Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #48470

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie(3389); stop(); } movieClip 56 { } movieClip 60 { } movieClip 70 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 83 { } button 84 { on (press) { gotoAndStop('end');; } } movieClip 85 { instance of movieClip 60 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.stop(); PercentLoaded = int((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); if (PercentLoaded != 100) { _parent.gotoAndStop(PercentLoaded); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop('lastframe'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { PercentLoaded = int((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); if (PercentLoaded != 100) { _parent.gotoAndStop(PercentLoaded); } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay('loaded'); } } } frame 101 { play(); } frame 165 { stop(); } } button 91 { on (release) { NewgroundsAPI.loadNewgrounds(); } } button 97 { on (release) { NewgroundsAPI.loadNewgrounds(); } } movieClip 98 { } movieClip 99 { frame 1 { function startAd(ngad_url) { trace('opening ' + ngad_url);'');'');'');'');'');'');'');''); var ngads_redirect = new XML(); ngads_redirect.ignoreWhite = true; ngads_redirect.onLoad = function (success) { trace('[NEWGROUNDS FLASH ADS] :: You may get a \'Security Sandbox Violation\' ... this is normal, do not freak out!'); if (success) { ng_ad.loadMovie(ngads_redirect.toString(), 'GET'); } else {} }; ngads_redirect.load(ngad_url); } if (NewgroundsAPI.getAdURL()) { startAd(NewgroundsAPI.getAdURL()); } NewgroundsAPI.onAdsApproved = function (ad_url) { startAd(ad_url); }; stop(); } } movieClip 100 { } movieClip 103 { } instance MUSIC of movieClip 103 { onClipEvent (load) { crunkalot = new Sound(this); crunkalot.attachSound('crunkalot'); BGM1 = new Sound(this); BGM1.attachSound('BGM1'); hiphoploop = new Sound(this); hiphoploop.attachSound('hiphoploop'); BGM2 = new Sound(this); BGM2.attachSound('BGM2'); BGM3 = new Sound(this); BGM3.attachSound('BGM3'); pyramid = new Sound(this); pyramid.attachSound('pyramid'); BGM4 = new Sound(this); BGM4.attachSound('BGM4'); BGM5 = new Sound(this); BGM5.attachSound('BGM5'); BGM6 = new Sound(this); BGM6.attachSound('BGM6'); BGM7 = new Sound(this); BGM7.attachSound('BGM7'); rain = new Sound(this); rain.attachSound('rain'); wind = new Sound(this); wind.attachSound('wind'); gameover = new Sound(this); gameover.attachSound('gameover'); creepymusic = new Sound(this); creepymusic.attachSound('creepymusic'); BGMCREDITS = new Sound(this); BGMCREDITS.attachSound('BGMCREDITS'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { crunkalot.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); BGM1.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); hiphoploop.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); BGM2.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); BGM3.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); pyramid.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); BGM4.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); BGM5.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); BGM6.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); BGM7.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); rain.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); wind.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); gameover.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); creepymusic.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); } } instance SOUND of movieClip 103 { onClipEvent (load) { hit1 = new Sound(this); hit1.attachSound('hit1'); hit2 = new Sound(this); hit2.attachSound('hit2'); hit3 = new Sound(this); hit3.attachSound('hit3'); hit4 = new Sound(this); hit4.attachSound('hit4'); raywarmup = new Sound(this); raywarmup.attachSound('raywarmup'); pipesound = new Sound(this); pipesound.attachSound('pipesound'); missiledrop = new Sound(this); missiledrop.attachSound('missiledrop'); landingtrot = new Sound(this); landingtrot.attachSound('landingtrot'); kaching = new Sound(this); kaching.attachSound('kaching'); gunshot1 = new Sound(this); gunshot1.attachSound('gunshot1'); gunshot2 = new Sound(this); gunshot2.attachSound('gunshot2'); flamethrower = new Sound(this); flamethrower.attachSound('flamethrower'); explosion1 = new Sound(this); explosion1.attachSound('explosion1'); explosion2 = new Sound(this); explosion2.attachSound('explosion2'); dropin = new Sound(this); dropin.attachSound('dropin'); drinking = new Sound(this); drinking.attachSound('drinking'); boowup = new Sound(this); boowup.attachSound('boowup'); blip = new Sound(this); blip.attachSound('blip'); bip = new Sound(this); bip.attachSound('bip'); bikeskid = new Sound(this); bikeskid.attachSound('bikeskid'); bash = new Sound(this); bash.attachSound('bash'); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound('slash'); truckengineloop = new Sound(this); truckengineloop.attachSound('truckengineloop'); uzi = new Sound(this); uzi.attachSound('uzi'); scifinoise = new Sound(this); scifinoise.attachSound('scifinoise'); earthqauke = new Sound(this); earthqauke.attachSound('earthqauke'); atomicexplosion = new Sound(this); atomicexplosion.attachSound('atomicexplosion'); giantlaser = new Sound(this); giantlaser.attachSound('giantlaser'); lawnmower = new Sound(this); lawnmower.attachSound('lawnmower'); floorwaxer = new Sound(this); floorwaxer.attachSound('floorwaxer'); comeon.attachSound('comeon'); comeon = new Sound(this); laugh1.attachSound('laugh1'); laugh1 = new Sound(this); laugh2.attachSound('laugh2'); laugh2 = new Sound(this); chomp.attachSound('chomp'); chomp = new Sound(this); wind = new Sound(this); wind.attachSound('wind'); thunder.attachSound('thunder'); thunder = new Sound(this); thunders.attachSound('thunders'); thunders = new Sound(this); rain.attachSound('rain'); rain = new Sound(this); } } movieClip 4441 __Packages.NewgroundsAPI { #initclip if (!_global.NewgroundsAPI) { var v1 = function () {}; _global.NewgroundsAPI = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.connectMovie = function (id) { if (!id) { NewgroundsAPI.SendError('Missing required \'id\' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie(id:Number)'); } else { if (!NewgroundsAPI.tracker_id) { NewgroundsAPI.SendMessage('Connecting to API gateway...'); NewgroundsAPI.tracker_id = id; = (_url.split('/'))[2].toLowerCase(); if ( < 1) { = 'localhost'; } var v2 = new Object(); NewgroundsAPI.SendEvent(NewgroundsAPI.MOVIE_VIEWS); } } }; v1.setMovieVersion = function (movie_version) { if (!movie_version) { NewgroundsAPI.SendError('Missing required \'version\' in NewgroundsAPI.setMovieVersion(version:String)'); } else { NewgroundsAPI.version = movie_version; } }; v1.debugMode = function () { NewgroundsAPI.debug = true; }; v1.addCustomEvent = function (stat_id, stat_name) { if (!stat_id) { NewgroundsAPI.SendError('Missing required \'id\' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomEvent(id:Number, event_name:String)'); } else { if (!stat_name) { NewgroundsAPI.SendError('Missing required \'event_name\' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomEvent(id:Number, event_name:String)'); } else { NewgroundsAPI.custom_events[stat_name] = NewgroundsAPI.CUSTOM_STATS + stat_id; NewgroundsAPI.SendMessage('Created custom event: ' + stat_name); } } }; v1.addCustomLink = function (stat_id, stat_name) { if (!stat_id) { NewgroundsAPI.SendError('Missing required \'id\' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomLink(id:Number, link_name:String)'); } else { if (!stat_name) { NewgroundsAPI.SendError('Missing required \'link_name\' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomLink(id:Number, link_name:String)'); } else { NewgroundsAPI.custom_links[stat_name] = NewgroundsAPI.CUSTOM_STATS + stat_id; NewgroundsAPI.SendMessage('Created custom link ' + stat_id + ': ' + stat_name); } } }; v1.loadMySite = function () { NewgroundsAPI.SendLink(NewgroundsAPI.AUTHOR_SITE); }; v1.loadNewgrounds = function (special) { if (special) { var v1 = {'page': special}; } NewgroundsAPI.SendLink(NewgroundsAPI.NEWGROUNDS, v1); }; v1.logCustomEvent = function (event_name) { if (!event_name) { NewgroundsAPI.SendError('Missing required \'event_name\' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.logCustomEvent(event_name:String)'); } else { if (!NewgroundsAPI.custom_events[event_name]) { NewgroundsAPI.SendError('Attempted to log undefined custom event: ' + event_name); } else { NewgroundsAPI.SendEvent(NewgroundsAPI.custom_events[event_name]); } } }; v1.loadCustomLink = function (link_name) { if (!link_name) { NewgroundsAPI.SendError('Missing required \'link_name\' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.loadCustomLink(link_name:String)'); } else { if (!NewgroundsAPI.custom_links[link_name]) { NewgroundsAPI.SendError('Attempted to open undefined custom link: ' + link_name); } else { NewgroundsAPI.SendLink(NewgroundsAPI.custom_links[link_name]); } } }; v1.getAdURL = function () { return NewgroundsAPI.movie_options.ad_url; }; v1.getMovieURL = function () { if (NewgroundsAPI.movie_options.movie_url) { return NewgroundsAPI.movie_options.movie_url; } else { return ''; } }; v1.getNewVersionURL = function () { return NewgroundsAPI.GATEWAY_URL + '?&id=' + NewgroundsAPI.tracker_id + '&host=' + escape( + '&stat=' + NewgroundsAPI.NEW_VERSION; }; v1.SendEvent = function (id) { NewgroundsAPI.SendStat(id, false); }; v1.SendLink = function (id, extra) { NewgroundsAPI.SendStat(id, true, extra); }; v1.ReadGatewayData = function (params) { for (var v2 in params) { params[v2] = unescape(params[v2]); NewgroundsAPI.movie_options[v2] = params[v2]; } if (params.settings_loaded) { NewgroundsAPI.SendMessage('You have successfully connected to the Newgrounds API gateway!'); NewgroundsAPI.SendMessage('Movie Identified as \'' + NewgroundsAPI.movie_options.movie_name + '\''); if (NewgroundsAPI.movie_options.message) { NewgroundsAPI.SendMessage(NewgroundsAPI.movie_options.message); } if (NewgroundsAPI.movie_options.ad_url) { NewgroundsAPI.SendMessage('Your movie has been approved to run Flash Ads'); NewgroundsAPI.onAdsApproved(NewgroundsAPI.movie_options.ad_url); } if (NewgroundsAPI.movie_options.movie_version and NewgroundsAPI.movie_options.movie_version.toString() != NewgroundsAPI.version.toString()) { NewgroundsAPI.SendMessage('WARNING: The movie version configured in your API settings does not match this movie\'s version!'); NewgroundsAPI.onNewVersionAvailable(NewgroundsAPI.movie_options.movie_version, NewgroundsAPI.getMovieURL(), NewgroundsAPI.getNewVersionURL()); } if (NewgroundsAPI.movie_options.deny_host) { NewgroundsAPI.SendMessage('You have blocked \'localHost\' in your API settings.'); NewgroundsAPI.SendMessage('If you wish to test your movie you will need to remove this block.'); NewgroundsAPI.onDenyHost(, NewgroundsAPI.getMovieURL(), NewgroundsAPI.getNewVersionURL()); } if (NewgroundsAPI.movie_options.request_portal_url == 1) { var v4 = NewgroundsAPI.GATEWAY_URL + '?&id=' + NewgroundsAPI.tracker_id + '&portal_url=' + escape(_url); var v3 = new XML(); v3.ignoreWhite = true; v3.load(v4); } } else { if (!NewgroundsAPI.movie_options.settings_loaded) { NewgroundsAPI.SendError('Could not establish connection to the API gateway.'); } } }; v1.SendStat = function (stat_id, open_in_browser, extra) { if (!NewgroundsAPI.tracker_id) { NewgroundsAPI.SendError('API calls cannot be made without a valid movie id.'); NewgroundsAPI.SendError('Did you remember to add the "NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie()" code?'); } else { var v7 = NewgroundsAPI.GATEWAY_URL + '?&id=' + NewgroundsAPI.tracker_id + '&host=' + escape( + '&stat=' + stat_id; for (var v9 in extra) { v7 += '&' + escape(v9) + '=' + escape(extra[v9]); } trace(v7); if (NewgroundsAPI.debug) { v7 += '&debug=1'; } if (open_in_browser) { getURL(v7, '_blank'); } else { var v10 = new XML(); v10.ignoreWhite = true; v10.onLoad = function (success) { var v6 = new Object(); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.firstChild.childNodes.length) { var v4 = this.firstChild.childNodes[v3]; var v5 = v4.nodeName; var v2 = v4.attributes.value; if (v2 == Number(v2)) { v2 = Number(v2); } v6[v5] = v2; ++v3; } NewgroundsAPI.ReadGatewayData(v6); }; v10.load(v7); } } }; v1.SendError = function (msg) { trace('[NEWGROUNDS API ERROR] :: ' + msg); }; v1.SendMessage = function (msg) { trace('[NEWGROUNDS API] :: ' + msg); }; v1.InitTextFormats = function () { if (!NewgroundsAPI.error_format) { NewgroundsAPI.error_format = new TextFormat(); NewgroundsAPI.error_format.font = 'Arial Black'; NewgroundsAPI.error_format.size = 48; NewgroundsAPI.error_format.color = 16711680; } if (!NewgroundsAPI.header_format) { NewgroundsAPI.header_format = new TextFormat(); NewgroundsAPI.header_format.font = 'Arial Black'; NewgroundsAPI.header_format.size = 24; NewgroundsAPI.header_format.color = 16777215; } if (!NewgroundsAPI.normal_format) { NewgroundsAPI.normal_format = new TextFormat(); NewgroundsAPI.normal_format.font = 'Arial'; NewgroundsAPI.normal_format.bold = true; NewgroundsAPI.normal_format.size = 12; NewgroundsAPI.normal_format.color = 16777215; } if (!NewgroundsAPI.link_format) { NewgroundsAPI.link_format = new TextFormat(); NewgroundsAPI.link_format.color = 16776960; NewgroundsAPI.link_format.underline = true; } }; v1.onNewVersionAvailable = function (version, movie_url, redirect_url) { NewgroundsAPI.InitTextFormats(); var v2 = new Object(); v2.x = Stage.width / 2; v2.y = Stage.height / 2; _root.createEmptyMovieClip('NGAPI_new_version_overlay', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineStyle(1, 0, 100); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.beginFill(0, 70); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.moveTo(-10, -10); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(-10, 1000); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(1000, 1000); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(1000, -10); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(-10, -10); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.endFill(); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineStyle(10, 0, 100); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.beginFill(51); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.moveTo(v2.x - 240, v2.y - 120); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(v2.x + 240, v2.y - 120); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(v2.x + 240, v2.y + 80); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(v2.x - 240, v2.y + 80); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(v2.x - 240, v2.y - 120); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.endFill(); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.createEmptyMovieClip('exit', 1000); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.lineStyle(2, 39423, 100); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.beginFill(0, 50); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.moveTo(v2.x + 210, v2.y - 110); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.lineTo(v2.x + 230, v2.y - 110); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.lineTo(v2.x + 230, v2.y - 90); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.lineTo(v2.x + 210, v2.y - 90); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.lineTo(v2.x + 210, v2.y - 110); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.endFill(); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.moveTo(v2.x + 214, v2.y - 106); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.lineTo(v2.x + 226, v2.y - 94); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.moveTo(v2.x + 226, v2.y - 106); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.lineTo(v2.x + 214, v2.y - 94); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.onMouseUp = function () { if (_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.removeMovieClip(); } }; var v3 = 'Version ' + version + ' is now available at:' + '\n'; var v5 = v3.length; v3 += movie_url; var v4 = v3.length; _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.createTextField('mouseblocker', 99, -10, -10, 1000, 1000); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.createTextField('newversion', 100, v2.x - 210, v2.y - 90, 400, 80); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.newversion.text = 'New Version Available!'; _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.newversion.setTextFormat(NewgroundsAPI.header_format); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.createTextField('message', 101, (Stage.width - 400) / 2, Stage.height / 2, 400, 40); _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.message.text = v3; _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.message.multiline = true; _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.message.wordWrap = true; _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.message.html = true; _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.message.setTextFormat(NewgroundsAPI.normal_format); NewgroundsAPI.link_format.url = redirect_url; _root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.message.setTextFormat(v5, v4, NewgroundsAPI.link_format); }; v1.onDenyHost = function (hostname, movie_url, redirect_url) { NewgroundsAPI.InitTextFormats(); _root.createEmptyMovieClip('NGAPI_deny_host_overlay', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.lineStyle(20, 0, 100); _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.beginFill(6684672); _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.moveTo(0, 0); _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.lineTo(Stage.width, 0); _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height); _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.lineTo(0, Stage.height); _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.lineTo(0, 0); _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.endFill(); var v2 = 'This movie has not been approved for use on ' + hostname + '.'; v2 += '\r\rFor an aproved copy, please visit:\r'; var v4 = v2.length; v2 += movie_url; var v3 = v2.length; _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.createTextField('mousekill', 100, 0, 0, Stage.width, Stage.height); _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.createTextField('error', 101, (Stage.width - 400) / 2, Stage.height / 2 - 100, 400, 200); _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.error.text = 'ERROR!'; _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.error.setTextFormat(NewgroundsAPI.error_format); _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.createTextField('message', 102, (Stage.width - 400) / 2, Stage.height / 2, 400, 200); _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.message.text = v2; _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.message.multiline = true; _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.message.wordWrap = true; _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.message.html = true; _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.message.setTextFormat(NewgroundsAPI.normal_format); NewgroundsAPI.link_format.url = redirect_url; _root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.message.setTextFormat(v4, v3, NewgroundsAPI.link_format); }; v1.isInstalled = function () { return true; }; v1.onAdsApproved = function (ad_url) {}; v1.movie_options = new Object(); v1.custom_events = new Object(); v1.custom_links = new Object(); v1.MOVIE_VIEWS = 1; v1.AUTHOR_SITE = 2; v1.NEWGROUNDS = 3; v1.NEW_VERSION = 4; v1.CUSTOM_STATS = 50; v1.GATEWAY_URL = ''; ASSetPropFlags(_global.NewgroundsAPI.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 111 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 112 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 114 { } movieClip 115 { } movieClip 117 { } movieClip 132 { } movieClip 134 { } movieClip 136 { } movieClip 138 { } movieClip 140 { } movieClip 141 { frame 1 { _root.stop(); } frame 184 {; } } frame 20 { MUSIC.crunkalot.start(0, 99); MUSIC.crunkalot.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); } frame 20 { Q = 'MEDIUM'; SKILLPOINTS = 0; totalkills = 0; HAT = 'none'; PLAYER = 1; COMPLETED = 0; SFXVOLUME = 50; BGMVOLUME = 50; } button 143 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('TITLE'); } } movieClip 172 { } movieClip 173 { instance of movieClip 172 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.SAVEKILL 200 GUYS == 0) { _visible = false; } if (_root.SAVEKILL 200 GUYS == undefined) { _root.SAVEKILL 200 GUYS = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 172 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.SAVEA MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS == 0) { _visible = false; } if (_root.SAVEA MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS == undefined) { _root.SAVEA MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 172 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.SAVEPROLONG THE INEVITABLE == 0) { _visible = false; } if (_root.SAVEPROLONG THE INEVITABLE == undefined) { _root.SAVEPROLONG THE INEVITABLE = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 172 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.SAVEEMPATHY == 0) { _visible = false; } if (_root.SAVEEMPATHY == undefined) { _root.SAVEEMPATHY = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 172 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.SAVESHOW EM WHOS BOSS == 0) { _visible = false; } if (_root.SAVESHOW EM WHOS BOSS == undefined) { _root.SAVESHOW EM WHOS BOSS = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 172 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.SAVEDEFEAT TOMMY BROWNSHOES == 0) { _visible = false; } if (_root.SAVEDEFEAT TOMMY BROWNSHOES == undefined) { _root.SAVEDEFEAT TOMMY BROWNSHOES = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 172 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.SAVEROOOOOOOOOXXANNE == 0) { _visible = false; } if (_root.SAVEROOOOOOOOOXXANNE == undefined) { _root.SAVEROOOOOOOOOXXANNE = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 172 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.SAVEDANTE MUST DIE == 0) { _visible = false; } if (_root.SAVEDANTE MUST DIE == undefined) { _root.SAVEDANTE MUST DIE = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 172 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.SAVEHUNGER STRIKE == 0) { _visible = false; } if (_root.SAVEHUNGER STRIKE == undefined) { _root.SAVEHUNGER STRIKE = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 172 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.SAVEMASTER CHEF == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } } } instance of movieClip 173 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.KILL 200 GUYS = 0; _root.A MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS = 0; _root.DEFEAT TOMMY BROWNSHOES = 0; _root.PROLONG THE INEVITABLE = 0; _root.ROOOOOOOOOXXANNE = 0; _root.HUNGER STRIKE = 0; _root.SHOW EM WHOS BOSS = 0; _root.EMPATHY = 0; _root.DANTE MUST DIE = 0; _root.MASTER CHEF = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); if (_root.totalkills >= 200 && _root.KILL 200 GUYS == 0) { _root.KILL 200 GUYS = 1; _root.SKILLPOINTS += 30; _root.SPTITLE = 'KILL 200 GUYS'; = 1; _root.SAVEKILL 200 GUYS = 1; = _root.SKILLPOINTS; _root.SAVESKILLPOINTS = _root.SKILLPOINTS; savefile.flush(); } } } frame 995 { stopAllSounds(); MUSIC.stopAllSounds(); EATEN = 0; } movieClip 211 { frame 1 { var copyrightNotice = 'Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sockpuppet Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.'; var reanimator = new flash.geom.Transform(this); var camera = new flash.geom.Transform(this._parent); var w = Stage.width; var h = Stage.height; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._parent.filters = this.filters; var v2 = reanimator.matrix; camera.colorTransform = reanimator.colorTransform; v2.invert(); v2.translate(w * 0.5, h * 0.5); camera.matrix = v2; }; } } movieClip 212 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 229 { } movieClip 235 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.HEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.HEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.HEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.HEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.HEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.HEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.HEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.HEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.HEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.HEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _parent.MAXHEALTH * X / 100; } } } movieClip 243 { } movieClip 244 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _xscale = _root.guy.HEALTH * X / 100; } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { FRAME = Math.round(_root.guy.ENERGY) + 1; gotoAndPlay(FRAME); } } } button 251 { on (release) { _root.PAUSE = false; } } button 253 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('SKILL POINTS'); } } button 255 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('QUIT'); } } button 257 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('OPTIONS'); } } button 259 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('HATS'); } } button 261 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('WEAPONS'); } } button 263 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('ABILITIES'); } } button 266 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 271 { on (rollOver) { LIST.yspeed = -10; } on (rollOut) { LIST.yspeed = 0; } } button 272 { on (rollOver) { LIST.yspeed = 10; } on (rollOut) { LIST.yspeed = 0; } } movieClip 293 { } movieClip 311 { } movieClip 314 { frame 1 { if (_root.HAT == 'none') { _visible = false; } onEnterFrame = function () { _visible = true; if (_currentframe != 1 && _root.HAT == 'none') { gotoAndStop(1); _visible = false; } }; HAT = _root.HAT; gotoAndStop(HAT); } instance of movieClip 293 { onClipEvent (load) { _xscale = _root.guy._xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = _root.guy._xscale; } } } movieClip 321 { } movieClip 329 { } movieClip 340 { frame 1 { _root.SOUND.floorwaxer.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.floorwaxer.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 15; _root['enemy' + i]._xscale = -_root.guy._xscale; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -10; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 50 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } frame 4 { _root.floorwaxer.start(0, 1); _root.floorwaxer.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } movieClip 358 { } movieClip 370 { frame 2 { if (_root.guy.POWER != 'lawn mower') { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { if (!Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } instance punch of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { --_root.guy.ENERGY; i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -10; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 15 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _parent._y - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } frame 3 { _root.lawnmower.start(0, 1); _root.lawnmower.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 6 { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'lawn mower' && Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 376 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe != 1 && _root.guy.POWER == 'normal') { gotoAndStop(1); _root.guy.runspeed = 10; _root.guy.DEF = 1; } }; if (_root.guy.POWER == 'fire') { gotoAndStop('fire'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'black') { gotoAndStop('black'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'bush') { gotoAndStop('bush'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'trash') { gotoAndStop('trash'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'dog') { gotoAndStop('dog'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'water jet') { gotoAndStop('water jet'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'bike') { gotoAndStop('bike'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'Bball') { gotoAndStop('Bball'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'rock') { gotoAndStop('rock'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'post') { gotoAndStop('post box'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'plant') { gotoAndStop('plant'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'floor waxer') { gotoAndStop('floor waxer'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'dumbbell') { gotoAndStop('dumbbell'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'treadmill') { gotoAndStop('treadmill'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'til') { gotoAndStop('til'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'boxer') { gotoAndStop('boxer'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'strongman') { gotoAndStop('strongman'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'lawn mower') { gotoAndStop('lawn mower'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'bowling ball') { gotoAndStop('bowling ball'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'prostitute') { gotoAndStop('prostitute'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'golf') { gotoAndStop('golf'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'punching bag') { gotoAndStop('punching bag'); } } instance punch of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -15; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 6 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _parent._y - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } instance of movieClip 329 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { speed = 25; _rotation = _rotation - speed * (_root.guy._xscale / 100); } } instance punch of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -15; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 7 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _parent._y - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } instance punch of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -15; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 12 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _root.SOUND.slash.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.slash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _parent._y - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 392 { frame 1 { _visible = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe != 1 && _parent._parent.WEAPON == 'none') { gotoAndStop(1); } }; if (_parent._parent.WEAPON == 'pipe') { _visible = true; gotoAndStop('pipe'); } if (_parent._parent.WEAPON == 'Bbat') { _visible = true; gotoAndStop('Bbat'); } if (_parent._parent.WEAPON == 'Cbat') { _visible = true; gotoAndStop('Cbat'); } if (_parent._parent.WEAPON == 'broom') { _visible = true; gotoAndStop('broom'); } if (_parent._parent.WEAPON == 'knife') { _visible = true; gotoAndStop('knife'); } if (_parent._parent.WEAPON == 'boxing glove') { _visible = true; gotoAndStop('boxing glove'); } if (_parent._parent.WEAPON == 'crowbar') { _visible = true; gotoAndStop('crowbar'); } if (_parent._parent.WEAPON == 'trowl') { _visible = true; gotoAndStop('trowl'); } if (_parent._parent.WEAPON == 'rake') { _visible = true; gotoAndStop('rake'); } if (_parent._parent.WEAPON == 'cane') { _visible = true; gotoAndStop('cane'); } if (_parent._parent.WEAPON == 'bottle') { _visible = true; if (_parent._parent.DECAY <= 4) { gotoAndStop('bottle broke'); } else { gotoAndStop('bottle'); } } if (_parent._parent.WEAPON == 'sand wedge') { _visible = true; if (_parent._parent.DECAY <= 10) { gotoAndStop('broken sand wedge'); } else { gotoAndStop('sand wedge'); } } } } movieClip 393 { frame 48 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 394 { on (release) { _root.HAT = 'TOP HAT';'RESET'); } } button 395 { on (release) { _root.HAT = 'SQUARE';'RESET'); } } button 396 { on (release) { _root.HAT = 'BEARSKIN';'RESET'); } } button 397 { on (release) { _root.HAT = 'BEACH HAT';'RESET'); } } button 398 { on (release) { _root.HAT = 'FEZ';'RESET'); } } button 399 { on (release) { _root.HAT = 'CROWN';'RESET'); } } button 400 { on (release) { _root.HAT = 'CONDOM';'RESET'); } } button 401 { on (release) { _root.HAT = 'PETITIONER';'RESET'); } } button 402 { on (release) { _root.HAT = 'BRIT';'RESET'); } } button 403 { on (release) { _root.HAT = 'POST-OP';'RESET'); } } button 404 { on (release) { _root.HAT = 'LADY\'S MAN';'RESET'); } } button 405 { on (release) { _root.HAT = 'NONE';'RESET'); } } movieClip 418 { } button 419 { on (release) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'knife'; _root.guy.DECAY = 30;'RESET'); } } button 420 { on (release) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'pipe'; _root.guy.DECAY = 30;'RESET'); } } button 421 { on (release) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'Bbat'; _root.guy.DECAY = 30;'RESET'); } } button 422 { on (release) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'Cbat'; _root.guy.DECAY = 30;'RESET'); } } button 423 { on (release) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'bottle'; _root.guy.DECAY = 30;'RESET'); } } button 424 { on (release) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'crowbar'; _root.guy.DECAY = 30;'RESET'); } } button 425 { on (release) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'broom'; _root.guy.DECAY = 30;'RESET'); } } button 426 { on (release) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'boxing glove'; _root.guy.DECAY = 30;'RESET'); } } button 427 { on (release) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'trowl'; _root.guy.DECAY = 30;'RESET'); } } button 428 { on (release) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'rake'; _root.guy.DECAY = 30;'RESET'); } } button 429 { on (release) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'cane'; _root.guy.DECAY = 30;'RESET'); } } button 430 { on (release) { _root.WEAPON = 'none'; _root.guy.DECAY = 0;'RESET'); } } button 431 { on (release) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'sand wedge'; _root.guy.DECAY = 30;'RESET'); } } movieClip 444 { } button 445 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'fire'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 446 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'black'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 447 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'bush'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 448 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'trash'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 449 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'dog'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 450 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'water jet'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 451 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'bike'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 452 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'Bball'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 453 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'rock'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 454 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'post'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 455 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'floor waxer'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 456 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'normal'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 0;'RESET'); } } button 457 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'plant'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 458 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'dumbbell'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 459 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'strongman'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 460 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'treadmill'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 461 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'til'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 462 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'boxer'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 463 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'lawn mower'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 464 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'bowling ball'; _root.guy.DECAY = 30;'RESET'); } } button 465 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'punching bag'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 466 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'prostitute'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } button 467 { on (release) { _root.guy.POWER = 'golf'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;'RESET'); } } movieClip 489 { } button 497 { on (release) { _root.Q = 'LOW'; _root._quality = 'LOW'; } } button 498 { on (release) { _root.Q = 'MEDIUM'; _root._quality = 'MEDIUM'; } } button 499 { on (release) { _root.Q = 'HIGH'; _root._quality = 'HIGH'; } } button 502 { on (press) { DRAGGING = true; } on (release) { DRAGGING = false; } on (releaseOutside) { DRAGGING = false; } } movieClip 503 { } movieClip 504 { instance of movieClip 503 { onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.SFXVOLUME * 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (DRAGGING) { _x = _root._xmouse - _parent._parent._parent._parent._x - _parent._x; } else {} while (_x >= 301) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_x <= 0) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } _root.SFXVOLUME = Math.round(_x / 3); _root.SOUND.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } } movieClip 505 { instance of movieClip 503 { onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.BGMVOLUME * 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (DRAGGING) { _x = _root._xmouse - _parent._parent._parent._parent._x - _parent._x; } else {} while (_x >= 301) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_x <= 0) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } _root.BGMVOLUME = Math.round(_x / 3); _root.