Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Elf Girl Date Sim.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #48228

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>



<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

Loading Game

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>


<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

New Game

Start a new game

Load Game

Load a saved game

How To Play

The game Instructions


Who is behind this

Armor Games

Lots of free online games


Author's Site

New Game

Start a new game

Load Game

Load a saved game

How To Play

The game Instructions


Who is behind this

Armor Games

Lots of free online games


Author's Site

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

current music: greenday - hitchin a ride

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

press any key to skip.













<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

Available Points




<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

Is that okay?



<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>


go on

Enter Cheats
you will hear a sound if a cheat is entered correctly.
(only use lowercase characters)

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>



What does it take to win an Elf Girls Heart?
Does it take Bravery, Charm, a short sword or Long Beard?
Find out if you have what it takes to win their hearts.
Many will try, but few will succeed

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

Starting Game

Starting game in... 3 seconds

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

Starting game in... 2 seconds

Starting game in... 1 second

Starting game!

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

[ your home ]


[ restore HP ]


[ restore HP ]

Save Game

[ Save game Data ]

Save Game

[ Save game Data ]


[ Call a Girl - 5 HP ]


[ Call a Girl - 5 HP ]

Leave the Scéne

Leave the Scéne



Game Succesfully saved!

Your game was saved on your hard disc. To be sure of this, click the right mouse
button and see settings.
You can ensure that flash data is saved at that setting screen.
This game has only one save slot, so everytime you save your game, your old file is
Your game can now be loaded in the game's main menu.

Select Girl to Call

(cost 5 hp)





































Your Paycheck...

Wage = Persuasion x 1,75




Wage = Power + Speed x (0.1 ~ 5 random)

Training Result

Training Stat = Magic



Training Stat = Speed


Training Stat = Power


Training Stat = Romance



You lay back in the Mt. Doom Sauna to rest for a small hour.
But as you wake up, a girl just arrives.

Go ahead and talk to her.
Girls pop up whenever you relax somewhere.

Training Stat = Speed and Strenght


Training Stat = Persuasion


Wage = Power x 1,50

The Libary

Wage = Spd x 1,50

You lay back in Fangorn Forest to rest for a small hour.
But as you wake up, a girl just arrives.

Wage = Magic x 1,50

At the Shop

Elvish Medicine



Lothorien Leaves


Lembas Bread



Wage = Persuasion + Charm

Training Stat = All

Added to all stats.


Training Stat = Charm


Spell Book


Golden Ring


Elf Bow

Not Enough Cash!

Woops! You don't seem to have enough
gold pieces for this action!


Not Enough HP!

Woops! You don't seem to have enough
HP for this action!




< click to see





















<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

Quick Sleep

Quick Sleep

Do not expect real life girls to give
you multiple choice questions.

Do not expect real life girls to give
you multiple choice questions.

True dating Tooltip

True dating Tooltip

Don't spam girls with gifts. A gift is
nice but you don't want to bribe
them, and if you want a nice
girlfriend, you ought to talk to her.

Don't spam girls with gifts. A gift is
nice but you don't want to bribe
them, and if you want a nice
girlfriend, you ought to talk to her.

Remember that sex is not a goal in a

Remember that sex is not a goal in a

Once you stop talking you can wave
goodbye at your relationship,
remember that!

Once you stop talking you can wave
goodbye at your relationship,
remember that!

Don't use some sort of awkward
pick-up line when you're first going
to talk to a girl, just be yourself!

Don't use some sort of awkward
pick-up line when you're first going
to talk to a girl, just be yourself!

Be Confident. Women are Fickle,
self conscience, and unsure of
themselves. They want a guy that is
the opposite.

Be Confident. Women are Fickle,
self conscience, and unsure of
themselves. They want a guy that is
the opposite.

At young ages relationship is
importent, however never take
anything that happens at those ages
too seriusly

At young ages relationship is
importent, however never take
anything that happens at those ages
too seriusly

feel free to date, however, dont rush
into anything you may regret

feel free to date, however, dont rush
into anything you may regret

Progressing in physical steps in a
relationship is something natural to
occur, do not pressure your partner
about it, he/she will only get scared
and isolated

Progressing in physical steps in a
relationship is something natural to
occur, do not pressure your partner
about it, he/she will only get scared
and isolated

Girls like to be treated well,
suprising your girl with gifts every
once in while is always nice, but it's
never replacement for honestly
good treatment

Girls like to be treated well,
suprising your girl with gifts every
once in while is always nice, but it's
never replacement for honestly
good treatment

Love is the base of everything, so if
your'e after the right girl, be sure to
show her everything you've got

Love is the base of everything, so if
your'e after the right girl, be sure to
show her everything you've got

Never let your girl to tell you who
your friends are, never let your
friends to tell you who your girl is.
Both have some gold advice

Never let your girl to tell you who
your friends are, never let your
friends to tell you who your girl is.
Both have some gold advice

Age gaps in teen ages when in a
relationship are not always wrong,
however it is very common for them
to create serius problems in the
relationship since different ages
have different needs.

Age gaps in teen ages when in a
relationship are not always wrong,
however it is very common for them
to create serius problems in the
relationship since different ages
have different needs.

Keeping secrets from your loved
one are a very bad option, these
sorts of secrets are always bound to
be found out anyway, he/she will
appreciate you a lot more if he/she
learns it from you.

Keeping secrets from your loved
one are a very bad option, these
sorts of secrets are always bound to
be found out anyway, he/she will
appreciate you a lot more if he/she
learns it from you.

Don't be disappointed if you don't
feel strict love whilst in a
relationship. Love is very
questionable, we question it all the
time. Seeking it is nice, just don't
make it your primary goal.

Don't be disappointed if you don't
feel strict love whilst in a
relationship. Love is very
questionable, we question it all the
time. Seeking it is nice, just don't
make it your primary goal.

humor is very important, making a
girl laugh is very satisfying, it tells
us we are doing a good job with our
boyfriend roll

humor is very important, making a
girl laugh is very satisfying, it tells
us we are doing a good job with our
boyfriend roll

Intimicy has a very importent role in
a relationship, but you can't expect
it to be created at once. Time is your

Intimicy has a very importent role in
a relationship, but you can't expect
it to be created at once. Time is your

If you'll run and tell after you
comitted a physical action with your
boy/girlfriend, chances are it will
effect trust issues in the
relationship in the future.

If you'll run and tell after you
comitted a physical action with your
boy/girlfriend, chances are it will
effect trust issues in the
relationship in the future.

understand their feelings, listen to
the perspectives of your girlfriend

understand their feelings, listen to
the perspectives of your girlfriend

we need to keep the problem
smaller than the relationship for the
sake of relationship itself

we need to keep the problem
smaller than the relationship for the
sake of relationship itself

in a conflict, attack the problem, not
your girlfriend.

in a conflict, attack the problem, not
your girlfriend.

in a relationship with your girlfriend,
don't think less about yourself, but
think about yourself less

in a relationship with your girlfriend,
don't think less about yourself, but
think about yourself less

If you want to date a girl/boy, find
out what his/her hobbies are,
always look for the shared parts,
finding a shared hobby could be the
base of a healthy relationship

If you want to date a girl/boy, find
out what his/her hobbies are,
always look for the shared parts,
finding a shared hobby could be the
base of a healthy relationship

Mo likes to touch little kids.

Mo likes to touch little kids.

Cheat Code:

Cheat Code:

[ elf village ]


[ Pay a Visit ]


[ Pay a Visit ]









[ You can visit any Girl's house for 0 HP as soon as you become their boyfriend ]

[ You can visit any Girl's house for 0 HP as soon as you become their boyfriend ]



[ local inn ]

Work Here

[ Wage: Pers. x 1.75 ]

Work Here

[ Wage: Pers. x 1.75 ]


[ random profit by str ]


[ random profit by str ]

[ highlands ]

Train Magic

[ HP - 20 ]

Train Magic

[ HP - 20 ]

Train Speed

Train Speed

Train Power

Train Power

[ mt. doom sauna ]

Select girl to talk to...

(cost 20 hp)








You've got something for me?

You've got something for me?



A Spell book.

A golden ring.

An Elf Bow.

No, sorry.

Do you remember my age?

Do you remember my age?





Are you going to call me tonight?

Are you going to call me tonight?





Do you know where I'm from?

Do you know where I'm from?


The Grey Havens



Are you coming on my birthday?

Are you coming on my birthday?

June 4

November 22

March 4

December 14

Whas I born under a certain sign?

Whas I born under a certain sign?

The thief

The stalker

The witch

The night

Do you know my favourite stats?

Do you know my favourite stats?

Magic and Speed

Magic and Persuasion

Magic and Romance

Magic and Strenght

How tall do you think I am?

How tall do you think I am?

169 cm

170 cm

171 cm

172 cm

Am I getting fat?

Am I getting fat?

54 kg

55 kg

56 kg

57 kg

Guess my hip Size!

Guess my hip Size!





Guess my breast Size!

Guess my breast Size!





Guess my waist Size!

Guess my waist Size!





What LOTR song do I like best?

What LOTR song do I like best?

The bridge of Khazad-Dum

The treason of Isengard

Minas Morgul

Gollums Song

What LOTR location do I like best?

What LOTR location do I like best?

Minas Tirith

The grey havens

The Shire

What is my favourite LOTR book?

What is my favourite LOTR book?

The Hobbit

The Fellowship of the Ring

The Two Towers

The Return of the King

I can't stop playing this video game..

I can't stop playing this video game..

Lord of the Rings Battle

Defend your Castle

Old Angry Wizard

Raiden X

These are my favourite colours...

These are my favourite colours...

Yellow and Purple

Purple and Black

Yellow and Black

Silver and Purple

I like to eat...

I like to eat...

I'm on a diet

Anything not too special

Pizza =)

Lembas Bread

I like to drink...

I like to drink...

Moria's finest wine


A strong pint of beer

I dislike drinking

A quote I like is...

A quote I like is...

Life is just ... thing after another

You can close...not to memories

I'm not afraid ... the hell out of me

You dont care whether I live or die



Good Guess.

Good Guess.

Thank you.

Thank you.

That's nice of you.

That's nice of you.

I love it!

I love it!

What is this bribery?
You are such an pathetic slimeball
with all those gifts of yours.
Calm down boy!

What is this bribery?
You are such an pathetic slimeball
with all those gifts of yours.
Calm down boy!

It's quite okay...

It's quite okay...











May 26

February 19

April 1

November 11

Charm and Speed

Charm and Persuasion

Charm and Romance

Charm and Strenght

157 cm

158 cm

159 cm

160 cm

45 kg

46 kg

47 kg

48 kg











The Council of Elrond

Concerning Hobbits


Misty Mountains

Final Fantasy VIII

The Sims

Half-Life 2


Black and Red

Black and White

Black and Blue

Black and Silver

You dont care whether I live or die

I'm not afraid ... the hell out of me

A wall against ... keeps out the joy

Wrong Awnser.

Wrong Awnser.











January 2

October 29

September 12

The guardian

Speed and Charm

Speed and Persuasion

Speed and Romance

Speed and Strenght

150 cm

151 cm

152 cm

153 cm

40 kg

41 kg

42 kg

43 kg




Shelobs Lair

Plains of Mordor

The Lonely mountain

The Mines of Moria

Pink and Green

Pink and White

Pink and Black

Pink and Blue

We are always in our own company

Worry does not... of it's strenght





For me?

For me?

You are SO super sweet!

You are SO super sweet!

For me? Really?
Such an beautiful thing?
You're awesome!

For me? Really?
Such an beautiful thing?
You're awesome!


build romance

build romance



[ east beach ]


[ Train spd + str ]


[ Train spd + str ]

Sun Bathe

[ Train Persuasion ]

Sun Bathe

[ Train Persuasion ]

[ west beach ]

[ grand river ]

Girls ETC

[ go and get em! ]

Girls ETC

[ go and get em! ]

[ back street ]


[ Wage: power x 1.5 ]


[ Wage: power x 1.5 ]

[ fangorn forest ]






July 26

November 8

March 20

December 31

The tower

166 cm

167 cm

168 cm

50 kg

51 kg

52 kg

53 kg

The mines of Moria

Helms Deep

Kingdom Hearts

Final Fantasy X

Metal Gear Solid

Red and Green

Blue and Grey

Silver and White

Wrong Awnser!

Wrong Awnser!

Hey! That's right!

Hey! That's right!

I like it!

I like it!

It's beautiful, I really wanted this!
Thanks SO much!

It's beautiful, I really wanted this!
Thanks SO much!

Oh my god!
Such an expensive thing, for me!?
I love it!

Oh my god!
Such an expensive thing, for me!?
I love it!



k ben in frankrijk






March 22

October 3

154 cm

155 cm

156 cm


The Ring goes south

A Knife in the Dark

Resident Evil

Fifa 2005


Red and Orange

Red and Black

Black and Purple

That isn't right!

That isn't right!

Good Job!

Good Job!

That's nice.

That's nice.

Thank you SO much!
I've always wanted this.

Thank you SO much!
I've always wanted this.

For me? Really?
I love it!

For me? Really?
I love it!









May 30

The Summer

The Spring

The Winter

The Autumn



Moria Mines

Final Fantasy VII

White and Green

White and Orange

White and Black

White and Blue


[ Wage: speed x 1.5 ]

[ Wage: speed x 1.5 ]

[ room ]













Do you remember my Age?





Do you remember my Age?

Do you know where I'm from?



The Grey Havens


Do you know where I'm from?

Are you coming on my birthday?

December 31

March 20

November 8

July 26

Are you coming on my birthday?

Under what sign was I born?

The Night

The Guardian

The Tower

The Thief

Under what sign was I born?

What stats am I interrested in?

Magic and Strenght

Magic and Romance

Magic and Persuasion

Magic and Speed

What stats am I interrested in?

How tall Am I?

169 cm

168 cm

167 cm

166 cm

How tall Am I?

Am I getting fat?

53 kg

52 kg

51 kg

50 kg

Am I getting fat?

My hip size?





My hip size?

My breast size?

My breast size?

My waist size?





My waist size?

My favourite song from LOTR is...

Gollums Song

Minas Morgul

The Treason of Isengard

The bridge of Khazad Dum

My favourite song from LOTR is...

My favourite location from LOTR is...

Helms Deep

The Mines of Moria

My favourite location from LOTR is...

My favourite LOTR part is...

The Return of the King

The Two Towers

The Fellowship of the Ring

The Hobbit

My favourite LOTR part is...

I can't stop playing that video game...

Half-Life 2

Metal Gear Solid

Final Fantasy X

Kingdom Hearts

I can't stop playing that video game...

I like the following colours:

Silver and White

Blue and Grey

Black and Blue

Red and Green

I like the following colours:

What kind of food do I like?

Lembas Bread

Pizza =P

Anything not too special

I'm on a diet

What kind of food do I like?

What kind of drink do I like?

I dislike drinking

A strong pint of Beer


Moria's finest wine

What kind of drink do I like?

I think this quote is interresting...

Worry does not empty today of it's ... of it's strength

We are always in our own Company.

You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories.

Life is just one damned thing after another.

I think this quote is interresting...

Are you going to call me tonight?





Are you going to call me tonight?


Thanks, you are SO sweet!


Thanks, you are SO sweet!

Oooohhh... stop it!

Oooohhh... stop it!

...thank you, those can go in our collection!

...thank you, those can go in our collection!

.: Use Item :.

.: Use Item :.


Lothorien Leaves

Elvish Medicine

.: Give Item :.

.: Give Item :.

Elf Bow

Golden Ring

Spell Book

What are you thinking??

What are you thinking??

Wrong Awnser

Wrong Awnser.

That's Right!
Good Job!

That's Right!
Good Job!

Can't we do something else?

Can't we do something else?

Hey Thanks!
You are so clever!

Hey Thanks!
You are so clever!

Thank You!!!
It's beautifull!

Thank You!!!
It's beautifull!



Can we do something else?

Can we do something else?

Hey Thanks!
I needed that.

Hey Thanks!
I needed that.

Thank You!!!

Thank You!!!









you two become true lovers...

[ great castle ]

[ Wage: magic x 1.75 ]

[ Wage: magic x 1.75 ]

Go to Store

[ shop for items ]

Go to Store

[ shop for items ]


[ mt. doom gym ]

Work Out

[ train stats - all HP ]

Work Out

[ train stats - all HP ]

[ Wage: cha + pow ]

[ Wage: cha + pow ]

[ moria mine dance club ]

Girls ETC.

[ Go and Get em! ]

Girls ETC.

[ Go and Get em! ]

Have a Drink

[ 20 gold 20 HP, + charm ]

Have a Drink

[ 20 gold 20 HP, + charm ]

[ the misty mountains ]



[ bree inn ]

[ bree inn ]

[ home ]

[ home ]

[ east beach ]

[ east beach ]

[ west beach ]

[ west beach ]

[ west beach ]

[ fangorn ]

[ fangorn ]

[ fangorn ]

[ great castle ]

[ great castle ]

[ great castle ]

[ highlands ]

[ highlands ]

[ great river ]

[ great river ]

[ backstreet ]

[ backstreet ]

[ mountains ]

[ mountains ]

[ mountains ]

[ mtn. sauna ]

[ mtn. sauna ]

[ mtn. sauna ]

[ mtn. gym ]

[ mtn. gym ]

[ dance club ]

[ dance club ]

[ elf city ]

[ elf city ]

[ arcade ]

[ middle earth ]


Back To Map

Back To Map

After a date, the day is over and your HP will be set to 0

Your gold:

[ The Beach ]

Cost: 150 Gold

[ Highlands ]

Cost: 250 Gold

[ Mountain Sauna ]

Cost: 400 Gold

[ Dance Club ]

Cost: 500 Gold

[ Misty Mountains ]

Cost: 750 Gold

[ Great River ]

Cost: 1000 Gold

[ The Beach ]

Cost: 150 Gold

[ Highlands ]

Cost: 250 Gold

[ Mountain Sauna ]

Cost: 400 Gold

[ Dance Club ]

Cost: 500 Gold

[ Misty Mountains ]

Cost: 750 Gold

[ Great River ]

Cost: 1000 Gold

Relationship Experiance:

Relationship Level:

Relationship Experiance:

Relationship Level:



cheat: weregonnamakeyoupopular

This song is called 'popular' by 'Wicked the Musical'

This song is called 'popular' by 'Wicked the Musical'

My last boyfriend Fiyero couldn't keep up with me,
but you have officially won my heart.

