
:Boolean = false;
private static var :Array = new Array();
public function ObjetMoteur_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
= new Vector3D_c(0, 0, 0);
xVisualOffSet = 0;
yVisualOffSet = 0;
px = MovieClip(this).x;
py = MovieClip(this).y;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
vitesse = 0;
vitesseAngulaire = 0;
lastCol = null;
bFirstFollow = false;
bIsOnLine = false;
= 2;
= 0;
= 1;
m_rayon = ((this.width + 1) / 2);
= (((Math.PI * 2) * m_rayon) * 2);
= true;
= new Circle_c(px, py, (RAYON_VISION_LIGNE / 3));
= new Array();
= new Array();
public function GetPointInView():Array{
return (m_tabPointCol);
public function GetBehaviorsSync():Array{
return ();
public function OnMessage(_arg1:String):void{
var _local4:int;
var _local5:Behavior_i;
var _local2:Array = _arg1.split(",");
var _local3:String = _local2.shift();
if (_local3 == BehaviorManager_c.ID_CREATE_BEHAVIOR){
_local4 = BehaviorManager_c.GetIdFromName(_local2.shift());
_local5 = BehaviorManager_c.CreateBehavior(_local4, _local2, this);
AddBehavior(_local5, true);
public function UpdateGravite(_arg1:Number):void{
= (( * _arg1) * 0.5);
public function RemoveBehavior(_arg1:Behavior_i):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ([_local2] == _arg1){
.splice(_local2, 1);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ([_local2] == _arg1){
.splice(_local2, 1);
trace("WARNING :: ObjetMoteur_c :: RemoveBehavior :: Behavior not found");
public function OnAdd(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function
= _arg1;
public function GetMatrixPos():Point{
var _local1:Point = new Point();
_local1.x = Math.floor((this.px / LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_WIDTH));
_local1.y = Math.floor(( / LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_HEIGHT));
return (_local1);
public function SetPosition3D(_arg1:Vector3D_c):void{
px = _arg1.x;
py = _arg1.y;
public function UpdateMyCollision():void{
if (GetLayer() == null){
m_tabLinesCol = GetLayer().GetLinesInRange(this.px,, RAYON_VISION_LIGNE);
m_tabPointCol = GetLayer().GetPointsInRange(this.px,, RAYON_VISION_LIGNE);
public function GetPosition3D():Vector3D_c{
.x = px;
.y = py;
return ( );
public function GetLineInView():Array{
return (m_tabLinesCol);
public function set cameraCanControlMe(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function FadeTintFromTo(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int, _arg5:int, _arg6:int, _arg7:int, _arg8:int, _arg9:Number, _arg10:Boolean=false):void{
var _local11:Array = new Array();
AddBehavior(BehaviorManager_c.CreateBehavior(BehaviorManager_c.OBJ_FADE_COLOR, _local11, this), _arg10);
public function SetTint(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):void{
var _local4:ColorTransform = this.transform.colorTransform;
_local4.redOffset = _arg1;
_local4.greenOffset = _arg2;
_local4.blueOffset = _arg3;
this.transform.colorTransform = _local4;
public function set oldParent(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):void{
= _arg1;
public function OnRemove(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function SetEnable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function get grav():Number{
return ();
public function GetBehaviorsAsync():Array{
return ();
public function SetRayon(_arg1:Number):void{
m_rayon = _arg1;
= (((Math.PI * 2) * m_rayon) * 2);
public function GetDistanceCarre(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c):Number{
return ((((_arg1.px - this.px) * (_arg1.px - this.px)) + (( - * ( -;
public function get rayon():Number{
return (m_rayon);
public function GetTag():String{
return ();
public function get nBounce():Number{
return ();
public function IsEnabled():Boolean{
return ((() && (!(
public function FadeTintTo(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Boolean=false):void{
var _local7:Array = new Array();
AddBehavior(BehaviorManager_c.CreateBehavior(BehaviorManager_c.OBJ_FADE_COLOR, _local7, this), _arg6);
public function get cameraCanControlMe():Boolean{
return ();
public function get oldParent():DisplayObjectContainer{
return ();
public function GetLayer():LevelLayer_c{
return ();
public function OnEndBehavior(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:Behavior_i = Behavior_i(;
public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Boolean;
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < .length) {
if ([_local3] == this){
.splice(_local3, 1);
_local2 = true;
if (!_local2){
lastCol = null;
public function RemoveAllBehavior():void{
while (.length > 0) {
while (.length > 0) {
= new Array();
public function get circonference():Number{
return ();
public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (!.IsInside((this.px + this.vx), ( + this.vy))){
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < GetBehaviorsAsync().length) {
GetBehaviorsAsync()[_local2].Control(_arg1, this);
if (GetBehaviorsSync().length > 0){
GetBehaviorsSync()[0].Control(_arg1, this);
public function DrawOnBackground():void{
var _local4:LevelPart_c;
var _local5:Point;
var _local6:Bitmap;
var _local7:BitmapData;
var _local8:Matrix;
var _local1:Array = new Array();
var _local2:Point = GetMatrixPos();
_local1.push(GetLayer().GetLevelPartManager().GetLevelPart((_local2.x - 1), (_local2.y - 1)));
_local1.push(GetLayer().GetLevelPartManager().GetLevelPart(_local2.x, (_local2.y - 1)));
_local1.push(GetLayer().GetLevelPartManager().GetLevelPart((_local2.x + 1), (_local2.y - 1)));
_local1.push(GetLayer().GetLevelPartManager().GetLevelPart((_local2.x - 1), _local2.y));
_local1.push(GetLayer().GetLevelPartManager().GetLevelPart(_local2.x, _local2.y));
_local1.push(GetLayer().GetLevelPartManager().GetLevelPart((_local2.x + 1), _local2.y));
_local1.push(GetLayer().GetLevelPartManager().GetLevelPart((_local2.x - 1), (_local2.y + 1)));
_local1.push(GetLayer().GetLevelPartManager().GetLevelPart(_local2.x, (_local2.y + 1)));
_local1.push(GetLayer().GetLevelPartManager().GetLevelPart((_local2.x + 1), (_local2.y + 1)));
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < _local1.length) {
if (_local1[_local3] == null){
} else {
_local4 = LevelPart_c(_local1[_local3]);
_local5 = new Point();
_local5.x = (this.px - (_local4.GetMatrixPos().x * LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_WIDTH));
_local5.y = ( - (_local4.GetMatrixPos().y * LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_HEIGHT));
_local6 = _local4.GetLevelBitmap();
_local7 = _local6.bitmapData;
if (_local7 == VisuelFactory_c.BLANK_BMP){
} else {
_local8 = new Matrix();
_local8.scale((scaleX * VisuelFactory_c.COMPRESSION), (scaleY * VisuelFactory_c.COMPRESSION));
_local8.rotate(((rotation / 180) * Math.PI));
_local8.translate((_local5.x * VisuelFactory_c.COMPRESSION), (_local5.y * VisuelFactory_c.COMPRESSION));
_local7.draw(this, _local8, transform.colorTransform);
public function AddBehavior(_arg1:Behavior_i, _arg2:Boolean):void{
_arg1.addEventListener(Behavior_c.EVENT_BEHAVIOR_ENDED, OnEndBehavior);
if (_arg2){
} else {
public function get
return ();
public function SetTag(_arg1:String):void{
if ((((_arg1 == "")) || ((_arg1 == null)))){
if (Camera_c.CAMERA_TAG == _arg1){
trace(("ERROR : ObjetMoteur_c :: SetTag :: CameraTag Used : " + _arg1));
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if (((([_local2].GetTag() == _arg1)) && (!((_arg1 == NONE_TAG))))){
trace(("WARNING :: ObjetMoteur_c :: SetTag :: Tag Alredy used : " + _arg1));
= _arg1;
public static function ReInit():void{
= new Array();
public static function UpdateCollisionOfAllObjet():void{
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < .length) {
public static function (_arg1:int):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
ObjetMoteur_c([_local2])..SetRayon((_arg1 / 3));
public static function Pause(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public static function GetNbObjets():int{
return (.length);
public static function IsPaused():Boolean{
return (
public static function GetObjetByTag(_arg1:String):ObjetMoteur_c{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ([_local2].GetTag() == _arg1){
return ([_local2]);
trace(("WARNING:: ObjetMoteur_c :: GetObjetByTag :: Tag not found : " + _arg1));
return (null);
public static function ():Array{
return ();
public static function SendMessage(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{
if (_arg1 == null){
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
while (_local4 < .length) {
if (((([_local4].GetTag() == _arg1)) && (!(([_local4].GetTag() == "NONE"))))){
}//package TheGameAS3.Physique
Section 369
//Vector3D_c (TheGameAS3.Physique.Vector3D_c)
package TheGameAS3.Physique {
public class Vector3D_c {
public var x:Number;// = 0
public var y:Number;// = 0
public var z:Number;// = 0
public function Vector3D_c(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){
x = _arg1;
y = _arg2;
z = _arg3;
public function Normalize(){
var _local1:Number = Math.sqrt((((x * x) + (y * y)) + (z * z)));
if (_local1 < 1E-13){
x = 0;
y = 0;
z = 0;
x = (x / _local1);
y = (y / _local1);
z = (z / _local1);
public static function DistCarre(_arg1:Vector3D_c, _arg2:Vector3D_c):Number{
var _local3:Number = (_arg1.x - _arg2.x);
var _local4:Number = (_arg1.y - _arg2.y);
var _local5:Number = (_arg1.z - _arg2.z);
return ((((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4)) + (_local5 * _local5)));
public static function (_arg1:Vector3D_c, _arg2:Vector3D_c):Number{
return (Math.sqrt(DistCarre(_arg1, _arg2)));
}//package TheGameAS3.Physique
Section 370
//Event_c (TheGameAS3.Scenario.Event_c)
package TheGameAS3.Scenario {
public class Event_c {
private var
private var
:int;// = -1
private var
:String;// = ""
public function Event_c(_arg1:String, _arg2:int){
= _arg2;
= _arg1;
= new Array();
public function GetParameters():Array{
return (
public function GetName():String{
return (
public function Clone():Event_c{
var _local1:Event_c = new Event_c(
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 <
.length) {
return (_local1);
public function
var _local1:int;
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 <
.length) {
if (!
return (_local1);
public function FeedParameters(_arg1:Array):void{
var _local3:Parameter_c;
if ((((_arg1 == null)) || ((_arg1.length == 0)))){
if ((((_arg1.length >
.length)) || ((_arg1.length <
trace(((("WARNING :: Event_c :: FeedParameters :: Wrong values for " + GetName()) + "/values = ") + _arg1));
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < _arg1.length) {
_local3 =
if (!_local3.IsValid()){
trace((("WARNING :: Event_c :: FeedParameters :: Value for param " + _local3.GetName()) + " is not valid"));
public function AddParameters(_arg1:Parameter_c):void{
public function GetId():int{
return (
public function GetParametersValue():Array{
var _local2:int;
var _local1:Array = new Array();
while (_local2 <
.length) {
return (_local1);
}//package TheGameAS3.Scenario
Section 371
//EventManager_c (TheGameAS3.Scenario.EventManager_c)
package TheGameAS3.Scenario {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
public class EventManager_c {
private var :Array;// = null
private var m_context:Game_c;// = null
public function Init(_arg1:Game_c):void{
m_context = _arg1;
= new Array();
public function CreateEventSwitch(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:int):EventSwitch_c{
var _local6:EventSwitch_c = new EventSwitch_c(_arg1, this, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5);
return (_local6);
public function DestroyEventSwitch(_arg1:EventSwitch_c):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ([_local2] == _arg1){
.splice(_local2, 1);
public function AddSwitch(_arg1:EventSwitch_c):void{
public function DestroyAllEventSwitch():void{
while (.length > 0) {
public function GetSwitchByLayer(_arg1:LevelLayer_c):Array{
var _local2:Array = new Array();
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < .length) {
if ([_local3].GetLayer() == _arg1){
return (_local2);
}//package TheGameAS3.Scenario
Section 372
//EventSwitch_c (TheGameAS3.Scenario.EventSwitch_c)
package TheGameAS3.Scenario {
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
public class EventSwitch_c extends Circle_c implements Heurtable_i {
private var
:Boolean;// = true
private var
:EventManager_c;// = null
private var
:int;// = -1
private var
:int;// = -1
private var
:Array;// = null
private var
:String;// = ""
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var
:Acteur_c;// = null
private var :LevelLayer_c;// = null
public function EventSwitch_c(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:EventManager_c, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:int, _arg7:Boolean=true){
super(_arg3, _arg4, _arg5);
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg7;
= new Array();
= _arg6;
_arg1.AddTeamCollision(this, _arg6);
public function GetTeam():int{
return (
public function GetAllEvent():Array{
return (
public function SetOwner(_arg1:HeurtableContainer_i):void{
public function AddEvent(_arg1:Event_c):void{
public function Destroy():void{
if (){
= null;
= null;
= null;
= true;
public function OnHit(_arg1:Heurtable_i, _arg2:Collision_c):void{
var _local3:int;
if (
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 <
.length) {
public function GetName():String{
return (
public function GetOwner():HeurtableContainer_i{
return (null);
public function SetName(_arg1:String):void{
= _arg1;
public function GetLayer():LevelLayer_c{
return ();
public function Clone():EventSwitch_c{
var _local1:EventSwitch_c = new EventSwitch_c(,
, x, y, rayon,
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 <
.length) {
return (_local1);
}//package TheGameAS3.Scenario
Section 373
//MessageListener_i (TheGameAS3.Scenario.MessageListener_i)
package TheGameAS3.Scenario {
public interface MessageListener_i {
function OnMessage(_arg1:String):void;
function GetTag():String;
function SetTag(_arg1:String):void;
}//package TheGameAS3.Scenario
Section 374
//Parameter_c (TheGameAS3.Scenario.Parameter_c)
package TheGameAS3.Scenario {
public class Parameter_c {
private var :String;// = ""
private var
:Array;// = null
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :String;// = ""
private var
:String;// = ""
public function Parameter_c(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:Array=null, _arg5:String=""){
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
= _arg4;
= _arg5;
public function GetName():String{
return (
public function IsOptionnal():Boolean{
return ();
public function GetPossibleValues():Array{
return (
public function IsValid():Boolean{
var _local2:int;
var _local1:Boolean;
if (
!= null){
while (_local2 <
.length) {
_local1 = ((_local1) || ((
[_local2] == )));
} else {
_local1 = true;
switch (){
case "Number":
return (((!(isNaN(Number()))) && (_local1)));
case "String":
return (_local1);
case "Boolean":
return (((()) && (_local1)));
trace(("WARNING :: Parameter_c :: IsValid :: Wrong type :: " + ));
return (false);
public function SetName(_arg1:String):void{
= _arg1;
public function SetValue(_arg1:String):void{
= _arg1;
public function GetValueBoolean():Boolean{
return (((( == "true")) || (( == "1"))));
public function GetType():String{
return ();
public function GetValue():String{
return ();
public function (_arg1:String):void{
= _arg1;
public function Clone():Parameter_c{
return (new Parameter_c(
, , , ((
)!=null) ?