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); } } } button 513 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay('TITLE'); _root.PAUSE = false; } } movieClip 514 { frame 2 { if (_root.SKILLPOINTS <= 99 && _root.PLAYER == 1) { stop(); } } frame 3 { if (_root.SKILLPOINTS <= 199) { stop(); } } frame 4 { if (_root.SKILLPOINTS <= 299) { stop(); } } frame 5 { stop(); } instance LIST of movieClip 173 { onClipEvent (load) { yspeed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _y = _y + yspeed; while (_y >= _parent.LISTTOP._y) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } while (_y + _height <= _parent.LISTBOTTOM._y) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } } } instance LIST of movieClip 418 { onClipEvent (load) { yspeed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _y = _y + yspeed; while (_y >= _parent.LISTTOP._y) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } while (_y + _height <= _parent.LISTBOTTOM._y) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } } } instance LIST of movieClip 444 { onClipEvent (load) { yspeed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _y = _y + yspeed; while (_y >= _parent.LISTTOP._y) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } while (_y + _height <= _parent.LISTBOTTOM._y) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } } } instance LIST of movieClip 489 { onClipEvent (load) { yspeed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _y = _y + yspeed; while (_y >= _parent.LISTTOP._y) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } while (_y + _height <= _parent.LISTBOTTOM._y) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } } } } movieClip 515 { frame 1 { _root.MUSIC.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); } instance of movieClip 514 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { WEAPON = _root.guy.WEAPON; DECAY = 100; } } } movieClip 520 { } movieClip 521 { instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.vs1ID == '') { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } gotoAndStop(_root.vs1ID); HEALTH = _root.vs1health; MAXHEALTH = _root.vs1MAXhealth; NAME = _root.vs1; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vs1ID == '') { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } gotoAndStop(_root.vs1ID); HEALTH = _root.vs1health; MAXHEALTH = _root.vs1MAXhealth; NAME = _root.vs1; } } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.vs2ID == '') { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } gotoAndStop(_root.vs2ID); HEALTH = _root.vs2health; MAXHEALTH = _root.vs2MAXhealth; NAME = _root.vs2; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vs2ID == '') { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } gotoAndStop(_root.vs2ID); HEALTH = _root.vs2health; MAXHEALTH = _root.vs2MAXhealth; NAME = _root.vs2; } } instance of movieClip 244 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; } } instance of movieClip 515 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.PAUSE) { _visible = true; gotoAndPlay(3); } else { _visible = false; gotoAndPlay(1); } } } instance of movieClip 520 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; _y = _y + 100; S = 0; fallspeed = 0; OldSP = 0; SP = 0; ANIMATION = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { SP = _root.SKILLPOINTS; if (SP != OldSP) { ANIMATION = true; NUMBER = SP - OldSP; S = 80; TEXT = _root.SPTITLE; } if (ANIMATION) { _y = _y - (_y - Y) / 5; --S; if (S <= 0) { ANIMATION = false; } } else { if (_y <= Y + 100) { _y = _y + fallspeed; ++fallspeed; } } OldSP = _root.SKILLPOINTS; if (_root.SPTITLE == undefined) { _y = Y + 100; } } } } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = false; _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } movieClip 523 { frame 1 { stop(); _visible = false; } frame 2 { _visible = true; } frame 10 { if (_root.guy.HEALTH <= 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay('GAME OVER'); } else {; } } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } movieClip 528 { } instance of movieClip 528 { onClipEvent (load) { elasticness = 0.7; quickness = 0.2; OLDXSPEED = 0; OLDYSPEED = 20; stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { XDISTANCE = _root.point1._x - _x; YDISTANCE = _root.point1._y - _y; XSPEED = OLDXSPEED * elasticness + XDISTANCE * quickness; YSPEED = OLDYSPEED * elasticness + YDISTANCE * quickness; _x = _x + XSPEED; _y = _y + YSPEED; OLDXSPEED = XSPEED; OLDYSPEED = YSPEED; } } movieClip 532 { } instance of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (load) { elasticness = 0.7; quickness = 0.2; OLDXSPEED = 0; OLDYSPEED = 20; stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { XDISTANCE = _root.point2._x - _x; YDISTANCE = _root.point2._y - _y; XSPEED = OLDXSPEED * elasticness + XDISTANCE * quickness; YSPEED = OLDYSPEED * elasticness + YDISTANCE * quickness; _x = _x + XSPEED; _y = _y + YSPEED; OLDXSPEED = XSPEED; OLDYSPEED = YSPEED; } } button 536 { on (rollOver) { _root.SOUND.bip.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.bip.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } on (release) { gotoAndStop(2); _root.SOUND.blip.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.blip.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } movieClip 539 { } button 541 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 542 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 543 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 544 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 545 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 546 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 547 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 548 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 549 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 550 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 551 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 552 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 554 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 569 { } movieClip 570 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { elasticness = 0.7; quickness = 0.2; OLDXSPEED = 0; OLDYSPEED = 0; stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { XDISTANCE = _root.point3._x - _x; YDISTANCE = _root.point3._y - _y; XSPEED = OLDXSPEED * elasticness + XDISTANCE * quickness; YSPEED = OLDYSPEED * elasticness + YDISTANCE * quickness; _x = _x + XSPEED; _y = _y + YSPEED; OLDXSPEED = XSPEED; OLDYSPEED = YSPEED; } } movieClip 573 { } frame 1012 { stop(); var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); _root.SAVECOMPLETED =; _root.SAVELIVES =; _root.SAVELEVEL =; _root.SAVESKILLPOINTS =; _root.SAVEEATEN =; _root.SAVEtotalkills =; _root.SAVESTARTLIVES =; _root.SAVEFIRE BARREL =; _root.SAVEBUSH =; _root.SAVEDOG =; _root.SAVECEMENT =; _root.SAVETHUG =; _root.SAVEBASKETBALL =; _root.SAVEBIKE =; _root.SAVETRASH =; _root.SAVEBUTCH =; _root.SAVEFIRE HYDRANT =; _root.SAVEPOSTBOX =; _root.SAVEFLOOR WAXER =; _root.SAVEPLANT =; _root.SAVEWEIGHTS =; _root.SAVEBOXER =; _root.SAVETREADMILL =; _root.SAVECASH TIL =; _root.SAVELAWN MOWER =; _root.SAVEBIN =; _root.SAVEGAS =; _root.SAVEPROSTITUTE =; _root.SAVEGOLF =; _root.SAVENUCLEAR CORE =; _root.SAVEKILL 200 GUYS =; _root.SAVEA MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS =; _root.SAVEDEFEAT TOMMY BROWNSHOES =; _root.SAVEPROLONG THE INEVITABLE =; _root.SAVEROOOOOOOOOXXANNE =; _root.SAVEHUNGER STRIKE =; _root.SAVESHOW EM WHOS BOSS =; _root.SAVEEMPATHY =; _root.SAVEDANTE MUST DIE =; _root.SAVEMASTER CHEF =; if ( == undefined) { _root.SAVELIVES = 10; _root.SAVELEVEL = 0; _root.SAVECOMPLETED = 0; _root.SAVESKILLPOINTS = 0; _root.SAVEEATEN = 0; _root.SAVESTARTLIVES = 0; _root.SAVECHEF = 0; _root.SAVEtotalkills = 0; _root.SAVEFIRE BARREL = false; _root.SAVEBUSH = false; _root.SAVEDOG = false; _root.SAVECEMENT = false; _root.SAVETHUG = false; _root.SAVEBASKETBALL = false; _root.SAVEBIKE = false; _root.SAVETRASH = false; _root.SAVEBUTCH = false; _root.SAVEFIRE HYDRANT = false; _root.SAVEPOSTBOX = false; _root.SAVEFLOOR WAXER = false; _root.SAVEPLANT = false; _root.SAVEWEIGHTS = false; _root.SAVEBOXER = false; _root.SAVETREADMILL = false; _root.SAVECASH TIL = false; _root.SAVELAWN MOWER = false; _root.SAVEBIN = false; _root.SAVEGAS = false; _root.SAVEPROSTITUTE = false; _root.SAVEGOLF = false; _root.SAVENUCLEAR CORE = false; _root.SAVEKILL 200 GUYS = 0; _root.SAVEA MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS = 0; _root.SAVEDEFEAT TOMMY BROWNSHOES = 0; _root.SAVEPROLONG THE INEVITABLE = 0; _root.SAVEROOOOOOOOOXXANNE = 0; _root.SAVEHUNGER STRIKE = 0; _root.SAVESHOW EM WHOS BOSS = 0; _root.SAVEEMPATHY = 0; _root.SAVEDANTE MUST DIE = 0; _root.SAVEMASTER CHEF = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; } } movieClip 581 { } movieClip 621 { frame 133 { stop(); } } movieClip 623 { } movieClip 627 { } movieClip 628 { } movieClip 631 { } movieClip 635 { } movieClip 638 { } movieClip 639 { } movieClip 641 { } movieClip 642 { } movieClip 643 { } movieClip 644 { frame 27 { stop(); } } movieClip 648 { } button 650 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 651 { frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 652 { } button 655 { on (rollOver) { _root.SOUND.bip.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.bip.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } on (release) {; _root.SOUND.blip.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.blip.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); _root.LIVES = _root.SAVELIVES; _root.LEVEL = _root.SAVELEVEL; _root.COMPLETED = _root.SAVECOMPLETED; _root.SKILLPOINTS = _root.SAVESKILLPOINTS; _root.totalkills = _root.SAVEtotalkills; _root.EATEN = _root.SAVEEATEN; _root.STARTLIVES = _root.SAVESTARTLIVES; _root.FIRE BARREL = _root.SAVEFIRE BARREL; _root.BUSH = _root.SAVEBUSH; _root.DOG = _root.SAVEDOG; _root.CEMENT = _root.SAVECEMENT; _root.THUG = _root.SAVETHUG; _root.BASKETBALL = _root.SAVEBASKETBALL; _root.BIKE = _root.SAVEBIKE; _root.TRASH = _root.SAVETRASH; _root.BUTCH = _root.SAVEBUTCH; _root.FIRE HYDRANT = _root.SAVEFIRE HYDRANT; _root.POSTBOX = _root.SAVEPOSTBOX; _root.FLOOR WAXER = _root.SAVEFLOOR WAXER; _root.PLANT = _root.SAVEPLANT; _root.WEIGHTS = _root.SAVEWEIGHTS; _root.BOXER = _root.SAVEBOXER; _root.TREADMILL = _root.SAVETREADMILL; _root.CASH TIL = _root.SAVECASH TIL; _root.LAWN MOWER = _root.SAVELAWN MOWER; _root.BIN = _root.SAVEBIN; _root.GAS = _root.SAVEGAS; _root.PROSTITUTE = _root.SAVEPROSTITUTE; _root.GOLF = root.SAVEGOLF; _root.NUCLEAR CORE = _root.SAVENUCLEAR CORE; _root.KILL 200 GUYS = _root.SAVEKILL 200 GUYS; _root.A MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS = _root.SAVEA MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS; _root.DEFEAT TOMMY BROWNSHOES = _root.SAVEDEFEAT TOMMY BROWNSHOES; _root.PROLONG THE INEVITABLE = _root.SAVEPROLONG THE INEVITABLE; _root.ROOOOOOOOOXXANNE = _root.SAVEROOOOOOOOOXXANNE; _root.HUNGER STRIKE = _root.SAVEHUNGER STRIKE; _root.SHOW EM WHOS BOSS = _root.SAVESHOW EM WHOS BOSS; _root.EMPATHY = _root.SAVEEMPATHY; _root.DANTE MUST DIE = _root.SAVEDANTE MUST DIE; _root.MASTER CHEF = _root.SAVEMASTER CHEF; } } movieClip 656 { } button 659 { on (rollOver) { _root.SOUND.bip.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.bip.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } on (release) {; _root.SOUND.blip.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.blip.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _root.LEVEL = 0; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); _root.COMPLETED = _root.SAVECOMPLETED; _root.SKILLPOINTS = _root.SAVESKILLPOINTS; _root.totalkills = _root.SAVEtotalkills; _root.EATEN = _root.SAVEEATEN; _root.STARTLIVES = _root.SAVESTARTLIVES; _root.FIRE BARREL = _root.SAVEFIRE BARREL; _root.BUSH = _root.SAVEBUSH; _root.DOG = _root.SAVEDOG; _root.CEMENT = _root.SAVECEMENT; _root.THUG = _root.SAVETHUG; _root.BASKETBALL = _root.SAVEBASKETBALL; _root.BIKE = _root.SAVEBIKE; _root.TRASH = _root.SAVETRASH; _root.BUTCH = _root.SAVEBUTCH; _root.FIRE HYDRANT = _root.SAVEFIRE HYDRANT; _root.POSTBOX = _root.SAVEPOSTBOX; _root.FLOOR WAXER = _root.SAVEFLOOR WAXER; _root.PLANT = _root.SAVEPLANT; _root.WEIGHTS = _root.SAVEWEIGHTS; _root.BOXER = _root.SAVEBOXER; _root.TREADMILL = _root.SAVETREADMILL; _root.CASH TIL = _root.SAVECASH TIL; _root.LAWN MOWER = _root.SAVELAWN MOWER; _root.BIN = _root.SAVEBIN; _root.GAS = _root.SAVEGAS; _root.PROSTITUTE = _root.SAVEPROSTITUTE; _root.GOLF = root.SAVEGOLF; _root.NUCLEAR CORE = _root.SAVENUCLEAR CORE; _root.KILL 200 GUYS = _root.SAVEKILL 200 GUYS; _root.A MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS = _root.SAVEA MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS; _root.DEFEAT TOMMY BROWNSHOES = _root.SAVEDEFEAT TOMMY BROWNSHOES; _root.PROLONG THE INEVITABLE = _root.SAVEPROLONG THE INEVITABLE; _root.ROOOOOOOOOXXANNE = _root.SAVEROOOOOOOOOXXANNE; _root.HUNGER STRIKE = _root.SAVEHUNGER STRIKE; _root.SHOW EM WHOS BOSS = _root.SAVESHOW EM WHOS BOSS; _root.EMPATHY = _root.SAVEEMPATHY; _root.DANTE MUST DIE = _root.SAVEDANTE MUST DIE; _root.MASTER CHEF = _root.SAVEMASTER CHEF; if (_root.CHEAT == 'EVERYTHING' || _root.CHEAT == 'everything' || _root.CHEAT == 'Everything') { _root.COMPLETED = 5; _root.SKILLPOINTS = 54321; } } } frame 1032 { if (_root.LEVEL > 0) { if (_root.LEVEL == 1) { gotoAndPlay('LEVEL 1'); } if (_root.LEVEL == 2) { gotoAndPlay('LEVEL 2'); } if (_root.LEVEL == 3) { gotoAndPlay('LEVEL 3'); } if (_root.LEVEL == 4) { gotoAndPlay('LEVEL 4'); } if (_root.LEVEL == 5) { gotoAndPlay('LEVEL 5'); } if (_root.LEVEL == 6) { gotoAndPlay('LEVEL 6'); } if (_root.LEVEL == 7) { gotoAndPlay('LEVEL 7'); } if (_root.LEVEL == 8) { gotoAndPlay('LEVEL 8'); } } if (COMPLETED == undefined) { COMPLETED = 0; } } frame 1033 { stop(); _root.LIVES = 10; } movieClip 667 { instance of movieClip 503 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (DRAGGING) { _x = _root._xmouse - _parent._x; } while (_x >= 401) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_x <= 0) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } _root.LIVES = Math.round(_x / 20); if (_root.LIVES == 0) { _root.LIVES = 1; } _root.STARTLIVES = _root.LIVES; } } } button 670 { on (rollOver) { _root.SOUND.bip.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.bip.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } on (release) {; _root.SOUND.blip.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.blip.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); = _root.STARTLIVES; } } frame 1034 { if (_root.COMPLETED >= 1) { stop(); } else { play(); } } button 675 { on (release) { _root.PLAYER = 1;; _root.blip.start(0, 1); _root.blip.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } button 676 { on (release) { _root.PLAYER = 2;; _root.blip.start(0, 1); _root.blip.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } movieClip 677 { frame 5 { _root.SOUND.slash.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.slash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 9 { _root.SOUND.bash.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.bash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 22 {; } } movieClip 681 { } instance of movieClip 681 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( { X = - CAMX; _x = _x + X / 4; CAMX =; } } } movieClip 683 { } movieClip 684 { instance P of movieClip 683 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } } } instance of movieClip 684 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; WAIT = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (WAIT <= 0) { ++i; WAIT = 15; } --WAIT; if (i >= 20) { i = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(this.P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._y = 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._xscale = P.X + 20 - Math.random() * 40; this['P' + i]._yscale = _xscale; this['P' + i].floatspeed = 3; this['P' + i].xspeed = 2; o = 0; while (o <= 30) { this['P' + o]._y -= this['P' + o].floatspeed; this['P' + o]._x += this['P' + o].xspeed; this['P' + o]._xscale = this['P' + o]._yscale; ++o; } } } } instance of movieClip 684 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; WAIT = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (WAIT <= 0) { ++i; WAIT = 15; } --WAIT; if (i >= 20) { i = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(this.P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._y = 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._xscale = P.X + 20 - Math.random() * 40; this['P' + i]._yscale = _xscale; this['P' + i].floatspeed = 3; this['P' + i].xspeed = 2; o = 0; while (o <= 30) { this['P' + o]._y -= this['P' + o].floatspeed; this['P' + o]._x += this['P' + o].xspeed; this['P' + o]._xscale = this['P' + o]._yscale; ++o; } } } } movieClip 692 { frame 2 { if (!hit) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 35 { stop();; } } instance door of movieClip 692 { onClipEvent (load) { hit = false; } } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = false; _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } movieClip 714 { } movieClip 715 { } instance of movieClip 715 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.PLAYER == 1) { _visible = false; } } } button 718 { on (release) {; } } frame 1041 { MUSIC.BGM1.start(0, 99); MUSIC.BGM1.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); } frame 1046 { stop(); } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; _visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 715 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.PLAYER == 1) { _visible = false; } } } button 721 { on (rollOver) { _root.SOUND.bip.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.bip.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } on (release) {; _root.SOUND.blip.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.blip.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } frame 1047 { stop(); _quality = Q; enemycount = 0; enemyMAX = 30; sparkcount = 530; sparkMAX = 540; vs1 = ''; vs1head = ''; vs2 = ''; vs2head = ''; deathcount = 0; SPACEDOWN = false; if (PLAYER == 2 && _root.EMPATHY == 0) { _root.EMPATHY = 1; _root.SKILLPOINTS += 30; _root.SPTITLE = 'EMPATHY'; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = _root.EMPATHY; _root.SAVEEMPATHY = 1; = _root.SKILLPOINTS; _root.SAVESKILLPOINTS = _root.SKILLPOINTS; savefile.flush(); } SPTITLE = undefined; EATEN = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = true; } } else { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = false; } } if (!Key.isDown(13)) { SPACEDOWN = false; } }; } movieClip 723 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = - 400; while (_root.guy._x - 20 <= _x) { ++_root.guy._x; } } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = + 400; while (_root.guy._x + 20 >= _x) { --_root.guy._x; } } } instance door of movieClip 692 { onClipEvent (load) { hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.deathcount >= 21) { hit = true; } } } movieClip 760 { } movieClip 761 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 34 { ++_root.enemycount; _root.Morkom.onscreen = true; _root.Morkom._visible = true; _root.Morkom._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; ++_root.enemycount; _root.Wise.onscreen = true; _root.Wise._visible = true; _root.Wise._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; } frame 35 { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance of movieClip 761 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.guy._x >= _x) {; this._visible = true; hit = true; } } if (_currentframe >= 2) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } } movieClip 763 { } instance of movieClip 763 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'bottle'; _root.guy.DECAY = 5; this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 774 { } instance chicken2 of movieClip 774 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.HEALTH += 50; _root.SOUND.boowup.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.boowup.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 776 { } instance of movieClip 776 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'Cbat'; _root.guy.DECAY = 15; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 763 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'bottle'; _root.guy.DECAY = 5; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 763 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'bottle'; _root.guy.DECAY = 5; this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 763 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'bottle'; _root.guy.DECAY = 5; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance chicken of movieClip 774 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.HEALTH += 50; _root.SOUND.boowup.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.boowup.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 779 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -40 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 20) { _root.guy.POWER = 'bike'; _root.BIKE = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEBIKE = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 779 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 781 { } instance of movieClip 781 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'pipe'; _root.guy.DECAY = 10; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 790 { } movieClip 810 { frame 2 { if (feet.hitTest(guyX, guyY, true)) { if (_root.guy._currentframe <= 6 || _root.guy._currentframe >= 11) { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.guy.POWER != 'bush') { gotoAndPlay('not bush'); } } } frame 12 { if (!feet.hitTest(guyX, guyY, true)) { gotoAndPlay('flap'); } if (_root.guy._currentframe >= 7 && _root.guy._currentframe <= 10) { gotoAndPlay('flap'); } } frame 21 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 24 { if (_root.guy.POWER != 'bush') { gotoAndPlay('not bush'); } else { gotoAndPlay('land'); } } } instance of movieClip 810 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'bush') { guyX = _root.guy._x - 85 * _root.guy._xscale / 100; guyY = _root.guy._y - 183; } else { guyX = - / 2; guyY = - / 2 - 50; } _x = _x - (_x - guyX) / 5; _y = _y - (_y - guyY) / 5; if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } this.swapDepths(_root.guy.getDepth() + 1); if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 832 { frame 1 { R = Math.random(); if (R <= 0.3) { gotoAndPlay('blue'); } if (R >= 0.7) { gotoAndPlay('red'); } } frame 8 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 16 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 24 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 858 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'bush'; _root.BUSH = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEBUSH = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;; } } } frame 21 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 858 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 862 { instance P of movieClip 683 { onClipEvent (load) { fallspeed = 20 + Math.random() * 4; speed = 2 - Math.random() * 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != 'P') { --fallspeed; speed *= 1.01; _x = _x - speed; _y = _y - fallspeed; _xscale = _xscale - 1; _xscale = _xscale - 1; _yscale = _yscale - 1; _yscale = _yscale - 1; if (_xscale <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 864 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'water jet'; _root.FIRE HYDRANT = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEFIRE HYDRANT = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 862 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; o = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (o <= 300) { ++i; ++o; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = 0; this['P' + i]._y = 0; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; ++o; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = 0; this['P' + i]._y = 0; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; if (i >= 70) { i = 0; } } } } } } instance of movieClip 864 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 865 { instance P of movieClip 683 { onClipEvent (load) { fallspeed = 1 - Math.random() * 2; speed = (20 + Math.random() * 2) * (_root.guy._xscale * 0.008); o = 0; TIMER = 12 - Math.random() * 4; hit = false; if (Math.round(_parent.i / 10) * 10 == _parent.i) { hitEnemy = false; } else { hitEnemy = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != 'P') { ++o; if (o >= TIMER) { ++fallspeed; } else { if (hitEnemy == false) { i = 0; while (i <= 30) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i])) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -5; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 10; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + (_y - _root.guy._y); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; hitEnemy = true; } } ++i; } } } speed *= 0.99; if (!hit) { _x = _x + speed; _y = _y + fallspeed; _xscale = _xscale - 1; _xscale = _xscale - 1; _yscale = _yscale - 1; _yscale = _yscale - 1; } else { _xscale = _xscale + 0.5; _yscale = _xscale * 0.5; _alpha = _alpha - 10; } if (_y >= _root.guy._y) { hit = true; } if (_xscale <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } instance of movieClip 865 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'water jet') { ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; if (i >= 90) { i = 0; } DEPTH = _root.guy.getDepth() + 10; this.swapDepths(DEPTH); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 887 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'trash'; _root.TRASH = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVETRASH = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;; } } } frame 2 { stop(); health = 0; } frame 3 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 4 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 5 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 6 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 7 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 8 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 9 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 10 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 11 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 12 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 13 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 14 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 15 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 16 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 17 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 18 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 19 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 20 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance of movieClip 887 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; health = 10; onscreen = false; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!dead) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } } YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; if (health <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { _root.chicken._x = _x; _root.chicken._y = _y - 1; if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = -100; } if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(3); } dead = true; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 890 { instance of movieClip 321 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'fire'; _root.FIRE BARREL = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEFIRE BARREL = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 890 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 887 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; health = 10; onscreen = false; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!dead) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); } YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; if (health <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = -100; } if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(3); } dead = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 858 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 858 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 892 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'Bball'; _root.BASKETBALL = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEBASKETBALL = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 892 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 910 { frame 14 { R = Math.random(); if (R <= 0.5) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 21 { R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.3) { gotoAndPlay('wag'); } if (R <= 0.1) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 35 { R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.3) { gotoAndPlay('wag turned'); } } frame 42 { R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.3) { gotoAndPlay('wag'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } movieClip 912 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'dog'; _root.DOG = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEDOG = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 912 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 918 { frame 1 { _visible = false; if (_parent._parent.NAME == 'Tommy Brownshoes') { _visible = true; } onEnterFrame = function () { _visible = false; if (_parent._parent.NAME == 'Tommy Brownshoes') { _visible = true; } }; } } movieClip 920 { frame 1 { _visible = false; if (_parent._parent.NAME == 'Tommy Brownshoes') { _visible = true; } onEnterFrame = function () { _visible = false; if (_parent._parent.NAME == 'Tommy Brownshoes') { _visible = true; } }; } } movieClip 934 { } movieClip 950 { frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 959 { } movieClip 969 { } movieClip 974 { } movieClip 990 { frame 23 { _parent.xspeed = 0; } frame 35 { ++_root.deathcount; ++_root.totalkills; } frame 58 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1001 { } movieClip 1012 { frame 2 { if (! { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 3 { _root.dropin.start(0, 1); _root.dropin.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 8 { _root.landingtrot.start(0, 1); _root.landingtrot.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } movieClip 1013 { frame 1 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (!_root.PAUSE) { --S; } if (S <= 0) { S = 18 + Math.random() * 4; if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (WEAPON == 'knife') { gotoAndPlay('stab'); } else { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } } } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'black'; _root.THUG = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVETHUG = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; = 0; _parent.dead = true; ++_root.deathcount; _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 2 { if (!hit) { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 3 { R = Math.random() * 20; xspeed = runspeed; if (XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX && XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed = 0; } if (YDISTANCE >= 10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * -0.5; } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * 0.5; } else { yspeed = 0; } } if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (YDISTANCE >= 15 || YDISTANCE <= -15) { if (XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX - 10 && XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX + 10) { if (_xscale == _root.guy._xscale) { if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { xspeed = -runspeed; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { xspeed = -runspeed; } } else { if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { xspeed = runspeed; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { xspeed = runspeed; } } } } if (_root.guy._currentframe >= 5 && _xscale == -_root.guy._xscale) { if (YDISTANCE <= 40 && YDISTANCE >= -40) { yspeed *= -1; if (XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX && XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed = runspeed; } } } } frame 4 { if (!hit) { R = Math.random() * 20; if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY + R || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY - R) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (!dead) { xspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; _y = -800; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if ( == 6) { _y = Y; } else { _y = -800; } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; _root.guy.hitfreq += 10; _root.SOUND.hit1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } frame 6 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 11) { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; _y = -800; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if ( == 6) { _y = Y; } else { _y = -800; } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; _root.guy.hitfreq += 10; _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _root.SOUND.slash.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.slash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } frame 8 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 9) { gotoAndPlay('stab'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 9 { if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } xspeed -= xspeed / 4; mc.gotoAndStop(SS); yspeed = 0; if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); } if (SS >= 12) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); } } frame 10 { if (SS >= 0) { --SS; gotoAndPlay('hit'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } hit = false; } } frame 11 { if (mc._currentframe >= 16 && mc._currentframe <= 25) { xspeed -= xspeed / 10; } if (mc._currentframe == 30 && health >= 1) { gotoAndPlay('get up'); } } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay('smash'); } frame 13 { SS = 0; xspeed = 0; hit = false; } frame 14 { if (mc._currentframe <= 10) { gotoAndPlay('get up'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 16 { if (mc._currentframe <= 18) { gotoAndPlay('drop in'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Alan'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; if (_root.deathcount >= 3) { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _x = - 600; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Dave'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Steve'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 1037 { } movieClip 1049 { } movieClip 1064 { instance punch of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -5; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 10 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root['enemy' + i].GUY = 'guy'; _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } frame 3 { if (_parent.POWER == 'boxer') { gotoAndPlay(5); } } } movieClip 1079 { frame 2 { if (_parent.POWER == 'boxer') { gotoAndPlay(3); } } instance punch2 of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -5; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 10 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } frame 4 { if (_parent.POWER == 'boxer') { gotoAndPlay(5); } } } movieClip 1093 { frame 1 { if (_parent.POWER == 'boxer') { gotoAndPlay(5); } } frame 6 { _parent.xspeed = _parent.runspeed * 2; } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 8; _root['enemy' + i]._xscale = -_root.guy._xscale; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -10; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 10 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } frame 12 { if (_parent.POWER == 'boxer') { gotoAndPlay(14); } } } movieClip 1121 { frame 1 { if (_parent.POWER == 'boxer') { gotoAndPlay(3); } } frame 4 { if (_parent.POWER == 'boxer') { gotoAndPlay(6); } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 12; _root['enemy' + i]._xscale = -_root.guy._xscale; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -10; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 20 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit4.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit4.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 1144 { instance punch2 of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 30) { --_root.guy.DECAY; _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 8; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -10; if (_root.guy.WEAPON == 'Cbat' || _root.guy.WEAPON == 'crowbar') { _root['enemy' + i].health -= 50 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; } else { _root['enemy' + i].health -= 20 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; } _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _root.SOUND.pipesound.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.pipesound.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 1159 { instance punch2 of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 30) { --_root.guy.DECAY; _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 8; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -10; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 30 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 1176 { } movieClip 1186 { } movieClip 1192 { } movieClip 1227 { frame 54 { --_root.LIVES; } frame 66 { if (_root.LIVES <= 0) {; } } frame 79 { _root.guy.HEALTH = 100; _root.guy.WEAPON = 'none'; _root.guy.POWER = 'normal'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 0; _root.guy.invul = 120; } } movieClip 1231 { } movieClip 1234 { } movieClip 1235 { frame 1 { i = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.PAUSE) { ++i; duplicateMovieClip(this.CIRCLE, 'CIRCLE' + i, i); CIRCLE._x['CIRCLE' + i]._y = CIRCLE._y; undefined['CIRCLE' + i]._x = CIRCLE._x['CIRCLE' + i]._y; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(this.CIRCLE, 'CIRCLE' + i, i); CIRCLE._x['CIRCLE' + i]._y = CIRCLE._y; undefined['CIRCLE' + i]._x = CIRCLE._x['CIRCLE' + i]._y; if (i >= 50) { i = 0; } } }; } instance CIRCLE of movieClip 1234 { onClipEvent (load) { UPspeed = 15 + Math.random() * 4; SHRINKspeed = 4 + Math.random() * 4; Xspeed = 4 - Math.random() * 8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (_name != 'CIRCLE') { _x = _x + Xspeed; _y = _y - UPspeed; _xscale = _xscale - SHRINKspeed; _yscale = _xscale; Xspeed -= Xspeed * 0.1; if (_xscale <= 0) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 1247 { frame 1 { _root.SOUND.flamethrower.