My last boyfriend Fiyero couldn't keep up with me,
but you have officially won my heart.

I know a nice place we can visit in the Emerald city.

I know a nice place we can visit in the Emerald city.

Stay with me, and you too can be Popular, I'll show you what
shoes to wear, how to fix your hair; So let's start, Cause
you've got an awfully long way to go.

Stay with me, and you too can be Popular, I'll show you what
shoes to wear, how to fix your hair; So let's start, Cause
you've got an awfully long way to go.

You can continiue playing to go after the remaining girls after
the credits.

You can continiue playing to go after the remaining girls after
the credits.

Be Confident. Women are Fickle, self conscience, and unsure of themselves. They want
a guy that is the opposite. No matter who you are, or what you look like, confidence will
make you attractive. Be sure of who you are and what you want. Girls like guys with a
plan, and who aren’t afraid to go up and talk to them in front of a group of guys. Be
confident in who you are, and make sure to base your confidence in reality so you don’t
become cocky, which is something girls don’t like.

Stick to your guns. I’ve often met many a guy who will transform into the type of Man
that his girlfriend wants him to be. This is sad for several reasons. 1.) He loses himself
in her and 2.) The only types of girls he’ll get are the controlling ones and those
relationships aren’t fun or healthy. Be firm in your opinions. If the girl does something
you don’t like, let her know. Don’t sell yourself sort. If a girl wanted someone who
always agreed with her, She would date her Mom.

Final dating advice by Daniel McNeely



cheat: ozdustballroom

This song is called 'dancing trough life' by 'Wicked the Musical'

This song is called 'dancing trough life' by 'Wicked the Musical'

I’m glad you finally arrived. I’m tired of sitting
around in my chair.

I’m glad you finally arrived. I’m tired of sitting
around in my chair.

Let me strap on my new pair of
shoes and we can head down to the Oz Dust Ballroom.

Let me strap on my new pair of
shoes and we can head down to the Oz Dust Ballroom.

This is the Day I’ve been waiting for. You’ve earned
my Love, Trust and Companionship.

This is the Day I’ve been waiting for. You’ve earned
my Love, Trust and Companionship.

Nothing short of a house falling on top of me could ruin this
perfect day!

Nothing short of a house falling on top of me could ruin this
perfect day!

Be Mysterious: Don’t show all your aces. Girls like a guy who doesn’t reveal everything
about him right from the start. Give them enough so when they leave you, they long to
know more. If you work @ your local department store in electronics and they ask what
you do, say you work in ‘electronics’, and don’t give them the name of the store. This
adds mystery and intrigue and girls will be back for more. Make sure you don’t lie and
that you never tell half truths to misrepresent yourself. The principle can be stated as
“More is Less when talking about yourself’

Become the type of Man that resembles the type of woman you want. For instance, if
you want a woman who is in shape, funny, and adventurous, you yourself should work
on getting in shape, being funny and adventurous. If you aren’t a funny guy, go out and
buy a book on how to be more humorous. Hang out with funny people and learn from
them. Don’t forget that ‘Birds of a Feather, Flock Together’



cheat: danceuptothemoon

This song is called 'Moondance' by 'Micheal Buble'

This song is called 'Moondance' by 'Micheal Buble'

At long last you've come.

At long last you've come.

I didn't think it was
possible to find someone I wanted to date, but you've
meet all my expectations.

I didn't think it was
possible to find someone I wanted to date, but you've
meet all my expectations.

I just quit my job at the factory and want to leave this place.
Let's go out on the town, grab a romantic dinner, then go for a
Moondance together.

I just quit my job at the factory and want to leave this place.
Let's go out on the town, grab a romantic dinner, then go for a
Moondance together.

Women love to talk, Take advantage of it! Who doesn’t like to talk about themselves?
This principle holds especially true for any girl you date. Find out what she enjoys?
What her hobbies are? What she is passionate about? What makes her laugh? Her
favorite movie/book/song? Get her talking about her self and what she enjoys and she’ll
associate the good feelings she gets while talking about them, with you. You’ll be
amazed how well this works.

A Faithful Wing Man can make any mission successful. Go out with a friend and build
each other up in front of the girl. A guy affirming another guy in front of a girl not only
affirms your manhood, but it builds you up without you having to do that talking. This is
an art and not a science so don’t take this to extreme. Good affirmation from your guy
friends should be tasteful and true.



cheat: defyinggravity

This song is called 'Defying Gravity' by 'Wicked the Musical'

This song is called 'Defying Gravity' by 'Wicked the Musical'

Something has changed within me, Something is not the

Something has changed within me, Something is not the

I'm through with playing by the rules of someone
else's game. Too late for second-guessing, Too late to
go back to sleep.

I'm through with playing by the rules of someone
else's game. Too late for second-guessing, Too late to
go back to sleep.

It's time to trust my instincts;
Close my eyes; and leap. It's time to try Defying
Gravity! I'm through accepting limits 'Cuz someone
says they're so.

It's time to trust my instincts;
Close my eyes; and leap. It's time to try Defying
Gravity! I'm through accepting limits 'Cuz someone
says they're so.

Some things I cannot change, But till
I try, I'll never know! Too long I've been afraid of
losing love I guess I've lost.

Some things I cannot change, But till
I try, I'll never know! Too long I've been afraid of
losing love I guess I've lost.

Well, if that's love It
comes at much too high a cost!

Well, if that's love It
comes at much too high a cost!

Compliment the unique parts of your date. BE TASTEFUL! Don’t tell your date she has
“Nice Eyes” or a “Beautiful Smile”, I guarantee you she’s heard it 1000 times already.
Find something you like about her that is unique and tell her. Good examples are
“Elbows, Eye lids, Ears, Nose, Chin”. It might sound strange, but try complimenting a
girl on one of these attributes and she’ll light up to you.

Work on your character. Girls secretly want a Knight in shining armor, but since this
isn’t the Medieval Ages, we have to give them the next best thing. The next best thing is
practicing the principles a “Knight” would uphold. If you don’t know these principles,
go rent some movies that contain knights in them. A good one is “Kingdom of Heaven”,
and pay very close attention to the Knight’s Oath and what is contained within it. There
is a lot of wisdom and character traits we could all learn to practice better.



cheat: loathingforgood

This song is called 'For Good' by 'Wicked the Musical'

This song is called 'For Good' by 'Wicked the Musical'

I've heard it said that people come into our lives
for a reason.

I've heard it said that people come into our lives
for a reason.

Bringing something we must learn and we are led,
To those who help us most to grow If we let them.
And we help them in return.

Bringing something we must learn and we are led,
To those who help us most to grow If we let them.
And we help them in return.

Well, I don't know if I believe that's true...
But I know I'm who I am today.
Because I knew you

Well, I don't know if I believe that's true...
But I know I'm who I am today.
Because I knew you

If a first you don’t succeed, try and try again! This statement could not be MORE true
when it comes to woman. Talk to as many girls as possible and you’ll eventually find
one that wants to get to know you. Some girls will have boyfriends, others are too stuck
on themselves to carry on a conversation, but others will be open, nice and friendly to
you coming on to them. The only way to separate the gold from the mines is to keep on
trying. A girl turning you down doesn’t have to do with you; it has to do with them.
Don’t take it personally.

Carry Mints and Gum where ever you go. Bad breath will kill any chance you have with
a woman. Before you go up and talk to them, do the breath check. You’d be surprised
how many guys assume they have good breath, but they miss the mark. Don’t be one of
those guys.



cheat: greyhaired

This song is called 'The wizard and I' by 'Wicked the Musical'

This song is called 'The wizard and I' by 'Wicked the Musical'

Unlimited, My future is unlimited.
And I've just had a vision. Almost like a prophecy.

Unlimited, My future is unlimited.
And I've just had a vision. Almost like a prophecy.

I know - it sounds truly crazy.

I know - it sounds truly crazy.

And true, the vision's hazy, But I swear, someday there'll be A
celebration throughout Oz That's all to do with me!

And true, the vision's hazy, But I swear, someday there'll be A
celebration throughout Oz That's all to do with me!

Compliment girls in front of their friends. A compliment said in front of people has a
thousand times more weight than a compliment given in private. In private you can say
anything, but something said in front of people shows you mean it and aren’t afraid to
hide it.

Stare them down (In a nice way). Girls love eye contact, Don’t be afraid to challenge
them to a staring contest. It sends shivers down their spine and will make you much
more attractive to them.

Game Design
Ludy Graffelman: eviludy

Game Design
Ludy Graffelman: eviludy

Official Sponsor

Testing By
Pieter Peereboom
Ryan Fernung
Peter Muldrew
Connor Scott

Sound SFX
freeware on

Character Model Examples

Concept Basing
The Lord of the Rings
Wicked, the musical

Original Idea
Daniel McNeely

Intro Music
Hitchin' a Ride - Green Day

Dating tooltips
Inglor and Patrick

Patching up Help

Credits Music
Helicopter - Bloc Party

Highlands Backround

Ending Themes
Popular - Wicked the Musical
Dancing trough Life - Wicked the Musical
Moondance - Micheal Buble

Ending Themes
Defying Gravity - Wicked the Musical
For Good - Wicked the Musical
The Wizard and I - Wicked the Musical

Other Music
free from
and Jakub Koter

Thanks To
Daniel McNeely
Joe Outterside

Thanks To
Pieter Peereboom





[ The Arcade ]

Dark Clouds

[ Play Minigame ]

Dark Clouds

[ Play Minigame ]

The flow

The Flow

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

New Game


Exit to Arcade

Dark Clouds

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

(press space to go back)

Step #1

Step #2

Step #3

Dont get struck by lighting or inferno

Arrows to Move, Space to Jump

Falling off edges will result in death

Try and survive as long as possible. A counter is ticking the seconds how long you´ve survived.
Note that the slightest collision with Inferno or Lighting won´t kill you. Only obvious direct contact will.

Seconds you Survived:

-Game Over-

Play Game

Use your mouse to navigate your Crosshair through the play field.
Shoot the flying discs out of the air by clicking. If you let one fly, you get
damage. The longer you survive, the more discs come and the faster they
come. If you see a health package fly, shoot it, to increase your health.
You can click the bombs in the bottom of the screen to Destroy all targets in
sight. You can click the tools in the bottom of the screen to restore your health.
Press "P" to pause the game and "Q" to toggle the quality.

To Arcade

Use your mouse to navigate your Crosshair through the play field.
Shoot the flying discs out of the air by clicking. If you let one fly, you get
damage. The longer you survive, the more discs come and the faster they
come. If you see a health package fly, shoot it, to increase your health.
You can click the bombs in the bottom of the screen to Destroy all targets in
sight. You can click the tools in the bottom of the screen to restore your health.
Press "P" to pause the game and "Q" to toggle the quality.

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

















Repair Sets:

Q for Quality, P for Pause



<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>


<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#d9ffd9" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>© Copyright 2005- Ludy Graffelman -</b></a></font></p>