.slice() : null));
public function ():Boolean{
return (((((((( == "true")) || (( == "false")))) || (( == "1")))) || (( == "0"))));
public function (_arg1:Parameter_c):Boolean{
return ((_arg1.GetType() == GetType()));
}//package TheGameAS3.Scenario
Section 375
//ScenarioEventID_c (TheGameAS3.Scenario.ScenarioEventID_c)
package TheGameAS3.Scenario {
public class ScenarioEventID_c {
public static const ID_FADE_TO_MUSIC:int = 15;
public static const ID_RESET_CAMERA_TO_NORMAL:int = 6;
public static const ID_SET_CAM_BOUNDS:int = 7;
public static const ID_LOCK_CAMERA_ON:int = 5;
public static const ID_DISABLE_ALL_ACTEURS:int = 2;
public static const ID_ENABLE_ALL_ACTEURS:int = 3;
public static const ID_CREATE_ENEMY:int = 9;
public static const ID_SEND_MESSAGE:int = 1;
public static const ID_SET_SPEED:int = 14;
public static const ID_CREATE_FX:int = 11;
public static const ID_WAIT:int = 0;
public static const ID_CREATE_AMMO:int = 13;
public static const ID_DESTROY_INFINITE_ENEMY:int = 10;
public static const ID_RESPECT_CAM_BOUNDS:int = 8;
public static const ID_MOVE_CAMERA:int = 4;
public static const ID_DESTROY_FX:int = 12;
public static function ():Array{
public static function GetIdByName(_arg1:String):int{
if (_slot1[_arg1] == undefined){
trace(("ERROR :: ScenarioEventID_c :: GetIdByName :: WRONG NAME : " + _arg1));
return (-1);
return (_slot1[_arg1]);
public static function GetNameById(_arg1:int):String{
switch (_arg1){
case ID_WAIT:
return ("ID_WAIT");
return ("ID_SEND_MESSAGE");
return ("ID_MOVE_CAMERA");
return ("ID_LOCK_CAMERA_ON");
return ("ID_CREATE_ENEMY");
return ("ID_SET_CAM_BOUNDS");
return ("ID_CREATE_FX");
return ("ID_DESTROY_FX");
return ("ID_CREATE_AMMO");
return ("ID_SET_SPEED");
return ("ID_FADE_TO_MUSIC");
return (null);
}//package TheGameAS3.Scenario
Section 376
//ScenarioManager_c (TheGameAS3.Scenario.ScenarioManager_c)
package TheGameAS3.Scenario {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import TheGameAS3.Enemy.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class ScenarioManager_c {
private static var :Timer = new Timer(0, 1);
private static var
:Array = new Array();
private static var m_context:Game_c = null;
public static function GetEmptyEvent(_arg1:int):Event_c{
var _local2:Event_c;
switch (_arg1){
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_WAIT:
_local2 = new Event_c("Wait X Ms", _arg1);
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("ms To Wait", "Number"));
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_SEND_MESSAGE:
_local2 = new Event_c("Send Message", _arg1);
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("TagName", "String"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("MSG", "String"));
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_DISABLE_ALL_ACTEURS:
_local2 = new Event_c("Disable All Acteurs", _arg1);
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_ENABLE_ALL_ACTEURS:
_local2 = new Event_c("Enable All Acteurs", _arg1);
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_MOVE_CAMERA:
_local2 = new Event_c("Move Camera", _arg1);
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("X", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("Y", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("Z", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("Ease", "Number"));
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_LOCK_CAMERA_ON:
_local2 = new Event_c("Lock Camera on", _arg1);
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("X", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("Y", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("Z", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("Ease", "Number"));
_local2 = new Event_c("Reset Camera to normal", _arg1);
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_CREATE_ENEMY:
_local2 = new Event_c("Create Enemy", _arg1);
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("HeroId", "String", false, HeroManager_c.GetPossibleHero(), HeroManager_c.GetPossibleHero()[0]));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("EnemyID", "String", false, EnemyFactory_c.GetAllIds(), EnemyFactory_c.GetAllIds()[0]));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("X", "Number", true));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("Y", "Number", true));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("TagName", "String", true));
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_SET_CAM_BOUNDS:
_local2 = new Event_c("Set Cam Bounds", _arg1);
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("XMin", "Number", false));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("XMax", "Number", false));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("YMin", "Number", false));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("YMax", "Number", false));
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_RESPECT_CAM_BOUNDS:
_local2 = new Event_c("RESPECT CAM BOUND ?", _arg1);
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("Yes/No", "Boolean", false));
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_CREATE_FX:
_local2 = new Event_c("Create FX", _arg1);
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("FxId", "String"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("nTime (-1=Loop)", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("BackLayer?", "Boolean"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("X", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("Y", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("TagName", "String", true));
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_DESTROY_FX:
_local2 = new Event_c("Destroy FX", _arg1);
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("FxId", "String"));
_local2 = new Event_c("Destroy Infinite Enemy", _arg1);
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_CREATE_AMMO:
_local2 = new Event_c("Create Ammo", _arg1);
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("AmmoId", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("nTeam", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("dmg", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("Vitesse", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("x", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("y", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("vx", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("vy", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("TagName", "String", true));
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_SET_SPEED:
_local2 = new Event_c("Set Game Speed", _arg1);
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("Speed (%)", "Number"));
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_FADE_TO_MUSIC:
_local2 = new Event_c("FadeToMusic", _arg1);
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("Music", "Number"));
_local2.AddParameters(new Parameter_c("framesFade", "Number", false, null, "72"));
trace(("WARNING:: ScenarionManager :: GetEmptyEvent :: Wrond id :: " + _arg1));
return (null);
return (_local2);
public static function NextEvent():void{
if (
.length == 0){
var _local1:Event_c =
(_local1.GetId(), _local1.GetParameters());
public static function (_arg1:int, _arg2:Array):void{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:ObjetMoteur_c;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:Number;
var _local12:String;
var _local13:ObjetMoteur_c;
var _local14:ObjetMoteur_c;
var _local15:Number;
var _local16:Number;
var _local17:Number;
var _local18:Number;
var _local19:Number;
var _local20:Number;
var _local21:Number;
var _local22:Number;
var _local23:String;
var _local24:Ammo_c;
var _local25:Number;
var _local26:Number;
var _local27:Number;
if (! ()){
switch (_arg1){
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_WAIT:
.delay = Number(_arg2[0].GetValue());
.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, );
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_SEND_MESSAGE:
SendMessage(_arg2[0].GetValue(), _arg2[1].GetValue());
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_DISABLE_ALL_ACTEURS:
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_ENABLE_ALL_ACTEURS:
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_MOVE_CAMERA:
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_LOCK_CAMERA_ON:
m_context.GetCamera().addEventListener(Camera_c.ID_EVENT_HAVE_ARRIVED, );
m_context.GetCamera().LockOn(Number(_arg2[0].GetValue()), Number(_arg2[1].GetValue()), Number(_arg2[2].GetValue()), Number(_arg2[3].GetValue()));
m_context.GetCamera().SetEase(Camera_c.DEFAULT_EASE_X, Camera_c.DEFAULT_EASE_Y, Camera_c.DEFAULT_EASE_Z);
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_CREATE_ENEMY:
_local3 = HeroManager_c.GetIdByName(_arg2[0].GetValue());
_local4 = EnemyFactory_c.GetIdByName(_arg2[1].GetValue());
_local5 = m_context.GetHeroManager().GetPlayer(_local3);
_local6 = _arg2[4].GetValue();
if (((!((_arg2[2] == null))) && (!((_arg2[3] == null))))){
m_context.GetEnemyManager().CreateEnemy(_local5, _local4, _local5.GetLayer(), _local6, Number(_arg2[2].GetValue()), Number(_arg2[3].GetValue()));
} else {
m_context.GetEnemyManager().CreateEnemy(_local5, _local4, _local5.GetLayer(), _local6);
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_SET_CAM_BOUNDS:
m_context.GetCamera().SetBounds(Number(_arg2[0].GetValue()), Number(_arg2[1].GetValue()), Number(_arg2[2].GetValue()), Number(_arg2[3].GetValue()));
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_RESPECT_CAM_BOUNDS:
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_CREATE_FX:
_local7 = AnimationFactory_c.GetIdByName(_arg2[0].GetValue());
_local8 = _arg2[1].GetValue();
_local9 = (_arg2[2].GetValueBoolean()) ? EffectManager_c.ID_BACK_LAYER : EffectManager_c.ID_FORE_LAYER;
_local10 = _arg2[3].GetValue();
_local11 = _arg2[4].GetValue();
_local12 = ((_arg2[5])!=null) ? _arg2[5].GetValue() : "NONE";
_local13 = m_context.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(_local7, m_context.GetActionLevelLayer(), _local8, _local9, _local12);
_local13.px = _local10; = _local11;
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_DESTROY_FX:
_local14 = ObjetMoteur_c.GetObjetByTag(_arg2[0].GetValue());
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_CREATE_AMMO:
_local15 = _arg2[0].GetValue();
_local16 = _arg2[1].GetValue();
_local17 = _arg2[2].GetValue();
_local18 = _arg2[3].GetValue();
_local19 = _arg2[4].GetValue();
_local20 = _arg2[5].GetValue();
_local21 = _arg2[6].GetValue();
_local22 = _arg2[7].GetValue();
_local23 = ((_arg2[8] == null)) ? "NONE" : _arg2[8].GetValue();
_local24 = Ammo_c(m_context.GetAmmoManager().CreateBall(_local15, null, m_context.GetActionLevelLayer()));
if (_local23 != "NONE"){
_local24.vx = (_local21 * _local18);
_local24.vy = (_local22 * _local18);
_local24.rotation = EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(_local24.vx, 0, _local24.vy, 0);
_local24.px = _local19; = _local20;
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_SET_SPEED:
_local25 = _arg2[0].GetValue();
case ScenarioEventID_c.ID_FADE_TO_MUSIC:
_local26 = _arg2[0].GetValue();
_local27 = _arg2[1].GetValue();
Jukebox_c.FadeToMusic(_local26, _local27);
trace(("ERROR ScenarioManager :: ExecEvent :: Wrong ID : " + _arg1));
private static function (_arg1:TimerEvent):void{
.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, );
= null;
= new Timer(0, 1);
public static function Init(_arg1:Game_c):void{
m_context = _arg1;
private static function ():Boolean{
if (m_context == null){
trace("ERROR :: ScenarioManager_c :: AddEvent Is not Init");
return (false);
return (true);
public static function (_arg1:Event):void{
m_context.GetCamera().removeEventListener(Camera_c.ID_EVENT_HAVE_ARRIVED, );
public static function AddEvent(_arg1:Event_c):void{
if (! ()){
private static function SendMessage(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{
if (! ()){
if (_arg1 == Camera_c.CAMERA_TAG){
} else {
ObjetMoteur_c.SendMessage(_arg1, _arg2);
}//package TheGameAS3.Scenario
Section 377
//TeamFactory (TheGameAS3.Teams.TeamFactory)
package TheGameAS3.Teams {
public class TeamFactory {
public static const ALL_PERSO_TEAM:int = 3;
public static const ALLY1_TEAM:int = 1;
public static const NB_TEAM:int = 6;
public static const ALLY_EVENT_TEAM:int = 4;
public static const ENEMY1_TEAM:int = 2;
public static const ENEMY_ITEM_TEAM:int = 32;
public static const ALL_ITEM_TEAM:int = 48;
public static const ENEMY_EVENT_TEAM:int = 8;
public static const ALLY_ITEM_TEAM:int = 16;
public static const ALL_TEAM:int = 63;
public static function GetTeamNameById(_arg1:int):String{
switch (_arg1){
case ALLY1_TEAM:
return ("ALLY1_TEAM");
return ("ENEMY1_TEAM");
return ("ALL_PERSO_TEAM");
return ("ALLY_EVENT_TEAM");
return ("ENEMY_EVENT_TEAM");
return ("ALLY_ITEM_TEAM");
return ("ENEMY_ITEM_TEAM");
return ("ALL_ITEM_TEAM");
case ALL_TEAM:
return ("ALL_TEAM");
return ("null");
public static function GetTeamNumberByName(_arg1:String):Number{
if (_slot1[_arg1] == undefined){
trace(("ERROR :: Game_c :: GetTeamNumberByName :: WRONG NAME : " + _arg1));
return (-1);
return (_slot1[_arg1]);
}//package TheGameAS3.Teams
Section 378
//Ammo_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.Ammo_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
public class Ammo_c extends ObjetMoteur_c implements Ammo_i, Heurtable_i {
protected var
:Number;// = 0
protected var :HeurtableContainer_i;// = null
protected var :int;// = 0
protected var
protected var m_ammoManager:AmmoManager_c;// = null
protected var m_tabTarget:Array;// = null
protected var :int;
protected var m_context:Game_c;// = null
public function Ammo_c(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i){
= 0;
= 0;
m_ammoManager = _arg1;
m_context = _arg2;
public function GetPosition():Point{
return (new Point(px, py));
public function GetVitesse():int{
return ();
public function OnEndInit(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function SetOwner(_arg1:HeurtableContainer_i):void{
= _arg1;
public function OnHit(_arg1:Heurtable_i, _arg2:Collision_c):void{
if ( != null){
.OnOwnerHit(_arg1, this, _arg2);
public function GetOwner():HeurtableContainer_i{
return ();
override public function OnAdd(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function GetExplosionForce():Number{
return (-1);
protected function (_arg1:int):void{
var _local2:CircleCollision_c;
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < m_tabTarget.length) {
_local2 = m_tabTarget[_local3];
if (_local2 == null){
} else {
if (EquationVecto_c.GetDistAuCarre(_local2, new Point(px, py)) <= _arg1){
_local2.OnHit(this, null);
this.OnHit(_local2, null);
public function (_arg1:Number):void{
= _arg1;
public function ():Number{
return (
public function IsExplosive():Boolean{
return (false);
public function SetDamage(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
public function GetDamage():int{
return (
public function RemoveTarget(_arg1:Circle_c):void{
if (m_tabTarget == null){
Utils.RemoveFromArray(m_tabTarget, _arg1);
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
m_tabTarget = null;
m_ammoManager = null;
override public function OnRemove(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function GetTargetTeam():int{
return ();
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function GetId():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.NONE);
public function AddTarget(_arg1:Circle_c):void{
if (m_tabTarget == null){
Utils.AddInArrayIfNotIn(m_tabTarget, _arg1);
public function SetTarget(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{
var _local4:int;
var _local5:CircleCollision_c;
var _local6:HeurtableContainer_i;
var _local3:Point = new Point();
= _arg1;
m_tabTarget = GetLayer().GetTeamCollision(_arg1);
if (_arg2){
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < m_tabTarget.length) {
_local5 = m_tabTarget[_local4];
_local6 = _local5.GetOwner();
if ((_local6 is ObjetMoteur_c)){
if (!m_context.GetCamera().IsInFieldOfView(ObjetMoteur_c(_local6))){
m_tabTarget.splice(_local4, 1);
} else {
_local3.x = m_tabTarget[_local4].x;
_local3.y = m_tabTarget[_local4].y;
if (!m_context.GetCamera().IsPointInFieldOfView(_local3, GetLayer())){
m_tabTarget.splice(_local4, 1);
public function SetVitesse(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 379
//Ammo_i (TheGameAS3.Weapon.Ammo_i)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public interface Ammo_i {
function GetId():int;
function OnEndInit(_arg1:Game_c):void;
function GetDamage():int;
function IsExplosive():Boolean;
function GetExplosionForce():Number;
function GetPosition():Point;
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 380
//Ammo01_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.Ammo01_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class Ammo01_c extends Ammo_c {
private var :Array;// = null
private var :Line_c;// = null
public function Ammo01_c(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
= null;
= null;
protected function Hit(_arg1:Game_c):void{
protected function GetAmmoVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_AMMO_MACHINE));
override public function OnEndInit(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local6:Line_c;
var _local2:Number = this.vx;
var _local3:Number = this.vy;
var _local4:Object;
this.px = (this.px - vx); = ( - vy);
this.vx = (this.vx * 1000);
this.vy = (this.vy * 1000);
= GetLayer().GetLinesInRange(0, 0, -1, true);
var _local5:int;
while (_local5 < .length) {
_local6 = [_local5];
if (_local6.CanBeDropped()){
.splice(_local5, 1);
_local4 = EquationVecto_c.CheckCollision(this, , null, 1);
if (_local4 != null){
= _local4.line;
this.vx = _local2;
this.vy = _local3;
visible = false;
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
Moteur_c.FirstContact(_arg1, this, [], m_tabTarget);
visible = true;
if (!_arg1.GetCamera().IsInFieldOfView(this, 100)){
if (this.lastCol != null){
if (((!((this.lastCol.pointOfCollision == null))) && ((this.lastCol.pointOfCollision is CircleCollision_c)))){
CircleCollision_c(this.lastCol.pointOfCollision).OnHit(this, this.lastCol);
this.OnHit(CircleCollision_c(this.lastCol.pointOfCollision), this.lastCol);
override public function GetId():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.);
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 381
//AmmoDebug (TheGameAS3.Weapon.AmmoDebug)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class AmmoDebug extends Ammo01_c {
public function AmmoDebug(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
SetTint(0xFF, 0, 0);
override protected function GetAmmoVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_AMMO_DEBUG));
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 382
//AmmoEnemy (TheGameAS3.Weapon.AmmoEnemy)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class AmmoEnemy extends Ammo01_c {
public function AmmoEnemy(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
override protected function GetAmmoVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_AMMO_ENEMY));
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 383
//AmmoFactory_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.AmmoFactory_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
public class AmmoFactory_c {
public static var :int = ++;
public static var :int = ++;
public static var :int = ++;
public static var :int = ++;
public static var
:int = ++;
public static var :int = ++;
public static var :int = ++;
public static var
:int = ++;
public static var :int = ++;
private static var :int = 0;
public static var MELEE_AMMO:int = ++;
public static var :int = ++;
public static var
:int = ++;
public static var
:int = ++;
public static function CreateAmmoFromId(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:int, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i, _arg5:LevelLayer_c):Ammo_c{
switch (_arg3){
case :
return (new AmmoEnemy(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg4));
case :
return (new Ammo01_c(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg4));
return (new AmmoHoming01_c(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg4));
return (new AmmoGatling(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg4));
case :
return (new AmmoShotGun(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg4));
return (new AmmoRocket(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg4));
case :
return (new AmmoRocketBoss3(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg4));
case :
return (new AmmoFlame1_c(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg4));
return (new AmmoMortar1_c(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg4));
case :
return (new AmmoMortar2_c(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg4));
case :
return (new AmmoMortarBoss4_c(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg4));
case :
return (new AmmoDebug(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg4));
return (new AmmoMelee_c(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg4));
trace(("ERROR :: AmmoFactory :: Wrong Parameters : " + _arg3));
return (null);
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 384
//AmmoFlame1_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.AmmoFlame1_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class AmmoFlame1_c extends Ammo_c {
private var :Circle_c;// = null
public function AmmoFlame1_c(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
private function ():void{
var _local1:CircleCollision_c;
var _local2:Number = (50 * 50);
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < m_tabTarget.length) {
_local1 = m_tabTarget[_local3];
if (_local1 == null){
} else {
if (EquationVecto_c.GetDistAuCarre(_local1, new Point(px, py)) <= _local2){
_local1.OnHit(this, null);
this.OnHit(_local1, null);
override public function GetId():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.);
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 385
//AmmoGatling (TheGameAS3.Weapon.AmmoGatling)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class AmmoGatling extends Ammo01_c {
public function AmmoGatling(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
override protected function GetAmmoVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_AMMO_GATLING));
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 386
//AmmoHoming01_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.AmmoHoming01_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class AmmoHoming01_c extends Ammo_c {
private var :Circle_c;// = null
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :CircleCollision_c;// = null
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0.5
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 2
private var :Array;// = null
private var :Line_c;// = null
public function AmmoHoming01_c(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
private function ():void{
m_tabTarget = GetLayer().GetTeamCollision(GetTargetTeam());
= CircleCollision_c(EquationVecto_c.GetNearestCircle(this, m_tabTarget));
override public function OnEndInit(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Number = this.vx;
var _local3:Number = this.vy;
var _local4:Object;
= rotation;
= ;
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Number;
= EquationVecto_c.CollisionEntreCercle(this, m_tabTarget);
if ( != null){
Moteur_c.FirstContact(_arg1, this, GetLineInView(), m_tabTarget);
if (((( == null)) || (((!((.GetOwner() == null))) && (.GetOwner().IsDead()))))){
} else {
= EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(.x, this.px, .y,;
_local2 = ((( - ) + (Math.random() * 6)) - 3);
while (_local2 > 180) {
_local2 = (_local2 - 360);
while (_local2 < -180) {
_local2 = (_local2 + 360);
while ( > 180) {
= ( - 360);
while ( < -180) {
= ( + 360);
= ( + (_local2 * ));
rotation = ( + 90);
this.vx = (EquationVecto_c.MyCos(-()) * GetVitesse());
this.vy = (-(EquationVecto_c.MySin(-())) * GetVitesse());
if (!_arg1.GetCamera().IsInFieldOfView(this, 100)){
if (this.lastCol != null){
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
= null;
= null;
private function
var _local2:Acteur_c = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION, GetLayer());
_local2.px = px; = py;
private function ():void{
var _local1:CircleCollision_c;
var _local2:Number = (100 * 100);
var _local3:Array = m_tabTarget.slice();
var _local4:int;
while (_local4 < _local3.length) {
_local1 = _local3[_local4];
if (_local1 == null){
} else {
if (EquationVecto_c.GetDistAuCarre(_local1, new Point(px, py)) <= _local2){
_local1.OnHit(this, null);
this.OnHit(_local1, null);
override public function UpdateMyCollision():void{
if (GetLayer() == null){
m_tabLinesCol = GetLayer().GetLinesInRange(this.px,, RAYON_VISION_LIGNE, false);
m_tabPointCol = GetLayer().GetPointsInRange(this.px,, RAYON_VISION_LIGNE);
override public function GetId():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 387
//AmmoManager_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.AmmoManager_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
public class AmmoManager_c {
private var :Array;// = null
private var m_context:Game_c;
public function AmmoManager_c(){
= new Array();
public function DestroyAmmo(_arg1:Ammo_c):void{
var _local2:ObjetMoteur_c;
var _local3:MovieClip;
var _local4:int;
if ((_arg1 is ObjetMoteur_c)){
_local2 = (_arg1 as ObjetMoteur_c);
_local3 = _local2.GetLayer().GetAmmoContainer();
if (_local3.contains(_local2)){
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < .length) {
if (_arg1 == [_local4]){
.splice(_local4, 1);
trace("WARNING :: AmmoManager :: DestroyAmmo :: Ammo not found");
public function AddTargetToAllAmmo(_arg1:Circle_c, _arg2:Number):void{
var _local4:Ammo_c;
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < .length) {
_local4 = Ammo_c([_local3]);
if (_local4.GetTargetTeam() == _arg2){
public function DoDamageAt(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:HeurtableContainer_i, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:int, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number, _arg7:Number, _arg8:Number, _arg9:int=0, _arg10:int=0):void{
var _local11:AmmoMelee_c = LayerAmmo.AmmoOfLayer(_arg3);
if (_local11 == null){
_local11 = AmmoMelee_c(AmmoFactory_c.CreateAmmoFromId(this, m_context, AmmoFactory_c.MELEE_AMMO, _arg2, _arg3));
LayerAmmo.AddLayerAmmo(new LayerAmmo(_local11, _arg3));
_local11.SetTarget(_arg5, false);
_local11.px = _arg7; = _arg8;
_local11.vx = _arg9;
_local11.vy = _arg10;
public function Init(_arg1:Game_c):void{
m_context = _arg1;
public function DestroyAllAmmo():void{
while (.length > 0) {
public function RemoveTargetFromAllAmmo(_arg1:Circle_c, _arg2:Number):void{
var _local4:Ammo_c;
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < .length) {
_local4 = Ammo_c([_local3]);
if (_local4.GetTargetTeam() == _arg2){
public function CreateBall(_arg1:int, _arg2:HeurtableContainer_i, _arg3:LevelLayer_c):Ammo_i{
if (m_context == null){
trace("ERROR :: AmmoManager_c :: CreateBall :: m_context = null");
return (null);
var _local4:Ammo_c = AmmoFactory_c.CreateAmmoFromId(this, m_context, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
return (_local4);
public function (_arg1:LevelLayer_c):Cartouche_c{
if (m_context == null){
trace("ERROR :: AmmoManager_c :: CreateBall :: m_context = null");
return (null);
var _local2:Cartouche_c = new Cartouche_c(this, m_context, _arg1, null);
return (_local2);
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
class LayerAmmo {
private var :LevelLayer_c;
private var :AmmoMelee_c;
private static var :Array = new Array();
private function LayerAmmo(_arg1:AmmoMelee_c, _arg2:LevelLayer_c){
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
public function get ():LevelLayer_c{
return ();
public function get ():AmmoMelee_c{
return ();
public static function get ():Array{
return ();
public static function (_arg1:LevelLayer_c):Boolean{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if (LayerAmmo([_local2]). == _arg1){
return (true);
return (false);
public static function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:LayerAmmo;
while (.length > 0) {
_local2 = .shift();
public static function AmmoOfLayer(_arg1:LevelLayer_c):AmmoMelee_c{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if (LayerAmmo([_local2]). == _arg1){
return (LayerAmmo([_local2]).);
return (null);
public static function AddLayerAmmo(_arg1:LayerAmmo):void{
Section 388
//AmmoMelee_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.AmmoMelee_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
public class AmmoMelee_c extends Ammo_c {
private var :Circle_c;// = null
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Point;
private var :Array;
private var :Boolean;// = true
public function AmmoMelee_c(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i){
= new Point();
= new Array();
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
= null;
override public function IsExplosive():Boolean{
return ();
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:CircleCollision_c;
var _local3:Number = (rayon * rayon);
.x = px;
.y = py;
var _local4:int;
while (_local4 < m_tabTarget.length) {
_local2 = m_tabTarget[_local4];
if (_local2 == null){
} else {
if (EquationVecto_c.GetDistAuCarre(_local2, ) <= _local3){
_local2.OnHit(this, null);
this.OnHit(_local2, null);
if ( ){
if (RemoveTarget(_local2)){
} else {
if ((((vx == 0)) && ((vy == 0)))){
} else {
while (.length > 0) {
Moteur_c.FirstContact(_arg1, this, null, );
if (this.lastCol != null){
_local2.OnHit(this, null);
this.OnHit(_local2, null);
if ( ){
if (RemoveTarget(_local2)){
public function SetRemoveTargetAfterHit(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
override public function GetId():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.MELEE_AMMO);
public function (_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
override public function OnEndInit(_arg1:Game_c):void{
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 389
//AmmoMortar1_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.AmmoMortar1_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Enemy.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Visuel.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class AmmoMortar1_c extends Ammo_c {
private const DESCEND:int = 10;
private const MONTE:int = 10;
private var :int;// = 10
private var :int;// = 10
protected var :int;// = 200
private var :Line_c;
private var :Array;
public function AmmoMortar1_c(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
protected function Hit(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (!()){
} else {
protected function GetAmmoVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_AMMO_MORTAR1));
public function set sizeOfAOE(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
protected function ():Number{
return (( * ));
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
Moteur_c.FirstContact(_arg1, this, [ ], null);
if (this.lastCol != null){
px = (px - (vx * 2));
py = (py - (vy * 2));
if (!_arg1.GetCamera().IsInFieldOfView(this, 100)){
if ( > 0){
scaleX = (scaleX + 0.2);
scaleY = (scaleY + 0.2);
} else {
scaleX = (scaleX - 0.2);
scaleY = (scaleY - 0.2);
if ( <= 0){
override public function OnEndInit(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local6:Line_c;
var _local2:Number = this.vx;
var _local3:Number = this.vy;
var _local4:Object;
this.vx = (this.vx * 1000);
this.vy = (this.vy * 1000);
= GetLayer().GetLinesInRange(0, 0, -1, false, true);
var _local5:int;
while (_local5 < .length) {
_local6 = [_local5];
if (_local6.CanBeDropped()){
.splice(_local5, 1);
_local4 = EquationVecto_c.CheckCollision(this, , null, 1);
if (_local4 != null){
= _local4.line;
this.vx = _local2;
this.vy = _local3;
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:Acteur_c;
_local2 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_WATER_SPLASH, GetLayer());
var _local3:Acteur_c = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_WATER_SPLASH_UPPER, GetLayer());
_local3.px = px; = py;
_local3.scaleX = GetSizeOfExplosion();
_local3.scaleY = GetSizeOfExplosion();
_local2.px = px; = py;
_local2.scaleX = GetSizeOfExplosion();
_local2.scaleY = GetSizeOfExplosion();
public function get sizeOfAOE():int{
return ();
private function ():void{
var _local1:CircleCollision_c;
var _local2:Number = ();
var _local3:Array = m_tabTarget.slice();
var _local4:Array = new Array();
var _local5:Boolean;
var _local6:int;
while (_local6 < _local3.length) {
_local1 = _local3[_local6];
if (_local1 == null){
} else {
if (EquationVecto_c.GetDistAuCarre(_local1, new Point(px, py)) <= _local2){
if ((_local1.GetOwner() is EnemyThug_c)){
_local5 = true;
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < _local4.length) {
_local1 = _local4[_local6];
_local1.OnHit(this, null);
this.OnHit(_local1, null);
private function ():Boolean{
var _local1:Point = GetMatrixPos();
var _local2:LevelPart_c = GetLayer().GetLevelPartManager().GetLevelPart(_local1.x, _local1.y);
if (_local2 == null){
return (false);
var _local3:Point = new Point();
var _local4:Bitmap = _local2.GetLevelBitmap();
var _local5:BitmapData = _local4.bitmapData;
_local3.x = Math.round((this.px - (_local2.GetMatrixPos().x * LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_WIDTH)));
_local3.y = Math.round(( - (_local2.GetMatrixPos().y * LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_HEIGHT)));
var _local6:uint = _local5.getPixel((_local3.x * VisuelFactory_c.COMPRESSION), (_local3.y * VisuelFactory_c.COMPRESSION));
return ((_local6 == 6737151));
public function GetSizeOfExplosion():Number{
return (1);
override public function GetId():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.