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.flamethrower.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } instance fire of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 10; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -3; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 3 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } } movieClip 1259 { frame 4 { _parent.ENERGY -= 25; } instance fire of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 12; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -5; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 20 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 1275 { frame 25 { _parent.xspeed = _parent.runspeed * 3; } frame 25 { _parent.xspeed = _parent.runspeed * 3; } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 15; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -50; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 80 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit4.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit4.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 1291 { frame 1 { _root.SOUND.slash.start; _root.SOUND.slash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 2 { _root.guy.ENERGY -= 20; } instance fire of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 10; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -10; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 40 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 1346 { instance fire of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 10; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -5; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 2.5 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } } movieClip 1356 { } movieClip 1361 { frame 2 { if (Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay('dog blink'); _parent.ENERGY -= 10; } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } movieClip 1378 { instance P of movieClip 683 { onClipEvent (load) { fallspeed = 2 + Math.random() * 4; speed = 8 + Math.random() * 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != 'P') { --fallspeed; _x = _x - speed; _y = _y - fallspeed; _xscale = _xscale - 1; _xscale = _xscale - 1; _yscale = _yscale - 1; _yscale = _yscale - 1; if (_y >= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1394 { frame 9 { _root.guy.xspeed = _root.guy.runspeed * 2; } instance of movieClip 1378 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; o = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (o <= 300) { ++i; ++o; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = 0; this['P' + i]._y = 0; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; ++o; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = 0; this['P' + i]._y = 0; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; if (i >= 70) { i = 0; } } } } } frame 15 { if (Key.isDown(83)) { R = Math.random(); if (R <= 0.2 && _root.guy.ENERGY >= 5) { gotoAndPlay('skip'); } else { gotoAndPlay(14); } } else { gotoAndPlay('get up'); } if (_root.guy.POWER == 'normal') { gotoAndPlay('get up'); } } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(14); } frame 21 { _root.guy.xspeed = 0; } } movieClip 1401 { frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(26); } } movieClip 1407 { frame 2 { -= 4; _root.guy.ENERGY -= 20; _root.SOUND.bash.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.bash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 10; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -10; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 50 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit4.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit4.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } frame 3 { += 8; } frame 4 { -= 7; } frame 5 { += 6; } frame 6 { -= 5; } frame 7 { += 4; } frame 8 { -= 3; } frame 9 { += 2; } frame 10 { -= 1; } } movieClip 1430 { instance fire of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 13; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -8; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 5 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } frame 20 { if (Key.isDown(83) && _root.guy.POWER == 'post') { gotoAndPlay(8); } } } movieClip 1442 { frame 3 { _parent.xspeed = _parent.runspeed * 3; } instance fire of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 16; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -15; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 50 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } frame 12 { -= 4; _root.guy.ENERGY -= 20; _root.SOUND.bash.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.bash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 13 { += 8; _parent.xspeed = 0; } frame 14 { -= 7; } frame 15 { += 6; } frame 16 { -= 5; } frame 17 { += 4; } frame 18 { -= 3; } frame 19 { += 2; } frame 20 { -= 1; } } movieClip 1444 { } movieClip 1445 { instance of movieClip 1444 { onClipEvent (load) { R = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { if (!RDOWN) { --R; RDOWN = true; } } else { RDOWN = false; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { if (!LDOWN) { ++R; LDOWN = true; } } else { LDOWN = false; } _rotation = _rotation + R / 3; R -= _rotation / 5; R -= R / 10; if (Math.round(_rotation) == 5 || Math.round(_rotation) == -5) { _parent._parent.ENERGY -= 5; } } } } } movieClip 1456 { frame 7 { _parent.ENERGY -= 25; ++leafcount; if (leafcount >= 30) { leafcount = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(_root.coin, 'coin' + leafcount, 500 + leafcount); _root['coin' + leafcount]._x = _root.guy._x + (COINSPAWN._x + 10 - Math.random() * 20) * _root.guy._xscale / 100; _root['coin' + leafcount]._y = _root.guy._y + COINSPAWN._y + 10 - Math.random() * 20; ++leafcount; if (leafcount >= 30) { leafcount = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(_root.coin, 'coin' + leafcount, 500 + leafcount); _root['coin' + leafcount]._x = _root.guy._x + (COINSPAWN._x + 10 - Math.random() * 20) * _root.guy._xscale / 100; _root['coin' + leafcount]._y = _root.guy._y + COINSPAWN._y + 10 - Math.random() * 20; ++leafcount; if (leafcount >= 30) { leafcount = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(_root.coin, 'coin' + leafcount, 500 + leafcount); _root['coin' + leafcount]._x = _root.guy._x + (COINSPAWN._x + 10 - Math.random() * 20) * _root.guy._xscale / 100; _root['coin' + leafcount]._y = _root.guy._y + COINSPAWN._y + 10 - Math.random() * 20; ++leafcount; if (leafcount >= 30) { leafcount = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(_root.coin, 'coin' + leafcount, 500 + leafcount); _root['coin' + leafcount]._x = _root.guy._x + (COINSPAWN._x + 10 - Math.random() * 20) * _root.guy._xscale / 100; _root['coin' + leafcount]._y = _root.guy._y + COINSPAWN._y + 10 - Math.random() * 20; ++leafcount; if (leafcount >= 30) { leafcount = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(_root.coin, 'coin' + leafcount, 500 + leafcount); _root['coin' + leafcount]._x = _root.guy._x + (COINSPAWN._x + 10 - Math.random() * 20) * _root.guy._xscale / 100; _root['coin' + leafcount]._y = _root.guy._y + COINSPAWN._y + 10 - Math.random() * 20; ++leafcount; if (leafcount >= 30) { leafcount = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(_root.coin, 'coin' + leafcount, 500 + leafcount); _root['coin' + leafcount]._x = _root.guy._x + (COINSPAWN._x + 10 - Math.random() * 20) * _root.guy._xscale / 100; _root['coin' + leafcount]._y = _root.guy._y + COINSPAWN._y + 10 - Math.random() * 20; ++leafcount; if (leafcount >= 30) { leafcount = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(_root.coin, 'coin' + leafcount, 500 + leafcount); _root['coin' + leafcount]._x = _root.guy._x + (COINSPAWN._x + 10 - Math.random() * 20) * _root.guy._xscale / 100; _root['coin' + leafcount]._y = _root.guy._y + COINSPAWN._y + 10 - Math.random() * 20; _root.SOUND.kaching.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.kaching.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } instance fire of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 11; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -5; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 30 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 1470 { frame 1 { MULTI = 0; } frame 11 { if (Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay(5); MULTI += 5; } } frame 12 { _parent.xspeed = _parent.runspeed * 2; } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 8 + _parent.MULTI; _root['enemy' + i]._xscale = -_root.guy._xscale; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -10 + _parent.MULTI; _root['enemy' + i].health -= (10 + _parent.MULTI * 3) * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit4.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit4.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 1490 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 16; _root['enemy' + i]._xscale = -_root.guy._xscale; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -15; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 50 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit4.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit4.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 1515 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 10; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -10; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 50 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } frame 9 { if (Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } } movieClip 1653 { frame 13 { _root.SOUND.scifinoise.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.scifinoise.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 26 { _root.SOUND.earthquake.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.earthquake.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _root.SOUND.atomicexplosion.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.atomicexplosion.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 68 {; } } movieClip 1709 { instance fire of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 10; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -5; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 3 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } } movieClip 1721 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -50 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 10; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -10; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 50 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } frame 9 { if (Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } } movieClip 1722 { frame 1 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (POWER == 'Bball') { gotoAndPlay('Bball bounce'); } if (POWER == 'dog') { gotoAndPlay('dog stuck'); } if (POWER == 'floor waxer') { gotoAndPlay('floor waxer'); } if (POWER == 'punching bag') { gotoAndPlay('punching bag'); } if (POWER == 'nuclear core') { gotoAndPlay('nuclear core'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'normal') { gotoAndPlay('chomp'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'fire') { gotoAndPlay('flamethrower'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'black') { gotoAndPlay('black uppercut'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'bush') { gotoAndPlay('bush whip'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'trash') { gotoAndPlay('trash barf'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'prostitute') { gotoAndPlay('prostipuke'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'bike') { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('bike dash'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'rock') { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('rock drop'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'post') { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('postal strike'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'plant') { ENERGY -= 2; ++leafcount; if (leafcount >= 30) { leafcount = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(_root.leaf, 'leaf' + leafcount, 500 + leafcount); _root['leaf' + leafcount]._x = _x + _xscale * 0.7; _root['leaf' + leafcount]._xscale = _xscale; if (Math.round(leafcount) == leafcount) { _root['leaf' + leafcount]._y = _y + leafcount / 2; } else { _root['leaf' + leafcount]._y = _y - leafcount / 2; } } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'dumbbell') { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('dumbbell smash'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'til') { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('payday'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'boxer') { gotoAndPlay('popeye'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'strongman') { gotoAndPlay('butch barge'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'bowling ball') { gotoAndPlay('perfect game'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'golf') { gotoAndPlay('golf'); } if (!_root.ADOWN) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = true; if (COMBObreaker <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } if (WEAPON == 'Bbat' || WEAPON == 'Cbat' || WEAPON == 'bottle' || WEAPON == 'crowbar' || WEAPON == 'broom' || WEAPON == 'trowl' || WEAPON == 'rake') { gotoAndPlay('whack'); } if (WEAPON == 'pipe') { gotoAndPlay('whack2'); } if (WEAPON == 'cane') { gotoAndPlay('whack2'); } if (WEAPON == 'sand wedge') { gotoAndPlay('whack2'); } if (WEAPON == 'broken sand wedge') { gotoAndPlay('whack2'); } if (pickup == true) { gotoAndPlay('pickup'); } } } } frame 2 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { gotoAndPlay(1); if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } if (Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(38)) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 3 { if (Key.isDown(37)) { _xscale = -X; xspeed = runspeed; } else { if (Key.isDown(39)) { _xscale = X; xspeed = runspeed; } else { xspeed = 0; } } if (Key.isDown(38)) { yspeed = runspeed * -0.5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40)) { yspeed = runspeed * 0.5; } else { yspeed = 0; } } if (POWER == 'Bball') { gotoAndPlay('Bball bounce'); } if (POWER == 'dog') { gotoAndPlay('dog stuck'); } if (POWER == 'floor waxer') { gotoAndPlay('floor waxer'); } if (POWER == 'punching bag') { gotoAndPlay('punching bag'); } if (POWER == 'nuclear core') { gotoAndPlay('nuclear core'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'normal') { gotoAndPlay('chomp'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'fire') { gotoAndPlay('flamethrower'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'black') { gotoAndPlay('black uppercut'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'bush') { gotoAndPlay('bush whip'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'trash') { gotoAndPlay('trash barf'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'prostitute') { gotoAndPlay('prostipuke'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'bike') { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('bike dash'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'rock') { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('rock drop'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'post') { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('postal strike'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'plant') { ENERGY -= 2; ++leafcount; if (leafcount >= 30) { leafcount = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(_root.leaf, 'leaf' + leafcount, 500 + leafcount); _root['leaf' + leafcount]._x = _x + _xscale * 0.7; _root['leaf' + leafcount]._xscale = _xscale; if (Math.round(leafcount) == leafcount) { _root['leaf' + leafcount]._y = _y + leafcount / 2; } else { _root['leaf' + leafcount]._y = _y - leafcount / 2; } } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'dumbbell') { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('dumbbell smash'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'til') { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('payday'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'boxer') { gotoAndPlay('popeye'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'strongman') { gotoAndPlay('butch barge'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'bowling ball') { gotoAndPlay('perfect game'); } if (Key.isDown(83) && POWER == 'golf') { gotoAndPlay('golf'); } if (!_root.ADOWN) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = true; if (COMBObreaker <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } if (WEAPON == 'Bbat' || WEAPON == 'Cbat' || WEAPON == 'bottle' || WEAPON == 'crowbar' || WEAPON == 'broom' || WEAPON == 'trowl') { gotoAndPlay('whack'); } if (WEAPON == 'pipe') { gotoAndPlay('whack2'); } if (WEAPON == 'cane') { gotoAndPlay('whack2'); } if (WEAPON == 'sand wedge') { gotoAndPlay('whack2'); } if (WEAPON == 'broken sand wedge') { gotoAndPlay('whack2'); } if (pickup == true) { gotoAndPlay('pickup'); } } } } frame 4 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(38)) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('run'); } } frame 5 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (POWER == 'Bball') { gotoAndPlay('Bball bounce'); } if (POWER == 'dog') { gotoAndPlay('dog stuck'); } if (POWER == 'floor waxer') { gotoAndPlay('floor waxer'); } if (POWER == 'punching bag') { gotoAndPlay('punching bag'); } if (POWER == 'nuclear core') { gotoAndPlay('nuclear core'); } } instance chomp of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; _y = -800; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( == 9) { _root.SOUND.chomp.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.chomp.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _y = Y; } else { _y = -800; } } } instance warning of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; _y = -800; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( == 5) { _y = Y; } else { _y = -800; } } } frame 6 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 11) { gotoAndPlay('chomp'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('chomp'); } } frame 7 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (mc._currentframe >= 4 && mc._currentframe <= 6) { if (!_root.ADOWN && Key.isDown(65)) { gotoAndPlay('punch 2'); } } } frame 8 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 8) { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } } frame 9 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (mc._currentframe >= 5 && mc._currentframe <= 7) { if (!_root.ADOWN && Key.isDown(65)) { COMBObreaker = 20; gotoAndPlay('kick'); } } } frame 10 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 6) { gotoAndPlay('punch 2'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('punch 2'); } } frame 11 { xspeed *= 0.6; yspeed = 0; if (mc._currentframe >= 10 && mc._currentframe <= 14) { if (!_root.ADOWN && Key.isDown(65)) { gotoAndPlay('uppercut'); } } } frame 12 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 15) { gotoAndPlay('kick'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('kick'); } } frame 13 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 14 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 20) { gotoAndPlay('uppercut'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('uppercut'); } } frame 15 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 16 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 11) { gotoAndPlay('whack'); if (WEAPON == 'none') { gotoAndPlay('weapon twang'); } } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('whack'); } } frame 17 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 18 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 8) { gotoAndPlay('whack2'); if (WEAPON == 'none') { gotoAndPlay('weapon twang'); } } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('whack2'); } } frame 19 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 20 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 7) { gotoAndPlay('weapon twang'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('weapon twang'); } } frame 21 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } instance hand of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; _y = -800; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( == 5) { _y = Y; } else { _y = -800; } } } frame 22 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 6) { gotoAndPlay('pickup'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('pickup'); } } frame 23 { mc.gotoAndStop(SS); xspeed -= xspeed / 4; yspeed = 0; if (SS >= 12) { gotoAndPlay('smash'); } if (HEALTH <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('smash'); } if (hitfreq >= 30) { gotoAndPlay('smash'); xspeed = -8; } --SS; } frame 24 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (SS <= 0) { hit = false; if (POWER == 'dog') { gotoAndPlay('dog stuck'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 25 { if (mc._currentframe >= 15) { xspeed -= xspeed / 4; } if (mc._currentframe >= 30 && mc._currentframe <= 50 && HEALTH >= 1) { SS = 0; gotoAndPlay('get up'); } if (mc._currentframe >= 90) { SS = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } yspeed = 0; } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay('smash'); } frame 27 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 28 { if (mc._currentframe <= 7) { gotoAndPlay('get up'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 29 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { ENERGY -= 1.1; } xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 30 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 33) { gotoAndPlay('flamethrower'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 31 { if (mc._currentframe == 3 && Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay('black punch'); } xspeed = 0; } frame 32 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 11) { gotoAndPlay('black uppercut'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 33 { xspeed -= xspeed / 3; if (mc._currentframe <= 20 && ENERGY >= 1) { ENERGY -= 5; } if (mc._currentframe <= 5 && !Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (mc._currentframe >= 5 && mc._currentframe <= 20) { if (ENERGY <= 0) { mc.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } frame 34 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 40) { gotoAndPlay('black punch'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 35 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 36 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 13) { gotoAndPlay('bush whip'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 37 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (mc._currentframe >= 9 && mc._currentframe <= 45) { ENERGY -= 1.1; } } xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 38 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 55) { gotoAndPlay('trash barf'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 39 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; hit = false; SS = 0; xspeed -= xspeed / 5; } frame 40 { if (POWER == 'dog') { gotoAndPlay('dog stuck'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 41 { if (mc._currentframe >= 10 && mc._currentframe <= 20) { ENERGY -= 2; } } frame 42 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 27) { gotoAndPlay('bike dash'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 43 { --ENERGY; if (Key.isDown(37)) { _xscale = -X; xspeed = runspeed; } else { if (Key.isDown(39)) { _xscale = X; xspeed = runspeed; } else { xspeed = 0; } } if (Key.isDown(38)) { yspeed = runspeed * -0.5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40)) { yspeed = runspeed * 0.5; } else { yspeed = 0; } } } frame 44 { if (POWER == 'Bball') { gotoAndPlay('Bball bounce'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 45 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (_root.guy.ENERGY <= 20) { runspeed = 10; DEF = 1; } } frame 46 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 18) { gotoAndPlay('rock drop'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 47 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (mc._currentframe >= 8 && mc._currentframe <= 20) { ENERGY -= 2; xspeed = runspeed; } } if (_root.guy.ENERGY <= 20) { runspeed = 10; DEF = 1; } } frame 48 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 26) { gotoAndPlay('postal strike'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 49 { hit = false; if (!_root.PAUSE) { ENERGY -= 0.3; } SS = 0; xspeed -= xspeed / 5; if (Key.isDown(37)) { xspeed -= (xspeed + 40) / 10; } else { if (Key.isDown(39)) { xspeed -= (xspeed - 40) / 10; } else { xspeed -= xspeed / 30; } } if (Key.isDown(38)) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 10) / 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40)) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 10) / 5; } else { yspeed -= yspeed / 15; } } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 81, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - 81, _y, true)) { xspeed *= -0.9; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 11, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 11, true)) { yspeed *= -0.9; } _xscale = 100; } frame 50 { if (POWER == 'floor waxer') { gotoAndPlay('floor waxer'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 52 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 20) { gotoAndPlay('dumbbell smash'); } else { if (ENERGY <= 0) { runspeed = 10; } gotoAndPlay('get up'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 53 { _xscale = 100; _x = _x + xspeed; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; hit = false; SS = 0; ENERGY -= 0.5; if (HEALTH <= 0) { ENERGY = 0; gotoAndPlay('hit'); hit = true; } } frame 54 { if (POWER == 'punching bag') { gotoAndPlay('punching bag'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 55 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 56 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 13) { gotoAndPlay('payday'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 57 { xspeed *= 0.8; yspeed = 0; if (mc._currentframe >= 5 && mc._currentframe <= 10) { ENERGY -= 0.5; } } frame 58 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 22) { gotoAndPlay('popeye'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 59 { xspeed = runspeed * 2; yspeed = 0; ENERGY -= 2; } frame 60 { if (!hit) { if (Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay('butch barge'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 61 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (mc._currentframe >= 3 && mc._currentframe <= 10) { ENERGY -= 2; xspeed = runspeed * 2; } } if (_root.guy.ENERGY <= 20) { runspeed = 10; DEF = 1; } } frame 62 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 11) { gotoAndPlay('perfect game'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (mc._currentframe >= 9 && mc._currentframe <= 45) { ENERGY -= 1.1; } } xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 66 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 55) { gotoAndPlay('prostipuke'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 67 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (mc._currentframe >= 3 && mc._currentframe <= 10) { ENERGY -= 2; xspeed = runspeed * 2; } } if (_root.guy.ENERGY <= 20) { runspeed = 10; DEF = 1; } } frame 68 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 11) { gotoAndPlay('golf'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } } instance guy of movieClip 1722 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; runspeed = 10; POWER = 'normal'; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; PROLONGING = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (ENERGY <= 0) { ENERGY = 0; POWER = 'normal'; } if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (POWER == 'water jet') { ENERGY -= 0.5; } if (POWER == 'bike') { ENERGY -= 0.25; } if (POWER == 'rock') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.5; } if (POWER == 'post') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.3; } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 1725 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'rock'; _root.CEMENT = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVECEMENT = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1725 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 1725 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Jeff'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Ted'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Bill'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; if (_root.deathcount >= 3) { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _x = - 500; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Jodie'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; if (_root.deathcount >= 3) { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _x = - 400; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Bruce'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; if ( + / 2 >= _root.S2._x) { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _x = - 500; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Butch'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; if ( + / 2 >= _root.S2._x) { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _x = - 500; _visible = true; } } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance S1 of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.deathcount >= 7) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 1726 { frame 15 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1740 { } movieClip 1745 { } movieClip 1754 { frame 26 { _parent.xspeed = 0; } frame 31 { ++_root.deathcount; ++_root.totalkills; } frame 54 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1759 { } movieClip 1775 { frame 15 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1789 { frame 2 { if (! { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 3 { _root.dropin.start(0, 1); _root.dropin.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 8 { _root.landingtrot.start(0, 1); _root.landingtrot.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } movieClip 1790 { frame 1 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (onscreen) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { --S; } if (S <= 0) { S = 20; if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } } } if (XDISTANCE >= 300 || XDISTANCE <= -300) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { TACKLESPEED = 2 * runspeed; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('tackle'); } } } } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'strongman'; _root.BUTCH = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEBUTCH = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; = 0; _parent.dead = true; ++_root.deathcount; _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 2 { if (!hit) { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 3 { R = Math.random() * 20; xspeed = runspeed; if (YDISTANCE >= 10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * -0.5; } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * 0.5; } else { yspeed = 0; } } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (XDISTANCE >= 300 || XDISTANCE <= -300) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { TACKLESPEED = 2 * runspeed; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('tackle'); } } } frame 4 { if (!hit) { RX = OPTDISTANCEX - 50; RY = OPTDISTANCEY - 40; R = Math.random() * 20; if (XDISTANCE <= -RX + R * 2 || XDISTANCE >= RX + R * 2) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -RY + R || YDISTANCE >= RY + R) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (!dead) { xspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 5 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; _y = -800; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if ( == 4) { _y = Y; } else { _y = -800; } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 10; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; _root.guy.hitfreq += 10; _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } frame 6 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 8) { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 7 { if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } xspeed -= xspeed / 4; mc.gotoAndStop(SS); yspeed = 0; if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); } if (SS >= 14) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); } } frame 8 { if (SS >= 0) { --SS; gotoAndPlay('hit'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } hit = false; } } frame 9 { if (mc._currentframe >= 16 && mc._currentframe <= 25) { xspeed -= xspeed / 10; } if (mc._currentframe == 30 && health >= 1) { gotoAndPlay('get up'); } } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay('smash'); } frame 11 { SS = 0; xspeed = 0; hit = false; } frame 12 { if (mc._currentframe <= 12) { gotoAndPlay('get up'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 13 { xspeed = 0; if (_xscale == X && _x >= _root.guy._x) { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_xscale == -X && _x <= _root.guy._x) { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (onscreen) { _x = _x + TACKLESPEED * (_xscale / X); } } } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'strongman'; _root.BUTCH = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEBUTCH = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; = 0; _parent.dead = true; ++_root.deathcount; _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance elbow of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 12; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 30 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -15; _root.guy.hitfreq += 10; _root.SOUND.hit4.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit4.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } frame 14 { if (YDISTANCE >= -50 && YDISTANCE <= 50) { if (this.elbow.hitTest(_root.guy.body)) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay('tackle'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('tackle'); } } frame 16 { if (mc._currentframe <= 16) { gotoAndPlay('drop in'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Fisty'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (this.hitTest( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Johnson'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (this.hitTest( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; ++_root.enemycount; _root.Scottie.onscreen = true; _root.Scottie._x = - 500; _root.Scottie._visible = true; _root.Scottie._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Willy'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (this.hitTest( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; ++_root.enemycount; _root.Don.onscreen = true; _root.Don._x = - 500; _root.Don._visible = true; _root.Don.onscreen = true; _root.Don._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } } } instance Scottie of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Scottie'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance Don of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Don'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 779 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 1794 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'post'; _root.POSTBOX = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEPOSTBOX = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1794 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance S2 of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.deathcount >= 11) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Simon'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Vince'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance S3 of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.deathcount >= 16) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 887 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; health = 10; onscreen = false; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!dead) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); } YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; if (health <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { _root.chicken2._x = _x; _root.chicken2._y = _y - 1; if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = -100; } if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(3); } dead = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 890 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance S4 of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.deathcount >= 16) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Noel'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance Wise of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Ronnie'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Liam'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance Morkom of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Ronnie'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } } } movieClip 1799 { } movieClip 1804 { } movieClip 1810 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 1816 { instance of movieClip 1810 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 10; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } } movieClip 1826 { instance of movieClip 1810 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent._parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent._parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 10; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } } movieClip 1846 { instance of movieClip 1810 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body || _root.guy.invulnerable)) { if ( >= 1) { if (_parent._parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent._parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 12; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 30 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -15; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } } } movieClip 1850 { } movieClip 1865 { frame 27 { _parent.xspeed = 0; } frame 32 { ++_root.deathcount; ++_root.totalkills; } frame 54 { _root.door.hit = true; } frame 55 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1870 { } movieClip 1880 { frame 6 { duplicateMovieClip(_root.knife, 'knife1', _y + 1); _root.knife1._y = _parent._y + 1; _root.knife1._x = _parent._x + _parent._xscale; _root.knife1._xscale = _parent._xscale; _root.knife1.SIDE = 'bad'; } } movieClip 1900 { frame 10 { += 2; _root.SOUND.drinking.