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function button1(obj, item) { _root._quality = "LOW"; } function button2(obj, item) { _root._quality = "MEDIUM"; } function button3(obj, item) { _root._quality = "HIGH"; } function button4(obj, item) { } function button5(obj, item) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function button6(obj, item) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } cm = new ContextMenu(); cm.hideBuiltInItems(); cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Low Quality", button1)); cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Medium Quality", button2)); cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("High Quality", button3)); cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("-------------", button4)); cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("More games!", button5)); cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Author's Site", button6)); = cm; stop();
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.b_loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); _root.b_total = _root.getBytesTotal(); _root.percent = Math.round((_root.b_loaded / _root.b_total) * 100); if (_root.percent > 9) { _root.nextFrame(); } }
Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 350
function button1(obj, item) { _root._quality = "LOW"; } function button2(obj, item) { _root._quality = "MEDIUM"; } function button3(obj, item) { _root._quality = "HIGH"; } function button4(obj, item) { } function button5(obj, item) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function button6(obj, item) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } cm = new ContextMenu(); cm.hideBuiltInItems(); cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Low Quality", button1)); cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Medium Quality", button2)); cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("High Quality", button3)); cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("-------------", button4)); cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("More games!", button5)); cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Author's Site", button6)); = cm; _root._quality = "LOW";
Frame 351
Frame 368
_root.quality = "HIGH"; stop();
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip in Frame 368
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.b_loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); _root.b_total = _root.getBytesTotal(); _root.percent = Math.round((_root.b_loaded / _root.b_total) * 100); if (_root.percent == 100) {; } }
Frame 369
_root._quality = "MEDIUM";
Frame 389
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip in Frame 389
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32)) {; } }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Frame 389
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 409
Frame 410
function skipIntro() { gotoAndPlay (1273); } _root._quality = "MEDIUM";
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Frame 410
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (keyUp) { stopAllSounds(); _root.skipIntro(); }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Frame 1273
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 1274
stopAllSounds(); _root._quality = "HIGH";
Frame 1275 = 1; _root.hp = 100; = 100; _root.item1 = 0; _root.item2 = 0; _root.item3 = 0; _root.item4 = 0; _root.item5 = 0; _root.item6 = 0; _root.giftsgiven1 = 0; _root.giftsgiven2 = 0; _root.giftsgiven3 = 0; _root.giftsgiven4 = 0; _root.giftsgiven5 = 0; _root.giftsgiven6 = 0; _root.relation1 = "stranger"; _root.relation1b = 1; _root.exp1 = 0; _root.relation2 = "stranger"; _root.relation2b = 1; _root.exp2 = 0; _root.relation3 = "stranger"; _root.relation3b = 1; _root.exp3 = 0; _root.relation4 = "stranger"; _root.relation4b = 1; _root.exp4 = 0; _root.relation5 = "stranger"; _root.relation5b = 1; _root.exp5 = 0; _root.relation6 = "stranger"; _root.relation6b = 1; _root.exp6 = 0; stop(); _root.str = 1; _root.cha = 1; _root.spe = 1; _root.mag = 1; _root.per = 1; _root.rom = 1; _root.available = 54;
Instance of Symbol 202 MovieClip "charSel" in Frame 1275
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && (_root.available == 0)) { _root.nextFrame(); } }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Frame 1275
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Instance of Symbol 218 MovieClip "charSel" in Frame 1276
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.charactertype); }
Frame 1279
Frame 1387
Frame 1395
_root.period1 = new Array(); _root.period1[1] = 7; _root.period1[2] = 8; _root.period1[3] = 9; _root.period1[4] = 10; _root.period1[5] = 37; _root.period1[6] = 38; _root.period1[7] = 39; _root.period1[8] = 40; _root.period1[9] = 67; _root.period1[10] = 68; _root.period1[11] = 69; _root.period1[12] = 70; _root.period1[13] = 107; _root.period1[14] = 108; _root.period1[15] = 109; _root.period1[16] = 110; _root.period1[17] = 147; _root.period1[18] = 148; _root.period1[19] = 149; _root.period1[20] = 150; _root.period2 = new Array(); _root.period2[1] = 25; _root.period2[2] = 26; _root.period2[3] = 27; _root.period2[4] = 28; _root.period2[5] = 55; _root.period2[6] = 56; _root.period2[7] = 57; _root.period2[8] = 58; _root.period2[9] = 85; _root.period2[10] = 86; _root.period2[11] = 87; _root.period2[12] = 88; _root.period2[13] = 115; _root.period2[14] = 116; _root.period2[15] = 117; _root.period2[16] = 118; _root.period2[17] = 145; _root.period2[18] = 146; _root.period2[19] = 147; _root.period2[20] = 148; _root.period3 = new Array(); _root.period3[1] = 19; _root.period3[2] = 20; _root.period3[3] = 21; _root.period3[4] = 22; _root.period3[5] = 49; _root.period3[6] = 50; _root.period3[7] = 51; _root.period3[8] = 52; _root.period3[9] = 79; _root.period3[10] = 80; _root.period3[11] = 81; _root.period3[12] = 82; _root.period3[13] = 109; _root.period3[14] = 110; _root.period3[15] = 111; _root.period3[16] = 112; _root.period3[17] = 139; _root.period3[18] = 140; _root.period3[19] = 141; _root.period3[20] = 142; _root.period4 = new Array(); _root.period4[1] = 15; _root.period4[2] = 16; _root.period4[3] = 17; _root.period4[4] = 18; _root.period4[5] = 45; _root.period4[6] = 46; _root.period4[7] = 47; _root.period4[8] = 48; _root.period4[9] = 75; _root.period4[10] = 76; _root.period4[11] = 77; _root.period4[12] = 78; _root.period4[13] = 105; _root.period4[14] = 106; _root.period4[15] = 107; _root.period4[16] = 108; _root.period4[17] = 135; _root.period4[18] = 136; _root.period4[19] = 137; _root.period4[20] = 138; _root.period5 = new Array(); _root.period5[1] = 2; _root.period5[2] = 3; _root.period5[3] = 4; _root.period5[4] = 5; _root.period5[5] = 32; _root.period5[6] = 33; _root.period5[7] = 34; _root.period5[8] = 35; _root.period5[9] = 62; _root.period5[10] = 63; _root.period5[11] = 64; _root.period5[12] = 65; _root.period5[13] = 92; _root.period5[14] = 93; _root.period5[15] = 94; _root.period5[16] = 95; _root.period5[17] = 122; _root.period5[18] = 123; _root.period5[19] = 124; _root.period5[20] = 125; _root.period6 = new Array(); _root.period6[1] = 22; _root.period6[2] = 23; _root.period6[3] = 24; _root.period6[4] = 25; _root.period6[5] = 52; _root.period6[6] = 53; _root.period6[7] = 54; _root.period6[8] = 55; _root.period6[9] = 82; _root.period6[10] = 83; _root.period6[11] = 84; _root.period6[12] = 85; _root.period6[13] = 112; _root.period6[14] = 113; _root.period6[15] = 114; _root.period6[16] = 115; _root.period6[17] = 142; _root.period6[18] = 143; _root.period6[19] = 144; _root.period6[20] = 145; _root.menuthing = 0; function saveFunction() { mySharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("elf_girl_sim_date_rpg"); = 1; =; = _root.hp; =; = _root.item1; = _root.item2; = _root.item3; = _root.item4; = _root.item5; = _root.item6; = _root.giftsgiven1; = _root.giftsgiven2; = _root.giftsgiven3; = _root.giftsgiven4; = _root.giftsgiven5; = _root.giftsgiven6; = _root.relation1; = _root.relation1b; = _root.exp1; = _root.relation2; = _root.relation2b; = _root.exp2; = _root.relation3; = _root.relation3b; = _root.exp3; = _root.relation4; = _root.relation4b; = _root.exp4; = _root.relation5; = _root.relation5b; = _root.exp5; = _root.relation6; = _root.relation6b; = _root.exp6; = _root.str; = _root.cha; = _root.spe; = _root.mag; = _root.per; = _root.rom; = _root.charactertype; = _root.charname; mySharedObject.flush(); } stop();
Instance of Symbol 546 MovieClip "poppedUp" in Frame 1395
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { _root.B1.enabled = false; _root.B2.enabled = false; _root.B3.enabled = false; _root.B4.enabled = false; _root.B5.enabled = false; _root.B6.enabled = false; _root.B7.enabled = false; _root.B8.enabled = false; _root.BB.enabled = false; } else if (this._visible == false) { _root.B1.enabled = true; _root.B2.enabled = true; _root.B3.enabled = true; _root.B4.enabled = true; _root.B5.enabled = true; _root.B6.enabled = true; _root.B7.enabled = true; _root.B8.enabled = true; _root.BB.enabled = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 554 MovieClip in Frame 1395
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(2); }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 1395
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); if (_root.str > 250) { _root.str = 250; } if (_root.cha > 250) { _root.cha = 250; } if (_root.spe > 250) { _root.spe = 250; } if (_root.mag > 250) { _root.mag = 250; } if (_root.per > 250) { _root.per = 250; } if (_root.rom > 250) { _root.rom = 250; } }
Instance of Symbol 615 MovieClip "tooltips" in Frame 1395
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.cursor) && (this._visible == true)) && (Key.isDown(16))) { this.gotoAndStop(27); } }
Frame 1396
if (_root.relation1b == 7) { _root.B1._visible = false; _root.B1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation1b < 7) { _root.B1._visible = true; _root.B1.enabled = true; } if (_root.relation2b == 7) { _root.B2._visible = false; _root.B2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation2b < 7) { _root.B2._visible = true; _root.B2.enabled = true; } if (_root.relation3b == 7) { _root.B3._visible = false; _root.B3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation3b < 7) { _root.B3._visible = true; _root.B3.enabled = true; } if (_root.relation4b == 7) { _root.B4._visible = false; _root.B4.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation4b < 7) { _root.B4._visible = true; _root.B4.enabled = true; } if (_root.relation5b == 7) { _root.B5._visible = false; _root.B5.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation5b < 7) { _root.B5._visible = true; _root.B5.enabled = true; } if (_root.relation6b == 7) { _root.B6._visible = false; _root.B6.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation6b < 7) { _root.B6._visible = true; _root.B6.enabled = true; }
Frame 1399
function gotodatething() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 18); gotoAndStop ("startdate"); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "startdate"); } _root.framer = true;
Instance of Symbol 1001 MovieClip "date_river" in Frame 1399
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 3)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : if (_root.relation4b < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else if ((_root.relation4b == 7) && (_root.relation5b < 7)) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (((_root.relation4b == 7) && (_root.relation5b == 7)) && (_root.relation6b < 7)) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } break; case 2 : if (_root.relation5b < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else if ((_root.relation5b == 7) && (_root.relation4b < 7)) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (((_root.relation5b == 7) && (_root.relation4b == 7)) && (_root.relation6b < 7)) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } break; case 3 : if (_root.relation6b < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } else if ((_root.relation6b == 7) && (_root.relation5b < 7)) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (!(((_root.relation6b == 7) && (_root.relation5b == 7)) && (_root.relation4b < 7))) { break; } this.gotoAndStop(2); } } }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 1399
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); if (_root.str > 250) { _root.str = 250; } if (_root.cha > 250) { _root.cha = 250; } if (_root.spe > 250) { _root.spe = 250; } if (_root.mag > 250) { _root.mag = 250; } if (_root.per > 250) { _root.per = 250; } if (_root.rom > 250) { _root.rom = 250; } }
Frame 1402
function gotodatething() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 18); gotoAndStop ("startdate"); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "startdate"); } _root.framer = false;
Instance of Symbol 1001 MovieClip "date_river" in Frame 1402
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 1402
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); if (_root.str > 250) { _root.str = 250; } if (_root.cha > 250) { _root.cha = 250; } if (_root.spe > 250) { _root.spe = 250; } if (_root.mag > 250) { _root.mag = 250; } if (_root.per > 250) { _root.per = 250; } if (_root.rom > 250) { _root.rom = 250; } }
Frame 1404
function gotodatething() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 18); gotoAndStop ("startdate"); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "startdate"); } _root.framer = true;
Instance of Symbol 1205 MovieClip "date_dance" in Frame 1404
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 3)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : if (_root.relation1b < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else if ((_root.relation1b == 7) && (_root.relation2b < 7)) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (((_root.relation1b == 7) && (_root.relation2b == 7)) && (_root.relation3b < 7)) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } break; case 2 : if (_root.relation2b < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else if ((_root.relation2b == 7) && (_root.relation1b < 7)) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (((_root.relation2b == 7) && (_root.relation1b == 7)) && (_root.relation3b < 7)) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } break; case 3 : if (_root.relation3b < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } else if ((_root.relation3b == 7) && (_root.relation2b < 7)) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (!(((_root.relation3b == 7) && (_root.relation2b == 7)) && (_root.relation1b < 7))) { break; } this.gotoAndStop(2); } } }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 1404
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); if (_root.str > 250) { _root.str = 250; } if (_root.cha > 250) { _root.cha = 250; } if (_root.spe > 250) { _root.spe = 250; } if (_root.mag > 250) { _root.mag = 250; } if (_root.per > 250) { _root.per = 250; } if (_root.rom > 250) { _root.rom = 250; } }
Frame 1405
function number1() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 25); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "glinda"); gotoAndStop ("glinda"); } function number2() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 26); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "Nessarose"); gotoAndStop ("Nessarose"); } function number3() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 27); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "Fantine"); gotoAndStop ("Fantine"); } function number4() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 28); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "Elphaba"); gotoAndStop ("Elphaba"); } function number5() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 29); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "Eponine"); gotoAndStop ("Eponine"); } function number6() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 30); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "Cosette"); gotoAndStop ("Cosette"); }
Instance of Symbol 1511 MovieClip "date_out" in Frame 1405
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.girl_in_case); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_root.girl_in_case == 1) && (_root.exp1 > 10000)) && (_root.dateprogress == 250)) { _root.fade_out._visible = true;; } if (((_root.girl_in_case == 2) && (_root.exp2 > 10000)) && (_root.dateprogress == 250)) { _root.fade_out._visible = true;; } if (((_root.girl_in_case == 3) && (_root.exp3 > 10000)) && (_root.dateprogress == 250)) { _root.fade_out._visible = true;; } if (((_root.girl_in_case == 4) && (_root.exp4 > 10000)) && (_root.dateprogress == 250)) { _root.fade_out._visible = true;; } if (((_root.girl_in_case == 5) && (_root.exp5 > 10000)) && (_root.dateprogress == 250)) { _root.fade_out._visible = true;; } if (((_root.girl_in_case == 6) && (_root.exp6 > 10000)) && (_root.dateprogress == 250)) { _root.fade_out._visible = true;; } }
Instance of Symbol 1517 MovieClip "fotos" in Frame 1405
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bVisible == 1) { this._visible = true;; } else if (_root.bVisible == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1519 MovieClip "kiss" in Frame 1405
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(_root.girl_in_case); }
Instance of Symbol 1593 MovieClip "kiss" in Frame 1405
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; _root.trash = 0; this.gotoAndStop(_root.girl_in_case); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.trash == 1) {; this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1601 MovieClip "fade_out" in Frame 1405
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 554 MovieClip in Frame 1405
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(3); }
Instance of Symbol 546 MovieClip "poppedUp" in Frame 1406
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { _root.B1.enabled = false; _root.B2.enabled = false; _root.B3.enabled = false; _root.B4.enabled = false; _root.B5.enabled = false; _root.B6.enabled = false; _root.B7.enabled = false; _root.B8.enabled = false; _root.BB.enabled = false; } else if (this._visible == false) { _root.B1.enabled = true; _root.B2.enabled = true; _root.B3.enabled = true; _root.B4.enabled = true; _root.B5.enabled = true; _root.B6.enabled = true; _root.B7.enabled = true; _root.B8.enabled = true; _root.BB.enabled = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 554 MovieClip in Frame 1406
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 1408
function gotodatething() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 18); gotoAndStop ("startdate"); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "startdate"); } _root.framer = false;
Instance of Symbol 1205 MovieClip "date_dance" in Frame 1408
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip "cursor" in Frame 1408
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); if (_root.str > 250) { _root.str = 250; } if (_root.cha > 250) { _root.cha = 250; } if (_root.spe > 250) { _root.spe = 250; } if (_root.mag > 250) { _root.mag = 250; } if (_root.per > 250) { _root.per = 250; } if (_root.rom > 250) { _root.rom = 250; } }
Frame 1410
function rofl1() { gotoAndStop (1409); } function rofl2() { gotoAndStop (1396); } function rofl3() { gotoAndStop (1397); } function rofl4() { gotoAndStop (1395); } function rofl5() { gotoAndStop (1408); } function rofl6() { gotoAndStop (1400); } function rofl7() { gotoAndStop (1404); } function rofl8() { gotoAndStop (1402); } function rofl9() { gotoAndStop (1401); } function rofl10() { gotoAndStop (1398); } function rofl11() { gotoAndStop (1407); } function rofl12() { gotoAndStop (1403); } function rofl13() { gotoAndStop (1406); } function rofl14() { gotoAndStop (1399); } function rofl15() { gotoAndStop (1426); }
Frame 1411
_root.hp = 100;
Frame 1413
_root.trash = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1511 MovieClip "date_out" in Frame 1413
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.datingGirl); }
Instance of Symbol 1517 MovieClip "fotos" in Frame 1413
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bVisible == 1) { this._visible = true;; } else if (_root.bVisible == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1519 MovieClip "kiss" in Frame 1413
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.datingGirl); this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 1593 MovieClip "kiss" in Frame 1413
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(_root.datingGirl); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.trash == 1) { this._visible = true;; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 554 MovieClip in Frame 1413
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(3); }
Frame 1419
function credits() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 31); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "credits"); gotoAndStop ("credits"); }
Frame 1420
function credits() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 31); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "credits"); gotoAndStop ("credits"); }
Frame 1421
function credits() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 31); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "credits"); gotoAndStop ("credits"); }
Frame 1422
function credits() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 31); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "credits"); gotoAndStop ("credits"); }
Frame 1423
function credits() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 31); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "credits"); gotoAndStop ("credits"); }
Frame 1424
function credits() { _root.gotoAndStop("game", 31); _root.gotoAndStop("game", "credits"); gotoAndStop ("credits"); }
Frame 1425
function back2back() { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay (389); }
Instance of Symbol 546 MovieClip "poppedUp" in Frame 1426
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { _root.B1.enabled = false; _root.B2.enabled = false; _root.B3.enabled = false; _root.B4.enabled = false; _root.B5.enabled = false; _root.B6.enabled = false; _root.B7.enabled = false; _root.B8.enabled = false; _root.BB.enabled = false; } else if (this._visible == false) { _root.B1.enabled = true; _root.B2.enabled = true; _root.B3.enabled = true; _root.B4.enabled = true; _root.B5.enabled = true; _root.B6.enabled = true; _root.B7.enabled = true; _root.B8.enabled = true; _root.BB.enabled = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 554 MovieClip in Frame 1426
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(2); }
Frame 1427
Instance of Symbol 1519 MovieClip in Frame 1427
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 1428
function func4() { gotoAndStop (1430); } _root.death = false;
Instance of Symbol 2117 MovieClip "player" in Frame 1428
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((Key.isDown(37) || (Key.isDown(39))) || (_root.death == true)) {; } else { this.stop(); } if (Key.isDown(39)) { this._xscale = 100; } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { this._xscale = -100; } } onClipEvent (load) { elMax = 70; moveSpeed = 4.5; grav_y = 0; jumping = false; sx = 0; lol1 = 0; _root.seconds = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { lol1++; if ((lol1 == 24) && (_root.death == false)) { _root.seconds++; lol1 = 0; } if (elMax < 20) { elMax = 20; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { this._x = this._x - moveSpeed; } else if (Key.isDown(39)) { this._x = this._x + moveSpeed; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && (!jumping)) { grav_y = 21; jumping = true; } if (jumping == true) { grav_y = grav_y - 1; if (grav_y <= -10) { grav_y = -10; } this._y = this._y - grav_y; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { grav_y = 0; jumping = false; } if ((((this.feet.hitTest(_root.ground.a) || (this.feet.hitTest(_root.ground.b))) || (this.feet.hitTest(_root.ground.c))) || (this.feet.hitTest(_root.ground.d))) || (this.feet.hitTest(_root.ground.e))) { } else { _y = (_y + 13); } if (sx < elMax) { sx++; } if (sx == elMax) { checker = Math.random() * 12; second = Math.random() * 3; checker = Math.round(checker); second = Math.round(second); if (checker == 1) {; } else if (checker == 2) {; } else if (checker == 3) {; } else if (checker == 4) {; } else if (checker == 5) {; } else if (checker == 6) {; } else if (checker == 7) {; } else if (checker == 8) {; } else if (checker == 9) {; } else if (checker == 10) {; } if (second == 2) { checker = Math.random() * 12; second = Math.random() * 3; checker = Math.round(checker); second = Math.round(second); if (checker == 1) {; } else if (checker == 2) {; } else if (checker == 3) {; } else if (checker == 4) {; } else if (checker == 5) {; } else if (checker == 6) {; } else if (checker == 7) {; } else if (checker == 8) {; } else if (checker == 9) {; } else if (checker == 10) {; } } elMax--; sx = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 2126 MovieClip in Frame 1428
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player._y > 400) {; _root.death = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 2133 MovieClip "volt_a" in Frame 1428
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.flow == 1) && (this.hitTest(_root.player))) { _root.player.gotoAndPlay(14); } }
Instance of Symbol 2133 MovieClip "volt_b" in Frame 1428
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.flow == 1) && (this.hitTest(_root.player))) { _root.player.gotoAndPlay(14); } }
Instance of Symbol 2133 MovieClip "volt_c" in Frame 1428
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.flow == 1) && (this.hitTest(_root.player))) { _root.player.gotoAndPlay(14); } }
Instance of Symbol 2133 MovieClip "volt_d" in Frame 1428
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.flow == 1) && (this.hitTest(_root.player))) { _root.player.gotoAndPlay(14); } }
Instance of Symbol 2133 MovieClip "volt_e" in Frame 1428
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.flow == 1) && (this.hitTest(_root.player))) { _root.player.gotoAndPlay(14); } }
Instance of Symbol 2140 MovieClip "inferno_a" in Frame 1428
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.flow == 1) && (this.glock.hitTest(_root.player))) { _root.player.gotoAndPlay(14); } }
Instance of Symbol 2140 MovieClip "inferno_c" in Frame 1428
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.flow == 1) && (this.glock.hitTest(_root.player))) { _root.player.gotoAndPlay(14); } }
Instance of Symbol 2140 MovieClip "inferno_e" in Frame 1428
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.flow == 1) && (this.glock.hitTest(_root.player))) { _root.player.gotoAndPlay(14); } }
Instance of Symbol 2140 MovieClip "inferno_d" in Frame 1428
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.flow == 1) && (this.glock.hitTest(_root.player))) { _root.player.gotoAndPlay(14); } }
Instance of Symbol 2140 MovieClip "inferno_b" in Frame 1428
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.flow == 1) && (this.glock.hitTest(_root.player))) { _root.player.gotoAndPlay(14); } }
Frame 1429
function func1() { gotoAndStop (1427); }
Instance of Symbol 2155 MovieClip in Frame 1429
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.func1(); } }
Frame 1430