protected function GetSoundId():int{
return (SoundFactory.);
private function
var _local2:Acteur_c;
_local2 = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION_BIG, GetLayer());
_local2.px = px; = py;
_local2.scaleX = GetSizeOfExplosion();
_local2.scaleY = GetSizeOfExplosion();
var _local3:Acteur_c = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_IMPACT, GetLayer());
_local3.px = px; = py;
_local3.scaleX = GetSizeOfExplosion();
_local3.scaleY = GetSizeOfExplosion();
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 390
//AmmoMortar2_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.AmmoMortar2_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class AmmoMortar2_c extends AmmoMortar1_c {
public function AmmoMortar2_c(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
= 300;
override protected function GetAmmoVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_AMMO_MORTAR2));
override public function GetSizeOfExplosion():Number{
return (1.5);
override public function GetId():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.
override protected function GetSoundId():int{
return (SoundFactory.);
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 391
//AmmoMortarBoss4_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.AmmoMortarBoss4_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class AmmoMortarBoss4_c extends AmmoMortar1_c {
public function AmmoMortarBoss4_c(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
= 125;
override public function GetId():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.);
override protected function GetAmmoVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_AMMO_MORTAR1));
override protected function GetSoundId():int{
return (SoundFactory.);
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 392
//AmmoRocket (TheGameAS3.Weapon.AmmoRocket)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class AmmoRocket extends Ammo01_c {
public function AmmoRocket(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
private function ():void{
var _local1:CircleCollision_c;
var _local2:Number = (100 * 100);
var _local3:Array = m_tabTarget.slice();
var _local4:int;
while (_local4 < _local3.length) {
_local1 = _local3[_local4];
if (_local1 == null){
} else {
if (EquationVecto_c.GetDistAuCarre(_local1, new Point(px, py)) <= _local2){
_local1.OnHit(this, null);
this.OnHit(_local1, null);
override protected function Hit(_arg1:Game_c):void{
override protected function GetAmmoVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_AMMO_ROCKET));
private function
var _local2:Acteur_c = _arg1.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_EXPLOSION, GetLayer());
_local2.px = px; = py;
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 393
//AmmoRocketBoss3 (TheGameAS3.Weapon.AmmoRocketBoss3)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
public class AmmoRocketBoss3 extends AmmoRocket {
public function AmmoRocketBoss3(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
scaleX = 2;
scaleY = 2;
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 394
//AmmoShotGun (TheGameAS3.Weapon.AmmoShotGun)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class AmmoShotGun extends Ammo01_c {
public function AmmoShotGun(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
override protected function GetAmmoVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_AMMO_SHOTGUN));
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 395
//Cartouche_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.Cartouche_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
public class Cartouche_c extends Ammo_c {
private var :int;// = 0
private var :int;// = 0
private var m_bWaiting:Boolean;// = false
public static var :String = "mcCartouche";
private static var
:int = 10;
private static var :int = 2;
public function Cartouche_c(_arg1:AmmoManager_c, _arg2:Game_c, _arg3:LevelLayer_c, _arg4:HeurtableContainer_i):void{
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (m_bWaiting){
if ( >=
this.rotation = (this.rotation + ((_arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetFrameSpeed() * ( - )) * 2));
this.vy = (this.vy + (this.grav * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
Moteur_c.JustRebound(_arg1, this, GetLineInView(), GetPointInView());
if ((((((((this.y >= 1000)) || ((this.y <= -1000)))) || ((this.x >= 1000)))) || ((this.x <= -1000)))){
if (this.lastCol != null){
vx = (vx / 2);
vy = (vy / 2);
if ( > ){
m_bWaiting = true;
override public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
= 0;
= 0;
m_bWaiting = false;
override public function OnEndInit(_arg1:Game_c):void{
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 396
//Weapon_i (TheGameAS3.Weapon.Weapon_i)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
public interface Weapon_i extends Updatable_i {
function IsAutomatic():Boolean;
function SetMcParent(_arg1:MovieClip):void;
function GetKickBack():Point;
function StopAttack():void;
function GetMc():MovieClip;
function GetKickBackTime():Number;
function GetId():Number;
function GetMcParent():MovieClip;
function IsLongRange():Boolean;
function CloneWeaponVisual():MovieClip;
function Destroy():void;
function Shoot(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:IShooter, _arg3:Number, _arg4:int=1):Boolean;
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 397
//WeaponDebug_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.WeaponDebug_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class WeaponDebug_c extends WeaponLongRange_c {
override protected function GetDmg():int{
return (100);
override public function IsAutomatic():Boolean{
return (true);
override protected function GetPrecision():Number{
return (0);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenShot():int{
return (1);
override protected function CanCreateCartouche(_arg1:Game_c):Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetId():Number{
return (WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_DEBUG);
override protected function GetSpeedOfAmmo():int{
return (30);
override protected function GetSoundToPlay():int{
return (-1);
override protected function CreateWeaponVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_SHOTGUN));
override protected function GetNbAmmoPerBurst():int{
return (1);
override protected function GetNbBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetAmmoType():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.);
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 398
//WeaponEnemy_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.WeaponEnemy_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class WeaponEnemy_c extends WeaponLongRange_c {
override protected function GetDmg():int{
return (5);
override public function IsAutomatic():Boolean{
return (true);
override protected function GetPrecision():Number{
return (1);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenShot():int{
return (1);
override protected function CanCreateCartouche(_arg1:Game_c):Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetId():Number{
return (WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY);
override protected function GetSpeedOfAmmo():int{
return (10);
override protected function GetSoundToPlay():int{
return (-1);
override protected function CreateWeaponVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ENEMY));
override protected function GetNbAmmoPerBurst():int{
return (1);
override protected function GetNbBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetAmmoType():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.);
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 399
//WeaponFactory_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.WeaponFactory_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
public class WeaponFactory_c {
public static var ID_WEAPON_HOMING:int = ++;
private static var :int = 0;
public static var ID_WEAPON_FLAME:int = ++;
public static var ID_WEAPON_ROCKET_BOSS3:int = ++;
public static var :int = ++;
public static var NB_GUNS:int = ++;
public static var ID_WEAPON_SHOTGUN:int = ++;
public static var ID_WEAPON_MACHINE:int = ++;
public static var ID_WEAPON_ENEMY:int = ++;
public static var ID_WEAPON_GATLING:int = ++;
public static var ID_WEAPON_ROCKET:int = ++;
public static var ID_WEAPON_DEBUG:int = ++;
public static var :int = ++;
public static var ID_WEAPON_MORTAR2:int = ++;
public static function CreateWeaponFromId(_arg1:int):Weapon_i{
switch (_arg1){
return (new WeaponEnemy_c());
return (new WeaponGatling_c());
return (new WeaponHoming_c());
return (new WeaponShotgun_c());
return (new WeaponRocket_c());
return (new WeaponRocketBoss3_c());
return (new WeaponMachine_c());
return (new WeaponFlameThrower1_c());
return (new WeaponDebug_c());
case :
return (new WeaponMortarBoss4_c());
case :
return (new WeaponMortar1_c());
return (new WeaponMortar2_c());
trace(("ERROR :: WeaponFactory :: Wrong Parameters : " + _arg1));
return (null);
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 400
//WeaponFlameThrower1_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.WeaponFlameThrower1_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class WeaponFlameThrower1_c extends WeaponLongRange_c {
private var :Array;// = null
private var
:int;// = 7
override protected function GetDmg():int{
return (15);
override public function IsAutomatic():Boolean{
return (true);
override protected function GetFXToPlay():String{
return ("NONE");
public function set flames(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
override protected function GetFrameBetweenShot():int{
return (1);
override protected function ExecuteShoot(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0):Ammo_c{
var _local6:Point;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:AmmoFlame1_c;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:Number;
var _local4:Number = EquationVecto_c.MyCos(_arg1);
var _local5:Number = -(EquationVecto_c.MySin(_arg1));
if (_mcContainer.getChildByName("regCanon_mc") != null){
_local6 = Utils.FindPoint(_context, _shooter.GetLayer(), DisplayObjectContainer(_mcContainer.getChildByName("regCanon_mc")));
if ( == null){
= new Array();
_local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < ()) {
_local8 = AmmoFlame1_c(_context.GetAmmoManager().CreateBall(GetAmmoType(), _shooter, _shooter.GetLayer()));
_local8.SetDamage((GetDmg() * _dmgMod));
_local8.px = _local6.x; = _local6.y;
_local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < .length) {
_local8 = [_local7];
_local9 = (0.2 + (((_local7 + 1) / ()) * 0.8));
_local10 = (_local6.x + ((((_local4 * _local8.rayon) * (_local7 + 1)) * _local9) / 2));
_local11 = (_local6.y + ((((_local5 * _local8.rayon) * (_local7 + 1)) * _local9) / 2));
_local8.vx = (_local4 * _vitesse);
_local8.vy = (_local5 * _vitesse);
_local8.scaleX = _local9;
_local8.scaleY = _local9;
if (!_local8.visible){
_local8.px = _local6.x; = _local6.y;
if (_local7 == 0){
_local8.px = _local10; = _local11;
} else {
_local8.px = (_local8.px + ((_local10 - _local8.px) * (0.75 - ((_local7 / ()) * 0.6)))); = ( + ((_local11 - * (0.75 - ((_local7 / ()) * 0.6))));
CreateFXPerAmmo(_shooter.GetLayer(), _local6, _arg1);
return (null);
protected function ():int{
return (
override protected function GetNbAmmoPerBurst():int{
return (1);
override protected function GetSpeedOfAmmo():int{
return (90);
override public function StopAttack():void{
var _local1:int;
if ( != null){
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < .length) {
= null;
override protected function GetPrecision():Number{
return (1);
override protected function CanCreateCartouche(_arg1:Game_c):Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:int;
if ( != null){
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < .length) {
[_local2].visible = _isShooting;
_isShooting = false;
override public function GetId():Number{
return (WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_FLAME);
override protected function GetNbBurst():int{
return (1);
override protected function GetSoundToPlay():int{
return (-1);
override protected function CreateWeaponVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_FLAME));
override protected function GetScaleOfFX():Number{
return (0.25);
override public function GetAmmoType():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.);
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 401
//WeaponGatling_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.WeaponGatling_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class WeaponGatling_c extends WeaponLongRange_c {
override protected function GetDmg():int{
return (10);
override public function IsAutomatic():Boolean{
return (true);
override protected function GetPrecision():Number{
return (1);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenShot():int{
return (1);
override protected function CanCreateCartouche(_arg1:Game_c):Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetId():Number{
return (WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_GATLING);
override protected function GetSpeedOfAmmo():int{
return (30);
override protected function GetSoundToPlay():int{
return (-1);
override protected function CreateWeaponVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_GATLING));
override protected function GetNbAmmoPerBurst():int{
return (1);
override protected function GetNbBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetAmmoType():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 402
//WeaponHoming_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.WeaponHoming_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class WeaponHoming_c extends WeaponLongRange_c {
override protected function GetDmg():int{
return (40);
override public function IsAutomatic():Boolean{
return (true);
override protected function GetPrecision():Number{
return (0.8);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenShot():int{
return (20);
override protected function CanCreateCartouche(_arg1:Game_c):Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetId():Number{
return (WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_HOMING);
override protected function GetSpeedOfAmmo():int{
return (30);
override protected function GetSoundToPlay():int{
return (-1);
override protected function CreateWeaponVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_HOMING));
override protected function GetNbAmmoPerBurst():int{
return (1);
override protected function GetNbBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetAmmoType():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 403
//WeaponLongRange_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.WeaponLongRange_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Heurtable.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class WeaponLongRange_c implements Weapon_i {
protected var _vitesse:Number;
protected var :MovieClip;
protected var :Number;
protected var :Number;
protected var :Number;
protected var _targetTeam:Number;// = 0
protected var :Boolean;
protected var :Number;
protected var _dmgMod:int;// = 0
protected var :Number;
protected var :MovieClip;// = null
protected var _mcContainer:MovieClip;
protected var _shooter:IShooter;// = null
protected var _isShooting:Boolean;
protected var :Number;
protected var _context:Game_c;// = null
protected var :Number;
public function WeaponLongRange_c(){
= GetFrameBetweenShot();
= GetFrameBetweenBurst();
= GetNbAmmoPerBurst();
= GetNbBurst();
_vitesse = GetSpeedOfAmmo();
_mcContainer = CreateWeaponVisual();
= ;
= 0;
= 1;
= true;
= null;
protected function GetPrecision():Number{
return (1);
public function IsAutomatic():Boolean{
return (false);
public function GetAmmoType():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.NONE);
public function
_mcContainer = _arg1;
public function GetId():Number{
return (-1);
public function StopAttack():void{
protected function GetFXToPlay():String{
return (("ID_FX_RIFLE_BURST_" + Math.floor(((Math.random() * 3) + 1))));
public function GetKickBackTime():Number{
return (0);
public function IsEnabled():Boolean{
return (true);
protected function GetNbAmmoPerBurst():int{
return (3);
public function OnAdd(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function GetKickBack():Point{
return (new Point());
public function IsLongRange():Boolean{
return (true);
protected function GetSoundToPlay():int{
return (-1);
protected function GetNbBurst():int{
return (1);
protected function CreateWeaponVisual():MovieClip{
return (null);
public function SetMcParent(_arg1:MovieClip):void{
= _arg1;
protected function ExecuteShoot(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0):Ammo_c{
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Point;
var _local7:Ammo_c;
var _local8:Number;
_local4 = EquationVecto_c.MyCos(_arg1);
_local5 = -(EquationVecto_c.MySin(_arg1));
if (_mcContainer.getChildByName("regCanon_mc") != null){
_local7 = Ammo_c(_context.GetAmmoManager().CreateBall(GetAmmoType(), _shooter, _shooter.GetLayer()));
_local8 = Math.floor((20 - (GetPrecision() * 20)));
_local6 = Utils.FindPoint(_context, _shooter.GetLayer(), DisplayObjectContainer(_mcContainer.getChildByName("regCanon_mc")));
_local7.SetDamage((GetDmg() * _dmgMod));
_local7.px = (_local6.x + _arg2); = (_local6.y + _arg3);
_local7.vx = (((_local4 * _vitesse) + (Math.random() * _local8)) - (_local8 / 2));
_local7.vy = (((_local5 * _vitesse) + (Math.random() * _local8)) - (_local8 / 2));
_local7.rotation = (EquationVecto_c.GetRotation(_local7.vx, 0, _local7.vy, 0) + 90);
if (GetSoundToPlay() != -1){
Jukebox_c.PlaySound(GetSoundToPlay(), -1);
= 0;
CreateFXPerAmmo(_shooter.GetLayer(), _local6, _arg1);
return (_local7);
public function GetMcParent():MovieClip{
return ();
protected function GetFrameBetweenShot():int{
return (10);
protected function CreateFXPerAmmo(_arg1:LevelLayer_c, _arg2:Point, _arg3:Number):void{
if (GetFXToPlay() == "NONE"){
var _local4:int = AnimationFactory_c.GetIdByName(GetFXToPlay());
var _local5:Acteur_c = _context.GetEffectManager().CreateSingleFx(_local4, _arg1);
_local5.px = _arg2.x; = _arg2.y;
if ((((_arg3 > 90)) && ((_arg3 < 270)))){
_arg3 = (180 - _arg3);
_arg3 = -(_arg3);
_local5.scaleX = -1;
_local5.rotation = -(_arg3);
_local5.scaleX = (_local5.scaleX * GetScaleOfFX());
_local5.scaleY = (_local5.scaleY * GetScaleOfFX());
protected function GetSpeedOfAmmo():int{
return (30);
public function CloneWeaponVisual():MovieClip{
return (CreateWeaponVisual());
protected function GetScaleOfFX():Number{
return (1);
public function Destroy():void{
_mcContainer = null;
= null;
= null;
public function OnRemove(_arg1:Game_c):void{
protected function GetDmg():int{
return (10);
public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:int;
= ( + (1 * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
if (_isShooting){
if ( < ){
if ( >= ){
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < ) {
= 0;
} else {
_isShooting = false;
= 1;
= 0;
public function SetEnable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
protected function CanCreateCartouche(_arg1:Game_c):Boolean{
= ((!()) || (_arg1.GetSpeedManager().IsBulletTime()));
return ();
protected function GetFrameBetweenBurst():int{
return (2);
public function GetMc():MovieClip{
return (_mcContainer);
public function Shoot(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:IShooter, _arg3:Number, _arg4:int=1):Boolean{
if (((( < )) || ((_mcContainer.getChildByName("regCanon_mc") == null)))){
return (false);
_isShooting = true;
_context = _arg1;
_targetTeam = _arg3;
_shooter = _arg2;
_dmgMod = _arg4;
var _local5:int;
while (_local5 < ) {
return (true);
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 404