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.drinking.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 11 { += 2; } frame 12 { += 2; } frame 13 { += 2; } frame 14 { += 2; } frame 15 { += 2; } frame 16 { += 2; } frame 17 { += 2; } frame 18 { += 2; } frame 19 { += 2; } frame 20 { += 2; } frame 21 { += 2; } frame 22 { += 2; } frame 23 { += 2; } frame 24 { += 2; } frame 25 { += 2; } frame 26 { += 2; } frame 27 { += 2; } frame 28 { += 2; } frame 29 { += 2; } frame 30 { += 2; } frame 31 { += 2; } } movieClip 1907 { frame 2 { if (! { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 3 { _root.dropin.start(0, 1); _root.dropin.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 9 { _root.landingtrot.start(0, 1); _root.landingtrot.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } movieClip 1908 { frame 1 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (onscreen) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { --S; } if (S <= 0) { S = 4; if (_root.guy.SS >= 12) { gotoAndPlay('drink'); } if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } } if (_root.guy.SS >= 12) { gotoAndPlay('drink'); } } } } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 10 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -10) { _root.guy.POWER = 'trash'; ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; = 0; _parent.dead = true; ++_root.deathcount; _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 2 { if (!hit) { if (!dead) { if (_root.guy.SS >= 12) { gotoAndPlay('drink'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('uppercut'); mc.gotoAndPlay(5); } } } frame 3 { R = Math.random() * 20; xspeed = runspeed; if (YDISTANCE >= 10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * -0.5; } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * 0.5; } else { yspeed = 0; } } if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (_root.guy.SS >= 12) { gotoAndPlay('drink'); } if (XDISTANCE >= 250 || XDISTANCE <= -250) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { if (Math.random() >= 0.9) { yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('knife throw'); } } } } frame 4 { if (!hit) { RX = OPTDISTANCEX - 50; RY = OPTDISTANCEY - 40; R = Math.random() * 20; if (XDISTANCE <= -RX + R * 2 || XDISTANCE >= RX + R * 2) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -RY + R || YDISTANCE >= RY + R) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (!dead) { xspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('uppercut'); mc.gotoAndPlay(5); } } } frame 5 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 6 { if (!hit) { RR = Math.random(); if (mc._currentframe == 8 && RR >= 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('punch2'); } else { if (mc._currentframe <= 10) { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('uppercut'); mc.gotoAndPlay(5); } } } frame 7 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 8 { if (!hit) { RR = Math.random(); if (mc._currentframe == 6 && RR >= 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('uppercut'); } else { if (mc._currentframe <= 9) { gotoAndPlay('punch2'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('uppercut'); mc.gotoAndPlay(5); } } } frame 9 { yspeed = 0; if (mc._currentframe >= 5 && mc._currentframe <= 15) { xspeed = 6; } else { xspeed = 0; } } frame 10 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 19) { gotoAndPlay('uppercut'); } else { if (!dead) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('uppercut'); mc.gotoAndPlay(5); } } } frame 11 { if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } xspeed -= xspeed / 4; mc.gotoAndStop(SS); yspeed = 0; if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); } if (SS >= 12) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); } } frame 12 { if (SS >= 0) { --SS; gotoAndPlay('hit'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } hit = false; } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('uppercut'); mc.gotoAndPlay(5); } } } frame 13 { if (mc._currentframe >= 16 && mc._currentframe <= 25) { xspeed -= xspeed / 10; } if (mc._currentframe == 30 && health >= 1) { gotoAndPlay('get up'); } } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay('smash'); } frame 15 { SS = 0; xspeed = 0; hit = false; } frame 16 { if (mc._currentframe <= 11) { gotoAndPlay('get up'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 17 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 10 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -10) { _root.guy.POWER = 'trash'; ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; = 0; _parent.dead = true; ++_root.deathcount; _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 18 { if (mc._currentframe <= 11) { gotoAndPlay('knife throw'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('uppercut'); mc.gotoAndPlay(5); } } } frame 19 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 20 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 40) { gotoAndPlay('drink'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 22 { if (mc._currentframe <= 18) { gotoAndPlay('drop in'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } instance tramp of movieClip 1908 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Jethro'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 6; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (health >= MAXhealth + 1) { health = MAXhealth; } XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'tramp'; if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 1935 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } frame 2 { if (!onscreen) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 3 { _visible = true; } frame 53 { _root.tramp.onscreen = true; ++_root.enemycount; _root.tramp._visible = true; _root.tramp._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance of movieClip 1935 { onClipEvent (load) { onscreen = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { play(); } else { stop(); } if ( + / 2 >= _root.S5._x) { onscreen = true; } } } instance of movieClip 890 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 1938 { } instance knife of movieClip 1938 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != 'knife') { _x = _x + speed * (_xscale / 100); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (SIDE == 'bad') { if (stab.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (YDISTANCE >= -50 && YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 10; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; _root.slash.start(0, 1); _root.slash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _y - _height - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_x + _width / 2 <= _root.S1._x) { if (_x + _width / 2 <= _root.S2._x) { if (_x + _width / 2 <= _root.S3._x) { if (_x + _width / 2 <= _root.S4._x) { if (_x + _width / 2 <= _root.S5._x) { if (_root.guy._x >= _x) { _x = _x - (_x - _root.guy._x + 2) / 3; } } } } } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } movieClip 1940 { } movieClip 1954 { } movieClip 1962 { instance punch of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -5; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 7 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root['enemy' + i].GUY = 'guy2'; _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 1970 { instance punch of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -5; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 15 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root['enemy' + i].GUY = 'guy2'; _root.SOUND.hit1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 1991 { frame 3 { _parent.xspeed = 20; } instance punch of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 2; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -2; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 1 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root['enemy' + i].GUY = 'guy2'; _root.SOUND.hit1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } frame 4 { _parent.xspeed = 16; } frame 5 { _parent.xspeed = 12; } frame 6 { _parent.xspeed = 8; } frame 7 { _parent.xspeed = 4; } frame 8 { _parent.xspeed = 1; } frame 10 { _parent.xspeed = 12; } instance punch of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 16; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -15; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 25 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root['enemy' + i].GUY = 'guy2'; _root.SOUND.hit4.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit4.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } frame 18 { _parent.xspeed = 0; } } movieClip 2005 { instance punch of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -5; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 15 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root['enemy' + i].GUY = 'guy2'; _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 2014 { instance punch of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -5; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 15 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root['enemy' + i].GUY = 'guy2'; _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 2025 { instance punch of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -5; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 15 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root['enemy' + i].GUY = 'guy2'; _root.SOUND.hit1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 2036 { frame 3 { _parent.xspeed = 8; } instance punch of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE2 <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 15; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -20; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 20 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root['enemy' + i].GUY = 'guy2'; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } frame 8 { _parent.xspeed = 0; } } movieClip 2050 { instance punch2 of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 30) { --_root.guy.DECAY; _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 8; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -10; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 30 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 2055 { } movieClip 2060 { } movieClip 2078 { frame 39 { --_root.LIVES; } frame 49 { if (_root.LIVES <= 0) {; } } frame 60 { _root.guy.HEALTH = 100; _root.guy.WEAPON = 'none'; _root.guy.POWER = 'normal'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 0; _root.guy.invul = 30; } } movieClip 2081 { } movieClip 2083 { } movieClip 2084 { frame 1 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (_name == 'guy') { if (!_root.ADOWN) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = true; if (COMBObreaker <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } if (WEAPON == 'Bbat' || WEAPON == 'Cbat' || WEAPON == 'bottle' || WEAPON == 'crowbar' || WEAPON == 'broom' || WEAPON == 'trowl') { gotoAndPlay('whack'); } if (WEAPON == 'pipe') { gotoAndPlay('whack'); } if (WEAPON == 'cane') { gotoAndPlay('whack'); } if (WEAPON == 'sand wedge') { gotoAndPlay('whack'); } if (WEAPON == 'broken sand wedge') { gotoAndPlay('whack'); } if (pickup == true) { gotoAndPlay('pickup'); } } if (!_root.SDOWN && Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay('kick 0'); } } } else { i = 0; while (i <= 30) { if (_root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { enemyXDISTANCE = _root['enemy' + i]._x - _x; enemyYDISTANCE = _root['enemy' + i]._y - _y; DISTANCE = Math.sqrt(enemyXDISTANCE * enemyXDISTANCE + enemyYDISTANCE * enemyYDISTANCE); if (DISTANCE <= lowestDISTANCE) { lowestDISTANCE = DISTANCE; ENEMYNUMBER = i; } } ++i; } if (!_root.PAUSE) { --S; } if (S <= 0) { S = 8; if (_root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER].dead == true || XDISTANCE == 0) { } else { if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (_root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER].SS <= 11) { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } } } } } if (_root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER].health <= 0) { i = 0; while (i <= 30) { enemyXDISTANCE = _root['enemy' + i]._x - _x; enemyYDISTANCE = _root['enemy' + i]._y - _y; DISTANCE = Math.sqrt(enemyXDISTANCE * enemyXDISTANCE + enemyYDISTANCE * enemyYDISTANCE); if (DISTANCE <= lowestDISTANCE && _root['enemy' + i].ALIVE == true) { if (DISTANCE <= lowestDISTANCE && _root['enemy' + i].dead == false) { if (i != ENEMYNUMBER) { lowestDISTANCE = DISTANCE; ENEMYNUMBER = i; } } } ++i; } } } } frame 2 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { gotoAndPlay(1); if (_name == 'guy') { if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } if (Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(38)) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 3 { if (_name == 'guy') { if (Key.isDown(37)) { _xscale = -X; xspeed = runspeed; } else { if (Key.isDown(39)) { _xscale = X; xspeed = runspeed; } else { xspeed = 0; } } if (Key.isDown(38)) { yspeed = runspeed * -0.5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40)) { yspeed = runspeed * 0.5; } else { yspeed = 0; } } if (!_root.ADOWN) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = true; if (COMBObreaker <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } if (WEAPON == 'Bbat' || WEAPON == 'Cbat' || WEAPON == 'bottle' || WEAPON == 'crowbar' || WEAPON == 'broom' || WEAPON == 'trowl') { gotoAndPlay('whack'); } if (WEAPON == 'pipe') { gotoAndPlay('whack'); } if (WEAPON == 'cane') { gotoAndPlay('whack'); } if (WEAPON == 'sand wedge') { gotoAndPlay('whack'); } if (WEAPON == 'broken sand wedge') { gotoAndPlay('whack'); } if (pickup == true) { gotoAndPlay('pickup'); } } if (!_root.SDOWN && Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay('kick 0'); } } } else { if (ENEMYNUMBER == 30) { gotoAndPlay(1); } R = Math.random() * 20; xspeed = runspeed; if (XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 0.8 && XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 0.8) { xspeed = 0; } if (YDISTANCE >= 10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * -0.5; } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * 0.5; } else { yspeed = 0; } } if (_x <= _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._x) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } } } frame 4 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (_name == 'guy') { if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(38)) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { R = Math.random() * 20; if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX * 0.8 || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX * 0.8) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY + R || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY - R) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (!dead) { xspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('run'); } } frame 5 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (_name == 'guy') { if (mc._currentframe >= 4 && mc._currentframe <= 6) { if (!_root.ADOWN && Key.isDown(65)) { gotoAndPlay('punch 2'); } if (!_root.SDOWN && Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay('kick 1'); } } } else { if (_root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER].SS >= 12) { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (mc._currentframe >= 4 && mc._currentframe <= 6) { if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { } else { R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.7) { gotoAndPlay('punch 2'); } if (R <= 0.3) { gotoAndPlay('kick 1'); } } } } } } frame 6 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 8) { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } } frame 7 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (_name == 'guy') { if (mc._currentframe >= 4 && mc._currentframe <= 6) { if (!_root.ADOWN && Key.isDown(65)) { gotoAndPlay('punch 3'); } if (!_root.SDOWN && Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay('kick 1'); } } } else { if (mc._currentframe >= 5 && mc._currentframe <= 7) { if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { } else { R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.6) { gotoAndPlay('punch 3'); } } } } } } frame 8 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 8) { gotoAndPlay('punch 2'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('punch 2'); } } frame 9 { yspeed = 0; hit = false; SS = 0; } frame 10 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 22) { gotoAndPlay('punch 3'); } else { _xscale = _xscale * -1; gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('punch 3'); } } frame 11 { yspeed = 0; hit = false; SS = 0; if (_name == 'guy') { if (mc._currentframe >= 9 && mc._currentframe <= 11) { if (!_root.SDOWN && Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay('kick 2'); } } } else { if (mc._currentframe >= 9 && mc._currentframe <= 11) { if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { } else { R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.6) { gotoAndPlay('kick 2'); } } } } } } frame 12 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 14) { gotoAndPlay('kick 1'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('kick 1'); } } frame 13 { yspeed = 0; hit = false; SS = 0; if (_name == 'guy') { if (mc._currentframe >= 9 && mc._currentframe <= 11) { if (!_root.SDOWN && Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay('kick 2'); } } } else { if (mc._currentframe >= 9 && mc._currentframe <= 11) { if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { } else { R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.6) { gotoAndPlay('kick 2'); } } } } } } frame 14 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 14) { gotoAndPlay('kick 0'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('kick 0'); } } frame 15 { yspeed = 0; hit = false; SS = 0; if (_name == 'guy') { if (mc._currentframe >= 8 && mc._currentframe <= 10) { if (!_root.SDOWN && Key.isDown(83)) { gotoAndPlay('kick 3'); } if (!_root.ADOWN && Key.isDown(65)) { gotoAndPlay('punch 3'); } } } else { if (mc._currentframe >= 9 && mc._currentframe <= 10) { if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { } else { R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { gotoAndPlay('kick 3'); } if (R <= 0.2) { gotoAndPlay('punch 3'); } } } } } } frame 16 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 13) { gotoAndPlay('kick 2'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('kick 2'); } } frame 17 { yspeed = 0; hit = false; SS = 0; } frame 18 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 11) { gotoAndPlay('kick 3'); } else { _xscale = _xscale * -1; gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('kick 3'); } } frame 19 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 20 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 8) { gotoAndPlay('whack'); if (WEAPON == 'none') { gotoAndPlay('weapon twang'); } } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('whack'); } } frame 21 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 22 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 4) { gotoAndPlay('weapon twang'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('weapon twang'); } } frame 23 { xspeed -= xspeed / 4; mc.gotoAndStop(SS); yspeed = 0; if (SS >= 12) { gotoAndPlay('smash'); } if (HEALTH <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('smash'); } if (hitfreq >= 30) { gotoAndPlay('smash'); xspeed = -8; } } frame 24 { if (SS >= 0) { --SS; gotoAndPlay('hit'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } hit = false; } } frame 25 { if (mc._currentframe >= 10) { xspeed -= xspeed / 4; } if (mc._currentframe >= 30 && mc._currentframe <= 50 && HEALTH >= 1) { SS = 0; gotoAndPlay('get up'); } if (mc._currentframe >= 80) { SS = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } yspeed = 0; } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay('smash'); } frame 27 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 28 { if (mc._currentframe <= 5) { gotoAndPlay('get up'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 29 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } instance hand of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; _y = -800; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( == 5) { _y = Y; } else { _y = -800; } } } frame 30 { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 5) { gotoAndPlay('pickup'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('pickup'); } } } instance of movieClip 2084 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.PLAYER == 2) { _x = _root.guy._x; _y = _root.guy._y; _root.guy.swapDepths(999); _root.guy.removeMovieClip(); _name = 'guy'; } else { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } X = _xscale; runspeed = 12; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; XDISTANCE = 0; YDISTANCE = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; DISTANCE = 0; lowestDISTANCE = 1000; ENEMYNUMBER = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (_name == 'guy') { if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._y; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 2146 { frame 1 { if (Math.random() <= 0.3) { gotoAndPlay(63); } if (Math.random() >= 0.7) { gotoAndPlay(121); } } instance stab of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -2; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 4 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.slash.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.slash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } frame 62 { this.removeMovieClip(); } instance stab of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -2; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 4 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.slash.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.slash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } frame 120 { this.removeMovieClip(); } instance stab of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].hit = true; _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed = -2; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 4 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; _root.SOUND.slash.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.slash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } frame 188 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } frame 1048 { MUSIC.BGM1.stop(); MUSIC.hiphoploop.start(0, 99); MUSIC.hiphoploop.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); LEVEL = 1; = _root.LIVES; = _root.LEVEL; = _root.totalkills; savefile.flush(); } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } button 2148 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('PLAY LEVEL 2'); } } frame 1493 { } frame 1494 { stop(); MUSIC.hiphoploop.stop(); MUSIC.BGM2.start(0, 99); MUSIC.BGM2.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); SOUND.comeon.start(0, 1); SOUND.comeon.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _quality = Q; enemycount = 0; enemyMAX = 30; sparkcount = 530; sparkMAX = 540; vs1 = ''; vs1head = ''; vs2 = ''; vs2head = ''; deathcount = 0; SPTITLE = undefined; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = true; } } else { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = false; } } if (!Key.isDown(13)) { SPACEDOWN = false; } }; trace(_root.COMPLETED); } movieClip 2172 { } movieClip 2183 { } movieClip 2230 { frame 43 { ++_root.fatbitch.cocktailcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.cocktail, 'cocktail' + _root.fatbitch.cocktailcount, 1); _root['cocktail' + _root.fatbitch.cocktailcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['cocktail' + _root.fatbitch.cocktailcount]._y = 385; _root['cocktail' + _root.fatbitch.cocktailcount].Y = _root.guy._y + 10; } } movieClip 2237 { frame 4 { _root.SOUND.dropin.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.dropin.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 7 { _root.fatbitch2.onscreen = true; this._parent.swapDepths(999); this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2238 { frame 1 { if (!dead) { if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { gotoAndPlay('walk'); } --SS; if (SS <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('cocktail'); } } } frame 2 { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay('jump down'); } } frame 3 { if (!dead) { if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = -100; } else { _xscale = 100; } _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale * -0.01); } } frame 4 { if (!dead) { if (XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX && XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX) { SS = 20; gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay('walk'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('jump down'); } } frame 5 { SS = 20; } frame 6 { if (mc._currentframe >= 49) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay('cocktail'); } } frame 8 { stop(); } } instance fatbitch of movieClip 2238 { onClipEvent (load) { OPTDISTANCEX = 100; SS = 20; cocktailcount = 0; dead = false; COUNTDOWN = false; C = 50; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (cocktailcount >= 20) { cocktailcount = 0; } if (COUNTDOWN) { --C; if (C <= 0) { dead = true; } } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 2242 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 2244 { } instance of movieClip 2244 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'crowbar'; _root.guy.DECAY = 10; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 781 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'pipe'; _root.guy.DECAY = 10; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 2246 { instance of movieClip 321 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _rotation = -_parent._rotation; } } } movieClip 2253 { frame 1 { firecount = 30; i = 0; while (i <= 30) { duplicateMovieClip(this.SMOKE, 'SMOKE' + i, i); this['SMOKE' + i]._x = 15 - Math.random() * 30; this['SMOKE' + i]._y = 25 - Math.random() * 50; ++i; } } instance SMOKE of movieClip 1234 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_x <= 5 && _x >= -5) { if (Math.random() >= 0.5) { _x = _x + 7; } else { _x = _x - 7; } } speed = _x * 2; _xscale = 100 - Math.sqrt(speed * speed); _yscale = _xscale; fallspeed = 0; if (_xscale == 100) { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _x + speed; speed *= 0.5; fallspeed += (100 - _xscale) / 100; _y = _y - fallspeed; _xscale = _xscale - fallspeed; _yscale = _xscale; if (_xscale <= 0) { this.swapDepths(999); removeMovieClip(this); } } } instance of movieClip 1234 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_xscale <= 0) { counter = 0; } else { counter = 2; } fallspeed = 0; SPEED = _xscale / 100; if (_xscale == 100) { _visible = false; } R = 2 - Math.random() * 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { --counter; if (counter == 1) { ++_parent.firecount; duplicateMovieClip(this, 'FIRE' + _parent.firecount, _parent.firecount); _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount]._x = _x - _width * 0.5; _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount]._y = _y + _height * 0.1; _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount]._xscale = _xscale - 10; _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount]._yscale = _yscale - 10; } fallspeed += 1 - SPEED; _xscale = _xscale - (10 - SPEED * 8); _yscale = _xscale; if (_xscale <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } _y = _y - fallspeed; _x = _x + R; } } instance of movieClip 1234 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_xscale <= 0) { counter = 0; } else { counter = 2; } fallspeed = 0; SPEED = _xscale / 100; if (_xscale == 100) { _visible = false; } R = 2 - Math.random() * 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { --counter; if (counter == 1) { ++_parent.firecount; duplicateMovieClip(this, 'FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 50, _parent.firecount + 50); _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 50]._x = _x + _width * 0.5; _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 50]._y = _y + _height * 0.1; _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 50]._xscale = _xscale - 10; _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 50]._yscale = _yscale - 10; } fallspeed += 1 - SPEED; _xscale = _xscale - (10 - SPEED * 8); _yscale = _xscale; if (_xscale <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } _y = _y - fallspeed; _x = _x + R; } } instance of movieClip 1234 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_xscale <= 0) { counter = 0; } else { counter = 2; } fallspeed = 0; SPEED = _xscale / 100; if (_xscale == 100) { _visible = false; } R = 2 - Math.random() * 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { --counter; if (counter == 1) { ++_parent.firecount; duplicateMovieClip(this, 'FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 100, _parent.firecount + 100); _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 100]._x = _x - _width * 0.3; _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 100]._y = _y + _height * 0.2; _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 100]._xscale = _xscale - 10; _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 100]._yscale = _yscale - 10; } fallspeed += 1 - SPEED; _xscale = _xscale - (10 - SPEED * 8); _yscale = _xscale; if (_xscale <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } _y = _y - fallspeed; _x = _x + R; } } instance of movieClip 1234 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_xscale <= 0) { counter = 0; } else { counter = 2; } fallspeed = 0; SPEED = _xscale / 100; if (_xscale == 100) { _visible = false; } R = 2 - Math.random() * 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { --counter; if (counter == 1) { ++_parent.firecount; duplicateMovieClip(this, 'FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 150, _parent.firecount + 150); _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 150]._x = _x + _width * 0.3; _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 150]._y = _y + _height * 0.2; _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 150]._xscale = _xscale - 10; _parent['FIRE' + _parent.firecount + 150]._yscale = _yscale - 10; } fallspeed += 1 - SPEED; _xscale = _xscale - (10 - SPEED * 8); _yscale = _xscale; if (_xscale <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } _y = _y - fallspeed; _x = _x + R; } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2254 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } frame 2 { if (! { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 3 { _visible = true; if (Math.round(_y) == Math.round(_root.guy._y)) { _y = _y + 5; } if (Math.round(_y) == Math.round(_root['enemy' + _root.enemycount]._y)) { _y = _y + 5; } stop(); } instance of movieClip 2246 { onClipEvent (load) { fallspeed = 0; _rotation = Math.random() * 360; R = 5 - Math.random() * 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _y = _y + fallspeed; fallspeed += 2; if (_y >= -50) {; } _rotation = _rotation + R; } } frame 4 { _root.explosion1.start(0, 1); _root.explosion1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 12; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 20 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -15; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } } } } } frame 60 { this.swapDepths(300); } frame 354 { stop(); if (_name != 'cocktail') { removeMovieClip(this); } } } instance cocktail of movieClip 2254 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != 'cocktail') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; _y = _y - (_y - Y) / 5; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 2271 { } movieClip 2306 { frame 19 { gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 2339 { instance of movieClip 1810 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -8; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } instance of movieClip 1810 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -8; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 25 { _parent._xspeed = 10; } instance of movieClip 1810 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body || _root.guy.invulnerable) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -30 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 30) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 12; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 20 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -15; _root.SOUND.hit4.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit4.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } movieClip 2398 { frame 8 { _root.SOUND.gunshot1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.gunshot1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME * 2); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -15 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 3; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 2 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -2; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 11 { _root.SOUND.gunshot1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.gunshot1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME * 2); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -15 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 3; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 2 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -2; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 14 { _root.SOUND.gunshot1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.gunshot1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME * 2); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -15 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 3; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 2 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -2; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 17 { _root.SOUND.gunshot1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.gunshot1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -15 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 3; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 2 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -2; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 20 { _root.SOUND.gunshot1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.gunshot1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME * 2); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -15 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 3; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 2 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -2; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 23 { _root.SOUND.gunshot1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.gunshot1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME * 2); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -15 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 3; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 2 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -2; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 26 { _root.SOUND.gunshot1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.gunshot1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME * 2); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -15 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 3; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 2 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -2; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 29 { _root.SOUND.gunshot2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.gunshot2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME * 2); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -15 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 3; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 2 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -2; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -15 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 15; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 2 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -12; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } movieClip 2403 { } movieClip 2430 { frame 90 { ++_root.totalkills; _root.fatbitch.COUNTDOWN = true; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2433 { } movieClip 2434 { frame 1 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (onscreen) { --S; if (S <= 0) { S = 3; if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (_root.guy._currentframe <= 20) { gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); } else { S = 10; } } } } } } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 10 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -10) { _root.guy.POWER = 'dog'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; ++_root.deathcount; _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 2 { if (!hit) { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { _root.guy.invul = 0; gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); mc.gotoAndPlay(24); } } frame 3 { R = Math.random() * 20; xspeed = runspeed; if (YDISTANCE >= 10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * -0.5; } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * 0.5; } else { yspeed = 0; } } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (XDISTANCE >= 250 || XDISTANCE <= -250) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { if (Math.random() >= 0.98 && _root.guy._currentframe <= 20) { yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('shoot'); } } } } frame 4 { if (!hit) { RX = OPTDISTANCEX - 50; RY = OPTDISTANCEY - 40; R = Math.random() * 20; if (XDISTANCE <= -RX + R * 2 || XDISTANCE >= RX + R * 2) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -RY + R || YDISTANCE >= RY + R) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (!dead) { xspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { _root.guy.invul = 0; gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); mc.gotoAndPlay(24); } } frame 5 { xspeed -= xspeed / 5; yspeed = 0; } frame 6 { if (!hit) { if (!dead) { if (mc._currentframe <= 36) { gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { _root.guy.invul = 0; gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); mc.gotoAndPlay(24); } } frame 7 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 8 { if (mc._currentframe <= 34) { gotoAndPlay('shoot'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { _root.guy.invul = 0; gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); mc.gotoAndPlay(24); } } frame 9 { if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } xspeed -= xspeed / 4; mc.gotoAndStop(SS); yspeed = 0; if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); } if (SS >= 12) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); } } frame 10 { if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { _root.guy.invul = 0; gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); mc.gotoAndPlay(24); } if (SS >= 0) { --SS; gotoAndPlay('hit'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } hit = false; } } frame 11 { if (mc._currentframe <= 9) { xspeed -= xspeed / 7; } else { xspeed = 0; } if (mc._currentframe == 30 && health >= 1) { gotoAndPlay('get up'); } } frame 12 { if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { _root.guy.invul = 0; gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); mc.gotoAndPlay(24); } gotoAndPlay('smash'); } frame 13 { SS = 0; xspeed = 0; hit = false; } frame 14 { if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { _root.guy.invul = 0; gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); mc.gotoAndPlay(24); } if (mc._currentframe <= 14) { gotoAndPlay('get up'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { _root.guy.invul = 0; gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); mc.gotoAndPlay(24); } } } instance of movieClip 2434 { onClipEvent (load) { HAT = 2; NAME = 'Leroy'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 6; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 300; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = true; dead = false; DEF = 0.75; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; _xscale = -X; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (health >= MAXhealth + 1) { health = MAXhealth; } XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'damo'; if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance guy of movieClip 1722 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; runspeed = 10; POWER = 'normal'; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; PROLONGING = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (ENERGY <= 0) { ENERGY = 0; POWER = 'normal'; } if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (POWER == 'water jet') { ENERGY -= 0.5; } if (POWER == 'bike') { ENERGY -= 0.25; } if (POWER == 'rock') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.5; } if (POWER == 'post') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.3; } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 2446 { frame 8 { += 3; _root.SOUND.landingtrot.