function func1() { gotoAndStop (1427); } if ((_root.seconds > 150) && (_root.seconds < 250)) { _root.spawncheat = "game cheat code: ivegotthepower"; } else if (_root.seconds > 250) { _root.spawncheat = "game cheat code: whatisthisfeeling"; } else { _root.spawncheat = " "; }
Instance of Symbol 2161 MovieClip in Frame 1430
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.func1(); } }
Frame 1431
stopAllSounds(); stop();
Frame 1432
function gameOverFlow() { gotoAndStop (1433); } _root.exist = 1; _root.playN = 1; stop(); _root.subtractx = 25; Mouse.hide(); var i = 0; _root.pause = 0; max = 20; pix = new Array(); while (i <= max) { if (i != 0) { pix[0].duplicateMovieClip("pix" add i, i); } pix[i] = eval ("pix" add i); pix[i]._x = random(550); pix[i]._y = random(400); pix[i].mass = 4 + (0.3 * i); pix[i]._alpha = 40 - (2 * i); i++; } _root.lives = 30; _root.score = 0; _root.accuracy = 0; _root.rocketfinish = 0; _root.fixes = 3; _root.bombs = 3;
Instance of Symbol 2223 MovieClip "blade" in Frame 1432
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.playN == 0) { this.stop(); } else {; } if (_root.exist == 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 2231 MovieClip in Frame 1432
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.onRelease = function () { if (_root.bombs > 0) {; _root.bombs = _root.bombs - 1; _root.hits = _root.hits + 1; this.nextFrame(); } }; }
Instance of Symbol 2233 MovieClip in Frame 1432
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.onRelease = function () { if (_root.fixes > 0) { _root.lives = 30; _root.fixes = _root.fixes - 1; _root.hits = _root.hits + 1; this.nextFrame(); } }; }
Instance of Symbol 2239 MovieClip in Frame 1432
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._width = Math.round(_root.lives * 4); }
Instance of Symbol 2249 MovieClip "pix0" in Frame 1432
onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.playN == 1) { Sniper = new Sound(); Sniper.attachSound("Sniper"); Sniper.start(); _root.shots = _root.shots + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.accuracy = math.round((_root.hits / _root.shots) * 2100); if (_root.shots < 1) { _root.accuracy = 0; } if (_root.rocketfinish == 2) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = _root.rocketfinish + 1; } if (_root.rocketfinish == 4) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = _root.rocketfinish + 1; } if (_root.rocketfinish == 8) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = _root.rocketfinish + 1; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 30) && (_root.rocketfinish < 55)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 55; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 100) && (_root.rocketfinish < 125)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 125; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 150) && (_root.rocketfinish < 165)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 165; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 250) && (_root.rocketfinish < 275)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 275; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 350) && (_root.rocketfinish < 375)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 375; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 450) && (_root.rocketfinish < 475)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 475; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 550) && (_root.rocketfinish < 575)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 575; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 650) && (_root.rocketfinish < 675)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 675; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 750) && (_root.rocketfinish < 775)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 775; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 850) && (_root.rocketfinish < 875)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 875; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 1000) && (_root.rocketfinish < 1025)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 1025; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 2000) && (_root.rocketfinish < 2025)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 2025; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 3000) && (_root.rocketfinish < 3025)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 3025; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 4000) && (_root.rocketfinish < 4025)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 4025; } if ((_root.rocketfinish > 5000) && (_root.rocketfinish < 5025)) { _root.varia = -40; _root.duplications = _root.duplications + 1; _root.blade.duplicateMovieClip("blade" + _root.duplications, _root.duplications); _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._x = _root.varia; _root["blade" + _root.duplications]._y = (Math.random() * 235) + 90; _root.rocketfinish = 15025; } if (_root.lives < 1) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gameOverFlow(); } if (_root.countlol > 0) { _root.countlol = _root.countlol - 1; } if (_root.exist == 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.countlol = 0; _root.duplications = 0; }
Frame 1433
_root.exist = 0; function backz0r() { gotoAndStop (1431); stopAllSounds(); } _root.score = _root.score * _root.accuracy;
Instance of Symbol 1519 MovieClip in Frame 1433
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Symbol 15 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 1
function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var _local4 = sX / this._width; var _local3 = sY / this._height; _parent._x = cX - (this._x * _local4); _parent._y = cY - (this._y * _local3); _parent._xscale = 100 * _local4; _parent._yscale = 100 * _local3; } function resetStage() { var _local2 = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0}; parentColor.setTransform(_local2); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } this._visible = false; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit"; var cX = (Stage.width / 2); var cY = (Stage.height / 2); var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); this.onEnterFrame = camControl; camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage;
Symbol 52 Button
on (release) {; }
Instance of Symbol 50 MovieClip in Symbol 59 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { varName = "defaultValue"; }
Symbol 59 MovieClip Frame 349
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 111 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay (410); }
Symbol 114 Button
on (release) { mySharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("elf_girl_sim_date_rpg"); =; _root.hp =; =; _root.item1 =; _root.item2 =; _root.item3 =; _root.item4 =; _root.item5 =; _root.item6 =; _root.giftsgiven1 =; _root.giftsgiven2 =; _root.giftsgiven3 =; _root.giftsgiven4 =; _root.giftsgiven5 =; _root.giftsgiven6 =; _root.relation1 =; _root.relation1b =; _root.exp1 =; _root.relation2 =; _root.relation2b =; _root.exp2 =; _root.relation3 =; _root.relation3b =; _root.exp3 =; _root.relation4 =; _root.relation4b =; _root.exp4 =; _root.relation5 =; _root.relation5b =; _root.exp5 =; _root.relation6 =; _root.relation6b =; _root.exp6 =; _root.str =; _root.cha =; _root.spe =; _root.mag =; _root.per =; _root.rom =; _root.charactertype =; _root.charname =; _root.saved =; if (_root.saved == 1) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (1395); } }
Symbol 117 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 120 Button
on (release) { _root.menuthing = 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop ("credits"); }
Symbol 123 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 124 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 176 Button
on (release) { if (_root.str > 1) { _root.str--; _root.available++; } }
Symbol 178 Button
on (release) { if (_root.available > 0) { _root.str++; _root.available--; } }
Symbol 179 Button
on (release) { if (_root.cha > 1) { _root.cha--; _root.available++; } }
Symbol 181 Button
on (release) { if (_root.available > 0) { _root.cha++; _root.available--; } }
Symbol 182 Button
on (release) { if (_root.spe > 1) { _root.spe--; _root.available++; } }
Symbol 184 Button
on (release) { if (_root.available > 0) { _root.spe++; _root.available--; } }
Symbol 185 Button
on (release) { if (_root.mag > 1) { _root.mag--; _root.available++; } }
Symbol 187 Button
on (release) { if (_root.available > 0) { _root.mag++; _root.available--; } }
Symbol 188 Button
on (release) { if (_root.per > 1) { _root.per--; _root.available++; } }
Symbol 190 Button
on (release) { if (_root.available > 0) { _root.per++; _root.available--; } }
Symbol 191 Button
on (release) { if (_root.rom > 1) { _root.rom--; _root.available++; } }
Symbol 193 Button
on (release) { if (_root.available > 0) { _root.rom++; _root.available--; } }
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.charactertype = 1; stop();
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.charactertype = 2;
Symbol 203 Button
on (release) { _root.charSel.prevFrame(); }
Symbol 204 Button
on (release) { _root.charSel.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 221 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 222 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 232 Button
on (release) { if (_root.cheatenter == "ivegotthepower") { _root.str = 100; _root.cha = 100; _root.spe = 100; _root.mag = 100; _root.per = 100; _root.rom = 100; SOUND = new Sound(); SOUND.attachSound("SOUND"); SOUND.start(); } else if (_root.cheatenter == "wickedbroadway") { _root.item1 = 100; _root.item2 = 100; _root.item3 = 100; _root.item4 = 100; _root.item5 = 100; _root.item6 = 100; SOUND = new Sound(); SOUND.attachSound("SOUND"); SOUND.start(); } else if (_root.cheatenter == "ozdustballroom") { _root.exp2 = 8000; _root.relation2b = 2; _root.relation2 = "New Friend"; SOUND = new Sound(); SOUND.attachSound("SOUND"); SOUND.start(); } else if (_root.cheatenter == "weregonnamakeyoupopular") { _root.exp1 = 8000; _root.relation1b = 2; _root.relation1 = "New Friend"; SOUND = new Sound(); SOUND.attachSound("SOUND"); SOUND.start(); } else if (_root.cheatenter == "danceuptothemoon") { _root.exp3 = 8000; _root.relation3b = 2; _root.relation3 = "New Friend"; SOUND = new Sound(); SOUND.attachSound("SOUND"); SOUND.start(); } else if (_root.cheatenter == "danielmcneely") { = 1000000 /* 0x0F4240 */; SOUND = new Sound(); SOUND.attachSound("SOUND"); SOUND.start(); } else if (_root.cheatenter == "defyinggravity") { _root.exp4 = 8000; _root.relation4b = 2; _root.relation4 = "New Friend"; SOUND = new Sound(); SOUND.attachSound("SOUND"); SOUND.start(); } else if (_root.cheatenter == "whatisthisfeeling") { _root.str = 250; _root.cha = 250; _root.spe = 250; _root.mag = 250; _root.per = 250; _root.rom = 250; SOUND = new Sound(); SOUND.attachSound("SOUND"); SOUND.start(); } else if (_root.cheatenter == "loathingforgood") { _root.exp5 = 8000; _root.relation5b = 2; _root.relation5 = "New Friend"; SOUND = new Sound(); SOUND.attachSound("SOUND"); SOUND.start(); } else if (_root.cheatenter == "benjamin") { _root.exp1 = 9500; _root.relation1b = 2; _root.relation1 = "New Friend"; _root.exp2 = 9500; _root.relation2b = 2; _root.relation2 = "New Friend"; _root.exp3 = 9500; _root.relation3b = 2; _root.relation3 = "New Friend"; _root.exp4 = 9500; _root.relation4b = 2; _root.relation4 = "New Friend"; _root.exp5 = 9500; _root.relation5b = 2; _root.relation5 = "New Friend"; _root.exp6 = 9500; _root.relation6b = 2; _root.relation6 = "New Friend"; SOUND = new Sound(); SOUND.attachSound("SOUND"); SOUND.start(); } else if (_root.cheatenter == "winternap") { = 100; SOUND = new Sound(); SOUND.attachSound("SOUND"); SOUND.start(); } else if (_root.cheatenter == "greyhaired") { _root.exp6 = 8000; _root.relation6b = 2; _root.relation6 = "New Friend"; SOUND = new Sound(); SOUND.attachSound("SOUND"); SOUND.start(); } else { _root.cheatenter = "no such cheat!"; } }
Symbol 260 Button
on (release, keyPress "1") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (1411); }
Symbol 265 Button
on (release, keyPress "2") { _root.saveFunction(); _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 270 Button
on (release, keyPress "3") { _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(2); }
Symbol 275 Button
on (release) { _root.B1._visible = true; _root.B1.enabled = true; _root.B2._visible = true; _root.B2.enabled = true; _root.B3._visible = true; _root.B3.enabled = true; _root.B4._visible = true; _root.B4.enabled = true; _root.B5._visible = true; _root.B5.enabled = true; _root.B6._visible = true; _root.B6.enabled = true; gotoAndStop (1410); }
Symbol 279 Button
on (release) { _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(24); }
Symbol 280 Button
on (release) { _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(26); }
Symbol 286 Button
on (release) { _root.poppedUp._visible = false; }
Symbol 301 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 5) { _root.hp = _root.hp - 5; _root.exp1 = _root.exp1 + 10; gotoAndStop (27); } }
Symbol 311 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 5) { _root.hp = _root.hp - 5; _root.exp2 = _root.exp2 + 10; gotoAndStop (27); } }
Symbol 321 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 5) { _root.hp = _root.hp - 5; _root.exp3 = _root.exp3 + 10; gotoAndStop (27); } }
Symbol 331 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 5) { _root.hp = _root.hp - 5; _root.exp4 = _root.exp4 + 10; gotoAndStop (27); } }
Symbol 341 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 5) { _root.hp = _root.hp - 5; _root.exp5 = _root.exp5 + 10; gotoAndStop (27); } }
Symbol 351 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 5) { _root.hp = _root.hp - 5; _root.exp6 = _root.exp6 + 10; gotoAndStop (27); } }
Symbol 383 Button
on (release) { _root.poppedUp._visible = false; _root.date_river._visible = true; _root.river_thing._visible = false; _root.B1._visible = false; _root.B2._visible = false; _root.BB._visible = false; _root.B7._visible = false; _root.B8._visible = false; _root.B1.enabled = false; _root.B2.enabled = false; _root.BB.enabled = false; _root.B7.enabled = false; _root.B8.enabled = false; }
Symbol 403 Button
on (release) { _root.poppedUp._visible = false; _root.date_dance._visible = true; _root.dance_club_thing._visible = false; _root.B1._visible = false; _root.B2._visible = false; _root.BB._visible = false; _root.B7._visible = false; _root.B8._visible = false; _root.B1.enabled = false; _root.B2.enabled = false; _root.BB.enabled = false; _root.B7.enabled = false; _root.B8.enabled = false; }
Symbol 424 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 50) { _root.item6++; cash = new Sound(); cash.attachSound("cash"); cash.start(0, 0); = - 50; } }
Symbol 429 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 150) { _root.item5++; cash = new Sound(); cash.attachSound("cash"); cash.start(0, 0); = - 150; } }
Symbol 434 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 250) { _root.item4++; cash = new Sound(); cash.attachSound("cash"); cash.start(0, 0); = - 250; } }
Symbol 456 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 500) { _root.item1++; cash = new Sound(); cash.attachSound("cash"); cash.start(0, 0); = - 500; } }
Symbol 461 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 1500) { _root.item2++; cash = new Sound(); cash.attachSound("cash"); cash.start(0, 0); = - 1500; } }
Symbol 466 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 250) { _root.item3++; cash = new Sound(); cash.attachSound("cash"); cash.start(0, 0); = - 250; } }
Symbol 546 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.relation1b > 2) { _root.poppedUp.call1._visible = true; } else { _root.poppedUp.call1._visible = false; } if (_root.relation2b > 2) { _root.poppedUp.call2._visible = true; } else { _root.poppedUp.call2._visible = false; } if (_root.relation3b > 2) { _root.poppedUp.call3._visible = true; } else { _root.poppedUp.call3._visible = false; } if (_root.relation4b > 2) { _root.poppedUp.call4._visible = true; } else { _root.poppedUp.call4._visible = false; } if (_root.relation5b > 2) { _root.poppedUp.call5._visible = true; } else { _root.poppedUp.call5._visible = false; } if (_root.relation6b > 2) { _root.poppedUp.call6._visible = true; } else { _root.poppedUp.call6._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 218 MovieClip "charSel" in Symbol 546 MovieClip Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.charactertype); }
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 5; _root.hp = 100;
Symbol 554 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); stopAllSounds();
Symbol 554 MovieClip Frame 2
stopAllSounds(); regular = new Sound(); regular.attachSound("regular"); regular.start(0, 15000);
Symbol 554 MovieClip Frame 3
stopAllSounds(); dating = new Sound(); dating.attachSound("dating"); dating.start(0, 15000);
Symbol 561 Button
on (release) { if (_root.poppedUp._visible == false) {; } }
Symbol 619 Button
on (release) { randomisa = (Math.random() * 24) + 1; randomisa = Math.round(randomisa); _root.tooltips.gotoAndStop(randomisa); if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.tooltips.gotoAndStop(28); } if (_root.tooltips._visible == false) { _root.tooltips._visible = true; } else if (_root.tooltips._visible == true) { _root.tooltips._visible = false; } }
Symbol 622 Button
on (release, keyPress "1") { if (_root.relation1b == 6) { _root.dateprogress = 1; _root.datetalk = 0; _root.datecomp = 0; _root.datefoto = 0; _root.dateuser = 0; _root.dategive = 0; _root.datekiss = 0; _root.girl_in_case = 1; gotoAndStop (1405); } }
Symbol 627 Button
on (release, keyPress "2") { if (_root.relation2b == 6) { _root.dateprogress = 1; _root.datetalk = 0; _root.datecomp = 0; _root.datefoto = 0; _root.dateuser = 0; _root.dategive = 0; _root.datekiss = 0; _root.girl_in_case = 2; gotoAndStop (1405); } }
Symbol 630 Button
on (release, keyPress "4") { if (_root.relation4b == 6) { _root.dateprogress = 1; _root.datetalk = 0; _root.datecomp = 0; _root.datefoto = 0; _root.dateuser = 0; _root.dategive = 0; _root.datekiss = 0; _root.girl_in_case = 4; gotoAndStop (1405); } }
Symbol 633 Button
on (release, keyPress "3") { if (_root.relation3b == 6) { _root.dateprogress = 1; _root.datetalk = 0; _root.datecomp = 0; _root.datefoto = 0; _root.dateuser = 0; _root.dategive = 0; _root.datekiss = 0; _root.girl_in_case = 3; gotoAndStop (1405); } }
Symbol 636 Button
on (release, keyPress "6") { if (_root.relation6b == 6) { _root.dateprogress = 1; _root.datetalk = 0; _root.datecomp = 0; _root.datefoto = 0; _root.dateuser = 0; _root.dategive = 0; _root.datekiss = 0; _root.girl_in_case = 6; gotoAndStop (1405); } }
Symbol 641 Button
on (release, keyPress "5") { if (_root.relation5b == 6) { _root.dateprogress = 1; _root.datetalk = 0; _root.datecomp = 0; _root.datefoto = 0; _root.dateuser = 0; _root.dategive = 0; _root.datekiss = 0; _root.girl_in_case = 5; gotoAndStop (1405); } }
Symbol 646 Button
on (release, keyPress "1") { if (_root.hp >= 40) { _root.wage = _root.per * 1.75; _root.wage = Math.round(_root.wage); _root.wage = _root.wage + 100; = ( = + _root.wage); _root.hp = _root.hp - 40; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (_root.hp < 40) { _root.needed = 40; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 651 Button
on (release, keyPress "2") { if (_root.hp >= 100) { _root.wage = _root.spe + _root.str; randomizer = (Math.random() * 4.9) + 0.1; _root.wage = _root.wage * randomizer; _root.wage = Math.round(_root.wage); _root.wage = _root.wage + 100; = ( = + _root.wage); _root.hp = _root.hp - 100; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(4); } else if (_root.hp < 100) { _root.needed = 100; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 658 Button
on (release, keyPress "1") { if (_root.hp >= 20) { _root.wage = (Math.random() * 2) + 1; _root.wage = Math.round(_root.wage); _root.mag = _root.mag + _root.wage; _root.hp = _root.hp - 20; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(5); } else if (_root.hp < 20) { _root.needed = 20; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 663 Button
on (release, keyPress "2") { if (_root.hp >= 20) { _root.wage = (Math.random() * 2) + 1; _root.wage = Math.round(_root.wage); _root.spe = _root.spe + _root.wage; _root.hp = _root.hp - 20; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(6); } else if (_root.hp < 20) { _root.needed = 20; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 666 Button
on (release, keyPress "3") { if (_root.hp >= 20) { _root.wage = (Math.random() * 2) + 1; _root.wage = Math.round(_root.wage); _root.str = _root.str + _root.wage; _root.hp = _root.hp - 20; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(7); } else if (_root.hp < 20) { _root.needed = 20; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 671 Button
on (release, keyPress "1") { if (_root.hp >= 20) { _root.wage = (Math.random() * 2) + 1; _root.wage = Math.round(_root.wage); _root.rom = _root.rom + _root.wage; _root.hp = _root.hp - 20; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(8); } else if (_root.hp < 20) { _root.needed = 20; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 672 Button
on (release, keyPress "2") { if (_root.hp >= 5) { _root.hp = _root.hp - 5; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(9); } else if (_root.hp < 5) { _root.needed = 5; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 675 Button
on (release) { _root.date_river._visible = false; _root.river_thing._visible = true; _root.B1._visible = true; _root.B2._visible = true; _root.BB._visible = true; _root.B7._visible = true; _root.B8._visible = true; _root.B1.enabled = true; _root.B2.enabled = true; _root.BB.enabled = true; _root.B7.enabled = true; _root.B8.enabled = true; }
Symbol 677 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 20) { if (_root.relation6b == 1) { _root.exp6 = _root.per + _root.spe; _root.exp6 = _root.exp6 / 5; _root.exp6 = _root.exp6 + 10; _root.exp6 = Math.round(_root.exp6); } gotoAndStop (4); _root.hp = _root.hp - 20; } }
Symbol 678 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 20) { if (_root.relation4b == 1) { _root.exp4 = _root.mag + _root.str; _root.exp4 = _root.exp4 / 5; _root.exp4 = _root.exp4 + 10; _root.exp4 = Math.round(_root.exp4); } gotoAndStop (2); _root.hp = _root.hp - 20; } }
Symbol 679 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 20) { if (_root.relation5b == 1) { _root.exp5 = _root.cha + _root.rom; _root.exp5 = _root.exp5 / 5; _root.exp5 = _root.exp5 + 10; _root.exp5 = Math.round(_root.exp5); } gotoAndStop (3); _root.hp = _root.hp - 20; } }
Symbol 686 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "Leave me ALONE.\nNOW."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp4 = _root.exp4 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { _root.exp4 = _root.exp4 + 15; if (_root.relation4b == 1) { if (_root.exp4 < 20) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "What do you want?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp4 >= 20) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "Huh? \n(He looks Okay...)"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation4b == 2) { if (_root.exp4 < 100) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "Hi."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp4 >= 100) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "Hey there!\n(He's worth it...)"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation4b == 3) { if (_root.exp4 < 250) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "Hey There! \nHow's it going?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp4 >= 250) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "Hey there! \nNice to see you again!\n(He's worth it...)"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation4b == 4) { if (_root.exp4 < 500) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "Hey! \nWhat's up?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp4 >= 500) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "Hey there! \nCall me!\n(I really like him!...)"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation4b > 4) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 19)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(3); break; case 2 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(4); break; case 3 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(5); break; case 4 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(6); break; case 5 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(7); break; case 6 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(8); break; case 7 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(9); break; case 8 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(10); break; case 9 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(11); break; case 10 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(12); break; case 11 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(13); break; case 12 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(14); break; case 13 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(15); break; case 14 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(16); break; case 15 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(17); break; case 16 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(18); break; case 17 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(19); break; case 18 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(20); break; case 19 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(21); } } } }
Symbol 688 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "Leave me ALONE.\nNOW."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp4 = _root.exp4 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation4b == 1) { if (_root.exp4 < 20) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "My name...? \nNO WAY."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp4 >= 20) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "I'm Elphaba."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation4b = 2; _root.relation4 = "New Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation4b == 2) { if (_root.exp4 < 100) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "My number...? NO WAY."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp4 >= 100) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "1-542-1897-236,\nCall me!"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation4b = 3; _root.relation4 = "Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation4b == 3) { if (_root.exp4 < 250) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "NO WAY."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp4 >= 250) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "I am 19."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation4b = 4; _root.relation4 = "Good Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation4b == 4) { if (_root.exp4 < 500) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "My birthday?\nNO WAY."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp4 >= 500) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "My birthday?\nThe 14th of December!"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation4b = 5; _root.relation4 = "Close Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation4b > 4) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 16)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : _root.mssg = "Where I'm from?\nLothorien."; break; case 2 : _root.mssg = "A sign I was born under?\nI was born under the sign the witch."; break; case 3 : _root.mssg = "The stats I care about?\nMagic and Strenght."; break; case 4 : _root.mssg = "My height?\n171 cm."; break; case 5 : _root.mssg = "My weight?\n55 KG."; break; case 6 : _root.mssg = "Hip size?\n81 cm."; break; case 7 : _root.mssg = "Breast size?\n84 cm."; break; case 8 : _root.mssg = "Waist size?\n53."; break; case 9 : _root.mssg = "Favourite LOTR soundtrack?\nMinas Morgul."; break; case 10 : _root.mssg = "Favourite LOTR location?\nMinas Morgul."; break; case 11 : _root.mssg = "Favourte LOTR part?\nThe fellowship of the ring!"; break; case 12 : _root.mssg = "Favourite Video game?\nDefend your castle."; break; case 13 : _root.mssg = "Colours I like?\nYellow and Purple."; break; case 14 : _root.mssg = "My favourite food?\nAnything not too special."; break; case 15 : _root.mssg = "My favourite Drink?\nWater."; break; case 16 : _root.mssg = "A guote I like?\nYou don't care whether I live or die."; } } } }