//WeaponMachine_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.WeaponMachine_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class WeaponMachine_c extends WeaponLongRange_c {
override protected function GetDmg():int{
return (10);
override public function IsAutomatic():Boolean{
return (true);
override protected function GetPrecision():Number{
return (1);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenShot():int{
return (6);
override protected function CanCreateCartouche(_arg1:Game_c):Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetId():Number{
return (WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_MACHINE);
override protected function GetSpeedOfAmmo():int{
return (30);
override protected function GetSoundToPlay():int{
return (-1);
override protected function CreateWeaponVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_MACHINE));
override protected function GetNbAmmoPerBurst():int{
return (1);
override protected function GetNbBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetAmmoType():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.);
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 405
//WeaponMortar1_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.WeaponMortar1_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class WeaponMortar1_c extends WeaponLongRange_c {
private var :int;// = 14
override protected function GetSoundToPlay():int{
return (-1);
override public function IsAutomatic():Boolean{
return (true);
public function get speed():int{
return ();
override protected function GetDmg():int{
return (30);
override protected function GetPrecision():Number{
return (1);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenShot():int{
return (30);
override protected function CanCreateCartouche(_arg1:Game_c):Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetId():Number{
return (WeaponFactory_c.);
public function set speed(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
override protected function GetSpeedOfAmmo():int{
return ();
override protected function CreateWeaponVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_FLAME));
override protected function GetNbAmmoPerBurst():int{
return (1);
override protected function GetNbBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetAmmoType():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 406
//WeaponMortar2_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.WeaponMortar2_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class WeaponMortar2_c extends WeaponLongRange_c {
override protected function GetDmg():int{
return (45);
override public function IsAutomatic():Boolean{
return (true);
override protected function GetPrecision():Number{
return (1);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenShot():int{
return (15);
override protected function CanCreateCartouche(_arg1:Game_c):Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetId():Number{
return (WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_MORTAR2);
override protected function GetSpeedOfAmmo():int{
return (14);
override protected function GetSoundToPlay():int{
return (-1);
override protected function CreateWeaponVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_FLAME));
override protected function GetNbAmmoPerBurst():int{
return (1);
override protected function GetNbBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetAmmoType():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c. );
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 407
//WeaponMortarBoss4_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.WeaponMortarBoss4_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class WeaponMortarBoss4_c extends WeaponLongRange_c {
private var :int;// = 10
override protected function GetSoundToPlay():int{
return (-1);
override public function IsAutomatic():Boolean{
return (true);
public function get speed():int{
return ();
override protected function GetDmg():int{
return (30);
override protected function GetPrecision():Number{
return (1);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenShot():int{
return (30);
override protected function CanCreateCartouche(_arg1:Game_c):Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetId():Number{
return (WeaponFactory_c.);
public function set speed(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
override protected function GetSpeedOfAmmo():int{
return ();
override protected function CreateWeaponVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_FLAME));
override protected function GetNbAmmoPerBurst():int{
return (1);
override protected function GetNbBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetAmmoType():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.);
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 408
//WeaponRocket_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.WeaponRocket_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class WeaponRocket_c extends WeaponLongRange_c {
override protected function GetDmg():int{
return (75);
override public function IsAutomatic():Boolean{
return (true);
override protected function GetPrecision():Number{
return (1);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenShot():int{
return (20);
override protected function CanCreateCartouche(_arg1:Game_c):Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetId():Number{
return (WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ROCKET);
override protected function GetSpeedOfAmmo():int{
return (30);
override protected function GetSoundToPlay():int{
return (-1);
override protected function CreateWeaponVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ROCKET));
override protected function GetNbAmmoPerBurst():int{
return (1);
override protected function GetNbBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetAmmoType():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 409
//WeaponRocketBoss3_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.WeaponRocketBoss3_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class WeaponRocketBoss3_c extends WeaponLongRange_c {
override protected function GetDmg():int{
return (20);
override public function IsAutomatic():Boolean{
return (true);
override protected function GetPrecision():Number{
return (1);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenShot():int{
return (20);
override protected function CanCreateCartouche(_arg1:Game_c):Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetId():Number{
return (WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ROCKET_BOSS3);
override protected function GetSpeedOfAmmo():int{
return (30);
override protected function GetSoundToPlay():int{
return (-1);
override protected function CreateWeaponVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_ROCKET));
override protected function GetNbAmmoPerBurst():int{
return (1);
override protected function GetNbBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetAmmoType():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.);
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 410
//WeaponShotgun_c (TheGameAS3.Weapon.WeaponShotgun_c)
package TheGameAS3.Weapon {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class WeaponShotgun_c extends WeaponLongRange_c {
override protected function GetDmg():int{
return (15);
override public function IsAutomatic():Boolean{
return (true);
override protected function GetPrecision():Number{
return (0.5);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenShot():int{
return (1);
override protected function CanCreateCartouche(_arg1:Game_c):Boolean{
return (false);
override protected function GetFrameBetweenBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetId():Number{
return (WeaponFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_SHOTGUN);
override protected function GetSpeedOfAmmo():int{
return (30);
override protected function GetSoundToPlay():int{
return (-1);
override protected function CreateWeaponVisual():MovieClip{
return (AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_WEAPON_SHOTGUN));
override protected function GetNbAmmoPerBurst():int{
return (1);
override protected function GetNbBurst():int{
return (1);
override public function GetAmmoType():int{
return (AmmoFactory_c.);
}//package TheGameAS3.Weapon
Section 411
//VisuelFactory_c (TheGameAS3.Visuel.VisuelFactory_c)
package TheGameAS3.Visuel {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class VisuelFactory_c {
public static const PNG_PROGRESS:String = "PNG_PROGRESS";
public static const LIST_PNG_COMPLETE:String = "ALL_PNG_LOAD";
public static const COMPRESSION:Number = 0.5;
private static const DELAY_WAIT:int = 10;
public static const BLANK_BMP:BitmapData = new BitmapData(LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_WIDTH, LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_HEIGHT, true, 0);
public static const DYNAMIC_VISUAL:String = "DYNAMIC_FROM_MC_";
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var :Array = new Array();
private static var :Array = new Array();
private static var :Array = new Array();
private static var :Array = new Array();
private static var :IEventDispatcher = null;
private static var :Loader = new Loader();
private static var :VisuelFactory_c = null;
private static var :Array = new Array();
private static var :Timer = new Timer(0, 1);
private static var :uint = 0;
private static var :Number = 0;
private static var :int = 10;
private static var :String = "";
private static var :String = "";
public static function IsReady():Boolean{
return ();
private static function (_arg1:Event):void{
trace((("ERROR : ViseulFactory_c :: " + ) + " Not found"));
public static function AddPNGToLoad(_arg1:String):Boolean{
if (){
trace("ERROR :: VisualFactory_c :: AddPNGToLoad :: Visual is Loading");
return (false);
if ([_arg1] != null){
return (false);
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if (_arg1 == [_local2]){
return (false);
return (true);
public static function (_arg1:String, _arg2:BitmapData):void{
[_arg1] = _arg2;
private static function
var _local1:String;
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:MovieClip;
var _local7:PngOfMc;
= 0;
if (.length == 0){
= .shift();
if ( .indexOf(VisuelFactory_c.DYNAMIC_VISUAL) != -1){
_local1 = .split(VisuelFactory_c.DYNAMIC_VISUAL)[1];
_local2 = _local1.split("~");
_local4 = int(_local2[1]);
_local5 = int(_local2[2]);
if (isNaN(Number(_local2[0]))){
_local3 = AnimationFactory_c.GetIdByName(_local2[0]);
} else {
_local3 = int(_local2[0]);
if ([_local3] == null){
_local6 = AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(_local3);
_local7 = new PngOfMc(_local6);
[_local3] = _local7;
([_local3], _local4, _local5, );
if ( < 0){
.delay = 1;
.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, );
} else {
} else {
.load(new URLRequest(( + )));
public static function StartLoading(_arg1:IEventDispatcher):void{
= _arg1;
if (){
throw (new Error("VisuelFactory_c :: StartLoading :: Already Loading"));
= true;
= false;
= .length;
.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, );
.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, );
.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, );
= 0;
public static function GetProgress():Number{
var _local1:Number = ((( - 1) - .length) / );
_local1 = (_local1 + ( * (1 / )));
return (_local1);
public static function GetAllPng():Array{
return ();
public static function GetStrFromBmpData(_arg1:BitmapData):String{
var _local2:String;
for (_local2 in ) {
if (_arg1 == [_local2]){
return (_local2);
return (null);
public static function Init(_arg1:String=""):void{
= _arg1;
private static function
(_arg1:PngOfMc, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:String):void{
var _local5:Number = (LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_WIDTH * COMPRESSION);
var _local6:Number = (LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_HEIGHT * COMPRESSION);
var _local7:BitmapData = new BitmapData(_local5, _local6, true, 0);
var _local8:int = ((LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_WIDTH * _arg2) * COMPRESSION);
var _local9:int = ((LevelPartManager_c.LEVEL_HEIGHT * _arg3) * COMPRESSION);
var _local10:BitmapData = _arg1.GetPngAt(Math.floor((_local8 / PngOfMc.MAX_WIDTH)), Math.floor((_local9 / PngOfMc.MAX_HEIGHT)));
var _local11:Rectangle = new Rectangle((_local8 % PngOfMc.MAX_WIDTH), (_local9 % PngOfMc.MAX_HEIGHT), _local5, _local6);
_local7.copyPixels(_local10, _local11, new Point());
(_arg4, _local7);
private static function ():void{
= false;
= true;
if ( != null){
.dispatchEvent(new Event(LIST_PNG_COMPLETE));
.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, );
.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, );
.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, );
= null;
private static function (_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{
= (_arg1.bytesLoaded / _arg1.bytesTotal);
if ( != null){
.dispatchEvent(new Event(PNG_PROGRESS));
public static function GetBitmapDataFromStr(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false):BitmapData{
if (_arg1 == LevelLayer_c.NO_PNG){
return (BLANK_BMP);
if ([_arg1] == undefined){
trace(("WARNING :: VisualFactory :: GetBitmapDataFromStr :: Can't find Bitmapdata from :" + _arg1));
return (null);
if (_arg2){
return (BitmapData([_arg1]));
return (BitmapData([_arg1]));
public static function (_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:BitmapData):void{
var _local10:int;
var _local3:int = _arg1.width;
var _local4:int = _arg1.height;
var _local5:BitmapData = new BitmapData(_arg2.width, _arg2.height, false, 0);
var _local6:Matrix = new Matrix();
var _local7:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, _arg2.width, _arg2.height);
var _local8:Point = new Point(0, 0);
var _local9:int;
while (_local9 <= _arg2.width) {
_local10 = 0;
while (_local10 <= _arg2.height) {
_local6.tx = _local9;
_local6.ty = _local10;
_local5.draw(_arg1, _local6);
_local10 = (_local10 + _local4);
_local9 = (_local9 + _local3);
_arg2.copyPixels(_local5, _local7, _local8, _local5, _local8, true);
private static function ():void{
var _local1:PngOfMc;
while (.length > 0) {
_local1 = .shift();
_local1 = null;
= new Array();
private static function (_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:BitmapData =;
( , _local2);
= 1;
public static function Destroy():void{
var _local1:BitmapData;
while (.length > 0) {
_local1 = .shift();
_local1 = null;
= new Array();
public static function GetInstance():VisuelFactory_c{
if ( == null){
= new (VisuelFactory_c);
return ();
private static function (_arg1:TimerEvent):void{
.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, );
= null;
= new Timer(0, 1);
public static function
(_arg1:BitmapData, _arg2:BitmapData):void{
var _local12:int;
var _local3:int = _arg1.width;
var _local4:int = _arg1.height;
var _local5:BitmapData = new BitmapData(_arg2.width, _arg2.height, false, 0);
var _local6:int = _arg1.width;
var _local7:int = _arg1.height;
var _local8:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, _arg2.width, _arg2.height);
var _local9:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, _local6, _local7);
var _local10:Point = new Point(0, 0);
var _local11:int;
while (_local11 <= _arg2.width) {
_local12 = 0;
while (_local12 <= _arg2.height) {
_local10.x = _local11;
_local10.y = _local12;
_local5.copyPixels(_arg1, _local9, _local10);
_local12 = (_local12 + _local4);
_local11 = (_local11 + _local3);
_local10.x = 0;
_local10.y = 0;
_arg2.copyPixels(_local5, _local8, _local10, _local5, _local10, true);
}//package TheGameAS3.Visuel
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
class PngOfMc {
private var :int;
private var :int;
private var :Array;
private var
public static const MAX_HEIGHT:int = 0x0800;
public static const MAX_WIDTH:int = 0x0800;
private function PngOfMc(_arg1:MovieClip){
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:BitmapData;
var _local6:Matrix;
= new Array();
= new Array();
var _local2:Number = VisuelFactory_c.COMPRESSION;
= Math.ceil(((_arg1.width / MAX_WIDTH) * _local2));
= Math.ceil(((_arg1.height / MAX_HEIGHT) * _local2));
var _local3:Number = 0;
while (_local3 < ) {
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < ) {
if (
[_local3] == null){
[_local3] = new Array();
_local5 = new BitmapData(MAX_WIDTH, MAX_HEIGHT, true, 0);
_local6 = new Matrix();
_local6.scale(_local2, _local2);
_local6.translate(-((_local3 * MAX_WIDTH)), -((_local4 * MAX_HEIGHT)));
_local5.draw(_arg1, _local6);
[_local3][_local4] = _local5;
public function Destroy():void{
var _local1:BitmapData;
while ( .length > 0) {
_local1 = .shift();
_local1 = null;
= new Array();
public function GetPngAt(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):BitmapData{
if (
[_arg1] == null){
return (null);
return (
Section 412
//Camera_c (TheGameAS3.Camera_c)
package TheGameAS3 {
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Scenario.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Behaviors.*;
public class Camera_c extends EventDispatcher implements Updatable_i, MessageListener_i, Controllable_i {
private var
private var :int;// = -1
private var
:Number;// = 1000
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :int;
private var
:Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Point;
private var
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :Array;
private var
:Number;// = 10000
private var
:Boolean;// = true
private var
:Number;// = 0
private var
private var
:Number;// = 0.2
private var
:Number;// = 0.5
private var
:Number;// = 0.2
private var y:Number;// = 0
private var
:ObjetMoteur_c;// = null
private var x:Number;// = 0
private var z:Number;
private var
private var
private var
private var
private var
:Number;// = 0
private var
:Number;// = 0
private var :Number;// = 1000
private var :String;// = "NONE"
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :Number;// = 0.25
private var :Number;// = 2
private var m_context:Game_c;
private var :Number;// = 0.1
private var :Array;// = null
private var :Boolean;
private var :int;// = -1
private var
:int;// = -1
private var :Number;// = 2.5
public static const ID_EVENT_HAVE_ARRIVED:String = "CAMERA_END";
private static const MSG_STOP_SHAKE:String = "STOP_SHAKE";
private static const MSG_SHAKE:String = "SHAKE";
private static const MSG_ZOOM_TO:String = "ZOOM_TO";
public static const DEFAULT_EASE:Number = 0.2;
public static const CAMERA_TAG:String = "GAME_CAMERA";
public static const DEFAULT_EASE_X:Number = 0.2;
public static const DEFAULT_EASE_Y:Number = 0.5;
public static const DEFAULT_EASE_Z:Number = 0.2;
private static const MSG_STOP_FOLLOW_OBJECT:String = "STOP_FOLLOW_OBJECT";
private static const MSG_FOLLOW_OBJECT:String = "FOLLOW_OBJECT";
private static const MSG_CHANGE_EASE:String = "CHANGE_EASE";
private static var :Array = new Array();
private static var :Array = new Array();
public static var WIDTH_VIEW:Number = -1;
public static var Z_POSITION_START:Number = 1000;
public static var HEIGHT_VIEW:Number = -1;
public function Camera_c(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){
= new Point(0, 0);
= new Array();
= new Point(0, 0);
m_context = _arg1;
WIDTH_VIEW = _arg2;
HEIGHT_VIEW = _arg3;
x = (WIDTH_VIEW / 2);
y = (HEIGHT_VIEW / 2);
= true;
= false;
= 0;
= new Array();
public function AddBehavior(_arg1:Behavior_i):void{
_arg1.addEventListener(Behavior_c.EVENT_BEHAVIOR_ENDED, OnEndBehavior);
public function (_arg1:Point):void{
.x = _arg1.x;
.y = _arg1.y;
public function OnMessage(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:Array;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:Behavior_i;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:ObjetMoteur_c;
_local2 = _arg1.split(",");
var _local3:String = _local2.shift();