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.landingtrot.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 9 { -= 6; } frame 10 { += 5; } frame 11 { -= 4; } frame 12 { += 3; } frame 13 { -= 2; } frame 14 { += 1; } } movieClip 2454 { frame 4 {; } frame 7 { ++_root.totalkills; } } movieClip 2455 { frame 1 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (onscreen) { --S; if (S <= 0) { S = 3; if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } } } } } frame 2 { if (onscreen) { if (!hit) { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('drop in'); } } frame 3 { R = Math.random() * 20; xspeed = runspeed; if (YDISTANCE >= 10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * -0.5; } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * 0.5; } else { yspeed = 0; } } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } } frame 4 { if (!hit) { RX = OPTDISTANCEX - 50; RY = OPTDISTANCEY - 40; R = Math.random() * 20; if (XDISTANCE <= -RX + R * 2 || XDISTANCE >= RX + R * 2) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -RY + R || YDISTANCE >= RY + R) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (!dead) { xspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } frame 5 { if (_root.fatbitch2.onscreen) { _visible = true; } else { mc.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 6 { if (mc._currentframe <= 14) { gotoAndPlay('drop in'); } else { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 7 { if (mc._currentframe >= 15) {; } if (mc._currentframe <= 6) { xspeed = -50; } else { xspeed -= xspeed / 5; } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } instance fatbitch2 of movieClip 2455 { onClipEvent (load) { HAT = 2; NAME = 'Fatboy Jerry'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 4; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 300; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 10; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; _xscale = -X; _visible = false; hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _visible = true; _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (health >= MAXhealth + 1) { health = MAXhealth; } XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'fatbitch'; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _x = _root.fatbitch._x; _xscale = -_root.fatbitch._xscale; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_root.guy._x <= _x - _width * 0.2) { _x = _x - (_x - _width * 0.2 - _root.guy._x) / 3; } if (_root.guy._x >= _x + _width * 0.2) { _x = _x - (_x + _width * 0.2 - _root.guy._x) / 3; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance of movieClip 2084 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.PLAYER == 2) { _x = _root.guy._x; _y = _root.guy._y; _root.guy.swapDepths(999); _root.guy.removeMovieClip(); _name = 'guy'; } else { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } X = _xscale; runspeed = 12; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; XDISTANCE = 0; YDISTANCE = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; DISTANCE = 0; lowestDISTANCE = 1000; ENEMYNUMBER = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (_name == 'guy') { if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._y; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 865 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'water jet') { ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; if (i >= 90) { i = 0; } DEPTH = _root.guy.getDepth() + 10; this.swapDepths(DEPTH); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } frame 1495 { MUSIC.BGM2.stop(); MUSIC.hiphoploop.start(0, 99); MUSIC.hiphoploop.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); LEVEL = 2; = _root.LIVES; = _root.LEVEL; = _root.totalkills; savefile.flush(); } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } button 2458 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('PLAY LEVEL 3'); } } frame 1862 { stop(); MUSIC.hiphoploop.stop(); MUSIC.BGM3.start(0, 99); MUSIC.BGM3.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); _quality = Q; enemycount = 0; enemyMAX = 40; sparkcount = 200; sparkMAX = 230; vs1 = ''; vs1head = ''; vs2 = ''; vs2head = ''; deathcount = 0; SPTITLE = undefined; if (_root.STARTLIVES == 1 && _root.DANTE MUST DIE == 0) { _root.DANTE MUST DIE = 1; _root.SKILLPOINTS += 30; _root.SPTITLE = 'DANTE MUST DIE'; = 1; _root.SAVEDANTE MUST DIE = 1; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = _root.SKILLPOINTS; _root.SAVESKILLPOINTS = _root.SKILLPOINTS; savefile.flush(); } } movieClip 2495 { } instance of movieClip 2495 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy._x <= _x) { this.swapDepths(0); } else { this.swapDepths(601); } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 2497 { } instance of movieClip 2497 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy._x <= _x) { this.swapDepths(0); } else { this.swapDepths(602); } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 2499 { } instance of movieClip 2499 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy._x <= _x) { this.swapDepths(0); } else { this.swapDepths(600); } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 2501 { } instance of movieClip 2501 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 2506 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = - 400; while (_root.guy._x - 20 <= _x) { ++_root.guy._x; } } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = + 400; while (_root.guy._x + 20 >= _x) { --_root.guy._x; } } } instance S1 of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.deathcount >= 2) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance S2 of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.deathcount >= 5) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance S3 of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.deathcount >= 9) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance S4 of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.deathcount >= 16) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance S5 of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.deathcount >= 16) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 2508 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } instance CAMGUARD of movieClip 2508 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { while (this.hitTest( + 400, - 250, true)) {; } } } instance S6 of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy._y >= _y) {; } } } movieClip 2510 { } instance of movieClip 2510 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 40 && YDISTANCE >= -40) { if (XDISTANCE <= 40 && XDISTANCE >= -40) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'rake'; _root.guy.DECAY = 7; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 2522 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 60 { ++_root.enemycount; _root.Morkom.onscreen = true; _root.Morkom._visible = true; _root.Morkom._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; ++_root.enemycount; _root.Wise.onscreen = true; _root.Wise._visible = true; _root.Wise._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; } frame 61 { gotoAndPlay(60); } } instance of movieClip 2522 { onClipEvent (load) { COUNTDOWN = 100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( { --COUNTDOWN; } if (COUNTDOWN <= 0) { play(); } } } instance Wise of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Scott'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } } } movieClip 2524 { } instance of movieClip 2524 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'trowl'; _root.guy.DECAY = 5; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 776 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'Cbat'; _root.guy.DECAY = 15; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 2535 { } movieClip 2543 { } movieClip 2556 { } movieClip 2561 { frame 1 { _root.SOUND.slash.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.slash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } movieClip 2566 { } movieClip 2575 { frame 19 { _parent.xspeed = 0; } frame 31 { ++_root.deathcount; ++_root.totalkills; } frame 54 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2580 { } movieClip 2586 { frame 2 { if (! { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 8 { _root.dropin.start(0, 1); _root.dropin.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 13 { _root.landingtrot.start(0, 1); _root.landingtrot.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } movieClip 2587 { frame 1 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; --S; if (S <= 0) { S = 18 + Math.random() * 4; if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } gotoAndPlay('punch'); if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } } } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'boxing glove'; _root.guy.POWER = 'boxer'; _root.BOXER = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEBOXER = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; = 0; _parent.dead = true; _root.guy.DECAY = 7; ++_root.deathcount; _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 2 { if (!hit) { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); if ( { gotoAndPlay('dodge'); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 3 { R = Math.random() * 20; xspeed = runspeed; if (XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX && XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed = 0; } if (YDISTANCE >= 10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * -0.5; } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * 0.5; } else { yspeed = 0; } } if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (YDISTANCE >= 15 || YDISTANCE <= -15) { if (XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX - 10 && XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX + 10) { if (_xscale == _root.guy._xscale) { if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { xspeed = -runspeed; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { xspeed = -runspeed; } } else { if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { xspeed = runspeed; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { xspeed = runspeed; } } } } if (_root.guy._currentframe >= 5 && _xscale == -_root.guy._xscale) { if (YDISTANCE <= 40 && YDISTANCE >= -40) { yspeed *= -1; if (XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX && XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed = runspeed; } } } } frame 4 { if (!hit) { R = Math.random() * 20; if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY + R || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY - R) { gotoAndPlay('run'); if ( { gotoAndPlay('dodge'); } } else { if (!dead) { xspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); if ( { gotoAndPlay('dodge'); } } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; _y = -800; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( == 7 || == 13) { _y = Y; } else { _y = -800; } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; _root.guy.hitfreq += 10; _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 6 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 18) { gotoAndPlay('punch'); if ( { gotoAndPlay('dodge'); } } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); if ( { gotoAndPlay('dodge'); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 8 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 7) { gotoAndPlay('dodge'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 9 { if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } xspeed -= xspeed / 4; mc.gotoAndStop(SS); yspeed = 0; if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); } if (SS >= 12) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); } } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'boxing glove'; _root.guy.POWER = 'boxer'; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEBOXER = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; = 0; _parent.dead = true; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; _root.guy.DECAY = 7; ++_root.deathcount; _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 10 { if (SS >= 0) { --SS; gotoAndPlay('hit'); if ( { gotoAndPlay('dodge'); } } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } hit = false; } } frame 11 { if (mc._currentframe >= 10 && mc._currentframe <= 25) { xspeed -= xspeed / 10; } if (mc._currentframe == 30 && health >= 1) { gotoAndPlay('get up'); } } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay('smash'); } frame 13 { SS = 0; xspeed = 0; hit = false; } frame 14 { if (mc._currentframe <= 8) { gotoAndPlay('get up'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 16 { if (mc._currentframe <= 18) { gotoAndPlay('drop in'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } instance of movieClip 2587 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Ali'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 160; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'boxer'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'boxer'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _x = - 500; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Bruno'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; if (_root.deathcount >= 3) { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _x = - 400; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 2590 { } movieClip 2591 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'punching bag'; _root.PUNCHING BAG = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEPUNCHING BAG = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; _root.guy._xscale = 100; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 2591 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 2593 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 20 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.POWER = 'treadmill'; _root.TREADMILL = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVETREADMILL = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 2593 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 2595 { } instance of movieClip 2595 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 40 && YDISTANCE >= -40) { if (XDISTANCE <= 40 && XDISTANCE >= -40) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'broom'; _root.guy.DECAY = 7; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance chicken2 of movieClip 774 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.HEALTH += 50; _root.SOUND.boowup.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.boowup.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance chicken of movieClip 774 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.HEALTH += 50; _root.SOUND.boowup.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.boowup.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 810 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'bush') { guyX = _root.guy._x - 85 * _root.guy._xscale / 100; guyY = _root.guy._y - 183; } else { guyX = - / 2; guyY = - / 2 - 50; } _x = _x - (_x - guyX) / 5; _y = _y - (_y - guyY) / 5; if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } this.swapDepths(_root.guy.getDepth() + 1); if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 865 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'water jet') { ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; if (i >= 90) { i = 0; } DEPTH = _root.guy.getDepth() + 10; this.swapDepths(DEPTH); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 2597 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'floor waxer'; _root.FLOOR WAXER = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEFLOOR WAXER = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; _root.guy._xscale = 100; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 2597 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance guy of movieClip 1722 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; runspeed = 10; POWER = 'normal'; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; leafcount = 0; PROLONGING = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (ENERGY <= 0) { ENERGY = 0; POWER = 'normal'; } if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (POWER == 'water jet') { ENERGY -= 0.5; } if (POWER == 'bike') { ENERGY -= 0.25; } if (POWER == 'treadmill') { ENERGY -= 0.5; } if (POWER == 'rock') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.5; } if (POWER == 'boxer') { ENERGY -= 0.4; runspeed = 14; } if (POWER == 'dumbbell') { runspeed = 5; DEF = 0.5; } if (POWER == 'post') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.3; } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance knife of movieClip 1938 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != 'knife') { _x = _x + speed * (_xscale / 100); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (SIDE == 'bad') { if (stab.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (YDISTANCE >= -50 && YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 10; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _y - _height - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 2619 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'trash'; _root.BIN = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEBIN = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;; } } } frame 2 { stop(); health = 0; } frame 3 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 4 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 5 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 6 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 7 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 8 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 9 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 10 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 11 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 12 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 13 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 14 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 15 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 16 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 17 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 18 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 19 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 20 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance of movieClip 2619 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; health = 10; onscreen = false; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!dead) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } } YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; if (health <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { _root.chicken._x = _x; _root.chicken._y = _y - 1; if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = -100; } if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(3); } dead = true; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Frank'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (this.hitTest( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Tony'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (this.hitTest( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 2623 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'plant'; _root.PLANT = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEPLANT = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { stop(); health = 0; } frame 3 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'plant'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 2623 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; health = 10; onscreen = false; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!dead) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } } YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; if (health <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = -100; } if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(3); } dead = true; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 2628 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 20 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.POWER = 'dumbbell'; _root.WEIGHTS = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEWEIGHTS = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 2628 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 2623 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; health = 10; onscreen = false; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!dead) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } } YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; if (health <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = -100; } if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(3); } dead = true; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 2593 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 892 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 2587 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Louis'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 160; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'boxer'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'boxer'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Lloyd'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; if (_root.deathcount >= 3) { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _x = - 400; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 2587 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Tyson'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 160; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'boxer'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'boxer'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Garry'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Rodd'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _x = - 500; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 2630 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 30 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -30) { _root.guy.POWER = 'til'; _root.CASH TIL = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVECASH TIL = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 2630 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 2643 { frame 66 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance coin of movieClip 2643 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _root.guy._y; xspeed = (-1 + Math.random() * 4) * _root.guy._xscale / 100; fallspeed = -4 - Math.random() * 8; FRAME = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 9); gotoAndPlay(FRAME); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != 'coin') { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + fallspeed; fallspeed += 2; if (_y >= Y + 1) { _y = Y; } if (_y >= Y) { fallspeed *= -0.7; } } } } instance TL of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Bono'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance BL of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Zsigmonbquiou'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance TR of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Gordon'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance MR of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Francis'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance BR of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Gilmore'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay K\'houkazazaza'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; ++_root.enemycount; _root.BL.onscreen = true; _root.BL._visible = true; _root.BL._x = - 400; _root.BL._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; ++_root.enemycount; _root.TL.onscreen = true; _root.TL._visible = true; _root.TL._x = - 500; _root.TL._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; ++_root.enemycount; _root.BR.onscreen = true; _root.BR._x = + 450; _root.BR._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; ++_root.enemycount; _root.TR.onscreen = true; _root.TR._x = + 600; _root.TR._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; ++_root.enemycount; _root.MR.onscreen = true; _root.MR._x = + 700; _root.MR._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Jodie'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; if (_root.deathcount >= 12) { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _x = - 400; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 2597 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 2619 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; health = 10; onscreen = false; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!dead) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } } YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; if (health <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { _root.chicken2._x = _x; _root.chicken2._y = _y - 1; if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = -100; } if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(3); } dead = true; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance Morkom of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Barry'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay J-Dogg'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (this.hitTest( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay J-Dogg'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (this.hitTest( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Gray Guy'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (this.hitTest( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 2646 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'lawn mower'; _root.LAWNMOWER = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVELAWNMOWER = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; _root.guy._xscale = 100; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 2646 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 2619 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; health = 10; onscreen = false; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!dead) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } } YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; if (health <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { _root.chicken2._x = _x; _root.chicken2._y = _y - 1; if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = -100; } if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(3); } dead = true; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 2587 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Calzaghe'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 160; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'boxer'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'boxer'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 2587 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Frazier'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 160; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'boxer'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'boxer'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 2587 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Benn'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 160; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'boxer'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'boxer'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Moe'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Rosie'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Mitch'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (this.hitTest( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Alejandro'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (this.hitTest( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_x + _width / 2 <= _root.S1._x) { if (_x + _width / 2 <= _root.S2._x) { if (_x + _width / 2 <= _root.S3._x) { if (_x + _width / 2 <= _root.S4._x) { if (_x + _width / 2 <= _root.S5._x) { if (_x + _width / 2 <= _root.S6._x) { if (_x + _width / 2 >= _root.CAMGUARD._x) { if (_root.guy._y >= _y + 200) { _x = _x - (_y + 200 - _root.guy._y + 2) / 3; } } else { if (_root.guy._x >= _x) { _x = _x - (_x - _root.guy._x + 2) / 3; } } } } } } } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance of movieClip 2084 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.PLAYER == 2) { _x = _root.guy._x; _y = _root.guy._y; _root.guy.swapDepths(999); _root.guy.removeMovieClip(); _name = 'guy'; } else { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } X = _xscale; runspeed = 12; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; XDISTANCE = 0; YDISTANCE = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; DISTANCE = 0; lowestDISTANCE = 1000; ENEMYNUMBER = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (_name == 'guy') { if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._y; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } frame 1863 { MUSIC.BGM3.stop(); MUSIC.pyramid.start(0, 99); MUSIC.pyramid.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); LEVEL = 3; = _root.LIVES; = _root.LEVEL; = _root.totalkills; savefile.flush(); } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } button 2648 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('PLAY LEVEL 4'); } } movieClip 2654 { } frame 2343 { stop(); MUSIC.pyramid.stop(); MUSIC.BGM4.start(0, 99); MUSIC.BGM4.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); _quality = Q; enemycount = 0; enemyMAX = 30; sparkcount = 530; sparkMAX = 540; vs1 = ''; vs1head = ''; vs2 = ''; vs2head = ''; deathcount = 0; SPACEDOWN = false; SPTITLE = undefined; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = true; } } else { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = false; } } if (!Key.isDown(13)) { SPACEDOWN = false; } }; } movieClip 2680 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.car1._currentframe >= 15 && _root.car1._currentframe <= 65) { _y = -500; } else { if (_root.car1._currentframe >= 95) { _y = -500; } else { _x = _root.car1._x - _width / 2 - _parent._x; _y = Y; } } } } instance B of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.car2._currentframe >= 15 && _root.car2._currentframe <= 79) { _y = -500; } else { if (_root.car2._currentframe >= 95) { _y = -500; } else { _x = _root.car2._x - _width / 2 - _parent._x; _y = Y; } } } } } movieClip 2681 { } instance of movieClip 2681 { onClipEvent (load) { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; health = 200; hit = false; DEF = 1; _root.carbody2 = [_name]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.car2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; = health; if (hit) {; } hit = false; } } instance of movieClip 2681 { onClipEvent (load) { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; health = 200; hit = false; DEF = 1; _root.carbody1 = [_name]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.car1._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; = health; if (hit) {; } hit = false; } } instance chicken of movieClip 774 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.HEALTH += 50; _root.SOUND.boowup.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.boowup.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance guy of movieClip 1722 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; runspeed = 13; POWER = 'normal'; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; PROLONGING = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (ENERGY <= 0) { ENERGY = 0; POWER = 'normal'; } if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (POWER == 'water jet') { ENERGY -= 0.5; } if (POWER == 'bike') { ENERGY -= 0.25; } if (POWER == 'rock') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.5; } if (POWER == 'post') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.3; } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 2699 { } movieClip 2717 { frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 2758 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -8; _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -8; _root.SOUND.hit1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 16 { _parent.xspeed = _parent.runspeed * 2.5; } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -12; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body || _root.guy.invulnerable)) { if ( >= 1) { if (_parent._parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent._parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 17; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 20 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -25; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } _root.SOUND.hit4.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit4.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } } frame 32 { _parent.xspeed = _parent.runspeed * 2; } } movieClip 2798 { frame 15 { _root.SOUND.gunshot1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.gunshot1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -10 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 10) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 3; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 22 { _root.SOUND.gunshot1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.gunshot1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -15 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 3; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 35 { _root.SOUND.gunshot2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.gunshot2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -15 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 12; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -10; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } movieClip 2804 { } movieClip 2826 { } movieClip 2845 { frame 17 { gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 2895 { } movieClip 2909 { frame 3 { _root.SOUND.laugh1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.laugh1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } movieClip 2914 { frame 1 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (onscreen) { --S; if (S <= 0) { S = 2 + Math.random() * 3; if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (_root.guy._currentframe <= 20) { gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); } else { S = 10; } } } } } if (_root.guy._currentframe >= 25 && _root.guy._currentframe <= 26) { gotoAndPlay('laugh'); } } frame 2 { if (!hit) { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { _root.guy.invul = 0; gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); mc.gotoAndPlay(29); } } } frame 3 { R = Math.random() * 20; xspeed = runspeed; if (XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX && XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed = 0; } if (YDISTANCE >= 10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * -0.5; } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * 0.5; } else { yspeed = 0; } } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } i = 0; while (i <= 3) { if (_root['car' + i].handleR.