Symbol 690 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "Leave me ALONE.\nNOW."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp4 = _root.exp4 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation4b < 4) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "What...? \nI can't accept anything from you!"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation4b == 4) { maxpresents = * 0.25; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven4 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven4 < maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation4b == 5) { maxpresents = * 0.5; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven4 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven4 < maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation4b > 5) { maxpresents = * 0.85; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven4 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven4 < maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } } }
Symbol 692 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "Leave me ALONE.\nNOW."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp4 = _root.exp4 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation4b < 5) { _root.header = "Elphaba"; _root.mssg = "What...? \nI'm sorry but I only date my closest friends."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b4.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation4b >= 5) { _root.datingGirl = 4; _root.gotodatething(); } } }
Symbol 707 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item1 > 0) { _root.item1--; _root.giftsgiven1++; gotoAndStop (25); } }
Symbol 709 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item2 > 0) { _root.item2--; _root.giftsgiven1++; gotoAndStop (26); } }
Symbol 711 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item3 > 0) { _root.item3--; _root.giftsgiven1++; gotoAndStop (24); } }
Symbol 713 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 720 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 722 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.exp4 = _root.exp4 - 35;
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.exp4 = _root.exp4 + 15;
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.exp4 = _root.exp4 + 50;
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.exp4 = _root.exp4 + 150;
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.exp4 = _root.exp4 + 500;
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.exp4 = _root.exp4 / 2; _root.exp4 = Math.ceil(_root.exp4);
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.exp4 = _root.exp4 - 25;
Symbol 853 Button
on (release) { _root.date_river._visible = false; _root.river_thing._visible = true; _root.B1._visible = true; _root.B2._visible = true; _root.BB._visible = true; _root.B7._visible = true; _root.B8._visible = true; _root.B1.enabled = true; _root.B2.enabled = true; _root.BB.enabled = true; _root.B7.enabled = true; _root.B8.enabled = true; _root.header = ""; _root.mssg = ""; if (_root.framer == true) { randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 3)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : if (_root.relation4b < 7) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(2); } else if ((_root.relation4b == 7) && (_root.relation5b < 7)) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (((_root.relation4b == 7) && (_root.relation5b == 7)) && (_root.relation6b < 7)) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(4); } break; case 2 : if (_root.relation5b < 7) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(3); } else if ((_root.relation5b == 7) && (_root.relation4b < 7)) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (((_root.relation5b == 7) && (_root.relation4b == 7)) && (_root.relation6b < 7)) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(4); } break; case 3 : if (_root.relation6b < 7) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(4); } else if ((_root.relation6b == 7) && (_root.relation5b < 7)) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (!(((_root.relation6b == 7) && (_root.relation5b == 7)) && (_root.relation4b < 7))) { break; } _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(2); } } } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 859 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "..."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp5 = _root.exp5 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { _root.exp5 = _root.exp5 + 15; if (_root.relation5b == 1) { if (_root.exp5 < 20) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "What do you want?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp5 >= 20) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "Hi? \n(He looks Okay...)"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation5b == 2) { if (_root.exp5 < 100) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "Hi."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp5 >= 100) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "Hey there!\nWhat's up?\n(He's worth it...)"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation5b == 3) { if (_root.exp5 < 250) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "Hey There! \nHow's it going?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp5 >= 250) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "Hey there! \nNice to see you again!\n(He's worth it...)"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation5b == 4) { if (_root.exp5 < 500) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "Hey! \nWhat's up?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp5 >= 500) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "Hey there! \nCall me later!\n(I really like him!...)"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation5b > 4) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 19)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(3); break; case 2 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(4); break; case 3 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(5); break; case 4 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(6); break; case 5 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(7); break; case 6 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(8); break; case 7 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(9); break; case 8 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(10); break; case 9 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(11); break; case 10 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(12); break; case 11 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(13); break; case 12 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(14); break; case 13 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(15); break; case 14 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(16); break; case 15 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(17); break; case 16 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(18); break; case 17 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(19); break; case 18 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(20); break; case 19 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(21); } } } }
Symbol 860 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "..."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp5 = _root.exp5 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; if (_root.relation5b == 1) { if (_root.exp5 < 20) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "My name...? \nWhy?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp5 >= 20) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "I'm Eponine."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation5b = 2; _root.relation5 = "New Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation5b == 2) { if (_root.exp5 < 100) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "My number...? Why?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp5 >= 100) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "1-541-2367-089,\nCall me!"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation5b = 3; _root.relation5 = "Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation5b == 3) { if (_root.exp5 < 250) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "Why do you want to know?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp5 >= 250) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "I am 18 years old."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation5b = 4; _root.relation5 = "Good Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation5b == 4) { if (_root.exp5 < 500) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "My birthday?\nwhy?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp5 >= 500) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "My birthday?\nThe 14th of December!"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation5b = 5; _root.relation5 = "Close Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation5b > 4) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 16)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : _root.mssg = "Where I'm from?\nRivendell."; break; case 2 : _root.mssg = "A sign I was born under?\nI was born under the sign the night."; break; case 3 : _root.mssg = "The stats I care about?\nCharm and Romance."; break; case 4 : _root.mssg = "My height?\n159 cm."; break; case 5 : _root.mssg = "My weight?\n46 KG."; break; case 6 : _root.mssg = "Hip size?\n75 cm."; break; case 7 : _root.mssg = "Breast size?\n71 cm."; break; case 8 : _root.mssg = "Waist size?\n49."; break; case 9 : _root.mssg = "Favourite LOTR soundtrack?\nConcerning Hobbits."; break; case 10 : _root.mssg = "Favourite LOTR location?\nThe misty mountains."; break; case 11 : _root.mssg = "Favourte LOTR part?\nThe return of the king!"; break; case 12 : _root.mssg = "Favourite Video game?\nThe Sims."; break; case 13 : _root.mssg = "Colours I like?\nBlack and White."; break; case 14 : _root.mssg = "My favourite food?\nLembas Bread."; break; case 15 : _root.mssg = "My favourite Drink?\nWater."; break; case 16 : _root.mssg = "A guote I like?\nA wall against pain is also a wall that keeps out the joy."; } } } }
Symbol 861 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "..."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp5 = _root.exp5 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation5b < 4) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "What...? \nI can't accept anything from you!"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation5b == 4) { maxpresents = * 0.25; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven5 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven5 < maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation5b == 5) { maxpresents = * 0.5; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven5 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven5 < maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation5b > 5) { maxpresents = * 0.85; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven5 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven5 < maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } } }
Symbol 862 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "..."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp5 = _root.exp5 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation5b < 5) { _root.header = "Eponine"; _root.mssg = "What...? \nI'm sorry but I only date my closest friends."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b4.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation5b >= 5) { _root.datingGirl = 5; _root.gotodatething(); } } }
Symbol 869 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item1 > 0) { _root.item1--; _root.giftsgiven1++; gotoAndStop (25); } }
Symbol 870 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item2 > 0) { _root.item2--; _root.giftsgiven1++; gotoAndStop (26); } }
Symbol 871 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item3 > 0) { _root.item3--; _root.giftsgiven1++; gotoAndStop (24); } }
Symbol 872 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 876 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 877 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 926 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 926 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.exp5 = _root.exp5 - 35;
Symbol 926 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.exp5 = _root.exp5 + 15;
Symbol 926 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.exp5 = _root.exp5 + 50;
Symbol 926 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.exp5 = _root.exp5 + 150;
Symbol 926 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.exp5 = _root.exp5 + 500;
Symbol 926 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.exp5 = _root.exp5 / 2; _root.exp5 = Math.ceil(_root.exp5);
Symbol 926 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.exp5 = _root.exp5 - 25;
Symbol 934 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "Sorry, not in a too good mood lately."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp5 = _root.exp5 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation6b < 5) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "What...? \nI'm sorry but I only date my closest friends."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b4.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation6b >= 5) { _root.datingGirl = 6; _root.gotodatething(); } } }
Symbol 941 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item1 > 0) { _root.item1--; _root.giftsgiven2++; gotoAndStop (25); } }
Symbol 942 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item2 > 0) { _root.item2--; _root.giftsgiven2++; gotoAndStop (26); } }
Symbol 943 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item3 > 0) { _root.item3--; _root.giftsgiven2++; gotoAndStop (24); } }
Symbol 944 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 948 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 949 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.exp6 = _root.exp6 - 35;
Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.exp6 = _root.exp6 + 15;
Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.exp6 = _root.exp6 + 50;
Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.exp6 = _root.exp6 + 150;
Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.exp6 = _root.exp6 + 500;
Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.exp6 = _root.exp6 / 2; _root.exp6 = Math.ceil(_root.exp6);
Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.exp6 = _root.exp6 - 25;
Symbol 997 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "Sorry, not in a too good mood lately."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp5 = _root.exp5 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation6b < 4) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "What...? \nI can't accept anything from you!"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation6b == 4) { maxpresents = * 0.25; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven6 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven6 < maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation6b == 5) { maxpresents = * 0.5; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven6 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven6 < maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation6b > 5) { maxpresents = * 0.85; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven6 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven6 < maxpresents) { _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_river.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } } }
Symbol 998 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "Sorry, not in a too good mood lately."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp5 = _root.exp5 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { _root.exp6 = _root.exp6 + 15; if (_root.relation6b == 1) { if (_root.exp6 < 20) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "Hey."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp6 >= 20) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "Hi? \n(He looks Okay...)"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation6b == 2) { if (_root.exp6 < 100) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "Hi."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp6 >= 100) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "Hey there!\nWhat's up?\n(He's worth it...)"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation6b == 3) { if (_root.exp6 < 250) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "Hey There! \nHow's it going?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp6 >= 250) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "Hey there! \nNice to see you again!\n(He's worth it...)"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation6b == 4) { if (_root.exp6 < 500) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "Hey! \nWhat's up?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp6 >= 500) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "Hey there! \nCall me later!\n(I really like him!...)"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation6b > 4) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.date_river.dt_b1.enabled = false; randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 19)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(3); break; case 2 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(4); break; case 3 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(5); break; case 4 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(6); break; case 5 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(7); break; case 6 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(8); break; case 7 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(9); break; case 8 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(10); break; case 9 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(11); break; case 10 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(12); break; case 11 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(13); break; case 12 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(14); break; case 13 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(15); break; case 14 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(16); break; case 15 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(17); break; case 16 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(18); break; case 17 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(19); break; case 18 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(20); break; case 19 : _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(21); } } } }
Symbol 999 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "Sorry, not in a too good mood lately."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp5 = _root.exp5 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; if (_root.relation6b == 1) { if (_root.exp6 < 20) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "My name...? \nWhy?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp6 >= 20) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "I'm Cosette."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation6b = 2; _root.relation6 = "New Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation6b == 2) { if (_root.exp6 < 100) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "My number...? Why?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp6 >= 100) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "1-541-2367-089,\nCall me!"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation6b = 3; _root.relation6 = "Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation6b == 3) { if (_root.exp6 < 250) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "Why do you want to know?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp6 >= 250) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "I am 18 years old."; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation6b = 4; _root.relation6 = "Good Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation6b == 4) { if (_root.exp6 < 500) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "My birthday?\nwhy?"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp6 >= 500) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.mssg = "My birthday?\nThe 14th of December!"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation6b = 5; _root.relation6 = "Close Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation6b > 4) { _root.header = "Cosette"; _root.date_river.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_river.dt_b2.enabled = false; randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 16)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : _root.mssg = "Where I'm from?\nFangorn Forest."; break; case 2 : _root.mssg = "A sign I was born under?\nI was born under the sign the Thief."; break; case 3 : _root.mssg = "The stats I care about?\nPersuasion and Speed."; break; case 4 : _root.mssg = "My height?\n152 cm."; break; case 5 : _root.mssg = "My weight?\n41 KG."; break; case 6 : _root.mssg = "Hip size?\n70 cm."; break; case 7 : _root.mssg = "Breast size?\n79 cm."; break; case 8 : _root.mssg = "Waist size?\n48."; break; case 9 : _root.mssg = "Favourite LOTR soundtrack?\nGollums Song."; break; case 10 : _root.mssg = "Favourite LOTR location?\nThe Shire."; break; case 11 : _root.mssg = "Favourte LOTR part?\nThe Hobbit, off course!"; break; case 12 : _root.mssg = "Favourite Video game?\nLord of the rings Battle."; break; case 13 : _root.mssg = "Colours I like?\nPink and White."; break; case 14 : _root.mssg = "My favourite food?\nI'm on a Diet!"; break; case 15 : _root.mssg = "My favourite Drink?\nWater."; break; case 16 : _root.mssg = "A guote I like?\nYou can close your eyes to reality but not to memories."; } } } }
Symbol 1001 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_root.relation4b == 7) { _root.date_dance.bbb4._visible = false; _root.date_dance.bbb4.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation4b < 7) { _root.date_dance.bbb4._visible = true; _root.date_dance.bbb4.enabled = true; } if (_root.relation5b == 7) { _root.date_dance.bbb5._visible = false; _root.date_dance.bbb5.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation5b < 7) { _root.date_dance.bbb5._visible = true; _root.date_dance.bbb5.enabled = true; } if (_root.relation6b == 7) { _root.date_dance.bbb6._visible = false; _root.date_dance.bbb6.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation6b < 7) { _root.date_dance.bbb6._visible = true; _root.date_dance.bbb6.enabled = true; }
Symbol 1001 MovieClip Frame 2
i = 1; while (i < 21) { counter = _root.period4[i]; trace("counter:" + counter); trace("day:" +; if ( == counter) { _root.yes = true; i = 80; } else { _root.yes = false; } i++; } if (_root.yes == true) { _root.on_period = true; } else { _root.on_period = false; } trace(_root.on_period);
Symbol 1001 MovieClip Frame 3
i = 1; while (i < 21) { counter = _root.period5[i]; trace("counter:" + counter); trace("day:" +; if ( == counter) { _root.yes = true; i = 80; } else { _root.yes = false; } i++; } if (_root.yes == true) { _root.on_period = true; } else { _root.on_period = false; } trace(_root.on_period);
Symbol 1001 MovieClip Frame 4
i = 1; while (i < 21) { counter = _root.period6[i]; trace("counter:" + counter); trace("day:" +; if ( == counter) { _root.yes = true; i = 80; } else { _root.yes = false; } i++; } if (_root.yes == true) { _root.on_period = true; } else { _root.on_period = false; } trace(_root.on_period);
Symbol 1007 Button
on (release) { if ((_root.poppedUp._visible == false) && (_root.date_river._visible == false)) {; } }
Symbol 1010 Button
on (release, keyPress "1") { if (_root.hp >= 30) { _root.wage = (Math.random() * 2) + 1; _root.wage = Math.round(_root.wage); _root.spe = _root.spe + _root.wage; _root.str = _root.str + _root.wage; _root.hp = _root.hp - 30; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(10); } else if (_root.hp < 30) { _root.needed = 30; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 1015 Button
on (release, keyPress "2") { if (_root.hp >= 20) { _root.wage = (Math.random() * 2) + 1; _root.wage = Math.round(_root.wage); _root.per = _root.per + _root.wage; _root.hp = _root.hp - 20; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(11); } else if (_root.hp < 20) { _root.needed = 20; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 1024 Button
on (release, keyPress "1") { _root.date_river._visible = true; _root.river_thing._visible = false; _root.B1._visible = false; _root.B2._visible = false; _root.BB._visible = false; _root.B7._visible = false; _root.B8._visible = false; _root.B1.enabled = false; _root.B2.enabled = false; _root.BB.enabled = false; _root.B7.enabled = false; _root.B8.enabled = false; }
Symbol 1032 Button
on (release, keyPress "1") { if (_root.hp >= 40) { _root.wage = _root.str * 1.5; _root.wage = Math.round(_root.wage); _root.wage = _root.wage + 100; = ( = + _root.wage); _root.hp = _root.hp - 40; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(12); } else if (_root.hp < 40) { _root.needed = 40; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 1039 Button
on (release, keyPress "2") { if (_root.hp >= 5) { _root.hp = _root.hp - 5; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(15); } else if (_root.hp < 5) { _root.needed = 5; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 1040 Button
on (release, keyPress "1") { if (_root.hp >= 40) { _root.wage = _root.spe * 1.5; _root.wage = Math.round(_root.wage); = ( = + _root.wage); _root.hp = _root.hp - 40; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(14); } else if (_root.hp < 40) { _root.needed = 40; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 1041 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 20) { if (_root.relation3b == 1) { _root.exp3 = _root.cha + _root.str; _root.exp3 = _root.exp3 / 5; _root.exp3 = _root.exp3 + 10; _root.exp3 = Math.round(_root.exp3); } gotoAndStop (4); _root.hp = _root.hp - 20; } }