switch (_local3){
case BehaviorManager_c.ID_CREATE_BEHAVIOR:
_local4 = BehaviorManager_c.GetIdFromName(_local2.shift());
_local5 = BehaviorManager_c.CreateBehavior(_local4, _local2, this);
_local6 = _local2.shift();
_local7 = ObjetMoteur_c.GetObjetByTag(_local6);
ShakeCamera(5, 5);
if (!isNaN(_local2[0])){
} else {
trace(("ERROR :: Camera_c :: OnMessge :: ZOOM_TO :: Wrong Paramters " + _arg1));
if (!isNaN(_local2[0])){
SetEase(Number(_local2[0]), Number(_local2[0]), Number(_local2[0]));
} else {
trace(("ERROR :: Camera_c :: OnMessge :: MSG_CHANGE_EASE :: Wrong Paramters " + _arg1));
trace(("ERROR :: Camera :: OnMessge :: Je comprend pas le msg : " + _arg1));
public function ():void{
= 0;
public function GetOffsetY():Number{
return (-((this.y - (HEIGHT_VIEW / 2))));
public function (_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number, _arg7:Number):void{
Move(_arg1, (_arg2 - this.x), (_arg3 - this.y), (_arg4 - this.z), _arg5, _arg6, _arg7);
public function GetOffsetX():Number{
return (-((this.x - (WIDTH_VIEW / 2))));
public function RemoveBehavior(_arg1:Behavior_i):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ([_local2] == _arg1){
.splice(_local2, 1);
trace("WARNING :: Camera_c :: RemoveBehavior :: Behavior not found");
public function OnAdd(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function AddFollowPoint(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c):void{
private function ():void{
if (((!((
== null))) && (!((
== null))))){
= null;
= null;
= null;
public function IsInFieldOfView(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg2:Number=0):Boolean{
return (IsPointInFieldOfView(new Point(_arg1.px,, _arg1.GetLayer(), (_arg2 + _arg1.width), (_arg2 + _arg1.height)));
public function GetXRightBorder(_arg1:LevelLayer_c):Number{
return ((this.x + (GetWidthView(_arg1) / 2)));
private function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Number{
return (((Math.abs((this.x - _arg1)) + Math.abs((this.y - _arg2))) + Math.abs((this.z - _arg3))));
public function GetPosition3D():Vector3D_c{
return (new Vector3D_c(x, y, z));
public function (_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:ObjetMoteur_c, _arg3:Number):void{
var _local4:Number = ((_arg2.px + GetOffsetX()) - (WIDTH_VIEW / 2));
var _local5:Number = (( + GetOffsetY()) - (HEIGHT_VIEW / 2));
Move(_arg1, _local4, _local5, _arg3, 1, 1, 1);
public function SetZoom(_arg1:Number):void{
= _arg1;
public function (_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
public function GetHeightView(_arg1:LevelLayer_c):Number{
return (((HEIGHT_VIEW * 100) / _arg1.GetZoom()));
public function SetPosition3D(_arg1:Vector3D_c):void{
Move(m_context, (_arg1.x - x), (_arg1.y - y), (_arg1.z - z), 1, 1, 1, true);
public function SetIfMustRespectBounds(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function SetEase(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
public function SetIsCinematic(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
private function ():void{
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < .length) {
SetOffset( [_local1]);
private function
var _local5:Number;
var _local2:LevelLayer_c;
var _local3:Number = 0;
var _local4:int;
while (_local4 < .length) {
_local2 = [_local4];
_local3 = ((Z_POSITION_START + _local2.GetZ()) / this.z);
.x = ((WIDTH_VIEW / 2) - ((WIDTH_VIEW / 2) * _local3));
.y = ((HEIGHT_VIEW / 2) - ((HEIGHT_VIEW / 2) * _local3));
_local2.GetContainer().scaleX = _local3;
_local2.GetContainer().scaleY = _local3;
_local2.GetContainer().x =
_local2.GetContainer().y =
_local2.SetZoom((_local3 * 100));
_local5 = 100;
if ((((_local3 <= )) || ((_local3 >= )))){
_local5 = 0;
} else {
if ((((_local3 >= )) && ((_local3 <= )))){
_local5 = 1;
} else {
if ((((_local3 >= )) && ((_local3 <= )))){
_local5 = ((_local3 - ) / ( - ));
} else {
_local5 = (1 - ((_local3 - ) / ( - )));
_local2.GetContainer().alpha = _local5;
public function OnRemove(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function SetEnable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function SetOffset(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c):void{
if (_arg1.cameraCanControlMe){
if (IsInFieldOfView(_arg1)){
_arg1.x = ((_arg1.px + _arg1.xVisualOffSet) + GetOffsetX());
_arg1.y = (( + _arg1.yVisualOffSet) + GetOffsetY());
if ((((_arg1.parent == null)) && (!((_arg1.oldParent == null))))){
_arg1.oldParent = null;
} else {
if (_arg1.parent != null){
_arg1.oldParent = _arg1.parent;
} else {
_arg1.x = ((_arg1.px + _arg1.xVisualOffSet) + GetOffsetX());
_arg1.y = (( + _arg1.yVisualOffSet) + GetOffsetY());
public function Goto(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{
Move(_arg1, (_arg2 - this.x), (_arg3 - this.y), (_arg4 - this.z), 1, 1, 1);
public function GetTag():String{
return ();
public function LockOn(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Function=null, _arg6:Object=null, _arg7:Array=null):void{
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
= -1;
= -1;
= -1;
= _arg4;
= _arg5;
= _arg6;
= _arg7;
public function GetBounds():Rectangle{
return (new Rectangle( ,
, (
- ), ( -
public function IsPointInFieldOfView(_arg1:Point, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0):Boolean{
var _local5:Number = GetWidthView(_arg2);
var _local6:Number = GetHeightView(_arg2);
return ((((((((_arg1.x > ((this.x - (_local5 / 2)) - _arg3))) && ((_arg1.x < ((this.x + (_local5 / 2)) + _arg3))))) && ((_arg1.y > ((this.y - (_local6 / 2)) - _arg4))))) && ((_arg1.y < ((this.y + (_local6 / 2)) + _arg4)))));
public function GetXLeftBorder(_arg1:LevelLayer_c):Number{
return ((this.x - (GetWidthView(_arg1) / 2)));
public function SetBounds(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
= _arg4;
public function IsEnabled():Boolean{
return ();
public function ConvertPointToScreen(_arg1:Point, _arg2:LevelLayer_c):Point{
_arg1.x = (_arg1.x + GetOffsetX());
_arg1.y = (_arg1.y + GetOffsetY());
_arg1.x = ((WIDTH_VIEW / 2) + ((_arg1.x - (WIDTH_VIEW / 2)) / (100 / _arg2.GetZoom())));
_arg1.y = ((HEIGHT_VIEW / 2) + ((_arg1.y - (HEIGHT_VIEW / 2)) / (100 / _arg2.GetZoom())));
return (_arg1);
public function ShakeCamera(_arg1:int=50, _arg2:Number=0):void{
= _arg1;
= Math.max(_arg2,
public function SetDynamicFollow(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c):void{
= _arg1;
public function ConvertPointToMoteur(_arg1:Point, _arg2:LevelLayer_c):Point{
_arg1.x = ((WIDTH_VIEW / 2) + ((_arg1.x - (WIDTH_VIEW / 2)) / (_arg2.GetZoom() / 100)));
_arg1.y = ((HEIGHT_VIEW / 2) + ((_arg1.y - (HEIGHT_VIEW / 2)) / (_arg2.GetZoom() / 100)));
_arg1.x = (_arg1.x - GetOffsetX());
_arg1.y = (_arg1.y - GetOffsetY());
return (_arg1);
public function GetYUpBorder(_arg1:LevelLayer_c):Number{
return ((this.y - (GetHeightView(_arg1) / 2)));
public function
if (((( ( , ,
) <= ((1 /
) + 1))) || (((((((((( ( , ,
) < 3)) && (
))) && (!(( == -1))))) && (!(( == -1))))) && (!((
== -1))))))){
= 0;
= 0;
= 0;
= 0;
dispatchEvent(new Event(ID_EVENT_HAVE_ARRIVED));
= x;
= y;
= z;
(_arg1, , ,
public function GetYDownBorder(_arg1:LevelLayer_c):Number{
return ((this.y + (GetHeightView(_arg1) / 2)));
public function RemoveAllBehavior():void{
while (.length > 0) {
= new Array();
public function ():Array{
return ();
public function OnEndBehavior(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:Behavior_i = Behavior_i(;
public function ():ObjetMoteur_c{
return ( [ ]);
public function Destroy():void{
= new Array();
= 0;
public function GetY():Number{
return (this.y);
public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
if ( <= 1){
= 0;
Move(_arg1, -(
), -(
), -(
), 1, 1, 1);
= 0;
= 0;
= 0;
} else {
if ( != 0){
_local2 = (Math.random() * );
_local3 = (Math.random() * );
_local4 = (Math.random() * );
Move(_arg1, (_local2 -
), (_local3 -
), (_local4 -
), 1, 1, 1);
= _local2;
= _local3;
= _local4;
= ( - 3);
= Math.max(
, );
if (().length > 0){
()[0].Control(_arg1, this);
if (!IsCinematic()){
(_arg1, ( [ ].px + .x), ( [ ].py + .y), ( [ ].GetLayer().GetZ() +
} else {
if (
== null){
} else {
(_arg1, (
.px + .x), (
.py + .y), (
.GetLayer().GetZ() +
public function IsCinematic():Boolean{
return ();
public function Move(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number, _arg7:Number, _arg8:Boolean=false):void{
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:Number;
var _local12:Number;
if (_arg5 != 1){
_arg2 = (_arg2 * (_arg5 * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
if (_arg6 != 1){
_arg3 = (_arg3 * (_arg6 * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
if (_arg7 != 1){
_arg4 = (_arg4 * (_arg7 * _arg1.GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed()));
this.x = (this.x + _arg2);
this.y = (this.y + _arg3);
this.z = (this.z + _arg4);
if (this.z != 0){
if (((((
) && (!(_arg8)))) && (!(( [ ] == null))))){
_local9 = ( + (((WIDTH_VIEW * 100) / [ ].GetLayer().GetZoom()) / 2));
_local10 = (
- (((WIDTH_VIEW * 100) / [ ].GetLayer().GetZoom()) / 2));
_local11 = (
+ (((HEIGHT_VIEW * 100) / [ ].GetLayer().GetZoom()) / 2));
_local12 = ( - (((HEIGHT_VIEW * 100) / [ ].GetLayer().GetZoom()) / 2));
this.x = Math.max(_local9, this.x);
this.x = Math.min(_local10, this.x);
this.y = Math.max(_local11, this.y);
this.y = Math.min(_local12, this.y);
if (_arg1.GetLevelManager() != null){
_arg1.GetLevelManager().Move(this.x, this.y, this);
public function GetZ():Number{
return (this.z);
public function GetWidthView(_arg1:LevelLayer_c):Number{
return (((WIDTH_VIEW * 100) / _arg1.GetZoom()));
public function (_arg1:Rectangle):void{
= _arg1.x;
= (_arg1.x + _arg1.width);
= _arg1.y;
= (_arg1.y + _arg1.height);
public function GetX():Number{
return (this.x);
public function StopDynamicFollow():void{
= null;
public function SetTag(_arg1:String):void{
= _arg1;
public static function ReInit():void{
= new Array();
= new Array();
public static function AddActeur(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c):void{
public static function GetNbActeurs():int{
return ( .length);
public static function ():Array{
return ( );
public static function AddLevelLayer(_arg1:LevelLayer_c):void{
public static function RemoveActeur(_arg1:ObjetMoteur_c):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if ( [_local2] == _arg1){
.splice(_local2, 1);
trace(((("WARNING :: Camera_c :: RemoveActeur :: Acteur not found : " + _arg1) + "/") + .length));
}//package TheGameAS3
Section 413
//FPSCounter_c (TheGameAS3.FPSCounter_c)
package TheGameAS3 {
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import TheGameAS3.Teams.*;
public class FPSCounter_c implements Updatable_i {
private static var :FPSCounter_c;
private static var :Number = -1;
private static var :Number;
private static var :TextField;
private static var :Number;
private static var
:Number = -1;
private static var :Number = 33;
private static var :Number = -1;
public function FPSCounter_c():void{
= 0;
= 94;
public function ():TextField{
return ();
public function OnAdd(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function SetEnable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
var _local3:Point;
if ( == -1){
if (.parent == null){
= (getTimer() - );
= getTimer();
var _local2 = (Number(((System.totalMemory / 0x0400) / 0x0400)).toFixed(2) + " Mb");
.text = (((((((((((((((((((((((((("DEBUG \nFPS : " + ) + "\n") + "MS : ") +
) + "\n") + "MEM : ") + _local2) + "\n") + "Nb Update : ") + _arg1.GetNBUpdatable()) + "\n") + "Nb Enemy : ") + _arg1.GetEnemyManager().GetNbEnemy()) + "\n") + "Enemy In : ") + _arg1.GetEnemyManager().GetNbEnemyInLayer()) + "\n") + "Nb Acteurs : ") + Camera_c.GetNbActeurs()) + "\n") + "Nb Son : ") + Jukebox_c.GetNbSounds()) + "\n") + "Nb ObjM : ") + ObjetMoteur_c.GetNbObjets()) + "\n");
if (_arg1.GetActionLevelLayer() != null){
_local3 = new Point(_arg1.mouseX, _arg1.mouseY);
_local3 = _arg1.GetCamera().ConvertPointToMoteur(_local3, _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer());
.appendText((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("Nb Lines : " + _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer().GetLinesInRange(0, 0, -1).length) + "\n") + "Nb Points : ") + _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer().GetPointsInRange(0, 0, -1).length) + "\n") + "Nb TeamCol : ") + _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer().GetTeamCollision(TeamFactory.ALL_TEAM).length) + "\n") + "X : ") + Math.round(_local3.x)) + "\n") + "Y : ") + Math.round(_local3.y)) + "\n") + "HX : ") + Math.round(_arg1.GetHeroManager().GetPlayer(HeroManager_c.HERO_1).px)) + "\n") + "HY : ") + Math.round(_arg1.GetHeroManager().GetPlayer(HeroManager_c.HERO_1).py)) + "\n") + "LevelPart : ") + _arg1.GetActionLevelLayer().GetLevelPartContainer().numChildren) + "\n") + "HERO : ") + Hero_c(_arg1.GetHeroManager().GetPlayer(HeroManager_c.HERO_1)).GetLineInView().length) + "\n") + "EnemyLeft : ") + MCGame(_arg1).GetEnemyCreator().enemyLeft));
if (( - ) >= 1000){
= ;
= getTimer();
= 0;
public function OnRemove(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function IsEnabled():Boolean{
return (true);
public function Destroy():void{
if (((!(( == null))) && (!((.parent == null))))){
private static function Start():void{
= getTimer();
= getTimer();
= getTimer();
public static function GetInstance():FPSCounter_c{
if ( == null){
= new (FPSCounter_c);
return ();
public static function GetMsPerFrame():Number{
return (
public static function ():Number{
return ();
public static function Init(_arg1:Number=0xFFFFFF):void{
if ( == null){
= new TextField();
.selectable = false;
.textColor = _arg1;
.multiline = true;
.height = 600;
.mouseEnabled = false;
}//package TheGameAS3
Section 414
//Game_c (TheGameAS3.Game_c)
package TheGameAS3 {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Weapon.*;
import TheGameAS3.Enemy.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Effects.*;
import TheGameAS3.Scenario.*;
import TheGameAS3.Items.*;
import TheGameAS3.Visuel.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Debug.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class Game_c extends MovieClip {
protected var _actionLayer:LevelLayer_c;// = null
protected var _level:int;
protected var _heroMgr:HeroManager_c;
protected var _eventManager:EventManager_c;
protected var :FPSCounter_c;
protected var :Boolean;// = false
protected var :AmmoManager_c;
protected var _lvlMgr:LevelManager_c;
private var :Array;
protected var _camera:Camera_c;
protected var :SpeedManager;
private var :Array;
protected var :EffectManager_c;
protected var _paused:Boolean;// = false
protected var _inGameUIMgr:IngameUIManager;
protected var _enemyMgr:EnemyManager_c;
protected var :Boolean;
protected var :LevelEventManager;
protected var :ItemManager_c;
protected var _mcBackgroundTexture:Bitmap;
protected var _visualBackground:String;
private var
:Boolean;// = false
protected var :String;
protected var _levelConfig_xml:XML;// = null
public static var
:Boolean = false;
public static var NB_FRAMES:Number = 1;
public static var DEBUG:Boolean = false;
public static var :Boolean = false;
public function Game_c(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:XML, _arg4:int, _arg5:String="", _arg6:Boolean=false){
= _arg5;
_level = _arg4;
= _arg6;
= new Array();
= new Array();
_camera = null;
_lvlMgr = null;
= null;
_heroMgr = null;
_eventManager = new EventManager_c();
= new ItemManager_c();
= FPSCounter_c.GetInstance();
_heroMgr = new HeroManager_c();
_camera = new Camera_c(this, _arg1, _arg2);
= new AmmoManager_c();
_enemyMgr = new EnemyManager_c();
_lvlMgr = new LevelManager_c();
= new SpeedManager();
= new EffectManager_c(this);
_inGameUIMgr = new IngameUIManager();
= new LevelEventManager();
private function (_arg1:Event):void{
removeEventListener(VisuelFactory_c.LIST_PNG_COMPLETE, );
public function GetItemManager():ItemManager_c{
return ();
public function GetEventManager():EventManager_c{
return (_eventManager);
protected function GetVisualContainer():MovieClip{
return (this);
public function get
return ((this is LevelEditor_c));
public function GetPlayer1():Hero_c{
return (_heroMgr.GetPlayer(HeroManager_c.HERO_1));
public function ReInit():void{
public function GetNBUpdatable():int{
return (.length);
public function RemoveUpdatable(_arg1:Updatable_i):void{
protected function PreInit(_arg1:XML):void{
_levelConfig_xml = _arg1;
addEventListener(VisuelFactory_c.LIST_PNG_COMPLETE, );
protected function (_arg1:XML):void{
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Boolean;
var _local6:Boolean;
var _local2:XMLList = _arg1.Layer;
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < _local2.length()) {
_local4 = Number(_local2[_local3].@z);
_local5 = ((_local2[_local3].@bDrawable == "true")) ? true : false;
_local6 = ((_local2[_local3].@bActionLayer == "true")) ? true : false;
_lvlMgr.CreateLayer(this, _local4, _local2[_local3], _local5, _local6,
, );
if (_local6){
if (_actionLayer == null){
_actionLayer = _lvlMgr.GetLayer(_local3);
} else {
throw (new Error("ERROR : Game_c :: CreateLayerFromXML :: MORE THAN ONE ACTION LAYER DETECTED"));
if (_actionLayer == null){
throw (new Error("ERROR : Game_c :: CreateLayerFromXML :: NO ACTION LAYER DETECTED"));
_visualBackground = _arg1.startPos.@visualStaticBack;
if (_visualBackground.indexOf(".png") != -1){
public function GetIngameUIManager():IngameUIManager{
return (_inGameUIMgr);
public function GetHeroManager():HeroManager_c{
return (_heroMgr);
public function GetLevelEventManager():LevelEventManager{
return ();
public function GetSpeedManager():SpeedManager{
return ();
public function get paused():Boolean{
return (_paused);
public function Init():void{
var _local1:Array = _lvlMgr.GetAllLayers();
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < _local1.length) {
if (){
Debug_c.AddDessinGroup(Debug_c.GD_LIGNE, GetActionLevelLayer().GetDebugContainer());
var _local3:Array = _levelConfig_xml.startPos.@hero1.split("~");
var _local4:Hero_c = _heroMgr.CreateHero(HeroManager_c.HERO_DIDIER_ID, GetActionLevelLayer(), HeroManager_c.HERO_1, Number(_local3[0]), Number(_local3[1]));
var _local5:Array = _levelConfig_xml.startPos.@cameraPos.split("~");
var _local6:Array = _levelConfig_xml.startPos.@cameraBounds.split("~");
_camera.SetBounds(Number(_local6[0]), Number(_local6[1]), Number(_local6[2]), Number(_local6[3]));
_camera.Goto(this, Number(_local5[0]), Number(_local5[1]), Number(_local5[2]));
var _local7:BitmapData = VisuelFactory_c.GetBitmapDataFromStr(_visualBackground, false);
if (_local7 != null){
_mcBackgroundTexture = new Bitmap(_local7);
GetVisualContainer().addChildAt(_mcBackgroundTexture, 0);
= true;
= false;
if (!
.InitLevel(this, _level);
} else {
_inGameUIMgr.visible = false;
public function GetEffectManager():EffectManager_c{
return ();
public function GetActionLevelLayer():LevelLayer_c{
return (_actionLayer);
public function Pause(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_paused = _arg1;
public function get isInit():Boolean{
return (
private function ():void{
var _local1:Updatable_i;
var _local2:Boolean;
var _local3:int;
while (.length > 0) {
_local1 = .shift();
_local2 = false;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < .length) {
if ([_local3] == _local1){
.splice(_local3, 1);
_local2 = true;
if (!_local2){
trace(("WARNING :: Game_c :: RemoveUpdatable :: Can't find the updatable : " + _local1));
public function Destroy():void{
if (_mcBackgroundTexture != null){
if (!
_actionLayer = null;
= true;
public function GetEnemyManager():EnemyManager_c{
return (_enemyMgr);
public function GetLevelManager():LevelManager_c{
return (_lvlMgr);
public function Update():void{
var _local2:Updatable_i;
if (!
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < .length) {
_local2 = Updatable_i([_local1]);
if (_local2.IsEnabled()){
if (!){
if (!