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && _xscale == -100) { gotoAndPlay('toss'); _root['car' + i].play(); _y = _root['car' + i]._y - 1; } if (_root['car' + i].handleL.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && _xscale == 100) { gotoAndPlay('toss'); _root['car' + i].gotoAndPlay(80); _y = _root['car' + i]._y - 1; } ++i; } if (XDISTANCE >= 250 || XDISTANCE <= -250) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { if (Math.random() >= 0.98 && _root.guy._currentframe <= 20) { yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('shoot'); } if (Math.random() <= 0.05 && _root.guy._currentframe <= 20) { yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('tackle'); } } } } frame 4 { if (!hit) { R = Math.random() * 20; if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY + R || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY - R) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (!dead) { xspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { _root.guy.invul = 0; gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); mc.gotoAndPlay(29); } } } frame 5 { if (mc._currentframe <= 15) { xspeed = 0; } if (mc._currentframe >= 16 && mc._currentframe <= 23) { xspeed -= xspeed / 5; } if (mc._currentframe >= 31 && mc._currentframe <= 38) { xspeed -= xspeed / 5; } yspeed = 0; } frame 6 { if (!hit) { if (!dead) { if (mc._currentframe <= 42) { gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { _root.guy.invul = 0; gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); mc.gotoAndPlay(29); } } } frame 7 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 8 { if (mc._currentframe <= 44) { gotoAndPlay('shoot'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { _root.guy.invul = 0; gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); mc.gotoAndPlay(29); } } } frame 9 { if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (FIGHT == 2) { S = 8; } xspeed -= xspeed / 4; mc.gotoAndStop(SS); yspeed = 0; if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); } if (SS >= 12) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); } } frame 10 { if (SS >= 0) { --SS; gotoAndPlay('hit'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } hit = false; } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { _root.guy.invul = 0; gotoAndPlay('punch combo'); mc.gotoAndPlay(29); } } } frame 11 { hit = false; SS = 0; if (mc._currentframe == 9 || mc._currentframe == 10) { xspeed = 0; } if (mc._currentframe >= 11) { xspeed -= 5; } if (_currentframe == 11 && health <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } frame 12 { if (mc._currentframe == 17) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay('smash'); } } frame 13 { xspeed = runspeed * 2.5; if (_xscale == X && _x >= _root.guy._x) { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_xscale == -X && _x <= _root.guy._x) { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (onscreen) { _x = _x + TACKLESPEED * (_xscale / X); } i = 0; while (i <= 3) { if (_root['car' + i].handleR.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && _xscale == -100) { gotoAndPlay('toss'); _root['car' + i].play(); _y = _root['car' + i]._y - 1; } if (_root['car' + i].handleL.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && _xscale == 100) { gotoAndPlay('toss'); _root['car' + i].gotoAndPlay(80); _y = _root['car' + i]._y - 1; } ++i; } } frame 14 { if (YDISTANCE >= -50 && YDISTANCE <= 50) { if (this.elbow.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (YDISTANCE >= -50 && YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 12; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 30 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -15; _root.guy.hitfreq += 10; if (_root.guy._x >= _x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _y + elbow._y + elbow._height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay('tackle'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('tackle'); } } frame 15 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 16 { if (mc._currentframe >= 46) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay('toss'); } } frame 17 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 18 { if (!hit) { if (!dead) { if (mc._currentframe <= 30) { gotoAndPlay('laugh'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 19 { xspeed = -5; } frame 22 { xspeed *= 0.8; } frame 23 { xspeed *= 0.8;; } frame 24 { xspeed *= 0.8; } frame 25 { xspeed *= 0.8; } frame 26 { xspeed *= 0.8; } frame 27 { xspeed *= 0.8; } frame 28 { xspeed *= 0.8; } frame 29 { xspeed *= 0.8; } } instance of movieClip 2914 { onClipEvent (load) { HAT = 2; NAME = 'LT. Brickfist Uppercut'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 6; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 300; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = true; dead = false; DEF = 0.5; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; _xscale = -X; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; FIGHT = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (health >= MAXhealth + 1) { health = MAXhealth; } XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'cop'; if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } if (health <= 50 && _root.BIG1.onscreen == false) { _root.BIG1.onscreen = true; _root.BIG1._visible = true; ++_root.enemycount; _root.BIG1._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; _root.BIG2.onscreen = true; _root.BIG2._visible = true; ++_root.enemycount; _root.BIG2._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 2925 { frame 1 { if (Xploded) { gotoAndStop(40); } stop(); Xploded = false; } frame 2 { if ( <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('Xplosion'); } } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 6 { Xploded = true; } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent._parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent._parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 15; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 20 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -20; if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 44 { gotoAndStop(40); } } movieClip 2928 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 17; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 20 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -25; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 52 { if (_y <= 400) { -= 50; } else { -= 50; } } frame 72 { gotoAndStop(1); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 17; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 20 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -25; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } frame 130 { if (_y <= 400) { -= 50; } else { -= 50; } } } instance car1 of movieClip 2928 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; health = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _x + xspeed; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; if (_currentframe >= 18 && _currentframe <= 30) { xspeed = 12; } else { if (_currentframe >= 35 && _currentframe <= 55) { xspeed = -20; } else { if (_currentframe >= 96 && _currentframe <= 110) { xspeed = -12; } else { if (_currentframe >= 114 && _currentframe <= 135) { xspeed = 20; } else { xspeed *= 0.2; } } } } this.swapDepths(_y); if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_currentframe >= 35 && _currentframe <= 60) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 2, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 2, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } } if (_currentframe >= 115 && _currentframe <= 140) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 2, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 2, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 858 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 858 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 858 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 887 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; health = 10; onscreen = false; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!dead) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } } YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; if (health <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { _root.chicken._x = _x; _root.chicken._y = _y - 1; if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = -100; } if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(3); } dead = true; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 810 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'bush') { guyX = _root.guy._x - 85 * _root.guy._xscale / 100; guyY = _root.guy._y - 183; } else { guyX = - / 2; guyY = - / 2 - 50; } _x = _x - (_x - guyX) / 5; _y = _y - (_y - guyY) / 5; if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } this.swapDepths(_root.guy.getDepth() + 1); if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance car2 of movieClip 2928 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; health = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _x + xspeed; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; if (_currentframe >= 18 && _currentframe <= 30) { xspeed = 12; } else { if (_currentframe >= 35 && _currentframe <= 55) { xspeed = -20; } else { if (_currentframe >= 96 && _currentframe <= 110) { xspeed = -12; } else { if (_currentframe >= 114 && _currentframe <= 135) { xspeed = 20; } else { xspeed -= xspeed / 5; } } } } this.swapDepths(_y); if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_currentframe >= 35 && _currentframe <= 60) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 2, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 2, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } } if (_currentframe >= 115 && _currentframe <= 140) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 2, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 2, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } } } } movieClip 2930 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'fire'; _root.GAS = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEGAS = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance BIG2 of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Bruno'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (_x >= -800 && _x <= -300) { _root.ground.B._y = _root.ground.B.Y + 1000; } else { _root.ground.B._y = _root.ground.B.Y; }; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance BIG1 of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Big Gay Lloyd'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_x - _width / 2 >= _root.S1._x) { if (_root.guy._x <= _x - _width * 0.2) { _x = _x - (_x - _width * 0.2 - _root.guy._x) / 3; } } if (_x + _width / 2 <= _root.S2._x) { if (_root.guy._x >= _x + _width * 0.2) { _x = _x - (_x + _width * 0.2 - _root.guy._x) / 3; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance of movieClip 2084 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.PLAYER == 2) { _x = _root.guy._x; _y = _root.guy._y; _root.guy.swapDepths(999); _root.guy.removeMovieClip(); _name = 'guy'; } else { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } X = _xscale; runspeed = 12; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; XDISTANCE = 0; YDISTANCE = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; DISTANCE = 0; lowestDISTANCE = 1000; ENEMYNUMBER = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (_name == 'guy') { if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._y; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 865 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'water jet') { ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; if (i >= 90) { i = 0; } DEPTH = _root.guy.getDepth() + 10; this.swapDepths(DEPTH); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } frame 2344 { MUSIC.BGM4.stop(); MUSIC.crunkalot.start(0, 99); MUSIC.crunkalot.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); LEVEL = 4; = _root.LIVES; = _root.LEVEL; = _root.totalkills; savefile.flush(); } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } button 2932 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('PLAY LEVEL 5'); } } frame 2763 { stop(); MUSIC.crunkalot.stop(); MUSIC.BGM5.start(0, 99); MUSIC.BGM5.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); _quality = 'LOW'; enemycount = 0; enemyMAX = 30; sparkcount = 530; sparkMAX = 540; vs1 = ''; vs1head = ''; vs2 = ''; vs2head = ''; deathcount = 0; SPACEDOWN = false; SPTITLE = undefined; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = true; } } else { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = false; } } if (!Key.isDown(13)) { SPACEDOWN = false; } }; } movieClip 2954 { } instance of movieClip 2954 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } movieClip 2959 { } instance of movieClip 2959 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } movieClip 2962 { } instance of movieClip 2962 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } movieClip 2968 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2968 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { _x = _x - 30; if (_x <= 0) { _x = _x + 970; R = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 6); gotoAndStop(R); } } } } instance of movieClip 2968 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { _x = _x - 30; if (_x <= 0) { _x = _x + 970; R = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 6); gotoAndStop(R); } } } } instance of movieClip 2968 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { _x = _x - 30; if (_x <= 0) { _x = _x + 970; R = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 6); gotoAndStop(R); } } } } movieClip 2980 { } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } movieClip 2982 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 2994 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { FRAME = _parent._parent._parent.SS + 1; gotoAndPlay(FRAME); }; } } movieClip 3000 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.PAUSE) { play(); } else { stop(); } }; } } movieClip 3018 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.PAUSE) { play(); } else { stop(); } }; } } movieClip 3024 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_parent._parent.YDISTANCE >= 0 && _parent._parent.XDISTANCE <= 150) { gotoAndPlay(5); } else { if (_parent._parent.XDISTANCE <= 0) { gotoAndPlay(3); } if (_parent._parent.XDISTANCE <= 150) { gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_parent._parent.XDISTANCE <= 300) { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_parent._parent.XDISTANCE >= 0) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } }; } } movieClip 3025 { } movieClip 3086 { frame 1 { if (_parent._y <= _root.guy._y) { gotoAndPlay(24); } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _root.SOUND.pipesound.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.pipesound.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.SOUND.vhit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _root.SOUND.pipesound.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.pipesound.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } } movieClip 3123 { frame 1 { _root.SOUND.explosion1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.explosion1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _root.SOUND.explosion2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.explosion2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _root.SOUND.bikeskid.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.bikeskid.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 40 { ++_root.totalkills; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 3124 { frame 1 { if (onscreen) { --S; if (S <= 0) { S = 15 + Math.random() * 10; if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('attack'); } else { S = 10; } } else { S = 10; } } } } frame 2 { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay('death'); } } frame 4 { if (!dead) { if (mc._currentframe >= 21 && mc._currentframe <= 23) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { if (mc._currentframe >= 44) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay('attack'); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('death'); } } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay('death'); } } instance of movieClip 3124 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'OVERCAST'; runspeed = 6; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 35; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && _x >= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 2) { if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY) { xspeed = -30; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; health -= 10; } } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed *= 0.8; if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY - 20 && YDISTANCE >= 0) { yspeed = 10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY + 20 && YDISTANCE <= 0) { yspeed = -10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed *= 0.8; } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 4 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 2 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 2) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (health <= 0) { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; health = MAXhealth; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 3132 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { FRAME = _parent._parent._parent.SS + 1; gotoAndPlay(FRAME); }; } } movieClip 3133 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.PAUSE) { play(); } else { stop(); } }; } } movieClip 3135 { } movieClip 3141 { } movieClip 3178 { frame 2 { if (!_parent.onscreen) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 15 { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 16 { _root.SOUND.uzi.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.uzi.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME * 2); } instance of movieClip 3141 { onClipEvent (load) { _rotation = Math.random() * 360; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _alpha = _alpha - 30; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent._parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent._parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { if (_parent._parent.onscreen) { _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 3 * _root.guy.DEF; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } } instance of movieClip 3141 { onClipEvent (load) { _rotation = Math.random() * 360; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _alpha = _alpha - 30; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent._parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent._parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { if (_parent._parent.onscreen) { _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 3 * _root.guy.DEF; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } } instance of movieClip 3141 { onClipEvent (load) { _rotation = Math.random() * 360; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _alpha = _alpha - 30; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent._parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent._parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { if (_parent._parent.onscreen) { _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 3 * _root.guy.DEF; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 56 { stop(); } } movieClip 3251 { frame 1 { _root.SOUND.explosion1.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.explosion1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _root.SOUND.explosion2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.explosion2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 27 { _root.bikeskid.start(0, 1); _root.bikeskid.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 59 { ++_root.totalkills; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 3252 { instance gunner of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { dead = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { health = - 100; if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { dead = true; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } } frame 2 { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay('death'); } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay('death'); } } instance of movieClip 3252 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Rosie & Jim'; runspeed = 8; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 20; MAXhealth = 300; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (_x <= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && _x >= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 2) { if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY) { xspeed = -20; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; health -= 10; } } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed *= 0.8; if (YDISTANCE <= 15 && YDISTANCE >= 0) { yspeed = 10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } if (YDISTANCE >= -15 && YDISTANCE <= 0) { yspeed = -10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } } if (gunner.dead) { if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } } else { if (XDISTANCE <= -600) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= -500) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed *= 0.8; } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 4 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 2 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 2) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'biker'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'biker'; } } } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; dead = true; } } } else { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; health = MAXhealth; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 3124 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'TYPHOON'; runspeed = 6; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 35; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && _x >= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 2) { if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY) { xspeed = -30; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; health -= 10; } } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed *= 0.8; if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY - 20 && YDISTANCE >= 0) { yspeed = 10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY + 20 && YDISTANCE <= 0) { yspeed = -10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed *= 0.8; } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 4 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 2 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 2) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (health <= 0) { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; health = MAXhealth; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 3124 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'BLIZZARD'; runspeed = 6; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 35; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && _x >= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 2) { if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY) { xspeed = -30; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; health -= 10; } } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed *= 0.8; if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY - 20 && YDISTANCE >= 0) { yspeed = 10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY + 20 && YDISTANCE <= 0) { yspeed = -10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed *= 0.8; } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 4 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 2 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 2) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (health <= 0) { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; health = MAXhealth; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 3124 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'AUTUMN DRIZZLE'; runspeed = 6; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 35; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && _x >= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 2) { if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY) { xspeed = -30; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; health -= 10; } } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed *= 0.8; if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY - 20 && YDISTANCE >= 0) { yspeed = 10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY + 20 && YDISTANCE <= 0) { yspeed = -10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed *= 0.8; } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 4 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 2 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 2) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (health <= 0) { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; health = MAXhealth; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 3124 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'THUNDER'; runspeed = 6; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 35; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && _x >= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 2) { if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY) { xspeed = -30; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; health -= 10; } } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed *= 0.8; if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY - 20 && YDISTANCE >= 0) { yspeed = 10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY + 20 && YDISTANCE <= 0) { yspeed = -10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed *= 0.8; } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 4 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 2 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 2) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (health <= 0) { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; health = MAXhealth; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 3262 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { YSCALE = _height; _height = (_root.guy.ammo / 50) * YSCALE; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _height = (_root.guy.ammo / 50) * YSCALE; } } } movieClip 3264 { } movieClip 3289 { instance of movieClip 3262 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } instance shot of movieClip 3264 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_name == 'shot') { _visible = false; } speed = 60 + Math.random() * 15; _y = _y + 10; _y = _y - Math.random() * 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (_name != 'shot') { _x = _x - speed; if (_x <= -1000) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = _y + _root.guy.yspeed; } } } } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 41 { --_root.guy.ammo; _root.SOUND.gunshot1.start(0, 1); VOLUME = _root.SFXVOLUME * 2; _root.SOUND.gunshot1.setVolume(VOLUME); ++shotcount; duplicateMovieClip(shot, 'shot' + shotcount, shotcount); this['shot' + shotcount]._x = shot._x; this['shot' + shotcount].shot._y + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['shot' + shotcount]._visible = true; if (shotcount >= 50) { shotcount = 0; } } instance of movieClip 3141 { onClipEvent (load) { _rotation = Math.random() * 360; _alpha = 130; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _alpha = _alpha - 30; } } instance punch of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.enemyMAX) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i].body) && _root['enemy' + i].health >= 1) { if (_root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE >= -30 && _root['enemy' + i].YDISTANCE <= 30) { _root['enemy' + i].SS = 5; _root['enemy' + i].xspeed -= 2; _root['enemy' + i].health -= 10 * _root['enemy' + i].DEF; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root['enemy' + i]._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _root['enemy' + i]._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } ++i; } } } } frame 42 { _root.SOUND.gunshot1.start(0, 1); VOLUME = _root.SFXVOLUME * 2; _root.SOUND.gunshot1.setVolume(VOLUME); ++shotcount; duplicateMovieClip(shot, 'shot' + shotcount, shotcount); this['shot' + shotcount]._x = shot._x; this['shot' + shotcount].shot._y + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['shot' + shotcount]._visible = true; if (shotcount >= 50) { shotcount = 0; } } frame 43 { ++shotcount; duplicateMovieClip(shot, 'shot' + shotcount, shotcount); this['shot' + shotcount]._x = shot._x; this['shot' + shotcount].shot._y + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['shot' + shotcount]._visible = true; if (shotcount >= 50) { shotcount = 0; } } frame 44 { _root.SOUND.gunshot1.start(0, 1); VOLUME = _root.SFXVOLUME * 2; _root.SOUND.gunshot1.setVolume(VOLUME); gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 45 { _root.reload.start(0, 1); _root.reload.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 53 { _root.guy.ammo += 10; } frame 54 { _root.guy.ammo += 10; } frame 55 { _root.guy.ammo += 8; } frame 56 { _root.guy.ammo += 6; } instance of movieClip 3262 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { play(); } else { stop(); } } } frame 57 { _root.guy.ammo += 5; } frame 58 { _root.guy.ammo += 4; } frame 59 { _root.guy.ammo += 3; } frame 60 { _root.guy.ammo += 2; } frame 61 { _root.guy.ammo += 1; } } movieClip 3297 { frame 1 { _visible = false; stop(); } frame 3 { _visible = true; } } movieClip 3301 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { FRAME = _root.guy.SS + 1; gotoAndPlay(FRAME); }; } } movieClip 3307 { instance of movieClip 3297 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { FRAME = Math.round(_root.guy.blood / 5); gotoAndPlay(FRAME); } } } movieClip 3310 { frame 1 { NUMBER = Math.round(_x / 2.5); } frame 2 { if (_root.guy.ammo >= NUMBER) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 4 { if (_root.guy.ammo <= NUMBER) { gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } movieClip 3311 { frame 1 { firecount = 30; i = 30; while (i <= 70) { duplicateMovieClip(this.FLAME, 'FLAME' + i, i); this['FLAME' + i]._x = 15 - Math.random() * 30; this['FLAME' + i]._y = 25 - Math.random() * 50; this['FLAME' + i]._xscale = 50 - Math.random() * 30; this['FLAME' + i]._yscale = _xscale; ++i; } } instance FLAME of movieClip 1234 { onClipEvent (load) { _rotation = Math.random() * 360; xspeed = 20 * Math.cos(_rotation * 0.01745329); yspeed = 20 * Math.sin(_rotation * 0.01745329); S = 5 + Math.random() * 5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name == 'FLAME') { _visible = false; } _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y - yspeed; xspeed *= 0.9; yspeed *= 0.9; _xscale = _xscale - S; _yscale = _xscale; if (_xscale <= 0) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 3315 { instance mc of movieClip 3289 { onClipEvent (load) { shotcount = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { play(); if (_currentframe <= 40 && Key.isDown(65) && _root.guy.ammo >= 1) { gotoAndPlay(41); } if (_currentframe <= 40 && Key.isDown(65) && _root.guy.ammo <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('reload'); } } else { stop(); } } } instance car of movieClip 3307 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if ( >= 41 && <= 42) { duplicateMovieClip(, 'shell' + + 50, + 50); _parent['shell' + shotcount + 50]._x =; _parent['shell' + shotcount + 50]._y =; _parent['shell' + shotcount + 50]._visible = true; } } } } instance shell of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { xspeed = 3 + Math.random() * 10; fallspeed = -3 - Math.random() * 5; R = 5 + Math.random() * 20; gotoAndStop(5); if (_name == 'shell') { _visible = false; } XXX = Math.random() / 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (_name != 'shell') { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + fallspeed; ++fallspeed; xspeed -= 0.5 + XXX; if (_y >= 0) { _y = -1; fallspeed *= -0.8; } _rotation = _rotation + R; _y = _y + _root.guy.yspeed; _x = _x - _root.guy.yspeed; if (_x <= -1000) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } frame 2 { if (HEALTH >= 1) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 18 { --_root.LIVES; } frame 19 { if (_root.LIVES <= 0) {; } } instance car of movieClip 3307 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if ( >= 41 && <= 42) { duplicateMovieClip(, 'shell' + + 50, + 50); _parent['shell' + shotcount + 50]._x =; _parent['shell' + shotcount + 50]._y =; _parent['shell' + shotcount + 50]._visible = true; } } } } frame 48 { _root.guy.HEALTH = 100; _root.guy.invul = 30; } } instance guy of movieClip 3315 { onClipEvent (load) { ammo = 50; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; SS = 0; POWER = 'normal'; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; blood = 0; invul = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; PROLONGING = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (_currentframe <= 2) {; if (xspeed <= 10 && Key.isDown(39)) { ++xspeed; } if (xspeed >= -10 && Key.isDown(37)) { --xspeed; } if (yspeed <= 5 && Key.isDown(38)) { ++yspeed; } if (yspeed >= -5 && Key.isDown(40)) { --yspeed; } _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y - yspeed; xspeed *= 0.9; yspeed *= 0.9; this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 150, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 150, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 20, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 20, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 21, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 21, true)) { yspeed *= -0.9; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } } else { car.stop(); } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 3317 { instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (load) { Y = _y; sin = _x / _width / 3.141593; NUMBER = Math.round(_x / _width); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sin -= 0.6283185; _y = Y - Math.sin(sin) * 3; } } } movieClip 3356 { frame 1 { i = 0; while (i <= 5) { if (_root['missile' + i].hit.hitTest(this.body)) { gotoAndPlay('explode'); } ++i; } if (_root.enemy15.body.hitTest(this.body)) { gotoAndPlay('splat'); _y = Y; } } frame 2 { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTY) { if (_root.guy.bonnet.hitTest(body)) { _root.guy.blood += 3; } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 3 { _root.guy.HEALTH += 2.5; if (_root.guy.HEALTH >= 101) { _root.guy.HEALTH = 100; }, 1); _root.SOUND.boowup.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME);, 1); _root.SOUND.hit4.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 4 { _root.guy.HEALTH += 1.5; if (_root.guy.HEALTH >= 101) { _root.guy.HEALTH = 100; } } frame 5 { _root.guy.HEALTH += 1; if (_root.guy.HEALTH >= 101) { _root.guy.HEALTH = 100; } ++_root.totalkills; } frame 12 {, 1); _root.