Symbol 1042 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 20) { if (_root.relation2b == 1) { _root.exp2 = _root.cha + _root.str; _root.exp2 = _root.exp2 / 5; _root.exp2 = _root.exp2 + 10; _root.exp2 = Math.round(_root.exp2); } gotoAndStop (3); _root.hp = _root.hp - 20; } }
Symbol 1043 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp >= 20) { if (_root.relation1b == 1) { _root.exp1 = _root.mag + _root.rom; _root.exp1 = _root.exp1 / 5; _root.exp1 = _root.exp1 + 10; _root.exp1 = Math.round(_root.exp1); } gotoAndStop (2); _root.hp = _root.hp - 20; } }
Symbol 1044 Button
on (release) { _root.date_dance._visible = false; _root.dance_club_thing._visible = true; _root.B1._visible = true; _root.B2._visible = true; _root.BB._visible = true; _root.B7._visible = true; _root.B8._visible = true; _root.B1.enabled = true; _root.B2.enabled = true; _root.BB.enabled = true; _root.B7.enabled = true; _root.B8.enabled = true; }
Symbol 1049 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "What the hell do you want?\nBuzz off!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp1 = _root.exp1 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { _root.exp1 = _root.exp1 + 15; if (_root.relation1b == 1) { if (_root.exp1 < 20) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "Uhh... Hi!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp1 >= 20) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "Hi There! \n(He looks Okay...)"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation1b == 2) { if (_root.exp1 < 100) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = ("Hey! \nIt's " + _root.charname) + ", right?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp1 >= 100) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "Hey there! \nSo, what's up?\n(He's worth it...)"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation1b == 3) { if (_root.exp1 < 250) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "Hey! \nWhat have you been up to lately? Nice of you to drop by!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp1 >= 250) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "Hey there! \nNice to see you again. I don't see you enough, actually.\n(He's worth it...)"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation1b == 4) { if (_root.exp1 < 500) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "Hey! \nAre you going to call me tonight?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp1 >= 500) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "Hey there! \nWe should hang out more. Call me!\n(I really like him!...)"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation1b > 4) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 19)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(3); break; case 2 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(4); break; case 3 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(5); break; case 4 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(6); break; case 5 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(7); break; case 6 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(8); break; case 7 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(9); break; case 8 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(10); break; case 9 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(11); break; case 10 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(12); break; case 11 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(13); break; case 12 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(14); break; case 13 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(15); break; case 14 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(16); break; case 15 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(17); break; case 16 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(18); break; case 17 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(19); break; case 18 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(20); break; case 19 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(21); } } } }
Symbol 1050 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "Can you please leave?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp1 = _root.exp1 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation1b == 1) { if (_root.exp1 < 20) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "My name...? \nSome other time, okay?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp1 >= 20) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "Hi! \nI'm Glinda, what's yout name?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation1b = 2; _root.relation1 = "New Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation1b == 2) { if (_root.exp1 < 100) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "My number...? \nLet's wait with that step, ok?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp1 >= 100) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "My phone number... \n1-541-7140-290,\nCall me!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation1b = 3; _root.relation1 = "Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation1b == 3) { if (_root.exp1 < 250) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "Nevermind."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp1 >= 250) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "I am 20 years of age."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation1b = 4; _root.relation1 = "Good Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation1b == 4) { if (_root.exp1 < 500) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "My birthday?\nI am not telling you!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp1 >= 500) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "My birthday?\nThe 26th of July!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation1b = 5; _root.relation1 = "Close Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation1b > 4) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 16)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : _root.mssg = "Where I'm from?\nRivendell."; break; case 2 : _root.mssg = "A sign I was born under?\nI was born under the sign the tower."; break; case 3 : _root.mssg = "The stats I care about?\nMagic and Romance."; break; case 4 : _root.mssg = "My height?\n166 cm."; break; case 5 : _root.mssg = "My weight?\n52 KG."; break; case 6 : _root.mssg = "Hip size?\n81 cm."; break; case 7 : _root.mssg = "Breast size?\n79 cm."; break; case 8 : _root.mssg = "Waist size?\n52."; break; case 9 : _root.mssg = "Favourite LOTR soundtrack?\nThe treason of Isengard."; break; case 10 : _root.mssg = "Favourite LOTR location?\nHelms Deep."; break; case 11 : _root.mssg = "Favourte LOTR part?\nThe two towers, off course!"; break; case 12 : _root.mssg = "Favourite Video game?\nKingdom Hearts."; break; case 13 : _root.mssg = "Colours I like?\nBlack and Blue."; break; case 14 : _root.mssg = "My favourite food?\nI like lembas bread."; break; case 15 : _root.mssg = "My favourite Drink?\nThe finest wine from Moria!"; break; case 16 : _root.mssg = "A guote I like?\nYou can close your eyes to reality but not to memories"; } } } }
Symbol 1051 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "You can keep your pathetic gifts.\nSlimebal!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp1 = _root.exp1 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation1b < 4) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "What...? \nI can't accept anything from you!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation1b == 4) { maxpresents = * 0.25; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven1 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven1 < maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation1b == 5) { maxpresents = * 0.5; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven1 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven1 < maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation1b > 5) { maxpresents = * 0.85; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven1 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven1 < maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } } }
Symbol 1052 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "You stink.\nNo date for you mister!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp1 = _root.exp1 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation1b < 5) { _root.header = "Glinda"; _root.mssg = "What...? \nI'm sorry but I only date my closest friends."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b4.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation1b >= 5) { _root.datingGirl = 1; _root.gotodatething(); } } }
Symbol 1059 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item1 > 0) { _root.item1--; _root.giftsgiven1++; gotoAndStop (25); } }
Symbol 1060 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item2 > 0) { _root.item2--; _root.giftsgiven1++; gotoAndStop (26); } }
Symbol 1061 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item3 > 0) { _root.item3--; _root.giftsgiven1++; gotoAndStop (24); } }
Symbol 1062 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 1066 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 1067 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 1100 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1100 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.exp1 = _root.exp1 - 35;
Symbol 1100 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.exp1 = _root.exp1 + 15;
Symbol 1100 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.exp1 = _root.exp1 + 50;
Symbol 1100 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.exp1 = _root.exp1 + 150;
Symbol 1100 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.exp1 = _root.exp1 + 500;
Symbol 1100 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.exp1 = _root.exp1 / 2; _root.exp1 = Math.ceil(_root.exp1);
Symbol 1100 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.exp1 = _root.exp1 - 25;
Symbol 1104 Button
on (release) { _root.date_dance._visible = false; _root.dance_club_thing._visible = true; _root.B1._visible = true; _root.B2._visible = true; _root.BB._visible = true; _root.B7._visible = true; _root.B8._visible = true; _root.B1.enabled = true; _root.B2.enabled = true; _root.BB.enabled = true; _root.B7.enabled = true; _root.B8.enabled = true; _root.header = ""; _root.mssg = ""; if (_root.framer == true) { randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 3)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : if (_root.relation1b < 7) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(2); } else if ((_root.relation1b == 7) && (_root.relation2b < 7)) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (((_root.relation1b == 7) && (_root.relation2b == 7)) && (_root.relation3b < 7)) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(4); } break; case 2 : if (_root.relation2b < 7) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(3); } else if ((_root.relation2b == 7) && (_root.relation1b < 7)) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (((_root.relation2b == 7) && (_root.relation1b == 7)) && (_root.relation3b < 7)) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(4); } break; case 3 : if (_root.relation3b < 7) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(4); } else if ((_root.relation3b == 7) && (_root.relation2b < 7)) { _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (!(((_root.relation3b == 7) && (_root.relation2b == 7)) && (_root.relation1b < 7))) { break; } _root.date_river.gotoAndStop(2); } } } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 1111 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "No."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp2 = _root.exp2 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { _root.exp2 = _root.exp2 + 15; if (_root.relation2b == 1) { if (_root.exp2 < 20) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "Hiya!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp2 >= 20) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "Hey, nice of you to speak to me! \n(He looks Okay...)"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation2b == 2) { if (_root.exp2 < 100) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = ("Hey! \nNice to see you, " + _root.charname) + "."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp2 >= 100) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "Hey there! \nWhat have you been up to?\n(He's worth it...)"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation2b == 3) { if (_root.exp2 < 250) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "Hey! \nNice of you to drop by! You should visit me more often."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp2 >= 250) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "Hey there! \nNice to see you again. I don't see you enough, actually.\n(He's worth it...)"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation2b == 4) { if (_root.exp2 < 500) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "Hey! \nCall me later, okay?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp2 >= 500) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "Hey there! \nWe should hang out more. Call me!\n(I really like him!...)"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation2b > 4) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 19)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(3); break; case 2 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(4); break; case 3 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(5); break; case 4 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(6); break; case 5 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(7); break; case 6 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(8); break; case 7 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(9); break; case 8 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(10); break; case 9 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(11); break; case 10 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(12); break; case 11 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(13); break; case 12 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(14); break; case 13 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(15); break; case 14 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(16); break; case 15 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(17); break; case 16 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(18); break; case 17 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(19); break; case 18 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(20); break; case 19 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(21); } } } }
Symbol 1112 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "No."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp2 = _root.exp2 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation2b == 1) { if (_root.exp2 < 20) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "My name...? \nYou first."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp2 >= 20) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "Hi! \nI'm Nessarose, what's your name?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation2b = 2; _root.relation2 = "New Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation2b == 2) { if (_root.exp2 < 100) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "My number...? \nI am not telling you!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp2 >= 100) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "My phone number... \n1-542-1620-112,\nCall me!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation2b = 3; _root.relation2 = "Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation2b == 3) { if (_root.exp2 < 250) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "I am not telling you."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp2 >= 250) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "I am 18 years old."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation2b = 4; _root.relation2 = "Good Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation2b == 4) { if (_root.exp2 < 500) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "My birthday?\nI am not telling you!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp2 >= 500) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "My birthday?\nThe 22th of March!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation2b = 5; _root.relation2 = "Close Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation2b > 4) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 16)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : _root.mssg = "Where I'm from?\nLothorien."; break; case 2 : _root.mssg = "A sign I was born under?\nI was born under the sign the Guardian."; break; case 3 : _root.mssg = "The stats I care about?\nCharm and Strenght."; break; case 4 : _root.mssg = "My height?\n156 cm."; break; case 5 : _root.mssg = "My weight?\n50 KG."; break; case 6 : _root.mssg = "Hip size?\n80 cm."; break; case 7 : _root.mssg = "Breast size?\n75 cm."; break; case 8 : _root.mssg = "Waist size?\n54."; break; case 9 : _root.mssg = "Favourite LOTR soundtrack?\nThe council of Elrond."; break; case 10 : _root.mssg = "Favourite LOTR location?\nMinas Tirith."; break; case 11 : _root.mssg = "Favourte LOTR part?\nThe Return of the King, off course!"; break; case 12 : _root.mssg = "Favourite Video game?\nHalo."; break; case 13 : _root.mssg = "Colours I like?\nOrange and Red."; break; case 14 : _root.mssg = "My favourite food?\nI'm on a diet!"; break; case 15 : _root.mssg = "My favourite Drink?\nI don't drink much."; break; case 16 : _root.mssg = "A guote I like?\nWe are always in our own Company."; } } } }
Symbol 1113 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "No."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp2 = _root.exp2 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation2b < 4) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "What...? \nI can't accept anything from you!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation2b == 4) { maxpresents = * 0.25; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven1 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven1 < maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation2b == 5) { maxpresents = * 0.5; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven2 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven2 < maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation2b > 5) { maxpresents = * 0.85; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven2 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven2 < maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } } }
Symbol 1114 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "No."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp2 = _root.exp2 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation2b < 5) { _root.header = "Nessarose"; _root.mssg = "What...? \nI'm sorry but I only date my closest friends."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b4.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation2b >= 5) { _root.datingGirl = 2; _root.gotodatething(); } } }
Symbol 1121 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item1 > 0) { _root.item1--; _root.giftsgiven2++; gotoAndStop (25); } }
Symbol 1122 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item2 > 0) { _root.item2--; _root.giftsgiven2++; gotoAndStop (26); } }
Symbol 1123 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item3 > 0) { _root.item3--; _root.giftsgiven2++; gotoAndStop (24); } }
Symbol 1124 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 1128 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 1129 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 1156 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1156 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.exp2 = _root.exp2 - 35;
Symbol 1156 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.exp2 = _root.exp2 + 15;
Symbol 1156 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.exp2 = _root.exp2 + 50;
Symbol 1156 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.exp2 = _root.exp2 + 150;
Symbol 1156 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.exp2 = _root.exp2 + 500;
Symbol 1156 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.exp2 = _root.exp2 / 2; _root.exp2 = Math.ceil(_root.exp2);
Symbol 1156 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.exp2 = _root.exp2 - 25;
Symbol 1164 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "No. Tsssk.\nYou are SO beneath me."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp3 = _root.exp3 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { _root.exp3 = _root.exp3 + 15; if (_root.relation3b == 1) { if (_root.exp3 < 20) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "..."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp3 >= 20) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "Hey boy! \n(He looks Okay...)"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation3b == 2) { if (_root.exp3 < 100) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = ("Hey! \n" + _root.charname) + ", Nice to see you again!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp3 >= 100) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "Hey boy! \nSo, what is on your mind?\n(He's worth it...)"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation3b == 3) { if (_root.exp3 < 250) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "Hey There! \nWill you call me later in the evening?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp3 >= 250) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "Hey there! \nSo when are we going to do something fun together?\n(He's worth it...)"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation3b == 4) { if (_root.exp3 < 500) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "Hey Boy! \nI'm bored. Will you cheer me up?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp3 >= 500) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "Hey Boy! \nFancy a fun date soon?\nCall me!\n(I really like him!...)"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation3b > 4) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 19)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(3); break; case 2 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(4); break; case 3 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(5); break; case 4 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(6); break; case 5 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(7); break; case 6 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(8); break; case 7 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(9); break; case 8 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(10); break; case 9 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(11); break; case 10 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(12); break; case 11 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(13); break; case 12 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(14); break; case 13 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(15); break; case 14 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(16); break; case 15 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(17); break; case 16 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(18); break; case 17 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(19); break; case 18 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(20); break; case 19 : _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(21); } } } }
Symbol 1165 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "No. Tsssk.\nYou are SO beneath me."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp3 = _root.exp3 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation3b == 1) { if (_root.exp3 < 20) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "My name...? \nWhy would you want that?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp3 >= 20) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "Hi! \nI'm Fantine, what's yout name?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation3b = 2; _root.relation3 = "New Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation3b == 2) { if (_root.exp3 < 100) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "My number...? \nWhy would you want that?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp3 >= 100) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "My phone number... \n1-550-2200-911,\nCall me!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation3b = 3; _root.relation3 = "Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation3b == 3) { if (_root.exp3 < 250) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "Why would you want to know that?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp3 >= 250) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "I am 21 years 'young' haha."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation3b = 4; _root.relation3 = "Good Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation3b == 4) { if (_root.exp3 < 500) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "My birthday?\nWhy would you want to know that?"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.exp3 >= 500) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "My birthday?\nThe 30th of May!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; _root.relation3b = 5; _root.relation3 = "Close Friend"; _root.r_lvl_up._visible = true; _root.r_lvl_up.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else if (_root.relation3b > 4) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b2.enabled = false; randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 16)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : _root.mssg = "Where I'm from?\nThe Grey havens."; break; case 2 : _root.mssg = "A sign I was born under?\nI was born under the sign the Spring."; break; case 3 : _root.mssg = "The stats I care about?\nSpeed and Strenght."; break; case 4 : _root.mssg = "My height?\n169 cm."; break; case 5 : _root.mssg = "My weight?\n51 KG."; break; case 6 : _root.mssg = "Hip size?\n80 cm."; break; case 7 : _root.mssg = "Breast size?\n83 cm."; break; case 8 : _root.mssg = "Waist size?\n52."; break; case 9 : _root.mssg = "Favourite LOTR soundtrack?\nThe Bridge of Khazad-Dum."; break; case 10 : _root.mssg = "Favourite LOTR location?\nThe Grey havens."; break; case 11 : _root.mssg = "Favourte LOTR part?\nThe Hobbit, off course!"; break; case 12 : _root.mssg = "Favourite Video game?\nFinal Fantasy VII."; break; case 13 : _root.mssg = "Colours I like?\nWhite and Blue."; break; case 14 : _root.mssg = "My favourite food?\nPizza!"; break; case 15 : _root.mssg = "My favourite Drink?\nA fine pint of BEER."; break; case 16 : _root.mssg = "A guote I like?\nWorry does not empty today of it's sorrow, but of it's strenght."; } } } }