if (((.IsEnabled()) && ())){
if (_camera.IsEnabled()){
if (_lvlMgr.IsEnabled()){
if (KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.DELETE)){
Debug_c.DessineLigne(this, _heroMgr.GetPlayer(HeroManager_c.HERO_1).GetLineInView());
Debug_c.DessinePoints(this, GetActionLevelLayer().GetTeamCollision(7).concat(GetActionLevelLayer().GetPointsInRange(0, 0, -1)));
} else {
if (KeyMap_c.IsKeyReleased(Keyboard.DELETE)){
public function GetAmmoManager():AmmoManager_c{
return ();
public function AddUpdatable(_arg1:Updatable_i):void{
public function GetCamera():Camera_c{
return (_camera);
}//package TheGameAS3
Section 415
//IngameUIManager (TheGameAS3.IngameUIManager)
package TheGameAS3 {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
public class IngameUIManager {
private var :MovieClip;
private var :Array;
private var _context:Game_c;
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :MovieClip;
public function IngameUIManager(){
= new Array();
public function set visible(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
.visible = ;
.visible = ;
public function PlayFx(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:Function=null, _arg5:Object=null, _arg6:Array=null):MovieClip{
var _local7:MovieClip = AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(_arg1);
var _local8:Animation_c = new Animation_c(, _local7);
var _local9:Fx = new Fx(_context, _local8, _local7, (_arg3) ? -1 : _arg2, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6);
_local8.SetEndFunction(, IngameUIManager, [_local9]);
return (_local7);
private function
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if (Fx( [_local2]).mc == _arg1){
return (Fx( [_local2]));
return (null);
public function DestroyFxFromMc(_arg1:MovieClip):void{
var _local2:Fx =
public function GetAnimFromMc(_arg1:MovieClip):Animation_c{
return (
public function get visible():Boolean{
return ();
private function (_arg1:Fx):void{
if (_arg1.repeat != -1){
if (_arg1.repeat <= 0){
public function AddUIElement(_arg1:MovieClip):void{
public function
while ( .length > 0) {
( [0]);
public function Destroy():void{
while (.numChildren > 0) {
_context = null;
private function (_arg1:Fx):void{
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 < .length) {
if (_arg1 == [_local2]){
Fx( [_local2]).Destroy();
.splice(_local2, 1);
public function Init(_arg1:Game_c):void{
_context = _arg1;
= new MovieClip();
.name = "fxLayer";
= new MovieClip();
.name = "UI";
}//package TheGameAS3
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
class Fx {
private var :Function;
private var :Array;
private var :Animation_c;
private var :MovieClip;
private var :int;
private var :Object;
private static var _context:Game_c;
private function Fx(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Animation_c, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:int, _arg5:Function, _arg6:Object, _arg7:Array){
_context = _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
= _arg4;
= _arg5;
= _arg6;
= _arg7;
public function Destroy():void{
if (((!((.parent == null))) && (.parent.contains()))){
= null;
= null;
= null;
= null;
public function get mc():MovieClip{
return ();
public function DoCallback():void{
if ( != null){
.apply(, );
public function get anim():Animation_c{
return ();
public function get repeat():int{
return ();
public function set repeat(_arg1:int):void{
= _arg1;
Section 416
//LevelEditor_c (TheGameAS3.LevelEditor_c)
package TheGameAS3 {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Enemy.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import TheGameAS3.Scenario.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import TheGameAS3.Visuel.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import flash.text.*;
import TheGameAS3.LevelEditor.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import TheGameAS3.Teams.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class LevelEditor_c extends Game_c {
private var :LevelLayer_c;// = null
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :EventHelper_c;
private var
:Array;// = null
private var
public var
:Boolean;// = false
private var
private var
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var :FileReferenceList;
public var m_bAddCol:Boolean;// = false
private var :ScrollLevelPart_c;
private var :LEVEL_EDITOR;
private var :CamBoundsHelper_c;// = null
private var :Point;
public function LevelEditor_c(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:XML, _arg4:int, _arg5:Boolean=true){
var stageWidth = _arg1;
var stageHeight = _arg2;
var xml = _arg3;
var iLevel = _arg4;
var bForceLoad = _arg5;
= new FileReferenceList();
= new FileReference();
= SharedObject.getLocal("MC_LevelEditor");
= new Point();
= new EventHelper_c();
= new ScrollLevelPart_c();
try {
super(stageWidth, stageHeight, (((bForceLoad) || (!((xml == null))))) ? xml :
.data.actionXml, iLevel);
} catch(e:Error) {
.data.actionXml = null;
(, .evtCnt_mc.eventHelper_mc);
(, .imgHolder_mc);
override public function ReInit():void{
_levelConfig_xml =
.backLayer_mc.bIsOn = true;
.actionLayer_mc.bIsOn = true;
.frontLayer_mc.bIsOn = false;
.test_mc.bIsOn = true;
.Reset_mc.bIsOn = true;
if (_lvlMgr.GetLayer(2) != null){
_lvlMgr.GetLayer(2).visible = false;
.frontLayer_mc.visible = true;
} else {
.frontLayer_mc.visible = false;
public function ():XML{
var _local1:Array = _lvlMgr.GetAllLayers();
var _local2:XML = <Level></Level>
var _local3:XML = <startPos></startPos>
var _local4:Rectangle = .GetBounds();
_local2.@Name = "Level1";
_local3.@hero1 = ((Math.round(_heroMgr.GetPlayer(HeroManager_c.HERO_1).px) + "~") + Math.round(_heroMgr.GetPlayer(HeroManager_c.HERO_1).py));
_local3.@cameraPos = ((((Math.round(_camera.GetX()) + "~") + Math.round(_camera.GetY())) + "~") + Math.round(_camera.GetZ()));
_local3.@cameraBounds = ((((((Math.round(_local4.x) + "~") + Math.round((_local4.x + _local4.width))) + "~") + Math.round(_local4.y)) + "~") + Math.round((_local4.y + _local4.height)));
_local3.@visualStaticBack = _visualBackground;
var _local5:int;
while (_local5 < _local1.length) {
return (_local2);
override protected function GetVisualContainer():MovieClip{
return (.levelContainer_mc);
public function
var _local2:FileReference;
var _local3:Array =;
var _local4:uint;
while (_local4 < _local3.length) {
_local2 = FileReference(_local3[_local4]);
VisuelFactory_c.AddPNGToLoad(("Visuel/" +;
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (!
GetCamera().Move(this, 0, 0, ( * -50), 1, 1, 1);
} else {
if ( != null){
.SetZ((.GetZ() + ( * -50)));
public function
private function
if (ObjetMoteur_c.IsPaused()){
= false;
.btnContainer.btnShowEvent.gotoAndStop((EventSwitchHelper_c.isVisible) ? "ON" : "OFF");
private function
var _local2:MovieClip = MovieClip(;
if (((( == null)) || (((!(m_bAddCol)) && (!(
_local2.visible = false;
if (m_bAddCol){
} else {
if (
_local2.visible = true;
var _local3:* = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);
_local3 = GetCamera().ConvertPointToMoteur(_local3, );
_local3 = GetCamera().ConvertPointToScreen(_local3, );
_local2.x = _local3.x;
_local2.y = _local3.y;
private function
var _local2:Number = 5;
var _local3:Number = (_arg1.x % _local2);
var _local4:Number = (_arg1.y % _local2);
_arg1.x = (_arg1.x - _local3);
if (_local3 > (_local2 / 2)){
_arg1.x = (_arg1.x + _local2);
_arg1.y = (_arg1.y - _local4);
if (_local4 > (_local2 / 2)){
_arg1.y = (_arg1.y + _local2);
_arg1.x = Math.ceil(_arg1.x);
_arg1.y = Math.ceil(_arg1.y);
_arg1.x = (_arg1.x - (_arg1.x % 5));
_arg1.y = (_arg1.y - (_arg1.y % 5));
private function
= !(
if (
override public function Init():void{
.mouseChildren = false;
.mouseEnabled = false;
_camera.SetBounds(-50000, 50000, -50000, 50000);
var _local1:Array = _levelConfig_xml.startPos.@cameraBounds.split("~");
var _local2:Rectangle = new Rectangle(Number(_local1[0]), Number(_local1[2]), (Number(_local1[1]) - Number(_local1[0])), (Number(_local1[3]) - Number(_local1[2])));
= new CamBoundsHelper_c(GetActionLevelLayer(), _local2);
public function
var _local6:LineHelper_c;
var _local7:EventSwitchHelper_c;
var _local9:*;
var _local1:Array = _lvlMgr.GetAllLayers();
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:Array;
var _local4:Array;
var _local5:LevelLayer_c;
var _local8:* = 0;
while (_local8 < _local1.length) {
_local5 = _local1[_local8];
_local2 = _local5.GetLinesInRange(0, 0, -1);
_local3 = _local5.GetLinesInRange(0, 0, -1);
_local4 = _eventManager.GetSwitchByLayer(_local5);
_local9 = 0;
while (_local9 < _local2.length) {
_local6 = new LineHelper_c(_local5, _local2[_local9]);
_local9 = 0;
while (_local9 < _local3.length) {
_local9 = 0;
while (_local9 < _local4.length) {
_local7 = new EventSwitchHelper_c(_local5, _local4[_local9]);
public function
if (_arg1 == stage){
return (null);
var _local2:MovieClip = MovieClip(_arg1);
while (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!((_local2.parent == _local2.stage))) && (!((_local2 is SCROLL))))) && (!((_local2 is BtnAddCollision))))) && (!((_local2 is BtnAddEvent))))) && (!((_local2 is BtnDelete))))) && (!((_local2 is BtnShowGrid))))) && (!((_local2 is LineHelper_c))))) && (!((_local2 is BtnSave))))) && (!((_local2 is BtnLoad))))) && (!((_local2 is BtnOuvrir))))) && (!((_local2 is Hero_c))))) && (!((_local2 is Btn))))) && (!((_local2 is LevelLayer_c))))) && (!((_local2 is BtnShowEvent))))) && (!((_local2 is BtnShowLines))))) {
_local2 = MovieClip(_local2.parent);
return (_local2);
public function DeactivateAllMode(){
m_bAddCol = false;
= false;
public function
var _local2:* = new Point(
_local2 = GetCamera().ConvertPointToMoteur(_local2, _arg1);
var _local3:EventSwitch_c = _eventManager.CreateEventSwitch(_arg1, _local2.x, _local2.y, 10, TeamFactory.ALLY_EVENT_TEAM);
var _local4:EventSwitchHelper_c = new EventSwitchHelper_c(_arg1, _local3, true);
public function
= VisuelFactory_c.GetAllPng();
, this);
var _local1:* = 0;
while (_local1 <
.length) {
public function OnClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){
if (( is TextField)){
var _local2:* =
= true;
if ((_local2 is Btn)){
if (_local2.myPressFct != null){
} else {
if ((_local2 is BtnOuvrir)){
.browse([new FileFilter("Images (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png)", "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png")]);
} else {
if ((_local2 is BtnDelete)){
} else {
if ((_local2 is BtnAddCollision)){
} else {
if ((_local2 is BtnAddEvent)){
} else {
if ((_local2 is BtnShowEvent)){
} else {
if ((_local2 is BtnShowLines)){
} else {
if ((_local2 is LineHelper_c)){
} else {
if ((_local2 is BtnShowGrid)){
} else {
if ((_local2 is BtnSave)){
} else {
if ((_local2 is BtnLoad)){
} else {
if ((_local2 is Hero_c)){
} else {
if ((_local2 is SCROLL)){
trace(("Bounds : " + .GetBounds()));
_local2.startDrag(false, .GetBounds());
} else {
if ((_local2 is LevelLayer_c)){
if (m_bAddCol){
} else {
if (
} else {
if ( != null){
private function (_arg1:MovieClip){
var _local2:Array = _lvlMgr.GetAllLayers();
= !();
.btnContainer.btnShowGrid.gotoAndStop(() ? "ON" : "OFF");
var _local3:* = 0;
while (_local3 < _local2.length) {
_local2[_local3].GetLevelPartManager().LoadLevelPart(_camera, true);
public function ():void{
var _local1:Array = _enemyMgr.GetAllEnemy();
var _local2:* = 0;
while (_local2 < _local1.length) {
private function ():void{
m_bAddCol = false;
.btnContainer.btnShowLines.gotoAndStop((LineHelper_c.isVisible) ? "ON" : "OFF");
public function (){
public function OnClickToAddCollision(_arg1:LevelLayer_c):void{
var _local2:Point = new Point(
_local2 = GetCamera().ConvertPointToMoteur(_local2, _arg1);
var _local3:Line_c = new Line_c(_local2.x, _local2.x, _local2.y, _local2.y, false, false);
var _local4:LineHelper_c = new LineHelper_c(_arg1, _local3);
_local4.AttachRightToCursor(null, true);
public function (){
.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, );
.browse([new FileFilter("Xml (*.xml)", "*.xml;")]);
public function OnPressSwitch(_arg1:EventSwitchHelper_c){
if (EventSwitchHelper_c.m_selectedSwitch != null){
public function GetEventHelper(){
return ();
override public function Destroy():void{
if (((!((_mcBackgroundTexture == null))) && (.levelContainer_mc.contains(_mcBackgroundTexture)))){
_mcBackgroundTexture = null;
public function (_arg1:LevelLayer_c){
var _local4:Bitmap;
if (KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.SPACE)){
var _local2:* = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);
var _local3:LevelPart_c;
_local2 = GetCamera().ConvertPointToMoteur(_local2, _arg1);
_local2.x = Math.floor((_local2.x / 1000));
_local2.y = Math.floor((_local2.y / 1000));
if (!.IsDeleting()){
_local4 = .GetBitmapSelected();
if (_local4 == null){
_arg1.SetLevelPart(VisuelFactory_c.GetStrFromBmpData(_local4.bitmapData), _local2.x, _local2.y);
} else {
_arg1.SetLevelPart(null, _local2.x, _local2.y);
_arg1.GetLevelPartManager().LoadLevelPart(_camera, true);
private function
var _local1:Boolean =
= !(_local1);
) ? "ON" : "OFF");
if (
public function (){
public function
var _local1 = "LevelConfig2";
var _local2 = ("<?php" + "\n");
_local2 = (_local2 + ((("$fp = fopen( '" + _local1) + ".xml', 'wb' );") + "\n"));
_local2 = (_local2 + ("fwrite( $fp, $GLOBALS[ 'HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA' ] );" + "\n"));
_local2 = (_local2 + ("fclose( $fp );" + "\n"));
_local2 = (_local2 + "?>");
var _local3:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var _local4:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
var _local5:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
_local5.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, );
_local4.contentType = "application/octet-stream";
_local4.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = _local3;
public function ():void{
.backLayer_mc._txt.text = "Back Layer";
.actionLayer_mc._txt.text = "Action Layer";
.frontLayer_mc._txt.text = "Front Layer";
var fctLayer:Function = function ():void{
if (this.myLayer == null){
this.bIsOn = !(this.bIsOn);
this.gotoAndStop((this.bIsOn) ? "ON" : "OFF");
this.myLayer.visible = this.bIsOn;
.backLayer_mc.myLayer = _lvlMgr.GetLayer(0);
.actionLayer_mc.myLayer = _actionLayer;
.frontLayer_mc.myLayer = _lvlMgr.GetLayer(1);
.backLayer_mc.myPressFct = fctLayer;
.actionLayer_mc.myPressFct = fctLayer;
.frontLayer_mc.myPressFct = fctLayer;
.test_mc._txt.text = "Preview";
.test_mc.myPressFct = function ():void{
this.bIsOn = !(this.bIsOn);
this.gotoAndStop((this.bIsOn) ? "ON" : "OFF");
if (ObjetMoteur_c.IsPaused()){
_camera.( .GetBounds());
.data.actionXml = ();
.addChildAt(.levelContainer_mc, (.getChildIndex(.evtCnt_mc) - 1));
} else {
_camera.SetBounds(-50000, 50000, -50000, 50000);
.addChildAt(.levelContainer_mc, 0);
.Reset_mc._txt.text = "Reset";
.Reset_mc.myPressFct = function ():void{
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, OnClick);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, );
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, );
var tabAllLayer:Array = _lvlMgr.GetAllLayers();
var i:int;
while (i < tabAllLayer.length) {
tabAllLayer[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, );
i = (i + 1);
private function (_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:MovieClip):void{
if (_arg2.parent == null){
throw (new Error("MovieClip must be on stage"));
var _local3:DisplayObjectContainer = _arg2.parent;
var _local4:Number = _local3.getChildIndex(_arg2);
_arg1.x = _arg2.x;
_arg1.y = _arg2.y;
_local3.addChildAt(_arg1, _local4);
override public function Update():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Point;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
if (ObjetMoteur_c.IsPaused()){
if (((KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.LEFT)) || (KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(65)))){
_camera.Move(this, -60, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1);
if (((KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.RIGHT)) || (KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(68)))){
_camera.Move(this, 60, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1);
if (((KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.UP)) || (KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(87)))){
_camera.Move(this, 0, -60, 0, 1, 1, 1);
if (((KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.DOWN)) || (KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(83)))){
_camera.Move(this, 0, 60, 0, 1, 1, 1);
if (!.IsOpen()){
if (((KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.SPACE)) && (
_local1 = (( == null)) ? 1 : (100 / .GetZoom());
_camera.Move(this, ((.x - mouseX) * _local1), ((.y - mouseY) * _local1), 0, 1, 1, 1);
if (KeyMap_c.IsKeyDown(Keyboard.DELETE)){
if (LineHelper_c.m_selectedLine != null){
if (EventSwitchHelper_c.m_selectedSwitch != null){
if (KeyMap_c.IsKeyPressed(86)){
if (KeyMap_c.IsKeyPressed(69)){
.x = mouseX;
.y = mouseY;
if ( != null){
_local2 = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);
_local2 = _camera.ConvertPointToMoteur(_local2, );
_local2.x = Math.round(_local2.x);
_local2.y = Math.round(_local2.y);
_local3 = Math.round(_camera.GetX());
_local4 = Math.round(_camera.GetY());
_local5 = Math.round((_local2.x - _local3));
_local6 = Math.round((_local2.y - _local4));
.layer_txt.text = .GetName();
.x_txt.text = ((((_local3 + ((_local5 > 0)) ? " + " : " - ") + Math.abs(_local5)) + " = ") + _local2.x);
.y_txt.text = ((((_local4 + ((_local6 > 0)) ? " + " : " - ") + Math.abs(_local6)) + " = ") + _local2.y);
.z_txt.text = String(_camera.GetZ());
} else {
.layer_txt.text = "Aucun";
.x_txt.text = "---";
.y_txt.text = "---";
.z_txt.text = "---";
private function (_arg1:Event){
var _local2:* = ();
.data.actionXml = _local2;
var _local3:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var _local4:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
var _local5:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
_local4.contentType = "application/octet-stream";
_local4.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = _local3;
public function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (( is TextField)){
= false;
var _local2:MovieClip =
if (!(_local2 is ObjetMoteur_c)){
var _local3:ObjetMoteur_c = ObjetMoteur_c(_local2);
var _local4:Point = new Point(0, 0);
_local4 = _local3.localToGlobal(_local4);
_local4 = GetCamera().ConvertPointToMoteur(_local4, LevelLayer_c(_local3.GetLayer()));
_local3.px = _local4.x; = _local4.y;
if ((_local3 is Hero_c)){
_levelConfig_xml.startPos.@hero1 = ((_local3.px + "~") +;
private function ():void{
var _local1:Boolean = m_bAddCol;
m_bAddCol = !(_local1);
.btnContainer.btnAddCol.gotoAndStop((m_bAddCol) ? "ON" : "OFF");
if (m_bAddCol){
private function (_arg1:Event):void{
= LevelLayer_c(;
public function (_arg1:Event){
.removeEventListener(Event.SELECT, );
LevelXMLLoader.LoadXML(("Level/XML/" +
.name), PreInit, this);
}//package TheGameAS3
Section 417
//LevelStats (TheGameAS3.LevelStats)
package TheGameAS3 {
public class LevelStats {
private var _level:int;
private var
private var :int;// = 0
private var
private var :LevelTimeAward;
private var :int;// = 0
private var :LevelTimeAward;
private var :LevelTimeAward;
private var :int;// = 0
public static const BRONZE:int = 2;
private static const SECOND:int = 36;
public static const GOLD:int = 4;
public static const SILVER:int = 3;
public static const NONE:int = 1;
public function LevelStats(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int){
= new LevelTimeAward((SECOND * 360), (SECOND * 240), (SECOND * 120));
= new LevelTimeAward((SECOND * 420), (SECOND * 300), (SECOND * 210));
= new LevelTimeAward((SECOND * 360), (SECOND * 210), (SECOND * 135));
= new LevelTimeAward((SECOND * 360), (SECOND * 210), (SECOND * 135));
= new LevelTimeAward((SECOND * 240), (SECOND * 180), (SECOND * 120));
_level = _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
= _arg4;
public function IsCleared():Boolean{
return (((((!(( == -1))) && (!(( == -1))))) && (!(( == -1)))));
public function PassDamageAward(_arg1:int):Boolean{
if ( == -1){
return (false);
switch (_arg1){
case GOLD:
return (( <= 25));
case SILVER:
return (( <= 75));
case BRONZE:
return (( <= 125));
return (false);
public function GetKillAwardIndex():int{
if (PassKillAward(GOLD)){
return (GOLD);
if (PassKillAward(SILVER)){
return (SILVER);
if (PassKillAward(BRONZE)){
return (BRONZE);
return (NONE);
public function get level():int{
return (_level);
public function get time():int{
return ();
private function ():LevelTimeAward{
switch (_level){
case 1:
return (
case 2:
return ();
case 3:
return ();
case 4:
return (
case 5:
return ();
return (null);
public function Decode(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:Array = _arg1.split("~");
if (_local2.length != 3){
throw (new Error(("Error decoding Level stats : " + _arg1)));
= int(_local2[0]);
= int(_local2[1]);
= int(_local2[2]);
public function get kill():int{
return ();
public function PassTimeAward(_arg1:int):Boolean{
if ( == -1){
return (false);
var _local2:LevelTimeAward = ();
switch (_arg1){
case GOLD:
return (( <=;
case SILVER:
return (( <= _local2.silver));
case BRONZE:
return (( <= _local2.bronze));
return (false);
public function GetDamageAwardIndex():int{
if (PassDamageAward(GOLD)){
return (GOLD);
if (PassDamageAward(SILVER)){
return (SILVER);
if (PassDamageAward(BRONZE)){
return (BRONZE);
return (NONE);
public function set damage(_arg1:int):void{
if ( == -1){
= _arg1;
} else {
if ( > _arg1){
= _arg1;
public function set time(_arg1:int):void{
if ( == -1){
= _arg1;
} else {
if ( > _arg1){
= _arg1;
public function PassKillAward(_arg1:int):Boolean{
if ( == -1){
return (false);
switch (_arg1){
case GOLD:
return (( >= 100));
case SILVER:
return (( >= 75));
case BRONZE:
return (( >= 50));
return (false);
public function get damage():int{
return ();
public function Encode():String{
return ((((( + "~") + ) + "~") + ));
public function set kill(_arg1:int):void{
if ( == -1){
= _arg1;
} else {
if ( < _arg1){
= _arg1;
public function GetTimeAwardIndex():int{
if (PassTimeAward(GOLD)){
return (GOLD);
if (PassTimeAward(SILVER)){
return (SILVER);
if (PassTimeAward(BRONZE)){
return (BRONZE);
return (NONE);
}//package TheGameAS3
class LevelTimeAward {
private var :int;
private var :int;
private var :int;
private function LevelTimeAward(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int){