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 20 {, 1); _root.hit1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 23 { RRR = Math.random(); if (RRR >= 0.9) { gotoAndPlay(1); _x = + / 2 + 50; RANDOM = 100 - Math.random() * 200; _y = _root.guy._y + RANDOM; } } frame 50 { RRR = Math.random(); if (RRR >= 0.7) { gotoAndPlay(1); _x = + / 2 + 50; RANDOM = 100 - Math.random() * 200; _y = _root.guy._y + RANDOM; } } frame 75 { RRR = Math.random(); if (RRR >= 0.5) { gotoAndPlay(1); _x = + / 2 + 50; RANDOM = 100 - Math.random() * 200; _y = _root.guy._y + RANDOM; } } frame 100 { gotoAndPlay(1); _x = + / 2 + 50; RANDOM = 100 - Math.random() * 200; _y = _root.guy._y + RANDOM; } frame 119 { gotoAndPlay(21); } frame 154 { gotoAndPlay(1); _x = + / 2 + 50; RANDOM = 100 - Math.random() * 200; _y = _root.guy._y + RANDOM; } } instance of movieClip 3356 { onClipEvent (load) { OPTDISTY = 50; speed = 40; RDIST = Math.random() * 300 - 400; Y = _y; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { play(); if (_currentframe <= 2) { _x = _x - speed; } YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (_x <= RDIST) { gotoAndPlay(1); RDIST = Math.random() * 300 - 400; _x = + / 2 + 50; RANDOM = 100 - Math.random() * 200; _y = _root.guy._y + RANDOM; } } else { stop(); } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 3124 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'STORM'; runspeed = 6; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 35; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && _x >= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 2) { if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY) { xspeed = -30; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; health -= 10; } } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed *= 0.8; if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY - 20 && YDISTANCE >= 0) { yspeed = 10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY + 20 && YDISTANCE <= 0) { yspeed = -10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed *= 0.8; } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 4 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 2 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 2) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; dead = true; } } } else { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; health = MAXhealth; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 3124 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'LIGHTNING'; runspeed = 6; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 35; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && _x >= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 2) { if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY) { xspeed = -30; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; health -= 10; } } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed *= 0.8; if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY - 20 && YDISTANCE >= 0) { yspeed = 10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY + 20 && YDISTANCE <= 0) { yspeed = -10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed *= 0.8; } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 4 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 2 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 2) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (health <= 0) { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; health = MAXhealth; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 3124 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'QUAKE'; runspeed = 6; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 35; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && _x >= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 2) { if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY) { xspeed = -30; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; health -= 10; } } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed *= 0.8; if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY - 20 && YDISTANCE >= 0) { yspeed = 10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY + 20 && YDISTANCE <= 0) { yspeed = -10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed *= 0.8; } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 4 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 2 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 2) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (health <= 0) { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; health = MAXhealth; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 3252 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Malcom & Eddie'; runspeed = 8; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 20; MAXhealth = 300; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (_x <= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && _x >= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 2) { if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY) { xspeed = -20; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; health -= 10; } } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed *= 0.8; if (YDISTANCE <= 15 && YDISTANCE >= 0) { yspeed = 10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } if (YDISTANCE >= -15 && YDISTANCE <= 0) { yspeed = -10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } } if (gunner.dead) { if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } } else { if (XDISTANCE <= -600) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= -500) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed *= 0.8; } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 4 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 2 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 2) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'biker'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'biker'; } } } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; dead = true; } } } else { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; health = MAXhealth; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 3124 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'HURRICAINE'; runspeed = 6; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 35; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && _x >= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 2) { if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY) { xspeed = -30; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; health -= 10; } } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed *= 0.8; if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY - 20 && YDISTANCE >= 0) { yspeed = 10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY + 20 && YDISTANCE <= 0) { yspeed = -10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed *= 0.8; } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 4 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 2 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 2) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (health <= 0) { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; health = MAXhealth; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance of movieClip 3252 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Freddie & Jason'; runspeed = 8; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 20; MAXhealth = 300; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (_x <= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && _x >= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 2) { if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY) { xspeed = -20; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; health -= 10; } } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed *= 0.8; if (YDISTANCE <= 15 && YDISTANCE >= 0) { yspeed = 10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } if (YDISTANCE >= -15 && YDISTANCE <= 0) { yspeed = -10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } } if (gunner.dead) { if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } } else { if (XDISTANCE <= -600) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= -500) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed *= 0.8; } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 4 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 2 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 2) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'biker'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'biker'; } } } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; dead = true; } } } else { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; health = MAXhealth; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 3252 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Zippy & George'; runspeed = 8; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 20; MAXhealth = 300; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (_x <= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && _x >= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 2) { if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY) { xspeed = -20; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; health -= 10; } } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed *= 0.8; if (YDISTANCE <= 15 && YDISTANCE >= 0) { yspeed = 10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } if (YDISTANCE >= -15 && YDISTANCE <= 0) { yspeed = -10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } } if (gunner.dead) { if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } } else { if (XDISTANCE <= -600) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= -500) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed *= 0.8; } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 4 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 2 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 2) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'biker'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'biker'; } } } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; dead = true; } } } else { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; health = MAXhealth; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 3124 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'CHILLY BREEZE'; runspeed = 6; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 35; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed - runspeed) / 5; } if (XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed -= (xspeed + runspeed) / 5; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && _x >= _root.guy._x - OPTDISTANCEX * 2) { if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY) { xspeed = -30; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; health -= 10; } } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.8 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX) { xspeed *= 0.8; if (YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY - 20 && YDISTANCE >= 0) { yspeed = 10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY + 20 && YDISTANCE <= 0) { yspeed = -10; health -= 20; SS = 7; } } if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed - 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed -= (yspeed + 3) / 5; } if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { yspeed *= 0.8; } if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 4 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 2 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 2) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (health <= 0) { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; health = MAXhealth; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 3411 { frame 25 { _root.SOUND.raywarmup.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.raywarmup.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME * 3); } frame 49 { _root.SOUND.giantlaser.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.giantlaser.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME * 5); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_root.enemy15.YDISTANCE >= 30 && _root.enemy15.YDISTANCE <= 80) { _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 3 * _root.guy.DEF; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } } movieClip 3419 { frame 2 { if ( <= 250) { play(); _root.explosion1.start(0, 1); _root.explosion1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 4 { if ( <= 200) { play(); _root.explosion1.start(0, 1); _root.explosion1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } else { gotoAndPlay(3); } } frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 3424 { } movieClip 3477 { frame 1 { missilecount = 0; } frame 2 { if (!_parent._parent.onscreen) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 10 { ++missilecount; _root.SOUND.atomicexplosion.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.atomicexplosion.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (missilecount >= 5) { missilecount = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(_root.missile, 'missile' + missilecount, 500 + missilecount); _root['missile' + missilecount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['missile' + missilecount]._y = _root.guy._y + 10; } frame 70 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3480 { instance of movieClip 684 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; WAIT = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (WAIT <= 0) { ++i; WAIT = 5; } --WAIT; if (i >= 20) { i = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(this.P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = 0; this['P' + i]._y = 0; this['P' + i]._xscale = P.X + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = _xscale; this['P' + i].floatspeed = 3; this['P' + i].xspeed = 1; o = 0; while (o <= 30) { this['P' + o]._y -= this['P' + o].floatspeed; this['P' + o]._x += this['P' + o].xspeed; this['P' + o].xspeed += 0.5; this['P' + o]._xscale = this['P' + o]._yscale; ++o; } } } } instance of movieClip 684 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; WAIT = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (WAIT <= 0) { ++i; WAIT = 5; } --WAIT; if (i >= 20) { i = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(this.P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = 0; this['P' + i]._y = 0; this['P' + i]._xscale = P.X + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = _xscale; this['P' + i].floatspeed = 3; this['P' + i].xspeed = 1; o = 0; while (o <= 30) { this['P' + o]._y -= this['P' + o].floatspeed; this['P' + o]._x += this['P' + o].xspeed; this['P' + o].xspeed += 0.5; this['P' + o]._xscale = this['P' + o]._yscale; ++o; } } } } } movieClip 3484 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { FRAME = _parent.SS + 1; gotoAndPlay(FRAME); }; } } movieClip 3512 { frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 3556 { instance of movieClip 3419 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(20); } } instance of movieClip 684 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; WAIT = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (WAIT <= 0) { ++i; WAIT = 5; } --WAIT; if (i >= 20) { i = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(this.P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = 0; this['P' + i]._y = 0; this['P' + i]._xscale = P.X + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = _xscale; this['P' + i].floatspeed = 3; this['P' + i].xspeed = 1; o = 0; while (o <= 30) { this['P' + o]._y -= this['P' + o].floatspeed; this['P' + o]._x += this['P' + o].xspeed; this['P' + o].xspeed += 0.5; this['P' + o]._xscale = this['P' + o]._yscale; ++o; } } } } instance of movieClip 684 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; WAIT = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (WAIT <= 0) { ++i; WAIT = 5; } --WAIT; if (i >= 20) { i = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(this.P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = 0; this['P' + i]._y = 0; this['P' + i]._xscale = P.X + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = _xscale; this['P' + i].floatspeed = 3; this['P' + i].xspeed = 1; o = 0; while (o <= 30) { this['P' + o]._y -= this['P' + o].floatspeed; this['P' + o]._x += this['P' + o].xspeed; this['P' + o].xspeed += 0.5; this['P' + o]._xscale = this['P' + o]._yscale; ++o; } } } } instance of movieClip 684 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; WAIT = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { P._visible = false;; if (WAIT <= 0) { ++i; WAIT = 1; } --WAIT; if (i >= 20) { i = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(this.P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = 0; this['P' + i]._y = 0; this['P' + i]._xscale = P.X + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = _xscale; this['P' + i].floatspeed = 3; this['P' + i].xspeed = -3 - Math.random() * 3; this['P' + i]._xscale = 20 + Math.random() * 10; o = 0; while (o <= 30) { this['P' + o]._y -= this['P' + o].floatspeed; this['P' + o]._x += this['P' + o].xspeed; --this['P' + o]._xscale; this['P' + o]._yscale = this['P' + o]._xscale; ++o; } } } } frame 8 { _root.explosion1.start(0, 1); _root.explosion1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 17 { _root.explosion1.start(0, 1); _root.explosion1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 22 { _root.explosion1.start(0, 1); _root.explosion1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 30 { _root.explosion1.start(0, 1); _root.explosion1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 33 { _root.explosion1.start(0, 1); _root.explosion1.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 45 { _root.explosion2.start(0, 1); _root.explosion2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _root.truckengineloop.stop();; } frame 55 { stop(); } } movieClip 3557 { frame 2 { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay('death'); } } frame 3 { _x = _x - xspeed; xspeed += 0.4; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay('death'); } } instance of movieClip 3557 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'BIG RAY'; runspeed = 8; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 100; OPTDISTANCEY = 20; MAXhealth = 300; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 0.3; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { if (!dead) { xspeed = 0; _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = 30; this.swapDepths(_y); if (onscreen) { if (_root.guy.body.hitTest(this.body)) { _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5; _root.guy.SS = 5; _root.guy.xspeed = 10; health -= 3; } _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'truck'; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; dead = true; } } } else { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; if ( { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } health = MAXhealth; if (_x >= -20) { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _root.truckengineloop.start(0, 99); _root.truckengineloop.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y <= 280) { _y = 281; } if (_y >= 440) { _y = 439; } if (SS >= 1) { --SS; } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 3560 { } movieClip 3561 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } frame 2 { if (! { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 3 { _visible = true; this.swapDepths(_y); stop(); _root.missiledrop.start(0, 1); _root.missiledrop.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } instance of movieClip 3560 { onClipEvent (load) { fallspeed = 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _y = _y + fallspeed; fallspeed += 2; if (_y >= -50) {; } } } instance hit of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.SS = 8; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 20 * _root.guy.DEF; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } frame 60 { this.swapDepths(_root.fatbitch.cocktailcount); stop(); if (_name != 'cocktail') { removeMovieClip(this); } } } instance missile of movieClip 3561 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; if (_currentframe >= 5) { _root.truckengineloop.stop(); } } } frame 2764 { MUSIC.BGM5.stop(); MUSIC.pyramid.start(0, 99); MUSIC.pyramid.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); LEVEL = 5; = _root.LIVES; = _root.LEVEL; = _root.totalkills; savefile.flush(); } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } button 3563 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('PLAY LEVEL 6'); } } movieClip 3580 { } movieClip 3584 { } frame 3107 { MUSIC.pyramid.stop(); } frame 3119 { MUSIC.hiphoploop.start(0, 99); MUSIC.hiphoploop.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); } movieClip 3598 { } frame 3328 { stop(); MUSIC.hiphoploop.stop(); MUSIC.BGM2.start(0, 99); MUSIC.BGM2.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); _quality = Q; enemycount = 0; enemyMAX = 30; sparkcount = 530; sparkMAX = 540; vs1 = ''; vs1head = ''; vs2 = ''; vs2head = ''; deathcount = 0; SPACEDOWN = false; SPTITLE = undefined; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = true; } } else { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = false; } } if (!Key.isDown(13)) { SPACEDOWN = false; } }; } instance of movieClip 3598 { onClipEvent (load) { hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { if (_y <= 970) { _y = _y + 2; } else { hit = true; } } } else { _y = _y - (_y - 960) / 3; } } } movieClip 3602 { } instance lift back of movieClip 3602 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 3616 { frame 2 { if (_root.deathcount <= 2) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 13 { if (_root.guy._y <= _y && _root.guy2._y <= _y) { } else { gotoAndPlay(12); } } frame 35 { stop(); } } instance lift front of movieClip 3616 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 3618 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.deathcount >= 3) { _xscale = 0; if (_root.guy._y <= _parent._y + _y && _root.guy2._y <= _parent._y + _y) { _xscale = X; } } } } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = - 400; while (_root.guy._x - 20 <= _x) { ++_root.guy._x; } } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = + 400; while (_root.guy._x + 20 >= _x) { --_root.guy._x; } } } instance HHH of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { ALIVE = true; dead = false; health = 50; onscreen = false; SS = 50; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = true; if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 30) { health -= 10; } if (!onscreen) { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (health <= 0) { dead = true; } if (health <= -50) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 2244 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; if (! { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'crowbar'; _root.guy.DECAY = 10; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 763 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; if (! { this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'bottle'; _root.guy.DECAY = 5; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 781 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; if (! { this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'pipe'; _root.guy.DECAY = 10; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 810 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'bush') { guyX = _root.guy._x - 85 * _root.guy._xscale / 100; guyY = _root.guy._y - 183; } else { guyX = - / 2; guyY = - / 2 - 50; } _x = _x - (_x - guyX) / 5; _y = _y - (_y - guyY) / 5; if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } this.swapDepths(_root.guy.getDepth() + 1); if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 890 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; ALIVE = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; if (! { this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance knife of movieClip 1938 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 30; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != 'knife') { _x = _x + speed * (_xscale / 100); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (SIDE == 'bad') { if (stab.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (YDISTANCE >= -50 && YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 10; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; _root.slash.start(0, 1); _root.slash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _y - _height - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance guy of movieClip 1722 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; runspeed = 10; POWER = 'normal'; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; SS = 0; PROLONGING = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (ENERGY <= 0) { ENERGY = 0; POWER = 'normal'; } if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (POWER == 'water jet') { ENERGY -= 0.5; } if (POWER == 'bike') { ENERGY -= 0.25; } if (POWER == 'treadmill') { ENERGY -= 0.5; } if (POWER == 'rock') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.5; } if (POWER == 'boxer') { ENERGY -= 0.4; runspeed = 14; } if (POWER == 'dumbbell') { runspeed = 5; DEF = 0.5; } if (POWER == 'post') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.3; } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance guy2 of movieClip 2084 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; runspeed = 12; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; XDISTANCE = 0; YDISTANCE = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; DISTANCE = 0; lowestDISTANCE = 1000; ENEMYNUMBER = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (_name == 'guy') { if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._y; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_x - _width / 2 >= _root.S1._x) { if (_root.guy._x <= _x - _width * 0.2) { _x = _x - (_x - _width * 0.2 - _root.guy._x) / 3; } } if (_x + _width / 2 <= _root.S2._x) { if (_root.guy._x >= _x + _width * 0.2) { _x = _x - (_x + _width * 0.2 - _root.guy._x) / 3; } } if (_root.guy._y <= _y) { _y = _y - (_y - _root.guy._y) / 3; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance of movieClip 1908 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Oskar'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 6; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; ALIVE = true; GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (health >= MAXhealth + 1) { health = MAXhealth; } if (GUY == 'guy2') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy2._y; } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } XDISTANCE2 = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE2 = _y - _root.guy2._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'tramp2'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'tramp2'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1908 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Steptoe'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 6; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; ALIVE = true; GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (health >= MAXhealth + 1) { health = MAXhealth; } if (GUY == 'guy2') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy2._y; } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } XDISTANCE2 = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE2 = _y - _root.guy2._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'tramp2'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'tramp2'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 890 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; ALIVE = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; if (! { this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 3626 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { if (_root.ROOOOOOOOOXXANNE == 0) { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); _root.ROOOOOOOOOXXANNE = 1; _root.SKILLPOINTS += 30; _root.SPTITLE = 'ROOOOOOOOOXXANNE'; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = 1; _root.SAVEROOOOOOOOOXXANNE = 1; = _root.SKILLPOINTS; _root.SAVESKILLPOINTS = _root.SKILLPOINTS; savefile.flush(); } _root.guy.POWER = 'prostitute'; _root.PROSTITUTE = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEPROSTITUTE = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100;; } } } frame 2 { health = 0; this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 3 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); _xscale = _root.guy._xscale; } frame 4 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 5 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 6 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 7 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 8 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 9 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 10 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 11 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 12 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 13 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 14 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 15 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 16 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 17 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 18 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 19 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 20 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance of movieClip 3626 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; health = 10; onscreen = false; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; ALIVE = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!dead) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); } YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; if (health <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { _root.chicken2._x = _x; _root.chicken2._y = _y - 1; if (_root.SHOW EM WHOS BOSS == 0) { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); _root.SHOW EM WHOS BOSS = 1; _root.SKILLPOINTS += 30; _root.SPTITLE = 'SHOW EM WHOS BOSS'; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = 1; _root.SAVESHOW EM WHOS BOSS = 1; = _root.SKILLPOINTS; _root.SAVESKILLPOINTS = _root.SKILLPOINTS; savefile.flush(); } if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = -100; } if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(3); } dead = true; } } if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; if (! { this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Neil'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (GUY == 'guy2') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy2._y; } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } XDISTANCE2 = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE2 = _y - _root.guy2._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Doug'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (GUY == 'guy2') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy2._y; } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } XDISTANCE2 = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE2 = _y - _root.guy2._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Wilbert'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (GUY == 'guy2') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy2._y; } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } XDISTANCE2 = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE2 = _y - _root.guy2._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Belinda'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); ALIVE = true; GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (GUY == 'guy2') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy2._y; } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } XDISTANCE2 = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE2 = _y - _root.guy2._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Brad'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); ALIVE = true; GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (GUY == 'guy2') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy2._y; } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } XDISTANCE2 = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE2 = _y - _root.guy2._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Another gray guy'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (GUY == 'guy2') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy2._y; } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } XDISTANCE2 = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE2 = _y - _root.guy2._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Whatever'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (GUY == 'guy2') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy2._y; } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } XDISTANCE2 = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE2 = _y - _root.guy2._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 2587 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'I\'m so damn tired.'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 160; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); ALIVE = true; GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'boxer'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'boxer'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Stupid bastard game.'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); ALIVE = true; GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (GUY == 'guy2') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy2._y; } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } XDISTANCE2 = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE2 = _y - _root.guy2._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1908 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Riccardo'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 6; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); ALIVE = true; GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (health >= MAXhealth + 1) { health = MAXhealth; } if (GUY == 'guy2') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy2._y; } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } XDISTANCE2 = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE2 = _y - _root.guy2._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'tramp2'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'tramp2'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Jon'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); ALIVE = true; GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (GUY == 'guy2') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy2._y; } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } XDISTANCE2 = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE2 = _y - _root.guy2._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Paul'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); ALIVE = true; GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (GUY == 'guy2') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy2._y; } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } XDISTANCE2 = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE2 = _y - _root.guy2._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 2587 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'George'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 160; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); ALIVE = true; GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'boxer'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'boxer'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 2587 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Ringo'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 160; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); ALIVE = true; GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'boxer'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'boxer'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1908 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Gipetto'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 6; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; gotoAndPlay('drop in'); ALIVE = true; GUY = 'guy'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (health >= MAXhealth + 1) { health = MAXhealth; } if (GUY == 'guy2') { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy2._y; } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } XDISTANCE2 = _x - _root.guy2._x; YDISTANCE2 = _y - _root.guy2._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'tramp2'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'tramp2'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if (_root.lift front._currentframe >= 35) { _y = _y + 2; } gotoAndPlay('drop in'); if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Tommy Brownshoes'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 5; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; MAXhealth = 100; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; R = Math.random(); if (R >= 0.8) { WEAPON = 'knife'; } else { WEAPON = 'none'; } DEF = 1; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (XDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && XDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEX * 1.5 && YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5 && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY * 1.5) { if (_root.vs1 == '') { _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'thug'; } else { if (_root.vs2 == '') { _root.vs2 = NAME; _root.vs2health = health; _root.vs2MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs2ID = 'thug'; } } } if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { if (_root.DEFEAT TOMMY BROWNSHOES == 0) { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); _root.DEFEAT TOMMY BROWNSHOES = 1; _root.SKILLPOINTS += 30; _root.SPTITLE = 'DEFEAT TOMMY BROWNSHOES'; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = 1; _root.SAVEDEFEAT TOMMY BROWNSHOES = 1; = _root.SKILLPOINTS; _root.SAVESKILLPOINTS = _root.SKILLPOINTS; savefile.flush(); } xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; onscreen = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 2084 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.PLAYER == 2) { _x = _root.guy._x; _y = _root.guy._y; _root.guy.swapDepths(999); _root.guy.removeMovieClip(); _name = 'guy'; } else { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } X = _xscale; runspeed = 12; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; XDISTANCE = 0; YDISTANCE = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; DISTANCE = 0; lowestDISTANCE = 1000; ENEMYNUMBER = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (_name == 'guy') { if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._y; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 865 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'water jet') { ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; if (i >= 90) { i = 0; } DEPTH = _root.guy.getDepth() + 10; this.swapDepths(DEPTH); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; if (_root.deathcount >= 18) {; } } } frame 3329 { MUSIC.BGM2.stop(); MUSIC.creepymusic.start(0, 99); MUSIC.creepymusic.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); LEVEL = 6; = _root.LIVES; = _root.LEVEL; = _root.totalkills; savefile.flush(); } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } button 3629 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('PLAY LEVEL 7'); } } frame 4319 { stop(); MUSIC.creepymusic.stop(); MUSIC.BGM4.start(0, 99); MUSIC.BGM4.setVolume(BGMVOLUME); _quality = Q; totalkills = 0; enemycount = 0; enemyMAX = 30; sparkcount = 530; sparkMAX = 540; vs1 = ''; vs1head = ''; vs2 = ''; vs2head = ''; deathcount = 0; SPACEDOWN = false; crackcount = 0; SPACEDOWN = false; SPTITLE = undefined; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = true; } } else { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = false; } } if (!Key.isDown(13)) { SPACEDOWN = false; } }; } movieClip 3677 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = - 400; while (_root.guy._x - 20 <= _x) { ++_root.guy._x; } } } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = + 400; while (_root.guy._x + 20 >= _x) { --_root.guy._x; } } } movieClip 3701 { frame 2 { _root.bash.start(0, 1); _root.bash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 15; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } frame 81 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance crack of movieClip 3701 { onClipEvent (load) { SECONDS = 2; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name == 'crack') { } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; --SECONDS; } if (SECONDS == 0) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { ++_root.crackcount; if (_root.crackcount >= 30) { _root.crackcount = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(this, 'crack' + _root.crackcount, _root.crackcount); if (_xscale == 100) { _root['crack' + _root.crackcount]._x = _x + 200; } if (_xscale == -100) { _root['crack' + _root.crackcount]._x = _x - 200; _root['crack' + _root.crackcount]._xscale = -100; } _root['crack' + _root.crackcount]._y = _y; } } } } instance chicken2 of movieClip 774 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 50 && YDISTANCE >= -50) { if (XDISTANCE <= 30 && XDISTANCE >= -30) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.HEALTH += 50; _root.boowup.start(0, 1); _root.boowup.