Symbol 1166 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "No. Tsssk.\nYou are SO beneath me."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp3 = _root.exp3 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation3b < 4) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "What...? \nI can't accept anything from you!"; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation3b == 4) { maxpresents = * 0.25; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven3 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven3 < maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation3b == 5) { maxpresents = * 0.5; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven1 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven3 < maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } else if (_root.relation3b > 5) { maxpresents = * 0.85; maxpresents = Math.ceil(maxpresents); if (_root.giftsgiven3 >= maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(27); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.giftsgiven3 < maxpresents) { _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); _root.date_dance.dt_b3.enabled = false; } } } }
Symbol 1173 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item1 > 0) { _root.item1--; _root.giftsgiven2++; gotoAndStop (25); } }
Symbol 1174 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item2 > 0) { _root.item2--; _root.giftsgiven2++; gotoAndStop (26); } }
Symbol 1175 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item3 > 0) { _root.item3--; _root.giftsgiven2++; gotoAndStop (24); } }
Symbol 1176 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 1180 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 1181 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 1199 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1199 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.exp3 = _root.exp3 - 35;
Symbol 1199 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.exp3 = _root.exp3 + 15;
Symbol 1199 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.exp3 = _root.exp3 + 50;
Symbol 1199 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.exp3 = _root.exp3 + 150;
Symbol 1199 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.exp3 = _root.exp3 + 500;
Symbol 1199 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.exp3 = _root.exp3 / 2; _root.exp3 = Math.ceil(_root.exp3);
Symbol 1199 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.exp3 = _root.exp3 - 25;
Symbol 1203 Button
on (release) { if (_root.on_period == true) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "No."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.exp3 = _root.exp3 - 15; _root.date_dance.dt_b1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.on_period == false) { if (_root.relation3b < 5) { _root.header = "Fantine"; _root.mssg = "What...? \nI'm sorry but I only date my closest friends."; _root.date_dance.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_dance.dt_b4.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation3b >= 5) { _root.datingGirl = 3; _root.gotodatething(); } } }
Symbol 1205 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_root.relation1b == 7) { _root.date_dance.bbb1._visible = false; _root.date_dance.bbb1.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation1b < 7) { _root.date_dance.bbb1._visible = true; _root.date_dance.bbb1.enabled = true; } if (_root.relation2b == 7) { _root.date_dance.bbb2._visible = false; _root.date_dance.bbb2.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation2b < 7) { _root.date_dance.bbb2._visible = true; _root.date_dance.bbb2.enabled = true; } if (_root.relation3b == 7) { _root.date_dance.bbb3._visible = false; _root.date_dance.bbb3.enabled = false; } else if (_root.relation3b < 7) { _root.date_dance.bbb3._visible = true; _root.date_dance.bbb3.enabled = true; }
Symbol 1205 MovieClip Frame 2
i = 1; while (i < 21) { counter = _root.period1[i]; trace("counter:" + counter); trace("day:" +; if ( == counter) { _root.yes = true; i = 80; } else { _root.yes = false; } i++; } if (_root.yes == true) { _root.on_period = true; } else { _root.on_period = false; } trace(_root.on_period);
Symbol 1205 MovieClip Frame 3
i = 1; while (i < 21) { counter = _root.period2[i]; trace("counter:" + counter); trace("day:" +; if ( == counter) { _root.yes = true; i = 80; } else { _root.yes = false; } i++; } if (_root.yes == true) { _root.on_period = true; } else { _root.on_period = false; } trace(_root.on_period);
Symbol 1205 MovieClip Frame 4
i = 1; while (i < 21) { counter = _root.period3[i]; trace("counter:" + counter); trace("day:" +; if ( == counter) { _root.yes = true; i = 80; } else { _root.yes = false; } i++; } if (_root.yes == true) { _root.on_period = true; } else { _root.on_period = false; } trace(_root.on_period);
Symbol 1209 Button
on (release) { if ((_root.poppedUp._visible == false) && (_root.date_dance._visible == false)) {; } }
Symbol 1213 Button
on (release) { if (_root.dateuser == 0) { _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(24); _root.dateuser++; } else if (_root.dateuser > 0) { _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(29); } }
Symbol 1215 Button
on (release) { if (_root.dategive == 0) { _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(25); _root.dategive++; } else if (_root.dategive > 0) { _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(29); } }
Symbol 1217 Button
on (release) { if (_root.dateprogress >= 230) { if (_root.datekiss == 0) { _root.trash = 1; _root.kiss._visible = true;; _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.datekiss++; } else if (_root.datekiss > 0) { _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(29); } } else if (_root.dateprogress < 230) { _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(26); } }
Symbol 1219 Button
on (release) { if (_root.datetalk < 6) { randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 19)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(2); break; case 2 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(3); break; case 3 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(4); break; case 4 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(5); break; case 5 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(6); break; case 6 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(7); break; case 7 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(8); break; case 8 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(9); break; case 9 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(10); break; case 10 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(11); break; case 11 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(12); break; case 12 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(13); break; case 13 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(14); break; case 14 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(15); break; case 15 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(16); break; case 16 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(17); break; case 17 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(18); break; case 18 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(19); break; case 19 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(20); } _root.datetalk++; } else if (_root.datetalk >= 6) { _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(29); } }
Symbol 1221 Button
on (release) { if (_root.datecomp < 2) { randomize = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 2)); switch (randomize) { case 1 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(21); break; case 2 : _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(1); _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(22); } _root.datecomp++; } else if (_root.datecomp >= 2) { _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(29); } }
Symbol 1223 Button
on (release) { if (_root.dateprogress >= 150) { if (_root.datefoto == 0) {; _root.fotos._visible = true; _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(23); _root.datefoto++; } else if (_root.datefoto > 0) { _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(29); } } else if (_root.dateprogress < 150) { _root.date_out.dialogue.gotoAndStop(26); } }
Symbol 1241 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (27); }
Symbol 1242 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 1361 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1370 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item1 > 0) { _root.item1--; _root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 110; gotoAndStop (31); } }
Symbol 1371 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item2 > 0) { _root.item2--; _root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 130; gotoAndStop (31); } }
Symbol 1372 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item3 > 0) { _root.item3--; _root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 90; gotoAndStop (31); } }
Symbol 1373 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true; stop(); _root.header = ""; _root.mssg = "";
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 17
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Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 18
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Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 19
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Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 20
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Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 21
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Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 22
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Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 23
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Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 24
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Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 25
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Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 26
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Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 27
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Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 28
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Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 29
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Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 30
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Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 31
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Symbol 1400 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (27); }
Symbol 1401 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 1404 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1408 Button
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Symbol 1409 Button
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Symbol 1410 Button
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Symbol 1411 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 2
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 3
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 4
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 5
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 6
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 7
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 8
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 9
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 10
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 11
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 12
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 13
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 14
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 15
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 16
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 17
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 18
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 19
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 20
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 21
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 22
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 23
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 24
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 25
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 26
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 27
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 28
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 29
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 30
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Symbol 1421 MovieClip Frame 31
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Symbol 1428 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7); }
Symbol 1429 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (27); }
Symbol 1430 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 1433 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1437 Button
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Symbol 1438 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item2 > 0) { _root.item2--; _root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 130; gotoAndStop (31); } }
Symbol 1439 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item3 > 0) { _root.item3--; _root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 90; gotoAndStop (31); } }
Symbol 1440 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 2
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 3
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 4
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 5
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 6
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 7
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 8
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 9
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 10
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 11
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 12
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 13
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 14
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 15
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 16
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 17
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 18
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 19
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 20
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 21
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 22
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 23
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 24
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 25
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 26
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 27
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 28
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 29
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 30
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Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 31
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Symbol 1451 Button
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Symbol 1452 Button
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Symbol 1455 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1459 Button
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Symbol 1460 Button
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Symbol 1461 Button
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Symbol 1462 Button
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 2
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 3
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 4
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 5
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 6
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 7
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 8
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 9
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 10
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 11
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 12
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 13
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 14
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 15
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 16
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 17
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 18
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 19
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 20
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 21
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 22
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 23
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 24
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 25
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 26
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 27
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 28
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 29
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 30
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Symbol 1466 MovieClip Frame 31
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Symbol 1473 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 1474 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (27); }
Symbol 1477 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1481 Button
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Symbol 1482 Button
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Symbol 1483 Button
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Symbol 1484 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 2
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 3
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 4
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 5
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 6
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 7
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 8
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 9
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 10
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 11
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 12
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 13
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 14
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 15
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 16
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 17
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 18
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 19
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 20
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 21
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Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 25; _root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 30; _root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress - 40; _root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress - 20; _root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 20; _root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 29
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 31
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1495 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 1496 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (27); }
Symbol 1499 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1503 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item1 > 0) { _root.item1--; _root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 110; gotoAndStop (31); } }
Symbol 1504 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item2 > 0) { _root.item2--; _root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 130; gotoAndStop (31); } }
Symbol 1505 Button
on (release) { if (_root.item3 > 0) { _root.item3--; _root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 90; gotoAndStop (31); } }
Symbol 1506 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true; stop(); _root.header = ""; _root.mssg = "";
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 19
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 25; _root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 25; _root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 30; _root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = false; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = false;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress - 40; _root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress - 20; _root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.dateprogress = _root.dateprogress + 20; _root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 29
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1510 MovieClip Frame 31
_root.date_out.dating_button_1.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_2.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_3.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_4.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_5.enabled = true; _root.date_out.dating_button_6.enabled = true;
Symbol 1511 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 1234 MovieClip in Symbol 1511 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._width = _root.dateprogress; if (_root.dateprogress > 250) { _root.dateprogress = 250; } }
Symbol 1512 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1410); }
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 27
Symbol 1517 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 1535 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1535 MovieClip Frame 151
if (_root.relation1b == 5) { _root.relation1 = "Girlfriend"; _root.relation1b = 6; _root.exp1 = _root.exp1 + 1000; } else { _root.exp1 = _root.exp1 + 300; }
Symbol 1535 MovieClip Frame 171
stop(); _root.trash = 0;
Symbol 1561 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1561 MovieClip Frame 151
if (_root.relation2b == 5) { _root.relation2 = "Girlfriend"; _root.relation2b = 6; _root.exp2 = _root.exp2 + 1000; } else { _root.exp2 = _root.exp2 + 300; }
Symbol 1561 MovieClip Frame 171
stop(); _root.trash = 0;
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 151
if (_root.relation3b == 5) { _root.relation3 = "Girlfriend"; _root.relation3b = 6; _root.exp3 = _root.exp3 + 1000; } else { _root.exp3 = _root.exp3 + 300; }
Symbol 1568 MovieClip Frame 171
stop(); _root.trash = 0;
Symbol 1579 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1579 MovieClip Frame 151
if (_root.relation4b == 5) { _root.relation4 = "Girlfriend"; _root.relation4b = 6; _root.exp4 = _root.exp4 + 1000; } else { _root.exp4 = _root.exp4 + 300; }
Symbol 1579 MovieClip Frame 171
stop(); _root.trash = 0;
Symbol 1583 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1583 MovieClip Frame 151
if (_root.relation5b == 5) { _root.relation5 = "Girlfriend"; _root.relation5b = 6; _root.exp5 = _root.exp5 + 1000; } else { _root.exp5 = _root.exp5 + 300; }
Symbol 1583 MovieClip Frame 171
stop(); _root.trash = 0;
Symbol 1592 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1592 MovieClip Frame 151
if (_root.relation6b == 5) { _root.relation6 = "Girlfriend"; _root.relation6b = 6; _root.exp6 = _root.exp6 + 1000; } else { _root.exp6 = _root.exp6 + 300; }
Symbol 1592 MovieClip Frame 171
stop(); _root.trash = 0;
Symbol 1593 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 1535 MovieClip "inside" in Symbol 1593 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.trash == 1) {; } }
Instance of Symbol 1561 MovieClip "inside" in Symbol 1593 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.trash == 1) {; } }
Instance of Symbol 1568 MovieClip "inside" in Symbol 1593 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.trash == 1) {; } }
Instance of Symbol 1579 MovieClip "inside" in Symbol 1593 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.trash == 1) {; } }
Instance of Symbol 1583 MovieClip "inside" in Symbol 1593 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.trash == 1) {; } }
Instance of Symbol 1592 MovieClip "inside" in Symbol 1593 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.trash == 1) {; } }
Symbol 1601 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1601 MovieClip Frame 150
if (_root.girl_in_case == 1) { _root.relation1 = "Lover"; _root.relation1b = 7; _root.number1(); } if (_root.girl_in_case == 2) { _root.relation2 = "Lover"; _root.relation2b = 7; _root.number2(); } if (_root.girl_in_case == 3) { _root.relation3 = "Lover"; _root.relation3b = 7; _root.number3(); } if (_root.girl_in_case == 4) { _root.relation4 = "Lover"; _root.relation4b = 7; _root.number4(); } if (_root.girl_in_case == 5) { _root.relation5 = "Lover"; _root.relation5b = 7; _root.number5(); } if (_root.girl_in_case == 6) { _root.relation6 = "Lover"; _root.relation6b = 7; _root.number6(); }
Symbol 1604 Button
on (release, keyPress "1") { if (_root.hp >= 40) { _root.wage = _root.mag * 1.75; _root.wage = Math.round(_root.wage); _root.wage = _root.wage + 100; = ( = + _root.wage); _root.hp = _root.hp - 40; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(16); } else if (_root.hp < 40) { _root.needed = 40; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 1607 Button
on (release, keyPress "3") { _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(17); }
Symbol 1615 Button
on (release, keyPress "3") { if (_root.hp >= 100) { _root.wage = 1; _root.spe = _root.spe + _root.wage; _root.str = _root.str + _root.wage; _root.cha = _root.cha + _root.wage; _root.mag = _root.mag + _root.wage; _root.per = _root.per + _root.wage; _root.rom = _root.rom + _root.wage; _root.hp = _root.hp - 100; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(19); } else if (_root.hp < 100) { _root.needed = 100; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 1620 Button
on (release, keyPress "1") { if (_root.hp >= 40) { _root.wage = _root.cha + _root.str; _root.wage = Math.round(_root.wage); _root.wage = _root.wage + 100; = ( = + _root.wage); _root.hp = _root.hp - 40; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(18); } else if (_root.hp < 40) { _root.needed = 40; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } }
Symbol 1625 Button
on (release, keyPress "1") { _root.date_dance._visible = true; _root.dance_club_thing._visible = false; _root.B1._visible = false; _root.B2._visible = false; _root.BB._visible = false; _root.B7._visible = false; _root.B8._visible = false; _root.B1.enabled = false; _root.B2.enabled = false; _root.BB.enabled = false; _root.B7.enabled = false; _root.B8.enabled = false; }