= _arg1;
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
public function get gold():int{
return ();
public function get bronze():int{
return ();
public function get silver():int{
return ();
Section 418
//MCGame (TheGameAS3.MCGame)
package TheGameAS3 {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.*;
import TheGameAS3.Enemy.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Physique.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class MCGame extends Game_c {
protected var :EnemyCreator;
protected var :RalfManager;
private var :Main_c;
public function MCGame(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:XML, _arg4:int, _arg5:Main_c, _arg6:String="", _arg7:Boolean=false){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg6, _arg7);
= new RalfManager();
= new EnemyCreator();
= _arg5;
override public function Destroy():void{
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, );
public function GetHelper():int{
var _local1:LevelEvent2;
if ((((GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_3)) && ((GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_4)))){
return (RalfManager.PERSO_ROX_IDLE);
if (GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_1){
return (RalfManager.PERSO_RALF_IDLE);
if (GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_2){
_local1 = LevelEvent2(GetLevelEventManager().GetCurrentLevelEvent());
if (((_local1.inBoss) && (_local1.boss2Cleared))){
return (RalfManager.PERSO_ROX_IDLE);
if (!_local1.inBoss){
return (RalfManager.PERSO_RALF_IDLE);
return (-1);
override public function Update():void{
if (!_paused){
if (KeyMap_c.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.HOME)){
GetSpeedManager().SetSpeed(((GetSpeedManager().GetSpeed() > 1)) ? 1 : 4);
if (KeyMap_c.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.PAGE_UP)){
public function CreateAllEnemy(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean=true, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{
var _local6:DisplayObject;
var _local7:String;
var _local4:MovieClip = AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(_arg1);
var _local5:int;
while (_local5 < _local4.numChildren) {
_local6 = _local4.getChildAt(_local5);
_local7 = (((( == null)) || (( == "")))) ? "NONE" :;
if ((((_local6 is ENEMY_TURRET_1_IDLE)) && (_arg2))){
.AddEnemy(EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_TURRET_1, _local6.x, _local6.y, _local7, _arg3);
} else {
if ((((_local6 is ENEMY_TURRET_2_IDLE)) && (_arg2))){
.AddEnemy(EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_TURRET_2, _local6.x, _local6.y, _local7, _arg3);
} else {
if ((_local6 is ENEMY_THUG_IDLE)){
.AddEnemy(EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_THUG, _local6.x, _local6.y, _local7, _arg3);
} else {
if ((_local6 is ENEMY_1_IDLE)){
.AddEnemy(EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_1, _local6.x, _local6.y, _local7, _arg3);
} else {
if ((_local6 is ENEMY_BOSS_IDLE)){
.AddEnemy(EnemyFactory_c.ID_ENEMY_BOSS, _local6.x, _local6.y, _local7, _arg3);
} else {
if ((_local6 is ENEMY_BOSS_2_IDLE)){
} else {
if ((_local6 is ENEMY_BOSS_3_IDLE)){
} else {
if ((_local6 is ENEMY_BOSS_4_UPPERBODY_IDLE)){
} else {
if ((_local6 is FX_WAVE)){
} else {
if ((_local6 is FX_DOOR_METAL)){
public function GetRalfManager():RalfManager{
return ();
private function
var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:DisplayObject;
if ((_arg1 is DisplayObjectContainer)){
_local2 = DisplayObjectContainer(_arg1);
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local2.numChildren) {
_local4 = _local2.getChildAt(_local3);
if ((_local4 is MovieClip)){
public function ReturnToMenu(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{
public function CanDirtFloor():Boolean{
return ((((((((GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_1)) || ((GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_2)))) || ((GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_5)))) || ((GameOptions.mode == GameOptions.MODE_SURVIVAL))));
override public function Init():void{
var _local1:UI_PLAYER_TAG = UI_PLAYER_TAG(AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_PLAYER_TAG));
GetPlayer1().playerTag = _local1;
_local1.x = 100;
_local1.y = 65;
public function GetEnemyCreator():EnemyCreator{
return ();
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:Number;
if (!GetCamera().IsCinematic()){
_local2 = (GetCamera().GetZ() + ( * -100));
_local2 = Math.min(2000, Math.max(1000, _local2));
}//package TheGameAS3
Section 419
//RalfManager (TheGameAS3.RalfManager)
package TheGameAS3 {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Hero.*;
import Multilingual.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import flash.text.*;
public class RalfManager {
private var :int;// = -1
private var
private var :Function;
private var :int;// = 0
private var :Array;
private var :int;// = 4320
private var :UI_INGAME_TIMER;
private var :UI_INGAME_TEXT;
private var :Array;
private var :UI_INGAME_TEXT_IN;
private var :Array;
public static const MINUTE:int = 2160;
public static const PERSO_RALF_DIED:int = AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_PILOTE_DIED;
public static const PERSO_RALF_DIE:int = AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_PILOTE_DIE;
public static const PERSO_RALF_IDLE:int = AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_PILOTE_IDLE;
public static const PERSO_ROX_IDLE:int = AnimationFactory_c.ID_FX_ROX_IDLE;
public function (_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:String):void{
var _local3:MovieClip = _arg1.GetIngameUIManager().PlayFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_INGAME_AWARD, 0, false);
_local3.x = (Camera_c.WIDTH_VIEW / 2);
_local3.y = ((Camera_c.HEIGHT_VIEW / 2) - 100);
_local3.parent.setChildIndex(_local3, 0);
TextField(MovieClip(_local3.getChildByName("award")).getChildByName("txt")).text = _arg2;
public function TickTimer():Boolean{
if ( != null){
return (( > 0));
public function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
if ( != null){
= null;
public function CloseTimer(_arg1:Game_c):void{
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (.length <= 0){
var _local2:String = TextFactory.GetMsg(.shift());
= .shift();
if ( == null){
= UI_INGAME_TEXT(_arg1.GetIngameUIManager().PlayFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_INGAME_TEXT, 1, true));
.x = 170;
.y = 465;
.txt.text = _local2;
public function PlayTimer(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:int, _arg3:String):void{
= UI_INGAME_TIMER(_arg1.GetIngameUIManager().PlayFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_INGAME_TIMER, 1, true, , RalfManager, [_arg1]));
.x = 565;
.y = 75;
.desc1.text = _arg3;
.desc2.text = _arg3;
= _arg2;
private function
var _local2:UI_INGAME_TEXT_OUT = UI_INGAME_TEXT_OUT(_arg1.GetIngameUIManager().PlayFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_INGAME_TEXT_OUT, 1, false));
_local2.x = 170;
_local2.y = 465;
if ( == PERSO_RALF_DIE){
} else {
= -1;
public function Destroy(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function ShowMessage(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Array, _arg4:int, _arg5:Function=null, _arg6:Object=null, _arg7:Array=null):void{
if (_arg3.length != _arg2.length){
throw (new Error("the arrays must have same size"));
if ((((_arg4 == )) || (( == -1)))){
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
= UI_INGAME_TEXT_IN(_arg1.GetIngameUIManager().PlayFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_INGAME_TEXT_IN, 1, false, , RalfManager, [_arg1]));
.x = 170;
.y = 625;
= _arg4;
= _arg5;
= _arg6;
= _arg7;
} else {
= ShowMessage;
= this;
= [_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7];
public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if ( != null){
if ( < 0){
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
if ( != null){
= null;
private function ():void{
var _local1:int = ;
var _local2:int = Math.floor((_local1 / 2160));
_local1 = (_local1 - (2160 * _local2));
var _local3:int = Math.floor((_local1 / 36));
_local1 = (_local1 - (36 * _local3));
var _local4:int = Math.floor(((_local1 / 36) * 100));
var _local5:String = Utils.FrameToTime(, 36);
.txt1.text = _local5;
.txt2.text = _local5;
if ((((_local2 <= 0)) && ((_local3 <= 30)))){
.txt1.textColor = 0xFF0000;
if (_local4 < 5){
.txt1.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
} else {
if (_local4 < 5){
.txt1.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
} else {
.txt1.textColor = 0xFF9900;
private function (_arg1:Game_c):void{
if ( != null){
= null;
private function ():void{
var _local1:Function;
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:Array;
if (((!(( == null))) && (!((
== null))))){
_local1 = ;
_local2 =
_local3 = ;
= null;
= null;
= null;
_local1.apply(_local2, _local3);
public function ShowLevelStats(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Hero_c, _arg3:int):void{
var _local4:MovieClip = _arg1.GetIngameUIManager().PlayFx(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_INGAME_LEVEL_STATS, 0, false);
_arg1.GetIngameUIManager().GetAnimFromMc(_local4).playChildren = false;
var _local5:MovieClip = MovieClip(_local4.getChildByName("stats"));
var _local6:String = Utils.FrameToTime(_arg2.timePlayed, 36);
var _local7:String = String(_arg2.killPct);
var _local8:String = String(_arg2.dmgTook);
var _local9:LevelStats = new LevelStats(_arg3, _arg2.timePlayed, _arg2.killPct, _arg2.dmgTook);
var _local10:int = _local9.GetTimeAwardIndex();
var _local11:int = _local9.GetKillAwardIndex();
var _local12:int = _local9.GetDamageAwardIndex();
_local4.x = (Camera_c.WIDTH_VIEW / 2);
_local4.y = ((Camera_c.HEIGHT_VIEW / 2) - 100);
_local4.parent.setChildIndex(_local4, 0);
TextField(_local5.getChildByName("time1")).text = _local6;
TextField(_local5.getChildByName("time2")).text = _local6;
TextField(_local5.getChildByName("kills1")).text = _local7;
TextField(_local5.getChildByName("kills2")).text = _local7;
TextField(_local5.getChildByName("damage1")).text = _local8;
TextField(_local5.getChildByName("damage2")).text = _local8;
var _local13:MovieClip = MovieClip(_local5.getChildByName("timeStar"));
var _local14:MovieClip = MovieClip(_local5.getChildByName("killStar"));
var _local15:MovieClip = MovieClip(_local5.getChildByName("dmgStar"));
if (_local10 > 1){
} else {
_local13.visible = false;
if (_local11 > 1){
} else {
_local14.visible = false;
if (_local12 > 1){
} else {
_local15.visible = false;
}//package TheGameAS3
Section 420
//SpeedManager (TheGameAS3.SpeedManager)
package TheGameAS3 {
public class SpeedManager implements Updatable_i {
private var :Boolean;// = true
private var :Number;// = 1
private var :int;
private var :Array;
private var :Object;
private var :Function;
private var _vitesse:Number;// = 1
private var :Number;// = 1
private var :Number;// = 1
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :int;// = 1
public static var NB_FRAMES:Number = 1;
public function (_arg1:Number):void{
= _arg1;
private function DoCallback():void{
if (((!(( == null))) && (!(( == null))))){
.apply(, );
= null;
= null;
= null;
public function SetEnable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public function IsEnabled():Boolean{
return ();
public function IsBulletTime():Boolean{
return ((_vitesse == 0.1));
public function OnAdd(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function (_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Number, _arg3:int, _arg4:int=500, _arg5:int=1000, _arg6:Function=null, _arg7:Object=null, _arg8:Array=null):void{
= true;
= _arg3;
= _arg5;
= _arg6;
= _arg7;
= _arg8;
public function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void{
if (){
if ( <= 0){
= false;
_vitesse = (_vitesse + );
= ( * 1.1);
if (Math.abs((_vitesse - )) <= Math.abs()){
public function OnRemove(_arg1:Game_c):void{
public function GetSpeed():Number{
return ((_vitesse * ));
public function GetFrameSpeed():Number{
return ((GetSpeed() * NB_FRAMES));
public function SetSpeed(_arg1:Number):void{
_vitesse = _arg1;
public function
(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{
= _arg3;
= ((_arg3 - _arg2) / _arg4);
}//package TheGameAS3
Section 421
//Updatable_i (TheGameAS3.Updatable_i)
package TheGameAS3 {
public interface Updatable_i {
function OnAdd(_arg1:Game_c):void;
function SetEnable(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function IsEnabled():Boolean;
function Update(_arg1:Game_c):void;
function OnRemove(_arg1:Game_c):void;
}//package TheGameAS3
Section 422
//Btn (Btn)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class Btn extends MovieClip {
public var bIsOn:Boolean;
public var _txt:TextField;
public function Btn(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
_txt.mouseEnabled = false;
bIsOn = true;
Section 423
//BtnAddCollision (BtnAddCollision)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class BtnAddCollision extends MovieClip {
public function BtnAddCollision(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 424
//BtnAddEvent (BtnAddEvent)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class BtnAddEvent extends MovieClip {
public function BtnAddEvent(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 425
//BtnDelete (BtnDelete)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class BtnDelete extends MovieClip {
public function BtnDelete(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 426
//BtnLoad (BtnLoad)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class BtnLoad extends MovieClip {
public function BtnLoad(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 427
//BtnOuvrir (BtnOuvrir)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class BtnOuvrir extends MovieClip {
Section 428
//BtnSave (BtnSave)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class BtnSave extends MovieClip {
public function BtnSave(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 429
//BtnShowEvent (BtnShowEvent)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class BtnShowEvent extends MovieClip {
public function BtnShowEvent(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 430
//BtnShowGrid (BtnShowGrid)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class BtnShowGrid extends MovieClip {
public function BtnShowGrid(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 431
//BtnShowLines (BtnShowLines)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class BtnShowLines extends MovieClip {
public function BtnShowLines(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 432
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CAM_BOUNDS_SIDE extends MovieClip {
Section 433
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class COLLISION_CURSEUR extends MovieClip {
public function COLLISION_CURSEUR(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 434
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class EVENT_HELPER extends MovieClip {
public var newPanel_mc:MovieClip;
public var new_mc:MovieClip;
public var btnOpen_mc:MovieClip;
public var btnCopy_mc:MovieClip;
public var name_txt:TextField;
Section 435
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class EVENT_SWITCH_HELPER extends MovieClip {
public var recSelection:MovieClip;
public var border_mc:MovieClip;
Section 436
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class EVENT_TAB extends MovieClip {
public var btn_mc:MovieClip;
public var bas_mc:MovieClip;
public var delete_mc:MovieClip;
public var name_txt:TextField;
public var btnOk_mc:MovieClip;
public var haut_mc:MovieClip;
Section 437
//FlashPlayerVersion (FlashPlayerVersion)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import CoreAS.Exported.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.external.*;
public class FlashPlayerVersion {
public static const BROWSER_IE6:int = ++;
public static const BROWSER_IE8:int = ++;
public static const BROWSER_IE5:int = ++;
public static const BROWSER_UNKNOWN:int = ++;
public static const BROWSER_FF3:int = ++;
public static const BROWSER_UNAVAILABLE:int = ++;
public static const BROWSER_FF2:int = ++;
public static const BROWSER_IE7:int = ++;
private static var :int = -1;
public static function get ():String{
if (ExternalInterface.available){
return ("function getBrowser() { return navigator.userAgent; }"));
return ("");
public static function get ():int{
var _local1:String = ;
if ((((_local1 == null)) || ((_local1 == "")))){
if (_local1.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie 5.0") != -1){
return (BROWSER_IE5);
if (_local1.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie 6.0") != -1){
return (BROWSER_IE6);
if (_local1.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie 7.0") != -1){
return (BROWSER_IE7);
if (_local1.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie 8.0") != -1){
return (BROWSER_IE8);
if (_local1.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox/2") != -1){
return (BROWSER_FF2);
if (_local1.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox/3") != -1){
return (BROWSER_FF3);
public static function get flashPlayerMajorVersion():Number{
var _local1:String = Capabilities.version;
var _local2:Array = _local1.split(",");
var _local3:Array = _local2[0].split(" ");
var _local4:Number = parseInt(_local3[1]);
return (_local4);
public static function (_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Boolean{
var _local8:FLASHNEEDED;
var _local4:String = Capabilities.version;
var _local5:Array = _local4.split(",");
var _local6:Array = _local5[0].split(" ");
var _local7:Number = parseInt(_local6[1]);
if ((_local7 < 9)){
_local8 = new FLASHNEEDED();
_local8.x = (_arg2 / 2);
_local8.y = (_arg3 / 2);
return ((_local7 >= 9));
Section 438
//FPSCounter (FPSCounter)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class FPSCounter extends MovieClip {
public var _txt:TextField;
Section 439
//GameOptions (GameOptions)
package {
import TheGameAS3.*;
public class GameOptions {
private static const NUM_LEVEL:int = 6;
public static const MODE_SURVIVAL:int = 6;
public static const MODE_LEVEL_1:int = 1;
public static const MODE_LEVEL_2:int = 2;
public static const MODE_LEVEL_4:int = 4;
public static const MODE_LEVEL_5:int = 5;
public static const MODE_LEVEL_3:int = 3;
private static var :Boolean = false;
public static var DEBUG_ALL_GUN_WITH_E:Boolean = false;
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var :Boolean = true;
private static var :Boolean = true;
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var
:Boolean = false;
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var _mode:int = 0;
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var :Boolean = false;
public static var DEBUG_NO_COLLISION:Boolean = false;
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var :SharedObject;
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var
:Boolean = false;
private static var :Array = new Array();
private static var
:Boolean = false;
private static var :Boolean = false;
private static var :Boolean = false;
public static function Load():void{
var _local2:LevelStats;
var _local3:String;
= SharedObject.getLocal("MCC_GAME");
= .data.passTheGame;
= .data.muteSound;
= .data.muteMusic;
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < NUM_LEVEL) {
_local2 = new LevelStats((_local1 + 1), -1, -1, -1);
_local3 = .data[("levelStats" + (_local1 + 1))];
if (_local3 != null){
[_local1] = _local2;
= rocketUnlocked;
= mortarUnlocked;
= flameUnlocked;
= homingUnlocked;
= goldMCUnlocked;
public static function set muteMusic(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
.data.muteMusic = ;
public static function IsLevelMode():Boolean{
return (!((_mode == MODE_SURVIVAL)));
public static function get numGold():int{
return ((LevelStats.GOLD));
public static function get newlyUnlockedRocket():Boolean{
return ();
public static function get levelCompleted():int{
if (GetLevelStats(5).IsCleared()){
return (MODE_LEVEL_5);
if (GetLevelStats(4).IsCleared()){
return (MODE_LEVEL_4);
if (GetLevelStats(3).IsCleared()){
return (MODE_LEVEL_3);
if (GetLevelStats(2).IsCleared()){
return (MODE_LEVEL_2);
if (GetLevelStats(1).IsCleared()){
return (MODE_LEVEL_1);
return (0);
public static function get isBerzerk():Boolean{
return ();
public static function get newlyUnlockedHoming():Boolean{
return (
public static function get
return ((numSilver >= 12));
public static function get level2Unlocked():Boolean{
return (GetLevelStats(1).IsCleared());
public static function get level3Unlocked():Boolean{
return (GetLevelStats(2).IsCleared());
public static function get level4Unlocked():Boolean{
return (GetLevelStats(3).IsCleared());
public static function get flameUnlocked():Boolean{
return ((((numSilver >= 3)) && ()));
public static function get numSilver():int{
return ((LevelStats.SILVER));
public static function get level5Unlocked():Boolean{
return ((((numSilver >= 6)) && (GetLevelStats(4).IsCleared())));
public static function set mode(_arg1:int):void{
_mode = _arg1;
public static function set newlyUnlockedRocket(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public static function GetLevelStats(_arg1:int):LevelStats{
return ([(_arg1 - 1)]);
public static function set isBerzerk(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public static function get nextLevel():int{
if (level5Unlocked){
return (MODE_LEVEL_5);
if (level4Unlocked){
return (MODE_LEVEL_4);
if (level3Unlocked){
return (MODE_LEVEL_3);
if (level2Unlocked){
return (MODE_LEVEL_2);
return (MODE_LEVEL_1);
public static function get newlyUnlockedGolden():Boolean{
return ();
public static function set newlyUnlockedHoming(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public static function set passTheGame(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public static function get isKong():Boolean{
return ();
public static function IsSurvivalMode():Boolean{
return ((_mode == MODE_SURVIVAL));
public static function get muteSound():Boolean{
return ();
public static function ():void{
.data.passTheGame = false;
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < NUM_LEVEL) {
.data[("levelStats" + (_local1 + 1))] = null;
public static function get muteMusic():Boolean{
return ();
public static function set isNonExclusiveVersion(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public static function get mortarUnlocked():Boolean{