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 3703 { } instance golf club of movieClip 3703 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'sand wedge'; _root.guy.DECAY = 30; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 3706 { } movieClip 3708 { } instance of movieClip 3708 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 3710 { } instance cane pickup of movieClip 3710 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.WEAPON = 'cane'; _root.guy.DECAY = 10; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 3731 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'golf'; _root.GOLF = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVEGOLF = true; savefile.flush(); ++_root.EATEN; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 2 { _xscale = 100; _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 3 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 4 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 5 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 6 { _x = _x + 5 * (_xscale / 100); } frame 29 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3703 { onClipEvent (load) { club._x = _x + _parent._x; club._y = _y + _parent._y; _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 3731 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy2'; health = 10; onscreen = false; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!dead) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } } YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; if (health <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = -100; } if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(2); } dead = true; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance guy of movieClip 1722 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; runspeed = 10; POWER = 'normal'; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; SS = 0; PROLONGING = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (ENERGY <= 0) { ENERGY = 0; POWER = 'normal'; } if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (POWER == 'water jet') { ENERGY -= 0.5; } if (POWER == 'bike') { ENERGY -= 0.25; } if (POWER == 'treadmill') { ENERGY -= 0.5; } if (POWER == 'rock') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.5; } if (POWER == 'boxer') { ENERGY -= 0.4; runspeed = 14; } if (POWER == 'dumbbell') { runspeed = 5; DEF = 0.5; } if (POWER == 'post') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.3; } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 810 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'bush') { guyX = _root.guy._x - 85 * _root.guy._xscale / 100; guyY = _root.guy._y - 183; } else { guyX = - / 2; guyY = - / 2 - 50; } _x = _x - (_x - guyX) / 5; _y = _y - (_y - guyY) / 5; if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } this.swapDepths(_root.guy.getDepth() + 1); if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance knife of movieClip 1938 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != 'knife') { _x = _x + speed * (_xscale / 100); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); if (SIDE == 'bad') { if (stab.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (YDISTANCE >= -50 && YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 10; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _y - _height - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 3733 { } movieClip 3741 { } movieClip 3763 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent._parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent._parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 10; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } } movieClip 3787 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body || _root.guy.invulnerable) && >= 1) { if (_parent._parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent._parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 15; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 15 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -20; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } } movieClip 3792 { } movieClip 3811 { frame 6 { _root.cane._x = _parent._x + _parent._xscale / 2; _root.cane._y = _parent._y + 1; _root.cane.onscreen = true; _root.cane._xscale = _parent._xscale; } frame 15 { _root.SOUND.slash.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.slash.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _root.SOUND.hit4.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit4.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } movieClip 3815 { } movieClip 3862 { frame 2 { _root.SOUND.laugh2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.laugh2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } movieClip 3867 { } movieClip 3882 { } movieClip 3894 { frame 8 { -= 8; ++_root.crackcount; if (_root.crackcount >= 30) { _root.crackcount = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(_root.crack, 'crack' + _root.crackcount, _root.crackcount); _root['crack' + _root.crackcount]._x = _parent._x + _parent._xscale; _root['crack' + _root.crackcount]._y = _parent._y; _root['crack' + _root.crackcount]._xscale = _parent._xscale; } frame 9 { += 8; } frame 10 { -= 7; } frame 11 { += 6; } frame 12 { -= 5; } frame 13 { += 4; } frame 14 { -= 3; } frame 15 { += 2; } frame 16 { += 1; } } movieClip 3904 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent._parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent._parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 10; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; _root.SOUND.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } } movieClip 3915 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent._parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent._parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 10; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 10 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } } movieClip 3928 { frame 7 { _parent.xspeed = _parent.runspeed * 2; } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body || _root.guy.invulnerable) && >= 1) { if (_parent._parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent._parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 15; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 15 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -15; _root.SOUND.hit3.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit3.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } } } } movieClip 3933 { } movieClip 3944 { } movieClip 3978 { frame 2 { _root.SOUND.laugh2.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.laugh2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } movieClip 3989 { frame 1 { _parent.xspeed = -5; } frame 11 { _parent.xspeed = 0; } frame 30 {; } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 3990 { frame 1 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (onscreen) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { --S; } if (S <= 0) { S = 6; if (_root.guy.SS >= 12) { gotoAndPlay('drink'); } if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } } } } } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 10 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -10) { _root.guy.POWER = 'trash'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; = 0; _parent.dead = true; ++_root.deathcount; _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 2 { if (!hit) { if (!dead) { if (health <= MAXhealth * 0.75) { gotoAndPlay('transformation'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('punch2'); mc.gotoAndPlay(4); } } } frame 3 { R = Math.random() * 20; xspeed = runspeed; if (YDISTANCE >= 10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * -0.5; } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * 0.5; } else { yspeed = 0; } } if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (_root.guy.SS >= 12) { gotoAndPlay('drink'); } } frame 4 { if (!hit) { RX = OPTDISTANCEX - 50; RY = OPTDISTANCEY - 40; R = Math.random() * 20; if (XDISTANCE <= -RX + R * 2 || XDISTANCE >= RX + R * 2) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -RY + R || YDISTANCE >= RY + R) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } else { if (!dead) { xspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('punch2'); mc.gotoAndPlay(4); } } } } frame 5 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (_root.guy.SS >= 12) { gotoAndPlay('drink'); } } frame 6 { if (!hit) { RR = Math.random(); if (mc._currentframe == 6 && RR >= 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('punch2'); } else { if (mc._currentframe <= 10) { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('punch2'); mc.gotoAndPlay(4); } } } } frame 7 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 8 { if (!hit) { RR = Math.random(); if (mc._currentframe == 6 && RR >= 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('uppercut'); } else { if (mc._currentframe <= 9) { gotoAndPlay('punch2'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('punch2'); mc.gotoAndPlay(4); } } } } frame 9 { if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } S = 6; xspeed -= xspeed / 4; mc.gotoAndStop(SS); yspeed = 0; if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); } if (SS >= 12) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); } } frame 10 { if (SS >= 0) { --SS; gotoAndPlay('hit'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } hit = false; } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('punch2'); mc.gotoAndPlay(4); } } } } frame 11 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; SS = 0; hit = false; } frame 12 { if (mc._currentframe <= 21) { gotoAndPlay('transformation'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand 2'); } } frame 13 { if (mc._currentframe >= 16 && mc._currentframe <= 25) { xspeed -= xspeed / 10; } if (mc._currentframe == 11) { gotoAndPlay(1); SS = 0; xspeed = 0; hit = false; } } frame 14 { if (health <= MAXhealth * 7.5) { gotoAndPlay('transformation'); } else { gotoAndPlay('smash'); } } frame 15 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 10 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -10) { _root.guy.POWER = 'trash'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; = 0; _parent.dead = true; ++_root.deathcount; _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 16 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 31) { gotoAndPlay('drink'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } frame 22 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (onscreen) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { --S; } if (S <= 0) { S = 4; if (_root.guy.SS >= 12) { gotoAndPlay('drink 2'); } if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (XDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEX || XDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEX) { gotoAndPlay('run 2'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -OPTDISTANCEY || YDISTANCE >= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('run 2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('punch 1'); } } } } } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 10 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -10) { _root.guy.POWER = 'trash'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; = 0; _parent.dead = true; ++_root.deathcount; _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 23 { if (!hit) { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay('stand 2'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit 2'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('punch3'); mc.gotoAndPlay(7); } } } frame 24 { R = Math.random() * 20; xspeed = runspeed; if (YDISTANCE >= 10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * -0.5; } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -10 + R) { yspeed = runspeed * 0.5; } else { yspeed = 0; } } if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } if (_root.guy.SS >= 12) { gotoAndPlay('drink 2'); } if (XDISTANCE >= 250 || XDISTANCE <= -250) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { if (Math.random() >= 0.9) { yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash attack'); } } } } frame 25 { if (!hit) { RX = OPTDISTANCEX - 50; RY = OPTDISTANCEY - 40; R = Math.random() * 20; if (XDISTANCE <= -RX + R * 2 || XDISTANCE >= RX + R * 2) { gotoAndPlay('run 2'); } else { if (YDISTANCE <= -RY + R || YDISTANCE >= RY + R) { gotoAndPlay('run 2'); } else { if (!dead) { xspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand 2'); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit 2'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('punch3'); mc.gotoAndPlay(7); } } } frame 26 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } frame 27 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 21) { gotoAndPlay('smash attack'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay('stand 2'); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit 2'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('punch3'); mc.gotoAndPlay(7); } } } frame 28 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; if (_root.guy.SS >= 12) { gotoAndPlay('drink 2'); } } frame 29 { if (!hit) { RR = Math.random(); if (mc._currentframe == 7 && RR >= 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('punch 2'); } else { if (mc._currentframe <= 10) { gotoAndPlay('punch 1'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay('stand 2'); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit 2'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('punch3'); mc.gotoAndPlay(7); } } } frame 30 { yspeed = 0; if (mc._currentframe <= 7) { xspeed = runspeed; } else { xspeed = 0; } } frame 31 { if (!hit) { RR = Math.random(); if (mc._currentframe == 10 && RR >= 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('punch 3'); } else { if (mc._currentframe <= 14) { gotoAndPlay('punch 2'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay('stand 2'); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit 2'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('punch3'); mc.gotoAndPlay(7); } } } frame 32 { yspeed = 0; xspeed *= 0.8; } frame 33 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 15) { gotoAndPlay('punch 3'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay('stand 2'); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit 2'); } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('punch3'); mc.gotoAndPlay(7); } } } frame 34 { if (XDISTANCE <= 0) { _xscale = X; } else { _xscale = -X; } xspeed -= xspeed / 4; mc.gotoAndStop(SS); yspeed = 0; if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash 2'); } if (SS >= 12) { xspeed = -10; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash 2'); } } frame 35 { if (SS >= 0) { --SS; gotoAndPlay('hit 2'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay('stand 2'); } hit = false; } if (_root.guy.warning.hitTest(this)) { if (YDISTANCE >= -OPTDISTANCEY && YDISTANCE <= OPTDISTANCEY) { gotoAndPlay('punch3'); mc.gotoAndPlay(7); } } } frame 36 { if (mc._currentframe == 20) { gotoAndPlay('stand 2'); SS = 0; xspeed = 0; hit = false; } if (health <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } frame 37 { gotoAndPlay('smash 2'); } frame 38 { xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; } instance body of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 10 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -10) { _root.guy.POWER = 'trash'; _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; = 0; _parent.dead = true; ++_root.deathcount; _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 39 { if (!hit) { if (mc._currentframe <= 31) { gotoAndPlay('drink 2'); } else { if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay('stand 2'); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('hit 2'); } } frame 40 { if (_root.guy.WEAPON == 'sand wedge') { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); if (_root.A MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS == 0) { _root.A MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS = 1; _root.SKILLPOINTS += 30; _root.SPTITLE = 'A MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS'; = 1; _root.SAVEA MAN CHOOSES, A SLAVE OBEYS = 1; = _root.SKILLPOINTS; _root.SAVESKILLPOINTS = _root.SKILLPOINTS; savefile.flush(); } } } frame 41 { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } instance of movieClip 3990 { onClipEvent (load) { NAME = 'Ebenezer Bearshark'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 4; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 200; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = false; dead = false; DEF = 0.5; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; ALIVE = true; _xscale = -X; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (health >= MAXhealth + 1) { health = MAXhealth; } XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'bossman'; if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } else { _visible = false; if ( { ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy1'; onscreen = true; _visible = true; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } movieClip 4003 { } movieClip 4004 { instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (load) { hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.body) && >= 1) { if (_parent._parent.YDISTANCE >= -50 && _parent._parent.YDISTANCE <= 50) { if (!hit) { _root.guy.hit = true; _root.guy.SS = 10; _root.guy.HEALTH -= 5 * _root.guy.DEF; _root.guy.xspeed = -5; _root.hit2.start(0, 1); _root.hit2.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); if (_root.guy._x >= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = -100; } if (_root.guy._x <= _parent._parent._x) { _root.guy._xscale = 100; } ++_root.sparkcount; duplicateMovieClip(_root.spark, 'spark' + _root.sparkcount, _root.sparkcount + 400); _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._x = _root.guy._x; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._y = _parent._y + _y + _height / 2 - 20 + Math.random() * 40; _root['spark' + _root.sparkcount]._rotation = Math.random() * 360; hit = true; } } } } } } } instance cane of movieClip 4004 { onClipEvent (load) { onscreen = false; xspeed = 25; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (onscreen) { XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); _visible = true; _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / 100); if (_currentframe >= 20) { stop(); _root.cane pickup._x = _x; _root.cane pickup._y = _y; this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } } } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_x - _width / 2 >= _root.S1._x) { if (_root.guy._x <= _x - _width * 0.2) { _x = _x - (_x - _width * 0.2 - _root.guy._x) / 3; } } if (_x + _width / 2 <= _root.S2._x) { if (_root.guy._x >= _x + _width * 0.2) { _x = _x - (_x + _width * 0.2 - _root.guy._x) / 3; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance of movieClip 2619 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy3'; health = 10; onscreen = false; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!dead) { if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } } YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; if (health <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { _root.chicken2._x = _x; _root.chicken2._y = _y - 1; if (_x >= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = -100; } if (!dead) { gotoAndPlay(3); } dead = true; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 2084 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.PLAYER == 2) { _x = _root.guy._x; _y = _root.guy._y; _root.guy.swapDepths(999); _root.guy.removeMovieClip(); _name = 'guy'; } else { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } X = _xscale; runspeed = 12; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; XDISTANCE = 0; YDISTANCE = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; DISTANCE = 0; lowestDISTANCE = 1000; ENEMYNUMBER = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (_name == 'guy') { if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._y; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 865 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'water jet') { ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; if (i >= 90) { i = 0; } DEPTH = _root.guy.getDepth() + 10; this.swapDepths(DEPTH); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } frame 4320 { MUSIC.BGM4.stop(); MUSIC.pyramid.start(0, 99); MUSIC.pyramid.setVolume(BGMVOLUME); LEVEL = 7; = _root.LIVES; = _root.LEVEL; = _root.totalkills; savefile.flush(); } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } button 4007 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('PLAY LEVEL 8'); } } frame 5273 { stop(); MUSIC.BGM4.stop(); MUSIC.BGM6.start(0, 99); MUSIC.BGM6.setVolume(BGMVOLUME); MUSIC.rain.start(0, 99); MUSIC.rain.setVolume(BGMVOLUME); _quality = Q; enemycount = 0; enemyMAX = 30; sparkcount = 530; sparkMAX = 540; vs1 = ''; vs1head = ''; vs2 = ''; vs2head = ''; deathcount = 0; SPACEDOWN = false; SPTITLE = undefined; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = true; } } else { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = false; } } if (!Key.isDown(13)) { SPACEDOWN = false; } }; } movieClip 4057 { } movieClip 4058 { frame 1 { raincount = 0; } instance raindrop of movieClip 4057 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name != 'raindrop') { _y = _y + 50; if (_y >= 1500) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } frame 3 { ++raincount; if (raincount >= 100) { raincount = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(raindrop, 'raindrop' + raincount, raincount); this['raindrop' + raincount]._x = raindrop._x + Math.random() * 800; this['raindrop' + raincount]._y = raindrop._y; ++raincount; if (raincount >= 100) { raincount = 0; } duplicateMovieClip(raindrop, 'raindrop' + raincount, raincount); this['raindrop' + raincount]._x = raindrop._x + Math.random() * 800; this['raindrop' + raincount]._y = raindrop._y; gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4068 { } movieClip 4073 { } movieClip 4094 { instance of movieClip 4073 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _rotation = _rotation + 1; _rotation = _rotation + 1; } } frame 35 { _root.SOUND.thunder.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.thunder.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 115 { _root.SOUND.thunders.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.thunders.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 160 { _root.SOUND.thunder.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.thunder.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 245 { _root.SOUND.thunders.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.thunders.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 265 { _root.SOUND.thunders.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.thunders.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } frame 360 { _root.SOUND.thunder.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.thunder.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } } movieClip 4096 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } instance chicken of movieClip 774 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.HEALTH += 50; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance guy of movieClip 1722 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; runspeed = 10; POWER = 'normal'; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; PROLONGING = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (ENERGY <= 0) { ENERGY = 0; POWER = 'normal'; } if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (POWER == 'water jet') { ENERGY -= 0.5; } if (POWER == 'bike') { ENERGY -= 0.25; } if (POWER == 'rock') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.5; } if (POWER == 'post') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.3; } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 2914 { onClipEvent (load) { HAT = 2; NAME = 'LT. Brickfist Uppercut'; X = _xscale; runspeed = 6; S = 20; SS = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 150; OPTDISTANCEY = 50; MAXhealth = 300; health = MAXhealth; onscreen = true; dead = false; DEF = 0.75; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; _xscale = -X; ++_root.enemycount; _name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; FIGHT = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; if (onscreen) { _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (health >= MAXhealth + 1) { health = MAXhealth; } XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; this.swapDepths(_y); _root.vs1 = NAME; _root.vs1health = health; _root.vs1MAXhealth = MAXhealth; _root.vs1ID = 'cop'; if (!dead) { if (health <= 0) { xspeed = -5; yspeed = 0; gotoAndPlay('smash'); dead = true; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } if (health <= 50 && _root.BIG1.onscreen == false) { _root.BIG1.onscreen = true; _root.BIG1._visible = true; ++_root.enemycount; _root.BIG1._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; _root.BIG2.onscreen = true; _root.BIG2._visible = true; ++_root.enemycount; _root.BIG2._name = 'enemy' + _root.enemycount; } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 810 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'bush') { guyX = _root.guy._x - 85 * _root.guy._xscale / 100; guyY = _root.guy._y - 183; } else { guyX = - / 2; guyY = - / 2 - 50; } _x = _x - (_x - guyX) / 5; _y = _y - (_y - guyY) / 5; if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } this.swapDepths(_root.guy.getDepth() + 1); if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; XPOSITION = _root.guy._x + (_root.enemy1._x - _root.guy._x) / 2; _x = _x - (_x - XPOSITION) / 3; YPOSITION = _root.guy._y + (_root.enemy1._y - _root.guy._y) / 2 - 200; _y = _y - (_y - YPOSITION) / 3; WIDTHSQR = (_x - _root.guy._x) * 2 + 100; WIDTH = Math.sqrt(WIDTHSQR * WIDTHSQR) * 1.5; _width = _width - (_width - WIDTH) / 3; if (_width <= 700) { _width = 700; } _yscale = _xscale; if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; _root.HUD._width = _width; _root.HUD._yscale = _yscale; } } instance of movieClip 2084 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.PLAYER == 2) { _x = _root.guy._x; _y = _root.guy._y; _root.guy.swapDepths(999); _root.guy.removeMovieClip(); _name = 'guy'; } else { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } X = _xscale; runspeed = 12; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; dead = false; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; XDISTANCE = 0; YDISTANCE = 0; OPTDISTANCEX = 120; OPTDISTANCEY = 30; DISTANCE = 0; lowestDISTANCE = 1000; ENEMYNUMBER = 0; SS = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) {; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (_name == 'guy') { if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } } else { XDISTANCE = _x - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._x; YDISTANCE = _y - _root['enemy' + ENEMYNUMBER]._y; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 865 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'water jet') { ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; if (i >= 90) { i = 0; } DEPTH = _root.guy.getDepth() + 10; this.swapDepths(DEPTH); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } frame 5274 { MUSIC.BGM6.stop(); MUSIC.rain.stop(); MUSIC.BGM7.start(0, 99); MUSIC.BGM7.setVolume(BGMVOLUME); LEVEL = 8; = _root.LIVES; = _root.LEVEL; = _root.totalkills; savefile.flush(); } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.HUD._x = _x; _root.HUD._y = _y; } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } button 4101 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('PLAY LEVEL 9'); } } frame 6543 { stop(); MUSIC.BGM7.stop(); MUSIC.wind.start(0, 99); MUSIC.wind.setVolume(BGMVOLUME / 2); _quality = Q; enemycount = 0; enemyMAX = 30; sparkcount = 530; sparkMAX = 540; vs1 = ''; vs1head = ''; vs2 = ''; vs2head = ''; deathcount = 0; SPACEDOWN = false; SPTITLE = undefined; if (EATEN == 0 && _root.HUNGER STRIKE == 0) { _root.HUNGER STRIKE = 1; _root.SKILLPOINTS += 30; _root.SPTITLE = 'HUNGER STRIKE'; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = _root.HUNGER STRIKE; _root.SAVEHUNGER STRIKE = _root.HUNGER STRIKE; = _root.SKILLPOINTS; _root.SAVESKILLPOINTS = _root.SKILLPOINTS; savefile.flush(); } onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = true; } } else { if (Key.isDown(13) && SPACEDOWN == false) { SPACEDOWN = true; _root.PAUSE = false; } } if (!Key.isDown(13)) { SPACEDOWN = false; } }; } movieClip 4188 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 4231 { } movieClip 4232 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.chomp.hitTest(this) && _parent.YDISTANCE <= 15 && _parent.YDISTANCE >= -15) { _root.guy.POWER = 'nuclear core'; _root.NUCLEAR CORE = true; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = true; _root.SAVENUCLEAR CORE = true; savefile.flush(); _root.guy.ENERGY = 100; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 4231 { onClipEvent (load) { SIN = 0; Y = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { SIN += 0.1; _y = Y + 5 * Math.sin(SIN); } } } instance of movieClip 4232 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; PROLONGING = 800; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { --PROLONGING; if (this.hitTest( { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; } if (PROLONGING <= 0 && _root.PROLONG THE INEVITABLE == 0) { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); _root.PROLONG THE INEVITABLE = 1; _root.SKILLPOINTS += 30; _root.SPTITLE = 'PROLONG THE INEVITABLE'; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); = _root.PROLONG THE INEVITABLE; _root.SAVEPROLONG THE INEVITABLE = 1; = _root.SKILLPOINTS; _root.SAVESKILLPOINTS = _root.SKILLPOINTS; savefile.flush(); } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance chicken of movieClip 774 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); YDISTANCE = _y - _root.guy._y; XDISTANCE = _x - _root.guy._x; if (YDISTANCE <= 20 && YDISTANCE >= -20) { if (XDISTANCE <= 20 && XDISTANCE >= -20) { _root.guy.pickup = true; } } if (this.hitTest(_root.guy.hand)) { _root.guy.HEALTH += 50; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance guy of movieClip 1722 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _xscale; runspeed = 10; POWER = 'normal'; WEAPON = 'none'; ENERGY = 0; DECAY = 0; HEALTH = 100; DEF = 1; invul = 0; sin = 0; COMBObreaker = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; hitfreq = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { ADOWN = true;; pickup = false; if (hitfreq >= 1) { --hitfreq; } if (COMBObreaker >= 1) { --COMBObreaker; } if (HEALTH >= 100) { HEALTH = 100; } if (DECAY <= 0) { WEAPON = 'none'; } _x = _x + xspeed * (_xscale / X); _y = _y + yspeed; if (ENERGY <= 0) { ENERGY = 0; POWER = 'normal'; } if (_root.ADOWN) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.ADOWN = false; } } if (POWER == 'water jet') { ENERGY -= 0.5; } if (POWER == 'bike') { ENERGY -= 0.25; } if (POWER == 'rock') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.5; } if (POWER == 'post') { runspeed = 7; DEF = 0.3; } if (_root.enemycount >= _root.enemyMAX) { _root.enemycount = 0; } if (_root.sparkcount >= _root.sparkMAX) { _root.sparkcount = 530; } this.swapDepths(_y); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 1; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 80, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 1; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 1; _y = _y + 1; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 1; _y = _y - 1; } if (invul >= 1) { --invul; } if (invul >= 2) { DEF = 0; SS = 0; sin += 20; body._name = 'invulnerable'; if (Math.round(Math.sin(sin)) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } if (invul == 1) { _visible = true; invulnerable._name = 'body'; DEF = 1; } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { mc.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 810 { onClipEvent (load) { LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'bush') { guyX = _root.guy._x - 85 * _root.guy._xscale / 100; guyY = _root.guy._y - 183; } else { guyX = - / 2; guyY = - / 2 - 50; } _x = _x - (_x - guyX) / 5; _y = _y - (_y - guyY) / 5; if (_x <= _root.guy._x) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } this.swapDepths(_root.guy.getDepth() + 1); if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance of movieClip 865 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.PAUSE) { if (_root.guy.POWER == 'water jet') { ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; ++i; duplicateMovieClip(P, 'P' + i, i); this['P' + i]._x = _root.guy._x + _root.guy._xscale * 0.75 - _x; this['P' + i]._y = _root.guy._y + - _y; this['P' + i]._xscale = P._xscale + 10 - Math.random() * 20; this['P' + i]._yscale = this['P' + i]._xscale; if (i >= 90) { i = 0; } DEPTH = _root.guy.getDepth() + 10; this.swapDepths(DEPTH); } } if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } frame 6544 { stop(); ++COMPLETED; MUSIC.wind.stop(); MUSIC.wind.stop(); LEVEL = 9; CHEF = 0; if (_root.FIRE BARREL == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.BUSH == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.DOG == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.CEMENT == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.THUG == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.BASKETBALL == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.BIKE == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.TRASH == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.BUTCH == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.FIRE HYDRANT == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.POSTBOX == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.FLOOR WAXER == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.PLANT == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.WEIGHTS == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.BOXER == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.TREADMILL == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.CASH TIL == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.LAWN MOWER == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.BIN == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.GAS == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.PROSTITUTE == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.GOLF == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.NUCLEAR CORE == true) { ++CHEF; } if (_root.CHEF >= 23 && _root.MASTER CHEF == 0) { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('CRUNCHDOWN'); _root.MASTER CHEF = 1; _root.SKILLPOINTS += 30; _root.SPTITLE = 'MASTER CHEF'; = _root.MASTER CHEF; = _root.SKILLPOINTS; } = _root.COMPLETED; = _root.LIVES; = _root.LEVEL; = _root.totalkills; savefile.flush(); } movieClip 4244 { } movieClip 4318 { frame 49 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 99 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 149 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 199 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 4358 { } movieClip 4365 { } movieClip 4370 { } movieClip 4414 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 4428 { } movieClip 4436 { frame 424 { enemycount = 0; } instance enemy of movieClip 4318 { onClipEvent (load) { R = Math.random() * 5; if (R <= 1) { gotoAndPlay('ONE'); } if (R <= 2 && R > 1) { gotoAndPlay('TWO'); } if (R <= 3 && R > 2) { gotoAndPlay('THREE'); } if (R <= 4 && R > 3) { gotoAndPlay('FOUR'); } if (R <= 5 && R > 4) { gotoAndPlay('FIVE'); } } } instance of movieClip 1810 { onClipEvent (load) { S = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (S <= 0) { ++_root.enemycount; duplicateMovieClip(_parent.enemy, 'enemy' + _root.enemycount, _root.enemycount); _root['enemy' + _root.enemycount]._x = _parent.enemy; _root['enemy' + _root.enemycount]._y = _parent.enemy; S = 5; } else { --S; } } } frame 1872 { _root.gotoAndPlay('TITLE'); } } frame 6545 { stopAllSounds(); MUSIC.stopAllSounds(); } instance cam of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1500); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vs1 = ''; _root.vs1health = 0; _root.vs1MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs1ID = ''; _root.vs2 = ''; _root.vs2health = 0; _root.vs2MAXhealth = 0; _root.vs2ID = ''; if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } instance FADE2BLACK of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(1501); LEVEL = _root._currentframe; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe != LEVEL) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _x = _root.HUD._x; _y = _root.HUD._y; _xscale = _root.HUD._xscale; _yscale = _root.HUD._yscale; } } frame 6548 { _root.SOUND.hit4.start(0, 1); _root.SOUND.hit4.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); _root.MUSIC.gameover.start(0, 99); _root.MUSIC.gameover.setVolume(_root.BGMVOLUME); } frame 6551 { stop(); } button 4440 { on (rollOver) { _root.bip.start(0, 1); _root.bip.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay('TITLE'); _root.blip.start(0, 1); _root.blip.setVolume(_root.SFXVOLUME); } }
Created: 29/4 -2019 21:09:55 Last modified: 29/4 -2019 21:09:55 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:30:21