Symbol 1626 Button
on (release, keyPress "2") { if ((_root.hp >= 20) && ( >= 20)) { _root.wage = (Math.random() * 4) + 1; _root.wage = Math.round(_root.wage); _root.cha = _root.cha + _root.wage; _root.hp = _root.hp - 20; = - 20; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(20); } else if (_root.hp < 20) { _root.needed = 20; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(23); } else if ( < 20) { _root.needed = 20; _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(22); } }
Symbol 1638 Button
on (release, keyPress "1") { _root.poppedUp._visible = true; _root.poppedUp.gotoAndStop(21); }
Symbol 1649 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _root.mousetext = "-work\n-plunder"; _root.overflowtext = "bree local inn"; _root.overmouse = 3; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "b") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl3(); }
Symbol 1656 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _root.mousetext = "-sleep\n-save\n-telephone"; _root.overflowtext = "your home"; _root.overmouse = 4; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "o") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl4(); }
Symbol 1663 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _root.mousetext = "-train strenght+speed\n-train persuasion"; _root.overflowtext = "east beach"; _root.overmouse = 6; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "e") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl6(); }
Symbol 1671 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _root.mousetext = "-train strenght+speed\n-train persuasion"; _root.overflowtext = "west beach"; _root.overmouse = 9; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "t") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl9(); }
Symbol 1679 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _root.mousetext = "-work\n-relax"; _root.overflowtext = "fangorn forest"; _root.overmouse = 7; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "f") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl7(); }
Symbol 1687 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _root.mousetext = "-souvenir shop\n-plunder\n-work"; _root.overflowtext = "great castle"; _root.overmouse = 13; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "g") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl13(); }
Symbol 1691 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _root.mousetext = "-train magic\n-train speed\n-train power"; _root.overflowtext = "highlands"; _root.overmouse = 10; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "h") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl10(); }
Symbol 1695 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _root.mousetext = "-meet girls"; _root.overflowtext = "great river"; _root.overmouse = 8; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "r") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl8(); }
Symbol 1701 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _root.mousetext = "-work"; _root.overflowtext = "back street"; _root.overmouse = 12; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "s") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl12(); }
Symbol 1706 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _root.mousetext = "-souvenir shop"; _root.overflowtext = "misty mountains"; _root.overmouse = 1; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "m") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl1(); }
Symbol 1714 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _root.mousetext = "-train romance\n-relax"; _root.overflowtext = "mt. doom sauna"; _root.overmouse = 14; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "n") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl14(); }
Symbol 1721 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _root.mousetext = "-work\n-train all"; _root.overflowtext = "mt. doom gym"; _root.overmouse = 11; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "y") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl11(); }
Symbol 1727 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _root.mousetext = "-train charm\n-meet girls"; _root.overflowtext = "moria mine dance club"; _root.overmouse = 5; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "d") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl5(); }
Symbol 1731 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _root.mousetext = "-visit girls"; _root.overflowtext = "elf village"; _root.overmouse = 2; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "e") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl2(); }
Symbol 1737 Button
on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _root.mousetext = "-play minigames"; _root.overflowtext = "arcade"; _root.overmouse = 15; } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.overflowtext = ""; _root.overmouse = 0; } on (release, keyPress "d") { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rofl15(); }
Symbol 1762 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.nextDay = false;
Symbol 1762 MovieClip Frame 50;
Symbol 1762 MovieClip Frame 100
stop(); _root.nextDay = true;
Symbol 1763 Button
on (release) { if (_root.nextDay == true) { gotoAndStop (1410); } }
Symbol 1775 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 1000) { = - 1000; _root.dateprogress = 60; _root.datetalk = 0; _root.datecomp = 0; _root.datefoto = 0; _root.dateuser = 0; _root.dategive = 0; _root.datekiss = 0; gotoAndStop (1418); } }
Symbol 1776 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 750) { = - 750; _root.dateprogress = 50; _root.datetalk = 0; _root.datecomp = 0; _root.datefoto = 0; _root.dateuser = 0; _root.dategive = 0; _root.datekiss = 0; gotoAndStop (1417); } }
Symbol 1777 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 500) { = - 500; _root.dateprogress = 40; _root.datetalk = 0; _root.datecomp = 0; _root.datefoto = 0; _root.dateuser = 0; _root.dategive = 0; _root.datekiss = 0; gotoAndStop (1416); } }
Symbol 1778 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 400) { = - 400; _root.dateprogress = 30; _root.datetalk = 0; _root.datecomp = 0; _root.datefoto = 0; _root.dateuser = 0; _root.dategive = 0; _root.datekiss = 0; gotoAndStop (1415); } }
Symbol 1779 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 250) { = - 250; _root.dateprogress = 20; _root.datetalk = 0; _root.datecomp = 0; _root.datefoto = 0; _root.dateuser = 0; _root.dategive = 0; _root.datekiss = 0; gotoAndStop (1414); } }
Symbol 1780 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 150) { = - 150; _root.dateprogress = 10; _root.datetalk = 0; _root.datecomp = 0; _root.datefoto = 0; _root.dateuser = 0; _root.dategive = 0; _root.datekiss = 0; gotoAndStop (1413); } }
Symbol 1781 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1410); }
Symbol 1834 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 1861 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1861 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1861 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 1861 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 1861 MovieClip Frame 45
Symbol 1861 MovieClip Frame 55
Symbol 1861 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 1861 MovieClip Frame 102
stopAllSounds(); _root.credits();
Symbol 1909 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1909 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1909 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 1909 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 1909 MovieClip Frame 51
Symbol 1909 MovieClip Frame 65
Symbol 1909 MovieClip Frame 75
Symbol 1909 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 1909 MovieClip Frame 101
stopAllSounds(); _root.credits();
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 80
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 81
stopAllSounds(); _root.credits();
Symbol 1969 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1969 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1969 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 1969 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 1969 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 1969 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 1969 MovieClip Frame 45
Symbol 1969 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 1969 MovieClip Frame 80
Symbol 1969 MovieClip Frame 81
stopAllSounds(); _root.credits();
Symbol 1998 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1998 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1998 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 1998 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 1998 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 1998 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 1998 MovieClip Frame 65
Symbol 1998 MovieClip Frame 66
stopAllSounds(); _root.credits();
Symbol 2027 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2027 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 2027 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 2027 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 2027 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 2027 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 2027 MovieClip Frame 70
Symbol 2027 MovieClip Frame 71
stopAllSounds(); _root.credits();
Symbol 2054 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.Close_Text._visible = false; _root.Close_Button._visible = false;
Symbol 2054 MovieClip Frame 1790
_root.Close_Text._visible = true; _root.Close_Button._visible = true; stop();
Symbol 2055 Button
on (release) { if (_root.menuthing == 0) { gotoAndStop (1410); } else if (_root.menuthing == 1) { _root.back2back(); } }
Symbol 2060 Button
on (release, keyPress "1") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (1427); }
Symbol 2065 Button
on (release, keyPress "2") { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (1431); }
Symbol 2078 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1428); }
Symbol 2079 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1429); }
Symbol 2080 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (1426); }
Symbol 2117 MovieClip Frame 13
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2117 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.death = true;
Symbol 2117 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 2117 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); _root.player._visible = false;
Symbol 2117 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 2126 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2126 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); _root.func4();
Symbol 2126 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 2133 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); flow = 0;
Symbol 2133 MovieClip Frame 27
flow = 1;
Symbol 2133 MovieClip Frame 33
flow = 0;
Symbol 2140 MovieClip Frame 1
flow = 0; stop();
Symbol 2140 MovieClip Frame 20
flow = 1;
Symbol 2140 MovieClip Frame 38
flow = 0;
Symbol 2173 Button
on (release) { _root.accuracy = 0; _root.score = 0; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 2174 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop (1426); }
Symbol 2204 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2222 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2222 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 2222 MovieClip Frame 31
Instance of Symbol 2222 MovieClip in Symbol 2223 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.playN == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hq) && (this._visible == true)) { this._visible = false; _root.lives = _root.lives - 2;; } this.onRelease = function () { this._visible = false; _root.hits = _root.hits + 1; _root.score = _root.score + 2; }; } if (this.hitTest(_root.boom.kablam)) { this._visible = false; _root.hits = _root.hits + 1; _root.score = _root.score + 2; } }
Instance of Symbol 2222 MovieClip in Symbol 2223 MovieClip Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Symbol 2223 MovieClip Frame 161
_root.rocketfinish = _root.rocketfinish + 1;
Symbol 2231 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2233 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2249 MovieClip Frame 1
_x = (_x + (((_level0._xmouse - _x) / mass) * 6.5)); _y = (_y + (((_level0._ymouse - _y) / mass) * 6.5));
Symbol 2249 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2253 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2255 Button
on (keyPress "q") { if (_quality == "LOW") { _quality = "MEDIUM"; } else if (_quality == "MEDIUM") { _quality = "HIGH"; } else if (_quality == "HIGH") { _quality = "LOW"; } } on (keyPress "p") { if ((_root.playN == 0) && (_root.countlol < 1)) { _root.playN = 1; _root.countlol = 42; } if ((_root.playN == 1) && (_root.countlol < 1)) { _root.playN = 0; _root.countlol = 42; } }
Symbol 2257 Button
on (release) { _root.backz0r(); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [SOUND]
Symbol 2 Sound [Sniper]
Symbol 3 Sound [regular]
Symbol 4 Sound [dating]
Symbol 5 Sound [cash]
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:Timeline
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 9 FontUsed by:10 60 74 79 81 87 113 116 119 122 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 141 145 173 174 177 180 183 186 189 192 194 195 199 201 206 208 209 210 211 212 213 220 223 224 225 227 228 229 233 235 236 238 241 243 251 253 262 264 267 269 272 274 285 289 353 354 355 356 357 359 360 361 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 381 382 385 386 387 388 389 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 399 400 401 402 405 406 407 418 419 435 436 437 438 439 440 442 443 444 445 451 468 469 470 471 473 474 475 476 478 479 480 481 482 483 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 506 507 511 512 513 514 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 532 533 534 535 555 558 559 563 564 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 624 626 639 640 648 650 653 655 660 662 674 681 682 683 684 685 848 849 850 851 852 856 857 858 927 928 929 931 932 933 994 995 996 1012 1014 1017 1019 1026 1028 1034 1036 1046 1047 1048 1101 1102 1103 1105 1106 1108 1109 1110 1157 1158 1159 1161 1162 1163 1200 1201 1202 1206 1207 1605 1606 1609 1611 1612 1617 1619 1621 1622 1628 1630 1632 1634 1644 1645 1651 1652 1658 1659 1665 1666 1668 1673 1674 1676 1681 1682 1684 1689 1690 1693 1694 1697 1698 1703 1704 1705 1708 1709 1711 1716 1717 1723 1724 1729 1730 1733 1767 1768 1769 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1826 1858 1859 1860 1863 1864 1865 1866 1869 1907 1908 1912 1913 1914 1915 1918 1932 1933 1937 1938 1939 1940 1943 1967 1968 1972 1973 1974 1975 1978 1996 1997 2001 2002 2003 2004 2007 2025 2026 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2062 2064 2068 2084 2086 2147 2148 2149 2157 2158 2160 2162 2175 2178 2180 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2234 2237 2256 2260
Symbol 10 EditableTextUses:9 63 2224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 15 ButtonUses:11 12 13 14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:59 1517 1535 1561 1568 1579 1583 1592 2251 2253
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:18Used by:59
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:20Used by:59
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClipUses:22Used by:59
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:24Used by:31 45
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:26Used by:31 45
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:28Used by:31
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClipUses:25 27 29 30Used by:59
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 33 ShapeTweeningUsed by:44
Symbol 34 ShapeTweeningUsed by:44
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 37 ShapeTweeningUsed by:44
Symbol 38 ShapeTweeningUsed by:44
Symbol 39 ShapeTweeningUsed by:44
Symbol 40 ShapeTweeningUsed by:44
Symbol 41 ShapeTweeningUsed by:44
Symbol 42 ShapeTweeningUsed by:44
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClipUses:33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43Used by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClipUses:32 44 25 27Used by:59
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClipUses:46Used by:59
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClipUses:49Used by:59
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:52 549 1535 1561 1568 1579 1583 1592 2253
Symbol 52 ButtonUses:51Used by:59
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:58
Symbol 55 FontUsed by:56 57
Symbol 56 TextUses:55Used by:58
Symbol 57 TextUses:55Used by:58
Symbol 58 MovieClipUses:54 56 57Used by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClipUses:16 17 19 21 23 31 45 47 48 50 52 53 58 SS1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 EditableTextUses:9 63 2224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 63 FontUsed by:10 60 64 65 67 68 74 79 81 87 141 145 146 173 174 206 225 233 237 238 242 243 245 247 249 251 253 255 551 552 553 555 621 645 657 670 1009 1021 1023 1031 1038 1211 1603 1614 1624 1637 1739 1741 1860 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2059 2068 2086 2141 2142 2151 2152 2153 2154 2180 2228 2256 2258 2260
Symbol 64 EditableTextUses:63Used by:69
Symbol 65 EditableTextUses:63Used by:69
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 67 EditableTextUses:63Used by:69
Symbol 68 EditableTextUses:63Used by:69
Symbol 69 MovieClipUses:61 62 64 65 66 67 68Used by:Timeline
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:75  Timeline
Symbol 72 FontUsed by:73 76 77 112 115 118 121 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 144 150 151 154 155 158 159 162 163 166 167 169 170 205 219 230 261 263 266 268 271 273 277 278 281 282 284 288 352 358 362 380 398 409 441 467 472 484 485 486 487 488 490 491 493 494 504 505 509 510 516 517 527 528 530 531 536 623 625 628 629 631 632 634 635 637 638 642 643 647 649 652 654 659 661 664 665 667 668 673 1002 1003 1004 1005 1011 1013 1016 1018 1025 1027 1033 1035 1608 1610 1616 1618 1627 1629 1631 1633 1639 1640 1745 1746 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1764 1765 1824 1825 1867 1868 1916 1917 1941 1942 1976 1977 2005 2006 2061 2063 2066 2067
Symbol 73 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 74 EditableTextUses:9 63 2224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 75 MovieClipUses:71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 76 EditableTextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 77 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 78 ShapeTweeningUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 79 EditableTextUses:9 63 2224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 81 EditableTextUses:9 63 2224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 83 ShapeTweeningUsed by:86
Symbol 84 ShapeTweeningUsed by:86
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Symbol 86 MovieClipUses:83 84 85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 87 EditableTextUses:9 63 2224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:111 114 117 120 123 124 176 178 179 181 182 184 185 187 188 190 191 193 203 204 221 222 275 279 280 286 383 403 675 686 688 690 692 853 859 860 861 862 934 997 998 999 1044 1049 1050 1051 1052 1104 1111 1112 1113 1114 1164 1165 1166 1203 1213 1215 1217 1219 1221 1223 1512 1763 1781 1834 2055
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:111 114 117 120 123 124 176 178 179 181 182 184 185 187 188 190 191 193 203 204 221 222 275 279 280 286 383 403 675 686 688 690 692 853 859 860 861 862 934 997 998 999 1044 1049 1050 1051 1052 1104 1111 1112 1113 1114 1164 1165 1166 1203 1213 1215 1217 1219 1221 1223 1512 1763 1781 1834 2055
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:111 114 117 120 123 124 176 178 179 181 182 184 185 187 188 190 191 193 203 204 221 222 275 279 280 286 383 403 675 686 688 690 692 853 859 860 861 862 934 997 998 999 1044 1049 1050 1051 1052 1104 1111 1112 1113 1114 1164 1165 1166 1203 1213 1215 1217 1219 1221 1223 1512 1763 1781 1834 2055
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:111 114 117 120 123 124 176 178 179 181 182 184 185 187 188 190 191 193 203 204 221 222 275 279 280 286 383 403 675 686 688 690 692 853 859 860 861 862 934 997 998 999 1044 1049 1050 1051 1052 1104 1111 1112 1113 1114 1164 1165 1166 1203 1213 1215 1217 1219 1221 1223 1512 1763 1781 1834 2055
Symbol 109 SoundUsed by:111 114 117 120 123 124 176 178 179 181 182 184 185 187 188 190 191 193 203 204 221 222 275 279 280 286 383 403 675 686 688 690 692 853 859 860 861 862 934 997 998 999 1044 1049 1050 1051 1052 1104 1111 1112 1113 1114 1164 1165 1166 1203 1213 1215 1217 1219 1221 1223 1512 1763 1781 1834 2055
Symbol 110 SoundUsed by:111 114 117 120 123 124 176 178 179 181 182 184 185 187 188 190 191 193 203 204 221 222 275 279 280 286 383 403 675 686 688 690 692 853 859 860 861 862 934 997 998 999 1044 1049 1050 1051 1052 1104 1111 1112 1113 1114 1164 1165 1166 1203 1213 1215 1217 1219 1221 1223 1512 1763 1781 1834 2055
Symbol 111 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 115 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 116 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 117 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 119 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 120 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 121 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 122 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 124 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 125 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 126 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 127 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 128 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 129 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 130 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 131 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 132 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 133 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 134 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 136 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 137 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 138 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 140 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 141 EditableTextUses:9 63 2224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:1601 2054 2170  Timeline
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 144 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 145 EditableTextUses:9 63 2224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 146 TextUses:63Used by:Timeline
Symbol 147 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 150 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 151 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:1043 1205 1535 1861  Timeline
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:1909  Timeline
Symbol 154 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:678 1001 1511 1579 1969  Timeline
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 158 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 159 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:1042 1205 1511 1561 1909  Timeline
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 162 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 163 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:1041 1205 1511 1568 1934  Timeline
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 166 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 167 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:679 1001 1511 1583 1998  Timeline
Symbol 169 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 170 TextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:677 1001 1511 1592 2027  Timeline
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 173 EditableTextUses:9 63 2224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 174 EditableTextUses:9 63 2224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 176 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 177 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 178 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 179 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 180 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 181 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 182 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 183 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 184 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 185 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 186 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 187 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 188 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 189 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 190 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 191 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 192 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 193 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 194 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 195 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:202
Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:202
Symbol 199 TextUses:9Used by:202
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:202
Symbol 201 TextUses:9Used by:202
Symbol 202 MovieClipUses:197 198 199 200 201Used by:Timeline
Symbol 203 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 205 EditableTextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 206 EditableTextUses:9 63 2224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 208 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 209 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 210 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 211 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 212 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 213 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 214 GraphicUsed by:546  Timeline
Symbol 215 GraphicUsed by:218
Symbol 216 GraphicUsed by:218
Symbol 217 GraphicUsed by:218
Symbol 218 MovieClipUses:215 216 217Used by:546  Timeline
Symbol 219 EditableTextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 220 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 221 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 222 ButtonUses:105 106 107 108 109 110Used by:546  Timeline
Symbol 223 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 224 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 225 EditableTextUses:9 63 2224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 227 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 228 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 229 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
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Instance Names

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Created: 30/4 -2019 08:16:20 Last modified: 30/4 -2019 08:16:20 Server time: 14/06 -2024 01:24:33