return ((numBronze >= 6));
public static function ():void{
var _local2:LevelStats;
var _local1 = 1;
while (_local1 <= 5) {
_local2 = GameOptions.GetLevelStats(_local1);
_local2.time = 1;
_local2.kill = 100;
_local2.damage = 0;
= false;
public static function get numLevel():int{
return (() ? NUM_LEVEL : (NUM_LEVEL - 1));
public static function get mode():int{
return (_mode);
public static function Save():void{
= ((!()) && (rocketUnlocked));
= ((!()) && (mortarUnlocked));
= ((!( )) && (flameUnlocked));
= ((!(
)) && (homingUnlocked));
= ((!()) && (goldMCUnlocked));
= rocketUnlocked;
= mortarUnlocked;
= flameUnlocked;
= homingUnlocked;
= goldMCUnlocked;
if (! ){
.data.passTheGame =
.data.muteSound = ;
.data.muteMusic = ;
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < NUM_LEVEL) {
if ([_local1] != null){
.data[("levelStats" + (_local1 + 1))] = LevelStats([_local1]).Encode();
} else {
.data[("levelStats" + (_local1 + 1))] = null;
public static function get passTheGame():Boolean{
return (
public static function set newlyUnlockedGolden(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public static function get isNonExclusiveVersion():Boolean{
return ();
public static function set newlyUnlockedFlame(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public static function (_arg1:int):int{
var _local4:LevelStats;
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < .length) {
_local4 = [_local3];
if (_local4 != null){
if (_local4.PassTimeAward(_arg1)){
if (_local4.PassKillAward(_arg1)){
if (_local4.PassDamageAward(_arg1)){
return (_local2);
public static function set isKong(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public static function get numBronze():int{
return ((LevelStats.BRONZE));
public static function set newlyUnlockedMortar(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public static function get rocketUnlocked():Boolean{
return ((numBronze >= 3));
public static function get homingUnlocked():Boolean{
return ((numSilver >= 10));
public static function get newlyUnlockedFlame():Boolean{
return ();
public static function get newlyUnlockedMortar():Boolean{
return ();
public static function set muteSound(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
.data.muteSound = ;
public static function set isInPrimarySite(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
public static function get goldMCUnlocked():Boolean{
return ((((numGold >= 15)) && ()));
public static function get isInPrimarySite():Boolean{
return ();
public static function get levelSurvivalUnlocked():Boolean{
return (((GetLevelStats(5).IsCleared()) && ()));
Section 440
//KeyMap_c (KeyMap_c)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class KeyMap_c {
public static var oKeyMap_4:Object = new Object();
private static var :Array = new Array(0x0100);
public static var oKeyMap_1:Object = new Object();
public static var oKeyMap_3:Object = new Object();
public static var :KeyMap_c = null;
private static var :Point = new Point();
private static var :Object = new Object();
private static var
:Object = new Object();
private static var :Object = new Object();
private static var :Array = new Array();
private static var
:Boolean = false;
private static var :Object = new Object();
private static var _context:MovieClip;
private static var
:Boolean = false;
public static var oKeyMap_2:Object = new Object();
public static function IsKeyDown(_arg1:int):Boolean{
return ([_arg1]);
private static function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
= true;
public static function (_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
var _local2:Object;
[_arg1.keyCode] = true;
for (_local2 in oKeyMap_1) {
if (oKeyMap_1[_local2].key == _arg1.keyCode){
oKeyMap_1[_local2].bState = true;
public static function (_arg1:Object):Boolean{
return (_arg1.bState);
public static function IsKeyReleased(_arg1:int):Boolean{
return ((([_arg1]) && (!([_arg1]))));
public static function get isInit():Boolean{
return (
private static function (_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:int;
for (_local2 in oKeyMap_1) {
oKeyMap_1[_local2].bState = false;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < 0x0100) {
[_local3] = false;
= false;
public static function (_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
var _local2:Object;
[_arg1.keyCode] = false;
for (_local2 in oKeyMap_1) {
if (oKeyMap_1[_local2].key == _arg1.keyCode){
oKeyMap_1[_local2].bState = false;
public static function GetMousePos():Point{
.x = _context.mouseX;
.y = _context.mouseY;
return ();
public static function (_arg1:Object):Boolean{
return (((_arg1.bState) && (!(_arg1.bOldState))));
private static function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
= false;
public static function GetInstance():KeyMap_c{
if ( == null){
= new (KeyMap_c);
return ();
public static function IsKeyPressed(_arg1:int):Boolean{
return (((!([_arg1])) && ([_arg1])));
public static function (_arg1:Object):Boolean{
return (((!(_arg1.bState)) && (_arg1.bOldState)));
public static function Update():void{
var _local1:Object;
for (_local1 in oKeyMap_1) {
oKeyMap_1[_local1].bOldState = oKeyMap_1[_local1].bState;
= .slice();
public static function Init(_arg1:MovieClip):void{
var _local2:Object;
if (
= true;
.iKeyLeft = {key:Keyboard.LEFT, bOldState:false, bState:false};
.iKeyRight = {key:Keyboard.RIGHT, bOldState:false, bState:false};
.iKeyDown = {key:Keyboard.DOWN, bOldState:false, bState:false};
.iKeyUp = {key:Keyboard.UP, bOldState:false, bState:false};
.iKeyMortar = {key:Keyboard.CONTROL, bOldState:false, bState:false};
.iKeyShoot = {key:65, bOldState:false, bState:false};
_context = _arg1;
for (_local2 in ) {
oKeyMap_1[_local2] = [_local2];
if (_arg1 != null){
_arg1.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, KeyMap_c.);
_arg1.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, KeyMap_c.);
_arg1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, KeyMap_c., true, 1);
_arg1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, KeyMap_c., true, 1);
_arg1.stage.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, KeyMap_c.);
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < 0x0100) {
[_local2] = false;
public static function IsMouseDown():Boolean{
return (
Section 441
//KongPreloader (KongPreloader)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import CoreAS.Exported.*;
import CPMStar.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class KongPreloader extends MovieClip {
private var :UI_PRELOADER_MSG;
private var :Number;// = 0
private var :MovieClip;
private var :KONG_PRELOADER;
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var _cpmStarAd:AdLoader;
private var :int;// = 180
private var
private var :String;// = ""
private var :int;// = 0
public static const FGL_SITELOCK:String = "";
public static const KONG_MORE_GAMES_URL:String = "";
public static const KONG_URL:String = "";
private static const CPM_STAR_AD_ID:String = "297QEDC33543";
public static const KONG_SITELOCK:String = "";
public static const BERZERK_SITELOCK:String = "";
private static var :Boolean = true;
public function KongPreloader(){
= new MovieClip();
.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 700, 550);
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
private function ():void{
.x = (700 / 2);
.y = (550 / 2);
.linkBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, );
addChild( );
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
private function ():void{
if (SiteLocking.IsInSites(this, [KONG_SITELOCK])){
GameOptions.isInPrimarySite = SiteLocking.IsInSite(this, KONG_SITELOCK);
GameOptions.isKong = SiteLocking.IsInSite(this, KONG_SITELOCK);
GameOptions.isBerzerk = SiteLocking.IsInSite(this, BERZERK_SITELOCK);
= false;
} else {
= true;
private function (_arg1:Event):void{
if ((((this.loaderInfo == null)) || ((this.loaderInfo.url == null)))){
if (!){
= true;
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
private function ():void{
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(KONG_MORE_GAMES_URL));
private function
if (){
_cpmStarAd = new AdLoader(CPM_STAR_AD_ID);
_cpmStarAd.x = ((700 / 2) - (300 / 2));
_cpmStarAd.y = ((550 / 2) - (250 / 2));
_cpmStarAd.blendMode = BlendMode.LAYER;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
.x = 700;
.y = 550;
stage.quality = StageQuality.MEDIUM;
} else {
= new MovieClip();
.mouseEnabled = false;
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
= (root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal);
if ( >= ){
= ;
= ( * ( / ));
if ( < 1){
.graphics.drawRect((_cpmStarAd.x - 85), (_cpmStarAd.y + 260), ( * 470), 2);
} else {
_cpmStarAd.alpha = (_cpmStarAd.alpha - 0.05);
if (_cpmStarAd.alpha <= 0){
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
private function init():void{
var _local2:DisplayObject;
= null;
var _local1:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("Main_c"));
if (_local1){
_local2 = new (_local1);
addChild((_local2 as DisplayObject));
public function (_arg1:Event):void{
= (root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal);
if ( < 1){
if ( .currentFrame >= 100){
.graphics.drawRect(( .x - 85), ( .y + 100), ( * 160), 5);
} else {
if ( != null){
if (((!(( == null))) && (( .currentFrame >= ( .totalFrames - 2))))){
removeChild( );
= null;
if ( == null){
.alpha = (.alpha - 0.05);
if (.alpha <= 0){
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, );
public static function get withAds():Boolean{
return ();
Section 442
//kSymbol18copy (kSymbol18copy)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public dynamic class kSymbol18copy extends Button {
public function kSymbol18copy(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
this.visible = false;
Section 443
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class LEVEL_EDITOR extends MovieClip {
public var x_txt:TextField;
public var z_txt:TextField;
public var test_mc:Btn;
public var FPS_Counter:FPSCounter;
public var backLayer_mc:Btn;
public var layer_txt:TextField;
public var imgHolder_mc:SCROLL_LEVEL_PART;
public var actionLayer_mc:Btn;
public var btnContainer:MovieClip;
public var Reset_mc:Btn;
public var frontLayer_mc:Btn;
public var y_txt:TextField;
public var levelContainer_mc:MovieClip;
public var evtCnt_mc:MovieClip;
Section 444
//LevelXMLLoader (LevelXMLLoader)
package {
public class LevelXMLLoader {
private static var :Function;
private static var :Object;
public static function LoadXML(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Object):void{
var _local4:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
_local4.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, , false);
_local4.load(new URLRequest(_arg1));
_local4.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, );
= _arg2;
= _arg3;
private static function (_arg1:Event):void{
throw (new Error(("Problem while loading XML : " + _arg1.toString())));
private static function (_arg1:Event):void{
.apply(, [new XML(]);
Section 445
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class LINE_HELPER extends MovieClip {
public var recSelection:MovieClip;
public var wall_mc:MovieClip;
public var fleche:MovieClip;
public var drop_mc:MovieClip;
Section 446
//Main_c (Main_c)
package {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import Screens.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.LevelEvents.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import TheGameAS3.Visuel.*;
import Multilingual.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.IO.*;
public class Main_c extends MovieClip {
private const URLPREFIX:String = "";
private var :MovieClip;
private var :BerzerkHintFF3Screen;
private var :BerzerkHintFP10Screen;
private var :Game_c;
private var :Boolean;// = false
private var :String;// = "e4a839a4e17577cb"
private var :Boolean;// = true
private var :MovieClip;
private var
private var :Boolean;// = false
public static const BERZERK_URL:String = "";
private static var
:Boolean = false;
public static var DEBUG:Boolean = false;
public function Main_c(){
= new MovieClip();
= new MovieClip();
if (!FlashPlayerVersion.(this, 700, 550)){
if (SiteLocking.IsInSite(this, KongPreloader.KONG_SITELOCK)){
GameOptions.isKong = true;
= new UIJukebox(this);
addChild( );
.visible = false;
GameOptions.passTheGame = true;
if (
} else {
public function GetProgress():Number{
if (((!(( == null))) && (.isInit))){
return (100);
return (Math.floor((VisuelFactory_c.GetProgress() * 100)));
private function ():void{
if (SiteLocking.IsInSite(this, "")){
private function PreInit():void{
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, Update);
public function get firstLevel():Boolean{
return ();
private function ():void{
public function get ui():UIJukebox{
return (
public function UpdateLanguage():void{
if ( != null){
if ( != null){
public function ShowGame():void{
.addChildAt(, 0);
= true;
.pauseBtnVisible = true;
= false;
public function StartLoading():void{
if ( != null){
switch (GameOptions.mode){
case GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_1:
= new MCGame(700, 550, LevelXML.LEVEL1_XML, LevelEventFactory.ID_LEVEL1, this, URLPREFIX);
case GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_2:
= new MCGame(700, 550, LevelXML.LEVEL2_XML, LevelEventFactory.ID_LEVEL2, this, URLPREFIX);
case GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_3:
= new MCGame(700, 550, LevelXML.LEVEL3_XML, LevelEventFactory.ID_LEVEL3, this, URLPREFIX);
case GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_4:
= new MCGame(700, 550, LevelXML.LEVEL4_XML, LevelEventFactory.ID_LEVEL4, this, URLPREFIX);
case GameOptions.MODE_LEVEL_5:
= new MCGame(700, 550, LevelXML.LEVEL5_XML, LevelEventFactory.ID_LEVEL5, this, URLPREFIX);
case GameOptions.MODE_SURVIVAL:
= new MCGame(700, 550, LevelXML.LEVEL_SURVIVAL_XML, LevelEventFactory.ID_LEVEL_SURVIVAL, this, URLPREFIX);
public function StopGame(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (GameOptions.IsLevelMode()){
if (_arg1){
} else {
} else {
public function ShowHints():void{
if (FlashPlayerVersion.flashPlayerMajorVersion < 10){
= BerzerkHintFP10Screen(ScreenManager.ShowScreen(ScreenFactory.ID_BERZERK_HINT_FP10, false, true));
public function Update(_arg1:Event):void{
if (!){
if (stage != null){
if (){
if (KeyMap_c.IsKeyPressed(80)){
public function get game():Game_c{
return ();
public function HideGame():void{
if (((!(( == null))) && ())){
= false;
= null;
.pauseBtnVisible = false;
protected function Init():void{
if (!DEBUG){
ScreenManager.ShowSuiteScreen([ScreenFactory.ID_BERZERK_LOGO, ScreenFactory.ID_LACHH_ENGINE_LOGO, ScreenFactory.ID_TITLE]);
} else {
= new Game_c(700, 550, LevelXML.LEVEL1_XML, LevelEventFactory.ID_LEVEL1, "");
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
stage.quality = StageQuality.MEDIUM;
= true;
public static function OnClickSound(_arg1:Event):void{
public static function (_arg1:Event):void{
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(KongPreloader.KONG_URL));
public static function (_arg1:Event):void{
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(KongPreloader.KONG_MORE_GAMES_URL));
public static function OnRollOverSound(_arg1:Event):void{
Section 447
//MultilingualTextFieldFinder (MultilingualTextFieldFinder)
package {
import BerzerkComponents.Multilingual.*;
public dynamic class MultilingualTextFieldFinder extends TextFieldFinder {
Section 448
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class OBJ_DEBUG extends MovieClip {
Section 449
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class PARAM_TAB extends MovieClip {
public var type_txt:TextField;
public var expand_mc:MovieClip;
public var recErreur_mc:MovieClip;
public var value_txt:TextField;
public var name_txt:TextField;
Section 450
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class SCROLL extends MovieClip {
Section 451
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class SCROLL_LEVEL_PART extends MovieClip {
public var btn_ouvrir:BtnOuvrir;
public var scroll_mc:SCROLL;
public var imgScroll_mc:MovieClip;
public var btn_delete:BtnDelete;
Section 452
//SiteLocking (SiteLocking)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public class SiteLocking {
public static function IsInSites(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:Array):Boolean{
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < _arg2.length) {
if (IsInSite(_arg1, _arg2[_local3])){
return (true);
return (false);
public static function IsInSite(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:String):Boolean{
if ((((((_arg1 == null)) || ((_arg1.loaderInfo == null)))) || ((_arg1.loaderInfo.url == null)))){
return (false);
var _local3:String = _arg1.loaderInfo.url.split("/")[2];
if (_local3.indexOf(_arg2) == (_local3.length - _arg2.length)){
return (true);
return (false);
Section 453
//socledebade02 (socledebade02)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class socledebade02 extends MovieClip {
Section 454
//UIJukebox (UIJukebox)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import Multilingual.*;
import Sfx.*;
import TheGameAS3.Exported.*;
import TheGameAS3.Animation.*;
import Interfaces.Screens.Exported.*;
import BerzerkComponents.Multilingual.*;
public dynamic class UIJukebox extends MovieClip {
private var :BTNSON;
private var
:Boolean;// = false
private var :BTNMUSIC;
private var :BTNPAUSE;
private var _context:Main_c;
private var :BTNFR;
private var :BTNEN;
private var :UI_PAUSE;
private var :String;
public function UIJukebox(_arg1:Main_c){
= BTNPAUSE(AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_BTNPAUSE));
= BTNSON(AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_BTNSON));
= BTNMUSIC(AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_BTNMUSIC));
= BTNEN(AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_BTNEN));
= BTNFR(AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_BTNFR));
.x = 605;
.x = 640;
.x = 680;
.x = 570;
.x = 535;
.y = 35;
.y = 32;
.y = 35;
.y = 35;
.y = 35;
.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, );
.visible = false;
.getChildByName("disabled").visible = Jukebox_c.musicMuted;
.getChildByName("disabled").visible = Jukebox_c.soundMuted;
_context = _arg1;
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function get pauseBtnVisible():Boolean{
return (
public function (_arg1:String):void{
if ( == _arg1){
if (_arg1 == "en"){
.getChildByName("disabled").visible = false;
.getChildByName("disabled").visible = true;
TextFactory.language = TextFactory.LANGUAGE_EN;
} else {
if (_arg1 == "fr"){
.getChildByName("disabled").visible = true;
.getChildByName("disabled").visible = false;
TextFactory.language = TextFactory.LANGUAGE_FR;
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function MuteSound(_arg1:Boolean):void{
.getChildByName("disabled").visible = _arg1;
GameOptions.muteSound = _arg1;
public function set pauseBtnVisible(_arg1:Boolean):void{
= _arg1;
.visible =
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_arg1 != null){
public function PauseGame():void{
if ( != null){!(;
if ({
= UI_PAUSE(AnimationFactory_c.CreateAnimationFromId(AnimationFactory_c.ID_UI_PAUSE));
.x = (700 / 2);
.y = (550 / 2);
} else {
if (((!(( == null))) && (contains()))){
= null;
if (!{
public function MuteMusic(_arg1:Boolean):void{
.getChildByName("disabled").visible = _arg1;
GameOptions.muteMusic = _arg1;
Section 455
//Utils (Utils)
package {
import TheGameAS3.*;
import flash.display.*;
import TheGameAS3.Level.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import Interfaces.Forms.*;
public class Utils {
public static function PickRandomIn(_arg1:Array):Object{
if (_arg1.length <= 0){
return (null);
var _local2:int = (Math.random() * _arg1.length);
return (_arg1[_local2]);
public static function (_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int, _arg5:MovieClip):void{
var _local6:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
_local6.redOffset = _arg1;
_local6.blueOffset = _arg3;
_local6.greenOffset = _arg2;
_local6.alphaMultiplier = _arg4;
_arg5.transform.colorTransform = _local6;
public static function (_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:Button):void{
if (_arg1){
(0, 0, 0, 1, _arg2);
} else {
(100, 100, 100, 1, _arg2);
_arg2.mouseEnabled = _arg1;
_arg2.mouseChildren = _arg1;
public static function FindPoint(_arg1:Game_c, _arg2:LevelLayer_c, _arg3:DisplayObjectContainer):Point{
var _local6:Point;
var _local4:DisplayObjectContainer = _arg3;
var _local5:Matrix = new Matrix();
while (((!((_local4 == _arg2))) && (!((_local4 == null))))) {
_local4 = _local4.parent;
_local6 = new Point(_local5.tx, _local5.ty);
return (_arg1.GetCamera().ConvertPointToMoteur(_local6, _arg2));
public static function AddInArrayIfNotIn(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Object):void{
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
if (_arg1[_local3] == _arg2){
public static function GetOriginOfMc(_arg1:MovieClip):Point{
var _local2:Rectangle = _arg1.getBounds(_arg1);
var _local3:Point = new Point();
_local3.x = (_arg1.x - _local2.x);
_local3.y = (_arg1.y - _local2.y);
return (_local3);
public static function IsInArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Object):Boolean{
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
if (_arg1[_local3] == _arg2){
return (true);
return (false);
public static function RemoveFromArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Object):void{
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
if (_arg1[_local3] == _arg2){
_arg1.splice(_local3, 1);
public static function FrameToTime(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):String{
var _local3:int = Math.floor((_arg1 / (_arg2 * 60)));
_arg1 = (_arg1 - ((_arg2 * 60) * _local3));
var _local4:int = Math.floor((_arg1 / _arg2));
_arg1 = (_arg1 - (_arg2 * _local4));
var _local5:int = Math.floor(((_arg1 / _arg2) * 100));
return (((((PutZero(_local3) + ":") + PutZero(_local4)) + ":") + PutZero(_local5)));
public static function PutZero(_arg1:int, _arg2:int=2):String{
var _local4:Number;
var _local3:String = String(_arg1);
if (_arg1 <= 0){
_local4 = (1 / Math.pow(10, (_arg2 - 1)));
} else {
_local4 = (_arg1 / Math.pow(10, (_arg2 - 1)));
while (_local4 < 1) {
_local4 = (_local4 * 10);
_local3 = ("0" + _local3);
return (_local3);